#so i kinda want to have “Eras” in the title?
doodling-doodle · 1 month
1. Guess who's finally writing the story she promised yall?
2. Guess who's struggling to write the story because she doesn't know what to even title it?
It's honestly a little daunting to start a few story and document to write it in, it's been a while since I've started something completely new
But l have a lot of ideas for it and I hope you will all like it : )
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linagram · 11 months
[𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟷] 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜
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IT'S HERE LET'S GOOOOO okay i'm slowly starting to post more t2 stuff, so uh. i hope you guys are ready for this because i'm not
also i drew this in like half an hour i kinda wanted it to look messy
(warnings: mentions of physical assault/violence and attempted suicide, also Jackalope might be a bit OOC)
[ The door opens ]
*sounds of footsteps*
Eiji: Guard 002, did you call me?
Eiji: Did you need something?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: "Huh. No response."
Eiji: Guard 002, are you here?
Eiji: Miki, are you here?..
Eiji: "Where did that girl go.."
???: Ah, finally, here you are.
Eiji: !
Eiji: "What was that?.."
Eiji: Is there anybody here? You better show yourself right now or I-
???: Now, now, calm down. I know that you're one of the scariest guards we've had, but at least try to act a bit more chill this time.
Eiji: .. "We"?
Eiji: W-wait, who am I even talking to?
Eiji: Am I.. talking to the person who created this place?
???: .. Did you not notice me yet?
???: I'm literally right in front of you.
Eiji: What are you talking about? I can't see anyone here-
Eiji: H-huh?..
Jackalope: Hello there, "Guard 001".
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Now, I know that you're the strict and responsible type, so I hope we will have a proper conversation-
[ Eiji throws something at Jackalope ]
Jackalope: .. Seriously?
Jackalope: You know what, maybe I should've chosen the girl. I'm sure she would be much easier and nicer to talk to.
Jackalope: Wait, are you-
[ Eiji throws something at him again ]
Jackalope: .. Yeah, Guard 002 would be the better option.
Eiji: *breathing heavily* Why.. are you still.. talking?..
Eiji: .. I'm not going insane, right? I'm completely normal, I'm a completely sane person..
Jackalope: *laughs*
Eiji: T-this thing can laugh too??
Jackalope: Eiji, you're one of the least sane people I've ever met.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Maybe I should just leave. Maybe I should just leave this room.
Eiji: These last days have been.. not so easy, all this stress is getting to me.
Eiji: It's not like I hate being the guard of this prison, it's just.. It can be very hard sometimes.
Jackalope: Yeah, you actually enjoy being a guard a lot.
Jackalope: *sighs* Calm down already, will you?
Jackalope: And stop throwing stuff at me, okay? You have a lot of energy for someone with a body as weak as yours.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: .. What did you say?
Jackalope: I know a lot about you, Eiji. And about your partner too.
Jackalope: I've been watching you two all this time.
Eiji: .. H-how?
Eiji: No, like, how can you..
Eiji: How can you even talk?
Eiji: Wait, is that a guard uniform?
Eiji: Does that mean that you're also-
Jackalope: Now, I understand that you have a lot of questions and you will get answers to them eventually..
Jackalope: Probably.
Jackalope: But listen, appearing like this wasn't really a part of my plan either. I have a reason to come and talk to you in person like this.
Jackalope: If it wasn't for one small thing, I would just continue to study you two, it's so entertaining to watch you and Guard 002, haha..
Jackalope: Ahem. But anyway, we do have something important to talk about. You might want to sit down for this one.
Eiji: ...
[Eiji sits down]
Jackalope: Perfect.
Jackalope: Now, Eiji, so you understand how Milgram works, right?
Eiji: O-of course I do.
Eiji: We interrogate the prisoners, we extract their videos, we watch them.. and then we judge them.
Eiji: That's.. all we have to do.
Jackalope: Haha, really? Is that all?
Jackalope: I'm sure you understand that the guards have to do much, much more than that.
Eiji: I mean..
Eiji: It's not like I want to do it, but I have to cook for them and also, um..
Jackalope: Eiji, you know I mean something else.
Jackalope: You know, like making sure the prisoners don't die before their final verdict.
Eiji: !
Jackalope: Oh well, if they die, I guess it cannot be helped-
Eiji: .. W-what do you mean by that?
Eiji: How.. how much do you actually know?
Jackalope: Well, I know everything about those recent incidents.
Jackalope: One of the prisoners has tried to injure the two other prisoners, who are also some of the most vulnerable ones here.
Jackalope: One prisoner is now trying to do literally anything to make others pay attention to him, which doesn't always end well.
Jackalope: And there also was a prisoner who tried to kill himself-
Eiji: I.. Now I understand.
Eiji: You really do know everything.
Jackalope: Haha, of course I do. Now, I'll just get straight to the point.
Jackalope: Eiji, you remember how the trial system works, right?
Eiji: Me and Guard 002 have to discuss everyone's crimes and we have to make a decision about their verdict.
Jackalope: And would you say it's hard to make those decisions?
Eiji: .. Why don't you tell me that yourself if you've been watching us all this time?
Jackalope: Wow, look at you, acting so brave already!
Jackalope: I thought you had more respect for this place.
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: It is.. hard. Me and Guard 002 have completely different opinions and values, she thinks we should forgive all the prisoners and their crimes don't matter, meanwhile I think they all deserve to die for their sins.
Eiji: So.. we often end up arguing because of that.
Jackalope: Can you say that the first trial has been stressful for you?
Eiji: .. Well, it's only the first trial, so it's natural that we're only getting used to this-
Jackalope: It takes a lot of time to come to the same conclusion, doesn't it?
Jackalope: You want to punish all the prisoners here, meanwhile Guard 002 wants to forgive them. You two couldn't be any more different than this.
Eiji: .. Yes, I don't agree with her opinion most of the time, but I still think she deserves to be a guard. She has a reason to forgive them and when she explains it, she's able to convince even someone like me that these murderers deserve a second chance.
Jackalope: Judging by the results of the first trial, one might say that she's too good at it.
Eiji: .. Of course, you know about that too, don't you?
Jackalope: I have to say, these results have.. surprised me a bit.
Jackalope: All of these people are murderers and some of them committed the worst and scariest crimes you can ever imagine, but..
Jackalope: Most of them have been voted innocent. Actually, all but three of them were forgiven.
Jackalope: I guess Guard 002 really is good at her job, isn't she?
Eiji: Are you.. disappointed?
Eiji: I promise I will be more strict with them this time. I won't hold back. I will make sure everyone gets the punishment that they deserve-
Jackalope: I'm not here to tell you what's good and what's bad to do.
Jackalope: You can judge them in any way you want, I couldn't care less. You can vote all of them innocent or you can vote all of them guilty if you want. You don't even have to judge them based on your morals or whatever. Or you can vote them based on that, if you want.
Jackalope: Also, who am I to tell you to stop agreeing with a pretty girl all the time?
Jackalope: But again, you two are completely different people which makes this whole voting process a unique and interesting experience, but also..
Jackalope: Would you say that this voting system is flawed?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: N-no, of course not..
Jackalope: You deserve to be praised for being so loyal to this place, haha.
Jackalope: And yes, I think making two guards judge a prisoner can actually be better than just making one person choose.
Jackalope: What if that person is a coward who's too afraid of making any decisions? What if that person doesn't want to take that responsibilty? What if they just refuse to vote?
Eiji: Actually.. what happens if you refuse to vote?
Jackalope: Anyway, I'm sure you two have thought at least once about just.. not agreeing with each other and not wanting to change your mind.
Eiji: .. I guess so, yes.
Jackalope: So, Eiji, can you tell me what happens when two people can't come to the same conclusion at all and they just can't make a decision?
Eiji: Wait, but what if we just.. vote the way that we want to vote? What if Guard 002 votes someone innocent, while I vote that person guilty? What happens next?
Jackalope: *sighs*
Jackalope: Can you not answer my question with another question?
Eiji: Oh, sorry.
Eiji: I guess.. They try to find a compromise in some way?
Jackalope: But what if they can't do that? I don't think you can do something like that so easily when you have to decide whether you want to forgive or punish a murderer.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Well, I don't know. That will probably end with a fight.
Jackalope: Hm, so your mind immediately jumped to that, huh..
Jackalope: Is it because you're used to solving problems that way?
Eiji: Um..
Jackalope: Well, I don't care about your backstory, so let me just answer the question myself.
Jackalope: When two people can't make a decision and almost end up arguing because of that..
Jackalope: They might want to ask someone for a third opinion.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: Huh?
Jackalope: You know, maybe they will just ask their friend to help them out or maybe they will ask a random person what they would do in their situation.
Jackalope: Maybe that person will have a completely different opinion, but they can still be able to guide those two and give them some advice.
Jackalope: Or, well, at least they can just be there to make sure there won't be something like a 50/50 result.
Jackalope: .. Hey, are you okay? You seem kinda pale.
Eiji: .. What does that mean?
Eiji: What do you mean by "a third opinion"?
Jackalope: Well, it's not something that you have to worry about, it's not gonna change the voting process in any way.
Jackalope: Maybe we won't even have to do that-
Eiji: Third opinion.. Asking someone to "help us out"..
Eiji: Making sure there won't be a 50/50 result..
Eiji: Hey..
Eiji: Does that mean there's a third guard hiding somewhere?
Jackalope: Hey, relax, I've already told you that it most likely won't come to that.
Eiji: .. D-does that mean there's someone else in this prison and we don't know about it?
Eiji: Are they aware of what's going on? Or maybe they're "asleep"?
Eiji: .. Wait a second.
Eiji: Me and Guard 002..
Eiji: We both are related to other prisoners.
Eiji: Me and Prisoner 005 are brothers and Guard 002 is most likely related to Prisoner 007.
Eiji: And I don't think this is a coincidence, so..
Jackalope: Wow, you really are smart.
Eiji: .. Does that mean you're hiding someone's family member here? If it has to be someone's sibling..
Eiji: Wait.. I remember. Prisoner 002 has an older brother, Prisoner 004 has an older brother and a younger sister, Prisoner 006 has a younger brother, Prisoner 009 has an older brother and two younger sisters and Prisoner 010 has a younger brother.
Eiji: If you're hiding someone's sibling, it has to be-
Jackalope: Eiji. Does this mean that you don't want to do all of this anymore?
Jackalope: Does this mean you don't want to be a guard anymore?
Jackalope: Do you really want to let Guard 002 forgive your brother like that?
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Listen, I also wasn't a fan of this whole concept of "choosing the prisoners' siblings as the guards". Doesn't that sound like a cheap plot twist? What, is this some kind of drama?
Jackalope: But eh, I went along with it.
Eiji: .. I'm sorry.
Eiji: I'm sorry, I really do have a lot of respect for this place and if I could, I would stay here so that I can judge even more prisoners.
Eiji: It's just..
Eiji: Making two people with completely different opinions judge someone, choosing people who are related to the prisoners to be the guards, saying that if we can't make a decision, there will be a third person to help us so that the prisoners can be properly judged..
Eiji: .. All of this doesn't sound like a normal trial.
Eiji: It's like.. a game. It's like someone is playing a game and they want to see just what exactly they can do while playing it. It's like they want to see just how many possibilities this game has.
Eiji: So they start.. experimenting with it, basically.
Eiji: And if I want to punish everyone so badly and I get annoyed when I see how many prisoners have been voted innocent and I want to convince Guard 002 that I'm right and she's wrong..
Eiji: .. Doesn't that mean that I've fallen right into some kind of trap? Doesn't that mean that I'm just a character in that game and I'm getting ordered around, but I don't even notice it?
Eiji: .. Wait, where are you?
Eiji: Hey, weird rabbit thing! Where did you go?
Eiji: .. For some reason I don't feel like I'm that powerful anymore. Do my decisions even matter in this place?
Eiji: Oh, there you are-
[Eiji goes silent for a moment]
Eiji: .. Wait, what am I even thinking?
Eiji: I'm the guard of the Milgram prison. I have a job to do.
Eiji: I have to go and tell everyone about the second trial.
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arthur-r · 2 years
would it be ridiculous to major in classics
#here at lincoln it would probably be a little ridiculous since the official program title is classics and classical religions#and like. i find religion vaguely interesting as a concept but i don’t want to major in like. jesus and his dad god#i’m aware that since it’s classics it would probably be more like greek and roman gods but that’s still just really not my interests?#it’s just that i keep meeting people and saying yeah i’m planning on being a history major and they’re like oh what era of history??#what’s your favorite historical period you must have one??#and i’m just like…. idk dude i’m hoping to spread information on it all not pick a favorite time and only do that?#my focus is more on the distribution of information than which information it is. history is just a good starting point#i do kind of wonder about majoring in something like comparative literature but i don’t know strongly enough if i really want to do library#like comparative literature is a cool major that i’m interested in but it wouldn’t lead very well into museum stuff#and i’m more interested in museums and non-library archives. so it would be kinda dumb to switch to an english major to start out#anyway this is friggin college talk again and i’m really sorry#i’m still gonna tag it and everything and i’m still stressed about it in general but it is entirely on my mind right now#like if you look at my brain 2% is will woods new album 4% is what i should wear today and the other 94% of it is dedicated to college stuff#wait also i’m realizing i never really explained why classics is at all relevant right now i got half way there and then distracted#i think i’ve landed on not wanting to do classics though. but basically i started saying to what era i like i say it’s just art and culture#like what kind of history do i like? oh all of it as long as there’s people there being people#and according to. everyone i’ve talked to. that means ancient rome and nowhere else. so#yeah honestly why would i do that. like. other people friggin exist the world really doesn’t have to be centered around europe#like. latin is cool and everything. but that’s not the rare language i want to be learning can i learn like. nahuatl? purepecha?#do i want to major in mesoamerican history or something. i don’t think that’s a major they would give me#but definitely what i’m getting here is that ancient greece and ancient europe in general is not my interest#like. don’t get me wrong i find medieval history really cool and like. the renaissance and lots of old european painters and composers#but at the end of the day those are things that i think are pretty. not things i want to devote my life to#i think indigenous history might be a good thing to look into. i doubt they have that at this school#it would probably still be in my best interests to get something very broad like history. but idk#anyway i’ve been talking long enough i can shut up now. just. yeah#me. my post. mine.#college talk
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gojossocks · 5 months
Anything For You
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Sukuna x Reader genre: fluff, hurt/comfort summary: After a thousand years, Sukuna never thought that he'd find you again. Only this time, your goals have changed and you weren't the person he can rule the world with anymore. Would he give that up just for you? wc: 2.7K content: friends to lovers, lovesick sukuna, kinda ooc sukuna because of how lovesick he is, mutual pining. they were in a situationship for a thousand years, can you guys handle that?
