#so he's got plenty in his head that would kill him very fast
"He thinks that faith might be dead
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Nothing kills a man faster than his own head"
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cultofdixon · 5 months
Double Trouble
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • It was only supposed to be one baby, but life carries plenty of surprises • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Multiples Pregnancy Anxiety / Sleep Deprivation / Nausea & Vomiting / Injuries
Requested by: Anon
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“You sure you don’t wanna come?”
“Yeah, I’ll join you on the next one babe”
Daryl hesitated at the door waiting for any sign from her to have him either stay home with her or for her to change her mind and join him on his run. But the smile Y/N carried reassured him not to worry about leaving.
“Okay…if anythin’ just. Get Rick to radio me, yeah?” He asks as she brought herself over for a hug and to plant a kiss on his lips.
“I will. Be safe okay?” Y/N smiles letting Daryl sneak in another kiss as an ‘I will’ to her words before heading out.
The second the door closed with the archer on the other side of it, Y/N went from standing still to sprinting upstairs. She stumbled a bit and managed to run into the wall from not entering the bathroom door smoothly.
Which resulted in a frozen moment before finally going into the bathroom slowly and shutting the door behind her. Y/N hesitantly approached the counter reaching for the test she had taken prior to him leaving.
“Oh shit…”
As the day went by fast, Daryl couldn’t have been more happy to come home after a boring run. He didn’t get too far into the community for Rick to stop him.
“Hey, how’d the run go?”
“It was boring”
“I would assume so” Rick laughs, resting his hands on his hips. “You were only delivering meds to the Hilltop and then their seedlings to the Kingdom. Which reminds me how’s Hershel Jr? Get to hold him?”
“Rick. You’re askin’ a lot. Are you trying to get me to avoid somethin’ or are you struggling to get what you really wanna ask out of yea?”
“Uh. Y/N has been acting squirrel-y around here since you’ve left in the morning. I wanted to radio you to see if you knew anythin’ but like. She still did help with the projects we’ve got going around the community so I don’t know why she was all over the place”
“Thanks for lettin’ me know…” Daryl started his bike back up and rode the rest of the way to his and Y/N’s.
The sound of the garage door closing alerted Y/N as she quickly pulls herself away from the kitchen fixing her dress. It was new, well new to her but still very new and she didn’t know how to wear it or contain her excitement for something she needs Daryl to come through the door to see.
“Love, are you doing al—-“ Daryl stops in front of her, instantly noticing the beautiful floral dress on her before taking in the smell of dinner that was made. “You’ve been busy…” he brought himself close as his eyes trailed her person while his hands placed themselves firmly on her hips. “Did I miss something?”
“You sure? I don’t deserve all of this” Daryl eventually brought his arms around her waist, instantly bringing her pressed against him. Y/N gave him a bit of an annoyed look given he was dirty from killing a few walkers and the obvious dirt picking up from his bike to land on him. “Sorry sunshine I should’ve cleaned up before I ruined your dress…”
“Well once you have the meal I prepared you…you’re gonna want to have dessert after and this dress isn’t going to matter” Y/N smirks watching his gaze glue to hers as that excited him. “But please. Do enjoy what I cooked for you first before we get to anything”
“I will” Daryl smiles warmly to her, kissing her lovingly before parting to see what was prepared which was venison. But he hesitated from taking a seat to pick up what was set neatly on the corner of the dining table.
The tension filled the room as it only brought Y/N’s anxiety to the surface making her pull at her fingers waiting for any kind of reaction from Daryl.
That’s when she froze to the sound of sniffles making her instinctively go to Daryl resting her hand on his back indicating for him to look at her. He turned toward her with tears in his eyes looking back down at the pregnancy test in his hands before back to her.
Y/N started to nod as the tears formed when his smile did, reassuring her that it was indeed a good thing. Daryl brought his arms around his woman holding her as they sobbed over the good news.
“We’re having a baby” Y/N laughs out a sob feeling Daryl tighten around her gently.
“We’re having a baby…” He whispers continuing to hold her as they remained like that for a long time.
Thanking the universe for opening this door after the Savior’s War…even if they weren’t prepared for the intensity of it all
First Trimester
Daryl sat on the tile floor gently rubbing circles on Y/N’s back as she had her head practically glued into the toilet. He would relax one second and tense up when she would vomit.
Eventually, Y/N stopped for a bit but had no energy to leave the coolness of the tile floor. She told him he doesn’t have to sit with her if she wasn’t expelling her stomach. But Daryl wasn’t going anywhere and told her to lay her head in his lap until she was ready to get up.
“Can we stay here all day?”
“If you’d like” Daryl chuckles, continuing to rub soothing circles on her back. “You ready to tell people?”
“Mhm…You can tell whoever you want”
“Really? You don’t have anybody you don’t want me telling and rather you do it?”
Y/N pondered it for a bit before flinching to the sound of a door shutting and such caused Daryl to flinch. “Did you call somebody?”
“No…No I didn’t” Daryl gently moved her off of his lap as she instantly went to being curled up on the floor while he went to investigate the noise.
But his anxieties instantly washed away when he saw Siddiq hesitantly roaming around his living room.
“You need something?”
“I was gonna knock but Rick said just to come in and I thought that was uh…weird. But anyway, he told me Y/N wasn’t feeling well and we found some nausea medication on the last run” Siddiq cautiously handed Daryl the bottle as he was still getting used to being around a lot of people since Carl brought him in. “Do you…uhm have any questions about it? Before you give them to her?”
Daryl read the label in hopes it would tell him the obvious, but it would also be stupid of him if the doctor in the community doesn’t know.
“Would it affect the baby?”
Siddiq seemed to connect the dots instantly to the she’s been vomiting for a few days description Rick gave him. “Your baby should be fine” he smiles warmly, happy for the good news his new friends have.
“You can’t tell anybody til we do”
“I figured” He laughs. “I will suggest having check ups. Monthly is ideal and we only have a fetal doppler which only detects the heartbeat…I heard that the hilltop has an actual machine if you ever want to schedule to be checked there”
“I appreciate it Siddiq…I’ll let Y/N know” Daryl shot him a smile before heading back upstairs as Siddiq let himself out.
Returning back upstairs to their bedroom, Daryl found Y/N climbing back into bed curling up in the warmth of the blankets now. He set the bottle on the table beside the bed before climbing in behind her and bringing her in his embrace.
“Mmm…who was it?”
“Siddiq. And he knows now…so whenever you’re ready you two can go get checked”
“You’ll come?”
“Ain’t ever leavin’ your side”
It’s been about three weeks before Daryl said anything to anyone because Y/N has been experiencing morning sickness to an extreme which was odd according to the book Siddiq found for them. Including his medical opinion but as long as she can still manage to have something to eat during the day he wasn’t too worried when he’d check on her.
“You sure about this?”
“Yes, I can go to the Hilltop with you. I just can’t ride with you…” Y/N pouts at Daryl through her body mirror watching him approach her wrapping his arms around her. He planted a few kisses to her shoulder then her neck to get a smile out of her. “Are you going to tell Rick when we head out?”
“Yeah. Or might wait til Hilltop. Dunno yet” Daryl says with a confused look on his face as he brought his hands under her shirt feeling exactly what he’s feeling. “You showing already?” He questions for her to pull away and lift her shirt over her belly turning to the side. “Well would you look at that”
“Were you a big baby?”
“I wouldn’t know. Merle just called me a blob when I was a baby…least that’s what I remember our mom sayin’”
“Mmm…I think I was. Maybe that’s why I’m showing already” Y/N continued to look at her belly smiling when Daryl brought his hand to rest on her bump. “Okay you make it look like nothing”
“Shut up” He laughs kissing her temple. “It’s everythin’. I’ll get your pack and meet yea downstairs”
Y/N playfully pouts again when he pulls away but stood in the mirror a bit longer admiring the life she’s creating out of the love of both of them. Her smile remaining.
Once the two grouped up with the others by Alexandria’s gates, Michonne being the observant person she can be noticed Y/N not get on Daryl’s bike and into the car Siddiq was taking. She instantly turned to her partner asking if he might know.
“She probably got tired of the bike”
“Are you serious? Are we talking about the same Y/N that loves the night drives on the bike with Daryl?” Michonne gave him a questioning look as Rick shrugged. “Go ask why she’s not riding with him”
“You can! Why do I—-“
“I will.” Michonne made her way to Daryl and instantly questioned him.
Rick watches as Michonne approaches Daryl to ask him why his partner isn’t riding with him. He instantly shot up when Michonne started to show her worry in her face before smiling big when Daryl finally said it. He even gave Rick a look when he said the good news that led Michonne to hug her tightly.
Once they parted Rick made his way over. “What’s so good it made my wife cry?”
“Y/N’s pregnant”
“Oh my god! Ha! That explains why she was sick” Rick smiles patting Daryl on the back. “Congratulations!”
“You must be excited to become a dad” Michonne smiles watching him nod even if there was a sense of anxiety about that chapter. “It’s okay to be nervous”
“Yeah, plus it’s okay to mess up. You’re not alone on this journey either so.” Rick smiles more gripping Daryl’s shoulder again before parting. “Alright. Let’s get going and I’ll congratulate the mom to be when we get to the hilltop”
“Im going to ride with her and congratulate now. I’ll see you at the hilltop”
“You’re leaving me alone with Eugene?”
“Yes” Michonne smiles patting his chest as she goes into the first car leaving Rick to sigh and accept his fate.
The trip to Hilltop was smooth enough for Y/N not to get car sick but Daryl of course checked on her once she stepped out. She went to help Siddiq with the stock up of the medical trailer given she was going to be his apprentice. Might as well learn as much as you can before you’re tied up for a long time.
“Ah! Y/N!!” Maggie smiles running over the second she got out and immediately noticed her bump resulting in a scream of joy. “Boy do you two work fast! Ah I’m gonna be an aunt again!” She cheers hugging Y/N tightly quickly remembering as she pulled away. “Come on you’ll be taking it easy with me today”
“I was gonna be with Siddiq for most of the day”
“Then I’m tagging along. I’ve missed you”
“I’ve missed you too Mags” Y/N smiles as her smile started to falter when the tears came on suddenly. “I really did miss you”
Maggie couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped her as she brought Y/N back into her arms. Daryl instantly catching onto the tears and making sure she’s okay but Maggie shooed him.
“Just the hormones” Maggie reassures Daryl while she comforted Y/N.
After a busy day of helping Hilltop reinforce the walls, dig up new gardening spots, restocking the infirmary, and handling general stuff…
Y/N finally sat on the steps of the Barrington House with two bowls of the stew one of the Hilltop residents made for everybody waiting for Daryl to step through the gates. But while she waited she ended up eating both bowls and felt awful when Daryl arrived the second she finished the second one. He was definitely going to have to get used to the hormones because she started tearing up the second he walked over to her.
“It’s okay. I’ll go get us more” Daryl reassures watching her tear up more making it feel like an arrow to the chest looking at her. “Sunshine…”
“I should go get it. I’m the one that ate your food—-“ Before Y/N could even get up, she was gently pushed back down as Daryl took both bowls to get another serving. She pouted the entire time he was gone and didn’t light up until she took a bite remembering how good it was.
“Better?” Daryl smiles when she nods while happily eating. “Good” he kisses her temple before starting to eat for himself.
Little did they know that Tara and Maggie were watching the two from the door opened ajar.
“They are going to have a cute ass baby” Tara comments with Maggie nodding.
“Over-protective parents too”
“Always a bonus”
The two share a short laugh before closing the door and letting them be.
Second Trimester
“I feel huge” Y/N huffs, waiting for Siddiq to finish measuring her 18 week belly for her to write it down. She’s been keeping track of that amongst other things.
“Well you did say you were possibly a big baby? I can really go off that because from the scan we did back at the Hilltop it didn’t show much—-“
“It showed my everything” Y/N stated only for Siddiq to whisper an apology even if she was just kidding and her saddened expression only brought out more apologies out of the man. “Should I be worried?”
“No! Not at all…we should only worry if there is something to worry about. Like how you’re trying to do every chore that pops up when you’re pregnant like this”
“I would like to be useful Siddiq! And since Daryl is helping the Kingdom at the moment, I can do stuff without his scowl around” Y/N states only for Siddiq to take a mental note to have Daryl never leave again if his wife is overdoing herself.
“Just. Take them at your own pace. Don’t overdo it like I said” Siddiq handed back her journal for the belly measurement and the blood pressure he took. “You’ll be back when you reach 20 weeks okay?”
“I know I know”
The “taking it easy with the chores” obviously didn’t stick with Y/N.
Y/N handled inventory for the pantry (the written part), helped Aaron with laundry for both of their households, took on a midday watch shift, watered the gardens, and currently working on taking care of the weeds of the garden is when she started to feel it. But honest, during the watch she felt the exhaustion hit her already and went against her.
“Y/N? You don’t look too good” Rosita frowns approaching her from her side of the gardens as she was helping her friend with the weeds. She noticed the loss of color in Y/N’s face when she brought herself to stand only to falter with her balance. “Amor, you should stop. Rest for the remainder of the day”
“No I have…I have to get this…” Y/N immediately dropped what she was holding and took a slow fall to the ground. She shifted from landing on her side to hold her belly.
Rosita instantly knelt beside her quickly turning to whoever closest to them, in this case Gabriel, and whistling him down.
“Go get Siddiq! And somebody get me Rick” Rosita demanded hearing Gabriel spit out an ‘ok’ while he ran to the infirmary to get Siddiq while an Alexandrian nearby went to get Rick to radio the obvious.
It took about 3 hours to get Daryl to get on his way back home. Not that he picked something over Y/N, never. He was hunting with Carol and the range he was at was just outside the suitable one for Kingdom to reach Alexandria. It took Ezekiel to come out in a car to pick up the two and head immediately to Alexandria.
“Hey—-“ Daryl didn’t mean to throw the door open to the infirmary, watching his wife flinch to the sound. “Sorry, is she okay? Is—-“
“Yeah. Mom and baby are okay…” Siddiq took the blood pressure cuff off of Y/N’s arm while she currently picked at the IV in her hand. “She has to stay until the IV finishes because she was dehydrated, then she’ll be homebound for a bit. Just until her pressure goes down”
“Great…” Y/N frowns continuing to mess with the IV as Daryl quickly stopped her when he sat on the edge of the bed taking her hand.
“You should be taking it easy” Daryl kept his annoyance to himself but the worry always poked through. “I told yea to”
“I didn’t want to be useless…besides I’m not even that far along. I’m not supposed to be this exhausted”
“Your body is working extra hard because it’s growing a whole other human being. It wont benefit anybody if you get hurt doing a job someone else can handle” Siddiq made his last comment before handing Y/N the journal from before that had her current blood pressure. “I’ll come back to take the IV out. Then you can take her back home and I’ll visit in a week to see if her blood pressure went down” he shot the two a smile as Daryl gave his thanks while holding Y/N’s hand feeling her squeeze it harshly when he stepped away.
“What? What’s wrong? Should I—-“
“No, no…it’s weird” Y/N took the hand she was holding to rest it on a certain spot on her belly. Daryl’s confusion only grew until he felt it.
“Oh my god…”
“I know right?” Y/N laughs softly feeling Daryl’s hand continue to rub circles on her belly in hopes for more movement but nothing after the first.
During the bedrest, Carol decided to stay with Y/N during that time which led Ezekiel to do so as well. He helped around the community with Daryl while Carol kept an eye on Y/N. He didn’t ask her to but she insisted, she needed a break from all the kingdom stuff and this was the perfect excuse.
“Tell me why this is your current craving?”
“Pickles? It’s a common craving—-“
“No, pickles with hot sauce”
“Because…I just like it?” Y/N stated with confusion in her voice as she had her craving on a plate rested on her bump. “Are you going to try it with me or question all my decisions like you’ve had the past few days?”
“No…To both of those, I’m just. Trying to come to the decision of something I’ve been asked repeatedly and I don’t know if I even want it” Carol frowns turning to Y/N who she currently laid beside in her bed noticing the curious look, which was obvious given who wouldn’t be after what she said. “Ezekiel asked me to marry him” she stated watching the excitement grow on her friend’s face. “But—-Before you shower me with this is good news shit, I don’t…I don’t think I want it”
“You know he’s not Ed right?” Y/N felt a sting of regret for bringing up past trauma as if it was nothing and started becoming apologetic even if Carol needed to hear exactly that.
“I do…but—-“
“There’s no real but…Ezekiel is a good guy, you two are even raising a kid. You don’t have to decide now and I know Ezekiel would be patient” Y/N set her plate on the end table before forcing herself to sit up entirely. “Listen. I doubt Ezekiel would be mad if you said no. Marriage can be weird for some people and as long as you love each other and support each other. I don’t think he’d care in the long run if you have a ring or not”
“Your kid is lucky to have you as a mom, and especially Daryl as a dad”
“You think he’s nervous?”
“Who wouldn’t be when becoming a new parent?”
“Me, because I have Daryl…and he’s kind of a natural with kids. I’m not worried about having his because he’ll jump right into it.”
Daryl is going to be a great dad
As Daryl started to make his way home after a night watch, a night watch Y/N forced him to do with “if I can’t help around, you’ll help for me” when he’d much rather be laying with her. He heard the son of a bitch prisoner scoff from his cell.
“Yo Dixon. Word traveled with news about you having a baby with the missus”
“What’s it to yea, Negan” Daryl frowns stepping close to the vent as Negan made his way over.
“You think you’re gonna be a good father? With how messed up you are?” Negan grabbed onto the small bars. “I’ve seen the scars, man. What makes yea think you aren’t going to be exactly like the man that gave you those?”
Daryl didn’t hesitate to swing his foot between the bars and nail Negan right in the nose almost breaking it. He falls back groaning in pain as part of him wanted to scream but no one would care. The archer’s actions didn’t mean it didn’t bother him.
