#so ive still got 3 to go get from my car when i wake up
erwinsvow · 5 months
please do bsf rafe flirting with reader while he’s drunk and she’s trying to put him to bed but he just cuddles her and tells her how much he has feelings for her
this with kook trio readerrr omg <3 in my head, rafe's version of admitting feelings is being aggressively posessive. when they finally start dating shes like why didnt you say something sooner? and hes like wym ive been claiming you since the start
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you were so used to rafe taking care of you—bringing you home to tannyhill with him, making sure you took a tylenol before you fell asleep on his bed, a clean frat shirt of his waiting for you in the bathroom.
he was such a good friend to you. when times like this came along, you tried your best to repay the favor.
you think rafe's got it easier, though. he alway manhandles you into position, can carry you up the stairs when you're stumbling and force the pill and water down your throat when you're resisting. you're usually too drunk to remember rafe's hand on your jaw, opening your mouth for you and trying to coax you into taking it, telling you repeatedly you'll be grateful he did it in the morning.
"you are such a dick," you mutter, staring at the bottle of tylenol in your hand and the empty cup of water on the nightstand. he's just spilled the water all over his floor in a drunken stupor, and you suddenly hate that he ever made you feel bad about how much he has to take care of you when you're the drunk one.
rafe is ten times worse than you could ever be.
"thinkin 'bout my dick, are'ya?" he slurs back at you, and then laughs at his own joke. he's laying flat on his bed now, still in the same clothes he wore to the party, shoes and watch still on. getting him into the house and up the stairs was hard enough, even with top and kelce's help, but they'd jumped ship the second you got rafe into bed.
"all yours now, princess," kelce said, grabbing the keys to his car.
"yeah, good luck. i've never seen him so drunk," top adds.
"you're both just leaving me with him?" you cry out, but the hallway is empty when you finally get your wrist out of rafe's grip. rafe had mumbled something from his position, but you hadn't heard it.
twenty minutes later, you still hadn't gotten rafe to drink any water or change his clothes. all his energy seemed to be focused on getting you to curl up next to him.
"c'mon! just get into bed, m'fuckin tired-" he grumbles again, latching onto your arm while you try to at least get his shoes off.
"you can't sleep with your sneakers on, rafe-"
"who cares? i like my sneakers-"
"that's great, but your sheets-"
"but not as much as i like you. hah. that's fuckin' cheesy." you turn to look at your drunken best friend, his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes are closed while talking to you. you laugh, unable to hold it back.
"thanks, rafe. i like you too. enough to get your shoes off because you will so regret this tomorrow morning."
"don't regret anything." his eyes open, staring at you while you stare at his shoes. "shit. you're pretty."
you don't even address his comment—he's drunk beyond belief and you know you're pretty. after you untie his laces for him, he kicks off his shoes. you sigh a breath of relief.
"okay, rafe, do you want to sleep in these clothes or should i find pajamas?"
"how 'bout we sleep naked? there's an idea."
"stop being a perv. otherwise i'm gonna go cuddle with kelce instead." you laugh to yourself—the whole thing is a joke. you and rafe don't cuddle, at least not on purpose. you go to bed facing him but somehow always wake up with your limbs tangled and your hair in his face.
"sure. if you want me to kill kelce."
"oh my god, dramatic much?" you turn back to rafe to see if he's laughing, but he's not, looking right at you and sitting up.
"m'not kidding. don't joke about that. you're fuckin' mine, don't forget it."
he lays back down. you pause, eyebrows knitting while you think about the sentence rafe just said. he's drunk, so he must be joking. right?
"c'mon wanna sleep. get into bed." he grumbles again, and you comply, still a little shellshocked. you turn off the lamp and get into bed, and you don't even feel surprised when rafe pulls you in. you rest your head against his chest, and you don't stop thinking about what he said until you fall asleep.
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ecstasyhighway · 5 months
You & I | e. williams
chapter ii
CW: abby cheats on reader 😓 uhhhh there is no smut in this its really just a look into their lives kinda. Drinking and literally one mention of ellie being high. reader has her own friends who ive just given random ahh names and the owner of the music store ellie works at is mentioned. ermmm i think thats it if i missed anything pls lmk.
a/n: please understand that i am not a professional writer.. shit might be wrong (grammer, punctuation ect) its not really proofread but its been put through grammarly so yehah enjoysies i guess
wc: 2.3k ish
prologue. ch 1.
You wake up to the sun shining into your room, your phone going off relentlessly, “Man what the- who is texting me” You pick up your phone,
*45 missed messages from Abby*
‘baby cmon’
‘It was a mistake, I'm sorry’
‘y/n you are doin way too much rn just pick up baby please’
You roll your eyes at her pleads. She cheated on you with one of your best friends and she just expects you to forgive her? Hell no! She betrayed your trust. You put your phone on Do Not Disturb and began to get ready to shower.
‘Where the fuck is my speaker..’ you think to yourself as you look through your apartment, making a mess of clothes on the floor. You stop and think back to the last time you used it.. Last night! you go to your kitchen and sure enough there it is, right on the counter. You grab it and go to your bathroom, put on a playlist, and get in the shower.
Ellie couldn’t sleep, she was just too embarrassed, she still could not believe she was touching herself out in public. She thought she was cringe as fuck for that.. Whatever she has to get ready for work. She does a quick sniff test ‘Good enough’ she gets into her car and heads to the shop.
She gets to the store and notices that one of the lights on the sign has gone out. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and sends a text to Mrs. Alden,
‘Good morning Mrs. Alden, I just got to the shop and noticed that one of the lights that are on the sign has gone out. Would you like me to call someone?’
‘Good Morning Ellie. Yes, you can call someone. I will be stopping by at around 4 pm. I need to pick up something and I need to pay the bills. I will see you later Ellie.’
*Ellie liked a message*
Ellie heads inside and gets the store ready to be opened, she calls a repair company to schedule an appointment to get the light fixed. She goes to the back to do a quick restock.
