#smal poetry
poetry-for-my-life · 1 year
My own fault
When I look out the window i think of what could have been.
If things could have been different if I wouldn't been sick.
If I would have been normal.
At first I thought it was your fault, that it was anyone's fault but mine.
But I know better.
I know that it's my fault.
So I began therapy.
They said I probably feel that way because of the divorce of my parents.
Because of a divorce.
And when they said that I felt such a rage, because how dare they assume it was anyone else's fault but my own.
How dare they assume anything.
They don't know anything.
It's my own fault.
It always is.
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oh-snapperss · 10 months
my naem is peb
i am smal rock
i live in creek
not in a sock
-only poetry i got my good fellow but you can have it
thanks kinjg i can feel the gay crisis coming on already/silly
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edenspetals · 2 years
*puts a smal box next to Lisheng, there are little homemade cupcakes inside*
I- well- I hope you like it!
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his head perks up from the poetry he had been putting together and he immediately catches a whiff of the sweet treat. lisheng smiles at your words and one of his tails swipes the box up while he slowly lifts the cupcake out.
“oh my muse, it looks simply divine. thank you.” he leans over and kisses your lips. “though it's delight is nothing when compared to your lips.” he croons, kissing you once more.
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
"How could you?!" You gasp dramatically, while your cat prepares to swat you away once more.
Kazuha just entered the room, yet he has the right idea of what has occurred.
"Love, maybe you should leave her be. It seems she want to rest." He walks over to you and puts his hand out, silently asking for you to show your small injury. You put your hand on his, allowing him to assess the scratch.
"But I just wanted affection..." Kazuha smiles seeing your pouty face. He guides you to stand up. "Let's go clean this wound dove, maybe she'll apologize to you later"
After cleaning your scratch he gives you many hugs and cuddles, letting you know that you can always get affection from him.
Later you can spot Kazuha with said cat loafing on his lap. He's gently chiding the cat, commenting how she hurt his beloved. He even threatened that if she hurts you again, he won't giver her cuddles that day. The cat hasn't scratched you since. -poetry anon
"maybe she'll apologize to you later" he lied
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Light as a feather and gentle as grace elegant in charm, no wonder they’re chased blown by the breeze they know only one way in air filled with sunshine, they live out their day. Mild and meek so calm and serene. As quick as they enter, they soon leave the scene gentle as a breath, beautiful in sight though they are gentle, have no sign of fright fluttering and flapping with wings like small kites wandering, meandering while on their flight Busy as bees,  always on the go they are more capable than people may know. They preserve the beauty in the lily’s of the field They may bend to strong breeze but they’ll never yield. With colors like a painting, a masterpiece, lovely. Thriving with life, in warm weather, sunny. Let’s be grateful for the butterflies they’re more important than most people realize.
                                                    ---Ava Nerio (myquestformeestaceesm)
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wandersome15 · 4 years
i can only fall asleep
laying in cold sheets
and I wonder if that makes me
predisposed to loneliness.
11:03 pm on sunday, restless.
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thatoneidiotdts · 4 years
Father!Thranduil x Male! Reader x Brother! Legolas
Gifs aren’t mine
Also this was supposed to be my first fic almost 2 years ago and for the last two years I’ve been writing it little by little
Warning : Daddy issues, abandonment, abuse, assault, war and MANY other things
Word count : 5.4k (New record!!!!)
Flashback- example 
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3rd P.O.V.
 He was never loved, even in the first few moments in his life , his brother was chosen over him
When his father came from a lost battle , he didn’t felt grief because he lost the battle, he felt grief because he lost his wife, his queen and the love of his life
As he walked into a room with two cribs with his children are still sleeping, the younger twin, Legolas, was a clear replica of his mother, blond hair and smal body while the the older one, (M/n) , was a cut out copy of his father
When Thranduil looked at the younger twin he felt the need to protect him and give him the best childhood he can give to the child as a single father
But when he looked at he older one, he felt nothing but hate and disappointment, the child was a beautiful one yes, but Thranduil couldn’t shake of the feeling that something was wrong about his older child
As the twins grew up one was always left behind, barely anyone cared how he felt, or when he first walked or talked, no one cared when he started to read
As the older child grew he became colder and colder every day , he would talk to his brother occasionally but he liked to keep his focus to his books
There were a few people who he trusted and cared about, and those people were Lord Elrond, Lindir, Legolas and Nirohnil
Legolas would always try to make him go out of his room and sociolize. He would also listen to (M/n) while he talked about the books he read
“(M/n) what are you reading?” Legolas asked as his brother let out a sigh and closed the heavy book, finally finishing it.
 “The demise of the headless serpent. You know. The book we have to read so we can finish our Literature studies.”
 (M/n) looked at him with an angry face, disappointed that his brother is leaving his education to fool around.
 “Oh come ooon brother! Don’t be so grim”
 Legolas said as he pulled out some food from his bag and placed it in front of his brother.
 “I know you like to skip lunch so I brought you some food, you should eat more if you want to spend the rest of your eternity in a library you know.”
 (M/n) looked at the food his brother brought him, there wasn’t much of it but just enough to feed someone.
 He smiled and thanked his brother as took the food but not before placing the heavy book on his brothers lap and turning it to page one.
 His brother let put a groan as (M/n) chuckled.
 When he is spending some days in Rivendell he would write poetry with Lindir. (M/n) and Lindir would always talk about recent things the two found out or gossip about (M/n)’s dad and Lindir's poetry
Lindir has romantic feelings for (M/n), he would do almost anything for him but because of (M/n)’s cold heart he never felt confident enough to confess his feelings for him
“The stars are beautiful tonight aren’t they (M/n)?”
 Lindir asked as he turned his head to look at his friend who was sitting next to him, his friend only nodded, his eyes never leaving the stars.
 Lindir felt his friend rest his head on his shoulder, he could feel his face warm up as the thought of him and (M/n) spending their every night like this made him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach.
 He took in a big breath before speaking.
 “(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love y-”
 Lindir stiffed up as he looked down at his friend who was sleeping. He took in a deep breath and rested his head on (M/n)’s, maybe they should stay like this for a few more moments before Lindir caries (M/n) back to his room.
 Elrond is like a father, or rather a uncle figure to (M/n), they are close as Thranduil would send the child countless times to Rivendell so that he doesn’t have to deal with him
Elrond was walking through Rivendell as one of his guards approached him.
 “My Lord, King Thranduil has sent one of the twins here as he wished for him to spend some time with you”
 He knew that Thranduil’s words were absolute bullshit, he knew which of the twins he sent and the real reason why. He sighed and told the guard to bring him here.
 “I’m here, I’m here!!” The small child said as he left his hiding place beneath some tables. Elrond let out a small laugh as the guard scolded (M/n) for not staying with Nirohnil.
