#it was no doubt that Mettaton was the one who dragged me into wanting to play the game
achillean-knight · 6 months
Oh yeah
I played Undertale for the first time
And I've known if it literally since it's first release (thanks to my brother), but never watched anything about it BC there was sorta a bad stigma around the time with the fandom that made me literally run in the other direction
BUT HOLY SHIT? Y'all I SLEPT on this game for 8 whole ass years wtf
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catsitta · 4 years
What if god mettaton gave sans a smooch on the hand and was actuallydecent to him( living with god red must be exhausting) without god red knowing and all day he’s blushing a pretty cyan touching the hand that was kissed. I feel like it would cause a lot of jealousy and bad feelings from god red 🤷‍♀️
That is assuming this Mettaton is a decent person. Lol. All the Gods are based off the Fell variants so they're rough around the edges at and think mortals are amusing distractions at best. So even if Metta treated Sans real sweet...there would have been an alternative motivation behind it. You want gentleness and blushing, you're asking about the wrong pantheon. ;) In the flipped version, where Red is the mortal...Well, the gods are more inclined to treating mortals gently.
All that said...I do have a bit of an idea of what would happen if GodFell!Metta 'romanced' our mortal Sansy.
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TW: Very mild dubcon kissing
His face was hot. Sans tried to banish the heat warming his skull, but found it impossible, his mana sluggish to obey. This was all Mettaton's fault. He slipped into Red's domicile while the War God was away, tried to play innocent and polite, claimed he was worried about a mortal living with that brute. Sans expected the other to act upon his own dangerous reputation (not all of his infamous lovers wanted him) but after a chaste, albeit stilted, conversation, Mettaton kissed his hand. Nothing more. He lingered for a time, remarking how he was adorable when he blushed, but when it became evident Sans wasn't going to respond to his flirtations and merely shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the god's attitude changed. As mercurial as the sea, he stormed off, very obviously offended.
Before Sans could contemplate the consequences of angering the amorous god, Red returned. His gilt armor was drenched in mortal blood, and his aura was suffocating. Fortunately, he ignored Sans, as he was apt to do after battle, in favor of a bath, leaving Sans with a flushed skull and predicament. He rubbed his hand. Did he tell Red of Mettaton's visit? Of how the other god reacted?
"what's wrong wit yer?"
Time was up.
He'd lost himself in his thoughts for who knows how long.
Sans swallowed, "what makes you think something is amiss?"
Red rounded on him, no longer in his armor but in a crimson chiton, yet no less imposing. A clawed hand tilted his skull up, and his sockets narrowed, "yer face."
Red's grip was tight on his chin and the heat plaguing Sans rose higher upon his cheekbones.
"what. happened." There was little use lying. So Sans let the day's events pass through his teeth like water. The god's expression darkened into a thunderous fury as Sans confessed how Mettaton flirted. Ire turned to agitated confusion when Sans added that Mettaton left in a huff. "yer leaving sumthin' out. mortals don't just turn him away. not after he imposes his influence on them.'
"imposes his influence? you mean he magicked me?"
Red huffed, "yer mortals and callin' everythin' yer don't understand magic. he exerted his domain on yer with that kiss. it is a skill of his, the ability to invoke the lusts of another. drives men to madness with it if he's feeling vindictive."
"oh...that...explains things." When Red eyed him, Sans flushed further, "whelp. it didn't work, so if you could tell me how to make this...feeling stop..."
"it will only fade if yer satisfy your desires. usually mortals beg for mercy by now..." Red scowled. "mettaton will regret touching what's mine. again." As he turned to no doubt rip the other god limb-from-limb, Sans lurched forward and caught his arm. Red cocked his head, "yer dare touch me without my permission, mortal?" His query bore no offense.
"...you can maim mettaton in a moment." Before Red could ask what he meant, Sans stood up and pulled the War God into a kiss. It was meant to be a quick peck, but as he drew back, Red stepped forward, dragging him into another. The dance continued until Red had Sans pinned to a wall and could ravage Sans with long, feverish kisses, domineering with every press of teeth and twist of the tongue. When they broke apart, Sans was flushed for a different reason. "you can go start a divine war now."
Red arched a browbone, his breathing ragged, "yer just accosted a god, little mortal."
Sans swallowed and slipped out of reach, "didn't feel like being driven mad with desire." At Red's appraising stare, Sans inched further away, and crossed his arms, "and you didn't mind the accosting."
"i don't lust after mortals."
"and i don't lust after gods," Sans quipped.
Red's eyelights gleamed with an earnest amusement, but too soon they hardened with wrath. Somebody needed a few less limbs if they refused to learn to stop touching his things. He was the one who rescued Sans from a slow, pitiful death. Which made him his little toy to torment. Nobody else's.
He swept off in a whirl of his cloak, leaving Sans behind, shivering with the realization of what he just did.
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underimagines · 5 years
The Space Between
Summary: Sometimes you have your doubts. So does he.
3k-Kofi Poll Results Drabble - Mettaton-EX/Reader, SOULmate AU: Fluff with a Hint of Angst
read it on ao3 / buy me a coffee
It was tough dating a celebrity.
Mettaton was a wonderful guy. Fun, bright, charming, and always full of life and energy. It was no surprise that he had such a huge fanbase. You’d pinched yourself more than once, just to make sure that, no, you weren’t dreaming.
Your relationship, overall, was a good one. Though he was busy, Mettaton always did his best to make you happy.
But that was the problem. He was a very busy Monster. Between concerts and interviews, running his own (multiple) shows, and acting as the head of an entire business, you were struggling to find time for the two of you.
You’d been left dateless on many a Date Night, sitting alone in one of the high-end restaurants he’d booked for you two to go out to until the waiters finally took pity on you and asked if you wanted the check. There were nights when you clung to a Mettaton-themed plush, wishing it was him instead, and crying yourself to sleep.
During a particularly rainy, dreary day, you opted to stay in. You were satisfied to stay curled up on the couch with a book until night fell and you could sleep until tomorrow came.
Then the front door of your apartment opened.
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the drenched, looming frame that staggered over the doorway. Book clenched in your fist, you reeled it back, ready to chuck it at whoever was slowly stumbling towards you.
It wasn’t until they pushed finally looked up at you that you recognized who they were.
“Hey, Mettaton.” You spoke softly.
He looked like a complete and utter mess. His hair was drenched, plastered to his cheeks and forehead. Dark synthetic bags hung under his half-lidded eyes. Every step he took creaked, arms hanging so low that they nearly dragged on the floor.
Mettaton gave a weak mumble as a response to your greeting, swaying back and forth on his stiletto heels as he slowly crossed the distance between you two.
You put your book down and opened your arms. He fell into your embrace. The chill of his metal body made you gasp. “Ohmygod, you’re freezing!”
“Sorry, darling…” He muttered with his face buried in the crook of your neck.
“Hey,” you curled your fingers in his wet hair, gently stroking his scalp, “Are you okay?”
There was silence for the moment. The only thing you could hear were the inner mechanisms of his mechanical body buzzing away. He sounded like your laptop when you had too many tabs open at once.
“Mettaton?” You pressed gently.
He sighed, shifting his position to lean his chin against your shoulder. “No, darling, I don’t think I am.”
A pit began to form in your stomach. “Are you tired? Do you need to recharge? Should I call Alphys?”
Mettaton sighed again, deep and heavy. His arms wound around your body, caging you beneath him.
“No, please, darling. I just need you to stay with me for a while. Can you do that for me?”
You blinked, pulling him closer as a warmth bloomed inside you. “Of course.”
It was hard to tell how much time had passed as you both just laid there. Enough that your arm was falling asleep, pinned under his weight. You tried to wiggle it free, without jostling him too much to ruin the moment. But it was stuck tight, and you ended up resigning yourself to your one-armed fate.
Mettaton pressed himself even closer to you, like he was scared that you were going to slip out of his fingers and disappear into thin air. You wanted to know what was bothering him so much. You hardly ever saw this side of him, and it made you worried.
The words hung there, just unsaid. ‘What’s wrong?’
But you couldn’t get them out. It felt wrong, somehow, pressing the issue. You didn’t want to bother him. You were sure that if he needed help, he’d ask for it. Wouldn’t he?
All you could do was hold him as he clung to you.
Robots couldn’t cry. Even if Mettaton wanted to, it was physically impossible for him to shed tears. He had to use eye-drops when it came to his shows and movies. There was always one thing that gave away his terror more than anything else: the creaking and clicking of gears inside him, the whir of his internal fans, and the unsettling hum of his soul bouncing in its carrier.
He mumbled something against your chest.
Another incomprehensible mutter.
“Metta, I can’t understand what you’re saying.”
He sighed and lifted his head, propping his chin on your collarbone. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Your stomach dropped. “Sorry for what?”
“I’ve been so very wrong to you, darling.”
“What…do you mean?” Your hands were shaking, palms clammy.
“I’m your partner. Your soulmate. I’m supposed to share my life with you. But I’ve been…so caught up in my work that. I can’t imagine how lonely you’ve been here, without me. I know for certain that I have been missing you so much that my soul aches even when you’re right here next to me.”
He spoke softly, his beautiful pink and golden eyes swirling with regret, hesitation, and fear. “I owe you so much more than what I’ve had to offer. You deserve so much better than this. So much better than what I can give you.”
‘So much better than me.’ He didn’t say it, but you could sense that he meant it.
“Mettaton…” You leaned up, propping your upper body on your arms. Mettaton moved to kneel between your legs, his hair still a complete mess. Gently, you smoothed it back, giving him the warmest smile that you could muster.
“I love you.”
His fans leapt at your words, his eyes widening as his hair began to rise, like he’d touched a static ball. “Darling, I…”
You pressed a finger to his lips, shushing him. “Listen to me. I missed you.”
Mettaton’s eyes moved over your face as you spoke, from your lips, to your nose, to your eyes, back and forth.
“I missed you more than I can say. And yes, I have been lonely without you here. But I know you’re busy. You have a life outside me. And I have a life outside of you. And that’s okay. It’s okay that we live for ourselves, because those are the lives that we get to share with each other.”
You moved your hands to cradle his cheeks, stroking your thumbs against the warm synthetic skin.
“I love seeing you happy. And I know that your work makes you happy. Getting to perform for people, and talk, and play with your band. Music, art, theatre. You were born to entertain people, Mettaton. I couldn’t see a world where you’re not the one standing under a spotlight.”
He laughed breathily, nuzzling into your palm.
“You’re right. If I hadn’t met Alphys, I never would have gotten the chance to…to really be myself.”
“And it’s the same for her. Just because we’re soulmates doesn’t make me any more important than her. And I don’t want to be.”
“I just want it to be easier for us…”
“I know you do.” You mumbled, kissing his forehead. “I do too. And one day, it will be. But for now, all we can do is remember that we have each other. You’re not alone, and I’m not either. No matter how hard things get to handle. Or how busy we might be. Or how much time we spend away from each other, that doesn’t mean that we love each other any less. We’re going to be okay. Okay?”
His bottom lip trembled a bit as he leaned against you and breathed. If he’d had the ability to, you were sure he would have been crying. “…Okay.”
A weight felt like it’d been taken off your shoulders. How long had you been holding all that in? It felt like you’d just had a moment worthy of a Nicholas Spark’s book. You bit back the laugh that bubbled in the back of your throat, mind wandering off, and only coming back when Mettaton crawled over you, leaning down so that your foreheads touched.
“I won’t forget this, darling.” He mumbled. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back down, fingers threading through his soft, silky black hair.
“Make sure not to,” you whispered against his scalp, “or I’ll have to remind you every day.”
It wasn’t a threat, but a promise.
He laughed. “I know you will.”
And like that, the tension in the air was gone.
You laid on the couch, tangled together, no sounds but your breathing, the whirs of his fans, and the steady thumping of your heartbeat.
Finally feeling at rest, you allowed your eyes to slip closed. For once, you could finally say the words and actually feel like they were true.
Everything was going to be okay.
AAAAA, it's finally done!!! Despite this being the shortest Kofi-fic I've written, it was the most difficult. I have no idea why. I'm fairly satisfied with how it turned out, though! Thanks for reading.
- Mod Mellow
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stripestheboar · 7 years
Unheard Complaints
Eyyyy, guess who meant to post this yesterday but fucking didn’t? Meeeeeeee!
So today will be a double upload, one of which you won’t see because it’s on another blog. Ha! Made ya think I was being generous didn’t I? Enjoy.
Warning: This does contain references to suicidal thoughts.
Summary: Set in Underfell. Sans doesn’t like his brother all that much. He’s bossy, controlling, tyrannical, and not to mention just an outright asshole. Someone just kill him already.
Sans sat at the double doors that blocked off the only entrance to the ruins. He grimaced, tapping his phalanges impatiently. With a sigh, he rapped his knuckles on the door for the third time that day. “Hey lady, you in there?” he hollered, waiting a few seconds for any response. When none was given, he rested his mandible on his hand in frustration. “Fuckin’ kill me already,” he mumbled, spouting out his mood. He wasn’t exactly having the best day right now, though to be fair, every day he was forced wasn’t a good day for him. He let out a tired sigh and got up from his spot by the doors, taking a quick shortcut back to his station. Yeah, he could’ve just walked, but he didn’t want to risk another lecture from Papyrus should he show up while he was taking his sweet time. Plus, he didn’t feel like moving his legs.
Coming to his station, he thought about retrieving a hotdog from behind it and decorating it in several lines of mustard. He figured he might as well eat something decent before going home, where Papyrus would more than likely force him to eat some of his poorly-made food. However, he soon decided against it, figuring he wasn’t hungry. So instead he stood here with his skull resting on his arms, enjoying the peaceful quiet of Snowdin’s forest for the time being. Now that there was no lady to talk to, he figured it was a good time to get a quick nap in. Sure, Papyrus would have a fit if he saw him, but after having it happen so many times, his ability to give a shit had been reduced significantly.  
His brother had a set routine: work started at eight and ended at five, with Papyrus checking in every two hours or so, probably to make sure he wasn’t slacking off or wasting his time at Grillby’s. They got Sundays off as part of the negotiation with Sans, but older brother wouldn’t be satisfied until he got the entire week off. If it was one thing he hated, it was being woken up at five in the morning and forced to eat cancer just so he could spend nine hours at a pointless job. He didn’t get why Papyrus bothered keep checking up on him when he was pretty sure he knew just how god awful sentry duty was. Nothing happened, it was quiet, and monsters didn’t even bother to venture around there. Just the isolation alone made him want to hang himself from sheer boredom.
Sans was sure Papyrus was just looking for the control, seeing as he was surrounded by sycophants each and every day. He needed to somehow exert power over everything, including his own brother. If the collar wasn’t humiliating enough, he needed to know his whereabouts every minute of the day or he’d smash something. No one was allowed to touch him, and god forbid anyone try to hurt him. It was so bad that monsters were avoiding him in fear of his brother’s wrath. It didn’t bother him, though; he didn’t like any of them anyways. But at this point in his life, it was getting to be enough for him. He didn’t even allow him to lock his own bedroom door. Papyrus wasn’t just over-bearing; he was a goddamn tyrant over Sans.
The smaller skeleton yawned and closed his sockets so he could catch a few winks.
He wondered why Papyrus couldn’t just leave him alone and move on with his life. He damn well knew he was better off without having to drag around his giant angry potato of a brother. He supposed the same could be said for practically anyone else he knew.
“SANS! You imbecile! What do you think you’re doing?”
Sans cringed slightly, groaning to himself. Had it really already been two hours? Or was Papyrus shortening his visiting intervals. Should the second be true, he might as well kill himself now.  
He sat up straight, playing a cocky grin on his skull as he rested his mandible on his fist. “Hey there, Boss,” he greeted, watching the much larger skeleton approach, clearly angered by something or another. Sans guessed that something was him.
“You were sleeping at your station again!” Papyrus growled, his arms crossed as he glared down at his brother. Wow, way to go captain fucking obvious. Sans shook his head, a sarcastic tone playing into his voice. “What? Me? Sleeping? At my station? This station right here? The one I’m standing at right now with a totally inconspicuous pool of drool on it? Pfffft. No. Never! How could you suspect such a thing of your own bro?” Papyrus tapped a clawed and gloved phalanx on his humerus impatiently, an annoyed look crossed onto his face. “Once again, brother, your egregious attempt at humor fails to have any effect whatsoever other than to vex me.” His arms were now at his sides, bent outward like a disapproving mother. “You know what I told you about sleeping on the job?”
Sans brought his hands up to make air quotes. “Uh huh, ‘job’.”  
“Well you get paid, don’t you?” Papyrus argued, clearly annoyed that he was having this discussion again. “Well yeah, but fer doin’ jack shit! I don’t see why I need one when you’re head of the freakin’ guard!”
“This isn’t about the point of your job, Sans. It’s about you sleeping on it!” the younger skeleton scolded. “You sleep like a rock! You’re practically an open target.”
“Yeah yeah. Look, Boss, I seriously doubt any human is gonna waltz through those doors, see me, and try to kill me before I wake up,” Sans grumbled. “In case ya haven’t noticed, diddly-dick happens around here. I’d wake up from a pin dropping before some little shit got the drop on me.” Papyrus raised the tops of his sockets. “Oh? And what about monsters? Some Snowdrake looking for easy EXP could easily take advantage of you!”
Sans could only groan and rest his head on his hand for a few seconds. “God you’re so fucking paranoid- I’m fine, boss! No monster is gonna try to attack me if they know what’s good for ‘em.”
“Oh, you’re really starting to irritate me, brother,” Papyrus growled, clenching his sharpened teeth. “Perhaps I should make you carry the night shift!” Sans almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Why couldn’t he get it? “Are you kidding me? Pah, just kill me,” he scoffed, walking towards Snowdin.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Papyrus demanded. “Home! Where the fuck else?” he shot back, only to be stopped when his arm was grabbed and he was pulled back. “Don’t you walk away from me!” the tyrant spat, his sockets seemingly alight with rage. Sans furrowed his brow, but soon scoffed and wrenched his arm away. “Go fuck yourself. Just leave me alone for once,” he muttered, taking a shortcut home.
Upon landing at the entrance of his house, he threw his hooded jacket on the couch and flopped onto its cushions. He thought about going to his room or taking his anger out on something, but decided to just calm himself down with forced relaxation and TV. Papyrus was a stubborn bastard, but he was also a workaholic. He wouldn’t see that asshole until after five.  
Sans quietly fumed to himself, swiping up the remote to the TV. Who did his brother think he was, his owner? He already had a cat; what the hell did the need a Sans for? Why couldn’t he understand he was the cause of his own problems, not his older brother? Why couldn’t he just leave him alone and give the job to someone who actually want to go outside and be active.  
