#snk match ups
imjustabeanie · 1 month
Appearance match for @v3nttii
Your snk match is....levi!
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Your jjk match is...Yuuta!
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jeankirstein4ever · 3 months
Commission Info
Match ups
These are honestly my favorite thing to write , and you can see them quite clearly across my page but in summery you provide me with information about yourself and I write you a “grab bag” of things; short playlist, love letter, wedding vows, head-cannons (nsfw or sfw, at your preference),mood board about a fandom of your choice
Character Letters
Couple thousand words from you’re preferred character to you, can be romantic, platonic, or familial.
One-shots, head-cannons, playlists, anything else not listed
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casimaniart · 2 years
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I haven’t drawn anything in a year and a half and decided to dive right into Reibert because apparently instead of getting ready for 2023 I launched myself back in 2013 :D
Anyway, AU where Bertholdt lives (of course) but was still held prisoner and then got freed. Reiner is worried about the state he’s in and fusses but Bertholdt is also worried about the state he finds Reiner in and fusses right back at him.
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aastarions · 8 months
this song but about eren's death
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vs-redemption · 1 year
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Match Up Monday! Requests open for today (Jan 16 EST) only! THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED
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Send in the information below and get a match up!
Preferred Fandom: AOT, MHA, Black Clover, Haikyuu, Genshin Impact
Preferred Match: Male or Female
Your favorite flower:
An item in your bedroom:
Your favorite song:
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shxtodxroki · 2 months
Appearance Match-Up For @enzirin
Read appearance match-up guidelines here and send in your request!
For your AOT appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Erwin Smith! :D
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He thinks your eyes are beautiful, and he loves your glasses too because he thinks they just accentuate your beautiful eyes more <3
For your Haikyuu appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Keiji Akaashi! :D
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I think he’d love your hair :) He’s a big fan of dark hair and loves how long it is as well, he loves running his hands through it while you lay in his lap after a long day
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lostplay · 1 year
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Game 6: SNK Vs. Capcom: The Match of The Millennium (Jan 2023) 💖
There is always someone more talented than you, that old saying? I think this game is encompasses that. I honestly didn't think I get such an outstanding fighting game experience on the little Neo Geo Pocket, but here The Match of The Millennium is to tell me exactly that it is what it says on the box. There is so much love and dedication to this game, and it's sources of material. From the various character sprites to mini games to it's music, this game shines above and beyond the library of Neo Geo Pocket.
Nearly every character in this game has their own soundtrack, additional super moves to unlock, and unique introductions to other characters. To say that this game has personality is honestly underselling it. While understandably the idea of locked super moves and secret characters has been a hot button issue with fighting games; the way The Match of The Millennium does it in an Unobtrusive way. You unlock fighters through beating arcade mode, and on various difficulties you unlock more blocks that are blocking said new character to be added to the roster. In addition, everything you do gets you a certain amount of money to spend on various goodies, most of which being super moves. In addition to arcade and versus mode, you can play the SNK Vs. Capcom Olympic mode to get more money to spend. What makes Olympic so interesting tho is that instead of regular fighting game stuff, we also get a variety of mini games to play featuring characters from either company. While each game may have varying amount difficulty, there is honestly enough here to at least charm a player to play it.
I don't want to be selling the fighting for this game short though as it more than holds up it's own compared to other Neo Geo Pocket games. Heck, I'd even argue that The Match of The Millennium is such a well done fighter that it gives plenty of console games a run for it's money. The controls are just so responsive, they kept everything simple, and in a lot of ways plays better than some other versus fighter games. You're honestly just going to be getting a lot fast paced fighting akin to street fighter II rather than the touch of death comboing the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom tend to have. While both types of fighting are a blast to play, it was clear why they made the game the way they did, and honestly I feel is a good showcase of how simple is sometimes better.
SNK did an amazing job with The Match of The Millennium. If there is any game that convinced me the power of the Neo Geo Pocket, it be this game. While I doubt we will ever see a rise of the Neo Geo, I'm at least thankful for making such a simple robust versus fighting game that has uddles of charm like The Match of The Millennium does. If you haven't had the chance to play this game, and consider yourself a fan of fighting games, don't miss out on this one.
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
I LOVED UR GAMER SNK MEN HCS!! what about reader as a gamer 👀??
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: Thanks so much for the request!! My first ask (‘: I added some of the other men because even though they might not understand video games, they can still support their partner hahah. Is there anyone else you guys would want to see included in these headcanons? Erwin? Bertholdt? Should I do some with the ladies? Let me know! Thanks for your continued support(:
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If you’re on the same team he’s supporting you 100%, doing whatever he can to help you out if you’re getting targeted or something
If you get killed? He’s going after the fucker who took you out at least ten times (or until you tell him it’s okay you’ve respawned!! He can chill!!)
But if you’re playing against him? Good luck because he’s going to target you hahah
He thinks it’s cute how whiny you get when he snipes you or gets you with his ultimate
“Sorry, (y/n), you gotta be better than that”
This man is so cocky oh lord
Secretly, when you get him back he gets so flustered? But you can’t tell because he just scoffs and tells you that he let you get him
Man’s is sportin a boner through under his desk lmao!! It’s hot seeing you take control what can I say
He invites you to the discord but then immediately regrets it because Jean will constantly try and talk about you
Jean is a homie! But he thinks you’re cool and it pisses Eren off whenever he asks you to check your dms so it’s a win-win (he just sends you memes lol)
Eren’s friends are all chill with you playing but he still likes to remind them that you’re dating
“Eren did you fucking set my house on fire” “that’s what you get for giving (y/n) a flower dumbass” “bro they needed it to make DYE you idiot”
You guys have a minecraft house together and it’s super cute! Eren will definitely let you decorate while he collects materials for you. Or you both will go on adventures together(:
If you’re playing alone he’s super supportive too! Totally down with you having time with your friends online
In between his matches with the boys he’ll come up behind you and kiss your head, not wanting to interrupt too much
But sometimes he’ll fully move your headset off of one ear and start backseat gaming
“You should use your ultimate after your teammate uses theirs. Theirs will freeze the enemy and then your pure damage will take them out… okay good now go over here and—“
After your matches he’s super affectionate ahhh
Wraps his arms around you from behind and plants a big ol’ kiss on your cheek
“M’girl did so good!!”
He’d be a touch cringey lmao
Insists on you both having his-and-hers desk-mats. Gives you a custom mousepad with a picture of you both on it for your birthday and the image turns out kind of wonky
He’s be heartbroken if you don’t use it though!! So you better
One day you come home and he’s rearranged half the apartment so you can have a gaming room together with your desks facing each other
But this ends terribly bc he can be too loud sometimes and he gets distracted by you
Invites you to the discord and then asks you privately if you can coordinate your nicknames online to be like “his (y/n)” and “her Jean” AA
The others never stop giving him shit for it
But he loves you! And he’s so glad you have this hobby in common
Might get a little salty about you playing with your friends without him
If you have a full team that’s fine!! But if he finds out you have a random on your team…
“Why didn’t you ask me to join?” “Babe you were in the middle of your own match!!” “So? I could have quit and joined >:(“
Probably super friendly with your friends and playgroup! Will happily hop on and play with y’all and he behaves himself
Not oblivious to the fact that some of your friends might think he’s cute/flirt with him a little bit?? But he’s confused because he has you so why are they talking to him like that
Doesn’t confront them but shuts them down respectfully(:
“No I can’t give you flowers because these ones are for (y/n) I’m surprising her with them because I love her!! I’m sure you can find your own though(:”
If you’re playing DOTA or League together he’s still garbage :( sorry hahah
Gets flustered by playing with you and then fucks up more
“Babe, can you come help me? The guys keep ganging up on me”
But he is SO PROUD OF HIMSELF whenever he can help you out!!
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ve got your back” “Dude you died four times just trying to get to (y/n)” “Shut the fuck up, Connie”
While you’re gaming you’ll reach for your drink and see it’s miraculously filled up? And there’s a little piece of your favorite candy next to it? You turn around and just see Jean sneaking back over to his desk oh lord
surprise surprise, he is a total sweetheart
You two probably play a lot together just the two of you before he invites you the join their discord?
He just thinks there’s something really intimate about you both playing games together, without others
And you still definitely do that!! Armin would be the type of guy who would invite you to play games with him hahah
“Hey, (y/n)? I was wondering if you’d want to maybe play Civ 6 with me tomorrow night? Maybe we can make dinner together beforehand!”
He is the best player 2 when you guys play games, especially story games!
But similar to Eren, if you guys are on opposite teams he will show no mercy :)
“Sorry! I can’t help it” “Armin you literally CAN you’re looking for me to kill me” “oops! I’ll go easy on you, my bad!”
He never goes easy on you
He’s the best player out of his friends but he probably isn’t on every night like Eren and Connie are hahah. The nights he is on though he’s on all night!
If you stay up with him, expect super lazy mornings where you slip out of bed past noon and make pancakes together
Expect super lazy afternoon-sex where he just kind of lies on top of you LMAO, gently holds you and cradles you underneath him as he buries his face into your neck, you’re both so tired from a night of gaming but he loves getting to spend that time with you
If he’s reading or doing homework and you’re gaming, he leaves you be!
He thinks it’s important to have privacy and alone time (and he’s right)
But he’ll also come up to you after your game ends, put his hands on your shoulders and ask how your match went!