 “Hello little sapling, do you know where your guard is?”
 He asked the small child as he answered.
 “Probably freaking out somewhere because he doesn’t know where I am, I shouldn’t have left.”
 Elrond picked up the small child and told him that while it is his fault and that should have been patient it’s alright to explore but not alone since he still is a small child.
 After a long day of exploring, reading and learning Elrond tucked (M/n) in but just before he got up he heard a quiet voice ask him a question.
 “Uncle El, why is father sending me here so much and why isn't he sending Legolas with me? Why doesn’t he come along? Did he do something wrong?”
 Elrond’s heart broke into millions of tiny shards as he didn’t want to answer to any of (M/n)’s question because he knew if he did it would break the little elfling's heart.
 “I don’t know little sapling, but I do know that you should go to sleep now”
 He said as he kissed (M/n)’ forehead and wished him goodnight, but just before he closed the door he heard the small child speak again.
 “You are the best uncle El”
 Elrond smiled and left (M/n) to his dreamfull sleep, hoping that maybe one day Thranduil will realize his mistake.
 Nirohnil is (M/n)’s personal guard, both of the twins had their personal guard selected by the queen herself, Nirohnil would often train and teach the prince various combat techniques.
Nirohnil truly didn’t know how to comfort the crying prince, his father has forgotten about him completely …. again.
He truly felt disgusted at his own king for not loving his son the way he deserves it.
 “The se-second I e-enter the room he leaves!! I’ve t-tried to make him happy proud, I’ve studied, trained, read, learned my whole life and yet he barely said a word to me!!! Am I not good enough for him?!?! What does he see in Legolas that he doesn’t see in me?!!”
The prince yelled until his throat was sore and raspy and until his head hurt from so much crying and Nirohnil listened to him, held him close and tried to make (M/n) feel better about himself.
The guard could barley hold the rage inside of him. He wanted to make sure Thranduil knows exactly how does (M/n) feel when he breaks the princes’ fragile heart into million pieces over and over again.
 One normal day (M/n) decided to venture into the forest completely alone, in a book about botany he read of a plant that makes anyone who eats it have powerful hallucinations of various colors and patterns, the book said that the colors of the flower are as colorful as the flower itself
Before the prince could process the situation he could feel sharp claws dig in oh back and pulling him off his horse. He felt a hand grab on his hair and scrape his scalp. He looked up to see a few faces of terrible looking orcs.
They started to talk in their language, (M/n) couldn't understand them but he did understand a few words " ......Kill! ..... No..... Trade...... Gold!!!"
The prince kicked and screamed but to no avail, he was almost free but the orc grabbed him by the neck and squeezed it hard, after more kicking (M/n) felt the life drain out of him as he didn't have the power to fight anymore
The orc let go of him and threw him on the floor, the prince started to cough as he could finally breath, the orc started to speak again but (M/n) could only understand one word "... Punishment!!!...."
Nirohnil could feel his stomach turn in worry, he couldn't find the prince anywhere, and he already checked on the places (M/n) would always be, his mother's grave, around the training ground, with Legolas, he checked everywhere
The guard stopped in his tracks as the realization hit him. He didn't check the library! He ran down the hallways to the Royal library, unlucky for him the prince wasn't there. But he did notice a book open on the table, when he read the page that was open he got instantly worried, that part of the forest was full of lurking orcs!!!
He quickly went to his stable, grabbed his horse and rode into the dark forest, the longer he was riding the more worried he become, he was surprised by a pack of orcs which he killed easily but when he found the prince in their camp he could feel his stomach turn.
The prince was knocked out, his body was full of cuts and bruises but the most horrible part was his now very short hair, almost nothing of it left, there were multiple cuts on his scalp from the daggers orcs had, Nirohnil quickly pulled the prince on his horse and rode back to the halls of the Elven king
As he got closer to the gates he screamed for the guards to open the gate and get the healers as quickly as possible, the prince's guard calmed down a bit when the healers took (M/n) to their quarters
A few hours have passed by now, Nirohnil paced back and forth in front of the door while Legolas was standing there still in complete shock, he should have gone with his brother, he should have been there to protect him from the orcs but he wasn't, instead he was fooling around with his friends.
One of the healers exited the room and was instantly attacked by Nirohnil's questions "Is he alright?! Alive?! Awake?!" The healer was quite surprised but he tried to answer his questions as best he can possibly can, while the prince was stable he wouldn't wake up for another day or two, he is on heavy medicine so his body can properly heal, the only long term effect was that his hair will never grow back because when the elven hair is cut it stays that way forever
Over the course of the next day other elves could see how both Nirohnil and Legolas were more depressed than ever, Legolas wouldn't want to hang out anymore and Nirohnil had no more energy to train or do anything, the prince's guard blames himself for the most part, if he realized where the prince was maybe he wouldn't get that hurt
Thranduil got worried when he saw Legolas in the library, there was no way he would spend his time there willingly, when Thranduil found out what happened to his second son he felt a small smidge of sadness in him, he shouldn't feel this for someone he hated for their whole life
When (M/n) finally woke up both his brother and his guard rushed to his side so they can comfort the prince, they both felt responsible for the state he was in, Legolas started to cry, (M/n) hugged his brother and let him cry in his shoulder.
(M/n) needed months to heal completely, he knew that his hair will never grow back but at least he was alive, over this course of time Lindir and Elrond would frequently visit him and read him stories or poetry
Years have passed since the attack, his hair truly didn't grow back but be wore a hood over his head most of the time so it was fine, he started to feel disconnect from his friends and family, Legolas became one of the guards, Nirohnil didn't need to be with the prince all the time now and he hasn't travelled to Rivendell since Lindir birthday
A few years back the dragon from the north made the dwarfs flee from their home and far away from him, he has heard of the terrible thing his father did and he wished to make it right but he knew he couldn't, (M/n) seriously debated with himself if he should go there, he wasn't interested in gold but rather the rich library the dwarfs possessed, after a long talk with himself he decided to go
After packing his stuff and weapons he wrote a letter to Legolas, Nirohnil, Lindir and Elrond, he left each of them something of value to remember him by if he never comes back to Legolas he left the books he himself wrote, to his guard he left his necklace, to Lindir he left his favourite writing pen and to Elrond he left his childhood toy, a beautiful horse carved out of the darkest wood
He planned his escape perfectly, he knew exactly which guards would sleep on their duty and learned their schedule, it was a perfect night to escape, Legolas and Nirohnil were on a trip to Rivendell and he couldn't see his father for the whole day, but he was soon stopped in his tracks
"Where are you going?" The prince turned around to see none other than his father, King Thranduil "I'm..um.. leaving.. I know that if Legolas was here he would stop me but I just can't be here anymore, I want so see the places I've read about, I want to see the world with my own eyes" He said in a quiet tone
Thranduil's gaze only got colder as he spoke "You should leave, you are useless anyway, if you wish to leave that's on you, just know that you will never be welcome here again" He said as he turned away but that didn't stop (M/n), he climbed on his horse and rode into the night
When (M/n) left Thranduil felt a pain in his heart, he didn't understand why but he felt like he should have stopped his son and tell him to carefully think this through, like should have at least say good bye 
"What do you mean you let him go?!?!" Nirohnil screamed in pure anger with nothing to hold him back. He was done with Thranduil's shit, he was going to make him realize what he has done to the prince.