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“Sukuna, don’t you feel alone in the past thousand years? I mean, all you’ve wanted is to gain power and do other villain-y things. It’s pretty lame and sad in my opinion.” Yuuji, his vessel, says mindlessly as he chews on his food while he waits for Megumi and Nobara. 
“You insolent fool.” He sneered, a mouth forming on Yuuji’s cheeks. “I don’t mope around like you do. I was not alone either.” 
Contrary to popular belief, Sukuna wasn’t heartless as most people paint him out to be. In fact, during the Heian Era, Sukuna is always seen to be with a powerful sorcerer. 
There was you. The only person he sees as his equal. 
But after you were killed, your history with Sukuna was quickly forgetten as the men write history in their own perspective. You are a significant figure in history, yes– but you and Sukuna together were only briefly mentioned in the books. 
People have forgotten about how Sukuna, the King of Curses, have ruled the Jujutsu World with you by his side. 
In the bygone days of the Heian Period, You and Sukuna have a unique bond as you two had grown up together. You were the only one who witnessed how he rises up to be the King of Curses. You were a powerful sorcerer too in your own way, despite the lack of title. Your benevolent nature has gotten a lot of people to respect you. People were not intimidated by your power but by your wisdom. 
Despite your personality which is in contrast to Sukuna’s, it never became a hindrance between your bond. In fact, he seemed to like you more because of it. You taught him how to kill and destroy with purpose. and together, the two of you wreaked havoc on Earth. 
You were the first and last person who knows him inside and out, not even Uraume could compare. He even prefers your shitty cooking, for god’s sake. He feels weak in your presence. Sukuna kind of resents you for it, how you make him feel. How he’s willing to burn the entire world at your command. He’d kill anyone without batting an eye if you ask him to. You have him wrapped around your pretty fingers and you don’t even know it. 
He remembers going into the gardens of your shared home after a battle and you’d welcome him with open arms, hugging him with your little frame. You didn’t care about the blood on his clothes or how he reeks of death. You look at him with such kindness, as if he has done nothing wrong in this world. You held his hands with such gentleness, as if he has hasn’t covered his hands with so much blood. And you smile and crack jokes around him after terrorizing villages, you wrap bandages around his wounds even if he can heal it in a heartbeat. He loves being doted on by you. 
He was really good at keeping his emotions to himself unlike you who’d outwardly show how much you love him. He had a feeling that you knew of his affections slightly. After all, you were the only one allowed to touch Sukuna, to tease him and be alive after that. He chose not to tell you his feelings because he thought that he’d have all the time in the world to tell you. 
Well, he thought he did until he received the news that you were killed. 
Sukuna didn’t look at your corpse, refusing that seeing your cold lifeless body would be his last memory of you. After that was just endless rampage of destruction. In his mind, it was his way of avenging you. People have forgotten about you because of the amount of lives he had taken— his crimes outweighed any humanity he had left of him. 
It goes like that until he was defeated and sealed. Well, that was years ago but even now, all he thinks about is you. So much that he could still hear your laugh. 
“Really?” Yuuji exclaimed. “I think I should ask Gojo-sensei about—”
Yuuji’s rambling was cut off with a sound of laughter, which causes both him and the demon inside him to look where that voice comes from. 
That all too familiar voice that even after countless lifetimes, he would still recognize anywhere. Sukuna felt like his entire world stopped when he sees where that voice comes from. Everything seemed to blur as his entire attention is fixated on the woman. 
It was you, in the flesh. 
Or rather, someone who is an exact copy of you. 
He had found you! You had reincarnated as he hoped you would. You kept your promise and you’d see him again. 
You were walking and conversing beside Gojo Satoru as you approach Yuuji who stood up straight and looked at you with wide eyes. 
“Who might this be?” You gave the kid a playful smile. 
Sukuna was able to examine you up close as you walked closer to Yuuji. You were as beautiful as the day he lost you. You fit right into this modern period— you’re wearing a uniform similar to Gojo’s, but instead of pants, you were wearing a skirt and knee high boots. If someone were to tell Sukuna that he’d find you like this, fighting against him, he would have howled in laughter before killing that someone. 
“Yuuji Itadori, miss!” the young sorcerer said, exuding a bit too much enthusiasm. 
“So he is the vessel.” You acknowledged with a nod before sharing a look with Gojo Satoru. 
“This is Y/N Y/L/N! She’s a special grade sorcerer from Kyoto but will be transferring here to accommodate you. She doesn’t go to missions anymore just like I do so Y/N would be there whenever you need her.” Gojo explains, putting a hand on you and Yuuji’s shoulders. 
Yuuji’s eyes widened as he registered the significance of your name “Like the one in history books Y/N Y/L/N?” 
“I wish.” You quipped, inserting a playful note in your response. “It was nice meeting you. I’ve waited for you, you know.” Then you extended your hand toward Yuuji and as your fingers met his, Sukuna could feel the familiarity of your touch. You looked at Yuuji with so much intensity, as if you’re looking at the curse residing in him. Right at Sukuna. and he didn’t fail to notice the way your smile was gentler compared to the ones you’ve given the kid. 
It was for him.
You’ve seen him. 
“Well,” You let out a sigh when you’ve pulled away. “I better get going. I’m sorry to cut this short, Yuuji. I hope we’ll get to know more of each other. I heard you like rice bowls, I’ll treat you to my favorite restaurant in tokyo next week, yeah?” You pat the top of his head and Yuuji gives you a huge grin. 
Once you’ve left, Yuuji could finally notice Sukuna’s silence. He had been silent ever since you’ve arrived and Yuuji was about to tease him for it until Gojo spoke up. 
“It’s her if she wasn’t being obvious enough.” 
In the week following his unexpected encounter with you, Sukuna’s demeanor underwent a subtle transformation. He was less mean to Yuuji and the snarky remarks had lessened. 
True to your promise, you spent time with Yuuji, fulfilling your role as a companion and mentor. However, your newfound indifference towards Sukuna fueled a frustration that within him. Did he merely imagine the spark of recognition in your eyes? Was it truly still you? 
He found out a lot about you during the time you spent with Yuuji as well as the information that Gojo discloses concerning you. It seems as though you have helped the Jujutsu World slowly gain back its glory just like back in the golden days. You’re a teacher too, and from what Gojo has mentioned, you’re still the same patient and kind person he fell in love with. 
Sukuna feels a twinge of jealousy at the mention of how you’re close with the white-haired sorcerer. He finds himself scoffing at the thought of you finally replacing him. It isn’t far from reality, you’re too likable for your own good anyway. You make it so easy to love you that Sukuna failed to notice that this disease has swallowed him whole and now he’s stuck, absolutely pining for you like an idiot. How dare you move on from him if that’s the case? 
He needed answers from you or else he’d go crazy. So he finds out where you live and he found out that you were living in the more peaceful side of Tokyo. It took him a while to get in control again and the moment he did, his feet carried him to you. 
Your house is beautiful, it looked like the mini version of the place that you once shared with Sukuna. He entered it quietly and to his surprise, you were no where to be found but then he catches a glimpse of you in the window overlooking the garden. 
Sukuna finds himself smiling as he reaches the garden. It had a variety of flowers and plants, the very ones you had planted with him years ago. You’re wearing a beautiful red plaid sundress and the modern age never looked so good in anyone but you. 
You were simply ethereal. 
You were too engrossed in watering your plants when he walks towards you. 
“Old habits hard for you, Y/N.” Sukuna spoke up, his voice devoid of any usual domineering tone that he uses to other humans. 
You turned to him, wide eyed. It was the first time you’ve seen him in ages. Sukuna’s still in the body of the young sorcerer that you frequently saw the past week but he looked like him—with his tattoos and demeanor. Your eyes are soon filled with tears and you shakily reached for him, engulfing him in a tight embrace. 
“Finally.” You choked out, burying your face to his chest. Sukuna carefully snakes his hands towards your back on instinct.  “It’s been so long. it was all worth it. I knew you’d come back.” 
He rests his chin on the top of your head. Sukuna’s voice turned hoarse as he spoke. “I thought you were killed I-” 
“I’m already here, Ryo.” You interrupted, pulling away to cup his cheek gently. Sukuna leaned in to the warmth of your touch, melting in an instant. “ I wasn’t. I was just sealed until I was let out by one of my dearest friends. I came to find you but you were already gone, so I waited.” 
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Y/N.”  
“You were asleep for almost a thousand years. I was alive for most of it, clearly I missed you more.” 
“Well, I thought you were dead. Cut me some slack, doll.” Sukuna teased with a smirk. You bite your lip to stifle your smile, playfully nodding inagreement.
“Come with me.” He murmured, pulling away to press his lips against your forehead. “After I kill this brat, I can take control and we can finally change the world.” 
“By killing everyone in it?” You shakily asked. Sukuna thought that you were just shaken because of how glad you are to have him back. 
He gave you a smirk. “Well, that was my idea. You know how I am.” 
“Times have changed, Ryo.  I’m afraid that it has softened me. I’m not the person you used to imagine burning the world down with anymore.” You calmly admitted, meeting Sukuna’s intense gaze and you tried to calm him down by tracing circles on his arm but he didn’t look convinced in the slightest. 
“I’m here now. You could drop your act. I can protect you now, you know.” 
“You don’t understand, dear.” you interjected, gently pushing a strand away from his face.  “We have different objectives now. You seek to take over the world and be feared forever. I seek to live out my days in peace until I decide to end it.” 
You must’ve noticed how Sukuna’s expression dropped at your words so you quickly clarified. “oh no, but don’t think I’d end my life after our interaction. In fact, I’ll live for a few more years until it will bore me to death. Literally. But there’s just so much to love and to do in this world, I’m afraid.” 
“Don’t you want to be with me? Have you grown tired of me?”  He demanded, his voice getting louder as he continues to talk.  You weren’t fazed in the slightest and it aggravates him even further. It used to comfort him, that you know him so well, but now the butterflies in his stomach makes him anxious more than anything else. 
You have always had the upper hand and he feels you cursing him the more you grant him your presence. 
He feels disregarded as you implicitly rejected him. 
“No.” You offered him a sweet smile, your eyes never leaving his. Sukuna thinks he might float with the way you’re looking at him right and his breath hitched once he hears you say the next words. “I love you, Ryo. In fact, I love you enough to know of your nature and I would be the last person who would stop you in achieving what you want. I wouldn’t be in your way but I couldn’t stay by your side anymore.”
Sukuna searched for a hint that indicates that you were lying and he found none. You had always been honest with him. He looks at you with a heartbroken expression but still trying to maintain his stoic face. He’s clearly hurt “Did our past mean nothing to you?” 
“I’ve done everything I could, Ryo. I’ve done everything for you. You know I did that all for you. Wasn’t that enough? Didn’t you feel my love for you in the slightest? You could kill me now, if you want. It’d be a pleasure to die by your hand.” Your eyes are once again brimmed with tears again yet you continued to smile as you trail your fingers over his cheek “I’m sorry but I’m tired of seeing red. Gojo must’ve told what I did, you must know my change of heart.” 
He did. 
Of course he did. 
He knew of what you did yet he still held on to the fact that he might be wrong. So is this really how it ends?  Sukuna enjoys destruction and killing. He loves being in power and he will not admit that if you weren’t alive, he’s probably murdering civillians in Shibuya right now. But after he’d gain control over Yuuji Itadori’s body, the only thing that he keeps thinking of is coming home to you. 
And what would the point be if you are not by his side? 
“Then I’ll stay with you.” He declared. 
A scoff escapes your lips and your bewildered expression makes him smirk even more. “You can’t be serious.” 
“I’ll just finish this and I’ll come back to you. None of this matters anymore. I’ll abandon all of it. For you.” 
You looked at him incredulously, your mouth agape. Sukuna wastes no time to finally pull you in a kiss.  
It was a gentle one at first and he pulls away slightly to see you pout, eliciting a chuckle from him, only to pull you back to a deeper, passionate kiss. Sukuna smiles into the kiss as a soft gasp escapes from you. 
He kisses you fervently, as if he needs your air to breathe. And as you run your hand through his hair, moaning to the kiss, he pulls you impossibly closer. 
He’s home. 
He returned to you 3 months later, in his original form. He entered your house with wounds and bruises, his body covered in blood once more. It was just like before, but this time, it feels so different. He had a soft look in his eyes and he feels like he’s floating on air now that he’s gone home to you. 