If you ask him to coach you during a match he’s actually super supportive and helpful? Unlike if you’re playing a co-op game with him hahah
He also probably likes getting to train you and teach you! He wants you to be the best(:
If he’s feeling particularly clingy he’ll just move a chair to sit next you your gaming desk and read next to you lmao
Not even talking or distracting you! He just finds the keyboard clicks and your voice calming
Okay I want to make random college headcanons for the boys should I ever write a fic, and Armin would also make models?? I’m thinking warhammer or DnD ones (DnD with the squad headcanons? 👀) imagine him with a headlamp and big ol’ glasses so he can get a detailed paint job!
And he’d custom make a model of your main in their costume and surprise you with it on your anniversary! It takes him weeks to make :')
omg he’d be an ass
You know those memes about the pick me characters? He’d jokingly accuse you of that
“Idk do you really know how to play COD? Or are you just trying to hang with the bros” “Connie I literally kicked your ass last night what do you mean” “Fair point”
Probably just teases you a lot during the games in general
“Babe if you press Q while holding your diamond pickaxe it’ll make you mine obsidian faster” “Wait (y/n) don’t that’ll throw your pickaxe into the la—"
Seconds later: *conniespringaa tried to swim in lava*
In a match those he’s actually the most supportive I’d argue? He totally lets you do your thing, whereas Armin and Eren might still have you try and follow their lead
“Where you goin’, mama? Damn atta girl! I’ve gotcha, don’t worry (y/n)” literally just follows you around the map to be backup and to hype you up!
In my last set of hcs Connie was a streamer! If you also streamed he’d be obsessed with doing those fun collabs with you
Either that or he’d be like “ew guys this weirdo is trying to join my discord call rn lemme see what she wants— hello? Do I know you? Always happy to meet a fan but how did you get my discord?”
Idk why he thinks pretending he doesn’t know you is the funniest thing ever?? You guys start a new match with his friends and suddenly he spends the whole game chirping at you
“Damn mama where have you been all my life? You got a man? Why don’t you let me get your number, I bet you look fine as hell in real life” “Connie if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’m going to lose it”—Eren
He’s so much fun to play story games with though! I’m thinking Detroit: Become Human
He’ll sit next to you and let you control things and he’ll do voices for the characters (he’ll even turn down the game voices so he can impersonate the characters instead)
Makes Connor and the other androids it sound like literal robots, add in extra comments, etc
Honestly I think Connie would be the best at voices? He does super great impressions of his friends and will share them a lot on discord while you’re all playing minecraft, to their dismay :)
Sometimes if he isn’t playing with you he’ll just send you a DM asking you to stream so he can watch? So cute
Too embarrassed to ask you in person but you just got used to streaming on discord now so he can hop on and watch from his computer
I feel like he’s pretty independent when it comes to gaming ngl so when he finds out you are a gamer he just kind of like “oh word? Cool”
Since he plays a lot of games like FIFA and GTA, he usually plays those while you do your thing
Idk why but I also feel like he would be the type of guy to have a spotless apartment? Takes pride in his cleanliness so he’s usually cleaning the apartment while you game
Which is okay with him! He likes hearing you talk to your friends
To him, gaming is kind of his thing to do when he wants to be alone? Even when he’s playing with other people it’s kind of like his private time
So when you’re playing with your friends he lets you have space!
He and Jean are probably the two gamers who would want to spend more time with you outside of the apartment doing things anyway!
But if you want to play with him he’s totally down!
He’s a pretty casual gamer but you can still expect him to get heated, especially if he thinks someone is targeting you or cheating
“No, Porco it’s okay! I made a bad play that’s all” “no (y/n) there’s no way he could have hit you from there, something’s going on”
He will make dinner while you’re gaming and surprise you with it after your match! Even though you can smell it from your desk lmao
“C‘mon, dummy, it’s getting cold,” he’ll call out and gestures to the chair he’s holding out for you
He scoots you in once you’ve sat and he asks you about how your matches are going
If you lost he’ll slide your dessert away from you and then say “sorry, winners only” 😐😐
He’s still not the most active when it comes to their DOTA or League games, but he invites you in to play with his friends so it’s okay!
Eventually he starts to insists on you being in their discord call while they’re playing just so that he can talk to you while you’re playing your own solo game or something!
Don’t get me wrong he still likes his private gaming time and thinks you deserve your own gaming time! But he quickly warms up to the idea of you being together and sharing that time together
Okay I love Reiner to pieces yeah? But this man does not understand video games before he meets you
He just doesn’t understand the point??
“Why not just go outside and do something, love?”
He’ll comfort you if you get emotional playing a game like the Last of Us, but then he’ll ruin it by saying “I mean, they’re all dead when you think about it, yeah? They've never actually been alive! They’re not real, sweetie”
But he’s trying to comfort you I promise
I think if there was a game you could get him to play it would be a Dark Souls/Elden Ring type game! I think the dramatic music and fight scenes would pique his interest as he walks past your desk
After watching you fight Malenia or something he says he’ll give it a try
And then he loses to the Tree Sentinel and you have to comfort him. “Babe, that’s kind of the point, you have to go and level up first!” He thought he could impress you oh lord
Otherwise he’d love to watch you play Stardew Valley! Loves the characters and thinks that the heart events are super special
You might be able to convince him to start his own game of Stardew Valley, but he’s busy a lot and feels guilty about ‘abandoning them’, so he prefers to watch you play!
Will also cook you dinner and make sure your water is full while you play! He likes to watch you play and loves seeing you all happy when you’re winning
Sometimes he will try and hug you while you’re playing because he loves seeing you do something you love, but then you have to remind him that you’re in the middle of a game!
“So how was your game!” “It was good! Eren always plays aggro so he took most of the attention away from me!” “There’s a character named Eren in your game? Huh,” it takes him a second to understand that you’re playing with REAL PEOPLE
Just like Reiner (honestly all of these men who don’t understand video games) he doesn’t see the point? Like why not go outside and do something?
Kind of rolls his eyes at the games you play despite him not knowing about them
But he secretly takes pride in the fact that you’re sometimes the one taking control and bossing the others around
He’ll hear you tell Eren to shut up so you can focus and he’ll sneak behind you and peer over your head, maybe smooth out your hair a bit to let you know he’s there
You can talk to him about your games and he’ll listen but he’ll definitely not understand any of it
He’ll respond with a lot of “Ah”s and “Oh, I see” and “..is that good or bad?”
Silently brings you tea when you’re playing late and will usually stay up reading on the couch while you do! He’s a classy guy, likes to go to bed with you
Sometimes he’ll fall asleep on the couch so you have to wake him up :(
He just kind of shuffles over and wordlessly invites you to sleep with him there, cradled in his arms on the couch
I don’t think there’s any way you could get him to play a video game though, sorry
This is Levi Ackerman, who doesn’t understand how twitter works hahah
If you get upset over a loss he doesn’t really know how to comfort you, but he’ll kind of sneak over and mutter something like “that kid’s a bastard anyway” and kiss your head
Will straight up tell you to go outside and touch grass if he thinks you’ve been inside too long
He’ll pick you up from your desk and try and carry him out to go on a walk with him or something after a match lmao!
Will ask you what is so exciting about your games and why you’d rather do that than do something with him :( poor Zeke
But he just says those kinds of things to get a rise from you lmaoo! He’s glad you have some hobby because it lets him also have private time, like Porco I think Zeke would like some space to do his own thing every now and then
Or maybe he’s just busy and glad you can keep yourself busy? I headcanon him to be going into a medical field like his dad! So Dr. Jaeger knows that you won’t be too lonely while he’s at work
You can get him to play surgeon simulator when he’s in a good mood. He thinks it’ll be easy. Ooh boy
He doesn’t become addicted or anything but when he fails, he insists that he can do it and he’s trying again. And again. And again.
Genuinely likes seeing you have a hobby and is impressed with your ability to balance your responsibilities and have time to unwind with a game
Likes to see you kill Eren in whatever game you’re playing, even minecraft hahah
Judges you for playing animal crossing though? Sorry he thinks it’s a kids game?
“…So you owe the raccoon money, huh?” 😐
You tell him he’d be a grumpy villager and he ruffles your hair before walking away with a huff hahah
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Thanks again for the ask and your support! Ngl my ex boyfriend was a shitty gamer like he would ignore me a lot so this is my therapy now, imagining better gamer boyfriend scenarios for my attack on titan men :) hahah but thanks again for reaching out I hope I did it justice!
As always, thanks for reading! Feel free to drop an ask for more!
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aliasnz · 5 months
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Undesirable Presents: Le/vi Acker/man for @nametakensff and @kawaii-kushami's snzblr secret santa event <3
Tags: aot/snk-canonverse, allergies (pollen), cold, contagion mention, spray, mess, language. Word count: 2000 (and counting) A/N: I have several apologies to make about this fic >-< First of all, I am so sorry that it is so late! Secondly, I apologize for being unfamiliar with the other fandoms requested, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for writing for my fav. Third thing: just so I can have something out sooner rather than later, please consider this a part 1 that will be edited, updated, and self-reblogged upon completion. Finally, this fic may be too indulgent, but I am crossing my fingers that it is enjoyable anyways ~ 
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If Levi had his way, he would have spent the day in solitude. 
His ideal birthday was simply his ideal day. In the warmer months, it would have been a sunrise run followed by a cold shower, his warm sweat and clingy pollen swirled down the drain. Then, his civilian clothes and a walk to the brick cafe at the edge of town. Black tea, white croissant, yellow pages of his favorite novel. Head ducked down and buried in his book, anyone who recognized him - for better or for worse - received the message: leave him be. He would sip until the porcelain ran dry, would stay until his stomach rumbled. With the last hours of daylight, he would stop at the butcher stand and purchase a few ounces of meat. It was about all he could afford on his military salary, but with rare optimism, he preferred to say it was all he cared to buy. Steak dinner for one. Lights out by dark. It was his way.
