#so imma need to come up with something else to draw in order to finish the book lolcry
cacodaemonia · 1 year
Thanks to a rec from @lizardberriesI'm reading (well, listening to) Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, the dude who wrote The Martian, and FUCK ME, Y'ALL. IT'S SO GOOD I think I might even like it better than The Martian so far??? If you like science and/or sci-fi, go check it out
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jekinabox · 2 years
You haven't finished Scarlet yet but fuck it imma tell you shit and just try to leave out as many spoilers as I can because DLC bois
-Basically: Riddler Khu (well known pokemon game data-miner and teaser) posted stuff about the DLC having some pretty cool mechanics
-RK says something about the hexagon w/ eyes on tera jewels having to do w/ the third legendary
-RK talks about mega evolution being different from z-moves, dynamaxing & terastallizing in a way that seems to suggest that the difference it that all are caused by pokemon except mega evolutions
-You know how Paldea is Spain? The connecting area between Spain + France appears in maps in-game but cant be accessed in game.
People assume that this is where the dlc will take place.
Kalos is based on France, and also doesn't contain that area, so its not off-limits to use/make
-The thing many people assume to be linked the third legendary, mentioned in the scarlet/violet book and some lab entries, has a hexagonal pattern and/or shape
People have theorized that this could point to Zygarde (Kalos legendary)
No one else has mentioned this (as far as I know) somehow but the image in the scarlet/violet book does kinda have a Zygarde-ish shape
the letter amount it has in the name in the lab is 1 off, but it may have some different nick-name or the letter amount might not just fully correspond, since the scarlet/violet book has that issues. People are thinking it might get a mega-evo w/ a 6 letter name but idk
-someone talked about how Area Zero has the same initials as the guy behind the story of X&Y, and RK responded with a reference to the guy's floette that was in the code but never the game., which may or may not have to do with floette and/or AZ being in the dlc
That guy's evil scheme was apparently a giant crystal cannon
Floettes can be spotted in Area Zero
-Delphox (a Kalos starter's final evo) is once of the pokemon I saw was going to be transferable to S/V from Home in 2023
-Diance & Carbink (crystal pokemon w/ links to Kalos) will also be transferable
-2023 will be the 10th anniversary of X & Y coming out in 2013
-Dex entry of Roaring Moon (Scarlet Paradox Salamence) references mega salamence
-While the first impression I got was that the hexagon legendary was behind the paradoxes, if Zygarde is in the game, it may be under control or trying to stop the paradoxes(bcuz order pokemon) and would be helped during the game
Perhaps Zygarde cells could be found around the world like roaming gimmighoul
-I really wanna see Yveltal, the LIFE DRAINING pokemon that can WIPE OUT AN ENTIRE FOREST, in an open world game. Imagine the dystopia.
-Volcanion's (Kalos legendary that people have been complaining didn't get to do anything) move was removed/replaced for S/V pokemon.
It does look very mechanical.
-Paldea is mentioned "defending against neighboring countries" or smthn similar in the history, and a war was mentioned in Kalos lore
-This could just be for profit & loving Charizard's sake but the OP Tera Raid Charizard might be a secret teaser (since its one of the few pokemon with 2 mega evos)
-idk exactly what this means, but Geeta's final pokemon has been laughed at bcuz its meant to be a set-up pokemon for the beginning of battles, but its the species you need to farm in order to get the Tera Blast TM & is found deep in Area Zero, which is specifically called out by the game (idr who, but Penny and/or Arven ask about wtf it is) + RK also mentioned her as an option when he made a poll about who people thought would be the dlc villian
-Another option was Heath; he has a cyclizar(like how Miraidon + Koraidon are paradox cyclizar) and with the lore+theories so far, it kinda makes sense but not really so idk this either
-also may or may not do anything- but the scarlet book has a drawing of a paradox pokemon that looks like a mix between Suicune, Raiku, & Entei, and the violet one is a mix between Virizon, Coballion & Terakion. The book claims it was drawn by one of the explorers based on paradox pokemon because the ones they saw inspired him, but idk, some of the current knowledge and theories (that I can't say bcuz spoilers) may suggest not
edit: the war mentioned in Kalos was stopped w/ the ultimate weapon crystal cannon that AZ brings back, and Area Zero is also called Ground Zero(area below/above an exploding nuke), so the post about "THEY NUKED MADRID" might've been right
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Frosty fever
This is a guardians Frozen Fever AU requested by @ineedtorename with Jack as Elsa, Human!Tooth (So still half hummingbird but she has slightly more human features and long, multicoloured hair behind kinda a crown of feathers, because I want her to be) as Anna because I heavily ship rainbow snowcone and need Jack to be organising his BFF and secret crush’s Bday party, and North, Bunny and Sandy as the boys in no particular order. Obviously, it takes place in the tooth palace and the village below it rather than Arendelle, and it’s not going to be song dialogue because Rise of the Guardians isn’t a musical. Going under a cut for length, which I just learned how to do :) P.S, Rainbow and Snowcone are now their nicknames for each other because I am devious.
“Okay, it’s almost time!” Jack exclaimed in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He’d been feeling a bit off all morning – runny nose, bit of a headache etc. – but he’d just passed it off as the beginnings of hayfever season. He was the spirit of winter – he didn’t get colds, and there was nothing else it could be.
“North, Bunny, how’s the banner going?”
“Is all good, Jack, don’t worry.” North replied as he hung huge sheets of paper with colourful letters painted on them on a rope strung between two of the tooth palace’s golden pillars. The mini fairies all flitted around making sure it was secure,  dotting bird-of-paradise flowers around along with any others  that matched tooth’s feathers, and hanging colourful bunches of balloons.
“Yeah, we got this, mate, don’t worry.” Bunny added, crouched down to paint the remaining three letters.
Sandy was over by the cake, sneakily picking off some of the sugar-free sweets they’d used as decoration.
Jack sniffed and rubbed his nose. “I’m not worried! I’m not worried…”
Sandy looked sceptically at him.
“I’m not! Really!”
“You’ve already checked food layout three times.” North pointed out. “I’d say you were worried.”
‘Either that, or you’ve got a cold.’
“I don’t get colds, Sandy, I’m fine. And stop dismantling the cake, you can have a slice later!”
The sandman rolled his eyes and floated up to put some sparkly sand on the banner. That, and the combination of blue, turquoise and green paints Bunny had used, now made it look like Tooth’s feathers.
“Perfect!” Jack gasped. “Imma go wake Tooth up, just try and handle everything until we arrive.”
“Relax, Jack, we got this.” North affirmed and Bunny and Sandy nodded.
Jack chuckled to himself as he crept into Tooth’s room and picked a cushion up from her window seat.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOOTH!!!” he yelled, throwing the cushion directly at the now wakeful tooth fairy’s face.
“Oof…morning, snowcone…couldn’t think of a gentler way to wake me up, could you?”
Jack tossed a colourful dress at her. “Get changed and meet me outside in ten minutes.”
He then hurried outside, leaving Tooth to flop back down on her bed and inwardly complain about being woken up at 7:30 in the morning on her birthday.
“Tada! How do I look?”
“Wow…I-I mean, yeah, you look great!” Great job, idiot. Real smooth.
Tooth had just come out wearing her new dress, and Jack’s ears were already burning scarlet, his equivalent to blushing furiously.
Tooth’s dress was…well, beautiful. It was an off the shoulder knee-length one with a slight petticoat under the skirt, making it puff out ever so slightly. It was a gradient of light turquoise at the top to dark bluish green at the hem of the skirt, which had a pattern of gold teeth shapes embroidered onto it. There was a gold ribbon around the waist which tied into a floppy bow at the back, and the sleeves were made up of another gold ribbon which rested just below Tooth’s shoulders. All in all, she looked even more dazzling than usual, which Jack admittingly didn’t think was possible.
“Right! Bunny helped me hide a bunch of presents, and now we’re going to find them!” Jack explained excitedly.
Jack held up the end of a red string that Tooth now saw led all the way through her palace and down to the village below it.
“Just follow the string!” he answered, right before letting out a rather large sneeze.
“Jack, do you have a cold?” Tooth asked concernedly. Jack sniffed and shook his head.
“Psshh, I don’t get colds, probably just pollen or something. Shall we?”
Before Tooth had time to object, he was already pulling her away on her presents trail. They didn’t notice the tiny snowgy who swiftly ran towards where the others were finishing the party.
Now I’m assuming if you’ve read this, you’ve watched Frozen Fever, so you’ll know what happens next. Jack leads Tooth on a complicated trail of presents, insisting that he’s fine as his cold gets progressively worse, while the growing army of snowgies try to get to the cake, Tooth starts to get very worried and they eventually end up at the clock tower.
“C-Come on, now we cliiimb!” Jack slurred, stumbling as he pointed to the clock tower with one hand and pulled Tooth along by her free arm with the other.
“Jack, that’s enough, you’re sick! We have to go home!” Tooth struggled to hold all her numerous presents and a half-eaten sandwich as Jack ploughed onwards, looking like he was halfway to falling over. His hair was sticking up even more than normal, his nose resembled a tomato, his eyes were puffy and hazy and his hand in Tooth’s didn’t feel nearly as cold as normal. It was blatantly obvious he shouldn’t be taking another step, let alone climbing a clock tower, but Tooth had learned by now that nothing could distract him from what he was doing when he was this stubbornly set on it.
“No, we have to get to out birthday chills, I mean thrills!”
By now they were halfway up the tower, Jack let go of Tooth’s hand to go further up than her.
“Follow the string to the end, you are my very best friend!”
“What? I’m fiiiine…”
They went out onto the top of the tower, and Tooth could see the most beautiful sunset ever as the star sunk behind a mountain in the distance, casting the sky into pink, orange and gold. This isn’t nearly as beautiful as you, though. Jack had planned to say.
Speaking of the winter spirit, he was tottering dangerously close to the edge of the platform.
Tooth dropped all of her presents with a gasp and shot over, wings buzzing furiously, to push Jack back onto the tower. Jack sniffled and sat with his head hung as Tooth sank to the ground next to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“Now, will you admit it?”
“Okay…” Jack sighed congestedly. “I have a cold…ugh.”
“You’re warm too…come on, back to the palace.”
Jack picked up his staff and waved the Wind over to help direct him and Tooth back to the Tooth Palace.
“I’m sorry, rainbow. I just wanted to make your birthday perfect…but I ruined it.” Jack groaned as they landed around the corner from where Bunny, North and Sandy were, unknown by him and Tooth, desperately trying to protect the cake and the banner from the snowgies.
“Jack, you haven’t ruined anything. C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
They turned the corner to see the other three guardians standing atop a mountain of snowgies, holding the cake above their heads and with the banner behind them.
“Wow!” Tooth gasped.
Jack just stood there, wondering how on earth he missed about a hundred tiny snowmen being created from his sneezes. At least the mini fairies would have some new friends.
ALSO, if any artists who are bored see this and fancy doing me a favour, would anyone like to draw some art for this that i can post?
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Hi~ I wanted to hop on the match-ups as well cause I've read them and they're amazing. So could I request a romantic one? 👉👈
Hi, the name's Daniela but my friends call me Dina (pls call me Dina, after the Mr Worldwide post I wanna be your friend so bad 😭), I go by She/Her and I'm bisexual with a slight inclination towards males. I think I'm quite fun to be around, the most stupid things make me laugh and I can crack a few jokes even on the worst situations but at the same time I'm kinda serious, I get moody quite easily sometimes but for the most part I'm really bubbly. I suck at social interactions but I love people, so I'm absolutely an extrovert that's really scared to make people uncomfortable.
My insecurities are very much linked to me and my personality, I mean, I'm kinda self conscious of my weight and my body, but at the same time I always try to find beauty in myself, so much that it can lead to feeding my ego a little bit too much. And personality wise I feel like I can be really annoying, I like to feel special to the people I care about, so it lead to me being a really jealous person. Also I'm super competitive and that's not good at a certain point.
I like lots of stuff, very interesting things... I never really give much thought to the things I like, dang. I really like watching Anime and horror movies, drawing, going on walks, baking, I really really love to bake and clean, it's just so relaxing, ooh~ and I like dying my hair, a real fun activity if you ask me. In my friend group I'm chaos in person and also the one who's horny 25/8 and makes it known. Also, I'm known for hyperfixiating on anime characters (mostly mad scientists and intimidating blackhaired men). My music taste is quite normal, rock, punk, pop/punk, punk/rock, alternative rock, a bit of occasional metal. Some of my favorites are My Chemical Romance, Get Scared, Avril Lavigne, All Time Low, Three Days Grace, Hollywood Undead, Set It Off and Bring me The Horizon
The weirdest thing I do is thank the universe each and every morning for my incredible and amazing boobies 🥰🙏🖤🌸✨ and also I think being into esoteric stuff, crystals, demonology and that stuff could be considered a weird thing of mine(?) not sure how weird it actually is.
Oh yes yes, I just got admitted to college and imma be a Vet, super proud of myself, so I'm an animal lover. Btw I'm also libra, an ENFP with ego issues from time to time and an amazing person to dump your problems to (I love solving everybodies issues except mine). My ig is frutill.a, in case you need a physical description (don't be intimidated by how hot I am, I know I know, I'm amazing) and my abandoned art ig is frutill.art
For the ideal date thing? Yeah, cuddles, giving and receiving them, and eating, i like to be taken care of but also taking care of the other person(?. Even tho a picnic and cuddles under the stars sounds lovely. Yeah, maybe that's my ideal date, just doing something together at night that feels special to the both of us.
And to finish this up I just want to say that I love everything you do and you 😭 you're writing is so amazing, like just beauty, and I've read the other match-ups and they're so good, you're super duper talented and amazing. Keep up the good work and don't over do yourself, take care and keep it fun, I really look forward to see what other fic ideas you have in mind and I'll be there supporting whatever you come up with cause it'll be great. Kudos 🖤🖤🖤🤠
HI Dina, I match you with…..💞JEFF💞
Alright this was a hard one, quick quick why I didn’t match you with others. Demonology and EJ don’t mix, he has trauma. Plus, you seemed to be sort of similar to Jeff in some ways (not bad at all, you’re wonderful). I’m gonna go in order of what you talked about so that I can get my thoughts organized.
Stupid things make you laugh? At the worst possible times? At least you won’t be alone with Jeffy, he is the king of doing that, but he dosen’t exactly feel bad about it. AND you get moody often, Jeff too. Still, I feel like developing the relationship would take a while. You would have to constantly sit down with him and tell him what’s bothering you, open communication. Jeff is a master at feeding his ego, but he is fragile on the inside so be careful not to insult him, and once he warms up to you he is so so possessive. Does not want anyone else flirting with you at all, just goes to prove he thinks you might leave him for someone else.
He also loves horror (as we can tell) and he’s pretty much the chaos person too, you guys will bounce the energy off of each other for sure. //Also bro… what anime characters I have a thing for the murderers-// BUT BUT, set it off you say? Maybe go read some of this😏. I’m sure if you wake up next to Jeff he’ll be thanking the universe for your boobies too. HES AN ANIMAL LOVER TOO, and you being a vet is lovely, he wants to take care of his dog ya know?
I just know this man would bring you a rock thinking it’s a crystal. BRB BAWLING MY EYES OUT OVER THIS. Jeff isn’t one to dump his trauma on you, but he will tell you his current frustrations like how much Slender is pissing him off or something. He’s not very elegant but he would lay down a blanket and cuddle you if you like, once this man is attached he is attached. He loves being the big spoon in bed, and the little spoon too but don’t tell him I told you
He acts like he doesn’t pay attention but he really does, any slight changes in your mood and he will know what’s up. Very naggy about it, will try to pry it out of you (even though he doesn’t like other doing that to him), and gets angry if you don’t tell him. Just reassure him because he wants to help, he doesn’t want you to go to others for help when he’s right there.
Hope you liked this! BTW yes we ARE friends! Plz I almost cried at the Mr.Worldwide thing. I beg of you don’t let people dump their problems on just you, you need to have a space to share your struggles too. You can always message me, tumbler is like a safe place for me rn. I’m very understanding and wouldn’t ever make fun of you, I think that’s disgusting. You must be beautiful, I don’t have insta sadly. It got a bit toxic so-. You have great music taste, and I think you are a lovely person.
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simsadventures · 5 years
Only Mine: Chapter 12: Time to Be a Hero
Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Summary: The ballroom is under attack. And you try to make it out alive. But not without Bucky.
Warnings: mobster AU, angst, guns, blood, fighting, swearing, death of a character, betrayal
Word Count: 2873
A/N: Some people missed the angst, so here’s some for you (yup, I’m looking at you @coffeebooksandfandom​). Anyway, did anyone miss Only Mine as much as I did? Hope you guys did, loved writing this part even though it’s of the less happy ones. Let me know what you guys thought about it all. FEEDBACK is gold, you know the drill xx
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Series Masterlist ___ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
You groaned loudly as you rolled on the ground. You tried to focus long enough to find out what the hell was happening. You knew that there was somebody, or more people firing guns in the room, most probably looking for Bucky and his men. That made you an easy target as well because you were always by Bucky’s side.
Realising this you looked around yourself frantically, knowing you didn’t fall to the ground on your own volition. It must have been Bucky pushing you down so you wouldn’t be hurt. And you were right. Bucky was next to you, but unlike you, he was already on his feet, yelling orders at his men and looking around the room to find who the shooters were.
He briefly looked at you, looking for any apparent injuries that would prevent you from getting up, and when he saw none, he quickly grabbed your upper arm and pulled you up to his side.
You hissed in pain because you felt a sharp sting in your hip, and when you looked down to your left side, there was a shard of glass sticking out of your body. If you weren’t in such frantic situation, you would probably let yourself panic over it, and you’d most probably faint. But there was no time for that now.
Bucky followed your eyes, and when he saw the glass sticking out of you, he swore under his breath. He tried to touch it, but you swatted his hand away and took a deep breath. You needed to be strong not only for yourself but also for Bucky. You knew that he didn’t need a pretty face who would scream and faint in this situation. He needed a strong woman who would listen to his commands. You would have plenty of time to have a panic attack when this was all over, you told yourself.
You quickly pulled the shard out of your skin, stifling a painful moan in your throat. So that’s where the blood around you was from, you thought to yourself, patted your hip and threw the glass on the ground.
You then gripped Bucky’s hand in yours and gave him a reassuring squeeze which he reciprocated, only to turn around and yell at Sam behind the closest pillar to where you two were currently hiding.
