#i feel so awkward emailing him again 😭
treecakes · 2 years
also have to email the head of the german department at my school again 😭 give me the prerequisite waiver or i swear i will cry
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jojikawa · 2 years
Ships: Sova, Fade, Sage, Cypher, Kayo, Omen (again)
This is completely for fun and not to be taken to seriously! 🌟
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Thinks you are a goddess
Sends you selfies of him and his grandmother. He talks to her about you as well. Brings you her cooking.
Is awkward but you can’t tell bc he’s so cool. You find him very charming.
Mildly protective bc he doesn’t want to be overbearing.
Is the type to want to have alone time in the private quarters of the protocol to drink hot cocoa!
Forehead kisses
Wants to teach you Russian
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Your goth gf
Protects you from nightmares
Tsundere! Acts like you smother her but she really craves the affection. She is very touch starved.
Is always your rock when you need comfort from anxiety/panic attacks.
Forehead touching ❤️
Thinks you’re too good for her. Too innocent for valorant too.
Refuses to let Chamber talk to you. He’s too flirty. Pheonix too
Kissing is her favorite thing to do.
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Literally so depressed and exhausted with everyone but you always seem to cheer him up.
Doesn’t really get why you give him time when he believes your precious time could be spent on anyone else
Gets flushed when you ask about his tech or when you express concern when it’s broken.
Respects your privacy and doesn’t spy on you.
Let’s you see his face…once.
Gets super flushed when you go on about how cute he is!
Calls you pets in Arabic like كيتي (kitty/kitten)
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You are the reason she makes difficult decisions and wants to get stronger
Mommy gf ofc. Makes your bed and does your laundry.
Cooks for you. Packs lunches.
Eskimo kisses + hand holding (falls asleep holding your hand) 🥹
Heals you first no matter what
Takes the time to learn how to do your hair
Random gift giving. Her love language is LITERALLY DOING EVERYTHING.
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Forgets that he’s a machine when he’s with you. You make him feel things that do beyond the shackles of his AI.
Let’s you hold and even throw his knife.
Regularly threatens the other agents over you. Especially Reyna.
Wonders what if you’d like him as a flesh person.
Urges to teach you self defense. He’s lost so many and he doesn’t want to lose you too 😭
Replays cute past events in his memory files while you’re sleeping. And is always storing new ones.
Can’t lie to him bc he documents everything. He can always detect when something is wrong.
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Is a private guy so he will only ever agree to hold you when no agents are around. If you’re really needy he’ll smoke you two for privacy. Probably finds more comfort on it than you do!
Has a hard time with his whole shadows situation and not being able to remember himself before “omen” but believes that if he has you then he’s okay how it is.
Tries to be funny…fails. His voice makes the punchline go over your head.
Sends you emails to your protocol device when your away too long.
Doesn’t allow you to go on any missions alone or he is a nervous wreck.
I’ll add more soon! These are fun to write before bed.☺️ I gotta find more of these cute pictures! I get them all from Pinterest so I can’t exactly credit the original artists. Hopefully they don’t mind! - Maron!
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porkcutletbowl44 · 3 months
Simon Riley/Reader and Keegan/Reader
Hi. I have come out of a almost 6 year writing hiatus and decided to start posting works again. (Yippie😅) I woke up in cold sweat one day about this particular story line and just started writing it down until I gathered the courage to share it... This is a snippet from the 2nd chapter I have on AO3 (I have no clue how to use AO3 in terms of writing OR Tumblr for that fact pls help 😭) but, I'd like to hear some thoughts about how it is, (yay or nay?) aaaannnnddd first ever post on Tumblr whoop! (Apologies for spelling and grammar I still haven't completely edited the chapters fully)
After a few weeks, the divorce was finalized. And those weeks quickly grew into just shy of two months. you didn't even notice, you didn't have the time to even keep up with your own body living in the present. Your daughter didn't deserve to see her mother in shambles like this. Didn't deserve to watch her parents divorce simply because of the lack of communication you hammered into her little head from a young age to express when she was frustrated her sippy cup lid wasn't screwed on all the way and spilled a sticky mess of apple juice all over her chest. Communication, that's an important ingredient. Remember. Communication cannot exist without comprehension. You can bring the horse to water but you cannot force it to drink. You thought you had it all, a loving husband, a beautiful child, a safe home, it was temporary. Ripped from your fingers like a purse stolen by a thief. You will only helplessly watch as your things are being taken from you. 
You will continue to claw at your chest and whimper like a wounded animal.
It does not get easier, even right now when it's time for Simon to take Fawn for the weekend again. You can bear the awkward tension, that silence that makes your throat close up and forces your voice to a weak frail squeak. You kept your attention somewhat busy with your work laptop, there are only four emails and you take the time to thoroughly read them, typing calmly to avoid confrontation. 
He stood in the kitchen quietly, watching your back. He had a strange lump forming in his throat, his expression hardening as he pushed down all of his emotions, trying not to focus on the guilt and hurt churning inside his chest.
You signed the papers, just like he asked you to.
Simon forced himself to speak, clearing his throat loudly, "Shouldn't you be packing Fawn's stuff?"
"Fawn insisted on packing herself," you gave a half-shrug, "I said why not? It's good for her to learn it and have the harmless joy."
He couldn't help but give a rough scoff at that. You would spoil her too easily. Simon took a few steps, setting his hands down on the kitchen counter, his gaze fixed on your form.
"She'll end up forgetting somethin'. I better go help 'er." He spoke casually, intending to go to check on Fawn and help her pack But something made him hesitate, his gaze snapping back on you. It only made his chest and lungs squeeze tighter as he looked at your closed-off demeanor. His eyes zeroed in on your fingers typing lazily, a strange suffocating feeling overcame him as he tried to figure out how he should address the lack of the wedding band on your finger.
Should he pretend like everything is fine? Would you want to talk?
There was an unnatural suffocating silence that felt like an elephant in the room, a strange tension between the two of you that only made him want to hold his breath. The air was so thick and tense- so unlike the normal energy in the kitchen that was once filled with the smell of your delicious cooking and the squealing laughter of Fawn whenever Simon would occasionally rough house with you while the both of you shared the foot space to cook. 
"...You took your ring off," Simon observed in a quiet, defeated tone.
what did he expect?
you stop your typing, your fingers ghosting over typing basic Python codes to your coworker, and you look down on instinct before clearing your throat. Your finger is empty. You will not admit that you took it off once you heard the news.
"Yeah, I did. It's next to the coffee maker if you want it back—oh, congratulations on your engagement." You hesitated before even saying those words. You never thought you would have to say to Simon. Your throat was dry, and your tongue burned at each syllable. 
His heart dropped the instant your words registered in his head, his expression darkening even more than before as a harsh scoff escaped him, his hands clenching tightly into fists as he tried to ignore the sharp pain in his chest.
"What…" His jaw hardened, and a look of disbelief crossed his features, "Who the hell told you that?"
"Johnny already told me," You replied, twisting on the stool to look at him, still in your work blouse and office pants. 
"Of course he did.." He muttered beneath his breath, shaking his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Bloody Soap.."
Simon took a deep breath and turned to look at you, his expression cold and hard, his gaze dark and icy. The mention of his engagement only made his fingers clench on the counter, and his gaze darkened as he heard your cold, dry tone. His eyes shifted towards the band next to the coffee maker, his mouth twisting into a frown at the lone ring he bought you all those years ago. 
That ring had been on your finger for 7 years.
Now it lay lifeless on the counter.
How the tables have turned.
"...thanks." He muttered out quietly, before looking back down at the floor. 
"yeah well, I would have found out even if Johnny didn't tell me. I would have seen the ring on you either way." You crossed your arms loosely with a small frown. You also won't mention you saw his fiancée's post about it.
He has an unreadable expression on his face as his shoulders straightened. "It would've been a hell of a lot more polite if I was the one who told you." He muttered lowly, his jaw clenching as he tried to keep his emotions in check. But the sight of you without the ring on your finger was eating away at him, like acid seeping into his skin. The mother of his child, divorced.
"You wouldn't tell me, I think that's why Johnny mentioned it...Fawn don't forget your toothbrush!" You called out, hearing her near the kitchen before bolting back down the hallway into the bathroom. You silently thank the universe for that interference. 
A humorless scoff escaped him, shaking his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Johnny knew you, he knew that you were the type to get pissed off at secrets and such. So he told you, thinking it would be easier to swallow for you. 'It's not.; Simon muttered in his head, gritting his teeth tightly as he tried to hold back his emotions.
"for the best, right?" You mumbled under your breath, looking up at him.
He could feel the pain and hurt in your gaze as you looked up at him, making his heart clench painfully the longer he looked at you.
Of course it's not for the best.
He wanted more than anything to pull you into his arms, to kiss you, tell you how he regrets ever saying something so stupid, how he wanted to take everything back.
But he didn't.
He couldn't. So all he said was a cold: "You tell me."
You didn't reply, just humming quietly in acknowledgment before Fawn's happy self came into the kitchen practically bouncing with excitement to spend time with her dad. Simon watched quietly as Fawn barreled into the room with her bag in one hand, her excitement radiating.
He tried not to let his emotions show on his face, masking it with a neutral expression as he looked over at his daughter. It was impossible to tell her parents were going through a divorce. She was still young of course, so it wasn't that surprising.
Simon just couldn't help but envy her innocence.
A bitter thought in his head made him hate himself even more.
He couldn't help but try to hold that small smile that formed at his eyes as he saw her excitement, "You 'ave everythin' you need?" The question was mainly directed at you, since you were the one that knew what she needed.
You beckoned Fawn over, kneeling before her. You softly grabbed her shoulders with an assuring smile. 
"Hairbrush? Socks and shoes? Jacket? And toothbrush?"
He hovered in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you check over Fawn, watching how gentle you were with her. Simon scoffed at this, shaking his head. "She's a mini version of you."
A pang of longing hit him, watching how you cared for her, his heart feeling heavy.
"Check, got all that," Fawn confirmed, nodding her head excitedly as her bright eyes lit up.
"Good, you did a good job packing all by yourself." You forced a smile Fawn would believe, smoothing her hair back. You were proud of her after all, doing big girl things all by herself. 
A wave of dread washed over him, he couldn't fucking stand this; that he was the reason. "Monster." something meanly cackled in the back of his head. He felt like a bastard for even having you sign those papers without fighting for it, watching everything he once had slip out of his fingers.
Watching how you forced a smile instead of truly showing it to your own fucking daughter.
God, he was a jackass.
