sayosweeti · 9 months
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My wip for the lineup of Snip-Benders! I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM RAAAAAHHHH
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snipbenders · 9 months
Welcome to Snip-Benders, the one and only Freddy Fazbender franchise that acts as a hair salon!
Have fun listening to Freddy and the Gangs barbershop quartet or braid the Puppets hair while you wait on (probably mediocre) service from one of our two hairdressers Jack and Paul. Be sure to mind the technician Dave and Matt the receptionist, they are both busy so be mindful of their time (and be careful).
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Rules for asks!
No overly sexual comments, and no sexual comments towards Dee period.
Please be aware that I will be drawing responses for most asks, so it will take a while for answers sometimes
No spam
No bigotry in any capacity
Respect the characters boundary’s
I’m sorry if I skip your ask, but if I have no ideas for a drawing I probably won’t answer…hope you understand 🥲
Try not to send similar asks to one’s that have already been answered
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mischieviem · 9 months
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Snip benders!
@sayosweeti @snip-benders
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elvisqueso · 4 months
oh We Had It Good in Ba Sing Se !!!????? !?
sdkghjkadjg wELL this is actually inspired by another fic I read on Ao3 called It Must Follow, As Night the Day by catie_writes_things. The basic premise is that Zuko and Katara have been living as a family in Ba Sing Se for years, having been brainwashed by the Dai Li to believe they are just two refugees named Li and Kara.
That fic hasn't been updated in a few years, but its premise has been sitting in my brain so hard that I have a bunch of highly self-indulgent "sketches" for myself just floating in my computer. I'm not really active in the ATLA fandom (I mostly just lurk) so I have a small hoard of various personal WIPs/ficlets this way.
Below the cut's a snip of We Had It Good in Ba Sing Se:
Neither of them remember much of their lives before Ba Sing Se. Few refugees do, in fact. And if you went to the government doctors they would assure you that the loss of such traumatic memories as whatever came before Ba Sing Se was normal. Expected. "Your mind is protecting itself from the horrors that came before," they'd say. Most everyone accepted this explanation. Li, however, felt the aching gap in his memory like a death knell, like something in his past was warning him, trying to prepare him for something he couldn't imagine. Kara's memories, too, were fractured down to impressions of a lost family and great expanses of snow and ice.
But their instincts couldn't be forgotten, and Li often reminded Kara that they should trust these hunches and primal alarms because they must have developed for a REASON. It was instinct that brought them together, and it was instinct that told them the bender registry was a dangerous, dangerous system.
To use any bending other than earth within the walls, one must have the proper paperwork. And then, to move between the walls, one must have their resident papers as well. And then, to maintain a residence or a job or their right to ration tickets they must have their bending and residence and ration-status papers and all manner of papers that say 'yes, I am allowed by the grace of the Dai Li to do anything at all.'
And sometimes, the papers aren't enough, if the enforcer or higher-caste member decides they don't like you.
Li finds a lot of these people don't like him.
He knows, from seeing his neighbors and hearing from gossip in the markets, that the Dai Li will arrest you for anything. Perhaps even only as a reminder that they can. Oh, you may return home after a day or a week. You may not return for months, having been left in one of their underground prisons until you've wept and plead innocent to their satisfaction. But there seemed to be little rhyme or reason: sometimes they would round up people in droves by occupation or even seemingly by the color of the hair or eyes. Firebenders (of which there were a few) were often snatched up. Whispers which could be taken as discontent with the regime were also grounds for detention. The people walked the streets carefully and with fear, but oh they had nothing to fear from the OUTSIDE.
And it's as he's leaving the registry office, having been made to register his 5 year old daughter as a firebender for her protection and, ultimately, her oppression, he begins to think about how he will get his family out of Ba Sing Se.
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phoe-ix · 9 months
hiwfhbbeutb Paul my beloved😍💈
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me when the hair AU and the literal pole dude exists🤩
I love this AU So much omg. Probably one of my favorites
I needed to draw something and I was watching the creator of DaveSport hair angst draw and I immediately thought of T H E P O L E so I quickly cooked something up.
See the Snipbenders blog at @snip-benders
Creator of Snipbender: @sayosweeti
I already showed Sayo this but I want the people looking at this to go show some love to the AU and creator of it!
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You got it babe!! (ew is that weird. idk I think my inner Harry Du Bois came out there)
Currently they're all Cyberpunk 2077. Mostly Kerry/M!V but one Silverdyne Johnny-has-a-body Post-ending current era, with flashbacks.
