#so im here debating my options
lover-of-mine · 11 months
Wip Wednesday!
I was tagged by @daffi-990 @wikiangela thank you 🩷
Imma share a bit of nightmare fic because it's close to being done (I think, I may be wrong, who knows, not me) that's a random idea that happened quite literally at 3 am where Buck has a nightmare while sleeping on Eddie's couch because of a call with a gunshot victim, Eddie wakes him up and because I am who I am, they talk about the shooting. I am taking a second to think this idea through a bit more, because shit got dark here for a second and I'm still trying to determine where it would go from here, but have this.
But Buck didn't seem ready to talk. He just shifted, moving so he could drop his head to Eddie's shoulder, before nodding slightly and hiding his face on his neck. That was also new, Buck allowing himself to seek comfort. So Eddie waits, lets his hand find Buck's hair, fingers lazily moving through it until he relaxes against him. "I thought you were dead," Buck mumbles into his skin, still hiding, almost as if he's hoping that if he stays like this, it can't hurt him. "It was just a bad dream," Eddie tries to reassure him, fingers still moving on his hair, but he shakes his head. "No, not- not now, I mean, yes, in the dream too, but when you- I thought you were dead. You went down and you were looking at me, but then you weren't and I- I thought you were dead," Buck explains and Eddie breathes out a soft oh once he understands what he means.
No pressure tagging 🩷: @eddiebabygirldiaz @bucks118 @giddyupbuck @try-set-me-on-fire @disasterbuckdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @vampbuckley @housewifebuck
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rookeryyy · 6 months
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tumblr HATES my 44.1mb image swag so it has SO MUCH COMPRESSION and downsizing here. :') peep the actual intended size & quality (or as good as i could get it exported)
post-return Q!Tubbo :] Tee hee.
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un hamburgesa para tubbo (he lookied ungry)
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mcybree · 10 months
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yeah sorry I was in a weird mood (better version under cut). it’s metaphorical btw i dont think he’d actually do this
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^ i like this version a lot more but the colors were unfortunately too cute to be the main version
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agayconcept · 1 year
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starsxblazing · 8 months
Im sitting in the dentist office and my brain just thought of an azriel x reader fic / alternate universe where he and Elain have a baby or child and reader is the nanny. Its azriels pov mostly as he falls for reader while elain is still debating about lucien. And reader well shes totally oblivious of azriels attraction towards her.
Oblivious Attraction
You sat in front of your vanity while debating on how exactly you should present yourself. It felt as if the bar was set far too high for you to reach but you never turned down a challenge. There were so many different options but decided on a business casual outfit. You decided on a cobalt blue collared shirt paired black slacks and slip ons. As you began your work to form the loose curls, you ran through every possible word or conversation.
Your resume with great references made you a top choice for employment. Children were your passion and being a nanny was a perfect job for you. The hours were long but it never mattered to you even though it left hardly no time for a social life. That wasn’t a big issue either in your opinion because you felt fulfilled in life. 
The drive through the nice neighborhood had you enamored with the beautiful homes with matching or complimentary to the others. It was nicer than you had originally thought and it made it a bit intimidating.
You took a deep breath as you parked your car, muttering prayers to whatever force was above to be on your side.
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Azriel watched as Elain flitted around the kitchen to get the remnants of breakfast cleaned up before leaving. An interview with yet another possible nanny would be happening within the next ten minutes and he was ready to get it over with. All three candidates had great resumes as they required but the first two hadn’t felt right in their opinion
It was important to the both of them to have the perfect person to care for their daughter while they worked so having someone that they felt that they could trust was imperative. His work hours were long and whereas the mother of his child’s was shorter, she usually spent her time elsewhere when she got off. It grated a nerve that the female was absent from the home so often but he had stopped complaining. 
What was supposed to be a one night stand had turned into weekly occurrences that ended up with her pregnant. For that simple fact alone, he had moved her into his home in hopes that something more would form other than physical attraction. It hadn’t gone as he had hoped but they comfortably coexisted for the sake of their two year old.
He knew that her attention was torn between him and another male, a fact that he had only learned by accidental chance. Even though it hurt a piece of his heart, he always felt as if he couldn’t fault her for it. She deserved more, especially when he wasn’t able to give her the time and effort that she obviously needed.
A knock on the door had him pushing the thought of Elain and Lucien out of his mind, feeling hopeful that their last contestant would be the one. They truly did need the help and time was of the essence. He was shocked when he opened the door, the beauty of you taking his breath away. Their last two prospects had been older but he wasn’t expecting a beautiful female around his age to be standing on his threshold.
“Oh, you’re early!” Elain exclaimed happily with Sophie following close behind. “Hello!”
Azriel glanced at the clock and you were five minutes early. Confidence emitted from every fiber of you, especially when Sophie looked up at you with a smile. His own hope began to cement when the girl’s smile was returned with a gentle one that set the room at ease. 
Elain guided you to the couch in the living room where they held their previous interviews. His daughter climbed up beside you, talking the best that she could at her young age. It was something that Sophie hadn’t done with the previous two so Elain and himself waited patiently while watching you engage with her.
“We’re so glad to have you here,” Elain started with a smile. “She seems to like you already.”
“She’s a delight,” you laughed, gazing at the girl momentarily with a tender smile on your face. 
“Your resume is impeccable.” He gauged your reaction but your confident expression as you held his gaze and found nothing negative about you. “It is rare to find someone so young with extensive experience and references.”
“I’ve always loved children.” Your voice didn’t shake and you didn’t cower under both of their watchful gazes. “I started babysitting at sixteen and I found my first job as a nanny at eighteen once I graduated.”
“You have extensive education.” Elain scanned through the classes that you had completed in college. “Early childhood education, special needs education, First Aid and CPR certifications, and multiple language classes. You were also in the top five of all of them.”
“All of said classes coincide with your first nanny job.” 
He had memorized your entire career timeline that also paired with your education. You still didn’t shrink from the question and he noted the hint of pride in your eyes. If what he was assuming was true, you had every right to feel that way about yourself.
“With my first official nanny job, I took classes online and then night classes for the ones that required me to be physically present.”
“Did that affect your job?” Elain countered, a small frown pulling at her lips.
“Not at all.” You shook your head as if in disbelief that you would be questioned about it. “I loved the two children that I was caring for and it was completely my pleasure to have every moment with them.”
Your answer was so genuine that he knew that calling the parents wouldn’t be needed. He also didn’t need to question your love and passion. Not when his daughter placed herself in your lap in contentment. The air around them was so light and it was a feeling that he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“Do you have any concerns with the cameras within our home?” He watched your reaction carefully to see how you would react. “Some have had concerns about them.”
“Why would I be bothered by that?” you asked, your brows furrowing. “I don’t see why it would ever be a problem for a parent to not be concerned enough about their child’s welfare to check in when a stranger is keeping them.”
To him, that was answer enough for him. Even as Elain continued to ask you questions, he kept his eyes on you with a hint of adoration filling him at the sight of you and his daughter.
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Once the interview was over, you spent the rest of the day bonding with Sophie. Elain had left shortly after the interview had wrapped up and you were left alone with Azriel. You knew that he was watching you carefully and you didn’t mind because you would have done the same thing.
“We never did go over all of the requirements for my job,” you started as you sat beside him at the table while Sophie ate her lunch. “I want to be sure that everyone is happy with the work that I do.”
“Well, she will be starting school soon so it would be beneficial to be sure that she is on track with the other children,” he replied thoughtfully. “Along with housework and errands that we are unable to do ourselves when needed.”
“That’s more than reasonable but with the agreed upon salary, I was expecting more,” you mused, more to yourself than him.
“Believe me when I say that with Sophie alone, you will have your hands full,” he chuckled, his hazel eyes shining with amusement.
 “I wholeheartedly look forward to it.”
You grinned at him and he only gave a small smile in return. The day was relatively simple and you were relieved that he didn’t constantly hover. He would come into his daughter’s room every so often to see how the both of you were getting along and seemed content.
By the time that you got home, you were exhausted enough that you didn’t bother with anything other than falling into bed.
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Azriel had taken the previous day off of work simply to see how you were with his daughter. He was confident that they made the right decision and his daughter listened to you better than she did her own parents most of the time. You appeared a bit hesitant to leave when it was Sophie’s bedtime but left without a fuss.
Two hours had passed after his daughter had been in bed when Elain finally came home. A hint of cologne was on her but he said nothing as usual. He wished that she would make up her mind if she wanted to truly be with him instead of them being in this inbetween state in their relationship. The fact that the mother of his child was still entertaining her ex had once been somewhat of a sore spot that was now numb.
A month passed without any issues with you and Sophie was so smitten to the point that she hardly asked about why her mother always got home so late. He was always so exhausted when he came home but you never failed to have a hot meal waiting for him. It was something that he had never had and your eyes lit up every time that he thanked you. A spot in him warmed every single time that he saw that beautiful smile on your face just as it did seeing you interact with his daughter.
The slow feeling of longing began to form around that time and he got off of work as early as possible whenever he could just to be around you more. You always greeted him warmly in a way that he hadn’t felt from Elain since the first month of their ‘relationship’, leaving him craving more and more each day.
He stopped caring about what hour that Elain came home, enjoying your company more than he ever had hers. Small touches were exchanged every so often, a small brush of his arm against yours in passing or a gentle brush of his fingers over yours. No matter the subtle signs that he tried to give, you seemed completely oblivious.
