#so I don't know who'd win tbh
ddejavvu · 1 year
hi hi! mvm with dbf!hotch & maybe just a teeny fight about jealousy breaking out between you both? with silent treatment from you and hotch being all sulky about it hehehe i think it’d fit him tbh
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
(sfw blurb, but reader is over 18)
You specifically wait until you hear Aaron's voice from downstairs requesting a drink to flounce down the staircase. You're in a top that's too tight to pair a bra with it, so your tits bounce with each step you take. Aaron looks up when you come down, eager to chat with you after you'd ignored his six calls from the past three days, but his eyes darken at the sight of a purse on your arm.
"Dad, my friends are here." You call into the kitchen, keeping your eyes away from Aaron.
"Okay, honey." He turns to smile at you, "Remember, any later than midnight and you have to take an uber home. And don't bring anyone home with you!"
"I know the rules," You drawl, hopping slightly to fit into your heels as you rush for the door, not sparing Aaron a single glance, "Bye, dad!"
Aaron watches you leave with a heavy sigh weighing on him that he can't release. He doesn't want your dad to be suspicious, especially not when he's in the wrong. You'd spotted him out to lunch three days ago with a woman, just a journalist who'd been interested in reporting on the BAU and their history. But to you she was competition, a woman closer to his age that he was able to publicly spend time with. He doesn't blame you for being jealous, and a bit self-conscious, but he wishes you'd let him tell you the full story.
"She's going out more lately," Your dad sighs, handing Aaron his drink as he sits down with his own.
"Mm," Aaron hums, nodding as he stares at the ice in the glass, "Drinking?"
"Yeah. 'S fine, I guess, she's old enough. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though."
"Yeah." Aaron nods, raising the glass to his lips and staring at the carpet instead.
"I wish she'd just tell me who she's seeing," Aaron nearly chokes on his drink as your dad continues, sipping from his own glass, "I know there's someone, that much is obvious. She's been happier lately, or- well, not lately, but a few days ago she was fine. And her clothes are wrinkled when she comes home, and she's been weird about her phone lately. She jumps at the thing like it's a winning lottery ticket anytime it buzzes, and then smiles like an idiot at the screen."
"You'd make a good profiler," Aaron quips, but secretly wishes he doesn't get any better of a profiler, "Probably some guy from her university."
"I can only hope. Hey, maybe she'll marry rich." Your dad jokes, knocking his knee into Aaron's. The man fakes a laugh, then adjusts his shirt sleeve so that his Rolex is covered.
Once your dad turns on the television, conversation is limited. Aaron uses the time to take his phone out of his pocket, and is met with an unsurprising lack of texts from you, so he types one himself, stomach sinking as he does.
We need to talk. Ignore your dad's rule, I'll come pick you up no matter how late you stay. Please be safe, and please don't fall in love with anyone else.
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falseren · 2 months
fantasy arranged marriage au falseren (based after my favourite arranged marriage hiccstrid fic) in which the elders arrange it for the sake of alliance/ politics. false is displeased that she's going to marry some random guy who's probably an egotistic asshole until she's told that she's marrying ren, someone she actually got along with when they spent time as kids dragged along to meetings. because she remembers ren as being kind and silly in comparison to the other boorish, arrogant heirs. and everyone around her is like "false don't worry, you're intimidating and strong and an accomplished warrior, you'll totally boss him around, he'll crumple like wet paper in front of you, he'll do whatever you says, you're totally winning in this union." false considers her options and thinks this could be worse. as a kid ren for whatever reason was keen to impress her and liked her a lot, so she assumes he'll still have an okay impression of her as adults. and she's like "okay maybe we can be civil and work together". and everyone around her flatters her like wowwww you're sooo cool false there's no way he won't want you and btw he probably had a crush on you as kids and she's like. wait. what
so false goes to the wedding feeling nervous but pretty okay because this could be worse and she retains the impression that ren likes her and wants to impress her. BUT then she actually sees ren. ren who is a sweaty nervous wreck and looking veeeerrry anxious and pathetic. they get to talk and it's AWKWARD but false decides to be nice and strike up a friendship. but before she can say anything, ren immediately jumps in with a rambly
"i'm sorry i didn't want this either i asked for a non-marriage alliance but the elders made me do it i don't want this and i'm so sorry maybe we can get this annulled—"
and false, who'd thought ren was at least okay with marrying her, is suddenly mortified by her assumption. her ego gets critically hit. he doesn't want to marry her? when she's strong and capable and smart and a good fighter?? oh? oh??? he hates this alliance? he hates spending time with her? he HATES her?????????
false feels so offended by this that she doesn't try to act nice and coldly goes "glad we're on the same page" (they're not) (they're really not) (she feels awful that she assumed he liked her even if just on a surface level) (and hurt that she'd made peace with the alliance and was kinda looking forward to getting to know him and he's not reciprocating)
in reality, ren thinks false is super duper cool and awesome and she doesn't deserve to be chained to someone like him, and he's certain she'll find him weak and useless and clumsy and hence she'll hate him. so with these assumptions, he decided to jump the boat and pacify her by saying he didn't want this, because of course false would loathe being stuck with a loser like him, of course she hates this entire affair, and she'll be better off if this never happened. and ren thought false would feel relieved to hear that he didn't want this (he actually did kind of want her compared to the other options because he thinks she's amazing but his own insecurity kicks him in butt, and he's scared she'll think he's creepy). but false is aloof and ren is like. ah. i was right. she's PISSED that she's getting married to ME. she HATES me. deserved. tbh.
so it's like awkward miscommunication and ren going ";-; i'm not good enough and she hates me ;-;" and false going "how DARE he hate me!" but secretly they're both like "whyyyy won't they like me as much as i like them :("
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mesanthropi · 8 months
hihihi moots as svt memes go!
i feel like i know you from somewhere, anon 👁️👁️ but i have a shit ton of those so LET'S GO. I'M DOING THIS FOR ALL MY MUTUALS (memes under the readmore)
@wheeboo still can't believe we're moots. anyway, i literally just clicked on this one solely for the captions, but i guess i just gravitated to seungkwan naturally. we're all shocked by capitalism, but ate rani would be the most shocked by it. (she'd hate gas prices here in the ph)
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@weird-bookworm these are all gonna be gose pictures, huh? /j this was literally her with me earlier this afternoon. like i was all "should i let the intrusive thoughts win", she came into the replies, then on discord HAHAHAHAH im so sorry you have to deal with my nonsense, but i am stuck with you like oxygen to blood cells.
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@3ninth ok not a kpop mutual, but i don't have many mutuals so ya'll are here now no matter what fandom you come from 👉👉 homie is my fellow discord mod. miss her sm fr, hopefully she's back when the owner pops back in from school activities!! if you see this, paula, hope ur having a great time. if not, tell us who we need to beat up
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@fairyhaos ATE YENAAAA <33 ok so as an alternative, there's [this], but! primarily, she's giving. this specific mingyu pic. this was defo them during the shua dating rumors and i don't blame her, BUT ALSO. I FEEL LIKE THIS IS ALSO A THING WHENEVER AN ILLEGAL REQ POPS INTO THE ASK BOX. WHEN ARE WE GETTINBG AN UPDATE ON THE COUNT /JJJ
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@kyeomyun she's the homie frfr actually. jadaders would tbh go "that's unfortunate" with the biggest smile on her face if there's any minor inconvenience that happens to either you or her. it's either in a way where girlie is fr amused by your misfortune, or this is a call for help. she's going thru it @ school so hopefully she gets a break soon ^^
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@i-luvsang just for you, i'm getting an atz meme (and also bc its their 5th debut anniv <3). feel like marimoon would get the nearest stuffed animal in a shop, call for me, and do this with the blankest face they can manage. i'd lose my mind ofc i laugh at everything but especially shit like this. it's deadpan humor, i swear
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@hannyoontify KIKIEEEEEEE <333 DO YOU LOVE ME /LYR /J anyway, kie!! my homie kie, we miss you here at residencia misantropia. moving on, we have this lovely jeonghan screenshot from a knowing bros episode. feel like this is their mood sometimes. hopefully you're taking care of yourself, man! when you come back, we're here with open arms fr ong!!