But, thanks to this Canadian DJ I know, there's a Geraskier brewing in my brain.
Here's a couple of snips from the two Cyberpunk WIPs
V strips as he heads to the bathroom, tossing the pants and shirt onto the fragrant pile near the front door. Johnny materializes in the bathroom mirror's reflection, sprawled against the back wall, making a real show of checking out V’s ass. He’s doing it just to be a dick, and V can’t help but laugh a little despite being annoyed that Johnny can’t feel this headache coming on. The intensity of Johnny’s staring is more than a little unnerving, but the longer he stands there the more V’s starting to believe that maybe he is enjoying the view. He slowly slides a hand down his chest, stopping just as the bare skin turns from above the waist to below. Johnny’s face screws up into a grimace and he glitches out. V barks out a small laugh, vision swimming as he shakes his head. Johnny was right. This is what you get when you have a busted biochip in your head and only drink a beer and a tube of warm vitamin goop for breakfast
And this is the Silverdyne one
Between the clean sheets in a wide bed lies a man who isn’t awake, but isn’t asleep. In the pauses of his breath lies a city full of sound.  
If the only way out is through, there were some painful and uncomfortable situations ahead.  Nothing like a hangover to remind you of that. At least, he’s assuming that’s the reason he feels like a half dead raccoon on the side of the road. 
It wouldn’t be out of the question for this to be a hangover, even with a history of  hard partying. Of being a local bar band turned recording turned touring band. By the time he’d gone solo his tolerance was jacked up so high that it was a miracle he could even get drunk. This new body has never seen a bender stretch on for a week, and it shows. There’s no sleep happening, for the third day in a row, which is fine, a little delirium sparks creativity when the timing is right. Still would have been nice to maybe dream a little. But the nicotine addiction is one thing his brain never managed to forget, and it gnaws at his skull until he rolls over and slaps the tiled floor, groping one hand around in the mess blindly — he was hoping to find at least one smoke left in the pack in his pants — sighing as he comes up empty handed. Nada. Karma all used up.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love❤️🖤
omgomgomg okay!! I love this!! Thank you so much for including me!!
Before I start I just wanna say u are the first person to ever send me an ask since I joined Tumblr 🥹 tytyty
Alright so this is gonna be a little tough (VERY tough) but, I think, of the PUBLISHED fics that I have (because I have TOO MANY FANFICS IN THE WORKS, AND I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM THERE), in no particular order, my favorites so far are:
1. Woe is We
Fandom: Wednesday
Panting, body dripping with blood, someone else's blood. Wednesday's blood. Tyler came slowly to Nevermore.
All that remained was the charred remains of the once renowned school, blackened and smelling of ash and blood.
Crackstone had succeeded. Laurel had won.
2. stupid, stupid cartoons
Fandom: Wednesday
Donovan Galpin was never one to watch cartoons. But here he was, his ass on the couch, watching a cartoon about magic element benders.
3. Talking to the Moon
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Toph wakes up to hear Sokka talking. No one else is awake. Who could he possibly be talking to when there was no one else around for miles?
4. Orphans
Fandom: Hamilton: the Musical
Hamilton was not the only person to lose his parents. He was not the only one to have experienced the pain of death. He was not the only orphan to have touched upon America's history.
aaaand last but not least:
5. A Gift for a Padawan
Fandom: Star Wars (Clone Wars)
Anakin sighed as he watched her go, that familiar feeling of resentment towards the Jedi and their traditionalism battling inside him. It was just ONE little thing. Would it have been so bad?
AKA, Master Skyguy's soft spot for Snips makes him consider doing something he's pretty sure the Council wouldn't approve of. But then again, since when has that ever stopped him?
I was thinking of waiting to answer this after I published my Weyler Week fics (because I'm definitely pretty proud of those, possibly enough to knock some of these fics off the list), but I wanted to give my fics from other fandoms a chance!
I feel like it'd be nice to mention though that, in order of oldest to newest, it's actually:
1. Orphans
2. A Gift for a Padawan
3. Talking to the Moon
4. stupid, stupid cartoons
5. Woe is We
BUT I will say that, though Orphans is the oldest fic here (near the very end of my Hamilton phase, which ended around 2020? and was posted on fanfiction.net, before I moved to AO3), it's also the last Hamilton fanfic I ever finished. A Gift for a Padawan is also the last Star Wars fanfic I've written (posted in 2022, the last fanfic I ever posted on fanfiction.net I think). Meanwhile stupid, stupid cartoons was my first ever published Wednesday fanfic, while Woe is We is obviously the last one I posted (for Wednesday, but also the last fic I posted in general).
