#so far i have the tape to put up my light. i got a giant snowflake and a heart and tiny flower lights!!!
sunglassesmish · 6 months
i’m washing my blankets, putting up some lights in my bedroom, about to have a long shower and wash my hair… i’m about to feel so clean
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months
Out of Context Shit Heard on the SOLDIER floor #4
A portion of these were sent in/inspired by an ask sent by @strawberrysnortshake
Zack: Ironically this isn't the first time I've accidentally eaten chalk.
Angeal: Attention everyone we're now taking votes. Raise your hand if you would sleep with Sephi—I DIDN'T FINISH SAYING HIS NAME PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN.
Kunsel: We're all out of duct tape. Angeal used the last of it to tape Genesis to the ceiling.
Sephiroth: Are you satisfied with your fish sticks, Zackary?
Genesis: Why does it smell like mommy issues in here—oh hi, Sephiroth.
Zack: I'm officially 23% goat milk.
Genesis: Well well well if it isn't my old nemesis, Heterosexuality.
Zack: Aww! 🥰 You're the antichrist!
Cloud: Yeah you're a SOLDIER alright, a sold your ass.
Zack: Where are we supposed to put this giant clown statue?
Lazard: WHY do you have a giant clown statue?
Sephiroth walking towards Genesis's office with a flamethrower: The goddess has had it good for far too long.
Essai: If we all chip in, we can finally buy Kunsel a face.
Genesis: I guess this means that the box labeled used illegal knick-knacks is off limits?
Roche: let's all dance maniacally and pretend we're gay!
Sephiroth: Are you, as the kids say, flexing on 'em?
Zack: Does anyone know what happened to my Sephiroth scented candle?
Sephiroth: I'll add murder supplies and can of whipped cream to the shopping list.
Luxiere: Let me guess, nobody cared about your light up sneakers?
Zack: 🎶 We take the pain out of paint 🎶
Roche: Have a slutty, slutty evening, director.
Angeal: Gen, can you let me have a cup of coffee before you start divulging your theories on why Cloud Strife is a time traveler?
Zack: I am going to default dance my way through hell!
Cloud: Cool trick! I'm a wizard now.
Genesis: I will start rumors about your sex life.
Lazard: Sephiroth I can't fire you, but I can mysteriously make sure you go bald.
Kunsel: This is a cave. Nothing really matters.
Sephiroth: how does one acquire a leprechaun? Can you order one online?
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos is so pretty. He reminds me of a prostitute.
Sephiroth: Genesis got me a journal for my birthday. I think I'm supposed to write down my feelings but I don't have enough pages for that.
Kunsel: when will we be free from the chains of foot pictures?
Genesis: If I find drugs in this office I'm confiscating it for my own personal use.
Lazard: Would anyone care to explain why there was a condom filled with grape jelly in the break room?
Zack(drunk): Good evening, my esteemed bastards.
Angeal: Bullying is only allowed on the SOLDIER floor if it makes Genesis cry.
Sephiroth: Mental healthn't.
Kunsel: is anyone here familiar with the concept of witchcraft? we're hexing Commander Rhapsodos at dawn.
Luxiere: Here kitty kitt—Oh that is a huuuge cat—OH IT'S GENERAL SEPHIROTH.
Angeal: Why did you spell salmonella as Sal Minella???? Who's Sal???
Sephiroth, while walking towards his office with an entire pie and a fork: Do not presume to question my actions.
Lazard: If we suffer any more budget cuts we're going to use Zack's hair as a broom.
Sephiroth: Which one of you locked Director Lazard in the Janitor's closet?
Cloud, watching Genesis recite LOVELESS: The evil gay red man is at it again.
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Holding Hands
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: angst, torture (not very descriptive)
word count: 3.2k
author's note: I have written this while on the bus from and to work. it's not beta read and I'm not sure if it's any good. All mistakes are my own. It's my attempt to write a shorter fic as I take a break from my longer projects.
summary: reader gets kidnapped, Bucky saves her and they deal with the aftermath
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You wake up feeling disoriented. You can’t place your limbs or anything about position. Groaning you try to stretch your arms but you find them bound together in your back. Your mouth also won’t open.
With adrenaline shooting through you, you raise your head and frantically take in your surroundings. 
It’s an unfamiliar room with hardly any furniture. There is a tarp under the chair you’re bound to. To your right are giant windows showing you lots of trees, possibly a forest.
In front of you is a camera on a tripod with a chair behind it. 
To your left is a table but you can’t make out what’s on top of it. 
You struggle to get free, but your legs are bound tightly to the legs of the chair you’re on. There’s thick rope around your chest tying you to the back of the chair. The tape over your mouth won’t budge no matter how much you try.
“You’re finally awake. I was starting to worry I may have overdosed you. Wouldn’t that have been a shame?” 
The male voice came from behind you. You try to turn around to see him, but you can’t see him. He tuts your tries and tells you to focus on the camera, it now has a blinking red light.
Your eyes widen when he grabs the back of your head by your hair. He’s pulling so tight, that you can’t look at him and only see him from the corner of your eyes. But even that vision is getting blurry as tears start to flood your eyes. 
“It’s a real shame that you haven’t taken me seriously so far. But that stops now. As you can see I am not here to play. You know my demands. Better hurry. I would hate to have to ruin this dress with blood.”
With that the camera stops blinking. You look at the dress you’re wearing. It’s a wedding dress.
Of course, you were supposed to go undercover, even though you’re not an agent. They needed someone with the languages you spoke to make a recon mission work. And sergeant Barnes was supposed to be at your side at all times. 
The mission hasn’t even started yet. You’ve only been going on dates to make it seem more genuine since there was no hiding his identity and to plan everything out. 
You weren’t even supposed to try on this stupid wedding dress. You went into the store with him and Tony Stark’s credit to buy some evening gowns and dresses. But you fell in love with that dress and Bucky encouraged you to try it on. The saleswoman warned you that a groom seeing the bride in the dress is bad luck and you were to say something but instead Bucky said that you two don’t believe in superstitions. Just as you got out of the dressing room, he received a phone call and he apologised and you let him leave assuring him that you will be able to buy some dresses yourself and to not worry. 
Seems like you never made it out of the store let alone the dress.
A sharp pain in your left cheek pulls you back to your current reality. The man had taken a knife and left a cut on your cheek.
He was now standing right in front of you with an unreadable face. You try to remember if you recognise him. But he looks too generic to tell if you have ever met him before.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll do anything to get you back. Not that it will matter, because I plan on keeping you for myself. It’s not every day you stumble over the Winter Soldier’s bride.”
He’s collecting things from the table on a tray as he speaks to you. When he returns to you with the tray in hand you see syringes and vials. You shake your head and fight the ropes again but it’s useless. 
He puts the tray on the floor and takes out something shiny from his pocket.
“I was gonna save this for later, but I think I’ll give it to you now, so you know that I don’t mean any harm. The pain you’re about to experience is just to make them give in to my demands. It will be over soon and then we can be together. Forever.”
He shows a diamond necklace before putting it on you. It’s more of a choker than a necklace. You can’t tell if it’s too tight or if you’re just feeling like it’s too tight because of your anxiety.
Breathing has become more difficult, you almost feel like passing out. He doesn’t seem to care. Tells you to breathe through your nose and not to worry about anything as he starts to prepare the syringes. 
Once he’s satisfied with his work he takes the one with a red-ish liquid, gets behind you and starts to prepare something else. 
You don’t know what’s worse, that you don’t know what he’s doing or if you would know.
Before you can decide he rams the syringe into your thigh. You scream through your gag, whatever liquid was inside acting instantly and burning you from the inside. You can feel it making its way through your body by the burning sensation.
At the same time he’s stroking your hair and cheeks and whispering something to you that he believes to be reassuring words but they’re anything than.
Fighting the ropes with all you have you finally pass out when the pain becomes too much to bear. 
A rhythmic beeping sound is the first thing you notice. The second is that the bed is much more comfortable than your own bed. You’re lying in a bed! 
Instantly you sit up and try to take in your surroundings, but the sudden change from lying down to sitting up makes you dizzy and you close your eyes and lie back down.
When the world isn’t spinning anymore you open your eyes again, this time staying down. The beeping comes from a heart rate monitor that’s hooked up to you. Right next to that is an IV stand, you follow the line and find that it leads to your hand. Looking at your hands you find them wrapped in bandages. The shirt you’re wearing is unfamiliar to you and not your size. The same goes for the pants. 
You get up again, this time more slowly. There’s a chair in the corner with a flimsy blanket draped over it. It seems like someone might have been sitting there until very recently. 
“You’re up!”
Bucky is standing in the door with a hot beverage in his one hand and a book in the other. Both are quickly discarded as he quickly approaches you. You try to speak but your dry throat is making it impossible for you. Bucky hands you a cup of water and you slowly sip from it with his help.
“What happened?” Your voice is still raspy from lack of use. 
Bucky urges you to drink more and you comply.
“What do you remember?”
You think about it for a moment. 
“Not much…we went to buy outfits and then I woke up tied to a chair and…” your hands move to your throat and you try to piece some pieces together. Bucky takes your hands in his. 
“We got you out there but we were late. I’m sorry this is all my fault. This should have never happened.”
“How long was I out?” You hadn’t noticed his beard earlier but you remember him being clean shaven to what felt to you like yesterday. 
“About a week. Bruce needed a while to work out what kind of stuff that guy had gotten his hands on”
“oh” is all you can say before a big yawn escapes you. Bucky immediately starts fuzzing over you, helps you lay back down and tucks you in, telling you to rest and that he’ll be there when you wake up again.
When you wake up again Bucky is sitting in the corner chair, he’s slumped over and seems to be sleeping. You can’t believe he’s still here. You two are barely coworkers and you only got to know him more during the preparations for the mission. You go through your earlier conversation again, he does seem to blame himself.
While you have a moment to yourself you start to peel off the bandage from one of your wrists to assess the damage. 
A nurse must have noticed you being awake because suddenly you’re surrounded by people, nurses and doctors you assume, who bombard you with questions and check several things at once. The beeping becomes faster and faster and you don’t even know what’s happening anymore when Bucky suddenly ushers everyone out. The beeping slowly slows down again, That’s when you remember that the beeping is your heart rate. You remove the monitor from your finger, feeling embarrassed by how exposed it’s making you feel.
“I’ll talk to Bruce. I know he wants to do some more tests, but they don’t need to send that many people for that…”
You nod as you wring your hands, trying to clear your head again. Bucky grabs your hands, frowns at the one without a bandage and carefully circles the rope burn with his thumb. 
The feeling is overwhelming you, you don’t know why. Suddenly you start to sob, startling Bucky. He’s unsure on how to handle this. His first instinct is to hug you, but you two aren’t close. Having no other ideas he decides to hug you anyway. 
Soon your sobbing stops and carefully you return the hug. You whisper a thank you when you let go. You’re about to apologise when Bucky stops you. The last thing you should be doing is apologise for dealing with the aftermath of what happened to you. 
Bruce comes by later, draws some blood and explains what happened to you after you had been injected with whatever substances the man had and what has been done to counteract them. He assures you that there should be no lasting effects and that you’ll be able to go home soon. But for now he still wants to monitor you. He hooks up another IV and says he thinks it’s the last one before leaving you and Bucky alone again. You decide to address the elephant in the room.
“Why are you here?”
“What do you mean? Do you want to be alone?”
“I mean, don’t you have a world to save. Like I don’t know. I’m sure you have better things to do than keep me company..? Thank you for being here when I woke up! But I don’t want to waste your time…”
“Oh, Doll. You’re not wasting my time. If you want me to leave, I’ll leave. I just didn’t want you to be alone. After everything that happened that happened…and you’re not a trained agent. This wasn’t supposed to happen…I want to make sure you deal with this properly. Besides, I’m not allowed to go on missions at the moment.”
“What?! Why?”
“It’s nothing. Just turns out I have a target on my back. The guy who took you was part of a bigger group who think the Winter Soldier a hero. This guy went a bit crazy with his obsession and wanted to be me. So he took you, thinking that we’re together. So it’s my fault. I asked to be benched until the others sort that out. It’s probably for the best that I am not part of that after what I did.”
“But you didn’t do anything Bucky, what Hydra made you do-“
“I’m not talking about the past. After Tony found out where you were being held, I went alone while the others were working on a strategy. I don’t regret going alone, I doubt you would have lasted much longer. The guy was so out of his mind, he didn’t even realise that he was killing you, I think. But what I did to that guy. That was all me”
Your head is dizzy trying to process what he just said. You almost died. And Bucky did something horrible to that man who took you. You almost died. But Bucky rescued you. You almost died because you were seen with Bucky. But Bucky and you were safe now. You almost died. 
“I almost died.” As you speak out the words you feel the pain again in your body. First your body was burning. After that it was freezing. Then the fire returned and it was so bad you wanted to die so it was over. You barely remember a shadowy figure appearing out of nowhere. You thought you must be hallucinating when he started to beat into your captor. At last the shadowy figure made its way to you and began to cut you loose from the chair. Then you woke up here.
“You saved me.”
You looked at him but he didn’t look like he believed it.
“If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have been in danger to begin with.”
You contemplate his answer for a while.
“That’s not true. I translate highly classified documents for the avengers. It doesn’t take a lot for someone to work out where I work. I accepted the danger the moment I accepted the job. And I did so because I trust you to have my back.”
“No but, you know I’m right. And the fact that I’m alive and here proves me right. Don’t you dare to tell me I’m wrong.”
You can tell Bucky was going to say something but he decides against it.
“Now before you say something stupid and false again, I have to ask you for a favour. I really want some proper food. It’s really a shame if I were to starve to death with the terrible food they serve here”
It becomes a new routine for the two weeks you stay in med wing. Bruce comes by every morning to draw some blood and allows you to do some physical therapy. When you return from the little work out you’re allowed Bucky is waiting for you with lunch for the both of you. The two of you talk about everything and nothing and after you get your dinner he leaves you for the night. 
For your first day back at work you go straight from the medbay to your office. Everyone comes by to check up on you and you have a great time doing what you do best. When it’s time to go home you keep working. Just a little more to catch up on work you missed in your absence. 
Two hours after your usual end of work Bucky shows up with dinner.
“You know you don’t have to catch up on all your work tonight?” He’s teasing but there’s also concern in his voice.
“I know, I know. Just want to get an headstart” 
You hope he doesn’t see through to your lie, but of course he does. He doesn’t say anything else about it as you eat your dinner with him. You’re not very talkative tonight, as you try to think of excuses to not have to go home. 
“It’s late, you should stay here. Wouldn’t want you walking home all alone this late”
You’re a bit too eager to accept Bucky’s idea, so eager that you don’t even think about where you could stay. Of course there are the guest rooms but then the others would find out and you don’t want to deal with that. As you slowly shuffle your papers to prepare for them for you to continue work tomorrow you wonder how to bring that up. But again, Bucky has a solution before you have to ask.
“You can stay with me”
“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly intrude”
“You’re not, I’m inviting you”
While Bucky insists that you take the bed but you insist on sleeping on the sofa, not possibly wanting to exile him from his own comfort just because you are too afraid to leave the compound. Not that you’d ever admit that.
You get around admitting your fear for about a week, when Bucky shows up without dinner in your office. You had feared you had been overstaying your welcome, but still, you’re disappointed. You’re trying to hide your disappointment and fear but you’re sure that you’re doing a bad job at it.
“I thought we could try this new place down the street. It’s quite new and they don’t have takeaway options. And some fresh air might be good for you after working for so long inside.”
It’s difficult to disagree with the good points he’s making. So you reluctantly agree to go out with him and don’t worry about possibly having to go home yet. Then again, maybe you can rescue some of your plants if they haven’t all died yet.
In the restaurant you find out that Bucky had lied. They do takeaways. But you also found that the outside wasn’t as scary as you thought it would be. Having Bucky by your side helped you ease your anxieties and fears of going outside.
When it came time to leave the restaurant he took your hand and led you back to the compound. Back in his apartment he sat you down on the sofa.
“Doll, we need to talk”
Your heart immediately sank. You knew this moment would come, Bucky didn’t want you to stay over anymore.
“I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep staying here. I’ll try to go back home. You don’t-”
“No, that’s not what I wanted to talk about. I mean yes, but I don’t want you to go. You can stay for as long as you want. But there’s more.
You look at him confused.
“I should have been encouraging you to go home, go outside, not let the fear win. But I like spending time with you and I was being selfish. And that’s not going to help you. So I’m going to help you with that, but I also want to spend more time with you. As more than friends”
“I…I don’t know what to say”
Bucky does it best to hide his disappointment, but it’s still there.
“I know I need to go out. And I feel the safest with you. I love talking to you, I love spending time with you. But you’re…you. And I’m just me. I…are you sure you like me? You don’t have to…I mean, it’s not your fault, just because some crazy man…You don’t have to because you feel sorry for me or what happened.”
“I’m not feeling sorry for you. I actually like you. I have for a long time. You’re smart and I loved getting to know you more. The circumstances could have been better, but that doesn’t change the fact that I like you. For who you are. And I know who I was and what I did, so I’m not expecting you to-”
He can’t finish his sentence as you stop him by kissing him.
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lithiumcreepblog · 10 months
Steve Harrington & Jonathan Byers’
The Great American Road Trip
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Day 1. 07/21/1993. Chicago, IL to St. Louis, MO.
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Day 1: Jonathan and I are on the Route 66. Finally. We have been planning this trip for a while, and we’re going from Chicago to Santa Monica the whole way through, then visiting Argyle. I’ve been wanting to go on a cross country road trip for a long time, so it’s great that we get to go now. We stopped by a vendor at the pier first and got some sunglasses for the road. Jonathan said I’m too obsessed with sunglasses. I don’t think so though. It’s not my fault I look incredibly cool in them. He looks really good in them too, not that he’ll ever admit it. He wouldn’t let me take a picture of him with two sunglasses on at the same time, but he looked pretty silly. We drove for a few hours to Springfield where we stopped for a quick lunch at a diner. Actually, Jonathan drove and I provided meaningful commentary the whole way. Jonathan also won’t stop filming everything he sees with his video camera… he’s making a film later of our trip. Robin told me I should keep a journal too, write down stuff I find interesting along the way. Which I saw a lot of. One of which is this big statue called The Gemini Giant in Wilmington. He had an astronaut helmet that looks more like a mask for welding, but it was pretty cool. My favorite stop of the day was the detour to the old brick road which is part of the original stretch of the Route. We’re already out of Illinois and made it to St. Louis even with all our stops. But it was already dark when we arrived so we’ll have to see the Arch tomorrow. I’m absolutely wiped because I took over the driving role after Springfield, but today was more fun than I even imagined.
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“Do you really have to record everything?”
“Oh yes, this is very important. We’re capturing the essence of Americana… gorging yourself on a hamburger with bacon. Pure American decadence.”
“Give me that, I’m not being the only one with my mouth open on camera.”
“Alright, alright. Here you go, get a shot of our milkshakes together.”
“So, Jonathan. Tell the camera, how have I been as a road trip companion so far?”
“Hmm, very distracting.”
“What? I’m offended.”
“Don’t look at me like a kicked puppy, I mean it in a good way. I’ve just never seen you this lively or taken with anything, that’s all. This is about fulfilling your dream as much as it is about mine. It is like being a kid all over again, isn’t it? Going places we’ve never been before and seeing new things. It’s just hard to focus on the road when your eyes are lighting up beside me with every weird landmark we pass.”
“Nice save there, Jon. I am glad we get to do this together. It’s already some of the most fun I’ve had, and you are a great partner to go on a road trip with.”
“Likewise, Steve. I can’t believe we’ve never done this before.”
“And why don’t you give us something from that book of yours as parting words for anyone who might be seeing this?”
“I don’t think we’ll be showing this to anyone but sure… let’s see… okay, here. ‘What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing?—It’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.’”
“Alright… I think I understood what that means… now, back on the road!”
Steve & Jonathan listen to this on repeat for about 5 times before they both grow tired of it. Steve then wonders if there are any other songs about Route 66 to which Jonathan goes on a 15 minute long lecture about the origin of the song, from Nat King Cole to the other renditions. Steve listens with a fond smile as Jonathan becomes more animated behind the wheel, and plays the tape again just for the fun of it.
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Souvenirs obtained: one fridge magnet that says Route 66 Illinois for Joyce, one miniature car to put on Steve’s shelf, one postcard set for the memories.
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sinnabarmoth · 1 year
Safe Together
*I was thinking about the end of Season 4 and wanted a short fix it fic that just exuded warmth and safety and some levity. This is what happened. With some light Steddie in the mix.*
It had been a long day and what felt like an even longer night. They had defeated Vecna and by some miracle everyone had made it out with only some minor to moderate injuries. Nothing life threatening so any trips to the hospital were put on hold.
The entire team, Robin, Nancy, Steve, Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Erica sat in the van bandaging each other up in silence. There was no big celebration. Perhaps they would come to that later. Everything right now was just quiet as they breathed in the fact that they had made it out alive.
The most anyone spoke was Max telling everyone about El piggybacking into her possession and fighting off Vecna. Will, Johnathan, Mike, El, and their friend Argyle were on their way to Indiana. And no one had heard from Mrs.Byers.
The following days would be hard to get through. Jason was still out there causing panic in the streets and Eddie was still suspected of murder. But they were alive. They were alive and they had won yet again.
“Where do we go?” Dustin asked, “We can’t exactly let Eddie wander off on his own while we go home.”
“I don’t really wanna be away from anyone right now.” Max said. She was still shaking. “Can we...I don’t know. Stay at someone’s house? All of us?”
“We can go to my house.” Steve said. “My parents are still in France on vacation so the house is empty. Got plenty of space and no one will come looking for Eddie there.”
“Sounds good to me. Slumber party at Harrington’s.” Eddie winced as he sat forward. The bat bites probably hurt like a bitch.