The door creaked open in hopes Daryl wouldn’t wake Y/N but she happened to be wide awake reading. She instantly tossed the book aside smiling at her husband but when he fully entered the room something was off which led her smile to fade. She didn’t say anything immediately as Daryl brought himself into the bed low enough to where his head is by her belly. He brought his arm around her, his fingers gently tracing shapes on her belly.
“Baby?” Y/N frowns running her fingers through his hair feeling him shift to bring his attention onto her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah…’m ok” Daryl lied of course and that wasn’t going to get far with Y/N as her expression only softened and grew more with worry. “You think I’ll mess up our kid?”
“Daryl, let me be completely honest with you. Our kid is going to be extremely lucky to have you as their dad” Y/N stated and wouldn’t take any ‘buts’ from him. “Why would you think you will mess up our kid?”
“Just…dunno” Daryl frowns laying his head back on the bed as he started to tap his fingers on her bump which resulted in a kick or two sometimes. Y/N rested her other hand on a different spot from where his is and felt movement. “I was walking past Negan’s cell and he—-“
Y/N instantly started to move which alarmed Daryl to get up helping her up. She gave her thanks before immediately moving past him.
“Stupid son of a bitch” Y/N groans from the obvious weight shift when getting out of the bed and walking down the stairs.
“No! NEGAN” She shouted out her anger making Daryl fear for a bit but then he remembered.
“Love, you have to stay in bed. You need to relax”
“Fuck that. The stupid son of a bitch who kidnapped my husband. Killed my best friend. That fucking pig isn’t going to fuck with my life anymore” Y/N searched around the living room. “Where the fuck is my gun?!”
“I ain’t giving you a gun if you’re going to kill him”
“Then my knife! I won’t kill him—-just make him bleed a bit”
“Ain’t doing that either when you can’t even have a knife holster on” Daryl stated thinking her coming up empty meaning she’d stop and go back to bed. But instead she went out the front door, without shoes and all. “Shit. Y/N it’s late—-“
“Won’t stop me” Y/N stormed, power walked? waddled her way to the cell but on the way found something in the streets. “Hand me that”
Daryl was confused at what she was looking at as he shined his flashlight to the ground finding only a fallen tree branch. “The fucking tree branch?”
“Yes, if you don’t give it to me—-You’ll sleep on the couch”
He wasn’t going to fight those actions and picked it up for her, only for her to snatch it making her way to the cell.
“Can you tell me exactly how this happened again?” Siddiq questioned how Negan manage to have broken his nose.
“Long story” Negan frowns letting the doctor work but the two instantly shifted their attention to the sound of the main door opening before revealing Y/N with a tree branch in hand with Daryl following behind him. “Yo, you’re not allowed down here”
“Shut the fuck up!” Y/N shouted coming into the cell. “Siddiq move” she said softly at first but when Siddiq just sat there with his kit in hand, her rage only grew. “MOVE OR ILL HIT YOU TOO” she snapped resulting in the doctor to quickly move out of her way and to Daryl’s side.
Negan stared at her expecting nothing but immediately started backing into the wall on his cot when she started swinging. The branch hurt a LOT more than expected and she wasn’t letting up.
As Y/N continued to practically beat Negan with the tree branch as neither Daryl or Siddiq went to intervene.
“She knows she’s going to be bedridden for a few weeks after this right?”
“Probably not. But as long as she gets her point across I don’t think she’d care”
“I’ve only ever heard what Negan did…and I’m sorry” Siddiq frowns. “I could only imagine”
“If I didn’t have her at the end of it, I wouldn’t be here”
Y/N started to become exhausted and Negan was dumbfounded, bruised, and in tears at this point. She dropped the tree branch feeling tears come on.
“He will be a great dad. This child is lucky. If I hear you say another thing against that? I will kill you” Y/N pulled away wiping away her tears letting Daryl engulf her in his embrace.
Siddiq stared at Negan’s state before closing the cell locking it up.
“You’re not gonna—-“
“Nah the bruises and minor cuts will heal. Let’s get out of here”
Third Trimester
“You want me to stop?”
“Alright, let me get comfortable too then” Daryl rested his cheek on top of Y/N’s head as he was currently holding her belly up to relieve some of the weight. “You’re lucky I’m strong”
“You gave me a big baby” Y/N winced slightly to the movement. “That kicks in multiple directions”
“I don’t think they can do the splits in there” Daryl jokes listening to her groan as a result. “We can lay down yknow”
“No, I’ve been on bedrest too many times I’m taking advantage of this” She shifted a bit, feeling Daryl’s arms readjust slightly while he also started to kiss the top of her head and temple. “You had to get everything ready without me…and I feel bad”
“You helped in your own way without over exerting yourself. All you had to do was keep our baby safe, alright? And yea did that” Daryl didn’t get an immediate reply, all he got was a slow removal of his arms. “Sunshine?”
“How many weeks am I again?”
“Mmm…finishing 36, why?”
Y/N shifted uncomfortable trying to lose past her belly but couldn’t, but her struggle led Daryl to look for her and there was a puddle.
“Your water broke…”
“Oh god, oh—-Fuck, Daryl isn’t it too early?!!”
“No—-Fuck. Okay, just take a seat sunshine. I gotta get Siddiq” Daryl stated and he practically sprinted out of the house so she wouldn’t be alone for long.
Even if the short time alone still led to the downward spiral of her thoughts.
It’s too early
Complications can happen
What if she dies?
What if they both do
Y/N was feeling all of it and instead of crying, she only winced to the contractions and times them until Daryl came back a bit out of breath running to the infirmary and back. Keeping to his word about returning immediately.
“He’s getting his things. Are you sure about doing this here?” They’ve discussed home birth compared to…infirmary birth? It’s weird not having hospitals anymore. But that’s beside the point. It didn’t matter to them, but also took into account of when and where she’d go into labor.
“Love?” Daryl brought himself in front of her kneeling to catch her downward gaze, resting a hand on her belly. “What are you feeling? We are about to meet our girl” Another thing Daryl is fixated on, having a girl.
“What if something bad happens…” Y/N tried not to cry when saying such, but the crack in her voice hurt him. “It’s too early”
“It’s not though, Siddiq said anything past 24 is good survival for our babe. You’re finishing 36…beyond that”
“It’s going to hurt…a lot. I won’t bounce back to it right away…” Y/N frowns feeling the tears fall as she squeezed her eyes tight when another contraction waved through. “Shit…”
“Sunshine, look at me” Daryl rose to his feet taking her hands in his for her to squeeze them until the contraction stopped. Once it did she brought her eyes onto his. “Everythin’ is gonna go smoothly. Siddiq knows what he’s doing, we’re prepared for the most part…and I’m right here. I ain’t going anywhere”
Y/N only started to sob even more letting Daryl gently hold her as the tears were of joy for this time at a loss for words.
“Cmon, let’s get yea ready”
By the time Siddiq finally arrived, word got around…even with how late in the night it was. Rick sat on the couch of the Dixon resident while Michonne made coffee in their kitchen. Judith slept in the Grimes residence next door, which explains the baby monitor attached to Michonne’s hip. Rosita entered the house with an exhausted Eugene following suit.
“Is word out to the other communities?”
“Carol is on her way, Maggie would’ve liked to be here but…y’know” Rick frowns before brushing the sadness off. “Anyway! Aaron will be here with Gracie in a sec. Maybe I should grab Judith just to be safe”
“I will once we get an update, okay?” Michonne reassures bringing the pot to the coffee table setting a hot pad down before the pot.
As Siddiq descended down the stairs to receive more towels from the hall closet and noticed the amount of people in the house. Everyone instantly stared at him.
“Not yet. She’s at nine centimeters and more uncomfortable than I thought she would be. Something…doesn’t exactly add up” Siddiq trailed and the worry in his toned caused all of them to get in his business. “But but. Daryl is trying to expedite things even if Y/N wants to scream”
“If the pain is that bad, the woman is allowed to scream” Rosita stated getting a tired nod of agreement from Eugene.
“She’s trying not to” Siddiq grabbed the last towel from the closet and went to make his return upstairs.
While such was happening, Daryl kept trying to help Y/N walk around to get that one centimeter there but she kept pushing his hands away every time he tried.
“I wanna lay down…”
“Then let me help yea into—-“
“No I need this stupid shit over with!” Y/N groans leaning against the wall for a moment, giving Daryl the opportunity to be close so she could shift to leaning onto him and not the uncomfortable wall. “Fuck…something feels weird…weirder than usual” She whined, letting Daryl help her back onto the bed as he was going to shout for the doc but he was already coming in when their concerns were rising.
“Siddiq something—-“
“is wrong, something has to be wrong” Y/N kept biting the inside of her cheek to avoid her from screaming at this night hour…
But the rattle of her scream startled everyone downstairs. She couldn’t hold it in anymore, and she was there. It was time.
“On the next contraction you’re going to want to push, okay?” Siddiq stated as he finished putting on gloves and lifting the blanket to help guide the baby out while Y/N’s anxiety started to eat at her.
“I-…O-Okay” Y/N sobbed, feeling Daryl bring his arm around her shoulders while his free hand took hers. “Daryl…”
“I’m right here. I’ve gotcha sunshine” Daryl kissed her temple feeling her squeeze his hand when she felt a contraction coming on.
Robin Elizabeth Dixon
7lb 2oz
Both parents were in tears until the anxiety returned in Daryl this time around when Y/N’s expression went from joy to full of pain.
“Siddiq—-Something really is wrong” She felt the discomfort return as she tried to sit up and look herself but Siddiq advised her not to when he brought himself back with another towel thinking of complications.
Then Siddiq’s expression went from confusion to a bit of shock as it only kicked Daryl’s anxiety up.
“Siddiq!” He shouted to get him to snap out of it as Siddiq breathed out a laugh.
“You’re going to have to push again” He stated grabbing another set of gloves and another towel. “This explains a lot that happened during your pregnancy”
“Siddiq” Y/N groans in annoyance after handing Daryl their daughter to grip onto the sheets feeling another contraction. “Fucking say it”
“You’re having multiples. Explains the extra weight. The morning sickness happening more than once or twice a day—-Regardless. You’re crowning”
“Oh my god” The shock was getting to Daryl and Y/N’s clearly directed annoyance snapped him back.
“You drop her, I will end you”
Y/N couldn’t believe this was her first, and most likely last pregnancy. Who woulda thought she would be having a second baby? At least it’s with the man she loves, and with the support from the village they have.
Shepherd Glenn Dixon
7lbs 6oz
“We…are going to need a second crib” Y/N laughed holding their son who instantly calmed the second he laid in his mother’s arms. “Holy shit Daryl…we have two babies”
“Yeah, that we do” Daryl laughs smiling at the little girl in his arms, seated on the edge of the bed looking over at his wife and son. “They turned out perfect…you did good mama”
“Well…that’s cuz their daddy kept me safe” Y/N instantly turned to the sound of their daughter yawning watching Daryl’s face light up at everything both babies did. “You are definitely going to be a helicopter parent”
“Shut up Siddiq and I both saw what yea did to Negan, these two are your cubs. You’re gonna go full mama bear on anybody that messes with them”
“Damn right” Y/N smirks, leaning forward and kissing Daryl lovingly before gently caressing her little girl’s cheek. “So…who’s gonna tell the village downstairs?”
It wasn’t until Siddiq came back to check on Y/N and the babes when they came up with a plan.
A very quiet descend down the stairs and everyone noticed Siddiq coming down with their baby girl in his arms.
“Oh my god I knew it! I knew they would have a girl” Rosita smacked Eugene on her way up from the couch to go admire the little one with Michonne and Carol.
“She has his eyes” Carol smiles gently caressing the top of her head.
“And her hair. Oh my god why are you showing her to us and not Daryl?” Michonne comments and before she knew it, she couldn’t hold in the excitement that the rest had when Daryl descended down the stairs.
“Yeah she’s pretty great. But so is he” Daryl smiles bringing himself to stand with Siddiq so everyone could admire the twins.
“Congrats man” Aaron smiles patting his back gently. “Now you’ve got double the trouble”
“I know for sure that those kids ain’t gonna get messed with, with him and Y/N as their parents” Rick comments with a smile watching the boy yawn.
“This explains a lot of Y/N’s pregnancy, and boy did she bring perfect babes into the world” Carol makes the last comment that they all agreed with.
Then eventually as the day continues and those who were in the house as guests have left…leaving Daryl and Y/N laying in their bed with their twins nuzzled up with each other protected by their parents and pillows. The two admiring the lives they’ve created…
And to the start of this new chapter
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theamberfist · 3 months
Like Father, Like Child | Part 4 | Alastor x Exorcist! Reader
Familial! Alastor + Exorcist! Adopted Child! Reader
Description: When an angry mob comes knocking at the hotel's door, Alastor is more than prepared to defend his kid. And, as it turns out, so is said kid.
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of murder, fallen angels) (gender neutral reader) (reader is Alastor's adopted child from when they were alive) (Final part of Like Father, Like Child)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
You blinked, letting what you'd just witnessed on TV sink in. Not only did all of hell know you, an exorcist, was here now, but it seemed an entire angry mob had gathered under the command of that TV-headed demon to come and kill you. Amazing.
"...Maybe they'll lose interest before they get here?" Angel Dust said, reminding you that he was still there sitting beside you. On your other side, Vaggie didn't seem to think that outcome was very likely with the worried expression on her face. 
"I'll go warn Charlie." She decided finally, getting up from the couch and leaving the room before you could even say anything else.
"Angel," you spoke, turning to the spider-like demon with a serious tone now, "Tell me honestly; how bad is it?" You weren't familiar with the sinners in hell so you really weren't sure how brutal they could be about things like this yet. Would they really kill you just because they'd found out you were a fallen exorcist? 
There was a bang at the door, followed up by a series muffled shouts. You winced at the sound, realizing your time was likely up now and that the mob had arrived. "On a scale of one to ten?" Angel asked and you nodded, turning back to him eagerly as you hoped he'd reassure you, "an eleven." So much for reassurance. 
"I'm so dead," You groaned, pulling your knees up and burying your face in them. You didn't have much time to dwell on your fast-approaching demise, though, because another familiar voice spoke behind you. 
"Nonsense, darling!" It was Alastor, and the second you heard him you snapped up, looking over at the deer-like overlord. "If that pathetic mob of sinners think they can break into this hotel and harm one of its guests, they clearly need to be taught a lesson." he didn't add the unspoken fact that that resident was also his kid, but he didn't need to; you knew it was the main reason he seemed so upset.
"Since when have you cared about any of us?" Angel asked in confusion, pointing to you, "They just got here, like, ten minutes ago!"
"All the more reason to ensure they're left alone!" Your dad replied as he straightened his bow-tie and then began heading for the front door. 
"W-wait, what are you going to do?" You asked, calling after him. He paused for just a brief moment, glancing your way with the sinister smile you'd come to expect from him now. 
"Nothing they won't have deserved." And with that, he seemed to blink right out of sight and the sounds of screaming outside became louder. Only, now, they weren't screams demanding you to come out; they were screams of pain as the sinners begged him to stop whatever he was doing. 
Your jaw dropped as you stayed frozen on the couch. You weren't sure what to do. Angel seemed to notice your concern because he just waved the situation off. 
"Eh, don't worry, toots." He told you, turning back to the TV, which was playing his favorite show again. "I know you're an angel and all, but smiles has killed plenty of people so this is nothing new. Trust me, it ain't your problem." He had expected you to give up and turn back to the TV too, but instead, you stood from the couch and headed for the nearest set of stairs, determined to see just what your dad was doing with the screaming sinners outside. 
"Hey, where ya going?" Angel called, "You'll miss the finale!"
"Record it for me!" You called before running up the stairs as fast as you could. Angel sighed but shrugged as he hit the record button and then continued watching his show. 
Meanwhile, you finally made it as high-up as the stairs would allow, reaching a balcony somewhere on the second floor. There, you looked out at the carnage your dad was currently causing. He'd grown a lot bigger than he was inside the hotel before and black tentacles extended from his body, grabbing various sinners and tossing them into his mouth to eat. The sight was more than a little terrifying, but at the same time, you wanted to follow after him.
Even if your dad was a know killer, and even if you were supposed to have been an angel, something inside you didn't want to make him do this alone. You wanted to help; especially since you knew he was out there killing people for your sake. 
But as a former angel, shouldn't you have known better than to fall to your own murderous urges? You'd been dealing with them all your life and afterlife so you couldn't give in now. 
"Fallen angel?" A voice to your right spoke suddenly and you practically jumped out of your skin, turning to see...Lucifer? It was undoubtedly the king of hell; sitting and drinking tea out of what looked like a duck-themed cup as he gazed at Alastor's actions. Remembering the story of what happened to him, you couldn't help but relate a bit as you finally relaxed and then nodded.
"...Yeah." You turned to look back at your dad, who had now grabbed a huge group of sinners and was biting their heads off like it was candy. Your face scrunched in disgust at the sight but Lucifer seemed either unbothered by it or too bothered to be bothered anymore. "And I'm assuming you know him?" He asked, pointing to your dad. You nodded awkwardly. 
"Yeah...We're related," You admitted reluctantly. You weren't sure why Alastor had been hesitant to tell everyone about you being his kid, but maybe it was to avoid a situation like the one you were in right now. 
"Yeesh," Lucifer replied as he took another sip of his tea, "That's gotta be rough. No wonder you feel from heaven too."  You paused at that; surprised by how he wasn't even questioning you.
"What am I...Supposed to do now?" You asked after a second. Lucifer froze, glancing back at you in surprise. 
"You're asking me?"
"I guess." You admitted with a shrug, "You fell once too, didn't you?" After a moment he nodded, setting his cup down on the table. 
