#slightly anti severus snape
hbpseverus · 1 month
okay, one thing about james. he is the only marauder (casting peter aside) who i just can't forgive. i like remus, and while i dislike sirius i can at least appreciate his strenghts and his good sides. but i can't forgive james for the swm incident and many people seem to have trouble understanding why this isolated event ruins his entire character. because i am willing to believe that he worked on himself and became a better person after hogwarts (mainly because i don't think lily would have ever married him otherwise). i completely believe that even at hogwarts, he was considered a likable person by many. that he was fun to be around and friendly to most. that he wasn't all bad or only a bully.
but here's the thing. there are things you only have to do once to be irredeemable, and what happened in snapes worst memory, to me, is one of those things. i do not care if james was an amazing person outside of this one incident. and i understand that everyone has different morals and that other people can forgive james - or not forgive severus. unlike james, severus got a chance to redeem himself and he took it. he was still a bully, but here's where my personal perception comes into play again. i had many awful teachers who were bullies and i know how much it sucks (in my country, teachers are insanely hard to get fired, meaning they truly can get away with almost anything including obvious discrimination). i can't justify his mistreatment of students, but to me his good sides outweigh it, so i can forgive and like him despite this flaw while others can not which is valid too. but sexual harassment is not something i can forgive no matter the circumstances or the person who did it. i would feel the same way if the roles had been reversed and james had been the victim - i wouldn't be a snape stan. ultimately we all have our own individual morals that play into how we perceive these complex characters.
tldr: it doesn't matter to me if james was a balanced character and a good person outside of swm because committing sexual harassment 'just once' is still one time too many and makes anyone permanently irredeemable in my eyes
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Not sure how I feel about the whole "Regulus the real slytherin hero' because truth be told, we don't really know much about him. He could very well be nastier than Snape, and classist in addition. I don't oppose the idea that he's nicer...but how do you know that for certain? Yes, Kreacher says that Regulus is nice, and I hate to say this because I love Kreacher, but Kreacher canonically is a bigoted, nasty elf who loved very nasty people (Sirius's parents).
(Plus, I don't think Sirius actually said anything nice about Regulus. His own brother.)
And If we're going to talk about Slytherin heroes, why not Andromeda? She seems pretty awesome, rejected her family, and from what we've seen she's also a good Mom.
Honestly it’s so annoying. There’s nothing wrong with adding more information to a character we hear about only a little, but when they’re also anti Snape and say things like “Regulus was the TRUE Slytherin hero, Snape was just an obsessed incel” 💀💀? It’s funny to see that because Regulus.. didn’t actually stop being a blood supremacist? He just stopped supporting Voldemort himself because he tried to kill someone Regulus loved (Kreacher), he didn’t suddenly think to himself “hey! I shouldn’t support Voldemort’s ideology! Muggleborns and Muggles deserve rights! #bewokekiddos.” Like yes, Severus initially stopped supporting Voldemort because, like Regulus, Voldemort tried/wanted to kill someone Snape loved. But we also see that he changed his views over the years and genuinely believed in what the Order stood for, he straight up yelled at a portrait when it called someone he didn’t even like (Hermione) a Mudblood when no one was around. Also, why do people say “doing one good thing in the end doesn’t make you good” to bash Snape when 1. that’s exactly what Regulus did, and he didn’t even succeed in doing so 😭 2. that doesn’t even make sense for Snape’s arc because he’s literally been saving people for years.
+ Regulus is a Black, Blacks hate anyone that isn’t a pureblood, they don’t even like HALF-BLOODS. Bellatrix (Regulus’s cousin), Regulus’s mother, and Kreacher (Regulus’s friend/servant, who pretty much learned all his beliefs from the Blacks) used the term “filthy half-blood,” and they would marry their own cousins just to keep the blood pure. They were even more extreme than most of the pureblood families we see in Harry’s time. So not only was Regulus blood-prejudiced, but he also most likely hated half-bloods too 💀
And If we're going to talk about Slytherin heroes, why not Andromeda? She seems pretty awesome, rejected her family, and from what we've seen she's also a good Mom.
My girl deserves more appreciation 😫 she is such a queen and I wish Marauder stans would include her more in fics, they literally give personalities to OCs who barely existed in canon but can’t find it in them to give her some recognition when she’s RIGHT THERE? It’s an absolute travesty, she’s one of the best Slytherins in the series. Plus, she raised the most spectacular woman in the whole universe?? Ted and Dromeda deserve a standing ovation for blessing the Potterverse with their daughter.
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momo-t-daye · 9 months
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“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got your scarf?" “The little asshole was whinging about being cold,” Sirius shrugged, unconcerned by the chilly evening air. “I thought he might gag himself but no luck yet.” “Huh,” said James.
“I still think it’s just a marketing ploy,” the little asshole swathed in woolen scarves said thoughtfully.  “Everyone knows he doesn’t sell firewhiskey to students and his butterbeer is near rancid, but once you’ve hiked all the way up here to check out the goat it’s almost a waste of time to not buy something.” “A giant goat is quite the statement given his, ah, past legal entanglements,” Narcissa said with the sort of obvious delicacy that teetered dangerously close to turning suggestive. “It really must be seen to be believed and the last few have hardly lasted any time at all.” “It looks so flammable,” Lily Evans gushed, bubbling with malicious anticipation. The best thing about the magical world, Lily maintained, was the sheer number of holiday traditions that eventually included lighting something on fire.  Her mother’s nerves had never been up for a proper Bonfire Night and Cokeworth’s Catholics weren’t the type to celebrate it either.
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got MY scarf?" “Because Evans said it was cold and you gave her your scarf to be gallant and she then handed your scarf over to him” Sirius replied, without any worries over his best friend’s apparent memory issues. “Right,” said James.
“He’s bound to have put up some anti-arson charms on this one after the fiasco with Dumbledore’s pet phoenix last year and inexplicable triple lightning strikes the year before,” Severus scoffed.  “If it’s properly phoenix-proofed— and I doubt the rest of Hogsmeade would allow him to put another goat up that wasn’t properly phoenix-proofed— we’d need a miracle to burn it down without being caught.” “We’ve got the blessings of tradition with us, Sev,” Lily replied. “Can’t you see? The goat must burn again!”
“Hey, Sirius,” said James Potter, “Why has Snape got Remus’ scarf?" “Because I was foolish enough to take my scarf off inside and Snape picked it up and put it and just looked at me when I asked for my scarf back,” Remus interjected, slightly bitter at his ignoble defeat. “Gosh,” said James.