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@joshuahonggf JIAAAA we don't talk much but i adore her sm. [img text's rough tr: i know you're getting nervous about tomorrow, sis] we'd probably be the type of homies who'd spam e/o on discord about a project we're grouped up in. or an exam. or a performance, one or the other. but we end up doing great anyway B))) we're cool like that
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@haowrld HI PRE 👉👉👉 abnother filo buddy of mine hehehe. wishing u luck on ur fic btw! i assign to you this woozi screenshot. because sometimes, we get those moments of having zero thoughts in our head. this is also at every writer ever, we're good at imnagining shit but actually writing it is either the hardest thing ever or it comes naturally. goodluckies!!
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@wqnwoos HANA WHO CAME BACK BECAUSE ANON CALLED THEM POOKIE 👉👉👉 /jjj but seriously, hana was one of the ppl i first followed after i discovered svt fics on tumblr. she's one of the firsy writer si followed!! but considerinh the fact that she used my iwn salt shaker threat against me, this is what they'd send me i think. idk. its lke 1:21 am im getting sillier with these
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@mach1nat1on YOU. ASSHOLE. TRAUMATIZER. IMN GIVING YOU THIS BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT I FEEL SOMETIMES WHENEVER YOU DO SOME SHIY IN THE PRIVATE SERVER. YOU HURT MY BBGS YOU HURT ME!! DID YOU KNOW THAT!?!?!??! NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW 🗣️🗣️ but i also love u dw i forgive u everytime and i support your righst and your wromgs. just know that we are forever in a love/hate relationship
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@lumasahina im gonna sc this and send this to our priv server but!! hey dude <3 traumatizer numero uno right beside mac and holls. this is you wnheever i manage to put lore into my silly little writings and my silly little characters. and for the record, just so you know, i feel the same way sometimes. i love how you do lore tho! it's always so well-done n they flow well hehe
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@holland (not @ing for other reasons) my HOMIE OF ALL HOPMIES, MY POOKIECAKES MY POOKUMS SNOOKUMS <3 sorry abt that those were rge demons. the voices. anyway! here's your assigned meme. skz just for you. i'd take pics of you like this. those 0.5 angles on iphone, then use them as reaction pics or emojis in our server. but i would also cherish these pictures bc they're you and you r my resident "across the world homie for years". stay safe, drink water, and i hope to finish ur req soon aughhhh
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holy shit its like 1:53am now wtf
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basuralindo · 9 months
YHMR Ch. 18 drop!
This one gets very mildly NSFW, so, don't read it at work I guess idk. Enjoy!
Editing done by @kamikazequail, and commentary under the cut!
As always feel free to comment, I'm constantly fiending for feedback.
-Jamil: Decides to worry less about something for once in his life. The universe: "Oh, bitch…"
- But yeahhh I imagine him as the type to get stabby when he's startled. In case that wasn't apparent yet.
-You may have wondered what the point of that whole tangent about spatial compression pockets five chapters ago was for. It was literally for this moment. I need Jamil to have a knife on him at all times, can't picture him not doing that, and I needed a way for him to not get caught with it ("But a magic school would be prepared for students to have access to things like that and would have security measures against hidden contraband items-" NRC is so fucking lax. students try to murder each other all the time. Everyone always goes 'nooo it's against the rules to use magic in a fight!' and then they do it anyway, and staff never gives a shit -and that's for the canon highschool version. Universities, by nature, give even less fucks. If there was a stabbing on campus, Crowey would only pay attention if it became a publicity issue. I think the staff would actually encourage hidden pockets if it means they gain plausible deniability for knowing what the students are up to). Aaand when I realized I was gonna be writing this scene, I needed to be able to mention the knife without having to stop and explain where it came from or why he has it. So yeah, there it is, Checkov's magic wristband of holding. He'd keep it hidden under his PE wristband
- ….Jamil finally has someone willingly following his orders. Of course that's immediately gonna go to his head
-What's that? Jamil giggling happily for the first time in his life because his crush maimed someone in his honor? Sometimes "perfect for each other" involves both parties being incredibly unwholesome.
-Aaand finally, Jamil realizes he's a monsterfucker
-Yeah btw, eels have to move their bodies side-to-side to swim, and I figure that any mermaids who swim that way would need side musculature similar to abs, which would look…. unique. I guess. So yeah the tweels would have fucked up torsos. And you need a decent understanding of anatomy to consistently win knife fights, so Jamil would definitely notice. (also the lateral line sensory organ in fish runs down the sides, so, idk. it'd be a sensitive area is what I'm saying) (yeahhh I've always been really into marine biology, and tbh I never thought this is how I'd end up applying the knowledge, but here we are.)
-Poor Ace. I actually like Ace, he's just chronically unfortunate. I dunno if it's out of character for him to be tryna help out, but I think he has a genuine nice streak.
-Aaand yeah, Floyd grew up with very different ideas surrounding leadership and respect than Jamil, and he's not particularly keen on someone he respects having to follow the orders of a guy who'd never survive in the mafia
-So, I realize that it's been confirmed in canon that the mermen need potions to transform back and forth, and I'm choosing to ignore it. Thank you for your understanding.
-The eels in the little mermaid are always tangled around each other and everything, and I think that's really cute, so the tweels are gonna be in constant contact too
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hxdrostorms · 11 months
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@legendreign has sent: 1. OTP(s) for your muse? ( For muses, all three Gold Saints! ) 2. NOTP(s) for your muse? 4. Are you oc shipping friendly? 12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
Mun Related Shipping Questions! [Accepting]
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
// Funnily enough, I only have one answer for this one, bc I haven't figured that out for 2/3 boys I have here.
I've seen some really lovely fanart of Shaka/Mu, and I think I might enjoy it in a fanart/fanfiction way. Because I don't think I'll be RPing it, with the way I've set up Shaka (this isn't something I want to do with Shaka RN. That's why I've set him up as a singleship muse, nothing is ever set in stone so who knows if I'll ever change that about him.).
Aldebaran is practically a blank slate: sticks leggy out, who's going to give me a ship for him? I'm literally all ears, when it comes to ships for him.
And then we have Deathmask, and I've dug myself into the Aphrodite/DM ship hole, and I'm not leaving. NGL, I'm looking forward to write this ship. Fingers crossed for me to find an Aphrodite RPer, who'd be down to write it with me.
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
// I've got nothing TBH? I also haven't touched with a 10 ft post any form of discourse in this fandom. Spoiler alert: I don't want to see or engage with it. So, I have no clue what would be considered a "bad" ship for my muses, that would get me crucified.
I'd imagine that anything involving the golden saints with the bronze ones, due to the ages. And I think it's a good time as ever to say that: in order for me to do anything like that in a RPing format, the characters will have to be aged up first (likely in the context of a post-series events type of situation/plot). Everything must be discussed and agreed upon, between me and the other mun. No ifs and buts, I won't do anything romantic between them, during the series' events for my own comfort.