"Whatever you want, I suppose." He told you, "I always wanted human souls to have free will, which is how we ended up in this shithole in the first place." He stood, leaning against the balcony as the sounds of more screams filled the air from the Radio Demon's actions, "You can try to get back into heaven or just...Exist." He seemed pretty deflated as he leaned half his body over the railing now; practically falling off.
Still, you considered his words. Do whatever you wanted, huh? 
You'd tried to avoid killing, no matter how much you wanted to, for your entire life. Now, you were dead and you'd already killed countless sinners for the 'greater good,' and permanently, at that. You'd ended up in hell already, so it wasn't like anything mattered anymore.
So what did you want to do? 
You paused, contemplating the question for a moment before finally coming to a decision. You turned back to the king of hell with a bright smile once your mind was made up. "Thanks, Lucifer." His expression seemed to soften at that and a smile even made its way onto his face.
"No problem," he told you genuinely, "I'm always happy to help a young sinner and-" He cut himself off when you turned and jumped right off the hotel balcony into the bloodshed. From there, you seemed to instinctively figure out whatever powers you might have had, either from being an angel or being fallen, and began assisting Alastor in killing off the crowd of demons around the building. "-enable their murderous behavior..." Lucifer finished his sentence with a regretful sigh. Why did he even bother with these sinners again?
Meanwhile, you felt more exhilarated than you'd been since before you died. It turned out you had some sort of light-related power. You could shoot small beams of white light from your hands, blasting holes right through sinners like a laser. It probably wouldn't kill them permanently, but the memory and pain would be enough to stop them from ever coming after you again.
Being down there and fighting sinners was one of the most natural moments you'd experienced in a while. You supposed it came from being the child of a literal overlord, but it couldn't have been more fun. Alastor seemed to notice your presence on the impromptu battlefield now too because one of his tentacles gently reached down, picked you up, and then placed you on his giant shoulder. 
"It seems the power of a former exorcist is quite useful, isn't it, darling?" He asked before throwing another five sinners into his mouth. 
"Sure is!" You replied with a smile that rivaled even your dad's, "I can see why you became an overlord now; this is the best!" Alastor's own grin only widened at that; pride swelling in his chest. Most of the sinners were gone now thanks to both his power and your angelic laser beams, but there was one still nearby that caught his attention. 
Vox attempted to scramble away but wasn't fast enough; being plucked from the ground by Alastor's hand. He hadn't even needed a tentacle to grab the TV demon and now he simply held him by the back of his shirt for the both of you to see. 
"Now, this is who brought this crowd here today." He informed you, even though you already knew. Alastor glanced at you, still on his shoulder. "Would you care to do the honors?" 
You brightened at that, immediately nodding. "I'd love to!" Alastor cackled, turning back to the terrified Vox.
"Let it be known," he said, "That this is what happens when you mess with the Radio Demon or his child!" Alastor was more than aware of the fact that there were likely cameras on you three right now, figuring what better way to announce his relation to you? With that out of the way, you shot a laser beam at Vox, melting through his body and then his head, ensuring it would be a long time before he finally regenerated. 
Once you were done, Alastor turned and chucked Vox's temporarily-dead body across the entirety of Pentagram City; you weren't even sure where it ended up landing. 
Your dad began to shrink back to his normal size now, gently placing you on the ground nearby to ensure you didn't get hurt. Once he was back to normal, he turned to you with the widest smile. 
"Very well done, my dear!" He exclaimed with nothing but pride, "I didn't think you had it in you, but it seems we'll make a hellish overlord out of you yet!" You laughed as his hand gently ruffled your hair, feeling all the anger and grief you'd once held towards him melt away. It seemed embracing your murderous tendencies really had done wonders for your emotional state. 
"Thanks, dad." You replied, hugging the deer-like demon for the first time in many years. His smile somehow widened even more as he pulled you closer, ignoring the surprised looks of the hotel guests, who'd come out now to see if the fight was over. 
"Dad?!" Angel repeated in shock. Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie were too stunned to speak. Cherry seemed to not know what to think of it, Nifty was beyond touched by the scene, and Husk couldn't even be surprised by any of Alastor's actions anymore. 
"Would you call this...A reverse redemption?" Lucifer asked, leaning over to his own daughter and feeling slightly responsible for the horror he'd just released upon hell through you. She didn't reply but you and Alastor both turned back to the hotel now, heading over to the group as if this was the most casual situation.
"Now, how about I make some jambalaya?" Alastor suggested as your eyes immediately lit up. 
"That was my favorite when I was alive!"
"It sure was!" Alastor agreed, tapping your head with his radio-cane as you smiled. As you walked past the rest of the hotel guests, they all remained frozen in shock. 
"Is this ever not gonna be weird?" Angel asked no one in particular. He hadn't expected to receive a response, but then you called from inside.
"Probably not!" After that, all that followed was the sound of yours and your father's combined laughter.
Like father, like child. 
Tags for those who requested: @avitute @deadgirldreaming
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linos-luna · 11 months
what do you think about yandere chan and changbin? will they kidnap the reader together or will they be against each other?
Pleaseeee, i want this so much!
Also, I love your work. You,re my favourite author (?)!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
I think they would definitely kidnap together! But there would also be a slight rivalry among them. Either way, I can see Yandere Chan taking control of the situation most.
Thank you! 🤍🤍🤍
Our Doll 🔪
Yandere!Chan x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Changbin
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3)
Warnings: kidnapping, Yandere, nonconsensual kissing!, implied choking, stalking
Friends to the end right? Even when there’s a girl in the picture. How about a girl to mutually obsess over? Perhaps even better!
Everyday they’d watch. And everyday they’d wait. Changbin wants to touch you so bad but Chan knew better.
Chan was the sweet talker while his friend followed along. The older man was better at hiding his desperation for you while Changbin’s admiration wasn’t as well hidden.
Nonetheless, you thought of them as friends. You had to admit that changbin looks pretty good with his muscles and maybe Chan a little more with his flirtatious comments but still just friends right?
It all happened so fast. Your freedom gone in an instant.
After a lunch date with some friends, you were heading back to your car. You were the last to leave as you had to use the restroom but it was the middle of the day in a fairly populated area.
As you walked, you looked down at your phone, about to reply to your friend’s text when you feel someone come next to you.
“Hey, y/n.”
You jumped a little but laughed it off when realizing that it’s just your friend Chan.
“Almost gave me a heart attack.” You chuckled while slowing down. “What are you doing here?”
“I just happened to be around.” He smiled while lightly stroking your hair. “Thought I’d see my pretty girl.”
You blushed as he got in front of you, he was practically in between you and your car and you felt your heart thumping as he rubbed his thumb over your lips, only staring at you, as if deep in thought.
“Do you l want to come over?” He asked suddenly.
“Oh. Id love to but… I’m going to a friends house in like an hour…” you replied nervously. “Next time maybe?”
“An hour? You have plenty of time!” He said cheerfully while getting close to you.
“Well no—”
“Right Binnie? An hour is perfect!” Chan interrupted as he looked behind you. Your body tensed up as you felt the muscular man behind you. Your back practically pressed to his chest.
“Aw hyung, I wanna bring her home for longer.” Changbin pouted while holding your waist. “She’s so cute! I wanna keep her forever!”
Before you could react, Changbin grabbed the keys from your hand and held you as Chan gave you a forced kiss so that you couldn’t scream. The parking lot didn’t have many people there but someone must’ve saw something. Right??
Last thing you remember is being shoved into the backseat of your own car before a feeling of breathlessness and everything going dark. You didn’t even have the chance to struggle.
You had no idea how long you’d been out. All you knew was that you’re on a stranger’s bed in a room you’ve never seen.
You opened your mouth to call out but your voice came out very coarse. Looking to the mirror near the bed, you notice the bruising around your neck, almost as if you’d been strangled.
“I thought I may have killed you…”
You turned to see Changbin at the door. He let out a big sigh of relief before approaching you.
“S-stop-!” You said in a loudish raspy whisper while holding your hand out. “W-what did you—?! Wh-where—?!”
“Don’t be scared.” Changbin said casually as Chan came into the room.
“Hi baby. How are you doing?” Chan asked sweetly.
“Baby?” You looked at him with a raised brow. “W-what’s going on?!”
“Hyung, can I kiss her now?!”
“Hold on, Bin.” Chan replied while getting close to to you.
The man stroked your hair and grabbed a handful before suddenly pulling it back.
“Baby, you’re home now!” He laughed as Changbin took a seat next to you.
You winced at the pain and tears formed as Changbin made some desperate whines next to you.
“Pleeeeeease hyuuuungg!”
“Go ahead. She’s our doll now.” Chan replied with a devious smile as the other man grabbed your cheeks and started desperately making out with you.
You were practically frozen, Unable to move as he left his sloppy kisses. There was no way to get out of this…
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kiatheinsomniac · 11 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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☾ ⋆ ゚like my work? why not: ∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ commission me? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
crawling back to you- fushiguro megumi
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just something silly I started a while back that I'm finally finishing up!! i'm very in love with megumi and since I was doing a season one rewatch with my dad, I have plenty of megumi-centered thoughts I can't talk abt with him. but I can write them!! and YES okay the title was a failed bug pun.
warnings: just fluff! death of a spider, though. megumi is a little annoyed, but it gets resolved super fast, so no angst at all.
gn! reader, no specified gender or physical description, but they do stay in the girl's dorms for this fic for the sole purpose of being nobara's next door neighbour!!
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You opened your door and stopped in your tracks when you saw something scuttle across the ceiling from the corner of your eye.
A loud gasp was released and Nobara, already in her PJs, peeked out from her door to see what the fuss was. “Y/n? You okay?”
You frantically beckon her over, your eyes never leaving the beast that decided to infiltrate your room. She made it to your side and followed your eyes.
“Ew! Why’d you have to show me a spider right as I’m about to go to bed? Now I’m going to be paranoid all night, thanks a lot.” She crossed her arms and made a yuck face.
“Nobara,” you started, deadly serious, clutching her arm. “I need you to use your hammer and nails to get this thing. We don’t have to get close to it that way.”
She looked as though she was seriously considering it for a moment before reluctantly shaking her head. “Y/n, cursed energy is for jujutsu work, not creepy crawlies. Besides, it’d leave some nasty holes in your wall.”
You sighed and almost resigned yourself to having to find a long stick or something to get it with. But then she spoke again.
“What about Fushiguro? He brings out his demon dog for you to play with all the time, right? What’s one more non-curse related job for a frog who’d probably love a snack?”
This finally brought your attention away from the eight legged monster on your ceiling. You looked at her with so much admiration and thanks and hugged her tightly. “Oh, Nobara you’re a genius! Thank y-“
You visibly deflated when you realized that your boyfriend wasn’t exactly happy with you at that moment.
Nobara winced. “Ouch, is he still upset?”
You nodded and frowned. Of course this would happen at a time you didn’t have him as back up.
It was a petty argument that got you into this situation- in the shared kitchen for the students, you accidentally ate a snack of his that he had been saving, which you apologized for. Great! Should’ve been over with after that, right?
…Except you accidentally did it again the next day AND forgot to put his milk back in the fridge that he had just measured out for some recipe he was excited to try.
And even though you apologized and he reassured you that it wasn’t that big of a deal, mistakes happen, he still wasn't letting you hang out in his room after training as usual. He seemed to be annoyed with you at the very least.
With the long week he’s had from being sent on two missions back to back, you understood why. He really need the mental break that you accidentally took away.
So yeah, you really doubted that he’d be willing to kill a spider for you when he’d barely even talked to you in the past 24 hours (save for his usual good morning text and a peck on the cheek when he saw you in person).
Nobara patted your back and sighed. "I think you should go ask him anyway. He's probably suffering from Y/n withdrawals by now, you know? Yuuji said he was sure he caught Fushiguro pouting on their jog earlier. Could be a good sign."
You looked at her hopefully and smiled. "Thanks, Nobara, but I think I'll just wait until morning. I'm sure if I could just find a-" your attention was drawn back to the ceiling and a feeling of dread washed over you. "Nope, I'm going right now, the spider's fucking gone," you quickly shut your door and stepped away.
She made a blended noise of disgust and fear. "Alright, I'm out. Good luck and don't let that thing out. If I see it in my room tomorrow I'm putting my nails through your clothes." She waved and headed back to her room.
You waved back and headed the other direction, towards the boy's dorms. Since it was getting late, you had to be mindful of noise so you wouldn't get caught by any faculty member- especially Gojo.
If he were to catch you "sneaking" over to Megumi's room, you were pretty sure you'd never hear the end of it, and even more sure that it would just irritate your boyfriend further.
So you put your stealth to the test until you were finally at his door. You quietly knocked three times, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear it.
When he opened the door, he raised an eyebrow at you and checked out in the hall before dragging you inside so you could talk at a somewhat normal volume.
And of course you wanted to take the time to make everything up to him, to talk it out for real and not have him be annoyed at you anymore- if Nobara said he was starting to have Y/n Withdrawals, then you had already been feeling the effects of Megumi Withdrawals since his first mission earlier this week- but right now the most pressing matter on your mind was the spider currently lost in your room.
So you decided that sweet talking him was the way to achieve your goal of getting his help.
"Megumi, love and light of my life, my one and only, my beloved-"
"Please stop."
You got down on your knees and took hold of his hand. "I am so sorry that I have ailed you this week, I promise that I will be more mindful moving forward and use my eyes to look for your name on things in the fridge-"
"You don't have to beg for my forgiveness, get up." He was basically a tomato, his whole face red and slightly covered by his hair. If you weren't on such a time crunch, you might keep going just to tease him.
"And I come to enlist your help on a quest that only you have the required tools to complete!"
"Ah, there it is. So you just need my help, then?" He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice, but you caught it and immediately stood up to explain yourself.
"Baby, no, I do genuinely want to apologize and fix things! But um... yes, I do actually have a problem that only you can help me with."
He sighed and regarded you for a moment before nodding. "Alright, what is it?"
You immediately lit up and shook his hand excitedly. "Really? Thank you so much!"
"So... what is it?"
"There's a spider in my room, and I lost it and I need your toad to eat it."
He gave you a deadpan look before throwing his head back with a long sigh, looking at the ceiling. "Alright, let's go."
On your way back to your room, you fell into silence. Mostly because you didn't want to get caught being out past curfew, but also because neither of you really knew what to say.
Once you were in front of your door, you opened it and let him in. He summoned his toad and helped you search for it (by helped, you really meant he did all the searching while you stood outside and quietly directed him to where you saw it last.
"Can you at least come and help me look?" He asked, currently looking around on the floor under a couple of bags.
You hesitantly walked in, surveying everything before standing next to him to double check.
He broke the silence first. "You know... I really wasn't mad at you for any of the kitchen stuff. I know I told you that already, but I feel like you don't believe it."
You sifted through some clothes. "No, I did. I guess I was just sad that you weren't letting me hang out with you as much. I totally understand it- you needed a break from everything and I respect that, but I wish I could have helped before you got to that point. And I'm serious, I'll keep a better eye out before I accidentally eat your stuff." you both kind of laughed at that.
It was silent again for a couple seconds. "I'm sorry I kind of pushed you away and isolated myself."
You smiled a bit. "I'm sorry I kinda tipped you over the edge."
You turned to face each other for a moment before he wrapped you up in his arms. "You didn't. I promise next time I feel overwhelmed I'll let you know so you don't think I'm upset with you," he mumbled.
"Thank you... I love you."
"I love you too."
You stayed like that for a moment before you pulled back a bit and smirked at him. "Nobara told me that Itadori said you were pouting on you jog together earlier."
He blushed. "I was not. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
You giggled a bit and cupped his face. "I would bet a million yen that you were!"
He groaned and tried to gently pry your hands away from his face. "Stop it... I was not pouting, I don't pout."
"You so do! You're doing it right- holy shit Megumi the spider is right there gET IT PLEASE-"
The sweet moment was ruined by the spider from earlier scuttling across the ceiling over your bed. You jumped onto your boyfriend for protection, even though he couldn't do much while supporting your entire bodyweight so you wouldn't fall. He managed to send the toad after it, and it happily chased it with its tongue.
The spider was no more.
You settled back on the ground and patted the toad on the head before Megumi released it back to the shadows.
You sighed in relief.
"Thank you, my love, I appreciate it."
He nodded at you. "No problem. I should head back to my dorm now before-"
"Want to stay with me?" You tentatively interrupted.
He paused and looked towards you. "We'll get in trouble if we're caught."
You tugged on his hand a little. "Please, Megumi? I've missed you this week..."
He sighed and let you pull him to your bed, hiding a small smile when you cheer. "Fine, but I'm leaving before the sun comes up. I'm not letting Gojo think he has anything over me."
You giggled. "That's fine," and then you both got settled under the covers.
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't missed you while he was isolating himself, but he pushed any thoughts of that away and fell into a peaceful sleep with you in his arms.
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this took foreverrrrr but it's finally done since I have time to write today!! ty for reading, hope you all enjoyed <3
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justghoulythingz · 5 months
i want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you…
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a drabble for anonymous taken from this prompt list.
pairing : ghoul/lucy maclean
word count : 846
warnings : some good old fashioned self-loathing, rope to restrain, mentions of sex. 18+, mdni
divider credit
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It’s been centuries since Cooper Howard has gotten this involved with anyone.
He’s a bit like a stunted foal: clumsy yet reluctant to admit it; so used to being somewhere dark and grisly and detached that when the sun hitched to Lucy MacLean shines, it burns his irreversibly damaged skin. Gives it a kind of glow that he has to kill every time it threatens to bloom.
Self-inflicted wounds are easier to nurse. What’s the point of watering the dead garden his innards are overgrown with?
He winces when she touches him. That’s why her wrists need to be kept bound when he explores her. So she can’t feel how much she affects him. So she doesn’t get the wrong idea.
