#so if robin is being dragged around by grima
bippap · 2 years
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I wish we could at least spend our eternities together
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iturbide · 3 years
You know what? You forced me to start planning a huge post breaking down Faye, so for "revenge" I'm asking you to do one for Robin too! >:) (oh and Grima too if you want, it's always great hearing you talk about them)
but I will take this vengeance challenge starting with my boy
How do I feel about this character?
Look.  Robin has been my Summoner Support character since the day the system launched.  He’s maxed out on dragonflowers at 15.  I sacrificed a 5-star exclusive dagger with a high-rarity and very potent A passive to him over any other possible unit I could have given it to.  I have written just shy of 500k words of Awakening fanfiction in which Robin is a central figure in every story. 
I kind of love Robin a lot.  That may, in fact, be an understatement for my feelings.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Theoretically I could ship just about anyone with Robin (with a few exceptions *coughFrederickcough*) but my big ones are Chrom (naturally) and Sumia!  Those two are the ones I most enjoy seeing Robin with since I think they play off one another in really enjoyable ways -- and it’s even better when it’s all three of them together!
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Lissa.  I LOVE Robin and Lissa as best friends and confidantes who can tease each other but will always, always have each other’s backs.  Robin and Henry being super tight as siblings is another favorite dynamic, Robin and Sully is right up there with Robin and Lissa, and when I’m not shipping them Robin and Sumia as best book buddies is near and dear to my heart.  Also Gaius, Libra, Panne, and Kellam -- I love Robin and Kellam bonding so much it does my heart good (which is why so many of these relationships are, in fact, integral to Future Built).
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
oh boy I have a million of these haha but the biggest one that really is an unpopular opinion is that Robin is proud of their Plegian heritage and would never EVER forsake it.  I’ve seen a not insignificant amount of fanart that puts Robin into clothing that’s clearly Ylissean in cut, style, and/or pattern, and this drives me up the wall because Robin is canonically one of our very few characters of Plegian heritage, someone who goes around throughout the entire game in a coat that bears the literal emblem of Grima in the eye-patterned sleeves -- something that’s preserved in their Grandmaster class, no less, rather than quietly done away with.  That coat is clearly important to them, and deep down -- even with all their memories buried out of direct reach -- I think their cultural heritage as a Plegian is of the utmost importance to them, such that they would only go without some show or sign or it if they were forced to do so. 
Basically, in my personal opinion, Robin should always have Plegian touches in whatever they wear but ESPECIALLY if it’s otherwise Ylissean in appearance.  Erasing Robin’s Plegian heritage is really gross to me personally, and funny enough, even IntSys didn’t do that for once, so fandom should really have no excuse.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
For Robin?  Either meeting their mom should she still be alive, or at least getting back their memories.  It does make sense that Robin started the game as an amnesiac because it let us learn through them, and made a lot of the revelations really pack a punch -- but after a certain point?  I really, really wish that Robin’s memories would have come back to them so that we could find out more of who they were before and what their experiences had been.  Even before a full return of those memories, they could have done simple things, stuff like reactions based on muscle memory or reflexive training that surprise them sometimes, or stated feelings of deja vu -- but later in the game (and supports) I really wish they would have give us something that tells us more about their life; what would be especially nice is if those returning memories involve Grimleal rituals or teachings, because I think it would have been really powerful to have someone we love and care for so much (as our player avatar) shining a better light on the much-maligned faith of Ylisse’s neighboring nation.
I’m very, very biased about that, though.
and BONUS: Grima time
How do I feel about this character? 
I’m pretty sure that at one point, if you searched up the #grima tag, mine was one of the top blogs that came up (though I’ve been getting lazy and tagging less by character lately so I’ve fallen out of there).  I’m also pretty sure that most of the people following me ended up here because of all the Grima content I started pouring out when the first one dropped in Heroes.  Grima is one of those characters who I write about exhaustively and who subtly manages to play a role in most of my Awakening fic, including the ones where they don’t physically appear (I call those Grima Sightings and frankly I would love it if people tried to spot them). 
...I think Grima has just taken over a part of my brain and to be perfectly honest I’m okay with that.
Who do I ship this character with romantically? 
Emmeryn.  That’s it.  That’s the only character I have ever or frankly will ever ship Grima with because that was already something that came out of left field I literally cannot imagine anyone else managing to spark the same reaction a second time.
Who is my brOTP for this character? 
Robin, honestly.  I love the idea of Robin and Grima interactions where the two end up becoming close as friends and confidantes, regardless of the situation.  Is it kind of heartbreaking when it’s the whole “Grima’s in control and Robin’s in the backseat” situation?  Undoubtedly, but it’s also really moving to consider that they might learn how to work together and help each other and work toward a shared purpose. 
And also Grima getting parenting advice from Robin in Heroes during the early days of the creche is A+++ in my opinion.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character? 
Aside from the idea that Grima is in fact the most parental of dragons and broods in the literal chicken sense or my giant conspiracy theory that Grima came to the past to do the same thing Lucina did (avert the ruined future)?  It’s probably that Grima is not an instigator of conflict or chaos: they’re antisocial and would prefer to distance themselves for the sake of having some peace and quiet rather than getting dragged into yet more conflict based on human preconceptions or judgments based on appearance. 
Fandom at large loves to play Grima as unrelenting evil and constantly in competition with the Awakening folks (especially the Exalted lineage) but...that doesn’t make any sense to me personally?  Grima hasn’t really asked for anything that’s happened to them: they’ve been used and abused by humanity by their own admission, and Validar is just the latest in the line to do the same, causing unspeakable harm for the sole purpose of raising Grima to destroy the world at his own bidding.  Yeah, maybe Grima doesn’t have the best feelings toward the Exalted Lineage, but also why would Grima be the one picking the fight?  If you mess with Grima the Fell Dragon will step up (Vengeful Fighter is their innate B passive in Heroes, quite likely for a reason), but I really don’t see them going out of their way to cause trouble.  They just want to be left in peace, but humans really don’t seem to get that.  Yes, the fanart can be funny, but it also rings false to me, because I really think Grima would just flat-out ignore the Exalted lineage unless they make the confrontation, at which point Grima won’t hold back.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon? 
First of all I really do wish we could have seen a peaceful resolution with Grima rather than having to destroy them, especially considering that the Fell Dragon really didn’t seem all that interested in hurting anybody even after raising the dragon form (see the aforementioned conspiracy theory).  Grima has been hurt so many times throughout their life that I think it would have been deeply meaningful if we could have reached out in an attempt at understanding, to have come to a non-violent resolution, and found peace without someone needing to die for once.  When Grima purposefully abstains from nuking the group that poses a threat to their life upon resurrecting their impossibly huge and powerful dragon form and instead flies out over the ocean -- so far they need Naga herself to teleport them -- it kind of says a lot about how much Grima really wants to fight (answer: they clearly don’t).
Other than that, though?  Just...give us more of Grima in general.  Tell us more about their history, especially the thousand years between their emergence from Thabes Labyrinth and their fall at the hands of the First Exalt.  I want to know more of that history, I want to see how they treated the humans that flocked to them, even knowing that those same humans would eventually break Grima’s spirit.  We just have so few crumbs about Grima, I want more than anything to get a meal instead.
Give Me a Character
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Their S/o Saving Them [FE: Awakening]
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Characters Included: Male! Robin & Chrom
Note: No one requested this but I thought it would be a good idea :) I think I accidentally made this like a Oneshot in a hc form. whOOPS-- Hope ya’ll enjoy this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
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-He’s horrified as he watch you get slice by the sword, the steel blade slicing your abdomen. He watches as you slowly descend to the ground, before snapping out of trance to kill the one who hurt you, his s/o. He calls the nearby healers as he picks you up, bridal-style, and hurried to Lissa. 
-He’s downright panicking as you continued to lose blood. He practically yells at Lissa with tears in his eyes, “Heal them! Please!” This is the first time that the young Ylisse princess see their Tactician cry. She quickly gather some more healers and began healing you.
-He stares at you being healed while begging to every God and Goddesses to save you, hell, he’ll be begging Grima to save you. The people around him could sense his worry from a mile away. Robin flinch when someone placed their hand on his shoulder, he look over to see the comforting face of his comrade, Chrom.
-He didn’t notice but the battle has ended with them being victorious. He looks at Chrom while holding back his tears. Chrom tightens his hold on his shoulder, comforting his fellow friend. “Don’t panic so much, Robin. They’ll be fine. They are strong, after all.”
-Robin managed to calm down, before his mind started making up different scenarios. What will happen if only he payed attention? Would he be in your same place then? Wouldn’t that be better? Why was he so distracted in the first place? If only--
-”None of this is your fault, Robin. So stop beating yourself up.” Chrom’s voice made Robin snap out of his thought. Chrom offered him a tired yet reassuring smile. “Go to sleep. You need rest.” Robin shakes his head. “No. I’ll wait until [Y/N] wakes up.” Chrom hesitated before nodding his head and left to go to his tent.
-Robin stayed outside of the Healer’s Tent, waiting for their news about you. Until the healers started pouring out of the tent, this made Robin flinch a bit. They all offered him a smile before going past him. Then, Lissa came out of the tent and beckoned for Robin to enter. “They’re stable. They should be waking up any moment now.”
-Robin quickly muttered a, “thank you”, and hurried past her and into the tent. Lissa heard and just giggle at his reaction before going on her way. Robin saw you, still sleeping peacefully on the makeshift bed. His eyes started to tear up once more as the memory of you getting hurt flash in his mind, he slowly walks up to your unconscious body and his knees buckles underneath him which resulted him on his knees. 
-He sob as he holds your hand and held it near his lips, muttering “sorry” and kissing it. He wasn’t being himself, he knew that, but what would you expect from him? He saw the love of his life getting hit just in front of his eyes, and it’s all his fault. That’s why he closed his heart towards the possibility of love, afraid of getting his s/o hurt and killed. But you manage to wiggle to his caged heart and love unconditionally.
-He continued to sob until he felt your hand twitch against his cheeks, he opens his eyes (slightly blurred from the tears) to see you slowly waking up. Robin practically lunges himself to your now conscious body and held you tightly in his arms while still sobbing and mumbling “sorry” over and over again. You gasp in surprise at the sudden action but you slowly hug him back.
-Please comfort him ;-; This bby boi was so worried for you. He would forever blame himself if you died at that moment (thank God you didn’t though). From now on, he would be more cautious of his surroundings and more protective of you in battlefield, he doesn’t want to risk losing you. 
-Chrom watch as you were hit by a arrow on the side while fighting some Plegian’s. He watch as you fall down to the ground and started to bleed out, his mind was blank, not being able to register what had happened. He was only snapped out of it by Frederick screaming at him and killing the soldiers who dare to hurt the Prince. 
-His eyes trailed to your figure, being surrounded by their Healers. Lissa, his younger sister, look at him with worry. He knew what that meant though. He watch as the Healers pick your bleeding-figure up and rush you to the Medical Tent. So much anger filled him inside as he screams out in frustration and began slicing everyone left and right, the people in his Army started to get worried about their Leader. 
-Frederick knows that Chrom needs to be left alone but he doesn’t want for him to get hurt by it. Robin screamed at him to stop already, the battle has already ended by Chrom’s frantic killing. Chrom stops as he stood there, not moving at all. Robin slowly walks up to him and crouch in front of him. “Letting out your frustration is good, yes. But there’s a limit to it. And you getting angry isn’t bringing [Y/N] back.”
-This made Chrom realize what he was doing. Both Robin and Frederick help him up and drag him to the Tent you were in. He let them drag him away, and they push him into it. Lissa jump in surprise at the sudden appearance of her brother but decided to let him stay. 
-The Healers were able to pull out the arrow and heal your wound. Chrom was there beside you, holding your hand. You were conscious throughout it all, but decided to remain silent. You knew that Chrom is beating himself up for being reckless and leave his defense open for the arrow, and how you almost die out there. 
-Soon, the Healers were done and bid goodnight to the both of them. Lissa pats her brother’s shoulder in a comforting way and flashing him a reassuring smile before going away.
-The two of you bask in silence as he continues to hold your hand. You look at him in the corner of your eyes, “You know it’s never your fault that I got hit, right?” Chrom flinch before looking away, ashamed of yourself. “No. If only I wasn’t being reckless out there.. if only I didn’t leave my defense open, then you wouldn’t get hit by it. I wasn’t responsible enough. I’m a failure of the future king of Ylisse..” Tears were already prickling in his eyes.
-You let out a sigh as you tighten your hold in his hands. “No, that’s not it. You are reckless, yes. You left your defense open, yes. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t responsible enough. You’ve proven yourself over and over again, you have the right to rule Ylisse. It’s just a mistake we all do, so don’t beat yourself up.”
