#smae place in life
chemicalarospec · 4 months
Dan Howell's faith that he would have ended up a lawyer if he didn't become a youtuber amuses me. He has never given any indication that he enjoyed any part of law school, and the video he made about dropping out presented it as a decision made entirely independent from youtube because of how depressed he was. Without at least some major detours along the way, Daniel Howell would not have graduated from law school.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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return to navigation note that long lists ( including: CL16, MV1, LN4, CS55, OP81 ) have their own post
:: line up | fluff ❭ ( you score high on your debut but fans don't like winners !! :: thank you not | angst/fluff ❭ ☆ part two ) ( you musn't stay in a place where you aren't valuable !! KIMI RAIKKONEN :: baby, look my way | fluff ❭ ( you try to capture kimi's smile but you capture his heart instead !!
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꒰ ONE SHOTS ‧ ˎˊ-
:: you're mine you | dark / angst / yandere ❭ ( Your life and heart no longer belong to you. sebastian plucks you out and makes sure your love is his and only his !!
:: you cant see me | fluff ❭ ( seb gets drunk and thinks its time for the wresting tournament finals !!
:: read the flowers | romance ❭ ( in whixh neither iof you speak the smae language, but can still understand each other through petals. you might not speak german and he not italian, but who can't speak flower !!
COMING SOON !! :: where to, beloved | fluff ❭ ( In which a bus stop acts as a way-point for two idiots who are madly in love !!
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cuprohastes · 5 months
I'm just getting interested in Clusterfuck City
Sorry I mean Neom: The Line. Seriously this is brilliant. We all get to live in a world where the disasterous dystopian bullshit you get to experience in games is now a real life place!
The Prince of Saudi who's planning this has more money than briancells and has hired a bunch of yes men at 75,000 a day to tell him whatever he wants to hear...
More analysis here
Summary: Someoen told this pricne that they can have a 200km train that goes end to end in 20 minutes which means that it eitehr won't stop and travels at 500kph, or It stops but hits mach 1.3 between stops.
They also promised animatronic dinosaurs (OK not crazy), an artificial moon to use as a light source and giant, shitty TV (Fucking nuts), Robot maids (OK this one's semi plausible until it does the laundry and folds your clothes while you're wearing them).
Yadda. People have been over this. And all the human rights abuses because I dunno is Nestlé running this project?
The thing I'm fascinated by is the idea of a 200m thick city that's 500m tall and 197m long. Because modern Skyscrapers sway, and they're desgned to. Some of the really tall ones without sufficient width have wind tunnels so they don't just flop over. Now I invite you to think of an entire wall that's 500m high, 200m thick and mostly hollow glass and space frames with excitingly chunky habitat modules bolted on. And what happens when the wind, unencumbered by vegetation or terrain hits this thing and starts pushing on any part of it. In a sensible world, the thing would be sectional, with a flared base ~~so you can pull it back out~~ to resist lateral pressure, and you'd make it in air-gaped sections so they don't grind or twist and crunch into each other.
Which is horrible and I worked in a building where there was a 20cm gap between each halves of the building for this reason. Legend has it, the architect having discovered that the only reason the building didn't fall down was due to the brtalist exterior stairwells being made of iron vs wood, as in the previous building he'd built to the smae plan (Which all collapsed) thought ht ematter over, went up to the roof, picked a direction and started walking until all his troubels were over. This may be apocryphal. That building had panels with warnings on them saying 'If this panel is cracked stop breathing' because they were asbestos. Good times.
Anyway even if they got The Line built (It's been scaled back form 197KM to uhhh, 500m?) it's build on the premise that a whole bunch of tech will get invented and perfected in the next few months, the entire world will be OK witht eh Saudi Forced Labour racket and that 6,000 people per square km won't somehow cause some sort of populations ingularity that will have historians int eh future say "And of course Neom's Line city and Shanghai Walled city ar ehte resons we don't do this"
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Jojo Bizarre Adventure x Jujutsu Kaisen
"Gem Among Curses"
You face scramble trying to find all angle to escape. You captor creepily smile only vanish at the sight, their hand that trap you down grown scaled the transform into gem of shark.