But Levi hardly ever had things his way.
He was a December baby, as Hange so mockingly put it, who loathed winter cold and winter colds. Instead of that morning jog and downtown stroll, he shuttered himself in his room with intermittent napping and tidying. Some considered his celebration traditions pitiful, but he could not complain. In ways as weighty as a family to visit or write to, yet also in aspects as miniscule as a good night’s sleep, Levi had been cheated in most realms of life. In time, he had come to live with it, found comfort in little joys, and wished the others understood that. That wish was most wanted on his own birthday, for everyone else seemed to celebrate it more than the man himself.
In the depths of his heart, he knew they cared about him. The yearly plethora of visits all accompanied with gifts should have proven that, but he loathed the treatment he received. Perhaps the early symptoms of the annual cold were to blame for that. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, contagion made quick work of the barracks. Sooner or later, it would catch up to him, and that onset always seemed to hover around his birthday. On occasion, he wondered if he would be better off facing that inevitable infection head on rather than repeating the futile delay, but his train of thought was always cut off one way or another. A pang of headache, a harsh cough, a runny nose, or a sudden sneeze. This time, it was a knock at his door, the first of the day, one of many sure to come. 
Levi swung his legs over the side of the bed. Bright rays reflected off the metal buckles of his gear and reflected into his eyes, garnering a wince and dawning thought: just how late did I sleep in? Standing up, he immediately noted how his shoulders felt heavy, his breaths labored. If he had to guess, his cold would take hold of him before the 25th was over. Lucky him. 
Hand clamped down hard on the handle, startling the two on the other side just before he creaked his door open. The tall couple cast shadows over him: Nanaba and Miche with -
Levi braced himself for their scream, but instead, they spoke calmly, handing over the bouquet with a pair of matching smiles, “Happy Birthday, Levi.”
He startled, not because he was surprised by their presence, but intimidated by their present: a bundle of bright-red poinsettias, pointed with specks of pollen he doubted they had noticed. They were far too innocent to have purposefully gifted him such a slew of allergens. Others, however, he was less sure about.
Instead of reaching out to grab them, Levi crossed his arms and tipped his tongue in refusal - refusal of their gift and refusing to indulge in the sneeze he already felt budding. Speaking quickly, he aimed to rush them out before they could witness his unravel, “I don’t want them.”
“C’monnn, Levi!” Nanaba pleaded, bending at the knees and shooting up again quickly. In her eager bounce, his eyes widened as he watched the petals flutter with her. His arms instinctively flinched before him as if he could block the microscopic wave. “Miche and I stood outside for hours in this freezing cold -”
Great, two more patients upcoming.
“- waiting for the flower shop to open.”
“First in line,” Miche added. “Do you know how popular these things are at this time of year?”
Levi’s stance remained unchanged, Nanaba saw his disinterest and felt compelled to play it up, selling the present rather than gifting it. “They smell good, too!”
Miche, on the other hand, preferred the path of insistence. Snatching the stems from his partner, he thrust them to Levi’s face, nearly touching, “Go on, smell them, you’ll see for yourself.”
He held his breath, reluctant to inhale as long as those were within reach. Aiming for subtlety, he feigned to nonchalantly scratch his nose with his wrist, “If you like them, keep them.”
“Someone’s ungrateful…” Miche teased, unhurt by the shorter man’s attitude, but never passing up an opportunity to rag it. “Y’know, most people would say ‘thanks’ or something…”
Levi frowned, he wasn’t ungrateful. Deep down, he was touched. On the exterior, though, he was objectively irritated, and could understand why they misread him. With a pang of guilt, he sought to correct the miscommunication, but that pang was miniscule compared to the burn of his nostrils, a flame that the leaves were now fanning.
“No, it’s just…” his face scrunched as he attempted to fight it off, just until he could finish the sentence, at least? “It’s… just…” 
However, that bouquet was set on denying him. Throwing in the towel, a rare occurrence for humanity's strongest, he whipped around and buried his nose in the crook of his elbow, “Hah’AESCH-ihh!” 
Fuck, all three parties unknowingly shared the same thought. For Levi, the nature of his curse was multifaceted. Foremost, the unexpected harshness of that sneeze, the wind knocked out of him first thing in the morning. From that, the daunting notion that this was the first of many sure to come, either from allergies or the cold. Finally, the flush that flooded his cheeks. That outburst had shown enough vulnerability already, Levi lingered behind his arm and remained turned away, waiting for the blush to disappear as well. 
Yet, even after those awkward seconds of silence, neither Nanaba nor Miche could erase that image from their mind: his tan coat spotted brown, the mist that shot from beneath his elbow and faded into the room’s sunlit atmosphere. With the captain turned, they allowed their faces to contort with disgust. When his audible sniff confirmed what they thought they saw, they looked to each other and cringed, agreeing that this birthday visit was over.
His comrades did not put the dots together, that the sneeze was a symptom of his allergies rather than the cold that was notably floating through the halls. Fearing for their own immune systems, they retreated several paces, but not before Miche thrust the flowers in Levi’s grip and snapped his hand back, no chance of handing them back now.
By the time Levi turned himself around, arm still bent at his nose, the pair was already a distant blur.
Nanaba waved over her shoulder, “Feel better soon! Don’t come near us until you do!” A joking-not-joking singsong to her departure.
“Have fun with those!” Miche cupped his hand around his mouth, allowing his bid to beckon from down the corridor, “You can thank us later!”
Levi dropped his arm, prepared to call back. Doing so, however, meant that his guard was let down, and he should have known better, that his assailant would be quick to take advantage. With the distance, Levi did not turn or cover - not that he had the time for that - and instead ducked his head down, sneezing onto his own torso. “Hnn’kkshu! Heh-ISHhew!!”  
Unfortunately for him, the height at which he landed placed him adjacent to the very bouquet that set him off. A dire proximity, each inhale killed every second - any hope - of relief. 
The mess was not only audible, it was tangible, piercing the threads of his button-up and sinking through to his undershirt, summoning a shiver. The clean freak could not bear the sight, nor was it his habit to. After each sneeze and before opening his eyes, he assessed the tickle. If it remained, his lids likewise remained shut until his system managed to kill it. The first attempts at regular breaths informed him outright: you’re not done yet. Levi kept his head down, bangs intercepting his eyeline with each jolt. “Heh’tchew! Kk’shuu!!” 
Once again, he paused to survey his own state. Although he beckoned for a break, his body merely mocked him. That all you got? Clearly unsatisfied, with frustration, he submitted to its demands, exacerbating the expulsion as best as he could, aiming to please. “Hah-ESHhew!! HIH’kit-chew! Hah…Hah-AEshih!!” 
His intakes had been audible even from those meters away, his fit an early alarm clock for all still asleep in the vicinity. Dammit. As an insomniac, he was especially remorseful to have been responsible for waking anyone on the weekend. Even redder now, he tried to convince himself it was not his fault, that they should have known better than to shove those flowers in his face. However, as his voice crescendoed, it became more of a stretch to blame the gifters rather than the receiver, the inducer over the screamer.
The burn in his sinuses was unbearable, he decided to look to the windows behind him, hoping to coax relief. Before he could lure his gaze that way, though, he caught a glimpse of pity on his teammates, and somehow, that was what bothered him the most.
Fuck, this has to stop. At this point in the fit, breaths were hard to come by, and his life-or-death experiences had molded his mindset to meet his most urgent needs first. Perhaps counterintuitive, Levi understood that defeating the irritant meant battling with it. Working through rather than around. Meeting their eye contact, Levi yanked their gift to his face and took a deep, deliberate intake, figuring that his unconventional strategy could get two messages across: he was allergic to their gift, but at least it was good for something. And maybe they’ll remember this scene come next year.
Indeed, they would, and Levi would be lucky if the memory remained confined to those two. The finale was a sneeze that made them cover their ears and made the last few sleepers snap up in panic. For him, the aftermath resembled the end of a workout: tire and exhaustion, yet inexplicable relief. For them, it read like a newspaper headline: steadfast, hardass germaphobe of the branch soaked in his own saliva and other unspeakable substances. The tight-lipped, ever calm captain engaged in the toughest battle of his life: no titan in sight, but tiny irritants also impossible to see. Screaming the barracks awake, he would have been the last culprit anyone suspected. Only true friends would keep this episode a secret, maybe he shouldn’t have been so terse with them.
Vengefully, and with the slightest bit of told you so, Levi motivated himself through the end with the anticipation of seeing their guilty faces, but by the time he opened his eyes again, they were long gone, either cowering from contagion or gossiping already. Around here, viruses and rumors spread like wildfire. 
Worked up and let down, Levi released a shaky exhale, wiped his face with his sleeve, flung the door shut behind him, and tossed the bouquet onto his bed.
One down.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Chapter 3: After Party
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
cw: underaged drinking, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, blowjob, daddy kink, cum eating, corruption kink
Summary: Alpha Tau and Sigma Nu Kappa volunteer together at the Trost District Food Bank. After the event, the brothers invite the sisters back to Mike’s house for a kickback, where you revisit a familiar room.
