#so andreil can go on a date
sllhouettedreams · 1 year
Thinking about kevin being the platonic third person in the relationship of not just andreil but also jerejean like andrew ships kevin off to usc when he wants just one fckn weekend off the court and kevin has the time of his life there with jerejean and they go on little ice cream dates and they teach jeremy french. Kevin and jean learn to love each other for real and not just in desperation to survive and they all laugh and go over precision drills that jeremy passes along to his team and then when andreil pick kevin up on sunday night and he's all like that was fun now exy and neil is practically vibrating with excitement but andrew just rolls his eyes and indulges them both anyways but the main point of all this the only thing im saying is they all love kevin so much bc its what he deserves
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Hi, can you recommend fics with Andreil being discovered by the new foxes?
Here you go! -A
also see:
freshmen react to andreil 1 here, 2 here
freshmen react/pov outsider here
latest foxes react to andreil here
‘Me and You’ series here
‘midnight love,’ ‘flashes of intimacy ch 14 “devotion,”’ ‘Forever Is A Big Word,’ and ‘Master post for Fluent Freshman AU’ here
‘Allison asks how andreil got together’ here
‘AFTG/TFC minifics…Ch 21’ here
‘Teaching a caged bird to fly’ series here (particularly part 4)
you may also like:
Jack & Sheena being assholes here
Neil fights with Jack here
fics featuring the freshmen here
they match by Ani_Rygaard [Rated G, 2869 Words, Complete, 2021]
Baby Fox finding out about Andrew and Neil cause Neil called Andrew babe.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
Never Have I Ever by hismiley16 [Rated T, 4332 Words, Complete, 2023]
The foxes induct the freshman with a post-preseason drinking game. Things get out of hand and Andrew shuts everybody up.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
The Palmetto State Foxes Rules by Overherenow [Not Rated, 1536 Words, Complete, 2018]
A summary of rules for all freshmen for the Palmetto State foxes Exy team. And some upperclassmen who might forget.
The most beautiful thing ever by poly_pr1nce [Rated T, 1055 Words, Complete, 2018, Locked]
Kevin gets sent a clip from the last winter banquet, and when Allison sees it she agrees all the Foxes need to see it, especially the Freshmen/Cubs so they know what to expect when they piss Neil off or say stuff about Andrew
there's no way JOSTEN has a girlfriend by itadoriminyard [Rated G, 3246 Words, Complete, 2021]
“But it has to be her! Neil literally doesn’t spend time with anyone outside of this team. Like at all. Who could he possibly be dating? Someone on the team?” She asked sarcastically. She was met with silence. “Wait… are y’all serious?” Nicky was positively ecstatic at this turn of events. -- [The freshmen are determined to find Neil's secret girlfriend. Neil and Andrew are unwilling to aid their quest.]
The 5 times Neil wore Andrew's jersey and the 1 time Andrew wore Neil's by Hand_of_the_Alex [Rated T, 2489 Words, Complete, 2016]
Neil hadn’t meant to do it the first time, he just saw orange and white and slipped it on for his late night exy practices with Kevin. Kevin didn’t give any reaction further than an eye roll and a scoff before getting back to exy, so Neil finished the practise wearing Andrew’s jersey.
tw: homophobia, tw: nightmares 
five times christmas meant something by nomadicdeer (someonestolemycoffee) [Rated G, 2359 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil Josten asks Andrew if they can celebrate Christmas. He decided he likes Christmas quite a bit.
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detectivebambam · 4 months
Tumblr media
@zerokrox-blog this got out of hand btw
How Keverejeandreil Got Together
obviously we start with Andreil. they've been together the longest. no surprise there, so that's step one
let's head over to USC. Jean and Jeremy are talking about Kevin and are a little tipsy and they end up kissing. PAUSE ✋
back to Palmetto. Andrew and Kevin are Juniors now, Neil is a Sophomore. around second semester Kevin is so damn exhausted that he falls asleep on Andrew. now they've been known to snuggle, but they definitely don't do that. Andrew realizes that his feelings for Kevin from his Freshman year never actually went away. the next day, he talks to Neil about it. Neil goes "if I was to date anyone else, it'd probably be Kevin or Jean". Andrew is like wait hold up, Jean is hot asf. so they talk about Jean and Kevin and how they want to dick them down etc. etc. FAST FORWARD.
now it's Kevin, Jean, and Andrew's Senior year. Jeremy is away on a pro team, and while they technically never started dating after the kiss (or even talked about it), Jean is still lonely. that's his partner, and while he's healed more since the beginning, he's still on edge. so Andrew, Neil, and Kevin fly Jean over to Palmetto for winter break. and, well.... stuff happens. Neil gets to watch Andrew put his mouth to work on someone else and realizes he quite likes it. Neil makes out with Kevin and Jean but doesn't go any further with them. Jean goes home.
and realizes that Jeremy wanted to surprise him and come back for winter break. whoops. Jeremy smiles and says he's glad Jean is making friends (Jean didn't tell him what they got up to), and he has to go back to the Pro team now. he says Jean don't worry I had a great time with my friends here, it's okay. but Jean is like no I'm gonna miss you, kisses him again, they fuck. back to Palmetto.
Kevi joins Andreil. now we have Kandreil. second step complete. Kevin gets a text from both Jeremy and Jean saying they have feelings for the other man. he makes a group chat, sends the screenshots of the messages, and leaves the group chat.
Jerejean get together. 3rd step complete.
Andrew is very gay and very horny. caves at the sight of a single ab. Kevin is emotional, just came to terms with being bi, allowing himself to be attracted to men, and realizes the same thing Andrew did. all four of these men are hot as fuck. (Jean and Jereny came to the realization a long time ago. Andrew was Jeremy's first Exy crush)
and they're all on the same Olympic team (2010). and they're all rooming together. so. they start with truth or dare. then it escalates to spin the bottle. and then escalates from there. by the time they leave the Olympics, they have a group chat jokingly (?) named "The Polycule"
they're not on the same Pro teams, so yk, it's hard. they all visit Neil during his college breaks, but for the most part they're across the country from each other.
until 2012. Neil immediately signed to Andrew's team when he graduated, Jean is on Jeremy's team, Kevin is alone and feels bad. he doesn't want to transfer just for dick though. Andrew and Neil love Colorado. Jean and Jeremy realize the pro team they're on is incredibly homophobic and can't deal with it anymore. they go "fuck you, you lost your two best players" and transfer to Kevin's team. they live with Kevin because it's easier that way. Kevin has fucked them both of course, but he's not dating them in the same way he's dating Andreil. so he calls them and he's like "babes, would it be cheating if I dated these two during the season, and dated you two in the off season?"
Andrew and Neil are confused but down, so Kevin dates Jerejean in season and Andreil out of season. step 4 ✔️
2014 Olympics time. they're all 110% chill with sharing Kevin, and things are great. they fuck again, but then Jean and Andrew are like.... making out. and not because they're horny either. so they all decide they can be long distance boyfriends. step 5 complete, Keverejeandreil Polycule complete
but long distance is frustrating
the Utah Pro team puts a bomb ass trade offer for Kevin, Jeremy, and Jean (it's fiction i can do what I want). and because Neil and Andrew's house is right on the border of Utah and Colorado, they all move in together.