“Ellie! I'm here, do you need anything?” Jesse yells from the other room, Ellie flinches at the sound of his voice and walks to where he was
“Fuck, Jesse you scared me, I dunno maybe? Not right now I don’t think. The electrician is coming to fix a light on the sign at like 12, but I might not be here so will you be able to let him in and show him which light it is? Oh also Mrs. Alden is coming around 4 so be respectful she's old and she will fire you if you are just the slightest bit disrespectful”
Jesse gives her a nod indicating that he understands,
Ellie goes to her little music room to rest as the store doesn't open until 10 and it's only 8 right now. She is nervous. As much as she loves Mrs. Alden, she scares the shit out of Ellie, she's quite old and mean, and she never comes to the shop…like ever.
Whitney Alden Is the owner of ‘Musemoon’, she started the shop in 1999 and it's been her baby ever since, she met Ellie when she was 10 and took her in, she helped Ellie understand music better and form a connection with it. Ellie is terrified of Mrs. Alden, why? Don't ask, she just is.
So Alden coming to the shop is very stressful for Ellie as she is the manager and is next in line to own the store when Whitney dies. Everything has to be perfect, no album out of place, no dust on the record players. Oh, and Ellie’s music room needs to be spick and span. So before Ellie takes a little nap she sets two alarms, one for 9:50 and another for 3:00.
The sound of the alarm jolts Ellie out of her sleep. She looks at the time, it’s 9:55, enough time for her to open up the store and do some inventory.
“Jessie, I'm gonna open up shop and do some inventory before it gets too busy in here alright”
The repair man had come to fix the light about 8 hours ago and Mrs. Alden left an hour ago. It’s currently 8 and Ellie is getting ready to leave, but Jessie stops her
“Hey, Ellie, Dina and I were going to go to this bar downtown with a couple of friends, you wanna come?”
“uhhh yeah, who all is gonna be there?”
“Me, Dina, Tara, Cat, Syd-”
“I’m sorry, Cat?” Ellie looked at him like he was stupid “Cat as in my ex? the girl who literally made me lose my shit for like half a year?”
“Yeah, but I thought ya’ll ended on good terms?”
“Jessie Jesus fuck of course we didn’t end on good terms I literally had to stop working for a while? She made me go insane, To her we ended on good terms but to me, she fucked me up.”
“sooooo that's a no to going to the bar?”
“no fuck you im going, I need a drink. Alden stressed the fuck out of me” She rolls her eyes playfully and gives him a lighthearted punch in the arm.
You get a call from Abby, she has been blowing your phone up all day. Why can’t she catch a hint, you’re pissed at her. You don’t want to talk to her. Ignoring the phone isn’t going to stop her. You need to talk to her. Face to face. ‘fuck’ you thought to yourself, you know if you pull up to her house and try to argue with her about this, all that's gonna happen is her hands in your pants fingering away the anger. No, you decided to stand your ground, you’re going to go to her house and talk to her like the adults you are. This will not end in hate fucking, you promise to yourself.
You get in your car and drive to her house, your phone still going off constantly. Once you get to her house your eyes fixate on a car. A car you’ve seen, shit a car you’ve rode in. What. The. Fuck. You walk to her front porch and bang on the door
“ABBY” you continue knocking but still no answer.
The door swings open and you see Abby, she has a black muscle shirt on and some black and red basketball shorts. You can’t lie, she looks so fine.. But no you’re mad at her.
“Baby, baby..calm down we can talk abo-”
you cut her off mid-sentence and push past her and walk into her home. “Now why the fuck” you laugh a little in disbelief “Why the fuck is Lexi’s car in your driveway?”
“it's not what you think baby I promise”
you’re looking at her intensely, she’s bullshitting you right now,
You begin to head to Abby’s room, hoping to god that it was really just a misunderstanding. But your stomach drops when she tries her hardest to stop you from going in there. You burst into her room and there you see it. Lexi Smith. Here in the flesh. Literally. She’s naked and in Abby’s bed.
“Are you fucking kidding me..?” Tears begin to swell in your eyes and your voice trembles. “are both of you being so serious right now? Lexi what? Abby, I'm used to you doing stupid shit like this. But Lexi? Really? fuck both of yall”
Lexi sits there, silent with nothing to say. You look at Abby, her arms are crossed and her head is down. You walk up to her. “Look at me,” you say sternly
She opens her eyes and looks into yours. Her eyes are looking into yours so gently, she thinks she's gonna get away with this. Not this time. You’re done. You can’t take this shit anymore.
You look in her eyes. Anger filled your senses, and before you could even process it, you slapped her, hard enough to leave a mark. “Don’t call my phone ever again. I'm done, Abby. I'm done with you” You storm off to your car, tears still in your eyes, you get into your car and just sit there. You finally let go of the anger and sadness that had just built up in your body. You try your hardest not to cry too much but it's already too late. You drive home still crying. You open the door to your apartment and dial Jillian’s number.
‘sweetheart? what's wrong?’
“Can you comeover please”
‘of course my love’
You hang up the phone and lie on your couch feeling numb. Why, though? This isn’t the first time Abby’s cheated… Maybe it's because it's your best friend that she cheated on you with. You sob even harder thinking about it.
about 5 minutes pass when you hear your door unlock and open
“y/n? sweetie? It's Jill” She walks over to you confused
“what’s wrong?”
you sniff, “Abby.. a-nd Lexi” You hiccup slightly between words “they…she..” You can’t even get your words out without getting the urge to cry. But Jillian understood what you said. She just hugs you and you both sit there for a moment so you can calm yourself.
“how about we try to take your mind off them for now, let's go out! a bar, my treat, Marshall and Jean can come yeah?”
you nod at her offer. Marshall, Jean, and Jillian. The ones who have been there since day one. The ones that have never betrayed you.
Jillian tells you to go get dressed and that Jean and Marshall will be there in about an hour.
Going out feels like a chore to you, you really don’t want to leave but, Jillian always knows what's best for you so you oblige. Throwing on a beige sweater dress and some heels, you and her were ready to hit the town.
Once you both arrive at the bar, you spot Marshall and Jean, ready with open arms to talk about how they never really fucked with Lexi and how they all knew she was fake. Even though they were the ones who told you to become friends with her during your freshman year of college, but whatever you know they’re just saying what you want to hear, trying to lighten the mood.