Just like before, you welcomed him with open arms. He lifted you and spinned you around, eliciting a squeal from you. When he puts you down, you peppered kisses to his face and hugged him really tight. 
“I love you.” Sukuna whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear before leaning in to kiss you gently. You smiled at his confession. There was a look in your eyes that you knew it all along. 
“It took you a millennium to say that.”
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wanna read more?
a/n: i bet he still murders in his free time after being retired 😻
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE
SUMMARY: You are quite a popular YouTuber who makes random content for your fans to enjoy until one day you got drunk and "accidentally" posted a tweet in your official account making it go viral for not only the world to see, but even a certain idol you had a crush since 2019.
GENRE(S): Comedy, Fluff, A bit explicit (in part one), hurt/comfort a bit
WARNING(S): Didn't really proof read it or use a Grammer site to fix anything. If I got anything wrong well..ill fix it when I'm not tired (or not). If you haven't seen any BuzzFeed's thirst tweets, you have been warned. The reader is going through every stage of grief. Mentions of drinking, you being drunk, mentions of "Dick Riding", a few of thirsty comments. You're getting called "Pretty Boy." Explicit comments but nothing action, yet. You are a bottom (sorry y'all!) Kinda cringe. You fanboying non-stop.
CAREER: Idol-Bang Chan (26) + Youtuber-Y/N (25)
OTHER(S): all edited by me. Chan has a private channel but he did reveal his YouTube account in this story. Ethan, Antione and SanaVana are your best friends.
Some mistakes on the edits as well but wtv
Please reblog, like or/and comment!
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(We are going to pretend this is around SKZ LALALA Era, thank you very much! Not restarting the edits!)
You couldn't believe your eyes when you opened Twitter (Or X...) As you see thousands of notifications of a certain post you made when you were drunk with your friends at a birthday party.
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You felt yourself wanting to scream but all you could do is stare in shock, having your mouth hanging a bit while reading the comments stating that your idol, Bang Chan from StrayKids, read your tweet.
Not in private, but apparently he finally accepted an interview with BuzzFeed to read Thirst Tweets.
Since when did he have the balls to do that?
You groaned as you even saw the hashtags that were trending: #YnnityD-RIDE #BangChanThirstTweets #BuzzFeedBangChan #YnnityMoment
You honestly wanted to cry because you didn't know how to face your fans when you make a live stream later. You promised the fans that you were going to play that one horror game that your fans have been requesting.
At this point, you thought about just cancelling it while disappearing. Dramatic but you couldn't help it.
The Bang Chan read your tweet.
Well, you never saw the video and honestly you didn't want to. You found out that your tweet was not only read but even edited into the thumbnail with Bang Chan fine ass self beside it from a friend's screenshot.
You were mentally regretting this while weeping but you didn't want to disappoint your fans from a promise you made so you calmed yourself as you got ready to Go Live.
You place your mouse pad down and then connect a few wires into your computer. You went to your channel as you Go Live, with a title going by "Gaming and reacting to a certain video."
Just by that title, everyone immediately clicked the live.
You sat there, nervously biting your lip out of habit while fixing yourself in front of the camera.
You even waved to everyone while trying not to seem like you about to trust fall on top of a building.
"As you may see from this title, you probably know what certain video I'm going to watch, yes?"
Everyone commented "yes" while a few sent question marks but other than that they are curious of what the video is and my reaction.
"I didn't see the video yet but I immediately clicked on the app, saw my notifications, saw what's trending and even a screenshot from my friend. I am crazy embarrassed. I was drunk and the fact that she saw me tweeted this is the most crazy part. I knew she was my enemy since DAY ONE!" You shouted a bit at the end, joking but honestly not really as you make a dramatic 'number one' finger in front of the camera.
"Anyways, I already got it set up, just let me know if you guys can hear it or not..."
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You mentally screamed as you tried to click on the video but you were so hesitant that the fans called you out on it.
"Y'all, we got it! Hold up, I'm just scared of how he is going to react! Ahhh!" You grabbed your forehead as you finally clicked on it.
You watched as Chan nervously laughed at the camera while introducing himself with his hot Australian accent. You felt yourself smiling as you tried not to fanboy just by his introduction.
"Ah, Hello everyone and my lovely stays! My name is Bang Chan, the leader of StrayKids, you can even call me Chris, and today...I'm finally reading your crazy thirst tweets. I don't know how I mentally agreed to this but I am curious so let's get started shall we, BuzzFeed?"
Chan chuckles nervously as he holds a plastic container full of thirst tweets.
You commented how cute he was while admiring him, ignoring slightly at your fans chat box, even not noticing a certain someone has joined your live stream and even commenting as well making the chat go crazy as they try to grab for your attention.
You continue on watching, make a few comments on the thirst tweets, stating that you agreed with half of the tweets he was reading while cooed on his blushing face:
"I want to ride his big nose"
"I wonder what else is big besides his nose, feet and butt if you know what I'm saying"
"I want that man to manhandle me so bad, it's not funny anymore."
"I want him to fuck me so bad! Uhhh PLEASE DADDY!"
You couldn't help help but laugh at a few, almost forgetting that your tweet was in this video until finally, almost at the end of the video, he pulls the last strip of paper and reads:
"Dick Riding? Yes I am. I'm jumping, hopping, creaming, screaming and latching...onto this man dick until we can't anymore. And in parentheses. We not stopping."
Chan covers his face while laughing as he re-reads the tweet again.
"Jeez, this person really must have that much energy to be going in several rounds. Not only that, this person is verified...how confident you are to send this in your official account. Not gonna lie, I feel like I know who this is..."
He squints as he tries to remember.
"I'll probably figure it out later but thank you! I don't think I have enough energy for that but we can try, yeah? Haha!"
Your eyes wide as you literally scream, jumping around and running around the room then stop running as you walk back, rewatching that clip again.
"Wait, he knows me? HE RECOGNIZES MY ACCOUNT- WAIT WHOA!" That's when you sat down on your gaming chair, literally looking like you were about to sink into the floor as you make your eyes focus on the chat that seems to be spamming non-stop.
You lean in, reading the chat as you questioned them what's wrong until you notice a channel you recognized. Of course who wouldn't recognize it, you literally have a crush on him.
The one and only Bang Chan was watching your live.
At this point, you just accepted your fate as you face palmed yourself as more comments started laughing at you.
"Om my goodness, this cannot be real. Ain't no way you are watching this stream..." You nervously said as you see him commented how cute you were.
You smiled as you started to fanboy again.
"This is so embarrassing you guys!"
Time went by as you ended your live stream. You immediately grabbed your phone and laid down on your bed as you opened Twitter (X) to see Bangchan following you.
You followed him back immediately which I guess it got his attention as he immediately texted you.
CB97: Hey, Y/N! It's nice to finally meet you, well through text that is, haha!
Ynnity: I can't believe you not only read my tweet and joined my live, you even FOLLOWED ME IN HERE!? You must be crazy!
CB97: Of course, I even have you subscribed and followed your Instagram on a private account!
CB97: And crazy? Aren't you the crazy one who sent a tweet on your official account stating you wanted to, and I quote, "Jump, hop, cream, scream, and latch onto my dick non-stop" pretty boy?
Ynnity: HELLO?
CB97: Haha, I'm just saying. Plus, you're funny so why not become friends. I'm quite a big fan of you!
You stared at his text, mostly the part when he called you a "Pretty boy" made you roll around the bed, giggling like a damn school girl. Even surprised that he was a big fan, making even more embarrassed since you always mentioned him in certain videos.
Ynnity: Sure!
Ynnity: hope you don't mind how awkward I'm going to be for a bit..I'm still embarrassed.
CB97: That's fine! I don't mind and there isn't anything to be embarrassed about baby, it's cute how you reacted
CB97: You really do love me, huh? Hahaha
You rolled your eyes as you typed your response.
Ynnity: yeah yeah whatever
CB97: Acting like that even though I literally watched your live stream and saw you admiring and commenting my every move
CB97: Anyways, I read a few of your tweets and one caught my eye
CB97: well, besides that thirst tweet, that's my fav-
CB97: That you are going to see our concert, yeah?
All you did was send a 'thumbs up' emoji, indicating that it was true that you saved up money to be in front row seats to see SKZ performance on the 3rd day.
CB97: Cool! Can't wait to see you in person! However, I need to get back to work, I'll talk to you...well you text me when you are up! Bye bye, pretty boy!
YNNITY: don't overwork yourself old man and yes bye bye to you as well!
You laughed when Chan sent a 'thumbs down' emoji as you turned off your phone, smiling again at the ceiling. You couldn't believe it, you can't wait to go to their concert in three days.
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Two days have already passed as you already got dressed up for this concert.
Today is the 3rd and last day of their performance.
You are wearing a black waist coat where your belly and other skin is showing along with a leather black jacket, baggy black pants with a nice star belt around It, a spikey silver necklace and black shoes.
You brought a coat just in case it gets cold as you took pics and uploaded it onto Twitter (X), feeling cute.
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You rolled your eyes at your friend's immediate response to your tweet as you walked out of your house, stepped into your car as you get ready to pick up the three dorks.
While driving to their destination, you couldn't help but think about what Chan texted you yesterday.
He is excited to see YOU.
You were biting your lip as you tried to not show a smile when you picked up Antione and apparently Ethan who were standing outside of Antione house, waiting.
They both ran inside, Antione taking the front row while Ethan sit in the back.
You then drove off again to pick up Savannah while the two teased you non-stop about getting noticed by your so called 'Future Husband' which they did stop after you threatened them that you will crash this car if they don't shut up.
You finally picked up Savannah who was excited to see StrayKids, mostly seeing all the pretty lady fans as she comments about wanting to see this one girl that she has been texting the last 5 months.
You laughed with your friends, easing your anxiety down. You all couldn't wait to go while singing, well trying to sing, the songs on the radio.
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You all made it into the concert, immediately at the front seat, waiting for the concert to start. Antione had his banner ready, holding a sign that says "Changbin, date me!"
Ethan holds up a LeeBit Plushie, shaking it around while holding a picture of Lee Know next to it.
Savannah holds a sign that just says "The Lesbians (Me) loves you!"
You did think about bringing a sign but all you brought was yourself and friends along with a small Wolfchan keychain hanging around your belt area.
A bunch of fans have showed up—some recognized you as they asked to take pictures, which of course you said yes, taking a few while waving them goodbye. Even Savannah gets to meet the woman that she was talking about, laughing and flirting a bit.
As all of you continue on chattering while the whole stadium gets filled with a bunch of fans, the screens turn on showing a special StrayKids clip, showing all the members walking and posing.
Everyone screams along with you and your friends as well as you see them rising up from below the stage, into positions, ready to perform Megaverse.
You smiled, jumping a bit as the loud music started playing along with fans chanting.
You took out your phone as you started to record while singing some of the lines.
Throughout the whole concert, you and Chan were flirting around when he found you while performing Blind Spot.
He couldn't help but smile in your direction while giving you small hearts. He even goes up to you sometimes, singing a few lines—teasing you—as he walks off.
Even your friends teased you about it, again.
The concert was about to end, your whole body was practically tired from all the screaming and standing up for too long but it was worth it.
All the members lined up as they all said their thankful speech, waving all of them goodbye and couldn't wait to see their fans again next time.
You and your friends left as you forced Ethan to drive since you were so tired.
You were sitting in the front row while Antione and Savannah talked amongst themselves, sometimes Ethan joining in. While that was happening, you open Twitter to see a bunch of notifications again.
Some @ you, showing pictures with your fans along with pictures or videos of you having a moment with Chan.
You smiled as you liked all of them until you got a text from Chan, you clicked the message notification and read what he has sent you.
CB97: Hey, did you enjoy the concert?
CB97: Also you look very handsome with that outfit, very alluring.
You giggled quietly as you quickly replied to him.
Ynnity: of course I enjoyed the concert and thank you! I did say I was trying to attract people in my tweets~
CB97: You did.
CB97: You even got me as well, that one comment from your friend made me laugh that you wanted to be in my Dingie Doom Dum haha!
Ynnity: Well, what if I do? What you going to do about it hm?
Not sure where all that bravery came from but you did it. You waited for him to respond as you did see him trying to type something.
CB97: Well aren't you a brave one.
CB97: why don't you find out. I'll come to you unless you are just trying to flirt. I don't mind as long as you don't mind, love
CB97: I can make that thirst tweet into reality~
You froze as Ethan made it to his house. Seems like you were the only one left as you both stepped out, hugged each other and left.
You stepped back into your car, turning it on and drove off. You wanted to respond, but you didn't want to drive while text so you kinda drove home as fast as you can, feeling yourself getting too excited.
When you made it home, you quickly parked as you stepped out of the car and ran to the front door of your house, unlocking it.
You took out your phone again and responded to him.
Ynnity: Sorry, I was driving
You hesitated for a bit even though you were the one who started it until you finally typed out what you wanted to say.
Ynnity: I don't mind, but how are you supposed to get here? You rented a car?
You took off your shoes, placing them on a shoe rack as you take off your clothes while walking to your bedroom.
You dumped your clothes in a laundry bag, opening the closet to grab your pajamas then walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
Your phone buzzed. You grab and see what he has said.
CB97: I did actually.
CB97: Send me your location, I will be there after I take a shower
You bit your lip as you sent your location, turning your phone off after that.
You step inside the shower, feeling the nice warmth of water hitting your skin as you fantasize about Chan kissing you and touching you.
You wanted this and the fact it's with your idol crush turns you on. You couldn't wait as you continued on taking a shower.
