#snk alternate cover
jjkeremika · 11 months
description: Mikasa get sick and Eren comes over every day to bring her food and keeps her company but always leaves.
pairing: eren jaeger x mikasa ackerman (aot,snk)
alternate universe
After finally fitting the key into the lock, Mikasa sluggishly entered her apartment and closed the door behind her. She flinched at the noise as it irritated the headache.
She rubbed her eyes after dropping her belongings onto the floor. She took a deep breath and sighed. Today's been tough: work was long, she had a headache, her throat hurts, she's developed a cough, and she thinks she's about to get her period.
Everything is tough right now so she decided to take a shower. The hot steam loosened the congestion in her sinuses, which slightly relieved the dull ache in her brain.
She wrapped one of the fluffier towels around her body, groaning as she noticed the dry patch on her arm and the tiny bumps on her forehead.
Mikasa was putting on a pair on baggy sweatpants when she heard the door open and a loud familiar call: "Helloo! I’m here!”
She quickly tossed on an oversized shirt and walked into her living room to see Eren standing in the kitchenette, rummaging through the fridge for the grapes. The take-out containers he'd brought sat on the counter.
He noticed her before she said anything. "Oh, hey," he greeted with a smile. He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, and Mikasa blamed her hormones for noticing the way his muscles bulged out.
Eren pointed to the door she just walked from. "Did you just take a shower?" She nodded. He used the same hand to then point towards the front door. "You should really lock your door. A stranger could just walk right in."
"A stranger did walk right in," she replied sassily, sliding past him in the tiny kitchen to poke at the takeout containers. "And ate all my grapes."
She eyed him with an amused smile as he sheepishly put multiple grapes into his mouth.
He pouted. "Sorry," he apologized for the grapes, trying not to laugh so he could chew, and put the grapes back in the fridge. “But seriously. It’s dangerous.”
Mikasa stared at him as she removed two plates from the cabinet. She appreciated the concern, but… c’mon. It was her.
But arguments weren’t worth drying out the cracks in her throat tissue. She sighed loudly, dramatically, wincing as the air touched her throat. “I’ll try.” She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "By the way..." she continued, "How did you get by Reiner?"
Reiner was the building's security guard on shift tonight. He seemed diligent and she has witnessed him prevent someone from entering the building's locked doors before.
He shrugged. "He thinks I'm your boyfriend." He popped one last grape in his mouth before rummaging through the takeout containers.
"I brought ramen. Thought the steam might help," he continued, removing all the containers and arranging them properly, oblivious to how Mikasa stared at him, chewing on her bottom lip.
She blamed the fog of illness and her hormones for influencing her to think crazy thoughts and feel crazy feelings, for the extra beats in her chest.
She didn’t respond. “Are you feeling any better today?" He looked up at her, she could see the generosity in his eyes, she could tell he genuinely wanted to know.
A pleasant heat spread throughout Mikasa's chest. "He thinks you're my boyfriend? Why does he think that?" She crossed her arms, suddenly conscious of how close they were standing, how tiny her kitchen space really was. "And you never corrected him?"
He smiled and covered his mouth with his hand to hide his amusement, a melodic laugh falling into his palm. Eren noted that today's mental fog might be worse than yesterday's.
"It never came up." He was still smiling. He pointed to the takeout containers. "Ramen okay?"
Mikasa coughed in her elbow slightly before nodding, a light pink blush settling on her cheeks.
"Go sit down and I'll prepare everything," he said sternly. He reached his hands to her shoulders and forcibly walked her out of the kitchenette. Once at the doorway, he turned away to retrieve the bowls.
She opened her mouth to protest like she always did, do the dance they always do, but her bones felt heavy and the couch sounded so nice right now.
Eren walked over to the couch minutes later with the dishes, and she tried to squeal with joy but it came out like a croak. He placed the bowls on the coffee table in front of them, then sat right next to her, about one foot between them.
He slapped his palms against his thighs. “Well, can I get you anything before we dig in?” He laughed when he turned to face her and saw noodles poking out of her mouth.
She shook her head and slurped up the noodles. Eren searched for some movie that Mikasa eventually fell asleep during.
Just like yesterday, Eren carried the sleeping beauty to bed and tucked her in, whispering for soft sweet dreams before leaving, making sure to lock the handle lock upon exiting.
Mikasa had woken up in her bed, knowing that she’d fallen asleep in Eren’s lap and he carried her here. A pink blush braced her cheeks at the thought and vision.
She checked her phone, recoiling as she suddenly processed a migraine in addition to the light sensitivity. Thank goodness she didn’t have work today.
She coughed, rubbing at her throat afterwards like it would magically soothe the irritated lining.
She remembered she had two messages from none other than the Eren Jaeger before shutting off her phone:
did you know you had a lock on the door handle?
Prick, she thought, rolling her eyes.
my shift ends at 10, i’ll come over after. expect brunch
Mikasa smiled at the word brunch then frowned at the reminding pulse of her headache. Maybe she could still have a mimosa or two despite feeling unwell. Maybe that’ll make it all less… noticeable.
True to his word, he had arrived around 11 at her door with bagels, french toast sticks, fruit, and smoothies. She was slightly less excited for the food now than she was before she had to move from the couch to unlock the door to let in the culprit who locked it in the first place.
“See, it’s annoying when it’s locked,” she said, skipping the greeting.
Eren shrugged, smiling and shaking his head, toeing his shoes off while balancing the food in his hands. Mikasa took the smoothies from him. “Not for me. I'd rather know you’re safe behind the locked door.”
He took the drinks back to place on the counter. Mikasa whined, “But I never remember and getting up to let you in when you’re always here is—”
She stopped when she processed the way he looked at her, the dull tiredness replaced with a new light, bearing a light smile as she spoke, ears perking like he was tuning to every word. She felt embarrassed, because she knew she didn’t have any real reasons, but she also felt… turned on. Because he cared so much.