He wanted to start going through the channels, only to find out that the remote had gone dead long before hand. Now it was stuck on Mettaton’s channel. The universe just loved fucking with him, huh. He gave the device a confused look, pressing the channel button about a thousand times before throwing it onto the other side of the couch in frustration. “God, just fucking kill me,” he grunted, going upstairs and stopping at the balcony.
At the end of the second floor was Doomfanger, his head between his legs as he licked his own backside. Sans grimaced. “Is this what you do all day when we’re not home?” he muttered, catching the cat’s attention. The feline quickly sat up straight as if nothing happened, but he knew better. “Heh, caught ya, bitch,” he chuckled. “You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to make ass jokes. I’ve got, like, fifty lined up.”
That’s when the door suddenly slammed open. “SANS!”
Sans froze, swinging his skull to the entrance in surprise. Papyrus was leaning against the door, anger flaring in his expression as he slammed the door. He looked like he had just sprinted all the way from the stations, and from how short a time his brother had been here, he probably did. He was quick to head up the stairs after Sans, quickly catching up to him before he could escape to his room by grabbing his arms once again, but like last time, the smaller skeleton wrenched himself away with a look of anger and disgust as he moved past him and down the stairs. “What is wrong with you?” the younger skeleton asked, chasing after him. “I could say the same for you,” Sans scoffed, snatching up his jacket and tugging it on.
“Brother, can’t you see that I’m trying to help you?” Papyrus reasoned, following behind him with sharp movements. “Oh yeah? Well no one asked you to do that, did they?” he replied, zipping up his jacket and heading towards the door.
“Sans, I just want you to-“
“What, Papyrus?” Sans exclaimed, spitting around to confront his brother. “What do you want me to be, huh? All active and haughty like you? Some obedient servant to your every beck and call? Well that’s not who I am, and for some goddamn reason, you can’t get that notion into your thick skull. Why can’t you just understand that I want to be alone? I don’t know what the fuck you’re expecting from me. So what is it, Boss? What the fuck do you want from me?”
“I just want you to care about something for once, okay?”
Sans stopped, his brow bone furrowing. “Wait… what?”
Papyrus was still, his mouth agape as he tried to find the right words to say, but he couldn’t seem to find them. For the first time in years, Sans saw just how helpless he seemed at this moment. He didn’t look angry or enraged. He just didn’t know what to do.
“I… I’ve tried everything, Sans,” he admitted. “I got you a job. I try my best to make sure you eat something because you never fucking eat anything, even when you knew you were starving. I protected you from monsters. I’ve threatened you. I’ve put a goddamn collar on you. I wake you up and take you outside and try to have you do something, but no matter what I do, you just don’t care. Even when I forbade you from going to Grillby’s, you barely said a word of argument. All you ever do is sleep lie around everywhere and… and…”
“Paps… what are you…”
“I’m fucking worried, Sans!” he interrupted, almost sounding out of breath. “You have almost no HP as it is, and no matter what I do, I can’t get it to go back up. I’m worried… scared that every time I come for you in the morning you won’t wake up, or that you won’t be there anymore when I come to check on you. What… what am I supposed to do if you don’t come back, huh? What if, one day, I come home and you’ve…” He paused. “I mean… all you ever do is talk about how much you want to-“
“Hey hey, don’t talk like that,” Sans stopped him, grabbing his hand, his voice now a much softer tone. “Those were just jokes, okay? I’m not gonna go anywhere, I promise.” He caught a glimmer of red in his brother’s sockets. Were those what he thought they were? “Are you…?”
Papyrus quickly wiped under his eye sockets, looking away from what he could assume was embarrassment. “Sans,” he said slowly, his voice now sounding smaller and cracked. “You won’t actually kill yourself… will you?”
“They’re just jokes,” Sans repeated.
“Are they?” Papyrus asked. At that moment, Sans paused, his voice caught. He stared up at his brother, mouth open as tried to say something to assure his brother.
Sans wrapped both hands around his brother’s much larger one. “I won’t,” he promised. “I’m not going anywhere, bro, I promise.”
Papyrus looked unsure, even doubtful, but gave a slow nod, pulling away from Sans’ grip and turning around to head upstairs. However, he froze for a moment, and before Sans could react, he was scooped into a tight hug by his younger brother.
“I love you, brother,” Papyrus whispered, his hug tightening. “I never say it as much as I should, but I love you more than anything. I say things I don’t mean or do thing I don’t want to, and something I think I’m the reason for all of this. But I still love you, Sans.”
Sans was frozen in shock, having not been prepared. Slowly, though, he returned the hug, something the brothers hadn’t done since Papyrus’ injury. “I love you, too, bro,” Sans mumbled to him under his breath. “And don’t you forget that. No matter what I do or what I say, I’ll always love you.” He gave Papyrus’ back a gentle pat before slowly pulling away. “I… I guess we need to open up a bit more, huh? Set a few ground rules?” he said with a chuckle. Papyrus gave a slow nod, smiling some as he rubbed his sockets a second time. Sans grinned, giving hive brother a small nudge. “C’mon, let’s talk it over lunch. I’m kinda hungry,” he said, gesturing to the kitchen. “That is honestly the biggest surprise I’ve heard all day,” Papyrus hummed, walking into the kitchen.
“Yeah, I guess I- was that a joke?”  
The younger brother just laughed softly, feeling like a small weight had been lifted. “I’ll cancel the rest of my plans today. I feel tired. I must be if I’m making jokes.” Sans just rolled his eyelights and walked over beside him. “Anything for lunch?” he asked. “Takeout from Grillby’s,” was all he said. “I’m kind of sick of my own food.”
Sans just chuckled, looking up at his brother. “Thanks bro.” Papyrus just nodded, picking up the phone with a small smile. “I just want to see you happy, Sans. That's all the thanks I'll ever need."
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aroseandapen · 7 years
Expectancy--Dating Start (Part 5/?)
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Rating: Mature Pairing: Papyton Word Count: 4308 (Cumulative: 25,446) Summary: After some drunken night shenanigans at a party, Papyrus ends up pregnant… by Mettaton. Unfortunately the latter can barely even remember who the skeleton even is. Maybe by spending time with Papyrus, Mettaton can rediscover the charm that his drunk self had been so taken with to begin with.
Papyrus might have lied. Just a bit.
What else could he have done? Yes, Undyne was rough and aggressive, but it always came from a place of caring! And perhaps some genuine hurt, but that was Papyrus’ fault for keeping her in the dark on his pregnancy. He should’ve told her first, at least after his own brother. Best friends talked about the important things, and Undyne was undoubtedly his best friend while pregnancy was undeniably an important thing.
So when the thunderous knocking on his door turned into a crash as the impatient visitor kicked it inward, and Undyne’s indignant bellowing boomed throughout the house, Papyrus couldn’t fault her for the reaction. Perhaps for the sizable dent in his wall that would eventually come out of their security deposit, but not for being cross with him!
She’d looked as if she was about to tackle him to the ground, but just as her muscles tensed to spring, her eyes had flickered down to his abdomen and she’d caught herself. She restrained herself sling her arm around his neck to noogie the daylights out of him instead. Settling for a noogie and slamming her body against his with all her strength was perhaps the most control that Undyne had shown in all the time Papyrus had known her.
He still hated it.
“NO, NO, DON’T!”
He wiggled in her grip, twisting to try and find some weakness to break away. She held fast, flexing her arm and grinding her knuckles into the top of his skull. No matter how he struggled to get free, he just couldn’t lever her arm to give him a chance to break her hold without summoning an attack. Not hardly appropriate for a situation like this.
“I have a little bone to pick with you, you metal-loving nerd,” she said, knuckles rubbing over the top of his skull, and Papyrus managed to tilt his head just enough to catch a glimpse of her face. She wore a huge grin, but it was strained.
The guilt wriggled in his soul like he’d stuffed a bunch of living worms into it. He offered a sheepish grin, although he didn’t yet know what he’d done to cause such an expression. She had the same expression she always used whenever she was trying to keep things lighthearted, but was hurt, and he hated to see it turned on him.
He swallowed. “WHAT HAPPENED?”
“You told me that you weren’t pregnant! I mean, I was just joking around when I asked you if you were, but you could’ve told me that you were for real! We’re friends! And I had to find out about it from that big pile of metal ass—and not from you!” Undyne released her death grip on his neck, freeing up a hand to run it through her hair. “I mean… I just don’t want to find out about the important shit that’s going on with you from some dude I don’t even like. You know?”
She averted her gaze and Papyrus’ magic froze, marrow turning to ice in his bones. Oh. Of course that’d been it. Papyrus was so stupid. Why hadn’t he told her in the first place, the moment he found out for sure? He felt really bad for keeping it a secret for so long.
“I DIDN’T MEAN TO HIDE IT FROM YOU!” Papyrus folded his hands over his chest, over where his soul pulsed anxiously, with a worried magic from the developing soul thrumming through it in a juvenile attempt at soothing his own. He sent a reassuring pulse into the souling, trying to calm it back down. “IT JUST… HAPPENED I GUESS. I DIDN’T KNOW YET WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT I WASN’T AND THEN… I GUESS I THOUGHT YOU’D BE MAD AT ME? ESPECIALLY BECAUSE IT WAS WITH METTATON AND I KNOW YOU HATE HIM AND I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IF HE WOULD WANT TO BE INVOLVED WITH ME AT ALL BECAUSE I’M JUST… I DON’T KNOW, AND THEN I GUESS IT STARTED GETTING TOO LATE TO TELL YOU WITHOUT IT SEEMING LIKE I WAS KEEPING IT A SECRET FROM YOU AND THEN IT NEVER CAME UP.”
By the end of his little monologue, Papyrus’ voice had diminished to a nervous volume, gaze shifting restlessly between the table with his brother’s pet rock and Undyne’s face. He never quite met her eyes.
“Geez. You huge dork.” Undyne threw her arms around him again, not to noogie him this time, but to drag him into a tight embrace. A sort of relief washed over him—she couldn’t be truly angry with him if she hugged him. He relaxed into her, breathing in the familiar, soothing scent of his best friend. “Of course I wouldn’t be mad at you? You can do whatever you want with whoever you want, dude. You’re an adult! I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt.”
“Of course! And…” Undyne pushed Papyrus away by his shoulders to give him a huge, toothy grin. “…if he ever breaks your heart, you tell me, and I will kick his ass right back Underground for you.”
And yet he couldn’t help but smile. Leave it to Undyne to chase away his silly little insecurities and worries just by being her usual brash and kind self. Papyrus felt lucky to have a best friend like her.
“Go ahead and turn here, darling.” Mettaton’s voice broke the silence, pulling him from his reverie.
Papyrus blinked a few times, rousing himself back into the present. He pulled up to the intersection, looking both ways before turning in the indicated direction. Mettaton hadn’t told him what restaurant he was guiding him to. Looking over each one they passed, he tried to guess where they were going. It didn’t help that he didn’t go out to eat so often, and many of the places were wholly unfamiliar to him. Quite a few restaurants looked just fancy enough to meet Mettaton’s standards. It could be any of them.
“Right here. There are parking spaces just around back.”
The car slowed to a crawl. He stared. “…HERE?”
Mettaton flashed him a reassuring smile, as if anticipating Papyrus’ bafflement. “Yes, here. Trust me, you’ll have the best dinner of your life.”
“OF COURSE! I TRUST YOUR TASTES ABSOLUTELY!” he chimed out, turning in as told.
Papyrus had no doubts that Mettaton had an excellent taste in venues, and if he’d chosen this place then Papyrus believed that it really would be the best dinner as claimed. It met Mettaton’s standards, after all, so it would of course end up meeting his as well!
Except that he’d been prepared for quite the fancy place, imagining that it would have elaborate decor, with lush plants and ornate marble statues and gold trim, made from only the finest wood with the richest coat of paint. It would offer gourmet plates with names that Papyrus couldn’t pronounce, and the waiters would have curly little mustaches and elegant accents and call him and Mettaton “good sirs” as he led them to their table.
The restaurant they pulled up to now hadn’t been what he prepared for. As an almost overzealous MTT fan, he’d known of Mettaton’s particular tastes, and knew that their date venue would be carefully chosen.
He just… didn’t expect the star of both the Surface and the Underground to pick out such a plain looking restaurant.
No amount of preparing could prepare him for the place they’d reached. Papyrus was quick to recover, parking and rushing to get out of the car and to the passenger’s side to open up the door for Mettaton. His reward was a warm smile and grateful nod as Mettaton took his offered hand to climb out of the car as well.
“What a gentleman,” he purred, making Papyrus puff out his chest in pride.
“OF COURSE, ONLY THE BEST TREATMENT FOR MY GORGEOUS DATE!” Butterflies churned in his gut, their wings beating against his non-existent insides even harder at the tittering he got in response. Papyrus hoped to god that Mettaton’s amusement was a good sign.
Just as he began to fret, Mettaton cupped Papyrus’ hand between both of his, giving him such a smile that Papyrus could feel his soul melting in his chest and banishing all of his doubts. Oh yes, that had been a very good side.
“Careful, Papy-darling. If you keep this up, you’re going to ruin my appetite with all your sweetness.”
Even after Mettaton properly flustered him, he continued to hold Papyrus’ hand as they began walking. Hyper aware of how heated Mettaton’s palm felt against his, and how firm his grip was around Papyrus’ fingers, the two made their way into the restaurant. Papyrus worried about whether he was acting too strange. His soul stirred with so much nervous energy that he couldn’t help but fidget, his thumb rubbing against the back of Mettaton’s hand. He couldn’t believe it. He was on a real date with Mettaton. A real date, doing real dating things like holding hands with the person that he’d once only dreamed of meeting.
They’d even already been intimate, Papyrus remembered with a rush of heat in his bones. Even if his memories were fuzzy, and Mettaton’s were non-existent, the proof lay in the developing child in his own soul. The  soul that he and Mettaton had created together. Regardless of that, Papyrus knew that Mettaton didn’t have to date him. Not over a drunken one-night stand, even if it’d resulted in such a union of their beings. He’d resolved himself to only ever being on friendly terms, at best. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that Mettaton would one day ask him on a date. Like he genuinely wanted to try a relationship.
God. Papyrus squeezed Mettaton’s hand, and felt a flutter in his soul at the answering squeeze that Mettaton gave him back. This was really happening. For real.
“Ah Mettaton, it’s so good to see you again!”
Papyrus started, jerked out of his thoughts by the delighted greeting. He looked up to see a human woman, with long brown hair plaited neatly back and kind wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Mettaton stepped forward, shaking the woman’s hand without breaking his link with Papyrus. Everything about Mettaton suggested ease and friendliness.
“Karla, darling, it’s good to see you too!” Mettaton gave her a warm smile. “It’s been much too long since I’ve come in; I’m so sorry for that.”
The woman—Karla—shook her head as he released her hand. “No need to be sorry at all! I’m just so glad to have you here now. Ah, and who is this?” And she turned her smile onto Papyrus, catching him off guard. “What’s the occasion?”
Heart pounding, Papyrus offered a grin. “WE’RE ON A DATE!” he said, the grip on Mettaton’s hand growing so tight that he was afraid that he was going to tear it off.
It was Mettaton’s turn to rub the back of his hand with his thumb, stroking the tension out of it. “Yes, that’s right. Karla, this is my date, Papyrus. He’s carrying our soon-to-be child.”
“Oh, is that so?” Surprise flooded her face, and her gaze flicked over Papyrus, up and down. She smoothed out her expression with a pleasant smile, so warm and so fast that Papyrus didn’t have the time to feel self conscious. “Well, congratulations! I’ll make sure the two of you get a special discount tonight for the happy news.”
“Nonsense!” Karla waved away his concerns, bringing out two menus from beneath her host’s podium. “Mettaton is such a dear, and his regular endorsement has brought so much more business to the restaurant. A little discount for the little one you’re expecting is the least we could do for him and his—boyfriend? Husband?”
“UH.” Would he be considered Mettaton’s boyfriend? On the first date? He didn’t know what Mettaton thought of him. “THAT’S, UM—.”
“Boyfriend, yes,” Mettaton cut in, saving Papyrus from having to answer. He brought their linked hands to press a gentle kiss to the back of his metacarpals. “Papyrus is my boyfriend. Thank you Karla; that’s so sweet of you.”
If it were possible for souls to explode from sheer delight, Papyrus’ would have done so ten times over already.
Still lavishing words of congratulations and well-wishes, Karla led the two of them to their table and at last left them alone to look at the menus. Papyrus slid into the booth, a nice and quiet table set into a small nook that lent just enough cover to feel private. A simple light hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the dark wooden table and red cushions. He settled against the back of the booth, comfortable with the setup. They weren’t completely alone and he could see other people seated at tables across the restaurant from them, but something about the setup felt like the place was there for only the two of them alone without full force of the pressure of an isolated date. Hanging out alone together as they’d done at Papyrus’ house was one thing, but a romantic occasion was a different beast entirely.
“I apologize if that was a bit too much for you.”
Papyrus blinked. “I’M SORRY?”
“Referring to you as my boyfriend. I didn’t mean to assume. Karla can be a bit forward—I mean, she’s friendly enough, but she can be a bit much if you aren’t familiar with her. You looked like you were taken off guard by her question, so I went ahead and told her that you were my boyfriend, considering this is our official first date, and—Why are you laughing?”
Indeed, Papyrus had broken down into helpless giggles, hearing Mettaton run over the very thing that had struck Papyrus into an anxious silence back with Karla. Really he shouldn’t have worried about it at all. They were both still feeling out the boundaries of their new relationship. He should’ve guessed that Mettaton might be just as nervous as he was, for all the easy confidence he exuded.
“Oh is that so?” It was Mettaton’s turn to quirk a smile. He joined in Papyrus’ mirth, the tension in the air dissipating with the sounds of their laughter. “That is a bit funny.”
After that, they settled into comfortable small talk, and before too long Karla brought them drinks and offered to take their orders. Mettaton had his ready, and after a hopeless glance over the menu full of items that Papyrus didn’t recognize, he went with whatever it was Mettaton had gotten. With a smile and a promise that their food would be out shortly, Karla swept away the menus and went off to deliver their orders to the kitchen.
She was nice, Papyrus thought. Mettaton’s liking for the restaurant didn’t surprise him after just a scant ten minutes inside it. Maybe he’d bring Undyne sometime. She’d appreciate the cozy restaurant as a date location, even if it wasn’t the high-energy sort of place that she usually frequented.
Papyrus glanced down at the table. One of Mettaton’s hands rested on it, relaxed and open. If he just reached out, it’d be easy to thread his fingers through Mettaton’s. His magic pulsed with warmth at the thought of holding hands with him again. Despite his metal body, all part of being a robot, Mettaton’s hands felt alive, thrumming with the magic that made up every single monster, the physical contact bringing him a pleasant spark to his own fingers.