Keverejeandreil 💕
sorry this got so long
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lovewisegirl06 · 1 year
- Neil doesn't like sweets (Canon fact) but he was willing to take baking classes in order to gift Andrew some chocolate cookies for his birthday (Among other things he learned how to prepare) If the foxes notice him walking funny the next day, Andrew's death stare kept them at bay.
- Andrew knows Neil's schedule and makes sure to remind him to take something with him to eat between breaks. Sometimes he makes small sandwiches and Neil dies inside every time he finds one in his bag.
-Neil leaves post it notes in the fridge when he goes out for a run and Andrew keeps them inside a small box (He also keeps there the receipts from every book Neil has gifted him and of the places they have gone to different dates.)
- When Neil has a nightmare and can't go back to sleep, Andrew tells him about the new book or series he's been paying attention to lately. As they get better with touching and casual PDA, Andrew lets Neil rest his head on his chest and curls his fingers through those red curls until Neil falls asleep again. (Somewhere down the line, this starts happening even when the nightmares are gone.)
- Once, Andrew took a class where he learned how to profile criminals. Neil helped him with all his assignments because damn is he good at figuring people out.
- Sometimes, when Andrew wants to mess with Neil before a game, he leans in and whispers in Russian "The amount of times you score tonight, it's the amount of times I'll let you score when we're alone" at first Neil doesn't get it, but later when they are...celebrating...well, while he's catching his breath and his tights are trembling and he's panting like he ran a marathon and Andrew asks him if he can give him a fourth one...How can he say no? (Kevin and later on Robin learned to make themselves scarce when Neil is determine to at least score five times during a game)
- When Andrew graduates and they are doing long distance, they make sure to call each other every night to talk or simply hear each other breathe. It's the only times Neil keeps his phone fully charged.
- Andrew once tells Neil how there was a cat on one of his foster homes and how much he liked the cat, especially since once that furball scratched and fought when his foster father entered his bedroom one night. Neil mentions how they should get one when they are living together after graduation and can't understand why Andrew kisses him with so much desperation (It's the fact he said When instead of If. But Andrew won't tell him that)
- During Halloween of Neil's second year, Allison wanted to win a bet and convinced Neil to dress up as a bunny (I'm talking about shorts with high tights and bunny ears, with drawn moustaches and everything) Andrew kept quiet the entire time at Eden's and Neil through something bad had happened. Later that night, when he was riding Andrew in their room at Columbia and he heard the "That's it, keep doing that bunny" he understood it was anything but bad. (And if the pet name stuck, it's between them and them only) (Oh my God, maybe I'll write a one shot about this? Should I?)
- Sometimes Neil lets out words in the different languages he knows because he can't remember the English word (Things we bilinguals know can happen) Andrew refuses to tell him the correct word and it's one of the few times something akin to a smile appears on his face.
-Andrew allows Neil to fight his own battles, especially regarding Jack. But after Neil punched the guy, Andrew made sure to carefully explained him what would happen if he ever made another comment towards Neil's appearance.
- Neil leaves scratches down Andrew's back when they're having sex. The first time it happened and he was about to apologize, Andrew pounded into him so hard he saw stars. Andrew won't say it, but he finds the tiny marks something interesting to look at after they're done (Plus, Neil only does it when he's about to come, so it's a great tell tale if he wants to edge him for a while. Scientific purposes)
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thefoxesraven · 8 months
@paradoxolotl wrote one of the cutest andreil fics, Necromancy for Children, and I love it because it makes Neil work at the place I currently work at! BAB, or Build a Bear Workshop.
However, because I work at BAB now, all I can think about (with the lovely @jtl-fics encouraging) an AFTG AU where the foxes are a team of Bear Builders. Wymack is the General Manager, Abby is the Assistant Manger, Dan, Allison, Renee, and Seth are all team leads (Matt is in training to become a lead as well they just need to hire more builders first) and the Monsters are the rest of the crew.
Kevin transfered in from the West Virginia branch to the south Carolina branch because he recently found out that Wymack is his dad but oh no, now his dad is his boss.
This is not Aaron's only job as he pushes himself through medical school. He also works at the cafe that everyone frequents because it's just a walk across the street away. Sometimes, he even comes into BAB smelling like coffee and pastries. He also has another job at a book store closer to the apartment he, Andrew, Nicky, and now Kevin all share. Now Kaitlyn also works at the cafe and the bookstore. However, she and Aaron met during their classes then found out later that they also worked together.
Andrew is just there for the kids. He doesn't express it, but he likes how the young kids light up when he's helping them build their new friends. Andrew is also working for his tuition but he's going to community College to improve his writing skills as he works on his manuscript.
Nicky once again is in the US for the twins. Adopting them as soon as he was able and working hard until they also started working. Nicky is the other person along Matt in the run to be a Team Lead. They just need more employees first.
Neil is a new hire that everyone is unsure of, besides Kevin. Kevin saw him interview at his old store then never saw him return even after his old Managers spoke highly of his interview. He's not inexperienced, though. He's worked at multiple BABs and knows the rules and standards by heart. The binders are his Bible. He'll read them for fun. Master of the Bonus Club captures and Bonus Gift Cards.
Matt is a relatively new hire that was hired on seasoned a year or two ago that just stayed after everyone else left. He and Seth got along immediately, which led Seth and Allison setting him up with Dan as a little double date senario. Renee and Matt used to work together at a local bookstore, but they were let go when the owner couldn't keep it running. Matt ended up working at a sports store, his unique knowledge of boxing coming in handy while Renee went into retail at a small clothing business catered to folks looking for stylish clothes that also followed religious modesty requirements.
Seth is the longest employee besides Wymack and Abby (they've been at this store sense it was first opened). He was, in fact, one of the first people Wymack and Abby hired after getting promoted. Seth, by experience, knows the rules and regulations by heart. He helped Allison, Renee, and Dan all learn the ropes.
Dan and Allison were both interviewed and hired and trained the same days. They quickly became bffs and Dan and Renee had a friendly competition when she was hired on. The girls have become so close they hang out outside if work frequently. Wymack and Abby learned to schedule them at least one day off that lines up.
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jeanmoreautemple · 9 days
How would you rank the canon (and semi canon) AFTG ships? Entries: Andreil, Danmatt, Seth x Allison, Nicky x Erik, Aaron x Katelyn, Kevthea, Catlaila and Jerejean (trust)
Good luck at school❣️
Welcomeee (back if you’re the same anon) thanks anon I’m gonna need that luck
Jerejean. Duh. They might go down once my TSC fever goes down. Keywords healing, opposites attract, sun and moon aesthetic, ray of sunshine x wet dog dynamic, instant attraction, hurt and comfort, new beginnings, etc.
Andreil. They were number 1 until April of this year. Keywords slow burn, enemies to lovers, to-love-is-to-be-seen, soul level connection, deals and promises, boundaries, etc.
Jeanee. Anon you didn’t include them but please they are so very painfully canon. Keywords rainbow x thunderstorm dynamic, instant connection, hurt and comfort, rescue, forehead kisses, healing, necklaces, etc.
5. Catlaila. Jean’s parents. Keywords married couple, domestic fluff, cooking together, lesbian moms, etc.
4. Danmatt. Neil’s defenders since day one. They just took him under their wing no questions. Keywords married couple, rich guy x poor girl, pining, etc.
Aaron x Katelyn. For Katelyn to endure all that bs she must really like the guy. Keyword sweet girl x grumpy guy, i can fix him, doctor couple, etc.
