#so excuse inaccuracies
murdrdocs · 4 months
cw weed
having vivid images of lazy make outs with luke, fueled by the weed buzzing through your systems.
laying back on the grass, the breeze blowing against your skin and tickling the grass along your legs. your body is heavy, still fighting off the initial high that urges you to lay back and do absolutely nothing.
you’re attempting to combat it enough to engage, willing your mouth to open, your lips to move, your tongue to press against his.
his hand is at your lower back, pulling you closer to him, keeping you still by slotting your legs together. he starts to grip at your ass, digging his fingers into the flesh despite your flimsy shorts covering them. he doesn’t care much for them, nudging his fingers under the elastic waistband to meet his target, flesh against flesh.
hornier than you thought, you’re already moaning into his open mouth as you lazily start to press your crotch against his, determinedly searching for the angle that’ll provide the most friction.
there’s so much going on, but at such a languid pace. you feel like you have all the time in the world, definitely another effect of the herbal taste at the back of luke’s teeth and the smell in his hair. when you’re both a little more sober, you know he’s going to make you take a dip in the sound to rinse the smell off of you both.
but for now you’ll stay like this for as long as either of you can take. and if luke’s hand—having now circled to the front and starting to tease your cunt through your panties—is anything to go by, neither of you will last long.
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effemar · 1 month
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psuedo-medieval fantasy AU ✌️✌️✌️
everyone give it up for ronan's great kilt i had to google so many diagrams to try and figure out how they worked. also big thank you to my mom for gansey's dumb hat btw she was like 'you HAVE to keep the dumb hat'
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agropuff · 1 month
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Um. yeha
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leather-field · 1 year
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Thanks for 100 followers <3
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halfmaskshadow · 1 year
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Don’t worry about it :)
This hasn’t left my head for like three days so please accept a lazy shitpost
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kyuhu · 11 months
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today in sketches I'll never finish
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hikaaa-bi · 2 months
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i love her so much, she's girlboss and cringefail at the same time
(my hc is that she suffers from chronic pain so she uses a wheelchair most of the time to avoid tiring herself out)
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calicoups · 2 months
seungcheols reaction to reader getting a lip piercing? (slightly suggestive if u can 🤭❤)
i love lip piercings u read my mind anonie. also, i lowkey didn't know how to make this suggestive but i hope you still like it <3
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seungcheol walks through the front door, kicking off his shoes and calling your name while dragging himself to rest his body on the couch for a few minutes. you don't answer and looking at the time, which read 11:23pm, seungcheol just figures that you're in bed and instead walks towards the bathroom to clean up.
what he doesn't know is that you're hiding in your room with the fresh lip piercing, facing away from the door to the room and duvet wrapped around you. that's how he finds you when he walks into the room as he rubs in moisturiser on his face. cute, he thinks. seungcheol slides in next to you with his back resting against the heatboard and he calls out your name once more in a hushed voice.
with the duvet still around you and now carefully covering your lips, you turn around to face him. out of curiosity as to why you're so covered up, seungcheol tilts his head.
"what are you doing?" he questions before laying his phone on the night stand and plugging it in.
the duvet makes a rustling sound when you shake your head no but seungcheol gives you a knowing look, repeating his question in teasing tone.
"didn't do anything. what do you mean?" you answer back with a question, poking his leg from underneath the covers to which he doesn't even flinch. seungcheol raises his eyebrows and his hand is now on the edge of the duvet which rests above your nose. you brace yourself for his reaction as he pulls the duvet down slowly, very slowly.
the piercing glints under the harsh light of the room and seungcheol's jaw drops as soon as his eyes land on it. he's in utter shock. the only piercings he's ever seen on your body are on your prettily decorated ears which he adores so much to the point that anytime he sees an adorable pair of earrings that remind him of you, he'll buy then for you.
your lips stretch into a sheepish grin when he doesn't say anything, "surprise?", it comes out more as a question rather than an exclamation because you can't tell what he's thinking in this moment.
"baby, your..." he points at your lower lip, at the silver object that had been piercing through your skin. his mouth opens and closes like a fish with the way he struggles to form a sentence and you snicker at him.
"what? you don't like it? it's still new so if you want me to take it out now, it's okay because it'll heal fa–"
seungcheol panics and sits up even more, "no! i didn't mean that, it's just..."
you smile up at him, also sitting up to face him, "then what?"
"i'm just a little surprised. didn't think you would get a lip piercing..." seungcheol trails off as he reaches a finger out to touch your bottom carefully so that he doesn't touch the new piercing.
you lean into his touch, watching him inspect the piercing from a distance, eyes full of wonder. "it's pretty," he breaks the silence, "so pretty on you, doll, i love it."
you shrink under his adoring gaze, mumbling a shy 'thank you'. then, seungcheol's expression changes, a bit of sadness blooming on his gorgeous face. you gesture at him, silently asking what's wrong.