He could, right? They were dating. His dating manual told him that touching was an important part in a developing relationship. It also warned to pay attention to the partner’s comfort levels, however, and never to touch if they weren’t alright with it.
Was Mettaton alright with it? He had been before they’d sat at their table, but that didn’t mean he was fine with it now. Maybe he was someone who didn’t like holding hands at dinner.
He’d never know until he did something, though.
Slowly, Papyrus slid his arm across the table. His fingertips brushed over Mettaton’s gingerly, and their gazes flickered up to lock onto each other. Papyrus opened his hand, fingers up and palm facing Mettaton in a silent bid for permission.  A short beat passed before Mettaton mirrored him, palm to palm, intertwining their fingers.
A smile rose to Papyrus’ face, unbidden, a bit goofy as he looked down at their connected hands. He was holding hands with Mettaton. Holding hands with Mettaton. Again. It ran like a heartbeat in his chest, a heated thump thump thump that Mettaton just had to be able to hear, it was so loud in Papyrus’ ears. Mettaton smiled back, and Papyrus poured every bit of affection into the act as he squeezed Mettaton’s hand in his.
He dared to think that Mettaton felt just the same as he did.
Karla returned with their food at last, and the two reluctantly had to part, their fingers lingering as they pulled their hands away. Papyrus looked down at his own plate. He still had no idea what the dish was—some sort of meat undoubtedly—but the steam rising up from it felt pleasant on his bones and its aroma was downright mouthwatering.
“THIS SMELLS GREAT!” he exclaimed once they were alone again.
Mettaton already had his napkin placed neatly into his lap and a bit of what was undoubtedly steak speared onto his fork. “Just wait until you try it, darling. It tastes even better than it smells.”
He wholly believed Mettaton’s claim. Picking at the paper ring that locked away his silverware, Papyrus unbound and freed it from its cloth napkin-y bindings. Following his date’s example, he tucked the napkin into place over his own lap—he couldn’t believe Mettaton’s innovation at using one as a lap guard against falling food!—and happily dug into his own plate.
His tongue appeared the moment he brought the fork to his mouth, an unconscious act, catching the bite and mixing his magic in with the meat. He didn’t chew (that would be disgusting, opening his mouth to show the food to Mettaton when he really didn’t need to). Instead he rolled it around on his tongue, the taste melting on his tongue and dragged a long sound of appreciation from him. He had to come back to this restaurant soon; Mettaton had amazing taste in places. He swallowed his mouthful and it vanished instantly, absorbed into his magic.
“IT’S SO GOOD.” The noise he made bordered on a moan. He had to ask Karla about the chef’s techniques before they left, to incorporate it into his own cooking. Imagine if he could replicate such mouthwatering tastes on his own. Mettaton seemed to be friendly with her, so perhaps he could help arrange that.
Papyrus glanced up, intending to ask Mettaton about doing that, when the look on his face made him hesitate. Mettaton had a dreamy expression, fork picking absently at his food while his eyes remained trained on Papyrus’ face. There was something warm in expression that made Papyrus’ soul flutter. Trying hard not to jump to conclusions—but oh, that distracted affection in Mettaton’s eyes was unmistakable—Papyrus coughed, drawing Mettaton’s attention to his eyes.
“DID I GET SOMETHING ON MY FACE?” he asked, tentatively raising a hand to rub at the side of his face.
Mettaton blinked, shaking his head as he snapped himself out of whatever dazed state he’d been in. His smile grew, and Papyrus felt the excited pulse in his soul that he was afraid to acknowledge to himself.
“No, nothing on your face. I was just thinking…” He trailed off, gaze flicking over Papyrus’ face.
He waited for Mettaton to continue. When Mettaton offered nothing else, Papyrus prompted him, genuinely curious about what his date thought about with such a look on his face. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?”
Mettaton let out a hum, and for a moment Papyrus thought that he wouldn’t answer. When he finally did, Papyrus felt as if he’d the cushions underneath him would burst into flames from the heat of his blush.
“I was just thinking about how incredibly cute you really are.”
Papyrus sputtered. If there had been food in his mouth he surely would’ve choked on it. It took him a few tries to find his voice again to properly respond to the unexpected compliment. He could hardly believe what he just heard—he had to have been imagining it. Mettaton thought he was cute. Not just that he looked good in his suit, which had been a high compliment on its own. Mettaton thought that he, Papyrus, was cute.
“THANK—THANK YOU!” he managed at last, leaning on the table just to be closer to Mettaton, face shining with delight. “YOU’RE VERY CUTE TOO—I MEAN HANDSOME. OR CUTE, YOU’RE CUTE TOO, BUT YOU’RE VERY HANDSOME AS WELL. JUST VERY… VERY GOOD LOOKING.”
His soul did a nervous tap dance in his chest. Way to sound ridiculous while trying to return the compliment, Papyrus. Unfortunately it was too late to take it back, so he put on his biggest grin and stand behind his words, hoping that Mettaton wouldn’t cringe too hard.
Surprisingly, Mettaton did no such thing. On the contrary, a light dusting of magic appeared on his face, and he averted his gaze for a quick moment before locking eyes with Papyrus. “Thank you, Papy. You’re such a sweet man. I’m so glad that I came on this date with you.”
God! Papyrus’ internal screaming refused to be quieted.
“I’M GLAD TOO!!!” He hardly cared if he seemed overeager, practically lunging across the table to link their hands once again. “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME OUT TODAY… D-DEAR.”
Mettaton didn’t seem to mind his awkward endearment. If anything, the smile on his face grew the moment it left his mouth. He squeezed Papyrus’ hand back.
“Thank you for agreeing to come here with me, sweetheart.”
The rest of the date was a delightful blur, like he’d gotten drunk on the sheer amount of affection bursting in his soul like a million fireworks in his chest. He’d driven Mettaton home and walked him to his door. Just as he’d taken a step back, about to go home, Mettaton had grabbed his hand and pulled him so close that their bodies almost touched. Papyrus could hardly dare to breathe, afraid of breaking whatever delicate spell had been cast over them.
“Do you mind if I kiss you?”
“YES.” It took a moment for his mind to catch up with what he was saying, and he scrambled to mend his mistake, voice breathless. “WAIT, NO, I MEAN NO. I MEAN THAT YES YOU CAN KISS ME THAT WOULD BE—THAT WOULD BE, YES. PLEASE, KISS ME.”
His rambling made Mettaton laugh, his free hand coming to rest against the side of Papyrus’ face.
“It’s ok, I understand,” he’d assured him, and leaned forward to press his lips against Papyrus’ teeth.
And that was the final nail in the coffin in Papyrus’ metaphorical death. Cause of death? Such freely given affection that he’d always thought of as wildly unobtainable, sealed with that soft first kiss. They parted slowly, Mettaton’s breath ghosting over his mouth as he wished Papyrus a good night, and separated after one last peck.
Somehow he’d made it from there to his car, and from his car to his house without any accidents. He felt like his feet didn’t even touch the ground, there was such a lightness to his step as he made his way inside his own home.
“hey bro,” Sans greeted him from his usual spot on their couch.
For once, Papyrus didn’t say anything right away. He barely even registered that Sans was in the living room with him, and he didn’t see how his brother’s browbone furrowed in concern at his uncharacteristically dazed behavior. Papyrus was on a cloud, his soul ballooned up to bask right next to the sun, a tingling delight permeating like a physical fire throughout his entire body. The world could end at that moment and he wouldn’t have paid it any mind in the world.
When he said nothing, Sans cleared his throat to get his attention. He turned his face slowly, his awareness of the present as hazy as the flurry of butterflies beating in his non-existent gut.
“how’d your date go, paps?”
The concern evident in his brother’s tone pulled Papyrus out of his daze. He forced himself to focus; the last thing he wanted was for Sans to think things went badly.
“that’s great, paps,” Sans said, the corner of his mouth twitching. “you haven’t been on any other dates, though.”
“YEAH.” Normally Papyrus would protest such an unnecessary observation, such a facetious joke, informing Sans that wasn’t the point. Not now, though. The date that had just ended was still so fresh in his mind, and the contentment still so profound, that he couldn’t find it in himself to be annoyed. “…HEY, SANS…”
Sans frowned. He looked worried, like he thought that something might be wrong with Papyrus, when the reality was just the opposite. “what’s up bro?”
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odderancyart · 7 years
Red and Razz confessing to eachother while being locked up in the closet, please!
This… is not a drabble. Over a thousand words is not a drabble.
Laughter came from the two Sanses, who sat close together in thecouch. Mettaton – Underfell Mettaton – was hosting his new show; The Monster Human War. The basic plotwas that Mettaton, dressed as King Asgore, led a couple monsters and fought monstersdressed up as humans to death. It was quite brilliant. The problem, Fellthought, wasn’t the show. It wasn’t even the two Sanses. The problem was how theaforementioned were so obviously in love – they cuddled, laughed, stared at eachother with that lovesick gaze – yet they refused to confess it to each other.
Exchanging a gaze with Papyrus, who was visiting on the same time asRazz,  they nodded in agreement. Thegreat thing with being basically the same person, despite their different universes,was that sometimes words weren’t necessary.
They simultaneously got up from the table they’d been blueprinting apuzzle on. Making their way over toward Red and Razz Papyrus went to open the cupboardbeneath the stairs. The two shorter skeletons laughed as a monster gotdecapitated and weren’t paying attention to their surroundings. They felt safehere. Which would be their downfall. Fell smirked, and with a quick motion heturned their souls Blue. Both reacted immediately, turning their heads towardhim and instinctually preparing their magic. They didn’t have a chance to,though, as Fell threw them both into the cupboard. Carefully; he didn’t want tohurt them. Papyrus quickly closed and locked the door behind them.
The Papyri chuckled as Fell made his way over. Papyrus grinned athim as he leaned toward the door.
“NOT UNTIL YOU ADMIT YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER,” he told them.The only reply was stuttering from the inside, even Razz seemingly speechless.
“IT IS QUITE OBVIOUS,” Papyrus added, sounding more understandingbut still making clear he wouldn’t let them out either. “YOU – AND US WHO HAVETO WATCH YOU TWO DANCE AROUND EACH OTHER – WILL FEEL BETTER ONCE YOU CONFESS.TRUST US.”
The cupboard was dark, but not so dark they couldn’t see. Even moreso with how both their cheeks were flushed crimson and purple respectively. Redand Razz stared at each other, mortified. There was no doubt that they wouldn’tbe allowed outside until they’d confessed their ‘love for each other’. Redswallowed deeply, feeling his blush grow brighter. Well, this was terrible.
It was true he was in love with Razz. It wasn’t surprising that hisbrother had figured that out. Boss had always been almost creepily perceptive. Theproblem was, that while Boss and Papyrus surely meant well, there was no waythis’d end well. Razz didn’t return his feelings, and now his entire friendshipwith the other was over.
With pounding soul, Red eventually broke the eye contact, fumblingdesperately for something to say. He opened his mouth, only to snap it close ashe realized he had no idea what to say. Weirdly enough, Razz seemed to be justas lost as he was. It was odd. Razz always seemed to know exactly what to sayand do.
“WELL,” the other eventually said, finally breaking the silence. Redsighed in relief. “WHAT NOW?”
“i-,” Red mumbled, grabbing onto the shelf next to him to havesomething to ground himself with. “i dunno. they won’ let us out ‘til we dowha’ they say.”
Shaking his head, Red sighed again. Curse his brother’s ingenuity.
“nah. boss got tired o’ me shortcuttin’ everywhere so last week he‘ad alphys put anti-teleportation-shields on th’ house fer a while.”
Razz blinked in surprise, and a smirk appeared on his face for ashort moment before his expression fell again. Everything went quiet once more.Red’s soul had slowed down as they spoke, but was once again pounding againsthis ribcage. He watched Razz nervously, waiting for the other to say or dosomething. Sweat trickled down his brow. This was it. His friendship with Razzwas over. He was going to lose one of his best friends over a stupid crush. Ashis breathing grew laboured, he saw Razz close his eye sockets.
Too stunned to say anything, Red gaped at the other. He couldn’tbelieve what he just had heard. Had hejust heard what he had heard or did he just hallucinate? That almost seemedlikelier. Razz seemed to grow more and more anxious the longer he stood silent,fiddling with his scarf. Red swallowed, soul pounding harder than ever, as heprepared himself to answer.
“SAY SOMETH-“ Razz began, but Red interrupted him.
“i love ya too.” The other fell silent, staring at him with widesockets. Dragging in a deep breath, Red continued. “been fer a while now. yeramazing, ya know that. yer smart, beautiful, powerful, kind. almos’ as awesome as my bro, razz. how could i not love ya?”
The two of them blushed brighter, the entire cupboard lit up incrimson and purple, and a mix of the colours. Razz was smiling widely. The onlysound was their breathing as Red frowned.
“what did ya mean ya wouldn’ make a very good partner?” he asked. “iknow i wouldn’, but…”
Razz didn’t reply for a little while, staring into the wall. Waitingpatiently, Red tried to look encouraging.
“NOTHING,” Razz said with a tone of finality. He accepted thatanswer, since it was obvious the other didn’t want to talk about it. Hesitating,Red grinned slightly toward the other.
“can i… can i kiss ya?”
Razz blinked, and smiled. A nod. Without waiting a moment Redstepped forward. Gently taking Razz’s face in his hands, he pressed his teethagainst the others. Arms were thrown over his shoulder as the kiss was enthusiasticallyreciprocated. It felt amazing. It was a bit clumsy and sharp due to their teeth– it was obvious Razz hadn’t done this much – but it was the best kiss he’dever had.
Both smiled widely as they parted, and Razz grabbed his hand,holding tight. Red’s soul beat excitedly, and there were butterflies in hisstomach. That was a first. Every other relationship he’d ever had had basicallybeen casual, easy sex. This was something else entirely, and while it made himnervous he found he looked forward to it.
“how ‘bout we don’ call it a relationship?” Red suggested. It wasobvious Razz wasn’t entirely comfortable with being a boyfriend, and if he wasbeing honest, he wasn’t either. This entire thing was brilliant, but therewasn’t really a need to label it yet.
“SPECIAL FRIENDS?” was all he got in reply from a grinning Razz. ARazz who looked slightly relieved at the suggestion. He nodded.
“special friends,” he agreed. Perfect. Red pressed a kiss to theother’s cheek, and their eyelights locked with each other before nodding ateach other. Simultaneously, they turned, hitting the door as hard as they bothcould.
“ey! creampuff! boss!”
The sound of footsteps came, and the door was thrown open, revealingtwo very relieved looking Papyruses. Boss especially would’ve looked like hemight start cry at any time if he hadn’t been so eternally pissed off.
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cookiepiefrenzy · 7 years
The Walk of Penance
To be honest, it wasn't something unexpected. Actually, now that I think about it...I should have seen it coming. Instead, I blinded myself with  wishful thinking. It has become quite a bad habit of mine.
The monsters are right outside the castle. I know why they are here. They want to cast me down, to obtain the justice I robbed them off. I would be lying if I said they are wrong. They lost so much because of me, and I refused to even try to compensate for it. Yes, I deserve all that's coming my way.
And yet, I don't believe I am wrong, either. I know a sane person would find my beliefs stupid and childish. But, is it so bad to prefer mercy? Am I at fault for believing in good endings? I understand that this isn't a fairy tale. This is real life. But I still choose to hope. Hope in a world where humans and monsters live in peace. Hope in a world based on love, not hatred.
I look at the rebels from the window. ''Rebels'', huh? I never expected to call a fellow monster a ''rebel''. Looks like I'm becoming a little selfish. No, Toriel. If you want to make this world a utopia, you can't be so egotistic. You wronged them and you're paying the price, as you should.
Undyne is entering the castle. I ordered the guards to let her in. After all, they used to work together. It would  be cruel to force a fight between two old allies. But what about me? What should I do? Should I fight her, fight for the world I dream of? Or, is it that this utopia I hope to create can only be achieved by giving up on it and letting people decide for themselves?
She's already at the throne room. I only see darkness in her eyes. She is infuriated. I have to admit, this is the first time in my life that I see someone who hates me so much. I can sense her disgust towards me and, even though I expected it, I still am shocked. I'm not used to being hated. And it scares me.
Undyne gives me no time to think of how to react. She grabs me by the neck and throws me down. For a moment there, I thought she was going to strangle me. Heck, I believe she wanted to, but changed her mind on the last second. Is it that she wants to torture me before killing me? In that case, maybe I should end it myself.
Before I'm able to use my fire magic, Undyne grabs both my hands. She holds them so tightly they hurt. She then proceeds to drag me down, all the way to the castle's entrance. In a demonstration of strength, she throws me out of the caste, a few steps away from the crowds who shout slogans against me. Is it them who will finish me off? The people who I tried to save, and yet wronged so much in the process. It hurts. It hurts a lot.
Somehow, no one is attacking me. Undyne walks out of the castle, next to me.
''Stand up.'', she orders me. I quietly obey.
''Toriel Dreemurr,'', she exclaims, ''you are here today to answer for your crimes against monsterkind.''
''I never committed any crime.'', I respond firmly, trying to keep my cool.
''You let the human escape instead of killing him. That, alone, is treason against the laws of our deceased King, Asgore. But helping the human didn't just cost us one soul. It cost us the lives of dozens of monsters. It cost us the human souls we had already collected, setting us back to zero. And, most importantly, it cost us the life of our beloved King, Asgore, whose position you were quick to assume. Not only that but, while ruling as queen, you passed laws that assist humanity, betraying all our hopes and dreams!''
I try to reply, but my voice is getting covered by the shouts of the crowd. ''Traitor! Traitor!'', they all shout. Undyne silences them to let me speak. I'm still trying to stay calm, but I'm ready to break down.
''My friends...'', I begin, with my voice shaking, ''I did not betray you! I never expected that a child would do such horrible things to us...'
''It was a human child, of course it would!'', Undyne angrily interrupts me.
''No! Not all humans are evil! We all have to be compassionate! If we build a society around suspicion and anger, how are we ever going to find happiness? We will only start an endless cycle of revenge and fear! This isn't what we want, right?''
''And where did your actions take us? You destroyed years of efforts with your peaceful decisions! You destroyed our lives! Our future! You may have not created a 'society of fear', but you built a society of despair!''
''I tried for our best!''
My voice is beginning to break.
''And you failed!'', she yells at me. ''And because of you, families lost their loved ones! Mettaton, an idol for children and adults alike, a beam of hope for our salvation is dead! Alphys, our Royal scientist, is missing! Our King is dead! All because you couldn't kill a single child! And you want to be queen and rule our future after all these stupid decisions?''
