#will be kinda busy for t he next few days but hello hello!!!!!!
pinkluver93 · 6 months
Words Left Unsaid
A continuation of my KehXReader fic "Is This Jealousy I'm Feeling?" Enjoy!
“Ovenist….you’re attracted to me in some way, aren’t you?” 
“Ovenist, you okay?” 
You look up and Nasir, the special agent helping you with the case, is looking at you oddly. You nod. “Yeah, I just got lost in thought for a minute….” 
You had called him to talk about the new evidence you’d found at Keh’s shop. He had come as soon as he could, since it’s busy at the WPA and it’s like he’s the only one there most of the time. It’s been a week since you investigated Keh, and you’ve reviewed all your notes. Now you two are reviewing the stack of papers you found. 
“I think it’s some sort of….manifesto or something.” 
Nasir studies it for a few minutes, looking at the pages. He nods with certainty and gives a determined smile. “So this appears to be a mockup for a pizza chain Keh is starting.” 
You look at him confused. “A mockup?” 
Nasir smiles. “Yes, it seems that he’s planning to expand his pre-existing pizza parlor into a chain…but it’s not called ‘Ambrosia’ now, it’s called….” He looks at the top of the paper. “Keh-lifornia Pizza Kitchen. Hmm, sounds familiar….” 
You nod. “Yeah, I suppose. I wonder if that’s why he might’ve stolen the dough. Maybe he’s using the notoriety from getting the dough to start his chain?” 
Nasir smiles. “Intriguing perspective, and it could be true, given his past….but I would talk to him and see what he has to say about it, since it could be motivation. Let’s keep our focus on the other suspects as well.” 
You nod. “Okay.” 
“Do you have anything else to show me or tell me?” 
You shake your head ‘no’. 
“Cool, call me if you want to talk about a suspect or show me a piece of evidence.” With that, Nasir leaves, and you get lost in thought. Not just about the case, but Keh’s words still linger in your head. 
How am I supposed to continue investigating Keh if he’s caught on to the fact that I kinda like him? Ever since PizzaPalooza ended, I’ve had these butterflies in my stomach I can’t control, and I SWORE I wouldn’t say anything! Ugh, why did I have to let him know how I felt about Angelica deep down? And how he shouldn’t be with her? What do I- 
“Hello? Can I get an All-Dressed Pizza? Can I also get it well done?” 
You snap out of your thoughts once again to take your customer’s order and move on with your day as usual. 
At close, you print the daily sales receipt from your tablet. It was considerably low; you had only completed one ZaZoom order and had to do 2 refunds.  
You document the day’s sales on the Pizza City Portal, where every ovenist had to input sales to show whether they are making enough to stay in business or not. You start to think about some aspects of the case you hadn’t thought of before and you grab your notebook and your special pen. Your notebook sits by you but your pen is not in its usual spot.  
What the-where's my special pen?? 
You move everything around in your reach by your shop counter-receipt paper boxes, your store’s lost and found box (which hasn’t been emptied since you opened and is filled to the brim), and some of your personal belongings...but your pen is nowhere to be found. 
Soon enough, you have searched your entire restaurant, from the kitchen to the one-person bathroom, and you have no luck. Your heart sinks as you pack up your things, lock the store and walk to your car. As you open your car door, you hear footsteps behind you, and prepare for the worst... 
....but instead of a robber’s voice, it’s a gentle, familiar voice.. 
You close your car door in shock and the first thing you see is a shadow..albeit a very tall shadow. Next you look at who the shadow belongs to..... 
“Dr. Keh? What are you doing here?” 
He reaches into his lab coat pocket and takes something out to show you.... 
Your eyes widen. “Wait, is that-? My pen!” 
You mentally cheer, studying the golden fountain pen with a certain name engraved in it. You reach out to grab it, but pull your hand back.... 
Keh looks at you confused. “What’s the matter? You don’t want your pen? You only tore 3 quarters of your miniscule shop down looking for it...” 
You do a double-take. “Wait what?” 
“Incase you weren’t aware,” Keh starts. “Every business in this city, yours included, is not only under 24/7 constant surveillance, but it is also public record and uploaded to the WPA website nightly.” 
You stand there, stunned. “Wow....that’s crazy...” 
Keh snorts. “Yes, I’m not really rather fond of being constantly under scrutiny, but that’s the cost of having a business in this city, and...it does have benefits..” 
“Yeah...” You absentmindedly say. “Wait, you see benefits of this?” 
Keh smiles. “Yes, it was rather fun watching you destroy a good portion of your store only to spend your time to put it back the way it was again. It was better than watching TV, dare I say.” 
You cross your arms and frown. “Real funny. That pen was very special to me, okay? The fact that I lost it and the thought that some member of the Deep Dish Gang had stolen it from me really messed with me.” 
Keh was still holding the pen and nodded. “I wasn’t laughing at the fact that you lost something valuable and meaningful to you, Ovenist. I was merely laughing at you destroying your store for any reason whatsoever. I cherish my belongings as much as anyone.” 
You nod solemnly, taking the pen from his hands. For a moment, your fingers touch his fingertips, which have a strong but silky-soft texture. It felt like a smooth lotion had just been applied to them. You think you saw Keh slightly blush at the contact, which you would’ve never seen if not for the bright street light by your car. “Well thank you for keeping it safe for me. I really appreciate it.” 
While he tried to hide his blushing cheeks, he coughed. “Well uh...you’re quite welcome.” 
“Do I owe you anything in return?” 
Keh raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” 
You slightly smile. “Well it’s just....whenever you do or want to do something nice for me, you expect something in return, like with the artichokes. So I was just asking....” 
Keh looks at you for a minute, then nods. “I see. Well, you dropped it when you quickly left my shop so I knew it was yours. I studied it and knew it was very special to you.” 
You look up at him in confusion. “But....why didn’t you come by if you knew it was mine? You waited until now to come....”  
Keh put both of his hands in his pant pockets and looked down a bit, then looked at you in the eyes again. “Well, we’re not exactly on good terms, Ovenist, given our history overall. I feared you would think I stole it if I brought it to you. I was originally going to have someone send it to you anonymously....” 
“Anonymously? Well why didn’t you go through with it?” 
Keh put his hands on hips and studied you. “Because for once, I wanted you to think of me as...well...” 
You look him in his eyes. “What?” 
“I wanted you to think I was a good guy, okay? I wanted you to...well, think at least somewhat highly of me...” 
You blush a bit. “But....why me? Why not the other Ovenists?” 
Keh rolls his eyes. “I could care less what Cicero thinks, I REALLY don’t care what Alicante thinks....but you, Ovenist....I don’t know. For some reason, you’re different.” 
You start to fiddle your special pen in your fingers and shyly look up at him. “I’m....different?” 
“I can’t explain it, but....yes.” Keh says. “For once in my life, I’ve found a puzzle I was never able to solve, and that’s you, Ovenist.” 
Now is your turn to snort. “You could’ve fooled me! You’re always so mean to me....” 
Keh swallows and nods. “Yes, and....I deeply regret it. I’m sorry. I’ve been trained since I was a youth to be incredibly competitive and ruthless, and.....because of that, I-” 
You both hear a group of tourists approaching, walking down the street.  
You widen your eyes. “I think we better go our separate ways for now. I’m sure you don’t want anyone spreading rumors, right?” 
Keh nods. “Yes, I agree. Though I think the Pizzagram hashtags are already trending....” 
You both get in your cars and drive away before the tourists see you both together.... 
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
“I haven’t had a crush in a long time”
Lasko whining to the DAMN crew about how hopelessly in love he is with Coworker
Warnings: Fluff, a little cussing
It was 8:48 in the morning on a Sunday. Lasko was up, showered and dressed, and sitting on his couch, butterflies lingering in his stomach from the night before. He had a wonderful night, even if it started like a shit show. And he was very grateful that they still wanted to be with him even if he was a mess, because lord knows if he was in their shoes, he probably wouldn’t.
He sat on the couch of his apartment and called Freelancer as soon as possible, letting it ring a few times before he heard them answer
“Freelancer H-hi! I-I-im sorry to-to call you this early i-i-in the m-morning I know you were p-p-probably s-sleeping but I just want to- to tell you about m-my date! Uhh are you busy?”
“Yeah no i’m just uhh—”
They looked over at the mess in the kitchen, powdered sugar all over the counters and A certain special incubus and a cute curly-horned daemon trying to make donutholes
“—just gimme a minute and maybe you can come over and we can talk about it here?”
“Yeah! Yeah O-of Course. What time d-do you think I should head over?”
Gavin came over, politely interrupting for them, Freelancer immediately leaving him with the phone and going over to help Caelum with the donuts so it can be over quicker. They loved him but they also wanted alone time with Gavin before spending the day with Lasko.
“Hey Lasko, really happy to hear that you want to talk about your date, it must’ve went well, and we’re glad to hear all about it around…11? How’s that sound?”
“Oh! H-hey Gavin. Yeah, yeah 11 sounds g-good to me. Okay i’ll see you soon. Well not- not soon soon, 11 is-is in three hours. W-w-w-well i guess th-that wouldn’t make it a-soon at-at all because three hours is k-kinda a long t-time…Y-you know w-w-what I m-mean. Bye—”
And he hung up, not wanting to over speak like he usually does. He also texted Damien and Huxley to meet him at Freelancers house so they could talk about it collectively. So there he sat, maybe putting a show on or doing some chores around the house, waiting for 11 to roll by so he could tell his friends allll about how much he liked his date.
Freelancer sat on their couch with their legs on Gavin’s lap, his hands caressing their thighs and rubbing their feet from time to time. Damien and Huxley sat next to eachother on the other couch, next to Lasko who was uncontrollably smiling
“Alright Lasko. Spit it out, How’d it go?”
Damien spoke, tired of looking at eachother in silence
“W-well at first…at first it was a f-f-fucking d-disaster! I-I made a fool of myself and- and spilled their drink i-in their lap, A-AND s-s-stood up i-into the waiters’ p-platter of f-food and i-it got all o-o-ver the table! God I wanted to j-just CEASE to e-exist!”
“Oh my…Lasko I thought you said it went well” Freelancer said, a little concerned with how he was describing the night
“Well this is just the beginning…i-i-it got better I-I promise!”
Lasko went on to explain how his date still wanted to go on a walk with him, even though he was super clumsy and constantly inconveniencing them. They had a really nice conversation, the nicest Lasko’s had in a while. He emphasized how calm they made him feel and how they were considerate of his anxiety and let him take his time. After a while of him describing the night and the date themselves, Freelancer quietly noticed that Lasko wasn’t stuttering anymore, it become a slower, more admirable way of speaking. And they were really happy for him.
“They’re so beautiful and sweet and funny and their lips are so soft and- and they’re really fucking intelligent…I-I mean I really don’t know what they see in me…b-but I’m happy that they seem to like me. I really really like them. Gosh I haven’t had a crush in a long time” He put his hands up to his face, cooling his warm cheeks with a light gentle breeze.
“Aweeee” Huxley replied, also really happy for him. “That’s great buddy!”
“Yeah Lasko that’s amazing. When’s the next date?” Damien followed up
“And when do I meet them?” Gavin spoke, Freelancer cutting him off with a small hit to the chest “What? I have to approve first. I know Lasko and what’s good for him…really well actually—”
“U-uhm! I-I-I’m not s-sure but I’ll see. I r-really cant wait for y-you you all to meet them. Y-you’re gonna love them” He smiled, all his friends smiling back.
“Alright! Now group hugs?” Huxley spoke, standing up
“Yeah!!” Freelancer spoke also standing up, taking Gavin with them. He was smiling contentedly, knowing this was coming.
Damien rolled his eyes, never admitting to actually really liking the hugs. They all stood and pulled Lasko to their chests, Huxley squeezing a few people together a little too close.
“I love you guys”
“We love you too Lasko”
A/N: Hey guys! This took me a little while because of Lasko but I love him too much to give up, so here we are! @guyspizzapie I believe this one is for you, thank you for giving me the rec… I really enjoyed making this, and you actually have like 3 or 4 more coming so please stick around😊
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why good day and hello!
lovely to be acquainted with the talented writer behind some of the lovely examples I've read! I do hope you're starting the day swell ♡
as we jump into the spooky season, i was kinda curious of the concept of vampire!eddie forming a sweet bond with a shy!hunter reader; perhaps in due time it opens the both up more and blossom into some special?
I am SO sorry this took so long😅life got hella busy and this got 3k words longer than intended🫣
Unlikely Friends
vamp!eddie x gn!shy!vamp hunter!reader, angst & fluff, 4.7k words
CW: blood/mention of blood, new vampire hunter reader, talk of duty, verbal teasing, sweet moments, parental disowning, Steve being a bit of a dick, worried Dustin
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You’re new to the whole “vampire hunter” thing. Your dad sprung it on you last month on your 20th birthday and you started training the next day.
You still don’t know how you got here though—wandering through the dark forest of Hawkins Indiana with only a stake gun and some vervain shots.
“You got this kid, you’ll do great,” your dad had said as he gave you the weapons and gently pushed you towards the woods.
That seemed far fetched considering you could barely deal with the sight of blood in anatomy class when you dissected frogs or at the doctors office after you fainted that day when they had to take blood to check you out.
But here you are, stake gun in hand, eyes wide open and searching, ears alert, heart racing. Each of your steps are calculated. Remembering that your dad mentioned there was a sighting at a bonfire by the Harrington’s place that was the first place you headed. As you closed in on the Harrington house, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you spun around to catch a flash…of a leather jacket?
Without thinking you aimed and fired a stake at the blur that ran in front of you, sharpened wood barreling through the air only to splinter into pieces as it made contact with a tree ten feet in front of you.
“Not even gonna buy me dinner before you try and kill me?”
The voice was soft but powerful, not menacing like your father made vampires out to be. “Ruthless, fucking blood suckers. Monsters,” he’d say.
You hesitantly step back, your back meeting a tree trunk after a few steps. You close your eyes and breathe deeply trying to still your racing heart.
“Sweetheart, your heartbeat is racing. Are you excited to see me?” The voice teased again.
You didn’t respond, squeezing your eyes shut tighter in the hopes that when you opened them you’d be at home and not still in the woods. A shiver ran up your spine and your eyes shot open to see a man before you.
His eyes are a deep, chocolate brown with specks of amber. His dark hair falls in loose and frizzy waves just past his shoulders. A breeze picks up his scent of cigarettes, dewy moss and something salty but sweet. And as your eyes search his face, his plump lips curl up into a toothy smile that bares his fangs for you to see.
Your breath catches and you squeeze your eyes shut again, turning your head to the side. His hot breath hits your now exposed neck and you hear him inhale deeply.
“Fuck, darling. You smell good.”
You whimper, “please let me go home. I just want to go home.”
At that, you feel the vampire’s presence leave you. Opening your eyes to empty woods again you run all the way home, doing your best not to trip on any tree roots. ____
It’s been three days since your encounter in the woods. You try and acclimate into your new environment by walking the new mall in town—apparently the last one caught fire. You pop into a few stores and soon find yourself at the ice cream shop in the food court.
“Hello! Welcome to Scoops Ahoy, what can I get a sweet newcomer like you?” A kind-eyed brown haired man asks. You look between him and his female coworker before checking what flavors they have.
“Can I get a single scoop of Buttered Pecan in a cup please?”
“Anything for you darling,” he says with a smile.
You watch him work, his name tag catching the light, Steve. Looking to his coworker you see her name tag reads Robin. According to your dad’s notes a guy named Steve and girl named Robin were at the Harrington house when the vampire was last seen. As Steve finishes getting your scoop and brings it to the register you catch a flash of skin on his wrist where his sweatband rose. He pushed it back down quickly but you swore you saw fang marks.
“How much?” You ask.
“On the house today for the newbie in town,” Steve smiles.
“Oh,” you will your cheeks not to heat but alas, they do and now you’re blushing at a stranger. “Thank you.”
You take your ice cream and make your way to a table to finish it, staying close enough to hear Robin and Steve’s conversation.
“Ah another loss for King Steve.”
“Shut it Robin. What are we going to do about Eddie? He took from me last time—a lot honestly, I almost passed out—and none of the kids are free to help us. He can’t hunt animals for shit and there’s no way for us to like steal any, so what do we do? He’s gonna starve if we don’t do something.”
“I don’t know Steve. We’ll figure something out, we always do.”
Eddie. The name rolls around in your head. Could that be the name of the vampire that spared you? Could he be different? No, he took blood from his friend. But Steve said kids? He has to be different for there to be kids involved right? But with everything Dad has taught me, he can’t be different. Can he? ______
Dad had the radio scanner going last night and he caught a walkie talkie transmission between Steve a kid named Dustin—probably one of the ones Steve said was out of town a few days ago. So here you are getting dropped off at the same trailhead Dad let you out at last Saturday. Stake gun in hand plus something else in your satchel that your dad doesn’t need to know about.
You walk slowly into the tree line, heart beating rapidly like usual. Once you’ve made it into the thick of the woods your eyes move from your surroundings to your feet so you don’t trip on anything.
“Are you nervous, darling?” A familiar voice asks.
Your breath hitches and you stop dead in your tracks.
“Is that why you’re looking down?”
You close your eyes and focus on steadying your breathing.
“Awe, c’mon sweetheart, I hate one-sided conversations.”
You still didn’t move, eyes still closed, heart hammering in your chest. But when you hear his footsteps circle you and feel a hand run across your stomach and around your back, you drop your head and plead. “Please, I’m sorry, my father is making me do this, look for you. I don’t want to, Eddie.”
His steps stop when you utter his name.
“Eddie?” You slowly lift your head and open your eyes to find another empty forest before you. You breathe slowly and unpack your satchel. You put out your two water bottles, one filled with the rabbits blood from the three rabbits you trapped early last week for Dad’s rabbit stew and the other with deers blood from the buck your dad shot two days ago that’s currently curing for venison jerky. You had labeled the bottles crudely with a sharpie—trying your best not to pass out from the sight of blood—before shoving them into your satchel and covering them with a jacket. You also left the note, settled between the two bottles on the fallen tree a few feet away from you.
Hi Eddie , (I hope you’re who Steve was talking about on Wednesday, if not sorry for misnaming you).