This ain’t love. Not that she has much experience with the romantic variety. He’s got plenty to keep close to the chest.
He gave himself to his Barb and she trampled him so far into the dirt that he might has well have been buried that fateful day.
The consequential marks don’t seem to bother Lucy. She’s a curious sort. One of the things Cooper admires about her. In the same breath, however, he doesn’t mind if for once she’d give it a proper fucking rest.
She moves too fast for him. He’s not entirely certain he wanted to budge in the first place.
Here she is with his face entombed in her neck, kissing and licking and nibbling as she opens herself to him. Thinking about how he would drag his nose along the slopes and valleys that comprise her if he could. How she deserves a man who’s whole and not whatever husk was violently spat out.
He can plainly see she yearns to reciprocate. Restless energy makes her grit her teeth and clench her thighs, squirming about as he gets to roam free. A low, long-winded hiss manages to escape between the soft, swollen lips he’s already branded.
“Tell me what y’want, angel wings. Use your big girl words. Y’had no trouble up t’this point.” He smiles against her throat, keeping her body caged. His voice cuts through like a saw hacking down a tree. Chop chop chop. Devastation as it crashes to the ground.
She sighs heavily and attempts to fix her posture. He’s very skilled at distracting. It’s not lost on her that he does so on purpose.
“Can you look at me first, Cooper?” she asks, chest heaving. He wonders how their hearts would feel galloping together. He doesn’t take his clothes off for her.
Some days, he wants to.
“Alright,” he begins, angling himself backward and resting one palm on the wall above her head. He can humor her. “I’m lookin’.”
And boy does he look. How can one not, with those doe eyes, large and all-encompassing like a lush forest of green and brown and gold?
His expression takes on that of a predator’s honing in on its prey. Except she’s taken hold of his hide and shredded it until it’s all mangled and indistinguishable. He feigns he has the upper hand. He feigns many things.
Lucy utilizes a few more moments to compose herself. Logic has been replaced with emotion. That requires a different type of effort to navigate.
Normally he would hurry her along, he don’t got all day. But really, he does. Why not spend it admiring a work of unabashed art that spawned from, according to him, the depths of hell?
“As much as I enjoy you getting your excess of me, I feel…” She exhales, shaky. “I feel like that excess has snatched away my enjoyment of you. I, I feel incomplete. It’s not as satisfactory as I know it could be.”
The old, tattered cowboy doesn’t answer. It’s difficult to swallow. She is expectant, but she’s also learned to lower said expectations when it comes to him. So she carries on of her own accord.
“What I want, Cooper, is you. All of you. I’m not satisfied with this half-baked sex we’ve been having. I want to pleasure you. Have you gasping for air and unable to think clearly.”
If she only knew.
“I want you to orgasm in my vagina and mouth and hand and, and wherever else, I don’t care! Except that’s really not true. I do care. I want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you. And I want you in all the ways you haven’t let me have you. That’s what I want.”
She’s so technical sometimes that it usually makes him roll his eyes or laugh. Now, he doesn’t do either.
Instead, he grasps her chin and tilts it upward. He shoots her one last isolated once-over and seals their fate with a fervent kiss. The hand once above her travels below and deftly releases her from her binds. The rope falls to the dusty floor with a resounding thud.
“Best get t’work then,” Cooper murmurs against her cushioned mouth. Like a warm, forgiving blanket waiting to surround him, even after being away from home for months, years.
“‘Fore I change my mind.”
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
His Favorite Poison (NSFW 18+)
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AN: The trope that a lot of yall live for 🤭🤭
Synopsis: You and Jack grew up together in Louisville, but didn't run in the same circles. From what he had seen, you were bougie, entitled, and stuck up and the last thing he wanted was to be associated with you. Fast forward a few years later, you're new to Jack's team brought on by Neelam and as much as he wants nothing to do with you, he can't help it if you keep pulling him in.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack looked at Neelam in disbelief as she explained to him that someone new was joining the team and helping him with his new album.
He was all for it, until he found out it was you.
“Jack, she told me that the two of you grew up together in Louisville, so I felt that it would be nice to have another familiar face around. I figured that she would be a good fit. She is more than qualified to work with us. She’s worked with a lot of different people in the industry already.”
“Well the only thing I know about her is how stuck up and spoiled she is.” It was at that moment, as you were about to turn the corner you heard Jack’s voice and you could only guess that he was talking about you.
“Jack! Be nice! She’ll be here in the next ten minutes.”
“Tell her to turn around and go home because I don’t want her here.”
“Will you stop being an ass for five seconds?” Neelam said quickly growing annoyed with how he was acting. But you were steadily in the corner listening. It seemed like he already had his mind made up about you even though the two of you didn’t really even know each other. Even though the two of you did grow up in Louisville together, you ran in two very different circles. While Jack became a rapper, you became a songwriter and producer. But you two never worked together until now. However you had worked with Bryson as well as EST Gee many times. It wasn’t until Neelam practically begged you to work with Jack.
“No, I won’t stop because I don’t want her anywhere near me.”
Then you decided to make your presence known and not have this go on for any longer. The sooner you got this over with, the better. 
“Nice to see you too, Jackman.” You greeted him and he got somewhat of a startled look on his face while Neelam just shook her head.
“Oh… I-...”
“I don’t really care if you don’t like me, I have a job to do. I was hired because I’m obviously capable of doing it. But if you’d rather let Neelam continue to drown and not get my help, be my guest so I can go home. I have plenty of other things that I could be doing but I’m here with you.”
All you got in response was Jack sighing before he rolled his eyes.
“Now that we got that trainwreck of an introduction out of the way, we have a lot to work on. And Jack, did you even brush your hair this morning? You’re giving me caveman vibes.” Neelam stifled a laugh and Jack immediately eyed her as she quickly looked away.
“Who says that I even need your help and for your information, I did.”
“Well, you must have brushed it in the dark and obviously you need my help when you’re putting out albums that only get a 2.9 rating. The people of Louisville expected better from you and I plan on making that happen. So lose your attitude and leave your ego at the door. All those haters that you claimed to have are definitely not hating on that babe. Let’s do better moving forward, okay?”
“Well damn.” Neelam said under her breath, but Jack clearly heard her. At this point, his mouth was hanging wide open.
“We have a lot to discuss so I guess we should get started? Come on you two.”
You walked ahead of the two of them down the hallway and Jack simply turned to look at Neelam.
“I’m going to kill you for bringing her on.”
“You won’t kill me once she helps you. Like it or not, you need her.”
“All she’s done is terrorize me and insult me the minute she got here.”
“To be fair, you started it now, come on.”
You were sitting down trying to think of what Jack could do differently as far as his music went in order for him to bounce back from CHTKMY. It wasn’t a total flop, but after hearing his previous projects you knew that he had it in him to be better.
“Hmm, who knew that this is what I would be faced with on my first day?” You said quietly to yourself and Jack did a double take.
“What do you mean it’s your first day?! You’ve never done this before?!”
“And you’ve never put out an album rating 2.9 before either. We’re both learning here. But I have done this before. Plenty of times actually. I have a grammy sweetheart. I meant I’m faced with you being an ass and have to do my best to make sure this next album is top tier.”
“You don’t have to remind me of that every chance you get.”
“It’s supposed to motivate you to do better and I think I have a solution because no one is going to take you seriously if that happens again.”
“Let’s hear it.”  Neelam excitedly said and all you could do was smile at her. 
“Okay so, here’s what I’m thinking. From the research that I’ve done, this next album needs to be ten times or twenty times better than your last obviously. Oh and focus less on side pieces and all the hoes you get because let’s be serious, no one cares. We know you’re attractive and I can imagine you’re even more attractive when you brush your hair so we know the girls are all over you.”
“But…” Jack tried to add, but you cut him off.
“I’m not done. In Churchill Downs you say ‘everybody know Jack, but they don’t know Jackman correct?”
“And? What’s your point?”
“We need Jackman to show up for this next album and not Jack. We need to think outside the box and do something that you’ve never done before.”
“How do you propose I do that?”
“What do you mean how? You need to give your fans the real version of you because that will make them appreciate you even more. Despite you being an absolute asshole to me, I do want to help you do this and I take my job seriously. I felt bad when Neelam started to beg. I’m really here for her if we’re being honest.”
“HEY! You weren’t supposed to mention that!” She exclaimed and all you did was shrug.
“I call it like I see it. Now, we want this to be huge so, no promo whatsoever. We’ll drop a hint a day or two before it gets released and that’s it.”
“Wait a minute now, that sounds like a setup for it to flop.” Jack confessed and you could honestly tell he was worried.
“I promise if you do everything that I say, that it won’t be. And when have I ever made something that was a flop? Put some respect on my name please. I guarantee that I will have you number one on the charts. Just leave your ego to the side and do what you do best and I’ll do the rest. I need you to write a good ass album that will let people know that the little white boy that DJ Drama found from Kentucky is here to stay and he deserves a place in this industry. You’re not a fucking industry plant so you better not act like one. Now are we ready?”
“I didn’t realize that you were a fucking drill sergeant too.” Jack muttered and just crossed his arms. 
“If you think this is me being a drill sergeant now, You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Jack, no. too repetitive.” You said as he was showing you lyrics of the current song that he was writing. It was around 11 at night in Louisville and the two of you had been working just about all day. There were a few other people scattered around the studio and Jack let out a sigh.
“I understand you’re frustrated, but I’m trying to help you make the best album you’ve done to date. So what are you feeling at the moment? We can use that to motivate you.” You curiously asked. 
From that first day of the awkward interaction, you and Jack had been spending just about every day with each other working on his new album and of course he was still being an asshole towards you despite you trying to help him. Although Urban told you that he would eventually come around, but you weren’t sure.
“What am I feeling? Feeling like I’m sick of this shit and that I want to go home.”
You simply laid your pen down on top of your notebook and fully turned to face him. He was looking at you curiously knowing that you were probably going to have a slick ass comment come out of your mouth.
“Jack, let’s just be adults and work through this. The sooner we get done, the sooner we go our separate ways and we never have to be bothered with each other again.” You tried not to show the disappointment on your face when you said it. You didn’t understand what he had against you seeing as you two didn’t know each other well.
“He will, if he wants to keep getting hit songs on his album.” Urban muttered and Jack shot him a look. 
“Now, I’m going to ask you again, how are you feeling right now?”
It took him a few minutes before he finally answered. 
“Like I just want to lay low while continuing to prove people wrong. Let the music speak for itself.”
“Then write that.” You said while scooting your notebook towards him.
He was hesitant, but he eventually took it.
It was almost one in the morning and you were ready to call it quits and resume later that morning. It was now only you and Jack left in the studio and you could tell that the writer’s block was getting to him.
“Jack, just get in the booth.” You said while looking over at him and he looked at you like you had lost it.
“I don’t even have anything written. So what am I doing that for?”
“I’ve been working on a few beats for you. Maybe if you hear it, it’ll motivate you. Do this and we can go home and be right back at it later tonight.”
Jack shrugged before doing as he was told. He now had the headphones on and you hit play on the soundboard. As the beat filled the studio, Jack was surprised and did his best to not show it on his face.
Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to bring you on after all. 
You simply nodded for him to start when he was ready and he simply freestyled what he was feeling.
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win (Ooh)
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
It can't be the way I treat people or how I make time to see people
Or make sure that they feel like we equals
It can't be the smile, it can't be the eye contact with these crowds
It can't be my pen, it can't be these verses
That make people feel like I'm talkin' to them
It can't be the homage I've paid
Nights when I could've left the studio early, but I stayed
It can't be the tone of my voice
It can't be the thought I put into every choice
It can't be the Jeep instead of the Rolls-Royce
It can't be the downtime with my boys
It can't be the Tribe and the Biggie and the Nas
The Outkast and the Missy in my iPod
It can't be the absence of any facade
It can't be the worldwide hometown pride
So I guess (So I guess)
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
Once he stopped, he looked over at you to see if you approved and you quickly smiled at him and nodded. Once he was sitting back next to you, he mentioned that another verse and the chorus again would be perfect and that the song would be finished. So you volunteered to help him write it.
It took another twenty minutes, but in the end both of you were satisfied with it.
It can't be some understanding or branding
Or maybe that I'm outstanding
Or all the South American fans that meet me at the airport upon landing
It can't be my aunties and grannies
And every other woman in my family that raised me to be upstanding
It can't be that I simply make ear candy
Especially when the industry could just plant me
Especially when I didn't grow up on Brandy
Especially when I'm havin' dinner in Frankfort with Andy
It can't be a bit of good karma
It can't be the way they all said that he's a charmer
It can't be the lack of chinks in my armor
It can't be the poise when them boys try to harm us
It can't be that we built somethin' to be a part of
It can't be the way that every beat gets barred up
So I guess
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
“Now this is what I meant when I said that I needed Jackman and not Jack.” You said nodding in approval. 
“See if you weren’t so stuck up growing up, we could’ve been making hits.”
“Uhh, thanks? But what makes you think I’m stuck up? You hardly ever said two words to me growing up.”
“Do I really have to explain it?”
“Yes, because I’m obviously confused. I was never mean or rude to you.”
“I guess not since you probably didn’t know I existed. You always had this thing about you like you thought you were better than everybody.”
“Where did you even get that from because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I knew that you existed right along with the rest of your friends.”
“Let’s just drop it. I appreciate you doing this for me. Sooo, same time tomorrow?” Jack asked while getting up to gather all of his things and you quickly followed suit. 
“Yes I’ll be here.”
“I still don’t like you or trust you though.”
Your heart somewhat dropped hearing him say that and you wanted more of an explanation to what he said before. You barely said two words to him when you were younger because you were shy and you had the biggest crush on him. You still did, but knew since he had this idea of how you were in his head already that even being friends would never be a reality. But you knew you had to separate your feelings from your job. You were here to help make him an amazing album and that was it.
“Just like I said before, you don’t have to.”
It had been about two months or so since you first started helping Jack write his album and it was going smoothly despite the awkward beginning that the two of you had. Even though Jack originally told you that he didn’t particularly care for you, his feelings were starting to change the more time that he spent with you.
He noticed that everyone that came into the studio gravitated towards you no matter what was going on and that people spoke very highly of you. 
Not once did he hear anyone say something bad about you. It wasn’t until the two of you were getting ready to leave for the night when you noticed him hovering near the door. You simply raised your eyebrow up at him as he shifted his weight back and forth.
“Did you need me for something?” You asked while turning around to look at him.
“It’s 3 in the morning and I don’t want you walking to your car by yourself.” Jack confessed while scratching the back of his neck.
“We’ve left later than this before and I was just fine.” You replied while looking in your tote bag for your keys.
“I get that, but I should have done it then too.”
You threw your bag over your shoulder and met him at the door with him moving to the side so that he could let you go out first and he would follow behind you. The two of you then walked to your cars in silence and Jack was surprised to find out that the two of you had actually parked next to each other.
“You would have a BMW.” Jack blurted out before he caught himself. He was trying to turn over a new leaf with you and it obviously wasn’t starting off well.
“What is that supposed to mean, Jack?” You asked before sighing and opening your door.
“Um… just that it suits you. That’s all.”
“I’m safe and sound in my car so you can go ahead and go home.” You threw your bag in the passenger seat, but Jack not wanting the night to end just yet had gotten a bright idea. He didn’t want to admit to himself how much he liked spending time with you. 
“Um, I’ll follow you to make sure you get home okay.”
“Are you…. Do you feel okay?” You asked, confused by the sudden change of heart. Two months ago he didn’t even want to be in the same room with you and now he wants to follow you in his car to make sure that you got home okay?
“I feel fine.” Jack answered as he shrugged and got into the driver’s side of his Jeep. The two of you started up your cars and were on your way.
You made sure that Jack was close behind you as you merged onto the highway. You looked into your rearview mirror periodically to make sure that he was behind you and put on some music to distract yourself from your thoughts. You didn’t quite know what was happening between you and Jack, and you were sure that your heart did a backflip when he wanted to make sure you got home safely. 
You didn’t know if that was good or bad.
He had never done that before and you also noticed that he was starting to get shy around you. Whenever you would bring up something, he would see what you thought first before giving his opinion. 
It took about twenty minutes before you were pulling into the parking garage where your condo was. Once you had parked, you noticed that Jack had pulled up next to you. You had gotten out and made your way towards him as he rolled down his window. 
“Thanks for making sure I got home okay.” You said while giving him a small smile which he eagerly returned. 
“Oh, you’re welcome. I really didn’t mind.”
Since the two of you had pulled into the garage, you noticed that it had started to rain heavily and because you didn’t want him driving in that trying to get home, you suddenly blurted out for him to stay with you before you could stop yourself.
“Um, do you want to come inside? It’s pouring out here and I can’t have you driving home in that.”
“I really don’t live that far away and don’t want to be an inconvenience to you.”
“You won’t be, I promise. Just come on before either of us get sick and then it’ll take us even longer to finish your album.”
Once the two of you hit the top floor in the building, you led him down the hallway and stopped in front of your door while fishing for your keys in your bag to open the door. Once you did, you led the two of you inside and Jack was looking around taking in his surroundings. Everything was neat and extremely organized just how you were.
He didn’t expect anything less from you.
 It was at that moment you suddenly had a thought.
“Shit.” You quietly said, but Jack still heard you.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You simply threw your head back and sighed before answering him.
“I forgot my brother is staying with me this week so he’s in the guest room.”
“I can take the couch, it’s not a problem.”
“Jack, your 6’3 ass will not be comfortable especially if you want to stretch out. You can sleep in my room and I’ll take the couch. I have a king sized bed.”
“Absolutely not. I’m not kicking you out of your room. You were nice enough to let me stay so that I didn’t have to drive in the rain but I’m not doing that. And what do you need with a king sized bed? Aren’t you like 5’1?”