“How was your day?” you asked as the three of you ate the food that you had prepared that afternoon.
“A bit stressful as usual,” he admitted, adoring the small frown that formed due to the fact that you cared about his well being. “But overall, it went well.”
“I much prefer dealing with children,” you laughed, glancing at Sophie who was focused on eating. “Corporate jobs just don’t sound appealing.”
“They aren’t,” he agreed before nodding to his daughter “It gives her the life that she deserves.”
You hummed in agreement, the sound running through him and causing a small smile on his face that you missed.
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You were content with your job and utterly happy that you could do what you loved. Azriel was great company but a spot in you hurt for him when you noticed that he wasn’t used to having food already made for him. You rarely saw Elain and you wondered if she had taken longer hours with her job. The weekends were the only time that all three of you had any time off so you assumed that the mother made up for it then. 
It didn’t help though that you were bored during those two days. You were so used to getting up early and arriving at their home at six each morning. By the time that you had spent six months with them, you were still with Azriel and was present to put Sophie to bed yourself while her father caught up on extra work. You couldn’t lie that you loved it because the girl was the best child that you had ever had the pleasure of working with.
“Running late this morning?” she asked Azriel when he opened the door on a Friday morning.
“Just a bit,” he admitted, his voice still laced with sleep while Sophie was crying upstairs.
“Go ahead and get ready.”
You didn’t wait for a response before running towards the girl’s room.
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Azriel had stayed up longer than he usually did the night before and he barely had time to throw on his business suit, the tie tied haphazardly around his neck. It had taken his mind a moment to realize why there was a knock on his door so early in the morning. Through his sleep filled brain, the sight of you and then your worried expression over his appearance sent his heart racing. Love was beginning to bloom within him for you but he was never sure if he should express it.
He did as you told him to do and by the time that he was fully ready, Elain was gone to her own job and you had Sophie at the table eating breakfast. It always amazed him how easily you were able to calm his daughter even though Elain and himself always had trouble doing so.
“Do you have time for me to finish making you a proper breakfast?” you asked, looking him up and down. 
“No.” He did the same to you, enjoying the sight that was you before him. “I appreciate the offer.”
“Is that everything that I need to accomplish today?”
You pointed to the list that Elain had made the night before. He nodded, feeling somewhat bad that you had more to do than usual today all while doing so with a now three year old in tow. You simply nodded with a smile and he had to force himself to leave his home. 
His stormy Friday workday felt as if it dragged by longer than usual. He usually watched the cameras in the home every so often just so he could see you but you were out running errands.. Not only was the normal hours of his work day long but so was the later hours that he had no choice but to stay late.
By the time that he rushed home, he found you asleep on the couch with Sophie curled up contently on your chest. It was a beautiful sight to behold and he didn’t have the heart to disturb either of you. His daughter loved you just as much as he was beginning to. He took a deep breath when his heart began to race when he gently pushed a piece of hair out of your face.
It was yet another form of the gentle touches that were exchanged between the both of you but a part of his heart hurt whenever you began to address him as a friend. He wanted so much more than that but knew that it would be inappropriate. It didn’t stop his longing but he didn’t have the opportunity to ponder long before the front door opened again.
Elain was home early for a change and the close of the door had you shooting up in a panic. Your eyes were wide as you held a still sleeping Sophie to your chest protectively. He didn’t think you had any means of protecting his daughter and yourself but it was admirable either way.
“I am so, so sor-”
“It’s alright.” He gave you a small smile even though your eyes darted between the both of them. “You have had a long day.”
“I still didn’t-”
“It really is okay,” Elain assured, picking Sophie up gently to take her to bed. “Go home and get some rest.”
You nodded and stood on slightly shaky legs before giving him an apologetic smile. He escorted you to the door as he always did and his heart picked up his pace whenever you held his eye contact. The way that you looked at him had him hopeful but he walked to the window to be sure that you got out of his line of sight safely.
He frowned when your headlights came on but instantly went out again and the sound of your car starting didn’t reach his ears. You sat in your car for five minutes in the hard downpour before you finally raced back to his front door where he was waiting for you.
“Car trouble?
“It won’t start,” you whined quietly. “I don’t know anything about cars.”
“Would you like a ride home?”
Surprise filled your face for a moment before you nodded shyly. He had to use all of his willpower to stop the laugh that wanted to leave him and used the excuse of retrieving his keys to doing so. By the time you were sitting in his passenger seat, you were both completely soaked and a pout was on your face.
“Does a little bit of rain bother you?” he asked in a teasing tone.
“Sugar melts in the rain,” you quipped and this time he wasn’t able to stop his laugh.
During the ride home, you told him about the busy day that you had while he listened intently. Mental images filled his mind with each story, the ones of you taking his daughter for ice cream being his favorite. Both of your arms were touching on the armrest and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his hand around yours. It was a strong testament to his willpower to not do so.
When he pulled up to the home that was smaller than he had imagined, you made no move to instantly jump out. He knew that you enjoyed being around him but he also knew that you were oblivious to how he felt.
“It doesn’t look like it’s going to let up,” you muttered while leaning up to look out of the windshield.
“According to the report, it’s supposed to be that way for the rest of the night.”
“Well at least I can immediately jump into the shower.”
He chuckled but when you looked at him, he realized that he had moved closer to you out of what felt like instinct. You didn’t break his gaze, even when his eyes darted to your mouth and then back to your eyes. His breath caught in his throat when there were mere inches between your mouths. Once you realized what was happening, you pulled back and jumped out of his vehicle without so much as a goodbye.
It was then that he realized that he was completely and utterly fucked.
Tag List:
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain @nighttimemoonlover
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Oh No, There’s Only One Bed
Bradley Bradshaw x reader 2k words summary: The hotel is all booked out and now you have to share a room with Bradley Bradshaw. Worse, you have to share a bed. 
there’s not much plot in this. so like dont get your hopes up. im not happy with how it turned out
prequel to “Oh No, There's An Arm Around My Waist”, can be read seperately tho
top gun masterlist
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“You have got to be kidding me.” 
You couldn’t help yourself, already regretting the words once they’d left your mouth. The poor receptionist played no part in this - it wasn’t his fault. You weren’t usually this rude to hotel staff. 
“I’m sorry ma’am, but we’re all booked out for tonight. It’s a twin room or no room at all.”
“C’mon, we can make it work.” 
You looked up at Bradley like he was out of his mind. And he even had the audacity to grin at you. “It’s just one night.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
You couldn’t believe that he was actually supporting this dumb fucking idea. “We can’t share a room. We can’t share a bed, Bradshaw.” 
He raised his eyebrows and you bit your lip, mentally roundhouse-kicking yourself in the face. Why did you have to be so obviously avoidant? Your fight-or-flight was kicking in at the mere proposal. It was too obvious. Were normal people as desperately opposed to the idea of sharing a bed with a friend? Probably not. So why the fuck were you? 
Because maybe Bradley was not just a friend. 
Because maybe you were totally in love with him. And because maybe you’d rather die than ever admit that and get rejected. 
“I mean-” You scrambled for words, for a quick excuse that would make sense, that would save you from at least some of the embarrassment. “You know, like, we’re friends. Friends don’t share a bed.” 
Welp, that did not work. Horrible miss. Dart stuck in the wall-kind of miss. 
“I’ll build a pillow wall if that makes you feel better”, Bradley promised, failing to hide his amusement. You clenched your jaw. 
You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t. 
“There’s other hotels”, you tried, desperate to find a different solution. 
“Yeah”, he nodded, almost too enthusiastically. “Sure. Because those aren’t booked out.” 
Alright. So maybe he had a point. 
The only options here were sleeping on the floor of a subway station in San Diego or sharing a bed with him. And the fact that you actually took two seconds debating whether getting chlamydia would be worth not having to sleep pressed up against Bradley’s (warm and very comfortable) chest in a clean bed told you enough about just how far you’d fallen for him already. You were in too deep. And after tonight, you’d be a goner. 
But you really, really did not want to spend the night on the subway. 
“Fuck this”, you muttered, turning back to the poor receptionist who looked like he’d rather be on the subway getting chlamydia himself than here and forcefully smiled at him. “We’ll take the room, thank you.”
The door swung open and you blindly reached for the light switch, flipping it on before trudging into the room with your suitcase in one hand and the keys in the other. 
You parked the suitcase in some random corner, threw your jacket onto the tiny table and looked up only to see that Bradley had already claimed the left side of the bed, arms and legs spread out, eyes closed. There was a lump in your throat as you watched him breathe that should not have been there. Neither should the flutter in your tummy. Neither should the heat in your cheeks when he opened his eyes and caught you staring. 
“This is like some fucked up scene straight out of a shitty rom-com”, you complained - the only thing you knew how to do so you wouldn’t drool. He looked way too attractive doing literally nothing. You were not okay with that. Especially now that you had to share the bed with him. 
He tucked his hands behind his head (his biceps flexed ridiculously) and chuckled. 
“You love rom-coms”, he reminded you. 
“Yeah, but only good ones with actual plot and characters that have personality.” 
(This was, in itself, an absolute and total lie and Bradley definitely knew that. He was right - you loved rom-coms. You loved all of them. Especially the shitty ones with no plot whatsoever except “Oh we’re two idiots in love”. But you’d thought it would be much more fun if life played out like that - you hadn’t thought it would be like this.) 