"You dare to yell at me in my own kingdom?! Do not forget that I'm the king here Nirohnil" Thranduil said back as Nirohnil growled out of anger and annoyance.
"You ignorant fool!! Do you realize what have you done?! You've been ignoring him for the most of his life, he just wanted to make you be proud!! He would go far and beyond just for you to see him!! Do you understand how many nights did he cry himself to sleep?!?! How many days he spend in the library or on the training grounds!?!?!"
Thranduil's eyes widen at the words of his guard, knowing that Nirohnil was speaking nothing but the painful truth, he looked to the ground in shame, letting the guard speak his mind and soul.
"But you don't care do you? You are just happy that he left aren't you? You will never understand how he felt because of you! And the worst thing is that you probably know all of this, you know how far he has come just to make you proud but you still didn't give a single though about him did you?!"
Thranduil finally realized what he has done and he knows it will hunt him for an eternity and after, he felt sick to his stomach, how could he just forget about one child and love the other ?!
"You disgust me.. You are nothing but hollow husk of a person you once were, it's a shame that you did the same thing to (M/n), you made him nothing but a hollow shell of the person he once was"
Nirohnil said in anger and left the throne room, leaving Thranduil to drown in regret.
The journey to the mountain was tough and merciless, most of the it was raining but that didn't stop (M/n) from his goal, he learned that there is an open entrance through the mountain that only lead to the main hall and lucky the library wasn't far from there, the entrance was extremely narrow but that didn't stop him, when he entered he was surprised with giant empty halls of the mountain king
The elf pulled out a map of the kingdom and followed the path he should, the only problem was that before he can get to the library me needs to pass through the sea of coins and that would surly wake up the sleeping dragon, he walked through the coins as silently as he possibly could, just before the entrance that lead to the library he slipped and feel from the small mountain of gold to the cold, hard ground.
As he got up he could hear the coins falling from a body of a rising from the sea of gold, the dragon wasn't amused "What brings you here thief? Why shouldn't I burn you until there is no flesh left on you bones?" Thank dragon threatened the elf as he tried his best to answer "I'm not here for your gold and if I was I wouldn't walk over it to get to here, I would have grabbed the first thing that I found and ran, I'm here for the library and the many books the dwarfs own" The elf explained and luckily the dragon believed him.
"I will let you take the library but if I find a single coin missing I will burn you until your bones turn to charcoal" The dragon said and buried his body in the mountains of gold again, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that he can explore the library safely, as he entered the library he was surprised to see the amount of books the dwarfs had, the library of the mountain king was like a golden gem competed to the library (M/n) had back at home
Days have passed since the elf entered the library but there was no sign of him coming out, the dragon noticed this, he didn't know why that concerned him but it just did, what if the elf died in the from the lack of food or water, finally the elf emerged from the library, thirsty, hungry and exhausted from reading day and night
The dragon, wanting to know as much as the elf himself did, made a deal with the elf, if he told him of everything he has ever read about the dragon will give him enough gold so he can buy himself food in the city on the lake not far from the mountain, the elf accepted the deal and for the next one hundred and twenty years the elf shared his stories and wisdom for the dragons gold, they became close to each other over the span of years 
When the dwarfs entered the mountain when (M/n) was never a fan of humans but that didn't stop him from helping around Lake town, he usually gave gold to the poor families that lived there, he couldn't bear to see people in this kind of a situation, most of the people never saw an elf and were sceptical of one helping them, when (M/n) heard the screams of people he didn't know what was going on until he could see a raging fire and a angry dragon in the sky, burning everything in his sight 
As the dragon burned the town, the bowman tried to get his attention by firing arrows at the giant dragon from the bell tower, at last the dragon turned his attention to him. Smaug lands on the houses below him crushing them in the process "Now that is a pity. What will you do now, bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."
(M/n) looked on in horror as he noticed the black arrow on the hands of the bowman knowing that if he didn't do something he might loose his dear friend, there were not many things that could help him around a burning village, as soon as he saw a clear path that he can climb he did knowing that the buildings might fall beneath his feet and pull him with them, he didn't care, he had a plan that might save hi friend and he will try his hardest no matter what.
The dragon said in a teasing tone, eyeing the bowman and his child "Hmm. Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn!" The dragon said as the bowman pulled the arrow back and balanced it in his son's shoulder "Tell me, wretch, how now shall you challenge me?" The bowman smiled to himself as he noticed the dragon's missing scale
The elf knew he didn't have much time left, he drew out his bow and aimed at the arrow, while he did want to save himself he couldn't bring himself to kill the bowman or his child, he hoped for his plan to work.
"You have nothing left but your death!!!" Smaug roared as he launched himself towards them making the bowman look on in fear but keeping still to launch the arrow correctly, and so he launched the arrow.
The arrow was fast and swift while making its way to the dragon's heart, the elf launched his arrow which wasn't as fast or as fierce as the black arrow but it was small enough to fit trough the tip of the black arrow, pulling it of its course and hitting the edge of the dragon's scale instead
The bowman face was painted in horror as Smaug crashed into the bell tower, the dragon roared as he landed onto the ground making it appear as if he was dead, a small hobbit watched on from the mountain smiling as he thought the dragon was gone for good with the elf, but the dragon soon rose from the ashes of Lake Town, roaring in victory as he continued to burn the town to the ground
(M/n) smiled to himself, he knew that he probably shouldn't, many have died or lost their homes to his friend's fire, he was happy that his friend was alive, his smile faded as he he heard cracking beneath his feet, as he looked down he almost fell into the pit of fire beneath him, he was barely holding onto the leftovers of the roof as he looked for somewhere to go
"SMAUG!!!" he screamed as soon as the dragon got closer hoping that the dragon heard his calls for help,the dragoon soon landed near the roof the elf was holding onto, the dragon let the elf climb onto his back, the dragon soon flew away from the town with the elf on his back, the dragon knew the mountain, while now fully his, wasn't safe for the elf anymore, especially with those stupid dwarfs
While Smaug and (M/n) locked themselves in the mountain by blocking the main entrance with heavy rocks, the king of the elves came to collect the gems of Lasgalen, the ones who belonged to his late wife, the dwarven prince argued back, saying that the king refused to give them their rightful pay, they both declared war on each other,  and so the dwarfs called for their brotheren from the iron hills for help, in the meantime the hobbit gave king Thranduil the heart of the mountain, the battle was settled to be on the dawn of the next day, the same day the orcs decided to attack the mountain kingdom
On the dawn of the next day the elven army was already in the position while the dwarfs didn't even arrive, Smaug and (M/n) looked on from the top of the entrance as the both armies were getting ready "Who do you think will win?" Smaug asked his companion, the elf though for a second "I don't know, it doesn't matter because we could just burn the rest when they are done"
Both soon noticed a wizard approaching them "(M/n) of the Woodland realm and Smaug the Terrible I beg for your help" He said after he got of his horse, before the dragon could say anything the elf spoke "How can we help?" The wizard smiled at the elf, he was still the same helpful elfling he met long time ago.