“Watch it Harlow. Just…. come on.” You grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom. You immediately went to your vanity to start taking off your jewelry while Jack awkwardly stood in the corner.
“Jack, I don’t bite. Make yourself comfortable.” You said as you began to put your hair up. 
He slowly slipped off his shoes as you went to change into your pajamas in your walk-in closet. When you came back, your breath hitched in your throat because he was now shirtless laying on your bed with his hand behind his head scrolling through his phone. 
Get yourself together, Y/N. You thought to yourself before sliding in next to him. Jack put his phone down when you did and he looked just about as nervous as you did.
“Uhh, what time were we going to head to the studio?” Jack curiously asked as you turned out the light. You figured he wouldn’t be able to see how nervous you were in the dark.
“Um around 11? How does that sound?”
“That sounds fine. I have another song that I wrote the other day that I wanted you to look over for me.”
It was quiet for a few minutes with just the sounds of both of your breathing in your room before you heard Jack’s voice again.
“Thank you for doing this for me even if it didn’t start out so well. You could’ve quit right then and there. I’m happy that you didn’t.”
“You’re welcome and I meant what I said. It’s my job and I’m going to make sure that this album is successful. Now go to sleep because we have a lot to do today.”
“So you mean to tell me that you slept in the same bed as the girl that you absolutely hate last night?” Urban asked his best friend on facetime as Jack was picking up what he learned was your favorite breakfast while also getting himself something from a small cafe down the street. He noticed how you came in with the same bag to the studio everyday and he has learned from Neelam that you liked chai tea and not coffee so that’s what he got you. 
“Hate is such a strong word.”
“You weren’t saying that two months ago. I remember every day for that first month you complaining about her despite her doing something that benefits you.”
“I woke up with my arm around her and luckily she was still sleeping. I left and went home to take a shower and change my clothes.”
“And now you’re picking her up her favorite breakfast. Hmm, you're whipped.”
“What? How am I whipped? We aren’t even together.”
“Not yet anyway.”
“There’s no way. I don’t even like her like that.”
All Urban did was eye him and Jack quickly looked away as his name was called to pick up your order. 
He made his way back to his Jeep before saying anything else. 
“Ask her out.”
“She has it in her mind that I don’t like her. So I can imagine that’s not going to go all that well.”
“Why would she think that unless you actually told her that? She literally invited you to her condo and the fact that the two of you didn’t fuck is beyond me. If you don’t want her, send her my way.”
All Jack did was scratch the back of his neck as Urban looked at him in disbelief.
“No the fuck you didn’t tell her that.”
“Ehh, not exactly my best moment.”
“Why are you such a dumbass sometimes? You have literally had this one-sided beef with her for years and one that she doesn’t even know about. She deserves at least that much from you. To explain it, I mean.”
“I ask myself that every day and I don’t know if she even wants to hear me out.”
“Tell her how you feel before someone else swoops in and gets her.”
Jack had now made it back to your condo and briefly knocked on the door and was hoping that your brother didn’t answer because the last thing he wanted was to have to explain what was going on between the two of you. You opened it and simply eyed him as he handed you the bag that contained your food and what you assumed was chai tea. 
“What’s this?” You asked while looking at him dumbfounded.
“Your breakfast. It’s the least that I could do for you letting me stay here.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”
“And I know you don’t really drink coffee so that’s chai tea. Neelam said it was your favorite.”
“Hmm, well thank you. I appreciate it.” You said while moving to the side so he could walk past you.
You locked the door behind him and went to the kitchen to sit across from Jack at the island as he also started to eat his food.
“Is your brother here?” Jack curiously asked while looking around and all you did was smirk.
“No, he left out earlier. Why?”
“I just didn’t want to explain why I was coming out of your bedroom at the crack of dawn just in case.”
“Last time I checked I was a grown ass woman and it wouldn’t be any of his business anyway. If I want to have sex with multiple people in one night then I’m going to without any input from anyone else.”
You saying that made Jack feel a wave of jealousy come over him and the fact that it wasn’t him that you were referring to. The sexual tension at least from his point of view was quite evident between the both of you, but since he had been an asshole to you before, he highly doubted that you would want to be anywhere near him when this was over and done with. 
“Fair point.”
It was now around four in the afternoon and everybody was stating how hungry they were and Jack took it upon himself to ask you to go to lunch with him and that he would treat you.
“You treated me this morning, so let me return the favor.” You said while looking up at him as he towered above you.
“No, you working on this album with me is more than enough. I’m treating you and I know the perfect place that we can go.”
You held your hands up in surrender and let him have his way, not wanting to go back and forth with him.
“Okay, let me just go to the bathroom and I’ll be ready.”
“I’m serious Y/N, leave your wallet here.”
You walked down the hallway until you got to the bathroom and quickly went inside and locked the door behind you.
Only a few minutes had passed and once you finished drying your hands, you opened the door to see Jack standing on the other side of it. Before you could ask him if something was wrong, he abruptly kissed you and pushed you back inside all while locking the door behind him.
You eagerly kissed him back as he sat you on the counter before he reached down in an attempt to pull your dress up around your waist so that he could have easier access to you.
He briefly broke away from you to look down at you for approval and you quickly nodded. Jack got on his knees and slid your black thong down your thighs before putting it in his back pocket leaving you with your mouth hanging wide open. 
Proceeding to spread your thighs, Jack got as close as possible as he could to you taking one long lick and you immediately shuddered while your hands went into his curly hair.
It took everything in you to hold back your moans not wanting anyone to hear you since you didn’t know how many people might be around.
“Jackkkk, shit.”
He continued to lap at your folds and couldn’t wait to see you come undone in front of him. If someone had asked you two months ago if you thought that you would be in the position that you were currently in, the answer would have been no.
“Mmm, you taste so fucking good.” You heard Jack say and you couldn’t help but to moan.
“Shiiit, I’m close.”
Upon hearing you say that, Jack immediately went to suck on your clit making you hold your hand to your mouth in an attempt to stay quiet. You let a few moans escape here and there before both of your hands went back into his hair.
In less than a minute, you came all over his face as he continued to lap at your folds. He finally stood up and you brought his lips to yours in a kiss that almost felt desperate. As you were kissing Jack, you were multitasking as you undid his pants and slid them down along with his boxer briefs to his ankles.
You definitely did a double take once you saw how big he was, but that wasn’t going to stop you seeing as you didn’t know if this would ever happen again.
“Fuck, I don’t have a condom.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m on the pill.”
Jack simply nodded as he slowly entered you and kept going until he bottomed out and let out a moan.
One thing you loved during sex is if a man was vocal and you could tell that Jack wasn’t about to disappoint you. 
You reached up to place your arms around his shoulders as he whispered in your ear.
“You okay?”
You simply nodded in return now that you had time to adjust and Jack quickly showed you no mercy with the pace that he was moving in and out of you with. 
“Fuck, you feel so good around me.” You heard Jack say as you once again covered your mouth in an attempt to hide your moans. 
Nothing was working as he increased his pace and you loudly moaned his name.
“Shh, baby we don’t want anyone to hear us .”
You whimpered as you felt his thrusts get sloppier and you knew that he was close and it was only a matter of time before it happened. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you knew that the two of you needed to get back down the hallways before anyone suspected anything.
The both of you finally released at the same time as Jack was placing kisses along your neck as you came down from your high. 
It took a few minutes before your breathing to become even again as Jack slowly slipped out of you.
You began to hop off of the counter so you could pull your dress down, but not before Jack brought his lips to yours once more.
“You think they’re looking for us?” Jack asked you as his forehead was laying against yours and you had gotten lost staring into those blue eyes that you loved so much.
“They might be so let’s go.”
Once again, you attempted to hop down, but Jack immediately stopped you.
“I’ll go first then wait a few minutes, okay?” Jack proposed and you nodded.
The both of you quickly got dressed and Jack left out first leaving you confused on what had just happened.
You had just had sex with Jack in the bathroom at the studio.
The thoughts were going through your mind at 100 miles an hour but you couldn’t think about that right now.
You still had a job to do and would deal with your feelings later.
Finally you hopped off the counter and had a realization.
Jack definitely slipped your thong into his back pocket.
Once you had gotten yourself together, you walked back into the studio to see Jack talking and laughing with Urban as you made your way back to your seat.
How were you even supposed to concentrate after that?
But, at the end of the day you were a professional and knew you needed to get this done.
No matter how hard it would be to now have to face Jack every day.
“You okay,Y/N?” Urban asked you and you simply shot him a small smile.
“Never better.”
Over the next few weeks, Jack had acted like nothing had happened between the two of you and for some reason it was bothering you to no end. 
So he could just have sex with you whenever he wanted and act like everything is normal? 
Luckily, it was an off day for you and all you were doing was laying around your condo, stuffing your face with food and catching up on all your shows when there was a knock at the door.
You checked your security camera to see that it was him.
Him as in Jack.
You rolled your eyes and slowly walked to the door, swung it open and walked back to the couch without even acknowledging him.
Jack thought it was weird that you didn’t say anything to him and simply followed you to sit next to you.
It was quiet for a few minutes before either of you spoke and Jack was extremely nervous and didn’t want to be the one to break the silence.
“What do you want, Harlow?” You asked while not taking your eyes off the television.
“I.. I wanted to talk to you about what happened.”
“So, it took you weeks to do that?”
“No… well… I didn’t mean for it to take this long. I just didn’t know what to say.”
“Didn’t know what to say? You literally put my thong in your back pocket, ate me out, and rearranged my guts in a studio bathroom and you have no clue what to say to me?”
“Look, I like you Y/N, I like you a lot and I’ve been afraid to admit it outloud. How I treated you was unacceptable and I want to apologize for it. I admit that because of what I heard about you, I already had this idea in my head about who you were as a person and that wasn’t right. I didn’t even give you a chance and I was judging you. You’ve been nothing but amazing to me this entire time as you helped me to do this album despite how I treated you. You’re a sweetheart who also takes her job seriously and I love that about you.”
“I just never understood why you hated me so much.” You said while finally turning to look at him.
“I didn’t hate you!”
“But you didn’t particularly like me either or trust me and you told me that yourself.”
“Um, well….”
“Just drop it, Jack. Your album is just about finished. We can go our separate ways and act as if this never happened.”
“But what if I don’t want for us to go our separate ways?” He asked while taking your smaller hand in his. 
“What are you even saying?”
“That I want to take you out on a proper date which doesn’t end up with me fucking you in a bathroom.”
“But who says that I didn’t want you fucking me in the bathroom?” You curiously asked before smiling at him.
“Let me at least buy you dinner first.”
“It’s a deal and I’m going to need my thong back.”
“No you don’t. I’m definitely keeping it.”
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Liked by yourinstagramname, urbanwyatt, estgee, neelamthadhani, brysontiller, 2forwoyne, and 5,739,042 others
jackharlow: Jackman. Out everywhere.
urbanwyatt: album art by yours truly
yourinstagramname: so incredibly proud of you. I knew you could do it. just didn't expect to see titties on your album cover
jackharlowsource: is anyone else foaming at the mouth at this pic or is it just me
jackharlow: yourinstagramname you've seen me in less, don't act up
jackharlowsource: OH 👀👀👀
neelamthadhani: thankful that he finally took my advice and let Y/N work on the album with him
urbandjack24: jackharlowsource nope. count me in too. we finally got a shirtless pic.
yourinstagramname: jackharlow okay so... I forgot what you looked like with less. I think I need a redo.
jackharlowsource: lmaooo no she didn't
urbanwyatt: jackharlow finally asked y/n out so I can stop getting facetime calls about how much he likes at her at 2 am
jackharlow: urbanwyatt now I'll call you to simp over her and yourinstagramname when you want that redo? because I got all night
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, dojacat, estgeem brysontiller, lolabrooke, and 1,099,487 others
yourinstagramname: face you make when your baby hits number 1 on apple music. well deserved jackharlow. proud of you. 💕
jackharlow: couldn't have done it without you mamas. thank you.
neelamthadhani: you two hated each other and now look. can't keep your hands off each other For two minutes
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you know I'd do anything for you and neelamthadhani what's your point?
urbanwyatt: I think the fuel to jackharlow confessing his feelings to her was that I said that I was going to ask her out if he didn't
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt it still took him another month
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname and to think we would've been amazing together
jackharlow: urbanwyatt HEY! CUT THE SHIT!
urbanwyatt: jackharlow if she decides to drop you, the bro code does not exist in this situation
jackharlowsource: lmaooooo not urban trying to get at y/n 😭😭😭
jackharlow: urbanwyatt and I thought we were brothers
neelamthadhani: idk why you two are fighting over her, when we all know that the only person that she'll leave for jackharlow is me
yourinstagramname: neelamthadhani you and me forever. we should get matching tattoos to symbolize our love.
jackharlow: yourinstagramname wait until later
yourinstagramname: jackharlow me and neelam are going on a date. raincheck?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname BABE, STOP PLAYING AND LET ME IN
555 notes · View notes
ruiniel · 4 months
HIIIII! i've been reading a bit through your blog and i've liked it a lot, the way you write for alucard is very sweet and i haven't seen much of him x male reader so could i make a request?
in my mind reader helped alucard along with trevor and sypha, but reader is a magical creature that lives within the forest and takes care of alucard from afar after sypha and trevor left so it was only just the two of them even after the events with taka and sumi. this is just for little context.
so, reader is pretty much very in love with alucard and is always to his disposition, but when greta arrives and starts to notice how happy he looks with her, reader starts to question if he's even good enough for alucard so even if he's at alucard's disposition he starts to drift away thinking that alucard may be better off with greta. that until alucard finds him again and formalize ofc 🥰
thanks for reading allat and if you're not interested feel free to ignore it, bye bye!
Thank you for the prompt, here's a little scene. I took a pre-poly relationship approach here...
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For each other
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021) | Pairing: Alucard x male reader | Rating: T Count: 2K | Tags: self-deprecation, pining, angst, feels
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A late, sunny afternoon. There is no one but the two of them in the large kitchen: Alucard has her pinned against a counter, his gaze dropping from her warm brown eyes to her lips, leaning close enough to taste—
They break apart at the sound of something thudding onto a hard surface. Alucard turns his head, eyes still glazed and heartbeat soaring from their kiss. He blinks owlishly at the sight of you unleashing a hoard of crab apples on the table.
You’d been gone for some time, and now meticulously catch the escaped apples and gather them back into the large wicker basket, all the while doing a great job of not looking at Greta or Alucard, staring at you. “Don’t stop on my account,” you murmur, leaning over to catch an apple about to roll off the table.
“...?” Greta untangles herself from Alucard’s arms, half-turning.
“Found plenty of these in a glade not far from here,” you say as you arrange the fruit. “Fallen from the trees, just there to rot if nobody uses them. Who would have thought?” You turn away, taking an apple and avoiding their eyes as you make to leave.
Greta calls your name. “Wait,” she tries again, taking a step forward, but Alucard’s hold is tight on her wrist.
As the door shuts behind you, Greta moves to go after you, anyway; Alucard holds her fast. “Perhaps…” he says, turning her gently to face him, “Let me speak to him, this time.”
Greta nods. There are many things to speak of indeed, things long overdue. Knowing what happened and all you’ve been through together until this point, it might be best for Alucard to reach you first. Her fingers graze the side of his face. “Bring him back.”
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When the door is closed, you stare at the stone walls of the corridor, your gaze traveling up, up, up, to the high ceiling. Your ears are ringing. There comes a need to be anywhere but here. 
Your body takes initiative before your mind does and then you’re pacing through castle halls, away, away, through tall grass, through dust and dirt until you find yourself…
“I’ll never escape this, will I?” you speak, gazing up absently at the remains of the Belmont Manor. You’re not even sure how you got here but take a deep breath, head tipping up to the sky.
So what? This is a good thing, right? Alucard being less miserable is a good thing. Greta having him is a good thing, and they need more Good Things in their lives. You want their happiness, would kill to see either of them pleased and living out their best days, such as they are. It’s all win-win here.
Then why the moping?
They don’t owe you anything. She doesn’t, Alucard doesn’t. Could you be such a supremely conceited dumbass that you actually thought needing them and being there meant you deserved to be a part of…
They’re your friends, your companions, the only people who ever cared. They’re your only friends, comes that voice within. So what, you love them no less.
You open your eyes, frowning at the clouds as though seeing daylight for the first time in your life.
You... love them.
You walk the broken grounds, through what used to be antechambers, through what used to be a dining room.
Breathe. Breathe, you idiot.
Fact is, one doesn’t always get what one wants — in your case almost never, which is just the bare truth and not you feeling sorry for yourself.
Well, you are, but that doesn’t make it less true.
Again, so what? So what, so what—the two words churn in your mind, an endless storm stealing your breaths without remorse. You drag both hands over your face. You’ve been out of it for too long, until you’ve stumbled upon Alucard, never lingered on what it entails, but now you know, now you see.
So, then, this must be jealousy. Feels great. Not only does God hate you, God placed a price on your head and sent their rabid revenge hounds with devotion and tenderness and lust crushed between their teeth, smashing inadequacy and resentment together in merciless jaws before biting into your face.
Someone calls your name.
You start, the breaths freezing in your chest. Great. You sigh. “You really have to stop creeping up on people like that.” Can you do this now?
“I’m sorry,” Alucard says, then just. Stands there.
Oh, no. You can’t do this now. You kick the dirt. “What is it, Alucard?” If you felt miserable before, now guilt and shame joined in and are having a day of it.
“It’s Alucard, now?” he asks softly, and you shake your head, avoiding his eyes. You’d slipped into calling him ‘Adrian’ not long ago. “Either way, I was hoping you could tell me,” he continues.
“Look, I’m just out here... for some time to think...”
“... which was so urgent a need, you had to rush out without looking back, despite Greta calling your name.”
