#so i was like oh! next growing season i can put up some honey and other lures in our apple tree
clovemon · 2 years
So guys. If I were to get an applin for my roommate, would it be read as exclusively romantic????
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blueeyedgirll · 2 months
shark week surprise - spencer reid x f!reader
spencer reid x f!reader on her period
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this fic includes: fluff, descriptions of bad periods and period paraphernalia, spencer being a sweetie pie and doting on you, established relationship, non-bau reader, pet names, early seasons spencer, use of midol, no use of y/n, unrealistic depiction of spencer's job, reader being shorter than spencer
word count: 1,053
a/n: you'll never guess what time of the month it is for me ;) im testing out using gifs on my fics so tell me what you think my lovely returning readers!
"It hurts," you say into your phone.
"I know it does, honey. I'm sorry. I'm sure a heating pad and some medicine can help with your cramps," Spencer responds sympathetically, recalling all of the period remedies he had learned.
"I took some Midol about an hour ago and I have the heating pad on right now. It's not helping much."
"Hmm..." Spencer pauses for a moment. "I've read that light exercise and hot tea or water can help. Are you feeling well enough to talk to the kitchen and make some tea? I think there's still some of the chamomile and honey tea I bought you in the pantry, and the walking might help."
"I should be alright. Will you stay on the phone with me?" you plead.
"Of course I will. Luckily, I'm in my hotel room for the night, so I have as much time as you need."
"Thank you, Spence."
"You're welcome, love."
You hobble to your kitchen, phone in hand, and start to make yourself a cup of chamomile tea.
The few minutes it took for the kettle to boil felt excruciatingly long, but having Spencer on the phone to distract you helped.
"I was reading an article about Spanish idioms, and I saw one I thought you would like," Spencer prompts.
"Yeah? What's that?" You say, leaning against your kitchen counter.
"Well, it literally means 'Thinking about the immortality of the crab,' but it's a way to say that instead of just sitting idly, you were engaged in active thought or daydreaming. Kind of like saying you're just letting your mind wander," Spencer says, his voice growing more excited as he elaborates.
"I think about the immortality of the crab a lot, then," You joke.
"I know. That's why I thought you would like it."
You scoff and bring your now finished cup of tea back into your bedroom, where you had been hibernating amidst every fuzzy blanket you could find.
You pull the heating pad back over your lap and get as cozy as you can with your hellish cramps. As nice as your bedspread may be, however, you know that you would be a lot more comfortable with Spencer cuddled up next to you.
"When are you gonna be back home, Spencer?" You ask.
"Well, we haven't gotten very many good leads, so we're a little stuck right now. It might be a few more days. I'm sorry, honey," He responds apologetically.
"Oh... That's okay. I get it."
You did get it. It wasn't uncommon for Spencer to be gone for days, sometimes a few weeks at a time. But the searing pain and high estrogen levels just made you want him near you even more.
"I'm sorry. You know I would so much rather be taking care of you right now," Spencer follows.
"Ain't no rest for the wicked."
"Exactly." Spencer pauses for a moment, lets out a sigh, and shuffles around in his room. "You should get some rest. You may feel better tomorrow as your hormones decrease."
"I know. I love you, Spence."
"I love you too, darling. I'll see you soon. Hang in there."
"I will. Bye."
You hang up the phone and sigh dramatically. It was only Friday night, and without work to prepare for or Spencer to spend time with, you were forced to entertain yourself for the weekend.
You start by putting on an older show to rewatch, but don't make it through much before you fall into an uncomfortable sleep.
You wake up the next morning to your phone ringing. Rubbing your dry eyes, you pick up your phone and see Spencer's contact flash across your screen. You pick up, clearing your throat before you speak.
"Morning, love."
"It's eleven AM, darling. But good morning to you, too," Spencer responds. In the background of the call, you hear what sounds like a turn signal.
"Whatever. Where are you?"
"I'm in the car," He says uninformatively.
"Okay, then where are you heading?"
"To my destination."
What a turd. You groan in exasperation.
"If it makes you feel better, I have something for you,' Spencer tells you.
"Like what?"
"It should be arriving just about now, actually."
"What do you mean?" You question.
Before you could ask him anything else, you hear a knock at your door.
"Hang on, Spence. Someone's at the door," You say, placing your eye to the peephole.
To your great surprise, you see a tiny image of Spencer smiling outside your door with his phone up to his ear. You fling the door open and affirm that he is, in fact, at your door.
"Spencer!" You exclaim. He greets you as he throws his arms around you, lightly squishing you against his chest.
"I thought you weren't gonna be home for a few more days. What changed?" You ask, pulling away from his embrace to look up into his sweet brown eyes.
"The unsub basically turned himself in, so we all got to go home early. I would have came here earlier, but I had to make a stop," He says, gesturing to his right hand.
You look down to see a shopping bag. He smiles and walks into your living room, urging you to follow.
He slowly unpacks the bag, announcing every item as it appears.
"An array of candy -- fruit flavored as well as chocolate --, electrolyte drinks to keep you hydrated, a new bottle of Midol to help with the pain, and..." Out of a separate bag you hadn't noticed before, he pulls out a bouquet of fresh flowers. "Flowers because I thought you would like them."
He hands you the flowers and you smile up at him before enclosing him in another hug.
"Thank you, Spencer. You're so sweet."
"I'm just trying to make you feel better," He says, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"You're doing great."
He smiles into your hair before pulling away.
"What do you want to do? We can watch movies in bed, I can draw you a bath, we can go for a walk..." He trails off, looking to your for an answer.
"Let's go watch movies. We can find that new one we wanted to watch."
"Sounds good to me, love," He says, following you into the bedroom, snacks in hand.
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Tav’s sex parade – Chapter 12: Mate me, mark me, make me yours (Halsin x Tav)
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, cunnilingus, biting, the feels)
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.)
Chapter 8 is mentioned.
The snowflakes twirled through the cold air of the grey day, covering the world in its first fine layer of this year's snow like powdered sugar.
Tav was sitting in the living room, composing, while Gale wrote letters to scholars, Astarion rested in reverie, and Shadowheart was at Morena's place to help her heal some clients. Gale's mother appreciated an extra pair of hands at this time of the years when the townspeople ended up with runny noses and coughs. Scratch and Naïlo were sleeping in front of the fireplace, tightly entangled. The owlbear had grown a lot and barely fit through the doorframe anymore, but he still behaved like an over-excited puppy. It was adorable and gave them 'scary dog privilege' when going on a walk in the park with him.
Tav was in the middle of figuring out what rhymes with 'apple' when there was a knock on the front door. The bard wiped her ink-stained fingers on a cloth before getting up and opening the door.
"Oak Father preserve you, my heart. How are you?"
"Halsin!" Tav fell around his neck, beaming. "I missed you. I'm alright, and you? Come in, love."
With a chuckle, the druid entered Gale's tower house and shook off his coat and boots.
"Nature's preparing for her hibernation. The snow will cover her like a warm, protective blanket soon."
"You're always so poetic," Tav smiled. "We truly must write a poetry book together. Maybe this winter? Will you stay longer this time or did you plan to travel during the winter season?"
"I'm not sure yet," Halsin answered as he was ushered into the kitchen to sit down. "It depends on how much it'll snow – and how long I can stand the city."
"I see. You can decide spontaneously," the human bard told him. She put the kettle on the stove and piled cookies from a ceramic yar onto a plate. She put it down in front of the druid. "Here, eat some. Gale baked all of our favourites."
Halsin looked at the plate and pointed at the vanilla shortbread.
"Let me guess; Gale's favourite?"
Tav nodded grinning.
The druid chuckled, studying the assortment again. He took a crescent-shaped cookie and sniffed it.
"Cinnamon, hm... Shadowheart? She strikes me as someone who likes exotic flavours."
"You're right, kudos."
Smiling softly, Halsin grabbed a pale star-shaped pastry and took a bite.
"Lemon? That's your favourite? I wouldn't have thought that. You look more like someone who likes raisins."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tav asked, pursing her lips.
Halsin chuckled and leaned his head back to look at her.
"Your welcoming, open-minded, flamboyant nature reminds me of the people in the south - even though your skin's so pale it would burn down there. When I'm in wildshape, you smell like raisins. Somehow, I can picture you between the vineyards and the olive trees."
"And the citrus trees," Tav added. Then, she sighed. "You're awfully observant. It's almost a bit scary."
When the druid looked at her confused, she sighed again, explaining: "I am from the south and did grow up next to a vineyard."
Halsin's eyes widened in surprise and Tav chuckled. She kissed his temple and muttered: "I do like raisins, but lemons are my favourite. When I was a kid, I ate them like apples."
The druid shook himself at the thought, making his lover snicker. The latter stole a lemon cookie from the plate and shoved it in her mouth. Halsin pointed at the sticky clusters, asking: "And what are those?"
"Walnut-honey cookies. Gale thought you might like them since you love honey."
Halsin blinked at her dumbly.
"Gale baked cookies for me?"
"If course! You're family after all."
Touched, the druid gazed at the plate and welled up a bit. He gently took one of the misshapen cookies and took a bite. He closed his eyes and moaned as the taste of flowery honey and earthy walnut exploded in his mouth.
"Good?" asked Tav, rubbing his shoulder blades.
"Mmh, definitely my favourite," sighed Halsin. "I must thank Gale properly. They are divine."
"He should have become a cook or baker instead of a wizard," Tav agreed, stealing another lemon cookie.
Halsin did the same, happily munching on the sweet treats. The bard walked over to the stove and brew tea. She filled two cups, placed them on the table, and sat down next to the wood elf. They silently enjoyed the beverage and the pastries for a while.
"What do you think was Astarion's favourite cookie?" Halsin suddenly asked. "Maybe something with exotic, expensive spices?"
"Or cherries?" Tav wondered.
"No, peaches," the vampire spawn revealed as he strode into the kitchen. "Hello, druid. Nice to see you again."
"Oak Father preserve you, Astarion. How was your rest?"
"Good, but I'm peckish now. Can I take a nibble?"
Astarion stared at him in surprise.
"Mhm," Halsin answered with a shrug.
Licking his lips, the vampire spawn moved closer, stroke a finger along the druid's thick neck before biting down. Halsin gasped, squeezing his eyes shut. He still wasn't used to the feeling of being bitten – other than Tav and Gale. Shadowheart refused to let Astarion feed from her and he respected her boundaries. The vampire spawn drew back, licked the wound clean and then his mouth. He swayed slightly, drunk on the druid's blood, again.
"Thank you, darling," Astarion slurred and kissed him sloppily before staggering out of the kitchen to lay down in front of the fireplace.
"Your blood has an interesting effect on him. I wonder why," Tav mused.
"Me too. He only gets drunk when feeding on me," Halsin muttered. "He says I taste like a bear."
That made Tav giggle.
"And what a lovely bear you are," she teased and leaned over to connect their lips. "I'll run you a bath."
"Mmh, thank you, my heart."
They kissed again before the bard left the kitchen and the druid finished the plate by himself. Then, he got up to seek out Gale in his study. The wizard was hunched over his letters, conferring with Tara.
"Oak Father preserve you, Gale. How are you?"
"Oh, hello Halsin. It's a pleasure to have you back. How was the journey?"
"Good. We'll talk about the details over dinner."
"Of course. Excuse me, I have to finish these letters first before I can start cooking."
Gale turned his attention back to his work.
"It's good to see you again, Mr. Halsin," Tara said and purred as she accepted the druid's caresses.
"It's nice to be back. Thank you for the cookies, Gale. They're delicious," Halsin said, smiling.
"Oh? I'm glad you like them," the addressed replied with a sigh of relief. "I didn't know what you prefer, but when Tav said you like honey, I remembered this recipe."
"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart," the druid told him. He didn't know how to show his gratitude or how to repay the favour, thus, he did the only thing that was able to express his feelings; he gave Gale a tender kiss. The wizard gasped in surprise, but placed a hand on Halsin's chest immediately. When they parted, they leaned their foreheads together.
"Thank you," whispered the druid. "You have no idea how much this means to me."
"Mh, I can only assume," mumbled Gale, still slightly overwhelmed by the sudden kiss.
"Halsin! The bath's ready!" yelled Tav from the bathroom.
Halsin smiled and kissed Gale again before he left the room.
"What a lovely way to show his gratitude," purred Tara, highly amused.
Gale hummed, dazed, and went back to work.
At the dinner table, Halsin told them about his journey. The former Shadow-Cursed Lands had recovered and the wildlife was returning, slowly but steadily. Soon, the area would be suitable for people again, but Halsin was torn.
"It had been my home before the Shadow Curse claimed the lands. I always dreamed of returning, but now, that I can, I'm unsure about it. It feels so different now. The energy's not the same, nature has changed, and it doesn't feel like my homelands anymore." The druid sighed melancholically. "But I'm sure the lands would serve the refugees well. They're not welcome in Baldur's Gate and are forced to live in misery. Maybe, if I'd guide them to Thaniel's Realm, they'll find new hope and a new home."
After said gloomy words, Halsin changed the topic and handed Gale a set of ceramic soup bowls that he'd bought in Mirabar. The wizard marvelled at the craftsmanship and gushed over the design; dark blue background with yellow stars, moons, and suns.
"You were in Mirabar again?" asked Tav.
Halsin nodded.
"I saw the beautiful ceramic ware last time, but didn't buy anything. Winter Solstice is near and your hospitality's always wonderful, thus, I thought I'll bring you a gift to show my appreciation."
"Thank you, Halsin, but you're not just a guest here, you're family," Gale told him, looking serious.
The druid was taken aback and averted his gaze.
"Am I? Hm... thank you. That's... an honour, truly," he mumbled, blushing slightly.
"Of course you are," Gale replied with a smile. Shadowheart, Astarion, and Tav nodded in agreement and the latter placed her hand on Halsin's.
The druid welled up a second time this day.
The conversation had lit a fire in his belly, something he'd never felt before, and it overwhelmed him. Halsin possessively placed a hand in Tav's neck as he kissed her hungrily. Even though he'd had dinner, he was starving. With a growl, he grabbed the bard's buttocks and hoisted her onto his hips. She immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"What's on your mind, love? You're acting strangely," Tav panted.
Instead of answering, Halsin kissed her again. He didn't want to talk, couldn't put into words what he felt. He dropped his lover onto the bed, hastily removing her clothes before stripping himself. Tav stretched an arm towards him to caress his cheek.
"Halsin, talk to me. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Quite the opposite actually," he answered.
Before she could keep pestering him in concern, the druid bent down and started to eat her out. Tav moaned, bucked her hips up, and sunk a hand into his hair. Halsin focused on drowning in her taste and smell. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to be. The bard mewled and came across his tongue, and Halsin moaned at the familiar taste. He didn't give her time to rest and entered her immediately. Tav whimpered but pulled him into a messy kiss. Halsin squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away. It was too much, too intimate, too loving. Tav was warm and welcoming, trusting him completely. He smelled her skin, felt her breath on his cheek as she panted, her strong arms around him. Halsin drew back and looked at her. Dazed, she gazed up at him.
"Halsin, love, what's –"
The addressed pulled out, flipped her over, and pushed her head into the mattress.
"Stop talking. Please," he pleaded, desperately trying to gain control over his emotions and the scratching beast inside him.
Tav nodded silently and he grabbed her hips to pull her up onto her knees. Halsin entered her again with a groan and leaned over her. His thrusts were hard and fast, making the bard whimper and sob in ecstasy. The druid kissed her shoulder blade. The bear inside him spurred him on to mark his possession. To mate and mark what was his. Moaning, Halsin licked the bard's sweat off, grazing her rosy, freckled skin with his teeth. The beast roared and the druid growled irritated.
"Do it," Tav told him. "Bite me, Halsin. Mark me and make me yours."
The wood elf growled again, grabbed her broad shoulder to pull her closer, and listened to his natural instinct. He sunk his teeth into the nape of Tav's neck, biting down until he could taste blood. The bard gasped and groaned, but kept perfectly still. A shiver ran down the druid's spine, it felt like he was lit aflame, liquid fire running along the bones. A mating bite. Marking someone as his. His.
Mine, Halsin's brain screamed and he moaned as his climax hit him like a boulder. Colours exploded behind his closed eyelids and his ears were ringing. His legs gave out and he collapsed onto Tav who got squished into the bed under his weight. At the moment, Halsin neither noticed nor cared, his brain was still caught up in the fact that he'd marked his lover. It hadn't been a new feeling, he'd had the urge to bite for as long as he could remember, but he'd never acted on it. Halsin had never marked a lover before. It had been a big no-no, too animalistic, even for his taste. Something he'd been ashamed of and had always controlled – until now. Halsin finally unclenched his teeth and lazily tongued the bleeding wound and rolled off of Tav to let her breathe properly.
"I'm sorry," he croaked out huskily.
"Don't be," she replied, way too calmly for someone who'd just been mated and marked like an animal.
"Why aren't you freaked out by this?"
Tav just shrugged nonchalantly.
Halsin's non-bear brain started panicking.
"I- I bit you. Marked you. I left a mating bite on you!"
"I know," the bard replied, stretching languorously.
The druid stared at her in disbelief and repeated: "I left a mating bite on you."
Tav looked at him with a smile and stroke his cheek.
"I know," she said and kissed him sweetly. "I'm yours."
"You're mine," Halsin whispered, pulling her into another kiss.
The beast in him was sated, satisfied, and the druid felt as content as he hadn't in a long while. Tav was his, and now, the entire world could see it.
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headkiss · 2 years
Happy Holiday season!!! Here's the prompt :
“Did you break into my house?”
“You refused to put up any Christmas decorations! What choice did I have?”
Happy writing!
hiii u didn’t specify a character so i went with my beloved peter parker, hope that’s okay!!! | 0.6k, christmas fluff
Peter loves Christmas. The lights, the trees, the stockings, everything. You, on the other hand, are more of a Grinch about the whole thing.
Every year of your friendship, without fail, Peter would be the one to make your heart grow a couple sizes. He’d be cheerful enough for the both of you, gifting you a thoughtful present, and moving on.
Apart from the scented candles and your fairy lights that stay up all year round, you never decorate, either. And so, like the sweet, holiday loving boy he is, Peter decided to sneak into your apartment and decorate for you.
Nothing major. Some lights on your fire escape and a tiny fake tree would do, he thinks. Because even if you act like you dislike the holiday completely, he knows it’s only because you aren’t used to having someone to celebrate with.
You have him now, and he wants to change your mind. He wants to be the good memories for you, enough so that the bad doesn’t stick out so much.
So, late at night, when he thinks you’ll stay asleep, he swings up to your fire escape and gets to work. The cold December air bites at his skin, leaving his cheeks rosy.
It’s not until he’s in your living room, knocking something over that you wake up with a jolt.
You hear another noise, and your heart’s racing. There’s someone inside, you think, and that’s scary. You reach for your phone and turn on the flashlight, then grab the heaviest book from your shelf as your weapon. It’s not great, but it’s the best your sleep-clouded mind can come up with.
His head snaps up when he sees your flashlight, and you’re about to throw the book at him when you realize it’s Peter.
“What the hell?” You ask, looking at the way he’s crouched next to a tiny christmas tree.
He plugs it in and smiles at you. That smile you love so much; it’s hard to move past it. “Hey, honey.”
“Peter? Did you break in?”
He stands up, shrugs shyly at you, “well, you wouldn’t put up your own decorations. What choice did I have?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe not scaring me half to death? I thought you were a murderer!”
“Right, and you chose a book to defend yourself?”
“Shut up,” you toss it on the couch.