I will definitely be sending this ask to other ppl as well 🥹 this is such a good and sweet idea aaaaaa let's go
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kuchipark · 8 months
South Park AU where all the characters have a signature drug:
(I personally thought this was absolutely hilarious)
Mr Mackey:
- Crack/smack
His street name is Mr. Crackey, and later on Mr. Smackey.
He feels down in the dumps and “accidentally” does some crack, after which he immediately gets addicted. He goes on the bender of a lifetime and ends up in severe dept to a scary drug dealer, notorious for cutting off the balls of those who don’t pay him back. He decides to sell crack to the elementary students, with the help of Craig Tucker (also known as Crack Tucker), to pay off his dept. Instead of paying the guy back, though, he decides to try some Heroin and thus becomes Mr. Smackey.
Stan Marsh:
- Weed
Street name is Stan The Stoner, (Stanner for short)
Starts selling weed to replace his father, who gave up on weed for his new acid addiction. When you buy his weed you are legally obligated to say you’re “stanned.”
Eric Cartman:
- Cocaine
Street name is Eric Cokeman.
You can buy either Cocaine, or Coca-Cola flavored anything (including Coke flavored coke). He starts selling it because he can. Nothing you buy from him is safe or clean. But his shit is also extremely addictive, so he somehow still has costumers. Sneaks it into ppl’s food on occasion, trying to get them hooked. He hides the cocaine up his ass, every goddamn time (even though it’s not really necessary) and the stench is foul. He claims that it’s just his signature.
Kyle Broflovski:
- Ketamine
Street name is Kytamine or Ketty-B (Kyley-B)
Doing it as a fuck you to his mom, and because Eric wouldn’t get off his ass about how he could “never be as good at selling drugs” as him. Every time you try to buy from him, he goes on a whole monologue of all the dangers and everything you should and shouldn’t do. He’ll tells you exactly how much mg you should use and strongly advocated for people to buy a scale to perfectly measure it. People usually walk away before he’s done talking, and he constantly rants about it to Stan.
Kenny McCormick:
- Methamphetamine/Cocaine
Street name is Kenny MethCokeMick or just Methcokemick. MC for short
Fought with Kyle over the Ketamine, because he personally thinks “Kennymine/Kennamine” would be a better name than Kytamine. But je settled for selling Meth with Marjorine. He’s also addicted to cocaine and “helps out” Cartman with selling; Hence, MethCokemick. His charm is the key to his sales. Richard Tweak is their #1 buyer.
Marjorine Stotch:
- Methamphetamine
Street name is Metharine
Sells meth with Kenny. Just happy to be there. Really convincing seller. Really sweet but if you fuck her over she’ll do worse than snip your balls.
Tolkien Black:
- Tylenol
Street name is Tylenol Black
Has a whole room dedicated to the “craft” of selling prescription drugs. Steals the drugs from his mom who’s a chemist for a pharmaceutical company. His dad knows this but he secretly loves how pissed off Randy gets when he claims that Tolkien steals his business, even though they don’t even sell the same shit.
Tweek Tweak:
- Meth, obviously
Referred to as The Tweak, or just “tweak” for short.
Doesn’t know he’s addicted to meth. He doesn’t know people refer to him as as The Tweak. His parents put meth in his coffee.
Craig Tucker:
- Crack
Street name is Crack Tucker
Helps sell crack to elementary students with Mr. Mackey. Intimidates people into buying his shit or guilts them into buying it: “Oh you don’t want my Crack? Why? Is it because I’m gay? What? You think a a gay guy can’t sell good crack?! I see how it is..” and it’s super effective, they end up giving more money than they need to, to show their support for his queerness, which really saved his ass when his former partner, Mr. Crackey, ditches him in exchange for Heroin and blames the money he hasn’t payed back yet on Craig. Started the nickname: “The Tweak.”
Randy Marsh:
Street name is Rancid
He chose this name. No, he does not see what’s wrong with it. He’s trying to get his kids hooked on the stuff so that they can “Finally do some fucking family bonding time.” He calls them pathetic, whiny pussies every single time they refuse. And sulks about his lame kids. Actively shit talks Tolkien to costumers. To the point where he’ll see Tolkien sell someone something and he’ll follow them home and stalk them so that he can “coincidentally” run into them and just so happen to bring up how Tolkien peed his pants once back in third grade. He knows this because he constantly bugs Stan about embarrassing moments in Tolkien’s life and if Stan doesn’t wanna tell him any, he’ll ground him for being a “blood betraying judas.”