“Sam! You have eyes on the shooter? We can’t go blasting shots through the room. There might civilians left here. They have nothing to do with this shit,” he yelled, but Sam yelled back that it was negative. They still couldn’t find whoever was shooting.
Just as he finished yelling, there was another round of bullets fired, most of them aimed at the two of you and your little pillar, which was shaking with the strength of those shots.
You took a deep breath and tried to make yourself as small as possible, trying not to be a target.
“Imma get you out of here, doll. You’re my priority,” Bucky said between the bullets as he gripped his own gun.
Before you knew it, he was standing a meter away from you, taking a few good shots after which a silence followed. Bucky obviously killed whoever was firing at you. But you knew you shouldn’t be hopeful. There definitely wasn’t just one shooter, so nobody was safe, yet.
“I love you, James, but I’m not the only person here. Please, make your life a priority as well,” you said with a stern look and Bucky smiled at you before he caressed your cheek briefly.
“I always knew I’d die doing this job, but I won’t have it that you die here as well. Even if it was the last thing I did, you’re getting out of here safe, Y/N,” Bucky whispered against your hair. You pushed him away slightly and took the lapels of his tuxedo.
“You listen to me, James Buchanan Barnes. Stop talking like that or these shooters will be your last fucking worry, you hear me? If you want me to get out, you’re gonna have to get out as well. I’m not losing you, not so soon after I fucking found the love of my life,” you almost yelled into his face.
Bucky watched you in amazement, silent because of your little outburst. He knew that there wasn’t any other woman for him. Nobody was crazy enough to stay with him despite the shit-show his life was.
He just nodded and kissed you, letting all his emotions into the kiss for you to feel, for you to know that he would try to do everything in his power to live. For you, if not for anything else in this world.
He wanted to say something more when suddenly the room was pitch-black.
Great, now they cut the power, you thought and set your jaw. As scared as you were, you were getting pretty pissed at those fucking attackers. Did they really have to make it look like a scene from a shitty action movie? Everyone could have carried on shooting with the lights still on, but no. It wouldn’t have the effect, or whatever.
You knew your sarcastic self wasn’t helping anything at that moment, but you had to let out your fear somehow, and it was either being snarky in your own head or start crying and crumble on the floor. And you knew you couldn’t afford the second option.
You could feel Bucky pulling you down by your interlaced fingers, so you did the logical thing and crouched, although it was not the easiest thing to do in your high heels. But putting them down would only result in more shards in your feet, and so you decided to keep them on, however uncomfortable that was.
“We need to stay together, doll. You listen to everything I say when I say duck, you duck. When I say run, you fucking run, are we clear?” Bucky said intently, and you nodded.
“Yeah, very clear. I do everything you say, no talking back. You’re the boss,” you stated, and Bucky nodded, glad that you weren’t making a scene right now. Not that you were that kind of girl, but still. It was a possibility, especially in a moment like that.
You heard vibrations coming from Bucky’s pocket, and he quickly picked up his phone.
“Yes, Steve? Another two down, good. Do we know how many it actually was? You think 15? Alright, copy that. Be careful, try to kill as many motherfuckers as possible. I don’t give a shit about witnesses. I think we can be pretty sure as to who it was sending these men here. Yeah, me and Y/N are still in the main ballroom. Yup, Sam is still here, and I think Peter and Drax as well. Haven’t heard from anyone else, but hoping that they’re alright and fucking fighting. Alright,” Bucky finished his call, and then looked back at you.
“We gotta get out of here, doll. So we fight our way back, and then we’ll see. If everybody’s dead by then, we can go home, if not, you stay outside, and I’ll take care of business. We good?”
“Good,” you nodded and followed Bucky who carefully stood up, and started walking towards the exit. You knew he was doing it mostly for you, but you were still happy he didn’t send somebody else with you outside while he fought. You needed him healthy and happy, just like the rest of the gang.
You tried to tread carefully and silently, trying not to draw attention to the two of you by the clicking of your shoes. Just when you thought you outsmarted the idiots by taking the longer route outside, you saw a shadow in front of Bucky.
He was quick to let go of your hand, and thanks to your eyes already adjusting to the darkness, you could see a knife in that person’s hand, which Bucky dodged skilfully, knocking it out of the guy’s hand with one swing of his right arm, while his left arm grabbed the guy by his throat. The attacker was obviously surprised at Bucky’s swift motion, because he didn’t react at all, or very little, from what you saw.
When you heard a sickening crack, you knew Bucky broke his neck. Just like that, with his bare hands. It gave you a new respect for Bucky, and even a little fear, but you didn’t want to dwell on that. You couldn’t be afraid of your boyfriend. Not when you were sure he would never put his hand on you.
You continued on your way after that. You could hear some fighting from other parts fo the building, but you thought that you were staring to be safe more and more the closer you got to the door. And just as the thought crossed your mind, a rain of bullets hit you.
Bucky quickly pushed you in an adjacent empty room, closing the door with a thud and hiding behind one of the doors. You were surprised you were still unscratched except the one thing on your hip, and you sighed heavily, breathing out a relief.
You looked over at Bucky, wanting to tell him that you were two lucky sons of bitches when you saw his face contorted in pain.
You frantically got to your knees and scrambled closer to him to check his injuries. Surprisingly, he didn’t protest, and that’s how you knew that it was actually really bad. He must have been in a lot of pain for you to take care of him in a situation like that one.
You asses the injuries, seeing most of the blood was concentrated on his left arm. You pushed his sleeves out of the way and saw that a bullet hit him right through his shoulder, or very close to it.
The wound was bleeding like crazy, and you were afraid that at this frequency, he would bleed out in your hands. You quickly took off his jacket and pushed it against the wound. He hissed in pain, muttering insults not directly at you, but at the whole situation.
“You’re gonna be alright, baby, you just gotta stay awake for me, ok?” You murmured against Bucky’s cheek, trying to keep him awake. You rummaged through his pocket until you found his cell phone, quickly dialling Steve’s number.
“Steve? It’s me, Y/N. Bucky’s been hit, and it looks nasty. Can you come get us, or somebody? I need to get him out of here, and I don’t think I’ll be able to carry him, and he’s in no shape to walk on his own. Yeah, yeah, in that exact room. Alright. I’ll keep him awake. Hurry up, please,” you said through the speaker and ended the call to tend to Bucky.
He was watching you with a weird look in his eyes.
“Doll. You’re the best thing in my life, you know that, right?” He whispered, his voice shaking.
“Don’t,” you harshly told him, “don’t fucking say stuff like that right now. You’re not fucking dying, not on my watch, and if there’s anything on your mind, we can talk about it once we get out of here and get you to a hospital. So unless you wanna tell me something else, you only answer question I ask you, we clear? I’m the boss here now,” you said, swallowing your own emotions that were threatening to bubble up on the surface.
Bucky chuckled with evident difficulty, and you laid your hand on his chest.
“I love you, you crazy mobster. So just stay with me. So, tonight, I was pretty jealous because all those women looked like sluts. What did you think of it?” You said with a smirk, and Bucky shook his head at you.
You talked like this for a while, before you heard somebody coming in. Bucky was awfully quiet, and he tried to grab his gun, but he was too weak for that because of the blood-loss. You looked between him and whoever was coming before you leapt for the weapon. You saw the horror in Bucky’s eyes, but he still remained quiet.
You gripped the gun in your hand, the metal feeling extremely heavy in your hand, considering it was the first time you ever held anything like that. But you’ve watched enough crime series to know that all you had to do was pull the trigger since Bucky has been shooting with it already.
You aimed it at the unknown person coming into the room, praying that it was Steve who just didn’t announce himself and you wouldn’t hate to use the gun in your hand.
When the person came closer, you could see it was one of Bucky’s men. Bob, or what was he called. You were about to put the gun out of your hand when your instinct kicked in, and wouldn’t let you lower your hand. You’ve always had a weird feeling about him and Brock, and you couldn’t afford to take any chances. If he proved trustworthy, you could lower your gun later.
But from the looks of it, and his more than a sinister smile, you knew he wouldn’t give you the chance to lower it.
“Well, well, well. The boss wanted you alive, but I guess I can’t help myself, can I, Barnes? Here’s what’s gonna happen, I’m gonna shoot you some more, have fun with the pretty little thing next to you, and then I’ll kill you, how does that sound? I think it’s a pretty good plan, actually,” he mused still looking at Bucky.
You shivered knowing that if you didn’t step in, all of that would happen. You could hear he was talking some more, but you filtered it all. You aimed the gun as best as you could and steadied your hands to your best abilities before you pulled the trigger.
The noise was much louder than you expected, although mere minutes ago you were near many more guns. It was probably the weight of the situation. The gun was in your hands, and it was your very own hands that had to fire it and hurt somebody. You aimed at his chest, but when you looked at him to see if he would cause you any more trouble, you could see you hit him right between his eyes.
Weird feeling ran down your spine, and you had to keep breathing through your nose, or you’d vomit.
Instead, you looked at Bucky to check if he was still with you, but what you saw made you panic even more. His eyes were closed.
You put your hand under his nose to see if he was breathing and you could feel air coming out of his nose, however, shallow his breathing was. You were about to stand up and just drag him out of there however you could to save him when a bunch of people ran into the room.
You gripped the gun again, prepared to protect Bucky, but you realised that you knew these people. It was Steve, Sam, and Brock. You weren’t glad to see the last one, but the other two finally brought relief to your body.
“Y/N! How is he? And are you hurt?” Steve yelled, kneeling beside you, checking on Bucky’s pulse.
“He’s breathing, but it’s not good, Steve. We need to get him to hospital, now,” you yelled back, the adrenaline still very much present in your system. You were about to stand up when a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Wait a second. How come you have Bucky’s gun, he’s barely breathing and Bob, our friend Bob is laying here, with a bullet in his fucking brain? That’s a little suspicious, don’t you think, Y/N?” Brock asked, all serious.
You couldn’t believe your own ears.
“What are you even talking about, asshole? I was trying to protect Bucky, and your friend Bob here was obviously working for somebody else as well, from what he told us,” you answered, not believing this was actually happening.
“Oh, right, and he had his evil speech about what he is about to do and what his plan was, just like in movies, didn’t he, Y/N? Everything seems to be playing in your cards, weirdly enough,” Brock growled as he neared you.
“Enough. Our priority is to get Bucky to the hospital, and then we can figure out what the fuck happened. Y/N will go with us, and somebody will stay with her at all times, just to play it safe,” Steve said, not sparing you a look as him and Sam picked Bucky up and rushed out of the room, leaving you with Brock, who harshly tugged you by your upper arm.
This wasn’t happening, you kept repeating to yourself, but no matter what you did, you couldn’t wake up from this nightmare. Not only were you shot at, and you had to kill a person in order to protect your boyfriend, you were also accused of orchestrating the whole thing.
Brock was right in one thing, you thought. This really was like something out of a bad movie.
/Next Chapter >
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korgidorgi · 4 years
TLOU2&Supergirl Crossover x Reader Part 5
Tumblr media
Word count: 1814
Warnings: Swearing
Part 1 - P2 - P3 - P4
You didn’t get much sleep last night. A soft knock grabs your laser focus attention from the ceiling.
“Hey, we should probably get up and get something to eat before I take you over to the DEO.” Kara says from the other side of the door.
“Alright, be up in a minute.” You respond.
You swing your legs off the side of the bed and shove the stuff you’d been looking through last night into your bag. You swing it over your shoulder, glancing back at Abby’s tag before grabbing it and heading to the kitchen where Kara is waiting with food on display.
“I got a few things out, you can choose what you want.” She smiles at you.
You look over the number of pastries and other classic breakfast foods. “Did you get up early to cook?” You ask, looking up at her.
“Would you be upset if I said yes?” She asks a little sheepishly.
“No…” You quirk an eyebrow. “It’s just- you’re doing so much for me and you don’t even know me.”
You pick up a couple of the pastries and grab a plate of pancakes and other preferred breakfast foods. You take a seat at the table, hanging your bag on the back of the chair. Kara soon joins you with her own plates of food.
“Did you get to sleep at all last night?” She asks.
“Not really.” You simply answer.
Once the two of you finish your food, you grab the journal and a few writing utensils, shove them in your bag, and follow Kara to her car. She tries to engage in small conversation, but it doesn’t last very long before you’re in front of the DEO.
“I’ll walk you in.” She offers, parking her car and getting out with you.
You follow her into the building and past security. Alex is waiting for you at the circular table, smiling at her sister and giving her a hug.
“Thanks for doing this, Kara.” She says, pulling away.
“It’s no problem, Alex.” Kara responds. “I’ll uh, let you guys do your thing and I’ll go to work. See you tonight.” She waves goodbye to you.
Kara then turns and makes her way out of the building to her work, leaving you and Alex together. Alex works on a tablet, punching the last few things in before setting it down and turning to you.
“So, we’ve got some things I need to go over with you.” She states. “Follow me.”
Alex leads you to a lab where Lena and someone else are waiting. The two are standing around a table with many different tools, computers, and materials for their tasks. Alex nods in greeting to them, holding the door open for you. Once you’re in, she steps in and closes the door behind her.
“Y/N, this is Brainiac 5, or just Brainy. Brainy, Y/N.” Alex introduces.
Brainy holds his hand out in greeting, which you accept, shaking and stepping back.
“So, you’re from another dimension.” He says, raising an eyebrow. “And if I am not mistaken, another time.”
“I believe that’s correct, yeah.” You answer.
“Yes, she is. I need for you three to come up with a device that not only connects us to other earths, but also different timelines. We have to get this right.” Alex explains. “And, Y/N, while you’re here, you can work on writing down anything and everything you know about your world's infection.”
“Okay, I’ll have it done today.” You answer.
“Good, just, hang out in here with them.” She orders before leaving you with the two scientists.
You drop your bag on the ground next to a free chair and dig through it for your journal and a pencil before sitting down criss-cross in the seat. You open your journal up and quickly sketch the ruins of the lab you entered with Abby and Lev, trying to remember each detail.
“How was your stay with Kara?” Lena breaks the silence.
“It was… different than I'm used to.” You answer, continuing to sketch.
“Did you sleep alright?” She asks. “You look tired.”
“I got whatever sleep I got.” You state.
After about ten minutes, you get up from the seat and make your way over to the desk where the two are working. You place your journal on the desk in front of them, the sketch on full display, taking up two pages.
“What’s this?” Brainy asks.
“It's my lab.” Lena observes. “But not from our world.”
“This is what the lab looked like before all this crazy shit happened.” You explain. “I tried to remember everything. There were a bunch of weird objects and devices of different states.”
“What's this in the corner here?” Lena asks, pointing to part of your sketch.
“That's where the Light came from.” You answer. “I can only assume that's the device that brought me here.”
“I see.” Lena mumbles to herself, thinking of how she and Brainy could possibly make something.
“If we take the readings from the opening of the wormhole from her arrival here, it can maybe help us find the right portal to open for her to get back.” Brainy suggests, crossing his arms over his chest and resting his one hand against his chin in thought. “We can also run computer models based off of the design of this device in here and find out the best way to build something that works.
“Yes,” Lena turns to you, “Do you think you can sketch the device in more detail?”
“That way we can create a model and run computer tests.” Brainy finishes.
“Yeah, I can try to put as much detail as I can if it’ll help.” You answer.
“Perfect. We’ll hopefully have you back to your world in no time.” Lena smiles at you. “Here, do it on this page, it’ll be bigger. Better for us to see and for you to do as much detail as you wish.”
You take the paper Lena hands you and go back to your seat to sketch the device. Once you finish, you present it to the two geniuses again.
“It’s not perfect, but, hope this helps.” You say, handing over the drawing to Brainy.
“It’s fine. We’ll work with what we got.” He says, nodding to you.
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out. We’ll get you back.” Lena reassures you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
She lets you go back to your seat, letting you take your journal back. You then set to work on your informational journal about the fungus. You go into detail about the fungus itself, how it's spread, what it does to people’s behaviors and bodies, and the Infected’s weakness to fire. You create separate sections for each stage of infection, going over their individual behaviors, the state of the person, the best way to take them down, how long it takes to reach each stage, and even providing a sketch of each stage. You add an extra page for Shamblers, which only recently came into light.Since you have other stuff written and drawn in the journal, you carefully rip the pages out to give to Alex. You put them in a neat pile on the desk, ready for Alex whenever she decides to check in on you.
“Do you want me to staple those?” Lena offers, gesturing to a stapler.
“Sure, why not.” You answer, sitting back down. You reach into your backpack and pull out Abby’s tag. You bring your legs up in the chair as you look over the pendant, soon getting lost in thought. 
God, I hope they’re okay.
After a discussion with J’onn, Supergirl, and Nia about missions, Alex makes her way to the lab that you, Lena, and brainy are working in, Supergirl following. She opens the door to the lab.
“Hey, any progress?” She asks, walking over to the main desk that Lena and Brainy are working.
“Shhh.” Lena shushes Alex’s rather noisy entrance.
“What? Why?” Alex asks puzzled.
Lena points over where you’re sitting, well, sleeping, prompting Alex to look over. “Oh.” is all she says.
“She’s not sleeping very well.” Supergirl speaks softly to her sister. “Might as well let her get something in.”
“Yeah.” Alex sighs before looking over to Lena. “What’s this?” She asks, looking at the small stack of stapled papers.
“It’s that informational thing you requested from her. She finished it not too long ago.” Lena answers.
“Okay, thanks.” Alex collects it, quickly flipping through the pages before putting it away. “You made any progress on your device?”
“Yeah, a little bit. We’re still in the process of testing computer models.” Lena answers. “She provided us with a sketch of the device she saw in her world, which helped speed up the process a bit.”
“That’s good.” Alex states. “Well, I should go back to deal with this Alien on the streets.” She references her current report and turns to leave, glancing at your sleeping form one last time. “Supergirl.” She calls back.
“Coming, Alex.” Supergirl is looking at you sleep before chasing after her sister.
Lena gently shakes you to wake you up. “Hey, Y/N, it's almost six, Kara’s going to be here soon.”
The sudden contact makes you flinch, always being on edge in your world. Lena apologizes and retreats back to her computer, chatting with Brainy about the device. You rub your face and stand up to get your stuff together. You hear the door open as Alex walks in with Kara.
“Hey, how’re you guys doing in here?” Kara asks.
“It's coming along.” Lena answers.
“That's good.” Kara smiles at her friend and turns her attention to you. “How were you, Y/N?”
“Fine.” You say, slinging your bag over your shoulder and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Alright, let's get you home.” She leads you out of the room and to her car. “Alex said when she came in to check on you and get your ‘research’, you were asleep.”