I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N). My father is a vampire hunter from Louisiana and he brought us up here when he first heard about the “animal attacks” that happened after the “earthquake.” He kinda sprung it on me. I didn’t even know vampires were a thing until my 20th birthday a week and a half ago when he forced me to start training.
I promise I don’t want to do this. I don’t even want to be here, but he’s all I’ve got left and it’s my “duty” as a (Y/L/N). There’s deer and rabbit blood in the bottles for you, so you can give Steve a break until Dustin and the other kids come back in to town. 
I’m sorry, (Y/N)
It’s become a Saturday night tradition for Dad to drop you at the edge of the woods. So as you make your way past the trailhead and into the trees, hearing the car drive off behind you, you close your eyes and breathe. Your satchel is heavier this time so the walk to the fallen tree takes a bit more out of you. By the time you get to the tree and sit down, your breathing heavy and your heartbeat is high.
“Comfortable enough to sit down now huh?” Eddie says.
You don’t respond, still nervous in the presence of a vampire. This time he walks slowly to you, instead of running like a flash of wind.
“You gonna actually talk to me this time, (Y/N)?”
You swallow, “you read the letter?”
“Yeah and the blood actually lasted me a little while,” he says coming to sit on the rock across from you. “Thanks for that.”
You smile at him.
“You don’t talk much do you?” He laughs.
A blush rises to your cheeks, “sorry.”
“It’s alright sweetheart, I don’t mind doing all the talking.”
You unpack your satchel in front of him. This time pulling out three bottles of blood for him, on top of a new shirt and a fresh pair of socks.
“Damn, you really know how to take care of a guy.”
You laugh as you toss him the shirt and socks. “I got you a hair tie too,” this time you get up and walk over to him to give it to him.
He looks up at you from where he sits on the rock and smiles. Eyes glinting in the moonlight and fangs bared. You’re not afraid this time, instead you look at him with curiosity.
“Might wanna take a picture darling, it’ll last longer,” he smirks as he takes the scrunchie from you and ties back his hair.
You shyly lower your eyes and step back, turning your back towards him as you retreat to your perch on the fallen tree. You don’t hear him move but you feel his body beside you moments after you reach the tree.
“Fuck, Jesus,” you say, hand over your heart.
“Sorry,” he laughs, hand reaching up to rub at his neck. “Still trying to get used to the speed.”
“It’s okay,” reaching towards the bottles you hand them to him one-by-one. “There’s rabbit in this one but it might be a bit old, dad made stew again earlier this week. And these two are wild turkey, they have a lot more blood than you’d think.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). Really. Steve was thankful too when I saw him last.”
“You’re welcome,” you sit back down on the tree and pull out a sandwich from your pack. “Do you mind if I-?”
“If you eat? So long as you don’t mind if I drink,” he laughs lightly.
You shake your head no, “I don’t mind.”
So you sit in silence, having your meals in the woods together. Both of you thankful for the company. ______
You look forward to Saturdays now. Dad thinks it’s because you’re enjoying the hunt but really it’s because you’re enjoying your weekly midnight dinners with Eddie. You’re going on four months of knowing Eddie and helping him. Two Saturdays ago you let Eddie tell Steve who was getting him blood, and this Saturday Steve, Robin and Dustin have come to meet you.
You get to the fallen tree first, perching criss-cross applesauce atop it. And shortly before you finish unpacking your and Eddie’s dinners, someone closes their hands around your eyes.
“Hmm, I wonder who that could be,” you laugh. “Eddie, quit teasing!”
Eddie’s laugh bellows behind you as he takes his hands off your eyes and hugs you around the waist from behind. You lean your head up to look at him and match the smile on his face with one of your own.
“Well I’ll be damned, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Eddie hug someone other than the kids or Uncle Wayne,” a familiar feminine voice comes from behind Eddie. Robin, Steve and Dustin were trailing behind Eddie who probably sprinted to get to you before they could ruin the surprise.
Eddie lets go of your waist and hops onto the tree beside you, sitting down and going for a bottle of blood.
“Eddie hold on I didn’t tell you what it is this week,” you laugh trying to grab the bottle from him. Steve leans agains a tree across from the log you and Eddie are sitting on while Robin and Dustin sit on the rock beside him.
“What if I wanted to guess this week?”
“There’s not much for us to hunt in Indiana so it would be an easy guess,” you laugh.
“Well, your dad makes rabbit stew like every week so I know one of these is rabbit.” He looks to you and you nod in confirmation.
“It won’t be stale this week, we went hunting on Thursday so everything is only two days old.”
“I’m sorry did you just say blood can go stale?” Dustin asks.
“I mean, not necessarily ‘stale’ but it gets more clotted the longer it sits out and I don’t want my dad asking questions so I can’t keep these in the fridge at home.”
“Oh right, yeah, your vampire hunter dad,” Steve scoffs. “Can we really trust them Eddie?”
You look down at your hands at Steve’s comment and Eddie notices. His hand comes to rest on your shaking knee.“Shut it, Harrington,” he bites.
“I’m just saying. Their dad is a vampire hunter, they’re literally only here to kill you. Why are we blindly trusting them? Just because they decided not to kill him yet and to feed him instead?”
“Steve,” Robin whispers.
“Don’t, Robin, you know I’m right.”
“C’mon man,” Dustin breathes.
“They could just be trying to get on Eddie’s good side so it’s easier for them to stab him in the back. They could be slowly poisoning him with the blood they bring! You guys know I’m right. We can’t trust a hunter,” Steve spits that last part at you with so much venom in his voice. 
Your breathing grows heavier with Steve’s verbal assault and you feel tears prick at your eyes. Eddie can hear your heartbeat and he starts to get angry.
“Really, Steve? You decide to do this now? A week after they trusted me enough to let me tell you it was them keeping me alive? A week after they agreed to meet you guys? Right now?” Eddie doesn’t yell it but you can feel the anger radiating off of him as he sits beside you.
“Don’t,” you whisper. “Don’t fight about me being here. I-I’ll just go.” You pack up your satchel with your uneaten sandwich and get off the tree you sat on. “I brought you an extra blanket since it’s getting colder earlier. I know you probably have some already, but-“
“(Y/N), you don’t have to go,” Eddie says, his voice laced with sadness and…something else?
You shake your head and grab your bag, “it’s okay, Eds.”
You give him a soft smile and start the trek back to your house. ______
Next Saturday evening, you find Dad in the kitchen.
“I’m not feeling too well, can we skip this week?”
“Sure thing, everything alright?”
“Yeah I think I went too hard in training this week,” you give him a weak smile. “A day or two of rest should be fine. I should be good to go back out next week.”
You didn’t tell Eddie you wouldn’t be there.
He waited until sunrise for you.
The next Saturday was the same.
Eddie still waited.
The next Tuesday your dad left to get some supplies so you were home alone. Around lunch time there was a knock on the door. Hesitantly, you looked through the peep hole only to find Dustin nervously shifting from foot to foot outside your door.
“(Y/N),” he says drawing out the last part of your name. “Please open up, please. It’s Eddie, he’s not doing well.”
Your heart breaks, and so does your resolve. You open the door and silently welcome Dustin in.
“Fuck, okay okay (Y/N) this is Code Red. Eddie hasn’t eaten in two weeks. He can’t hunt to save his life and he won’t take from me, Steve, or Robin. He’s not doing well. He’s weak and slow and you can tell the lack of blood is really really bad for him, you have to do something.”
“Vampires will start to decay after 3 weeks of no blood. After 4 they’ll be petrified, after 6 they turn to ash.”
“Not helping, (Y/N), please, please talk to him.”
You finally look at the boy standing in your living room. His eyes are tired, he looks worried, and helpless. “I don’t know what this has to do with me.”
“Are you serious? You have got to be joking. Eddie is in love with you. That night we met you I could see it, Robin could see it, Steve could see it—which is why he was a serious asshole to you,” Dustin pauses and looks at your confused face. “He misses you. That’s why he won’t eat. He thinks you hate him. He doesn’t want to be someone you hate.”
“Just, promise me you’ll meet him this Saturday. Please?” He pleads, hands outstretched, eyes wide and begging.
You nod, “okay. But you have to go now, my dad will be home soon.”
The same afternoon, in the woods:
Dad made a pit stop at the trailhead to see if he could catch sight of the vampire. What he didn’t think he’d find was a folded piece of paper with his kids name on it on a fallen tree. He was confused, so he opened it.
Hey (Y/N), I’m sorry about all that shit Steve said. Really, truly, so sorry. You and our midnight dinners mean a lot to me. Your company (and the blood you bring me) are honestly the only things keeping me around right now.
I’ve waited here, for you, for the last two Saturdays. I even waited on both Sundays just in case it was a mistake that you didn’t show.
I don’t know if you’ll ever meet up with me again, but I hope you do. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.
I miss you With love,
I’m sorry, Eddie
Dad stuffed the letter in his coat pocket and headed back to the car. A plan forming in his mind. He knows how to catch the disgusting vampire that convinced his precious child to turn their back on their duty as a (Y/L/N). ______
The following Saturday, you're dropped at the start of the trailhead and wave to your dad as he started the drive home. You start the trek to your spot slowly, trying to give yourself time to work up any courage you might need today.
But then something happened, and you hear a familiar voice but this time it screams.
Your body moves before you can tell it to, running as fast as you can to Eddie. You get to your spot and find him leaning against the tree you usually sit on, a stake in his left side and one in the side of his knee.
“(Y/N),” he smiled through tears as you fall to your knees beside him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“Stop, stop Eddie. It’s okay, there’s nothing to be sorry for.” Your hands hover over his wounds.
“(Y/N),” another familiar voice beckons. “Get away from the vampire, (Y/N).”
You turn and meet your dad’s gaze. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Dad, no. He’s different. He-“
“(Y/N)!” He yells. “Don’t dishonor us like this. You have a duty to your family. To your history.”
Eddie places his hand on yours on the ground beside him. You tear your eyes from your dad to find Eddie’s.
“It’s okay, (Y/N). You’re okay.”
“Eds,” you say tears in your eyes.
“Step away, (Y/N).”
You squeeze Eddie’s hand. “This is gonna hurt Eds okay? But I need to take these out so you can start healing.”
“Okay,” Eddie winces as your hands find the stake in his knee.
“(Y/N), stop,” Dad orders. You remove the stake in Eddie's knee and look back to Dad, stake gun raised to Eddie’s chest. You stand and place yourself between Eddie and Dad.
“Get out of the way.”
“Your going to throw away your history for a monster? That’s not how I raised you!” “No, Dad, it’s not. You raised me to be kind. Innocent until proven guilty. Eddie is not guilty. Eddie is innocent. He’s pure, and kind, and funny, and cares for those he loves. He’s not like the vampires you learned about in your childhood. He didn’t ask to become this, he wasn’t turned. He went to hell and came back. He went into the Upside Down, died in a parallel universe and he was resurrected by a supernatural being to destroy Hawkins. But he didn’t. He came back to his friends, he found his way back to the light. He. Is. Good.”
You hoped the story Dustin and Robin told you in at Scoops Ahoy on Thursday was true. Hoped that Dad would see that Eddie wasn’t inherently evil. That vampires could be good. You thought you had reached him when he lowered his stake gun.
“Are you really that far gone?” He asks, exasperated. “Did he compel you that well? Convince you so easily?”
“Dad, no-“
“Quiet,” he bites.
“Excuse me,” Dustin says from the left of you. “Hi, sorry.”
Dustin, Steve and Robin had their hands up as they walked closer to you all. You looked over and met Dustin’s eyes, mouthing I’m sorry to him.
“Everything they said is true,” Steve speaks next. “Eddie wasn’t turned by another vampire, we didn’t even know there were other vampires until you and (Y/N) came to town.”
“Yeah,” Robin chimed in. “Eddie was possessed by this evil guy named Vecna who killed like four of our friends. Vecna pulled a Frankenstein and changed Eddie before using him to try and get to us. But he was able to fight it. He’s good, we promise he’s good.”
“(Y/N)?” Eddie whispered behind you. You turned around and dropped to your knees between his legs.
“Hey, hey, look at me Eds,” you put both hands on his cheeks to lift his head. “You’re gonna be okay, are you healing?”
You look beside you to the wound on his knee that should be healed, only for it not to be. “Dustin, Dustin, were you able to get rabbit blood?” You ask frantically, looking over to him.
He nods no, hands still raised towards Dad.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you mutter under your breath. “Hold on, Eds. Hold on. You don’t get to leave me just yet.”
You stand and face Dad. “You, you are going to leave.”
He stares at you. “How dare you.”
“How dare you. Holding a weapon at a three people you don’t know over a man you don’t know. I know Eddie. I know he’s good. What happened to trust, huh? You wanted me to trust you when you told me we came from a line of vampire hunters. To trust you to train me. To trust you to keep me safe. Where is your trust in me? Do you not think I’m skilled enough to know when an enemy is lying? When an enemy is an enemy? Eddie isn’t the enemy, Dad. Eddie is good. Please listen to me. Trust me."
Dad points his stake gun back at Eddie.
“DAD,” you yell, hot tears falling down your cheeks. “You can’t. I love him.”
That has the stake gun pointing to the ground. “You can’t.”
“I can. I do.”
Dad spits at the ground by your feet and you flinch. “You,” he pauses to look in your eyes. “Are no child of mine. You leave Hawkins, he dies.” He states pointing to Eddie.
“Dad,” you cry. “Pleas-“
“I have no children,” he states, turning and leaving you to tend to Eddie.
You choke back sobs as you kneel between Eddie’s legs again. “Eddie, Eddie look at me please.”
He doesn’t move. “Eddie?” You say frantically. “Eddie please, please don’t do this.”
You yank the second stake from his side and put your hands on either side of his neck to hold his head up.
“Eddie,” you cry. Blinking back tears you reach into your boot and pull out a small knife.
“Whoa, whoa whoa, (Y/N), what are you doing?” Steve asks as he, Robin and Dustin rush over to you and Eddie.
“He needs blood,” you say, steeling your nerves as you drag the blade across your palm. You bite your lip at the pain and lift your hand to rest on Eddie’s lips. “Please,” you beg in a low voice. “Please, Eddie. Please.”
“It’s working,” Dustin whispers. “His knee, his side, they’re healing.”
You breathe out a sad laugh, hand still resting on Eddie’s lips. His hands move, one coming to rest on your hip, the other on your wrist to push your bloodied hand away from him.
“No, no, no, Eddie. You need blood,” you say, pushing your hand closer to him.
“(Y/N), hold on,” he croaks from a dry throat. He looks to the other three, “can you guys give us a few minutes?”
“Oh, uh yeah,” Robin says nudging Steve and Dustin as they get up to walk towards Harrington’s house. “We’ll be at Harrington’s when you’re done!” She calls behind them.
“Eddie, please, drink.”
“Alright sweetheart, alright,” he chuckles, then winces. “I just wanted some privacy, sharing blood is a bit on the intimate side for me.”
“But Steve?”
“Yeah I never drank from his wrist, I would just bite him and then he would let it go into a cup or a bowl or something and then I’d give him my blood the same way to heal him up.”
���Oh, I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles. “You didn’t know and I don’t think I’d be here if you hadn’t thought fast like that.” The hand that was on your waist, reaches up to your neck. “Thank you, darling. Thank you.”
You smile and offer him your palm again. This time he takes it willingly, lapping at the gash and drinking until you tap on his cheek that you need a break. Your head was fuzzy and your hand throbbed. As was something in your chest—a feeling, a warmth.
Eddie wiped his lips with the back of his hand before biting his wrist and reaching it towards you. You hesitantly take it and lift it to your lips, drinking a small amount, you both watch as your bleeding hand stitches back together after a few moments.
You look at each other, both of you feeling a bit more for the other than when you started these midnight dinners.
Eddie’s hand finds your waist again, and the other finds your neck. “Can I kiss you, (Y/N)?”
“Yes,” you breathe. Eddie drags you closer to him, his lips gently pressing against yours in a chaste kiss. He pulls back and nuzzles into your neck, inhaling. “Fuck, the first day we met I thought you'd taste as good as you smell. Didn't think I'd ever learn if I was right, but Jesus H. Christ you do. ”
You tense slightly at the comment. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll shut up,” he murmurs into your neck, dropping a kiss to your pulse point. “So,” Eddie pulls himself from your neck and smirks. “You love me, huh?”
You laugh and stand up, holding out your healed hand to him. “You’re not going to let me forget that will you?”
“I don’t want you to forget that, ever, because I love you. And it would be weird if it was one sided after everything,” he says accepting your hand to help him stand.
“That would be a bit awkward," you laugh. "Good thing it’s not one sided.”
“Good thing, indeed,” he smiles back at you.
"Have you noticed I'm a lot better around blood now?" You ask as you head towards the Harrington house.
"I did," Eddie laughs.
"That's all because of you Eds, all because of you," you smile.
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psioniciris · 10 months
Creepy Cases of Casper High (Hunters, Dragons, and Damsels In Distress!)
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Hello hello my cherished readers! Sorry its been so long since I shared my last case report. Just been busy with life and doing research in general to make sure I've got my facts straight. Anywho, to anyone who is just joining us now here's a bit of a refresher. Last time I shared a case with you guys we were discussing Casper High's very first major ghost sighting of a huge monster made of meat! Feel free to check out the full details of the case by following the link down below!
The official second sighting looks like it might have been more of a one off thing along with the third but I decided to include them anyway since I feel like all of them are important if we want to get a better picture of just how haunted this town is. It happened to Mikey in the library. He went to use one of the computer's in the school library to work on an assignment and ran into someone he didn't realize at the time was a ghost who turned around and attacked him! Luckily Mikey wasn't hurt, just gagged and hung upside-down by some kind of energy net that vanished into thin air a few seconds later.
According to Mikey once he calmed down enough to remember exactly what the ghost said to him, he referred to himself as Skulker. This might only be a code name though so I'll have to look into this further for another article.
Moving onto the third ghost sighting at Casper High this one is pretty incredible if you as me! Why? Because it was the first close up sighting of Danny Phantom himself and an honest to goodness dragon! A ghost dragon! That can only mean one thing folks, dragons are real is now confirmed! I mean think about it. How could there be a ghost of a dragon if there was never a living one at some point flying around?
But moving on...
