#so i sat down to try and make a moody piece
risartblog · 1 year
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A real human being, and a real hero
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itssliyahhxoxo · 1 month
Golden retriever & Black cat 
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNswo6ar/
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Gamer gf & gf that watches
You laid on your stomach facing Paige and her game as she threw her tantrum “com one bro” she pouted “it’s not that serious” you said trying not to laugh “yes it is” pause her game and turned to face you still pouting, you poked out your bottom lip pretending to pout “come here” Paige took off her headset and got up to lay in your arms.
“Are you ok? my love” gf & moody gf
Paige was at practice all day leaving you home alone, “babe” Paige called out. With a sigh she sat down her bag and made her way to the back were you were, “hey” she walked in “hi” you mumbled. She stoped hearing your answer “what’s wrong” “my cramps suck” you cried.
“Go and eat” gf & “I’m not hungry” gf
“You want something” Paige asked as she pulled up to McDonald’s, “no, I’m not hungry” you softly smiled, “but you didn’t eat all day” Paige said confused “yes I did”, “what” Paige asked “gum” you chuckled “baby that’s not food” she told you “fine then just get my a happy meal” you replied as she pulled up to the drive through “can I get a 20 piece, with a large fry” she asked, you looked at her confused “I said-“ “I know what you said, but you need to eat” she cut you off
Gf that doesn’t know how to take compliments & “you’re so pretty” gf
You were applying your finish touches to your make up and hair when Paige walked in, “you look beautiful” she smiled. You looked at her and gave her a awkward smiled before slowly looking away scratching up your face, paige notices and smirks “I said, you look beautiful” she walked up behind you wrapping her arms around your waist “stop” you blushed
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bagopucks · 9 months
A. Matthews - Mean Words Hurt People
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Auston Matthews x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning(s): none! Just light angst.
“Hudson just take the pills.”
“Hudson please! They’ll help.”
“No! Go away! I can’t do it, I hate you!”
It had been an awfully stressful week. Auston and I were both feeling the irritability. With the second round knock out, I was patient. I assumed he might need time alone or with his team, and it was time I was willing to grant. What I hadn’t expected was for him to dive headfirst into the fire. I worried that we never got time to discuss it or that he never got time to cope with it, but at the same time I wondered if Auston coping was spending time planning our wedding and being a father to Auston. I always wanted to ask, but I never wanted to overstep my boundaries.
Until it came to hell week. Hudson’s allergies had been horrible. I worked overtime almost every night, and Auston was left with most of the work. It was bumpy, sure, but even if it had been myself and Hudson, I knew it still would have been bumpy. Hudson was tired and cranky, and stuffy and itchy and miserable. Auston was miserable navigating everything, trying to keep the kid happy, trying to make him take his pills, trying to find ways to entertain him. I felt horrible coming home each night, some worse than others. Some more peaceful than expected.
Some days Auston would be out cold on the couch, his clothes a mess, his hair pulled up, exhaustion laced in his furrowed brow. Other days I could hear the screaming and fussing from Hudson well before I even got up the front porch steps.
Hudson’s allergies and attitude couldn’t have come at a worse time. Halloween was around the corner and I had so many plans as to how I wanted to share it with Auston and Hudson. The last thing I wanted was for my miserable and moody kid to put those on the back burner. Especially because it was a chance to go out and have some family fun. Even if we hadn’t been the most stable of families recently.
I reminded Auston to be patient, but it was never really him that seemed ready to give up. Sure he got overworked, sure he was as miserable as Hudson, and as lost, but not once had he turned to me and told me he couldn’t do it. Until the night I came home to quite the tense scene. Auston sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Toys were everywhere, Hudson was nowhere. He looked a mess. He looked exhausted. And when he looked up at me and told me he needed a break, I couldn’t get mad. I understood. When Hudson had spells like these, I often found backup was the best way to handle it.
“Was it worse today?” I asked softly as I closed the door, assuming Hudson was asleep.
“I stopped asking myself that a while ago.”
“I’m really sorry, hun.” I sat down next to him on the couch, gentle as I rested my hand on his back.
“I don’t know what his problem is.” The tension in his voice was something foreign to me. Auston was usually so collected and relaxed.
“It’s just his allergies. He just doesn’t understand why he’s feeling so miserable, and why it won’t go away. Just give him time.”
“I really need a break.” A piece of me wanted to tell him parenthood is a full time job. But I couldn’t, because while I knew it was a full time job, I liked my vacation days. And the perfect babysitter came in the form of my mother.
“Maybe Hudson needs a few days with grandma.”
“You think?” I pulled back at the tension in his tone. “I’m sorry.” Auston was quick to apologize, running his hands through his hair and sitting back. When I finally got a good look at his face, I raised a brow. There was more than just exhaustion in his features.
“Did Hudson say something to you?”
“What?” I watched Auston’s deep brown eyes meet my own. “No.”
“Aus. Did something happen?” I quickly placed my hand on his thigh.
“No. Okay? It’s fine. I just- I’d like to go home… alone- to sleep in my bed. With my dog.”
“Okay… okay if that’s what you need. Auston, just- I’m here for you. Okay?”
Auston stood up, and I watched him walk toward the door. For reasons I didn’t understand, he was more than overworked. He didn’t seem interested in sharing, but I assumed a full night of rest would help. “Drive safe, okay?” I watched him nod as he put his shoes on, and I locked the door behind him after he left. I hoped to delve deeper into the issue when Hudson awoke in the morning.
“Hey sweetie.” I spoke from the stovetop, cooking a few eggs for Hudson to eat for breakfast. I watched the boy peek around the kitchen and dining area before he padded off into the living room. When he returned, he came to my side and hugged my leg. “Sleep well?”
“Okay.” His distant and somber tone made me sigh. Both of my boys were anything but happy. It hurt knowing I could do nothing to help either.
“We have to talk, okay?” I watched his big eyes shoot up to my own. I wondered if he already knew what was on my mind. “Go sit. I’ll bring your plate over.” And I did just that. Once I finished cooking the eggs, I put them on a small plate and grabbed a fork, carrying the items over to set them down on the table. I pulled my chair out across from Hudson. The lack of Auston at our table was oddly unsettling. We’d both grown used to his presence in the mornings.
“Auston‘s really stressed.” The mention of the man lost my son’s interest. His eyes didn’t lift from his plate. “You’re not making things easy, hun. And I understand your allergies are killing you, but that doesn’t give you any right to be difficult or mean.”
Hudson dropped his fork on his plate, looking down at his lap.
“Have you been mean?” I leaned forward slightly, listening in the silence. Listening until I heard a quiet sniff. “Hudson?”
“I didn’t mean it.” His broken tone made me raise a brow.
“Honey, what didn’t you mean?”
“Did I make him leave? I didn’t want him to leave. Is it my fault?” His questions made me shoot up from my chair to cross the table, kneeling on the floor by Hudson.
“Honey.” I spoke in a stern yet soothing tone, reaching upwards to cup his tear stained cheeks. “Hudson you could never scare Auston off. He loves you.” I cooed.
“I’m so sorry, momma… I didn’t mean it!” Somewhere in the midst of the chaos, mistakes had been made, and i finally understood the issue. An issue I never should have left Auston alone with. “I don’t really hate him… I didn’t mean it.”
“Hudson, why would you say that?”
“I didn’t mean it, momma.” His quiet cries turned into sobs.
“Shhh.. okay honey.” I rubbed my son’s head, my heart hurting for both Auston and Hudson. They both needed comfort I wish I could have provided sooner.
“I don’t hate him.” Hudson whispered in a broken tone.
“I bet Auston would like to know that.”
“Not if he’s mad at me.” I shook my head.
“He still loves you, honey.” I wiped his tears one last time. “You just need to apologize.”
From day one, Auston’s mind had been plagued with worries. What if he wasn’t good enough? Or what if he couldn’t be a good father? What if he wasn’t cut out for all the responsibilities, or he couldn’t be a good role model? He never actually prepared himself for the day the kid he’d worked so hard to earn the favor of, would say he hated him. Auston had been floored when Hudson screamed it across the house. It was worse than any pain he’d ever felt before. It was the last thing he’d wanted. And he didn’t know how to tell me. I couldn’t blame him. Because it was a situation I didn’t actually understand. When I turned up with Hudson on his doorstep, a piece of me didn’t expect him to be home, but sure enough, Auston had opened the door just minutes after knocking. Felix stood at his feet, clearly oblivious to the situation, panting excitedly at the sight of Hudson. His best friend.
“Hey Aus.” I flashed the man a tender smile. Auston breathed a sigh that made his shoulders droop.
“Hey.. is everything okay?” Auston opened the door wider, an invite inside. I hesitantly stepped into the home, resting a hand on Auston’s hip and pressing a quick kiss to his chest.
“I came to check on you.. Hudson did too.”
“I was uh.. Felix needs to go on a walk.”
“Let me handle it.” I slid past Auston to grab the dog’s leash, calling Felix and kneeling to get him hooked up. “I’ll be back soon.”
I had faith in my boys making up. Despite the fact that Auston wasn’t Hudson’s father yet, I still knew that they had the ability to talk about their emotions and communicate well. They had never fought before… but I had faith they could apologize and move on.
“Mom,” Hudson called for me softly.
“I’ll be back soon, honey. I promise you’ll be okay.” I pressed a kiss to my son’s head before patting his back, and gently pushing him inside. “Fifteen minutes max. That’s how long I’ll be gone.” I reassured both boys before stepping out the door. Auston hesitated before shutting it behind me.
Was I worried? Sure. But again, I knew they’d be fine.
Auston shuffled his feet nervously for a moment before glancing back down the hallway. “You thirsty, bud?” He asked Hudson, the two making eye contact for the first time since their fight.
“A little.” Neither knew how to begin the conversation, so instead, Hudson and Auston walked down the hall and fetched two glasses of water, before settling in the living room on the couch.
“Your mom wants us to talk.. doesn’t she?” Auston took initiative, holding the cold glass of water between his hands.
“Yeah.” Hudson nodded, eyes examining his own water like a science experiment.
“I’m sorry your allergies have been so bad.” Auston slid a bit closer. “I know that stuff sucks. And I wish I could have been a better help.”
“Mom said we’re gonna see a doctor next week.” He paused. “She said they’re gonna give me something that should work better than the pills.”
“Hudson I was only trying to help.” Auston could barely handle dancing around the subject, so he decided to face it head on.
“I know.” Hudson’s little voice quivered.
“There’s nicer ways to treat the people trying to help you. And I understand if you had frustrations. It’s okay to have those, but there’s better way to communicate frustration than insults. Mean words hurt people.”
“I’m sorry,” Hudson whispered, peeking up at Auston, guilt in his sad features. “I don’t hate you.” The words took a huge weight off the shoulders of both boys. Auston let out a shaky sigh, and Hudson felt far less guilty than before. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.. Hudson it’s okay.” Auston set his glass of water down, reaching for Hudson, who slowly got up and climbed into his lap. Auston rubbed Hudson’s back while the boy sat with him, a mutual understanding between them that there was still love shared. Their relationship remained strong despite what had happened.
“You’re not mad?” Hudson pulled his head from Auston’s shoulder to look at the man.
“Nobody’s perfect, Hudsy. You’ll learn that as you grow up.. and you’ll make other mistakes. Just like I will. And that’s okay. It’s important that people have patience with one another… I’m not mad. I love you so much. Just do me a favor and try to communicate a little better in the future when you’re upset, okay?”
“You’ll help me.. right?”
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berryz-writes · 3 months
Summary: Your forced to spend the weekend with Azriel the bane of your existence but little do you realise he doesn't completely hate you
did i think of the title before writing the actual fic? Yes i did. ENJOY LOVELIES <3 (ignore mistakes it's midnight😭)
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I crossed my arms, wishing and hoping for my sake Rhys was playing some sort of prank and he didn't really mean I had to spend the next three days with the bane of my existence.
"It's last minute I know but you two are the ones I trust to be able to carry this out without gathering much suspicion" Rhys explained looking between the two of us. His expression was slightly apologetic when he looked toward me and it rightfully should have been. He was forcing me to spend 3 days with Azriel. The most arrogant fucking man in the whole of Prythian.
Azriel stood next to me his brows furrowed and his eyes sending daggers at Rhys "I wouldn't want y/n to tire herself out too much. I'll do the mission myself" I grit my teeth together at his words and the annoying belittling tone he used.
"I'm right fucking here. It's better if I go myself, they'll be able to spot a brooding bat from miles away" I replied not even bothering to look at the moody asshole. His wings twitched slightly but he gave no other indication that he had been affected by my words.
Rhys let out a sigh and stood up, walking around his desk and reaching for a folded parchment. "Your both going. End of story" He extended his hand and before Azriel could reach for it I all but snatched it out of Rhys's hand. Rhys looks slightly amused but Azriel didn't. He turned to me, his glare rooting me to the spot. I gave him a pleasant smile back trying to get him even more annoyed. I could hear his teeth grinding together even from the distance between us.
"Go fuck yourself" He muttered to me before storming out the room, his shadows trailing behind as if scared of their master too.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed" I commented, opening the parchment and noting the details Rhys had written, the population of the village, the number of cabins, weapons stores etc. I looked up to see Rhys looking at me, his eyebrows raised slightly as if he found this all amusing "At least try to get along. It'll make things easier"
I let out a sigh. Rhys was right. But annoying Azriel was always so fun. "I'll think about it" I finally let out, leaving his study and going to prepare my weapons.
I walked around the cabin, running a finger along the book case. Not a speck of dust in sight, the magic keeping the cabin clean for any guests. There was a double bed on one side of the room, matching side tables on both sides, opposite them were two armchairs and a fireplace which was currently filled with logs as the fire danced away the cold. A small kitchen to the back with cupboards stocked with every ingredient.