You are about three shots into some alcohol Jill had ordered for the table when you see a familiar face. Where did you see this girl? She looks so familiar, you begin to think back a day or two but the alcohol in your system was clouding your memory. The music store, right what was her name
you were so lost in thought you didn’t even realize Jean was trying to get your attention
“Hellooo?? Earth to y/n? girl hello I'm trying to talk to you”
“shit my bad what's up”
Marshall chimes in “What were you thinking about babes? you were so out of it”
You look at him and giggle a little, “okay guys, just listen” you pause hoping you have their full undivided attention. “you see that auburn-haired girl over there” You point in her direction trying to be discreet. “I know her, I met her like yesterday at that music store I went to”
They all look “Girll what is her name?” Marshall asks, trying to get any type of information he's definitely going to look her up and do some digging for you.
“I honestly do not remember. I know it started with an E or an A. Elsie? Ally?..Ellie! it was Ellie”
“bitchhh you should go talk to her” Jean chimes in but Jillian objects
“I really don’t think you should, you had a rough day and you’re already tipsy”
Jean and Marshall look at her angrily, “which is exactly why she should go talk to her. It might take her mind off of everything” Marshall says, trying to persuade her.
Jillian just throws her hands up in defeat. “Do whatever makes you happy y/n, just know I don’t think this is a good idea”
You consider just listening to her and not even taking the chance, but after some more encouraging words from Marshall and Jean, you give in, taking another shot before walking to her table.
You walk over to her, she’s sitting there so uninterested in what's happening around her.
“Hey?” you say softly trying not to startle her, She looks up at you, her eyes glossy and slightly red, she’s high..
“oh shit hey, you’re umm that girl from yesterday, y/n right?”
“yes, I am, anndd you’re Ellie right?”
she nods and looks into your eyes, “I just wanted to say hi, I saw you from across the room”
She smiles slightly “Well hey”
You realize you’ve been just standing there awkwardly, not saying anything
“Sorry I just wanted to say hi, I’ll get out of your hair now, again so sorry for bothering you”
She looks you up and down, “noo you are not bothering me if anything you’re saving me from them” She laughs and looks at her friends who are talking amongst themselves. You smile and giggle at her, you are very embarrassed,
“You want a drink?” She asks as she gets up from her seat and puts out her hand for you to take. You accept her offer and take her hand, she leads you to the bar and orders two whiskey sours
OH! and this was inspired by “The Thought Of You” by @ap3arll !!
🏷️ @vqxen @shiimer @bready101
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Matt sturniolo -little bean
Warnings -swearing,mention of abortion, mention of sex , vomiting use of y/n, arguing .Small age gap (matt 20 and reader 22) silent treatment
Angst/fluff Matt
Author note -thinking of making this into a series so let me know what you all think
Part 1
Word count-2k
I brush the hair out of my face ,as I wake up to a empty house.The house was full of silence as my boyfriend Matt and his triplets brother had left the house already for some business meetings taking place at the ware house.I look at the clock on my phone 10:47am shit thats late for me and im still shattered i dont even feel like ive slept at all. Im awoken from my sleepy daze by my stomach rumbled ,I get up brush my hair quickly and head to the kitchen to get something to eat .
I raid the fridge and cupboards in search for something to eat , I decide to have chopped up lettuce,pickled gherkins and some jolly ranchers .I finish my breakfast and head to the couch to watch some TV ,as I sit down I see a note that's been left on the coffee table it said 'hey baby me Chris and nick have got a few more meetings today then what we thought might be abit later home will bring back some late lunch with us .Matt xxxx'. A smile is present on my face the whole time I read his quick note with my cheeks blushed , Matt's smallest actions can still have a massive effect on me even after being together for over a year now .
I flick through the channels as nothing can satisfy me , I decided to open the YouTube app and put some Sam and Colby on specifically the conjuring from last year's hell week .I'm half way through the video when all of a sudden I feel so nauseous I can feel it building in my stomach like a tornado swirling around inside of me , it starts of slow and the next thing I know I'm running to the nearest bathroom thankfully it's matt and i shared one .I throw the toilet seats up and fall to my knees and close my eyes as the first bit of vomit comes rushing up my throat and out of my mouth .I sit there for the next hour bringing up whats left of this mornings breakfast and last nights dinner.
After minutes of waiting for the sickness to come back .I decided to stand up and reach for my toothbrush and paste ,as I brush my teeth I start to think of anything that could of gave me a bug or if there was a stomach bug going around .After minutes I've came to know conclusion of my sickness when it hits me .....shit Matt and I are usually careful if we don't use a condom we pull out or we get the morning after pill but a while ago I joined the triplets on their 6 million subscribers video .During the night having all the huts to ourselves Matt and I decided to get the hut as far from nick and Chris as possible .It safe to say there was some very animalistic behaviour going on in our tent that night , in the heat of the moment no condom or pull out was used and I could exactly get plan b pill from the gift shop so we just left it and thought well it's not going to happen .
I decide that before I start to get myself worked up in a panic , I'll go to the shop and do a test before the boys get back .Once I feel like I won't be sick again I go and throw some leggings and a jumper on leaving my top to go bra-less as I'm reminded of some achiness in them .I throw some crocs on and grab my car keys as i head out .
*Arrives back from shop*
I walk back into the house and I'm thankful that it's still silent meaning I'm the only one here .This is my first ever pregnancy scare so I'm not expert , I end up buying 7 different tests and some mints to settle my stomach and yet some more gherkins.I wonder around the kitchen with my hands full of tests in search of a cup or container as i dont feel like peeing 6 different times .I decided to keep one unused so i can do it again with matt incase he doesn't believe me .After finding a disposable cup I drink 3 cups of water and walk around the house doing some cleaning while I wait for the water to hit my bladder .I feel a urge to pee and walk to the bathroom, I position the disposable cup where it's supposed to be and let me bladder do it's job I open all the tests and when I'm finished place the 6 sticks into the cup .I start pacing the bathroom but decided that wouldn't be the best thing to do in this situation .So I make my way to the kitchen and put a kettle on figuring that a hot drink may help my nerves while killing the time awaiting the tests.I walk back to the bathroom once then minutes are up and as I pull all the tests out I stand in shock as they all say the same ....I'm pregnant.