Before I dive into our next story I'd like to preface this by saying most of these are based entirely on witness accounts that vary a lot in levels of detail which is totally understandable when you think about it. It's kinda hard to pay attention to the specifics when you're running for your life from a huge gout of green flames from the maw of a ghost dragon! Moving onto the case report itself the first reported sighting of this dragon was apparently at the Amity Park Mall in the Abyss clothing store.
There was a sale on the entire discontinued line of Fleecy-T blouses and somehow or another a customer wound up possessed and transformed in front of the very eyes of the acting manager on call at the time. Paulina said she sorta remembers being there that day too but was too excited about managing to guy the very last shirt they had left in her size to really pay attention to what happened when she left the store.
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The second sighting of the same dragon was on campus that night at Casper High where it destroyed the girls bathroom (although this wasn't discovered until later the next day by the janitor cleaning up the mess left by the first dance of the school year) then flew off to the football field where our next two witnesses, Dash and Tiffanie, saw Danny Phantom rescuing Paulina. My guess is he saved Paulina from the dragon at some point when the bathroom was wrecked which would explain why she was out cold at the time. The dragon was then defeated by our local ghost hero and the rest as they say is history! I also wonder how they replaced that whole row of bleachers...?
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To end things off, I found out there was another ghost sighting the same night by Tucker Foley and the DJ in charge of the school dance's music. Tucker didn't tell me much apart from that he was really taken aback when this ghost girl just floated up to him, insisting on enjoying the last dance with him. As for the DJ, he noticed them while getting ready to pack up his gear once the last song finished and noticed the girl Tucker was dancing with looked out of place in her get-up, aka a medieval styled gown not to mention her feet were literally gliding across the dance floor. Well, assuming they had been ever touching the ground to begin with!
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Tucker tells me she was surprisingly mellow and sweet but at the time his nerves were a bit frazzled from trying to help his best friend Danny Fenton keep his parents from getting too talkative about certain happenings at school. The rest of their little waltz is a bit of blur though so Tucker couldn't tell me any more than that. As for why Danny's parents were chaperoning the dance I'll leave that to your imagination since I doubt it's a very fond memory for the poor guy.
But there you have it! I really wanted to make up for my long absence here's three Creepy Cases of Casper High all rolled up into one! And now that puts our total of ghost encounters so far at 4! First was the meat ghost, second was this ghost hunter guy Skulker, third was the dragon, and fourth was this mysterious ghost girl who according to Tucker's description of her might have been nobility or maybe even a princess! Not only that but she bears a striking similarity to the ghost dragon as far as their color aesthetic so could the two of them be connected somehow? Looks like that is yet another case for me to take a closer look into for a future post!
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ave09 · 1 year
that night
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note: sooo this one’s kinda like based on the pilot. i couldn’t pull inspiration from the latest episode but if y’all have any ideas let me know!
the next ones gonna be abt how you and harvey met :)
that night you’d gone to sleep thinking that tomorrow would be just as good of a day that today was. harvey had taken some time off work so the two of you could spend some time together.
he’d taken you out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, and you two had proceeded to visit your favorite bookstore. why he was being this way? you didn’t know. 
when asked, he merely shrugged, “i’ve been a bit busy lately, just wanted to show you that i love you.”
the two of you had gone home afterwards, and spent a wonderful night in bed. you’d fallen asleep snuggled against harvey, his strong arms wrapped around your frame, holding you as if you were the most precious thing on earth. 
and then the phone rang.
you slowly stirred from your sleep, the sound echoing throughout the dark room. “harv.” you murmured, pulling the blanket over your head. he remained silent. 
“harvey.” you repeated, a little louder this time. he groaned in response, “five more minutes..” he buried his head into the crook of your neck, trying to fall back asleep. 
“beautiful, your phone’s ringing.” 
“let it ring.” 
and so you did. a few seconds later, the sound stopped, leaving a comfortable silence behind. just as you began to drift off to sleep again, the loud ringing filled the air again. 
“jesus, harvey-“
“i’m gettin’ it, i’m gettin’ it.” he assured, retracting his arms from around you as he rolled over to face his nightstand, reaching for the blaring device.
“this is he.”
“slow down, what??”
hearing the concern in his voice, you sat up. harvey was quick to climb out of bed, rushing toward the large walk-in closet on the other side of the room, the phone pressed to his ear, “uh-huh. yes. i’ll be there soon.” 
he then hung up. 
“harvey? what’s going on?” 
“god, honey, it’s terrible.” he called from the closet, the sound of hangers rustling overlapped his voice. slowly, you too crawled out of bed, clad in one of harvey’s t-shirts, you approached the closet door where harvey was quickly changing into one of his three-piece suits. currently he was dressed in a white button down, a loose tie around his neck, and boxers. stress and anxiety radiated off of the man as he attempted to knot his tie. 
“beautiful,” you whispered, approaching him, your hands gently grasping the fabric of his tie. the man paused, his cerulean eyes meeting yours. 
“tell me what happened.” you said softly as you began to fix his tie. harvey sighed deeply, running a hand through his already mused hair, “it’s bruce.” 
“what about bruce?” 
“he’s dead.”
you froze, your hands gripping the tie a little tighter at the shocking news. “how-how is this possible? i saw him earlier today, what-what happened??” 
“i-i don’t know. i don’t know, and that’s why i’m heading out there to see.” you remained silent as you perfected the knot, a horrible thought flashing through your mind.
“oh my god-harv-what’s turner gonna say? the thought of the boy being orphaned once more made your heart ache. you and harvey had practically helped raised the kid, and now you’d have to break the news that his father is gone.
“i don’t know honey.” he murmured, now fully dressed, adjusting the sleeves of his suit jacket, “but i am terrified to find out.” 
he glanced at the watch adorning his wrist, “i gotta get going. i told them i’d be there soon.” 
harvey moved towards you, pressing a loving kiss on your lips, “i love you.” “love you too.” he called back, heading toward the door.
“be safe out there, beautiful.” 
he sent you a gentle smile, “always am.” and headed out the door, leaving you to wonder: who or what the hell killed bruce wayne?
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 0.1
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l the first couple chapters kinda suck in my opinion but i swear it gets better!! T-T
"No, no.. no!" Taehyung grabbed the glass right in time before it was able colliding with the floor. Sighing in relief, he straightened himself when hearing a bubbly giggle. The baby was happily wiggling in her highchair, her hands up to her mouth. Trying stuffing them inside.
"Ari, no," he exhaled and lowered her little hands down. For a few days now she had developed the habit of stuffing all kinds of things, even her own hands, into her mouth. His mother had said her first teeth might start to break through soon. Whatever it was, it made her constantly biting on something.
He attempted to feed her again. Her napkin being all smudged from the previous tries, but he was determined to do so. Sure 7-month-old babies tended not to obey, but she had usually been a rather affable child. He couldn't figure out what it was that day.
"Hm.. maybe the food?" He smelled the paste on the plastic spoon, not being able to sense anything weird though. "Don't you like it? I bought some new flavours to try." The baby girl was just staring at him with big eyes, continuing stuffing her fingers into her mouth. He grabbed another glass. Biting down on his tongue while opening it up.
"Let's try this one. You like it?" He smiled widely and took a spoon of the newly opened glass. It was one of her favorite ones, so she should like it. And indeed, as he sneaked the spoon into her mouth, she actually ate the paste. Making him smile in relief. "So it really was the new flavor. Noted," he nodded while giving her another spoon of the paste she actually liked. After finishing almost the whole glass, he wiped her mouth and little hands clean with a wet tissue. Placing her binky between der lips to prevent her fingers of ending up there again. The girl giggling as he did so. His brown eyes fell on the clock above her then.
"Crap," he muttered and picked her up. Quickly carrying her to the living room. "We've got to go," he announced, "The office is opening soon." Ari was just observing him as he brought her red shoes and matching red jacket. "I hope they take you," he sighed then, earning a blink from her. She smiled then, making him smile as well.
"You're right. Why wouldn't they? You're adorable after all."
The queue moved and Taehyung took a step forward. His arms growing heavy from carrying Ari the whole time. Him not having much of a choice though. His friend had broken her stroller and those things were quite expensive. He had to buy her a new one soon though or his arms would fall off.
His eyes wandered around. Most in line were young mothers, some fathers being there as well. They didn't have their children with them though, probably had left them somewhere. Something he couldn't. Everyone had been too busy with work this time of the day or lived too far to just quickly drop her off. Besides, he tried spending as much time with her as possible before starting work again.
The line moved again and he watched a couple enter the office. Only one more and it was their turn. To pass some time, he looked at the drawings of cut out animals and flowers on the walls. Some photos with the bigger, two and three year old children hung there as well. Overall a typical cheery day nursery.
"Next one, please," a friendly voice said from inside the office. Making him realise it was finally their turn. "Y-yes, hello," he said while entering. Adjusting his grip around Ari's little body.
Two women were standing behind the desk. One was definitely older than the other. Probably around her fourties. The other one in her mid-twenties maybe. Both greeting him with a smile.
"I'm here to sign her up," he explained as he stepped in front of them. The older woman handed him a few pieces of paper then. Also placing a pen next to the documents. "Fill this out, please." Taehyung nodded and grabbed the pen. However, with Ari in his arm it was difficult to write anything down .
"I can carry her while you're filling in the application." He perked up, locking gazes with the younger woman. Her brown eyes were friendly staring at him. He nodded, indicating he accepted her kind offer and carefully placed the baby in her arms. Her smile immediately growing wider as she grabbed Ari from her little torso. Holding her up in her arms. "Hey, cutie. You'll get back to your daddy in a minute. Okay?" Ari was just staring at her with wide eyes. Starting playing with one of the woman's bracelets.
Taehyung had almost forgotten about the papers, shaking his head then. He started reading and filling them out carefully. Occasionally peeking at the baby who seemed too immersed in the woman's bracelets and long hair to care about him. He laughed under his breath before putting his signature at the bottom of the application. Handing them back to the daycare teacher.
"Ari Kim," she read out loud and scimmed over the rest in silence. Taehyung starting tapping his fingers as she was doing so. Hearing Ari's giggle then, he turned his head. Seeing she was being tickled in the neck.
"Alright, Mr. Kim." The teacher's voice made his head go back. "Everything seems to be fine. We'll inform you in about a week if Ari gets in or not."
His brows furrowed. "Is there a chance she isn't getting in?
"Well," the older woman started with a sigh, "This year we got an especially high number of applicants as the other daycare close by relocated further away. So there's a possibility that a small percentage won't be able to get accepted here."
He tried not to show his disappointment by offering her a small smile. There wasn't much he could do after all. "Alright, thank you," he said and went to take Ari back. The younger woman carefully putting her back in his arms. Even though Ari didn't seem to have finished playing with her new found toy. Her little hands reaching out to the woman, trying desperately to grab the bracelets. And she started whining when failing.
"Ari, no. We're going home now," he tried to calm her down with his soft voice as he walked towards the door, "You'll play with Mr Bear and the little penguin." However, she was unfased by his words, continuing whimpering for the bracelets.
"Wait," the young woman's friendly voice was heard then. Causing him to pause and glance behind him. She walked up to them, sliding a bracelet off her wrists. "Here little Ari," she said then and handed it to the baby, who all of a sudden stopped crying. Her cheeks still red and puffy, but nothing hinting to her being upset anymore. Happily staring at the blue beads in her little hands instead. As if she was hypnotised by them.
"This is yours though. Please keep it," Taehyung said and tried taking it from Ari's hands. Making the baby instantly frown. Ready to start whining again, when the woman shook her head.
"It's alright, she can keep it. It's not of any value anyway."
He nodded, thanking her with a small grin. "I hope Ari gets in," she wispered with a little smirk then, before rushing back behind the desk. He blinked surprised, giving her a nod. Appreciating her words.
After bidding goodbye to both teachers he made his way out. Observing the content expression on Ari's face with a chuckle as he carried her back to the car.
"Seems you always get what you want, don't you?"
Ari made a bubbly noise, focusing back on the bracelet.
Taehyung zipped her jacket up and pressed her against his chest. Shielding her from the wind that was picking up. Spring couldn't arrive soon enough in his opinion.
Although he had always rather been a fan of the winter season, having to take care of a baby with low temperatures and freezing winds was more difficult than he had imagined. He could only hope that the warmer seasons would be easier to handle.
He took a glance at Ari. Her short dark hair stands swaying under her beanie. She was sucking on the bracelet she had got as a gift by now and he dragged a sigh. The little girl looking up at him with doe eyes. And his face softened. Her innocent, almost naive expression making his heart melt.
Being a single parent surely wasn't easy. But he would try his best for her.
next chapter: 0.2 here
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nya-vivi · 12 days
thank you for the answer! i was the anon who asked you about 4* and sethos (maybe I'll use this emoji ���� so you can identify me easier)
Sorry I'm replying late as well, life is hectic 😭😭
And omg you main Noelle??? what's your build? i'm trying to build her again since i used her at the start of the game and didn't take her past lvl 60... She deserves better 😭
AND I ALSO LOVE GAMING OMG HE TOOK MY HEART. I literally c6-ed him and spend so many primos on him 😭😭 that's ok tho he deserved it. I also love Chongyun he's my special son. Got him at the start of the game so he was my first main 🥺 alongside him my faves are heizou, fischl, yanfei, gaming, faruzan, layla... well theres many of them lol. and recently sethos! I love his dynamic with everyone. Actually sumeru characters feel like family it might be my fav region for that. I was shocked when he had bigger connection to scara. I love the black cat and golden retriever dynamic they kinda have going on and their parallels.
also yes please do a favorite character list i would love to see it!
Have a nice day and sorry for the shorter reply. It's just I'm busy 😭 maybe I can send you more asks next week when I'll have more time. If you don't mind that's it. Or maybe I could stop being anon.
Hello 🛸 Anonie!! I'm super sorry for the super late response T-T I have already addressed it in one post, but I have been super busy filling and paying for my next year (banks are truly my no. 1 public enemy,,,), a few trips back and forth to see friends (I stayed in a place with minimal internet signal for more than a week TnT, among other trips) and doing a lot of house chores because all my household members except for me are working, so I clean all the house (which I don't mind, but there's a lot of work and too much heat T.T and I end up in my bed after everything lol).
I do main Noelle! I went to see my stats and realized I have to get her a better crit rate percentage because she does so much crit dmg... I use 4p Husk of Opulent Dreams + Prototype Archaic (I have seen guides saying that Whiteblind is better, so I might sacrifice my lvl. 90 Prototype Archaic for Whiteblind and change one piece of my artifacts so it has better rate,, choices choices) I will add images below cut!!
To preface this, I am not a meta player so take my opinions with a grain of salt lolol
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So much dmg,, so little rate,,,,,,, I usually take whatever piece to add that element dmg, in this case Gladiator.
My favorite region is def Mondstadt, but Sumeru is my second one!! I like all the character dynamics and exploration in Sumeru, both rainforest and desert (unpopular opinion, it seems (≧∇≦)/) also the lore?? Absolutely fantastic. And Sethos? He has been incorporated to the fave characters very quickly, I loved his interactions with Cyno and whatever he has going on with Wanderer lolol Like wise, I loved Gaming, such a cutie and honestly a real good guy, he became one of my favorites very soon.
I ended up making a ranking with only four stars (as to make it fair), but only lore/storytelling wise, since meta is dead anyways (/j) and how hoyo managed their reveal and relevance (?) I think seeing the rankings will explain mostly everything but if you have any questions please feel free to ask!!
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(I want to say that I like all the characters, I am a person who finds it east to love characters lol)
In no particular order, except for Noelle and Xingqiu, who are the uncrowned queen and king of my heart and party and Xinyan. Pls hoyo release my queen from hoyo jail. Criminal that they did a event about music and my girl wasn't in it.
I have to say that I am guilty of not doing most of the hangouts, so my ranking can change after them. I foresaw me being tired from playing genshin, so I am only hyperfocusing on the characters that are more interesting to me first and when this gaming block disperses, I am going to do the hangouts and enjoy them lol
IT'S ME WHO IS SORRY ╥﹏╥ I kept this ask for sooo long ajdkashjashda pls send me more asks, I love reading and answering them 👉👈❤ they are very fun!
On my side, I don't mind if you want to stop being anon! I would love to interact with more people from the genshin comunity, even if it is a bit scary❤ so take your time and do as you wish, I will be happy either way 🤭
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5041s · 3 years
ellor ellor!! im a lil late to the party but v happy to be here nonetheless :] im here w jo, the local babysitter-dog walker extraordinaire B) you’ll find a more detailed but rambly rundown plus some plots under the cut bc her bio and stats page aren’t the greatest lol zzz anw do give this a like and i’ll hit you up for plotting!! 
youngest of four siblings, the rest are all brothers so u can imagine how that went lol
as in: doted on by parents and second oldest brother (27 y.o), has petty beef with the third oldest brother (26 y.o), eldest brother was overbearing (31 y.o) but that could be bc he’s a capricorn tbh
based in ville city, her family is well-off, middle-class, and full of mostly overachievers (mum is an academic, dad is a cardiologist, brother 1 and 3 are engineers, brother 2 is a vet)
naturally, jo had to disrupt that trend :]
studied architecture at uni but dropped out in her third year bc her grades werent holding up on top of failing a major group project
lived with her parents for like a bit more than a year doing this and that before deciding to move out much to their (patronising) chagrin
decision was spurred on by members of that aforementioned flop project, but also because she wanted to prove that she can ~survive in the real world~ alone/without their help
and so far thats going okay!! if okay means balancing two hectic jobs at the same time whilst dealing with all the shit that goes on in the apartment complex and her pitiful bank balance, then shes a-okay :]
currently going through bouts of homesickness like shes missin that security and comfort lol
*mitski voice* kinda tall child vibes yknow 
ghost fiasco plus the strange happenings at the complex used to freak her out (sometimes they still do) bc shes pretty superstitious but now she’s just kinda resigned to living in a place haunted by some spirit and bad pipes
chill and easygoing demeanour, sometimes charming (its the leo in her), oftentimes lacks a filter and impulse control
sometimes she’ll walk a dog for the necessary amt of time and spend the rest of the day chilling in her apartment with them
her favourite is rico the italian greyhound
does the same w the kids she looks after if she’s caring for them at her place (which has Not been childproofed)
kids love her so she was like let me exploit this love for money and now she gets free shit from their rich parents
doesn’t know why ms eom keeps giving her the evil eye (her shoes are scuffed as HELL)
more tidbits about her: astrology believer but doesnt retain shit, lives like a classic broke college student, stupidly good at arcade games, night owl, makes homemade kombucha so one of her kitchen cabinets reeks, falls asleep during movies within the first five mins, carefully curated ig feed to make it seem like she has her shit together (her close friends story says otherwise), makes banging oatmeal, has beanbags instead of a couch
ok onto some plots pls bear with me
“woke up in someone’s bed and went through their fridge as well as their password book for their netflix subscription info before returning to her’s” ok who wants to be that someone (yes she still uses their netflix account) (would have to be in a unit starting with a 04)
that 101 dalmations scene where they get tangled up by their dogs’ leashes except make it a meet-ugly so its you getting tangled up in the leashes of the seven dogs she walks and the struggle to get untangled as she tries not to spill her coffee on you
caught her babysitting the same kid multiple times and now you think that kid is hers so she’s plotted with that kid to keep up the act for fun
smth based off a shared occurrence (like if theyre both in the east wing etc) would be fun!! esp if they have different approaches to coping with it (where are the b2 ghost theorists)
sorry this kid she’s babysitting threw up over your expensive shoes she cant buy you new ones but she can offer you an organic lollipop as compensation :]
omg friends of her brothers who recognise her so shes like 🙈 idk them wdym
on that note there are a bunch of doctor/medical ppl here so mayhaps they know of her dad since he works in the city hospital hmm
shes the mystery person who keeps beating your high score in some arcade game
others: vc childhood friends/acquaintances, an ex or two (likely would’ve been a situationship with her tbh), ex colleague from an odd job she’s worked before, a long shot but maybe one of said groupmates from uni, she babysits some kid you know
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hello, can i request with 2 characters? It's Semi and Ushijima with top male reader. Reader and Ushijima are couple. Their relationship is mostly Ushi being sub and will do anything reader told him to. Also reader a bit manipulative? Well it's easy for him to make someone do his bidding.