I stay silent. I can't do this anymore. Because, deep down, I know...she's right. I only caused them pain.
''Do you have anything else to say in your defense?''
I look at the crowd. They loathe me. They despise me. I'm sure some of them want to see me dead. I'm not used to this. I don't know how to handle it.
''I'm sorry... For everyone's losses, for all the despair I brought upon you... I'm so, so sorry!''
I can barely hold my tears. In fact, I feel some of them have already escaped my eyes.
''In that case, it's time for your sentence. You will be dethroned, with no rights to the crown anymore. And, as the leader of this rebellion, it has been decided that I shall be crowned as empress, to lead the monsters out of the misery you put them in. As for you... I would be glad to kill you. It's what you deserve after all the things you've done. But, you are a monster. And I have taken an oath to never harm a monster. So, you should suffer a different punishment. From now on, you are exiled to the Ruins. You have one day to leave and never come back!''
The crowds cheer. I can hear a few monsters trying to push Undyne to kill me. I can't believe they would be so angry at me. To suddenly feel so hated, so detested... I wasn't ready for this.
Undyne takes the crown off my head and looks at me with those same, hateful eyes.
''Leave. Now.''
She doesn't need to speak twice. I quietly step aside and withdraw. As I walk away, I can hear her speech.
''Today is a special day in our history. This day will mark the end of our despair! For we, after all the losses we have endured, will rise again! I am your leader, but I don't want power over you. I am here to share my power WITH you! I am here to give you back your hopes and dreams! To punish humanity for all the pain they have caused us. Trust in me, and I promise you...I'll bring our future back!''
Everyone cheers. Her speech is captivating. She sounds so sure of herself, and so eager to help everyone stand on their feet again. I don't doubt her. She will become a great leader. They deserve her. But, where will she lead them to? That, I fear.
I look back for one last time before I leave New Home forever.
I'm walking through Hotland now, and it literally feels like hell. There is lava everywhere and the heat is unbearable. However, the place where true hell lies, is nowhere else but my soul. I feel HORRIBLE. Everyone hates me, and with a very good reason to. I feel guilty for letting Frisk live. But, worse thing is, I still don't regret it. I still believe it, within my heart, that everyone deserves mercy. Even Frisk.
I suddenly notice Vulkin sitting on the ground. He looks pretty upset, crying lava tears. I contemplate on it a little, but I decide to approach him.
''Hello, young child! Are you alright? What can I do for you?''
''You can't do anything for me...'', he sobs.
''Don't say that! Are you lost? I can help you find your mother if you-''
''My mother and my sister were killed by the human!''
I look down. It feels like the world really wants to punch my soul today.
''I miss them, I miss them so much... I'm alone with daddy now... What are we gonna do without them?''
''They are in a better place now...'', I try to comfort him.
''No, they are just dead! Dust, spread on the ground as if they were nothing! As if they didn't matter at all!'', he cries again.
I wish I could offer a solution. Sadly, there's nothing I can do to correct this. There is no cure for death.
''I was right next to her when she died...'', he continues, twisting the knife in my heart even more. ''My mother told me to run, but I didn't. And, then, she was suddenly killed! One moment she was alive, and the next one she was dust!''
I try to hug Vulkin, but he pulls back.
''I'm sorry, I'll burn you if you get close to me!''
''Don't worry... I'm a fire monster too.''
I hug him and let him cry in my arms for a moment. I, too, want to cry. But no, not yet. I have to be strong for this little guy... This little guy who's suffering because of me.
''GET AWAY FROM MY SON!'', a loud voice calls out.
Vulkin's father runs towards us and grabs him away from me.
''Do you know who this is, son?'', he asks angrily. ''SHE'S THE FORMER QUEEN! The one who let the human through!''
Vulkin looks at me. His eyes are filled with disappointment.
''You tricked me...!''
''I'm sorry! But think about it... Frisk was a kid, like you! I couldn't just kill him...'', I try to explain myself.
''Frisk was no ordinary kid!!'', his father interrupts me. ''He killed a mother in front of her child and then let the child live to remember it! To be forever scarred!''
''So you would prefer it if Frisk had killed your son too?'', I ask, infuriated.
''I would prefer it if you hadn't protected Frisk in order to fill the gap your  dead children left!''
I freeze in shock. Flashbacks of Asriel and Chara come to my mind, excruciating me.
''But no, because your children died, we have to lose people important to us too!'', he continues. ''Just so that ''queen'' Toriel has a child to play house with!''
I run away. I can't take this anymore.
''Yes, run back to the Ruins! It was best when you were there anyway!''
I run. I run, run and keep running. I'm at the Waterfall and I continue running, as far away as I can. My children...my poor children. Why do I have to get reminded of them in such a cruel way? And, why today, of all days?
I've reached a very special place at Waterfall. It's where Asriel's statue is. A reminder of the King's son, who was killed by the humans. Seeing his statue was the final straw. I fall on my knees and break into tears. My son, my Asriel... I miss him, I miss him so much! My poor child... All he wanted was to grant his sister's last wish... Why did he have to die like that? Why is the world such a cruel place?
And Chara... Chara wasn't my own, but it never mattered to me. Chara was, too, my child. My daughter, who just died because of my own carelessness... If only I had prevented her from consuming these buttercups! If only I had been more careful... I'm sorry, Chara... I'm so, so sorry!
Vulkin's dad said I wanted to adopt Frisk to fill the void you two left in my heart... He was wrong. Frisk could never replace you. No one could ever replace you! No one!
''NO ONE!!'' I yell, looking at the statue. My face is covered in tears.
I keep crying. I wish I could hug my children right now. It wouldn't matter if the whole world hated me, as long as my children were alive. I'd give up everything just to see them again, even for a split second.
''Look at her, crying over her dead child! Isn't it cute?''
I turn around, and see Woshua and Aaron looking at me.
''Yes, so cute! I bet she doesn't care that much about OUR children that were murdered because of her!''
''But our children didn't get a statue, did they?''
''No, they didn't.''
''Why should hers have one then?''
''Want me to destroy it?''
''Go ahead!''
Aaron comes close. No way. No way am I letting them do this.
''I'm the one you hate! Leave Asriel out of this!'', I yell at him.
''So what? Your child gets to be remembered, while ours have turned into dust and spread through the whole Underground?'', Woshua replies.
Aaron is getting closer.
''He was King Asgore's son too! You loved him, didn't you?'', I try to persuade them.
''Asgore was just sitting there, waiting for humans to fall into the Underground for him, while he could use the first human's soul to cross the barrier himself and gather the rest of the souls we needed. He was a coward.'', Aaron coldly replies.
''I had suggested that... But, even if he was scared, he was still a great King!''
I never expected I would be defending Asgore for the exact same reasons that I left him.
''Yeah, right!'', Woshua laughs at me. ''You, with all your love and mercy talk, suggested something like that? You have got to be kidding us!''
''Step aside!'', Aaron commands me.
''No. I won't let you destroy my son's statue.''
''Say, do you still believe everyone deserves mercy?'', Aaron asks.
''Yes. With all my heart.'', I reply, weirded out by the sudden question.
''Then you will forgive me for this.''
He pushes me away with all his strength. I fall a few steps away and look at him as he begins to punch the statue. He is one of the strongest monsters when it comes to physical strength. He will break it!
''No, stop!!!'', I scream.
''You won't attack me anyway, so who cares?''
I get up and try to stop him, to pull him away. He punches me down again, harder this time.
''You can't get the hint, can you?'', Woshua tells me. ''You and your pathetic family are not wanted here anymore!''
The statue's head is already broken. Aaron continues.
''Please, I beg of you! Stop, please, please!!! Just stop!!'', I keep screaming. I haven't stopped crying.
''You're not our queen anymore! You don't get to order us around!'', Woshua angrily shouts at me and slaps me.
I think I finally understand how the monsters feel about the humans. I really, really want to kill these two. With my fire magic, it's more than easy. I can stop them and save Asriel's legacy. Then again, if these two don't ruin the statue, someone else will after I leave. And, besides...I still don't believe in violence. Even if it hurts to see this, even if I could just end it right here, right now....this isn't the right way.
I walk away. I've seen enough. As I leave, I hear both of them cheering. ''Out with the Dreemurrs!'', ''It's time to end their reign forever!''. I sigh and wipe my tears, in a failed attempt to stop them.
I'm almost at the end of the Waterfall. I see an echo flower there. I remember, so many years before, when Asgore and I were still young. We had promised to be together forever. To save the Underground together. How naive we were... How innocent...
Maybe I was wrong about Asgore. Maybe he didn't deserve to be treated like this. After all, he was just too scared to go to the surface and face the humans. And really, who isn't? The humans are far stronger than us. It's normal to be scared.
I'm horrible. I left Asgore only a few weeks after both our kids died, when he needed me the most. He had been by my side through all that. And, if he was alive now, he would still defend me against everyone. Even though I treated him unfairly, even though I never forgave him... He would protect me. I know he would. He would never leave me behind, like I did to him. I'm sorry, Asgore. Only now do I realise how stupid and selfish I was. Only now I realise how much you mean to me. Now that I lost you, now that it's too late.
''Hey, you.'', someone shouts at me. I turn around and see a monster made of fire. It must be Grillby. I realise I've reached Snowdin.
''Look at this empty town. It used to be full of people. Full of joy. Now, no one goes out anymore. They are all in their homes, preparing for a war with the humans and mourning their dead. Do you know whose fault that is?''
''Mine...'' I sigh. I can't argue anymore. I'm tired and this is, indeed, my fault. No use denying it.
''Then you realise you should pay for it.''
''I'll go to the ruins forever. No one will have to see me again.''
''That's far from enough. So many people lost their lives. You should lose yours too.''
''Undyne, your new empress, doesn't agree with that. She won't allow the killing of monsters.''
''Undyne will never know.''
Grillby suddenly launches a fire attack at me. Being a fire monster myself, I don't lose too much HP, but it still hurts. I won't fight back. I didn't fight for Asriel back in the Waterfall, so I have no right to fight here. I start running away, with Grillby following me and launching fireballs at me.
I run towards Snowdin Forest. He may lose me there. And so he does, after a few minutes. I sit down for a bit, hidden behind a tree. I need to catch my breath. I'm not young enough to keep running around without getting tired.
This day has been hell. All the sad memories keep coming to my mind, accompanied by the awful events that keep occurring around me. Or, should I say, because of me? The Underground used to be a peaceful place. A place filled with hopes and dreams. Now, thanks to me, it's all ruined. Everyone is sad and taken over by rage. Monsters have died or lost their loved ones. All because I couldn't kill a single human. It's all my fault.
I hear Grillby again. He's close. I try getting up, but I stop. To be killed and forgotten forever; I actually deserve this fate. Besides, if I die right now, the pain will end. Yes. It's over. I give up.
Suddenly, someone touches my shoulder from behind. At first, I think it's Grillby, but the hand doesn't burn. I turn around.
''Hey there.''
He is wearing a red scarf around his neck. He looks terrible. His eyes are sad and it feels like he's as broken as me.
''Are you here to kill me?'', I ask, looking down.
''No.'', he answers bluntly, offering me his hand. ''But Grillby will soon find you if you stay here. I've been watching you and, seeing how you don't fight back, he'll be able to kill you easily.''
''It doesn't matter anymore. It'll be better, to be honest. It's a fair punishment for all I've done.''
''You just want to escape reality, don't you?''
''Yeah, I guess that's part of it as well.''
''I won't let you quit like that.''
''And what should I live for, then? With what purpose? Making the world a great place? Bringing peace between humans and monsters? I tried, I really did. And look where it got me. I just failed.''
''You need a reason to live? How about your son? Your two children?''
I look down. Why does everyone have to remind me of their tragic deaths today?
''What about my children?''
''You saw how people think of your son, Asriel. I bet they think even worse of Chara, who was a human. If you die here, who will remember them as fondly as you do? Who will love them?''
I think for a minute. Sans is right. I'm the last person who really knew those children. If I disappear, everyone will hate them. They'll soon start creating false stories and rumors about them, and no one will know the truth.
''You're right...'', I reply to Sans.
''Come on now, Grillby is close. Grab my hand.''
I take his hand. I expect him to help me up, but, instead, I get a sudden feeling of dizziness and close my eyes in pain. When I open them again, Sans and I are in the Ruins.
''W-What happened? How?''
''Sorry for not warning you before using my shortcut, but Grillby was way too close.''
''Shortcut?'', I ask, confused.
''Don't sweat it.'', he replies to me, and finally helps me up.
''So, is this where you'll be living from now on?'', he asks me.
''Yes. I've been living here for years...it won't be a problem.''
''Except, the monsters that live here have left.''
''Yes. Except that.''
''You'll be lonely, won't you?''
''Yes...'', I sigh. I guess Sans wants to make this day even worse for me.
''Would you...want a roommate then?'', he asks out of the blue.
''What? You mean yourself?''
''Yes, if it's alright with you.''
''Why would you wanna do that?''
''You're a good friend of mine. In fact...you're the only one I have right now.''
''What about your brother?''
Sans's face suddenly gets sadder. I know he loves his brother. Why would he leave him behind? Unless...
''Papyrus...Papyrus has actually joined Undyne's Royal Guard. He moved to New Home a few days ago, in order to be close to her.''
''And why didn't you go with him?''
''Undyne doesn't like me. Before the rebellion, I tried to persuade her to give you some time, to let you rule and see the results. She didn't take it that well. And Papyrus is in such an important position, his dream has finally become true...I don't wanna ruin it by causing problems between him and Undyne, you know?''
Sans smiled. It was a weird, crooked smile. I'm sure he misses his brother. He wants to be with him, but he knows he can't. I can relate to that pain.
''Alright, we can be roommates then!'' I try to cheer him up with a crooked smile of my own.
We walk through the ruins. Each of us seems to be lost in their own thoughts. Sans is the only person who has treated me well today, and he's probably the last.
''Say, Sans... Did you meet Frisk?''
''Did you see him...kill monsters?''
''Yes. A lot of them.''
''Why didn't you stop him?''
''I had a promise to keep.''
I look down.
''So, if I hadn't made you promise...Frisk wouldn't have killed that many.''
''Is that what you wanted, though? Because this feels like you're admitting that Frisk should have died...just not by your own hands.''
Only now do I realise that part of me feels exactly like that. It's the same attitude I so harshly judged Asgore for. So ironic...
''What do you think, Sans?'', I avoid his question for now. ''Should Frisk have died?''
''Without a doubt.''
''I'm sorry for making you promise, then.''
''Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have been able to kill Frisk anyway. No one would.''
''Why is that?''
''Oh.'', I sigh. ''Tell me, Sans...was Frisk as evil and sadistic as everyone describes? Was I such a bad judge of character?''
''No, not really. Frisk just only cared about himself. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, and so he did. If someone was to get in his way, he would try to persuade them not to. However, he wasn't that patient, especially towards the end. Once he failed to persuade someone, he'd just kill them for an easy ticket out of the Underground.''
''I see... So, he was just selfish, huh?''
''Selfishness can become a great evil.''
''Then...am I evil too, for letting him live?''
''No. You followed what you believed in. You never wanted violence, hatred or revenge. And you also managed to keep your beliefs until now that they got turned against you. It's quite admirable. Stupid, but admirable.''
''Thanks... I guess.''
''Don't worry about it. We might not agree, but I won't judge you for it. After all, you only did what you thought was best for everyone. You don't deserve to be treated so awfully.''
''That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while... Thank you, really, thank you.''
''And thank you for letting me stay with you. I'd be way too lonely in Snowdin as it is right now.''
''So, it's two lonely people keeping company to each other, isn't it?''
''Yes. Two lonely losers.''
It's finally night. Sans has already fallen asleep on the couch. After this day, I couldn't sleep at all. I went on a stroll in the Ruins, and ended up here, in the flowerbed where Frisk fell. Where I met him for the first time.
I sit on the flowers and watch the sky. It's full of stars. Real stars, not like the fake ones the monsters have at the Waterfall. I remember the past and wonder about the future. Will Undyne manage to bring happiness back to monsterkind? Or will she bring them to war against humanity, ultimately destroying them? Because, even if she does gather the seven souls and they do defeat the humans...will they ever be the same again? Will it be worth it?
I can't tell for sure what's the best anymore. I just pray that, one day, all the monsters will see the real stars again.
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undertop · 8 years
Part 7—Peek Behind the Curtain
Some time had passed since Frisk first joined the circus. In their time in this mesmerizing place, the child had slowly grown accustomed to seeing monsters of all shapes and sizes, helping with whatever task they could in the meantime. Cleaning the grounds, assisting with the game stalls, and even helping to prepare meals for the other performers—surely, there was no end to all the duties they could perform! In a way, this was a good thing, as it made the days fly by fast, and work proved to be ample distraction from gloomier thoughts. On their free days, the little human would meet with Papyrus to practice with him, steadily improving both their balance and their sense of timing as the two worked on a new clowning routine. Of course, it didn’t help that Sans would pop in at seemingly the most inopportune times, but even this became just another part of an expected schedule. And, all things considered, the pros of living with such a lively (and at times mysterious) crowd proved to far surpass the cons.
Truly, things were looking up for the little human, indeed.
A bit early on one particular evening, Frisk was just finishing up with their chores of the day, sorting through costumes that would be used in an upcoming performance. It was then that they saw a shadow looming over them, covering their own with its larger size. Craning their head upwards, the human caught sight of a slightly-familiar face, smiling up nervously at the man above them.
“Ugh, why do they always move the old suits to this tent…funny, I figured they would have given you a costume by now. Or did you not ask yet, dearie?”
*Hello—uh, um…?
He wore an almost-neon-blue shirt, which hung loosely from both of his shoulders like drapery. His face, while partially hidden by a wall of well-kept hair, wore upon it a friendly expression, his bright lips turned upwards in an expectant smile as Frisk addressed him. Unfortunately, the man’s name seemed to be on the tip of their tongue, but in the end they simply couldn’t remember. This was a little odd, of course, as the daredevil insisted on having his poster appear in nearly every tent, leaving a splash of pink and purple bombast in his wake wherever he went.
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“Why, where are my manners? My name is Mettaton, my dear, I’m sure it’s a pleasure for you to make my acquaintance!”
*Nice to meet you. I’m Frisk!
“That’s a rather cute name! Could look good on paper, for sure.”
Shaking the human’s hand, Mettaton straightened once again, biting down against his lip as he looked upon the racks of clothes with visible disappointment, moving like the wind to rifle through outfit after outfit. Certainly, he didn’t find what he’d been looking for on the coat hangers, grumbling to himself before making a dramatic show of leaning against one of the dressers.
