#so it's nice to go back to the good stuff <3c
bunnypeew · 7 months
can you write husk x fem!reader smut where she's giving husk head under the bar table and he has to keep himself calm because he still has to serve people drinks?
under table service - Husk x fem!reader NSFW
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warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls and thank you, giving head, cumming inside mouth
oooh i like that idea, yes i van definitely write that, it’s probs gonna be short tho i’m not sure :3c ANYWAY TO WRITING I GO
there was a party in the lobby for one new guest, Y/n and Husk were behind the bar counter serving drinks all-together, but for her it was getting quite boring, she was one for excitement and mischievous acts, so she decided to do something drastic.
she pretend that she drop something and kneeled down on the floor, going now for Husk pants to unzip them, he twitches realising what she’s doing and looks down at her with a confused look
“what are you doing??,,
she didn’t reply and just unzipped the pants, his cock getting out of the space she made. She started jerking it to get him hard this gets a reaction out of him of course slamming his forearm on the counter and growling lowly. He was finally hard so she made the decision to start sucking him off and that she did, bobbing her head back and forth taking all his length with ease, now jerking with her tongue while her hands were around his legs. Husk had to keep his composure, since he was still serving drinks to the party members and couldn’t let himself get caught like this, in the meantime Angel Dust reached for the bar to get another drink and noticed Husk was more rigid then usual
“you good there toots? you kinda look, tense,,
Husk growls lowly again and looks at angel dust with a strained smile on his face
he says giving him his drink, with that Angel just shrugs and leaves, in the meantime Y/n picked up her pace, her tongue sliding across his cock, sucking on its head until he reaches his climax, he grabs her hair and pushes her down on his cock more, shoving it down her throat finally finishing in her mouth. She tries not to choke and also to keep all his semen in her mouth, he lets her go letting her get off him and show him her mouth before swallowing, she smirks at him.
“god I hate you, get back up here please,,
A/n: god i love writing stuff like this, it’s really nice and you guys have amazing ideas too so gj ehehe :3c thank you for reading!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 9 months
A stupid rant about Bittersweet I think about sometimes.
When I really think about Seth and Al's past I sympathize with them. Like lowkey they remind me of me and my friend. She is my rock and I'm her's. We've been through so much shit that I can't imagine her leaving my life when she impacted it so much.
I think that's why boo really wanted to connect them again. Because whether we like it or not Seth is Alphonsus soulmate. That's how I think about it. He's literally his twin flame. His other half. I think that's why Al told us straight up he dose love Seth because how do you stop loving someone you've loved for your whole life basically?
But I like how Boo wanted to connect them bc they saw how much they meant to eachother even from that one fucked interaction at like ep 3 I think.
It's interesting om the way Boo did it tho. Like you went all in by going to Seth yourself after seeing your boyfriend argue with him. But I feel like Boo just knows how to adapt to a situation and knows how to read someone like a book. Bc I think Seth saw very quickly that Boo made Alphonse a better person. So he obviously didn't want to ruin that for him.
Also basically cornering Alphonse would have probably be the only way for him to shut up and listen to what Seth wanted to say. I've felt that rage before at someone and ik how hard it is to be quiet and listen to them. Also hard to belive the person actually changed themselves bc of the shitty things they did.
But I like how Boo wanted both sides of the story. It's better hearing both sides since when you learned about Seth's past you can guess why he wanted Al to stay so bad. I'm happy Seth became a big part of bittersweet and I'm happy him, Al and Boo are friends you can say.
I think Seth just needed someone to be his rock for a while as he figures out wtf he wants to do since he thought the one person who made him feel wanted pushed him to a life of crime. Also the stuff with his mom but let's talk about that later.
It was nice seeing Seth change over the episodes and also Alphonse. That Boo embraced his other side, bc that's what a relationship is loving all the sides of your partner while helping them improve if they need too. I also like how Seth reeled Al back in when he went to wild fighting the guys in the gang that were with Charlie. He knew Al would feel like shit if he slipped any further, but I felt so sad when Al said what if that's all I'm good for?
Anyways that's all the ranting I have in me I'm on my period so I'm emotional :3c
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mintytealfox · 3 months
ever thought about a secret world of arrietty nortalice au? :3c
H E H you BET I HAVE heheeheheheehehehehhhehehehehehh
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I keep seeing them as younger during this au like teens. So Norton is still deep into the mining life and not really seeing any way out yet and not desperate to get out but not happy either. The tears staining his precious coin he never gives up, just living alone in a dark mostly empty room he was given. the bed is just blankets on the floor, there is a table where old letters left behind between his dad and Benny that he can now read cause of his limited required schooling, along with sewing tools to mend his belongings, and any books and journals he can get his hands on. Occasionally he has a loaf of bread on the table but normally its just stuff he gathered in the woods on his way back from the caves.
Alice comes into the area alone cause she ran from the situation she was in before. So coming here, things are easier to grab and run and significantly more places to hide with holes in buildings and debris that needs to be pick up but hasn't yet and plenty of collected goods and useable things. She can even make use of things that are no longer useable to humans that have been discarded.