“If you don’t want to keep unlocking it to let me in, get me a key,” he said it like it was obvious, like it wouldn’t be a big deal. Maybe it wasn’t.
She cursed the headache for the extra pain caused by thinking. She cursed the period for the increased blood flow to her pelvis and the fluttery feeling in her abdomen, the one that felt airier when he smiled at her.
He sighed, resting his hands next to his empty plate on the counter.
“I don’t mean to push you when you’re sick.” He glanced over at her, almost apologetic. “It’s just, I worry about you sometimes when I’m not here, knowing you’re here with the door unlocked and anyone could waltz in and do… whatever… and then…” His focus blurred as he trailed off. Mikasa watched him get lost in meritless worries. “And you’re sick right know, so…”
Mikasa took a couple steps forward so she was standing right in front of him, less than a foot away. His eyes snapped back to hers as the movement regained his attention.
She couldn’t explain why, but she reached her hand out and gently caressed Eren’s bicep. She stared at the shadows on his muscles near her hand while she did it, watched them distort over the folds and veins, getting lost in the pattern of her thumb rubbing on toned skin.
“It’s okay,” she murmured quietly, the air feeling a little heavier, a little more fragile. “I didn’t realize it worried you that much.”
Normally she’d pick on him, tell him he’s worrying over nothing because she’s stronger than him anyway. It must’ve been the combination of illness and period fog that made her more emotional, the fact that he even cared so much about something so small just because if had to do with her made tears well up in her eyes.
She wanted to move closer. She wanted to tighten her touch around his bicep, feel the tension and strength of the muscle as it folded under her grip. She wanted him to wrap her in his arms and hold her until she fell asleep, stayed as she slept.
Maybe being protected for once wouldn’t be so bad.
Eren softly rubbed her cheek in admiration before returning to dividing out the food, Mikasa’s arm falling to her side.
“You should really eat,” he said matter-of-factly, handing her a full plate and the smoothie.
She was still processing the abrupt change in conversation but took the plate in her hands, noticing the faint pink blush on his cheeks.
They walked over to the table this time, Eren mumbling something about how the position might help drain the congestion.
“Thanks, doctor,” she said enthusiastically, giving him a thumbs up. “I feel so much better like this.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re mean when you’re sick.” He ripped part of the croissant then pointed at her as she was slouched in the chair. “And you shouldn’t sit like that either.”
She locked her jaw and bit the inside of her lip. “Oh my god, stop telling me what to do!” she exclaimed, rubbing her hands against her temples.
The concern was overwhelming. The heat building inside her was overwhelming.
If she didn’t force him to leave now, the fog would continue to permeate her barriers, letting him in. She’ll fall into him on the couch, reaching for him, getting used to him in her sickly delusion.
“You should really leave.” He didn’t seem phased. She stammered. “I mean, you work with sick people all the time—you’re a paramedic!”
He smiled a little bit. He tried to hide it by putting his head down. “I wear a mask,” Eren responded simply, shrugging. “It’s not like we’re sharing spit anyway.”
He stood collected the empty plates. The image of the two of them tangled on the couch entered her head, kissing until she felt dizzy.
Mikasa blushed furiously at the thought, and it slightly bothered her that he didn’t seem flustered about the mental image at all.
“I want you to leave, Eren.” She stood up, standing awkwardly. She fiercely made eye contact, a hot stare lit by the fire she started, the one to burn the rooted need for him to stay.
He put the dishes back on the table. “No, you don’t,” he replied, his voice a smooth mix of calm and stern. “You don’t want me to leave.” It was sharp, like he was delicately toeing a dangerous line between an order and an observation.
“You want me to stay here.” He stopped walking in front of her. “You want to fall asleep on the couch with your head in my lap.” He said it with a straight face, like an irrefutable fact. He delicately brushed a strand of her black hair behind her ear. “And you want me to play with your hair. And you want me to carry you to bed after.”
And I want you to join me, Mikasa thought first, sending a rush of hot blood throughout her body.
She stared at Eren in an astounding disbelief riddled with embarrassment. She felt herself heating up, and she felt the sudden bolts of electricity at the friction between her legs when she squirmed in place.
He held her hand with both hands. “Just like we always do. It’s what you always want... when you're sick.” He looked away and he blushed slightly, then started dragging her to the couch.
It was a routine at this point. For a week every month, she was a little needier, cuddlier, and he was just a big bigger, like a big warm cushion, that twirled her hair and rubbed her skin and wrapped his arm around her every time.
She couldn’t resist; he was right. It’s what she wanted from the beginning, when he first showed up this morning. For him to have stayed.
Mikasa woke up the next morning in bed, sighing at the small disappointment that Eren hadn't stayed again.
She wondered if he ever considered it, slipping into bed next to her after tucking her in; if he ever kissed her forehead goodnight, or said anything; if he turned around at her bedroom door for one last glance; if he hesitated before leaving the apartment; if he told himself he'd gain the courage to stay tomorrow.
She wondered how long he stays. When she asked him once, all he said was after the movie ends. She wondered if he sat right there, her head in his lap, his hand in her hair, until he fell asleep on the couch, until he physically couldn't stay anymore, until he had to leave for work.
She inhaled deeply. "This is not a feasible fantasy," she said out loud, her voice hoarser than yesterday. "Just like he said... I only feel this way during my period..."
She felt a sharp pang in her ribcage. Maybe she knew that wasn't completely true. It was just the only time she could somewhat reasonably express it and have something other than I have a crush on you to blame.
The phone ringing snapped her out of her thoughts. She checked the ID: Eren.
"Hey." Mikasa cringed at the scratchiness of her voice.
Eren's laughter carried over the phone. "Oh, damn. That's... unfortunate."
The smile formed on her face before she could repress it. "Shut up," she croaked out, "I just woke up."