Fuck fuck fuck is the only word that is running in my head , what am I going to do ,what am I going to say , what's Matt going to say his career is at its prime right now what will a baby do with this .Fuck their triplets , twins run on my side of the family what if there's more then one baby in there .I hold onto one of the tests in my shaky hands as I pace the bathroom.After minutes of walking around the small white tiled room I decided to hide all the tests and put them in a draw in Matt and my bedroom and I decide to text matt.
Y/n: hey babe was just wondering do you know how long you're gonna be xx
My phone pings instantly telling me that most likely it woul be Matt had texted me back
Matt:yeah not long just grabbing some maccies won't be long everything okay at home ? Xx
Y/n: yeah just got something to talk to you about xx
I avoid my phone until he gets back .I'm startled as I hear the door fling open and just one set of foot steps ."y/n?" I hear his familiar voice Matt is calling after me ."in the living room" I shout back to him .Seconds later he appears looking as perfect as usual "where's Chris and nick?" I ask him "they was fucking around when we was supposed to be signing cards for merch getting sent out so they went back to the warehouse to do their signing , Laura is gonna drop them off later tho .What's this thing you wanna talk about?" I pause with words moving rapidly around my head trying to think of the right way to tell him that I'm now pregnant with his child .I decide that no words are the right words so I take him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom.
His body stills while his eyes move over what the tests all say .The room is silent , too silent."Matt says something " I say breaking the silence ."when did it happen" he says still not taking his eyes off the tests "at the safari , in the hut that night" I respond back to him "fuck" he mutters to himself as he storms out the door .I stand there in silence as my eyes well up with tears.I hear the jingle of Matt's car keys and the door slamming telling me that Matt had left again and gone in his car .I walk into the living room now numb with emotions my hand rests on my lower stomach now knowing that through the layers of skin and muscle is our baby ,my baby the size smaller then a bean in this moment I know that I've got to keep this baby wether Matt wants it or not .
Minutes pass and my nauseous feeling comes over me again as I run to the bathroom again.I spend all the best part of an hour again with my head in the toilet when I stand up again feeling weak at my knees I brush my teeth for the 3rd time today trying to get rid of the vile aftertaste left in my throat .I hear the door go again but i hear 3 set of footsteps this time ,and voices nick ,Chris and matts voice ."what are you gonna do bro?" I hear Chris ask Matt "I don't know"he responds "well you and y/n have gotta talk this out Matt you can't just leave her in the bathroom like you did last time " I hear nick snap at the boys .
"Y/n" I hear nick call out me ."I'm on the bathroom just about to come out" I shout back as I walk into the kitchen .Matt's angry stare softens as he seen my face , I'm now pale and clammy with my skin layered in a thin amount of sweat ."congratulations" Chris says breaking the tension in the room "thank you" I say with a half smile ."so I think you two have gotta talk about this" nick states ."I'm not getting rid of it" I say quickly that being the only thing I'm sure of right now ."I wasn't even going to suggest that" Matt says with anger in his voice .Nick ,places his hand up to Matt in a urge to shush him "calm Matt" he says to him."is it mine ?"matt asks me looking me in the eye "are you fucking kidding me" i say in the exact tone that matt has.Nick and chris take this as a hint and both excuse themselves to different rooms "yeah I'm being real" he says raising his voice , it being full with anger ."you're the only person I've slept with matt you know that" i say to him storming off into our shared room .
*Few hours later*
I hear a knock at the bedroom door hoping that it's Matt ."come in" I shout sounding optimistic.The door opens and nick strides in with a sorry smile on his face "so that was intense" he says as he sits down next to me on the bed "yeah" i agree with him ."so i dont know if this is the right thing to say but im really glad your'e keeping the baby" he says nudging my arm ."yeah i am too , i just hope that matt feels the same " i say smiling properly for the first time today ."alright its getting late so I'll leave you to sleep i heard creating a baby can be tiring "he says with a small laugh.
Just as nick leaves the room Matt enters it , he ignores me acting as if I'm not in the room as he goes to the wardrobe grabbing some spare pillows and duvet he walks back out of the room as I sit in bed listening to him getting comfortable on the sofa .I think to myself how much of a long night I'm in for I can never sleep properly when I'm not with Matt and even worse knowing that he's mad at me .As the thoughts come to my head added with the extra hormones that pregnancy has brought on my eyes start to fill with tears when they fall down my face .I have so many questions running over my head thinking how I'm going to bring up a baby by myself although nicks previous words bring some form of comfort to me .As the clock strike 4 am and im still wide awake and emotional i decide to head to the bathroom and take a calming bath .Im thankful that both nick and chris's rooms are on different levels as I run the tab the sound of water echos through the room .I rid of my clothes and get into the bath now full of bubbles I close my eyes in attempt to relax.
Suddenly my nauseousness creeps up on me again , who ever called morning sickness 'morning' has never experienced this cus it seems to be all throughout the day already .I jump up from the bath with my wet hair sticking to my body as I move quickly to the toilet I throw the lid up and sit on the floor as bile begins to leave my body .I startled as a soft towel is wrapped around my body ,I look up to see Matt crouching next to me with his eyes full of tears himself .His hand rubs circles on my back as I start gagging again ."let it out baby it's okay" he whispers I release bile 3 more times as I pull back and rest my head on Matt's shoulder as he pushes my hair out of my face ."come on let's go to bed and talk " he says so quietly careful not to wake his two brothers up .He stands up and picks me up bridal style still with the towel wrapped around me .He carries me to our bed and uses his foot to close the door as he places me gently on the bed .He goes to our wardrobe and fetches me some shorts and one of his tops , he helps me get dressed as my body is weak from the vomiting.Once I'm dressed I lay in bed as Matt walks over to the other side of the bed and jumps in to bed with me .I sit waiting for him to speak "y/n im sorry for what i said and done earlier i know that you would never cheat on me and id never ask you to get rid of it .Whatever you choose ill support you .Im sorry ive treated you like that when you needed me the most ..." I cut his speech off with a kiss "I know , I know babe and we're going to be fine I want to keep this baby tho" I say to him looking him in his eyes "we're going to be a mommy and daddy" he says to me smiling ."we best tell our parents" I say to him before falling asleep in his arms .