Seth x Allison. Did not care about them until Seth’s short story. Keywords Princess x commoner, toxic, on and off relationship, etc.
Nicky x Erik. I like what Nicky tells Neil about Erik but their open relationship is not for me, I wouldn’t date a 23 y/o guy that makes out with a drugged 18-19 y/o no problem. But Erik sounds sweet.
Kevthea. Cute in theory, but when I stop and think for a second it’s quite creepy. Their origins and foundation are not cute at all. Except for the part where Kevin learns how to braid her hair. Keywords age-gap, freshman x senior couple, cult setting, rivalry, power couple, etc.
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kevindayscrown · 1 month
i found the question in the ec. first answer paragraph she talks about how ichirou wouldn't kill kevin cause he's too valuable an asset.
she says next that neil would go on the warpath if andrew died because it means "losing Andrew meant that nothing else was important enough to keep." Next she says Neil wouldn't go on the warpath if Kevin died because it would mean putting a target on Andrew's back. She says Andrew would feel the same - he wouldn't wish to attempt to avenge Kevin and put Neil in danger.
She says their mutiny against Ichirou would be subtle and careful so ultimately insignificant. But that Neil would live his fullest to honor Kevin's memory & expectations.
This answer presumed their relationship in the books. Where andreil date and Kevin is their friend. So, that's their reaction in that situation. I guess if Kevin dies by some means other than Ichirou, you just take out the bits about that, and Neil just tries to honor Kevin's memory. There wasn't any mention of it having a negative impact on andreils relationship.
I think the other anon was right. I found something similar to what you said where she talks about a prev draft where the 3 of them dated and andreil had to react to kevin dying. its even longer and this is already long so i'll paraphrase heavily: kevin dies, andreil fall out because neither of them can handle grief, neils disappears so they can sort things out apart, andrew implodes, neil returns, they face it together, they get back together, it takes a long time for them to fix things in themselves and between them but they do eventually.
Thank you for the detailed response anon! I'll still take the win for Kandreil nation 😌 platonic or otherwise, I don't think anyone can deny how important Kevin was to them regardless.
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jingerhead · 2 years
Hello! It’s been hot minute since you’ve done a fic rec …. sooo pretty pretty please bless us with one ?
Hi lovely anon! I'd love to do another rec list - I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to answering this, but I hope you enjoy the selection. As always all these fics are andreil-centric unless stated otherwise, be mindful of tags and warnings and show all these writers some support!
The One Where They Adopt The Cats by athousandstoriesleftuntold
Hold my hands tight by Faithpollen
You're Worth Losing a Bet by jaydreamz
Holy Ground by freshtaylorswiftduck
King of My Heart by marie_pothos
Lay All Your Love On Me by somebodytoundress
yeah i'll pay 7 dollars for that by archiveofourfoxes
Neil Josten, Sugar Daddy by tomat0head
When Neil Stole Andrew's Cats by LeosBrainrotvvv
You are in love by freshtaylorswiftduck (misunderstandings)
White Noise by Esmay_Writes (panic/anxiety)
Let's Go To the Beach by greencherrybomb (attempted assault)
the ticking of a heart by kariospy (depression, dissociation, panic attacks)
Broken Compass by JostenlovesMinyard (twinyard-centric, referenced abuse and assault)
So It Goes... by marie_pothos (light angst, mutual pining angst, mild sexual content)
Better than Sex by sillyunicorn6154
Floating with you by boredgojo (Bottom Andrew)
One Squeeze For Yes by bri_ghtly (aftercare)
Manufactured Urgency by andrewiel
No Kissing Challenge by zoellendraws
But I Can Try (If You Like It) by sambutwithbooks (fem andreil)
When I'm awake with you by TheseSmallDelights
you the type i wanna marry and keep you merry by miehczyslaw (fem andreil, omegaverse)
you are a masterpiece by coritkyo (bottom Andrew)
Little by Little by klarfire (incomplete, Neil and Nathaniel are twins, read tags for warnings)
Of Keyboards and Streams by PastelKnights (incomplete, streamer au)
100 days by doodlingstuff (incomplete, blind Andrew)
Who's your roommate? by neil_jos10 (Neil and Aaron are roommates, references to past abuse)
The Art of Being Human by kanekicure (merfolk au, part of the 'way down we go' series you should read itttt)
Growing pains of becoming a Real Person series by nightwalker4769 (Neil has a fear of needles)
A Tragic Beauty by rayla2tobe (incomplete, Sleeping Beauty au)
Absolute Favorites
roller rink kids (steady on your feet) by Major_816 (Mac is a god read all their works)
Thicker Than Water by Fortheloveofexy (vampire Andrew)
For The Dancing & The Dreaming by Tidalst (sorcerer Neil)
How to Write a Love Story by tomat0head (fake dating)
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llanta-flema · 3 months
i just started watching the rookie and I NEED a The Rookie AU but make it ANDREIL, it could be like Andrew, a rookie, being injured while fighting with a criminal and he goes into the hospital and then he meets a nurse which happens to be NEIL JOSTEN, and then andrew gets like obsessed with him and he starts going to the hospital almost every single week with cheap excuses like he needs to guard over a patient, or that he just wanted food and the food from the hospital is good (even tho they both know its horrendous). he has done this for almost 2 months and every single time hes there he wants to ask Neil for his number or something but he never does, but one day, andrew gets into a HUGE fight with a criminal (bonus points if its R*ko), and then he gets injured so badly he ends up in the ER and Neil is just so worried and he tries to do everything he can do to help, and at the end everything goes well but andrew decides its enough and FINALLY asks Neil on a date, and Neil just laughs and asks him why did he took so long, bc cmon, the man has watched andrew go to the hospital every single week with lame excuses just to see Neil, but at the end Neil says yes and happy ending :))
bonus points if kevin is andrews TO (training officer), and hes a pain in the ass about rules and paperwork
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iqueenlost · 1 year
Part 2/5 of my Andreil fake dating au
Check Part 1
@dreamerthinker @folklt @lalalaets @julesghouls98 @tesadoraofphaedra @objectifymecaptain @holyshitthatsilegal @ourshadowstars @bumpingbees @madrasiiuvu
Neil didn't know where he was in the head when he told Andrew it was a good idea to pretend to date, obviously, he wasn't thinking straight. Hah, got it? Thinking straight. Okay, he had to stop, he really wasn’t funny. 
It seemed like a good idea at the time. In the split second after Andrew uttered the words ‘Neil’s my boyfriend’ Neil came to a realization. So what did he do? Rolled with it all the while thinking this was his golden chance to make it true. After years of pinning he was determined to pursue Andrew, it was even the New Year’s Resolution he made in the beginning of the year. It was now or never, and he much preferred it would be now.
But one week had passed and nothing had changed. Even though he and Andrew lived together he barely saw him that week. He would've thought Andrew was avoiding him if he didn’t know how busy Andrew was lately. He sighed and took another page from the pile of assignments that needed to be graded.
Another poor choice he made in his life. Him, a teacher in high school. Just what the hell was he thinking when he thought it would be a good job for him? He was pinning that on Wymack, if he had been a terrible role model for poor angsty teenage Neil, Neil would never have thought being able to inspire some kids was a pretty good job. Now at 26, he was being underpaid and surrounded by rude, angsty kids. He almost felt bad for Wymack who had to deal with him back then. He sighed again, getting yet another assignment from the pile.
