#small pepper grinder
lovecoremarbs · 3 months
Proudly Displayed
fandom: smiling friends
prompt: charlie dompler/reader
words: 1,264
summary: Things were going well as you and your boyfriend unpacked the first few boxes, that was until he got to the bottom of the first box and stumbled across something you wished he wouldn't bring up. Your degree.
notes: Yes, this was totally inspired by the game "Unpacking" where you have to put the character's degree underneath the bed of their shitty ex to progress through the game. I tried a new writing style with this by trying not to break up paragraphs like I normally do, hope you like it!
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Boxes were all strewn around Charlie’s apartment, you two were bringing in the last of them as you only had rented the moving truck for a few hours and your time was quickly running out. You and Charlie, after months and months of back-and-forth discussions, decided to bite the bullet and finally move in together. Your lease was almost up anyway, so the best decision was to move into his place by the end of the month. You both had moved the last of the boxes into the small space, crashing down on his couch as you both leaned against each other on the lumpy cushion, your chests heaving as shitty timing decided you moved in during the hottest point in summer. Your mind wandered as Charlie breathed heavily next to you, his eyes half-lidded while sweat poured down his face onto his white shirt, leaving a thick wet ring around his neck. Damn, he must really love you if he’s willing to do all this work to help move you into his place. Charlie was known for doing the bare minimum at work, home, basically anywhere so to see him go through this much effort for you made your chest fill up with butterflies, daring to make you nauseous. He really wanted you there with him and showed it to you, even if he didn’t mention it…
Your mind wandered further, thinking about the moving truck. You reached out for your phone on the coffee table, your screen reading 3;40 pm. Shit, you needed to have the moving truck back by 4, or else there would be an extra fee. SIghing, you were preparing to get up and moving only to have an out-of-breath Charlie pull you back down onto the couch with him.
“Not now.” He swallowed hard as he spoke,”Ugh- You need to rest.” You raised your brow, pointing to the window, “But the truck is-” “Those stuck-up assholes can wait, I don’t want you getting heatstroke.”  He was right, you were already sweating your ass off in your shirt and sweatpants, if you went out in the sun right now, you would pass out right in the middle of the road. But there was no point in sitting there and doing nothing, you wanted to get this done before bed tonight and the boxes won't unpack themselves. Getting up off the couch, you walked over to a leaning pile of small boxes and ripped the tape off of one of them with your bare fingers.
“H- Hold on.” Using the bottom hem of his shirt, he wiped the sweat off the top of his forehead with it. “Gimme a minute and I’ll help you with that.” He’d been getting better at doing things on his own accord and not having to be asked, you took note of that. You smiled at him and turned your attention back to the contents of the boxes, small trinkets and necessities filled this one, stuff you needed Charlie’s help to find a place for. Right on cue, he walked over and pulled out things one at a time. It was stuff that was all mixed about, as you didn’t really have time to organize shit. Well, you kinda did but procrastination can be a bitch, y’know? But it got a laugh out of Charlie, which in turn made you laugh. “Babe, what is a PEPPER GRINDER doing in a box with your bathroom shit? How in the hell did you do that?” Your boyfriend laughed his ass off as you tried to explain yourself, “I was in a hurry!” “My ass, what did you do? Bring the pepper grinder into the bathroom as you were making dinner?” It was like that for most of that box as you worked on emptying another, until he got to the bottom where he pulled back the newspaper to see a degree displayed in a very nice frame. 
“Oh shit, this is a master’s degree.” You were pulled from your thoughts as you looked over, seeing Charlie holding the frame, his eyes slightly wide as he looked back at you. “You didn’t tell me you went to college, let alone you graduated.” Snatching it away from him, you held the frame to your chest, “I didn’t think it was that important.” You started to sweat again, this time not from the sweltering heat. “Babe, that’s like- super impressive and important. Do you know how many people actually finish college and graduate?” Your face flushed as your chest tightened, he was making a big deal out of this when it really wasn’t. You didn’t feel like bringing it up so you didn’t! “I just figured you didn’t wanna hear about it, it’s no big deal.” You looked away from him, going back to emptying the boxes. Only problem? You couldn’t focus at all and kept picking up the same two things, staring at them as Charlie continued. 
“What do you mean I ‘wouldn’t wanna hear about it’? What would make you think that, honestly?” Shit. You really didn’t want to think about him ever again, but Charlie’s question really made you think. Think to the point you dug up old memories you hoped would be locked away in the void pit of your brain forever and ever. You took a breath, despite the large lump in your throat making it hard to do so, and faced him. “You remember that ex I had right before I met you?” Charlie’s expression softened as he sat down, “Yeah? What about him?” “Well, he had all these things hanging up on his wall that he proudly displayed-guitars, records, family pictures.” Your breath hitched as you continued. “Well, when I first moved in with him, he told me he… Had no room for my degree and I had to put it away. Said ‘It wasn’t that important anyways.’ So I did, haven’t hung it up since.” 
Charlie’s expression turned to one of frustration, his lip slightly quivered in anger. Balling up his fists, he spoke rather loudly, “With all due respect-nah scratch that, fuck that asshole. With NO due respect, that’s bullshit!” He took the frame out of your hands and stomped over to the junk drawer of your now-shared kitchen, pulling out nails and a hammer. “Charlie, what are you…?”  
His knuckles were turning white from how tight he was holding the hammer, lining up a nail to the kitchen wall as he hammered one in. “I’m showing you, this is something that needs to be proudly displayed!” He hung your degree on the wall, taking a step back to look at it with you. 
“Does it look crooked? I-I can’t really tell.” “No, it looks fine Charlie but why did you do all that? I mean, it’s just a damn piece of paper.” Charlie pointed at you as he continued, “See? That’s why I did it, right there. If you really believe that, I’m never taking that ‘damn piece of paper’ down.” That feeling in your chest came back, not the one where it felt like your heart broke into pieces but the one where it felt like your heart was in a chokehold, in a good way of course. Charlie wrapped an arm around you as you both stared at your master’s degree. Yeah, you should feel proud, all those years of studying and tests were damn worth it right that second. 
Your proud moment was short-lived however when Charlie looked at his phone and mumbled “Oh shit. We gotta get the truck back now, it’s thirty minutes overdue.” 
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
Can You Forgive Me? ~ Part 15
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader
This is part 15 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 5316
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (this part can be found in Ch. 5 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: You play hooky for the day, and spend time with a friend. Teasing Sanji in the morning is fun, but when your evening date comes around, he shows you just what you do to him.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff, Teasing, Pet Names, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, Large Cock, Blow Jobs, Comeplay, Come Eating, Voyerism, Sanji’s still a perv, Spit, Breast Fucking, Relationship Discussions, Alcohol, Polyamory, Porn with Feelings, Condoms, Insecurity, Multiple Orgasms, Aftercare
A/N: I may have gone a little overboard with this Sanji chapter. I hope you enjoy the love cook as much as I do! 💖
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“Good morning, ladies! I brought you breakfast in bed!”
Stretching, your frustrated groan turned into a sigh of contentment as Robin’s arms wrapped around you. She was so warm, and you melted against her as she chuckled at Sanji’s strained voice. 
“I don’t wanna,” you whispered, curling into her.
“If you let him in, we can stay here for breakfast. Tell him we’re skipping the check in today.”
Scrunching your nose, you propped up to look at her. She tapped your nose with a wink.
“Let’s play hooky today, you deserve it. Plus, don’t you think it’ll be fun to toy with our eager cook?”
Almost tripping as you fought not to giggle, you haphazardly wrapped the small blanket Robin keeps on her loveseat around you. The knitted one with lots of large holes. 
You grinned at Robin on the bed. She’d rolled onto her stomach, propping herself on her elbows with her feet in the air. The blanket was artfully covering just what it needed to, and not much else. We are so fucking mean. 
The scent of cinnamon syrup wafted in when you opened the door, and you took in the sight of your lover, the generous chef that you’d be seeing this evening. 
He was pushing a cart with trays of covered food, mimosas, and decorative shells. He’d learned his lesson about raiding your stashes of flower petals. 
Sanji’s face was bright, but his smile faltered for a moment when he saw your bare shoulders, and that tiny blanket. 
The sight of Sanji’s thickest apron, with its pockets filled with utensils, and that rather large pepper grinder, brought a wicked smile to your lips. You didn’t feel bad for toying with him now. He knows exactly what he’s doing, waking us early. 
Wetting your lips, watching his mouth hang open as he stared at yours, you felt ready for him right then. But you wanted him to earn it today. 
“Good morning, Sanji,” you said in a low voice, stepping aside to let him enter. 
“Good morning! Mon amour, you look radiant today! And Robin, dear, you’re looking gorgeous!”
“Thank you, Sanji. Will you let the crew know that Y/N and I will be taking the day off?”
Sanji was staring open mouthed at Robin, her exposed skin gleaming in the morning light. You grabbed the two drinks to hand one to Robin, and your blanket was perilously close to falling. 
Sanji’s eyes were wide, his face burning red as he tried to decide where to look. 
“Don’t worry, Sanji. I promise I’ll take good care of Y/N until your date this evening.”
Sanji had bitten his lip while he glanced between you, but Robin’s promise pulled a soft whine from his throat.
Setting your glass down, you stalked toward your prey. 
“Thank you for breakfast, Sanji. I can’t wait until tonight.”
You leaned on your tiptoes toward him, eating up the desperation on his red, twitching face.
“I think I’d like some pepper with my breakfast.”
Your evil whisper made him gasp, and your hand reaching into his apron’s pocket made him stumble, moaning softly as he grabbed onto your arms. 
You held the grinder to your chest like a trophy as he towered over you, his hands gripping your arms harder as his breathing went heavy. Your own pulse sped at the look in his blown out eyes, and you forgot you were teasing him. You wanted him to fuck you right there on the floor, and he looked seconds away from tearing that blanket away. He looked seconds away from devouring you.
Until Robin cleared her throat softly, and Sanji let you go, sucking in a breath as he turned away from you both. He seemed to be hunching over as he walked toward the door, and you wondered how well his apron worked without your trophy. He waved over his shoulder as he left, his voice breathless.
“Enjoy breakfast, and your day off, angels!”
Turning on your heels after he closed the door, you caught Robin’s wide eyed smirk, and you burst out laughing. 
“Oh, he’s going to be even more fun than I thought.”
You agreed, and the thought of toying with him with Robin was so tempting. You knew he’d love it too, just like he’d loved listening to you fuck Zoro, probably Robin too. The way he loved looking up your skirt while he rubbed himself over his pants. You knew he’d eat up any sort of punishment you could throw at him, and Robin would probably have him barking for her in minutes. 
But the way he’d looked down at you when you’d reached into his apron. The way he held you, almost too hard, his dark eyes burning you. It felt like you'd played too far, and he’d almost thrown you down, and made you pay for it.
Robin didn’t miss the shivers that ran through you at those thoughts. She kissed the palm of your hand, sending a flurry of hands to bring the plates to the bed. 
“Definitely more fun,” she teased as she licked cinnamon syrup off of her finger. 
The quiet morning with Robin was so needed. You hated missing a single day of training, but she’d talked some sense into you. 
Eventually you got ready for the day, joking that Sanji would pass out if he found out you were showering together. 
After another round of countless soft kisses under the steam, you decided to go spend time with a friend.
“Hey Usopp!”
Usopp yelled, but managed not to drop whatever it was he was working on. 
“Geez, Y/N, give me a warning next time.”
Apologizing with a laugh, you crept into his messy quarters/workshop. Sitting cross-legged on the edge of his bed, you enjoyed catching up with the sniper.
“How did you learn to make all this stuff?”
“Well, Y/N, I traveled across the seas, and found the most incredible master tinkerers, but when they saw my work, they declared Captain Usopp the greatest inventor in the land!”
“That's amazing,” you laughed, grinning at his story. “But you know, I think it would be even more impressive if you just learned how to do all this on your own at home.”
“Oh um,” he stuttered, his ears turning red. “I, uh, did that first, of course!”
Shaking your head, you tried to figure out what he was working on, but gave up to ask instead.
“Oh, I’m just trying to figure out ways to help the Merry, at least until we get a shipwright.”
Usopp’s voice gave away more worry than you thought he meant to, and you stood to touch his shoulder. 
“You’ve taken great care of her so far, Usopp. I know you’ll get us there.”
Usopp gave another soft smile, dipping his head before pushing it. 
“That’s right, when Usopp the Master Tinkerer is done, our new shipwright won’t have any work to do!”
Grinning at him, you noticed a box in the corner that looked familiar. Unable to resist, you pulled out your modified tonfa sticks. 
“Whoa, hold on, Y/N!”
Usopp hurried over, gingerly taking them from you.
“Why, I thought they were almost ready?”
He pulled them out, holding the handles so that the length of the tonfa followed the line of his forearms. 
“Yeah, but I made some changes. Since Zoro and Sanji are being lame about it being too dangerous, I made some tweaks.”
You noticed that Usopp had extended to colors on the handles to cover the whole weapon. He set the dark purple one down, lifting the toxic green tonfa in front of you before lining it back up along his arm. 
“They said it’s too dangerous for you to use, so I changed the thorn attack. Take a look.”
“Tonfa Daydream Thorns!”
Along the outside edge of the short end on the tonfa, a line of small blades jutted out. Usopp moved the tonfa clumsily, showing how you might use it to scrape people offensively. 
But that's also where you’d use the tonfa to block attacks. 
“Usopp that’s perfect. Now if someone gets in close and tries to touch me, they poison themselves. Just like thorns!”
You beamed at each other, and Usopp’s shy smile came out again. The one he gets when he gets a real compliment for himself, not a story. If not for the weapon between you, you would have hugged him. 
“Awesome, right? You won’t be able to punch the poison dagger out of the short end like before, but now there won’t be a hidden blade where you put your mouth to blow the dart. Honestly, they were probably right about that being dangerous. But hey, now you’ve got some defense. What d’ya think?”
Taking the tonfa from him slowly, you held it up to block, loving the feel of it along your arm. 
“I think I love it, Usopp. You’re amazing!”
You set the weapon down so you could give him a tight hug, and he patted your back a bit awkwardly while he laughed.
“So, when do you think they’ll let you use them?
A  clipped laugh left you as you pulled back, shaking your head. 
“Probably when I’m dead.”
On your way to dinner you felt warm fingers tug on your wrist. Already sighing as you enjoyed the scent of him, you turned to find Zoro behind you. You thought your contented sigh may have come too early when you caught his expression. 
“Hi, babe. What’s up?”
Zoro’s lip twitched up at his new nickname, and you smirked. I love making this grump smile. 
He paused for a moment, looking into your eyes until your lips parted.
“You missed training.”
“I, uh, yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to at first, but Robin reminded me I need to take breaks so I don’t get burned out.”
His brows pinched together, and he took a slow breath before speaking, his voice even.
“Robin told you not to see me today?”
Fighting to keep your eyes from rolling, you pulled his hand up, kissing the pad of his thumb before shaking your head. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t spend time with you today, Zoro. It wasn’t Robin’s fault. She was right, I’ve been feeling like I need to take more breaks with everything going on.”
Zoro’s eyes stayed on yours, so deep, with the barest hint of hurt.
“I promise I’ll be there bright and early, so you can beat the shit out of me tomorrow.”
Lacing your fingers with his, you teased him as you closed the distance between you. 
“Can you forgive me?”
He was chewing on his lip as he looked into your puppy dog eyes, his breath hitching.
“You are so fucking needy.”
You giggled into his mouth as he pressed his lips to yours. 
I’m not the only one. 
“You like me that way.”
“You haven’t tasted your cheesecake.”
“Hm? Oh, sorry.”
Reaching out with a dainty fork, you brought a small bite to your mouth. You almost stopped, your breath catching in your throat. 
Sanji’s eyes had been on you throughout dinner, and you could hardly think. Now he sat across from you with his own dinner, and your hands were shaking while you tried to eat the small dessert he’d prepared just for you. 
He’s not talking. That’s why this feels weird.
Normally Sanji would be showering you with endless flowery compliments, teasing jokes, asking how you’re doing. 
