#smells like finn spirit
south-of-heaven · 9 months
Poly! Judgement Day going to Disneyland? I"m going there in December with my family as a gift for my 18th birthday which was in June and I'm super excited 😍 (I hope what I said after the request doesn't go against your guidelines because you said you don't want people to vent in your ask box, if it does, sorry, I promise I won't rumble anymore.)
- Lilith🩰
Disney || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: Your partners take you to Disneyland for your birthday.
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Your heart is aflutter with excitement as you stand before the magical gates of Disneyland, hand in hand with your partners, Finn, Damian, Rhea, and Dominik. The anticipation has been building for weeks, and now that the moment has arrived, you can hardly contain your joy.
The air is filled with an atmosphere of enchantment, and the iconic Disney castle stands tall in the distance, a beacon of wonder. Your eyes widen with childlike wonder as you take in the sight, feeling like you've stepped into a fairytale come to life.
Finn's smile is infectious as he wraps his arm around you, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Happy birthday," he says, his voice warm and filled with genuine happiness.
Damian, with his stoic demeanor, can't hide the small grin that tugs at the corner of his lips. He's clearly enjoying the thrill of being here with you, and it warms your heart to see him so relaxed and carefree.
Rhea's playful spirit is contagious as she bounces on her toes beside you, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Get ready for an amazing day," she says, her enthusiasm practically tangible.
Dominik, the gentle giant of your group, beams down at you with a look of pure adoration. His presence is a calming force, and his happiness at being able to share this experience with you is evident in his eyes.
As you pass through the gates and step into the heart of the park, the excitement bubbles over. You're greeted by the vibrant sights and sounds of Disneyland—the joyful laughter of children, the melodic tunes of familiar Disney songs, and the smell of delicious treats wafting through the air.
The day unfolds like a dream. You explore the various themed lands, from the whimsy of Fantasyland to the futuristic charm of Tomorrowland. You ride thrilling attractions, indulge in delectable treats, and meet beloved Disney characters who pose for pictures and share warm hugs.
Finn's arm never leaves your side, his presence a steady anchor in the sea of excitement. Damian surprises you with his willingness to try the whimsical rides, a side of him you've rarely seen. Rhea's laughter is a constant soundtrack, and her energy keeps the group's spirits high. Dominik's protective nature shines as he ensures your comfort and happiness at every turn.
As the day turns into evening, you gather in front of the castle, bathed in the glow of the nighttime spectacle. Fireworks dance across the sky, painting it with vibrant colors and whimsical patterns. The magic of the moment is palpable, and you find yourself holding hands with all your partners, forming a circle of unity and love.
With each burst of color in the sky, you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the incredible people who have made this day possible. The joy, laughter, and love you share with Finn, Damian, Rhea, and Dominik make this Disneyland adventure more magical than you could have ever imagined.
As the final fireworks light up the night sky, you find yourself surrounded by the warmth of their presence. The day has been a beautiful celebration of not only your birthday but also the bonds you share. And as you link your fingers with theirs, you know that this enchanting memory will forever be etched in your heart as a testament to the love you all share.
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regaliasonata · 7 months
Jungle Fury Random Headcanons and Ideas
@skyland2703 @augment-techs @mo-ok @junglefurytrash went a bit crazy with this one
-Casey is the youngest of five siblings, and is the only boy in the family. He knows how to do makeup and hair.
-Due to his upbringing everyone in the house expected him to be gay, he was kind of dreading having to tell his mother and sisters but they were pretty chill about it.
-His sisters are either quintuplets or triplets and two adopted sisters depending on what you want to go with.
-Despite being the blue ranger Theo didn't develop his animal spirit until after Luen gained his. His parents seem to expect more from him as they were students in a sub school associated with the Pai Zhua.
-Theo's won a Guinness World Record award for karaoke, he claims it's in his blood to be amazing at it.
-Lily grew up within a small apartment in the city, she enjoys all the different foods that a place has to offer. Anything that's new and changing, reminds her of home.
-There's a chance that she trained with Zack and had him as a partner as she did mentioned how she used to do competitive dance competitions.
-RJ's mother passed away when he was young and he kind of blames himself for it. Despite trying to make their relationship better Finn may have blamed him all those years ago for Mrs. James's passing, just a constant reminder of her not being here.
-RJ is amongst one of the only individuals(Like Antonio) to discover the Morphin Grid on his own and is the reason the Pai Zhua has it as access.
-Sometimes just to spite Finn RJ catches fish and attaches them around the shark master's house. That way his air conditioning can smell terrible.
-Dominic flunked out of college, he was studying to become a teacher in geography.
-Casey seems more ticked off with Dominic because of the idea that he might try to go for Jarrod or RJ.
-Jarrod enjoys being around animals as his parents weren’t really around, his mother didn’t really enjoy the prospect of having a boy and his dad would either yell all the time or get pissed off about farm work not doing well so Jarrod cuddling up with a fluffy sheep or even summoning his black lion spirit to sleep next to it’s mane would soothe him.
-Despite all the troubles within the school Master Mao kinda sees Jarrod as his own son(Any of you kingdom hearts fans, cough cough Eraqus and Terra).
-Camille’s hatred of snakes was due to her mother being killed by Naja 10,000 years ago, she’s unaware of this fact but disposing of the snake rinshi felt right when it happened in the show.
-Her eyeshadow is actually a trait of her animal spirits. Animal spirits have way more depth to them as they are the shadow of one’s self, in some cases specific traits about said spirit leak into the person like physical to mental details (example: Camille’s eyeshadow, RJ’s ferocity from his wolf spirit.)
-megazords formed by animal spirits were based on specific influences centuries ago, from totems, giant sculptures like sphinx and even Animus. Some can claim that the guardians of the Pai Zhua were the first people to create earthly megazords within human history.
-mystical beasts or fictional animal like creatures such as the phoenix, azure dragon etc are somewhat rare due to a very small percent of people born with one or those entities giving access to said person. Such as the Phantom Beasts who are based on specific creatures. If Nick or Chip were to come to Pai Zhua and develop a phoenix and Garuda spirit then they’d be a powerful force.
-rinzen and zocalo energy isn’t inherently bad energy but the power is mainly associated with rinshi, the rangers have the potential to access it and even gain phantom beast modes similar to Jarrod and Camille.
-Fran’s animal spirit can range either from a black cat, owl or monkey and gives her abilities based on inner luck or focus making her quite powerful.
-Lily basically adopted Casey as her own little brother.
-Secretly Jarrod wants to pursue cooking or something based in creativity. He didn't touch a kitchen utensil for weeks after seeing kitchen nightmares and it took RJ having to throw the tapes out to get him back into cooking.
-Master Swoop can actually split himself into bat's and has the little shadows spying around the world for any threats. Its kind of creepy but very effective as he can easily have the bat's acting as kamikaze strikers to defeat monsters. Rangers on other teams don't know how threats get taken down but they don't mind, less work load.
-the Pai Zhua has more schools within the world that differentiate in some fighting styles and such. Some schools like the ninja academies try to pick up on their skills but a few of the campuses keep secret.
-Zordon tried to learn about the teachings thousands of years ago as their abilities mixing with the grid gave way for a spike in power with combat but they shunned the wizard away cause of being weary about his motives. Ninjor was welcomed in open arms via the power coins he had. This also explains why Jungle Fury was so scarce with the other teams up until megaforce.
-despite everything the Pai Zhua is nowhere near as moral as they tried to portray themsleves as. Some people can be very toxic in a few areas, Dai Shi had possessed people in the past and with each attempt they tried to have the individuals go mad and die from the experience as a way to rid themselves of the dragon. Casey and the rangers dismantled this ideology after killing the Dai Shi.
-because of her potential the academy sent scouts to try and push Fran to join the academy but RJ quickly shut that down and actually threatened a few of the higher officials because of this.
-Animal spirits talk amongst themselves when the team isn't around. Some play poker when everyone's asleep.