Notes: Chapter title inspired by “After Party” by Don Toliver
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Rush Series Masterlist
A week after the first exchange of the semester, Alpha Tau hosts a volunteer event at the charity of their choice: the Trost District Food Bank. That Saturday morning, the sisters of Sigma Nu Kappa meet them at the front of their fraternity house, waiting for the charter bus to arrive. 
Eren has tried all week not to think about what happened the night of the exchange. It was all just a casual hookup. Nothing major, no big deal. He even told her it would be a one-time kind of thing. He isn’t trying to get tied down by one girl, especially not one in Sigma Nu Kappa.
He won’t admit it out loud, but he cares to some degree about his reputation. Why would he hook up with a Sigma Nu Kappa when he could get an Eta Iota girl? Or a Delta Mu? They are the hottest girls on campus. Perfect for him to play around with and live out his frat boy dream.  
He has caught himself a few times this week, jerking off in the shower, thinking about the way his fingers slid in and out of her pussy. The way she sucked him in and clenched around him, so tight and wet. How she fucked herself onto his fingers without him even telling her to. How she took his whole cock into her mouth, swallowing his load without complaint. For an innocent virgin, she sure acted like a freak. And that intrigues him. But he’s sure he’ll find another girl in the other sororities that is as eager and willing to indulge in his depraved fantasies. 
No one else knows about what they did that night. Mikasa didn’t even bother searching for him or her roommate after getting caught up in a riveting game of beer pong against Hange. It seems like they both had a mutual understanding to keep their little rendezvous a secret. 
Still, it’s in his mind to try and avoid her at today’s event. Just to save themselves from any awkwardness. Knowing how embarrassed she got over a simple Truth or Dare game, he assumes she’ll be extra fragile if she were to see him today. 
Eren hangs out in the back of the crowd, next to Jean and Marco. Armin stands next to Erwin in the front, volunteering to help organize everyone into groups. Subconsciously, he gets on his tip toes to look at the SNK sisters, huddling together in their matching sorority letters. He spots her, standing beside Mikasa, arms linked together like two best friends. He wonders if she told Mikasa what happened between them, how his best friend would react knowing he’s corrupted her precious little roommate. 
Remembering not to think about her, he shakes away his current thoughts and tries to engage in conversation with Jean and Marco to distract himself. They all start loading into the bus, sisters first. He’s the last passenger and takes the open seat at the very front, next to Hange, unfortunately. 
It’s a 20-minute ride to the food bank, which feels like an hour to Eren as he desperately tries to avoid Hange’s invasive questions. “What’s your blood type?” “What’s your workout regimen?” “Have you ever broken any bones?”
When they’re finally there, they all exit the bus and gather in a warehouse, surrounded by pallets full of canned goods and prepackaged foods. The food bank coordinators greet them and explain their tasks for the day. When they’re done, Erwin and Armin go around, assigning each person to a group. 
“Eren, you’ll be in the corner over there, where Reiner is,” Armin informs him. 
He goes towards Reiner, who is already joined by Mike and eventually Erwin. They wait as the sisters of Sigma Nu Kappa get themselves organized. A few minutes later, three sisters walk towards them. Eren immediately recognizes Annie and Petra. When they get closer, he sees who their third member is.
It’s her. Mikasa’s roommate. The virgin. 
You decide not to tell Mikasa about your little sex-capade with her childhood best friend. Not because you think she would react in some type of way, but because you feel embarrassed for even having that experience to begin with. 
The whole week, you try your best not to think about Eren. You succeed at this, for the most part. His harsh words and blank expression are always at the forefront of your mind. But the memory of him fucking you with his fingers and calling you a good girl sneaks its way in and makes your pussy throb. Makes you want him, despite his asshole behavior.
Naturally, you feel nervous to see him at this volunteer event. No matter how much you remind yourself that Eren Jaeger is a dick, you still don’t trust yourself enough to keep your cool around him. At least you’ll be able to avoid him today. It’s just a volunteering event, there’s no way you’ll need mingle with him.
That’s what you think. Until you’re assigned to the same group.
You, Annie, and Petra are directed by Hange to join a group at one corner of the warehouse, sorting through some of the canned goods. As you make your way over, you see Eren, man bun and all, wearing the same type of joggers he wore a week ago. The same ones you shoved down his legs to suck his thick cock. 
Pull it together, you think to yourself. He probably hasn’t thought about you since. He probably doesn’t even remember your name. 
You hide behind your sisters, wanting to avoid seeing him as much as possible. Petra is her bubbly self as usual, introducing herself to a tall, blond brother who you didn’t see at last week’s party. His name is Reiner, and he wears a bored expression on his face the whole time as Petra talks animatedly to him. 
When mingling time is done, you stick close to Annie, who has since apologized to you for what she did at the Truth or Dare game. There are three different pallets, each one holding a huge box filled with canned goods. Your task is to go through each one, check the expiration dates, and separate the vegetables from the fruits. After a few minutes of sorting through cans, chatting casually with Annie, Petra comes over to your side. “You two should mingle with the Alpha Tau brothers,” she suggests.
“How can we ‘mingle’ when we’re too busy sorting through these cans,” Annie says, sarcastically.
“Well, you two are chatting away with each other just fine, I expect you to do the same with the Alpha Tau brothers! That’s the whole point of this collab!”
With a roll of her eyes, Annie relents. “Fine. Who do you want me to talk to?”
“Well, that Reiner guys seems –”
“Not him. Anyone else, besides him.”
That’s right; you remember Annie mentioning her dislike for Reiner a few weeks ago.
“Then go talk to Mike. He’s nice.”
Annie takes her time walking to another box, leaving you with Petra. She looks at you with a kind smile. “So, think you can take two guys at once?”
“Oops, didn’t mean to make that sound so dirty, ha ha! I mean, I’m going to have two of the brothers help you on this side. Eren and Reiner.” Before you can protest, Petra waves over in the distance, calling for them. You pretend to focus on two different cans of corn as they approach her.
“Okay, Eren and Reiner. This is my sorority sister.” Petra introduces you, then she skips away to join Erwin at his box. “Have fun, you three!”
You drop the cans to look at them. They both have blank expressions on their face. Eren crosses his arms over his chest, gaze on the ground. Holding your hand out to the blond, you greet, “Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, sure,” he responds, giving you a half-assed handshake. 
“Nice to see you again, Eren.” 
He turns his head to you and nods. “Yeah, sure.”
Great. There’s two of them. 
You scoot to one side of the box, trying your best focus on the task. Eren and Reiner stand beside each other, the blond closer to you, as they start sorting through the cans. It’s silent at first, until Reiner starts talking to his brother. You eavesdrop on their conversation.
“There’s another Eta Iota party tonight. Hopefully you can make it this time.”
“Yeah, I should be able to,” Eren replies.
“Dude, those chicks are wild. Hooked up with two girls last week. You’re fresh meat, so they’ll fucking love you.”
It takes all your willpower not to roll your eyes at what this creep is saying. 
“Erwin is so fucking lame. He told me and Bertolt off for not attending the exchange last week. Fucking prick. Why should I attend a party with absolutely zero girls I’d like to fuck in there?”
Either he’s totally forgotten you exist, or he really doesn’t give a shit. Either way, you keep to yourself, wishing you had brought your headphones to drown out the bullshit. From the corner of your eye, you see Eren glance at you as his brother continues to berate your sorority. “The most boring, ugliest chicks on campus, and we’re the sad fuckers paired with them. What a fucking joke.”
“Reiner,” Eren starts, but before he can get a word in, you snap.
“Well, fuck you too, Reiner. I hope for your own sake, and for the sake of those poor girls that had to fuck you last week, you at least have a big cock to compensate for your shitty personality.”
He turns to you with a cocky smirk. “Maybe I do have a big cock. Bet you’d like to see it.”
“Only if I need to induce vomiting,” you retort. 
“You wouldn’t even know what to do with it anyways. Everyone knows SNK girls are all prudes. Right, Eren?” 
He focuses on the food in the box. Without looking up, he mutters, “Yeah.” 
You should have expected this from him based on what he said to you last week. But you still can’t help yourself from feeling disappointed in his response. At least this will make it easier to forget about him and move on. 
Unsure how to react, you turn your attention back to the canned goods, hoping you can block out Reiner and Eren for the next hour. You’re tempted to ask Petra to switch to a different group, but you don’t want to give Reiner the satisfaction of thinking he got under your skin, which he did. So, you just sort through the vegetables and fruits in silence.
A couple of minutes pass, then you hear Reiner say, “I gotta take a shit. I’ll be back.” He leaves toward the bathroom, leaving you and Eren alone. 
When Reiner is out of earshot, Eren clears his throat. “Hey. Are you okay?”
She sorts through the cans, pretending not to hear him. Eren moves a little closer and repeats, “Are you okay?”
Without looking up, she responds, “Yeah, sure.”
He maintains his neutral expression, but inside, he can’t help but chuckle at her repeating the same “cool guy” response he gave to her earlier. He finds it amusing.  
“Sorry about Reiner. He’s a dick.”
She scoffs but doesn’t say anything else. Taking the hint, he decides to stop talking about his big bro and ask, “So, how have you been?”
“Do you really care?” 
He’s surprised by the venom in her voice. “Hey, I’m just trying to keep things cordial between us. Keep the peace,” he offers.
Finally, she looks up at him and says, “Well, I can’t just stand back and listen to some asshole talk shit about people I care about.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’m the same way.”
They stare at each other for a couple seconds, not speaking. Studying one another. Eren wishes he was a mind reader so he can tell what she’s thinking.
He makes small talk, asking her about her major and her hometown. He finds out she’s from Krolva District and majors in bioengineering. He reveals that he’s from Shinganshina and is doing philosophy. 