They shriek in pain, retracting their arm. before dropping down of the floor. Like a wave, their body flooded with crystal, only their face show picturing now a hollow face lit up the last despair they ever took.
You brian unable to process, run to the only place you can find, leaving now the lifeless statue, with life reflected emitting the classroom radiating many of it a different shade of color.
From a ahrd surface to a shofter one, a spatter of green with a further you go the longer it become hitting your knee. Laying by the meadow, refresh from the heated moment. You eye pouring in filled with decision and disgust holding out - flipping you eye, inespecting, waiting, for whatever sightin gof that discovery. You ming reimagining the scene over and over again.
You felt a heavy presence behind you from the tree you sade behind you, another presence. You didnt knwo how you would've known, you know it humanoid, leancing mimiking the same position as you; an animals in waiting. You can lo longer seem to care, as you walk home with their menacing behind you, away from the scene fo the crime as cops insepecting investigation wahtever misplacignment and parent yell at retribution. Your eye focus on the two figure - held back at the police, feeeling unwavering nervousness before walking away with the same pattern, tame heart, walking away.
You smile at the surface of your freind investigation at the weird artifact. Your aprent transfer you to another school eversicne that insicde,t well majority of the student does. THe school no longer can find an explanation of a similar statue appering nowehre with the smae mising student.
Your fiend Yuji help you alot esepcially finding you drench in sweat, haveng no freeking clue with your clueless mind. You smiles finding at the choast as least some fragmenet of a normal life that is ebfore you were thrown in a life full of curses and mnay- way to many handsome figure in a world you soo find yourself in a jujutsu school
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docholligay · 8 months
Episode 2.1: Taissa
Hello! This is about up to Season 2, Episode 1 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY that of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond this spot, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
Oh Tai, you are in so much trouble here. 
Taissa picking out a dog for her son, not even picking out a dog, just going and grabbing one because she thinks she can simply sub one thing in for another, and that’s what’s happening in her political life! She is subbing in the poltically expedient person that she needs to be, who already needs to think about being reelected, for the person that she was during the campaign, for what she promised people she could be. It’s all the smae, isn’t it? And evben then she knows it isn’t the same, the level of disconnect she feels when the gal tells her she phone banked for her and she was so happy to campaign for someone real. Tai knows she’s not real, and was she ever? Which of the Taissas is the real one? And is that changing? 
She didn’t even realize the monster she’d become, even though she knew underneath she might have killed Biscuit. And i love that Simone doesn’t fuck around here, I love it that she is going to fuck up Tai’s entire life in order to get Tai to do something to help herself.��
Having to confront her own monstrosity, hugging Steve and saying it was just a mistake, and she’s going to do better with him. Oh okay, you sent your wife and child away because on some level you believe that you will hurt them, but this new shiny dog you have no affection for yet, sure, that’ll be different. 
Tai is right that Van should just lock her up there, and can Taissa really respect someone that is so willing to hurt for her, to bleed for her? Will it only ever be guilt that binds her to Van, or will it be enough? I mean, we know they aren’t together in the future. So far we haven’t mentioned Van being dead, and with the Lottie reveal, I’m starting to think Van also survives, though i don’t love that. So is it just the trauma that splits them up, or is it that Tai is driven as fuck, and not at all woowoo, while Van is just like…following Lottie the fuck around? Writing her love for Tai in her own blood? (HINT HINT)
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negative-corgi · 1 year
I did not mean for this to be so long, I'm so sorry lmao
Also I'm so sorry if things don't make sense or there's a shit ton of mistakes. Firstly I didn't write down everything in my clan, I'm basically going by what I remember and the family trees. I'm also not a good writer lmao
So if i guess I post about Clan gen now and my clans drama.