-because of being spirit and mythical based the JF team can handle most of the recurring threats of Zedd and Rita. Plus with their megazords not being mechanical they aren't easily disposed of.
-RJ secretly made JKP into a megazord incase there's an emergency, he met Antonio and added a shitload of symbol power and animal spirit energy to make it a powerful force.
-Lily loves a lot of 80s-90s music and loves to dress in a semi style of Y2K.
-Having no knowledge of Pokemon, Camille and Casey were sat down by Theo and Fran until they were introduced to Gen 4. Camille hacked her Platinum cartridge to get all the mythical and legendary mon events.
-RJ smokes blunts mainly to calm himself, it started as a way to escape the thought of his mother being goin and his father's disapproval.
-Tommy and Jason aren't allowed in Ocean Bluff when it comes to ranger activity because RJ's access to the grid could be useful but he likes to gatekeep and personally team wise if anything happens both him and the group wouldn't enjoy veteran rangers from the first modern team(unless it's billy) coming in and taking over operations.
-Camile and Jarrod jump monsters whenever a mission happens, forget talking, get the job done when needed.
-Casey was fired from the zoo for sleeping in the tiger cage and released all the animals into nice reservations after he was let go.
-Lily was made team leader as Casey doesn't feel too well with getting the role just for being a red ranger.
-Theo is a master at coming up with combo attacks and megazord concepts to the point that rangers like Chip and Max come to him for guidance. He's got quite the reputation in the ranger community for his witty ideas.
-Casey is on a red ranger watch list due to his sword skills, despite keeping their word Jason may have came to the city to demand some aid with their grid research and the two got into a brawl with Casey winning. Him, Jayden and Lauren are all at the top five of said list.
-RJ has dated lots of people but it usually never ends on a perfect note as they were usually relationships with people who took emotional advantage over him. Though he's in a better place within his life to try again with Casey or anyone who actually values him.
-Jarrod listens to a lot of punk music and back at the school Mao got complaints about speakers Blaring music at two in the morning.
-Cam hangs with RJ and shares ideas but he isn't allowed to tell Tommy about any of their conversations. The two may have had a thing in the past.
-Wolf rangers tend to have a powerful aura and they each meet together to talk about business, RJ has a bone themed secret landline he uses to contact them.( @sentinelofstories wolf war 👀😭)
-Due to Dai Shi the JF teams has a disdain for dragons, Serpentera count your days if you ever come back.
-Camille's rinshi form is just armor but was never accepted fully as a rinshi, she only became one to seem worthy in Dai Shi's eyes. The phantom beast hated her for many things and this was one of the reasons, thousands of years ago she murdered three previous members for nearly trying to assassinate her.
-Princess Shayla and the Wild Force rangers are on good terms with the JF team. Merrick follows RJ around like a lost puppy, Taylor spites Theo for being short, Lily tried to get Danny out of his shell. Max tries to explain modern day concepts to Camille, Alyssa and Dominic do small talk and Cole is given death glares from RJ or Jarrod because Casey has caught eyes for him.
-Casey is Gay, Lily is Bi, Theo is a straight ally, Camille and Jarrod are angry bisexuals, RJ is pan, Fran and Dom are unsure of what they are.
-It is unknown if dinosaurs can become animal spirits but Eric actively seeks out Casey to test this theory.
-Casey's favorite red ranger is TJ.
-The team watches movies each Thursday, Everyone except Lily can't handle watching Final Destination.
-it took some time but Jungle Fury had their crossover with RPM and its safe to say things were chaotic. Dillon and Jarrod pretty much had a staring contest with each other, RJ and Flynn got high for the most part, Scott kept crying tears of joy when Casey took him to see their world since it isn't destroyed, Theo wanted to throw himself out the window from hanging with Ziggy, Summer took Lily shopping and Camille was this close to murdering the twins but actually found herself warming up to them, she even went on a date with Gemma.
-Billy is on thin ice for trying to bring Zordon back and while RJ likes the dude he'd prefer that the giant head wouldn’t butt in on all of their affairs.
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tinycoded360 · 1 month
Sterling Household-Acorns
The Borrowfield family huddled in the cozy confines of their wall. Milton's voice was low but animated as he outlined the afternoon's mission to his attentive brood.
“We will be gathering acorns for Emma," Milton said, his brow furrowed in determination. "She was kind to share her knowledge and supplies with us. Now, we repay her generosity."
"Remember, we move together, and we watch out for one another," Cassia added, her maternal eyes scanning each of her children, from the responsible Agnes to the wide-eyed Finn. The siblings nodded, understanding their task's importance and its dangers.
As they ventured into the backyard, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. 
Milton led the way, spear at the ready, his sharp eyes scanning for threats. Cassia mirrored his vigilance on the flank, her own weapon poised. Acorns lay scattered across the grass like treasures waiting to be claimed, their brown shells gleaming in the soft light. To the Borrowfields, these were not mere seeds but sustenance, the size of small melons that promised nourishment.
"Look, there's a cluster over there!" Pippin whispered eagerly, pointing towards a bounty beneath an oak’s sprawling roots.
"Quietly now," Milton reminded him, even as he shared his son's excitement.
Agnes and Lila moved gracefully, their small hands working deftly to gather the acorns. They synchronized their efforts when they rolled the heavy nuts one by one toward the bag. Finn, his little legs struggling to keep up, pushed with all his might, his face screwed up in determination.
"Good job, Finn!" Lila encouraged, her gentle voice bolstering her brother's spirits.
"Into the bag, carefully now," Cassia directed as she helped hoist an acorn over the rim. The big bag slowly swelled with their foraged goods.
A shadow passed overhead, a bird on the hunt, and Milton tensed, spear lifted. The children froze, but the danger passed, the creature unaware of the tiny family below.
"Let's get these back to Emma," Milton said, satisfied with their haul. Together, they hoisted the hefty bag, shoulders touching, each bearing the weight.
When they arrived at Emma's portion of the wall leading into the basement, Cassie tugged on a string hanging down from a wooden panel. Emma had created this to trigger a doorbell-like system, announcing any friendly arrivals.
"Who is it?" came the muffled voice from the other side, feigning ignorance despite knowing full well who would visit at this hour.
"It's us, Emma," Lila chimed, unable to contain her excitement.
The panel slid open, revealing Emma's smiling face. "My, my, what have we here?" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling as they fell upon the bulging bag.
"We've brought you acorns, Emma," Pippin said proudly, puffing out his chest a little as he spoke.
"Such a treat! And such fine company," Emma beamed, stepping aside to allow them entry into her cozy abode.
"Thank you, dear friends," Emma continued, her hands clasping over her heart. "Your visits mean more to me than any feast."
Milton set the bag down with a soft thud. "We couldn't forget you, Emma. Not when you've guided us through so much."
Emma wasted no time preparing to work; her movements were practiced and sure. She cracked the acorns with a well-worn stone, deft fingers prying open the shells to reveal the tender meat within. A small fire crackled in a makeshift hearth, carefully enclosed by stones scavenged from the basement area. As Emma stirred a dollop of honey into a tiny iron pan, the Borrowfields' eyes widened at the sight of the golden syrup melting over the heat.
"Just a touch of sweetness." She tossed the acorn meats into the pan, and they sizzled as they met the honey. The cozy space began to fill with the comforting aroma of nuts roasting.
Lila's nose, twitching at the delicious smell, tugged at her father's shirt. "Papa," she said, gleaming of mischief in her eye, "what do you think about getting more acorns? We could have honey-roasted nuts for days!"
Finn, ever the shadow of his sister's ambition, nodded vigorously. "Yes, please! Let’s go now!" His tiny voice was full of yearning for another adventure.
Milton glanced down at his children, his expression softening with affection even as he shook his head. "No, Lila, Finn. We've gathered plenty today," he replied, his voice firm yet gentle.
Cassia came to stand beside her husband, laying a hand on each child's head. "It's too risky to go out again, especially alone.”