Reader told Ushi to touch himself inside an empty room while reader watching him and he order him not to cum without his instructions. Earlier that day, Reader told Semi to come to the room after school end and when he did appeared, he saw Ushi playing with his own body. The sight made him hard and reader whispering things that stimulate him more and usher him to mess up Ushi.
Reader enjoying the scene because he knew that Semi has feelings for Ushi and he's happy because he get a new toy to play with. After Semi cum inside Ushi, Reader pull him toward himself and pounding him hard till he collapse from the overstimulation. Also reader didn't neglect his boyfriend that's been begging him to fuck him and let him cum.
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wrapped around your fingers, (nsfw) ushijima x top!reader x semi
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!)
warnings: degradation, 3 some, hella manipulation, adultery kinda (?), daddy kink a little, there's also some dumbification and some random usual top reader kinks i slapped in there and publuc sex kinda me thinks
a/n: i love these types of request, dark but definitely fun to write, i lean bottom but this was still really 🛐
"c'mon semi, look at your crush over there~ all riled up, touching himself, and begging to cum. won't you help him out a little?" you said pointing at ushijima, still with a vibrator inside his ass. 
"y/n, p-please stop… this isn't right and you know it."
"oh i know very well it isn't, but who the fuck is gonna come and stop me? certainly not you with that hard-on in your pants." 
you wanted to ruin ushijima more and more everyday, that's why you came up with the plan of completely breaking his mind with a particular someone else in mind. semi eita, one of the setters for the volleyball team. you knew he had a crush on ushijima ever since second year but ushi chose you over him. his feelings didn't die away and in fact it probably grew stronger than before. you wanted to take this chance to also mess with him a little, and see what kind of interesting scene will happen in front of your eyes. 
bored, once again. it wasn't because you weren't satisfied with the relationship you had, you just simply wanted more risk and fun in it. ushijima is a very nice boyfriend even if he can be dense sometimes. he's obedient, especially to you. whatever you ask of him he'll almost always do it without fail. whether it was in the streets or in the sheets. the two of you were just out eating ramen till the filthy idea came rushing into your head. 
after going home, you told your boyfriend to wait for you in the storage room afterschool tomorrow and answer a video chat with only his video on. you whispered some questionable instructions into his ears and handed over him a small box for him to put in his backpack later. you told him not to open the box until tomorrow and he listened like a good boy. the rest of the night went on as usual but you were excited to see what will happen tomorrow.
during class the next day you continued to remind ushijima about last night and told him to make sure not to forget about what's suppose to happen later today. while you were enjoying lunch with your boyfriend you nearly forgot to inform the other person about this. you strolled in the semi's classroom casually and walked over to his desk finding him writing the homework that hasn't even been assigned yet.
"heyyy semi, how's it going?" you said with a sly look on your face. 
"oh hey y/n, i'm doing fine, do you need something?" semi said putting his pen down. 
"i was wondering if you had time afterschool today?" 
"i'm afraid not, i have something to attend to after school today, sorry about that." 
"are you sure you can't come? i would really appreciate it if you do, it's something quite important." 
"i really wish i could but i wouldn't want to push this off either-" 
"wakatoshi is going to be there." 
the air stiffened around the classroom as you saw semi tighten his fist. you knew he couldn't resist ushijima, and you didn't want to have to pull out this card either but he left you no choice. you can and will do anything to get what you want. semi turned his head but gave you a light nod in return. that was his signal of submission. 
"i'll see you 15min after school on the balcony~" you said with a smug look and your hands inside your pocket. 
the rest of your classes were so boring you nearly fell asleep. you wanted to get outta there and just carry out the rest of your plan. you were horny and you couldn't do anything about it, the thought of just fucking ushijima on his desk came into your mind a few times but was quickly brushed away after a while.  
you quickly left your seat after class after giving your boyfriend a kiss on the forehead and a small wink. you headed over to the balcony of the school while ushijima headed over to the storage room waiting for your video call. ushijima found out what you gave him in the little box and understood exactly what you meant. he loosened himself up and put in the vibrator at a low setting just like you asked. he then dialed your phone with nothing on but his shirt. 
"y-y/n, i did what you asked, is this good enough?" ushijima said with little moans coming out of his mouth. 
"that's it good boy, such a little slut for me aren't you?" 
ushi nodded his head while attempting to push the vibrator deeper inside him. 
"remember now, no cumming until i say so, alright darling?" 
"yes sir h-hah~" 
you let out a low giggle and put your phone inside your pocket on mute to greet the grey hair male in front of you. 
"hey semi, you're here." 
"yes, where is ushijima? i need to go soon." 
"woah woah what's the rush? follow me, i'll lead you to him."
semi was confused by what you meant but followed anyways. you led him to the storage room and told him to open the door himself. semi's heart began to race, afraid of what might be behind that door. his hands shook at the handle but eventually gained the courage to open it. he closed his eyes and pushed the door to see a heavenly sight he wouldn't even have seen in his dreams. 
ushijima was on the floor wearing nothing but a t-shirt, his eyes closed, moaning your name and playing with his nipples. you ordered him to not cum without your permission so there he is. left on the floor alone, edging himself, desperate to be a good boy for you. ushijima opened his eyes after hearing the door of the storage room creak. out of panic he covered his hard cock and sat up straight, only to find one of his best friends and his boyfriend standing in front of him.
"y-y/n? semi? what are you guys doing here?!" 
"aww look at you, following my instructions, good boy." 
"y-y/n! what is this?!" 
"hey darling, i never said you could stop, did i? now go on, keep pleasuring yourself, and if you do a good job i might just let you cum~" 
"y-yes daddy…" ushijima said as he returned to the position he was in before. 
"y/n! what are you doing! w-why did you even bring me here!" semi shouted out of rage. 
"c'mon semi, look at your crush over there~ all riled up, touching himself, and begging to cum. won't you help him out a little?" you said pointing at ushijima.
"p-please stop… this isn't right and you know it."
"oh i know very well it isn't, but who the fuck is gonna come and stop me? certainly not you with that hard-on in your pants." 
you were right, semi cock couldn't have been harder in his life. seeing his crush fucking himself with a vibrator and begging like a slut. he just couldn't control himself anymore. semi took off his pants and his cock bounced out of his underwear. he didn't even bother lubing himself up, he wanted to make ushi hurt, make him suffer for choosing you over him. while all of this was happening you were simply just an audience, enjoying the show put in front of you. 
"yah fuck you, fucking slut… such a pretty little whore for y/n over there huh? fucking take my cock bitch!" semi grunted. you could hear the rage coming from his voice and that only excited you more. 
ushijima was already out of breath, busy being fucked by semi. eyes rolled back, his tongue sticking out and his soft, overstimulated dick bouncing each time semi shoved further into him. 
you walked over to semi and whispered into his ear. 
"how good does it feel? to finally get what you wanted after so long." 
"shut the fuck up, a-ah you fucking bastard!" semi said as he came into your boyfriend, grunting and moaning out of anger. 
at this point ushijima was pretty much passed out but you haven't had your fun yet. while semi was trying to catch his breath, you quietly unbuckled your belt behind him and revealed your hard cock. you grabbed semi's hands behind him quickly and shoved your dick right into his ass, with no lube whatsoever. 
"a-ah! what the fuck y/n fucking- let me go! what are you h-hah~" 
"wow…look at you semi, just like your little crush over there you are also now getting fucked like a slut huh?" you said in a teasing manner. 
"fuck off a-ah… why are you doing this!" 
"oho? tired of playing nice are we? this is simply just payback, for fucking my boyfriend dumb. in return, i'm going to do the same for you~" 
if semi actually had the strength to fight back he would. however with the giant cock head hitting his prostate over and over again it makes it hard for him to even talk. you kept whispering sweet words into semi's ears telling him how good of a slut he is, fucking someone's brains out and immediately getting the same treatment. sooner or later you fucked the male onto the floor, ass filled with cum and so broken that he can't even stand up anymore. 
and there they were, both of your playthings, wrapped around your finger.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Peter Parker x Stark!reader (platonic)
Hello i love your story could you do angsty tony x daughter reader. Wherein the reader has a twin brother and Tony and the avengers prefer the twin brother and becaus of that, the reader became rebel and badass. She always getting trouble and almost drop out student. The avengers and her father were seem disappointed and dont know what to do. Not until the reader involve into car accident and she's critical injured. The reader also slipped to coma. Everyone is devastated about the reader conditione. And they realized that the reader only rebel because she wants to get attention from them. It depends to you what the end come, I just want a full angst this week and I hope you dont mind my English. Anyway I hope your alright.
A/n: y’all wanted it, I finished it :)
Word count: 3,984
(more notes at the end!)
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort? bad writing of an anxiety attack, accident, knife, hospitals
read it on ao3!
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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Being a genius/billionaire/superhero’s kid doesn’t always sound nice like it usually does.
You were one of the Stark twins, the other half being your brother, Ethan.
The both of you showed signs that you inherited the commonly known Stark trait (intelligence) at a young age. But Tony mostly focused on his son, showing him all his inventions and gadgets, teaching him everything he knew while you on the other hand, were being babysat by Happy or Pepper, sometimes Rhodey.
You tried so hard to get your father’s attention but he always had his excuses:
“I don’t have time for that.”
“I’m busy with Ethan right now.”
“Maybe later.”
At first you didn’t mind if your brother got all the praise and attention. It wasn’t until your mid-teens that you really started to feel left out and ignored.
You were left to frown when the other Avengers never found anything interesting about you, just like Tony did. They all liked Ethan better. The topic of him being the next Iron Man when Tony retires is getting exhausting.
There was this one time when Tony announced that they were all going out to dinner since Ethan got, yet again, a full set of A’s on his report card.
“Did you get my card?” You tapped on Tony’s shoulder lightly.
He gave you a side glance, “ah shoot, I forgot. I’ll go get it tomorrow.” Then returned his attention to your brother.
But he ended up forgetting again the next day and you had to convince your teacher to give it to you instead. Your marks had A’s, but littered with B’s as well, of course that was no match for your brother’s perfect marks.
And that sort of scenario wasn’t just a one time thing, Tony forgets to pick up your report card every. single. time. The messed up part was you and Ethan literally attended the same school, he was just in a more advanced class than you.
As time passed, Tony went from ignoring you to getting annoyed and pissed at you for everything you did. In his eyes, you were always in the wrong. And the reason? You didn’t know.
“Dad? Can I borrow Bruce for a minute?” You knocked on the glass door of his lab to get him to look up.
He didn’t, but responded, “kinda busy with him right now.”
You looked at your fractured arm, regretting your decisions. “W-well, Ethan was training with Nat, and... and he wanted to try the new moves he learned on me. He went a little hard and - I think my arm’s broken, I just wanted Bruce to check it out-”
“Goddammit!” He shouted after you heard a glass shatter. Bruce covered his face with palms, muttering an ‘oh no’.
Tony glared at you, striding to where you were standing. All that was left for you to do was to brace yourself for what was about to come. “See, this is why we never let you do anything with the team,” he spat. “That right there?”-he pointed to your arm-“that’s on you. Things go wrong because you’re in the way!”
“I’m... I’m sorry-”
“Just get out of here.”
Your arm remained untreated after that.
Then Peter Parker came into the picture. Friendly guy, he was actually nice to you. Him and Ethan got along right away when Tony first recruited him. The fact that he treated Peter better than you made you even more miserable. It made you think he never wanted a daughter in the first place.
You first met Peter when he accidentally entered your room without warning, thinking it was the bathroom. Cliche, but that’s what happened.
“It’s on the first door to your other left,” you stated.
“Yeah, yeah okay, thanks,” he turned around to leave but stopped to look at you again. “I’m Peter Parker, by the way.”
“Y/N Stark.”
Peter’s eyes lit up at your last name. “I... I didn’t know Mr. Stark had a daughter - no offense! It’s just-”
You sighed and waved him off. He didn’t even notice the similarities you had with your twin. “It’s fine. I get that a lot.”
After many events of being, to be blunt, treated like shit, you finally had enough. You neglected your studies, only went to school when you felt like it (which was rare). No one cared your grades anyway, so what’s the point? You became a whole new person, you surrounded yourself with the wrong sort of people, causing you to dabble into smoking and alcohol.
Since you were always in trouble, you could recite Cap’s detention speech at school by heart now.
The principal of your school wanted to see Tony to talk about your behavior. Normally he’d make an excuse not to go if it wasn’t that important but he got flooded with messages from the school, so he couldn’t say no.
You had your legs crossed, sitting across from Tony who had his eyebrows furrowed as he listened to the principal. For some reason you didn’t feel nervous. “Y/N barely attends her classes. I’ve seen every attendance. Are you aware of this, Mr. Stark?”
Tony only maintained his usual relaxed posture and avoided your gaze.
“Some students have also seen her smoke in school grounds. We gave her a few weeks suspension for it, but it doesn’t look like she’s learned her lesson.” They pulled out a couple boxes of cigarettes from the desk drawer. “We found these in her locker.”
“You went into my locker?” You shot up from your seat. “You can’t just do that!”
Tony cleared his throat and got up, gripping your wrist. “I’ll take it from here - will that be all?”
On the way out he doesn’t say a word to you, only that his grip on your wrist got tight as you near the car.
“So,” he started the car. His voice was calm, but it screamed that you were in deep trouble. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
You sighed and slouched in the passenger’s seat, crossing your arms. “I’m... sorry you had to know...?”
“Yeah, I’m just gonna be honest with you here,” Tony still doesn’t look at you. “When I found out I had two kids, I got worried about Ethan.”
You let out a snort. Of course he would.
“I didn’t want him ending up like me. But surprise surprise, my daughter did instead.”
“I’m not ‘ending up’ like you, Dad-”
“Then what do you call - this,” he referred to you. “What, you’re just gonna waste your life, drop out of school? You’re a fucking mess, Y/N, and here I thought I raised you right. Sometimes I think: why can’t you just be like your brother?” He had a hard grip on the steering wheel as he drove, the way he spoke affected the speed of the car greatly.
You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn’t fine the exact words you wanted to say. “I... well, I’m sorry I’m not a goody two shoes like him!”
“That’s not what I-”
“Please, that’s exactly what you meant.”
He scoffed, shaking his head. “Look, I’m grounding you until you pull yourself together, understand?” And he did. He gave new orders to Friday when the both of you got home. You weren’t allowed to leave the compound without Tony’s permission.
Were you giving up that easily? Of course not.
You were on your laptop for the rest of the day, hacking into Friday’s system, the security to the elevator and the entrance. That night, your executed your plan and everything went smoothly.
“This is why you never underestimate me,” you sighed, deactivating the hack once you were out of the building.
Your friend who was picking you up was already waiting a few blocks away from the compound. “I hope you’re cool with me staying over for a couple days.”
“If a bunch of Avengers come and destroy my place to look for you, I’m not going to be friends with you anymore.”
You laughed at out, “oh trust me, they don’t care.”
The next day no one noticed your absence, nobody did for another two days. Tony just assumed you were mad about your punishment, so he didn’t think of it much.
Not until Peter came to the compound on the third day, wanting to hang out with you.
“Whatcha got there, Pete?” Ethan asked.
“Star Wars movies. I wanna watch them with Y/N - she could use some company, don’t you think?”
The older Stark twin shrugged, “yeah, I guess she could.”
Peter then headed to the elevator and stopped at the floor where your room was. He knocked on your door and waited a bit, after a few minutes of silence he knocked again, still nothing.
“Y/N? Is it okay if I come in?” He called out. No response. He hesitated a bit, for all he knew you were probably changing or something, or you could be in danger. He went to open the door anyway. “I’m coming in, I’ll close my eyes just to be-”
To Peter’s surprise, your room was empty.
You were at a 711 parking lot, waiting for your friends who were buying supplies for a house party. You gave them your wallet, not really caring about anything anymore. Your phone was starting to pile up with messages and missed calls from Tony, Edward and Peter, occasionally from the others as you scrolled pass more.
Without thinking you threw your phone to the ground, cracking the screen, breaking it completely. They’d be able to track you through it now that they know you ran away. You really had no intention of coming back. You weren’t wanted, what’s the point of going back?It’s early but you’ve had a few drinks already. You weren’t sure if breaking your phone was a good idea but there’s one thing you’re sure: you didn’t care anymore.