I never wrote smut before 🐺 this sht gonna be crazy. I'm about to fight for my life.
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gay-jesus-probably · 5 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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jeonghantis · 1 year
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PAIRING ⇝ kim mingyu x reader.
road safety could not hold you back from wanting your boyfriend despite how stupid of a idea it is. kim mingyu was just as stupid.
TAGS ⇝ established relationship, smut, pwp.
WARNINGS ⇝ language, gn!reader but with female parts & wears skirts, distracted driving (DRIVE SAFELY PLEASE), explicit sexual content (MINORS, DNI!).
WORD COUNT ⇝ 3.7k words.
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note: welp. LOL! mingyu driving drove me mad. this is 2 of 2 fics in celebration of mingyu month. a complete 180 from the first one i fink! oops! and yes i'm aware it's may now and i apologize deeply. but celebrating mingyu should be an all-time thing. the title is taken from the song leaving me feeling confident by the driver era. don't think the song would go specifically with the fic, i just liked the wording. this is completely self-indulgent so as always, not proofread hehe. not as good as i hoped it would be but i hope you enjoy regardless.
reblog for kim mingyu. thats it. (and to support me).
smut tags under the cut.
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SMUT TAGS ⇝ ROAD HEAD! (dick sucking while driving), dom/sub dynamics, switch!mingyu, switch!reader, mingyu is kinda sub until he's not, reader is dom until they're not, size kink (reader is smaller than mingyu), use of the petname "darling" "baby" & "angel", dirty talk, praise (reader gets called "pretty"), degradation (whore, slut), hairpulling, mild begging, groping, oral (m), fingering (f), gagging, throatfucking, cunt slapping (once), cum eating, mingyu is ROUGH (man does not know his own strength but is caring afterwards), reader being used as a toy, cockdumb and cock hungry reader, reader probably got major oral fixation, big dick!mingyu like Big Big (could imagine mingyu being ridiculously big or reader just has small hands).
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Wandering hands had become quite a shared habit, how natural it was for their fingers to gravitate towards each other. It was always welcomed, of course, when it acted as a need of comfort from the other. When there was not one moment where they were not craving for each other.
But this was a problem. Several problems. Two very conflicting problems.
First, not only is your hand caressing him at the moment, it’s artfully roving over to his crotch. And Mingyu truly loved your bold actions and might have appreciated it if it had been within the confines of their apartment. But it was in the confines of his car, in the middle of a highway.
Second, the problem to the first problem, was that this was his wet dream come true.
It’s a no-brainer what should be deemed more urgent. Mingyu didn’t want to careen their vehicle over the edge and risk their very lives for the sake of getting his dick wet. 
But the danger, although he knows it should, doesn’t entirely frighten him. It was a wet dream for a reason.
But Mingyu should be smart about this. He has to be smart about this.
Meanwhile, you’re thinking you may be utterly stupid about this. 
Most times, you would consider yourself a cautious person—someone who would always second-guess every decision, and hell, maybe third or even fourth-guessed. Truly, you were an overthinker. Sometimes, you wished you could just stop thinking altogether.
And that time has come now. There was absolutely no question of your decision, not even a single thought process done, when you reached to palm your boyfriend’s clothed dick. You only knew that you were being ridiculous, but it was because Mingyu looked ridiculously hot right now driving the way he does, glancing at you and smiling the way he does. What the hell were you supposed to do?
What you’re saying next is entirely pulled out of the shallowest part of your brain riddled with unbridled lust. And it challenges Mingyu’s logic and worsens his agony.
“Can I put it in my mouth?” you ask innocently, peering at him with big, curious eyes. 
“I might kill us both, babe,” Mingyu said, pearly canines bared when he wore a strenuous smile. He spares an urgent glance at how your hand sits perfectly atop his growing erection, nails dragging on denim. His grip on the steering wheel tightens.
“I trust that you won’t. You’re a good driver,” you claim, smiling sharply as you give him a tilt of your head. “Is that a no?”
There was no immediate response from him, his eyes fixed stubbornly on the road that lay ahead. Yet, you still caught the clench of his jaw under the flash of a streetlamp, the whitening of his knuckles. It was insanely unfair how Mingyu could still look so gorgeous when frustration twisted his features—or was it you who simply loved seeing his frustrations?
Mingyu weighed his options. Their apartment was still many ways away, he doesn’t know if he could tough it out for that long. He’s thankful the highway is nearly void of other cars, but is utterly bitter over how it stretches on seemingly forever, leaving him no room to pull over at all. He had to maintain focus on the winding paths. He tried not to think of the deft work of your hand on him. He tried not to think of how your mouth would soon replace it. But his pleasure-ridden body betrays him miserably—his hips lifting itself into a slow rut right against your hand.
“Endangering our lives just so you could fill your slut of a mouth,” Mingyu spelled out slowly, each word sharp. “Is that what you really want?”
“Yeah,” you chirp, entirely unaffected by his tone and he could practically hear the smirk in yours. “You could say no.”
He looks at you. “I could.”
“So, say it.”
A sliver of a smile as he turns away again. “I don’t think I will.”
“Oh?” The flutter deep in your stomach intensified, the anticipation having you on the edge seat almost quite literally as you’re leaning closer, adding a little more weight on his crotch. “Why not?”
“Because I dreamt of this,” he divulges, an airy sigh slipping from his lips. “Dreamt of your pretty lips wrapped around my cock in the middle of traffic, of your frustration when I’m unable to help you force my entire length down your throat.” 
“How filthy,” you jest, a shit-eating grin pulling your lips wider.
A pointed gaze. “You literally just offered to suck my dick in the first place.”
A shrug. “Fair.” 
Mingyu’s right hand reached for yours. The largeness of his palm fully encompasses your own as he presses down on it, applying enough delightful friction on himself for a strangled moan to get caught in his throat. 
“Just do it,” he exhales, his breathing ragged. “My dick is about to explode.”
“What a poet,” You snicker and give his dick a playful squeeze which only earns more of his choked noises. But thankfully, you’re merciful as you are excited and reckless. He hears the rustle against leather as you’re maneuvering yourself, folding your legs under you. His heart beats a little loudly against his chest, thrumming up to his ears and down to his dick, as lithe, dainty fingers make quick work on his belt and the button of his jeans. 
“Keep your eyes on the road for me, baby,” you say as your hand dives in to finally, finally, bring his awaiting cock out. “We both don’t want to be dead so soon before I give you the best orgasm of your life.”
“Then hurry up,” Mingyu seethes through gritted teeth.
He’s nearly at full length, and though you’ve held him countless times, you’re still marveling at the sheer size of him, how he sits heavily on your palm, throbbing thickly. Your fingers just barely come into a circle when you start to stroke him with an unhurried and leisurely pace, feeling the full extent of him.
“This hard just from me groping you?” you coo, tone a honeyed venom, as you run a thumb over his slit. “Trying to act all cool with me when you’re just as desperate to fill my slut of a mouth.” 
“Baby,” Mingyu said with heavy breaths that taper off into croaked groans. “Please don’t tease.”
“Don’t be so impatient,” you tut. “I promise I’ll make you feel good, but you have to be good and keep driving. Can you do that for me?” 
Mingyu swallows hard, the lump on his throat bobbing, and gives an obedient nod of his head before adjusting himself with a straightened back which might’ve been the umpteenth time he’s done so since you’ve offered your sinful proposal. 
“Good,” you hum, preening at his easy compliance, and dip your head down.
Mingyu bites down on his bottom lip hard when you take one small, tentative lick at his weeping slit. A ditzy giggle bubbles up your throat when he throbs almost immediately in response and your hand squeezes at the base of his cock in return. You continue with a few more teasing flicks, lapping up the bitter taste of him on your tongue, and only when you feel Mingyu’s thighs flex and strain to jerk up into your mouth do you ultimately indulge him.
“Oh fuck,” the poor man cusses out when you down him as much as you could, your mouth a luscious wet warmth as it envelopes around him. “Holy fuck, baby, that’s so good.” 
You hum appreciatively around his unbelievable girth, sending vibrations coursing down the just as unbelievable length that only has Mingyu whimpering praises more. A hand makes up for the rest of him that your mouth couldn’t quite reach just yet; it works in perfect tandem with your slackened jaw as your head begins to bob up and down on him.
Mingyu does not dare steal a glance in total fear of losing all sense of himself at what is most definitely the most lecherous view of his fantasies coming to life. His head stays firmly pinned against the leather-clad headrest, twitching eyes hell-bent on the road. But he could still hear the obscenity of it, all the wet glugs and sucks as your cheeks hollow out for him, and it does all but aid his concentration, gradually winding a burning hot coil deeply set in the pit of his stomach. The wandering habit presented itself as his right hand began to move (thanking the high heavens for making him left-handed), and glided over your back and all the way down under the impossibly short skirt you wore.
“That’s it, angel,” Mingyu drawls out in encouragement, his hand grabbing at the supple flesh of your ass. “You’re taking me so well.”
Hearing his praise and feeling his straying hand only spurs you to dip your head lower, attempting to swallow down more of him. There’s a sense of satisfaction when he bumps the back of your throat and you find that you have been able to take more than half of him in your mouth. But it’s fleeting when the latter half of Mingyu’s dream comes to light sooner than anticipated—that frustration, a consuming greed, of wanting to take him whole. And like he alluded to, you knew it wasn’t possible if he wasn’t fucking your mouth open, which is entirely out of the question. You’re still trying for some form of compensation—a hand wringing at the base, tongue lapping hungrily at the sides of his cock with lewd slurps—and it all comes out good when jerking out moans from Mingyu, but it’s short in appeasing you. It’s desperation now that’s having you creep further along his length, and it’s so so messy with the obscene amount of saliva cascading down his shaft, coating him with a wet sheen. You resist the urge to gag every time he hits the back of your throat and try to veer your focus on breathing through flared nostrils, eyes fluttering shut in concentration. 
It’s laughable how easily that focus is broken when prying fingers begin to pull your flimsy underwear. 
“I couldn’t help myself,” Mingyu averred, flashing a sly smile your way, before he’s gliding a calloused digit over your folds, gathering at the wetness trickling out.
Your mewls are broken and garbled, a new surge of spit gushing down, dripping on his lap. Instinctively, your hips swivel back hungrily in search of more blissful friction, as you peer up at him through wet lashes, a stray tear flowing down your cheek. 
Mingyu catches it when he casts a quick glance again. He notes the utter desperation contorting your expression, the glistening cheeks a sign of your eminent passion, and something deep inside him both inflames and melts at the same time. His eyes are assessing the road when it flickers back up, and there—the greatest silver lining known to man (just Mingyu) kissing the dusky sky—is the end of the highway. He doesn’t speed for it, no, instead he forgoes it, just the slightest bit as his foot eases off the pedal. He forgoes it for the sake of securing the vehicle, for the sake of slipping his a finger inside your wet channel as a reward for the glorious way you worship his cock. 
The surprised, choked-out groan you exude goes straight to his dick, quite literally. And he’s echoing it, staggered but loud enough to drown out the music flowing from the speakers. 
“I’ll pull over soon,” Mingyu imparts, gently hooking the digit and stroking your walls. “Just a little longer, baby, then I’ll fuck your throat. You’d like that too, won’t you?”
You pull off him with a satisfying pop, a string of spit threading between his cock and your glistening lips that’s quickly broken when both hands replace where your mouth’s been, stroking hard and fast. You glance up at him with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth, holding back your moans as your hips sway back into his finger. 
“Be quick,” you whisper, eyelids flickering, and you lean back down to trace the veins along his cock with your tongue. “I want all of you in my mouth. I want you to bury your fingers in me. I want you to abuse me until I'm a mess of spit and tears.”
Mingyu slams on the acceleration. He’s still commandeering the vehicle securely with one hand, but the finger inside you goes still, letting you use it as you please with shallow rocks of your hips and clenches of your walls. He takes a right when the road opens up and pulls up in a relatively empty parking lot very swiftly with the practiced ease of the seasoned driver he was.
Up until then, you were suckling on his tip, coaxing thick, pearly rivulets out of him onto your tastebuds. If it had been possible to be drunk off of precum, you certainly appeared to be buzzed out of your mind with how much you were giggling and lapping at him for more. You were impossibly gone in the pleasure of giving your boyfriend pleasure that you weren't given enough time to prepare yourself for the absolute reckless and barbaric nature that would be forced upon you.
Safely parked, Mingyu ignored the garbled whines when he pulled his finger away from your clenching walls as he goes to quickly undo his seatbelt. Mingyu reached for two firm fistfuls of your hair, used it as a rein to properly align your mouth for him to shove his way inside promptly without so much of a warning. Gone was his usual gentle nature, he’s completely ruthless. The power of his thrusts is terrifyingly inhumane, his sac slapping up against your chin with ease now that he waives your own comfort. He’s focused on gaining his pleasure and his alone.
“Better?” Mingyu laughs darkly. “Were you struggling all this time? Is your mouth filled up enough now? C’mon, pretty baby. Let me hear those gags.”
You do let him hear it, all the gurgles and violent retches made around him. You fucking know this’ll leave you voiceless the next day—hell, maybe for the next few days if you continue moaning against the repeated force—and yet you’re still indulging him, conceding your entire being to him almost too easily, almost too enthusiastically. 
Like the sick person you were, the brutality has you practically soaking wet through the fabric of your underwear. If you weren’t in such a rough position, you might’ve reached back to relieve yourself of the incessant throbbing of your core. And Mingyu held the mantle now, your authority beaten right out of you, so you weren’t so sure if he would appreciate you doing anything else other than being his cocksleeve.