"Remember your manners, be good, and you can call me for anything at all, okay? Anything you need, hun." You murmured, giving her little cheek a kiss.
He watched the two of you interact, his chest feeling heavy and tight. Fawn nodded her head quickly with a bright smile, giving you a big hug before waving a little.
"Bye, momma." She said cutely before rushing over to her father and grabbing his hand, waving her free one out.
His expression hardened, his gaze snapping on you as you looked away, keeping up the happy mom façade for the sake of Fawn.
He hated seeing you like this, forced to pretend like everything was okay when it was far from that. How was it fair for you to be forced to pretend to be happy? It didn't sit right with him, it just didn't feel fair. He held his eyes on you a moment longer before looking down to hold Fawn's hand in his. 
"C'mon now, let's get goin'." He murmured gruffly, trying to muster a small smile for his daughter.
The walk to the car was silent, Fawn skipping her way to the car, Simon walking beside with her little handheld in his, his expression unreadable and cold. He stopped by the backseat of the car, opening the door to let Fawn in as he looked to the passenger seat. Where you would sit. Where you will probably never sit again.
His mind warred with it, a scowl crossing his face. He wanted you in the passenger seat, just like you used to always sit in. He wanted the same routine every time he picked up Fawn from school.
But he couldn't have that.
Simon gritted his teeth, shoving those thoughts aside as he forced his expression back to a stoic one, watching as Fawn climbed into the backseat and buckled herself in. He slowly shut the door with a quiet click, looking to the front and climbed into the driver's seat. The car started, and Fawn waved happily behind the window as they drove off. Mentally, you cuss Simon out to drive safely for Fawn before turning back inside. 
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sunshineting · 2 months
⭐︎two sides of the same fucked up coin pt3⭐︎     pt1 pt2
toxic!eren x toxic!reader
word count- 2376
summary- eren sends a spicy voice note to you while you're broken up and your drunken self decides to send one back... and he eventually shows up on your doorstep once AGAIN 🤭
here’s pt 3! :D sorry it took so long LMAO dude an anon sent me the ask about this like literally so long ago omg I am so sorry 😭♡
minors DNI PLS
You’ve been broken up with Eren for a month now. You’d decided to call it quits one day and hadn’t looked back since. Of course, he had plenty to say about it; long text messages, emails, DMs, phone calls, he’d even written you a letter. It took a lot of willpower, but you eventually took yourself out of the equation. Your relationship was toxic, the two of you weren’t good together. Yes, he was so incredibly sexy and intoxicating, but he brought out some of the worst in you. You hated that you enjoyed arguing and fussing at him. You couldn’t even admit to yourself that you liked it when he pissed you off. It made you wonder if you were really the sweet girl you thought you were. 
You resort to sending almost everything he’d ever bought you to his parents’ house; you knew if you sent it to his place, he’d send it right back to you. All the jewelry, all the clothes, all the cute little trinkets he bought when he thought of you. A few specific gifts, you opt to keep. It would be incredibly awkward sending sex toys to his parents’ house. The printed pictures of you two have been stuffed in a shoe box, tucked away in the back of your closet. It hurt to look through everything and relive all your memories together, so you tried your best to just throw shit in boxes without looking. 
You’re curled up on your couch and on your fourth glass of wine when you hear your phone ding. Pausing the movie you were half paying attention to, you see a text from an unknown number. An audio message? Drunk and curious, you open it up and give it a listen. The audio is muffled at first, sounding like someone clumsily trying to record. After the initial rough noises, you hear slapping and what sounds like a woman moaning. What the hell? The slapping sounds continue, and you begin to recognize them as someone having sex. Before you have time to react, you hear a male voice. 
“Take this shit, baby,” the voice commands. There’s no way. You know that voice. Eren fucking Jaeger. You throw the phone to the other side of the couch with a yelp as if it burned you. Your mind races. Why would he send this? What is wrong with him? And… why do you find yourself missing the way he fucked you? Thoughts are whirling through your mind when–
“Fuck, Y/N,” Eren groans. Did he just…?
“That’s not my name, what the fuck?!” the woman who was just moaning exclaims. There’s some muffled noises of movement and the audio stops. You can’t even process your thoughts because your traitorous pussy is wet and needy now. 'Awww, he misses me', you think. 'No, don’t fall for it, bitch, you’re just drunk,' you shake your head. No way did Eren just send you a recording of him fucking someone and saying your name. And no way were you getting wet about it. You try to delude yourself into thinking that this was all a drunken fever dream, but you know the truth. You miss being manhandled and fucked by Eren. You felt jealousy pool and bubble inside you as you thought about him fucking some other bitch. You know you really don’t have a right to be jealous because you broke up with him. Yet, here you are. 
Another glass of wine later, you find yourself pinching your nipples and biting your lip. Eren’s audio undoubtedly turned you on. Fuck, you missed him. The way he caressed you, the way he squeezed you, the way he marked you. If you thought about it hard enough, you could practically feel his rough hands on you. One hand staying on your nipple, the other trails down, lightly dragging against your skin, all the way to your covered core. Slight goosebumps arise. 
Blaming it on the wine, you felt a bit bold. You shimmy your silk pajama shorts down and trace your slit up and down. Shit, you could feel your panties dampening already. You slip a hand into your panties and rub tiny circles around your clit. Inhibitions lowered, you reach your other hand out to grab your phone and press record. The wet, squishing sounds of your pussy fill the air as you swirl around your clit and dip a finger into your hole. Breathy sighs and whimpers escape your throat. 
Closing your eyes, you can imagine Eren; sexy, toxic Eren. His vibrant green eyes, his long hair, his hot mouth. Fuuccckkk, his mouth! Eren really was your best eater. You remember how slick he was with his tongue as you try to emulate it with your fingers. That flicking motion he did that always sent you over the edge just wasn’t the same with just your fingers. You whine in frustration. To try something different, you slide your middle and ring fingers in your pussy. That’s a little better. The squelching noises amp up as you pump your digits in and curl them up. You can feel yourself start to get close. Thinking of how he’d fingerfuck you and lick your clit at the same time, you feel yourself slicken even more. The thought of his thick, rough digits curling up in you, brushing against your spot. The thought of his quick tongue licking and suckling your achy, swollen clit. Your orgasm comes fast, hard, and loud. Your cream coats your fingers, which has been all but pushed out from the tight squeezing of your cunt. Your body shudders, waves wash over you as you ride your high. 
Out of breath, you reach a shaky hand to pick up your still recording cell phone. The audio is sent before you can even think about changing your mind. “Shit,” you laugh, drunk from your orgasm and the wine. With your muscles loosened and worn out, you feel sweet sleep calling your name. You drift off with your cell phone still in hand. 
Loud rapping on your door awakens you. 'What the hell…' you think. As you peel your eyes open from drunken slumber, you lick your dry lips. You had no clue what time it was or who the hell was knocking on your door. You quickly slip back on your silk pajamas and go to look through the peephole. Oh no. Who else would it have been other than the devil himself, Eren fucking Jaeger. With a groan, you find yourself unlocking the door. There he stood– tall, intense, and fucking sexy. And damned if it didn’t turn you on. You couldn’t let him know that though, you had your dignity to maintain. Before you can tell him off, the bastard swoops into you and engulfs your lips in his. That rough, demanding touch was what you'd longed for. Your fingers and toys could never replace this. Not even Rosequan, your rose toy. A wanton moan seeps its way from your lips. 
“I knew you missed me baby, I knew your little pussy missed Daddy’s touch,” Eren murmurs between kisses. You hadn’t even let this man all the way in yet and he’d already gotten you weak in the knees. You’re able to get out between breaths, “Cum— um, come inside.” 
He pulls away from you long enough for you to allow him in and close the door behind him. As you go to lock the door, Eren grips your hips from behind. Leaning down, he nibbles your ear and says, “You know how much I thought of you? Every time I fucked my fist, I pulled up a picture of you. I couldn’t even get you out of my head when I fucked that other girl. You’re infecting my fucking brain, baby.” He kisses down to your neck, nestling into a sensitive spot to suck on. 
Your moans nearly drown out the words you were able to squeeze out. “I hate yooouuu,” you whimper. 
“I know, baby, I know” is all he says. You can feel his hardness pressed against the top of your ass. God, you missed it. 
“Waitwaitwait,” you rush out breathlessly. With those words, Eren pulls himself off of you. You turn to face him. “What the hell are you doing here, Eren?” it comes out more bratty than you intended it to, but whatever. 
“You sent me that little audio, so I took that as an invite,” he chuckles, running his hand on the back of his neck. Seeing his smile made your heart flutter. Wait, audio? It comes rushing back to you, the erotic audio you’d forgotten about in your drunkenness. Heat floods your face. 
“Yeah, I did. So what? You were clearly thinking of me when you sent your little audio,” you say in an attempt to put on a brave face, “which– what the fuck, by the way?” You shoot him a stank face. 
“It’s from a while ago... and cause I was thinkin bout you,” he leans in, kissing the top of your head. “I never stopped thinking about you for real,” he murmurs, trailing kisses from your temples to your lips. Eren’s enticing lips pull you in; his hot tongue swiping along your bottom lip to gain entrance. Your lips part for him, your mouth soon being filled. He always tasted so good, like sweetmint. The heat from his hands light your skin on fire. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” you moan. Your hands scramble to unbutton his belt. With ease, Eren slips off your pajama shorts, letting your needy pussy breathe. ​​The belt finally off, you slide your hand down his pants. His girthy cock presses heavy into your palm. You hear a groan escape from him. You free his cock after stroking it through his underwear a few times. The smooth skin of his tip felt so nice and plump. Before you can do much, Eren picks you up and holds your back against the door with your legs wrapped around his waist. “Eren!” you squeak in surprise.
“There we go, I missed hearing you say my name,” he smirks. His smug face makes you bite his bottom lip. With his lip still between your teeth he says, “I missed your little crazy ass.” He resumes kissing you, quickly gaining the upper hand and biting your lip in return. Your pussy clenches at the slight pain. 
Holding you up with one arm, Eren uses his opposite hand to guide his cock to your weeping hole. He swipes once, twice then uses your juices to slip in. Your cunt stings at the stretch, but fuck it felt heavenly. Eren quickly bottoms out, filling you to the brim with his cock. “F u c k,” you gasp out. 
“Shit, baby, you’re made just for me. You feel that? That pussy knows who it belongs to,” he grunts, gripping your hips with both hands. Each thrust he gives you, you feel the cold door against your ass and back. You couldn’t be bothered to consider the noise your neighbors could be hearing. You cream around his length, coating every inch. Eren gives you thrust after relentless thrust, your poor pussy is taking such a beating.