So, my current casual clan I play is TornClan and I accidentally started a type of Monarchy way back with a cat called Swampstar who was the daughter of a loner Crouchwhisker and adoptive daughter of kittypet and former deputy Joobchomp.
Swampstar would have a short relationship with a she cat named Icefeather who's death is unknown and later becomes mates with a loner named Brindlefoot who she would have a MASSIVE litter of kits with (this would become an ongoing thing in the family). Brindlefoot would eventually die of Yellowcough and Swampstar of old age. Swampstar's son, Palestar, would take her place as leader.
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Very similarly to Swampstar, Palestar would be in a smae sex relationship with a warrior named Fuzzback. Unfortunately Fuzzback would die at only 58 Moons old after freezing to death in a sudden snowstorm.
Palestar would then become mates with highly respected warrior named Brightfur. The two would have one very large litter of kits, just like Swampstar and Brindlefoot. This time however, Palestar would choose to train his kits to become the next leaders of the clan. Many of them took up spots as deputies, medicine cats, mediators and highly respected warriors. Unfortunately many of Palestar's kits would get lost and die outside the clan. Palestar would die of old age. (Brightfur's death is unknown because the game keeps crashing when I try to look at her history lmao) Palestar currently has 6 living grandchildren and 17 grandchildren all together.
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Galestar would be the chosen child of Palestar to take his place as leader. In fact, Palestar actually retired early and gave up his lives to see his daughter become leader. Her sibling Talonclaw would take place as deputy. Before I talk more about Galestar, two moons before she died she came out as trans. So for the majority of her life she was identifying as a tom hence why she had a lot of kits before coming out (I have same sex kits off to prevent a sea of kittens). Palestar would spend most her life as an incredibly competent leader however when she became around 50 moon sold she would realise she needed a mate to carry on the new tradition of leaders being related. She (*cough* I *cough*) would search for moons to find the perfect mate. Finally she would stumble up a kittypet named Beanie Baby who would quickly become Galestar's very loyal and loved mate. Galestar then proceeded to CHEAT ON HER 4 MOONS LATER WITH HER DEAD SISTERS (BLUETOOTH) MATE ROOTBACK. Rootback would hope none of the kits looked like Galestar but Gladekit would look like a mix between Galestar and his Grandad Palestar. All the cats in the clan could tell this was Galestar's kit and it caused a lot of judgement on her. However she would ignore the other cats and still try to train Gladepaw to become next in line. Unfortunately during this time Gladepaw died from water-inhalation after a river accident.
Obviously Galestar was not the only kit of Palestar, she also had her siblings. Since Galestar and Beanie Baby were struggling to have kits. Galestar decided that any grandchild of Palestar was worthy of becoming the new leader. Two cats in the clan stepped up to take challenge. Bogcry, Gladepaws only sibling who was essentially cast aside for Gladepaw when they were little. Galestar's nephew Wheatswipe who was his brother Mosslight's son, would also step up. Neither cat were particularly liked. Bogcry was not very popular due to being overshadowed by not just her dead brother but also by Wheatswipe confidence. While Wheatswipe WAS more popular than Bogcry, cats could tell he was not mature enough to take the leaders place. Too aggressive and willing to start fights. Wheatswipe attitude would be the death of them after they picked a fight with a large group of rogues they could not win against. This might have seemed like a win for Bogcry as she no longer had any opponents but just then, Galestar would announce that Beanie Baby was pregnant and having kits soon. That was Bogcry's chance blown..
Galestar and Beanie Baby would have 8 kits but unfortunately unlike Palestar and Swampstar, some of the list would die before making it to adulthood.. some not even making it to 6 moons.
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Galestar would die just before her kits were 6 moons old. (And I can't remember how because I keep getting the history crash rip). Obviously, the kits are not ready to be warriors so Talonstar takes over as leader with their sister Roaringgale as deputy.
Currently Galestar's kit Venusfang is set to become deputy once training an apprentice. She has already got her warrior name while her siblings are still in training.