You didn’t have to turn your head to see who just arrived and ambushed your friends inside the store. They ran out and left you behind. The sound of webs coming out of his shooters was enough for you to tell.
“You shouldn’t be here, Peter,” you sighed defeatedly.
Peter gently took a seat next to you, not removing his mask since you were in public and handed your wallet back. “I don’t understand why you left.”
He took in your awful state. His suit scanned how intoxicated you were, estimated how many cigarette packets you’ve had. His frown deepened at the information.
“I care about you. We all do. Mr. Stark’s not going to stop the search party until you come home.”
You rolled your eyes at the term. “Stupid search party – pathetic – I’m not coming home anymore, Pete-” you slurred and tried to get up but stumbled back, almost twisting your ankle but fell to Peter’s side. “Ow.”
He sighed, struggling to get ahold of you since you always pulled away.
“Stop being so stubborn, okay?”
“If you don’t like my stubborn fucking ass then maybe you should just leave,” you stated. “I’m not wanted there. I got the message. I didn’t run away just to be fucking found.”
Peter stared at you for a moment. He didn’t know why you got grounded in the first place, how you got here and why you didn’t want to go back home. There was something off in the father-daughter relationship, he knew that, but it was news to him that it was that bad. That bad for you to waste your life, to run away. He always thought Mr. Stark was an awesome parent, the way he was treating Ethan, and him…
“It’s unfair,” you ranted. “God, if you only knew how pathetic I feel whenever he tells me off. I’m always annoying to him - not just to him, to the whole team, I’m always wrong in everything I do and it’s honestly tiring? What the fuck do I have to do just to feel loved and wanted?”
You went on rambling while Peter tried to comfort and deny every negative thing that came out of your mouth. He didn’t believe any of it, but the way everyone’s been treating you. He hated that he didn’t notice sooner. He could’ve defended you.
“I have nothing against you, I really don’t,” you sighed. “But you should be grateful they’re treating you perfectly.” You got up and strode to the opposite direction, mentally cursing because your friends ditched you and you has nowhere to go, phone destroyed and everything.
But you were staying true to your word: you didn’t have any plans to go back to the compound. You were going to figure your life out on your own.
“Y/N, I… I’m not leaving you alone out here!”
You were so fed up of the spider-ling. How good he was, how perfect, how Tony clearly wanted him more than you, how he always wanted to do the right thing, because none of you expected what happened next when he went to grab your shoulder. The action was so sudden that it Peter didn’t have time to avoid it.
Knife, shoulder, really deep.
Maybe it was just how wasted you were, because he knew you would never do anything like that.
“You’re really annoying, Parker,” you muttered, not wasting any more time watching him stumble out of shock and pain, sprinting across the streets.
With his uninjured arm, he shot webs while trying to pull the knife (the blade wasn’t even visible anymore on how deep it was) out of his shoulder. There was a loud bang, and Peter never sprinted so fast in his life, not caring less about the pain and blood, because what mattered most was your safety. When he got there, you were far from safe.
A week went by. And during those seven days Tony was on edge, I mean, how can be calm at a time like that?
Peter managed to show up at the compound the same night, breathless and shaky. His state made everyone worried but he wasted no time telling Tony what happened. He got you to the hospital, making sure you were being sorted out right before leaving to break the news.
Tony didn’t think twice and went to the hospital where you were admitted, not listening to Peter’s apologies and leaving Steve to sort everyone out on what they should do.
They didn’t expect you to show signs of waking up after only a week since the accident got you mangled up, it was mostly a blow to the head and as expected, you slipped into a coma.
Right, what happened: an awful timing really, not sure if Peter’s the one to blame but he accidentally stuck you to the ground with his webs, and it just so happened a car was driving at a fast speed – there you go.
Tony made sure you got the best treatment possible. He even went and asked Strange if he could do all the surgeries needed, but he declined, claiming he couldn’t anymore despite the sympathy he felt inside. Instead he asked the best doctors he knew, but still helped out sometimes in any way he could.
You took a breath, trying to open your eyes but the blinding lights of your room and them almost feeling as if they were glued shut from not being open for so long prevented you. You also tried moving your hands, only to feel a warm one rest on top of it, you finally opened your eyes.
“You’re awake,” Tony mumbled, rubbing a thumb on the back of your palm soothingly. “You’re awake and you’re okay.”
“Mr. Stark?” Peter called out, spotting his mentor sitting outside the room where they were doing the final surgery on you. It was his first time visiting, seeing as the knife wound was worse than he thought. “I’m so sorry, I-“
“What happened?” Was the only thing Tony said, not looking up to look at the kid. Peter stood there for a moment but told him everything that happened.
After that and after he made sure you were okay, resting in your room and everything, he let Natasha look after you for the night and headed back to the compound.
The kid would never lie to him but he had to see it all for himself. The Spider-Man suit caught everything through the baby monitor protocol. From when he arrived to the convenient store, when you told him countless of times that you weren’t coming back, and when your drunk self ranted about what you felt.
“What the fuck do I have to do just to feel loved and wanted?”
“He seemed to like both of us equally when we were younger,” you sniffled. “Of course he would, but… my brother just turned out to be special and talented and,” you frowned, “he’s all Tony ever wanted for a kid. Maybe I reminded him of the chick he fucked, I don’t know – must be it, right?”
“Y/N, you’re just as special as-” Peter tried to reason but you threw him a glare. Tony could see the pain and heartbreak in your bloodshot, tired eyes. One that said you didn’t want to hear anything like it anymore. You didn’t want to believe it.
“The thing is, they only want you when you’re gone. Missing. Dead,” you shrugged. “I can take a hint, you know? My only family hates me. My only family doesn’t want me. Now you – all of them – are looking for me… why?” Peter flinched at the loudness of your voice. You truly were broken.
Tony fast forwarded, it didn’t clearly show how you got hit, but he had enough anyway. He wanted to make things right with you. He could only hope that you make pass this, hoping that you’ll let him make it up to you.
“It’s not too late, you know,” Steve said from the entrance to his lab. “Y/N is strong. She’ll make it.”
“Why am I not dead?” You croaked, looking at your father with an anxious expression. You letting out another shaky breath as you struggled to move and look around. “I should be dead. Why am I here-”
“Take it easy-”
“Don’t you understand?” You felt your throat aching, breath quickening. “I don’t want to be here!”
“No, you’re okay. Y/N you’re okay,” Tony tried to calm you down when he saw the lines in your heart monitor go up and down in rapid pace. 
“I’m not - no I’m not - not okay,” you struggled to let out. It felt like you were choking on your own breath, getting harder and harder to breathe by the minute, soon tears started to prick your eyes. “I don’t want to be here!”
“Tony, what's going on?” Steve bursted into the room with an alarmed but calm expression.
“Call Strange. Anyone.” He told the captain but his eyes never left you. He rubbed a part of your arm that wasn’t injured soothingly in attempt to calm you down. “Just breathe for me, okay? I’m here and you’re okay.”
Something about the softness and encouraging look in his eyes made you nod eventually and follow his breathing patterns. He held a glass of water for you to drink, holding your struggling hand softly to get it out of the way.
He’s never looked at you like that before.
Most of the time he ignored you, most of the time he looked at you at anger or annoyance when you’ve fucked something up.
“There we go, we okay now?” You looked away and nodded lightly. That was enough for him. Tony wanted to let you know how sorry he was so bad, but thought against it, at least for now. He was scared you might start freaking out again.
Stephen entered the room with the doctor, the other Avengers following closely behind. The amount of people in the room overwhelmed you a bit, but you were strangely calm because of how your father’s acting. Soft and caring, it made you feel safe.
Both doctors concluded that you had some sort of amnesia. In English, your past memories were blotchy, all of them even from your childhood. Again because of the blow to the head it was already expected. But you remembered the recent ones clearly, which was the reason why you avoided looking at Peter and his patched up arm.
Which also meant it was possible you didn’t remember all of the pain you felt concerning your family. It was unfair on your part.
Strange insisted that you stay a few more days, or one more week, just to run tests and make sure you get enough medicine and stuff.
They decided to see how bad your memory loss was.
“I did that to you,” you still refused to look at Peter completely. “I’m sorry, Peter.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Peter gave you a smile.
You moved to the next person. Red hair, seemed to give off a friendly but civil nature. “Natasha? You’re Natasha.”
The Russian merely smiled and crossed her arms.
“Steve,” you stated, moving to the next person. “You always read old books in the kitchen.”
Steve chuckled, nodding to confirm.
“Ethan,” you smiled as you looked at your twin. He gave you a small wave even if he felt as guilty as Tony about everything even if he wasn’t the one to blame.
You stared longer at the next person, almost shoulder length dark brown hair, he’s wearing a jacket to cover his metal arm but you knew it was still there.
Peter let out a giggle, so did you brother.
“It’s Bucky, doll,” Bucky smiled, covering his face with his hand to suppress a chuckle as the rest laughed.
“Oh, right, I’m sorry,” you let out a weak giggle yourself.
You meet Tony’s eyes again, the softness still there.
“Dad,” you stated. “You’re my dad. Tony.”
No, you didn’t completely forget how he treated you. You knew he was annoyed with you, which lead you to think that you did something that made him act that way. “Am I bad?”
Tony’s hopeful expression dimmed. “What do you mean, sweetheart?”
You shrugged. “You’re mad at me, I just… I guess it’s just not clear on why.”
Steve thought it would be best for everyone to head out for a bit so he ushered everyone out of the room except for your brother who took a seat at the corner.
“About that, it’s about time we talked, yeah?” Tony sat on a chair backwards beside your bed. It made you nervous, but you were reassured. “You’re not in trouble, don’t worry.”
He exhaled, resting an arm on the top rail. “You deserve so much better. I should’ve treated you better,” you opened your mouth to ask but he continued. “Look, I haven’t been fair with you and it’s a problem. You’re smart, talented and beautiful. I figured you needed to hear it more often because it’s true. What I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry. I really am.”
Your bottom lip involuntarily trembled. “You – you really mean that?”
“From the bottom of my heart.”
You sighed, a genuine smile plastered on your face. “Thank you. And I’m sorry if I was a pain in the ass-“
“You never were,” Tony shook his head. “You always did your best and I really should have acknowledged it more. Give me a second chance?”
“Of course.”
Tony smiled, getting up and planting a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Everything in life was so much better after all that. Tony treated you and Ethan equally, same goes for Peter. The other Avengers were nicer, not the kind of nice that was almost fake, but it was genuine. All of them were. And you were thankful.
TAGLIST: @contanto-que-voce-me-queira @angeldreineedshelp @legendarymcnuggies @zoeyserpentluck @vienmiaprendere @alainabooks143 @hessogxlden
I highly doubt anyone’s still waiting for this, it was an unplanned hiatus I’M SO SORRY but I decided to post anyway :))
also I hope this wasn’t underwhelming, that’s one of the reasons why I was hesitant to do this but I hope its good heh (I’ve included the parts from my first post as well, just so it feels like a full fic)
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mr-gallavich · 2 years
Analysis of Mickey Milkovich's Bedroom Part Three
(Warning, mentions of the dreaded scene in 3x12)
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Also @tidalrace made an extremely good point and honestly yes, that is exactly what I think they wanted us to think with Mickey st first. The poor hygiene plus the violence plus the animal skulls plus the taxidermy plus the satan symbols: yes. I think they wanted us to think Mickey was or was going to become a serial killer/murderer.
But if we are thinking/theorizing within the canon universe and not irl then I think it was Mickey trying to come off as sketchy/edgy/badass thug. I think all of that was a manifestation of Mickey's inner suppressed emo boy.
So first up is here's a box on top of the wardrobe behind Ian:
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Again, super blurry, but it says "Jump Boots". Jump boots are typical boot styles for people in the airforce... so I think Mickey had a similar idea to Ian. I think Mickey had a plan to escape T*rry by entering the airforce, but he was just barely 17 when he met Ian so he wasn't eligible yet. Then by the time he was 18 he had been in juvie twice, and then there was no way.
And actually I looked them up and they're Carolina Jump Boots, very popular among Paratroopers.
And this last one for this room isn't particularly a room analysis but I still want to add it in:
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Top picture is Mickey's hand tattoo next to T*rry's, and the bottom picture is the poster in his room.
Obviously knuckle tattoos are a theme here and we know Mickey's are sort of iconic. There are a lot of people who headcanon Ian as bring in love with his hand tattoos and honestly I agree.
But what I want you to imagine today is many many years down the road, Mickey and Ian are raising their daughter, she's 16 now. And she's basically a mini Mickey, with the edgy clothing and spikey hair and the attitude and one day after a party with friends she comes home with a shitty knuckle tattoo done by one of her friends with a stick and poke and at first Mickey and Ian are upset. Mickey is a little proud at first but Ian kinda elbows him and mutters that she's only 16 and gonna have that for the rest of her life, and Mickey has to pretend to be upset while Ian scolds her and then she mutters under her breath "I just wanted a tattoo like dad's" and it's quiet for a moment and she says "I didn't think you would be angry"
And then Ian relaxes and he's like "no, I'm not angry. Here let's see them" and on her knuckles is "Fuck U-Up" just like her dad's and Mickey says "they look like shit but they're thing enough we can get them covered professionally".
And then I got screenshots from his room in season 3 so guess what's next 🤪
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In the back of these screenshot is a walkie talkie. At this point Mickey and Iggy are both in their dads criminal business and I would be willing to bet money that what these are for.
It starts with Iggy and Mickey coming up with dumb code names for each other that they take very seriously and will get offended about if the other slips up/doesn't use them while on the walkies.
*Mickey handing Iggy a walkie before a job* "Remember we have code names for a reason. Fucking use them"
"You forget code names one time and then you get nagged for the rest of your life-"
Then it goes from just code names to code words then code saying and slowly they begin to develop this code language that only Iggy and Mickey understand and then they start to get ballsy about using it. Using it outside of walkies, using it in every day life, and then one day Iggy talks back to T*rry under his breath using the code words and Mickey's eyes near about pop out of his head and Iggy snaps to look at him, waiting for his brother to rat... but he doesn't. And now they use it all the time, from talking shit about people right in front of them (especially T*rry and his buddies) to "hey can you get some milk while you're at the store".
Mandy is really the only one who cares enough to catch on so one day when they're shootin' the shit in this secret code language Mandy corners them and is like "I know you're using some kind of code bullshit and you're going to teach me it or else" and Mickey and Iggy are like "or else what?" And Mandy is like "or else I won't make dinner for a week. You'll have to make it yourself-" and Mickey scoffs and is like "a week, that's it?" And that was the wrong thing to say cause Mandy crosses her arms and says "for a month" and they're quiet, contemplating it, and then Mandy says "two months-" and they're like "Alright alright" and now all three of them have this secret language they use.
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Now for this next screenshot I have two thoughts. At first glance I thought this was a vintage speaker which sprouted its own series of headcanons but I think it's actually a tool box. Now, logically, this is probably for crime but also here's why I think he has a tool box just chilling in his room.
Growing up shit was breaking all the time. Either from testosterone fulled rage or never being replaced even far past their prime, things were breaking in the Milkovich house all the time. And it's not like they could afford to replace things like sinks or toilets or fridges, and sure they could steal things but it would be so much faster and easier for Mickey to just learn how to fix that shit himself.
So when Mickey is about 8 or 9 Iggy gets (steals) him some tools of his own and teaches Mickey the basics and that's it, Mickey is lost. He cannot stop fixing things. Every time something breaks he jumps to fix it, and when there's nothing to fix he'll take things apart just so he can put them back together again.
As Mickey gets older he gets more skill and more tools and in his preteens/early teens he starts building things. Putting things together crudely in an abandoned old building.
Stealing sketchbooks from walmart to fill with ideas of inventions and floor layouts for houses and toy designs and car designs, really anything he can create with his hands.
Hiding these sketchbooks under his mattress, jumping when he hears someone come home and leaping to shove it under the mattress (as carefully as he can to not rip the paper while still trying to be fast), his heart pounding out of his chest as he tries to act natural, feeling as though he's not breathing until at least 10 minutes later.
Next, from this screenshot:
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I would like to point out this in the background:
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Yes. That is the same taxidermied crocodile head from season 1... in a metal cage.
I could see this going two ways (one funny and one kinda sad):
1) it started as a really dumb joke, like Iggy saw it in someone's trash and brought it home for Mickey's "pet gator" and he never really expected Mickey to put the head in the cage but Mickey wanted to know if it would fit and it did but now he can't figure how to get it out so he just has a taxidermied alligator head in a cage in his bedroom.
2) Mickey had some sort of pet, a hamster or a rat or a ferret (I could 100% see him with a ferret) and while he was in juvy everyone sort of forgot he had it and then it died. It started to stink so Iggy was going to throw it out, cage and everything, but Mandy stopped him. That afternoon Mandy took the pet out of the cage, wrapped it up in a pillow case and put it in a shoe box and then dug a hole in the back yard to bury it. She knew Mickey would be upset when he got out, though he would never admit it, and so she leaves the cage in case he wants to get another one. But when he gets out and hears what happened, he is upset, but instead of getting another he decides he's not getting another pet until he leaves. He keeps the cage as a reminder as to why he can't have a pet. Mandy says it's depressing and tells him either to get another pet or get rid of the cage. He spots the gator head and a light bulb goes of. He puts the alligator head in the cage and is like "Happy?" And she just looks at him before saying something like "this isn't healthy Mickey, let go" and then walks out in a huff.
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Now this one is so blurry you can probably not tell what it is but if you rewatch the scene (at your risk of your heart shriveling up in your chest) you will see those are string lights. Mickey has fairy lights in his bedroom, confirmed.
I can see Mickey being the kind of guy to have string lights lining his room or dangling from his bed frames. And whenever Ian tries to comment on them, like "Oh fairy lights aren't too gay but holding my hand is?" Mickey just tells him to fuck off, "You can get the fuck out of my room if you don't like it".
I think I got another part in me so I'll see yall in part 4
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
george weasley smut alphabet
george weasley x fem!reader
warnings: at this point i don’t even know what to write, seggsy things
a/n: that took 3 days holy shit
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
ok molly taught him to be respectful alright, always treat your lady well. kisses, showering, praise, love, affection, cuddles. the whole nine yards, not one step left behind.