Heidi Turner:
- Hash
Steet name is Highdi
Hippie. Sells Hash. Wanted to sell weed but could not compete with Stan, so she switched. Advertises all of it as environmentally friendly, cruelty free and vegan. Gets her girls to hand out business cards to everyone around town. The business cards are cute and pink with “WE DONT TEST ON ANIMALS” written in big, bold letters. Her shit is FDA approved.
Rebecca McArthur, AKA Red:
- Red ice (if you ever played Detroit Become Human, yk what that is)
Street name is Red Ice
Red ice isn’t a real drug, but in this universe it is and it was invented by miss Red herself. According to google, red Ice is “a synthetic stimulant composed of trace amounts of thirium, acetone, lithium, toluene, and hydrochloric acid. The molecular formula for Red Ice given in graphics is C17H21NO4 (the chemical formula for cocaine).” Though the contents doesn’t actually really match cocaine, it looks more like meth that is red.
Jimmy Valmer:
- Viagra
Street name is Jimmy Viagra, but people just say Jimmy V
His cerebral palsy isn’t going to stop him from getting it up. His mission is to give his paralyzed buddies the opportunity to get their dick wet. And he advocates for “Boners For The Handicapped” and is very passionate about his cause.
Timmy Burch:
- Viagra and LSD
Street name is Trippy Timmy
Jimmy V’s number one customer. Got his nickname by selling LSD with extremely powerful hallucinations.
Mr. Slave & Gay Al
- Magic Mushrooms & Laughing Gas
Street names are Mr. Shrooms and Gay G(ass)
Thank you for your time!
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 8 months
Princess Azula Loses Just A Bit More Dignity (she accepts medical help against her will)
Words: 2466 (AO3)
Originally Posted on 2/3/2024
In which, by some strange alignment of the stars, Fire Princess Azula and Southern Water Tribe member Katara manage to have a civil conversation, in which Katara learns more about the state of the Royal Family of the Fire Nation and Azula vaguely hints at a whisper of an idea that she might- might- have a few treasonous thoughts of her own.
For Febuwhump 2024 Day 3: "Bite down on this."
"Bite down on this."
The Water Tribe girl shoves a plain blue cloth at Azula, and she'd either laugh or burn her, if she weren't the only person around who's not running about like a turtleduck with its head cut off.
"Why should I?" She still asks, with as much attitude as she can muster given the situation. The waterbender appears distinctly unimpressed, and merely crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow in response to Azula's pitiful attempt at spite.
"Because your leg's broken and setting it is going to hurt pretty badly. I think you'd rather not embarrass yourself further by screaming in front of everyone when I fix it, or am I wrong, your Highness?" Is the waterbender's plain retort.
Azula prides herself on her pain tolerance, among many other things. No cut or burn can make her so much as hitch her breath; but, considering the things that she's already gone through today, she suspects that that tolerance has nearly reached its limits. Azula may be proud, but she isn't stupid; she bites down on the stupid cloth.
The waterbender nods, and says nothing else, just gets to work on Azula's bloodied leg. It's twisted up and bent wrong in three places, including at an odd angle right in the middle between her ankle and her knee. She loathes to admit it, but if she were left to Fire Nation doctors, she'd probably never walk again, or at the very least, not without a significant limp. Water benders, at least, can heal using their bending, to treat things other than hypothermia.
When the girl first sets her ankle, she doesn't make a sound; she wraps it tightly and efficiently, then sets the break below her knee. That earns a grunt, soft enough that nobody makes any sign of hearing it, and that break is set and wrapped quickly too.
It's only when the girl sets her knee that she's secretly grateful for the cloth. She screams into it, but that doesn't mean she can't hear the popping and cracking of what must be a dozen tiny bones shifting around as the bone is put back to where it should be, and wrapped up so nothing in the area can move.
She calms her stuttered breathing quickly, and waits for her heart to catch up to the fact that it's all fine now, before she rips the cloth out of her mouth. The waterbender is doing her water bending thing, pushing glowing water into Azula's leg while Azula tries not to kick her away with prejudice.
"Why are you helping me?" She spits, and the waterbender glares at her without stopping her motions.
"You're just like your brother, aren't you?" The girl snips back in return, and Azula pauses for a moment before allowing herself to become visibly angry. There's no reason to imply to anyone, least of all this waterbender, that there's any way to get on her nerves. Especially if that way is by comparing her to Zuko.