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Some info about Galestar's siblings because they were my favourite litter and I'm mega upset so many of them got lost.
Talonstar - Leader - First non-binary leader and possibly aesexual as they've never had interest in romance. Has had 6 apprentices so far !! Talonstar is still alive !
Roaringgale - warrior - Originally got lost and finally made it back home to be with her siblings. Roaringgale is still alive !
Bluetooth - Mediator - Original mate to Rootback and adopted all of her children. She holds no bad feelings towards Rootback for having kits with her brother and says that Bogcry and Gladepaw are just as important to her as their other adopted kits. She has two living grandkids, Stonedance and Leapstripe. Bluetooth died outside the clan.
Fogstalk - deputy - Fogstalk was actually deputy before Talonstar and consistently clashed with Galestar. Fogstalk would be one of the siblings to get lost and never be found again.
Mosslight - Mediator - Mosslight was one of the siblings to not get lost and spent most of their time as the clans head mediator. Later in life Mosslight would make a questionable decision to have kist with a cat named Springheart and then immediately get into a relationship with a warrior named Amerettofalls claiming they were not his despite 3/4 kits having a black and white coat like him.
Rainchaser - warrior - Rainchaser was a childish cat and only made it to 19 moons old after being killed by a dog when trying to lead it off the territory. Ironically, Rainchaser has a scar on her face from his mentor and Grandmother Brightfur after she scolded him for not taking her duties seriously enough.
Badgerfrekle - Warrior - Similarly to Rainchaser, Badgerfrekle would die very young. Even though he was young, he was a model warrior many had respect for. He would die from a broken bone.
Flickerghost - Medicine cat - Flickerghost was one of the lost siblings. Apparently a loved medicine cat, the clan did not get to spend much time with her. (Death unknown, history crash)
Dreamily - warrior - Originally one of the lost siblings, Dreamlily would eventually make it back to the clan in one piece ! Like her siblings, she is close to 120 moons old and is ready for retirement. The only thing she regrets is not getting to spend more time with her clan and having her own kits.
I'm sorry
For anyone who reads this jumbled mess, thank you ??? You must be really bored lmao
Originally had this at the top of the post but have moved it here. It's just ranting about twitter lmao
Once again I suddenly attempt to be active on Tumblr. Twitter has gone to such shit. I follow like 500+ accounts on there and I'm lucky if I even see 6 of them now. I actually like Tumblr more than twitter, I just don't know how to use it properly lol.
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oddvanilla · 23 days
i would not fucking DARE to break off with friends i see in SCHOOL. everyday With THE COPYPASTE. like of you are a moofbreaker at least WRITE SOMETHING NORMALL LIKE YHE AUDACITY OF JUST. SEND THE SMAE TUING I WOULD DIEE do you remember dasha?? liek i never shed a single tear about here but wthh like she cluld go for something betger than me😩😩😩 she doesnt deserve you and youe friends
WHEN I SAID IGNORE I MEANT A GIRL WHO LOWKEY MAKES FUN OF ME BUT IGNORUNG EX FRIENDS IS EVEN WORSEEE like i have no idea what my relationship with my ex very good friend are like we lowkey greetes each other when she woekes at the museum camp but GOD I DIDNT TALK TO HER NORMALLY FOR MONTHS BECUASE I SAW THAT SHE WWSNT ANSWERING WHEN I WAS TALKING i miss here she is my best school friend's tiny ahh town friend like they knew eavhother in primary so itss weied.. ALSO my closest frenemy a bit of a friend switched schools erm tahys weird.. im kinda okay with that cause she makes me uncomfortable so often but i love here still IDKKK friendships are harddd...
There's this kid who's the top of the class. Like the nerdiest of em all. She's very very VERY smart. she also hates my guts. 2 reasons: 1- I'm class president and she's vice even tho she's probably better than me..and 2- she thinks I steal her "spotlight" because I have a better relationship with most teachers..