"The forces of Azog will soon arrive from the west to take the mountain for himself, we will need you and your companion on the battlefield so the tides of war may turn in our favor, in return you both shall be given a new title and praise of many" The gray wizard said as the elf looked at the dragon, the dragon though about the offer, while he hated did hate the elves and the dwarfs he did want to be written in the history as the one who took down a whole army of orcs
Both accepted the deal, after the wizard left the dragon turned to the elf "Are you sure this was a good idea?" "We will see for ourselves" (M/n) answered as he got onto the dragons back signaling him to fly, both elves and dwarfs looked in shock as the massive dragon landed between them
"Elves of the Woodland realm an the Dwarfs of the Iron Hills hear me now for I shall speak only once, the orcs and goblins are marching towards Erebor, if you seek victory then fight side by side and if you don't may the orcs end you quickly" The elf said just as the were-worms dug through the hills, making a passage for the forces of Azog
As soon as the both armies saw the many orcs and goblins they quickly rearranged themselves to prepare for the oncoming attack, the dragon son flew into the air again with the elf still on his back, Smaug unleashed his flames on orcs who burned in the matter of seconds, it was unfortunate that the dragon's fire wasn't enough to stop the whole army but it was enough to help the dwarfs and the elves
The battle was fierce, blood, bodies and fire covered the ground as the ash covered the sky, soon (M/n) found himself saving his brother from a falling bridge "I missed you" He said while holding back tears, (M/n) felt at ease knowing that his brother is safe
After the battle was over the two brothers watched the dwarfs and elves cheer in victory "So we'll be going back home now?" (M/N) asked "It's up to you to decide if you want to go back, i wish to travel as you did" (M/n) smiled at his brother "You should probably go visit Nirohnil, when he found out that ada just let you leave he said that he 'was at a loss for words' but then he proceeded to yell at ada for 2 hours straight" both of them let out a small laugh before Legolas continued "You should also visit Lindir and Elrond but after you speak with ada, he wants to have a talk with you"
(M/n) felt his body tense up after his brother said that, he was running after his father for his whole life and now that his father finally stopped waited for him it felt weird, he never expected for his father to love him no matter how hard he tried to get his attention "Are you sure you are just gonna go without even saying goodbye or attending the victory celebration?" (M/n) asked his brother "Yeah, I know ada will make me say so i will be leaving soon, you should leave now ada is waiting" he said before leaving
The elf honestly didn't know what to do, he hoped that he could just fly off to Rivendell and spend the rest of his eternity there without having to face his father ever again, in the distance he saw Smaug burn what was left of orcs, he groaned, knowing that he will need to make his own way down since there was no way Smaug could see him 
After what felt like an eternity, the elf finally made his way to the elven camp, to be more specific, he was standing a few feet away from the kings main tent, he didn't know what to do or what to say, what he didn't know is that his father is in the same state "What do I even say to him?" Thranduil quietly whispered to himself as one of his guards alerted him of the suspicious elf outside, the elven king just said to call him in 
The moment (M/n) stepped in Thranduil's eyes widen, he changed so much, he was no longer the elf he once resented "So.. what do you need me for?" the younger elf was the first one to speak "I just wanted to see you before you leave again" after a long uncomfortable silence they started a small talk but after some time the anxiety left them and they started to talk normally 
"What do you plan to do after this?" his father asked him "Visit Nirohnil and then go to stay in Rivendell for a few months before traveling with Smaug, there is still a whole world out there that i want to explore" the king could hear the sadness in his son's voice "Did you consider staying in Mirkwood?" his father asked him "Do you want me to? i mean you are the one who banished me after all" Thranduil put a hand on (M/n)'s shoulder  "You and your companion will be always welcome in my kingdom son" the elf smiled at his father's words
When the elf finally returned to his home he was pulled into a tight hug by none other than his guard, hugs weren't a usual thing in the elven culture "You absolute fool! What were you thinking!?" after spending a few months at home (M/n) left for Rivendell knowing that Elrond will also yell at him for not visiting them for such a long time
Both Lindir and Elrond were happy to see (M/n) after such a long time, (M/n) told them about the thins he read in the dwarven library, the war, the reunion with his father and about his new companion dragon
When the night came, Lindir invited the elf to watch the stars with him like they did when they were young, they were sitting my each other as their gaze was focused on the stars, soon Lindir took his hand into his making (M/n)'s gaze shift to Lindir who took in a deep breath and begean to speak "(M/n) I have something to tell you, I have been hiding my own feelings from you for a long time now, I wish I could have said this long before but I think now it’s the right time. (M/n) I love you, i always have" (M/n) smiled before answering "Remember when you tried to confess for the first time? I didn't know how to respond because i love you too, so i just pretended to fall asleep" Lindir didn't know how to respond, he didn't know how he could fall in love with such an idiot
For next 60 years both lived in peace, they got married, (M/n) and his father reconnected, the woods of Mirkwood started to heal and they adopted 2 children, Mirion and Helleron, Mirion became a traveler like his father, he promised to travel all of Middle earth with Smaug while  Helleron became a great archer like her uncle, soon (M/n) noticed dark clouds from the mountain on the south, mount doom. What was the expression again?