Your pussy’s bully decides to carry you to your bedroom after momentarily slipping himself from your heat. Eren sets you on the bed while he goes to your bedside drawer. “I know you still have them,” he mutters while going through your shit. “They weren’t in the shit you sent back to my parent’s house and I know damn well you didn’t throw them away…” Your cock drunk brain doesn’t even really process his words. Before long, he finds what he was looking for and you hear a buzz. 
“Ereeennnn,” you whine. He says nothing and the next thing you know, your rose toy is placed perfectly on your swollen clit. You yelp. 
“I just wanna hear you make those pretty noises you made on the audio. You can do that for me, right?,” you all but hear the smirk in his voice. You buck your hips against the toy in his hand. Eren then slides himself back into you, the dual sensations making you feral. A pornographic moan rips out of you. It was just so much. His long, thick cock pounding into you mixed with the relentless vibrations against your clit– it was so overwhelming. Before you know it, an orgasm rips through your body, causing you to whine and tremble. Your cunt milks Eren’s cock for all it has. 
“Fuck!” Eren exclaims, not expecting you to cum so fast, your hot and gushy walls sucking him in. Ramming against your cervix, he fills you with his spend. His length twitches inside of you before softening. Eren leans down to kiss your forehead and all over your face. After you’ve both come down from your high, Eren pulls out of you. 
“You’re the bane of my existence,” you laugh breathlessly. You hear him laugh as well.
“Yeah, well, you’re the reason for mine,” he says with a slight smile.
“Shut up,” you mutter. He always had a way with words and that charming smile to make you fall for him again, but you had to stay strong this time. 
“I’m for real. I want us to work out. You mean a lot to me and I keep fucking up. So,” he shrugs, “Imma do better.”
You roll over to look into his emerald eyes. In them, you see everything the two of you had been through together. The good times as well as the bad. But you could tell something had changed, though. Maybe he’d done some growing up in the past month. Probably not. You couldn’t tell for sure. But at the very least, you could get some dick from him on occasion, you ponder. A moment of silence passes before you speak out loud again. “Listen, not enough time has passed for me to trust you again. We’re both fucked up and we both need to focus on ourselves, to be honest,” you pause, “but maybe we caan take things slow.”
Eren takes your words in for a moment. “Yeah. Slow works,” he says with a satisfied smile. “ I am the slow stroke king, after all.” 
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lovingmidnight · 2 years
runway angel
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summary: in which your dream company reaches out to work with you, as jude supports you in the crowd.
authors note: I know VS stopped its shows a long time ago but this idea popped in my head and I couldn't come up with any other brands 😭 so yeah some shit might be wrong but how the fuck would I know, I've never been offered a job 💀
it was a sunday evening. you were laying on the couch with judes head on your chest and his torso between your legs. you guys spent the whole evening watching Marvel movies that you almost forgot about Monday snooping around the corner. while Judes eyes almost falling asleep, a vibration shook him awake as my phone was resting on his back.
"babe..." he says, shaking awake to tell me about an incoming call while handing me my phone.
he sat straight as he waited me to take the call, worried of why someone would be calling me at such hour, 2 am on a Sunday.
"Hello, miss y/l/n, we're reaching out to offer you a contract for Victoria's Secret. details emailed to your address and sorry for the disturbance. goodnight from the management company dear y/n."
"oh my gosh-" I move the phone away from my face as I gap my mouth open to judes curious face, soon before taking a breath and answering professionally.
"thank you. will be notifying you. goodnight." I say calmly, processing what just happened just before screaming on the top of my lungs
"What?? who was it??"
I cover my mouth in awe, pulling jude in to hug
"you're scaring me y/n- what happened??"
he says with a tone of laughter in his voice, realizing by my voice it was good news.
"VICTORIA'S FUCKING SECRET" I laugh pulling away to see his face.
jude mouthed out "oh shit" as I grabbed him again, almost falling to tears.
"I'm modeling for Victoria fucking secret." I laughed with tears building upon my eyes.
"I'm so proud of you darling" he kissed the top of my head, holding me tight.
"I'm gonna shit myself jude-" I giggle through my cry
"calm down darling" he chuckled before grabbing my shoulders and pulling me in front to get a look on my face
"when is the show? I'll be there no matter the schedules I have" he smiled
"No way!! you will??" I gasped excitedly, knowing how busy his schedule was, it meant a lot that he was willing to make time for me
"mhm." he nodded, kissing my cheek
wed. 21:03. show night.
they began to touch my makeup up, one person curling my hair, another fixing my eyeliner, another one putting on lipstick as the other rubbed body glitter on my arms.
my outfit was truly the most beautiful thing I've ever worn, let alone seen. black lingerie, mesh tights, real diamond necklace with gorgeous black gloves and last but not least, huge black wings.
"you look gorgeous miss. y/l/n." the stylist smiled at me warmly as I walked up to the curtains, waiting for my name to be called.
"next up: miss. y/n y/l/n". the small tv screen lit up as I took a deep breath and walked outside to the stage.
I strut to the stage, smiling with awe and feeling surreal that this was truly happening. I eyed the audience trying to see him, and there he was. standing up in the crowd, clapping as his eyes told something no words could. he looked like a proud mother which made me smile even more. his eyes met mine and it felt like the first time it did, when we were tense and awkward at first, him getting red everytime our eyes locked. now it felt like it was a part of me, to feel welcome in his eyes.
as I glanced over him, I winked which made him smirk and look down.
the fans saw this interaction which caused our names trending on Twitter, and dozens of edits swarming the internet.
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writing-whump · 11 months
💔😭🛌🥣🤢🤮 for one of your boys? 🖤
This is a great one, thank you! From this ask game.
The trio has a movie night with Isaiah stress sick all day until it finally downs at him. Vomiting, angst, heartache and lots of comfort.
Movie night
It started with the phone call.
"Your brother is back in town."
That was all it took. A friendly warning from Sonny that Hector was back from his exchange semester. They would probably meeting again at the nearest wolf event. If he didn't go they would meet at the next one.
There would be no avoiding Hector anymore.
That was alright. They knew how to get along civilialy. Right?
After getting the call, Isaiah couldn't eat. He hated how it messed up his whole day. His focus was shot, he kept forgetting what he was planning to do. While reading his preparation texts for uni the letters swam in front of his eyes and he didn't dare send any coordinating emails for work when he was so confused.
He stayed at home, pacing the apartment and fighting the lingering nausea that just accompanied him everywhere. He didn't dare to eat, just keeping hydrated. It was the weirdest feeling. He felt restless and tired and the same time. Waiting for something to be over that there was no running from.
His self-pitying parade ended when Seline and Matthew came home.
"I got the popcorn and Matthew got the cola!" Seline said instead of a greeting. "So I hope you got that free evening we talked about."
"Free evening?" Isaiah asked, confused. Damn, what else did he forget today?
"Yes. It's Wednesday. Our movie night. Remember?"
Ah right. Seline kept coming up with these ideas where they would all see or meet each other regularly doing activities together. It was like she was afraid they would drift apart before they even got close.
In the name of bonding time, she came up with traditions for starts and ends of semesters, holidays, conclusion of exam season and regular common events.
It was heartwarming in effort, a little awkward in its schedule. But they all agreed it was justified. Isaiah lived alone since he was 18 and he didn't talk with his family properly since that day. Matthew spent his teenage years in a boarding school.
Seline was the only one with a nice stable family - if the daily calls to her mom and weekly visits she came all happy from were anything to go by - but since she didn't live in Vienna until this year and out of many other complicated reasons, she had very few friends in the city itself.
Isaiah got the impression she was on a quest to change this, and it was a purposeful decision she was doing her best planning and preparing for.
He couldn't be angry, and he couldn't say no to that effort. Even if having a movie night was the last thing on his mind. His chest was feeling tight, probably from the angsting he was doing all day and the nausea was still very much there although his stomach hurt from hunger.
It was horrible to come to terms with his heart issues because he pushed his emotions and shadow down so successfully for years after moving out, it became his weak spot. If there was anything stressful or upsetting, it went right there. The damage was done, permanent. The doctor he saw about it said it was very rare for shadow wolves to contract such lasting issues in life. Shadows could heal anything aside silver - but they couldn't heal damage they caused themselves. And this was a gradual one, caused over time, little tears around the heart valve that wouldn't to away anymore.
That one was entirely on Isaiah.
He didn't tell anyone. It would be entirely discrediting for all the packs if they knew he had such an injury, such obvious weakness. They would tear him to pieces or never take him seriously again. His influence would be shot.
Only Matthew knew a little. Since that unfortunate day when he helped him home and watched him get sick. Though Isaiah didn't really explain and didn't know how serious it was at the time.
Isaiah didn't realize all the preparations were ready as he sat on the couch in thought. He was really out of it today to not join in any way.
Seline made the pop corn, Matthew brought the big cola bottles and before Isaiah knew how it happened, he had a glass of it pushed into his hand. The lights were shut and the beginning of Mad Max: Fury road started to play.
"You picked this for us so we would have some action?" Matthew asked, stretching on the sofa completely with a handful of popcorn gathered in his hand.
Seline glared at the lack of a bowl, but seated herself across Isaiah in the corner of the sofa.
"This movie is so much more than mere action. I admit the plot is simple, but that's so you can focus your attention on all the details of the worldbuilding. There are amazing social themes about humanity, apocalypse, reactions, dictatorship, oppression, brainwashing and power of friendship, redemption. The brutality of the fights and the agressive music contrast with the small moments of kindness and softness..."
Seline got into her triad as the titles started playing.
Isaiah held his glass stiffly. He didn't want to be here. Somehow until now he didn't realize how intrusive it would be to live with others. He liked company and was good with people on a normal day, but he had days like these too and he didn't...it was very stupid it didn't connect until now. That he wouldn't be able to have lonely evenings of suffering in peace, that his secrets would be held under scrutiny, that his presence would be demanded and expected.
He wanted to be left with his dark thoughts, heart episodes and damaged family ties in peace.
He also couldn't leave without breaking a promise and alarming them that something was wrong.
The only thing he managed to come up with was to slide down from the couch onto the floor, leaning his back against it. At least a bit of privacy.
The cola in his hand smelled sweet and inviting and it was supposed to help with stomach issues, right? He took a few sips, feeling the rush of sugar calming his hunger pains.
It calmed him a little. Seline kept stopping the movie to underline some kind of important cue or meta fact. Matthew was getting crazy angry over it, except he talked right through the movie, when commenting or exclaiming suddenly about a well made fight scene.
