#so i get it on a personnal level
iamhereinthebg · 9 months
Haven't they broken several rules they've established just for everything to revolve around Tsukasa? Like...
1. A mystery can't be defeated in their own boundary (and yet Tsukasa somehow ripped Kako's heart out in his own boundary)
2. You can't use your tsueshiro in a boundary without permission (and yet Tsukasa ordered his to hold down Mirai)
3. Nobody could move because the school's time was frozen (yet Tsukasa did, as well as Yashiro, and Hanako who if I remember correctly suddenly unfroze on his own to break down into tears)
The earlier chapters were way better at following previously established rules and concepts compared to whatever's going on right now
They did ! :))) (want to explode)
I can understand the idea that Tsukasa is a rule breaker, he did destroy the previous n°3 in his own boundary too and it was an interesting twist! I can understand the idea and why it can be interesting, but the way AidaIro using all others characters/plots to make him stand out is just terrible. Dirsregarding rules is not a new thing about AidaIro unfortunately but Tsukasa really wins all medals on breaking them.
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As you said, he was able to move when time was stopped and for which reason?? We don't know. Hanako was able to move once Akane and Teru got to him, probably because Akane is a clock keeper and can somehow give the permission to people to move.
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I said it before and I will say it again, but wanting to show a character is powerful/cool by making the others characters look stupid is terrible writing, and that's the feeling I got with Tsukasa in general. (and chapter 109 is just a whole sequence of the characters being made fun of)
We don't know where to stand because he has every kind of tropes attached to him. They want us to understand he is some kind of martyr who is 'omg poor lil Tsukasa who was so selfless at only 4yo boohoo' (no matter which translation I read for the red house arc, he is believable somehow with Kou but then we get the flashbacks with Amane and it's gone). They put him in an 'angel' position and naive position in a lot of aus, want us so bad to understand deep down he is a nice boy. When we watched him do every possible horrors on screen. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind this, it's cool. Him forcing Mitsuba to eat, creating him, the way he treats some characters... It's the way they are not doing that to other characters who is so strange in my opinon. They know how to handle grey characters like Hanako or Teru (from the reader's pov) so I don't why they try so hard to put Tsukasa in a good light.
He is not a believable kid character in the red house arc, being smarter than Kou and Nene is not making him cool, it's just making Kou and Nene absolute idiots.
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Him destroying his shackles thanks to Mirai power? It's not him being clever, it's Mirai and the clock keepers being made fun of. Him knowing what Hanako should be doing by using Nene? Not making Tsukasa cool, it's making Nene just as an object for Hanako's love, and to get a reaction out of him, most of the time by making Hanako look stupid. (I could go hours on why Nene is just here to serve as a mean to Hanako's character since some arc rather than being her own person but that's for another day)...
I understand that Tsukasa is like 'the antagonist and should be some steps ahead of the portagonist' but it's just so repitive in the way he is unpredicatble that it became boring and predictable. I was overjoyed to see him like this in chapter 108. (which was let's be honest the only good chapter in this new arc)
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Tsukasa is really good here, which is why the drop of quality in chap 109 is even worst. Seeing a new side of him as a supernatural and his sorrow/hatred for Amane is really great. He even moralizes Nene about why sometimes you just need/have to get yourself out of situations alone, and that's how he himself proceeds because his brother never went to see him in 50 years. That he had no choice but to do so. It's great! Really great! To see that he is also an unpredicatble character and who decides to do what he wants not taking people's opinions in mind, because even his older never helped him when he called for him during all this time. It adds a good layer to his character and seeing him weaker/not really knowing what to do is something we desesperatly need for his chacter. But as everything in chap 108, chap 109 throws it out of the window and goes back to the usual ' we have set ups but terrible pay offs' things that has been happening a lot in the recent arcs.
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He is also way too OP. As you said suddenly his tsueshiros could move again and he got rid of Kako. Even Hakubo and Teru being ones of the most powerful characters, were defeated once, Tsukasa never was seriously. It's never explained why he is so powerful (probably because he has an entity inside him/he eats others supernaturals) but the difference of levels is just insane, and absolutely not compelling to read.
We don't know why he is doing what he is doing and they try so hard to make him mysterious. They want us to get to know him without saying anything relevant or his backstory. We are left with whole chapters of absolutely nothing. Welp too bad I am not patient enough to see Tsukasa doing random stuff when half of the characters have rushed characters development or none because 'there isn't much time'.
AidaIro want us to understand they love him and that we should too but they are just destroying every other characters rather than make him loveable.
I hate what they did with his character, his role is terrible because it's destroying eveyone else's. Tsukasa is the favorite and it shows, but it's so badly done that I can't help but hate him.
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shezzarus · 2 years
can anyone get me the full resolution scan of goncharov (1973) original movie poster? the cinema i work at is doing a scorsese retrospective
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
Omg a new writing blog for the fandoms I'm currently obsessed with who writes sub!characters content??? Already in love with your blog! I really like your work, especially the sub!Jace stuff and the daemyra poly hcs
(spoilers for 2x07 if you haven't seen it)
Could write some poly hc for Baela and Jace with a lowborn reader who became a dragonrider for team black because of Rhaenyra and Mysaria's plan? Maybe one who claimed Vermithor since the personnality of riders he seems to like would make for a fun dom!reader.
I feel like there would be a fun dynamic between reader and Jace since he isn't too thrilled about the new dragonriders, so quite different from the other things you wrote for him where he was into reader from the get go.
Also this fandom needs more Baela x reader content (I love her so much)
Thank you anon!! That's so nice to hear and yes you are very right we do need more Baela content!! This is such a cool concept! I'm gonna be tagging this with poly!Jace/baela so that if I write more about this, there's an easy way to search for it.
I'm gonna do headcannons about the relationship and how it started and while there definitely will be sub!Jace undertones and also implied sexual content, there's nothing explicit so no need to venture out past the cut this time! Though, if anyone wants NSFW headcannons for this or has some of their own, please let me know I'd love to hear it!!
-- so firstly, I think this works best of Jace and Baela were already married and also if Jace and Baela weren't properly in love yet?
-- sure they definitely like each other and are more than happy that their parents chose to wed them together, their dynamic is still closer to friends than husband and wife.
-- When you're able to get a dragon and join team black, Jace is not exactly thrilled. At first you really don't understand why he seems to detest you so much, but you just arrived and you know you have a lot to prove so you don't query it right away.
-- Baela, on the other hand, absolutely loves you from the get go. She takes one look at you and immediately knows that at the very least the two of you will become great friends.
-- And she's absolutely right of course.
-- you find yourself spending more time with Baela than with anyone else. You two train together, ride dragons together, sit with each other at meal times, etc.