Not satisfied with this answer, the two youngest children waited until the adults were lost in conversation, and Emma was absorbed in her culinary craft.
"Come on," Lila whispered, her voice barely a flutter as she tugged at Finn's sleeve. His wide-eyed nod betrayed his eagerness as they slipped away.
The backyard was a wild realm of towering grass blades and looming flowers, and the setting sun cast long shadows across the terrain.
"Look, Lila!" Finn exclaimed in a whisper, pointing towards a particularly plump acorn nestled at the base of a dandelion.
"Careful, Finn," Lila cautioned, but her warning was tinged with pride at her brother's keen eye.
Their collection grew, and each acorn was carefully selected and placed into the pouch. 
Whiskers, with her sleek coat and piercing eyes, had spotted the tiny intruders in her domain. Her tail twitched with predatory interest, her gaze fixed on Lila and Finn as if they were nothing more than mice to be toyed with.
"Run!" Lila shouted, her voice breaking the spell of silence as fear surged through her veins.
Finn's hand clenched around hers, his little legs pumping furiously as they dashed for the safety of the wall. Whiskers pounced forward, her movements graceful and lethal—a striking contrast to the panic-stricken scramble of the Borrowfield siblings.
"Quickly, Finn!" Lila urged, her breath coming in sharp gasps. She could feel the cat's presence closing in, a whisper of danger on the breeze.
"Almost there!" Finn cried, his determination burning bright despite his trembling limbs.
Lila dared a look back, her heart thundering against her chest as Whiskers leapt, her claws extending in anticipation of the catch.
They darted toward the house, their minuscule legs pumping furiously as Whiskers gained on them. The cat's paw swiped out, missing Finn by mere inches.
Panic surged through Lila's tiny form as she darted with Finn in tow, darting between the blades. Whiskers was upon them in moments, her paw batting at the siblings with a casual cruelty that sent them tumbling across the ground. The cat's claws snagged Lila's dress, ripping it as they made their desperate bid for freedom.
"Stay behind me!" Lila gasped, pushing Finn down into a small hollow beneath a fallen leaf. But Whiskers was relentless, her playful mauling a terrifying ordeal for the Borrower children. With each swipe of her massive paw, Finn wailed, his tears mingling with the dirt on his face.
Lila, driven by a fierce protective instinct, swung her tiny arm, aiming futile blows at the cat's unyielding sides. Her efforts were fruitless; to Whiskers, she was nothing but a mouse, a plaything to be subdued and toyed with. The cat's paw came down hard, pinning Lila to the earth. Terror seized her heart as Whiskers leaned in, her fangs piercing Lila's leg. A sharp cry escaped her lips as she grappled with the agony and fear that she might be eaten.
"Please, no," Lila screamed, her leg on fire. She could see Finn, tears streaming down his face, rooted to the spot by fear.
"Whiskers! No! Bad cat!" The thunderous command came from above as Sterling, the giant human, stormed into view. His massive hand scooped up Whiskers, lifting her away from the Borrowfield children with ease.
"Drop it," he ordered sternly, and Whiskers complied, releasing Lila as if she were nothing but a plaything. Sterling held the cat in his arms, his gaze locked on the tiny figures below. Concern etched deep lines on his forehead, his eyes betraying the struggle within.
"Go on, scoot," he murmured, giving the children time to escape. Lila, her leg bleeding, clutched Finn close and hobbled away as fast as their little legs would carry them.
Sterling watched from the corner of his eye, noting the trail of crimson drops left by the tiny girl. His heart clenched, and for a moment, the urge to intervene, to scoop them up and offer aid, nearly overtook him. He had become aware of the tiny people living in his home about a week ago. He had chosen to ignore them, hoping they would be comfortable enough to make themselves known to him one day. He didn’t want to scare them off by trying to capture them.
Taking advantage of the moment, Lila grabbed Finn's hand, pulling him to his feet. They stumbled towards the crack in the wall, their escape a mixture of pain and determination. Lila felt the weight of the giant's gaze upon them, but he did not move.
As the siblings slipped into the safety of the wall, Sterling straightened up and returned to his home with his cat.
In the safety of the wall, Lira held her little brother close.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."
Finn hiccuped. "The adventure wasn't fun," he mumbled into her shoulder. “At least the giant didn’t get us; I don’t even think he saw us!”
Lila bit her lip, glancing at her brother. He didn't need to know the truth — that the giant's eyes had met theirs. It would be her secret; she didn’t want to cause her family to move.
Before they could rise, Milton and Cassia were upon them. Arms enveloped the small, shaken bodies, lifting them into a warm embrace.
"Never again," Cassia muttered, her voice a mix of anger and desperation. "You must understand, never again."
"Sorry, Mama," Finn mumbled, burying his face into her shoulder.
"Sorry," echoed Lila, the single word encapsulating the weight of her regret.
Her father put a hand on her shoulder. His expression was stern, but his eyes were kind. "You disobeyed us and put yourself and your brother in danger. You won't be going on more adventures for a long time, young lady."
Lila nodded, blinking back tears. "I understand."
"But we're just glad you made it back to us." Her father hugged her, and Lila buried her face in his shoulder, relief and guilt warring inside her.
She winced as Milton scooped her up, his eyes quickly assessing the crimson stain spreading down her leg. Cradling her close, he whispered reassurances meant more for himself than for her. "You'll be alright, my brave little girl."
They retreated further into the safety of Emma's dwelling.
Lila winced as Emma dabbed at the bite mark on her leg with a damp cloth, sterilizing the wound.
"There, there," Emma said gently.
Agnes gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You were so brave, Lila. We're proud of you for protecting Finn like that."
Lila managed a watery smile. Her sister always knew the right thing to say.
At last, Emma finished bandaging their injuries. "All done. Now, let's get you some of those acorn nuts. Food will help take your mind off the pain, and Milton brought back some willow bark from his last trip. I can make a poultice to help with swelling and relieve discomfort."
Milton held Lila snugly against his chest, her tiny form cradled by his sturdy arms. She savored the sweetness of the acorn nut in her mouth, the rich taste momentarily distracting her from the throbbing in her leg. Milton kissed the top of her head, his voice barely above a whisper. "Next time I'm out, I'll bring back some pain medicine for you," he promised, stroking her hair.
On Cassia's lap, Finn burrowed closer, his small body seeking the solace of his mother's warmth. Her fingers traced soothing circles on his back, lulling him into a state of calm after the day's harrowing events. His eyes fluttered closed, the earlier tears replaced by the drooping lids.
Across the room, Agnes and Pippin engaged in lively conversation with Emma, their voices bubbling with laughter and punctuated by the crunch of the acorn nuts. They spoke of trivial things.
Lila's sniffles broke through the contented hum of conversation. Milton pulled her even closer.
"Everything's going to be alright," he reassured her.
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bayofwolves · 13 days
Rereading Hunted
I'm doing my first reread of Spirit Animals in years, in preparation for starting my rewrite and the final fourth arc, and to my delight I'm discovering a lot of things that went over my head as a younger reader. I finished Hunted today, and wanted to talk about some of the more interesting things I noticed -- character details, plot holes and creepy implications. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much, but I've found it tickled my brain just the right way.
So, here are some highlights from my reread -- stuff even I didn't pick up on before.
Please mind the tags as there is a brief mention of rape near the bottom of this post.
Conor looks to be strawberry-blonde on this cover, not golden-blonde as he's described in text. I feel like it suits him.
The war has actually been going on for a while, probably since well before Wild Born. Finn was fighting Conquerors when his brothers were massacred, and it's unlikely that event was recent enough to have taken place during Wild Born. There is also a moment in the first book when General Teng speculates that the Conquerors who are laying siege to Jano Rion entered the city over a period of years in order to avoid suspicion. It would be interesting if the authors tied this in more efficiently, and our protagonists had been living in an active war when they summoned the Four Fallen. This opens up a plot hole, though: the Conquerors operate under Shane, and because Shane is 13 when he mobilizes his people for war in The Book of Shane, the events of the main series must have started quite soon after this. Abeke mentions he's only a little older than she is in Wild Born; since Shane is already 13, he couldn't have been waging war for a few years before this.