I don't want to start any form of a shitshow of a discourse. Because, I'm way too tired of this nonsensical discussion, that never ends.
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
// OFC I am! I'm just a bit more selective for OC/CC ships. But honestly? If the chemistry is there, and we have a solid plot going for them? They can offer me an experience that even surpasses CC/CC ships! I've had some truly awesome OC/CC ships in the past, which I still cherish to this day.
12. Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
// Okay SO as sb who personally takes huge enjoyment out of character development, AND has had a long history of dealing with some snobbish Rpers in the past, I'll go straight to the point:
It all depends on what your end goal with it is.
Do you want to only focus in the fluff/smut/etc aspects of it? That's awesome! All the power to you.
Do you want to take this as an opportunity to expand on things through a relationship? That's equally awesome as well! All the power to you.
I'm just genuinely sick and tired of Tumblr RPC's competitive nonsense, where they think that they have to pitch one against another and try to shame RPers who have a different approach/interest to RP. No Karen, we aren't doing a full on essay through rp on tumblr dot com. You're not handing your shit ship to be analyzed, in a professional way.
All ships have the potential to serve as food for character development, but that has to come from the muns' wishes to do that to begin with. Otherwise, you're just forcing an elitist and snobbish way to RP, that's just unhealthy and nobody wins in the end. I personally take a lot of enjoyment of grabbing my main ship partners, and truly get DEEP into things on our discussions and worldbuilding.
And at the same time, I've had some good times with folks, who only wanted to do a simpler/easier to digest stuff and not think too much about the HCs/implications/etc. Does that suddenly make me into a lesser RPer? I highly doubt it.
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Sort your muses into the different Hunger Games categories and show your followers who you think would win. REPOST, don't REBLOG.
TAGGED BY: snatched from dash bc I thought it was awesome xD TAGGING: @x-brokencrowns @lilxmcrtes @skyler-bane @kingdom-of-vanity @brokenblondeprincess @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @myriadxofxmuses @lxvefrxmthextherside @daisyxmuses @ghostsxagain && everyone who wants to do this
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                                             ✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
★  ⸻   VICTOR
TALIESIN - let's face it, he does that for a living. He isn't only physically strong, but can also use some magic tricks and is pretty cunning.
★  ⸻   CAREERS
JOE - honestly, at first I wanted to put him on top, but he'd get in his own way. Plus, I am sure Tal would have an idea to nullify his resurrection cycle.
PENELOPE - her and Joe are very even, but I'd say Penelope has a moral issue. So that would be her downfall, if she ran into Joe or Tal.
ALEXANDRA - not only would she get many sponsors, she's also very strong and regenerates. But she can die. And since Penelope's a hunter, I am sure she'd get her in the end.
ABEL - hella charismatic, would win over a ton of sponsors and allies. Smart, knows how to survive. But something tells me he'd try to bond with Alexandra, another intellectual person in the game, and that would be his downfall.
RAFE - He would be in the game for a very long time, simply bc he's physically strong. Also used to be a soldier. That makes up for his disadvantages, but he's a hothead and would be outwitted.
LUCIFERO - okay, we know he's got rich people who'd provide him stuff and he's also not a nice person, fights nasty to get what he wants. He has many magic tricks up his sleeves and could probably make his necromancy skills useful. But Rafe would crush him bc he's weak physically.
SAFFRON - she's physically strong with the demon, but way too impulsive. Luce would totally get her with a spell, probably targeted at the entity and then she'd be gone.
I have the feeling all of them would group up, tbh xD
DAVEY - he's already dead. That's his only advantage. He'd want to befriend others, find allies, but I'm sure Saffron's demon would chew and spit him out.
OLIVER - he knows how to kill and survive in the wilds bc he's a wolf. But let's be honest, he wouldn't kill any of them, not if he has a choice. Davey wouldn't kill him either, I think he'd just try to save Davey and get killed in the process bc he's such a good boy.
ZELDA - well, her mutant powers are a thing, but she doesn't know how to use them. She'd probably kill Rachel on accident and Oli would get her ass bc of something random. Like another accident and only he'd get out of it alive.
RACHEL - he'd bee too stressed and panicky to think straight. Honestly. He'd be good for a small amount of time, but just not very attentive.
EMRY - just like Rachel, he'd be too freaked out by the whole thing, but compared to him he just wouldn't do anything smart.
CASPER - he'd freeze on the spot. Boy's already traumatized enough, there would neither be a fight or flight response.
FELIX - he'd be toast so. quickly. It's not even funny. And you could be sure he'd complain about being blind, right before he'd die.
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nyacromxncer · 10 months
((I've been thinking about it too much not to post about it. Here's what I've got so far for a Guilty Gear AU Tasha:
Guilty Gear doesn't have catgirls, so alas that element of her design is out. It does, however, have both magic and magitech, along with a pretty obvious job for any specific playable character: Bounty hunting. Therefore, Tasha is a bounty hunter, with a gimmick. Her gimmick... is that she's a streamer. She has a floating magitech camera that captures her fights, and can pull up her chatlog with magic rather than needing to hold something. In addition, the kind of magic that she specialises in conjures up skeletons that she directs to attack for her while she does Jojo pose shit, occasionally hitting someone with a punch or a kick if they get too close. She does use real bones, but they aren't a one-to-one requirement like they are for regular necromancy.
Her intro quotes are either goofy streamer shit ("Wh- I'm NOT throwing for content, chat!") or weirdly threatening necromancer shit ("You're gonna make a great weapon, bitchboy!"). If she has any character-specific intros they're probably other characters questioning her streamer schtick, except for Zato-1, who'd say something like "I hear you collect dead things. Should I be worried?". Probably some others tbh, but that's all I got so far.
One of her win animations is doing the 'o horatio i knew him well' schtick with a skull, but the skull has sunglasses taped to it.
Overall she's a competent and decent fighter who constantly gets underestimated, but in the grand scope of the power scaling in Guilty Gear she's pretty smalltime. More of a Bridget than a Sol Badguy, from what I know of Brisket...
I don't have much for an outfit yet, but I figure Sluttier because it's Guilty Gear. Cat ear headband most likely, she's gotta be some kind of catgirl!
That's all... not enough to make a verse for her on here (not that I know of any GG muses to RP with lmao), but enough for me to think about!))
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dodgebolts · 1 year
I think you're taking the polls too seriously tbh? Like yeah it's a popularity contest but like... That's the point? The polls don't say "vote who you think would win mcc" or "vote who you think would win dodgebolt" or "vote who's vibes you like more" it doesn't really specify so everyone can just kinda interpret it however they want.
And knowing who'd win an event is impossible anyway since that hugely depends on game order. You get for example gridrunners and builtmart as the last two games then yeah a hermit heavy team can absolutely beat a dream team. Whereas if you get, idk, battle box last then that'd be a whole other story.
It's a popularity contest and yeah dream isn't hugely popular on tumblr these days. But I doubt most ppl are seeing those posts and going "I hate dream I hate him so much, I do not know this other team at all but I will vote for them anyway". Most are probably just like "huh I liked the vibes of this team I'll vote them"
It's silly little polls about silly little block games, it's fine. Just vibe and have fun with it
I’ll be real my mind is not on those polls anymore, I’ve blocked the account bc I saw something that annoyed me and moved on 😭 but I’ll level with you and say there were people in the tags saying that they hated Dream and were voting against him without knowing the other team ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also while you’re here I’m going to heavily disagree with you on the game order stuff—at the time of MCCAS, the game lineup was:
sky battle
battle box
parkour tag
grid runners
ace race
only two of these games are ‘weaknesses’ for red (heavily dependent on the GR rooms) and in p much every other one, it’s widely agreed dteam are dominant players—the team was touted as broken and guaranteed to win by literally everyone (to the point of discourse!) so I’m not sure why you’re arguing that, not to mention they literally went 2-7 in battle box 😭😭 both history and stats disagree with your argument there.