So I see Alice opening her little borrower shop and home near where Norton happens to live cause no one is around all day, its only at night that the person (norton) is home and its only to sleep for a few hours. So prime real estate for Alice lol But at her shop she mostly sells secrets as well as directions to safe and prime areas to live, she even barters with food stuffs and other needful things. So she has a nice thing going for herself
But I am sure one night she notices that the person that lives near her is crying for longer than usual and she can't help herself but go and check it out for herself. Staying as hidden as she can but getting closer than she ever should to get a better look at what is going on, only for her to see this guy bruised up, bloody nose, and a black eye forming. So one of the times the bullying went way too far orz
one thing leads to another and Alice can't help herself and brings healing herbs and lotions and piles it all as much as she can to make sure its enough for this poor guy while he sleeps. Knowing she only has a short window of time to do this, she takes as many trips as she can to get as much there for him and then get out of dodge all before he wakes.
So this is how they first meet cause naturally he is gonna wake up PFF and see her doing this, he will know that this is all healing stuff so he will know pretty quickly that whatever this chick is, she is at least kind.
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velvetwyrme · 7 months
So Flipping Fate is my favorite Underfell Papyrus fic but what is your favorite UF! Papyrus fic?
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AH 🥺❣️❣️ First off, thank you so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying Flipping Fate! :D!!!
Secondly, there's no need to apologize- my fav/s are definitely in the list you mentioned, but I'm more than happy to answer again here :]!! My favorite UF!Papyrus fic has GOTTA BE Thunderstruck. Absoluuuutely killer characterisation and development, delicious interactions and writing... I love it dearly 💖
Other notable fics (probably also in the list lololol) include; A Smile from the East and Roadside Attraction. ASftE made me fall in love with UF!Pap back in the old days of fandom, and Roadside Attraction made me adore him once again when I returned.
And since you asked so nicely, here are some more (sfw) UF!Pap/Reader recs that. also may or may not be in the list idk I didn't actually go back and check lol
Becoming Edge is a fic all about finding yourself and your identity through fashion and was instrumental in me doing the same. Really sweet!!! Pastel goth Edge... my beloved.
And speaking of pastel goth- My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) is a enemies-to-friends-to-lovers fic with the added elements of Soulmates ✨! Love me some tempestuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans' soulmate in the bg, so if you're not a fan, that's something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn't quite my thing, but tbh I'm really interested in seeing how things turn out for them here!)
Between a Rope and a Wrench, or; this skeleton is buying a lot of really weird, suspicious stuff but you will help him get it because it's your job and later because you're his friend. (Also, you choose his friendship over the possibility that you may become an accomplice in murder.)
Sound of Blooming... MAFIAFELL 💥💥!!!! It's been a bit since I read it but it's in ny bookmarks so... :3c!
A Home for Mending Souls is actually a UF!Bros/Reader, but it still counts. It's really good!! Healing from trauma! Soft moments! Slowly opening up to one another!
Till it Brews Over is a coffee shop AU where you purposefully misspell the name of your asshole regular, who just happens to be one edgy skeleton.
Also for additional fics that star UF!Pap that I enjoy/have enjoyed:
While I was looking for one of these fics it led me to realise that I STILL haven't read Fight Me! (by MsMk- not be confused with Fight Me! by Little_old_lady, which uses the same premise and is also really good, but it features FS!Sans instead of UF!Pap) Anyway, this is truly a travesty because they're a fantastic writer and I can only assume it got lost in my various open tabs >>"!! [Addition while drafting: I LOVE IT he's so sulky... I'm staring warily at the chapter count though. So much time for things to Go Wrong]
I actually really like UF!Pap in Bitty Hunt- his characterization is very much... reminiscent of that era of fic, but all the scenes with him in it are ones that have been seared into my brain !!
Another new-ish fic that I'm enjoying UF!Pap in is Honey Lemon Tea, which the summary succinctly describes it as "Papyrus finds his Grillby's... in the form of a very plain coffee shop.", and which I will less-succinctly describe it as "Anti-harem with a delightfully mysterious barista, with the obligatory awful gf"
Edit: I cannot figure out why for the life of me but the formatting looks REALLY weird on my end, but in the editor it's fine?? So if it looks weird/out of order to you please excuse this post, it seems to be some Tumblr Fuckery
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catgirlbussy · 1 year
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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willowfoot · 8 days
update on where I'm at right now :D
I'm living in my own apartment now and tbh I am so so happy about it. It's a lil studio apartment that is completely my own space, the first time I've ever experienced such a thing before, and I've been having so much fun over the past few weeks customizing it to fit my needs and preferences :') Also, I have learned that you can get A Lot of random but super useful household stuff from Dollarama like racks and hooks lol. Command strips have become my best friend gkldsjflgjk
School is going well and I'm learning a lot! I'm getting to know my classmates and I hung out with one of them all day yesterday, which was a lot of fun and we had a great time <3
Related to the above, but it is SO nice living in the city. Yeah it's loud but there's also literally so much to do?? I can just walk down the street and watch a live show or something. I can pop into an anime merch shop or independent bookstore five steps away from my apartment. I can watch pigeons in front of my building. There is literally Nothing to do back in the suburbs where I grew up but now there is Everything to do on a single street near where I live and it's amazing lol
I got a new mechanical keyboard yesterday and I am having so much fun typing on it lol. It is matcha-themed!