“Yeah, musta drifted off.” You reply, getting in her car.
“Told you you’d be tired.” She smiles cheekily at you, scrunching her nose at you before getting in the car herself.
You huff at her antics before she drives back to her apartment and lets the two of you in. You set your stuff in your room and reemerge for food. She pulls out some of the food from the previous night and the two of you eat. You decide to call it a night earlier, and leave to your room just after dinner.
“Imma call it a night.” You inform Kara, heading to your room.
“Alright, sleep well.” She smiles back at you, watching you disappear into your room.
You toss and turn in bed for a while, but you eventually get to sleep a few hours later.
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hunflowers · 5 years
an angsty blurb, if you will. this was a tough one to write but i’m sad so imma make y’all sad with me :) also, it was not at all supposed to be this long but i suppose i got carried away lolz. and happy thanksgiving for all of you that celebrate *nose boops*
she wanted to cry. that’s all she wanted to do lately, was lay in bed, staring at the ceiling or the wall or the window while she just cried.
nothing was how it used to be. she used to be a very happy person, but life got in the way. it sucked, because she usually laughed in life’s face and made her own path. but not anymore. now, she wanted to apologize for never listening and for thinking she knew what she was doing.
as a college student, life is already pretty tough. that was a given because, obviously, it was the college life. life was gonna throw curveballs left and right and you’d have to be able to catch them.
and she usually did.
but, with graduation approaching, she felt this unbearable weight on her shoulders she couldn’t seem to shake. maybe it was because she was seeing less and less of her boyfriend, or because her mother stopped talking to her, or because her father was never actually in the picture, or because the people she thought were here friends turned out to be backstabbing assholes, or because she was failing two classes that she needed to complete her psychology studies to avoid going another semester.
of course, those could be the problems, or maybe she was just getting her period early.
the only thing she really cared about right now was cuddling up to her boyfriend, and hoping he would take away her worries. but, how could she do that when he was never around?
it was the weekend and he promised to come to hers as a nice little vacation, just them two and no one else all weekend.
he lied.
it was half past nine on a saturday night and he hadn’t even so much as called her all day. clearly he forgot and y/n was just about fed up.
she had no one right now, and she figured she at least had him to keep her company while the world was crashing down on her. but she didn’t have anyone and this was where y/n decided to draw the line.
it wasn’t like he had anywhere important to be this night. in all fairness he had a few friends like her, and was just as busy with the pending graduation in their future. he had no reason to not be with her right now, but alas he felt otherwise. and y/n didn’t need this stress anymore. it wasn’t uncommon for him to forget coming over or texting or calling her nowadays. school was always his excuse, but she just thinks it’s because he’s tired of her and he doesn’t know how to break the news to her.
two years of a relationship was simply thrown down the drain because he couldn’t be bothered anymore. maybe he was actually with a new girl right this second, but y/n didn’t have the energy to try and investigate. she didn’t have the energy to even care at this point. so, she had it set in her mind to not care and to just end things with him before he could with her. because at least she’d feel a little bit stronger in the end.
so, when another hour went by without a text or a call, and she had finished all of the chinese food she ordered for two and half of the movies she set out to watch for the night, she figured it was time to ring him up.
it took a while for him to answer, and just when she was going to hang up, y/n heard the familiar voice that used to give her butterflies. “hello?”
“harry?” she could hardly hear him with the loud music blaring in the background. y/n had to scoff because of course the reason he dipped on her was to party it up wherever.
“uh– hold on one second!” and then a few moments later the loud music ceased in the background, and it was just the two of them, like she had hoped.
“hey, what’s up?” he questioned like he was completely surprised to hear from her.
“i assume you forgot about this weekend then,” y/n murmured as she tried to hold back the tears that began to edge her waterline.
there was a moment of silence as harry pondered over what his girlfriend could mean. “this week– oh, shit. baby, listen–”
“a party? really?”
“the guys were hounding me to go! i’m so sorry i forgot, i’ll be over first thing in the morning,” he tried to reconcile, but there was no point. this was beyond a fix.
“you didn’t have to go,” y/n hissed, slowly getting more and more pissed off at the sound of his voice.
“it was a tough week this week, i figured i could let loose, if that’s okay with you.” normally y/n was pretty easy going with things, not necessarily letting people walk over her, but she never thought too deeply into things, especially like this. she knows he’s allowed to have a life outside of her, but it annoys her that she’s hardly even been in his life lately. so no, it really wasn’t okay with her.
“and i figured you could let loose with me. that was the whole point of promising to spend time together, so we could be together and deal with our shitty weeks together.”
“y’know, i apologized, i don’t know what else you really want from me,” he spat.
i just want you here with me, she thought.
“i don’t really know what i want from you either.”
“i’m not talking about this anymore. i’m sorry, i’ll make it up to you tomorrow but i can’t talk about it right now.”
“then i can’t be with you anymore.”
then there was a deafening silence that y/n hated so much. but she had to, because life sucked lately and he was very much part of that. if she could gain back her happiness, this was a start.
being with harry felt more like a job than a relationship, and proved to be more stressful than her actual job and school combined.
what kind of relationship feels like that? a shitty one.
she doesn’t know how long there was no words spoken between one another. it was probably around thirty seconds but it felt more like a lifetime. and if he didn’t say something quick, she was going to hang up.
and as much y/n prayed harry would just concede and make this process a lot less difficult, she also prayed deep down that he would fight for her. because if he fought, then that would mean he still cared for her, maybe a tenth as much as she cared for him.
when he finally spoke up, the tears in her eyes finally broke past the dam. “y/n. . . what’re you saying right now?”
“i think you heard me,” she responded as coldly as she could without giving away that she was a sobbing mess.
“harry, you forgot we had plans this weekend. you’re always forgetting and i just– i’m so tired,” she whispered the end, covering her mouth as a pretty loud cry escaped past her lips.
“you could at least have the fucking decency to do this in person,” he snarled back at her.
“how could i?! you’re never around anymore!” she shouted over the phone.
and then he hung up the phone on her.
and instead of feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders, y/n felt as though gravity had grown stronger, wanting to swallow her down through the ground and put her out of her misery.
she sobbed into her hands, gasping for breath every so often because she was so busy crying she forgot to intake air. she sat on her couch for an hour, letting out all of her pent up sadness from the past few months, wishing she could go back to how things used to be, when she was living her best life.
then a pounding on her front door sounded throughout her small apartment, shocking her from her fetal position instantly. she knew it was harry, but she hardly had the energy to move from her spot in her despair.
she ignored him but he just continued to knock and knock and knock until she would answer. she didn’t want to face him, especially looking like this because she knew seeing his face would just make things worse.
“y/n open this goddamn door before i break it down!” he screamed through the wood. realizing her neighbors were bound to venture out in the hall soon to wonder what was happening or to shut him up, y/n practically ran to her door to get him to stop his shouting.
quickly wiping at her eyes, as if that would help her at all, she opened the door and saw his pretty face and she nearly broke down again right there. but she had to stay strong because this was her idea. she was brave enough to spew those words to him, she had to stay brave to go through with it.
harry had a hard look on his face, as expected, but the second he saw his girl, puffy eyed, red nose, red cheeks, and shaky hands, his heart broke. he should remain mad because who was she to break up with him like that, but he knew she was right.
he was hardly around anymore, and it wasn’t on purpose, it was just the way his schedule worked. but he figured she was okay with it and that she would understand so he never took the time to explain himself. but if he wanted to keep her, he would have to do just that.
he couldn’t imagine his life without her, because she was everything he ever wanted out of a girlfriend. yeah, they were young and he shouldn’t be thinking of her as his wife just yet, but she was the perfect girlfriend, and he hated that he took advantage of that.
not even bothering to shut the door after him, y/n turned and walked back over to her couch, figuring he would just close it anyway after he stepped inside.
“we need to talk,” he started, making his way over to her and sitting on the opposite end of the couch.
“you think?” she scoffed, pulling her pillow closer to her chest.
he had the urge to roll his eyes at her harshness, but refrained himself from doing so. “look. . . i know, trust me i know i’ve been a horrible boyfriend lately. i never meant for things to turn out this way and i do take responsibility for it because i know you put in a lot of effort lately and i don’t know how to explain it but–”
“well you better figure that out then.”
he bit his lip, getting angrier at her coldness. “but the best way i can explain it is that i knew you would always be there no matter what. i took your patience and your kindness for granted, and i’m sorry.”
y/n looked at him with a blank stare, waiting for a better apology than that. she still couldn’t just cave then and there because not only was it a weak attempt at her forgiveness, but because it seemed so insincere. “is that all you have to say to me?”
“no. i love you so much, more than i can even fathom. you mean so much to me, and i’ll do whatever it takes for you to stay by my side, honestly. i’ll give you your space if you need it, i’ll tell you i love you as many times as you need it, the same for i’m sorry. please, baby, i love you,” he reached forward and took her hands in his, and her cool ones were a major contrast to his warm ones.
she let out a quiet cry as she leaned her head down on his shoulder, taking in the soft scent of his cologne.
she was going to cave. she knew she’d never be able to go through with breaking up with him the second he’d spew out some bullshit apology. but she just loved him so much and he was the only person in her life who seemed to give a shit about her lately.
so she caved. “space from you is the last thing i want,” she murmured as she crawled into his lap, really embracing him as she continued to cry in his chest. he gently caressed her back, giving her all the time she needed to let it all out.
“all i needed was you and i would be okay. you’re all i wanted and you weren’t here. i’ve had the worst few months and you weren’t here to help me through it,” she ranted while she sobbed, gripping at his shirt tightly.
he murmured ‘i’m sorry’ over and over into her hair, his own eyes swelling with tears as she continued to just cry.
“i’m here now, you can talk to me now. i’m all yours for however long you want me, love.”
then she hugged him closer and looked up into his eyes before planting the softest, yet most meaningful kiss upon his lips.
maybe things would be okay again.
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Little Brother of Mine
Next Chapter || AO3
Kurogiri POV
I teleported up to the children the moment I felt Eraserhead’s quirk cease affecting me.
“There is no escape for you.” I appeared in front of them, cutting off their escape. “It is a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it’s impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves-“
Wait, that green hair, the freckles, the green eyes… That’s Midoriya Izuku. Fuck. What’s he doing here!? He’s quirkless, how did he get in this class? I have to continue, can’t draw attention to him.
“-in. Isn’t this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him.”
Okay I’m keeping their attention, and the only one that seems to have noticed my pause is Izuku himself.
“There must’ve been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen.” Right, now to get Izuku to safety while I throw the rest of the class to the other villains we brought.
“Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn’t matter. I still have a role to play.”
I prepared to warp the students away.
I jolted back when two of the students charged at me, screaming the whole way. They went through me of course but that was close.
“You live up to your school’s reputation, but you should be more careful children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt.”
“You two, get out of the way, right now!” Thirteen called her students away, but not fast enough.
“I’ll scatter you across this facility, to meet my comrades, and your deaths!” I warped them away, aiming one on Izuku that would take him safely to a spot with no villains, the top of the waterslide should be safe enough for now. And then he moved.
The children were portaled away, and Izuku was heading into the shipwreck zone.
Shiggy POV
I watched Eraserhead moving, “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twel-“ his hair dropped.
He’s very good, fast and dangerous. Not bad for an NPC. But I’m figuring out his pattern. He can’t keep his eyes open as long. They’re probably getting dry.
“First it was twenty-three seconds.”
“The final boss” Eraserhead turned to face me.
“hehe, then it was twenty-four seconds. And then twenty. Then seventeen.” I grabbed his capture scarf as I ran forward, tugging it out of my way.
I reached for his face, he’ll die.
“Urgh” He almost managed to elbow me in the stomach. That was a close one.
I idly noticed the small figures to the side, some kids watching the fight now.
There we go, his hair fell again.
“It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I’ve found your tell, it’s your hair.”
My quirk was back, I felt it begin to crumble his sleeve.
“When it drops, it means you’ve stopped using your quirk. You’re having to blink more often.”
He jerked, a grimace on his face.
“Don’t push yourself to hard now. You might just fall apart.” I couldn’t help the grin that slipped over my face.
His arm was very much beginning to disintegrate, the skin gone on his elbow, the muscle showing through as my quirk started to work deeper.
I heard a cry off to the side, and Eraserhead lunged forward with a grunt, slamming a fist into my face.
I scowled, “That annoying quirk of yours isn’t suited for drawn-out fights against big groups, is it?” I rose slowly as he stood surrounded by the NPC’s I brought.
“Don’t you think you’re a little out of your element here, Eraserhead? You’re much better at working stealthily. You’re known for surprise attacks, not fighting head-to-head.”
His hair was up I noticed. He’s panting, clutching his destroyed elbow, gaze focused on me.
“But despite knowing that, you didn’t hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight, to put your students at ease.” I did have a good amount of respect for him. Unlike most heroes, he really was protecting his charges and helping people who needed it. He was well known for it even.
The NPC’s attacked him again, and despite his injuries and exhaustion, he still beat all of them. Hehe, he’s really good at this.
He turned to face me, quirk activating again, capture scarf at the ready.
“And look at you, you’re still standing! You really are so cool!” I grinned again.
Too bad for him, I might like him more than most heroes, but he’s in my way.
“Oh, by the way hero.” Nomu surged to appear behind him in an instant. “I am not the final boss.” Nomu attacked.
Eraserhead hit the ground, his goggles broken, blood surrounding his form.
“What do you think of him, Eraserhead?” I peered at him, is he dead?
“Hm… He’s the bioengineered anti-symbol of Peace. But you can call him Nomu.”
The Nomu shrieked.
I perked up as Eraserhead grunted, Nomu yanking his arm.
He screamed. Whoops, looks like Nomu broke his arm. His head lifted, his face a mask of pain.
“You can erase people’s powers. That’s irritating, but it’s nothing impressive. When faced with true, devastating power, you might as well be a quirkless child.”
I paused for a moment. Perhaps I should’ve picked better wording. My little brother is quirkless. But then, he’s not very physically strong, mentally he’s deadly, almost as good at analyzing as Sensei. But still, too late to take back the wording, even if it is accurate.
Eraserhead slowly turned his head, I grinned as he activated his quirk, and Nomu smashed his face into the ground, and his arm. He gave a strangled scream, going still.
Nomu pulled his head up, Eraserhead groaning faintly as he did. Then Nomu shoved his face down again.
“Tomura Shigaraki” I glanced over to Kurogiri, looks like he’s back.
“Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?”
“The rescue hero is out of commission.” Imma take that as a no. “But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility.”
I twitched before turning fully to him, he… “Huh?” I stared for a moment before scratching at my neck. The itch was back. The plan was ruined. It was destroyed. We can’t take on all the pros that would come, how could Kurogiri fail so badly! He’s one of Sensei’s most trusted and he screwed up!
I scratched harder, how could he fail me so badly. The utter failure. The itch was worse. I can’t believe he’d ruin our plans like this. All he had to do was kill some kids, how could he screw that up! Kids aren’t that hard to kill!
“You fool”
He didn’t even have to kill them, just get them away from the exit. Idiot!
“If you weren’t our warp gate, I’d tear apart every last atom in your body.”
I stopped. Lowering my hands. It’s over.
“There’s no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. It’s game over. Back to the title screen.”
And here I was wanting to beat the boss fight now.
“And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damn it. Let’s go home.”
I heard some murmuring from the kids off to the side.
You know what, maybe we should leave something behind for All Might to see when they get here.
“Oh, before we leave, lets make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let’s wreck his pride.”
I lunged, reaching the kids in an instant.
“Let’s make this hurt”
I froze. My hand was inches from the girls face but… the boy there... that’s…
Then I noticed the feel of my quirk being gone. Not that that was important. Ototou was here… how? He’s quirkless, how could he get into the elite hero course class at UA. If it was just based on smarts he’d be top of the class, but the physical requirements.
He blinked, “what?”
Oh right, he doesn’t know me. Sensei kept him separate from us. To keep him safe from Sensei’s enemies. Fuck.
Time to play it off a bit, my quirk is gone right now, let’s fix that.
“You really are so cool, Eraserhead.” I turned to look over my shoulder, watching as the Nomu smashed his face down again, less violently than before.
I turned back, oh there’s three kids, don’t know where the purple one came from. Eh, I’ll kill him…
Otouto lunged suddenly.
“I don’t know who you are, but you let her go!” He swung his fist towards me, and I noticed the build up of power immediately. When the hell did he get a quirk!?
The wind force from his punch almost knocked me back, and I did withdraw my hand. I’m not gonna say no to my little Otouto.
Nomu shielded me from Otouto’s punch, I couldn’t see his face, but he seemed frozen. I should encourage him!
“You’re pretty powerful huh, This ‘smash’ of yours”
Oh no, oh no, no, no. Smash, like All Might. Information gathering time.
“Are you one of All Might’s disciples?”
Uh oh, my Nomu grabbed his arm, Oh no, I reached for the purple kid as my Otouto pulled away. “Nomu!” I’ll order Nomu off and kill this kid.
Nomu froze.
I jerked to look, the doors smashed in. Dust rose as I heard footsteps all the way from here. I grinned.
“I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone wrong here when Aizawa and Thirteen didn’t answer my calls. So I hurried over, running into Young Iida along the way. He told me of the villainy at work here.”
There he is, with no one else. Only one pro came.
“Have no fear students.”
All Might stood tall at the edge of the stairs.
“I am here!”
“Look, we’re saved!” The annoying purple one is dying.
“He’s here, All Might!”
Aww, my Otouto is so cute. Also afraid. This is why we keep him inside and safe damn it!
Before I deal with All Might though. I finished reaching for the purple one. Grabbing his head I grinned as he crumbled to dust. My Nomu is positioned between my Otouto and him so Otouto won’t be traumatized.
I stood, “After all this waiting, the heroic piece of trash shows up.”
“Mineta” croaked the girl, horrified.
A blur and the NPC’s hit the ground, groaning. All Might had Eraserhead in his arms, cradling him as he held him away from the mob.
He murmured something to soft to hear.
Oh, I didn’t know All Might had a love interest. Good. To. Know.
I blinked and the girl and Otouto were gone, All Might grabbing them. As if Otouto was in danger from me! I jerked as father’s hand came off my face.
He’s too fast.
“Everybody back to the entrance and take Aizawa with you. He doesn’t have much time.”
“Yes sir.” Otouto sounded scared. How dare All Might scare my Otouto. Doesn’t he know Otouto has all but worshipped him for years!? Otouto adores that piece of trash and he scares him! He’ll die for that too now.