-You two then bask in silence as you pull Chrom into a hug. Please comfort him as well ;-; He’s stress as it is. He doesn’t want you to die, please live and don’t leave him yet. He might get even more protective of you and might not let you fight in the frontlines, and this’ll result into you two fighting while the rest is sweatdropping at the background.
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[x] Main Page || [x] Fire Emblem: Awakening Page
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snusbandxknifewife · 4 years
So @the-chick-of-the-air mentioned something about wanting to know what Cardan said to Randalin and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since. This is my attempt at writing what went down during that conversation, I hope you all like it!
As Cardan Greenbriar drags his advisor into a separate room, all hints of a spoiled faerie boy are gone, replaced completely by the grace and danger of a High King who has been faced with treason.
“What vile, worm-hearted god spoke in your ear and gave you even the faintest idea that it was appropriate to enter the room of your wounded queen?” He hisses in the larger man’s ear. “And how, pray tell, did it convince you to stoop low enough to then question her sovereignty?”
A colossal, thorn-covered vine sprouts from the stone floor by the chamber door, actively shattering a brick as it moves to slam the door shut.
Randalin visibly swallows. “Your Majesty, please—“
“I must admit, Randalin, I thought you wiser than that,” Cardan continues. “I thought that you, for all your sniveling and spinelessness, would have enough foresight to see that your little plan could’ve never succeeded.”
The delicate pink roses in their little porcelain pot, set on the windowsill to capture sunlight, wither and die. Where their rotting petals fall, nightshade rises.
“I would’ve thought you would know my wife would never back down from a challenge. Especially one put forward by such a cowardly and insignificant man as you.”
Randalin stands, rooted to the floor by brambles growing over his feet, their thorns digging aggressively into his leather shoes. He watches, unable to move, as the boy king walks to where a cask of wine has been left on a table.
Cardan forgoes a goblet, instead gripping the neck of the wine bottle between his lithe fingers and turning it up, his eyes never leaving his advisor as he takes a long drink. When he sets the cask back down, wine as red as blood drips from his lips and down his chin, staining his moon-pale skin the same way castoff stains a wall during a murder.
“I would’ve thought you would realize that, even if it had worked, I’d find out about your meddling.” His voice is deadly quiet, his eyes swirling like whirlpools. “And I surely would’ve thought you smart enough to realize I wouldn’t appreciate someone taking away the woman I worked so hard to get back.”
“Your Majesty—“
“Have you ever been in love, Randalin?” Cardan cuts him off, his head tilting to the side and causing a stray drop of wine to fall onto his undershirt. “Have you ever looked into the eyes of another and felt your heart stop? Known that, as long as you live, no one will command your thoughts as this person does now?”
He steps closer, his boots clicking against the stone floor and the brambles at Randalin’s feet tightening with each step.
“Have you ever been given love, against all odds, and lost it?” He whispers in the shell of his advisor’s ear, a growl low in his throat as he does. “And were you then given that love back, only to find that someone you’re meant to trust is trying to rip it away once more?”
“The people of Elfhame will never accept a human queen.” Randalin tries, his face reddening with pain as a thorn succeeds in working its way through his shoe and into his toe.
“The people of Elfhame can all be damned.” Cardan smiles wolfishly, stepping back so he can loom over his foolish council member. “The land has chosen her, and it is the land’s support that proves a ruler’s worth here in Faerie.”
“Just because she said she was healed with the land’s help doesn’t mean we can believe her. Humans are liars, Your Majesty.”
Cardan Greenbriar walks away and turns towards the window, towards the land he and his wife will rule over until they choose for it to be otherwise. Beyond the gentle swaying of the curtains, a robin flaps by and the stars twinkle with the light of a thousand little suns.
“If you do not believe your queen’s word, believe Grima Mog, for she saw it happen.” The High King announces as he continues to look out the window, leaving the council member sweating behind him. “Jude stuffed her gutted belly full of soil and Elfhame chose to heal her. Flowers grew from the ground where her blood fell. The land answers to her, as it does to me.”
Randalin’s eyes widen. A human, a mortal with magic gifted by the land—
“How many people do you think my wife has murdered, Randalin?” Cardan’s voice is soft, the tone of a boy in love talking about his partner’s knack for making flower crowns. Not the voice of a ruler discussing his queen’s violent tendencies.
“I’m well aware that Lady Jude is—“
“High Queen Jude.” Cardan corrects, his voice void of all softness once more. “She is High Queen Jude. If you refer to her as anything else ever again, you do so at your own peril.”
“Your Majesty, if you would let me finish—“
“I shall let you finish a sentence when you begin to speak something other than nonsense.” Cardan’s tar-black eyes have the same devilish coldness in them that they had when he ripped that faerie boy’s wings at a revel so many moons ago. “Now refer to your queen by her proper title, or face the consequences.”
Randalin lets out a sigh and grits his teeth. “I am well aware that High Queen Jude is a woman with violent tendencies, but I do not know just how many lives she has claimed.”
“Nor do I.” Cardan smiles the smile of a man besotted. “She has a talent for swordplay that is unrivaled. Any night she is in my bed is a night in which I do not fear assassination, for I know my wife could kill anyone in her sleep.”
“Even you, Your Majesty.” Randalin tries to impart wisdom into his king, tries to show the boy just how dangerous this mortal girl is for both him and the kingdom.
“Especially me.” Cardan smiles as he catches Randalin’s eye, completely aware of what the older man is trying to say and also completely aware of just how wrong he is. “But she has had many chances, and she has yet to take them. Death at the hands of a god so sweet would be a gift, indeed, and yet I seem incapable of receiving such blessings.”
The brambles are growing up Randalin’s legs, cutting into his thighs and wrapping around his wrists as his arms stay by his sides.
The young man in front of him has danger etched into every line of his very being. The High King standing in this study is not the High King of days past, nor is he the High King one would ever wish to meet. Cardan Greenbriar is poison personified, malice dripping from his fanged smile and echoing in the light tapping of his fingernails on his elbow.
For the first time since hearing a doomed prince’s prophecy, Randalin feels true dread gather in the pit of his stomach.
“Do you think me a violent man, Randalin?” Cardan, who has always taken after felines in both his look and his mannerisms, seems far less cat-like than usual. It’s like his fangs hide venom, his body readying, not to pounce, but to strike.
“I’d never insult my king by suggesting something so rude, Your Majesty.”
“But you insulted your queen by suggesting that she abdicate her throne.” Cardan’s eyelashes flutter against his cheeks and his smile grows cruel. “So do humor me this once.”
If the fae had warning sirens, they’d be blaring in Randalin’s head right this very moment.
“No, Your Majesty.” A bramble works it’s way under his doublet, drawing blood the entire way. “I think you do not have a taste for bloodshed. At the very least, not one as strong as the High Queen’s.”
Cardan smiles as the council member finally refers to Jude by her correct title.
He steps away from Randalin once more, walking over to the bookshelf by the desk and pulling a random leather bound volume out, fingers tracing over the lettering on the spine and longing for a more familiar title.
“You know, I’ve read my fair share of mortal stories in my day,” he announces, outwardly calm even as the thorns continue to torture his advisor. “The humans have a saying, a warning of sorts, about how even the devil runs when a good man goes to war.”
He opens the book to a random page, completely ignoring the words as his nails drag down the binding.
“Now, for all my distaste in violence, I wouldn’t call myself a good man,” he continues with a small quirk to his mouth, just a little upward tilt. “I am cruel, I am petty. I delight in the suffering of those who wrong me and I’ll settle for hurting those who are lesser, if I’m unable to harm someone I feel truly deserves it.”
His foot starts tapping, a quiet beat to him but a deafening war drum to Randalin. His ears pick up the sound of a racing heartbeat and his smile grows.
“I tortured even the woman I love for years, albeit not in the ways she likely would’ve preferred, but what good is torture if someone likes it?”
He snaps the book closed and Randalin jumps as best he can in his thorny prison.
“I suppose that makes me more dangerous in war than a good man would be,” he thinks aloud as he slowly turns his gaze back to where Randalin appears to be in the process of soiling his pants. “Surely if the devil runs when a good man goes to war, he would sprint when a man of questionable morals joins the fray, don’t you think?”
“Please, Your Majesty, my recommendations were only voiced out of a concern for the well-being of the kingdom.” Randalin, a man used to lording over those beneath him, sounds dangerously close to begging. “I did not mean to offend you!”
Cardan laughs, a joyless and wicked sound. “But you have offended me, Randalin,” his eyes are wild and his grin reckless. “You have questioned my ability to choose what is best for my kingdom and you have insulted the woman who occupies my every waking thought. You have even made the grievous mistake of disturbing my wife in one of her extremely rare moments of weakness, a moment where she undoubtedly needs all her time and energy to rest.”
The nightshade occupying the rose’s former home overgrows it’s pot and begins spilling down the side of the windowsill, flowers reaching towards Randalin like little fingers.
“Your Majesty, I beg your forgiveness,” Randalin’s voice almost catches in his throat. “I won’t ever suggest that High Queen Jude abdicate again. I promise!”
“Good,” Cardan says as he steps within reach of Randalin.
Randalin lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing forward.
And it’s all a moment too soon, for the High King lashes out in the blink of an eye, his long fingers wrapping around the advisor’s throat and pushing his head back against the stone wall with an audible crack!
“Because I am the man of questionable morals, and this is war,” Cardan continues as Randalin’s spine screams in agony at the angle he’s been forced into. “I, Cardan Greenbriar, High King of Elfhame, declare war!”
His fingers tighten around Randalin’s throat, his nails already leaving bloody half-moons in the older man’s skin as he presses his forehead to the council member’s.
“I declare war on everyone who opposes my wife’s right to rule beside me as my queen and my equal,” his eyes are wild, barely containing his rage. “It is a war that is unending, a war that is complete and total, a war that I have no qualms about getting violent during.”
Randalin tried to swallow, but he can’t as the king’s hand digs into his throat even harder.
“I, a man without a love for swordplay, will take up a blade. I, a man without a taste for bloodshed, will slit a thousand throats,” he continues, “if that is what it takes for my people to respect my wife.”
Randalin’s vision swims in black, his face beginning to turn an impressive shade of purple as blood starts to gush from bramble-inflicted wounds.
“And as for you,” Cardan is close enough to see tears gather in his advisor’s eyes. “You who was bold enough to openly question the High Queen, I reserve my greatest act of violence.”
The nightshade from the windowsill has reached Cardan’s feet. It begins to grow up his legs, over his waist and down his arms, forming a crown atop his head as Randalin watches in horror.
“I will skin you alive and bleed you dry, forcing you to watch the whole time,” he leans down to whisper in Randalin’s ear. “I will break your bones and tear your flesh, and when I’m done, I will find a way to erase every mention of you. No book in Elfhame will bear your name, even the stars will rearrange when I tell them to.”
“And then I promise I will use your hollowed our skull as my wine goblet for the rest of my days, just because I can.”
Randalin’s knees quake as his body gasps for air.
Cardan lets him go, watching in disgust as the man falls into a pile of blood-stained brambles with a sob.
“I promise this on my honor as High King, and on the vow I made with my Wife, Jude Duarte Greenbriar,” Cardan’s voice is the voice of an executioner. “So help me gods, I will rip the world apart for her.”
“Your Majesty, how can I atone?” Randalin is reduced to weeping, his hands covering his face as he cowers at his king’s feet.
“Never question the High Queen’s sovereignty again, and see that anyone else who dares to speak treason against her understands exactly how far I’m willing to go to support her right to rule beside me.”
The nightshade around Cardan disappears, withering back into the pot before dying and being replaced by pretty roses. The brambles around the room fade into nothingness, only a broken stone and a few blood smears left to remind anyone that they were ever there.
“And do hope that I don’t have to resort to violence again,” Cardan smiles that cruel little smile he wears so well. “Jude is so much more adept at wielding the hospitality of knives.”
Tag list: @cardan-greenbriar-tcp
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broomballkraken · 4 years
Title: Lost and Found
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Pairing(s): Frederick/Robin
Word count: 2054
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Just over a year had passed since the day that Frederick lost the love of his life, and he was starting to wonder if Robin would ever find her way back to him.Luckily for him, she finally did.
“Bend your knees more when starting your attack; you will put more power behind your swings that way.”
“Yes, sir!”
Frederick nodded in response as he watched the young knight-in-training adjust his stance and continue practicing. The knight captain of Ylisse resumed his pacing between the rest of his new recruits, giving more advice or demonstrations as necessary. He managed to keep a straight face and do his job, despite the fact that his mind was somewhere else completely.
Biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from sighing deeply, Frederick’s gaze shifted to the sky above Castle Ylisstol’s training yard. He was finding it harder and harder to focus on his duties as a knight, mostly due to the gnawing void in his heart that seemed to grow larger as the days dragged on, ever since that fateful day when the Fell Dragon Grima was defeated.