You discover: when you’re hurting after someone, it only hurts more if they ridicule you. “Your point?” you pinch your brows, trying very hard not to lash out, not to be an asshole, because Alucard... Adrian doesn’t deserve it.
Alucard tilts his head to one side, takes another few steps, then sits down on the ruins—and doesn’t catch fire, a childish part of you thinks. “I know things between us have always been,” he looks you in the eye, “complicated.”
“Understatement of the century,” you stare up at the broken clock tower. “We’re going back to me asking about your point.” Your heart beats faster, and you know he can sense it.
Alucard watches you closely, kindly. His lips part. “You were there for me when I needed you. When I didn’t even know… what I needed.”
“... we did that for each other,” you mutter. “Alucard, really, you can stop this. I’m not a total idiot. You two are together, that’s great. You’ve been through so much, you deserve some peace of mind,” you say, even as Alucard rises and nears you. “And hell knows Greta deserves it, now would you please, please, leave it?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you’re begging. You never begged in your life, not even when you were held down at knife point, helpless and with your powers snuffed by magic. But now you’re compelled to because, because…
“I only want to remind you,” Alucard follows, looking at you, “that you once told me I wasn’t alone.”
Your eyes widen for a moment. You look away, unable to keep the misery from your voice. “Why are you going back there?” 
“Why are you running away?” He is close enough that you’re unable to move. “I am also at fault. I’ve been absorbed by my loss that I failed to see you.”
“You still mourn your family, which is a grand pass in my book. Look,” you stare at Alucard’s genuinely curious expression. “I… you need the time. Take it.”
“You care so much about what I need?” His face is honest as he meets your eyes. 
“Does that surprise you?” you ask, crawling beneath your facade, which you get the feeling falls short before Alucard now, anyway.
“I need you.”
You’ve never been the violent sort, unless someone threatened what you cherished. But now you want to punch him, because this… the implication is a joke beyond your wildest dreams, the ones that wake you up in a sweat with your pulse in a rush, where golden eyes turn red, with hot breaths in your ear and you can still taste—“Don’t.”
“I do,” Alucard looks up at the broken tower, then back at you. “And I nearly waited too long.”
He comes closer, a hand on your shoulder. You stare at it, then at Alucard, and you absolutely loathe your body in this moment, for all it wants is closer. “You’re with Greta.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Alucard’s eyes narrow. “Yes, you remembered Greta, gods willing.” His face becomes colder, but his eyes are pleading something you can’t understand. “I love her.”
“I’m … glad for you,” you say, falling apart.
Alucard shakes his head. “I love her, and she worried herself sick over you, stood by you for days and nights, tending to you when you were wounded. She can’t bear the thought of you leaving here, wanted to run after you just now and ask what happened because she can’t stand to always see you unhappy. Do you see a pattern?”
“I just… I care about her very much, as you likely have guessed,” you mumble, “all I want is for her to be happy. For… for you to be… .”
“Then don’t run,” Alucard says. “Not from her, not from me.”
“I never run.”
“Then don’t.”
“I just said—nevermind,” you mutter with a smile, spent and needy and you would just…
“Come back inside,” Alucard urges softly, running those long, nervous fingers along your scalp, forehead pressed to yours.
You shudder, would purr like a shameless cat if scraps of your dignity weren’t in the way. “... fine,” you murmur, lips curving upward against your will, fears dispersing like shadows chased by the coming dawn. 
Alucard’s hand cups your head again, but now it’s different; there’s hunger in the touch. You lean forward, helpless. Defeated. Aching.
You’re caught in an embrace, like the Inevitable wrapping itself around you and heaven or hell help you. There’s no escape, for you lack the will to fight this, then wonder why you would—isn’t this what… what you wanted? Didn’t you gut yourself over precisely this, wasting nights away, mind on Alucard and what you share and what you feel, what it would be like, to be close to him… to them? 
“You make everything so difficult for me all the time, you know that?” you say with Alucard… Adrian’s breath on your lips.
“I believe I’m actually making it easy.” He’s smiling, pointedly.
You draw back a little and Alucard follows, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. “Are you sure—”
“Are you really going to question me kissing you now?” he admonishes fondly and noses at your cheek, upper lip curling like it does when he’s annoyed.
“Fair,” you admit defeat, and with that, tilt your head just enough; feel Alucard’s soft lips between your teeth, Alucard’s tongue curling around yours, his taste and you’re grabbing onto the collar of his coat with both hands—more to keep yourself upright, in all honesty—remembering everything: the tingling, slow, hard pressure of Alucard’s mouth, the weakness in your knees and the flare burning low in your body. It’s just as… no, it’s even better than you thought, not as desperate but closer, softer, deeper. You can only liken it to drowning on air, on want, on taste and the sweet-heady scent of skin.
When you tug with abandon at his lip, Alucard brings you to his chest, a foot wedged between yours, hands ordering your hips flush together. All you can think of is how you shouldn’t be enjoying the manhandling as much but you desperately do, and would like more but this is too good a dream to switch for gratification now, too eager to feel him and your unspoken needs weaved together like bonds.
You release the collar of Alucard’s coat, thumbs drifting along his jaw, the determined, hard lines and smooth skin, the way his nose bumps into your cheek as you kiss, the way your own body runs hot and melds with his rising heat.
“Am I dead?” you ask, breathless when you slowly break apart. You stare at Alucard with a self-deprecating smile, the longing bare on your face, panting once, twice, only for Alucard to kiss you again.
You give up and hug him tighter, hands roaming and clutching at him, drifting down to his waist as Alucard twists with you and presses forward until your back meets the nearest wall.
“Wait... weren’t we... going inside?” you pant, looking beyond his shoulder. People are still walking to and fro, though for now you’ve been reasonably sheltered from any curious eyes.
“Right... yes... of course,” Alucard answers in much the same way. He wastes not a moment in dragging you after him, his arm tight around your waist.
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petitelepus · 2 months
I am desperate for pet!Urogi content! Maybe his previous owners gave him up because he's "loud, annoying, and way too affectionate" and they hated it (ridiculous!) But you're his new owner and you totally love his behavior
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Summary: You see a post on the internet about an avian Demon being given away and of course, you are excited! You just didn't expect Demon to be so excited also!
A/N: Slave!AU, Demon Slaves, Urogi, Gender Neutral Reader
Part 1 - Part 2
You sighed as you were done with the day's work. Living outside the city was great, you had your own little house where you lived peacefully, doing your job with the computer so you rarely had to leave the safety of your home and head to the city and you were pretty independent, having chickens and a rooster; so you had a stable source of food also.
But your independence came with a price.
"Company could be nice…" You hummed as you logged into your computer and absent-mindedly started to go through different websites and saw many posts about people with their Demons and such. Seeing them filled you with jealousy and you sighed, wondering why you had to do this to yourself, why did you have to look when you couldn't get anything?
Slaves could be expensive and you weren't exactly rolling in money so buying one was out of the question. It appeared that you could never get a Demon of your own… Or so you thought until you noticed a notification on the internet, about Demons being sold cheap or given away.
You were curious, but also reserved. You had read a post or two about how Demons like these were so-called "damaged goods" and how they could be unstable and even dangerous.
"I shouldn't…" You muttered quietly, "I really shouldn't…"
Yet you still clicked the link anyway.
There were so many different Demons being sold dirt cheap, but they all looked like they were pretty damn hard to handle… But then a notification popped up and a new post was posted. What caught your attention was the headline.
'Giving Away A Rare Avian Demon'
An avian Demon? Like one of those with animalistic looks akin to birds? This caught your interest and you clicked to see the picture of the Demon and sure enough, he had huge brown wings on his back and he had talons instead of hands or feet. He seemed to also have a very wide and excited smile, posing for the picture.
You had always liked birds so getting him felt natural.
You acted before you even realized what you were doing, sending a message to the person giving the Demon away.
'Hello, I would be interested in your avian Demon. Is he still available?'
You held your breath as you waited for a reply and you started to fear that you were too late and that someone else had claimed the Demon, but then you got a reply.
'Yeah, it is'
You grinned ear to ear and messaged back.
'Wonderful, I would love to take him off from your hands.'
'Good, how fast can you come?'
Good question, how fast could you go and fetch the Demon? You glanced out of the window and noted that the sun was starting to set. You had plenty of time, but you were so excited and therefore impatient.
'How about today? Or is it too soon?'
'It's perfect'
The person giving the Demon away sent you an address where you could pick your new slave and you cheered happily. You grabbed your phone, inserted the address into your map app, headed out, jumped into your car, and took off. You couldn't believe your luck! You got yourself a Demon and it cost you nothing!
You arrived at your destination after a half-hour car drive and the sun was almost completely set. You hummed as you looked at the address and the buildings, finally finding the one you were looking for. Without waiting any further, you pressed the doorbell… And the door opened to reveal a woman, around your age.
"Ah, good evening. I'm here for the Demon?" You smiled a little, "Is this the right address?"
"Oh, you're the one from the forum." The woman nodded, "Yeah, it's in my backyard. Come on in."
"Thank you," You nodded humbly as you stepped into her house and you noted that it was even smaller than your home. You wondered a little if the Demon in question was actually a small one, but another question slipped past your lips, "Why is he in the backyard? Doesn't sun burn him?"
"It's fine, it spends days in the old garden shed." The woman replied and you frowned, "Why not keep him inside?"
"I don't have space for that big stupid thing and I don't want it to make a mess," She replied as she opened the backdoor and you followed her outside, but the heavy-looking chain in the middle of the backyard immediately caught your attention. It was struck into the ground and led to the shed that looked like it could come apart if the wind was strong enough.
"Oi, come out. Someone is here to see you." The woman opened the door and you gasped as the Demon stepped out and you saw him in his glory.
He was huge, wings and all, and muscular… But why was he chained and why did he have a gag in his mouth?
"Why is he chained?"
"So it won't escape."
"And the gag?" You asked as you frowned, "Is he dangerous?"
"No," The woman shook her head, "It just doesn't shut up once it starts talking."
"How does he eat?"
"We give him what leftovers we have each night."
You had read enough to know that wasn't even nearly enough of what a healthy Demon should eat!
"Ah…" You nodded, "So, why are you exactly giving him away?"
"Because it's a headache! I tried selling it, but no one would take it when they saw it and I don't feel like paying for it to be put down."
"So, what, just because he is a little too excited you don't want him anymore?" You almost couldn't believe what you were hearing or how irresponsible this woman was.
"Are you going to complain or take it before we give up and stick it into the sunlight?" She asked and you shook your head, "No no, I'll take him! I can take him with me right now!"
"Good," The woman nodded as she dug out a key from her pocket and unlocked the chain around the slave's ankle. The Demon blinked as he looked at you and the woman grabbed his upper arm and harshly pushed him at you, "There! You can keep the gag. God knows you will need it."
"Thank you," You nodded as you gently grabbed the Demon's yellow wrist and turned to lead him out, but the woman quickly shouted, "No no, not through the house! You will make a mess!"
You turned to look and she rushed past you to open the gate to the front yard where your car was waiting.
"There, now go go!" She almost pushed the two of you out before slamming the gate behind you.
You looked at your new slave who was inspecting you with these deep golden eyes of his and you smiled, "Alright… I'm your new owner, so… Let's get along?"
The Demon looked at you as it nodded and you smiled a little, "Let me see that gag of yours…"
The slave nodded as it bent down so you could look at the bindings around his head and you quickly frowned as you saw that the knot used to tie the gag was too complicated for you to open simply by hand.
"Shit, can you hold on until we get to my place? I have scissors there so I can remove that gag in your mouth."
The Demon nodded and you looked apologetic as you led him to your car… Only to realize that he didn't fit, not with those large wings of his.
"Now what…?" You groaned, feeling yourself grow frustrated… But then your new slave tapped your shoulder and when you turned to look, he pointed at his wings. You blinked, stunned, "Wait, you can actually fly?"
He nodded. You smiled, "That's amazing! Do you think you can follow my car?"
He nodded again and you smiled as you got into your car and took off.
Sure, there was the risk that he might escape, but if that was to happen then there was nothing you could do… But as you drove and looked out of the window, you could see him tailing close behind you. This filled you with joy and hope and you drove back home.
Once back home, you immediately took the Demon inside and to the kitchen where you held everything sharp that you could use to undo that damn gag around his head.
"Hold still, I don't want to hurt you even by accident," You said and the slave nodded as he knelt down so you could reach better… And with a quick snip and snap, the gag fell down from the Demon's mouth.
"There we go!" You smiled as you stepped in front of him and looked at him and he moved and corrected his no doubt aching jaw.
Then, all of a sudden he lurched forward and you yelped, fearing that he was dangerous after all, but instead of shredding you to pieces, he hugged you and smiled and it was both the most genuine and wicked smile you had ever seen.
"Thank you, Master! I hated that thing!" The Demon laughed and wow, he was loud, yet excited!
"You're welcome," You nodded, gently patting his shoulder and the slave grinned as he stepped back, "What a nice Master I got! I-!"
The only thing louder than the Demon was his stomach. You blinked and the Demon clutched his stomach as he laughed, "Ha ha, looks like I'm hungry!"
You believed him if he was only fed some leftovers for who knows how long!
"Oh, of course!" You nodded, "You need food! Do you mind chicken, or…?"
"Can you?" You pointed at his wings and the Demon cackled, "Yeah, I can eat birds! Meat is meat after all!"
"Okay, good," You turned to head to the backyard where your chicken coop was located, "Okay, I just need to kill one and-!"
"Wait!" Urogi raised his hand, "A- Are there living chickens here?"
He sounded stunned and shocked, but why exactly?
"Yeah, I eat and breed them." You tilted your head, "Why?"
"Can-!" You could see him actually drool, "Can I eat one?"
"Of course, I just need to-!"
"No, I mean, can I kill it?" He wiped his drooly chin and you hummed thoughtfully… But you didn't see anything bad at it.
"Okay," You nodded as you crooked your finger, inviting him to join you, "Come and I'll give you one. Just don't let it suffer."
"I won't!" The Demon sounded so eager, almost desperate as he followed you to your wide backyard where the coop full of chickens was located, and, well, things went as you would presume.
After about half an hour, you and the Demon returned inside, the latter one licking his bloody lips and talons, his hunger finally quenched.
"It's a rare treat for us Demons to get something alive to eat!" The Demon cackled before he suddenly hugged you again and nuzzled his nose against the top of your head, "I know I'm going to love my stay with you!"
"Well…" You smiled a little, "I'm happy to have you!"
"Oh, oh!" Your new slave let go of you and looked at you excitedly, his wings flaring behind him, "My name is Urogi! What should I call you, Master?"
The way he asked was almost straight like from the textbook and you frowned a little, not necessarily liking being called Master.
"Well… I think you can call me whatever you want?" You thought out loud and he smiled, immediately coming up with one, "Birdie!"
"Birdie?" You blinked, "Why, because I have birds?"
"And you have me!" He laughed and you blinked as you smiled. This Demon, unlike anyone you had ever known, was filled with such pure joy, like every second alive was a reason to be happy about.
You had a feeling that the two of you would get along very well.
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r0-boat · 1 year
What if, Reader was the queen of a dying hive and two humans (Ingo and Emmet) wander into her hive?
Imagine the smut possibilities
This is actually a very interesting thought! I thought about it a lot and here's what I have to say:
Here's some head cannons my friend
Beegearstation reversed Au headcannons
(bee royal reader x human twins
Cw: breeding, slight Emmet bullying, but we still love him in this house, switch reader,switch twins
You were a kind and gentle ruler to your hive, being the Survivor out of a hive that wanted to kill you so you couldn't rival their Royal. You didn't like the same for your drones. Your hive was a safe haven for drones that got abandoned or kicked out of their hive.
Because of this, your drones love you and are very protective of you. You know that in the long term, your hive would be in danger; however, you try not to think about it. You try not to let it bother you because as long as you're drones have a place to call home, that's all that matters to you. However, the drones are aware of how much the idea of the future of the hive scares you. They wish they could do something to help, but their bodies were not built to give you suitable young.
On one faithful day, the Drones scrambled around the hive; seems like the Royal had taken another one of their walks alone. That's when they found a human well, the human found them, striking silver eyes, gray hair with sharp sideburns, and a smile on his face; he gazed at you from the vegetation, his eyes widened, having never seen someone of your kind before. His eyes sparkled with curiosity. He wasn't fearful of you like most humans were. In fact, his first words to you were, and you'll never forget, "D-do you come here often?" Your future king was never one for small talk. He was constantly stumbling over his words when he had to be the one to start a conversation. Every time you bring up the fond memory, his face goes red with embarrassment—that cute smile of his twitching while his eyebrows furrowed.
you remember how frightened when you were when you saw him, because of your past, you find it very hard to trust new people, but he seemed friendly enough. You don't know why you got along with him so well maybe it's because he was always truthful with his words no matter how blunt which you appreciate from time to time. (Looking back, you wondered why Emmet liked you so much; there were plenty of humans that could suit his fancy; his older brother only huffed and replied, "That's exactly why!" ...you're not sure what he means by that)
You enjoyed Emmet's company meeting in the same spot at least once a week. You wanted the stories about his human life, your eyes lighting up with wonder when he talked about a vehicle humans use that travels super fast, making the ground Rumble in its path as it roars Its mighty call.
Ingo was introduced to you by Emmet, who was slightly sweeter and a little more upbeat, which was contrasted with his scary face.
Over time, these two became your friends, maybe, even more; you did think of them as suitable mates and Royals for your hive, but you could never spring such a responsibility on them, and... they were human.
When you showed up late, they began to worry... Do you seem weaker? Constantly out of breath, occasionally even stumbling. Swallowing down their fear of breaking your trust, they followed you back to your hive. They overheard everything, the Colony has no future, and you are overworking yourself sick!
They care about you so much, that they beg you to please let them help. They'll do anything they can!