“You’re a bad liar”, he laughed, propping himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you. 
“Am not”, you protested. He hummed. 
“You definitely are.” 
Then he patted the other side of the bed again. “Stop pouting and get in.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, bending down to put your suitcase on the ground and undo the zipper. 
“Gotta change first, Bradshaw. You can build that pillow wall while I’m in the bathroom.” 
His chuckle followed you even as you closed the door behind you half a minute later and it took you longer than it should have to change into pajamas - shout out to your shaking hands - partly because you spent five minutes brushing your teeth, looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to calm your nerves by telling your reflection all kinds of reassurances. (”It’s just one night” and “If you stay on your side you won’t even know he’s there” and “You’ll both be asleep anyway”)
You almost had a heart attack when you left the bathroom again. 
Because yes, Bradley was still in bed, and that in itself was stressful enough. But mainly because he’d kicked the covers to his feet and his pajamas, if one could call it that, consisted only of his briefs. 
At least he had the decency to look apologetic. 
“Sorry”, he said, gesturing at himself. “I don’t have sleepwear with me. I usually sleep naked.” 
Because of course he did. Of course Bradley fucking Bradshaw slept naked. 
“Uh”, you managed, mind completely blank. You were very, very much aware of the fact that you should say something. You just did not have the mental capacity to come up with anything whatsoever. 
There was a goddamn Adonis in your bed. 
If you’d thought you weren’t wearing much before (because you really weren’t, you’d expected San Diego to be warm and had only packed a skimpy little nightgown) then Bradley was wearing literally nothing. 
And, well, he kind of was wearing nothing. 
Couldn’t he at least have kept the covers up? But no. You knew him. He was basically a live heating pad. He’d die if he pulled them up.
“Okay”, you eventually managed to croax out, forcing your feet to work, to carry you to the right side - your side - of the bed, to flick on the lamp on your bedside table and turn off the big one, all without thinking. “Yeah, no worries.” 
“Good.” He nodded his head for what had to be the better part of ten full seconds. “Good.” 
The silence felt awkward. You were just sitting on the edge of the bed and he was propped up on his elbows on his side, staring holes into the air, not saying anything. Eventually he cleared his throat. 
“Wanna, like, sleep?” 
“Oh, yeah.” You busied yourself with the covers so you wouldn’t have to look at him, carefully sliding underneath them. “Yeah, we probably should.” 
Only the rustling of the sheets filled the room until you were finally lying flat on the mattress, head resting on the pillow, and then there was silence again and you wanted to scream. This was more uncomfortable than anything else had ever been with him. Usually it was easy and light and that was why you liked him so much, that was why the two of you had initially become friends at all, but this... this was so heavy. Like something looming over the two of you that neither was addressing, just staring at it, aware that it was there but not doing anything about it. 
This time, you cleared your throat, reached for the bedside lamp and turned that off too. The room was dark without it. You could only make out his contours next to you, hear the sound of his breath. 
“Good night then”, you whispered, listening as his sheets rustled as well as he lay back, turning onto his side so that he was facing you. For a moment you felt the urge to do the same, but before you could even think about moving you were already swatting the idea away with an imaginary broom and locking it out of your imaginary house. Like hell you were gonna face him. Nuh-uh. You’d rather take the subway and the chlamydia after all. 
“Good night”, he said softly, adjusting his hands one final time before the quiet of the night enveloped the two of you. 
You tried to even your breathing, to focus on anything but him so close to you. You needed to sleep and you needed to sleep quick. But your mind was racing, your heart was beating so fast and so loud that you could hear it, your skin was burning up and you felt like you were about to lose it. 
You managed about five minutes before you turned away from him, onto your side, in hopes that that would make it better. 
It didn’t. 
Five minutes after that, you tried lying on your stomach. Which, to nobody’s surprise, worked no better. It took almost fifteen minutes for you to find the courage to turn onto your right side, to turn so that you were facing him after all. He hadn’t moved an inch. 
In fact, he hadn’t tried to sleep at all. 
When you turned and caught sight of him (bare chest and messy hair and fuck) you almost screamed. His eyes were wide open, watching you, reflecting the little moonlight that was flooding through the windows. 
“Jesus”, you whispered, pressing a hand to your chest as he grinned, his face mere inches from yours. “Bradley, you scared the hell out of me.”
He didn’t even react to that. 
“Can’t sleep?”, he asked instead. He was so close that you could feel his breath on your skin when he spoke. You had to swallow.
“No”, you admitted. For a moment you thought maybe he hadn’t heard you, maybe he’d fallen asleep, but then he moved his arms and you felt a shiver down your spine when his fingertips brushed over the exposed skin of your arms. He wrapped one arm around your waist, his palm resting on the small of your back, and pulled you closer to him. So close that your knees bumped into his thighs. So close that your hands bumped into his torso. So close that your nose bumped into his throat. 
All of them were innocent touches: chaste, easy, light. His skin was barely grazing yours. But they were enough. 
Enough to go crazy over. Enough to hold your breath for a good half minute. 
“Relax”, he muttered, his other hand threading through your hair and holding you just as close as the one on your back.
You swallowed hard. 
“Bradley”, you murmured, not knowing just yet what you were going to say. Maybe you would have pulled away. Or maybe you would have bit the bullet and, for once in your life, taken the chance - maybe you would’ve told him right then and there just what you felt for him. Because friends certainly didn’t do this. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow”, he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head and immediately silencing your inner monologue. “Tomorrow. Just sleep for now.” 
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zaimta · 1 year
parings: laxus, gajeel, bickslow, bacchus x gn!reader
zai's notes: rewatching fairy tail for the 100th time n i remembered bacchus he's so yea <3, n i'm getting back to requests after this one!!
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the hardest to convince, you could ask him over and over but he never gives in, he only gives in because you "annoyed him" which obviously ain't true he's just whipped
doesn't even let you pick the color either, he just tosses you the black nail polish because he's aware it's a neutral color
the two of you lounged on some couches on the upstairs area of the guild, his arm was around your shoulder as he talked to the thunder legion. while he talked to them your mind was elsewhere, you glanced at his hand. you remained silent while you stared at it you didn’t even notice how focused you were, you didn’t even notice the thunder legion going downstairs for a quick bite to eat.
you held his hand in yours as the two of you sat side by side on the upstairs level of the guild. you noticed how rough his knuckles looked from all the punches he would through, and small scars littering his hands. your gaze game down to his nails and you gazed down at your own painted nails and you got the best idea.
“you should let me paint your nails.”
with in a heartbeat he responded “no.”
you groaned “come on it’ll be fun and it’ll look cute!”
“i think you should let me paint them, they’ll look so nice too! besides your hands could use some tlc” you looked down at his hands and rose a single brow, a manicure was clearly needed for him. even if you couldn’t do anything about the scars the nails would at least spruce them up a little.
“i’m good.” he rolled his eyes at you but made no effort to remove his hand from your grasp.
you stared at him and he sighed feeling your eyes on him “tell me why i should let you paint my nails?”
“because i’m your s/o and you love me and you would do anything for me” you flashed him a grin and he rose a single brow in return “pleaseee.”
he sighed finally giving in, he his free hand down his face knowing he was going to regret his decision “fine.”
you led him out of the guild abiding “knowing” glances from some guildmates. you walked back to your house and gladly led him into your bedroom where you were going to paint his nails. you walked over to him with your box of nail polish clearly excited
“we can try any color you want maybe we could-”
he cuts you off tossing the black nail polish at you, you catch it easily and sigh “you’re so boring, i was hoping we could do a blue or something.”
“the second it chips you’re removing it.”
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another hardheaded one
tell him it’ll make him look likea rockstar and he’ll be willing to hear you out
he’ll only go for black you could talk him into grey to match his metal magic but only if it’s a dark grey
you sat across from where he sat in the guildhall leaning close to him with a grin “i just had the best idea ever, you should let me paint your nails.”
he looked at you annoyed “im still waiting on your ‘best idea ever’.”
you rolled his eyes used to his attitude by now “im serious it would be fun! plusss you’ll look like a rockstar, a real rockin' one with a stage presence.”
he rose a brow "what kind of rockstar wears nail polish?"
"a color-coordinated one. come on don't you wanna look nice for your next performance? if you don't like it we can take it off i promise." you silently begged with your eyes.
he sighed "fine if it gets you to stop your whining."
you cheered and grabbed his hand leading him to where you lived, he got comfortable in your bed while you rummaged around for some nail polish in your bathroom. you debated on shades of black and grey but you ultimately decided to bring all of them so he could have some options.
"okay so i have a few colors here which one are we feeling. maybe this one?" you held up a dark grey nail polish "or maybe this one?" you held up a light grey nail polish resembling the color of iron "or maybe-"
"well do this one" he cut you off and picked up the black nail polish
you took the black nail polish in your hand you couldn't complain much since the color would match his overall vibe, but you can't deny you were hoping to at least use some grey tones to match his iron.
"okay we can do black it'll look cute too." you take his hand in yours and smile at him, you focus intently on his nails. you knew the chances of him letting him do his nails again were low so you made sure to make his nails look perfect for the first and unfortunately the last time you'll be painting them.
he watched as you concentrated on his nails, you took great care in making sure you wouldn't mess up some nails it was honestly cute to him he couldn't help but snicker "you're really putting a lot of focus into some nails doll." he rested his free hand on his cheek and smirked at you.