“What do you want to do with your philosophy major?” she asks.
“I’m trying to get into law school, actually. I want to be a lawyer.” 
“Oh nice. I can see you doing that.”
He smirks. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I can totally see you using some Jedi mind tricks to manipulate someone into doing something, like confessing.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I guess it depends. You can use it to get whatever you want from people.”
For some reason, at those words, his mind goes back to last week.
Let me make you feel good.
Fuck yourself on my fingers. Just like that.
Suddenly, he blurts out, “Last week was fun, by the way.” Shit. He wasn’t planning to mention it, but he does. He rubs the back of his neck, a bit flustered by his admission.
She breaks eye contact and looks down at the ground. “Yeah, it was.”
Maybe we can do it again, he’s tempted to say. There he goes again, thinking with his dick and not his brain. He can’t help it. His mind is filled with the memory of her on top of him, a moaning mess, rubbing herself against his hand. His fingers covered in her shiny cum, so tantalizing he almost stuck it in his mouth to taste. 
Why is his mind so occupied by this girl? He barely knows her. She’s not even his type. What about her is pulling him in? And how can he stop it?
With perfect timing, Reiner returns, taking the same spot in between them. “Damn, we’ve still got a whole hour left of this shit,” he grunts.
Eren glances over and sees her focus back on the canned goods. He wonders if she’s thinking about him the same way he’s thinking about her. Probably not. Even he can admit that he acted like a dick after their encounter. 
As Reiner babbles on about stupid shit, Eren tries to avoid looking at her for the remainder of the time. Tonight, he’ll find a hot Eta Iota girl to fuck and forget about her. That’s what he needs to do to move on from the girl that has taken over his thoughts the past week. Simple and easy as that.
When the event is done, everyone gets into the bus to head back to campus. When it pulls into the front of the fraternity house, Levi stands up to speak.
“Alpha Tau brothers and Sigma Nu Kappa sisters. Thank for a successful volunteer event at the Trost District Food Bank. The coordinators are very pleased with our work and extend their gratitude. Also, Mike has another announcement he’d like to make. 
Mike gets up and announces, “I’d like to invite you all over to my place again for a little kickback tonight. BYOB. I’ll order some pizzas and we can just chill.”
Mostly everyone is excited for that news, except Reiner and Bertolt, who maintain their stoic expressions. Eren tries to match their energy, knowing he’s going to be out partying with them tonight. 
When they all exit the bus, Eren catches up with Mikasa and Armin, who he’s barely spoken to all day. 
“Eren! How did it go with your group?” Armin asks. 
“It was alright, I guess.”
Mikasa sighs. “I wish I was in either of your groups. I was stuck with Jean, and he kept trying to flirt with me.” 
Armin laughs. “That’s Jean for you. Anyways, will you be going to Mike’s tonight, Mikasa?”
“Probably. We’ll ask Petra to buy some alcohol for us so we can bring something. You guys are gonna be there, right?”
“Yeah, of course!” Armin exclaims. 
Eren doesn’t say anything until they both look at him, waiting for an answer. 
“What?” he asks, playing dumb.
“You’re going to be at Mike’s tonight, right Eren?”
Nope, not this time. Armin and Mikasa will not guilt him again. “I’m going to an Eta Iota party with Reiner.”
“Eta Iota?!”
“Look, I just want to check it out, okay? It’s not a big deal,” he explains. 
His two friends stare at him for a few seconds. Mikasa’s eyebrows are furrowed, and a prominent frown is apparent on her face. Armin looks nervous and concerned. 
Eren shrugs. “Seriously, it’s one party. I just want to meet some of the other people.” 
After they exchange a few more concerned looks at each other, Armin relents. “Okay. Well, have fun.”
Mikasa remains silent and looks down at the ground. 
It’s not like he needs the permission of his friends to do what he wants. But he’d rather be honest with them instead of sneaking around and lying about it. Soon enough, they’ll figure out that nothing will stop him from getting what he wants. And tonight, no one will stop him from going to this party.
“Hey, Mikasa. Ready for lunch?” Mikasa’s roommate walks towards them with a smile. Eren notices how she avoids his gaze. 
“Yeah, I’m starving. Armin, want to come with us? We’re just going to the dining hall.”
Eren, a little peeved, jokes, “Thanks for the invite.”
With narrowed eyes, Mikasa responds, “I thought you would be getting lunch with your big bro, Reiner.” 
“It doesn’t suit you to be childish, Mikasa,” he responds. 
“Whatever. Have fun at your Eta Iota party, I guess.”
“Maybe I’ll come by before to pre-game. We can hang out for a bit.” He looks at Mikasa’s roommate when he says this, trying to gauge her reaction. She just gazes down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. 
Mikasa links arms with her and states, “Fine. We’re going to lunch now.” They start walking away towards the dining hall. 
Before following the girls, Armin sticks around to warn, “Be careful, Eren. With Reiner.” His tone is serious.
“You worry too much. He’s my big bro. He’s cool.”
“I know you think that. But Annie has told me some stuff about him. You’re not like him, Eren. You shouldn’t try to be like him.”
“I don’t know what I’m like yet, Armin. That’s what I’m trying to figure it out. And you and Mikasa need to let me find that out on my own.” Why is everyone on his case? Why can’t they just let him be?
With one more concerned look, Armin waves goodbye and catches up with the girls, leaving Eren alone in front of the frat house.
After lunch, you and Mikasa head back to your dorm room to study and relax. Mike’s party isn’t till later in the night, so you take a much needed nap while Mikasa heads to the gym to work out. 
You take a shower and get ready, opting to wear more comfortable clothes since it’s supposed to be a more low-key party compared to last week’s exchange. As you sit at the edge of your bed, waiting for Mikasa to change into her stylish athletic wear, she brings up Eren.
“I think Reiner is a bad influence on Eren.”
Mikasa hasn’t brought him up all week. The last she spoke of him was after the exchange, when the two of you were situated in your beds, recounting the night. She teased you for thinking he was the hottest guy in the room. She even apologized on his behalf for refusing to kiss you during the game, still completely unaware of what he did to you right after. So, the sudden mention of his name startles you.
You didn’t tell her what happened earlier today at the volunteer event. How Reiner said awful things about the sorority, how Eren blindly agreed with his big brother. It doesn’t seem important enough to report to her or to anyone else. A small part of you also doesn’t want to rat out Eren for his behavior. But it seems it’s already obvious to his closest friends.
Feigning ignorance, you ask, “What do you mean?”
“Annie said Reiner is a typical frat boy. I’m nervous that Eren is going to try to be like that.”
Mikasa also doesn’t know what Eren told you, only minutes after meeting you for the first time:
Guys join frats to party and fuck, and that’s what I intend to do.
She continues. “I know Eren isn’t like that. But today, he told me and Armin he’s going to an Eta Iota party with Reiner, and I just can’t help but worry.”
“What are you worried about?” 
“That he’s going to make some bad decisions tonight, under the guidance of his big brother.” 
What can you even say to Mikasa right now? Do you agree with her, knowing fully well that Eren is on a mission to be the biggest fuck boy on campus? It’s only going to make her worry more. Trying to calm her nerves, you reassure her. “You know Eren better than anyone. If you say he isn’t like that, then I’m sure you’re right. Besides, he’s a big boy. He can make his own decisions. It’s not your responsibility to look after him.”
Before she can respond, you add, “You’ve got to live your life too. You can’t spend every waking moment worrying about your friend.”
She frowns, still anxious but contemplating your advice. Eventually, she agrees, “Yeah, you’re right.” It’s unconvincing, but it seems enough to appease her for the time being. 
Once you’re both ready, the two of you walk to the Sigma Nu Kappa house to meet the rest of your pledge class and Petra, who has kindly offered to provide the alcohol tonight for the underaged sisters. You all walk together to Mike’s off-campus house, carrying White Claws inconspicuously in tote bags. 
When Petra knocks on the door, you’re all greeted happily by Mike, who ushers you in. “Welcome, ladies. Pizzas already here, so help yourselves.”
Most of the senior sisters are already here, including Hange and Nanabe. There are several Alpha Tau brothers in attendance, like Erwin and Levi, who currently stand in the kitchen conversing with each other. All the new brothers are in attendance, except for Eren. They are gathered on the couch, playing Mario Kart on the big screen. Overall, it’s less crowded than the exchange last week, but still lively. 
You grab a box of pizza to bring to the couch and crack open a White Claw, watching Jean, Connie, Armin, and Marco race each other. Mikasa and Sasha sit beside you, grabbing a piece of pizza and sipping on their own hard seltzer. When one of the races is finished, Jean reaches over to grab a slice and say, “So, I heard Jaeger is going to an Eta Iota party tonight.”
“Who told you?” Mikasa questions.
“Armin mentioned it when I asked if he’s coming.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Jealous? I’d much rather be here with you.” He directs his smile at Mikasa, who blushes. You try to hide a grin behind your White Claw. 
Sasha adds, “Annie’s roommate is in Eta Iota. Hitch Dreyse.”
“Is she hot?” Connie asks, joining in their conversation.
“Yeah, she’s cute. She was in my group during recruitment. Want me to introduce you to her?” 
As Sasha slides next to Connie on the other side of the couch to inspect Hitch’s Instagram page, Armin takes the now empty spot next to you. “Hey Mikasa, have you heard anything from Eren? He did say he might come here to pre-game.”
In a quiet voice, Mikasa responds, “I haven’t heard anything.”