-- of course at first this only serves to make Jace even more unhappy about you, because now it's like you've taken his wife on top of everything else.
-- Baela is the one who tries to get Jace to come around to the idea of you having a dragon and to be kinder towards you. Jace brushes her off, but she's determined and she won't give that easily.
-- Beala knew both you and Jace very well, and so she knew with 100% certainty that if Jace could get off the soapbox for one minute, he'd realise how great you are and you'd become fast friends.
-- While Baela is trying to get to stop being so stubborn, she's also confiding in you about her marriage. She likes Jace, and she could definitely see herself enjoying being with him, but she just feels so bland about it. She's not excited to spend the night with him, which isnt ideal since she's supposed to be making heirs.
-- You offer her advice and listen to her venting. More than once she has to stand up and leave before she stops being able to resist the temptation of kissing you, because you just seem to get her at a level that no one else does, and she wants you so bad, just as much as she wants Jace.
-- something big has to happen for Jace to finally wake up, and my immediate thought is that you save Baela? Baela is out on a scouting mission when Aemond manages to ambush her and if you hasn't shown up when you did, it's almost guaranteed that Baela and her dragon would have been no more.
-- Baela tells Jace this, and damnit as much as he doesn't like you, he has to go personally thank you because you did literally save his wife's life.
-- Jace is equal parts annoyed and relieved that when he spoke to you, you took his thanks graciously and then actually started a conversation that made him realise you're not so bad after all.
-- it becomes the three of you for a while after that.
-- I think you'd end up kissing Baela first, by that point you knew you had feelings for both of them, but there was no way you were going to pass up the opportunity when Baela initiates
-- you don't even have to go through trying to workout how to Jace because he actually walks in on it.
-- You're so certain you've just ruined Baela's marriage, but then Jace smiles and says, "Do I have to go... or can I stay? Because I want to stay, please?"
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the-crow-binary · 1 month
Trans headcanons: when people ridicule the thing they think they support
So I'm tired. Let's have a talk.
Let's start with the very concept of headcanons, before I get to the infuriating part: A headcanon is, by definition, an idea that has never been confirmed as being actual canon. It's people imagining things about the characters they like, taking advantage of the fact the media they're in never depicted certain things, certain moments of the characters' life, to fill the gaps. A headcanon that make sense, and isn't there to just make the character your OC, takes into account what the actual canon has already shown, such as the character's personnality or goals. (I'm taking characters as example here but headcanon can be about the media's universe as a whole, too)
For example: In Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, and it's mangas, we never saw the life Hector and Isaac lead in the Castle between the moment Hector arrives (Isaac being already there) and the moment he runs away. It's a perfect opportunity to have fun and imagine what happened all those years! So, by taking into account what official products gave us, such as Isaac and Hector's personnalities (before and after the curse took ahold of them), how they interact together, and their common roles and duties under Dracula's reign, we can easily headcanon that they used to be friends and respected each other, before it slowly gets crushed by Isaac's obvious inferiority complex and jealousy in regards of Hector's power and relationship with Dracula.
That's a headcanon. A thing that can differ from one person to another, as interpretation can also vary, just like the plots we like to see. But let me tell you something absolutely crucial this headcanon does that make it a valid one: it doesn't contradict canon material.
That's a thing I feel like tends to be forgotten by many claiming their takes on characters as "headcanon". It stops being a "headcanon" and start being a "i'm twisting this character into my OC" when you start making shit up that not only does not fit the Character, but also contradicts directly what has been shown about said Character, just because you're a certain way or like certain things. That's not a headcanon. That's fanfiction. Not one that will interest those who actually like the canon and doesn't like when people change things about it instead of just adding to it, but if you're having fun, go for it! Just own up to the fact that you're deforming a pre-existent character, lol.
Now that... that is still pretty harmless. Sure it's annoying to see someone take your Blorbo and make it do things it would never do and call it a "headcanon", but it's just that. Annoying. But then...
Have you ever come across, in your favorite medias, male characters who look are act just a bit feminine? Or female characters who might be a little rough, angry, or muscular? And then you go look for content of them, and are met with "that character is trans" headcanons? Chances are, if you're very active in fandoms, you have. Maybe some of you cringe because there's something wrong going on there and you're not sure what, and you're afraid you're just being transphobic even though you support transfolks and maybe are one yourself... at least it was my case at first lol. But not to worry! There's a very good explanations to your cringiness! And it's that: Lots of those headcanons are straight up awful in their logic and an insult to every genders involved! :)
Let's take the Netflixvania version of Hector as an example. He's the perfect target for those kind of headcanons, because he's a pretty boy! He's (a bit) feminine! So of course, just from that, you'll have people claiming he MUST be a trans woman. An awful take to call "headcanon", because it's very surface-level, gleefully ignores that everyone everywhere have both feminine and masculine sides to them (and the fact Castlevania is originally a JAPANESE product, have you ever seen ACTUAL anime? Pretty boys and boys who look like girls be everywhere in this media), some men being more feminine while some women can be more masculine, and literally goes back to gender-conforming logic. Something the very concept of transgenderism actually fights against. I mean sure, you have trans women trying to be as feminine as they can, and trans men as masculine as they can, for reasons that might differ from one person to another. But there's also those who don't. Those who simply exist, feeling secure enough in their gender that they don't care how masculine or feminine others percieve them to be. And what about the very cis people who don't conform to what others say they should look like, according to their genitalia?
Headcanoning a character as trans because of the way they look only is great !... To perpetuate gender-conforming mindset and clichés, and be uncomfortably close to transphobic logic (the "we can always tell" crowd who'll think a cis woman is a man because her body, that she has never altered in any way and is only the result of her genetics, is a bit too masculine, for example :) ). So what else you can use to headcanon a character as trans without it leaving a sour taste in other people's mouths?
Their personnality? Well, yes... but also no. It all depends on how you turn it. And in case of N!Hector? Oh boy! ^^
Hector is kind and compassionate... mostly with animals lol, and the devils he creates. He is gentle, can be vulnerable. He doesn't want humanity gone, but he wants them to be kept under control, because on one hand, he doesn't like them because Trauma, and on the other, he's not a bad guy at heart. He is naive, dare I say, emotionally, physically and mentally weak, wich causes him to be compared to a child by actual characters in the show, and a dumbass by the fandom. ^^ And ALSO causes him to get tricked, beaten and abused by vampires (wich makes the fandom call him even MORE of a dumbass for, and side with his abusers because "haha hot women vampire go brr"). Overall, even if he's trying to be tough here and there, and opposes some (futile) resistance sometimes (never going as far as it should've because of Peak Writing), he quickly goes back to being, well, soft (wich is NOT a bad thing in itself btw).