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wyvchard · 4 months
I have no idea where I'm going with this.
Original Post / Context
@tillywunderwing, I hope it's fine if I write a paragraph or two about this. It got stuck on my mind.
(Also, I remembered this fic which I think you wrote? This could also be one of their more frustrating deaths too. The deaths where they thought they did everything right but forgot one crucial thing that they overlooked.)
Typical Trigger Warnings from IEYTD applies.
Phoenix wakes up in a hospital bed, taking a few short breaths before a hand forced them back to lying down.
"Agent, take it easy." Their handler sighed in relief, now that they're out of danger. "Zoraxis won't get you from here."
"...Reggie, I'm... so sorry. I was stupid to let Zoraxis capture me like that. I didn't mean to."
"It's not your fault, Agent. No one would have seen that coming."
"... But I should have. It was right there. I... I could have dodged it. It was... always there."
"Agent, I barely saw it myself, even as you were being captured. Please, don't scold yourself."
The agent merely looked at the ceiling, taking a few breaths. "I'm slipping, Reggie. I'm making a mess."
"Agent, you're doing well with your track record."
"But I'm not!" They raised their voice as sat up, glaring at their handler like a wounded animal. "I-i should have been able to see it coming! But didn't! If things go down like they did last time, so many people will die. Dr. Prism will die! John Juniper will die too! You did too! All because Zoraxis figured out which agents can become turncoats since they used my compromised status to sneak into headquarters and steal the files while everyone was panicking!"
They clasped their mouth, wincing as their IV got pulled. "I... It's nothing. I'm probably just overthinking again."
"Agent, answer me honestly. Did you betray the agency when you were captured?" Reginald kept his even tone, controlling his emotions to avoid the turmoil on the implications that their adversary managed to break their top agent.
"N-no. I... Don't make me answer that. Please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to shoot you, I swear! I undid it, didn't I? You're alive. You're here. You're here."
Reginald held a breath as he watched his agent claw their hair in order to calm down, reduced to mumbling that he can't even catch up due to how incoherent it had become.
It took a while for him to register that he was pushed out of the ward as they dealt with his agent's breakdown.
"We're calling this mission, "Operation: Friendly Skies". I hope you like cars, and airplanes, and cars in airplanes. Dr. Zor, corporate billionaire by day, underhanded villain by night, has a cargo plane scheduled to depart for Zanzibar this very evening. We need you to infiltrate the plane before it takes off. Gain access to the vehicle held within, and drive it right off the airplane. Our Intel assures us, Zor's car is equipped to handle a fall from any height, so we're almost positive you won't die."
The agent heard the briefing for the nth time. At this point, they can mimic what he can say, word for word. But they won't; they had done that 3 rewinds ago.
They were still shaking from the fact that whatever they were given was enough to put them into a suggestible state that made them slip up and tell Reginald the truth. Well, half-truth.
They did turn their violence against the agency after Zoraxis broke their mind after a long time. But that was countless rewinds ago. But they still lied that they did that in this rewind in order to avoid their handler's pained expression. Right?
They were still shaking from the agency's punishment for turncoats, the pain still lingered as they shook on the chair of their office.
"Agent?" Their handler spoke. "Getting cold feet?"
They shook their head, raising up a hand to ask him to give them time to breathe.
"Sorry. I dozed off. Drive the car off the plane. Got it." They spoke, grabbing the items they typically grab for their first mission.
Just what will this rewind bring?
Reginald came to R&D with worry, having left HR with confirmation that several dossiers of field agents have been compromised. The agency will become a mess soon enough, and that's not even counting the thought that his agent had become a turncoat.
Not to mention the other things they've found.
"Crane, you need to see this. None of this makes sense. Your agent has memories of things that haven't happened. Zoraxis could be implanting false memories for all we know."
"I wouldn't put it past them." He muttered, taking a look at the data Zoraxis gathered from their agent, he clenched his fist as the memory of Phoenix's wails echoed in his mind.
A lot of false memories have been implanted within his agent and he has to ground them back to reality. He has to.
For context: This is a misunderstanding in Reggie's part. Zoraxis did not implant false memories as those were from the previous rewinds. However, Reginald (logically) assumes that it was a false memory. In a world where time loops are mostly in the realm of fiction, a machine that can implant false memories seem more likely when you were faced with a machine that can read your memories.
Phoenix is currently having a dream where they're about to start a different loop all over again due to the fact they were so convinced they died when Zoraxis captured them. The conversation became did happen but the memory of the last time Zoraxis captured them overlapped, leading to another rewind.
I do not think I can write this story at the moment so if anyone wants to take the idea, please do so.
@phoenix-and-found-family , this is far from canon to my Phoenix since this is experimental but it could be an interesting read.
Also, this is far from edited. Whoops.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
3 | Waterfall
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
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"I'd do the barrel in Iceland again." Ryan says as we all drink and I watch the guys play pool.
"Again? You pussied out last year in the winter." Bam laughs at him.
"I'd done it, iv wasn't too cold. But I'd do it any time." He says making me laugh at time along with the others.
"You're only saying this because your drunk, Dunn."
"Dude, I'm not even drinking." He says making me laugh more.
"At the moment but you have been."
"If we were in Iceland tomorrow... would you do the waterfall. Think about it before you say it." Bam tells him.
Ryan counts to three with his fingers, "Definitely." We all laugh at him.
"I'll buy a ticket." Bam says and I knew he seriously meant it too.
"You are going to regret all the shit talking you're doing." I pat Ryan's back as I drink my beer.
"It's so not a big deal! Let's go there!"
The next morning I wake up early and Bam comes into my room showing me a piece of paper. "I knew you'd actually get it. All because of a bar argument we're going." I shake my head at him.
"Get a bag packed, sis. I'm gonna go wake the guys up." He leaves my room so I follow him.
"I wanna see his reaction because he probably doesn't remember shit. Plus I already did because I know you."
We make our way down to the basement and wake Ryan up first. "What?" He asks confused so Bam shows him the paper.