“Maybe I should text him. See where he is right now.”
In a more assertive voice, Mikasa says, “Armin, stop. We can’t keep worrying about Eren. Just…let him be.”
A few seconds pass before Armin sighs and agrees. “Yeah. Okay.”
Sensing the need to change the mood, you pat both of their hands and exclaim, “You know what will get your minds off Eren? A drinking game! Let’s go!”
You pull on their hands until they reluctantly get up, following you into the living room. A group of people, mostly the seniors, sit on the ground surrounding a ring of playing cards face down with a large beer mug in the middle.
“My little babies!” Hange exclaims. “We’re about to start King’s Cup! Come join us!”
After a brief explanation of the rules, the game starts. The oldest in the circle is elected to go first. Erwin draws a card and reveals a four of hearts. “Alright, ladies. Drink.”
“Wait, why? What does a four mean again?”
“C’mon, Erwin. You have to say it properly. Four is for whores. All you ladies drink.”
Erwin furrows his thick eyebrows. “I’m not going to say that about these lovely women.”
“It’s just for the game, idiot. Everyone knows we don’t mean it,” Levi clarifies, as he goes next. “Ahhh, a six. Drink up, dicks.” 
Copious amounts of alcohol are consumed as more cards are drawn. Mikasa pulls out an ace, meaning everyone must drink until she stops. She ends up chugging her newly opened White Claw, making everyone else finish whatever alcohol they had in hand. Armin draws an eight, prompting him to choose you as his “mate”; you have to drink every time he does. Hange has to “bust a jive” when she reveals a five, to which she performs a sad attempt at twerking, resulting in Levi throwing a few ones at her from his pockets. When Mike draws another eight a few turns later, he strategically chooses Armin as his buddy, a naughty expression on his face. Feeling a little tipsy already, you groan, “So now every time Mike drinks, I also have to drink? What the fuck!” 
Throughout the next hour, more asses are shaken, four different rounds of Never Have I Ever is played, three people pour a large amount of their liquor into the beer mug after drawing a king. And unfortunately for you, the chain of drinking buddies expands to Erwin and Levi, so whenever either of them drink, you have to as well. 
A very drunk Armin pulls the last king from the cards. His name is chanted as he guzzles down the nasty looking beer mug like a champ, ending the game. Everyone gets up to disperse, either to get more alcohol in the kitchen or to walk off the drunkenness. As they pass, the Alpha Tau brothers pat Armin’s back as he gives them a goofy grin, eyes glazed over with intoxication. 
On your way towards the kitchen, Mike walks besides you, giving you a playful nudge. “You were a trooper, having to deal with all your drinking mates.”
You poke your finger at his chest. “You’re the one who started it! I blame you for this.” 
He smirks as he brushes a few hairs away from your forehead. “Don’t worry. You’re still cute when you’re drunk.”
Is he hitting on you? A senior? The Mike Zacharias? 
For some reason, you think about Eren. What’s he doing right now? He’s probably flirting with some Eta Iota girl, maybe even fucking her at this very moment. Doing exactly what he wants to do. What’s stopping you from doing the same? Why can’t you flirt a little with someone else? It’s not like you and Eren are dating. You’re not even friends. Barely even acquaintances. 
Why can’t you shake this lingering feeling of guilt?
You give Mike a polite smile and mutter a shy, “Thank you.” 
“Do you have a boyfriend, princess?”
Your heart skips a beat when he calls you that. It’s sweet hearing him use a pet name like this. But something possesses you in this moment to lie. Not because you want to reject his advances. The reason has to do with Eren.
Eren, with his lazy man bun and bad boy attitude. Eren, who acts likes he doesn’t give a shit to impress his big brother Reiner. Eren, whose fingers have christened your body, making you feel pleasure you’ve never felt before in your life. Making you crave more of his touch. Making you wonder what other obscene things he can do to your virginal body.
There’s a twisted part of you that wants him to be the first to defile you. To ruin you.
So, you lie. “Yeah. I do,” you tell Mike.
He reacts kindly, putting his hands up in surrender with a grin. “Got it. I’m sorry.”
“I’m flattered. Really. You’re sweet.”
He keeps smiling at you when he says, “He’s a lucky guy. I hope he tells you how beautiful you are every day. I know I would.” He heads into the other room, leaving you alone in your thoughts.
God. It’s almost physically painful to watch him walk away. What the hell are you doing? Here’s this guy, older, mature, sweet, and you turn him away? Because of someone who doesn’t even try to pretend to give a shit about you. He’s already told you it was a one-time thing. You’re not interesting enough for him. Why are you still holding out hope? Where’s your self-respect?
Again, there’s that twisted part of your brain that makes excuses for him. Today at the volunteer event, when it was just the two of you, he made it a point to mention, Last week was fun, by the way. Why would he bring it up if it didn’t mean something? 
You make your way to Mikasa, who leans on the counter in the kitchen chatting with Levi. Drunk and dizzy, you rest your head on her shoulder, face hot and breathing shallow. 
“Is she okay?” You hear Levi ask her. 
“She’s drunk. Here, drink some water,” she tells you, shoving a cup to your lips. You tip it into your mouth sloppily, dribbling on yourself.
“She should rest in the guest room upstairs,” Levi advises. 
Taking his recommendation, Mikasa leads you upstairs into the bathroom to do your business and splash cold water onto your face. The two of you walk past Mike’s room and slip into the one you hid in last week. You flop onto the bed, still dizzy and antsy as she forces you to hydrate more.
She brushes a few hairs away to feel your face. “Geez, your cheeks are burning up. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, think I just need to take a quick nap.”
“You sure you’ll be okay in here? We’ll just be watching a movie a downstairs.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you assure her. “Just come get me when you’re ready to leave.”
“Okay. Call me if you need anything. And finish the rest of that water.” 
She gives you a small smile before closing the door behind her, leaving you in the dark. Moonlight shines dimly through the window. The bed feels cool against your burning skin. You sit up to drink more water, trying your best to sober up. You can already feel the effects of the alcohol wearing off as you continue to hydrate. Resting your head on the pillow, you close your eyes for a several minutes, using the distant sound of the party below as white noise. You can’t sleep, but the least you could do is try to rest. 
After a while, you open your eyes again, suddenly aware of your current location. Being in this room makes you think about Eren. You can’t help it. This is where you had your first kiss. Your first sexual experience. You feel a sensation growing between your legs as you remember the dirty details of last week. His fingers disappearing in you, this thumb caressing your clit tenderly, his cock sliding in and out of your wet mouth, his cum shooting into the back of your throat. 
Fuck. It’s too much. Too good. You reach down, fingers past the hem of your leggings and into your panties, where you feel yourself already wet from your arousal. With your middle finger, you gather up your slick and rub small circles around your clit. You let the pleasure build up before you start moaning louder, tapping away at your swelling bud. With your free hand, you slide your leggings and panties past your ass, leaving your pussy bare as you keep touching yourself.
You don’t think about getting caught in the act until you hear the bedroom door shut and a familiar silhouette walking towards you. 
Eren arrives at the Eta Iota party already tipsy. Him, Reiner, and Bertolt pre-gamed in the Alpha Tau house before arriving to the off-campus party. When Reiner knocks on the door, a girl named Sandra greets them. “Hey Reiner, glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, wouldn’t miss it. I brought my little bro, Eren.” 
“I should introduce him to Hitch. She’ll be excited to meet him.”
She leads them through the packed house. There are men from other fraternities gathered there, mingling with the other Eta Iota sisters. Eren doesn’t recognize anybody, making him feel out of place. They get a few curt looks from strangers as they pass by.
He’s surprised and confused to finally see a familiar face in the kitchen. Annie stands against the countertop next to girl with a light brown bob, both sipping on jungle juice. When Annie sees Eren, her eyes narrow. “What are you doing here, Jaeger?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Annie.”
“My roommate Hitch here forced me to go to this party, so I had no choice. I’m a bit disappointed to see you here with them.” She glares at Reiner and Bertolt, who are socializing with some men from another fraternity. 
Eren shrugs. “They invited me, so I didn’t really have a choice either.”
Hitch introduces herself, then says, “I heard Alpha Tau is partnered with Sigma Nu Kappa this semester. How’s that going?”
Another shrug. “It’s alright, I guess.”
“I know most of the new girls in there. We all went through recruitment together. I almost joined SNK because of how much I got along with them.”
“But you didn’t.”
Embarrassed, she looks down at her side. “No, I didn’t.”
Annie continues to study Eren carefully. “Why does it seem like you have something against Sigma Nu Kappa? Are you letting that idiot convince you that we’re not cool enough?”
“I don’t let other people influence how I think or feel,” Eren states. He clenches his fist, feeling agitated that she would even suggest something like that.
“So, what is it then?”
“Maybe I just want to meet some new people. Explore my options.”
She laughs sarcastically. “You sound like a typical fuck boy.”
Having enough of whatever this is, Eren pours liquor into a cup and hangs out on the couch. He scans the room, observing the girls of Eta Iota. He doesn’t particularly feel drawn to any of them. And no one really approaches him all night, except for a few guys who try to start conversation. He’s been told that he comes off a little intense, maybe even intimidating. But he didn’t expect to be ignored by the Eta Iotas. That’s not what was promised to him by Reiner. 
By midnight, he decides to leave. Reiner and Bertolt have been busy all night, playing beer pong and flirting with girls that don’t want anything to do with him. He doesn’t bother letting them know he’s heading out; they won’t care. 