Not a day went by where Frederick didn’t think of that heartbreaking moment, when he had watched the love of his life fade away in his arms, after she had dealt the fatal blow to Grima herself. She had made the sacrifice to destroy the Fell Dragon once and for all, he knew this, and yet some incredibly selfish part of him wished that she hadn’t done it.
However, he still held a sliver of hope that she would be found someday, and for a time after Grima’s demise, Frederick had traveled with Chrom and Lissa to help search for her. After a couple months with no luck, the trio had returned to Ylisstol to rest and replenish their supplies. But when Chrom and Lissa set out again, Frederick made the difficult decision to stay behind.
With his new position as knight captain, he had a responsibility to train the new recruits, and he could not put that off any longer. Stahl had volunteered to take his place (Frederick knew that it was mostly due to the fact that he missed Lissa, and he could not fault him for that), and Frederick was left to his duties at the capital, hoping and praying that they would find Robin for him.
A sudden commotion from the other side of the field pulled Frederick from his thoughts, and when he turned to see what the ruckus was, he was so shocked at what he saw that his jaw dropped and his heart skipped a beat.
“F-Frederick!” Stahl blurted out as he stumbled up to him, heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He was red-faced and sweating profusely; had he sprinted all the way here? There could only be one reason for that…
“Stahl...what are you doing here?” Frederick hesitated before forcing the question out, his breath catching in his throat as he waited for the answer. Stahl wheezed a few more times, before his breathing started to even out and he ran his arm over his forehead to wipe away the sweat.
“We...ah....We found her! We found Robin!” Stahl managed to gasp out, a beaming smile crossing his face, and Frederick’s thought that his heart was going to burst from his chest.
“Where is she?”
“I ran ahead to come and tell you, so they should be at the city gates in no time-” That was all that Frederick needed to hear, and he cut Stahl off by shoving his lance into his arms before bolting out of the training grounds as fast as his legs could carry him, discarding the upper half of his armor and tossing it aside haphazardly as he rushed through the castle.
The streets of Ylisstol blurred passed him as Frederick sprinted towards the gates leading out of the city. His heartbeat hammered hard in his ears, and his mind was spinning with so many mixed emotions that he was surprised that he was able to run in a straight line. Robin...was really back? He wouldn’t - no, he couldn’t - believe it until he saw her with his own eyes.
When he finally crossed through the city gates, Frederick doubled over as he gasped for air; sprinting across the city with his lower half still clad in armor was not the brightest idea he had ever had. After taking a few deep breaths and wiping the sweat from his face, he stood back up, and he immediately froze, his eyes widening to take in the beautiful sight before him.
Standing about ten feet away was Robin, looking just the same as the day that she defeated Grima and disappeared as Frederick held her. He blinked once...twice...three times, before he lifted his hands to his eyes and gave them a firm rub. He lowered his hands, and unlike in so many of his dreams this past year, Robin was still there.
“R-Robin…” Frederick finally managed to speak past the lump that had formed in his throat. “Is it...really you?”
“Yes, Frederick, it’s really me.” The combination of the beautiful smile that crossed Robin’s face and finally hearing the sound of her sweet voice again completely stole the breath from Frederick’s lungs, and his eyes welled up with tears as they both moved to close the distance between them at the same time. When she was close enough, Robin threw herself into Frederick’s arms, and he caught her, spinning them both around a bit with the momentum. Frederick clung tightly to her as he sobbed, and Robin pressed her face against his chest, his shirt becoming dampened by her tears as she also started crying.
Frederick’s arms tightened even more around her, as if she would disappear again if he loosened his grip even a smidge, and he pressed his face against her hair. It was just as soft as he remembered, and the familiar smell of her favorite soap caused him to shake from the force of his sobbing. This really wasn’t just another dream. Robin, the person that he loved the most in the world, had finally returned to him.
Eventually, both Frederick and Robin had managed to contain their sobbing, and when she lifted her head to gaze at him with those mesmerizing eyes of hers, he lifted his hand to cup her cheek. A deep sigh escaped from her as she leaned into his touch, and her hand moved up to cover his as he wiped her tears away with his thumb.
“I...Gods, I can’t believe that this isn’t just another dream…” Frederick said, and Robin chuckled as a fond smile crossed her face.
“Frederick, love, I’m...so sorry for leaving you for so long,” Robin said, the smile falling from her face slightly as her gaze fell to the ground, “I never wanted to just leave you like that, to cause you any pain-” Frederick shook his head and cut her off by placing a gentle kiss on on her forehead, pausing for a moment to admire the cute blush that rose up high on her cheeks.
“Robin.” Frederick reached out to take Robin’s hands, his fingers brushing against the ring that he had given her; he was pleasantly surprised that she still wore it after all this time. “I know that you made the right choice in that final battle. I never lost hope that you would return to me, so there is no need to apologize.”
Robin’s eyes wandered back up to his, and a few more tears fell down her face as her smile returned. “Thank you, Frederick, for waiting for me. I love you.”
“And I love you, Robin. Always.” Frederick’s voice dropped to a whisper, and he finally closed the distance between them to press his lips against hers. Robin sighed into the kiss as her arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. Frederick had almost forgotten what it felt like, being embraced by someone that he loved so much, who also loved him just as much in return. The happiness he felt was almost too much to handle, and Frederick had to break the kiss as he erupted into a fit of joyous laughter as he lifted Robin into the air and spun them both around.
“Ah, Frederick!” Robin yelled out in surprise as she placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, but her laughter soon joined his. When he finally stopped spinning around, she cupped his face and pressed her forehead against his, her fingers sliding gently through the wild brown hair that framed his face.
Closing his eyes, Frederick sighed contently as his nose brushed against hers. “I feel like I’d forgotten what true happiness felt like.” His eyes opened again when he heard her snort to suppress more laughter, and she raised an eyebrow at him.
“Aren’t you being a bit dramatic?” she teased, and Frederick firmly shook his head as his arms tightened around her legs.
“Not at all. Without you, my darling, my life lacks purpose. I wish to be with you until the end of my days.” Robin couldn’t contain her laughter this time, and Frederick was very okay with that, because that very sound was one of his absolute favorites in the entire world.
“Okay, that’s really dramatic, Freddy Bear,” Robin managed to say between giggles, and even though he would normally scoff at the silly nickname, Frederick could only laugh along with her this time. “But...I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel the same. I really am looking forward to finally starting my life with you.”
“Likewise, my love.”
“Ahem, I, uh, really don’t mean to interrupt, but…”
Frederick blinked as he looked over to find Chrom and Lissa standing off to the side - the former rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly on his feet as he averted his gaze, while the latter was grinning from ear to ear - and he was surprised that he hadn’t even noticed that they were here until now.
“Oh, oops! Sorry!” Robin’s face flushed a deep red as she wiggled out of Frederick’s arms, and he pursed his lips in annoyance. He cleared his throat and bowed to Chrom and Lissa, but not before taking Robin’s hand in his and lacing their fingers together.
“Welcome back milord, milady. It is good to see you well-” Frederick began, but he was cut off when Lissa groaned and rolled her eyes.
“C’mon Frederick! We’ve told you countless times not to be so formal with us!” Lissa complained, and a grin spread across his face as he nodded.
“Ah, yes. Old habits die hard, it seems.”
“They sure do,” Chrom said, smiling as he placed one hand on Frederick’s shoulder and the other on Robin’s. “I’m really happy for you two. Robin was so eager to return to your side that I’m surprised that she got any sleep on the journey back here.”
“I didn’t sleep well at all, really…” Robin mumbled, and Frederick chuckled as he gave her hand a squeeze.
“We should get back to the castle then! You can rest up, and then we can have a huge welcome home party!” Lissa said, her fists clenching with excitement in front of her.
“That sounds like a great idea! I’ll have arrangements made as soon as possible,” Chrom said, nodding as he and Lissa began walking back towards the city gates, chatting excitedly about party preparations.
“A party sounds great! I’ve really missed everyone else too,” Robin said as she and Frederick followed the two royals.
“Hmm, as much as I want to keep you all to myself right now, I know that everyone else has been waiting for your return too, so I will begrudgingly share you,” Frederick teased, but his eyes widened with shock when a sly grin crossed Robin’s face before she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Oh, we’ll have plenty of time for ourselves, Frederick. Which is good, because we have a lot of catching up to do.” Robin said, and Frederick felt his face heat up considerably.
“...I am very much looking forward to that.” Frederick threw his arm over Robin’s shoulder and pulled her close as she laughed. As they walked towards their future, Frederick knew that if their love could withstand the hardships that they had already weathered, they would be able to handle anything that their life still had in store for them. Together.
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Time - Grima/Reader
I've had this in my head all day and had to write it gahhhh
It's also self indulgent on my behalf hee hee~!
Warning~! Slightly more docile Grima who has to deal his new bodies weakness to emotions~
He prowled through Askr's halls in a less than pleased mood. He'd been separated from his worm for far too long, and he had no more patience for it.
A small haughty laugh from behind halted the Fell Dragons stomps footsteps. He looked behind him to lay eyes on Julius, who possessed an almost crazed grin.
Grima's eyes narrowed, he's well aware of what kind of human Julius was. Corrupted.
Much more than others were, his own human had mentioned that it was his tome that had distorted him. He knew nothing more of him, he wasn't interested in hearing about him nor had he been happy that his human was speaking about another man.
He had ended that discussion quickly.
At the very least, Grima knew Julius wouldn't approach without an ulterior motive.
So automatically, he was on guard.
"Look what the cat dragged in."
His worm had already chided him about injuring others in the Order of Heroes, and as impudent as their lecture was, they were much easier to deal with when they weren't upset.
So he didn't crush the bug before him immediately.
Grima continued to stare at the man, maybe he could stare a hole through him, perhaps he'd disintegrate if he tried hard enough.
"Slithering off to your little pet?"
Grima was starting to get angry, he already didn't like being approached by pests but he especially didn't like when they started involving you.
"What do you want, worm?"
The annoyance in his tone was clear.
"Oh...nothing..I was just curious about how long you intend to play the human? How long you intend to pretend with that little summoner...?"
Grima growled,
"You don't know anything, worm. Stay out of my sight and I won't rip you to pieces. Come near what's mine and I can assure you that I'll have no qualms about ending whatever pathetic life you have."
A malicious purple aura was beginning to radiate from Grima, his eyes were glowing red and the air around him was suffocating enough that any other person would be on the ground begging for breath.
Julius however wasn't even fazed.
"Hmm..tamed you, have they?" He laughed,
"Any other day, you'd have already made well of your word...hah! How cute. The human taming the beast. Not that it'll last long."
Grima's smirk was almost feral,
"Is that a threat?"
Julius scoffed,
"Oh, please. As if I need to bother, you'll lose them either way."
Grima frowned, now confused,
"What are you babbling about, worm?"
Julius's smirk fell for a moment, then he studied Grima for a second before breaking into a loud howl,
"Oh this is too rich! You don't even realize it, do you?"
Julius cackled, clearly finding something very amusing. So much so that he had to clear the tears from his eyes from laughing so hard.
Grima stood baffled, any anger he had was now just confusion. Last he checked, most humans didn't behave this way. He considered just turning around and leaving this lunatic behind in favor of finding his human.
You were strange, but you were a bearable strange.
"You're a dragon! They're a human!"
Julius had to take a breath to speak,
"They'll die years before you ever do! To a dragon, a human life is merely a blink of an eye-"
Julius broke into another fit of laughter,
"That precious little human of yours is just like the rest of them, they'll wither away with age and there'll be nothing left but a lonely dragon and a skull. The end of the little Summoner."
Julius watched in glee as Grima was hit with the realization. The anger, confusion, and dread all in one. Grima hated such confounding emotions, he hated how he felt a chill at Julius's words. Hated how he felt as though someone's cold and clammy hands had raked down his spine, and he loathed the churning of his stomach at the thought of you leaving him behind.
Curse this frail human body, prone to every damning emotion known to man.
Julius stood with an impish grin as Grima snarled at him, that previous malevolent aura returning full force. He seemed to be awaiting a show, the complete explosion of Grima's wrath, but it didn't come.
He watched in surprise as Grima turned away from him and stormed down the hall, eyes a beading red, and his face set in a deep frown.
Disappointed, and with his entertainment gone, he huffed.
"How dull."
Grima hurried his steps once he was out of Julius's sight. As much as he had wanted to rip the tongue from that fool's mouth, he was much too overcome with the urge to see his humans face.
He made his way to your room, surely by now you were done with whatever useless strategy meeting the worms had dragged you into. Along the way, he had managed to slow the frantic breathing he didn't realize he had developed.
However, as he neared your door Julius's words had rang in his ears
"-there'll be nothing left but a lonely dragon and a skull."
