#so basically the y/n of this story is a girl who runs away from her problems
coldhndss · 8 months
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Tulip 2/2 ft. Isagi. Y
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You slumped back onto your bed, photo frame still in hand. 
You had always expected it to end like this anyways. Your selfishness always took precedence over other people’s feelings, especially those who cared most about you. 
You found yourself unable to cry. 
Regret reverberated throughout your entire body, and what ate away at you most was that you knew Yoichi would be blaming your mistakes on him.
All you wanted was to apologise. You used to take it as a privilege, never imagining he would stray so far from your grasp.
Maybe a nap would wash it all away.
Until you woke up, that was.
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You wake abruptly to the sudden sound of knocking. 
Checking your phone, you find that 2 hours have passed. 
“Coming!” You call out, looking in the mirror to tidy yourself up before opening the door. You notice that your cheeks were streaked with dried tears.
He crosses your mind, but you quickly dismiss even the mere idea of him being there. After all you’ve done, do you really think he’ll give you even a thought? 
He wouldn’t come to see you first thing after being inside a training facility for months. He’d definitely visit people who actually care for him.
Your heart beats heavily within the confines of your body.
You reach for the doorknob, twist it, and open it.
Surely the person knocking on your door in the middle of the day right after you woke up from the specific time slot that you allocated for sleep every afternoon, wouldn’t be him. 
Though, he was always particular about not hindering you or interrupting your free time, always making sure he had an idea of the times that you’re busy, or how you were feeling before approaching you.
Surely, it wasn’t:
No, no this isn’t him. He looks completely different from what you remember. He looks.. taller? He’s standing with confidence and his entire demeanor is different..
“Hey, y/n..” 
But his smile is exactly as you remember. 
The way the corners of his lips curve upwards, and as lets out a joyful, yet awkward laugh stringing along with his words. The way he gets too nervous to maintain direct eye-contact, and glances towards the wall or the floor after greeting you.
The way he looks back up at you timidly. 
It was all the same.
“Listen uh, I’m really sorry for.. everything” He spoke with a soft, sympathetic tone. 
You were not about to let this opportunity go, you refused to lose him again. Cupping his face in your hands and looking him straight in his eyes, you said “Don’t apologise. I don’t want you blaming yourself for my mistakes anymore”.
He reaches for your forearms with both hands and gently holds them as your hands remain on his face. You feel the heat of his cheeks in the palm of your hands as he looks downwards in embarrassment. 
Inching closer, he rests his forehead on your head and exhales softly.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you. I want to live up to what you expect of me, y/n.” He coyly responded.
“Yoichi, that’s not something you need to worry about. We’re not kids anymore, that stuff doesn’t matter” You paused and took a slow deep breath. You can finally get it off your chest.
“Yet, I’m sorry for ignoring you before you left, I don’t even want to imagine the way I made you felt. I.. I was so selfish..” You shuffled your feet, embarrassed. Your face began to heat up, and before you knew it, a tear dropped down your right cheek. 
You lifted a hand to wipe it, but Yoichi had beaten you to it. 
“That’s not true. I felt guilty from the moment I hesitated to tell you about everything”.
He smiled; “This entire time, I was preparing what to say to you, and yet, you still managed to stump me”. Yoichi clasped his arms around you tightly yet gently and held you close. The grasp of his body felt different to before, and his newfound confidence brought you closure. He held you in his arms as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. Your heart resounded within your chest with every beat becoming louder and bearing more pressure.
Your arms remained by your side.
Giving in was not something you were prepared to do. Not in your current mindset.
The way he had changed so much, yet so little.. It made you think;
Sometimes it is okay to change. To leave my bad habits behind and stop finding new ways to run away from my problems. To finally leave my wrongs in the past.
You eventually gave in and wrapped your arms around his back, squeezing as tightly as you were able to. Without him, you would’ve been stuck in a loop of your congested mind, continuously likening every one of your lies with the truths of someone else. 
“y/n..?” He suddenly spoke.
“Um.. you’re squeezing me a bit too tight” He chuckled.
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slutspinks · 22 days
obsessed — logan howlet
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synopsis what started as a normal crush, developed into sweet obsession.
this fic contains: stalking, obsessive!logan, usual shit from wade but he is a bit serious here, fem!reader, stealing, home breaking?, foul language, m masturbation. logan acts like a a real perv.
author's note: sometimes, I wonder what’s wrong with me. I can’t believe I wrote a whole fic of logan jerking off to your panties. this is just a quick one shot, I think, not a whole fic. basically I resumed what could’ve been a 5k word story to less than 1K word— maybe I’ll write a second part where you fuck.
Lately, Logan has been thinking.
Thinking about you, Wade’s sweet childhood friend who lives next door.
And thinking about the way your footsteps echoed down the hall whenever you were off to work— your heels clicking with a slow pace and sometimes a bit more rushed because you were running late. His eyes would linger in the humidity spot in the living room ceiling, trying to conceive a picture of what were you wearing that day, even though he knew the answer already. Every day, you wore the same pencil skirt with a satin white shirt— except for Friday’s, that day you always wore dark grey pants. He knew because he followed you to work and back home, taking care of you.
He also could remember the way you’d look at him whenever Wade invited you over, you considered him your friend, even if everything you knew was a mask he put on so you wouldn’t notice what was really happening to him.
He wasn’t soft, not even a bit. But since the first time he met you, he decided he didn’t want you to see him with his usual brooding and grumpy self.
And that’s why he would help carry your groceries inside home, checking up on your pet cat and also watering your plants whenever you were away at your grandmas house for the weekend. He wanted to seem good and kind. That’s why he didn’t complain when you’d drag him and Wade to some rerun of your favorite movies— even if he didn’t like being around Wade in closed spaces.
His roommate’s footsteps distracted him from his train of thought about you, his usual witty remarks weren’t funny anymore and instead caused Logan’s head to throb at every word.
“… And then the asshole turned around and said, I’m gonna take her on a date! How dares he?- I mean sweet (y/n) definitely wouldn’t date that horrible imitation of Nick Cage”, Wade said, his hands taking a spoon and a bowl, opening the cupboard and taking out the cereal box and milk. Logan’s ears perked up to that, Who wanted to date you? After a few minutes later, he dared to ask.
“W-what did you just say?”, he asked, his hands lifting the spare blanket off his body. Wade’s non-existent eyebrow raised, “That I haven’t gone to the bathroom all week?”.
“No, idiot. You say somethin’ about a date and (y/n)?”, he grunted.
Wade smiled, milk spilling from the corners of his mouth, “Oh, pretty (y/n) is a heartbreaker, she’s rejected all the guys at work. They’re all assholes, but hear me out, that Nick Cage low-budget-imitation dude sure wants to get in her pants— or should I say skirt?— Don’t care, he just wants a taste of our sweet (y/n)”.
Logan groaned and got up, walking to the cupboard of the kitchen and taking a bourbon bottle, drinking a big gulp. Wade whistled, eyes wide and a teasing smirk on his lips, “You sure are a thirsty honey badger”.
“Fuck off”, Logan said.
Wade gave a sigh, leaving the spoon rest in his bowl, “Peanut, I know you like my sweet girl— just admit it. Carrying groceries, watering plants, taking care of her fucking cat!- Hell, you even fixed her plumbing. You don’t do shit here, but you’re trying to get on her good side aren’t ya?”.
Logan couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit ashamed, yes he wanted to get on your good side by doing charity work and Wade wasn’t dumb. If he was that good deciphering, then he surely knew about the missing things from your apartment were his doing— misplaced underwear, cups and shirts.
Wade sighed, giving Logan a serious glare “Look, I know you want to get laid and I understand— you’re like two-hundred years old and probably haven’t fucked in decades, but don’t hurt her, she’s my only friend”.
Logan chuckled bitterly, shaking his head, “She’s not even interested in me, bub”.
Wade rolled his eyes, “You’re so fucking dumb— she comes every Friday night to eat pizza and watch cringey rom-coms with us, she usually never came around much because she was always tired with work so I crashed at her place, but all of a sudden she wants to be here every. fucking. Friday. Explain that, idiot”.
He tastes Wade’s words cautiously, all this time he’s been harboring a crush he thought wasn’t reciprocal— he just knew you could not fall for an old man like him, you were young and very intelligent, so his little fantasies had to be just that, fantasies.
But Wade was igniting something he shouldn’t, he was giving Logan hope that maybe, a sweet girl like you, could fall for him.
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It all got worse.
Logan spent more time snooping around your apartment than on his own— or well shared one— he just couldn’t help it anymore.
His dark hoodie covered the imminent guilt slowly creeping through him, a thin silk pink pantie around his fingers and your apartment’s key heavy on his jeans front pocket. Breaking into your apartment was an easy task, you weren’t home and you asked him to come and check on things as usual saying how much you loved your plants and cat but weren’t able to take them with you, so he acted good.
He promised to take care of them.
When you weren’t here, he’d invite himself in with the copy of your key— trying to get rid of the guilt feeling on his bones whenever you’d look at him with sparkling eyes, extending your own keys with eagerness every Saturday.
Hopefully, that guy at the office already got over you, if the multiple threats Logan made worked.
Today was Thursday, just another day until you crashed at Wade’s and Logan could finally see you. Another day where he’d lie about his whereabouts, saying something about taking Laura to swimming lessons on Wednesdays and his new fake job at this repair shop taking too much time any other day of the week.
“Where have you been, Peanut?”, Wade asks the moment Logan steps through the door, his hands resting inside his hoodie pocket.
“Watering plants”, he shortly responds, moving across the room to the kitchen, his eyes falling on yours and then to the bowls filled with popcorn and candies.
“Hey, Lo”, you greeted with a smile, his heart skipping a beat.
“What are you doing here? ‘S not Friday yet”, he asked, his clammy fingers rubbing against the fabric hidden in his pocket.
“Oh I know! But Wade was insisting I should come and check this rom-com with Nicholas Cage— Are you taking care of other apartments?”, you asked, your eyes traveling across his rigid form and parted lips.
“Uhm no”, he let out. You furrowed your brows but nodded, deciding to not say anything.
“Oh, if it’s difficult for you to check on mine’s alright, I can always ask Wade or Mr. Johnson”, your sweet voice reassured, a tent forming in his jeans. He quickly shook his head no, “Don’t worry, yours is the only one”.
After changing his clothes and hiding your panties deep inside his jeans back pocket, he finally relaxed and watched the movie— his arms stayed the whole time on the couch’s rest, hands playing with your soft hair every now and then. When you left, he waited until Wade stopped his usual rambling before going to his spot on the couch. Listening to Wade’s snores through the walls after a few minutes.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you, his body was restless, changing positions every three seconds. Then he finally stopped, his eyes glueing to the ceiling his jeans constricting his aching erection.
Freeing it from its confinement, his hand took it in a tight grip, squeezing and thumb moving to the head, wiping the precum drop that gathered there. It felt hard as steel, his hand squeezing a bit tighter moving up and down slowly. He didn’t think he’d last, he’s been horny since a few weeks ago, but these last few days, he felt he could explode just by looking at you. All the blood running south the moment his eyes stopped on your work attire, your ass shaped perfectly.
He could almost imagine the softness of your skin under his hands, the way your chest would heave up and down with every touch— he wasn’t even a bit ashamed.
He also couldn’t feel ashamed of the way his nostrils inhaled your scent— your stolen panties on his left hand while his right one jerked his dick off.
He was close, so close…
At the same time, his mind conjured a sweet illusion. Your finger working on your clit and pretty tits moving up and down at the same time your breath came out ragged.
Moving the blanket out of the way, the air hit his hot shaft, making a shiver creep but disappearing as soon as he came.
With your panties in hand, he cleaned all the mess.
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urmom3001 · 7 months
Summary: Luke never would have thought he'd ever have eyes for the daughter of Hades and Persephone.
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Warnings!: Fem! Hades & Persephone reader, because Hades cabin doesn't exist yet, she's a minor god, so she stays in whatever cabin she pleases until the time of Nico Di Angelo. Timing is placed before tlt . She has pyro kenesis basically fire control. I've changed somethings, she's not considered a forbidden child because she's born from two gods, not a god and a human. This isn't canon obvi i made it up to fit the story.
Whenever Luke was called to the big house, he knew he was never in trouble. It was always to show around and be informed of a new arrival. But this time when he got to Chiron and Mr. D they seemed a little bit more..serious about this new camper.
"Ah Luke, come sit with us." Chiron beckoned him to sit with him and Mr. D while they were playing cards. This was already out of the ordinary, usually when there was a new camper, he would get a brief run down of who they were and when they were coming, and he would be sent back on his merry little way. He slowly pulled out the chair and sat. "We have a new camper coming tomorrow."
Okay nothing new, "That's great, I'll be showing them around tomorrow?" He asks knowing the answer is yes.
"Yes, but there are some things you need to know before her arrival." Chiron answers. Great, so the new camper is a girl.
"This girl.." Chiron continues. Luke waited. He was so curious. Was she a forbidden child? Was she a crazy psycho? "She's the daughter of Hades, and Persephone." That answered all of Luke's questions.
The Princess of the Underworld would be coming to Camp Half-Blood, and he needed to escort her around.
"She'll arrive tomorrow early in the morning, be ready kid. O' eight hundred. " Dionysus continued.
"You are dismissed." Chiron says not once looking up from his intense game or cards with Mr. D. Whelp, this was gonna be very interesting for Luke.
Luke woke up the next morning at around 7 am. Perfect amount of time to get ready and to eat something before showing the new camper around. It had occurred to Luke that he didn't know her name. Chiron hadn't told him. By the time he was done getting ready and had a bite to eat, it was about 7:50. Perfect timing.
He made it to the borders of camp to wait for the girl. Nonethe less when the clock struck 8:00am and all of the campers started to ride due to the morning conch. A big pink flame of fire emerged from the ground. It startled Luke, but as the flame started to go away, the silhouette of a girl peaked through. She was facing the other way looking around. And when she turned around..
Oh boy.
Luke fell hard. His palms were starting to sweat, he felt his heart thumping. Of course he had always heard the myths and the stories about the Princess of the underworld. In almost all of them they had all mentioned her beauty. And boy were those words true.
"Are you the boy that's showing me around? Father said that I would have an escort?" She said. Her voice was like the calm after a storm. Luke didn't answer. "Uhm? Sir?" She questioned.
"Oh! Uhm yes! that's me. Uh I'm Luke." He managed to get out while offering his hand to her.
She took it, boy her hands were soft like feathers. "I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you, but can we get going? It's quite hot today." She said
Without thinking Luke says "You'd think you'd be used to the heat, being from the underworld and all." Luke's eyes widen when he realized what he said.
He looked her in the eyes and at first he thought he fucked up. She had a deadpan on her face. But when they stared at each other for a bit she started to crack, and she let out the most beautiful laugh Luke had ever heard.
"Well, let's get going Luke, we wouldn't wanna burn out here," She said with a little giggle sending a small amber his way.
He was in awe. She had fire powers, just like the stories said.
After a while. The pair got close. They were friends...that's if you still count them as your friends even though you're constantly flirting all of the time.
And that was the dynamic between the two. They were always bickering or flirting, or both at the same time. Luke knew from the moment he saw her he was doomed. He had never felt this way about anyone before. Every camper saw it, Luke looked at Y/n like she hung the stars in the sky, and honestly if you told Luke she did, he would believe you.
After a while the two had even received a name, the princess and her guardian. Because wherever Y/n was Luke wasn't too far by lingering around her, always keeping an eye on her.
They never admitted they're feelings for each other however. Not until the incident about a year after Y/n's first summer at camp.
"Oh come on Y/n, why don't you ditch that loser Luke and be with me." Ben from Aphrodite cabin said to her as she sat by herself with her lunch waiting for Luke.
"Excuse me?" She said with offence. Luke for one was NOT a loser, okay maybe he was just a bit but still. That was rude, and Y/n didn't like rude people.
"You heard me doll." He said with a smug smirk. Gross, that nick name did not come out as good as he thought it did.
"Leave me alone please, now you're just being ridiculous." She stated. Y/n was very open with her boundaries and did not like it when they were crossed.
"Oh come on, you know you want to." This guy just couldn't take the hint.
"She said leave dude." Luke stated from behind you. You looked back and smiled mouthing "Thank you."
"Well well, the loser himself. Y/n deserves a real man, after all, she is a princess." He said in a snarky tone.
"Dude seriously just back off." Luke said stepping up chest to chest with him now. Y/n stood now, she didn't like conflict, and she definitely did not want to be the reason why it started.
"Come on Luke, let's just go." She said trying to tug him away. Luke looked at her then back at the smug boy. Luke huffed and turned around.
"Yeah go ahead and go cry to your daddy! Oh wait..." Ben shouted as they walked away. This time Luke wasn't the only one that was fighting now. Y/n knew all about Hermes and how he treated Luke. Now this made her angry.
"What did you say?" Y/n said as she turned around.
"You heard me clear and-" He stopped talking as he took in Y/n's state. Her eyes burned with fire. Her fists ready with flames.
"Can you repeat yourself?" She said coming closer to him.
Ben started to panic. "Help!" He yelled, as if everyone eyes weren't on them the second Y/n turned around. "This girl is crazy!" He cried.
Y/n fake lunged forward toward him which scared him endlessly making him run off to cry to mommy. Of course Y/n wasn't going to actually hurt him. Just scare him a bit so he wouldn't mess with her and Luke.
Now that Ben was away, so was the crowd. Nothing to watch anymore so everyone went about their day. Now it was just her and Luke.
She calmed and so did her fire. She turned to see Luke staring at her with more twinkle in his eyes than usual.
"Yes?" She asked.
"I'm in love with you." Luke said.
"I love-" Luke was cut off with a pair of lips colliding with his. It was everything Luke thought it would be. Her lips were soft, just like he imagined. He always thought he would kiss her first though. I guess some things can't be predicted.
"I love you too Luke Castellan." She said after they pulled apart.
The two stared at each other with their rosy cheeks and they're foreheads pushed together.
Luke never would have thought in a million years that he would be with the Princess of the Underworld, there's a first to everything though.
A/n: I've been having writers block recently. I literally don't know what to write, so if you have an requests, they're open on my acct!!
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landograndprix · 1 year
「Children of divorce ๛ m.v」
✧.* in which the fans are worried about the kids after yours and max's break up and in which your kids might just bring you back together.
✧.* taglists & requests are open!
✧.*pls an insta au where reader and max used to be exes that broke up on good terms (basically the “no time for each other”) but drifted back together somehow and fans find out from max’s cats on your ig stories 🥹// this probably needs a part 2 or I'll leave it an open ending :) // also lost my list with people who want to be tagged in my work so sorry!
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by yourbestfrienduser, victoriaverstappen and 99,762 others
y/nverstappen home far away from home 🇲🇨
view all 762 comments
norrislandofans gorgeous as always ❤️‍🔥
maxmaxmax sis why you in Monaco?
zhou_ey it's her weekend with the kids..
maxmaxmax stop, don't remind me of the divorce pls
f1_wags are you going to be at the GP this weekend?
verstappenmaxx Monaco you say? 👀
lestappen116 guys relax, she broke up with Max not with the sport, she's probably in town for the GP this weekend!!
norry4 who took the picture? 😏
yourbestfrienduser I did
y/nmax I know mother is here to watch cars go vroom vroom real fast but I'm delulu and she's here to be with max and max only.