Ah yes, the calm before the storm
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fairycosmos · 5 years
oof im currently cramming for an exam in a subject i actually like and i gotta say... if it werent for school youd see me out here playing multiple instruments, studying languages and sciences and philosophy and reciting poetry in a haunted ballgown and all that funky stuff but right now i am jsut a smal creacher. if i am forced to write one (1) more poetry analysis i WILL retreat into a cave and live off of poisonous berries for the remainder of my painful existence
SDHHDHJFE goddd this is so visceral and Real i feel like ive been you in a past or parallel life..... honestly though i hate how school impedes on the time we have to seek out the things we're actually interested in. :( especially cause we're all just studying to be more attractive to employers. i know when i get a job im going to miss playing guitar and writing and stuff it's..... it's painful. i hope you find the time to indulge in at least one of your passions at some point n that you're able to feel alive n content with it all. @ poetry analysis.....man i could definitely see it getting old. just write some gay shit n talk in circles to meet your word limit, fuck it sfjjfjkddkkdgZ...... then get some rest when you can. u are a little creacher who needs sleep n water n good food. so take care! and if you decide to fuck off into the wilderness please let me know n i'll meet you there. let's go feral bro let's get crazy in a good way instead of a stressed out way
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Papa Wu
(For you anon!)
Wu kept a hand folded behind his back, walking along the path to his long time friends' home. It had been years since his last visit and he had the urge to visit them. Ray and Maya have always been great people and it grieved him that he waited so long. But he had recently acquired a small boy he was now raising, Morro. He was a very spirited and gifted boy indeed. A smile lifted his face as he throught of the child he now called son. Said son who got distracted by a dragon fly hovering near by.
"Don't run off son." He called after him and Morro who was no more than 7 years old nodded at his new father.
"I won't!" He called back, watching the insect fly around.
Wu smiled then stopped in front of the shop and frowned once he saw no-one there. Most of the armor and weapons Ray had made was gone as well. There was hardly anything left.
Wu frowned, alarm bells going off. He looked around keenly, making sure there was no threats outside before making his way to the back of the shop where their home was. He stopped by the door and placed his hand by the lock, his golden power sparking and creating a key. He turned it, opening the door slowly and peering into the room. It appeared to be in a sort of order.
There were pieces of metal stuck away in a corner and clothes peaking out from between the cushions of their couch. He walked in, Nin-Jō held defensively as he scanned the room he heard footsteps in the next and made his way there. Once he was in the room- prepared for an attack, he discovered that there was no-one there to attack him.
"Who 're you?" The young boy with spiky hair asked Wu, his eyes narrowed at him as who appears to be his sister ate the last of what appears to be dried apricots.
"I..." Wu found himself at a loss for words.
These children. They looked so much like Maya and Ray. There was no doubt in his mind.
"Papa?" Wu turned around to see Morro walk up to him. "What are you doing?" He asked him, holding onto his hand like he always does when he felt unsure or frightened.
"Who's he?" The young girl asked, tilting her head at Morro.
"He is my son." Wu explained to her. "Your mother and father were friends of mine. Have you seen them?" He asked both children quietly, having a strong feeling he wouldn't like the answer.
The young girl's eyes filled with tears that quickly fell down her cheeks and so did the boy's. He however tried to keep a brave face.
"Mom n' dad left with people 'long time ago. They aren't coming back." He says as tears rolled down his freckled cheeks despite his fighting it.
Wu's heart shattered. What has happened to his friends? More importantly, how long have these two been on their own?
"Papa... Are you going to take them in too?" Morro asked, looking up at him with large deep green eyes.
"Yes." Wu says then walked over to the two and knelt before them. "I will do my best to find your parents but until then, would you like to live with me and my son? We would take care of you from now on." He offered the small children.
"My papa can teach you how to fight!" Morro added, excited to have company his age.
Both siblings looked at each other before nodding. He was friends with their father after all and he said he would try and find them. They walked over into Wu's opened arms while Morro bounced on his heels excitedly. He had friends!
Morro decided having friends wasn't as fun when his papa made him take naps with them. He was a big kid! He didn't need naps or sippy cups (even though he asked for it) or bedtimes! They were lucky they were fun to play with! Right now, he and Kai were sword fighting with the wooden canes, grinning as they ran around the training yard.
"Be careful not to hurt your brother Morro." Wu says as Nya napped on his shoulder.
He's only had them for a year but he knew he would do anything for them. Sadly, he hasn't been able to find out what happened to their parents or who took them but in their honour, he would take care of their children.
"Ok papa!" Morro called out, as he chased down Kai who was laughing madly as he ran away.
"I am the master samurai! You cannot defeat me!" Kai yelled, running still.
"I can't if you keep running so fast!" Morro panted out, getting tired.
"That's the point!" Kai laughed and Morro growled, growing frustrated.
"Stop!" He yelled at Kai, reaching out for him.
There was a moment of shock when a strong gust of wind, swept Kai off his feet and up in the air. He fell with a thud, face first and Wu felt his heart leap out of his chest as he tugged over to the now crying boy, waking Nya on the way.
"Kai." He says, lifting him up with one hand and his eyes widened at the blood starting to run down the right side of his eye.
"Wha- wha happen to Kai?" Nay asked, her eyes welling up with tears.
"I'm sorry Papa! I didn't mean to!" Morro hiccuped and Wu took calming breaths as all three of them cried.
"Don't worry. Kai will be ok. Let's go inside to clean him up." Wu says as Morro walked in behind him, rubbing his eyes as he sobbed still.
After that day, Kai had a scar cut into his eyebrow that Morro felt guilty about every time. He also discovered he had control over the wind and while Kai and Nya found it infinitely cool, Morro was always wary of it. He could hurt someone again. He was happy to train his papa to control it better but only when Nya and Kai were safely out of range. He wouldn't use it when they trained together too.
"Where're you going pops?" Kai asked as he watched Morro and Nya spar, waiting for one of them to lose so he could spar with them.
They were all teenagers now with Morro being the eldest at 16, Kai being 15 and Nya at 13.
"I'm going to find allies. New friends even. Then a new chapter to your training will begin." He told them, slipping his rice hat on.
"Does this have to do with the prophecy of your brother papa?" Nya asked as they all turned to him.
"Yes. I fear my brother is taking action." Wu spoke quietly and they all shared a worried look. "Worry not. We won't let him succeed." He says and all three siblings grinned.
"Heck no we won't!" Kai whooped and Wu chuckled.
"I will be back soon. Nya, you're in charge." Wu says, heading towards the gate.
"Nya?" Both Kai and Morro sputtered as Nya smirked.
"Do not deny it. She's the most levelheaded of all of you." He says, opening the gates and they made to protest then pause.
"Don't worry papa! I'll keep this place in one piece!" She called out and Wu smiled back at them before closing the gates behind himself.
"I don't know about you two but I've been eyeing the cookie jar all day." Nya says, running inside and Kai and Morro looked at each other.
"Well if you're taking I want one too!" Kai yelled, running after her.
"I'm the oldest so I should get two!" Morro yelled, following behind.
"You guys know your dad is crazy to think I can get through this entire course while he drinks that itty bitty cup of tea... Right?" Cole says after Sensei Wu went inside.