“Oh, did I wake you?”
“No!” Mikasa was quick to dismiss the concern. She relaxed when she heard Eren sigh with relief.
“Good, good. It’s really nice out today; you should take a walk or something.” She looked out her bedroom window and could see some rays of bright sunlight breaking through the shades. “Not to tell you what to do or anything.”
It sparked a little laugh out of her and Eren smiled, pleased that the rest improved her mood. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
They settled into a comfortable pseudo-silence, their breathing mixed in with the inherent static into a pleasing noise. Mikasa stared out her window, admiring the blue sky and cherry blossoms. Eren observed different flowers at the small shop, trying to remember if she’d ever told him her favorites.
“Oh, I almost forgot why I called,” Eren said suddenly, deciding none were good enough and leaving. “Im double shifting today so I won’t be there tonight. I have tomorrow off though, so I can make it up to you then.”
Mikasa closed her eyes at the news, the unsettling feeling spreading from the pit of her stomach. “Oh, okay.” She deflated slightly, glad he couldn’t see her over the phone. “When tomorrow?”
“Whenever you want to see me.”
The suggestion rolled off her tongue before she could stop it; she was too distracted with how her heart swelled to notice the words until they were already spoken: “Come after work? I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
He chuckled airily, which made her smile a little. “Well, I would prefer if it was locked while you rested.”
“I’ll leave a key on top of the door. There’s food here too, so maybe I can prepare something this time,” she rushed out. She wanted to convince him.
It didn’t take much. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you later tonight then, Mika.”
They ended the call and she snuggled back into her blankets, a cozy smile stretched on her face.
She dozed around the whole day, telling herself she’d get up and go for a walk and instead moving to nap periodically on the couch.
Around dinner time she walked to the door and unlocked it, falling back onto the couch with the tv on.
“How’s it going, Eren?” Reiner asked him as he entered the building.
Eren smiled and waved, still awake from that coffee during the second shift. “Hey, Reiner. Im good, how are you?” He stopped at the counter, resting his forearm against the cool surface.
“Not too shabby,” Reiner replied, smirking like things had been moving in his favor lately. A thought popped into his head and his expression changed. “Oh, how’s Mikasa doing? Haven’t seen her in a few days.”
“Yeah, she’s sick,” Eren answered, stepping back from the counter, “I should go check on her; Ill tell her you asked about her though.”
Eren walked over to the door once he heard the buzzer. They exchanged goodbyes and Eren took the stairs to the fourth floor.
He stopped at her apartment door. No lights were peeking through the cracks in the door; no keys left on the frame or under the mat.
He sighed and triple checked that it was her apartment before trying the doorknob, relieved but also saddened that it was unlocked.
He recognized the apartment even in the dark. Eren took his shoes off and quietly walked to the couch, smiling at the sight of her curled into a ball, bundled in three different blankets.
He removed his backpack and placed it on the ground before moving to crouch in front of the couch.
Eren reached out, his hand delicately displacing strands of hair from her face, his fingertips barely brushing against her soft skin. He was intermittently holding his breath, like moving the air would disturb her, like he was forgetting to breathe.
Honestly he expected for her to be asleep, so he was more than okay with sleeping on the couch and waking up to her the next morning.
Eren tucked his arms underneath her armpits and knees and lifted Mikasa into his arms. Her head fell into his shoulder, a soft warmth on the chest.
He liked this part, when he could hold her. It felt special, knowing she felt comfortable enough to fall asleep around him, that she'd regularly be so vulnerable with him. Then there was the warm, fuzzy feeling that erupted when he gently placed her on the bed, a protective longing temporarily satiated whenever he placed the blankets over her.
Mikasa's eyes opened softly when Eren was pulling the blanket over her shoulders. He withdrew his arms and stood up from his crouching position. She blinked repeatedly to wipe some of the fog from her mind, to speed up the time her eyes needed to adjust.
He was checking her water bottle when she sat up slightly. "Please stay," she pleaded quietly, hoarsely. If it weren't so quiet she wouldn't have even heard herself.
Eren opted for sitting on the bed instead of crouching again and rested his hand on her covered thigh. "I will," he replied delicately, barely louder than her own sentence, wondering if she still had a headache. "I'll be here when you wake up."
Mikasa placed her hand over his. "Stay in here... please..."
It was too dark to see his expression and her eyes were struggling to adjust. She felt like she couldn't breathe, not because she had stopped breathing, but like each breath just wasn't enough.
"Okay," he answered softly, "okay." He stood up and moved to the other side of the bed, crawling under the sheets to the middle.
Instantly Mikasa was glued to his chest, his arms wrapped around her as she happily snuggled into the warm, firm pillow. "Thank you..." she mumbled against his shirt fabric. She listened to his steady heart beat, smiling as she felt his nose press to her head, relaxing deeper into him as he inhaled. "Anything for you," he breathed out, absentmindedly pressing a kiss to her hair.
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 7 months
Capcom vs. SNK
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Return of the Capcom vs. SNK (Street Fighter IV vs. The King of Fighters XIV and Street Fighter V vs. The King of Fighters XV)
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SNK vs. Capcom, or alternately Capcom vs. SNK, is a series of crossover video games by either Capcom or SNK featuring characters that appear in games created by either company. Most of these are fighting game, and take on a similar format to Capcom's own Marvel vs. Capcom series, in which the players create teams of fighters and have them fight each other. Games in this series either contain SNK vs. Capcom or Capcom vs. SNK in their titles, with the first company named denoting the company behind the game's development.
Reception to the series has been varied; the Capcom-developed titles were the most positively-received, while the SNK-developed installments received more mixed reviews.