The only background I could find for Kunaya's name is that it is of Zimbabwe origin and means "rain". Notice the connection? Abeke is a Rain Dancer.
Rollan mentions that his father is dead, in a way that suggests he knew him. This seems to have been retconned in Fire and Ice, as his father plays no part in Aidana's retelling of their past as a family. Indeed, he is never brought up again after this instance in Hunted.
The Earl of Trunswick was burning bodies. Our protagonists notice something off about the bonfire burning outside Trunswick, with Abeke and Meilin specifically noting its unpleasant smell. And most tellingly, when Conor and Rollan are captured, the Earl tells his soldiers to "burn the body with the rest" if Conor does not put Briggan into passive state. Who exactly the Earl was burning is not entirely clear, but a possible clue comes from a later chapter where he threatens Finn after the breakout from the Howling House. "Don't worry, Finn Cooley! We'll burn that troubled bond out of you yet!" he says. I'm inclined to believe the Earl was burning the bodies of spirit animals with the bonding sickness -- in a twisted attempt to cure their human companions, or merely to torture them further. It's possible he was burning human corpses too; Isilla the Greencloak is mentioned to have been killed, and I get the sense he wouldn't have treated her body with respect. In any case, this is a crazy thing to heavily imply and then never fully explain.
Tahlia is noticeably older than the other three kids. She even takes offense to being referred to as a child by Zerif. (In my rewrite, with the other three being around 13, I think I would place her at 18.)
Tahlia's entire existence doesn't make much sense -- she's supposed to be bonded to the Stetriolan legend of the water-holding frog, but this legend isn't even mentioned in the third arc when our protagonists go scouting for these same legends' bond tokens. Instead, it is replaced by Zhong's water dragon. Additionally, why would Stetriol even need a hero to inspire them? They already have Shane. They're the birthplace of the Conquerors -- what more inspiration do they need? It would make more sense if Tahlia was Zhongese and bonded to a water dragon, like Song's Seaspray. After all, if any nation needed someone to sway them to the Conquerors' side, it would be the fallen Zhong.
Ana, the Amayan girl with the Gila monster, was chosen to be a part of the False Four for her "exceeding connections". This makes me wonder if she was intended to be related or otherwise close to the Prime Minister of Amaya. It's never revealed what Zerif meant by this and Ana presumably dies in Fire and Ice.
The False Four in general are a really interesting (and promising) concept and I wish more was done with them. I wanted to see them rallying the four nations to the Conquerors' side and creating more of a threat to the Greencloaks! I wanted to see each of them directly paralleling the True Four! Instead, they all ended up incarcerated, insane or dead by the fourth book. Ah well. That's what my rewrite is for.
The absence of Lady MacDonnell is noted, but never explained. Interestingly, Rollan notices this in the same breath as he does Lord MacDonnell's children being so rigidly obedient. Considering Lord MacDonnell's character, I'm willing to bet he had his wife executed or otherwise removed for some transgression she made. After all, one of the Three Undeniable Truths is "death".
Lord MacDonnell is a really terrible guy. Despite aiding our protagonists in this book and The Evertree, he is a nasty person who keeps his own people in a permanent state of fear. This book is full of despicable characters, for sure.
What were Devin and Karmo intending to do with Abeke? And why her? Because of her connection to the Conquerors, I'm guessing. But it's never really explained. They tell her they're taking her back to Nilo, but there's no way they would just kindly take her home and let her go. Maybe the Conquerors planned to give her the Bile and then use her in some scheme. I wish this book wasn't so vague (but I also don't because it gives me more freedom as a writer).
Devin calls Abeke "vermin" in the final battle. Interestingly, Karmo doesn't seem to approve of this comment. In fact, Karmo is a lot more sympathetic than I remembered.
This is the only first arc book that Shane doesn't appear in, and for no apparent reason. I think it would have been a good choice to include him and plan to in my rewrite.
Finn has PTSD. Poor guy. I kind of like that he didn't return to Greenhaven at the end and instead stayed in Glengavin -- after all, it was the Greencloaks and their talk of destiny that led to Finn's brothers being killed, Donn retreating and Finn being so deeply scarred.
The Earl seems to threaten Conor's mother with rape in the foreboding letter he sends. I've seen several people discuss this. He tells Conor his family will starve if he doesn't hand over the Iron Boar, "and the fate of your mother will be far crueller". It's a chilling implication, and certainly a choice to include in a children's book.
Overall, Hunted is dark. For that reason, it's become one of my favourite books in the series. Beautiful cover, great writing, cool new guy introduced, failure for our protagonists and an epic cliffhanger. This one is a gem.
This is part of an ongoing series.
Wild Born | Hunted | Blood Ties | Fire and Ice | Against the Tide | Rise and Fall | The Evertree
Immortal Guardians | Broken Ground | The Return | The Burning Tide
Heart of the Land | The Wildcat's Claw | Stormspeaker | The Dragon's Eye
Tales of the Great Beasts | The Book of Shane | Tales of the Fallen Beasts
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baileythebean · 19 days
Gender: I don’t think he knows/cares Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them Height: 5’5 (about 165 cm) Hair color: Dark cherry red w/ a few black streaks in front NATURAL hair color: Very dark grey/black Eyes: deep brown/black Ethnicity: Japanese and Hungarian Speaks: Fluent English, Fluent Hungarian, Basic Japanese, Minimal Spanish (learning from Sora) Romantically interested in: Pebble CLOSE family/friends with: Sora, his cats Nirvana, Slipknot and Metallica, Odessa, Finn, Stone Friends with: Vinnie, Skipp, Jasper Knows of: Flynn, Zaria, Olive, Ditch, Tre HATES: Avrille, The “Boss”, people who get touchy without permission, anyone who’d harm his friends Favorite song(s): Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana, EVIL - Melanie Martinez, Numbers - Melanie Martinez Favorite color: Black Favorite animal: Sharks and dogs, but specifically the wild ones. (Wolves, coyotes, jackals, ETC) Favorite food: Pörkölt with pork, Bulgogi, Rice ofc, Curry Nails are ALWAYS painted black Lots of jewelry/piercings HIGHHHH pain tolerance Difficulty keeping a regular eating schedule (because he forgets food is a thing, not bc he st@rves himself) Scar on his shoulder and on his hip (and a faint one across his nose) -CANON THAT PEBBLE LIKES KISSING THEM A shoulder tattoo and symmetrical hip tattoos that probably hurt to get -Loved the Wings of Fire book series as a kid. (His fav character was Qibli, who acts a lot like Pebble) -Started liking boys from an early age but was stomped down -was ALMOST forced into an arranged marriage -used to be the #1 Mama’s boy before she sold him -he sold for around $12, which is now his lucky number, oddly. OMG I NEED TO DRAW PEBBLE KISSING BAILEY’S SCARS AAAAA
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unfortunate-arrow · 11 months
𝐏𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐊𝐚𝐝𝐞 | hpma minor character profile
warnings: discussions of death and cancer
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Full Name: Padraig Darragh MacKade 
Nicknames: Paddy, Pads
Name Meanings: Padraig → Irish, “patrician” or “noble” ; Darragh → Irish, “oak tree” ; MacKade → Irish & Scottish, “from the wetlands.” 