Gods I hated this place. Well not the cabin. It was cosy. What I hated was the village itself. It was always so dreary and grey. Not to mention the smell of misogynistic males who thought themselves too high up to talk to a female. Fucking pricks.
I sat down on the bed and unlaced my boots, finally being able to feel my feet properly. The day had been a long and annoying one. Meeting with village heads to discuss why there was disruptions amongst the Illyrians. Making sure females were still allowed to train and their wings were kept safe. The whole lot of them were stubborn, not a word going through their thick skulls. And to add to the growing list of annoyances Azriel had been an asshole the entire day. More than usual.
Before I could think more about how draining my day had been I heard a sharp knock at my door. I readied myself. If it was that fucking Illyrian who had called me a whore I was going to give him a piece of my mind. I walked over to the front door my socks gliding across the wooden floorboards, reminding me of when me and Rhys used to ice skate on the Sidra. I opened the door my frown already in place. Good thing it was because it was Azriel darkening up my door with his gloom.
"What is it Shadowsinger? Miss me?" I crossed my arms and waited for him to say something. Common courtesy would be to invite him into the guest house but I wasn't in the mood of playing nice. He didn't look like he wanted to play nice either. His shadows were moving slowly over his wings and around his body, their colour darker than the night itself.
"I'm staying here for the night" He finally said before moving past me and into the cabin. My mouth fell open as I slammed the front door so the cold wouldn't come in. "What do you mean your staying here? Go to your own cabin..... I was here first!" I admit I sounded like a child but what was he doing here? We had made sure two guest cabins were empty before coming here.
"You were here first? Well that's fucking unfortunate" He replied sending me a glare before sitting on the edge of my bed and removing his belt containing his daggers, bending down to take off his boots too. Why was he looking at me like it was my fault?
I stomped over to him and stopped in front of him "Go to your own cabin! What are you even doing here?" I asked. Gods he was being irritating. Why wasn't he answering me with the truth instead of wasting my time?
He finally turned to look at me, having taken his boots off. His amber eyes looked deadly in this light and with his eyebrows furrowed like that I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking of killing me on the spot "I can't go to my cabin because it doesn't fucking exist. Understand? Or do you want me to show you a visual representation?" Gods I hated it when he was sarcastic. His head was tilted slightly waiting for my reaction.
I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes, anger would get me no where "What do you mean it doesn't exist? It was there in the morning so how has it just disappeared?"
He took a deep breath as well as if he were tired of talking to me, he ran a hand through his hair. Gods he was hot......I shook my head. Was my head screwed on straight?
"There was a fight. The cabin was....demolished during it" He explained. I raised an eyebrow "Who fought? Was it you?....Don't tell me it was you"
Azriel shrugged "It wasn't". I rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed, keeping a big enough distance between us so I wouldn't start thinking about his looks or the way his hair was so pullable or the way his lips...
"Who did you fight with? Didn't Rhys send us with orders of keeping on the down. fucking. low?"
I could see his jaw clench as he refused to look at me "It doesn't matter who I fought with. Your just going to have suck it up and share the bed"
It took me great will power to not roll my eyes again. I took another deep breath "Go back to Velaris for the night"
He turned to me his eyebrows raised as if I had mentioned something stupid "What and leave you here with all those males who would love to fuck you and then slit your throat?"
I narrowed my eyes "First of all, who do you think you are telling me I can't handle a bunch of pricks. Second of all don't you dare underestimate me. Third of all-" I moved closer to him, a grin spreading as I looked at his slightly surprised expression "-are you jealous?"
It was his turn to roll his eyes "In your dreams, sweetheart" He replied, his eyes flicking down to where our legs touched and then back up to my face. I swallowed. This wasn't where I thought this conversation would go.
Luckily, the sound of the door banging gave me the opportunity to escape his hazel eyes. I opened the door to find that same Illyrian who had called me a whore. His expression however was different this time, as if he was forced to stand here and it was taking all his energy to not walk away. His face was also different. A black eye and what seemed to be a broken nose. He was also clutching his side rather strangely...as if he had broken a rib of some sort.
"What? Here to call me a whore again? Say it again. I fucking dare you" I could feel my blood rushing around my body, my fists clenched ready to punch the shit out of this asshole but unfortunately it looked like he had learnt moral decency.
He shifted from one foot to another, his wings folding and opening again before he cleared his throat "I uh...wanted to apologise for what I said earlier"
I raised an eyebrow "You do?"
He nodded his head but I could tell he meant the complete opposite "I shouldn't have called you a whore...I'm-" He cleared his throat again before wincing in pain, his hand clutching his side again. "I'm sorry" He rushed out quickly. I crossed my arms. I was tired. If I wasn't I would have asked him to repeat it.
"Okay well I don't accept your apology, you can go fuck yourself now" I closed the door in his face, locked the door and turned to Azriel eyeing him suspiciously.
"Did you know that guy?" I asked moving over to the bathroom and stopping outside the door to wait for his answer.
Azriel shook his head from where he was sitting on the bed "Nope. Never seen him. Looked pretty messed up didn't he?"
"Hmm" I replied not knowing what to say. I had a feeling Azriel had something to do with it. I went into the bathroom, changed out of my leathers and into my night clothes before stepping out. I wished and wished and wished I hadn't packed shorts for the night. It was already so cold the fire only doing so much if I sat in front of it. While I had been in the bathroom Azriel had changed too, having already laid down on his back, his arm over his eyes. I let out a sigh "So your not going back to Velaris?"
I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs while I tied my hair back. Azriel didn't look at me "No"
I let out another sigh "And your sure there's no other cabins free?". Azriel finally looked at me his lips pressed tightly together "I don't bite"
I rolled my eyes and layed down, the lights dimmed to it being almost pitch black except the silvery moonlight coming in from the window. I pulled the blanket over me and curled up so I had as much heat as possible. Gods it was cold.
After a few minutes of me trying to sleep but failing Azriel turned to his side and faced me. He didn't even have a blanket on "Your shaking the bed" He pointed out.
"It's cold" I turned onto my other side so I didn't have to look at his piercing gaze, just his one look making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Your so dramatic" He muttered before I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him, until my back met his chest and I was engulfed in his warmth. I froze for a second not knowing what to do "Is this alright?" He whispered in my ear, his voice softer than I was used to. I bit back a smile and nodded my head, settling into his hold. This was so nice. So damn nice. I shouldn't have been enjoying it but I was. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and I couldn't help but realise that maybe being in Azriel's arms wasn't so bad.
part 2
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naturesapphic · 30 days
billie × r agere fic?
but like, billie regresses and wants to confess it to r but is scared of judgement, some hurt and angsty but comfort and fluffy ending!
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Little!billie eilish x caregiver!fem!reader
Warnings: age regression, hurt/comfort
Billie has been acting strange lately. She’s been distant towards you and been kinda moody. You didn’t think any thing of it at first but it never went away. You wished she would talk to you so you could help her but you didn’t know how long you could wait until she comes to you first.
Billie came through the front door, slamming it shut, making you jump in your spot. “Bils? You ok-“. You try to say and she cuts you off with a look. She looked like she was gonna cry and you immediately got out of your spot in the couch and took her into your arms. She started to sob immediately and you felt your chest tighten.
You led her to the couch where you gently sat the both of you down and she immediately got on your lap. Still sobbing, she clung to you while you whispered soft reassurances in her ear. “I’m right here bils it’s okay…”. You softly say and a while late her cries died down. Looking down, Billie was already looking up at you with a sad face and you pouted. “What’s wrong bils? You can tell me anything.” You reassured her and she shook her head.
“I-I’m scared y-you’ll leave m-me.” She confessed and you gave her a loving kiss on her forehead. “I could never leave you baby. Never ever.” You said as you tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. “I-I age regress…and since I was scared to t-tell you…I haven’t gotten in my headspace in a while s-so that’s why I’ve b-been acting different lately…” Billie confessed and you nodded.
You’ve heard about age regression before from online and some friends who do it so you know a bit about it. “Ohhhh I see. Well that’s okay bils! I still love you.” You said and Billie’s eyes widen at your words, not believing she heard you right. “Y-you still l-love me?” She said and you giggled at her surprised face. “Of course I do silly! Just because you age regress doesn’t mean I won’t love you or that I think you’re weird! It’s just how you cope with life and stuff. There’s nothing weird or wrong about that.” You said while giving her a sweet smile.
Billie didn’t say anything besides giving you a bone crushing hug as happy tears streamed down her face. You didn’t say anything either as you hug her back just as tight, holding her close. “I love you bils. All of you.” You say, breaking the silence. “I love you m-more…” she says, her voice getting higher. “Awwww are you turning little bils?” I say happily as i pull away from the hug to see your face.
She nods shyly and buries her face in your neck to hide her blushing cheeks. You giggle and hold her close once again, making her relax against you. “Do you feel comfortable with being in your headspace right now baby? I know you’ve been waiting for a while” you say softly as you run your fingers through her hair. “W-Wes Pwease…” she says softly and your lips turned up into a wide smile.
“Go ahead baby…you can let go.” You tell her and she nods against you. For the rest of the day you spent a lot of time with Billie while she was regressed and it was one of the best days for the two of you. You were beyond happy that billie trusted you with this and you are honored to take care of her.
A/n: I hope this is what you are hoping for! I’m not that great at writing angst but I hope you anon and the rest of y’all liked it! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Would/could you maybe write a sam carpenter x fem!reader comfort fic/imagine with her comforting reader after a breakdown which leads to r crying but in Sam's arms? Just something I'm craving rn, thanks 💜
I need you
Sam Carpenter x reader
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Some days life seems like a piece of cake, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. But that doesn’t happen to broke college students who still have to hustle to get their degree. You had too many things to do and nearly not enough time, money was short and your parents were on you like hawks. They cut the money because they thought that you’d need to learn how to live yourself and while that wasn’t really a problem to you, they thought it was.
You were staying with Tara for the time being as your parents kicked you out of your apartment for a certain timespan and you didn’t have the time nor the money to get a new one. T was nice enough to let you stay and Sam and Quinn were fine with it too.
You and sam liked to keep your relationship on the low, it wasn’t quite a relationship but it also wasn’t just a fuck. It was something and you didn’t wanna label it because you were scared that it’d ruin it. So, you never talked to anyone about it, not even Anika even though she was your best friend.
It was late at night, around 2 a.m. when you sat in the kitchen, trying to write an essay for your English class when sam came home. You’d been working from 3 p.m to 1 a.m as your coworker got I’ll and as soon as you got home you sat down and started to work. You were dehydrated and haven’t really eaten since 2 p.m. You were moody, sad and you weren’t getting anywhere with this stupid essay. After just starring at the screen for around 20 minutes your eyes started to fill with tears and your breathing got heavy. There was no focusing anymore, you were blowing your nose again and again while you tried to wipe away the tears with the sleeve of your long sleeve shirt.
Sam walked in on you sitting at the kitchen table. Your back was turned to her, so she couldn’t see your face. “Hey, you’re still awake” she whispered as she walked up behind you, her arms wrapping around your shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You mumbled a yeah as you tried to keep your voice as steady as possible. But it was no use, Sam was great at observing and your shaky voice was easy to notice. “What’s wrong honey?” Her voice was unbelievably soft which made you break.
You started to cry out loudly, hiccups following and your shoulders shaking. The older woman’s heart broke for you, she noticed that you had been down lately but she didn’t know that it was that bad. Her hand reached down to grab yours and pull you over to the couch where you carefully sat on her lap, one leg on each side of her hip. Your face was squished into her neck, your sobs silenced while her arms squeezed your waist and pulled you closer. Sweet kisses were placed on your neck and head along with reassuring words, in hopes that they’d calm you down.
“I’m sorry” you hiccuped out, slightly laughing about how much of a mess you were. You hoped that it’d make the situation less awkward and uncomfortable but it didn’t really. “Don’t apologize baby, wanna tell me what’s wrong?” She asked as her hand rubbed up and down your back. The moment was too sweet to be just between friends.
“I’m just, I-I, it’s too much. I’m failing basically every goddamn thing, I’m not making enough money and my parents are watching me like hawks just waiting for me to fail and if it keeps going like this then they won’t have to wait even longer” you cried out, your head falling back into the crook of sams neck. Your tears were staining her neck but she couldn’t care less.
“Don’t say stuff like that! You’re doing great baby” she said and started to stand up. Your legs wrapped tighter around her waist while her hands supported you. “You’re working all alone, you’re doing your best in college. I am so proud of you” she kept mumbling as she sat you down on her bed. She let go of you for a second to get you one of her hoodies and her boxers, it wasn’t the first time you were in her bed but it was the first time it felt this intimate.
“Thank you but we both know that my parents don’t think the same. They are going to hate me if I fail” you kept crying, burying yourself in her hoodie and turning your back to her with your legs pulled up to your chest.
Sam didn’t say anything, you heard how she changed her cloths and then heard her move to the other side of the bed. She’s never really been someone for cuddling, it just wasn’t hers or at least it wasn’t with you. But this night she laid down behind you, tightly pressed into your back with her arms wrapped around your waist. Her face was pressed into the crook of your neck where she placed soft kisses up and down. It was unbelievably comforting.
“Sleep a bit for me Love, well take about everything else tomorrow alright?” She mumbled into your neck and pulled you closer, watching how your eyes close before her own closed too.
The next morning you woke up still in sams arms. She was already awake when your eyes opened, her hand stroked up and down your side. “Good morning, are you alright?” She asked, her voice immediately comforting you. You gave her a small nod and turned in her arms, cuddling into her chest. You weren’t sure what was happening at the moment but decided to take advantage of any comfort you could get.
“You know, I meant what I said yesterday” she started, her fingers combing thru your hair, “I am proud of you and I think you’re doing awesome. Just let your parents talk, but if they’re rude to you, come to me alright? I’ll protect you. After all you’re kinda my girlfriend right?” She sounded unsure and insecure at the end which made you coo.