The supposed origin behind this series was an issue of Arcadia magazine in which there were articles covering both The King of Fighters '98 and Street Fighter Alpha 3, both of which were released at around the same time. Readers had misread the cover, which said KOF vs. SF, to mean that there was a fighting game that would pit characters from Street Fighter and The King of Fighters. Because of this uproar, Capcom and SNK supposedly[<span title="
The material near this tag may use weasel words or too-vague attribution. (March 2017)
">by whom?] signed a deal that would allow them to produce only two fighting games concerning both franchises in 1999 (the Card Fighters series (see below) were not fighting games and therefore were exempt from the rule). It is highly suggested.
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darth-eagle · 4 years
Can’t Believe I Never Get This Edition of Bessatsu Shonen Magazine from December 2014!
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Managed to buy it from Carousell for SGD5.00 last week, and picked up on Tuesday. Open it to realise it contain the SnK Vol 15 Alternate Dustcover which I thought I already have (but apparently didn’t!).
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Below are the SnK-Related Series this Edition contain.
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vampp1e · 3 years
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(* ´ ∀ `)ノ~ mikasa ackerman ♡💭
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gloomikasa · 5 years
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Something in his deep green eyes has me sayin’ He’s not all bad like his reputation And I can’t hear one single word they say (4/8)
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lenok993 · 6 years
it’s the creepiest snk cover
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kiyomie · 6 years
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SNK Volume Covers 1-25 + some Alternate covers
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epicren · 3 years
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A new visual for Attack on Titan has finally been dropped! It's truly amazing! Showing the heart of AOT. Eren Yeager with the "paths" behind him. The beautiful thing about it are the shards of memories. Showing us almost every character of the entire series. From Mikasa, Armin, Hange, Erwin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, Floch, Zeke, Levi, Petra, Gunther & many more. These are Eren's & our memories as we saw witnessed all these moments. Which character did you spot?
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The alternative cover for the volume 30. Manga by Hajime Isayama.
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The part 2 of the final season of Attack on Titan is coming next year. The second part is the conclusion of Eren Yeager's legendary story. We love all the characters and things about this SNK world. Fans are anxiously waiting to see conclusion, especially Yuki Kaji. A huge shoutout to him for providing the amazing voice of Eren. Also to the other voice actors as well. How do you feel the coming conclusion? Do tell.
Hope you all have a well day.
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aethes-bookshelf · 3 years
More fics coming soon! :)
◈ - smut
A T T A C K  O N  T I T A N [AoT || SnK]
in case you don't live forever || levi/reader
You didn’t really know what you and Levi shared. But god be damned if you weren’t going to fight tooth and nail for it.
always || alucard/reader
His eyes wandered to the rocking chair that stood at the top of the stairs. There she was, his heart. Her eyes were closed and he would’ve been worried if not for the steady sound of her heartbeat. She had changed over time – the story of her life told through the wrinkles on her skin, the scars on her hands. But her eyes still held the same spark he fell in love with so many years ago. Her smile still made his chest warm, still gave him a reason to simply live, instead of dreamlessly sleeping in his coffin. She was still his love, his heart, his mind, his home.
forever || alucard/reader [part II to always]
dream || alucard/reader
You looked up at him through your lashes and suppressed a yawn. "Morning, love."
Love. Love? Ah, of course. That must be it. That strange feeling in his chest and lungs, squeezing his throat.
touch || alucard/reader ◈
The first time he touched you, you were surprised by the coldness of his skin. 
late night talks || alucard/reader
And so the shining Star found himself stupidly in love with a campfire.
a garden of my love || alucard/reader
You couldn't afford expensive birthday gifts; never could, really. But you were good at cooking. So, every year, without fail, you presented him with a tablefull of delicious treats.
In the second year of you living together, Trevor and Sypha visited and stayed long enough to take part in this little celebration. In the third year, the two of you stumbled upon two lost hunters creeping in the forest. What happened after became a taboo, an unspeakable secret worn on Alucard’s skin. In year three, you realized that your devotion to him might be a lot more than you’d like it to be.
In year four, he met Greta.
the stench of withered flowers || alucard/reader [part II to 'a garden of my love']
on a leash || sub!alucard/reader ◈
into you, I fall || sub!alucard/reader ◈
Alucard isn't sure he's ready to let you tie him up after what happened with the twins, but he wants to try anyway.
You come up with an alternative.
J J B A [Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure]
young, stupid and in love || CaeJose
A gust of cold wind made its way through his transparent form, but he didn’t shudder. Now he remembered. His last words and the rock that fell right on top of him. The rock he was standing on right now.
He let out a frightened scream.
B N H A || M H A
three times you’d met & a fourth you remembered || mirio/reader
Mirio noticed a bright orange bracelet on her wrist. He’d definitely seen it somewhere before.
About oblivious dorks, orange butterflies & really, really bad memory.
no right to love you || mirio/reader
The first time Mirio woke up without you, he couldn’t help the initial confusion. Where was his lovely ray of sunshine? How could he possibly go about the day without your sleepy smile to kick it off?
And then, reality hit.
a new first || mirio/reader ◈
You've never squirted before. Mirio would like to see if you can.
T H E  A R C A N A
the morning after || asra/reader
They were both bare, their skin covered by nothing but a thin blanket. It was way too hot for them to be embracing tightly, so they settled for more subtle touches — loosely holding hands and carefully entangling their legs. A snake, Faust, laid in-between them, fast asleep.
this lovely heart of mine || asra/reader
To bring you back, Asra gave up half his heart. But now that half lives on in you. Two people, one heart. The two of you are never truly alone - and tonight neither of you want to be.
(AKA Exploring the connection Asra and the Apprentice have due to sharing a heart.)
[Urban Fantasy AU]
the arcana urban fantasy AU (concept)
domming the shit out of Sett || sett/reader ◈
Basically the title ( ¬‿¬)
domming the shit out of Sett part II: pegging edition || sett/reader ◈
a bouquet just for you || cloud strife/reader
Falling in love with Cloud wasn’t difficult. Quite the opposite; it was too damn easy. Maybe it was something about his gruff and awkward persona; or maybe it was his badly disguised kindness and soft heart. Or maybe it was his eyes. Who knew. The point was that no matter what made you fall for him, you were literally going to die for it.