"You didn't answer my question. Does it not make sense for me to be at least a little suspicious of your motives, considering that you've been traveling with the Avatar for these past few months? There's no way that you don't know who I am by now, unless you're exceptionally stupid." Azula's not making a lucky guess on the Avatar thing, either, because she's seen this exact Water Tribe girl before- there's no mistaking her, even with how little she actually saw the girl's face, her memory is just as perfect as the rest of her. Azula isn't wrong, and the girl's minute flinch at the mention of it proves it.
The girl huffs, and finally pauses in her ministrations to sit up and glare at Azula's face, despite Azula's open suspicion and hostility. Good, she's not a coward; Azula's opinion of her just increased a little bit more.
"I do. You're the great Fire Princess Azula, how wonderful for you. You've also got a busted-up leg that won't work correctly ever again if I leave you to your Fire Nation doctors, but I think you already knew that- unless, of course, you are exceptionally stupid." The waterbender throws Azula's words back at her in a mockery of her admittedly haughty tone- but then again, why should she be anything but dismissive of anyone who isn't Fire Nation, and isn't an ally? Of course, considering her current usefulness, Azula really should work on making nice, but she's far too exhausted to put in the effort that she usually would on that front. Azula doesn't like playing nice, no matter how well it serves her.
"Stop deflecting, water bender. I know that's kind of your whole thing, but please try to be direct. My uncle keeps saying it's good to diversify yourself and try different things every now and then." She's quite sure that Iroh had meant something very different from what she's implying, but Iroh had also been behind bars in the palace dungeon at the time, so she should be excused for taking his phrasing a bit out of context.
"It's Katara," And here the water bender- Katara- pauses, seemingly realizing how dumb of a move it was to give Azula her name, but she forges ahead, "and it's because I owe you."
... She owes Azula? Not once in their interactions have they ever exchanged a thing, and Katara certainly wasn't freely given anything besides a burn. Still, she won't look at a gift sideways, so she accepts it with the grace and decorum that her royal upbringing has taught her to all her life.
"Of course. Then consider your debt settled once you're done with that healing." Azula says magnanimously, and Katara does not continue healing her.
They stare at each other for a long moment, before Katara finally says, "You don't know why I owe you." It's not a question, but a statement said with total confidence in its correctness. Azula can either pretend that she does know why she's being given this favor, and save herself the little pride she has left, but that would fall apart the moment Katara asks to hear confirmation of this- and she will ask for confirmation, she doesn't seem the type that's easily fooled- and it might provoke some hostility and halt the rest of the healing that she's pretty sure is supposed to still be happening. Or, on the other hand, she can throw away the last of her pride and admit that she has no idea what Katara's talking about- not the most appealing, but really, what does she have to lose? She's being healed by a Water Tribe girl, one who hasn't been taken hostage and isn't going to be taken hostage in the immediate future, on top of the injury itself, so what more face does she have to save?
"I'm not one to turn down a favor freely given." Azula admits, and Katara sighs and closes her eyes in apparent frustration. Azula's more surprised that she's willing to close her eyes in front of an enemy, no matter how immobile and compliant the enemy in question is at the moment. What if Azula suddenly decided that she was healed enough and the palace could take care of the rest? How short-sighted and stupid of her to lower her defenses like this.
"You and I both know that if you really wanted the Avatar dead, he would be dead. You might be able to trick everyone else, but I don't believe that the lightning you hit him with just so happened to avoid his heart, without anyone having taught him a thing about reflecting or redirecting it. You chose to spare his life. I owe you for that." Katara says plainly, as she finally resumes her motions with the glowing water surrounding Azula's injured leg.
She's right, unfortunately. The invasion at Ba Sing Se was a resounding failure from all sides, her own included; she can't even pretend that it was a mistake or an accident, not really. Certainly her family will believe her, and with her family comes the rest of the Fire Nation, but she can't hide it from herself. She knows exactly what thoughts crossed her mind, and she knows exactly what she did with those thoughts.
"Zuzu's been hunting him for the past three years. It's only right that he decides what to do with the Avatar before I get a say." Azula deflects, using the same "dibs" logic that decides everything else in the world. Zuko was born first, so he's the heir to the throne; Zuko was hunting the Avatar first, so he gets to decide his fate. Azula was second to both, but she's second in very little else, and certainly nothing else that matters; besides, she's the Crown Princess again now that her dear brother has shown his treasonous colors, so she may as well allow him this one thing that he's rightfully earned.