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📍 Silverstone circuit
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liked by y/nusername, maxverstappen1 and 71,452 others
redbullracing taking home the gold 🥇
#Britishgp #f1 #Maxverstappen
tagged: maxverstappen1
view all 171 comments
maxiemax mega 💥💥
lestappen116 y/n in the likes 🥺
y/nverstappen always supporting max no matter what 🥺
checper where's checo?
norry4 not on the podium..
hannahh amazing drive like anyways!
y/nusername 🏆🏆🏆
redbullracing our champion 💪
julieeeexo love that she's still supporting max
verstapnorr pls I'm livng of these y/nmax crumbs, I'm barely surviving 😩
y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 87,872 others
y/nusername as of lately..🌸
tagged: yourbestfrienduser, landonorris
view all 566 comments
maxiel13 jim and sass?!
maxmaxmax only real ones know max used to get her those kind of bouquets 👀
landonorris I run those streets
landoscar 'I am the sugar daddy'
verstapy/n I'm trying not to get my hopes up and then she posts stuff like this?
bott_ass it's literally just a picture of her cats, doesn't have to mean anything..
vertsapy/n girl it means everything to me 😔
charl16 mom's with the kids again 🥰
mv1dr3 ..mom should be with the father of her kids too
chilisainz y'all talk some weird bullshit about these people 💀
y/nusername posted to their story
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max taglist;
lando taglist;
charles taglist;
everything taglist;
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becomingmina · 10 months
FUCKBOY MIN. little series w/ LEEKNOW
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pairing: lee minho x female reader genre + warnings: previous fkbuddy relationship, angst, smut mdni!, min is mean, oral (f recieving), semi-public (empty bathroom), hyunjin is a character wc: 3.4k mina's note: Minho is kinda mean. The way I would have done anything for him just so he can like me back. ❤️‍🩹
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
series chapter ➵ part two, part three ending one
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"Isn't that Y/N?" Han asked looking over the older boy's shoulder.
Minho turns his head around and sees you amongst the crowd - of the very grand party he dreads. He feels himself tense up at the sight of you, he hasn’t seen you in a while and you looked as beautiful as ever. He can feel the corner of his lip turn up as he replays memories of him and you, and that’s when he realises he misses you.
But the feeling soon fades when he notices you’re with a guy. Only a month and you already found yourself a guy? Loud sweet giggles falls from your lips as you grip the man's biceps, laughing about nothings. He scoffs to himself as he recognises the man.
“Out of all the boys in this fucking city, she chose fucking Hwang Hyunjin?” Minho blurted, he was mad. “She’s got a type. Fuckboys,” he turns back around to Han and raises his brows, as if asking for him to agree with the statement.
“You’re not going to do anything right hyung?” Han nervously asked, knowing his hyung will definitely be doing something.
“She just looks too happy, Han. I gotta ruin it for her. Especially when it’s Hwang Hyunjin she’s fucking with,” Minho says before downing the rest of his drink and ditching the younger boy.
Minho met you a couple months ago at one of his mother’s grand get-together. He only came to these events in hopes to find a hook up or a quick fuck, he was never here to support his mom on what ever event-job-work-promotion she got herself into. He probably got with half of the girls who attended these parties with their rich parents.
“Imagine what your daddy would think of his sweet innocent daughter completely coming vulnerable underneath some guy she just met?” Minho would often whisper in their ears as he thrusts into them. He would say anything to get them to sleep with him then ghost them the next day, leaving them restless.
However you weren’t like any of these girls to him, well at first. Minho was addicted to you, he couldn’t put his finger on it but he kept coming back to you. After seeing you a few times, he proposed for you both to be fwb and you agreed, because to be very honest, Minho was hot and he was a great fuck, the best if you can say. Also, something about him felt very secure to you. Meaningless fucks turned into lingering kisses, then turned into secrets date nights. You both shared such gentle and heartfelt moments, like cooking dinner together to holding hands randomly. Minho became so romantic with you secretly, but he never sincerely voiced it. You fell for him. You wanted to do anything for him in hopes that he liked you back. You became obsessive, got restless, jealous that there was many other girls hovering around him. You wanted him to yourself, and it got to the point where you had pull him away one night, letting your tears run down your face as you admitted your feelings to him, intoxicated. And maybe because he never dealt with such heavy feelings and high emotions like this before that, he turned on you.
“Y/N, you're just like the other girls.. Maybe worse. Easy. Clingy. I would never like you back.. Are you crazy?" You couldn't believe it, he abandoned you. Minho ended up treating you just like all the other girls.
Now the other half of the girls that Minho didn’t hooked up with were probably sorted by Hwang Hyunjin. The city’s heartbreaker. Classic story of two best friends that now hates each other. Minho and Hyunjin grew up together, basically brothers due to their mother’s close friendship. But when the boys got older they grew apart. Times that was supposed be spent together catching up on a tv show or playing basketball turned into time spent with a girl trying to get her to undress underneath them. It was now a competition to see who played the most girls. Oh how toxic.
So when Minho saw you in the ballroom with Hyunjin, he assumed you two were sleeping together. Minho needed to get you alone before the end of the night.
He needed to ruin you, in order to ruin it for Hyunjin aswell.
“Should I get you another drink?” The long haired boy asked realising the glass in your hand was almost empty.
“I was actually eyeing the orange slices over there-” you pointed out, gesturing to the massive grazing table.
“-Mimosa?” He was quick to respond, tone so sweet and cheeky.
“You know me too well Hyunjin,” you smiled admiringly up at the boy.
“I’ll get the champagne, you get the oranges and we meet back here then,” he says, hints of his dorky smile showing.
You were finally alone.
"Hey baby," Minho speaks from behind you, his voice so deep, hands find their way to your hips sending chills down your spine. He used to call you that all the time, and your heart never fails to beat out of your chest from it.
Lee Minho. Why the hell was he behind you? Shouldn’t he breaking some poor innocent girl’s heart?
“I missed you.” You stood still at his words, unable to move.
No not this again.
"Minho, go away," you finally spoke, building up a wall that you know isn’t going to stay up.
"No. I need to talk to you baby. I missed you," he made sure you heard him, his hands now made its way higher to your waist. "You look so pretty tonight..” one hand rests on your waist as the other one slowly travels to your thigh. “I missed your pretty little body so much, baby,” his lips were so close to your face, the proximity is so familiar, so safe that you wanted to turn and press your lips on his. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Minho had you under his spell, his presence was all it took for you to consider him again. You lean back, head taking its place on his shoulder as your back pressed on his chest. You tilt your head up slowly, finally looking at him. Oh, he was so beautiful as ever. His cute little bunny teeth showing from his agape mouth, his pretty sparkly eyes looking down at you, and his sharp nose, which you remember you use to peck so much. You missed him so much, you couldn’t resist it anymore.
“Min.” You say in the most vulnerable tone ever, gripping his forearm, giving in to him. He smiles at the nickname, the nickname only you were allowed to call him by.
"Come with me," and with that he yanked your arm dragging you through the crowd, for sure going to leave Hyunjin confused when he comes back.
Minho pulled you into an empty bathroom and pressed you against the door after locking it, instantly smashing his lips on to yours. His lips feels so soft against yours and your body hasn’t felt this rush of adrenaline in a while that you were going insane. Already feeling yourself start to go wet, you were so bothered, you needed more. Your teeth clashes as he practically devours you, his hand hoists one of your leg over his hip.
“Need you on the counter, bunny,” he murmured in between the kisses, there goes the nicknames again. He carries you to the counter, helping you up, your legs immediately spreading for him to slot himself in between. His hand slips underneath your dress, brushing against your clothed core.
“Already so wet for me,” he smirks, feeling the patch on your panties. “Can I?” He asked tapping his finger twice on your core. You nodded throwing your head back and he accepts the invitation to suck on your neck, leaving marks. Minho’s fingers pulls your panties to the side, his pointer finger finally runs through your folds. You were so warm, so sticky already that Minho let out a moan into your neck, unable to control the pleasure he was also having. You jolted forward when his fingers finally entered you pumping you slowly, causing him to let out an airy scoff. “Need to taste, let me taste?” You nod again knowing every time Minho ate you out, he would reward you with his dick for being such a good girl. You wanted that again.
“Need to hear you say it, Y/N,” he stops his movements, to brush your hair out of your face adoring your features.
Verbal consent has always been a big thing to Minho. He has so much control when the other person expresses what they want. It feeds into his already massive ego seeing the other person submit to him, makes him feel like he was in winning. And right there and then when he asked that question he wanted you to submit, so he can feel bigger than Hyunjin.
“Yes, please Min. I want it,” you gave him exactly what he wanted. You missed this. You missed his body and how he fucked you, how he made love to you. You miss Minho. You miss how sweet and gentle he was. How he would text you if you got home okay after spending the entire day with him. How innocent and lovely he can be talking about his cats, his hobbies. You wanted him to like you back, to want you back that you were willing to let him do anything to you, to use you.
“You’re still so good baby,” he buttered you up pressing a kiss your lips once more, letting it linger on a bit before dropping to his knees. He bundles your thin long dress around your waist, pulling down your soaked panties and burying them deep in his pocket. He is met with your pretty pussy, glistening with arousal. Your scent takes him by surprise and he goes numb. Oh, how he remembers it all so well, he would spend forever in between your legs on a Sunday afternoon. He parts your thighs and moves his face closer to your cunt, finally sliding his tongue in your slit. You still taste as sweet as ever too and that was all it took for Minho to devour you, to eat you out like a starved man. You lean back on one hand and the other one finds its place in Minho’s hair keeping it there. He was so good with his tongue, alternating between giving fat stripes, kitten licks and harsh sucks on your clit. Minho was getting you closer to your orgasm. Moans and whimpers falls from your lips as you allow him to hear how good he is making you feel.
“Feels good baby? You still taste so sweet, I just know you’re still going to be so tight." he removes himself from you just so he can glance up at your fucked out state nodding to every word he was saying.
“Want to- to cum,” you needed to cum, you were on the verge of tears feeling the tension in your stomach start to fade..
“Please, I want to cum Min,” you restates and he dives back down. He grips your thighs as he makes out with your pussy, his nose hitting your clit every now and then to get you going again. Minho picks up his pace, moving his kisses to your clit where he then sucks harshly earning a sharp moan from you. You jolt forward, thighs closing around him, throwing your head back as you spray Minho with your sweet release. You feel him smirk against your pussy, his mouth and chin coated in your arousal. That wasn’t enough for you, you wanted more. Your hand pushes his head further into your cunt as you grind down in his nose, riding out your high. Minho lets you use him, his tongue still overstimulating you until you were satisfied. Frankly, he found it hot how after just one taste you go feral for him.
He licks his lips cleaning himself off as he gets up from your legs, helping you pull down your dress. He cages you between his hands that are now resting on the counter, you don’t move. Just staring up at him, he examines your features again, taking all everything that he used to adore. Something about this moment just feels so innocent to both of you, that Minho can help but give you small giggles, his lips turning into a smile. You mirror it in return, sitting in silence as you both recalls the old times.
A sudden buzz of your phone causes you both to snap out of the sweet moment, heads turning to the device next to you on the counter. And Minho grows hot, his reputation overshadowed his feelings for you the second he saw Hyunjin’s name pop up. He lets out a scoff, remembering why he got you in this bathroom in the first place.
Minho's leans in slowly, one hand still gripping on the counter but the other comes up close to your face. Your phone forgotten now. You think he's about to kiss you but he dodges your lips, making his way by your ears as he lets out an airy chuckle, he sounded so cocky you were taken by surprise at his sudden change in demeanour.
"God, Y/N. You're still so easy," His tone deep aiming an attack on you as he reaches for the paper towel dispenser behind your head. He pulls out a towel throwing it to you, to clean yourself up. "Still so desperate for me". It broke you. He has never done this to you before, usually he'll be on after care and cleaning up. Your head snaps to his face, taking in his smirk and dark eyes. You swallow hard, a salty taste coat your tongue and you realise you're trying you best to not cry.
“Are you this desperate for Hyunjin too?” you furrowed your brows together in response. What?
“Hmm?” You asked confused.
“You got a type Y/N, you’re so pathetic.” He continues, the vibrating of your phone doesn't help but fuels his anger.
"Min, what do you mean?" It was clear to you that Minho and Hyunjin weren’t the best of friends when you meet with Minho. But that night when Minho abandoned you, Hyunjin witnessed the whole thing. He help you get up, covering you with his his coat, wiping away your tears and took you home.
"What are you doing here with Hwang Hyunjin?" he finally asked. But you don't respond, instead you hop off the counter, unable to control how hurt you are from his previous act. Your eyes sparkle, cheeks pink, lips trembling. He takes in your reaction, making him feel a bit guilty as he has seen this all before. The night you admitted your feelings.
"You guys fucking?" this time his tone and eyes soften, it was like he needed to confirm it first before continuing to take out his anger and tension on you. You reach for your phone but he snatches before you could, declining the call sliding it across the counter where you can’t reach.
"Does he fuck you as good as I do?" He moves in closer, your noses barely touching. "He treats you better than I do?" You stay quiet.
You didn't know what to answer. Do you lie? Do you teel the truth? Regardless at the end of this Minho isn't coming back to you right? You realised the moment he called you pathetic.
He moves in to kiss your cheek, a gentle peck. Your heart starts to race even more, unable to look him in the eyes. One hand comes up to hold your face, thumb rubbing against your cheeks. "Come on baby, tell me and I'll give you what you want," his lips comes in contact with yours. You melt into the kiss, your hands grasping the waist band of his trousers. Snap out of it, Y/N. "Hmm, you going to be good and tell me? He kisses you better than I do?" He kisses you harder, helping you back up the counter. He takes back his initial position, in-between your legs. Minho moves his kisses down your neck as his hands advances to your shoulders, pulling the thin straps down exposing your chest. He gulps at the sight and latching his lips onto your boob, his hand groping the other one. You tired your hardest not to give in but you cant, the feeling is too strong. You whimper at the contact, your hand palming his hard on through his pants. It was the first time you touched him that night and Minho throws his head back, unable to control the sexual frustration.
"Fuck- see what you do to me, baby?" He coos. You undo his belt, pulling his trousers along with his boxer down, meeting with his big cock. He was already so red, a bead of pre cum already spilling frim his tip. You grab the base of his cock, holding it firmly giving him a gentle pump. Just like the way you always did. Fuck Y/N I missed this so much. Minho finds himself addicted again as he shuts his eyes, a little moan slipping from his lip. You continue to pump him and he tries his best not to give into you but your hands felt so good, he could cum like this. You lean forward attaching your lips to his neck, leaving marks just like he did to you before. “Want you Min,” you whimper on his skin. You needed to feel him inside you.
"Answer me first, Y/N." He was getting irritated at your lack of answer. God, why are you so caught up on this Minho! Your phone rings again, the buzzing noises incites his thought, and that was the breaking point for him. Hwang Hyunjin. Only Y/N would want such a pathetic man like him. "I'm not fucking you if you’re dirty Y/N," he says and you halt your movements, completely removed yourself from him.
"What?" You replied. Minho is now faced with your confused face.
"You're so desperate Y/N. I can’t believe you’re with Hyunjin right after I left you? You're so dirty for that,” Minho repeat himself moving closer to you to provoke you, he was sure you had given yourself to the other bloke. Your lack of answer confirmed it for him too. “Did you fuck Hyunjin?" But he was determined to hear it.
You took a deep sigh, and all the names and remarks he had made to you tonight flooded your head. You’re hurt. God, Y/N you are pathetic. You wanted to turn this on him but you couldn’t. Regardless of what you answer, you couldn’t win and Minho won’t be yours.
"No I didn't because I love you, Min," you confessed, pushing him off you. You proceed to pull up your dress and jump off the counter. You needed to leave him.
You brushed past him retrieving your phone and bag, unlocking the door and walking out.
Leaving him the way he left you, abandoned. Although it was your feelings that he disregarded, leaving him while he was hard and sexually unsatisfied like this would have hurt the same for a fuck boy like him.
But Minho wasn’t hurt by that. Your words was the thing that stung him. Shes loves me? No one had ever done this to Minho, he didn't know what to do. Such a similar feeling to how you felt - when he ghosted you and just now.
His words still played in your mind, they're still lingering around you. You wanted to sob, cry your heart out but you couldn't just yet, only allowing the tears to build in your eyes. Did you really just let him treat you like that? You chose pleasure again instead of protecting your already broken heart. Minho was right, you are fucking easy. You see the exit through your blurry vision and you rushed to it, pushing into the many people that was just crowding around. Just as you're about to leave a hand pulls you back.
"Y/n, you okay?" You turned around to meet with Hyunjin, and you couldn't help but burry your face in his chest as you let your tears fall.
"I hate him," you cried loudly, your whole body shaking and your legs go numb. Hyunjin hugs you, both arms wrapped around you tightly as he lets you become completely vulnerable. You were safe with him.
"I know.. Let's go home."
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Fourteen - His Pretty, Little Wife
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
The next chapter is going to be the midway point, basically. We've still got so much more plot to come and I really don't know how long this story is going to be, it's already 25.5K long all together
1.8K words
Series Masterlist
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Marie. The cook that Carlos fucked was called Marie.
It was easy for Y/N to find her; she didn’t think she would ever forget that face. When she walked down into the kitchens, Marie’s face went pale. She let out an alarmed squeak and went to hide behind another one of the cooks.
From the way Y/N was dressed, she didn’t blame Marie for hiding away. She was meant to be powerful and imposing, mirroring the aura her husband gave off. The long, black dress with the slit up the side of the skirt, and heeled boots. It was gorgeous, making Y/N look ever the part of the powerful mafia wife her mother once was.
“Relax, Marie,” Y/N said as she leaned against the worktop, staring at her.
The employee she was hiding behind cleared his throat and stepped out of the way, leaving Marie at Y/N’s mercy.
She gulped as she looked at the lady of the house. “Please, mi señora, no quise hacer daño,” she cried. She fell to her knees, clasping her hands together, tears springing to her eyes.
Y/N sucked in a breath. Her Spanish lessons had been going well enough that she could pick up a couple of words and peace together the sentence. Please, my lady, Marie had said, I meant no harm. She took a moment to formulate a response.
It may have made her appear weak, but Y/N didn’t care. “Marie, esta bien,” She said, unfolding her arms. (Marie, it is okay). “Tengo una propuesta para ti.” But this was where she stopped being able to speak to Marie in her native tongue.
She sucked in a deep breath. “Your sleeping with my husband is not something I blame you for, okay? If it had been me sleeping with another man, my husband would have had him killed.” Marie let out a cry. “But I don’t want to have you killed. I will not have you killed. What I want to do is to set you up, with enough money that you won’t need to work,” she said.
“Mi señora,” said Marie as she fell to her knees, gasping sobs leaving her lips.
“I’ll give you the money, enough to set you up for life, as long as you leave wordlessly and tell nobody where you’re going.”
Gulping, Marie nodded her head. She’d do as her lady asked, from fear she’d lose her life.
Carlos’s money was now Y/N’s money, too. She could do what she wanted with it, and what she wanted to do was set Marie up somewhere nice.
She took the money and found Marie somewhere to live. It was on the very edge of the Sainz territory, somewhere they’d never think to look. She gave Marie the money and helped her to escape in the dead of night.
Marie would never admit it, but she was grateful to señora Sainz, for helping her get away from this life of crime. It was no little girls dream to serve the biggest crime family in Spain, but, once you got in, there was no way out. Y/N was offering her a helping hand, and Marie jumped to take it.
Y/N made her way to Carlos’s office. She pushed past the men guarding the door, who no longer bothered to stop her, and took her seat at Carlos’s desk. In his chair, with his feet up on the top of the desk.
It was a risk, sitting in his seat, but it was a risk Y/N was willing to take. There was no telling how he would react when he came back in from the garden, to see her sitting in his seat.
But Y/N didn’t have to wait for very long. Carlos came back in from the garden, not paying much attention as he strode across his office.
But then he spied her, sitting at his desk. A smirk crossed his face. “Hello, my pretty, little wife,” he said, sitting in one of the seats on the other side of the desk. He leaned back as he stared at her. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“Have you seen Marie recently?” Asked Y/N as she looked at him over the top of her boots.
Carlos let the smile drop from his face. “No, Y/N, I haven’t,” he answered.
“I wonder why that could be.”
It took Carlos a moment to realise what she meant. They’d played that game of chess nearly a week ago, the dots were hard to connect. But, once he got it, Carlos let that same smirk cross his face once ago. “Oh Dios mío,” he said with a shake of his head. “My pretty little wife had somebody killed. I never thought I’d see the day.”
Carlos liked it. For some unexplainable reason, Carlos liked it. He liked the fact that she had somebody killed. This wasn’t what Y/N expected. She didn’t really know what to do now. But she didn’t shift, didn’t move. She kept her gaze on Carlos, feet on the table. “You said you’d kill any man I slept with, so I thought I’d return the favour.”
“Did you know Marie had a family?” Carlos asked as he leaned back. “Her husband died, bless her, but she had two little boys. Mateo and Diego. I wonder what they will do without their mother. Well, I wonder how long they’ll last without her.”