One way or another.
a bouquet of wilting roses || cloud strife/reader [part II to 'a bouquet just for you']
hung by a thread (the red string of fate) || cloud strife/reader
In a world where everyone already knew how their fated person would greet them, you didn’t. Where everybody had words written into the skin of their wrists, yours came out blank. There was nothing, not even a dot, not even a speck.
Still, you fell in love with someone who was fated to leave you behind.
Now you were going to reap what you sow.
two squeezes mean 'i love you' || cloud strife/reader
Cloud is horrible at words - everybody knows that. You did too and it never bothered you; not really. But when you realize he hadn't told you he loved you even once throughout the entirety of your relationship, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
B A L D U R 'S G A T E 3 [BG3]
empty eyes, emptier words || astarion/tav/halsin
Orin knew exactly who to take to hit those troublesome True Souls the hardest. Their leader was the obvious choice - a chicken can only run so far if you take its head. Tav would make a beautiful sacrifice for Bhaal.
And if anyone came to try and get them back? All the better. Blood will flow either way. And what a sight it'll be.
[I made some changes to Orin's dagger. Now, whoever gets killed with it can't be resurrected. Or can they?]
we promised we'd save you || astarion/tav/halsin [part II to 'empty eyes, emptier words']
The first thing Tav felt was pain.
let me be your shelter || astarion/tav
You’d always tried to be the strong, reliable one — a leader through and through, a shoulder to cry on for everyone else. Even after everything you’d been through, you put on a brave face. All the way up until you couldn’t.
Luckily, Astarion’s always there to pick up the pieces.
h e a d c a n o n s
astarion & sewing
D R A G O N A G E [DA]
a taste this bitter || solas/inquisitor
For a moment he missed the way their fingers wrapped themselves around their teacup, holding it like something precious, something worth touching; he missed the way he longed to be held by them just so.
Solas hates tea, but he promised he’d never forget them.
[Written to fit an Inky of any gender/race, not just fem!Lavellan.]
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free-pancakes · 4 years
Don’t Worry, I’m Here
So I ended up writing a part 2 to this
And crossposted both chapters to AO3
sorry for all the recent angst, i blame the recent chapter lol
Summary: Alternate epilogue-like ending if SNK chapter 138 didn’t occur
(italicized portions reference chapter 1!)
Chapter 2
“It’s your turn,” Erwin said with a warm smile. “I’m thinking they all need you right now.”
“Maaaaan, this is a lot of work isn’t it? Why did he ask me to watch over everyone! I thought I’d finally get to take a goddamn break when I got here…”
“Stop joking around, Hange, we all know you’re happy to do it,” Mike said. “And at least he can’t smell you when you cross over—can’t believe you alone could stink up the whole afterlife,” he teased.
Hange playfully shoved Mike into Erwin as they burst into laughter. She smiled big at the both of them. “See you morons later!” she yelled back.
“Hange-san, don’t forget to check on Connie and Niccolo for me! Let me know how good Connie’s pranks have gotten, and if Niccolo has gotten any better at tolerating him,” Sasha added.
“Of course, dear,” Hange said with a smile. She waved back at the three as she opened the door to go see everyone back home.
— She breathed in the cool, summer morning air and walked down a cobblestone path in town, smelling the decadent aroma of bread lingering over the bakery just ahead. She peered through the window, seeing Connie poking holes through bread dough, making something that looked like a little mask for himself, squishing it onto his face. Niccolo turned around the corner holding a box of pastries and threw them straight into the air, croissants showering down from the ceilings. “Connie, stop startling me like this!” he whined as he looked at all the pastries now all over the place, a massacre of flaky crumbs on the floor. The sound of Connie’s laugh was music to Hange’s ears. She took another whiff of the sweet smell and laughed as she watched Connie sadly pick up the croissants while Niccolo lectured him—“They’re doing well, Sasha,” she whispered to herself.
As she continued on her stroll, she saw Onyankopon walking alongisde Pieck. After hurrying over to walk alongside the two, she waved hello at both of them—sometimes she forgot they couldn’t see her whenever she came to visit.
“That’s so sweet, Onyankopon,” Pieck said as he flipped through a small book in his hand. “Oh, it wasn’t just me—without Armin I would have never gotten this all to work out.” Hange’s eyes glimmered with happy tears—she was so proud of her successor. She wanted to see him, but unfortunately it would probably have to wait for her next trip down here.
“I’m sure Hange-san would have loved it, no way we couldn’t publish all her hard work on titan research. Something that generations can learn about—real truth in books for them to read, to understand why they all dedicated their hearts,” he said, balling his other hand into a fist, gently tapping his chest with it, right over his own heart. Hange placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
“And what do you have there?” he asked Pieck with a curious look in his eye. “Oh, just another record for Levi,” she said as she ran her hand over the smooth case. "I think he’d like this album.” Hange whispered a small thank you right by Pieck’s ear, happy that she continued to help Levi, and that their little record player was being put to good use.
Onyankopon patted Pieck on the back. “Well, please send the Captain my regards, and let him know that Hange’s texts should be published soon!” Pieck gave him a little smile and waved as she walked towards the forest path. Hange was about to follow her to see the little grump, but she stopped herself, sad to wait a little longer to see him. “Not yet, a few more I have to check on first,” she said to herself as she turned left, heading in the opposite direction from Pieck.
A familiar, warm voice echoed behind her, “Hi Pieck!”
Hange spun around to see Jean and Mikasa walking up from the forest path passing right by Pieck. "Just the people she was looking for!" Hange exclaimed, and smiled warmly watching her favorite little pair walk hand-in-hand.