“no, no, no.” I need my father’s hand back first. Then Otouto. “It wasn’t supposed to go this way. He’s still fast, Father. Somehow he managed to hit me.”
I picked up father’s hand, relaxing once it was back in place.
“Of course a government hero relies on violence.” I should make sure Otouto has some lessons on heroes while he’s here. “I wasn’t prepared. I couldn’t even see him when he moved. But he’s not as fast as I thought he’d be.” I could still react, even if not in time.
“Not as fast as he used to be. I guess it’s true after all.” I grinned now, “All Might really is getting weaker.”
Otouto paused, a flash of something on his face. I’ll plant the seeds, he’ll understand.
“All Might, you can’t! That brain villain took One for-“ He faltered, looking at his friend worried. So cute, he shouldn’t be with these NPCs. “I-I smashed him and didn’t break my arm this time-”
I’m sorry, didn’t break his arm? What the fuck. Who do I need to kill.
“-but he wasn’t fazed at all. He’s too strong!”
Aww, Otouto can tell. Of course he can, he’s so smart.
“Young Midoriya” All Might threw a hand out to silence Otouto. The absolute fucking nerve. Otouto was talking.
”I got this!”
‘I got this, I got this’ shut up All Might.
Otouto glanced at Eraserhead, before turning away, carrying him away, the girl helping him.
All Might turned to face me. “CAROLINA”
Fuck “Nomu.”
Of course it did no damage. Did he not hear Otouto!?
“I guess he wasn’t wrong when he said it had no effect on you!” Yeah no shit sherlock.
Nomu grabbed for him and he dodged, lunging forward to hit Nomu again, and again, and again.
Nomu screeched as it reached for him, he leapt back to avoid it.
“It doesn’t even matter where I punch you, does it.”
I’m getting insulted.
“That’s because Nomu here has shock absorption, All Might.”
All Might threw some more punches at Nomu, who struck back.
“The only way you’re going to hurt him is to slowly gouge out his flesh.” I grinned, “Of course, I don’t think he’ll sit back and let you do that. You’ve finally met your match. Hehe”
All Might smiled though.
“Ha! Thanks for telling me how to beat him!”
… what?
“All I have to do is wear him down, then its on to you!”
All Might smashed Nomu downwards with a grunt, SMASH, a big cloud of dust covered the area.
“hey, hey now.” Rude.
I watched delighted as the cloud of dust dispersed, to show that Kurogiri pulled through. Nomu coming up through the portal to grab at All Might’s side.
“Oh come on, what kinda cheap move was that?”
Ha, he acts like we play without cheat codes. Newbie.
“Nice. You were trying to bury him in the concrete, so he couldn’t move around anymore. Sorry, that won’t work. Nomu’s as strong as you are. That won’t stop him.”
All Might grunted.
Oh right, positive reinforcement. “Nice work, Kurogiri.” I laughed, “We’ve got him just where we want him now.”
I noticed the blood showing on his dress shirt. Honestly, I can’t believe he came to fight us dressed like that. The audacity, thinks he’s so great. Kurogiri is starting to close his portal, he always has trouble closing it fast with people partway through it.
“If this is your best then you’ve picked the wrong place to attack. You should just give up now!”
Heroes, always giving grand speeches. So annoying.
“Normally I wouldn’t want blood and viscera flooding the insides of my warp gates, but I’ll make an exception for a hero as great as you. Since you’re too fast to see with the human eye, Nomu had to restrain you. And once he’s pulled your body halfway through, I’ll squeeze the gate shut.”
Ah, monologuing. The staple of any villains career. It’s a necessity, it happens in all my games. How are they supposed to feel hopeless if you don’t explain why they should feel that way.
“I’m going to enjoy tearing you to pieces.”
All Might jerked in Nomu’s hold, desperately trying to pull free.
I blinked as All Might’s attention got caught by… Otouto. What is he doing? He was leaving, going to where he’s safe! Now he’s running strait forward!?
Kurogiri warped between them, good, he’ll move Otouto to safety.
“How foolish.”
“Get the hell out of my way DEKU!” A blond boy appeared.
… did he just call Otouto useless? Okay so he’s dying.
Blond boy smashed Kurogiri down, holding an exploding palm to his neck.
Ice suddenly surged across the field, freezing my Nomu. I saw the boy dressed in… half ice? And a dress shirt? What is with heroes and their dumb costumes?
“One of your poorly trained thugs told me you’re here because you think you can kill All Might.”
Ugh, so full of himself.
All Might pulled himself free. Ugh. It was all going so well. And now these annoYING KIDS ARE IN OUR WAY.
“Are you okay?” My Otouto really is an angel like Sensei said. Too good for this horrible world.
“YAAARGH” Some red freak lunged for me. Ugh. Way too slow.
I casually slunk back.
“Damn, that was gonna be so cool!” Idiot
“Guess I found your body this time ya smoky bastard!” What does he mean this time?
“The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you.”
Everyone’s a critic.
“Kacchan, Everyone.” Okay, so get Otouto away, and kill the idiots.
I studied the area briefly, so some high-level NPC’s are here. They took down my warper, and the boss is injured. But my boss fighter is still fine.
“Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you?” Really it’s shameful, he’s what, twelve? “You’ve gotten us into a real jam here.”
“Heh. You got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn’t hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turned into that smoking warp gate. You used that mist to hide your actual body, as a kind of distraction, thinking that made you safe! That’s why we missed.”
I groaned loudly, “I wasn’t talking to you, you obnoxious blond Pomeranian.”
The brat ignored me.
“But if you didn’t have a body, you wouldn’t be wearing this neck armor, right? You’re not immune to physical attacks if they’re well aimed.”
Kurogiri grunted, shifting slightly.
“Don’t move!” He leaned down, “You try anything funny, and I’ll blow your ass up right now, you got it? They’ll be cleanin’ you up for weeks.”
Okay now I’m mad. I’m the only one who gets to threaten Kurogiri.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound very heroic.” The dumb red one commented.
“They escapted uninjured and captured my two strongest men. Kids these days really are amazing.” They did do good, even with how dumb and annoying they are. “They make the League of Villains look like amateurs. Can’t have that.”
I glanced at the Nomu, “Nomu.”
It screeched as it pulled itself out of the warp gate, the ice shattering its body.
“How is that thing still moving? He’s all messed up.” Oh my sweet Otouto is limited in his knowledge, can’t do an accurate analysis that way.
“Stay back everybody!” Stop interrupting Otouto All Might, geeze, have some fucking manners.
Nomu regenerated. All Might can die now.
“What is this!? I thought you said his power was shock absorption.”
I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t say that was his only quirk. He also has super regeneration.” I flashed a glance at my Otouto, he was listening to every word. Might as well brag a little. “Nomu has been modified to take you on All Might, even at 100% of your power. He’s basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back.”
Nomu was back to 100%. Now then.
“First we need to free our method of escape.” The blond brat can die. “Get him Nomu.”
There was a blur as Nomu moved, and a crash a moment later. The kids went flying. I turned to check on Otouto, he seemed okay, if a bit ruffled.
“Such force.” He looked up, eyes widening. Oh no, don’t tell me he likes the dumb blond brat that called him useless?
“KACCHAN!” ugh.
He blinked and looked beside him. Where the blond brat was sitting. Stupid All Might.
“Kacchan? Whoa, that’s awesome, you dodged him!” My sweet Otouto didn’t notice yet huh?
“Not quite, but that’s okay, you didn’t see it did you. All Might moves fast huh?” Otouto looked at me in surprise, then turned.
“Wait, then how?” Oh the dumb red one, I wasn’t talking to him.
But Otouto had realized, his gaze was on All Might, coughing at the wall. Otouto is so smart.
“These are kids, and you didn’t hold back!?”
Did he not notice me killing the purple one earlier? No? Okay. Besides, the blond one was rude to Otouto. He deserved death.
“I didn’t have much choice though, He was threatening my companion. Besides, these kids are no angels. The blond Pomeranian was threatening to blow up Kurogiri, the spiky red one tried to punch me in the face, and ice ice baby over there froze Nomu’s limbs off. What kind of hero does something like that?”
I shook my head, “You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it’s for the sake of others.” Otouto needs to learn. The heroes aren’t so good.
“Well, you know what All Might. That pisses me off. Why do some people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic, and others are villainous?” Was calling Otouto “Deku” heroic? Was that good?
“Casting judgement as to what’s ‘good’ and what’s ‘evil’. You think you’re the Symbol of Peace? HA. You’re just another government sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I’ll make sure the world understands that once you’re dead.”
I glanced back over at Otouto. The speech is for him after all. Good. He’s listening. I won’t let these heroes corrupt my sweet Otouto. Sensei would be so upset.
“You’re nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you, you always try to make your actions sound noble. But admit it, you’re only doing this because you like it. Isn’t that right?”
“Heh, maybe when we came. But no, I do have my reasons now. Heh heh, you couldn’t understand, All Might. You’re a barbarian, racking up exp by beating up anyone in your way. Going for all the boss fights. Well this will be your last one.”
All Might growled, and the kiddies started talking.
“We’ve got them outnumbered.”
“And Kacchan found the mist guys weakness.” Otouto could’ve if he’d had a moment to consider it. Stupid blond.
“These dudes may act really tough, but we can take ‘em down now with All Might’s help.” Loser red hardened his body, “Let’s do this.”
“Don’t attack!” All Might moved in front of them again. “Get out of here.”
“You would’ve been in trouble earlier if it weren’t for me, remember?” Ice rink readied for an attack, “You need our help.”
“I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It’s gonna be alright. Just sit back and watch a pro at work.”
And you know, attacking us without us striking first is against the law. Which they should know.
“But you’re too hurt, you’re bleeding.” Ah leave it to Otouto to notice the injuries, and he’s right. All Might will die now. “You’re almost out of-“
Oh? What’s that. Did Otouto find out something about All Might? Some weakness, and now he’s worried.
“Heh, don’t worry, we’ll kill you quickly, All Might.” I stepped forward, talking time is over.
“Nomu, Kurogiri, Kill him. I’ll deal with the children.” Blondie is dying, maybe snowflake too. Not sure about loser red. He’s not interesting. Otouto is of course going to be left alone, not going to let him get hurt.
“Let’s clear this level and go home.” I’ll bring Otouto with me, Sensei needs to know that he now has a quirk. And that its apparently one that breaks his bones.
I lunged for the kids, aiming for the blond. Kacchan I think. “Huh” I turned. All Might.
He zipped right between me and the kids and kept moving. He and Nomu met head on. The explosion sent us flying.
“Weren’t you listening? One of his powers is shock absorption.” Is he dumber than I thought? I know he’s barbarian class but still.
“Yeah? What about it?”
He kept punching. Otouto was being blown back. He’d better not put Otouto at risk.
“no, I can’t get near them”
Why is Kurogiri even hear at this point?
“He said your quirk was only shock absorption, not nullification! That means there’s a limit to what you can take, right?!” All Might was yelling as he fought Nomu. Acting like Nomu had any sense of self.  
They were exchanging punches too fast to really follow, All Might rearing back as Nomu hit him hard, Nomu stumbling, you couldn’t even see their hands they’re moving so fast.
“So you were made to fight be big guy? If you can really withstand me firing at 100% of my power, then I’ll have to go beyond that and force you to surrender.”
My eyes widened, he’s actually forcing Nomu back! He sent him flying!
“A real hero, will always find a way for justice to be served!”
He leapt up, grabbing Nomu, sent him crashing down.
“Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but I’ll teach you what they man. GO BEYOND!” He reared back, “PLUS ULTRA!”
Nomu went crashing out of the building entirely, right through a window.
No, how dare he!
“I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits woulda been enough to knock that guy out. But today it took more than 300 mighty blows.”
That bastard. How dare he do this. We were so close. So close to defeating him. And now…
“You’ve been bested villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly.”
“He cheated.” That’s the only way he could beat Nomu. He was designed to counter All Might. Sensei equipped him with everything necessary, we bumped his level all the way up. How dare he!
“What’s going on here. He’s just as strong as he’s always been! Damn it. Don’t tell me I was lied too. His level should be lower, but now, he’s matching my highest leveled fighter.” I snarled lowly, this wasn’t going according to plan.
“What’s wrong? Not attacking me? Didn’t you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well come and get me, if you dare.”
I recoiled. This was bad. I couldn’t afford to get beat here. Sensei needs to know about Otouto. And I’m not about to lose in front of Otouto. I glanced at him, he looked… worried. For All Might? Or for us? I can’t tell.
“What, are you scared?”
“uh” I scratched my neck, the itch was worse than ever. “If only Nomu was here. He’d rush you right now.” I scratched frantically, I need to get rid of the itch. “Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought.”
“Tomura Shigaraki.” Kurogiri. “Please, do not fret. Look at him, he has definitely weakened.” I paused, lifting my head. “Nomu’s attacks were successful.”
I blinked, oh. Otouto, Otouto is worried for All Might. He always was such a fan.
“He’s on his own, the children appear to be frozen in fear. And look, our underlings are recovering. We likely have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together we can do this. We haven’t missed our chance to kill All Might.”
I dropped my hands considered the situation, a bunch of the NPC’s from our mob were starting to stand, Otouto’s group was hovering nervously, and All Might seemed rather injured.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” Otouto’s worry alone is enough for me, he’s an excellent analyzer. “This is it, we have no choice. We have to do it now. I mean, the big end-boss is right here.”
I charged, Kurogiri right beside me. All Might will die.
“Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!” Sensei gifted Nomu to me, he’ll pay for destroying Sensei’s gift.
I heard a whoosh. Turning, “what”, how did, how did Otouto get so fast, and he’s oh no, he’s doing something dumb, he’s charging right at us.
“Don’t you touch All Might! You stupid villains!”
I reached out a hand, careful to hold one finger away from where Otouto will be, I’ll shove Otouto away, and then finish off All Might.
My hand jerked to the side, I grunted in pain, a gunshot?
Otouto hit the ground hard. Are his legs broken?
“They’re here!” Stupid All Might sounds so happy.
Two more shots, neither hit me.
“Sorry everyone,” What? “I know we’re a bit late. But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could.”
Some idiot student yelled something about reinforcements, but I turned away to focus on Otouto. Other than multiple broken limbs, he seemed alright.
The teachers were attacking the mob I spawned.
“Oh no, the pros are here. It’s game over. For real.” I have to leave Otouto. Damn it.
“Lets go home and try this when we can- ARGH” I collapsed, BANG BANG BANG, three shots and I was down.
Kurogiri put a warp gate in front of me to shield me the from more.
“Lets go!” He started to warp us away, only for him to start getting yanked into the black hole.
Ugh, All Might, this is all his fault. “I may have failed to kill you this time, but your days are numbered! All Might. Symbol of Peace. I am going to kill you!”
The blackness covered me completely and I collapsed on the bar floor.
“Ow… shot in both arms and legs, all those underlings wiped out, Nomu beaten, and I had to leave Otouto behind. We failed. Those kids were so strong. And the damn Symbol of Peace wasn’t weakened at all! You were wrong Sensei. So wrong!”
“No I wasn’t.” Sensei’s voice came through the screen. “We just weren’t as prepared as we should’ve been.”
“I agree,” the doctor is there too, was Sensei having a bad day? “We underestimated them. Thankfully we failed under that cheap ‘League of Villains’ name and not our own.”
I snarled.
“And what about the creature the Master and I created? Where is Nomu?”
“Yes, why is he not with you?” Sensei is displeased. Damn it.
“He was blown away.”
“Oh shut up about Nomu. Who cares about him. We have more important things to be concerned about.”
“Nomu is a valuable creation an-“
“What is it Tomura?” Sensei cut of the doctor, sounding expectant.
“Otouto is at UA, and he’s in the hero course.”
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Family Sticks Together No Matter What
Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1,670
Warnings: minor angst
Request by @previouslyforgotten : Hello! First, I love your writing! Second, I don’t know if request are open but imma ask in hope that they are. My request is that the reader always says “see you later” instead of “goodbye” because she doesn’t like the feeling that she may not see them again. But she’s like depressed or something and she calls Sam and she’s crying and she says goodbye instead of “see you soon” and sams like freaking out? Or she goes on a hunt that she knows will be dangerous and she calls Sam to say goodbye?
Summary: Sam and Dean’s lives are far more important than yours which is why you have to take this case.
Squared Filled: Mysterious Object // Video Cassette // Coughing up Blood
Beta: she wants to remain anonymous
Fandom: Supernatural
Author’s Note: This is for @spndarkbingo and @spnclassicbingo and @badthingshappenbingo respectively and this is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
The word “goodbye” is such a sad word you hated using it. The word “goodbye” meant, for you, that you were never going to see the person you’re saying it to again. It’s bad enough that you’re in this line of work because you never know when the last time you’ll see someone, especially Sam Winchester.
You two have had a thing going on for quite some time, but neither of you put a label on it. You two kissed, did stuff couples do, but you never went far enough to put a label on it. You two never went all the way, but you’ve done enough to know that you were Sam’s and he was yours despite there is no label. It’s not that you didn't want to put a label on it, it was just complicated. Hunting was always going to make you busy enough to the point where you’ll have to choose it over Sam and vice versa.
The worst thing about hunting was the fact that you never knew when it would be the last time you saw someone. It could be days without hearing from your friends, only to find out that they’ve died from some monster getting revenge. Sam and Dean were the best of the best, so it was unlikely they were going to die at the hands of a monster, but it still scared you.
All your life you’ve had to say goodbye to friends and family that have either left you or died. It sucked saying goodbye, especially when you loved that person. The thought of never seeing your parents again or your best friend brought severe sadness over you. You wished you had said, “see you later” instead of “goodbye” because at least with the former, you knew you were going to cross paths again eventually.
Every single time you went out to do the shopping for the month, or went to see a potential witness without the brothers, or had to do something on your own, you would say “see you later”. At first, Sam didn’t know why you would say that until you had to explain it to him in great detail that almost left you in a crying mess. He admired that you hated saying goodbye because it shined a light on your soul that usually wasn’t present in hunters. There was a purity about you that he never wanted gone. In this line, that kind of purity is rare, and he was glad that it was inside of you.
Over the past few years, you were in charge of finding new cases to take on with the brothers. It was hard to see what kind of things these monsters do, but you almost always kill the bad guy in the end. Hunting wasn’t easy, and it was putting a damper on your emotional state as you expected it to. It made you not think clearly sometimes, especially now when you caught wind of a cursed and mysterious object that was causing people to tap into their rage until it killed them.