The Kings may be human, but the drones respect them as hard workers and members of The Hive.
When the twins realized that your hive was built in an old ruined Grand Station, they flipped their lid in excitement; they even hit the jackpot, finding a rusty old handcart!
Your Depot drones start picking up on the train speak; your dear human Kings have. You find it rather cute.
Nsfw below
You are a bee hybrid Royal so you are naturally taller than your humans(if that's not what you want you can stay small) it is your choice whether you dominate them or they dominate you~.
Emmet is obsessed with the fluffier parts of your bee body. When he's on top of you he loves snuggling into the fluff while he grinds his fat cock inside you.
To your surprise, your mates, despite being human, react to the royal jelly well. There were no physical changes to their body, but they became very receptive to your pheromones. The reactions are almost animalistic since they are still sensitive to these new feelings.
They can sense how much you need them, and they'll either break down in a sobbing mess begging for you to touch or use them. Or demand and overpower you like an animal in a rut.
As you lay there begging for him to breed you. Telling him that he'll make a strong brood. Ingo is slowly turning to the monster fucker dark side, and Emmet is there to accept his brother with open arms.
The twins Wonder if the pollen works on their drones; they wonder if the same pollen will work on you. Spoiler alert, it does. You practically pounce on them, riding/milking them until they're on the verge of passing out. They see white as they shoot blanks, but it's not enough for you.
Meanwhile, the bee smoke makes you so cute, and Dopey, your little Giggles as you rub against them like a kitten, your head delicately bonking against their shoulder begging for attention. Your eyes roll back, drool dripping down your chin, letting out cute little whines because you can't take their big cocks while your mind is clouded with smoke.
You're sweet honey-coated saliva makes them so sensitive to the touch Emmet begs for his majesty to touch him. You purr a 'No' liking the sight before you; Emmet tied to the bed cock aching for your touch, his legs quivering and shaking, trying not to hump the air in Desperation for any kind of relief.
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eloaholiveira · 1 year
The Incident revamped
Silver and Sonic have known each other ever since childhood. They were both orphans, and stayed in plenty of temporary households through the years.
At some point Silver decided to leave the house at night, and take some fresh air. But he noticed he was wandering around very far from home, and while he was walking back, a tenrec, apparently the same age as him, came up to him, and they talked a little. What Silver wasn't aware of was that the girl was a vampire, and she was just tricking him. She took him by surprise and bit his shoulder, he struggled to get off her but it was useless.
She took almost all of his blood and he would definitely die from blood loss, but instead of finishing him off, she decided to "spare him", she let him drink her blood (forcefully), and walked off, with zero explanation.
Coincidentally, Sonic also walked off his house the other night and was attacked, not by a vampire but a werewolf, although Sonic couldn't tell what the "animal" in front of him was. He got badly injured and the beast had bitten him, but Sonic managed to escape alive.
Sonic stayed in the hospital for a few days, and all his wounds mysteriously had been cured, the only thing left was the mark, the mark of the bite the weird creature gave him. He didn't really know what to do when he got home, so he decided to call Silver, except he wasn't at home.
He started getting worried, apparently Silver hadn't returned home since that night, so he decided to search for him.
Sonic didn't know how, but he knew where he was. There was something familiar, he knew where Silver headed to, it was faint, but he could feel it, he could smell it.
Sonic ran across the florest the fastest he could, and when the smell was very strong he stopped, Silver was here somewhere. He started sniffing the air like a dog, he didn't even notice his strange behavior, he couldn't care less about that right now, though, Silver was in danger.
He had found him. Although something wasn't right.
He smelled different, he looked different.
Silver was covered in blood, and crying. Sobbing uncontrollably, just sitting there on the cold floor.
Sonic ran over to him, but Silver told him to stop where he was. He was scared, not of Sonic, but himself. He knew what he had done when he woke up. It was a quite foggy memory, but he knew.
He had killed someone in such a horrible way, he was a monster.
Sonic didn't leave, though. He stayed silent for a moment, and in an attempt at comforting him, he told Silver about what had happened to him some days prior, he told him about the mark on his leg, how all his wounds healed super fast, the strong smells and the beast that attacked him. He was sure something wasn't right with him, too.
They sat there on the floor for some time, Silver finally stopped crying, and they talked about what they would do next. Silver said he knew an abandoned place to go, so at night fall, they went to the house and invaded the attic.
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freyasilverbough · 2 months
The Cave Bear and the White Wolf - Part 3
Notes: in my headcanon and in my games, Minthara is an oathbreaker. I know canonically she’s oath of vengeance, but oathbreaker is more fun and she has a whole dialogue tree about it.
Summary: Freya does stupid shit, like freeing the Moonrise prisoners by herself, and Halsin no likey. Some angst, some fluff, nothing too explicit but heavy making out happens towards the end.
Cw: blood (always atp since my paladins are always covered in blood), canon typical violence, light mentions of suicidal tendencies in that my oc does not give a single fuck about her own life while she’s saving others.
“Hey, Dammon,” Halsin called as he approached the blacksmith.
“Hey, how is she?” Dammon asked as he turned to the larger man, clasping Halsin’s forearm in greeting.
“She’s awake. Wants her armor back.” Dammon chuckled and nodded to where her suit lay on his workbench, polished and free of all the dents that adorned it after the battle yesterday. “You do work fast, impressive.”
“I added some extra reinforcements to the plate. It’s a good set, but there’s too many gaps in it for someone who takes as many hits as Freya does.”
“Actually, I wondered if you might be able to make something,” Halsin said as he pulled the sketchbook he kept from his pocket and handed it to the smith.
Dammon looked the sketches over for a long moment, his brows creasing as he mapped his new project in his head. “Yeah, I think I can manage it. Give me a moment to measure the other set, I have plenty of steel and scraps of scalemail thanks to Talli. Should take me about a week or so.”
Halsin thanked the tiefling as he gathered Freya’s armor and turned back to the inn. “Oh, Dammon?” He called over his shoulder. “Keep it quiet, would you?”
Dammon smirked and nodded his agreement. Halsin smiled to himself, taking long strides back inside to the woman he was trying so hard not to fall for.
They were heading for Moonrise that day. Freya was a ball of nerves, wound so tight that he was sure any minor inconvenience would cause her to snap. She was worried that Ketheric might recognize her, and therefore put her newfound friends at risk, so she insisted that everyone wait outside while she went in and “tested the waters.”
Halsin didn’t like it one bit. There were too many things that could go wrong in there, and while he didn’t doubt Freya’s abilities, he also wouldn’t underestimate Ketheric Thorm.
“Take Astarion inside with you at the very least,” he tried to reason with her. She just glared in response. “He knows how to stay hidden and he can back you up if something goes wrong.”
“Remember how you insisted that you were the only one who could enter the Shadowfell? This is like that,” she snapped. “If Ketheric recognizes me, it’s all over. The rest of you have an advantage, he’s got no clue who you are and if I fall, you can still infiltrate the tower. If you’re with me, and things go sideways, he’ll behead you for association before you even know what’s happening. I won’t put anyone here at risk because I failed to kill him a hundred years ago.”
She’d removed her headband and earrings that marked her as a follower of Selûne. Instead of her plated armor, she sported black leather and wore a hood to cover her silver hair. She had left her wolf crest shield in her tent, and striped her face with black kohl to hide the scar over the bridge of her nose. She looked more like an assassin than a paladin.
Halsin ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. The archdruid in him wanted to command her to stay behind, to let the others scout the tower if she was so worried about being recognized. He knew that such a command would just piss her off, that she would never ask another to do something she herself wasn’t willing to do.
The plan was that he would wait just outside the moonshield with Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart. With the pixie’s blessing, they’d be protected from the curse while the cultists were forced to stay in the light. If Ketheric recognized Freya and she somehow made it out of the tower, Astarion would pick off the cultists with his bow and Gale would open a portal to Last Light, while Shadowheart and Halsin would make sure they all survived.
If Freya made it out. He’d never admit to her that the thought she may not make it made his bones run cold and heart sink to his gut. He wanted to go with her, to protect her, to stand between the oathbreaker and the faithful and give her a chance to flee.
Freya stepped closer to him and looked up into his eyes, a cold determination hardening the blue. “If I fall, be assured that I plan on taking every damned cultist I can down with me.”
“You once told me your brother always said that anything before the word ‘but’ is bullshit,” Halsin echoed her words from the week before.
“But,” a smirk lifted her perfect lips. “I have no intention of dying today. By my oath, I will do everything in my power to see justice come to Ketheric Thorm.”
When she invoked her oath, Halsin knew that there was no more arguing to be done. She stood firm in her choice. All he could do was pray to Silvanus and every other god that would listen that she would return to him.
“Let’s get this over with, then,” he said, clapping her shoulder as he strode to meet the others before departure.
Halsin paced just outside the moonshield, watching the huge oak doors of the tower as if he could see through them and glimpse what was happening.
“Would you settle down? You’re making all of us dizzy,” Astarion whined from the stump he perched on, carving new arrows with his knife.
Halsin ignored him and carried on as he was.
“Don’t be an ass, Astarion. It’s giving you wrinkles,” Shadowheart quipped.
Halsin stopped his pacing when bells sounded from the tower and he heard the faint shouts of the guards. His breath caught in his throat as he stopped just in front of the moonshield.
He strained his ears, hearing the faint clashing of swords from inside the tower.
If there was fighting, she was alive. Halsin breathed a sigh of relief before that relief quickly turned to panic. Who was she fighting? What was she doing? Freya was formidable, to be sure, but one soldier against an entire stronghold? She’d either had no choice, or she was completely mad.
The oak doors at the tower’s entrance blew open with an explosion of silver moonfire, and out poured a host of gnomes, tieflings, and…
Was that Minthara?
Freya followed close behind, covered once again in blood and glowing with the rush of battle. Her hood had fallen and her braids swung wildly behind her. She pulled something from her pocket and launched it toward Astarion as the gnomes and tieflings ran across the bridge.
“Tell the pixie to protect the prisoners from the curse! HURRY!” She screamed as he caught it. Halsin vaguely registered Astarion following her order, but his focus was on her. Minthara stood with her as the prisoners fled from the battle. The drow had no weapon, but she had a paladin’s magic and was using it to compel foes to halt, flee, drop their weapons as Freya struck them down.
Gale muttered incantations under his breath as purple magic began to swirl around him. A portal appeared, and Shadowheart ushered the prisoners through to safety. Astarion drew his bow and fired as Freya and Minthara sprinted across the bridge. One of the guards dodged Astarion’s arrow at the last second and reached out to grab Freya by the braids, and Halsin decided he’d had enough.
He let the earth guide him as he shifted, fur and claws erupting where there were once skin and hands. He leapt over the two women and tore out the guard’s throat, letting loose a roar of fury. When the drow crossed the portal, Freya slid to a stop and approached to stand at Halsin’s side.
“Well. I may have started a bit of a fight,” she said as more guards poured through the doors. “We should probably go.” Halsin shifted back to his elven form and grabbed Freya’s hand, the two of them sprinting through Gale’s portal.
Halsin stumbled as his feet touched the ground outside Last Light, and Freya landed on her hands and knees. Reunions and celebrations were happening all around them, but he couldn’t bring himself to gaze at anything but Freya. She sat back on her heels, tilted her face to the sky, and laughed. Cackled like a godsdamned madwoman, covered in her enemies’ blood and viscera. Perhaps she’d taken a pommel to the head.
“Fucking hells, that felt good,” she said between her laughs, trying and failing to catch her breath. Halsin leveled a glare in her direction. “Oh come on now, they were taking Minthara to the cells to erase her mind. I was on a time crunch,” she said to him.
“Yeah, that’s another thing we’re going to talk about. Minthara, Freya? I thought she was dead!” Halsin tried to keep his voice level, but his anger raised the volume.
“I thought she was too, turns out she’s tougher than I thought.” Freya got to her feet and crossed her arms in defiance, as if she didn’t just save the drow who’d threatened his grove not two months before.
“She’s an oathbreaker, Freya. She’ll slit your throat in your sleep now that you’ve set her free. What in all the Nine Hells were you thinking?!”
“They’re arguing about me, aren’t they?” He heard the drow ask someone behind him. It took every ounce of will he possessed to keep from turning his wrath on her.
“Don’t worry, Freya always wins him over. She has a thing for taking in strays,” Astarion responded.
“She’s an oathbreaker, yes, but you’ll make one of me if you ask me to send her back to the shadows. She was controlled by the tadpole when she planned to take the grove, a fate I would’ve faced myself were it not for blind, stupid luck. Minthara is a valuable asset whose goals align with our own, for now. If she turns on us, I’ll cut her down myself.” Freya’s tone quickly turned from exuberant to commanding as she spoke, returning Halsin’s glare and spreading her stance.
“You would die in the attempt, but it’s a noble thought,” Minthara retorted. Halsin whipped around to face the drow and Freya circled him so she stood between them, gripping her sword as she did.
“I don’t like her either, Halsin, but I must hold to the tenets of my oath and I must accept every sword I am offered in this fight.” Freya’s gaze softened just a fraction and Halsin knew she was right. Fuck, but she could talk him into biting off his own hand if she wanted.
He looked over Freya’s shoulder to the drow. “The first sign of trouble, and you’re gone,” he said to her.
“Oh, I intend to cause plenty, but only for our enemies.”
Back at camp, Halsin’s whittling turned into a pile of slivers in his frustration. He was still so angry with Freya, she was only meant to “test the waters,” as she had said. Instead, the woman took it upon herself to tackle an entire stronghold by herself.
He knew she would do it all over again to save those prisoners, and he couldn’t exactly fault her for it. He didn’t know the exact words of her oath, but he knew that most paladins were bound to defend the innocent. The tenets of her oath would always come above her own safety, and something about that fact aggravated him to no end. Did she just not value her own life the way she valued others?
She materialized before him as if she could read his thoughts. She leaned on a tree and bit down on an apple, without a care in the world. She wore a sleeveless cotton top that accentuated every curve and muscle of her lithe torso and dipped low into her cleavage. Her moonlight hair was unbound and she’d washed the black from her face.
She looked like a godsdamned angel, and that just made Halsin angrier.
“You’re upset,” she stated, taking another bite of her apple.
Halsin took a deep breath, willing his centuries of training in patience to kick in and chase the rage from his bones. “Yes,” he responded.
“Look, I made a call in the moment. I’ve spoken with Minthara, and I believe she’ll stand with us against the Absolute. They scarred her mind, and she wants vengeance. If you talked with her yourself, you’d believe her, too.”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass about Minthara.”
“Then why the fuck are you sulking in the farthest corner of camp?” Halsin stood, stalking toward Freya like she was his prey. She pushed off of her tree and straightened, crossing her arms and widening her stance. The movement made her biceps ripple and her breasts pushed together slightly. Halsin pretended that his cock didn’t twitch at the sight.
He didn’t stop until he was inches away from her. “I’m sulking because you asked - no, demanded - that everyone else stay behind while you went on a fucking suicide mission, Freya. You put yourself at risk again and I cannot figure out how someone with such high regard for others can regard her own life so little. It was stupid, and you know it. I thought we were past this recklessness, that you would finally ask me for help, and then you go and pull this shit without a thought for how your friends would feel having to burn your body.”
“Don’t you dare act as if you were there. You didn’t see what they were doing in that prison, Halsin.”
“I didn’t see because you forced me to stay behind!” He yelled. “I wasn’t there because you always insist on standing alone!”
“What would you have me fucking do?! I am somehow responsible for each of the lives in this camp, for each of the souls in Last Light. I’ve been fighting for well over two hundred years, I trust in my own strength even if-“
Halsin couldn’t help it. He took her face in both hands and crashed his lips to hers. She stiffened in his grip for a moment, then melted into his kiss, molding herself to his body. She was a perfect fit. She put both of her small, calloused hands on his chest as one of his own traveled to her waist. He gripped her side as he groaned slightly into her full lips, feeling the ridges of her scars under her shirt. She opened her mouth for him, and their tongues danced in a battle for dominance.
It was not a sweet kiss, nor a gentle one. He wound the hand that had been cupping her cheek into her long hair, wrapping it around his fist. He moved her back against the tree and the hand on her side inched up to her breast as she moaned into his mouth. It was the sweetest godsdamned sound Halsin had ever heard.
All reason and restraint had left his body in that moment. His reasons for declining her offer at the party with the tieflings simply melted away. As he kissed Freya against that tree, there was no Shadow Curse, no invulnerable general, no tadpole swimming in her skull. There was only her.
That fierce, kind, compassionate, reckless woman whose loyalty had no match, whose strength could challenge gods and rattle the stars. He’d taken many lovers, always held that his heart roamed as nature willed it, but he knew without a doubt as he held her that she was it for him. Whether she would have him or not, there would never be another.
Reluctantly, he broke their kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, staring into her bright blue eyes. Both of them were breathless, and he could smell her arousal as his cock stretched the leather of his pants.
“I wish you could see yourself as I do,” he whispered, before gripping her thighs and hoisting her up to his height. She wrapped her legs around his hips and bared her neck for him in a rare show of vulnerability as his lips wrapped around her soft flesh. His teeth moved their way up to her delicate pointed ear and she ground herself into him with a loud sigh of pleasure.
He was ready to burst in his pants like an adolescent when a call from Astarion interrupted them. “Freya! Quit fucking the bear, there’s a devil in our camp again, and it’s not Minthara.”
She broke away from him, panting and thoroughly flushed. “I’m going to fucking kill him,” she murmured. Halsin chuckled and nipped at her throat before releasing his hold on her. He smoothed her hair with his hand and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She smelled like rosemary and thunderstorms, he realized as he took a deep inhale.
“Next time I risk my own hide in an epic act of heroism, I expect to be thoroughly fucked, druid,” she said in a sing song voice as she turned to hurry back to where an alleged devil waited to meet with her.
