#so i said no worries i’ll figure it out next semester
treecakes · 2 years
also have to email the head of the german department at my school again 😭 give me the prerequisite waiver or i swear i will cry
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musclejedi-tameem · 20 days
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Chase was nervous going into his first year of college. Especially since he didn’t know who his roommate would be. When he met Alex for the first time he was annoyed by the stereotypical jock bro he was but tried to make the best of it. The two got along surprisingly well though and the first few weeks of school were good. Until one weekend when Chase complained to Alex that he had nothing to do because his date had cancelled on him. “We’ll you can always go to the party with me bro. I’ve been trying to get you there for weeks bruh. C’mon you love it!” Chase was unsure about going, he was shy and not really a party person. He also didn’t want to be around a lot of frat bros, which were most of Alex’s friends. But he reluctantly decided to give it a shot. Alex was excited but the next day before they left he told Chase that he needed to “fix something’s” before he could go to this party. Chase wasn’t sure what that meant but then Alex handed him a strange bottle and told him to drink it. Chase asked what is was but Alex said “don’t worry about it bruh. It’s just a little pre gaming.” So figuring it was alcohol Chase drank it. The stuff smelled nasty and burned all the way down his throat making him cough. “What was that shit bro?” He stopped as he noticed his voice sounded off, deeper and bro like. He was even talking like one now! He groaned as his body began to shake and his skinny body expanded with muscle. Big thick pecs pushing his shirt off them as his biceps did the same. His back widening and going down to a tight v taper. His abs were growing in a getting nice and defined as his legs thickened along with his ass. He let out and even deeper more sensual moan as he felt his dick grow longer and thicker in his pants. His balks swelled and dropped lower too. Full of new jock testosterone. He finished his transformation with his face becoming sharper and a stubbles beard filling in his jaw line as his hair hit a touch longer and slightly curly. “Hey you ready to go party bro?” Alex asked him. “Fuck yeah brah! I was born ready! Everyone is gonna dig this hot bod tonight bro. I’m so fucking horny!” Alex laughed as his former nerdy roommate was becoming a jock bro like him. “Oh yeah bro they definitely will love it. And you know that I do. Here I’ll help you out quick before we go.” With that Alex tan his hands down Chase’s firm muscles and gave him the best hand job he’d ever had. Bros take care of each other after all and these two would definitely have more “fun” together before the Semester was done.
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moon1833 · 1 month
“Am I going to have to kiss you or are you going to?”
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The first time Denki Kaminari short-circuited in front of you had been the first time you spared with him.
It was your first day of hand-to-hand combat training, and Mr. Aizawa had paired you two up. Since you had joined a little later in the semester, he had decided not to tell any of your classmates your quirk. He figured it would be better training for them.
He stood in front of you confidently, eager to speak. “Hey! My names Denki Kaminari. You’re really pretty, what’s your name?”
You had been in classes for less than a week, but still, you had not been expecting that from him. You flushed, a little embarrassed with how loud he was. You introduced yourself, not revealing your quirk like Mr. Aizawa had said, and told him your name a little less enthusiastically before getting into your stance.
You decided to go easy on him the first time. Your quirk was strong, and while Kaminarai had already told you about his on your first dah, yours was still a mystery to most.
Eager to impress you, he jumped into action, throwing a powerful shock wave at you. Rather simply, you jumped back, turning your torso in the air to dodge. Before you could calculate your next move, a loud POP rang out, and you stopped your movement.
Brain fried, a stupid smile and thoughtless eyes followed your concerned gaze. You had dropped your stance, unaware of his ‘side effects.’
“Kaminari, are you okay?” You jogged over, placing your hand on his shoulder. You looked over at your teacher in concern. He wasn’t even turned in your direction, helping Midoriya on the other side of the room.
Kaminari is mumbling incoherently, but he’s desperately trying to tell you something. You lean closer, worry flushing your features.
“You’re so beautiful.” His words are loopy, and you hope they’re disoriented enough that no one else can hear him. “Wow. So gorgeous.”
You can hear Kirishima snickering behind you as your face turns red. Your eyes widen, and your mouth parts in shock.
“Um, does he need to see recovery girl?” You ask, turning to see most of the attention on you. You feel him playing with the ends of your hair.
“Nah, usually he just sleeps it off or walks around like an idiot for a little while.” Sero added, not attempting to hide his laughter at all.
“Oh, okay.” You say awkwardly. “Should I knock him out?”
“Woah.” Mina giggles. “I didn’t think he annoyed you that bad.”
“No, no.” You hold your hands up in defense, trying to shrug off Kaminari who was now trying to wrap his arms around you.
“It’s a part of my quirk, see?” Gently, you tap his temple, and he falls forward. You catch him, propping his arm over your shoulder so you could fireman carry him.
“Wow, you’re pretty strong!” Mina says.
“So manly.” Kirishima mumbles in agreement.
“Can we use that whenever Bakugo is being an asshole?” Sero chimes in.
“I think I’m just gonna bring him to his dorm.” You duck out before Bakugo can charge in your direction.
The next day, you expected a quiet morning. You were on the shyer side, and you were yet to call any of your classmates your friends. People were more than friendly to you, Mina in particular was very welcoming, but as you took your seat, you didn’t expect anyone to talk to you until after homeroom.
The door slams open a minute to the bell, and Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Bakugo and Kirishima walked in together. For a moment, you wondered how Kaminari was doing, but you bit your tongue.
You had half expected for Kaminari to not speak to you, he seemed like the type to always get distracted by whatever was in front of him. However, when he shuffled into the room, his eyes immediately found yours, his grin widening and shouting a ‘good morning!’ to you.
From that point on, he took a liking to you. It was half flirting, but you learned to not take it seriously since you saw him do that to almost everyone.
He was extroverted, embarrassingly so at times. He’d talk your ear off at lunch and text you at 1am asking for homework answers. But still, you found yourself enjoying his humor and his effort, not to mention he wasn’t bad to look at.
Regardless of your classes teasing, you shook off Kaminari’s short-circuiting incident as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were sure that if any other girl had been in your place, he would’ve had the same reaction.
And then it happened again. And every time after that. Six months went by, and he barely uttered a word to anyone else when he was brain-fried.
Even when you weren’t in his immediate line of sight, he would leave from wherever he was standing to flirt with you. If you weren’t around, he’d babble about you until whoever was with him got tired of it and dropped him off to you.
It had gotten to the point when whenever he’d use his quirk, you would be on speed dial just in case.
You may answer with an exhausted sigh or an eye roll, but you never turned him away. Kaminarai barely even remembered whatever he said when he woke up, so it was never really a problem.
Until you found yourself falling for him.
It was stupid, really. He was so different from you, it was crazy to think he’d be genuinely attracted to you. But, you couldn’t help how your heart jumped when he said your name, or how he’d always leave his friends to talk with you.
Now, his short-circuited brain was a bit more of an issue. You knew how it worked by now, right away, he would barely be able to speak, just sounds strung together and loopy hand motions. Then, he’d go back to his chatter box self, but his thoughts were always jumbled, more than usual. Usually after that, he’d pass out for an hour and forget the entire thing.
“I think I love you.” He’s drooling a little, sprawled out on your bed while you’re desperately trying to focus on your review sheet.
“Okay.” You choke. “You should get some rest, you trained hard.”
“I can’t. Cuddle me.” He says dumbly, almost falling off your bed as he twists around, tangled in your comforter.
“Just close your eyes, Kami.” Your grip on your pen is leaving a red indent in your fingers.
For a moment, he’s silent, and you think he’s actually listened to you for once. You force your focus to your work, before a loud bang behind you makes you turn your head.
Blanket stuck between his legs, Kaminari was face down on your carpet, his shirt rolled up exposing most of his back. You ignored how his muscles flex as he tries to (and fails) to get up.
“Kaminari…” You sigh loudly, rubbing your face as you stand. He flips over to lay on his back, and his hair is sticking in a few different directions.
“Why don’t you ever call me by my first name?” He pouts as he looks up at you. He was actually stringing together proper sentences, which was almost surprising.
“You’ve never asked me to.” You try to pull him up, but he’s completely dead weight.
“Please.” He drags out the word, grabbing both your hands.
“Okay.” You flush at the contact.
“Say it.” He pouts again, and for a moment you think he’s going to cry.
“Okay, Denki.” His lips change dramatically, flipping into a grin that’s annoying contagious.
“Yay!” He pulls you down with a little too much force, and you land harshly on top of him. You’re a little dazed with how quickly you collide with his chest, and you almost don’t realize he’s wrapping his arms around your waist until he nuzzles his face into your neck.
You try to stand, but he holds you tighter with a whine. You feel the blood rush to your face, and you cannot fathom that this is happening on your dorm floor.
“You smell good.” His lips graze your neck.
“Denki.” You manage to get out. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable on the bed?”
“Hm.” He thinks. “No.”
You groan in exasperation.
Eventually, he rests his head on the floor and somehow falls asleep, the rise and fall of his chest becoming slower. It almost pulls you into sleep, but your brain is speed railing through thoughts.
He had always been a bit of a handful with flirting, even when his brain wasn’t completely shocked. This, however, was a whole new level of it. You weren’t sure if you could survive it.
Even asleep, you couldn’t escape his grip. He let you fall to his side, his body turning with you. Now, he had an arm holding your back, while the other went past the crook of your neck, pulling you even closer to him.
His lips were aligned with your forehead, and you were sure you could feel him exhale if you moved any closer.
A stray hair fell onto his forehead, hitting the space between where his eyelids met. His nose scrunches in reaction, and you barely hesitate in brushing it off of his face.
Tentatively, you pat it down, running a few strands through your fingers. Somehow, his hair barely had any tangles, and he let out a soft sigh at the feeling.
You didn’t know what was going on, and you didn’t know what was going to happen when he woke up, but even still, there was an odd sense of peace with being so close to him.
Denki was warm, and he smelt like clean laundry. For a moment, you remembered earlier in the year when he would wear a sickening amount of cologne until you told him you couldn’t go near him without sneezing. You smiled softly at the memory.
Against your better judgment, you fall asleep quickly, feel a bit too safe in his arms.
When you woke up in your bed an hour later, you promised yourself you wouldn’t do that again.
Instead, it became a fast habit. If you refused to cuddle with him, Denki literally threw himself off of your bed and whined until you did. (One instance he sprawled out across the table you were using to study and rolled onto your lap).
Mina had suggested to just talk to him about it, since all he knew when he woke up was that he was with you. But, if you spoke to him, there was a chance you wouldn’t hold him again.
The longer it went on though, the worse you felt, like you were taking advantage of his state. You never went any further than playing with his hair occasionally, but you couldn’t shake the guilt.
It spiraled even more out of control the closer you became. Denki was touchy. He grabbed your hand at random and stood as close as possible to you. During movie nights with your friends, he’d go out of his way to sit next to you, his thigh always meeting yours.
One particular night, half of the 1-A class decided to have a sleepover in Mina’s room, due to her suggestion. The idea was better than it in practice, and most of your friends were sitting on her floor while Bakugo insisted he got the one chair in the room.
Midoriya, Uraraka and Mina were cramped on her twin bed, the pink haired girl doing whatever she could to squish them even closer together. You would’ve found amusement in Midoriya’s expression, but you were in the exact same situation.
Kirishima was next to Denki, who was next to you. You had found the most comfortable spot you could, next to a wall while sitting on Mina’s fuzzy pink rug. As expected, Denki sat right next to you, crossing his legs and greeting you loudly. When Kirishima sat down next to him with a smirk, you should’ve known.
By the time Jirou had shown up with the snacks, Denki was squished into you so tightly he was almost on your lap. You kept glaring at Kirishima, who pretended not to notice.
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Mina gushed, almost knocking Midoriya off the bed with how she jumped.
“No way, you always make me eat something that makes me throw up.” Kirishima pouted.
“Dude, you can just pick truth.” Denki says.
“No way, that’s so un-manly.” He shakes his head in disapproval.
“Uhg, whatever.” Bakugo groans. “This is getting lame, just play.”
Quickly, Mina went first, putting her plan in getting Uraraka and Midoriya together by asking the wide-eyed girl who her crush was. She insisted she didn’t have one while flushed and staring at the boy next to her.
The game went on, and you were glad to be on the observing side. You barely commented, giggling when someone had to do something embarrassing and whispering in Denki’s ear little remarks that he always leaned a little too close to you to hear.
After any funny comment he’d make, he’d shoot a glance to you to see if he’d succeed in making you laugh, swelling with pride when you were already looking at him.
You’d been able to escape the first round, shuffling deeper in your corner when everyone had been asked but you. You had almost avoided it completely when Denki spoke.
“Guys you forgot her turn!” He grins, hiding a giggle while pushing you in front of him.
“Aw, I’m sorry!” Mina cried. “I wanna ask her!”
You grimaced, narrowing your eyes at Denki while mumbling a few insults at him. He only smiled wider.
“Hm.” Mina thinks aloud. “Do you like anyone?”
“Yeah.” You say nonchalantly, chewing on your bottom lip.
“Who?!” Mina shouts, and the intense focus on you feels suffocating. Even Bakugo had stopped complaining for a moment.
“That wasn’t part of the question.” You manage to get out, ignoring Jirou and Mina’s loud booing.
When the attention finally shifts, you sink back, visibly exhaling. When Denki’s turn comes, you try to downplay your interest.
“Okay, truth or dare?” Kirishima nudged him.
“Truth.” He mumbles while shoving chips into his mouth.
“Who do you think the most attractive person in the room is?” Kirishima asks like he already knows the answer.
You’ve been observant from a very early age. Being in the hero course at UA helped that greatly. When the question fell from Kirishima’s lips, you subconsciously studied Denki’s entire body language.
You watch his spine straighten slightly, his normally brash expression tilting into a more shy one, his ears burning red. He tenses up, you feel his arm move away from yours. You focus on his eyes darting around, and they fix on someone across from you.
Jirou. He’s looking at Jirou.
Your entire body feels cold suddenly as it clicks in your mind. He likes Jirou, and you’re practically attached to him. You’re in the way. Fuck.
You can’t think, your head is pounding and you feel like everyone in the room knew this but you. Ungracefully, you stand to your feet and step towards Mina’s door.
Your body doesn’t feel like yours as your hand pulls the doorknob, and you mutter out some excuse before ducking your head down and leaving.
You’re halfway down the hallway when you realize you left your phone in Mina’s dorm, but you don’t even slow your steps, rubbing your face ferociously. God, you’ve never felt this stupid.
You don’t expect for anyone to follow you, especially since it’s after curfew, but you don’t look back at the sound of thudding footsteps.
“Hey, slow down.” Denki pants behind you. “Jesus you’re fast.”
“I don’t feel well, please just go back.” Your voice is quiet.
“Oh.” You don’t have to turn around to know he’s rubbing his neck awkwardly. “Can I walk you back to your dorm at least then?”
“Okay.” You agree without thinking. You finally turn to him, not bothering to smile.
You lead the walk in silence, refusing to make eye contact as you fiddle with your pajama shorts. You can feel his eyes on you, firm and unmoving.
When you get to your dorm, you fumble with the key slightly before nodding a goodnight to him, opening your door.
“Wait.” He shoots an arm out, propping open the door and preventing you from moving. “I like you.”
You’ve heard him say it many times before, but his brain is completely normal now, and it fills you with shock. “What?”
“I like you.” He turns you to him, his hands resting on your shoulders. The door closes. “Like, a lot. And I’m sorry I haven’t told you any sooner, I’m kind of a wimp.”
You can’t help it, a sharp laugh leaves your mouth. You realize how terrible of a reaction that is to a confession and cover your mouth.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” You apologize, but Denki’s laughing, too.
“I uh, I like you too.” You say after a moment. “But I thought you liked Jirou?”
“What?” Denki blurts a little too loud. “Nah, she’d just been trying to help me out. Plus, she’s got like a whole thing going on with Yaoyorozu.”
“Shit. I totally called that.” You sigh.
“I know, right.”
You rest your head against the door, smiling at him slightly. You don’t miss how his amused expression drops into a fluster.
“I just can’t believe you actually like me.” He admits.
“You can’t?” There’s a small twitch of annoyance in your expression as you lift your back from the wall, inching closer to him. “I’ve been blatantly obvious about this for months.”
“Okay, well, I’ve liked you for the past year.” He retorts, subconsciously mimicking your actions until your shoes are touching. “And I’ve been pretty obvious, too.”
“Only when you’re practically brain dead.” You sigh, fingers playing with his hoodie strings. You watch his eyes widen slightly, a teasing grin on your face as you lean even closer. “You really are a wimp.”
His eyes are glued to your lips, entranced by the curve of your amusement. “Yeah.” He finally replies. “I am.”
“Am I going to have to kiss you or are you going to?” Your head cocks to the side.
He flushes, but before another comment can slide from your mouth his hands hold your face, and he kisses you gently.
It’s quick, and he ended up kissing closer to the corner of your lips. You smile nonetheless, chasing his mouth as he pulls away and firmly tracing his lips with yours.
Your hands make their way to his hair, and he kisses you back a little harder at the feeling. Unintentionally, your teeth graze his bottom lip, but before you could pull away and apologize, a sharp ZAP rips through you.
It isn’t harsh, but you’re well aware Denki just shocked you. You go to tease him, but by the look on his face you stop yourself.
“How did you even short-circuit!?”
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wannawritefast · 11 months
Comfortember 2023 Day 6: “Notes”
A/N: My sporadic contribution to Comfortember. It’s short but Johnny Cage bbs come get y’all juice. It’s my birth month and I’m closing in on the end of my semester so I can’t promise anything but please enjoy!!
Pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
Warnings: none, fluff :)
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Notes. Johnny left them everywhere. Don’t get him wrong. He definitely preferred the convenience of using his phone to send you little memos. It was instant and Johnny could really accommodate his own attention span by using his phone but when he found out on accident how much you loved them, he made a point of it.
You both still remembered the first of its kind.
A pink sticky note on the back of your script that said “And it was all a dream!” with the most hastily-drawn smiley face ever.
You laughed when you saw it. It was a miracle that it hadn’t become a casualty to the rough handling of your scripts before you discovered it.
He had to have done it when you were putting your post-its in your script, marking it up the night before. You hadn’t thought much of the clumsy kiss he gave you when he checked in as the sun went down. Then again you hadn’t been paying that close attention to him or anything else for that matter. A glass of water. A “How’s it going, baby?” A stumble and a peck. And his leg and hand knocking right into the back of the thick stack of 8.5 by 11 copy paper in your grasp as he had moved to sit next to you.
The bump into the script in your hand had been completely intentional, you realized with delight at the table read. It made your Instagram story in seconds accompanied by the words ‘original illustration by @johnny.cage’ and some pink hearts in the top right corner.
That had sealed it.
The next one you found was in your purse. Well, not your purse exactly. It was in the compact in your purse. Blue. “Hey, good-lookin.’” A winky face. It had fluttered out as you were landing out of the country for a shoot. You still had your neck pillow on. You sent Johnny one of the ugliest selfies you had ever taken with it. Against your protests, it became his lock screen photo.
Then they truly popped up everywhere. Your boyfriend was relentless.
A set of expensive rings you’d stared at a little too long on Rodeo. Purple sticky note. “For my precious.” A noble but indecent-looking stick figure attempt at Gollum was near it, partially scribbled out.
Surprise coffee in your trailer. Yellow note. Sunshine with sunglasses.
New boots, courtesy of Johnny. Pink. “Step on me in these.”
Sleeping in while he had left at the crack of dawn. Pink. “Busy all day. Sushi at our regular spot for dinner.” Heart.
Almost all of them made your Instagram story. The dick that looked like it had been drawn by a middle school boy on a blue sticky note slapped to the bathroom mirror, for example, hadn’t made the cut. The ones that did though… Johnny reposted each within 5 minutes, no matter what time it was.
Like the orange sticky note you woke up to under your glasses that said ‘Jinkies!’ You had gone to bed and left them on your nightstand at 4 am. Johnny had stayed up with you. He had left at 6 am for the day. It made you worry about his sleep schedule.
It didn’t matter that you couldn’t keep up with his god-like speed in making unique sticky notes. You posted them. And you kept and remembered all of them. All of them. Yes, even the blue doodle dick.
Again, Johnny definitely preferred sending you texts and voice memos as soon as he felt like you were forgetting how hot you were, which was usually several times a day. It should also be noted that the sticky notes never detracted from the amount of attention he was already giving you. Johnny was a beast at reminding you how much he loved you.
As he had said it once: “There’s no threshold, baby. I’ll die telling you how sexy your walker is; the last sticky note I ever leave you will tell you the same thing.”
He slapped one on your ass after he had said that. Yellow. “Johnny Cage wuz here.”
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clown-friend-gt · 3 months
Up, Up, and Away: Chapter 2
Not much actual g/t in the chapters I posted today, but that will change soon. These chapters will set that up, don't worry!
Hopefully the Spanish in the chapter doesn't sound too odd to those who speak it. I took four semesters of Spanish in college, but I haven't used it since, and my ability to speak it has definitely suffered because of it lmao.
