#so ig its okay if shes a lil ugly..
merrymarchen · 6 months
first thing i did in 2024 was replay yttd and first thing i drew in 2024 was yttd fanart,, wonderful sign
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loonsmoons · 1 year
The Marauders and how they’d react to/feel about spiders, because I had a meltdown when I found one in my room this morning :)
James: Freaks out. Screams for someone to get rid of it, but insists on not killing it (it is a living organism after all). “NO, PUT IT OUTSIDE, JUST PUT IT OUTSIDE! FURTHER AWAY, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IT WILL CRAWL RIGHT BACK IN!”
Sirius: Freaks out as well. But it gets UGLY. You know that meme of that crying woman pointing at the white cat? That’s him pointing at the spider. He also does not care if it’s a living organism, he wants to see it DEAD. “I don’t CARE if it’s more scared of me then I am of it, KILL. IT.”
Remus: Doesn’t care about them, never has. He’s kind enough to take them outside for James and Sirius with that glass and paper trick, but not before pretending to accidentally have dropped/lost it on one of their beds. Because he IS an asshole.
Peter: Used to find them scary, but from the first time on when he came into the dorm and found James and Sirius standing on their beds/desks screaming, he became the knight in shining armour and took it out (not outside, OUT). (He became a little terrified again though the first time he saw one as a rat: “This shit’s GIGANTIC!” But then again, he thought of everything as gigantic … “And- and then Remus … Jeez, he looked like a fucking giant! And Sirius- … Well you were there too, ig”)
Lily: Very much not scared. Thinks they’re fascinating actually. If she finds one outside, crawling over her picnic blanket or smth, she’ll let it crawl over her hand and curiously watch it.
Mary: Will watch it with Lily, joking about being jealous of its long legs. And then she’ll insist on letting it crawl onto her hand as well, but as soon as it does, she’s all “Nonono, take it off. TAKE IT OFF”
Marlene: Very similar to Sirius, perhaps less tears and more aggressive screaming. “KILL IT, FUCKING. KILL. IT.”
Dorcas: Just … Does not care. She’ll find one in her room and goes “Okay cool, you live here now as well, ig” Occasionally she will talk to it like: “Jeez Timmy, you better know how lucky you are … Imagine just not having to write Transfiguration essays …” (Wait, you don’t, do you? Or are you an animagus? You better not be …”)
Pandora: Loves them. Even has a pet spider she’ll force everyone to cuddle with. She’ll occasionally lose it too, and everytime some brave soul brings it back to her, she’s like an old lady with her cat: “Tsk tsk tsk Garry, where have you been again, huh?” Just leaving, not even thanking the person that brought Garry back. So they stand there, awkwardly, as Pandora moves away like: “Always exploring the neighbourhood, aren’t you, lil guy?”
Regulus: Doesn’t really mind them either. Very similar to Dorcas, but he’s a bit more fascinated by them, like Lily. He will look through several books to find out what kind it is, and just … sit there and watch it, or draw it in his sketchbook
Barty: Says he’s all chill around them, until Evan next to him clears his throat and he’s reminded of last week, when he was screaming and crying and running from a leave that fell into his lap, which to him looked like a spider
Evan: Maniac. Will carry them out with his BARE HANDS. Just grabbing it off the wall. And unlike Remus he won’t just pretend to drop it, but actually drop it onto Barty’s bed. (He regrets that every time though, because for an entire week after, Barty insists on sleeping in the common room, even if the spider’s long gone by then). If he finds Pandora’s spider he’ll keep it for another day or two, playing and cuddling with it “What? I’d do the same if it were a cute lil kitten” “Well you see, it’s NOT a cute lil kitten … IT’S A MONSTER FROM HELL!”
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mostautisticangel · 1 month
I'd love to hear about Halfway to Heroes!!! :3
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT OKAY STRAP YOURSELVES IN MOTHERFUCKERS (affectionate) im putting this behind a keep reading tag bc i know its gonna get long
Firstly: there are three deities. they have many names. The Holy Trinity, the Land, Sky and Sea, The Three Deities (very creative). Their true names are Rhimiad, the earth goddess, Rowan, the moon god, and Vyvienne, the sun goddess. I call them gods and goddesses but not like you're thinking. its a title that the Rhimiads (inhabitants of Rhimiad. is it confusing? i dont care!) give to them. They are the land, sun, and moon itself. The people just personified them
Rhimiad created the Rhimiads and named them after herself. at this point they're exactly like humans. She also created a bunch of other magical creatures. like ugly ass unicorns and pocket sized dragons and birds the size of cars.