Now there's nothing wrong when you look at his personnality alone, and ignore literally everything else such as the way he was treated by the narrative, the characters, and the fandom itself. But look at this... and tell me it feels trans woman-coded.
Headcanoning Hector as a trans woman boils down to say "i think women are soft, naive, stupid, weak, kind and compassionnate, and men cannot be". It's already a very vomit-inducing take insulting both genders, but then you take into accounts what actually happens to Hector: him being tricked, used, abused, beaten, dehumanized by every character he interacts with and never taken seriously, even by the man who hired him as one of his GENERAL. Oh, and treated like a literal pet, too! Called as such by Lenore herself! And it gets worse. Because the narrative itself sees nothing wrong with that (exactly because he's a man :)). Just... why would you see a man being treated like a pet, not human and not even an adult, and think "ah, yes. A woman." ?? I'm sorry but I can't, in good faith, approve of that. What kind of vision does it mean you have of women and trans women?
So not only headcanoning N!Hector as a trans woman is an insult to women and tells more about how YOU view them than anything else (consciously or not), but it also serves to completely rip Hector off of his masculinity and insult men as well. As if a man couldn't suffer the way he did. As if a man could not be kind or naive without being compared to a child. As if a man had to have short hair or beard or drink beer or whatever you think a man is supposed to be like and how a woman is supposed to be like.
Oh, and special shoutout to that one tumblr user I will not name that literally said "how can you not headcanon Hector as a trans girl. She's literally a doggirl ok"! It's is the most awful take I have EVER seen and I want to throw up all over your blog! Literally, how dumb does one have to be to see a gentle, pretty man being treated like a dog for kinky points and go "not only is this a girl, that's also a doggo! Woof woof!" I swear to God.
Sigh... so, yeah. This far, I have yet to see anyone headcanoning Hector as a trans woman and not making me want to throw up in my mouth, considering how the character is. But there's one more thing! The narrative.
The narrative can also be used for headcanons, and often is. "What is this character and their story about?" "How is the [media] portraying them?". "How are we supposedd to feel about the character/story/actions?" In N!Hector's case, despite him having potential... the narrative is just humiliating him through and through. He gets tricked by everyone, mocked for his harmless personnality, his mistreatment happens out of pure sadism and to elevate the Girlbosses, and he gets used for horny points. He is just a victim durîg the whole show, and when you THINK he's FINALLY going to do something... nope! He vaguely help bring back the Big Bad Guy (wich ends up being useless i swear to god N!Hector's life is joke lmao killme) while falling for his abuser! Getting back at her by protecting her, I guess! ^^
So what was his character and story about? A misunderstood man... who exist only to be used and tossed around and never get justice nor is allowed to fight back. You can't even say he's a plot device because the plot itself mocks him and could have worked well, if not better without him. (Isaac going after Carmilla directly instead of going after Hector and choosing last minute to kill Carmilla while he's at it would have made a little more sense, though he still would have went after the wrong people, but that's another story) Definitely the kind of character I love to see having his masculinity revoked and called a woman! Not insulting at all!
See, it is very difficult to headcanon a character as trans... especially when you don't think about it through. Wich people like that one user calling Hector a "doggirl" did (that was a whole other level of victim blaming holy shit. Shows once again how men's and males' trauma and suffering are not taken seriously enough). What is happening to Hector here happens to many other characters in other medias, and to stay in Netflixvania, it is happening with Alucard as well. Because people are cowards and won't headcanon the big grumpy hairy guy as a trans woman, they have to headcanon the gender-nonconforming character and, by doing so, actually gender-conform him ❤️ (i mean it as a half-joke. you do you, but I think this is a clear proof of how the gender norms have a big place in your mind)
I think I would have less problems with lots of these if they weren't called "headcanons". Let's be honest, many will think of a character as trans because THEY'RE trans and it's their blorbo, and MAYBE think of justifying it further afterward. That's not how HCs work, you're just projecting. And you know what? It's fine! It's not a bad thing in itself! Make a pre-existent character trans if it's fun for you! If it makes you feel better! I mean I'm worried of N!Hector is the one you relate to the most. But it doesn't matter if others don't like it, because it's a content made for you, by you! But don't call it a "headcanon" (or claim it as canon directly, wut) and try to justify it when there's nothing in canon even slightly hinting at it being potentially true, or working, or making sense for the character. Don't call it "headcanon" when you're literally genderbending a character. Please. Think things through.
Also, remember when I talked about a proper headcanon does not contradict actual canon? Well. The male character you call a trans woman going by "he/him" the whole time kinda contradicts your idea. It's as if you "headcanoned" a character who has been seen only being attracted to the opposite gender and in love with someone of the opposite gender as being gay. Sure, you can say that's a closeted trans character... but then you better have solid reasoning for thinking that, once again. Or, you know, you could assume that you genderbend the character for fun (and i don't mean "turn it into a cis character of the opposite gender", i mean keep them trans, but don't pretend to base your vision mostly on canon). Would be less insulting than saying "this weak pretty man is actually a woman because he's weak and pretty, canon told me". I prefer someone who owns up to the fact they don't care about canon and just want to have fun rather than someone who implies they care about canon by using "headcanon" and then give poor and insulting arguments.
I get that lots of people with these headcanons don't have bad intentions and don't realize how fucked up their reasoning (or the simple fact of calling N!Hector a damn DOGGIRL- sorry i'll never recover from that) is, but still. As much as I respect everyone's right to do whatever they want with characters in their own little corner, caring about nothing but having fun, I've been needing to vent about this issue for a while now. Being an ally or a trans person yourself doesn't prevent you from spreading stereotypes, I'm afraid.
This problem of "i'm using poor and stereotyped arguments that is more insulting than anything to justify my idea" could apply to autism headcanons too, btw. And probably other things as well. Just. Please. Think about what you're writing. Think before you talk.
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cobalior · 2 months
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Winx Club functional books
It's me again ! I know, weird that I'm more active in a week than I was in the last years, but hey I'm feeling productive so why not make some stuff out of it.
I feel like there's not enough activities for your kids in the Sims 4, like we don't really build their personnalities while they're children before turning them into teens and it bothered me. In my mind, it's at that stage that we truly discover how life works, what we like and what we would like to discover and learn throughout the years. It's at that stage that I discovered how much I loved books, and now it's my studying field !
So, in a nostalgic way because this series is one of the firsts I read as a child, and because my child sims need some love too, I made those 6 books for them to read (is there even any books for kids in this game ?)
They work as volume 1 of the logic skills so your sims will also gain some skills while reading (but as they level up, they might get bored)
This set is entirely base game compatible, they don't override any book and you can have as many book as you want in your game !