“God, I can’t believe that man! He never tells me where he’s put my clothes after they’re moved, that bum!”
Stamping his heel into the ground for emphasis, Mettaton hoisted Frisk from where they’d been and led them out of the tent, heading out to one place in particular as the child stammered in confusion.
*A-ah, I-I haven’t finished my work yet, though!
“Don’t worry your pretty little head over that, dear. I’ll make sure to get someone on that soon.”
Dazzling Frisk with a smirk and a wink, Mettaton carried on, pleased to see that the child was quick to keep up with his wide gait as he strut along, finally letting go of their hand after a few moments.
Soon after, the odd pair had made their way to a shabby, tan-colored tent, which sat on the edge of the circus grounds. Barging in without so much as knocking on the support post, Mettaton stormed inside, with the human following after him in curiosity. It seemed to be filled with nothing but piles and piles of fabric, beads and spools of thread, making the interior seem more like a bizarre art display than any living quarters Frisk had ever seen
“Terrence! Where are you hiding now, jerk!?”
“Can you not YELL!? I’m working on something here!”
From within the tent came a gruff, hostile-sounding voice; to be sure, the source was not as intimidating as the child would have believed. Around a small mountain of costumes sat yet another man on a little wooden stool, whose pale skin was mostly hidden away behind a thick woolen sweater, his blond hair looking quite messy and his orange eyes quite fierce. All in all, aside from the long scar across his face, he looked no different from any other human, although…he did seem a bit more eager to get aggravated.
“Just where did you put my new suit? I couldn’t track it down in all the tents!”
“How the hell should I know? Not like I’m the one who made it. The ol’ man’s got his new special tailor around, don’t he?”
“Ohhhh my God, I can taste the salt in your voice from where I stand. The new tailor’s plenty good, you know! Maybe you should help him instead of being such a stick in the mud.”
“And maybe you could keep out of my business! I dunno where your damn bedazzled tracksuit is, so let me get back to my knitting before I stab you with my needles!”
Feeling a little awkward to be standing there in the midst of an argument that had nothing to do with them, Frisk turned to leave, catching the former tailor’s eyes as his next rebuttal got caught in his throat.
“Dammit, Haps, what’re you doing? You didn’t tell me you had a kid with ya! I nearly blew my top off here…”
Blushing ferociously and settling down far too quickly for words, Terrence exhaled and tried to use his indoor voice, ignoring Mettaton’s smug-as-hell smirk as he addressed the skittish child.
“Yo, kiddo, sorry for going off like that. Do you need something?”
*W-well, uh—
“They don’t have a costume yet! At the very least, if you can’t be of use to me, be of use to them and fashion them something for the upcoming performance.
*I don’t even know if I’ll be performing, though!
Giggling, Mettaton pat Frisk on their head, ruffling their hair before speaking a bit more softly.
“Believe me, with the way Gaster looks at you, I have no doubt he’ll be asking for your help soon. Meanwhile…Terrence, help the cute kid out.”
“Yeah, whatever…”
Getting to his feet with a tired sigh, Terrence looked Frisk over with his sharp eyes, meeting their gaze as he lifted his brow in monotone surprise.
“Kid, are you the one who wants a makeover, or did my dumb cousin drag you over here against your will?”
“How dare you accuse the amazing Mettaton of such a—”
“Blink twice for yes.”
Giggling shyly at this back and forth, Frist shook their head, holding onto their fraying, worn-out sweater with a conflicted look.
*Can I just perform in what I’m wearing?
“Nah, ‘fraid not. But! If you want, I can patch it up a bit for ya, make it look spiffy. Heck, I can do it while you’re still wearing it, if you don’t mind giving me an hour o’ your life.”
*That sounds great! You’re…uh, really nice.
Smiling awkwardly as Frisk gave him a compliment, Terrence cleared his throat and swapped spots with his fellow human, shooting Mettaton a glare as he sucked in a breath.
“You can leave, you know. I already answered your question.”
“No, because I want to see you work.  And you can’t do anything about my fabulous butt being planted in your nearest chair.
Muttering curses just under his breath, the tailor shook off his cousin’s annoying behavior, refocusing on the task at hand.
“Ok, kid. Raise your arms up, and I’ll get to sealing up those holes in your sleeves…”
“Well? What do you think, kiddo?”
With Mettaton holding straight an oblong mirror and Terrence looking over his handicraft, he seemed to crack his first genuinely proud look before Frisk, nearly beaming at how well he’d restored the fabric. Meanwhile, the child was very busy looking at the sweater in pure delight, giggling and feeling up the renwed cloth with nothing short of pure joy.
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*This is incredible! Thank you so much!
“Nah, this was nothin’. Just don’t go and tear it up so much next time, or you’ll have to sit through watching my dumb mug work again.”
“I must say, you actually did rather well, Madsy.”
“You owe me dinner, man. And use my real name, will you?”
Just as it seemed as though the two would start arguing again, the growling of Frisk’s stomach at the mention of dinner made them stop in their tracks, heated words soon replaced by dumb laughter from all parties involved.
“Oi, come on then! You’re treating me and the kid to dinner!”
As many of the troupe were making merry under another setting sun, Gaster was busy cooped up in his home, sorting through papers and schedules strewn about his desk. One had to work hard to keep such a large-scale circus running, after all, and so he focused at the task at hand, not taking off so much as his top hat as he hoped to finish up earlier.
Or at least, so went the original plan.
After losing himself in his documents for quite some time, the ringleader paused to simply lean back in his chair, absentmindedly weaving a few bits of dark-matter magic in his hand. He watched as the black substance oozed from between the shadowed cracks of his skeletal fingers, winding itself into many shapes; from a spider’s web to a pitch-stained heart and even to a little ringed planet that brought an inexplicable smile to his face, it seemed to re-shape itself in many creative ways. Now of course, this would have been more than enough to keep Gaster content for a good while. However, the moment he let the magic fade, his skull became overwhelmed with a splitting migraine, making the tired ringleader mutter darkly to himself.
*(Agh…dammit all…)
Thinking too hard was bad for his health, of course. And so was exerting himself, but he seemed to be an expert at doing so, anyway. And yet, was it simply too much to ask to unwind using his charming skills?
*(Serves me right for being so over-excited with the performance yesterday…)
Yes, perhaps he should have known by now not to be as bombastic and dazzling as he was known to be on stage, but there wasn’t any fun in keeping to one’s limits! Although, he had to admit that he hated when he couldn’t even think because of his own headaches…
Sighing, he reached for a tissue from the box on his desk, feeling the sting of a viscous substance streaking again his cheek. Gaster tried to rid himself of the thick, black fluid that escaped his eye, trying to brush off it and the headache before conceding to finding himself some medicine for his irksome situation.
*́W͘él̛l. Se͞ems̵ like ̸you’̶r͝e ́g͡ett̵i̢ng ͡al̕o̡n͞g ͟q͏u͜ite̕ well͠ ̨wi͏t̕h̀ the ̵newbi͜e̕,͝ ͜a̢r̡en’t yo̶u͜?̧
Suddenly, the room went cold.
Gaster froze in his tracks, turning his head and staring down menacingly to the figure that floated just off of the ground before him, smiling wickedly in content to meet his gaze. As the hallowed being showed off its teeth, Gaster lowered his eyes to the ground, refusing to play along with its little game and shoving aside his inner fears as he searched for the medication with a bit more concern.
*(…since when have you been able to roam about as you please?) 
Stiffening as the ephemeral creature cackled and hopped cross-legged onto his bed, Gaster did not turn to face them, instead rifling through his possessions until he came upon what he’d been looking for. 
*Si͘n͟c̡e̵ ̀w͟h͞e̴n h͘av͞e ỳou͝ b̛ee͏n͜ so ҉ne̶rvous͘ ̛t͢o s̸ee̛ m̢e̴, ́Doc͟t̶o̶r͠?
*(I don’t know, probably since the day I met you. Nothing but an unpleasant thorn in my side, now…you can’t do anything in your sorry state, I’m sure of that.)
Keeping his words clipped and icy, the ringleader grit his teeth as they used his old title, clearly taking great displeasure from this little turn of phrase.
*Hehe̴he̕h! ̛Yoú c͝àl͏l ͠t̷ha҉t͝ ҉u҉n͝p̢l̡easant̀?͜ ͠Do̕ct͜or҉,͝ t͏h̵at͞ wa̸s ̕j̛u҉s̷t á lit̸tle̸ ͢op͠e͜ni͘ng̨ a͞c̛t̸, ͘y̕ou k͢n̷ow͟ ͞t͘ha̵t.̵!
That distorted, grainy, snickering voice was enough to make one go mad.
Straightening, the lithe child hopped over onto Gaster’s table, stopping him short of opening the amber bottle in his hands as they brushed their pale fingertips to his face. Gaster was horrified to find that their touch was nearly tangible, and yet he stared up at them without showing any signs of distress, gritting his teeth to hold back nasty words.
Tumblr media
*̨You k̶noẃ,҉ ̵y͟óu’̢d̀ ̵lǫok so̢ ̢muc̴h b̛e͢tt͞er̛ ͡if ̨you͝ ̷let ̵me ̡s̀másh͘ ̷t̛ha͝t҉ ̨ot̵her eye̕ óf y̨ou͏r̨s ̶t͏o͠ p̷iece̴s͟.̛ Th̀én ̴a͟ģa̛i҉n,̢ I ͠gu͘es̵s̶ ͟yo̴ú ̢wo̶úld͜n̢’͡t ͘be͡ loo̷k͘ing ̡fo̡r ́mu̶c͜h̶ ̧lon҉ge͜r,͜ hu͘h́?
As they drew back their hands to stifle more hideous laughter, Gaster quickly downed the contents of the bottle, returning to his desk and doing his best to ignore them as he slammed the empty vial against his tabletop.
 *(They can’t harm you, nor anyone. Just breathe and go back to work…)
Quickly thereafter, he could almost believe it to be true, as the being clinging to his neck and whispering in his ear faded away with the departure of his monstrous headache, the black liquid finally finding pause from dripping down his face. In what could only be described as the most exhausted sighs of relief, Gaster took a breath before he carried on with his task.
And so, he cast off dreadful thoughts as the last wind-blown murmurs of murderous laughter continued to make him shudder well into the night, the chill of ghostly fingertips still palpable against his jaw.
*R̛u̢n,́ ͏Ḑo͞c̴to̸r G̨ast͟e̵r.͟ 
*K͟eep run͝n͠in͟g̵.̷ ̴
*T͏ha͡t̵'s̴ all̷ ̢you̵'r̵e̸ g͢o̸o͞d̕ ͠for.̕
ACT 1: 1/2/3/4/5/6 
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Chapter 21: You like jazz?
In which you guys see a beeutiful movie.
*Sans's POV*
The universe was against me. "Sweet Child O' Mine" is a hard song that, no matter how many times I have sung it, it puts me extremely nervous. I love the song, so... I never would want to ruin it.
Now, years had passed since I quit singing in public, and the fact that their opinion matters to me... let's just say I wasn't confident at all.
It was so strange, though. The music started, the looks were on me... but I felt that I had to do it. I had this discussion with Paps earlier, and he's having a rough time with my situation... I wanted to make it up for him. I love my bro, I know he's trying to help. I don't know what I was expecting when he saw me passed out on a table. It was quite obvious that he would scold me.
And so I sang.
I never thought I would feel that... "funny" feeling if I ever got myself to sing again. Somehow, it happened. I felt great at singing the song by heart and mimicking the guitar solo in my head. And as great as the music felt, the applauses made me feel even better. It felt so... surreal.
So oddly surreal.
But I couldn't care less.
"YAY! MY BROTHER'S MUSICAL CAREER HAS RETURNED!" Papy exclaimed with a goofy grin.
"Dude, we don't even need to do votation!" Undyne surprisingly commented.
The positive comments were starting to get me. I felt like floating, like if I was in a dream. I know this must mean nothing to a lot of people... but for me? Oh, of course, it does. I was so scared to sing because their opinions matter... but I noticed that some may always provide me support. Like Papyrus.
Maybe I should try this more often.
The night continued after that, everyone deciding I was the winner. I felt like a champion, but tried not to get too attached to that title. Instead, I shrugged it off and continued to get onto everyone's nerves with my fantastic puns.
Is quite... interesting how a simple recognition can make me happy. Maybe it's because I don't get complimented often. Maybe it's because I've been seeing myself as a fucking and talentless idiot these days. Maybe, and just maybe, I was feeling more anxious than ever, and then I realized it was no use.
Eh, it could have been whatever. Not that I should really get into it.
"Now let's play... 7 minutes in heaven!" The stupid robot said, and I swear I wasn't the only one who cringed. 7 minutes in heaven is... horrible. And I would never let my brother play that horrid game. What if they had to go with Frisk? Oh, I would not be able to take it.
"Pardon my ignorance, but... what is 7 minutes in heaven?" (Y/N) asked nervously. Oh girl, you really don't want to know.
Wait, but how does she don't know? I thought this was a human-made game...
"But punk! This is a traditional sleepover game!" Undyne, having the same doubt as I, asked her. She played with her fingers and muttered that she never tend to go to sleepovers, which made my brother gasp.
"HUMAN! I SHOULD INVITE YOU MORE OFTEN, THEN! YOU JUST CAN'T WASTE THE WONDERFUL YEARS OF YOUR YOUNGHOOD WITHOUT HAVING A SUPER FUN SLEEPOVER! LESS IF IT'S WITH THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" She chuckled lightly, a sound that definitely I would love to hear more often. She's really quiet, I just hope she was more open and confident in our friend group...
And for that, you need to stop being an asshole, Sans.
I shook my head, reminding myself how horrible my thoughts can get if I don't stop them in time. Now I had the head (or skull?) more clear, and I couldn't waste the opportunity. It's being a while- I need to focus seriously on the future while I still can.
And on the present as well.
"O-ok, so... what about if we... play another thing?" Alphys muttered, and I immediately nodded. If you can't already tell, I hate that game. It's pathetic and for flustered teenagers with a silly crush. I've never been a huge fan of that.
"Ok, ok!" Mettaton groaned, obviously angered by no choosing his horrible idea "Let's watch a movie, then!"
"THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA, METTATON. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL MAKE SURE TO CHOOSE THE PERFECT FEATURE-LENGTH FILM FOR THIS EVENING!" Then he rushed to Tori's living room and put on that Netflix thingy. I like that site, but Youtube is better. It has more variety and more stupid things. Also, no bad jokes restrainment. Perfect for someone like me.
I lost myself into thinking in what I would possibly choose to do if Frisk doesn't reset. The timeline problem is quite a huge one, but if the world decides to be on my side, then what would be next? Getting a career? Spend the rest of my days on a bar?
Yeah, the last one doesn't seem like the best option...
One of my childhood dreams was to get on the Surface and become either a great scientist or a talented writer. Now I have the possibility to stop calling it a dream. As much as I love quantum physics, though, writing is something that still has my heart. I'm much more of a reserved guy than what everyone thinks. I may joke, I may laugh, I may strike up conversations instantly, but the real me is an introvert. And a nerd.
Maybe I can become a freaking science teacher, a formal scientist, a crazy man who invents stupid things, a bonely skeleton living with twelve dogs (because I love dogs. Fite me), or even a hotdog seller. I can be anything I want to be! ...
Dude, I sounded like a Barbie commercial.
But what I mean is that I have endless opportunities on the tip of my fingers, and I won't let them go that easily. I think that the first step would be applying to a university...
Which I already did.
I mentally facepalmed when I remembered that day. I was saying stupid puns in my head to call me down, but that wasn't working. I wasn't in my right mind and, still, I went and do a freaking three-hour exam. What a smart decision.
Well, if I'm somehow accepted, I'll throw a huge party. That involves sleeping. In my room...
Ah, forget it.
I will somehow celebrate it, then. Maybe spoiling myself with a bottle of ketchup or make my sock collection bigger. Yeah, little things like that. I should not congratulate myself so much.
If I don't make it, though... then I guess there won't be any differences. Pretty much everything normal, except I won't be able to give Papyrus what I've always wanted to give him...
I need to work hard.
"EVERYONE! I THINK THAT I HAVE CHOSEN AN APPROPRIATE MOVIE FOR TODAY!" Papyrus shouted, and everyone rushed into the living room "IT'S CALLED 'BEE MOVIE'!"
Bee Movie? What kind of name is that?
We all had confused looks. Everyone except the humans, that is. Both Frisk and (Y/N) were "trying" to hold back laughter.
"is it a good movie?" I asked them, not wanting to waste my time on a shitty movie.
"Pfft-Familiar comedy" (Y/N) simply replied, smiling brightly "It's more directed to... kids. But, hey! Anyone can enjoy it!"
Something about her statement made me suspicious, but Papy believed her instantly. And so he put on the movie, and we all sat down whether on the couch or the floor.
"According to all known laws of aviation," The movie started "there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway..."
"Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible"
Oh boy.
(Y/N) stopped smirking but had this goofy and stupid grin written all over her face. If it ends up with some scary shit, I swear to God I'll kill her. We went on and watched how this guy, Barry B. Benson, graduated and had to choose a job. Everything was, well, normal, I guess... until he met that human girl. What was her name? Melissa? No... Oh! Vanessa!
When Barry daydreamed about Vanessa and him flying it was... weird, to say the least. Both human girls, though, laughed loudly. It was so stupid, I need to admit it.
The movie had puns, which I highly appreciated, but the rest of it... was stupid. That's it. Simply stupid.
I liked the "You like jazz?" part though. I should hit on someone like that. And that joke about- wait, I'll get it.
"He's making the tie in the cab as they're flying up Madison. He finally gets there. He runs up the steps into the church. The wedding is on. And he says, <<Watermelon? I thought you said Guatemalan. Why would I marry a watermelon?>>"
I think that's the most hilarious and stupid joke I've heard in a while. Or well, probably in a movie. It was so stupid and so bad that I laughed. (Y/N) did as well. And Papy stared at us like we were crazy. The others were still trying to find the joke. It was amazing.
All those puns were driving everyone crazy. Well, except me. And those two weird girls. I actually didn't want to judge the adult so quickly, but if she does enjoy things like these... I may not be sure to change her nickname any sooner. I may also start to like her more, though. Serious but a dork- that's a nice personality I bet she has.
"-This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes!"
"-That's a drag queen!"
That scene, that fucking scene... it was perfect. I would be lying if I said I didn't love the movie. According to all known laws of film-making, no movie should be like this one. It was bizarre. That's why I loved it.
"How good?" That lawyer asked "Do you live together? Wait a minute... are you her little... bedbug?"
Unfortunately for me, I was drinking soda at that moment. I spit it out. At the floor, thankfully, but I still embarrassed myself. This dork, (Y/N) laughed way too loud about the incident. But hey, I can't blame her. I would have done just the same if I wasn't the victim.