Vyvienne was especially fond of them, and blessed a few of them with the power of the winds. The sky and winds were her domain. This fundamentally changed these Rhimiads, and now they had a connection to Vyvienne. they had the ability to "walk" on the wind, see through heavy storms, and summon a gale when necessary. They were called Wind Walkers. you dont have to capitalize it i just wanted to lol oh yeah they look different too. they have feathers instead of hair, bird-like eyes, and talons for hands. they can also make bird noises :3
Rowan liked that idea and he chose a few Rhimiads to bless with his powers. His domain was the cold night and the ocean. He blessed two tribes. One, he gave the power of the ocean. they could summon water from their fingertips, thrive underwater without the need for oxygen (and i mean without oxygen, not that they had gills) and could see no matter how dark it was. they had webbed hands, scales on their forearms, shins, and cheeks, fish-like eyes, fins for ears, and amphibian-esque tails. (can you tell these are my favorite) they were called water weilders. The other tribe, Rowan blessed with the power of the snow. They could see through snowstorms, stay warm in any temperature, had heightened senses of smell and taste, summon small flurries and icicles, and had an innate sense of direction. They were basically furries uhm part polar bear ig. they had animal noses, fur on their face, AND whiskers :3 and ice blue eyes. like big and cold blue. theyre called winter weilders.
Rhimiad decided to do what her kids did (did i mention the sun and moon were her kids? sorry yeah they are haha) and bless a few rhimiads. She gave them the power of the earth, they could summon flowers (specifically ONLY flowers) talk to animals, heal nature, you get the gist. they look a lil different, theyre also like furries. but any basic woodland animal. they'll have the tail, the ears/antlers, nose, whiskers, fur, all that. like a squirrel or a deer. also males and females both have antlers because fuck biology character design is cool. They can make whatever noises that animal makes too. theyre called wild watchers.
theyres still a bunch of Rhimiads with no magic, but thats fiine. they can still use the magical plants and whatever magical artifacts to brew potions and use wands or whatever. they just dont have any special connection to a deity.
anyways they made colonies and standard creachur behavior, there was a war between the water and winter weilders so now they hate each other and the winter weilders call themselves frost finders now. they dont care that the have the same god ig. (do not ask what the war was about. i definitely have an answer i just dont want to share it. for. reasons.)
now we're in modern day. there are six kingdoms in Rhimiad currently. each kingdom was founded by a certain tribe, and that population dominates each kingdom, but anyone can live anywhere. mostly. you'll see. Let me explain them each in excruciating detail.
Pyovere - The kingdom of wind, sky, sun, and storms. The kingdom itself is a series of floating islands (!!) shaped like rings, all encasing each other. The closer you get to the center, the more extravagant it is, and in the center is the Pyoverian Palace, the pinnacle of opulence and elegance in all of Rhimiad. The furthest islands are called the Outskirts, and are basically like the slums. the wind walkers live here if you couldn't tell. i based it on pre-revolution era france. will there be a revolution? i have nooooooo idea ;)
Floraison - The kingdom of earth, nature, and creatures and critters. Its a sprawling collection of quiet villages and massive cities. by far the largest kingdom. at the center, perched on the side of an active volcano, is the Pyoverian Palace. this one is home to wild watchers. i picked and choosed elements from all kinds of middle eastern/south asian cultures but this one is mostly based off india
Aquatique - for the water weilders. and only the water weilders. not even non-magic rhimiads. this kingdom is underwater and nobody knows where to find it. trade is conducted via soldiers carrying crates of supplies deep underwater, and making sure nobody follows. its not like anyone could if they wanted to. The ruler still attends diplomatic meetings. but nobody else leaves the kingdom. very little is known about it. i didnt base this one off any particular culture, i just made shit up :P
Krybrot - the kingdom of snow, jewels, and comfort. by far the richest kingdom. Its up in the mountains, covered in snow year-round. they have a direct agreement with Floraison for the exchange of ores for food. they have the Krybrot Castle,, where the royalty lives year-round, and the Crystal Palace, a palace made of ice for the yearly blue moon ball. its an event to praise Rowan. The royal family emerges, putting on a display for the public before hiding away in the castle again.
Quillion - the kingdom where all the non- water weilders went after the water weilding tribe decided to move into the ocean. havent done much work on this one
Erromar - another kingdom for primarily non-magic rhimiads. founded by an insane wizard like 300 years ago. i dont know. just go with it.