"Iceland. We're going right now." He tells him.
"Shut up." Ryan tells him.
"I'm serious. Look." He says as Ryan sits up and he goes to wake Raab up in the closet he stays in. I go back to my room to get my bag then join everyone downstairs as we talk about how much shit talking Ryan did last night.
"Yo Waterfall, we got a plane to catch!" Rake calls out as we get into the van.
"Waterfall. That's just his name now." Raab laughs.
The whole ride we still keep laughing about Ryan. When we get to the airport and wait some I shake my head at Ryan. "What?" He asks.
"You and your mouth last night. You regretting it yet?" I ask him and he nods his head very little. "You should really watch what you say when you drink."
The plane ride wasn't that much to me because I got to seat next to Bam and he didn't talk that much. When we got to Iceland we all get in a bus to get to the rental car. The ride was terrible because all the farting was hell even when we get the rental car.
Bam wanted to stop at the Blue Lagoon so that's something we did too. "I'm not gonna want out after this because how cold it is." I say as I stay next to Raab in the water.
"Agree." He laughs before grabbing me and dunking me under water with him.
"Your such an ass." I push my hair out of my face as he brings us back up.
"Remember when you used to like this ass." He shoves me.
"You mean when we were 12 till 14?" I laugh at him. "Then yes, I do remember when I liked your ass when we were kids." I go away from him and the guys to relax some.
The ride I hated with how everyone had to mess with everyone. As I was taking a nap in the back I kept feeling hot breathes blowing on me. "That's disgusting." I cover my face as Raab and Dico laugh at me.
We come to a stream across the road but we don't know how deep it was so Rake gets out to see by throwing a rock. "What's the worst that can happen?" Bam gets back in.
"We can get stuck." We all tell him.
"What do you think the chances are?" He asks so they tell him 50/50.
Raab tells him he thinks the left is more shallow making Ryan and I say right because we can see the rocks better but Bam just goes right through the middle.
As we keep going we run into many more rivers we had to drive through to get where we were going. The water starts to fuck up the engine as we try going up a hill. "We're gonna have to get out and push it. It's our only option." I tell the guys and they groan and we all pile out.
Finally making it through rivers and basically a lake we started looking for a barrel, which took forever. We finally found where to get one but Bam stole it for a chemical plant. "It's really hitting you now, huh?" I notice Ryan's face spaced out behind me as I look back at him.
"Yeah, everything thing is really coming together now." He sighs making me climb over the seat to sit next to him.
"Is he still asleep?" Bam asks about Ryan.
I look down at my lap since that's where he was resting his head, "Yeah. Ry..." I mess with his hair waking him up.
"It's barrel time. I found it." Bam tapes him so he gets up.
"Now we just have a 4 mile hike." I groan seeing the map.
When we make it to the waterfall I didn't want Ryan to do it. It wasn't the safest thing and I didn't think he would go through with it. I wanted him to chicken out again. "You have got to stop saying shit when you drink. This is so stupid, Dunn." I tell him worried as he stares at the waterfall. "What if you get seriously hurt doing this shit? It's not worth it. Let them just call you a pussy." I grab his and as it was just the two of us.
"I can go through this." He says not very confident.
"Ry... you're super claustrophobic. You in that barrel... equals no extra space whatsoever."
"Thank you for caring but I'm not doing this again." He walks over to them.
"Just hop in." Bam tells him so he mocks him before getting in. The second he was all the way in he gets back out.
"Fuck this." He lists everything he didn't like. "I don't give a shit you bought a ticket to god damn Iceland. I was fucking drunk." He gets out all the way walking away.
"Go talk him into it. He listens to you at times." Bam shoves me away but I was gonna go over to him anyways.
"You know I won't give you shit." I sit next to him.
"Because you're nice and understand." He huffs as Bam comes over to talk to him about going so Ryan points out all things that could make things go wrong.
When Bam leaves us Ryan just sits in silence hyperventilating some making me rub his back. "Fuck it." He gets up after minutes saying he'll do it.
"Are you sure?" I get up too.
"Let's just get it over with." He shakes his arms.
"Hey, I'll be at the bottom to help get you out quickly." I grab his arm he gives me smile so I head down to water. I pull hoodie and shirt off not wanting get my clothes wet when I jump in so I have something dry to put on on.
"Anna, just wait to get in." Raab tells me as I pull down my pants too. "It's too cold to wait-,"
I jump in the water freezing my ass off. "Fuck." I come up with my teeth chattering.
As soon as Ryan hits the water I swam over to the barrel first. "I got you." I say using all my strength to pull him then Raab and Bam jump in helping me get Ryan out of the water. "You're taking too long." I complain as they try getting the lid off so I do it get it off right way.
As Ryan quickly gets out panicking and the guys keep asking him if he was alright. He rushes out of the water going to lay on the rocks breathing heavy quickly. "Just give him a second." I try to keep get them to give him some space. "In and out slowly." I squat down next to him carefully placing my hand on his back. As he slows his breathing down I move my hand to his and he grabs it.
"You almost ready to get up?" I ask him and he slowly gets up with Bam coming over to help. Bam gives him a hug asking if he was alright so he nods his head. "Told you, I'd be at the bottom." I wrap my arms around him and he does the same to me.
"Anna, put your clothes back on before you start turns blue and purple." Rake says grabbing my clothes off the ground making Ryan steps back some to look at me in my bra and panties.
"I didn't want to get my clothes wet because I'd freeze faster in wet clothes out of the water." I explain shivering.
"Your lips are purple now." Ryan holds me in his arms trying to keep me warm as Rake brings me my clothes.
"Thank you." I move from Ryan putting my clothes back on to warm up.
"I can't believe you." Raab shakes his head at me.
"What jumping in basically naked? You need to put something on because you're turning red." I tell him so he goes to get his shirt.
We spent the night under the sky in the fucking wind to celebrate Ryan going through with it. Even in a long sleeves with a thick hoodie and wrapped in a blanket I was still cold. "I appreciate what you did earlier." Ryan wraps his blanketed arms around me.
"What part?" I turn around to face him for more warmth wrapping my blanket arms around him to get some of his body heat.