As he said it, Carlos watched for Y/N’s reaction, and Y/N knew that. But it was hard to know how to react. Marie had already told her about Diego and Mateo, and Y/N had given her enough for the whole family to get away. But Carlos didn’t know that. He was expecting her to be distraught.
But that was what the old Y/N would have done, what the weak Y/N would have done.
She found the balance, picking at her nails as she said, “I didn’t know that,” she mumbled, no longer meeting his gaze.
Carlos smirked as he stood from his seat and straightened out his suit jacket. “No matter, mi amor, it is no concern of ours.” He pulled Y/N’s chair back, making her legs fall from the desk. Carlos kissed the top of her head and stood her up from the chair, taking her place. “You can stay with me, querida, sit on my lap while I have meetings,” he said, wearing a devilish grin.
Y/N quickly shook her head and rushed out of the office. What Carlos had just offered, all because he thought she had somebody killed, was that a step in the right direction? Was that evidence that Carlos was going to start respecting her? Only time would tell.
This was one of those rare instances where Carlos’s family didn’t join them for dinner. Family dinners was something Sainz was very passionate about, and he’d insisted they’d all meet at Carlos’s house while Y/N was settling in. But this was the last week where Carlos would host the dinner and soon they’d be returning to dinners at Sainz’s.
But tonight, there was no family dinner. Carlos still insisted he and Y/N ate together, though.
After her Spanish lesson, one of Carlos’s men came to get her. They’d begun to speak to her in Spanish, and Y/N had to try her best to understand them. If she couldn’t understand them, they’d try again in English, something she was grateful for.
Y/N stood from the table. “Gracias señora,” she said to her Spanish tutor and walked out of the library.
Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked out to the patio. She stood in front of the pool for just a second, looking at the reflection of the clouds in the sky. Every morning Carlos went for his daily swim, and Y/N would have been lying if she said she didn’t watch him.
She looked towards the table, where the kitchen staff were laying the food out on the table. It was a lot for two people, far too much. There was no sign of Maria as they laid the table.
No sign of her husband either.
But then Y/N looked towards the other side of the garden, towards the fire pit. It wasn’t lit, but Carlos was sat there, cigarette between his lips.
She strode towards him, walking across the patio, towards her husband. He looked up at his, dark eyes following her as she approached. “I didn’t know you smoked,” she said as she came to stand in front of him.
Carlos released the smoke from his lungs and looked up at his wife. He wrapped his arm around her place, pulling her close. “Does my pretty little wife not like it when I smoke?” He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. His face was level with her stomach, so close to…
Y/N shook her thoughts away. She leaned down and wrapped her arms around his neck, ever step calculating. “Oh no, Carlos,” she said, slowly getting closer to him. “I couldn’t care less,” she whispered and kissed his cheek.
Standing up straight she walked away from him, hips swaying from side to side as she walked around the pool, making her way to the table.
She looked towards the golf course. Since she’d married Carlos, she hadn’t seen the golf course be used once. It was a favourite pastime of her brothers, back when he was allowed to have pastimes. If they were a normal couple, if they had married for love, Y/N was sure she would have gotten him to teach her some golf while she taught him how to play the perfect game of chess. But, instead, Y/N was left longing for that life, for the husband who would teach her golf and swim with her in the pool, who would stop smoking because she asked and hold her close as they sat around the fire pit.
Her eyes moved towards Carlos, watching as he finished the cigarette. She didn’t know when he had started calling her his pretty, little wife. But she wasn’t complaining. It made her knees weak, hearing those words leave his pretty lips.
Y/N watched as he stubbed out his cigarette and walked around the pool, sitting himself at the table opposite her. He wore that same amused smile as he began putting things on Y/N’s plate. Fuck, she wanted him. She wanted him so bad.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa23 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @formulaal
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charcoallbaby · 8 months
fake marriage
smuttyyyyy ofc so 18+ also a lil toxic
tired asf i’ll do a spelling check tmrw thx for reading!
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having a fake marriage was definitely one of the best thing to ever exist especially since i get paid to pretend to love a man who is basically heartless, well to most people he is.
i get to live in a giant penthouse in the city of boston, i get a huge bedroom, with a ensuite plus a balcony, free clothes, mostly everything gets handed to me.
as much i love being in this fake marriage, there are some cons mostly because of matt. i mostly hate hearing him fuck girls in the room next to me, when i can’t do anything like that, he’s very protective of me, he gets jealous very easily, he doesn’t really let me talk to any male being while he’s with me. he punishes me by not paying me that week which doesn’t really effect me, the amount of money i’ve made since this marriage is insane, it would take me months to run through it. but in matt’s eyes he’s somehow “punishing me.”
tonight was a black-tie event for one of his many company’s. he got me a vintage chanel dress from the 90s. it was the most beautiful dress i’ve ever laid my eyes on, i knew the price of the dress would be nothing to him, he just wantedme to look good standing beside him.
“ready?” matt asked while fixing his cufflinks on his wrist. “yeah, i just need to get my heels on.” i grabbed my silver heels from my collection of different types of heels.
“the cars outside y/n.” he looked me up and down. “fuck, can you grab my bag?” i asked slipping myheels on. he rolled his eyes and grabbed my bag off my vanity. “thank you.” i took my small clutch from his hands and made my way to the elevator.
“behave tonight,” matt whispered in my ear before placing his hand around my waist, smiling for the cameras. “i always do.” i say through my teeth. “we’ll see about that love.” he pressed a light kiss to my cheek.
everything is for the cameras and i mean that. the touching, the kissing, theres no contact between us at home. before today i hadn’t spoken to matt in probably 3 days. not that he would talk to me anyway. he only talks to his parents, his 2 brothers, the maids who clean the house(mostly flirting) and the girls he fucks in the guest bedroom, matt would never dare to fuck a girl in his own bed, he’s really weird about that type of thing, he hates when anyone goes into his room well everyone but the maids, as i said he flirts with them a lot, just to make them blush, it boosts his already massive ego. after i come home from picking up some groceries up or going to visit my friends, i hear him making up some story of how he saved an animal or how much money he gives to charity which i know he does. but he hates people, hates them other than the couple people he talks to.
mine and matt’s hands were interlinked as we walked into the building.
“how long have you guys been married?” the older women infront of us asked. i looked up at matt before speaking, “well me and matt have been together 3 years, married for 1,” i gave a fake smile to the women. “that’s just so beautiful!” she chimed. matt gave the women a small smile. “wait!” “what about kids, do you have kids?” matt’s let go of my hand and put the hand i just holding around my waist. i cleared my through before awkwardly laughing. “no, no,” “not as of right now,” i smiled. “maybe soon,” matt finally spoke. “oh really!” she exclaimed. “yes matt really!” i looked up at him, he looked down at me before looking back at the women. “maybe not soon, but in the future.” he licked his lips. “wonderful!” “it was nice talking to your mr and mrs sturniolo, i’m going to find my husband he wanders off!” she laughed. “you too.” matt gave her a straight lined smile. “bye.” i smiled.
me and matt watched her walk away. “fuck,” he took a deep breath. “having kids soon are we?” i turned to him. he moved both his hands around my waist as he looked down at me. “only said that for people to have something to talk about,” i could feel his warm hands through my dress. “it’s crazy how such a cold hearted person can make something up like that,” i teased him. he looked away from me, chuckled before looking back at me again. “you look good.” he licked his teeth. “yeah you too.” i touched his right bicep.
“thank you everyone for coming tonight,” matt awkwardly had his hand in his pocket as he gave a speech. “i would like to thank my team and my wife,” “thanks.” he awkwardly put his drink up in the air before taking a sip.
the room was filled with people loudly clapping.
“what’s wrong?” matt asked as he came down by from the stage. “my feet hurt.” i whined. “y/n baby, i didn’t marry you to whine about your feet come on let’s get a drink.” he put his hand on my back and guided me towards the bar.
“what would you guys like?” the bartender asked. “scotch on the rocks,” “y/n?” matt asked. i looked at the bartender. he smiled at me. i gave him back a small smile. i cleared my throat. “i’ll have a-” “she’ll have a glass of white wine,” matt interrupted me. “alright, that’ll be coming straight up,” he looked at me. “are you trying to piss me off?” he leaned down and whispered into my ear. “no,” i gulped. “you were flirting with that guy,” “matt i just smiled.” “we’re going home, come on.” he grabbed my hand.
the car ride was silent. matt was on his phone making the back of the SUV slightly light up. i looked out the window, mostly trying to notfall asleep.
matt pressed the button for the elevator. he stood there my heels in his hand while looking down at the marbled floor on the lobby floor.
the elevator opened, no one inside. we both walked in. matt pressed the number for our apartment before leaning his head against the wall behind him, closing his eyes. he looked so sexy, his jawline was sharp as fuck, his long hair falling over his eyes and his tie wrapped around his shoulders, he took it off when we got in the car. i pressed the emergency button making the elevator immediately stop. matt’s eyes darted open. he looked at me.
“why’d you stop the elevator y/n?” he groaned. “why are you so overly protective with me matt?” “you know i don’t flirt with guys especially in front of you, you love to make shit up did you see me flirt with that bartender?” “i simply smiled at him as a nice human does,” i crossed my arms. matt rolled his eyes. “what would you like to pretend that i don’t care?” “y/n, you think i care about who you flirt with?” “i actually couldn’t care fucking less, i just you know like to make this marriage look a little bit realistic,” he leaned over and re-pressed over apartment floor button. the elevator began moving again. “this marriage would be a little realistic when i have people over for you to not be fucking some girl,” i looked down at my nails. “what’d say?” “you heard me loud and clear,” the elevator doors opened. “thanks for holding my heels baby.” i grabbed the heels from his hand and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek just to piss him off even more.
i made my way to my room before matt grabbed my arm turning me around. “who do you think you are?” matt asked. i shrugged my shoulders before turning back around. “y/n!” matt yelled, pulling me back and pressing me against the wall beside us. “come on baby, tell me,” matt roughly held my waist. “i’m your wife matt,” i looked up at him. “your my wife y/n and i would like if you actually listened to me when i talked to you,” his grip on my hips became softer. “i’m sorry, i promise i’ll listen better next time daddy,” i batted my eyelashes. his eyes rolled into the back of my head. “i’m going to bed.” he backed away from me. “sweet dreams husband.”
after the little scene matt made, i changed out of my dress and walked into the kitchen to find a snack to eat.
i sat myself down at the kitchen island, a bowl of ice cream in front of me, my phone in my left hand, the spoon in my right. i had been thinking of eating this ice cream all day and now i finallygot a chance.
i was nearly half way through the bowl before shirtless matt walked into the kitchen, he had those plaid pj pants he loved with of course the waist band of his boxers sticking out. i rolled my eyes before focusing back onto the ice cream. i could hear matt open the fridge. i quickly looked at his back. it was so defined, his tattoos making it way hotter that it actually had to be.
“do we have any spare batteries anywhere?” i spoke. matt turned around, opened-water bottle in his hand. “why?” he asked. “for my vibarator,” i popped the spoon into my mouth. matt choked on his water. “do you know?” i asked. he cleared his throat. “yeah, there’s some in the uh-in my office on my desk.” he swallowed. “okay thanks!” i cheekily smiled. matt mumbled something i couldn’t make out before walking back to his room.
i opened matt’s office door to find him sitting on one of the couch’s controller in his hand playing his playstation. hm coincidence.
“sorry i just need to grab those batteries,” i walked past him and looked around his desk. i couldn’t see them. “matt where are they?” i turned around and looked at him. “they should be there,” he said not taking his eyes off the tv. i rolled mine while looking back down at the desk. “matt it’s an empty packet,” i held it up. he finally looked at me.“oh shit yeah- i was just being a nice husband, i already put the batteries in for you there sweetheart,” he flashed me a smile before looking back at the tv. i stomped over right infront of him. “i can’t see the tv princess,” “pause it then,” i bit the inside of my cheek. he paused it, placing the controller beside him. “you went through my stuff?” “you held my viborator!” “yeah, it was a nice one,” he smirked at me. “what the fuck!” “your insane!” i yelled. “eh,” “i’m not that bad love.” he opened his legs, man spreading.
i exhaled. “why would you think that would be a good idea?” i put a hand through my hair. “it was a nice gesture, don’t you think?” he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. i groaned. “it’s fucking weird!” “your not even my real husband!” “well if this makes you feel any better i did it so it would make the marriage more realistic,” he titled his head at me. “don’t bring that shit back up matt!” i whimpered.
“come on, it’s okay,” matt pulled himself more towards me. he placed his hands on my waist while looking up at me. “matt what are you doing?” i groaned. “it’s okay.” he pressed his warms lips against my stomach. i slowly closed my eyes. his lips stayed on my stomach while he slipped a finger up my shorts and into my underwear. he slid his finger into my soaking core. i let out a moan. he moved his finger inside me. after a few seconds his finger left me. i opened my eyes. his finger in his mouth. “oh fuck, you taste good,” he moaned. “let me eat you out,” he pulled me by the waistband of my shorts towards him making me fall down onto his lap. i quickly felt how hard he was underneath me. “lay there,” he said moving the controller onto the coffee table in front of us. i nodded my head. i layed myself down. matt licked his lips before pulling my shorts and underwear off. he placed himself between my legs. he was quick to slowly suck my clit. i cried out. “all you do is touch yourself y/n, i bet your dying for this,” matt groaned against me. he slipped his tongue into my licking up all my juices like it’s the best thing he’s every tasted. my hands were pulling onto his hair while parting my mouth open in pleasure. “ma-matt!” i cried out. “nearly there baby?” he pulled away from me making his warm breath hit off the pool he was between. “mhm.” i mumbled.
matt gave me one long stride between my folds before pulling away from me. i opened my eyes and whined. i was on the edge of coming. “i wanna fuck you,” matt said feeling his hard on through his pants. “okay-okay.” i breathed out. “not here, in my room.”
matt placed me down onto his bed, his lips softly meeting mine. we’ve kissed before around people but not alone, it felt so much more different this time.
“you on the pill?” he asked pulling his boxers down. i nodded my head. “i’m gonna fuck you without a condom cause to be fair, i don’t really care if i get you pregnant, your my wife after all.”
matt was inside me, not moving. i was trying to adjust his size. “you can do it, i know you can, matt whispered into my ear. “mhm,” i mumbled. he started to move inside me slowly but then started to pick it up. his arm was hovering over me, grabbing the headboard for support “fuckkkkkkk,” he moaned. “y/n, i’m gonna fuck you until the sun rises okay?” he grunted. “y-yeah.” i let out. “such a girl good for me.” he placed a kiss to my lips. his necklace that had a horse pendant was dangling over me, i got him it for his birthday that he claimed to only wear when we have to put our act on but he wears it all time.
i clenched around matt for like the 4th time in the last 2 and half hours.
matt dropped himself down beside me. “it gets better every fucking time y/n i swear.” matt said before sucking a nipple into his mouth. “mhm, i know baby.” i closed my eyes and put a hand through his hair and down his neck.
he popped my nipple out of his mouth before looking up at me. “you wanna order food, we can fuck inbetween don’t worry, i just hungry as fuck when i have sex,” he leaned his chin between the gaps my boobs. “yeah i could eat something i’m starving,” i ran my hand over his cheek. “your choice to pick.” he said before kissing my lips and getting up to throw his pj pants back on. i looked up at him sprawled out on his bed, naked. “am i the only girl you’ve had in this bed?” i asked. “pretty much,” he grabbed his t-shirt from the ground. “i feel special,” i grinned. he jokingly rolled his eyes. “don’t worry, not gonna happen again,” “that’s what you say until you hear me moan your name while my vibartor is between my thighs,” i sat up. “you think of me?” he chuckled. i nodded my head. “my wife actually thinks of me while masturbating, im a lucky man.”
“yeah, no more sex.” i spoke before rolling my eyes.
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bloodlineee1 · 2 months
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Your mine.
pairing: Roman Reigns x reader.
warnings: smut minors dni 18+
plot: y/n has been getting close with Damien priest and her toxic ex/boyfriend(it's complicated) doesn't like that at all.
disclaimer: this is my first fic so bare with me lmaaooaoa
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"no way you said that" I gasped.
talking to Damien Priest is always unpredictable right now he's telling me the story of the bar fight he got into last night.
"I swear" he laughs.
"so then what happened?" I laugh.
"so he stands up and-" he stops and looks over my shoulder.
I turn around and see Jimmy walking towards us.
"hey, sis.....priest" Jimmy puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead before mugging Damien.
"hi Jon" I smile and hug him.
"Roman wants to see you in his locker room" he whispers in my ear.
"right now?" I question.
"yes right now" he mocks me.
"well he's gonna have to wait, Priest is telling me a story" I roll my eyes and turn back towards Damien.
"It's okay go, I'll tell you the story later" he smiles.
"Are you sure?" I question.
"yeah, yeah I'll see you later anyways" he nudges my shoulder.
"Okay, I'll see you tonight." I smile.
we start walking towards Romans locker room and I already know I'm in trouble I've been pissing him off for 2 weeks I blocked him on everything, I've been going out after every show, I've been posting revealing photos because I know he's watching some how and I've been avoiding him but he deserves it after the shit he pulled.
"what y'all got a date or something?" he lifts one brow.
"Don't worry about it nosey" I walk faster.
"Roman ain't gonna like the fact that his girl going on a date" he catches up and shakes his head.
"I stopped being his girl a while ago and you better not tell him because I know you told him I was with priest yesterday" I smack his arm.
"I ain't say shit" he sucks his teeth and rubs his arm.
"you didn't tell him?" i tilt my head.
"hell nah I ain't tell him" he says obviously lying.
"then who told him?" i question.
"oh shit we're already here" he pushes me into the locker room and closes the door.
"Jon-" I yell.
roman looks up from his phone and I can see in his eyes I'm in huge trouble.
"Wise man, leave us" he says still staring into my soul.
"yes sir" Paul basically runs out of the locker room.
"pussy" I mumble.
"I heard you've been real friendly lately"
"I heard you've been in my business" I reply smartly.
"you are my business" he stands up.
"I haven't been your business since you decided getting your dick wet was worth our relationship" I roll my eyes.
"how many times do I have to tell you I didn't fuck her shes lying" he raises his voice.
"even if you didn't you still gave her the idea that she could" I yell.
"I told you this before that wasn't my intention you know your the only one that gets my dick wet" he smirks and put his hands on my waist.
"Whatever" I try not to smile.
"You been giving my pussy to Priest?"
"This is not your pussy anymore so it's none of your business if I have"
"Don't fucking play with me, You've been giving my pussy away?" he grabs me by the neck.
i smile.
"you smiling?".
"I guess Damien just has that effect on me" I test him.
"oh yeah" he puts his hand in my gear.
"mhm" I moan when he starts to play with my overly sensitive clit that missed him so much.
"Damien makes your pussy this wet?" he rubs his nose on my cheek.
"ah...uhuh" I chuckle.
"get on your fucking knees," he says obviously done with my antics.
"or what" I push a little more.
"don't be a fucking brat you already in trouble, I said get on your fucking knees" he grabs my hair, pulling Me Down to my knees.
testing his patience is my favorite thing to do.
"take it out" he says sternly with no room for arguments.
I untie the drawstring on his sweatpants and pull them down with his boxers, his dick springs out begging for attention that I'm not ready to give him just yet so I sit there and I stare.
"I'm really not in the mood for your fucking games you know what to do stop fucking playing with me or you won't cum for a week test me if you want to" he grabs me by the hair and lifts my head so I'm looking right at him.
"threats?" i ask mischievously.
"promises, baby girl, promises now be a good girl and open up that pretty mouth of yours" he taps my face.
I kiss his tip then I open my mouth and take him as deep as I can tasting his sweet pre-cum on my tongue.
"that's it, just like that" he groans.
I take it out of my mouth and stroke him so I can catch my breath.
"stop playing with it, you know better" he grabs my hair again he loves grabbing my hair and I love it even more.
I take him back into my mouth and he wastes no time fucking my throat aggressively not letting me up for air.
"you think he can fill your throat like this? huh?"
i look up at him with my glossy eyes begging him to slow down.
"oh please you know your enjoying this you love getting me this angry don't you?"
i moan.
"oh shit, fuck i'm gonna cum fuck" he moans before cumming in my mouth.
i look into his eyes before swallowing his cum.
"good girl" he kisses me.
i smile at him.