He shook his head, brushing the thought aside but when he gripped the doorhandle, the image of your smiling face morphing into that skull had flashed in his mind causing him to slam the door open, nearly breaking it off it's hinges.
The force of him opening the door had you nearly falling from your chair, the squeak you made had him locking his eyes onto your form.
You tried to ask what the hell was going on but the intensity of Grima's gaze caught you off guard. That, and he charged towards you so fast you didn't have time to word questions.
He pulled you out of your chair by your wrist, the terrain maps you were looking at previously were now fluttering to the ground.
Grima scanned your face, for what you didn't know but he seemed to have found it since his tense shoulders relaxed. All at once, his frown melted away and he just looked drained.
Were all human emotions so taxing?
You stayed quiet as Grima leaned forward to rest his head on your shoulder, clearly something was wrong with him, he often would coil himself around you in a show of dominance but he was being so...tame that you knew something had happened.
"Is something wrong?"
You wrapped an arm around him while your other raised to stroke his disheveled hair. If it wasn't the eyes and demeanor that made him distinct from Robin then the ruffled mess of white hair he always had, did.
He responded only by turning his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
You toyed with his hair for a couple more seconds before turning the wrist that he held so that your hand held his. You lead him to your bed where you sat upright in the middle of it, knowing he'd just plop himself on top of you like he always did.
And he did, although this time, rather than throw himself on you haphazardly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head over your chest, listening to the steady beat of your heart.
You are so stupid to allow him near you, he could crush you in a split second.
You're so foolish, foolish and naive.
Stupid, foolish, naive, and warm.
"Grima...what happened?"
He let out a low growl, and for a moment you thought he wouldn't tell you. But he rocketed up to face you, clearly annoyed and angry.
"You're going to leave me."
"You're going to perish."
"I..Excuse me?"
You stared at him incredulously, was..was he threatening you...??
"Grima what are you..."
You trailed off as you put the pieces together, "You're going to leave me."...oh...
"I see..so that's what this is about..." You smiled at him sadly, unsure of what to say. You couldn't lie to him, it was true. Eventually, time would take you away, it happened to every human. It would happen to you too.
Still, Grima hated that look on you. Before, he might have laughed at such an expression, but now he loathed it. Your incessant optimism was no where to be seen, and it perturbed him.
You called his attention, maybe you couldn't change the circumstances but maybe you could soothe him a little. You couldn't imagine his turmoil, the one human who managed to weasel their way into your life is bound to die by nature's laws.
You held his face tenderly, letting a thumb ghost over his cheek. You sighed and Grima watched intently.
"You know..." crimson eyes watched as your smile went from sad and sympathetic to honest and a light happiness.
"Even if my life may seem short...I..I wouldn't trade it for a longer life where I wasn't with you."
The stabbing pain was immediate, was this normal in a human host? To feel like you're being ripped in two?
He felt like a piece of him was being crushed, like he was losing, surrendering, laying down while what was his was being taken from him.
"No." he muttered, just low enough that you could hear.
You really wish he would elaborate sometimes but what can you expect from the Fell Dragon that does as he pleases-
"No, I refuse." he hissed.
Before you could ask what he meant, he tangled a hand in your hair and pulled you into a hungry territorial kiss. Caught completely off guard by his change in mannerisms, he managed to slip his tongue past your lips, ridding you of breath with the fervor of which his mouth claimed yours.
When he had reluctantly pulled away, he allowed you a brief moment to breathe before immediately pushing you down against your bed.
Caged between his arms, you watched as he licked his lips in anticipation.
"I won't let you go so easily, I won't- I refuse to relinquish what belongs to me."
You had squirmed your way into his life, cemented your place in it, made him feel what he was not meant to, and never asked anything of him. You became something that he was not willing to part with and nothing was going to stand in his way.
If he had to challenge time, then so be it.
And he knew how to start, by marking his possession.
Julius made his way through the halls, looking for the next being to terrorize for fun.
Only to halt when he heard your laugh further down the hall, he grinned wickedly and with a little skip in step he moved in the direction he heard you.
His impish smile fell at the sight of you and Grima walking past at the end of the hall.
Grima caught his gaze and let a triumphant smirk take over his features, "I win." was splayed out on his face and for a moment Grima considered going over to rip off Julius's head for his previous impudent display.
But if he did, he would have to remove his hand from where it was intertwined with yours.
So he settled for extending his middle finger (something he learned from his summoner) and pointing it at the baffled Julius watching from afar.
Julius knew not what the gesture meant but he felt insulted anyway.
As the two of you walked further away from Julius, the Fell Dragon reflected on what had transpired. He had been claiming you when it happened, in the midst of marring your skin with his lips and making you his mate at last, he had felt it.
The interlacing of your life force.
You both had been confused at first, but then you felt the tug of an invisible bond, a stronger connection between the two of you. You had laughed, the solution to a problem that had arose as quickly as it had been solved was sitting in front of the two of you and the prospect that Grima had picked a fight with Time- a metaphysical thing- had finally registered.
The Fell Dragon unabashed, watched the little creature below him giggle, a human that belonged to him in now both body and spirit. When you had finished your fit of laughter, you had looked up at him and uttered 3 little words that had him going far beyond consummating your bond.
Yes, he had won it all.
Solved his problem through making your body his, showed off to the maggot that instigated this, your affection seemed to have doubled, and he found a new pastime that he very much intended to indulge in much more than he had.
A gentle squeeze on his hand pulled him out of his thoughts, turning to look at you, he was slightly blinded by the brilliant smile you had flashed him.
Grima was hit with the sudden urge to reenact what had occurred in your bedroom. Looking ahead, he took notice of the broom closet further down the hall.
How perfect...
"So your plan failed spectacularly."
Julius narrowed his eyes at the new arrival standing next to him, watching you and the reptile walk away.
"Hmph. That lizard only strengthened his clutches on them. I was sure at the very least that it would cause a rift between them.
Ugh, how droll...no matter, I shall make them mine eventually. He's merely a place holder."
Valter laughed.
"Yours? Perhaps you haven't noticed but the Summoner is my prey."
Julius scoffed,
"Surely you jest, I've made it clear that I intend to lay my hands upon them."
The air was dangerous, one waiting for the other to make a move. A lance and a tome at the ready, neither afraid to end a life.
But the tension dissipated as the loud threatening rumble of a dragon was heard in the distance...
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
Robcina Week 4/16/19: Winter "Planning for the Present."
As the seasons change, so to do the emotions that surround society. And within the Shepherds there was a growing sense of joy for the coming holiday season, however they all knew that there was still a job to do. “Hmm…” Robin looked over a map while deep in concentration, “What if we… No that wouldn’t work… Damn…” He scratched his head since for the first time in quite a while he was stumped. “You doing alright?” Chrom asked walking into the tactician's tent, Robin looked over and nodded at him before turning back to the map.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that I’m a bit stumped, after that last battle I don’t really know what to do…” He mumbled a bit at the end as he fell back into his mind. “Heh, that’s not like you.” Chrom chuckled now right next to him and looking at the same map. “What do you think we should do? Because both options we have seem to be equally as dangerous…” He rubbed his chin. “Well since they fled into the mountains, I think it would be unwise to head after them. There is a chance it’s a trap after all.” Chrom gave his input causing Robin to sigh in response. “That’s what I thought too, but at the same time I don’t know if that fear is really warranted in this situation. It could always just be that they fled in fear and hoped we wouldn’t follow, but either way we spin it I don’t think we should risk it. The rest of the group is pretty tired after all, plus it’s cold out and there is a high chance of snow up on those mountains.” Robin grumbled over being this stuck.
“Well it's not as if we need to chase after them, besides it wouldn’t be wise of us to risk an avalanche, like you said everyone is pretty worn out and I don’t think we would really be able to survive a disaster of that scope.” He brought up a point that Robin hadn’t really thought of. Robin scratched his head a bit more before letting out a defeated sigh and rolling up the map, *skif* he placed it back in the crate that held all the rest of their maps. “You might be right, it would probably be best if we just let everyone rest and relax for a few days. Besides Christmas is coming up, and there is a town nearby so why not just have a bit of fun with it? I know it would boost moral, plus…” He mumbled something under his breath causing Chrom to raise an eyebrow. “Huh?” He questioned his friend who started to blush a bit before hiding his face in embarrassment.
Chrom chuckled before elbowing Robin, “I got you, so what do you have planned?” He asked Robin who was still blushing. “N-Nothing really.” He said turning his head to the side not wanting to make eye contact to a now very suspicious Chrom. “Are you sure it’s nothing? The great tactician Robin has nothing planned for Christmas??” He joked as Robin twiddled with his fingers. “Well… It’s not so much a plan, as it is a thought I had.” Robin mumbled a bit, “I was thinking of asking Lucina if she wanted to go out and eat something on Christmas Eve. I intended on getting her a dress and a coat for the season… Well to be more accurate I ordered the two of them in advance, and they are supposed to be done by Christmas.” He explained to a very impressed Chrom.
“Wow… When a tactician plans something, they really go all out. Don’t they.” He said with a big smile on his face. “Here…” Robin said fumbling through his robes for a few pieces of parchment. “This is the dress, and this is the coat. Or at least what they’re supposed to look like.” He handed the two to Chrom who looked over them. The dress was a long and flowing royal blue dress made of silk adorned with white and golden exalt symbols, the sleeves and bottom portions of the dress had double layers of frill to them, the inside layer being a lighter shade of blue. And the coat was another thing all together, it was a beautiful combination of blue and white accents, the inside being lined with the finest of white rabbit fur, the outside however was a navy blue fleece with a white exalt symbol on proud display on the front right breast area along with a larger symbol on the back adorned with azure blue butterflies flying around the symbol.
Chrom was stunned by the clothing he was shone, “Are these custom made?” He asked Robin who nodded in response. “Yeah… Do you think she’ll like them?” He asked Chrom an honest question, Chrom handed Robin back the parchmetens. “Like? Robin, I think she’ll love them. She’ll love them not only because they’re gorgeous, but because they’re a gift from you.” He gave Robin a straightforward response. “I hope so… It’s just been really tricky trying to figure out what kind of gift to get her since she doesn’t really like a whole lot of material things.” He admitted his fears to Chrom who sighed in return, “I know just how you feel, me and her mother have been trying for quite a while to get her whatever she wants. But Lucina’s been really stubborn about not wanting anything… But Robin, are you sure you wanted to get all of this? It looks really expensive, it kinda reminds me of something Emm would have wore…” Chrom spoke without thinking and caused the mood to grow a bit sour.
The two of them looked down in mourning, “I know it’s been hard on you guys… But if you ever need anything, especially in this time of year. Please don’t hesitate to ask me.” Robin patted Chrom’s shoulder. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that around this time of year I start to feel bad about what it is that Emm is missing out on… All because of my mistakes…” Chrom choked up at the end of his sentence. “You’re more than welcome to spend Christmas with us if you want to Chrom. Unless you have something planned with the queen that day.” Robin posed to Chrom who shook his head. “It’s alright, I’m going to have to pass on that. But thank you for the offer, besides I don’t think Lucina would be all too happy with us intruding on your date.” He chuckled while wiping a tear from his eye.
“Well if you’re sure about that. Anyway, I need to go find Lucina and check if she doesn’t mind going out with me on Christmas Eve.” Robin said as he made sure that the pages he pulled out were placed safely in his robe. Chrom waved Robin goodbye as he headed out of the tent in search of Lucina. Robin looked around the camp for a few minutes before finding her here she normally was. “Herrah!” Lucina shouted as she hit the training dummy, “Afternoon dear.” Robin greeted her as he made his way next to her. Lucina looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Afternoon to you too. So, what are you here for? Something important, or did you just come by to see me?” She asked Robin as she stuck her sword into the ground and leaned on it a bit.
“Well a bit of both actually.” He responded before taking a deep breath, “Lucina I-” He was interrupted when something cold hit his head. He looked up with a puzzled look on his face, ‘Snow? That was unexpected.’ He thought about it for a second, ‘Maybe it was a good idea not to head into the mountains…’ He sighed in relief before looking back at Lucina who was in shock with her sword in her hand now looking around frantically. “Are we under attack?!” She asked while preparing to attack whoever caused this. “No, this is just snow… You do know what snow is, right?” He asked her. “S-Snow? Really? I’ve never seen it before, I’ve heard stories of it before but never seen it with my own eyes.” She explained, “Really?” Robin questioned in shock.
“Well, yes… In the future, because Grima took over. The sky was always black, and while it was cold, it was never cold enough for snow.” She explained with a bit of a grim expression on her face. Robin looked at her and decided on his next move, *Sqish* he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug warming her up a bit and causing her to blush. “Th-Thanks Robin, but why now?” She asked him in surprise. Robin smiled at her, “Well, you looked like you could use one. Besides I kinda wanted to give you one myself.” He admitted. “Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me somewhere on Christmas Eve?” He asked her with a bit of nervousness in his voice. Lucina smiled at him, “Yes. I would love to Robin, although this will be my first time ever celebrating something relating to the holidays. I hope I’m not too much of a bother because of it.” She said worryingly. Robin chuckled, “Well it’ll be the first time for me too. And y’know there’s always a first time for everything, and I would love nothing more than to spend all of the holidays with you.” He gave her an honest answer that made the two of them blush and chuckle.