They can be read by children up to elders
I only did the first season because it took a long time to just make those six (even if the longest was to create the model I used throughout the whole collection) but I plan to make other seasons later (Aisha doesn't appear until the first book of the second season, I might at least make her book and release it before the entire second season is created as they are like 20+ books in that season)
The entire set is written is simlish BUT the books I referenced are written in french, so that's on french that I based the simlish textes + the title and the summary of the set in game are written in french (I'm sorry, I couldn't find the english version, but if you know of any, I will try to add them in the future)
I wanted to make pages for the interior, but the game works in a way that the two that are shown when your sims are reading books are the same, so it would be a bit weird to have two identical detailed pages next to the other. Thus, I took the lyrics from the opening credits in the TV shows (in french again) and copied/pasted them on those pages. Now you have a semi themed read, but not that substantial
TOU : You can recolor, edit and use my custom content as you like, but please don't steal my content, don't reupload and claim as your own or tag me if you made any slight change. I would love to see how you use it in your own game, don't hesitate to share some screenshots with me and I hope you like what I create as much as I love creating it <3
You can find the whole design for the first book here :
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Simlish font by @franzillasims once again, thank you so much for those resources <3
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llxferim · 9 days
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a/n: first post! i have a lot of ideas rn so i’ll prolly post ton of fics and then make a small masterlist! please excuse my english, its not my first language😭. (this is not proofread) (this fic is actual shit😃)
pairing: Klaus Hargreeves x reader
Summary: after a long day with Diego, you go back to the Hargreeves mansion, only to find Klaus passed out drunk. you help him get cleaned up, as always.
Genre: fluff/comfort (maybe angst?)
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, Klaus is drunk or high or both, idk, gender neutral reader, no y/n used, he/they Klaus.
Word Count: 1.2k
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You and Diego had been out looking for the Two people who kidnapped Klaus and murdered Patch to no avail. you gave up and returned to the mansion since it was getting dark. Diego dropped you off at the house, but he said he would keep looking for a little while and drove off.
you were worried about Klaus, getting kidnapped and tortured isn’t easy to deal with, even for him. everyone thinks since he is so unserious all the time, these things don’t bother him, but you were the closest thing to him growing up, and he is as emotional as a little kid.
you didn’t even have a chance to talk to him when he escaped the kidnappers, since Diego dragged you away right when he got back.
you open the front door to the Hargreeves mansion. it was dark and quiet, as always. so you thought everybody else was out doing god knows what.
you take off your coat, leaving the warmth behind with it and started walking to the bathroom to wash up and finally get some rest.
you were just about to open the door when your foot hit something- no someone, you look down to check, and there he was, with his smudged eyeliner and wet hair. “Klaus!?”
you crouched to his eye level, getting the hair out of his face “heyy it’s my favorite personn!” he slurred, you could hear how drunk he was. “How long have you been here? are you okay? where are the-“ you start panicking before a hand comes up to your mouth, silencing you. “too loud” he whispers.
“you reek of alcohol, Klaus. how much did you drink?” you say getting their hand off your mouth but forgetting to let go. “about.. 4” he blurts out “Four what, Klaus?” “bottles..” he says.
“fucking hell… come on” you say as you pinch the bridge of your nose. you put their left arm over your shoulders for support and pull him to his feet. “where are we going?” he groaned, the last thing he wanted right now was to walk. “we..” you let out a breath, he definitely wasn't lightweight. “..are going to clean you up”
“call out when you’re done” you say as you close the bathroom door behind you and sit down in the same spot Klaus was sitting minutes ago.
taking care of him after they relapsed or got too drunk wasn’t new to you. the others eventually got tired of him coming back to the house barely alive every night, that they stopped caring.
you never did though, you always took care of him, no matter how many times he came back high. you supported him when he was trying to stay clean, and comforted him when he relapsed. it was tiring, yes, but you cared about him, a lot.
you remember the day Reggie brought you from your parents, you were just 10 years old and scared shitless, your parents had just sold you to a strange man.
when you first arrived at the Umbrella Academy, everyone ignored you, they all had jobs to do.
but Klaus, with his big stupid smile, came up to you, and put his arm over your shoulder. “wanna see my room?”. it wasn’t really a question since he immediately started dragging you upstairs, supposedly to their room.
when Reggie forced you to practice your powers every night instead of sleeping, Klaus was the one that helped you. he slipped a sleeping pill in Reggie’s Coffee, giving you time to escape with him. after that, where there was Klaus, so were you.
after you all grew up, you and Klaus still stayed in touch but not as much as you did when you were kids, but, Reginald’s death brought you all back together.
“can you walk?” you asked Klaus, who was now dressed and clean, but still a little wobbly. “i think so” he replied but almost fell after taking the very first step. “okay, no i can’t walk” he groaned as he leaned onto you for support. “yeah, thought so. you’re like a toddler taking his first steps.” you chuckled. then, you feel a little pinch on your shoulder “hey! what was that for?” you protest “my misery is not funny!” they teased, trying his best to look angry. “oh, shut up” you muttered and pushed them a little with your hip.
You helped Klaus to his room, the door creaking open as you both stepped inside. The room, dimly lit by a bedside lamp, was a mess of discarded clothes and scattered posters that were supposed to be hanging on the wall.
Klaus staggered slightly, but you guided him to his bed, where he collapsed with a groan of relief. “oh, my sweet bed, how i have missed you” You sat down next to him, the weight of the day settling on your shoulders.
“are the others here?” you asked, your worry not quite fading. “no idea” Klaus replied, his voice muffled. “you didn’t even check if they were here? they could have helped you, you know” you said, frustration seeping into your voice. You still couldn’t shake the worry that something terrible might have happened.
“i’m fine aren’t i? you got here on time.” he sat up to face you. “Well, what if I hadn’t?” you countered. “You’re not immortal, Klaus! What would I have done if something happened to you?” hiding your face with your hands out of frustration.
Klaus’s eyes softened, and he reached out, gently pulling your hands away. “Hey, hey, I’m fine, okay? I’m sorry, I should have at least called someone. But I swear, I’m fine.” they tried to calm you down, if anyone, he was the one that could.
You felt your eyes tearing up. “Shit—” you tried to laugh it off and wipe away the tears, when suddenly you felt a pair of lips against yours. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, as if Klaus was unsure whether it was the right thing to do. But the warmth of his touch and the sincerity behind it made your heart race.
You hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the suddenness, but soon you melted into the kiss, your lips responding to his with equal tenderness. The world outside seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you.
then you pulled away, Klaus looked at your puzzled face “i’m, uh i’m sorry-“
But you cut him off with a reassuring smile. “No—no, don’t apologize.” You chuckled softly, your eyes sparkling with affection. “As much as I want to enjoy this moment, Klaus, you’re still drunk.”
Before you could say more, he suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you with warmth. The faint smell of alcohol lingered, but you didn’t mind.
“You still reek of alcohol, you know,” you teased, a playful grin on your face.
“Shut up,” Klaus murmured, his voice muffled against your shoulder. “We’re having a moment here.”
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cherryzlem · 2 months
Thoughts about Klavier and Apollo's respective relationship with Kristoph and how it could (and should) have had much more impact on both of them after his trial(s):
I see in some klapollo fic that the two of them tend to share a more or less strong connexion over the fact that they both knew Kristoph on a personnal and professionnal level. To make it short they both looked up to Kristoph, as a boss and as an older brother, and, I cannot stress this enough, the betrayal and the heartbreak they should have felt knowing he was a murderer and a manipulator was definetly skipped, even ignored in the games (the most we got as in-game evidence of Kristoph's influence was Apollo paraphrasing him in Dual Destinies, and that is NOTHING compared to what it could have been). So I'm going to make it up to you all with this analysis of their respective relationships with him.
Starting with Apollo. First all you need to know before we start looking at what kind of relationship he had with his mentor, is that Apollo definetly doesn't have a high self-esteem and that that is something that can easily be played with.
Kristoph definetly had some kind of impact on Apollo, that just makes sense given he literally taught him how to be a defense attorney, but the thing is that Kristoph is a manipulator (and a damn competent one at that, we'll go back to that) and if he hadn't been sent to prison who knows what he could have done of our beloved Apollo ? Kristoph is the kind of manipulator that breaks people, the way he did with Phoenix.
Personally i think it's very unlikely that Kristoph was planning to make Apollo do any really traumatizing things, but in Apollo's place i couldn't help but wonder "what if i had ended up like him?" And THAT is what we could have gotten in the games, because paraphrasing Kristoph with a good old "Evidence is everything" is not enough to show how much he could have changed Apollo if he had been given the chance.
And finally, Apollo spent probably a lot of time with Kristoph, learning from him and looking up to him. Kristoph likes to seem friendly and approachable so that people can trust him and that definetly worked on Apollo aswell, so the betrayal he must have felt when he found out Kristoph to be such a horrible person, the heartbreak that his mentor was nothing more than a liar, it must have been unbearable (AND THE GAMES DON'T DIVE DEEP ENOUGH INTO APOLLO'S EMOTIONS GODDAMMIT).
But whatever Apollo felt after that revelation can in no way compare to what Klavier felt.
Get this, Klavier and Kristoph are brothers, meaning they definetly spent most of their childhood together. They lived in the same house, they probably went to the same school and they spent loads of time together. Klavier definetly loved his brother, he trusted him and admired him the way one admires their older siblings, and he learned he had been manipulated by him. Klavier was used by his brother in order to get Phoenix Wright disbarred and then 7 years later he was framed as a murderer. I also saw mentioned somewhere that Kristoph had the false evidence ready before Phoenix took his place at the Gramarye trial which very much implies that Kristoph was planning to CHEAT in order to beat Klavier during his first trial, that just feels so so fucked up. It's hard to really know for sure if Kristoph actually cared about Klavier but planning to cheat in order to show his little brother that he's just better than him is a good indicator as to what Kristoph thought of Klavier.
In the games, Klavier is never, ever, shown to be affected by Kristoph's actions and that is such a missed opportunity. Sure, the games aren't about him, but still, even just a simple "how are you feeling after all of that ?" Would've already been a little bit better than just forgetting about Klavier's emotions I believe.
Finally, just a little thought but how do you think Klavier feels when he realises how much he looks like his brother ? Somewhere during the 7 year gap he even started styling his hair like Kristoph, do you think it was because he admired him so much he wanted to look like him ? Or maybe to feel closer to his brother ? Why, god, why didn't he change his hairstyle in Dual Destinies ? Was it because he's just still too attached to his brother to let go of the memory of him ? Was it out of spite, to show Kristoph he could cope with the resemblance he shares with his him ?
That's all I got on that subject, that was a long one but god I needed to get all of this down because it just felt so unfair for Apollo and Klavier to be treated like that 😭
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cburambles · 9 months
Some speculations about Rufus' mother & who it could have influenced his insecurity & his choices concerning his father.
I was re-reading translations of the interview that the devs recently made about Shinra's story and something that intrigued me is that we get an idea of how Shinra sr became who he is in OG/Remake. We learn how Heidegger became so loyal to him, that Palmer was his friend whom he kept around to liven up the room & we also get a quick mention about President Shinra's mistresses. However, there's no mention of a legal wife.
I then thought about the museum of Shinra HQ. As the museum is dedicated to Shinra sr's life, you would at least expect something addressing his family. After all, Why not pushing that image of the ideal capitalist entrepreneur who became rich due to his hard work, with his perfect nuclear family to support him in the propaganda?
It got me intrigued and I ended up checking parts of the novels mentionning Rufus' mother. And she is never addressed as a wife. Just his "mother".
The only seemingly romantic relationship that Shinra sr openly had was Lazard's mother, a waitress from the slums, as the npcs around the church in CCR implies.
It makes me wonder if it turns out that Rufus' mother is also another mistress.
It kinda work in the story , as it would explain a lot some of Rufus' fear & thoughts about Evan.
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We know Shinra sr always provide severance money to his mistresses who often happened to be secretaries.
Rufus also explain that his other siblings could show up & they would get money after they got to listen their sob stories. And we know that Evan's mother went to beg Shinra sr to get more money for baby Evan's chirurgy. And Shinra sr gave it to her.
It makes me wonder if Shinra sr could have taken in Rufus because his mother died when he was really young & he had no one else to raise him.
During Rufus' childhood memory in CoS, his mother is not mentionned. He is waiting for his father, seemingly wandering around the house late at night. As if he's not worried to be scolded by her, as if she wasn't there in the first place. When Rufus see his whole life stream in front of his eyes, he mostly only sees his father.
Rufus refers to her birthday & day of passing in CoS and her look in TKAA, almost put his own mother on the same level as Annette. Rufus doesn't even show anger at the idea of his father "cheating" on his mother & seems more annoyed & scared by the idea they can provide "replacements for him".
And that's it. We have no glimpse about her personnality, no memories of her etc... just some sparse info. It makes you wonder if Rufus even knew her or misses her.
Something that I've also noticed in the continuity is that Rufus is born a year after Shinra HQ in Midgar is finished. Shinra sr is 37 years old & by that point in time, is becoming a huge political player of the world, which means he has a target on his back.
