#smart breaker
wenzhou-cht-electric · 4 months
Wenzhou CHT Electric Co., Ltd - RCBOs and RCCB Supplier
Wenzhou CHT Electric Co., Ltd is a leading low-voltage protection products supplier company in China. Our products are protected against electricity faults. We have available consumer units, EV chargers, MCCB, ACB, RCBOs, RCCB, smart breaker/smart switch, New Energy Breaker, DC 1000V MCB, type B breakers, and Arc Fault detection Devices at the best prices. For more details call us @ +86-15858819087.
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eatonelectric · 1 year
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(通过 PL9S-Smart Breaker-Eaton Moeller)
PL9S series intelligent miniature circuit breakers are integrated and intelligent products independently developed to realize intelligent control and Internet of Things applications.
Product Name: Eaton Smart Breaker
Catolog Number: PL9S Series
Rated Amperage:6-63A
Rated Voltage: 230V/400V
Breaking Capability: 6KA
Datasheet: PDF
Product Height: 60mm
Product Length: 90mm
Product Width: 53.2mm
Product Weight: 0.117kg
3D Model; CAD, step
Standard: GB/T10963.1
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101suouexpressions · 19 days
You know the friendship is real when your first instinct against danger is to protect the group's little puppy.
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This is one of the scenes that I adore SO much. You can tell that both Suou and Sakura made the decision to shield Nirei subconsciously. This is so important because usually Sakura would charge into the battlefield and leave Nirei in the care of Suou since he was aware that Suou could do that with ease.
The look of surprise on their faces when they saw the other doing the same thing is so priceless. I think at that moment they really realised how much they had grown on each other.
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
"I was gonna say you're like a son to me.. but you're more than that."
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"It ain't that complicated!"
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How quickly that shoulder pat of comfort turned into a condescending one.
#he makes me feel so emo#this life was never meant for you but your fate was forced#the way dutch (and hosea) talks to arthur like he's stupid will never sit right with me#like they've been by his side over 20 years they KNOW he isn't stupid because if he was he would have been gone a long time ago#not only is arthur incredibly emotionally smart but he's a trained conman vault breaker gunslinger horse rider you name it#the fact that his own adoptive parents break him down like that hurts#it's a manipulation tactic on dutch's end - break your victims self esteem to make them chase your praise and approval#hosea I believe has just gone along with that kind of attitude but in a different way he just likes to jest lightheartedly#arthur doesn't see the difference though and it's understandable but he takes it to heart#the worst part is that hosea sees through his tough guy act and has called arthur out on it#his act is a defence mechanism to protect himself from being too vulnerable - in arthur's mind#and it isn't a sudden thing it's very likely something that has built over the years given the life he has lived#and hosea notices he knows this#but they still jab at arthur#oh it hurts#is he your son dutch? or is he your guard dog? your personal workhorse?#playing through the second time is opening my eyes more and more#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#mick squeaks#mick rants#mick gifs#arthur morgan#dutch van der linde#liveblogging#you guys gotta understand - arthur seeks and longs for dutch's approval he'll never say it but it's the key motive behind his loyalty#and arthur *rejects* dutch's comfort#he doesn't *want* dutch to pat him on the shoulder because he knows dutch is digging them an even deeper hole#he doesn't want that touch he craves#it's so insanely monumental for such a small scene because it shows us how arthur feels without telling us
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ghouljams · 1 year
Fae someone giving a diamond to their darling and she’s freaking out and they’re like ??? It’s just a silly shiny something
Ok, maybe not a diamond but Fae!Price does shit like this to his witch all the time, menace that he is. She is desperately trying to keep up on repaying him.
"What is that?" You ask, staring at the red resinous cubes that Price is holding out to you on a neat black handkerchief. Your hands are actually starting to shake a little just from seeing it.
"Socotra sap," He says so easily you think he's fucking with you. Your fingers reach out to touch it, reverent.
"Dragon blood I- how did you get your hands on-" You shake your head, pull your hand away, "What is it? A gift? A- a boon?" You wrack your mind for anything you have to repay him for this.
"It doesn't have to be anything," He tugs a string on the edge of the handkerchief and it folds up like a bag. The hard red sap disappearing from view before he holds the offering out to you.
"Everything is something," You say carefully, "What-" You bite your tongue before you can ask a dangerous question, before your greed can get the better of you. What does he want for it? It's magically valuable, you both know that, but you don't think Price has any use for it.
He raises a brow at your silent hesitation, leans against the threshold of your garden. "You're turning it down?" His deep voice jogs you from your thoughts. No, you know turning down his gift has the potential to be worse than accepting it. You just need to repay him.