You’re trying really hard to stay annoyed with him, but that proves to be difficult when you’re sort of in love with him, too. Not to mention the fact that you know his intentions are good. They’re never not good when it comes to Peter.
“How about a ‘thank you, Peter, for bringing in the Christmas spirit.’” You give him a deadpan look. “Yeah, okay, maybe not.”
Maybe Peter should have just asked you to decorate with him, but he wanted to do something for you. You’re his best friend and he loves you and it matters to him that you aren’t lonely during the holidays. Or ever.
It’s why he invites you to May’s for dinner, and why he shows up unannounced so often.
You trail your hand down his arm, give his hand a squeeze and hold it loosely. “This was really sweet, Peter, I just wish I didn’t almost have a heart attack in the process.”
He squeezes your hand back, “I just wanted to make Christmas special for you, ‘cause I know you don’t really like it.”
“Well, Christmas with you is a whole lot better than Christmas without you, if that helps.”
It does, he thinks. It helps a lot.
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destinygoldenstar · 16 days
☀️HOW DID WE GET HERE?!?!☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 9 “Don’t Open, Campers Inside”
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Okay, this italicized part is an EDIT after the reaction. I need to put up a trigger warning for this episode as a reason why I might not show as many images as usual.
I don't think it's as bad as it could've been, otherwise I think OddNation would get demonetized. But to be on the safe side, THIS EPISODE/THIS POST IS NOT FOR THE HEMOPHOBIC.
I WILL put a TW in the tags as well so they don't see the post. But in case your account doesn't have the filter for this sort of thing, HERE'S YOUR WARNING.
I have a gut feeling that we're gonna start losing besties in these next few episodes. If anything last episode was to go off by.
I said this last episode, but in terms of who I think are gonna win at this point... Finalists, Ellie, Fiore, and... I guess Jake. With Ellie winning.
Ellie just has the most understanding motive to win out of all of them and it would be satisfying to see her achieve her dreams.
No I guess Alec does too, but I can't see the scenario in my head. I BARELY react to the Alec scenes, I realize. But I looked back last episode and realized Alec said he "Wished his son was like Fiore" which... OOF, I wish I had a reaction to that. Because holy shit, you're a bad dad if you think that.
He just doesn't have as much emotional range as some of the others. So I don't gravitate towards him as much. I do think he's okay though.
I think that's my takes: Alec's... okay. Fiore's the villain so naturally I don't route for her. Grett's a bad bitch and we stan but also she's not winning. Miriam's great. Tom's great. I love Jake. MAKE UP GOSH DARN IT. And Ellie... I do like her, I admit. She's growing on me.
Yeah...idk what to expect this time. Other than I THINK another idol should come into play. Cause the heroes are outnumbering the villains and the show can't eliminate all the villains before the finale. That's plot armor for you. (I made a post about this topic. Plot Armor is not a criticism.) So with Fiore exposed, ain't no way anyone's flipping. So the only other way is to find an idol. One of the villains gets it, they nullify the votes, and one of the heroes gets the boot.
If I had to predict, probably Tom. Tom's a threat. Plain and simple.
Plus with his kind of character, I know Tom is NEVER winning anyway.
I know I said vote off Jake last episode, but that was because you could gain Ellie's loyalty from that. Well you lost the chance. Even if you do boot Jake it ain't gonna put Ellie on your side. Ya should've booted him when it was convenient and you had the chance.
"Tom & Miriam would ditch Ellie after the villains were out"
By then it'd be the FINAL THREE. So what does that matter?
God I said I didn't have a lot to say and here we are. Let's just get into it.
"What the hell was that bullshit in the elimination?!"
"You mean the way we were exposed?"
No I was talking about your choice on voting.
Nope. I'm not validated.
"Golden, that's the thing with us villains. We don't need your permission to slay. We do it anyway."
"You don't understand kid! I can't lose!"
Trauma dump?
👏Trauma dump👏 Trauma dump 👏Trauma dump👏
"I can't go home without the money!"
"Are you in debt?"
"No, it's not the money itself. It's what it stands for... If I win, my parents will finally be proud of me."
"Why does everyone think money can solve their personal problems?"
Then... why are you here Fiore?
Also Ellie would like a word.
"Alec thinks winning will fix problems with his wife and you think winning this will make your parents love you. I'm gonna be honest Alec, that marriage is a divorce waiting to happen."
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"What experience can a six year old have?!"
"Well let's see, my parents abandoned me in the woods. Clearly they hate me."
"My mother never loved me and I know her life would be much better if I never existed. She's told me she thinks I'm a monster..."
God, am I starting to feel bad for her now?!
"...I know she's right, but it still hurts to hear."
So she's just kinda accepted that she's awful.
"The adults in my life think I'm a demon with no redeeming qualities, so that must be true. Might as well live off that."
Does that imply that Fiore was an accidental pregnancy...?
I mean I'm not a mother, but I know that's something that can happen if you don't, you know, control yourself.
"But you know what? After awhile, the hurt starts to hurt less, and you start taking ownership of who you are."
I mean she's a pretty static character. BUT I think that works in this favor.
"If you want to win, do it for yourself. Prove to those that didn't have faith in you. Prove it to yourself that you're worth it."
See Grett? You found your place as a monster too.
"I couldn't care less about Grett's pathetic insecurities-"
Yeah, she cares about literally nobody.
She WILL ditch these guys on the bus the moment she has the chance.
And she's gonna show no remorse doing it.
And when that happens I'm gonna be HOWLING.
Oh not these two again.
"Hey Tom, I know I said this a dozen times, but I really am sowwy. Can you forgive me?"
"Jake I just learned I have cancer. And for some reason I'm gonna say that's your fault. Get out of my life."
"I've been thinking about what you've told me..."
Oh wait.
Are they actually gonna make up now?
"Maybe you weren't the only selfish one. I attacked you without thinking about how you were feeling..."
Oh yeah they are!
So he just needed to cool off after the news. I get it.
"You don't have to apologize."
"It's all me. It's always my fault. I'm the one who always has to take the blame for things like this."
"I want us to be friends again."
"But lets both try to be better. For our sakes."
I'm okay with them just being friends. I think that is healthier that way given they're... messy.
So I'm actually really happy about this.
"Where are Jake and Tom?"
They're 'hanging out' if you know what I mean...
I'm sorry.
"Maybe they're making up."
Up or out?
"For some reason, Golden is whispering in my hear and urging me to kiss the boy."
"Sorry for attacking you so much in the previous challenge."
Is she trying to be allies with these guys now? I called it.
"It's okay. It was also my fault. I judged you too soon without knowing if you were with them or not."
Well she was, but she's not anymore.
She's a redeemed girlie
"I do that a lot."
"Do what?"
"Judging people without knowing their true intentions."
Yeah I can see that.
"It's fine. We can't change the past. We have to look towards a better future."
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"Maybe I was wrong to think badly of these young-ins."
"Except Fiore. She's just as bad as I thought."
"Any update about your job?"
He got FIRED. I don't think you get an update after that.
"Anyway, I haven't been sure for awhile if this is what I really want..."
You didn't want to be a spy?
"...or if I'm even good at it..."
Yeah, you weren't, I'm gonna be brutally honest.
You can find a new job. One that you love. One where you can work AND maintain relationships.
"You think you weren't meant to be a spy?"
"I don't know. But it's not like I have a choice anymore."
Yeah... that's a hard situation. I can relate to that.
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"I don't work there anymore... I don't need this..."
So he WAS wearing that for his job! So he's ditching his career?!
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Oh THAT'S why...
I was thinking awhile it would be that he had a scarred face, but I wasn't sure. AND I was joking about it this whole time. God I feel awful now...
I'm trying to look at this properly. What happened? Was he in a fire or something? I can't tell cause it's a cartoon, but that MIGHT be burn scars?????
I don't know, maybe he's gonna explain it.
"My first job was a couple months ago. I was sloppy and I got found out. Things went wrong, and my captors... gave me this..."
Holy god, I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine Tom getting tortured like that.
"The boss wasn't happy. I was tasked to come onto this show as a contestant to investigate it. This job was my last chance, and I blew it."
"Were you using that mask to hide your identity or... were you...?"
"That's just an excuse. The truth is I... I felt ashamed..."
"But you look good, Tom."
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*I got out of my chair and paced around for a minute*
*I'm giddy and out of breath*
I didn't expect them to kiss today... oh my god...
Oh my god, Tom Face Reveal. AND... ship name kiss, IN THE SAME SCENE. That's too much for the feels.
Jam. It's Jam isn't it? I don't have jam on me right now.
I actually don't like eating jam. I'm not a jelly person.
Okay okay okay, I'm sorry. I'll keep going.
"...I'm not."
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Aw 💗
"Attention campers! Challenge time!"
Oh screw you!
They're good for each other. They're actually good for each other.
I HAD MY DOUBTS. But they do work.
*I had to get water* (Y'all keep your dirty jokes about that)
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Gosh darn it, I KNEW Chris McLean was here!
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How are you all sleeping sitting up?
Is this a "Escape the chamber" challenge?
"The hosts are clearly screwing with us."
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Cause that situation was HELL
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Where'd you get the hats from?
"What happened to the sky?"
"It's covered in grapes and strawberries, and idk why that is-also why is part of the forest blocked off? Why can't we get out?"
"Fiore I don't think you're supposed to be playing those games."
I still headcanon Fiore is a Mortal Combat fangirl.
"Where'd you get that hat?"
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"Alright gang, grab every weapon in this place you can find and start SMASHING!!!"
Why does the cabin have so much weaponry?!
"Fiore, I think I know what's happening."
"Don't freak out... but a bear is gonna pop out in a minute and force us to kill each other."
"It's the only explanation. Don't tell anyone."
"Uh, we are right here and in hearing range."
"What happened with your mask?"
Oh yeah they don't know...
God it's SO WEIRD seeing Tom without the mask now.
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UM, HELLO?!?!?!
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“What the hell is that?!”
My thoughts exactly Ellie!
"It looks like a-a-a person..."
"Like a dead person?!"
Tom, you killed a guy!
If you asked me what my predictions were for this show: "Let's make a PLOT TWIST in the middle of the show and turn it into a zombie apocalypse 'The Walking Dead' show" Would NEVER be on my list.
I mean if you know me, you know I like death game stories...
But surprisingly, I don't actually like zombie apocalypse stories. It's not just my cup of tea.
Because zombie apocalypse stories are just so bloody hopeless and there's absolutely no way out of inevitable fate. It's just "This is hell, wait till it's your turn to die."
And I just naturally find that less compelling than stuff like Hunger Games, Squid Game, and Danganronpa, where there IS a possibility to escape your fate, even if it's really small.
With these kinds of stories, I'm just waiting for everyone to die. So I get less attached.
That's just my opinion.
"Did you hear that?!"
"Sounded like gunshots!"
"Don't worry guys! It's just Tom killing a man! It's fine!"
I mean, I WOULD say this is all a stage show. Like these are just people wearing makeup.
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"I don't care if he's a serial killer! HE'S MY LOVE! WE'RE LETTING HIM IN. WHAT'S THE WORSE THAT COULD HAPPEN?!"
"What's going on?!"
"Ellie why do you have ketchup splashed all over your face?"
"They looked like people, but they're not!"
"I would never kill a man! I swear!!"
"What if it was a woman?"
"Is that... a bite?"
They're not gonna KILL Ellie, right?!
Cut off her arm, and she might be saved!
"...well, one step closer to winning."
I mean I'm not surprised. BUT WTF?!
"I think we... have to... cut off your arm."
"Isn't this just a silly challenge?!"
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"So... this ISN'T a challenge?"
"I think I'm gonna faint."
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I mean it's good reason, but who gave the child a gun?!
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"The show is over... we're just lucky to be alive..."
You know what's crazy? I made a DUMBASS THEORY about the Total Drama Reboot that never happened cause it was too insane.
I said that Chris McLean was planning to take over the world and was using the show to turn people into robot slaves and start an apocalypse. And the Season 2 ending of the reboot would be just like this.
"Wow Miriam, how'd you learn to do that?"
"Back in my day, I was secretly a serial killer!"
"Are there really knife throwing contests?"
I would be CONCERNED if there were.
"Grett and Alec got bit... we got attacked... I was the only one who made it out..."
This is a trap.
Tom is probably the most equipped for surviving this.
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"I'll put one right between your eyes."
Tom, you're done.
Tom is NOT fucking around!
"Tom! Are you okay?"
"No worries. I got a body count in the double digits now. Cool, huh?"
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"Miriam, stay with me!!"
"Don't leave me!!"
He's losing another grandma! 😭
"Coming to this camp was worth it... I didn't think my last days would end like this... but I'm happy they were with you... you are the grandchildren I never had."
"Not again!!" *cries*
Don't Make Jake Suffer Challenge. Level: Impossible.
Yeah lets just cut to a six year old driving a bus. Why not?
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Yeah. Sure. One Month Later.
I don't even care anymore.
"Remember last month? Before all this? What you said about my parents?"
"You want to ask if I think they're alive? Well I got bad news."
"They're in Mexico right now."
"Being alone out here this last month has taught me that I don't need them. I never did. They were never there for me."
Well good for you for getting development queen.
"I know where to get a map to the nearest city."
*I get a body spray ad*
...I don't even know how that translates to what they just said.
Oh yeah I forgot Alec died too!
Fiore did not give a SHIT, did she?
*rewinds to look back*
Yeah she doesn't give a rats ass about you Alec.
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Awww, these two...
Hey wait.
*look at Jake's neck*
Why does Jake have a hickey?
Guys, I'm not supposed to be reading too much into that, am I????
What have you boys been doing this past month?!?
"Every day it's the same. Go out and find supplies, run away from these creatures and DO IT all over again..."
I'm sorry, my mind is in a dirty place now. He said "DO IT all over again".
"I don't know... I don't think this will ever end..."
Can we give Jake a hug? PLEASE?
"Hey... at least we have each other."
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“Hey guys! I got another trick I wanna show you. It’s called: ‘BURY YOUR GAYS’”
*Jake gets killed too*
"I'm sorry Grett, but I need this immunity."
Wait what-
*Murders Grett*
This is how we got here.
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A six year old is celebrating among her victims.
"See that's my secret Golden. My mask protects me from getting killed, so I'm just faking my death."
"...oh wait I'm not wearing my mask anymore. SHIT-"
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HOW DID WE GET HERE?!??!?!?!?!
"Oh my gosh, my arm! I have my arm!"
"Oh my gosh, I've been in a coma for a MONTH! Cause I died on the first day!"
"Victory is mine! MIIIIINNNNEEE!!!"
All Fiore cares about is winning.
When a six year old is an even worse psychopath than Grett.
"Am-am-am I dead?!"
Jake. Honey.
EVERYONE is going to need SERIOUS THERAPY after this.
I can't even blame Jake one bit. He watched his friend get turned into a zombie and die. He watched his surrogate grandma die. He watched his boyfriend die. He watched HIMSELF die. AND IT WAS IN THE SPAN OF A MONTH
...nah, therapy ain't fixing him.
"A few hours ago, you fell asleep, and we put you through our hyper realistic VR simulator."
You guys are fucked up.
Even Chris McLean is saying that's fucked up.
"I'm just glad I have both my arms again."
Ellie's just done.
"Yeah TOM! Don't cut a woman's arm off! I'M VOTING YOU TONIGHT."
Watch it actually be Tom that's going and that's Ellie's reason.
I feel like Tom's story is done anyway.
"The challenge was to survive the zombie apocalypse."
You can't survive a zombie apocalypse. Either you DIE, or you DIE.
"Wait, so you KILLED ME to get immunity?!"
If THAT doesn't prove to you that Fiore is FUCKED UP BEYOND REPAIR, idk what does.
"Weren't we in an alliance?"
"We were. But we got exposed last round."
Idk why I'm asking at this point. These villains plans have been stupid these past two episodes.
I mean, it's not THAT bad here because there was no other option after they killed Tom & Jake. So...
I won't rant this time.
"You'll be distorted for a few more hours, adjusting back to our time, getting back to your body, all that kind of stuff."
"And you'll probably need YEARS of therapy."
"What do we do? We have to decide between Alec or Grett."
Yeah, obviously.
At least Ellie doesn't hold beef about the arm thing.
*Grett Voted Alec*
Aaaaannnndd the villains are turning on each other.
*Fiore Voted Grett*
Wait what are you doing?
"That game is the closest I'll ever get to legally shooting someone in the face."
Fiore you are a psycho.
*Alec Voted Grett*
"Now that we're exposed, we don't need you anymore."
Welp. Grett's gone.
Unless the heroes voted Alec...
We know.
...wait what?
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Wow. Didn't even need to read all the votes.
Who threw their vote on Alec then?
*thinks about it*
Jake, why'd you do that? There's no reason.
"I might be thinking about turning on the heroes, you know?"
*sigh* Queen's time to go.
"Fiore, Alec, even though you betrayed me, I won't lie. I had a good time with you."
At least she's taking this well.
"It will be difficult, but I'll try and take what you said to heart. I'll stop trying to prove anything to anyone. In fact... that includes you."
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Queen Queen Queen Queen QUEEEEENNNNN
Oh my god... what an episode...
Um... so how did we get here? That was... crazy.
Idk how I feel about it. Honestly. Maybe it's just cause of my taste for zombie apocalypse stories. But also, this is DEFINATELY gonna be something these people are gonna have nightmares about.
I mean, okay, two things,
...there's no jam emoji
At least they worked things out and they're happy together.
I feel like one of them is going next episode. From an idol, like I said. But hey, at least they worked things out and they're happy now and they can work through each other's baggage together.
"Screw you VR Simulator! We're not going to Mexico! We're going to CHINA! And we're eating dumplings!"
I'm happy for them.
And Grett.
Queen. What can I say?
Okay it's not a secret I like her. But I also think she's interesting as an antagonist with her more human story about her family life and wanting to prove herself, but not knowing *how* exactly.
And she found her place with the other villains. Before, you know, they betrayed her. But what do you expect? And at least she took it well.
I admit, I feel like these last three episodes of her were a BIT rushed, but I can't say I would swap her elimination to later until I finish the season and see what the other eliminations are.
I knew she was never winning anyway. Like I said last time, I don't hate it when these shows eliminate my favs, cause I know that's something they HAVE to do. So I fully expected her to get eliminated, and I'm fine with it.
Prediction next episode: Fiore or Alec find an idol and they pull one on the heroes, and with it they get Tom out. That's what I think is gonna happen.
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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winkle-pickers · 11 months
MORE "SPIDEYKAIBA", "more kaibabros garabage" and "puffship"
HEHEHE. OK I'm gonna put the spideykaiba stuff in a separate post, but HUZZAH I'm so stoked for some
The story behind this one is actually my favourite classical composer story of all time: Rachmaninoff desperately wanted to become friends with his fellow composer Stravinsky, but wasn't quite sure how to break the ice. He heard Stravinsky liked a certain type of expensive honey, and just randomly showed up at Stravinsky's house in the middle of the night with a big ol' jar of honey. It worked. They became friends.
BUT ALSO THIS IS LIKE, PEAK BAKURA BEHAVIOUR, ISN'T IT?! (as I am rapidly adding more red yarn and thumbtacks to my 'tenuous connections between YGO and classical music' corkboard, a large hook comes to drag me off stage)
Hence this excerpt but with a more Jounouchi-esque food substituted:
When the buzzer in Jounouchi’s flat goes off at midnight, he’s not sure what to expect. The only people who ever drop by unannounced are Honda and Anzu. Anzu has a key and has never once in her life bothered with the buzzer, and Honda only comes at ungodly hours of the morning to clean his apartment and lecture him the entire time while Jounouchi watches TV in a half-awake stupor. “Hello?” Jounouchi says into the receiver. “Hello,” a soft voice returns. A pause. “Bakura? The hell are you doing here at midnight?” Bakura is silent for a moment, and then: “Do you like shrimp?”