The girl who sits in front of me is friends with the topper UNFORTUNATELY and she hated me too for 2 years even though she never talked to me in her LIFE and she was just forced to hate me on her first day..so one day these two FOUGHT and they did what nobody would and they talked to each others enemies😭 so of course the girl Infront of me talked to me and surprisingly we got along VERY well?? I didn't even KNOW why that topper hated me I just know she does and that girl literally told me everything...
For the longest time I have been her academic rival like we always try to beat eachother in competitions like art or public speaking...once we BOTH got 1st place in a speaking competition which was crazy tbh. But YEAH it literally became an academic rivals to lovers story LMAO she's so funny and when I found out this year she'll sit next to me I knew this would be TERRIBLE because not only do I talk alot to both my friends who sit next to me..but I'll also be yapping my soul off with her when she's very DISTRACTING. yeah..I DONR KNOW WHY I ALWAYS TELL LONG STORIES I JUST LOVE LONG POSTSS
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bellepatzerjournal · 2 years
Writing Prompt 2
An "unboxing video" holds a certain fascination for people because one, it is an easy video to tune out the rest of the world and just watch without having to formulate any thoughts at all. Another reason I feel it has such an appeal is the society we live in is not a minimalistic one. There are products that are created to make life easier that do not even need to be created in the first place. An example of this that come to mind is a "air fryer". They are essentially the same as a convection oven but are marketed in a way to make people think they are completely different and offer an entirely new way to cook food. Anyways that was slightly off the topic of unboxin videos but speaks towards the same message. People love things and watching other people open things can be very fascinating for a society in which these things are glamorized.
It is possible that the unboxing videos could be educational for someone looking to buy the product if the person unboxing provides a review of the product. It may also be a tool for marketing agencies to send products to people who unbox them in hopes that many people will see the video and want to buy the product. Many brands, especially clothing and makeup, do this with influencers who have a lot of followers and it proves to be successful. I claim this because I have bought something just because I saw an influncer (Who is most likely getting paid to promote said product) say it was a good product.
The aesthetics that draw me in ar having inasne organization. Not so much is eating videos, but in cooking videos. There is something calming and almost unattainable about watching someone cook beinh perfectly organized. I believ I like it so much because it is soothing to watch. If you remove this aspect it is simple someone making food which may not have the smae satisfactory effect that it held before. It is no longer a soothing video to watch but maybe one that would insuce stress if thre were to be a mess.
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mycomori · 2 years
trying not tot think about it but now i was feeling after leaving work thursday is still stuck with me i feel sadand just…tired. like im tired of working so hard for nothing. and i would say as much but i’ll just treaty speaking like i always do even when i’ll trying to do is clarify people think i’m being defensive. i don’t know. i’m just tired. im fucjing tired of feeling like everyone always intentionally misunderstands me. or maybe not intentionally. i don’t know. im probably na day expressing myself too. it’s both it’s me too. i don’t know. i’m just tired and i don’t feel good about myself or my job i’m jsut exhausted and used uo and i feel like there’s no point in trying anymore to express myself it feels like a loosing battle like no matter what i say it’s always wrong so i just ned to be quiet and get through this fuckin year review and figure out where i wanna go from here but can o just say i kinda really wish he never came like my life has gotten so much more stressful since and i’m fuckin done with it there’s beginning to be soem resentment i feel and i’m scared dna out to cause i know that will only build of i don’t address it but there is no way to address it like it’s not like i can be honest so here i am maybe i’ll jsut leave a they’ll have to deal with everything i do and god forbid i say it’s stressful or i’m complaining like i’m done with trying to please everyone else and help everyone else when no one extends the smae curtesy to me. it’s been a thing my whole life an d im done with it. i’m done. maybe i should jsut give uo on trying to fit what they want me to be. why not jskt guev up? what’s the point? not on life on this, fuck this job it’s christmas evens nd im sitting here just feeling shitty about everything relating to my job and i think that means something i don’t know. i’m to fucning old to take this shit anymore. im too fucking tired. my stomach is just a pit of so many feleihg i can’t place. i need to talk to my therapist but i can’t until after the holidays. how is This what i’m upset about? not all the trauma or whatever i yet to unpack or even speak about let alone actually ever confront like?????????????? i have more important sit goin on fuck this man i don’t have time to think about this shit and i’m sure as notnot gettin paid to think and stress and feel about this on christmas fucjing eve whike i’m trying to relax in bed wnnny cat fuckt his fuck that fuck it all fuck it fuck it fuck it im gonna get mad high and sit w my cat in bed nice and warm and hopefully it snows again cause it’s just cold rn
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linhdorr · 3 years
HOW ARE YOU? HOWS COLLEGE LIFE? HOWS HANNIE? (and hows that one senior who offered u a wine?)