"That's not the entire reason, is it?" Katara asks, and doesn't elaborate. She doesn't even look up from her work, instead letting the silence grow between them, pressuring Azula to fill it with answers, either a denial or an admittance. Not answering at all would be as good as admitting defeat, and Azula does not admit defeat. Azula does not get defeated.
"Of course it is. Zuzu was first, so he gets first say. I'm first in everything else, I decided to have mercy." Azula doubles down, smirking, and Katara is silent for long enough that she thinks that she might believe it.
"... Who taught you to use blue fire? Was it Ozai?" Katara switches to a seemingly inane line of questioning, as though she's trying to scope out the enemy, all while disregarding the Firelord's proper title. Fine; she'd disrespect the title of the Water Tribe Lord- if that's what it is- and Azula doesn't see the harm in giving tiny answers and boasting her own genius, especially if she gives nothing else away. The Avatar and his friends have all seen the Firelord in a fight before, anyway, so they already have an advantage from that.
"No. He applies pure power, and taught me to do the same; I simply concentrated it in a small enough area that it became so hot it turned blue. It wasn't hard to use it more after that; I suppose I could even make a blue fireball twice the size of your head if I tried." It would be completely useless for combat considering the lack of control, she doesn't say, since that would take away from the intimidation factor that she just set out with the assessment of her own abilities.
Katara hums in thought, and grabs at a strange-looking salve that she applies around Azula's casts. It seems that she's almost done with her healing, which is a great shame; Azula would have liked to keep talking to her like this, as though she were merely another one of Mai and Ty Lee's friends brought around from somewhere or other.
"I've seen you both in combat, Princess Azula. In my opinion, I think you'd beat him in a... what do you call it? Ah. An Agni Kai." Katara muses, and Azula doesn't miss the sudden addition of her title when addressing her. She doesn't miss the sudden sign of respect. Is she trying to butter her up? Is she trying to incite even more unrest in the Royal Family? There's enough of that already, the Water Tribe girl doesn't need to push even more. The notion of an Agni Kai between herself and the Firelord is a concept that Katara throws at her with seemingly little thought, as though it were simply another word for a fight, and not the fight to the death that it undoubtedly would be.
If she challenged her father to an Agni Kai, one of them would not be walking out alive. Neither would yield, and with stakes that high? It wouldn't be to first burn. Azula can't risk it, no matter how large her ego may grow, no matter how much more talented in bending she becomes.
Azula would quite like to survive past the age of fourteen, thank you.
"Your opinion has been noted. Thank you for the compliment, Miss Katara, but I won't be doing any sort of fighting for the throne in the immediate future. I do hope that it wasn't empty words thrown at me in an attempt to get one of us to annihilate the other." Azula was, at least, raised in a palace instead of a barn like Zuzu acts like he was. She knows how to be polite. She also knows how to be funny.
Katara finishes with her salve, and begins putting her things away. "No, of course not. I do think that you're better at combat, and combat strategy, than Firelord Ozai. I also think that you've known that for a little while now."
Azula knows how to read between the lines. Is this why she changed the subject like that? To go all the way back around to accusing her of the truth?
She loves her father, truly, and she can't wait to succeed him and carry on his legacy for as long as she can. Firelord Ozai does not seem to agree; he seems to be of the opinion that he must hurry everything along. He seems to think that the war must end with his reign, instead of at a time when the Fire Nation has been globally present, with fingers in every nation's pies, that its complete takeover would feel completely natural. He wishes to rush things along and leave her to deal with the inevitable riots and unrest.
"... General Iroh waited at the walls of Ba Sing Se for six hundred days. Firelord Ozai would not have done the same." Azula hedges around her treasonous thoughts, does not give voice to anything that could possibly anger her father or further alienate the Dai Li. It is never safe to assume that she is not being listened to.
Katara stands, and offers a hand to Azula to take. She hesitates, for a moment, before deciding that putting too much weight on this leg would be a very bad idea.
"I'll walk you to the nearest medical tent. I'll be sure to stay away from any witnesses so you don't get caught fraternizing with a Water Tribe girl." Katara says, and Azula hums for lack of breath to manage proper words. It is much more difficult to walk on a broken limb than she had expected.
Neither of them say another word about Ozai. She thinks that she composed her message aptly enough for Katara to read between her lines.