I'll put the next one under a cut 'cause this is getting long, but it's a YGODM rewrite where Seto's mind crush goes. Very differently lol
Anyone who knows me probably remembers this one 'cause I've been poking away at this for actual years 💀 but very roughly (??!) it's a YGODM rewrite where Mokuba is Seto's half-brother and they don't grow up together. So when Seto gets mind-crushed he doesn't have any reason to 'put the pieces back together.' He's in his mind crush coma for two full years, and then Isono manages to find Mokuba in foster care. Yuugi & Atem's relationship is really different in this one too! It's a much slower burn to Friendship™️and there's more 'oh god an arson obsessed ghost is in my body' fear and paranoia. Basically just me enjoying dark freaky Season 0 vibes for way longer and easing into the whole plot later on when the kids are college-aged.
more kaibros garbage
Anzu had completely forgotten herself, and was examining Kaiba with open fascination - and revulsion. She moved closer to him hesitantly. “Can he...can he hear us?” she asked, her voice small. The maid Okazaki was already nodding enthusiastically, but Isono slowly shook his head. “There’s really no way to know, Mazaki-san.” Yuugi knew that the answer was more complicated than the question had been. Kaiba could hear and respond to noise, certainly; the whole reason he wasn’t hooked up to a mess of tubes in a hospital bed was because he could eat with assistance, and raise and lower his arms obediently when asked to in order to facilitate clothes-changes and cleaning. The question was whether he understood any of those noises in a meaningful way, and whether he ever would again. It had already been two years. The outlook didn’t seem so good, these days. Anzu gingerly sat down in the chair closest to Kaiba. She took another long, hard look at his vacant face. Her expression slowly began to shift. Pity. An emotion that Yuugi couldn’t allow himself to feel towards Kaiba. To pity the frail, twisted boy before him was to condescend to him, to disrespect their relationship. Yuugi had done this to him, and so he owed it to Kaiba to remember him as he had been - tall and powerful with a loud, strident voice - vicious, calculating, eyes shining like the cruelly sharp edge of a diamond - alive. Anzu reached out and gently, gently laid her hand on top of Kaiba’s. “Hi, Kaiba-kun,” she said softly. “We brought your diploma.”
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superbattrash · 2 years
I finally saw the infamous 6th episode and let me tell you. WORTH IT
Sandy ep6
The entire reason I started watching this show, let’s gooooo
Oh if depression had a face
Niiiiice. I’m liking you better and better these days, sandy
Franklin noticed the hottie, that’s what
Oh my god he’s answering like a child would
Glaring at a child, nice
Oh my god are we finally seeing more of his actual feelings??
Powerful, maybe, but you’re also sad. You had a purpose. Oh sorry, “quest”, excuse my lacking language
Oh honey. You instantly put those walls back up, it’s so clear in the narrowing of the eyes and the “you asked” like you didn’t wanna share in the first place. Like you didn’t need to share. Well that’s awfully relatable 🥲
Oh she is tearing him a new one, nice going lady. I like her
Lord he is. Such a sulky brother.
Ohhh no. “Soon”, that can’t be good if this girlie is an endless
Oh she’s so sweet, I love her??? Sandy, you need to lighten up.
SHE MADE HIM SMIIIILE. or yaknow. Dream equivalent of smiling
Death. Of course she is. Of course Death is kind and nice.
OH WAIT I FORGOT. THEY WANTED HER, NOT HIM. oh noooo, do you have to tell her? Maybe she’ll feel bad :(
She. She knew. She KNEW???? Damn
Oh nooo, why do we have to see the awful unfair deaths 😭😭
Okay their banter is super cute, not gonna lie
Oh god no, is she taking the baby???? It hasn’t even lived yet :(
You exist for the humans? Huh. Alright. Makes sense
Aw man THAT soon?? Poor Franklin
There’s the smiling!!!! Oh. I thought you did good, Morph, next time will be better <3
his “are you serious” face is so good
So THIS is Hob, okay
Oh he’s a little bet of theirs, that’s nice
YOU wanna talk to a human?? This will be interesting
The hair is growing on me, he looks softer somehow and IS THAT A REAL SMILE, nice
He really loves living, doesn’t he? And it’s the little things. Okay, I like him, Hob’s officially on the fav list
Oh no, this hair is worse
He’s got a family!!!! Awwww :’)
Will. Is- is that Shakespeare?? Ohhh, you’re so interested in this guy, just because he said something about dreams, huh? You little baby boy, aw, you found yourself a duckling
Is that jealousy I spot in your eyes Hobby?
Oh wow. That is uh. Some hair, sandy, very Lordly of you.
So this is a bad 100 year for you. Oh no, the family 🥺 That’s so depressing, you have such a hard life. Do you still want to live, baby?
Oh wow, that is crazy.
First sign of trouble is already here, love. That can’t be Death, can it?
Listen to him, Hob. Slaves, really? Yuck
You haven’t introduced yourself in 400 years?? Damn, morph, that’s kinda rude
What an eye roll 😂😂😂
“You look worse”, perfection I tell you
He doesn’t talk to assholes, lady. Oh WHAT. I forgot about Jo. That’s why I recognized her face.
Oh, Hob 👁️ I see you
The sand thing is creepy, babe, but it’s okay this time, you did good
Ohhhhh, is that flirting I hear, boys? And THAT IS WORRY, I SEE YOU, SANDY
….does he look good in this hat or am I just getting used to his face?
Oh god no, don’t make me feel so sorry for a person who won’t be here for long
Because you’re in love, right
Oh, sorry, that’s not the reason? Huh
Friendship. Well that’s a start
Oh COME ON. Stop glaring, he’s totally right, you idiot
oh poor Hob, you think he got angry and didn’t wanna be boyfriends anymore :(
Don’t blame yourself, baby, you were right!! Oh you poor man :/
Oh no. Oh noooo, it’s not even a place anymore :( please tell me he’s there, please please please
Oh that smile 🥺🥺🥺
oh they’re desire?? WAIT THEY’RE THE BAD GUY??? Damn son
10/10, would watch 7 seasons of this episode alone
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Synopsis; Where the team discusses the question ‘do you kiss after head’, you find out Spencer has too little experience to answer the question so you help him out
Warnings; smut, oral (male receiving), sub!spencer, praise, slight degradation 
a/n; LMAO im so sorry for disappearing again life has been actually kicking my ass but anyways lately i’ve been thinking about subby early season spence so here we go,, hope you enjoy!
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Another Friday night and the team was out bar crawling after an easy case. But this time all members were there as it reached 11pm which was rare. Usually Hotch and JJ would have been home by 10:30 and Spencer wouldn’t have been there at all. But there was something light in the air which had all parties concerned sitting packed in a booth, laughing after each sip of their drinks. 
Since it wasn’t your first rodeo together you knew how the night went. It started off with Rossi offering to buy the first few rounds, always whiskey but he made an exception for Penelope. Then again who would deny her anything. 
Once the drinks were flowing and lips got a little loose, the questions would start popping in at the top of your heads. However these were not your run of the mill, ‘hows so and so doing?’ ‘done your taxes yet?’ oh no. The name of the game was discuss where you would all think of a question which would help you dig just a tiny bit deeper into your coworkers sex lives. 
Maybe if you were all sober then you’d avoid thinking of each other in such positions, pun intended, yet in this state your prying minds were open and your stomachs were ready to grow abs from bending over in laughter. 
You raised the margarita glass up clinking it with a fork to get the tables attention. Everyone including Aaron had a smile on their face, ready to hear the intrusive question for the night. 
“Ok my fellow profilers, doctor, and tech genius,” you added pointing at Spencer then Pen, “Do you kiss your partner after they give you head? Discuss!” you finished in your most formal voice. 
Right as you took a swig of your drink the mixed responses of yes and no filled your small space. 
“Why wouldn’t you? You guys especially, if someones willingly trying to swallow then you damn well owe them a kiss,” Emily finished earning nods and ‘exactly’s from JJ, Pen, and yourself. 
“Ok but thats weird. I just can’t explain it but its a no go for me,” Morgan finished. This only gained him a scoff and raised voices, “Hotch man help me out here,” he said looking over to the man hiding his smirk behind the amber liquid. 
“I have to agree with the ladies here Derek,” he said curtly. 
The girls yelped and hooted at Hotch for siding with them while Morgan sat with his arms crossed being the singular person left out as even Rossi agreed. Meanwhile you noticed the presence next to you had shrunk back and wasn’t too active in the conversation. 
“So Spence do you kiss your partner after they,” you trailed off shaking your fist by your cheek and poking your tongue in the side. 
He coughed as he instantly sat up quicker. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could still see the blush creeping up from his neck to his ears and the slightest tint on his cheeks. 
“Oh I uh- I never-” he said looking anywhere but your eyes. 
“You don’t kiss them?” you said raising your brows. 
“No! I-i mean yes. I would I think b-but I haven’t had the chance to actually partake in such.. activities,” he finished finally taking a look into your eyes. 
You could tell he was waiting for you to laugh in his face for being so inexperienced but you felt far from it. If anything you wished you could be the one to show him things. 
That sweet boy had you wrapped around his finger and he didn’t even know it. Maybe it was his naivety considering how exceptionally smart he was. Or maybe it was the cute sweater vests he wore and now he nervously tucked his hair behind his ears. All you knew was that you wanted Spencer Reid and tonight was your night to make it happen. 
You hummed taking in the information, “Well that’s not a bad thing Spence. Everything takes time,” you said putting your hand on his arm for comfort and giving him a smile. 
Going to turn back to face the table you almost didn’t hear Spencer go to speak again, “Do you?” 
Got him.
“Why don’t you find out pretty boy,” you said with a wink as you downed the rest of your marg. In the corner of your eye you could see Spencer shifting in his seat, subtly moving his bag to cover the slowly growing tent in his slacks. 
As the night went by you couldn’t help but really give him a show. You had popped open a button or two on the long sleeve you had on, since it was getting stuffy in the booth. Though when you leaned forward and jutted your chest out, the soft inhale of a breath from the man next to you was just serving as motivation to get bolder. 
For the last hour you called it quits on the alcohol and drank a few glasses of water before you drove home. Spencer had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since your little interactions. 
The team had all gotten up to say their goodbyes. Rossi going by and giving everyone a kiss on each cheek. Derek having to quite literally rangle Penelope from talking to passing by groups on their way out. Then there were two. 
You turned to the side where Spencer was nursing on his coke, “Hey pretty boy, it’s late, let me give you a ride home,” you said grabbing your belongings. 
“Y-yeah ok. Thanks Y/n,” he said getting up. You’d noticed how he still had the burnt orange bag over his crotch. He couldn’t still be hard could he? Well you’d love to find out. 
As gentlemanly as he was, Spencer opened the door for you to exit the building first. The whip of fresh night air cooling on your exposed chest and legs under your skirt. 
You unlocked your car and stepped in, Spencer waiting to hear the little beep signaling his side was open. As he sat down you heard him let out a little whimper. Your head shot over to look at him, you could tell from the flush on his cheeks he didn’t mean to let the noise out. 
Holding in your chuckle you started the ignition and pulled out of the lot, “Can I put on some music?” 
“Yeah I don’t mind,” he said looking over at you with his lips in a line. If it was anyone else, they’d probably think he was uncomfortable but you loved his tiny awkward smiles. 
The ride to his apartment was mostly silent besides a rare quip from Spencer about paper work or fact about an older building you had passed by. It fascinated you to no end hearing him talk. Spencer was a hand speaker, meaning he always used his hands waving them around and making gestures. The pale digits had you captivated. Probably a driving hazard but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
You pulled up into one of the visitor spots and put the car in park. You looked over to see Spencer almost contemplating something. You’d seen the look on his face before when he was looking over puzzles. 
“Somethin on your mind Doc?” you said with a small smile. As cute as he looked when he was nervous, you’d never want him to feel uncomfortable around you. 
“Would you-,” he cleared his throat, “Wo- Would you maybe want to c-come inside?” 
“Of course Spence I’d love to,” you finished with a reassuring nod. 
As he led you upstairs you were giddy with anticipation. So what if nothing happened. He was your friend first and you were glad he was letting you into his personal space. Even if you wanted nothing more than to have him writhi-
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize you were in his living room. The dark green walls and shelves bursting with books put a grin on your face, “Sorry Doc, just caught up in my thoughts. What did you say hun?” 
His brows practically raised to his hairline from hearing the pet name. While he was used to the names coming from Garcia they took a whole different light coming from your lips. 
“I was asking if you wanted water or something,” he said fiddling with the keys in his hands. Eyes darting everywhere but your face so you wouldn’t be able to see the flush rising on his cheeks. 
“No I’m fine thanks for asking though,” you said taking a seat on the worn leather couch. 
You reached for the tv remote making a face at Spencer to ask for permission. He nodded and you settled back turning on an old sitcom that played late at night. 
As the episode ended you both sat in silence. Again you didn’t mind but you could practically hear the cogs moving in Spencer’s brain. 
You were about to speak when he cut you off before you could even get a word out, “What did you mean by ‘why don’t you find out’.”
Gaining confidence you moved closer to where he was on the couch, slow enough for him to stop you in case he wanted to back out. 
“Well you have options pretty boy,” you said moving a leg to straddle him. Your hands instinctively going to his brown locks. You could’ve sworn you heard a little moan leave his chapped lips. Noted. 
“W-what are the options,” lust blown eyes looked up to yours. 
“One, you can put that mouth to good use on me,” you said trailing your finger over his bottom lip, “and let me cum over that pretty face.” 
His eyes shut hearing your words and you weren’t having it, “Nuh uh eyes on me honey,” instantly they were back on yours. 
“Or number two. I can suck you off and let you cum down my throat, but,” you paused making sure to roll your hips on his growing length, “ you have to give me a nice big smooch after.” 
The hands on your hips pulled you closer as he bucked his hips into you as you finished the sentence. It was clear which option was preferred. 
You moved to slide down in between his legs. You let your hands trail down his clothed thighs, causing him to jump. 
“Tsk such a needy boy,” you said mockingly, “Am I not going fast enough baby?”
“Please Y/n,” he all but whimpered. It was like music to your ears. 
Your hands went to his belt, looking up in his eyes for a final sign of permission. Once he nodded you quickly undid it and he lifted his hips to help get his pants down. You palmed him over his boxers, feeling the wet patch where he was already leaking pre cum. 
“Is this all for me Spence? Does the thought of my lips around you make you this hard,” you said taking him out of the striped confines. 
“Oh god please just,” he cut himself off. You could see his hands curling fists besides his legs. 
“Please what baby? I can’t give you anything unless you ask.” Your hands continued their task of leisurely stroking his length. 
“Fuck please put your mouth on me,” he rushed out, hips bucking to prove his point. 
The answer was good enough for you so you wasted no time in leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. Both of you let out content sighs as you tried to take him further. 
You looked up to see him with his head leaned back, eyes scrunched closes in pleasure. 
You pulled off with a pop, letting your hand work him over. “Better keep those pretty eyes on me before I decide you can’t finish.”
He looked down with a flash of worry, that was quickly replaced by a loud moan as you spit down on his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
For a germaphobe, Spencer loved how nasty it was. He was thanking god or whatever higher being there was for giving him his eidetic memory because the sight below him was something he’d never wanna forget. 
Your eyes were teary and you had spit dribbling down your chin but he wanted nothing more than to give you more than just a kiss after you finished. Or well after he finishes. 
You could tell he was close by the way he was throbbing on your tongue. Again taking him out of your mouth you used both hands to jerk him off. 
“You’re doing such a good job baby. So good for me. You wanna cum in my mouth pretty boy?”
“God Y/n I’m so close please please please,” he whimpered out. 
“Cum for me baby, be my good boy Spence,”  you said before taking him down your throat. He was big, not girthy but long and it was a struggle but you’d be damned if you didn’t try to take him all. 
Hollowing your cheeks you bobbed your head quickly, egging on his release further. His hands finally found a place in the back of your head. Pushing you down further as he came. 
“F-fuck Y/n I’m gonna”
His moans and whines were a symphony of sounds you’d have on repeat in your head forever. 
You swallowed the salty release but before you could even wipe your lips you were being pulled up by Spencer placing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss, his hands gripped the sides of your face not wanting to let you go. 
The need for air made you both pull back. You looked at one another, chests heaving and looking like you ran a marathon. 
Then a sad look came across his face. 
“Spencer what’s wrong?” 
“You didn’t get any pleasure,” he said looking like a hurt puppy. Oh your sweet boy. 
“It’s ok baby, I can take care of myself,” you tried to shrug off.
He was quick to push you back on the couch, taking the spot you were previously in. His warm lips trailing down your exposed thighs. 
“I wanna do it, but only if you kiss me after.” 
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Imagine orc!Lee using his size to intimidate others. As soon as he steps out of his vehicle the car almost bounces from the weight being lifted from it. He leans into your vehicle just to let you know how much bigger he is than you. Not just that but he mentions how much smaller you are compared to him.
How could you do this to me 😫
Who We Really Are
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Pairing: orc!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Warnings: dubcon, forced marriage, breeding, allusion to kidnapping, usual filth.
Words: 3347.
“You gotta be careful, little one.” Sheriff smirks, but you can see a glimpse of concern in his eyes when he blocks your way to your car, looking down at you from his height as if you’re a little girl - compared to probably the finest orc in your town you are, indeed. “That gas tank of yours is no good. You better replace it soon.”
You nod, unable to look him straight into the eyes as he watches you, his pants becoming painfully tight at the thought of fucking you into his bed till you’re a mewling mess with your legs spread wide for him, asking him to pump you full of his cum. You know sheriff likes you, you see that hungry look in his eyes, the way he treats you, how softly he speaks to you while barking at anyone else around. You know Lee’s been looking for a wifey for quite some time: for orcs who often marry early he’s pretty late, being too busy with his career and election. But now it looks like he’s getting impatient, and you get a little nervous knowing you might be very much one of his candidates.
“I get you’re intimidated by him.” Your colleague Annie says while putting canned meat on the shelves, you doing the same close to her. “Guess we all are, man’s a damn sheriff! But I think Lee’s one fine man, and you always gonna have food on the table, be respected by townsfolk, you know.”
“You say it as if he’s already proposed to me.” You murmur, slightly embarrassed and trying not to think of his large figure looming over you, his thick thighs and strong, beefy arms radiating heat.
“I won’t be surprised if he will.” Annie smirks, winking at you. “It’s orcs breeding season. Unless you don’t like him because he’s an orc?”
“Jeez, you know it’s not true!”
She laughs at you: being a half-orc, she always teases you about human-orc relationships, telling you to go find yourself a good orc husband, a real man ready to protect you. Sometimes she hints that orc men are way better lovers than human, and you have to shush her before your cheeks start burning. What a shameless woman!
But you know she’s right: just one look at Lee’s muscled but chubby body makes you embarrassed as you imagine him taking you on his lap while he kisses you, his large tongue in your mouth, his hands caressing the inner side of your thighs. You’re pretty sure he has a monstrous cock, and it both scares and excites you. Sometimes in your dreams you ride him, and your belly swells with his seed when he cums so much his sperm leaks down your thighs. You like to imagine him getting angry at you and fucking you till you cry and plead him to stop, your womb stuffed with his hot cock milk. You don’t know, but Lee has same dreams, every evening imagining you on your knees with your pretty little mouth wide open to fit his fat cock. He wanna fuck you so bad he barely contains himself from going to you and banging at your door at night. It’s pretty easy: you live next to him.