“c’mon, dove, y’gotta get up. please, f’me?” the boy slightly-slurred, pulling up your hair slightly damp from sweat, grasping it all into double french braids. showering you, meanwhile showing you immense praise and affection; kissing from your ankle points all the way to the apple of your cheeks, and dressing you in the process.
“mhmm, don’t wanna.” you proceeded to mumble, your body begging you to sleep and rest; feeling immense of exhaustion from previous rounds. finishing the braid in your hair, the red head picked you up and placed you onto the red-plaid comforter of the bed.
your body starting to meld with the mattress, and breathing becoming heavier almost delving your subconscious into the realm of sleep; feeling him slip under you and place your head right on his bare skin, feeling the bone of his sternum.
“did i... did i do well?” you murmured through fatigue, yearning to feel the warmth and affection of your boyfriend while his heart beat lulled you like a baby from a lullaby to a deep hearted sleep.
“you’ll always do perfect for me, forever ‘n ever.”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
ok so, he loves his hands. they’re big, and skinny, and his fingers are long. i mean he catches you looking at them all the time so it also happens to be a nice ego boost. george’s self esteem has kinda always been there but it hasn’t been amazing, but when you came in the picture then it was like 📈
“george, georgie, please. s’too much, too much.” your vision had been immensely bleary for the last few minutes due to pleasureful tears dripping from your waterline. your fingers tried to find the closest thing they could grapple at, george’s hands.
after three continuous rounds, george had been finger fucking you for the last thirty minutes pushing you to vast overstimulation. you had the feeling of pins and needles dance upon your cunt; the waves of pain and pleasure mixing into your nervous system and sprawling throughout your entire body.
you grasped ahold of his ivory-toned hand, trying to beg for his mercy; yet none was shown, this was your punishment. he reclined his hand that had a tense hand on your thigh, now directly on your abdomen pressing you back onto the messy comforter bed keeping his hand placed there.
seeing the arch of your spine in his direct view, seeing your face slightly contort in delectation as he hit the g-spot with the pads of his fingers. feeling the intense pride on how he could get you, so delighted and filled with pleasure at his decree.
“taking it like such a good girl, you’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
he likes tits, i mean... HE GIVES THE VIBE. like if he could he would hold them, squish them, kiss them, mark them in anyway he wanted FOREVER. which he would, but he couldn’t 24/7 so he took his opportunities when he could.
“hello george, how are you? i’m great, thanks for asking.” you chortled with intense sarcasm after your boyfriends sudden disruption from your reading and dramatically bursting into your dormitory and shoving his face into your chest beneath your his t-shirt.
“shhh, i need a minute of peace please.” he hushed you, feeling his lips suck a little on the flesh of your sternum, his voice incredibly muttered from the smothering of your boobs onto his mouth. feeling the vibrations from his lips send a mini-shockwave through your spine and attempting to repress an overdue shiver.
he left light kisses, from his previous red splotch, as he moved more underneath your shirt praising your skin as you chuckled a bit. his ginger hair tickled your neck as he continued, “my tits are peaceful?” you questioned, yet again in a sarcastic tone awaiting his response.
“yea, immensely.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) (isa i could kiss u for this one)
so, messy messy man. on your tits, on your thighs, on your face, on your STOMACH, on your ass and his fave.... inside of you <3 he just loves to see it on you, it turns him on again no matter how many times you’ve been at it.
que: birth control potions, because i’m pretending they exist and creampies are fun.
“gonna— gonna finish, where d’you want me?” the boy heaved while doing continuous thrusts deep into the walls of your cunt. furthering your grasp onto the clenched biceps and forearms that laid tense beside your perspired face.
“inside me, please. want it inside me.” your voice was winded and huffed, feeling the euphoric pleasure crinkle and bend onto your nervous system from your orgasam lull you into a relaxation, while your boyfriend continued to thrust into your overused cunt of the night.
feeling his tepid release stick into the planes of your thighs and a light sheen layer onto the lower abdomen of your torso. feeling the dripping of his cum directly laid upon your skin. the contrast between his release and your flesh looking almost exquisite in his view point.
you were so beautiful, so beautifully messy.
currently clenched around his prick you felt the tremble in his cock as he released into the velvet walls of your cunt, remaining inside of you as he caught his breath between his lungs from his swift thrusts.
“gonna keep you all full, yeah?”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
george is in fact, a switch. like when he’s dom, he’s soft dom. but when he’s sub, he’s whiny and extremely forward in begging. it took him awhile to tell you because he felt embarrassed but after that you guys had a lot of... fun ;)
“please, please, ‘m sorry. i promise!” he griped, pulling on the silk on his restraints regulating the control of his wrists that laid on his lower back. “but georgie, isn’t this what you wanted? to be punished?” you sent a faux pout in his direction, your finger tips dancing upon his clenched torso once again edging the boy upon his ration.
“but, but—“ the boy faltered whilst speaking, trying to excuse his actions of venturing to grasp your attention whilst you were busy with another task, and disregarding you both friends pleas. “c’mon, georgie. you were bad, this is your punishment; if i hear anymore you won’t cum for a week.” you chastised, seeing his eyes widen in fright and obnoxiously nod his head in compliance.
your brought your hand back to his prick, thumb slightly outlining the slit in his tip; his most sensitive spot causing a small groan to escape his lips subconsciously, his back slightly melding off of the mattress and arching into the air at your pressure.
attempting to repress his pleasureful shivers that were scratching at his sensorium, his cock basically at your dictation for his release.
“you’re being punished, not pleasured.” you chastised once again, sprawling you hand on his abdomen pushing his back directly onto the ridged comforter once more.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
so people would agree to disagree, but george lost it first. i don’t think george would do one night stands, they were always with past girlfriends but you are the girl he truly put his all into.
“and you’re sure?” the boys frantically questioned once more, he had been previously skittish about if the both of you were ready to go into the next stage of your relationship; wanting your full consent to continue with anything.
and worrying that some kinks he had in mind might’ve been to much for future references, and just yearning for you to feel as comfortable as possible.
“told you, georgie, i want all of you.” the question was heaved through your words from the foreplay that had taken a gust of your air right out from under of you.
“we’ve talked about this darling, ‘m ready.” adding on to your comment, reassuring the boy who seemed to be faintly timorous on his next action that was soon to take place. you caressed his forearm, feeling the rigid bends of his veins over the pads of your finger tips. your other hand maneuvering itself on the curvature of his neck and bringing his lips to slot with your own.
feeling the comforting and familiar taste of pumpkin and cinnamon transfuse onto your tongue in the midst of feeling his plush lips blend with yours.
“i’m ready, want you inside of me.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
any position where he can see your face, he can see your body, he can see all of you. he wants to kiss you, mark you, caress you. he wants everything he wants to feel so connected with you.
“you my darling.” he spoke, sighing as he spoke. in between words of his affirmations, splotching small kisses that bore on the planes of your lower abdomen and shifting his way up your bare-body.
“are the most ethereal thing, to ever exist.” the boy continued in his wake of appraisal, of your complete quintessence and soul.
“i love you.” you whispered in a small, barely audible murmur in appreciation of the red head you had been destined with. he was truly put in your path of life to give and receive love and adoration. “i love you.” the boy whispered back at your confession, muffled into the flesh above your sternum.
continuing to leave small vermillion hues of colour, making his way to the the junction of your neck and resuming with his praises of adorations of your complete essence.
the scarlet-haired boy was completely entranced with every element of your being, almost besotted with your every move. always wanted to praise, and adore every aspect of you in anyway he could possible.
“no, i love you more.” he corrected himself, undeserving of your mutual appreciation.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
healthy use of both. sometimes you guys have your super serious moments and other times you guys are giggling together.
“oh merlin, i really hope fred did not hear that.” you spoke through a sporadic chortle, your previous whimper being a little bit too raucous. the both of your wands misplaced and unable to cast a muffling charm meant you and george had to be as quiet as possible.
“y/n, he definitely did. let’s hope he’s asleep.” george making an effort to whisper but his own disgustingly humours mind getting too himself and letting chuckle slip out from his lips mid-sentence.
“i didn’t say stop, keep going!” you hastily spoke, sending a cheeky grin in faux annoyance at him as he continued his slow but intensely deep thrusts in your pulsing cunt, the both of you close to a release.
you were deeply trying to muffle your pleasureful noises from the palm of your hand, but discreetingly failing as you let another strangled moan bubble from your vocal cords.
both you and george looking at eachother frantic for a moment, completely silent and worried if one of his dorm mates had heard the both of you. silent for a moment then chuckling together whilst bumping noses at the voyeuristic acts that were being taken place in his very bed.
“oi, some of us are trying to sleep here!”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
yes the fucking carpet matches the damn drapes HE HAS A CARROT CROTCH DO NOT TELL ME OTHERWISE. as for grooming, i think he just just have a stubble? like i don’t feel like he cares to much about hair so he would just shave most of it off. as for u he does not give a fuck, as long as you like yourself he likes you so it does not matter at all for him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
ITS GEORGE WEASLEY IF UR NOT EXPECTING ROMANCE AND INTIMACY 89% OF THE TIME GO REEVALUATE. i’m not saying he’s not rough or not kinky, but he’s very intimate with you especially during aftercare. if he’s feeling special, like on anniversaries, birthdays, or days he wanted to make you feel really really good he would bring out rose petals, floating candles i mean he would WHIP OUT A LAVENDER OIL DEFUSER OR SOMETHING?
the floor was coated in tons vermillion bloomed rose petals, the scent of cinnamon and fresh linnen was intense through the air of the newly-cleaned dormitory, the fresh ivory bed made and the pillows slightly puffed to perfection.
“just, y’know, one last birthday surprise?” the red-head boy muttered staring at the scarlet-shaded floors whilst attempting to distract himself by fumbling his clammy hands into the pockets of his overworn grey slacks.
“d’you like it?” george continued to mutter, his eyes staggering around the room he had prepared for you both that night so he could kiss, cherish and adulate your entire being till the depths of early morning sunrise.
“georgie, i— i love it.” you felt perspiration sting in the waterlines of your eyes as you stammered slightly in shock, intense adoration and tenderness hastily speeding through your bloodstream hitting you directly into the warmth of your heart.
facing said-boy, you looked at him with complete fondness, grasping upon of his hand that was resting in his slacks now in the palm of your own comically-smaller hand.
“it’s truly amazing.”
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
gonna be honest here, not really. unless he wasn’t seeing you for like weeks, like during a holiday or something. even then i feel like he would imagine you were doing it to him, like whenever he was feeling needy he would normally just go to you and you were more than happy to oblige to his request.
“oh— fuck me.” the boy groaned while stroking his cock in quick circular motions, the other hand preoccupied with a risqué polaroid photo of you that you had sent him in the mail during the winter holidays.
it wasn’t the easiest being away from him during the winter holidays and his randomly occurring hard-ons apparently happened to occur more frequently without a desirable girlfriend around and more time to use your undesirable hand.
attempting to finish himself off fairly quickly so he could scoundrel himself back to bed counting the days till you would dramatically reunite on the hogwarts express and more than likely pull you away from peering eyes for a quickie in the bathroom.
just the thought of your beautiful skin melding with his own in the humid air of the bathroom made him spurt his release all over his prick and a groan emerging from his throat in the process.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
he has a innocence kink.... like the thought of teaching you everything like in bed makes his mind go WEEE WOO WEEE WOOO
now i shall elaborate
“pretty girl, does it feel good?” he crooned into the shell of your ear, feeling the tense grasp of your agile hands on his clothed biceps where his dress shirt laid on him and suddenly crinkled from your clasp onto him.
“mhm— yes, yes georgie.” you gasped mid sentence, trying to catch your breath from the new sensations that had washed over your nerves, feeling new pleasureful burning sensations in the pit of your abdomen and run along the curvature of your spine.
attempting to suppress small moans you continued petite chokes of air in ecstasy feeling george’s pads of his fingers dance upon your clit. “oh— fuck.” you muttered in a form of a bleary headspace trying to manage a coherent thought.
the red-head grinned in gratification, your full pleasure at his decree, knowingly giving you these new sensations. “i thought you were an innocent girl, now you’re my dirty one?” the boy mocked at your trembling figure in his lap.
“maybe you’re not my innocent girl after all.”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
in my head.... he likes voyerism. don’t ask me why but the thrill of someone catching y’all 🤪
so i will no would have to say that he likes his dormitory a lot but i also feel like he likes the common room couch.
“oh, fuck—“ the moan has blossomed out of your throat and tinged in the previously solemn and peaceful common room, but now the air felt humid and extremely titillating common room that had been used for social and cuticular activities now being used for intercourse.
“darling if you’re not quiet we’re going to be caught.” the vibrations of his words directly muffled onto your perspired flesh, due to his manipulation of your body strictly at his will. “so good, daddy, so so good.” the words mildly uttered from your throat due to the infrequent gasps of pleasure between your words.
the both of you fused together passionately on the snug common room sofa in the late hours of the night, to be caught in a very comprising position by a student or supervisor if not subtle enough. the fire being your only production of light source throughout the entire room, dismissed in the backround close to being burnt out entirely.
“but daddy, you make me feel so good.” you’re voice tinged into a slightly higher pitch, feeling his deep thrusts enclosed inside of your cunt, your attempted muffles of rising gasps and lament whimpers to be heard significantly prominent throughout the walls of the vermillion shaded common room.
“awe slut, you want everyone to know how i’m making you feel?”
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
so since georgie is a switch i feel like most of his motivation comes from when you’re bossy, outside of the bedroom. telling him what to do, how to do it, having to fix it for him. because either he’s gonna punish you for thinking you can be in charge or he’s gonna do literally everything you tell him too without a second thought.
“ok so for today, we’re not playing around here, you finish your charms, then we have lunch, we do transfiguration together, play some quidditch with fred, eat dinner, and then free period to do whatever we want, got it?” your hastily speeding voice catching the attention of his ears and consuming every single word that you had to say.
you glanced at him for a moment, his eyes slightly out of zone but still attentive to your words, also wanting to distinguish if he had been following to the list you had for the day so he could ultimately stop procrastinating and get his work done.
“yeah, er, i got it.” george spoke awkwardly for a moment, trying to discreetly shuffle around his body at the feeling of immense amount of pressure and tensity starting to form around his groin.
you raised a brown, you’re forehead slightly creasing as you tested the waters at his slightly timid figure and lack of response. “do i need to make you repeat it back to me.” tilting your head, trying to pan off as more intimidating so the red-head would coherently listen to you rather than pawn off and work on a prank with his mischievous-twin.
“no, no— i’m fi— you’re fine.” he groaned and he hesitated mid-sentence aiming to speak as casually as possible, moderately shuffling around his pants as he spoke at your firm and unyielding tone with him.
“you’re sure? because if you’ve got it wrong i’m going to upset, got it?” your voice at an adamant expression, annunciating that everything for the day was going to be smooth sailing rather than difficult and irritating for either of you.
“no, i understand.” he cleared his throat in compliance, aiming to remove any unnerving tension that might be there as he awkwardly trailed behind you to the library.
not to mention with a rock hard cock just sitting in his plants.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
threesomes. “bUt pArIs” NO. he would not want to share you, he had literally had to share everything his whole life and seeing his twin brother or literally anyone else pleasure you is a big fat NONO
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he’s a giver, if u say no, ur lying. hearing you go literally whimper, tremble, moan at HIS will that’s enough for him to cream his pants.
“georgie— fuck. keep going.” your praised the boy deep between your legs, your words of appraisal going straight to his groin area whilst you threaded you fingers directly into his damp ginger locks.
feeling his tongue swirl directly onto your engorged clit, small gasps emitting from your mouth as his face was buried into your cunt for the last hour. the exceedingly amount of ecstasy built up into a broiling pit in your belly and ready to explode at any given moment.
“‘m gonna cum, gonna finish.” you gasped, feeling his tongue prodding at your entrance, his thumb placed directly onto your swollen cunt and swirling in figure eight like motions to make your orgasam rapidly occur.
his prick immensely hard, beseeching for a release. his nearest output being the subtle grind of his hips and the soft mattress of the bed as you continued to sensually yank at his hair.
feeling the overflow of desire, the whimpers exceeding from your lips and the pressure against his cock made his orgasam occur midst your own; finishing together the only thing to be heard was your heaving breaths and george’s hoarse voice from not speaking for the last while.
“so, i might’ve just done something.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like he’s very medium paced, he’s not to fast nor slow. he has his moments where it’s very slow and loving or if he just lost a quidditch game and it’s very fast in rough. i don’t think it’s set on just one i think it varies.
“needy little slut, just wanted me so badly, hmm?” the grit in george’s teeth prominent as he spoke to you, the tensity of his hands on grip of your waist also clinically distinguished as he pulsed in and out of your from behind.
“fuck— please.” the begging was evident in your tone, feeling the grasp on your waist and he plunged into you emitting gasps every few seconds from desire. his hand grasped onto the root of your tresses, your cheek melding with the mattress and a moan exploding from your trachea at his aggressive demeanour.
“please—“ you continued you beg, not for anything in specific but the feeling of him to continue his thrusts and not falter his pace. the feeling of being exceedingly full of him, the explicit belligerent emotion he was feeling and turning that into passion.
knees bucking at his will as he continued the fast and thrown pace that was previously endured. feeling the ecstasy rome freely through your veins as he degraded you.
“my slut, so dirty.”
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
so... george wants to appreciate you fully. and i don’t think either of you would be so horny that he had to just pull you in a broom closet. even if it’s fast and rough aftercare is still extremely keen to him after having sex no matter the circumstances so i don’t think he would be into quickies.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) - this was in fact somewhat inspired by 50 shades of grey
george is the kinkier twin. there i said it, and i will not change my mind. yeah he’s more quiet whatever more emotional, throughful BUT THOSE ARE ALWAYS THE ONES WHO ARE KINKIER. i so as long as you were cool with it i feel like he would be as-well.
“so you wanna play, dove?” running the tip of the small blade down the depth of your torso, and across your abdomen seeing the heaving rise and fall of your torso. the slight scarlet-coloured ribbon peaking from underneath the arch of your back that restrained both of your wrists.