"Pops wouldn't give us a task he didn't think we could handle." Kai says as he cracked his knuckles, about to give it a shot.
He, Nya and Morro were used to the course but not at the speed that their father was requesting.
"You can do it bro!" Nya cheered and Kai grinned at her and a smirking Morro before darting ahead.
He jumped, kicked, flipped and twisted his way through but knew once he made it to the end that he was too slow.
"Dammit. Too slow." Kai sighed, walking past Cole who was watching him in shock.
"All you need is practise brother." Morro says, patting his shoulder.
'There's no hope for me.' Cole thought, looking at the course miserably.
"You are all well versed in the course." Zane complimented, watching Nya run through next. "How long have you a been living with Sensei Wu?" He asked them.
"10 years. Nya and Kai have been with him for 9." Morro told him, watching Nya almost trip tersely.
"So you truly are adopted?" He questions.
"Yes. We were." Morro says, distractedly.
He relaxed once she cleared the course.
"Faster!" She yelled in outrage and Morro chuckled.
Zane watched them curiously.
They may as well be blood siblings.
"Um- hi..." Jay says nervously as Nya drank some water after struggling through the training course.
"No." Morro says flatly and Jay yelped once he was blown back, rolling to a stop at Zane and Cole's feet.
"Try anything with our sister and I'll break your face." Kai says with a growl, standing before her protectively.
"Guys, please." Nya says and Jay looked hopeful as he stood. "I can break his face on my own if I need to thank you very much." She huffed and Jay's smile fell and broke.
"You're right sis." Morro smirked, wrapping an arm around her neck.
"Kai, master of fire. It burns bright in you." He says, tapping his son, the red ninja on his shoulder with his staff. "Jay is blue, master of lightning." He says, doing the same for the blue ninja.
"That's not all I'm the master of." Jay says from behind his mask. "I do a little inventing, dabble in model building, a touch of cooking, a little poetry-"
"More like mouth of lightning." Cole says with an exasperated sigh.
"Black ninja is Cole who summons rock, master of Earth." Wu says, tapping his shoulder with his staff. "White ninja is Zane, master of ice." Master Wu says, tapping his shoulder with the staff as well. "And seer with sixth sense." He added and Zane bows.
"You 4 are the chosen ones who will protect the five weapons of spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon." Wu says and while Zane, Cole and Jay seemed happy about that, Kai couldn't imagine being some chosen one without his brother and sister by his side.
Wu turned to a disappointed Morro and Nya before using hus Spinjitzu again to change their clothes.
"Emerald ninja is Morro, master of wind. A trickster but loyal, an ally." He says and Morro bowed with a smirk on his face, a glaive in hand.
"Maroon ninja is Nya, master of water. You will be able to control as small as a single drop to as large as the sea." He told her and she grinned proudly, twirling her sais.
She hadn't unlocked her powers like Morro did but she was getting there.
"They will be your support but no less apart of the team. Each and every one of you are intune with elemental properties." He told them all, awing them. "Come! It is time! We must find the first weapon." Wu says then tapped his staff against the ground.
"Woah, hold on a minute. You said you were going to teach us spinjitzu." Cole says, stepping forward.
"Yeah pops, I'm certainly not doing any spinjitzu over here." Kai says with a frown.
"Spinjitzu is already inside each and every one of you. The door will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." Wu says and they all looked at him. "Come! My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage." He says, turning back into the monastery.
"I won't lie, I'm a little jealous you guys get epic golden weapons and we don't." Nya says, lifting an orb of soda from her bottle without taking her hands off of the controls.
"Eh, they're pretty cool." Kai shrugged, keeping his eyes on the screen.
"What I'm jealous about is that they get dragons. Dragons!" Morro emphasized then stole the orb of soda, using his wind and slurped it down.
"We're the ones who should be jealous. You guys actually have powers." Cole huffed, grabbing a slice of pizza.
"If we have em, I bet you guys do too." Morro shrugged, decimating all the enemy players.
"Huh?" "What?" "Aw man!" "Papa!" "Pops!" All 6 ninja exclaimed once the television was suddenly turned off.
"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean that he won't return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu!" He snapped at them, irritated as they lazed around- even his three children who knew better!
"But Sensei-"
"No buts Zane. I did not come to argue. Lord Garmadon has returned and was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village." He told them and they all flared up in panic.
Just like that, the six of them struggled to prepare for the mission, their weapons spread all over as they fell over each other. They managed to grab them then rush out to the dragon stables to mount their dragons. Nya rode with Kai while Morro rode with Jay for the sole purpose of intimidating him not to flirt with his sister. Jay gave a nervous yet terrified laugh before they all took air after some fumbling.
Despite it all, they were all eager to fight Garmadon again.
They didn't get Lord Garmadon, rather Lloyd Garmadon, his son. Kai, Nya and Morro would blame how they treated Lloyd on both their irritation and their inability to look past their personal feelings. But when Lloyd began releasing the serpentine, they all agreed on one thing: it was their fault. So when they finally cornered Lloyd on the roof of Darkly's, the first thing they did was apologize, confusing the poor boy.
He did eventually warm up to them since anytime the other ninja tried to call him a brat or a variant of such, they were met by three powerful forces of protection. Lloyd wasn't used to being defended- or even protected- but he grew used to it quickly.
Especially when they snuck him candy and comics.
Kai was the one who showed him cool ninja moves, Nya eas the one making sure he was always fed (and always had some form of sweets to offer, even if it's the healthier kind when he's had too much) and Morro would always read comics and play video games with him.
To Nya, Morro and Kai, he was the little brother they didn't know they needed.
"Guess who's dropping in on Mega Monster Amusement Park today?" Nya says on she popped her head in to see Lloyd busy playing a video game against Kai while Morro tutored him on how to defeat Kai.
"Papa wouldn't let us just drop in out of nowhere with Serpentine causing a menace." Morro pointed out as Kai let Lloyd win.
"No. Not unless there's serpentine on the loose." Nya grinned then placed her hand on her hip. "We should have enough time for a ride or two after we kick serpentine butt..." She pointed out and Lloyd beamed.
"Can we?! Can we please?!" He asked eagerly.
"I don't see why not." Kai says with a smirk, setting his controller aside.
"To the mechs?" Morro questioned Nya.
"To the mechs." She grinned.
Part 2
(So! First things first: Nya and Morro automatically believe that one of the og4 will be the green ninja so thry don't even get their hopes up. Also, there is zero hesitation from Kai to save Lloyd in the volcano. Whole everyone else is fighting over thr title, Nya and Morro are building mechs since they don't have fancy golden weapons that double as vehicles. Nya is way better at it than he is though. He specialises in vehicles. I swear these fics feel so short and it's maddening. I hope you guys like it anyway!)