And yet, even if you admit you’re attracted to him, something stops you, something dark and heavy in his eyes when he looks at you, something telling you sheriff Lee isn’t your ordinary lovestruck young man, and you stay away from him, unsure why but unwilling to look too long into the abyss, afraid of what you might find there. Anyway, you aren’t even sure you didn’t imagine his looks, and maybe he has no intention to have any relationships with you. Annie laughs when you tell her that.
The night when you heard Lee yelling loudly in your house, waking you up, is like any other night - except that your house is on fire, your kitchen’s in flames, and your head is heavy from the smell of burning wood and plastic when you wake up, barely able to move in your bed. Lee’s already in your bedroom, and he covers you with what seems like a large wet towel, wrapping you in it and lifting you in the air as if you weight nothing. Everything around grows bright orange when fire gets closer, and an orc quickly carries you into the corridor, holding his breath - flames are eating your old red carpet and a beautiful drawer you’ve been so proud of, but there’s no time to save anything, the house will be gone soon even if firefighters arrive the next minute. You’re lucky sheriff couldn’t sleep and saw the fire starting, otherwise you’d be already dead.
When you wake up in a hospital, your head hurts and the smell of burning plastic is everywhere despite the fact the room is clean, and fresh air gets through a slightly open window. When the doctor explains you what happens, the only one you want to see is Lee. He’s waiting in the corridor, his arms bandaged, he has burn scars on his face, but it should bother you, sheriff says. Orc’s skin is much tougher than human, and these marks would be gone in a matter of two or three weeks. You cry when he tells you your house is gone. All your possessions are gone with it, too, and you has nothing left, not even a penny in your pocket. How could it happen?
“Your gas tank, honey.” Sheriff says, and you cover your face with your palms, weeping. Of course, the gas tank. You should have replaced it years ago, and Lee was reminding you about it every damn week.
Yes, the house’s partly insured, but all your documents and valuable belongings are gone. You don’t even have a place to stay, and you don’t know if there’s a shelter in your town.
“Don’t bother.” Lee says, looking at officers wanting to say something with such an expression his men back off immediately, unwilling to anger their boss further. “You can stay at my place. You’re my neighbor, anyway.”
You doubt it’s something casual for a neighbor to do, but you don’t complain: thank goodness Lee’s kind enough to give you a place to live before you’ll figure something out. You know you can call Annie, but she has three kids, and you living in their small house would only make things more difficult. You shouldn’t be scared of a sheriff, right? Someone like him wouldn’t do anything to you. In the end, he’s the one who saved your life.
You agree to come to him, grateful for his kindness. His house isn’t fancy, but it’s clean and warm, and you have the whole room to yourself in exchange for cooking: Lee’s often busy with his work, and he barely has time for house choirs.
Living with him seems easy enough when you don’t see him getting out of the bathroom half naked or catch him looking at you when he thinks you don’t see. It’s hard to concentrate cooking if sheriff watches you - in fact, it’s hard to do anything when he’s there, his eyes roaming over your body, and you think you can see him getting hard. You hope you’ve just imagined it, and sheriff is simply interested in what you’re doing - he hasn’t been living with anyone since he left his parents to be on his own.
When one day he catches you looking at him, he’s just had a bath, and the towel is wrapped tightly around his chubby belly, the fabric too short to hid his big, strong legs. Your cheeks grow hot in an instant when Lee gets dangerously close, and you’re pretty much pressed into the wall when he looms over you, his huge body completely blocking the light.
“Listen, little one, I’m tired to play these games.” He growls into your face, and you accidentally lick your lips when you see his tusks so close, dreaming to touch them with your kitten tongue. Ooh, Lee gets so angry looking at you, and you feel his horse cock pressing into your belly as he slams you into the wall. “Shit, you think it’s funny what you’re doing to me? I’ll fuck your brains out, little bitch.”
You don’t know if you’ve been asking for it, doing your best to keep your thoughts to yourself, but you neither scream nor run when sheriff tears down your panties, his tongue in your mouth, his fingers touching your bare pussy softly beneath your skirt, his warm, chubby belly pressing into your body as his towel falls down the floor. You have no idea if he uses something on you, but your head’s cloudy and vision blurry when Lee kisses you like this, and soon you’re finally licking his tusks while he fingers you, sitting on his lap just like you always wanted to, his monstrous cock so fucking big you think he’ll break you in half.
“Think you can’t take it?” He chuckles, watching you stare at his shaft nervously. “You’re one fine bitch, honey. You’re made to cum on top of orc’s cock.”
His rough fingers massage you so well you cum from them alone, your eyes rolling inside your skull with your kitten tongue hanging out of your mouth. You don’t realize you’re in his bed until Lee presses you face into the sheets, and you feel his smell when he fucks you with his long, slimy tongue until you start to writhe, moaning and wining and asking for his cock. Lee’s getting impatient, you feel it, but he does his best, slowly bottoming you out till you can’t speak anymore, pain and pleasure mixing in one strange feeling as the tip of his cock is kissing your womb. It’s so good, it’s so good when he’s rubbing all the right spots, filling you full, his big, warm body embracing yours, so much smaller and softer. You mewl like a kitten for him, your cunt aching when Lee starts to move, and you’re both crying and pleading for more when he fucks you in his bed, and you get to touch his face, shoulders and chubby belly, feel his thick thighs and hips pressing into yours. Sex with an orc is so good, you mewl to him to see his dirty grin when Lee goes harder on you, soon filling your baby room to the brim with his fat cum. But he’s not done yet, oh no, what an orc stops after cumming just once? He gotta make sure he blows his load inside of you as many times as he can even if tomorrow you won’t be able to leave his bed. Lee would even prefer it that way.
When you woke up next morning, his side of the bed is empty, and you sigh, hiding beneath a comforter, deep sense of shame suffocating you when you remember the details of last night. What have you done? How could you sleep with Lee Bodecker, town’s sheriff, while not even being in relationship with him? Yes, you have always been attracted to him, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is your completely ruined reputation when people will learn about what you’ve done. What would Lee tell them about you? How were you going to live with it now?
Slowly getting up and wrapping a comforter around yourself, you shivered, looking at the nightstand and hoping to find some note from him, anything at all to comfort yourself that you didn’t make a terrible mistake.
You expect to find anything but a marriage certificate with your name on it.
Grabbing it immediately, you look at it while thinking it’s some kind of joke. Maybe you weren’t in your right mind yesterday, deciding to sleep with sheriff, but you most certainly didn’t leave the house to get married to him. It is ridiculous. Besides, it was already late when he pinned you to his bed, how would you get a certificate anyway?
But the longer you look at it, the less fake it appears to be, both sheriff’s and your signatures there along with a stamp. How could it happen? Did you suffer from amnesia or something? No, no, you didn’t. The only way to explain it was if Lee got the certificate without you, faking your signature. But who on Earth would do it? Who would agree to issue this paper in such illegal way?
Oh, people would do it for an almighty orc sheriff. You know they would.
Hearing some sound coming from the corridor, you keep a comforter closer to you and run, opening the door to see a surprised Lee in his uniform walking on tiptoe. He blinks, watching you holding a certificate in your trembling hands, and his gaze becomes heavier. However, you don’t even know what to say. You don’t understand what’s happening even the slightest bit until you think it was true sheriff was looking for a wife, and it horrifies you how barbaric Lee might turn out to be. No, wait, it can’t be true, can it? He’s the sheriff. He wouldn’t do it. Would he?
“Was it you?” You manage to mumble, and now all you’re thinking about is the explosion and your old gas tank. What if it has been his fault all along, too? The thought chills you to the bone. “The fire...”
You don’t finish the sentence when a huge orc looms over you, his face distorted by anger, and you take a step back, frightened by the change in his demeanor when his heavy hand lands on your shoulder. “What? You think it’s me who did that? That’s what you think of me, little one?”
“No, I... I-” You don’t know what to say, afraid to make him mad but also thinking that destroying your gas tank didn’t seem like something Lee - or any other sane man - would do. You could still see burn scars on his arms he was covering the best he could with his uniform, reminding yourself it was him who pulled you from a house fire in the middle of the night. Regardless of what happened yesterday, you still owed him your life. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
“Good.” He snorts, turning back and getting his shoes while you just stand there watching him, a certificate still in your hand. "I don't have time for this now. I need to go to work."
You still can't get over what just happened, your mind wandering to you being married to Lee while you certainly didn't remember agreeing to it or him even asking you if you wanted to spend your life with him. Even if he didn't do anything to your gas tank, marrying you to him without asking seemed completely mad. Even for orcs eager to get married it was something totally unbelievable; there has always been a courtship period before an official ceremony.
"Is it real?" You asked, barely having enough courage to voice your thoughts when Lee looked at you again. "This... is it real?"
He's puffing like a steam engine, getting close to you again, his chubby belly pressing into yours. "Yeah it's real. What else?"
What else? What else? Was he serious?
You find yourself at loss for words, gasping for air. Lee married you. He seriously did it. It wasn't a joke.
Not knowing what to say, you think how little he cared about the law he was meant to represent, doing something as crazy as this. He didn't even ask you, though you knew what he was going to say if you started questioning him, "You have fucking slept with me, woman. You can even be pregnant with my child now, and you bother me with some formalities how I got the certificate?"
But it still didn't feel right that he didn't need your consent. Why? Did he think you'd outright reject him after what happened between you? Lee knew you had no one by your side, no suitors of any kind. Why didn't he bother to have a courtship period like everybody else?
Well, he isn't going to give you a divorce now over something like this, that's for sure. If he went as far as to have an illegal marriage registration, he surely was gonna keep you. You didn’t want to think what would happen if you tried telling police or anyone else how things were. Besides, even if you will get an annulment or something, people gonna call you sheriff’s whore till the end of your life, and this was your fault. You slept with him. You did it, and no annulment could change it.
"You could at least get me a wedding dress." You muttered in defeat, lowering your eyes down. "Didn't want to bother even with it?"
Feeling his large, warm hand on the side of your face, caressing your gently, he gives you a hearty laugh as if you amuse him, his eyes growing warmer when he hears you talking. "Wanna have a dress, honey? You'll get a dress.”
You look at him wide-eyed, unsure your heard him right. You thought he was going to scold you and call you names for being so ungrateful: he let you into his house while asking for so little in return and ended up marrying you while you had pretty much nothing to offer him but yourself.
“Call Lorraine and say sheriff needs it done in three days, alright? Her number's in the phone book."
Lorraine McCain, the best dressmaker in town. Her services always cost an arm and a leg, but she knows her job well, and if a girl is lucky enough to order Lorraine's dress, she's gonna boast about it all the time, showing off in front of her girlfriends until somebody else gets a new Lorraine’s dress.
"We'll make things right. Do the ceremony, have guests, all that sort of stuff, yeah?" He said, nuzzling against your cheek, his warm belly touching yours. "We'll talk about it when I come back, alright? Now take care of that dress of yours."
Perplexed with his sudden change of mood, you don't say anything again, your arms softly touching the back of his mighty neck when Lee leaves a clumsy kiss on your cheek, his tusks barely tickling your skin, and you smile unconsciously, enjoying his touch. Did he make the certificate because he thought you'd reject him? Now it definitely seemed like it. Why would he treat you so kindly otherwise? Maybe it's his way of showing his feelings without a risk of being refused, though you still think Lee is very barbaric even for an orc.
"Alright." You whisper when your husband presses a brief kiss to your knuckles, feeling soft. "I'll be waiting for you then."
"My good little wifey." Lee smirks when he sees you calming down and unwilling to fight him - he was afraid you'd turn on him after seeing that certificate and he'd have to lock you in the house until he spends enough nights fucking you into submission, but you really are his best girl. "We're gonna have a good life, I promise.”
Yeah, having a ceremony seemed right, he thinks in the car, looking at his house. He didn't plan to stop filling you up, and if you'd be already visibly pregnant by the time he brings you to church, townsfolk gonna start nasty rumors, for sure. Of course, he'd silence them all - he wasn't called the biggest orc in town for nothing, mind him being a sheriff - but it seemed too bothersome while he could just get things done in a couple of days, a week at the latest. Besides, the elections are getting close.
Shit, he was one lucky bastard, Lee grinned, thinking of your sweet cunt leaking with his cum once he was done with you. You'll surely be his pretty little wifey in front of everyone and a damn bitch in heat for him behind the closed doors.
Didn’t do the taglist for this one since it’s a completely new fandom for me 😌
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bubble-tea-bunny · 3 years
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dive into you
[bennett x reader]
author’s note: lil fic for bestest boy benny inspired by the song by nct dream and the summer season :’)
word count: 3,600
There’s a bakery opposite of Angel’s Share, just across the cobblestone road, and every morning the smell of freshly baked bread wafts from its open double doors, ready to welcome patrons and the crisp air of the early hours. Bennett has easily fallen into the routine of making this his first stop of the day. When he wakes, eyes slow to open and greeted by little squares of light on the ceiling of his bedroom from the sunlight shining through the window, he swears he can already smell that bread and the pastries and the care put into each one. He doesn’t often find it in him to be lazy, to be sluggish this early, for a new day was a new promise of adventure, and whether he’s swept along by the wind to the wilds or to the bakery, it’s an adventure all the same.
He always picks out food for his dads. He considers carefully what they might like to have (some prefer to have the same each time, others don’t mind the variety and like to be surprised), and carefully, slowly he fills the tray. Usually it isn’t busy during the time he’s there, but he doesn’t want to take risks as he holds it securely with both hands whenever he’s perusing the selection. Even if there were no people to bump into, with his luck, he might bump into one of the displays in the middle of the shop instead, consequence of paying more attention to the shelves against the wall where there are loaves baked into fun shapes like fish or crabs, rather than to what’s in front of him. He’d hate to drop everything on his tray and waste it.
Sometimes the bakery keeps the doors closed, and while uncommon, it’s nothing unusual. On these occasions, the entry of each customer is announced by the small bell jingling just overhead. It’s the only sound in the shop, ringing several times in the past ten minutes but it’s mere background noise, easily ignored, as Bennett absorbs himself in choosing what to buy today.
“Good morning!”
Bennett’s hand freezes just above a loaf of bread that looks like a bear and he glances behind him to the counter because the sound of your bubbly voice, conversely, is much more difficult to ignore. Though to be fair, to him, you’re no mere background noise.
You’re carrying a basket of more loaves just taken from the oven, half of them regularly shaped into circles and the other half like turtles, and grin at the customers who have just walked in. He watches you make your way over to a shelf several feet away from him to arrange the bread, and he stares long enough that you’ve taken notice. Your smile is bright and reaches your eyes, and he’s embarrassed to have been caught. His cheeks grow warm and you can probably see the dusting of red across his face, a speculation which doesn’t help alleviate this embarrassment one bit.
“Good morning, Bennett,” you greet him, more quietly since he’s closer.
He likes when you say his name, and it never fails to make his heart skip a beat and he stutters out an O-Oh, um… as if surprised that you’re talking to him, much less that you know who he is. It shouldn’t take him off guard that you know, considering how often he comes to the bakery, so he supposes it has more to do with the fact that he can’t believe his name should be spoken by a voice as gentle as yours, honeyed tones like the softly plucked notes of the Holy Lyre der Himmel.
Finally he musters an equally quiet Good morning in response, smiling back but he’s certain it looks more like a cringe, owed to his nerves. If it does, you don’t point it out, and simply return to your task. Only when another patron comes up to Bennett’s other side, muttering a pardon as they grab a loaf from the shelf he’s standing in front of, does he break his gaze from you. His hand that had been hovering above the bread that whole time he drops back down to his side, and he scoots to make room with another stutter and a sorry.
You’re back behind the counter when Bennett is ready to pay. The pile of bread, cake slices, sandwiches, and other miscellaneous pastries had in the past led you to ask him if these were snacks for the road, for you’d guessed him to be an adventurer doing commissions for the guild by the sword at his side. He’d chuckled and explained his actual purpose for buying as much as he did, and your grin had widened, and if he wasn’t imagining things, you’d been extra careful when packing every treat.
I’m sure they’ll really appreciate your gesture, you’d said. That’s sweet of you. And it’s not frequently that events in the course of his life run smoothly, but that day they had, and with no falter in his words he remarks it’s thanks to you, for you’re the reason there’s anything to bring back to his dads in the first place. You’d laughed and his chest tightened and he thinks that’s the point where he started to fall (to where, he hesitated to state exactly). But in any case, it was true—without you, there was no bakery filled to the brim with delicious food, and if he had anything to say about that, Mondstadt would be worse off for it.
This morning, Bennett is digging around his wallet for the appropriate amount of Mora while you pack what he’d picked out. Having gone through this process many times prior, he knows approximately how much it should cost.
A few coins slip from his hand and clatter to the wooden floor, and he bends to pick them up. But on the way down, his head knocks into the tray that he neglected to push all the way onto the countertop, so part of it still stuck out. You blink in surprise at the jostling of the tray and his subsequent Ouch!, muffled because he’s obscured by the counter.
“Are you okay?” You sound genuinely worried, but to Bennett the accident had been no big deal. At least none of the food had fallen.
“Yeah,” he assures you. He’s still trying to gather up the stray Mora, fingers failing to get a proper grip on them and he huffs in slight exasperation. His face once more is burning from the embarrassment of being so clumsy. He’s clumsy around everyone, and it’s something he has long since come to accept, but it matters a lot more when it’s you.
Finally he stands back up, the money clutched in his fist victoriously. “Yeah!” he repeats now that you can hear him clearly. “It’s no big deal.”
For a second you don’t quite believe him, but it’s hard to argue with that smile on his face. There’s no pain he’s trying to hide (embarrassment, on the other hand, is a different issue entirely).
Upon handing him his package you tell him you’ll see him tomorrow and he feels sort of special because you don’t say it to anyone else. To others, you say Thank you, come again! but you know his routine and you know to expect him at the same time each morning. Judging by the look in your eyes and the sound of your voice when you see and greet him, you anticipate his visit every time, and his heart wants to soar out from the confines of his chest upon this realization and he is exhilarated. The wind and the new day have fulfilled their promise of an adventure, and the clock hasn’t even struck noon.
One day you’re a little distracted, focused on a paper in your hand as Bennett approaches the counter with his tray of baked goods. For the most part, your face gives nothing away, but then your brows furrow slightly, a subtle action he doesn’t miss, and he proceeds to ask if anything is wrong. He asks it kindly, keeps his tone neutral, wordlessly conveying that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. He would hate to pry.
You purse your lips, pausing like you’re caught between saying yes and no. He waits patiently for whichever one it might be.
“I ran out of sugar and had been meaning to make more,” you start, opting to share with him what’s been troubling you.“I bought out Flora’s stock of sweet flowers but it wasn’t enough, so I may have to set aside time to pick more myself later.”
The mention of heading outside of the city makes Bennett perk up, for he never turns down a chance to go exploring. He’s about to offer to do it for you, but it’s the thought of possibly going with you instead that makes him hold back and rephrase his question.
“This afternoon?” he inquires, head tilting. You nod, and up until now he’d felt confident in the offer he was going to present, but then his nerves get the better of him and it doesn’t come out quite the way he was hoping. “I-I could go with you! You know, if you want! To protect you… Just in case…” He trails off and he wants to go hide in a hole. There are few other ways this could have gone worse.