"All of it. Being first to me, quick to get the lid off, and helping me calm down." He rests his chin on top of my head.
"Well I was worried about you. You're kinda like my best friend too." I look up at him as he moves his chin.
"Last time you called me that was before you moved away. I'm glad you're calling me that again." He squeezes me.
"Here." Bam comes over to us putting his beanie on my head. "You're the smallest out of all of us." He chuckles.
"You're actually acting like a brother." I laugh moving from Ryan giving Bam a hug.
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fallingforel · 1 year
arabella pt 4 - menswear
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“WHERE ARE YOU? YOURE MEANT TO BE HERE BY NOW! I MEAN IT Y/N I NEED AN EXPLANATION. NO THEY DONT GO THERE ON THE MAIN TABLE SMALLER CENTERPIECES ON THE ROUND TABLES, I NEED AN EXPLANATION?? IM WAITING ON ONE.” “It was matty okay luce, he forgot to wake me up, so im gonna be just a tad 3 hours late”“Oh good lord, okay look as long as youre here for the rehearsal dinner everything is going to be fine im sure” “Okay good? How are things anyway? Hows henry? Luce?” “Err alls good here. We have a slightly larger problem though. Em and him just walked in”
where all of the 1975 gang and y/n attend a wedding 
warnings: a few swearing, recreational drugs use (coke and weed) and a panic attack, also please let me know if there is any more that I need to be aware of them
A/N and here it is im taking tommorow and monday off, but I promise you, chap 5 will be out next weekend, kisses x 
“Well get rid of them then, because I tell you now Luce if they are still there, when the wedding comes around I will just stay at my mums house until they’re both gone and you don’t want your maid of honour to cancel on you last minute do you?” 
“No I suppose not. Okay I will do my best to get them gone, look I’m gonna have to go now babe I haven’t got time to sit around and chat I have got a wedding to sort out, I’ve still got to make sure the DJ knows the no plays and when to play our songs so I love you and I’ll see you in about 4 hours kisses.” Lucy says while making an unbareable smooching sound down the phone. 
“Love you. But I mean it when I say, I want them GONE.” 
“Yes, yes, okay I’ll see what I can do babe love you, but I really have to go now hun” which is her final sentence before I was met with the signal of her putting down the phone. 
Before, I start properly focusing on my drive back to Wilmslow, I had to make sure Adam knew that both of our exes were there. So thats exactly what I did. 
reaching out to press my home button on my phone “phone ad” 
“now phoning ad” I was met back with the robotic voice speaking out to me through the aux cord
the phone rings a couple of times before Adam picks up 
“Hey Y/n whats up?” 
“err look I thought you should be aware, that Em and him are both there and that you should be warned because they might show up tonight or tommorow, and I kinda don’t want them to because then I’ll have a panic atta-” 
My waffling on was then cut off by adam’s voice ringing through the aux in my car, 
“look y/n/n, who cares if they’re both there, I certainly don’t I’m over her now, you should be over him too it’s been 6 months, it’s no longer fresh in our minds and plus we’ve both got new people in our lives, you’ve got Al and I’ve got Carls, infact I’m inviting her to the wedding, there was already a spare place from Em being uninvited and Lucy said yes to inviting her so now shes coming, you should invite Al im sure he’d be well up for it. G told me he was a massive fan of ours” 
“I’m not too sure Ad we literally only just met last night, do you really think it would be that smart to invite him?”
“look just tell me you’ll consider it y/n/n you at least deserve to have someone there for you” 
“okay, okay! I’ll think about it but its not a yes”
“good im glad, right im gonna go. Because ive still got to pack some last minute things, and I’ll see you later on at the rehearsal dinner okay” 
“okay lots of love” 
I say before putting down the phone. and going to phone alex to see if he wants to come. At this point I’m stopped in a petrol station to phone him as I didn’t save his number earlier. 
ringing once twice three times biting my nails in anxiousness, before i hear a thick northen accent ringing through my ears 
“Hey, who is this?”  
“Y/n? is that you? was wondering when you’d call are you alright darlin’“ 
“yes yes it’s me look listen. I’m going to a wedding this weekend and I was wondering if you’d wanna go with me. its just theres an extra place due to some dramas that happened and so..”
“look love, I would really like to go, I wish you would’ve told me sooner, I’m literally about to board a plane to leave England right now, but we have to sort out a date some time soon, I’d love to get to know you better”
“Yeah no of course. I 100% get that plus its not like you would’ve missed out on anything anyway. It’s literally a boring wedding” 
“You don’t have to downplay it fo me love, sounds dead interestin” 
soon an announcement is made that I cant quite hear but it is soon made clear that it’s Alex plane because he bids his goodbyes and then he hangs up the phone 
“omg! y/n/n! thank goodness you’re finally here! you’ve missed out on a lot it’s like grand central station in there, people flying everywhere moving things honestly I don’t know how I do it for a job. It’s soooo good to see you, honestly, I’ve missed you so much, how’s London and the modelling life treating you?” Lucy says running up from the front entrance of the moderately sized building, and to my car giving me a rather large squeeze. 
“It’s been good, London is manic though, all the time, and these shoots they are just amazing I did one recently for a major U.S. company had to travel to L.A. for it. but honestly my career has taken a major turn since I moved to London with the boys.” 
“That’s so good I’m so happy for you. And how are the boys? Are they good? Is the music life treating em well?” 
“so well, I can’t say too much because it would spoil it. But they have recently been getting so many radio plays it’s ridiculous but I am so proud of them!”
“thats so good! Looks like that move was good for all of you then!” 
“yeah yeah it was, Luce I’m freezing can we go inside? Are they in there?”
“ of course we can babe, no no they’re not! my mum told both of em where to shove it. that soon made them leave!” 
“I’ve always loved your mum. did you know that!” I say throwing an arm around her shoulder and walking into the venue. 
“so when are the rest of you London lot getting here?” Henry asks standing next to me. 
“umm not too sure but I’m sure they’ll be here soon. shouldnt be too long they set off about 3 and a bit hours ago. so in like in a few” I say in reply. 
“Hopefully, they won’t be too long. Luce is stressing way too much I dread to know what she’s gonna be like tommorow.”