As he makes his way back on campus, he checks his phone. No texts from either Armin or Mikasa. It’s out of character for his friends. It must have finally gotten through to them to not bother him anymore. Still, he doesn’t mind hanging out, especially after a disappointing night. 
He turns around and starts walking towards Mike’s house, where he knows they’ll be. When he knocks on the door, Connie answers, eyes bloodshot with a lazy smile plastered across his face. “Fucking finally.” He looks over his shoulder to yell out, “Eren’s here y’all!”
Stepping foot into the house, Eren sees a crowd of Alpha Tau brothers and SNK sisters gathered around the couch and floor, watching a movie. The lights are dimmed, pizza boxes stacked on one of the tables, and everyone has a drink in hand.
“Eren! You’re here!” Armin exclaims, currently cushioned between Jean and Mikasa on the couch.
“Look who decided to join us,” Mikasa remarks, with a slight smile. 
“How was the Eta Iota party?” Jean asks.
Eren shrugs and answers, “It was okay.”
Levi yells out, “Jaeger, pull up a chair. We’re watching Twilight. Every time someone does something cringey, we drink.”
“Which is apparently every two minutes,” Petra adds. 
“Yeah, sure. Let me use the bathroom first.”
Mikasa asks, “Since you’ll be up there, can you check on my roommate? She’s just upstairs in the spare bedroom, taking a nap.”
His ears perk up at this. So that’s where she is. 
He agrees and walks upstairs, heading to the bathroom first. After he washes his hands, he studies his reflection in the mirror for a good minute, fixing any loose strands from his bun and swiping away any stray baby hairs from his forehead. Satisfied with his appearance, he steps quietly across the hall and presses his ear up to the guest bedroom door, listening for any sign that she’s still sleeping. There’s soft moaning coming from the other side of the door. It’s her moaning; there’s no mistaking it. He turns the handle slowly and creaks the door open just enough to peek inside. 
Through the darkness, he sees her figure on the bed, on her back with thighs spread wide, bucking her hips against her fingers.
He doesn’t think. His body just moves. He enters the room and shuts the door behind him, sauntering towards her like a predator stalking its prey. When she finally notices him, he expects her to jump and retract her hand from her arousal, but she doesn’t. Instead, she stares at him, eyes locked on his as she continues to caress her clit. 
The way she moans out his name drives him crazy. He stands at the end of the bed, watching her, feeling incredibly aroused. Her pants aren’t even pulled all the way down. As if she couldn’t waste a second to start touching herself.
He strips her leggings and panties off her body then kneels on the bed, right in front of the show she’s putting on for him. In a low voice, he demands, “Show me how you fuck yourself.”
Obeying, she slips her middle finger inside her slit, pussy squelching with each thrust. With her wet finger, she starts massaging her clit. Filthy moans pour out of her lips as she continues to pleasure herself in front of him. 
“Fuck,” he breathes out, palming his erection through his pants. He watches as her finger glistens with her own slick. Unable to deny it any longer, he grabs at her wrist and sticks it into his mouth, swirling his tongue over every inch skin. Finally tasting the alluring nectar that’s been on his mind all week. He savors how luscious it feels on his tongue. It’s immaculate. Chaste. Only for him.
Is it the alcohol? He didn’t even drink that much. He’s pretty much sober now. But he feels absolutely feral, giving in to every wicked desire he has in his fucked-up head. The one thing he wants more than anything is to dive in and devour her. To drink her up until this unbelievable thirst is quenched. He wants it. He needs it.
Positioning his face between her thighs, he teases her with the tip of his tongue. She jolts at the sensation, crying out, “Fuck!”
Smirking at her reaction, he leans in closer and coos, “Can I eat this pretty pussy out? It looks so fucking scrumptious. It’s making my mouth water.”
“Fuck, Eren. You’re so fucking nasty,” she whines.
“Yeah, I am. And so are you.” He rubs his middle finger up and down her folds, pressing against her clit each time he reaches it. “Finger fucking yourself like that in front of me. Shoving your cum coated fingers down my throat. Fucking nasty slut.” 
She squirms above him, his face dangerously close to her arousal, spraying his saliva over her pussy with every filthy word he spits out to her. “You act all innocent and shy, but when you’re with me, you’re just a dirty, little slut, huh? Tell me you want my tongue on you. I need to hear you say it.” 
“Fuck, Eren. Put your tongue on me. Eat me out.”
“That’s a good fucking girl,” he growls. He latches his lips around her clit and starts rubbing his tongue on it, side to side. Her little bud sticks out perfectly for him, puffy and swollen from stimulation as he gobbles her up. He slips his middle and index fingers into her slick entrance and fucks her, relishing the lewd sounds that she makes. She’s just as tight as she was a week ago. Still a pristine virgin for him. His cock twitches thinking about how he’ll ruin her. Not tonight. But soon.
He goes completely wild, slobbering all over her, making the nastiest noises. Her moans become whimpers as she loses herself in the intense pleasure. He reaches his free hand down to his stiff cock but uses all his strength to stop himself. If he jerks off right now, he knows he’ll come. He’s so fucking turned on from eating her out, he almost feels like he can come untouched.
He goes at it for several more minutes, not stopping even when her orgasm is palpable on his glistening fingers. He slides them out to slurp the cum flowing out of her. “Look at this. All for me,” he hums, alternating between licking her slit and sucking her clit with his wet lips. 
“Fuck, Eren. Feels so fucking good,” she moans, overstimulated and spent from her climax.  
“You’re such a good girl, just taking it like this. Coming all over my fucking mouth,” he praises.
“Fuck, daddy.”
Daddy. His fucking weakness. 
He runs his tongue over her folds one last time before he releases her, getting off the bed to quickly slide out of his pants and underwear. His hard cock springs up against his abdomen as he stands, waiting. 
“Come here. Let daddy fuck that filthy mouth of yours.” 
She gets down on her knees in front of him, spreading her legs apart on the floor. She opens up wide, so fucking eager to receive his big cock. He guides it slowly past her lips and down her mouth until it hits the back of her throat, causing her to gag. He chuckles and he pulls back a bit. “Too big for you, huh? Don’t worry, we’ll practice. You’ll be able to take it without gagging soon enough.” 
Mouth too full of his dick, she just nods obediently as he starts thrusting into her. He has both hands on the sides of her head, gently bobbing it onto his dick. Her hand reaches down between her legs, rubbing her clit as he fucks her. 
“Fuck. You like getting used like this, don’t you?” he spits out.
She responds with another nod as she starts fingering herself again, still taking his cock like a good girl. Eren’s never been so turned on. He can’t think of anything more pornographic than the sight in front of him.
“Daddy’s ready to come,” he says, pulling her off.
Wiping the drool from her chin, she pleads, “Come in my mouth, daddy. Fill me up.” She sticks her tongue out for him, staring up at him with a fucked-out look on her face.
“Fuck,” he moans as he slaps the tip of his cock onto her tongue, a bead of precum sticking to her bottom lip, creating a salacious string between the space. It’s obscene. The way she kneels in front of him, thighs spread wide on the floor as she rubs her clit. Her tongue on full display, ready to receive his load. 
Any efforts to try to forget and move on from her are washed away. He’ll never forget this. He doesn’t want to forget.
His stomach clenches as he comes for her, shooting his seed all over her tongue. He strokes himself until nothing else comes out, knees giving in slightly from his intense orgasm. 
He hears her swallow before she lays back down on the bed, probably just as drained as he is. 
Ignoring the temptation to cuddle up next to her, he puts his pants back on, remembering that his friends are waiting for him downstairs. They’re probably already wondering why he hasn’t come back yet.
She doesn’t say anything as she gets comfortable on the pillows, a blissful smile on her face. Before he makes his exit, he leans in close to her, brushing a few strands of hair away from her forehead. She opens her eyes to look at him.
“Next time we see each other, I’m going to fuck you. Gonna turn my sweet, little virgin into a slut.” He presses his lips against her ear and whispers, “You’ll be the nastiest slut on campus after I’m through with you.”
With a sloppy kiss, Eren gets up and leaves the room with a satisfied smirk on his face.
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anlian-aishang · 10 months
SNK // Volleyball AU ft. retired-pro-libero!Levi
who is phoned one day by his distant relative, Mikasa. With the push of her boyfriend Eren - fed up with loss after loss, she begrudgingly begs him to help her struggling recreational team.
He reminds her that he's done with the sport, but is eventually guilted into it when he learns that they will lose tonight's match by forfeit if he does not fill in, and that they're 0-7 so far.
The phone is hardly hung up when Levi mutters, "Stupid brat." Stupid her: getting him involved. Stupid him: agreeing to it.
Levi feels even more stupid when he enters the gym. He is the most qualified person there and he knows it, but yet, that is the root of his embarrassment. Bright white Asics while everyone else is in dirty street shoes. He is the only one in kneepads - he clenches his teeth in a debate with himself: yearning to take them off, but concluding it is not worth the scraped knees. If he wasn't a libero, they would be in his duffel bag in a heartbeat. He rubs his forehead in his hand, consoling himself: At least they can't see the spandex underneath your shorts.
And of course, they are crushed. Levi saw it coming from the warmups alone. His stats were remarkable, though, having dug every ball while making sure not to overstep any zones. From his former days, his skills had only faintly dimmed, but one hard-earned lesson remained: trust your teammates, even if they're bad, it'll be good for them in the long run.
Only once did a ball slip by him, thanks to some blonde-bearded try hard in a sweatband and goggles who insisted on jump-spin serves. Eye contact glared across the net:
Seriously? You're going to pull that shit in the novice league?