So he probably had to pick an heir just in case, to raise someone who can be an extension of himself so his legacy & the company can go on after his death
Thus it's another expression of generosity toward his mistress and children in his mind but also provide him an heir that he can mold however he wants, without worrying about his mother's meddling or influence if she's already dead. Killing two birds with one stone.
It adds a lot more weight to Shinra sr threats of potentially replacing him as a child, Rufus would probably that his value & worth as a son is tied to the idea of him being a successful heir. And that threat might feels real when your father has other hidden children laying around.
Now imagine if you add Lazard in the mix. From Rufus' POV, your father suddendly hire your older brother & said older brother not only get control of the most powerful branch of the army but also gets more achievements & acclaimed by the public for it.
And he's charismatic as the employees around like him as well, including the manufactured hero Sephiroth. Meanwhile, not only you have no real achievements to boast about but you are the VP but have no executive power. How would you feel?
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bookish-library · 11 months
Love letter to languages that are not English (as a native English speaker).
Your languages are so cool. Not only cool, but they are also so pretty, hearing people speak Spanish, or French, or Portuguese sounds like something out of this world in the best way possible.
To Spanish speakers: (personas que hablan Español)
Gosh yall sound amazing. From the incredible feat of rolling your "r's" (as someone who cannot no matter how hard I try) to how your letters interact in a way that English wishes it could, yall sound beautiful. The way of describing things is so beautiful, especially in song, everything is so romantic and described in a way that english cannot achieve. Your different ways to say "I love you", the weight each one of them carries, how your language bonds you together, strangers or no. I have been learning Spanish for around 4 years now, and I cannot get enough of it. Your music (I love Missa and Evan Craft) and the beautiful lyricism has me nearly in tears sometimes, yall have a way of saying things that english songs don't. I love the Spanish language and all that comes with it.
To French speakers: (personnes qui parle francais)
Your language is on a whole 'nother level because wow. Between the one pronunciation sound of about 7 different words that somehow all almost sound the same yet mean vastly different words and the way your words are built, English could never come close lol. Yall somehow have the ability to make noises within words and vowels that my mouth simply does not understand how to do (not from lack of trying), and yall someone manage to sound fierce, gentle, and graceful within one word. Your language is kicking my butt on duolingo lol, but it is worth it to try and learn this language. I first got into French because of Miraculous Ladybug, and yalls music is so fun. I love papa ou te [I think I spelled that right], as well as songs by Lnni Kim.
To the Portugese speakers: (pessoas que falam portugues)
Yall are so cool. Your language sounds like a friend you have not seen in a long time, but are finally meeting them once more, and they have changed, but they are still the friend you know. You've got vowels that english would have to amalgamate other vowel to even try and achieve a semblance, and you've got wayyyy more curses than english does lol. Your language reminds me of if French and Spanish had a really cool kid, that kid would be Portugese. It's rapid-fire fast, and yet somehow takes each step with grace. I cannot wait to learn this language, to attempt to wrap my head around this beautiful language.
This next part is just personal reflection
The qsmp has allowed me to learn so much about the world around me. I am finding that I can understand Spanish so much faster than I could before, and while I may not be the best speaker, just being able to listen and understand is such a fun experience. Though I do not know portugese, my experience with Spanish has allowed me to get a glimpse into this language, especially with watching Cellbit and Roier interact. Being able to at least slightly keep up with their rapid fire conversations feels like such an achievement to me, and has def inspired me to try and learn portugese one day. I am trying to learn French right now, because of traveling to France for irl events soon, and I want to be able to interact with people on their own turf. French is kicking my butt lol, but to be able to pick up words here and there on streams, or to understand bits and pieces of the songs I am singing is such a fun feeling. Getting to hear other songs that have such different rhythms, instruments, or tone is so cool, and if anyone has any reccomendations in any language, I would love to hear them. (Une fille de soleil by Lou and Adryano is a favorite, especially since it blends french and spanish) Qsmp is such an amazing project, and I love every time the cc's get into discussions about their language, or trade slang, or teach each other words. So excited to continue this language journey!
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emmanuellececchi · 7 months
About reading...
Often when you're a fledgling writer, you have all those books and articles and people who tell you how to become a good writer. Things to do, things to exercise, things to work, etc.
I am trying many of those things. I bought a couple of books on setting backgrounds and how to write dialogue... Most of the time I fell asleep...
But one of the many advice that came around was : read. Read the type of books you want to write, read other books, read read read. Which is a pretty awesome advice when you love reading.
Problem is, at the moment, I spend more time writing than reading. Until I realized something.
I don't have time to read books. But I read fanfics, stories and blog post by my mutuals and person I follow. Would it be the same as "reading books"?
After reflexion. Yes. And here's why I think that.
Those advices had been written at a time when social media weren't what they are now. I do not say twitter is the equivalent of, let's say, Pride and Prejudice (.....). On the other hand, reading fics, and stories, well written and well structured, with high level vocabulary is as good as a classical book. And I'll fight you for this.
PLUS having the possiblity to discuss lore and background stories, exchange about the writing process and things like that with those who are actively writing is an exprience in itself and helps with the understanding in writing.
Finally, culture. I have many mutuals that are not from the same country and background, age, language, etc. than me. I can exchange with them, I can learn from them. If it is not a personnal enrichment, I don't know what it is.
So I'll change this advice: read, yes. Read classical and whatever strick your fancy. But do not feel bad to read fanfics. Read them, and stories and blog post, exchange with your mutuals about their life and habits, culture and countries. You'll learn many and more. And you'll get better at writing.
I'm convinced I am better since I've met all those people here.
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crescentnebulalala · 4 months
Can't remember how many days have passed, but I finally accepted the truth that I've truly been dumped. It hurts more than I thought it would, but I survived. My English is too weak to fully express my grief. Writing feels unnatural and takes three times longer than in my native language. I really should write every day if I truly want to achieve a C2 level. I will force myself to write more.
Regarding my toxic relationship with FS, I knew it was over weeks ago in my rational mind. I knew it was a dangerous situation even before he started ghosting me. That kiss was just on a whim for him. He didn't expect me to embrace the relationship. I was ridiculous, holding onto false hope for so long. I kept finding excuses for him: he was too busy, he didn't have enough experience in relationships, he was insecure, he had his own trauma, he needed to hide in his cave… But now, even as dullness as I can see that I've been dumped.
He took advantage of my vulnerable time and made me blame myself for being clingy. I'm not clingy at all! Why did it take me months to realize he's an asshole? Because he said I was too stubborn for demanding an explanation or at least a note when he suddendly disappeared! He made me believe it was my fault for caring about him after he said he almost died! He made me believe I was prying into his privacy just for wanting to know more about him!