"What about a suicide pact?" Barry asked Vanessa (am I seriously talking about this movie?)
"How do we do it?" She asked.
"I sting you, you step on me."
"That just kills you twice"
"Right, right"
Can't you see how stupid and amazing it is?! And after a minute I've just realized the name of that woman was Vanessa Bloome! And she was a freaking florist! There were puns everywhere! That silly and quite morbid sense of humor...
If the Bee Movie was a girl, I should have married her by now.
"So... did you enjoy the movie, guys?" Frisk asked, wearing a stupid grin.
"IT WAS WEIRD" Papyrus bluntly replied, which made all of us laugh.
"You sure do have a sense of humor, punk!" Undyne looked to (Y/N), and she just shrugged with a smile.
"the movie was beeutiful. all-time favorite" I added, and laughter filled the room again.
"it was... something" Napstablook shyly smiled, but in his face was all written: "I will never see it again". As much as we all would like to talk about it, though, Toriel came just in time to tell us that it was sleeping time. I looked over my cellphone and saw that it was, indeed, pretty late. I can't believe we were up 'till 2 am to watch something like that. Oh well. It was worth it.
We all gave each other some goodbyes and headed to any room we would want. Papyrus had somehow made his way to reclaim the second biggest room (since Tori's is the biggest) all for his own. Since the Dreemurr family cleared up one room that was messy and made it quite nicely, now everyone had a room. I was still rooting for my dad to sleep on the couch, though...
I lied down on the bed with a happy smile... that faded after minutes passed by.
I couldn't sleep.
I groaned at the thought of not sleeping again and get all grumpy in the morning. That's definitely something I've been trying to avoid (unsuccessfully...). I wanted to be there for the people I care about, but the nightmares aren't helping. So it was almost 4 am, and I wanted to waste time...
You: hey
You: u awake?
C' mon, please answer!
24/7 Depressed Dork: Yep
24/7 Depressed Dork: What's up?
Shit, I forgot I gave her that nickname...
Oh well.
You: i'm bored
You: wanna talk?
24/7 Depressed Dork: Sure
24/7 Depressed Dork: ...hmm
24/7 Depressed Dork: So how's the weather in there?
I'm starting to like this girl more.
You: eh, nothing impressive
You: just a bit chilly but, y' know
You: it doesn't affect me at all
You: after all, nothing gets under my skin
24/7 Depressed Dork: I knew you would say something like that
24/7 Depressed Dork: I could feel it in my bones
Perfect audience.
You: Knock knock
24/7 Depressed Dork: Who's there?
You: cash
24/7 Depressed Dork: cash who?
You: nah, i'll have some peanuts, thanks.
24/7 Depressed Dork: Sans, that was horrible
And before I could answer her back and tell her the opposite, she surprisingly wrote:
24/7 Depressed Dork: Knock Knock
You: wow, really?
You: ok
You: who's there?
24/7 Depressed Dork: Annie
You: annie who?
24/7 Depressed Dork: Annie thing you can do I can do better!
Oh, so you are challenging me? Interesting...
You: you think so?
You: oh, you'll see
You: knock knock
24/7 Depressed Dork: Who's there?
You: dewey
24/7 Depressed Dork: Dewey who?
You: dewey have to use a condom?
*Your POV*
I stared amazed at the message Sans just send me and laughed quietly. Either it's a way to flirt or just a corny joke, I enjoy those things. They are... interesting, and make you think twice. And not everyone is accessible to hear this type of jokes, less making them. He has quite the sense of humor, huh?
You: Oh, I see how it is, then
You: Knock Knock
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: who's there?
Ah, his nickname...
It's amazing, I won't change it any time sooner.
You: Ivana
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: ivana who?
You: Ivana jump your bones ;)
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: ohmygod
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: that's just way too dirty
You: You started this fight, buddy
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: i guess so
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: but two can play this game!
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: knock knock
You: Who's there?
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: hop on
You: ...
Oh my God, no.
What I have done?
You: Hop on who?
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: hop on dis dick
do skeletons even have a-
Calm down, don't let him see right through you.
So for some reason, I was taking this very seriously. Like if this was going to define who was the leader or some survival shit like that.
You: Okay, you asked for it
You: Knock Knock
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: who's there?
You: Pussy!
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: dude, what?
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: i don't get it
You: And you never will
You: Sucker
It was 6 am at this point, the sun was starting to get out. What do you think it's the best way to start the day? Smiling and laughing, of course. However, I don't think it was the right time for anyone to hear Sans loud laughter in ALL THE FREAKING HOUSE.
You: Sans, stfu
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: never
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: that was good
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: really good...
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: i have a joke for you
You: Bring it on
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: what is 6 inches long, 2 inches wide, and drives women wild?
We're still at the dirty jokes?
You: Sans, I swear to God...
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: a $100 bill
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: what were you thinking bud? ;)
...ok, he caught me red-handed.
You: Yeah... let's not talk about it
You: It's my turn now
You: But this time, it's a poem
You: Be ready
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: wow, you are a poet now?
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: i'm curious
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: spit it out
You: Ok, good
You: Let me start:
You: As I lay here with my legs spread
Like hot butter bleeding on stale bread. The warm insides of my cantaloupe thighs cry out in extasy as you eat my cherry pie. Visions of cucumbers often enter my mind and sometimes hot dogs, they plump when you cook 'em kind Whipped cream all covered with gooslurping green jello in the tub with you You are my world my little cupcake, I want to lick your cream filling until you ache. Your Juicy Avacadoes so plump, and so ripe.
Let's just do it in the kitchen tonight!!
Got too carried away, okay?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not that dirty-minded.
Well, kinda.
I memorized a dirty poem by heart...
That it made Sans laugh really hard (wait, I think that rhymed... shit).
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: (y/n), you are my new favorite person
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: you are amazing
You: So I won?
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: definitely
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: let me just end this contest with one question
You: Go ahead
Short and Moody is my Skelebuddy: you like jazz
And I laughed like there was no tomorrow, just at how random it was and remembering Barry's face. God, I think I'm becoming more stupid than I originally thought.
I would have made a joke or two, but the consequences of laughing so hard already arrived:
"ah, s-sorry bro..."
I chuckled, realizing how idiotic someone can become.
Bee Movie takes all the blame.
0 notes
sawson · 7 years
Muffet’s Circus (A request fanfic) (edited)
This was a request by waldorkler, hope you people enjoy! 
                                                  Muffet’s Circus
                                                    2,532 words
It was 3 pm in the Underground and all is well in each area, but it is about to get better for there was a circus arising. The circus of spiders! Lead by the Queen of spider herself, Ms. Muffet. Thanks to the sponsoring of Mettaton, the circus was filled with many monsters around. However, the circus can not be complete without it’s treats, snacks, and prizes. Luckily for everyone the spider bakers were the one selling the edibles and NOT Muffet. Oh where are my manners, I am your narrator and announcer on this beeeautiful day! Nice to meet ya!
“Wowie, look at this place!”, Papyrus said with glee as he looked around walking to his seat, “I can’t wait to see the human’s act”, he said sitting down.
“Me too Papyrus”, Toriel said following him then taking her seat next to Papyrus.
“I wonder what they’ll do”, Alphys questioned sitting down next to Toriel.
“Whatever it is, they reeeallly wanted us to see it”, Undyne said sitting down next to Alphys, “Even got us front row seats”
“Whatever it might be, I’m sure it will be wonderful”, Asgore said calmly sitting next to Undyne.
In the center of it all is where the monsters gather and wait for the performance to begin, some excited and some patient. The area is very dim with a few highlights giving enough light to see. After an hour of waiting, the performance is finally beginning.
“Good eve and good day everyone”, Muffet greeted being lowered down by the silk she made, “And welcome to the Circus le Araignées~!”, she said gently stepping off the silk.
Muffet wore a stylish ringleader outfit that was a top hat with a red and yellow ribbon wrapped around it, the traditional circus reddish purple coat with golden lace, pure white puffy pants, black leggings, black boots, wore white gloves with red lace. In each set of hands she held fancy cigars she waved around like wands.
“I would like to give a special thanks to…the one and only, METTATON!”, Muffet said happily.
Suddenly fog start filling in the center stage to where the audience couldn’t see. The fog is clearing up…and Mettaton appears out of no where! The crowd went wild after seeing the beloved celebrity in person.
“Hello darlings~”, Mettaton said charmingly with a wink and a microphone, “I hope you enjoy the show~”
“Oooh myyy goosh, Sans are you seeing this?!”, Papyrus said pointing and waving his arm in excitement.
Sans just closed his eyes and nod not being surprised by Mettaton’s appearance.
“But enough of me, for now~”, Mettaton said, “The show must begin”, he said putting his arms up”
“You said it Metty~”, Muffet said winking and pointing one of her cigars”, “Let’s start with tthhee Acrobats!”, she shouted putting her left arm in the air and her right hands on her waist.
The audience clapped and cheered for the performance they’ve been waiting for, and out came twenty four spiders and crawled up to the Acrobat Pole. Unlike normal spiders, these spiders were five times bigger than the largest spider in the world. They waved one of their little legs to the monsters watching them from above. It looks like they’re climbing above each other in groups of six with one group walking on the tightrope and group two walking under it. As they moved they wobble back and forth more and more until they leaned back, grabbed onto the other group and started moving like a slinky! Group two does the same thing and slinked in the opposite direction. Now they’re slinking diagonal on the tightrope and the audience is astounded by the groups flexibility and speed, look at them go! But wait. Now both groups have stopped on top of the tightrope and all fall off one by one, as they fall they shoot out some thread before they hit the ground. Now they’re doing acrobatic moves using the threads. Spinning around, catching each other, doing double spins, these spiders are on a roll! Or should I say, on a thread  *drums*.
“Heheheh!”, Sans giggled.
“Sans why are you laughing?”, Papyrus asked looking at Sans and raising his eyebrows.
“No reason”, Sans said smiling big.  
The acrobats land safely on the giant spider web and make a pose for the audience, what a show they just witnessed! They cheer, clap, shout, and all the usual appreciations. The acrobats make their way out to rest while making way for the Ringleader as she walks out with confidence and style, she twirls her cigars with her fingers.
“Now that was an act or what my dears”, Muffet asked after inhaling smoke from one of her cigars.
Without a doubt the audience agrees.
“Splendid~!”, Muffet said happily with a cute smile, “But I wonder…you ready for some intents action?!”, she asked.
Intents action, what does she mean? What? There are so many small spiders coming out from back stage, dang there are so many. They could fill up the entire center stage if there were more. Hooold up…they’re…mashing together and making something-OH SNAP IT’S A LION, NO IT’S TWO LIONS!!! Muffet tips her hat up and faces the spider lions.
“Okay guys, show these monsters a show!”, Muffet said to the spider lions, “Now FIGHT!”, she commanded.
Whoa looks like it just got reeealll here! The ringleader does some lovely back flips to the back stage entrance and does a nice bow, “Enjoy and have fun~!”, Muffet said leaving.
The spiders are giving each other a fearsome look as they circle around the stage ever slowly. And…they ATTACK! The first lion tries scratching the other, but failed due to the second lion’s speed, oh the second lion gives the first one a mighty push back to the acrobat pole making some of the spiders fall off. Ouch, there gonna really feel that later. Wait wait what is this?! The first lion is changing, it appears to be…a spider snake! A spider cobra none the less, oh wow it slithers super quickly to the lion! It wraps itself around the lion and squeezes them with all their might, by gosh this is breath taking! *Drums*
“Hahaha!”, Sans giggles facepalming.
“YYYEEAAAA KICK THEIR BUTT, SHOW THEM WHOSE BOSS!!!”, Undyne shouted leaping out her seat.
From a lion to a tiger breaking the snake in half, from a snake to an elephant ramming a tiger, from a tiger to a bull trying to even the odd in its state oooooh man what else can happen?!                
“Make way darling~”, Mettaton said charmingly.
What’s  this?! Mettaton is walking out, *Gasp* and he’s wearing a Traje de luces?! For you who don’t know that means a traditional Spanish bullfighting outfit and he looks FABULOUS! Look at the way he walks out with that red cape on his shoulder, such poise, such style, such GLAMOUR!
“Let’s not delay the audience, and get on with the show~”, Mettaton said charmingly as he takes off the cape and pose.        
The bull sees the cape and is in rage by the sight, it turns to Mettaton and snarls. Tension feels the room from the crowds as they wait in anticipation between their celebrity and the spider bull, even the spider elephant stands aside. Aannd the bull runs off to his opponent, but Mettaton keeps his stance and stays ready for it. Here they go, the bull points their horns at their target and OH METTATON dodges the bull with a traditional bullfighting technique. But wait…there’s no sword, no spear, not even a knife on the bull. What gives?
“I can never hurt you”, Mettaton said twirling his cape onto his arm, “But I will face you head on!”
Those words, such passion has hit the hearts of the monsters. Even bring a tear to their eye. Somewhere in Hotland, Mettaton’s ratings has gone up.
“Hmph wimp”, Undyne said in disgust sitting down and folding her arms, “What’s the point in a battle where the opponent doesn’t fight? Sounds like the human”, she said rolling her eyes.
“Undyne you know he’s doing it for the audience and that it’s just a show right?”, Alphys said looking at Undyne
“…I guess”, Undyne said shrugging resting her head on her hand.
The spider bull drags it’s hooves on the ground then makes another run towards Mettaton. Oh and he dodges the bull with out even looking at him!
“Whoa look at him go!”, Papyrus said with excitement.
“I wonder how long it took to practice this?”, Asgore questions scratching his chin.
Well it must of took a lot of it because Mettaton is dodging left, right, up, around over with his fabulous poses. What will he do as the spider bull makes another run? Wait a minute, Mettaton’s not moving, he’s…going to let the bull hit him! Oh my gosh! Everyone is panicking, I’M PANICKING! *Crash*!!! *Loong gasp*…the spider bull just burst into smaller spiders, and Mettaton…he’s made it out without a scratch.
“…That’s a wrap~”, Mettaton said swaying his hair.
Oh what a performance from the beloved celebrity, so much for the eyes to see! The crowd cheers with relief and smiles. The spider elephant gives Mettaton a nice cuddle and he gently pats its head, how sweet~. Now two spotlights flash on to the center stage and slowly move up to reveal…Muffet the ringleader on the tightrope!
“Okay everyone, we’ll be taking a short break”, Muffet said with a microphone in one hand while juggling her cigars in the other hands, “In the mean time, go get yourself some more refreshments for the ggrrand finale~!”, she said sounding cute with one leg up and her middle hand on her cheek.  
I know that’s right. With all that action, monsters gonna need more drinks from all the screaming and cheering they’ve been doing.
30 minutes later…
Phew those mini games were fun to play, they were set up while the two acts were going on.
With everyone back in their seat hands filled with more snacks and drinks, they wait for what might be the final act. The place is dim yet again, but light flashed on one by one until BOOM there appears Ms. Muffet!
“Welcome back my dearies~!”, Muffet said with her arms in the air, “I know you all are ready right?!”, she asked with on hand on her ear.
The audience agrees.
“Well here you have it, The Amazing…HUMAN CANNONBALL!!!”, Muffet said as the light flashed on a big cannon with Frisk standing right next to it.
OH SNAP!!! Nobody saw this coming, not even Frisk’s friends.
Wowie, I didn’t know the human was going to do that!”, Papyrus said excitedly.
Oh yea now we’re talkin’!”, Undyne shouts getting hyped up.
Alphys quietly panics. Asgore and Sans are quiet, but no doubt they are screaming on the inside.
“This adorable human here is going to be shot out this cannon and into the mouth of my sweet cute pet, CUPCAKE!”, Muffet explains walking over to Frisk then points.
The spotlight moves over to Cupcake wearing a polka dot bow tie and waving to the audience, oh how sweet. Toriel is enrage though, everyone beside her is trying to hold her back to keep the show going on. This woman does not play when her her child is in danger, you can see that folks.
“But that’s not all, Cupcake will spit them out into the air where the acrobats will catch them!”, Muffet explains pointing to the acrobats, “Then drop the human to the spider formers and safely carry them to our lovely celebrity”, she said pointing to Mettaton.
Oooh I can’t wait to see this act unfold, let us watch. Frisk gently steps into the cannon and gives a thumbs up for the spider lighting the fuse, oh boy the fuse is sparking. *BOOM* Off they go into the air keeping their form as a flying plane, now they’re using the diving form as they fall straight to Cupcake! And Cupcake has successfully caught Frisk into their mouth, that was quite a heavy dive Frisk just took. Let’s see what happens next.
“Launch them sweetie~!”, Muffet commanded charmingly with one cigar in her mouth, pointing her right side arms up, and her left side arms on her hips.
….Huh? Uuumm…Cupcake…appears to be having a tough time spitting out Frisk.
“Uuuh sw-sweetie, you can spit them out now”, Muffet says nervously.
Cupcake keeps coughing and coughing, but…Frisk isn’t coming out…oooooh no. The crowd is getting worried and Toriel is….I do not want to describe.
“It’s okay, everything is okay everyone”, Muffet says trying to calm the audience down, “Cupcake just need some help that’s all”, she said running to Cupcake with her cigar drops out her mouth.
Muffet’s is now running behind Cupcake and feeling their back, wonder what she might be doing?
“Ah ha there you are! Sorry to do this sweetie”, Muffet said taking a few steps back and kicking Cupcake’s back!
That kick made Cupcake jump up to their feet in shock, they appear to look pretty nauseous and dizzy. Oh wait a minute something’s happening with Cupcake…it…looks like they’re going to throw up. Ooooh my goodness, Cupcake just threw up Frisk high in the air! Higher than expected, too high! The acrobats are quickly stacking on each other, it looks like they’re forming a rope. They hang upside down on the tightrope they stood on and start swing back and forth. Here it comes…one more swing aaandd….THEY DID IT, THEY CAUGHT FRISK!!! Uh oh, the acrobats are having a tough time controlling their swinging. Oh no they lost grip and flinged Frisk up in the air. What’s this?! The spider formers are grouping up, what are they forming now? It’s a…trampoline! Oh wait, they’re moving around the center stage to catch Frisk! More to the left, more to the right, more to the northwest. YES THEY CAU-uuh no Frisk bounced off!
“I got you darling!”, Mettaton shouted while running with his hands out”, Oof! ….Now that was shocking, are you okay sweetheart?”, he asked after catching Frisk.