He chuckled to himself as he adjusted his breeches, and jogged to catch up with her. He was in such deep shit.
The devil in question was Wyll’s patron, Mizora. She’d appeared to inform Wyll that he needed to rescue one of Zariel’s assets from Moonrise. Freya agreed on Wyll’s behalf, stating that they’d do it only if Mizora freed her warlock from his pact.
The damn woman would argue with a devil. Currently, she sat with Minthara on a log, handing her the weapons they’d gathered from their travels for inspection. The flaming sword she’d picked up on the nautiloid was too big, the mace from under the creche too small, the shortsword from the goblin camp downright insulting.
Freya smirked as she passed the drow a Menzoberranzan blade she’d looted from a drider. Minthara stood, gripping the hilt with finesse and testing its balance. “Finally, good drow steel. This will do,” she said. Freya retrieved her own sword and started sharpening it with her whetstone. Halsin watched as the two women fell into an easy camaraderie, honing their weapons and talking of battles won, foes vanquished.
May all the gods above have mercy on Ketheric Thorm, for the elf and the drow would not.
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hii! saw your matchmaker-thingy js now and instantly KNEW I had to try it out lmao. I’m kinda scared
I’m abt 156cm tall (5’1” I think), have brown eyes n brown hair and am mixed (Vietnamese-Swiss-English), I got like a short wolf cut. I have some scars on my hands and legs, some sh scars on my forearms and stretch marks on my thighs.
Uhh idk I can talk abt literally anything (deeptalk>>>) & am an animal lover. my first language is German, I also speak Swiss German and English (obvi) but also a bit Vietnamese and Norwegian. I grew up with mostly Asian culture, together with European culture and really love rice, duck, seafood and summer rolls. My social battery goes low rlly fast but I love being around the ppl I trust, my love language is physical touch. If not lazy, I can do absolutely crazy shit but I don’t like illegal stuff or shit o could get in serious trouble for.
I’m bisexual n female (she/they) but rather lean towards men, I love to draw and sketch and paint and all that stuff, also like crystals and taxidermy (only non-animal abuse (idk the word) stuff yk) and books. My hobbies r drawing, reading, writing, and I wanna start with boxing or some other martial art soon. I used to play hockey, and also play the guitar (acoustic)
Also I self-diagnosed w autism n probably(?) social anxiety since my parents would never let me get tested 👍. If u take me on walks, I WILL take any cool shit that I find and take it home. No, this old cassette is not trash, it is a treasure.
My music taste is absolutely everything but the stuff that I don’t like, but my fav artists r the Neighborhood, The Weeknd, Lil Peep, TJ Beastboy, the Crane Wives, Alex G, TV Girl, Flawed Mangoes, McCafferty and the Front Bottoms
My fav colors r black, green and blue, also I think with the ppl I’m comfortable around I WILL constantly be touching em in some way like hand on shoulder or elbows/knees touching yk. Sometimes energetic, but when my social battery has run out you can drag me through a hangout.
DC, sbg, tadc, spider-man and CoD fan, also if you’re racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic or transphobic, please go fuck yourself 🫶🏼, I support/accept furries and therians and cosplayers, Satanists and pagans/wiccans as much as Muslims and Christians, Jews as well as Hindu or Buddhist ppl
I LOVE js going outside to hangout n do dumb shit, play fighting>>>, n maybe pick flowers
Soo that was it lmao idk if this is informative or just bs
Also ty<333 if u actually make a match for me
(Also because you write so much you get an analysis)
Your DC Universe Ship: Jason Todd
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance, I think that he would find you very attractive and I think as kind of a head canon of myself I think that he finds shorter people attractive because I don’t know. I feel like he just likes to kind of feel like he has that power maybe or I don’t know. I just think he makes it think it makes you look adorable even if you can very well kill someone I just I don’t know. I think he really likes having a shorter partner, additionally I don’t think he would mind Scars because he has plenty of his own. I think he would definitely find stretch marks that might be an unpopular opinion, but I think that Jason Todd would definitely stretch marks attractive. He thinks it’s insanely cool that you can speak multiple languages and would probably want to try and learn some of them that he doesn’t know himself. I also think that he can maybe speak a little bit of German aside from English and I don’t know I just think he seems like the type of guy that would learn like a little bit of language like German or Russian. You can talk about anything and you talking about things with him out the opposite he doesn’t really talk as much about that kind of stuff and I don’t think that you guys would be really compatible in that way because you could get him to talk about anything which is something that not a lot of people can do so congrats. He loves it whenever you make food for him or whenever you can recommend different restaurants or things because I think he’s definitely a foodie and would appreciate having different culture food. I think that he’s has a pretty high spice tolerance. He gets the social battery thing but he’s slightly hypocritical, because whenever he wants alone time, he gets it. But if you want it…. He may just follow you around and hope you don’t notice.  but in terms of your social battery running out for other people he would completely understand and most likely you would have trouble dragging him to Social events. I think that he would find your hobbies fascinating, and I think that he would love watching you do taxidermy and the whole process of it. He would ask a lot of questions about or is Benny as he’s interested in asking and I feel like he would also love the fact that you’re an artist because he’s never really been much of an artist himself. I feel like he’s more if he would be anywhere in art I feel like he would be more musician and, he loves the fact that you can play the guitar and thinks that it’s really cool. If you ever expressed interest in martial arts several and is the equivalent of a belt and most of them because he was shoved so much martial art training whenever he was trying to become Robin so I’m sure that he would be happy to teach you, but he would totally make fun of you if you messed up like in a teasing, friendly, loving way, but still. He would think he was as if you could somehow win against him in a fight. He probably let you win, but I don’t know. I think he’d find that hot. He also really likes reading and writing. I think he likes reading way more than writing but I think he’s probably written poetry before that he’s never really shown anyone and he’s like embarrassed of it but you know I think he really does love reading and would totally like read the same book with you if he was interested in it and talk about it with you. I think he thinks it’s pretty cute and also pretty cool that you find just random stuff off the street and it’s like treasure to you. I just think that he really values that in a person, especially because he grew up on the street and knows more than anything that materialism isn’t always where you find your treasure. I think he wouldn’t mind your music taste, and like some of it, but he definitely is more leaning into like Dad rock type of things and I think that he could still enjoy some classic TV girl though I don’t think he’d be like super big about music, but I definitely feel like if you were playing a song that he didn’t like as much he would instantly turn on like the rock station or something.
He’s definitely a “ I’m driving so I can control the radio” type of guy. I think it would take him a while to grow comfortable with touching in a relationship, but you’re usually the one exception to someone who will he allows to touch him and you’re the one person who quickly gained his trust to which is an unusual trade for him, but I feel like you would be kind of the one exception as to a person he would feel comfortable with being physical because he knows how much you enjoy physical contact, and that it’s your love language. I don’t see him as a generally like physical person, but I feel like you could change that like with you it’s different. He also thinks that the fact that you pick flowers is very very, very, very cute and would probably be reluctant and say that he doesn’t like it, but he very secretly likes it whenever you make him like a flower crown or something or put a flower in his hair. He also arguing over shit and I feel like you guys definitely have a lot of arguments turning into make out sessions type of relationship and play fighting with. Also turn into make out sessions. I mean, y’all are just like all over each other all the time and the rest of the family has to stand there like 😑 but you guys don’t like flirt with each other you guys like tease each other and that’s how you flirt so that’s that’s just the vibe I get from your relationship anyway I ship it
and I’m so sorry for taking this long to complete this. I’ve been really really really really really busy and yeah, I had to shut down my shit asks for a bit because of the fact that I was getting so overwhelmed and getting so many so I really hope this did it justice!!! Much love Pookie bear ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
ooo what about sneaking jj into your family mansion for a little sleepover and despite your better judgment the two of sneak into the kitchen for some midnight sundays? I do picture plenty stolen kisses from jj despite you trying to hurry the process along, man can't help himself nsjzn
Midnight snack
jj maybank x gn!reader
wc: around 600 i think??
warnings: mentions of “almost killing yourself” in a clumsy way (if that makes sense??), not proofread
a/n: thank you for all the requests lovely!! i had fun writing this one and i’m sure i’ll have just as much if not more with the others <33
-> sweater weather sleepover || writing hours masterlist
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hearing a knock at your window you look up, a pair of blue eyes meeting your curious face. you immediately smile once you recognise the blonde boy, hurrying up to the window and opening it. he’s inside in a second, wrapping you up in a tight hug, slightly picking you up and spinning you around. you laugh at his actions, silently whispering for him to put you down.
“shh, you’re going to wake everyone up!” you silently exclaim, moving a little further from him to let your eyes properly scan his body.
“i won’t, don’t worry,” he assures, closing the window. once he’s back in front of you he places his hands on your waist, returning to the position he was in before. you silently stare at each other for a while before he quickly moves, stealing a kiss from you. you laugh once again, pressing your face into his shirt to quieten your giggles.
“i’m so glad you could make it,” you speak after calming down a little, taking his hand in yours and leading him to your bed. you both sit down, getting into a comfortable position.
“me too, it was hell climbing up here,” he jokes, even though there’s a little truth to his statement.
“yeah, i know, i almost killed myself trying to sneak out once,” you say, taking a quick glance toward the glass. “so, what should we do?” you change the subject, turning your head back to him.
“i don’t know, to be honest,” he replies, thinking you maybe have a better idea.
“you know what i really want right now?” you rhetorically question, making jj give you a curious look. “ice cream. i want ice cream, and a lot of it,” you confess, a chuckle escaping past jj’s lips.
“well, why don’t we go and get it? i know you have it cause you always have ice cream,” he suggests, already getting up.
“but what if somebody hears us? my mom is a very light sleeper you know,” you say, worrying someone would come to the kitchen for a glass of water or something.
“we’ll hurry up, i promise. all we have to do is take our ice cream, make ourselves some the way we want to and put it back in the freezer. piece of cake,” jj waves his hand, as if to say “we got this”. “besides, don’t you want a little adrenaline rush?” he raises his eyebrow, giving you one of those famous jj smirks.
“…okay fine,” you hesitantly agree, taking his offered hand and following him down the stairs. he leads you through the house and it almost seems like he’s the one living here, not you. he knows the layout like his own back pocket, even which stair creeks and which one doesn’t. i guess that’s what you get for dating someone your parents don’t approve of.
“we have to be really, really quick,” you repeat, very silently opening the freezer. once the ice cream is out you try and work as swiftly as you can while still trying to not wake the whole house up.
“i didn’t mean that fast, calm down a little lightning mcqueen,” jj whispers, spinning you around and pressing a sweet, long kiss against your lips. that relaxes you a little, forgetting about the dessert momentarily but the clouds around your brain disappear as soon as they come, making you look angrily at jj.
“j, i promise you can kiss me as much as you want when we’re back safely in my room but right now, i really need to just prepare the ice cream and get the hell out of this kitchen before my heart explodes,” you warn him, his arms immediately shooting up in defence. he takes a small step back as to say “do your magic” and lets you work.
soon the desserts are made, giving one to jj and keeping one to yourself, closing the freezer before once again taking the blonde’s hand, walking up the same path you came down. and before you know it you’re back in your room, managing to not wake anyone up. now you finally smile, taking a spoonfull of the delicious food, before pressing another kiss against jj’s lips. let’s just say this is going to be a fun night.
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tags: @yoongisbiwife @hallecarey1 @lovelyjj @liltimmyst @eichenhouseproperty @tenaciousperfectionunknown
i hope you enjoyed this! don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment, it really helps writers with motivation <33
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
In honor of your birthday, which of the monster boys will actually care/celebrate your birthday? Also happy birthday!!
[Thank ye. :>]
Knows your birthday:
Krulu. Simple enough, right? He's in your head. And even if he thinks this is a dumb sort of celebration, since siadar prefer to focus on decades/centuries as opposed to years, you will likely get some form of celebration, likely a party with the rest of the staff and one small, hand-crafted present which he won't give you directly but rather leave around for you to notice.
Breg. HE'S BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. He got at least ten things because he's not sure what you'd like the most. And only three of those are questionable. There are also two cakes, one of them is kind of sloppy and tastes weird but he tried. Boy, did he. You have a little birthday hat and he's got all sorts of confetti- The moment you wake up he's shoving a forkful of sugar in your mouth.
Patches. He knows the exact date, hour and minute tou were born, where it happened and he's probably also got a copy of your birth certificate somewhere. But, ironically, he can't decide on what to give you. Fuck. Well, here's to hoping you're into really beautiful plants that sometimes talk back and cling to you like pets. He'd rather impress you with something you didn't expect than disappoint you with a mundane object you don't care for.
Mervin. He's going to pretend he's unaware of your birthday for some hours as his pride and affection for you duke it out in his mind. This likely culminates in the demon hurriedly shoving a massive bag in your arms and just telling you to fucking open it already don't look at him like that- It's full of gorgeous jewelry and clothing brands so pompous you won't even recognize them. Yes yes, he's amazing, the best mate you've ever had, he knows.
Ludwig. Very nonchalant about it. You're greeted to breakfast in bed and the wrath demon takes you out to wherever you want to go. He can use rifts sparingly to visit plenty of far away places, so if there's some corner of the world you'd like to see, now's your chance. He's got a couple of small presents he'll give you throughout the day, and he might even wax a little poetic about you, it's fun seeing him get even redder.
Nebul. What kind of pet owner would he be if he didn't know your birthday? Tsk. In contrast to how life usually tends to be with him, you get to do whatever you want today. And he means whatever. Wanna kill a man? Go nuts. Set things on fire, be on top of the wraith for once, go outside and roll around in the garden- Enjoy yourself. You're getting a variety of not always expensive but certainly very interesting trinkets. Nebul values amusement more than he does traditional courtship items.
Grimbly. He's got it circled 300 times in his calendar and he's got the outfits ready, the whole day is planned! Including where the two of you will eat and the movie you're going to watch together and the stores you're browsing. In a bit of bizarre twist, you'll become a bit of a sugar baby, as Grimbly will spoil you with everything you so much as look twice at.
Belo. How could he possibly not know his lady/lord's birthday?! That's madness! You're getting worshipped, cherub! He'll carry breakfast to you, wash you, clothe you, lift you everywhere, say the word and Belo will be there like an errand boy. He gets you one very sentimental present and will cry like a baby if you reject it.
Will eventually ask:
Morell. Listen, he's got a fast paced job and he doesn't have time to think about birthdays a lot. He forgets his own at times. But he'll probably get reminded out of nowhere, and if he missed it already, Morell will make it up to you next year with a massive, mouth-watering cake and a series of small but cute presents he thinks fit you perfectly.
Vinnel only remembers because of the birthday performances he makes for clients. It'll eventually click in that brain, his poppet also has a birthday. You're getting confetti everywhere, so many balloons, too many- Get ready for the eyesore of a dress he'll stuff you in and the silly hats. You'll have to open at least ten fake, embarrassing gifts before you reach the real one, which is likely something delicate, custom made by him.
Gallon usually has a pretty good memory. But he doesn't think about birthdays a lot, so he might go a great deal of time without even considering that. He's got a plan though! You're going to a restaurant with a name so obnoxious you'll gag, but at least the food is good and Gallon makes excellent conversation. He makes it seem like he's going to propose when he offers your gift, so that'll give you a little heart-attack.
Listen. Give Santi a discount. He's got two brain cells, one is entirely dedicated to fucking, the other is ping-ponging around his skull. He'll forget constantly unless he's got a reminder. Santi will take you out in a proper date, you're getting treated to the best, dressed the sexiest and he'll probably give you oral at least four times. Your birthday nights are spent spread on his sheets, gasping, writhing and crying for more.
Shags usually doesn't have to think about birthdays, because the people he snatches hardly ever make it far enough into captivity for him to get preoccupied with such. This is a very special occasion, and he's delighted to get reminded of it! He's going to cook for the two of you and gift you a very intricate, detailed portrait of you made with his own ink. Shags promises you next time will be more exciting.
Fank-e's attention span bounces across the room faster than a fucking rubber ball, you're lucky he remembered to ask! Listen, whatever you do, do NOT eat the cake he makes for you. It has some type of glitter in it and it'll probably kill you. Don't. He got way too many presents, they're all wrapped with amazing precision, in contrast to the cake's sloppy state. He's very upset he can't use a kazoo, but he will sing.
Obie genuinely doesn't know the exact day of his birthday unless his brothers tell him. Don't take it personally if he gets a day ahead of himself, or late. Obie does his best to make it up to you though, with way too much take out, all the snacks you could ever crave, and a stack of albums he thinks you might like. He also made one really embarrassing song for you please don't laugh...
Rinx is a bit of a cockhead and he often forgets that other people also have birthdays. Snap him out of it, you'll have to be the one to do it. Listen, Hell isn't really the prettiest place, but Rinx can buy you anything you want. So go ahead, take a stroll through the rings with him and pick what you'd like! You can even go to the surface as well, come on pet, it'll be so fun right? He's totally not doing this for himself too.
Fasma is very nonchalant about it. The plasma monster will pull you aside for a moment and casually ask you when your birthday is. He'll spend the day sober with you, but at night? Get ready to drink yourself into comatose, kiddo. He'll get mushy and say the sweetest things, hanging you a poorly wrapped gift that is surprisingly up your alley. Is it worth it? Yeah. Will you wake up sick? Probably.
Genuinely won't think about it unless you mention it:
Sybastian. It comes with the territory of leading a moderately feral life, you know? Syb hardly knows how old he himself is, it's no wonder he wouldn't pay attention to your birthday. If he notices you're terribly upset over him missing it, he'll try to make it up to you and gather a mini-party with the mimiclings, bringing you an assortment of gifts. One of them looks expensive. Don't ask how he got it. Just don't.
Hellion and Pebble... What- What the fuck is a birthday??
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