“Burr~” Lucina shivered as the cold air caught up to her, Robin smiled and took off his Robe, ‘That coat will definitely come in handy.’ He thought with a smile as he wrapped his robe around Lucina. “Come on dear, let's head off to our tent. It’s getting a bit too cold to stay out here for now, besides we need to start planning our date.” He said while grabbing her hand that was deep inside of his oversized robe’s sleeve. Lucina pulled the robe around her, tightened it and giggled. “This robe’s a bit warm, don’t you think?” She asked him as the two of them walked off to their tent, “I would hope so. I kinda just hope it isn’t too big for you.” He said as it dragged a bit on the floor. “Isn’t it a bit big on you dear?” She asked him as she wrapped her arm around his, “Fair point.” He laughed as the snow fell heavily and their footprints embedded themselves in the ground.
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andagames · 5 years
Rinslet’s Resort Review
(A drabble ahead!)
Aether Resorts are far too wholesome for me, so I’m turning coverage on this over to my Summoner. shoves journal into Rinslet’s hands
Rinslet sighs. “Look, An, I’m entirely unsuited for this kind of wholesome documentation too.”
Ah, but you’re the one directly in charge of the units in Askr.
And you’re the one with establishing and building relationships with them, not me. Besides, I have Food Souls to attend to as well.
She casts a glum, uncertain expression down on the leatherbound notebook in her hands. “I suppose there’s no other way about this, is there?”
At least you get to choose who to send to the resort. I’m sure they’ll appreciate you for it.
“Well then...”
Tumblr media
“I hope you all take well to vacation.”
Resort Notes, Day 1 Sunny
Getting these Heroes to actually enjoy their downtime is more difficult than you’d think. Especially so with cerebral types like Robin, Morgan, and Canas, who insisted on taking their studies with them despite this opportunity to smell and taste fresh air, rather than their dusty tomes.
Morgan loosened up first, in huge thanks to Keaton dragging the kid off to “look for treasures.” They’ve already built an impressive bug collection, but Keaton’s now having a hard time convincing Morgan to let the roach in to the “treasure box.”
I swear, if they bring that damn box to me again to show off their “treasures,” I will shove both of them over the edge of this floating rock.
Grima more or less keeps to himself, as expected. He neither chases off or welcomes the others I’ve brought over to the resort, and seems perfectly content with sleeping under the trees here. Whenever he starts sky-watching, it’s almost like he’s seeing past the clouds and stars, to some distant world he’s decided to keep a personal secret. Morgan’s asked, but all Grima says, with that usual creepy smile of his, is, “If this ship would sail higher, I’d be able to show you what I see, but, our dear Summoner has no desire to participate in the raids. Shame, isn’t it?”
Oh stuff it, lizard breath.
Canas has taken to sky-watching with Grima as well. I’m sure it’s because Grima’s whispering his dark secrets, but Canas remains as grounded and amiable as ever. He continues reading in Grima’s shadow even now as I write today’s entry, and honestly? I don’t think Canas will ever be affected by Grima’s persuasion. Watching him reading with that content smile is proof enough for me.
This place, with its cool breeze and crisp air, the babble of trickling water and humming wind--has definitely blown off the burdens on these Heroes’ shoulders. If even Robin’s able to look like this next to Grima
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I don’t have much to worry about, do I?
...Robin did eventually ask me to join him for a quiet walk around the resort’s fountains. It was nice, being able to stay at his side without it becoming another council of war. Understanding sort of dawned on him the moment he looked up from the ground, to the fountain water, and then the sky.
“We could touch the heavens here,” he said. He offered his hand to me. “Shall we, then?”
A lot of the things he says lately have this twinge to them, like his words pull me into something we both want of each other. He’s gentle, yet provocative, almost sultry in tone, always light and kind.
I very much like the opportunity the Aether Resort’s providing.
Rinslet is the protagonist of Changing Breaths, which you can find at either of these links: ((AO3 | fanfiction.net))
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josies-feh-stuff · 6 years
Even Death Gods have Soft Spots
By Josie Jones
“You know, for a death god, you sure are cuddly...” Chrom teased, smiling down fondly at none other than Grima, the fell reincarnation himself. Although, at the moment, the fell dragon was far less threatening.
Both were naked with nothing but the thin sheets of Chrom’s cot covering them. Chrom laid on his back with one arm wrapped tightly about Grima’s toned, slender, body and the other combed gently though Grima’s soft white hair as the fell dragon cuddled happily into the paladin’s side.
Up until now the only sound that had penetrated the comfortable silence had been the soft sound of the dragon’s content purring -a rumble that could be felt just as well as it could be heard when Grima was happy enough to make it- but this noise quickly ceased the moment the exalt’s teasing words left his mouth. Grima turned a deep shade of scarlet as the innocent expression he had previously been wearing turned to that of a glower, the pale skin around his nose crinkled allowing his sharp fangs to appear under his slightly swollen lips in a sneer. “Silence, worm” The mighty lizard snarled with an attempt at bravado. But his mask of ferocity quickly slipped as Grima tried to snuggle closer and nuzzle the hand in his hair in a nonchalant manner. Chrom chuckled at the reaction, knowing full well by now that this was simply an act. Then, the exalt leaned in and kisses his lover tenderly on the temple, giving him a small squeeze in the process. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, I like it when you act like this~.” Chrom could practically feel the heat emanating from Grima as his deep blush spread across his slightly pointed ears and traveled down his neck, illuminating the wonderful marks Chrom had left there mere minutes ago. Without saying another word, the dragon’s purr returned and increased in volume as he nuzzled back into the knight’s warm neck. Chrom’s smile broadened as he went back to gently needing his finger tips into his lover’s scalp.
The knight couldn’t help but laugh inwardly when he recognized the position he found himself in. It was incredible to think how much had changed since he had first been summoned to the kingdom of Askr. It had been quite unnerving the first week, seeing an alternate version of himself walking around the castle and married to a male incarnation of his close friend and tactician, Robin. But the biggest shock to Chrom’s system had come the first time he crossed paths with Grima. “Grima!” The exalt had shouted, brandishing the sealed falchion with a look of pure rage. “What are you doing here, dastard?!” Grima had merely smirked and chuckled in reply.
But before Chrom could do anything reckless, the summoner -a chubby woman by the named of Josie- had stepped between them, holding up her arms protectively. “Woah there buddy!” Said Josie with a look of panic -fearing her +1 fell reincarnation would be utterly vaporized by the hasty noble. “Just calm down man! I put a lot of work into this guy and I’d rather you NOT turn him into a dragon shish kabob!” She added with a look of pride. “What?!” Said Chrom in complete confusion and horror, causing him to lower his sword involuntarily. Grima let out a laugh, causing both Chrom and Josie to look at him. “Why summoner, I never knew you cared so much~.” The fell dragon teased. Josie went beat red “shut up you asshole!”
After that the summoner made a feeble attempt to clumsily explain to Chrom that Grima had been summoned by her just as Chrom himself. “But I thought you said only heroes could be summoned...” the exalt pointed out. “Look man, I don’t make the rules, I just shoot the gun and pray for a good unit!” The summoner retorted, she always hated having to explain things she knew little about, especially to a new unit that she didn’t trust yet. Chrom eventually accepted this explanation and simply tried his best to avoid Grima at all cost.
Some time later, the summoner had approached Chrom again. Her face was bright red with a sheepish expression as Grima trailed behind her looking as smug as ever. “You want us to work together?!” Chrom could not believe what he was hearing, him the exalt work with his nemesis?! This was insanity! Josie blushed deeper and shrunk nervously, refusing to look Chrom in the eye. “I-I mean I guess you could say that...” then she began to mumble unintelligible, the only words Chrom could make out was “crack ship” whatever that meant. “Look, I don’t like it anymore than you do but there’s nothing you can do about it, worm!” Grima snarled, quickly loosing his temper. Chrom looked at Grima for the first time and nearly jumped at what he saw. As expected, the dragon was staring directly at him, his red eyes easily piercing Chrom as though he could see into the Exalt’s very soul. But what he didn’t expect to see was the nearly invisible dusting of pink that stained Grima pale cheeks turning his expression to something more along the lines of...no that couldn’t be. In an odd sort of way, Chrom could help but think that Grima, the FELL DRAGON HIMSELF was...was...disappointed?! What could he possibly be disappointed about?! Had he actually WANTED to be paired with his arch rival and nemesis?!
Why yes, yes he had. Chrom later discovered that Grima had asked the summoner for a new support partner, after his first had been married off to a different man.
Suddenly, Chrom was pulled from his thoughts by the sensation of fangs sinking teasingly into his shoulder. The exalted Knight yelped in surprise and looked down to see Grima hard at work on a new hicky -as if he didn’t have enough already. Once he was finished, Grima pressed a quick kiss to his handy work before looking up at Chrom with a smirk. The exalt went bright pink “What was that for?” He asked with a firm pout. Grima frowned then leaned up and pressed an apologetic kiss to Chrom’s flushed cheek. “Ignoring me.” The dragon replied, feeling very bitter over the fact that Chrom had completely tuned out the rare whine of disappointment Grima had made when Chrom’s hand had stopped moving.
Being so prideful, Grima would deny being capable of making such weak and pitiful noises, but in Chrom’s strong embrace Grima felt safe enough to let an occasional whine slip out whenever he was feeling sleepy or love starved. These whines would typically receive a loving smile from Chrom. “What’s wrong love?” Was usually the first words out of his mouth, followed by a gentle hair ruffle or tender kiss.
The fact that Chrom had ignored his plea for attention made Grima’s chest tighten with disappointment, not that he’d ever admit to feeling this way. A loving smile quickly formed on the exalt’s radiant face, thinking back to something Josie had once said. “Deep down I think Grima just wants to be loved.” In moments like this Chrom couldn’t agree more.
In one swift motion, Chrom wrapped his arms around Grima and pulled the smaller man’s body onto his own muscular form. Grima went bright red and gasped in surprise but this gasp quickly turned to a soft groan as the exalt’s warm hands began to run up and down his back - his short but effective finger nails occasionally dragging along bare skin, leaving a pleasant tingle in their wake. The mighty beast was reduced to little more than a pile goo, melting into his lover’s strong body as his purr made a valiant return.
“Better?” Asked Chrom with a look of smug satisfaction - if he had known how easily Grima could be toppled by affection, he would have used it to his advantage back in his world!
Grima gave a soft hum and nod in response, already starting to feel tired in his lover’s warm embrace. Chrom’s smile broadened as he leaned down and kissed the top of Grima’s head.
In the end, Chrom had never expected to fall in love with his arch nemesis, but now that he had, Chrom wouldn’t trade it for anything...and neither would Grima.
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brokenexalt · 6 years
Smashing Nightmares
“NO!” She shouted, popping up out of bed. The most recent nightmare was dancing around in her head as she shot up, sweating a bunch. It was all a dream right? Not something that would happen? She took a look around her room. There was no sense of dread. Everything seemed to be normal around here. The manor was still the same as it was. She figured that some fighters had woken up from her scream as well. How many had been lost in that - no, it shouldn’t matter. It was just a dream. Everyone was okay...right?
It was beginning again. One moment everything seemed fine - she was gathered around her new friends and she was beginning to think that she would be okay and grow to get the strength to head home and fight her war. Everyone had done so much to support her. And it was precisely this which made her foolish. She knew deep down that her problems were not solved and would find their way back to her soon.
The Smash world soon found itself flooded with a sense of dread - one Lucina was familiar with. Her hand immediately went to Falchion and began looking around. Did one of the Robin’s give in to Grima? She couldn’t let this world become like her home land. The first place that ended up exploding was a nearby battlefield. Risen seemed to be coming out of the ground. The other fighters came out and were prepared for a battle. After all, they had gone through so much together.
The only people around that knew exactly what this was were the other Robin’s in the fight and Chrom. Besides that? No one knew the power of Grima. She grit her teeth and continued on, slashing through Risen after Risen. A familiar voice came out from behind her. “Princess are you crazy going off alone?” She spun around and saw that familiar shit eating grin. She was relieved to see that Akira was unharmed, but he had to take this serious.
“Akira, this is not a normal fight. This...I fear this might be a case that my mother found me again.” She said softly when he got closer. And being the gentleman thief he was he stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Then we just have to stop her right? Also, don’t frown princess. It’s not like you.” He teased. And with that he went off, slicing through a few more Risen.