So instead, with tears a steady stream down your face and lips red and swollen, you let him abuse you, narrowing your focus on the sliding weight of his dick on your tongue, your head laxed for him to fully control with no restraints or complaints. A perfect little toy.
Your pleasurable suffering wouldn’t last for long. Mingyu was close to breaking himself. You feel his thighs tense from where you gripped him for balance, his panted moans rising in volume against your ears. 
“You’re going to swallow everything I give you, you got that?” Mingyu drawled. “Every single bit. You wanted your mouth filled, yeah? You take it all, darling.”  
Your responding, muddled moans are a warm wet ring around him. If you could see him, you’d find how pleasure cruelly contorts his features. It takes a couple more messy, stuttered strokes then the burning coil inside him that wound so tightly snapped so violently. A surge of warmth overwhelms Mingyu, his muscles tensing and seizing, and a long, broken noise is ripped right out of his chest, as he comes in thick ropes of white right into your mouth.
The salty, warm cum of him glides down your throat like melted cream. You do try to guzzle it all down as told, but he always comes in such heavy loads. Coughs threaten to tear your throat but you’re suppressing them with the greatest effort until hot tears streak down your cheeks, your chest heaving wildly. 
“So good,” Mingyu exhales, his grip on you loosened as he takes to petting your hair with such affection as he rides out the remainders of his high. “You’re so good for me, angel.”
Satisfied after gulping down the last spurt of him, you finally let up with a small whimper, your frame quivering as you sat yourself back on your folded legs, your eyes eager when it found him. Mingyu still looked unbelievably good sweaty and flushed. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what you might have looked like with your hair strewn about and swollen lips.
Mingyu didn’t seem to care. He was smiling at you with great fondness as if he had not just abused your mouth like a mere plaything. He reached to wipe some excess cum on your chin with a thumb before immediately shoving past your swollen lips. Still quite pliant, you lick it up earnestly, giving another wanton moan around him.
“Fuck,” Mingyu starts, huffing out a breathy laugh. “You’re my wet dream come true.”
“You’re welcome,” you try to lilt, but it comes out raspy and painful. 
Mingyu notices the wince in your expression and frowns, a hand immediately moving to cradle the side of your throat tenderly. “Does it hurt?”
“Well, you were not exactly gentle, Gyu,” you pointed out humorously, but caught sight of the slight concern lining his face and you quickly followed up with, “But I loved it a lot. It was hot. You were hot.”
Mingyu still looked concerned but at least the corners of his lips twitched at your addition. “I could tell you loved it. You took me really well, angel.”
“And I’d do it again and again,” you said, grinning. “Even though I’m pretty sure my windpipe is bruised.”
His hand lifts to hold the side of your face, a thumb smoothing over your cheek, as he looks over you for a moment. There’s a strange little glint in his eyes, and in your recovering state, you couldn’t quite place what it was, but it has your stomach churning again.
“I should make it up to you, shouldn’t I?” Mingyu murmurs, head cocked to the side as he smiles.
“Could you?” you ask in turn, voice soft. “Please?”
“I’ll take care of you,” he croons, raising his hand up to brush your hair back, his fingers threading through your hair. “Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
Mingyu reaches over you, promptly maneuvering your seat backwards. He eases you until you’re laying flat on your back, and his hands move to grip at your thighs, lifting them and spreading them wide. The breeze that hits your cunt has you trembling and you feel absolutely exposed when Mingyu only watches your tiny frame unfold before him, eyes drinking in the sight with an insatiable hunger. He brushes a knuckle over your soaked folds, tentative, before pressing it roughly against your throbbing clit. You’re whining, arching your back off the seat as a rush of searing pleasure courses up your veins.
You’re whining even louder when Mingyu draws back. You try to reach for his arm but it’s useless when it’s thickly corded with so much power.
“Looks like I didn’t ruin your throat enough if you’re this fucking whiny,” Mingyu remarked sharply with a laugh. He does reach a hand back but your excitement quickly fizzles out just as it spikes when a slap lands quick and sharp on your cunt and you’re jerking in your seat. “Sit still and wait quietly.”
You press your quivering lips into a thin line and nod your head obediently.
With a pleased smile, he pulls back once again. He fixes himself, shoving his dick back into his underwear, followed by sweeping his long hair back and away from his face. He takes his sweet time and doesn’t spare you a single glance as if you weren’t there at all, all the while you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, the anticipation simmering sickly in your stomach. Then, he’s suddenly reaching for the gear shift, setting the car in reverse, and pulling out of the parking lot.
“W-Where are we going?” you asked urgently.
“Home,” Mingyu replied casually, turning the wheel adeptly with one hand. “Where else?”
You looked down at yourself, at the compromising position he forced you in and forced you to hold. “But - ?”
As if to answer your question, his right hand roves over to you and between your legs. He starts with a press on your clit, then caresses the roughened pad of his finger down to where you leak, before bringing it right back up to start again, and again, and again.
“I promise I’ll make you feel good, baby” Mingyu echoes your words, a vicious smile pulling his lips. “But you have to be good and hold yourself up like that. Can you do that for me?”
“Are you getting back at me?” You meant for your words to come out as an aggravated hiss, but it came out pathetically as a soft whimper.
“Yes,” he responded, not wasting a beat, and peers at you, a dark glimmer in his eyes. “And because this is another wet dream of mine.”
“How lucky,” you start, taking in a shaky breath when Mingyu rubs short, tight circles on your sensitive nub. “How lucky you get to fulfill two of your dreams today.”
“It’s all because of you,” Mingyu grins and, without warning, slides two thick fingers inside you. “Now, answer the question.”
“Yes,” you gasp out immediately, the sudden breach stinging so sharply, but your walls gave a sickly delighted spasm around him anyway. Your arms come up and hook themselves around your knees, bringing it up to your heaving chest. “Yes, I can.”
“Good,” he hums, curling the digits and pressing it roughly against the sweet nerves inside you. “Tough it out because this time, I will not be pulling over.”
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© circlesol. all rights reserved. do not re-publish, translate, plagiarise, edit any of my work on any other platform.
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
Helloo!!! im in such a Jason Grace era these days and fics for him are SO limited in the fandom?? its actually super sad. i loved your previous jason fic smm, Would you consider making a Jason x fem!reader where Jason just has a veryy bad day, he gets overwhelmed by everything and everyone, and he just cries into reader's arms and she comforts him?
i feel like he deserved to just cry it all out atleast once, considering the amount of pressure the poor boy has had from everything :( so i would lovee to read about that!
⛧° as long as we're together °⛧
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content: jason grace x fem!reader
warnings: angst but then it’s fluff, kinda short, cursing, 5’3 (1,60m) reader, life in New Rome!
a/n: HA LOOK WHO’S POSTING TWICE IN JUST ONE DAY???? hehehe i love this request so much my boo deserves more in his life i don’t fucking care.
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Sometimes it’s just too hard to be Jason Grace.
The mighty son of Jupiter. Pontifex Maximus. Counselor of the Zeus cabin. Juno’s Champion. Hero of Omlympus. Centurion of the Fifth Cohoort.
The titles were endless. And so was the work.
And everyone, and i mean everyone, counted on him for various things and reasons.
“Hey Jason, are you coming to capture the flag?” Annabeth asked, every week.
“Hey superman, come to bunker 9!” As always, Leo wanting to show him some new cool tricks or projects.
“Oi, sparky! Can you help me pick an outfit for my date?” Piper would ask him.
He was just so tired. He just wanted to tell them all to fuck themselves.
But he would never. He was too noble to do that. He just wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he knew his friends were needing him and he was… well, being a human and an young adult, taking care of his own stuff.
So when he got home from another endless day, back to his shared apartment in New Rome and to his beautiful girlfriend, who made him his favorite dessert - brownies with caramel and peanuts -, he broke down almost instantly.
Obviously, you ran towards him, scooping him in your arms - which was a difficult task, since he was almost a whole foot taller than you - but you did it anyways, pulling him close to your body, letting him sob in your shoulder as you tried to soothe him.
You had never seen him cry like that, clinging on you for dears life. Once again, he was never one to show his real feelings to anyone, not even your or Thalia.
You scooted him in your arms, rubbing soft circles at his back while you whispered small ‘shh’s and ‘it’s gonna be okay’s in his ear, the both of you say in the floor of your cozy apartment.
After a few minutes of compulsive crying, your shoulder and the upper part of your white tank top completely soaked in hot, wet tears, he finally calmed down - at least a little.
“Hey, honey.” You finally whisper into his ear as he pulls away from your embrace, eyes all puffy and red as he sniffles and wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
“Hey..” He mumbles, his tone low and cracked as you kept caressing his hair smoothly. You caressed his hair and gave a soft and gentle kiss so his cheek.
“Are you okay?” You were answered with a soft nod of his head as he scooted closer to you, snuggling against you warm body and keeping his head on your chest. He looked like a five year old child, and that made you smile. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.. not now. Is that okay?” He asked, his voice all mushy and muffled by his cheek tightly pressed against you body.
“Of course it is, my love. Do you want to eat? We have pasta with that sauce you like.” She said between little kisses in his eyes, his cheeks, the bridge of his nose and his lips. “And i made you your favorite brownies.”
“Mmhmm…” He let out a content mumble, finally pulling away from him and giving you a kiss on the lips. “After that i… after that i’ll talk to you, ‘kay?”
“‘Kay. But you have to eat before. Come on, i’ll help you get up.” She said as she got up and held out her hand for him to grab.
You finally got on your feet, and you turned around to reheat the food. When you were at the oven, he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face into your neck, breathing heavily as he kept the closest he could to you.
Soon, the food was on the table, and the doorbell rang. It was the girl that walked with your dog. You thanked her and pulled Thor, your golden retriever, inside the house.
He immediately went to Jason, wiggling his tail and giving him the biggest licks in the world while the blond laughed.
You smiled at the sight. You knew that he was obviously hurting with something, and you were going to discover with what, but, right now, he just needed some love.
You gave him just that, as you ate together chilling and chatting about your days, you talking more than him.
He helped you with the laundry while you washed the dishes, and the chores were finished very quickly. You went back and cuddled up on the couch, a massive ball of fur, aka your dog, resting comfortably between you two.
You heard when Jason sighed and felt his shoulders shaking, showing his impending collapse, once again. You cyy it deles him closer to you as he cried and cried. His sobs were the only thing heard in the house.
Ten minutes later, when he was calmer, you were stroking his hair in the softest way you could, making sure he would be ready to talk.
“I-i’m just so… tired. Of everything and everyone. It’s- i know it’s selfish, but i can’t help but want to just… ran away. To just stay with you and Thor and give up on the rest of the world.” He said, his words are muffled and smudgy as he holds onto you.
“I know, baby… You shouldn’t work yourself out. You’re doing too much. More than you should, and you know that. You have too much work.” She said, kissing the top of his head.
“I just- i can’t let them just, you know, alone. It’s.. i can’t.” The son of Jupiter said, crying more.
“Honey, they won’t be alone. We have Reyna and Frank and Percy and lots of other people that you can use some help from. You’re not alone. Ever.” She said, reassuringly.
“No buts. You’re gonna take a week off, and we’re just gonna hang out here, together, with Thor. No works, no college, no Pontifex Maximus stuff. Just y/n and Jason. And that’s not a request.”
He mumbles something but snuggles closer to you. “Fine. As long as we’re together.”
a/n: i’m literally so proud of myself bro, i got to do two, TWO works today. i’m evolving boos
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leossmoonn · 6 months
hi! can I please request a fluff piece of Mike giving the reader a mixtape of songs he likes and thinks about them as a cute thoughtful gift? established relationship would be great :) thanks for writing, love reading your work!
thank you so much :D i feel like this is short but I hope you enjoy! (ps i curated a playlist for mike that i’ll list at the end of the fic! the songs are from the 70s, 80s and 90s based on his dad’s music taste but also the era he grew up in!!)
includes - switching between between memories and the present, mentions of verbal harassment. lowk kinda angsty but you’ll see why
“mike, just give it!” you groan. he sits next to you, fidgeting with the present in his hand. he twists the coils of the ribbon between his fingers.
“what if you don’t like it?” he asks. you give him a look. “i love it when you get me taco bell. of course i’ll love this. now give it to me, otherwise my assumption of you stalling because you forgot our anniversary will be become a fact.”
his eyes widen and he shakes his head furiously. “i would never forget an anniversary.”
you smile and pat his knee. “i know, which is also why i know this gift is going to be awesome!”
he sighs and slowly hands it to you. “happy one year.”
you smile in excitement, tearing the blue wrapping paper off. you gasp as you see a CD with a picture of you as the cover titled ‘how i feel about you.”
“oh, my god. mike.” you turn to him, pouncing on him and giving him a big hug. he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in. you can feel his heartbeat raging against his ribcage. you can feel how warm he is from anxiety.
“do you like it?” mike asks as you pull away. “i love it!” you grin from ear-to-ear. “no guy has ever done this for me. this… this must’ve taken a lot of work.”
he shrugs, “i’ve been thinking of these songs for a while. it was just a matter of burning them onto the CD.”
you sigh dreamily, attaching your lips to his in a slow and sweet kiss. “this is why you’re the guy of my dreams.”
he blushes heavily. “are you gonna see what’s on it? there’s a little list inside.”
you nod and open it, carefully taking the paper out. the first song on the list is “black star” by radiohead.