"well duh, i have to make them look nice who knows when I'll be able to paint your nails again. if this is the first and last time i'm painting your nails they're gonna look cute ya know." you spoke while completely focusing on his nails.
he offered a hum as a response and let you finish working on his nails. once you finished his nails he gave you a kiss as payment.
a few days have passed by since you pained his nails, and once he saw them getting old he immediately walked over to your house and barged in "hey." he walked past you lounging on your couch, ignoring your confused expression, he walked into your bathroom then flopped down onto the couch next to you with nail polish removal and the black nail polish in his hands.
"they're gettin old wanna fix 'em up for me doll?"
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he’s down for it the second you suggest it
he mainly prefers colors that would match his whole theme any colors that he thinks would throw it off he won’t mess with em
he asks you to do it again once they start looking old he makes you redo them
the two of you were hanging out at your house, he’s at your house more than yours it was like he lived there at this point. you were lounging on your couch mindlessly talking about everything and anything. you looked down at his hands and a light bulb went off in your head
“you should let me paint your nails, we could make them match your babies too.”
he shrugged "okay let's do it."
you flashed him a smile and gently kissed his lips "I'm gonna get the nail polish i'll be right back." you padded off to your bathroom and went through your nail polish basket, you couldn't decide between purples, greens, and some oranges, although you felt like the orange was a stretch. you shrugged and brought him all the colors you walked back to the couch with various nail polish colors in your arms, and you dumped them on the couch in between the two of you.
"i couldn't decide on one color so i brought multiple! you can pick which one you want though."
he looked down at all the colors you bought and settled on a dark purple "this would match my helmet wouldn't it?" he grins and handed you the purple nail polish.
you took his hand in yours and took care in painting his nails, he watched as you painted his nails his great care "you're really focused there babe."
you snickered "well yeah i don't want your babies making fun of your nails because they're sloppy." he laughed along with you and leaned to gently kissed your forehead.
"i can't focus if you're kissing me bix" you smiled and spoke without taking your eyes off his nails.
he laughed and smiled at you "and what if i don't want you focused?" you looked up at him and sent him a playful glare "do you want your nails to look like a mess or do you want them to look nice?" he leaned in closer to you "whatever gets your attention onto me."
"so needy" you teased while giggling and gave him a soft kiss on the lips "i'm almost done with your nails then I'll be all yours."
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he was drunk and he was just talkin
he was the one who suggest you even painted his nails when he was playing with your hand and noticed your nail polish and randomly suggested it
he traced along your hands giving them great focus despite his drunken state "let's paint our nails to match it'll wild baby." you giggled at his state "are you sure you want me to paint your nails? you're pretty drunk right now i'd doubt you'd even remember this."
he laughed loudly "do y'a know who you're talking to baby? bein' drunk is my magic." he pulled you off to the stool you were sitting on at the bar and led you home, or he assumed he was the one leading he started wobbling within a few steps so you had to lead him instead.
once you made it to your house you lead him to your bedroom where he could sit on your bed so you could paint his nails "i feel like a nice purple would suit you." you spoke to him from the bathroom raising your voice slightly so he could hear you, he hummed a response.
you hopped onto your bed with the nail polish in hand and took his hand in yours "make em look nice baby i wanna show the guys how wild i am" he emphasized his guilds motto with a small yell and a grin on his face causing you to laugh "hold still so i can do em right."
he grinned at you "come on say it with me baby these nails are gonna be" you playfully rolled your eyes at him but spoke his guilds mantra in unison "wild!"
you laughed and brought your focus back to his nails, while you did his nails he spoke mindlessly. it was becoming obvious that he was just talking so he could stay awake all the drinks he had was catching up to him. once his nails dried he carefully laid down not wanting to ruin your handiwork.
he woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and newly painted nails, he slowly sat up groaning when he noticed you sleeping by his side he froze. you stirred in your sleep and slowly opened your eyes.
he leaned down to kiss your forehead "mornin' baby. did we paint my nails yesterday? i don't remember much after the bar." he squinted in thought "or was it before the bar..."
you giggled "yes i did paint your nails bacchus you asked me to do them."
he looked down at his nails and smirked "they're wild baby."
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noveauskull · 2 months
I have a genuine question that revolves around this very specific story idea and im just D Y I N G to know if i should make it happen or not and i need the words and support of every fellow L&DS writer and reader ASAP
(im super anxious writing this cause what if everyone thinks this idea sucks or not enough ppl see this post cause they dgaf 😭😭)
so im thinking of making a fanfic of L&DS where MC has a twin sister. this twin sister is like her evil half and tbh not really her twin but more like part of MC's self where all the evil and painful things she did is hidden in that half of herself which is her twin sister.
MC lost her memories of all the male leads in L&DS when she used her aether core to divide herself into the worse half of her, which is why she has heart problems and overall just issues with having an aether core, because of her twin that carries all the past mistakes and sorrows she had.
I plan on making MC's twin a very aggressive, childish and petty person, but she can have her times of weakness and be very sweet and caring when she wants to, i mean, she is the bitter half of MC so of course she has to be cruel, but we also get to see how MC's twin grows into being the true version of MC.
I would just jump onto making the fic happen however i need it to be clear that the main focus won't be MC herself but MC's twin, and all the male leads in L&DS will be showing affection towards MC AT FIRST before moving on towards MC's twin.
I even have the names of MC and MC's twin planned out (since I cant always narrate them as MC and MC's twin) in both chinese and english! *since L&DS is a chinese game and also because im using english to write the fic*
Also the debate on making this fic a fluff only with slight angst or fluff, angst and SMUTTY AS HELL with all male leads is a very, very, VERY big option that im struggling to choose, but as my pride and joy of being a smut writer, i think the smut side is really pushing through here.
So far these are all the main information i wanna share before making the fic happen, hopefully enough blogs reply to this post cause i am in DESPERATE NEED OF FEEDBACK cause if no one is going to read it why bother amiright or amiright LMAO
im kidding but please do give your thoughts on this! if i dont think a lot of people are interested im cool with that too but again it'd be amazing to actually write a full on fanfic that isnt just oneshots or short tumblr posts, and a SMUT one at that!
Im always eager to challenge myself and i think im ready to take the leap for this one!
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80pairsofcrocs · 5 months
baby scarab || 67
A/N : its finally done- and its a small filler for whats about to come!!
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : omg you guys have been so mf patient, but you are finally being fed!!! i enjoy writing again and im back in my moon knight summer so HERE YA GO!!!
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, casper hart(OC) x reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, small smut scene minors dni, kiss and make up type shit idk, let me know if i missed anything
you were next to jake on the couch, frenchie on the other side of you as you sob your heart out into jakes chest.
you were just angry at the situation, and the more you thought about what casper said the more it affected you.
jake rubbed your back while glaring at his phone, debating on calling the poor kid and cussing him out.
frenchie was kind of out of place- he has kids, but none above the age of 10.
he just kind of sat on the other side of you offering silent support.
after you calmed yourself down, jake looked down at you and sighed. "i'm so sorry, mi vida"
"it's fine.. i know he didn't mean it" you sniff a few times before wiping your nose of your sleeve. "i just don't know what to do"
"i have an idea" frenchie speaks up, making both you and jake look at him. "..you can just talk to him you know? get to the bottom of why he acted out?" he offers and you nod slowly.
"i think that's my best option.. thank you frenchie" you say, and frenchie smiles.
jake nods at the man and looks back to you. "feeling a little better?" you nod at his question.
"yeah.. just.... really hungry all of a sudden"
"you should really get some fluids in you, you cried too much" steven pipes up and you sigh.
"can i have some pop tarts and juice?" you ask and jake nods, so you get up to move to the kitchen.
after you leave the room, jake grabs his phone and hits casper's contact, waiting for him to pick up.
frenchie gives him a disapproving look as casper answers.
"you better apologize to my daughter, i mean it. she came home crying because of you" jake says as calm as he can.
it's silent for a moment. "i- i know, sir i- i feel terrible. i'm bringing her flowers and more pop tarts tomorrow"
jake sighs. "good.. listen.. i...... i know you're a good kid. just let her- us help you okay?" casper nods even though jake can't see him.
"okay.. i'll explain everything to her i promise"
"good. she'll see you at school tomorrow then"
"thank you, sir"
"my name is jake and you know it"
"right- sorry"
jake lets out a singular laugh. "goodbye for now, hart"
"okay.. bye jake-"
jake hangs up before casper could get the rest of his words out, coincidentally as you walk back into the room with your snack and your juice.
you sit back down in between frenchie and your dad, opening your package of pop tarts.
"do i have to go to school tomorrow?" you ask and jake nods, making you groan.
"i don't want to though- i- ill clean the house just let me stay-"
you glare at jake and eat your pop tarts, taking sips of your juice every now and then.
it was an uneventful rest of the night. you were talking frenchies ear off, though he didn't mind.
you reminded him of his first daughter, unable to ever shut her mouth.
he means that in the nicest way possible.
the next morning was hell though.
you basically fought all your dads while trying to convince them that you're sick, or dying so that you could stay home.
you were sadly out the door on time.
you clenched your fists in your pockets as you walked on the sidewalk, until you heard rushed footsteps behind you.
you turn around to see casper, with a box of pop tarts and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
you unclench your fists as he stops in front of you, just staring at you.