“Alright, what is the problem?” A voice asked brusquely from the back of the classroom.
Neil looked up to a small teenage boy from his freshman class sitting on the second to last chair in the roll directly in front of his desk. He was leaning back on the chair with one of his legs tossed over the table and a phone with a bright neon green phone case in his hand. “What?” he said, blinking slowly before snapping out of it. “Get your leg off the table and sit properly, Ajax.” 
Ajax rolled his eyes but did as Neil said. “You sighed a million times already, and you didn't even notice when I entered and sat here. It’s so unlike you.”
“What are you doing here anyway?”
“My brother’s late again. He was supposed to pick me up after track practice but–” he shrugged, his voice going quieter at the end. “I didn't want to wait in the front gate and you said I could wait here last time.”
Last time had been a debacle. Ajax was a great kid ―if not too smart for his own good sometimes― but some of the other kids didn't seem to like him very much. Neil was no stranger to bullying, having suffered his fair share in his school days. If it hadn't been for Andrew he was sure it would have been even worse when he and his uncle moved to Palmetto. The kids that messed with Ajax did so seemingly for no reason at all, they just enjoyed being mean to him. Neil had offered to do something about it but Ajax said he was going to deal with it alone and as it hadn't escalated to something worse than some petty pranks and missing books he was going to leave it alone and respect Ajax's wishes for now.
“You can stay in the class as long as you want, Ajax.”
Ajax shrugged again. “Why are you sighing so much anyway?”
Neil sighed again and Ajax snickered with a raised eyebrow, Neil joined in laughing too. “I'm not sure what I'm sighing about.”
“Bulshit! It's a love problem, I'm sure.” 
“And why’s that, experience?” Amused Neil.
“No, ew.” His nose wrinkled in the same way Neil used to do when he was Ajax’s age. At that time he really thought he’d never know what romantic love or sexual attraction was all about. “My brother signs a lot because the guy he likes doesn't like him back.”
“Should you be telling me that?” Neil asked getting up from his chair and crossing the room to stop and take the chair in front of Ajax’s table.
“Meh, probably not.” He shrugged yet again. “It’s not like he would know I said that anyway, he’s never home anymore.”
“He’s got a new job, right?” Neil probed gently.
“Yep, big pay and everything.”
“But that means he’s gone a lot, right?”
“You don't need to act like you care, Mr. Josten.”
“I do care, Ajax. When I was your age I went to live with my Uncle. His lifestyle was very different from my mother’s and he worked full time. It was really hard and I spent most of my time home alone.”
Although their situation was different he could relate to Ajax at some level. His uncle had taken him in after his father's imprisonment and his mother had taken off to God’s know-where, but it was true that Uncle Stuart knew nothing about caring for a traumatized teen, just like Ajax’s brother didn't seem to understand what Ajax really wanted.  
Ajax sighed and looked down at his hands. “I guess I just thought that living with him would be different. My father and Tara cared only about Eli and didn't care about me. When Jason fought for custody after the incident I thought someone would finally put me first, but he just cares about his stupid job, his stupid crush, and his even stupider car.
The ‘incident’ was when Ajax's father and stepmom forgot him in the rented cabin where they stayed for the winter vacation last year, full-on Home Alone. Ajax spent six hours alone in the middle of nowhere, stranded in a mountain cabin in Colorado until his older brother went to pick him up. Neil’s blood boiled just thinking about it, how could someone forget their thirteen-year-old kid and leave them behind when going home? Neil prayed that he would never understand the mind of neglectful parents. They say once you understand it’s because you became one of them.
“Speaking from someone with a little experience in being an afterthought, your brother cares a lot about you. It’s just that providing for two is a lot harder than just one. I know right now you don't want to hear it, but it does get better and it would be a lot faster if you talked to him about your concerns.”
It worked for Neil and Uncle Stuart at least.
“I think I prefer when you’re spitting half insults at us.” He grumbled, crossing his arm defensively.
Neil laughed at that. “Alright, if that’s what you want from me I’m more than happy to provide.”
Ajax opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the chime of a notification. Ajax looked down at his phone and frowned. “My brother’s here. I should get going.”
“I’ll walk with you,” Neil said as he walked back to his desk to collect the ungraded assignments there so he could finish grading them at home.
They walked side to side to the front gate while they talked about Ajax track practice and his new record time, only stopping when Neil needed to unlock his bicycle. When they reached the front gates Ajax's brother wasn’t the only one waiting there. Just behind the red classic car ―the type that Neil could never dream of recognizing the model― was a black Range Rover and its blonde driver looking as bored and beautiful as ever behind the steering wheels. 
Neil stopped walking to admire the way the sun shone on Andrew, making his hair almost white and his hazel eyes spark. He wore his glasses today, the ones that had slightly oval lenses and thin black frames. It usually meant he was tired or had a headache when he used his glasses.
Andrew's head moved suddenly and turned in Neil’s direction as if feeling Neil’s gaze on him. He gestured with his head indicating that Neil should hurry up and get in the car.
“Not a boy problem, huh?” Ajax snorted when he noticed Neil looking at Andrew. He shook his head going past Neil to go to his brother's car. “See you later, Mr. Josten.”
Neil nodded at Ajax's brother and walked over to the black Range Rover. It was Neil’s ―a present from his uncle two years ago― but he usually rode a bicycle to school. Sometime when Andrew knew he would have time to pick Neil up he drove the Range Rover to work. 
When Neil came close to the passenger side Andrew rolled down the passenger side window and looked at Neil over the top of his prescription glasses as if they were sunglasses. “Get in loser, we’re going shopping,” he said, his deep voice flat as always but Neil could tell he seemed a lot happier than the last time Neil saw him, the night before.
“We are going shopping,” Neil repeated, not quite asking.
Andrew rolled his eyes before unlocking the doors. “Of course, you don't get it. Just get in.”
Neil rolled his eyes right back at Andrew. He put his bicycle on the bike rack strapped to the back of the car before hopping in the passenger seat and fastening his seatbelt. “You seem in a better mood today.” He commented when he was settled. Although he could still see the bags under Andrew’s eyes the somber look that had been permanent on his face the last few weeks had lessened a lot.
Andrew ‘fake-scowled’ at him. “Submitted the last of the paperwork on Georgie’s case.”
“Oh,” Neil hesitated before continuing. “I hope everything went well?”
Andrew avoided talking about his work most times preferring to leave the things he saw as the assistant DA in the office. Besides it wasn't always that Andrew was in charge of cases, especially child rape, as it tended to be triggering for him. He usually worked in murder cases or drug traffic, where he excelled tremendously.
“Georgie said he was just happy it had ended,” he said, a frown forming between his eyebrows. “14 years,” he said. “It should be lifetime.” 
“You did the best you could, Andrew.”
“Change the subject,” Andrew grunted lowly, his knuckles turning white around the steering wheel.
“Ajax’s brother was late today, he waited for him in the classroom with me. Apparently, his brother likes a guy that doesn’t like him back.” Neil said before going on to tell Andrew everything that happened that day since he left home. His stop at the cat cafe close to their apartment, the test he applied to his junior class, the poorly disguised attempt of flirting between Mr. Haynes and Ms. Jones, the Science and English teachers, at lunchtime.