“I’d love nothing more that being your girlfriend” you answered, leaning your head up to press a quick kiss to her lips. By all means it wasn’t your first kiss, but the way you kissed was new. It was filled with love and care, it made you feel like everything was going to be alright again. And as long as Sam was by your side, everything was going to be fine.
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burnedwriter · 2 years
what type of roommate they are
A/n:college has been kicking my ass lately.These are small headcanons of what type of roommate they would be
warnings:fluff,mention of fighting,mentions of smoking weed and a bit of angst on zhongli’s part
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🐋Let’s start with that he’s the worst out of everyone on this list,not that hes moody or anything along the lines but because hes one of the messy ones,not only that but he also loves teasing you
🐋he will leave his stuff everywhere in the apartment and then you have to go pick them up one by one or else they will be left there for week upon on weeks ,you learned that lesson the hard way when he left one of his plates in his room and it got spoiled.
🐋He will always come back extremly drunk after he comes back from the parties he usaully goes,you will hear him stumble across the kitchen,the first time that happened you thought you were getting robbed.You usually help him with his hangover as you see him curled up in a ball.
🐋He is suprisingly a very good cook,he usually cooks for you if he sees that you are really tired and to make up for all his teasing as he says.
🐋Even if hes a little teasing piece of shit,he will always be there for you,if you need a shoulder to cry on or complain to him about your problems
🐋‘‘come on Ajax’‘you said dragging him in the apartment.
he was out on one of his usual parties when he called to come and pick him up since he was too drunk to drive himself back.
‘‘you are so heavy’‘struggling to carry him as you pushed him on the living room couche so he could la down and relieve the pressure from your should as you felt that you were going to get crashed by his weight.
‘‘my fucking head hurts’‘he groaned in pain covering his eyes with his forearms as they were too sensitive to the light.
‘‘stay here im going to bring you some water,do you need anything else Ajax’‘you asked him,as you marched towards the kitchen pouring him a glass of water and getting him a painkiller and returned to the living room.
Sitting up,he reached for the glass,taking small sip,he swallowed the painkiller before putting the glass back on the table.
His eyes still looking foggy from the headache still.
‘‘can you keep me some company untill the pain goes away?’‘he questioned,placing his head on your lap using your thighs as a pillow,looking up at you with puppy eyes to convince you to stay with him.
‘‘fine’‘you signed holding his head softly on your hands stroking his cheeks.after sometime passed you went to check up on him,looking down you were quickly greeted with an asleep ajax on your lap sleeping calmly.
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🐉the best roommate someone can have
🐉Hes super clean and quiet the perfect combo,he usually studies in his room,and if you need any help with your assignments hes always there to help you and share his knowlage with you.
🐉Hes a clean freak,he cant stand things not being in their place or out of order,if he sees that you forgot something where it shouldnt be,he will always drop hints like ‘’i think you forgot something on the table’’ for you to come and pick it up
🐉Hes also an amazing cook,he cooks for the both of you,unlike the other people on this list ,zhongli has an expensive taste,you still dont know where he gets all this money from to make those expensive dishes.
🐉Hes also an amazing emotional support but unlike childe,he will actually give you good advices or help you through your tough times.
🐉zhongli was standing right outside your door,he was going to ask you if you wanted to go shopping with him when all of a sudden he heard crying coming from your room.
‘‘are you ok dear, can i come in,so we can talk?’‘ ’‘zhongli asked,knocking softly
‘‘no,but you can come in’‘you said from the other side,your voice still shaky from crying.
Entering the room,he sat next to you on your bed,placing a hand on your back trying to calm you down.
‘‘what happened may i ask?,if you want to of course, i will still stay here until you calm down’‘he said,reassuring you that he will still be there for you no matter the answer you give him.
‘‘i studied for this exam and still failed’‘tears creeping up from your eyes,as you explained the situation to zhongli.
‘‘its not the end of the world im sure you will learn from your mistakes,there is always a next time,im sure you will do better next time’‘he said with a soft smile on his lips,stroking your back softly.
His small speech giving you back the onfidence that you need,as you wipe your face with the sleeves of your shirt clearing yur vision.
‘‘you are probably right zhongli,there is alway a next time’‘you answered back at him with the same soft smile.
‘‘i was going to ask you if you want to come shopping with me,are you still up for the idea?’‘he questioned,waiting for an answer from you.
‘‘sure let me get ready first and we can go,i actually needed some new shoes’‘
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💀Xiao is a unique roommate,hes not bad nor good,hes more like neutral.
💀he will lock himself in his room for hours upon hours on end and come out only if he needs to eat something or go to the bathroom.
💀he smokes weed,sometimes when you pass by his room,you can smell it through the door.You want to ask him to try some but you are too scared to ask him.
💀Hes not the best person to talk to but he is there for you if you need someone to talk to,just dont expect him to give you advices like zhongli does.
💀Both of you have smoked weed together,after finally gathering up the courage to ask him if you could smoke with him which he suprisingly shared with you.laying on xiaos chest his hand wrapped around you as the both of you passed the joint back and forth
‘‘wow take it easy there,its your first time and i dont want anything bad happening to you’‘he aid cautious,taking it quickly away from your hand before you could take another puff.
‘‘i will be fine dont worry’‘you said looking up at him.
‘‘no’‘his answer short and swift,as he took a puff.
‘‘i didnt know you were so chill’‘you stated
‘‘and what did you though about me’‘ he asked confused at your sentence as he continued to smoke.
‘‘well...i though you were one of those moody people that hated socializing,that’s why i was scared to talk to you,i felt a bit intimidated’‘you answered,now wrapping your own arm around his torso,hugging him.
‘‘oh’‘he looked shocked by your answer,catching him off guard
‘‘but i glad i gathered the courage and now we are friends’‘starting to slur over your word as you snuggled on his chest chest your mind starting to go blank as the effects of the drug started to kick in.
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💨😒scara is one of the worst combos moody and sassy.You two fight a lot because of his subtle attitude which ends with you both locking yourselfs in your rooms
💨😒If you leave soemthing somewhere he will tell you something along the lines like ‘’arent you going to pick it up?’’ or ‘’its not going to clean itself’’.
💨😒he is really smart and a good student but refuses to help you if you are having trouble with any of your assignments,he will tell you ‘’google is free’’ and proceed to  continue reading his book,you could almost see the small smirk on the side of his mouth everytime he says it.
💨😒hes a good cook but he will ask you to clean the dishes right after he sees you finishing your food.
💨😒if he accidentally hurts you with something he said,he will immediatly apologise to you right after the both of you calmed down,he felt guilt overtake his body as soon as he saw tears threatening to escape your eyes
💨😒You two play a lot of video games together in your free time,one time he dared you to 1v1 him in his favourite game which you ended up winning and then you had a very salty scara asking you for a rematch.
💨😒sitting on the living room couche you both played,games for hours,you tried your best to win against scara but you were greeted yet again win the same scoreboard showing scara at the top and you on the buttom indicating your loss.
‘‘guess who won yet again’‘scara said with his usual sassy tone looking at you with a teasing smile.
‘‘its not fair!you cheated!’‘you yelled in response,pouting angryly.
‘‘i ‘’cheated’‘ sure’‘ he let out a breathy laugh at your angry expression.
‘‘i want a rematch and this time i want go easy on you’‘you demanded looking at him still pissed that you lost.
‘‘fine,but dont expect me to go easy on you either,like i did before,you asked for it afterall’‘he said with a smug expression on his face.
‘‘bet,prepare to loose then’‘
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mermaidgirl30 · 9 months
Look for the Light Epilogue
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Series Masterlist
- Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him?
- Notes: I am so so sad this story is over! I loved every second of writing this and put in so many hours on this masterpiece. This was my first ever fanfic and I hold it so dear to my heart. I can’t tell you how much I cried writing the epilogue. It ended perfect, and I just can’t get over that it’s over 😭🥹 My heart hurts
This is the song I played over and over when I wrote this chapter, fits so well 🥰🩵
You watched the rest of December disappear just like the snow on the ground. The last few weeks were magical as the town was donned in glittery Christmas lights and garland foliage. Joel had even decorated the living room with a little pine tree and splayed pretty Christmas lights all over it. It was the comfiest Christmas you’d ever had. Your favorite part was being wrapped up with him on the couch as you drank hot chocolate and sat in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve, keeping warm as he kept you in his lap, running his fingers through your hair and sending light kisses against your temples.
You watched the seasons fly by in Jackson as the months came and went in the blink of an eye. You watched the frigid, snowy days turn to lush, rainy days as the spring flowers started to blossom outside the gates.
The town was quiet for the most part. You had settled into your normal routine in Jackson, taking care of all the horses and even some of the other animals like the sheep which was Joel’s favorite. He had always wanted his own sheep farm, so he’d stop by every time you were tending to them.
Joel started working on more projects in town, helping build new buildings, fixing things around houses, and even doing a little woodwork in his spare time. He always loved working with his hands and making new things. He had a knack for it and was good at it, too. Some days you’d just sit there in his woodshop and watch him work. The way his rough hands would cut the wood, the way he’d turn an ordinary item into a beautiful piece of art. The way his broad shoulders and massive biceps would flex each time he brought the hammer down onto the table. He was a masterpiece in himself. A gorgeous work of art.
And then there was Ellie. You got to witness the budding relationship between Joel and her take place over the changing seasons. That was your favorite thing to see. He taught her so many things, even taught her how to swim in the deep crystal lake that was nearby. He was so careful with her, so patient. You could see he deeply cared about her now.
He was always grabbing up comic books on patrols that he thought she’d like, always putting her needs before his own. He was quite selfless and so kind. You loved seeing him turn from that angry, brooding man into a protective, sweet, loving one. He was so different than the man you once knew. You liked this version of him. No, you loved this version. You loved him, intensely.
Most evenings were spent sitting on the porch swing as you watched Joel teach Ellie more songs on the guitar. He had found her her own acoustic guitar and gifted it to her at Christmas. The way he lit up when he saw Ellie’s face as she opened the gift under the dazzling tree was worth the trip to find the guitar in the first place. It made your heart burst at the seams. She had been so excited to have her own guitar, and she practiced every day as it became her new favorite hobby. Joel and Ellie had become quite the duo.
The crisp, spring days turned into warm summer days as July rolled around. Joel was taking you on an adventure today or so he said. He wouldn’t tell you where you were going. He wouldn’t even do so much as give you a hint. He kept his jaw locked tight as you rolled your eyes and gave up.
As he led Shimmer out of the barn, you saw Tommy and Maria smiling brightly at Joel like they knew something you didn’t. You saw Joel whispering to Tommy and Maria earlier in the week, even doing the same to Ellie. You didn’t know what all the secrecy was about, but you’d figure it out eventually. Your birthday was only a month away, so maybe they were planning a secret party? Oh well, you wouldn’t worry about it today. You’d just enjoy whatever adventure he was taking you on.
Joel was dressed in his usual attire, even though it was above 80 degrees outside. He had on a grey t-shirt and his green flannel shirt hung unbuttoned over that. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows as he showed off those thick veins that spread across the width of his arms and ended at his massive hands.
He had put on even more muscle during the springtime with all the projects he was doing, so his biceps were clinging to his flannel, threatening to tear the material at any given time. You loved those strong arms, loved being inside them as he held you close at night. It was one of your favorite things.
His blue jeans hung snuggly across his waist and showed off his muscular thighs. He was all ripped, all muscle. And he was all yours for the taking.
Before you could jump up on Shimmer, Joel put a hand on your shoulder and stopped you in your tracks. He clicked his tongue and smiled up at you. “Hold on, darlin’. Gotta put this on before we go.” He held out a big, oversized black ribbon in front of your face as you questioned the gesture of it.
“What’s this for?” you asked as your eyebrows furrowed together.
“You gotta put it on so you don’t see where we’re goin’,” he answered as he kept his hand in place with the ends of the ribbon flying softly in the wind.
“But why would I put that on?” you asked with a dazed expression.
“It’s a surprise. Don’t want ya seein’ where I’m leading you. Can I just put it on you?” he asked with a calm voice, trying to convince you the best he could.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay. You win. Go ahead,” you said as you crossed your arms. He gently smiled at you and nodded.
“Alright, turn around for me,” he asked, delicately grasping you by the shoulders and turning you as he wrapped the ribbon around your eyes as you watched the sunlight disappear into darkness.
“Can you see anything?” he asked as he tried waving a hand in front of your eyes.
“No, think you wrapped me up tight enough,” you replied as you heard him chuckle under his breath.
“Alright, then up you go.” He lifted you up as you felt yourself leave the ground as you landed on top of Shimmer with your legs dangling and your hands frantically feeling for something to grasp. You felt for the saddle and held on tight.
“Joel, don’t you dare let me fall!” you yelled as you held on for dear life.
He laughed under his breath and jumped up to join you on Shimmer. “I’m not gonna let you fall, sweetheart. Just hold on to me and keep a tight grip. I got you,” he promised as he grabbed a hold of the reins.
You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist before he took off into the heat of the day, letting the wind catch your hair as Shimmer’s pace picked up. The sun’s scorching rays caught your bare shoulders in the white lacy tank top you were in along with the blue Jean shorts that grazed your thighs, making your skin glow with that shimmery summer tan.
You rode on for a couple miles until you finally broke your silence and laughed against the racing wind. “Where are you taking me?”
“It’s a surprise, darlin’. Can’t tell you even if I wanted to,” he replied as you could hear his smile and how it crinkled up at the corners of his mouth.
“Fine,” you sighed.
He chuckled again softly. “We’re almost there. Just a couple more minutes,” he promised. He squeezed your hand in response, sending vibrations buzzing through your body.
After a few minutes you heard Joel halt Shimmer as she came to a complete stop. He jumped off her back and gently lifted you off, bringing you safely back to the ground.
“Can you take this off me now?” you asked, anxious to take the blinding ribbon off.