ayeee hi to you too wifey ...
it has been a while hasn't it ...
oh im great ... college is stressful but its wonderful as well .....
oh well that senior has kind of like adopted me ... she drives me places and lend me vinyl's and book ... so its amazing
hannies doing great
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smae crackhead as always .....
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markweallere · 4 years
Okay, so.. This is my first post, but I decided that I wanted to talk about DC a little, especially the batman rogues (I apologize in advance for mistakes, english is not my first language)
Not too long ago I've seen a post about the kids who adore the rogues, instead of batman and the robins. It's canon, that the rogues, who had rough childhoods, stopped the Joker from blowing up orphanages, so obviously, there is some humanity left in them and I put some more thought into it.
Let's think of Jonathan, a man who's had a horrible childhood and terrible teenage years. And one night, he's crossing that bridge in a hurry, trying to escape the bat, when he sees a teenager standing there, ready to jump. He approaches them very carefully. He talks them out of suicide and learns they're bullied at school. He's aware, that Batman caught up to him, but the life of this child is more important, because he was bullied at school and remembers just too well how it feels. He doesn't leave their side and has a long talk with Bruce, that he needs to make sure they get proper treatment. He insists on taking them to a hospital before being taken to Arkham. He would never tell the other rogues about this, after all, he is the master of fear and he doesn't care about other people, but sometimes he still catches himself thinking about them and hopes, they're better now. The teenager would never forget, who saved their life that night. Not Batman, but Scarecrow.
Then there's Edward, growing up with an abusive father, that he hated. Let's think of him, taking hostages for another twisted mind game he has planned for Bruce. He takes a family with a child. The father reeks of alcohol and the kid is covered in bruises. The Riddler forgets his plans for the night, there is no acceptance for hurting a child and he lets the man know. When Batman arrives, there's only an alcoholic, who's been beaten really badly. Meanwhile, Eddie makes sure the kid can live with a loving family, who takes good care of them. Bruce, of course, found out what happened, he's Batman after all, but he lets this slide, because he too has a soft spot for children. The kid starts to honor Edward, because that man took them away from a terrible household.
Now, Seline Kyle, who knows, how living on Gotham's streets, feels like, tries to make a difference. She doesn't take care of the kids or put them in foster homes, but every now and then, the kids find something. Blankets, food, maybe even something to play with. Sometimes the woman shows up and lets them know, where they can spend the cold winter nights. Just in case, she stays around, making sure, nobody finds them and makes them leave. She teaches them how to steal, so they can survive on their own. Sometime later, she brings this up, with Bruce, who feels obligated to help out. He couldn't adopt all of them (though I'm sure, he would've wanted to), but he made sure, they had some place, they could live at.
Waylon Jones has always been an outsider. With his condition, people were scared of him, especially the older he got. Imagine a kid having the smae condition and learning, there has been a wrestler, who looks like them, that there was a villain, who looked like them. They start searching the sewers for this so called "Killer Croc", because maybe for once somebody wouldn't back away from them. And Jones for once wouldn't be seen as an animal, but as a person. The two of them would becone friends until Batman would beat Croc and they'd lose contact. But the kid never forgot and decides, that one day he's gonna free his only friend.