Twenty minutes later when Andrew steered the car into the garage of their building he was still talking non-stop and in desperate need of a glass of water. This was just how they worked; he talked and talked when all Andrew needed was to take his mind off things and listen to his nonsense.
When the car stopped Neil looked around confused. “I thought we were going shopping.”
Andrew didn’t respond and just got out of the car with Neil following. Just as Neil was closing the door his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out looking at the screen to see Allison’s name on the screen. He gestured to Andrew to keep going in the elevator’s direction as he picked up the call. 
“Neil Abram Josten, I thought I was your best friend.” She screamed so loud from the other side that Neil had to distance the phone from his ears.
“Debatable as you’re trying to make me deaf.”
“Nicky called.” She said as if it would make it obvious what this was about. When Neil didn’t say anything she repeated slowly. “Nicky called.”
She signed. “He said quote-unquote 'Did Neil tell you the news?’.” She squeaked in a high-pitched voice that in nothing resembled Nicky’s voice. “And of course I pretended you did, because, once again, of course. And what a surprise when he spilled the tea, the great news was that you are dating the Monster.”
Neil frowned at his phone. “Don't call him that.”
“He doesn't care,” she said dismissively.
“But I do.”
He really hated it when his friends called Andrew that. They called Andrew Monster even before Neil had moved here for his freshman year. He wasn't sure exactly how it began as neither Andrew nor the others had ever told him but Andrew was not a monster. Neil knew a thing or two about real monsters and Andrew couldn't be further away from it. He was beautiful in more ways than Neil could describe. His sharp mind, his hazel eyes, the way he understood Neil like no one else could. 
Neil discreetly looked at Andrew, he was leaning against the wall of the elevator with his eyes closed. These last few weeks had drained him, the last time Neil saw him this tired was when he was studying to pass the bar exam. His hair was a mess like someone had just run their fingers, and his lips although chapped were bright red ―Andrew had the habit of pressing his lips together all the time he was concentrating on something or just thinking really, it made blood rush there and color it―, he also had red spots on his cheeks, probably from the sun. Actually, he looked freshly kissed. Neil let himself imagine what it would feel like to be the one to make Andrew look like that for a moment. It was rare that Neil even had the urge to think about something remotely close to kissing or sex-related but when it included Andrew in the picture it was enough to make all the gears on Neil’s mind and body move.
“Neil.” Allison's voice came again. “Are you still there?”
“Uh-huh,” he cleared his throat. “What was it again?”
“I'm asking you if it’s true. Scratch that, I’m seeing it for myself. Renee and I are coming for dinner.”
“Why don't you go ahead and invite Dan and Matt as well.” He grumbled.
“You can bet your ass I'm gonna,” she hissed. “I can't believe you didn't tell me yourself, it’s been one week.
In his defense, Neil had intended to tell them. It’s just that he’d intended to only after he had some clue if he could make Andrew fall for him, which he hadn’t been able to determine as he could count on one hand the number of times he had time to just sit and talk to Andrew that week.
“Okay,” he conceded with a sigh, he really was doing it a lot lately. “You can come over tomorrow.”
“Today,” she demanded.
“Tomorrow or never, it’s your choice,” he insisted. “Andrew just closed a case and we’re going to have a chill night.” Neil looked at Andrew again to find him with one of his eyes open, looking back at him.
“Is this what they’re calling it now?”
“Shut up.” he hissed, feeling heat flood his face and neck as he hung up the call.
Thankfully the elevator stopped on their floor and he didn't have to be in a small enclosed space with Andrew after Allison put those ideas in his head. Totally her fault, he would never think of it by himself. 
“So…” he started after Andrew unlocked their door and set the keys on the vintage console table Renee had gifted them when they moved in. “Allison, Renee, Matt, and Dan are coming for dinner tomorrow.”
“At least it's Saturday tomorrow,” was Andrew's reply. “And you’re cooking for them.”
“No problem.” He drew his lower lips between his teeth and Andrew's eyes moved to them to track the movement. “I’m making creamy shrimp pasta and garlic bread.”
He smiled when Andrew hummed in agreement, that was Andrew's favorite since he made it for him when they were in college.
“Stop smiling, smug is not a good look on you,” Andrew said as he dropped onto the couch and took his phone from his back pocket. “We’re ordering pizza unless you want to cook today too.”
“No, thanks.”
“Pizza it is then. Meat lover, I assume.”
“You know me so well, babe.” he smiled at the way Andrew's ear turned pink and he glared at Neil. It was fun to tease him, besides those small details gave Neil hope, it made him think that he could make Andrew see him as more than just a friend after all.
He placed his backpack on the coffee table and sat on the other side of the couch putting one leg up while the other dangled off the side of the couch, foot touching the floor.
After Andrew ordered the pizza he tossed his phone aside and burrowed himself in the cushions, his neck bending back over the backrest, it didn't look like a comfortable position.
“Not going to shower?” Neil asked using his foot to poke at Andrew’s tight. He liked Andrew’s work clothes ―usually black dress shirts and black slacks that hugged his body emphasizing his broad shoulders and muscled thighs― and wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to appreciate it, but it was rare that Andrew didn’t go straight to shower after getting home. It was a whole ritual for him. Like he used the time to wash off all his work stuff from his mind and finally be able to relax.
“Humm,” he mumbled softly, his eyes closed again. “I need five minutes.”
Neil sat next to him in silence for a few seconds but being quiet was never one of his strengths. When his right foot started to tap against the wooden floor and the disquieting feeling in his stomach began to grow he looked at the backpack he had discarded on the coffee table and considered finishing the paper he had to grade. Forget it, he could do it later. He looked at Andrew and observed him for a moment before blurting out. “Do you want a massage?”
Andrew's eyes flew open instantly, cheek turning an alarming shade of red. “What?”
Neil felt a lot more confident that he could charm Andrew into dating him for real at his reaction, even though he also felt a little awkward. He shoved the awkwardness to the back of his mind and attempted a flirty smirk, resting his elbows on the backrest of the couch and his head on his hand. “I thought I’d offer, you know, as your boyfriend.
“You can keep your paw to yourself,” Andrew grunted in a rough voice.
Neil simply meowed in response, laughing uncontrollably when Andrew got up from his spot on the other side of the couch with a disgusted expression so different from his usual expressionless resting face. Teasing him was so much fun.
“I’m going to shower before I catch some of your ridiculousness.” He scowled. “You’re a menace.”
Neil bent over with his arms around his middle wheezing from laughter, one tear slowly tracking down one side of his face from how hard he was laughing. He couldn’t stop. Andrew rolled his eyes and walked off in the direction of his room. Before he disappeared into the corridor Neil yelled at him “Wait, can I join in, darling?”
Andrew didn't even look at him as he kept walking, only raising his middle finger above his shoulder in response.
Neil had made up his mind, he had until dinner with their friends the next day to woo Andrew and become his real boyfriend and the first step was to take Andrew on a date tomorrow. He just had to spin a story convincing enough to make Andrew agree.