What made this worse was reading a book called Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. It made me confused about this toxic relationship. It kept stressing that men need space, men need a cave, men need self-healing, and that confiding is not in their nature… So I took the blame, respected his privacy, contained myself from asking his reasons whenever he disappeared, and held back when I wanted to share my life. What did I get in return? Soft ghosting.
He told me the reasons he broke up with his ex: she didn't respond to his messages for a long time and when she did, she asked for money. He couldn't bear that, but he did the exact same thing to me. I was just being nice, not wanting to give him a hard time. I thought it was unfair to refuse him because of his balding. It's not his fault, it's not a big deal. I know he was troubled by this, so the last thing I could do was not to use it to attack him. Just because he's an asshole doesn't mean I should be one too. Oh, it's not the same, he is worse than his ex!
He didn't care about my well being when I came to the new city where he had stayed for five years! He didn't care whether I had a place to live or not. I found excuses for him, thinking he was busy with work, and I had told him I was doing this to grow up. He once accused me of being immature. So I wanted to prove to him that I could handle these things by myself. I thought he didn't show up when I was moving because he wanted to give me a chance to be a capable adult. But how wrong I was! He didn't care about me at all!
He retreated step by step, taking hours, days, then weeks to answer me. Oh gosh, I was justifying his ghosting. I hate myself for being addicted to him! When I wished him a happy anniversary, he only responded with a meme. When I shared a game with him, he answered with a meme. When I asked if he was in trouble, he answered with a meme. Then, I invited him to hang out, and he only answered with two words: "no time." Oh, stupid me, I still told him when I was available, but I got no reply. He just left me there without any explanation.
He is the villain who started this relationship, and he pushed me to say the ending words to avoid being the bad guy. What's worse is that many details made me believe he at least liked my personnality even when I was still with his friend. He remembered what beverage I drank years ago, asked my ex about my social account, and helped me with my math exercises, comfort me when I broke up with his friend. Why on the earth did he do this to me?!
I liked him because he is intelligent and achieved something I lost, he kind of fulfilled my childhood dream. I thought he was compassionate and could show empathy, which his friend lacked. He showed up during the worst period of my life when everything was falling apart. That passionate kiss was like an unexpected gift, giving me false comfort that even in a terrible time, someone saw my value and that I was still worthy of love. But now? An asshole is an asshole. I woke up from this dream, and it hurts even more. May shitty people get their karma!
I lost the chance to study abroad because of Covid, failed the postgraduate exam multiple times, and it cost me a lot. I finished my two bachelor's degrees with my last breath of strength and then totally burned out, becoming non functional for a year. Covid cost everyone something, but I am the only one trapped within my friend group. All of them either found good jobs or enrolled in top grad schools. I have no one to pour out. My time has stopped. I'm the worst one. After treating myself like a plant for a long time, I managed to recover enough to decide to make myself better.
Today was quite great. I finished tasks I couldn't even think about in the last two years. Almost finished all the items on my to-do list. May someday I can become a person I love, may someday I can say I'm proud of myself. Life sucks, but I'm going to make the most of this time alone.
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bizarredawdler · 8 months
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Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones beaten!
Started this game again recently after I got stuck on one chapter when I was a kid. Was a fun and interesting experience revisiting this.
I was always a fan of the combat animations in this game. Lots of little details like how units dodge attacks or whenever they hit a crit add a lot of personnality to each of them.
I haven't played the previous entry Blazing Blade, but the addition of ways to level grind your units in this game with the world map ennemies and the tower of Valni was very much appreciated. It made the endgame much more manageable.
Some of the story beats were pretty neat! I especially liked how you could get special interactions against bosses depending on the unit you fought with.
Despite this game being considered one of the easiest games in the series, as someone playing Fire Emblem for the first time in a while on normal difficulty, the endgame was rough for me. I will freely admit I used save states during my playthrough because I wanted to speed things up and keep everyone alive and boy howdy is the game gonna give you hell if you try to do that. Playing this game made me realise an unfortunate truth about myself: and it's that as I'm getting older, I have less patience for punishing difficulty in video games, especially considering luck plays a huge factor on if you land a hit/get hit or not. So sadly, the permadeath system of this series is just not for me.
Overall though, I'm still glad I revisited this game. I still had fun, and it allowed me to see this game without rose tinted glasses.
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vivihar · 17 days
OH i absolutely get you about the harry thing!!! (and i'm here for severus too, for snily snupin and now tomerus lmao) i don't care about t!marry either. there is an ethical element in my disliking of t!marry bcs he was a kid and tom murdered his parents, yada yada, but mostly? it bores me, lol. and snarry bores me too, i love harry, but i'll never not see him as a kid, so i don't care about him shipped with characters i find more complex and compelling 😶 and like i've said before, i feel that t!marry shippers cling too much to tom and harry's supposed connection and harry didn't even want it BBDBDBSBDB that's a shore to him! tom was a shore, an inconvenience at most, he had SOME wickedness on him but it was minimal, he didn't match tom's freak at all, while severus actually sought tom out, swore loyalty, took the mark, called him "my lord", there's sO much material there and actual willingness in both parties, i just find it so much more interesting than whatever people make up about tom and harry 🥱
and i understand feeling insecure about the language and the drawing skills 😔 BUT OMG HONEY NO don't feel bad about your HCs or AUs!!!! god the amount of bullshit i've seen from the t!marrys SHDJHSHDHHSHSHHD the most corny scenarios, they forget it's tom they're talking about, nobody questions the veracity or the portrayal, they just do whatever they want and don't take absolutely no criticism at all, so why would you feel bad? besides, your portrayal of them isn't ooc!!!! and if it's supposed to be ooc, so what??? we're talking about two very repressed gifted prodigious fucked up boys/men, and they don't need to be "good" together. unlike t!marrys that make up scenarios where they want harry to "fix" tom, severus and tom would just keep each other company and "love" each other without altering the other's plans and ambitions, no matter how ruin or messed up they're. they're not together to become "better people", they're the same as ever, but loved by one another, i reckon your portrayal of tom is loyal to his scent, so please don't fret, i love reading your posts and scenarios whenever i have time 🥺🥺🥺🩷🩷🩷 sorry if i sent too much 🙏 i may be the same as you, nobody else talks about them and whenever i speak it just spills and spills JDJDJSHDHHDHD have a good day xoxo 🩷 (2/2)
Omg you said the thing I couldn't name about Harry😭 you're so right I just see him as a kid, I do ship lunnary, ronarry but overall? They're sweet kids playing together in the playground lol.