But now all he was doing was staring while he made you eat for him. 
Thoughts of this morning's teasing had your pulse racing. Taking another bite of that creamy cheesecake, you showed Sanji how much you loved his gift. 
There was no need to pretend with Sanji’s incredible food. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you let loose a small moan of pleasure, your body rocking gently from side to side.
“This is amazing, Sanji,” you praised, your voice breathy.
He gave a sharp intake of breath before finishing his meal. 
“Thank you, Y/N.”
Shivering, you kept eye contact as much as you could while you ate the rest of the dessert, scraping every last bite off your plate. 
Then you dragged your finger through the remains of the chocolate syrup, sucking it off of your skin while you held his dark gaze. Sanji’s eyes rolled back before he put his hands on the table. The veins in his large hands stood out as they tensed on the wood. His next words came out low, and dangerous. 
“You know, Y/N, I truly believe you are an angel.”
Chills ran up your arms and neck, and he watched your every movement. 
“But I’m starting to suspect that you want more from me than just my body or my heart.”
“Wha-What, Sanji…”
He stood smoothly, before kneeling on the ground in front of you. You tilted in your seat to face him, hyper aware of the short skirt you’d worn for your cook. 
“You want my sanity, don’t you?”
His whisper froze you, and you couldn’t respond as he leaned toward you, covering your bare thighs with his hands. 
“You want the dark, dirty parts of me that no one else can stand. Don’t you, angel?”
Gasping, you nodded as his fingers slid under your skirt.
Sanji gave a satisfied hum, his hands trailing higher, making you squirm. Thick fingers traced along your panties, already soaked through for him. He kept his fingers there, barely brushing against where you ached for him to enter.
“Do you know what you did to me this morning?”
All you could do was take gasping breaths as Sanji’s predatory eyes seemed to eat at you. 
“Y/N, did you enjoy driving me mad?”
Sanji’s free hand gripped into your hair, not hard, but firm enough to keep your eyes to his while you stuttered. 
“Shh, angel. You don’t need to lie to me. The way you teased me today. You had so much fun, didn’t you? Do you know how close you were to getting what you wanted so badly, mon coeur? Do you know how close I was to taking you right there on the floor, in front of your other lover? I know you wanted me to.”
You cried out then, body shaking with need.
“You are my dirty angel, aren’t you? Do you want me to take care of you?”
Tears were already streaming from your eyes while you begged.
“Yes, please. Please, Sanji- fuck.”
Sanji spread your legs, pulling your panties to the side for two of his skilled fingers to invade you. Biting your tongue to keep from screaming, you melted into the sensations, grinding on his hand.
“You want me to do all these filthy things to you. Isn't that right, sweetheart? Letting me finger you out here in the open where anyone could walk in. Letting me listen to you hold in your screams while your other lovers think you’re all theirs. You know I listen, don’t you, darling? I know you love knowing I’m there, knowing I can hear you moan their names.”
Moaning his name, you were already so close to the edge as he brought his thumb to your clit.
“My perfect, filthy girl, letting me fuck another beautiful woman. Practically begging me to take another lover. I bet you want me to pleasure you both at the same time. My darling, sweet angel, do you want my tongue or my cock inside you while she rides the other?”
You shoved your fingers into your mouth, biting them to muffle your screams, while he ripped the orgasm from you. The warm pressure of it exploded from your center, sending waves through your body. Falling backwards onto the bench, your toes curled while Sanji drew more of it out, even more pleasure. 
“You are so perfect, Y/N.”
You hummed, still dizzy, as you felt Sanji put your panties back in place. He rubbed his warm hands along your legs, then kneeled over you to lay a soft kiss on your cheek. 
“Rest for a moment, sweetheart. I’m going to do our dishes, and then I’ll be carrying you to my room. If you’d like to join me, of course.”
Sanji whispered more praise as he held you to his chest. Your body felt loose, warm as you snuggled against him. He set you down in the center of his bed, and then your body went tense as he looked down at you. All that heat was back in his eyes, and you ached to let him do what he wanted to you. Keeping his heavy gaze, you managed to speak. 
“What do you want to do to me, Sanji?”
Sanji shuddered as he started to take off his jacket and dress shirt, his fingers dancing along as they undid every button. His fingers seemed to tease you, and your eyes rolled back slightly when you remembered what he’d just done with those fingers at the kitchen table. 
“I want to take good care of my gorgeous girl.”
Your mouth fell open as he threw his dress shirt to the side, then tore off his undershirt, leaving his stunning muscles exposed in the dim light. 
You pulled off your top, still noticing how distant he was, like he was keeping himself from you. Normally Sanji would push your hands away so he could undress you himself. You watched his parted lips as you took off your bra, loving the intake of breath it caused. 
“How are you going to take care of me?”
Sanji kept eye contact as he stripped the rest of the way, chuckling at you when you had to look down. You could practically feel his cock throbbing. It was already so thick, and now it was red and swollen, precum dripping down.
You rid yourself of your skirt and panties, and spread your thighs, letting him see what a mess he’d already made of you. 
Sanji’s legs nearly buckled, and you crawled toward him, guiding his hips to sit on the bed while he twitched. 
“Sanji, I know I was so mean today. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course, mon amour.”
You knelt between Sanji’s legs, and he moaned before you’d even touched him. 
“Let me make it up to you.”
You grabbed his thick cock with both hands, feeling your pussy clench when you touched his aching skin. 
Letting your tongue hang out of your mouth, you guided your lips to his tip, but Sanji put his hands in the way.
“N-No, my sweet, it’s okay.”
“But, Sanji?”
“It’s okay darling. I know it’s not comfortable.”
You looked down, his dick still swollen in your hands. He was right, you’d never gone down on anyone with girth like this. Hell, I’ve never seen anyone with a cock like this before. 
“Sanji, please let your dirty angel try.”
He fell back onto his elbows, eyes heavy lidded. 
You gave him a show. Playing with him, you started to lick and kiss away the wetness at his tip, then licked your way up and down his shaft. 
There was so much of him. You looked up at him to find the most glorious, desperate face you’d ever seen. Sanji was whimpering and twitching, and staring at you like you really were an angel.
Swirling your tongue around the tip, you placed your lips around it and sucked, letting go with a popping sound that had Sanji moaning your name. 
“Does that feel good, Sanji,” you teased before taking the tip of him back into your mouth, humming around him like you had with his dessert earlier.
“Fuck, angel, you feel incredible. You’re so perfect for me, mon amour. Your lips look so beautiful wrapped around my cock.”
Sanji’s praise had your body clenching in need again, and you started to lose yourself in what you were doing. Your hands were helping you with your work, and you let spit pool and drip around his dick, letting it hang from your lips in long strands when you’d look up at him. The pure need on his face spurred you on, you needed more. 
Taking deep, slow breaths, you readied yourself to take more than just his tip. You tried to relax your jaw, and already the small progress you made had Sanji moaning your name. 
This is going to take lots of practice.
You would have laughed at that thought if Sanji’s thick cock wasn’t filling every corner of your mouth. You didn’t think he’d mind all the practice sessions you’d need to take more of him into you. 
When you pulled back, you continued to play and tease, swirling your tongue, sucking, and even scraping your teeth lightly.
Sanji was twitching and moaning, and clearly trying so hard to keep his eyes on you. 
“Fuck, Sanji, you’re so hard. I love feeling your cock in my mouth, you taste so good.”
“Mm, angel, I’m c-close.”
“Where do you want to come, baby? I want your come so bad.”
Sanji’s head flew back. When he brought his eyes back to yours, the desperation in his face made you drip with need. 
“Let me- Please let me feel your soft breasts around my cock, darling.”
Blinking, you looked down at him in your hands. You’d never been able to wrap your breasts around anyone’s dick before, let alone one as girthy as his.
“I don’t think…”
“Just like this, sweetheart.”
Sanji managed to stand, leaning over you to guide you. He gave soft moans as he cupped your hands, showing you how to squeeze your breasts around his hard length. They didn’t reach all the way around like you thought, but he adjusted your hold.
Now his aching cock was nestled between your breasts, while your hands pressed them around him, and finished the circle so he was surrounded by your soft skin. 
You smiled at him, never thinking you could do this act before. Now that you were in this position, it felt so fucking hot. Sanji looked at you like you were a masterpiece.
All the spit you’d let drip onto him was perfect as Sanji started to slowly thrust between your breasts. Moaning for him, you kept your hands in place, adjusting as needed, and enjoying the feel of his shaft fucking your chest.
“Ma belle,” he moaned, his thrusts erratic. “I’m close, do you-“
“Come on my chest, Sanji. I need to feel you come all over me now, please.”
Sanji grabbed the back of your head, and stared down at you as long as he could while his cock started pulsing and twitching between your breasts. Hot come shot in long spurts on your neck and breasts. 
He had to throw back his head as he groaned his last release, and when he turned back to you he fell to the bed. 
The way Sanji looked at you covered in his pleasure sped your pulse. It was intoxicating.
You could feel the thick come slowly dripping down your breasts, so you dragged some down and swirled it around your nipples. 
Sanji growled, making you gasp as he gripped your arms. 
His blown out eyes stared into yours from centimeters away.
“Don’t waste food.”
You cried out as Sanji's hand smeared his come across your neck and chest. He massaged it into your skin before gathering some on his fingers. He delicately put those two fingers into your mouth, and his other hand tightened against your arm. Moaning, you eagerly sucked his come off of his skin.
He kept dragging more from your chest for you to eat, all while showering you with praise.
“Mon ange, my filthy girl. My perfect, beautiful darling. You are so good for me. So filthy, just for me.”
You nodded and moaned around his fingers, your body shaking and dripping with need.
“Oh, how selfish of me! Does my sweet angel need some attention?”
All you could do was whimper. 
“I’ll be right back darling. I’ll wash my hands, and come help you clean up. Unless you’d like me to carry your perfect, sticky body through the halls to the bathing room?”
Choking on a laugh, you shook your head. Sanji lifted you to rest on his bed, leaving you with soft kisses before he went. 
You just buzzed in the afterglow, shaking at the knowledge that it wasn’t over. That Sanji’s hands were coming back to clean you, and pleasure you again. 
But it wasn’t his hands this time. After Sanji had gently cleaned you, praising, and kissing you, he laid on his stomach. He looked at your dripping pussy like it was his favorite treat. 
“May I have my dessert now, darling?”
You’d barely moaned your ‘yes,’ when you were writhing against his sheets. 
Sanji’s tongue is too fucking good.
Your hips twitched to meet him, and he played with your clit with that delectable ring, before diving into your center. You were soaked, and you could feel the skin of his face rubbing along your folds, getting drenched in you. The feel of his tongue inside you, after what he’d said earlier, brought you close, eager. You felt his satisfied hum move into your body, and you moaned his name. 
He lifted his shining face away, adding two fingers while he watched you dance. 
“Look how wet you are for me.”
Your eyes rolled back when you saw him lick his lips. 
“Mon coeur, you were made for me, weren’t you? Such a sweet angel, who loves it when I make a mess on her. Who loves letting me make her so filthy.”
Panting, you felt yourself already starting to clench for him. Sanji added a third finger, then sucked your clit into his filthy mouth while you came again, your legs twitching so hard you accidentally kicked him. 
“Don’t ever be sorry for your pleasure darling. I would walk on hot coals if it would make you smile.”
You groaned at him, too weak to do or say anything else. 
Sanji kissed his way up your body, playing with your hair while he gazed down at you.
“I hope you know I mean every word, mon amour.”
You didn’t know how to respond, or if you even could yet, but you felt a soft smile touch your lips. Sanji leaned down to kiss it, before whispering over your skin. 
“Can my sweet angel take one more?”
Not sure if it was true, you nodded to your beautiful, insatiable chef. 
Pulling yourself up onto your elbows, you enjoyed the show as Sanji rubbed the condom down his length, already so hard again. You both laughed as he put the condom on his tip wrong, fighting to drag it down. Your laugh left when he came toward you. 
Sanji propped his back against the headboard, stretching his powerful legs out in front of him. Once again, you imagined what he could do to you with all that strength if he didn’t hold himself back. 
He guided you down to straddle him, not entering you yet. Instead he caressed your skin, looking at every part of you like he’d discovered hidden treasure. 
You reached out to grip his shoulders, hovering as he guided his thick shaft, lining up with your entrance. He kept one hand on your hip, and you lowered yourself, gasping when you felt him. 
You were so tempted to slam yourself onto his cock, and you might have tried it despite the pain, but for the look in his eyes. 
Sanji's eyes were soft, lips parted as he stared into yours. He kept his eyes on you as you started to moan, the feel of him filling you taking over. 
He brought a hand to cup the side of your jaw, rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
Desperate tears pricked your eyes as you finally sank onto him, his hilted length stretching you so tight.
He reached out to kiss you, softly teasing your mouth open so he could taste you. You whimpered, needing to move on him, and he helped you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders while Sanji guided your movements, helping you ride him. His strong hands lifted your hips to slide you along his cock until you were shaking for him. 
“You are so perfect for me, Y/N. So fucking good for me, I can’t take it.”
“I can’t believe you’re mine. I’ll do anything for you, angel.” 
Sanji grabbed one of your hands, kissing it, before placing it where you needed it. He brought his hand back to your hip to control your body while you played with your clit. 
“I’ll do every filthy thing on the planet to you, just to make you moan, sweetheart. Your body is divine, you bless me with every touch.”
Sanji’s voice started to falter, and then he was cupping your ass to hold you against him. He flipped you onto your back and you fought screams as he started thrusting into you, giving you his strength. 
“Sanji, you make me feel so good. Please, don’t stop.”
He kept his eyes on yours while he pounded into you, his words melting over you. 
“Mm, I’ll never stop pleasuring you, mon coeur. I’ll take care of you. You’re my… perfect… angel- Fuuck…”
Biting your lips, you convulsed under him. You felt like his touch was the only thing tethering you to the world as heat and pleasure filled every part of your body. You panted his name, your nails scratching down his back as you felt Sanji’s release, twitching and filling that condom inside you. 
The thought of his come filling you up freely, coating you, dripping out of you. That thought made your own orgasm keep rolling, and you hoped you’d get the opportunity to enjoy that with him one day. 
Sanji pulled himself out as gently as he could, kissing you as you gasped. But he stayed above you looking at your face like he was trying to memorize it. 
“Sanji, what-”
“I adore you.”
You smiled, trying to move to get up, and not having much success. Sanji jumped off the bed to remove the condom, before cleaning you up again, propping up on an elbow beside you so he could look at your face.
“I’m serious, Y/N.”
You raised your eyebrows at your name again, reaching to touch his cheek. 
“I know you do. I adore you too, Sanji.”
He let out a small sigh, looking up. 
“Perhaps it is the boy who cried wolf.”
You tensed your brows, still too deep in the afterglow to think clearly. He played with your hair, tickling along your temple and jaw.
“You know I treasure all women.”
“Me too,” you teased, making him moan. 
“I want you to know that I don’t just want you for the incredible sex you share with me, or the freedom you’ve given me to love other women. Although those are blessings I never imagined I could deserve.”
You hummed, although your chest was feeling tight. 
“I love how intelligent, how strong, and how stubborn you are.”
“Hey,” you teased, hitting his chest lightly as he grinned at you. 
“I love how you make me laugh, I love how you tease me.”
You started to melt, feeling overwhelmed as he gazed at you. 
“I love how loving you are. You’ve walked us all through so many emotions, so many would-be disasters. You listen to what I need. Your heart is so big and beautiful that it can hold room for so many needy people.”
Your skin was flushed, and you had to fight not to squirm or look away. 
“I am so grateful for this chance to know you, to hold you.”
Sanji’s eyes held you, hypnotized you as he leaned close.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 16
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia
A/N: Can you tell I really like Sanji? 😅 What did you think of the morning tease scene, and Sanji's response? I had so much fun writing this one 😊
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
192 notes · View notes
eiflawriting · 2 years
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨
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(✧) ─ 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘭𝘦' 𝙞 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝘴𝘦𝘹 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦.