"i.. i'm so sorry y/n.." he starts and you rush forward to hug him.
"i know.. it's okay" you assure him.
"but it's not- i took my anger out on you and that wasn't fair.. i should've just told you what was going on-"
"hey.. it's okay. you are doing the right thing" you let go of him to look him in the eye.
"i never stopped loving you, not even for a second. i- i was just so- so mad" he says.
you nod and smile gently at him. "we can talk about that later okay..? at my place?"
"can we uh.. actually go to mine. i don't want to leave allison and mom alone for too long"
"of course. i just have to call my dads after school" you nod at him and he sighs.
"i got these for you.." he holds up the flowers and the pop tarts.
you smile and hug him again. "thank you. you didn't have to do that"
"i wanted to. it's only fair" he responds and you let go of him to take the flowers.
"they're beautiful" you smell the flowers, taking your free hand and holding his.
"not as beautiful as you-"
"okay, let's get going" you laugh, dragging him along towards the direction of your school.
"but i was just saying-"
you cut him off by laughing, which makes him glare at you before raising an eyebrow, deciding to leave it alone.
it was already after school, and you were waiting for casper right outside your school while dialing your dads number.
"what do you want?" marc asks as soon as he answers and you scoff.
"hello to you too, dad" you start. "i was wondering if i could-"
"yeah, go ahead just be home before 10"
"why are you encouraging it? what if i wanted to bone him, would you still be okay with it?"
marc sighs. "just be home before 10. i love you"
"i love you too" you laugh before hanging up.
you wait a couple more minutes and the last few people come out of the school, your brows furrowing when you don't see casper.
you do see your math teacher though, so you approach her.
"uh- mrs. harper?" you tap on her shoulder and she turns around.
her long blonde hair swings behind her as she turns around. "oh, y/n, shouldn't you be heading home?"
"yes, but casper- did you see him in there? i've been waiting for him out here and he's not usually this late" you explain and she frowns.
"no, i'm sorry y/n. i haven't seen him, i would check inside, he could be talking to another teacher" she offers and you nod.
"thank you" you say and you rush inside as the teacher smiles to herself, seeing that chivalry wasn't completely dead.
you rush through the hallways, checking all the open classrooms, but not finding him.
that's when you hear a 'thud' come from the nearby boys bathroom.
you walk over and press your ear to the door, hearing muffled voices. you crack the door open, but don't look inside.
"casper..? is that you?" you ask into the air and you hear another voice.
"say anything, and you're dead" you recognized that voice. it was that ferret boy, and there was no doubt he was giving casper a hard time.
you roll your eyes and enter the boys bathroom, seeing that casper was on the floor, leaning against the wall while holding his arm.
and the ferret boy, he was standing a few feet away from where casper was, both looking over at you in shock.
"come on, this is pathetic" you say. "why can't you just leave him alone- he didn't do anything to you" you move to help casper up when the blonde blocks your path.
"well, now that i have both you freaks here, i think it'll save me some time" he cracks his knuckles and you narrow your eyes at him.
before he could do anything, you trip him over and pin him to the ground, keeping a knee on his back to keep him down.
it all went by so fast, and the blonde lets out a shaky breath. "wh-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" he yells.
you roll your eyes again and get off of him, helping casper up and rolling his sleeve up to see a large bruise on his arm.
the blonde gets up and brushes himself off. "you'll pay for that.." he rushes over again, and you push casper out of the way so you could stop the blonde from hurting him.
you catch his fist in your hand and twist it, causing him to wince.
you let go and back up a step, as if challenging him to do it again.
he just pants and reaches his arms out, and without thinking, you shoot a web out to stick his arms to the wall.
everything goes silent.
"shit.." casper whispers, grabbing onto your sleeve.
"you- you're her! you're arachnid!-" the blonde yells and you shush him.
"oh my god- no- this can't be happening-" you put your hands on your knees, hyperventilating.
casper puts a hand on your back. "please- jones-"
"..how do you know my actual name? i know you call me 'ferret' behind my back" he argues.
you scoff. "we've been going to school together since middle school-"
"and then you disappeared and became weird" he interrupts.
casper steps in front of you, glaring at jones. "she's not weird, it's just a mental illness- and it's not even an illness-"
"casper it's fine- just- jones please- you can't tell anyone.." you plead, feeling ultimately stupid for letting yourself slip up like that.
jones just scoffs. "i've just discovered your deepest darkest secret. you think ill just keep it to myself?" he asks sarcastically, trying to get him arm feee from the wall behind him.
you stare at casper uncomfortably, unsure of what to do.
"dude, this could get her arrested!" casper tries and jones just rolls his eyes.
"so i wouldn't be able to help people anymore.. and my parents would be alone" you answer coldly.
"we have moon guy for that" jones replies and you shake your head.
"not to be self centered, but without me, 'moon guy' would go underground again" you respond and jones sighs.
"...i'll keep your secret. but it will cost you" he says and you roll your eyes.
"i get inside information on your little rendezvous', and i want to know the whole deal with your 'dads'" he says and you tilt your head.
he wants to know about you? strange. but it's negotiable.
"alright.. deal-"
"uh, no." casper interrupts. "you are not-"
you take casper's arm and lead him a bit away from where jones was still stuck to the wall.
"casper i'm in no position to not take that deal.. you understand i've- i've killed people, right?" you say in a hushed voice and he sighs.
"i just don't want him taking advantage of you.." he admits and you take his hands in yours, squeezing them reassuringly.
"i know, cas. listen, i love you, but i have it handled" you give him a nervous smile and he sighs again.
"if you're sure.. and i love you too" he smiles back and you nod before turning back to jones.
you take the webs off of jones arm. "we have to leave.. there's a back entrance right outside, we can't let a teacher see us.." you lead the way, sneaking out of the bathroom, the two boys following you.
once outside, jones speaks up. "so.. do the webs come out of anywhere else?"
casper chokes on air. "dude-!"
you sigh. "no. every single person that knows has asked me that, and the answer is always a hard no" you answer.
"did you grow extra limbs?" jones asks, a bit out of character.
"interesting question, but no" you look to him for a split second, then you turn to casper who was on the other side of you, looking all jealous that another man was talking to you.
boo hoo, ghost.
you just silently held his hand while the three of you walked up to this gorgeous mansion.
"this is my home- i'll see you guys tomorrow!" jones uncharacteristically smiles and rushes inside his house.
you blink a few times and turn to casper "that was so weird.."
"yeah" he responds shortly and the two of you begin your walk to his house in a sort of tense silence.
you arrive at casper's house, and once you both go in grace looks to the door, visibly relieved to not see her husband.
casper goes over to grace, hugging her before you approach the two of them.
"grace.. i know it's not my place but we can help you.." you start and she smiles gently at you.
"i think i'm ready, as well as my children.. we will accept anything from you and your family" she says and you nod, also relieved.
"whatever you need, we can give you" you say to her, and she tears up a bit.
she smiles and rushes over to hug you tightly. "god bless you, y/n.." she whispers as you hug her back.
"i uhm- im going to take allison to the park.. we- we'll be back in an hour" she suddenly pulls away, going to allison's room.
"allison has been stressed lately, the park calms her down" casper explains to you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
grace comes back out with allison and her eyes light up when she sees you, rushing over to hug your legs before waving quickly and running out the door, leaving grace to also wave and catch up to allison.
"well i hope they have fun.." you sigh, taking off your shoes as casper does the same
"so... what should we do now?" casper asks as the two of you stare at each other awkwardly.
"maybe start packing essentials..?" you offer and he nods, both of you going to his room.
"come on- just stick your hand back there it's fine!"
"no! i don't want my hand to be icky-"
"it's not that bad"
"then you do it-"
"but i can't reach"
you and casper had been arguing about who was going to reach behind his dresser to unplug his lamp, the dresser in which was bolted into the floor as it came with the house.
"...you're openly admitting your arms are shorter than mine?" you ask, smirking as you hold your arm out, and taking casper's to compare arm length.
he scoffs and yank his arm away, rolling his eyes.
"do you think i'll need to pack my pillows and stuff?" he asks and you hum.
"i've seen the place before, you'll be all set.. but i would still bring it. it'll be your new home after all" you tell him carefully, in a gentle tone.
he looks to you, taking your hands in his. "y/n.. i'm scared" he confesses, his voice shaking.
your brows furrow as you two step closer, so that you could cradle his face in your hands.
"i know.. but you're so strong, cas. i know this is the only home you've ever known but.. i really think you and your family will benefit. just think about your mother- your absolute gem of a mom- she will have the freedom she deserves- we already have job interviews set up for her.. does she like libraries? or uh- coffee shops because i-"
casper puts a finger to your lips to pause your speaking.
"y/n i love you. so so much- you don't have to do this for us-"
"i want to, casper.. we want to" you assure him, smiling gently.
he smiles as well, visibly relaxing.
"now quit moping around, i want to see what you have hidden in the back of your closet" you let go of him to stumble through piles of utter junk while he protests.
"y/n, baby, sweetheart, please don't-"
you pick up an old record player, sitting in the corner of a shelf. "what's this..? you have records?" you ask, genuinely curious.
"a few..." he scratches the back of his head, helping you out of the closet and putting the record player on his empty nightstand.
he opens his top dresser drawer and pulls out a frank sinatra record, the album being 'nice n easy'.