They drove out to Steve’s house. He made a quick sweep of the house to double check that no one was there before ushering everyone inside. The moment they were in the house things became a little more lighthearted.
Everyone washed up and since no one wanted to be alone they dragged the mattresses from the bedrooms and the cushions off the couch to create a giant communal sleeping area in the living room.
Nancy, Dustin, and Erica were in the kitchen making whatever food they could find while Steve, Lucas, and Max set up the mattresses with pillows and blankets. Robin was rifling through the medicine cabinets for painkillers and Eddie was looking for movies or music or anything to keep them entertained and take their minds off of what they went through.
“Oh my god, Steve, why do you have zero snacks in this house?” Dustin groaned from the kitchen. “The most I can find are some stale crackers and those hard candies that every old person seems to own. What even are these?”
“Oh right, my dad hides the junk food so mom doesn’t yell at him about his cholesterol. Look in the far right back corner of the cabinet next to the sink.” Steve called back as he dropped another blanket onto the nest of cushions they had created. “If you go in the basement there’s another freezer where you can find ice cream and some frozen soft pretzels.”
“Oh thank god!” Dustin came back up with popcorn, cookies, chips, and even a few cups of pudding. He immediately went down to fetch the ice cream and pretzels. Nancy and Erica were at the stove making some instant mashed potatoes and frozen meatballs. It wasn’t much but it should fill everyone up.
“So,” Eddie came back with a few tapes in his hands. “We have our choice between Dumbo, Old Yeller, and Gone with the Wind. Harrington, why is it that the movies you own suck?”
“Cause, again, you guys are just going through the family stuff. I think I still have The Muppets Take Manhattan in my room. I haven’t returned it yet.”
“Muppets?” Robin looked at him. “You said your mom made you rent it.”
“Fine. You caught me! I like the Muppets. Sue me! I think we all could use something lighthearted after tonight!”
“Muppets it is.” Eddie walked off again. “I get to go snoop around Steve’s room!”
“What?” Steve blanched, “Oh hell no! Eddie! Eddie do not go in my room!”
For a man with abdominal wounds Eddie raced up the stairs with great speed. “Munson! I mean it!” Steve raced after him.
“What does he have up there that he doesn’t want anyone to see?” Max asked.
“His diary. Dirty underwear. Playgirls.” Robin shrugged. “That sort of thing.”
“Don’t you mean Playboys?” Lucas looked confused.
Robin went pale. “Ugh, right. Yes. I meant Playboys.” This was not going to be the way that everyone found out that Steve was into guys. That needed to be done in his own time.
“How do you know about Playboys, Lucas?” Max cocked her head at her...boyfriend? It was unclear if they were back together or not. Considering how much they kept near each other since leaving the Creele house the odds were looking good for a reconciliation.
“Ugh...hey, Nancy, you need help in the kitchen? I’m gonna come help you.”
“Oh no you don’t.” Max caught him by the collar.
There was a loud thump from upstairs and more pounding footsteps. Eddie came racing back down the steps with Steve on his heels. “He has an ewok plush!” Eddie held up the furry little toy. “Steve “The Hair” Harrington has an ewok plush!”
“Damn it Munson!” Steve tackled him and they landed in the living room. Everyone paused to watch the two young adult men with matching, fresh bat bite wounds, roll on the mattresses, fighting for a Star Wars toy.
Steve wrenched the toy out of Eddie’s hands and held it close to his chest. “Do not touch Gerald!” he shouted.
There was a long moment of heavy silence. The boys were breathing heavy and just staring at each other. Then, Eddie started laughing. Steve slumped and started laughing too. The laughter stretched through the house and hit everyone else. Soon everyone was doubled over laughing till they were red in the face.
Perhaps they had finally cracked. Maybe they were going mad. But damn if it just didn’t matter.
Everyone started gravitating towards each other, leaning on one another as they howled with laughter. Then slowly, the laughter grew louder and turned into wails. Everyone was now holding tight out of grief. Tears falling and heaving sobs.
All of the trauma, all of the horror they had seen and experienced. Not just today but, for some, three years now. It all came pouring out in this one moment where they knew they were safe.
Max especially couldn’t hold in the grief and guilt she had been feeling ever since Billy died. Lucas held her close, squeezing her tight.
The sobs quieted back into sniffling silence. Everyone wiped at their eyes and unclenched their hands from whoever they were holding. There was a deep breath and they all piled in together. They distributed the food and snacks as Steve put the vhs in the player.
The atmosphere eased and they let the horror and grief wander farther away as they watched the Muppets. By the time the movie ended most everyone had fallen asleep. Save Steve who was going around cleaning up wrappers and dirty plates and cups from the sleeping hub.
He set the dirty dishes in the sink and tossed the wrappers and boxes and bottles in the trash. He heard soft footsteps behind him and looked up to see Eddie tiptoeing around the others. He gingerly made his way over to the kitchen where Steve was.
“Hey man,” he whispered. “Need any help?”
“No. I got it.” Steve answered. “Why are you still up?”
“It’s been hard to sleep since...Chrissy.”
“I get it. I barely slept after the first time I saw the demogorgon. It takes time but you’ll find deep sleeps again.”
Eddie looked back at the others fast asleep in the living room. “It’s so messed up. All of this is fucked.”
“Yeah. But we gotta keep living or else what have we been fighting for this entire time?” Steve looked Eddie up and down still in his stained jeans and bloodied t-shirt. “You want some more comfortable clothes to sleep in? Everyone else already raided my wardrobe for clean clothes. There’s probably a pair of sweatpants still leftover somewhere.”
Eddie looked down at his soiled outfit and nodded. “Good call.”
Steve went back to his room and rifled through his drawers. He found a pair of pajama pants and a clean soft t-shirt that he tossed Eddie’s way. Eddie winced a little as he changed. It would take some time before those bites healed. Probably make for some sick scars though.
Neither of them were in a hurry to go back down to the others. They would not be sleeping for a while. So they remained in Steve’s room, sitting on the bed frame without a mattress and just talked. At first they were talking about all the messed up shit that had been happening since ‘83 and then the conversation shifted. They talked about school memories, funny stories, bad dates, and family drama.
Eddie hadn’t expected to relate to Steve so much and Steve could say the same. Turns out they had more in common then having kind of adopted Dustin as their little brother. There was even more they had in common that they didn’t talk about. Things that would take more time to come to terms with. More trust needing to be built to admit. And a great deal more of bravery needed to tell each other.
Yawns became heavier and Steve and Eddie returned to the living room. There was only a small space barely big enough for the both of them left amongst the pile of bodies. They nestled in, pulling one of the remaining blankets over them.
“Night Munson.” Steve mumbled as his eyes fell closed.
“Sweet dreams Harrington” Eddie yawned once more and followed him into a well deserved sleep.
Tomorrow would be a mess but tonight, tonight they were safe.
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argent-sz · 11 months
28 October, 2022
I can perfectly imagine SO many AMV (animated music videos, NOT anime, with MY oc’s) to many songs, I’ll probably make a list when I listen to the songs again!!!
* U Got That (Little V Mix.), heavy lore dump focusing on hard gorey (like a punch going through an enemy’s torso?) moments of violence and combat.
* Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Tears for Fears / Lorde combo), sad and melancholic moments in lore, focusing on relationships such as Mitra and Rómina, Danny and Jimena, Val and their whole previous world. Idk bro sad vibes, inspired by that one video of Tekken lore from my Argent-SZ Tumblr I tagged as “fave”
* I Expect You To Die (Scheller Games), gameplay secret, instead of escaping the deadly trap while the antagonist sings on a giant screen far in the background, if you stay put for the reminder of the song you can trigger secret dialogue that gives you a secret story route, you would need to be playing as Danny though, since one of his idle animations is to observe the background and the general landscape, he’ll watch the performance and it would go somewhat like this: (song finishes) ... Antagonist: ...you didn’t tried to escape? Danny: well at first I thought to do so, but somewhere in the lyrics you were making it seem like you were offering me a deal or something, besides I wanted to record the song! Antagonist: I have... I can’t believe... Stay where you are.
* There’s an specific scenario that keeps reappearing in my mind: after following enough leads, the gang find themselves in a music nightclub. I keep imagining the 3 doing a beat-‘em-up style combat to reach da boss of the place. The songs are Blood Flows, Get Your Body Beat, WTF Is Wrong With you, etc.
* You Spin Me Round (3TEETH), this is one of those “opening scene chase sequences” kind of deal, with maybe Mitra doing the chasing in a motorcycle, face full of anger, going up in the highway towards a neon city, is it chasing or getting there in time?
* My Way (Frank Sinatra), it’s one of those songs that I would put a montage of destructive defeats, hopelessness with a hint of, well, hope. Kinda like the end of the Bardock movie! One vision I keep having is a shot of Rómina’s back, she’s facing multiple blasts from robots before she is able to use her detonator to wipe them all out, framing similar to how future Gohan’s end was portrayed in the DBZ Kakarot video game. Rómina’s story at the end is a prequel to the main lore of Mitra and Val, if it hadn’t been for Rómina blowing the mother base ship core thing... nobody would be alive... I imagine the start of this sequence as Rómina starting to record one last audio log for Mitra to listen at a later date, she clicks on record and leaves the tape recorder on the floor, the camera zooming on it slowly as when she hesitates to let go of it, she then leaps out of the frame attacking the robots, distant explosions and pain grunts of fury as the song keeps playing, the wall on the back getting Blood splattered the red emergency lights come in and her shadow can be seen in that same wall, she holds her torso with one arm as she pulls a gun with the other hand, the lights flashing and more and more robots burst into the room, before the camera finally cutting to her back, the song climaxing as she falls in slow motion...
0 notes
bubblegumbeech · 3 years
My first Phic Phight fic!
For @ecto-american’s prompt
His name was Danny.
That was the first thing he knew for sure was true, when he had first woken up it was what everyone called him, and it fit just fine, wasn’t something off or uncomfortable so he let it settle over him before he tried to speak.
His voice didn’t come at first, and it hurt to try so the nurses made him promise to take it easy for now, to sit back and listen. So he did.
He listened as the people around him spoke at length about how much they missed him, about how they couldn’t wait to get him home again, about how glad they were he’d survived.
The loudest and most talkative of the people that visited him and called him Danny, was a large man in an orange jumpsuit that went on long enthusiastic tangents that Danny had long stopped paying attention to. He was almost always with a smaller, authoritative woman named Maddie, who insisted He call her Mom. They told him they were his parents.
They told him they loved him.
And then they told him everything else.
The first time Danny remembered something it was with excitement, he was still in the hospital room and between the visits from the men in the starched white suits, his parents, and the doctor, he had been wrestling with the feeling that something was missing.
It had only been when Maddie had finally taken off the hood and goggles of her jumpsuit had Danny gotten a flash of familiar red hair and asked, “where’s Jazz?”
His heart buzzed at the question, sure, so sure that it would get answered, that he had remembered something.
But both Jack and Maddie had just looked at him, disappointed, and he couldn’t bring himself to ask again.
Eventually, once the doctor declared him competent and unlikely to slip back into his coma, his parents had taken him home.
There were streamers all over the house and a giant party banner that read “Welcome Back” in thick black lettering and Danny forced out a small smile as he looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Maddie walked up behind him and he flinched, his body acting before his brain could catch up.
She had frowned at his reaction, and when Danny, stuttering, tried to apologize she said it was okay, and with a tightlipped smile, she pulled him into a hug.
He forced himself to relax, frustrated with himself. This was his mother, there was no reason for his instincts to be so afraid. Jack had joined the hug and eventually Danny found himself relaxing for real, sure maybe getting his memories back was a slow uphill climb, but at least he wouldn’t do it alone.
Eventually his parents let him go and told him he was free to walk around the house and reacquaint himself with it. His room was the first door on the left upstairs, the bathroom was down the hall and the basement, apparently, was off limits.
So Danny went upstairs into his room. It looked something like a teenager’s room he supposed. There were the posters hung haphazardly on the walls and they were torn at the corners as if someone had ripped them all off the walls before hastily taping them back up. The bed was made too, and there was a lot less dust than he was expecting after being gone for a whole month.
In fact, it looked like he’d cleaned and organized the whole room before he’d fallen into his coma and Danny didn’t know why, but that thought set him on edge. Maybe he was just an organized person?
It was just… he didn’t feel very organized.
He kept looking around. There was that feeling that something was missing, something important to him, and he walked over to the nightstand by his bed. Placing a hand on the polished wood Danny fought the flash of a model spaceship that appeared in his memories. It wasn’t here though and Danny frowned. Was that something else he’d thrown away and simply forgotten?
Shaking his head Danny headed back downstairs, maybe he should just ask Jack, er, his dad? He should really get used to calling them mom and dad. But before he headed down he went to the room across from his and knocked.
Maybe he was being foolish, but he had expected someone to answer, had a name even come to mind. When no answer came he opened the door himself only to find a storage room, nothing but shelves and boxes and Danny scolded himself for the painful ache he felt in his heart.
It was another week before Danny had another memory, and just like the last two, it didn’t fit quite right. Like a piece from another puzzle jammed where it shouldn’t fit. So he’d asked Maddie.
“Sam?” she’d said, a carefully blank look on her face, “Oh! I remember Sam, she was an old friend of yours you used to talk about her all the time. Shame she moved away.”
And just like that, he’d had his answer as ill fitting as it was. Sam was a girl he knew that moved away, the memory he’d had, of her crying face screaming at him to stay awake just stay awake damnit, was probably from a long time ago. The pain he felt in his chest -just to the right of his heart- at the thought of her not being near and that he’d probably never see her again? That was nothing important.
It was another couple of weeks of sleeping in that house, waking up and going downstairs to eat with his parents, to chat about memories he didn’t have and tell stories he never resonated with, before he woke up screaming for the first time.
Maddie had instantly run into his room, Jack not far behind and Danny scrambled away from them both. His mind filled with images of painful green light and the ominous glint of red goggles twisting his reflection in their lenses as they looked down on him.
His parents had pushed past the barrier of pillows and blankets he’d made and pulled him into their arms, rocking him and shushing him until eventually he’d tired himself out from crying and fallen asleep again. The nightmares returned.
Eventually Danny stopped asking questions about his memories.
Either they were incomplete, fragments of something real that had been twisted in time, or they were wrong entirely, figments of his own active imagination. He’d never had a sister, they insisted. It was his mother, Maddie that had stayed up late some nights to help him with his homework and bake him safe, edible cookies as a reward. Tucker was a kid he knew at school, yes, but he’d moved away years ago and they hadn’t spoken in person since.
He had blue eyes, when he looked in the mirror, not green.
It was frustrating, being unable to trust himself- his own memories. If it was anything more than broken, incomplete fragments he’d have argued, insisted they were real.
But then again, he also had memories of Maddie leaning over him, scalpel in hand to cut away at his flesh. And he knew that couldn’t be true; the woman that smiled every time he came downstairs, called him sweetie and kissed him on his forehead every night, wasn’t the monster in his dreams. She couldn’t be.
So he ignored them.
He ignored the moments of instinct when Maddie or Jack went for a hug or a kiss and he flinched, ready for an attack. He ignored how he never seemed able to give a straight answer when they asked about his day, even if he hadn’t done anything interesting at all. And he ignored his nightmares, stuffing towels under his doorframe to muffle the sounds of his screams. There was no reason to keep waking up his parents like that.
But no matter how much he ignored, he compartmentalized, or he forced himself to smile, to hug back, and to spend time bonding with his parents, he never felt safe. Maddie insisted that he was, of course she did, this was his home. But even as he smiled and agreed and let her hug him again, he wanted to leave.
This time his dream wasn’t a nightmare. No scary, well lit labs with beakers and glowing buttons, or disgusting, painful flowers shoved into his mouth. Instead there was the ticking of clocks, rhythmic and constant. A gloved hand gently soothed his hair back, and Danny’s fear seemed so far away.
It was the first full night of sleep he’d had since he’d gotten “home”.
That morning he’d asked for an analogue clock. His parents had been confused, but they acquiesced easily and took him to the store to pick one out. The one he’d ended up choosing was a large ornate antique with little clockwork gears and a loud tick. He was excited to put it up in his room, right above his bed.
He slept better after that, and some of the tension that had been building in the house eased.
His dreams were still mostly nightmares, attacks by inhuman ghostly figures were the most prominent. But they didn’t leave the same bitter aftertaste, fear and uncertainty as the ones with the table, the scalpel, and the round, red goggles.
But now they were interspersed with better ones, fuzzy hugs and fields of blinding white, sitting in a garden pruning flowers as a soft, familiar voice gave him instructions, playing video games as the player character, confident and excited with a familiar presence at his back. And his favorite ones, the ones in the clock tower with the hooded figure and his soft smiles. The ones where he felt safest.
The ones that couldn’t be real, not if what his parents told him was true.
The next time they went out as a family after that Danny had wanted to go to a garden, and while at first Maddie was hesitant, Jack had insisted the great outdoors were perfect for helping him recover properly. Danny had been thrilled and hugged both of them in thanks, their answering smiles were soft and Danny had the thought that it had been some time since he’d seen those smiles reach their eyes.
Danny had a video game he apparently liked to play called Doom, and he was pretty good at it, judging by the level of his character. When he tried to message either of the two friends he had on his contact list though, the game glitched and his info got deleted. Frustrated he tried to reboot the system but the game itself had somehow gotten corrupted and there was no hope in recovery.
Just another thing that was apparently important to him that he’d destroyed or couldn’t find.
The worst was the time he woke with Maddie sitting next to him in his bed, she had a troubled look on her face and he didn’t know what it was he’d done wrong. Had he screamed in his sleep without knowing it?
“Danny honey,” she had said, looking over to him but not meeting his eyes, “do you remember what you dreamed about?”
He’d answered no, he hadn’t, which was mostly true. The only thing he really remembered about his dream was the feeling of safety and the ticking of a clock.
It took a month for Danny’s parents to feel comfortable leaving him alone in the house in order to go to work. He watched them walk out the door, fending off forehead kisses and muttered reassurances that they’d be home soon to check on him and that he should call if he needed anything, anything at all.
Once the door clicked shut however, the smile dropped off of Danny’s face and he set his eyes on the one thing he’d wanted… no, needed to do since he had that first nightmare.
He went to the basement.
The feeling of going down the stairs stumbled over a vague, blurry memory and Danny felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. This was just to be sure, just to prove to himself that all those dreams, all those nightmares he’d been having since his parents brought him home, were just that, nightmares.
He opened the door at the bottom of the stairs, confused when there was no lock, no resistance at all. Hadn’t they said he was banned from being down here? Why wouldn’t they lock it? Even Bluebeard locked the door his wife wasn’t supposed to enter.
The basement was…
A basement.
There were no spooky ominous beakers of strange and unrecognizable fluids, no haphazard lab equipment lying around without safety devices, nothing sterile or blinking and there was certainly no large metal table to strap someone down on.
It was just a normal basement with boxes and a desk, some chairs, a couple of old pieces of random furniture and Danny let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. This meant that Maddie was right, they really were just nightmares, probably some subconscious latent fear of going home with strangers that he couldn’t remember. That was all.
So why did he feel disappointed?
The next week was full of Danny waiting for his parents to leave before exploring the house more thoroughly. More than once he’d gotten caught in a half remembered routine that didn’t actually fit with his surroundings. Like bracing for a fight every time he opened the fridge, or expecting another flight of stairs after the second floor. Once he’d even risked going outside for a walk, trying to find his school based on half remembered directions that only served to get him lost.
It was a new routine that Danny found himself thankful for.
Not that he didn’t love his parents, he did! But for some reason, when they were gone, and it was just him with his space posters and his ornate ticking clock, and the piles of modified schoolwork that was supposed to help him when it was time to reintegrate into school, he felt a lot more relaxed. More carefree.
That was why, when he’d found the picture, it had felt like his world had crashed around him.
His parents had come home to find him sitting in the middle of the basement, tears long dried, and with the picture clutched tight in his hands, crumpled now with how long it had been.
“You lied to me.” he accused once they were within earshot. He didn’t have the energy to speak much louder than a whisper, but it seemed to echo in the silence nonetheless.
“Danny-boy we can explain-”
“No!” Danny shouted, getting to his feet, “You lied to me .”
Jack flinched back and Maddie stepped in front of him, protective, as if somehow, out of the three of them Danny might be the threat. He growled.
“I trusted you to tell me the truth, I trusted you with my memories, memories that were lost to me . I had a sister! You had a daughter . She existed, she was real, she’s in this photo! Smiling! ” Danny couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, it was all too much. To know that the girl in his shattered memories, the one with the soft hugs and the floral scents, that baked him cookies and held him when he cried at night, was real. And that she was gone, erased by the people he was supposed to be able to trust.
He moved to storm past them, to go upstairs or maybe even outside and look up at the sky and try to make something of the twisting, knotted mess that was his emotions, his mind, his everything right now. But Maddie grabbed his arm before he could, tears spilling from her eyes.
“We didn’t want to hurt you Danny.” she said, voice soft and broken, “we didn’t want to give and then take away.”
She pulled him into a hug and Danny didn’t bother to struggle or try and break out of it, just let her cry into his shoulder as he stood there, waiting for his own tears to dry.
The next day Jack and Maddie left for work with more reluctance, neither one willing to leave Danny on his own again. But worry didn’t pay the bills and whatever it was they were doing at their job, it was clearly important. That was something Danny was starting to remember, all the things that were more important than him.
Danny went to the library this time, determined to start figuring things out on his own. His parents had said that his sister, Jazz, had died in the accident that had put him in a coma. They said they didn’t want to hurt him, or risk him not wanting to recover his memories if they were painful and that grief was difficult to deal with even without the head trauma and emotional conflict.
His parents said a lot of things, Danny was starting to realize. And almost none of it could be trusted to be true.