“Almost, just give me another minute. Follow my voice, we’re almost there,” he promised.
He took your hands in his and led you forward. You couldn’t see anything, but you could smell sweet, fragrant scents of honeysuckle and floral aromas around you. The smell was overwhelming as it took over all your senses. Flowers were one of your favorite things, and Joel knew this. So you just wondered where exactly he was leading you.
What was he up to?
You could feel the lush grass underneath your feet with every step you took. The wind whistled through your ears as you heard the rustling of branches swaying gently in the breeze and could feel the faint touch of summer heat on your tan skin.
You felt the ground turn softer, almost like you were walking through moss. You heard Joel’s footsteps in front of you faintly, the sound of leaves and sticks crunching under his weight.
“Joel! Not so fast, I don’t want to fall,” you laughed as he led you further into the unknown.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, turning towards you with that soothing voice that could lull all your worries away.
“Yes,” you said automatically. Of course you trusted him.
“Then believe me when I say I’d never let you fall. I’ve got you, I promise.”
The floral scents became stronger as you wandered further into the distance, getting closer to wherever he was leading you. The hint of something sweet like candy filled the air. You breathed in deep and caught the scent of something you’ve smelled before but couldn’t quite grasp what it was.
What was that smell? Something soft…maybe roses? No…something else. You inhaled deeply and got another whiff of lush fragrance. It almost smelled like lilacs. One of your favorites. Joel had always said how much you smelled like lilacs, and it quickly became his favorite trademark of you.
Could it be? No…there weren’t lilacs around this area that you knew of. Maybe jasmine was what you were smelling? Yes, that’s what it had to be.
Joel slowly stopped you as he dropped your hands. “You ready?” he asked with a small laugh rumbling in his throat.
“More than ready,” you said prepared.
“Okay. Open you eyes,” he said softly as he untied the ribbon and dropped it, freeing you from the darkness as blinding light took over. You took a moment to adjust your eyes and then you saw just where you stood.
You gasped as you took in your surroundings. You weren’t just anywhere. You were in the middle of a giant field filled with lilac and violet flowers. The field was absolutely covered as vibrant purples blossomed all around you. Thick vines of lilac climbed up the sides of oak trees and got buried in the pinks and whites of wild flowers in the distance. You never saw such beautiful flowers before. The deep, rich shades of light and dark purple completely took over the area. It was like nothing you had seen before.
“Joel…how did you find this place?” you asked in disbelief, making a clear circle as you turned to face him again.
“This wasn’t exactly here before,” he answered as he raked a hand across his salt and pepper scruff, staring at you nervously.
“What do you mean it wasn’t here?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you took a step towards him, taking in the sweet smell of lilacs as it encased the air.
“I planted them by hand in the winter. Well, not just me. I had Maria help me since she’s a master at that sort of thing. She said they’d be fine over winter and wouldn’t take too long to start growing. They’re not fully mature yet, but it’s just the beginning. Another year and they’ll be fully grown. Thought you might like it….ya know since they’re your favorite flowers and all,” he said blushing, a small smile edging his lips as his dimples were in full effect now. Making you all warm and fuzzy from the view of him. That beautiful smile.
“You…you did this all for me?” you whispered, your eyes wide in shock.
“That’s right. All for you, sweetheart,” he answered affectionately.
“Joel, that…that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” you said quietly, still in a daze.
“So, ya like it then?” he asked with raised eyebrows, anxious for your answer.
“I don’t just like it, I love it!” you said excitedly as you beamed at him.
“Good, that’s good,” he smiled again as he scratched the back of neck restlessly.
What was he so nervous for? Was he afraid you wouldn’t like it? Because obviously you loved it.
You spun around as you glanced over the glorious flowers as they were on full display for you, their heavenly scents surrounding you as you drank in the sweet fragrance. You grazed your finger over a deep purple violet as you took in its delicate, velvety petals. Examining how succulent and pretty they all were.
You turned back around towards Joel as you were about to ask him a question. “Joel, do you…” You stopped mid sentence when you saw him down on one knee right in front of you. Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped at the sight as you took in his sincere and longing eyes as he stared at you in awe.
Was he about to ask you to…oh my God.
He took both of your hands in his as he took a deep breath and smiled admiringly at you. “Alyson Harper, my love. Where do I even begin? You are the most beautiful, incredible woman I’ve ever met. You’ve taught me so much over the last year, so much about life. You’ve shown me how to be patient, how to be kind. Especially with Ellie. I could not have brought her all the way here without your help and support. And I definitely couldn’t raise her on my own without your help and guidance. You are incredibly patient with her, and that’s something you taught me how to be also. You’ve taught me how to be completely selfless, how to be gentle. You helped me find my way to the light when I was stuck in the darkness, unable to find my way out myself. You’ve taught me how to trust again, how to love again. You reminded me what it was like to live again. You’ve been exactly what I needed all along. You made me a better man, made me want to be better. For you and for Ellie. And I just could not picture my life without you in it. You are the love of my life, Alyson. And I don’t want to do this life without you.”
You felt a teardrop run down your cheek as you quickly wiped it away. His speech was so beautiful, it was like music to your ears. An entire symphony that was only playing for you, and Joel was the composer. You were internally screaming at his words, at how intimate and loving they were. The way he was looking at you with those warm, serene pools of honey in his eyes almost knocked you down by how intense it was.
He dropped one of your hands and dug around in his pocket for something until he found exactly what he was looking for. Once he grabbed it, he fished his hand out of his jeans and held up a glistening, purple amethyst diamond ring to you which made you about topple over.
You gawked at the sight as your eyes went wide and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand, completely stunned at just what was happening before your eyes. Joel’s deep brown eyes were watering as he continued on with his speech as he held your hand tightly and looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world.
“Alyson, will you please do me the honor of marrying me? Make me the happiest man in the world,” he asked as he poured his heart out to you.
You felt your heart skip a beat as happy tears fell down your cheeks. You bit your lip and held in anymore tears that were threatening to spill, wanting to compose yourself in the best way that you could.
“Joel, I don’t know what to say…” you said stunned, your voice carrying faintly across the soft wind.
“Say yes, baby,” he pleaded, his eyes honing in on you as they sank deep inside your soul. You swear you could feel that string attached to his heart connect to yours as you were pulled to him like a moth to a flame.
He was asking as if you needed enticing. Of course you didn’t. This was a hard yes, the easiest yes you’d ever have to say. Joel was your future, your best friend, your forever lover. And you wanted it with him as much as he wanted it with you. A life of happiness, full of love and joy.
“Yes, yes! A thousand times yes,” you yelled in pure bliss as you met him on his level and cupped his face in between your palms, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
His lips tasted like honey as his soft, delicate lips crashed down on yours. He wrapped his arm around your waist and picked you up, spinning you in circles as he kissed you again and again, finally putting you back on the ground and keeping his arms around you.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said as he smiled down at you, brushing his lips against yours.
He took your left hand in his and gently slid the sparkling ring on your ring finger. It was a perfect fit. It was so gorgeous, you’d never seen anything quite like it before. The way the iridescent diamond was etched, you swear you could see Joel’s heart beating inside it. A clear marking of something you could wear forever that was a piece of him.
“How did you find this? It’s gorgeous,” you breathed out as he held your hand up and observed the ring.
“You know all those late nights I spent on patrols with Tommy?” he asked as he looked into your eyes with big, dreamy brown eyes, nearly taking your breath away at the sight.
“Yeah,” you whispered back.
“Well, turns out Tommy helped me search high and low for a jewelry store. He knew there had to be one around Wyoming somewhere. Took a long time, but we finally found one. It was pretty picked through. I didn’t have too many options, but I wanted to find the perfect ring for ya. You always said purple was your favorite color, so when I saw this I just knew it was the one. And it’s beautiful on you, really brings out the sapphire blue of your eyes. My little lilac angel,” he purred as he caressed your check with the base of his thumb, slowly easing you into a hypnotic lull that you didn’t want to shake.
“Joel…I have no words. This is…this is just so incredible. You’re incredible. You’re amazing. You’re everything I ever wanted.” A tear trickled down your cheek and Joel caught it with his thumb, wiping it away as he kissed the damp area on your face gently.
“You deserve the best, and I’m going to be that for you. I’m gonna take good care of ya, sweetheart. Gonna love you with everything that I have.”
He slowly brought his lips back down to yours and gave you a long, passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gently scratched along the tousled curls at the back of his head as he slid his tongue into your mouth, gently massaging yours in tune with his as you tasted a hint of coffee. That taste that you loved and couldn’t get enough of.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you down to the ground playfully as he climbed on top of you and caged his arms around you, hovering just about you as he blocked the sun from your vision. All you saw were those magnetic, syrupy brown eyes and an infectious smile that played across the corners of his mouth, making him look like the gentle soul that he was. His eyes were lit up like he had just won the lottery the way he was looking at you. It made your heart melt all just the same.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked as you laughed, taking a hand and running it up and down his inner arm slowly, making you want to pull him down on top of you.
“Because the prettiest girl just agreed to marry me, and now I get you all to myself,” he beamed as his eyes lit a fire in your soul.
“Oh, you get me all to yourself now?” you laughed, trailing your fingers against his salt and pepper scruff.
“Mhm,” he hummed as his lips hung just above yours.
“I am all yours. Now come here, handsome.” You grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and pulled him down to you. He landed on your lips as he placed a hand under your chin, keeping you glued to him as he explored your mouth with his tongue, lapping you up completely as he rolled over and pulled you on top of him, his arms going around your waist as he slowly ended the kiss.
You laid there on his chest and ran your hand through his dark, tousled curls, taking in his warm eyes and infectious smile as he stared up at you in awe.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked dreamily as you played with an out of place curl, gently running your fingers across his scalp.
“How I’m gonna get to call you Mrs. Miller,” he said with a sideways smile as a smirk etched the edge of his mouth, making him look that much more handsome.
“Why don’t you practice now?” you asked flirtatiously.
“Okay. Mrs Miller…” he whispered. “Or how about Alyson Miller?” he asked with a breathtaking smile.
“I like the sound of that. Actually, I love that. I love the way you say my name. The way it just rolls off your tongue without any hesitation. You just make it so melodic,” you replied in a dreamlike state.
“Alyson…” he said with a breathy, drawn out voice. Making your thighs squeeze tighter around him as he lit a fire deep inside you.
“Keep going,” you begged as you got closer to his lips. Just an inch from tasting him.
“Alyson…my love, my everything.”
And then you were on him as you dug your fingers into his messy curls and connected with his lips, tasting sweet coffee again as you got lost in his fresh mahogany scent. After a few minutes of kissing and showing him affection, he pulled you into his side as you wrapped an arm around his chest and placed your legs over his, getting comfortable against him.
“I can’t believe I get to marry you,” you said in a daze as his hand covered yours, slowly entwining his fingers with yours.
“I can’t believe it either, sweetheart. I’m just so happy that you’re mine. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you,” he said with a sigh as he kissed your temple.
“You’re incredible,” you whispered into his ear. “I want you to know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t just stop and go, God, I love Joel Miller,” you said with a smile pressed against your lips.
“Oh, sweetheart. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to ask you. You know I told Ellie I was gonna marry you?”
You turned your head and looked at him with wide eyes. “When did you tell her that?”
“A few months ago. I’m just glad she didn’t say anything. I swore her to secrecy. You know she helped too. With the flowers. She was so excited when I told her what I was planning. Had her jumping up and down. That girl is a mess,” he laughed as he gently placed another kiss on your cheek.
He knew for months he wanted to marry you and planned it for that long? Wow… he really was incredible.
“I love you, Joel. You’re everything I could’ve wished for and more,” you said as you held back tears.
“Oh, Alyson. And you’re my everything. My favorite person, the love of my life. I’m never ever letting you go, sweetheart.” He placed a tender kiss across your lips and then pulled you in close as you closed your eyes and breathed him in. Your sweet, gentle lover. Yours.
You laid in the bed of lilacs and violets for several minutes as you took in all the sights around you. Soaking up the sunshine, memorizing every line on Joel’s body, getting lost in his warm brown eyes, and losing yourself in the delicious scents of budding flowers, pine cones, and mahogany. Taking it all in so you could remember this day as the best day of your life.
Joel ran his hand up and down your thigh slowly as his calloused fingers brushed up against your skin, making you sink into him even more. “You wanna stay here awhile?” he asked with a low drawl.
“Yeah, let’s just enjoy this. It’s peaceful out here, and I get you all to myself. Let’s stay here for a few hours, maybe watch the sunset go down. Doesn’t that sound romantic?” you asked in a sing-song voice, completely lost in the bliss.
“Whatever you want, darlin’. We can stay as long as you want,” he said as he drew a line of kisses down your neck, sending heat into the center of your body.
“I love you, Joel,” you whispered.
“I love you more, Alyson,” he said with a lull. And then you were covering yourself in him as both of you got completely lost in the other. Making love in a bed of lilacs as you confessed your undying love to each other over and over again.
And you did stay there till the sun set. You stayed there till you had nothing left to give as you laid tucked into his side with just his plaid shirt over you, basking in the scent of each other. You slowly watched the orange sunset as it lit up the sky with painted pink and deep purple colors as you got lost in his lips again, sinking into him like he was your lifeline. But he was. He was your everything, and you’d spend the rest of your life showing him just how much you loved him.
This is where you felt most at home. Wherever he was was where you wanted to be. And you’d follow him until the end of time. Show him day and night just how much you loved him. He was your guiding light, and you’d never let him burn out. Promising to keep him in the light forever. Your eternity.
Epilogue: Pt II
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drpeppertummy · 4 months
"you should really eat something"
[very mild hunger, he eats at the end]
"You should really eat something," said Keonda, giving Max's rumbling tummy a playful nudge. It had been chittering away all morning, insufficiently funded by a tiny breakfast and now aching for lunch.
"I can't," he said, looking around. "My nerves are all riled up."