Main cast:
Yvette Lancaster - he/him, 18, prince of Pyovere, spoiled rich kid whos scared of everything and wouldn't hurt a fly. his father made a deal with the goddess Vyvienne so he has a special type of magic. he has sun powers. not fire. sun. he glows and can summon light and also look directly at the sun. the coolest power imo. he has a halo but not like a ring halo like those gold disk ones you see in medieval paintings. it glows too. i love it. he's my baby. he's a rich snobby bastard. he can't lift up a sword. he's everything. he's also gonna be king even though he does NOT want that, he wants his twin sister to rule instead. she's the older one. she just doesnt have magic. but their dad gave up his life to vyvienne and their mom has a favorite. so.
Yvonne Lancaster - she/her, 18, non-magic, princess of Pyovere, possibly the most powerful sorceress in Rhimiad's history and she knows it. complete and utter asshole. acts like shes better than everyone. like she deserves the goddess' blessing. she deserves the throne more than her pathetic twat of a brother. she was taught magic by one of the only two stars in the sky (even if she didnt know it)(i forgot to mention the stars. theyre not deities. theyre just kinda there. but yeah theres only two of them. pim and pix. i hate them. theyre so silly.) she hates everyone except one person.
Lynne Schire - she/her, 18, wind walker, the one person yvonne doesnt hate. she moved ffrom the outskirts to the palace at a young age. rather, she ran away from the outskirts, spent two years wasting what little money she had on gambling and alcohol, ran away from people she owed money to and ended up at the palace gates, pleading to the guard to be let in. yvonne happened to be outside at the time and let her in. they became best friends. theyre also in love. but they dont know it yet. lynne is the only one who can tolerate yvonne's bullshit. she doesnt fix it tho. kinda fucked up if you ask me
Palliana-Roe "Roe" Beyberry - she/her, 11, water weilder AND frost finder (rowan liked her personally so he gave her both traits. she hides her water weilder features and pretends to be a frost finder) she joins the gang after plot things happen and they end up in krybrot, looking for a guide to take them to Floraison. She's the princess of Krybrot, but she ran away when she was 8 cause her family sucked and kind of hated her. nobody has come looking for her. she's five foot zero and wields a giant axe. she doesnt take bullshit from anyone. classic character archetype of small child who is also a criminal. girlboss.
Seyuna Hazure - she/they, 28, water weilder, pirate mom. its the best way to describe them. they are loud and obnoxious and the captain of the most respected fleet in all of Quillion, the twilight trinity. The flagship is the SIlver Sinner, Seyuna's pride and joy. there are also a bunch of other characters in her crew but theyre not as important. still love them tho. she adopts Roe even tho roe doesnt want this (she does). they are so silly. they also are very skilled in combat and have excellent connections. dont ask how they got involved with the gang. its complicated.
Kaspian - he/it, 19, non magic. he's the son of the big bad guy. i will expplain that bit later. anyways he may or may not be my self-insert and he is the general of the bad guy army and he's very cool and swag. just kidding that was a lie he's a fucking loser. he can hold a sword and say inspiring things to his troops but cant do shit in a fight. but everyone believes he's the pinnacle of courage and bravery. an illusion he struggles to uphold. anyways he falls in love with yvette because i said so. also he becomes good at some point. he may or may not be killed off im still deciding.
so the big bad. right. i forgot to mention this but each of the deities have a favorite Rhimiad. vyvienne chose yvette, rowan chose palliana-roe, and rhimiad chose the big bad. theyre called the champions. big bad only goes by "Rhimiad's Champion" or "Rhimiad's Heir." very normal person behavior. each of these champions can talk to the deity DIRECTLY. although we dont know that because yvette doesnt talk about it and roe isnt sharing the fact that she's the champion. but Rhimiad's Champion talks about it. he said that Rhimiad told him that the other deities are fake and that rhimiad is the true one. Rhimiad said to wipe out the world, leaving only the non-magic people and wild watchers. he has been succesful thus far. people believe him, because who are they to refute the will of a goddess.
the kicker? he's fucking right. Rhimiad did tell him to do this shit. partially. Rhimiad's true orders were to wipe out the entire world and then kill her. her Champion thought this would scare people so he pretended she meant to keep non-magic people and wild watchers.