“that song is the song that was playing when i met you at the bar,” mike says.
you start to remember, your smile getting impossibly wider. you were a bartender around the time you met mike. it was a little bit past dinner time and mike had shown up with a woman, who you now know as vanessa. apparently, she was trying to get mike to flirt — or at least get himself out there. she had pointed out many women in the bar, but you caught his eye.
“can i get you two something to drink?” you asked. “i’ll have a martini,” vanessa said. she glanced at mike, awaiting his answer.
“uh, i’ll just take a beer,” mike said. honestly, you thought he had a staring problem at first. but turns out, he was just falling deeply in love with you.
“i can’t believe you remember that,” you awe. “of course i did. i love radiohead and you. it’s like the perfect combination,” he says.
“i’m not sure i like being associated with radiohead,” you giggle. you take a look at the other songs. one that sticks out to you is “baby can i hold you” by tracy chapman. you remember this song as the song you and mike danced to at your friend’s wedding, the one where he told you he loved you.
“may i have this dance?” mike stood up and held his hand out to you. you were taken aback. this was surely out of mike’s comfort zone. you’d been dating for six months then and you knew mike pretty well. you had just celebrated your six month anniversary where mike took you to this big fancy restaurant. you had insisted you didn’t need go to anyplace, but he also insisted that you deserved something special and he wanted to provide it to you. the whole time at the restaurant you knew he thought he was out of place and not good enough for it. so for him have asked you to dance was a surprise — good one, though.
“yes, you may, kind sir,” you smiled. you slipped your hand into his and he led you to the dance school. he put both hands on your waist while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“you look beautiful tonight,” he said, gazing into your eyes. you smiled shyly. you were pretty outspoken, witty, charming, but also sometimes crude, person. but mike brought out a side of you that other people, and even you, experienced rarely. he made you feel bashful and special. you honestly loved it.
“you look handsome,” you said. “you make me look good,” he remarked. you rolled your eyes. “oh, whatever. i’ve seen two girls practically drool over you since we got here.”
he shrugged, “and every male here wants to take you home.” “well, i only want one man to take me home,” you smiled coyly.
mike smiled with you. you both swayed to the song as it ended. you were excited when the next song started to play.
“ugh, i love tracy chapman,” you gushed. “i love you,” mike said, not really thinking. you stoped dancing, jaw dropping at his words. it finally registered in his brain.
“i-i’m sorry. i didn’t mean that. well, i did. but, i don’t have to. or, i guess you don’t have to say it back. you definitely don’t,” he rambled.
you stopped him with a kiss, smiling as you pull away. “i love you, too, mike.”
“i am so glad abby was gone that night,” you snicker. mike chuckles, “i’m sure we could’ve asked your friend if we could use her hotel room for a little bit.”
“and get it all messy before they mess it up? that would’ve been a good idea,” you say. you skim the list once more, surprised to see “songbird” by fleetwood mac.
“isn’t this the song we drove home to after we fought?” you ask. “yep,” mike nods.
that night, you and mike had your first bad fight. it wasn’t your very first one, but it was the worst by far.
mike was picking you up from work and when he walked in, he saw a guy harassing you at the bar. you were obviously handling it: ignoring the guy and having your co-workers stand up for you. but something in mike just snapped. you two were a pretty new couple. you’d only been going out for two months at that point. while you had already stayed countless nights at his place, were practically bffs with abby, and shared your deepest darkest secrets, there were other aspects of the relationship that you two were still navigating. so it didn’t help that when mike heard the guy call you a bitch, he punched the guy.
in the moment, you thought it was a justified act. in fact, you still thought so. but you were mad that mike didn’t let you handle it. you were mad that mike seemed to always lose his temper. you were mad that mike didn’t see you as independent.
you both were outside in the parking when the fight started.
“you need to go to an anger management class or something,” you muttered.
“that guy needs to go to how-to-not-be-a-creepy-asshole class,” mike said.
you sighed loudly and crossed your arms. mike scoffed and glanced at you. “do you not agree with me?”
“of course i do, mike! but you can’t just walk into my place of work and assault someone.”
“he was harassing you and probably was going to hurt you!”
“no, he wasn’t.”
“and how do you know that?”
“because niki had just called security and there were other customers in the bar helping me out.”
mike huffed, “i didn’t know she had called security.”
“if you had just minded your own business then you would have.”
mike balled his hands into a fist and then relaxed them. “you don’t need to act so tough, you know?”
you turned your head slowly at him. “excuse me?”
“i know you’re independent and you take care of yourself. i like that about you a lot. it’s one of my favorite qualities about you. but you have to learn how to accept help from other people, especially in situations like that. you have no idea how those situations can just flip within seconds.”
“that’s really rich coming from you.”
“what the hell does that mean?”
“you never accept help.”
“yes, i do.”
“no, no you don’t. you don’t accept help from the baggers at the grocery store. you don’t accept help from abby or me when cleaning or cooking. you didn’t even accept help when my friend’s husband offered to fix your sink, you said no. and he was offering it to you for free, might i add.”
“i can do all those things myself.”
“i know you can, but it’s also okay to have an extra set of hands.”
“if i’m so bad at accepting help, why can’t you accept my help?”
“you think breaking someone’s nose is helping me?” you scoffed. “you are such an idiot mike.” you grabbed the car keys out of his hand, unlocking the car and sliding into the passengers seat. mike groaned and sighed, joining you for what he thought was going to be the worst car ride of his life. the drive was expected to be pretty short, but with just your luck, traffic was terrible. while it was only 9 pm, there was an accident on the highway, making both sitting ducks.
mike sighed and glanced at you. you had a permanent glare on your face it seemed. your arms were still crossed and you looked out the window to avoid any and all eye contact with him.
guilt seeped into him. he knew what he did was wrong. well, he still didn’t think he was wrong, he just knew it wasn’t the right choice. he should have asked the guy to leave and to just take you home. he should have waited for security to grab him, to make sure the guy wouldn’t follow you home. all he wanted it to protect you. he did the same with abby. maybe not in a violent way, but he thought he was his life mission to protect the ones he loved. he wanted to do better than with you two than he did with garrett.
and you knew that. you knew all about garret and freddy’s. the animatronic business seemed crazy to you and you didn’t quite understand that part, but you tried to be as supportive, understanding, and sympathetic as you could as you’ve never experienced what he has. you just wish it didn’t get the best of him sometime.
mike turned on the radio. you scoffed, not believing that he’s turned on music. he turned on a classic hits radio. “keeping on loving you” by reo speedwagon was about to end, “songbird” trailing right after it.
“this is a good song,” mike remarked. you hummed in reply with something that sounded like a “yes”. mike stayed silent for a couple of seconds. he knew if you were to talk again, he would have to apologize first.
“i’m sorry i got out of control. i was just trying to protect you. that guy was being an asshole and you’ve hurt you. i guess i just wanted to hurt him before he could get to you,” he said. “but i know it’s not right and i know you have support at the bar. i just get scared with you working there with all those weirdos. i know you’re a grown adult adult, though, and you can handle yourself.”
you slowly turned to him, eyes softening upon seeing him. “it’s…” you sighed quietly, straightening up in your seat to face him completely. “it’s okay, mike. i know you were trying to protect me. i really appreciate it, i do. i love when you’re there for me. i just… he could’ve hurt you, too. and you could’ve gone to jail, too, if he decided to press charges. honestly, i just don’t want to be the reason that happens.”
mike shook his head. “you could never be. i would’ve happily gone to jail if it meant i helped you and made sure you were safe.”
you grinned teasingly. “you would happily go to jail?” he smiled with you. “anything for you.”
you laughed and shook your head, placing a hand on his thigh. “i forgive you. and i’m sorry about all the things i said about you not accepting help.”
“it’s true. i’m sorry about everything i said and did.”
“it’s alright,” you said. traffic began to move just then. both of you pumped your fists in the air and cheered. “god, finally!” you exclaimed.
“your place or mine?” mike asked. “what do you think?” you smiled.
“this is a great song, but why’d you choose it? it has to bring up some bad memories, right?” you ask.
“it did at first,” mike admits. “but, we made up. and we were able to settle arguments faster and better after that. also, the song lyrics are just how i feel about you. ‘to you, i’ll give the world. to you, i’ll never be cold. cause i feel that when i’m with you, it’s alright. i know it’s right’,” he cites.
you feel like your heart will explode from love. you hug him once more, holding him too you so tight he’s afraid he won’t be able to breathe. but he doesn’t mind. you pull away slightly, looking into his eyes.
“i love you so much, mike. you are hands down the best person that’s ever walked into my life.”
he smiles and leans in and kisses you softly. he pulls away to catch his breath, taking your free hand into his. “i love you more.”
mike’s mixtape for you
black star - radiohead
girl from mars - ash
sunday morning - maroon 5
your song - elton john
baby can I hold you - tracy chapman
something - the beatles
faithfully - journey
songbird - fleetwood mac
iris - goo goo dolls
everlong - foo fighters
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Me againnnn lmao I have another request could u do Melissa x reader where reader is normally quiet but someone brought up their special interest and everyone is kinda weirded out coz reader gets so happy and starts talking about it and sharing facts and stuff but no one except Melissa knows reader is autistic and someone says something mean to reader and she gets upset and Melissa comforts reader and also stands up for her (as always no pressure I’m so so so happy! u r the first person that iv come across who writes fics about Melissa and autistic reader I get so happy when I see a notification from u i literally jump up and down with happiness and your fics really help me to accept im autistic coz I’m still trying to come to terms with it anyway hope u r doing well🫶)
OMG YES! Info dumping! I love it. And I’m so glad my fics are helping you. Feel free as well to message me directly if you ever want. So my other obsession besides Lisa Ann Walter, is Doctor Who and Jodie Whittaker, so of course I chose to have the reader talk about her as the Doctor… I regret nothing 😊. I went a little extra at the end but I’m too gay for Melissa to care. Anyway, I enjoyed writing this so thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it! As always, not edited in the slightest.
For everyone, feel free to keep sending me prompts, and I was thinking about writing a one shot about Cheesy as there’s not enough imo. Let me know if I should or not.
Title based off the song from Shrek 3 and the Italian word stronzo means asshole.
Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself
Warnings: someone is mean to reader, reader struggling with having autism(small part)
Words: 2.3k
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You’re sitting in the break room at the table with Barb and Melissa. You get up to get a coffee and when you do you hear someone starting to talk about Doctor Who and you perk up.
You turn around to see Jacob, Mr. Morton and another teacher talking about it. “You guys watch Doctor Who?” You say and they stop talking and look up at you. Normally you’re quiet and don’t really say much as you’re recharging before you go and have to teach your kiddos again.
“Yes, do you watch it?” Jacob asks you and you nod with a big smile. Melissa looks up at you and sees your smile and she can’t help but smile herself. She’s had a crush on you since about 4 months after you started and it’s almost been 9 months that you’re working here.
“Well come here and share your thoughts about it.” Jacob says and you walk over to them, coffee in hand.
“What exactly is your discussion about?” You ask them.
“About the first female doctor, the 13th doctor.” Mr. Morton says and you keep smiling.
“She’s my favourite doctor! Like she’s so enthusiastic and passionate and she just loves everything about what she does! And she’s so funny too, it’s just a joy to watch Jodie play her!” You start and they look at you confused, wondering why you’ve always been quiet but now you’re talkative.
The truth is, you're autistic and the only one that knows is Melissa and she promised not to tell anyone since it’s your secret not hers. You told her because you felt like you kept missing social cues or taking things too literally, so you wanted someone in your corner to help you and she had no problem doing that for you. She looks at you talking so passionately about your favourite show with a smile and heart eyes before going back to her phone, secretly still listening to you.
“And her Tardis is so amazing, oh and her companion’s compliment her so well, and her outfit looks amazing. Did you know that Jodie helped decide on the outfit to support the LGBTQ community since she’s a huge ally. And also…” and you keep going on for about 5 minutes about how much you love the 13th doctor and her era on Doctor Who. Until the other teacher, you don’t know their name, the one Mr. Morton and Jacob were talking too, says something.
“OMG! Would you please shut up!” He says and you quickly shut your mouth. “I preferred it when you didn’t speak at all.” He says, glaring at you. And you look down at the ground, embarrassed before running out of there.
Melissa looked up when he started speaking and is now getting up and walking over to them. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that. You should count yourself lucky that I won’t contact one of my guys on you.” She says and looks at Jacob. “Why didn’t you say anything?!?” She says to him “or you?” She says to Mr. Morton.
“Sorry Melissa, it all happened so fast.” Mr. Morton says and Jacob nods in agreement.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” She says to the teacher that was mean to you.
“Hey, we were just sitting here talking about it until she cuts in and starts talking about everything that we weren’t even discussing. And she wouldn’t stop talking.” The teacher says , only making a deeper hole for himself. Melissa glares at him.
“I don’t care what you think! There’s better ways to do that!” She says to him.
“She shouldn’t have talked so much and knew that it was too much.” He says, still trying to defend himself.
“She’s autistic you stronzo!” She yells at him and then realises that she just told your secret and has wide eyes. All 3 of them look at her speechless, now understanding that you got excited and were info dumping and didn’t mean to talk so much. Melissa turns around and walks out of the break room and goes to find you.
She ends up finding you in your classroom crying on your chair, hugging your legs. She knocks on the door, “hey y/n it’s me, just wanted to come check on you.” She tells you.
You get up and unlock the door then open it. Melissa’s heart breaks a bit when she sees you. Eyes puffy, red and watery, tear stained cheeks and red nose from you blowing your nose.