The first thing he did was look for a death certificate for his sister, Jazz Fenton. After hours of searching, reading every single name that existed in every obituary for this town in the entire month when his parents claimed the accident had happened.
But there was nothing. Nothing at all.
So next he looked up phone records. Any Tuckers or Samanthas he could find, but he couldn’t remember their last names at all, just what they looked like.
How they had been crying over him.
He didn’t know if he believed that they’d just moved away. Then again, it was becoming increasingly clear that he didn’t know what to believe, if he believed anything at all. By the time he’d gotten home it was late, and his parents were already there.
At first they didn’t believe he was just at the library “trying to catch up on stuff” but they calmed back down once he’d shown them his library card and snapped that if he couldn’t even do that much why did they bother bringing him back from the hospital at all.
Dinner had been a quiet affair.
It took another week of library visits and recurring nightmares of dissection tables and glowing ghostly figures that attacked him before Danny gave up on finding out anything about Sam or Tucker. But he still didn’t stop searching for Jazz.
There was something almost obsessive about his search for her, he just couldn’t let it go. He had to know where she was, and if his parents, against all odds, hadn’t lied to him about that ... Well that was something he’d have to come to terms with when he came to it, not before.
He started scouring the Internet for her name desperate to find something, anything on her. And eventually he did.
There was an old article, from at least half a decade ago, that had her picture under the title “Four Teens go Missing in wake of Fenton Investigation”.
Next to her were two equally familiar pictures. Sam and Tucker… and then Danny himself.
Scrolling, desperate to find something, anything to add up the memories he was getting into a clear picture, he began to read the article.
In wake of the Investigation into the Fenton‘s possible abuse, Danny Fenton (15), his sister Jazz Fenton (17), and two friends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley (15), have seemingly disappeared.
The discovery came shortly after Jack and Madeline Fenton were released on parol and allowed to return home to spend time with their children since no physical proof could be found of any alleged wrongdoings.
What could have caused their disappearances remains a mystery. The prevailing theory is that they were involved in a cult that may have demonized the Fenton parents due to their controversial occupation as “ghost hunters”. Another popular theory is that the children fled the results of the case, afraid of the alleged illegal experimentation. Other theories include kidnapping, witness protection, the possibility of murder, and tying up loose ends.
Will we ever discover the truth? It remains to be seen.
Ghost hunters …
Danny felt his stomach drop, a wave of nausea rolled through him and he had to fight off the urge to relive his lunch.
Nightmares and half remembered memories started clicking into place, finally , and Danny couldn’t stand it. Why were the only answers that made sense the ones that hurt the worst?
Would it have been better if he’d just let it go? If his memories never returned at all? If he just kept living, eating homemade cookies and flinching from hugs until eventually the itch underneath his skin dulled and he could just be happy as he was.
He closed the tab.
There was no one home when he got there, and it gave him the chance to pack what little belongings he had that held any meaning to him at all. The motions were familiar and he had the faintest feeling he had done exactly this before.
Maybe he had.
He’d made it out the front door by the time his parents pulled into the drive.
There was the urge to run, to go back inside and hide and pretend he hadn’t been doing exactly what they caught him doing. But he was tired. He was so tired of feeling wrong and scared and uncertain and never knowing why.
So he held his head up as they got into the car and approached them with their hands raised, cautiously, like he was a wild animal they were afraid of spooking.
Was that what they thought he was?
“Danny, we can talk about this,” Maddie said, beseeching.
He met her eyes with his own. “Will you promise not to lie anymore? I don’t even know how old I am-”
“You’re fifteen son-” Jack interrupted, lying again.
“I was fifteen five years ago!” Danny yelled, his hand tightening into a fist, “I found the article! I read about the case! Five years ago.”
Oh, he was crying. It was novel almost, Danny had thought he was too tired to cry, that there wasn’t anything more that could hurt him enough to create such a response and he didn’t quite know how to react to it.
He raised his hands awkwardly to scrub the tears away and stepped back, frightened, when Maddie tried to move closer to comfort him.
“Stay back! Stay back…” he looked at his hands, they were young hands, his reflection too, hadn’t changed from the picture in the article at all. Experiments. “What did you do to me?”
“It was an accident.” Jack said, before Maddie stopped him with a gentle hand on his arm.
“We didn’t know Danny. How could we have?” She said, keeping her distance, cautious. “We tried to fix it-”
“Fix what? ” He hissed, “you haven’t told me what happened! You haven’t told me anything!”
“You!” Maddie finally snapped, tears falling heavy down her cheeks. “We were trying to fix you… but it wasn’t working and you just kept getting sicker… weaker… we had to stop.”
It was too much for her, and she turned away, leaning into Jack’s large frame as he comforted her. “We didn’t want to lose you, Danny.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You already did.”
Danny left his parents there, crying on the driveway of a house that could never have been a home. He had a clock tower to find.
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
Ok so here’s a mcyt G/t idea! a character (maybe Wilbur) either on purpose or unconsciously putting their tiny friend in their inventory (game mechanics wooo!) …small drabble mayhaps 👉👈
I love this so much!!!! :D
Thank you for this prompt, it was really fun to write!
Hide 'n Sleep
Wilbur tiptoed around the house, trying and failing to keep the smirk off his face. He'd woken up to hear his family and friends chattering in another room. He tended to sleep longer in the winter, although he didn't hibernate like some other giants did. When he heard Tommy complaining about the cold, he had a devious idea.
He snuck towards the living room, making as little noise as someone his size could. When he peeked around the corner, glancing into the room that was raised to about his chest level, he put a finger to his lips. Luckily only Phil and Niki were turned in his direction, and though their lips quirked in amusement, they remained silent.
He saw Techno's ear twitch and thought his brother might know he was there. But that was fine; his target was a different little brother.
Tommy was in the middle of a story. He hadn't caught the beginning, but it was something about Tubbo and a ridiculous number of flowers. Mid-laugh, Wilbur struck. He darted out his hands, scooping his little brother off his feet, and the laugh changed to a scream.
Tubbo and Ranboo both jumped, just now realizing he was there, but the others laughed.
"Hi, Toms," Wilbur said, amusement lacing his voice.
"Wil, don't you dare," Tommy started, but Wilbur was already opening his inventory. He dropped his little brother inside, giggling at Tommy's protests.
"You dickhead, you put me in a cold one!" Tommy whined. Wilbur felt him crawling over the walls to one of the slots that was stocked with blankets. He turned his focus to the rest of his family and his friends. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Who's next?" he purred. He noticed Niki had already slipped away; she'd probably gone to hide somewhere as he was putting Tommy away. Phil laughed once, then jumped off the platform the living room was on, spreading his wings and soaring away. He'd be a pain in the ass to catch.
Wilbur's gaze slipped to the two teenagers. Tubbo let out a noise that was a half scream half laugh, launching himself onto Ranboo.
"Go, go, go!" He shrieked, clinging onto the taller teen. The ender hybrid was giggling, but managed to teleport them both away. Wilbur snorted and his gaze fell on the last person in the room. Techno looked back at him with an unimpressed expression.
"Technoblade~" Wilbur sang teasingly. "Are you gonna be the second person caught?"
"I've been betrayed," Techno deadpanned, making no move to run. "I'll accept my terrible fate."
"Come on," Wilbur whined. "You're not gonna play along?"
"Don't judge me, I'm cold," Techno said. Wilbur huffed and picked up his other brother.
"You know, running warms you up," Wilbur pointed out. Techno shrugs.
"So do brothers with magical pocket dimensions," Techno said. Wilbur rolled his eyes and dropped Techno into the same slot as Tommy had claimed. He smiled at their light bickering as he started his search for the rest of the tinies.
If Niki didn't want to be found, he wouldn't find her. She would probably be impossible to catch until she was one of the last left, so Wilbur didn't bother trying to look for her. Normally he'd go after Tubbo first, but if he was teaming up with Ranboo, Wilbur would likely have to wait until the ender hybrid tired out and couldn't teleport. That left Phil.
If Phil was flying around, he was just as hard to catch as Ranboo's teleportation. But Wilbur had a feeling he'd hidden this time. While Phil was a decent hider, he would often laugh and give himself away. Wilbur walked slowly around the house, keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any clues.
He heard a small wheeze of laughter, and his head turned to one of the cabinets sized for him. He grinned and opened the door, finding Phil crouched. To his surprise, his dad instantly launched upwards. He'd been waiting!
Wilbur automatically reached out to grab Phil. He didn't expect to actually catch him, but Phil was apparently going easy on him. He relaxed in Wilbur's grip giving a quick "hi, mate," before Wil slipped him into his inventory.
He began circling the house, keeping his eyes out for movement. Of course Ranboo and Tubbo could be hiding, but he doubted they would if they were teleporting around. It was much more fun to do one or the other.
He passed by an open area, only half paying attention, when he heard a small vroop. He snapped to attention, looking for the source of the sound. There were a few purple particles floating on the desk to his left. He must have just walked by them.
He started scanning the area, knowing Ranboo could only go so far. There was another, very faint noise, and he pretended not to hear. His friends always forgot how good his hearing was. He made his way closer, careful not to even look at the place he'd heard the ender hybrid. Then, when he was in arms reach, he lunged.
His hands closed around Ranboo, who yelped. He teleported away instinctually, coming back a moment later since that counted as a Wilbur win.
"What? Where's Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, holding the lone teen in his cupped hands. Ranboo shrugged, but there was mischief in his eyes. Wilbur was about to put him in his inventory, when he heard a small yell, and something hit his head. He froze, shocked, as he felt Tubbo crawling around on his head.
"Run, Boo! This is a rescue mission!" Tubbo cried, and suddenly Ranboo was gone again, leaving little purple particles in Wilbur's hands. The giant reached up and plucked Tubbo out of his hair.
"You little shits!" He said fondly as Tubbo cackled. The goat hybrid flipped him off as he was dropped into an empty inventory slot. Wilbur felt him crawling around, probably looking for Tommy's slot.
He focused on catching Ranboo, who was still in view, but out of reach. He narrowed his eyes; the teen looked way too smug. Wilbur walked forward, and just as he thought, the second he got in arms reach Ranboo teleported just out of reach.
Ranboo led him on a chase through the whole house, never teleporting completely out of sight. Wilbur got very close to catching him before he teleported a couple of times, but it wasn't until Ranboo sat down on the bookshelf he'd teleported to, yawning, that Wilbur caught him.
Wilbur gently scooped him up, and Ranboo flopped over in his hands.
"Did you tire yourself out?" Wilbur asked with a grin. Ranboo nodded sleepily, and the giant snorted. He'd lasted longer than he normally did; that had been a couple dozen teleports. He slipped Ranboo into one of the blanket padded slots, and the ended hybrid instantly fell asleep.
That just left Niki. Right on time, he heard the tiny thunk of something being knocked over. Wilbur would never find Niki if not for her little hints. Like the rest of his friends and family, she went easy on him, always intending to let him catch her in the end.
He walked to the source of the noise, calling his friend's name in a sing-song voice. Niki giggled, but unlike with Phil, Wilbur couldn't pinpoint her location from the sound.
He started opening cabinets and drawers, looking behind items to see if he could spot her. Finally, a small motion drew him to a specific drawer and he opened it. He frowned as he looked inside, still not seeing Niki. Had it been a diversion?
"You don't see me, Wilbur?" His friend teased, and he jumped, suddenly seeing where Niki had been. She'd slipped behind a tape dispenser, and Wilbur had somehow completely missed seeing her.
"I do now," he laughed, holding out a hand. She nimbly hopped on, and he slipped her into his inventory.
Wilbur couldn't help but purr happily at the feeling of all of the people he cared about safely tucked away into his inventory slots. Nothing could hurt them there; he loved protecting his family. Niki, Tubbo and Ranboo weren't technically related to him, but they were as good as family to him.
The cold caught up to Wilbur, and he yawned.
Niki and Phil were in one slot, idly chatting. Tommy and Tubbo had curled up together, and were cuddled against Techno, who was probably pretending he hated it. Ranboo was fast asleep in his own slot, nestled in blankets.
And Wilbur slipped back into bed, eyes drooping. Content from the feeling of the people he loved so close, he drifted back to sleep.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 3
Bakugo x Reader
Words: 4892
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with 'this' is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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Dabi had laid you down gently in the back seat of his car, taking off his jacket to lay over you. You wanted to fall asleep you really did. But the consistent pain coming from your hip was enough to keep you awake, but not enough for you to pass out. You hugged the jacket around you that smelled like smoke and coffee.
You don’t know much time passed but eventually you were being pulled from the backseat. He picked you up bridal style and made his way to the house, “Look at you. We’re not even married, and you already have me carrying you over the threshold.”
When you didn’t react to his little joke he sighed, “Wow tough crowd, okay.”
He walked straight to the couch and put you down before immediately jogging to the kitchen to grab some first aid supplies… amongst other things.
He came back and sat on the table that was in front on the couch and maneuvered you so your injured hip was accessible to him. “Okay this is going to sting for a little bit, but I’m going to need you to stay still until I’m done.” Without any more warning then that he poured what smelled like vodka on the wound.
It stung like a bitch, causing you to dig your nails into the cushion of the couch and grit your teeth so hard you were surprised they didn’t crack.
He started to wipe it down with some kind of cloth. Cleaning all the dried blood and sweat from you. You were practically panting now trying to breathe through the sharp pain. “That’s it. Keep breathing. Good girl. I’m almost done.” He taped a bandage over it before pulling your hoodie back down. “There. Good as new.”
He helped you sit up a little so he could give you a glass of water, which you were incredibly thankful for. “Alright… so I have all the good stuff. Anything you could want really.” He pulled out several bottles of pills.
You didn’t know what was in those bottles, but you knew you didn’t want any. You’ve had enough drugged out days to last a lifetime. So as much as you knew it’d help with the pain, you didn’t want it. You just met Dabi less than twelve hours ago. You didn’t know what kind of bullshit he’d pull once you went under.
You shook your head no and pointed to the bottle of vodka. You may not want pills, but a shot wouldn’t kill you.
He chuckled, “Okay tough guy. Whatever you say.” He walked back to the kitchen and returned with two of the biggest shot glasses you had ever seen. “Let’s get this party started huh?” He poured two shots and handed one to you. “To life off the grid.”
You both threw your shots back. He with no reaction, you however immediately started coughing.
His hand rubbed a circle on your back, “Look at you. Took it like a champ. Didn’t even need a chaser.” He poured another shot for himself and brought it up to his lips but stopped when he saw you looking at him. “What? You didn’t think I’d give you more than one, did you? Oh no, no, no. With how tiny you are? Not to mention your tolerance has probably gone to shit. I think one is plenty for now.”
Well jokes on him. Just because you seem weak doesn’t mean you are. He’s not going to tell you how much you can and can’t drink. You scooted to the edge of the couch, wincing a little as you did. You scooped up the bottle of vodka and took a swig straight from the bottle.
You saw something flash behind his eyes, but he immediately hid it behind a playful smirk, “I don’t know if you’re a badass or a brat. Only time will tell. But I’ll have you know that in my house… My word is law. I’m just trying to help you after all.” He tore the bottle from your hands before securing the lid, giving it an extra hard squeeze to keep you from opening it again. “But because this is your first night here, and you’re hurt, and I really am a nice guy. I’ll let it slide this once…. So? You still want some ice cream?”
You nodded as you reached for your notebook but was alarmed when you couldn’t find it. You could already feel the light feeling of a buzz taking over, but you refused to let Dabi know he was right about your tolerance.
“What’s up? What are you looking for?” You made a gesture with your hands as if you were writing something down. “Ah, right. The handy dandy notebook. It’s probably in the car. I’ll go grab it.” He took a few steps away before coming back to grab the bottle of vodka, mumbling something about how he refuses to clean up your puke.
You took this time while he was away to get a better look at the place. It was very minimalistic. Lots of greys, whites, and blacks. The couch felt just as expensive as the giant tv on the wall looked. From what you could see of the kitchen, it looked nice. The shiny appliances were either kept impeccably clean, or never used. Was this his house? It hardly looked lived in.
“Alright got the notebook. How about you pick something to watch while I scoop some ice cream. What do you want? One for Vanilla, two for chocolate, three for cookies and cream.”
You held up three fingers. You were amazed at how well he was adjusting to communicating with you already. He had just accepted that you weren’t talking and went with it.
“Cookies and cream huh? I thought you’d be more of a fan of vanilla.” He chuckled. “The remot is on the side table next to you. The TV is rigged so you can basically watch whatever you want. Just type it into the search bar.”
You picked up the remote and quickly started scanning through channels. Your finger accidentally brushed the microphone button and you froze at the loud beeping noise that signaled it was listening.
Dabi had made his way over with two bowls both with cookies and cream. He saw the face you made at the remote before taking it from you and replacing it with a bowl of ice cream. “Hey none of that pouty shit. It’s not cute. This is temporary, you’ll be talking again in no time.”
He looked at the screen, “Okay one for anime, two for live action.” You held up one finger. “Okay, One for thriller, two for action, three for comedy. Four for romance.” You held up two fingers. “Oh, thank god I really thought you were going to pick romance. Okay I’m going to scroll through them, just tap my shoulder when you want me to stop.”
He scrolled for a while before you stopped him at Naruto. “Ah a classic. Good pick. Now get comfy. I have a feeling you’re gonna pass out before the first episode is even over.”
Sure enough, soon after finishing your bowl of ice cream you felt your eye lids drooping. A part of you was still nervous to fall asleep. But seeing as you just had a wild 24 hours… there was no way in hell you were fighting sleep for long.
“You ready for bed yet?” You sleepily nodded your head and started to slide down so you could lay down on the couch. “Oh no you don’t.” He scooped you up and headed down a hallway. He entered a rather large room with a bathroom attached and tossed you onto the bed causing the wound in your hip to throb. “Okay welcome to you room, this your bed, that is your bathroom. I will be right across the hall. I’d say yell if you need something but… well you know. So… try to not need me. Have a good night.”
You grabbed his wrist before he could get far, “What don’t tell me you’re like afraid of the dark or something.” He turned around to see your blushing face as you pointed to the bathroom and then to yourself. “Ooooooh, okay. Right. So, is this like a you need to pee situation? Or did you like… want to shower? Not that I’m against helping you take a shower…” He smirked at you.
You rolled your eyes and held up one finger. “Okay, okay, but you will eventually have to shower. But I guess we can figure that out tomorrow.” There was a wicked gleam in his eye that could only be compared to a child who was plotting on how to steal a cookie from the cookie jar.
He had been pretty patient while waiting for you to finish going to the bathroom, but he was still just as rough as he tossed you back onto the bed. “Alright, so, to reiterate, I’m right across the hall. Try to not need me. Good night.”
You sank into the bed the second the door closed behind him. You were alone. You were free and you were alone. Twenty-four hours ago, you had been strapped to a bed with shock collar on. You curled into a ball and cried. You wanted this to be the last time you felt sorry for yourself, so you wanted to get it all out now. Tomorrow was the first day of your new life and you didn’t plan on wasting a single second of it.
It didn’t take long for you to cry yourself to sleep considering how exhausted you were. What would have surprised you however was the fact that Dabi was sitting just outside the door listening to you muffled sobs, clenching his fists in rage.
It wasn’t until he heard you screaming that he realized he had fallen asleep there. On his feet in seconds he ran into your room. What he saw shook him a little bit. You had kicked all of the blankets off the bed. Soaked in sweat and tears. Your body was jerking around so hard it looked painful. You were having a nightmare, likely due to PTSD.
Shit what did he do? He’s no stranger to bad dreams, but he also knows he could make it worse if he doesn’t do this right. “Hey y/n. Y/N! I need you to wake up honey. It’s just a dream. You’re safe. Y/n. Y/N! Come on now follow my voice. Wake up for me yeah? You’re okay, I promise.” He reached out and as lightly as he possibly could touched your cheek.
You were burning up. He cursed as he tried to peel your soaked hoodie off of you. He started to shake your shoulder a little harder. But all that did was make you panic and thrash around. So he grabbed you and held you to him. “God Damnit Y/n. Wake up!”
He felt the tension leave your body only for a moment before you started to try and push him off of you.
He immediately dropped his arms and pushed away from you. “Hey you’re okay. It’s just me. Remember your hero pals saved you yesterday and now we’re roomies.” He could see the confusion in your eyes start to fade as you woke up. “Believe me I understand. I’d be scared too if I woke up in a weird place with my ugly mug lookin at you.”
He reached for your journal and tried to hand it to you. “You want to talk about it?”
You shook your head and hugged your knees to your chest. He nodded and put the journal back on the nightstand. “That’s okay. You don’t have to…” He wasn’t very good at this part. Talking about emotions and shit. “Yeah so uh… I can get you a different shirt.” He could see the goosebumps already raising on your arms. Now that the panic and adrenaline had subsided you were damp and cold. “And I can get a warm bath going if you want? He looked at the clock. It’s 5:30, which in ungodly early for me, but if you’re up I guess we can go ahead and start the day… How does that sound?”
You refused to look him in the eye and settled for a shrug of your shoulders, letting your knees drop from your chest. He could see straight through your tank top and was pleasantly surprised to find that under that baggie hoodie you had some nice tits.
He liked his lips and lucky for him, you were too busy avoiding eye contact that you didn’t even notice. “Alright well I tried being nice in giving you an option so now I’m telling you. You’re taking a bath.” He picked you up and walked towards the bathroom. “I’ll get the water going. Do you think you can manage making it from the toilet to the tub without me?”
Again, you shrugged which was quickly becoming one of his biggest pet peeves. He groaned, “One for yes, two for no. No more fucking shrugging.”
You nodded and held up one finger. “Alright, that wasn’t that hard was it?”
Without waiting for an answer he knew he wasn’t going to get he started the water and left you to it.