Frisk nods their head as they look at him. After all that just happened, after all that seriousness. That…was…INCREDIBLE!!! The suspense, the action, the teamwork, the…EVERYTHING! Everyone is clapping, everybody is cheering, every monster is relieved! Ms.Toriel runs up to the stage and hugs Frisk for dear life, awwww. Her friends follow and congrats Frisk on their act, weell except for Sans and Asgore who are just relieved, relaxed, and lightly cheer in their stage seat. Heck I probably do the same. For a job well done Mettaton waves to the audience while Frisk kindly lights one of Muffet’s cigars, which now I realized smells like a fresh bakery. *Sniffs* ahhh, donuts. Anyway it has been fun being your narrator here today everyone out there. Good day, good night, and keep those hopes and dreams high. Narrator out!       
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aroseandapen · 7 years
Expectancy--Knocking (Part 4/?)
Read on AO3
Based on this post by unflavoredskelly
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Rating: Mature Pairing: Papyton Word Count: 5031 (Cumulative: 21,138) Summary: After some drunken night shenanigans at a party, Papyrus ends up pregnant… by Mettaton. Unfortunately the latter can barely even remember who the skeleton even is. Maybe by spending time with Papyrus, Mettaton can rediscover the charm that his drunk self had been so taken with to begin with.
Mettaton was surprised that he didn’t get a flood of text messages the moment he got hom. His phone remained quiet for the rest of the night and a good part of the morning. It wasn’t until the clock hit noon, when he was rummaging around in the fridge for something to snack on, that he was suddenly inundated with messages, as if everyone he knew had been watching the clock for a reasonable time to text him.
[Received from: BLOOKY!!]: How did your date go? If you feel like talking about it, no pressure. [Received from: BLOOKY!!]: oh my god i mean hangout not date oh no i’m so sorry
[Received from: Burger Cat]: yo boss how’d ur hot date go? ur gonna tell everyone all the juicy details, right?
[Received from: Shyyyy~]: Hello, Mettaton, did your time with the other monster go well?
[Received from: Alphy]: so?? how’d yesterday go? papyrus posted like a million things on undernet. he seems super excited, so i guess it went great?
Flicking through the new messages, Mettaton heaved a sigh. He leaned against the fridge door, cold air rolling out and forcing the fan to work overtime as he held the door open without a second thought. Did this have to come all at once? Juggling all four conversations and explaining the very same thing to each monster sounded exhausting, and Mettaton didn’t know if he had the energy for it.
He had to reply to them though. At least three of them would be anxious if he left them hanging for any length of time.
The first text he drafted was to Burgerpants, more than annoyed with the text he’d received. He didn’t bother to hide it either, and sent a (in his opinion) polite version of ‘fuck off’, with a snippy reminder that it was not a date to begin with, let alone a hot one.
(He almost threw his phone at the impertinent ‘lol, sure boss’ Burgerpants responded with. Ugh. Sometimes that monster shredded his nerves. Fortunately Mettaton had a bit more grace than to do something so unseemly such as throwing his phone.)
His texts to the other monsters gentler, despite the drag in his soul as he resigned himself to several conversations about the same exact thing. He assured Blooky that it was fine, that he understood that it was just a slip-up and he wasn’t upset at them for it. To both them and Shyren he kept it short, letting them know that it was a lovely time and thanking them for their interest in something that Mettaton had fretted about up until the day of their hangout.
Alphys’ text made him groan. Of course Papyrus would tell the world all about how he hung out with a celebrity such as Mettaton, starting with all of his Undernet friends. Asking him to keep it a secret would be unfair. There was nothing to hide anyway, especially when Papyrus’ pregnancy developed into the later stages. Better to let people find out while he could somewhat control how the information spread. Especially since, after spending time with the skeleton, Mettaton could see their acquaintance continuing.
Perhaps even into something more.
Mettaton hadn’t expected much when he’d gone to the skeleton’s house. From his first impression, he’d seemed childish, and as Papyrus showed Mettaton around the his house, he thought that his first impression had been spot on.
Papyrus had a pet rock.
There were rock monsters, sure, and he’d met a couple of them in his time, but it was clear at a glance that said ‘pet rock’ had been nothing but an inanimate object that Papyrus’ brother had probably picked up off the street. It wasn’t a pet. It was just as it appeared—a regular rock.
Yet Papyrus believed wholeheartedly that the rock was a living creature. There was no doubt in Mettaton’s mind that he dutifully fed it every day, and thought it was a real living creature. Which was endearing, if Papyrus had been a small child. But he wasn’t. He was just a dull-minded adult monster, Mettaton had thought.
And yet…
Looking through Papyrus’ closet had triggered something in him. He remembered back before he had a corporeal form, when he was undiscovered talent on his cousin’s snail farm and dreaming of his day in the spotlight. Mettaton had poured himself into creative hobbies. He spent hours of every day making his own movie posters, jotting down song ideas as they occurred to him, and even imagining an entire choreographed routine that he could perform one day—if he had legs, at least. Back then he had been so determined to make it happen, and until then did he enjoyed the act of creating.
Papyrus was quite the unabashed artist. Although the shirts had shown poor craftsmanship and the designs didn’t work well with the shirts that they had been plastered on, Mettaton had to admire the attempt. And as for the skeleton… well, he said it himself. One shouldn’t be afraid to experiment, and should proudly express themselves despite what others might think of him.
And for all his awkwardness around Mettaton, Papyrus really was wholly and proudly himself. Just as Mettaton had always aspired to be.
He could admire that in a monster.
Mettaton found himself wandering aimlessly around his house, lost in his thoughts. The more he looked back on his visit with Papyrus on Saturday, the more he began to think that he might have underestimated him. Perhaps he did seem childish, but he was honest and earnest, and even if he was obviously trying to impress him throughout their time together, not once did it seem that Papyrus was trying to hide parts of himself from him.
At least, that was the impression he ultimately left with.
It was enough. Before Mettaton knew it, he was seriously considering taking Papyrus on an actual date. He was interesting, and he wanted to see him again. So Mettaton had asked him, and Papyrus was all too thrilled to agree, bringing a smile to Mettaton’s face as well. Such unconstrained cheer in one skeleton was infectious.
Mettaton found himself looking forward to their date. Although they likely wouldn’t end up in the sort of relationship that a pregnant monster might expect from the parent to his child, Mettaton could see his continued involvement in both Papyrus’ and their child’s life.
His phone buzzed again, dragging him back to the present. It buzzed again, and again, and then kept buzzing before he had a chance to check. Mettaton furrowed his eyebrows. Who on earth…?
He pulled out his phone, the Undernet icon displaying several notifications. Someone seriously wanted his attention.
StrongFish91: HEY YOU! YOU ASSHOLE. StrongFish91: ANSWER YOUR UNDERNET MESSAGES DAMMIT StrongFish91: HEY!!! StrongFish91: HEY StrongFish91: HEY StrongFish91: HEY
Mettaton groaned at the string of messages. Why was Undyne contacting him at all? They were friends on Undernet, true, but only for Alphys’ sake. It seemed rude to friend Alphys and not open his account to her girlfriend as well, no matter how much he disliked that vicious woman. The feeling thus far had seemed mutual, and for the most part both Mettaton and Undyne pretended that the other’s account didn’t exist.
Until now, apparently.
Despite the lovely greeting she’d sent to him, Mettaton was reluctant to respond. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation, and if he wasn’t up to the four simultaneous conversations of his friends, Mettaton definitely did not want to go through the hell that was his every interaction with Undyne. Not today.
StrongFish91: Come on dude, it’s important.
He highly doubted it.
Regardless, it seemed unlikely that Undyne would give up and leave him alone if he decided to ignore her. The woman was stubborn as she was strong and passionate about the monsters that she once protected. Better to get it over with sooner, rather than wait and deal with an increasingly impatient monster.
Mettaton opened the chat.
MTT: What do you want, Undyne?
Her response was swift, and he didn’t even have time to put his phone down before the messages flew up on his screen.
Strongfish91: About time Strongfish91: I have a bone to pick with you, you over-glorified EZ Bake oven. Strongfish91: Bone pun intended.
Mettaton’s face dropped, so unamused with whatever she was on about that he was tempted to send a selfie to her just to get his emotions across. She would hate that, which made it perfect.
MTT: What do you think I did now? MTT: Also how is that a pun? I don’t have bones.
Strongfish91: YOU don’t have bones, but you’re screwing around with someone who has a lot of them. Because he’s a skeleton. Who happens to be MY friend. Who I’ll wreck your metal ass for if you hurt him at all. Strongfish91: I swear I will, don’t try me.
Oh right. Alphys had mentioned that Papyrus had been talking about their time together on Undernet. Apparently Undyne was a friend of this CoolSkeleton95. Lovely. He rolled his eyes. There was no doubt in his mind that she would make good on her word, but he didn’t need her telling him how to run his own relationships.
MTT: We just hung out. As friends. And I happened to like him enough that I asked him out on a date. I’m certainly not ‘screwing around’ with anyone here.
StrongFish91: You really better not. You should know that Papyrus really likes you (for some reason that I can’t fathom, considering you’re all hot air and boring television shows), so you better not be playing with his feelings here.
Mettaton decided not to comment on her opinions on him and his work. There was a time and place for that debate, and it wasn’t that moment. He couldn’t resist shooting back a sarcastic comment, though. As if he was oblivious to how Papyrus felt about him.
MTT: Oh really? He likes me? I couldn’t tell from how he managed to get pregnant with my apparently mutually wanted child.
There was a long silence from Undyne’s end. Huh. He’d expected her to send something back about how ‘ew gross, don’t tell me about your personal life you weirdo’, which she was just asking for by attacking him in the first place. But there was nothing… and the nothing continued for so long that Mettaton grew bored of staring at his phone waiting for an answer. Was she so disturbed by the imagery of him having sex with her alleged friend that she blocked him on Undernet and refused to speak to him ever again?
Unlikely, but a robot could dream.
Either way, it seemed that the conversation was over. He pocketed his phone. There was a cake in his fridge with his name on it. Too many calories weren’t good for the soul, but he thought that he well deserved a little sweet treat in his trying time.
His phone vibrated.
“UGH!” Was it too much to ask to be left alone for just a few minutes. Once again he pulled it out to see who it was bothering him this time.
Oh glee, it was still Undyne.
StrongFish91: WHAT!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK StrongFish91: YOU GOT HIM PREGNANT?!?!?!
Oh. Had she not known? Oops.
MTT: I guess so.
StrongFish91: WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘I GUESS’???
Telling her that he didn’t remember his night with Papyrus at all would likely end poorly for him. If he thought that Burgerpants was infuriating, Undyne would be a direct danger to his health. Her skeleton buddy could tell her about it if he wanted, but Mettaton wasn’t about to dig himself a deeper hole with a monster that he didn’t even like.
MTT: I mean obviously that is the case. Since I just told you that’s what happened. He didn’t tell you?
StrongFish91: NO!!! WHAT THE FUCK. He didn’t mention it at all. StrongFish91: I swear I’m going to noogie that sneaky little nerd into dust.
MTT: I hope that you won’t actually kill him. We have a date coming up.
StrongFish91: Of course I’m not going to actually kill him, he’s my best friend. I can’t believe I had to find out about this shit from you, I swear to god, what the hell Papyrus. StrongFish91: I swear you better treat him good or I’m going to kick your ass right back Underground. I’m not obligated to protect all monsters (including arrogant, weirdo robots) anymore so I’ll do it.
MTT: I don’t doubt it. Can I go now? I’m starved, and it looks like you have a lot to talk about with your best friend.
StrongFish91: Ugh, whatever. I don’t know how a robot can be starved anyway. StrongFish91: Don’t think this is over though, you better not break his heart. StrongFish91: Later
MTT: Thanks for the ‘charming’ talk.
And he breathed out a sigh of relief. Finally that ordeal was over. Talking with Undyne was always stressful, and now he had to deal with her as the best friend of the monster he happened to be going on a date with. Who knew that a pregnant skeleton could bring so much excitement into his life. Not even the good kind of excitement.
Mere minutes passed before someone knocked on his door. That must be Undyne. Even if she’d gotten her point across on Undernet, it’d be just like her to still show up at his house to continue threatening him in person. And if he didn’t hurry to answer the door, she would probably break it in and that was the last thing he wanted. He’d seen the damage that she could cause in person.
Mettaton let out a heavy sigh, letting the fridge door fall shut as he made his way to the front entrance. Could a robot celebrity not get one day all to himself, undisturbed? At least the hangout with Papyrus had been a nice break, but he could use some time alone to recharge both his literal and metaphorical batteries.
He pulled the door open with his fake smile prepared, ready to face the aggressive force of energy that was the former Captain of the Royal Guard. “Yes?”
But Undyne wasn’t there.
What? He blinked, disoriented as he had to turn his head down to look at who’d been knocking at the door, his visitor nothing like the tall fish monster that he had been expecting.
A skeleton stood on his doorstep—shorter than Papyrus, and even more familiar. Ah. Papyrus had mentioned his brother. Several times, in fact, both complaining about his laziness around the house and gushing about this or this thing that he would do that made up for all his previous offenses. He was sure that this was his brother.
Mettaton didn’t expect that he already knew him.
“You’re, ah…” He wracked his memory, trying to pinpoint exactly where he knew the skeleton from. It was… Well Papyrus had mentioned his name, hadn’t he? And he had… worked for Mettaton as… right. “Sans, correct? Papyrus’ brother?”
Sans had been one of the acts to perform at his restaurant back Underground, though not a regularly scheduled one. As Mettaton understood that he had other jobs to deal with, but Sans was generally willing to cover up an empty slot or take over a canceled act as long as the pay was good. And under Mettaton’s watch, the entertainment he hired would always get good pay.
“heh, right. i’m surprised you got it on the first guess,” he said in such a way that left Mettaton unsure of whether he should be offended or not. “yep, that’s me. sans. sans the skeleton. brother of papyrus, who is also a skeleton.”
Of course.
Mettaton crossed his arms, dropping the forced smile in favor of a puzzled look. “Yes, Papyrus had quite a bit to say about you when we were spending time together—I didn’t get the pleasure of seeing you at all during that, though.”
Sans shrugged. “just givin’ my bro some space so he could have a bit of ‘private time’ with his baby daddy.”
He sputtered at that, circuits heating up. He hadn’t expected Sans to come and just bluntly lay it out in front of him like that. While it wasn’t wholly inaccurate… well, it was oversimplified! Obviously!
“Can I help you, Sans?” he demanded, stiffening. “Or did you just come to insinuate that we did anything but spend some completely-platonic time together?”
The lights in Sans’ sockets flickered out, leaving an unnerving empty grin for a full couple of seconds before they returned. Mettaton suppressed the urge to shiver. Even without his expression shifting by a millimeter, the brief change had been enough to make him feel uneasy. Which was silly. Mettaton had said nothing wrong to begin with.
“you can help me actually.” Sans’ grin grew just enough to feel unnatural. He slipped his hands into his pockets. “see, my bro told me all about how you guys hung out, and about how much fun he had in it.”
“Yes, and?” What was wrong with that? “Anyone would be delighted to spend time with a star such as myself, and I just gave Papyrus a great time. As he obviously told you about.”
“right. not disputing that. paps had a good time, i’m happy for him.”
“Then what—?”
Before Mettaton could finish his question, frustrated and fed up with how little sense his former part-time employee was making, Sans cut him off with a wave of his hand. Mettaton fumed, just barely biting back the urge to snap. He had half a mind to tell the skeleton to get off of his doorstep and leave him alone, but instead he complied and fell silent. Only because he wanted to know what on earth Sans was getting at.
“my bro really likes you. obviously. otherwise he wouldn’t be pregnant with your kid right now. he really likes you, and the fact that you’re spending time with him means a lot more to him than he’ll ever admit. he’ll probably jump off a bridge if you asked him to.” Sans paused. “no, really, that’s not an exaggeration, he’d do it. please don’t ask my bro to jump off a bridge.”
Uh-huh. “I won’t.”
“good,” Sans said with a firm nod, as if there’d been some reasonable doubt about whether he’d actually ask Papyrus to jump off a bridge. Mettaton resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “anyway, though. paps? likes you a whole lot. and he’s sort of already accepted that you probably won’t like him back like he likes you. and that’s fine. whatever. you don’t gotta tell me, i don’t want to know right now. that’s between you n’ him.
“what i’m trying to say here is, don’t fuck around with him. he said that you asked him out on a real date here, and i just want to make sure that you aren’t going to be leading him on for… i dunno, whatever the hell you want, it doesn’t matter. paps’ll get over it if you end up just wantin’ to be friends or nothing or you just want to know the kid and not him or anything. definitely not saying that you’ve got to marry him or whatever, just… don’t mess with him. please don’t make him feel like a gullible idiot when he finds out that you don’t like him or that you just want to keep things platonic. don’t get his hopes up if you aren’t planning to actually go through with it, cool?”
Mettaton was pretty sure that Sans’ little speech was the most he’d ever spoken without a single joke slipped in. To berate him over something that he already knew not to do. A part of him was almost offended that Sans was implying that he wanted to lead Papyrus on for no reason. As if he didn’t have more standards than that.
But he understood where he was coming from. If someone approached Blooky, he’d have their head on a spike the moment his cousin felt like they weren’t the most precious and wonderful thing in the entire world to them. Just this once, he’d allow this (gross mis)judgement of his character slide.
“I promise you, I don’t intend to string Papyrus along. He’s a sweet monster. This is just one date. I’m curious to see if a relationship could work out, and if not? I’ll tell him that, and I’m sure that he can find someone just as lovely to him as I bet he’ll be to them,” he assured Sans, the tension melting from his shoulders. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Sans nodded, expression neutral. Mettaton wasn’t sure if he believed him or not, but Sans didn’t press him any further.
“great. thanks for the talk buddy. i’ve got a job to attend to now, so i’ll leave you to your… i dunno, making your lipstick-wine hybrid  or whatever it is you do when you’re home. do me a favor and don’t tell paps that i came here, ok? later, hotbox,” he said with a tilted grin and a wink.
“I—what?” Mettaton blinked, thrown by Sans’ sudden shift in demeanor from serious to carefree. But when his eyes opened again that split-second later, his front porch was empty. “What? Sans?”
Somehow the skeleton was gone, nowhere to be seen. O…kay then. Feeling more unsettled than he’d ever been in his life, Mettaton retreated inside his house. Alone once again. Well… hopefully. There was no telling where Sans had gone off to in the literal blink of an eye. He couldn’t rule out a bit of classic breaking and entering.
(Or, more accurately, just entering if there was no breaking of his things involved, he supposed. Unwelcome and intruding either way.)
He wasn’t looking forward to the next time he got a knock at his door.
Or well, maybe there was one time where he would accept a knock.
It was the day of his date with Papyrus, and Mettaton was surprised at how much he was actually looking forward to it. He felt curious about how Papyrus would act in a romantic setting. Seriously, Mettaton imagined. After all, the hang out had been guided by some manual, supposedly, and Mettaton wondered if Papyrus would put the same treatment into an actual date.