“Twice is hardly sufficient grounds to claim a tradition,” Narcissa opined. “Three is a far more magically significant number.” “So you’re saying it’s up to us to ensure the sacred fires once more hold back the darkness!” Lily said, full of pyromaniacal resolution. “I say it’ll take planning and proper intelligence gathering, neither of which I’m inclined to do while my mouth still tastes like something died in the Hog’s Head butterbeer barrels,” Severus sighed. “Let’s stop at the Three Broomsticks, Potter will buy us all a round of the special seasonal cinnamon spiced butterbeer, and we’ll work on preparations back at school.”
“Hey,” said James Potter.  “Why hasn’t Snape got—” “Unlike you all, I know better than to leave my clothes and stuff unattended in Snape’s vicinity,” Peter interrupted, smugly snug and cozy. “Oh,” said James. It really was quite cold.
For an assortment @snapecelebration's Snoliday 2023 prompts
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drnecolii · 3 months
Currently hyperfixating on the Harry Potter fandom/Severus Snape pls don't judge
Okok so the people that follow me or have seen my (few) posts regarding the Wizarding World Fandom have noticed that I am very much a proud Snape fan. I admire morally grey characters such as Severus, and although I slightly prefer the movies to the books for now (that might change in the future, who knows) and prefer movie Snape to book Snape, I also appreciate Snape in the books and am fully aware that he, in fact, tends to be more cruel than in the movies. I just overall think he is a very fleshed out character, a good example of the "anti-hero" archetype in literature, and overall just absolutely love the man. However, that doesn't mean I judge people in the fandom that don't like/hate/feel disinterest in his character. It's perfectly understandable and obviously it's okay, I mean we can't all like the same thing and have the same opinion yk???
I understand why you'd hate him ; like yeah, he has done very bad things (like join a legitimate WIZARDING CULT/ WIZARDING N30N4ZI GROUP, working as a double agent, has been cruel to the people around him) but like...why do some people hate him cuz of his looks and his past??
I deadass have heard stories of people in the fandom, mainly James stans (absolutely no hate to you guys I love you all so much), that said that he deserved to get bullied and harassed during his student years by James and his friends just cuz he wasn't conventionally pretty and was poor? Are yall okay???
Like would you tell a person that got bad treatment on the regular that they deserve it just because they might be less fortunate than you or might look a certain way you don't like? It's obviously normal to dislike a person due to their actions that mightve harmed you or others in some way and overall dislike aspects of their personality, but to dislike them just because they might have low income or share similar characteristics with Snape (hooked nose, pale, oily hair, etc)? That's just...ew.
Tldr ; I understand and appreciate people that dislike Snape (because of personal reasons, his personality, his actions etc) despite being a Snape fan myself, but not when they dislike him merely because of his appearance and unfortunate background.
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cassiaallen · 1 year
I have had this in my notes forever, and since I’m not sure if I’ll ever turn this into a fanfic, I thought I’d post it here.
A lot of this is my own version of canon, but it’s also partly inspired by wonderful accounts such as @halfblood-princes-crown, @moonlightdancer26 and more.
Hope you enjoy!
Severus Snape’s Death Eater Journey
-Eileen married Tobias because she was the eldest of her siblings and thus the "heir" and hated it
-she was in Gryffindor (hat stall, almost in Slytherin)
-Tobias was a misogynistic wife-beater and child abuser
-he hated magic
-he didn’t like feeling his wife was superior to him
-he beat his wife to "get the magic out of her" and when that didn’t work, he did the same to his son
-Severus started to resent T when he was about 5
-his first bit of magic showed during a time when he was defending himself against his father
-he started thinking "are all muggles this bad?", but slightly changed that view whenever he spoke to his muggle neighbours and the Evans family
-Sev is excited to go to Hogwarts as he thinks he can finally escape his family’s tormenting
-he latches onto Lily as she’s A) magical (and thus, an "outsider" like him) and B) a complete contrast to everything he had ever known
-encounter in the train 01.09.1971
-at first, he brushes it off
-Lily being Sorted into Gryffindor upsets him mainly because it reminds him of his miserable home life (Gryffindor as a symbol of badness)
-first week of school, J&S play a prank on Sev
-they find his reaction funny, play some more pranks on him during the next few months and decide to make him their main target
-part of J&S detentions are the result of Sev telling prefect Lucius (this in turn contributes to their hatred of Sev and Slytherin)
-the pranks are physically harmless at first, "just" humiliating
-Sev throws himself into his studies, becoming a very skilled wizard
-in year 2/3, the "pranks" become more and more physically violent
-in year 4, Sev accidentally hexes an OC as he believes them to be one of the marauders (he just saw someone coming in his direction from the corner of his eye)
-he apologises and takes the OC to the hospital wing
-the only people that somewhat listen to him when it comes to the M are Slytherins
-he is not close to any of them though
-he starts hanging out with Avery and Mulciber
-he’s happy to be somewhat included, so he doesn’t openly criticise their anti-muggleborn views
-despite his friendship with Lily, Sev associates the Light™️ with his oppressors
-he begins to learn more about the Dark Arts to fight back (he focuses on the opposite of what his bullies stand for)
-he hears slurs in his common room all the time and often they refer to his bullies (which is largely why he calls Lily that)
-he never says the slur out loud, only in his head/under his breath
-one time Sev and Mulciber bitch about the Gryffindors/his bullies in particular and Sev calls Remus + Peter the slur under his breath (he wants to get back at them for all the pain they’ve caused him by supporting J&S)
-Sev says he dislikes an OC as much as the M, which leads to people believing he calls everyone of Lily’s birth the slur
-January 1976 Werewolf Incident
-February 1976 Mulciber tries doing something to Mary MacDonald ("They don’t use Dark Magic though.")
-Sev's anger and bitterness increases as Dumbledore forces him to keep quiet about the WI
-May/June 1976 Lake Incident (+ failed apology)
-Sev comes home that summer to find out his father had (accidentally) killed his mother ("She fell down the stairs.")