"awww cute" you hug casper from behind as he carefully puts the record onto the record player, adjusting the needle as music starts playing quietly.
you recognized it as 'fools rush in', and that's when you start swaying along with the music, still having your arms wrapped around casper.
he chuckles airily and turns around in your arms, grabbing your wrists gently and putting one over his shoulder and holding the other.
"you're so sappy, love" you rest your cheek on casper's chest as you both slowly dance around his almost empty room.
"you're the one who started this, dear" he responds, and you purposely and proudly step on his foot, making him pinch your side.
after the small interaction, you go through quite a few songs, just enjoying swaying along with the music and being in each others presence.
you bring your head up to rest your forehead against casper's, closing your eyes.
casper leans forward, capturing his lips with yours, slowing the dancing even further as he moves his hands to your waist, and you move yours thrown sloppily around his neck to keep him close.
you feel bold and slide your tongue against casper's bottom lip, making him open his mouth slightly for you to lick up into his mouth.
it gets steamy pretty quickly, and before you know it, your shirt is halfway across the room, and your straddling casper's lap on his still made bed kissing and sucking at his neck.
casper lets his eyes close as he breathes out slowly and shakily, running his hands up and down your sides, fingers nearing your bra clip.
you tug at his shirt as he unclips your bra, both of you sitting up to take said items off, casper's hands finding your breasts, kneading them as he pinches your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
you let out a breathy moan as he does so, lightly tracing casper's bare chest with your fingers, circling around the scars on his abdomen.
he notices your stare at the healed wound, taking your hand in his and looking up at you.
"hey.. we don't have to do this right now-" he starts but you cut him off by delivering a quick kiss to his lips.
"i want to- sorry i.. i got distracted for a second.." you apologize, cleaning your head. "i really, really want to do this-"
casper chuckles at your eagerness, flipping the two of you over so that your back is flat on the bed, casper already untying the band on his sweatpants.
you do the same with yours, and it leaves you both nearly bare to each other, only being covered by your lower undergarments.
casper takes the band on your panties gently with his fingers, slowly pulling them down along your legs.
you're both looking into each others eyes when me leans down to kiss you, instantly moaning and letting his tongue explore your mouth.
casper brings a hand down to your sex, circling your clit with his thumb while gently pushing his middle and forefinger through your wet folds, making you let out a shaky breath before moaning into casper's mouth.
you feel his hard on press into your thing, making you break the kiss. "wait- do you have a condom here?" you ask, and casper reaches into one of his packed bags right by the bed.
"of course i do, we're too broke to be teen parents"
you laugh before focusing more on the moment as casper rips the condoms package open before throwing it to the floor, sliding the condom onto his hardening cock.
unbeknownst to you, casper bit his tongue to prevent himself from finishing just by you touching him. 
you just blink down at him, smiling as he gently flips you both over, now having your back on the bed while casper hovers over you. he smiles back, positioning himself over you so that the tip of his cock was lined up with your entrance.
taking in a deep breath and holding it, casper cradles your face while starting to push into you. "breathe, y/n.." he reminds you.  
you feel your eyes roll back into your head as casper sinks fully into you, and you let out a lengthy moan while your arms wrap around his neck, nails digging into his shoulders. you both stay still while casper reminds you to breathe again, and you nod when you're ready for him to move.
casper slowly starts thrusting himself in and out of you, and if you were in a different headspace the noises of it would have bothered you. your nails dig almost impossibly deeper into caspers shoulders, and he leans down to start kissing your neck.
you lean your head further back, letting casper suck hickeys on every inch of you he could reach. your legs tighten around his waist as his thrusts get deeper and slower, hitting your sweet spot perfectly every time.
"cas- i.. i'm close-" you whine, leaning forward to hide your face in caspers neck, biting down on his shoulder as his breathe hits your ear.
casper lets out a lengthy moan into your ear, his thrusts becoming more erratic before he brings a hand down to start circling your clit again. you bite down harder on caspers shoulder as you moan, legs starting to shake violently before you feel yourself release.
your eyes close as you move your head away from caspers shoulder, laying it down on the pillow below you as you catch your breath.
casper finishes a few seconds after, almost collapsing on top of you while he softens inside of you. he brushes a few damp strands of hair from your face, planting a kiss on your cheek as he slowly moves off of you. a whine bubbles up from your throat at the feeling of him leaving you.
"come on, hon, let's get you cleaned up. i think there's still some towels in the bathroom" he tells you, lifting you to sit up and wrapping your shoulders in the blanket that was folded on his bed. he helps you stand and he wraps the blanket tighter around you as he leads you to the bathroom.
"thank you cas, i love you"
"i love you too, y/n/n"
you and casper had showered together, cleaning each other of any proof that you had done coitus. everything had been cleaned, and certain things had been thrown away as well.
you were now helping casper, grace, and allison unpack their things into their new house while jake and layla went to get the last of their belongings.
"how do you like your new room?" you ask allison, putting up the last poster for her. she smiles up at you before hugging your legs. you grin from ear to ear as you pat the top of her head. grace peaks into the room, eyes softening at the sight, her tense shoulders sinking into their more relaxed form.
"ms ha- grace- will you guys be alright here?" you ask and she instantly nods. "i've never felt safer.." she says with a smile.
you nod and allison lets go of you, letting you go to the front door ro get your shoes on. casper meets you there, handing you your jacket.
"i'll see you at school, cas" you say, putting your jacket on.
"of course, my love" he wraps his arms around your waist.
you snort and scrunch your nose a bit. "you're getting more corny by the second" you say out loud, wrapping your arms around his neck.
casper rests his forehead against yours. "anything for you, my darling honeybun-" 
"get off me"
"no- y/n- baby i'm sorry-"
"no, we are breaking up"
you press a small kiss to caspers cheek before opening their front door.
"i love you, see you tomorrow" you laugh, turning to leave.
casper laughs as well. "yeah, i love you too. dork" he mumbles to himself, knowing you could hear him.
you simply smile and begin your short journey home.
you unlock your door and go inside, expecting to see one of your dads and layla since they finishes helping with caspers family and their stuff a bit ago. yet, you didn't see or sense anyone.
and frenchie was gone as well..
that's when you felt it... the tingle, but it was sharper than usual.
and that's when khonshu and taweret appeared right in the middle of your living room.
A/N : cliffhanger. sorry not sorry. i truly love each and every one of you :)
~~~ taglist -
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01 @kult6 @deadthings-pdf @0scars1saac @jones89 @idontknowicomefromtwitter @yeetskeeter @romanoffsurvives52
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daydadahlias · 2 months
it makes it difficult to want to engage with you or your blog when you consistently make no room for discussion and just shut down anyone who expresses an even slightly differing opinion
You would have hated me so bad in 2021 oof.
Hello pookie!! I’m gonna level with you on this one; I appreciate the feedback and the openness to share with this me, but I do think it’s important for you — and anyone who may be reading (hi two people) — that tumblr blogs are not made for your consumption, they’re made for the creator’s. 
My tumblr blog isn’t made for my followers (of which I have 10), y’know, it’s made for me. Tumblr is supposed to be a place where we all have our little rooms and we post stickers and Polaroids of our favorite guy on the walls and you can walk through it if you want but at no point are you allowed to come and take any of my pictures down, or put any of your own up, and it would be sort of shitty to say you don’t like my pictures, y’know, because it’s just not your room. 
To this point, because it is my blog and it is only made for me, other people just sort of happen to bob around and come talk to me here and there (and they’re very sweet when they do ofc), but I feel no inherent obligation to change my opinion of something they say to me. Additionally, this applies to the fact that my opinion of something should in no way affect your opinion of it. Because my opinion simply does not matter. I’m a 21 yo 5sos blogger, who gives a shit what I have to say about something?
Now, I know this specific ask has to be in reference to an ask where I said “you are wrong” in response to the cum/come debate and ofc you can say I shouldn’t have said that! That was mean of me! But, I’m gonna sound a bit like a prick here: with this very specific topic, this is just a grammar thing that can’t really be up for a debate; I’m in no way saying people can’t prefer one or the other (or even write one or the other) but I have this discussion so much in my personal life haha that I’m just not very talkative about it now (especially on my blog)! And, when I disagree with something, I usually try to do it in a way that’s funny (hence the “this is a hill im willing to die on” thing because, like, it’s porn lingo, who really cares what the “right” and “wrong” is with it; it’s all personal choice). Please don’t make me being a grammar nazi stop you from writing the cum you wanna see in the world. 
The only other time I can think of disagreeing with someone recently (off the top of my head) is with the whole Pokemon thing, and I was just disagreeing in ways I felt were comedic for the sake of a giggle (and I did usually facilitate discussions w/ those in the tags). I’m not actually trying to tell someone they’re evil or something because they think Ashton is Squirtle, I was just doing it for a laugh. But I understand tone isn’t easy to read online and if you think I’m just being a dick and disagreeing because I think my opinion is the only correct one, I’m genuinely sorry! That’s not how I mean to come across. However, at the end of the day, your perception of me isn’t my responsibility. 
Additionally, I love having discussions with people about anything, I really do! And I don���t want to be perceived as someone who is so steadfast in my beliefs that I’m unwilling to change but with tiny little fandom-specific stuff like this, I just don’t really think it matters, to be frank. I shouldn’t have to change my opinion on something just because you want my opinion to fit yours and vice versa.