Regardless, they’re polls, it’s not the end of the world. I love MCC a ton but there’s always been a vibe of the community disliking dteam, and I’ll be honest, it’s very difficult to have fun when everyone’s looking to discredit them in some way. Whether through polls, stats posts, tier arguments, etc. it’s draining. Hope you have fun in the polls though ^_^
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philcoulsonismyhero · 2 years
Ooh, that's two, so you're getting a duo. (One of whom I've talked about over on the art blog, but the other is one I haven't mentioned before.)
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So this ^ is Arthur Fenn, he's one of those characters that could exist in his own story but also may end up being a DnD character, whichever one I get around to first. He's another one that spun out of a mashup of tropes from characters I like, in this case my guy Ironwood (as usual) and Percy de Rolo. So he's a disaster, as you could probably imagine.
Arthur's whole deal is that he was a general in a kingdom under siege, and he eventually got desperate enough to meddle with dark forces that he probably shouldn't have in order to try and save his kingdom. He was going to release this shadow entity that they captured on the besieging army, but his subordinates refused because they wanted to win The Right Way and he ended up locked up in his own cells. And then his kingdom fell anyway.
He wakes up in the rubble, with basically everyone he knew either dead or missing, and stumbles across the same shadow entity he was planning to release before. It offers him a chance at revenge, and he's got nothing left so he takes the deal. His right arm was badly crushed and he left most of it behind when he dug himself out of the rubble, so this entity attaches itself to him at the shoulder, replacing his arm and giving him the ability to summon weapons made of shadow (like the sword in the picture), along with a bunch of other magical abilities. Mechanically, he'd be a vengeance paladin at this point, but after level 3 he gets spookier and takes a detour into blood hunter (Order of the Profane Soul, Hexblade pact).
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And that's the point at which he'd end up joining an adventuring party, keeping his past a secret beyond the fact that he was a soldier, and certainly never showing anyone what the deal is with his arm. And with one hell of a grudge against anyone allied with the enemy that destroyed his kingdom. (And also no knowledge of the fact that the very same entity he's now relying on for power played its own part in that destruction after it was secretly released by the enemy...)
Personality-wise, he's quite restrained and proper, very An Officer And A Gentleman, and the sort of guy who very politely never actually tells you anything about himself. (It's the trauma.) But he's clearly got a lot of bottled up rage, which tends to come out when he's fighting, and he's Brutal in combat. A lot of the spells I'd be going for with him are based around a Fuck This Guy In Particular approach, and he's pretty intimidating without really trying. He's got a kinder side in there somewhere, though, and a very sly sense of humour.
And I did say duo, so here's #2, who'd be a backstory NPC in a campaign:
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I haven't properly drawn him yet (although the plan is to use Alexander Siddig as a face reference), but the other guy is Cornelius Fenn, better known to everyone as Cor. And yes, that's the same surname as Arthur - Arthur's original surname was Ridill, but he dropped it after his kingdom fell and has been using Cor's surname as an alias ever since.
Cor and Arthur are ex-somethings, I haven't quite decided on the specifics of their relationship history but tbh they probably don't even know what to call each other. They've known each other for 30 years and been a couple on and off, and worked together in an official capacity the whole time. Cor was initially a scout for their kingdom, and ended up rising in prominence until he was essentially the crown's spymaster to Arthur's military general. Where Arthur is direct and uncompromising, Cor is diplomatic and very good at using words to get what he wants or needs. (But not so good at talking about his own feelings, obviously.) Mechanically, he's a mastermind rogue.
Cor was away on a mission when their kingdom fell, and neither he not Arthur know what happened to the other one in the aftermath of all that. Cor suspects that Arthur probably died, but he doesn't know for sure, and Arthur hopes that Cor had the good sense to stay away and save himself but also kinda resents that he had the opportunity to do that and sees it as a bit of a betrayal. (Like I said, they're messy.) And Cor did in fact have the sense to stay away, and has managed to get himself in with a different court doing the same sort of spy work but also using that power and freedom to try and find out what really happened that fateful day. He's also working towards revenge, but in a much quieter (and tbh probably more effective) way. That second outfit in the design sketch is his travelling clothes, without any obvious allegiance to anyone, although he's still kept the red necktie as a tragic keepsake.
Eventually, he and Arthur are going to run into each other again, and I haven't decided on the exact circumstances in the not-DnD version of the story, but I do know it's going to be highly entertaining. Cor's a lot more charming and friendly than Arthur, but he's also got a sharper side and imagining the reunion between these two prickly assholes who unfortunately still care about each other is very good fun.
(Yes, they're my daft RWBY ship but a little to the left, leave me alone)
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Hi- So.... I have a problem with my favoritism for Victoria
Probably because I put the most effort in her lore tbh
But I digress- I just kinda wanna know who'd be best suited for her and by that I mean SHIPS since it could be very interesting when you consider her personality-
Hey don't worry about it. I am very the same with Carol... problem with most developed ocs right, Aight let me see:
Lets start with Tyler, cause he was the first to come to my mind. Although he is usually not fond of the rich people at all, he is into Fashion design and respects a person who gives critism if its true. I could also see it be in a dynamic that she knows everyone is interested in her but because he doesn’t give a damn about her at first she would like to earn his favour... but that is only one idea.
Kuze was also in my mind, they share a goth aesthetic, I can see him have a crush on her but also fall for her tricks given his lack of social cues and memories... but what is true with him is a kind heart and someone who is determined to fight for others. He could match her in fencing cause although he has a katana he is a weapons master and although he is shy he makes up for it with his own charm.
Yasuno who is in the same dorm would also be funny given his character. He is fashionable for sure, shares sarcasm, would not fall for her manipulative behavior, but also he would be a huge bother to her at first but maybe his persistentness and interest in her could win him over. Lets be honest he is hot and he is a pain to deal with, but if you tame him and show him who wears the pants he is loyal and dedicated... So it could be a funny dynamic.
Henry could also work, he is sucessfull, also shows strictness and politness, he has his own riches, and he does like Women that are independant and strong...he was also a former goth too. Although I feel maybe he wouldn’t enjoy her gossiping much, it could be also a interesting dynamic givne both their statuses... maybe some fake dating so both their parents won’t bother them.
I sure have more but these were my first initial ideas.