(✧) ─ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔! 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦'/𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴. 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱. 𝙏𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙎𝙆𝙄𝙋 𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉. 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘺!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳. 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 ─  𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭, 𝘮𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘯, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭,  𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘦𝘵𝘤. 𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭 ─  𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘤𝘰𝘸𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘦. 𝘪𝘧 𝘪 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘪 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(✧) ─ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔
𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘫 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦. 𝘪 𝘢𝘪𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦. 𝘪'𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥'𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦. 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘪 𝘥𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦. 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘱, 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺? 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥. ♡ 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔. 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙊 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙏. 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘰3.
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𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑾𝑬𝑻𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑫 𝑩𝑬𝑻𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑵 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑺 𝑨𝑺 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑫 𝑶𝑵 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑲𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑶 𝑺𝑼𝑪𝑲 𝑶𝑭𝑭 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑩𝑶𝒀𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫, Aran Ojiro—outside hitter of the Tachibana Red Falcons. You haven't seen him in almost a month due to being on the road for Nationals. However, you didn't expect him to arrive at your apartment unannounced at eleven thirty at night. You missed him dearly, wanting nothing more than to do the things you promised him on all your steamy FaceTime calls.
The moment you saw Aran, you dragged him by the belt to your bedroom to sit him on the corner of your bed. You felt like a fucking nymphomaniac. To think he couldn't choose a better time to come. Usually, he would be asleep around this time, so you took it upon yourself to masturbate to the explicit photos and videos he sends. And just when you were about to climax, Aran knocked on your door.
Aran observed you, enjoying how your plush lips parted around his length. You were sloppy with your head—he loved that. He loved how you did your best to fit all nine inches of his cock down your throat, producing gags and gargles. The amount of saliva down your chin and his balls was obscene. You were sure there was a small puddle underneath him, but neither of you cared. That's just how nasty you are.
He nearly felt his soul leave his body, trying to contain himself, but you were sucking him off too well. Aran was so weak for you. He had such a stressful day, and he knew that stress would be gone the second he saw you. His face grew warmer the more you took him in your mouth. His hand gripped the back of your head while he whimpered your name. Not to control your actions but to take comfort. Though—he would be lying if he said he didn't want to fuck your pretty face.
You swirled up and down while twisting his cock like salt 'n pepper grinders to continue pulling those husky grunts from his chest. Hearing his sounds of pleasure boosted your confidence and proved even after weeks, you never lost your touch. He sounded so fucking sexy with those breathy moans of your name, nipping his bottom lip while staring at you through heady-lidded eyes.
Those eyes screamed, "I can't wait to fuck the shit out of you."
All the cum Aran had pent up was being saved for your pussy, so he'd only allow you to suck him off for a bit longer. You began deepthroating him while gently playing with his balls. Fuck erupted from the pit of Aran's stomach due to the warmth of your mouth engulfing him. The vibrations of your moans tickled his cock, to which he reflexively bucked into your throat, causing you to gag. His libido was put on pause.
Aran felt terrible for accidentally shoving his dick in your mouth without warning. He pulled you off him to shower your face with soft kisses, uttering his apologies. Your sweet giggles melted his heart, but he had to ensure you were okay.
"I'm sorry, baby girl. Are you okay?"
"I'm good. I actually like how that feels."
He chuckled, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip. "What am I gonna do with you?"
"Well, you could let me finish giving you head."
"Nah, if you keep sucking my dick like that, I'm definitely gonna bust in your mouth. C'mere. I need you to sit on me."
As requested, you stood up to slowly pull your nightgown over your head. More precum leaked from Aran's tip from seeing how full your curves were. Pictures were one thing. Seeing it in person was always a different experience. His brown eyes were blown in awe. He couldn't keep his hands to himself, enjoying the feel of your beautiful silky skin. The moon made it no secret how captivated it was by your deep copper complexion.
Aran loved every part of your body. Those love handles he would hold onto when fucking you passionately. Your natural saggy tits, which fitted perfectly in his mouth. Your thick round ass, decorated beautifully with stretch marks that his hand rested on while cuddling. And let's not forget about that fat pussy that was currently dripping juices, desperate for his touch. Fuck, you're so perfect. Both inside and out. Aran couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.
Without waiting any further, you pushed Aran back with your lips pressed against his until he reached the headboard. You adjusted yourself on top of him while you continued kissing. After a few more smooches, you parted lips to watch your reactions from being engulfed in each other's warmth. You held Aran's cock to align it with your entrance, then slowly sank onto his length. Your brows knitted, and your lips held open in an o shape from the pressure of your hole being stretched. Aran watched you, eyes saying, "I know, I know…." He knew how big he was and how badly you missed his dick.
Aran was a lot to handle, but you loved how gentle he was with you. No matter how often you had sex, you always had to adjust to his size, and he wouldn't move until you gave him the okay. He massaged the small of your back with circles filled with reassurance as you lowered yourself until you felt that mushroom tip hit your sweet spot. Your back arched in complete bliss as you allowed your wetness to marinate him. Soft curse words aired past your lips. How were you able to handle this much for two years?
"How you feelin', pretty girl?" Aran whispered.
"Baby, you're just–you're just so big."
He held your chin between his thumb and index finger to replace repeated smooches. "I know, and you always do a good job taking me. Fuck, I miss this pussy. So fucking warm, princess."
"Show me how badly you missed me, Aran."
He didn't need to be told twice.
His strokes started off tender to become familiar with your insides. Aran did his best to prevent nutting quickly because he caught himself cumming the second he felt you swallowing him. Your pussy was too good. You both knew that. But he promised himself that he'd deliver your orgasm before his own. You come second to none—including him.
The low temperature in your bedroom couldn't stop the shared heat from spreading underneath your skin. Your sweet moans were like music to Aran. He'd never grow weary of hearing them. So smooth and pretty. Good thing you were in a corner apartment because you were sure you'd wake your neighbors up with your sounds of pleasure.
Though, this was nothing compared to what was about to come.
It was only so long before Aran thrusts into your pussy filled with passion. Rather than allowing you to become comfortable, his intent was now to have you cream all over his cock. He pressed his fingers into your cheeks to pout your pretty plush lips together, calling you his good girl. Saying how beautiful and sexy you are while being stuffed with his dick. You wrapped around him as if your pussy acted like a serpent strangling its prey to feast on.
You moaned loudly, screaming to fuck you harder and make you cum. You loved the feeling of being split open by Aran. He slammed into your wet needy pussy, going deeper with every thrust he made. The dick you received from him was a pleasure you had never experienced. He fucked you to please you. Not to get a quick one off. And nothing could make him happier.
"You missed this dick, muffin?" Aran cooed, speeding up his movements in your drooling cunt. He began pulling on your knotless braids, an action you loved, to see how ethereal you looked above him.
"I do. I miss this dick so much, baby. Fuck, this feels so good. I'm gonna cum if you keep fucking me like this, Aran."
"That's what I want. I want you to cream and cum all over my dick. You think you could do that for me?"
"Y-Yes. Oh God, yes," you cried.
He smirked. "That's my girl."
His grip on your braids became tighter while pounding you recklessly. The sounds of him slapping your ass to produce more waves reverberated through the surface of your apartment, along with your pussy talking to him. Aran's fingers crept between to ass to apply pressure to your second whole. He'd hope you take him in the ass one day, but teasing it, for now, will do.
You looked beneath you to enjoy how lust-filled Aran's big brown eyes were. To see how his full lips parted to pant and curse uncontrollably. Your boyfriend was so damn fine. Fuck, you just wanted to smother his face with your pussy. Coat his perfectly clean beard with your juices. Have his smooth dark skin glow more than it already does. Damn, was this really your man?
You swiped his lips with your fingers, and he knew exactly what that meant. Without halting his strokes, he opened his mouth to receive the long string of saliva coming from yours. Your hand enfolded around his throat, breaking free from his hold on your hair to crash your lips. The kiss was sloppy, lip biting and sucking on each other's tongues. You told Aran you were his and his only. You knew that. He knew that, but there was something about hearing you announce it that had his cock unruly twitching.
Yeah, that was it.
He was fucking you like a wild bitch in heat. As promised, you creamed on his cock that decorated your asshole and his balls. Your pussy produced gushing noises of it being stirred and obnoxious queefing. Aran struck your ass hard enough to clap but soft enough to not bruise. He. Stretched. You. Open. Having a fat and long dick that was used correctly was a blessing. Aran didn't even have to ask—you told him your pussy was his.
"Oh, fuck. Yes—Yes—Yes. Oh my fucking gosh, Aran. Yes, baby. This pussy is yours. It's all yours," you purred.
"I know, baby girl. Ain't nobody taking this pussy away from me. Fuck, this feels so good." You began jumping on his cock to meet with his thrusts, which pleased him. "Mhm-hm. Keep bouncing on this dick, Y/N."
"A-Aran, I love you so much. I-I'm about to cum. This is too much."
He kissed you sensually before nipping at your jaw. "I love you too, muffin. Cum on this dick so I can fuck my nut in you."
"Oh, f-fuck…" Your voice drifted seconds prior to you climaxing. The tension in your gut was loosened from cumming all over your boyfriend. It's like you saw stars while looking at him. You kept calling his name in this sweet dulcet tone that made him weak. Your mind went blank. You couldn't even hear what he was saying. Probably something along the lines of "I'm here, princess. I'm here."
He continued to fuck you through your orgasm until he reached his own. He admired your sensitivity to his touch, especially after already cumming. Aran moved his hands to cuff your ass to spread, wanting you to feel every stroke—every vein—every last drop of his cum. And based on how heavy his balls felt slapping against your sex, he knew it would be a lot.
You shared a tender look of sexual desire, but yours had confusion. How was it possible to be fucked this good? Why like this? By someone you love and want to spend the rest of your life with? But really, the confusion stemmed from you feeling another bubble ready to pop in your gut. Your mouth was held agape. Something was about to–
"Baby, I'm gonna c-"
"Cum. Shit, yes. I can feel it. I can feel that pussy grabbing my dick. Cum with me, Y/N. I'm cumming, too," Aran rasped.
"Fuck me–Fuck me–Fuck me, Aran. Fuck me."
"Keep saying my name like that—Y/N, fuck! Ngh, I'm cumming."
And just like that, he gave you a final sensual stroke before flooding your pussy with his cum. Your shared moans bounced off the walls of your apartment. Aran fucked his nut deep inside your walls until his cock popped out of your pussy. The noise itself was pornographic. After feeling his seed leak out of your hole, you let out a soft whimper. You relax your body onto his with your face resting in the crook of his neck.
How Aran massaged your scalp had chills running down your spine. He grabbed your cheeks to squeeze your lips together to place soft smooches. He crooned, telling you how much he loves you, praising you for always taking him so well. The act alone was enough to pull strings in your heart. You loved this man so much and were glad he finally returned home to you.
"I missed you, baby."
"I missed you too, pretty girl. I missed you, too…."
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙. ♡
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 ── @dejwrites @maydayaisha @sailewhoremoon @ayyy-pee @violxtbxbyy @maginxlia @nova-siims @caribbeanwifey19 @sexbob-ombbeck @privateparty3 @comatosebunny09 @coconutxraikage @keijimilk @bbytamaki @softimgyu @sirenh4ll @adorabubblesblog @beniswife @violxtbxbyy @pablopascal @anahryal @sunnytalia3 @ittybittytittybby @isfleur @loveupeople @aiyaaayei @theauras @shiriiu @hoohoohope
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marvell-world · 2 years
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Esme Collection
Am bringing you 24 new clutter objects for your kitchen!
Included are: Baking Mat, Baking Pan, Breadbox, Canister, 2 Chopping Boards, Cookie Cutter, Single Cup, Cup Set, Lasagna Pan, Mortar and Pestle, Pan, Paper Towel, Plates small and large, Rolling Pin Salt & Pepper Grinder, Sauce pan, Scale, Tray and Water Pitcher
Base Game Compatible
16 swatches
Shadow, Specular and Bump Map
All LOD’s
Terms of Use:
Do not re-upload any of my content.
Don’t claim my work as your own.
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Recoloring is fine. Please credit and link to the original when you share. Tag me because I would love to see it! 😊
Download: Early Access - Public Access January 1st!
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scrabbleknight · 10 months
I'm bored so here's a recipe for beef cream stew I made.
150g Beef, cut into small bite-sized chunks about as thick as your thumb
1 Yellow Onion, cut into 12ths (that means cut into quarters, then for each 1/4ths, cut into thirds)
1 Carrot, cut into bite-sized chunks
1-2 Potatoes (depends on the person but I like using soft starchy potatoes), cut to similar volume to the carrot
Broccoli (optional, same volume)
Full cream (milk if unavailable)
Emmental cheese (or any white, springy and melty cheese you have), cut into small pea-sized chunks.
Water and oil
Coriander seeds
Rosemary, dried
Thyme, dried
White pepper (preferably powdered)
Bay leaf
Black pepper (optional)
Grab your coriander seeds, rosemary, thyme and salt, and grind them up to a coarse mix (either by a grinder or a mortar and pestle). You can also grind the white pepper if it's not a powder, otherwise just add it in later.
Rub your cut beef with the spice mix. Make sure your beef is patted dry before doing this.
Preheat your pot, add your oil and put your beef in it. Cook until it develops a crust and the pot forms a fond.
Remove the beef, add onions in the same pot and cook until soft and only a slight change in color.
Add potatoes and carrots, mix, then add the beef at top. Finally, add water and let it simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning. You can add your bay leaf here.
Check if ingredients are now soft. Make sure the pot has sufficient water during the whole thing.
After 30 minutes, turn the heat to low and temporarily remove the pot from the stove to stop the simmering. Once stopped, put it back on. Add cream (or milk, if that's what you have) and optionally broccoli. Also add your freshly ground black pepper (optional). Constantly stir the pot to avoid curdling.
After 2-3 minutes, add the cheese. Continue to cook and stir until the cheese fully melts and incorporates into the stew. Season to taste.
Done. That's it. I've never made cream stew before so I looked up online and made one. The original recipe was a bit different, so consider this my interpretation. It's good and you can store it in the fridge and reheat with a microwave and it's still good. This is worth about 3-4 portions, depending on the person. I made mine in the weekends and I like it.
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panda-escapades · 1 year
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There was a bunch of Easter Eggs and references in the last episode of My Adventures with Superman, Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal. I've gone over most of them on this post, but there was just one moment that had so many that I was unsure of that I wanted to do it's own post so if more people get the references that can be discovered.
I'm not sure if these are supposed to be references/easter eggs or just set dressing, but I'm gonna try to figure it out. It very much pushes that button of hey these seem familiar. Here are my thoughts and guesses on these items, if you know or have something that seems close let me know and I'll update it.