Link to Masterpost
Growing Pains
1.2k words
The change started early morning one Friday. Trevor woke up because his whole body screamed with pain. His muscles felt strained, like he was on one of those medieval torture racks. Even his bones were sore.
He figured he should take something for the pain. But when he tried to move, he couldn’t. The slightest movement sent shocks of pain through him.
So for a while, he stayed as motionless as possible, tears streaming down his face. He tried to fall back asleep, but the pain made it impossible.
Finally, he worked up the courage to move. Groaning in pain, he slid out of bed and onto his feet. His legs shook unsteadily but managed to hold him up. He took one slow step and winced, his breath escaping him in a hiss.
He had to walk slowly; each step sent spikes of pain shooting up his leg. He knew his mom had to get up early for work, so he tried to stay quiet. But he couldn’t stop himself from whimpering with the effort it took just to move himself.
He made his way into the bathroom. In the low light he could just barely make out his reflection in the mirrored door of the medicine cabinet. He looked just as miserable as he felt.
He opened the cabinet and grabbed the bottle of painkillers inside. Even opening the child-proof lid made him wince, his hand cramped instantly as he did so. He shook out two pills and swallowed them dry.
Once he was done in the bathroom, he shuffled back to his room. He grabbed his phone from the table next to his bed. His mom would be mad if she caught him on it this late, but he needed something to distract himself while he waited for the painkillers to kick in.
Eventually, the pain died down to a more tolerable level, and exhaustion pulled him back into a few more hours of sleep. Still, the time passed too quickly, and before he knew it, his alarm went off, telling him it was time to get up for school.
He’d never snoozed his alarm before, but today he really needed the extra sleep. This turned out to be a bad idea, though, because he couldn’t stop himself from hitting snooze the next time, and then the time after that, and so on. His mom eventually interrupted her own morning routine to get him up.
“Mijo, get up,” she said sternly.
He groaned sleepily in response. Still, he rolled over in bed and propped himself up. He drew in a pained breath as he did, and she didn’t miss it.
“¿Qué pasó?” she asked, gentler this time.
“Nothing,” he tried to lie.
His mom wasn’t buying it, and only responded by putting her hands on her hips and staring at him pointedly.
“I’m fine,” he insisted. He didn’t want to worry her any.
He sat up with a grunt, but before he managed to stand, she was at his side.
She placed the back of her hand on his forehead. “Ay, mijo, you’re burning up.”
“I’ll call the school, tell them you’re not feeling well,” she told him, standing up to grab her phone.
He wasn’t going to argue with that. He’d take an excuse to skip school any day.
“I’ll have to call out of work to take care of you, too.”
“No, don’t,” he said, stopping her.
“It’s fine. They can survive without me for one day.”
Trevor frowned. He wasn’t sure if that was true. She worked at a hospital, after all.
“I can take care of myself,” he assured her. “I’ll be fine.”
She gave him a look, appraising the condition he was in. Finally she sighed.
“Fine. There’s medicine in the bathroom and food in the fridge. Make sure you eat something today.”
Then she walked back to his side and planted a kiss on his forehead, and he was too tired to try and resist. “Te amo,” she said.
“Te amo,” he replied weakly. She gave him a smile that didn’t hide the worry in her eyes. Then she left him to roll over and go back to sleep.
The pain continued throughout the day. He slept for a few hours, then was woken up when the painkillers began to wear off. He repeated the same painful journey he’d taken earlier that day. This time, though, he kept the bottle with him so he wouldn’t have to do that again.
He laid down a little while longer before he had to wake up again, although this time, because of his stomach.
Despite his apparent illness, his appetite was seemingly unaffected. In fact, he found himself hungrier than usual. He moved around a little easier with the painkillers in his system, though the pain never really went away. He ate three packages of ramen for breakfast/lunch, then went back to bed.
When his mom got home that night, she fussed over him for a while, but otherwise, the day passed without incident. He spent the weekend bedridden, getting sleep when he could. The longer it went on, the more worried his mom seemed, and he hated that.
By Monday, the pain wasn’t gone. “You need to go to the doctor,” his mother told him.
“No, I’m fine,” he responded a little too quickly.
“Mijo, you’ve barely moved all weekend. You need to see a doctor.”
Trevor really didn’t want to put that kind of strain on her wallet, so he began to sit up. He did his best to hide his struggle.
“I’m feeling better,” he lied. “Look, I’ll even go to school today.”
He got up and went to his dresser to pick out some clothes. His mom looked like she wanted to argue, so he added, “Can you leave for now, please? I need to change.”
She sighed but left the room. Although he had lied about feeling better, he was getting more used to the pain as time went on.
He picked out some clothes without giving it much thought. Then he put them on, although felt a little small on him. He tried some other clothes but had the same problem.
Must have shrunk in the wash, he thought to himself.
Once he was dressed, he went to the kitchen to make himself toast for breakfast. His mom watched him warily the entire time. She wore a frown on her face, but said nothing to him throughout. Just as he thought he was in the clear, she spoke.
“Stand up straight,” she said, walking towards him. He obliged, straightening himself up from his slouched position. She inspected him carefully.
When she spoke again, her tone was lighter. “Since when are you taller than me?”
“Huh?” he asked, but looking closely, he could tell that she was right. Where before he’d been a little below her eye level, he now stood slightly above.
“You must’ve grown three-or-so inches in as many days,” she said. “That’s some growth spurt. No wonder you were so sore.”
“Oh. Yeah,” he agreed. After that, she seemed content to leave him be as he got ready. Finding the cause seemed to put her at ease, to Trevor’s relief.
Though it kept him from telling her that whatever was happening to him was far from over.
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hsangel64 · 1 year
part 3 of bandmates !
pairings: ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: something happens to you at a party which pushes ellie to do something crazy
warnings: sexual harassment, some guy being an ass, violence, kissing, cussing
part 1 and part 2
a/n: this series is coming together already i love it a lot i hope you all do too ! sorry this took so long to come out with but i just finished my semester and all my finals so i’m free now !! i’ll be on vacation this next week but just means i’ll have more time to come out with more content i have lots of ideas !
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“ellie i do not want to go to a party tonight we have a gig tomorrow.” you whined and threw your head onto her lap.
“please please come with me i’ll be alone dina and jesse are on a date.” she whined as she played with your hair.
“ellie i wanted to just stay in tonight and practice for tomorrow. we have so much to do.”
“we will only be there for a little bit and you don’t have to drink!” she moved her face down to look at you and you both were face to face. she was really close and you were really fuckin nervous. you could feel her breathe lightly on your forehead. there was a moment of silence before i finally agreed.
“UGH fine. but you’re buying me coffee first thing in the morning.” you grumbled and sat up from her lap.
“of course babe.” your breathe hitched a little at the nickname not expecting her to call you that but tried to relax once you turned to face her.
“i hate you.”
“oh shut up you love me.” you looked at her and cracked a small smile. she had a smirk on her face and that infuriated you at how much she can make you flustered.
“well before the party for you want to go get food and then go ?” she had moved closer to you so you were just staring at each other. you followed her eyes and she kept looking down at your lips. the tension was insanely unbearable and you just wanted to kiss ellie that’s all you’ve ever wanted to do.
“yeah that sounds good where’d you have in mind?”
“i think thai food today.”
“you know me so well.”
“i know.” she smirked and tapped my leg. “okay ! let’s go then!” she got up and grabbed your hands to pull you up off the couch. you guys got your things and headed to your favorite thai place. you guys went here a lot to the point the owner, jenny, loves you two.
“ahhh my favorite customers !” she greeted you two and took you to your usual table.
“usual for you guys today?” you both nodded and said thank you. while you two waited for the food you talked and talked and talked. you two could talk about just about anything and everything. you two would just pay attention to each other not worrying about anything else. what you didn’t realize was the jenny was talking with her husband while they watched you two.
“do you remember when we were that oblivious?” she turned to her husband and he chuckles.
“of course i do, they’ll figure it out sooner or later.”
“oh i know! we figured it out eventually and now we’ve been married for 45 years now.” he gave her a kiss on the forehead and she was back to serving her favorite customers.
you guys finished your food and we’re on your way to this party. you were absolutely dreading it.
you guys made it to the party and ellie led you to the kitchen. you just stood there next to her while she made herself a drink. you rolled your eyes realizing you’ll probably have to take care of her tonight.
“here drink this.”
“els no you said i didn’t need to drink tonight.” you groaned and pushed the drink away.
“please just one for me?” she pleaded and you really couldn’t resist.
“ugh fine i hate you.”
“you fuckin love me.” she whispered in your ear and pulled me to the couch. you both sat down and just watched around like you two always did. just making fun of frat boys, talking about who’s cheating on who, just about anything you two see.
“hey i’m gonna go find some water this is making me thirsty!” you yelled to ellie over the music and she nodded and told you to be careful. you made your way into the kitchen and checked the fridge and saw some bottled waters, you grabbed two and then started to make your way back to the couch when you were pulled around by some guy.
“hey beautiful what are you up to?” he slurred clearly drunk.
“leaving thanks.” you rolled your eyes and tried to move past him but he had other plans. he blocked you from leaving the kitchen.
“what the fuck.”
“don’t leave so soon baby come on.” he got really close to your face you could smell the alcohol. you were getting annoyed and just wanted to leave the kitchen.
“can you back the fuck up.” you backed up and he followed backing you into the counter leaving you no space to move.
“baby don’t be shy…” he then rubbed his finger on your cheek and you swatted it away getting more and more uncomfortable from this interaction.
“get the fuck off of me asshole.” you started to raise your voice more so more people can hear the commotion.
“just let me-“ he was cut off by someone pulling him away. you gasp not expecting the sudden movement. you see ellie was the one who pulled him and had him on the ground. punching into his face continuously.
“don’t you fuckin touch her you asshole!!” you didn’t know what to do, slightly cheering ellie on and silently thanking her.
“she’s mine you hear me? mine!” you blush at her words and realize she’s going to beat him to death. you rush over and try your best to interfere and pull ellie back.
“els it’s okay please!” you tell to her and she instantly turns to you and drops the guy bombarding you with questions.
“are you okay? did he do anything to you? do you need anything? i can-“
“els im okay i promise.” she pulls you in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“you fuckin bitch.” you both turn and hear him barely blurt those words out as he’s starting to cry because of the pain.
“what a fuckin idiot.” ellie scoffs and pulls you away from him. she leads you out the house and into her car.
“hey thank you for that i really appreciated that a lot.” you smile at her and she smiles back.
“of course i would do anything for you, i’m sorry you had to see it though. just when i saw him that close to you trying ti touch you i freaked out and just thought of the first thing to do.” she grabbed your hand and started to rub it with her thumb.
“i know els it’s okay let’s get home so we can clean you up.” you looked down at her hands that are already brushing with dried up blood. you asked for her keys and drove back to campus.
you and ellie walked up to your guys room and you went straight to grab her some clothes so she can shower.
“i’m gonna clean up your wounds and then you can shower.” she nodded and took her hoodie off and walked to the bathroom. you grabbed her clothes and made your way over to her in the bathroom. she was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror at the small cuts on her face from the two small punches the guy got in.
you walked in and lent her a small smile and looked under the sink for your first aid kit. once you found it you started to work on her face first.
“it’ll burn a little just warning you.” she hissed when you touched a cut on her face and you pulled back.
“sorry- are you okay?”
“uh yeah yeah i’m fine promise” you nodded and got to work again being able to clean the majority of her face. you looked down for a second until you heard ellie cut the silence.
“you’re so damn pretty.”
“w-what?” you shot your head up and saw her look at you with a slightly shocked face.
“you-you heard that?”
“yes i did-“ you giggled at her eyes almost nearly bulging out of her face.
“oh my god….im so sorry i mean it’s not that you aren’t pretty because you are i just didn’t mean to say that god im an idiot-“ you shushed her and giggled at her banter.
“it’s okay i promise els…oh and thank you.” you looked down and blushed. there was silence between you guys for a little until ellie placed her hand under your chin to move you to look at her. your breathe caught in your throat as you two stared at each other for a second until she started to move closer.
you felt frozen unable to do anything not knowing what to do. you realize she’s going in to kiss you, all your nerves go away and you lean in with her. she puts both of her hands on your face and pulls you in to hurry the process. your lips meet and it’s so cliche but you feel your whole body heat up and you swear you see fireworks. your heart is pumping so fast you don’t know how to react. you move your hands to hold onto ellie’s wrists and push yourself closer to her.
the kiss is passionate and fast, you guys have been wanting to kiss each other for god knows how long and it’s finally happening. it’s just so perfect. you both pull away and stare at each other. you both giggle at how silly this might be.
“i’ve liked you for a really long time bee.” you groaned and heard ellie laugh.
“not the nickname, you know how embarrassing that was.”
“what you getting stung by a bee and having a fat ass lip for a couple of days?” she threw her head back as you pushed her lightly. she pulled your arm back towards her body and you looked up at her. she couldn’t take it you looked so good looking up at her.
“i’ve liked you for a long time too els.”
a/n: i want to start a taglist if anyone wants to join !! just comment you do !
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venus-haze · 2 years
What Is It About Men (Austin!Elvis x Reader)
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Summary: When your best friend and college roommate Jenny Presley returns from spring break your junior year with the news that her mother has left her family, you end up taking on the responsibility of helping her power through the rest of the semester. At the end of the semester, she invites you to spend the summer with her at Graceland, and the last thing you expect is to get so deeply entangled with her father, Elvis, as the season heats up.
Note: So I’m back after a month with the longest fic I’ve ever written. I got some inspiration from the incredible Amy Winehouse song of the same name. The reader in this fic is a cis woman but no other descriptors are used. I also made a fictionalized Presley!daughter for this scenario since I’m kinda doing an alternate timeline type thing which I’ll expand on in the fic. Please do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 10k
Warnings: Age gap (Elvis is in his early 40s and reader is in her 20s), angst, substance abuse, toxic relationships, sexually explicit content. Do not interact if you are under 18.
As soon as you stepped foot in your dorm room, your nose scrunched at the smell of what you knew was mold—again. You hoped in the two weeks you’d been gone for spring break the university would have taken care of the maintenance request that you and your roommate Jenny had submitted at least ten times a piece by then. Still, it had been a good excuse to get out of class when the two of you just wanted to watch TV in the dorm’s common area all day. You and Jenny would take turns pretending to sound sick on the phone to whatever department secretary was on the other line, explaining you couldn’t make it to class because of some reaction or another to the mold in your room, send my regards to professor whoever.
When you first arrived at college your freshman year, you were dreading having a roommate. Though you knew plenty of people who’d become lifelong friends with theirs, for some reason the handful of horror stories you’d heard about nightmare roommates played through your mind, especially when the university wouldn’t tell you the name or contact information of your roommate so you could at least try to coordinate who was bringing what. By the time you got there, she’d already been neatly moved in but was nowhere to be seen until later that night when you met your completely normal roommate who would, in fact, end up being your best friend.
For the first few weeks of the semester your freshman year, Jenny was secretive about her personal life, and you figured it was best not to pry—though you did notice her forced laughter when you said ‘Presley, is your dad Elvis or something?’ Only later to find out that yes, her father was in fact Elvis Presley. She was worried it would change your friendship, her being the daughter of the most famous man in the world. It wouldn’t, though, because through the years, before anything else, Jenny was your best friend, practically your sister, which was why when she arrived back at the dorm from spring break, a blank expression on her normally cheerful face, you immediately began to panic.
She didn’t greet you as she trudged over to her bed, dropping her duffel bag on the floor and sitting on top of her covers. You’d never seen her in such a state before. Unsure of what to do, you cautiously approached her and asked if everything was okay. As you’d quickly learn, it wasn’t.
“Mama left,” Jenny answered, her voice hoarse. “Said she couldn’t do it anymore.”
You sat next to her on her bed. “Do what anymore?”
“Bein’ a Presley, I guess.”
“Jesus, Jenny, I’m so sorry.”
You put your arms around her, allowing her to cry into your shoulder. The wall on her side of the room was covered in a collage of posters and photos, some of you and her together, others with your larger group of mutual friends at events on campus or parties, but mostly of her family. While you knew they were close, Elvis made a point of that from his mother’s untimely death and his increasingly strained relationship with his own father, you didn’t know very much about them besides that. They never came to campus, whether by their own choice or at Jenny’s request as to not draw unnecessary attention to her as she worked to get her history degree. 
Despite having just about every resource at her fingertips, Jenny was just as dedicated as any student at the university. She studied hard and took the occasional less than stellar grades with more maturity than some of the people in your own program who didn’t have money and a big name behind them. You were drawn to how down to earth she was, crediting some of that to her parents, who she said tried to give her as normal of a childhood as possible, mostly at the insistence of her mother. 
“Half her stuff was gone. I found the note she left us on the kitchen counter that mornin’. Dad had fallen asleep on the couch and didn’t even hear her leave,” she choked out.
“Jenny, don’t–”
“I mean I knew since I was young that he cheated on her, and I can’t fault her for bein’ mad about that. But in the note–she said she wanted her life back. Why weren’t we good enough for her?”
You were at a loss for words. From what details you’d managed to pull from Jenny about her family life, her parents had known each other before Elvis became famous and married just ahead of him receiving his draft notice. A couple of years later, Jenny came along, and you assumed the rest was history. After all, Jenny was always excited to visit home during breaks in between semesters and would receive regular care packages from one–or both–of her parents throughout the year that she’d always share with you. 
Surely being married to such a busy and famous man like Elvis must have taken a toll on Jenny’s mother, especially knowing him before all of it, but it was unfathomable to you that she could leave Jenny like she was nothing. It wasn’t like any of Elvis’ vices were Jenny’s fault.
Any attempts to get Jenny to calm down and rest were futile, as she somehow powered through her sorrow to explain how the rest of her spring break went in the fallout of her mother taking off. Her father was a wreck, drinking and rarely leaving his room–though you didn’t want to be rude and point out that’s what tabloids said he did anyway in the wake of his public and messy break from his exploitative long-time manager, Tom Parker. He’d sent most of his entourage away, TCB, the Memphis Mafia, whoever the hell they were, making Graceland emptier than ever. This especially distressed Jenny; she’d refer to them as her uncles more often than not. You were shocked she even returned to campus, but understood when she said she needed space away from home, unable to stand the constant reminders of what just days ago was her happy family life.
Jenny didn’t seem to blame Elvis for the situation. After all, he wasn’t the one who left the family in the middle of the night, throwing in the towel of over twenty years of marriage and motherhood. You’d listen to Jenny’s rants about her mother and the subsequent sobbing sessions too. After all, she’d done the same for you when Billy, your boyfriend of two years, had broken up with you just a year prior.
You began to resent Jenny’s mother too, as you found yourself having to pick up the maternal slack. You loved Jenny, but balancing your studies and social life with making sure she got out of bed, took care of herself, and went to class every day was becoming overwhelming. The selfish part of you wanted your best friend back, but with you being the only other person privy to the situation, the damage control fell on your shoulders. 
Things began to get better as the semester came to a close, yours and Jenny’s late night study sessions before finals bringing glimpses of her old self back. You did have to give her credit, she was looking at ending yet another semester with a near perfect GPA. You wouldn’t have been surprised if she managed to snag the title of your graduating class’s valedictorian. 
The two of you were packing up your shared dorm room after your last finals of the year, excited to be out of the crappy room and moving into an off-campus apartment for your senior year. You’d been worried about how close you and Jenny would stay after graduating and going your separate ways, but she had decided after a meeting with her advisor that she was going to apply for the university’s graduate program, so the two of you would be roommates for the foreseeable future.
“Y/N, I hate to ask this. I’m sure you’re itchin’ to go home for the summer,” Jenny asked with an uncharacteristic hesitancy as you decided which notebooks you were going to keep and which to throw away.
“What is it?”
“Will you spend the summer at Graceland with me? I don’t have any friends in Memphis really–”
“No, Jenny, I don’t want to spend the summer with my best friend in her giant mansion.”
This pulled a laugh from her, so rare those days that you felt a sense of accomplishment at hearing the sound. “Shut up. I’ll let dad know to expect you.”
“I do wanna spend a week or two at home, though, just to see my family.”
She nodded. “That’s perfect, actually. Gives me time to assess the damage.”
You weren’t sure if she meant physical damage to the house in her absence, or emotional damage as her father dealt with her mother’s leaving on his own. Deciding it best not to pry, you instead began excitedly planning the summer with her. You would miss having time with your friends from back home, but you knew you wouldn’t be at Graceland all summer anyway. Every year from the end of July into the beginning of August, Jenny volunteered at a sleepaway camp in the Smoky Mountains for underprivileged kids, so you’d have more time with your friends when she left to go there before the semester started and you headed back home.
The visit with your family the first two weeks of your summer break was short and sweet, ending comically with just about the entire household trying to help you fit a summer’s worth of clothes and toiletries into a suitcase and carry-on. Jenny had told you to pack light, promising she’d take you shopping, but the last thing you wanted to do was seem like you were taking advantage of your rich friend. After all, she had your first-class flight to Memphis billed to Elvis Presley Enterprises, despite your insisting that economy class was fine. 