“Date night I’m assuming?” Pieck asked. Jean blushed, scratched the back of his head, and responded with a nervous chuckle. Mikasa smiled back at him and left a little kiss on his cheek. “Yes we are, Pieck,” she said with a shy smile. “Are you visiting the Captain?”
“Yes, heading that way now. Are the kids with Levi?” Pieck asked excitedly.
“Absolutely, and Historia’s son as well!” Jean said.
Hange couldn’t help but feel overcome with emotion watching the scene. She was so happy to see them all happy, alive, and well. As the group parted ways, Hange followed Jean and Mikasa up a winding path, snaking up the green grassy hills just beyond the edge of the town.
“A graveyard?” Hange asked aloud, both hands instinctively gripping at both sides of her head. “That’s your date night?? Jean, what are you doing?? This is not what I taught you!” She tried grabbing at his shirt to turn them right around. “This isn’t even an Ackerman-related issue, this is just common sense, you idiot!” She ran around them in a frenzy, so distracted that she didn’t even realize who they were actually trying to visit.
“Thanks, Jean. Sorry to ask you for the detour. I know our reservations are—“
Jean quietly pushed a small bouquet of sunflowers into her hands, and stared into her eyes, his expression telling her that he wanted to be here too. Mikasa gave him a quick peck on the cheek and she placed the flowers down onto the grass as they sat down together, knees bent and elbows resting on them. He wrapped his arm around Mikasa as they stared at the headstone, Hange’s name etched neatly into the rock.
“These were her favorite, yknow?”
“I know.”
The wind whistled by their ears, leaving cool kisses on the tops of their heads, bringing them a moment of sweet relief from the heat as the sun began to rise higher into the sky.
“Sometimes, I feel like she never left,” Jean whispered.
Hange sat behind the two of them, arms encasing them in her embrace, and kissed the tops of their heads. She smiled at Jean’s words—“I never did,” she said softly into their ears. She tried to wipe the tears from Mikasa’s eyes with her sleeve. “So don’t be sad.”
Time was almost up, so Hange hurried her way down the path, and stole one last glance at the two. She smiled when she saw Jean lay his head on Mikasa’s shoulder. She couldn’t wait to do the same with the other Ackerman on her mind.
She stared at the little cabin, pangs of heartache clawing at her chest—her one and only regret. But the pain melted away as she heard the sound of children’s laughter escaping through the open window. She walked in to find a little boy and a little girl stumbling around, toddlers still getting used to their legs, their little minds still figuring out how fast they could go before falling over. Her heart melted as she watched the two.
She wondered where Levi was, but he didn’t keep her waiting—he never did. He walked through the doorway of the kitchen into the room where the two kids were running around, holding two mugs of tea. He then walked out onto the front porch and set one of the teas down next to him, steam rising from the cup, drawing Hange towards it with its familiar aroma. Just the way she liked it.
She turned to Levi, looking him up and down, drinking in every bit of his appearance, from every wrinkle in his white, button-up shirt to every strand of hair on his head. She laughed as she counted a few grey hairs peeking through the deep sea of black, and gently ran her hand through this hair. He looked rested, a rare sight for her to see, and nothing could make her happier. She left kisses on his cheek and wrapped her arms around him—she never wanted to let go.
Sunlight wrapped around Levi’s body like a hug, the cool breeze softly ruffled his hair and left cool kisses on his face—sweet relief in the summer heat. “Thanks, Hange,” he thought. He pressed his fingers up to his face, feeling the soft, smooth fabric of her eye patch covering his right eye and smiled.
“You’re welcome, shorty,” she whispered as she held onto him tightly.
As he went back inside, she followed him and sat down right next to him as he pulled out his little journal.
“My notes?”
She stared at Levi, his eyes filled with happiness as he read over every inside joke she scribbled into the margins—she was a little embarrassed about him reading all of that, but overall happy nonetheless.
The two toddlers suddenly jumped up onto his lap breaking him out of his trance. “Uncle Levi, can you please tell us a story??” they chimed together, staring at him with cute little puppy-dog eyes. He nodded.
“Yay!!!” They yelled in unison. They both sat on either side of him on the couch and stared up at him with eager eyes.
Hange sat right next to the three of them, ready to hear Levi’s story—she wondered what he’d come up with. She was ready to laugh at the inevitable constipated look on his face as he tried to conjure up a story for them.
“Once upon a time there were two best friends. They were the strongest heroes everyone knew. They climbed giant walls and looked at the vast lands in front of them from the top of it, knowing it’d all be theirs once they defeated the big, bad titans!”
Hange chuckled at the kids’ excitement.
“They jumped on their necks and cast a spell and they’d disappear!”
“Good call, Levi, I was scared you’d start saying we slashed them up or something,” she said with a small laugh.
They did this for many years until all of them were finally gone. The two best friends were happy and searched for more land to see and explore until they found the big blue ocean. Water that was salty and laid home to many creatures both friendly and dangerous. Now there were more bad guys on the other side of the ocean but they were a little different than titans, and they looked like you and me so it was much harder to defeat them. So the two best friends tried to find a way to win. They went on adventures together trying to figure out their secrets until they almost died trying to do that.”
Levi hesitated.
Hange’s eyes softened at seeing him like this, so she wrapped her arm around him, laying her head on his shoulder.
“And one day one of the best friends asked the other if they wanted to live in the forest together, and leave their younger, smart and powerful comrades to defeat the bad guys.”
He paused once more, and took a deep breath.
“It’s okay, Levi, keep going—the kids are waiting,” she whispered.
“And the other best friend said yes. Their comrades won the battle and the two best friends lived happily ever after in the forest. The end.”
He looked down at the two children, who nuzzled their heads into his lap and were now fast asleep. Jean’s kid snored loudly and drooled over his pants, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. “Oh Hange, I wish you could be here too...” Levi said aloud. He felt tears well up behind his eyes but he blinked them away.
