#so expect that
thevikingwoman · 13 days
Hello Dragon Age people
I’m not going to post a lot about DA probably, at least not until I play, but I may comment on any news.
While I’m never a negative person, I can’t guarantee I’ll be excited and upbeat, my main mood for da4 is still skeptical and I’ll give my thoughts, good or bad, on the news.
So consider this a heads up, if you only want 100% positivity you’re always free to unfollow (I do not check my followers, it’s not weird)
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bvnnyface · 7 months
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molly o’shea
“You haven’t been yourself lately”
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objectfurries · 3 months
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shitty edgy version under the cut😞
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abowlofsourcream · 1 year
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🌈👁️Welcome home, neighbor~👁️✨
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achillean-knight · 2 months
Oh yeah
I played Undertale for the first time
And I've known if it literally since it's first release (thanks to my brother), but never watched anything about it BC there was sorta a bad stigma around the time with the fandom that made me literally run in the other direction
BUT HOLY SHIT? Y'all I SLEPT on this game for 8 whole ass years wtf
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humsbugs · 3 months
what is up my fellow whores here’s a little teaser for some things I intend to get around to writing this year:
poland gets a religious candle shoved up his ass (not those gigantic ones, sorry guys) [sacrilege warning], two things with china (one with imperial japan and one with NK), possibly a continuation of Sunflowers, YES a continuation of the sovame story it will come eventually don’t pressure me about it aaand since we’re talking about my multi-work stories I will be writing more of Abject Fascination because that one helps me relax and whatever entity is out there knows I need it.
warning about my most annoying writing quirk: I don’t like writing about the same characters in a row so don’t expect, say, the china stories to be back to back. it irks me I don’t know why ^_^
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raven-cl · 1 year
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Your favorite homewrecker
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Official intro post I guess
Hi, I'm Jack. I also go by Jello/Heelie as well as like... 50 other names. Here's some important stuff I guess.
I use he/it/one most of the time, but you can use pretty much any and all pronouns for me. I also use both I/me and we/us for the reasons just below.
I'm autistic, plural, and probably have a fuckton of other issues. Be patient with me if I don't know what you're saying or I'm not responding for a while
Oh yeah, I swear a lot. That's worth noting.
My fandom side blog is @jellobubblelol, we mainly post about Chonny Jash, but occasionally there's other things as well.
My plurality side blog is @card-carrying-system. There's not much going on but it's pretty much our diary at this point.
Oh yeah, also please DNI if: You're a bigot, you're pro-israel, you think MAPs/Zoos are cool, you're anti-endo or any kind of sysmed, you support cringe culture, anything like that.
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lambychop · 1 year
If only my art professors knew about my shitty tumblr fanart 😞
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In my last post, I said that I shouldn't draw the purple inkling that much... So I drew the blue one O_O
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Must be a Sugondese joke.
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"A story doesn't need a theme in order to be good" I'm only saying this once but a theme isn't some secret coded message an author weaves into a piece so that your English teacher can talk about Death or Family. A theme is a summary of an idea in the work. If the story is "Susan went grocery shopping and saw a weird bird" then it might have themes like 'birds don't belong in grocery stores' or 'nature is interesting and worth paying attention to' or 'small things can be worth hearing about.' Those could be the themes of the work. It doesn't matter if the author intended them or not, because reading is collaborative and the text gets its meaning from the reader (this is what "death of the author" means).
Every work has themes in it, and not just the ones your teachers made you read in high school. Stories that are bad or clearly not intended to have deep messages still have themes. It is inherent in being a story. All stories have themes, even if those themes are shallow, because stories are sentences connected together for the purpose of expressing ideas, and ideas are all that themes are.
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mirror-mariposa · 3 months
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Never gonna get over how the anime made this scene just so,, haunting and elevated. Like I love the manga but I love how the anime has taken these scenes and elevated the themes of death and rebirth with simple shots like this and it’s why even after reading all of the manga I still get excited for the anime because I *know* the anime will not only be a faithful adaptation, but also an artistic masterpiece as it uses the medium to its advantage
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aintmyjewelry · 2 months
we need to bring back inviting people over for cake and coffee. my grandma used to do that all the time and I think it's a lost art
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charliebugz · 8 months
When Izzy first walked out I was worried that he would be made into a joke that the crew would laugh at
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but then he started singing and the dancing began and I realized that he wasn’t meant to be a joke at all. This is the most open and happy we’ve ever seen Izzy and the show treated it that way. Not mocking him but instead celebrating this moment.
When we talk about queer representation it’s usually just focused on queer relationships, but what I love about this episode is it shows other sides of being queer. That moment where Izzy saw Wee John doing his makeup and had a realization that he wanted that too? That is what being queer means to me. The crew singing along and cheering for him? That is what being apart of the queer community means to me.
What i love about this show is that it shows queer joy, not in a sanitized way, but in away that is messy, beautiful, and without any mockery or shame.
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selfshipdump · 18 days
this feels crazy to say but I think I need more fluff and less smut in my life
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