He went out to the car to grab the backpack the mini might kid had packed for you. Then into his room to grab you a clean shirt. He was going to leave the items outside the bathroom door until he heard a thump followed by a groan.
“Y/n? Did you fall down?” A very long pause later and you hit the side of the tub once. “Okay do you need help getting up?” Another long pause before you hit the side twice. “Are you sure?” He desperately wanted you to say no. Not to sound like a perv, but he’d love to get a quick peek at you.
Two hits on the tub sounded. “Okay, I’m coming in.” He opened the door almost too quickly. There you were sitting on the floor, back against the tub, completely naked. He had expected you to try and hide yourself from view, but was shocked when you practically reached for him, baring your entire chest for him to drink in.
He stopped for a moment before picking you up. “I’m not going to pick you up like I usually do. Instead I’m going to help you stand, and hold you while you try to get in yourself. We gotta start working on those legs.” You looked nervous but nodded anyways.
He hooked his hands under your armpits and pulled against him in standing position. His pinkies barley brushing the outside of your breasts and even that little bit drove him crazy. But he contained himself. The last thing he needed was you randomly activating your quirk and figuring out what a horn dog he is.
You weakly attempted to raise your right leg high enough to get into the tub. You were almost there, you almost had it. “That’s it, you’re doing so well. Just a little more, come on you can do it.” Whether you knew it or not, your ass was pushing back into Dabi’s crotch and he wasn’t going to make it much longer. So he lifted you a little higher making it easier for you to step in. “OKAY, I think one leg is good enough progress for now.” He sat the rest of you in gently before quickly turning away calling over his shoulder, “Alright, I’ll be back in… ten minutes to help you back out.”
You waited until he was gone to let a small giggle out. It honestly took you by surprise. It was the first time you had made a noise that wasn’t out of pain in a while. But just remembering the blush of his cheeks when you reached for him was enough to have you smile to yourself.
Before all of this happened to you were no stranger to being naked. In fact, you loved it. Maybe it was some weird side effect of your quirk. But you loved being naked, being intimate, having sex. To you there was no better bliss. You craved it. Your quirk allowed you all the control you could ever want, but there was something so intoxicating about giving that control over completely to someone else. To be praised, to be worshipped, to be adored.
Well at least that was the way you were before. Before you weren’t allowed to touch anyone, or look at them, or… speak to them. What if you were different now? What if being controlled for so long, being forced to do things against your will… what if it changed you?
The thought made you sad. You briefly considered testing the waters with Dabi, but quickly shook that from your head. And it wasn’t even the fact he was a villain, as much as you hate to admit it, you’d slept with villains before. But could you even consider him a villain anymore. You could see what Todoroki had meant by saying he was neither hero nor villain.
No, the biggest reason you needed to keep your hands off Dabi is because he was nice enough to take you in. You don’t need to jeopardize your safety just to curb your cravings.
You quickly scrubbed your body clean and did your best to wash your hair, but it was a nightmare. Your hair was crazy long now and the knots and tangles were just impossible to get through. You wined in frustration as your fingers yet again got stuck.
“You know I could always shave your head, I’m sure you could pull it off.” You stuck your tongue out at him as he handed you a brush. “Better watch who you’re sticking that tongue out at.” He hesitated, “Arms up, time to get out.”
You felt like a child, but you obeyed without protest. Earning you a “good girl” that sent shivers down your spine. “Hm? Do you like it when I praise you?”
You shrugged and avoided eye contact and you could feel the growl rip through is chest. “What did I say about fucking shrugging?”
You bit your lip and pulled yourself closer to him so he couldn’t see your blushing face.
Like a sack of potatoes, you were tossed onto to the bed. He tossed you a pair of clean underwear and one of his shirts that would easily come down to your knees. Once you were dressed, he roughly pulled you to the edge of the bed and sat between your legs.
Your heart rate spiked, and you let out an excited gasp. His hand smoothed up your thigh, “Relax, I’m just putting a new bandage on your hip. Don’t get so excited.” He examined the shallow wound and you winced. It took everything in him not to place a kiss right over your wound. He’d made that mark on you. It would definitely scar and as twisted as it sounded… he liked that.
He started to tape the new bandage down. One of his hands rubbed the inside of your thigh, while the other made sure the bandage was secure. God he just wanted to bite into the soft flesh in front of him. He took a deep breath to steady himself, but he was absolutely not prepared for… was you winding your fingers through his white locks.
“Y/n… what?” Your fingers tightened causing him to groan and let lose. He started to kiss the meaty part of your thigh, biting ever few kisses drawing sweet sounds from your lips that made him wonder what your voice sounded like. He made his way up to your hip and kissed right above the bandage before licking up from you belly button and up your sternum, pushing your shirt… well his shirt up as he went. He grabbed one of your tits in one hand while he sucked on the other nipple. Your hips bucked up as his hand traveled south. As soon as his hand started to sneak past your underwear something in you snapped.
You couldn’t do this. Not now. Something wasn’t right. You felt trapped under his body weight, you couldn’t breathe. Too much, you weren’t ready.
You pushed at his hand and whined until finally he got the message. He stopped and looked at your confused eyes, “Shit… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I-I guess I misread that one.” He pulled your shirt back down and knelt in front on you on the bed. “I guess we should set some rules huh?”
Rules… rules… follow the rules.
You yanked your gaze down to stare at your hands that you had folded in your lap. Don’t look, don’t talk, don’t touch.
He reached for one of your hands, but you yanked it back shaking your head. “Hey look at me.” You continued to stare into your lap. He swore under his breath, “Please… look at me. I need to know what I did or said that freaked you out so bad. This is what I mean when I said we need rules-“ You flinched. “Oh is the word rules?”
You started to shrug before you remembered he wouldn’t like that. You lifted a shaky hand and picked up your journal and handed it to him open to the first page. You snuck a glance at his expression as he read over them. His face was expressionless as he read over your list of rules. “Hm… sounds kinky.”
He looked around for something to write with before coming to sit next to you, making sure to give you plenty of space. “Okay so how about instead we have laws?” You gave a quick shrug before nodding in agreement. He narrowed his eyes at you, “And law number one. No fucking shrugging.”
He handed the pen to you, “You’re turn. Write something down.” You gave him a questioning look, “Don’t worry about it, if I don’t like it, I’ll just draw a line through it. We’re brainstorming here.”
You wrote down “No drugs.” You heard him groan but he nodded anyways.
“Okay fine but then you have to make eye contact when talking to me. Doesn’t matter if it’s verbal or not.”
You went on like that for a while until you had a new set of “laws”
You had agreed to workouts in the pool to get your strength back up and he agreed to try and learn sign language with you.
The last law he added however was “I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.”
You rolled your eyes and went to push him away but he dodged you easily enough. He quickly stood up throwing you over his shoulder. “Alright enough of that. We have a long day ahead of us.”
You helped him make breakfast while he explained that this house was one of many that he owned under different aliases. This one was the most secluded and had the best security system.
You were still picking at your pancakes when he sat next to you at the kitchen island bringing a laptop with him. “I’m not helping you down from here until you eat every last bite. Law number 7- Eat three full meals a day. Need to put some meet on those bones.”
He pulled up a website that had a video queued up that said introduction to sign language. “Okay before we get going 1 for tea, 2 for coffee.”
Your eyes lit up as you held up 2 fingers and scurried to grab your journal. ‘Can you put some milk in it?’ It had been so long since you had coffee and the thought had you bouncing with excitement.
He read it and gave you a thumbs up. “Go ahead and start the video, I’m just over here.”
And that’s how you set into your routine. Every day you’d sleep in until you decided to get up. Eat a big breakfast. Work on sign language. Eat Lunch. Do some kind of workout in the pool. Relax and watch TV. Eat dinner. Take a bath. Go to bed.
You did this every day for the past two weeks and you could already tell a difference. You and Dabi had learned a few basics in sign. Only a few words, but it was a start. But Dabi’s favorite part was helping you walk.
Not that he didn’t like carrying you, but this was just as much fun. He’d hold you under the armpits from behind and he’d let you stand on his feet like a child. You still couldn’t walk on your own, but you were so close. Every day you felt stronger and you knew it was only a matter of time.
Today marks sixteen days that you had been here. You watched as Dabi cleaned up the rest of breakfast. You frowned as you thought about how much he did for you and how little you gave in return. You hadn’t noticed him walk over to you until his hand was lifting your chin to look at him. “Pool time?”
You nodded and signed back ~Pool time~. You reached your arms up to be picked up and he easily complied, no worse than a trained dog.
“You’ve gained weight. I can tell.”
You looked horrified as you slapped his shoulder. ~rude~
He chuckled, “Hey don’t get all huffy about it. It’s a good thing. You were way too skinny before. You looked like a strong breeze would blow you over and break all of your bones.” He stopped at the edge of the pool giving you a wicked look. “Now you’re starting to look healthy again. Healthy enough for me to do this and not feel bad about it.”
He tossed you into the pool, clothes and all. You sputtered to the surface but didn’t have to struggle long before he was behind you leading you to the shallow end. “You’re fine. Almost there, don’t be so dramatic.”
He led you to the wall you usually hold on to for your exercises and let you go. You growled as you flipped him off. Idiot doesn’t need to know sign language to understand that one.
You pulled your wet shirt off and tossed it over to one of the lounge chairs. Leaving you in just a bra and underwear, which is how you normally did these exercises. Dabi had requested the heroes send a bathing suit in the next care package, but it hadn’t arrived yet.
He reached around your middle section and pulled you away from the wall after you had done a couple sets of squats and leg kicks. “Okay now lets see how you do without the wall.” He turned you around to face him and slowly backed away only holding your elbows now. “Okay now lets take a lap around the shallow end shall we?”
At first your steps were more like tiny shuffles. “It’s gonna take us all damn day if you don’t start taking bigger steps. Come on you can do it. Pick those feet up!”
You gave him a harsh glare. He knew you couldn’t fight back right now because your hands were too busy gripping his arms for support.
You started taking larger steps and then larger ones and then eventually you had made it almost all the way around. Dabi stepped back and completely. “Okay just a few more steps. I think you can do them on you own. Come on baby girl. Just a few steps. You can do it.”
You nodded enthusiastically, of course you could. It was just a few steps. You could do this. You reached your hands out to the side and took your first step by yourself. Your eyes lit up at the feeling. Sure, it was only in the pool, but that was progress! “That’s it! Good girl, keep going!” You reached for him as you took another step, followed by another and another and then suddenly he was picking you up. “Hell yeah! Atta girl! Good job. I think that earned you some kind of reward.” He gave the top of your head a quick kiss as he started to carry you out of the pool.
Your head was singing with his praises, and your body was buzzing with adrenaline after crossing such a huge milestone. He carried you to his room where he pulled out another shirt for you to wear. “Okay so about that rewar-“
He was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. His eyes went dark. No one was supposed to know where this place was. He quickly picked you up and sprinted to the office. There was a secret false wall panel that led to a saferoom. He had told you of its existence in case he ever needed to hide you, but you hadn’t actually seen it. He was in the process of opening up the wall when a familiar flash of blonde hair showed on the security monitor. You pinched his shoulder and pointed.
He looked at what you were pointing at and groaned. “What the fuck is he doing here?”
tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs
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Peter Maximoff NSFW headcanons pt2
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[not my gif]
Below the cut because smut
CW: sub!peter, dom!reader, mild degredationish language, praise, nipples? Like biting them? Idk peter bites your nipples, somno, cockwarming, cock ring, overstimulation, dacryphilia maybe?, collar/leash, masturbation, multiple orgasms, I say y/n one time, lazily edited, gender neutral reader (I say "your cock" once though, but that could also mean strap), minors DNI
Back on my bullshit
One thing don't think mentioned in pt1 is that Peter just wants to exist for your pleasure
He wants to be used like a sex toy
But he doesn't want to feel like a sex toy?
Does that make sense?
He wants to do anything to make you happy but also wants to be loved by you
Gonna say it again but praise kink
Things peter Maximoff can cum untouched from:
1. Praise.
2. Yanking his hair
Not a fan of degredation but loves possessiveness
The only degrading language he'll like is when you put 'my' in front of it
"My pretty slut" (for use when he is on his knees below you or under you with your cock in his ass)
"my puppy bitch" (for use when he is so far gone he doesn't comprehend anything but humping either the pillow or your leg)
Peter Maximoff is a nipple biter spread the word
Maybe one of the only things he'll do without permission
but tbh I wouldn't complain if peter Maximoff bit my nipple
Not hard though, like light nips
Or he'll just leave a giant hickey over the area
He's got a lot of trouble saying what he wants
He knows what it is, even if he doesn't know the exact word for it, he's just scared to ask you
I feel like a mild somno kink goes along with the wants to be used thing
He's probably woken up a few times to you sucking him off or just laying on top of his chest with his cock in you
Teasing him using cockwarming is so fun
Tell him that he has to stay still and quiet and that every time he moves or makes a sound another five minutes gets added
Bonus for you because you get to feel him swell inside of you
Put a cock ring on him while you do it he'll be begging, timer be damned
He's one of those people who cannot cum with a cockring on
He's got a bit of precum that dribbles out
Other than that it's impossible
One time you put one on him and told him to make himself cum without telling him how to get it off and then left for an hour or two to go out with your friends
You came back to him desperately humping a pillow while his cock got an angry reddish- purple, all swollen and sensitive
He probably cried the first time you two had sex, but not in a pathetic way
It was always hard for him to find someone that could keep up with him so he was a virgin when you met him
Poor puppy just got so overwhelmed and needy he couldn't help it
He whimpered into your shoulder as tears streamed down his face
You were also edging him that night so that probably had something to do with it
For your anniversary you got him a silver collar with "Property of y/n' on the tag
He wears it whenever you two have sex after that point
You also got a matching leash and use it to control him when he's fucking you in doggy style
literally topping from the bottom
Gonna really quickly spin around to talk about masturbation
It really depends on your rules for him
Personally, I think he'd like it if he was allowed to touch all he wanted but if he came he got a punishment
And he's only allowed to use his hands, no toys unless you already have a toy in him/on him
I mentioned it very briefly at the end of the last set of hcs, but overstimulation is this boy's crack
Tie him down, plug him up, tape a vibrator to him and tell him to cum as many times as he wants, then walk away.
Do your taxes, read a book, watch a movie, masturbate just out of his reach.
Make sure he knows you hear his begs and pleas but that you're purposefully ignoring them
Please don't ignore safeword though he's already got trust issues and also that's just downright evil
Y'all probably use the traffic light system by the way, and he lives for the moments where everything seems so intense and then you lean back and ask for his color. He says green and it feels so intimate that he cums right then and there, punishment be damned
Overstimulation really only sets in after the second orgasm, depending on how needy he is
The refractory period is shortened due to his mutation and he recovers fast from his first orgasm
But the second one really gets him
He's all whimpers and pleas to not make him come anymore so you edge him but that makes him even more sensitive and "what's wrong baby thought this was what you wanted?"
don't let the pout fool you though, he's down bad for you
This is shorter than the first (first was 1k words, this is about 900) but if keep talking have a whole other 1k words worth so l'm gonna stop here and maybe make a part three
I also edited this sitting right next to my mom so I was on edge and rushing
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 4- You Cannot Cage A Wolf
Bucky Barnes x (f)reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Fuck the police and Ironman for that matter, now how the hell are you and Bucky going to manage getting out of this mess?
Warning: violence no duh, bucky going through it, bit o angst, things getting hectic
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To say you were pissed would be the understatement of the century, again, you were locked in a cage of steel and glass. Surrounded by enemies who’d rather see you dead, but maybe you deserved it. 
The Romanian combat police had locked you and Bucky into separate concealed glass confinements before loading the two of you into one long metal truck. Purposely facing the tiny prisons face to face with one another so that you would have full access to witnessing the discomfort and irritation on each other’s faces while armed officers sat to either side.
Well you’re not sure if it was exactly intentional, but still, at least you could make sure Bucky was okay and him you.
Your hands and legs are guarded by thick metal as your shoulders and upper arms keep firmly held by a small cage of steel; your body forced to sit for hours on end as the security trucks drive you both all the way to Berlin, Germany. A fucking 18 hour field trip by vehicle, at least you got some pee breaks.
Staring angrily at Bucky’s hand, you wish nothing more then to break out of here and fucking gut the assholes responsible for your unlawful imprisonments, Bucky did absolutely nothing to T’Challa and why the hell would they think you’re involved with his fathers death? It doesn’t make any sense. Not at all.
Why would anyone want the two of you for that matter?
Suddenly the truck jostles and stirs before stopping completely as you start to feel the shift of the vehicle reversing into something, your eyes immediately look up to find Bucky who’s already focused on you. His eyes are sad and full of pain for how they’ve treated you like an animal, caged you like a wild cat, more so then what they’ve done to himself. He never wanted you to deal with any shit like this again, not after the traumatic history Hydra had befallen on you for so many years. You don’t deserve this.
Returning a small smile, you give him a playful wink of reassurance before your glass and metal prison is rolled backwards and away from Bucky. Your fists clench in vexation and enmity for the current shit situation you happen to be sucked into, you feel like a beast at a goddamn freak show. Soon you’re rolled into a yawning chasmal underground parking garage of sorts, as flashing emergency lights from police cruisers blink annoyingly from your left while their riders park. 
This must be some government building here in Berlin, you think, eyes wandering around at the secured cavernous glass and metal interior. Sliding clear doors make the entrance way to your far left wall, while further into the spacious room is a large wall of cement, more doors in various areas and a large staircase ascending into a giant balcony onto the next floor up.
Bucky’s cell is placed next to yours by another forklift as he glances at Steve drearily, while you throw nothing but an irritated scowl at the back of Steve just as Sam and T’Challa exit the black security van. Guards dressed in black attire close by. They soon make a swift yet cautious admission over to greet some short salt and peppered haired man in a dull grey suit, a blonde woman also with an equal amount of security by his side. Three armed guards in the back and three behind Steve. 
What the hell are these people so afraid of? And why is any of this happening?
You can’t quit tell what’s being said from the concealed limitation of your moveable prison to where these assumingly high end important government officials are placed. It’s incredibly frustrating that you could just about scream, but now where would that get you? Probably smacked by some electrical shocking stick, those bastards, you think bitterly.
Soon the group appears to make some agreement before the shorter grey haired man nods an approval of invitation and with that does Steve, Sam, and T’Challa follow the short man and blonde woman farther away. All you or Bucky are able to witness before the doors to the new hallway you’re currently being pushed into closes, is the group walking for some glass doors that show a long hallway.
Then the giant metal doors slam shut in your face. 
The forklift holding onto your portable prison cell ascends down the hallway as armed guards keep watch from both sides, walking in step with the pace of the lift as a set of eight in total surround yours and Bucky’s confinements. A minute later they bring your steel box into a windowless cement room, turning you to face the exit, your cells are rolled separately across some caution tape before all comes to a halt. Finally.
Your eyes follow the movements of regular security guards as they take long thick wires from the side of the stone walls, plugging them into your prisons as the lights inside flicker for a brief moment, stabilizing in a second. One guard gives you a wary yet curious glance before snapping his head down when your fearsome glare just about smacks him in the face, quickly after that, everyone leaves before shutting the sliding metal doors that hide you both from the outside world.
Waiting a moment, your eyes dance suspiciously across the room, “Y/N.” Calls Bucky, causing you to snap your attention over to him.
“What?” You mumble somberly, gaze trailing all over his stoically pensive expression, he’s without a doubt not pleased to be here. Though having you next to him makes things more bearable. 
“Can you breath alright?” He asks worriedly, due to the thick plastic half face mask that prevents you from properly communicating with anyone, guess the Romanian police didn’t appreciate you calling them bastards. Among other things.
“Yeah.” You mumble out once again before pulling up on the metal clasps to no avail, what is this even made out of, “They got us pretty good, Buck. This might be a bit of a challenge to get out of...”
“You think we’re getting out of these things?”
“Well.......I’m being optimistic....so, uh.....there’s always a chance.”
The smallest of smile reveals itself for a flash of a second as Bucky forgets where you are and just welcomes your never ending humor, “You think they’re watching us?”
“Without a doubt. If I could flip them off I would.” You chuckle as your eyes trail up to the tiny dark sphere in your prison, yeah that’s definitely a camera. “Dickheads.” You mutter to whoever is listening.
“What do you think they’re going to do to us?” Wonders Bucky after a long moment of silence.
Taking a heavy breath you lean your head back, “Oh I don’t know. They’ll probably put me down like an old dog and then you’ll get broken out of jail by the Captain America himself.......you’ll probably be fine.”
Shaking his head, he looks over at your relatively bored face, “What if we’re not.”
Sensing his growing anxiety for your future placement, you turn to face him, “Then I’ll......uh........break us out of here?” You muse with an unsure shrug, well the best you can with the steel hugging your shoulders.
“Not all of us can take multiple bullets and survive.” Deadpans Bucky as you frown, he’s got you there.
“Okay uh.....let me think for a second.......uh, alright I got it..” You chirp enthusiastically before your face falls just as quickly as you let out a defeated, “...fuck never mind I don’t want murder charges.”
Bucky could have laughed, “I think we’d need to be more stealthy, and anyways there’s to many cameras.”
“Yeah.” You mutter dully, “Too many goddamn cameras.”
After about twenty minutes of mindlessly sitting in your cell while Bucky sits equally as bored from his own space a couple feet next to you, a man of relative height and stature walks into the large windowless cement room, a black book shaped travel bag hanging from his shoulder. He smiles in greeting at the two of you, though you can tell behind those glasses of his it’s anything but friendly. It’s strange, the way that his dark eyes reveal no true form of kindness or pleasantries. 
Who the hell is this now?