Shaking her head, she turned around and continued on. The other fighters would sometimes join them but for the most part it was Lucina and Akira fighting side by side. Even Master Hand and Crazy Hand seemed to show up now and then to fight off this horde that didn’t belong. She had a fleeting thought that they would be able to win - that was, till she saw the commanders of the army and froze.
Standing in front of her was three people - her brother, her father, and some other girl she did not recognize. She seemed like her brother in a way though. Her grip on Falchion grew a bit tigher and Akira noticed, placing a hand on her. That certainly got a reaction out of her father and brother, who both charged Akira right away. “You keep your hands off her! SHE’S OURS!” Came from Morgan, who fired off a Thoron blast at Akira, piercing his arm.
“NO!” She shouted, spinning around and lunging towards them. She couldn’t lose more people that she cared about. When she got in close, someone had come around and slammed their weight onto her and pinned her onto the ground. She cried out in pain, turning her head to see who it was. “My my, I didn’t think you’d grow feelings for someone like this.” The girl said, who then laughed and looked down at her. “Mother surely won’t like hearing this.”
She was about to yell as something hit her head, causing her to spin. She could hear off in the distance Akira calling out for her. As she turned her head towards him she felt her head hit the ground as her vision slowly faded away. The last thing she recalled was being dragged away somewhere else.
Moments later she woke up to a familiar sight - the Outrealms Portal that was used to invade the Smash world. Beyond the gate was her world which lay in ruins. “Go on! It’s time for a home coming!” Called out the voice that kicked her forward. She tumbled around since her arms and everything were bound by chains, once more falling down into the chaos of her world. It was horrific yet here she was. A second chance at her fight - though she was already starting to lose.
The chains breaking around her was a surprise she didn’t expect, along with a sword being thrown at her feet. She clutched the familiar sight, blinking. Why would they return Falchion to her? She looked around to see no one else in sight. She was alone again - something she would fix. She spun around and cleaved the Risen stalking her in two. She had to go on of course.
Dashing through her world she looked for anyone else. There had to be other Smashers that survived. She had a feeling this was Grima’s plan - to get everyone together into one area and crush the remaining feelings of hope left in her. Every time her mother wanted to destroy everything. She couldn’t have it this time. She had to be stopped - not just for her, but for the others. They all had to go back to their own worlds to deal with their own issues.
When she came across a familiar ruined castle, she slid to a stop. There were some bones scattered about and she knew what was here. This had to be the place that her mother would be hiding - Ylisse castle. The place where it all began. The place where her nightmares continued to be fueled. The memories should not stop her. “Finally you’re here! Thought you’d run away again.” Called a taunting voice. She spun around and came face to face with her brother. “What? Not happy to see me?” He taunted.
The people that he had captured in front of him caught her attention. “What do you plan to do with father and Roy?!” She called out. His face went from glee to one of anger. “He’s not our father! He died a long time ago and failed to help mother!” He shouted, driving a sword down onto Chrom’s arm - right where his brand was. His cry of pain rang in the area and she didn’t want more to go on. “Stop! You’ll kill him!” She shouted, dashing forward to swipe at him, only to once more be pinned. He laughed out, staring down at her. “Ever so predicable! Wanting to protect the people you care about. That’s your weakness sister. You can’t win.”
This time, he brought out another face. “NO! Don’t hurt him!” She shouted. There was the phantom thief, his head looking down and bound in chains. The blood that was already running down his face told her he had fought hard, but lost. Yet he didn’t seem dead yet. “Please...not him...” She started to beg. Not again. She couldn’t lose another person. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” She shouted out as another sword came down and - 
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iturbide · 4 years
Ask memes are always fun. Can I please ask 18 and 30? Thank you.
Of course you can! ❤
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Oh gosh this is tough because honestly there are a lot of little things I’m proud of across my works but let’s start here because this never seems to get attention despite it being one of my favorite things about Future Built chapter 15:
“Where do you want me?”
The tactician whirled as Chrom shouldered his way through the crowd with sword in hand.  “I want you with the rest of the injured,” Robin hissed.
“I’m not leaving you to this fight alone,” the prince said.
“In your condition, going into battle is suicide.”
“The healers said I was free to move about camp--”
“There’s a difference between daily activities and a godsdamn war, Chrom.”
“I’m the captain--”
“And I’m your tactician, so listen to me when I say keep back.”
“Chrom, I swear on Grima’s bones if you don’t keep back in this fight I will drag you back and tie you down.”
The prince stared as the tactician struggled to rein in his emotions.  “Did you just threaten me?”
“Will it convince you to listen if I say yes?”
The captain raised an eyebrow.
Robin is normally a master of his own emotions, preferring to push them down so that he can think through things.  The whole incident in the Plegia Castle Courtyard had a big impact on him, though, and Chrom’s apparent disregard for his own health and safety isn’t helping his attempts at keeping his cool.  But the big thing is really his oath: despite growing up in Ferox, Robin was still raised Grimleal by his mother, and she didn’t shy away from swearing in heated moments (’for Grima’s sake’ was a favorite when she was exasperated).  To her, making an oath on Grima’s bones was an indelible promise, and something she did not use lightly; even before coming to Ylisse, Robin treated it with similar gravity, and after crossing the border he was especially careful to keep more suspect language like that to himself. 
In that moment, though?  He is dead serious about keeping Chrom out of further danger, and needs a way to express that.  So even though he’s keeping his voice low to avoid anyone else hearing, he makes that oath on Grima’s bones, clear proof that he’s not messing around here -- and Chrom, who has never heard Robin speak Grima’s name when they weren’t completely alone, recognizes the gravity of that choice and wisely backs down.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. 
I have too many AUs.  Also too many WiPs, which is a related issue.  There are a ton of longfics that I want to write at some point, but why not dig deep: for every fandom I engage in, I tend to have a single magnum opus that I pour a frankly absurd amount of love and care into.  They tend to be monsters -- Future Built is my Awakening opus, for example -- and bundle up a lot of things that I find important or meaningful.  One of my very first fandoms was actually Ace Attorney, and someday I intend to go back to that fandom and write my opus, since I’ve been sitting on the concept for literal years now but haven’t gotten all the necessary details hashed out like profiles, evidence, etc.  It was actually inspired by another fic I read and took issue with -- I wasn’t fond of how they portrayed Miles Edgeworth, for one, and the conceit of Phoenix getting tried for Edgeworth’s murder hinged on that (in my view flawed) characterization -- so I decided to write something in a similar vein that fixed what seemed so off to me...which meant a complete role reversal, and ends up with Maya having to defend Edgeworth in court when he’s accused of murdering Phoenix Wright.  Although it’s nowhere near ready to write yet, I do have at least a general plot progression, a ton of planned scenes, and a title -- ‘Crime of Passion’ because if I’m gonna write a story about lawyers you bet I’m gonna go ham on legal terminology.
Behind the Scenes Asks
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echoedfates-archive · 6 years
A Mad King’s Prince
So I’ll probably end up writing up all of the various parent dependant backstories for Accalon, but Gangrel comes first given just how different it is. For now, the others can be assumed as Ace grew up in Ylisse being prepared to take the throne, though that may change for Robin as well.
This has been discussed briefly with @tomestobetold, but discussed further and finalised with @regaldisaster, and has ended up having elements of both of their ideas on how Gangrel!Accalon can work as a concept. Other Emmeryns and Gangrels are welcome to default to what I’m about to type (obviously barring specific headcanons to this specific muses), or talk to me about another work around. Gangalon contradicts canon, so there will need to be some discussion.
With tensions still high years after the previous exalt’s demise, advisers from both nations came to the conclusion that a political marriage was the only way to prevent war from breaking out once more between Ylisse and Plegia. Whilst it is more traditional for a princess to enter such a thing as opposed to a country’s ruler, Emmeryn wished to spare her sister from that, and married the mad king. 
The public knew little of the nature of their relationship, and how well they either cared for or tolerated each other. However, a child was born of the union... Even if it was not enough to prevent the mad king from destroying their truce, and taking the boy with him prior to declaring an end to the peace.
With the war dragging out right to when Valm became a real threat, there was no real opportunity to recover Accalon and bring him back to his mother’s homeland. It was difficult for his uncle to even justify a thing, even if it were possible: with Gangrel dead, Accalon became the only remaining heir to the Plegian throne, whereas Ylisse had Princess Lucina. It would be ridiculous not to let him claim his birthright.
And so Accalon was raised as a prince of Plegia... In a sense. Naturally, a toddler could not rule, and thus authority lay with his adviser and regent, Validar.
Except the acting ruler had a goal in mind; one that did not involve a child of Naga ushering in a new age for Plegia. But young Accalon was never to know what was going on behind the scenes, until it was too late. He was raised with rose-tinted glasses, never truly knowing the atrocities his father had brought forth. Whilst he did not hate Ylisse, his opinion was manipulated to not be a high one either. Otherwise, he was left to live a life of luxury, never truly being taught the pressures and responsibility of royalty.
Prince Accalon of Plegia was nothing more than a puppet used to control the throne.
With Grima’s revival, there was no use for him anymore. Whilst neither Validar nor Aversa made any effort to be rid of the boy, they didn’t particularly care if he survived either. As such, having been taken to the Dragon’s Table, Accalon was simply abandoned there, left to either be crushed under the rubble or torn limb from limb by the newly created risen. Had his Aunt Lissa not found him, Ace surely would have died that day.
So from then on, he was raised under the care of his sole living adult relative, and slowly became friends with the other children, despite the obstacles in place. What few hard feelings he had towards Ylissians eventually vanished, now that he was able to judge them with his own eyes... Though a hatred of the Grimleal did grow, having learned of his mother’s fate as well as realising how badly used he had been. On the other hand, there was little to change the high opinion he had of his father.
That was until Accalon joined Plegia’s ranks in the past timeline, believing he was serving under a misunderstood, but just king. Never did he reveal his true identity, but it mattered not. He was content... Until his mother’s death.
Accalon was there the day Ylisse’s exalt jumped, and was in prime position to hear his father’s cackle and mockery of her sacrifice. That was the moment the illusion shattered, adding one more name to the list of those Ace would rather see dead.
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firexfled · 6 years
Fell Childen (part 1/???)
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 6:53 PM
Prolouge: Son of Grima
How long has it been since the world fell into ruins? Days? Months? Years? It's been so long, I can't keep track. I can't even remember how long it has been since I got to see my mother alive. Ever since they announced her death, I had a feeling in my chest... Like no other. As if... She was still alive. They never found her body, so they presumed she died. As for Chrom, the past Exhalt, he was found dead. His body brought back. I remember seeing Lucina in tears. Holding her father's sword close to her. She was mourning, and had something that was close to her. As for me, I never did mourn. Sure, I did cry a little... I lied, it was a lot. Most of the time was before sleeping. Others was during study. As the years went by and the world continued to go into ruin even more by the fell dragon, Grima, we continued to fight harder for peace. One by one, our friends familes started to get slaughtered... Only leaving us children to defend our world. Lucina, the future exhalt, led the battle. As for me, I was their general tactician. I say "was" for a reason... A dark reason that I regret to this very day...
Some nights, I had these strange dreams. Dreams of seeing my mother, but... She wasn't like herself. She told me what and who I was. That in truth, I am the son of not only the greatest tactician, Robin... But I am also the son... of Grima. I continued to refuse the truth. But then when I look at the top of my right hand, it does look a lot like my mother's hand. If that is the case, then mother... Is mother really the fell dragon herself? In order to find out the truth behind everything, she gave me an option. One that I will always regret choosing. One is that I join her side and she would tell me everything I would want to know... Or that soon my body would be taken over by the fell blood and try to force me to commit homicide against one of my friends. As soon as I heard my options, I shoot up... As if I was an arrow let loose from it's bow and string. My heart was racing as I was trying to process everything. After a few days, I have decided... I packed up all my stuff... and fled in the middle of the night. And soon before I knew it, there I was, standing on the cliff, facing the six-eyed dragon, Grima... Those red eyes were burned into my memory, sending chills down my spine. And this is when I knew, at this very moment...
I am the son of Grima
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:05 PM
Chapter 1: One and the Same
After weeks of working for mother, Grima, I've gotten quite use to the surroundings of me. Even though it was pretty... Dark. But not all the time was it dark. It's actually quite interesting when you are done for the day or when you find a rest in breaks. Why? It's because I get to interact with someone very close to me. Her name is Morgan.(edited)
When I arrived, I met a perculiar firgure. The same size, height, attire, exactly like me... Except when the hood lowered, it was a female face. One that almost looks a lot like mine. Though her hair was quite messy and a bit longer, we practically looked as if we were twins. Grima explained to me that her name was also Morgan, and that she is the same as me... Well, not entirely. Different personalities, that is for sure. And we were differemt genders, as if we were part of a pararell dimension. But even so, she has that... glow around her. And it's like... One day I would be depressed, then she would cheer me up. And when she's depressed, I would cheer her up.