“Oh hun.” She says and you walk back to your chair hugging your legs again. Melissa walks in and closes and locks the door then walks over to your desk. “Hey, he was an ass, he shouldn’t have said that to you.” Melissa tells you and crouches down and you look at her.
“No, he’s right, I was talking too much. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in their conversation. I just got so excited,” you tell her and you sniffle a bit.
“Hun, it’s understandable, I know how much you love Doctor Who. You have nothing to be ashamed about.” She tells you and grabs your hand. “Btw I might have accidentally told them that you’re autistic. As in I told them and called that teacher a stronzo for you.” She tells you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to slip out, I just got angry that he was mean to you.” She says, rubbing your hand with her thumb.
“It’s ok, they would have found out eventually. But this is another reason I don’t engage in conversations, cause I might talk too much.” You tell her. Melissa gets up and opens her arms out.
“Come here.” She tells you and motions to hug her. You put your feet down on the ground and then hug her waist since you’re still sitting in your chair. “Why don’t we go back in there, finish lunch. And then after school you can come to my place and I can make you some food and we can watch whatever you want.” She suggests and you look at her surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods. “I would love that.” You tell her and she smiles. She helps you up and then unlocks the door and opens it for you. You both walk out and she sees you’re nervous about going back. She puts an arm wrapped around your back and her other hand on the arm closes to her and rubs it, providing comfort for you.
You get back in and when you enter everyone stops and looks up at you. Melissa can feel you immediately tense up. “What are all youse looking at?” She says and glares at everyone. Everyone immediately looks back down to their phone or food and continues what they were doing. Melissa leads you back to the table where Barb is and Barb gives you a comforting smile.
The teacher that was mean to you gets up and comes over to you. Melissa sees him coming over and glares at him, almost daring him to hurt you again. He has his head hanging a bit, looking embarrassed and stands beside you and you look up at him.
“Hey y/n, I just wanted to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you, I’m sorry.” He tells you and you nod your head at him. You’re too overwhelmed right now and can’t speak. You finish your lunch without saying another word and Melissa keeps glancing at you, worried about you.
You finish up the day quietly. You get the kids to work on their book report so that it’s silent and you don’t have to talk much. At the end of the day, when your last student was picked up you glance over at Melissa down the hall. You taught first grade so your classrooms are close together.
You can’t help but stare at her. She’s bending over and offering one of her students a high five before waving bye to them to go with their parent. You decide to leave now while she’s distracted, you think that maybe it wasn’t the best to get Melissa involved in your situation and shouldn’t have told her you’re autistic. So many people have had to accommodate you or help you and you feel like you should be able to do it yourself now that you’re an adult.
Melissa sees you look at her with a sad expression on your face before leaving. She can’t help but feel like maybe you won’t come over to her place now. When her last student is leaving with their parent a couple minutes later, she practically books it to the parking lot but sees your car is already gone.
She drives home and gets to work on cooking dinner, hoping you’d show. But then she gets a text from you saying that you won’t be able to make it tonight, and she sighs. She researched autism when you told her a few months ago and she knows that when autistic people get overwhelmed, they hide themselves away. She offered for you to come to her place to de-stress with food and tv, so she does the next best thing. After she finished cooking, she packed it into a container, and brought it with her to your place. She went and knocked on your door.
You answered it not too long later with leggings and loose shirt on. “Melissa? What are you doing here?” You ask her.
“Well since you won’t come over to my place, I thought I’d come to you.” She says with a warm smile and you now feel even more guilty for cancelling on her. “I brought over food I made. So either we can eat here or we can go back to my place. Choice is up to you.” She tells you with a shrug. You decide to go to her place and when you get there she gives you your favourite hoodie of hers and you sit on the couch. You’ve been to her place before and you told her that the plastic felt weird to sit on and she removed it the next day so that you’re comfortable when you go there. “Hey, you don’t have to speak but I just want to know that you’re ok.” She says and you nod. She gives you a plate of the food and you see that it’s her spaghetti and meatballs dish. Your favourite food of hers and you smile at her. She joins you on the couch, sitting next to you and then hands you the remote so you can decide what to watch, you decide on Shrek 3.
You watch the movie while eating, with Melissa right next to you, you in her hoodie, and you finally feel like you’re calming down. You put your head on her shoulder after you put your empty plate on the coffee table and she wraps her arm around you. You continue the movie, quoting some of the lines, and when it plays the ending scene with puss and donkey singing thank you, Melissa gets an idea. She guides you up and leads you to the empty space beside her couch and starts dancing with you. When the chorus comes on she sings it to you “I wanna thank you for lettin me be myself…again” She sings and you laugh. When she says the line again, she spins you while singing. The second chorus comes up “come on sing it with me.” She tells you.
The both of you sing it while dancing “I WANNA THANK YOU FOR LETTIN ME BE MYSELF…AGAIN.” You both sing at the top of your lungs. When it ends you’re both laughing and she hugs you.
“Thank you for letting me be myself.” You tell her and she looks at you with a warm smile and places a lock of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek.
“It’s not a problem hun, it doesn’t matter to me that you’re autistic you know. You just think differently, and that's alright.”
You look in her eyes and you lean forward and kiss her. Melissa kisses you back and moves her hand from your cheek to the back of your head and places her left hand on your waist. You pull back and look at her with a smile.
“You kissed me back.” You say to her and she nods. “Why?”
“Because I like you. I have for a few months now.” She tells you.
“For how long?” You ask her and she thinks about it.
“Around the new year.” And you look at her in shock.
“But that’s after I told you I was autistic.” You tell her, putting the pieces together. “You knew I was autistic and you still like me?” You question her.
“How would you being autistic make me not like you?” She asks you, confused.
“Because I’m different than other people and have struggles because of it.” You tell her like it’s obvious.
“So? Everyone is different in their own way and everyone has their own struggles.” She tells you. “For example, I have trouble letting people in, because of trust issues. And I can have a short temper too.” She says and you look at her with so much love in your eyes. You kiss her again and she doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
When the person says “you may kiss the bride” , she doesn’t hesitate to give you a kiss then either. With a huge smile, she brings you closer to her and gives you a kiss, as wife and wife.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added! 🙂
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pseudophan · 7 months
i became a phannie in 2018 (right in the middle of ii) and i'm a bit scared to ask lol but... what was the vday video? :0
*cracks knuckles* oh boy
the date is september 17th, 2011. a video gets uploaded to the lessamazingphil youtube channel, it stays up for about three hours. the video, simply titled with an emoticon, is.. deeply embarrassing, if i’m being honest! it’s essentially a valentine’s card from phil to dan, painfully earnest and very very sweet, but obviously not meant to be seen by anyone else. at this point in time the phandom was quite small and nobody really lost their minds fully, though there are still reactions from the day up online. most of the reactions were people just going ‘lol called it’. 
the original upload date of the video was february 13th 2010, and it had been private on lessamazingphil for a year and a half until a YOUTUBE GLITCH publicised it. quite frankly if i was dnp i would be burning down youtube headquarters because that is some fucking bullshit. the video gets taken down as soon as phil notices. he reaches out to people who saw it and explain to them that it was an april fools prank that they decided not to go through with.
now because not THAT many people saw it, and there weren’t many diehard shippers at the time, everything kinda died down. that is, until dnp properly blew up and got genuinely famous and oh no of course someone saved the vday vid and of course someone leaked it. halloween 2012! that’s when it all broke loose. at this point not only was the phandom big but there were a metric fuckton of shippers out there. and so when someone posted THAT.. well, you can imagine. 
dan was in the middle of his no homo howell era and went the FUCK off at people on tumblr about it, phil was answering questions about it like hahaa nooo it was a prank lol. basically they were sticking to the april fools story, which is a hilariously bad excuse for many reasons, and truly did not add up even a little bit. there’s not really a reason anymore for us to pick it apart, because after BIG and dan confirming they were romantically involved at the time it’s more clear than ever that they were full of shit when they said it’s a prank, but people were writing essays about that shit. you had to be there, i fear. but also be glad you weren’t cause it was carnage out there 
for YEARS after this phil would take down any copy of the video online, like i’m talking everywhere from youtube to pornhub to obscure foreign websites. the phandom rule was kind of to just not mention it at all, but definitely never post it.
i think we’re best off keeping the ‘don’t post it’ rule, because although the ‘outing them’ part of it all isn’t relevant anymore, it’s still a very private video and i just cannot stress enough how deeply embarrassing it is. i say that lovingly.
that being said, mostly everyone has seen it anyway. i am so sorry dan and phil. kind of, it’s kinda funny also. but sorry again. for what it’s worth, phil seems to have stopped taking it down, so while i won’t post it i will say that if you want to find it you can
... i am going to share their comments on it though because good lord
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wednesdaynn · 1 year
NSFW abc's: james potter edition
James potter x fem!reader
warnings: i mean it is in the title. DNI minors
A/N: omg i haven't written anything in like 7 months (which for me is kinda crazy) anyway, i am currently writing actual projects for actual books i hope to publish one day i've lost track of writing here.
either way, enjoy this little gift and my first dabble into the marauders era
no edits, all mistake are mine. i apologize english isn't my first language. let me know what you guys think fits our pretty boy the best.
A = After care (what they're like after sex) james is a doll, he makes sure you're both comfortable. before ever having sex with you, he made sure to have many conversations about many things, such as aftercare and what you both find important. he obviously helps with you with your needs and in return you help him with his, like taking a shower, many kisses, and reassuring words.
B = body part (their favorite body part)
his favourite bodypart on himself has to be his arms they're so big and beefy from playing quidditch since he's been a kid. he sees the way you almost drool when you look at his arms, especially under those tight shirts he wears. he loves when he's fucking you in missionary and you just grab onto his arms for stability. the crescent moons you leave in his arms are his favourite thing to see on his body the next day.
and on you, he can genuinely not pin-point his favourite thing. he adores every inch of you. from your soft arms to your belly, your soft hair. but he will admit he loves to feel your thighs squeeze his head, or wrap around his middle when he picks you up and fucks you down on his cock.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
this man lovessssss seeing his cum on or in you. anywhere he can get it, he has at some point in your relationship. he loves fucking it into you after fucking you and seeing it ooze out after he pulls out. or seeing his cum run down your tits after fucking them. he just loves getting you all messy and gross when he's in the moment. he definetly doesn't agree with that statement after he has to clean up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
tights.... yes you heard that right, james is extremly sensitive to the feel of drifferent fabrics which can, very quickly, overstimulate him in every day life.
but when having sex the feel of tights beneath his hands when he runs them all over you thighs or through you folds over the fabric becomes a very arousing and electrifying feeling for him. also... thigh fucking...
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
james has had many flings, for quite some years so he's very expierenced with sex. he is also not ashamed to ask how to make you feel better, he always akss you what you need to cum and how you want it. tuning in on what your body needs, specificly.
F = favorite position
this man loves having you flat on your stomach while he fuck into you from behind, just being able to push into you and put all his weight on you like a weighted blanket.
G = Goofy? (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's very serious, like weirdly serious, his focus is solely on making you feel good. being in the
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
james has a little patch of curls right at the beginning of his base, and he never clipped or shaved it, he prefers to just keep it as it is.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he's very intimate just focused on your pleasure and you feeling good.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
james is the king of masturbation, this guy... if he could do jacking off as a job he would. he's a horny bundle of energy. when he's showering, when he is going to sleep, when he just woke up, during a bathroom break, empty classroom... you name it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
taking away the senses... but not for you, but for him. blindflonds, tying his hands up with your tie, stuffing his mouth with it. he honestly just loves being used by you, as long as he knows you're getting off.
L = location (favorite places to do the do)
his bed. when the two of you have acces to his dorm without the guys interrupting you both. he would prefer to plan the night completely. take you out on a nice date, go on a walk, eat some sweets with you, maybe drink some butterbeer or some firewiskey, and then take you up to his room where his dorm is decorated tot he max with the candles lit curtains drawn back towel ready for if you want it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
just you, really. he doesn't need a lot to get up and going. the second you mention you're up for a bit of fun, he's ready to go.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that could possibly hurt you, is a big no no! even if you let him know you don't mind him getting a bit rougher with you, he isn't a fan of it and doesn't see the pleasure in doing something that could potentially hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
as we all know our man is a pussy lover, he will eat you out until your cunt looks all pink and puffy and shiny with a mix of your cum and his spit. it's his preferred method of getting you ready for his dick.