You see, Rhimiad is nothing like what the people think she is. oh no no no no. Rhimiad is located in the Void, a place abandoned by space or time. completley dark. She gave birth to her children, the sun and moon. she screated the rhimiads to live on her. she was happy, all alone.
now you might be thinking "cool. why does she want to die." because sshe wants to be free from her prison. the Void is a prison. she used to live in the Universe, with the countless other deities who encompassed their own worlds. But she is a cruel and heartless creature. She grew jealous of another goddess, Nmoroca, and slaughtered her entire population. Nmoroca is now a pitiful barren wasteland. the other deities banished her to the void, and sent two stars to watch her. (thats pim and pix btw) she is allowed to do whatever she wants in the Void, since she is trapped.
however, the Void is not the real world. if you die in the Void, it means nothing. You simply......leave the Void. You are welcomed to the Universe. all Rhimiads from countless generations ago who have died know this truth. they now live on many of the other deities, even Nmoroca, who is slowly being rebuilt.
Rhimiad wants to return. however, she it immortal, so she needs to be killed. She cant leave her rhimiads behind, though, so she ordered her champion to slaughter them all first.
the stars dont know this, so they dont try to stop her.
the sun and moon dont know this, so they get mad at her champion for saying such obvious lies.
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Whatttt the parlor gives you the jewelry for free ?!? All the places I’ve been to make you pay for the jewelry and it’s all like- insanely priced ! But I hope you’re able to get your piercings done sometime soon, thats so exciting ! A Little ghostface wrist tattoo would be so cute though, lil guy can just be there for emotional support.
I love puzzle games so much, and I also grew up on Left for Dead and Resident Evil because of my older brother !! As well as other games like Fallout, COD and Halo. I also fucking lovedddd Animal Jam, I have no clue if you know that game, but I loved scamming people. Anyway- yeah college is a pain, at least this specific class I’m in right now is, which is…English. And see I usually enjoy English but this teacher has been dragging out this one assignment for over 3 weeks now and I’m losing my mind ! But it’s okay cause here in maybe 5 months or so I’m going to actually be taking classes I find interesting. I’m getting an Associates in IT, concentrating on Game Development. :D
My sincere apologies for talking so much, I’m a very lonely person so any opportunity I get I will gush about anything and everything 😭
yeah!!! piercings are 25 and jewelry is included (its super ugly tho but its good for the healing months ig)
older brothers attempting to traumatize us but ending up just making us like horror games 🤝 mine introduced me to saints row, gta, and sims. my main online games tho were fantage and build a bearville, i got scammed on build a bear 🧍🏻‍♀️buttt me and a friend made a small series on fantage and its still up! we arent friends anymore but i still watch sometimes to remember her, i hope shes doing well out there :)
also thats so cool?!??? im stuck between deciding to be a paralegal in an entertainment firm (mr loomis era?) or a highschool teacher for literature. idk what i want to do with my life so 🤷🏻‍♀️
also also no worries!!!! you could send a dm if you ever want but if youd like to stay anon thats fine!! i enjoy chatting to anyone so its fine. my friends are tired of hearing me simp for skeet or about the latest horror movie i watched 😭
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5041s · 3 years
ellor ellor!! im a lil late to the party but v happy to be here nonetheless :] im here w jo, the local babysitter-dog walker extraordinaire B) you’ll find a more detailed but rambly rundown plus some plots under the cut bc her bio and stats page aren’t the greatest lol zzz anw do give this a like and i’ll hit you up for plotting!! 