"my turn?" I look at him begging for a release but I know he's not gonna let me cum because he's a fucking psycho.
"don't look at me like that you know your not cumming after the shit you been pulling for two weeks." he dismisses my plea wiping my face with a warm towel.
"wha- that's no fair" I gasp.
"oh its not fair?" he grabs my titty.
"no stop don't touch me if your not gonna let me cum" I push him away.
"mhm I'll handle that attitude later but for right now clean yourself up you have a match in 20 and after that tell priest its over" he smacks my ass.
"it never started we're just friends" I laugh.
"better be, you're mine" he grabs me by the neck and kisses me before I walk into his private bathroom to get ready.
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Rule No. 19
never fall in love with the same person twice, the second time you’ll be falling in love with the memories not the person.
Miguel O’hara x reader
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word count: 1056
synopsis: You were Miguel’s wife in another universe and he just can’t come to terms that you’re not his.
a/n: i know a lot of people are asking for part twos of my other stories but i just can’t think of anything 😭
Your death was a horrible day for Miguel. He easily blamed himself for what had happened to you. Shot twice by a random mugger off the side of the street. And he, Spiderman of all people, couldn't save you. How could he even call himself a hero after that? He held your lifeless body in his arms as he came to terms with the incident.
Miguel wouldn’t allow your killer to get away. Chasing him down the block, cornering him in an alley and slowly, almost torturing, beat the life out of him. Miguel tore at his skin with his claws, used all his strength to break his teeth, and practically ripped off the man’s hand from the wrist.
Miguel so desperately wanted him to feel pain he would do anything. But that wouldn’t bring you back, and he knew that.
Miguel had fallen in love with you for many reasons. You were beautiful, smart, funny, and the kindest person he had ever met. He knew that if you saw the person he was now you would not have fallen in love with him. When he looks at himself in the mirror he doesn’t see the man he once was, he doesn’t see the man you loved but a distorted ugly image of that man.
He knew he had changed for the worse but truthfully he didn’t care. If changing meant he got what he was after he didn’t care how it made him look.
The first time Miguel found you in another universe he was ecstatic. You had a family, a beautiful daughter and a life worth being a part of. “Your” Miguel had recently died and he thought he could replace him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you’re home. I was starting to get worried,” You kissed your husband as he walked through the door.
“Im here,” Miguel whispered as a response.
He didn’t know what to do. You were there, in front of him. Alive.
He pulled you in for the strongest kiss he had ever given you. You were slightly shocked but melted into the kiss with such love. Failing to see the tears building up in his eyes.
You were happy, so happy. Until the day it all came crashing down on him. Your world started to collapse within itself, Miguel felt like Atlas trying to hold up the universe on his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do, he was lost. Running from an inescapable situation with you and your daughter. You fell to your knees as you were running. You were glitching. Slowly, in the most painful way he could imagine both you and your daughter disappeared from his arms.
For the second time Miguel lost you, and it was his fault. From then on he vowed to only watch you from afar.
“She isn’t yours, Miguel,” Jess reminded him for what? the tenth time today?
“I know that Jess,” he practically rolled his eyes at her.
“Y’know it’s creepy. You’re basically stalking this girl who has no idea you exist. There are just some things you have to let go,” She offers her advice.
Miguel clenches his jaw at her words.
“I don’t need a therapist, alright? I’m fine dealing with this,” he says.
He’s had enough of Jess and her advice for today. Even though he won’t let himself interfere he can’t help but watch you from the rooftops. He agrees that it’s creepy but he can’t let anything else bad happen to you, he just can’t.
From everything telling him not to, he swings down to try and get closer to you. He enters the coffee shop you just went into. He doesn’t know why. He shouldn’t be here behind you in the long line. It’s not right. He’s about to turn before he’s greeted with your sweet voice. Your voice that sounds like honey and all the good things on this planet and the next.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering what you usually order? I’ve never been here before and I'm sort of lost,” you giggle. God, he could melt on the spot.
He knows you're lying, of course. He’s seen you in here more times than he can count. And you always get the same exact thing, every single time. In fact, you refuse to get anything different. He wants to believe you’re asking him as a way to flirt but he can’t get attached, not again.
“Oh uhm, i usually get their vienna latte,” His eyes flick up to the first thing on their menu, never having gone to this shop himself.
“And then their bear claw,” if there’s one thing he noticed about you it’s that in every universe you love a bear claw with your drink.
“Great! I’ll get that then!” You smile happily as the barista asks for the next person in line.
He didn’t realize how in love with you he really was until he spoke to you all these years later.
“Do you maybe want to sit down together? I know a park nearby,” You approach him after both of you have gotten your drinks.
“I’d…” he trails off remembering Jess’ words. He can’t, he shouldn’t, no matter how much he wants to. “I don’t think I can. I’m really sorry,” he feels horrible after seeing the look on your face. He wants to crumble up into a million pieces seeing you disappointed like that.
“No worries then. It’s okay,” you smile kindly at him. A clear tinge of sadness in your voice.
You walk off leaving him there unsure of his choice. Would one conversation really do anything? Would it tear the world apart like last time? Was he willing to risk it just to talk to you again?
The truth was yes, he was absolutely willing to risk everything for the chance to have you fall in love with him again. But he couldn’t do that to you. He stands there, heartbroken for a third time.
Even though he loves you he’s well aware you’re not his, not really. He knows that if he were to fall in love with this version of you it would be compensation for what he had lost. He would simply be trying to recreate something he couldn’t have.
Miguel loves you, but he can’t have you.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Y/n sneaks out to a party that she don’t have no business in going and ony catches her when she get home and fuck ha shit upp Like he always doo
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party pooper
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cw: gun violence
word count: 2.1k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
you were thinking about this party all week, having an outfit and everything picked so you didn’t have anything to worry about the day of. ony knew you were going out tonight, but you kind of left out the fact that you were going to the trenches to shake ass at a party. he still ended up finding out anyways, telling you to stay your ass home, but who tf want to do that.
he wasn’t supposed to be home until late so you figured you could just sneak out and be back by the time he got home. so that’s exactly what you did. your friend was outside your house by ten and you got right tf up outta there, skirt riding up your ass as you ran to the car in excitement. “bitchhh you ready?” sasha yelled, hands gripping the steering wheel as she shook in excitement.
“nah i’m actually shakin in my boots. if this man find out i think he might kill me furreal.” you and sasha were basically in the same predicament, going to this party without the approval of your boyfriends. “who give a fuck? we live right now and we’ll die laterrrr.” you giggled, nodding your head in agreement as you turned up the music and sung along for the rest of the journey.
the party was jumping. there was bitches shaking ass (including you), niggas selling drugs, and good music playing so loud that it could be heard down the block. you and sasha got comfortable real quick and we’re honestly having the most fun you’ve had in awhile. “this is your song girl you can’t let these hoes outdo youuu!!” sasha yelled as the intro to freak hoe by speaker knockerz began to play. you made your way to the middle of the floor swaying side to side until the beat dropped.
ass shaking in circles as you leaned over and held onto sasha’s arms for support. everyone’s eyes gravitated towards you as you continued moving to the song, that was until three loud gunshots were heard. bodies began to scatter everywhere as the entire party got ruined. people were jumping out of windows and running in random peoples cars just to get away from the cause of the deadly sound.
you and sasha finally made it to her car. pissed that your fun was ruined. “Y/N! bring your ass over here, NOW!!” your body froze as you listened to the familiar voice. while you was too busy being hardheaded and living it up at a party you shouldn’t be at, you didn’t think to try to at least be lowkey. ony and connie were chilling at their trap house when he looked one of his friend’s story. there you were, shaking ass for the whole world to see, skirt practically on your stomach as you gave everyone a show.
“man ima kill this girl” connie looked at his friend in concern before bubbling with the same anger as he watched the video replay on his phone. “i know that’s not my girl in the back. yea we out.” connie grumbled, pointing at sasha who was right behind you recoding as well. with that the two of them sped to the party, guns hidden securely on their waists as they walked inside.
ony didn’t plan on shooting it up, he actually was just gon calmly grab you up outta there for your safety because this is a bad area you were in. he looked around the house until his eyes landed on the center of a big circle of people. once he registered the sight in front of him he could help but reach right for his gun. your boyfriend was nowhere near insecure. he knew it was your body and that you had every right to shake some ass if you wanted, but the sight of the men around you made him sick.
cameras out, zooming closer and closer to your more private areas as you were obliviously dancing along to your favorite song. in no time his gun was out and there were three bullets let off in the ceiling. ony watched the people scatter as he waited inside for the house to be empty. him and connie stood on the porch, watching you stand next to sasha while she scrambled in her bag for her keys.
“m’not playin wit you girl. come over here now or it’s just gon be worse for you at home.” your legs moved slowly as you thought of an excuse as to why you were here. before you knew it, you were face to face with his heavy breathing chest, instantly making you revert your eyes to the ground. “unt uhh look at me mama. ian down there.” his strong hand wrapped around your throat, forcing your head to shoot upwards towards his face.
“here’s what’s gon happen. you gon get in the car, quietly. ion wanna here no crying or whining during this whole ride or ima add it on to the lesson ima teach you when we get home, understand?” his voice was low and menacing as he stared into your eyes, face drained of any emotion. “o-okay.” your lungs filled with air as ony let go of your neck, nodding towards his car.
you sat in the passenger seat scared shitless as you watched him give the guy that threw the party a stack of cash, probably for the damage he caused, before dapping connie up and saying goodnight to sasha. he got in the car quietly, not sparing you a single glacé before driving the two of you home. the ride was completely silent like he wanted. any excuses you thought of were quickly swallowed as well as the urge to cry.
you didn’t even notice when you got home until you felt your door open. “let’s go.” ony mumbled. he walked you to the living room, manspreading on the couch while you stared down at him. “m’really really really so-” he sucked his teeth before throwing you over hip lap. skirt already so short that his brown eyes got a good view of your soaked panties. warm palm caressing your ass as he spoke. “what’d i tell you baby?”
the smoothness of his voice made you shiver. “why you shakin’? ian spank you yet.” a chuckle rumbled from ony’s chest as he listened intently for your reply. “m’scared.” you were terrified. usually when you’d get in trouble your boyfriend would lecture you and make a big fuss so his calmness was very foreign to you.
“good.” a hard smack was brought to your ass causing the pending tears in your eyes to begin to fall. your hands instantly flew to cover your burning skin, sheliding them from his rough palms. “you know why ian want you over there right?” he grabbed both of your hands into his singular one, ignoring your whimpers. “b-because it’s n-not sa-“
“because it’s not fucking safe, that’s right. a nigga could’ve put sum in your drink or snatched you up. that’s the shit that be happening at parties like that and instead of being my good girl and listening to me, you decided to be. a. brat.” three more strikes were made to your ass. each harder than the last as you thrashed around on his thighs. “m-m’sorry papa.”
your tears created a small wet patch to form on the couch. you honestly didn’t mean to make him worry so much. it was just that you haven’t gotten to go out in awhile and wanted to finally have some fun. the wet patch went unnoticed until your cheek was smushed into it. ony removed himself from under you, positioning his body behind your before pushing your back down. “yea i bet you are baby. hold onto that pillow right there.”
head nodding towards the cushion as he untied the strings of his sweatpants. you gushed at the sight of his print through his grey briefs, moaning out loud as you thought of how good he was going to feel. “look straight mama. this a punishment, not a reward.” you obeyed, gripping the pillow tightly as you prepared yourself for the stinging stretch of his dick.
“be g-gentle daddy.” you mumbled as ony gripped both of your asscheeks, pulling your panties to the side and squeezing them as he spreader them apart. “be obedient.” he trusted his full length into you, giving you no time to prepare as he began pounding you into the cushion of the couch. “oouuu fuck mama. you always so tight.” ony groaned, hand flat on your back as his other delivered many slaps on your ass.
you outstretched your arm, pushing at his stomach for him to ease up. “p-pleaseeee aahhgg. jus take a little out daddyyyy.” whining as you were already trying to run from him. ony grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pulling your ass all the way back to him to the point where you were flush against his stomach. “stop running and take this shit. and move your fucking hand. barely even started yet.” he slapped your hand away, continuing to pound into you.
all eight inches of him curving just right in your pussy. as you got more used to his size, your heat grew wetter as the constant friction. moans began flying from your mouth left and right making you tighten round him. “there you go mama. takin me like a good girl.” his hips began snapping into you harder, making it more difficult for you to take him. “ahh w-wait a little bit daddy. s’too biggg.”
ignoring you, ony thrusted into you harder, pushing your back down lower so he could reach that spongy spot deep inside you. your stomach brushed against the couch as your body jolted. “unt uhh baby where’s the big girl that like t’sneak out, huh? where’s the girl that like to go out and shake her ass in a skimpy lil skirt while her man is worried sick about her?” where she at?”
wetness trickling down your thighs as you kept your death grip on the pillow. “s-she said she’s ahh s-sorry. m’sorryyyy daddyyy.” ony halted his trusts, giving you a hard slap on your ass and tightening his grip on your shirt. “mhmm throw that ass back princess. make it up to daddy.” his strong arm started you off by pulling you back and forth by your shirt before letting you do it on your own. ass clapping repeatedly as you twerked on his dick.
his brown eyes rolling as he felt you clench tighter around him. you continued working yourself on his shaft, chasing your upcoming orgasm. “d-daddy?”you were met with nothing but his hips fucking you back as he stared at where the two of you were connected. he was hypnotized by your body. “baby?” his head snapped up towards yours, shaking himself out of his thoughts before replying. “y-yea pretty? ahh fuck.” he breathed.
“i’m r-really sorry. i d-didn’t mean to make y-you worry, honest. i-i jus wanted t’go have funn, and when you told me the day of that i wasn’t allowed i g-got a little upset. i wont g-go over there e-ever again i swearrrr.” you began pushing yourself back harder as you held eye contact. ony’s resolve weakened as he felt his blood begin rushing to his dick, signaling to him he was going to cum if he didn’t get in control quickly.
ony’s hand tangled in your hair before pulling you up to his chest, arm wrapping around your middle as he kissed up and down your neck. his long tongue licked a stripe behind your ear before whispering dirty words to you. “mhmm. m’not finna say it’s okay ‘cause it’s not, but i forgive you mama. now keep making daddy feel good and i’ll give you this nut. how dat sound?” his teeth closed around your ear, gold girls pinching the skin. “y-yes please.”
the both of you moved on one accord, fucking each other dumb as you reached your climax’s. body growing weak and legs shaking as your thick cream rushed down his shaft. ony easily held you up, continuing to use you as his personal fleshlight. “ughh fuck baby m’finna cum.” his pace quickened, hips pistoning into you as you screamed from the overstimulation. he gave you one final trust before kissing you to keep you quiet, moaning into your mouth as his hot ropes flowed into your walls.
the two of you stayed like that for awhile, giving each other light kisses as you panted in each others mouths. “lemme get the water ready mama. we needa take a bath.”
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helloalycia · 7 months
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one / masterlist / wattpad
summary: when you find yourself in a situation where you want to kiss Jackie, you're not sure you can make the first move. A fact made even harder when Nat is there to tease you about it.
warning/s: none really.
author's note: here's part 2! hope you like it whilst i sort through a ton of wips lol
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I nodded along as Taissa was telling me about a colourful bird she'd seen earlier. We were eating some deer stew together outside the cabin, with the other girls settling down for dinner too, and it was basically a five star dinner with what we had out here.
"It was so pretty," Taissa finished. "And I swear it was following me."
I tried not to laugh. "Tai, I think you might have officially just lost it if the highlight of your day was a bird following you."
"Oh, shut up!" she said with a laugh, smacking me on the arm.
"Hey, don't take it out on my dinner!" I said lightheartedly, clutching my bowl of stew tightly with my one good hand.
"Idiot," she mumbled, but was smiling still.
"Hey, guys," Jackie said, joining us. "What did I miss?"
"Tai here was telling me about a pretty bird that wouldn't stop following her," I said with an amused smile, and it wasn't even an attempt at teasing her, but she nudged me again anyway.
"Quit it!" she warned, before giving Jackie a look. "It was so cool, Jackie."
"She's lost her mind," I told Jackie as she sat down opposite us with her dinner.
Jackie chuckled as she let Taissa tell her the story, and I stayed quiet as I heard it again. After Jackie gave her surprisingly positive input that didn't make fun of it, we all finished dinner and were about to get up together when Van called for Taissa, wanting her for something.
"It's okay, you go, I've got it," I told her, holding out my bowl. "Just put yours here."
"Thanks, Y/N," Tai said with a smile before stacking her bowl in mine, then looking to Van. "I'm coming!"
Joining Jackie, the two of us walked to the washing up area together when, suddenly, someone – I think it was Javi – ran past me and made me stumble backwards into Jackie. I bumped my broken arm in the process, making me curse as I inhaled sharply at the shooting pain up my shoulder.
"Watch where you're going!" Jackie yelled after Travis, who was running after his brother for God knew what reason.
"Come here," Jackie said softly, leading me to the steps of the porch of the cabin to sit down.
She took the bowls from my hand and set them to the side before leaning down before me, her hazel eyes searching mine worriedly.
"You okay?" she asked.
I breathed out slowly, trying to imagine the pain leaving my body, but the abruptness of the shove had hurt pretty bad. "Yeah, I think so."
She sighed, shaking her head. "They're jerks."
"It's fine," I said dismissively, knowing it was an accident.
She frowned, eyes flickering between mine, and I was forced to look away because I hated the sudden attention, my cheeks flushing at it. After what felt like forever, she grabbed the bowls from beside me and stacked them in hers.
"I've got this," she said, squeezing my knee comfortingly before standing up.
When she walked away, I let out a quiet breath of relief, not realising how nervous I'd been. So maybe this crush thing wasn't so fun anymore.
With crushing on Jackie meant wondering if she even liked me back, a question I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to. Sometimes I'd feel like she did, whether it be her lingering glances or ability to make me flustered, but then I'd second guess it as her personality and feel stupid for even considering otherwise.
For example, one time I was playing cards with Coach Scott when the blonde found me, asking to join in. So, we let her and played a few rounds of Go Fish before coach's leg was hurting and he left to take a nap.
"You wanna play acorn soccer?" Jackie asked with a playful glint in her eye.
I chuckled at the immediacy of her question. "Sure, why not?"
As we packed the cards away and left them on the side, I glanced around, noticing a few of the other girls were free.
"Should we ask the others?" I asked Jackie before we headed off.
She pretended to consider it. "We could... or we could save the hassle and just stick to us two?"
"Jackie!" I scolded lightheartedly.
"What?" she played along, flashing me a smile. "Someone's just gonna complain and then they'll spoil the fun. I like when it's just us."
I sighed, but gave her a small smile. "Fine. Let's go."
She grinned and led the way, and I had no choice but to follow her. It warmed my heart to know she enjoyed our time together too, but it was also one of those moments where I couldn't tell if I was seeing more into it than there was.
Luckily for me, I received an unbiased opinion on the matter without even asking for it. After Jackie and I played some acorn soccer together, we returned to the cabin before dinner and Jackie left to go catch up with Shauna. As I hung around to help with the fire, Nat found me.
"Hey," I greeted her with a smile. "You just come back from hunting?"
"Uh-huh," she said, before studying me curiously. "I have a question for you, Y/L/N."
Intrigued, I nodded encouragingly. "Shoot."
She knitted her eyebrows together with curiosity. "Since when did you and Jackie become so friendly?"
I shrugged, tossing some wood into the fire.
"Ever since she's been hanging out with you, she's been... nicer," she decided. "What d'you do?"
I gave her a disapproving look. "She was never mean, Nat, c'mon."
Nat weighed it up. "I guess, but sometimes she could be a real b–"
"Nat!" I smacked her arm gently, making her laugh.
"Look, all I'm saying is that girl is different," she said, motioning to the blonde who was chatting with Shauna, thankfully not in earshot of us. "And she definitely likes something about you."
"What can I say? I'm pretty likeable," I said jokingly.
She smirked knowingly. "Not like that, Y/N."
I lost my smile as she left me to it, wondering if she was right. I'd always thought it, but maybe if Nat was seeing it too then I wasn't going insane?
A few days later, I was helping Mari to hang some wet clothes on the washing line we'd strung up when something caught my attention.
"And where've you been?" Van asked someone, and I wouldn't have been intrigued if it weren't for the nonchalant response.