Date of Birth: April 16, 2000
Gender: Male ; he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Blood Status: Muggleborn 
Nationality: Irish
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Faceclaim: Levi Miller
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Height: 6’0” 
Build: Lean but athletic 
Hair: Brown hair that is generally curly 
Eye Color: Blue 
Scarring & Modifications: As an adult, Paddy gets a small shamrock tattoo on his left bicep 
Style: T-shirts ; jeans ; sneakers ; plaid shirts ; trousers ; sweaters ; sweatpants ; sweatshirts ; football/soccer jerseys 
Voiceclaim: Levi Miller 
Accent: Irish
Dialect: General Irish English
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MBTI Type: ENFP — the campaigner 
⤷ Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don’t just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep – as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
Positive Traits: Curious, perceptive, good-natured, festive, intelligent, kind, hardworking, warm, good people skills, adaptable, flexible, caring
Neutral Traits: Optimistic, stubborn, enthusiastic, spontaneous, charismatic
Negative Traits: Unfocused, disorganized, restless, impatient, overthinker, not big on following the rules
Interests & Hobbies: Hurling, football/soccer, golf, flying, reading, pranks
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Wand: Paddy’s wand is made of dogwood with a unicorn tail hair core and is 10 ¼ inches with a slight flexibility. 
⤷ Dogwood wands were quirky and mischievous; they had playful natures and insisted upon partners who could provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands were not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they had been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, could produce dazzling enchantments. Dogwood wands refused to perform non-verbal spells and they were often rather noisy.
Patronus: German Shepherd 
Boggart: Complete blackness, with no one around him
Riddikulus: The blackness fades into a surprise party, where his brothers are dressed in costume
Amortentia: Paddy smells like bergamot, soap, cinnamon, and peppermint.
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House: Hufflepuff 
Best Subjects: Charms, astronomy, transfiguration, care of magical creatures
Worst Subjects: Potions, herbology
Extracurriculars: None
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry ; Gringotts
Profession: Cursebreaker
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Father: David Padraig MacKade [deceased. 1965-2006]
Paddy has some clear memories of his father, as he was six when David passed away. Those memories are stronger in Paddy’s mind than his memories of his mother, but he misses the man a lot and as much as Paddy adores his big brothers, he wishes that he could turn to his father for things. 
Mother: Clare Siobhan MacKade née O’Brien [deceased, 1967-2004]
Paddy doesn’t have many memories of his mother, as he was only four when she passed away. He wishes that he could have had stronger memories of her and there are a lot of moments where Paddy wishes that he had her to turn to. He really misses her.
Brother: Finnian Joseph “Finn” MacKade
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Born on December 30, 1996, Finn is a little over three years older than Paddy. They have a fairly close relationship, although Paddy is closer to Nate and Owen than he is to Finn. They just don’t have a ton in common. However, Paddy loves his big brother a lot. 
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Brother: Nathaniel Brian “Nate” MacKade 
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Born on December 30, 1996, Nate is a little over three years older than Paddy. They have a close relationship, even though it’s not a perfect relationship. Their age gap keeps their arguments from growing too large, although Paddy really wishes that Nate knew when to back off and let Paddy make his own mistakes. Despite these minor arguments, Paddy loves his big brother a lot.
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Brother: Owen David MacKade 
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Born on June 3, 2003, Owen is a little over three years younger than Paddy. They have a close relationship, partially because Finn and Nate are such a duo that Paddy and Owen naturally gravitated towards one another. Paddy really loves his little brother a lot. He and Owen have a decent amount in common and they just get along pretty well. 
Faceclaim: Noah Jupe
Grandmother: Jean Frances MacKade née Hughes
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Paddy has a good relationship with his grandmother. He has always had a good relationship with her and he really looks up to. He’s not as aware of how much she does, but as an adult, he really appreciates everything that she’s done for him and his brothers. 
Faceclaim: Julie Andrews
Nephews: Wyatt Hartley MacKade ; Jonah David MacKade ; Ian David MacKade
Nieces: Zoey Vanessa MacKade ; Flora Elspeth MacKade
Sisters-In-Law: Nova Luisa Hartley (@gaygryffindorgal) ; Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
Friends: Cooper Everett (@amerrymystery) ; Patrick Hopper-Lee (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Dormmates: Harry Seymour (@endlessly-cursed) ; AVAILABLE ; AVAILABLE ; AVAILABLE
Pets: A labrador retriever named Lady
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Hometown: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland 
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood: 
Born on April 16, 2000, Padraig Darragh “Paddy” MacKade was the third child of David and Clare MacKade. He joined his older brothers, Finn and Nate, who were three at the time. Three years later, on June 3, 2003, Paddy gained a third brother, Owen David. For four years, Paddy had a good childhood. That all changed when his mother was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. Everything slowly began to change, especially after the tumor became terminal. His mother passed away in late 2004, peacefully in her sleep. His mother’s death rattled the entire family and things changed even more. The biggest change, though, came when Paddy’s father passed away and he and his brothers moved in with their grandmother. Then, came Finn’s and Nate’s Hogwarts letters, shocking everyone. It did explain some of the strangeness that seemed to follow the four MacKade boys. Paddy was quite excited when he received his own Hogwarts letter in 2011. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Paddy was sorted into Hufflepuff after sitting under the hat for four and a half minutes, while it debated if Paddy was better suited for Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Paddy was happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff, joining the house where his big brother was. Having Nate there to lean on helped to lessen some of Paddy’s homesickness. Paddy had a good time at Hogwarts, where he got into a surprising amount of trouble and somehow found himself named prefect.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Paddy became a cursebreaker. It worked with his desire for adventure and thrills, while also helping him get out of scrapes as trouble continued to follow him. He found himself godfather to his eldest nephew, Wyatt, and his youngest nephew, Ian, something that Paddy took very seriously. He loved all of his nieces and nephews. 
Old Age & Death: 
Paddy died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 106.
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Paddy has a big appetite and is often snacking on something. He does not like to share food, though.
He is the most troublesome MacKade brother, but he’s mostly a trouble magnet and often finds himself getting into scrapes. 
Paddy’s favorite sport is hurling, but football/soccer is his second favorite. He does enjoy watching quidditch, but is not a fan of playing the sport. 
He loves the fact that he is the tallest of the four MacKade brothers and loves to hold it over his brothers.
Important Links:
Paddy’s tag [#paddy mackade]
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notmorbid · 1 year
smells like finn spirit, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from smells like finn spirit by randy henderson.
you have your own kind of magic.
you're hurting. you just hide it well.
you say potato, i say stop whining.
a little advice would not be unwelcome.
you're the kid i always wanted, and i don't even like kids.
you should be safe. they were after me.
those memories are mine.
you always have a perfect excuse for everything you do.
you don't even realize how much i never asked for any of this.
i've only ever done what i thought i had to in the moment.
we share a lot more than just blood.
we should probably find somewhere else to lay low.
sometimes, dead is better.
'pissed off' doesn't even begin to cover it.
i'm never going to fall in love, it's just stupid.
war is here, whether you want it or not. pick a side.
we shall drink beer, and i will tell you my tale.
you're old enough to know better.
who are you doing this for?
how can you not see that what you're doing is wrong?
if i am a monster, then so are you.
you always seem to have your foot halfway out the door.
if walking the path were easy, everyone would do it.
you do know how to get back, right?
who are you to tell me what i deserve?
thank you for not dying.
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happyinjection · 1 year
♠️♥️High Card Radio Mini Drama 2 “Coming of Age”♦️♣️
Chris: *humming cheerfully*
Finn: You’re in a good mood, huh, Chris.
Chris: You bet~!
Finn: Whoa, you are in high spirits. Both your hair and suit are nicely done, it’s an entirely different vibe from the usual look.
Chris: That’s correct, I’m indeed not my usual self. Somehow, the me from today has a mature vibe that simply can’t be hidden, it’s practically exuding off my face~?
Finn: “Exuding” is the term you use for smells, ain’t it.
Chris: Well, perhaps “ringing” is the better word--
Finn: That one’s for sounds.
Chris: Then how about “blazing”--
Finn: What are you, something spicy?[*]
Chris: Haha, so, actually. From today onward, I’ve officially “come of age”. That’s why I’m all dressed up like this.
Finn: "Come of age”, huh... Eh?! Chris has just turned 20?!