youngest of four siblings, the rest are all brothers so u can imagine how that went lol
as in: doted on by parents and second oldest brother (27 y.o), has petty beef with the third oldest brother (26 y.o), eldest brother was overbearing (31 y.o) but that could be bc he’s a capricorn tbh
based in ville city, her family is well-off, middle-class, and full of mostly overachievers (mum is an academic, dad is a cardiologist, brother 1 and 3 are engineers, brother 2 is a vet)
naturally, jo had to disrupt that trend :]
studied architecture at uni but dropped out in her third year bc her grades werent holding up on top of failing a major group project
lived with her parents for like a bit more than a year doing this and that before deciding to move out much to their (patronising) chagrin
decision was spurred on by members of that aforementioned flop project, but also because she wanted to prove that she can ~survive in the real world~ alone/without their help
and so far thats going okay!! if okay means balancing two hectic jobs at the same time whilst dealing with all the shit that goes on in the apartment complex and her pitiful bank balance, then shes a-okay :]
currently going through bouts of homesickness like shes missin that security and comfort lol
*mitski voice* kinda tall child vibes yknow 
ghost fiasco plus the strange happenings at the complex used to freak her out (sometimes they still do) bc shes pretty superstitious but now she’s just kinda resigned to living in a place haunted by some spirit and bad pipes
chill and easygoing demeanour, sometimes charming (its the leo in her), oftentimes lacks a filter and impulse control
sometimes she’ll walk a dog for the necessary amt of time and spend the rest of the day chilling in her apartment with them
her favourite is rico the italian greyhound
does the same w the kids she looks after if she’s caring for them at her place (which has Not been childproofed)
kids love her so she was like let me exploit this love for money and now she gets free shit from their rich parents
doesn’t know why ms eom keeps giving her the evil eye (her shoes are scuffed as HELL)
more tidbits about her: astrology believer but doesnt retain shit, lives like a classic broke college student, stupidly good at arcade games, night owl, makes homemade kombucha so one of her kitchen cabinets reeks, falls asleep during movies within the first five mins, carefully curated ig feed to make it seem like she has her shit together (her close friends story says otherwise), makes banging oatmeal, has beanbags instead of a couch
ok onto some plots pls bear with me
“woke up in someone’s bed and went through their fridge as well as their password book for their netflix subscription info before returning to her’s” ok who wants to be that someone (yes she still uses their netflix account) (would have to be in a unit starting with a 04)
that 101 dalmations scene where they get tangled up by their dogs’ leashes except make it a meet-ugly so its you getting tangled up in the leashes of the seven dogs she walks and the struggle to get untangled as she tries not to spill her coffee on you
caught her babysitting the same kid multiple times and now you think that kid is hers so she’s plotted with that kid to keep up the act for fun
smth based off a shared occurrence (like if theyre both in the east wing etc) would be fun!! esp if they have different approaches to coping with it (where are the b2 ghost theorists)
sorry this kid she’s babysitting threw up over your expensive shoes she cant buy you new ones but she can offer you an organic lollipop as compensation :]
omg friends of her brothers who recognise her so shes like 🙈 idk them wdym
on that note there are a bunch of doctor/medical ppl here so mayhaps they know of her dad since he works in the city hospital hmm
shes the mystery person who keeps beating your high score in some arcade game
others: vc childhood friends/acquaintances, an ex or two (likely would’ve been a situationship with her tbh), ex colleague from an odd job she’s worked before, a long shot but maybe one of said groupmates from uni, she babysits some kid you know
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inctlife · 4 years
when wayv know they wanted to marry you
so,,, things had been kinda rough for kun :( like he was practising 24/7 and he was also on a pretty strict diet so he was just physically and mentally EXHAUSTED and like there’d just been a really tiring day at practise and all the boys started to go home, but kun was like ‘nah i’m gonna stay’
ANd tHen after like 4 hours (it was late at this point,, like almost midnight??) and he came home and there was just an overwhelming smell of delicious food and he could hear the boys laughing and talking lovingly and when he walked in he saw that you had made dinner for the members and now were talking about their day while you stroked xiaojun’s hair to help him sleep and kun almost started crying
like where tf else would he find someone that loves him AND cares for his members THIS MUCH dude
and that night you left after having lots of kisses from ur bf and kun brought it up to the boys and they were all cheering and were just so supportive :(
sO,, ten and winwin were doing this new extravagant dance like they do and they were adding So Many New Parts to Impress The Fans but !!! dundun!! while doing a funky jump turn thing ten fell and landed STRAIGHT on his injured knee
he was in AGONY,, like screaming and tears AGONY and winwin calls an ambulance and then calls you because he doesnt know what else to do lol and you’re like ‘wHAT’ because that’s ur baby and he’s in AGONY
so you get the hospital and you see ten waiting with winwin and he’s in a wheelchair bent over and clutching his knee and when he sees you he almost cries and is like ‘my love!!! help!!!’ and you just walk over and slap him round the head
winwin is shook tbh,, like proper :O,, but ten just starts laughing and his heart swells as you start pouring out complaints and nagging him about his safety bc he knew he’s been injured before!! what makes him think it wouldnt happen this time!! and he just smiles and thinks ‘i have to marry this person’
so y’all were invited to kun’s wedding (ofc?) and you had been invited to be kun’s wife’s bridesmaid!!! you and ten’s and lucas’s girlfriends!! and so, you and winwin (after eating breakfast together) didnt see each other for the whole morning as you were rushed off to kun’s wife’s room to get ready and the boys stayed with kun
and you had your hair and makeup done and you got into your bridesmaids dress and you were a bit pouty because ??look how fucking beautiful the rest of these girls are???? and you wanted to get married and wear a vale!!!!