The dark blondes beady umber irises flicker curiously from Bucky to you and back to Bucky again, a sort of childlike wonder flashing through them as he steps closer to the nearby desk.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes.” Nods the man in an almost Sokovian like accent, kinda sounds like you, greeting set on Bucky before he sends you a devious grin, “Miss. Valerious.” He nods, inquisitive eyes studying your stoic face of pure daggers as you breath steadily in your muzzle, “I’ve been sent by the United Nations to evaluate your partner here, so you needn’t worry, your time is not with me. But I ask if you please give me my time with him, that is all.” Assures the strange man as he focuses his attention back on Bucky again; eh, not like you have much of a choice.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Asks the dark eyed man as Bucky simply stares, suspicious and bored out of his mind; you naturally roll your scrutinizing leer as the man seats himself next to a table farther away in front of you two.
Guess he’s not leaving anytime soon.
“You’re first name is James?” Wonders the man though you can tell he already knows the answer; with pursed lips does he shrug innocently, “I’m not here to judge you. I just want to ask a few questions. Do you know where you are James?”
Bucky keeps silent, and all you want to do is smack that annoying blondes glasses right off of his face, “I can’t help if you don’t talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Begrudgingly mumbles your irritated companion, while your brows set hard in puzzlement for where this conversation is going.
Writing something down in his notes, the man nods, “Tell me something Bucky. You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?”
Bucky glares, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop.” Mutters the blonde man as you scoff, his dark eyes instantly snap over to you.
“Come over here and I’ll show you something terrifying.” You threaten, though your voice is mumbled and husky through the damn mask covering your mouth from properly speaking. He hands you a fake smile in reply, appearing to enjoy your menacing presage nonetheless.
Dark eyes set back onto Bucky, he hums, “Don’t worry. We only have to talk about one.” You watch in curiosity as he looks down at his touchpad screen, a satisfied little grin appearing onto his thin lips when suddenly the lights go dark, sending the room into pitch blackness. 
Though your sight shifts to dull grays and blues to counter this with your enhanced vision. A second later the dim emergency lights glow from up above giving the room a dull blue tint. While a red one blinks off and on repetitively in the shadowed room. The fuck?
“What the hell is this?” Grumbles Bucky as your eyes trail warily and alert over to the man as he draws his chair back to stand, though he remains seated. 
“Why don’t we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no.” Taking a faded red book out of his traveling bag, your eyes squint in suspicion as you notice a large black star printed on the front while he continues, “Your real home.”
oh, fuck
Turning to face Bucky, you’re alarmed to witness as his face appears conflicted and anxious; he’s afraid, soon the man rises to his feet before opening up the book and begins walking towards Bucky’s cell. A smile on his face as he begins speaking in Russian, “Longing.”
“No.” Mutters your lover as he blinks hard before staring hopelessly up at the ceiling.
“Stop.” Protests Bucky as he turns to throw you a pleading look, you frown, not sure what’s happening but you know it can’t be good. Hydra never did anything like this to you, no trigger words, just good old childhood manipulation and the occasional beating if you didn’t comply.
“Seventeen.” Speaks the man as Bucky’s face darkens with anger.
“Stop.” He growls furiously as heavy breaths push at his chest with building adrenaline.
“Daybreak.” A frustrated ragged scream emits from Bucky’s lips as his fists clench and muscles tighten, the man smirks as he gets closer to Bucky’s cage.
“Stop it!” You cry desperately while Bucky yells before ripping the metal from his left hand and breaking the metal clasp on his right, an animalistic growl sounding from deep within his throat as panic sets rooted into your stomach, “Fuck off!” You scream frantically, “I’ll gut you like a goddamn fish!”
Giving a pernicious grin, he ignores you, “Furnace.”
You watch in horror as Bucky emits a roaring cry of desperate anger as he begins pounding furiously against the glass. Coming back to your senses you ignore the mess happening next to you as your muscles contract and strain against the tight metal clasps caging your forearms, shoulders, and legs to the chair.
You listen to more heavy pounding on glass as a hopeless ragged cry of futile rage rips forth from your throat in an anguished attempt at breaking free. Pulling your arms upward, your flesh strains viciously against the tough metal clasps while you struggle to free yourself. A moment later the metal clasps begin to groan and creak as they loosen accordingly, your strength forcing them into compliance.
A thin sheet of sweat emits from the side of your face while you yell in frustration at the weight of the locks against your wrists, Bucky pounds furiously, soon metal fist starts cracking though thick glass as you finally rip the metal clasps from off of your right arm, “Fuck off!” You roar threateningly, eyes wild and raging like a bursting dragons flame unto a hopeless stick village, the man simply shifts his gaze back down to the book.
He ignores you; heart beating a mile a minute, you unsheathe your right claws only to free your left hand from the abrasive metal lock as he continues to pound his fist against the slowly breaking glass door. Raising your hands to the back of your lower head, you forcefully rip the thick plastic muzzle from off of your face with a distinctive cracking sound emitting from the strong material.
“Nine.” Speaks the dark eyed blonde as he walks in between the two of your cells, appearing unafraid of your threats from earlier even as he witnesses you breaking free from the steel clasps on your legs now.
“Freight car.”
Instantly your head snaps up to watch as Bucky’s glass door flies violently across the room and onto the harsh ground below; your breath hitches as all goes silent. The mans back is to you as he calmly walks over to Bucky who’s crouched onto the floor like a predator ready to strike, a second later he slowly rises to his feet. Though all life is gone from his dark pools of inky blue, he’s not your Bucky anymore.
“Soldier?” Whispers the dark eyed man in wonder, confident that his plan has effectively worked, whatever the fuck kind of plan in question.
Eyes wide, you swallow thickly as Bucky stares at the door, face noticeably covered in sweat, his eyes stare forward like a beast waiting to kill. He’s nothing but a vessel for chaotic destruction.
Breathing heavily, Bucky speaks in Russian, “Ready to comply.”
Suddenly the frustration in you boils over into pure animalistic rage for what this fucker has done to him, screaming bitterly, you punch the glass, slicing three thin lines straight through the material. The blonde one gives you a wary glance before addressing the Winter Soldier, “Mission report. December 16, 1991.”
“Bucky, don’t tell him shit!” You cry frantically in Russian, hoping that the Winter Soldier consuming him might hear something familiar in your desperation; whatever this man wants, you know full well what happened that night which means his motives are anything but friendly. If that wasn’t already apparent.
Bucky blinks, eyes shifting to the new ringmaster in control.
It’s no use, he’s not there, it’s what Hydra had made of him and now he must obey; Bucky ignores as you pound and scream for him to stop, to shut the hell up and come back to you but it’s all in vain. He tells the bastard everything in a matter of seconds as your face falls.
Heart pounding with adrenaline, you slash a clean line that rips right through the bolts of the door in wild fury, it sparks against your Adamantuim claws while creaking in protest as you finally kick it open. The huge door clatters and clashes to the ground as you step out of the glass prison and onto the cement flooring of the large windowless room. Red emergency lights flashing behind you as they make your tense form appear as sort of a clawed beast rising from straight out of hell.
The dark eyed man warily turns to you, when a sudden childlike excitement dances across his features as he takes a cautious step back, a small thrilled smirk pulling at his lips. The mans obsidian pools flicker over to Bucky who keeps a steady death stare with the wall ahead, the man nods in approval for his painstaking work before trailing his eyes over to you, “Soldier. Kill the Hellcat.” Smirks the man as your eyes shift reluctantly from himself to Bucky. 
oh shit, you think miserably as your heart feels like its just sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Swallowing thickly, tears threaten to spill as your body shakes with racing adrenaline, your breaths noticeably heavier as you willingly begin retracting your claws. 
The familiar metal sinks painfully back into your skin as you stare them down distastefully. Frowning deeply, you slowly pull your hands up into fists, readying your stance for the fight that’s inevitably about to come.
Making a sickened face, you swallow nervously as Bucky takes a step forward with eyes set like a wolf to his prey. Reluctantly your feet move an apprehensive step closer, “Fuck.” You mutter under your breath as Bucky makes the first move. 
God why does your head hurt so damn much? Is the room spinning?
When you come to, the lights are still blinking an obnoxious red as you lay sprawled out across the cement floor, a puddle of blood trailing in a couple of dark-red thin lines from beneath your head to the yellow hazard stickers placed on the ground.
The air smells of blood and sweat as you suck in a deep breath before moving to sit up, at least the headache is gone, your eyes trail warily across the empty room as you touch the back of your head to get an understanding of what the hell happened here.
You can’t remember a thing.
A warm wetness greets your finger tips to no surprise, pulling them away, you study the murky crimson liquid staining your fingertips before your mind heals completely, your brain matter fusing back accordingly. Bits of the missing puzzle pieces soon form a coherent picture as you sit back in shock from the violent happenings that resulted in you bloody on the ground. 
 The man commanded Bucky to kill you.
The two of you indeed fought, but knowing that if you wanted to win you’d have to kill him yourself; Bucky kept his life as you let the Winter Soldier end yours. After dodging fist after fist thrown at you by Bucky, you finally gave in and let him pin you to the ground before he grabbed your face with his metal hand, smashing your skull against the cement floor in one dangerous deafening blow. Then it was over and...
Where even is he?
Picking yourself up, you quickly wander into the nearest opening only to be greeted by a multitude of unconscious guards, walking further down, you furrow your brows at the heavily dented elevator door where it appears that someone had been forced through. Touching the bent metal you sniff the air, it smells of Bucky and Steve. They couldn’t have been here less then thirty seconds ago.
Shifting to the right, you book it down the hallway to the sounds of strained grunts and fists hitting flesh. Soon you’ve found yourself at the edge of a large excessively windowed room, presumably the food court of sorts in this excessively ginormous place.
In the center is Bucky who’s absolutely beating the shit out of everyone making frugal attempts at stopping him. Your eyes observe Tony who’s positioned a good distance away as he breaths heavily from the floor, eyes wide in shock while he cradles one of his arms. The blonde haired woman from earlier appears in pain as she lays on her back, a broken table underneath her as the Black Widow squeezes Bucky’s neck with her thighs.
Natasha uses her elbows as a battering ram against his skull while he walks with her over to the closest table before slamming her roughly against the metal; he glares fiercely down at the Black Widow before using his titanium fist to choke the life out of her as she struggles against his weight.
Stepping into the huge room, your boots pound against the flooring as you deliver a powerful kick to Bucky’s strong waist, he tumbles across the thin carpeting before jumping to his feet in an instant. Natasha regains her lungs in a choked gasp as you throw a fist at Bucky’s chest, deflecting it, you use this new side lined momentum to duck under his approaching blow as you slide on the flooring, missing a fatal hit to your face by mere inches.
No more face shots please.
He whips around from the near miss, charging you once again; preparing for the worst of the Winter Soldier, your shoulders line up with his approaching body as your eyes calculate his next move. But when he readies his arm to punch, you slide to the side before swiftly twisting your body around to face him once more, all done within less then two seconds.
Watching his head turn left in confusion, you kick his back harshly onto the ground with the power enough to rival that of a lioness before huffing in frustration as he surges to his feet; you immediately halt in your tracks when out of nowhere T’Challa kicks Bucky across the floor. Soon the two men dance like two skilled warriors before Bucky takes the upper hand and whips the prince over the carpeted floor.
Blinking in bewilderment, you watch as he races up the stairs; the Winter Soldier doing his absolute best to get the fuck out of there, knowing he’s outnumbered by two and wary of getting his shit rocked by you again. Though he’s not even fully aware why you’re attacking him since his mind is back at Hydra and last he remembers you where on their side, and presumably bleeding out in another room.
Breathing heavily, you turn to share an awkward moment of uncertain eye contact with the prince of Wakanda before he throws you a half restrained dirty look, sprinting up the stairs after Bucky.
You’re able to take one step before a raspy voice snaps your attention over to a table, it’s Natasha, “Y/N.” She gasps through strained breaths.
Clenching your fists you leave those two to work it out as you swiftly approach the ex-assassin, “What?!” You snap.
Forcing herself into a seated position, she gingerly touches her bruising throat, “Guess you where right.” She chuckles painfully.
“Right about what?” You bark with a frown, eyes flickering over to Bucky and T’Challa as they throw jabs on the stairway landing.
“Last we met. You said I’d be lucky if we never met again. Guess you where right.”
“You’re an ex-assassin how lucky did you really expect to be?” You retort before taking a step for the ascending stairs when a hand takes your wrist.
“You have to stop him.” Urges Natasha, “No one here’s an equal force, you’re the Hellcat Y/N, you have to stop him no matter the cost.”
Throwing her an irritated glare at hearing your Hydra code name yet again, you growl like a wounded beast, “I’m not killing anyone!”
“You might not have a choice.” Challenges the red head with a pleading yet stern display, understanding that Bucky means more to you then just simple companionship.
“There’s always a choice!” You grumble angrily, heart pounding a mile a minute as you huff before turning for the stairs only to meet a disheveled and deeply confused prince, he’s sweating and looks rather conflicted as his dark eyes scan frantically around the room for any sign of Bucky.
Suddenly his eyes land on you, freezing in place, your mind swirls with what to do next; you’re a wanted criminal in plain sight and for some reason this prince wants Bucky and presumably you, dead.
Shifting your panicked gaze over to Nat, you shake your head before turning to T’Challa as you scowl like an angry brute, “If you touch me, I’ll gut you.” And with that heavy threat do you swiftly turn on your heels and race out the closest door and into the nearest hallway. Leaving Natasha and prince T’Challa with their lives.
Now where did Bucky go?
Running past door after door while the emergency lights annoyingly scream their bright red colors in caution of extreme danger, though you and Bucky are technically the “extreme danger”. Soon you take a hard right turn and immediately slam into the firm chest of Steve as he books it down the hallway for some door hanging open at the far end.
Falling into the closest wall, you don’t have time to wait on the pain emitting from your arm as he mutters a quick apology as the six foot two American hauls ass for the exit door. Recovering in no time, you press a bloody handprint against the wall before turning after Steve. Funny, you don’t ever remember cutting yourself on anything. Doesn’t matter.
Bursting open the cracked door, bright blinding rays of sunlight glare annoyingly in your eyes while your pupils adjust to the new terrain, soon your eyes catch the dramatic scene unfolding in front of you farther down on the helicopter landing area.
Perplexed, you stand in astonishment as Bucky attempts to take off in the chopper while Steve fruitfully leaps mid-air before tightly grasping onto the aircraft’s landing skids.
He pulls down hard, face straining in intense efforts to keep Bucky from escaping and heading into God-knows-where. Legs moving quickly, you race up the small flight of stairs leading onto the huge landing pad as Steve struggles fiercely to hold it down.
But before you’re able to aid in putting an end to Bucky’s fruitful efforts, he slams the chopper into the cement; causing you to leap backwards for fear of getting your guts sliced open by the blades. You’re helpless to watch as Steve narrowly misses becoming a decapitated corpse as the blades crash violently against the ground.
Chunks of stone and steel go flying in all directions as you shield your face from the debris. But as the dust settles, you peer from over your forearm to watch as Bucky’s metal arm bursts through the glass only to immediately grasp around Steve’s neck.
“Fuck.” Slips silently from out of your lips as you take a couple cautious steps forward while moving reluctantly towards the shit show; how has the last 20 hours gone so goddamn terribly?
Creeeek. Sounds the destroyed helicopter as it suddenly begins a slow ascend over the platform edge, where a large river awaits with open arms to presumably swallow whole the broken aircraft. Now in a panicked sprint, you race over the rubble as the last of the chopper, Bucky, and Steve are seen before they plummet to the waters below.
“No!” You cry helplessly as you reach the peak of the landing, nothing beneath you except for the broken tail of the chopper and a plethora of air bubbles.
Tagged: @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @iamasimpingh0e
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
Friends Don't Lie Ch. 5 & 6
Pairing: Jungwon x reader
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: there will be a scene involving a knife and cutting a body open, I'll put another warning before the part
Based on: Stranger Things
The next morning, Jungwon sneaks into his sister's room and secretly hands you an outfit consisting of an argyle sweater and high waisted jeans.
“What about shoes?” you ask him.
“You’re right.” he says before dashing up the stairs and bringing you a pair of socks and Keds. “Okay remember, leave at eleven fifty and meet us by the fence in front of the gym.” he says and you nod.
You make your way to the school and smile at the group of boys waiting for you.
Jungwon waves at you as you peddle over.
“Hey El!” they all greet you.
“Hi guys.” you say and brake the bike.
Jay climbs up the fence and hops over.
“Here,” he gets onto one knee. “I’ll boost you.”
You shakily step onto his thigh and he spots you as you climb up.
You wobble once you get to the top and let out a yelp. “What do I do now?”
“Twist around and start to climb down.” Sunghoon says.
You attempt the twist but you fail miserably. The fence is about ten feet high. You’ve never been this high off the ground before and it’s freaking you the fuck out.
“I can’t do it.” you say quietly, tears are starting to well in your eyes. This is too much for you to handle.
“Yes you can El, you said you couldn’t ride a bike and look what you did today.” Jungwon says.
You whine and shake your head.
"Even if you fall, it's not that high of a drop." Niki says and Jungwon groans.
"That isn't very encouraging."
You take a deep breath before twisting around and climbing down. Just when you’re starting to feel confident, your shoe gets caught in the metal and you lose your grip.
You scream, awaiting your fall onto the grass when you feel multiple arms catch you.
“Jesus christ,” Sunghoon grunts, his hands are on your underarms, making sure you didn't slam onto the ground.
“Are you okay?” Jungwon scans your body, making sure you're not injured. “Fuck, I should’nt have made you do that, I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay,” you say, still catching your breath.
Jay hops over the fence. “You okay man?” he asks and you nod.
“I’m sorry El.” Jungwon says again.
“It’s okay Jungwon, you apologize too much.” you assure him.
“Let’s get to the heathkit, we don’t wanna waste time.” Jake says.
You all scurry to the main building and sneak into the AV club room.
“Sit here.” Jay pulls up a chair for you right in front of the giant radio.
“Find Sunoo, okay?” Jungwon says. “You can do it.”
You close your eyes. You know what you need to do, you’ve done it many times before, but you’re still scared.
You feel your brain buzz and electrify as you enter the Void.
Your heart goes cold when you see him. His face is pale and his lips are almost blue. All the life has left his pretty face.
“Hyung?! Heeseung hyung?!” his voice comes through the radio and the boys look at each other, paralyzed from shock.
“Hyung please! It’s coming!” Sunoo screams.
“Sunoo can you hear us? Sunoo it’s Jay!” Jay yelps.
“It’s like home, but it’s so dark and cold! It’s dark and empty!” Sunoo shrieks. “Hyung please! I’m scared-”
His screams of terror are cut off by the radio bursting into flames.
“Fuck!” Sunghoon curses as the fire alarm begins to ring.
Your neck lulls. You’re drained like a battery now and Jungwon notices.
“Can you get up?” he puts a hand on your shoulder and you weakly shake your head. “Shit. Jake help her get onto my back.”
Jake tugs you onto your feet and helps you hop onto Jungwon’s back.
Everything is so overwhelming and you’re too tired to refuse his service.
“Where do we even go? We’re fucked if anyone finds out it was us.” Niki says while you all jog out of the building.
“Let’s just skip.” Jay says.
“And go where?”Jungwon grunts.
The sun is shining bright in your eyes and you bury your face into Jungwon’s neck.
“Sunoo was talking to Heeseung hyung, we should go to his house.” Sunghoon says.
Jungwon carries you all the way to the Camaro. They were able to sneak out of school without being noticed thanks to the chaos.
“Can you stand now?” Jay asks you once you all arrive at the Kim house.
You shake your head and he picks you up bridal style, just like how Papa used to whenever you were too tired to move.
Jungwon bangs on the door. “Heeseung hyung! It’s me!” The door flies open. There’s a distressed young man at the door, eyeing you before asking Jungwon what was going on.
“We know what’s going on, we can help.” Jungwon says.
Heeseung looks around before ushering you all into the house. And the place is a fucking mess. Beer cans and dirty clothes are scattered on the floor, and most jarring of all, the dozens of strings of Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling and taped onto the walls.
Jay lays you down on the couch.
“Is she okay?” Heeseung nods your way.
“No, she’s out of juice.” Jungwon says.
“Okay, so what do you know?” Heeseung sits at the coffee table.
“That Sunoo is in some kind of other world. It’s just like ours but-”
“Upside down.” you croak, cutting Jungwon off.
“Exactly, upside down. He’s hiding from some monster.” Jungwon says.
Heeseung raises a brow. "How do you know all of this."
"Her." Jungwon looks at you.
"Who is she?" Heeseung asks.
"We don't really know," Jake says. "but she knows a lot."
"How?" Heeseung's brows furrow.
"She hasn't told us." Sunghoon says.
"How can you trust her." Heeseung crosses his arms.
"We just can okay?" Jungwon says.
Heeseung shakes his head. "Okay whatever."
"She has super powers." Niki says proudly.
“She can… do things.” Jungwon says.
“Like what?” Heeseung asks warily.
“We don’t know everything but so far, she can move things with her mind and communicate through radio frequencies."
“What the fuck.” Heeseung says. “I swear if you’re lying-”
“You have to believe us, she’s our only hope.” Jungwon pleads.
“Okay fine, I’ve seen enough crazy shit already I might as well.” he comes over to sit next to you. “So where are you from?”
“Bad place.” you whisper.
“She’s on the run from bad people.” Jungwon says.
“Bad people?” Heeseung raises an eyebrow. “Who’s bad people?”
“Papa.” you say quietly.
“Who’s Papa?” they all ask.
You shake your head. “Bad.” But also not bad, because you love him. He raised you and taught you everything you know, up until you met Jungwon, who showed you a world you never even imagined.
“So what does she have to do with Sunoo?” Heeseung asks.
“She knows him,” Jungwon says. “We don’t really know how but she knows where he is.”
“But she doesn’t know how to get there.” Jungwon cuts him off.