"And starving yourself's gonna help?"
"No, it's gonna make me irate and antsy. But I got no appetite." Keonda rolled her eyes.
"They have a food court," she insisted, tugging on his arm. "You could get something small. Come on, Kestler, I'm sick of listening to your stomach. Let's go!"
"I'll come along with you," he relented, and he could barely right himself from the post he was leaning against before she dragged him down the walkway.
Max was the type to lose his appetite when he was stressed out, and you could put together some fair assumptions about him with nothing but that bit of information and his scrawny figure to go off of. He was a bundle of nerves on the best of days, but field trips really threw him off. With his principal being such a jerkoff, pretty much all of the organizing fell entirely upon him, as did about a billion questions from teachers and parents and students alike, as did keeping track of everybody and all their crap, as did just about everything else in the world.
The gluten free options at the zoo's food court were limited, but, after some prodding from his younger colleague, he gave in and got himself a piece of grilled chicken. He had, of course, brought his own lunch, but Keonda knew there would be no persuading him to go fish it off the bus when he had no intention of eating it. She got herself a crappy-looking piece of pizza, and they found a table outside to eat at.
"Can't you sit down? Nobody's gonna die if you focus on your chicken for a second," said Keonda, looking up at her nervous vice principal, who was standing awkwardly beside the bench. "Come on, there's nothing to see. They probably all fell into the lion enclosure by now anyway."
"You are so not funny," said Max, unable to keep the corner of his mouth from creeping up.
"Is that a smile? It looks like a smile," she teased, poking him in the side with her unopened fork. "Come on, Kestler, sit your ass down and relax for half a second." Rolling his eyes, he gave in and sat across from her.
Admittedly, the chicken looked decent, and his appetite perked back up a little at the smell of it. Even across the table in the noisy seating area, Keonda could hear his belly rumble. She gave him an amused smile.
"Shut up," he said, a tiny smile materializing on his own face.
"Eat your lunch, Kestler," she laughed.
It was a tremendous relief for Max's empty stomach when he finally dug into the chicken, and his mouth wasn't disappointed either. He slowly felt better as he ate; the anxiety remained, but his overall achiness and moodiness began to improve before long.
"This pizza sucks," said Keonda. "You're lucky I can't make you try it."
"You want some chicken? It's pretty good."
"No!" she exclaimed, laughing. "You have to eat it!"
"You are so bossy," he said, grinning.
It wasn't a particularly big piece of chicken, but Max didn't have a particularly big stomach, and by the time he was finished, he felt pleasantly stuffed. In fact, he almost didn't finish the entire piece, worrying that the last few bites would push him over the edge, but, thankfully, they didn't. Keonda opted not to finish her pizza, unimpressed by the quality, but that was alright; she had a snack thrown into the box of lunches if she needed it, and she'd likely get a popsicle or something later.
"Now, aren't you glad you ate?"
"I guess so," said Max.
"'I guess so.' You are so stubborn," said Keonda, feigning exasperation, and he smiled at her.
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venusianelf · 2 years
Time Will Tell
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x AFAB! Reader
Genre: Making Up, Exes to Lovers, Fluff, Smut
Summary: Wanda had been who you thought you were going to marry before she ended up with Vision. What happens when she comes back and tries to win over your heart again?
Warnings: Break up sadness, General smut warnings
Word Count: ~1,800
A/N: Sorry for not writing for a bit but I hope you enjoy this fic! I will hopefully get to my requests soon!
!!By clicking read more you are agreeing you are 18+!!
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Sitting on your bed and scrolling through old photos, you let your tears drop on your phone as you looked at the photos of you two. You were wearing Wanda’s cardigan in this one, here she had her hand slid around your lower back as she beamed at the camera. You sobbed as you remembered how she used to cheer you up. She would brush your tears away as she told you, “I’ll always be here for you, love. You’re my favorite person in this world.”
You knew it was going to hurt when she left but here you were missing her years later. You knew she had Vision and even when he was gone she still found a way to bring him back. You threw your phone next to you on your bed as you pulled a pillow into your lap to cry into. Why would she say those things if she didn’t mean them?
Why would she leave you like that? You remembered how her touches lingered less and less and how her smiles brightened around him more and more. You remembered the night she was waiting for you under the kitchen light and how she told you she couldn’t be with you anymore. You could still see her packing her things, how she didn’t look you in the eyes as you sobbed to her.
You remembered her turning the door knob and pausing, looking back at you with a bittersweet smile before leaving. You remembered how she looked at you with mixed emotions swimming in her eyes from that day forward. Until the blip that is. After that she seemed to cling extra hard to her new lover. You tried to move on, went on a few dates with new women but they never compared.
So here you sat with your tear-stained pillow. Sighing you clicked your phone back on and turned off your photos app. You wiped your eyes with your excess of your sweater and put your pillow back into place. Eventually you stood up and went to your kitchen to make some tea for yourself so you could hopefully sleep.
Later that weekend, you decided to head out to your favorite club. Even if you never met anyone you still got to dance to the music. Downing your drink, you headed to the dance floor again as you swung your hips to the song that played. Scanning the crowd for anyone cute, you felt your blood chill as your eyes landed on a familiar red head.
Almost as soon as you saw her she turned her gaze towards you. She paused before looking you up and down. Confused and shy, you turned your gaze away. Trying your best, you continued dancing acutely aware of her trained gaze on you. As you flickered your gaze back towards her you saw her slowly pushing through the crowd towards you. 
Feeling frozen you waited until she came close enough to you for you to make out the details of her face in the moody lighting. “Didn’t imagine I’d see you here,” She commented as you began fiddling with your hands. “Didn’t think I’d see you here either,” You responded as she leaned closer to move a piece of your hair behind your ear. “It’s been years since I last saw you and here you are looking as beautiful as ever,” She teased smiling as furrowed your brow in confusion. Reading your expression, she asked, “What’s wrong?” 
“You disappeared out of my life to be with him,” You replied with disdain on the word him. “And now you show up randomly to flirt with me?” You asked exasperated. “You’re right, that was shitty of me. But trust me, I never stopped loving you,” She replied as you frowned. “Then why were you with him?” You asked as she sighed and looked away. “Because I got distracted and I thought that maybe things with him would be more exciting,” She said pausing before continuing, “And they were for a time but he’s nothing compared to you.” “I did miss you,” She said in response to your silence.
“I missed you too but you can’t just randomly come back into my life,” You responded as she nodded. “What can I do to prove it to you?” She asked as you looked up at her fondly but bittersweetly. “Show me with time that you mean it,” You replied as she nodded. “Whatever it takes,” She replied.
Months later and Wanda was coming over to have another movie night with you. This time horror movies were on the menu. Over the last few months you got used to her presence again and started to understand her previous actions. You paused your movie prep as you heard a knock at the door. Opening it, Wanda waved to you as you smiled at her. “Come on in,” You said warmly as she entered your apartment. 
“Wow, you were right. The fairy lights are an improvement,” She commented looking up at the fairy lights you and her had put up last time she was over. “Yea, they really add to the ambience,” You replied as you moved to get settled on the couch. Wanda settled up next to you as you two prepared to watch your movies. As the first one started you swear you saw her gaze at you fondly before blushing and turning away.
Midway through the second one you felt Wanda’s hand experimentally slide her hand over your thigh. You screamed in your head at this development, you weren’t mad at her but you were definitely surprised by being into it. Hesitantly, you dropped your head onto her shoulder and tried to focus on the movie. A particularly scary scene come on not a few moments later which had you clutching Wanda’s arm and hiding your face reflexively. “Hey, it’s okay darling,” She spoke calmingly as she brushed circles on your thigh. As your breathing evened out she went to stop her movements when you spoke up, “Don’t stop.” “Please,” You said barely above a whisper but she caught it and continued her circles.
When the last movie ended you found yourself cuddled up into Wanda. “Sooo,” You said drawing it out. “What do you want to do now? Or do you need to go home because if so-” You continued before being cut off by plush lips pressing against yours. You immediately melted into the familiar embrace of her. Kissing you until you were out of breath, she pulled back to smile at you warmly before pressing kisses against your jaw and down your neck. Until she hit the spot she was looking for and began sucking hickeys onto you. 
Squirming and breathing heavily from her movements she stabilized herself by gripping your hips. Once she was satisfied she pulled back and thumbed the hem of your top. “Can I take it off, princess?” She asked before you nodded. Delicate hands slid the shirt up and off of you and Wanda hummed at what she saw. “You’re as beautiful as I remember,” She purred before leaning down to press more kisses all over your chest before settling on the top of your breast. She began sucking, licking, and gently nibbling your skin as your hand came to tangle in her hair. Moving to another place she continued one after one until she decided you had a sufficient amount.
Pressing kisses down she continued to your jeans until she looked up at you for confirmation. With your nod she unbuttoned your jeans and began sliding them off as you lifted your hips up to help her out. Once off she began kissing up from your knees to your thighs. Getting to your inner thighs she began sucking another hickey onto you. Running her tongue over it once she finished she moved to pulled your underwear down. You again helped her out before shutting your thighs. “Come on, baby. Open up for me,” She purred as you started at her with apprehensive eyes. She leaned down and gave your knee a kiss as you slowly opened up for her.
She began her journey again as she kissed down you thighs and placed a kiss on your mound. Leaning down you watched as she licked a stripe through your center. Immediately your hand came up as you covered your mouth with the back of your hand. She continued licking you but this time focused on your clit. Wide and deep strokes as she hummed with her eyes closed seemingly thoroughly enjoying herself. You struggled as you breathed heavily and whimphered. Her movements switched up as she began running circles around your bud with her tongue. Your other hand moved to grip the couch as she brought you closer and closer to the edge.
Switching back to her original movements you felt yourself teetering the edge. “D- Don’t stop,” You pushed out as she gave a squeeze to your thigh in acknowledgement. Before closing your eyes you saw Wanda open hers as she looked up at you in awe. You panted as you felt your vision spin as white hot pleasure coursed through you. Your limbs tingled with electricity as you rode the waves. Coming down, you panted harder and opened your eyes. Looking down at her you brought a hand to cup her cheek and pull her up.
Guiding her up you pulled her to kiss you. Tasting yourself on her tongue you hummed into the kiss as you felt her smile against your lips. Pulling back you rested your forehead against hers. “That was amazing.” “It sure was, you were amazing,” She replied as you smiled gently at her. 
You two moved to your bedroom before cuddling up together. After a few minutes Wanda spoke up, “Let me go get you a towel doll.” She came back with a damp washcloth as she cleaned you up. “Mm, I should probably go to the bathroom,” You sighed as she chuckled and nodded. “Yes, you should. It’s important.” “Hhh, fine,” You conceded as you went to the bathroom. Coming back Wanda sat on your bed scrolling through her phone. “Hey is it okay if I stay the night here?” She asked looking up at you. “Of course,” You blushed as she stood up and kissed you. “Thank you darling, can I use your shower?” She asked as you nodded. “Thanks doll,” She beamed as you settled onto the bed. Changing into pjamas you noticed her clothes she left outside the bathroom. Stealing her shirt you slipped it over your head. Curling into your bed, you vowed to stay awake for her but your eyes felt much heavier than you expected. Drifting off you faintly heard Wanda come out and giggle at you in her shirt before climbing into bed with you.
Pulling you into her, you smelled your body wash on her before burying your face into her. You felt her hands brush through your hair. “I love you,” You heard her whisper before you completely drifted off.
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misguidedasgardian · 4 months
The Lifeaters (IV.III)
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III. Three Wizards... and Potter
Chapter Summary: The semester is getting really interested 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.9 k
Notes: I want this story to make sense, I do, and I stick to the books, like Copy and paste entire scenes, and I realized, this isn’t fanfiction dude, You can make sense of it right now right? so now I’m paraphrasing jajaja, I will try to respect the timeline of course… but… you get it… and besides, the very existence of the reader might be able to change some things right? Now, besides the scene with the UC, the rest… you now. Besides… the last chapter was a bit messy, I won’t rewrite it, but I will be better on this one… 
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“So you know”, whispered Draco, “since when?”
“I discovered it during the summer, but nobody told me, I figured it out, found some old photo”, you whispered. You felt his gaze on you, but still you didn’t look back at him, “I don’t know what to tell you”
“So he is a Black”, he said slowly
“Yes…”, you whispered
“And what are you doing with this information?”
“I’m not even sure”, you said, you could not tell him not even a single thing that would reveal there was a third… or even fourth? person involved in this, because there was… your father’s murderous brother… Sirius Black
You did not want to discuss it further… so lucky for you, your friends came back from the Great Hall, with food for the two of you
“Oh are those lamb chops? my favorite!”, you cheered as Pansy brought you a generous plate. “You are the best!”
“I know i know”, she said with a wide smile 
“What were you talking about?”, asked Matthew, as you were stuck to Draco’s side with serious looks on your faces
“Nothing”, you both said at the same time, but nobody seemed contented 
Two days later, Wednesday after lunch, you were dreading the DADA class after what happened on the first first day of the week. You and Draco were concerned, and already made plans to sit together at the end of the classroom. You entered the room ignoring Potter, Weasel, and their mocking grins, you could tell that his ass wasn’t the only thing Draco had bruised, so you sat quietly at the back, Matthew, Goyle and the others followed suit 
You grabbed your book, “The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self- Protection”, and waited silently like you were waiting for your execution. You heard him coming even down the hall 
He entered quickly, he was actually nimble, you didn’t even dared to look at him
“You can put those silly books away, you won’t need them”, is the only thing he said while he walked to the front of the class 
He passed the list, he barely growled your name and once that was out of the way, after muttering some sort of, “glad I don’t have any cowards on my class”, he took a piece of chalk and started writing on the board 
“Alastor Moody…”, he wrote, “... Ex Auror… and MInistry’s malcontent… and your new defense against the dark arts teacher, I am here because Dumbledore asked me, end story, any questions?”, nobody said anything, they were all looking at him wide-eyed. “I spoke with your professor… Lupin… I can see you had seen all kinds of magical creatures, but you are very behind in curses…”, he looked all around, you felt chills when you saw his bionic eye looking straight at you, “so first… can anyone tell me… how many unforgivable curses they are?”, many raised their hands, even you but Granger was the one
“Three Ser”, she said with a choked voice, he turned to keep writing
“And they are so named?”