Memphis was bright and sunny when your flight landed, and you were glad to be one of the first people off the flight, excited to see Jenny again. She’d called you a few times while you were home, you suspected partially to try to convince you to get to Graceland earlier than agreed upon, but knowing you had limited time at home, you were busy catching up with as many people as you could before what your family jokingly referred to as your vacation. 
You shook your head upon seeing Jenny standing in arrivals, holding up a white poster board with your name written in thick black marker across it. You grabbed your luggage from baggage claim, failing to suppress your smile as you walked over to her.
“You’re so lame,” you laughed, giving her a hug.
She jokingly hit you over the head with the sign. “I was tryin’ to be thoughtful.”
As you and Jenny walked arm and arm out of the airport, you almost stopped in your tracks at the limo that was waiting at the curb for you. You didn’t know what else you expected, but the reality of who your best friend was finally hit you after three years of knowing her. She thanked the chauffeur who put your bags in the trunk of the limo and ushered you inside the luxurious car.
“You hungry? We can stop somewhere,” she offered.
You shook your head. “I’m nervous. Is it normal to be nervous?”
“Don’t be. Dad’s dad,” she said, as if that were supposed to make any sense.
Except your dad isn’t dad, you wanted to argue. Your dad is the most famous man in the world, the king of rock n’ roll. He’s not just some dad, Jenny. Hell, you grew up listening to the man’s voice on the radio or on your parents’ record player. As far as you were concerned, you may as well have been meeting Jesus Christ himself. Maybe what you were feeling in the back of that limo was how old people felt as they neared death, legs bouncing and bile rising in their throats as they neared the pearly gates. In your case, however, it was the music-note adorned gates of Graceland where at least two dozen fans were standing vigil. What’s more, Jenny recognized some of them, asking by name how they were doing. You slunk down in your seat, suddenly considering if agreeing to spend the summer at Graceland was a mistake.
Jenny turned back to you when she finished catching up with the people outside her home. You’d read a few articles that detailed how Elvis was dedicated to his fans, taking more of an interest in them than many other celebrities. He’d stop everything to sign autographs and get to know people, feeling that it was the least he could do for the people who made his career possible. Although it was a foreign concept to you, you thought it sweet that Jenny took on that attitude as well.
An elderly woman stood on the front porch, who Jenny practically jumped out of the car to greet. You figured it must have been Grandma Dodger, Elvis’ grandmother who Jenny was just as close with as he was. She was kind, giving you a hug and asking polite questions about how finals went and what your plans after college were. Dodger could tell you and Jenny were about to melt from the heat when she waved the two of you inside to follow her. 
Despite knowing exactly whose home you’d be spending most of your summer in, you were starstruck upon seeing the man in person, standing frozen in awe as Elvis Presley himself walked over to the foyer, a bright smile on his face when he saw the group of you. He gave Dodger a kiss on the cheek as she settled into an armchair in the living room. 
Growing up, you’d always thought Elvis was handsome, from the photos you saw of him in magazines and handful of his movies you’d seen, but he was younger then, not quite mythologized yet. Meeting him in that moment, with his evident age and maturity, he was gorgeous.
“You must be Y/N,” Elvis said, his voice deep and smooth as he greeted you. “I do hugs ‘round here, hope you don’t mind.”
You shook your head, because who the hell were you to say no to a hug from Elvis Presley of all people. His arms were warm and strong as they wrapped around you, pulling you close as if he’d done this a million times before—maybe not to you, at least. You returned the gesture, a bashful smile on your face when the two of you broke from the hug.
“You’re all Jenny talks about,” he said. “I call her and ask ‘How’s school?’ and I get an earful about you. Feels like I already know ya.”
“Dad,” Jenny groaned, rolling her eyes before shifting her gaze to you. “He’s exaggerating. He likes to embarrass me.”
He laughed. “That’s what I’m supposed to do.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” you said. “Thanks for letting me stay here. Your house is beautiful.”
“It’s your house for the summer, too,” Jenny said. 
“That’s right. Y’all girls got the pool, the horses, go-karts. Hell, Memphis is jumpin’ most nights. I used to go to this club on Beale Street called—“
“Club Handy, yeah dad.”
You almost laughed at the situation. For how much you had built up the Presleys in your head all these years, especially Elvis, it was a relief to see Jenny get just as embarrassed by her dad as you did at your own parents sometimes. Still, you didn’t understand what she had to be embarrassed about, Elvis had been nothing but nice and funny so far. You nearly protested when she began pulling you up the stairs with her, your suitcase in her other hand.
“Alright, don’t want the ol’ man crampin’ your style, I get it,” Elvis said as he noticed Jenny leading the escape.
Jenny smiled. “Love you dad. We’ll see you for dinner.”
“Love you too, kiddo. How’s hamburgers sound?”
“Perfect!” Jenny called back from the top of the stairs.
As the two of you walked down the long hallway to the guest room where you’d be staying for the summer, you couldn’t help but finally blurt out your thoughts at meeting Elvis for the first time.
“Your dad’s like—“
“He’s a lot, I know.”
“What? No, I was gonna say normal. I mean, except for the whole ‘being Elvis Presley’ thing.”
She huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, except for that.”
The guest room was at least twice the size of your room at home, and you couldn’t imagine what the other bedrooms in the house must have looked like. The decor was a bit outdated but in pristine condition. If anyone had stayed there before you, you couldn’t tell as you walked around to observe the large bedroom.
Jenny stood awkwardly in the doorway, clearly unused to having guests of her own over. “I guess I’ll leave you to unpack. Bathroom’s right through that door, and my room is two doors down. Come find me when you’re done, and I’ll give you the tour.”
“Okay,” you said.
You opened the closet door, finding empty hangers for your clothes. It didn’t take you very long to unpack, hanging up some of your clothes and putting others in the drawers of the nearby dresser. The bathroom was just as elaborate as the bedroom, its pink tile walls and floor looked like it’d just been installed. You set your toiletries where you usually kept them at home.
Jenny’s bedroom door was open, and you found her laying on the floor, reading a magazine. Her room wasn’t much different from the dorm room as far as decor went, except the bedroom was naturally far bigger. You wondered how she even survived in the cramped shared living space, growing up with such an incredible room of her own.
She was surprised to see you walk in, not expecting you to finish unpacking so soon. True to her word, she gave you the grand tour of Graceland. She had a story for just about every room in the house, something funny she or her dad had done, but you noticed mention of her mother as scarce. Still, the woman’s presence lingered throughout the mansion like a ghost–family photos that were still on bookshelves, the wallpaper and furniture she’d picked out in some of the rooms.
By the time Jenny had finished showing you the house and just how much there was to do outside, your stomach began rumbling, and you couldn’t ignore the smell of whatever was cooking in the kitchen. 
“Dad, what’re you cooking for?” Jenny asked upon seeing Elvis standing front of a cast-iron skillet on the stovetop.
“Changed my mind about burgers. This is one of Dodger’s recipes, I wanted to do somethin’ special for your friend’s first night here.”
“Food poisoning isn’t special.”
“C’mon, that was one time, and I got just as sick as you.” He turned to you. “Don’t listen to her. It hasn’t happened in years.”
You laughed, sitting at the table, amused by their banter. Dodger walked into the kitchen, taking the seat near you and giving you an exasperated glance. Apparently this was a regular occurance.
You hadn’t realized how hungry you were until you started eating, but it didn’t faze them, as you noticed where Jenny had picked up the habit of talking while chewing came from. The whole situation was almost normal, which made it all the more bizarre to you. You hadn’t expected to be catered to hand and foot by butler and maids or whoever they may have employed at Graceland, but having a regular, home-cooked meal with the Presleys wasn’t what you had in mind for your first meal there. 
The food was good, and Elvis was especially pleased the next morning when no one showed signs of food poisoning, as he so kindly informed a half-awake Jenny over breakfast the next morning. You slept well in the guest room, the bed was more comfortable than the one you had at home, and having your own bathroom to take as much space as you needed to do your nighttime and morning routines was something you knew you’d savor throughout the summer.
Your first week at Graceland was mostly spent in the house, either in Jenny’s room where the two of you listened to music and planned the rest of the summer.
“Y’all can’t spend all summer inside. We got a nice pool out there, and y’all ain’t even used it yet,” Elvis said. “And those poor horses are neighin’ for you, Jenny.”
“Oh my god,” she groaned, covering her face with a pillow in embarrassment.
Elvis winked at you, and you smiled in return.
“You bring your swimsuit, Y/N?” Jenny asked when she lifted her head.
When you changed into your swimsuit in your room, you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring how well it looked on you. It flattered your figure perfectly, so much so that you’d bought different patterns and colors in the same style. A brief, foolish thought raced through your mind, what would Elvis think?
As you made your way downstairs, you took a detour to talk to Dodger who was watching TV in the living room.
“Hi Dodger,” you greeted cheerfully. “Are you gonna go swimming with us?”
She scoffed. “I went enough of my life without air conditionin’, I’m not givin’ up bein’ comfortable now.”
You nodded. “I don’t blame you. Do you need anything before I head out?”
“Jenny just got me a Coke before she ran out the door. Thanks for askin’, sweetheart,” she said, smiling.
Jenny was already in the pool by the time you got there, climbing out to head to the diving board. You set down your towel on an empty pool chair and applied your sunscreen, watching as she jumped from the board and into the pool. The sun was unforgiving as you could already feel yourself sweating off the sunscreen. Still, you knew you needed to wait at least a few minutes before heading in.
Sometimes you and Jenny would swim at the pool in the campus gym, but it reeked of chlorine and on more than one occasion had to be cleared out because some hungover asshole threw up in it. The pool at Graceland looked immaculate, though.
“You’re not swimmin’?” Elvis asked, startling you a bit. You hadn’t noticed him walk up.
“I’m waiting for my sunscreen to dry first.”
“I’ll keep you company,” he said, sitting next to you on the towel.
Neither of you spoke as you watched Jenny do a backflip off the diving board, Elvis jokingly calling out a score when she emerged from the water. She stuck her tongue out at him before swimming over to the ladder out of the pool, making her way back up the diving board.
“Did she dive competitively or something?” you asked.
He laughed, shaking his head. “Nope, just likes jumpin’ off the thing. We signed her up for just about everything else she wanted to try. Really is a miracle she ended up alright, Lord knows I let that girl get away with murder growin’ up.”
“Jenny is the best friend I’ve ever had,” you said softly.
He turned his head to look at you, squinting a bit from the bright summer sun that was shining from behind you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him—his tanned skin almost gold in the sunlight with his black styled hair, the faintest hint of laugh lines beginning to show in the corners of his mouth as he gave you a kind smile. “I’m real glad to hear that. She thinks highly of you too.”
Before you could respond, he said, “I’ve spent a lot of time readin’ the Bible recently. Lots of strong friendships in there, people who get through trials and tribulation together. We’re all sinners, but the Lord gives us strength in each other. Seein’ how good Jenny is doin’ thanks to you makes me think maybe I shouldn’t have pushed away all the people I did when her mama left.”
If that was his way of calling you heaven-sent, you’d take it. Jenny had told you he was religious, not obnoxiously so, but had a deep, personal faith that he cherished. People often turned to religion when they felt lost or troubled, seeking comfort that their experiences weren’t meaningless and there was a higher power looking out for them. Regardless of how you felt about it, you weren’t about to tear apart something that gave him peace.
“Isn’t that why God made Eve? So Adam wouldn’t be lonely?” you asked.
You couldn’t read the look he gave you as his expression shifted just enough for you to notice sitting so close to him, yet he answered, “That’s right.”
“Y/N, are you coming in or not?” Jenny shouted from the diving board.
You smiled at Elvis before getting up and taking a careful step into the shallow end of the pool. Standing in the waist deep water was refreshing, and you floated for a bit, talking with Elvis and Jenny who’d taken a break from diving to unsuccessfully convince her dad to join the two of you in the pool. He simply brushed her off, claiming he was fine despite the sweat dripping from his forehead in the Memphis heat. 
It wasn’t until you expressed that you felt bad he was sitting out in the sun, he finally relented. To your disappointment, he didn’t take off the t-shirt he was wearing when he got into the pool. You were slightly embarrassed that you even wanted to see him shirtless, especially with Jenny around. It made you feel acutely aware of how much you were talking with Elvis, even though Jenny had become preoccupied with diving again.
The next few weeks were mostly spent poolside, except for the day Jenny stayed out too long and ended up getting heatstroke, confining you inside the house while she recovered. Elvis offered to have a car bring you into Memphis to go shopping or do some sightseeing, but you decided to stay with Jenny instead, watching the TV in her room and bringing her food and drinks, even though she told you that someone else could do it. 
When she recovered, she brought you on a shopping spree, ‘To thank you for playing nurse,’ she had joked. She told you not to pay attention to the price tags of anything, but you couldn’t help it, putting back items you deemed too expensive and claiming you didn’t like them that much anyway. Of course, Jenny would go right back behind you and grab whatever you’d left, buying it for you anyway.
You enjoyed Memphis a lot, and Elvis seemed excited when you returned from the shopping trip with Jenny, telling him as much. It was nice to switch things up from the normal pool days, something that you never thought you’d find yourself thinking. As Elvis had pointed out, there was a ton to do in Memphis. Although, on the handful of nights you and Jenny went out to a local bar or club, he waited up until the two of you got back to Graceland. Jenny apologized each time, as if embarrassed by Elvis’ concern. Each time, you brushed off her apologies. Sure, you and Jenny were adults, and her dad didn’t have to wait up by the window for the two of you, but it was sweet.
Apparently, the nights out you’d experienced in Memphis would be nothing compared to the annual Presley Fourth of July party, which Jenny grew more excited for as the day got closer. Every year they had a party that raged on from the height of the afternoon well into the next morning. Though she told you that it wouldn’t be as extravagant as past celebrations, it would be a good time nonetheless. Still, Elvis had apparently invited the “Memphis Mafia” whom you’d heard so much about, the first time they would all be together in months.
She had assured you it would be a casual barbecue type of event, so you decided to dress comfortably for it, figuring you’d be spending most of your time outside in the pool or hanging out with Jenny. You certainly hadn’t underdressed, as when you got downstairs, just about everyone else was wearing some kind of t-shirt and jeans or shorts. You noticed Elvis dressed down in a t-shirt with your university’s logo on it and a pair of jeans that made his ass look fantastic—not that you were looking.
The first hour or so of the party consisted of getting drinks from the open bar and going through introductions to the four dozen or so people in attendance, most of whom Jenny introduced as “uncle” or “aunt” so-and-so. Luckily Dodger knew everyone, and in the two instances Jenny asked you to get someone in particular, she gladly pointed you in the right direction. 
At some point in the afternoon, a football game started, unsurprising as Jenny had told you how much her dad loved football. In fact, he’d wanted to attend some of your university’s football games but knew it’d cause a scene if he showed up. You helped Jenny referee the pickup game, not knowing much about football yourself, but it seemed like they were making up rules on the spot anyway. 
The game was fun to watch and a good excuse to stare at Elvis, until a football went flying in your direction. Just as it was about to hit you square in the face, you landed on the ground with a thud. You were dazed for a few moments before noticing Elvis was on top of you, looking at you in concern.
“Y/N, you alright?” he asked.
God, he felt nice pressed against you, but as so many eyes were on you, you had no choice but to answer, “Yeah, thanks for saving my face.”
He laughed. “‘Course, darlin’.”
“Sorry about that!” a man shouted from a few feet away.
Elvis helped you up off the ground, brushing away some of the stray dirt that’d gotten on your shirt. 
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked once again, a steady hand on your shoulder as he searched your face with his ocean blue eyes.
You felt your face heat up at being the focus of his attention. “I’m fine, really.”
He nodded, but still jokingly said, “Jenny, you watch her. Keep her out of trouble.”
The football game didn’t go on much longer after that. Jenny had forgotten what the score was, and you hadn’t been much help. Not to mention with how hot it was out, everyone was getting tired and hungry. You and Jenny talked as you balanced the paper plates filled with food on your lawn chairs, but your mind kept wandering to Elvis being on top of you earlier. So close to him, you could have leaned up for a kiss, pressed your lips against his and found out what he tasted like, something sweet yet masculine you supposed. 
You were startled from your daydream by Jenny asking you where you wanted to sit during the fireworks. Jenny. You felt horrible for the crush you’d developed on your best friend’s father and foolish for even considering he’d be interested in you in the first place. After all, you were at Graceland to spend the summer with Jenny. She was the one who’d invited you and extended such generosity that you didn’t feel like you deserved, especially now that your mind was wandering to thoughts of her father.
As soon as the sun set, the elaborate fireworks show began, you and Jenny sharing an old picnic blanket she’d found and sitting on Graceland’s lawn, watching the bright blues and reds light up the night sky. You could hear Elvis laughing and hollering with some of his buddies as they lit the fireworks, each one more dazzling than the last. 
About halfway through the palette of fireworks that the guys were going through, Elvis turned to you and Jenny, a big smile on his face as he extended his arms out, raising his eyebrows. You responded with a thumbs up, and Jenny nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Your ears were ringing by the time the fireworks show was over, but there was no denying they were the best you’d ever seen.
The smoke from all of the fireworks left the air hazy, so you and Jenny laid out on the blanket, looking up at the stars while waiting for everything to settle down. You loved how no matter the situation or how long the two of you were around each other, conversation with Jenny always flowed naturally. No matter what, you could tell her anything. Well, almost anything.
At around two in the morning, when nearly everyone else had left or called it a night, as Jenny had, you found Elvis sitting alone at the empty bar, a glass of melting ice next to him. You sat down next to him, your knee touching his as you turned on the bar stool to look at him.
“I wanted to thank you for the party. It was incredible,” you said. “I mean the food and the fireworks, just everything. Also, you know, saving me from an emergency room visit.”
“I’m glad you had a good time, darlin’. Seemed like Jenny was havin’ a lot of fun.”
“She was happy to see everyone. I don’t think I remember all of their names, though,” you said. “She’s got a lot of uncles.”
He laughed. “Yeah, she grew up with all of ‘em. They’ve been part of the family for, well, since I got back from the service.”
“Did you like Germany?”
“No, I was homesick and lonely the whole time. Jenny’s mama was back here, and it didn’t help that—“ he sighed, shaking his head. “I was ‘bout Jenny’s age when my mama died. That ruined me, it really did. Then the same thing pretty much happens to her. It’s like we’re cursed or somethin’.”
“I—I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “You got nothin’ to apologize for, darlin’. You’re bein’ a good friend to my baby girl right now.”
“She’s been a good friend to me. She deserves it,” you said. “I know it’s not the same, but when my ex dumped me, I didn’t think I would ever feel okay again.”
“Can’t believe anyone would dump a lady like you.”
“I could say the same about you,” you flirted back without thinking, horror washing over you as you realized your faux pas. “Elvis, I—“
“I’ll take it as a compliment, comin’ from you, darlin’.”
You gave him a nervous smile, assuming he was just saying that to be nice. It was a ridiculous thing for you to say, after all, hardly knowing the man besides what little your friend had told you and the month or so you’d been at Graceland. His faults were glaring, the repeated infidelity toward his wife—soon to be ex-wife, you supposed—as well as his substance abuse issues, the latter of which you understood he’d been working on, to at least be fair. Still, he was a loving father to your best friend, and he’d been nothing but kind and charming toward you, a near stranger staying in his home for the summer. 
Upon speaking with him further, he revealed that the reason he cast out so many of his trusted friends, the people who made up TCB, was that almost all of them, in one way or another, could see Jenny’s mom leaving from a mile away. Meanwhile, Elvis and Jenny were blindsided by her abandonment. He was hurt that no one gave him a heads up, at least so he could try to make things right with her. He did admit, however, that as her husband, he should have noticed something was wrong and she was reaching her breaking point.
About an hour later you excused yourself to go to bed, and didn’t wake up until late the following afternoon. The mood in Graceland shifted after the Fourth of July party. Despite the heavy conversation you had with Elvis that night, things seemed lighter. He had his old friends over more frequently, which Jenny was glad about, expressing that she felt like her dad was slowly getting back to his old self again. 
Most notably, Elvis sought you out more. Though you and Jenny were practically attached at the hip, he began occupying the spare moments you had to yourself. You couldn’t even say that you minded too much, but the way he regarded you felt more intimate than before, deeper conversations and fleeting touches punctuated your time with him. 
One evening, when you decided to cook an old family recipe of yours for the Presleys, Elvis insisted on helping. He chopped and grated as directed, but when he needed to get past you to grab something, he put his hands on your hips, squeezing them a bit as he moved in the space between you and the counter. Your breath hitched at the action, and when you looked over at him, he appeared preoccupied with what he was searching for. 
You tried to burn the feeling of how his hands felt on your hips into your memory. Perhaps it was a reflex, a holdover from domestic moments with his wife. Your heart raced at the thought. Filling the maternal role for Jenny was one thing, but the prospect of inadvertently providing Elvis the intimacy that was absent since his wife had left made your head spin. 