Isaiah actually relaxed for a bit, getting his mind of things as he listed. He wasn't getting much from the movie, it was all too fast and colourful, but he was feeling marginally better.
So it was to is utterly surprise when the nausea returned. His stomach was bubbling angrily with the few mouthfuls of cola, sloshing painfully.
It wasn't fair. He wasn't even overthinking this anymore!
Isaiah tried to take deep breaths and calm himself down. If this was simply from stress, maybe it would go away soon.
Then his stomach gave a light squeeze. Liquid shot up his throat, the taste of cola flooded his tounge. He tried to swollow it down, but it surprised him so much he gasped and the sugary vomit spilled out, right down his front.
There was no warning, no sound, no fight. One minute he was fine, fighting the roiling liquid down and the next it dripped from his chin at the small splash in the center of his chest.
Isaiah was mortified, body going rigid. He had no idea how that happened. No heaving, no warning. He didn't feel any worse than he did the whole day, aside the constant dull ache in his stomach.
Did he seriously just throw up on himself in the middle of a movie?
The only saving grace was the fact no one seemed to notice. Seline and Matthew were too invested in the loud action of the movie and he was hidden away from direct sight, sitting on the floor like that.
He could simply get up and disappear into the bathroom. Change his clothes and act like nothing happened. It was just a little accident. Not like anybody had to know.
Except then he felt the liquid shoot up his throat again, the force accompanied by an agonising stab in his middle. All he managed was to hang his head over himself as it sprayed out of his mouth. Just a small sip of black liquid joining the first splash. His teeth felt sticky and eroded from it.
His body gave a whole-bodied shudder. His right hand hovered about his chest, but he felt paralysed by the disgust of it all. He who thought himself so good in control? This was so humiliating and gross...
A quite pitiful sound escaped him then, something between a sob and a sight. He wanted to fall down the floor and disappear.
And it had such an easy solution, if he just made himself get up already. No chance though, his body was locked up and frozen in place.
His heart was beating in his ears, painful electric impulses. The nausea was ever-present, only rising with his pulse and his stomach was doing flip flops for no reason.
"Hey, Isaiah? Are you paying attention?" Seline asked, interrupting his haze.
Isaiah gulped and nodded, hoping that would satisfy her. His ears were ringing, so he only half-heard the film. His stomach hurt, curled around itself like around a fist.
"Isaiah?" She asked tentatively and stopped the movie.
The room fell in uneasy silence. Isaiah's panting breaths sounded too loud against it.
And then something even worse happened. Matthew stretched out behind himself to turn on the switch, basking Isaiah's complete emberassment in bright light.
Isaiah shut his eyes against the onslaught of artificial rays, hanging his head and panting through rising panic.
"What the hell-" Matthew grumbled in surprise.
"Isaiah? Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Seline's voice was melted honey, the softest sound he ever heard.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, pressing his hands against his eyes, hopefully hanging his head low enough to hide the worst of the mess on his chest. "Please, don't look at me." He sounded as pathetic as he felt. Just great.
"Isaiah," she cooed and he heard her sliding down the couch next to him. Cold hands were suddenly at the side of his face, her fingers in his hair, stroking his curls gently. Since he didn't slick them back today they were more wavy around his face, sticky with sweat.
"Does your belly hurt? Do you feel sick? What is it?" She asked, not pulling away from his hair.
Isaiah just shook his head, bowing further.
"Matthew, can you get me some paper towels," Seline said, voice soft but decisive. He heard Matthew's hurried footsteps on the floor. He didn't bother to look for his shoes before he went.
"Sweetie, please look at me," Seline said, treading her fingers through his overwarm, wet hair. "It's alright. You are okay."
Isaiah hid his face in his hands. The splutter of cola felt cold against his chest as it dried off and the smell of it mixed with stomach acid irrated his nose. He wanted to curl up on the floor and disappear.
This was so humiliating. With the silver poisoning, at least he was too out of it and it was too serious, serious enough to warrant his failure of senses. But this was just unforgivable, weak and repulsive. He felt so repulsive-
"Sweetie, come on. It's okay. Nobody is angry. Please, believe me." Seline slid closer to him, leaning her shoulder against his, one arm coming up around him to pull him against her, while the other kept stroking his hair.
"I'm sorry, I don't know- I don't-" His shoulders hitched with the sob. Selined leaned even closer, as if not disgusted by the the mess and the smell or by the display. She was full on hugging him now, her head against his neck.
"Shhh. You don't have to apologise, sweetheart."
Isaiah finally dropped his hands from his face, all pale and sweaty. He needed to see her, to make sure she wasn't joking. "Look at me, Seline. How can you-? I'm disgusting-"
As he turned his head he met her stare, bright baby blue eyes just centimeters from his. This was the closest their faces ever were together.
"Don't say that, sweetie. Darling. Dearest. Honey."
Isaiah huffed out a tiny laugh. He couldn't help it. He was a mess, and she was holding him, calling him all those weird sweet things, pressing herself against him as if nothing of that was true, as if his state wasn't absolutely unforgivable and sickening...
And she was doing it with that familiar fiery stubbornness and in that soft steely voice he couldn't resist.
Isaiah leaned his forehead against hers, just for a second forgetting how disgusting it all was. Just accepting the comfort, the touch, the blooming smell of her, like jasmine and peppermint.
He breathed in and out, only now realizing he could do it slow and proper again. His chest wasn't tight and pulsing anymore, and the pressure in his stomach eased up to exhausted but bearable soreness.
He waited for Matthew to get back with a fresh shirt and the towels, wrapped in her presence and reassurance.
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sochilll · 22 days
OKAY here we go my official A Good Girl's Guide to Murder the series review. It is very long.
Short spoiler free version: they flattened down most of the characters, made Andie much more palatable, and removed a lot of Pip's detective work. Overall it's not a very good murder mystery or adaptation, but I think it's a fun show on its own.
Okay now let's get into it.
(Extreme spoilers for both the show and the books below)
They character assassinated my girl!!! They removed like all her defining traits!!! Where were the spreadsheets!!! Where were the backups and the secret backups and the third email back ups!!!!
Overall I think Emma Myers was a fantastic Pip. Her line deliveries were great and she definitely fit the way I'd imagined Pip in the books. The gripes I have are with the script. For example: the first interaction with Ravi. Yes that scene is supposed to be awkward and tense but she didn't even tell him she thought Sal was innocent! That's the reason he agrees to help her! Also I think the following him part was much weirder than just going to his house
Will get into this more below but Pip is barely doing any detective work....
Okay the decision to stop the project.... WHY. In the book she stops because her dog gets killed and she's terrified that the blackmailer will hurt her family. Or that they'll go after Ravi. Because THAT'S the essence of Pippa Fitz-Amobi! She is loyal! She cares about her friends and family more than anything. She ONLY stops because she's worried about them. When it's only HER life getting threatened she keeps it a secret so no one tries to stop her. And then also, Ravi forgives her because he figures out what happened to Barney and realizes the position she was in. In the show she just.... thinks Sal did it now? And Becca said she was selfish??? It makes Pip a lot more self centered that THOSE are the things that make her give up. And then also makes no sense why Ravi would immediately forgive her OR why she would continue after Barney gets killed later on??? Have a slight doubt and give up but your dog gets murdered and you don't bat an eye? Truly don't understand the thought process between changing the order of those two beats.
Why would Pip cut open the rabbits???? If it was Andie's drug stash she'd obviously have a way to get in without cutting it open and sewing it shut every time. Come on Pip is not that dumb 😭
Overall Pip is a lot less careful in the show. (Where are the gloves when they break into the Bell's??) They're constantly almost getting caught and giggling which gives the whole thing a much lighter tone. Maybe that's what they're going for but in the books you feel like Pip is actually in danger and it doesn't translate here. On that note: after the first note, Pip barely reacts to the threats at all. I LOVED the scene of her coming home from camping and seeing the note on the table but they just never brought that tension back.
Why did they give Pip a weird memory of Andie??? It (again) makes the whole thing more about Pip than Sal. Now it's about Pip's guilt because she told Sal where Andie was. It's supposed to be about Sal! The whole motive for her to research this is that Sal was kind to her. That she couldn't believe he'd do it. And that there were inconsistencies in the case. The show turns her motives into "he couldn't have done it because then I'm at fault too." Her obsession is supposed to come from knowing the truth, not making herself feel better.
Pip "I'd do anything for you" moment with Cara I WEEP!!!!! They are best friends!!!!!
Ravi was simply not goofy enough ! He had a few really good moments but I missed so many of his little jokes
I know it's much harder without Pip's internal narration, but I feel like the show loses so much of Ravi's (and his parents') isolation. There's the brief scene of the graffiti at the beginning and the part where he won't go to the calamity with her (and even then Pip has to spell it out). But in the book the Singh's loneliness and isolation is so apparent. Ravi says they aren't even allowed to grieve because of what everyone thinks of Sal. It's fucking devastating and it just did not come through in the show
And the previous point manifests in Ravi taking a bit to trust her. He doesn't just hand over Sal's phone on day ONE!! And he never shows her his bedroom! There's a really good scene in the book where Pip steps into Andie's room and it's been perfectly preserved and she realizes the Singh's must have a room just like it. But that doesn't work when Ravi already showed her Sal's room.
Also Ravi would simply never sign off on "I'm gonna publicly challenge the blackmailer that murdered my dog to see if he tries to kill me" hello???? #notmyravi
Ravi just going "lol peace out" at the end HUH??? Also sorry but him finding the marshmallow and getting all sentimental was so dumb bro. Why did you add in this conflict just to solve it like THAT?
They also downplayed a lot of the racial elements. They give Ravi the one line about a brown guy breaking into a rich white guy's house (which is taken much more seriously in the book) but they remove Stanley Forbes and with him, the way Sal was treated by the media. Race is one of the main factors in the way the case was handled (also my theory that it's based on an actual case handled similarly comes from those very discussions). But they don't really acknowledge the fact that Sal's race was a factor in how the case was handled and the vitriol his family faced after in the show at all. (And then they added in the white savior line which was so....). Stanley openly states he thinks Sal is guilty because he's Indian and the show really doesn't touch on that aspect outside of Ravi's throwaway line.
Pip and Ravi
Oooooh the Pip and Ravi of it all.... I do care them
As much as I didn't like the initial interaction I did very much enjoy Pip showing up drunk in her cunty little star outfit that was so cute (also Ravi's mom being like "from a galaxy far far away?" Was so fucking funny)
SARGE!!!!!!! 💕💓💘❤️💞💝💗
He made her a nonalcoholic cocktail!!! And named it after her!!!!!