You don’t answer right away, and he regrets having said anything at all, but your beautiful smile soon follows the silence and it sets his mind at ease, and you agree with a concise and cheery Sure! Well, at least the worst way this could have gone had not come to pass. It was the small victories for Bennett—just as important as the big ones. The next challenge would be to avoid making a fool of himself out there, in what should be his natural element; he does want to impress you. But that’s a big ask for someone like him…
Both of you agree to meet at the front gate in the late afternoon. By then, the traffic in the bakery is slow enough that you’re able to step away earlier than the normal closing time. You’ve changed into clothes more appropriate for walking around: in lieu of a dress, your typical work attire, you sport a tunic and trousers you don’t mind dirtying. The trousers are tailored to fit properly but the tunic is a tad big, the sleeves a bit too long, but Bennett thinks you look cute in it. A basket hangs on your forearm and you wave as you walk up to him.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting too long,” you say.
Bennett shakes his head. “Not long at all.” Technically the agreed upon meeting time was only five minutes ago, so you aren’t very late. Though he does refrain from sharing that he’d arrived early, in fear that he could end up late somehow and you would be the one who had to wait. Really, it’s been more like fifteen minutes for him, but he just keeps quiet about that.
One of the nice things about summer is that the sun sets later. There’s still a sufficient amount of light to illuminate the fields as you walk around in search of sweet flowers. At first, the extent of your conversation is discussing where you might be able to find a high concentration of them, then silence filled with the sifting of grass beneath your shoes and the occasional exclamation of having spotted a flower to be picked and tucked away in your basket.
Honestly, walking with you around the wilds of Mondstadt hadn’t been anywhere on Bennett’s list to do today, or any day really, not until he could muster the courage to invite you out like this, and who knew when that might be. Your need for sweet flowers had dropped the opportunity right into his lap, and thankfully he hadn’t squandered it. But now he’s at a loss as to what to talk about; he didn’t think he’d ever get this far.
Maybe you sense his struggle to come up with a topic of conversation because you’re the one to speak up, asking about his adventures and the commissions he takes. Done anything exciting recently?
Bennett’s eyes light up, a reaction which you can't help but smile at, and he regales you of the goings-on of his latest missions. He omits the instances where his clumsiness had made things more difficult (of which there were many), but each story is still truthful. Most of his commissions the past month hadn’t been anything too bold—after a mission that involved nearly getting himself trapped in a ruin due to solving a puzzle wrong then getting food poisoning on top of that from the snack he’d prepped that day, he’s been choosing jobs that he knows he’s more capable of.
To him, they aren’t too exciting, and in the larger scope of things, perhaps they aren’t, but you don’t seem to think that as you hang on each word. You’re absorbed in his story about trying to dismantle towers in a hilichurl camp, and gasp at the mention of their reinforcements coming to attack in the midst of it. Wow, you remark after he finishes his recounting of the event. You’re amazing, Bennett!
His heart does a flip again at the sound of his name and he shrugs offhandedly. He’s not inclined to think so, but your awed comment is sincere and has him reconsidering: yeah, that was pretty cool of him, wasn’t it? For all his clumsiness, he doesn’t often see the feats for what they are, accompanied by blunders or not, but you’re the fresh perspective he’d been missing, and he wishes you’d stepped into his life sooner.
The entirety of your outing together has thus far been free of any monsters, but as soon as Bennett makes this observation it’s like the universe has heard: hydro slimes suddenly pop out from the ground, halting you in your tracks. You squeak in surprise and Bennett is quick to shift into a fighting stance, knees slightly bent and one arm out in front of you protectively.
“Just stay there!” he instructs before drawing his sword and rushing forward.
Luckily there aren’t many slimes to fight off, and they aren’t very big. His sword cuts through them easily, cleanly. They burst and spray water upon being sliced apart, so at the end, when they’re all dead, the only evidence they had been there to begin with is the slight dampness to his clothes and the squish of dirt turned to mud. With a sigh of triumph, Bennett resumes a relaxed stance, then sheathes his weapon and turns to you.
As instructed, you’ve stayed in place, but it seems to have been more out of being frozen in fear than anything else. You’re clutching your basket close, and once the slimes are gone, you follow Bennett’s lead and relax, shoulders releasing the tension they had been filled with for the duration of that fight. You let out a deep exhale of relief, hand placed over your heart which has yet to slow back down to its normal pace.
“Thank you.”
Bennett flashes a toothy grin and waves his hand as if to say It’s not a problem. “That’s what I’m here for isn’t it?”
You smile back. “I’m glad we went together.”
Together. He likes the sound of that. He thinks to himself that he’d go with you to other places too; you need only to give the word. To the edge of this world, and through a portal to the next? He’d meet you by the front gate at dawn.
He’s surprised that the encounter with those slimes had gone as smoothly as it had. It isn’t uncommon for him to get hit a few times, bruises quick to form on his arms or his legs. And it’s quite the run of luck, of which he’s ordinarily in short supply, that he should get through a fight with nary a scratch on him while with you. His efforts to impress are actually succeeding.
However, this is another case of speaking too soon, because he starts to walk back to you, but then his foot gets caught on a rock concealed by the tall grass, and he tumbles to the ground.
His chest collides with the earth as he lands with a thud and the breath is stolen from his lungs. You gasp and close the gap between you, and in viewing you in his peripherals, he notes that you are much more graceful at it.
“Are you all right?”
Bracing his hands on the dirt, small bits of rock digging into his palms, Bennett pushes himself up to sit on his knees. “Yeah, I’m okay!” Here he thought he had handled himself perfectly well, but then just like that, his clumsiness returned, and once more before you he is awkward, blundering Bennett.
Unlike the incident at the bakery when he’d bumped his head into the tray, this fall had actually hurt, and he can’t hide it successfully, a slight wince of pain crossing his face in spite of his smile. Even if you hadn’t caught on to that, the injuries elsewhere on his body give it away completely.
“Your arms are all scraped up…” After Bennett stands back up, you gingerly take hold of his forearm and angle it to examine the scrapes there, thin red lines from tiny stones tearing the skin.
Your grip is light, like you’re scared to injure him further, and Bennett is thankful for the darkness that is setting in as the sun disappears and the moon begins its trek across the sky, for it conceals the way his cheeks redden to be this close to you, to be touched by you. The concern in your gaze as you look at his arm makes his chest squeeze but not in the good way, and he bends his knees slightly to duck into your line of view.
“Don’t worry! I’m fine.” And it’s true. He’s sustained worse, though he steers clear of sharing this part. He doesn’t like to see you worried.
He straightens up when you finally meet his eyes and dons his smile again, easy and reassuring. It seems to convince you, as you nod and let go. He drops his arm back down to his side but he’s already missing the feather-light sensation of your fingertips. Successfully reassured, your smile also returns, replacing the thin line of worry that your lips had previously been set in.
It’s dark now but the air is still warm, a consequence of the season. In the daytime the heat is more extreme, made even more so by the fire curling from the edge of his sword. At the conclusion of whatever commission he has taken, he’s left sweating, satisfied but exhausted. Missions in the summer are more difficult to get through, the sun beating down with little mercy and its heat lingering into the night, but he thinks that if he were to have you there with him, he’d hardly notice.
Your delicate gaze is the cool ocean breeze and your soft smile the deluge of waves washing over him, a force he receives gladly because he is falling into you, deeper into the expanse of your heart. He’s diving into the sea, the unbearable heat of summer long forgotten as he makes his way to the bottom. What he hopes to find he isn’t sure, but he’d be content to remain there forever, consumed by you and all the love you have to offer.
“Okay?” he asks, voice soft. You had nodded but he also wants verbal confirmation that you won’t burden yourself with worry anymore.
You catch on to his own need for reassurance, and he wants to sink into the refreshing fondness of your eyes as you watch him. “Okay.”
The moon up above illuminates your face, and he wants to run his fingers along all the parts it touches: the line of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the cupid’s bow of your lips. He yearns to be closer to you than that moonlight adorning your skin, and maybe it’s strange that he should be envious of it, of that light which has the privilege to hold you so near, but the feelings he has for you are what’s written about in books, and in those stories, people do tend to do strange things.
In the morning, he stops by the bakery as usual but this time is surprised when you set a cake down alongside the other baked goods he buys. You answer his question before he can voice it.
“For yesterday,” you state simply. “For my hero.”
“I think ‘hero’ is too strong a word for it,” Bennett replies, chuckling quietly and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. After all, they had just been slimes.
You hum noncommittally, corner of your mouth lifted in a grin. “Maybe, but yesterday you were mine. So please take this as thanks.”
He’d like to be yours every day, and the thought of how nice that would be makes his whole world just a little brighter, like the crystal butterflies fluttering around him in the wild on the warm summer nights; and he hopes that the next adventure the wind guides him on leads straight back to you.
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kiirokero · 3 years
Outro: Love is Not Over (Epilogue)
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Pairing: Daycare Teacher! Hoseok x Single Mom! Reader.
Genre: Single Parent! AU, Teacher! AU, Hybrid! AU, Fluff, Angst, Adorable Kids,
Warnings: Um, Hoseok cries but they’re happy tears, like very brief mentions of kids without parents. 
Word Count: 4.3k
Note: Oh no.. Writing this made me sad :( It’s really over? (I don’t know why I’m asking that... I’m the author...)
Summary: Years after a relationship goes south. You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho. He is the light of your life. Yunho is everything to you, and you’d do anything for him. But you’re a human. Yunho doesn’t care, he will tell you he doesn’t. “You’re still my Eomma. No matter what.” He says. But you can’t help but feel like you will never be enough for him. You can’t be the mother he deserves. You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can. But you try. You try your damn hardest. So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
Chapter Guide:
Previous / The End ❁
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I’m not a morning person. 
Never have been. 
   I used to dread the signs of a new day. I used to go to bed and groan at the thought of the sun peering through my curtains and calling me back to the real world. I’d curse the morning birds and their repetitive song and roll my eyes at the overly cheerful morning news host, who obviously sported a fake smile every time she was on air. 
The only reason I used to wake up was for Yunho. 
   When my alarm went off, my first thoughts were getting Yunho ready for the new day, so he didn’t have to hate it like I did. I’d wake him up, help him choose his outfit for the day, make his breakfast while he got dressed, and send him off to school. With a genuine smile. Even if I wasn’t a morning person, I’d be one for him. 
But things are different now. 
   The sun peeked its soft, pale yellow rays through the sheer ivory curtains that covered the windows of our bedroom. The sun’s warmth laid over my face like the hand of a mother trying to rouse its child from sleep. I was familiar with the motion. Several birds sung their morning tune, perched up on bare branches as they serenaded the woods like they have been since the first time they peeped. It was winter, meaning the birds have migrated to warmer places, although Busan’s climate didn’t make it feel like such. Yes, it was cold, but it was no winter wonderland.  
   Despite the slight chill outside and the slightly cloudy skies, everything felt pleasantly warm. Like the house was on its own schedule, changing seasons whenever it deemed necessary. It felt like the perfect April spring day under the white sheets of our bed, wrapped in a pair of gentle, slightly tanned arms. My body cradled in the embrace of my shirtless lover. 
   “Ma! Hobi! Wake up!” A giggle voice called, followed by the patter of running feet. Hoseok and I grumbled, playfully ignoring the hybrid and snuggling deeper into the covers. We heard Yunho scoff as we held back our giggles, waiting for him to do what he always did. He indulged our silent expectations. Yunho jumped up on the bed, shaking the mattress and us as he hopped up and down, laughing. 
   I relented and peeked my eyes open. My heart softened when I saw Yunho’s smile (Which was missing a couple of teeth) “Well, good morning to you too,” I chuckled, moving to sit up. “No...” a gruff voice from beside me grumbled. Hoseok tightened his arms around my figure, trying to persuade me back down in bed so he could snuggle me more. 
   I smiled, petting his bed head as compensation for my utterly rude movement. He grumbled again, opting to just snuggle into my side. “Hobi!! Wake up!” Yunho whined, bounding over to the older hybrid, jumping on top of him and grabbing his face with his hands, which were comically smaller. Hoseok let out a little “oomph” sound before he let Yunho move his head around and poke at his cheeks. 
   Hoseok’s eyes were still closed, but the heart-shaped smile that graced his face gave off waves of happiness. “Okay, champ, I’m awake,” He chuckled, peeking his honey eyes open to look at Yunho. The ten-year-old cheered in victory, scrambling off Hoseok to sit in my lap. “Do you know what day it is?” He grinned, his missing front teeth on full display. 
   I hummed playfully, tapping my finger against my chin as Hoseok watched us with a smile from where he was laying next to me. “Hmm, well, today is a big day, am I right?” I teased. Yunho nodded vehemently. “A very big day,” Hoseok commented. “Could it be... Your big day?” I asked. Yunho giggled. “Yes!” He exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug and nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my unoccupied arm around him, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.
  “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll make your favorite breakfast?” I offered. Yunho pulled back and looked at me with stars in his eyes before chirping out an “okay!” before he squeezed me one last time, bent down and gave Hoseok a hug, and scurried out of the room. The two of us watched him go with warm, melted hearts. “He gets cuter as the years go by,” I sighed. “Wait until he’s a teenager,” Hoseok poked. I looked down at his teasing smile with a pout. “Don’t say that!” I whined, doing my best to wiggle out of his grasp. 
   Hoseok didn’t let go, he just held me tighter while he cackled at my attempts. “You’re mean,” I chuckled, pushing his face away from my side. Hoseok playfully nipped at my hands with his sharp canines, fighting them off like his life depended on it. All with a smile on his face. “But you love me,” He gushed, nuzzling his face into my stomach once he won the fight against my hands. 
   I rolled my eyes, giving him one last scratch behind the ear before I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Hoseok whined, but let me go. “Come on, you menace. Put a shirt on and help me with breakfast.” I said, throwing on one of his sweatshirts and making my way downstairs. I heard him dramatically groan. 
   I made my way to the kitchen and got out the ingredients for blueberry pancakes, Yunho’s favorite. Today was January 14, Yunho’s 10th birthday. He’s been eagerly waiting for this day since December, constantly dropping hints of what he wanted and what he’d like to do. So for today, Hoseok and I planned to take him out to a new amusement park with Hyejin, Yoongi, and Hajun (a different from the one we frequented), go out for dinner, and come back home for ice cream. (and presents of course)
   “Hobi!!” I heard Yunho call from upstairs and the aforementioned man responded with a “Yes?” before I heard his footsteps trail through the upstairs hallway. When Yunho was about 7, he started calling Hoseok “Hobi” instead of “Mr. Hoseok” once he realized that Hoseok was sticking around for a bit. I think it was because Yunho fully accepted him into his life, but Hoseok argues that “Mr. Hoseok” was just too much of a mouthful. 
    “Eomma... Where’s Hobi?” Yunho mumbled one morning while I fiddled with the coffee machine. I looked down at him with a quirked brow. “Hobi?” I asked, and he nodded. “Yeah, Mr. Hoseok. Where is he? Did he leave?” He pouted. I gave him a reassuring smile as I picked him up and sat him down on the counter. 
   “Hobi went out to get some breakfast, don’t worry, he’ll be back,” I said, petting his head. Yunho leaned into the touch, looking up at me with his puppy eyes. “Promise? Promise he’ll come back?” He asked, sticking out one of his pinkies. I chuckled, grabbing his pinky with my own. “I promise. Hobi wouldn’t leave us, bub,” 
   Right on cue, the front door opened. Yunho’s ears stood at attention, and he quickly jumped off the counter. He ran over the Hoseok who had a box of donuts in his hands and latched onto his leg, nuzzling his face into the material of his jeans. “Hey, champ. Are you okay?” He asked, moving the box over to one hand and resting his newly unoccupied one on Yunho’s head. “Don’t leave like that!” He whined. Hoseok frowned, bending down so he could look at Yunho properly. 
   “I just went out to get donuts, bub,” He explained, opening the box in front of him. “I got your favorite,” He smiled, motioning for Yunho to take one. Yunho complied, picking up a regular glazed donut and taking a bite out of it. “Did Hoseok scare you because he wasn’t here when you woke up?” I asked, leaning against the wall. Yunho nodded with a slumped head. 
    Hoseok looked at me with sad eyes before he turned his attention back to Yunho. “I’m sorry, I’ll tell you next time, okay? And if I’m ever not here when you wake up, know that I’ll always come back.” He smiled. Yunho looked up at him. “Do you promise, Hobi?” He asked. I could tell the new name caught Hoseok off guard, but he shook it off, holding out his pinky for Yunho. “I promise.”
And he’s been calling him that for three years now. 
   Suddenly, Hoseok came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on top of mine while I mixed the pancake batter. “What was up?” I asked. “His adult canines are sore again, so I gave him some medicine,” He explained. I sighed, “Hopefully they’ll settle soon, and correctly.” Hoseok moved his head to rest over my shoulder and reached over to pop a blueberry in his mouth before saying, “It’ll be okay. I remember when mine started growing in, I cried until they settled. He’s already stronger than me,” He chuckled, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he pulled away. 
  Not long after, Yunho came running down the stairs, bouncing over to where Hoseok was leaning against the counter and plastering himself to his leg. Hoseok smiled down at him and ruffled his hair. “How are you feeling?” He asked. Yunho shrugged, “Okay,” He answered. “Do you think you’ll be able to eat?” I asked before actually cooking any of the pancakes. “Mhm! I can eat,” He reassured. I chuckled, “Roger that,” Hoseok and Yunho both gave me a kiss before they moved into the living room to watch cartoons. 
I never thought I’d be a morning person, but damn, waking up next to Hoseok really changed that. 
   Since that day at Geumjeongsan, Hoseok and I took things slow and steady. Nothing changed at first. Hoseok would come by for ice cream nights like he always did, but then he’d stay after I put Yunho to bed. Then he took me on dates. Then he’d stay over for a couple of days. Then I asked him to move in with me. And now here we are, about 4 years later, with a new Jung Hoseok added to Yunho and I’s little family. 
  My bed never felt cold anymore, nights weren’t lonely or silent, and I looked forward to the morning. The mornings where I could peak my eyes open and see Hoseok’s sleeping face right in front of me, his hair all tousled. The mornings where I could wake up and hear his laughter mixed in with Yunho’s downstairs. The mornings when I was roused from sleep with a gentle, “Wake up, baby,” or “Honey~ wakey wakey~”
I’ve never been a morning person.
But Hoseok and Yunho made me one.
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   The joyous screams of amusement park visitors echoed through the chilly air. The grind of rollercoasters tracks and other thrill rides hummed in a familiar rhythm. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy wafted past our noses as we entered the gates of the amusement park, keeping an eye out for a certain cat family. 
“If it isn’t my favorite sister! Ready for some amusement park fun?”
“Hyejin, you’re an only child. You basically adopted me in college to fill the little sister role. And yes, of course.” 
   Hyejin cackled as she ran up and wrapped me in a hug, while Hoseok excitedly greeted Yoongi, his best friend, with a hug of his own. Yoongi grumbled, but I could tell liked it by the way his noir tail swished back and forth. Yunho ran over to give them a hug as well, a blinding smile plastered on his face. 
   Hyejin pulled away and greeted him enthusiastically, picking him up and spinning him around. Yunho squealed in delight, their giggles intermixed with each other. Once Hyejin let him down, Yunho gave her a proper hug before bouncing over to Yoongi to give him one, too. “Oh god, you're getting big,” Yoongi commented, sounding exactly like an old man. “You’re going to be taller than your mother when you 're an adult,” He snickered, and I whacked his shoulder in defense. He let out an “ow” but continued to laugh. 