finaLLY it came time for kun’s wife to walk down the aisle, and you were walking with lucas’s girlfriend behind the bride and while kun had his moment,, so did winwin.
his jaw just dropped, but you didn’t even notice because you were giggling (and tearing up) at kun’s reaction to his wife but what you didnt even know!! ur fucking boyfriend was sat there wiping subtle tears away because he KNOWS now, he’s gonna marry you.
sO. your boy. the visual KING that he is. was invited to another one of these foreign fashion events and he was like ‘alright ig🤪🤪’ and you went with him cause they were offering him a +1 and free holiday?? yes please???? but what you Did Not sign up for was being at lucas’s hip through all these events????????????
so NeWay, yeah you had to do that. and lucas was pretty nervous because he will just never get over the shock of being invited to something big like this, but this time he was just slightly less nervous because ur by his side🥺
but. in true xuxi/yukhei/lucas fashion. he does something a lil embarrassing :(,, and as he slowly starts to realise what’s just happened (you being on exactly the same wavelength) he gets a lil red in the face and you just thunk ‘fuck it’ and do the same thing so he is nOT ALONE. it’s US. in this shit for the RIDE OR DIE.
and lucas is shocked but as the two of you start giggling literally everyone else in the room disappears and he just thinks ‘i can’t wait to marry her’🥺
sO,, you and dejun had been together for a WHILE, like i mean a full hot minute,, but he’d always been kinda secretive about his family?? like you’d met them several times but both they and dejun never told you anything much about them??? and you just kinda let it slide cause there was obviously smth that he didnt want you knowing and you werent about to poke
and THEN,, one day,, you’re in dejun’s hometown and he’s like ‘get dressed nice and pretty! going to a concert’ and you’re like ‘WOOO!! LETS GO’ and you get dressed up and you and xiaojun walk to this kinda small venue and get drinks and shit and xiaojun’s looking kinda nervous?? so ur like ‘babe its okay,, i’m sure i’ll enjoy it’
and then!! the person comes on stage and you realise it’s a drag act,, very entertaining!! and then, after looking closer,, you realised it was dejun’s dad, as in,, the one you’ve had dinner with MULTIPLE TIMES and you just turned to ur boyfriend and were like ‘your dad!!!!!!’ and he smiled because you looked so excited!!!!
and dejun almost cried because you were so supportive and that was the one thing for him bc if you didnt support his dad’s career than this would not have worked and for him this was like something in his heart just going ‘she’s the one!!’
so similar to xiaojun,, for hendery family was really important!! not that he was hiding anything about them? but you’d only met his family a couple of times and never all together, so when kunhang invited you to come to his mum’s birthday where EVERYONE was gonna be there,,, you were highkey nervous
but so was he lmao he aint gonna lie.. so!! you two flew out to macau a couple days before her birthday so you could settled and the first thing that happened was his sisters wanted to take you guys out for dinner!!! and you went to quite a posh restaurant,, cause that’s the kinda family they are😎 so you were kinda bricking it,, but at the same time the food was GOOD and kunhang’s hand stayed on your knee the WHOLE time
not that he needed that though because his sisters LOVED YOU like he literally got pushed to hang out with his sisters’ boyfriends bc you and his sisters were all gossiping so much and then when you finished your meal you went and had a little photoshoot under the moon and the pretty city lights and later that night as you were asleep next to him,, kunhang looked back over the photos and was just like “wow. my love”
and that was IT he decided RIGHT THERE to marry you.
so you and yangyang had recently moved in with each other,, him finally being the last one to move out the shitty dorm,, and so this was only around the 2nd week that he was coming home from practise to you and your dog and your two cats!!!
when he walked through the door, your dog, finneas, ran up to yangyang and was all happy like dogs are and yangyang was happy too!! and he could smell the dinner that was ready but you weren’t in the living room like you normally were and instead,, yangyang heard your proper, real, ugly laugh coming from the bedroom and he ran over and was like ‘i am home!!!’
and you were laying on the bed, practically in tears and he was like ‘what’s so funny😂😂’ cause he’s like that. and you were like ROLLING AROUND but when yangyang got over to you,, it was a tiktok of someone reacting to a comment that said ‘hi peepeehead’ but you know? he had to laugh because that shit was making you SCREAM and that alone was funny to him
and he just couldnt help but wonder how much more joy you’d bring him,, and he was not about to be left with any regrets😤,, took his boys and bought himself a ring the next week
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ycoreum-blog · 6 years
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hey everyone !! hanil’s mun back here again w a new fuckin muse cause we just don’t know self control ! without further ado, under the cut you can find more about my lil baby, the epitome of a sugar princess and a messy bitch, kang yeoreum ! if you’d like to plot , lmk ! ps this isn’t a sideblog to hanil’s acc. :~D
THE FOLLOWING TRIGGERS WILL BE MENTIONED BELOW ; death / domestic physical abuse /  alcoholism / drug use / nsfw.