What? Can't handle it, shorty?
The game ends when the ball drops between Eren and Jean - both mad at each other for not going for it. Levi rested his hands on his knees and sighed, the most pathetic end to a most pathetic team.
Their bickering is drowned out though as the team erupts in cheer: "WOO HOO!!!" Huge smiles on everyone's faces as they exchange high fives and pats on the back.
Levi drops his jaw, dumbfounded. Why the hell are they celebrating? Did they read the scoreboard backward?
"Double digits!!!"
On the way home from the match, Levi calls his former teammate AND HUSBAND Erwin and vents:
"Erwin, these kids don't know their asses from their heads..."
Having known him for so many years, Erwin is able to recognize: this is his own way of asking for help.
It is then that the Devils begin their journey to make the playoffs: six amateurs looking to an unpleasant libero and commanding coach with hopes of sweeping the rest of the season.
// masterlist //
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imjustabeanie · 2 months
Appearance matchup for @shxtodxroki
Your JJK match is...Toge and runner up is Nobara!
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Your MysMes match is 707!
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Your Snk match is Historia and runner up Erwin!
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Your OM match is Asmo!
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Your KnY match is Shinobu Kocho!
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viofitz · 8 months
Storm Collectibles The King Of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match: Blue Mary (Review)
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Introduction: Storm Collectibles is a Hong Kong based designer and manufacturer of action figures. They are known for making officially licensed, high quality collectible action figures, primary from fighting game series and iconic figures. They have the license to make 1/12th scale action figures based on The King Of Fighters (KOF). These figures feature numerous points of articulation, interchangeable head sculpts and pairs of hands, and special fighting effect parts. Her boxart comes out to be given with large window plastic so, we can almost see the whole contents. And the front part was printed with KOF98 Ultimate Match logo and her artwork drawn by Shinkiro, and there is 17+ print that this figure was meant for those 17 years old or above. To be honest, compared to shf/figma storm is much user friendly since despite their sharp/choking hazard looking materials, perhaps it's because Mary doesn't have accessory that was made from a hard materials. While the back part is mostly shown the figure's promotional photos showing how the figure works and there's a SNK Funiverse sticker attached on them.
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Contents: Mary herself comes with her main figure, she's included with 4 interchangeable head sculpts which the hairs are removable and swappable, 6 pair of hands in total, a single stomp effect for her iconic moves and a background paper diorama depicting USA stage in their old class 2D sprite style from in the game.
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Blue Mary was originally came from Fatal Fury series game but, she later made her debut in KOF97 as the Outlaw Team (Special Team) teaming up with Ryuji Yamazaki and Billy Kane. Mary herself is a Private Detective, her official nickname is "S Class Woman" and "The Joint Crusher", she specializes in Commando Sambo. Mary's getup are red top, dark blue purple-ish gloves with yellow trim, dark blue purple-ish jeans with 2 belts; 1 black belt attached in her pants while another 1 is a loose dark brown colored belt and light brown shoes. Mary is not my first Storm figure collection so, I can tell she is a big improvement from Storm's past female figures, they finally updated her elbow into double jointed so, she can move her arms much better and posing her is surprisingly easy, although her ankles is a bit limited to move. Unlike in my previous blog reviews I'm not going to show photo comparison anymore nor even the detailed articulation works in here but, I made tons of photos showing how she was depicted in the game so I think that'll be more than enough to demonstrate how she plays. Her articulation points consisted movable head, torso, arms with bicep cut, double jointed elbow, wrists, legs with thigh, double jointed knee, ankles and tiptoe part. I love how they cleverly hides her torso cut by using her red top. I can make tons of her iconic move lists from her game with no sweat, she's pretty easy to play.
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Mary was included with 4 head sculpts (HS) in total, first would be her standard smile with normal hair down. This expression is mainly used to show Mary's friendly nature even during her fight but, out from all this one has her neck socket a bit lower compared to her other HS. This made her head stands a bit taller. I tried to press it hard but it won't budge, perhaps I'm going to need a hair dryer or hot water to fix that but, too lazy to do that. Second HS is her winking smile expression to show her sassy style with alternate normal hair down. I don't really understand why she was given with identical hair part... Third HS is her serious expression with slight grit to show how serious she is during her fight with her left side bangs hanging on her ears. Mary used to flip her hair in her battle. Fourth HS is her yelling expression which mainly used for her fight scenes to be more intense with her bangs flowing to the right side. All of these head sculpts are swappable, you can make her expressions with all kinds of her hair parts. Her hairs were made from semi flexible rubber materials while her head from a hard PVC materials. While some people may think she's not good enough but, atleast imo they seemingly captured Shinkiro style's art on her face. But, I don't really disagree on their thoughts since most of her expressions felt kinda bland and empty on her. However, I'm still happy with how she turned out to be better than I expected.
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Mary comes with 6 pair of hands in total, that would be: fistful hands which was already attached to her main figure, pointy hands to recreate her bang scene or any other of her various pointy finger poses, open splayed tiger style hands for recreating her iconic battle stance pose, open splayed and open palm hands for her necessary Sambo posing. Well, these hands are very convenient to make tons of her ingame poses. Her hands were also made from semi flexible rubber material so, her hands are safe enough but, it doesn't mean they're unbreakable.
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It's too bad she's doesn't come with taser weapon nor her late boyfriend's coat nor even Anton the dog... But, I still had alot of fun playing this figure.
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Mary also comes with stomping effect which mainly used for her Snatcher move list that followed from her Vertical Arrow. The effect got the same material as her hair and hands. To be honest, I like this way better compared to a fragile hard plastic like how Bandai did....
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As for diorama paper, the stage was simply printed from the original sprite of KOF98 USA Background which, I understand they're meant to recreate the classic look for Mary's appearance in KOF98 but, the pixelated looks doesn't go well enough with the figure.
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Damn... I could make her Splash Rose Desperation Moves perfect enough!
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Dynamite Swing also turned out perfect!
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Wow, I'm surprised Mary can stand on Tyris and Tyris can even withstand Mary's weight!
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Thank youu for reading!😁🙏🏻
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vs-redemption · 1 year
How about a small round of Match Ups?
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Match Up Monday
This event is now closed
This event is only for today (5/15) so please do not send match up requests after. Also, please follow the rules. Thank you!
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To get a match up send me
Preferred Fandom (aot/Haikyuu/bnha/Genshin/Black Clover/yyh)
Preferred gender (male/female)
Your favorite season
A food or drink you are craving
A song that reminds you of yourself
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I will post as many match ups as I can today, but some might get posted throughout the week after I close the event. Thank you for being patient
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transboykirito · 1 month
another thing snk has made me realise relative to sao is that it really is so wonderful, if a little bittersweet, when an author knows when to end a series. sao has been ongoing for more than twenty years now, and reki himself has said his ideas have changed so much and we see that now in how he’s handling this supposed final arc — remember when war of underworld was the end? — and adding new retcons to change the story.
i respect the hell out of isayama as an author for planning how he needed snk to end before he started publishing it, and for the fact he acknowledged that by the end he was burnt out and needed a break, even if people were still hungrily demanding more from him and the story.
i love reki’s writing, i do. i love unital ring — i’ve expressed multiple times it might be approaching aincrad for my top three — but i see how the story is collapsing in on itself under the weight of retcons, changed decisions, not having a planned ending, and continuations that have divorced the series from its origins.
i love sao, so much, i’m loving all the callbacks and tying up loose ends in unital ring. i’m excited to see how everything plays out and of course i’ll be sad when the series ends — it’s been part of my life since i was a child, i’ve grown up with these characters and their world, and it means the world to me. but as much as i love it, i hope the ending will be able to match the amount of content, story, characters and simply put, time, that the series has taken up in reki’s life, in fan’s lives, and in the world.
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leviathanfish · 6 months
Where I think the KOF bosses from:A thread(?)
I had this conversation once to someone but I want to share my personal hcs and see if anyone agrees.
•Rugal is definitely German,that is something we can all agree on,I don’t know why SNK won’t just say it because it’s pretty damn obvious but idk
•I think this is where I differ from others hcs of them,Goenitz to me is definitely Mexican,He just seems Mexican to me and I see people saying he’s Swiss or German but to me,he’s a born and bred Mexican man.I think it’s the beard for me.
(Skipping Orochi,Kriz,and C.Zero since it’s either confirmed or it makes no sense to put them here)
•Igniz was a bit of a tricky one since I was originally very dead set on British Igniz,But then after a while I put Russian in the mix because I mind is kinda a enigma and I think it fits well for him.
(The tales of Ash saga I find hard to categorize because they are either other worldly being or like eldritch creatures,but I’m gonna try to make it work.)
•Mukai I believe to be African,His stone related powers kinda match up with the new fighters of KOF and their own related earth powers(Kukri and Dolores),But for the most part that is my own Hc.
•Magaki is an otherworldly being and probably not from earth but he gives me Italian vibes???,Like sure he looks like a pack of double bubble gum but I think his human form and his favorite food being prosciutto crudo gives me those hints
•Saiki is also a eldritch horror,but I think he’s just from hell,Sure he doesn’t have a major standing in hell(my version of hell is kinda odd lol) but like it’s serviceable and works out.
(the Shun’ei saga will not be put here since the bosses have been other worldly beings from African mythology and their own creation,so they at leasted be mentioned here,Verse,and Otama=Raga)
•Original Zero is British,it’s an open and shut case for me but I personally believe he’s just British.
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