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
babe i even CATEGORIZED them bc theres so FUCKING MANY !!
also i did do cws on some songs i had concerns ab? the ones w !s are ones im super unsure ab. also aaaa u dont have to listen to any of these but,. u awaked the demon,, BEAST in me.
i have also fdhgkjdsfg listened to most of the songs in ur post but my brain is also mushy after listening to all of these and making this list so i shall. give thoughts Later. xoxo (its also late hehe)
my top faves <3 (if u like these i am skipping the making out part and going straight to fucking u)
this is your night - amber
no one ever really dies - mystery skulls
magic original demo - mystery skulls
these dont rlly have lyrics but i literally listened to them on repeat when i was writing the novel length asks to u so if u want ur brain to melt like mine while i was writing those...,, <3<3
(cw: a bit loud/high pitched and really weird music? ravey)
desktopbuddy - nanoray
dogwalk2000 - nanoray
dog bus (ft telemist) - metaroom
worm rave - metaroom
songs i feel ud like based on ur music taste ive seen (plsss tell me if u like them bc i will happily rec more i just feel bad w how long this list FUCKING IS)
until we get there - lucius
don't just sit there - lucius
wasting time - hoax
western medicine - hoax
into the blackhole - hoax
winter - daughter
the only exception - paramore
are you bored yet? - the wallows
don't you wonder? - jagged jaw
tonight is - jagged jaw
the comedienne - parenthetical girls
who'd have known - lily allen
somewhere only we would know - lily allen (this is a cover but god its my fav version so)
come to me - goo goo dolls (baby im ngl i think leon would love this song)
true love - coldplay
juliet - cavetown
lemon boy - cavetown (cavetown is a trans king please support his music <3 mwah mwah)
relax, take it easy - mika (ngl this one is a bit more of a shot in the dark buttt)
together - mystery skulls (same as above tbh)
these r from like 1 artist i rlly like but bby i am sure u will NOT like their music,, kinda like the nanoray and metaroom ones but like worse. !!WILL!! make ur brain melt. (trust me when i say i HANDPICKED thru their music,,,,)
kill screen - machine girl (!!!!cw: yelling! im only including this bc its one of my top FAVES. it goes so hard holy shit. if ur comfy with it listen from 2:55-end cus theres no yelling, its just such fucking GOOD buildup to the BEST part of the fucking song [3:18] i9ts literally. AHH)
post rave maximalist - machine girl (cw: has some sirens and airhorns? theyre not loud tho.)
freewill - machine girl
nine minutes and forty three seconds - machine girl (bro this album is like straight up not your alley this is the only song without screaming in it LOL)
cloud99 (as above mix) - machine girl
lilith - machine girl
cyan hardcore - machine girl
sin to win! - machine girl
my favorite color is you - revenegeinkyoto (!!!!cw: yelling--mostly exclamatories and parts of the bridge, the ending is a bit heavy w it tho--, yandere song, heavy metal)
the memory viewer - sugary sweet machines
talkative revolver city slicker (/or/) resume song - sugary sweet machines (these are 2 songs that (at their core) are essentially the same but are different enough that i pick them based on which im just feelin more,) (OK SO ALSO these r from the ost of an indie game and IDK if i can rec the game personally (i found it during a very dark part of my life) but the ost and esp these songs are hella banger and i really want the artist to get more love for them)
megatronic - powerman 5000 (cw: not yelling but heavily synthetic sounding? hard music xP)
benzie box - danger doom (THIS. GOES. SO. HARD.)
boys & girls - will.i.am (BI SONG? BI SONG?)
gekka no yasoukyoku - malice mizer (cw: not english) (THIS GOES SOOOO HARD its literally. so good. i try to avoid reccing songs not in english but this is too good to not)
cipher peon battle - pokemon colosseum (it makes me feel epic lol)
overrated but i love them
little dark age - mgmt (i literally make amvs in my head about re2 leon in my car while listening to this song i am obsessed. Obsessed.)
wasted summers - juju<3 (fuck ppl who hate on this honestly like can ppl not have fun with music? let indie musicians have fun !! hes literally making a song with his sister thats the sweetest shit ever!!!!!!!!!! also honestly this song kinda hurts if u relate ngl pookie)
rhinestone eyes - gorillaz (iykyk,, that edit introduced me to this song but it FUCKS !!)
take me to church - hozier (look. -foams at mouth- thats all.)
mary on a cross - ghost
idk where to categorize these :v
can't get you out of my head - kylie minogue
better off alone - alice deejay
hypnocurrency - deadmau5
gyrate - rezz
j-boy - phoenix
credits song for my death - vivivivivi
i would do anything for you - foster the people (i ALMOST put this in faves bc god i am,, obsessed w this song but, i feel like its bully material so.)
sit next to me - foster the people
the sweet escape - gwen stefani (look i always loved this song, but i have a leon edit of this song saved to my phone and i watch it Daily)
my love - justin timberlake (me and leon. i also have a leon edit to this i watch daily.)
bloody mary - lady gaga
you like early 2000s type music? cringe? this is for u bbg
(cw: cringe, ravey)
blame you - romanceplanet
bleed (runaway) - romanceplanet
lollipop (candyman) - aqua
ok this is stupid but im ngl im putting songs that make me think of leon in some way here (considering making my own playlist of stuff for him lmk if my taste is good enough boo ;* /j)
with you - linkin park (!!!!cw: yelling. (im including this bc i just want to say leon would fucking love this song. id make out with and grind on him at a house party to this song,, that is all). the yelling isnt super loud but the music is screechy during the parts so it might make u uncomfy? be safe if u listen boo, its alil on the harder side of songs)
cure for the itch - linkin park (cw: the beginning has a brief moment where theres a loud announcer? other than that this fucks, goes HARD.)
under the bridge - red hot chili peppers (WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR,,, ROCK AND GRUNGE TO LISTEN TO bc i am obsessed with leon ehehe THIS SONG LATCHED ONTO MY BRAINSTEM,,,,,,thinking ab holding his hand while this plays on our mixtape while we drive to our coffeeshop date in raccoon city,,.,,,,u//w//u)
smells like teen spirit - nirvana (!!cw: screamy? i think? i cant tell if im desensitized to screaming in music or sm LMFAO its a song i scream when i sing it tho so) (also i KNOW this is a generic pick but it goes so hard!!!!!!!!!!!! leon Literally listens to this like its just canon)
talking in your sleep - the romantics (baby im so sorry i cant explain this one i also want to fuck michael afton and thats bleeding into my lust for leon)
no friend of mine - aimless device (THIS IS SO GOOD I WISH IT WAS MORE POPULAR)
hyena - aimless device
nobody's real - powerman 5000 (cw: its a lil bit hard of a song) (i cant explain this honestly leon would just listen to powerman and this would be his fave)
i'm not in love - 10cc (look look here ok listen to my vision. leon trying to convince himself hes not actually head over heels for you. i think its cuter with re2 leon hehe hes so cutie pookie BUT. [im not personally into aeon But..] PLEASE imagine him just laying in bed listening to this because hes still hurt over ada but hes falling so hard and fast for you. and hes scared. TERRIFIED even, <3 dont worry babyboy ill treat you so well)
yellow - coldplay
the scientist - coldplay
always in my head - coldplay (ok look i tried really hard to not put in so many coldplay songs but, listen. coldplay just feels so fucking aeon for you aeon enjoyers)
sweetest goodbye - maroon 5
sunday morning - maroon 5
my console - eiffle 65 (look. its Funny.)
separate ways (worlds apart) - journey
away from the sun - 3 doors down
here without you - 3 doors down
my precious - lifehouse
hanging by a moment - lifehouse
last child - aerosmith
jaded - aerosmith
turn up the radio - autograph
lullaby - the cure
last kiss - pearl jam (cw: kinda descriptive singing about the scenario of a loved one dying, brief mentions of religion) (he wouldnt relate to this song at all but i KNOW mans would cry to it)
(i could dig up more for this section but baby i do not wanna bore you with retro songs)
actually fuck i could put so many more songs period but this is probably already a 5 hr playlist atp eheh sorry
if u want i could make an actual playlist if u ACTUALLY wanna listen to ts so its not such a pain going thru dhjksdfhgsdkg (tho theres a few songs that arent on spotty bc its stinky :( )
the most hilarious part about this is that the only song on this gigantic list that i recognize is don’t go insane BUT NOT EVEN BECAUSE OF LEON i just like dpr ian he’s so pretty :3
also i think ill be able to put them into a playlist myself !! dw i don’t wanna make u go through the effort!! i shall attempt to listen to everything!!