I broke my toe a few weeks ago which made moving in and starting school a bit physically painful lol but I am now solidly on the mend :3c
I joined a secret santa art/fic exchange over on twitter (my first time ever doing something like this!!) and I am so happily excited about my fic assignment :D
idk man I'm just really happy. It hasn't all been sunshine and rainbows and depression etc. still smacks me around at times, but it's never permanent and the sun always rises again in the morning :) I have a little sticker magneted up to my whiteboard that's of a rabbit saying "shit it's good to be alive" (from False Knees!) and I keep it up there for whenever I need the reminder.
Thanks to anyone who reads this and I hope you're all doing well ❤️
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
What important relationships changed or developed throughout Dawntrail?
:3c mostly snooping on their vacation but tbh there were other characters in Dawntrail who weren't Kitali and husbands so I GUESS if you want to talk about them hehehe
Well, the vacation has mostly just been the three of them (two once Estinien dips to head north) being Regular Guys. Most of their relationship mending happened during the 6.x patches when Estinien finally brought himself to return to Ishgard and to Borel manor specifically.
I think the most significant development there is Aymeric getting to see a new side of his wife that he only has so far heard about from her recounting. For the past several [UNITS OF TIME] he's been actually living the adventurer life with her and it's new and exciting and dangerous and refreshing for him. He hasn't seen this much sun in his entire life! This is great! He only got heat stroke twice!
As for non-husband NPCs, I think the biggest change would be between Kitali and Erenville. As the straight man of the group she would be gravitating towards him bc he tends to hang back and not get Involved(tm) in the proceedings as much as the twins and Krile are. She appreciates that he doesn't seem to be very impressed with her status as world hero and he is surprised at just how shrewd and pragmatic she can be when the situation calls for it. Congrats, Erenville, you have also fallen for the facade! The boat ride would have taken some time and I like to think they would have exchanged stories about adventuring and gleaning. They take you weird places and you get to see some cool stuff!
I was genuinely so excited when he offered (offered!! Initiated!!!) to travel with Kitali and Aymeric to Xak Tural. They were originally planning to go with Estinien, and the the kidnapping happened and so they decided to stay with the group as backup while Estinien went ahead. So they were glad to have a guide and someone who was. Well. An adultier adult sorry Krile to spend time with and to show them around.
Kitali was very concerned for him the entire Yyasulani/Heritage Found/Living Memory arc. She has her own baggage with family and mothers and neglect and the way that Iyaate spoke about his mother really did not do Cahciua any favours. Also the whole deadnaming thing absolutely did Not fly with her. She would have gotten in people's faces about it.
I'm still trying to sort out if she is a good person to try and offer him support in Living Memory. She has the fact that she won't offer platitudes like the rest of the group does going for her, but I don't think "hey your mom sounds like she kinda sucked, going off and leaving you like that" is exactly what Erenville needs to hear. On the other hand, Kitali also has "I lost a parent too early" to also offer so. Idk. She's very concerned for him especially when he goes off on his own for the third terminal shut down and then has his big blowout confrontation. He is in the soup. I hope she can be normal about all this.
In less tense developments, she is weaning the twins off of her support bit by bit by letting them handle the rites by themselves. Especially the Hanuhanu chain (which I am glad I did first) since that was where I felt the most redundant. Urqopacha left room to be a little more worldwise and lead by example. But Alisaie and Alphinaud have really come into their own since Endwalker so it's been nice letting them be confident in their own abilities as the story progresses and she is so so so so SOOO proud of them.
And you know what, even I was surprised at how chill Kitali was with G'raha being around. I wouldn't call their "relationship" important, they are Coworkers At Best, but they were actually really just mellow with each other the whole time. That entire canal town arc was probably meant to be for the shippers, and I can totally see how it could be construed as such, but I didn't feel any overt ~romance~ tones to it. It was two coworkers doing normal(?) Scion(?) business. So I think, while I am still holding out for a possible Y'shtola redemption arc, Kitali and G'raha have finally reached an understanding with each other.
Thanks so much for the ask @elizabethrobertajones this got very rambly.
22 Dawntrail Asks
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starleska · 2 months
Huzzah! Art Fight nears its end, I think. I have survived! As have you!…I hope. I’m pretty sure you survived. <3 I know a lot happened there, but we both did ArtFight stuff! You did stuff! I did stuff! You fought hard! Idk if you’re doing any better or worse than before, and idk if you feel bad about any kind of inactivity, but there’s no need to! You’re alive and that’s what matters! If you want or need to take time away a little longer, you can take as much as you need! I’m sure we all love you and will be here when you’re ready <3
Also, since the “war” is over, or ending, we can go back to drawing whatever we want of whatever quality forever again without any pressure or self-imposed pressure to draw something else goodly! Woe! Art be upon ye!