“How the hell does she know him?”
“I can feel him.” you say. “That body. It’s fake.”
“I knew it was!” Heeseung gets up. “And no one fucking believes me.”
“Well we do.” Jake says. “But we need to confirm it.”
“How?” Jay asks.
“We need to go to the morgue.” Jungwon says.
TW!!! There will be a scene involving a knife and cutting a body open, please do not read if this could be triggering
“There isn’t enough space for all of us.” Niki says.
“We need our strongest people,” Heeseung says. “Jay, Jake, Jungwon and the girl.”
“Her name is El.” Jungwon says.
“The rest of you stay here and if I come back and you smell like whiskey, I’ll fucking kill you.” Heeseung warns.
You feel good enough to walk, but you’re still not one hundred percent. You rest your head on Jungwon’s shoulder in the car as Heeseung zooms to the lab.
“How are we gonna get in?” Jake says. “No one’s gonna let a group of kids into a morgue.”
Heeseung looks back at you. “So what else can you do?”
“She’s not gonna be our guard.” Jungwon shakes his head. “She’s tired.”
“Then who is gonna be our guard?” Jay says and they all look at Jungwon.
“What?” he says.
“Well you've been doing taekwondo since you came out of the womb.” Jake says.
“I cannot fight off adults.” Jungwon asserts.
“You’re all we have.” Jay adds.
“Too dangerous.” you say. “I’ll do it.”
“No,” Jungown refuses. “You’ll get hurt.”
“So will you.” you argue. “We’ll do it together.”
Jungwon takes a deep breath. “Fine.”
“We can’t just go through the front door.” Jay says.
“We have no other choice.” Jungwon says.
“How do we get there without being noticed?”
“I have an idea.” you say.
You all hop out of the car. You stand ground and close your eyes. One of the windows shatters and immediately alarms begin to blare.
“Go go,” you usher everyone to run through the door as the staff are distracted by the window.
“Holy shit.” Heeseung whispers.
“Where is he?” Jay says as you all run through the long halls.
Jake begins to read the tags next to every door. “H, i, j , k.” he stops in this tracks. “This is K, he should be in here.”
He rattles the door knob but it doesn't budge.
You take his hand off the knob and cock your head. You hear the door unlock and you quietly push it open.
You wait for everyone to get inside the dark room before shutting the door behind you.
Jungwon rushes to yank the tarps off of every body, trying to find “Sunoo’s”.
You’re surprised that he isn’t freaking out. Death still scares you even though you’ve seen it many times before.
“Jesus christ.” he whispers, while standing over a body. You all scurry to get a look.
It’s Sunoo. Looking as dead as ever. It looks so much like him. They even got the two moles on his face right.
Heeseung touches Sunoo’s face before taking a pocket knife out of the back of his jeans.
“Whoa whoa whoa.” Jay grabs Heeseung’s arm. “What are you doing?”
“We have to make sure.” Heeseung says.
“Isn’t there another way to make sure that’s not cutting him open?” Jay asks, alarmed.
Heeseung shakes his head. He places a steady hand on Sunoo’s shoulder and holds the tip of the blade at his sternum.
You grab Jungwon’s hand as the knife plunges into Sunoo’s skin. You turn your head into Jungwon’s shoulder as Heeseung drags the knife down his chest. He looks away and musters up some courage before sticking his hand into the gash. He freezes.
“What is it?” Jake says.
Heeseung pulls a clump of white fibers out of the wound. The kind that is used for stuffed animals.
“HEY! HEY WHO’S IN THERE!” a voice comes booming through the hall.
“Shit, there’s nowhere to run.” Sunghoon whispers.
You begin to walk towards the door and Jungown grabs at you. You shake him off and push the door open.
“HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING KID?” The man comes running towards you but you lift a hand and send him flying into a wall.
“Holy fucking shit.” Jay smiles in delight.
You gesture for them to run out.
Jungwon’s hand latches onto yours as you all flee the vicinity.
“Get in, hurry!” Heeseung orders as he puts the car into drive.
“That was so fucking cool.” Jungwon beams at you and you smile.
“Seriously, that was wicked.” Jay claps your shoulder.
“So what happened here?” Jungwon twists to look at the wall covered in Christmas lights and messily painted letters of the alphabet.
“Sunoo he…” Heeseung hesitates. “He talks to me through lights.”
Everyone raises their eyebrows.
“I’m not crazy alright?” he runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how it works, but it happened, okay?”
“I don’t get it,” Jay shakes his head. “Tell us what happened.”
Heeseung inhales. “I kept hearing him call my name and seeing crazy shit. I thought I was just in denial but I knew that he was alive, I could feel it in my heart. Then the lights around the house started to flicker all weird which wasn’t that unusual but they kept doing it even after I replaced the bulbs.”
Jungwon’s heart skips a beat when he remembers how the light in his bathroom had flickered the night Sunoo went missing.
“A bunch of other shit happened then I figured that he was trying to talk to me. So I bought a fuck ton of lights and painting this.” he gestures to the alphabet on the wall.
“What was he saying?” Jake asks.
“He said that he isn’t safe and I asked him where he was and he said right here, and then run.” Heeseung says and everyone’s blood goes cold. “And that’s all.”
“So that proves our Upside Down theory.” Jungwon declares. “El said that he’s hiding from something, some monster.”
“I know, I… I think I’ve seen it.” Heeseung says quietly and everyone’s eyes go wide.
“What?” Jay stiffins.
“What’d it look like?” Niki asks excitedly.
“It looked like a human but so many things were wrong. It was so tall and pale and it didn’t.. It didn’t have a face.”
Coldness looms over the group.
“Didn’t have a face?” Jake whispers and Heeseung nods.
“I need to kill that fucking thing.” Heeseung hisses.
“Where’d you see it?” Niki asks.
“It-it stretched the wall. It was pushing through the wall like the plaster was made off pizza dough or something and eventually it broke through. I didn’t know what to do so I just ran out into the car.”
Jungwon can tell how distressed Heeseung is. He has bags under his eyes and his shoulders are caved in instead of tall and broad like they usually are.
“And then I,” he pauses and closes his eyes like he can’t believe what he’s saying. “I kept hearing Sunoo. It sounded like he was in the house so I was running around until I heard him coming from the wall,” he nods at the wall in front of the groups that's been axed in, there’s a gaping hole in it with the sun shining through. “I tore at the wallpaper and the wall was like this weird fogged red glass. I could see him. I asked him where he was and he said that it’s like home, but that it’s cold and dark and empty. I could hear that fucking thing growling so I told him to run. And then the plaster covered the glass and he was gone.”
The boys look at each other in disbelief.
“So El is right.” Jake says.
Sunghoon shakes his head. “I don’t get it. How’d he even get into that dimension?”
“Well dimensions can only be traveled if there’s a tear in time and space,” Jake explains. “Almost like a gate. I think that thing somehow left the gate, took Sunoo, and then went back to the Upside Down.”
“How do we get to the gate?” Heeseung asks.
“We can’t.” Jake says.
“Well why not?” Jay challenges and Jake rolls his eyes.
“Okay, so picture an acrobat on a tightrope where the tightrope is our dimension and we are the acrobat. Our dimension has rules. We can only walk forward and backward right?” the boys nod. “Now let's say there’s a flea next to us. The flea can move forward and backwards like us, but it can also move along the side of the tightrope and even underneath.”
“Why can’t we just become the flea?” Niki says.
“Humans just aren’t capable of doing that, if we tried it’d probably obliterate the  Earth.” Jake says.
“How do you know all of this?” Sunghoon snorts.
Jake gives him a smug smile. “Just because I get girls doesn’t mean I’m not smart.”
“I think we already have a flea though.” Sunghoon says. They stare at him for a moment before turning to look at you sleeping peacefully on the couch.
“No way man what if she fucking dies?” Jungwon whisper yells.
“She’s the only one who can do it!” Jay argues.
“Absolutely not.”
“I swear you’re in love with her or something.” Niki jokes and Jungwon punches him in the arm. “Shut up.”
“Just because he cares doesn’t mean he’s in love.” Jake says.
“Thank you hyung.”
“You’re so whipped man.” Jay chuckles cheekily.
“Fuck off.” Jungwon gets up to wrestle him but Heeseung pushes him back down into his seat.
“Shut the fuck up, all of you. You’re stupid bickering isn’t gonna get us anywhere.” Heeseung orders.
“Jungwon and El sitting in a tree~” Niki begins to sing. Jungwon lunges at him over the small dining table and despite being knocked onto the floor, Niki is still laughing.
Heeseung groans and yanks Jungwon off the other boy. “I’m gonna lock you in the shed if you don’t stop.”
Jungwon huffs and Niki winks at him.
You begin to wake and Jungwon hesitates before jogging over to the couch. “You feeling better?” he kneels down beside you and you nod.
He thinks about how cute your sleepy face is before shoving the thought into the back of his head.
“Jake found a way to find the gate.” he says excitedly and the look in your eyes changes. “What’s wrong.”
You shake your head. “You can’t go there.”
“Why not?” he says and you shake your head.
“Too dangerous.” you look down. “You’ll die.”
“But we have to, there’s no other way-”
“No,” you cut his sentence short. “You. Will. Die. I will go.”
“What? No,” He knits his brow. “No way.”
“You don’t know enough.” you say.
“Well can I at least go with you?” he asks. “Heeseung hyung is gonna wanna go, it's his brother.”
You shake your head. “You don’t understand. It’s not like going into a different state. It’s a dimension. And it’s not a nice one.”
He holds your hand in both of his. “Please El. I need to go. Please, I have to.”
He looks at you with pleading eyes and you sigh.
“What if you get hurt?” you say.
“Then I get hurt, it’ll be fine.” he replies.
“What if you die?”
“Then I die.”
You frown. “You’re so foolish.”
“What do you mean?” he pulls away, taken aback.
“Think about your mother, your father, your friends,” you say. “Think about me.”
His heart sinks. He hadn't even considered how the people in his life would feel if something happened to him.
He lowers his lead. “I’m sorry. But I still need to go. What will it take to convince you?”
“If you somehow became immortal.” you say and he snorts.
“Hey, so is she gonna help us?” Jay asks and Jungwon looks at you.
You sigh, and then nod.
taglist: @shawkneecaps @wonwoosh @strwberrydinosaur @ferxanda
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flightfoot · 3 years
Forgetting Enemies, Rediscovering Friends - Ch. 1
Thanks to @khanofallorcs for betaing! Set in @buggachat Bakery Enemies AU, before the wine arc.
The morning had started off fine. Marinette had been working on a new design to showcase her talents. A black dress with green trim—great for any occasion.
(Only the most keen-eyed observers would find the small paw print embroidered on the inside of one of the sleeves)
Adrien was hard at work in the kitchen, as usual. Probably plotting how best to steal the Miracle Box, or make her meet the same fate as his mother or—or some other nefarious end. Yes. He must be. No one could be THAT nice, not after everything he went through. It had to be fake. 
*beep beep*
Marinette blinked. Her stomach twisted. “The Akuma Alert app? But it can’t be- unless-”
A video popped up, showing the new threat. 
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news! Past Pirate has made the trip from the U.S. all the way to our fair city of Paris. With Ladybug and Chat Noir still missing, we can only hope that other superheroes arrive soon, before everyone in the city forgets who they are.”
Not an akuma or sentimonster, then. Just a random supervillain that thought the absence of Miraculous wielders made Paris an easy target. 
Somehow that didn’t make her feel better. At least if it was a sentimonster, she might’ve been able to catch Adrien in the act, prove that he was evil, and recover the lost Miraculous. This- this she could do nothing about.
She was useless.
*beep beep*
A text warning popped up, issuing an evacuation order. A giant orb had been spotted near Collège Françoise Dupont, one that looked very, very similar to the one Oblivio had threatened the city with, all those years ago.
Marinette suspected it served the same function.
She needed to get out of there, NOW.
Her parents were out at dinner on the other side of the city, so hopefully they’d be safe?
The only ones here were her and-
Oooooh crap.
Her and ADRIEN.
...He’d be fine on his own. Right? He got to work every morning after all. He could evacuate on his own. 
But his apartment had to be close by, close enough that it’d be in the evacuation order, too. He’d have to go to some public place for cover.
During a supervillain attack.
With a lot of people scared and worried and having flashbacks to what his father did.
...and with him having one of the most recognizable faces in Paris. 
She was gonna have to take him with her, wasn’t she?
She hurried downstairs. Adrien was already putting on his coat, getting ready to run out the door. 
He froze. An instant later, he turned around. “Marinette? You’ve gotta get out of here, the supervillain-”
She nodded. “I know, come with me.”
He blinked. “Are— are you sure? You don’t need to put up with me just because we’re both heading out, I can go a different direction if it’s more comfortable for you.” His voice dropped. “I know you probably have some trauma associated with what my father did and this situation isn’t helping.”
Why did Adrien have to be so unfailingly nice?! 
Marinette shook her head. “My parents would be devastated if something happened to you and I- I don’t want you hurt, either,” she got out in a rush. “I don’t want you out there alone.”
Adrien stared at her, startled. His eyes softened. “Thank you, Marinette.”
Her face heated up. “Po Noblem!” She shook her head. “I—I mean, no problem! Anyone would do it.”
He shook his head. She didn’t have time to think about that before she grabbed his hand, running out the door.
And into a purple beam blast.
Blinking rapidly, he looked around.
He appeared to be on a street… somewhere and—
A purple blast hit a few feet away from his head.
Right. Get out of here first, figure out what was going on second. Maybe he’d find someone else someplace AWAY from the scary light blasts.
He attempted to run down the street and away from whatever the purple blast thing was. 
Attempt at running: failed. Attempt at finding someone else: success!
He winced. “Sorry I dragged you down. Didn’t realize I was holding your hand.”
The girl nodded, eyes wide, still on top of him where she landed. “What’s going on? Who are you?” Her breath caught. “Who am I?”
“I… have no idea.” He admitted. “I don’t remember anything before a minute ago.”
Another purple blast fired. He flinched. “I don’t think sticking around here is a good idea. Let’s get somewhere a little safer first, THEN try to figure out who we are.”
She nodded, getting up and pulling him to his feet. She didn’t let go of his hand. “This way?” she asked, pointing away from where the blast had fired from, down the street the direction he’d tried to run. 
He nodded.
They booked it, running in unison, automatically adjusting their gait to exactly match their companion’s.
After they’d gotten some distance away, they slowed down, huffing and puffing from the exertion.
“You think that’s far enough?” the girl asked. 
He shrugged. 
She started digging through her purse. He blinked, tilting his head. “What’re you looking for?”
She didn’t look up, sticking her tongue out the side of her teeth, appearing to concentrate even harder.
It was adorable.
Well, he HAD been holding her hand when he woke up…
“This!” she said triumphantly, holding up her ID card.
He shelved his previous line of thought. For now, at least.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng? Nice to run into you, Marinette!”
She giggled. “I enjoyed falling for you too, uh…”
His face heated up. “Let me check.”
After looking through a few of his coat pockets (one of which held some cheese. Did he normally like the gooey food that much? It didn’t look that appetizing to him right now) he at last located his own ID. “Adrien Agreste.”
“You have anything else that’s useful?” Marinette asked.
“Let’s see…”
After emptying out his pockets, he concluded he had his phone, ID, that piece of Camembert, a debit and credit card, and 70 Euros.
“Well, at least we’re not memoryless AND broke,” Marinette commented.
“What about you?” he asked.
She proceeded to pull out several cookies, a sewing kit, a first aid kit, duct tape, an umbrella, a few items that he felt he should recognize that Marinette hastily stuck back in her purse, saying they weren’t relevant to this situation, and a small black box with an intricate red design on the top, as well as her phone and wallet.
Adrien looked critically at the mass of items. “I don’t think all that should be able to fit in that tiny purse.”
Marinette looked at the objects she had pulled out. Then looked at her purse. Her brow furrowed. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Especially that umbrella. Doesn’t matter how I put that in, it shouldn’t fit. Plus that box- that wasn’t there when I first started rooting through my purse, I’m sure of it!”
He tilted his head. “It wasn’t?”
“I’d shoved everything around a few times,” she explained, “trying to see to the bottom of it. The first few times I didn’t see it, though there WAS some black fabric in the way - that was the umbrella - and once I pulled the umbrella up, well, there it was, lying beneath it.”
“Anything inside it?” 
Marinette opened it.
“Nothing,” she said, disappointed. “Just two indentations where something used to be.”
Adrien peered at Marinette. “Maybe it’s the casing for your earrings?”
She startled. “My earrings?”
Reaching up a hand, she felt her ears. “Maybe? Let me see.”
Taking them off, she set them in the box. They fit perfectly.
They also looked different. 
“Spotted earrings?” he wondered. “They didn’t look like that before.”
Marinette blinked. “They didn’t?”
He shook his head. “They were black before, not red with black spots.”
“Maybe the lighting just made them look weird?” 
He looked more critically at Marinette’s ears. “Wait. Something’s weird here, too.”
“With your ears.”
“What’s wrong with my ears?!” she said, sounding on the edge of panic.
“Feel where the earrings were, where you took them out of.”
She shot him a puzzled look, but complied, feeling her lobe, then her entire ear. “Where were they?” she wondered. “I can’t find the holes.”
“Exactly. I can’t see them either.”
“Hold on, let me try something,” she said.
Picking up the earrings, she put them back. “Oh that is WEIRD.”
“How’d you do that?” Adrien asked. He still hadn’t seen the holes she was using, not until the earrings were in again.
“I just let my muscle memory do the talking. I wasn’t threading them through a hole or anything, I just stuck them where I felt like they should go and then— then they were there.”
“They’re back to looking black, too,” Adrien said, squinting.
“Wonder whether your earrings are the same?” Marinette said, looking at him - or rather, at his ears.
Adrien felt his ears, his fingers hitting metal. “Huh. Didn’t know I was wearing them, too. Let’s give it a try.”
He wasn’t quite as fast at removing them as she was, needing a moment to unhook and align them so they’d slide out smoothly. He held them out to her. “Did their look change?”
She shook her head. “No, they still look the same.” Looking closer at his ears, she noted, “I can see the holes left behind, too. I don’t think your earrings have the same weird properties as mine.”
“A purse that can hold more than it should, earrings that change color and leave no mark— maybe it’s magic?” Adrien wondered.
Marinette opened her mouth, looking somewhat indignant - then closed it. “I… can’t come up with a better explanation. Don’t know why I’d have some magical objects, though.”
“Maybe you’re a witch?”
“Do those even exist?”
“No idea.”
“It doesn’t feel like the right term. These are just magical objects, right?” she said. “I might not have any magical powers myself.”
“You think anything else has magical properties?” he asked.
“Let’s see…”
After messing about with the duct tape, wallet, and umbrella for awhile, they concluded that, if they had magic, they were keeping it well-concealed. Unless “closing unexpectedly” was the umbrella’s magical power. 
“Any of your things secretly magic?” she asked him. “We checked your earrings, but what about everything else?”
He tried stuffing things into his coat pockets, but they only held as much as one would expect them to. The wallets didn’t have anything special, and the only thing ‘magical’ about the cheese was how much it stank outside of its plastic baggie.
As he was putting it back in the bag (trying not to gag), he glanced at his hand, noticing a silver ring.
Figuring he might as well, he slid it off. 
Light ran over it, turning it from silver to black, with a green pawprint on its face.
“You have one, too!” Marinette cried happily.
He nodded, feeling a warmth in his core. Whatever was going on, he was the same as her. “Guess I’ve got magic, too.”
“Think they do anything except change color?” Marinette asked. 
Adrien shook the ring for a minute. “If it does, I have no idea how to activate it,” he concluded. 
“Let’s move onto our phones, then,” Marinette said, turning hers on. A lockscreen popped up.
She hesitated for a moment as Adrien winced. “That suc-”
Marinette smiled deviously. “Not so fast.” She breathed on it, showing the most common pathways her finger traveled. Swiftly she followed the path, unlocking her phone.
Adrien’s heart went pitter-patter. “Brilliant!” he told her, copying her idea and unlocking his own phone.
“I don’t have a lot of contacts,” he told her, turning it to face her. “Only four people.”
G, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabine Cheng, and Tom Dupain. That was it. “You’re not even in here,” he told Marinette. “Though I’m guessing Sabine and Tom are your parents, at least?”
She scrolled through her own contact list. It was far more extensive than his, easily over a hundred contacts. “Yeah, they are,” she said, comparing the picture for ‘Maman’ with the one Adrien used for Sabine, and the one she used for ‘Papa’ to the one he used for Tom.
“Maybe we should call them?” he suggested. “Especially since they know both of us. Maybe they can help!”
She nodded, clicking on the Call button for Maman. 
“Hello?” she asked, sounding nervous.
“Marinette? Are you okay? Is Adrien with you? I hadn’t checked my phone until just now, I had it on silent. You’ve evacuated from the bakery, right? Without Ladybug around to fix everything, who knows when everyone hit by Past Pirate will recover their memories!”
“I’m— well I’m mostly fine, Maman, I got away from the purple blasts. I’m guessing those were from Past Pirate? Adrien and I lost our memories, though. What should we do?”
“Oh. Oh NO.” Sabine sounded horrified. “That’s very, very dangerous, especially for Adrien.”
“Why is it dangerous for me?” he asked. 
“Oh, Adrien! Glad to hear from you,” Sabine said, relieved. She hesitated, appearing to choose her words carefully. “Your father—he did some very bad things. Things that people blame you for, despite having no part in them. You’re very recognizable, too. If people see you, they could react badly.”
“People blame Adrien for what his father did? That’s terrible! Why would they do that?” Marinette said, flabbergasted.
Sabine suddenly sounded very awkward. “Well, dear, sometimes people have trauma and it just latches onto innocent people, even when it’s undeserved. They’re wrong, but I wouldn’t judge them too harshly.”