You and Jenny already looked after each other, and though helping her push through the last few weeks of the spring semester was a struggle, spending the summer keeping her mind off of her mom was far easier. There were still some nights when she’d knock on your door, tears streaking down her cheeks as she asked if she could talk to you, not wanting to be alone, knowing you would always say yes. They weren’t nearly as frequent, though.
Elvis didn’t seem to have someone like that, who he could be vulnerable with and not have to worry about being judged or taken advantage of. You supposed he gravitated toward you because you were already there, convenient, within reach, and well aware of the situation at hand. The more you spoke with him, the deeper your attraction to him became. For all of the things you’d read and heard about him through the years, none of them mention how smart and sensitive he was. 
At that point, it shouldn’t have surprised you that Jenny’s affinity for history came from him. He read a lot in his free time on a variety of subjects and was interested in the details of your major. He told you how proud he was when Jenny expressed a desire to go to college and get her degree. It definitely didn’t surprise you when he said that she’d always gotten fantastic grades, graduating in the top ten percent of her high school class. 
You were glad Elvis supported Jenny so much, even if she did regard him as a bit overenthusiastic at times. There were plenty of people you knew with terrible fathers, and Elvis’ dedication to Jenny made you admire him that much more. Of course, Jenny was incredibly important to you too. You liked your other friends, but they weren’t her.
When Jenny approached you toward the end of July, standing in your room and shifting from leg to leg with an anxious expression on her face, you were sure you’d been found out. She knew about your crush on her dad and was going to confront you over it. Send you packing and leave you shit out of luck for a roommate just a month before the semester was going to start.
“I forgot to tell you,” she began, “that summer camp I volunteer at every year is coming up next week, the one in the Smokies.”
You nearly sighed in relief. “Yeah, I know, Jenny. I’ll see you in August.”
“I was wondering—can you stay? I really don’t think dad should be alone, and Dodger needs to rest, not worry about him. He was a mess the week before you got here, Y/N. Just check on him, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, taken aback by her request. “I don’t want to impose. I’m your guest here.”
“He trusts you. He has a hard time trusting people. I swear I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t know he trusts you.”
Fuck, why can I never say no to Jenny, you found yourself thinking as you agreed to look after her father during the three weeks she was away. It was only three weeks, and you liked Elvis a lot anyway, maybe more than you should have considering he was your best friend’s father. Still, you figured there was no harm in the small crush you were harboring, certain it would fizzle out by the end of the summer when you and Jenny returned to campus.
The week leading up to Jenny leaving was hectic on her end, and you got a bit of a trial run on how spending three weeks by yourself with Elvis would be, especially since Dodger was understandably doing her own thing, though she knew how to play just about every card game in the book and could kick your ass at just about every one of them. When you informed Elvis that you had to call it quits on a game of Go Fish of all things with Dodger, having lost all of the Hershey’s Kisses you’d been betting with, he laughed so hard you thought he was going to fall over.
“You’ll get more kisses, I’ll make sure of it,” he said when he finally caught his breath, unaware of how your heart jumped at his statement. 
Jenny cried when she left for her volunteer camp counselor position, giving you a long hug and thanking you for being such a good friend through everything. You couldn’t help crying too. Of course, you’d miss her, but the guilt you felt in regards to Elvis allowed itself to peek through at her sincerity.
Elvis was lonely, achingly so, and you weren’t sure if it was because he genuinely cared for you or as you suspected, you were just there already, but the time you’d been spending with Jenny was quickly occupied with Elvis’ presence instead. He’d sit in on your card games with Dodger, not playing despite his competitive streak because he hated to lose, which was almost always a guarantee when playing against her. During the day, the two of you would spend hours in the pool, talking and horsing around. When the weather wasn’t great, you’d hang out in the jungle room, listening to music, or if you were really lucky, he’d sing for you. 
You got into a comfortable routine with Elvis, a little too comfortable, you realized, when you’d settled in to watch TV with him after dinner and his arm was around your shoulders, his fingers absentmindedly brushing up and down your forearm as the latest episode of Columbo played. It didn’t matter. No one else was around, which was just the trouble—despite his entourage slowly making their reappearances at Graceland throughout the summer, it was almost as if he reserved his evenings specifically for you.
At the very least, you’d be able to tell Jenny when she returned from her stint as a camp counselor that her dad was doing fine and she had nothing to worry about. That’s how things seemed as the first week of her being away came and went. She sent you, Elvis, and Dodger letters along with some Polaroids of her with her cabin playing baseball, painting, and tubing down a river. You were glad she was having fun. 
Elvis did too, until you noticed his face fall as he studied one of the photos intensely for a few moments.
“She looks just like her mama in that one,” Elvis whispered, putting it on the coffee table.
You walked over, noticing that the angle of her leading the painting class did make her resemble her mother, at least from the few pictures you’d seen of her. 
Elvis disappeared after that, and neither you nor Dodger saw him the rest of the day. When dinner rolled around, your spirits lifted when Dodger taught you one of her old family recipes, the one Elvis had made the first night you arrived at Graceland. She said she only trusted family members with her cooking secrets but figured you were just as part of the family as you could be, which brought you to tears.
After dinner and chatting with Dodger for a bit, you went to check on Elvis. Graceland being the mansion it was, it took at least twenty minutes of checking rooms and admittedly getting lost at one point before you found him in the jungle room, sitting on the couch with a glass of something amber in his hand. The record player was on, but whatever he had on the turntable had long since stopped playing. You broke the unsettling silence in the room, letting him know that there was still some leftover from dinner if he was hungry.
He didn’t answer you or even acknowledge your presence, simply staring straight ahead, deep in thought. You tapped your fingers against the door frame, letting a few moments pass by before turning to leave. Just as you were about to do so, he finally spoke.
“You give your whole life to a woman, and then she just throws it away,” he slurred.
You did cheat on her, you almost said. You understood what he meant, if it had bothered her so much, why did she wait so long to leave. Perhaps she felt as if she didn’t have an opportunity to before, that spring night she left being the only time she had the chance or the nerve to do something she’d apparently been considering for some time. Maybe it was years of built up resentment or countless confrontations that resulted in empty promises. There was no way of knowing what had been the final straw for her, but she certainly hadn’t chosen the least painful option.
You wondered if she had any idea the fallout that was left in her wake. Neither Elvis nor Jenny had any contact with her in the months she was gone. It probably hadn’t occurred to her that your life would be so drastically changed too.
Sighing, you approached Elvis, your hands on your hips as you took stock of the situation. The last thing he needed to be doing was drinking and overthinking, and while you would have preferred he eat a solid meal, the best option was to just make sure he got to his room okay.
“Elvis, let me get you to bed,” you said softly.
He made a grunting noise that startled you. “Ain’t too bad to hear from a pretty thing like you.”
“I’m sorry. That isn’t what I—” you stammered. “I mean, you should go to sleep.”
“Christ, seein’ you all summer in those swimsuits—like you drive me crazy on purpose.”
“C’mon, let’s go,” you said, helping him up from the couch. 
“Shame you’re Jenny’s best friend,” he mumbled. “Ain’t many girls like you ‘round anymore that know how to take care of a man. I’d shack up with ya in a heartbeat.”
You froze in your tracks. He was drunk, that was all. Unable to utter anything coherent in his inebriated state. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of misplaced pride upon hearing Elvis say that he wanted you, that he found you attractive, even. 
Taking his hand, you guided him into what you knew was the master bedroom, though you’d never been inside of it before. The dark decor sent a shiver down your spine, even when you turned on the lights to illuminate the way to his bed. You’d never seen a room so ornate before, truly fit for a man like him—the king.
As soon as Elvis hit the bed, he was out like a light, and you pushed his body so he was laying on his side, just in case. You went into his bathroom, finding a bottle of aspirin among the other bottles that were on the counter. After filling up a glass of water, you brought both to his bedside table. 
Quickly, as if at risk of being caught doing something you weren’t supposed to, you turned off the lights and left, shutting the door behind you. Padding down the hall to the guest room, you sat on the edge of the bed, your head in your hands. You found yourself wishing Jenny was there, but it wasn’t like you could discuss what had happened with her anyway. 
You woke up with a headache the following morning despite not being the one who had been drinking. Slowly, you made your way through your morning routine before heading downstairs to get something to eat. Dodger had made breakfast, so you offered to clean up for her in thanks after you finished your meal. 
While scrubbing one of the pans Dodger had used to fry up eggs in, you could hear Elvis’ familiar footfall. You’d already decided not to acknowledge what had happened and hope the rest of the summer would go on without a hitch.
“Morning,” you said, looking at him over your shoulder. “Dodger left a plate for you in the fridge.”
He sighed, making his way over to you and leaning against the counter. “Y/N, I wanted to apologize for last night. I made a damn fool of myself.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “We all have off nights.”
“Let me make it up to you?” he asked. “It’s the least I can do.”
You hesitated, wondering what exactly he had in mind as far as making it up to you. Ultimately you agreed, finding yourself more anxious than excited over what Elvis had planned, simply telling you to be ready and meet him in the foyer around six. To pass the time, you tried reading some of the magazines in Jenny’s room, but couldn’t focus on any of them long enough. Your headache from earlier was still just barely noticeable, so you took a nap in hopes it would go away before whatever Elvis had planned for the night.
You awoke a little over an hour before you were supposed to meet Elvis downstairs, with no idea as to how to dress. He probably didn’t have a t-shirt and jeans type of thing in mind, but formal wear wasn’t anywhere on your list when you packed your suitcase at the beginning of the summer. You’d brought one nice dress with you, as you knew Jenny wasn’t the type to go to high-end clubs or parties that had a dress code. The only heels you had were a pair Jenny had bought you on your shopping sprees earlier in the summer, and while they didn’t exactly match the dress, they looked nice enough together. 
Satisfied enough with your appearance, you rushed downstairs a few minutes past five. Elvis was already waiting for you, as expected. At least you weren’t underdressed, as he wore a tailored blue suit, foregoing a dress shirt underneath the jacket so his chest hair was on display. You tried not to stare at him, but all dressed up, he looked like a dream. 
“I was startin’ to think you stood me up,” he joked.
Stood him up–like a date? “I’m sorry, the time got away from me while I was getting ready.”
“You look beautiful, darlin’. You always do,” he said, putting his hand on the small of your back.
He led you outside to the limo that was waiting for the two of you, opening the door for you to get in first. Almost as soon as he joined you in the back of the limo, the chauffeur drove off, and you still had no idea where you were going, probably dinner, considering the timing, but there was no way Elvis could go anywhere without being noticed.
“I was able to pull some strings last minute, but this is my favorite restaurant in Memphis,” he assured you. “I booked the whole place out. I didn’t want anyone botherin’ you.”
“Thank you. That’s really sweet.”
“It’s the least I can do. I’m embarrassed you had to see me like that, Y/N.”
“I’m just glad I was able to help,” you said, sincerity in your eyes as you looked at him. 
Before he could respond, the limo stopped, and the chauffeur got out to open Elvis’ door. You noticed that the car was parked in front of the restaurant’s service entrance, although you wondered why even bother with the limo if he was trying to be discreet. You supposed you’d never exactly understand how the other half lived.
You could see why the restaurant was Elvis’ favorite. The place was chic yet charming, and you quickly found that the food was incredible. Not to mention, being the only people in the place meant that the service was great. The owner even made an appearance during the meal, talking up Elvis and saying how lucky he was to have such a beautiful date. Neither you nor Elvis corrected him, which sent a thrill through you. So it was a date.
The night went on perfectly, and the way Elvis looked at you, with an intense adoration, made you feel warm. You wanted to be more forward and flirty, but he simply made you melt into a bashful mess without even trying. He’d been kind and respectful, nothing short of a perfect gentleman, as opposed to how crass he’d been toward you less than a day earlier. You were more than happy to brush the incident off as an isolated thing if it meant you got to see this side of him more.
The date ended far too quickly for your liking, but you and Elvis talked all the way back to Graceland. You found it funny when he walked you upstairs, as if walking you up to your front door.
“Is this where we call it a night?” you asked, standing in the hallway near his bedroom door.
“We don’t have to, but I don’t want to overstep, Y/N,” he said. “I don’t remember much of what I said last night, if I’m bein’ honest.”
“Last night you said that if I weren’t Jenny’s best friend, you’d have sex with me,” you said boldly, looking him in the eye. “Did you mean it?”
He shook his head. “No,” he answered, and a lump formed in your throat as you held back tears at his response. You knew it, just drunk nonsense. How could he ever want— “No, I’d make love to you. ‘S’what you deserve.”
You could only manage a whimper in response. 
“You can say no, darlin’. I won’t hold it against ya none,” he whispered.
Your chest tightened as you could tell by the intensity of his eyes that he was being truthful, but you were too when you whispered back, “I want you to kiss me.”
His lips were soft against yours as he kissed you tenderly, one hand cradling your face as the other pulled you closer by your waist. The care he handled you with made you want to cry as nearly a summer’s worth of pent-up emotions filled your chest. Steadying yourself on one of his arms, you squeezed his bicep. In response, his teeth grazed your lower lip, and you parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slip inside your mouth. He tasted of whiskey and tobacco, and you wondered if he noticed the cherry chapstick you’d put on just half an hour earlier in the restaurant’s bathroom.
He opened his bedroom door behind him, just as quickly shutting it and turning the lights on. He undressed you, gingerly removing each article of clothing from your body and pressing warm kisses across your skin. When you were fully nude, you did the same to him, in awe of the man who stood before you. Your eyes widened a bit at his length, already hard as it sprung free from the confines of his tight pants. 
Just like that evening in the kitchen, his hands were firm on your hips, giving you a squeeze as he guided you backward onto the king size bed. As soon as you made eye contact with yourself with the mirror on the ceiling, you just as quickly averted your eyes. He noticed your hesitation, as a man with a mirror on his bedroom ceiling and extensive sexual experience would, you supposed. Gently, he used his fingers to tilt your head up, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered. “Don’t be shy, darlin’, look at how perfect we are together.”
Darlin’. You wondered, as he kissed and sucked on the tender skin of your neck, if he meant it, if you truly were darling to him. He threw around the pet name so often, especially toward you. A burst of possessiveness sprung from within you at the thought of him calling another woman that, even in passing. He was yours, fuck everything, he was yours.
When you looked up at the mirror again, you realized your initial discomfort came from seeing a woman unrestrained, unhinged. You met your own gaze with one of lustful determination and pulled his head away from your neck, pressing your lips to his once more. Threading your fingers through his messy black hair as you deepened what could hardly be considered a kiss at that point—teeth and tongue and the eventual tang of blood as you bit his lower lip a little too hard in your frenzy.
A sense of pride bubbled in your chest as you smugly watched him consider you with bewilderment. He returned your expression with a smirk of his own, his hand slipping between your thighs. You spread your legs farther open, having no intention of playing the ingénue. You weren’t lying in his bed to pretend you didn’t want him to ruin you.
He wanted you. He wanted you. You repeated this mantra in your head as he slid two of his fingers in your pussy. You couldn’t be bothered to stifle the moan that came from your lips and filled the room. This stirred something in Elvis as he worked his fingers, rapidly pumping them in and out of you, using his other hand to rub your clit to elicit more moans from you. 
“Fuck, darlin’, you keep doin’ that and I might come before I’m even inside ya,” he groaned.
You could feel your pussy tighten around his fingers as you were pushed closer and closer to climax. He leaned down, pressing kisses to your stomach and thighs while whispering something you couldn’t hear. Your ears were ringing, mind hazed—no one had ever made you feel so good in your life, you weren’t sure if anyone else ever could. 
The cry that escaped your lips when you orgasmed was nothing short of primal, your fingers clawing into the satin sheets as your hips bucked against his hand. What was more, he kept at it, using one hand to hold down your hips as he made you cum again with his fingers. It was almost too much, yet you whined when he pulled his hand away.
You could do nothing but lay still as you attempted to steady your labored breathing, but that didn’t stop Elvis, who seemed intent on devouring you.
“I need you,” he mumbled, his desperate prayer repeatedly whispered into your skin that burned at his touch. “Y/N, I need you.”
“I’m right here,” you breathed. “You have me.”
He pressed his lips to yours fervently, holding your face in his hands with a passion that left you even more breathless. You gripped his bicep, kissing him back with a desperation you couldn’t even pretend to be ashamed of.
You gasped as you felt the head of his hard cock against your pussy, digging your nails into his skin as you brought him closer. His chest pressed against yours, he slid his cock inside your still sensitive cunt that immediately responded to being filled. 
His thrusts were slow and steady, taking his time with you in contrast to the messy finger-fucking he’d given you just moments before. You looked up at the mirror on the ceiling again, your lips curling in a smile at the sight. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, your hair wild and eyes wide as you clung to him as he had his way with you. A high-pitched moan escaped your lips as he lowered his head to take one of your breasts in his mouth, the other bouncing in rhythm with his thrusts. You and Elvis looked ethereal, immaculate, a Renaissance painting that would put the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to shame.
“Elvis, oh my god,” you choked out, throwing your head back as you felt your third orgasm building up in your core.
“I’m close, darlin’,” he moaned. “You take me so well—I don’t think I can last much longer.”
“I want you to cum inside me, Elvis,” you confessed, voice strained as you tried to form words. “Please.”
Upon hearing your plea, his thrusts became more erratic. It didn’t take much after that for him to climax, and you jolted at feeling his cum inside you, especially when he rubbed your clit again, sending you over the edge yourself. His name emerged from deep within your throat, as your eyes watered and toes curled when you came.
He’d marked you, claimed you, obliging the request you made in the heat of passion. There was no turning back, no undoing what had just been done. Just as much as Elvis was yours, you were his. 
He settled next to you, taking one of your hands in his and kissing the top of it before asking, “Darlin’, you feel alright?”
You nodded, although alright was such a gross understatement. You felt beautiful. You felt loved. You felt guilt pool in the pit of your stomach at the thought of Jenny and allowed yourself to drown in it when Elvis pulled you against his chest, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and whispering that he loved you.
Taglist: @eliseinmemphis @crash-and-cure @kittenlittle24 @im-lame-irl @loudwombatmugkid @rxsesss @roseymary04 @queendelrey @jovialladyaurora @positivitylane112 @moonknightswif3 @holy-minseok @datsavageavenger @21bruhs @luckyevansstan @djsjs13949​ @butlerslut​ @ash-omalley​ @powerofelvis​ @sad-bisexual-bitch​ @peachy-deaths​ @kibumslatina​ @adoreyouusugar​ @raefoxiegirl​ @ilovehobi101​ @donnamarie23 @memphis-menace​ @animeketsu-yander​ @phhistheloml @dkayfixates​ @austinstyles​ @ophelia-writes-stuff​ 
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musicnotewirt · 2 months
Brown eyes and Birthmarks By Warren
“So Wirt, What are we going to do without me next semester?? We don’t have any classes together and I’m kinda worried about you being alone.” Sara said over the ham and cheese sandwich, looking up at the tall slender boy across the table from her. His shoulders sagged as he groaned. 
Wirt pouted and looked at the black-haired girl. “Sara, I'm not a little kid! I’ll be okay. If anything I’ll probably just be left alone. I haven’t been bothered in a while-“ 
“Because of me!” Sara butted in before Wirt looked away. 
A sigh left Wirts lips. “Yea… I guess so. If anything happens, I know the Queen of the Wrestling Team will come to swoop me up and protect me.” Wirt smiled before getting a gentle punch on the arm. 
“You know it! Seriously tho, please keep me updated. I-“ Sara stopped as she heard a yell from the alley. Wirt and Sara quickly abandoned their sandwiches to assist the voice.
The victim spit out some blood from the gnarly bite mark he left. “What do you even want with me, man?!” A higher-pitched voice cracked as pain flooded him from the jab he received in his side.
The leader glared down at him after he shoved a heel into the boy's knee. “Just- Shut up!” The leader screeched as he drew away his hand. The look of anger and pure hatred hit his blonde brows as they furrowed. 
“Hit him in the neck! That’ll make him shut up!” A red-haired lackey chuckled out as he sat on the birthmarked boy's knees.
 “He isn’t even that strong dude!” Two Boys were pinning down the victim, a brown-haired boy with a weird birthmark on his forehead. A black-haired lackey held the victim's arms behind his head. The last lackey was spouting useless words at the two other lackeys while propped against the wall. The birthmarked boy wincing in pain as his arms were held too tightly, pushed too far back for comfort. 
He felt small and weak despite his determination to do this on his own. He really wanted to prove he could do it alone but, he's just one guy. Fear was slowly seeping into his core as he realized he was stuck, he couldn't help himself anymore. This was too much for him. Dirt was pushed up as two figures shadowed them. The group of boys, the victim, included looked up at the voice that broke their engagement. 
“Hey! Get the fuck off him you dunces!” Sara yelled as she stormed up to them, hands on her hips. Three of the boys looked back at her before their eyes widened in shock, but not at her. Wirt had a deathly glare, cold from the gray undertone in his eyes while the brown held a profound horror that shook the boys to their core. 
“H-hey we’re just horsing around!” The leader said, grabbing the redhead on the victim's knees up as the others let the slightly bruised boy go. 