"Nowhere," Jackie replied, clearing her throat.
Curious, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Jackie returning to the cabin from somewhere or the other. The strange bit was seeing her clothes a little dirty, earth staining her denim shorts and white shirt. It was very unlike her to be so unkempt and dishevelled, from the mess of her hair to the mud on her nails. As the only one of us who seemed to actually still care how she looked, this was very out of the ordinary.
"Seriously?" I asked, reading Van's thoughts.
Jackie shrugged, wiping her hands on her shorts before heading around back, no doubt to wash off. I exchanged confused looks with Van before resuming with my job. Weird.
Struggling to sleep was something that hadn't really gotten better as time went on. You'd think it would considering it had been a month since we'd crashed here, but it was quite literally a hit and miss to whether I could actually fall asleep or not. And even then, at most, I'd get around five hours.
Tonight wasn't any different, and I was getting tired of the tossing and turning and forcing my eyes closed, so I accepted defeat and got up from my spot to sit in front of the fire. It was getting a little chillier in the air, the nights a little colder, and I feared what would happen when summer was over. But I tried not to overthink it right now, instead watching the wood burn a hot orange, embers crumbling off in the fireplace.
I sat there, hoping I'd succumb to fatigue soon enough, and then ten minutes passed and I heard movement from behind me.
"What are you doing?" It was Jackie, and she was yawning as she took a seat beside me, blanket hugging her.
Feeling bad, I said, "You don't need to–"
"Are you in pain?" she asked, waking up some more as she studied my expression.
"No," I breathed out, to which she relaxed. "Just couldn't sleep. Did I wake you?"
Another yawn, this time she tried to stifle it, and she shook her head. I wasn't stupid though, a frown on my lips.
"You can go back to sleep," I reassured her, in case she felt any moral obligation to be here.
Sly smile on her lips, she tilted her head to look at me. "Eager to get rid of me?"
I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips, and she chuckled quietly as to not wake anyone.
She nudged me with her shoulder, taking on a serious approach. "What's up?"
I stared back at the fire, finding it easier to tell the truth when I wasn't looking at her. "Just a lot on my mind."
Sighing quietly, I said, "This. My arm. Being rescued. It's been a month, Jackie."
She fell quiet, exhaling softly. "I know."
I wasn't sure why, but hearing the defeat in her voice only confirmed my fears – that we might be stuck here forever. Frowning, I looked down at my arm, remembering the day we crashed. The day everything broke down. The last day of our old life, but the first of our new one. How depressing.
"I had a dream about a cheeseburger last night," Jackie suddenly spoke, surprising me at the randomness of her comment.
"Yeah," she continued like it was normal, nodding, "it was fresh from the grill, had cold lettuce, pickles, onions, tomatoes, that really good burger sauce with the bits of pickle in–"
"Jackie," I stopped her.
She looked to me, confused and almost offended that I'd interrupted. "What?"
Bizarre, that's what she was, and it made me laugh. Worried I'd woken up the others, I looked around, thankful that everybody was still fast asleep, and looked back to Jackie with a stifled smile.
"What are you going on about?" I asked her in a low voice.
The fire was casting shadows across her face, making the glimmer of gold in her hazel eyes shimmer as she spoke. "There were fries too. Hot and crispy and perfectly salted."
"Thanks," I said sarcastically, though smiling. "Now you've just made me hungry."
She laughed quietly, looking to the fire with approval. "Better than sad."
My smile didn't disappear as I admired her profile, the curve of her jaw, the soft smile imprinted on her face, her hair that was still messy from being asleep. I could have watched her forever, sat there like that, but then I noticed something stuck in her hair. A remnant of a leaf or something.
"You've got something in your hair," I said in a hushed voice, and she lifted a brow as she glanced at me.
Figuring it was easier to get it out myself, I leaned forward and used my fingers to gently remove the leaf from behind her ear. She stayed still as I did, then I flicked it in the fire before looking back to her, realising she was watching me closely. It could have been the quiet of the night, the crackling of the fire, the proximity between us, but I was amazed by her beauty, eyes taking in her whole expression.
I was close enough to make out the freckles dusting her nose, her earth-coloured eyes which were focused on mine, even the pinkness of her lips as she licked them subconsciously, making my heart race in my chest. It would have been so easy to lean forward, to close the gap and kiss her, but I was terrified. What if Nat was wrong?
What if she was right?
No, I wasn't bold enough to make the first move. If Jackie wanted this – which, the longer she didn't move away from me made me feel like she did – she'd have to do it. Like the wimp I was, I pulled back, looking away. She sighed as she looked back to the fire, and if I couldn't sleep before, I definitely couldn't now.
"Thanks for staying up with me," I said, "but you should sleep."
"So should you," she retorted.
"I promise, I'll try," I said, before standing up and returning to my bed.
She did the same, the two of us tucking ourselves in a few beds over from one another. My heart was hammering away as I laid down, thoughts of Jackie infiltrating my head.
"Goodnight," she whispered.
I swallowed thickly. "Goodnight."
If wanting to kiss Jackie Taylor one time wasn't bad enough, having Nat tease me was even worse. She never outright said anything to me since telling me what she thought that one time, but she was certainly enjoying watching me squirm. Especially one evening, when we were all settled around the campfire.
I had my blanket wrapped around me as I sat close to the fire, appreciating the warmth. It wasn't super cold out tonight, but it was comforting nonetheless. Nat was sat on my right, a space between us, and then Jackie appeared, glancing down at me with a smile.
"This seat taken?" she asked.
Before I could even answer, Nat glanced at me with a stifled smirk, and I knew what she was thinking which made me embarrassed all over again.
Trying to ignore Nat, I answered Jackie, "No, go for it."
She grinned and sat in the space between us, and I gave her the other side of my blanket which she wrapped around her shoulders. It wasn't huge though, and she was forced to sit a little closer, close enough for me to make out the smell of the perfume she still spritzed on every morning for a sense of normalcy. It was distracting, as was the feeling of her arm and leg pressed up to mine, and I willed myself to snap out of it.
Suddenly, some of the girls were cheering on the other side of the fire, and then I tuned in when I realised they'd agreed to play a game of truth or dare. Nothing like a typical dumb party game to get everyone's minds off being stranded in the wilderness, right?
Admittedly, it was a little funny going around the circle and watching the stupid dares involving the girls drinking moonshine and flashing themselves, or listening to the amusing truths about someone stealing money from their parents or lying on school tests. For a moment, it was like we really were just at a dumb party.
Then it was my turn to go and Mari asked me if I wanted to pick truth or dare.
"Hmm," I thought aloud, being sure to choose wisely. "I guess I pick dare. I mean, how bad can it be when I only have one working arm?"
"Wanna bet?" Van threatened playfully, a devilish smile on her face which made all the other girls laugh.
Smiling with amusement, I didn't doubt her ability to make a fool of me, broken arm or not. "Damn, truth it is."
Everybody fell quiet as they thought of something to ask, and I wasn't worried in the slightest until Lottie decided to speak.
"This is such a go-to, I'm surprised it hasn't been asked," she said with a chuckle, before looking at me. "Do you have a crush right now? Maybe a long lost love back home?"
My smile was still on my lips, though wanting to disappear as I blinked and became acutely aware of everyone's eyes on me, especially the blonde beside me who was very much the root of my crush.
"Nope," I said as convincingly as I could, making everyone groan at my boring answer.
I truly believed I'd gotten away with it until I looked to Jackie beside me as she was next, but instead caught sight of Nat's mischievous grin beside her. Swallowing thickly, I pretended she wasn't there and looked back to Jackie who was already considering her answer as Mari asked the question.
"Truth," she chose excitedly.
"Oh, I've got a good one," Van said eagerly, before fixing Jackie with a curious look. "What's the most disgusting thing you've done since being here?"
A few girls snickered, and I hid a smile as I awaited Jackie's answer. Everybody knew Jackie acted like a princess, so this must've been good.
Jackie thought about it for a moment, looking up in consideration, before she scrunched her nose with disgust. "Okay, nobody kill me," she disclaimed, piquing everyone's interest, "but I accidentally used someone else's toothbrush one time."
Almost instantly, everybody began to talk over one another, demanding to know whose toothbrush she'd used, but Jackie wasn't having it.
"I don't know whose brush it was!" she exclaimed, embarrassed and avoiding everyone's eyes. "I answered your truth and there's no follow up questions. Also, you should really keep your things out of the communal areas. Just saying."
I suppressed the urge to laugh as a few girls scoffed with disbelief. Jackie glanced at me, both embarrassed and amused, a smile on her lips.
"Okay, Nat, you're up next," Mari moved on. "Truth or dare?"
Nat leaned back on her hands as she answered nonchalantly. "Truth."
"I've got a good one," Shauna said, entertained smile aimed at Nat. "Who do you think has lied tonight?"
Everybody began to 'ooh' at her question, knowing it would be the start of some drama which we had so little of out here. I didn't consider it much, until Nat answered without missing a beat.
I widened my eyes at her response, looking past Jackie and to a smirking Nat. Everybody was watching the two of us like a tennis match.
"What? Why?" I asked Nat calmly, not wanting to betray anything.
Nat only shrugged indifferently. "Dunno. It just can't be true that you don't have a crush."
I kept my cool as I said, "Well, it is."
"Maybe," Nat said, "but I don't believe it."
"Well, you're wrong," I said a little too quickly.
She laughed, unbothered by my defensiveness. "Okay. It's just my opinion."
My cheeks were flaming as I looked to the fire with embarrassment.
"Doesn't matter anyway," Nat added as an afterthought, enjoying tormenting me. "There'd be no way of you letting your crush know. It's not like they're here, right?"
I hoped Jackie couldn't feel the heat exuding from my skin as I sat there silently, distracting myself with my bottle of water and unable to respond to Nat's teasing. Thankfully, the subject was changed with the next person's turn, and I reminded myself to kill Nat later. She was enjoying this a little too much.
Once we'd gone around the circle once, it was getting late and a little nippy outside, so a few girls began to leave. Nat was one of them, winking at me playfully as she walked past, and just as I rolled my eyes, Jackie looked to me with confusion.
"What was that about?"
"Just Nat being Nat," I mumbled.
Unconvinced, she continued to stare at me with furrowed brows. "What was she doing earlier? Why did she say you were lying?"
"What?" I said, hoping to buy some time as I thought of a reason, because I definitely didn't expect her to say anything about it. "Oh, nothing. She was just trying to be funny."
Jackie licked her lips before pursing them. I thought she'd drop it, but then she narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.
"Is it Nat? Your supposed crush?"
I almost choked on my spit. "What?"
Her expression softened. "Is that why she was teasing you? Because you like her?"
Shaking my head instantly, I said, "No, no. That's literally not it at all. If anything, Nat is a pain in my arse."
Jackie hummed quietly, looking back at the fire which was on its way to burning out. I exhaled with relief, finding it ironic that she thought it was Nat who I liked. Oh, how wrong she was.
"So, whose toothbrush was it?" I asked, changing the subject, knowing she was lying earlier.
She paused. "Misty's."
I snorted with amusement. "Yeah, she would've killed you if she found out."
Jackie smiled in agreement, hiding her laugh. I couldn't seem to look away, lost in her stunning profile, lit up by the fire. It was deja vu. Her blonde hair appeared golden, her eyes a kaleidoscope of green and brown, and her lips... they were pink and soft and I wanted to kiss her again, just like last time.
She suddenly turned to look at me, soft smile gracing her lips, and I was too warm in this blanket, our bodies so close that I wouldn't be surprised if she could feel the heat from my skin, a consequence of how nervous she was making me with a simple glance. All I had to do was lean in, but I couldn't.
"I think you're lying too," she muttered with amusement.
Dumbfounded, I asked, "What?"
She clarified, "About not having a crush."
I raised my eyebrows, making her chuckle quietly before patting my leg.
"C'mon, it's cold," she said, before standing up and leaving me with me the blanket, probably assuming I would follow her.
But I was too surprised at what she'd said. That was a hint, right? She knew? She knew I liked her?
Should I have kissed her?
I wet some scrap material in the lake, my only source for something cold in the wilderness, and carefully wrapped my broken but healing arm in it. It acted as a terrible ice pack, but I sighed with relief at the cool feeling.
It had been a month and a half since we'd been stranded, a month and a half since my arm broke. I couldn't be sure it was healing correctly, since it still hurt when I moved it and looked a little weird, but the swelling was gone and I didn't need to rely so much on the limited medication we had.
Still, I couldn't do everything I wanted to and I really missed having two working arms. Even now, as I looked out at the lake and saw some of the others swimming in the water, I was jealous. God, I was so bored. Even a swim would be nice, but I physically couldn't.
Instead, I took a spot by the shore and laid on my back, using my arm to shield the sun from my eyes and have a little nap. I didn't completely doze off, just enough to tune out my surroundings for a little while, but then I felt a shoe gently kick at my leg.
"Huh? What?" I asked tiredly, lowering my arm.
Jackie was stood above me, eager smile on her face. I hated the way the butterflies began to swirl in my stomach, all because the sun crafted her silhouette so perfectly. Stupid. Crush.
"I've got a surprise for you," she said.
I sat upright, rubbing my eye. "What does that even mean?"
"Come find out," she exclaimed, before grabbing my hand without warning and pulling me up.
"Close your eyes," she instructed with a suppressed grin.
I gave her a disapproving look. "Seriously?"
She shook my arm encouragingly. "C'mon! You're gonna love it. I hope."
Very curious and also still a little out of it from my nap, I decided to entertain her and closed my eyes. She didn't let go of my hand as she dragged me somewhere carefully. I wasn't sure where at first, but then the ground was full of grass and sticks, and leaves were skimming my bare arms the further she led me, and I guessed we were back in the woods.
"Okay, we're here," she said suddenly, stopping abruptly. "Open."
I sighed, opening my eyes and blinking a few times. We were at the usual spot we played acorn soccer in, and I didn't know what the surprise was, but then I saw it. It was some sort of goal or net made of sticks twisted together in an awkwardly shaped dome, about the height of my knee and the width of my outstretched arms.
"What is this?" I asked with an amazed smile, running forward to study it closely.
"You gotta have a target, right?"
I laughed. "This is sick, Jackie!"
She chuckled from behind me. "I'm glad you like it."
"Wait," I realised, turning around to look at her. "Is this what you've been doing?"
It explained why she would sometimes return to the cabin looking a little messy, but I never expected her to be building this. DIY wasn't really her thing.
"Why? You been keeping tabs?" she teased, crossing her arms.
I sighed softly, thinking back to the first time I'd said that to her. Funnily enough, in this very spot.
"You're such an idiot," I said, rolling my eyes playfully, before moving forward to hug her.
She returned it before asking, "Wanna test it out?"
I stared at her with an obvious look. "Duh!"
She grinned and we returned to our usual positions for acorn soccer, though this time we had an actual 'net' and it raised the stakes in the best way possible. I still couldn't believe she'd done this for me.
As I dribbled the acorn 'ball', throwing in some fancy footwork just to annoy Jackie, she put her foot out and I tripped over it, hitting the ground instantly. It didn't hurt, though was definitely surprising, but I thought it would be funny to make Jackie feel bad anyway.
"Ow!" I shouted, rolling onto my back and pretending to clutch my broken arm.
Her expression transformed into one of concern as she gasped. "Oh, shit, are you okay?! I didn't mean to–"
I pushed my foot out slightly before she could finish, easily knocking her forward onto the ground, landing right next to me with a thud. Laughter spilled from my mouth almost instantly, only increasing when she lifted her head to playfully glare at me, a dirt mark on her cheek.
"You asked for it," I said knowingly, before sitting upright.
I offered her my hand as she sat up too, legs intertwined with mine as she wiped her hands onto her shorts.
"Did I actually hurt you?" she asked, tilting her head towards me with a smile.
"You did not," I assured her with amusement, making her sigh with defeat.
"Not funny," she pointed out, which was hard to believe when her eyes were sparkling with anything but seriousness.
I snickered, before my eyes fell to the dirt mark on her cheek. "You've got a little something..."
Motioning to my cheek, she furrowed her brows and lifted her hand to her own to try and get it, but she missed.
"Just right–"
I scoffed lightheartedly before using my thumb to get rid of it for her, wiping it away in a few swipes. I had to cup her jaw as I did, not even realising what I was doing until she exhaled softly and her breath dusted my lips. I paused, eyes flickering to hers, and that feeling came back, along with the nerves that always accompanied them. She looked between my eyes before hers fell to my lips, and mine did the same. I wanted to lean in, so so badly, but as usual, my body became paralysed with fear. Why was this so hard?
Like the wimp I was, I was about to let go of her jaw and pull away, ready to pretend this never happened. But she surprised me when she spoke up.
"Just do it."
I blinked, surprised, briefly meeting her half-lidded gaze, and that was all the confirmation I needed. Pushing away my fears, I finally leaned in, kissing her. She sighed into my mouth, moving her hand to the back of my neck to pull me even closer, and I had goosebumps all over at the feeling of her lips on mine. It was slow, long-awaited and wonderful, and I regretted not making a move sooner.
When we pulled apart, my heart was racing and I opened my eyes, only to be submerged in pools of hazel.
"Getting a kiss from you is like pulling teeth, I swear," she murmured, lips curving into a satisfied smile.
Flushing with embarrassment, I cleared my throat and let go of her. "Nothing stopped you from making the first move, y'know."
"And do all the work?" she asked rhetorically. "I left so many hints. I thought you would've taken them."
"I wasn't sure," I admitted, lips still tingling. She rolled her eyes teasingly, but I continued, "I couldn't be sure. Not with you. Not for me."
"You still sound doubtful," she noticed, smile fading a little.
I wasn't sure what to say because a small part of me still was. Accepting that Jackie Taylor had wanted me to kiss her was something I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to.
Suddenly, she kissed me again, brief but enough to have me second guessing my own name. When she pulled away, a knowing smile was on her lips.
"How about now?" she asked, and all I could do was swallow hard with warm cheeks.
She laughed before helping me up off the ground. We dusted ourselves off and then she held out her hand towards me.
"Let's head back," she said, and I smiled as I accepted her hand.
We walked back to the cabin, me personally feeling like I was on cloud nine because the girl I liked actually liked me back.
"So, the thing with Nat," Jackie brought up as we headed back. "The crush and the lying thing. That was about me?"
Oh, God, why was everything so embarrassing?
"Yes," I admitted reluctantly. "She was teasing me because she knew I wouldn't make a move."
This made Jackie chuckle. "She wasn't wrong."
I shot her a sideways glance. "Thanks for the reminder."
"Oh, c'mon," she said between laughter, "don't pout."
I rolled my eyes lightheartedly. "It's fine, don't worry. Let's just all laugh at Y/N because she couldn't kiss the girl, ha, ha, ha."
Jackie kept laughing, though I knew it wasn't out of spite. Besides, at least I'd finally made a move. That was all that mattered.
At least, it did for the next two minutes until we reached the cabin and I saw Nat sat on the steps, taking note of the two of us holding hands.
"And here we go," I whined to myself.
Jackie's smile, still on her face from the amusement of my inability to make the first move, faded as she glanced between Nat and I.
"Hey, Nat!" she called to the blonde, confusing me and earning her attention.
As soon as Nat looked our way properly, Jackie let go of my hand and kissed me, cupping my face between her hands  and taking her time. I was so surprised when she pulled away, as was Nat, not expecting her to be so outright with it.
"Anything to add?" Jackie cut me off, instead looking to Nat with a quirked brow that dared her to tease me.
Nat shook her head. "Not at all. Huh."
Satisfied, Jackie smiled sweetly and I was sure my face was hot with embarrassment. I probably should've seen that coming, but also, how could I have?
"Good job," Nat said to me as she walked past us, impressed smile on her lips.
I blinked, before looking to Jackie. "Erm, thanks?"
"Hey, she may have been right, but only I get to tease you about it," she said in a way that sounded like she was joking but I knew she wasn't.
I breathed out, small smile on my face. I may have been the shy one, but at least I had Jackie to rely on. It's not like I'd ever have to make the first move again anyway. The hard part was over.