Marinette still looked indignant. “That doesn’t excuse treating him badly!”
Sabine coughed. “Yes. Well. Just be careful. Maybe try to find a disguise for Adrien if you can, before wandering into public areas? Until you’re back home and this crisis is abated.”
Marinette muttered quietly, “He shouldn’t HAVE to.” More loudly, she told Sabine. “Yes, Maman. I have everything I need for that.”
Adrien could practically feel Sabine beaming through the phone. “You’re always prepared, aren’t you?”
Marinette smiled. “Hopefully I’ll see you soon, with my memory intact.”
Stowing her phone, she reached for her sewing kit. “One disguise, coming right up!”
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tinylittlestella · 3 years
Okay so I’m just gonna post this now I guess. I was waiting until it was more “done” but???
Edit: omg I forgot to credit @yeenybeanies for inspiring me to just throw this idea out to the public instead of hoarding it and waiting for it to be perfect
I’ve been kicking around the idea of a Cinderella story where the prince doesn’t let her leave at midnight. They’ve hung out at a few balls because magic or whatever. Ella is her name, society is a mix of humans and elves. Elves are like maximum 20 inches tall, half elves take after their elf parents like 25% of the time. Bases covered? Cool.
Ella’s heart seized in her chest when she realized that the doors back into the ballroom were locked. She ran quickly for another pair, but they were locked, too. They were all locked. She was trapped out here on the balcony.
“No...” she murmured to herself, glancing back up at the clock tower in the courtyard. She only had a few minutes left until the spell broke; if she couldn’t get away she would be stranded at the palace. Her family would find out that she’d been sneaking away, and if she wasn’t killed for treason for using magic inside the palace surely her stepmother would do it herself, like she’d been threatening to do all Ella’s life. After all, it would be too easy...
“Something wrong, my lady?” came a voice across the cool garden air, and Ella spun around to see that the prince had joined her. How did he get out on the balcony? Had he come out before her?
“Y-yes,” she said, finally letting go of the door handle to turn towards him. “I’ve been out much later than I intended, and I need to go home. Can you open the door?”
For just a moment hope bloomed in her chest when he nodded, but the slow smile that stretched across his face made her heart sink. “I can, but I won’t. You’ve proven far too elusive, my lady. I can’t let you go when I’ve finally got you right where I want you.”
Any words she might’ve been able to muster caught in her throat as she realized his meaning—he’d done this deliberately. He’d trapped her out here to prevent her from running away. She had known that he was getting frustrated at her disappearing, but she never imagined he would take this much interest in her, a nobody who hadn’t even given him her name. She didn’t really think she deserved this much attention.
“I c-can’t stay, your highness, please,” she said, horrified when her voice started to break. But she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t hold in her fear. “There w-will be—t-terrible consequences if I don’t go—“
For a moment the prince seemed equipped to give her a snappy response, but then he looked down at her and he could see the genuine terror in her eyes and it seemed to strike something in him—the teasing disappeared from his face, replaced by concern. He reached out for her and steadied her shoulders.
“Easy, it’s alright,” he said, trying to go for a soothing tone, rubbing at her arms over the sleeves of her dress. “Nothing’s as bad as all that. I can protect you from anything that happens.”
“I d-don’t think you’ll w-want to for long...” she murmured, and he frowned. Her lip trembled and she let out a soft, pained little wail as the clock began to chime, lifting her hands to her mouth. It was over. It was all over.
The prince was still touching her shoulders when it started to happen, when her dress started to glow and magic started to swirl up in the air around her. He had to let her go as it whipped around her body and dissolved all the careful work that had been put into her appearance, taking away her fine hairstyle and makeup, taking away the fine fabric that made up her dress, taking away the human stature she had gained through her fairy godmother’s magic. When the magic was gone and the light had faded, all that was left was Ella, in her true form.
She wrapped her arms around herself, as though that would cover the ragged scrap of a dress her family had given her for daily wear, or the stained apron tied around her waist, or the fact that she wasn’t wearing any shoes. Her ears were just slightly pointed, the freckles on her cheeks caught the light like glitter, and if she stood up straight she would be no more than sixteen inches tall. She was part elf, like her mother had been.
She could only dare to glance up at his face once and immediately regretted it. Those eyes which had once been able to light her on fire from the inside out were now horrified as he looked down at her and she clenched her eyes shut, holding her hand over her mouth as she tried to restrain a sob.
“I’m s-so sorry, your h-highness,” she managed to choke out on a ragged breath. Her chest hitched and she had to pause to catch her breath again. “I n-never wanted you to s-see me l-like this—“
She was covered in a thin layer of soot and grime from the backbreaking work she did to keep her stepmother’s household running and her hair was a mess gathered at the back of her head. She knew how absolutely wretched she looked—a creature like her would never be allowed in the palace like this. Shame burned deep in her gut and she finally just collapsed on herself, falling into a crouch as she tried to make herself as small as possible—as if she weren’t small enough already.
For a long moment there was silence, and then she couldn’t help flinching as she heard him getting closer. He paused when she did, but when she didn’t actually try to run, he started again. He put a hand on her back and it covered her from her shoulders almost down to her hips. His fingers were so warm and she was so damn touch starved that she let out an entirely involuntary noise at the contact—a soft, aching sound from the back of her throat that apparently stirred him into action once more and he moved so quickly she didn’t have any chance to stop him. He scooped her up in his arms, tucking her securely against his chest, and started walking.
Ella didn’t have the courage to ask him where he was taking her, and even if she did she was so stunned by how quickly and securely he had picked her up and held her that she might not have been able to form questions anyways. Mostly her mind was whirring and trying to think of any way she could get out of this situation with her life. She wasn’t coming up with much.
It didn’t help that she was pressed right up against his chest and could hear his heartbeat thrumming through his body, which could have soothed her off to sleep if she weren’t so goddamn frightened. Instead it just clouded her head, made her lose her train of thought, and made her feel like she was about to doze off.
Finally he came to a stop and she realized that he had taken her some hidden way back into the castle. She had never been in this room before, but a quick glance around said that it was...it was most likely his bedroom. Oh, god, what had she gotten herself into?
He walked over to his giant four poster bed and, much more gently than she expected, set her down in the middle. He gave her a look as he took his hands away, trying to communicate without words to ask her not to run when he let her go. She nodded, and he gave her a brief smile that looked exactly like they used to before he walked off to a closet and started pulling out clothing. She watched him warily as she wrapped her arms around her knees where she was sat in the middle of the bed. He still hadn’t said a word about her true form since the spell had broken.
He came back without his jacket or his waistcoat, bootless, and holding a tiny bundle of fabric in his hands. He offered it to her with an unreadable look in his eyes. “Do you want to change into this?” He kept his voice soft and low for her and her breath caught when she realized what he was offering her.
A traditional elvish robe. She hadn’t seen one since she’d had to sell all of her mother’s to help with costs at the manor. It was simple, but clean, and she reached out a trembling hand for it. He allowed her to take it from his fingers and turned around.
“Tell me when you’re done,” he said, and Ella’s eyes widened. Change here? In front of him?
But she didn’t have much choice, did she? She took a deep breath and quickly whipped off the ragged dress and apron to put the robe on over her undergarments. Despite remembering how to tie the waist tape behind her back, it was made difficult by her trembling hands. She finally dared to look him in the face again when she was finished. Only—he was still turned around. She struggled for a moment for what to say before she finally settled on, “I’m done.”
For a moment she thought she said it too quietly for him to hear her, but then he turned around and tossed her old clothes aside and her breath caught once again. It hadn’t truly, fully struck her how much bigger he was than her now, but with him further away so that she could see more of him, the difference was stark. And it wasn’t the prince who had changed. It was just her. She found herself again struggling against tears and ducked her head, unable to meet his eyes. She didn’t know how he could stand to look at her after she lied to him. She didn’t know how he didn’t hate her. Maybe he did. Maybe he was just that kind that even though he couldn’t stand the sight of her he still wanted to make sure she survived the night.
One long, massive digit hooked under her chin and tilted her face back up to meet the princes gaze. His skin was warm and she could feel the strength in his hand just from this one small touch, something that he could barely feel. He leaned down to see her better, making himself look even bigger, and she trembled as his eyes bored into hers, questioning and curious.
“What’s your name?” he asked softly, and she knew that she could no longer evade him.
She took a deep breath and swallowed. “Ella. M-my name is Ella.”
“Ella...” He repeated it softly and she closed her eyes for a moment, pulling back from his hand. The way he said it sounded far too intimate, far too much like something she had desperately been wanting to hear, and it hurt her heart like a stab to the chest. A lump had formed in her throat and it was getting more and more difficult to swallow down. “Where are you from, Ella?”
She flinched as he sat in the bed beside her, but he took extra care not to jostle her, holding a hand out by her side in case she fell from his movements. The level of care was startling and Ella didn’t know how to take it.
“I’m f-from the T-Tremaine estate, y-your highness...” she said, though her voice was strained. She watched warily as he lifted his hand, but he just brushed his fingertip against her cheek. It was so gentle and tender and for a moment—for a moment she thought—maybe, maybe she had been granted the greatest gift she could ever ask for. Perhaps, there was a chance, if he could spare any affection, she would take even the barest scraps he could offer, she didn’t care as long as she could stay by his side and get out of that horrible house—
But then that moment shattered. She realized when his finger came away that he had been brushing away a smudge of soot on her cheek, and that was when she finally broke. Her face crumpled and the sob that had been building in her chest finally released. She lifted her hands to her face with her last shred of dignity, to at least try to muffle herself, but it turned out to not be necessary. Her body was just too small for her humiliation—she couldn’t physically sob as hard as she needed to, so she couldn’t even make a sound. She staggered as she gasped for air and that was when the prince finally decided to intervene.
Enormous hands seemed to appear out of nowhere and curl around Ella’s form. She let out a startled little yelp at the suddenness of it, and the sensation of being lifted off her feet, but it was short lived as in the next moment her head was nestled in the crook of the prince’s neck and he was stroking her back with his fingers while he held her securely in place with his other hand.
“I’ve got you,” he said, and his voice was deep and bassy and inside and outside, filling her head and the air around her. “You’re okay, it’s going to be okay. I’ve got you.”
She was too overwrought to question it anymore, so she just let herself be swept away, burying her face against his neck and crying every tear she had never let herself shed. She clung to his neck with one hand and reached under his collar with the other, almost as though she was trying to work her way under his shirt. He didn’t seem to care, as he hadn’t stopped trying to soothe her.
“Please don’t be frightened of me, darling. I would never hurt you,” he murmured down to her, as he stroked the shape of one of her legs through her robe with his thumb. “You’re okay. I’ll protect you from anyone who tries to harm you. You’re safe with me.”
And she felt like it. Pressed against his neck and chest, with his hands on her back and her legs, she felt so safe. He was so gentle with her that she couldn’t help trusting him, and she was warm and surrounded by his skin and the beat of his heart and his breathing and his scent. He was heady and spicy, with a sweet undercurrent of vanilla. She closed her eyes and turned to nose at his neck, looking for more of that scent. She thought the gesture small enough that he wouldn’t notice but he did stiffen just slightly, and she drew back immediately with a murmured apology.
“No, darling, stop,” he said, and he stroked her hair with one finger to encourage her to lay her head back down. “It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting you to...trust so quickly. But I’m glad.” He stroked her hair again and she couldn’t help melting under the soft touch. “Ella, what...what happened out on the balcony? You changed.”
Immediately any relaxed feelings disappeared and she stiffened in his hold. She looked up at him, leaning back to see his face, and she could see the curiosity burning in his eyes. After a long moment she quietly began to tell her story.
“It‘s... a long story. It started when I was younger...” She hated how small her voice sounded, but she carried on and told the whole thing. Her mother’s death as a child, the arrival of her stepfamily, her father’s death and her subsequent misery. How the balls and meeting him had been a lovely escape, and she’d never intended to lead him on. She had grown to know and love him, but knew he could never be with someone like her.
The entire time she spoke he kept a hand at her back, supporting her silently through it all, and every now and then he reached up with a finger to brush away a tear or two or to find her tiny little hand. When she got to the end of the story he brushed hair behind her ear with one finger and gave her the softest look.
“I never could have imagined you were going through so much,” he said quietly, and she blinked. That was far from what she’d expected him to say. “You always seemed so—happy. I thought there might be something more, something underneath you didn’t want me to see, but I never...I never thought it was this.”
“I didn’t want to—to hide, or to lie, but I never would have been allowed into the palace otherwise,” she said. “My stepmother would have recognized me instantly, and then I never...” She paused, and her cheeks heated until she was sure he could feel it under his finger. “I never would’ve gotten to meet you.”
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camthesolemnone · 3 years
Hi, I have like, 4 more ideas that came to me while I was at work, so #1: horror movie. Medic and Heacy are in their cottage, and have just watched a horror movie of some kind before they go to bed, right? Yeah. BUT! As they get ready, something odd happens that sets them both on edge (turns out it's just one of the birds or something) but they end up scarred and not wanting to go to sleep
I changed this one a bit but the main idea remains in-tact. I’m sorry that this took so long to get out and that the ending is kinda shitty. I’m working on the other prompts you sent me alongside this one! Also, I don’t know if you saw the pinned message or not but requests are now closed, so please hold off on sending any more.
"Is leetle Scout asleep as well?" Heavy asked, sitting comfortably on the rec room couch.
Medic nodded and reached for the VHS tape sitting on the glass table in the middle of the room. A tiny smile graced the Russian's features.
"Is good, we have television all to our selves!"
"Ja, and don't expect to sleep tonight, Mikhail! Herr Engineer told me that this is one of the scariest movies he’s ever seen," Ludwig replied, holding up the tape for his partner to see.
Written across the label in black sharpie was the simple word, 'Halloween.' The label should have been difficult to read in the dark, but the Russian noticed how it almost seemed to radiate a burgundy light...must have been some crazy glow-in-the-dark marker Engineer had invented, he concluded. Heavy crossed his arms triumphantly and laughed.
"Do not count on it, Doktor! Heavy is not phased by baby horror films!”
“Oh, we’ll see about that!”
A moment of time was spent struggling to find out which remote went to which device, but eventually, the pair got the movie inside the VHS player and smiled excitedly as color flooded the screen. Ludwig left the room briefly to make popcorn and plopped down on the couch next to his lover to click “Play” on the title screen upon his return.
“If Doktor gets scared, you can hold onto me~” Mikhail teased, and Ludwig shoved his shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re 45 years old, liebe? Because right now, you sound like a lovestruck teenager!” The doctor shot, handing him the popcorn bowl.
“Well...” Heavy began, settling a massive arm around Medic’s shoulders, “One part of that statement is correct.”
Unsurprisingly, Heavy was correct about being immune to the movie’s horrors. Then again, Medic was also not affected by the film, so they took more pleasure in the plot and the acting then the actual scary moments. 
Of course, Ludwig grew giddy when gore was involved.
“Hohoho! Look at all of that blood! If I was the killer in this scenario, I would collect it for future use,” he commented.
Heavy raised a questioning eyebrow and attempted to distract himself with the popcorn, but he soon came to the realization that there was nothing left but kernels. His German companion took to removing the bucket from his grasp and standing up.
“I need to use the bathroom, so I’ll take this back on the way,” the doctor stated, and the heavy weapons specialist nodded in response.
Mikhail was left all alone with the intensifying film in the dimly lit room. He would never admit it, but now that Ludwig was gone, he felt smaller. It wasn’t a feeling of fear but of slight unease; things would likely be alright for Heavy, but there was always a shred of uncertainty.
As time passed and the movie reached its climax, Heavy became more and more enthralled with the action, to the point where he forgot about Medic’s absence. His eyes were fixated on the glowing screen, his hands gripped tightly at the wool blanket surrounding him. Mikhail fell deep into the world of gruesome fantasy, and as a consequence, he nearly shot out of his seat at the sound of rapid footsteps and whisper-shouting coming from down the hall.
“Heavy! Oi, big guy!” Demoman said, urgency in his tone.
The Russian let his blanket drop to the floor and stared at the demolitions expert with confusion and anxiousness. The Scot all but captured his arm with both of his own and began dragging him down the hall as best as he could.
“Slow down, Tavish. What is this about?” Mikhail asked.
Demo turned his gaze back to his teammate.
“The Doc ‘s dead in the cludgie!”
Heavy’s eyes widened with shock, emotional pain, and fury towards whoever had committed such an act. Sure, Medic would respawn, but whoever had laid a finger on his beloved doctor was in for a beatdown. Unless it was an accident, in which case Mikhail would scold the German about being reckless.
The pair burst through the door to the community showers and the Russian nearly gasped at the sight. Ludwig laid unmoving in the center of the room with blood staining the front of his lab coat and the ground surrounding him. There was no weapon to be found, but in the corner of the room, with his back towards the door, sat a curled up, trembling, mumbling Scout.
Mikhail’s first thought was that Jeremy had committed this grisly murder, but Tavish put a hand out in front of his chest before he could progress. The Russian opted for whispering Medic’s name as a substitute.
“Scout! What the hell happened here!” Demo cried.
The young runner didn’t reply. He continued to rock back and forth, murmuring and wrapping his arms around himself. The Scot approached him cautiously, taking a calm, more concerned approach. Heavy followed.
“Aye, are you alright, mate?”
Demo reached out to put a hand on Scout’s shoulder, and a series of rapid events unfolded.
Scout’s entire body whipped around and stood up, and the Bostonian let out a high pitched, almost demonic screech. In his left hand was a knife stained in blood, Medic’s blood, and Heavy and Demo exhibited two very different reactions.
Demoman yelped and jumped back, going into flight mode. The massive Russian on the other hand, fearful for the lives of himself and his friend, took a strong step forward and lashed out at Jeremy’s face. One square punch to the jaw was enough to send the man flying across the communal bathroom and into the wall. He slumped over after the hit, out cold.
“What in the-! It was almost like that boy was possessed!” Demo shouted.
When Mikhail and Tavish’s hurried breathing finally began to slow, a new sound rang throughout the room: laughter.
Medic was rolling on the floor alive and well, laughing his ass off and further soiling his labcoat. Heavy gasped out a “Doktor!” at the man’s sudden revival while Demoman stood frozen.
“Hahaha! I can’t believe it! I just thought I’d have a bit of fun scaring you, liebe, but watching you knock out Scout was far more amusing!” The doctor exclaimed, rolling on his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows like a teenage girl lying on her bed while talking to a friend over the phone.
Demoman was the first to flare up.
“What?! So you’re saying this was all a prank?! You’re sick in the head, Medic!”
The Scot was tempted to slap him silly, but with Heavy in the room, that clearly wasn’t an option. With another frustrated grunt, he stomped off and back to bed.
Now it was Heavy’s turn.
“That was not funny, Ludwig! Heavy thought you were dead!” He scowled.
The doctor hauled himself off the ground and stood up straight, wiping some of the fake(?) blood on his hands off onto his lab coat.
“What’s there to worry about? Even if I had been stabbed, I would have just respawned, Mikhail.”
“I know, but...”
Medic’s expression dropped. His love had one massive paw gripping his opposite forearm and his face was distraught. He looked smaller, scared almost, and a tiny crack situated itself in the German’s heart. If he had known such an act would hurt Heavy so deeply, he wouldn’t have even thought about going through with it. There was also the issue of Scout. Ludwig relished the sight of the cocky, annoying Boston boy being beat up, but for once, he regretted roping him into his plans. The runner had been all too willing to help him with the scare, and Medic repaid him with his bear’s violence.
He sighed and shook his head at himself internally. Yes, his prank hadn’t been very rational, he concluded.
With slow, apologetic steps, Medic approached his partner and wrapped his arms around him gently, rubbing his broad back with one hand.
“Es tut mir leid, Heavy. This was all very foolish of me,” he admitted.
Heavy returned the embrace and buried his nose into his doctor’s hair, which smelled of blood and autumn leaves.
“You know it is because I do not like seeing you hurt, moya lyubov. Every time evil Spy kills you on battlefield, my blood boils. Would sacrifice myself a million times to keep you safe,” he murmured, and Ludwig’s heart cracked a little more.
His arms tightened around the giant with increased guilt. It pained him profoundly to see Mikhail die too.
 “I love you, Heavy. From the bottom of my soul, I am truly sorry.”
The Russian moved one hand from the smaller man’s waist to cup his cheek protectively.
“I love you too, Doktor, but please, do not play with death. Someday, we will not get another life.”
The credits of the movie had long concluded by the time the two of them returned to the rec room. Medic was rather disappointed that he had missed the latter half of the film, but what made up for it was a soft kiss to his forehead and a set of teasing words given to him by his lover before being sent off to sleep.
“Next time, we watch psychological thriller, da? Less gore will give you less dangerous ideas,” Mikhail suggested, patting a hand on Ludwig’s shoulder.
The doctor laughed and gave him a sly smile that warded off his fears, allowed him to breathe normally again. He was still alive.
“I like the sound of that, but you’re making the popcorn!”
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peachbear88 · 3 years
A Whole New World (Pt 4)
A/N: Part 4! Hopefully I can cram the rest of the series into 5 parts. So hopefully, the next one will be the last one. Hopefully.
Spoiler alert: Pietro is gay here. :) IT'S AN AU PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!
Genie encircles you, examining you with almost judging eyes.
"Skinny figure, barely any muscle." He prods you and you recoil.
"We can make it work." He shrugs, pulling up what looks to be a flimsy notebook of materials. "I'm feeling a... Periwinkle!" You attempt to peer over his shoulder.
"What's periwinkle?" You ask, concerned as a pair of glasses and measuring tape appear.
"No! Chautrese!" He exclaims, swirling around you fast, whipping up a small cloud of dust. You cough as the dust dissipates noticing the immediate change of clothes. "No Genie! You're slipping!" He says, slapping his forehead. You do a little twirl in the sparkling blue puffy dress, gesturing to the massive black hat on your head.