The romantic tension was very good. The bunny fluff in her hair... waaaaaahhhhg
Sobbing that Pip is so clearly standing on something when they kiss lmao
I like that we got to see the first kiss, very cute. But I am sad they removed the project presentation and the forehead thing ;_;
Andie and Sal
OKAY let's talk about Andie
I really didn't like starting on her. It gives away WAY too much - even though they never actually went through the alleged timeline and murder that Sal was assumed guilty for but still the head wound is such a huge clue to give as the opening scene.
Overall, I don't like how much presence Andie has. The whole thing is that the town is haunted by her absence, that it turns out people didn't really know her at all. And all that is kind of negated when she's showing up in flashbacks every five seconds. It doesn't feel like she's gone or mysterious.
Same with Sal, he's sort of supposed to be contained to the memories Pip has of him being nice to her and Ravi's grief for his brother. But he's also a mystery. The whole thing is that they don't really KNOW that Sal didn't kill Andie. There are times where he does look guilty. But again the flashbacks (especially the weirdly manipulated versions) kinda of ruin that. It's just so heavy handed on the "he's guilty or maybe not" front.
On that note I also don't like the ending they gave Sal and Andie. Sal never knew about her plan. They were fighting when they died and that sucks but it's true. They weren't having this epic love story. And either way, they're both dead, we shouldn't know what happened in that room. We shouldn't get to see it esp since it's Pip's POV and there's no way she'd ever know
Also curious why they decided to make Sal attack the cops??? The ONE thing Pip knows about him is that he's nice. The one thing every single person says is that he's exceptionally kind. In the book his interview is suspicious but he never gets violent. He's kind and they took that away from him and I don't fuck with it!!!
The Andie and Becca interaction..... whyyyyy did they do that? Andie blows her off. That's why Becca gets mad. Becca never knew she was planning to leave or about the head injury. All she knew was that she told her big sister she was assaulted and her sister didn't care. Andie said she should be grateful. That's why Becca got mad and shoved her. Becca was not overreacting or acting with intent to kill. If Andie hadn't already had a head injury she wouldn't have died from her sister shoving her. They changed it to make Andie nicer? I guess? Which brings me to...
Andie doesn't need to be a saint for her death to be tragic. They made all these changes to made her nicer (breaking it off w Elliot once she started dating Sal, the fake added scene of her and Sal planning to run away, her telling Becca the truth, no mention from her friends of how cruel she was to them) they softened her and contradicted the point the book was making. In the book Andie is put on a pedestal and Pip has to uncover that she was mean to her friends and horrible to her sister and cheated on Sal and blackmailed people and sold date rape drugs. But she was also abused and scared and wanted to protect her sister. Pip realizes Andie was real and complicated and nasty sometimes but her death was STILL a tragedy. It still matters who killed her. The movie sanitized that message right out and made her a way flatter character in the process ("You have cast her as your beautiful victim and willfully overlook the layers of her character, because they don't comfortably fit your narrative"!!!!!!)
The Pacing and Detective Work
On one hand I understand they have to cut things down for the show. But also did they??? The book isn't that long and they had like 5 hours. But most of my gripes aren't from stuff that got cut but stuff that was changed for no discernible reason
Everything happens so quickly (when Naomi dropped the alibi thing in episode ONE I was taken aback). Things are revealed so fast and yet Pip is like... so slow to put things together. Dan isn't even a suspect until the second to last episode. She never really suspects Max at all. Howie isn't even mentioned after their one conversation. She never considers any of the Wards. She's not really doing any detective work or making connections she's just waiting to find out a new piece of information. Which leads into the worst part:
Pip doesn't actually solve anything???? People just keep telling her stuff! She doesn't break into Naomi's FB and find out about Sal's alibi being real by studying the pictures, Naomi just gives her Max's secret insta and tells her the truth. She doesn't break into a guy's phone to get Howie's number, some guy just walks her over to him. She doesn't follow and blackmail Howie she just gives him $60 and he tells her shit??? She doesn't put in a request to view the transcript of Sal's interview, Dan just fucking shows it to her (also why is it on his phone????) All of her agency is gone. The only thing she does do is break into the Bell's house and even that was way less thorough than in the book
Elliot Ward and the Ending
I HATE how Elliot wasn't even a suspect. It pissed me off cause it was just for a shock value twist. I think it's a fuck you to the audience when the murder mystery ends with "it was this guy you had no idea was involved at all!" And they went out of their way to remove all the connections to him (the photo of Andie was found in his room, he lied about knowing her, she was openly at him) so they could pull a gotcha on the audience. It's cheap!!!
They also made Elliot a lot more sinister in the show. Not that he was a great guy in the book obv. But in the book he genuinely deluded himself into thinking he had Andie in the attic. Making her a conscious woman who knows she's been kidnapped + Elliot knowing before he even spoke to her that she wasn't Andie + him locking Pip in the attic too just makes him way less sympathetic. In the book he is a man who, yes, took advantage of his position as a teacher with a minor, but also who hurt her accidentally and tortured himself over that for years. He was driven so insane by guilt that he convinced himself he'd found her and she was still alive. Removing that flattens him completely to bad evil guy.
He also is relieved in the book when Pip confronts him because he wants it to be over. In the show he was much more whiny and tries to stop her
Also I don't like that him talking about Sal's death is relayed through a flashback from Isla. It's so distanced. He should be telling Pip.
They also way downplayed Elliot's relationship with Pip. She describes him as a tertiary father figure. He's always around and very involved with his daughters + Pip. But in the show he's in like 2 scenes which again makes the reveal less gut-wrenching for Pip.
Also the reveal with Becca was so.... Idk. In the book she comes off much more sad and like she's genuinely sorry she has to ("has to") kill Pip. More guilt ridden as well. She thought she caused the head injury. She thought everyone, including her parents, would think she killed Andie on purpose and she was scared. And she was scared that Pip would tell everyone that. And also BECCA DOESNT ACTUALLY DO IT. In the book she lets up. She can't kill Pip. That moment didn't happen in the show and it's such an important Becca moment esp considering book 2. In the show she came off much more criminal mastermind
Also small note but Pip thinking "she knows where to put you where they'll never find you" as Becca chokes her hits way harder than Becca going "that's where I put Andie. And where I have to put you" (paraphrasing I don't remember the exact line)
Random Details
Why did they hire a 9 year old to play like freshman year Pip 😭 she's supposed to be in high school with Andie in the flashback right? Why does she look SO small? Just style Emma Myers differently! (Also the way she interacts with Sal reads super young but if she's supposed to be that young why is she at the high school!)
Stop showing the Andie crying flashback stop it oh my god. They show it like 3 times just in one episode. STOP IT! Even if it was a good or important flashback you are overusing that fucking clip please
Why did they make Ant a popular dude instead of their friend?? My only guess is just simply so they'd have to hire less actors for the main group but I would've said to combine Zack and Connor. Ant's turning on Pip in book 2 (if they're even gonna renew it) hurts because he's her friend. And obv Connor has a whole thing going on in the second one but Zack is kinda the extra. I'm just confused on that choice
Why is the calamity party 1. A rave and 2. In a series of underground caves and tunnels?????? Hello??? Also how do they have electricity and overhead lights down there what's going on
Jesse? Cool as hell babey!!!! Lets go lesbians!!!! I actually love that they made her more of a character and she rescues Pip twice that's so fun I adore her
They replaced Chloe Burch with Nat da Silva. Not sure about that in general bc Nat's arc is sort of antithetical to being friends with Andie but I do get that Chloe and Emma aren't different enough to warrant devoting time to them separately when Nat is already there. But again, in the book they were never friends. Andie hated her (also Nat is supposed to have chopped all her hair off and have dark grungy makeup and an ankle monitor how dare you take this from me)
WHAT was up with the drama with Pip's dad??? Leave Victor out of this what was the point!! All u did was further erase her closeness with her family which is her wHOLE THING!!!
Second dad comment: they talk about her dead dad WAY more in the show than the book what was the reason for that? You cut the blackmailing of a drug dealer for that???
Actually laughing out loud at Pip slamming the breaks from 90 kph and literally not moving at all what the hell who filmed this
Pip *filming the most "I'm being held at gunpoint" ass video ever*: I was just joking yesterday. Do not ask me about this again.
They didn't act out the murder to see if it could've happened in the time frame :/
Also they just changed Jason Bell's job?? Why?
Overall the list of suspects is abysmal. One of the things I love about the book is how many suspects and trails there are so you can be finding stuff out along with Pip. It's not immediately obvious but it's also not out of left field. Pip has like 7 suspects in the book and she follows up on all of them. I get how that would take up a lot of time but in the show she seemingly had 0 suspects??? She never really thought it was anyone and didn't follow up any interviews with investigations. It didn't feel like you could've even made any predictions from the show because there were no leads.
Okay that's all go read A Good Girl's Guide to Murder and all subsequent books! <33333
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theficblog · 2 years
and jaemin being the kid who comes from a long line of the academy's renowned alumni is just so good for the plot?? Like he could be the character who just happens to be at the wrong place in the wrong time whenever i go investigate the trails Jisung has been given me
"Noona,just snoop around for me,will you? If i'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but if there's a chance that there is some signs of the old society, it'd be something else!" Jisung's voice on the other end sounds excited,maybe even too excited to be indulged in,but I knew if I didn't humour him at least once, he'd never stop bugging me about it.
"Okay,but if I get kidnapped or anything else starts happening when it shouldn't, I swear I'll find a way to kick your sorry butt,Andy."
"Whatever,just keep searching!"
And chenle's headcanons are making me laugh so hard, he's basically the eccentric rich kid who enrolled just because he was bored of being homeschooled lmao and since you've been so nice to me, in this au you and chenle eventually start dating and i get weird ideas with Mark cause we're in a similar roommate situation but that Haechan kid is really starting to get on my nerves cause for some reason he's somehow on to me with the whole investigating the academy for my brother's sake and now he just wont leave my ass alone
Also accidentally meeting up with renjun at the library cause he sent me an email to meet him there for the study session which was weird cause we dont even have the same classes until I show up and he just sighs and goes;
"I must've been tricked again...This session was supposed to be for some kid one of the professors assigned to me and I asked him to give me his number and email to be able to communicate but he gave me a fake number...and a fucking fake email too"
"Well,it's not really fake." I'd say with an awkward smile, "I mean,it went through to mine."
Renjun laughs at that, although he did look tired as fuck, but then he leaned back in his chair and looked up at me,just a little bit hopeful.