There was a video cassette that was cursed, and it was being pawned off to different shops since they to wind of how much it was. Whoever touches it with their bare hands became primal until they killed themselves out of anger or someone else killed them because of it. Sam and Dean were angry people beneath the surface whether they want to admit it or not. Years of abandonment issues, daddy issues, and self-deprecation all built up into this untapped anger that was just waiting to be released.
However, you couldn't just ignore it and wait for another hunter to pick up on it, so it was up to you to get it done without the brother’s knowledge. It wasn’t unlike you to put yourself in the line of danger when it came to the brothers. Countless times, you’ve told them how much your life doesn’t matter when it came to theirs. The world looked to them to save it whenever there was a disaster striking. They saved the world countless times effortlessly, so it would need them more than it needs you.
Without the brother’s knowing, you packed your bag in the middle of the night, took one of the cars in the garage, and left town knowing you might not make it back. If things go south, then you would become so angry that you would want to kill yourself out of frustration. Luckily for you, there wasn’t a lot of anger in your body. You grew up in a loving family, no one close to you died for you to be a hunter, and you got everything you needed and more. The only reason you got into hunting was that Sam and Dean came to town, you fell for Sam, you found them knees deep in a grave when you went to visit your mom, and you thought it would be fun to join them.
Once people realized how dangerous this video cassette tape was, they locked it in a storage unit and didn’t even open it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in a warded box which you had to make from scratch in order to contain its power. It’s said to have such a powerful influence, that it didn’t really need to be touched in order for it to work. The power radiates off it, drawing in unsuspecting victims until they are forced to touch it.
The drive to the town wasn’t long, but as soon as you entered it, you could feel the power pulsating throughout the city. Everyone looked angry, but none of them acted on it since they haven’t touched the object. The address you got from the pawnshop that had the video cassette last told you where they put it which is where you were headed now.
As soon as you got to your motel, your phone started ringing. Knowing it was one of the brothers, most likely Sam, you answered it without looking at it.
“I know what you’re going to say,” you began.
“Where the hell are you?” Sam asked. He woke up to find you weren't in your room, and then he found something interesting on your computer that you accidentally left open for anyone to see. Luckily it didn’t show what you were after, just the town you were in.
“I’m in Nebraska.”
“I know that but what the hell are you doing there? Dean and I are freaking out because you were gone in the middle of the night!”
“I can’t really explain because I need you two to stay home, okay? Please just trust me because this is for the best. I love you, but I do have to go. Goodbye Sam, and tell Dean I said goodbye too,” you said before hanging up. Tears were threatening to spill over, which is why you hung up so quickly. Saying goodbye was heartbreaking to you, and you never thought you would have to say it to Sam.
“What the hell did she say?” Dean asked. Sam lowered the phone with a worried look.
“She said goodbye.”
“Oh, we have to go,” Dean declared, grabbing his keys and rushing to the car with his brother.
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The closer you got to the mysterious object, the more it’s powers affected you. As soon as you drove into the storage place, you began coughing harshly. There wasn’t anything in the air, you didn’t swallow something bad, and there wasn’t anything that would make you cough this harshly. Putting your hand to your mouth, you coughed into it. Your throat burned at the sensation, and when you pulled your hand away, there was blood staining your skin.
The video cassette is already affecting you, and you didn't want to know what would happen if you touched it. You would stop coughing up blood as soon as you got it into the box you had made especially for it. Getting out of the car, you looked for the storage unit that contained the cursed object. You knew you found it without the slip of paper due to the magnetic forces that were emitting from the unit.
“You can do this, Y/N,” you breathed slightly, staring at the closed unit. Your insides began boiling slightly, but you knew it was due to the influence of the cassette tape. Lifting your hand, you were just about to open the storage unit when you hard your name being called from behind. Turning around, you saw Sam and Dean running over to you.
“Great,” you muttered to yourself as you walked over to them. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here? Why did you go about this alone?” Sam asked. He could feel the powers of the cursed object, but he ignored the influence as did Dean.
“Come on, are you really asking that question? The world needs you two. If you accidentally got your hands on this thing, you would grow angrier until you killed yourself. Do you know how much anger is in the two of you? I was doing the world a favor, you idiots. It needs you two more than it needs me.”
“You’re the idiot if you think we don’t need you,” Dean glared.
“Yeah, Y/N. We’re family, and like it or not, but we stick together. We take each case as a family no matter what the ending is like. You think you’re the only one who hates saying goodbye? When you said that to me, my whole world stopped because I thought you were going to get yourself killed without us. Yeah, we’ll do that together too because that’s what families do.”
“No buts. We will finish this thing together. And if something goes wrong, then we’ll figure that out together too. We always do,” Sam concluded as he took the box you made from your hands.
“Now, let’s go get this son of a bitch,” Dean grinned.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
drawing new lines, chapter two (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr: plastiquetiaras) | (word count: 3514)
AN: Thank you SO so much for the lovely response to the first chapter. I’m so glad you guys are enjoying it so far as much as I am. This story is so, so fun to write and such a lovely refresher from the angst trains I usually end up on while writing. Hope you enjoy this chapter as well! Writ, as usual, is the most wonderful beta.
Vanessa is already bouncing in the Starbucks line before even getting her sweet, sweet hit of caffeine. But she’s two days into this fake dating business, and the real finesse is about to start.
“Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what would you like?”
“Can I have a grande blonde roast, two creams, two sugars…and a grande dark roast, black with room for milk?”
Vanessa’s own coffee needs to be chock-full of sugar in order for her to be able to drink it, but Brooke? Vanessa’s not quite sure what she likes, but a dark roast with cream and sugar brought on the side seems like a safe option.
Silky and A’keria look at her with questions on their faces as they wait for their drinks to finish, A’keria already munching on her breakfast sandwich.
“Why you ordering two?” Silky’s looking at her with narrowed eyes, and it’s all Vanessa can do to not yell in excitement as she tries to keep herself blasé.
“Oh, no reason. Thought I’d drop by Brooke’s office, that’s all. We going on a date tonight.” She holds her fingers out in front of her, inspects her cuticles, as if it’s an everyday statement, a normal occurrence to go out with the office building’s most eligible bachelorette.
Which it completely isn’t, by the way that A’keria slams her breakfast sandwich down on the counter.
“You’re what?” Silky’s yell makes other customers around them turn around, stare, and Vanessa doesn’t even care, because the looks on Silky and A’keria’s faces are enough to keep her laughing for days.
“Goddamn, Vanj. You really got that blonde skyscraper to agree to go on a date with you?” A’keria looks mildly impressed. “To be honest, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I told y’all, I’m a catch.” Sure, Vanessa’s voice is a bit haughty for someone who is absolutely not going on a proper date with Brooke, rather a fake one, but regardless. She’s gonna milk it.
“I’m surprised someone sees it.” A’keria shares a look with Silky, who is shaking her head in disbelief. “Even more surprised that it’s her.”
“No one can resist the Vanjie charm.” With that, Vanessa picks up both drinks, winking at her friends before heading to the elevators. “Deuces!”
Brooke is mildly amused when Vanessa swings by her office, placing the coffee in her empty hand. “How’d you know I like my coffee black?”
Vanessa raises an eyebrow at her. “You look like the kind of person who thinks that putting sugar and cream in coffee ruins the taste or something.”
“It does actually, it-” Brooke pauses when she sees Vanessa snickering. “Hmph, never mind.”
“You enjoy your boring coffee, and imma enjoy this sugary goodness.” Vanessa’s own drink smells like caffeinated heaven, and so what if she takes a big sniff of the cup? No one’s judging her.
Okay, maybe Brooke is, from the way a single eyebrow of hers is raised, but Vanessa also doesn’t care.
“You are absolutely going to have a sugar crash in an hour or two from that.” Brooke points at her cup as she takes another swig.
“Bold of you to assume my body hasn’t built up an immunity to sugar because of how much of it I have on the daily.”
“You’re ridiculous.” But Brooke laughs as she’s saying it, a real laugh, by the way her eyes are crinkling at the edges.
“Count on it.” Vanessa plops into Brooke’s fancy desk chair, her office a stark contrast from Vanessa’s cubicle. “Damn, this is comfy. D’you have to buy this shit? Or did they just give it to you?”
“Amazon, actually. I have a bad back.” Brooke leans against her own desk, facing Vanessa. Her legs look like they go on forever in her heeled boots, though Vanessa is absolutely not focusing on them, no ma’am.
“Send me the link, would you? I wanna pimp out my boring cubicle.”
Brooke snorts. “Now that’s a trashy reality show I would watch.”
“Speaking of which, we got our first fake date tonight.” Vanessa crosses one leg over the other in the office chair, leans back against it. “I’m thinking shitty TV show marathon.”
Brooke raises an eyebrow. “You wanna Netflix and chill on the first date?”
“What? We’re not actually-” Vanessa sputters on her words, because Brooke’s looking at her with a note of amusement in her eyes. “Damn, you making me sound like I got a one track mind, mama.”
“I mean, it’s our first date, isn’t it? You gotta take me somewhere classy first, treat me real nice.” Brooke is fully enjoying the conversation at Vanessa’s expense, leaning forward as she winks at her. “If you wanna keep a lady around you have to make her feel like a queen, y’know.”
“Goddamn, not even real dating and we got demands here.” But it doesn’t deter Vanessa in the least - in fact, if Brooke wants to enjoy this scam that they’re pulling off, Vanessa’s gonna make sure she does by planning the best damn date ever.
Vanessa discovers that she has incredible difficulty planning the ‘best damn date ever,’ even when it’s fake.
“Y’all, where do I take her? I ain’t planned shit! Just told her to dress up real nice, now she expecting something special and my dumbass was so excited for the date that I forgot to plan. Shit!”
To an outsider, it looks like Vanessa’s officially lost her marbles, talking to herself. While she certainly does feel that way, she’s got her good Judys on the open FaceTime screen, ready to help her in times of crisis such as these.
Vanessa’s rifling through her closet, pulling out dress after dress because none of them will work, not in the least. They’re too short or too nun-like or too thotty - she needs the perfect amount of classy, and it’s nowhere to be found.
“Vanj. Vanj. That fancy restaurant uptown?”
Silky’s suggestion is nice, sure, but absolutely no help. “That place has been booked up for months, Silk. Ain’t no way we gonna get a reservation for tonight.”
“Take her to a movie or some shit, then balance it with a mediocre restaurant. They’ll cancel each other out.” A’keria’s suggestion is smart, sensible, but-
“But that’s so boring, that’s what everyone does on every first date to ever exist. I wanna wow her.”
Vanessa’s not even sure why it matters so much to her - the date is not even a real date, for crying out loud. But part of her still wants to impress Brooke, make her enjoy herself, because she’s still taking time out of her own evening to spend with Vanessa after all, real or not.
“I ain’t got nothing left for you.” Silky shrugs, grabbing another handful of popcorn that she’s popped specifically to watch Vanessa’s dramatics. “You on your own. It’s now or never.”
Vanessa looks out the window of her apartment, sees the glittering lights and sky scrapers that feel so far away and-
“Shit y’all, I’ve got it!”
“Planetarium, huh?”
Brooke’s impressed - Vanessa can tell these types of things. It makes her more excited than she wants to admit.
“Ah y’know, nice chill first date material.” As if Vanessa hasn’t already tried to pat herself on the back for coming up with it. “Anyone tell you that you look killer, by the way?”
Brooke does, in a black knee length dress that makes Vanessa’s eyes constantly trail to her-
She can control herself. She’s not a teenage boy. Or is trying not to be.
Brooke gives her an appreciative once over in response, one that makes Vanessa squirm under her gaze even though she knows that there’s nothing behind it, that it’s platonic. Because there’s something about having Brooke’s full attention that still feels like a bit too much, like it’s taking her breath away.
“Where do you want to sit?” Brooke’s looking at her with an eyebrow raised, as if she’s already asked the question more than once, as if the first time had flown over Vanessa’s head. If it has, Vanessa’s unaware of it.
But she’s not going to make it a habit. Brooke’s just a person - a smoking hot one, sure, but still just a person. Someone who’s helping her win a bet against A’keria and Silky, and so Vanessa owes it to both of them to make sure they have fun in the process.
So, she’s gonna make sure Brooke has the best fake first date in her damn life.
“Let’s go to the back. My neck’s gonna cramp up if we take the front.” Vanessa takes a step up the stairs, but not before interlocking fingers with Brooke - after all, if she’s gonna play the part, she’s gonna fully go for it.
Brooke shrugs, but doesn’t pull her hand back. Instead, she tightens their grip. “Works for me. Lead the way.”
The theatre darkens as they take their seats, and the announcer’s voice is hard to focus on, it is, when the ceiling above them is lit up with stars and galaxies not unlike those that would sparkle in Vanessa’s dreams when she was six and had wanted to be an astronaut. The twinkles that seem so in reach, so close by, not like the huge bundles of fire that they actually are, the ones that burn should anyone get too close.
It’s mesmerizing.
Vanessa feels the resurfacing of the niche outer space facts from her childhood, from the secondhand kid’s encyclopedias that her mom had gotten for her at garage sales. The ones that Vanessa would pour over, trying to absorb everything she could, back when her biggest problems in life could be solved by thumbing through the pages.
“Did you know that any these stars coulda burned out ages ago and we wouldn’t know, ‘cause of how fucking far away they are? They’re hundreds of light years away so when we see them burn out, it’s actually happened centuries back. But we only find out now.” Vanessa whispers the words because the narrator is still droning on and she doesn’t want to disrupt anyone else.
But it’s cool.
Brooke looks over for a second, unspoken questions on her face that Vanessa can’t quite decipher. “How’d you know so much about space?”
Brooke’s voice is a whisper too, not wanting to disturb the presentation either, and it strikes Vanessa how much the reflection of the stars in Brooke’s eyes is really making them shine.
“Astronaut was my backup career after HR.” The statement has the intended outcome of making Brooke laugh, and it feels better than Vanessa wants to admit. “You ain’t had obsessions as a kid?”
Brooke pauses, really thinks. “Mine was the Titanic, when I was eight. Not the movie, but the actual sinking of the ship itself. I was fascinated by it.”
Vanessa wrinkles her nose. “The ship? Why?”
“I dunno,” Brooke shrugs, “think it was the way it contradicted itself. Supposed to be the unsinkable ship, branded as such. Treated as such. Yet it went down on the first voyage.”
“That’s what happens when you get overcocky. Can’t mouth off too much.” Vanessa tries to hold back a laugh when Brooke looks over at her, the scandalized furrow of her brow fitting perfectly from the way her mouth has slightly fallen open. “Am I wrong, though?”
Brooke lets out a huff. “No. But still.”
But Brooke’s face can’t hold its serious expression for long, though, something Vanessa is delighted to see. Vanessa grins when Brooke leans back in her seat, tugs on the bracelet on her wrist. “Tell me more outer space facts, space girl.”
“What kinda nickname is that?”
Brooke grins. “One that somehow fits you.”
Instagram story posted by @bhytes. Location: @griffithobservatory. Tagged: @vanessavanjie. Description: A boomerang of Vanessa spinning in a circle, her skirt twirling around her, under a backdrop of stars.
“So, there we were in Target, my abuela completely having lost control of the motorized scooter, about to crash into the display of paper towels, my mom running after her and screaming, a buncha other customers watching with their mouths open, and me and my aunt laughing so hard that we’re about to fall over.” Vanessa’s eyes are lit up as she sets the scene, and Brooke doesn’t think she’s ever laughed so much in her life.
“Stop, stop. I’m gonna pee.” Brooke has to wipe a tear from her eye, trying desperately to hold back the giggles that are threatening to bubble up again whenever she so much as makes eye contact with Vanessa.
“So then she crashes, right? But then one of the wheels is still going so she starts spinning. Spinning. Meanwhile my mom’s tryna turn off the dang thing, and you know what starts playing in the background?” Vanessa takes a bite of her pasta, and Brooke wants to take a sip of her own drink, she really does, but she’s afraid of doing a spit take at this point.
“Oh, god. What?”
Vanessa giggles before she can get the words out. “‘You Spin Me Round’ by Dead or Alive. You know, ‘you spin me right round baby, right round like a record player…’”
“Shut up.” Brooke has to clap a hand over her mouth because the other diners at the restaurant are looking over at the two of them, but she can’t help it, can’t help the laughter because Vanessa is hysterical.
“I ain’t playing, it really did! Me and my aunt were absolutely hollering and no help whatsoever to my abuela. Some random pimply sixteen year old that worked there had to come and turn her scooter off.”
“She wasn’t hurt, was she?” Brooke pauses, realizing that the story could have more serious consequences on the way. She doesn’t want to be disrespectful towards Vanessa’s grandma, she really doesn’t-
But Vanessa waves her hand. “Nah, she was fine. In fact, when they got her up again, she started grumbling on about how the fastest setting on the scooter was still too slow. Adrenaline junkie.”
Brooke tries to picture what Vanessa’s grandma would look like, speeding a little too fast on her scooter. “Somehow, she sounds like you when you’ll be older.”
Vanessa snorts. “I can’t even argue that. We basically the same.”
“You’re ridiculous, and I love it.” Brooke rests her chin on her hands as she glances across the table over towards Vanessa, still shoveling down her pasta. “God, why haven’t we ever talked before?”
“Maybe ‘cause we’re in completely different departments?” Vanessa raises an eyebrow, her lips curling up. “And tell me you’d still give me the time of day if I hadn’t barged into your office one day and roped you into this little scheme of mine.”
“Hey, I would have!” Brooke’s indignant, because she so would. She’s not that closed off. “I think.”
She thinks.
“So me striking up conversation in the Starbucks line about my wheelie-loving abuela would have gone over well?” Vanessa lets out a laugh, and Brooke can’t help it either, at the mental image of Vanessa tapping her shoulder to do so.
“To be fair, that’s not a scenario that’s ever really crossed my mind before. Do you often bother people about your grandma?”
Vanessa doesn’t miss a beat. “Only the ones who get as delighted about it as you do.” She leans back in her seat, putting her fork down. “That being said? I’m glad we talking now, ‘cause you’re more fun than you seem.”
Brooke scoffs. “I’m plenty fun, thank you very much.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your last Venmo transaction?”
Brooke wrinkles her nose. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Venmo transactions tell a shit ton about a person. Now c’mon, open up that shiny phone.” Vanessa’s fingertips tap on the table, and Brooke lets out a huff, but does so.