1) 2) 3) 4) Possibly the noisy cricket from Men in Black. This one is hard as there are so many small guns like it. It might be a ray gun of some kind as well. 5) 6) Maybe Fatherbox 7) 8) 9) Thank you @sieglindegrimm for idenitifying this as Homura Akemi's shield from Puella Magi Madoka Magica 10) 11) Thank you @boisonbapple for mentioning the pepper grinder from Alice: Madness Returns as a possibility 12) 13) 14) 15) Possibly referencing Amethyst's upgraded whip weapon from Steven Universe 16) Possibility one of Kyoshi's Fans from Avatar the Last Air Bender, but its also very generic. 17) Gut's sword from Beserk 18) The Sky-Hook from Bioshock Infinite 19) Seems like the Wabbajack staff from Skyrim 20) 21) 22) 23) Sakura's first Sealing Wand from Cardcaptors, though it has dome differences in the details. 24) 25) 26) I think it's a stretch but it might be the Shooting Star broom from Little Witch Academia. But I suspect its some kind of staff from somewhere else. 27) 28)
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ad-caelestia · 4 days
black salt
black salt is used for cursing, protection, banishing, cleansing, breaking spells or hexes, and repelling negative energy. black salt is made by combining either activated charcoal or ashes from burned herbs or incense with sea salt. 
using activated charcoal will actually make your salt a dark black color, whereas using ashes will turn it into a lighter grey color. 
depending on what you plan to use black salt for, you can add different types of ash or other ingredients that correspond with your intent.
here's my disclaimer to tell you to use basic common sense and safety when dealing with plant matter that you aren't familiar with, don't burn toxic herbs to get ashes, and don't throw salt on your grass.
ashes from various herbs and incenses for black salt: 
basil - banishing, protection, spell-breaking
cedarwood - cleansing, protection
cypress - protection
dragon’s blood - cleansing, protection, cursing, banishing
frankincense - cleansing, protection, spell-breaking
mullein - protection (especially for acts of magic involving spirit work)
rosemary - cleansing, banishing
rue - banishing, cursing, protection, spell-breaking
sage - cleansing, protection, banishing
sandalwood - cleansing, protection
thyme - cleansing, banishing
tobacco - banishing, cursing
valerian - protection
wormwood - cursing, protection, spell-breaking
other ingredients you can add to black salt: 
black pepper - cleansing, banishing, cursing, protection
cayenne pepper - banishing, cursing, protection
chili powder - banishing, cursing, spell-breaking
garlic salt - banishing, cleansing, spell-breaking
iron shavings (like from the bottom of your cauldron or a cast-iron pot or pan) - protection
nutmeg - protection, spell-breaking
onion salt - banishing, spell-breaking
making black salt: 
combine the ingredients and grind together using a mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, or herb grinder
store in a glass jar or vial for later use
using black salt:
add to spell jars or sachets
sprinkle in areas around your home to create a barrier
create a circle of protection before performing spells
keep a container of black salt under your bed or pillow to prevent nightmares or bad dreams
add to a jar to create a negativity trap
if using skin-safe components and ingredients, make a facial scrub or mask for cleansing
anoint objects with black salt
add to a container of war water (especially if your black salt contains iron shavings)
sprinkle a small amount on a neighbor’s lawn to make them want to move
add some to a hollow pendant and wear to deflect negativity 
sprinkle on items that hold bad or negative memories to cleanse them
add a thin line of black salt in front of doorways and windows to keep out negative energy and spirits or entities 
add a pinch to homemade floor washes for cleansing
use to symbolize the waning, new, and dark moon; or saturn and pluto
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luveline · 2 years
I saw this one post where this girl was showing a pack of pastries that her boyfriend got her - but he ripped off the label w/ the calories bc he knew she struggled w/ eating - I just think that’s really sweet and maybe you could write this with Remus or James??
If not that’s totally okay!! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
remus bf forever love u cw mentioned struggles with eating / disordered eating behaviours ♡ fem!reader
The best part of any day is when Remus comes to see you. Usually to stay the night, sometimes quickly before a shift. Remus always makes time for you no matter what's happening, and he loves to bring you treats.
It doesn't matter how big or small, he always has something. At the start, this had usually been simple things. A bar of chocolate or a cold can of your favourite drink. Anything. Sometimes flowers, one time a flower he'd picked on the way.
It's been a while since Remus brought you something edible. It's been a bad struggle lately, but as you're getting better and food is getting easier to eat, he's slowly eased back in. He's supportive, and patient, and he doesn't push you but he also won't let you hurt yourself quietly.
You open your door and Remus smiles so wide it looks like it hurts, taking the one step into your door and cupping your face in a warm, big hand.
"Dove," he says, oddly soft, "look at you. You look really good today."
It's a funny sort of compliment. You know what he means when he says it. You want to give him the good news he's expecting. You can't, though. You haven't managed to eat much today already and any healthy glow you hold is from a good day yesterday.
He sees your wince and rubs your cheek with his thumb reassuringly. "Pretty girl," he praises.
You hug him right there on the stoop and bend under his weight. The plastic bag in his hand crinkles as he brings it up to the small of your back, whatever it is that's inside bumping into your thighs.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
You pull away. "I'm good," you say, sort of meaning it.
Remus' first triumph is dinner. He sits you down at the table and works around your kitchen with ease. You try not to look at anything he's doing while he does it, figuring any knowledge of the ingredients inside will cause more harm than good. You listen to oil sizzling in a pan and grimace.
"How are you, baby?" you ask him, fingers inching toward the plastic bag he'd brought with him.
"Fucking tired." A pepper grinder clicks. "Happy to he home with you."
You look up to trace the shapes of his light brown hair. "Me too."
"Do you want to eat by yourself or with me?" he asks, pouring half the content of the frying pan onto a plate. He adds some bread. You can see from here that he hasn't buttered it.
"With you, please."
You make sure there's ample room for the two plates on the table and Remus sets them down. He makes you a small glass of water and a bigger one for himself. You love how he insists on sitting next to you rather than across, and it makes it easier to manage.
"What's in the bag?" you ask, stalling, cringing as the smell of food hits you. There's an instant nausea that arises with the knowledge that you don't have to eat it, but you should, and you're going to.
Remus' turn to cringe. "For you, dove. Forgive me, I didn't realise that you- that today was a hard day."
You raise your eyebrows and part the bag open slowly, unsurprised when you find some bits and bobs outlining a paper bag of pastries from the bakery counter in the supermarket.
Weirdly, they look easier to manage than the plate of food in front of you. You can't tell whether you're still stalling or if you actually want to know, but you pick up the bag of pastries and your eyes search for the calorie information on impulse, only to find it missing.
Torn off.
Remus is watching you carefully when you turn to him.
You can guess what's on your plate just by looking at it, but the calories inside ready baked things like this are unpredictable. The information being missing before would've put you off completely no matter Remus' intentions. You'd always assume they were a hugely ridiculous amount so you didn't go over.
"Sorry," he says, resting his hand tentatively over your thigh.
He's so pretty, inside and out.
"Do you want half with me?" you ask. You don't sound very convincing, your throat dry as cotton.
"Hm." You open the bag and pull out a flaky pastry. Your boyfriend, your lovely, sweet, over-attentive boyfriend, you want to eat something for him. Because it was a gift, and because he cares enough to rip off the calories.
He squeezes your thigh with a soft pressure. You know it's his way of saying, Only if you can.
You split the pastry in half and you and Remus eat it right there in front of your cooling dinner.
He kisses you as soon as your done. You both have sticky lips.
"Alright?" he asks after he's pulled away, hand at your neck and cheek touched to your temple.
You ease back and pick up the fork for your dinner. It won't be easy and that sucks, but you always have Remus in your corner.
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Okay different poll because I'm confused about canon.
This remains my pinned post, so info and a small DNI under the cut
My main is @plebeiangoth so you'll probably see that name liking and following you if you see your stuff here. I've been a fan of MASH since my early teens going back about 20 years. I'm really glad that I'm not of the minority that I had assumed myself to be for so long for my favorite MASH character being Mulcahy!
A quick DNI:
Pro-police, war, military, etc. You're probably missing the point of MASH so I don't think you belong here.
Christian/white Nationalists, alt right, nazi by any other name
Priests. I hate that I have to say it but I've been on tumblr long enough to have seen too much. I'm just here to participate in racy posts about a very fictional, very pretty priest. I'm also an atheist. Please move along.
Frankly I'd prefer no minors interact as well. Please at least block #DNI-18 if you are. If you send me anything NSFW and you're under 18, I will block you and report if necessary. Will also block anyone under 18 making thirst posts, I don't need to be seeing that.
Okay now I'm done being a buzzkill. As thanks for reading here's my favorite recipe for gluten-free cinnamon rolls. My secret ingredient is a few cranks of a pepper grinder in the cinnamon-sugar filling!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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foodandfolklore · 8 months
Kitchen Witch Essentials
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I want to preference this by saying your priorities of tools for your craft will vary as you get more experienced. If you get more into baking, you may choose to invest in a kitchen mixer. If your path goes more down drinks, you might want to get a French press. This list is for those starting out or looking to maintain general witchy cooking. Nothing on this list is mandatory, so don't feel like you need to go spend money just because it's on this list.
This list will also assume you have general kitchen stuff, like pots, pans, and knives. You may not have everything, but you have enough to cook.
Wooden Spoon
If for whatever reason you don't have a wooden spoon, and you want to do kitchen magic, I strongly recommend you go and get one. You can get them at any store that sells Kitchen Utensils, including the dollar store.
For some kitchen witches, the wooden spoon is like a magic wand. Allowing the witch to direct energy. Personally, I just enjoy using natural materials whenever I can. Also, it's just such a useful tool to have when cooking. You can stir your food on stove top, and since it's made of wood you don't need to worry about damaging non stick surfaces. If you're boiling pasta, stirring with a wooden spoon helps get rid of the foam overboil. You can also just leave the spoon over the pot to prevent pasta water overboiling. Baking bread? Flip the spoon around and use the handle to bring the dough together.
Some people choose to add sigils or other symbols onto their witchy spoons. If you decide to do this, please do not use paint or stain, as this can come off while cooking. Unless this will be a display only spoon, of course. Safest way is to laser burn a design. Check etsy for custom spoons.
Herbs/Spices you know the properties of
I'm sure you already have some non perishable Herbs or Spices in your pantry or spice rack. Black Pepper, Garlic powder, Cinnamon, Paprika, that kind of thing. I want you to pick one and deep dive into the history of that Herb/Spice. What it's been used for in the past, what are some common magical properties and associations; what do YOU associate with it. Write down the magical association, like protection, banish negativity, prosperity, ect. Start with one, work your way up to three. If you have trouble memorizing, keep a little cheat sheet near by.
Now when you add these seasonings, you know what energies you can add/attract with your food.
Mortar and Pestle
If you already have another way to grind spices, like a coffee grinder, this does not need to be a priority. And if you have arm or shoulder issues, I don't recommend using. The main benefit to using a mortar and pestle is the crushing style of grinding tends to release more aroma and flavor then the cutting style of a coffee grinder. If you plan to just use for dry spices, you won't need a very big or fancy one. 20 dollars should get you something small and solid.
Make sure you are getting one made of stone. I tried a wooden one and it's garbage. I use it to hold messy spoons. There are also metal ones, and while I've never tried one, I encourage caution. I worry about long term use stripping whatever coating is stopping it from rusting.
Glass Jars are so great to have in the kitchen. Leftover sauce? Put it in a jar. Suddenly made a jam? We got jars to put it in. Meal prep overnight oats? Jars are here for you! They're just great for storage. And you don't need to buy them. Lots of things come in jars; just give them a hot soapy soak, scrap the label off, wash and reuse. If you prefer mason jars, I recommend washing the lids by hand. The lids aren't meant to be reused for jarring, so they rust fairly quickly after a few washes. You can buy replacement lids, however.
Plastic Containers
Jars are great, but things get a little dicey when you want to put stuff in the freezer. Water likes to make sure everyone knows it's cold by puffing up bigger; like look at me, I'm freezing here! Which means, there's a chance your glass jar can shatter.
But freezing food is the best way to preserve food since you don't need to add anything like extra salt or sugar. So get some freezer safe containers. I love making batches of broth and stock, and freeze it for later. Or if we have a lot of leftovers, I'll freeze enough for a dinner another week, incase I don't have enough spoons to make dinner one evening. And don't worry, you can wash and reuse plastic containers too.
I'll also freeze food I notice is starting to go weird. If I buy a huge bag of baby spinach, but can't get through it all, I'll transfer it to a freezer bag. Adding frozen spinach to food as it cooks is one of the easiest ways to up your nutrients. You can also freeze other vegetables, just make sure you cut them up first.
Crock Pot/Slow Cooker
Every Witch Needs a Cauldron, and these are Electric Cauldrons. Prices vary mainly based on the size you want. There are different brands, different colors; you can even get some in the theme of your favorite fandom. But they all have the same 3 core settings: High, Low, and keep warm.
Slow cookers are....well, slow. Which is great for certain kinds of food that need to sit for a long time, like meats. But it's also great for Kitchen Witches with a lot going on. Non witches will "Set it and forget it" but it's a good idea to stir every once in a while. Which is where the magic comes in. So, if you're a scatter brained Witch, Like me, or have ADHD and have trouble focusing, an electric cauldron might be for you. Throw everything together in 15 minutes, then give it love and attention when you remember. Normally that happens when you start to smell the food.
Again, this is my preference. Some Kitchen Witches I know prefer to identify a specific pot as their cauldron. Some went and got an actual full size, cast iron cauldron; which is amazing but not feasible for most. I grew up using a slow cooker, so I'm very comfortable around one. But if it's not your thing; that's fine. Maybe your cauldron will be a rice cooker or a Boston Shaker.
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
Outdoor Protection Powder
If you want to protect your home, there are a variety of ways to do so. Runes, sigils, cleansing regularly, wards - but I feel like not many people realize that you can protect your home from the outside as well. This is my favorite protection powder to use.
What you'll need:
Spice grinder (Optional)
Shaker bottle
1/2 cup Cascarilla (Protection, blocks negative energies/non-corporeal energies)
4 tbsp salt (Cleansing)
3 tbsp rosemary (Protection, welcoming in good energies)
3 tbsp basil (Protection)
3 tbsp black pepper (Protection from evil, blocking negativity)
2-3 acorns (Power-boosting)
What you'll do:
Add all ingredients to a spice grinder and blitz until it's a fine powder. This is optional, but I do recommend it.
Funnel the powder into a shaker bottle, such as a repurposed herb bottle from the store.
Some of my recommended uses:
Sprinkle outside underneath windows and across doorways to block negativity and protect your home from evil entering.
Mix with a little moon water and use a thin paintbrush to draw small runes or sigils on the glass of windows to prevent evil from seeping in.
Mix a tablespoon or so into a gallon of moon water and pour the entire gallon onto your front porch. The moon water will carry the effect of the powder widely to create a protected place for you to hang out. It sounds silly, I know, but it's effective.
I hope this is helpful! As always, be safe, do your research, and blessed be, everyone.
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Touching What's Yours ~ Part 2
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This story started with a request from @punkclowngutz found HERE. Thank you again for the request! 🙏🏼 This follows the poly fic 'We've All Got Needs' series linked below through Part 6.5, then diverges from there into an alternate story. It may continue after this part if people enjoy it, so let me know what you think!
Pairings: Zoro x Sanji, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Zoro x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2344
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link
Summary: You have a casual arrangement with Zoro and Sanji, but Zoro is not happy about sharing. He confronted Sanji last night, but their encounter was more intense than expected. Sanji wants to tell, but Zoro wants him to keep his mouth shut.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader Insert, Polyamory, Relationship Discussions, Relationship Drama, Swearing, Angst, Mild Violence, Alcohol, Shame, Smut (no smut occurs in this part, but there are memories and brief descriptions of smut), Possessive Behavior, Cigarettes, They're Gross, Don't Smoke, Anger, Zoro's Bad At Feelings, Sanji's Better But He's Still A Little Shit
A/N: I hope you enjoy it!
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“And I thought you didn’t want me touching what’s yours.”
Zoro fucking ran from the cook’s smile, those taunting words searing through him.
What the fuck?
Sleep evaded him, most of the night was spent pacing in his small quarters, smacking fists against his head to try to shake this night from reality.
But it was real, and Zoro was wrecked. He managed to sleep fitfully for a bit, but nightmares and memories had mixed, hunting him into the morning.
The moans you made while you let him fuck you in the kitchen.
The cook’s red, swollen lips after Zoro pulled away from him. 
Why the fuck did I do that?
Zoro cringed every time his mind brought up images, and fucking feelings, of the dumbass waiter’s mouth. 
How he’d forced him to his knees, and Sanji had just taken it.
“Fuck off,” he snarled at himself, hating the way his body was reacting.
I was just pissed, he put me over the edge when he-
His mental excuses were pushed aside at the thought of you. 
Sick panic poured through him. It filled his body like molasses, sticky, heavy, and overwhelming.
He’s just trying to take her from me. He’s been fucking with me and my shit since he got here. 
I’ll show her. Needy’s mine. She won’t want that fucking pervert after tonight.
But first, Zoro rushed to the showers to wash the shame off his skin.
Sanji was already in the galley, humming to himself as he prepped vegetables for omelettes. 