ok let’s just get on w this !
so yeoreum’s upbringing was just ... never consistent ! she never knew her father as her mother had her as a teenager and her biological father bounced , most of the men in her life stuck around for a few months of years , some were decent to her and her mother and others were a complete nightmare to her mother , there were times when she just locked herself in her room because of the violence that ensued next door .
when yeoreum was in her mid to late teens, her mother , a long time alcoholic , died bc of her severe drinking habits and yeoreum was shipped over to her godmother , an owner of a private escort service . yeoreum like ....really found it interesting because her godmothers clients were all VERY wealthy people , people you’d never expect , those in the 1% etc right .. and yeoreum , who grew up rather poor and didn’t have materialistic things and the such but her godmother was like .... NO u r my angel little baby there’s no way . so yeoreum just kind of ached from afar until she turned twenty-one and her godmother finally gave in !! she set her up with a married man in his early thirties, an extremely rich up-and-coming entrepreneur and yeoreum fell ... in Love w it . she had always been sultry and into sex and oozed confidence so this job seemed so perfect for her ?? like it was her . caling JGNRJGNTRJGTR if u will .  
so basically she continued escorting on her terms , became one of the clients favorites , and made beyond easy money . she was twenty-three ( at the time ) nd had half a million won in her bank account , some clients even had little secret relationships w her so she had multiple flats , apartments , villas to her name all over the country . it was all good until a visiting diplomat and her got caught and it WAS ALL OVER THE NEWS and it got sooo ugly so fast ... reporters found her house and paps stalked her and it just wasn’t okay ?? i’d want to compare the situation in terms of how Big it was to like clinton & lewinsky KNGRJTGRT it was just fucking a big deal ??? anyways . she ended up quitting and became a camgirl, due to her already popularity w the former company and the new found fame w the diplomat she made decent money . she eventually signed up for mansions bc ... more money ? Why not ! and now she’s here ! living her Best fucking life .
so yeoreum is just .... Nsfw all day every day . KGNRKJGNT a very LOUD bisexual queen who just wants to have fun , whether that includes people , drugs or drinks she literally just doesnt care ! she’s very open w whats on her mind and has nooo filter at all . i also think she has a bit of a social media presence as well ?? like ... an ig baddie GDGNTRGKTRNGKJRTGNTRG u kno .. u kno !  to those who don’t know her , she can come across as very self -centered , narcissistic or obnoxious but like ..... *wipes tears w hundred won bills* ya know ? she’s just ... MONEY MONEY MONEY !! loves loves LOVES materialistic things , like all she wears is name brand and designers .. kind of oblivious to the fact she’s trying to fill that empty hole in her heart with people and things but ... lmao !!! :DD despite all that she’s pretty chill and like pretty easy to talk to , i think . shes rather friendly unless ur not friendly first :( she always ALWAYS cries alone like just refuses to EVER look weak ... its not cute and her mascara cost 125 won so .. no time for that ! anyways she’s a really new muse of mines that i made specifically for this rp so i hope you love her as much as i do !! she’s still a work in progress, bare in mind .
sum plot ideas !! : fwbs , childhood friends , a former client ( gender doesn’t matter but most likely has to be a wealthy person, whether legal or illegal money lol ) , sibling like relationship , current flings , exes , first loves , best friends , a fan of her camwork :~) , smoking (420) buddies , partying pals !!! , shopping buddies and like . a ton more !! im rly open to anything :DD
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kingteeth · 7 years
1-44? 😎😎😎
[Shit, also 0, i didnt see 0 atfirst ]
haha, oh b oy, okay,,,lets mcfreaking do this
0:Height- 5′8″1:Virgin?- Nope2:Shoe size - 9 in mens and 10 1/2 in womens3:Do you smoke?- Cigs, occasionally. more of a rare stress reliever though.4:Do you drink?- Not that often5:Do you take drugs?- Nope, unless its the kind from the store that barely help me sleep lmao6:Age you get mistaken for- around 20 years old7:Have tattoos?- I have a tiny scarification tattoo of an ‘X’ on the back of both my hands. but no ink yet8:Want any tattoos?- Holy Shit, Yes!9:Got any piercings?- I have 5 right now: two on each ear lobe and a lip piercing. 10:Want any piercings?- I want a septum and labret piercing. 11:Best friend?- @mulderfox is my bestest bro forever oh man 12:Relationship status- Single and tired 13:Biggest turn ons- ngl i love nipples and i couldnt tell you why 14:Biggest turn offs- someone calling me master, i just cant funk with it15:Favorite movie- The care bears movie 16:I’ll love you if- you are a genuinely good-hearted person and u dont make me feel uncomfortable 
17:Someone you miss- couldnt tell ya
18:Most traumatic experience- the two times i found my mother after she had been raped. 