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cobaltperun · 9 months
Lost (9) - Lost
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Tara Carpenter x Female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 6.9k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-I'm lost in these memories living behind my own illusion. Lost all my dignity living inside my own confusion-
It was suffocating, the entire house, the clean, white walls let like they were closing in on you, the furniture, custom made and as huge as the ego of your parents felt like it would fall on top of you any moment now, and you were stuck there, unable to move.
You were ten and your entire world fell apart. It wasn’t fair, it just wasn’t fair. Zack wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be dead! Your father had to be lying!
“He’s dead,” he repeated, looking like he was talking about spilled milk, and you felt sick, you felt lightheaded, your legs couldn’t hold your weight and you dropped to your hands and knees, sobbing uncontrollably, your fists clenching as your body shook. “Stop crying, Y/N,” he ordered, his tone harsh and unforgiving, and it made you flinch as you covered you mouth to stop the sobs, but you couldn’t stop the tears, they just kept falling.
Your mother grabbed your shoulders and pulled you to your feet so hard you nearly fell back. “Go to your room, your father is expecting important guests,” she ushered you to go upstairs, to be the obedient daughter. And you did just that, running up the stairs while your legs felt like they would crumble under your weight, just so you could get to your room.
Once inside you stumbled to your bed and pulled a small toy boxer from behind your pillow. Tears fell on it as you held it close. The only gift Zack gave you that you managed to keep, to smuggle into your room without your parents noticing. Anything else they took, and you never saw it again, photos, toys, books, it didn’t matter what Zack got for you, it was gone. So, aside from the toy boxer, he gave you his time, as much as he could, and he gave you the basics of martial arts, he taught them to you, he taught you discipline better than anything your parents ever signed you up for. You buried your face in the pillow, muffling your cries and screams, you were alone now, you lost your brother.
You didn’t know how long it took you to stop crying, by the time you did the Sun was getting low and you were just too exhausted to keep sobbing.
Even now, at ten years old, you felt the room you were in wasn’t who you were. It was, as your mother described it, a girl’s room, flowery and colorful, filled with clothes appropriate for your parents’ wealth and a customary violin they wanted you to learn how to play. You were meant to grow into a young lady that scoffed at anything even mildly violent, someone who relied on other people to cook and clean for you, and if you really wanted to, you would get the education needed to take over your father’s company.
That’s who you were supposed to be, but meeting Zack changed that.
And you found your passion in martial arts and the vision your parents had of you would never come true.
But, just like you took away their vision of their perfect daughter, they took the toy boxer away, taking the only remaining physical reminders of your brother away. Only allowing you to go to the funeral because you wouldn’t shut up about it. And to completely remove you from those memories they chose to move, hoping that maybe, leaving the city you spent so much time with Zack in, would made those memories fade away. At the start of 2012, two months after Zack’s death you and your parents moved to Woodsboro.
Woodsboro was a strange experience at first, a small town, with people suspicious of anyone new. You didn't care, you were still shaken by the loss, shaken by being torn from the life you had. Looking back now, there wasn't much of a life there, but to a ten-year-old you that was all you had. Especially after losing Zack.
Two weeks into your time in Woodsboro you just walked around, figuring out where what was when you noticed a tiny girl pushing a bicycle and carrying a bag. She was alone, and she seemed to be struggling. Why was a girl who didn't look older than seven all on her own with a bicycle that looked like it would be too big even for you?
The girl your parents raised would have minded your own business and avoided any attention. Zack taught you to be better than that.
"Uh, hey," you approached her awkwardly. She raised her head when she figured out you were talking to her. The first thing you noticed upon a closer look were her expressive brown eyes and freckles on her face. "Need help?"
She seemed genuinely surprised, but at the same time looked weary. You couldn't blame her, this was the first time she had seen you. "No, but thanks for offering help," she gave you a small, shy smile and walked by you.
Well, you weren't about to force her into accepting help. You offered, she didn't accept it, so you shrugged. But then she began coughing and dropped to her knees, her bicycle falling to the side as some of the content from her bag spilled out. You ran up to her since there was no one nearby to do it instead.
"Hey, are you sick or something?" you had no idea what to do, you were ten and confused and not used to situations like this one.
The girl nodded, pulling out something and taking a breath. Something that helped her breathe? "Asthma," she muttered. "I'm fine now, I'm sorry," you didn't understand why she was apologizing, but you began picking her things up. You noticed it was mostly food that was quick to make and cheap, but you didn't comment on that.
"Hey! Stay away from Tara!" health complications weren't something you were used to reacting to, but sudden fights definitely were. You jumped to your feet, grabbing the fist before it could reach your face. The girl that attacked you was a few inches taller than you, and she was definitely stronger as she pushed you back hard enough to make you stumble and fall.
"No, Sammy, she was helping," the smaller girl quickly hugged this ‘Sammy’ from behind.
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't recognize you, so," she trailed off, looking uncomfortable all of a sudden.
You frowned and huffed as you got up, really not liking that she went with the 'swing first, ask questions later' approach. "Right, I'll be leaving now," you just backed away and left the two. Hopefully, you won't run into them that often, because this was not a good first impression.
Something really seemed to push you and the girl together, because it only took a week at school to see her again. Or, well, she bumped into you.
"I'm sorry! I'm late for class!" she ran off before you could even comprehend what just happened.
"Huh, her again," you mumbled to yourself and then realized what she said. "I'm late!" there was no time to think about another chance meeting.
Ever since then, there have been small encounters, seeing each other in the hall, and coming across each other on the street. Never a conversation though, you still didn't exchange names, though the girl that attacked you said 'Tara' so maybe that was the girl's name. You really liked that name for some reason. You felt like it fit the girl.
The first time you spoke it was actually December of that year. So, nearly a year went by with occasional glances here and there, simply acknowledging that the other existed. The school had this kinda awful karate class, but it was the only martial arts they had, so you went. Which was why you stayed at school after classes. It was a downpour outside, and you were not eager to leave, but, there was no telling if the rain would slow down. So, you pulled your hood over your head and stepped outside.
That was when you noticed her, trembling at the entrance, clearly not dressed for this cold, well she had a jacket on, that was too big for her, but it wasn’t much of a protection from this. She was soaked from head to toe from the rain, alone. Again.
"You'll get sick, at least get inside the school," you tilted your head to the side as you spoke to the girl. And she had asthma, and you didn’t know much about it, but you knew enough to understand getting sick especially bad for her.
She looked up. "Mom won't see me if I'm inside and she'll leave," the girl said as if it was the most obvious reason in the history of reasons.
"Since when are you waiting?" you asked, honestly hoping she also had some after-class activities because the alternative was her freezing in this rain for an hour and a half.
"Since school ended," yeah, you doubted her mother was coming. What kind of parent would make their child wait like this? At least your parents made it clear they wouldn’t pick you up from school, regardless of the weather.
You frowned, wondering if there were any alternative solutions. The school bus was long gone. You didn't know if the local bus went near the girl's house, and you didn't have a phone. "Can you walk?"
She shook her head. "I'm tired," now that you paid a bit more attention to her you figured you were wrong. She wasn't going to get sick. She already was. Her face was red, and her voice was a bit raspy. And she just spent an hour and a half standing in the rain. "Mom isn't coming, is she?" she asked, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, but she tried to stay strong. What else could she do, she was on her own, too tired to walk to her house.
"Probably not. Come on, I'll take you home," you took your bag off and turned your back to her. "Get on," when she didn't you figured she maybe couldn't climb on your back as sick as she was, so you crouched down. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking."
"N-No, it's okay, I, I'm fine," she stammered, and you only held your umbrella out to her.
"You're light, I won't even feel you," well, you would, after some time, but you could handle it. Hey, it would be a good exercise. "I'm Y/N, in case that was weird because you didn't know my name."
You turned your head around and saw she had the same expression she had when you offered to help her when you first saw each other. Like she hasn’t experienced more than basic kindness in a long time.
"Please, I wouldn't be able to sleep well if I just left you here," you tried, offering her your hand. Reluctantly she took it and took that step closer to you. Seeing that she agreed with your idea you went back to the previous position and waited.
"Thanks. I'm Tara," she sounded really shy all of a sudden. "I'm sorry Sam pushed you before," you wondered why she still remembered that when you felt her get on your back and put her hands on your shoulders. You got up as if she wasn't even there. Just how light was this girl? Definitely too light. Even for her age. You wondered for a moment if she had proper meals. Given her mother didn’t come to pick her up you weren’t so sure she was being properly taken care of.
"Don't worry, as long as she doesn't do it again," you chuckled and handed her the umbrella. "Uh, my hands are kinda full, so if you don't mind?"
Tara nodded, taking the umbrella and opening it just as you stepped into the rain. It didn't shield you much, but it helped. "How old are you?" you figured you might as well pass some time while you were walking to Tara's house.
"I'll turn ten in a week," she said. "You?"
Ten? She was about to turn ten?! This girl? How?! She was tiny! You thought she was eight at best!
"Uh, Y/N," she squeezed your shoulder a bit.
You cleared your throat awkwardly. "Sorry, I thought you were younger. I'm eleven," you finally replied.
"Mean," oh, she definitely understood what you were implying.
"Sorry, sorry, look at it from the brighter side, if you were bigger I wouldn't be able to carry you home," you tried to cheer her up a bit.
"Yeah, that really makes up for being short," ooh, sarcasm, you liked that.
"Exactly!" you chuckled as if you thought she was serious.
Tara groaned and hid her face behind your shoulder, but you heard a tiny giggle despite the rain.
And that was the start. The actual start.
Tomorrow you didn’t see Tara in the halls, you expected as much, but yesterday she told you what class she was in so you went and asked one of the kids in her class if she came to school. That’s how you confirmed she didn’t come to school, so, without bothering to tell your parents, because they wouldn’t notice anyway, you made your way to her house.
Boldly and without a hint of hesitation you walked up to her front doors and knocked a few times. No one answered, so you tried again, and again until finally you heard someone yelling they were coming. The woman that opened the doors looked somewhat like Tara, with dark hair and eyes, but she didn’t exactly look sober.
“What do you want runt?” the woman asked, confused by your presence.
“Good afternoon. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I’m here to see Tara,” you went for the polite approach, not really sure what else would work.
The woman nodded. “She’s a bit sick, but sure, go upstairs, you’ll hear her,” you raised an eyebrow at that. You’ll hear Tara?
“Thank you,” you quickly thanked the woman and slipped your shoes off before going up the stairs. You did hear Tara, as the woman said you would, because she was coughing. “Shit,” you cursed under your breath. Just how sick was she? You approached the doors and knocked.
“Come in,” came raspy and confused voice.
You opened the doors and waved at the girl. “Hey, you, uh, didn’t come to school, so I figured I could drop by to check on you,” you smiled sheepishly at her astonished face, but she didn’t sit up, she was too sick.
“Y/N?” she rubbed her eyes as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
“One and only,” you grinned as you approached her.
Tara giggled a bit, but that made her start coughing again.
“Easy,” you were reminded of Zack a bit before he died, and you remembered he would sleep while half-sitting up when it became too difficult to breathe. He said his body was exhausted fighting the heart issues, and because of that he easily got sick near the end of his life, only making his life even shorter. So, remembering that you went up to Tara and lifted her upper body up, much to her confusion, but it stopped her coughing for a bit while you looked around for something to prop the pillow up with. Eventually, you noticed a smaller pillow next to her and used it to lift her pillow higher. “This should help a bit, I think,” you lowered her back to the pillow and she smiled weakly.
“Thanks, it’s easier to breathe now,” she whispered and patted the spot next to her. “Stay with me for a bit?”
You nodded, and the two of you just sat there in silence, already strangely comfortable in each other’s presence. Half an hour later the doors opened again and you turned to see Sam standing there, baffled and confused.
“You’re… the one from that day? The girl I pushed? Y/N?” she asked, not sure how to react to you being there, but then she looked at Tara and visibly relaxed.
“Yeah, nice to meet you, properly I mean,” you grinned a bit and Sam just nodded.
After that the chance meetings turned into quick chats between classes or at least a high-five and a smile as you passed by one another. By the end of the month, you sometimes walked Tara home, carrying her if she was too tired and just chatting and joking on your way home. It didn’t matter your house was in the opposite direction, because you enjoyed her company way more than whatever was waiting for you at home.
Before you knew it, sometime after the holidays were over, she was tugging on your sleeve to meet a group of kids that were a bit younger than her.
“This is Y/N, my best friend!” she introduced you and you couldn’t hide your surprise. You were her best friend?
“Hey! We heard you like karate!” one of the boys, Chad greeted you cheerily.
You could work with that. “Martial arts in general, but sure I like karate as well,” you grinned, though your grin dropped when he rushed at you. You just pulled Tara to the side and let him run by you. “Uh, what were you trying to do?” you asked, chuckling uncomfortably as he tripped and fell into the snow, causing the other three kids to laugh.
“I was trying to tackle you! You like martial arts so I wanted to see if you were any good at it,” he got up and brushed the snow off his pants and jacket.
“So, don’t rushed at her like Pikachu!” the girl that looked a lot like him, his twin Mindy, from what Tara told you, teased him, causing another round of laughter.
That was how it was back then. Chad had Wes, and Mindy had Amber, so, before you came along Tara was the kid with asthma they met because Sam used to babysit them that was now in their grade because she had to repeat a year. Amber took liking to Tara and pulled her into the group, but Tara didn’t have her own best friend at the moment. So, you filled that gap. You were her best friend.
That being said, Amber was still the one who gave name to the role you played in Tara's life.
About half a year into the newfound friendship Tara invited you to go to a picnic with her and her friends. It wasn't even going to be much of a picnic since there wouldn't be anything to eat other than some snacks, but it was a chance to get out of home, so you accepted.
You joined the group at the park and high-fived Tara before waving to the other four. "Mindy, Chad, Wes, Amber," you grinned and sat down next to Tara as the four greeted you back.
The day was going the same way it usually did, usual banter, usual jokes, Amber trying to keep Tara's attention on her, Mindy teasing Wes, Chad trying to get into a joke scuffle with you and you, of course, not backing down from said competition, all the while Tara caught you up with what happened to her over the past few days.
Eventually, Chad, bored and mischievous as he was, grabbed Tara's bottle just as she was about to take it.
Tara was still tiny, and Chad didn't have to try to keep the bottle away from her. "Just say please Tara," Chad teased her by waving the bottle just out of her reach.
Tara smirked a bit. "Please, right?" she asked and Chad, now slightly confused nodded. She glanced at you, smiling as she saw you looking right at her while you lay down on the grass. "Y/N."
You couldn't help but snicker as you sat up, really impressed by how bold she got when you were with her. Chad caved in before you had the chance to get to your feet and you all shared a laugh.
Amber shook her head. "I'm telling you all, Y/N is Tara's guard dog," Amber laughed to cover it up as a joke, but there was a bit of malice behind those words.
You turned to Chad as soon as the laughter settled down. "Woof, woof?" and the six of you were once again laughing.
It became a bit of a running joke, really, that Tara only had to say your name in some situations, and you'd be right by her side. 'Tara calls and you bark,' was the original joke. The guard dog never bites though because it was always with friends. It was always small things that couldn't lead to violence. Guarding Tara from a stray ball in the park, or keeping her from falling if she tripped next to you, small things like that were why Amber began calling you the guard dog and others accepted the nickname.
And then the joke changed into 'Tara barks and you bite', because the guard dog bit. You got into a fight.
You were a couple of months away from turning fourteen and you just found out your parents chose not to help Zack. Your father wouldn't help to pay for the medicine and Susan had no way of getting enough money. She was already in debt for medical bills and couldn't even sell the house. Your father came from money, not old, old money, but his parents were rich enough to help him get very rich. To the point where he wouldn't even feel the medical bills.
He and your mother, plain and simple, didn't want to do it. 'Good riddance,' your father said. 'No son of his was a barbaric, violent no-good fighter.'
Your temper was short, you could feel anger rising within you in less time than it took to snap fingers. That's how short your fuse was. Somehow, the only exception to that anger was Tara.
Woodsboro was usually quiet, but a new Stab movie had just released, and some tourists were bound to come by. One of them got you to snap.
Tara had begged you to go see The Babadook with her when it finally came to your local cinema. So, you, of course, went with her. It was a good movie, though you probably wouldn't go to see it if it wasn't for Tara. Tara loved it though, it was her new favorite thing, and from the looks of it that wouldn't change any time soon.
"Man, that movie sucked!" someone complained as you were getting out and Tara turned around.
"No, it didn't!" she immediately argued, being with you gave Tara more confidence, the girl that was startled and timid when you met and when you finally spoke again that day in the rain was nowhere to be found. She was getting bolder, more confident in herself, and you being with her gave her that sense of safety that allowed her to act like that.
"What?" the guy that said The Babadook sucked was maybe two or three years older than you.
"It's a great movie," Tara declared boldly.
The guy laughed and was probably about to dismiss her, but then he raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you Samantha's sister? Tell your sister to get me my money for she'll know what," he suddenly got really serious and you stepped between him and Tara.
"Back off," you firmly stated.
"Yeah? Or what?" he challenged.
"Sam doesn't owe you anything," Tara said as she stepped next to you.
That, apparently made him angry. "Really now? She doesn't? So maybe you can give me my money?" he reached forward, and you just went and did it. You slammed a right uppercut into his jaw, and he fell on the ground. Security got called, he didn't want to call the police, for his own sake, and you got off with a warning from security and a year-long ban from the cinema. What a tragedy that was.
Perhaps it was because she could tell how tense you were, but that was the first time Tara held your hand as you walked to her house. It was a loose hold, but it was a hold, nonetheless.
"Sorry, I lost control there," could the guy get violent? Maybe. Would he? Perhaps. He still didn't exactly do anything that warranted a punch like that.
"It's okay, thanks for having my back there," she whispered and tightened her hold on your hand.
"Well, Amber does say I'm your guard dog," you chuckled, gradually calming down now that you were sure everything was okay. Rumors spread eventually and by the end of it, the tale of punching a slightly older guy turned into getting into a fight with two adults. Well, at least it got the message across as you officially became her guard dog that day. Don't mess with Tara.
Sam left about a year later, shortly after Tara turned thirteen, you and Tara kept spending time together, you made a deal with your parents that you’d be free once you turned eighteen, that you could leave and that you would play your role of a good daughter until then. And you did, for about three years you did just that, only breaking that deal once, a few months before you turned eighteen.
Tara came over to your place for once. You’d watch a movie in your room, eat a lunch, and then you’d do some homework together. You had an assignment about movies and Tara could easily help you with that and you would help her with some homework she was struggling with at the moment. The day was going great, until it was time to eat lunch, and since it was Sunday both of your parents were home.
You were getting better and better when it came to cooking, and today you were making a risotto for Tara and you. In a way you were lucky that Tara didn’t question why you didn’t make any for your parents as you set the two plates down.
Your father came into the kitchen to make himself a tea, it was one thing he always made for himself, because he had a very specific amount of milk he wanted added to it. And he came in with his cigar freshly lit and you saw red.
“Get out,” you warned, already getting up to open the window.
“No,” yet he refused, exhaling a long puff of smoke as he poured water into the kettle.
You didn’t want to even spare the time to argue, he knew Tara had asthma, you made it clear several times that you wouldn’t let anyone smoke near her. So, you just briskly walked over to him, grabbed the cigar before he could react, put it out and chucked it through the window.
Tara gasped, seeing the anger flash in your father’s eyes as the two of you glared at each other, you weren’t backing down.
“I told you to get out. I told you I don’t want anyone smoking near Tara,” you reminded him as he bared his teeth.
“Insolent child,” his tone was low, but you’ve learnt a long time ago that it was more of a bluff than anything, a tough act of a coward.
Tara didn’t know that. She just saw you and your father being tense, as if you would start arguing any moment now. And she got up, running up to you and pulling you back. “Y/N, please, let’s just go to your room. Or to my place, please Baby,” she tried to get you to look at her, but you just made sure she was behind you, and not between you and your father.
“Baby?” your father’s eyes widened. “Baby?!” he yelled and Tara flinched, hiding behind you and you saw red. He scared Tara. “You are going to stop associating with this girl, Y/N!” he ordered.
“I’m sorry,” Tara whispered just loud enough for you to hear and the red haze faded away, you couldn’t lose it now, it would only make things worse.
You just took her hand, squeezing it gently while glaring at your father. “Try to stop me, see what happens,” you warned, daring him to try and do anything, to raise his hand, to even try to hit you. He wasn’t stupid, by that point you’ve already spent over half your life training martial arts.