"No," You tell yourself firmly, "No, it's a very kind gift I just need you to wait here a moment."
Price blinks, but nods. He's more than willing to wait for you, after all that's the only thing he's been doing. Waiting for you to stumble over something so he can pick up a piece of you. He's interested to see what you repay him with. Truth be told the only thing this resin is good for is-
"You smoke right?" You ask, settling jars and various strange books on the wall, "Cigars?"
Ah, that's cute. You remembered. He grins, and sets the bag in your outstretched hand. It's fun watching you pull caps off of jars and sniff them, tugging notated paper free from one of the books as you fish chalk out of your pocket to draw a hasty circle on the wall. He leans close as you bend over the circle to work, smelling the soft floral notes of your shampoo. You make his mouth water.
"You make a lot of cigars?" He asks, instead of biting you when you lean through the threshold. You hum, head bobbing from side to side as you partition out tobacco on leaves.
"Not recently, but I had a client that liked to smoke them before court." Price isn't usually one to envy other men, but God does he feel it licking like fire at his ribs.
"Had?" You nod, opening a jar of sparse white flowers and red roots.
"Wife killed him," you break off a few pieces of the dried root and put it in a little rock bowl. Seemingly too distracted to care about the fantastic story you were avoiding.
"Really," he asks, you're so lovely up close like this, both of you leaning against the brick wall. You look up at him through your lashes with a small smile.
"Nope," you twist your pestle against the root, grinding the root down into a powder, "he decided to quit smoking." You look back at your work, grabbing another bottle. It looks like another root, but at least he knows the flower this time, morning glory. What are you cooking up there?
"I've missed making these." You smile at your work, opening the dragon's blood satchel and breaking a piece off to add to the mortar mixture. Your fingers are so deft, purposeful as you grind the roots and resin down.
He'd love those pretty little fingers to wrap around his cock. Would you even know what to do when they did? Would your nose scrunch up in concentration like it did now, your lips parted just enough to pout as you worked? Oh pretty little witch, would you get on your knees for him and beg?
"You will, " he mumbles. You hum questioningly, glancing at him as he hums back. You must not think it's important enough to question further, must not want to break your precious intent. Witches are always so fond of their focus.
You sprinkle your mixture over the filler tobacco, careful as you combine the two and start rolling the cigar. No, cigars, you portioned out for two. Smart girl, weighing your own value for the gift against your talents. You twist the end of the wrapper, and swipe your finger on an open tin before running it along the end of the wrapper to seal it. You do the same on the other end to cap it.
Price takes the finished cigar when you offer it, watching you work on the second one. It smells good, heady and resinous, and something else. "What's it supposed to do?" He isn't an expert on the herbal fuckery you witches do.
"Hex breaker, command spell, decent smoke," you list, half paying attention to him as you finish your spell, "they need to dry for a day or so, try not to smoke them until then."
Price hums, you keep your focus on your work and not on the way he inspects your gift. His thick fingers twisting the cigar between them, the soft sizzle of evaporating water. You know magic when you hear it, wild magic your grandmother used to call it. The kind you'd never hope to have.
You should hang up additional wards before he lights either of these. There's no telling what a debtor might do with this extra kick, not to mention one who seems set on you. You hold out the second cigar, you don't feel any extra weight from a tether.
"Fair trade," Price tells you, you'd have thought he'd be annoyed but he almost sounds pleased. "Now run along back inside like a good little girl, I know you want to put your new toy away."
You really do, too. You lick your thumb and rub out part of the chalk circle, breaking it easily before you gather your things to take back inside. You're positively brimming with spells that could use a little kick of dragon's blood.
"I'll bring you something nicer tomorrow," Price warns you, you don't hear him as you close the door.
Herbs used: Tobacco, bloodroot, dragon's blood sap, morning glory root
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katcreatesthings · 3 months
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thelemoncoffee · 1 year
Fantasy idea!
so ya know how things like goblins, orcs, fae, dragons, the undead, and other flavors of monster are often hated by kingdoms in high fantasy and killed on sight?
what if Kokichi was a prince of a royal family in a kingdom that accepted those creatures as normal folk and as results have earned the loyalty of alot of those species. the catch here is the other kingdoms that see those creatures as nothing but mindless evil beasts think the kingdon Kokichi's family runs is the most unsafe in the world cause the way they see it; it's overran by dangerous monsters
enter Shuichi, who's part of an adventurer party that's set on saving the "overran" kingdom from the monsters. To the rest of the party he's acting as a scout to get the best details from the royals so they know what's causing this "infestation" to occur so they can fix it.
while working with the royals to understand the situation, he meets Kokichi and- lets just say he gets more out his quest than he bargend for ;)
bonus points: one of Kokichi's parents is one of the "monster" species, so he's half human.