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Lewis,💌💗💘💀. All BSD ocs,🔪
That's a lot of romance asks for Lewis, Y
💌 How would they react to a confession?
Lewis Carroll // Ability: Through The Looking Glass - Well it depends on if he was expecting it. Because Alice helps him with information gathering, sometimes she or even he will hear along the grapevine or maybe even the source that someone intends to confess to him. If he knew about it then he'll mentally prepare himself because if he doesn’t, he'll become the colour red and that's not a good look for him in his opinion. If he was expecting it, he'll play it cool and try to stay calm but most likely (read: 99.8% of the time) he'll reject them. He doesn't wanna go around playing with people's hearts, despite how much of an asshole he can be. If he wasn't expecting it, he's red in the face and a stuttering mess. He feels like a school boy who is being talked to by a girl he fancies and is not very happy about it. He is more likely to go on a date if you catch him off guard though so there's that! It's mainly out of respect for managing to keep that secret from him and Alice though so there is a high likelyhood of there not being another one </3
💗 How would they confess?
Lewis Carroll // Ability: Through The Looking Glass - If you managed to win this man's genuine affection then congrats! Don't break his heart or Alice will break your spine :D! Lewis, despite being the man with a plan, a tactician if you will, will have no plan. He would probably confess when it's just him and the person(s) he loves during some downtime. It would have to be when he's not doing anything for Wonderland or the DOA and when he deems himself to be mentally prepared. Tbh it would seem out of the blue and it kinda is even to him. He would just kinda blurt it out y'know? But hey he got the message across finally!
💘 What kind of person is their ideal type?
Lewis Carroll // Ability: Through The Looking Glass - Someone who values freedom. It's a thing that Lewis views himself as no longer having due to his ties to Wonderland and the inevitability that one day, Wonderland will come for his head. So having someone who knows what freedom is and is maybe even living in it? He'll settle for the small taste he gets by being near them. He also enjoys a person who he can relax with. He's always putting up a front of charisma and charm so it would be nice to take it easy with someone he cares for. Intelligence and power level plays a factor as well. Lewis is a smart man who lives a very dangerous life. He wants someone who he can have intelligent conversations with (let this man info dump about quantum physics and other hyperfixations please he's about to combust) and someone who he doesn't have to worry about being in danger 25/8. Intelligence and power aren't a necessity but it is very welcome.
💀 If they were one of the 7 sins, what sin would they be?
Lewis Carroll // Ability: Through The Looking Glass - The closet one I can think of would be Wrath. He's not a very Wrathful person but when he is it is a sight.
The rest are under the cut! :D
🔪 (More than one OC) If your all of your OCs played among us, who'd be the best imposter? And who'd be the worst?
In rankings of who would be the best to the worst!
Best : Hikari // Ability: Double Edged Sword AND Lewis Carroll // Ability: Through The Looking Glass - Okay so. They would be tied definitely LMAO. Considering Hikari's past work experience and Lewis being apart of the DOA, yeah they'd get away with it easy. If they were to ever meet (not likely because I have it set so they exist in separate universes), so much chaos would happen.
Diana Jones // Ability: Moving Castle - Let this woman kill and maim. She doesn't care if she gets caught tho so points are deducted.
Anthony Horowitz // Ability: The Sentence Is Death - He much prefer being a crew mate because then he can do Detective work but he's strangely good at imposter. Specifically the lying part.
Jacob Grimm // Ability: Gretel - This man is trash at Among us who let him have this game. He still has trouble moving. If he gets card swipe he will cry.
Douglas Adams // Ability: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - He owns five Tamagotchi's (one proudly being a Hello Kitty) and no other electronics.
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rxspbrrry · 3 years
Can you do headcanons about sparkling, Herb and black raisin as single parents (separately) please?
alrighty! this one seems fun :DD
thank you for requesting, anon!
characters ; sparkling, herb, black raisin notes ; child reader, fluff (a pinch of angst), headcanons, platonic, implied dead s/o (of the characters)
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sparkling... i'm not very sure if he likes kids that much tbh, but it doesn't change the fact that he takes very good care of you.
being a single father will add on to his already busy duties as a bartender, though, but luckily you're an understanding child and you often help him out! he really appreciates it ^^
he's probably the most angsty here tbh,, sometimes you unintentionally catch your father crying over the loss of your other parent, which breaks your heart, so you go over to comfort him :( it's because you first saw him crying when you were much younger that you made a resolution to be a good child and not stress your dad any more 😔
but for the more fluffy parts!! if you have long hair, he loves to do your hair!!! tying it into braids, side ponytails, you name it! he's very skillful with his hands, and if he weren't already a bartender, you would've suggested he become a hairdresser.
sometimes he gets caught up in his own thoughts and unintentionally neglects you for a few moments, but when he comes back to reality and sees your bright smile, he'll remind himself that he has a home to go back to. <3
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herb has always loved children, but to take care of one, let alone by himself, is an exhausting thought. which is why he would have never expected to end up in that exact scenario.
he absolutely adores you and is a great father, don't worry! he makes sure to give you lots of attention when you want it and does your hobbies with you :DD also teaches you gardening (but you end up hating it, oof)
i think herb is a father who'd sacrifice himself for you, if it ever came to that. he wants to protect you so much, because the memory of seeing his s/o die in front of him was already too painful to bear, and he couldn't even begin to imagine losing another loved one :(
anyway fluff time!! he's super supportive of everything you do and is your no 1 biggest fan in anything. no matter whether you're a sports person, or you prefer artistic talents, or meddling with robotics is your kinda thing, he'll support you wholeheartedly, always giving you encouragement along the way. the only reason why you're so sure in doing what you're doing right now is because of him!
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beneath black raisin's harsh exterior is a woman who is just really soft towards her child. she may be gruff and restrict you from doing certain things, but she means well. she only wants you to be safe.
sometimes if you look close enough, you can see one of her crows (obviously sent by your mother herself) hiding in the trees and tailing you, making sure you don't run into any danger along the way to your destination.
even though it may seem like she never pays you any attention, she actually throws you a lot of secret glances. this is because she doesn't quite know how to communicate with you well, and is stressed from her role as a single mother, so the only way she thinks she can check up on you is through looking at you.
she also doesn't tell you often, but she's very proud of whatever you do. she's proud of the time you fell down and injured yourself but still got back up on your own when you were five. she's proud of the time you scored top of the class when you were eleven. she's proud of the time you represented your school in a nationwide competition when you were sixteen, even though you didn't win. she's just really proud of you and loves you so much, but she doesn't know how to convey it. :(
a/n: was this too angsty LOL i love familial angst can you tell
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luvring · 2 years
hcs for rime and felix dealing with an mc who wears jfashion like fairy kei? super self indulgent but pls. or an mc who wants to get into it but is worried ppl will judge them
— rime and felix with an mc into j-fashion
ohhh a lot of j-fashion scratches my brain good choice !! if ur worried about people judging just remember there's also people who'd be in awe and appreciation . u r the person i'd see in public and be like Wish that was Me...wish we were friends...
very different from either of their own styles but they support it fr!