“yes, sir.” the mumble was stern, and tense but slightly heaved from apprehension on what he would do with the tip of the stygian-coloured blade that was held in his ivory hand. your safe word explicitly-clear before he had restricted your eyesight.
a slow light vermillion trailed in its wake from the tip of the blade that moved across the skin of your navel. he heard the audible gasp release from your mouth in anticipation.
“keep going, please.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
so i feel like george goes for like.... 3? but he definitely does foreplay and stuff too. so it’s like a healthy mix of a lot. so a couple of rounds, sometimes more, sometimes less, it all depends on the time like early in the morning or really late at night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
so, i don’t think so. so the only thing i feel like he would have is like ropes/ties and blindfolds. other than that i don’t think so, but fred has definitely gifted you something just for the kick of it all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
i feel like it depends if he’s more sub or more dom. if he’s dom he will tease you all he likes just to see you squirm, but if he’s sub then he definitely will wants you to tease him.
“georgie, please, i cant take it anymore.” you pleaded, your tone was soft but irritated, the continuous edging was extremely displeasing for you. you wanted him, you wanted to feel every withering inch of him, his body, his essence; but he simply wouldn’t give it to you.
“c’mon, weren’t you the one who ‘said patience is a virtue.’ you’ve got to be patient then, right dove?.” george made a mockery of something you had in a different context but instead he used it to his advantage.
his middle finger crept its way back to the depth of your navel and right on your cunt, starting recurrent swirls on your engorged clit. feeling a similar sensation that you had previously endured till your denied orgasam.
“be patient, or you won’t be getting anything.”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
i feel like it’s a lot of grunting and dirty talk, or even just praising. there’s more moaning when doing oral. it’s not necessarily loud but you can clearly hear it.
“my pretty little witch.” the words of appraisal blossomed from his mouth as he kissed upon the column of your neck and the bend of your shoulders. he proceeded to kiss around the shell of your ear and speaking.
“nobody can make me feel the way you can.” george murmured making sure you know, followed by a pleasureful grunt by the way your cunt was continuously clenching around his cock and the way your hand grasped at his lower back.
“oh, merlin—“ your voice sounded like a gasp, arching your back directly into his freckled chest from his prick prodding at your cervix, you’re breathing was heaved from his continuous thrusts that faltered as he was close to release and exceedingly praised into your perspired skin.
“i love you so much.”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
george likes pda. i’m not talking like sex in the great hall or obnoxiously making out in the courtyard but he does like to show everyone that you are together.
“georgie if you kiss me again fred is going to throw up.” the murmur sent vibrational waves into the boys cheek your own affections shown at the proximity between you both, partly because the incessant chatter of the great hall.
“and? you’re my girl.” the statement was clear as day in his eyes, he wanted to show everyone just how much he loved you, the intimacy in the situation between two teenagers who were in love; he didn’t care what anyone else had to say.
you looked at him for a moment with challenging eyes, seeing the intimacy in his own cocoa-coloured ones. poorly making an effort to suppress a grin at his affections.
he took his opportunity to press a kiss to your plush-smooth lips, then the hued rose coloured flesh on your cheek, then the tip of your pointed nose.
“i love you, i won’t not show that because my git brother doesn’t like it.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
i feel like it’s a bit bigger than average, probably around 8in when hard? i think it’s more longer than thicker.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
i mean..... he’s a teenage boy. i think it’s average like i don’t think he’s dying to have sex every second but he does in-fact like to appreciate you in more ways that one. because sex for him isn’t just a way to get rid of a hard on it’s a way to appreciate your body and just you in general.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i feel like it depends on how hard the both of you went, because you guys could either end up talking for hours or simply just cuddle and fall asleep.
“‘m so tired, georgie.” you murmured into the boys bare chest, stroking the side of his torso as the both of you laid below his his fitted sheet bed. the time around twelve am and your eyes desperate for sleep.
“sleep, darling. i’ll be here in the morning to wake you up.” he uttered. his voice fairly hoarse and rough, whilst stroking your back feeling the wrinkle in the shirt he had given you. fairly prideful that you had been wearing something of his.
“love you, georgie” you wiped your nose while speaking, feeling love and adorned by the boy you were cuddling with; wanting these solemn peaceful moments forever.
“love you more, forever ‘n ever.”
taglist: @ronbrokemyheart @georgeswh0re @amourtentiaa @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
hey! can you write one where harry invites y/n and his band mates out for drinks and they try to hand her a drink but she reveals she previously by saying like “you can’t drink when your pregnant” ...
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I combined this one with a request for where Harry constantly refers to Y/N as his “ex-girlfriend,” because they’re engaged now. ((Super cute. Super corny. Makes my heart mush. Anyway.)) Kinda short but still sweet. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Take care and TPWK.
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“There she is!” 
His voice is drowned out by clanking glasses and the heavy bass of whatever rock song was playing through the shitty speakers in the corner of the room, but it was unmistakable nonetheless. Followed by his “greeting” were the shouts and howls of the rest of the bunch, most of them raising their glass in honor of her (late) arrival.
“My ex-girlfriend!”
Harry, despite his inebriated state, smiled widely and welcomed her as protectively as he always had in the past few weeks - relieving her person of any bags or extra weight, this time being her coat and purse which he hung on the brass hooks underneath the bar table, and inspecting her facial expression for any signs of discontent or worry. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when he kicked his “dad-mode,” tendencies into overdrive, but it certainly began on that rainy, Thursday night in their shared bathroom as they sat against the wall of the bathtub with four positive pregnancy tests in both of their hands.
“Really wish you’d stop calling me that, Har,” she sneered as he helped her shake her arms loose from her coat.
“One of these days you’re gonna cause a scene.”
“'S true, though,” the drunken boy giggled.
“You’re not m’ girlfriend anymore. You’re my fiance.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes at his antics, intending to pull him in for a quick hug and kiss when her attention was drawn away from her curly-headed brunette and towards the man of the hour.
“Hello, birthday boy,” her voice was mellow against the drunken slur that had started to take over her friend, Mitch’s.
“‘S not very nice of you to be late to my party,” he slurred as he pulled her in rather harshly for a bone-crushing hug.
“Sorry, got caught up with some work stuff,” Y/N managed to get out through a chuckle in between Mitch’s squeezing.
She saw Harry stiffen out of the corner of her eye, like he was torn between yelling something akin to, “Take it easy on her, mate. She’s pregnant for christ’s sake,” or letting the interaction play out. He knew he wasn’t allowed to do the former, as they’d agreed to wait until they could have all of their friends and family over at the same time to tell them the good great news, so Harry opted to let Mitch hug her extra tight despite his unrealistic, dramatic worries that he’d crush her fragile frame or hurt the baby in some way. She made sure to send a reassuring smile Harry’s way when Mitch let her go from his grasp.
Short and sweet was her greeting to Sarah, both of them opting to kiss one another on the cheek.
“Let me see it one more time,” her voice was quiet amongst the chatter of the bar, almost sounding like a whisper.
Y/N felt the heat climbing to her cheeks as she let Sarah take her hand in hers to examine the ring on her fourth finger. The band was gold and slim, adorned with a dainty yet sizeable single diamond in the very center. 
“So pretty,” she gushed, admiring the way the gem flittered, even in the dim, tungsten-glow of the bar.
Y/N muttered a quiet “thank you,” before making her away back to the other side of the table where Harry was waiting for her with an outstretched arm, yearning to get back to what they had been doing before Y/N had to make her rounds.
As he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, Y/N caught wind of the tequila on his breath. She tasted it too, when she pecked his lips quickly and - oh god, did she taste stout as well? Maybe she’d end up taking care of him later tonight when his head was stuck in the toilet, but that seemed plenty fair considering how often Harry had been doing the same exact thing for her here lately.
“Yeh alright? Had me all worried when ya said you’d be late,” Harry’s question was asked lowly so that only she could hear.
Harry had been with Mitch and Sarah all day celebrating, hence this was the first time he’d seen Y/N since this morning when he kissed her and sent her off to work.
Y/N nodded and smiled, though her face led Harry to believe differently.
“Got sick when I got home from the office. Just took me a little bit longer to get out the door,” she shrugged, insinuating that it wasn’t a big deal, but that she wasn’t feeling one hundred percent ready-to-party either.
“Baby,” Harry half-scolded her, feeling a good portion of his buzz leave his body when Y/N mentioned that she hadn’t felt well.
“Why didn’t yeh just tell me you were sick? Coulda came home and sat with you.”
“I wasn’t going to ask you to ditch your best friend’s birthday dinner just because I was throwing up for the fifteenth time this week,” she was stern in her words and made it clear that she was fine.
“I’m alright. I promise.”
Harry’s jaw softened at her proclamation, the muscles in his torso easing up from their tense position.
“Oi! Will you two stop whispering and get drunk with me?!” Mitch shouted across the table, bursting the bubble that had temporarily surrounded the couple whilst they talked about their sweet little secret that they were dying to tell everyone about.
“You,” Mitch pointed his finger towards Y/N’s head.
“Shots. Now,” he gestured to the bartender making drinks on the opposite end of where their table was.
Both Y/N and Harry chuckled nervously, unsure of how to work around the fact that Y/N couldn’t drink without spilling the beans.
“Think I need to get some food in my stomach before I do that. Why don’t you take Harry,” Y/N urged Harry forward by his shoulder and prayed it would be enough to entertain the drunk boy.
“Fine,” Mitch glared.
“It’ll just make it hard for you to catch up later then!”
He grabbed Harry by the bicep and cleared through the crowd of people in order to get his liquor he was so keen about.
The conversation with Sarah was light, mostly about what all they’d done today and bets on if Mitch would end up needing to be babied for the rest of the night. Y/N successfully dodged Sarah’s questions about the wedding and how planning was going along, chalking it up to busy work schedules and failing to come to an agreement on a venue and date.
“Harry’s dead set on a summer wedding, but I’m fighting for a winter date,” she dismissed through a nervous chuckle when the reality was that they were unsure how to navigate planning a wedding around the arrival of their baby to make any more decisions.
It seemed like ages passed before the two men returned. Y/N was picking at the fries and sipping on the ginger ale Harry had ordered her before she’d gotten there but was interrupted when Harry and Mitch came barrelling back to the table.
He was drunk. Quite drunk. And Y/N knew that because his body felt even warmer and his eyes looked even hazier than before he’d left. She imagined they definitely had more than once shot at the bar, but she didn’t have much time to ponder that before she felt his hands snake around her waist and rest on her hips. She reciprocated his touch, looping her arms around his shoulders and laying her head against his chest.
“Love you,” Harry muttered into the soft spot between her jaw and ear, then his hands wormed their way under her shirt to rest on the underside of her tummy.
“Love you too,” he said again.
She could feel him smile against her skin as he cradled her almost non-existent baby bump from underneath her oversized sweater. Harry was the only one who saw her regularly enough to notice the minute changes her body had been going through. To everyone else, she still looked like plain, old Y/N.
“We love you more, but if you don’t stop canoodling me in the middle of this bar,” Y/N began, speaking light-heartedly and quietly in his ear, “Everyone’s going to find out and you won’t get to have that announcement party you’ve been planning for weeks now.”
Harry sighed, knowing she was right, and loosened his hold on her tummy and opting to sling an arm over her shoulder to at least keep her close instead.
“I know what you’re up to,” Mitch glared at the two of them from across the table.
This gained the attention of not only Y/N and Harry but Sarah as well. Everyone turned to look at Mitch, anticipating what he was going to say next.
“And what would that be, Mitchy?” Y/N toyed.
A pout formed on his face, arms quickly crossed his chest as he huffed.
“You’re trying to get out of here and leave me all alone on my birthday.”
“Guess I’m not even here then. I’m a hallucination,” Sarah baited with a roll of her eyes.
“We’re not trying t’ leave ya, mate. Promise,” Harry stuck his pinky out across the table as a gesture of sincerity.
“Are too.”
Mitch’s drunken rambles were beginning to sound quite childish now and became more amusing by the second.
“Are not, honey bun,” Y/N requited.
“Liars. Both of you.”
Mitch launched a bunched up straw wrapper in Harry’s direction that bounced off of his most prominent curl and landed somewhere near his feet.
“Where would we even go, hmm?” Harry taunted, resting his chin on the knuckles of his free hand that was leaned against the table.
“What could we possibly planned tha’ would be better than spending time with you lot on your birthday?”
They watched as Mitch’s remaining sobriety fought hard for an answer, but ultimately giving into his drunkness and murmuring, “Don’t know! Probably going off to screw each other or something!”
The table burst into laughter, and Y/N hid her face in Harry’s chest out of embarrassment. 
“Wouldn’t surprise me actually,” Sarah quipped before taking a huge sip of her cocktail.
“Look. Here’s the deal,” Mitch tried his best in his drunken stupor to be serious.
“Prove to me that you’re not gonna leave me and take another shot.”
“Fine,” Harry shrugged.
“Let’s go back t’ the bar then.”
He started to pull Mitch along but was stopped suddenly.
“No,” Mitch was quick to intervene.
“Y/N too. If you both drink, you can’t drive home and leave me,” he said proudly as if his idea was the smartest thing he’d ever come up with.
She knew it was only Mitch being sloppy drunk and acting like the idiot he always was, but Y/N couldn’t help but feel her palms begin to sweat. They couldn’t tell Mitch the real reason why she couldn’t drink with the group tonight, so she was quickly wracking her brain for another excuse now that she’d filled her belly with french fries since giving her last one.
But there was no need to think any further, as Harry stepped in for her.
“She can’t do tha’, mate. Now, c’mon. Let’s get some more tequila. Looks like Sarah needs another drink as well, hmm?”
Harry pinched his nose in annoyance. He was trying his hardest to keep this all under wraps, but Mitch was making it extremely difficult.
“Who are you? Her keeper? Telling her what she can and can’t do?” Mitch yelled.
“No, you nunce. She can’t drink because yeh can’t drink when you’re pregn-”
Harry clapped his hand over his mouth before he finished his sentence, but it was too late. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking when he said it. Wasn’t even sure if he was thinking at all, to be completely honest. He silently prayed that neither Mitch nor Sarah heard him, but he quickly realized that was untrue when they both stared between him and Y/N with wide eyes.
“Y/N L/N. Are you pregnant?” Sarah was the first to speak up.
Y/N felt like she was stuck in place, only able to look at Harry with a racing chest and her mouth agape. 
“I, um, I - yes?” It came out as more of a question due to her state of shock.
“I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Holy shit,” Harry exclaimed as he went back to Y/N’s side to console her.
He was spiraling in fear that Y/N was angry with him, but it was mostly the alcohol making him think so.
“You’re having a baby?” Mitch’s voice was unusually quiet for how loudly he had been yelling just moments ago.
“Yeah. We are,” she was laughing nervously as she spoke.
“Sorry that Harry ruined the surprise. We wanted to have a big party and tell everyone at the same time, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag for you guys.”
She rubbed Harry’s back with her palm, a silent reassurance for Harry that she wasn’t upset with him. Mitch and Sarah, however, they couldn’t read.
Mitch said nothing, only leaving his position beside Sarah to go stand in between Y/N and Harry. He looked at them both with an expression that resembled both anger and confusion, which only added to their discomfort.
In a split second, he had his arms around both of them, hugging them tightly.
“Holy shit! This is the best birthday present ever. Uncle Mitch and Aunt Sarah. What the fuck?!” he was rambling now, beaming from ear to ear as he ran over to pull Sarah, who was also losing her shit, just in her own seat and not on top of Harry and Y/N, into the group hug.
Their eyes caught each other in the midst of the friend-sandwich they were being forced to be a part of. A smile and knowing look were exchanged between them and they knew, despite it not coming out in the most fashionable way, their precious little bub would be surrounded by people that loved them dearly.
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mellomanjiro · 3 years
Request: L/Wammy boys on s/o feeling neglected.
The Kira case, the only thing that’s using all of his attention causing you to feel lonely.
He knows he’s not spending time with you, but he knows this is the only thing keeping you safe. Especially since he spends all his time with his suspect.
But when he does spend time with you he notices you’re feeling off
You don’t talk to him, and you don’t initiate any physical affection with him
He usually thinks your constant need to hug him annoying but now he misses it more than ever
Finally he goes up to you and grabs your hand and says “Y/n, tell me what’s wrong”
Hesitant at first, you eventually tell him how you feel
“Y/n, you feel neglected?” he asks confused, for the smartest man alive he seems pretty clueless
He understands pretty quickly how you’re feeling and makes a phone call to Watari, “Please clear my entire schedule for the whole week, I’m spending everyday with y/n”
“I’m sorry y/n I love you and if I could I would spend every second with you” he says and kisses you, one of the few times he ever kisses first.
You’re night is filled with kisses, cuddles and candy and it continues on for another 3 days until you let him go back to work because catching Kira is more important right now.
“What?!” he says kinda annoyed when you don’t say anything to him the second he arrives home.
“Y/n? What’s wrong with you?” says Mello which causes you to finally break, running into your room crying.
Mello lets out a deep sigh and walks into the bedroom.
He sees you crying and his heart just breaks, he loves you more than anything especially since he can’t believe someone as perfect as you is dating him.
“Hey, y/n I’m really sorry. Can you please tell me what’s wrong? I’ll do anything you want, please talk to me.
He sits next to you and you turn to him and say “You spend all day trying to catch Kira before Near does, that’s all you care about. You’ve been ignoring me. Do you want me to leave?”
You leaving is Mello’s worst nightmare. “No no y/n please don’t go. I love you, I’m doing all of this because I want you to live in a world where it’s safe”
“But you don’t pay any attention to me” you say “Mello, I miss you” you whisper
“I’m so sorry love, please let me make it up to you. Just wait for tomorrow, it’ll be worth it, I promise” he says.
You basically jump into Mello’s lap and kiss him
“Can’t wait” you say and then he carries you to the couch where you snuggle together and watch movies
Near comes home from a day at the SPK and goes straight to his toy room
This makes you upset, he spends all day at his job and then the second he comes home he doesn’t even say a word to you
You storm into the room and look at him and say “Really Near?! You don’t see or talk to me all day and the second you come home you go and play with your damn toys?!”