The memory of the beautiful faces you made while moaning his name, coming on his tongue, milking his cock with your perfect pussy… He had to set his knife down and breathe, shoving a few large utensils and a pepper grinder in his apron pocket to hide the evidence of his thoughts. 
Then his mind turned to the other events of the evening, and his grin shifted, a wicked smirk taking over as he bit his lower lip. 
That fucking idiot, Marimo.
How easy it had been to rile him up, how recklessly the swordsman had shoved his cock down his throat. It was too fucking good. 
Sanji didn’t usually pursue men, especially shitheads like that swordsman, but now that he’d tasted how desperate Zoro was, he couldn’t resist the thought of pushing him again. 
I wonder how well he slept last night.
When Zoro finally arrived, he stood by the door, avoiding eye contact with everyone as he waited for you. 
You were the last to the galley, with darkened eyes, yawning as you moved toward the crew. 
Zoro followed, taking your usual spot at the end of the table so that Sanji couldn’t lean into you like he had the day before.
Zoro regretted that choice almost instantly.
He gripped onto your thigh under the table, wishing he could just pick you up and carry you out of here. Out of the room he heard you moaning in last night. 
Sanji brought a caramel latte made just for you, with a flower design in the foam.
He wanted to pamper you, but couldn’t resist the urge to fuck with Zoro at the same time.
All he did was brush his hand along Zoro’s arm as he stepped away, but the look on his face was worth it.
Zoro’s skin was burning from the brush of that pervert’s fingers. He caught his own fingers digging into your thigh, and he had to let out a breath as he loosened his grip.
He’s trying to fuck with me. He’s trying to take my place. I’m not gonna let him. I’m gonna fuck the memory of him out of you tonight. 
Sanji watched you enjoy the meal he’d made for you, loving the way your eyes fluttered closed when you’d take a bite. 
Your eyes that looked exhausted, heavy. 
Did I keep her up too late last night? Or has that brute been wearing her out too much? 
As the table cleared, you practically ran out of the room while Sanji tried to pull Zoro aside. 
Zoro shouldered past him, following you out on deck. Catching you in an adorable stretch, he breathed along your neck.
“You’re coming to my room tonight.”
Sanji kept his distance as he pulled out a cigarette, enjoying how cute you looked as you yawned in Zoro’s face. 
“I can’t tonight, Zoro. I need to get some rest.”
“What, now that cook treats you like a little princess, and you don’t want to fuck me?”
Sanji watched you take a small step back at those words, and his body was filled with fire. He lit his cigarette, done playing with this asshole.
“I believe the lady told you she wanted a break, Marimo.”
Zoro’s hand was on his sword as he turned, while Sanji found his stance.
Your voice was probably the only thing that could have stopped them at that moment. Unfortunately, neither of them could hear you now over the sounds of swords, kicks, and rage filled words. 
“You don’t know what she needs, waiter.”
“I think she might disagree with you, moss head.”
Zoro growled as he slashed two swords out, grunting in frustration as Sanji blocked with his fancy fucking shoes. 
You stopped yelling at them as the rest of the crew came to watch. Nami held your hand, rolling her eyes since she was in on the secret. 
“You’ve been after my spot since you got here, you piece of shit cook.”
“You really don’t have anything in that thick skull of yours, do you?”
The dance between them got faster, while the crew sat back and watched. The boys fought often enough that it didn’t seem serious, but you still wanted to throw both of them overboard before the secret came out. 
“You just had to touch her when you found out she was mine. You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.”
“You’re one to talk, Marimo. I’ve still got bruises on my knees from last night.”
Zoro’s vision went red at the sight of Sanji’s taunting smirk, and his reckless attack landed him with a brutal kick to the face.
Before he could fly forward with Sanji’s death in his eyes, an arm stretched out, wrapping around his stomach three times. He was pulled backwards as he seethed, practically foaming at the mouth. 
“Zoro, Zoro!”
His captain’s voice broke through his mind enough, but Zoro was still itching to hurt the cook, especially as Sanji inched toward you. 
“This looks like a real fight. I’ll let you go if you need to, but if it’s important, I need to know what my crew is fighting about first.”
“Yeah, what the hell were you guys talking about,” Usopp asked from a safe distance. 
“Marimo’s just been having trouble keeping his swords to himself lately.”
You hissed at Sanji to stop while Luffy grunted, holding Zoro back. 
Zoro’s eyes finally left the cook, and fell onto your face. He didn’t hear a word anyone said while he stared into your eyes. Your tired eyes, with your brows tensed, shoulders slumping as you looked at him. 
She doesn’t want me. I fucked it all up. Everything.
Zoro sheathed his swords, avoiding eyes while Luffy released him. No words broke through his fog as he stormed away. 
Hiding in my room like a fucking coward.
Sanji frowned as he watched that green head walk away, leaving the crew to turn on him for answers. 
He caught your glare before explaining.
“We, uh... We had a disagreement.”
“No shit,” Nami snorted, rolling her eyes.
You couldn’t take it, not caring about being discreet after all of that, so you grabbed Sanji’s hand and dragged him, pushing him to climb to the crows nest.  
“What the fuck, Sanji?”
“I’m so sorry, ma belle, are you alright?”
Sanji’s eyes poured over your features. You looked wrecked, the past week all piling onto you now. He grabbed your fingers, trying to bring them to his lips, but you pulled them away. 
Your beautiful face that had looked at him with such softness and need last night, was angry now, and pinched from exhaustion. 
I’m going to kill that fucking idiot swordsman. 
“This is supposed to be casual. I can’t do this if it’s going to hurt the crew.”
“I know, sweetheart. I just don’t believe Zoro understands.”
“You were egging him on, Sanji,” you said, furrowing your brows. 
Sanji couldn’t help but think of how adorable you looked scolding him. He shook his head slightly as you continued. 
“What did you say that made him fly off the handle? Something about bruises?”
Sanji’s eyes went wide, mind flying through every possible outcome of telling you the truth or not. 
He took too long. 
“Sanji, this is already not fucking worth it. I need to know what’s going on, or I’m out.”
“W-Wait, please, darling,” he whispered, reaching for your hand again. He let out a relieved breath as you let him hold it, stroking his thumbs along the back of your hand. 
You stared at him, waiting.
Fuck, I really am going to kill that green headed asshole if he fucks this up for me. 
“I don’t believe Zoro understands, or, um… accepts that you aren’t exclusive.”
You fell back, leaning against the railing with a sigh. 
“I really wish he’d use his words.”
“Ha, I don’t think that’s one of his strong suits.”
He resisted as you took your hand back, sudden fear coursing through him.
What if she decides to be with him, only him?
Zoro didn’t know what time it was. He knew he was hungry. Just not hungry enough to go to the galley yet. 
You eventually knocked on his door, muttering his name softly through the wood. He stared at the door as if he could see you through it. But he couldn’t open it.
The image of you taking a step back from him at his harsh words played on a loop.
I don’t deserve to be with her. 
I don’t need her anyway.
It finally felt like late enough that he would be free to roam. Zoro crept out of his quarters, on alert, as if he was trapped in enemy territory. 
He rested his head against the wall by the galley door, battling his memories of the night before as he listened.
Just need some food and some booze. Mostly booze.
Hearing nothing inside, he pushed softly through the door.
He was greeted with the orange spark of Sanji’s cigarette being lit, and the weight of that blue eye that wasn’t hidden under all that stupid blonde hair. 
“There you are. We should really talk before we speak with Y/N tomorrow.”
Sanji leaned back as he exhaled, blowing smoke across the table as he gestured to a seat. As well as a bottle of sake he’d left out. 
Zoro’s stomach tied up in knots, but he knew this needed to happen. They needed to talk, to put things right with you.
He moved toward the table, hesitating before sitting down. 
Sanji rolled his eyes, pouring two glasses of sake while he waited. 
Zoro slid in, fighting his desire to pummel the blonde.
The burn of alcohol on both of their tongues wasn’t nearly enough. Sanji poured two more before Zoro took the bottle, taking a few swigs while the cook shook his head. 
Silence hung around them, Zoro staring at the table, still fighting his memories. Sanji finally broke it, putting out his cigarette as he leaned forward.
“Marimo, I’m not trying to fuck with you. Right now anyway,” he said, with just a hint of a tease in his voice. “I won’t tell the crew, but I hope you know that it’s not a big deal if you like men.”
Zoro ground his teeth together, fists clenching on the table as he continued trying to listen. 
“But I don't feel comfortable entering into this relationship with Y/N, however casual, with any lies. And sucking her other lover’s cock feels like quite the secret to me.” 
“Don’t you fucking tell her,” Zoro growled, finally meeting his gaze with rage bubbling behind his eyes.
Sanji tilted his head, exhaling a long breath as he tapped his fingers on the wooden table.
“See, you’ve put me in an uncomfortable position. Two nights in a row now,” he couldn’t help but tease, the corner of his mouth raising just a bit. 
“I would normally honor your request, but I can’t keep a secret like this from her. We’re all agreeing to be open and honest with each other. Is that something you can do?”
Sanji tried, really tried not to smirk as he watched Zoro falling apart. 
“Fuck,” Zoro breathed, taking a long drink off the bottle, rocking forward a bit as he fought his urge for violence. Your face filled his mind, your smile, your tired eyes, your step back…
It wasn’t supposed to mean anything. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal. 
But I don’t want it to stop. 
Sanji interrupted his thoughts, sucking his teeth before speaking.
“You know, Marimo… With this arrangement, if we’re honest, you and I could-”
Sanji had raised his brows, a wicked smile touching those soft lips, before Zoro’s rage flew back.  
“Shut your mouth.”
The cook sat back in his seat, still smiling as he ran his hand through his hair. He watched the veins popping out on the swordsman’s arms as he clenched his fists, remembering the veins he’d felt slamming along his tongue.
“Hm, I think you helped me with that last night.”
With a growl, Zoro stood from the table, pacing as he took the bottle with him.
“Would you fucking stop, you dumbass waiter? I don’t fucking want you. I just want Needy…”
The cook watched him as he stopped moving, closing his eyes as he confessed. A half true confession, Sanji thought, while Zoro took another long swig. 
“You really want to be with her, don’t you?”
“Shut up, cook.”
“Maybe you're not such an idiot after all.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
A/N: I got a lot of requests for a second part. Let me know if you'd like a third!
Tag List: @astheni-a
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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gaberlungi · 26 days
Trans Kids Deserve Better - Broccoli Soup
I cobbled this together out of a couple of different internet recipes and some improv - first time I ever made it
1 large onion, chopped Olive oil 2 large potatoes, peeled and chopped small - maybe 1-2cm 800gm tenderstem broccoli, chopped into 3-4cm lengths 1.5l water Marigold veg stock powder Salt, pepper, lemon juice
You’ll need a large pan for this - the veg take up a lot of room - and a blender or food processor
Cook the onion gently until soft in enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Add the potatoes, the water, and 4 teaspoons of stock powder, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes until the potato is soft. Add the broccoli, bring back to the boil, and simmer for another 6 or 7 minutes until the broccoli’s cooked. (Yoink a piece out with a fork and try it after 5 minutes. Repeat until it’s not too crunchy.)
Put everything in a blender or food processor and blitz until smooth-ish. You’ll need to do this in batches so have a big bowl ready to hold the blended soup until you’ve emptied the pan.
Put the soup back in the pan and heat gently while you stir and season it. This part isn’t very scientific - keep adding and tasting until it tastes good to you. (This is the secret of easy good cooking.) Start with too little seasoning and add more gradually - remember, you can always add more but you can’t take it back out if it’s too much. You’ll want quite a lot of black pepper - I use a grinder so I don’t measure quantities, one or two more teaspoons of stock powder (but be careful - Marigold is very salty and can overwhelm the soup), a squeeze of lemon juice (not enough to taste sharp but it brightens the flavour), and I think I added a half teaspoon of salt at the end.
If the soup seems too thick then you can add more water, but don’t overdo it. And remember you’ll need to adjust seasoning if you do.
Pour into a big kilner jar you were using to store flattened rice, wrap in a towel, and take down to the protest
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: A plate of whole and ground spices including red chilis, Ceylon cinnamon, coriander seeds, and star anise. End ID]
新加坡咖哩粉 / Xinjiapo gali fen / Curry powder Singapura (Singapore curry powder)
Singapore curry powder, or gali fen ("gali" from the English "curry"), is a spice blend that was inspired by British Madras curry powder, but grew to incorporate Chinese spices and aromatics. It is representative of the culinary culture of Singapore, which incorporates influence from Chinese, Indian, Thai, Malay, and Indonesian cuisines.
This blend is used in “Singapore” curry fried noodles (actually a Hong Kongese dish) and in other Chinese curry dishes including chicken curry (新加坡式咖喱鸡), beef brisket curry (咖喱牛腩饭), curry soup noodles, and vegetable curries. It is also a popular choice for marinating meat and seafood.
Curry powder Singapura starts from a base of dried red chilis, and is rounded out with earthy spices including turmeric, coriander, cumin, and fenugreek. Warming spices such as nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, and cloves are often also included. Chinese influence sometimes appears in the form of chenpi (dried mandarin orange peel), Sichuan peppercorn, dried radish, liquorice root, star anise, and dried ginger.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes about 1/3 cup.
2 Tbsp (17.4g) ground turmeric / 薑黃
10 dry red chilis (11g; adjust to taste)
2 Tbsp (8g) coriander seeds / 芫茜
1 tsp (3.6g) fenugreek seeds (optional)
1 tsp (2.5g) cumin seeds / 小茴香種子
1 tsp (2g) fennel seeds / 谷茴
1 tsp (2g) ground ginger (optional)
1/2 tsp (1.6g) black peppercorns
1 inch (1.5g) Ceylon cinnamon / 桂皮
1 pod (1.4g) star anise / 八角
1g liquorice root / gan cao / 甘草 (optional)
1g chenpi / 陳皮(optional)
1g cao guo / tsao ko / 草果 / Chinese black cardamom, freshly grated (optional)
4 (1g) green cardamom pods
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg / 玉果 (1/4 tsp preground; .5g)
1/4 tsp (7; .4g) cloves
2 blades mace (.2g; optional)
Liquorice root, chenpi, and cao guo may be found at an east Asian or Chinese grocery store, but may need to be purchased online. Many homemade versions of this spice blend do not include these spices.
Hong Kong curries tend to be relatively mild and sweet, including a lot of turmeric and cinnamon relative to the amount of chili and pungent spices. You should adjust the heat, sweetness, and pungency of the blend to your taste.
1. For a less spicy curry powder, you may choose to break open the chilis and remove all or some of their seeds.
2. Roughly crush star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom pods in a mortar and pestle or with the flat of a knife. In a small, dry skillet, toast whole spices (coriander, fenugreek, cumin, black pepper, cinnamon, fennel, star anise, nutmeg, cardamom, Sichuan peppercorn, cloves, and mace) one at a time until each is fragrant. Set aside and allow to cool.
Spices are toasted one at a time so that smaller spices don't burn before larger ones are fully fragrant. Sometimes, I'll toast larger spices (such as cloves and cardamom pods) together, and then toast smaller seeds (such as cumin) together, to speed up the process.
3. Remove pan from heat. Toast ground spices (turmeric, and anything else you used a ground version of) for 30 seconds, stirring constantly, and remove from the skillet.
4. Grind liquorice root in a spice mill or coffee grinder until as fine as possible, then pass it through a sieve to remove larger pieces. Return those pieces to the mill and grind again. This is done separately because liquorice root can be tough to grind!