-the summer holidays are awful as A) Sev misses his mum and B) his father now takes all his anger out on him
-he spends as much time outside as possible
-he spends some time on the playground where he first saw Lily
-he writes her a letter, delivers it personally, and Lily’s parents promise to give it to her (she never responds)
-year 6 is the worst bullying ever, as J&S A) realise Sev no longer has Lily’s support and B) Sirius’s disowning fuelled their anger at Slytherins
-Lily pointedly ignores him
-Sev's only safe haven is the Dark Arts, but he is also hesitant as this is what drove Lily (=the Light) away
-due to the increased bullying that year, Sev ends up in the hospital wing every other week
-summer 1977 is when he starts getting caught in the loop of "I want power to protect myself from my pain (J&S, Gryffindor, everything they represent)" and "but I don’t want to commit evil acts (Cruciatus Curse etc)"
-through spies at Hogwarts (Lucius?) Voldemort finds out about a skilled and vulnerable Sev and starts preying on him
-he is on the fence, but when he finds out Lily is dating James (his tormentor) in 1978, that tips him over the edge
-his motivation for joining the DE is revenge for the pain the light side caused him (the M bullying, Dumbledore covering it all up, Lily "betraying" him by joining his tormentors), gaining power to protect himself against future attacks, and to protect Lily from "their clutches"
-he comes home that summer to find out his father died in a car accident (he was driving while drunk), so he owns the Spinner’s End house
-he receives the Dark Mark a few months after graduation September 1978
-Voldemort instructs Sev to use his home to make potions for the DE
-he occasionally takes part in battles, but during his first year, his main job is brewing potions
-while spending so much time at home, he goes through his old belongings and discovers things from his friendship with Lily
-guilt starts to manifest, but the DE are the first people who value him and his skills and don’t make fun of him, so he ignores their pure-blood ideology even though he doesn’t believe in it himself
-in 1979/1980 Voldemort starts using Sev as a spy as he recognises his talent for it during previous battles
-15.05.1980 the Prophecy
-August 1980 Voldemort decides to go after the Potters and guilt hits Sev in the face so hard he can barely breathe
-"well, I don’t care about Potter, but I can’t leave Lily dead or unhappy"
-asking Voldemort to spare her (had he asked for the whole family, it would have been suspicious)
-asking Dumbledore to spare all ("Anything.")
-starts teaching at Hogwarts (V believes it is to spy on D but it’s actually the opposite)
-Halloween 1981
-guilt and grief times ♾
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thomasisaslut · 1 year
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Amorentia || Severus Snape x F!Hufflepuff Reader
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Chapter Four || Prey
Word Count: 1393
Includes: Masturbation
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The next morning you wake up dizzy and confused, when standing you tumble over. Instantly Cedric runs over to your side of the dorm and helps you up.
"[First Name]? What happened?" He gazes over your body checking for some kind of injury, yet, he can't see under your night robes where the stitches are.
"I'm fine, Cedric, thank you." You say then try to pry his hands off your shoulder but fail.
"You don seem fine. You just fell over!" Cedric exclaims.
"I am fine." You snap, his hands fall from your shoulder blades.
"Alright, just be careful, yeah?" He asks and you can see the concern on his face.
You nod then pick up your bag to leave for class, that is when you got an owl. You recognize it as Professor Snape's owl so you take the letter from the birds talons and read it.
'Ms. [Last Name], you missed your class yesterday afternoon so I would like you to come now to make it up. -S.S'
The letter made it very apparent that he needed you to appear almost instantly, you sigh at the letter then grab you bag and leave the Hufflepuff dorms for his classroom.
Eventually you reach the room in the dungeons, it's a long walk from the high tower that holds the Hufflepuff's but since the hallways aren't as crowded as they usually are you were able to make it there in just under 7 minutes.
You know on the door then open it.
"Professor? I got your letter." You say as you enter the room. Instantly his eyes connect with yours, his dark and emotionless eyes staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Sit." He motions to the chair you were in when you got the stitches just days ago.
You obey his command instantly as you sit on the other side of his desk, he then hands you the paper that you missed yesterday.
"Notes on the Anti-Paralysis potion the class brewed, write how you made it and what was used." He instructs.
You nod then begin to write on the parchment he gave you, now the only sounds in the room was the occasional sound of the rain outside and the scratch of your quill connected with the ink jar then paper.
Around 20 minutes later you've completed the small assignment and you pass it back to him.
"I'm done, Professor."
He nods and takes the paper, his eyes quickly scans over the words before he nods approvingly.
"Outstanding once again, Ms. [Last Name]." He states then uses a quill to mark the paper.
You instantly smile then feel the sudden rush of desire again, you can't help but push your thighs together tightly to surpress the feeling. In the process your skirt flares up and you swear he saw your black laced underwear.
"I knew it was right to put you in the double excelled class." He says, his gaze completely hyper focused on the paper you submitted to him. You can't help but notice a bit of pink tinting his cheeks. He clears his throat then speaks again.
"Would you like to get started on your classwork for later today?"
"To get ahead of everyone, sir?" You blurt out.
His face deadpans but nods, "If that's how you wish to phrase it, Ms. [Last Name]."
"Oh! Yes, I would then.. sir.." You smile weakly.
He nods then opens a drawer in his desk and pulls out a piece of the paper and hands it to you.
"Were learning about the wolfsbane potion for the double advanced class. Start it now, you have 20 minutes before you have to leave, understood?"
You begin the work and through the work you can't help but to glance up at Professor Severus Snape—ever since you realized what the potion has done you've been wanting to be closer and closer to him. And now is just perfect. You're alone with him in his classroom.
You lock eyes with him for a slim second, you instantly feel the wetness rush back to your core again, you squirm slightly in the seat across from him, pushing your thighs together again. You continue to work on the piece of parchment before you in an attempt to distract yourself when he speaks.
"20 minutes are up, Ms. [Last Name]." He says, his voice making you snap out of your distracting thoughts.
"Would you like me to hold onto the paper for you?"
You nod then hand him the paper, when he reaches for it your hands brush for a slim second. You flush then quickly turn your heel.
"I'll see you later, Professor." You mumble as you leave the room, you swear he didn't hear you but when you look back you see his eyes following you as you exit.
Once you're out of the room you realize it's still early in the morning—around 6am. You still have around 30 minutes before your first class starts. So, of course you decide to run to the same bathroom as you did the day prior.
Rushing to the last stall again you check the stalls—making sure no one else was there you grin successfully as you do. Once you lock the stall door you place your bag on the small hook on the door then take out your wand. Once the wand is out you use a quick spell on the toilet paper, transferring it into a black vibrator. It had a smaller part that rubs against your clit, the larger side that slides deep into your folds. You grin widely, the wetness that had been building up since you saw him—the absolute pressure that has been building since then needs to release. You grab another role from the toilet paper holder and transfigure it into a small lube bottle, you quickly uncap the bottle then pour some onto your hand, lathering it on the toy your smirk grows, the anticipation brewing deep within you. Throwing your laced panties down a cold gush of wind flows through your folds, it makes you whimper. Sliding the toy into your tight heat you let out a loud moan. Clicking the small button on the end of the toy it begins to move, sending waves of pleasure ringing throughout your entire body, moans practically flood out of your mouth as you increase the speed on the vibrator. Your thighs and legs quiver as you continue to stand whilst the toy rubs against you fast, throwing your hands to the side of the stall walls to support yourself your thighs shake. You look around in a sex-haze for another object you can transfigure to truly satisfy yourself. Your eyes land on an empty roll of toilet paper, you shrug then use your wand to transform it into nipple clamps connected by a chain.
Quickly you clamp the toy to your hard nubs and moan.
"Severus!" You shout as you release in your panties. The vibrator keeps moving, overstimulating your used clit. You tighten the clamps around your nipples as you push the vibrator to the maximum speed, desperate to cum again.