"This is a big hat."
"No it's not a big hat." He snaps. "We gotta go bold n' gold!" A massive roll of golden fabric appears as he tears massive pieces of it off of the roll before wrapping you up in it. When you emerge, you find yourself wearing a thick golden suit, a cape draping off your shoulders. "Ah man! No! It clashes with your eyes! No!" He flips through his notebook again.
"This is kinda heavy..." You mutter and the genie's eyes light up.
"Yes! I've got it!" He takes a massive breath, fussing over you once again until you emerge. This time you come out wearing a sleek black suit, white dress shirt and a small golden watch. The carpet claps enthusiastically while the monkey wanders off. "And the crowd goes wild! The genie's on fire! The genie's on fire!" He exclaims into a megaphone before dropping it and zipping around the area, bright fire trailing after him everywhere he goes. "Somebody put me out! I'm too much!" He screams and a giant rain cloud appears above him, drenching him and effectively putting out the massive fire. He snaps his fingers and a tall mirror appears in front of you. "What'd you think kid?" You pose, smiling confidently.
"I like it. I think it's really me." The genie tuts as you continue staring at your reflection in the mirror.
"Well technically it's me but yeah, I get you." He scratches his neck as you tear your gaze from the mirror.
"Who am I again?" The genie avoids your gaze, still scratching the back of his neck.
"Uh Y/N Stark? Duh. The youngest of Stark Enterprises." You turn to face him, skepticism clear on your face.
"Is that a real company?" He nods vigorously.
"Oh yeah. A New York company. They've got a website and everything." You arch an eyebrow but he doesn't expand. "All right let's get you to your girl!" He exclaims, clapping his hands.
You fidget nervously at the entrance hall of the Maximoff's living quarters.
"What's taking them so long?" You mutter. Genie elbows you, making you wince.
"Relax kid, you'll do fine." The giant door swings open and your head snaps up to see Oleg, the CEO of M Towers, Loki, the COO, Pietro, the apparent heir of the business and of course, Wanda. Your jaw drops a little at the sight of her, looking flawless as ever. Genie leans over and nudges you. "Might wanna close your mouth kid." Your jaw immediately flies up so hard that you bite your upper lip. You inhale sharply as a little blood trickles down into your mouth. Ignoring the strange look from Wanda, you greet Oleg with a nervous smile.
"Welcome Ms. Stark! It is our honor to welcome you our humble abode." Oleg greets you and you do a little bow only to hear the genie snicker beside you.
"Why are you bowing?"
"I dunno, it just felt right!" You exclaim quietly, standing back up awkwardly. "Yes, it is just as great an honor to uh- Meet you eh- brilliant sir." You choke out and your face heats up at the strange glances you recieve.
"So, it is apparent you are here for one of my children's hand in marriage? Pietro perhaps?" Oleg offers and you politely decline.
"No, thank you sir. I'm actually uh- I'm actually requesting for Wanda's hand in marriage." Loki stares at you while Oleg arches an eyebrow at you. You tug nervously at your shirt collar, positively bursting from embarrassment.
"Mention the gifts." Genie whispers and you sigh in relief.
"Right! We have gifts!" After a moment of silence, you lean over to genie. "We do have gifts right?" The genie sighs before clapping loudly, startling both you and the Maximoff twins.
The glass door behind you swings open as servants march through the doorway, large platters of artifacts and more balanced on their shoulders.
"We have artifacts, money, spoons, tiny spoons! How do they make them that tiny?" You exclaim.
"Tiny spoons!" Pietro repeats, flashing you a reassuring smile which you gratefully reciprocate.
"We have jams." You point at a crate of jams in the corner.
"Jams?" Loki asks disbelievingly.
"Yes jams." You bite back snarkily. The man did push you off a cliff, it's normal to hold grudges. "Yam jams, fig jams, date jams. Seedless, exotic jams." Genie sighs.
"Step. Away. From. The. Jams." He gets out through gritted teeth.
"Jewels! We have them!" You say nervously, your hands shaking so badly you decide to hide them behind your back. "And that! Hidden for suspense!" You point at an item covered by a golden cloth. Genie lets out a sharp exhale of air. The servants pull the cloth off, revealing a golden spinning wheel.
"Is... Is that a wheel?" You hear Wanda mutter to her brother.
"It's very expensive." You reply, flashing what you hope is a suave smile at her.
"Right. And what do you hope to buy with this... expensive item?" She asks coolly, unfazed.
Pietro's head snaps up to look at you as audible gasps go around. Oleg's eyebrows furrow while Wanda just stares at you.
"Wow." Genie whispers as you slowly comprehend your mistake.
"No! No, no, no, no. A moment with you. A moment. Yeah. No. That's not what I..." You trail off, your ears turning bright red with embarrassment as the genie mimes a little explosion.
"Are you perhaps suggesting I am for sale?" Wanda quips and you melt, her pure green eyes staring right back into your e/c ones.
"Of course..." You reply, entranced by her beauty. Pietro gives you a pointed look while you correct yourself. "Not! No, of course not!" Wanda looks down at her feet while Pietro purses his lips.
"You know, it's cold and it's dark in that lamp. Honestly, I prefer it to this." Genie whispers, patting your shoulder.
"Please excuse me." Wanda says after a bit, gathering her wits. "I need to go and find some bread." Pietro cringes.
"For the jams. You did great." He flashes you a sympathetic smile before following his sister out of the room.
"You will get the chance to speak again. We hope you can join us tonight Ms. Stark, for the New Year's celebration in the gardens." Oleg sighs, exiting the room with Loki right on his tail. The moment they are gone, the genie turns to you.
"In 10,000 years, never have I ever, been this embarrassed."
The two of you make your way to the Maximoff Gardens, you tugging at the hem of your black suit jacket.
"So what do I do?" You ask as the genie dusts of his top hat and rearranges his tie.
"Just do whatever you normally do at a party." You shuffle your feet around a little.
"I, uh... I've never been to a party." He stops walking to stare at you.
"Oh no. Then you gotta go back to the room 'cause you ain't messin up this night for me." He instructs but is interrupted by a tall figure, stepping out of the shadows.
"Ms. Stark. May I have a word?" Loki asks as he eyes Genie. "Without your servant." You pause for a moment before locking eyes with Genie, who understands.
"Right. I'll just be over there, minding my business." Genie says, awkwardly pointing to a well lit corner, far away from Loki and you. Loki's eyes watch the genie thoughtfully before you clear your throat and he returns his attention to you.
"So... What do you need?" You ask cautiously, testing the waters.
"I know who you are." Loki interrupts, his cold eyes boring right through your facade. You gulp, waiting for him to continue. "You're a person of great ambition like me." He finishes, flashing you a tight-lipped smile. You almost sigh in relief, returning a polite smile.
"I don't believe we've been properly introduced." You stick your hand out and he grabs it with two fingers, a look of disgust apparent on his face. "Y/N Stark of Stark Industries." His forced smile grows wider.
"Loki, COO of M Towers." He leans uncomfortably close and you take a step back. "I could be a valuable ally to get you what you want." He drawls and you gulp, remembering how the last deal you had with him went.
"That is a very generous offer but uh-" You scan the crowd. "Oh is that Ms Maximoff over there? I better not keep her waitin-" You scramble for an excuse by he grabs your arm, whirling you around, his golden scepter dangerously close to your face.
"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear." The scepter gets closer and closer to your face before another pair of arms wrap around you and pulls you away. You turn to see the smiling face of the genie.
"Ms Stark? Your presence is requested." He gestures vaguely to the crowds of people, dragging you away from Loki. "So I'm guessing that's the guy?"
You nod.
"That's the guy."
"Alright, there's your girl. You just have to walk over there and ask to dance. Oh and it looks like her insanely attractive brother is going to get some punch! Feelin' a lil' thirsty myself." Genie whispered in your ear, readjusting his hat as you approached the center of the garden. Fear wrapped its icy hands around your heart and you froze.
"I can't do this." Genie groans and pulls your hands away from your face.
"Hey, no. Kid, this is a party." He emphasizes, gesturing to the masses of people and buffet tables. "I live in a lamp. Do not mess this up for me." He makes a threatening chopping gesture with his hands. You raise your own appendages in mock surrender.
"Alright!" Genie claps as you roll your eyes and make your way over to Wanda. You gain confidence with every step and you open your mouth to greet her but another man rushes forward, a blond one with an obnoxious smile.
"Ms Maximoff!" He says, raising his hands as if he were about to get on his knees and bow down to her. She arches an eyebrow as Pietro sighs.
"You! You're... still here." She gets out through a tight lipped smile. The blond man stands regally in a black suit with golden linings, his laugh joyful and careless. You instantly turn around, opting to sit on the side of the fountain instead of asking Wanda to dance.
"What are you doing?" Genie whispers harshly and you jump, turning around.
"I'm uh... making sure the water is a good temperature... Yeah, that's what I'm doing." You reply and he sighs, sitting down beside you. One glare is all that it takes to melt your lie. "I just... How can I compare with him?" You gesture to the blond man who's still completely oblivious to the eye-daggers he's receiving from Pietro. "He's so confident and rich and powerful an-" Genie cuts you off.
"Listen kid. You have to be more confident about what you have to offer." You scoff, watching as the blond man reluctantly leaves Wanda.
"What do I have to offer? I'm nothing but a poor kid from the streets. Now Y/N Stark, Stark has money, jewels, jams..." You trail off, looking at your hands.
"It's not about the money. You have to be yourself. That's the only way it'll work. You said you already had a connection right? So use it. Y/N Stark might've gotten you to the door but Y/N Y/L/N has to open it." He finishes, looking at you expectantly. You open your mouth to respond but your attention is caught by Oleg, who raises a toast glass your way. Smiling, you stand up, raising your own glass.
"Ah, see, Oleg does like me!" You murmur and Genie raises his glass next to you.
"Great, well maybe he'll let you be his wife."
Wanda scoffs watching you and Genie toast to her father.
"Another person more interested in Papa." Pietro leans towards her.
"Someone jealous?" He smirks as she flushes, pushing him playfully. "Ooh and she comes with an incredibly attractive friend. Please make it work." Pietro begs, his eyes trailing after Genie. Wanda stifles a laugh, watching her brother's beady eyes.
"And what about Y/N?" He sighs, placing his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently.
"Oh look at her. She's trying so hard."
"That's the problem."
You pace around the garden, avoiding Wanda at all costs with Genie trailing right behind you.
"Ooo! Show time!" Genie whispers and you shake your head, smiling.
"No, I'm waiting for the right moment." Genie smiles right back at you, wiggling his fingers.
"No, we're done waiting." You feel an invisible force tug at you and you look down to see your feet being forcibly dragged towards Wanda.
"Genie. Genie!" You whisper forcefully but he just keeps smiling until you reach Wanda. Pietro immediately notices your presence and whispers to Wanda.
"He's here! Act natural- Hahahahaha, hi!" His sentence fades off into forced laughter and an even odder greeting. You give him an odd look before clearing your throat to gain Wanda's attention.
"I'm sorry. Uh- about the jams and uh- the jewels and the uhm. The buying you." You stutter, feeling the tips of your ears heat up. A slow tune fills the garden and you tug at your shirt collar. "Would you like to-" Wanda cuts you off.
"Dance? I'd love to." You gulp as she walks off.
"Yes?" You say meekly and Pietro slaps your shoulder.
"Go get her tiger." He mimics a tiger growl and you smile queasily before taking your spot next to Wanda.
"Dance?" You mouth to Genie and he smiles reassuringly, miming a little dance with his fingers.
"Just dance." He mouths back and you give him an exasperated look. The band strikes up the music, raising it even louder and Wanda wraps her arms around your neck making you flush bright red. As if possessed, your arms fling themselves around Wanda's waist, a little forcefully. Wanda flinches and you apologize. Genie cringes, making his little finger movements a little more subtle. The two of you glide gracefully across the room with the other couples and you smile to yourself. But then the beat speeds up and you find yourself tripping over Wanda's feet a few times, muttering rushed apologies every time she winces. You find yourself gliding away from Wanda, your movements becoming more erratic as your dance moves take a more eccentric, more hip hop style. People watch you in awe, giving you wide berth as you start break dancing. Pulling yourself up, you jump onto the stone fountain, eliciting sounds of surprise from your audience. You twist around, winking at Wanda who scrunches her nose up. Twisting back around, you take a deep breath before pushing backwards into an elegant backflip. The crowd you've amassed cheers and you turn around just in time to see Wanda slipping away through the crowds of people. The smile slips off your face and you gesture exasperatedly at Genie who doesn't seem to get the message.
"Strange. Very strange." Loki mutter before turning to his loyal guard. "Keep an eye on Y/N Stark..."
You flop down on the soft guest bed provided to you and Genie.
"I don't get it. What did I do wrong?" You mutter as Genie lifts a massive dumbbell, his blue muscles straining.
"I mean, if I can't impress her, I wonder who can." Genie responds and you give him an annoyed look.
"Really? You know what, you actually kind of have a point." You make your way to the balcony where you can see Wanda's room lit up. "If I only I just had a few more minutes with her..." You trail off, an idea popping into your head. "You need to get me over there." The dumbbell disappears with a poof.
"Is that an official wish?" You scratch your head sheepishly.
"No. More like... a favor. For a friend." Genie tuts, turning to face the massive mirror in the room.
"Genies don't have friends." You sputter in protest.
"B-but I thought you said you never had a friend like me." He whirls around, his face becoming comically large.
"No. I said you, never had a friend like me." He returns his attention to the mirror.
"You're right. You're right. It would've involved distracting a certain charming sibling of Wanda but it's oka-" Genie zips in front of your face, a smile on his face.
"Ah! I see what you did there! You hooked me. See you there!"
A soft knock comes from outside Wanda's massive bedroom. Wanda watches as Pietro opens the door, surprise clear on his face.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" He says, leaning against the doorway in an attempt to look casual. Genie clears his throat awkwardly.
"I uh... was noticing how pleasant the evening was. And I also noticed you, noticing how pleasant I am." He stutters and Pietro arches an eyebrow. Genie mentally slaps himself as he hands a bouquet of flowers to Pietro.
"Awww... They're beautiful!" Genie's face lights up. "Wanda will hate them. Tell Y/N the way to her heart is through her mind." Pietro finishes, handing the flowers back to Genie.
"Uh... These are actually to you. From me." Genie clarifies and Pietro turns bright red, snatching the flowers back.
"Sorry, give me a second." He slams the door shut in Genie's face and Genie recoils, mentally berating himself.
"'How pleasant I am?' God that kid is contagious!" Genie exclaims quietly. Inside the chamber, Pietro tosses the flower bouquet to Wanda, who catches it swiftly and gestures for him to go. He smooths his hair suavely before opening the door again.
"Continue please." Genie's face brightens.
"A stroll. Would you like to take a night stroll?" Pietro's eyes widen and Genie frantically begins to ramble. "I mean, only if you want to of course. You definitely don't have to." Pietro cuts him off by grabbing his hand.
"I'd love to." Wanda does a silent little fist pump inside her room. Pietro pokes his head back in, winking at her before Genie pulls him down the corridor. She smiles to herself before returning to her laptop.
"Wanda." She whirls around at the foreign voice to find you, standing on her balcony. A strange wave of deja vu hits her but she shakes it off, raising a throwing knife. You raise your hands, slowly walking towards her. She throws it at you and you dodge easily.
"Don't make another move. How did you get there?"
"Magic carpet?"
You continue your slow path towards her and when she finally lowers her knives, you let yourself have a small, mental celebration.
"I just came to check on you because you left so early." You mutter. "Did I go too far with the backflip?" She smirks.
"Maybe a little." You smile and she smiles back before turning back to her laptop, her friendly demeanor replaced with a colder one. "Actually, I'm glad you're here." You gulp.
"You are?"
"I can't seem to find Stark Towers. Care to show me?" Your eyes widen.
"Right! Yes." You make your way over to her desk. "Genie I need to find Stark Towers." You mutter under your breath as you pick up her laptop, swiftly turning it away from her. She raises her eyebrows skeptically but makes no move to stop you. You clear your throat. "Stark Towers!" A little genie appears on the Google Maps website, waving at you. You mouth 'Stark Towers', hoping that this little genie clone knows how to read lips. It quickly begins to paint until a small building labelled 'Fantasy Land' appears. You groan, shaking the laptop violently. A small hand places itself on the laptop, gently setting it back down on the desk.
"Have you lost your company?" You sputter under her expectant gaze before jabbing at a random spot on the screen, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepare for the worst.
"There it is." She snorts.
"I don't think that's possible. I've looked everywhere..." She falters as she examines the screen more closely.
"There it is." You repeat more confidently as she squints at the screen.
"How did I miss that..." She mutters as you gently close the laptop.
"Who needs Internet anyways? It's nothing compared to the real world." She stares at you coldly.
"Internet is how I see the world." You gawk at her sudden confession.
"Forgive me but... I thought a rich person like you could go anywhere they wanted." She smiles sadly at your naivitivity.
"Not this rich person." She turns away, staring at the elegant walls of her bedroom. An idea forms into your head and you take her hand gently, so as not to alarm her. She considers pulling away but she decides against it. You pull her towards the balcony.
"Come on, I'll show you what you're missing out on." You clamber over the glass railing and she surges forward.
"What are you doing?" You flash her a genuine smile.
"Sometimes, Wanda. Sometimes you just gotta take a risk." You hop off the balcony and she gasps, clutching her chest.
"What just happened..." She rubs her eyes as you float back up on the magic carpet. "A magic carpet?" You flash her a look that clearly reads I told you so, before offering her your hand.
"Do you trust me?" She stares at you.
"What did you say?"
"Do you trust me?" You repeat and she tentatively takes your hand.
"Yes." The two of you soar off on the carpet, zooming above the dark city Sokovia, her hand still entwined with yours.
"I can show you the world,"
"Shining, shimmering, splendid."
"Tell me, Wanda,"
"Now, when did you last let your heart decide?"
You tug at the carpet's tassels and it ascends up into the clouds.
"I can open your eyes,"
"Take you wonder by wonder,"
"Over, sideways and under,"
"On a magic carpet ride."
You fall back under the clouds and dip down, skimming the sea lightly.
"A whole new world."
"A new fantastic point of view."
"No one to tell us, "No","
"Or where to go,"
"Or say we're only dreaming."
Wanda's voice joins you in harmony. Her singing is the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, breezy and alluring. You clutch onto the carpet in fear of falling off in awe.
"A whole new world!"
"A dazzling place I never knew."
"But when I'm way up here,"
"It's crystal clear,"
"That now I'm in a whole new world with you."
She smiles at you as you squeeze her hand reassuringly.
"Unbelievable sights,"
"Indescribable feeling."
"Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling,"
"Through an endless diamond sky."
"A whole new world."
The two of you hurtle over a waterfall, the water sparkling below you like a million diamonds as she clutches your arm tightly, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Don't you dare close your eyes."
You chide and she smiles at you, her eyes twinkling.
"A hundred thousand things to see."
"I'm like a shooting star,"
"I've come so far,"
"I can't go back to where I used to be."
You soar back up into the clouds, basking in the moonlight.
"A whole new world."
"With new horizons to pursue."
"I'll chase them anywhere,"
"There's time to spare."
"Let me share this whole new world with you."
The carpet slows down, bringing you to a stop at the edge of Sokovia.
"A whole new world."
"A whole new world."
"That's where we'll be."
"That's where we'll be."
"A thrilling chase."
"A wondrous place."
"For you and me."
You stare at her, pure, unfiltered adoration clear in your eyes. In the distance, a small bit of smoke makes it's presence known as carpet glides over to it. You take off your jacket, hanging it on Wanda's shoulders, who smiles gratefully at you, leaning into your shoulder. Below you, a family lies peacefully on the grass, huddled around a modest campfire.
"They're beautiful." Wanda whispers, breaking the comfortable silence. You stare at her before she elaborates. "The people. Don't you think?" You smile, tucking a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear.
"Does it matter what I think?" Her breath hitches as she pulls away slightly. You return your attention to the people below as the gears whirr in her head.
"The view is quite beautiful here but definitely not as beautiful as your humble abode." You chuckle at her observation.
"Good one. You flatter me..." Your eyes widen in horror as you realize what you just disclosed. She turns on her spot to face you.
"So how many names do you have Ms. Y/L/N?" You sputter as she continues her verbal barrage. "Who's Ms. Stark then?"
"I am." You signal for her to calm down but she continues.
"But how would you know the city so well? And have a place in the city too?"
"I came to Sokovia early." You exclaim in the spur of the moment. She stares at you, waiting for you to continue. "Because to know a people you have to see them for yourself. But you already know that. When we first met, you were disguised. In your own city!" She blushes and you gain confidence as your lie grows. "We arrived with jams, jewels and a magic carpet. Do you think a thief would have all that?" She stares at the sky thoughtfully.
"But how could I not recognize you?"
"People don't see the real you when you're royalty." You shrug, lying smoothly.
"I'm sorry. I'm embarrassed. I mean, you've seen more of Sokovia in days then I have in an entire lifetime." She takes your hand gently and you crumple.
"We should..." She looks at you expectantly. "We should probably head back."
"Already?" She regards you with sad eyes.
She shrugs off your jacket, handing it back to you as you help her off the carpet and back onto the balcony.
"Until tomorrow Ms. Maximoff." You whisper as the carpet lowers you to her eye level. With a jolt, the carpet pushes you off and you deftly catch the railing your nose only an inch from hers. She grabs you shirt collar, pulling you into a gentle kiss. You sigh and she smiles, pulling back.
"Good night Y/N." She whispers before gently pushing you off the balcony. You fall, landing on the carpet, who swoops you away back to your room.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain112
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