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lovlettres-moved · 5 years
yes describe it to me
ooh heh alright!
overall: okay so I have always liked those tiny one roomed apartments (ofc with a living room) and something with a balcony would be so nice, i can put a small shelf there to keep books i am currently reading, a small space for snacks and drinks and a comfortable chair :p oh i would also keep plants in my balcony (probably succulents and herbs, bc they're the easiest to maintain)
colours : peach, grey and off white but i know im a cluttered person and will probably buy things not matching the colour scheme lolol
living room : oh i love bean bags so i am probably going to buy two or three of those, arm-chairs and love seats are cute so i would buy those too and have lots and lots of cushions and plushies. oh and i have so many little figures + trinkets + random stuff i have collected and i would use that as display pieces. oh and lots of candles, my living room would be full of candles. and windchimes too! hmm i would keep big drawers which would be full of books i wouldn't have read, but mostly the drawers would be deco pieces and not much more :p oh and i would probably buy a projector rather than a tv
my room : i would have my bookshelf here, which would mostly have books from my childhood bc it brings nostalgia and its comforting. there would also be a diffuser (with either lavender oil or cedarwood), there would be a smal (very messy) desk tucked into a corner where i would write poetry and make zines and stuff. oh and i will probably keep a small fridge in my room bc i am the laziest person and never get up to drink water so i will keep that beside my bed. and i will keep that moon lamp which i have been wanting so so much! and there will probably be a small space at some corner where i can pray and stuff !
kitchen : i will probably have a cupboard full of different types of teapots, and one with lots of mugs too :p hm there will only be me and my cats in my house so the kitchen would have a dining table for two inside and probably a coffee maker or smth. but i would have like two plus ovens or smth because i would bake and deliver things from home :p like a small home-business heh
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scotianostra · 5 years
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Iain Crichton Smith was born on the 1st January 1928 in Glasgow, and moved to Lewis two years later with his parents, both of Highland origin, and his two brothers.
His father died shortly afterwards, and he and his brothers were brought up by his mother in rather frugal conditions in the crofting community of Bayble. It is frequently stated that he was born on Lewis, but his first two years were spent in Glasgow, a fact he refers to in his writing.
He went to school in Stornoway, attending the Nicholson Institute, his early years were much influenced by the strictness on the Free Presbyterian which he said stifled creativity. The community in which he grew up was Gaelic-speaking, so that English was his second language, first learned at school. This bilingualism is also an important feature of his work, additionally allowing him to translate the work of other Gaelic poets like Sorley MacLean, as well as employ both languages in his own compositions.
He attended the University of Aberdeen, where he read English, graduating in 1949, and after a spell of National Service in the fifties, went on to become an English teacher, taking up posts in high schools in Clydebank, Dumbarton, and finally Oban. In 1977 he retired to concentrate full-time on writing, and in the same year he married Donalda Logan.
Smith was consistently prolific, publishing poetry, fiction, translations and essays throughout his adult life. His first collection of poetry was published in 1955 - a short paperback volume entitled The Long River. This was followed up by a number of collections, including his fifth in 1965, The Law and the Grace. This collection features one of Smith's famous 'Old Woman' poems, a meditation on the negative impact of the aforementioned Free Presbyterianism on the human spirit.
As well as his poetry Smith also wrote novels and short stories, but it is his poems he is most remembered for.
Here is a poem he wrote in Gaelic and the translation below.
Nuair a bha sinn òg/When we were young.
Nuair a bha sinn òg bhiodh uisge ann, is sinn a’ bualadh chlachan air na pòlaichean telegraf gun stad.
Bhiodh aon each ’na sheasamh ri balla ’s am bùrn a’ drùdhadh air ’s a chraiceann sleamhainn leis a’ bhùrn ghlas.
Nuair a bha sinn òg bhiodh sinn a’ cluich cèise-ball ’s a’ ghealach anns an adhar mar chèise-ball de òr.
Nuair a bha sinn òg bhiodh cailleachan ag ràdh ruinn: ‘Na dèan sud, dèan seo’, air eagal na caillich-oidhche.
Nuair a bha sinn òg bha an t-adhar falamh is dealbhan anns an leabhar, is talamh uaine, fad às.
Nuair a bha sinn òg, bha breugan ann, nuair a tha sinn aost’, ’s e ’bhreug a th’ ann gu robh an òig’ gun smal.
When we were young it rained and rained and rained. We flung white stones at the telegraph poles Again and again and again.
A horse stood snorting against a wall, Jet-black back going grey or green with the rain Sluicing down its flanks and shanks.
When we were young we went on and on Taking our goal-kicks under that moon, A sky-high football of gold.
When we were young old women told us And told us, scared of the night witch, ‘Son, ‘Not that way. This way instead.’
When we were young there were clear horizons. Pictures waited unseen in our books, A green land, far, far away.
When we were young the lies began And now we are old there is still the old lie: When we were young we were spotless.
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uglyducklingpresse · 7 years
Spiral Staircase Book Tour 2017
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From January 29 to February 24, Sho Sugita, translator of Japanese Futurist Hirato Renkichi’s collected poems, Spiral Staircase, will tour the US, celebrating the book’s publication with a string of readings from Seattle to NY. 
SCHEDULE (click on the date and location for more info)
Sunday, January 29, 7pm - Open Books, Seattle, WA
Tuesday, January 31, 7pm - Passages Bookshop, Portland OR
Wednesday, February 1, 7pm - Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, OR
Friday, February 3, 7pm - Alley Cat Books, San Francisco, CA
Sunday, February 5, 5pm - Otros Libros/Other Books, Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, February 8, 7pm - Malvern Books - Austin, TX 
Thursday, February 9, 7pm - Prairie Lights - Iowa City, IA
Saturday, February 11, 3pm - Seminary Co-op Bookstore  - Chicago, IL
Sunday, February 12, 2pm - Woodland Pattern - Milwaukee, WI
Monday, February 13, 7pm - Oscar Presents at The Bubbler - Madison, WI
Wednesday, February 15 7pm - Chase Public - Cincinnati, OH
Saturday, February 18, 7:30pm - UDP Winter Book Party at Pierogi - New York, NY
Sunday, February 19, 3pm - In Your Ear at DC Arts Center - Washington, DC
Friday, February 24, 7:30pm - Earshot at Shoestring Press - Brooklyn, NY
Once called “the Marinetti of Japan,” Hirato Renkichi produced a unique brand of Futurism from the late 1910s and early 1920s through poetry, criticism, and guerrilla performance. Contributing to the earliest productions of Japanese avant-garde poetry, his aggressive experimentation with speed, spatialization, and performability would later influence what became a lively community of Dadaist and Surrealist writers in pre-war Japan.