As you moan you finally sit back down on the toilet, your legs quaking as you feel the sensation building in your core again. With the very thought of your teacher you squirt again, your liquids starts flooding down your shaking thighs. Your moans ring throughout the stall, filling your ears with the sounds of your squelching cunt and whimpers.
"O-Oh god!" You shout as the feeling of the vibrator makes you feel more pleasure, quickly you push the toy deeper into your tight pussy, moaning louder than before.
Finally you finish for a third time, unclasping the nipple clamps you grunt, they're still hard. You slide the vibrator out of your folds then use a spell to return it back to the toilet paper it was before, you do the same with the lube bottle and clamps before cleaning yourself with a flick of your wand.
Glancing at the watch on your arm you see you've skipped your first class of the day! You've never missed a class before, let alone for something like masturbating to your teacher. Quickly you leave the stall and begin to run to your next class—Ancient Runes.
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Chapter Five:
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justhinako · 3 years
What's your "There I said it" about Harry Potter.
posting this here because I'm a coward who can't answer the question in quora.
1. James is an ego-centric prick, who can't accept a no for an answer. He's a creep who can't stop chasing after a girl who repeatedly said no to him. He's a bully, not a prankster. He never changed, he went behind Lily's back despite promising her to never bully Snape again. It showed how manipulative he can be. He only respects people who he thinks deserves it and isn't genuinely good. He's not even a feminist icon. He reminds me of the tiktoker who thought it'll be funny to repeatedly ask a girl out until she exploded.
2. POA Severus Snape is not in the wrong for telling the students about Remus wolfy issue. It also wasn't his fault Remus wasn't able to drink his potion, it's not his job to babysit Remus and make sure he drinks his potion. Remus is an adult he should know when to drink his potion without Severus watching over him.
3. Remus Lupin is a coward, and doesn't deserve Tonks or Teddy. He choose to not tell Dumbledore how Sirius is going around because he's a coward, who think that how Dumbledore sees him is way more important and a child-- than children's lives inside the castle.
4. Harry doesn't have a saving people thing. Remember that the first thing he does whenever there's a problem that arise. He tells a teacher. He asks other people to handle it, Hermione projected her "saving people thing" to Harry.
5. Ginny's only purpose was to be Harry's girl. I hate that she wasn't well developed, and became the female version of Harry Potter instead of being herself or the fact that she was only there so JKR can have her shitty parallels.
6. Hermione is way too harsh(that's no the word I want to use but too many will come after me if used the word) The birds, the scar on Marietta, and what she did to Skeeter. Some will say that they deserved it, Rita did. Ron and Marietta? Ron absolutely did not deserve a bunch of birds to peck him. Marietta is a more complicated case, Hermione is dubbed as the smartest witch of her age and her fans are always glorifying that. She should've been able to find any other spell that won't ruin someone's self-esteem/confidence and should've had follow up plans after they discovered who the traitor was. She did it to protect her friends, yes and I respect her for that. But it was confirmed that there were scars on Marietta's face right after, its Hermione's magic at work remember that. And also she could've told them the repercussions on signing at the paper, it didn't even need to be right before they sign it.
7. One does not and will never equate to four. Yes, Severus wasn't defenseless. He can protect himself but using "they're rivals" as an excuse or "they were pranksters and Snape was already a death eater." Does not justify the sexual assault, and constant bullying. His hate towards the marauders is justifiable, and is okay.
8. Snape had no business to be cruel, and harsh to his students. Given he didn't choose to be a teacher, but the way he insulted Hermione's physical appearance, always calling her a know-it-all, just generally is bad towards Neville, and is mad to a whole house of children who didn't know, and wasn't connected towards his issues. Except for the fact that they're in the same house as his bullies. They had no connections whatsoever with the Marauders who admittedly were horrible . Harry I'd understand, but at the end of the day. Snape is a 30 year old man who should've known better. He shouldn't have taken out pent up anger towards his students.
9. Hagrid should never have been a professor. "Danger" to him is different than other people's "danger".
10. I hate the ending of Harry Potter.
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wellpresseddaisy · 3 years
Anyone who claims Snape would have liked Thatcher or would have been pro-Brexit really confirms that they've never left their little bubble of America-centrism.
Read a book or just Google it before making yourself look uninformed.
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beepboopthesnoop · 5 years
I just saw a post that said that if Sirius and Remus raised Harry they would have been fine with him being in Slytherin. Bullshit. They bullied Severus Snape (more Sirius than Remus but he still did nothing about it) for being Slytherin among other things (his looks, existing). They absofuckinglutely would resent the fact that Harry was or could have been in Slytherin and no one can change my mind on that.
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maybe i've realized this a bit late-
it occurred to me, from examinations of the severus snape fandom and the marauder fandom,
- severus snape fans, despite bashing them often, usually at least appreciate the marauders, and many are fond of severus AND the marauders
- on the other hand, marauder fans are often anti-snape (which is unfortunate, i feel like if they can appreciate peter, they should be able to appreciate sev)
- severus snape fans will often write the marauders to be neutral/semi-good in their fics (sometimes james and peter are trashed)
-marauders fans will often bash severus, or ignore him entirely from the universe (why? you can be anti, but he has so much potential, but you wasted it on just vilifying him- ) (at the same time, if you hate him and really can't write him even slightly nice then fine, i suppose)
- fics with good (ish) severus and good (ish) marauders are dying out, but deserve more attention (i may recommend some soon)
i have analyzed. now that is all.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Future Father
Pairing: Severus Snape x reader
Requested by: anon
Prompts: ‘just talk to me’ and ‘we’ll get through this, I promise’
Summary: you’re pregnant with Severus’s child, but have no idea how to tell him
Warnings: pregnancy, references to domestic abuse (nothing in detail though) and it’s also very sappy so be prepared for cute overload I guess :p
Gif creds to owner
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“You’ve been awfully quiet lately, my love,” Severus murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. You were washing the dishes the muggle way, lost in thought as you rinsed the washing up liquid off the plates. It was something you only really did when you had a lot on your mind, which Severus knew. “Is something bothering you?” He asked, kissing your cheek gently. You loved this side of Severus, so affectionate and vulnerable, only you really got to see it. “Just talk to me, darling,” he urged as you emptied the sink.
You took a deep breath and slowly turned around in his arms, although you did not make to reciprocate his embrace. “Would... would you like some firewhiskey?” you asked, worrying your lower lip between your teeth. Severus narrowed his eyes, brow furrowed. “I have something I need to tell you. And you might need the whiskey to take the edge off,” you said before he could reply. You wriggled free of his arms and pulled out one of the matching crystal glasses- your wedding set- filling it with whiskey.
“YN, what’s going on? Why would I need alcohol to take the edge off?” He asked, taking his drink slowly but not drinking it.