An addition, that came to my mind: Harley Quinn coming out of her abusive relationship with the Joker and seeing someone being harassed by their significant other. I imagine her, defending the person without even thinking about it. She learned what an abusive relationship can look like and she suffered through that, so she wouldn't let anybody else suffer silently. Especially when it comes to younger people, who have little to no confidence in themselves or don't know what an abusive relationship looks like. And she would make sure, the abuser wouldn't do it again.
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drowning-in-neon · 3 years
every time i feel myself managing to cling to some semblance of feeling like i’m on top of my life, something drags me down again and you know what, you know what, i’m sick to fucking death of constantly doing this if i’m just gonna end up at the smae place i started lmao
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sohytes · 5 years
I mean wbk that there's something going on between B and Cat Guy, but CG posted in his stories the place he's staying at and it matches with B's story from last night. The interior is the same (smae door, same view). Also, CG commented "be here now" on B's latest ig post. I'm glad Brooke is happy and I hope Vanjie will find someone too. They both deserve the world
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caruliaa · 2 years
ahhhhhggghh sorry sorry i feel like i was even more offline than usual today bcuz omg i thought we were only visiting one museum but we actually went 4 places and 1 of them was rlly bad and also outside and hot JSBSJSJS so yeah it was a v tiring and busy day and!!!! i rlly even missed u even more ;;;;!! but that said it did make me really really sosososoo happy when i could message or see ur messages and asks and stuff like that did j really put a smile on my face like it always does:’333!! and it’s just sososooo excllent and lovely to be your friend ladybird like it truly is just a joy and you ate such an incredible and warm and safe and true true friend ..!!!!! and then youre also just a really great good loveable amazing skilled person like ahhhshhhh im so lucky to know you and just hope i can make ur life better and j be good to you in any and everyway i can and show u and let you know howww i care abt u smmm mushroom!! and i love you sossooso muchhh (hugs youuuuuuuuyu if u wanna that is;;;;💕❤️💕💕💕💕💕❤️💕💕💕❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕)
!!! dw mx i undersntad it like u were rly busy nd stuff so i understnad not being as online and stuff like tht but im sorry it wasnt a good time on of the places u went nd tht it was tiring nd stuff yea :( !! nd ough i rly missed you too belvoed i rly have sm when uv been gone but i hope you know tht it rly rly did make me soso happy too whenever we got to message nd getting to send you asks nd getting ur asks it rlyrl y is usch a highlight of my day and just fills me w soso much happpiness nd joy nd im rly rly soso glad and greatful for anyway nd chance tht we get to talk bleoved i rly am :'> !! nd ough im rly rly so so glad tht it is so good 4 you to be my friend nd tht i can be a good friend to you dearest i rly rly am so so so v much bc well u rly rly do deserve it soso much and bc i rly rly do just want to soso much belvoed i rly rly do and i hope you know tht u rly rly are the smae to me too and are just such such such such a good kind caring considerate thoughtfull loving sweet kind caring friend to me and just make me feel so so so warm and loved and cared for and i rly rly am just sosos glad and greatful for tht and for you and i hope you knjow how you rly rly do just mean the world to me and make my life so so much better and warmer and happier and im rly just so so so lucky to know you like u rly rly are just sucj a wonderful perosn and incredible frienmd and i rly rly am just soso glad and greatful for tht belvoed i rly rly am :'> i love oyu soso muchh soso v much *hugs you back so so much sm ifu wish dearest* !!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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‘Persuasion’ - Jane Austen - Review
*Non-Spoiler Section*
I recently finished ‘Persuasion’, despite the book being about two centuries old I felt the urge for a writing/reviewing splurge. 
First and foremost I am a true Austenite but I can appreciate the books are not suited to everyone’s tastes due to examples of misogyny and inequality running through the books due to the time period and the standards of the day. 
Nothing will ever beat ‘Pride and Prejudice’ but I still liked ‘Persuasion’  it brought up themes of regret, jealousy and prejudice and also shone a light on how financial stability in the age of Austen was just as, nay in many cases, more important than a couple being suited. 