Chris: What’s with that reaction?
Finn: Uhhh! I mean, you don’t exactly look 20 years old, so...
Chris: Is that supposed to be a compliment? Or is it--
Finn: --it’s a compliment! A compliment!
Chris: *sigh* Well, whatever. Adults don’t take the bait at that sort of stuff, anyway. Today, Chris Redgrave is taking his first step up the ladder of adulthood. Starting now, I’m shedding the flirty guy image, and being reborn as a dandy and cool adult... That said, what’s with that face just now, Finn!
Finn: Eh? Which face?
Chris: Hm? This guy, he’s always talking big, but in the end he would still be spitting I-love-yous, acting all flirty, and sweet talking girls again,” that kind of face you’re making?
Finn: *screeching noises* Not gonna lie, though...
Chris: Well, excuse me, what I give is not simply “sweet talk”, maple syrup is how I roll. From now on, a dandy and cool adult is--sorry, I’ve got an incoming call.
Chris: *picks up the phone call* Yes, Chris speaking~ Of course, how can I possibly forget it~ How can I forget someone so beautiful she’s almost sculpted like a statue~? I was just thinking to ask the doctor if it’s okay to go. Eh? Right now? Perfect timing~! I can go on a date with you anytime, I was just getting dressed. I don’t have any other plans, and even if I do, they’re just trivial matters compared to you. My schedule book is filled with a bright future casting the two of us. Okay. See you in 10 minutes. 
Chris: ...and so it goes. Finn~? I’m off~!
Finn: *sigh* That resolve of his doesn’t even last a day...
TL Notes: again, I’m not a professional translator, feel free to tell me if you spot any mistakes. This is a part from their routine radio show, in the beginning of each episode they insert an in-character comedic skit. The skits have no “official titles” btw, what I put above is just to help remember what each is about. [*] This exchange is too hard to convey, but basically Chris keeps on describing what he feels using onomatopoeia, this is the best I can come up with...
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vitalphenomena · 9 months
@alwaysif // finn
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Spirit visits Juniper at the diner. She's not visiting for fun; she's picking up some shirts she left at the Harris house. She has no desire to actually visit the Harris house at this moment — hence forcing Juniper to lug a tote bag of Spirit's clothes into the city.
Finn's shift is wrapping up.
"You smell," she says quietly, like she is doing him a favor. "You smell like cheeseburger."
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a romantic matchup for Star Wars, Marvel, and Harry Potter.
I’m a 18 years old straight female. My hair is naturally dark brown but I have blonde highlights so the majority of my hair looks blonde right now. My hair is kinda curly but I usually straighten it because of insecurities. I am 5’1, I know I’m short.
I would consider myself an extrovert, I have the ability to make a conversation with anyone. I consider myself smart but I do come off as ditzy. I have a rough exterior which causes some to be intimidated by me but I care deeply about others. Loyalty is a major thing for me. Sometimes I get paranoid so I need someone who is patient and understanding.
I adore cold weather and love to wear sweaters. My favorite artist is Taylor swift. I love baking because I get to experiment with different recipes. I love playing video games and reading. My receiving love languages are physical touch and gift giving. While my giving love languages are acts of service.
Thanks in advance.
Hey!!! Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! I am super excited about this and I hope you enjoy it!! <333
Star Wars;
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🪐 You were friends with Poe when you met Finn, you thought he was cute and quickly started talking to him; finding Finn to be quite awkward yet super sweet.
🪐 Finn's first impression of you was that you were very smart - later realizing that under that rough exterior was a kind, caring heart (a sentiment that Finn soon grew to admire)
🪐 You spent a lot of time together when you had the chance, and when your both weren't fighting the First Order; taking walks together, training together, or even sitting quietly in the same room reading together
🪐 Just being in each other's presence was very therapeutic for both of you, a rare occurrence in your daily lives, you both found so much comfort in being near each other
🪐 Finn radiates empathy, kindness, patience, and understanding, always making sure you are alright, both mentally and physically; Finn would never do you wrong, he's as loyal as they come
🪐 If you are ever paranoid or insecure, Finn is there to push away those fears, to remind you that you're loved; he's always there for you when you need him, and he doesn't hesitate to take the risk of losing his own life in order to protect yours
🪐 If you ever need a hug, Finn is there to give you one, and he’ll hold you as tight as you want to be held; he has the most incredible hugs in the world, and he smells like cinnamon, (he just does; he smells like home)
🪐 Finn loves giving you things, such as new articles of clothing you may need or even a new book, he loves the smile that you give him and the way your eyes sparkle when you receive them
🪐 He loves to join you when you cook, especially Deep-Fried Nuna Legs, though he finds anything you make delicious
🪐 Overall, Finn finds you perfect, so pretty with your blonde hair and cute sweaters; you have the most wonderful personality that makes Finn's stomach flutter and his heart beat faster than it has ever had before, you were his treasure
Scott Lang:
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🃏 Now you met Scott when you joined the Avengers, and you immediately bonded with him, him being pretty extroverted as well
🃏 No need to worry about him not being patient and understanding, he's a dad and that comes second nature to him
🃏 No matter how you're feeling, he'd be there to make sure you are in high spirits, and if you aren't, he'd set up a nice movie night for you or even try and make you laugh with a card trick
🃏 He's not the best cook, but he tries for his daughter and for you; frequently joining you as you cook, loving to experiment with different food, combinations, and spices
🃏 When he's not asked to fight space aliens or any other villains, he's with you playing video games; even Cassie joins in sometimes if you're playing Minecraft, but other times you play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Overcooked 2, and even sometimes Phasmaphobia (Scott hates the jumpscares but plays it with you nonetheless)
🃏 When you do have family movie nights, you'd cuddle with Scott, and Cassie in between the two of you as you watched some funny Disney movie or Dreamworks movie; eating popcorn and candy
🃏 Being the jokester he is, Scott would have dance parties with you, randomly entering the room with a small speaker on his shoulder like it was a Boombox, blasting a Taylor Swift song; in the end, the two of you sang along to the song and danced in each other's arms
🃏 In the Wintertime, when the snow is falling and holidays are in the air, Scott would wake you up early to go out to get hot cocoa, before spending the rest of the day ice skating, having snowball fights, and building snowmen with Cassie, before ending the night with a holiday movie and more hot cocoa; the side of Scott's face nuzzled into your sweater
🃏 For holidays or birthdays, Scott would gift you with new sweaters, video games, or even a trip to that new restaurant that had just opened up across town; he'd even take the time and try and paint something for you (It may have looked as if a child painted it, but you loved it nonetheless)
🃏 Scott loves you, he really does, you’re the best thing that ever happened to him; he doesn’t think he deserves you, but he’s so grateful for your love, and he can never thank you enough for giving it to him, you make sure he feels loved; you feel that same love from Scott, and you know how much he loves you, he'd scream it from the rooftops if he had to, he's in awe of your thoughtfulness and kindness towards all those around you, even the way you treat him is a testament to your compassion, he loves you so, so much and he knows that there is no one else out there for him but you
Harry Potter;
Neville Longbottom:
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🍀 You had known Neville since you helped him find Trevor in the First Year, sitting in his train cabin during the trip to Hogwarts
🍀 During the years you became friends, finding his awkwardness adorable, you knew him as a shy boy who was easily bullied by a group of older kids because of his appearance and lack of confidence which caused him to be bullied more often, but you would always stand up to those bullies for him; you were very protective of him after all he was your best friend since First Year
🍀 As the years went on, you fell for the young man, finding his appreciation of plants, the beauty of nature, his love for reading, and the outdoors endearing; it was almost impossible not to like him
🍀 After surviving Hogwarts and the battle, you moved in together in a small cottage near a thick forest and a small lake; there Neville had his own garden for his plants and you made sure that you had a sunroom where you could sit and read
🍀 Neville would bring you flowers if you have a hard day and it was always a different bouquet every time, Mayflowers, Roses, Millisweets, Tulips, they never failed to make your day; you'd even find small notes that he'd leave for you around the house and you couldn't help but smile as your heart melted into mush whenever you saw them
🍀 In the wintertime, when he was free from Hogwarts work, Neville would take you to Hogsmeade, the both of you hand in hand as you visited small shops and got warm Butterbeer
🍀 At home, you'd both read together, cuddled on the couch in your matching sweaters; your head would rest on his shoulder as his rested on your head, the both of you smiling softly
🍀 When you would finish a good book, you'd recommend it to Neville, and he'd read it just for you; he'd also do the same, you'd wake up to a new book on your bedside table with a small post-it note from Neville on it, reminding you to have a good day and to take care of yourself
🍀 You'd also visit him at Hogwarts, greeting McGonagall as you headed to the greenhouse during your Neville's lunch; you'd bring your own snack, sitting with him in the greenhouse surrounded by plants and the beautiful sun shining down on you
🍀 You couldn't stop smiling around Neville, finding him to be the most beautiful soul you've ever encountered; it was as though nothing else existed except for him and you, you could just stare at his face or listen to the sweetest melodies coming from his lips for hours on end, making you fall deeper and deeper every passing day
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Tyrian Purple silk. That had been the hardest to get. Finn lifts to her face and sniffs, then reels back retching. Yup, that was the legit stuff. Smelled like a snail's ass-end when she had her senses hightened. She holds it up to the light and carefully begins to unfold it, looking over for any blemishes in the fine silk. Her eyes, a deeper violet than the priceless fabric she holds, squint and she furrows her brow, her lips drawing into a concentration pout. Clear.