   “You know, that means he’d be taller than you too, Yoon,” Hoseok said, and Yoongi immediately cut off his chuckles to give the taller hybrid a shoulder whack of his own. I watched the interaction with a satisfied grin before I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down to see Hajun looking up at me, silently asking for a hug. “Well, isn’t it my favorite nephew,” I said, kneeling down to wrap Hajun in my arms. He wrapped his arms around me in return, quietly nuzzling his face in my chest. 
   After we all exchanged our greetings and went over the rules with the kids, Hyejin clapped her hands together with a smile. “Alright! Let the adventure begin!” She exclaimed. Hajun and Yunho cheered with her as we started walking through the park. Yunho grabbed onto Hoseok’s hand while Hajun took Yoongi’s and the two of them pulled the grown men every which way. Hyejin and I lagged a bit behind, lost in our own conversation. 
   We walked through the food stands and carnival games, collecting drinks and a couple stuffed animals that Yunho and Hajun guilt tripped Hoseok and Yoongi into winning for them. “Look Hobi! It looks like the dragon from my show!” Yunho grinned, pointing up the red dragon plushie that was one of the prizes for winning the “Throw the ball and knock down the bottles” game.
   Hoseok looked at what he was pointing at and nodded in agreement. “Do you want it?” He asked and Yunho quickly nodded his head yes. “Now, now, I think you’ve won enough for right now,” I said. Yunho pouted, about to whine out a “But Ma...” before Hoseok beat him to it. “It’s fine, baby, just one more? Then we’ll stop,” 
   I sighed, relenting pretty quickly under Hoseok’s persuasive smile. He and Yunho cheered, going over to give the stall employee his money. The employee gave Hoseok three balls and pointed at the stack he’d be aiming at. Hoseok gave one of the balls to Yunho and asked him to take a shot at it. Yunho stuck his tongue out in concentration and threw the ball. It completely missed, but Hoseok was quick to turn his pout into a smile when he threw one of the other balls, successfully knocking down some of the bottles.
   Now, a man throwing a worn out baseball should not be attractive. But it was. It was attractive. I knew Hoseok went to the gym whenever he could with his friend Jeongguk, and it obviously paid off. He was fit, and his flexing biceps only proved that fact further. 
   Hoseok threw the second ball and knocked down the rest of the bottles, winning the dragon for Yunho. Hoseok handed the toy to Yunho, but before Yunho took it completely, he rubbed it all over Hoseok, getting his scent on the toy. Hoseok let him with a smile on his face. Once he deemed it scented enough, he hugged it to his chest and grabbed Hoseok’s land, running back to where I was standing. 
   “Look Ma!” He said, proudly showing the stuffed toy to me. “Wow!” I gasped in that typical “impressed mother” way before I shot Hoseok a grateful smile. “What do we say?” I asked. Yunho turned around and hugged Hoseok’s leg, “Thank you, Hobi,” He said in a singsong voice. Hoseok chuckled. “You’re welcome,” 
   We continued on our journey through the park, occasionally stopping to get on rides like the teacups and the merry-go-round. I made sure to take plenty of pictures of Yunho’s bright face and Hoseok’s heart-shaped smile. (And occasional face of fear when the rides suddenly sped up)
   “Ma! Can we go on that one?” Yunho asked, pointing at one of the rollercoasters. It was quite tame, nothing crazy, just fast paced and a couple of small drops. I looked at it, feeling my stomach go a bit queasy. I was never the best with rollercoasters. “Go with Seok and see if you reach the height limit,” I said. Yunho grabbed Hoseok’s hand and shook with excitement as he led him to where the height limit board was set up. Hajun also pulled Yoongi over. 
   Hyejin giggled. “They look absolutely adorable, don’t they?” She asked. “Who? Yoongi and Hajun? Yes, Yoongi and mini Yoongi are the cutest,” I chuckled, but Hyejin shook her head. “No, silly, Hoseok and Yunho,” she clarified, and I let out an ‘ohhh’ before I nodded my head in agreement. “Yes, they are also the cutest.” I smiled, watching as Yunho bounced up and down in excitement when Hoseok told him he reached the limit. The two of them looked over at me and I shot them a thumbs up, waving them off as they got in the queue. 
   “I’m proud of you, ya know,” Hyejin spoke up, turning to look at me. “Why’s that?” I asked. Hyejin playfully rolled her eyes because to her it was so obvious what she was alluding to. “The little family you’ve made with Hoseok,” She said, “You changed so much, and for the better. You’re literally glowing every day and so is Yunho. You don’t have that doubt anymore, and that feeling isn’t rubbing off on him anymore.” 
“Really? I mean, I definitely feel better, but I didn’t know I was looking like it too.”
“I’m just happy to see you so happy.” 
   I smiled, looking back at where Hoseok, Yunho, Yoongi, and Hajun were standing. The four of them in their own little world as they talked about whatever. Probably music, which was what the boy’s new obsession was about. “My boys make me happy,” I said with a shrug. 
“Have you ever thought about marriage?” Hyejin blurted out. 
   I choked on the water I was sipping, coughing it up as it made its way down the wrong pipe. Hyejin gently pat my back, like a gentle form of the Heimlich manoeuvre however the Heimlich wouldn’t help in this situation since water wasn’t a solid. “W-What?” I stuttered out, looking at Hyejin with wide eyes. 
  Hyejin took the fact that I wasn’t dying as an invitation to start laughing. I swatted at her with a pout. “Don’t laugh! You caught me off guard!” I whined, and Hyejin laughed harder. After she had calmed down, she took a deep breath and cleared her throat before looking at me again. “Have you ever thought of marriage? Like, marrying Hoseok?” She asked for the second time, but this time I didn’t choke. (Luckily)
   “Um... No? I haven’t, isn’t thinking about this a bit too soon?” I argued. But Hyejin shook her head. “You’ve been together for like, 4 years. I don’t think it’s early at all,” She said, crossing her arms. “You’re saying you haven’t thought about it at all? Like never?” She questioned, and I shook my head. “Not at all. I just, live in the moment and appreciate the fact that Hoseok is with me in the first place,” I gushed. 
   “Do you want to though?” She rose a playful brow, nudging me softly. I spluttered, “I um. I don’t know...? Yes...? Marriage is expensive, though. The venue, the dress, the food-” I listed, but Hyejin quickly cut me off with a finger to my lips. “Gosh don’t think about that, think about if Hoseok were to get down on one knee and pull out a ring right now, would you say yes?” She asked. I chuckled, “Hyejin that’s-” “Nope! Answer the question!” She chirped. 
  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah... Yes, I’m sure I would,” I answered truthfully, feeling my ears heat up in embarrassment. Hyejin squealed, bouncing up and shaking me out of excitement. “Ah! So cute, I can’t wait for the wedding,” She gushed, wrapping her arms around me so I’d bounce up and down with her. “Hyejin! Stooopp” I whined, feeling the stares of passersby. 
  Hyejin pulled away once the excited cheers of rollercoaster-high Yunho and Hajun came bounding over to us. They cheerfully told us all about how Hoseok screamed and Yoongi closed his eyes the whole time. Hoseok walked over to me with a pout, clearly embarrassed about his lack of courage. He wrapped his arms around me and whined about how awful the rollercoaster was. But I could only blush as I thought about what Hyejin had talked to me about. 
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“Happy birthday, dear Yunho, happy birthday to you!” 
    “Is the cake good?” I asked Yunho who had a forkful of ice cream cake in his mouth. He nodded with a smile, his face scrunching up cutely. I chuckled, petting Yunho on the head before I started to clean up the mess we had made, which was mostly wrapping paper mess from Yunho’s gift unwrapping extravaganza. 
   As Hyejin and I went to put the dishes in the sink and throw the trash away, she spoke up with a pout. “We’ll have to get going... All three of us have things to do in the morning,” She sighed. “Why do you sound so guilty?” I chuckled, patting her on the back in reassurance. “Because it’s so early! And I wanna hang out with you longer,” He whined. “Hyejin, you see me like all the time. It’ll be okay. Why don’t we meet up for coffee on Wednesday?” I offered. 
   Hyejin immediately cheered up, enthusiastically agreeing to the plans and wrapping me in a hug. “I love you,” She said. “I love you too,” I responded. Yoongi came back in from where he and Hoseok had disappeared out back, keys in his hands as he looked over at Hyejin. “Ready?” He asked, and Hyejin nodded. 
   Yoongi told Hajun to say his goodbyes, which he did, albeit reluctantly, as Hyejin and Yoongi said their own. “Take care,” Yoongi whispered to me, and he gave me a shoulder hug. “You say that like you 're going away for a long time,” I said. Yoongi just shrugged, “I’m not, but still, take care.” I smiled at him. “Will do and I love you too,” Yoongi looked away with a blush, running off to hide behind Hyejin. 
   “Bye!” We all waved as we watched them go from the front door. The Min family reciprocated with their own set of waves and chorus of “Bye”s. Having guests leave after a party aways feels so odd. I never realized just how quiet the house was at night. 
   “Okay! Time for bed,” Yunho chirped, padding over towards the stairs. Hoseok and I raised our brow, looking back and forth between each other and Yunho with wide eyes. That was abrupt... “You don’t want to stay up? This is the only day I let you,” I said, utterly confused. Yunho turned around and shook his head no. “Nope!” He said, popping the ‘p’ “I have school tomorrow,” He said. 
   “Alright, since when do you want to be ready for school?” Hoseok chuckled, tilting his head at the younger hybrid. “Tomorrow is Appa day, where we’re supposed to bring our Appa to school with us,” Yunho smiled, like what he was saying was nonchalant. I cringed. I never really like the concept of “Eomma days” or “Appa days” because, like Yunho, not everyone had an Appa or Eomma. It just seemed harmful, in a way. 
   “Are you sure you don’t want to stay home tomorrow?” I asked, but Yunho vehemently shook his head no. “Then Hobi and I would miss Appa day!” He whined. Now if Yunho surprised us with his enthusiasm for school, he rendered Hoseok and I... Well, speechless. 
   Hoseok coughed, taking a minute to process the meaning of Yunho’s words. “Is that okay...?” Yunho cautioned after seeing Hoseok’s reaction. “Yes! Yes. It’s perfectly okay. We can, um, we can get donuts for breakfast, yeah?” He sputtered out. Yunho’s face lit up. “Okay! I’m going to go take a shower,” He proclaimed before he ran up the stairs towards the bathroom. 
There was nothing in the air but silence between Hoseok and I. 
Until Hoseok’s soft sniffles reached my ears. 
   I made my way over to Hoseok and cupped his teary face in my hands. “Hey... Why are you crying?” I asked with a worried look. Hoseok didn’t answer at first, and I gave him the space to calm down and gather himself. “He-He wants me for Appa day, so does that mean...?” He sniffled, looking at me with pleading eyes that silently asked me if this was real and not a dream. I nodded. “I think it does,”
  Hoseok cried even harder, burying his face into the crook of my neck and wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight. “He sees me like that?” He cried. I didn’t realize just how seriously Hoseok took his role as a father figure, and I guess the conformation from Yunho that he was, in fact, his father figure made him feel like he had won the World Cup. “He does. You deserve that honor, Hoseok,”
“I just... I don’t... Appa”
“Shh, take a deep breath, okay?”
   I let him cry in my neck until he pulled away by himself, leaving me with a saturated collar and sleeve. Hoseok looked at the wet spot and chuckled. “Sorry,” He croaked out, but I shook my head and took one of his hands in my. “No need to apologize, it’s just a shirt. Let’s get ready for bed, okay? You have a big day tomorrow.” I smiled. 
Yunho was my light.
And now he has a father could be things that I couldn’t.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Just Yunho, Hoseok, and I
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“What’s stopping you, Seok?”
“I’m just nervous, Yoon. What if she says no?”
“Why would she say no?”
“I don’t... Know...”
“Exactly, so just take her somewhere nice and ask. That’s how I asked Hyejin,”
“You make it sound so easy... But alright... I’ll do it.”
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Tag List: @kurochan3​ @mrcleanheichou​ @anonymous-armys-blog​ @bella-raina @purelyecstacy​ @lindsayjoy444  @unicornbabylover​ @xicanacorpse​ @creatorspalace​ @thesweetest-peas​​ @fangirl125reader​​
© KiiroKero
Another Note: I have drabble plans for the OLINO universe that I might write and post. They won’t be out for a while but I might write them. 
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push and pulls | ot7
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader ↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff | requested | headcannon (paragraph form) ↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: none ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: anon ↬ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ ᴡᴀs: “cat and dog relationship with classmate!enhypen ? hehe headcannon or any format that you're comfy with :3  they could be highschool sweethearts in the end too 😭” ↬ ᴀ/ɴ:
i tried i'm sorry if this sucks 🤧
jake and jay’s are are like semi-suggestive (i think?) imma just say that they are semi-suggestive to be safe
i aint gonna lie i’m a sucker for Jay cooking 😪
jake & hoon’s are kinda short bc it’s like 1 am rn 
Heeseung has always been good at everything no matter what it is. It isn’t to discredit any of his effort whatsoever, but as the school year continues everyone knows that things are just natural for Heeseung. Ever since your freshman year of high school, you’ve seen him as your main competition for 1st place in school. The problem? This man isn’t even aware of it. To you, he just breathes and wins the competitions, gets all the attention, and is at the top of everything. To him, it’s the only way you’ll even notice him. The competitions? It gives him a chance to stay after school to be with you. The attention? He’s only focused on yours. Him at the top of everything? Well, that one’s just because he’s Lee Heeseung. It’s after school one day and the both of you have stayed to help clean up the classes for extra credit. Like a thief with a bagful of stolen glances, his eyes drift to you whenever you don’t notice. Except for this one time.
“Stop looking at me!” you say, your eyes glaring at him. He’s taken aback as he never meant to offend you.
“Sorry,” he said, thinking that you’d just leave it at that. But instead,
“I know you’re fricking judging me Lee Heeseung.”
“I can feel it in your eyes. I’ll always be second to you and I get it, you don’t need to rub it in, so just stop!” You throw the rag at the window, walking out of the classroom and he’s left alone wondering what the hell just happened. And suddenly the gap between first place and second begins to grow. To him, staying after school to study for competitions are no longer fun when you won’t even tell him to be quiet when he starts to sing. Your attention is gone just like his sanity. Being at the top never felt so lonely when you weren’t next to him. To you, staying after school becomes something you dread because of the silence in the room that you caused. Your attention seems as if it’s on everything but him but every day you have a hundred thoughts and all of them are infected with him. The two of you enter yet another school competition, making it to the top 3. Yet, unlike previous times, neither of you is in first place.
“In first place, we have Sim Jaeyun!” the announcer says. You and Heeseung look at each other in shock that the other wasn’t on the podium. Yet, you couldn’t care less. Because not getting first place causes you to go off on a rant that Heeseung joins in on. Staying after school turns into study partners at the nearby cafe which becomes study dates. Both of your attention is openly on the other. And while you’re both at the top academically, you become the couple goals everyone wishes they could achieve.
“ace of my heart 💞” you caption an Instagram post of a picture of Heeseung.
rest of the boys under the cut!
Culinary class is peaceful for Jay. He has control of everything, knows where the ingredients and cooking tools are, can do something he loves, and did we mention control of everything? As a chef, he learned what you were like the first few weeks of class. You were messy with apple peels next to the lime squeezer, engaging in a way of cooking that you defined as “organized chaos.” You didn’t use measurements, cooked things by eye, and used whatever seasonings felt right. It wasn’t that you were bad at cooking, he actually enjoyed your dishes. But your process was just something he couldn’t stand. And maybe he doesn’t really like you since you accidentally used the last of his honey when making cupcakes but that’s a story for another day. The culinary teacher decided to try something new to promote teamwork and for a week, the class would be in partners and cooking a dish new to both people. And who did Jay just have to end up with? You. As the two of you read the recipe for your first dish which was a dessert of sorts,
“What do you wanna use first, jackfruit or durian?” he asked. You looked up at him, a teasing smile on your lips,
“Durian, because it looks like you,” you said before making your way to the table where all the ingredients were.
“Inner peace,” he muttered to himself as he watched you walk off. The next day, you were making peach tarts.
“Yah, Jay, look here,” you said as you held up your phone and the peach. In the photo you took, the peach was next to Jay’s face, sort of comparing the two.
“Why’d you take a picture of me?” he asked. He didn’t really mind photos, knowing full well how good he looked but you taking one of him came completely out of the blue. As you glanced up from your phone after hitting post, you were unable to stop your laugh,
“Your hair looks like a peach,” you said with a wink as you went back to cutting the ingredients.
“Do I just, do I just look like food now?” he muttered to himself with a huff.
“I mean… I wouldn’t mind eating you,” you teased. You were smooth, he’d give you that. But, damn, he wanted to make you feel the way you were making him feel right now.
It didn’t take long for you to learn that Jay’s way of teasing made you flustered as hell. If you’d ask him to hand you something, he’d hold it above your head forcing you to have to jump up. It just so happened that he did this once right in front of someone else’s station and as you jumped, you almost knocked into them which led to his arm around you,
“Watch where you’re going,” he warned with a teasing edge as he handed you the carrots.
When you handed him something, he’d take it in a way that his hand held yours for a second but that second was enough. As the two of you cooked together, you entered your own world with no one else but the other in it. He was patient with your organized chaos, his own habits finding a place alongside your cooking routine. For the last day of working as partners, you two were to bake cookies. You put in a pinch of salt then some sugar when suddenly,
“YAH!” you hear from next to you. Met with Jay’s wide eyes as he looked in the bowl where you put the salt and sugar,
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“I told you to taste the salt and sugar before you used it.”
“The first one tasted like salt so I put more of the second one.” He took a pinch of the sugar already in the mixing bowl then tasted it, a disgusted look appearing on his face”
“You put salt then more salt, good job y/n.”
“Huh?” He took another pinch then brought it up to your lips and as you tasted it,
“Why the hell is there two kinds of salt here!”
“One’s fine, the other’s coarse. I wanted to eat these y’know.”
“Fine, head over to my place after school and we can make cookies together.”
“That’s not funny. You can’t mess with cookies,” he muttered.
“Who said I was joking? We can even drizzle honey over it.”
Perfection doesn’t even begin to describe Sim Jaeyun. A gentleman, kind, smart, has an accent that you can’t help but sometimes tease him about, and obsessed with Layla were all things you couldn’t fault him for. But sometimes, just sometimes, he could be a little too nice. You couldn’t help but feel jealous at the sight of the girl chatting with Jake by the benches and her feeling his arm up.
“Geez, tell her to go away!” you wanted to say to him as you started walking towards them.
“Hey,” Jake said with a smile as his eyes landed on you. The same smile he smiled at her with.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked, trying not to sound pissed but couldn’t help yourself.
“Yeah hold up.” Jake looked at the girl, “Just text if you need help with anything else on the homework,” he said before walking off with you.
“Who was that?” you asked as the two of you made your way to the cafeteria.
“New girl, needs help with physics so she asked me for help.” Jake was supposed to help you with physics.
“You gonna help her on Tuesdays?” you asked, referring to the day Jake always helped you. If he did notice your jealousy, he didn’t say anything about it. Oh, but he did notice. And he kind of wanted to edge it on to see how far things would go.
“Should I? She can hangout with me and Layla.”
“See if she likes me better than Layla.”
“Might take you up on the offer, watch your words, y/n,” he said with a chuckle.
“Yeah? You introduce her to Layla and I’ll divorce you then take full custody.”
“I didn’t know we were married, don’t we gotta go out on a date first?”
“I don’t know, do we?”
“Let’s do it right now then.”
“Fine! Wait what-?”