A huff left Sara’s thin lips. “Sure as hell you are. Leave him alone and you won’t get fucked over by us okay?” She smiled but it only made them even more uneasy before they nodded and ran away. She was kind of surprised that’s all it took before she turned around and saw Wirt’s ice-cold glare before it turned gentle again as he grabbed the victim's arm gently.
“Hey- hey, it’s okay…” Wirt said in a soft tone as he let the short male hide in his chest. His thin digits rubbing over deep curls as he sat down in the alley to let the other one crouch between his legs to calm down. Sara smiled as she joined the dirt next to Wirt.
 “We just want to know your name, that alright?” Wirt smiled as he left a hand to rest on his shoulder. 
A shaken cough left the birthmarked boy's lips. “D-dipper. Dipper Pines. Sorry, I-I’m-“ He kept sputtering before Wirt pulled him into a comforting hug. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Relax. Breathe a bit Dipper. We got you.” The tall boy hummed before Sara joined in. 
Her black hair fell to the side as she looked at Dipper. “Yeah no need to worry anymore they’re gone.” After calming down the boy, even just a little, he spoke up. 
“I’m sorry you guys had to help me. If it was only two of them I would have been able to handle them but 4… is a bit much for me…” Dipper sighed before realizing where he was. A quick blush flushed his face and ears before he twisted to sit next to the duo. 
“S-sorry man.” He gestured weirdly before Wirt chuckled. 
Wirt's smile widening at the shorter male. “You’re good, don’t worry. And… Trying not to be nosy but, why were they bullying you?” Wirts head tilted as Dipper groaned. 
“They are just idiots who hate me because I’m better than them in Baseball. And well… I have an insecurity… So it makes for an easy target. Definitely when I have no one around me.” Dipper pushed down his bangs a bit as he looked at the boy and girl beside him. 
An o shape took place of the duo's mouths before looking back at Dipper. “Ahh okay… so that birthmark! I don’t see why they think it’s weird I thought it looked cool as fuck! Like- what?” Sara moved her arms in a way to express how she was confused about a cool thing being seen as weird. Wirt just shrugged at her before giving Dipper his attention again. 
“Have you eaten yet?” Wirt gently said as he remembered his and Sara’s sandwiches.
Wirt looked at Dipper's eyes as they went stern. “Yes,” Dipper said in a deadpan voice, only for the growl of his stomach to betray him. The duo giggled happily before helping the short male up off the dirt.
While walking to the cafeteria Sara looked over at Wirt with a cheshire grin. “Rock paper scissors!” She cheered.
A confused look went to his face as he tiled his head. “For what?” Wirt looked confused as he stared at the shorter girl in front of him.
“Dippers meal of course! He’s not paying after that beating!” Sara expressed as she slouched her shoulders with her hands in front of her.
A laugh left Wirts lips happily as he nodded “Okay, okay. One round though, Loser pays.” The two readied up, Wirts tongue slightly sticking out of his lips as Sara smirked at him.
She blew out a small breath before announcing. “Rock, Paper, Scissors, GO!” She threw out a pair of Scissors as Wirts hand flatted above his other hand. “No!” Wirt yelled, a sigh leaving his lips as the black-haired girl threw her hands in the air.
“Haha! I win! Dippers lunch is on your tab!” She smiled, nudging the taller as he gave a gentle smile to Dipper. Dippers lips failing to smile as he stared at the two new friends hes acquired.
Now at the lunch table with food, Sara leaned forward to stare at the new addition. “So… Dipper, what are your classes next semester?” She asked while sipping her orange juice. Dipper looked at the wrestler before humming. 
The boy pulled the wrinkled paper from his pocket before reading off the list in order. “I have AP Calc, AP Chemistry, and AP English with a Computer Science class. What about you guys?” He hummed as he took a bite of his sandwich. 
“Well, I have Physical Ed, Band, AP Calc, and History.” Sara looked at Wirt as he fidgeted with his last bite of bread. 
Wirt slouched in his seat as he looked at his paper since his memory failed him. “I have AP Calc, Botany, AP English, and Band.” Sara signed and finished her drink. 
“SEE? I have nothing with you guys! I'm all alone! But hey, at least you get Dipper for half the day.” Sara beamed before the trio heard the bell ring. 
A small frown went to Dippers lips at the sound that would separate them all for now. “Yea.. And we still have lunch together next semester. Let's all get together, okay?” Wirt smiled, looking at the new boy they had added to make their Trio. 
“Yea!” Dipper smiled. He wasn't alone anymore. Now he was very content with the way his life was slowly changing, hoping for the days with this new trio to become his normal.
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luke-hughes43 · 1 year
Just Friends | edwards x Luke!twin
Here is the Ethan fic, hope you enjoy!
Part 2 | Insta Edit
~You are Luke Hughes’s twin sister and play hockey and softball at the University of Michigan. You are very close with Luke given that you are twins. You are best friends with teammate, Ethan Edwards. You and Ethan were always flirty with each other but were always strictly friends. Until, maybe you weren’t.~
*This is a part one of I don’t know yet. Takes place freshman year.*
October, 2021
Morgan’s POV
I’m currently hanging out with my brother and our teammates. We decided to have a movie night in Ethan and Mark’s dorm, since I had a projector and Ethan didn’t put anything on his wall. I put on Miracle because we couldn’t decide on anything and I figured that everyone would be happy, and they were.
Somehow, I wound up squished between Ethan and Mark. Ethan is quite literally my best friend. We do everything together and it’s been that way since we stepped foot on campus. When we’re not in class, at hockey, or me at softball (because I’m a two sport athlete) we’re always together. 
Ethan put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. This was a common thing we did. Me and Ethan are just friends though. I lean my head against his shoulder because I’m starting to get tired. I had 6 am weights for softball on top of three classes and hockey practice. This was a regular thing for me. I feel Ethan kiss my head (something that was also a common thing between us) and say, “Go to sleep, you had a long day. I’ll wake you when the movie is over and walk you back. Just close your eyes morgs.”
I nod and listen to him. I don’t really remember falling asleep but I remember hearing a camera click and someone that sounds like Dylan say, “They’re cute. Are we sure that they are just friends?”
“Yes. Morgan would’ve told me if she had a boyfriend. I’d know anyways, we’re twins remember.” Luke said in a ‘duh’ tone.
Mark comments. “And Ethan would’ve mentioned it. He talks about her a lot so it would’ve come up.”
“And neither Sarah or McKenna have mentioned it. So they’re just friends Dylan. Just drop it dude. Should we wake them?”
“Nah. She can stay. He’ll walk her home in the morning so it’s fine. She had a long day so let’s not disturb her. You guys should get some sleep too.” Next thing I know, I feel Ethan’s arms tighten around me and I drift back to sleep. 
January, 2022
Morgan’s POV
Now that the spring semester has started, my days have become longer as the softball team is in preseason mode. I have to rearrange my entire schedule to accommodate lift, two practices, 5 classes and games. It’s stressing me out. Hutch is letting me do individual practice with a coach. It’s pissing a lot of my teammates off because they think I’m slacking off when I’m doing double the work. They have started being bitches to me and it pisses me off.
I taught Ethan how to soft toss so that I could get BP in everyday. He’s actually pretty good at it. He throws to me every time I ask and I could not be more grateful. We’re at the cages right now since I had a break in my day. He says, “Three more mego. Then can we be done? I have homework and we have practice at 4.”
“Only if they are good ones.”
“Ok Ms. Perfectionist.” He says with attitude. He throws them and I hit all three of them perfectly to the top right corner of the cage. I put my bat down and we pick the balls up. I turn to Ethan who’s holding the bucket, and say, “Can we go to chipotle or something? I haven’t eaten today.”
“Seriously? It’s 12:30 and you had six am lift on top of back to back classes. And we have practice today.”
“I know that Ethan. I really don’t need you telling me what my schedule is. You sound like Luke.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just worried. You need to take care of yourself morgs.”
“Ethan, I’m fine. Can we just pick these up and get food?”
“Yea. And I’m buying your lunch.”
“Not up for debate. Just help me pick these up.” I laugh and we pick the rest of them up before we head to Ethan’s car and to chipotle. He stays true to his word and buys me lunch despite me protesting. A few of the girls from the team come in and see me with Ethan. Jess comments, “Oh, little miss hockey player is here. Must be blowing off practice again. Wish I could skip like that.”
“Oh and she’s with her little boyfriend. How cute? Wonder what he thinks of her skipping practice all the time.” Sierra says. Hearing that pisses me off. I don’t know why but it just does. I say, “can we go?” Ethan says, “yea. Are you ok?” I shake my head no and he says, “Ok. Let’s go then, yea?”
I nod and he holds my hand and leads me out to the car but we don’t get in it. He pulls me in for a hug and I relax under his touch. I think I’m developing feelings for him and it scares me. Ethan rubs my back and whispers, “Hey, it’s ok. Morgs, you’re ok.”
He kisses my head and I pull away no longer wanted to hit something. I wipe the tears that I apparently shed. He forces me to look at him and he asks, “What happened back there? I’ve never seen you mad like that before.”
“I told you about the softball team basically hating me because of me doing individual practices right?” He nods so I continue, “Well, they’ve been making comments and shit. I usually use it as motivation but it’s been getting to my head. Only Luke knows. He’s the only one I wanted to know. And now you.”
“So then what just happened?”
“Two of the girls in there were on the team and made comments about how I must be skipping practice again and how I’m with my little boyfriend as they refer to you as and said something about what you must think about me skipping practice. That’s not even the worst thing that’s been said. I’m just done with it, all of it Ethan. Sometimes I wish I just played hockey and never played softball in the first place. I can’t keep doing this, it doesn’t feel worth it anymore Eddy.” 
He pulls me back in for a hug and he says, “you know that they aren’t right meg. You are the hardest working person I’ve ever met. It takes real talent, skill, dedication, and sacrifice to play two division one sports like you’re doing. We’re extremely proud of you. Luke for damn sure is. He brags about you when you’re not around. I’m proud of you too. Don’t let them get in your head. I know it sucks. But you’ve worked so hard for this. Hutch knows that, she knows knows that your putting in double the work. It’s gonna pay off. And I’ll be at every damn game, cheering the loudest for number 6 who is my best friend in whole fucking world.”
I mutter, “thank you.” We pull away and head back to school so try and get homework done before practice. I mean we are students too. I hope he’s right and that everything will pay off in the end.
April, 2022
Morgan’s POV
Today is our rivalry game against State. The whole hockey team is here. I’m excited. Ever since our season ended, they’ve been at every home game and even traveled when we played State at State. These boys really do have my back and I love them for it.
Ethan was right, I got this. Bottom of the seventh, tied at 0, two outs. I get down to my last strike. The pitcher winds up and I get my bat on the ball, sending it over the fence, to win the game. As I’m rounding first base, I hear from the stands, “That’s my best friend right there. WOO! Go blue!”
I shake my head at my Ethan. I can hear Luke too, “That’s my twin right there. Hell yea morg! Go blue!” I turn and see Ethan and Luke chest bump. God I hate them sometimes. But they pulled up like they promised so I deal with it. I approach third base and get ready to high-five Hutch as I jog by. Literally the whole hockey team is on their feet cheering for me especially since we just beat State.
“That’s our girl.” I hear from Nolan Moyle.
“WOO! That’s my girl right there! Number 6 on the field, number 1 in my heart! I love you morgs!” I hear from Ethan fucking Edwards. Oh my god. Ethan is definitely drunk. I laugh it off and get greeted by the team. They're happy but I think it’s because we won, not because I hit a walk off. 
It sucks because straight up only like 6 girls like me. Alex, McKenna, Audrey, Kaylee, Sarah, and Ella. Alex is transferring and using her 5th year somewhere else so I’m losing one of my girls. It’s tough but I got my boys.
After we shake hands and everything, I head to the locker room and grab my backpack. I usually just change at the house after games. I go out to all of the boys waiting for me. Ethan comes running over and engulfs me in a huge hug. He reeks of beer. He says, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Party at my house at 9 morgan. Invite whoever. We’re celebrating.” J Bone says. J Bone and his parties. I nod and text my girls and tell them. I ask them not to tell the other girls because I wanted to drink and get drunk tonight. 
*At J Bone’s*
I walk in and everybody cheers for me. I immediately get a drink put in my hand by the bone man himself. J Bone stands up by the speakers and. He says, “Alright, everybody shut up for a sec. For those who don’t know, our girl Morgan Hughes, is a two sport athlete. She dominates on the ice for us and kicks ass on the softball field. Today she hit a walk off homerun to beat State. So this is for her. A toast to our superstar. To Morgan!”
“To Morgan!” Everyone toasts me, making me blush. He gets down and turns the music back on. I immediately down my drink and get another before finding my girls. I get greeted in a hug by them. McKenna says, “Ethan is staring.” 
“He’s staring at you with heart eyes.” Alex says.
“He’s my best friend. He’s also drunk and probably just horny. Let’s not talk about Ethan.” I say.
“As you wish.” Audrey says. We start dancing together. After about two hours, I’m like 7 or 8 in and drunk as fuck. I feel hands go on my hips and someone behind me. I start dancing on them. I’m feeling extra confident, probably the booze. Oh I’m definitely not gonna remember any of this tomorrow. I turn and see my best friend, Ethan Edwards. Neither of us have a problem with this since we’ve always been flirty with each other. We stay like that for a bit before Ethan whispers, “I’m gonna get another, do you want one?”
“Yes please.” I say and kiss his cheek. I could smell the alcohol on him. I also say, “I’m gonna go find Luke while I can still kinda walk.”
“Ok. Just stay there until I come with your drink.” He says kissing my cheek this time. I stumble through the house to find my brother talking with J Bone, Chic, Moyle, Keato, and Grano. I stumble into him saying, “Lukey!” He grabs me smiling, “Morgy. Having fun?”
“Fuck yea. J Bone, your a g man. Sick fucking party.” I say slurring my words. The guys laugh. J Bone says, “Thanks lady Hughes. How many have you had?”
“Uh, I can’t count that high J Bone. Ethan went to get me another one.”
Moyle says, “Oh boy. Good to know.”
“Was he drunk at my game? He seemed it.” I asked. Luke laughs and says,“Yes. You’re staying at my house tonight by the way. You have no choice.”
I say, “Ok.” “You doing ok?” He asks being a little concerned. I nod, “I’m doing great. Has Ethan been drinking all day?” Luke laughs, “Oh yea. He started when he got out of class. I’ve never seen him drink this much.”
“Oh. Can I tell you a secret? But you have to promise not to tell Ethan.” I say. He looks at me smiling, “Twin promise.”
“Boys, block your ears. Lukey’s ears only.” They laugh and then block their ears. I pull Luke down closer to me since he’s so fucking tall and whisper in his ear, “I’m in love with Ethan.”
“I knew that morgy. It’s obvious. You just play it off as best friends. But you’re both drunk so make a move. You both won’t remember so no harm no foul.”
“This is why your my favorite. Your so smart.”
“Glad I can help.” He taps J Bone and they unplug their ears. I stumble over my own feet and Moyle grabs me before I fall. “Woah, you ok lady Hughes?”
“I’m fucking wonderful Moyle. We beat State, there’s no reason to not be ok.”
They all laugh and I hug Luke. He wraps one arm around me to keep me from falling over. Ethan eventually finds us and hands me my drink. I say, “Oh yay! You just became my favorite. Sorry not sorry Luke.” Ethans wraps an arm around me pulling me into him. I smile and say, “Let’s dance Ethan.” We walk off towards the dance floor. 
Luke’s POV
I use Morgan going off with Ethan as my opportunity to make a move on McKenna. We’ve been flirting for a few months but I really like her and want her to be my girl. 
I see her dancing with the girls so I go up behind McKenna and whisper in her ear, “Hey baby.” and then kiss her cheek. She turns and smiles at me. “Hey lukey. Finally come to hit the dance floor?”
“Just for you baby.” I say a smirk and pull her close to me.
I grab her hips to dance along with her. She looks up and at me smiles. She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair. I look down at her with a smirk, “Can I kiss you McKenna?” She nods and I lean in to kiss her.
Morgan’s POV
I look to my right while dancing with Ethan and see Luke kissing McKenna. What the fuck? She’s my best friend. A heads up would’ve been nice. I point it out to Ethan, “He’s kissing her. She’s my best friend.”
“So then kiss his.”
“I am not kissing Dylan.”
“I meant me morgs.”
“Oh. ok.” He leans in and kisses me. I have a feeling that we are both so drunk that we aren’t gonna remember this in the morning. I can taste the beer on his lips. Everything is so fuzzy right now, but I think that’s the alcohol. I don’t remember us stopping but somehow I’m in Luke’s car and cuddled into Ethan’s side in the back while McKenna is in the front seat holding luke’s hand. I’m cold, tired, drunk. “Ethan I’m cold.”
“I know baby. We’re almost at the house. I’ll give you a sweatshirt to sleep in.”
“Thank you. Can I stay with you tonight?” I plead.
“Yea.” Luke pulls into the driveway and has to help us both inside. Ethan almost falls over getting out which is problematic to say the least. I do fall over getting out. “Ow. Ethan why’d you let me fall?”
“I tried baby.”
“No you didn’t. Neither did you Luke, your a bad brother.”
“Morgan, come on. Your drunk and it’s cold. You need to get to bed.” He says trying to get me up. Ethan comes over and tries to help too. I swat their hands away and try to get up myself. I say, “I can take care of myself. And I’m not that drunk.”
“Morgan, seriously. Stop being difficult.”
“I can take care of myself Luke. Just because we’re twins doesn’t mean I need you every second of every day. I’m 18. I don’t need you anymore.”
“Stop being fucking difficult Morgan. Just let us fucking help you. You’re black out drunk right now and don’t know what your doing. Stop being a stubborn bitch, shut up, and just let us fucking help.” He snaps at me. He’s never snapped at me like that. I stand up and lean against Ethan. I snap back at Luke, “Fuck you Luke. Go to hell. Don’t talk to me like that.”
Ethan and I stumble our way up to Ethan’s room. He hands me a sweatshirt and I change for bed. I’ll deal with makeup later. “Hey Ethan?” He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I kiss him one last time for the night and say, “Good night.”
“Good night.” We climb into bed and drift off to sleep.
I wake up the next morning and I’m in Ethan’s sweatshirt and cuddled into Ethan. I look under the covers and check that we are both wearing clothes which is a relief but I don’t remember anything from last night. I don’t even remember getting here. What the fuck happened last night?
I hear Ethan moving next to me, “Why do I feel like I was hit by a bus?”
“I don’t know. Last thing I remember is being at J Bone’s with McKenna and the girls. What do you remember?” I say rubbing my eyes. 
“I remember your brother scolding me for pregaming your game. And I remember your homerun. After that, couldn’t tell you.”
We laugh and then drag ourselves downstairs. I see Luke sitting on the couch watch tv with McKenna. When the fuck did she get here? Luke hears us and says, “Morning. Tylenol is on the counter.”
“Indoor voices.” I say rubbing my temple trying to sooth the headache. I grab the Tylenol and chug some gatorade. Ethan does the same and we both feel like death. I groan and lean against him hugging him. He hugs me back and asks Luke, “What happened last night? Neither of us remember anything.”
“Well, eddy you blacked out at like five from your day drinking. You guys spent most of J Bone’s party with each other. We had eyes on you since you both were blacked out. I was sober and drove home. You guys fell asleep within a half hour of being home.”
I zoned out like halfway through Luke talking. I need food or I’m gonna puke. I use ethan’s chest to hide the light because of my headache. I groan and say, “I’m starving. Can we get food?”
“Yea. I’ll drive. I’m good to drive I promise.”
“Ok.” We got into his car and drove off the get breakfast. He paid for mine, like he usually does no matter my protests. And we head back to the house. I take it nothing happened last night because Luke would’ve said something. We go to Ethan’s room and I cuddle into him to sleep this hangover off.
At least I can chalk up anything I did last night to being drunk. I’m just hoping that I didn’t blurt out that I’m in love with him.
(I have a part 2 ready and currently working on part 3 if anyone's interested)
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elliesslvt · 2 years
mornings with him I eren yeager
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ꕤ hey! this is my first fanfic, so if you have any critiques don’t be shy! i’ve had this in my notes for a while and decided to edit it and finally post it. i hope you guys like it!
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song: earth by mac miller & future & give you the world by steve lacey
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。 description/warnings - 1,000+ words. black fem!reader, petnames, day after sex?, mentions of sexual intercourse,  super fluffy, soft eren, eren’s kinda a nerd, college au, sasha’s your bestie, kinda self-inserted
when you woke up, eren wasn’t lying next to you. you were still sore from yesterday’s events so you made your way slowly to his bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower. due to you spending a lot of time at his place, he always had your daily self care things in his apartment. you grabbed your dr.bronners peppermint body wash and lathered it into your african net, then went in with your methods body wash. after you dried off, you put on your eos vanilla cashmere lotion and finished it off with shea butter to seal in the moisture. you stole a pair of his boxers and hoodie from his closet, then quickly put your knotless braids into a ponytail.