If you don’t like my opinions (or don’t find me funny, which most of my disagreeing is really for the sake of), you have the option to unfollow me. Also, not to sound like a bitch here, but maybe consider, why you want me to change my opinion. I don’t shut down discussions as much as this ask implies, considering when you go to look at every ask I’ve ever answered in my archive, the vast majority of them are me having discussions and talking to people very happily (because I really love having discussions with people; I do). 
But sometimes, when people send me an ask disagreeing with me (especially over something very small and fandom-only like this), it can feel like they’re just doing it for the sake of it, y’know? Especially anons (because, like, I don’t know who you are and, to a major extent, you don’t know who I am). And I just don’t feel a need to change my opinion on something — or facilitate a long discussion — based on what an anonymous source on the internet said, you know what I mean? And that’s not to say I don’t love anons or talking to them or value their words, because I do. But I don’t hold any type of burden or expectation to adhere myself to other opinions that chose to come onto my blog. 
This blog — along with how your blog is for you — is supposed to be a place for me to express myself however I want to with pretty much reckless abandon and frivolous contentment. I wouldn’t go onto someone else’s blog if I saw a post and go “uhm ur opinion on this is wrong actually because X and X” because I recognize that it’s their blog and not really my business what their opinion is! Especially if it’s over something minor like cum vs. come. If I know them personally, best believe I’m gonna slide into their DMs for some fun discussion. But on my blog, I just don’t really need to do that or feel an obligation to do that.
(Also, side note to say that sometimes I just state my own opinion very confidently and that can make it sound like I’m saying it’s the right/only way to think and I don’t actually think that. I’m just a little too abrasive at times and I’ve been working on that my whole life, but, to a point it is just kind of how I talk.)
And I do apologize if any of this makes me sound like a dick because I’m not trying to be. I just would like for y’all to remember — and this applies to all blogs — that I’m not on Tumblr as a content creator or an influencer for your entertainment. I’m here on Tumblr as Jess to post about Ashton Irwin’s titties. And my opinion really just doesn’t matter that much. 
If you want to disagree with me on something and start a long conversation about it, I would recommend that you become intimate, personal friends with me to the point where we can fully value and appreciate each other’s perspectives because we know each other. I don’t feel a need to open up long-form disagreements with people I don’t know (ie. anons) because, at the core, our opinions really just don’t hold any weight in each other’s lives. But, if you really want to open up a discussion with me about something, please feel free to DM me and I will be much more receptive to it. 
And this answer is really long! Sorry! But I hope I hit all the talking points. Thank you for sharing, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my response if you did! I had Chatgpt write this whole thing <3 that’s a joke.
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Totally agree with you. Im just a little gaah over that i want aitana, patri, Alexia and kiera all starting but i cant make a good one out of that 😅
Ona - Irene - Ingrid - frido
Aitana - kiera/alexia - patri
Cgh - salma - mariona
That my subjective to go...or push Alexia up a step, but for who, i dont want her out on the wing but i want salma staring...🤣
Haha no but whatever lineup jona puts on are gonna play with their hearts. And also its good being able to change to the next game so they cant predict as much.
here's what i'm currently debating:
option 1 with alexia as super-sub vs. option 2 (with aitana, keira, patri, and alexia all starting)
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i don't love patri as cb but she can do a fine job with it. but at the same time, i think ingrid can hold her own and has really shown why she should have a starting spot. i'm okay with having alexia come on as a super starter in the first leg too, and keeping the patri-keira pivot.
anyway, compared to chelsea's injury woes this season, i think we have an embarrassment of riches and i'm super excited to get underway!
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catgirlxox · 3 months
thoughts on ester and ben? i didnt really like her and ben when i first watched omniverse but i brushed it off as me being petty cause i only really cared about benrook lol, idk why but to me it seemed like ben wasnt really that into her and was just going along. however, i see people (mostly on reddit) say she was perfect for ben and im just like, uhm- did i miss something? i do kinda feel bad for her cause i think ben should have at least made it clear he didnt want to commit to her from the get go but idk, i skipped every other scene she was in LOL
oh thank fuck someone else said it.
I HEAR THIS SHIT EVERYWHEREEE 🙄 LMAO like I get it, she's considered the better option because she's not insulting him every other second, trying to use him for something, guilt tripping him over choosing to do his job instead of giving her attention 24/7, she has alien powers and therefore fits into the fighting crime aspect of the series. I understand that. But...in that case, it's like a band aid solution? They just didn't repeat the problems the "bad" love interests had, and by process of elimination, she’s the better option out of a bunch of debatably bad options.
But besides checking all those boxes, it's kind of a boring pairing. I think that's the real thing here that wrote them into a corner and contributed to kicking her out in favor of Kai the drama starting bitch with an attitude who tries to "challenge" Ben and create some kind of fucked up chemistry. It does give them something to make a plot from.
Ben 10 isn't and never was a romance focused show, so I don't think we need to expect an amazingly crafted romance plotline from it. And if people are content with a satisfactory romance, they can be. But again, if you want MY opinion, it's boring.
No wonder it seemed like Ben wasn't really into her 😂
To be fair, I have made a (less petty) point here that I do still agree with - they're teenagers. Dating around and things not working out isn't uncommon, unrealistic or unreasonable. Yeah, the romantic subplots could have been planned out better, but the argument can be made that the teenage years are for that kind of exploration.
But also actually you know what fuck that I put together a new tag for my petty posts about the bitches cause it's my blog and I get to bitch about whatever I want. You're welcome? haha
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erabu-san · 1 year
Came to offer my insane idea for Freminet (Fremillei if u squint) What if Freminet is given a mission in sumeru right, and it goes about as bad is it could go, he got the mission done, but he drags out of it barely alive with blood everywhere SO he stumbles, like dead of night to where Collei and Tighnari live, and knocks on the door barely able to stand and Tighnari opens it and is "OH MY GOODN-" boom, Freminet passes out, but not before whispering "Pls help" (this reminds me of that "I didn't know where else to come" trope) Obviously Tighnari and collei are freaked, bc one, who in the world did this to Frem, two HOW did this happen, and three, is he even going to SURVIVE??? He does, and wakes up like the second day, and when asked questions just stays silent debating on wether or not he should open up and be like "Yeah Im in Fatui, yk, that one organization thats been terrorizing all the nations, and we've been trained since were were like babies to kill people so we can join the official ranks! hahah, so anyways!" Or just be quiet and yk, NOT say that. But Collei just wants him to tell her was wrong because she is probably shakin in her shorts for his wellbeing (Tighnari may or may not be dialing Cyno to "Pls come open an investigation") But anyways thats about as far as my brain can go at 6 in the morning, you can decide what comes next hahaha
I think Collei would totally respect Freminet's silence !
Collei would say something "we are here for you Freminet". Something that Freminet wouldn't expect to hear in the past. But he knows how Collei is genuine. The problem, Father's order are absolute. He has. To never talk about it.
Feeling guilty, he just don't cross Collei's eyes and mumble a thank you. Tighnari are Collei but Freminet asked to be silent about it, and they both respect his wish. But if it is something happened in Sumeru, they have to tell to the general mahamatra there is a danger. Such a dangerous situation for Freminet 😭 he might wish to run away. After all, the mission is done 🥺 one of rule of the orphenage, is being loyal. So yes. Running away from this place would be the best option. But he only feel bittersweetness when he saw how Tighnari and Collei are caring toward him
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Part 7 of deadweight, please?? It’s such a good series!
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Vax, Vex, Keyleth and Percy were quick to abandon the original plan in finding the vestige in the hopes of finding you and so far they weren’t so lucky.
Every dark shade that they’d believe to be you was a mere fluke in a realm where it felt like you were on some strange LSD acid trip 24/7. They didn’t know how you could split off from them when you were right next to them through the journey here.
Keyleth believed that it might’ve been the realm, taking offence to your position as the raven queens champion. It was a plausible reason seeing how everything reacted negatively towards you lately.
Vax, Vex and Percy however collectively agreed that their Druid party member just had a bad spell casting capabilities. She was making an attempt which is what counts.
“Do you think they’ll ever forgive us?” Keyleth asked the question that was truly on everyone’s mind but they all knew the answer to that too.
“No.” Vax answered bluntly, “they’d be pissed if our method of reconciliation with them was to sweep all the shit we’ve done to them under the rug.”
“That’ll be the equivalent of kicking a man while he’s down.” Percy pitched in, “We’d be disregarding their feelings and experiences if we did that.”
“So our only option in making it up to them is to acknowledge that we were cunts and promise to be better for the future.” Vex finished as they continued to delve deeper into the woods. “Wherever they are,” she continues, “I hope they’re alright.”
[with you]
“VAX, VEX, KEYLETH, PERCY! IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran further into a dense, dead forest to escape from the murderous vegetation that had been trailing you. All you did was step on some weird looking flower! You apologised afterwards! What more could they fucking want!
When you didn’t hear the rampaging horde of angry plants did you dare to look back to see that they had seemingly lost sight of you and gave up the hunt in order to head back home. “Weird.” You said to yourself, sheathing your daggers but before you were about to continue trekking the foreign land for your party members.
a voice called out to you from deep within the forest, causing you to become in some sort of trance as though your body was no longer yours to control anymore as you could only watch yourself walk through the dead forest, through some sickly looking swamp of thick black goo like substance as though it were water.