"Do you need help with any of your studies? I'm kinda free now, and I think I'd really like to help someone with something to make my day feel less invalid..."
And honestly,I was doing fine, but the guy looked so worn out, I just really didn't want to say no.
Imso sorry i'll just limit my ask for this specific topic to two at a time 😭😭
ANDY PARK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
jisung really out be there giving those geronimo stilton kids books vibes im so sorry but he would actually be that and then you'd get embarrassed to tell the cool kids he is your brother and then i can imagine elite jaemin getting to know you are related like you said already ashhhh
why is renjun using an e-mail did he take history seriously? no cos imagine renjun tying little scrolls to pigeons and using them as courier service just to get into the feels of those shakespearean times ... but im happy even if by accident you guys budded a cute friendship i'll ignore the fact he was swearing.. AND THAT KID COULD HAVE BEEN HAECHAN idk he is in business tho but maybe you guys share classes..
HAECHAN WOULD BOTHER YOU 100000/1000 (as he should)
so we already have three guys for ash, leave my chenle alone and hurry and take the others too come on ash!!!
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🎀 - What’s a character you like writing for and why? / 🍭 - Favorite things to write about / 🍙 - What story you've written had the biggest impact on you? / 🌵 - Is there anything you would like to share about your original fiction?
🎀 - What’s a character you like writing for and why?
Wen this is mean! I have so many! Currently I am of course obsessed with my Spy x Fam blorbos. Cannot get over this one spy dude who acts all cool but actually cares the mostest. Apologizes three times to a dog that bit him. Is the best husband and dad. No this is all just for the mission, what are you talking about, he's a spy and taking his family to an aquarium trip is also a mission. And his wife, perfect and can do no wrong, extremely shy and awkward but the most astute mother, has killed so many people and has the tenderest heart in the world. And their daughter, a telepathic peanut. I love them all 😭
🍭 - Favorite things to write about
I answered this earlier (sense of belonging! finding a home!) But another thing I like to write about is unreliable narrators. Not in a horror/plot twisty kind of way, but just... They're bad about their own feelings. Or reading the feelings of others. And they're misunderstanding the situation. And they're totally not pining!!! So fun to write. Best character genre.
🍙 - What story (fanfiction or published work) had the biggest impact on you?
So i answered this already but i interpreted it as a story i read that has the biggest impact on me (the answer is Harry Potter because it's how I learned English) but which story I've written...
Neither fanfiction or published work, but this was an original novel draft I co-wrote with my cousin, where we emailed the draft back and forth. It has been lost to the depths of my defunct yahoomail and will never see the light of day again (and it shouldn't, it's cringe as hell) but I was fully high on just writing whatever the fuck I wanted. I had a witch self insert and she has a tragic past and there's a boy love interest who does archery very good because archery is hot, and i will never top the kind of unhinged storytelling of that moment tbh. I can try, but I'm too worried about writing something bad to ever let loose like that again.
🌵 - is there anything you want to share about your original fiction?
YES so i've been writing original fiction again and. Hahaha omg related to the answer above: this one is also about witches. It's two witches in modern day, and they're girlfriends. And it's. Actually fun to write? Wild! I didn't have a sense of character voice when I started it, but then I rewrote it in first person and I found her voice immediately. Her name is Naya. She's tall, dark, and kind of a dick, but she loves her girlfriend Isabel very very much. Too bad Isabel is dead! Someone should do something about that.
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kodaiki · 2 years
in love with the aomine time stamp series!! he's so confused and dumb for not realizing he's got a crush on reader already😭 i can totally envision him thinking he's still hung up over his ex but then sees reader talking to or laughing with some other guy at their usual coffee place and he feels this irrational urge to go in and assert his dominance as reader's best friend (or so he thinks!!) they're so cute i just want them to get together already GAHH
thank u Audrey for writing such a cute lil series and sending u all the love for a wonderful sunday😌❤️
WAIT THATS SO CUTE !! i can definitely see this happening😭 thank you for reading love!! and just for you and your kind words: here’s a lil bonus of the hc you gave me😌 this a little tweaked but i hope u enjoy!!
[prequel to the series]
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“he’s staring at you again.”
you hum absentmindedly as you scroll through your email on your laptop, not catching aomine’s dry tone.
“the dude with the cold foam in his drink, he’s still looking at you.”
with a confused smile, you look up at aomine questioningly. “cold foam?”
aomine rolls his eyes, nose flaring at the fact that that’s all you heard. “it’s all i caught on from his order when he was standing in front of us.”
“and what do you have against cold foam, aomine?” you question, almost absently, making aomine’s nose scrunch up in annoyance. it’s cute, really. he resembles a kid not being taken seriously by their mother. too bad you can’t see it through your endless scrolling.
“it’s not that,” he nearly whines – yeah, he’s getting exasperated at this point. “why does he have to be staring over here like that.”
at that, you quirk a brow and turn your head in the direction you last saw said man (with the cold foam in his drink) and as aomine said, looking right over at the two of you. well, more like you. aomine’s almost angry the guy isn’t looking over at him to see his glare.
as soon as you meet eyes with the man, though, he quickly turns away, looking down at his phone.
aomine can’t help but scoff, making a ‘tch’ sound. wimp, he thinks. he just wants to stand up and march over to the man, hoping his large stature and mean face was enough for the guy to get the hint and go away.
it’s aomine’s role as ‘security-best friend’ that’s making him so peeved (obviously🙄). and as your best friend, he’s the one to steer you clear of bad decisions and most importantly, bad men. right?
so yeah, aomine’s a little unnerved with the way said man with cold foam in his coffee is staring at you; like you’re some sort of meal.
“so what if he’s looking over?” you shrug, brushing off the exchange. “certainly does a number on my ego.”
aomine blinks at the quirk up of your lips, before lidding his eyes downward. “what do you mean?”
your eyes flit up from your screen to catch the genuine confusion in his eyes. “it’s uh…” you trail off. “it’s kinda dumb honestly.”
“you’ve subjected me to a lot of your dumb comments so by all means,” aomine gestures with his hand for you to continue.
“you’re so mean,” you deadpan, kicking his shin from under the table. “but y’know, having someone look at you from across a room? pretty special feeling you get.” at your friend’s utterly lost expression, you sigh. “like, when you search for mika in a room. how you’re watching her even if you’re not talking to her; your eyes just gravitate to where she is. that.”
“oh.” aomine murmurs, suddenly feeling perceived. is that really what he looks like? did everyone see that about him?
probably not. because, if you’re being honest, it’s you who’s watching him in the way he’s watching his crush.
“yeah,” you finish off, rubbing at your forearm in awkwardness. “so let the guy in cold foam be. obviously it’s not serious but… it’s nice.”
“you don’t think you have anyone like that?” aomine asks blankly, tilting his head slightly.
you laugh, maybe imagining if one of your friends god forbid had a crush on you; “no way, at least not that way i look at-” you catch your self before the word ‘you’ slips through your lips.
“you look at…?” aomine’s widen a minuscule amount as he trails off, urging you to continue.
“i look at … my favorite character from a show,” you recover, clenching your fists in hopes he doesn't see through your stammer.
aomine seems not to notice because relaxes back in his seat, chuckles through his nose and raises an eyebrow. “that’s a lot of love you got for those people. think anyone in person can even match that?”
you swallow the lump in your throat.
“i do.” you stay silent for a moment. it’s not anything you have to for-tell since you already have that someone who exceeds the love you carry for a fictional character. it’s aomine, after all.