So when that knocking came at last, announcing Papyrus’ arrival to take him to their planned venue, Mettaton found himself gladly going to answer it for the first time since before Papyrus’ fateful first visit.
And when he answered, that was definitely Papyrus at the door.
But… Wow.
Mettaton had no idea that a suit could look so good on someone made up entirely of bones, but he found himself raking his eyes down the broad chest to where the pants hugged his hipbones. He’d always thought of himself as someone who preferred the tall, handsome, and muscular sort of look.
Seeing Papyrus now, he’d have to rethink his stance on that one. All bones didn’t look half bad.
Said owner of the bones coughed, bringing Mettaton’s attention back up to his face, a nervous smile greeting him.
Mettaton’s mouth curled into a smile. “You clean up well, sweetheart.”
“Well whether you were trying or not, you succeeded.” He offered his arm out to the skeleton. “Shall we get going?”
Papyrus nodded vigorously as he took Mettaton’s arm, a huge smile on his face. “OF COURSE… D-DEAR.” His voice dropped with the ‘dear’, a charming blush on his cheekbones.
Mettaton pressed his free hand over his mouth as they made their way to his driveway, suppressing his laughter. He didn’t want Papyrus to get the idea that he was making fun of him, but it was too sweet how shy he seemed about using the same endearments that came so naturally to the celebrity.
Papyrus’ car was sleek and a bright shiny red, reminiscent of the bed that he’d spoken so fondly over when Mettaton had gone over to his house. The man certainly loved cars, and it was obvious in how well-kept this one was. Papyrus opened the passenger door for him with a flourish, and Mettaton slid into his seat with a nod of thanks. What a gentleman he was. He fastened his seatbelt, getting a good feel for the smooth leather seats as Papyrus got into the driver’s side.
“I’m almost disappointed that you didn’t show this to me when I came to your house, darling,” Mettaton commented, allowing his eyes to roam about the car’s interior. A cute little air freshener in the shape of a puzzle piece hung from the mirror, making him wonder where Papyrus had gotten ahold of it. He’d only ever seen trees and leaves. “It’s very nice.”
“THANK YOU!” Papyrus brightened up at the compliment, his previous shyness vanishing with a smile that seemed to light up the car around them. The skeleton glanced away to fiddle with his mirrors and start the car, but his smile didn’t fade a bit. “MOST OF MY FRIENDS AREN’T INTERESTED IN CARS, AND I DIDN’T WANT TO BORE YOU IN CASE YOU WEREN’T EITHER!”
It might be a little mean to point out then that what Papyrus had shown him was rather childish, and Mettaton would’ve much preferred to see such a nice car. Mettaton decided not to bring that little detail up, though, focusing on the present instead.
“Well, I may not know much about cars myself, but I think that yours is very cool,” he said. A short pause passed before he added, “Just like the monster driving it.”
And if he were honest, the more he thought about it, the more endearing it was to him that Papyrus could be so unabashedly proud of every interest he had.
Papyrus blinked at him, brief shock dominating his expression, as if he couldn’t believe that Mettaton had actually called him (and his car) cool. It vanished quickly, and his face broke back into his confident grin that looked most at home on the skeleton’s face.
Mettaton found himself smiling without thinking about it. How precious.
They pulled out of the driveway, and Mettaton took another good look around the car—clean, not a bit of trash or clutter or scuff marks, to the point where Mettaton would’ve guessed that it was a new car. Yes. He could tell just how much Papyrus loved the car.
A comfortable silence fell between them. Papyrus relaxed into his driving, and Mettaton was happy to stare out the car window as they drove. For a monster who’d only been around cars since coming to the surface, as all of them were, Papyrus knew his very well, and the drive was just as smooth as any human who’d escorted Mettaton thus far. He was content to allow Papyrus to do his driving and bask in the comfort of his company and the soft music coming from the radio.
Although… he did wonder about something.
“How did your talk with your friend go?” Mettaton broke the silence, turning in his seat to look at the other.
Papyrus met his gaze, bemused, only pulling away to check the road again. “HUH? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?”
“Undyne,” he clarified, resting his chin in his hand. “She contacted me on Undernet the other day, and I may have accidentally told her about your condition—although I would’ve thought that you would’ve told the news to the person who claims that you’re her best friend.”
“Which was when?”
“I DON’T KNOW! BUT I GUESS WHEN SHE CAME BARGING INTO MY HOUSE DEMANDING AN EXPLANATION WAS THE RIGHT TIME TO COME CLEAN!” Papyrs was describing someone literally breaking into his house, and yet he didn’t seem at all bothered by it. A bright smile adorned his face, keeping up the cheerful tone of someone speaking fondly of another’s harmless antics.
Which Mettaton wouldn’t consider anyone, even a best friend, barging into his house ‘harmless antics’ at all.
“I apologize. That would be my fault.”
“OH IT’S NO PROBLEM AT ALL! NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE. SHE HAD TO KNOW AT SOME POINT ANYWAY!” Papyrus turned that dazzling smile on him, and it was Mettaton’s turn to avert his gaze.
“Still. I’m sorry about that. How did your talk go?”
“Ah. I’m glad to hear it.”
Something—probably the blatant way that Papyrus avoiding looking at him and shifted guiltily in his seat and his not so subtle claims—told him that the ‘did not happen’s of the conversation were actually what had happened. He let it drop. Papyrus could keep that ill-disguised secret for now. Mettaton didn’t want to ruin the mood of the date.
Instead he turned back to look out the window, quiet as he watched the scenery flit by. Papyrus fell silent as well, and Mettaton was glad for the lack of his usual urge to fill every inch of silence with some sort of chatter. Sitting like this wasn’t bad at all.
He was excited for the rest of their date.
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Chapter 16: Bad intentions...?
In which Sans questions everything about you.
*Sans's POV*
Calm down, Sans.
You got this.
My brother and (Y/N) were cooking in the kitchen while I was freaking out in the couch, thinking why I had a burst out when she told me she worked at science. It's not the first scientist I've met, so there was no reason to become THAT enthusiastic about it. Considering that she's probably a science nerd and that she has multiple problems I have as well, we may be pretty similar. Thing that scares me, needless to say. Besides, one day I heard her ringtone and it was Sweet Child O' Mine, which it's an incredible taste in music. I do like rock as well, so... this is freaking me out. A lot.
One of the reasons I'm probably feeling weird around her is the fact that she's someone new. I've known the monsters in the Underground all my life, no new relationships haven't been made since years. The kid, Frisk, turned out to be a fucking bitch, so we can't consider it as a relationship, even. Emily, well, she shared my passion for books, so that may be something. But (Y/N)? She's becoming closer and closer every time she comes here, which it's scary. I've never been good at making friends. Yes, I'm not afraid to talk to new people, but making friends? Oh, that's just letting my vulnerabilities show.
Even if (Y/N) knows I have depression and all that stuff, she doesn't know the reasons- that's the intimate part. I could even tell everyone in the world that I have these mental problems, but tell them the backstory of it? That's a huge step I'll never take with anyone. I mean, Papyrus doesn't know it, for God's sake! How can I risk myself more and more?!
More friendships mean more reasons to speak out loud, which it's what I don't want to do. The worst thing is that Frisk and Flowey know exactly why I have these things, that's why I can't show my problems to them. If they get to know I'm really traumatized of what they've done, they will torment me with that 'till the rest of my life...
Which reminds me- why she hasn't reset? Is she really thinking that we, finally, have the right to have a normal life out of the Underground? Nope, I don't think so. It's stupid to think she had a change of heart, less if Flowey can be inciting her into doing it again. Then why? Has she... Did she lose her power? The power to reset it all? To have the world in the tip of her fingers?
Wow, the laws of physics are just huge fuckers. I mean, they let the power of time and space to an irresponsible teenager, bored of having a normal life and trying to make it more interesting every time. Did they just realize it was a mistake? How funny.
I have suffered a lot, taking in consideration that two kids have power over me. No matter how much I train. No matter how old I get. They'll always have the power to change it all, in a way that their immature minds think it's correct. How stupid they can be? Do they think this is all a fucking videogame?! Just because they know they will come back from death...
They fear no man.
They fear nothing.
Just the fact that someone can take the power away from them.
But that's never gonna happen...
Or am I wrong?
A new timeline, new things to discover. And I must say that everything in this new world I've been dragged along is confusing to me. The thought that I won't necessarily live in Snowdin, that I can meet new faces, that I can finish a career...
That I can fall in love with a different face.
Is this even real?
How have I become so free in a matter of seconds?
Now I have the power to decide over my future, to run away, to breathe fresh air, feel the sun, and watch the stars. The real stars; the ones I always wanted to see as a kid. Thinking about it, Frisk had mercy this time. Or curiosity took over, who knows? This is the first 'Pacifist' timeline she has ever done, the ones before it were either neutral or... genocidal.
I'm afraid I can be wrong, though.
There's a thing called "True Reset"- a reset than only the... player of this goddamn videogame will remember. Not even I would remember anything about it... or the other timelines before it. There's a probability that Frisk has done it, but I still don't know...
The first timeline I remember was a neutral one, in which Frisk seemed scared. TRULY scared, like if she was going to collapse at any moment. It would make no sense that it wasn't her first time there- why would she fake kindness? At first, she was a good kid, I admit it. Now, she's not my friend anymore. Because she broke her promise- OUR promise, and give a shit about it. She knows why I hate her, and she just laughs it off.
sHe'S A bITCh.
She... she turned into a soulless being. Not literally, but morally. She gave up and decided to take her fucking rage and need for something new on us. Like if we were nothing. To her, we are probably just the characters of some cheap videogame: repetitive, boring, predictable, and insensible. But she's wrong- oh, she's so fucking wrong. We are not repetitive, we all have different stories to tell, our own problems, hopes, and dreams. We cry when we lose someone, we laugh when we hear a joke. We hate, we help, we can make other people's lives miserable, just as she did. We are able to do all of that, and more. Because there's a difference between her and us- and that's love. She may have LOVE, but we... we love...
We love other people, we love our families, and we help each other. Because we fucking care about everything.
Even Gaster.
Even me.
Are other humans different?
Is (Y/N) different?
Does she care? Does she help? Does she...
Does she love?
Or is she the new player of this game?
Is she the new person that will ruin my life?
Or the one that will improve it?
It's so confusing to me to realize that people can be different. Frisk... she's a human, I know, But does that mean that they are all the same? I truly don't think so. There are people so genuine, with no need to hide identities because they know it's no use. (Y/N) seems truly genuine...
She cares.
She helps.
And she loves.
She fights for her own hopes, dreams, and deals with her problems. She has a story to tell, that not all people will hear.
Frisk has that as well, but it's different.
Someone so blindly open-minded can't be bad. I need to convince myself to not question her anymore. To not question (Y/N) anymore.
She can be good.
She has been good so far.
I have nothing to object.
She's been nice to Papyrus, to my... parents, to Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton...
She's been nice to Frisk, even when she doesn't know all the fucking horrible things she has done.
She's been nice to Flowey, even though he usually acts as a picky bitch.
She's been all nice and supportive to me, even though she doesn't know. She doesn't know a fucking thing of what's going on, but there's the thing. If I had the courage enough to tell her right now, she would hear it. And not all people have that courage- to listen to others and help them out. To be a good friend.
How is this girl so lonely, again?
She deals daily with herself, a thing that breaks her a lot in the inside. No one is there to shut the hell up that little voice of her head. To tell her that she'll be okay if she gets help...
She doesn't even receive fucking help.
Her enemy is the world around her? Or is her mind the true villain?
I checked the chat we both had some minutes before she arrived, and I sighed. Her life seems so... perfect on the outside. A smile in her face, a kind tone in her voice, a good career, a prodigy mind, and an easy way to make someone feel at ease. She, however, is never feeling at ease. that makes her imperfect, though? What does perfect even mean? To have a life full of roses? To have your job dream? To be happy no matter what?
I remembered that I, no matter how many times put Frisk as the bad of the story, am not perfect. I'm far from being a perfect person, I'm truly broken...
I'm a fucking mess that constantly bothers people. That hurts them, that breaks the promises with them, and that is really selfish. My mind thinks that I know the problems they have, but I don't. I don't know Frisk's past, I don't know Gaster's reasons to hate me, I don't know why Flowey changed his attitude so... suddenly. I...
I don't know (Y/N)'s story.
And she doesn't know mine.
Not even Papyrus know the half of it, and that's just... stupid.
He trusts me with his deeper struggles, his own dreams, and his wildest aspirations. Things that only I get to know because he trusts me. But...
Do I really want to ruin his innocence?
How would he react if he knew I watched him turn to dust...?
I... I feel really guilty about those timelines- Genocide runs. I had to wait until Frisk killed a lot of monsters to actually do something...
I'm weak. One hp, one of defense.
tHe eASIeSt eNEmY.
In order to gain power, I had to wait until my ability, "Karma", was activated. The more she killed, the more "Karma" I gain. And in the end, I was able to stop her only 'cause of the weight of her sins. "Karma" is like a counterattack, making the sinner pay for all they've done. Awfully, that characteristic is also pretty similar to the videogames' features.
I wasn't this weak before. I was really strong and able to protect Papyrus before I lost all HOPE, which it's the equivalent of "HP". My defense dropped as well, making me more vulnerable than ever. That, however, happened before the kid fell down...
Gaster is a huge factor in my depression as well. He makes me think I'm worthless, doubtful and a disappointment. He treats me like that since years ago, and I totally hate it. He just keeps telling me that I never was there for anyone, but I'm sure that's not true. I care about Papyrus and, secretly, about the others as well. The only ones I don't care about are Frisk, Flowey, and him. But he thinks I'm all careless and I don't give a shit, when in fact, I'm one of the most worried in the group.
I went to my room and closed the door behind me, then flopped right onto my bed. I supervised the room with a glance and noticed how different it is from the one in the Underground. Now I have a proper bed, a bigger desk where a new laptop resides in, a functional lamp ('cause the one in the Underground wasn't), a smaller self-sustaining tornado and... it is a bit less messy. The color of the walls is dark blue (almost black) and the furniture is dark brown, as well as the floor. It is a nice change of scenario, I guess.  I tried to make it as different as possible from the one I had before because it only brings me bad memories. Papyrus helped in the major decoration, though- I need to thank him for that.
The similarity, though, is that I have a window above my bed... and that the balcony is really close to my room. In this house, the balcony is actually closer than in the previous one. I remember that, back in Snowdin, I used to get out in the balcony when everyone was asleep and write peacefully a new chapter for my story. It was such a nice feeling, a moment of calm before school had to begin and TVs started to emit Mettaton's shitty shows.
I laughed quietly, remembering my life before the kid came and depression hit me. It was... far from perfect, but it was better. I worked as a scientist apprentice and I learned a lot. My rank was one of the highest, only one below the Royal Scientist occupation... that my father used to have. I was considered one of the smartest; not only in there but in school as well. I had the highest of grades, even better than Alphys's, and my social life was never bad. I never got in trouble, the teachers respected me, and Papyrus was alright. Thanks to my job and other small ones, I was able to always pay for the house and our necessities...
Papyrus is like three weeks away from becoming a high schooler, and the thought terrifies me. He's so innocent, so... precious to me. I don't want a stupid teenager to ruin that. But... I'm also afraid that others might bully him, because, well... he's a monster. They might even hurt him, and if something ever happens to him, I will never forgive myself.
"SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My brother screamed at the top of his lungs... and believe me, you don't want to hear that.
I swear that I jumped some good feet above the ground and fell painfully out of my bed, scared and shocked at the same time. I think one of my ribs cracked, actually. The thing is, that it scared me and hurt me like a bitch, and I groaned loudly after trying to get up.
"papy, ah... wh-what's wrong?" I asked weakly, barely able to keep a balance in my words. My mind was considering shouting curses out loud, but I know that's not the best option.
"It's actually on the family, Papyrus... I didn't create it"
I caught my breath and got up slowly, then I checked my soul. It was as good as always: a white heart upside down, gleaming weakly but still gleaming. I sighed in relief and kinda contented, then I got out of my room, only to be granted by a heavenly smell. I smiled weakly, knowing that it was probably (Y/N)'s influence. I only had one question...
What the fuck is lasagna?
"SANS! PLEASE HELP US SET THE TABLE!" No fucking way, Paps.
"hello papy, how are you? any news lately?" I stupidly said, probably putting a goofy grin in my face.
And before I could give him another of my fantastic answers, I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen.
"HUMAN? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Papyrus ran with clear panic in his voice, while I followed him with slow steps full of confusion.
"I'm fine, Papyrus... I think it's not me who you should worry about, though..."
And when I spotted what really happened, I broke out in laughter. An old man, formally known as my father, was laying on the ground after he unsuccessfully teleported into the house. (Y/N) was there in a defensive position and confused as heck. Papyrus tried to stop my laughter, but it didn't work. Who's the disappointment now, Gaster?
"wow, aren't you old?" I smiled widely, feeling mostly euphoric and incapable of reasoning.
"Shut up, Sans"
After a bit of argument and a groaning Papyrus, we finally thought it would be a good idea to start eating. Or well, I did. I was extremely hungry. And the smell wasn't helping either. Besides, why would I want to keep discussing with that annoying man?
We sat and eat then and, as expected, it was amazing. That's what I expected at least. Even (Y/N) seem a little dumbfounded by her own creation, that was probably a familiar recipe.
"is your family from italy or what?" I asked jokingly, and she let out a small and lighthearted laugh.
"Nah, my father just used to like cooking a lot. This a way too old recipe... I think he established it when I was just born"
"really? heh, it's good. was your father a-"
"He just cooked as a hobby, nothing serious. Still, I always liked his homemade food"
"and you? do you cook as well or..."
"Nope, I'm too busy for that... and maybe a bit lazy" She laughed quietly, then continued "I tend to only eat fast food during lunch breaks or at nights, nothing more"
I chuckled at the realization that I've done that so many times as well. Mostly not because I'm working, but because I'm ungodly lazy. I remembered all those times I ran away from Papyrus's cooking and head to Grillby's, which was like my second home. Me being a comedian, the bar was an excellent place to make top-quality jokes and friends of the same ranking.
After eating, (Y/N) had to leave, and we had as well. Papyrus never forgot that I had an appointment with a psychologist, and she couldn't stay any longer if she wanted to return at a proper hour. I know she takes the subway, which according to my calculations, is way more annoying and risky than being in a car.
"Hope it goes well"
"luck at your new job, kiddo"
"Thanks! The best of lucks in your session, Sans. It won't be easy, but you'll eventually get used to it"
"i hope so"
I really do.
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