– This is the first time I post something I wrote and I so happy that there someone out there that wants to read it. Let me know what you all think 😊
– I really wanted to write the dynamic of teacher!neil
– Next part is their date and I made this a oblivious!Andrew Au after reading so many fics where Neil's the oblivious one, so expect Neil trying really hard to get the message across and flirt with Andrew while Andrew thinks Neil is just acting weird
Check Part 3
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chapter 6 thoughts: (spoilers ahead!)
oh. fuck.
he was king. now he’s a martyr.
holy shittttt
aftg really brings us all together, this is random but i love talking to other fan accounts about the books
anyway fanfics will no longer have to speculate when rikos funeral was, and if kevin attended or not (or if he had a mental breakdown about it)
also neil u have no tact babe and i love u for it
oh renee ur so lovely ur so insightful (neil u should listen to what she has to say)
jean and his ‘i won’t grieve him’ ❤️🫶
- ‘promise me’ jean said with a desperation that should have kill him, nathaniel didn’t hesitate, ‘i promise’ SHUT THE FUCK UP I LOVE THEM THANK U NORA THIS IS EVERYTHING I WANTED FROM THIS BOOK
it’s 1:40 am and i’ve just made a cup of tea to keep myself awake
feeling many things about jeans perusal of the fox photo wall and taking renee’s picture
i know these motherfuckers aren’t accusing neil kevin and jean of abandoning that cunt and leading to his ‘suicide’
WE ARE THE RIGHT PEOPLE I THINK JUST NOT THE RIGHT TIME (look i am admittedly not a jean/renee shipper but good god they are so sweet in this)
Tumblr media
screaming as silently as i can rn
- petition for someone to put summertime sadness on the jean playlist
whattttt is the mystery about jeremy’s family?? what is this fabled fall banquet that tore his family in half im so intrigued i have to know more
jeremy dad of the trojans checking to see that they’re safe and also cody first cannon non binary character??? pls say yes
accidentally fell asleep in the middle of my planned all nighters whoops it’s currently 7 am
chapter 7:
“I like to indulge,” Jeremy said with a dimpled smile. ​Kevin’s words mocked him in the back of his thoughts: “Some of them you like.”
i did. notice this in chapter 2 or whatever but is this?? are we getting jerejean???? that’s what this means righ??
jeremy wdym ‘oh to be the pampered elite’ u have a butler??
jean defending kevin saying he’s earned the right to be arrogant be still my beating heart i love these stubborn mother fuckers
He was years away, watching a different beautiful boy lean in close to say, Will you teach me when he’s not watching? It could be our secret.
chapter 8!!
flicked him a sly look. “Easy on the eyes, maybe.”
also so glad that there’s 100% confirmation cat and laila are dating (shared bedroom!)
the description of laila and cats lounge room is so soft and cozy im so jealous i wish i was there
barkbark von barkenstein u will never top sir fat cat mcatterson (although props to nora for always having simultaneously the worst and most creative names for pets)
jean telling cat she’s a good player but misses every ball at her hips is literally every raven! (someone) fic ever come to life where they meet a relatively normal other team and have absolutely no tact or awareness of what others considered rude and immediately tell the other players what their weaknesses are (i’m obsessed)
“Yes,” he said, and if he didn’t sound sure, he at least sounded angry. “Let them all burn. I hope none of them survive.” BABY I LOVE U IM SO PROUD OF U UR SAFE NOW FUCK RIKO FUCK THE RAVENS FUCK THE MASTER
“Oh, he’s good. A bit rude, but I like him. I think we’re going to be good friends.”
i’d say the exact same thing
*jeremy giving jean the keys*
well it’s not andreil levels of drama and symbolism but love a good comparison
or they do not care enough about her wellbeing. It’s unforgivable either way.”
giggling a bit over jean being up in arms about boba knowing that he’d be seriously unimpressed with me if he knew how much boba i drank
he wants to know what it was for
The Ravens had given up everything to be the undefeated champions, only to be destroyed last month by a tiny team from South Carolina.
“Loving something is not enough,” Jean told him, right on cue. ​“When is the last time you enjoyed playing?” Jeremy asked. ​“Irrelevant,” Jean said. “I am Jean Moreau; I am perfect Court. I do not need to enjoy it to be the best backliner in the NCAA.”
that was what Jean felt safest in, Jeremy would back his decision wholeheartedly.
chapter 9999
also i’m so glad that we have jeremy/laila/cat friendship like in fics and stuff they were always best buddies coz they were the only trojan characters named in the books but it’s great to see they’re actually good friends in cannon
“I need you to listen to me for one moment,” Laila said, “and I need you to believe me when I say it. Fuck Coach Moriyama.”
cat talking macronutrients and promising to help with his diet so it’s still familiar but more fun in order to begin healing jeans relationship with food is so important to me
nora bleaching jeremy’s hair blonde after telling us she was shocked we all headcannoned him as blonde while she thought he was brunette is so funny to me,, don’t worry fan artists u do not have to change a thing!
(frosted tips made me giggle too, jeremy u pussy)
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?”
chapter 10
jean learning basic household chores like sorting and washing clothes and deep cleaning the apartment and learning his way around a supermarket <3
Afternoons were filled with whatever the women were in the mood for that day, be it wandering downtown, shopping, or combing through estate sales.
Jean went where they took him because it was better than being left in the house alone,
Ravens graduated; they didn’t leave.
fuck if that didn’t just stop my heart
i definitely should have been more wary of the trigger warnings. if anyone is wanting to read the book but is worried about certain parts, i’d be happy to let y’all know what sections are triggering so u can try and skip around them.
But Jean was not a Raven, and Wayne was dead.
the thought of that quiet space with its single bed was so repulsive he turned toward the living room instead. - this is so important to me
He could sense the others’ presence even if they weren’t around to bother him, and that was enough to take the edge off the loneliness eating at his heart.
literally end my life i’m so happy for jean, he’s healing slowly but surely
this was better than anything he’d ever had. It was worlds more than he deserved. He feared it as much as he wanted it;
wait wtf,, zane is reacher??? in literally every raven fic ever reacher is the most abusive character other than riko
^ yeah i wrote that two seconds before then reading jeans panic attack about drowning and the trigger of riko waterboarding him and neil and now i want to cry
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you-know-i-get-itt · 2 months
WIP Game: andreil fake dating au
(My eyes saw fake dating and thoughts are spinning in a cyclone right now) <333
aahhh i am at a bit of an impasse with this one because i can't think of any canon-adjacent way to make this happen
so far i've considered this: neil and aaron met when neil was admitted to a hospital that aaron was then interning at, and neil tries to escape because of course he does and aaron doesn't let him, and somewhere in the middle of being absolutely bitchy to each other, they end up becoming friends. they create a system where neil knows to turn up at aaron's house every time he's injured beyond something he can handle himself, and aaron knows not to ask questions. what neil doesn't know, however, is that aaron has a twin brother
exy is happening in the background because of course it is, and a lot of the events of aftg take place (i'm not entirely sure just how, but they do, and stuart kills nathan and everything) so neil eventually joins a pro team. this team is actually not a particularly good one but kevin day just joined it and neil is very hopeful. this team also happens to be the same as andrew's team, so naturally, the first time he sees andrew he goes "aaron? what are you doing here?"
andrew doesn't want his teammates to know he has a twin brother (for various andrew reasons, don't question him) so when they understandably go "who's aaron?" he goes "...my other name."
"but why would you lie to him about your name? is he someone we shouldn't trust?"
"no, it's because he's my... ex?"