19:A fact about your personality- what that lmao (it can differ between people ig. not two faced just mentally ill)20:What I hate most about myself- prob how ugly i think i am over the dumbest things 21:What I love most about myself- the fact that i can love so much with all my hate22:What I want to be when I get older- thinking about an art therapist but i also just wanna idk garden or some shit23:My relationship with my sibling(s)- my bro and sis are hella annoying and bratty but i also would fight anyone who hurts them. 24:My relationship with my parent(s)- my mom deserves better and i wish more people believed in my dad, including my dad. but they were kids raising a kid so i mean hey at least they act like adults sometimes. they still need work.25:My idea of a perfect date- basically anything but if someone bought me flowers or tried to do a lil extra for me id cry right then and there26:My biggest pet peeves- righteous ignorance 27:A description of the girl/boy I like- hes super cute and sweet but i dont think itd work out so i mean *shrug* and then shes the light of my life but just a friend so another *shrug*28:A description of the person I dislike the most- couldnt tell ya, i dislike a lot of people at a high degree. 29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend- uhhhh i got no idea30:What I hate the most about work/school- school system sucks 31:What your last text message says- “tattoos are cool”32:What words upset me the most- mostly just the ones that are directed to hurt my feelings i guess33:What words make me feel the best about myself- the complimenty ones that make me feel attractive but also when my dad said i was the next boy in line with our family name. he was like the last bolt boy, but when he said that he looked at me and then said, “no, well i guess youre the last bolt boy” i cried34:What I find attractive in women- oh man i love girls35:What I find attractive in men- oh man i love boys36:Where I would like to live- idk some okay place with affordable rent where i can have not one..but two cats and the ideal is live near a food market but hey whatever37:One of my insecurities- my acne38:My childhood career choice- vet tbh39:My favorite ice cream flavor- homemade vanilla or birthday cake40:Who wish I could be- me, but i like myself more and im less sad and i have more money 41:Where I want to be right now- in my bed. im on my couch 42:The last thing I ate- i made spaghetti and ate it. it good.43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately- gerudo link 44:A random fact about anything- um i love listening to ten hour versions of songs ?? haha
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magma-feather · 6 years
Just something.
A week or so ago, I uploaded some photos on my ig account, my best friend wasnt in any of them but I was like, jeez, there are just some photos on a social media, its not a big deal if she isnt there. Guess what, she got so mad at me because of that, she didnt talked to me in until today. She was like “am I important to you?” and I was like wtf of course you are. She made me apologize because of it. And I was having the fucking worst month of my life, she knew. I understand, maybe some people do give a shit about what you upload on a social media and all that bullshit, but dude, if you know I am having the fucking month of my existence, WHY WOULD YOU MAKE SUCH A BIG DEAL BECAUSE OF IT? Every fucking day Im fighting, Im looking for any reason to be alive, my weight has become an obssesion, I count every fucking calorie I eat, I feel so fucking ugly that I cant even watch myself in the mirror, I mean... I just never feel comfortable with myself, but right now is 10000 times worst. I dont have anybody, someone that I gave too much importance just left, the only thing that made me feel “okay” was A FUCKING ALBUM FROM A FUCKING ARTIST I WILL NEVER MEET. I just felt a little full of shit. If you read this, and you’re having the same issue, just talk. Not too much, but talk. Saving it just makes everything worst. Gotta admit I’ve think a lot of ways of how can I kms, but I am a coward. And also, I wanna thank my friends, like 2 or 3, that makes my noons a lil better, and even if you say that you don’t care about myself, I know you care. And thank you for that. I also care about yours. Thats all, now Im gonna upload the fucking photo of my best friend cause if i don’t do that, she’ll get fucking worst with me. 
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