“Don’t worry, Levi. I’m here.” Hange tried to wipe away his tears with her sleeve before she began to wipe her own.
His mind went to the last page of his book of Hange’s notes:
“I hope Levi could live a long life and be happy for the rest of his days. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing him experience happiness behind his dumb scowl. And Levi if you come across this someday, remember that I love you and goddammit try to smile or something in front of someone other than me!”
Levi of course memorized these words, and repeated them in his head as he ran his fingers softly through the children’s hair as they slept.
She drank in the bittersweet moment—watching him smile through his pain. He was trying so hard for her, and it made her heart ache. She hoped that he was genuinely trying to find happiness through all of this. But she knew it was nothing he couldn’t handle. She was always watching him, after all.
Hange felt a pull at her shoulders—time was just about up for today. She peppered his face with kisses, hoping that he might feel them.
A gentle breeze blew through the open window, leaving sweet, cool kisses on his face. He swore he could hear her voice, whispering “Love you, Shorty,” in his ear.
“Love you, Shorty,” Hange whispered as she stood up to leave. She visited him every week, but it was still difficult for her to leave each time.
“Stupid four-eyes,” he thought. He breathed in memories of her and promised he’d try to live the rest of his days happily and smiling just as she wished for him.
“Til next time, Levi,” she said softly, as she closed the window behind her.
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heyzelsister14 · 4 years
AoT/SnK Chapter 138 Impressions
I waited for the official translation of Shingeki no Kyojin's penultimate chapter before saying anything and partly because it took some time to fully process what happened. LOL. Spoilers ahead for SnK/AoT Chapter 138.
This chapter is pain personified. I cannot count how many "almost" this chapter showed. From the reunion of the Warriors with their families, to Annie's almost hug with her father, to Jean and Connie's almost survival. All the suffering and pain, only to suffer and hurt more.
Now we go to Eren and Mikasa's moments which covered half of the chapter (not complaining tho, loove it.) Many terms have been said regarding the scene, whether it was an alternate reality, alternate universe, dream sequence, or fantasy.
For me, it is the "what could have been" had Mikasa answered truthfully to Eren's "what am I to you" way back in chapter 123. Somehow a form of closure to Mikasa's regret which makes it more heartbreaking because she needed to see that scenario before dealing the final blow.
I interpreted the solemn looks Eren and Mikasa gave to each other as them saying "It's okay, sorry, it had to be this way." The kiss, no matter how macabre it is (classic SnK), is both cruel and beautiful (another classic SnK.) It is peaceful, and at the same time, painful.
Attack on Titan is not a romance series, it never was. BUT, to deny love's role in the story is to be indifferent and apathetic. Why are we even watching this series or maybe anything on that matter, if not to find bits of ourselves and to understand others?
I'm going to hold out hope like I did for the past 7 years I've been with this series and save my tears for the final chapter. In the meantime, see you all in therapy! HAHAHA.
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bioswear · 3 years
I hesitate to post this AU bc I absolutely detest canon SnK but I love making these characters as gay as possible (bc I’m gay. And also I have a WEIRD talent of putting these characters into any possible AU and it works?) so here goes:
BATTLE of the Bands AU
Annie, Ymir, Bert, Reiner, and Pieck are their own band called the Titan Warriors (OR SOMETHING idfk); they specialize in original rock, folk, as well as metal cover songs
Annie is on guitar and secondary vocals
Ymir actually floored and surprised them with her singing and was made lead almost immediately
Bert is bass
Reiner is drums
Pieck is Keyboard
They cover: Kamelot, Delain, Amaranthe, and Evanescence
Original songs are usually more classic rock and sometimes alternative metal
They will do songs like The Islander (Nightwish) and more folk inspired music as well
Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Krista, and Sasha are in their own band which specializes in pop-rock, alternative, and symphonic metal
Krista is lead vocals and Has the Range
Eren is guitar and secondary vocals, responsible for death screams and growls
Mikasa is keyboard, classically trained but very adaptable
Armin is bass
Sasha is drums
On the more metal side, they cover more classic / Operatic Nightwish, Epica, Linked Horizon (homage, of course), Sirenia, etc.
They also incorporate pop-rock pop-punk sets on varying nights as compromise with Sasha, who is more of a Paramore girl than anything else, but she loves drumming and also loves her friends
Initially they’re two bands competing against one another and after the competition, they run into each other and start talking / obsessing over each other’s skills
Legit the first thing out of Annie and Mikasa’s mouths are “You have nice hands” bc they’re GAY
Ymir is SMITTEN by the tiny angelic front woman who has THE RANGE and HAS to talk to her
Eren keeps pestering Annie to teach him some of her guitar techniques
Reiner and Sasha absolutely bro out over drums and which cymbals are the best and the wildest drumming they’ve ever had to do
Bert and Armin start to bond over Music theory more than anything, talking about how they got roped into playing bass for metal cover bands of all things
Pieck is subtly wing manning Annie and being like “if u teach the annoying brown-haired kid you can talk to the goth girl more” and Annie is like “oh my god o: ”
Pieck gets an in with Mikasa by complimenting the classical techniques she’s using and that it makes her unique comparatively
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jumpinguptothesky · 3 years
hello hello hello we are ALIVE AGAIN
it's been long days for me lately but at least they're over now, now i have more time for me and for you, yasssss 💞💞
I have to say, talking to you had been so nice for me! I love getting to know more about you! And feel we have a lot of ideas in common too, I like discovering this! I like to be able to know you better and share are mutual love to Levihan, SNK and other stuff we like, it's been so entertaining for me!!
Oh, so after reading your last reply... So you're very into the Survey Corpse spirit and representation, right? 👀
maybe even the political one to the kingdom of Eldia, idk, but the repressentstion and hope and determination they bring to them, even with all the critiques they receive as well, aren't you?