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jtl-fics · 1 year
i just want you to know that I've started watching The Fantastic Race (I'd never heard of it before) and i too cannot stop imagining Andreil in it.. but also a Foxes/Exy only edition.
like, one is Foxes only, 10 teams, either with some of the freshmen, or while Seth is still alive/in an AU where he survives.
one is Andreil against other Americans where they dominate everything
and one is Andreil, Kevin/jeremy, riko/jean, and some other teams from other American Exy teams
i will eat this thing upppp!! please write it, i beg of you lmao
I do love me some Amazing Race. I think I could give you a Miracle Year of Collegiate Exy version of the Amazing Race.
I think maybe after their initial run through and victory Neil and Andrew are like absolute fan favorites and even though Neil, Andrew, nor the show ever say it there is a general belief that Neil and Andrew got together BECAUSE of the show. Any follow-up publicity on it has Neil and Andrew just staring at the camera like "Are u for fucking real?"
The thing with these shows is that fan favorites get asked to go back ALL the time and Neil gets a lot of very lucrative sponsorships that make the Moriyamas VERY happy after it.
They offer the same deal, a cut on the % that they will take from earnings and this time it's just for competing and this time it's a deal given to. They want the Miracle Generation of the Foxes to come and if every one does then Ichirou will lower Neil, Jean, and Kevin's %s owed to 50% (Maybe the deals are that good, maybe Ichirou is a big fan of the show, maybe he has a finger in it's production. This is mostly just like rationale on why the fuck they'd all do this. Especially Neil and Andrew since like Andrew had a bad time on those planes).
Either way not a single Fox disagrees. Arrangements are made for everyone's kids / pets. Shit is talked.
The Miracle Generation Race is ON.
The Teams are As Follows:
(Fox) Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard (Orange) (Dating)
(Fox) Kevin Day & David Wymack (Green) (Father-Son)
(Fox) Dan Wilds-Boyd & Matt Wilds-Boyd (Yellow) (Married)
(Fox) Allison Reynolds & Renee Johnson (Pink) (BFFs)
(Fox) Aaron Minyard & Katelyn Minyard (Blue) (Engaged)
(Fox) Nicky Klose & Erik Klose (Purple) (Married)
(Trojan) Jean Moreau & Jeremy Knox (Red) (Dating)
(Raven) Johnson & Reacher (Black) (Friends)
(Trojan) Alvarez & Laila (White) (Dating)
(Raven) Thea Muldani & Jenkins (Teal) (Friends)
(Penn) Penn State Coach & Penn State Captain (Grey) (Friends? IDK I ran out of people to be honest and thought well maybe we just have some throwaway team to lose first)
One of the funnier things I could do with that is that this Miracle season is also fan favorite season too and they want the cast to come back but no one can be with their same partner again. So you get shit like Neil and Jean, Jeremy and Andrew, Allison and Kevin, Renee and Aaron, Wymack and Nicky, etc.
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halfpintpeach · 1 year
My Masterpost
Hi hello welcome! Here's a masterpost of my AO3 works and Tumblr Tags :)
Current Ongoing:
Glacial - (Andriel, Rate T) Apocalyptic AU set in an ice age. Lots of cuddling (just for the warmth and shared body heat of course)
Faerie - (Andriel, Rated M) Fantasy AU, Andrew's best friend is a sentient plant
Game of Survival - (Kevin POV, Rated T) established secret relationship Andreil, aged up Andreil, big brother Neil (but he's also a dick)
New Beginnings - (Andreil, Rated G) stardew valley AU based off of my twitter thread!
All my series and one shots and tumblr tags are below the cut!
Professor Neil series:
An AU series where pre Palmetto, Neil was caught by his father and ended up loosing a leg. He is now a Math and Linguistic Professor and just so happens to be married to professional exy player Andrew Minyard.
Necessary Losses - (Andreil, Rated T, 9.7k) Neil bullys Kevin, Neil and his grad students go to an Exy game, Neil's mobility support dog is named Duke and she's everything to me thank youuuu
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - (Andriel, Rated G, 3.6k) Neil has a rough day at work, loving husband Andrew stops by
It's Alright, It's Okay series:
A collection of post canon fluff pieces
Soft Mornings (Gray Skies) - (Andreil, Rated M, 1.4k) lazy mornings, cuddles, implied smut at the end
My Home Will Never Be A Place - (Andreil, Rated G, 3k) Andrew POV, soft boys
Take This Heart, Put Yourself In It - (Andreil, Rated T, 2.9k) Andrew's birthday, Neil surprises him, Matt and Andrew are roommates
Petrichor - (Andreil, Rated G, 1.8k) rainy days, Neil loves the rain
Arlo Minyard-Josten series:
In collaboration with @prince-peachie, Arlo is Andrew and Neil's adopted son.
Can You Hold Me - (Andreil, Rated G, 1.1k) Toddlers are heavy, idiots in love, Andreil are the best parents
Arlo and the Baseball Surprise - (Andreil, Rated G, 1.4k) Arlo is a prankster, Andrew has no sympathy
One Shots (updated with most recent at the top):
Sports, Balls - (Andreil, Rated E, 9.4k) Absolute filth. Background Minyard-Josten Rivalry.
Rough Draft - (Andriel, Rated M, 12k) 5+1 of the professional years Andrew and Neil aren't on the same team and the one time they finally make it
To Run - (Andriel, Rated T, 1.5k) vent fic about anxiety and panic attacks, Neil runs but always calls Andrew
Hey, Pumpkin - (Andreil, Rated G, 4.3k) Andrew gets arrested when fans spot him driving around known rival Neil's car. Nevermind that they live together and are dating
Aquascape - (Andreil, Rated G, 2k) Mermay 2023, Andrew and Neil are the size of clown fish.
Think With Your Head - (Andreil, Rated E, 9.6k) Andrew has a wet dream missing Neil
Cruel Summer - (Andreil, Rated T, 3k) AFTG Mixtape 2023, based on a Taylor Swift song, sneaking out, secret relationships
Fireside - (Andreil, Rated G, 4.7k) The Foxes take a winter vacation
Gorgeous - (Andreil, Rated M, 6.7k) 5+1 of others finding out Neil's pet name for Andrew, implied sexual content, POV alternates
Tearing My Seams, Lucid Reality - (Andreil, Rated E, 7.4k) SMUT, bottom Andrew, use of pet names, let Andrew be worshipped
Memento Mori - (pre-Andreil, Rated T, 4.2k) Neil is a grim reaper and Andrew accidenly stumbles upon him taking a soul
Covenant - (Andrew & Aaron, Rated G, 1.4k) Aaron is the first to reach out, and Andrew is the last to let go
What A Feeling - (Kevin & Andrew, Rated G, 900) Andrew and Kevin talk post Kevin's graduation
WIP Wednesday Tags:
ALL AFTG WIP Wednesday asks - what it says on the tin
ALL wips - I am so so sorry if you click this, it's a mess
Dragons AU - Andrew is a dragon shifter and Neil is a witch
Rivalry Same Team - Andreil secretly together and percieved as rivals, Andrew joins Neil's team
ASSassins - that one post about assassins trying to bone and just pulling more and more conealed weapons off of themselves
Snow White AU - vaguely Snow White inspired, no dwarves though I'm sorry
Arranged Marriage - historical fantasy AU, falling in love
Tattoo Shop/Flower Shop AU (Renison) - Tattoo Artist Allison and florist Renee
Ice Age - A glacial period apocalypse where everyone is living in another ice age
Hades and Persephone AU - exactly what it sounds like!