She gives a satisfied nod and carefully folds up the silk, following a very careful pattern. Moving her body softly to a song that only she could hear. There a trilling sound and she looks up as a green clockwork dragon flies down from a high perch and lands on her hair.
“Here to watch me do rituals Tok?” She asks the spirit powered automaton. She grabbed her prize creation and put him on her shoulder before he could leap onto the newly folded silk and make a nest of it.
She gently puts a hand on his head and murmurs something in a very old Irish. “Uh-hu... you stay here darling. No mischief” She adds, smiling down fondly at her pet. Her hand drifts to under his chin and she sighs, “Tok. I have a ritual to do. I can't be scaratcing you all the time. You have at least FOUR other people in this house you could be bothering and demanding attention from right now. And the one you pick is me?” She gives him one last gentle pat before returning to her work.
Her hands run over the goat's horn, appreciating the warm feel and bumpy texture under her hand. Putting it in front of her she begins to gather the rest of the ritual items.
A small sheaf of Vervain. For purification. Lavender infused olive-oil is for rubbing into the horn itself. Protection. Sprigs of Dill, to protect against spectres. Several sprigs of mint, for the plant's indomitable power to survive. Rosemary, for the land to remember what it was before everything that happenened. What it was before the city. Sweet Woodruff, for healing. Aloe, to sooth. A fresh snake shed, she'd collected it herself. Let the Evil shed off like like a snake's skin. Cinnamon, to bring prosperity. Cedar, a sacred plant, that would bring more potency to her ritual creation. Whole Cloves, to bring more protection. Dulse, for the magic of the ocean. Elderflowers, to honour the sacred tree. Ginger root, to bring bounty and prosperity. She ran her hands over the dried fish, locally caught. Grapes from a nearyby vinyard, and thick sheaves of grain.
She steps back and closes her eyes as a golden light eminates from her. She opens her eyes again and begins assembling the cornucopia, using Movement of the Mind. She stands there, reagents floating around her and slowly fitting into the horn. The last pieces to go in being the local fish, grapes and grain. Then she wraps it in the purple silk and the golden light begins to retreat into the finished artifact. It held together, every portion of it a single item now.
Her chest sightly heaving she steps back, and collapses to the ground. She's still only on the edge of recovery. She sighs. She needs proper vitate, and blessed water. That's a priority before going into that house.
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mexxs-blog · 6 months
“Rhea.” Raquel called out as Rhea turned to face her, the taller woman nodding her head to the direction Randy and Roman went to. “You coming?”
“… right. Yeah.” After telling Dom, Finn, and Damian that she would be back, she followed the other three into the woods and away from the cabin. As they passed by several trees they began to notice an odd looking symbol carved in a few.
“Bet you someone was here before us.” Randy commented, taking notice in the symbol.
“The fuck would they carve this symbol for though?” Rhea mumbled.
“Who knows. Protection, maybe? A sign of life?” Roman suggested while Raquel arched an eyebrow as they kept walking.
“Protection from what, exactly?”
“Come on, don’t tell me you don’t know about those stories going around.”
“Oh please, they’re fake stories, Roman.” Randy scoffed. “There are no such thing as ghosts, “spirits of the wilderness” or any of that shit.”
“Hey, I’m just saying what other people would think about this.”
“Well, someone almost believed in it.” Rhea mumbled as she eyed at Raquel who rolled her eyes.
“Hey, don’t come at me all because I had a bad feeling about that cabin at first.”
“You’re acting like someone died in there. Relax.”
“Well, what if someone did?”
“We’re here.” Randy suddenly called out as they halted their tracks to see the meat shed a few feet away from them. “This is where I found the shotgun.”
“Well, let’s get started.” They all went near the shed as they began to find more and more supplies, Rhea shoved whatever she could find that was useful on her bag while Raquel opened the shed and almost gagged as the putrid smell hit her nose.
“Oh fuck– smells like someone fucking died in there. Oh god.” She looked inside to see that there was nothing other than hooks hanging from the ceiling, most of them even being stained in dried blood.
“Well, gotta get used to it.” Randy told her as he approached the shed and looked inside. “Because we’ll be using this as our meat stock. Gotta let the others know.”
“Hey.” Roman called out as he turned the corner and threw a small bag at Randy, who immediately caught it. “Bullets.”
“Perfect. About time.” He knelt down to get the shotgun from his shoulder before he opened the small bag, retrieving a few bullets as he began to load the weapon in his hand before he turned to the others. “Anyone feel like going for another hunt? It’s still early.”
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 6 months
The Consort - Chapter 31 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Before you feed... please kiss me."
It's a simple request, far tamer than my true desires.
I don't want to push it, though.
I know my vampire is hungry.
At least with a kiss I'll get a small taste of his sexuality.
He squints down at me and the redness swirls brighter.
His massive body lowers onto the bed.
Ever so slowly, he crawls on top of me.
His legs move around my waist and his lips hover dangerously close to mine.
His scent washes over my face in a wave of cool mint.
I shudder at the familiar and enticing smell.
His soft lips brush against mine a single time and I tense.
"Please," I whisper.
"Oh please, more."
I think I see him smirk in the dim light of the moon but before I can get a second look, his lips are on mine once again.
His kiss is so different than that of a human's.
It's soft and sensual,but its' flawless.
Normally I'm used to kisses with a bit too much saliva, heads not knowing which way to turn and a kiss rhythm that has to take a few seconds to find.
With Brayden, none of this exists.
It's like his tongue is programmed to move against mine with a seduction heady enough to put my wildest fantasies to shame.
He leans his weight into me and I reflexively buck my hips to meet his.
Our erections press against each other, and I moan into the nape of his neck.
Brayden tears away from our heated kiss, pinning me to the bed with nothing more than a heated gaze.
"I haven't done this," he admits quietly.
"Not with humans anyway. Only with other vampires."
Bitter jealousy swells within me.
I know he doesn't mean to say it in such a way that the human species isn't good enough for him but my brain latches on to the self-deprecating thought all the same.
I suck my bottom lip into my mouth feeling self-conscious.
"You don't want to have sex with me?" I whisper, hating how pathetic I sound.
Bogdan stares down at me, his expressionless face sinking my spirits.
"I don't know how," he spits out.
"It's not like this with other vampires."
Brayden reaches up, grabbing my chin between his index finger and thumb.
He presses another heavy kiss against my lips.