“Because... because I’m scared, okay? I’m scared because I don’t know how you’ll react!” You said, tears prickling your eyes as you screwed the lid back on the whiskey. Stupid hormones. You were silent for a moment, your back to him, before blurting out “I’m pregnant, Severus,”
Severus didn’t respond. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears finally slipped free and you slumped over the counter. That was it. Your relationship ruined, all because of a stupid mistake. “You’re pregnant?” Severus asked, voice hoarse. You turned around, tears streaming down your face. He was staring straight at you, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. “Pregnant?” He repeated.
“Yes, Severus, pregnant. Up the duff. knocked up. I’ve got a bun in the oven,” you rambled, dragging a hand over your face. “Please say something,” you whispered. Severus was quiet for a moment, before striding towards you and pulling you tight to his chest.
“This... this is amazing, YN,” he said. “I’m so happy,”
You looked up with a frown, biting your lip. “You don’t sound very happy, Sev,” you mused. “I know it’s a bit- okay, a very big surprise... we haven’t planned it, of course, so I understand if you’re a bit apprehensive...”
Severus smiled weakly and cupped your cheek. “I’m pleased, YN, darling, honestly,” he said, kissing your forehead. “It’s just... I don’t know how to be father. If I’d be any good. Not after... I didn’t have the greatest upbringing,” he said, swallowing thickly. He very rarely spoke about his childhood, and it was only ever with you, but it was always a painful subject.
Your eyes softened and you grabbed onto his hand, placing it over your belly, although there wasn’t a baby bump there just yet. “You are not your father, Severus Snape. And despite what you think, you are nothing like him, not from what I’ve heard,”
“You can’t deny I’m a total bastard, love,” he said, trying to smile weakly, though his eyes were watery. You smiled.
“Only a tiny bit. You’ve gotten so much better, especially now you’re not running around after Dumbledore and Voldemort. You’ve changed, Severus, your kindness and tenderness and empathy isn’t something that just occurs in the privacy of our chambers any more. Everyone’s noticed it,” Severus ducked his head, allowing his hair to cover his face, but you pushed it aside and tucked it behind his ear so you could kiss him gently. “You don’t know how to be a father. I don’t know how to be a mother. But we’ll get through this, I promise,” Severus nodded, kissing you again, his hand still resting against your stomach.
“I should’ve known, really,” he said after a while, his forehead pressed against yours. “You haven’t asked for your pain relief potion in over a month... and I’ve noticed a few anti-sickness ingredients missing from my stores,”
You shuffled your feet bashfully. “Well, now you know, you’re very welcome to hold my hair back instead?”
“Absolutely not,” he said. You pouted, before he continued. “My wife will have the finest anti-sickness potions I can muster, thank you very much,”
You smiled softly, wrapping your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. “You’re going to be a brilliant dad,”
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @justanotherwildstar @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @strawberriesonsummer @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @simonsbluee @wonderwoman292 @lilymurphy03 @fredweasleyisntdead @fredswh0re @rogertaylorismycar @meaganjm @fanficwriter5 @shadesofbarryallen @kiwi-sloan @bbeauttyybbx @inglourious-imagines @bonniesgoldengirl @trumpsgorillagrip @blisshemmings @little-bit-of-randomness @vsarzx @eunoia-kth @liliputbahn @thestunningspell @beiahadid @courtnytrash04 @ccosmic-illusion @purpleskymalfoy @marshxx @hogwartslut @thatslovelymoony @winchestergirl333 @sterwild
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queerasaurus-rexx · 3 years
i think my biggest problem with severus snape's characterization is more a meta problem with the way he was written than a problem with snape himself.
jkr went really hard making snape sus from the beginning, maybe too hard, to the point where i think she ended up writing herself into a corner when she ended up writing the plot twist and deciding snape had to die.
book seven kind of felt like she was working backwards from 'wouldn't it be weird if harry named his son after snape' and doesn't consider that she hadn't really written him enough of a redemption to warrant that.
and maybe it's just me being subjective, as it's really hard for me to see a character as redeemed if they don't live to deal with the consequences of their actions.
and his actions in seventh book are kind of shitty if understandable. i'm not talking about his interactions with harry. i'm talking about him not doing anything about the carrows torturing students. like i said, i understand that as per his cover he couldn't tell them to stop, but we can still acknowledge that's shitty. it's something that, relatively speaking, would still feel some degree of guilt for. because no matter what, children were being tortured on his watch and that kind of shit haunts people. because i don't imagine snape, who watched his father abuse his mother (and while canon doesn't explicitly state snape himself was abused, i'm certain the affects of that would still have fucked him up and i kind of wish we had seen more of him being vulnerable.) not being affect by that?
again, i know there was nothing he really could have done, but i think killing snape off cut off the potential for some people (like myself) to see him as redeemed.
there are several other things that, generally speaking don't feel like they make sense with his background and i blame that more on the way he was written and not on him.
is this a pro snape post? i don't know. but i guess i'm saying after some of the points brought up by snape stans, i've
softened on him slightly.
also, i just wanna say i'm sorry for accidentally posting anti snape content in the pro snape tag - i wasn't aware anti snape content had it's tag (i'm still getting used to tumblr) and i'm also sorry i made that whole post about snape not being abused in my opinion. i said some really shitty things and probably hurt some people and for that, i am genuinely sorry. i was wrong.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Idk why, but TO ME, in POA (I think in the movie, I forgot) the way Remus tells Harry that he(Harry) is doing a "poor job" of repaying his parents for their sacrifice makes it sound like Leapfrog and Jimmy John sacrificed themselves because they had to rather than because they cared about Harry. As if Harry asked his parents to die for him. But anyways-
It was in the books too.
Right here:
“Don’t expect me to cover up for you again, Harry. I cannot make you take Sirius Black seriously. But I would have thought that what you have heard when the dementors draw near you would have had more of an effect on you. Your parents gave their lives to keep you alive, Harry. A poor way to repay them — gambling their sacrifice for a bag of magic tricks.”
He walked away, leaving Harry feeling worse by far than he had at any point in Snape's office
But seriously—what Remus did was so shitty. He’s basically implying that Harry views his parents’ sacrifice as casually and cheaply as Zonko products, which is just... I have no words.
And can we just talk about how hypocritical Remus was being?
Remus accused Harry of “gambling” his parents’ sacrifice when Remus himself kept quiet about the fact that someone whom he believed was a mass-murderer is an illegal Animagus and knows secret passageways to Hogwarts, merely because Remus wanted to look good in front of Dumbledore. Hypocrite much?
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been re-reading “the shoebox project” prompted by some hp discourse and man, it still slaps!  also working on a  snippet from the narnia/marauders crossover
She was tricky to get along with sometimes, and argumentative in a way that seemed to cut to the heart of the issue.  But he had liked her since she met.  And she had a brother named Peter. The way she had said her older  brother's name at their first introduction, and later the way she said his name, repeated through his mind and made him want to stay together with her.  With her friendship.  