Hopefully it’s something cool. Fun. Exciting. Not something boring like-
“A cat tree? Your last transaction was for a cat tree?” Vanessa’s trying not to laugh, Brooke can tell, and she has to hold back a groan.
”It was a really cool cat tree! It had multiple levels and all these little hiding spots that Henry and Apollo will love and-” Brooke cuts herself off, dropping her head in her hands. “Ugh. Cat trees can be fun.”
Vanessa reaches out to pat Brooke’s shoulder, her eyes still sparkling. “I believe you, mama.”
“No you don’t.” Brooke’s voice comes out muffled, and sure, she’s acting like a ten year old, but she can’t help it.
“I sure don’t. So guess for our next fake date you gonna introduce me to those pussycats of yours, hmm? We gonna be spending some time together.” Vanessa pauses, her lips pursed together as to keep herself from cracking up. “Not your actual pussy, remember, we fake dating, not real dating, jesus-”
“Oh, shut up.” Brooke reaches out to shove Vanessa’s shoulder, her hand nearly landing on the table when Vanessa dodges it. “Just for that, no meeting the cats for you.”
“Mean.” Vanessa sticks her tongue out at her and Brooke snorts.
But now that Vanessa’s said it, she’s coming around to the idea. It would be kinda nice to hang out more with Vanessa, even if the purpose is to post things on social media to fool her friends into thinking that they’re dating. Because it would be fun - her and Vanessa clearly get along great, and, well-
Having another friend wouldn’t be so bad.
“Tell you what. You can come over and meet the cats, but I pick the show we watch.”
Vanessa grins at her suggestion. “Tryna Netflix and chill me already?”
Brooke rolls her eyes. “You’re relentless.”
“And yet, you enjoy it.” Vanessa wiggles her eyebrows as she takes a sip of her drink. “Fancy that.”
It’s true. Vanessa is hysterical, fun to talk to. Sure, a little ridiculous at times, but it’s what Brooke needs - someone to balance her out a little.
“Honestly? Somehow, I kinda do.”
“You went on a date.”
“You, Brooke Lynn Hytes, went on a date.”
“You bet.”
“You went on a date?”
“Is that really so hard to believe, Nina?”
Nina takes a big sip of her wine, as if she needs it to get through the conversation. Brooke can’t blame her for it.
“I’ve known you for seven years and not once have you been on a date.” Nina’s pointing a finger at her, and she shrugs.
“What’s wrong with being picky?”
“It’s not being picky if you absolutely refuse everyone. Except, it seems, for this new girl.” Nina’s already leaning forward, resting her head on her hands with a grin on her face. “So, you need to tell me absolutely everything about her because this is the best day of my entire life.”
Brooke raises an eyebrow. “More than the day when Ben proposed to you?”
Nina pauses. “Well, maybe. Actually, I think those two would be on the same level.” She shrugs when she sees Brooke’s skeptical expression. “C’mon, this literally never happens. It’s exciting. Now tell me about her.”
“She’s in HR, we struck up a conversation and she asked me out on a date and I said yes?” So what if Brooke’s explanation ends in a question?
“You said yes.”
“Yeah? How else would we have gone on a date?”
“But you never say yes.” Nina’s brow is furrowed as if she’s trying to solve the world’s biggest math problem, and it almost makes Brooke laugh.
“I did this time.” Brooke shrugs, taking a sip of her wine to avoid eye contact with Nina.
“But why? Why this time?”
Brooke pauses, because she can’t give Nina the real answer. That they’re doing this for shits and giggles and so that Brooke won’t have to deal with people trying to set her up.
So, she goes another route.
“I dunno. She’s funny, I like her. She made me laugh more in that first conversation with her than I’ve laughed with anyone else. So, maybe I just want a bit more laughter in my life.”
It’s true, when Brooke thinks about it. Fake dating or not, Vanessa is fun. Someone who is genuinely delightful, genuinely fun to spend time with. Their date hadn’t even been a real one but it’s probably the best one Brooke’s had, maybe ever, solely because of how much she’d enjoyed herself. How much fun Vanessa is to be around.
Brooke’s going to try and stay her friend, once they’re done this nonsense. To still hang out with Vanessa and be her friend ( are they friends?) because she’s someone that doesn’t drain or tire Brooke out, despite her exuberance.
Nina’s eating it up, from the way that her eyes are wide, how her lips are forming a soft pout. “That’s so fucking cute, you absolute sap.”
“That wasn’t sappy in the least and you know it.”
Nina waves a hand. “Whatever. From you, it’s practically a declaration of love. Anyway, can’t wait to be your maid of honour at the wedding.”
“Don’t you start.”
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bards-witcher · 6 years
Okay so are you okay with writing the boys as female? Cuz a female Ohm is... Extremely hot 😉 If that's not your thing, that's fine! If it isn't, then maybe some bunny hybrid Ohm? And whatever ship you want?? Maybe some hybrid adoption center thing??(as fucked up as that is-(boy if you aren't accepting requests Imma feel REAL dumb.))
So I kinda mixed the 2 ideas together, not gonna lie I’m kinda iffy about it but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I’d be happy to do more fem!Ohm in the future because I’m currently living for @jhanyaiartist  flip au and @jessantom663 drawings.
Plus I’m like always taking requests so just shoot me an ask any time :D
Also, I made it Ohmtoonz because I’m a basic bitch, hope you don’t mind :) but I’m happy to do other pairings as well :D
[Ohm POV]
It had been almost two years since she’d first joined a hybrid adoption agency and ten months since she’d last been taken home by someone. When she’d first joined she’d had hope that she may finally find a home and someone who cared for her, but that was far from the case.
The first person who had adopted her was kind at first, it didn’t take long for her to warm up to him and he seemed almost smitten with her, eager to take her out and show her off to his friends and surprising her with gifts when he returned from work. It wasn’t long, however, before he turned sour, although hybrids weren’t common they could live life like any other person, and when she’d asked to find a job he’d quickly shut her down.
It wasn’t long before he got bored of her, tired of her desire for a normal life when all he wanted was someone who cooked for him and who would look pretty on his arm. He’d claimed that they were going out to the beach that day, that he was going to treat her as it was somewhere that she’d never been before. However, whatever hope she’d had was quashed when instead she was taken back to the adoption agency, the guy claiming she was faulty before leaving without a backward glance.
Despite this she still had hope, hope that there was someone out there for her. For the next few months, the process was much the same as the first. Someone would come and charm her, sweep her off her feet, however, they all had the same ideals, that she was good for little else but cleaning and fucking.
The last person to adopt her had tried to sell her into a hybrid sex ring, she’d kicked and cried and pleaded but it didn’t deter them. Her saving grace had been the cops breaking down the door to the auction room and during the panic, she was able to slip away from her captors and were met with more cops and other hybrids who were to be sold.
From that day on she swore that she could trust no one but herself, that she’d swear off of finding anyone, that she was damaged goods, and would try to convince the agency to help her find a job.
Originally they didn’t take too well to her choice, but after 2 months of completely rejecting the people who wanted to adopt her, they reluctantly helped her to find her first job. It wasn’t much, a part-time barista job just down the street, but it was something, and it’s all she needed.
However, she was quick to realize that the people at her job were little different than those who had tried to adopt her. She’d finish most shifts with a new number from those who were determined enough to try their luck, despite her refusal they’d show up at a couple of her shifts to try and convince her, however, they all gave pretty soon when they finally understood that she wasn’t interested.
It was a Thursday morning and it was her turn to open up the small coffee shop, she didn’t mind the early hours too much, it was easy work and she enjoyed watching the small city come to life. It was with a surprise then that someone entered the shop, he was tall and from the brief glance, she got she could tell he worked out. She put on her best smile as he slowly approached the counter, looking at the large blackboard above them.
“Anything I can help you with sir?”
The man looked stunned for a moment before smiling back at her “um, yeah. How much you charge for a large coffee?” It was easy to pick up the southern twang in his voice which almost sounded like thick molasses, her smile turned more genuine as she answered.
“Black?” The man nodded, allowing her to continue “$2.50, but for you, I’ll make it $2” The taller man smiled down at her, as if studying her for a moment, his appreciative gaze that swept over her body didn’t go unnoticed.
“$2.50’ll be fine, thanks. My old coffee place tryna charge me $4 for a damn coffee, sure as hell wasn’t staying there”
Without another word she got to work, it was an easy enough order and it wasn’t long before she handed him his drink “$2 please” she smiled up at him, noticing him quickly avert his gaze when she’d caught him staring.
“Here, I’ll feel guilty if I don’t pay the full price” With that he handed her over the money at full price, but she was quick to slide the 50-cent coin back to him.
“Call it an incentive for you to come back again” The man took the coin and dropped it into the tip jar before taking a sip of his drink, in the quiet of the shop she could make out the small moan he made.
“Fuck this is a nice ass cup of coffee” She couldn’t help but giggle at the man’s outburst, noticing the small smile he shot her way as if pleased by her response.
“Only the best for our customer’s sir”
“Call me Luke”
“So, can we expect to see you again soon Luke?” She looked up at him through her lashes, she wasn’t above the occasional flirting in order to get tips and to get people to come back.
“You can be damned sure, and not just for the coffee” With that he threw a wink before putting a few more coins into the jar and leaving the shop.
It wasn’t the first time that she’d flirted towards customers, and it wouldn’t be the last, however, something about him stuck with her and in the quiet hours during her shift that day she couldn’t stop her mind wandering to him.
For the next few weeks Luke had been coming into the coffee shop more and more often, he never gave a reason except that the coffee was too damn good, but her co-workers had told her that he’d ask for her whenever he came in.
Most of the time they’d have a short conversation as his drink was made, often just about what they were doing that day and other mundane stuff like the weather. He’d then leave a generous tip in the jar and throw her a wink before leaving.
It was another early morning shift, and she couldn’t hide her excitement at the chance of seeing Luke, her talks with the southerner were often the highlight of her day before she had to return to her room at the agency, not that Luke knew that of course.
However, today he hadn’t shown up, she tried to hide her disappointment as she waited the last ten minutes of her shift, her co-worker tried his best to get a smile out of her, but nothing had worked. 
When her shift was finished she returned her apron to the back room, said her goodbyes and headed out of the shop, only to have a tall figure run straight into her. Before she could tell him to watch it she looked up to see Luke staring down at her, face red and sweat on his brow, taking heaving breaths as he moved back to give her room.
“Good, I still caught you.”
“My shifts over Luke”
“Have a drink with me? Please?” She wanted to say no, to follow the rules she’d set herself all those months ago, but with Luke looking down at her, soft eyes pleading at her she couldn’t refuse, especially when it was evident that he’d run here.
She nodded, Luke, smiling in response before he lay a gentle hand on her waist and led her back into the coffee shop. Before they could even think of ordering coffee her co-worker pushed a tray towards them with two coffees and a slice of cake. They thanked him as Luke grabbed the tray and led them to a table in a corner out of the way of prying eyes.
“Thank you… For having a drink with me” Luke smiled at her and she smiled back at him, both staring at each other as they tried to ignore the underlying feeling of something between them, before both taking a sip of their drinks.
It was then that Luke picked up the fork that was alongside their cake, taking a large chunk of it before shoveling it into his mouth, she had to hide her laugh when his face started to turn even redder when he noticed her disapproving look.
“Don’t go eating all of that I want some too” Luke handed her the fork and she took a bite of the cake, dragging the fork out of her mouth as she looked up at Luke, noticing the way that he was staring at her lips.
They then started talking about their days, how Luke had been delayed at the bank and then the market, how he was going out to a party tonight to celebrate his friends’ new club opening.
“Do you wanna to come with?” She was shocked for a moment, surprised that he’d even offer and as much as she wanted to go the agency’s strict 11pm curfew meant that she couldn’t.
“I have plans tonight, sorry” She offered him a curt smile, feeling instantly guilty when he saw the brief flash of hurt cross Lukes’ face.
“Nah it’s cool, just an idea” She could tell he was upset, so in an attempt cheer him up she started to flick her ears around to a rhythm that didn’t exist, happy when she saw Luke laugh a little at her antics. “One thing I’ve always wanted to know is, do you have a tail?”
She blushed as she looked away from his piercing gaze “I might do”
“Can I see it?” She hesitated at his request, in the past, her owners had tried to cover up her hybrid features as much as possible, her tail she could somewhat get away with, but it was near impossible to try and hide her ears. The fact that Luke wanted to see it made her blush even more.
Without a word she stood from her seat and turned around, lowering her jeans slightly until her white fluffy tail was sticking out. She waited to hear what Luke was going to say, half expecting to hear laughter or taunts, what she didn’t expect was to feel a gentle hand touch the ends of the fur covering it. 
She shook her tail a little, laughing when she felt Lukes’ hand draw away but when he got the courage to touch it again she moved her tail into his hold, letting him have free reign over one of her most sensitive parts. Eventually, she moved away and sat back down, using her ears to cover her face somewhat from Lukes intense stare.
“I have something for you” She watched as Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, laying it down on the table between them for her to open. “I saw it when I was out today and thought of you, so…yeah”
She gingerly leaned forward and opened the box, it was a small silver outline of a rabbit on a simple necklace chain. She took it out of the box to have a closer look, it was beautiful in its simplicity and she had no words to offer Luke but ‘Thank you’.
“I know it’s not much but I –“
“It’s beautiful Luke, I honestly don’t know what to say” She unfastened the clasp and went to try and put it around her neck before Luke interjected.
“Let me” She brought her hands back in front of her, waiting for Luke to move around the table behind her before passing the necklace to him. He gently pushed her hair to one side as he reached around her neck, fingers gently tracing around her neck before clasping the two sides together, causing a shiver to travel up her spine.
She looked down at the small rabbit now around her neck, shivering again when Luke moved her hair back in place before she turned to face him, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, Luke” They smiled at each other, getting lost in each other’s eyes, she was so lost in them that she barely registered him lightly grazing his fingers up and down her arm.
They stayed like that, too distracted in one another that her co-worker coming round the corner caused them to break apart, a smug smile on his face as he took the now empty cups.
“I-I should go. It’s getting late. Thank you again.. for the necklace. It really is beautiful. Have fun tonight” With a final smile and wave she got up and headed for the door, however she was stopped by Luke grabbing her elbow.
“Let me walk you home”
“No, you don’t have to do that” As much as she liked Luke there was no way she was going to let him find out where she lived, how she lived.
“I’d feel a lot better knowing you got home safe and sound”
“No, it’s fine really, besides you need to get ready for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” When Luke nodded she gave one last smile before leaving the coffee shop, quickly walking the short distance back home and making her way straight to her room.
She was quick to strip herself of her clothes, eager to get into the shower to clear her thoughts when a knock was heard on her door.
“Ryan? You in there?” rolling her eyes she put on her dressing gown and opened her door to see the matron of the house looking down at her. “You’re late back from work”
“It got busy” The glance the older women shot at her necklace as well as her pursed lips showed that she knew it was a lie, but as no rules were broken she couldn’t chastise her.
“As per usual, your offers” she rolled her eyes again as she accepted several folders from the women.
“I don’t know why you bother, you know my answer already” she didn’t spare any of them a glance before tossing them into the growing pile in her bin she kept beside her door for this purpose.
“You know you’re going to have to leave eventually. Either pick someone soon, or I will.” She stood there dumbfounded as the matron turned to walk away, there was no way that this should be allowed and the thought of what could happen to hear made a pit settle in her stomach. “By the way we have a viewer coming in tonight and he wants to see everybody. That includes you, so make sure you look nice”
She slammed the door to her room closed, fighting back tears as she entered the shower, letting out gentle sobs as she slowly started to wash herself. It was only when she felt the chain under her fingers that she managed to gain some semblance of control.
Luke. Luke who had come to the coffee shop any and every day to find out her shifts, who was more than happy to keep her company in the early hours, who had run to the shop in the hopes that he’d catch her. The man who despite having only known her a few weeks, was the one person who actually knew her.
Maybe if she told him, let him know where she lived, that he’d take her in, look after her in the way nobody here did. She turned the water off as she weighed the pros and cons in her mind, unconsciously going through the motions of getting ready as her thoughts weighed heavier on her mind. 
Before she knew it there was a knock on her door with the command to get downstairs, with a final look in the mirror, touching the chain that already meant so much to her, she started to make the slow preamble downstairs.
Everybody was already there waiting when she finally got there, the matron tapping her foot impatiently before dragging her to her spot in line. She gave the usual talk, be good, don’t speak until spoken to and all that other bullshit.
She played with her fingernails as the doorbell rang, the matron quickly rushing to the door and offering all the kindness and warmth a mother should show as she guided the viewer in. She didn’t look up as the matron started to introduce him to the first hybrids, only when she heard the older woman start to sputter and shout did she look, only to met with the scene of Luke striding towards her.
She could only stare as Luke stopped in front of her, offering her a small smile as his hands came up to rub at her shoulders before moving up her neck and then finally to cup her face, holding her in his gaze, not that she could look away anyway.
“C’mon, I’m getting you outta here” She raised her left hand to grab his wrist, rubbing her thumb against it and she could feel his pulse racing, or maybe it was hers.
“Luke, are you-“
“Yes. Yes, I’m sure. I want nothin’ more than for you to come home with me” she gave a small nod, trying to blink away the tears in her eyes as Luke smiled back down at her. “C’mon then”
He pulled away from her, grabbing the hand that was holding his wrist as he walked them out, ignoring the calls and threats from the matron and the cheers from the other hybrids.
As soon as she got into the car Luke was quick to get them out of there, loosely holding her hand as he navigated his way through the streets to his house.
It wasn’t long before he parked on the side of the road, with the engine shut off there was nothing but deafening quiet between them.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She could tell Luke was hurt, but despite this, she stood by her choice
“You didn’t need to know”
“Bullshit Ryan, everyone knows that place is a shithole, you could’ve told me, I could’ve-“
“You don’t understand. My kind are… rare, being there, despite everything is better than being stolen and sold to the highest bidder. So yeah it’s a shithole but it’s the best I got”
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Don’t worry about it”
“Why not get adopted then?” She scoffed at Lukes’ words, he’d said it himself, the place was a shithole, it was only fitting that the people who went there were shitholes too.
“My track record of owners isn’t the best to say the least”
“Then why’d you come with me?” 