(…I couldn’t remember where I saw your full lil persona before so I’ve been referencing your tumblr pfp and ArtFight pfp and going by memory sorry-)
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…love toaster quality art…Ig that proves my point! Though sending this to myself on discord and screenshotting it may not be a good idea…post art fight delirium my beloved. uh let me just-
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SCREAMING!!!! okay okay i have been mulling over how to reply to this for days because i was so just. delighted and overwhelmed with this little blorbo-processing universe you've invented for us!!!! F/O Inc...oh man, what a delightful place to work!!! that really is what it feels like logging into Tumblr Dot Com to yell about some new idiot 😂💖💖💖
but now i'm thinking...what exactly are our jobs? do we do fieldwork? certainly you and i are collectors of f/os, hunting down potential obscure characters for people to get obsessed with...what's the corporate hierarchy here? are our clients other selfshippers, or are they the f/os themselves? i'm cracking up at the idea of it being like one of those matchmaking dating services crossed with a crime drama...Ace Attorney style, people bringing in their woes and desperately hunting for an f/o who'll match them perfectly...!!! 😂😂😂 Client, visibly sweating: "Gosh, I-I never usually do this sort of thing, but...it's been so lonely on my dash recently, and I...I was wondering if you had any new, um...Tumblr Sexymen...to recommend?" You, chain-smoking cigarettes with three hanging out of your mouth: "Sweetheart, you've come to the right place. Take a look at these puppies." You yank a thick file from your drawer and slap it down, open, on the desk. "Now, keep an open mind, toots...but you ever hear about this Once-ler fella?" all of the DETAILS in this art are killing me 🙈🙈🙈 your countless cups of coffee, as if you've been trying to cope with the new freaks i've brought into the office 😭💖💖 the little Employee of the Month photo too, oh my gosh!!! i'm honoured :3c and oh my god the TINY Piers, Ramón and Maxime...!!!!!! FUCK the second i get a new laptop and can draw again i need to add to this universe, thank you for coming up with something so brilliant 🥺💖💖💖 accepting new hires for F/O Inc. today! 😉 and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU FOR GETTING TO THE END OF ARTFIGHT FRIEND!!!! 😭💖💖💖 so sorry that July decided to kick me in the metaphorical nuts and i wasn't able to attack you back, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for the wonderful art you made me which i treasure so much 🙈💖💖💖 shortly i'll be compiling all the lovely art i received into a little chart, and i can't wait to show off your work!!! i owe you big time 😉 thank you as well for such a lovely pep talk and all the niceness you've thrown my way 🫂 of course i do feel a bit guilty about needing to take a step back and being so open about the burnout, but it's been a busy month for all of us, haven't it? i think August is going to be really nice and fun :3c anyway this is kickass and i'm so glad to be your colleague at F/O Inc. bahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
"You look pretty while you sleep. Prettier than you look when you're glaring at me. Yep, exactly like that." Steve/Tony
I was mean already so this time I will be nice :3c
Steve leaned his cheek on his hand as he watched Tony begin to blink awake, bleary-eyed and disoriented. "Hey, sleepyhead."
"Steve?" Tony asked, snuffling. He tried to lift his right hand to his head, but didn't expect the weight of a cast, so it just flopped a few inches to the side. He lifted his left hand instead, wiping at his mouth. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Steve considered telling him that he'd taken a hard hit, but he didn't look like he was able to register much of anything. So, instead, he leaned closer, putting his weight on his crossed arms, and said, "You look pretty while you sleep."
Tony's lips immediately spread into a wide smile. "Yeah?"
"Yeah! Way prettier than you look when you're glaring at me," Steve answered.
Tony scowled. "Yeah?"
"Yep," Steve said, biting back a grin. "Exactly like that."
"You're being mean to me," Tony decided. He blinked slowly, rolling his tongue around his mouth as if he'd never realized he could before, then sort of popped his lips in a 'p' sound. "Do I deserve it?"
Steve felt the smile slide off his face. He reached out to take Tony's uninjured hand. "I'm just teasing. You never deserve anyone being mean to you, Tony."
"I see," Tony said, and then rolled, using the momentum to swing his arm up so he could roll over onto his side properly.
The cast clubbed Steve upside the head, too surprised by the quick movement to prepare himself for it. "OW FUCK." He clutched the side of his face, trying to blink through the pain.
"I'm sorry," Tony said, earnest, enough that his face began to crumple in dismay. He began to pull back again.
Steve reached out for his shoulder to pull him back in. "No, no, sweetheart, it's okay. I'm okay. Look, not even a mark."
"My arm hurts," Tony whispered, ducking his head.
Steve slid his hands down to cradle his arm instead. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I can get you something for the pain, okay?"
"--Your face is hurting me too," Tony added, and offered him a ghost of a smile.
It took a moment for Steve to understand what he meant, and then he couldn't help the astonished scoff that escaped him. "Wow? You are being very mean to me when I'm the one who's going to be taking care of you."
Tony covered his mouth with his left hand to stifle a giggle. "I'm sorry for punching you."
Steve would have personally preferred a punch to the cast to his face, but he wouldn't say so, not when Tony was still vulnerable. "You're being naughty," he said instead, standing so he could carefully ease Tony back into the center of the bed.
"You like when I'm naughty," Tony purred, or tried to. He mostly came off as loopy. He seemed to hear it as well, because any attempt to seduce him was dropped so he could giggle again.
"You're incorrigible," Steve sighed, shaking his head in amusement. "Go back to sleep. You obviously still have the good stuff in your system."
"My arm hurts," Tony declared, but he didn't look too worried about it. "But I think just because I broke it on your face."
"Okay," Steve answered.