they'd probably ask about the history behind it and why they dress that way but at the end of the day ! cool person with cool style
if we're talking about astraea,, i don't think fairy kei fashion would be Easy To Find. if possible?? but they'd sure go looking! if all else fails it's time to use capitalism and pay someone baby
as somebody whose friends constantly say "Do it. Buy it right now." ,, neither of them seem like good impulse control
other than rime stopping them with stuff like "that won't suit you as well as the other top"
on the bright side that means mc can't easily back out of buying some pieces that fit the aesthetic
rime is the friend who doesn't back down and aggressively compliments you. it's the "shut the hell up are you serious you'd pull that off so well buy it right now." y'know
like mc already looks good in the clothes they have. imagine if they wore things that they really liked and felt confident in. come on you know you want to
and it may be the complete opposite of everything felix has going on but that just means he empathizes with their fear
felix :handshake: mc two sides of the same coin
they can be like the meme with the black and pink houses !
felix and mc making a deal to indulge in their interests as long as the other does while they're out shopping
if anybody sends looks their way felix and rime are now on either side of them and glaring back/distracting them
also i don't think mc would be the only person they'd look at. jumping from looking at them to felix to rime and it's just like oh . an alt/queer friend group HLEPSFJAD
they also just,, act normally. do you know what i mean . like when you feel like you're standing out but your friends just accept it and you kinda forget about your anxiety . yeah
anyway they also compliment mc's outfits all the time
especially little accessories or details that they notice so mc knows it's sincere
also i know wigs/dyed hair? are part of fairy kei and i do think they'd help manage them . you might be like Felix?? but he'd try his best he's careful when he needs to be/mc asks i think :[
if they notice mc feeling a little nervous or insecure they're reassuring them and reminding them that they Look Good!!!! anybody who thinks otherwise is dumb and not worth their time!
rime says something along the lines of everybody looking boring so mc is always a sight for his sore eyes
if they saw mc wearing something one of them bought they'd feel honoured and Accomplished :100:
tbh the both of them would probably buy things just so they can go "i hope i'll get to see you wearing this some time soon :)" and now everybody wins
felix and rime arguing over what mc should wear 😭 they're so annoying /j mc asks what shoes would pair better with their outfit and rime is calling felix an idiot for ever thinking those sneakers are better than his own choice
"what do you know" technically neither of you know anything about this fashion style but carry on i guess
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grokebaby · 2 years
1.- Imagine all of our ocs had to fight eachother. Who'd win and why?
2.- Favourite and least-favourite oc? Why?
3.- Oldest oc? Newest oc? Could you explain a bit of their story?
Yo nice attack bro
1. (I assume you meant to type "Your" and not "our" bc unfortunately I don't know your ocs sorrey) Ooojjj my god. Disastrous multiverse crossover. Even imagining all the characters of one story in a big tournament would be.. Well badass tbh but messy lol. For me personally it'd be a whole entire discussion in itself to just list who would win in a fight against who (new ask game anyone?)
If I had to list like the one character I know would survive everything, regardless of if they technically "lose" or "win" any battle, I'd probably say that's Della/Dave the Illusionist. Bc she's a resilient little fuck who won't die despite everything (being a paradox does that to you)
2. GOSH I'm bad at picking just one of anything but that's a juicy question. I do have some favorites I'd say but who I'm most interested in at any time fluctuates. I like to keep it fresh. I'd call my least favorites those who I have very little interest in 😅 but it's not always even that personal. I think I automatically have some fondness for older characters who've stuck around through the years. Will expand on this under a read more bc it'll be rambly
3. I've answered this oldest question before a few ways. Newest tho? Uhhhhh. Torpor? I whipped her up on a whim some few nights ago. Concept and design at once, although the design is still pretty wip. I do also have the case of having 'new' ocs but they've been in progress (like having a design but lacking everything else or stuff like that) for some time, so I have yet to really introduce them
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Here's a peek of Torpor for you btw. She's one of Unjust's family along with Hysteria. I'm working on an introductory post for her so I won't get into it in detail rn, but basically big living meat cocoon and embodiment of how executive dysfunction feels
Expansion on Q#2 below
Out of all my antagonists so far Ngah has to be among my favorites tbh. She stems from my own experiences and getting to grapple with her kinda helps formulate some things. Also I'm just glad to have a lady villain who isn't motivated by love or romance. Familial love maybe, but you get my point. She isn't oppressive and small-minded bc of her love for her children (although that affects her motivations), but bc she has oppressive and small-minded views on the world. Also, I like that she's arrogant and a fucking powerhouse. She deserves to get nerfed though lol. I'm also fond of Lamera and the relationship between him and his mother.
Grandefel has always been a fave. I haven't given her enough spotlight admittedly but I just like her alot regardless.
Unfortunately I'd have to put ZZZ in my least favorites, which is concerning bc I should give them more development and appreciation in the story. Unfortunately I can't make myself extremely invested in their story and character. It just doesn't hit me all that much, but I wish it did. ZZZ deserves so much better
Outside of lack of interest I'm not sure if I'm entirely comfortable discussing my least favorites bc I'd say those are related to actual irl bad memories and I don't wanna get into that w my current mental health.
Outside of the damn angels tho:
Ebony! I'm a big fan of hers! I love!!! Ebony!!!
Jetter/Peaches gets an honourable mention, she's still with me after all these years and has shared pain with me. And grown and developed into something better on top of it. Diane also gets an honourable mention, props to her for being the only reasonable and tolerable person in her family lmao
Kern. I like her. I just like her and think about her and Hael fairly frequently. Nothing too special I just like
Unjust funny and awful :)
Syöjätär. Nobody knows this one and I won't elaborate
Alby will always be so fun to draw but I'm not sentimental over him. Call him a mascot maybe.
Twig, I think they should get to beat people up <3 although I'm a little halfway on Twig, on one hand meh but on the other hand, such a compelling character. It's complicated
Theo, who's a pretty miserable wet rag guy but I grapple with my compulsions through him. He has those too, although they're different it's still at the core of the issue
Dave/Della the Illusionist probably, I can't get anywhere w/o mentioning er
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
1 | name : amie 2 | pronouns : s/her 3 | preferred gender : doesn't really matter 4 | self-description :
— it's ya clown sho <3 anyway, i'm an ambivert but more inclined towards the introvert side. my MBTI is INFJ and i'm a Gemini. i'd describe myself as someone who's very observant? yea, i guess. i'm awkward and you know it. My favorite color is blue, specifically sapphire, but i love all pastel colors. My fav show is Chicago Medical and all the psychological and crime thrillers out there are my favorite ( silent patient is my #1 though ) I love painting, playing piano and basketball!
— what i look in a partner you ask, uh, someone who can tolerate my silence. there are times when i go quiet for a whole day, i'll barely speak, no interaction nothing. i want someone who'd not exactly 'deal with it' but 'understand it.' also, i want someone who i can talk to without any hesitation. i have a hard time opening up so i don't do it but when i do, i spill almost everything. i might cry, might have anxiety attack, i might even shout. i know it's not very healthy but i want someone who can help me with those. plus someone who i can read with please <3 cheating and not having any respect for personal space would be the major deal breaker for me
5 | gen. aesthetic : my fashion sense starts from sweats and ends in sweats. i'm a big fan of those oversized hoodies and shirts, like something really comfy. however, i do have a collection of formal wears like blazers and dress.
6 | color/s to describe myself : red, actually. if not read then blue. it switchers but red 90% of the times.
7 | fav song/s : literally everything by Chase Atlantic and The Neighborhood. However, my absolute favorites are some of the famous classical pieces like Experience by Ludovico Einaudi and Chopin's Ballade No. 1 Op 23.
8 | fav genre of music : classical music ( Beethoven, Einaudi and Chopin own my heart )
Lol this is very lengthy I'm sorry, btw congrats again!