He, Peter Pettigrew, tried to say "Sue" in a similar way sometimes, or to do little things to get the same idea across.
As the light april breeze blew around them, Susan Pevensie stood in her rolled-sleeved blouse and wool skirt, all navy with pale pink silk beneath, her hand shook slightly as she knocked the first arrow, then she hooked the butt against the string and shot volley after volley into the target as Peter Pettigrew leaned back against the warm scratchiness of the hay bale and watched.  The more he watched the more he had to admit this was mostly her own physical skill.  She had no wand.  Though some of course did magic without one of those, the only motions her hands sketched in the air were the ordinary magic of knocking arrow to string.   And the one thing she had shown him…. it was a magical artifact sure, but nothing more, and artifacts could be used by anyone.  He was starting to think, to admit, she was his favorite squib.  
And no that wasn't quite it, there was another thing, she was a squib…. born of squibs, who were also….. born of squibs.  There was another word for that, and it started with an M….. but the way his new, good friends talked about "mudbloods" and "muggle rights activists" the word just didn't seem to fit right on her someway.
And also have some possibly spicy takes about “the problem of susan”
basically like it’s fairly obvious that the “problem” isn’t just the lipstick and stockings, it’s also that she’s becoming a sort of (not entirely one, but maybe getting there) anti-fujoshi NLOG.  like she doesn’t see why she or her siblings should be indulging so much in their old stupid stories, or roleplay. and she kinda takes it out on her younger siblings too.
though looking at some of his other writings, there *is* a suggestion that at the time, CSL thought feminine people or women were more susceptible to this sort of thing, and that *might* play into why he chose to represent it with a woman, which is... not cool.
but srsly,  "What memories you have! Fancy you still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children."  
: |
and now she’s getting more involved with heterosexual dating, and setting herself up to be married and “paying her taxes and taking care of her kids” as is “appropriate” for a woman of “her age”.
but there’s still something “off” about this, at least when i look at it through my own eyes, like why are these her only two choices?  why are these oppostitions being set up?  so when writing fan stuff i kinda want to see her as something other than slowly becoming a bitter anti-fujo/anti-fic i’d like to give her other options.  and in the HP universe and the marauders era in the fight against the death eaters and anti-muggleborn supremacists i can see her interest in the mundane and ordinary things as a strength, a good thing!  and likewise severus snape and peter pettigrew could use some other people who aren’t “good old boys” to hang out with for a variety of reasons i can’t go into here.  Go off and do something, and celebrate even if neither they nor Susan Penisieve are part of the “golden inner circle” at the moment, even if for different reasons.  Heck, maybe we can have a gentle Queen of this Plain Old Earth along with “The Halfblood Prince”.
edit: talking with someone about this reminded me of something else!  they were commenting on how this might make sense since they all could slightly traumatized and Susan P. is parentified.
and there was a part i forgot to put in this: 
about how ppl often talk about the influence of war in tolkien's stuff,.... but there might also be something(s) to say about the group of these four kids coming back and having been kings and queen yes, and also having weielded swords and bows, and yet when they come back out of the wardrobe, they are in another sort of world now, and seen in teen/ya bodies, and not even really being able to talk with anyone about it except the people who had also been there... and if one of them starts going "nope, didn't happen" maybe there might be reasons?
or she might just have different interests now. idk.
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My Gallant Lad - Part III
So I got a wonderful anon telling me that this is their favourite Lily Rescues James fics, it’s part of my canon maraders fic  We Can Be Heroes. But, because it works as a stand alone, I’ll be posting it here in four parts. I hope you enjoy it! Set during first wizarding war, Lily is very BAMF (but tbh so is James)
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Read part I here : After their worst row ever, Lily and James get captured by Voldemort
Read part II here : James tries to save Lily
TW: angsty and violence
Lily’s raw voice echoed through the castle walls, a lone, hauntingly beautiful gaelic song. The words indecipherable to any of the Death-Eaters who heard it, yet clearly a lament of some kind. She hadn’t been able to stand it, hearing James’ screams, imagining what was happening to him. And when she couldn’t hear him, dread clawing at her every pore, wondering…
Are you dead, my love? Did they kill you? Please don’t die, I beg you!
Haunted by the silence, almost relieved when his screams returned, because she was selfish and wanted him alive, needing him to be alive… almost immediately replaced by rage and terror and guilt and begging them to leave her husband alone, screaming herself hoarse.
She couldn’t stand it when the sound from the dungeons suddenly stopped – a spell, she was sure.
What did it mean? Was he-
She started to sing. She sang in Irish. Fuck them, no Death-Eater could get inside her head now. She pictured him as she sang, her lively lad, turning around mid-laughter and catching her eyes as he and Sirius poked fun at each other, she saw him saying something ridiculous to Minnie and watching as the strict teacher’s mouth broke into a huge grin despite herself, saw all the Marauders chasing each other and yelling and James landing on top of the others. And always his mischievous, adoring eyes turned to her, searched for her. She saw him propose to her surrounded by fireflies, vividly heard that muggle record, the lyrics bittersweet…
”Yours in the gray of December Here, or on far distant shores I've never loved anyone the way I love you
Yours to the end of life's story”
“No!” her voice faltered. “No! Not today!”
She breathed in sharply, as someone knocked on the door, twice, in abrupt succession. She recognised that trademark sound.
“Severus?” she croaked.
Severus pushed the heavy door slowly, almost reluctantly, now that it came to it. He looked uncharacteristically agitated, his waxy cheeks flushed. Relief swept over him as he looked at Lily. She looked upset but safe. She was shackled to the wall, her hands above her head, tied together. She was trembling and pale. There was no sign of the Cruciatus, or other dark magic.
“Are you alright, Lily?” He said, hurriedly throwing a potent heating charm at her.
“What are you doing here?” Lily’s husky voice surprised him, he hadn’t heard her screaming.
“What happened? Did they hurt you?” Severus said, moving closer to Lily and regarding her anxiously. “They hurt me by hurting him,” she whispered.
Tears tracked down her cheek, and Severus wiped it with his thumb. “I’m so sorry, Lily,” he said, his voice trembling – he was slightly scared of her, and then there was unexpected guilt - guilt about lying, guilt about how James was going to die. “I tried to... I tried...”
He stopped and took a few breaths, looking at the ground.
“I tried to save him, I tried some healing charms and... and I sent the others away. I wasn’t sure what to do, Lily, but then I was called away and Avery had... I was too late, Lily, I’m so sorry.”
He couldn’t look at her.
“No, Sev, please, not James, please,” Lily’s broken whisper made Severus’ heart ache.