When he pulls away, he nods towards my lips.
"There's none of this," he responds with a breathy sigh he doesn't need to take.
"There's no kissing. No seduction. No lust. No emotion. There's just fucking, acting on a primal instinct for release and nothing more."
"Is that what this is?"
"For the most part, yes," my vampire admits.
The words sting.
I know I need to get used to this sort of interaction between us.
It's difficult, though.
With Leo and the small number of men who came before him, I could always tell they wanted me.
They made it clear.
Whether it was before, during or after sex, their desire was made obvious through touches, words of affirmation or even a look of lust.
I knew from the beginning it wouldn't be the same with Brayden.
What I wasn't prepared for?
This feeling of longing, wishing for just a moment he could feel the same way I do.
I swallow hard and try to steady my breathing.
"Can we just try it my way?" I ask.
My pulse picks up speed and there's a hint of black that swirls within Brayden's expression.
"And if you don't like it... we can do it your way," I add quickly.
I lick my lips and start reaching for my belt.
My fingers tremble as I attempt to take off my pants.
Brayden lifts his body away from me enough to allow me to undress myself.
His eyes never leave me.
When I tentatively reach for his belt buckle, he stiffens and jerks away.
"I watched you," he whispers.
"Now you can watch me."
The words of promise send a shiver down my spine.
He backs away from the bed and comes to stand beside it once again.
His fingers tug at his shirt, lifting it away from his torso with practiced ease.
The moonlight gobbles up his body, a pure work of art beneath Nature's spotlight.
He's lean and chiseled to perfection.
My breathing comes out in spurts when his fingers slide down the planes of his stomach and come to rest at the buttons of his pants.
He undoes the first slowly.
Without breaking eye contact, he unzips his pants, tugging them a single time before they fall in a pool of expensive cloth around his ankles.
His erection strains against his black boxers.
He hooks his thumbs into the waistband and slowly pulls them down.
It's only when they drop to the floor that he kicks all his clothing aside, leaving him just a foot away from me, completely naked.
I drink in the sight without shame.
The man is gorgeous, a body most men could only dream of having.
My gaze leisurely makes its way down his torso.
His dick is thick and hardened with want.
Instinctively I spread my legs apart and my asshole pulses with desire.
I want to feel him inside me.
I bring my first two fingers into my mouth, generously wetting them before bringing them down to my puckered hole.
Brayden watches me as I touch myself, preparing my body for him to take what's his.
With my spare hand, I stroke myself with trembling fingers.
Brayden's red eyes follow the action.
Still his fiery gaze never leaves me.
When I feel myself twitching for release, my stomach clenches and I nod towards him.
"Please," I whisper.
"I'm ready."
Brayden lowers himself on the bed once again, closing the distance between us.
He kisses me, his lips demanding and forceful.
His knees move between my leg.
His hands are there a moment later, gingerly spreading apart my ass cheeks.
The head of his dick presses against my readied hole but I'm surprised at how lubricated it already is.
"Did you put lube on?" I ask, confused.
Brayden smirks and this time not even my lust can veil the beautiful sight.
"I told you," my vampire teases, sliding the head of his dick back and forth across my puckered hole.
"We're designed to seduce humans."
He pushes the tip of his dick inside me and it slides in without protest.
It's a tight fit but plenty lubricated.
My eyes widen in surprise and I hiss out a breath of pleasure.
I want more.
My hips tremble, attempting to coerce Brayden to push himself in further but he remains still.
"My scent is meant to calm you," he continues.
"My body is meant to seduce you. It's all DNA's fancy tricks to rouse you into giving me your blood. It's just the way vampires are made, human."
Keeping his lower half very still, Brayden leans down and presses a soft kiss above the burning holes on the side of my neck.
My asshole clenches around him,and I moan at his seductive, teasing tactics.
"So by the time I fuck you," he whispers against my ear.
"My dick is already prepared to make you mine."
I squirm beneath him, bringing my hands around his shoulders and attempting to make him move.
"Please," I whisper frantically.
Brayden's smirk widens.
"What's that, human? Please what?"
A blush rises to my cheeks but I am far too horny to placate my pride.
I lick my lips and buck my hips again.
"Please," I beg again, this time louder.
"Please fuck me."
Brayden lowers his lips to my neck, flicking his tongue against the sensitive skin.
He grabs a hold of my hips and there's only a beat of stillness before the rest of his thick length pushes inside me.
My head rolls back in painful pleasure.
The feel of him is unreal.
Pure ecstasy.
I become lost in his touch, quivering with a need for release as his pace quickens. I
start touching myself again, this time stroking my hardened shaft at the same pace Brayden is fucking me.
It's only when I realize his teeth are hovering above my neck that our intimate moment heightens beyond the mortal realm.
His fangs pierce my skin.
For the first time, the pain of the feeding is barely noticeable compared to all the other sensations tingling within me.
And when those small twinges of pain begin to morph into hot, sweltering pleasure, I feel myself nearing the edge of climax.... closer and closer until the rest the world fades away for my release.
As my warm seed spills into my warm, trembling palm, all I can feel is Brayden's muscular body braced against me.
He thrusts against me, inside me, simultaneously sucking my blood into his eager mouth.
His touch is unforgettable, each one branding me as his.
All I can see is him.
All I want is him.
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New fixation while working on a new art style for the overblot hero quartet
Fiona and Cake. Ngl. This show has a good resonate to me and somewhat a good impression on me. When you take the adventure out of Finn. You get a normal kid. Do the same for Fiona. Normal adult woman who is feeling am wave pool of emotions and finding purpose to life. And that’s a big mood and I wanna do an au with Panny as Fiona. The rest of the Twst gang are there. Just normal functioning lives and also adults.
Like mer folks just live near a beach and have an ocean salt smell. And the Beastmen are normal tho. But still. Everyone is around. Just at their own lives. And also new adventure since they all don’t go to the same school and had been normally at their own world of growing up. Then there’s Panny who feels like she is missing something in her life. She does have a apartment buddy which is Samantha/Twst Smee who always been her emotional support bud after many job burnouts. Samantha works at a restaurant which is a good ten minute walk near their place. And Panny does have her own Tink. But her’s a mischievous but smart guy who is a inventor but never gotten big. (And yeah he also likes her but she ain’t the same way with him. Just sees him as a brother. Gut punch.)
So now she finds herself at the missing adventure she couldn’t find but needed. And it really improved her lack of creativity and free spirit.
Ps that intro felt a big mood and that saying something.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire
Tagline: Panny in lost World
Also here’s my wip after that word vomit
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notmorbid · 1 year
smells like finn spirit, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from smells like finn spirit by randy henderson.
i love that i can still make you blush.
this is either a bad thing, or a very bad thing.
we have to get out of here, fast.
are you having a vision?
you did the right thing.
knowledge is not wisdom.
i've had to work for more unqualified idiots than a congressional intern.
i'm not happy to be seen, either.
the answer is 42. can you come up with the correct question?
i want to go back to life being fun.
you can't do anything for me. and that's okay.
you have such a gentle heart. follow it. trust it.
i don't want to be old at twenty.
your sense of humor will get you in trouble someday.
'sorry' isn't good enough.
you wouldn't sleep well, knowing what i know.
come home. we can be a family again.
i love you, but you can't help.
you've never done anything that wasn't for yourself.
you need to be with family right now.
why does your tongue only work when you're being a smart-ass?
it's okay. it's over.
i'd ask if you're joking, but you're not that funny.
i'd rather be happy, which is why i'm leaving.
reputation and respect are everything.
i think we're easily on plan k now.
love is hard, man. the music industry would collapse if it weren't.
you should be kissing my ass, not giving me a guilt trip.
i've had way too much alone time.
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adaptationpodcast · 7 years
Finn Fancy Necromancy Dream Cast // Adaptation Podcast
Jenn (and company) gives our "dream" cast for Finn Fancy Necromancy by Randy Henderson.
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