She turned so that she was facing Luke, seeing nothing but kindness and hope shone back at her “You’re different. You’ve cared more for me than anyone else ever has” She let out a small chuckle, looking down at the space between them “I know it’s cliché bu-“
Before she could finish her sentence Luke grabbed her chin, lifting her face up so that she was facing him again. He paused for a moment, looking down at her lips before slowly moving closer forwards. He gave her ample time to pull away from the kiss he was offering, but instead, she closed the difference between them and connected their lips. It was short and sweet, nothing more than a peck on the lips but nevertheless, they were both breathless when they pulled apart.
“C’mon lets get inside” They were quick to get out of the car, she followed him up the pathway to his house, stepping through the doorway when he held it open for her. She followed him to the kitchen where he pulled out a couple of beers, opening them both before offering one to her.
She took it gratefully, drinking down half the bottle before putting it on the countertop, noticing Luke looking at her with an amused glint in his eye. “I’ve got a spare room made up for you if you want” She could tell that Luke was nervous, if not for the hand he rubbed at the back of his neck it was the way he refused to look at her.
“Oh, I just thought that-“
“Look, whatever we are, I’m happy, but we won’t do anything until we’re both ready” He’d taken both of her hands in his and was rubbing small circles into them with this thumbs as he spoke
She looked up at Luke, using his hands for balance as she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him again. This one was different than the first, she tried to convey all her appreciation, love and hope she had for the man in front of her when they pulled apart it was only for them to catch another breath before they kissed again. 
Eventually, Lukes’ arms wrapped around her waist and she felt herself get lifted up and onto the counter, his hands wandering up and down her back until one hand settled onto her tail and she had to stifle her moan at his touch.
“Luke” She held herself close to him, unwilling to let go in case it all disappeared in front of him, and by the way, Luke held her he felt the same.
“Shhh, I’ll look after you. I’ll always look after you”
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cheshiresense · 6 years
I just found the alt!swinging pendulum bits you've done and I am blown away. The really funny thing? I actually remember wondering how things would be going if Ichigo wasn't alone in that verse the first time I read it years ago. Having you explore that and having those bits be UraIchi is beyond my own imaginings! How did Kisuke take waking up in the past? Did he know Ichigo was thrown back too, or did he think he was alone for a while? Any chance you'll ever consider a bit from his POV?
I imagine the Soul King (following SP canon) offered them the same deal when they were both locked up in Muken. They wake up in different places in the past though so that might’ve caused a bit of panic, especially since Kisuke would’ve known Ichigo was in bad condition before coming back, and the Soul King didn’t exactly give them details about where they would end up.
My muse does not want to write anything above in Kisuke’s pov (or anyone’s pov) though so Imma just give you something else in Kisuke’s pov. Takes place sometime in the future after the other two bits I wrote.
Kisuke is reorganizing the Twelfth’s seated complement on paper when a commotion coming up the hall makes him glance up. His lieutenant’s dulcet tones is easily recognizable even if it does take a few seconds for Kisuke to make out what she’s shouting about this time.
“-try ta bust in, I swear I’ll bankai your ass inta the next century!”
Her reiatsu is a simmering ball of irritation, and somewhere further behind her are two muted - one more than the other - but equally familiar reiatsu signatures.
Kisuke sighs. Well, at least they’re using the door.
Hiyori reaches his office, and he half-expects her to slam it open without so much as a knock. She doesn’t knock, but she also keeps her grip on the doorknob so that when she storms inside, the only sound comes from her sandals against the floorboards.
Kisuke arches an eyebrow. “Hiyori-san, what can I help you with today?” He pauses a beat. “Because I could have sworn I said I didn’t want to be disturbed this afternoon.”
Hiyori rolls her eyes before crossing her arms with a scowl. “You know perfectly well what. Shiba’s here with some paper-pusher. Says he needs you ta sign some stuff.” She snorts. “Who does that dumbass think he’s kidding?”
Indeed. If there’s one thing Kisuke regrets about coming back to this time, aside from the tripled workload of being a captain again, it’s that he seems to have garnered the Shiba Clan Head’s disfavour. It’s troublesome at best, if only because the lieutenant keeps swooping around and sticking his nose into business that has nothing to do with him every time he sees Ichigo with Kisuke as if his cousin is some damsel in distress who needs to be saved from Kisuke’s evil clutches.
Not that that’s enough to make Kisuke stay away from Ichigo of course. Kaien would have to make sure he’s well and truly dead and buried for that to happen, and as far as Kisuke knows, the lieutenant isn’t that suicidal yet.
On the other hand…
“Paper-pusher?” Kisuke repeats in mild tones.
Hiyori shrugs aggressively. “Probably a runner from the Ninth? Who cares, Shiba brought her.” Her eyes light up with gleeful violence. “Can I kick’em out?”
“No,” Kisuke says dryly and immediately gets a sullen glower for his efforts. Hiyori twitches like she wants to launch a kick at him, and Kisuke mentally applauds her self-restraint when she manages to reel back the urge.
Ichigo’s been good for her, and not just because he managed to walk her through achieving Bankai in only a few short months.
“Why not?” Hiyori hisses at him. “Ya know that dumbass is probably just here ta drag Ichigo back ta the Shiba compound for some family get-together he only threw together an hour ago cuz he gets the shakes or breaks out in hives or somethin’ every time he even thinks about the two of ya together. I should just boot’im out! Ichigo’s not gonna wanna go.”
Here they both turn to look at the couch tucked in one corner of Kisuke’s office where a certain Eighth Division Third Seat is buried under about three blankets and fast asleep. There are bags under his eyes, and even unconscious, his brow is furrowed and tense.
Kisuke hasn’t seen him this stressed in a while. Despite all the annoyances and necessary adjustments of being dropped in this time, the past has been good for Ichigo. But Aizen has tainted at least a third of the Twelfth Division, and arranging for accidents out in Rukongai that would fool even Aizen Sousuke is a chore and a half. As a captain, Kisuke can’t not be seen for more than a day or two, especially with spies in his own labs so he can’t even use the excuse of losing track of time over an experiment or invention to sneak out. Ichigo on the other hand is regularly sent on missions outside of Seireitei, sometimes leading patrols, other times going solo, and that gives him more opportunities to slip away. But that also means a lot of the dirty work falls to Ichigo now, on top of his Third Seat duties, and Kisuke hates it.
So when they have a day like today, when Ichigo managed to finish his paperwork early, and Kyouraku doesn’t need him for anything else, and nothing Aizen-related is particularly urgent, Kisuke is loath to let anyone bother him for anything short of the apocalypse.
“Well?” Hiyori snaps impatiently.
And yet…
“Let them in,” Kisuke decides as he sets his work aside.
Hiyori stares for a moment, then draws herself up and bristles. “What?!” She whisper-screams at him. “Have you seen Ichigo lately? I dunno what’s goin’ on over at the Eighth for them ta have so much work ta do, but clearly they’re workin’ him ta the bone. The last thing he needs is Shiba’s… everything!”
Kisuke almost smiles. Hiyori has become surprisingly… steadier with Ichigo around. Their friendship is an odd one. They still bicker about as much as they did in that other future-past, but Hiyori is a little calmer in Ichigo’s presence, and she certainly listens to him more than she does Kisuke. She’s also become ferociously protective of him since the first time she saw Ichigo stumbling into the Twelfth looking like death warmed over and spending the next six hours sitting at Kisuke’s side and staring at nothing. Kisuke got no work done that day. He was tempted to simply take Ichigo back to their apartment, but people might ask questions, so he simply holed them both up in his private quarters and curled himself around Ichigo until Ichigo came back to himself.
(Ichigo had just come home from a mission - solo, two and a half weeks long, District 70, West Rukongai. It was also the first time he took a little side-trip and quietly dispatched thirteen Shinigami - five of them not even a century old, with faces young enough to pass for middle-schoolers, and obviously naive enough for Aizen to bribe or brainwash - out of the group of fifteen Twelfth Division members who also happened to be on a mission two districts away, investigating rumours of particularly strong Hollows in the area. The thirteen were separated and later found messily slaughtered in various locations where Hollow reiatsu soaked the air.
Kisuke will never be able to top the events and circumstances he manipulated in order to turn Ichigo’s soul into the perfect weapon against Aizen. But teaching Ichigo the intricacies of what amounts to wetworks and then sending him out to do a job that should be Kisuke’s to handle comes pretty damn close.
Ichigo’s told him more than once that it’s not his fault, and Kisuke knows his lover well enough to hear the truth in it. Besides, Ichigo’s never been one to hold back from telling Kisuke exactly what he thinks.
But still this is another sin for him to bear, even if it is necessary, and it drips wet and red in a way that even his most horrifying missions from his Onmitsukidou days never will.)
Hiyori predictably flipped that day, pacing back and forth like an agitated tiger and taking her ire out on the training grounds, and at the five-hour mark, she almost ran off to tear Lisa a new one for “piling too much crap on their Third Seat, isn’t the Eighth supposed ta be the squad that took it easy?!”
Somehow, Kisuke managed to convince her to stay put. The last thing they needed was the Eighth to launch an investigation of some kind. Hiyori still glared at him like she was trying to set him on fire with her eyes, but she also spent the rest of the day - as soon as Ichigo came out of his daze - shoving food at him and kicking anyone who so much as looked like they wanted to ask why the Eighth Division Third Seat was in the Twelfth Division compound. Not many though. It helped that some of them had already seen Ichigo coming and going since he graduated.
“If they only want me to sign something, I’m sure they’ll be quick,” Kisuke says now.
Hiyori does not look impressed. “You-”
“And I won’t let Shiba-san wake Ichigo,” Kisuke continues before levelling a pointed look on his lieutenant. “Let them in, Hiyori-fukutaichou. The quicker you do, the faster they’ll leave.”
Hiyori’s jaw works for a long moment, her hands clenching into fists before finally relenting. She turns on her heel and stalks back out without so much as a salute to Kisuke.
She still doesn’t let the door bang shut behind her though.
It takes her two minutes to retrieve the compound’s two visitors, and Kisuke can hear her threatening them all the way back to his office.
“-break anything and I’m gonna put you and spineless over here in the Fourth for a month!”
Then the door swings open once more, Shiba Kaien steps in with a mousey-looking young woman holding a stack of files at his side and practically cowering from Hiyori’s rage. Hiyori shoots Kisuke one last venomous warning look before shutting the door and storming off.
Kisuke isn’t surprised when he feels her reiatsu retreat only to her office across the hall despite the fact that she should be training a group of Shinigami on one of the training grounds at this time.
He ignores it. She can’t hear anything and that’s enough. He gets to his feet as Kaien and his aide approaches with greetings of Urahara-taichou, but the moment Kaien catches sight of Ichigo on the couch off to the side, Kisuke cuts off his exclamation with a perfectly pleasant, “Shiba-fukutaichou, if you startle him awake, my lieutenant will not be the reason for your impending visit to the Fourth.”
The threat seems to stun Kaien, perhaps because Kisuke’s never bothered before. The Shiba Clan Head has already given him the overprotective shovel talk, inserted himself into every conversation Kisuke starts with Ichigo the few times they’ve agreed to eat dinner at the Shibas’, even tried to drag Kisuke off for “male-bonding time” with an arm around his shoulders that threatened to strangle Kisuke that one time he caught the two of them sharing a brief kiss in passing, and Kisuke has let it all slide without batting an eye.
(On the other hand, Ichigo almost gutted Kaien for that last one, and whatever Ichigo said to him later in private, it made enough of an impact that Kaien hasn’t laid a hand on Kisuke since, and he even gritted out an apology the day after.)
Whatever the reason, Kaien’s mouth shuts with a click, and that’s all Kisuke cares about. He smiles blandly at him, then at the woman hovering nervously a foot behind the lieutenant. “So then? What do you have for me to sign?” He pauses, raking a casual eye over the woman. “Your aide is vaguely familiar to me, Shiba-san, but I don’t recall you working with many assistants in the past. Did she get a haircut? New outfit? Perhaps she used to be blond?”
There’s a moment of silence, then the woman straightens from her impression of a wilting flower and roughly signs in butchered Onmitsukidou shorthand, :speak private. no ears?:
Kisuke eyes them for another few seconds before heaving a sigh. Kaien glances between them before jumping in, “Nah, she probably just has one of those faces. Anyway, here are the files. She had stuff for the Thirteenth to sign too, so I thought I’d accompany her here to get her in faster.”
Kisuke nods agreeably. “I see. We’d best get started then. That looks like quite a number of reports.”
He tips his head in the direction of the door that leads to his private quarters before circling around to where Ichigo is sleeping. He has a feeling he knows what this conversation is going to be about, and Ichigo won’t want to miss it. Besides, it isn’t just for Kisuke to decide what they’re going to say.
He kneels once he reaches the couch, ignoring the eyes on his back. He has never been ashamed of this relationship he’s built with Ichigo. It’s the one thing that was never even up for discussion after they came back in time - they wouldn’t hide this, wouldn’t hide them. They have to work together anyway so people were bound to find out they knew each other. Whether or not Aizen or Central 46 finds out they love each other doesn’t really matter in the greater scheme of things. Maybe it’s selfish, but it’s the one thing Kisuke won’t give up, and it’s always as much a surprise as it is a relief to know that Ichigo feels the same way.
(On occasion, when Kisuke lets himself, he thinks, even if the whole world burns again, so long as he still has Ichigo, he could keep going forever.)
“Ichigo,” He murmurs, reaching out to run gentle fingers through bright sunset hair. “I know you’re tired but I need some help with work. Could you wake up for me?”
Ichigo stirs almost immediately, leaning into Kisuke’s hand before he’s even fully awake, and that’s never something Kisuke will stop marveling at, the innate trust in such a simple gesture.
“Mm, Kisuke?” Ichigo mumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes even as he pushes himself up onto one elbow. “Somethin’ wrong?”
“No, nothing wrong, per se,” Kisuke replies lightly, helping Ichigo peel back the blankets as he sits up. “Unless you call the truly abhorrent amount of paperwork Shiba-san and his assistant just brought in wrong, which I would not argue against.”
Ichigo snuffles out a snort, and Kisuke tries not to frown at the way he presses a palm to his forehead, pain lurking in the crease of his brow. “Headache?”
Ichigo grunts and drops his hand. “Just a small one. I’ll be-”
He breaks off, then sighs, half-exasperated, half-relieved as Kisuke touches fingertips to temples and soothes away the building migraine with a soft flicker of his own reiatsu.
“Thanks,” Ichigo sighs, sounding more awake. Kisuke hums and rises to his feet to give Ichigo some room to get up as well.
A hand slides into his, their fingers tangling, and it’s habit, easy and familiar, hello and l love you and I’m with you - the way Ichigo presses a kiss to Kisuke’s knuckles before letting go and stretching the kinks out of his back.
Then the mask comes down, all scowling irritation once more, as Ichigo pushes to his feet and Kisuke steps to the side, and both of them turn as one to their two staring guests.
“Please,” Kisuke gestures to his quarters. “Through here. I do hope this won’t take the rest of the day.”
“We can speak freely in here,” Kisuke assures once the door is shut and the only two chairs in the room have been pulled up beside the bed. Ichigo perches at the end of the bed and Kisuke takes a seat beside him.
“But before that,” Ichigo interjects with his usual bluntness, eyes sharp on the brunette still holding the files. “For fuck’s sake, change back, Hirako-taichou. This is fucking weird, even for you.”
The woman pouts for a second before a Cheshire grin splits her face. Her form wavers before the illusion spell slides off, and the familiar figure of the Fifth Division captain is the one lounging back in the chair. He dumps the files on the ground now that there’s no more need for the pretense.
“You’re good,” Shinji nods at Ichigo. “Nobody gave me a second glance on my way here. Even Hiyori didn’t notice anything.”
Ichigo shrugs. “Whatever. Why are you here?” He looks at his cousin. “And you?”
Kaien grimaces. “Don’t look at me like that. I wasn’t actually coming to get you today.” For a second, his gaze flits from Ichigo to Kisuke, and he gives Kisuke the oddest look Kisuke’s ever received from him. At the very least, the passive hostility seems to be missing. Then the man looks back at Ichigo. “Hirako-taichou came to me for a favour.”
“You owe me a few favours at this point,” Shinji retorts, but he turns back to Kisuke quickly enough, looking uncharacteristically serious. “Alright, I’m not gonna waste time beatin’ ’round the bush.” To his credit, he does pause for a moment before glancing at Kaien. “Should Kaien leave the room?”
“Hey!” Kaien snaps back, and for once, he’s completely serious too. He looks slightly confused, but there’s also an alert sort of tension in his reiatsu as he looks at them all. “I’m not going anywhere. You went to the trouble of badgering me to smuggle you in here cuz everyone would just think I’m here to drag Ichigo out. You can’t include me halfway and then tell me to leave.”
“It ain’t even halfway yet,” Shinji mutters. He looks to Kisuke though, and when Kisuke - after sharing a glance with Ichigo - nods, he shrugs and barrels on. “Eight months ago, ya told me ta clean house, Urahara. Ya told me you were cleanin’ house too.”
Kisuke cocks his head. “So I did.”
Shinji shakes his head, looking irritated. “I was only ever watchin’ Aizen, and Ichimaru once he joined up.” Kaien suddenly straightens but Kisuke doesn’t take his eyes off Shinji. “I didn’ look at anyone else ’til ya mentioned it. And then I started noticing a few of ’em leavin’ for missions I didn’ sanction. Granted, lieutenants are allowed ta look over missions and assign them without notifying me so long as I sign off on ’em before the final mission report reaches the Ninth, so Aizen’s not actually doin’ anythin’ illegal. But he assigns a lot of missions. Missions that might or might not come from up top, if ya get my drift. So,” Shinji taps a finger against the hilt of his Zanpakutou. “If my dear lieutenant’s been mockin’ up missions ta put in front of me, what the hell is he sendin’ my people out ta Rukongai for?”
Kisuke considers him for a long moment. “You mean you don’t know that yet?”
“And here’s the thing, Urahara,” Shinji continues abruptly almost before Kisuke finishes. “Ya told me you were cleaning house. And there’s been talk. Interesting talk that I’ve followed up on, and ya know what the records say? In the past seven months, thirteen percent of your squad has died, Urahara. Thirteen percent. All killed on different missions out in Rukongai. The higher-ups are gettin’ chatty. They can’t decide if ya just don’t care or you’re plain incompetent.”
Kisuke blinks. Then winces when Ichigo elbows him.
“You didn’t tell me that,” Ichigo says sharply. “The old man’s been giving you shit? Or Central 46?”
Kisuke waves a dismissive hand. “It’s nothing I can’t handle, Ichigo. I’ve never been the best captain. I’ve made mistakes before, sending out Shinigami too weak for the mission assigned to them. They don’t suspect anything.”