On the ice, you and Sunghoon went together like sugar and tea. Off the ice, you two were like the coarse salt that ruined the cookies in Jay’s fic. You and Sunghoon skated well together, putting on a performance that typically got you first place, but that’s exactly what it was. A performance. An act. Nothing more, nothing less. Neither of you talked when you saw each other after practice the next day at school. Neither of you actively told anyone that you knew each other more than most couples did. But there was just something about talking to Sunghoon outside of ice skating, acknowledging that there you had an ice skating persona as well as the persona you showed to everyone else, that frightened you. So both of you made an unspoken agreement that you’d keep your ice skater lives in the rink and outside of it. Except for right now where the transfer student who coincidentally just so happened to be an ice skater and was wondering if you’d be his partner for the upcoming showcase.
“Y/n already has a partner,” Sunghoon said, cutting in as he stood next to you. The transfer student’s eyes settled on Sunghoon,
“You’re Park Sunghoon, the guy who-”
“Almost made it into the Olympics? Yeah. And y/n and I are gonna do it together this year.” You weren’t quite sure how to feel about Sunghoon suddenly “claiming” you (not in a toxic way whatsoever, we don’t condone that here). But you did know that this meant Sunghoon knew of your existence outside of the rink.
“Says who?” you said, trying to see how this would go. He looked at you, fear flashing in his eyes at the thought of the two of you not doing this together.
“I thought, I thought we were? Are we not? We have our outfits planned and everything.”
“I mean… plans change, Hoon.” That nickname, the one only you were allowed to use for him.
“Do you not wanna do it together?”
“I’m just gonna… go,” the transfer student said.
“I do wanna do it together.”
“So then what’s the problem?”
“We kinda don’t have a relationship outside of the rink, Hoon.”
“We can make one, then. Right now.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
You’ve always held a level of jealousy towards Sunoo. Sunoo has always been the guy who’s everyone’s friend even if he’s popular, the type of guy who waves at everyone, greets them with a smile on their face, and gets people to attend class/school events. Whereas you’re more on the introverted side, not really liking people. When it’s lunchtime, you tend to eat alone not really giving a damn about everyone else. You’re not exactly an outcast, just more comfortable  by yourself. You’ve always been jealous of how Sunoo’s open to people, talkative, and just overall likable. Because unlike him, people think you’re being mean when you’re quiet and it looks like you’re not listening to whatever it is they’re saying. Around school, Sunoo has earned the nickname Sunny while you’ve been given the nickname Winter. Everyone sees how you walk away whenever Sunoo waves at you in the halls. Everyone is aware of how you scoff whenever Sunoo does aegyo in front of you. Everyone notices how you get mad whenever he links his arm with yours. But it’s Sunoo who sees the glint in your eyes the second they meet his by your locker. It’s Sunoo who notices the slight smile that plays at the corner of your lips whenever he calls himself “ddeonu.” And it’s Sunoo who’s aware that no matter how much you protest when your arms link, you’re never the one to let go first. So he sits at the desk in front of yours during lunch, chatting his butt off about his day while stealing bites of your lunch. He gives you face masks with the excuse of “it was a buy one get one free deal and I don’t know who else to give it to.” He asks if he can style your hair playing it off as “practice.” Little by little, you begin to open up. When you see him in the halls, you start to give him a smile reserved only for him. When he does aegyo you tease him by saying that Jake does it better. And when he links his arms with yours, your pinkies intertwine. You bring an extra bag of chips for lunch and start making your portions larger to share with him. You invite him to the mall since you saw an online promo while walking by. You start to enjoy the way he plays with your hair, sometimes even craving his touch. Because we all know, the sun has its way of melting ice. 
Yang Jungwon, the class president, has a 100% success rate in getting field trip forms submitted on time. Well, it would be 100% if it weren’t for you. It seems as if you’ve made it your life’s mission to do everything and anything that’ll piss off Jungwon. Every time there’s a permission slip that needs to get signed, he constantly finds himself having to remind you of it so that it’d get turned in on time. Yet despite this, you always turn it in a day later. When things are kind of slow in class, you’re always talking to someone and have earned the title of the chatty kid no matter where the teacher makes you sit. Jungwon has no clue how someone as big of a procrastinator as you, always chatting with people when you don’t need to, and has your music playing so loud that everyone else hears, gets the good grades that you do. But regardless of what you do, you don’t bring down the class average so he’ll give you that. It’s time for a new seating arrangement and where does the teacher have you sit? Right next to him. So he’s dreading it, knowing that for the next 2 weeks he won’t get any work done, have to deal with you chatting to everyone, and has to be the one to catch you up when you enter class late.
“Hey,” you say with a smile as you settle in the seat next to his. He likes your smile, he won’t lie. But you’re annoying as hell. One week goes by as a back and forth of you constantly making efforts to get on Jungwon’s nerves but he returns the favor while teasing you back. With the two of you as partners, he starts to notice some things about you. Things like how you play with your thumb before raising your hand to answer the question. He sees that your notes are full of rushed scribbles and you dot your i’s close to the center but not just there. Your binder is covered with artwork of things you like and photos of you and your friends. Amidst your chattiness and tardiness, he finds himself looking forwards to certain things. He looks forward to your messy hair as you rush in 15 minutes late and start scribbling your notes in an effort to catch up. He looks forwards to how your conversations become a distraction from lectures. And he wonders to himself, what it’d be like if he were a photo in your binder.
As the second week continues, you start to see things differently with Jungwon. His reminders become less annoying and more useful as you take it in mind. When you’re late, he already has a second copy of the notes waiting for you on your desk. He buys you stickers for your binder using the excuse of “I stole it from my sister.” Before either of you realize it, it’s time for a new seating chart.
“Guess you’re happy to get rid of me, Wonie,” you joke as the two of you stood up to head to your new seats.
“I want you to sit across from me,” you hear him say.
“At the Eggy Cafe on our first date,” he says before heading to his new seat.
Dance class, it’s exhausting. Countless hours spent practicing a choreography that only lasts for a few minutes. Constantly getting yelled at by your teacher when you take a wrong step. Continuously in an unspoken competition with the best dancer of the school, Nishimura Riki. Ni-ki fools around during practices, usually to get on your nerves. Whenever you buy bungeoppang at the stall in front of the school, half of it instantly belongs to Ni-ki as he takes a bite when you’re not looking. Whenever the two of you are the only ones who’ve got the choreography down, sometimes you’ll slow things down to piss him off. There’s a flow to Ni-kis dances that no one else can replicate, a flow he was born with and can never be taught. Everyone, including him, is aware of this. But you’ve always been different from everyone else. All his life, he’s been told how good at dancing he is but you criticize him. While the others applaud his performance, your eyes are watching his every move. He almost hates how well you can spot the mistakes he can’t even see on himself. But as time goes on, these little competitions start to develop between you two, even outside of dance. When dance class ends, the two of you race to see who’ll get to the bungeoppang stall first. Last one there pays for bungeoppang. This is the competition you let Ni-ki win, using “I’m already tired from dancing” as an excuse. In the mornings, you compete to get to first period. Loser pays for lunch. This is the competition where there’s a middle ground between you two. Sometimes you win, sometimes he wins, other times you enter class together. When walking home, you compete to get to the bottom of the stairs at the subway station first. Whoever loses has to carry the other’s bag until you get home. Ni-ki lets you win this one, using “If I ran any faster I’d trip,” as an excuse. These small competitions become the things you look forward to throughout the week, enjoying the thrill of small moments with Ni-ki. At one point, the two of you (on separate occasions) talked to Jungwon about the competitions, telling your side. To the both of you, he says the same thing. “Why don’t you see who asks the other out first and plans the better date?”
❦ written by riri (@enhykkul)  | blog masterlist
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asweetprologue · 3 years
what I’m afraid to say
part two of a brand new train fic! we’ve been working on this one for a while, hope you enjoy!
part one | next 
He keeps thinking about it, though. They spend a week in the little town that hired him to kill the cockatrice, half of it crammed into the healer's tiny hut. Jaskier's wound wasn't deep, but humans are so prone to infection and disease. Geralt hovers, until the owner of the hut shoos him away. She's an older woman named Madriga with gray hair pulled back against her head in a neat braid, and she reminds him so much of Nenneke that he goes with fairly little protest. Jaskier is still on bedrest, though he's recovered enough to protest the fact, so he can't follow Geralt out of the little hut like he probably wants to. Geralt lingers outside of the small home for a few minutes, not sure what he should do with himself. He still feels a tight knot of worry in his chest, and he knows it won't dissipate until Jaskier is well again.
He itches to do something, or maybe to say something. Every time he closes his eyes he sees the blood spreading out under Jaskier's fingers, and his teeth clench around the feelings that crawl up his throat. He doesn't think his tongue would be able to shape them all into words even if he tried.
But maybe he can twist some of those feelings into action, and Jaskier will understand them. He's always been good at that, always seems to understand what Geralt means even if he doesn't know himself.
He wanders closer to the center of the town, down the stretch of road that leads to the healer's hut. The day is warm and the late afternoon sun hangs low in a cloudless sky, a soft breeze blowing a burst of yellow flower petals across the dirt path. Geralt is offered a few scattered waves from some of the townsfolk as he approaches, a novel experience in and of itself. He's not sure if it's because they're grateful for his work, or if they just feel bad about Jaskier's injuries. His playing the night before the job had been welcome in the small town, and everyone loved Jaskier. They'd been more than accommodating while the bard healed.
The evening market is just getting set up as he approaches the square, and there's a young girl, maybe just on the cusp of teenhood, sitting with her elbow propped on her table. There are several trays of baked goods set out, and Geralt remembers how Jaskier had complained that morning about the plain porridge that he's been forced to eat alongside thin broth over the last few days. The healer had mentioned something about feeding him something more substantial for dinner, and that's something Geralt can help with. Relieved to find something he can actually do, some way to show Jaskier that he cares, he reaches into his coin pouch.
He makes a few purchases from the girl—a harsh haggler, to his amusement. He can't put the rest of his plan into motion until later, but he has some supplies to stock up on after the hunt anyways. He spends a while talking with the locals until he can barter for what he can. Restocking their road supplies is easy enough, and he even manages to find someone willing to part with a bottle of dwarven spirits. He's low on Cat, now, so he shells out the coin for it and then spends some time in the fields looking for berbercane fruit. It's the right season for them, and it's easy enough to spot the bright red fruits amongst the golden shafts of wheat.
Once the sun is just barely turning the edges of the grains white gold in the evening light, he makes his way to the tavern Jaskier had played at a few nights before. The barkeep recognizes him instantly, of course, and asks him when the young bard will be well enough to play for them again. Geralt shrugs; he doesn't know. Humans heal so slowly.
He's able to purchase a decent haul: a full loaf of rye bread, a clay bowl full of thick pottage, and another with baked parsnips, beats and onions. Along with the honey cakes he'd purchased from the girl, he thinks the spread will please Jaskier after nearly three full days of gruel. After a second thought, he picks up another trencher for their host, and then he bundles the goods in his cloak to carry back to the hut.
By the time he follows the dirt path out to the edge of the town and up to the hut, the shadows are growing long. It's late in the summer season, and the sun sets earlier and earlier nowadays. It's a harsh reminder that soon he will have to return to the mountains and bid Jaskier farewell for the winter. Though at this point the bard might be better off on his own, Geralt thinks darkly. If he's only going to get himself hurt, then maybe Geralt should just… let him go.
He opens the door to the hut perhaps more forcefully than needed, hearing it bump against the chair that sits behind it. The cot Jaskier is set up on is in the main area of the two room hut, and he looks up in surprise when Geralt steps through the door. Madriga is less impressed, only raising an eyebrow.
Geralt stands there for a moment, thrown by the new, exposed bandages on Jaskier's bare chest and Madriga's knowing stare, and then he hefts the bundle of cloth in his arms and says, “I, uh. Brought dinner.”
“Good,” Madriga grunts, getting to her feet. She hobbles over to Geralt—it's a miracle that she doesn't use a cane, he thinks—and takes the packaged food from him. “It's high time for him to get some solids in him.”
“One of the loaves is for you,” Geralt adds, moving automatically to help reposition the pillows behind Jaskier so that he can sit up more easily. The bard's eyes are bright when they find his, and Geralt looks away quickly, overwhelmed. “And there's plenty of stew. If you have need.”
The healer just nods, and shuffles over into the little kitchen area she has set up near the stove, pulling out a set of bowls from a chest in the corner. After a few moments she brings them the food and says, “I'll take mine in my room. Need to rest my feet. Make sure he doesn't spill on those new wrappings.” Geralt nods, holding the two bowls of pottage, and Madriga takes her own bowl and bread and closes the door to her bedroom behind her.
“This was kind of you,” Jaskier says, accepting the bowl that Geralt offers him. A half of the loaf of bread sits in each of their bowls, and Jaskier immediately fishes his out to take a bite of the stew soaked rye. He makes an appreciative sound, his eyes fluttering closed, and Geralt is left staring. Finally he remembers his own bowl and digs in, barely tasting the dish as he sneaks glances at Jaskier. The window across from the bed casts them in a faint orange glow in the dying light, and a highlight across Jaskier's cheekbone casts his face into sharp relief. He's lost weight over the last few days, Geralt realizes. He moves a portion of his stew into Jaskier's bowl.
“You're mother henning,” Jaskier says around a mouthful, laughing a bit even though Geralt knows it makes his side hurt.
“Just want you back on your feet,” Geralt mutters, going back to his own bowl. Once they're both done, he reaches into the bundle of cloth and pulls out another wrapped package, the cheesecloth sticky to the touch. He's probably going to have to wash his cloak, but he can't care at the moment. “Here,” he says, pushing the package into Jaskier's hands.
“Oh,” Jaskier breathes, letting the cheesecloth fall open to reveal the honey cakes. “I love these. You remembered?”
Half a dozen responses hover on Geralt's lips. Of course, he wants to say, I remember everything, I'm always paying attention to you, there's nothing else. I care, I care, I care. Instead, he just says, “You rave about them every time we're in a town. Hard to miss.”
Jaskier's eyes crinkle up at the edges. He's so beautiful, even ruffled and covered in three days of sweat and old blood. Geralt aches to reach out, but he keeps his hands to himself until Jaskier offers him one of the honey cakes. He doesn't let their fingers brush in the exchange. “Didn't know you were listening,” Jaskier says, with a wry smile.
Geralt just hums around a mouthful of honey, and he burns with all the things he doesn't say.
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clairecrive · 4 years
“Voodoo doll” - Billy russo x reader
A/n: and here’s another one for Billy. I got the idea from a request I got for another character and I thought it perfectly fit Billy. As if Ben Barnes could ever be considered anything but beautiful, *scoff* please.
Warnings: a bit angsty, fluff though, jigsaw!billy, season 2 billy
Prompts(loosely): “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…” 
(let me know if you want to be tagged to any of my writings)
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“Oh, hi you’re up.” You let yourself inside Billy’s hospital room smiling when you saw that the back of his bed was pushed up. He was sitting instead of lying down and that usually meant that he was awake. 
“How are you feeling today? The nurse outside told me that she gave you something for the pain but that everything is healing nicely.” Billy recovery looked like it was going to be long but after the impossibly long surgery you were just happy to see him alive and breathing. He didn’t look like he shared your optimism though. Granted, he was bound on a hospital bed, his body probably ached him all over and above all, his face was completely covered in bandages. It was the part that had taken most of the hits and Billy was one lucky bastard to even be in a hospital bed instead of being underground. That’s what the doctors had told you, at least.
Still, you could see how hard it was for him to see this whole situation in a positive way. It was taking its toll on him and you knew that no matter how many bruises and broken bones he had, his psychological health was the one which was in the worst shape.
You tried to offer him all the support you could. Sometimes that meant cheering him up with jokes and terrible puns, others simply required you to be next to him. 
Seems like it was one of those days because Billy stayed silent.
“Billy?” you tried again, setting your bag on the ground and taking your usual place by the side of his bed.
“What are you doing here, y/n?” His voice was hoarse from how little he used it these days but hadn’t lost that gruff edge that you loved so much.
“Visiting his majesty of course.”
“You shouldn’t be here. It’s a waste of time anyway.”
“Waiting for the bus for 20 minutes before they tell you that the run has been cancelled, now that is what I call a waste of time.” You complained recalling what had happened that morning.
Since you had entered his room, Billy hadn’t moved. Not that he could manage any big movement given the restraints they had put on him but at least he could move his head. It had been laying on his pillow up until now. He lifted it to try and look you into your eyes.
“I’m not your Billy anymore.”
“Why? Has anyone made their claim on you? Is that what this awful smell is? Your new playmate’s piss?”
Billy made a noise, it sounded a halfway between a laugh or a sob but since his head was covered in bandages, you couldn’t really tell. You hoped for the first, Billy had always loved your sense of humour- he had told you it was one of the reasons why he had noticed you- even if it consisted of terrible jokes. You thought they were hilarious, Billy thought you were adorable. Whatever.
“Listen, I can see how hard you’re taking this whole reversed beauty and the beast plot. But just so you know, I’m willing to let my facial hair grow if that makes you feel like a princess again.” You added on a more serious note, kinda, hoping to convince him that his face wasn’t the only thing you loved about him.
This time, the sound that left him was most definitely a sob. Startled, you didn’t know what to do. 
Could he even cry? Wouldn’t it mess up with his bandages? Why was he crying though? 
Still unsure on how to go about this, you reached for one of his bound hands only to see that it was tightly close in a fist. Your hand wrapped around his anyway, hoping that this small contact could soothe him in some way. 
Fuck, you must be really worse at this than you thought. You were trying to make him laugh and here he was crying.
“Billy?” you tried again in a whisper. 
All jokes aside, something must have happened this morning to make him feel this on edge. Had someone been rude to him? Well, he was a wanted person of course people weren’t going to respond to him like they did before. Billy couldn’t even count on his charm and good looks and you knew how good he was at using them to get what he wanted. 
Wait, could that be the problem? 
You thought about the best way to word the question when Billy spoke again, saving you from the embarrassment.
“I don’t think this is going to work.” Uh, what? Oh no no, he doesn’t get to do that.
“I agree, I’m not a fan of facial hair myself. We could buy you a tiara though. That is definitely going to do the trick.” Completely refusing to acknowledge his words, you kept going along with your previous joke.
“I’m serious y/n.” He insisted, his voice straightening to highlight his intent but still to no avail. Still clueless to it, he had laid on a silver platter your next pun.
“I thought your name was Billy, not Sirius. Wicked name though.” His hand tensed in your hold and you knew that he was getting angry.
“Would you stop joking around for one second? I’m trying to tell you that you shouldn’t waste your time around me.” His voice grew rougher, not exactly the high and strict tone he used to use at Anvil, but you could see he had strained his vocal cord to even attempt a stern voice.
 “I’m going to look like a butchered voodoo doll, forget the beast.” He added in a quieter voice. A confession laced with guilt.
“Oh Billy, don’t say that. You’re so much more than your looks, you know that. Besides, I’m sure you’re still going to be the one with the dashing looks of the relationship.” Your voice came out all wobbly and squeaky but you couldn’t help it, hearing Billy’s words, a far cry from the man he used to be made you emotional. You wanted nothing more than to help him but you didn’t know how. And here he was, trying to push you away.
“There’s no relationship, y/n.”
“I know that you’ve taken a big hit on your head, the doctor told me about your memory loss. It’s okay, they told me that some things are going to come back and you remembered my name when you woke up so that’s a good sign.”
Billy contemplated the idea of making up a story about him not remembering about you and come up with someway for how he knew you name when he first saw you after the incident but even though he wanted you to see his point, he couldn’t do that to you. 