“baby where are you?,” you called out as you walked out of his room. “im in the kitchen baby”, eren responded. when you turned the corner, eren was standing there with his damp midlength hair hanging freely; he was shirtless, dressed in gray sweatpants, and he looked good. you could tell he was cooking french toast from the aroma in the air.
“why’d you leave while i was sleeping, loser?”, you commented as you reached your arm to flick his forehead. eren gently pushed you and asked, "to make food, food or cuddles, which one is it?"  “hmph” you said as you turned to sit at the island in the kitchen. “you smell good” eren said as he flipped the french toast over in the pan. 
“thank you and i never said thank you for buying all the stuff i use and keeping it at your place for when i stay over”
“that’s what boyfriends are for baby”
“is your back okay?”, you asked. “oh now you’re worried about my back” he said as he laughed softly. last night when eren was fucking you with you with your ankles on his shoulders, you scratched his back a lot. he was hitting your spots and you needed something to cling onto and his back was your victim. in the moment you didn’t care  about how much your acrylics were scratching his back, all you were focused on were the lewd comments he was whispering in your ear as you came around his dick.
 “shut up i’ll look at it after we eat, okay” you commented. “yes captain”, he said.
“you’re so fucking corny”,  you commented laughing.
eren finished preparing the food then placed a plate before you and beside you. his tall figure moved to take a seat beside you next to you on the island. he grabbed you’re face gently by your jaw to kiss you slowly as he pulled away smiling admiring your beauty.
“what was that for” you said as you pulled away from the kiss. “nothing you’re just beautiful baby, let’s eat though” he said as he poured syrup onto his french toast. 
you were so lucky to find a guy like eren. you thought your best friend sasha was joking when she told you he had a huge crush on you. you seen him in your calculus class many times throughout the semester and always thought he was cute but were too scared to approach him. one day as you were pulling out your ipad and notepad from your fjallraven school bag you noticed his tall figure.
“is it okay if i sit here?”
“um yeah it’s fine”, you said as you tried your best to keep your composure.
he smelled of laundry detergent and blue de chanel and it was really hard to focus on what your professor was saying.
you thanked the heavens that you actually put an effort into what you wore to class. your braids were pulled into a high ponytail that accentuated your features. you wore a grandpa sweater you thrifted with mom jeans and your boston birkenstocks with the fluffiest socks. 
when you sneaked a peek at eren, he was concentrating on what the professor was saying, his apple pencil in hand, scribbling on his ipad. his long hair was tied back in a bun, and he wore black frames which rested on his nose bridge. he was cute, and you knew millions of other girls on campus were fawning over him.
as you packed your belongings to leave because class was over, eren tapped your shoulder to get your attention. you looked over at him and asked, “do you need something” in a soft tone.
“uh no, but i think you’re beautiful, and i really want to get to know you. if you don’t mind, i want to take you out on a date whenever you’re free” he said shyly.
you smiled at him, making your chin dimples appear. “i’d love to here’s my number and text me,” you said as you wrote your number on a piece of paper. 
the rest was history; he continuously took you out on dates and made time for you with his busy school schedule. eren was patient with you even when you tried to push him away, which no boy ever did, and that’s why you loved him. 
you were pulled from your thoughts as eren handed you a rinsed fork so you could eat your food.
“this looks good baby” you said smiling down at your food.
“only the best for the best girl” he said smiling down at you.
you used your hand to shove his face away while laughing.
after you guys ate, you both sat on the couch to watch a movie.“you’ve got to stop stealing my clothes, y/n” he said, taking a look at what you were wearing. “it’s not my fault they're comfortable, and you know you love it when i wear your clothes,"  you said, smiling at him.
you found yourself drifting off to sleep on eren's chest as tangled continued to play in the background. spring semester kicked your ass and you were glad it was finally over so you could sleep more, travel with your friends, and hang out with your boyfriend. you knew eren was already sleeping by the way his chest was slowly rising and falling beneath you. you finally decided to shut your eyes and enjoy your nap with your boyfriend.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
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signal -> classmate! oh haewon
-the 6 step guide of confessing to your crush
warnings: it’s very rushed; i lost motivation at the end 😭
genre: grain of angst, fluff
notes: i love haewon
1. begin the process
sunny day, what a beautiful time to be alive. at least it would be beautiful if you weren’t currently on your way to the nurse’s office.
you got hit by a ball after staring at a certain someone for far too long during p.e. the girl that attacked you was getting scolded by the teacher (you felt a little bad for that- hence you were the one not paying attention) while the cause of the problem was trotting after you.
“…you should be more careful. look around every once in a while or you’ll get hurt more.”
‘i was looking at you.’
“i know. i just thought i saw mrs kwon on the field.”
‘smooth.’ you mentally cheered for yourself.
“kwon yuri? wasn’t she taking a absence? if she’s back already i should probably report to her…”
‘not smooth.’
“o-oh well, maybe it was someone else?” you didn’t have to look at her face to know she wasn’t convinced.
“are you any close with mrs kwon?”
“i guess… i go to her for piano lessons every thursday, why?” you weren’t that close with the teacher, but could probably be called one of her favourites.
“she asked me to make a report of the orchestra’s activities this semester. if she comes back unexpectedly, could you let me know? give me your phone, i’ll type in my number.” your steps halted. she turned to look at you with confusion painting her face.
“yeah, so you can text me if mrs kwon comes back. is that okay?” you could only pray she couldn’t see the reddening of your cheeks.
“yeah, it’s cool.” it’s very cool to get your crushes number.
2. get rejected
“let me get this straight.” lily moved her plate away to focus all her attention on you. “haewon gave you her number all by herself? months of pinning just for that?”
“i mean, she wants me to contact her if mrs kwon comes back earlier from her leave, not to chat casually…” as if on cue, you phone let out a low buzz, informing you of the new notification.
“ooh~ that might just be the love of your life!”
“i will remind you that my friendship with jinsol is quite solid and i can tell her about your little crush on her anytime.” earning a eye roll from the older girl, you unlocked your phone.
much to your surprise, the text was actually from the number labelled as ‘oh haewon’.
“i was right!”
“hush for a second, will you?” biting your lip, you opened the notification.
‘mrs kwon texted me she’ll be coming back next week.’
“ouch… rejected before you could even try.”
“lily jin morrow.”
“i’m sorry.” she laughed.
“i’m calling bae.”
“i said i’m sorry!”
3. restart the process
mrs kwon did came back earlier than expected. for you it only meant that your piano sessions will be back. for the others? every band suddenly had to rehearse.
they probably delayed practicing when suddenly the head of the section came back.
mrs kwon came back on friday, couple days later you were packing your things after your usual practice. the teacher left already, probably needing to see some pour soul who was failing the semester.
“i’m really sorry i can’t stay with you and help. i tried to get mom to pick my brother up but she won’t make it in time and i can’t just leave him like that…” you looked away from your sheets to see two figures approaching the classroom.
“i understand, yoona. i won’t hold a grudge because of that, don’t worry. family emergencies happen and it’s very much normal. go, i’ll fill out these by myself.” the taller out of the two figures moved away.
that left you alone with the girl. she hadn’t noticed you yet, as you awkwardly stood next to the piano in the room. she suddenly looked up.
“oh, hi y/n.” at first you were surprised she actually knew your name. on the other hand, it wasn’t the first year the two of you were classmates.
“ye- um, yeah, hi.” you waved lightly.
“did mrs kwon leave already? i wanted to hand her the paperwork today but if she’s not here…”
“she’ll be back after finishing with the upper grade. that shouldn’t take more than an hour.” haewon threw a sceptical gaze at the pile of papers in her hands.
“there’s no way i’ll fill all this out in an hour. they are due today so i might finish them at home and send mrs kwon the scans.”
“maybe i could help you?” her eyes held no emotion as she turned her head. then suddenly, her face looked softer.
“your help would be greatly appreciated. sit with me.” she patted the chair on her side. gladly, you walked over to join her in filling out the paperwork.
maybe in a normal situation you wouldn’t be glad to have to work on so many pages. but now, that haewon was so focused on filling out the forms, you could stare at her in peace, without worrying a ball would hit you again.
4. fuck it up
one might wonder does the lighting strike the same place twice, but you just proved that the ball can in fact hit the same person twice.
twice can you also be led to the nurse’s office by the same person. so many coincidences in your life, maybe you should start listening to twice?
“how do you expect to be any help to me if you’re constantly getting hit?” you laughed lowly in response.
“it’s you who insisted on keeping the window open… n-not that i blame you of course!”
haewon stopped in her tracks and sighed. “is everything okay?”
“we aren’t necessarily close, but i’ve noticed that while interacting with me, you seem more distracted. does my presence bother you?”
“n-no, it’s not-!”
“if you would like to put a stop to our friendship-“
“i like you, haewon!”
5. hide
“y/n…” lily sighed, putting her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner. you ran away from haewon and the older girl was the first person that popped into your mind.
“i fucked up, didn’t i?”
“…i mean, you haven’t seen her reaction?” even she wasn’t sure of her words.
“lily, you’re really bad at comforting, you know?”
“…yea.” you shook your head. the situation seemed bad, you just confessed to a girl that was trying to end your friendship. and she barely knew you.
“it couldn’t be worse!” groaning, you hid your face in your palms.
“it actually could?” lily received a sharp glare from you. “i’m just saying! besides, your phone’s been buzzing for the past five minutes.”
“that’s always a bad sign…” just as you took the device in your hand, someone called your phone.
‘oh haewon’
“…are you sure you want to pick that up-“
“um, hi haewon?”
“i like you too.”
6. smile and wave
you sat with your best friend in the cafeteria. while she was busy staring at a certain girl a couple tables away, you glanced at your phone every few seconds. noticing that, lily let out a mocking sigh.
“if i knew you’d be so busy when you get a girlfriend, i wouldn’t help you.” she whined.
“help me? when did you help me?”
“my mere presence was a blessing.”
“the so called ‘blessing’ doesn’t seem to work on you tho. bae still hasn’t fallen for your charms.” you mocked the older girl, receiving a angry ‘yah’ from her.
“what are you fiddling with that phone of your for anyways?”
“…haewon said she’ll pick me up for our lunch date.”
“aww! it’s a special occasion?” as if on cue, you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder. with a smile you looked up to meet your lover’s gaze.
“we’ve been together for a month today. ‘monthiversary’? i think that’s what they call it.” said haewon. both you and lily snickered quietly. “not important, let’s go love. the more time we get, the more we can-“
“just go!” the eldest of you groaned again. “stop rubbing it in my face that i’m single…”
“yeah, we’re going. see ya!” you smiled at the girl and waved. haewon took your hand in hers. she also gave you a smile of her own.
and even though you stared at her again, no ball came to hit you this time.
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brunette-barbie4562 · 1 month
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Uncharted (Duff McKagan X OC)
Summary: Unsure of her next steps in life, Carreen Joy "CJ" Thompson finds herself taking a job working under the Guns N' Roses bassist Duff McKagan during the Not in the Lifetime... Tour. She faces the fast-paced and foreign world of rock n' roll, touring, and groupies, as well as blossoming taboo feelings for her boss.
Trigger warnings: Sexual themes, mentions of abortion & drug use.
Note: Sorry for the late update on this one. The end of the semester happened quicker than I thought it would 😅 I’m going to really try to commit to updates every other week, unless there are special circumstances with school stuff, but I will let everyone know if that is the case. I am a bit of a perfectionist with editing and I like to do at least ten pages of content before I post, so sometimes that slows me down too. Thanks for the patience 💕
March 2018
The Farm / Redding, CA
CJ couldn’t help but check her phone every 2 seconds after sending the text to Jess. She didn’t know how Jess would respond, or if she would respond at all. Work picked back up which was a nice distractor, but CJ was drawn back to her phone.
“Hey, you mind grabbing lunch?” Mindy poked her head in the doorway. CJ looked up from her phone.
“Ya, no problem,” said CJ, “Where from?”
“I’m placing an order at Maxwell’s, what do you want?”
“I’ll take a chicken pesto sandwich,” said CJ. Mindy nodded and disappeared from the doorway. CJ leaned back in her chair, listening to Mindy place the order over the phone in the other room. Her phone made a pinging noise from her desk, and she quickly sat up, grabbing it. She had a new message. Holding her breath, she opened the notification to see Jess’ response.
Long time no talk.
CJ quickly texted back as she heard Mindy finish her call.
Can I call you in 10?
CJ felt her nerves creep into her stomach. She walked into Mindy’s office and grabbed her wallet and the car keys off the front table.
“Should be ready, or almost ready when you get over there,” said Mindy. CJ nodded, eager to get to the car. She said a few quick hellos to some coworkers on her way out. When she got in Mindy’s car, she immediately put her phone on Bluetooth, placing the call to Jess. The phone rang several times, feeling like an eternity. By the time Jess picked up, CJ had pulled out of the parking lot. The other end was silent.
“Hey,” said CJ.
“Hey,” said Jess. There was an awkward moment of silence.
“I’m sorry,” said CJ, “I know you’ve been trying to reach out, I just- A lot has happened. I know it’s not an excuse, and I’m sorry I didn’t at least tell you I was alive.”
“I was really worried,” said Jess, sounding slightly exasperated. “I don’t have your aunt’s number, so I couldn’t call to ask what was wrong.”
“I know,” said CJ, “I’m sorry. I understand if you don’t want to hear me explain things, but I’d really like a chance too.”
“Ya,” said Jess, “Please do, I was so worried for so long.” CJ didn’t know where to start. Jess had known about she and Duff’s relationship, how deeply she had felt about him, and how they were trying to plan how to continue their relationship once the tour ended. Jess was one of the few people who had been aware of it. She was also the only person who had warned her about going all in with the relationship. Jess had always been blunt with her. She didn’t pull any punches. She could hear Jess’ words in her head from when she had first told her about Duff; Just be careful. 80’s rockstars don’t have the best track records with relationships. She had waved away Jess’ concerns at the time, but she had been right. She figured she’d get straight to the point. Jess deserved that after worrying for so long.
“I’m pregnant,” she said. There was shocked silence from the other side. “About 15 weeks pregnant.”
“Holy shit,” said Jess.
“Ya,” said CJ, sounding more nonchalant than she felt, “Crazy right? I didn’t know until a couple of weeks ago myself.”
“Wait, what have you been doing? Where are you? In California or Seattle?”
“I’m in Redding,” said CJ. She paused for a moment. “Things did not work out the way I thought they would.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask,” said Jess, “Whose baby is it?”
“I know you already know,” said CJ, not wanting to say his name out loud. Her emotions were mounting, and she was afraid if she said his name she’d dissolve into tears.
“So, are you keeping it?” asked Jess.
“Yes,” said CJ, “I thought about it. I even went to an appointment to have it aborted. I can’t do it. I want to keep it, even if it means struggling for a bit. I can’t describe it, but I’m already in love.”
“Hold up,” said Jess, “You’re going to have this baby, and you’re not demanding child support? That man is rich as fuck, take him for everything he has. You could be in a mansion tomorrow. That child support would be fucking loaded. You are in a great position here, even if it may not feel that way.”
“I don’t want him to know,” said CJ.
“Why?” asked Jess. “Fuck him, take him for everything. He has more money than he knows what to do with.”
“It’s complicated, there’s a lot to explain,” said CJ, as she pulled into the parking lot of Maxwell’s. “Can I call you back in a minute? I have to run into this restaurant and grab lunch. Mindy is waiting back at the office.”
“Honestly, I think this conversation would be better in person,” said Jess. “What are you doing this weekend?”
“Nothing,” said CJ.
“Great,” said Jess. “I’m coming down there tonight.” CJ felt her heart leap in surprise and excitement at the thought of her friend visiting.
“Are you sure? I can come there. I know it’s a six-hour drive,” said CJ.
“No, you stay put,” said Jess, “It’s not a big deal. I have Monday off so I can leave Monday morning. I get off early today, in about an hour. So, I’ll go home and pack and get on the road.”
“That would be amazing!” said CJ. “Just be quiet about it around my aunt, she doesn’t know…. yet.”
“Don’t worry,” said Jess, “I’ll keep quiet.”
When they ended their call, CJ sat for a moment, reflecting and feeling grateful to have such a loyal friend.
When she got back to the office, she found Mindy bent over her desk, reviewing some paperwork. She placed her to-go bag down in front of her.
“Thanks,” said Mindy, not looking up.
“Jess is coming to visit this weekend; she’ll be here tonight.” Mindy looked up in surprise.
“Ya, I haven’t seen her in awhile, we’ve been texting back and forth a bit.”
“Good, you need to go out and have some fun,” said Mindy.
By the time Jess arrived it was 8:30 at night. CJ had dimmed the lights and sat down at the kitchen table after dinner, taking a moment to herself. She could hear the low drone of the television from the living room where Michelle and Mindy sat watching. It was a cold night, and the heat was blasting through the floor vents near where she sat. She shuffled her feet over the grate, enjoying the heat, having always been chronically cold in the winter. The glare of car headlights flashed through the window and washed down the wall, illuminating the room. She stood up, her heart pounding as she saw Jess’ Subaru Outback pull in.
CJ pulled open the front door, ignoring the cold on her skin and bare feet as she hurried out. Jess got up out of the driver’s seat and CJ met her with a tight hug. Tears welled up in her eyes and her voice cracked as she spoke.
“I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” said Jess, muffled by CJ’s sweatshirt. They pulled away from each other and Jess looked down at CJ’s cast arm. “What happened with that?”
“It’s part of the whole story,” said CJ, walking over to the trunk of Jess’ car. “Let me get your stuff.” Jess shooed her away and opened the trunk herself.
“No, no lifting for you.” She pulled her duffle bag out and slammed the trunk shut.
When the two girls got inside, CJ got a better look at Jess. She looked the same; a stocky but athletic build, about 5’4”, black and wavy mid-length hair that was up in a messy bun, and bright blue eyes. The only difference was her once green striped hair was now streaked with purple. She was dressed in her usual comfy outfit, a pair of sweatpants, slippers, and a hoodie.
Mindy and Michelle appeared from the living room.
“Hey Jess,” said Mindy, “Good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you guys too,” said Jess, “It’s been a minute.”
“It has,” said Mindy, “How was the drive?”
“Not bad,” said Jess.
“Did you get anything to eat?” asked Michelle, moving towards the fridge.
“Ya, I got a burger on the drive,” said Jess.
“Well, if you need anything feel free to help yourself,” said Michelle. CJ could see Mindy gearing up to ask Jess a million questions. And CJ was eager to catch up with Jess too, but right now she wanted to get her alone. As Mindy started to talk, CJ interjected.
“I was thinking, how about tomorrow night we all go out somewhere to eat and catch up?”
“Oh,” said Mindy, “Ya, that sounds great! You guys think of a place, and we’ll do it.”
“I thought we’d head to bed early and do something in the morning,” said CJ, looking over at Jess, who looked back at her cluelessly. She quickly picked up CJ’s nonverbal hint.
“Oh ya, that sounds great,” said Jess. After saying their goodnights, CJ took Jess’ hand and gently pulled her into the hallway, down towards the bedroom. She quickly shut her bedroom door as Jess put her bag down. She pulled her sweatshirt off, her T-shirt briefly riding up to expose her stomach. She turned to face Jess whose gaze was focused on her midsection.
“You don’t even look pregnant, not even a little bit,” said Jess.
“Ya and I need it to stay that way,” said CJ, “At least until I can get some things figured out.” Jess sat down on CJ’s bed and patted the spot on the bed next to her. CJ sank down onto the bed and pulled her knees to her chest, taking a deep breath.
“So, what the fuck happened,” said Jess.
“I’m not completely sure myself,” said CJ. “He just left. The night after the last show, before we were supposed to go out and talk about me moving in. He just cut things off, didn’t say why, didn’t want to talk about it. It was like night and day.” Jess was looking down at her feet, not saying anything.
“You can say it,” said CJ, “You can say I told you so.”
“No,” said Jess softly, “You’re going through enough.”
“I should’ve listened to you.”
“Well hindsight,” said Jess, “And it’s hard to take a step back and view things objectively when you have strong feelings.”
“That’s why it was so hard the past few months,” said CJ, her voice cracking as she tried to hold it together. “I was so depressed about it I couldn’t get myself to do anything. I didn’t want to see or talk to anyone.” A few tears escaped her eyes, and it quickly turned into an uncontrollable waterfall of sobs. Jess gently snaked an arm around CJ’s shoulders and pulled her close into a hug. CJ tried to be quiet, not wanting Mindy or Michelle to hear her. After a few minutes, she managed to gain control and took a deep breath, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
“I tried to go out and do things,” CJ continued. “I went snowboarding but broke my wrist. That’s actually how I found out about being pregnant, when I was in the emergency room. Who knows how long it would’ve taken me to figure it out if I hadn’t.”
“Did you not get your period?”
“I wasn’t really thinking about it,” said CJ, “It’s gone away from stress before, so I thought that was it.”
“And you’re definitely keeping it?” asked Jess.
“Yes,” said CJ. “I know it sounds weird, especially since there’s not really anything to see, on the outside at least, but I’m already in love.” She placed a hand on her still flat stomach. “Maybe it’s the hormones talking.”