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emmaswanned · 11 days
Cant believe they’re making me “go to work” when my brain is broken by Video Game and all I can think about is the multiverse of Alan Wake
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wholemonsternut · 1 year
is there a name for the character trait that's like found in meta-intelligent or too-smart-to-be-affected-by-the-fictional-world tropes ???
i need an easier way to say my least favorite character trait lmao
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harmonyandco · 2 years
Harry and Hermione both become globetrotting magical adventurers after Hogwarts: Harry as a curse breaker and Hermione as a magical researcher. Because of their irregular schedules they haven't seen each other in the past three years, but when Hermione realizes she needs a curse breaker for her next project she decides to fix that by hiring him.
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cytradoesstuff · 2 years
Nico calls herself an artist and it’s usually played off as a joke which is slightly funny in its own right. Though, after going through the DMC5 Art Book and taking a close look at the weapon designs for the Devil Breaker, I honestly can’t help but agree with her.
She literally is an artist and an amazing gunsmith on top of that.
Like, only focusing on Overture, it’s not just a regular prosthetic, it’s a metal prosthetic that’s also a weapon that delivers super intense punches (kinda). Not only that, the prosthetic moves insanely smooth and works better than most biotech prosthetics you see in real life. It’s probably lightweight from how easily Nero is able to move around with it (especially when you consider it’s been about a month since Nero lost his arm, he’s surely gonna get used to that missing weight in that time, though a given is that Nero’s probably just very strong. Homeboy uses a massive revving fire sword with one hand after all) and it moves in sync with his body much quicker that actual biotech prosthetics.
Even real biotech prosthetics take time between flexing the muscle to doing the action required (though it’s super cool to think that genuinely works).
And I understand, it’s a game, it has to be smooth, it has to work quietly otherwise it might end up annoying players and/or look clunky and awkward. Plus, all of the characters (except V) are super strong it probably doesn’t matter (and the whole demons merging with materials/being the materials). But I also love to think overly complicated thoughts for things that you, as the player, really shouldn’t think too much about. 
All of Nico’s designs for all of the Devil Breaker make sense and are polished to the be the best looking as possible. To think that she does all of this herself PLUS being able to create all of this stuff on the fly and have it work makes me love her so much more. Like I cannot help but think about how she is an artist but it’s downplayed and she literally does not mind it because at least she has an outlet for all of her crazy inventing urges.
Who knows, maybe insanely good biotech is already a given in the DMC universe and Nico isn’t doing anything new (though I very much doubt that by the setting overall). The DMC5 team did a wonderful job creating designs that actually make sense once even just slightly explained through concept art and I cannot help but gush about it. 
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wenzhou-cht-electric · 7 months
Can You Improve the Safety of Electrical Appliances by a Smart Breaker or Smart Switch?
Why should you consider the Smart Breaker/Smart Switch? It might be possible you get majority of benefits or merits. We are right on this subject because this device provides you a comprehensive range of protection by responding to over current circumstances. Do you think how does it happen? This case is very simple, meaning by employing the new energy breaker increase exponentially by cutting off power to the appliance if it exceeds the safe limits.
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artykyn · 1 year
If you ever think people don’t notice you-
There was a guy in my orientation for my coding school program. I interacted with him maybe twice during orientation. He never showed up to class when the quarter started a few weeks later.
For a while, I assumed maybe he decided that programming wasn’t for him, so he changed his mind and dropped out after orientation
End of the quarter rolled around a couple months later... and he randomly DMs me like “Hey I deferred my start date to summer session, anyway do you have any advice now that you’ve been through the first quarter” and I was genuinely SO EXCITED to hear from him. This guy I talked to TWICE like three months ago. 
Strangers notice you. Strangers remember you. Strangers like you. Strangers get excited to hear from you! And also strangers like feeling helpful and being asked for advice so there’s a hot tip for conversation starters!
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101suouexpressions · 14 days
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Suou was fighting and looking out for Endou and Takiishi at the same time. It's a crucial point of Boufuurin's plan against Noroshi to identify the two most dangerous factors. Apparently, other four generals of Fuurin were also doing the same thing.
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intomybubble · 8 hours
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And here's my 4th depiction of Saint Germain in Japanese media lmao I was not expecting him to show up in this series considering the others take place around late 1800s Europe
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Edit: hoping for another ikemen to add to the list lmao 🤞🤞
Edit 2:
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There he is
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dhsic · 18 days
An article "Some common problems about circuit breakers" was published
An article "Circuit protection dry goods: Some common problems about circuit breakers" was published today Original address: https://www.dhsic.com/news/148
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