"I think I'll sleep," Tony added, then slanted Steve another scowl. "Because I want to. Not because you told me to."
Steve leaned down to press a quick kiss to his pouting lips before he sat back and agreed, "Of course. You never do what I tell you to."
"Except when you ask me very nicely," Tony tried to purr again.
Steve bit back another laugh. "You're not sexy right now, Tony. You're about to fall asleep."
"I'm sexy in my sleep. You said so," Tony scoffed, and then sort of melted back into his pillow. "Goodbye."
"Don't fucking say goodbye," Steve choked out, covering his mouth with his hand to smother a laugh, but Tony was already halfway asleep, so he doubted he heard him.
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I was tagged by the ever lovely and amazing @burythecarnival (y'all should go check her out, she's awesome) to post myself and something that's made me happy recently.
Gonna get my tags outta the way: @marshmallow314 @plaid-n-converse @mauvv-is-dead @gothneighbor @kittyofinsanity @sensitivelystoned @roman-noodlezz @toto-the-cactus @littleandromedario seen most of your faces in ages and those i have are worth seeing again ;3 oh and uh @prayers-for-rain because we give each other tons of notifications but i dont know you :V and in the spirit of that, @babybastard who is the majority of my activity page most days. Goid on ya bud.
Got a little cutie guy tryin to be cute under the cut for ya along with pics of my shoulder cuz it's a v good shoulder, but under the cut so is not obnoxious. But hey! Have some pics of me at work.
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❤❤❤❤Look at that lil guy ❤❤❤❤
(Those are prescription safety glasses cuz im blind, leave me alone)
There's been some nice stuff that made me happy recently. @marshmallow314 especially but I'm gonna tag them so I can't really post em, Yknow? So instead you get to look at Julian and his sister Patches. I love them and they love me and theyre awful little gremlins and the most purrrfect cats I've ever had. :3c
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Im a 10 because I'm worth it. But the mental illness and general awkwardness pulls me back to a respectable 6 :V
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smthleon · 2 months
your kuros are literally so smart by the way.
Im gonna assume youre talking about how I see Hilbert and Cheren HAHAH but yeah no, I like the idea of Hilbert remaining short and stubby while Cherens this oversized bean pole.. Hilberts gonna grab that poor man like a beanpole... His man wife guys...
Anyways, A more updated idea of how I see them(older. Btw,) I imagine Cheren stays suuuper skinny and tall. I am on team Cherens wasian(american and Korean):3c. I imagine that due to his job as a college professor and an elite four member, he doesn't really get much him time. By all means that boy is more stressed out than his students are about tests. I also have to give the biggest shout out to the Cheren community for the idea of him having long hair. Long haired Cheren 2 me is like an angel w wings... He is very beautiful to me. But anyways. In terms of dressing, I like to imagine that bw&bw2 took place mid 80s. so he dresses suuuper old school. He's wearing vests n shit. Maybe suspenders. Who knows. But I like to imagine that due 2 all his stress he doesn't each much :—(, hes got too much going on in that big foreheaded head of his guys... But he's okay^_^!! Hes been getting better! But he still remains the most unhygenic and messy neat freak ever. he drives himself crazy. He hates messes but his desk is a mess... But in the short run, in my eyes. older Cheren is nottt laid back. His ass worries about everything.
Now for Hilbert, I will forever see him as this short tempered guy who's like 5'6. He stopped growing at 12 so now he's forever tiny. Biancas a few inches taller than him but aside from that. He did NOT get the height from his parents. And this guy is definitely a redneck. I imagine his parents are divorced, but his dads clay, if that holds any logic. Idk, they seem related 2 me... Anyways, in terms of body types, I feel like hes a little pudgy and fatty, definitely a foodie. I don't think he really shaves much, I imagine his side burns are a lot more trimmed than Cherens how ever. But despite his temper. He's very laid back to Cheren. I also imagine he's a sorta druggie. Idk, I think he's a mellow pot head. Cheren probably hates the smell. But onto how I see Hilberts work! I imagine after he found N, he went to sinnoh for a bit for a degree in Pokemon research, so now he'll travel around and take pictures/get information on different Pokemon, meaning sometimes he's not really home. Which is good for Cheren! Because he only has to make dinner for one(and speaking of cooking. Hilbert cannot cook.) And in sense of fashion? I'd say Hilberts definitely Western grunge. He probably patches up his own clothes n stuff. Despite Cheren being an e4 member, they kinda have money problems. Idk. Im being realistic... OH and Hilbert has scars EVERYWHERE. Homeboy is NOT safe. His ass even popped a top surgery stitch! Cheren beats him w the broom tho. Its okay^_^
In terms of relationships. I'd say Cherens more affectionate in body language and doing small favors while Hilberts definitely affectionate in words/touch and gift giving. This man would definitely bring Cheren home a legendary. If he asked. Hes very hard headed. But I feel like they're very affectionate w each other, they definitely butt heads. 100%. I do not believe they are always agreeing. Cheren would definitely go "man I hate that stupid brute. Im gonna kiss him on the lips." Which is exactly what happened. And in terms of marriage, Hilbert proposed, they had a nice little wedding, the cake was dropped but they improvised w something else. Idk.
Anyways yeah no, this is definitely the longest post ever on kuroshipping. Im normal about them. Anyways, here r my hcs & thoughts!!!