I looked into MBTI, I looked into zodiacs, I went off of what you said
Here he is, the man, Seijoh’s do-it-all guy
HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO ur new boyfriend
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There is not enough content for him, anyway
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How You Met
Bear with me here
Think about this
You love painting? Art club.
Idk if youre actually in any art club but shhh
Anyway, it was probably some sort of community thing full of tons of different age artists (bc you’d have basketball or something after school and he had volleyball)
So like once a week on thursday afternoons everyone gets together and does all sorts of artsy stuff
Everyone listens to lo fi music (or you can bring headphones) and chit chat and just paint for a couple hours
Its in the back section of a library (bc the library near me does stuff like this its awesome) so if you want you can go read a book while you wait for things to dry
One day the person that ran it suggested you talked to the new guy
He was about your age, it was his first day, they didn't know what all he was good at, and tbh they thought you two would look cute together
Just the vibes yk
So you set up your canvas and stuff next to him and introduced yourself
And you guys just vibe to the playlist
He’s REALLY good
Compliments you a lot too
Which is fun because he’s cute so it makes you a little flustered
You find out you guys go to the same school and he’s on the VB team
And says he has a (practice) game that weekend and asks you to come if you can
Which you do
And they win! So its fun!
Matsukawa basically asks you out for him though
He’s heard all about you already
“You don't get it issei! She’s so pretty!! God, she touched my hand and I thought I was gonna die!!!!!” “the enthusiasm is new for you” “shut up asshole” (conversation from the night before)
So he walks up to you after the game and is like “Hey so,,, we’re going out to get some lunch, you wanna come?”
Makki thinks HES flirting with you and is pissed off about it
Until you all sit down for lunch and oh, the only open spot for him is next to you (since when is matsukawa willing to sit between iwaizumi and oikawa??)
He asked you out after art club that week (Mattsun threatened not to give him any more monster for the rest of the month if he didn't get the guts to do it)
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General Headcanons
You date hanamaki, you're also dating matsukawa
There’s no separating them (good thing ur MBTIs work together too, especially for strong friendships)
This was literally my first thought
Good luck with both these trolls
More on that later
Of course he’s going to be worried if you go radio silent for a while, but he'll understand
There are some days he’s not gonna wanna talk either
He’s really supportive on your bad days of course
Expect a random text in the middle of the evening from him
“Hiya sweetheart, just wanted to remind you that you’re beautiful, I love you, and I hope your day is going well.”
When he’s having a bad day, the same thing is all he needs from you to keep moving
He’s a really honest person. If you want to talk to him, be prepared not to get any sugar coating. If you tell him to shut up because you don’t want advice, he will. But if you expect advice from him, expect brutally honest advice. Subtlety is not his strong suit, so when it comes to advice, he’s going to tell it like it is. He's just trying to help, yknow?
However, he’s pretty good with people, so will know how to comfort you when something is bothering you. Tea and cuddles? Gotcha. Dancing at 11pm because neither of you want to sleep yet? On it. You want him to hold you? Perfect.
He’s not like...the most touchy person? There are some things he’s really indifferent on, and other things he’s stubborn as hell with. Whatever you wanna do, though
His weakness though
⚠️this part is slightly little bit suggestive⚠️
He will randomly walk up to you and pull you against him, give you a really deep kiss, smirk and walk away like nothing happened
Like hands in hair probably almost making out and then just
Walk away
Because that’s how he kisses and it’s breathtaking every time
It’s either little temple kisses or forehead or cheek pecks or something
Or that
And probably leaves you flustered and it’s funny (to him) (and to me if I was there with you) (bc that would be funny)
Hmm I’m thinking
I’m thinking hair dye dates
He needs help doing his hair from time to time Y’know (he doesn’t he just likes spending time with you) and he wants to make it pink again
So he teaches you how to do his hair and even offers to dye yours one day
Either just a strand or the ends or everything, up to you
Imagine having twinning hair dye with makki isn’t that cute
I think it’s cute
I said ur platonically dating mattsun right
Yes you are now
He absolutely adores you and loves how much makki loves you
Probably would have asked you out if makki didn’t but he was really pushing for makki to because he was just all over you in the beginning
He wasn’t overly attached to you romantically so being friends? Perfect. Sounds great
You two get along wonderfully though like you act like siblings once you warm up to each other
Again, very brutally honest person, but a little more awkward so doesn’t know what he’s saying might come off as he’s acting like a dick
He doesn’t try to though and he does really care about you
Flat out told makki if he breaks up with you and breaks your heart he’s gonna kick his ass (makki doesn’t know he had the same (less aggressive) conversation with you)
Tbh all of the VBC at seijoh loves you
Oikawa loves talking to you he thinks you’re great for makki
Gets you in on he and makki and mattsun’s antics
Iwa thinks you’re good too he just doesn’t know you as well
I think that kunimi would like you (he was almost a runner up--)
Kindaichi too
The first years just think you’re cool even if they won’t say it out loud
Seijoh VBC loves you
You got mattsun’s approval
And hanamaki loves you with literally everything in his life
You’re pretty set with your strawberry baby huh
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Date Night!
I was waiting for some matchup to come along that gave me sleepover vibes
In a perfect world where you could do sleepovers with your bf because most parents would,,,not let that happen
He shows up at like 7:00 after practice, pizza in hand because he picked up dinner
You two eat, chat about your day, he probably scarfs down half the pie bc it’s after practice ofc he’s hungry
So when you guys are done eating you head up to your room
And make pillow fort
It’s mandatory
Different design every time, but there’s a pillow fort nonetheless
And then when there’s just enough room for the both of you to climb in
You get a blanket and a couple pillows and one of your phones or laptops or whatever and watch a movie and cuddle
When the movie is over you guys break out the face masks
You ever wonder why he has such great skin? It’s thanks to you (or if you don’t have masks, he picks them up on the way home from practice)
But anyway you guys talk shit about people for a while and sit with the masks on (it’s usually him talking about how Oikawa is a bitch as much as he loves him) (or about whatever he and Mattsun were talking about lately)
You both get chances to vent while the masks sit on your face and you just vibe with music (usually that you pick) (he listens to like,,,meme songs and like CORPSE yk)
After masks you guys make/get some snacks and munch on those during another movie but this time you’re in comfy jammies and more relaxed Y’know
Less paying attention to the movie you’ve seen a million times and just vibing in each other’s presence and it’s just really sweet
Fall asleep on his chest
Let him fall asleep on yours
Either way, you’ve got him whipped for you he loves you
Not that he doesn’t already but that’s his favorite thing ever so please just let him do that
Always makes sure to tell you he loves you before you sleep too
If you fall asleep first he takes embarrassing pictures of you with your hair being a mess & you best bet he sends them to mattsun because “she’s so cute omfg” “dude” “dude what” “you’re so fuckin stupid” “?” “Whatever—good luck being whipped just tell me when you need to get a ring, k” “you’re such a jackass” “yeah yeah Gnight”
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Okay so I’m not doing a big long paragraph for all this BUT from what I understand, Gemini/Aquarius are really compatible, and ENTP and INFJ are known as “perfect matches” sO (I had a really hard time deciding between Atsumu and Makki because they're both ENTP)
Psst Gemini + Leo is compatible and so is INTP + INFJ,,,, so, again, asking you to marry me sho 💍💍
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Prelude and Fugue No. 1 in C major, BWV 846
Linus and Lucy by Vince Guaraldi Trio (meme song)
Sky Full Of Stars by The Piano Guys
Someone To You by The Piano Guys
Shut Up And Dance - Simply Three
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Runners Up
Miya Atsumu, Tsukishima Kei
16 notes · View notes