"i can't kiss you, though."
the pout on his face paired with the little disappointed comment makes you giggle, "you're so cute. yeah, you can't for now."
the both of you are quiet until the silence is broken again but by you this time, "you can kiss me lightly, though. how about that, hm?"
"as long as i can kiss those pretty lips," and he presses his lips with great care against your own, taking care to not disturb the piercing. seungcheol smirks against your lips before pulling back, "but i do wonder how it would feel on my c–"
"i'm not kissing you anymore."
his eyes widen (god forbid you take away his kiss), "what? no, i didn't mean to– baby!" seungcheol drags out the pet name when you turn away, immediately grasping onto your hand.
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plan-3-tmars · 8 months
"You're Just Sitting On The Train" - Double MV Analysis
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There's a conversation between the two main character's in a podcast I love called Red Valley which reminds me of the imagery in Double.
"You know when you're on a train, and it's held up, and you're just stuck in the middle of a field while they get the leaves off the line or whatever, and you're going to be hopelessly late, there might be awful consequences to get stressed about but... there's literally nothing you can do about it. It's not your fault. Hopefully you've got a book or something. You're just sitting on the train."
The conversation in context with the scene is about being able to put your problems and stresses, like being late for work, on someone else's shoulders. Let them take responsibility for what's going on so you can feel some relief. It got me thinking about Mikoto and Orekoto (who I'm just going to call John thanks to Neoplasm) and I want to talk about what I think the meaning of it is!!
Trains have many, many different meanings - like almost a ridiculous amount of different interpretations can be made - but I think the meanings that are the most important while talking about Mikoto are trains representing the passage of time, destiny and loneliness.
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While on a train, or waiting for one, you are surrounded by people. However as shown here, most keep their head down and don't speak unless spoken too. It gives a sense of loneliness, you are surrounded by people yet completely alone.
I think this could apply to Mikoto's situation and was possibly a stress factor for him. It is implied from his T1 interrogation questions that Mikoto was popular enough, knowing a lot of people either now or back in high school, but he doesn't seem to open up to any of them. He's alone in the big city with nobody to talk to. He lies to his mother that everything's okay in their phone call and bottles up his stress. Because of this he is dependant on John to function : "But if you persist, I guess it's my job to keep things on an even keel."
The Passage of Time:
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This shot showcases how long the train actually is, it flies through each carriage insanely fast, blurring slightly from the speed alone.
It's been extremely clear since T1 that Mikoto suffers heavily from dissociative amnesia, something that is a very common symptom of DID, and I think the fact this shot blurs could be representing that.
Trains representing time and how humans view the passage of time is probably one of the most popular ways they appear, we tend to think of time as one thing that moves forward constantly in a straight line, similar to an uninterrupted train on a train track, but for Mikoto (and John) time is blurry, hazy. It may seem like things move too fast to keep track of (pun not intended) or individuals with DID can sometimes describe it as feeling like you're missing hours, fronting in a place or room you know you weren't in before and being unaware of the events that led up to you getting to this point.
This feeling of missing hours is relevant to this specific scene as after the camera moves through the train the first person we see is Mikoto - not John, who was in the doorway.
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Trains are always headed to a specific location so they can also be associated with life's journey, or in other words, fate and destiny.
Both Mikoto and John are shown as the passengers on their train, not the conductor. They are not in control over life's events, just sitting on the train and this is extremely stressing - especially for Mikoto. John says things like : "another day with that hardly barely there of a smile // You're going to break // You're overdoing it, you're already broken". Mikoto seems to find it hard to deal with life's events, aka the train ride, and perhaps feels like the end destination is unattainable at times of stress.
This point is stressed further imo by the fact that we can't see outside. The windows of the train are either white or black for the majority of the MV, sometimes light or 1 image makes itself known but never a full image of what's actually outside.
Bonus: The Train's Maps!
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The map's of the train are shown glitched out, also possibly hinting to the feeling of the train's final destination being unattainable, or could also be referencing hazy memories, but I think this specific detail is about John.
We see the maps glitching out when John sings the lyric : "I don't even know the reason why I'm here." [Future Mars I now know this was Mikoto singing but um.. my overall point still stands.] I think the maps glitching could represent the feeling of the loss of purpose.
John was 'born' in order to protect Mikoto, to help carry the burden of whatever is stressing him so much, yet instead of helping Mikoto he ended up being scared of him ("hey, now I saved you right? So why in the hell are you crying?") and it was John's actions that landed them in Milgram - an environment that Mikoto finds extremely stressing, to the point of there being a chance he goes dormant in T3.