Ichigo only frowns harder. “…You could lose your captaincy though.”
Kisuke smiles, a twist of a thing that feels too bitter by far. “Oh you don’t have to worry about that either. I’ve invented far too many things for the Gotei for them to even consider demoting me. And who would take my place anyway? Head of a squad centered around research and development, and not something the government would want disbanded now that it exists. Kurotsuchi-san? He doesn’t have Bankai yet, he would never get the votes, and he would never win a trial by combat against me. They won’t demote me for anything short of irrefutable treason. They can’t.”
Ichigo watches him for a moment longer before knocking their hands together. “If you’re sure.”
Kisuke smiles fondly at him. “I am.”
“That’s cute,” Shinji says flatly. He even sounds like he means it, but at the same time could not care less right now. “Now what the hell is goin’ on? Cuz I’ve noticed a handful of Shinigami from other squads have also been gettin’ offed on missions. Are ya doin’ that too? And why’re ya-” He stops, and a muscle jumps in his jaw. “Are ya tellin’ me Aizen’s infiltrated all the squads? Is that it?”
“Wait wait wait, back up,” Kaien cuts in, ignoring Shinji’s blistering glare at being interrupted. “Aizen is- I know something isn’t right about the guy but why is he even doing… anything? What’s his goal?” He looks between Ichigo and Kisuke again. “And why are you two of all people doing something about it? I know you said you bumped into each other and that’s how you met but seriously I am not that fucking stupid. What is going on?”
Shinji’s gaze swings back around to bore holes in them both, clearly demanding answers.
Kisuke sighs and tugs absently on the brim of his hat before glancing at Ichigo once more. Ichigo stares back, then shrugs. “You did say Shinji would come to us first.”
Shinji’s eyes narrow at the familiar use of his first name, the syllables rolling off Ichigo’s tongue far more easily than Hirako-taichou ever had, but he stays silent, listening, always listening.
“And Kaien’s an idiot-” Ichigo continues, and Kaien makes a frustrated noise that Ichigo ignores. “-but he’s not, you know, Goat-Face levels of idiot. Neither of them’s gonna run off to the government about it. Might as well.”
And you can always modify their memories if they try running to anybody else about it, Ichigo doesn’t say because it’s exactly what Kisuke will do if it comes to that, and he figured out how to make a Kikanshinki work on a Shinigami a long time ago.
“Best get comfortable,” Kisuke advises, shifting back to lean against the wall next to his bed even as he lets the long sleeves of his haori flutter down to hide his hands. A binding spell quivers between his fingers, and beside him, Ichigo’s reiatsu whispers over his senses, so faint that even Kisuke only feels it because he’s so familiar with it.
He looks at Shinji, then Kaien, then, “What do you know of the Soul King?”
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Everything That Upset the Internet This Week
What is the web-o-sphere angry about this week? A soul singer’s take on Michael Jackson, Disney’s first openly gay character, a comedian’s portrait of Aretha Franklin and a very scary YouTube ad. Here’s everything you need to know.
Sam Smith is caught saying he doesn’t like Michael Jackson
THE STORY: English singer-songwriter Sam Smith, of “Stay With Me” fame, joined fellow singer-songwriter, Adam Lambert, on a boat cruise in California. In a video uploading to Instagram by Lambert, Smith is heard saying: “I don’t like Michael Jackson, but this is a good song.” To which, someone off-camera can be heard responding: “Wow.”
Adam Lambert accidentally posts a video of Sam Smith saying:
‘I don’t like Michael Jackson, but this is a good song’ pic.twitter.com/Rhw1lnA5O0
— Music News Facts (@musicnewsfact) August 10, 2018
I heard Sam Smith getting drawn out for saying he didn't like Michael Jackson. How can you not like someone who is the reason you have a career?
— Prince Elijah (@candyelijahh) August 13, 2018
@Samsmithworld Don’t come for MICHAEL JACKSON when you wish you have sold as many records and you wish you were the King of Pop like he was. I’m so tired of you people studying our music, and studying our artist and claiming that you don’t like our music. Go sit your 1 HIT WONDER ass down and learn how to finish a tour. When you can sell as many records as the king of Pop, Michael Jackson then maybe you can say something. So I say to you Mr. Smith have several seats and come for me if you want to.
A post shared by Stephanie Mills (@iamstephaniemills) on Aug 12, 2018 at 10:52am PDT
Sam Smith is over. What self respecting musician says they don’t like Michael Jackson? Honey..
— bratty daddy (@Guido_Conz) August 10, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Sure, it’s surprising that a soul/pop/R&B artist isn’t a fan of the biggest soul/pop/R&B artist of all time. (Especially since, you know, accusatory similarities have been drawn between Sam Smith’s James Bond movie theme song “Writing’s On The Wall” and Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song.”) But did this single sentence, off-the-record backhanded compliment warrant a very personal take down from Jackson’s ex-wife? No, not at all. Personal opinions on art are allowed, right? It’s not like he called him untalented, he just said he didn’t like him.
Jim Carrey shares a portrait of Aretha Franklin
THE STORY: Funny guy-turned-painter Jim Carrey shared his latest work of art with the internet: a portrait commemorating the late Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul.
who is this white woman jim https://t.co/8fqMcqeonu
— jourdain searles (@jourdayen) August 16, 2018
Is this not Kathy Bates?
— Ash's Aunt Hillary (@Iced_Mango) August 16, 2018
Art is also up for critique and my critique is: Aretha Franklin was a black woman, a blackity-black woman so drawing her this pale is disrespectful, especially when the materials to NOT do this is available. Drawing Black women who arent light ad light skinned is problematic, man pic.twitter.com/3mSkn4SVfw
— Tater🐮Todd (@PieFlavored) August 16, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Art is up for interpretation and critique, and here’s mine: I’m pretty sure this image shows Franklin singing under a beaming spotlight, right where she belongs. But also, yes it does look like a portrait of Paula Deen.
Jack Whitehall has been cast as Disney’s first openly gay character
THE STORY: Disney announced this week that British comedian Jack Whitehall, a straight man, will star alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise. A source told The Sun that Whitehall’s character would be “hugely effete, very camp and very funny” and confirmed: “He is playing a gay man.”
Disgraceful that Jack Whitehall has been cast as Disney first openly gay character!! Where’s our hashtag? #Queertoo ! Obviously Hollywood has run out of gay actors! 🖕🏻🏳️‍🌈
— Jaymi Hensley (@JaymiUJWorld) August 14, 2018
Straight people playing gay camp characters is offensive. Period. @jackwhitehall pic.twitter.com/6UNnLuktVg
— ric 🏳️‍🌈 (@ricardo_jpl) August 13, 2018
Wow, @Disney couldn’t find ANY gay actors in Hollywood to play the first openly gay character in their new film?!?!
Don’t get me wrong, @JackWhitehall is a cutie, BUT HE’S STRAIGHT!
This is a huge problem in Hollywood, let gay actors play gay roles!
— Brandon Hilton (@BRANDONHILTON) August 13, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Representation is incredibly important, and is something we all need to be paying close attention to. But I would be a hypocrite for justifying this Internet outrage when Brokeback Mountain, Moonlight and Call Me By Your Name — which all feature straight actors playing gay characters — are among my favourite films. The problem (I think) isn’t that Jack Whitehall is playing a queer man, the problem is that the character is being described as an old-fashioned, super camp comedic stereotype. But that’s just what we know via a “source” in The Sun, so let’s hold out a little longer before we really rage. In other words:
Everybody’s going off on one about Jack Whitehall being cast in this gay Disney fiasco but can we all at least agree on one thing. Thank the blessed lord it wasn’t James fucking Corden.
— Mrs Phil Perry MBE (@MrsPhilPerry) August 14, 2018
An ad for the horror movie The Nun is popping up on people’s YouTube
THE STORY: A six-second pre-video advertisement for The Nun, the second spin-off to emerge from The Conjuring after Annabel: The Creation, sees a volume icon decreasing before the titular nun bursts from the darkness, scaring the living hell out of unsuspecting YouTube viewers.
“When a young nun at a cloistered abbey in Romania takes her own life, a priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate. Together they uncover the order’s unholy secret”, the synopsis teases. “Risking not only their lives but their faith and their very souls, they confront a malevolent force in the form of the same demonic nun that first terrorized audiences in The Conjuring 2, as the abbey becomes a horrific battleground between the living and the damned.”
— emy moore (@emy_mooree) August 11, 2018
I really hate when YouTube puts a trailer for a scary movie before a video….like I’m just trying to watch funny American Idol auditions, I don’t wanna know about The Nun 😩😩😩
— Lindee Link (@lindeelink) August 13, 2018
WARNING! If you see an ad on youtube with the volume sign 🔊🔉🔇 being turned down and nothing else, ITS A JUMPSCARE for the new NUN movie coming out. i advise you look away and/or turn down the volume if you have anxiety or just straight up hate jumpscares, pls rt to save a life
— apple 🍎 (@bbydvas) August 12, 2018
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE:  If this happened to me, I would log out of my YouTube account indefinitely. Thankfully, YouTube has since removed the trailer for The Nun, deciding that it is “too scary” for viewers and that it violated the site’s “shocking and violent content” policy. “We value diversity and respect for others, and we strive to avoid offending or shocking users with ads, websites, or apps that are inappropriate for our ad network”, YouTube confirmed in a statement.
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Project Churchill 3
Hey guys here’s chapter 3.  I’m planing on releasing chapters every Friday and posting videos every other Friday to address your comments or questions.  I Hope you guys like it.    
Chapter 3
"Seriously?" I asked him.  “What the hell made you think you could just break into my house?” He tilted his head toward the light, feigning a look of innocence. “Well,” he pressed his hands together, “I figured I could save you some time.”   I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.  “James,” I say “You aren’t paying me anywhere near the amount you should be for me to be risking my life like I am; let alone having the nerve to break into my house when you please.” “We can discuss payment, as I think I have everything I need.” He paused, “Can I see the pictures you took this morning?” “Yeah just let me hook my camera up to my laptop.” I walked over to the desk and signed into my laptop, and pulled the camera out of my bag.  I could feel James come stand behind me as I inserted the cord into the USB port.  I opened the file of  pictures as James leans down to look at the screen over my shoulder; letting him look through all of them while he decided what which ones he wanted to keep. “You know Minna, you’re really good at what you do.  Did you ever consider photography?”   “No, solving crimes is practically engraved into my DNA.” I retorted dryly. “Even the petty ones?” I nodded, “Especially those.” We continued to flip through until he told me which ones to print.  As he walked over to the printer he asked, “Now, about your final payment…” “You know the rules James.”  I turned in my office chair to face him.  “I charge $500 upfront and the rest I’m paid by the hour and expenses, and honestly, I think today was pretty high on expenses.” “How much are we talking about?” “I think you would consider a thirty percent increase from the total wouldn’t be unreasonable.” I watched as his right eyebrow cocked up.  “Thirty?” “Life is a hard expense James,” I said coldly “It’s irreplaceable and today I almost lost mine just so you could get your blackmail material.” “True enough.  How about twenty percent that’s more than fair.” “Twenty-five.” “Twenty-three.” “Twenty-seven.  And I won’t settle for less.  You don’t get to wake me up at three o’clock in the morning, have me risk my life, and break into my house all in one day for twenty percent.” “Fine consider it done.” I watched as he effortlessly walked toward my desk and sat on the opposite side.  I reached down to one of the draws and pulled out his hanging folder and placed it on the desk.  I went through it and find the payment agreement he signed and my recites for all my expenses, along with the normal pay stub.  I quickly factored in the twenty-seven percent increase and pushed the documents toward him.   “Here are the documents we agreed on and the total cost of everything, including the twenty-seven percent bonus.”  I circled all the import information as he pulls out his checkbook.   “Make it out to Lina Anderson.” He looks up at me questioning, “I don’t like to have any connection to my clients after a job.” I explain. He nodded and went back to writing. He finishes looking down. “That’s a lot of zeros.” “And it’s worth every dime.”   I said as I took the check from his outstretched hand.   I looked through the folder and pull out the NDA I have all my clients sign at the end of a job.  “You can either sign this now or have your lawyer look over it and send it to me latter.  Its just a basic NDA saying that you won’t expose anything confidential about my business and the business we shared during the job.” “Isn’t that being a little paranoid?” “I like to be safe rather than sorry.” He sighed as he scrawls his name and initials onto the document.  Pushing it toward me he stood,  hand poised to shake mine; I took it firmly. “It’s been a pleasure Ms. Churchill.” “Same to you Mr. Easton, for the most part.” I walked him to the door and watch as he walks down the street and turns the corner leading him out of my life.  I closed the door and lean on it, letting the lack of adrenaline come over me.  I dragged myself up the stairs and flopped on my bed.  Another case closed, another nap calling my name.
I woke up to a cacophony of distinct but distorted sounds.  I could hear my phone ringing next to my ear, someone banging on the door, and someone possibly Maurice, the neighborhood junkie, wailing outside.  God,  why can’t people just leave me alone today.  I stretched my arm out to grab my phone and saw that the time read 12:30 and that Chloe was calling me.  Hell that’s the longest I’ve slept in a long time. I answered, clearing my throat, trying to get the sense of sleepiness out of my voice. “Hello?” I gruffed. Chloe responded with her normal bubbly, “Hey Mimi!” I rolled my eyes at the childhood nickname. “What’s up?” I asked as I walked down the steps to get the door. “Are we still on for today?”  Her question made me pause on the steps. “On for what?” “It’s Friday silly.  Remember we’re supposed to do lunch, the mall, a sleepover, the works!” “Oh yeah,” I say as I continued down the steps, crossing across the room to the door. “You won’t believe what happened to me on the last job.”  I started to open the door not bothering to look through the peep hole; knowing that it’s probably Maurice coming to ask me to point him in the direction of his house....again.  I opened the door to find Glinda Easton in all her glory, and her trusty sidekick John as Chloe excitedly exclaims, “Oooh spill!” As I try to close the door John pushes his hand against it, forcing it to stay open. “Um Chlo, Imma have to call you back.”
My heart was racing as I sat in my office chair across from Glinda and John was standing guard at the door.  I tried to get my breathing under control.  I raised my head to speak. “How did you find me?” My voice came out more breathy than I wanted it too.   Glinda crossed her right leg over the left.  She looked elegant in her ivory colored tailored pant suit.  Her posture was perfect as she straightened her jacket. “Well dear,” she cooed “you don’t necessarily drive a popular car.  And of course John got your license plate.  After that it was only a matter of tracking you through the DMV.” I briefly turned to look at John, wondering if I could out run him to the backdoor of the house.  The sound of Glinda’s voice caused me to turn back around. “Don’t think about escape.  John’s brother Rob is at the backdoor.” Damn.  If one thing is for sure, Glinda Easton knew how to do security. “What do you want?” I asked impatiently.  Seriously I’m getting tired of everyone interrupting my day.   I watched as Glinda tilted her face into the light.  I noticed that her face looks unnaturally smooth for a woman of her age, she’s definitely had some work done; and a lot of it by the looks of her face. “Minna you and I are both smart capable women; let’s not waste time by running about the bush. “Fine,” I retorted “I’ll bite.  You’re mad that I caught you and your lover boy in the parking garage.” Glinda smiled.  “I knew you were a smart girl.” “But what do you want?” “Isn’t it obvious?” she paused “I want you to give me the reaming photos you have and delete the digital copies.” “I can’t.” “Excuse me?” She looked surprised. “I gave the print copies to your husband and I can’t give you the digital copies.” “Can’t or won’t?” “Both.  I’ve signed an NDA with your husband explaining that I won’t share any of the photos with anyone other than him.  So even if I wanted to give them to you I can’t.” “But I’m his wife. Surely there’s something that can be done to-” “From my understanding  Glinda, your marriage with James is over and you’re the only one refusing to sign the divorce papers.  Why because you’re prenup will leave you in the middle class with the rest of us instead of the polished throne you’re used to?” I watched Glinda’s mouth as she tried to form words.  Her lips moved but no sound comes out.  From the looks of it she didn’t think I know how to do my job thoroughly.   “Did you really James wouldn’t disclose the full details of your relationships?” “No.” Glinda cried, her voice returning to her.  “But I-” "James provided me with everything, before taking this case."I reach down into one of the draws to get the Easton file.  I heard John rush forward trying to stop me.  I turn my chair towards him. “Relax Hercules.” I ordered. “I’m just getting a file to show Her Majesty.” I pulled the file out the draw, and pushed it toward her.   “The top is a summary of the prenup between you and James.” I looked at Glinda as she read. “I have a question for you Glinda.  Why ruin a perfectly good marriage for a boy that’s young enough to be your son?”   She looked up through her lashes. “James and I have always had different tastes especially in old age.  I needed something new.” “And you thought that Liam would be enough to spice things up?” I thought about her motives for this whole affair while she looks at the invisible hole between her feet.  This woman ruined her marriage for a man, who honestly still qualifies as a boy just to spice up her marriage?  That didn’t make sense.  I thought about the possibilities.  Maybe she wanted revenge for something James did, maybe she was looking for an excuse to end her marriage, and maybe and most likely, she has some type of fetish for younger men.  A sudden thought strikes me and I realize that I don’t care either way.  I want her out of my house and for everyone else to leave me alone today.   “Glinda,” I said; pulling her out of her imagination, “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” “Not until I get what I came for.” This whole day has been a pain in the ass.  I’ve had terrible nightmares,  had to work before day break, have been shot at, and had my house broken into.  I’m really not in the mood for this.  I stood up, towering over Glinda, hoping to play out the difference of the power levels between us correctly. “Glinda, I don’t have the energy for this.  I need you and your sidekicks to get out of my house and leave me alone. Now.” “Fine.” I watched her as she picked up her purse and strode over to John.  Turning over her shoulder she said, “This isn’t over Churchill.” “Actually, Glinda I think it is.  You are one of the forefront minds in psychology correct?”  She paused at the door, clutching her purse to her chest.   “What does that have to do with-” “Glinda, I may not be on good terms with Baltimore City Police right now, but they do owe me a couple of favors.” “What are you-” “I’m sure they would love to see the bank records, videos, and pictures of you and your patients.  Especially the pictures.” She moved her lips, looking like a gaping fish while trying to form the right words. “I take it that you won’t be coming around here again, and James won’t have any trouble finalizing the divorce papers?” She nodded and turned to John.  He opened the door for her and followed behind her; leaving my door still open.  I walk over and close it and tried to pull myself together before Chloe came to pick me up.  
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