5. Grind all spices in a spice mill until fine. Pass through a sieve. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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ok back to your regularly scheduled Lobotos. featuring design notes, parenthood speculation, and some primo Crossover Content slash preview of some more shit you're gonna be seeing in this queue real soon
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A design sketch of Loboto standing upright with a neutral expression, wearing only black boxer shorts, missing his prosthetic arm and shower cap. His left arm is sticking straight out in a t-pose. There is a detail shot of his head in profile to the side. Next to him are design notes reading: - about 1 head taller than Sasha/Milla, nearly 2x coach - stick build, but with tummy; legs taper out at ankles - numerous stitches on head, sloppy stitches on arm stump, scar on side (stolen kidney), throw misc injuries (scars, burns etc.) where appropriate - sparse body hair; hair on head is in uneven chunks (growing unevenly around scar tissue) - avoid making feet too long, they're actually pretty tiny - extremely minimal chin; profile should always look slouched at neck/shoulders]
[Image 2 ID: An additional design sketch based on the previous image, showing how the shower cap and prosthetic layer on top of Loboto's body type; the glove on his left arm and a pair of torn-up jeans have been drawn in as well. Next to him are design notes reading: - prosthetic slightly out of proportion with real arm, a little too short - harness tightens at shoulder, possibly buckles for straps underneath, release at end of sleeve where wooden arm starts? (built to stay on tight, not for easy removal; muted pain response minimizes discomfort) - forearm & hand is fully just a pepper grinder with thin claws (leave deliberately unclear how it moves; unconscious TK?) - in close-up make bolts & stitches uneven and sloppy; done one-handed, no finesse, poss. w/non dominant hand - 3 cap patches, far left, small far right, one at top/back; covers most hair & scars - pants should always be a little too short unless implied to be specially tailored; he's too dang tall for fast fashion - all "his" clothes should be worn out, torn up, poorly/not repaired; intact clothes should be visibly stolen slash "borrowed"]
[Image 3 ID: Three drawovers of the Loboto design from the first image, showing him in different sets of clothing, labeled "alt outfit samples". The top option shows him in a baggy t-shirt that hangs off his shoulders and only reaches midway down his stomach, and drawstring-tied shorts that are baggy at the legs, cinched extremely tight at the waist, and barely cover his boxers; this set is labeled "coach". The rightmost option shows him in a bulky turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up, over which is a long sleeveless dress; this set is labeled "sasha & milla". The final, bottom-and-leftmost option shows him in his usual boots and torn-up jeans, as well as a better-fitting turtleneck with only the sleeve on his prosthetic rolled up, and an apron reaching mid-thigh with the Psychonauts logo on the top-left corner; this set is labeled "uniform".]
[Image 4-5 IDs: A two-panel black-and-white comic showcasing Puzz thinking through Loboto design options. A doodle of Puzz, wearing a t-shirt and overalls and looking thoughtful, thinks "I wonder... what IS the best way to stylize Loboto with his eyes closed?" There are three drawings of Loboto's head with his jaw hanging slightly open as he snores. In the first, there are half-moon shapes drawn in his lenses to imply closed eyes, labeled "just shaping the eye part is simple, but do you lose the 'lens' feel...?" The second shows him with his eyes looking completely normal, labeled "is it funnier if his eyes always look open?" The third shows half-moon eyes and the lens frames shaped to match, labeled "you COULD squash and stretch the lenses but that reads like eyebrows..." The second panel, labeled "SOLUTION:" in bold text, shows Loboto lying in bed asleep with his prosthetic removed and left hand draped over his chest, snoring. Rather than any of the previous eye options, he's just wearing a quilted sleep mask over his eyes, with the shape of the lenses visibly bulging underneath.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Oleander, asleep next to each other in bed. Loboto is wearing a baggy t-shirt and has his prosthetic off, his left arm behind his head under the pillow, his head tilted to one side. Oleander is to his left, right arm behind him under the pillow, left arm crossed over his chest. The second panel shows Loboto's eye lenses suddenly lighting up with an audible "CLICK.", making Oleander jolt awake.]
[Image 7 ID: A real photo of a sculpted molar on a chain hanging from a big round business sign-frame, which previously made the rounds on Twitter. Drawn on top is Loboto, beaming and holding a nervous Raz over his head, shouting "RAZ GET THE TOOTH".]
[Image 8 ID: A drawing of Loboto reaching up rapturously towards a photo of a calzone. I can't explain this one.]
[Image 9 ID: A drawing of a shirtless Loboto, wearing his shower cap but not his prosthetic, sitting up sleepily in a pile of pillows. He is covered from the waist down by a thick blanket with a wavy pattern.]
[Image 10 ID: A black and white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving a thumbs-up at the camera with his left hand, and the G-Man from Half-Life, smirking at the camera and holding his left arm at his side, shaking hands. I can't really explain this one either.]
[Image 11 ID (MAJOR PSYCHONAUTS 2 SPOILERS IN DESCRIPTION): A four-panel comic of Loboto. In the first, he is grinning nervously, left hand on his hip and right prosthetic arm gesturing vaguely, saying "Sorry, kid, can't tell ya aaanything 'bout this job"; in the background, roughly where he's gesturing, is a figment of Truman's brain case on a shelf. In the second panel, his grin has grown even more anxious, and he is shrugging up towards a lamp that resembles Gristol's crown, saying "Yeah, just. Nothin' I can say 'bout my boss." The third shows him standing on a representation of the swirling pattern outside the Astralathe, gesturing broadly with a very anxious expression, under an even larger crown-lamp and surrounded by framed posters with various telling images (an egg in a basket, the mobster tooth fairy, Maligula's eyes, a box with an arrow pointing inside, a skull with crossed-out eyes) and text ("SHHHH", "NOT YOUR REAL DAD", "HELP", "VISIT DROWNED GRULOVIA", "THEY HAVE MY KID'S ADDRESS"). Loboto, frantic, screams "LOOK AT ME HERE SAYING NOTHING *OUT LOUD* ABOUT MY BOSS". The final panel shows a confused Raz and frustrated Sasha standing nearby, both in their suits, Sasha smoking a cigarette and saying, "He's giving us nothing". Loboto, collapsed in an anguished heap on the floor, whimpers, "I'm going to die here."]
[Image 12 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto, grinning and giving two thumbs-up, wearing a crop-top t-shirt reading "WORLD'S LEAST-ISH ARRESTED DAD".]
[Image 13 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto leaning out of the window of a beat-up, welded-together franken-car, smiling widely and waving with his prosthetic arm. There is smoke emitting from the back, a vanity plate reading "T33TH80", and bumper stickers reading "HONK IF U HAVE TEETH" and "MY CHILD IS AN HONOR STUDENT". Standing behind the car, slouched-over and holding a suitcase in his left hand, is Dart.]
[Image 14 ID: A black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking into a phone held in his left hand, twirling the cord in one of the fingers of his prosthetic. He says into the receiver, "Heyyy, kiddo, it's dad. Listen, you know cool pre-teen slang, don't you? Can you explain 'cringe' to me real quick? I gotta figure out if I'm being flirted with or insulted or both."]
[Image 15 ID: A sketchy black-and-white drawing of Loboto speaking on a phone, sitting backwards in a wooden chair. The phone cradle is sitting on the floor, and the cord is tangled in the fingers of Loboto's prosthetic, which is hanging over the back of the chair. He glares at the receiver and says, "Look, I know the brain's still in his head, but you didn't *specify* it had to be *removed* in the contract, so I say you owe me that bonus! C'mon, work with me here! My kid wants to go to band camp!" Phoebe, sitting in a beanbag to the left of him listening to a walkman, looks up disdainfully and corrects, "I said I wanted my tracks *on* Bandcamp, dad."]
[Image 16 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Phoebe sitting at a drumset, with Loboto lying on the floor in front of it, reading a dentistry book, head leaning against the bass drum. Phoebe is holding a drumstick in each hand and glaring down at the set, steam coming out of her ears, saying, "Ooough...!! This stupid solo's getting me so steamed!!!" Loboto replies, "Mmm, steam's fine, but no fire, sweetie, all right? Remember the hospital blocked daddy's number."]
[Image 17-18 IDs: A two-panel comic of Loboto and Phoebe. In the first, Loboto is kneeling on the ground hugging Phoebe tightly, shoulders shaking and a tear leaking out of his eye. Phoebe, dangling slightly even with Loboto crouching, grabbing at his arm with one hand, groans, "Daaaaad you're so *embarrassing*." The second panel shows Loboto, now standing with Phoebe hanging limply in his arms and looking back at him with mild irritation, staring dumbfounded at a wrecked, burning car. The speech balloons read: Loboto: "This isn't one of yours is it sweetie" Phoebe: "No one can prove anything" Loboto: "okay it's just daddy's car is still three towns over and we were gonna get a ride home from daddy's boyfriend in this car" Phoebe: "your *what,*"]
[Image 19 ID: A black-and-white illustration of Dr. Habit from Smile for Me and Loboto having an animated conversation. Puzz's anxious yet furious face is barely peeking into frame from the very bottom of the image.]
[Image 20 ID: A black-and-white illustration featuring Loboto and Phoebe alongside Habit, Putunia and Kamal from Smile for Me. Phoebe, grinning mischievously, is using pyrokinesis to light Putunia's boxing glove on fire, to her visible delight. Habit has gone into a panicked crouch at the sight, while Loboto, looking over a jar of teeth, looks over in mild surprise. Kamal is running up holding a fire extinguisher from the other side of the screen, motion-blurred and screaming.]
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Part 3!!! You can read the summary here in part 1 if you’ve missed it
Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Danny Wagner *slash for the silly girls only okay
Warnings and tags: 18+ ONLY!!!, sexual content, oral (m receiving), slash of course (future SamXDanny so if that will freak you out in later chapters maybe just skip this all together), unrequited love, angst, third person POV Jake. Danny, and Sam, restaurant AU, brief talk about sexuality, hand jobs, edging
Word count: 8.8k
Danny hardly expected Jake to be up when he awoke, let alone smell him cooking up a breakfast downstairs.
He redressed into his dirty work uniform, feeling uncomfortable in the now wrinkled shirt and slacks but not really having another option. Hopefully Sam would still be asleep when he got home so he wouldn’t have to be seen sneaking back inside wearing the same clothes.
Trying not to think about what happened last night after he went to bed, Danny gathered up the borrowed clothes and towel, and eased his way down the stairs. The sound of metal utensils beating against mixing bowls and a bluesey playlist filling the entire first level of the apartment.
The end of the stairs deposited him in the living room. He could see the front door, could make a quick break, but as he smelled the food coming from the kitchen his stomach growled.
Along with the temptation of food, Danny didn’t want to just leave without thanking Jake once more for letting him crash. It also wouldn’t hurt to just check in on how he was feeling. See how he was handling the first morning waking up without Josh living here with him.
Still trying to remain undetected, he slipped into the kitchen, but instead of taking a left, he took a right into the joint laundry room and stuffed everything from his arms into the halfway full washer.
“Morning Danny-o” Jake called out to him in a chipper voice. Danny turned around slowly, flashing the best innocent smile he could muster.
Jake was leaned over a pot on the stove, and Danny moved forward so he could watch him pull out a pair of perfectly poached eggs, carefully placing them on the plates he’d set out.
“What are you doing up so early? And cooking what?” His eyes examined the countertops, taking in all the bits of ingredients Jake had pulled out to complete his meal. “Eggs Benedict? You made the sauce?”
“You made the sauce?” Jake repeated him in a mocking tone, clapping his shoulder as he moved past him to grab the pepper grinder. “Of course I made it, who do you think I am?”
Jake was sporting a cocky smile, humming and tapping his foot along with the songs that came on as he assembled two perfect sandwiches. One for him and one for Danny.
Graciously taking the plate Jake offered him, he followed the chef through the kitchen and into the small dining area at the end. “You seem like you’re in a good mood?”
“Well I slept like a rock” Jake replied with a chuckle as they sat together. “Went to bed feeling real relaxed. Thanks for that” he sent Danny a wink, his smile still shining in his eyes, reflecting a twinkle from the morning sun shining through the large bay window the table was situated in front of.
Danny’s face flushed, stuffing his mouth with the food to hide his embarrassment but ending up making a huge mess with the runny egg. Jake laughed now, shaking his head and looking away so Danny could clean himself up without being watched.
“I meant to be the one thanking you” Danny spoke up when he swallowed his overzealous bite, not even able to relish in the taste yet because he was so flustered, and he didn’t know why. “So, umm, thanks for letting me stay here”.
“Mhmm” Jake hummed, looking at Danny’s plate, then him, then back down to his plate, trying to get Danny to take a hint and shut up so he could eat the breakfast he’d made for him.
Danny took the hint the wrong way though, thinking Jake meant he had more to thank him for. “Oh! And thank you for the food! You’re a really great cook Jake”.
“I know” Jake replied, trying to sound cool and confident, but developing a slight blush of his own. “Now eat it before it gets cold you big dork”.
After they’d both finished, Jake collected both the plates and brought them back into the kitchen. “Let me clean up a bit then we will get going”. He set the plates in the sink, Danny helping him collect the pot and other used items.
“You don’t have to take me home. I was going to order an Uber or something” it sounded weird, impersonal, when he said his plan out loud. Like he was just some random Jake had picked up. Then he found his mind wandering to the conversation they’d had last night. Jake had picked up some randoms before, he was experienced. Had he brought them here? When Josh still lived with him? Or had he agreed to go back to theirs?
“It’s no bother” Jake replied as he washed up the dishes and set them aside to dry, knowing Danny’s reservations were based off of his ridiculous ideas that he was somehow intruding. Even if he didn’t tell him directly, he was glad Danny had come over, even if it was just to escape Sam and his nightly escapades with Savanna. Danny had been around for a long time. Highschool, parties, birthdays, holidays, Danny and his family were always invited. He had started off as Sam’s friend, being closest to him in age, but eventually Josh and Jake had taken to Danny just as well.
“I’ve got to go up to the restaurant for a bit today. I can drop you off on the way, give Sammy a nice little wake up call”.
“Umm, yeah I’d appreciate a ride, but I wasn’t exactly going to tell Sam where I was. Thinking it will be better to keep him guessing than trying to get any ideas”. Danny was avoiding eye contact, trying to laugh off his obvious nerves. Jake was starting to grow weary of Danny being so nervous around him, he was never like that before. At first it was cute, Jake was definitely one to tease anyways, but the mention of not even being seen together around Sam sounded over the top.
Wasn’t Jake just as much Danny’s friend now as he was Sam’s? What was the big deal if they hung out alone together? Well, besides the new found burning desire to consume him, body and soul.
Danny on the other hand knew Sam too well. He knew even something as simple as staying the night and getting a ride home would bring on a flood of never ending questioning. Even with as close as he had gotten to the twins, he and Sam had a special connection that sometimes left Sam being possessive. Usually Danny didn’t mind, he liked being needed like that, but lately his situation had grown more complicated, and he didn’t want to find himself hurting either party’s feelings.
As he noticed Jake's good mood begin to slip, he thought perhaps he was being a little too cautious. He did care about Jake; he was easy to be around, gentle in all the ways that mattered, while also having an edge and an air of confidence that made Danny want to explore boundaries like he never had before. Jake was his guide in this endeavor and he trusted him even more than he did before last week.
“On second thought, maybe I should come up with something?” Jake peaked over his shoulder to see Danny leaned up against the counter behind him. “I mean if we’re going to be spending more time together, then we should have a good cover story”.
There was a heavy shift in the air that turned Jake's mood back around and got him riled up again. “Oh yeah? Spending more time together? Whatever for?”
Jake started to walk away, going to retrieve his keys so they could get on their way, but Danny managed to snatch him by the waist and pull him down onto him. With his back pressed against Danny’s front, Jake made a mediocre effort of trying to squirm away, but really he was only enjoying wiggling his ass, pushing back into him even further until Danny settled him with a firm grip on his hip.
“As I recall, you’re too busy to find other people to fuck. So yes, I do expect us to be spending some more time together. Unless you were just using that excuse to get me into your room?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He reached up and cupped the back of Danny’s neck, pulling him down to give him a swift peck before successfully breaking away when the shock of his action left Danny stunned.
Although he was in the mood to hang around and see where this took them, they really did need to get going if he wanted to get the inventory done before the restaurant started to get busy.
Danny trailed behind him, back out the kitchen and through the living room while Jake questioned if his impulsive little kiss was okay or not. Sure the teasing and flirting seemed to be coming rapid fire from both sides, but they hadn’t kissed outside of being intimate. He didn’t know what ground they stood on, what was acceptable and what was off limits.