He snarled, but seeing he couldn’t intimidate you he just backed away, leaving the kitchen as the kettle whistled.
With him gone you pulled Tara into your arms and the sixteen-year-old girl clung to you as if she was afraid you’d vanish if she let go of you. You held her just as tightly before tucking a stray strand of hair back to its place. “I don’t care what he says,” you assured her gently and felt her relaxing a bit at that, but she still held onto you and you, honestly, didn’t mind. And as you held her in your arms, as her presence alone calmed you down from your anger, as you felt how wildly your heart was beating at her proximity, you realized what you should have realized some time before that, you realized you were in love with Tara.
Half a year later you had your first fight, you won, but you came back to Woodsboro a day later with bruises all over your body and several nasty swellings. Your lower lip was busted, and not just a bit. There were a few small cuts on your face, from punches and the one on your forehead nearly cost you the fight. Overall, you were in awful shape and just wanted to get into your apartment and sleep through the pain. You didn’t expect to see Tara outside your doors, chewing on her lower lip as she waited for you.
“Hey,” you spoke softly, trying to smile, but it kinda hurt to do that, so you winced instead, and Tara turned to you with an unreadable expression on her face. You could see the worry and hurt in her eyes, but you struggled to identify anything else. “You should see the other woman,” you tried to joke lamely, but she just grabbed the keys you prepared and unlocked your apartment before dragging you inside.
You figured just behaving would be your best option, so you let her silently take care of you. She placed several ice packs on you, one over your eye, the other on your hurt left wrist, and the third she just applied on whatever bruise she could see for a few minutes at a time.
“Thanks,” you eventually said as you lowered the ice pack so you could properly look at Tara.
“Please don’t fight again,” she looked like she couldn’t take it, she was shaking, and frankly you were worried her asthma might get triggered.
You never wanted to get into this position, to basically choose between the memory of Zack and Tara. To choose between the only family that ever cared for you and the girl you loved and at the end of the day that was exactly what this choice was. It was painful, and you’d forever remember the look of utter rejection and even a hint of betrayal on Tara’s face when you finally replied
But… you couldn’t give up, even if Tara asked you to. You had to give it a shot, for Zack. “I can’t, Tara. This is what I chose to do, I just love fighting too much to stop after one fight,” you could only hope that she would understand, that this decision wouldn’t cost you your friendship with Tara. Given the look in her eyes, it wouldn’t go that far, and even as she nursed you back to health, she still looked unhappy, because you chose fighting.
Because you didn’t choose her.
You were Tara’s guard dog, you were her protector, you were a skilled, almost ridiculously trained MMA fighter, but you couldn't keep her safe. Not from Amber and Richie, or their sick plan, not from the trauma, not from what she was feeling. You couldn't punch her way out of this problem. It made you feel weak and helpless, it was like an overwhelming weight you couldn't shake off, and a part of it was your fault. Because you betrayed her trust by not telling her about your troubles sooner, and now she couldn't believe you.
You glanced at Tara, knowing full well she was still awake. You were fairly certain she spent some of the night crying, but she never called out to you, and you weren't about to push her into contact she didn't want. Her pushing your arm away, even if you understood to an extent, hurt no matter how hard you tried to reason with that choice.
Tara thought everything was getting better, or as good as it could get, but it just felt like every time she felt things were about to get better something happened and made it worse. Sam was back, her mother couldn't help herself and screamed at Sam almost any chance she got. Tara's wounds healed, for the most part, her left hand was damaged beyond repair. Your heart was healthy, you were fine, you were forced to retire from MMA. It all came back to her. Sam would have left by now, or rather she wouldn't have returned in the first place if it wasn't for Tara. Her hand was self-explanatory. You would still have your career if you didn't choose to get involved with Tara.
A voice in her head kept telling her she was the one to blame. That she couldn't get her father to love her enough to stay. That she couldn't be there for Sam. That she wasn't there when you needed her. That Amber maybe wouldn't have done everything she did if Tara was a better friend and then a better girlfriend. That so many people died and maybe there was something she could have done to prevent it. That you nearly died and that she shot you and that she had no right to say anything about your mark being the only one she'll ever wear.
She curled up as much as her leg allowed her to and clenched the sides of her head, thankful that you were getting ready in the bathroom. She pulled the blanket over her head, fearing that she really pushed you too far this time. You didn't even sleep in your own bed last night. She curled the fingers of her right hand around the collar of the shirt she wore that night, your shirt.
Your apartment, your bed, your shirt, your mark around her neck. You were her safe space, yet ever since she finally had a bit of time to think about it, she ended up convincing herself she wasn't giving you anything in return. Or if she was giving you something back, it wasn't enough.
"Tara?" she didn't even notice you coming back. She wished you would just reach out and touch her, but as touchy as the two of you were you never initiated contact unless Tara saw it coming. It wasn't just since Tara was first attacked, that's how it's always been. She didn't move, she didn't want you to see her face right now.
She heard a sigh and then what sounded like you just dropping to the floor. Scared you somehow got hurt, Tara turned around and saw you sitting on the floor with your back pressed against the side of the bed. She could see how tense your muscles were even with the shirt you had on; she could see how exhausted you were.
You needed rest and Tara was convinced she was the reason you needed it. Well, of course you needed rest. You’ve been taking care of Tara while recovering from your own wounds. Sam couldn’t carry Tara, so you did it. Sam felt guilty over Tara being attacked, and had troubles looking at Tara’s wounds, and since so many years passed Tara herself wasn’t entirely comfortable about being naked in front of Sam, so… you helped her when she needed to shower or wash her hair the first two weeks. Tara’s injuries and lack of anyone else but Sam that could help her made you act as if you weren’t injured at all, you barely rested at all.
You sighed and she couldn't remember ever hearing you sigh like that, like you were just about to reach your limit. "Tara, what do you want from me?" no, you were at your limit.
Tara, unsure of what exactly to tell you now, just went with the first thing that came to mind. "The truth. I want you to be honest," she only now realized how raspy her voice was. She reached for the water bottle on the nightstand only to see you already grabbing it and handing it to her, all without turning to look at her.
Your laugh was humorless, hollow, she hated it. "Well, there's our issue right there. You'll only trust a lie," you curled up, letting your forehead rest against your knees as your arms just dropped at your sides.
For a moment Tara thought that maybe, just maybe you were honest last night. That you really were fine with retiring. But she realized MMA wasn't just something you loved. She realized you did it as a way to remember your brother. "There's no way that can be the truth," she knew how protective of her you were, how you would keep what was bothering you inside just so she wouldn't be worried.
Your reaction was instantaneous. You got up so abruptly and forcefully that Tara felt the bed hitting the wall. "Why can't you just accept that I'm fine with retiring?" you still wouldn't look at her, but you began pacing around in what little space the apartment offered. Your movement was rigid, eyes clamped shut as you ran your hand through your hair, more frustrated than Tara ever saw you before.
You were tired and frustrated. "Y/N, please," Tara wanted, needed you to calm down. She wouldn't be able to reach you if you were this frustrated.
"Y/N, please," you repeated dejectedly. "Please what exactly? Please say you aren't fine?" you finally looked at her, your jaw clenching so hard Tara was surprised you didn't crack a tooth. And the way you looked at her. Frustrated, exhausted, pleading for her to trust you.
Tara met your eyes as much as it hurt to see you like that. "You said you were fine before. You weren't." she choked out.
You turned your head to the side, blinking rapidly. "So what? Now you'll think I'm going to fall apart every time something doesn't go my way?" you asked incredulously, there was clear accusation in your eyes, anger directed right at Tara, caused by what she just said.
It wasn't that! You were strong, you weren't going to, fall apart, as you put it! She just wanted you to rely on her enough to trust her with how you felt. "It's not that!" she had no idea what she was thinking as she, without her crutches, stumbled to her feet.
You froze only for a moment and then rushed to hold her. "What are you doing?" you hissed, holding her up. You didn't lift her, but almost all her weight was on you.
Despite the warmth of your skin seeping through the shirt she was wearing she still felt cold. This wasn't the usual way you touched her, there was restraint, anger, reluctance, behind the way you held her. She hated that you felt all that and still went to hold her. That's what frightened her the most. That you'd keep doing it like this, that you'd hold her and love her despite blaming her for what was happening to you. She feared that she wasn’t good for you, and that you’d still love her anyway.
So, she made a split-second decision. "Y/N, if you really are fine," the words got stuck in her throat.
"What?" the question came out harsh, impatient, pushing the words she struggled to say out.
"Leave me."
You froze, your hold on her loosening enough for her to pull back and stumble to her crutches. This was the best option. You'd either be honest with her, or you'd continue the lie and leave. Both would be good for you, Tara figured. She's been nothing but the reason for all your pain lately. She's been that way before she was attacked. She's been that since she got together with Amber. So, this was what it was. The lost MMA career was the last drop. Your wounds healed, your time apart could be made up for, but she couldn't fix this. "I'll call Sam to pick me up," she reassured you, frankly, surprised at how shell-shocked and still you were.
You didn't say a single word and from the corner of Tara's tear-filled eye she saw you just taking a deep breath and nodding to yourself as if thinking: 'Yeah, should have seen this coming,'
You asked her what she wanted, and she told you to leave her. Those words immediately hurt her, yet it would take two days for those words to start haunting her.
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sugawhaaa · 4 months
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Under your spell
{Brithday special Chapter 1/2}
‼️WARNINGS:: suggestive, talk of sexual abuse/assault
💄Pairing::Idol!Yeosang x stripper!fem!reader
👠Genre:: lap dance, flirting, stripping (duh) I think that's it but please notify me if I missed anything :)
💋A/N:: This chapter is one of two. The second chapter will be erm yk actually doing it but this chapter is the layout of the story and where u are etc etc so if you just want to read the smut you can go to chapter 2. Chapter 2 will be posted on Yeosangs birthday because this is a birthday special!!!
There was no doubt that Yeosang's friends were somewhat more sexually active, we'll put it. Yeosang isn't oblivious to sex and he isn't a virgin but when it comes to super kinky things he is still testing the waters. His friends on the other hand were already swallowed by the waters. They've been to many clubs including strip clubs, they've been to sex hotels, sex stores, etc. When Yeosang's birthday rolled around they decided to give him a big surprise, perhaps the biggest you can give a man.
They booked out a personal room in a strip club, picking a specific girl that perfectly matched Yeosang's type of woman. They picked Yeosang up at his house and drove him to the location of his "birthday party" where more of his friends were waiting. Eventually, everyone gathered outside the strip club and Yeosang's face burned red.
"This…this is where my party is at?" He asked in disbelief. San nodded with a smile before hugging him, squeezing him hard.
"You're officially the big 25!" He said as he squeezed the life out of his hyung. He let go of him and smiled.
"Y-Yeah," Yeosang couldn't shake the fact they were at a strip club. His heart was racing. His hyungs led him inside and took him to the front desk. Yeosang pulled at the collar of his shirt, trying to get some air. Seonghwa gave the receptionist the information for their reservation and some staff led them to the private room.
On the way there Yeosang couldn't help but notice the main area of the club. Big groups of guys gathered around a girl on a stage. She barely wore anything except massive heels and he felt the need to look away from the way her body moved.
Finally they were all led to the private room. Soft music played with drinks were placed in a bowl of ice on the side tables. Yeosang didn't know where to go first or what to expect. He just stared at the small stage in the center of the room with a long metal pole, a circular couch around the stage. He bit his lip and one of his hyungs put an arm around his shoulders.
"I know it's a lot at first," hongjoong smiled before taking a sip of his wine. "But trust me you'll love it," he nodded before patting Yeosangs back for reassurance.
"So how does this work exactly?" Yeosang looked up at Hongjoong who definitely had experience at these places.
"There's not much to it. We basically just sit around the woman and watch her dance," Hongjoong shrugs. "It's a little stiff at first but once we start getting into the vibe it's amazing," he smiles at the birthday boy. Yeosang chuckles nervously and runs his hand through his hair.
"Right…" he looks back at the stage.
"C'mon let's go sit, she'll be here soon," Hongjoong takes his hand and leads him to the couch. The two of them sit together and have just a few drinks when you finally make your entrance. You come through the main door and shut it behind yourself. Deep down you're a little nervous, you've never had so many people in a private room with you. Most of your colleagues say the more the merrier, it's more fun when there's multiple people all having a good time but now that you're seeing all these people you're questioning them.
Hongjoong turns back to look at you and he waves kindly. You smile and walk over to him, bending down to his level from behind the couch. Yeosang stiffly turns to look at you as well but as soon as you bend over he can see basically all of your breasts. He instantly flushes and looks back at your face.
"You're the one who was booking this room right?" You ask, trying to be louder than the music without yelling. Hongjoong nods.
"That's me," he smiles before putting a hand on Yeosang's shoulder. "This here is the birthday boy though," Hongjoong chuckles as he pats his shoulder. Your attention is drawn to him and he instantly freezes up. His heart caught in his throat enabling him to speak.
"Oh~ I'll keep that in mind," you smirk and Yeosang chuckles nervously. "What's your name cutie?" You smile as you rest your forearms on the head of the couch.
"Yeosang," he blushes as he looks you up and down again.
"Yeosang," you smile. "Well I hope you enjoy tonight~" you extend your hand out to him and his body shuts down, freezing in place. You stroke some stray hairs out of his face and tuck them behind his ear. The feeling of your fingers on the back of his ear is enough to make his blood rush. You then notice the birthmark under his eye. Your eyes linger on it for a moment. "Is that a scar?" You ask, genuinely curious. Yeosang is still stuck in your trance but once his hyung hits his shoulder he comes to, realizing you asked him a question.
"I-Its a birthmark," he nods with a shy smile. You rub your thumb over the red mark.
"It's so pretty," you smile before coming back down to earth. "Well I suppose you're not here for idle chit chat are ya?" You chuckle and stand up again. You walk over to the stage and instantly all the attention is drawn to you.
You begin your little performance, starting with a little warm up to loosen up your muscles. There were a lot of people at the party so naturally not everyone's eyes were on you which was kind of a nice feeling. But as your dance got more intense and more erotic people started sitting around the stage, cheering and even throwing a bit of cash. You kept an eye on Yeosang. knowing that this was his party, You wanted him to have a good time. He seemed to loosen up a bit throughout the show which was a good start. You decided to turn things up a notch and step away from the poke for a while. You went around to the edge of the stage and interacted with some of the guests. Nothing major but little seductive movements and gently touching them on their shoulders or cheek.
It got the guests quite excited and you could see how much fun they were having now. Finally you got around to Yeosang's side of the stage and you laid down on the stage, making eye contact with him. You swing your legs around and hop off the stage. You stand in front of him before leaning down, rubbing your hands up his thighs.
At first he was star struck from the attention but as you continued to feel him up he started getting into it. You then turned to sit on his lap, grinding your hips against him to the rhythm of the song. You could feel his erection straining against his pants press into your ass. Yeosang tossed his head back and finally put his hands on you. He hesitantly lifted one of his hands up to caress your waist. You turned your head to look at him, he looked purely under your spell as you gazed into each other's eyes. You caress his jawline, guiding his face closer to yours before standing back up again.
You went to the stage and continued your dance. As the end of the party drew near some of the guests began losing interest in your dancing which was honestly okay with you. You can't expect everyone to be constantly drawn to only you, but there was one person who couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Yeosang stayed on the couch the entire time, subtly moving the fabric of his pants to rub on his boner.
Then the lights changed color in the room. The entire time they'd been here the lights were purple and red and now they're green, meaning their time is up. Everyone started packing up and getting ready to leave. Yeosang bit his lip hard before standing up, turning his back to you. You stopped dancing and watch as his band mates come over to talk to him.
"How was that Yeosang!" Mingi wrapped an arm around Yeosang with a bottle of wine in his other hand.
"It was fun," Yeosang smiled softly at Mingi. Mingi's ears were bright red and he looked like he was about to pass out from the amount of alcohol he just drank in the past 2 hours.
"She was so hot," Jongho sighed as he gathered up some of the alcohol they brought. "You're one lucky guy Yeosang," he smiles. Jongho's eyes were also glowing red but he acted far more sober than Mingi. By far the most wasted though was San. His eyes were hazy, his face was pure red, and he kept swaying as he was standing next to Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
"Seriously San you need to be careful," Seonghwa said as he cleaned up his face with a napkin. You notice the state of San and walk over to the three men.
"Is he okay? Do you want a glass of water?" You ask as you place a hand on his shoulder. San let's out a groan as he nods his head. You go back to the stage quickly and retrieve a plastic water bottle from underneath it. You also grab a robe while you're at it. You hurry back over and open the water bottle for San. Wooyoung takes it before helping San take a drink out of it.
You throw your robe on while Seonghwa thanks you.
"Thank you so much," Seonghwa says with a bow.
"Don't worry about it," you chuckle and swish your hand as if to brush off the gratitude from him.
"I think I'm gonna hurl," San mutters out when Wooyoung takes the bottle from his mouth. Wooyoung panics and looks around for a bucket or something. You overhear his words and get a garbage bin from the corner of the room before handing it to him. You turn to look away from San as he vomits into the bin. Seonghwa and Wooyoung join San in the corner comforting him.
"So sorry about that," Hongjoong apologizes with a worried expression.
"Don't worry about it. This happens all the time," you explain as you try to tune out the sound of San puking in the background. Hongjoong keeps apologizing but you keep telling him it's alright. While your talking with Hongjoong Yeosang can't help but stare at you. He keeps looking you up and down, admiring every inch of your body as you talk. "Does he have a safe ride home?" You ask genuinely concerned for all of their health due to the amount of alcohol they all chugged in the past 2 hours.
"Yeah, were waiting for our manager to arrive," hongjoong chuckles embarrassed. "Apparently there's some traffic so we might be here a while," Hongjoong says with an apologetic expression.
"Don't worry about it. Make yourselves comfortable," you smile before heading back over to the couch. "This was my last shift so I'm packing up myself," you explain and the members follow you like ducklings. They're all eager to hang out with a hot stripper after hours. They sit on the couch and go on their phones and talk amongst themselves, except for one member. Yeosang. He's just stuck in a daze and you decide to go up to him. "Is everything alright Yeosang?" You ask warmly and sit next to him on the far side of the couch.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good," he blushes and avoids making eye contact.
"Did my dance earlier bother you? Ever since I did that I've noticed you've been acting differently. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," you apologize sincerely with a bow. Yeosang instantly shakes his head and waves his hands around.
"No, no! It was amazing! It's just…" he pauses and looks down. You look at him eager to hear his response. You hold his shaking hand to comfort him.
"What's up?" You ask softly.
The two of you then get interrupted by Hongjoong.
"Alright guys, the vans parked out front,"
Yeosang looks upset as he turns to Hongjoong. You can both sense the chemistry in the air. Yeosang doesn't want to leave and you don't want him to leave either.
"I'll stay back," Yeosang blurts out without thinking. Hongjoong raises an eyebrow at him before seeing him sitting right next to you, your hands interlocked. Hongjoong nods with a wink before rounding up the members. You look into Yeosangs eyes as you hear the members all leave the room, the door slamming shut leaving the two of you alone.
"You were going to say something?" You look at him with alluring eyes. His lips part to speak but nothing comes out. He looks down at his knees. You rub his thigh gently to comfort him. His eyes follow your hands movements, looking at your long slender fingers filled with strength due to your dancing talent.
"I just wanted to say, tonight was an eye opening experience," he starts. His words are cautiously spoken as he takes deep breaths. "I've never been to a place like this. I was honestly a little afraid but," he looks up into your eyes with determination. "I've never felt so connected with a woman before. I-I just want to hang out with you," he admits with red cheeks. "I know it sounds crazy, but I…I feel like I'll regret it if I leave you," he holds your hand tightly. You tilt your head before lifting your hand from his leg, stroking back his hair.
"Honestly, I was going to say the same thing," you smile and he looks at you surprised. "Most men that come in here are rich middle aged men who think they're entitled to everything," you explain as you hold his hand. You can feel Yeosang relax as his breaths slow down. "When someone like you walked in I was so intrigued. You were shy, and respectful. You seemed to truly love me, not just my body," you smiled and his heart skipped about a thousand beats. His face flushes, the compliments circling in his head. "I just needed to learn more about you,"
Yeosangs eyes brighten as he looks at you. He wants to make a move. Pull you close, kiss you, touch you, feel you, anything. He didn't know what to do. He started to speak but he only stuttered over his words. He didn't know what to say.