“Because they are unforgivable”, no shit, “the use of any of them on a human being will…”
“Land you a one-way ticket to Azkaban correct”, then he turned to you all, “the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do… I say different!”, he said angrily, “you need to know what you are up against!”, he said, turning again, “you need to be prepared!”, he said then, :you need to find another place to stick your bubblegum Mr Finnigan”, you quickly catched on that his magical eye would let him see to the back of his head. “... Now Weasley”, he called
“Yes?”, the Redhead whimpered, seems like the two of you weren’t the only ones who were scared of Mad-Eye
“Stand!”, you were surprised he could stand on those wobbly legs, “Give us a curse”, you shared looks with Draco
“My dad told me about one”
“I bet he did”, Draco whispered
“The Imperius curse”, he mumbled. Now you did now about the unforgivable curses, everyone did, but you never really knew which were them or how were they called 
“Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that one”, moody said, “give the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago”, he then turned to the class, “Perhaps this will show you why”, he said, he directed to a jar at the side of the professor’s “space”, and grabbed a strange spider-like creature from one of them “Lovely little beauty”, he said taking it in his palm, “Engorgio”. 
Was he really going to…? You shared concerned looks with your friends, but they all seemed entranced by the professor and what you were sure about to witness
“Don’t you think…”, you started saying to Draco, but mad eye interrupted you
“Imperio!”, he chanted, and you swore you would be able to hear a pin drop in the classroom. The huge spider leaps from his hand into the table, at the flick of his wand, and then he sends it to Ron Weasley’s head, who whimpered in fear, “Don’t worry! It's completely harmless!”, he mocked, making it jump from student to student. You had to admit, it was funny, but the mere thought of Mad-Eye controlling it made your skin crawl. Everyone was laughing, watching the spider jump from table to table, Moody even made it dance.
You watched your friends, and they all seemed fascinated, laughing their asses off 
“Think it’s funny, do you?” Moody growled. “You’d like it, would you, if I did it to you?”, then, suddenly, everyone stopped laughing, “it’s total control”, he said darkly, “what should I make her do next?”, he said, he made her fly again to stick to the window, “jump out the window?”, then he moved her again, making the spider hover over a bucket of water, “drown herself?”, he teased, and then he took it back into his hand
“Total control,” said Moody, as the spider was more relaxed, right in his palm, “Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the lmperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?”, he said, looking at all of you, one by one
The room got all quiet. 
“Another, another”, he encouraged. You gasped when hands shot up in the air, “Longbottom is it?”
“There’s the… cruciatus curse”, Draco leaned in to you
“His parents were tortured to madness with the Cruciatus curse”, he whispered, and you gasped
“Correct! CORRECT!, come”, he invited him to stand and walk until he was right by his side. “Particularly nasty, this one, the torture curse!”, he said loudly, “CRUCIO!”, it was so… surreal, the delicacy with which he handled his wand, and then the screeches of the small creature. 
You felt bile crawling up your throat as your looked away from the scene, a wand a single green thread connecting it with its victim, that started shaking and twisting over the desk
Nobody was laughing now
You turned back to the scene, to watch that boy shaking, Longbottom, you couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was extremely disturbed by the scene, as were you all
You turned back to your friends, and it came both as a bucket of ice cold water but at the same time not at all, when you saw Mattheos smirking
“Stop it!”, shrieked Granger, unknowingly, throwing you a lifeline back to the reality at hand, “don’t you see it's bothering him? STOP IT!”, she cried, Moody then raised his head, that had been concentrating on its victim all this long, and then… he released it from its torment.
Even from the back of the class, you could see the small monster still shaking, like it was suffering spasms 
Longbottom returned to his seat, and when he turned you could see his face, and a tear falling from his cheek. Its like he picked them with a twisted sense… he picked Weasley, knowing his father had suffered it, and then Neville, and then… well…
“Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Granger?”, but there was no answer, “no?”, he asked. And it happened. “Avada Kadavra”, a green light, and it was all over, the spider turned on its belly, just like, it was dead. “the killing curse”, he mumbled, “only one person is known to have survived it, and he is sitting in this room”, all eyes turned to Potter
Did “you know who” really hit him with the killing curse? 
The room was quiet, really quiet, nobody said a thing, you didn’t even realized you were grabbing onto Draco so hard that you were squeezing his arm, and he was so shocked he didn’t even protest. You released him gently, apologetically, and it all seemed to be in motion again when Moody began moving and talking once more
“Not nice, not pleasant”, he said, “there is no blocking it”, he said shortly, “but you can… fight the Imperius curse, and you can also get out of the cruciatus, if you are quick enough”, and he started writing on the board, “write this down”, he continued, “you need to be prepared for what’s out there, no dark wizard is going to come at you and tell you what he is about to do, you need to be in constant vigilance, and that{s what I{m here for, to teach you how to fight this things”
Then as you were looking over the classroom, you saw something you never thought you’d see
Matthew was raising his hand
“Yes?”, Moody was still with his back turned, but when he turned around to meet him, he stopped on his tracks, watching him, with something you even thought was admiration, what was going on?
“What if you practice those on… an animal… I mean, you just practiced them all and i don’t see dementors coming for you”, he said, his fascination was unsettling 
“Yes, only when you use them on a human being… you’ll get sent to Azkaban…”, he said slowly
“What if you practice them on muggles?”, he continued, and the entire room was conflicted, you could see it in their faces
“Muggles are human”, he said shortly, and then turned again, “now, the last one the killing curse, I can promise you, it requires a large amount of magic, and I’m sure, that if you all point their wands at me and mutter the words, it wouldn’t even tickle me”, he kept going, [it requires a dark will, a desire, to manage to perform them…”, and the class continued…
The unforgivable curses.
How could you have possibly known… that in a matter of three years… all of you would have used at least one of them.
. . .
To your delight… September passed by in a rush, and October came quickly. 
You could feel the excitement all over the castle, but the professors were anxious and a bit nervous. You could tell, the kid count was going up significantly, and as Dumbledore said, they all worked hard to ensure the safety of the most dangerous tournament in europe.
It was one of the most exciting events to ever be lived, for sure.
The Quidditch season would be starting by now, and you waited and waited, but no remaining teammate came to you, and they were not gathering together either, so you, with Draco, came to a solution, it was your opportunity to take control of the team. Marcus and Adrian did promise you to leave you as captain… so… you were claiming what would be yours by right. 
You knew the cup was out either way, but that shouldn’t prevent you from playing Quidditch, so… you came to the next conclusion. 
You needed a dispensation for organizing Quidditch friendlies.
So that had you and Draco side by side looking up at Snape with puppy eyes 
“You heard the headmaster”, muttered Snape
“Yes, I know, but we were hoping that you would give us a special dispensation”, you said softly, he stopped and looked at you with one of his eyebrows raised, “please?”
“To do what exactly?”, he said, already bored with you two
“Practice”, you answered quickly, “play against the two teams, the main and the spare one”, you answered, “it's the last year for many of the team and they would love to play… besides, it's only to keep practicing so next year… we can take a shot at the cup as both of us we still going to be here”, that seemed to interest him more 
“Very well Basilik, Malfoy, I will give you the dispensation, only if that’s the only way to shut you up”, he said, bored
“It will be!”, you were so happy. You ran when you had the parchment, shouting something in the lines of “no take backs”
You could already feel the chilly air in your face like when you were riding your broom and scoring many goals. This was going to be amazing
“We need to get Warrington, Montague and Bletchley”
“I got those, you get Derrik, and Boyle, our beaters”
You never thought what it was going to become of your Quidditch friendlies 
Word spread like wildfire, and soon, you had not only two but at least three teams only out of Slytherin, your organized little tournaments for after class and the weekends and you were having a blast! And the amazing part is… that the other houses also joined in
First was Ravenclaw, who you had noticed watching your training, then Hufflepuff, and soon, the three houses were organizing friendly tournaments.
You were so distracted, you barely noticed, that the day had arrived
It was Halloween already and was finally the day in which you were going to receive the new schools. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The first one, the one you should have attended, and the second… not only the one Draco was supposed to go to, but… also… specialist in dark magic, really dark stuff.
This was going to be an interesting mix.
You waited patiently in your seats in the great hall, as instructed, right before dinner, this was going to be so, so amazing 
“Please welcome, the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!”, presented Dumbledore, “and their headmistress Madame Maxine”
Against everybody would believe from tonight, Beauxbatons was not an only-girls school, but they chose to only bring a comitive of the most perfect looking young girls you had ever seen. As you saw those blue uniforms, you wondered how you would have looked in those. How would you be speaking perfect french, being in the beautiful school in the Pyrenees 
You were brought back to reality, with your friend’s cheers. You looked back at Pansy as she looked as annoyed as you were becoming when you saw him drool over the girls who danced by. You looked at Draco as he seemed just as spellbound as Theo and Matthew
“Hey!”, you called in, snapping your fingers in front of him, he returned is eyes to you in a second so did the other two
“I wasn’t looking”, he said quickly, like he had been caught doing something naughty, but you only laughed.
“Boys, am I right?”, you mocked to Pansy, she agreed, oh but you spoke too soon… 
“Now, help me welcome our friends from the North! the lads of Durmstrang, and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff”, a loud bang and a powerful entrance… the boys of Durmstrang entered in an epic show of strength and even pyrotechnics 
“You got a little something”, mocked Draco, pointing at the edge of your mouth, were metaphorical drooling
“Alright I see your point”, you giggled, but it wasn’t over yet, because you and Pansy, joined by Tracy and Daphne, dropped your mouth when you saw him
“Is that…?”
“Viktor Krum”, Tracy said, with a wide smile
“Its him!”, Said Daphne all enamored. And that did not seem to entertain the boys at all. The guy was impressive, although he did look like he could be the headmaster of said school 
“Welcome! welcome!”, said Dumbledore with big smiles, taking turns to greet both headmasters, Madame Maxine, who was possibly the tallest person you had ever seen. And Igor Karkaroff
You had heard about him
He was a Deatheater, one of the Dark Lord’s followers back in the day, which was… unsettling, but not surprising if you knew the interest of said school for the dark arts.
To your surprise, the boys took their seats at your table, as it had been enlarged for that purpose. 
“The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. lf chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when l say these contests are not for the faint-hearted”, he said strongly, “but more of that later!”, he clapped his hands and the feast showed up in front of you. You noticed different plates tonight, no doubt French and Bulgarian’s delicacies for your guests.
The ladies of Beauxbatons seated with the Ravenclaws, and you were genuinely happy and amazed of how easy they started mingled with other students, just as the boys started to speak with the foreign students
Draco started speaking to them too, as you managed to arrive early to the hall and get the best seats, you were right by their side.
You admired Krum because he was a great Quidditch player, well, he was handsome, but… you giggled, already smitten.
“You were at the final”, said Krum over Draco, as he had gone up the box to met the minister and all who had the VIP passes
“Yes!”, you said, more excited that you should be, “it was an amazing game!”
“Thank you”, he smiled softly.
But the hall got quiet again, the fast was over, and Dumbledore had risen from his chair, in the middle of the room, a huge golden box had been set up
“Eternal glory!”, Dumbledore started, “that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this that student must survive three tasks”, said what you want about Dumbledore, but something nobody could take away from him was that he was a great orator, “three extremely dangerous tasks, for this reason the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule…”, he said with a relieved smile, “to explain all this we have the head of the Department of international Magical Cooperation Mr. Bartemius Crouch”, a man you had never seen before stood up next to Dumbledore, and also present in the room was that weird man who still whore a ridiculous Quidditch suit, Ludo Bagman
“Thank you, thank you”, he said, “the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final” , immediately, boos and jeers could be heard in every corner of the room. 
“That’s bollocks!”
“You don’t know what you are doing!”
“SILENCE!”, demanded Dumbledore, without even doing a spell to make everybody quiet 
With a flick of his wand, the huge coffer opened to reveal a very old looking goblet.
“The goblet of fire”, he said, “anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only to write their name in a piece of parchment and throw it in the flames before this hour on Thursday night”, he said loudly, “do not do so lightly, if chosen, there is no turning back, as from this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun”
You looked down at the table, you didn’t know of anyone in Slytherin of seventh year that wanted to submit, but you saw a group at the end graving one boy who you couldn’t remember right now, Slytherin champion was looking sharp, you looked at the other side of the table, and you saw all the Bulgarian’s eye were in Krum’s shape
Having the other schools made you feel so strange, a strange sense of pride in you, you wanted your school to beat their asses, as you watched every class and every meal, of all the students together, an excitement filled you, you wanted your school to be the very best. 
The week went terribly quickly, you didn’t even get a chance to see who dropped their names in the goblet of fire. 
You knew the same Slytherin boy had dropped it, you also knew Cedric Diggory did as well, you also knew the twins wanted to, but couldn’t as they were both 16. You saw them walking around with beards and white hair, and they weren’t the only ones. Apparently that was the fate of everyone who tried to cheat and get their names in.
As you gathered again in the great hall a week later, you were so, so excited, but, as they named Cedric champion which wasn't a surprise, he was famous in the school for being… well, a great quidditch player, the smartest one and also,  well, very cute and sweet.
Viktor Krum was selected as well when his name came out of the Goblet after the flames changed colors, this was spectacular…
Fleur Delacour was chosen as well, as Beauxbatons champions, she was so gorgeous, it was known that she was a Veela from her mother’s side, it made sense, you had never seen such beautiful hair like she did. Three champions, fighting for their lives in a terrifying contest for eternal glory, and you were going to get to watch and….