“You’re friends aren’t coming to save you my dear,” the voice said. “They’re too preoccupied with the vestige to worry about your well being.” It then chuckled before continuing, “your need for companionship is quite pathetic. You feel alone whenever you in a room with the rest of your party. Alienated, ostracised, outcasted from the group of outcasts.”
“I, however, can provide you all the companionship you will ever need, all you need to do is come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.”
Your body did as this voice told you as you watched it reach a dead tree trunk that opened up with an ominous red glow. As soon as you stepped inside, the tree was quick to close up behind you, sealing you in with whatever monster laid inside.
“That’s not good.” Warned a horned mystery figure with fiery hair sat upon a rock. “I must tell their friends that their little warrior mate is in danger, grave danger should they hear out Saurndor terms and conditions.” With a blink of an eye, the figure had dissipated in thin air.
[back to vox maxhina]
They’ve searched
And searched
And searched
But they had yet to still find evidence that you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere but Percy, Vax, Vex and Keyleth believed that they were getting close, though how close was close was still up for debate.
“Ugh! They could be anywhere by now!” Vex cries as she and the others crossed a riven, annoyed at the lack of progress. How could they miss a armoured figure with black feathered shoulder pads in a realm of eye straining, migraine inducing colour?!
Either you were trying to find them also or…Vex didn’t want to think about the other option. They’ve lost you once, they were determined to never loose you again. They still had unresolved problems to put to rest.
“They couldn’t have possibly gone to Syngorn?” Percy asked, looking back they way they came as though waiting to see your silhouette encroach in on them but nothing. The gunslinger sighs in disappointment and dissatisfaction as he pinched the skin between his brows.
“Fat chance.” A unknown voice told them.
Percy, Vax, Vex and Keyleth turned to look who it was only to see a fiery haired being with horns sat not too far from them, notebook in hand.
Vax was quick to pull of his dagger, “who are you and what have you done with y/n?” He threatens but the horned male merely laughed as though he was threatened with a stick rather then a sharpened piece of forgery.
“I haven’t done anything to them, but Lord Saundor will should you fail to reach them in time.” He muses, still drawing in his little notebook.
“What is that meant to mean?” Percy said gutturally, holding his gun at the being who seemingly knew your whereabouts. “Who’s Saundor?”
“That’s for you to know and for you to find out.” The figure cheeked before pointing towards the dead forest that Keyleth, Vax, Vex and Percy seemed to somehow miss in their mission of searching for you.
“They’re currently under his trance. I should’ve told them to not listen to him but by the time I got to them, they were already walking right into his trap. Poor thing, whatever ails them must take a heavy toll on them.”
Vax, Vex, Percy and Keyleth looked to each other in shame and sorrow. Whatever this saurdon did to you, must’ve been using your most deeply desired against you, they had indirectly made you dispensable to him and now this was their chance to make up for everything by saving you.
“Lead us there and we’ll think about letting you live.” Vex said.
“VAX, VEX, PERCY, KEYLETH! IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran into a forest area with weird looking plants trailing you with murderous intent.
“VEX, VAX, KEYLETH, PERCY! I WILL KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran deeper into a weird looking forest area with even weirder looking plants tailing after you with murderous intent.
“VEX, VAX, PERCY, KEYLETH IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you deeper into the woods as weird freaking plant fucks were tailing you
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girlie as soon as you said 'im surprised it didn't get alot of attention' I ran straight to the inbox
I'm a 13-15yo girl and want to be matched up with prosekai please!
idk I kinda give Nene vibes to people so my good personality is that I always try to be there for my friends and I'm loyal, cool and funny and give good advice (not my own words)
My shit personality is that I can come across as rude to a lot of people (and I used to be!) and that I sometimes am a bitch
(I have a RBF)
Love language for recieving is words of affirmation and for giving is quality time
I am sensitive when people bring up how I kinda act like a psychopath/bitch sometimes (I don't really cry when something is sad and I laugh by habit 💀) and when they give me the cold shoulder
Talents include self hatred and hiding this blog from my parents!!
Hobbies include blogging, piano, videogames, sleeping and hating my irl life
Since there is only four straight options I am open to them all
I want my s/o to now be too sensitive and give me attention
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` . < Project Sekai Matchup no.2~! > . '
A/N: HI!! Thanks for popping in here. Hope you likes this!!
I match you up with...
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` . < Toya~! > . `
A/N: was debating wether i should give you toya or rui.. Im sorry its so short... It rlly depends on how much info i get
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He admires your loyalty and your cool, chill personality
Dates or hangouts are pretty simple
Games and sometimes study sessions
He's happy that you enjoy playing piano, unlike him, and will give you some tips he learned if you wish
He is very affirming with words...
Everytime you leave part he always slips in an "i love you"
He also like genuinely compliments you a lot
Hes very blunt so if he thinks maybe youre shirt is pretty or your hair looks nice he'll comment on it
How can he not when youre so beautiful??
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yoayoaa · 7 months
OMG YIPPY OPEN REQUEST!!! Hello, how are ya doing!!! I was wondering if I could ask/request for a cybertronian! Reader with four arms and they're like ancient cybertronian that was king/queen of the battlefield during war very VERY eons ago like when the first prime was made (prima) and they sooner became too overpowering and too strong with their power so they sealed up reader until they were unsealed by Megatron (Tfp/transformer prime) but reader switched teams and teamed up with the Autobots!! I hope this isn't too much...😭🙏🙏 I was wondering if you could make it as a scenario or one shot? Idk up to you because my mind is FILLED with ideas for your inbox👍
Prompt: ancient cybertronian!reader whos overpowered, sealed and was released by Megatron to join the Decepticons but joined Autobots instead
Warnings: no warnings, im using [y/n] in here
Notes: i made the reader being sealed somewhere on cybertron since they exist during the first prime, i hope you dont mind!! Anyways hope you enjoy this :D this is also a bit long geez-
Megatron made his way towards Cybertron again but not to revive an undead army. He was there to release someone from the time of the first prime, someone whos an overpowered warrior before being sealed. Soundwave had decoded a relic that tells them of this bot who was sealed due to being too overpowered, and Megatron has full intentions to make that bot join the Decepticon cause. Ironically none of them had ever heard of this bot until now, he basically has the upper hand if this bot decided to join the cause.
As Megatron arrived to place, he could see how old yet sturdy the seal was. He began to forcefully open the seal before finding out there lays a bot with four arms, a frame almost as big as Predaking. He slowly approached the figure, circling around them as he return to his original position. The bot's servos twitched as they slowly opened their optics before said optics was suddenly blown wide in shock. They quickly sat up and looked around before their gaze lands on Megatron. With optics filled with confusion, they began asking him some questions. "Where am I? What time is it? And more importantly, who are you?" They asked as they narrowed their optics, eons of slumber has rendered their sight a bit blurry.
"My designation is Megatron, the one who has freed you from this wretched seal. You are still in Cybertron, although it has gone dark here. What is your designation, great warrior?" Megatron asked. "I Thank you, Megatron. My designation is [y/n], and what do you mean by Cybertron went dark?" They questioned as they slowly stood up to their full height, towering over him by a bit. "During your slumber, there was war that a faction of bots has started, they are called the Autobots. So we made another faction, the Decepticons, to go against them and defend Cybertron. But because of the Autobot's reckless act, Cybertron is no more. Now the only surviving bots are refuging on Earth." He explained. [y/n] got suspicious, due to the fact theres the word 'deception' in their faction.
"If you are good, why are you called 'Decepticons'?" They asked. "It is because they wanted to villainize us, but instead we wear it like a badge of honor. We won't let that label bring us down. Now, I would like to ask you a favor as the leader of the Decepticons." Megatron said, slowly walking towards them as he stoped right in front of them. [y/n] blinked as they debated with themself before deciding to agree to hear about the favor first. "You will join our cause to defeat the Autobots, in return you will be well cared for in the Decepticons. You are an excellent warrior after all." He offered. They only silently ponder as they weight their choices. They dont have anyone else that they know of here, the only 'safer option' is to accept it. "I accept this offer." They said as they offer their servos for a handshake as the deal was made.
It already has been a few earth months after that day, they still remember it clearly. Months of observation has given them enough detail that they are at the wrong side of the war. Now they sat on their birth, looking at their Decepticon insignia as [y/n] creates a plan. A plan that will hopefully change their life for the better, they planned to somehow switch sides to be an Autobot. They planned to sneak during night time where the halls of the nemesis was not too crowded before making their way towards the flight deck, unfortunately this will be a bit difficult due to the fact that their 4 arms stood out.
Night has fallen on Earth and now they're executing their plan. Avoiding any vehicons and cameras in the hallway, they successfully arrived at the flight deck. Thankfully their alt-mode takes flight so they could escape easily. Now they had land somewhere deserted in Nevada, hoping that their signal would attract the autobots here. Fortunately it did, as Optimus himself along with Bumblebee and Bulkhead. "I would like to ask you a favor, prime. I would like to move to your faction as i've seen enough misdeeds done by the Decepticons." [y/n] said. Optimus was ready to accept when a few beeps from Bumblebee, assuming it was beeps of protest, made Optimus paused for awhile. After a bit more convincing to both the Autobots and the leader himself, they got accepted. Now they only need to worry if the others would willingly accept them right after they defect from the Decepticons.
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