MerNeil - Andrew is a painter who falls into the ocean and is saved by a merman
Tutor Neil - Professor Neil prequel :) Math tutor Neil, getting together, pining, service dogs!
The Tunnel - AFTG supernatural beings AU with some provate school aspects
Teacher/Actor - Andrew is an English teacher and Neil is an A-List actor
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 year
What I think Andrew and Neil’s personality/life/relationship will be like without ALL the trauma and so the “real” them without all the baggage
(Obviously just my opinion and interpretation)
He would still be a super protective person especially as those he views as family (nicky, Aaron, his parents (??), friends he knows he can trust)
Would still have gone through a goth/grunge phrase
His sweet tooth is still atrocious
The type of guy to stop people from physically bullying others (verbally he does not care if the person can’t take it its a them problem)
Tons of piercings everywhere
Doesn’t try in school because he doesn’t have to with his eidetic memory yet he is only second right behind Aaron
No one is shocked that he is gay
I can see him studying things like philosophy literature classics history or just any of the intellectual degrees (he will do double major)
Definitely got scholarships for any universities he applied to (same as Aaron)
Chooses to go to the university that Aaron chooses (“Andrew ucla’s criminology is the best in the whole world why are you choosing John Hopkins” “John Hopkins’s literature and classics is the best in the world” “Andrew-“)
Doesn’t have a lot of people he considers as friends but he does have a select fews and he is not really in a friend group more like some scattered friends but he hoard like gold
Most likely to become a university professor ? Or a baker or whatever he wants and he will be so successful in it because he will put his heart and soul into it
Had a few flings here and there (maybe one or two relationships but no one can ever be on par with him) until he meets Neil (because in every universe they are still meant to be)
Still skeptical and doesn’t trust easily
Those he considers as friends he holds on so tight he will literally die and kill for them
Still got a smart mouth that gets him in trouble
Troublemaker in school and people either love or hate him theres no in between
Math nerd
Would have been valedictorian but he doesn’t pay attention in class and skip classes if his friends ask him to
He will be in a friend group that everyone will ride and die for each other and is the friend group that everyone is envious of because they know it is for life even if they all separate in university
Obviously he will get a maths degree
Becomes mathematician or whatever it is smart people becomes in the future
Obviously he will be successful as well
Even in university he will somehow find a friend group and once again its the best people in the world for him and now he got THREE families (or however many because everywhere he goes this attractive troublemaker just attracts and makes his own found family without meaning to)
Throughout highschool or university or work (until he meets Andrew) he would have never dated because he genuinely does not get the point and no one ever interests him that way (until he meets Andrew)
No matter how they meet whether its highschool or in university or meet cute or meet ugly or whatever its always Andrew that falls first and finds the troublemaker attractive and neil is just the oblivious guy
But Neil is always the one that falls harder
Its always slowburn and kills their families and friends and makes everyone wants to just kill them
Their communication skills are what every couple wishes they have
Andrew still gives neil so much nicknames
Their personality will always complement each other and Neil’s fire will always spark’s Andrew’s interest and Andrew’s steady presence will always hold up whatever Neil has
The soul deep understanding will always be there
In any universe they will still inevitably end up together because their souls are made for each other
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livingasaghost · 1 day
okay i probably should not go down this rabbit hole but i think i deserve to do some andreil proposal/wedding headcanon because who cares!!
this is going to be inspired by these three posts because i cannot stop thinking about them
also the usual disclaimer: if this is bad or goes against your own personal headcanon....so be it<3
when andrew finally accepts that this is a THIS, he and neil do not talk about The Future
both of them know how quickly things can change and how you can't plan for anything in life because shit happens and life isn't fair and people always hurt you...so they just keep living in the present
but after a while it kind of becomes clear that neither one of them is going anywhere, even though neither of them actually believes it
more than that, they keep running into problems
like when neil plays a game for Court and ends up getting crunched against the wall and has to go to the ER and andrew has no idea where they took him because he wasn't fast enough to follow him and then when he finally gets to the hospital no one will let him back there and then when he almost attacks a nurse, kevin finally intervenes and lays on the charm to get the two of them back there to see him
and when they finally get in the room, neil is knocked the fuck out and that's when andrew decides that yeah fuck that we can't keep doing this
he doesn't tell neil he's decided this because neil will probably argue or try to run or come up with a bunch of excuses or worse he'll say yes
andrew asks renee for advice, and she doesn't make a big deal out of it because she knows that's the best way to get andrew to not want to do anything
so she decides to be casual
and by casual she actually just tells andrew that she had a conversation with katelyn that sounded like she and aaron were maybe thinking about getting engaged soon
andrew picks up his phone, intending to ask neil right there, but renee stops him and forces him to reconsider this proposal to at least do it in person
even so, there isn't a lot of fanfare
neil can sense something is off immediately when andrew walks in the door but he doesn't push him because he knows that's not the best way to get anything out of andrew
andrew won't look at him at all, doesn't say a word, just sits down next to him on the couch
neil: "drew?"
andrew: "i don't want to wait for kevin to get me to you"
neil doesn't really know what he's even talking about, so he just kind of stares at him, waiting
andrew, actively staring at the wall: "this is not going to be some kind of fairytale shit and i refuse to get down on one fucking knee so yes or no?"
neil, finally having his lightbulb moment: "don't ask stupid questions"
andrew rolls his eyes because of course he'd get stuck with this one: "yes or no, junkie"
neil: "i already told you. it's always yes with you."
andrew: "this is different"
neil: "not the way i see it"
andrew: "this means no running away"
neil: "i stopped running a long time ago"
andrew really is going to kill this guy one day
they don't discuss real details until a few days later when neil asks if they have to have a "real" wedding or if they can just go to a courthouse and getting the papers signed
andrew was under the impression that that WAS a real wedding and thus it was the only thing they would be doing regardless
the two of them settle on a date — only a few days out because hey, might as well just get it done because "who knows the next time some fuckface is gonna kick your ass and land you in the hospital"
at first they decide they aren't going to tell anybody, but then renee asks andrew if he ever actually talked to neil and so she becomes the only person to know about this weird wedding thing
she keeps trying to convince them to tell everybody else, but that does not go over well
neil decides it's probably best if he dresses kind of nice for his wedding (even though he's a thousand percent certain that andrew is just gonna show up in his usual attire) and since he doesn't want to tell nicky what's going on (for everyone's sake), he calls wymack instead thinking he can just vaguely ask a few questions and wymack'll stay out of his business
wymack: "somebody better be dead for you to be calling me this late"
neil: "what are you supposed to wear to a wedding?"
wymack: "who the hell is getting married?"
neil: "me"
wymack: "are you fucking with me?"
neil: "andrew is sick of asking kevin to get him into my hospital rooms"
wymack: "maybe if you stopped going to the fucking hospital—"
even though neil didn't think he needed wymack there, he unexpectedly asks if coach'll be his best man.....and even though wymack is so sick of these idiot kids shortening his life-span, he can't help but say yes
so that is how the four of them end up at the courthouse, waiting for the judge to make it all official
that is, until andrew gets a phone call
neil doesn't see who it is when he picks up, he just watches andrew as he answers straightfaced
andrew: "we're at the courthouse....getting married.......coach is here.....no."
the others look at each other, but andrew keeps staring at the wall ahead of him
neil nudges his knee: "who was that?"
andrew: "nicky"
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