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the-ipre · 2 months
Okay in your magical girls AU for DBD, are you thinking of having an Edwin gunging and if so what would be the driving force? Would Charles and Edwin gunge at different times or together? And would Charles's be related to the time loop plot/something similar?
(Basically, just spill 👀)
hello :3c so ! i think that edwin actually does not get gunged, because his whole thing is White Knuckled Self Control. despair and anger and shame all creep up on him and tempt him, but he refuses to give in because the one thing that he has control of is Himself. also, an interesting thing is that in original sore must be the storm canon, a thing the gunge does is say 'fuck the social construct' because why should you be nice? why should you be kind? we dont owe each other SHIT you should be angry and hurt people because it feels good to let go! and edwin has Such a tight grip on manners and rules that i think the social contract stuff would be harder to break for him
and for charles !! oh buddy boy charles !! the devlin house happens with hope devlin getting gunged and catching the school in a loop, and as our heroes are trying to handle it charles gets Stuck in it. it is bad, brings up memories of home, and he feels Useless as the others have to save the day and save him. this is the start of things compounding as he has a worse and worse time, the gunge creeps in, he refuses to open up about it because hes gotta be better than that, hes gotta keep a cheery face on and be a rock the others can rely on, hes gotta throw himself into the fray to take the hits so the others dont have to, he has to be Better than he is and he cant be because people keep getting hurt
the gunge whispers in his brain, dont you want those bullies to get what they deserve? dont you want to make them hurt? and charles hates himself for it, but he does
his gunging is a sort of mirror maze where folks have cruelties that they have enacted done back onto them. that shitty comment? that kid you tripped in the hall? the beating you gave someone for being different? it is all reflected back onto you, justice and punishment and getting whats coming to you. our heroes come into the maze from different spots so they dont initially realize that charles isnt among them, and while crystal starts to get suspicious that he might be at the center of this maze edwin refuses to consider it, they just need to find him and then everything will be alright
the reason crystal got expelled from her old school and the type of person she used to be all comes out and niko and edwin see just how cruel she could be, nikos gunging makes a reapparance through the mirrors, the sharp and cutting magic that edwin has learned to wield in battle is reflected back upon him, and all three of them are emotionally and physically wrecked by the time they make it to the center of the maze
charles is there, bloody, and they hope that he just made his way through the maze and they can all team up to figure out who has been gunged, but there is a blank look in his eyes as he takes another hit, one that crystal took a few fights ago. he is not being hurt by the hurt that he has caused, but rather the hurt that has been done to others that he was unable to stop. all the blows that he wasnt quick enough to intercept in fights, the times his mother was hurt when she tried to protect him, all the injuries that he wasnt able to protect the people he loves from getting.
big rough emotional climax!! charles tries to get them to leave, he'll be better, he has to keep them safe, and then as he takes in their injuries, who hurt them? it breaks him when he realizes that this it his fault, that once again his friends got hurt because of him, and things get Rough (altho not sure on details)
the others refuse to leave and there is catharsis, they care about him because he is their friend and he cant destroy himself to try and be worthy of that, big emotional resolution !!!!! and charles gets degunged but is still in a Rough spot for a while after lasdkjf guilt complex king-
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goldenlandfiascos · 3 months
Thank you so much for your evanatsu fics you're seriously my savior 🙏 I just started reading the visual novel recently and episode 1 I got some interesting vibes from them so I wanted to see if anyone shipped them and I'm totally in luck. I love these questionable middle aged women. (Also idk how interested you are in ship songs but I feel like Just This Once by Metric suits them really well, at least fanon interpretation of their relationship) I haven't gone through much else because of spoilers and I'm only on EP 3 but I'm going through it all quickly 🫡 Thank You!!!!!!
this is such a nice ask to get, thank you 🙏🥺 I've been here for a good 10 years now? 😭 And i've definitely contributed a lot to the ship <3 Sadly, i've kind of slowed down in recent years because of a lot of different reasons, but i still love them and always come back to them dhvbdfkj I'm a lot more active on twitter (@/gfiascos) if you're interested and ever want to check me out there for much more stuff on them, but it is a very spoilerific account, so def don't go looking until you finish! I hope you've been enjoying the VN, and continue to do so, it's a very good story. ep3 is a wild one, if you haven't finished it yet :3c
I always have so many thoughts on these two, both as a ship and as individual characters, they're very well written and will always forever be my faves at this point, i don't think i could leave now even if i wanted to 😭
as for the song, i'll have to remember to listen to it later some time when i'm in a music mood again, thank you for the recommendation ❤️
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echonidae · 2 years
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a buncha headshot portraits! three out of five portraits, i'm finishing up the last two c: the sketches here are from way back in august/september, and i fiddled with them for some weeks on end trying to make Something out of them, then proceeded to frustratedly shelf the lot of them away. so it's nice to see at least these three all finished up now :') and they were really nice to work on too ;v;
but ohoho okay, this is a lot of announcements in one single post, so bear with me a moment :3c here's a tl;dr first: 1) headshot portraits as a new commission option maybe? :0ccc 2) commissions are opening again on monday, jan. 23rd! 3) separate commission info webpage for reading convenience (particularly for folks on mobile) 4) commission rules changes: payment in full & upfront, rather than half-and-half 5) two-slots-per-person rule will be no more and folks are free to send as many orders as they want, but any ones after the second will go into the queue instead 6) also a small change with unoccupied queue slots
the rest is under the readmore :')
so, i've been thinking about adding this sort of portrait as a commission option!! fairly simple compositions but fully rendered (because i darn love painting so much; cellshading is nice and all, but coloring it all in one layer is just... heart-eyes), on the big 2600px to 3800px canvases as well c: and i'm thinking of pricing commissions like these at 28 USD (feels like a good price but i'm accepting feedback on that — the point was to add something that's just straight up fully-rendered, but for the lower end of the pricetable, and the limitations of a headshot portrait feel fitting enough on both sides ;v; )
also portraits like these are fairly quick to draw, so the turnaround time would be fairly short! add to it that 1) these are fun, 2) i could use focusing on just the face and expressions rather than elaborate poses and all, 3) portraiture lighting my beloved, and 4) these are painted, and don't take forever to figure out or paint. :D but yeah, let me know what you think of the headshot portrait option!! would you folks be interested in something like this? :0c
and now hold on a moment, i have more things to say!! xD
commissions are reopening monday, jan. 23rd, at the usual 5pm BRT (UTC -3:00)!