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rapidtoolau · 8 months
Snip, Snap, Success: Mastering the Art of Bar Cutting
Speeding up project timelines is always a priority in the high-pressure construction industry. A bar cutter can significantly streamline the rebar fabrication process. Though it might look simple, it can make your project much more efficient, be it a large-scale construction site or a small home DIY job.
Gone are the days of manually hacking at reinforcing steel bars with bolt cutters, hacksaws, or blowtorches.An automaticbar cuttersaves time and assures a more consistent quality. These machines make clean, precise cuts, significantly reducing the chances of errors, rework, waste, and injuries.
Modern bar cutter features and capabilities
Modern bar cuttersare designed to be portable and ergonomic as they are equipped with advanced hydraulics and strong electric motors. These devices can quickly cut through rebar in just a few seconds, much more efficiently than manual cutters. Available in various configurations to match different rebar sizes— including 4-16mm, 4-25mm, 6-32mm, and 4-20mm—they have a durable, industrial-strength cutting head for optimal performance in challenging work environments.
Benefits of combined cutting and bending tools
Working with rebar often involves tasks such as bending in addition to cutting. Some bar cutters feature a built-in bending function, eliminating the need for a separate bar bender. This combination of bending and cutting in one tool enhances productivity and safety while also saving time.
With a bar cutter, you’re not just working faster — you’re working safer, too. There's less room for error and accidents when you're not juggling between separate tools. Plus, it streamlines the workflow by letting you switch between tasks more efficiently, keeping the momentum going without losing time or focus.
Choosing the right bar cutter
When selecting a bar cutter, it’s important to consider models with a strong 240V – 900W single-phase motor that powers a precise hydraulic pump. If you’re interested in a rebar bender and cutter machine, look for those with a 220-240 AC – 50Hz single-phase motor and foot pedals for easier operation.
RAPIDTOOL offers a range of these innovative tools. Known for their superior support, tools, and service, they are a great source if you’re looking for a high-tech bar cutter for your projects. Contact RAPIDTOOLfor a quote or to learn more about their advanced construction tools.
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sayosweeti · 9 months
@snip-benders is LIVE! Be sure to read the rules and HAVE FUN!
I post art and stuff to reply to asks, so if you wanna see more of any of my Snipbenders designs or learn the lore, please interact with the blog!
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snipbenders · 8 months
*takes Jacks wig and runs*
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"Haha, very funny. Hilarious. Now give it back."
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mischieviem · 2 months
[ [ I really wanna see if you've drawn DSaF of any kind ] ]
I have- but it is all for my gf @sayosweeti
like I'm not super into it myself so (and they're kinda old and done before I scrapped my older art style)
There's not much and most of it is just drawing my favs as davesport
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And then this was for her AU @snipbenders
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justrainbowish · 8 months
btw guys before I start dubing few comics (snip-benders related) I want to ask you guys that is it ok that I use text to speech voices for it? (Ai not included) I want to use them because there are so *slams table* many *slams table* DUCKING *slams table* GUYS, it’s gonna be a pain remembering and voice everyone, and also I like to keep Dave’s canon voice cus I like it, but it’s feels it’s not 100% dubbed for doing this and I don’t think you guys will like me for doing that so…
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tool-france-in-uk · 1 year
Metal Fabrication Machinery vs. Manual Fabrication Techniques: Which is Best? The debate between metal fabrication machinery and manual fabrication techniques has been ongoing for years. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which method to use depends on several factors, such as the type and complexity of the project, the available budget, and the skill level of the operator. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of each method to help you make an informed decision. Manual Fabrication Techniques Manual fabrication techniques have been around for centuries and involve the use of handheld tools, such as hammers, saws, and chisels, to shape and manipulate metal. This method requires a high level of skill and experience to achieve the desired result, and it can be time-consuming and physically demanding. Manual metal fabrication techniques involve shaping and joining metal using hand tools and manual labor. Some examples of manual metal fabrication techniques include:
Cutting: Cut metal sheets or bars to the desired size using hand-held tools such as shears, snips, or hacksaws.
Grinding: Grinding metal to remove excess material or to create smooth surfaces using hand-held grinders or grinding wheels.
Bending: Bending metal sheets or bars to a desired angle or shape using manual metal benders or hydraulic presses.
Forming: Forming metal sheets or bars to a desired shape using hand-held hammers or presses.
Punching: Punching holes in metal sheets or bars using hand-held punches or power punches.
Welding: Joining metal pieces together using various welding techniques such as MIG welding, TIG welding, or stick welding.
Brazing: Joining metal pieces together using a filler metal and heat.
Riveting: Joining metal pieces together using metal pins called rivets and a rivet gun.