About dystopians... What kind do you like? They are a full world itself! Like illnesses dystopias, politic persecutions, wars and armed polices, and so on! The world itself is so big too! I have to say I didn't get so clear what do you refer as the ones of 80' 😔 I'm sorry.
Btw, give me your opinion/ranks about this worlds too!! What do you like the most???
(OMG, this is so fun to make, really)
X. Canon story
X. Post-canon/post 139
X. Pre-canon/Underground
X. Moder Setting AUs
X. Other Alternative Universe
idk, be creative, I want to hear about your opinions and desires 👀
maybe a scene that got you very interested to see? Idk, but again, remember I take for my gift what I want 😈
OMG! End of the question time. It's been so interesting to be doing this! I hope you enjoy it as I do!
Again as always, please take care and have a nice day, see little pics of hedgehog being cute because they're so cute omg!!
Byee!! Take care and see you soon! :-)
— Your chocolate 🍫
Oh little chocolate! I'm sorry, I've been so busy the last few days, and I haven't been able to find a moment to respond at length to your sweet little message <3
I'm super happy to have had these little chats with you! I can't wait to find out who's behind that chocolate suit hahahah!
For the survey corps, yes, I love their ideals. They are all heroes, willing to sacrifice their lives for the greater good, even if it means losing their friends, loves and everything that matters to them ( exactly the opposite of Eren who sacrificed the world for a few of his friends... and still not all lol!)
For dystopias, I love futuristic dystopias! I just read Altered Carbon, and I love how the whole society is forced to change and revolve around a new technology. What I love about it is discovering new worlds and all the new rules that apply to them! That's probably why I love fantasy too!!!
For the ranking héhéhéh :
1. Pre-canon/Underground
2. Modern Setting AUs
3. Canon story
4. Other Alternative Universe
5. Post-canon/post 139
The period when Levi is just entering the Survey Corps, I love it! I'd love to see more stuff covered on this!!! I love when Levi is still a bit of a wild animal hahaha! And then the Modern AU's, I'm a die-hard lover of all the adaptations that can be made of Levi and Hange !!!!
It was so fun doing these little questions with you!!! I thought it was so funny !!!! Thanks again my little chocolate!!! <3 Se you very soooon !
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alienheartattack · 3 years
Hello! So i I remeber you once said that it's not cool to complete someone else's fic, but aren't all fanfic writers doing that by writing their imagination of how they want the author's story finish? (I don't know why this question came to my mind in the middle of night lmao)
I barfed out a ton of words on this so I hope you like walls of text, anon! 💀
I would say no to your question, because fanfiction isn’t always about finishing the original author’s story. Fanfiction’s original purpose was to explore characters or ideas that weren’t covered in the original media, and that’s the approach I take when I write. While “fix-it fics” have always been a thing, I feel like there is a recent trend of fans being obsessed with what’s canon, saying that canon ships are more legitimate than non-canon ships, fixing canon, demanding new canon endings, etc. I think that’s a really limited view of fandom that’s led to a rise in entitled fan behavior (petitions for major studios to change endings, etc.).
The idea of fanfiction “finishing” a creator’s story also assumes that the fanfiction author is writing in canonverse when AUs are arguably just as, if not more popular. For example, although I personally am working on my own “fix-it fic,” I primarily write in modern AUs, so my work has very little to do with Yams’ aside from using the characters and some inspiration from the dynamics in the original work. I would be annoyed if someone offered to finish my stories because I did the work of coming up with the AU, deciding which aspects of which characters I want to play up, and plotting the story to my specifications. Just because a work isn’t 100% original doesn’t mean it’s completely up for grabs either.
To me, the issue is really the idea of “finishing” someone else’s work. SNK is done. Writing an alternate ending hurts no one, especially because Yams is not going to see it. Offering to finish someone else’s existing fic is taking their story away from them before they get a chance to finish it themselves. As readers, we don’t know what writers are going through. Just because someone hasn’t updated in a while doesn’t mean that they don’t plan to or they never will. It’s just presumptuous to contact someone and ask to complete their unfinished work. (I would be mortified if I reached out to someone and they said they still intended to finish but couldn’t because they had a serious health issue or family matter.) You wouldn’t do the same to one of the mangakas who hasn’t updated in a while. The work in question being a fanwork doesn’t really matter, because the author still put their original ideas and hard work into it.
What I think is more beneficial in this situation is for the reader/aspiring writer to figure out what they liked about the unfinished fic and use it as inspiration to come up with their own idea rather than finishing someone else’s. Even though fanfiction is a derivative work, it still takes a lot of thought and creativity to make a story happen, more so if you’re in an AU where you don’t necessarily have to adhere to canonverse rules. I think most authors, regardless of whether their work is original or fan-based, would take offense to someone — especially a total stranger — asking to take the reins of their work. Not to mention that the cardinal rule of fanfiction is that if you don’t like it, make your own.
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snkmerchandise · 5 years
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News: Bessatsu Shonen January 2020 Issue
Original Release Date: December 9th, 2019 Retail Price: 620 Yen
The cover of Bessatsu Shonen’s January 2020 issue, featuring Eren by Isayama Hajime! The issue will contain SnK Chapter 124. Bessatsu Shonen’s previous SnK cover was the October 2019 issue.
Update (December 5th, 2019): The alternative cover for SnK volume 30, featuring a cleaner version of the Bessatsu Shonen cover and is included with the January issue, has also been revealed!
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snk-smartpass · 4 years
Won’t get my Shingeki no Kyojin: Short Stories 5 Booklet till after May 5th due to CB (“Circuit Breaker” aka Semi-Lockdown) but here’s some “Edited Scans” of SnK Vol 31 Alternate Cover, from Bessatsu Shonen Magazine May Issue (RELEASED April 9, 2020)
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Pardon the CamScanner Watermark as that Apps put it in Automatically!
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