“I’m so sorry, I’m... you don’t know how sorry I am,” Severus whispered back. “I’m desperately sorry.”
Lily didn’t say anything, silent tears streaming down her face.
“He... James and I, he spoke to me, he thanked me for trying to save him, before he... he asked me to save you, to get you out of here. I promised him I’d do it. Do you understand Lily?” She was looking at him blankly, through her tears, her mind far away in some distant time or place. “Lily!” Severus whispered urgently. “Lily, he wanted you to be safe! He insisted I save you! He told me a code word - I’ve no idea what he meant, but he said to tell you - Graham’s Number.“ “Graham’s Number,” Lily repeated quietly, as though dazed. “James.” “Yes, James,” Severus said, trying not to sound impatient. “We have to leave now, I promised him I’d get you out of here! Do you understand?”
Lily nodded, still crying.
“My beautiful,” she said. “My gallant lad.”
“Yes, yes,” Severus said, eying the door of the cell. “We need to leave! Now! If Voldemort finds us, we’re both dead!”
Lily stared at him intently. After a few seconds she smiled vaguely.
“I’m so sorry Sev, let’s go, I just... it’s so much to take in, you know? I can never thank you enough, for trying to save him, for being such a noble person?”
Severus squirmed.
“It means everything to me,” she said, her red-rimmed eyes looking into his soul.
“It’s nothing,” he said firmly, refusing to hold eye contact and pointing his wand at the chains. “Frangit!”
The chains broke, and Lily collapsed into Severus’ arms.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “Can you help me? I don’t think I can walk?”
“Of course!” Severus said, feeling a bloom of warmth spread through his chest.
This was what he had longed for, desperately, for as long as he could remember – Lily, holding onto him, needing him, weaker than him, reliant on him, asking him, begging him for his help. He tucked his wand in his pocket and lifted her up, looking lovingly into her stunning eyes. Surely she could also feel the deep attraction between them, the passion sizzling beneath their fingertips?
“Lily,” he murmured, bringing their lips closer.
“Severus?” she said hoarsely.
“I love you, Lily Evans,” he said, holding her closer. “I always have.”
“Your idea of love sickens me, but I’m glad you’re so predictable, Severus.”
Lily’s voice was cold as she stepped back from him in disgust, and he found himself staring at the tip of his own wand.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he said, his heart pounding as he tried to make sense of what was happening.
“Change of plan, Snape!” Lily said. “You don’t get to sweep me away like a lying bastard-“
“Your husband agreed to this! It was his idea!” Severus’ voice rose.
“Gobshites, the pair of you!” Lily said, her voice quivering with rage. “Probably one of the only things you two ever agreed on - that James Potter should sacrifice himself to save me? That James Potter was expendable, that I would cope without him?” Severus dropped his gaze in the face of such fierceness. “You see, I’m not leaving here without James. If he’s dead, and you better hope to fuck he isn’t, I’m still bringing him with me. He means more to me than anyone else, everything else, in the entire world. I’m not leaving my soulmate to rot in this hell!”
Severus looked at her hand with trepidation as she aimed at his chest.
“I was trying to save you, Lily,” he said, stepping away from her.
“Trying to save me for yourself, Severus! Killing my husband was never going to buy you my love!” Lily’s green eyes were incandescent.
“I didn’t… I had no part in it, it was Hugo Avery!” he said.
“No part at all? That’s strange,” Lily sneered. “Because your friend Hugo payed me a lengthy visit which only finished a short while ago, you practically overlapped.”
Snape’s eyes widened with surprise and alarm.
“He wasn’t meant to go near you!” he said.
“He did,” Lily said, shuddering despite herself. “Came in to tell me everything he was planning on doing to my husband, and later on, to me. It took rather a long time.”
“What do you think you’re-“ Severus said in fear, as Lily lifted his wand.
“I’m sorry, Severus,” Lily’s voice was hard and implacable. “Imperio!”
Continue reading BAMF Lily here
Snape’s eyes widened for a split second as the invisible spell hit his chest (so powerful it almost threw him backwards) before they seemed to fade, the fear in them replaced by a dullness.
His hands fell by his side. “Is this castle surrounded by anti-apparition wards?” she asked.
“Yes, and the nearby forest,” Snape answered mechanically.
“Where can we use a portkey?” Lily ordered, poking Snape with her wand.
“From the courtyard in front of the main entrance.”
She hated the strange empty look in his eyes, as though he was unable to think for himself and devoid of any thoughts at all, until commanded by her to do so. She hated it.
“Good,” she said. “Now you will do exactly as I say! You will bring me to the oubliette, and you will help me save my husband if it’s the last thing you do! But first, you will bring me to your potions lab!”
“Step away from Potter, now! I’m taking over!” Avery’s head jerked upwards in shock as Snape landed with a heavy thud right beside him, closely followed by Lily Evans, who had a glazed look in her eyes.
“She’s under the Imperius,” Snape added, glancing around at the other men.
“Snape?” Avery said, glaring aggressively at the half-blood. “What the fuck are you doing here? You said I could finish him off?”
“Change of plan!” Snape said, sounding furious. “Back the fuck away from him now, or you’re a dead man!”
“What?” said Avery. “Why?”
“The Dark Lord wants to take over torturing Potter and Evans himself, he needs to find out about his missing book. He will be livid if Potter is dead or unable to answer him! I mean murderous.”
Avery looked terrified.
“Fuck! Snape, you said...” Avery whispered hoarsely.
“You fool, you should have thought to check with your Master before you went this far! If I were you, I’d make myself scarce, unless you want to face the Dark Lord’s wrath!” Snape hissed.
Avery had never seen Snape look so imposing, so powerful. He looked like he wanted to obliterate them all.
“Shit! I... but what if he asks who...” Avery stammered.
“I’ll cover for you as best I can, but I suggest you leave until he calms down, unless you want to risk being here when he loses it,” Snape said, looking at Avery as though he detested him.
“Fuck. Okay. Thank you, Cerberus,” Avery said, frantically grabbing his cloak and stepping across James’ body as he latched onto the rope ladder and sped upwards. “Fuck Voldemort, I hate that bastard!”
Nobody answered, aware that Avery was extremely unwise in voicing his feelings about the Dark Lord’s unpredictable behaviours.
“Severus, you moronic shit,” Severus said between his teeth. Mulciber and Rosier snorted, enjoying Snape’s irritation. “You two better help me get Potter looking more presentable and less dead, unless you too want to join Avery and get AK’ed to hell!” Snape whirled around menancingly. The two men looked at him blankly.
“You don’t think the Dark Lord is actually going to forgive Avery, do you, you pathetic fools?” Snape scoffed dangerously. “Throw every healing spell you can think of at this traitor, and I’ll see what I can do for you two imbeciles!” Rosier cleared his throat and looked stunned. Mulciber glared at Snape.