After talking with her, it turns out she used to have a father named Robin as well. Same name as my mother. I bet they both would look very similar, heh. We also talked much about our pasts. The same people we met, same situations, just different... Interactions. It was all very interesting. After a while, we made a promise. Even though we are not related by blood, we will look after each other's backs, no matter how big or small the situation gets. And to myself...
I promise to protect her
Chapter 2: Silence and Darkness
Today, me and Morgan was sent to stop the future children... More likely kill them. What choice did we have? Either way, they have to die... Right? Well... We were wrong. All that time of studying and planning our ambush and attack on them.... was all for nothing, as we failed
Now standing next to Morgan, head down as we stood in front of the throne room, where Grima sat at, my body trembled on the inside, my heart racing. Gods, I continued to think "This is it. This is where we die." I look over to Morgan to see her trembling as well, and I reached my hand out to hold hers, squeezing it lightly, whispering "It's gonna be okay. I'm here with you" I hope that would calm her down
Grima - Today at 7:23 PM
One job, one job! That's all these damn brats were given, yet they failed. The other brats live on! and here are these failures, with their heads bowed, right in front of me. "I am very disappointed in you two." My voice leaves my throat like a growl, and I narrow my eyes at the failures. "You were supposed to kill those damn kids, yet reports say that they are all still alive, why is that?"
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:25 PM
As I heard her voice, my heart began to race faster and faster. My head, still not looking up at the fell god.
Grima - Today at 7:30 PM
"Answer me, worms, now!" I growl again, glaring at these pathetic useless lumps of flesh. They should be better than this! they have my blood flowing through their veins! Ah, the girl finally looked up, her eyes meeting mine, but there wasn't fear in those brown orbs, oh no, she seemed very, very calm. The words that leaves her lips nearly set me into a rage! "If you want them dead so badly, why don't you kill them yourself?"
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:33 PM
"M-Morgan!" What the hell is she thinking?! Talking to Grima like that. Oh gods, she could be killed in an instant "What are you doing?!" I whisper to her "You realize what you just said?"
Grima - Today at 7:35 PM
I flicker my eyes over to the boy as he leans over and whispers into the girls ear, he was too quiet for me to make out any words, but I notice that the girl's lips start forming a smile as she whispers something back. What ever they are saying, I have a feeling that it would only make me want to burn them even more.
(Morgan's words: Don't worry, Marc~ I have a plan~)
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:38 PM
Wait, what plan is she talking about?! Did I miss something along the way? No, I know we never discussed anything about a plan. I shake my head, worried that we both might get killed together
Grima - Today at 7:41 PM
"You have quite the bite, young lady, I am afraid that I might have to cut that tongue of yours out~ or maybe rip your vocal cords from your throat?" I let out a dark chuckle, of course I would enjoy that very much, watching her bleed, and not being able to scream~ gods, just the thought of it makes me feel so alive!
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:44 PM
"No! Please don't!" I screamed out, quickly covering my mouth from my outburst. Gods, now I'M gonna probably get killed. Morgan, whatever plan you have, I have a bad feeling about it, at this rate.
Grima - Today at 7:51 PM
I glare at the boy, and snap my fingers, risen appearing and holding the boy down. And then I return my gaze back to the girl, and stand from my seat, my boots echoing against the floor. A slander hand grabs the girls chin, lifting it up, as I smile, before digging right into her throat, with my bare hand. My finger's grasping the very thing that allows the girl to make noise, and ripping it right out, there was a tearing sound, and a gurgle, I drop the removed pieces, and then turn and sit back on my chair. "...Make sure that she doesn't die of that wound, she still has use, after all~" I say to another risen, watching as it drags the girl out of the room, a trail of blood left where she was minutes before.
Turning my attention back to the boy, I grin widely. "Now, what should your punishment be~?"
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 7:54 PM
I try to get up to go after her. Gods, why did this have to happen? It's all my fault. I should have been more throughly with the planning and traps. "Why? Why did you do that? Let me go! I have to see her! She needs me!"
Grima - Today at 7:56 PM
"Now, now, darling~ Be a dear and be quiet for mommy, alright~?" I lick at the mess on my hand, as I think of what I should do to this boy. "Let me see here... how about I cut a finger or two off? perhaps a whole hand? hmm... decisions, decisions~"
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 8:08 PM
Oh gods, what is she saying? No, if that happens, I won't be able to fight like I use to. Mother, I need mother. Gods, think, Morgan, think think think. "Mother... Please... She had nothing to do with the loss! It was me... I didn't... I didn't check it all! I was the one who messed up! Please..." I cried, staring at the ground before closing my eyes tightly. Just let me go, please, I continue to think over in my head... Until I heard her voice....
Grima - Today at 8:15 PM
I suddenly get an idea. "You said you want to see her, right?" I motion a risen over to me, and then whisper into it's ear. The risen leaves, and comes back with a small blade, I take the blade, and stand up once more, walking up to the boy, and stabbing his eyes. "You better scream for me, dear~ I want to hear your misery and pain~" I whisper, as I hand the blade back to the risen. "Take him away, their punishments are over."
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 8:53 PM
Before I could process all she had said, I scream out in agony and pain as I felt the sharp blade piercing my eyes. I could feel the oozing warm liquid flowing down my cheeks. At this rate, I was wanting to die. But I didn't, just the pain and darkness that surounds me. All I could do was call out "Mother! Mother! Please! Mother!" I called out to the darkness, reaching my hands out
"Mother! Where are you?! Please!"
Grima - Today at 8:59 PM
I can hear his cries, and I just close my teary eyes myself, wanting to comfort him... but I can't... moving is too painful right now, the wound on my neck is excruciating. I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, but I can't, i can't even whimper, no noise comes out. So I am stuck here, in pain, and having to listen to the other suffer...
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 9:00 PM
And just like that... There was only silence... And darkness...
Chapter 4: Comfort Touch
I guess I fell to sleep, though I can't see. Only images I have previously seen was in my head. That was it, nothing but a sea of darkness. But where am I? "Hello?" I try to call out "Hello? Anyone there?" I try to stand up, only to fall back down. I reach my hand up to touch my eyes, only to feel a cloth that has replaced my open wounded eye flesh. I began to cry, which made the pain even worse, which made me cry even more. I never asked for anything like this. All I wanted was a normal life with a normal family... To live with mother and father... Happily... "Why... Please... Somebody... Anyone... Please!" I cry out once more
Grima - Today at 9:08 PM
I reach my hand to his, listening to his cries is painful... so very painful... I look at him from the corner of my eye, knowing that moving my head would be too painful. I want to tell him soothing words, but I can't, it's not fair!
Aspiring Tactician Morgan - Today at 9:12 PM
"W-who's there? Who are you? I can't see... Morgan? Morgan?" I tear up, remembering what had happened to her. The pain and sufferinf she has gone through. I failed her. I couldn't protect her. Only feel her touch my hand, I cry into it "Morgan, I'm so so sorry... I failed... I failed... I broke my promise.... I failed, I'm so sorry...." I cried. Gods, I'm so pathetic. Why does she have to be the one to go through pain? She's done nothing wrong! Morgan, please tell me you can hear me...
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grimastiddies · 7 years
Tumblrs not nice
I’m just putting this here because tumblr can be an ass at times, especially with the word count, and also for it to be easily read by you. Okay, bye now.
Hogwarts AU where Kiran, Alfonse, and Robin are the Book Trio, and one day, Alfonse and Robin decide to introduce their siblings to Kiran. Kiran meets Alfonse’s little sister, Sharena, and Robin’s older brother, Grima. When Kiran sees Grima, the first thing he thinks, “Oh no, he’s hot.” Grima is annoyed as Robin personally makes his life a living hell because not only does he bring Chrom over for dinner twice a week, Robin always drags him to “socialize,” and Robin defends himself by saying, “It’s not my fault you’re socially awkward.”
Anyways, Grima sees Kiran and sees the hidden lust/affection in the younger’s eyes before scoffing in annoyance. He’s used to others having a crush on him, and Kiran is no different, except there’s something appealing about him. Grima shakes his head and walks away back to his own group of friends dubbed the Fallen. The only member missing is Celica because she only joins on her moody days, which is a week per month. Takumi is part of the group as he hates everything, except his family; Corrin’s an iffy one at the moment. Zelgius does not feel anything for anyone, and just happens to fit in with the group. He doesn’t exactly care what they do, but he does care about their wellbeing, in his odd way.
Eventually, Kiran notices that someone is spying on them and gets nervous. When they’re with Robin and Alfonse, the feeling goes away. They tell the the others about it, and while Alfonse promises to find out who the stalker is and threaten whoever it is, and Robin has a hunch, but doesn’t say anything. Robin later confronts Grima in private, giving his older brother a smug look before Grima pinches harshly on both of his cheeks until Robin gives in. He does and rubs his cheeks, a tear beading at the corner of his eye. “You’re such a dick.”
“Says the one who started everything.”
When a dance (Yule Ball I guess?) comes up, Kiran’s not as excited as Alfonse or Robin because they’ve never exactly been to one. With Kiran being a transfer student, they’re not sure how it works, but they do know they need a date to attend. They know Robin is going with Chrom and Alfonse with Bruno, and Kiran shrugs. “It’s not that important, right? Heck, I don’t even have a suit.” They plan to study and do homework instead until they hear a familiar voice.
“Not going to join your little nerd trio?” Kiran turns around and there’s Grima in his broody glory and Kiran can feel their heart skip a beat. They can’t say anything and Grima chuckles, backing them into a wall. “Oh? Did I render you speechless, whelp?” Kiran doesn’t know what to say until a hand slams by their head as they jerk up, eyes staring into two red ones, although it feels like they’re staring at six in total. Kiran gulps and takes in Grima’s features, noticing the very sharp canines and apparently long tongue.
“Grima, leave him alone!” Robin shouts, saving Kiran from possible death and humiliation and running towards them with Chrom. Grima tsks in annoyance and retracts his hand, turning and making his leave. Robin checks over Kiran as Chrom keeps an eye on Grima’s back.
“What did he want?” Robin asks. He knows Grima has an interest in Kiran, but like hell he’ll let Grima hurt his friend in any way.
When Grima has an interest in someone, it’s either a good sign where he actually has an interest in you or a bad sign where he gets bad vibes or is straight up annoyed by looking at you. (If Grima doesn’t like you, you can bet your ass of being constantly hexed and pranked on.) Robin doesn’t exactly know where Kiran lands, but he’s still worried.
“What did he want from you?” Robin asks again, and Kiran finally finds their voice and relays what Grima has said. Chrom has no idea what Grima wants, but Robin sure as hell does.
Robin confronts Grima about it, and even uses Grima’s real name when arguing, “Reflet, you sit your arrogant, sassy ass down right now!” Grima has god awful social skills, and it took a while for Robin to explain.
“you can’t ask someone out by scaring the hell out of them. Are you an idiot or something?”
“I’m only an idiot because you and your boyfriend’s stupidity rubbed off on me. Then again, you idiots were meant for each other.”
“You arrogant piece of-!”
“Ah ah ah, no cursing~!”
“Oh, I’ll show you cursing.”
After a skirmish and with the help of Robin (unfortunately), Grima asks Kiran if they want to attend the dance, and Kiran just blinks because they never would have thought Grima would have asked them of all people. They agree, albeit reluctantly, and Grima gives a curt nod before walking away. After realization, Kiran freaks out because they realize they have nothing to wear. Thank Alfonse, their blessed savior, for having spare suits and for almost being the same size as them.
At the entrance of the large hall where the ball is, Kiran watches as couples or friends enter the large room and waits patiently for Grima. They’re afraid of making a fool out of themselves and in front of Grima no less. Alfonse and Bruno wait with Kiran, and Alfonse can tell Kiran is going through the self-depreciation route again.
“Hey, it’ll be fine,” Alfonse reassures the other with a smile and Kiran weakly returns it. Grima finally arrives, looking formal and casual at the same time. Alfonse pats Kiran’s shoulder, giving a squeeze before entering the room and ignoring Grima’s glare. Kiran shuffles up to Grima and the other holds out a hand, waiting for it to be taken.
“I’m not going to devour you, okay?” Grima snaps, but his tone is lighter, and Kiran notices it, and takes Grima’s hand.
It turns out that that night was the best Kiran ever had. They danced with Grima for a bit, occasionally stepping on his feet, and talked with others. They noticed Celica and Alm dancing, and when Celica greeted them, Grima would stick his tongue out like a child and Celica would do the same. Kiran giggled because Grima looked cute before stifling it when Grima turned to glare at him, but it was half heartedly.
At the end of the night, Grima walks Kiran back to his house tower and they bid each other goodnight. Grima goes back to his own room and Robin’s somehow in there because he has friends who let him into the Slytherin house.