Blacksmithing: Shaping and forging metal using a forge and hand-held tools such as hammers, tongs, and anvils.
Metal engraving: Creating designs or patterns on metal surfaces using manual engraving tools such as chisels, gravers, or burins. However, there are some advantages to using manual fabrication techniques: a) Cost-effective: Manual fabrication techniques require minimal equipment, which makes them a cost-effective option for small projects or one-off pieces. b) Greater control: Manual fabrication techniques offer greater control over the shaping and manipulation of metal, which can be beneficial for achieving a specific look or feel. c) Traditional craftsmanship: Manual fabrication techniques are often associated with traditional craftsmanship and can add a unique, handmade touch to a project. d) However, there are also some disadvantages to using manual fabrication techniques: e) Time-consuming: Manual fabrication techniques can be time-consuming, particularly for complex projects that require a high level of detail. f) Physically demanding: Manual fabrication techniques can be physically demanding, particularly for large or heavy pieces of metal. g) Limited precision: Manual fabrication techniques rely on the skill level of the operator, which can result in limited precision and consistency. Metal Fabrication Machinery Metal fabrication machinery, on the other hand, involves the use of specialized equipment, such as laser cutters, press brakes, and welding machines, to shape and manipulate metal. This method requires a lower level of skill and experience than manual fabrication techniques and can produce complex designs quickly and accurately. Here are some advantages of using metal fabrication machinery: Precision and accuracy: Metal fabrication machinery can produce precise and accurate cuts, bends, and welds, which makes it ideal for projects that require a high level of precision. Increased efficiency: Metal fabrication machinery can produce complex designs quickly and accurately, which can save time and increase efficiency. Consistency: Metal fabrication machinery produces consistent results, which makes it ideal for large-scale projects or projects that require multiple identical pieces. However, there are also some disadvantages to using metal fabrication machinery: High cost: Metal fabrication machinery requires a significant investment in equipment, which can be cost-prohibitive for small businesses or individuals. Limited customization: Metal fabrication machinery is limited by the capabilities of the equipment, which can restrict customization options. Limited flexibility: Metal fabrication machinery is designed to perform specific tasks, which can limit its flexibility for other projects or applications. Which is Best? The choice between manual fabrication techniques and metal fabrication machinery ultimately depends on the specific needs of the project. Manual fabrication techniques are a cost-effective option for small projects or one-off pieces, while metal fabrication machinery is ideal for large-scale projects or projects that require a high level of precision and consistency. It's important to consider factors such as budget, skill level, and the complexity of the project when deciding. In some cases, a combination of manual fabrication techniques and metal fabrication machinery may be the best option. For example, using metal fabrication machinery for precision cuts and bends and then finishing the piece with manual fabrication techniques can result in a unique, high-quality product. In conclusion, both manual fabrication techniques and metal fabrication machinery have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which method to use depends on several factors, such as the type and complexity of the project, the available budget, and the skill level of the
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vastiitas · 2 years
meta + vices :)
ANGER & GLUTTONY is stored in the body. There's a branch of people who have an inclination towards intensity being prone to hot-tempers and being indulgent to bodily pleasures and Cole falls into it step-for-step. There's a hearth in the center of him, warm and pleasant most days, but it's something that can and will blast into searing heat; erupting through the rest of him under the right splash of kerosene/gasoline. He has two brands of anger: there's the temper, the hair-trigger snip-snap, the one borne from frustrations and impatience that he's had to learn to better reign in, and the second being a distilled, crystal rage that you can feel glowering, wordless, just hard eyes and pure scorn; perhaps it's better described as hatred.
Smoking, s.x, and drinking fills his downtime; the latter two more prominent during his days as a troublemaking teen pulling off robberies with the gang, having to fall back in moderation while under supervision in BW (Not that this stopped him once he established himself as the cocksure cowboy that he is). It's the way to unwind, it's the way to make friends, it's the way to pass time. I don't think he's ever gone on a full-blown self-destructive binge/bender though; It's just more, like, a steady consumption. Like habit? Normalized.
PRIDE is stored in the heart. Cole may not be a super genius, but he is confident in his skills as a sharpshooter and his ability to pull through tough situations; stemming from it may have been arrogance and cocky smirking audaciousness, but it also borne him the refusal to be bullied around in BW, giving him the proper weight to knuckle back passive and direct insults. He is Proud in a lion-heart sort of way, and it's a double-edged sword in making him stubborn and lending to being one of The Tripwires to his anger.
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