By the time they made it out the door though he felt good about it. Not like it meant anything, but more like they were in a place to be able to platonically show affection at least while it was just the two of them.
Sam was still stone cold when he heard his door creak open. He remembered telling Savanna she could stay the night but then promptly passed out from the rounds they went.
He didn't, however, remember Danny coming home last night. Assuming it was just his best friend checking in, he didn’t move or notice the figure sneaking through his room.
“I swear if you are naked under these sheets Sammy I’m going to have to strangle you” the voice of none other than his overbearing older brother jokingly threatened him before he was attacked in his own bed.
“What the fuck Jake!” Sam yelled, opening his eyes to see the grown ass man hovering over him as Sam tried to twist onto his back underneath him so his arms could attempt to throw the shorter one off.
They fought with each other for a few minutes until Jake pulled his pillow out from under his head and used it to playfully smother him until Sam was tapping out. Sam slapped at Jake’s elbow in their agreed upon surrender after multiple childhood fights just like this had gotten too out of control and left the brothers actually fuming mad at each other.
When Jake removed the pillow he tossed his head to the side, gasping for air, a blurry image of Danny standing in the doorway with his arms crossed watching the whole thing with a stupid smile on his face.
“You just let him come in here and catch me off guard like that?!” He whined at his friend, not yet putting two and two together yet.
“Yep, I was enjoying watching you get put in your place. It was about time it happened actually” he chuckled, kicking one foot over the other casually.
“Yeah Sammy, you’ve been a little too cocky recently. So Daniel here asked me to come over and teach you a lesson” Jake joined in the conversation as he moved to stand up off the bed.
“What did I do to either of you?” Sam retrieved his blanket that Jake had ripped off his barely clothed body before jumping on him, and tossed it back over himself so he could attempt to go back to sleep.
“Alright kids, I’ve got to get going” Sam pretended to close his eyes, but cautiously peaked as Jake rounded his bed and made his way towards the door, just in case he tried anything again. Danny straightened up, removing his shoulder from the frame to let his brother pass. “See you around” Jake spoke just above a whisper, before squeezing his arm as he slipped by. The interaction wasn’t at all suspicious, but the look in Danny’s eye as he watched him leave was.
“Where were you last night?” Sam questioned before he could walk off.
“I crashed at Jake’s last night. He's teaching me a few things at the restaurant to help out Kimberly. Invited me over for a few beers, it got late and I ended up passing out on the couch”. Danny replied rather quickly, like he’d rehearsed what he’d say if asked where he was.
“Help out Kim?” Sam heard the front door open and close so he let his guard down, sitting up in the bed since he was wide awake now. “You tryin’ to impress her or something? If you like her I can just ask Savanna to put in a good word for you”. He cocked a smile. Danny was usually too bashful and modest to make his move on girls so Sam would sometimes step in and use his skills to break the ice for him. He was just a good wingman like that, always helping his friend get laid.
“Not everyone is trying to sleep with their boss, thanks though” Danny scoffed and turned to leave.
“Whatever man, Kim’s hot though I wouldn’t blame you!” Sam called after him.
Danny sighed, well at least Sam didn’t seem too concerned about the staying with Jake part, but now he would have to deal with being teased about Kim. He only hoped Sam wouldn’t try to meddle too much and just let it be.
Learning inventory was not Jake's favorite. Sure, he’d helped back at home, but the family restaurant was much smaller, with a more simple menu that hardly ever changed, so it was easier to stay on top of things. Here it was more complicated, more diverse and expensive products to account for and multiple different area managers involved in keeping everything in order and accounted for.
He hadn’t realized Savanna was going to be in early today too. She didn’t seem to be helping much though. Mostly just socializing with the other managers which was annoying to watch so Jake buried himself in the work and the long list of products to look for and count.
About two hours in and nearing the end of his list Jake noticed some discrepancies on multiple different items for the bar and dining room. Since those were not his areas of expertise he decided to check in with the respective managers, looking around for Kimberly to start with since she was much easier to deal with.
When he couldn’t find her he sighed in defeat, knowing he’d have to check in with Savanna instead. He attempted to approach her kindly at first, showing her the clipboard in his hand with the page covered in red marks noting the errors.
“Hey, can you take a look at these for me? I’ve counted what we have a few times and the physical isn’t matching what we have on record”. Jake flipped over a few pages to check and see who had closed the past few nights and saw it was Savanna. Well, at least he was trying to bring this directly to her attention now rather than turning the paperwork in and letting her get spoken to about it later. Maybe there was a reason for there to be a few things missing and they could resolve it right then and there.
“Oh, don’t worry, I'll take care of it” she barely glanced down at the papers, practically brushing him off.
Trying not to get irritated, Jake tried to bring it to her attention again, a little less subtle this time. “Is there a reason you’re not closing out the bar with the correct numbers? I didn’t see anything on the waste log for the past few nights either. Maybe Sam isn’t getting everything written down to be logged in?”
Savanna scoffed, propping her hands up on her hips as she paused the frivolous task she was doing to turn and snap at Jake. “I said I’ll take care of it. Why are you even doing the inventory? You’re not a manager”.
Jake bit the inside of his cheek. There were many things he wanted to reply to her with, most of which weren’t relevant to the current conversation, so he decided to continue to keep them to himself. Especially because he got the feeling she was lashing out at him mostly because she was a manager and he wasn’t, yet they trusted him to take care of these things.
“Also, I am Sam’s manager so I will handle him. Just because you’re his brother doesn’t mean you have any authority over him when he’s on my clock. Got it?” Jake's eyes darted around when she spoke, hoping there weren’t many others around listening in on their conversation since he tried to keep the fact that he and Sam were related under wraps.
He was fuming by this point. Feeling absolutely belittled and disrespected, but he knew starting something with her now wouldn’t be the wisest move.
“Sure, whatever you say” he seethed and left her to her own devices. If she continued making mistakes like this then it would surely catch up to her soon enough, and maybe then she would realize how she could have used his help to fix it instead of pushing him away.
Jake made his last few notes before heading into the office where he found the kitchen manager and the hospitality director discussing next week's specials.
“Speaking of, here’s your little protégé you have doing all your work for you”. Joe, the director, chortled trying to make it seem like they’d been talking about Jake. It was no secret that after working nearly two decades together the director and the kitchen manager were close friends.
Shortly after Jake started at the restaurant the kitchen manager had suddenly announced he planned on retiring which sent everyone into a bit of a tizzy speculating if the director would retire soon too, and who would take over.
Since then, neither had set a date, only now they tended to take the mentoring approach versus doing most of the work themselves, and Jake had been one of the few that the kitchen manager had somehow decided to take under his wing.
“Here’s the inventory spreadsheet” Jake handed the clipboard to his boss then started to back away towards the door hoping they wouldn’t decide to bring him into a long winded conversation.
“Excellent work as always Mr. Kiszka!” The director praised him as the kitchen manager glanced over the lists. Jake noticed his scanning eyes seemed to stop over the third page, the one he’d tried to discuss with Savanna. He must have noticed the variance documented, but he didn’t say anything in the moment.
“How is it you got such a good young man? It takes most of those blockheads in the kitchen years to start showing the level of discipline he does”.
Jake's manager shrugged his shoulders, setting the clipboard down on the corner of the directors desk and sat back in his chair again. He was always his friend's quiet counterpart, and Jake liked that about him.
“My family runs a small restaurant back at home. I’ve just been in the business for a long time” Jake chose to speak up.
He took a moment to look Jake over, his hair was down since he wasn’t in the kitchen today, in his pair of old torn up blue jeans with the patches over the knees and the t-shirt he’d thrown on. “Ah I see! That reminds me” he turned back to his friend, “he’s got too many hours of PTO left for it nearing the end of the year soon”.
The kitchen manager nodded in agreement and glanced in Jake's direction. He didn’t even have to say anything, Jake already got the message.
“Heard, I’ll let you know by the end of the week”.
His boss nodded and went back to discussing a menu change. Jake took that as his queue to back out the door and take his leave. On his way out he noticed Savanna had been watching the door to the office for him to appear. Her eyes locked with his for a moment while she tried to read off of him if he’d said anything to the director. He let her worry, sending her a smirk that made her face burn red. He’d probably hear it from Sam later about treating Savanna nicely, but right now he didn’t care.
Once Jake made it back home he looked over his calendar in his phone, weighing which week he should take off. He already had one week scheduled for their yearly family trip back home to Michigan, but even with that he still had enough time for a second.
He thought about what he might want to do with this time, thinking a week at home alone sounded heavenly and like hell all in one. Then an idea struck him. He swiped out of the calendar and pulled up a browser to search for flights to New York. There was a week coming up that was cheaper than all the others so he went ahead and bought some plane tickets then messaged his boss the dates.
The next day Jake tried to settle into his couch in the early evening after completing his todo list of day off chores. The kitchen was cleaner than the day he’d moved in, all his laundry was washed and put away. He even pulled the vacuum out, that having always been Josh’s job since Jake hated vacuuming, but now he had no choice but to do it himself.
He had kept himself busy for the majority of the day, enjoying the quiet paired with his selection of music, while also hating it at the same time.
You couldn’t be over-stimulated easily working in kitchens. It was close working quarters, constantly bumping into people, squeezing through bodies, talking over others, all while sweating from the heat radiating off the ovens, stoves, and heat lamps. That being said, Jake treasured his time off.
He lived in a quiet neighborhood, in a nice apartment complex where he got along with all his neighbors. It was the closest place to feeling like he was still back at home, living in the country instead of the big city, and there was always Josh, his family, his own twin there to comfort him.
Now he was alone in his apartment, and it felt like anything but home.
The apartment still looked the same. Same furniture, same smells, same quiet. Only it was half empty. No yoga mat rolled up at the door ready to be carried out early in the morning. No frazadas tossed over the back of the couch, their colorful patterns brightening up the space. No assortment of teas displayed in a rotating wire rack on the kitchen counter.
Josh’s door, which was usually always open and inviting, was now shut and hiding its emptiness within. Jake still imagined instead that it was filled with tapestries and mountains of clothes.
Josh called earlier on in the morning, right in the middle of Jake clearing out the fridge, but he paused to talk with him. He enjoyed hearing the excitement in his brother's voice when he recounted all he’d been able to work on.
“You’ve got to come to New York brother! You’ll hate Times Square, it’s full of tourists and pushy street performers, but West Village. Jake, the food scene in Manhattan is unparalleled”.
“You know just how to speak my language”. Jake chuckled.
He hadn’t told him yet that he’d already booked plane tickets, hoping to surprise him closer to the date.
Although Jake wanted to talk to his brother again, he knew from their conversation earlier that he would be busy. Still, he pulled out his phone and selected another contact. The phone rang a few times before going to voicemail.
Jake sighed, he didn’t usually randomly call people, but he was feeling lonely and needy. Scrolling up through his contact list that consisted mostly of coworkers and the occasional friend from school, he selected another name from the list and hit call.
This time it rang twice before the other end picked up with a surprised “Hello?”
“Hey, I tried calling Sam, he didn’t answer” Jake started, trying to make it sound like he’d only called to check on his younger brother.
“He’s at work” Danny replied softly, his voice filling Jake’s ear with a familiar easing warmth. “Did you need something? I can try to get a hold of him for you”.
“Oh, no, it’s nothing. I just talked to Josh this morning. I thought he’d like to hear he’s doing well”.
“That is good to hear” Danny replied. Of course, Jake didn’t stop to think that maybe Danny would enjoy an update on Josh just as much as Sam would have. Although Sam surely clued Danny in on everything without Jake having to speak to him, it was still nice to hear the enthusiasm from him directly.
“Sorry, did I bother you?”
“No, of course not. I was just finishing up some homework, about to figure out something for dinner”.
Having stayed so busy throughout the better half of the day, Jake hadn’t even realized until now that he hadn’t stopped to eat anything and that he was actually starving. “Now that you mention it, I’ve got a lot of veggies I need to use before they start going bad. I was thinking about making a pasta primavera”.
“Cooking on your day off? I was just going to grab some takeaway from around the block but that honestly sounds a lot better”. Danny let out a breathy laugh then fell silent.
Jake thought maybe Danny was waiting for an invitation. He certainly wasn’t going to invite himself again so soon. “Well, why don’t you just come over instead? The recipe will make more than I can eat myself anyways, and I’ll give you some to take back to Sam for when he gets off. I know he’s usually a ravenous dog looking for a meal after his shift”.
Danny waited a moment to respond, trying to not sound too eager about accepting. “Let me finish this up real quick and I’ll be there in about 30?”
“Yeah, sounds good, I’ll see you then”. He hung up the phone, a pleased smile spreading across his face at the idea of some company. Finding his energy regained, he hopped off the couch and headed into the kitchen to start prepping the arrangement of random vegetables he had leftover from other dishes.
He synced his phone back up to the speaker in the living room and turned it up loud enough to hear it in the kitchen, but not too loud that it would disturb any of his neighbors and got to work.
Thirty minutes went by quickly and a notification pinged through the music, Danny was on his way.
The sauce was simmering on the stove, just waiting to be married with the pasta he had picked up at his favorite market in town last week. As he waited for Danny’s arrival, he stood on his tippy toes looking into the cupboard full of glasses to try and figure out what drinks to prepare for dinner.
Wine would go well with the dish, but Jake thought that felt a little too date-y. Next to the wine glasses were a few tumblrs which reminded him of a nice bottle of whiskey he’d found at Josh’s party and hidden away in his room.
Bringing the glasses out, he set them on the counter and left the kitchen to retrieve the stolen bottle. As soon as he found it and started back down the stairs, a subtle knock sounded from the front door.
“Hey, come on in, I was just about to finish the pasta. Stopped to get this first” Jake flashed Danny the bottle of whisky as he stepped to the side and let him enter his apartment.
“It smells really good in here” Danny smiled but waited for Jake to lead the way.
Jake smiled back at the compliment and found that his heart was thumping in his chest for no apparent reason. Maybe he’d make his drink a double to curb that unnecessary effect.
They ate dinner in the dining room just like they had breakfast the morning before. Danny talked for a little while about the class he had earlier in the day until he stopped to ask Jake how his day had gone.
“Pretty uneventful, just cleaned up a bit. Not going to lie, I didn’t realize how empty the apartment would feel without all of Josh’s stuff crowding up the place” Jake replied with a sigh concealed by a chuckle.
Danny looked around, not having noticed a real difference until Jake mentioned it. “Well, I guess that just means you need to add some more of your own decorative touches”.
Jake thought about it for a moment, he definitely had his own style and interests, but he’d never felt the need to extend his personal touch past the confines of his bedroom. “I don’t know. I don’t plan on staying here much longer, so getting more stuff would only make moving down the line more of a hassle”.
Danny seemed surprised by the response, setting his fork down and sitting up in the chair. “Moving? You plan on moving?” Of course this was news to him. It wasn’t like he and Jake had often talked about life goals together, but Jake didn’t expect him to seem so invested in the question.
“I mean I’m not staying at the restaurant forever. When I talked to Josh this morning he made it sound like he was having a really good time in New York. I'm planning on going to visit him soon and the idea of traveling sort of got stuck in my head. I think when Sam finally graduates I’m going to try and get a job cooking for a cruise line or something. Sure, cooking the same old meals over and over again will get monotonous, but getting to see all the ports and the open sea, that sounds like it would be pretty cool to do for a while”.
“I see…” Danny was quiet, unsure about how to respond to Jake's unexpected revelation. He knew how he should react, happy and excited for his friend, but some other opposite feeling was preventing him from that and he didn’t know why. Instead he just picked his fork back up and finished the last few bites of his pasta.
When Jake saw he was finished, he stood to collect the dishes and rinsed them off in the sink before turning his attention to the glasses he’d set out.
“Do you want some ice?” He looked over his shoulder to see Danny still sitting at the table, lost in thought.
Danny snapped out of his head, standing to meet Jake at the counter. “I’ll have it however you’re taking yours”.