6 active slots (previously known as regular slots; can't believe it's taken me years to figure out a better way of calling these orz), as well as another 24 slots on queue. these will remain open until further notice; money's tight right now, hence the lack of closing date :')
there should be plenty of slots either way tho, so no rush at all! but i apologize for the super short notice orz
also, i went and got all the commission info on a separate webpage on wix instead. here you go!
should be easier to access and read through stuff, particularly on mobile — or at least i sincerely hope it is, please leave me feedback if you can!!! let me know if you encounter Problems, i've looked and combed through every bit of these four (4) pages but i might have missed stuff still, pretty please let me know if you run into any Issues! ;-;
but yeah, the website has all the rules and info and all the different options as well, with extra examples and all. on monday, you'll also be able place orders directly through there, i made a little form and all c': technically the form is already there but pls don't send requests yet, i can't reserve slots ahead of time!
also also, and these are the last things i've got to say, i promise (and thank you if you've read this far!),
a couple commission rules are changing!
1) from this new batch onwards, i'll be charging commissions in full & upfront instead of the half-half system i'd been doing up until this point. the exception is if an order exceeds $80 USD; for those ones we'll return to the half-before-sketch + half-once-finished situation instead!
but how's that? :0c i hope this is alright, but please let me know if this would make commissions just... unaffordable ;o; i do really like the half-half system, and i'd rather keep it, but it's either this or raising prices, and i don't think i can do that yet :T either way, please let me know your thoughts on the matter!!
2) the only-two-slots-per-person rule will no longer be in effect, so go ham with multiple orders if you wish on monday — the caveat is that i'll still be working only on two orders at a time per person, so if you order three things, the third one will be placed at the end of the queue c:
looking back i could've... done this from the beginning. orz it should be more convenient to send multiple orders if you have 'em!
and finally, 3) if the queue list hits its closing date with slots still available, folks who have already ordered and would like to get in the queue again can go on and grab those empty queue slots if they want, instead of being limited to two slots per person per batch, and then having to wait for an entire new batch.
i opened this exception for the last round of commissions (thank you once again to the folks who wanted repeats ;-; ) so i thought i should just make it into a proper thing instead, since it does make sense to do it anyway — the queue list is purposefully filled with a ton of slots, then left open for weeks on end to make sure everyone interested can get their orders in, so letting folks claim those remaining slots after the deadline sounds fine ;v;
that being said, there won't be a deadline for this monday's batch, so this bit technically doesn't change anything xD but i thought i should mention the New Thing #6!
and that's it! that's all!
while i'm pretty set on most of these (specially the full-upfront-payment bit — again, money's tight orz), i'm still definitely open to feedback, and to change things if something doesn't work for you folks!! please do share your thoughts on it, or send a note if you'd rather!! and let me know if you have any questions too ;v; 
i apologize for the super short notice again (and for cramming all of this into a single post) orz i'll be sorting things out until 5pm on monday, and getting these last commissions posted as well c:
thank you again for reading all of this orz and please don't feel obligated to reply to all the points if you have thoughts on only a specific one, i'd rather hear a little feedback than none at all ;o;
all in all, hope at least these portraits look nice, they were fun to work on :') Oliver, Owen and Steffan (previously known as the Swordsman/the Warlock — yup he's got a name now!); i'll get the other two of Matthew and Coriander done and posted!
thanks again folks, have a nice friday! ;w;
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eff-plays · 5 months
random ask: what is your go-to daily drink? your special occasion drink? detail delightful, recipe spectacular.
∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I love you drinks [you're pretty cool though]
Honestly I'm not much of a drinker. Or rather I'm not a fancy drinks person. I don't tend to make drinks if I can avoid it. I'm also not someone with a refined palate or the budget to have special occasion drinks.
But my daily drink is coffee and tea, because I'm basic, both with milk, coffee with a spoon of sugar. I also enjoy (lactose-free) cold milk. Used to enjoy regular milk as a kid, before the Curse took me. I have been cutting back on sodas and similar stuff, partly because they're unhealthy and partly because I'm at the stage of adulthood where sugary drinks just taste bad lol.