He felt like he was under your spell.
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paladin--strait · 3 months
soulmates part 1
luke hughes x reader
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part 2 here! series masterlist here!
tw!!: none other than some language! use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size.
this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long. it's also pretty cringey...sorry about that lol
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way the do in the story. I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you!
I take another sip of my drink and look over at jack who has his arm around his 'fling of the day' as the guys and I like to call it. she's blonde with green eyes, which seems to be his type since that's what most of the girls he brings around look like. with a shake of my head and a sigh, I look over at timo, who gives me a understanding look with a chuckle. I ruffle my hair that is still damp from jumping off the boat into the lake with the guys earlier while I stand up and walk over to the kitchen island to talk to jamie, dawson, and john.
"yo luke!" dawson says, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little, "what's life like having to watch jack and his fling of day all the time?" he questions with a laugh, slapping me on the shoulder. my eyebrows raise and I sigh, shaking my head with a laugh. "its interesting, I guess." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"you guess?" john asks, taking a sip of his beer. "doesn't it get annoying after a while? ya know? constantly coming home and he has some random girl in the house or when he comes home he has a girl? that would annoy the fuck outta me dude. I would honestly pack up my stuff and live somewhere else." he says with a chuckle, trying to lighten the conversation to some extent but it doesn't work.
"I've just gotten used to it over time. when we're in jersey I just go out for a walk or I just go over to cap's house and hang out with him. when we're here I just go out in the boat and stay in the middle of the lake for a while." I say with a shrug.
and its true, sad, but true. I'm just glad quinn doesn't act this way. at least, I don't think he does. I'm not in vancouver with him everyday so I wouldn't really know. but I don't really see quinn acting that way. jack's always been a bit of a player, but when all the guys are around during the off season he seems to want to show off.
sure, I've had a couple hookups here and there, but nothing like jack. he's my brother and I love him, but recently his player antics have been getting worse. I admit, I've been looking into some apartments lately. it's not like I can't afford them, because I can, it's just the fact that me and jack have lived in the same place for basically our whole lives. first it was our house and now it's our apartment in jersey. I don't wanna move away from him just because of some girls he brings back.
I make some more small talk with the guys, now including trevor, who had just woken up from his nap on the couch, and quinn, who had recently come out of his room after his shower, when the doorbell rings.
jack jumps up, almost knocking his girl on the floor in the process, and runs to the door. "I got it!!" he says, disappearing into the hallway that leads to the front door. the guys and I make our way to the couch, taking our seats and continuing our conversation.
soon enough, jack walks back in with nobody. "quinn, there's some girl here to see you. she's putting her stuff up and then she'll be in here." he sighs, sitting back down with his girl, who I've now learned is named kaitlyn. I look at quinn, who is looking at me with a confused look on his face, before he stands, waiting to greet who ever is here to see him.
Then, she walks in. she has got to be one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life. her flowy hair, that sort of bounces with almost every step, her blue canucks jersey that fits her curves like a dream, and her eyes. god, her eyes are gorgeous.
I'm snapped out of my daze by her voice, "quinny!!" she says, practically running to quinn, who's face lights up, before grabbing her and hugging her tightly. they hug for a while and I can hear them talking, but i can't hear what they're saying. after a minute or two, they pull away looking at each other happily. brock stands and walks to the unnamed girl with open arms, yelling her name, and embracing her in a hug.
"everyone," quinn starts, "this is y/n. she lives in vancouver with me and works in media for the canucks so this is a surprise that she's here." he says, looking at her with a smile.
I can tell her likes her, crush or not, quinn likes her. he never smiles like that for anyone. she smiles back, and waves hello, a tiny of blush on her cheeks. she then makes eye contact with me, eyes widening a bit and her cheeks getting a bit redder before quinn pulls her away to introduce her to everyone.
I gulp, realizing that quinn's best friend might be the death of me. I get up quickly, walking outside with my drink in hand. I sit in a chair facing the lake and take in the sunset. I can't help but think about her as I sip my drink.
y/n's pov
"and this is the middle brother, jack, and his girlfriend, kaitlyn." quinn gestures to them, and jack stands to give me a handshake, but eventually settles on a hug. I notice that his girlfriend is eyeing me hard. but the look I give her back is enough to get her to look away. "and luke is over there." quinn points to where he and luke were previously sitting on the couch, but luke is nowhere to be seen. quinn frowns, before looking around and finally spotting him sitting outside on the deck through the window.
"you can stay in here, quinny. I can go introduce myself on my own." I say, smiling before quinn does as well, walking back to take his seat beside who I think is a guy named trevor.
it's a short walk to the porch outside. the sun is glaring in my face so I pull my sunglasses down from my head to cover my eyes. the wooden boards of the deck clack as I step on them, making my way to luke.
I sit in the seat beside him as he turns to look at me with a suspicious look on his face, wondering who followed him outside. I give him a smile and makes eye contact with him, which he returns for s split second before looking away. "hi luke! my name is y/n. it's so nice to finally meet you! quinn has told me so much about you." I say, hoping to get him to look back at me.
all he does is nod and say a quick hello with a 'nice to meet you'. I frown, my gaze settling on the wooden boards below our feet. I sigh, and stand back up, walking back to the house.
my mind is racing as I try to figure out why he won't talk to me or even look at me. maybe he's tired? maybe he just wants some privacy? I'm not sure but the sadness in my eyes is evident when I walk back into the lake house, my eyes meeting Quinn's and I give him a small smile which he returns with a frown.
Quinn walks to me and puts his hand on my shoulder as he leans in to whisper something in my ear. "I'm sorry about luke. I'm not sure what's gotten into him. I'll talk to him and see if he'll come around." he pulls back and gives me a smile before he walks outside.
"hey y/n!!! come sit with us!" I hear a voice say, soon figuring out it was that trevor guy. I smile and make my way to them.
luke's pov
my heart is racing when she sits beside me. I can't believe quinn is friends with such a beautiful girl. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up even more when she mentions how much quinn has talked about me.
I try to be nice to her and return her greeting but I just can't focus on what she's saying. my mind is thinking at a billion miles per hour, wondering what quinn had told her about me and whether I need to be worried if it's bad.
I'm so focused on my own thoughts that I don't even realize she's gotten up to leave until she was halfway back to the house. I stand, and outstretch my hand, wanting to call her name and tell her to come back, but nothing leaves my mouth.
I sit back down and wonder what I just did. is she gonna hate me now? is she wondering why I won't talk to her? does she think that I think that she's ugly and I don't wanna look at her?
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand touching my shoulder and a voice calling my name. I snap out if it and look over at the person. its quinn. he's got a worried look mixed with a bit of anger on his face.
"why won't you talk to her?" he says, crossing his arms and looking at me with a look of confusion. "she was so excited to meet you and jack and you won't even look at her. I told her that you two would get along so well and she's been so excited ever since. what's the deal?"
his voice gets louder at the end of his questioning. I can tell he really cares about her.
"i don't know..." my voice trails off and I look down, fiddling with my fingers.
"you don't know?? luke, she was more excited to meet you more than anyone else. I didn't know that she was coming down today or even at all but I was planning in buying her plane tickets later to get her down here tomorrow or the next day so she could meet all of my friends and family. I don't understand what has gotten into you, luke." quinn's head shakes in disappointment and disbelief.
"listen quinn, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me either." I say, about to play everything off. and then it all comes out. "all I know is that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I don't even know anything about her but I can already tell that I'm about to have the biggest crush on this girl. so seems so kind and so fun from what I've seen. which is not much but still! I can already tell what kind of person she is. she just gives me that feeling of kindness. please don't tell her that I said any of that and I'm so sorry quinn."
I don't think I've even spoken faster in my life. quinn's face went from disappointment and anger to disbelief and happiness in a split second. he jumps up and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"luke. I wanted to bring her down not only to meet all of you guys, but I wanted her to meet you. you're perfect for each other! she's always so happy and excited for everything and that's just what you need! I'm not saying you're a huge party pooper or whatever, but sometimes you need more excitement in your life! look at jack. he's living his best life right now. sure, he's definitely had way too many girlfriends, but that's what makes him happy and you deserve something or someone that will make you happy too. if you wanna date her, go ahead. y/n hasn't had the greatest experience with relationships. and I think that you could change all of that for her. so I'm absolutely fine with it if you wanna take her out."
quinn's words shock me. he stands there with an excited look on his face and he urges me to stand up.
"I guess I should talk to her then." I look at quinn with a smile and he puts his arm around my shoulders, laughing excitedly as we walk back to the house.
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rowretro · 7 months
𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙
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✧taglist✧: @jumigurumino @firstclassjaylee @tya0
✧warnings: angst, blood, violence, makeout sesh, lots of kissing near the end rlly (HAPPY VALENTINES DAY MI LOVES)
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki, the boy your parents would warn you to never even dare to look at. He's dangerous, he rips the flesh of naive girls and eats them alive, many girls heard such stories, and did not dare to approach him, no matter how handsome he was. He's a beast, but only one girl approached him with an endearing smile. Y/n, the princess.
4 Days had passed. The princess had been trapped in the basement, she refused to eat anything the maids brought down for her, drinking just water to keep alive, she just wanted to see him one last time. In hopes of a possible change in heart. All the while, Riki spent all his time in his mansion. The place feeling darker, and solder than usual. He felt lonely and it really affected him. Since he was just a child, many children had ran away from him, he'd cry at home, but get over it eventually. His whole life he was used to not having people around him, but this one time it really affected him.
Y/n sat by the door, feeling dizzy as ever... then it hit her. Her blood. The smell of her blood was what had him before her within seconds, so if she just cut herself, he may appear... right? Her eyes then fell on the bruises on her legs, realizing the plan may flop. But there's at least that small chance that Riki will be able to find her right?. Just as y/n was about to go through with the plan, the door swung open.
The princess now clear from any dirt, sat on her bed. She was dressed an a stunning, swan-white dress. the corseted top hugging her top half whilst the skirt flowed loosely, the sleeves were off her shoulders, and were flared out. She was beautiful. Though she didn't have that pretty smile she always had on her lips. Her eye makeup already running as they mixed with her tears. "Hurry up rat. the prince is waiting downstairs." The King seethed through gritted teeth as y/n glared at him.
The girl glared at him, eye makeup smudged, the rose lipstick barely noticeable. "I don't know when. I don't know how... but this prince will not want to accept me. he will leave the palace and never come back." She warned as the King slapped her. "Wash that filth off you face. Look pretty and meet your future husband u burdensome brat." He warned as y/n rolled her eyes.
She washed her face in the restroom, patting away every droplet of water, ensuring that the residue of her makeup was gone. She moisturized before applying a little more. "Pretty face doesn't need something like that" a familiar, soft yet alluringly deep voice called. The princess dropped the brush of her her mascara tube, turning around. The window was wide open, the man pinning her against the wall.
"You thought I was him?" the cocky prince smirked as y/n glared at him. Prince Yeonjun, a well loved, friendly half beast prince. His finger trailed down her jaw, to her neck, to her collarbone, then back up to her lips which he squished between his thumb and finger, annoyed, she smacked his hand away. She was fucked. How could she possibly scare of Prince Yeonjun?. The Prince who always watches as she does basic things like clean the house or hang up laundry.
Smile as he sees how the sweet innocent girl runs around chasing a butterfly, smiling and laughing with others, taking the best care of her plants. He fucking loves watching her. So if he marries her? he can watch her at times he knows other men can't, he can touch her the way no other man would dare to touch her, he could kiss her, keep her, hurt her, and love her. He can have her at his foot, wrapped around his finger.
The news spread like a wildfire, the princess was marrying a charming young prince, the friendly beast, Choi Yeonjun. Heck even Riki heard it, and he was fucking thirsty for blood, he was beyond pissed, god he was ready to go on a murder rampage. That was HIS princess. No other man will ever be allowed to touch her. As well as that... he felt betrayed. How could she? How dare she fool him into her loving embrace, then push him away like he was nothing?
In the dead of night, his answer was at his door. "I thought I told you to never return." Riki coldly said as the princess stared up at him. "And yet you answerred the door knowing it was me." she answerred as the male stared at her. As much as he wanted to slam the door on her pretty face, he couldn't get himself to. So the male let her in. She was dressed in a simple silk night gown, her hair down. She looked ethereal in the candlelit mansion.
The feeling of her hands softly running up his chest, reaching for neck. "One last dance before the king throws me to another beast?..." she asks as Riki pulled her hands off of his neck. "Why must I?... You're marrying him aren't you? don't make things harder and leave now." He warned as she just snickerred. "You think I'd willingly give you up Riki?... the weather changes, the world changes, heck even people change... but my love for you will never change." She said.
Her words were truly sincere, he could see it in her glistening eyes, his arm sliding around her waist, as her chest pressed against his. "What tomorrow holds is out of our hands, but the rest of tonight still remains..." she said with a smile as Riki's fingers intertwined with hers, his eyes never leaving hers as he slowly danced with her. She suddenly stopped, her eyes still staring into hers as Riki frowned, also pausing. "Why'd you stop?" he asked as the girl just stared, her chin resting on his chest as she stared up at him.
Not a word was shared she hugged him tightly, his head making its way to her shoulder, finding comfort in her skin. A soft kiss placed on her hand, trailing up her arm, on her shoulder to her neck and jaw and he paused, eyes meeting hers again, she got on her tiptoes, Riki's grip now tightening on her waist. One night. The first and last chance he gets to kiss the woman of his dreams. So he did. His plush. perfect lips dancing romantically against hers, heads tilting as tongues intertwined.
Though it was late night, the 2 didn't sleep, they just couldn't. The girl had taken a quick shower, drying her hair to the best she could with the towel, her head rested against his chest as he traced his thumb across her lips, "that was my first kiss..." he said as the girl smiled. "Mine too..." she said. "I see my world in your eyes... yet I just can't have you" He said, a sad smile making its way on his lips as she snuggled into him. "Don't remind me... it hurts so much" she pouted as Riki pecked her lips softly.
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 004. An Idiot with Money
005. The Beginning of the End
After school, Kaminari and Mineta stayed, in hopes of finding their (hopefully) savior. When they spotted him on the field with his punk friend, they took initiative. Jogging at the bench where Bakugo occupied, surrounding by fumes of toxins.
"Hey, how you doin'?" Kaminari asked as he came to a stop. Bakugo was taking a drag of his cancer stick, blowing the smoke from his lips. He took the cigarette out of his mouth, leaving it to dangle in between his middle and index finger. Kaminari smiled while trying to pick at the mind of Bakugo, "I had some great squirrel last night."
Consider Bakugo's attention grabbed at such an obscure sentence. Why was an extra like Kaminari speaking to him? They come from two different worlds anyway. Bakugo, an unpopular delinquent everyone steers clear of. Meanwhile, Kaminari was a chick magnet who basically "ruled the school". He whipped his head to the annoying blonde, furrowing his brows. "Do I know you?"
Kaminari's smile deflated, wanting to get down to business as soon as possible. He pointed toward a figure on the playing field, "You see that girl?"
Bakugo, annoyed, looked in your direction. The dark blue jersey you sported caught his eye. Your smooth (S/C) legs exposed to the sun and its heat. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing the entirety of your warm face. Beads of sweat accompanied the heat which filled your face. You kicked the soccer ball to your teammate, shouting something to them that Kaminari and Bakugo couldn't quite understand.
"Yeah." Bakugo dryly replied, holding the cigarette back up to his mouth. What was the point of this conversation? He knew he should've went home instead of stayed after school; afraid of something like this happening. A man couldn't enjoy his free time on his on?
"That's (Y/N) Ashido." Kaminari explained, watching his classmate inhale the tobacco only to blow it back out into the air. He spoke in a more demanding tone, "I want you to go out with her."
Bakugo scoffed, an amused smile following shortly after. Puffs of smoke blew in Kaminari's direction as Bakugo spoke to him, "Yeah, sure. Sparky."
Even Bakugo's unnamed friend laughed, finding it hard to believe Kaminari actually thought he had a chance at making Bakugo actually go through with his command.
"Look, I can't take out her sister until (Y/N) starts dating. You see their dad's whacked out. He's got this rule where the girls—"
"That's a touching story. It really is." The pale blonde repeated the process of taking the cigarette away from his lips. He shook his head. Bakugo whispered teasingly to Kaminari, "Not my problem."
Kaminari knew Bakugo would deny his request at first, which is exactly why he came with a backup plan. Bribery, of course. "Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?"
Bakugo dryly chuckled, "You're gonna pay me to take out some chick?" Kaminari nodded his head with a small 'mhm'. This lead Bakugo into a fit of laughter once more as he licked his dry lips, "How much?"
"Twenty bucks." Bakugo raised his eyebrows, turning back to see you on the field. He caught you at a bad time, watching you run into your teammate (playing the role of the opposing team). You knocked them over, quickly kicking the ball from in between their legs. The whistle blew at your foul. Kaminari and Bakugo's heads slowly turned back to meet one another's gaze. Kaminari sighed, "Fine, thirty."
"Well, let's think about this. We go to the movies, that's, uh, fifteen bucks." Bakugo looked away before standing to his true height. He really was intimidating to stand next to, even being just barely taller than Kaminari. Mineta cautiously watched his friend get sized up before Bakugo started to walk around him, "We get popcorn, that's, uh, fifty-three. And she'll want Sour Patch, right? So, uh, we're looking at seventy-five bucks."
"This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it, Trailer Park." Kaminari was quick with his comeback, trying to find a reason why this isn't a complete waste of his time.
Bakugo's wicked smile spread across his face, "Fifty bucks and we got a deal, Fabio."
Kaminari groaned, reaching into his front pocket for the bill to pay Bakugo. He wondered if giving this guy money was actually worth the hassle. The whistle blew as Bakugo graciously took the money from between Kaminari's fingers, stuffing it into his own pocket.
"Great practice, everybody." Coach Vlad exclaimed to the players across the field. You jogged in, wanting to grab your bag and go home. The coach called out to you as you passed him, "Good hustle, Ashido."
"Thanks, Mr. Vlad."
First thing you did when you got to the bench where your duffle bag sat was dig through the supplies. You eventually found your water bottle, chugging the warm water so greedily. You were parched after being outside for a total of two hours, practicing non-stop. You brought the water bottle away from your lips, twisting the cap back on. Setting the bottle on the bench as you packed everything else away in your bag.
Bakugo seized this opportunity to stalk closer to you. He slightly bent over to meet your gaze, gaining your attention. His voice was raised as he spoke, "Hey there, girlie. How you doin'?"
You were confused as to why he would be talking to you out of the blue. You squinted your eyes to hide from the blinding rays of the sun as you spoke, "Sweating like a pig, actually. And yourself?"
"Now, there's a way to get a guy's attention, huh?" Bakugo, once again, stretched to his full height. You were surprised by how much taller he was up close.
You scoffed, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder, "My mission in life. But obviously, I struck your fancy, so, you see, it worked. The world makes sense again."
You started to walk away from him, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. To your dismay, he followed like a lost puppy dog. Bakugo looked almost desperate chasing you around. Others surrounding you noticed it too.
"Pick you up on Friday, then." He came into your peripheral view.
"Oh, right. Friday. Uh-huh." You humored him, continuing to walk forward towards the exit of the stadium.
"Well, the night I take you places you've never been before." Bakugo smirked. It was out of character for him to hit on someone. Usually, the girls (and some guys) would come up to him, begging for one chance. He would find it annoying, but now he's more irritated that he couldn't even win you over. Was his charm depleting? Was the dimple that appeared everytime he shot someone a wicked smile not enough for you to swoon over?
"Like where? The 7-Eleven on Broadway?" You sassed, swinging your arms dramatically. "Do you even know my name, screw boy?"
"I know a lot more than you think." Bakugo slowed his pace, falling slightly behind you.
You let out a breath of air, finding it amusing that he thought he really knew you, "Doubtful. Very doubtful."
You veered left, crossing over into Bakugo's path. You walked away, closing in on the exit. Bakugo watched as he let you slip through his sweaty palms.
⇨ 006. Several Assholes in One Day
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes @suckstobrlaurie @the-hangry-otter
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