“Room temp it is then” Jake replied, over pouring the glasses with a smirk. It wasn’t very gentleman-like or the way a good host served drinks, but he needed to feel a little tipsy and didn’t want to be drinking a huge glass alone. This could be payback for the shitty mixed drink Danny tried to give him that night in his room.
There it was, Jake was thinking about Danny in a way he shouldn’t again. He had done so well staying focused throughout dinner. Calmly listening to Danny talk and keeping his mind from wandering as he watched his dusty pink lips move and the way his fingers clasped together in front of his face while he momentarily stopped eating to tell a funny story. Jake couldn’t even remember what the story was about, but he’d laughed along with Danny anyways.
Jake's eyes darted around, the thumping feeling in his chest returning as he scrambled to figure out what to do now that they were done eating. They found the small LED clock above the stove, it was still an hour to closing and even longer until Sam would be off. “I was actually starting a movie when I called earlier. Would you want to stay and watch it with me?”
“Is it a scary movie?” Danny responded with his brows furrowed, taking a sip from the glass which caused his brows to raise instead. He took a look at the bottle, reading the label with a pleased nod.
Jake tried the whiskey too, and it was a really good bottle. He hoped it wasn’t one Sam had gotten from the restaurant, but nonetheless he was glad he was the one enjoying it, and with Danny. “No, it’s not, although I can find a scary movie to watch if that’s what you want”.
He turned around and left for the living room, Danny following behind him with a quick “no, no thank you”.
The TV had stayed on this whole time, Jake having forgotten to turn it off since he was excited to start dinner, so all he had to do was pick up the remote and press play. He’d only made it about fifteen minutes into the movie, but he still explained all that had happened to Danny as they settled next to each other on the couch, glasses in hand and enough space between the two of them for a whole other person.
They made it another good twenty or so minutes into the movie when Jake realized he’d already finished his glass. “Need a top off?” He asked, pointing towards Danny’s barely touched drink.
“No, I’m alright, still need to drive”.
Jake left to refill his, feeling a bit dejected by the reminder that Danny was probably leaving after the movie ended. He wondered how long the movie was, he couldn’t remember noticing when he selected it. Honestly, he couldn’t really focus on the movie at all. From what he did catch, it seemed like something he’d be really interested in, but he was a bit too distracted by his companion sitting just out of reach.
He returned before too long, but chose to take a seat just a little bit closer this time.
He couldn’t tell if Danny noticed the slight change in proximity, so he continued to stare at the screen, trying to take in the flashing images without much success.
“I’m sorry, I should have been more excited for you” Danny spoke, startling Jake who had no idea what he was talking about. “When you said you wanted to move and travel, I didn’t sound very excited, and I’m sorry. I’m happy for you Jake, really” Danny turned ever so slightly to face him, their knees barely brushing against each other.
“I guess hearing about your plans just made me realize I have no idea what I’m going to do after I graduate. Travel? That sounds perfect, but first Josh leaves, now you’re going to leave, what about Sam?” He trailed off, trying to find his train of thought and organize everything he had going on. He’d been thinking about this since they sat back down, so there was so much he was still trying to sort out.
“So, this is about Sam?” Jake was trying to follow Danny’s rambling, but he couldn’t help but be reminded that Sam was Danny’s love, not him.
“No, well a little in a way. It’s just we all stuck together when we moved to Nashville, I can’t imagine drifting apart in just a year from now. You guys have all meant so much to me, each in your own ways. You’re all brothers, so you will always stick together, but what about me? What am I supposed to do alone?”
That heartfelt admission struck a nerve with Jake. He’d spent all day feeling nothing but alone, so he sympathized with the fear laced in Danny’s voice.
He reached over and took Danny’s drink from his hand, setting both of their glasses down on the table in front of them before sitting back and letting his hand rest on Danny’s knee. “You’re family Danny and we love you. Just because you don’t know what you’re going to do after graduation doesn’t mean you have anything to be afraid of”. He gave his knee a squeeze and offered a gentle smile, “the possibilities are endless really. You can take some time off and travel, work odd jobs until you find out what calls to you. Stay with Sam, keep him out of trouble for me”.
“I don’t know how much longer I can stay with him like that, Jake”. The conversation took a turn and the inner struggles Danny was dealing with came to light in what he felt was an intimately safe space. “Recently I’ve just felt so frustrated at him. At first I tried to figure out what had changed, if he’d said something or done something to piss me off, but then I realized he hadn’t done anything. Sam hasn’t changed at all, I have. I’m changing and I don’t know what to do about it”.
“What’s changing Danny?” He could tell that he was stressed about this, but he couldn’t help but press him further. Jake needed to know what was affecting him, and if he had anything to do with it.
Danny took a deep breath, gathering the courage to say what was really on his mind. “I- I think I like guys. Not all guys, just a few, but I mean, in the same way I like some girls… if that makes sense?” he ran his palm down his face, sighing in frustration.
Jake stared him down, Danny’s eyes were as wide as saucers, horrified that he’d admitted that and Jake was speechless. Finally Jake erupted in laughter, he couldn’t help it, but Danny’s being so innocent and confused after all they had already done together left Jake hysterical.
“Whatever made you think that? Having sex with me or being in love with my brother?”
Danny rolled his eyes and pushed his shoulder. Yes he realized that he’d already had sex with another guy, but one experience didn’t make you a full fledged gay did it? If so, how many times would?
“Sam and I have been really close for a very long time, you know that, and for the longest time it felt like enough. Just being there for him, being his best friend”.
“You’re right I do love him, I think I always will no matter what, but now I want more. I want to go on dates, cuddle without feeling like I’m hiding something, be all lovey-dovey”. He sighed again, already feeling defeated . “Do you think he will ever love me back?”
Jake was speechless once more. Looking at him he couldn’t see how anyone female or male could resist his god-like appeal. Danny was a catch, and he thought Sam sometimes took him for granted. He tried to choose his next words carefully, but before he could give him any sort of insight he needed to know something else.
He pulled his hand back and created some space between them again, sitting back into the armrest of the couch while still remaining turned towards him. “Danny, you don’t regret anything we’ve done do you?” He wouldn’t blame him if he did, Jake knew how messy this could get before his drunk self decided to say fuck it and literally fucked him anyways.
Danny’s expression changed from that of uncertainty to something more tender. “Regret? No, not at all. Do I feel guilty? Maybe a little”. Danny made a move this time, pulling one of his legs onto the couch until he was leaning on his knee and reaching over to brush his fingertips against Jake's cheekbone.
“Only because you’re just so tempting all the time. I can’t be around you anymore without thinking about touching you,” his hand sprawled out as it smoothed down Jake's jaw and neck, slipping underneath the stretched out collar of his cut up tshirt, “and kissing you”. He creeped further forward, until the tip of his nose was bumping against Jake’s and he let his voice fall into a soft volume just above a whisper.
Jake inhaled shakily, because he’d felt the same since the moment Danny walked through his front door. “I think Sam would be the biggest dumbass ever if he didn’t realize just how beautiful you are” he let his hand find purchase on Danny’s side, slipping it underneath the hem of his muscle shirt and dragging it along the burning skin, “and sexy”.
Danny shook his head, from side to side, some of his curly raven locks falling forward. Jake scooted his hips further down onto the couch until his groin came into contact with Danny’s knee between his legs. Letting Danny tower over him, he took his free hand and tucked the fallen strands behind his ear before pulling him down into a kiss.
“In the meantime, I’ll be here for you. I don’t want you to feel guilty about it though. I just want you to feel good”. Jake let his hand under Danny’s shirt circle around to his stomach, then grazed downwards until he was cupping him over his pants.
“Can I make you feel good Danny?”
He hummed, the touch not enough to elicit a moan from him, but the intention of it enough to grow the beginnings of an erection. The hand he had on Jake’s collar found its way back to his neck, applying just the slightest bit of pressure as he leaned forward again. “Only if I can make you feel good too”.
“That sounds like a deal” Jake replied quickly, not wasting a breath as he started to unbuckle Danny’s belt already while Danny connected their lips again.
The sun had gone down causing a darkness to set in the living room. The movie they’d given up on watching tonight was nearing its end in the background, casting a glow over their bodies as they hastily stripped down to just their underwear.
“Jake?” Danny called out to him after he somehow found their positions reversed and Jake sprawled out on top of him trailing kisses all over his now exposed torso, his smaller stature fitting perfectly against Danny’s longer frame. “Will you fuck me this time? I want to know how it feels”.
Jake pulled back with a wild look in his eyes, like the invitation was almost too good to pass up on, but he reeled himself back in knowing Danny wasn’t quite ready for that just yet.
“Do you want me to show you?”
Danny bit his bottom lip, a slight hesitation but ultimately nodding his head yes.
“I’ll be right back. Take these off while I’m gone” Jake grabbed the elastic of his boxers and pulled them until they came snapping back against Danny’s golden hip then darted upstairs.
Danny’s pulse was racing as he followed Jake's instruction and discarded his last bit of clothing into the pile on the floor. Only now he was feeling a bit embarrassed, lying completely in the nude waiting for him to return .
Jake was back quickly with his little bottle of lube in hand. He had to briefly stop though, to admire the man that was spread out for him like thanksgiving dinner finally set on the table after having starved all day while cooking.
“Fuck, why are you so sexy?” He commented aloud while his eyes focused on every square inch of smooth tanned skin from his chest down to the tip of his toes and to the also dusty pink tip of his dick.
Danny blushed, sitting up so he could wrap his arms around Jake's waist and pull him back down onto him.
Jake cupped Danny’s face in his hands, feeling the way his jaw went slack when his tongue came out to glide across Danny’s bottom lip, coaxing his mouth to let him in. He took his time kissing Danny, letting their tongues dance over each other trying to get him completely relaxed and sure before he started anything else.
Finally, when he felt like Danny had been reduced to a breathless puddle underneath him, he pulled back perching onto his knees. “I’m not going to hurt you, but I need you to say you will tell me to stop if it gets to be too much for you”.
A hint of fear flashed across Danny’s face, but when he looked into Jake’s tender eyes he knew there was nothing to be worried about. Jake would take care of him, always.
“I will” he agreed, watching in anticipation as Jake retrieved the lube and squeezed a small amount to begin with onto his palm. It was a slight surprise though when instead of heading right for his backside, Jake gently picked up Danny’s erection and began spreading the lube in his hand up and down the entirety of his shaft.
“Focus on what this hand is doing unless I tell you otherwise” Jake instructed him in a soft yet firm tone. Danny was holding back a tiny moan, but answered him with another nod of his head as he watched Jake work him over.
As soon as Danny rest his head back and let himself start to feel the pleasure from the handjob, Jake paused to squeeze another bit of lube onto his fingers, only this time the opposite hand.
“You have to relax, remember?” Jake spoke through a half smile, making Danny remember their first time together when their positions were reversed. A warm slightly wet pad of a finger pressed against Danny’s entrance.
Danny had to focus on mentally preparing himself for the touch to keep himself from flinching. Although Jake applied some pressure, he didn’t enter him just yet, quickening the motion in the hand wrapped around the front.
“Do as I said, focus on this hand not the other” he reminded Danny, a little more sternly this time with a tightening of his grip and adding a twisting motion as his fist came down against the base.
Danny choked back a moan, wiggling his hips in the slightest to ask for more of whatever Jake was doing with that hand before realizing he probably shouldn’t be moving around too much.
Then Jake started to add the first finger, little by little until he was just about all the way inside. Holding it there, he waited for Danny’s body to get used to the feeling, all the while continuing to pump his hand up and down. Fast and hard, followed by a few loose and slow where he drug his thumb over the tip causing Danny to sigh and groan.
“Jaaake” Danny breathed out in a lower register than his usual speaking voice. He knew what that meant, Danny was feeling good, and it wouldn’t be long until that coil in his stomach would be tightening.
He positioned another finger, just getting it ready for when Danny was nearing the edge.
“Are you close already?” His tone wasn’t teasing, or cocky, only needing to know so he could control Danny’s high. “Tell me if you’re close”.
“I am-” Danny groaned, his back picking up off the cushions so he could try and rock his hips into the tight fist “I’m close-”.
Jake stopped his stroking, but Danny's hand mindlessly flew down in an attempt to replace it and continue getting himself off. Jake slapped it away, “No, not yet. You still have another finger to take”.
A whimper escaped Danny’s parted lips as his body shivered from the lack of release. He felt Danny’s entrance fluttering against his second finger, and took that as his queue to start easing it in along with the first.
Danny did flinch this time, but didn’t cry out in pain, so Jake just dialed it back a bit and went even slower. “How are you feeling?” He checked in once he had the second all the way in.
“Like you just denied me an orgasm” Danny laughed nearly hysterically, his hand Jake had slapped away reaching up and running through his tangling hair as he blinked up at the ceiling. Well he was laughing, could be a lot worse, so Jake took that as a win.
“Yeah, and I’m going to do it again” he resumed the hand job, the mixture of residual lube and precum keeping Danny well coated and his hand gliding.
Then together he worked his fingers inside of him, pulling them out only halfway and working them back in, trying to press them even deeper. He repeated that motion a couple of times, letting his hands work in a patterned motion coming down on him every time he pressed inside, until Danny was close again.
When he pulled away a second time, Danny’s lungs emptied in one breath with a slur of curses like he’d just been submerged in ice cold water. He’d been expecting the denial that time, but that didn’t help him endure it one bit.
As soon as his body calmed down again, it was back to stroking and fingering. A deadly combo that Jake was thoroughly enjoying edging Danny with.
“Jake, what about you?” Danny managed to choke out through moans. “The deal was I could make you feel good too”.
Jake let a chuckle slip, because even though Danny was still coherent enough to form sentences, he wasn’t fully comprehending everything that was happening all at once and how Danny squirming and whimpering and shivering underneath him had Jake absolutely reeling towards his own release.
“Look” he instructed, removing his hand on Danny’s swollen cock to give him a peak between their bodies. There was a dark wet spot on Jake’s boxers where his own weeping cock stayed hidden. If he gave himself even the slightest bit of attention right now he knew he’d be busting quickly right there all over his couch.
Instead, he focused on Danny and learning his body’s indicators, storing them away in his head for future use. Like the way his knees fell further apart when he wanted more pressure, and tried to squeeze together when he was near the breaking point.
Danny’s eyes practically rolled back into his head as he realized Jake was getting off by pleasuring him. His body went stiff again, knees shaking, but he held himself back on his own, starting to rather enjoy the feeling from the little game Jake was playing.
To reward him, Jake returned his hand almost too soon, giving him just a couple of loose strokes. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything other than not cumming until I say so, okay?” Danny was being so obedient for him he wondered if he was getting more turned on by it. Jake certainly was.
The time between stroking and pulling away was getting shorter, and Jake knew Danny would be nearing his limit soon. He decided this would be the last time, giving his all into his aching hands.
Tears were starting to form in the corner of Danny’s eyes and his body glistened with a sheen of sweat as it writhed in pleasure turned pain, but the pain only adding to the pleasure.
“You’ve been so good, cum for me now Danny”.
Danny’s eyes peaked open, having squeezed shut in concentration. Slightly dazed and confused, not trusting himself that he’d heard Jake right.
“Do you not want to?” Jake questioned, barely slowing down again in case Danny actually wanted him to stop and edge him once more.
“No! I want to! I wanna cum!” the words burst out of Danny just before his load did. He spilled out onto Jake's hand, some splattering across his stomach and chest.
Jake waited for it to stop and his breath to return before carefully sliding his fingers out. Danny groaned at the loss, having actually gotten fully used to them by that point.
Their eyes were locked on each other, Danny still in shock from the power of the orgasm he’d just had and so incredibly thankful to the man above him who gave it to him.
Lifting his hand, Jake inspected the mess that had been made, and before anything could be said to stop him, he licked it clean.
“That is not what I had in mind when you said you'd show me” Danny stared up at Jake with starry eyes and a blissed out expression.
“You liked it though” Jake hovered over his messy body and planted a firm kiss right on his lips.
“Now,” he leaned back again and grabbed the aching bulge in his boxers, “are you going to change your mind and stay? Or do I need to take care of this on my own?”
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