and it always will be, you think.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 36
he follows you inside, looking around your apartment, smiling when he sees the band posters on your wall and he says "you've got good taste" to try and make things less awkward, you just huff and lead him into the kitchen 😌 he can tell you're a little annoyed, but he's honestly not sure if that's because of you or your now ex boyfriend 😌 you tell him to sit down, and then he sees you rummaging around the freezer for a second before you bring out an ice pack and come over to him ☹️ you sit next to him and take his hand in yours gently, tsking when you see it's a bit bruised and banged up, and carefully set the ice on top of it ☹️ you're both quiet for a moment, and he's watching your face trying to gauge how you're feeling, but then you break the silence and say "you hit him hard?" and he chuckles, wincing a little when he tries to wiggle his fingers and he says "hard as i fucking could" and you try to give him a stern look but he can see your lips turning up in a little smile 😌 you say "I don't support violence" and he keeps his steady gaze on yours, nodding as he says "I know" and you nod back, but then say all in a rush "but did he bleed?" and this time he lets out a full laugh and says "all over his ugly white sweater" and you can't help it anymore, soon you're laughing too and he's so glad to see your pretty smile again 😌 after a while of talking, and catching up since your boyfriend didn't like it when they two of you were together much, he looks over at the clock and says "it's getting pretty late... i should probably head home" and you nod, but then you realize you really don't want to stop talking to him, so you say "or maybe you should stay, I don't know if you should be out this late now that you've shown me your fondness for boxing, who knows what you'll get into" and he's laughing again, he says "I'll stay if that's what you want" and you nod, watching as he reaches for the ice pack and lifts it up, and you see him grimace when he looks at how his hand has swelled up a bit ☹️ you softly say "let me see it?" and he moves the ice pack away, offering his hand to you and you gently take it between yours, turning it to look from a few different angles and you say "i don't think it's too bad, probably just gonna be sore and bruised" and it's quiet for a minute before he says "it was worth it, for you" and you're feeling just a little too emotional to look at him right then, so you lift his hand and press a very gentle kiss to his knuckles ☹️ then you say "I'll go get you some medicine, how's that sound?" and he nods, reluctantly letting you stand up, and then he's watching you shuffle around in the cupboards and it feels so domestic, almost like you're already together ☹️
whenever harry has to get up in the night, like to use the bathroom or get some water, he moves so carefully to not wake you up and he tucks the blankets around you so you'll stay warm and it won't wake you ☹️ he doesn't want you to be scared or confused when you wake up without him there, so he tries his best to be quick so he can get back to bed without you ever knowing he was gone ☹️
harry would come up behind you and just gently hold your boobs like that 🤲🏻 you roll your eyes and say "what now?" and he goes "you said they're sore today so I'm just helping out" 🤲🏻
plugrry loves his sleepy gf so much 🥹 he's on his phone or computer, sending emails and being all businessy, and you just come sit next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, and soon you're sleeping and he's just like 🥹 my baby 🥹 he turns his head to kiss your forehead and you just stay sleeping on him 🥹 then when he's ready for bed he picks you up so carefully and gently to bring you to his room 🥹 he tucks you in to make sure you're comfy and then he gets in to cuddle you 🥹
why do I feel like plugrry's drink is something completely unexpected 😭like he gets a vanilla latte with extra vanilla syrup and then you see him adding sugar packets and you're giggling at him bc he seems like a such a 😠black coffee only😠 type yet here he is drinking the sweetest thing on the menu 😭
and then he kisses you and smiles saying "you're sweeter than my coffee, lovie" and that's when he starts calling you all sorts of names relating to the word sweet ☹️☹️☹️
any time you tell plugrry that he really should be charging you for all the weed, he just shakes his head and pulls you close to him to give you a kiss 😌 and he says "these lips are the only payment i need" and if he's feeling cheeky (which let's be real he literally always is) he slips one hand down to cup you between your thighs and says "and these ones too" 😌
having a really bad day, maybe not even because anything happened but your mental health is just really low and harry comes home and immediately knows something is wrong 😔 you're laying in bed, cuddled up to your stuffed animal that you only use when you're really needing some comfort and he can sees dried tearstairs on your cheeks 😔 he doesn't say anything, he just pulls his hoodie off and climbs into bed behind you and pulls you against him 😔 he's quiet for a while, taking deep and slow breaths so you'll match your breathing to his and then he says "had a bad day, hm?" and you nod, sniffling a little 😔 he just hums softly so you know he understands, and he doesn't press you to talk about it he just holds you and lets you know he's there 😔 after a while he asks if you've eaten anything today, you shake your head and start to apologize but he shushes you gently and says "you don't have to be sorry, I'm not mad at you... is there anything that sounds good though? I can make something or we can order whatever you want?" just being so sweet and taking care of you 😔
no bc cockwarming with Harry is literally the hottest thing in the world... you're trying to move your hips and get him to give you more but he just holds you still and says "not yet baby, have to be patient or you won't get what you want" 😵‍💫
harry literally loves teasing you and giving you juuuust less than enough 😌 he loves to watch your face twist up as you get more desperate and the way your hips fight against his hold as you try to move closer to him 😌 he always says filthy shit like "oh really? you're this needy for me and we've barely even done anything?" bc he knows you like it when he's just a little mean 😌 he doesn't give you what you want until you beg for it enough, he needs it for his ego 😌
i feel like harry is such a man and by that i mean he never uses a gps. he's always like "no I can figure it out myself" and somehow he always does and you never get lost 😭
harry with a sleepy gf 😔 you're always napping when he comes over to your place and he's just 🥰 and climbs into bed with you 😔 or you fall asleep halfway through a movie and he just stays very still so he won't wake you 😔 in the morning he always lets you sleep as long as he can until he can't take it anymore bc he misses you so he's coming to cuddle you and kiss your face to wake you up 😔 you're a little grumpy, hiding your face in his chest and saying "I'm still sleeping" and he goes "but it's time to be awake baby, I miss you" and gives you another kiss 😔
my boobs hurt and ik harry would be so sweet 😔 being so careful not to brush against them when you're cuddling bc he knows you're hurting😔 he would get an ice pack or a heating pad for you, whatever you need 😔 giving you very gentle kisses and saying "I'm so sorry baby, which i could make it better" 😔
plugrry always rolls your blunts for you too, you ask him to teach you one day so you can do it but he's all no that's my job 😌 you just need to sit there and look pretty 😌
plugrry would be so annoying when you're jealous, normally he's the one to be all huffy when he sees you with any other guy so when youuuuu get jealous he's all smug 😌 saying "yeah baby? don't want to share me, do you? don't worry about that sweetness, I'm all yours" and that night you're a little rough with him in bed, riding him so hard and putting your hand on his throat and squeezing a little 😌 he's sooo into it and he says "think maybe I like seeing my sweet girl jealous over me" and that has you bluuushing 😌
he spoils you absolutely rotten allll the time, buying you anything your eyes linger on for a few seconds too long and sometimes you say stuff like "you spend so much money on me I feel bad that i don't-" and he just cuts you off with a kiss on your cheek and says "my sweet girl deserves to have anything she wants" and takes your hand to lead you to the next store 😌maybe the next place you visit is a lingerie store so he can say "see this isn't even buying stuff for you, this is more a gift for me" as he pulls something off the shelf 😌
STOP he would be so concerned about you always 🥹 he's saying "I threw some extra gummies in, have they been helping?" and you say yes and he says he's glad, but then he gets a little more serious and says "and you're not taking them too often are you? it's not good to use them every night" and you say no and that you're being careful, and he says "that's a good girl, that's what i like to hear" and he gives you a quick peck on the cheek before you go 🥹 and as soon as you leave all his friends are like "OOOOOOH h has a crush" and teasing him about it, and he gets so red but he just says "yeah, i think I do" all quiet and a bit nervous 🥹
trying new things with plugrry 😌 maybe you're smoked before but you've never done edibles, and then one day you see him splitting them up into smaller bags and you get curious so you say "what does it feel like?" and he jumps a little bc he didn't know you were watching him, but then he smiles and says "you've never tried them sweet girl?" and you shake your head, coming to sit by him and say "is it different than smoking?" and he nods his head saying "it feels a lot stronger, and it lasts longer, and it's easier to take way too much if you're not careful" and you nod, humming softly, and then say "could we maybe try it?" and he smiles bc somehow he knew that would be your next question, and he says "of course we can, I'd love to take your edibles virginity" and you roll your eyes, smacking his chest playfully, but then you lean your head on his shoulder to watch him work and the way his fingers are so nimble and experienced 😌 you take a deep breath and say "well I'm not doing anything today, so lets do it right now" and he laughs at how eager you are before he says "anything my girl wants" and turns his head to kiss your forehead 😌 then he says "just let me finish up with this and then we can, and also you might want to change into some comfy clothes, it's always better if you're comfortable to start with" and you nod, hopping up to change 😌
when you come out you're in leggings and one of his hoodies and he's trying so hard to keep focused but you just look so good 😌 he has to stop and steal more than a few kisses before he's done 😌 finally he has everything all packaged up, and he says "alright sweetheart, let's do this" and you're giggling a bit bc you're so excited to try something new with him 🥹 he says "you've never done it before, and I don't want anything too crazy to happen, so we'll start with a pretty small dose for you, and you can always take more if you need it" and you nod, more than a little turned on seeing him in his element like this, and you watch as he cuts one of the gummies in half and holds it out to you, and you reach for it but he pulls back a little, and then you realize what he wants, so you open your mouth so he can set it on your tongue 😌 he pops the other half in his mouth, and then he takes another full one bc he knows he has a bit of a higher tolerance than you do, and he knows just how much to take so he won't be too out of it 😌 then he leads you back to the living room, pulls you to sit down on the couch next to him and says "and now... we wait" and you huff a bit and say "this is why i like smoking, you don't have to be patient or anything" and he laughs, turning his head to kiss your neck 😌 you tangle your fingers in his hair, gently holding him in place, and then say "how long does it take?" and he says "it depends, but usually around 2 hours for it to really peak" and you sigh again, saying "maybe we should smoke while we wait and that'll help the process along" and he goes "aaabsolutely not pretty girl, it's gonna start feeling good before you know it... and in the meantime I know some things we could do to distract ourselves 😌" and he keeps kissing at your neck, slowly trailing higher until he's at your lips 😌 he says "feels like i haven't kisses you all day, doesn't it?" but he doesn't even give you a chance to answer before he's kissing you 😌 the sight of you in his apartment, trusting him enough to try new things, all while wearing his clothes just does things to him, and so he's gripping your hips and pulling you to sit on his lap before you can even think 😌 he's suddenly very needy, barely letting you come up for air bc he just needs to be kissing you 😌 his nose nudges against yours and you make a whimpering noise, which only makes him hold your hips tighter 😌 he's being so soft and gentle with his tongue, just running it over your lips to feel you tense up and slipping inside your mouth to show you who's boss here 😌 after a while of very unhurried kisses and running your hands all over each other, you pull back and take a deep breath, and his eyes go to your lips immediately bc he's obsessed with how pink and swollen they get 😌 you rest your head on his shoulder and whisper a little "woah" and he smirks, rubbing your back to say "starting to feel it?" and you nod, saying "not a lot, but definitely a little bit" and he says "it'll get better, just come back up here and kiss me" so ofc you do, taking little breaks every few minutes to let him know how you're feeling, and soon you're starting to get a bit more lightheaded so you say "let's just lay down, can we?" and he says "mhm, whatever my girl wants" and shuffles around to help you get comfy on top of him 🥹 he's starting to feel it pretty well now too, and he's rubbing your back slowly and gently, and then he starts talking to you 🥹 he's mostly just saying random stuff, sentences that go all over the place, but his voice is so soft and calming that it just makes you feel more and more floaty 😌 you're not really paying attention to his words, moreso how you can actually feel his voice vibrating in his chest when he talks, but you do catch a few things like "you're so pretty, you know? prettiest girl I've ever seen" and you just close your eyes and let yourself feel it 😌 and really you're so glad he's the one you're doing this with, especially for the first time 😌