About Spiral Staircase, musician and writer David Grubbs writes: “Translator Sho Sugita’s ingenious handling of the high-impact, anxiously mutating poetry of Hirato Renkichi... brings into sharp focus a momentous, of-the-moment figure little known in the English-speaking world.” 
For more information on Spiral Staircase, and to order a copy, click here! 
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kinyohq · 7 years
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#8thgradepoetrytweets "I wonder if life would be better if dad was here" COMMENT THOUGHTS BELOW #inspire #inspiration #family #passion #poetry #writing #middleschool #ideas #thoughts #poetsofinstagram #truth #life #love #faith #hope #mission #entrepreneurship #knowledge #understanding #insight #children #smal #justice #father #caring #thoughtful #peace #searching
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
it does translate, at least for me and bruh. your mind is incredible. just those smal references and i’m feelin my heart break even more omg. i’m looking forward to the next parts. also i just realised you’re posting part three on our birthdays lmao i love this for us. (unless i’m getting the timings of timezones muddled but either way there’s a fic going up lmao) -🐈‍⬛
GOOD GOOD!! im excited to explain exactly what the reader means when they recommend Siken's Boot Theory but also siken makes me foam at the mouth and that poem makes me cry when i think too hard about it, and it's very very apt for this fic in a way that makes me EAT DIRT. siken makes me eat dirt /pos. poetry makes me eat dirt /pos.
i want to talk about this fic so much!! it lives in my heart!! i also love the playlist i made for it because im listening to it as im writing now
and i plan to post late today (8th, its 4am now), and then late the day after, the 9th, which will be the end of my birthdayy!
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The Rose 🌹 Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fictionrosemetalpress.com) Flash Fiction (rosemetalpress.com) Tips from Editors, Teachers, and Writers in the Field Edited by Tara L. Masih Notes by Carissa Morrison Good words/words of advice/phrases on the Back Cover: Unprecedented: Concise: Emerging: Hitherto: (Hitherto unknown early publications and appearances, to its current state and practice). Each essay is a gem, Thought-provoking, Genesis: Contemporary: In this book you will find: 25 brief essays by experts in the field, Creative exploration of Flash Fiction, A Comprehensive History of Short Short Story, Flash fiction/short short story’s early roots to its’ current state and practice, Audience: teachers, writers, and anyone interested in the field of short fiction, A thoughtful and thought-provoking resource. You will also find: Prompts and exercises in each essay. I will read, study, and interact with this book that I received in the mail last week from Full Sail University where I take online Creative College Classes. - Good Days Surveying the Landscape: A Preface VII In Pursuit of the Short-Short Story: An Introduction XI IN DEFENSE OF THE EXERCISE 1 - I will read You and the Piano Bench - an essay written by Pamela Painter CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL ROOTS OF FLASH FICTION 7 - That “V” Word - Nathan Leslie 15 - Old Wine in new Bottles?: Flash Fiction from Contemporary China - Qi 24 - The Myth-ing Link (Or, Linking Up to Myth) - 31 - Flash Fiction from Embryo to (Very Short) Adult - Tom FINDING FREEDOM AND FEELING IN THE FORM 36 - “Cheers,” (or) How I Taught Myself to Write - Jayne Anne Phillips 41 - Great Thoughts - Stuart BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS 45 - Titled: The Title: A Short Short Story’s Own Short short Story - Michael 54 - Fireworks and Burnt Toast: The Process of Opening Up Your Writing - Vanessa 65 - Smart Surprise in Flash Fiction - Jennifer Pieroni 68 - Making Flash Count - Randall Brown IMAGERY AS INSPIRATION 76 - Forty Stories in the Desert - Lex 87 - Staying True to the Image - Robert 95 - Hanging Fire: A Meta-narrative on Flash Fiction - Stacy POETRY VERSUS PROSE 102 - A Short Short Theory 105 - Getting the Lead Out: How Writing Really Bad Poetry Yields Really. Better short Stories - Steve Almond 109 - Flash Fiction, Prose Poetry, and Men Jumping Out of Windows: Searching for Plot and Finding Definitions TAKING RISKS 116 - Put Yourself in Danger: An Examination of Diane Williams’s Courageous Short - Deb Olin 121 - Flash in a Pan: Writing Outside of Time’s Boundaries- Sherrie Flick FOCUSING AND EDITING 125 - Expose Yourself to Flash - Mark 129 - Plaster Dust and Sleeping Jockeys: Tapping Your Story for Load-Bearing Sentences - Pia Z. 133 - Editing and Revising Flash Fiction: how to COAP - Rusty Barnes THE FUTURE OF FLASH FICTION 142 - Writing Fixed-Form Narratives: Who’s going to Stop You? - Bruce Holland Rogers 150 - A flash before the bang - Julio Ortega A CALL TO ACTION 155 - On Writing Flash Fiction - Ron Carlson Further Reading 159 Credits 164 About the Editor 165 Acknowledgments 166 A Note about the Type 168 The Preface Tara L. Masih Her vision for the project — the angle of the approach that won us over — was that it should avoid dryness and technicality. Instead of setting parameters or rules, the book should be brief and accessible, a book of ideas about and for flash fiction; it should be creative and capable of being read just for pleasure, as well as used as a teaching tool; and its very brevity should reflect the art of the flash fiction story. An Introduction: In Pursuit of the Short-Short Story “Each drop encases its own separate note, the way each drop engulfs its own blue pearl of light.” — from Stuart Dybbuk’s story “Nighthawks,” is as close to definition of flash fiction as I can personally offer. Roughly 1 - 3 pages and 250 - 1000 words A flash is simply a story in miniature, a work of art carved on a grain of rice— something of import to the artist or writer that is confined and reduced, either by design or outcome, into a smal
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exo-planet-system · 4 years
Heyyy, we know it's been a while, we were quite busy but we are so excited to be back ! It is a pleasure to go back to being active on social media after we took a break from it, taking care of ourselves and making sure we are becoming the best version of ourselves.
Hélène is still drawing and she spends more time on it than ever because we are thinking about starting our own shop ! As some of you may know we are a DID system and we are slowly realizing that are disability will probably prevent us from holding a conventional job down the line, which put a lot of stress upon us.
We love arts and we really believe that owning a smal business could both heal our soul and helps us to get an income !
As of now, we think about selling stickers, prints, but also perlers and perhaps even edit Claire's poetry ! There is still a long way to go but we are very hopeful and more than very excited about this project and i personally can't wait to see it take shape, little by little.
If you are interested in all of that and want to follow us through this creative journey, you can follow us for more !
With love, -Mathieu
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