For Merlin’s fluffy robes. 
. . .
Since Harry was chosen as a champion, Draco’s humor was in the gutter, so Quidditch practice was a good distraction for the both of you. A single place which didn’t revolve around Potter was always welcome.
Is not that you hated him, that poor guy had some serious messed up things on his plate, it was just tiring, every year something has disrupted your school year, and it was always his fault or he was involved somehow 
This year the Hogwarts’ Quidditch cup was suspended due to the Triwizard Tournament, but you had been so hyped up because of the World Cup you had asked Snape to give you special dispensation to play, just for fun, you called in the replacement team too,  and you played each other, it was quite fun.
“Head’s up, the Bulgarians are watching”, it was a practice and yet, when you looked up and saw Viktor Krum there your cheeks got so heated you thought you had a fever
“Not you too Basilik!”, Cassius mocked
“He is very handsome and nimble”, you giggled
“Head in the game Basilik”, he growled, as Draco frowned 
“Sorry”, you said quickly, shooking your head
And that is how you ended up playing Quidditch with Viktor Krum himself.
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lalasworld2x · 1 month
Jason Voorhees Headcanons
• At first, he did actually try to off you. Whatever you were doing in the woods by yourself, he didn’t care and just wanted you OUTTA THERE.
• But something about you made him pause, he let you escape for a bit. He knows the woods like the back of his hand so it didn’t take him long to track you down again considering you were lost.
• He took you back to Camp Crystal Lake and sat you down in one of the cabins, trying hard to calm you down. Anytime you almost got the upper hand, he would get aggressive and you would cower away again, and he would soften up.
• It took a while for you to kind of remember the actual story of the legendary Jason Voorhees, your frazzled brain just kept focusing on the fact that he kills people lol
• For the first few months of your relationship, it wasn’t exactly dating and more so just trying to figure out how everything would work as acquaintances, then as friends, then eventually as partners.
• He was definitely aggressive for the few couple weeks, maybe even months, having severe trust issues. You also had trust issues so good thing a middle ground was met lol
• Even though he’s from New Jersey, it doesn’t really matter what sign language you teach him.
• It’s not like he can really go into public with you. He’d go insane seeing any teenage-
• And if you wanted to learn sing language yourself, this is a great opportunity!
• You can teach him how to read and write too. Maybe even get him a phone so you can message each other.
• He might be able to remember some of the things he learnt before the drowning, since he was 11 at the time. But not needing to use those skills for so long may have ruined some of his abilities, but thankfully you’re there to teach him :]
• He gives the BEST bear hugs known to man. They last as long as you want (kind like the Disney land hug rule) and are as warm as can be <3
• You found him calming hobbies, like gardening and fishing. Whenever you weren’t around, he would look after the forest around him and later show off his progress to you.
• It wasn’t uncommon for nasty teenagers to storm in and destroy everything, or just disturb the piece, so you often find splotches of blood somewhere around the path. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why lol.
• You did set boundaries with Jason, saying that he needed to cut back on the killing ESPECIALLY if you were around. In all honesty, he didn’t care much for this. He will respect it around you, but he’s been doing this most of his life and he doesn’t really plan on hanging up the machete.
• He will respect most other boundaries though. He’s evil but he’s still a human, willing to be somewhat decent lol
• I don’t think he would be much of a family man, I think it would be a bit dangerous for you to raise children with him. If you already have your own children, I would keep them away from him for the most part. It’s not like he’s gonna go on a rampage the minute he sees them, but I don’t know if he’s good with bratty kids or moody teens lmao
• Further into the relationship, he absolutely loves spending time with you. Anything from sleeping in bed together, meals together, going for walks, having a pet (must be a big doggie!), gardening with you
• He probably won’t get over his fear of bodies of water, but I think you would be able to encourage him enough to sit in it. He stills gets major anxiety, but he likes to sit on the bank of the sand with you.
• He especially loves camping with you. Even though he lives in the cabins, he still keeps a tent around and you two do little camp fires. You buy some snacks from the store and eat together.
• Often when camping, you set up a big white tarp and a movie projector, and play whatever movies you feel like. He doesn’t always understand the appeal, or engage with the movie, but he still sits and enjoys your company.
• Gazing at the stars is his favourite with you. Just sitting in silence. You’ll make small talk and he’ll grunt and groan in response. The night sky has always fascinated him. He didn’t get the education to understand it all, so he likes to keep it a mystery.
I’m so sorry that this sucks, but I felt that if I wrote it any other way, I would write chin terribly OOC 😭😭I realise it’s mostly negative stuff but I’ll try and come back to it to make it better :/
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project-v175 · 4 months
Out On A Limb
Brutal fighting. That's what the wizarding world had succumbed to. Violence. All her life, she had only known the peace of magic. That changed when she became an apprentice at the ministry. She wanted to be an auror. She wanted to restore peace. He who shall not be named had ruined everything for her, and it needed to be set right. Nothing felt normal for her.. not until him. 
Chapter 18: Cruel
Venus stared at the letter that evening. It was the first piece of mail in over a month, and it wasn’t even work-related. The only person who knew about House of Black was Moody. She couldn’t even fathom the idea of him trying to see her. It felt like a trap. It had to be a trap, but her heart begged her to go.
With tears in her eyes, she stood before the House of Black. The curtains moved, and the door creaked open. She was met with Creech when she wanted to be met with Moody, with Alastor. The old house elf took her to the kitchen, rushing her to sit. She sat silently, with eyes glazed over at the food in front of her. She hadn’t bothered to make large meals like what was on the plate. A beautiful Sunday Roast. She stared at the meal. Why was there another plate in front of her? She was alone.
Not alone enough. Familiar footsteps creaked across the stairs and floorboards. Venus looked up, eyes meeting Moody’s for the first time in months. They didn’t say anything. They only stared. Venus broke eye contact first. Her melancholy eyes turned down to the plate in front of her. Moody cleared his throat, then took a seat in front of her. The silence between them sent Creech into hiding. Even he was growing uncomfortable. It wasn’t until after Creech left that Venus spoke first.
“You’re an asshole, Moody..”
Moody pursed his lips, picking up the fork provided to him. “I know.. I couldn’t.. Stand it any longer.”
“Stand what?” Venus curled in on herself. Her stomach rolled at the sight of food, but she’d be damned if she let Moody have his way.
“You. Ya got hurt, and I knew it would only be the beginnin if I stuck around. So I..” Venus cut moody off.
“So you left me. In a strange bed. In a strange house. And wouldn’t even look at me for months? Did you really think that would protect me? That maybe I would move on? Why didn’t you just stay gone? Huh? You should have.. I would have been fine..”
“Except ya weren’t. I saw. Ya don’t sleep. I reckon you hardly eat with those twiggy arms.” Moody motioned to her arms, which had become noticeable thinner since her apprenticeship. She was no longer full of lean muscle. It was skin and bone.
“So you were watching me? What the fuck is wrong with you? You don’t want to be around me, but you want to watch me? Creep. You really are-” This time, Moody cut Venus off.
“I am not mad! So don’t even say it! I am-” Moody slammed his hands on the table, then took a deep breath after he watched Venus jump in front of him. “I am frustrated. I wanted to protect you, and I only ended up hurting you more. I.. I am sorry.”
“You better be! Do you have any idea what kind of- of torture that was? To finally know what love was, and then have it ripped from. You wouldn’t even look at me. Do you have any idea how painful-” Venus stood from her chair, a sense of deja vu washing over Moody. They had been there before. Moody couldn’t handle her screaming. The painful look in her eyes shattered his cold, stone heart.
“Yes!” Alastor jolted from his seat. The glasses on the table, full of pumpkin juice, shook from his movements. “Yes! I do! You- You were all I could think about. Your letters didn’t help! Why couldn’t you just, move. On.” Moody emphasized those last two words. Easier said than done, and he knew it.
“Seriously? You brought me here for this? To tell me to move on? Like I’m nothing?” Venus stood, her mouth slowly easing open. She began to mouth words. Sounds that wouldn’t come out more than a whisper, but were easily readable. “How- How could you? You are vile. Do you even care? Or am I just some toy? Am I? Or is there actually feelings behind that-”
Moody stormed his way around the table. Venus took severable steps back, tripping over her feet. Moody caught her by the collar of her shirt. He pulled her up, hand sliding to the small of her back. “I do care. That’s the problem... I don’t show love as well as... Most humans... I am corrupt. I am a horrible, heartless monster. You are the exact opposite. I am not good for you. I’m not sure what you see in me. So tell me. Why can’t you move on?”
Venus hung her head. Her fluffed-up hair grazed Moody’s chest, and she set the top of her head there. The tears had been building, but now they flowed. A few droplets slid down her cheeks. Moody’s shirt caught others. She shook her head. Venus balled up her fists, weakly slamming them into Moody’s chest. “I don’t know... You’re an ass. Yet, you sit in the front of my mind, like an annoying earworm that won’t go away no matter how many songs I listen to.” Venus paused. Her body stiffened. Her voice became strained. "Why won't you just let me love you?"
Alastor wrapped his arms around the girl in front of him. He had brought her to life, then shattered her heart. The twisting of his stomach sent bile up his throat. He choked it back. The only words coming from his mouth were apologies. No matter how many times he said it, he swore it would never be enough. She had sobbed behind walls and doors over him. Now she sobbed in his arms, because of him. Nothing would ever fix the pain these past months had brought on her. Yet, he saw a light at the end of this dark tunnel. An opportunity to heal the broken mess in front of him. There could be more. There should be more. No matter how wrong it was. No matter how dangerous. He could double down on his defenses. He could keep watch over her. She could be, would be, safer with him than anyone else. If he could just stop being so afraid. If she would even take him now that he had broken her.
“I’m sorreh. So sorreh. I’ll do betteh. I promise. I’ll do betteh.”
Author Note
This was the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever written. I am so sorry for making you read this. I can't believe I even wrote it. I have actual mascara across my face. On a side note, I've done enough research (rewatching the movies) to have 85% confidence he would speak in his Scottish accent the strongest in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed hearing him be Scottish. (Foreign men my beloved)
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kierancaz · 10 months
Saving The Dance.
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note: this is based off of a video I saw on TikTok about watching little women and only seeing Hermione and Regulus Black in Meg and Laurie. Someone made a comment saying they wanted a fic of this and I said I’d write one and then like 30+ people responded saying they wanted to be tagged so here I am. Sorry if the speech is very old-timey I’ve been reading a lot of period piece novels and watching a lot of period shows I don’t actually remember how to write them like people who aren’t from the 1850s.
warnings: none, tad bit of Ron hate maybe but mot really bc I love him and he’s my boy. Also Ron x Hermione bc Ron redeems himself. Obviously this is not canon compliant ALSO THIS IS NOT A SHIP. my girl Hermione gets shipped with everyone in Harry Potter even if they are two decades older than her and dead so this is NOT A SHIP.
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Ron has done it again. He has ruined yet another ball for Hermione. First was the Yule Ball and now it was the Blacks yearly Summer Solstice Celebration. Hermione was so looking forward to this but of course Ron had to go and ruin things by opening his big mouth.
As the name implies, a member of the Black family holds this celebration in the first day of the summer solstice each year, this year it was Regulus turn. The ball was being held at 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius had passed the house down to Regulus because he wanted nothing to do with it, since then Regulus had made some great improvements on the place.
However Hermione was enjoying none of these improvements. She was sitting solemnly on a couch, resting her head over the back of it so she can stare out the window and mindlessly pick at the loose threads. Since she had sat there not one person had come to see how she was though she was very clearly upset.
Harry was off galavanting with Sirius, Ginny was discussing something with Draco (most likely quidditch strategies, that’s all they ever talked about). Fred and George were slipping something into Mr. Malfoy’s drink as Neville and Luna acted as a distraction (Hermione watched this for a while as it was mildly entertaining. Neville was stumbling over every third word and Luna was speaking with her ever serene, if a little… absent, smile about something that was very obviously making little to no sense to Mr. Malfoy. But he didn’t seem to know how to properly excuse himself from the conversation). Remus was very deep in discussion with Mr. Moody and Tonks about something that Hermione thought was probably very interesting, as Remus always had good topics of discussion, and Ron. Ron was resolutely avoiding her after their blow up fight earlier. He was even going as far as to talk with Blaise, Pansy, Theo which she didn’t believe he had it in him to do so. But apparently their fight earlier had pushed him to the most drastic of measures as to not have to talk to her or be asked why he wasn’t talking to her.
Suddenly, there was a weight to the right of her that landed on the couch, it was the host himself. “My dear Hermione, why’re you sitting here by yourself instead of dancing with everyone else?” Regulus asked. Hermione used to try and call him Mr. Black, but he insisted on being called Regulus just like how Sirius was just called Sirius and Remus was just called Remus.
Hermione gave a half hearted smile but it slipped off her face almost immediately, “I don’t feel much like dancing.” She said quietly. There was lively music playing and as she looked out at the floor she saw many people dancing together in pairs. They danced together and spun around in some formation that looked like some traditional dance that you might’ve found in the 1860s somewhere.
Mr. Malfoy had managed to weasel out of his conversation with Luna and Neville and was dancing with his wife. Whatever prank Fred and George were trying to play on him either hadn’t worked or hadn’t worked yet. Luna and Neville were dancing together, Sirius was dragging Remus onto the dance floor (Hermione giggled, Sirius looked ridiculous trying to force Remus to dance and Tonks was laughing hysterically in the background), Draco was dancing with Pansy and Matteo and Theo were also dancing together but Matteo seemed way more into it than Theo was. Ginny and Harry had also just joined the floor, laughing together as they hopped around in circles.
Regulus tilted his head to the side as he put both his hands in his lap, “why not?” He asked, drawing Hermione’s attention away from the dance floor. She bit her lip and looked at her own hands which were lightly tugging at the frills on her dress.