Right after that you leave the room and you hear him follow you
“What?” you say tearing up
All of a sudden Near just hugs you and says “I’m sorry”
You can’t help but hug him back
“Y/N I know I have spent too much time with the SPK but trust me, we are so close to solving the case. Once I solve the case I’ll be able to spend every day with you doing whatever you want” he says twirling his hair.
He grabs your hand and takes you to the toy room and says “Hey, lets build my new lego set together”
The two of you spend the the next two hours building the set together
Matt is always too busy helping Mello with catching Kira lately that he hasn’t spent any time with you.
So one day you decide to put on his headset and put on his favourite video game and ignore him when he comes home
“Y/n! I’m home!” he says and you pretend you don’t hear him
“Y/n?! Hello?” he says to you and again you ignore him.
Realizing you’re ignoring him, Matt stands in front of the tv blocking your view of the game
“Move.” you say
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong” he says.
You sigh and tell him everything.
“What?! You’re feeling neglected? I’m really sorry about that but believe me it’s not on purpose. Please forgive me” he says.
“Hmm... I’ll think about it” you tease and when you see him frown you kiss his cheek and giggle
He kisses you back and says “btw y/n, this game is 2 players”
You grab the second controller and toss it to him
He pulls you into his lap and you spend hours playing video games and sneaking a few kisses in between levels
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shhhh-im-secret · 4 years
hello! i saw that your requests are open and this is the first time i request something like this 🥺 but is it okay if i request a kenma-nii where he's being too cutesy and love dovey with his secretary, and starts ignoring his lil sis.. and the reader just distances herself bcs jealousy and bcs it's fucked up and she's just really sad and becomes cold bcs what else can she do ;( can it end in fluffy smut pls?? hahdks sorry dhsjak and thank you!
Yes of course! Thanks for the amazing request!
So Sorry about super long wait!! I really hope you all love it!! Also it’s just dry-humping btw very cute and sweet because I love Kenma-nii so much
18+ tw:incest
Kenma is oblivious, he’s never noticed your growing affection for him, the way you always followed him around like a quiet little shadow although school, even now, he lets you live with him and you’re always accompanying him to any business he may have, and of course he enjoys it, never having to be lonely, but knowing each other so well there no such thing and uncomfortable silence, until today that is.
You sat sideways in a plush chair in his office, playing your handheld, you normally tagged along with kenma to work, but today he was much busier then usual, leaving to to lounge in his office while he did things, soon enough you hear giggling coming from outside the room, curious you peep through the blinds only to see kenma, face flushed and actually talking to a girl, but not any girl, she’s beautiful, full bodied, and kenma keeps smiling at her. You turn back to your handheld quickly, not be able to bare watching anymore, you knew it was wrong to feel like this, like your heart was broken, like kenma was betraying you somehow, but you couldn’t help it, you almost start to cry before beings scared by the office door opening, “hey, I’m done okay, let’s go home..” Kenma pokes his head in the doorway, you quickly gather your bag and follow behind him.
The whole car ride was uncomfortable silence, you didn’t feel like playing any games, pretending to have fallen asleep right as kenma finally goes to ask if you’re okay. He ‘wakes’ you once you get home, offering to carry you inside, an offer you’d normally jump at, but your heart hurt to much. “No thanks Nii-chan” you quickly scurry off to your room, leaving kenma confused and worried. You spent the rest of your night alone in your room eventually falling asleep. In the morning Kenma goes to wake you up, and bring you along to work with him again, the past few days have been more stressful then normal, having you by his side always soothed him, “Imouto, wake up, We’ll have breakfast on the way,” he calls through the door, “N-no, you go, I’mma s-stay home,” you respond, voice trembling slightly. He wants to push the issue, worry spreading through him, but his alarm sounded, “o-okay, but we’ll have dinner tonight okay?” He promises, “Okay” you agree, then you were alone.
The day passed quickly enough, making yourself busy with your games and tv, though sick jealousy gnaws at your insides, you know it’s wrong but Kenma’s all you need and want in life, but all day your forced to think about him at work as his full figured secretary hovers around him, giggling and throwing her lose waves over her shoulder, a hand touching his arm. The mental image causing rage to boil, you toss your controller across the room in a fit, before sinking to the floor, and sobbing woefully, all you wanted was for kenma to love you as much as you did him. Your cries drown out the sound of kenma’s car pulling into the garage. He quickly comes inside, leaving the food on the counter he got your favorite meal from a fancy restaurant he took you for you birthday once, and apple pie to share. As he approaches your room, he can hear your soft sniffles and hiccups.
You yelp as your door is ripped open, kenma’s lithe form on the other side, his eyes wide with worry, “I-imouto!! Why are you crying, are you okay?!” He quickly approaches, fussing cutely over you. Your eyes are wide, "Mmm." You sniffle before averting your eyes, face flushed in embarrassment . "It's going to sound kinda dumb but I guess I just feel a little l-lonely. That's w-weird, isn't it?” Kenma shakes his head, sitting on the floor next to you “b-but why would I feel lonely, I’m always around you, but... I just don't know." You wipe at your face with your sweater sleeves, “t-that new secretary m-made me j-j-jealous,…” you mumble ashamed, kenma’s eyes widening at your implication, a hot shiver running down his spine, as he reaches out and takes your hand in his own.
Your soft noises seem to ease the tension Kenma feels, his shoulders relaxing, as he leans forward slightly to press into the kiss, which makes it more enjoyable. You open your mouth more, and so does he, you make a small sound when you feel the wet touch of the tip of his tongue briefly before it disappears. He pulls back then, looking at you intensely and suddenly gripping your sides tighter. His face is flushed, guilt and shame swirl wildly in his heart, but your soft smile erases it all and this time he’s the one to capture your lips, almost to enthusiastically as he toppled the two of you and practically pins you to the plush carpet below.
The next thing you know, the kiss feels different than before, too. Your entire body reacting for him, toes curl, and hands gently gripping the front of his shirt as he kisses you deeper. He pulls back, pupils blown wide He looks so handsome, cheeks flushed all the way to his ears, pink lips spread as his warm breath puffs across your face, and bangs messed up, strand sticking to his forehead. The look he gives you sends a warm shiver down your spine,
He leans in again, lips just brushing yours, mumbling quietly "Need more please,," he never wants this to stop, finally able to give into his ever growing feelings for you, and kisses you again and your hands slide from the his chest to the back of his neck, lacing into the shorter dark hair of his undercut. Kenma slides a hand down your thigh, soft fingertips tracing delicate patterns across your skin before cautiously slipping his fingers underneath the thin fabric of your sleep shorts, resting on your bare ass, hips grinding down against your own, your eyes flutter as you whine into his mouth. Kenma continues to hump against you, making sure to grind against you clit with each thrust, causing you to tremble underneath him, he begins to kiss down your neck, sucking a soft bruise into the skin below your collarbone, murmuring words of adoration against your skin. Your hands tug harshly at his hair as your back arches off the floor, hips circling slowly, while you pant softly, keening as kenma’s hands move to cup your chest under your loose shirt, thumbs expertly bushing against your hard nipples. He sits up, tugging on your shirt softly, you let him pull it off quick to shake your chest at him, giggling cutely.
He almost drools at the sight of your exposed tits, eagerly leaving open mouthed kisses and bites across your chest. One of his arms wrap around your waist, pulling your hips tighter against his own, panting, grinding in sync to your twitching hips. Your sweet moans raise an octave, body shaking, and eyes rolled back as Kenma dryhumps you to completion, your warm juices soak through his pants, and has him cumming as well. Kenma collapses on top on you for a moment, marking you wheeze, before rolling to his side. You turn to him, your foreheads pressed together, staring at each other, you start to giggle “make me your assistant instead Nii-Chan” you grin, Kenma laughs softly, “fine, fine, you baby, let’s go eat dinner.” He mumbled as he slowly stands up, and pulls you to your shakey feet.
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Hello! Could I please get a soft shiggy x fem!reader? Basically the reader is like god dammit why aren’t u taking care of urself? And basically gives him a lil homemade spa day! I think it’d be really cute! It can be fluff or smut, whatever you prefer!
a/n: hii!! of course!! i kept this kinda fluffy, posting a day later but happy birthday shiggy baby
summary: the constant state that shigaraki stays in while running the league is certainly an interesting one, but you can’t bear watching him not take care of himself. so you arrange a day to do just that
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of not eating, mentions of anxiety, a few mentions of nudity but nothing sexual
word count: 2.2k (okay pop awf-)
;cut for length;
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The prominent dark circles under Shigaraki’s eyes were a clear indication that he had been up all night again. Even while he sat in the bed beside you, playing a game on some handheld console, you could tell he hadn’t been to sleep at all in the past twenty-four hours.
Trying to ignore the soft sounds coming from his game, you cuddled up to him anyway, slinging an arm under on of his, resting your hand back up on his shoulder, your grasp resembling that of a backpack strap.
“What are you playing?” You mumbled quietly, your eyes just barely peeking over his arm, the screen illuminated a little too brightly for your comfort.
“Some weird RPG I downloaded from a forum. It’s stupid.” Shigaraki quickly turned the game console off and set it on the night stand, turning over to look at you.
“You look tired, did you not sleep good last night?” You ask, reaching a delicate hand up to caress his cheek, thumb carefully grazing over the top his cheek. You pull him in for a delicate kiss, just barely touching his lips.
You were still half-asleep, but you could tell Shigaraki wasn’t taking care of himself again. He had these spells, usually around the time when the League wasn’t doing much, plotting or just moving around, he wouldn’t sleep, he’d barely eat-his excuse would be he forgot, but you knew he was anxious.
Anxious for what was to come. He was a good leader, and he was strong, probably stronger than you were, but that didn’t matter. You were worried about him.
You couldn’t stand seeing those dark circles under his eyes, of hearing his tummy rumble when you lay next to him. It seemed the scratching on his neck would worsen as well, raw skin peeking through under the already cracked and dry skin he itched at for what felt like hours.
“Didn’t sleep.” He replied quietly. He knew you were about to scold him. He could read it all over your face as you pouted, pulling him into you.
“You could’ve woke me up, and we could’ve done something to help you fall asleep.” You sit up, ushering him to lay in your lap. As he does so, you take one look at his hair and inwardly cringe.
It’s a knotted mess, and no matter how much you wanted to run your fingers through it, you probably wouldn’t even get halfway before having to brush your fingers out of there with a hair brush. Or worse, cut them out.
“Didn’t wanna bug you.” Shigaraki seemed cold. His responses were dry. You heaved a sigh and pushed him up by his shoulders. Slinking out of the bed, you walked around to his side and tugged him out, pulling him over to the bathroom by his arms.
“How many times have I told you I don’t mind.” You sigh as you set him down on he toilet lid, watching as he just nods, hanging his head as you turn on the water for the bath.
Allowing it to warm up, you turn back to him and tug at his shirt.
“Arms up.” You speak softly, proceeding to take his shirt off as he lifts his arms up.
“When did you get this!?” You’re visibly and audibly worried as you spot a rather large bruise on his side. It looked like it hurt.
“Last fight.” Shigaraki sighed and glanced up at you.
“What are you doing?” His lips were fitted in a thin line, his eyelids were barely open, probably to heavy to even try.
“I’m going to help you relax. Look, your shoulders are so tense you can’t even relax them!” You went to touch his shoulders and just as you had stated, the muscles felt locked and telling by the hissing from Shigaraki, they were painful to move and touch.
“Alright alright! Just, am I taking a bath?” He questioned. You nodded and stepped aside, allowing him to undress the rest of the way before getting into the tub, his lips parting as he sat down, the warm water already making him feel slightly better.
Taking a cup you’d left in the bathroom from dumping out some soda, you rinsed it quickly under the sink, making sure it wasn’t sticky, and then brought it over to the tub where you scooped up some water and poured it over Shigaraki’s hair.
Once it was wet enough to lather some shampoo in, you allowed him to lean back as you worked your fingers through his locks. Unknotting his hair and washing it was a bit difficult, but taking your time, you made sure every strand of his hair was clean.
Your fingers worked their way back up to his scalp where you massaged for quite a few minutes, both to try and remove any built up dirt and dandruff and to give him a bit of a massage.
Shigaraki was almost purring in satisfaction as you finally dragged your hands away, reaching for the cup to rinse his hair. It didn’t take you long to rinse out all the suds before getting started on the conditioner.
“Thank you.” Shigaraki mumbled, holding his knees to his chest, his head dipped back so you could wash his hair easier.
“Of course. I know you haven’t been taking care of yourself again, I know you don’t mean too, but I can’t help but notice.” You sigh, running the pleasant-smelling conditioner through his white locks.
“You have these weird spells. I understand though, how you feel. It’s not easy being the leader, I can’t imagine the stress you feel, but you’ve got to take care of yourself. It’s important. You gotta be strong for the league, and for yourself.” You know Shigaraki, a little more than everyone else in the league does.
You’re dating him for peat’s sake. But Shigaraki became standoffish, grumpy, and even distant during these spells. There was nothing to do. Besides maybe make up a plan for a little something just to do something.
He was anxious about the little things. About how the league looked to the public. About how long they had stayed in one location. About how long it had been since their last big attack.
He needed to get back to league business, but there needed to be time, a good plan, an opening, the forces to attack, all of it needed to be planned with pinpoint accuracy, and those things took time.
“I love you, a whole bunch.” You lean over and kiss his cheek, smiling as his cheeks burn red.
You lather up a loofa with some nice scented soap and begin to wash his back and shoulders, down his arms and a little on his neck.
You’re extra careful around his neck and try not to get any of the scented soap on his raw skin. You know it hurts, and it’ll sting when water washes over it, but you’ll have to take extra good care of that spot later.
When you’re finished washing him, you drain the water and let him stand up, switching the bath to a shower and you begin to rinse him off.
It feels so domestic, these few minutes. The way you laugh and giggle when you tell him to lift his arms and spin and then call yourself some sort of car wash as you spray the warm water over him.
“You’re making a mess.” Shigaraki states at the various puddles of water on the bathroom floor. You sigh and finally help him rinse his conditioned hair out, asking him to hold the shower head for you while you run your fingers through his hair and ring out all the suds.
After the shower, you let him stand and air dry why you go and retrieve a towel. Upon walking in, he’s turned away from you, so you decide to pinch his butt, playfully of course.
Shigaraki just turns and glares at you, taking the towel from you as you giggle.
“I touched the butt.” You laugh as you leave the bathroom, letting him dry off. While he does so, you search around for a pair of boxers to hand him as well as a comfy t-shirt to put on after you give him a nice back massage.
Handing him his underwear, you look away and decide to make the bed quickly while he gets partially dressed.
“Where’s my shirt?” He questions. You turn and for a few seconds, you’re flustered. There’s Shigaraki, hair dripping wet and running down his toned chest, right down to the waist band of his black boxers. The towel you’d given him is lazily tossed over one shoulder, and he looks like some sort of actor out of a terrible romance movie.
Too entranced by his looks, you quickly shake your head, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. You pat the freshly made bed.
“Back massage.” You blurt out kneeling on the bed, waiting for him to lay down.
“Flustered?” Shigaraki stands beside the bed, a finger under your chin as you look up at him. You lean up and kiss his lips, smiling as you pull away.
“Well when you look that good can you blame me?” You tease, waiting as he lays down on the bed like you had motioned for.
“I guess not.” He replies.
Laying his head over his folded arms, his chest is against the bed. You move to sit over his butt as you look at his back. Still a little damp from the shower, you take the towel that had been tossed on the bed and dry it off, running it through his wet locks a bit.
Tossing it down onto the floor, too unbothered about it leaving a wet-mark on the carpet, You squirt some lotion into your hand and delicately begin to rub it into his back, carefully drawing your fingers across his skin, massaging it up over his shoulders.
Your fingers work magic as you relieve his tension, working at his shoulders carefully and strategically, undoing any knots that had formed.
Shigaraki’s eyes are closed, and small hums of satisfaction spill from his mouth as you do so.
You spend minutes massaging his back, quietly and gently working lotion into his skin. And when you’re finished, you ask him to sit up and face you. He puts on a shirt and you ask for his hands.
He’s skeptical but allows you to see one. You carefully apply some lotion to your hand and begin to massage it in, working down each one of his fingers before gently massaging his palm.
He stares at you in admiration as you seem un-phased by his hands, or the fact that he could kill you with them if you messed up. You don’t even look anxious, or worried about them.
And when you switch to his other hand, you continue, even when his fingers twitch. You just smile and kiss the back of his hand when you’re done, complementing the way he looks.
Interlocking your hands with his, Shigaraki’s eyes go wide.
“Careful!” He speaks up, falling into you as you tug him back.
He’s laying on top of you as you lay under him, smiling up at him.
“I can handle myself, don’t worry. Now come here.” You wrap your arms and legs around him, clinging to him like a sloth. You can’t help but giggle as he turns over, allowing you to be on top of him.
“You’re so stupid.” Shigaraki sighs, closing his eyes. You brush your nose against his, kissing the tip of his nose before burying your head into the crook of his neck.
“But you love me. And I love you too.” You kiss his neck gently, closing your eyes as you rest against him.
“I do love you.” Shigaraki’s arms are wrapped over your back, holding you down on top of him. He smiles and finally feels how tired he was.
“I’m gonna go make breakfast soon, so take a little nap okay?” You sit up and kiss his forehead.
“I can’t fall asleep without you.” Shigaraki mumbles, holding you tighter.
“This is a bad idea. I’m gonna fall back asleep too.” You mumble reaching for a blanket. Shigaraki helps cover the both of you.
“Guess we’re napping then.” Shigaraki kisses your cheek, nuzzling his head against yours.
“Guess so.” Your words are quiet as you slip back to sleep, peacefully dozing off as Shigaraki does the same.
It’s a bit of a long nap, a couple hours pass. And when you wake up, you make some food for the both of you, eating a big meal while watching a show on Netflix. The day is all about Shigaraki and so cuddles are a must when you’re finished eating.
You switch from basic cuddling to sitting in his lap, to even under his baggy t-shirt, your head poking through the head-hole, your back against his chest.
It’s a long day, but it’s spent with Shigaraki, taking care of him and showing him how much you truly adore him. And he loves it.
And at the end of the night, when you go to bed for real after gaming for an unreal amount of time, he holds you close and kisses the top of your head. You’re tuckered out completely sound asleep as he begins to doze off himself.
He loves you. He really does.
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