“Just don’t let the hormones talk you out of getting child support,” said Jess.
“I don’t want his money,” said CJ, “He wouldn’t want this baby anyway.”
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t owed support, CJ. He made the decision to lay down just the same as you, so fuck him. Your kid deserves the same support as his other kids,” said Jess.
“You know what he told me.” said CJ with a laugh of disgust. “He told me he got a vasectomy right after his last daughter was born. That’s why I wasn’t worried about it. I thought I was being careful, but now I think he lied.” CJ paused thoughtfully for a moment longer. “I don’t know, maybe I didn’t fit in with his lifestyle. He didn’t seem like the type to care about that kind of thing. But he was always surrounded by such glamorous places and people, glamorous women. And who am I compared to all that?”
“Well either way, he should be giving you a monthly payment,” said Jess, “Doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from.”
“I don’t need him,” said CJ, “I can do this on my own.”
“When are you going to tell your aunt?” asked Jess.
“I need to find a place to live first,” said CJ, “I want to have my own place and support myself.”
“You don’t think she’ll let you stay?” asked Jess.
“I know she would,” said CJ, “and I know she’ll love any children that I have, but it’s not fair of me to bring an infant here. She did her part when she raised me. She didn’t have to do that either, but she did.”
June 1989
Los Angeles General Medical Center / Los Angeles, CA
Mindy did not think she’d ever see the inside of the maternity wing at a hospital, never mind be present for a birth. But there she was, standing at her sister’s head, letting her grip her hand tightly as she pushed her niece into the world.
The last nine months had been a whirlwind. Heather had gone into rehab quietly and stayed put, which had surprised Mindy. Things went smoothly for the first few months and Heather told Mindy she was working on getting the adoption process rolling.
Then, one day, Mindy received a call from a pissed off Heather. She remembered the first words Heather had said to her before she could even say hello. Can you believe they don’t give you money for putting your kid up for adoption? Mindy could only laugh at her sister’s selfishness and told her that of course they don’t pay you, that would be trafficking. Her initial suspicions were correct about her sister’s motivations being monetary.
Heather had gone on to rant some more about the fact it was too late for her to terminate, and then declared that she’d be keeping the baby. Mindy went from being amused to horrified. She then spent the next 30 minutes trying to convince Heather to go through with the adoption process, but to no avail. She remembered asking Heather, why keep it if you don’t want it? Her response had been, Tax breaks, benefits. Mindy had pleaded, telling her that was no reason to have a baby. She didn’t even have a job to get tax breaks on. But Heather wouldn’t listen.
On a positive note, Heather had gotten clean, stuck to plan, and the pregnancy had progressed typically with no health issues. CPS had been alerted but since she was actively in rehab and had tested clean for the past several months, there were no plans in place to remove the baby. With that, Mindy had been scrambling to get her own shit together. The idea of living with her sister long term was highly irritating. But she couldn’t put her out with a new baby, and she honestly didn’t trust Heather to care for the baby properly alone, especially if her only attachment to it was based on money. She didn’t know if Heather could stay clean. It felt unrealistic to hope for, but if Mindy let her stay and pushed her to get a job and a place of her own, maybe this would be what completely and permanently turned Heather around. She wasn’t hopeful and in the back of her mind she was contemplating back-up plans. She had never planned on being a mother or having a baby. But if she had to, she’d take Heather’s child in. She couldn’t see her niece or nephew go to foster care, no matter how inconvenient or derailing it was for her life.
Mindy had set up a crib and bought all the basic things she would need, preparing for the birth and for Heather to leave rehab and bring the baby home to the apartment. It had cost her a chunk of her savings and she had to remind herself it was for the baby, not for Heather.
Laying in the bed, Heather gripped Mindy’s hand painfully tight and let out a loud yell as she gave one last push. A moment later a sharp cry pierced the air. Time seemed to move slowly as the nurse held the baby and Mindy got a clear look at it.
“It’s a girl,” said the nurse. The baby was chunky and healthy looking, with a thick head of dark brown hair, and a good set of lungs on her as she loudly cried. They moved to clean her off and examine her. Mindy looked at Heather who was sitting there, still trying to catch her breath and looking exhausted.
“You did so good!” said Mindy with excitement. Heather didn’t respond or react to Mindy and just put her head back against the pillow. A moment later, the nurse carried the baby over to them and gently placed her on Heather’s chest. “She’s so beautiful Heather, look at her!”
Heather looked down at the baby, her face expressionless. Instead of holding her closer, she picked her up and held her out to Mindy wordlessly.
“You’re not going to hold her?” asked Mindy confused.
“No,” said Heather. After handing the baby over, she turned away from them. Mindy felt a deep sadness as the baby began to cry louder. A nurse, having seen the entire interaction came over and quietly offered Mindy a bottle of formula.
“If you want to sit here,” she said, gesturing to a cushioned armchair, “and do skin to skin.” Mindy handed the baby back to the nurse while she removed her shirt. The nurse laid the baby on Mindy’s chest and then covered them with a light blanket. Finally, the baby had stopped crying, her dark eyes cracked open and looking up at Mindy. She lightly ran a hand over the baby’s thick head of hair.
“Hey sweet girl,” she said softly to the baby, “Everything is going to be ok. I promise.” Mindy looked back over at Heather, who was still turned away.
May 2017
Somewhere over Spain
The feeling of being unsettled had permeated Duff’s day. The morning had gone as usual, other than the groupie leaving his room at 5:30 A.M., prior to there being a risk of anyone else being awake to see her go. He had seen the same woman in the lobby of the hotel just before leaving to drive to the airport. With sexual release came the buildup of his internal emotional tension. The post-hook up crash had him in his head. Being the intuitive and empathetic person that she had revealed herself to be, CJ had picked up on it immediately and asked him if he was ok or needed anything. He had told her he was fine, just tired.
She sat next to him on the plane, focused on updating his social media accounts with pictures and videos from the show the night before. She had been quieter than he was used to her being and he thought maybe he should be the one asking her if everything was ok.
The flight attendant came around with snacks and he wordlessly slid her over a bag of chips. She glanced at it and said a quick thanks before continuing with what she was doing on the computer.
“Hey, you good kiddo?”
“Hm?” she said, looking up.
“You’re just kind of quiet,” he said.
“Oh ya, sorry,” she said absent-mindedly, turning back to her work.
“Hey,” he said, slightly amused at her reaction. “You don’t need to apologize; I was wondering if anything is wrong.” She met his gaze, looking like she had something to say.
“I just don’t like what happened last night,” she said. Duff felt a rush of panic. How did she know. “I shouldn’t have said what I said.” His panic immediately subsided when he realized she was talking about their conversation in the SUV, on the way back from the show.
“Oh,” he said, his relief making him slightly dismissive, “I forgot about that.” His statement made her frown deepen.
“Well, I haven’t,” she said, “I feel awful.”
“Relax,” he said, opening his bag of chips. “Like I said, you couldn’t have known. I’m not worried about it. You’re over worrying.” She didn’t say anything more to him but continued to look concerned as he stuffed a few chips in his mouth.
“Maybe you’re under-worrying,” she said, giving him sass. He laughed at her attitude and decided to change the subject.
“Sick of airplanes yet?” he asked. “Cause if you aren’t yet, you will be soon.”
“No, not yet,” said CJ.
“When we get to the North America leg in July, we use tour buses a lot more to get around, unless we’re going from one side of the country to the other. You might like that more. Sometimes we leave right after a show and drive overnight to the next city.”
“I’d be with you for that? Or on a different bus?” she asked.
“Ya, of course,” he said. As the words left his mouth, he realized he hadn’t put much thought into the subject. His previous assistant had traveled with him on the same bus. But it had been different, since his previous assistant had been a man. He had never dealt with having to travel with a female assistant. There were three beds on his bus, one in the master bedroom, which he slept in, one pullout couch, and one over cab loft bed. Despite it being a large luxury RV, he didn’t know if it would be appropriate to share such a close space with her. He didn’t know if he could share such a close space with her. The thought of it made his head spin. He couldn’t think about it now, he had over a month to think about it. He could make decisions later.  
Upon landing in Lisbon, CJ received a barrage of texts, her phone pinging several times rapidly. They were all texts from Jess.
Where are you!?!?
What band is that!?
How are you on stage!?
Smiling to herself, she typed back.
This is my summer job, and maybe for longer than that.
A moment later her phone began to ring. They were still taxiing on the tarmac and CJ rejected the call and texted.
Hold on, about to head to the hotel, I’ll call in 30.
Jess quickly responded.
Ugggghhh you’re such a tease.
Duff and Mark made plans to meet for lunch after they had settled everything in their hotel rooms. It would be good to catch up a bit during a time when they weren’t backstage and preparing for a show. They planned to walk over together, but Mark got caught up with some business-related matters, and told Duff to go on ahead and get a table. Duff sat on the second-floor balcony of a little café they had chosen on the water. It was a quiet afternoon with only a few other patrons. The weather was breezy and warm, solidifying the relaxed and laidback atmosphere of the place.
When Mark arrived 15 minutes later, he had a look of discomfort on his face. He oddly sat down without saying anything.
“What?” said Duff.
“Have you been online lately?” asked Mark.
“No? not really,” said Duff. “Not since this morning.” Mark pulled out his phone and unlocked it and slid it across the table face up. Duff looked at it and was briefly confused at what he was seeing. It was a Twitter post, posted only an hour ago by what looked like a GNR fan account. It was a picture of him and CJ. It appeared to be from last night’s show, right before GNR had taken the stage. It was taken from somewhere down in the pit. It was a blurry shot of the moment he had bent down from behind the stage riser to hear CJ’s comment about Mark’s performance. CJ was slightly leaning over the back of her chair, her head tilted back. It made her cleavage in the red top she had been wearing look nearly pornographic. His face was turned inward to her ear so he could speak closely enough for her to hear him over the music. But the way that the picture was angled made it look as if he had his face buried in her neck and she was enjoying it and leaning back into it. The caption was short and read: ‘Duff’s new gf?’
By the time CJ got to her hotel room and was able to take her phone back out Jess had figured it out. A text from 20 minutes ago read,
It’s Guns N’ Roses, isn’t it.
The phone only rang once before Jess picked up.
“What the hell Thompson,” said Jess, “How are you backstage at a Guns N’ Roses concert and I’m not there!?”
“I can get you tickets,” said CJ, “Pick a date, any date, anywhere.”
“Did your aunt reconnect with Axl Rose?” Jess knew Mindy had been old friends with Axl. It had been brought up a few times during their time in college.
“Apparently they never disconnected,” said CJ, “He offered me a job as a personal assistant on their current tour.”
“You’re Axl Rose’s personal assistant!?” exclaimed Jess loudly.
“No,” said CJ, “I’m Duff McKagan’s personal assistant.”
“The bass player?” asked Jess.
“Ya, that’s the one,” said CJ, walking over the hotel window and looking out over the city.
“You have got to get me tickets!!” said Jess, “Where are you now?”
“Europe until mid-July,” said CJ, “Then we start in the U.S.”
“I’m pulling up the dates now,” said Jess. CJ glanced at the clock on the wall to see that it was 11:00 A.M. She counted the hours in her head.
“Wait a minute, what time is it there? Isn’t it like 3 in the morning?” asked CJ.
“It is,” said Jess, “I was headed to bed, but now I’m too excited to sleep.”
“Well go to bed,” said CJ, with a laugh. “I can get you tickets any time, pick a date and just let me know. I can probably get you backstage with me too.” There was a knock on her door, which distracted her away from Jess’ excitement.
“Hey, I gotta go,” said CJ, “I’ll text you; someone is at my door.”
“You’re killing me,” said Jess, “TEXT ME!”
“I will!” said CJ.
She ended the call and quickly made her way to the door, expecting it to be Duff. Instead, Tate was standing there.
“Hey,” he said, “You busy?” She was caught off guard by his presence.
“Oh, no, not at the moment.”
“There’s a gelato stand just outside the hotel. I was headed down to get some with some of the others if you’re interested?” CJ had nothing else planned for the afternoon. Maybe the gym in the evening, right before dinner. But it wouldn’t hurt to get some fresh air for a bit. It also wouldn’t hurt to be social and maybe try to make some friends with the people she’d be alongside for the next several months and possibly more.
“Sure,” she said, stepping out and shutting the door behind her.
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:: Session o1 - New Beginnings ::
“Therapy?” Tara read, and reread the email three times just to make sure she was fully comprehending it. And oh boy was she. Okay, sure she knew that was part of the point of coming here, to try to do better and get better. That’s all her mother wanted for her, but it was SUMMER. She at least thought she’d get some leniency.  
Rolling around in her bed, she tossed her phone aside, hoping she could at least ignore it for another hour or so. “Sugar what is mommy going to doooooo?” She whined, pulling a pillow over her head and trying to shut out the light spilling in from the windows. 
Two hours later, Tara was standing outside Dean Tat’s door, anxiously pacing. She was never nervous, she could yap herself out of any situation but this time that was precisely what she feared. What if she said too much? What if they found some way to use it against her? 
Her head snapped up as she heard the creak of the door opening. “Tara- oh! There you are, come in!” Dean Tat’s voice was warm and inviting, but it didn’t do much to calm the brunette’s nerves as she took a seat on the couch. “Tara, there’s nothing to be worried about this is just a routine first session. Just to see how you’re adjusting to a new school, and any possible triggers.”
“But what if this is the trigger?” Oh, she shouldn’t have said that! Fuck, Tat was writing something down now. “KIDDING!” She quickly tried to recover, hoping not to have anything too obscene written about her. Tara couldn’t help but try to steal a peak, causing Tat to immediately pull back and hide the notepad even more. Maybe she could break in late in the night and steal it… just to take a peak… 
“Let���s just start this off nice and simple… How do you feel you’re adjusting to the Uni?”
“Oh, good! Good! Making lots of friends.” And friends who have connections at that. God it’s almost as easy as LA to score here, do these Deans even know what’s going on behind their backs? “Everyone in Alpha is great- even the quiet one seems to be nicer than he lets on… You guys should really work on getting him out of his shell you know? I think that’d be-“ 
“Tara, this therapy session is about you.” She had heard that Tat was the firm but fair Dean, it would have been so much easier if she had gotten one of the Deans that was easily distractible or that liked to yap. But she had a feeling they paired her with Tat because of her ability to keep someone on topic. Ugh, she hated that they were good at their jobs.
“How are you this week? Any big events for you?”
She thought back to the Pride event, and shook her head smiling. “Nope! I’ve been peachy keen jelly bean! Mostly just figuring out what courses I’ll be taking for the fall semester.” It looked like Tat didn’t quite believe her, but she didn’t push that question further, it was after all just their first session. 
“Do you think you’re getting better?” Tara couldn’t help but frown. She had never felt like she had anything to recover from in the first place. Okay, sure she was a party girl, and she liked her blow but so did half of LA. Yet somehow that hadn’t landed all of them here. And yes, on a few occasions she had gotten too fucked up and couldn’t entirely piece together the night before… “Yes? No? What’s the right answer here?” Fuck! Fuck, now she was bombing for real.
“Tara there are no right or wrong answers here, you’re not being graded. This is just to see how we can help you… Have you been having any extra stress lately? Anything that could maybe trigger you?”
Again, she thought back to the Pride event, and how her first instinct was to search for a little white line when anything bad happened. “Nope, honestly I just don’t get stressed! I’m fine, I think you may be wasting your time on me. I can just go, let you get to your next p-“ “Sit down Tara.” And so she sat.
“Now, I’d like to give you an assignment before you go.” “But it’s Summ-“ “Tara, please. This will be so much easier for both of us if you just listen.” It wasn’t said mean spirited, but more so like when your mom is just exasperated with you. Feeling much like a scolded child, Tara just nodded. “I’d like you to start journaling. Nothing too crazy, doesn’t even have to be about anything specific. But once a day I’d like you to write in a journal. Please bring it with you to our meeting next week.”
“Are you going to read it?” “Not if you don’t want me to. Now, our time is up. I’ll see you same time next week okay? If you need to see me sooner… I’m here.” There was something about the way she said it, like she knew Tara would be back sooner than the week? Maybe she could just see through all the bullshitting Tara had done today. Either way it didn’t sit right with her. Still, she nodded as she got up and mumbled a thanks before leaving.
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rwbylovediaries · 1 year
College Commando AU - part 4
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
May had invited Weiss to coffee. That is, she invited her to grab coffee at the campus café, and then go somewhere so they could “talk.” Something made Weiss feel worried that this really was going to end up being a telling off. Weiss knew such an outcome would be fair, but it did terrify her a little. Then again, May could have told her off weeks ago, and instead she strung her along until a more personal conversation was ethically feasible. That had to mean this talk would end up somewhere positive, even if a bit of telling off was in order.
Weiss made sure to dress for the occasion, wearing her favorite white coat and matching skirt, along with black leggings and her winter boots (and panties, mind you). The snow was really starting to accumulate, crunching under her feet as she headed to the campus commons. It reminded her of home—in a good way, that is.
Just as she was about to enter the building, she saw May approaching, so she stopped and waited for her. You know, to be polite—and to admire her.
May wore a black beanie, a long navy blue coat, black tights and boots, with her bookbag slung over her shoulder. When she got closer, she noticed Weiss and smiled. “Hey there. ‘Sbeen a while, huh?”
Weiss smiled back. “It has.” She let out a sigh, making a white cloud in the cold air. “Longest three weeks ever.”
“Tell me about it.” May then opened the door to the commons and held it for her. Weiss curtsied before entering, which made May laugh.
Weiss found herself no longer worrying. May had started this little meet-up so casually, it put her at ease almost immediately. As they stood in the short line for coffee, Weiss asked how May’s end-of-semester work had gone.
“I finished it all, which I count as a success,” she said with a laugh. “I’m going to really enjoy these weeks off.”
Weiss glanced up at her. She looked cute in a beanie… “Which reminds me, earlier you mentioned wanting to ask about my plans for break.”
A smirk appeared on May’s face. “Let’s get coffee first, yeah?” And on cue, they were next in line.
“R-right!” Weiss stepped up to the counter with her. “I’ll have a medium iced caramel latte, please, with no whip.”
May spared her a quizzical glanced before ordering, “And I’ll get a small white mocha. Hot.” She then chuckled as she turned back to Weiss. “Iced, huh? While it’s snowing?”
Weiss shrugged. “I don’t mind the cold,” and before May could say another word, she had already produced her card and paid for them both.
May scoffed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I did,” Weiss said, a bit flirtatious about it. May just smiled and thanked her, so it was all very worth it.
Once they had their drinks, May seemed to have a place in mind for them sit, heading away from the main seating area of the commons.
“Where are we going?” Weiss asked.
“The grad assistant’s lounge,” May answered. “It’s more of a break room, actually. But I figure there won’t be anyone in there.” She smiled at Weiss. “Perfect for having a private conversation.”
Weiss had been mid-sip of her latte, and she had to steady herself lest she inhale her coffee. “Oh. Yes, that sounds nice.”
May just laughed at that. “Did I get your hopes up just now?”
Maybe a little, Weiss would have admitted, but she just looked down, feeling sheepish. At least May was joking with her. The teasing felt kind of nice, even…
The grad assistant’s lounge really did resemble a break room, just the kind that May had to use her student ID to access. There was a circular dining table, fridge, sink, microwave, and a couch next to a bookcase. And as May predicted, it was empty. “Alright,” she said, taking a seat at the table.
Weiss sat in the seat next to her, drumming her fingers on her cup. “So…”
“Confession time,” May began, and then chose now of all times to take a sip of her drink, for suspense, no doubt. She then set it down, wiped her upper lip, and sighed. “The last time I filled in for Dr. Hart, that lecture, what, three weeks ago?”
Weiss nodded. “Yeah?”
May grinned and shook her head, leaning back in her seat. “I definitely tried to hide it, but I saw.”
Weiss felt her face heat up. So there it was, her little exhibitionist routine really hadn’t gone unnoticed. “You saw that I wasn’t wearing…?”
May nodded, biting her lip. “Yeah.” She met Weiss’ eyes. “And that’s what you were going for, huh?”
The way May was being so direct about this really flustered Weiss. Again, she didn’t exactly hate it…but it was hard to not let the embarrassment overwhelm her a little. “I…yeah. I wanted you to see…”
May was grinning now, fidgeting with the cardboard sleeve on her coffee cup. “That’s certainly one flirting strategy I’ve never seen.”
Weiss managed a nervous smile. “Did the flirting strategy…work?”
May licked her lips and tilted her head, staring at her cup as she continued to fidget with it. “You said that this had been a long three weeks for you…” She nodded. “Same here.”
Weiss blinked and leaned forward. “Did…you miss me?”
May chuckled, and Weiss could have sworn she saw her blush. “It definitely took a lot of will power to wait until now to talk to you again.” She then looked up and met Weiss’ eyes. “You flashing me was, well, pretty crazy on your part. If I felt differently about all this I could have gotten you in trouble, you know.”
Weiss looked down and nodded. “I know, I know, I just…I was excited, and when you caught me the first time it felt embarrassing, but…” She stopped herself, not wanting to admit her whole thought process behind giving May an intentional upskirt view.