He did remember you and he knew that the first part of your relationship had been based on lies. About his work, about his past, about his whereabouts when you asked him where he was going to late at night. 
He also remembered how that almost had cost him your relationship entirely.
Billy wasn’t one to make promises but he had made one to you. To at least try to be open and honest with you. There were still things that Billy didn’t talk to you about but this time around, instead of coming up with an excuse, he openly said that he couldn’t tell where or what he was doing . That, in the long run, had gained your trust back. You knew it was for your safety and that every time he told you you couldn’t know something, it was work-related.
And despite the fact that Billy was trying to self sabotage himself and your relationship, there was a part of him that didn’t want to see you go.
Yes, he still thought that you deserved more. Not only for his looks but for the things he knew he had done but couldn’t remember. If half the things he was accused of were true, then that didn’t make him a good person, did it?
“I do remember you. There is nothing more vibrant in my mind than my time with you. That’s not the problem.”
“Then I wholeheartedly refuse your attempt at breaking up. You can say whatever you want but I assure you it isn’t going to work.”
“I wish I could say that I did not remember you being this stubborn but we both know it would be a lie.”
“Oh, honey we both know that you enjoy it quite a bit when you want to.” You wriggled your eyebrows, trying and completely failing at making a suggestive face. You were successful, however, in making him laugh.
“Fuck don’t do that y/n, I can’t laugh.” he groaned, his head resting back on his bed.
“Well that is going to be a problem, ‘cause all I’m good at is being a huge cosmic joke.” You smiled at him, happy that he was finally done with all that nonsense he had just tried to pull. Instead, you dived into your back to show him what you had brought him.
It was his favorite comic book.
Apparently, a successful CEO of a security firm had an extensive collection of comic books which was also his most priced possession. The first time he had come around after the surgery, he had asked about them. He was worried that in searching his place for clues and whatnot the police had ruined it or something. You couldn’t see his face but the long sigh he let out when you told him that you had taken care of it personally looked a lot like relief.
What were hundreds of expensive tailored suits in comparison?
You started reading one of his favorite ones, including a very poor but very engaging representation of every sound of action in the story which made Billy smile under all those bandages. He felt like the luckiest voodoo doll in the world.
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flrtwoo · 3 years
wc: 858
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"so you think i should create a contrast between the song and my words?" you asked sunwoo, facing him. he leaned back on the sofa you both were sitting on and turned to face you as well. "yea! i think it'll create a cool effect, and at the end of your video you could end with words that kind of agree or disagree directly with the song, depending on the message you want to portray! play with the song's lyrics or something you feel?"
"yea i feel!" you smiled, bobbing your head up and down in agreement to what he suggested. as you typed down his words in the notes app of your laptop, sunwoo took notice of the way you scrunched your nose whenever you mispelled something, or how you only used your pointer and middle finger to type. he wanted to pinch your nose, intertwine your hands together, just show you some sort of physical affection, but he held himself back.
"not yet sunwoo, not yet." he thought to himself. the usb in his pocket suddenly felt heavier and heavier, so sunwoo considered this as a sign that it was time.
"uh hey..." sunwoo started as he leaned forward. you stopped typing to direct your attention to him. "what's up?"
"i uh... actually have a song right here if you want to use it for your project." he said hesitantly and brought out the usb from his pocket. "you can give it a listen, see if it matches the vibe of your film."
you looked at the usb in his hand then at him. he looked... nervous? you took the usb and inspected it carefully. "did you write a song?"
"wrote and recorded" he replied with a nervous chuckle. "ohmygod... sunwoo this is so sweet what the heck" you pouted, your heart growing even more for the person in front of you. as for sunwoo, he felt his heart do a whole gymnastics routine at your expression.
"can i listen to it now?" you asked him excitedly. "oh yea sure of course!" he nodded, still not meeting your eyes. you were curious as to why sunwoo didn't seem... himself, but you figured it was probably just because he was showing you one of his works for the first time.
you plugged in the usb to your laptop. once its contents loaded, you were surprised to find that there was only one thing on the usb: an audio file titled "make or break".
you clicked on it, and after a few seconds the sound of guitar strums filled the air. you relished it, and unknowingly swayed to the rhythm.
then suddenly, his voice.
his voice was sweet, smooth, like honey dripping from a leaf. it was something you knew you couldn't, and wouldn't, get enough of.
a smile grew on your lips as you listened to the way his voice would hit the high notes and low notes, how he'd change up the tempo every now and then, and how he sang like he was talking to you and only you.
as you were looking at your screen (because you knew you'd turn into a puddle of nothingness if you faced sunwoo right then and there), sunwoo was looking at you and gauging your reaction. when you smiled, he smiled, and when you blushed, he might have blushed as well.
jacob's nagging made it into his thoughts however, and he sighed. "this is it guess."
This ecstatic, vivid emotion
Shines clearly
"y/n, i have something to say to you"
I don’t wanna leave that dazzling fantasy
As a dream
"hanging out with you and getting to know you these past few months have honestly felt like a dream; it's crazy how close we've gotten already."
Make or Break
You come close to me
I’ll say wait a minute minute
Wait a minute minute
"and everytime i'm with you, i feel like... i don't know, that i'm meant to be there in that moment with you. when you laugh, it makes me want to be the reason you do, and when you're going through something, all i want is to be by your side and tell you that everything's gonna be okay."
Make or Break
The moment you smiled at me
Now say yeah I’m with it with it
Yeah I’m with it with it babe
"i rarely act on my feelings, but lately that's all i've been doing around you. you make my brain all fuzzy, you fill my thoughts, and you turn me into a mess whenever i see you smile."
All fantasies come true
"i'm sorry, i'm rambling again, but what i'm trying to say is that i like you-"
your lips on his. sunwoo couldn't process your lips on his. when you noticed that he wasn't moving, you backed up. looking into his eyes, you mumbled out an apology as your cheeks turned red.
1 second.
2 seconds.
he then put his hand on your cheek, leaned in, and kissed you. slowly, and with so much care, he kissed you, and you could only describe the feeling as pure magic.
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zero-probability | ksw
[chapter 23]
previous | masterlist | next
summary: both you and sunwoo knew that life would always throw its hurdles, especially now as college season is coming up. but who would've thought that part of "life's hurdles" was getting someone else's college application results? because as of what they know, that should be a zero-probability event—something that would and should NEVER happen.
taglist: @fr0gluver @suzy-rainbow @artfulbarnes @skiez @bloom-bloom-pow @kswr1d @jaerisdiction @fullsun9890 @404-incorrect @nyuworld @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @17scheol @rindomo @p-prettysour @cloudskyu @nyuoot @hidejeon @deputyjuyeon (reply to this post or send an ask/message if u wanna be part of the taglist! :>)
a/n: CROWD CHEERS THEY FINALLY DID IT ‼️ IT WAS ABOUT TIME GADDAM HAHAHAHAH and ,, as u know make or break is very upbeat HAHAHAHA but while writing i imagined sunwoo doing a slowed down, acoustic ver of it and i just think that it would be Beautiful 🥲 also yes another grid huhu i am so sorry ;< lastly, these next 2 chapters will just kinda wrap up zero-probability, so hopefully you all are still here and up for a little more sunwoo, y/n, and friends content !!! i love u all so much, and thank u for liking zero-probability 💛
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babbushka · 3 years
Mrs Z! Thank you for doing a Flip special!
What about throwing Flip a big surprise party with lots of people and he’s not happy about it. You make it up to him by letting him have his way with you before you cut the cake. Maybe he’s too into and gets carried away with being loud and noisy or gets caught somehow and that’s his birthday party, is his guests cheering his bedroom antics or roasting him.
2.6k; humor & NSFW (blowjobs/face fucking, hair pulling, come swallowing)
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“I don’t remember you forgetting anything here.” Flip frowns, as he pulls the Chevy into his usual parking spot at the CSPD.
It’s his birthday, and he hadn’t taken the day off of work to avoid drawing any suspicion, so he’s a little irritated that when he gets all the fuckin’ way back home to you, finishes having the delicious dinner you cook for him, and he’s just about to ask if you want to engage in a little birthday love-makin’, that you groan and announce that it’s urgent he take you back to the station.
He already gets sour enough on his birthday as it is, but he had hoped that he could enjoy a quiet -- or maybe not so quiet -- evening in bed with his wife, just the two of you tucked up against one another to distract him from the passing of time.
“It was my Pyrex, I left it in the breakroom, it should be in the sink unless someone moved it.” You’re too determined to get the damn thing back, and Flip loves you, so Flip drove you in his truck that he parks, eyeing his work.
“And you want me to go in and get it?” He complains, deep voice too gravely for it to be a true whine, “Can’t I wait in the car?”
“You’re going to abandon your most beloved wife in her hour of need?” Your eyes are wide and clear and he hates how he gets lost in them, how he meant it when he said he’d do anything for you. He hates how you know it.
“That’s not fair.” Jabbing a finger in your direction, you only lean forward enough to cup his cheeks in your hands, sweetly pressing chaste kisses to his lips, your lashes brushing against his cheek as you draw him in with the smell of your perfume.
“Please?” Your voice is breathy in the way that makes Flip go weak in the knees, and even though he knows he’s being manipulated, he’s not mad about it.
“Fuck, alright fine.” He gives in, making you brighten up immediately as he turns the car off so the engine doesn’t idle, being sure to keep the windows cracked even though Colorado in May is a balmy sixty-five degrees. “You just, I don’t know, sit here and keep being pretty.”
“Yes sir.” You wink, and Flip isn’t so sure he likes the twinkle that he sees in your eye.
Walking through the CSPD lobby, he notices it’s quiet.
Too quiet.
No one is calling in emergencies, no one is typing away at their desks, no one is chatting by the water fountain. Something must be very very wrong, and Flip halfway wonders if there was some kind of national announcement, if Ford was making a speech somewhere.
His suspicion only grows, when he turns the corner to the break room, and opens the door frowning to himself and muttering, “Why are all the fuckin’ lights turned off?”
When he flicks the light switch, he’s so startled that he takes a step backwards, as seemingly the entire station jumps up to shout in his face a big loud, “Surprise!!”
“What the fuck -- ”
“Happy birthday Zimmerman!” All his friends and co-workers are there, the guys from the narcotics division, the folks down at homicide, all the higher ups, secretaries, rookies and seasoned pros alike.
Everyone gathered in this room that is way too small for them, organized by someone to give him a goddamn heart attack. A hand gently rubs at his back, and Flip whirls around to see you there.
“Is this your way of saying you want a divorce?” He jokes dryly, making the entire room chuckle, because really only Flip would have this sort of reaction.
“For the record this was not my idea.” You say, not wanting him to think the blood is on your hands, “Ron insisted. I tried to tell him.”
Ron steps forward then and hands Flip a card, one that he’s not going to open now because he’s sure he’d die from the embarrassment of floundering with the envelope in front of all these people, but he does bring Ron in for a hug.
“It’s signed by all of us here.” Ron gestures with one of those big handsome smiles of his, the kind that shows off all his teeth, and Flip doesn’t have the heart to be angry about all this attention to his face.
“Thank you.” He says instead, feeling so fucking out of his depth, completely out of his element, palms sweating as he reaches for you with a quiet pleading, “Ketsl?”
“I’m right here.” You whisper as you take his hand, grounding him in the present.
Everyone is looking at him, and it reminds him of when he had to give presentations in school. He doesn’t know what to say, the tips of his ears going crimson red.
“You guys didn’t have to do all this.” Flip pulls you tight against his side, his arm stretching across your shoulders. Maybe if he just holds you close enough, he can use you as a human shield for conversation, he thinks.
“We had no idea it was your birthday! No one ever can figure it out -- but don’t worry, we’ve put it in your file so we know for next year!” One of the older secretaries, Ms. Rosie, cheerfully pipes up, making dread creep up Flip’s spine.
He looks down at you, and you give him a sheepish smile. He wants to complain like the grouch that he was, but then his attention shifts to the big table of food and drinks that is spread out on the table against the wall of the break room.
“...Is that chocolate cake?” He tries not to sound too hopeful, and the break room laughs again, because even the strongest most stoic man truly can be lured in by cake.
“I made it for you special. We’ll do candles after everyone’s had a bite to eat!” You announce to the room, patting Flip’s back as the crowd begins to murmur excitedly amongst themselves, a queue forming for the hot fresh pizza. You lean up to whisper in Flip’s ear, “If you can play nice, I’ll give you one of your presents before we get to cut the cake.”
Raising his eyebrows at you, he blinks a little. The surprises just kept comin’, didn’t they?
“Can’t I get it now?” Flip tries, but you only chuckle and shake your head.
“Go say hello to everyone, and then meet me in the back of the file room.” Patting his back once again, you slip away, an incentive for him to get this over with as soon as possible.
Flip doesn’t think he’s ever shaken so many goddamn hands, or kissed so many cheeks in his life. On the one hand, it felt nice somewhere deep down inside, to know that so many of his co-workers decided to take part of this party. He felt valued and appreciated, even if he would have rathered this never happen in the first place, would have rathered to be in bed with you right now...which brings him to the other hand; he’s achingly hard in his fucking jeans, thinking about what’s waiting for him in the file room.
He doesn’t have to wait much longer though, because soon the last person has been spoken to and thanked, and he’s excusing himself to go to the “bathroom,” heading in the complete opposite direction of the bathroom.
“Ketsl, honey?” Flip prompts softly, looking around for you in the low light of the room, “You back here?”
“Took you long enough.” Your voice sounds from around the corner, and like a glass of cool water on a hot day, there you are, arms reaching out for him.
“Would’ve been sooner if you hadn’t invited so many fuckin’ people.” Flip lets himself be wrapped up in your embrace, his palms smoothing around your sides to caress your back, one of them dropping down to give your ass a firm squeeze.
“Ron did, not me. Like I said, he insisted.” You remind him, kissing your husband deeply, licking into his mouth, voice soft and breathy, “Let me make it up to you?”
The hair on the back of Flip’s neck stands up when you sink down to your knees, not breaking eye contact. He holds his breath, his cock twitching at the implications of that motion, pulse already starting to pound a little harder.
You rest your cheek against his strong thigh, popping open the button on his jeans, sliding the zipper down tantalizingly slow, making a real show of it. Flip hums, pets at your hair, smooths his palm against your cheek as he watches your eyelids grow heavy. You nuzzle against the palm there, suckling on his fingers just a little bit, teasingly, playfully.
“Oh fuck yes.” He quirks a little smile at you.
When you finally pull his dick out, you’re licking your lips, wetting them, drooling over yourself. He’s just as affected, pre-come already leaking out of the tip of his cock, and he groans when you swipe it up with your tongue. Time is of the essence here, and as much as you would like to drag this out, you can’t, so you cut right to the chase.
“Shit -- your moth’s so hot.” He grunts as your mouth opens wide wide wide for him, tongue flattening as you suck the head of his cock between your lips, careful of your teeth.
One of your hands braces yourself on his thigh, while the other holds the base of his cock, keeps him steady. Flip has a tendency to buck and choke you when he’s too wound up just like he is now, so the grip holds him in place as you swallow him down inch by inch.
Fuck, your husband’s dick is big! It’s not just long but thick too, the girth of it always something that has your jaw aching. You open your mouth wider to take him, relaxing your throat so that he can slip deeper and deeper, breathing through your nose. Never once looking away from him, you can see how antsy, how impatient Flip is getting, and if you could smile, you would.
But you can’t, because your mouth is filled to the absolute brim, so you tap the side of his thigh to signal that he can start moving.
“Yes!” He says maybe a little too loudly, “That’s it, oh fuck that’s it.”
And oh, does he fucking move. The second you’ve given him permission, he’s gripping your hair and thrusting hard. Moans and grunts pour out of his chest as he holds your head in both of his hands, keeps you snug against his groin. Your nose is nestled in his dark thatch of hair, and you can’t deny the way the musky smell gets you flustered, gets you wet. He’s not going to have time to fuck you properly here, but that’s okay -- this was only the preview of the evening to come.
“God you feel so fuckin’ good, my good girl, fuck -- ” Breathing hard and fast, Flip fucks your face hard, keeping you steady so that you don’t accidentally take him down at a wrong angle and splutter and cough.
Relaxing for him, you let yourself be used, the salty sweaty taste of his cock running over your tongue, plunging down your throat soothing and familiar in a fucked up way that only over a decade of marriage can bring.
“Fuck!” He snarls when your tongue wriggles against the veins that throb along his shaft, sucking down hard everything that you can, one of your hands moving to cup and roll his balls, “Oh baby that’s it, just like that, keep doin’ that, oh god your tight fuckin’ throat feels good.”
Tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes when it becomes so much that your jaw aches, and you squirm, wanting to be touched, wanting to be fucked even though you know you can’t have it yet. Right now is about him, about the pleasure he gets from the way you suck him down, and then you’re swallowing hard, and the friction has him cursing loud loud loud, coming down your throat.
“Damn, ketsl!” he pushes his cock all the way down your throat one last time, before pulling away to watch his come shoot all over your tongue, your lips, your chin. Painting your face with it, he grunts, pulling your hair to angle your face up some more, a better view. You stick your tongue out for him, and another pulse of come bursts out of his cock from the sight, his filthy fucking whore of a wife, love of his life, on your knees like his own personal pornstar.
You fucking look like one anyway, and you sure as shit sound like one with the way you’re moaning and breathing hard, nipples so hard that he can see the way your blouse peaks out from over them.
Wiping away the come on your face and licking it off your fingers, swallowing every drop of evidence that you can, you and Flip grin at one another, his orgasm having him in a much more pleasant mood.
“We should get back out there, huh.” He gives you a hand and hoists you off your knees, pulls you close and kisses the taste of his come off your lips.
“People are gonna wonder where you went.” You smile, giving him your lovey-dovey eyes, glad that he’s enjoyed at least one part of this surprise. “You can’t disappear at your own party. How do I look?”
“Too beautiful for your own good.” Pinching your nose and giving you face a little shake, the two of you leave the records room behind.
“Well well well, if it ain’t the lovebirds!” Sergeant Trapp announces the second that you and Flip walk back into the main lobby of the station where everyone has spread out with their food and drinks.
“You two really can’t go two seconds without goin’ at it like rabbits, can you?” Ron laughs, teasing in a way that has Flip’s scowl coming back after all your hard work.
“Mrs. Z I gotta admit I’m impressed you’re still standin’, that sounded like quite the time.” Jimmy winks at you, and you slap a hand to your face. You hadn’t even thought about the noise that you must’ve made -- all the shelves moving, the grunts and groans, the cursing.
“Watch your mouth Jim, or I’ll be forced to do something about it.” Flip warns, but there’s something warm in the threat, playful. You’re fuckin’ glad for that, the last thing you needed on Flip’s birthday was him getting fired for beating the shit out of his friend.
“Oh yeah like what? I’m surprised you’ve got the energy for threats, old man.” Jimmy only eggs him on, all eyes on the two of them.
“That’s it -- ” Flip lunges immediately, making you rush forward and grab him by the scruff of his neck, preventing a wrestling match, even if a friendly one.
“Boys please, have some cake and maybe you’ll calm down.” You roll your eyes.
“You know,” Flip says later, when you lead him through to the breakroom where someone’s lit a fuckton of candles in an attempt to guess how old he is, and you’re curled up on the couch next to him as he licks the frosting off of his fork, “I’m starting to think there never was any Pyrex.”
And it’s all that you can do to just kiss him and shut him up, letting him get away with being an idiot because he’s your birthday boy.
Tagging some Flip friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars
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