“We hardly did anything!” he said. “You probably did more of the Crucios than we did!”
“I presume you haven’t forgotten that the Dark Lord is an extraordinarily gifted Legilimens?” Snape smiled thinly, sticking the tip of his wand into Mulciber’s abdomen. “He’s going to die of blood loss, not of Crucios, obviously, you fool! Care to tell him yourself the extent of your role in this… shambles?”
Mulciber’s lips thinned and he shook his head.
“Thought as much,” Snape replied smugly. “Mulciber, get me the blood replenishing potion immediately. Rosier, give me a hand here – Vulnera Sanentur over his entire body, Brackium Emendo over his ankles, quickly!”
Rosier nodded his head and started firing healing spells anxiously. Snape did the same, deep in concentration, his wand flying over James’ body. Mulciber reappeared moments later, holding a half-empty bottle of dark red liquid. Snape grabbed it off him wordlessly and carefully placed three drops into James’ mouth, scanning his face anxiously. Blood trickled from James’ right ear.
“Still looks pretty moribund to me,” he muttered to himself, touching James’ hands tenderly.
James’ fingers felt frozen, white, almost blue.
“Perhaps Rosier should come with you?” Mulciber asked, inching backwards towards the rope ladder.
Snape’s lip curled.
“Don’t be pathetic, Rosier is a liability, and far too skinny to be able to lift Potter. I need you with me,” he ordered.
Mulciber opened his mouth.
“The Dark Lord specifically asked that you accompany me,” Snape said. “He said he may need our help in questioning Potter, that’s if he isn’t already dead by the time we get there. We need to hurry!”
Mulciber swallowed.
“Now help me lift Potter, and for fuck’s sake be careful, he’s perilously close to death as it is!” Snape said.
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ilikefandom · 3 years
Altering Reality
”Request: How about a fic where Voldemort wins and Y/N and Sev go back to fix things but she has to keep reminding him that its not the original timeline? Make it fluffy <3
Requested by: Anon
Synopsis: (Y/n) and Sev go back in time, but all they needed was a litte perspective.
Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem reader
Warnings: Small discription of blood
Voldemort had said it himself, Harry Potter was dead, he had won and they had lost. (Y/n) tugged Severus through the hallways of the castle. Their flight bringing them past the empty classrooms and exploded hallways. 
“We have to do something.” (Y/n) Snape said, facing her husband and clutching at his hands.
“What can we do?” Severus asked, taking his wife in his arms. “Unless we can go back and change something, the Potter boy will still die.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened and she dug around in her pockets. When she had finished searching she lifted a gold chain out of her bag. Attached to it was a small device with a sand timer in the middle.
“How on earth did you get a time turner?” Severus looked at his partner with a wicked grin on his face.
“I received it from a dear friend at the Ministry. This is the only way that we can change things, we can go back and try again.” (Y/n) was basically bouncing on the balls of her feet as she looked at Severus. 
“Are you sure that this is a good idea?” Severus asked as (Y/n) pulled her time turner over the both of them.
“Yes.” (Y/n) answered as she began to twist the time turner back six hours. “If we are correct in our assumptions, what you have to do is give Harry Potter some sort of clue on how to open the snitch. Give him something that could be of use. And make sure you lure Voldemort away from the castle.”
The scenery blurred and meshed as the couple made their way back in time. Arriving just as Voldemort sent his first message to the death eaters. 
“Showtime.” (Y/n) smiled, pecking Severus on the cheek then dragging him down the hallway where they ran seconds ago, that is six hours in the future.
“Goodbye my love.” Severus said, pressing a kiss to (Y/n)’s forehead. 
(Y/n) darted down the stairs to the dungeons to find the compartment. She retrieved Severus’ anti-venom for Nagini, his book of spells and an amulet that she had made herself. This amulet had the power to tether a person’s soul to their body while the body healed itself. Quite like life support did in Muggle hospitals.
Severus, on the other hand, made his way to the boathouse, unaware of what he should do if he met the Dark Lord. He gripped the tethering amulet that (Y/n) had made and took a deep breath before crossing paths with his dark master and stalking alongside him to the place where he believed would be a place where he would die.
(Y/n)’s amulets were important and powerful. Being born with a half magic system in her body, (Y/n) could only use wand magic on certain occasions. Instead of being angry and bitter that their daughter had hardly any magic, (Y/n) had been sent to a special wizarding school in Egypt to become a sau, or a maker of magical charms. Her magic was infused into different pieces of stone, then carved into shapes and symbols to give her magic meaning.
(Y/n) moved seamlessly through the students catching a glimpse of the Golden Trio as they made their way to the boat house, seeing Severus joining Voldemort on the path, following the students down the path, (Y/n) ran her fingers over her teleportation amulet. How she wished that she could pull her husband to her, for this plan to work, she needed him to lure the Dark Lord into a false sense of victory.
Arriving just in time for Voldemort to order Nagini to attack (Y/n) watched as her husband lost blood from his neck, setting down the amulet, she pulled out the anti-venom and her enchanted artifacts.
As the trio fled the small house, clutching memories in hand (Y/n) drew a protective circle around herself and Sev’s barely alive body. Ignoring the blood and venom seeping from Severus’ neck (Y/n) said the activation spell and connected the amulet to Snape’s soul. She poured the anti-venom and healing potions alternately over Sev’s skin until the wound itself was mostly healed, a small cut that was not only survivable but very likely not to scar.
Releasing the amulet from Severus’ soul, he inhaled a deep breath. “(Y/n) my love?”
“I’m right here Severus.”
The couple stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Letting out shaky laughter (Y/n) pulled Severus to his feet. The couple wrapped themselves in each other’s embrace and swayed slightly as the morning breeze blew into the boathouse. 
Making their way back to the school, the Snapes fell from their elation into silence as they snuck back into the crowd waiting outside of the school. Voldemort once again said that Potter was dead and (Y/n)’s breath hitched, all of her muscles collapsing in on themselves. Until silence filled the courtyard.
Neville Longbottom had stepped forward, raising the Gryffindor sword and all chaos broke loose. Harry Potter stood up, grabbed his wand and ran toward Voldemort. All of the defenders of Hogwarts raised their wands and the death eaters charged the castle. 
Grabbing his wife, Severus disapperated to the top of the astronomy tower, as he held her gently, the sounds of explosions rocked the building. 
Screams from the front court yard made Severus let out a shocked whimpering sound. (Y/n) who had regained her bodily functions made her way up to the windows. Then she turned and tackled Snape with a hug. “He did it. Harry Potter has done it.”
Severus' fear trickled away and he held his love closer than before. “He sure did my dear one. Harry Potter is, once again, the boy who lived.”
Author’s note: It’s a bit shorter than usual, but I hope you like it. Please leave a comment and/or request a story. I love to hear your feedback and suggestions. 
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