“How’d it go?” Robin asks, waggling his eyebrows.
“Get out,” Grima demands sharply as Robin laughs lightly.
“You’re smitten with him.”
“Do not start, brat.”
“Oh? I was sure you enjoyed your time with Kiran. They’re something, hmm?”
“Hey now, you wouldn’t have noticed the sweet boy if I hadn’t introduced you to him.”
“Robin, I swear to the Gods…”
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving,” Robin laughs and heads to the doorway, “But you know, you were so cute acting all lovey-dovey during the party. I’m sure Anna got a good picture of you with her camera.”
Grima throws a book at Robin, only for it to hit the door and growls when he hears Robin cackling like a mad man. “It’ll be great blackmail material!” He heard Robin’s voice echo while leaving and nearly crushes the bed post. He would start a damn house war just to get back at Robin.
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chromfiidence · 7 years
Grima!Morgan Headcanons and Theory
Y’all are sleeping on this so I gotta do everything myself
this doesn’t really follow canon but thats whatever its good i swear
First, the theory (I use theory for lack of a better word, its moreso my idea of what Morgan could be):
- Morgan is in fact from the future, BUT is Grima’s child
- Therefore he possesses powers similar to Grima, but not in the same degree
- Leans more into the dark mage category, being proficient in the darker magic and summoning Risen
- Originally fought with Lucina and the other children until he learned that Robin was in fact Grima, but that it was Grima who birthed him, not Robin (I imagine Lucina kept the fact quiet from him, assuming the fighting starts when they’re very little)
- Basically Robin has Lucina, gets taken over, then in the period before Grima fully takes control, has Morgan
- Once he learned he was fighting against his own parent/ was lied to by Lucina, he leaves and seeks out Grima
- Grima was skeptical at first but realizes that Morgan has a deep anger inside of him and uses that to his advantage
- Essentially Grima manipulates Morgans view, making it seem like Lucina and co are the bad guys for lying and that he is really doing whats best for everyone
- From there on Morgan works with Grima, dealing with other forces while he focuses on Lucina’s group
- Morgan craves having a family (since by this point Chrom is dead/Robin is gone) but sees Lucina as the bad guy and Grima doesn’t feel anythting towards him
- This results in him really learning necromany inside and out to create undead friends so he feels less lonely
- This becomes a big coping mechanism in the future, with Grima’s abuse and neglet plus his desire for companionship
- When the kids travel back, Morgan gets tossed in with them by Grima to “finish the deed before its done” so to speak
- He pretends to have amnesia when he encounters everyone else, so they don’t believe it’s the same Morgan from the future timeline
- Originally he pretends to be airheaded and polite, but as he sees everyone really working together and how close of a family everyone truly is, he breaks
- Morgan decides to stop Grima, now knowing that it’s not really his parent, yet when the final fight comes he’s nowhere to be found until after the fighting
- Losing Robin as well causes a major shock to his system, as he believes he now truly has no one, and he spirals into a depressive state
- Chrom and Lucina help him through it, Chrom being a big ally since he knows how it feels to lose someone you love, and he’s feeling exactly what Morgan is
- When Robin comes back, Morgan knows he made the right choice
Now the headcanons:
- Morgan can create accurate Risen models of all of his friends. He did this before when he switched sides, as a comfort when things got rough to feel like he was surrounded by friends and family. He never did make a Robin, though
- Morgans coat was given to him by Grima, as a sign that they were united as one (spoiler alert: they weren’t)
- When Morgan uses his magic, the eye markings of Grima appear on the left side of his face
- On that same chord, his Mark of the Exhalt is on his hand in the same position Grima’s marking is on his hand. Morgan tends to keep it bandaged up so he doesn’t have to see it.
- Morgan has actively fought both Kejelle and Owain on the battlefield, but couldn’t kill either of them and allowed them to flee (Perhaps the fight that Owain says “haunts him” hmm hmm)
- Morgan tried to revive Chrom once. It failed and he never tried again.
- Morgan actually has Chrom’s cape, and he keeps his tomes wrapped up in it when he travels
- When in the past, Morgan can’t directly address Robin. He always looks away, down at the ground, anywhere but the eyes. Its a habit beat into him by Grima
- On that note, at first Morgan has a hard time being around Robin at all bc it drags up so many memories
- When they learn that this Morgan is their Morgan, many of the kids are off put by it and find it hard to be around him. Only Lucina, Cynthia and Inigo willingly speak to him at first
- Morgan adores baby Lucina bc she isn’t afraid of him
- Once he decides to join their side, Morgan really enjoys spending time studying spells with Henry and Tharja
- Gregor is always super nice to him and isn’t fearful in the slightest, which gives him someone to talk to in the beginning
- Chrom is......chrom, but since Morgan never really got to know him, a lot of his time is getting to know his dad and making things better
- Basically once Morgan joins their side everyone works together to help him through his trauma (along with their own) and gives him a big happy family he always wanted
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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kalimarsdreamlog · 6 years
Dream 239: Morgan and the Magic Bomb
There were a few elements of Fire Emblem: Awakening in this one, but it took place in modern times. Namely, I was Robin (don’t know which one as I was gender-confused, as is becoming more and more common in my dreams), Morgan was my child who came back from the future to fix the past, and the event(s) he was trying to prevent were at least indirectly my fault. 
I don't really remember how it began. Thor was there. Then Loki appeared and I had to pretend I didn't know him, lest I make him my enemy. I did quietly whisper to Thor that Loki was there though. Thor, of all people, needed to know that he had escaped from Asgardian prison. I don't remember what happened next. Eventually Loki and I became acquainted. He had a /little/ bit of respect for me because of Grima's soul inside me. He could tell that I was powerful. Despite my power, it's not as if I could release and control Grima on command, so I really only had my regular dream powers plus a little dark magic that I didn't really know how to use.​
Suddenly I was teleported to a place a few miles away. It was completely devoid of people, which was strange. It was the kind of place that should be bustling. It had an eerie feeling, so I started flying to find a place with people to get away. I spotted a small group of people meeting in a small grove of trees, and went towards them, only the bad feeling increased tenfold. I changed direction, going as fast as I could in the hopes that they wouldn't notice me.​
Unfortunately, they did. Turns out they had set off some kind of magic bomb that would instantly vaporize any fauna it touched. Flora was fine, inanimate objects were fine. Clothes connected to people disappeared too, oddly enough. After setting off the bomb they returned to where they set it off to see the results; it was likely an experiment. This is when I was unfortunate enough to pass within the vicinity.​
Because I had seen the damage and could connect them to the scene, I was a witness. They couldn't leave any witnesses. So they captured me and brought me to their base. Loki was also there, but he did not appear to be there against his will. Upon learning of my status as tactician and ability to use magic, they forced me to build them another magic bomb, this one bigger. It was dangerous magic I was working with, and I did not know a way to sabotage it that wouldn't result in massive death anyway. I had hoped to talk to Loki, (if anyone could help me escape, it was him, what with his craftiness and magic) but couldn't find him after initially seeing him at the base.​
I asked them if there was any way I could contact even a single loved one and tell them to get out of town. I wouldn't say why or incriminate my captors in any way. But they said no. Well, that gave me even more reason to escape; if they wouldn't let me protect my family willingly, I'd have to do it by force.​
I eventually escaped on my own. I was a master strategist after all. When I finally got out I had three goals: find Loki, get home, and get my family out of harm's way. I figured Loki could help me go into hiding, maybe even teach me some illusion spells. But there was more than just that to worry about.
The outside world was in chaos. As I was running away from the base and towards home, people were running the opposite direction in desperation. Then they stopped in horror. "There's another one!" One of them said, pointing at the sky behind me.​
I turned around. In the sky was the giant face of Zeus. He threw down a massive lighting bolt from the overcast sky, setting a sizable section of the ground on fire. From where the running people came from, I saw Hermes angrily creating tornadoes and whirlwinds. All around gods started appearing in the sky, each raining down their fury in their own ways. I wondered if Thor or Loki would be among them. But I could worry about finding them later. In the face of destruction such as this, all that mattered was getting home and protecting my family.​
My family consisted of Morgan, Randy, my mom, my grandma, and maybe a couple of other people? Like Randy's in-dream girlfriend. Chrom was there at the early stages of the dream, but by the time the dream took shape he didn't seem to exist. The dream's continuity had a little trouble with Morgan; at the beginning of the dream, he was about fifteen years old. At the end of the dream she was six. The gender-switch was likely in response to my own confusion, since in the game their gender depends on the player character's. I'm just going to stick to "he" to make this easier to read. Regardless, Morgan was my whole world.​
I ran inside the next building I came across for shelter from the gods' ire. It was a very large superstore. I was still running and hiding from my captors, (trying to stay on the ground so as not to draw attention) so I was constantly on the move in an effort to not get caught. Two randomly moving objects are less likely to run into each other than one moving object and one standing still. I ran into one of my coworkers right as one of my captors burst into the store.​
I had only planned on telling my family my plight, perhaps even only Morgan, as he was the most important. I'd calculated that if I was far enough ahead of the people after me, I could tell one single person without my captors finding out. If I could get just one person, just Morgan safe, it would be okay. However, with my captors hot on my tail and still being nowhere near home, I needed help. I hurriedly whispered to my coworker that I was trying to escape my kidnappers and that I needed a way out, NOW. He showed me the back door to the store that was only to be used for emergencies. I took it, but didn't get far. The girl who had followed me caught up to me in no time flat, cornered between her and several other people from what I'm going to say was the cult.​
I realized I'd ruined my chances of protecting my family. The cult members had seen my coworker trying to help me; they knew I'd told someone the situation. Now I could no longer be trusted, and I had likely put him in danger as well.
Back in their clutches, I was forced to finish preparing the magic bomb. It was small in comparison to the devastation it would cause, small enough to fit in a backpack. The first bomb that they'd tested had taken out an area maybe a bit bigger than harmony park. My best guess was that this one would take out at least a square mile, maybe two.​
At last it was finished. They prepped it to detonate, right there in their base. They basically said, "If you can get your family out of the blast zone, we'll let them live. Good luck!" And then Loki teleported them all away.
I was determined to save my family. I knew I was being selfish, but there was no way I'd be able to save everyone else. If I told the entire area that we were all in danger, the mass exodus would likely clog every way out of the vicinity and our chances of escape would plummet.​
I took a motorcycle down the highway I had run down before. I finally made it home, telling my family to get in the car and drive like hell. There were two problems: one, everyone kept going back in the house to grab one last thing, wasting way too much of our precious time, and two, Morgan was nowhere to be found. Stressing how important it was to leave post haste, I abandoned the rest of my family in favor of finding him. I flew up and down the streets shouting his name, annoying a lot of people and making a scene in general. I didn't care though. There was a bomb about to go off and I needed to save my son.​
I finally found him with his legs in splints. Apparently he had gone looking for me and had tried climbing something, likely a tree, for a better perspective and fallen. Someone else had helped him with the splints since he had insisted on continuing to look for me instead of going to the hospital. I thanked the guy who'd helped him and scooped him up, flying as fast as I could away from the cult's base.​
Many miles later, I stopped at a convention center to rest. I was pretty sure We'd made it far enough.
There was a boom in the distance.
People screamed. I saw a wall of white headed towards the glass doors and began to panic. I'd underestimated the power of the magic I'd put into the bomb, the magic that came from Grima himself. I'd forgotten that I wielded the magic of a god. Desperate, I held onto Morgan and tried teleporting like Loki had. It was the worst-case scenario; I had to believe that I had the potential to pull it off. There was no other way. The explosion traveled faster than I could fly, and at the speed it was going I doubted it was going to subside anytime soon.​
We warped five feet to the side. In any other situation I would be excited to see progress in a new kind of magic, but considering what was going on it was understandable that I had no such feelings.
There was no time to be disappointed. Out of options, I made sure Morgan was secure and flew at top speed to the other side of the convention center, fully intending to make it outside and fly for it as a last-ditch effort.
Unfortunately, it was a dead end.
I started to cry. I had failed. I dragged Morgan into the closest room and closed the door behind us. It was just us two in the room about as big as a donut shop. Morgan was scared; he didn't understand what was going on. I told him over and over that I was sorry and that I loved him so much. I couldn't make myself say anything else. Nothing else was important.
Then the room was filled with white, and I woke up.​
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The end of the dream was pretty upsetting. Parents are supposed to protect their kids, you know? And it was likely that the bomb was the whole reason Morgan came back to the past in the first place. Not to mention that we were both killed by the bomb I made! And I know that it's a dream and doesn't matter, but I feel like if I had just looked for Morgan in the first place instead of waiting around to make sure the rest of my family left the house, we would have made it. I'm pretty sure the rest of my family died anyway, so it wouldn't have made a difference for them.​ 
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