being on his lap while he's in front of all these important people and girls who clearly want him 😌 sitting kind of sideways and your arms are around his neck, and he has one around your waist while the other holds a joint that you're sharing 😌 literally just being his arm candy the whole night while he keeps whispering in your ear about all the stuff he's gonna buy for you 😌and when you get a little jealous of plugrry he's giving you extra kisses and he says "don't worry sweetness, you're the only girl for me, the only one i ever want" making sure you know he only has eyes for you 😌
harry is definitely way too excited in the morning and you're always like 🙄 leave me alone I'm ASLEEP🙄 but he's just like :D but it's time to be awake I want to talk to you :D he nuzzles in your neck and hugs you way too annoyingly tight until you're groaning and trying to squirm away bc you know he's not going to let you have any peace 😭 you say "get off of me I'm sleeping" but he just smiles and keeps kissing your neck, making you giggle when his scruff tickles you 😭 he's basically on top of you and saying "wake uuuuuup wake up please baby wake up i miiiiss youuuu" and he is just not letting up 😭 you keep trying to push his face away and finally he huffs saying "will you get up if I get you some coffee?" and you open one eye to look at him, and he's smiling so big you can't say no so you sigh and nod 😭 he hops up right away and you hear him shuffling around the kitchen, then he comes back in and he says "good moooorning pretty girl it's time to get up for real now, i have coffee and muffins" and you let out a big sigh, pulling the blankets a little higher before you say "will you lay with me for just 5 minutes? please?" and he can never say no to you so he's climbing into the bed again 😭 he keeps giving you very gentle kisses all over, then finally he says "how about if I feed you the muffin" and finally you agree and he's never been happier 😌
and that's how all your friends find out he likes you, bc when you play board games together he neeeever goes easy on anyone bc he loves to win but suddenly? hmm he seems to be losing a lot and you seem to be winning all the time 🤔 very suspicious 🤔
PLEASE and you and harry joking around about your ex ☹️ he says "i always hated him" and you roll your eyes and say "you only hated him bc he was with me" and he argues "nooooo, no I always hated him he's so fucking slimy" and then you stare at him for a moment before you laugh and say "slimy?" and he nods very seriously, but then he can't help but laugh with you ☹️ he says "you're way too good for him" and you playfully say "and what makes you think you're good enough for me?" and he just says 😌oh I'm not 😌 but you love me anyways 😌
causally riding harry I'm going to scream and cry... like anon said he's smoking while you're doing it, his eyes are focused on your chest (who can blame him? they're right in his face 😌) and the room is quiet except for some soft music he has playing and the occasional moan from each of you 😵‍💫 every so often he brings the blunt up to your lips, or he just kisses the smoke into your mouth if he's feeling filthy 😵‍💫
anyways asking harry to cum inside you, you're on birth control and finally feel like you're ready to do it without a condom 😌 he goes absolutely feral feeling you fully for the first time, he's gritting his teeth and trying so hard to keep it together 😌when he cums he grips your thighs and pulls you right up against him so he'll be as deep inside as he can, and you both cry out when you feel him cum 😌 when he pulls out he's losing his mind seeing the way it drips out, and he for sure uses two fingers to push some of it back inside 😌 or he leans down to clean you up with his tongue until you're pushing him away bc it's too much 😌
harry would be so smug when he gets you to make some louder noises for him in bed 😌 maybe you're normally more quiet and he's completely fine with that, he's gotten to know you very well and he knows exactly how to tell when you're feeling good 😌then one day he throws one of your legs over his shoulder while he's fucking you, and you let out the loudest moan he's ever heard from you because the new angle has him reaching all sorts of spots 😌 he smirks and says "oh, that was a pretty noise, that feel nice baby?" and you nod so fast, gripping onto his shoulder and saying "don't stop, please don't stop" and he grins and says "then you're gonna have to make some more noise for me lovie, need to know I'm doing a good job" and he slows down or even stops whenever he thinks you're not being loud enough 😌
harry is deeeeefinitely obsessed with the way you smell. like in a sexual way ofc but also just so innocetly, when you're cuddling he buries his face in your neck and takes a deep breath bc it's familiar and comforting and makes him feel safe 😔
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lovelyelbowleech · 3 years
MS LEECH!!! YOUR NEW CHAPTER!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!! (this is hair anon btw lol)
let me set the scene: i am driving around on a beautiful day with my girlfriend. i am drinking an iced matcha latte. i am enjoying the view outside the window; the rolling fields, the grass gently blowing in the breeze, the occasional willow or other such tree. i hear a notification on my phone. i open it, and see the notification for this chapter. it takes all of my willpower to avoid screaming so loudly that it sends my girlfriend swerving. needless to say, while the view was beautiful, it was. VERY quickly forgotten about. the notification (and chapter) were definitely the cherry on top of an already wonderful day <3
i REALLY, really liked the beginning of the chapter’s focus on katara + co and then shen. i Love how you’ve been subtly showing katara’s improved relationship and increased trust in iroh, even with them making fewer appearances so far, and i love the way you write her and iroh and everyone else in the gaang. and shen!!! AAAAHHHH!!! i’m glad that he is alive and (mostly) unharmed. don’t know how long that’s gonna last but i’m rooting for him <3 i can’t tell yet how his “relationship” with kazuma is gonna turn out, but i get the feeling it will either end on a slightly positive note? maybe? that or Very badly. regardless very worried for my friend shen and sending him thoughts and prayers (this is half a joke half genuine)
also. zuko and sokka. zuko sitting on sokka and being so comfortable with his touch. sokka’s goodbye to his DADS. bato being a fucking icon and ride-or-die bitch and committing arson to help them get out. it all was so good. what really got me though was sokka and zuko’s hug. my god zuko’s got it BAD. so does sokka but he doesn’t know it yet 😭 but zuko initiating the hug?? pulling him back in after he started to pull away because he felt awkward about his lips being on his neck? it was so incredibly tender. reading it made me feel just… warm. and hopeful. it was one of the sweetest and most tender moments i’ve ever read and it made me teary. just. you’re amazing. thank you so much for sharing this scene, and all of your writing, with us <3
i hope this email finds you well and happy, and that you are having a good day/night. thank you so so much, again, and i will, as always, be waiting patiently and eagerly for the next chapter 💖
I am glad you had such a lovely day, and that the fic provided a bit of extra fun (or you know, trauma😂) Glad you enjoyed the little moments of tenderness, they are a relief to write after all the angst... but you know, onwards to more angst we go! (and maybe some more cute in there too)
Thanks for the great comment as always!
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fapper · 3 years
Girl what right does your roommate has to be mad at you for having covid when the other day she was asking you if her sister who had covid could stay in the dorm with yall??... idk how it works in the us or with your college in specific but if you can, contact a doctor, take some medicine and rest. Email your professor again and tell him youre not feeling well to attend classes and that youre unfortunately gonna have to skip and what solutions does he have in mind for that bc it should not affect your participation. And honestly its your right as a sick person to rest... like if you had work you wouldnt be able to do home office while sick, how is it diff from studying yk.. ik its scary bc you may be immunocompromised but contact a doctor right away and they will know what medicines you should take so it doenst progress into something worse and dont go out!!!!!!! Fuck your friend also for being mad at you for having covid like wtf.. how were u supposed to know, you dont have a crystal ball. I really hope you feel better soon both physically and mentally!
THANK YOU LITERALLY THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE MOST CONSCIOUS OPINION I HAVE HEARD ALL DAY LIKE… thank you it really means a lot this makes me actually want to email that prof tell him i literally an immunocompromised and should be excused from class cuz wtf 😭 and the roommate ur so right… i agreed to her bringing her sister who HAD covid so like i guess we’re even now. But this place is messed up plus they STILL havent contacted me or told me anything abt going to an isolation unit and its been 4 hours like wtf! I should be out of here 😭😭😭😭😭😭 its like worrisome and its fucking me up and idk why but every time i cough now my chest hurts or when i breathe in it hurts likeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 that prof is actually insane i have that class in 30 mins i should think abt emailing him. But should i. Idk. Its like only an hour class but its gonna be awkward cuz im gonna be the only one attending it online… and im gonna be discussing stuff with them so like its gonna be hard to talk w them online vs in real life 💀 bruh. I legit have shitty friends too like…
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seasidepierre · 2 years
ohhhh im gonna need you to tell us everything about the concert so i can live vicariously through you 😭😭😭
Welp, that was an absolute banger and I'm officially too old to go to concerts and be wild, now. Seriously, everything clicks, everything hurts, everything's sore. I'm in pieces. But let me do a recap of my day because my oh my was it good.
I made my way to the arena at around 2.30pm and ate on my own because I was the only one of my group of friends going to the soundcheck. It was a bit awkward and I got yelled at by a group of fans because they were giving numbers to us all (which annoyed me a little, because you're just a bunch of fans so you shouldn't tell me what to do? anyway, I respect their wish for order but I was honestly just trying to have a good time and then join my friends at the back so I truly didn't care whether I was #138 or #569 tbh). I entered the arena at 3.30pm or something like that, which wasn't granted because apparently, my friend's ticket had been scanned several times already and they wouldn't let me in. Even though my name was literally next to hers on the screen. It was so dumb, it was a joke. I got to talk with a nice lady who was in the actual 5SOS staff and explained to her that my friend couldn't attend anymore and had sent an email to explain that I was the one who could take her place. She very kindly laughed at the whole ordeal and told me I was fine, so here I was in the arena, waiting for my fave dumdums.
It was my first 5SOS soundcheck experience and tbh, it left me a bit confused. They were super late, which, granted, is a very 5SOS thing of them to do. They played Valentine (which I really don't like), answered a bunch of questions that had been pre-selected, and played Vapor (which made me want to actually sob). Calum was wearing a trucker hat, which hid his entire face during the Q&A so I'm not sure we got to actually see Calum and not some lookalike at that point. Luke was sitting crisscross it was super cute. Michael kept giggling at his own jokes and Ashton looked super soulful so I was stocked. When they played Vapor (they elt us choose between Vapor and Lie To Me), Calum had to step out to grab his phone and google the lyrics and chords, it was just hilarious. I got back out of the room, waited again and finally made it to the fifth row in front of Luke. It would have been perfect to stay there, I was so close, it was so nice, except..
Except I am ochlophobic and I could feel myself getting very very stressed out, to the point that I could hear my heart beating more loudly in my ears than the opening act. It was bad. Also, there were TONS of foreign fans who apparently didn't care at all about the rest of us and who showed up drunk or high already. Two of them tried to squeeze by me, which ended up in me having a sweaty shoulder stuck to my cheek (disgusting) and the girl in front of me, who refused to let them pass, got bitten (????). It was a massive joke. I couldn't move, my arms were stuck, I couldn't even clap. All I could do was throw my head back and get some air, which I did for most of the set. I didn't really enjoy the opening act, their music was a bit too agressive for me and tbh, the fact that I was full on the verge of a panic attack wasn't making anything better.
I squeezed on Michael's side between the two sets and felt myself breathing for good. I stayed on the side, it was really good, I could see the stage pretty well and that was all I needed.
There's something truly magical to me about the moment when Ashton finally comes on stage. For the longest time, he was the first one stepping on stage and we'd get him alone for a handful of seconds. I've been in Ashton's lane forever so it was truly a communion of some sorts between him and I. I was looking forward to this part, but they came all at once and I didn't get that little suspended in time moment. I was a bit disappointed but that was quickly swept away.
The first third of the show felt like a blur because they did not stop at all. The songs blended together, the transitions were really really good though!! They stopped to chat a couple of times but honestly, it was the perfect mix of old and new songs. Beware, they don't do the SLSP jump anymore and because I'd been told about it, I jumped myself. Gotta take the matter into your own hands lol. At some points during Talk Fast, Luke dropped the mic and Calum couldn't stop laughing, which made Luke laugh too and the whole start of the song was a giant mess.
It was overall a super super nice experience, which a couple of really weird moments, but I enjoyed my night and I'm so glad I got to see Ash and Mike again!
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