Trains are created to arrive at a certain destination, so a train with no idea where it's going (glitchy maps) has lost its purpose.
Despite being an alter 'born' to protect, John has accidently caused Mikoto more harm when he tries, so he questions his role in the system.
Edit: Journey into the Subconscious
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After staring at the MV a couple more times I think there's one more train theme I forgot to mention that fits here too, which is that trains can sometimes represent a journey into the mind.
I think there's a chance that the train could represent the system as a whole, or more specifically headspace. The only people on the train are John and Mikoto and the fact we never see what's outside gives a sort of surreal, dream like atmosphere, almost as if this was happening in an environment with no psychical appearance.
The lyrics sung in Double seem to be more directed at Mikoto than the actual audience, and from the last line "I'm so sorry" we can deduce that this song is something of an apology and explanation of John's actions that he wants Mikoto to hear.
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scanoyachi · 5 months
Haikyuu-bu Chapter 138: Get Kiryuu Fired Up!
as always, i'm still learning, so translations may not be 100% accurate! a number of songs and specific sound effects are mentioned in this chapter, so they'll be linked at the bottom in the order mentioned.
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if you enjoyed the chapter and would like to support my work, buy me a ko-fi!
songs mentioned:
maru maru mori mori
ikagatsu exile (maybe)?
day of wrath
anpanman march
dragonball cell walking sound effect
sazae san 1969 ending (first ten seconds)
tara chan running sound effect
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alaydbug · 1 month
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Night angel, Save me night angel, night angel save me, save me-
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luvmake · 1 year
requested by: @habibaxdd
tag me when used!
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— "That was pretty good." "You? Giving me a compliment? Oh, you've really lost it now."
— A winning over B and, subsequently, rubbing it into their face. A gets all up in B's personal space just to rile them up because A enjoys the sight of B blushing because of them.
— "Funny how you're always getting floored." "Funny how you haven't won a single match in the past month."
— Intimate moment where A needs help with a certain move, and B says, "Sure, I guess an amateur like you does need help." But then they both end up really close, and B feels like they're getting lost in A's eyes. They're both blushing, all caught up in the moment, and then immediately pull away in disgust when they realize.
— "Your stance is weak, and your reaction time is absolute trash." "Excellent pep talk, as always."
— "Wow, your form just gets worse and worse every day." "And you just get more and more insufferable."
— Lots of insults to cover up the slow growth of certain emotions.
— Moment where A gets struck down pretty badly, and B almost instantly runs over while frantically asking if A is alright. A reassures B they're fine and tries to brush them off because A doesn't want to rely whatsoever on B. However, B insists on taking them to the infirmary.
— "You idiot! You could have gotten seriously injured!" "And what do you care?"
— A saying something really hurtful in the heat of the moment which leads to B running off because it really hit a nerve. A is left heartbroken, but they don't understand why...they hate B, don't they?
— A and B get paired to train together, and it gets intense between them, trying to assert who's better than the other. A pins B down, and it's in that moment where they're so close that time stops. Right then and there, they realize all that hate has bloomed into something else.
— It will take ages for them to admit they like each other. Transitioning from once competing and spewing hateful words to suddenly realizing they have underlying feelings is a slow process.
— "You're so pretty like this." "Did I strike your head too hard or...?"
— "Do you want to be my partner?" "For training today?" "Yeah...that's what I meant."
— One of them is truly the most reluctant to admit their feelings, but they do eventually, and then they start dating. The whole academy is flabbergasted because how A and B went from wanting to rip each other's heads off to holding hands in public is beyond their understanding. Even the teacher is befuddled, but the teacher most definitely knew something was brewing between them.
— "I want to kiss you so bad right now." "Right after you shower first."
— "Do you still think my stance is weak?" "Yeah, but that's what I'm here for."
— A kissing B out of the blue to which B says, "What was that for?" and A replies, "At least your reaction time is getting better." For this, A gets a good nudge from B.
— Practicing together while bantering playfully. A would say, "You're taking this seriously, huh?" To which B replies, "You know I don't like to lose, love." while smirking.
— "You've got a bruise on your knee..." "Yeah, wanna kiss it better?"
— "C almost kicked me in the mouth today during practice." "I would still love you, teeth or no teeth."
– In general, they're such playful lovers.
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fionna and cake doodle dump from last sundays breakfast.
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agropuff · 30 days
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grown man btw
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calnexin · 10 months
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just some of many many sidesteps I fancy
[left to right: Iodine ( @iocainesmoothie ), Richard ( @ladyshivs ), Orellia ( @just-a-tiny-goldfish ), and Lila ( @gingerbreton )]
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ezcatart · 6 months
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self-indulgent vellory in gothic j-fashion just because
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