It took me a week to chow through the book, a lot of procrastination and working has taken place recently which definitely affected my reading. However, the book itself didn’t exactly keep me on edge. 
The positioning of the characters made me confused as to who exactly I was rooting for; however, I knew I wanted a captain and I wanted one now.
If you are into petticoats, frilly language and even frillier people then Austen is for you but patience is required with this book as it takes its time. It’s like a well-crafted souffle. Its progression is both is pride and it’s shame as you have to wade through the snide to get to the romance. 
If you’re like me, you’ll know its worth the wait. Austen is the chicken soup to the period-drama-lacking soul and makes you want to take a trip to Lyme to boot. 
If you like a slow build, empire waistlines and heartfelt gestures then this book is for you. 
*Spoiler Section - Don’t say I didn’t warn you*
Love transcends time itself and you can see this in Persuasion. When Wentworth uses the words “half-agony, half-hope” my heart was well and truly skewered and I was in love. I was in love with the idea of love all over again. 
I was spellbound once more by Austen and I adore her. Whether writing for sarcasm, spite or just from her heart; every word is dripping in beauty and truth and full of feeling. 
I couldn’t have related more when the Anne regretted Wentworth even though I am no noble woman and have no captain in my life. However, the plot made me root for these two so much. You worried that the love had fizzled out. His coldness towards her filled me with worry but then again so much can be changed in a  single letter. 
Ahhhhhhhh!!! My little heart
The element of repression is so present in the smallest of actions. It left me with the smae longing that North and South did for just a kiss. Seriously, that show made me yell “Damn it, just hold her hand!” 
This book is perfect for the marriage-plot lovers with nothing but period drama decadence and upper-class problems. Worth the trek up petticoat mountain and along into the realm of tea rooms and scones. 
Rating: B+
Lots of love, Mrs Darcy. Follow for more weird thoughts and general heart feels. 
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smaeblogthings · 4 years
01 March 2021 - Hi
A good conversation with my dad. Maybe it is around three hours that we had a quality conversation about random things and life lessons. I am joyful about this wonderful privilege of connection. I am teary-eyed as I write this because I believe God knows how much I love my family even though I am an asshole to them sometimes. It is hard Lord. You know my rants but I also made a huge effort to stay. Tama si Janine, may katahimikan pero walang peace. I have never felt so close to being successful than where I am today. I am successful. God made me successful because I am being rebuked lol. And I really feel it in my soul. It cuts through. But God rebukes whom He loves. And I guess God loves me and Janine. I am happy to know Janine. I love that girl. I am blessed with her life. Back to the conversation with my Papa, as he talks about his experiences in business and in life, I couldn’t help but notice He is getting old. He has gray hair already. I really want to shame you, Smae. I will be harsh on you on this part. How dare you to think negatively and be so selfish on the blessings (which are not yours in the first place) that God allows you to have? I am really sorry about this Lord. Sorry. I know how dare me to answer my parents in a disrespectful manner? I could not just connect and understand them. That’s why I am like this. How dare me not to put my heart and excellence to my dream work? What is happening? I thought this is what you have wanted all along? Please be sensitive with the rebukes of the Holy Spirit. 1. Your selfishness issue. Abundant mindset do not come from a place of lack but possibilities and opportunites and HELLo, God will provide, right?
2. Your trust issues with people. You are being healed by God, please don’t resist it. 3. Your inappropriate actions and thoughts.
4. Your perfectionism.
5. Your complacency and procrastination.
6. Your fear of death, fear of success, fear of judgement anona lahat na may fear.
7. Your thinking that you are better than other people.
8. Your indecisiveness.
9. Your being disorganized. In thoughts and in some areas of life. 10. Your disobedience. 11. Your quitter attitude because of entitlement. Life will not hand-out things to you. Revise my map. It is a pill that is hard to swallow but it takes humility and practice the humility muscle. I am proud of you. Of where you are now. Love ya, Smae
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