My special occasion drinks used to be [unnamed but popular cheap coffee producer] and currently Redbull. Which is bad for you, and frankly caffeine makes me sleepy, so why do I drink that crap? Well, it tastes good, esp on a rly hot day. Idk what the taste reminds me of but it's something super familiar from my childhood. So it's like a forbidden treat. Slight TMI but caffeine helps my digestion a lot as well so there's that I guess.
I'm also a SPARKLING WATER enjoyer >:3c Though it has to be mineral water and have a fun fruity flavor. That's probably the healthiest daily drink I have. My current one is a Swedish brand with raspberry and pomegranate flavor. It's like soda that doesn't kill you!
Then there's an involuntary-special-occasion drink which I drink whenever I'm sick with a cold or flu, which is hot milk with honey and butter. It doesn't do anything but taste nice and warm your little heart. (Though it helps with a sore throat.)
I also enjoy chamomile tea. Generally most teas I'm fine with. Green tea with lemon and honey? Woah dude.
I also make hot chocolate/cocoa (idk the difference), though I spice it up with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice scream when I make it. (I melt the ice cream in the microwave, so the drink is thick and creamy but still hot.) I have never and will never use water for that shit so it's always milk. It's a huge treat drink cuz it's fatty and sugary and I only drink it like ... once a week maybe? But it's one of those I grab when I finish some big assignment or task and just wanna sit back and watch a Youtube video.
I had another Ghibli-esque drink I used to make with cinnamon and honey, but I cannot remember the recipe unforch and it was ages ago I last made it :(
Thanks for the fun ask, you're pretty cool too! Sorry for the long yet fruitless reply lmao.
Also, I'm happy to answer more questions that are non-gaming related, but it might be a good idea to send future ones to my personal/writing blog, @time-to-write-and-suffer, mainly because I doubt this blog's Hardcore Gamer Audience are very curious about my hydration habits lol 💖
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gideongrovel · 1 year
I love when others acknowledge my F/Os being my guys, or just hearing others talk about them just makes me 🥰🥰🥰 no tw,,, im just adding a readmore cuz i don't know how long imma ramble lmao,,
so my brother's been visiting for a couple weeks, and normally we (me, my brother, and sister) watch or rewatch a bunch of shit while he's here,,,, so last night we were doing that but my sister wanted to go to bed after a couple movies, but me and my brother wanted to stay up and still watch something still,,,, so we wanted to pick something our sister wouldn't care if we watched without her,,,, so we decided on C.astlevania,,,,, my brother didn't wanna watch any eps from the third season, i said "we have to watch episodes from the fourth season because V.arney is in it" im pretty sure he just thinks I like V.arney as a character he doesn't know how i ship with him tho I'm not good at hiding my affections, so he probably knows it's more then platonic love of a character *rip*,,,, but my sister who does know that I ship with V.arney or at least know vaguely that i do, from down the hall overheard my suggestion, and was like "I heard he stinks, you can't watch that" (she wasn't being mean she was doing a bit, since we will roast characters eachother like for sillies,,, tho he canonically does smell bad lol)
when i was pulling up the episodes my brother started laughing cause he realized the timestamps are all at random points of each of the episodes,,, and he was like "You have them all stopped in the middle of the episodes, on the V.arneys scenes don't you?" and I just laughed and agreed cause he was spot on 😂 I told him "earlier I mentioned how I had "''episodes recorded"'' I really just meant the V.arney scenes" idk what he was thinking when I said that cause he just laughed and was like "Oh my gosh" 💀 Anyways,,, when V.arney first shows up I'm like "There he is! my boy!" and the next scene when they show him my brother immediately was like "There's your boy" 🥰 and then later on when G.ermain (one of my brothers faves in the show) is going through it, I made a joke saying "Your boys looking rough" he just responds saying "It's your boys fault" 😂 calling V.arney just "my boy" feels very much so like an understatement,,,, since he is in fact my husband, not just "my boy" that sounds more casual,,,,Idc if my brother knows I ship with V.arney,,,, but at the same time idk if I would feel comfortable if he knew I see V.arney as a husband,,,, 😅
But being able to gush throughout the episodes at his scenes, and pointing out details about him has me feeling all 🥰💞💞💖💞💞💞 I don't get to gush about V.arney enough to other people,,, since not all of you know his source, so id feel bad just info dumping, and fandomwise there's hardly any post for him to reblog,,, so I can't do it much as I want to,,,, so it's nice to be able to do for a change with to someone who actually know him,,,, and it's always fun to see others acknowledge my affections for a f/o UwU 💕 Still doing our rewatch so I will mention if anything else noteworthy is said (or if i just wanna post about for myself so I don't forget, like mostly how this post is meant to be)
Been so focused on my wife lately,,, so haven't been watching the husbands stuff as much or not as focused when i do,,,,, and coming back after a while,,, gots me in a shippy mood,,,,, I need to draw more ship art of us 👁️👁️ other then the 2year anniversary art the majority of my stuff is from before most of y'all followed me,,,, 😭 i need to finish up an trade I'm working on,,,, after that I can work on something for myself hehe >:3c
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