he's usually to impatient to get head himself, preffering to pleasure you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
slow and sensual all the way, he takes his time with you but he fucks you deep and hard.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he won't pass up an opportunity to fuck you, ever. but he prefers to go back to his dorm and take his time with you. pulling you apart piece by piece. kissing all over your body, making you cum in many different ways. even when he has a busy schedule he tries to make time for you, if thats for a study date, going on walk by the lake, or fucking you in every way possible. but hey! if you offer a quickie because you're getting needy and need a quick fix, he's the last person to say no.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not really, James enjoys a safe enviorment for both of you. where you can do what you want and be as loud as you want, without having to worry about people walking in or hearing you both. of course he occasionally drags you away from a party to an abandoned classroom. but he always makes sure to use a silencing spell and lock the door.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last quite a while, and a few rounds if you give him time to recover. being a athlete he has a lot of stamina.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
nope, he's a teenager/young adult in the 70's, not something he has acces to as quickly.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he's not much of a teaser, he likes to get straight to the point with you, just wanting to make you feel good all the time. he definitly takes the mickey out of you though. asking you to repeat what you said, tells you to speak up, but he gives in real quick.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
james is the loudest person you will ever meet. he is unashamed to let you hear how much he enjoys having sex. moaning, groaning, and whining in your ear. oh my god, he whines so much especially when he begs, he is such a beggar and dirty talker. it's all really overwhelming.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i dont think this one comes as much of a surprise, but this man has an insane breeding kink. I mean this man will fuck his cum into you, so deeply, that there is no way you won't end up pregnant. he would constantly make comment about how you'd look so good with his baby in you, with you stomach and breasts all swollen up.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
this man is big, and huge, and beefy, and bulky. he has thick arms, big pecs, huge tree-trunk thighs, big hands, and a big cock.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
james' sex drive isn't as high as people expect it to be. everyone has heard the stories from the many girls he's had casual flings with who constantly talk about his sex life, but now that he's with you, he prefers other things much more. cuddling you in bed, reading together. of course he loves having sex with you, but his needs are fulfilled by just being with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he's a clean freak so he first has to have everything cleaned including himself and you. so when you're done with after care, james makes sure everything is cleaned up first before he even gets into bed. then he makes sure you're comfortable, but after that, everything else is forgotten, this guy falls asleep immediatly. not even 5 minutes and he's out cold.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
headcannons where quackity's s/o has tattoos? could also be nsfw, if you're comfortable with it :))
I don't write NSFW but I can definitely do the tattoo part! thanks for requesting!! I don't think I've actually posted a quackity focused thing yet which is surprising to me bc I have like 3 drafts for him LMAO
QUACKITY ; tattooed lover
summary ; you have tattoos and your boyfriend is head over heels
warnings ; language; talk of needles / pain of tattoos, use of quackitys real name (lmk if I should change it!)
word count ; 670
genre ; fluff
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In general, he'll act normal about all your tattoos and whatnot, but inside every time he sees your arms (especially if you have sleeves or some sick ones around your wrists that trail up your arm even a bit) he'll just get a little red in the cheeks. He absolutely loves all your ink. He thinks it's so sick, but he's not committed enough to get any, and he doesn't think he has the pain tolerance.
he went with you to get a new tattoo on your shoulder/upper arm area
he learned you'd be there for like 5 hours and he groaned like a shitty iPad kid and took his phone out while he threatened to call Philza
once he saw the tattoo gun... oh lord it was over
literally whisper shouted at you while the artist got up to get gloves
"that's what you're getting jabbed with??? why are we here again???"
genuinely can't look
once he hears the buzzing he turns his music on and he's staring down while he sits on the couch across from you
"Alex, look!" you smile, "I'm fine"
"how do I know you're not a clone?"
"Holy shit. dude it's the quackityhq duck, that's why I brought you along"
it's not a big tattoo whatsoever, but it's a reminder that he's always with you, how you've grown together and how that's always going to be an era of your content you'd never forget about
literally gets emotional about it
"You didn't have-"
"I wanted to, for the millionth time"
he genuinely didn't know tattoos were so expensive, once you leave he questions why it was 450 dollars and you explain to him how tattoo artist income works
He's not the one to want to peel off the second skin or pop the ink bubbles or even touch the tattoo until the skin goes back to normal. He's just kinda freaked out for some reason, it's just one of those things and it honestly makes sense.
He takes some dedicated time to sniff all the lotions and numbing creams and comment on each and every one, though. All while you're trying to do some aftercare on it and shit, and you just watch.
"this one smells like buttercream icing"
"ew, this one smells like badboyhalo's ass!"
"why would you even know that? 😁"
If you have any tats without color, Alex will gladly color them in with washable markers like you're a walking coloring book. He'll literally call for you and ask you if he can color on you again, it's cute, really.
"y/n/n, can I color your tattoos again?"
"aren't you streaming?"
"yeah, fine"
he has a whole gallon sized ziploc bag filled with Crayola washable markers
like he goes from playing on the qsmp and hanging out with some people to coloring all over you while said people watch 😭
you wave to his friends like "Hello, I am his walking therapy coloring book"
he's like a little kid. You just look over at him like, "Holy shit I could love you forever wtf"
Sometimes, he'll just draw you new tattoos (with washable markers dw) cause he gets bored and wants to doodle on you. Most of the time it ends up being stick figures and dicks but it's okay, it's his way of showing affection.
He'll genuinely think of song that remind him of each of your tattoos. Somehow, some way, he does. He has a whole playlist titled 'Y/n's tattoos', and he rarely listens to it, but he thinks it's fun to think of a new song when you get another tattoo.
Although he is a little concerned because what's gonna happen when you're old and wrinkly? How do the tattoos last? Do they become old and wrinkly like the tattooed grandmas meme? Because if so, he'll rip on you til the end of time.
"well I have a long time before I look like a tattooed elderly person, but okay"
"So you will? Oh my fucking God! BAHAHAHA"
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bitterkarella · 3 months
Midnight Pals: Castle Freak
Stuart Gordon: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the castle freak King: is this a freak who lives in a castle or someone who's a freak for castles? Gordon: Gordon: what do you think steve King: probably the first thing? Gordon: obviously
Gordon: so this castle freak Barker: wait i also have a question Barker: a question about the castle freak Gordon: what do you want to know about the castle freak? Poe: can you all stop saying castle freak Barker: no
Barker: what kind of freak is this castle freak? Barker: is it, like, someone who, say, has a whole room full of stale candy? Barker: or a four foot fence? Gordon: no it's the good kind of freak Gordon: like a mutant Barker: now we're talkin!
Gordon: so this american family inherits an italian castle Gordon: but what they don't know Gordon: is that this castle comes with a freaky little surprise Barker: is the surprise a castle freak? Gordon: Gordon: yes but Gordon: don't give it away
Gordon: don't give away the ending! Barker: feel like the title already gave it away Gordon: what? Gordon: how does the title give away that there's a freak in the castle? Barker: the title is "castle freak" Gordon: Gordon: that's a typo
Gordon: so this american family now owns a castle with a castle freak Gordon: grit eatin' freak Gordon: scum suckin', pea head with a lousy physique Gordon: he's a one man, no gut, losing streak Gordon: nothin' but a castle freak
Gordon: then a prostitute mysteriously disappears from the neighboring town Gordon: and the cops are really intent on finding her Barker: phhbt i could buy a castle freak Barker: but this is getting kinda unrealistic
Gordon: but picture this Gordon: the dad is played by a young jeffrey combs Gordon: in his joel hodgson era
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the-hawthorns-ocs · 9 months
Soothsayer Spindle'stare
Tumblr media
Character Bio:
Kinship: The Hawthorns
Queer (loves wife <3); what's a gender? (agender); it/she
Age: 3 cycles, 11 moons; ~31 Hyrs
Voice Headcanon: Entrapta - She-Ra - And The Princesses of Power (but like if she smoked a pack-o-sigs a day???)
Title meaning: -stare = uhh stares, like a lot, its weird, does it blink???; Soothsayer specific -> this cat can see into your soul and across the vail of death and see what your future holds
Role: Soothsayer
Mother: River'riddle
Father: Monarch Bat'flight
Siblings: Monarch Light'fall
Mate: Worm'soil
Other notable kin: Heir Night (nephew)
Extra Notes: her name was originally Garlicnose but after a series of polls I have decided on Spindle'stare as it's new name! Hooray!
Character Summary:
this ones long bec she's my blorbo, sorry not sorry :P
Soothsayers are born absolute weirdos, that's actually how a Kinship can tell that a cat is probably a Soothsayer. They are all not entirely there, because they walk the line between the living and the dead, this gives them the gift of foresight into the future and the ability to commune with the dead, but it also makes them distant, odd, they act like their minds are often in a whole other plane from regular cats.
In Spindle'stare's case, its just really kooky, an absolute creature. Though she is also very traumatized, which is kinda a given for Soothsayers... but it's even worse for her. As a kit her connection to the Stars was almost entirely cut off, and was instead taken over by the Dark Maw... The Maw wanted control over the Hawthorns, and becoming their future Soothsayer's spiritual source was one of the best ways to do this.
Deep deep down I think that Spindle knows there is something off about her spiritual connection, but she doesn't really process this at all. She pretty much believes that she has a normal connection and is totally talking to the Stars and not the Dark Maw. Sometimes she gets a random breakthrough connection to the Stars and is bombarded by so many messages and warnings from the ancestors she is pretty much unable to process it and just becomes even more confused and overwhelmed, acting even more strange than normal.
As a result of the Dark Maw's hold on Spindle, the Soothsayer has not been able to aid the kinship in ways it should be able to. During Spindle's training and apprenticeship the Kinship went through a horrible illness that killed many many cats, everyone questioned why Spindle was unable to receive prophecies foretelling these deaths, or guiding them to a cure... Spindle was simply helpless and useless in a time what the kinship needed a spiritual guide the most... This event has left the Kinship not all too trusting of Spindle's guidance, and has left Spindle lost and confused as to why the Stars do not with to help her.
Though Spindle seems like an old kooky lady she is actually only around 4 cycles old aka. in her early 30s in human years. Spindle was littermates with Monarch Light'fall, they were extremally close, and Light was often the only one who could keep her stable, in the present, and more herself. Spindle was devastated at Light'fall's death and she fell deeper into the spiritual plane as a result, only Spinde'stare's mate Worm'soil is able to bring Spindle into clarity these days, and it is far more difficult to do so.
Spindle spends much of it's time with her mate Worm'soil, they are one of the few cats who are not creeped out by her, they understand her and love it deeply despite it's strangeness. They were childhood friends, and grew even closer during the era of illness in their youth... both of them bonded over the extreme pressure on them at the time, Spindle with the expectation of life saving prophecies and omens, and Worm with the health of the Kinship as a Healer apprentice.
The two of them are now two fucked up middle aged women(ish) who are just trying to survive their high stress roles in their very problematic kinship... They can often be found hanging out on their lonesome together, with Spindle buried in Worm's fluff <3
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sapphicseasapphire · 2 months
Hii! Hello, I really love your Cryptid au!!!
Something I'm wondering about, if it makes any sense
So like, Time is A God, right? And over however many hundreds of years, he loses his connection to humanity?
So, in the far future, maybe like around Botw, he'd probably be more like the other deities and more well known, right?
Would characters like Flora or Impa, for example, if they knew who he was, be like super amazed about the fact that there is just straight up A God talking to them?
ahh if that makes sense, it's kinda hard to explain!
Hi! This is a great question, thanks for asking! Allow me to ramble and hope that I answer it in a roundabout way haha!
(Under the cut because long)
So, Time’s journey into Godhood is a very long one. His progression from mortal to deity goes quick, but he doesn’t truly embrace his power for centuries after his mortal lifespan is over. In his own era, with Malon and his children, he tries his best to just be a normal guy. He wants to be a dad, a husband. He wants to worry about the fate of the ranch, not the fate of the world. Mostly, he’s afraid. He never wanted to be a God. He never uses his powers.
(He’s like this for the majority of his travels with the Cryptid Chain)
Every Cryptid Link that comes after Time’s era has a different version of the God of Time, the earlier ones not really having an established God but being influenced heavily by his power, and the later ones knowing plenty of myths and legends about the God of Time, but his impacts on their lives are much less obvious. Easily written off.
Time’s most important era, other than his own, would be Twilight’s. This happens only like a hundred or two years after his own life should have ended, and Time is very committed to protecting his family. And so, as the Man of Many Faces, he personally sees to it that Twilight learns how to fight. As the Hero’s Shade, he trains the young Shapeshifter and rewinds time to save his life or give him another chance when things get rough.
He watches when Twilight finishes his adventure. He watches when Twilight leaves to go on the Cryptid Chain’s adventure. He watches until the journeys are over, the battles are won, and everything is quiet. He watches Twilight breathe his last.
After that, he decides that he can’t do that anymore. And while he still protects his boys in their future adventures, he doesn’t get nearly as involved. And it’s not just the Links that he stops interacting with- it’s all mortals. He still does his job diligently. He keeps the timelines in order, he protects his people. He receives prayers and answers what he can, but he does his work from the sidelines.
Because of this, as he truly ascends to Godhood, he is a mystery to mortals. Like I said- earlier Links have been more personally impacted by Time but didn’t know who he was (he was too fresh of a God to be established) and the later Links have been more indirectly impacted by Time but it could be interpreted as mere coincidences. Time would be more well known, but less detectable.
By the time he’d reach Wild’s era, he’d be very reclusive. Flora, the history major we all know and love, would absolutely know about the Hero of Time and all of his titles and names. Impa, Paya, the religious leaders, would also be very knowledgeable about Time’s legends and myths. Purah, our favorite Sheikah researcher, 100% knows all about him! It’s common knowledge, I think, in Wild’s era, but these ones are especially familiar with Time’s history.
Except… the God has not shown himself to the world in thousands of years. I actually do have a scene in mind for one of my storylines where Flora meets Time. She doesn’t know exactly who he is- Cryptid era Time doesn’t act very God-like, at least not like any that she’s come to know of- but there’s something about him. Power rolls off of him in waves, his mere presence is overwhelming. He seems to shine with subtle iridescence, his voice is quiet but it carries. She knows, on some level, that he has authority over her. Over All. (Time would deny this to the ends of the earth, but there’s no denying the truth: he is a God. There’s no escaping that).
I hope this makes sense??? Trying to talk about Time’s lore gets confusing since there’s so many time jumps and rewinds and skips. To summarize, Time stops interacting with mortals so he becomes somewhat of a mysterious God. So while Flora would know of him, she wouldn’t know what to look for. When she meets Time, his present is her past- her present is his future- and present Time is nothing like future Time, so Flora doesn’t recognize him.
This is all Pre-God Reveal, of course haha!
I hope this answers your question?
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