“You liked it, huh?” May asked, flashing a toothy grin. She looked so damn smug right now, it was hot. “And you were really hoping I liked it, too.”
Weiss nodded timidly. “And...did you?”
May closed her eyes and sighed. “Weiss, I haven’t done much else beyond study, eat, and sleep for four months straight. So when I looked up during those stupid lectures and got a view up at your butt not once, but twice?” She grinned. “That was pretty exciting.”
Weiss smiled. “Exciting?”
“I loved it,” May continued, still beaming. “Like, you come off as a very reserved, studious person, but when I saw you had pulled that…” She leaned forward, her elbows on the table. She rested her chin on her fist. “It made me really want to get to know you better.”
Weiss gasped. “Really?!”
May laughed. “Yeah! I mean…like I said, months of nothing but stress and boredom, and then you and your cute butt come along…” She bit her lip and looked to the side. “I’ll admit, I thought about that every day since.”
Weiss’ heart felt like it leapt out of her chest at that moment. May had thought about Weiss every day? Just like Weiss had thought about her? “W-wow…”
May looked back over at her. “Do you have a crush on me?”
Weiss felt a lump in her throat, but at the same time absolutely could not deny it. “Yes. A big one, honestly.”
May smiled and nodded. “Good. I like you, too.”
And just like that, simple question, simple answer, and the end of weeks of worry for Weiss. She leaned back in her seat, took a deep breath, and sighed. “You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear…”
May smiled, then reached over, offering her hand. “I know it kind of sucked how I had to leave you hanging until after finals, but…” She paused as Weiss took her hand. It was warm from holding her coffee. “Maybe now…sometime soon, I could make up for that?”
Weiss met May’s eyes, that warm smile making her feel so comfortable yet so ecstatic. “Like how?”
“I had an idea,” May said, rubbing her thumb over the back of Weiss’ hand. “It depends on if you had plans over winter break.”
Weiss shook her head. “I didn’t really have plans. I’m not going home, so I guess I would just stay on campus?”
May nodded. “Well, I was planning a roadtrip, actually. It was originally going to be a solo thing, but…”
Weiss’ eyes widened. A roadtrip, just her and May… “That sounds…a-awesome! I’d love to!”
“That being said…” May held up a finger. “There are things I’d want to clear up ahead of time. For one, we wouldn’t be staying in hotels much. We’d be sleeping in my van.”
“Ohh…” Sleeping in a van, or sleeping in, well, anything that wasn't a bed, was definitely not something Weiss was used to. But then again, it sounded almost romantic, living in such a small space with May… “I’d be up to try!”
“We could give it a test run sometime,” she offered with a shrug. “But another thing—I’m trans. I don’t know if you knew that.”
Weiss smiled. She already knew that, because on May's grad student profile on the university's website, her bio made that clear. “I did. I’ve seen your student profile.” She then blushed. “Not that I stalk your student profile...”
May snickered. “I mean, seems to me you might be a little obsessed with me, so not surprising.”
Weiss frowned. “Hey, I’m not obsessed, I just really like you!”
May leaned on her elbow again. “You’re so cute.”
Weiss almost doubled over, that praise landing on her like a punch. “Ooh…thank you.”
May laughed and sipped her coffee. “This is exactly what I was hoping for, getting to know you, getting to see your awkward dorky side.”
“What made you think I had an awkward dorky side?” Weiss asked with a laugh.
“I say this with utmost affection,” May began, “No one flashes their professor’s grad assistant as a pickup strategy without being at least a little bit of a weirdo.”
Weiss blinked, then sighed. “Oh gods, you’re right.”
“But that also makes you just my type,” May said with a smirk, and she stood from her seat, going to throw her coffee cup away.
Weiss giggled. "You like weirdos like me, how flattering."
May dropped her cup in the bin by the door, her back to Weiss. Then she kind of lingered there, as if thinking about something.
Weiss leaned to the side a bit, eying May curiously. "You okay?"
May just chuckled and spoke in a low voice. "I, uh, could show you my van. It's all set up, mattress and bedding in the back, curtains put up." As she was speaking, she seemed to be fidgeting with the front of her coat. "That way you'll have a little bit of a better idea of what you'd be dealing with on our roadtrip, if you choose to go."
"Oh, sure, totally!" She grabbed her drink and got to her feet, coming over to May. "I'm sure you've made it nice and cozy, huh?"
May smiled at her over her shoulder, still faced away, and Weiss noticed how red her face was. "But before that...uh..." She bit her lip, then took a breath.
"Hm?" Weiss stepped a little closer. May was acting odd, was she feeling okay?
May let out her breath with a huff, then turned around, and opened her coat slightly, just enough to show she was wearing nothing under it.
Weiss froze, her jaw dropped, and she stared. May was...topless under her coat this whole time...?
"Now we're even," May said quietly, looking off to the side and smiling. She then closed her coat and started buttoning it back up.
Weiss stood there, still stunned. Only once May had covered back up did she blink and snap out of her apparent trance. "Wow..."
May scoffed and laughed. "Oh look, we're both weirdos." She then offered her hand to Weiss as she opened the door.
Weiss took May's hand. She'd just seen her topless. She'd just seen her boobs. Because May flashed her... "Now we're even..." Weiss repeated under her breath as May led her out into the hall. "Wait."
"Huh?" May asked.
"We're not even," Weiss said, then grinned up at May. "I flashed you twice. So the tally is two-one, actually."
May blinked at her, then scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Ohh, you are shameless, Weiss Schnee."
That made Weiss giggle, and she instinctively stepped closer to May as they walked, their shoulders pressing together. "It's okay, just flash me again sometime, I'm patient," she said in a teasing tone.
May shook her head. "I'll see what I can do." She then spared Weiss a smile as they turned a corner, heading back towards the commons' dining area. They passed a few people here and there. Some of them smiled at them.
At the same time, they realized they were still holding hands, and they both quickly separated.
Weiss looked down and smiled. "Whoops."
"Yeah..." May said, and smiled over at Weiss just as she looked back up at her. May then blushed and walked ahead to get the door for her. "Here."
"Why, thank you, m'lady," Weiss said, doing another curtsy, which got another laugh out of May. Weiss grinned proudly as they both headed back out into the snow.
There weren't many people out here, so Weiss felt bold enough to take May's hand again. May squeezed hers in return. "It is pretty icy," May reasoned. "Best to hold onto each other."
Weiss nodded. "For safety."
"For safety," May agreed.
They tracked through the snow towards the parking lot, leaving a side-by-side trail of bootprints in their wake.
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
I’ll wait for the Title poll to be over before I post this to ao3, but here’s Chapter 1 of the Archeology Wives fic (it’s something over 2k, maybe 2500 or thereabouts)
content warnings: pregnancy (and symptoms related to pregnancy including nausea/vomiting), implied childbirth
the first couple chapters of this will be Janet x Jack, and they’re married in the chapter below, just an extra heads up
Chapter 1
Janet hadn’t really known how to feel when she found out she was pregnant.
She was excited, of course, delighted at the idea of having her own baby, but it all felt… too soon. She and Jack had only been married less than a year, and had only dated for little more than two years before then. Their relationship was defined by its reckless thrill-seeking, how they didn’t look twice before taking leaps, but for the first time since they met in that café on Sixth Street, Janet hesitated.
She was only twenty-two. Did she really want to have a child before she even finished college? If she kept the baby, she’d be starting next year’s semester with a newborn on her hip. What would Jack think?
Well, Janet knew what Jack would think. He’d be delighted and immediately start looking at nursery setups, figuring out how to build everything himself because “there’s no point paying for something we could do by ourselves”, and get so caught up in his whirlwind of emotion that he’d forget to actually consider what having a kid now would mean. It was one of the reasons Janet loved him, don’t get her wrong, but she couldn’t handle intense right now. She… she needed to sit down.
God, she was a mess right now.
She couldn’t not tell Jack. It was his baby too, and he had a right to know. And, if Janet was being honest with herself, she already knew she’d be keeping this baby. They’d figure out the rest as they went along - just like they always did. 
With that, Janet pushed herself up and made her way to the sitting room.
Ever since the MedTech company Jack had invested in last year had taken off, they’d seen an abrupt increase in their monthly income. And while Janet certainly hadn’t been raised in financial instability, she hadn’t had so much disposable income to spare before. Jack wanted to use it to travel to various dig sites after they’d both graduated. Janet wondered how her being pregnant would affect those plans.
“Jack?” she called as she entered the room.
Jack looked over the edge of his newspaper, a joke on his lips, but something must have shown on Janet’s face because his expression quickly morphed into one of concern. “Janny?”
“Can we… talk for a second? Or. I’ll do the talking, please. I have some news.”
Wow, Janet, that doesn’t sound completely ominous and relationship-ending at all.
Janet sunk into the plush chair opposite her husband (because she was not saying this aloud for the first time standing up) and took a deep breath. “Jack… I’m pregnant.”
Honestly, Janet expected a more complicated reaction from Jack. Instead she watched him quickly cycle through worry, surprise, shock, delight and finally settle on excitement.
“Janet! That’s incredible! The way you said it, I thought you were going to elope with my cousin,” Jack said with a grin, newspaper discarded as he rounded the coffee table to kneel beside her. 
Janet rolled her eyes. “I had a week-long crush on her when I was thirteen. It wasn’t that deep.” 
Jack reached out a tentative hand, hovering above her stomach, before looking up at her. “May I?”
Janet smiled, flushing, and guided his hand down to touch. “There’s nothing to feel yet. I can’t be more than a couple of weeks in. Whoever is in there, they’re probably still smaller than a grape right now.”
“Whoever’s in there,” Jack repeated, almost like a prayer. Abruptly, he sat up straight, eyes alight with determination. “Well, we can’t just sit around and look pretty, Janny. The kid’s going to need a room - maybe the office over the kitchen, there’s lovely light in there-”
Janet smiled as Jack continued his spiel about where to set up the nursery. Yes, the next few months - hell, the next few years would be difficult, but with Jack by her side, Janet knew she could see this through.
Jack never did turn that office into a new nursery. No, instead he bought an entirely new house - a new mansion - right beside the Wayne property. Janet should go over someday, when she was less pregnant. She used to be in the same class as Bruce, and they had shared many social circles.
Until then, she could coo over her new goddaughter. 
“Oh Helena, isn’t she just absolutely precious,” Janet said, allowing the little baby to gnaw at her thumb. “She’s going to be a troublemaker just like you, I’m sure.”
Helena snorted. “I was hardly a troublemaker if we’re to compare me to you.”
“Oh, please,” Janet said. “Don’t you remember that time we almost set the PE hall on fire?”
“What about the time we did set the PE hall on fire?”
“It doesn’t really count. We put it out, like, immediately.”
“Tell that to Mr. Shore.”
Janet laughed, which made the little baby in her lap renew her efforts to reduce Janet’s thumb to a stub. Cassandra, Helena had said. Cassie for short.
“Cassandra,” Janet said aloud, just to hear the name again. “She’s absolutely beautiful, Hel.”
“Why, thank you,” Helena replied as she winked. “Grew her myself. How’s your own baby-growing coming along?”
Janet considered it for a moment. “I thought I’d be bigger by now, to be honest.”
Helena laughed, as Janet continued. “No, really! I mean, this kid’s supposed to be the size of what, a pear? I’m not saying I expected to be a balloon, but I thought I’d at least notice a bump.”
“Sometimes people don’t really show,” Helena mused. “Ever heard of those women who don’t realise they’re pregnant until the baby is literally halfway out?”
“Oh my god, Hel, stop-”
Janet did show more in the next few months, though still not as much as either she nor Jack expected.
“All the babies on my side tended towards being pretty big,” Jack said one afternoon. “Wonder what’s taking this little one so long.”
“Some babies are just small, Jack,” Janet said fondly, hand resting on her little bump. “Besides, they’ll have plenty of time to get bigger once they’re not surrounded on all sides by my organs.”
Jack winced, apparently not appreciating the reminder that Janet’s organs were being pushed around to make room for the baby. Janet pounced on the opportunity.
“What? You don’t like to hear about my poor, crushed organs-” Janet draped herself onto Jack’s shoulder, “and all the pressure on my bladder-”
“Okay, okay, you’ve had your fun,” Jack said, laughing despite the green tinge to his skin. “That’s lovely, Janny. But please don’t tell me that again. You know I have a delicate stomach.”
“Can’t forget to look after your wuss of a stomach,” Janet agreed. “Not like there’s a baby crushing mine or anything.”
Janet had been joking, before, about the baby crushing her stomach. A month later and she wasn’t so sure if it was still a joke. Jack held her hair back as she retched into the toilet bowl.
“I’m going to kill you,” she rasped, before going right back to trying to dispel stomach contents that weren’t there.
“At least wait until I’ve met the baby,” Jack said, as if to lighten the mood. “I’d hate to be an absent dad before they even get here.”
“I’m going to throw you into the river,” Janet gasped upon her next resurfacing.
“Guess I should redouble my efforts in swim class.”
Janet gagged once more, then collapsed back into Jack’s embrace. For several minutes there was nothing but the sound of her breathing.
…. And the stench of her vomit.
Janet blindly raised a hand that would have never found its way to the handle, but as it turned out she didn’t need to, because Jack reached across and did it for her.
“Here, let me.”
Janet slumped further down. “I hate this part.”
“It’ll pass,” Jack reassured her, pulling her up into a slightly more natural sitting position. “Now, let’s get you to bed.”
The nausea did not pass, but it did subside enough for Janet to play blocks with little Cassie. It had only been weeks since Janet had seen her in person last, but already she had an almost full head of wispy golden hair.
“Oh dear,” Janet said, when Cassie’s carefully constructed block tower collapsed. “Wanna try again?”
As it happened, Cassie did not want to try again, and promptly burst into tears. 
“Oh dear,” Janet repeated, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Helena had stepped outside to take a call - she wasn’t going to be back to help anytime soon. “Hey, hey, shh, it’s okay. Here - look, Cassie, we can fix it, see?”
Janet tried to remember the order Cassie had put the blocks in - she had been very particular about it during her construction process - and gradually Cassie’s crying quieted down to sniffles. She babbled and reached for the block in Janet’s hand, which Janet handed over easily.
Cassie took the block, turning it around in her hands as though she was considering it. Then, rather abruptly, smashed it into the side of the block tower, sending colourful blocks in all directions. Cassie squeaked in delight, while Janet - well, Janet didn’t really understand what had just happened, but Cassie seemed happy enough, so it must be alright.
“Aren’t you a funny little thing,” Janet mused, as Cassie continued her reign of terror on the other blocks. “I wonder if my little one will be much like you.”
“Ba!” Cassie said, though whether it was in agreement or not was lost on Janet.
Janet would honestly rather be anywhere else in the world right now. She really should have declined Bruce’s invitation, but instead she was in Wayne Manor, sitting across from Bruce’s thirteen-year-old kid.
The food looked and smelled amazing, sure, but Janet was beginning to think that the baby inside her didn’t appreciate fancy dinners as much as she’d hoped. 
Jack knew what the baby would look like when they were born - Janet wanted to keep it as a little surprise for herself after the labour. It would have been a surprise for Jack too if Janet hadn’t wanted to do some ultrasounds to make sure everything was okay. All that she knew so far was that the baby was “fucking teensy”, as Jack had jokingly described them.
Well, for someone so fucking teensy, they sure did pack a kick.
Janet tried not to wince as her discomfort levels skyrocketed. She only had to make ir through another half-hour of the dinner, after which it would be perfectly acceptable for her to skip dessert and scurry home so she could puke her guts out and wallow in self pity for the rest of the evening.
Unfortunately, the world hated her, and Janet couldn’t quite mask the sharp intake at the next burst of pain. 
The burst of pain that definitely did not feel like a kick. 
Janet really hoped this was one of those false alarms Helena had mentioned, because not only would her baby be two months early but she wasn’t quite sure how she would go about asking Bruce Wayne to drive her to the hospital so she could deliver her kid.
Dick - Bruce’s kid, though why he preferred to be called that was beyond Janet - made the choice for her.
“Are you okay?” he asked, with a sceptical raise of his eyebrow.
“Perfectly fine,” Janet responded, to little effect, because suddenly everyone’s attention was on her. Janet should just say she was experiencing some cramps - which was technically true, though she was beginning to wonder where the distinction was between a cramp and a contraction.
Dick didn’t seem to be swayed so easily. “Are you going to have your baby?”
Jack put his hand over hers. “Do you think we should call it a night?”
“I think we should call an ambulance,” Dick said matter-of-factly, and Janet knew that violence isn’t the answer, but god she wished it was.
“Dick,” Bruce said warningly, before directing his attention back to Janet. “Is everything alright?”
No. No, everything was not alright, in fact nothing was right at all, and Janet’s dress was ruined.
“I think I might take that ambulance,” she said faintly. “I’m sorry about your chair.”
Dick seemed confused by that, but the butler - Alfred, she remembered, was quick to tell her not to fuss over trivial things as he ushered her towards the foyer. Bruce followed, grabbing his car keys - because it was too far out to wait for the ambulance to get here, and they’d be much faster driving themselves. 
Somewhere in the back of her mind Janet thought about their own car parked out front, but it was difficult to think of much when she was suddenly very aware of every slight movement her baby made.
Her baby, an entire two months too early, who had apparently decided that they’d had enough of being confined to a womb and were ready to face the world.
It was a nice thought, as Janet watched the Bristol scenery become Gotham suburbs, but realistically it just meant that her baby would have to be set up in an artificial incubator while they actually finished developing.
The thought made her feel slightly sick, but considering how she had already felt queasy all night, it didn’t really make much of a difference.
Janet turned to face Jack, taking in his worried brows and his frown that he kept trying to soften, to no avail.
“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered - she promised. No matter how this played out, Janet would make it okay.
“What a way to reunite, huh J?” Bruce asked, in a poorly concealed attempt to lighten the mood. He used to make horrible jokes before baseball matches, too, before inevitably missing all of his swings.
“What a way indeed,” Janet repeated hollowly. 
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly Update October 6, 2023
I’ve been very volatile this week, which may continue next week or may not. I don’t know yet. I’ve been on weird cycles of doing a ton of art then doing nothing for a few days. It will probably continue.
So October is started and I’m an impulsive little greedy fuck so I decided to do three different prompt sets, but I’m doing them all differently. OG inktober is getting priority, because I feel bad about failing inktober 52 earlier this year. Maybe I’ll ink or digitize the few of those sketches that I never finished once I’m done, or maybe I won’t. Anywho I’m trying to do inktober daily, more or less. Second priority is goretober, because I need practice and also with life stuff being still weirdly volatile despite all I’ve done, bloody pictures are really cathartic. I’m tagging everything to be extra safe, even though I’m honestly probably over tagging. Idk day one was mouth stuff which really sets some people off so maybe I was overly cautious because of that, but I’d rather be over cautious than get in trouble. Lowest priority prompt set is cringetober, because even though I just kind of avoid most of the stuff on the list naturally due to personal distaste, I still appreciate the spirit of it. Cringe always has a place, even if that place isn’t on my monitor specifically. I’m not doing every prompt from that list because some of them I really can’t figure out anything Oc related (deadass almost gave up for ‘overly complex fit’ and drew Shulk Xenoblade and his ugly ass outfit instead, but decided against it because that’s against the spirit of the prompt set). I still want to fit in as many as I can, and even though most of those will be late, I’m still going to try. At a minimum I want to do the MS paint one that sounds fun.
Also I threw in a random drawing of Stitch this week. Maybe I’ll do other random drawings too, probably not. I’m already pretty behind on stuff.
So I’ve mentioned I’ve been slacking off with TRGA the past couple weeks but I’m trying to get myself back together with it. I’m trying to figure out timing a bit better, and I did finally get some assets I’ve been procrastinating on done. Jon now has actual soles to his feet, and soon Emile will have the sketch lines I’ve been trying to lean into with my art. I can recolor the foot sole asset for Tim and Emile also, although they won’t need it for this animation. I’m mostly at this point messing with actual movement timing and strategies to make the boys more distinct from one another, although I’m probably overthinking it admittedly. The current shot, 1-4, is by far my most complex in this regard, and may be the most complex of the animation, so chances are I’ll post a WIP once the ‘main’ character animation is done. Or maybe not. I’m not sure.
This week hasn’t been the best for personal life so my mood is extremely volatile, so there’s no guarantee anything will be consistent. My plan is to do one inktober drawing and one keyframe/batch of tweens/chunk of work a day for TRGA done every day, and then the additional prompt sets and/or general drawings done whenever possible, but I’m such a mess I can’t guarantee anything. I’m trying to get stuff together with doctors, since they have been telling me pretty good news, but my primary today said something that, while it would be great news, contradicts what a specialist told me. She did outright say to double check with the specialist since they were probably right, but you know how hard it is to get ahold of doctors for that so now I need to worry about that. I’m a mess this semester isn’t going very well, and tomorrow I’ll probably end up doing music instead of art which will suck because I probably won’t have anything to show for that for a while yet.
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