“I don’t know, I just— it’s silly, I just, I suppose I don’t feel pretty enough to join everyone else tonight….” She said the last part quietly, memory of Ron’s nasty words from earlier threatening to bring tears to her eyes once more.
“Why, that’s just absurd!” Regulus said, his eyebrows furrowed as the dancers in the background clapped to the song as they continued dancing. “Who would put such a thought in your head? I hope it wouldn’t be yourself.”
Hermione just shook her head. As angry and upset as he had made her, she wanted to rat Ron out and potentially get him in trouble, especially if Regulus told Mrs. Weasley. They would work it out, eventually, they always did. After a few moments of silence Regulus seemed to understand that she wasn’t going to give up the name of the person who had made her feel so unpretty. So he nodded and stood up.
“Hermione you are one of the most beautiful young ladies here tonight, would you do me the honor of having the next dance with me?” He said dramatically as he bowed and held out his hand for her to take. She felt slightly embarrassed by the gesture, but it worked in putting a smile on her face.
She took his hand and he brought her to the dance floor as the music picked up again. The stood facing each other and as they did it dawned on Hermione, “wait, but I don’t know the dances!” She said with slight panic in her voice, Regulus laughed.
“No need to know them! Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.” And after that the dance started and Regulus pulled her with him as he moved.
By the middle of the dance Hermione had found her rhythm. But it didn’t really matter, the dance was mostly fancy hopping and heel clicking with your hands behind your back or spinning or stepping and stepping out. It didn’t take long for a smile to stick itself on Hermione’s face. Instead of trying to teach her the proper dance Regulus tried to make the dance fun, and so it was.
After three dances it was time for a break as Hermione didn’t think she could feel her toes anymore. She walked off the dance floor feeling much lighter and laughing the whole way, when they were on the outskirts of the floor Regulus took her hand politely and bowed deeply thanking her for the dance which made her giggle. He excused himself to go find his brother while Hermione grabbed herself a drink.
Someone cleared their throat behind her and she jumped, turning around to see none other than Ron. He was looking rather awkward as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
“Ron… is there— is there something I can do for you?” Hermione asked in the most indifferent and uninterested tone she could muster as she squared her shoulders and cleaned her face of the joy she had been most obviously feeling moments before. Ron coughed awkwardly, stuttering for a moment as Hermione’s facade fell quickly.
“I— I just wanted to say… I’m sorry. For earlier I mean. And— and I take back what I said. You look… you look very beautiful.” He was blushing furiously, playing with his fingering and wearing a worried expression like he thought maybe she wouldn’t forgive him. But she sighed, a soft smile creeping onto her face.
“Thank you. I’m sorry for what I said too,” she sighed and there was a pause. “So… how was talking with Pansy and the others?” Ron let out a huff and slapped his hand to his forehead.
“Bloody horrible!” He exclaimed, “those have got to be some of the most uninteresting people I’ve ever met. Should’ve apologized sooner so I didn’t have to sit through whatever stupid gossip they were talking about. I mean, who really cares what guy Romilda Vane is gunning after these days?”
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh and Ron smiled at her. Once she stopped laughing her offered her his arm, his blush creeping back up onto his cheeks. “Um, Hermione? Would you, dance with me?” He said, chuckling nervously.
Hermione smiled, grabbing onto his arm. “Of course, Ron.” He grinned back and when the last song ended and people started to reconfigure themselves Ron and Hermione joined them. They stood facing each other and just past Ron’s shoulder Hermione caught sight of Regulus.
They met eyes and smiled, he smiled back raising his eyebrows momentarily and winked before being met by Pandora Lovegood. He nodded before following her out onto the dance floor.
Hermione looked back and met eyes with Ron, an uncontrollable grin plastering itself on her face. Maybe tonight won’t be that awful after all.
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thestephanieflora · 1 year
I'm curious about some Snape-asks:
No. 6: If Snape learned another language, which one would he choose?
No. 11: Your favourite scenes with book-/movie-Snape?
No. 25: Is there any other character you love as much as Snape? Do you think they would get along?
No. 30: If you could give young Snape any advice, what would it be?
Merci and have a great day/evening/good night:)
Hello dear, thank you for the ask! 🌺
No. 6: Many like to imagine Snape learning french or italian, and I agree with it, but sometimes I get an unusual idea. So I would say Snape would try and do some research in some asian languages, specifically indian, because I think the ancient energy and chakra system would intrigue our dear bat. Since he is also interested in healing and stuff. 😁
No. 11: Book Snape is the pajama party on the stairs in GOF. The way Snape is cornered by "Moody" is hot af. Movie Snape is definitely his first potions class with Harry. Alan killed Snape's introduction, that scene had the perfect amount of sexy and sass. I melted 🫠
No. 25: My other favorite character is Lupin, though I don't love him as much as Snape, but he's on 2nd place. He's the perfect opposite of Snape, and I like his warm personality. I think if he sat down with Snape to have a serious and open discussion, they could get along, no matter that Lupin is a Marauder.
No. 30: I would give two pieces of advice for young Snape, 1- Try to make at least one friend (beside Lily) who doesn't have a bad influence over him(someone not from Slytherin), so he can get over the situation at home better. And 2- Practice dueling on a daily basis beside all that reading, so that when the bullies come, he can topple them in an instant. 💕
Thank you again for the ask, dear! ❤️
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neopuff · 1 year
title: equilibrium word count: ~1900 characters: holiday, rex, & six w/ some six/holiday summary: Holiday needed to work on her bedside manner. ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47545924
“I don’t know, Doc…can you just wait a minute?”
“It’s fine, Rex. Just settle down. It’ll be over in a second.”
“Please, just-! Just wait, okay?”
“The longer we wait, the more anxious you’ll get.”
“I-I don’t care! Just back off!”
The needle she was about to stick in his bicep was shattered by a mechanical arm that suddenly burst out of Rex's chest. Holiday gasped and moved out of the way as a few other spindles of metal jutted out and attacked in random directions.
The preteen EVO jumped up from the exam table and hugged himself tightly, staring up at Dr. Holiday with watery eyes. "I'm…" he started to say, not sure what had happened.
Holiday stared back down at him. She held up her hands in surrender, hoping to calm him down. "It's okay, Rex. Just take some deep breaths."
He shook his head rapidly back and forth, then moved his hands to the sides of his head and groaned. "No, it's not!" he yelled at her.
Before Holiday could say anything else, Rex rushed out of her lab - trying to build his little motorcycle and failing. She watched him go and frowned, knowing she should've followed but not knowing if it was safe.
Rex would never purposefully hurt her, she knew that, but he didn't have complete control over his nanites. Sometimes they would lash out for him when he was holding his feelings back. In just the few days she'd been working on him, Holiday had seen this happen three times. Once with Six, once with Bobo, and now once with herself.
She reached up to press a finger to her comm. "Six?"
"Rex ran out of my lab upset. Can you make sure he's alright?"
"Did something happen?"
She sighed. "He didn't react well to getting his flu vaccine."
"...should I bring him back to your lab?"
"Only if he wants to." Holiday took a seat at her desk and ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't want to stress him out again."
She leaned back in her chair, staring at the lab ceiling. Dealing with a moody, super-powered preteen was not something she'd thought would be a part of her 30's. He'd been pretty happy-go-lucky on the first day after Six had found him, but it didn't take long for the stress of Providence to fall onto his shoulders.
White Knight's constant barking certainly didn't help. And Six never said a thing about it - Holiday assumed he felt guilty about what had happened between them, but she hadn't asked. Six was extremely quiet and closed off and she wasn't sure what to expect from him most of the time. Assuming Rex felt similarly, that couldn’t have been great for his stress levels, either.
She sat up and walked over to the shattered pieces of syringe that were still on her floor, squatting down to pick them up carefully. She would have to try again - Rex needed more than just the flu shot, but she was taking things one step at a time. It was difficult to be in charge of his medical care when she knew so little about pediatrics - she'd been doing as much studying as she could and talking to the Providence medical team as much as she needed to. None of them were interested in formally helping her with Rex's care since they'd all seen the security footage of his body expanding and contracting into violent bursts of metal and flesh.
The lab door opened and Holiday stood back up, surprised that Six had found Rex so quickly. The two of them walked in, Rex in front of Six and looking glum with the older man's hand on his shoulder. He didn't look like he wanted to be there.
Holiday frowned. "Hi, Rex."
Rex grumbled in response and stuck his hands in his pockets, looking down at the floor.
Six squeezed Rex's shoulder. "Tell her what you told me."
She looked between Six and Rex, waiting patiently.
"I…I'm sorry for freaking out, Doc," Rex started, still not making eye contact with her. "But I asked you to stop and you didn't!"
"You're right, Rex," she said quietly. Of course she felt guilty about it, but she had so much to do and no time to do it. Every delay in her schedule was another scream session from Knight that he'd inevitably turn into another punishment for Rex. But she couldn’t protect him from being hurt by hurting him differently and she needed to find the right balance. "I should've listened to you. I'm sorry."
Rex finally looked up at her, a light blush on his cheeks. He wiped at his eyes and nodded. "Okay. Okay. Thanks. Thank you."
Holiday nodded, still feeling guilty about what happened but happy that Rex seemed to feel better. "How about we try the flu shot again tomorrow, okay?"
"That sounds good," Rex said with a smile. He rubbed the back of his head and looked up at Six again. "I feel better now."
"Good." Six nodded down at him. "Why don't you go play with Bobo? I need to talk to Dr. Holiday for a minute."
Holiday watched as Rex suddenly glared at Six - then he pointed two fingers to his own eyes, then towards Six's. She also swore she heard him quietly say something along the lines of don't go making moves on my woman, but she was choosing to ignore that.
She sat back down and waited for Six to say whatever it is he had to say. She had a feeling it wasn't going to be nice.
"Dr. Holiday."
She didn't want to look at him, but she relented and glanced up to find Six standing just a few feet away from her. "Yes?"
"You need to work on your bedside manner."
Holiday sighed, forcing herself not to roll her eyes. "No kidding. I'm still getting used to this, Six. I've never done any of this before."
Unexpectedly, he took a seat in a nearby chair - legs spread out and his arms leaning against them. "This is new for all three of us."
"Yes, well." She pushed some hair behind her ear. "Maybe you adjust better to things like this than I do. I didn't train for anything like this," she continued, motioning a hand towards the pile of paperwork that made up Rex's current medical records.
"Rex almost killed me yesterday," Six said suddenly. "I've never trained someone before. Never spent any time with a child before. And never experienced weapons like the ones Rex is learning to build."
Holiday stared at him, unsure how to respond.
"My point, doctor, is that Rex's situation is unpredictable. We both need to learn to be patient."
She picked up a pen, twisting it in her hands. "If only White Knight could understand that. I feel like he's one second away from firing me every time we talk."
Six leaned back in the chair, his frown not moving. "He won't fire you. You're invaluable here and he knows that."
"Doesn't feel like it." Her mind wandered to her sister, locked up and vulnerable and essentially a hostage in the Petting Zoo. Six didn't know about that, Holiday was pretty sure, or else he'd understand the desperation she felt about not disappointing her boss. "But I know what you mean. I know I need to slow down. It's just…hard."
He simply stared at her, feeling that she still had more to say.
"You've seen all this new funding we have coming in. It feels like I've had to meet with potential donors every day this week, along with Rex's care and reorganizing Fell's files and trying to finish the research project I'd been in the middle of. There's no time for anything."
"Maybe you should get an assistant," Six suggested casually. "Or two."
"White already rejected that," Holiday responded with a forced, toothy smile. "He said that if I'm so much better and smarter than Dr. Fell, I should be able to take on everything he did without a problem."
Six frowned again. That did sound like Knight. "Is there anything I could help you with?"
She raised a curious eyebrow at him, trying to figure out if he was serious or not. "Really?"
"Really. We're in this together, Holiday."
"Then…" she started, trying to hide her nervous smile, "could you take on the donor tours? I really can't waste my time on meet and greets anymore. They'll probably stop after next week, but this is such a pivotal time for me to get this work done."
Six, who hated socializing and hated schmoozing, took a deep breath before he responded. "I'll handle them from now on. You just focus on getting this lab up to your standards."
She smiled brightly at him - a smile that Six would think about for the rest of the week - and sighed dreamily like a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Thank you so much. This'll free up so much time for me, you have no idea."
He nodded slowly, knowing full-well Knight would give him an earful about this and probably make one or two inappropriate comments. But it was worth it to make things easier for her - which would make things better for Rex, and in turn make things easier for Six.
It was also nice to see her smile like that, if he was being honest with himself.
"Speaking of…" Holiday started, opening up a desk drawer and grabbing a sheet of paper, "there's a tour in an hour, actually. Private armory that wants to donate weapons and a few million dollars." She handed him the sheet. "They'd probably prefer to meet with you than me, anyway."
Six glanced at the paper and recognized the company name immediately. They made guns - lots and lots of guns. He didn't use guns at all, and his knowledge of guns was centered around disabling them. "Shouldn't be a problem."
They stood up together and Holiday thought about hugging him again, though last time he'd been so unreceptive she felt like she was hugging a dead fish. She opted to pat his arm and give him another thankful smile. "If you ever need a break from Rex, you can bring him here, okay? It's like you said, we're in this together."
He nodded and folded up the paper, shoving it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket. "I may just take you up on that."
With another small nod, Six made his way out the door, satisfied with how that conversation had gone. He and Holiday hadn't had a lot of opportunities to sit and talk just yet, but they were essentially co-parenting an amnesiac child and needed to be on the same page. He could handle White Knight and he'd try his best to keep him off her back. And they'd help Rex together - they just needed to strike a perfect balance.
Holiday looked around the lab now that she was alone and took a deep breath. Not having to schmooze with annoying army guys was going to make her days last so much longer. She reached for Rex's new medical paperwork and piled it back together. She had a lot of organizing to do.
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