Well you kinda could make the unwanted soul thingy interesting but not for me(maybe because it's not Tomerus lmaokdmdkdmd)
I think Harry could be wicked but I'm not sure if he could match Tom's level,, or he would accept him like that, (if they go with I can fix him trope well I hate that trope)
I only saw them before I was in fandom and I literally didn't remember anything about HP so I can't say how fandom makes their relationship, it's not for me so I didn't look into it personally. Just gonna ignore them because sorry I'm kind of jealous personn,, I'm like "Tom how could you cheat on my son!/J"
Joke aside I'm really jealous how good their artist is😭 I hope one day I could do same for Tomerus nation😔
Thank you love 😭 thanks to you my confidence really increased about posting them freely since your first question, thank you so much 🥹. And don't ever think you send too much I would always enjoy anything you send, feel free🧡🧡 have a good day(night? Mine is lol) too love thank you for writing this, again I enjoyed it so much 😙
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puiss · 4 months
I have MANY theories about tonight's ep
a. Eddie "we should all get tested" comment is foreshadowing to him ALSO getting encephalitis and imagining a life with Shannon still alive. Redundant in so many levels with Chim's storyline in 7x06 but that's what happen when you bring back dead characters every ep
b. "ghost of a second chance" actually refers to Marisol. The stills are very likely from the beginning of the ep and Eddies starts imagining a future with her (maybe even proposing ?). As the ep goes on, Eddie (for some reason) realizes that the relationship with Marisol is not going to work out and he has to make peace with not fulfilling this ideal of family and love.
c. (most unoriginal) The woman is Shannon's sister/cousin/twin. She tells Eddie it's ok to let go of Shannon and stop trying to find a new mom for Christopher.
d. (personnal favourite and most unlikely) Eddie has the nightmare/dream including Shannon. She's still alive but they are divorced. They're happily coparenting Christopher, Shannon coming to pick him up one morning while Eddie is having his coffee. He is wearing a ring, hinting that he has remarried. As Shannon and Christ leave, the camera pans to Eddie's room where Buck is peacefuly sleeping, his own wedding band cleary visible. Eddie wakes up in cold sweat and hence begin the Eddie-queer-realization-arc.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
I'm Glad My Mom Died, by Jennette McCurdy (January 2023)
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Jennette McCurdy's memoir about her relationship with her mother, the impact she had on her both during her life and after her death, and the consequences of being a child actor.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Yes, but not to everyone because it's really "child abuse, addiction and eating disorders", The Book. So you have to make sure those aren't triggers for you before reading this book.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I almost never read non-fiction, I'm trying to read more of it so I'm glad I liked this one.
My thoughts on it? I had heard several people say that the narration feels child-like at the beginning and that it was because Jennette McCurdy wrote from child-her's point of view, and I didn't really get what they meant. And then I read it and I understood. As an adult reader, I could understand things that 8-y.o-Jennette or 13-y.o-Jennette couldn't, I could see how toxic and abusive her mother's behavior was. And it was gut-wrenching.
It was a very interesting read on several levels, we see a bit of the reality of child actors, and I think that the people who watched Nikelodeon during the iCarly years etc will sse the show and Jennette in a new light. That said, I also know someone who couldn't finish the book because they were a fan of Jennette and reading it was breaking their heart.
Anyway, Jennette McCurdy is right to focus on writing now, she's talented (and it makes her happier).
btw, i think it's sad that the first thing the official summary says is “A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy” while she clearly said she doesn't want to be remembered as Sam. i understand that it's for marketing reasons, but it's still sad
French version under the cut
Les mémoires de Jennette McCurdy sur sa relation avec sa mère, l'impacte qu'elle a eu sur elle de son vivant comme après sa mort, et les conséquences d'une carrière d'enfant star.
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Oui, mais pas à tout le monde parce que c’est vraiment “maltraitance d’enfant, addiction et troubles alimentaires”, Le Livre. Donc il faut s’assurer que ce sont pas des déclencheur avant de commencer le livre.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Je lis quasiment pas de non-fiction, j’essaie dans lire plus donc je suis contente d’avoir aimé celui-là.
Avis sans spoiler ? J’avais entendu plusieurs personnes dire que la narration est un peu enfantine au début et que c’était parce que Jennette McCurdy écrivait de son point de vue en tant qu’enfant, et je comprenais pas trop ce que ces personnes voulaient dire. Puis j’ai lu le livre et j’ai compris. En tant que lectrice adulte, je comprenais des choses que Jennette-à-8-ans ou Jennette-à-13-ans ne comprenait pas, je voyais à quel point le comportement de sa mère était toxique et abusif. Et c’était vraiment déchirant.
C’est vraiment une lecture très intéressante à beaucoup de niveaux, on voit un peu la réalité des enfants star, et je pense que pour les personnes qui regardaient Nikelodeon à l’époque de iCarly etc vont voir la série et Jennette sous un nouveau jour. Après je connais aussi quelqu’un qui n’a pas réussi à finir le livre parce qu’iel était fan de Jennette et que ça lui brisait le cœur de le lire.
En tous cas, Jennette McCurdy a raison de se concentrer sur l’écriture maintenant parce qu’elle a vraiment du talent (et ça la rend plus heureuse).
d’ailleurs, je pense que c’est triste que le premier truc que le résumé officiel dise c’est “Un mémoire déchirant et hilarant par la star de iCarly et Sam & Cat, Jennette McCurdy” alors qu’elle dit clairement qu’elle veut pas qu’on se souvienne d’elle comme Sam. je comprends que c’est pour des raisons marketing mais c’est quand même triste
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arson-jellyfish69 · 2 years
The way Able "hates" Caïn and Seth is very different:
Sense of betrayal
" Please for the love of the stars stop fucking my bestfriends "
" Wait no don't fuck him he's ugly and anoying "
" Shut up nerd "
" I aM CaÏn AnD I KnOw EvErYtHiNg "
Cain instinct
Actual sense of disdain, not just surface level annoyance
" Why does the one not working hard and not being special getting all of dad's love and attention "
Would never say it but resent him for not eating the fruit of knowledge himself and thus leading to Cain doing it
Thinks he's just Adam's lap dog
Bigger age differenve then with Caïn so less close (my personnal headcanon is that there's no qge difference between Cain and Able but still)
Seth wasn't really happy about Able coming back from the dead and showed clear fear and disgust at him for the short time between him coming back to life and his departure for the desert
Seth constantly did the sibling classic of hurting themselves and blaming the older sibling for it
The problem is that Adam loved having living punching bags
I'm changing my headcanon lately so Adam isn't a bitch anymore, just somewhat neglectful so he mostly only paid attention to Seth because he was the youngest, but besides that ye
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