“Ha! Yeah. I know what she’s like, I remember Matty’s 18th suprise party, she was dead stressed when I organised that, and she wasn’t even the organiser! But look don’t worry, it wont go too mad. I know that with her everything goes to plan” 
“yeah, thank you for being here by the way, I know it can’t be easy being here especially after what happened 6 months ago.”
I was about to reply when I was cut off by a curly haired boy, a really annoying one to be precise. 
“Matty shut your mouth, go get your suits on boys, rehearsal dinner commences in 10, you’re late already as is” Lucy says. Before walking over to where Henry and I were stood having our conversation
“y/n/n, I need you to go get your dress on too.” 
“okay, I will go and do that now” 
The rehearsal dinner was a success, I knew it would be, anything Lucy organises is. It’s what she does best, kinda always knew she would be an events planner, her and Henry was meant to come to London with us, Lucy living with me and Henry living with the guys, but then the both of them recieving their dream job offers in the heart of Manchester, so they never did. I think it was meant to be that way if I’m completely honest. I just don’t think it would’ve ever worked, especially with the guys and I all being single and them two being in a relationship. Sure,it worked in Wilmslow where none of us lived together but the whole dynamic that we have now would’ve shifted and just wouldn’t have worked.  
Currently I am squished between a tree and a skinny curly haired man, we ended up, going back to my mums last night and both George and Matty insisted that they had to see my mum. So just like we were 17 again and had just had a drunken house party, we are sleeping in my bed. To be fair its quite a large bed, however all three of us, are slightly bigger being 22 and 23 now, we just dont fit. 
So I did what I had to do in order to get up. Wiggling to the end of my bed as so to not wake the two massive lumps in my bed, and eventually getting off at the end and then I went on the search to check for my phone. 
Finding it laying on my bedstand on G’s side, he must’ve found me passed out and it still on so he must’ve put it there. 
Turning it on to find out the time reading 7oclock, the wedding starts at 11 so its time to make my way to wake up the boys so that we all can head to the hotel, both of them being groomsmen and me being lucy’s maid of honor, so I do just that but I cant do it normally, thats just not our friendship dynamic. So I head to the bathroom to get a jug and fill it with cold water, heading back to my bedroom I start pouring it on matty.
“What the fuck y/n.” 
“It’s time to get up, we have to head to the hotel, to get ready. We all have to be ready by 9 incase the event staff need help with anything, and I promised Lucy we’d be there by half 7, 8 at the latest to make up for all of us being late yesterday, now help me wake up G. While I find out where the fuck Ross and Hann are” I say while pulling my phone out to find out where the other two of our group are. 
“I dont fancy getting slapped by the tree thanks, you can do it, I’ll call Hann and Ross” 
“uh uh, you made me late yesterday, you get the pleasure of waking up the giant, I’ll get us a maccies breakfast on the way if you do.”
Soon enough he does it, earning a slap from George “it’s the crack of dawn, Matty what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“To be fair G, it’s 7 we have to leave in 10 because Lucy wants us at the hotel, and I dont think any of us want to anger bridezilla, I just know shes gonna be on a warpath today. Plus I promised stink here a maccies breakfast, right now though I’ve got to phone the other two find out where they are, can one of you two phone ross? I’ll phone ads” Matty nods his head reaching for his phone. while Im on mine pressed to my ear, trying to get through to him stepping out of the room so I don’t get distacted by Matty on the phone to Ross.
Finally after about a minute I’m met with a raspy voice. 
“Adam? Are you with Ross”
“yes, yes its me, and No what do you want at this ungodly hour, Y/n?”
“I promised Lucy I’d make everyone head to their respectful getting ready rooms, at half 7 so can you head to Hen’s and start getting ready I’ll bring you a McDonalds.” 
“yes yes okay. I’ll head there now, when you come knock on my hotel door its 432, Carls will have my car keys, your stuff is in my car, Matty couldnt fit it in his” 
“okay, okay. Bye I’ll see you.” 
“bye bye, see you in a bit, double sausague and egg pleaseee”
“yes yes okay, see you in a bit Ad’s” I said before hanging up the phone and returning to my bedroom where Matty and George still reside in my bed, although this time a phone was pressed to Mattys ear talking into it 
“Yeah, Y/n wants us to get ready, so we will be there in a bit”
I mouth to George “is that ross.” earning a shake of his head. “his mum” i nod my head waiting for him to finish his conversation. 
A few moments later a “yep okay bye mum I love you see you tommorow” ending the phone. 
“Right as much as I am glad that you were on the phone to your mother Matthew what is the situation on Ross?”
“He was with Henry already, apparently Lucy banged on his door at half 6 this morning making sure he was up” Matty said chuckling a bit
“That girl honestly” I say shaking my head 
“Right come on you two lets get going we’ve got places to be people to see” I say slapping the two boys on their legs. 
The ceremony was a success, and it all went well. now we were heading on a little walk to where the reception was being held. Matty George Ross and I were infront, and then Adam and Carly following suit behind us. 
We walked into the marquee tent finding our seats George and I both sat at the head table as I was Maid of honour and G was Best Man, Matty, Ross and Adam were sat on the table infront of us though so we all weren’t too far from eachother, luckily I was sat next to George and Lucy so I didnt have to endure meaningless conversations with other members of the bridal party like I did at the hen do. 
“C’mon G we’re sat here”  I say grabbing his hand and pulling him towards our seats after checking the seating plan that was displayed on the foam board standing on the white easel. 
And soon enough the reception was well underway after Lucy and Henry had their first dance. George hopped on the decks doing what he knows best, Lucy had let him have an hour at it giving the DJ an hour break to dig into the buffet. 
I walked up to G wondering if Matty had any Joints. Because Lucy had want to let loose, and she hadn’t smoked in ages but claimed it was “my wedding night so I can do whatever the fuck I want” clearly having had taken too much advantage of the free bar at that point. 
“well your the best man so whats the plan? we gonna smoke” 
“y/n/n I’m busy doing my best to give everyone a fucking good time here, go talk to Matty about it, he’s outside. He’s the one thats got ‘em I’ll smoke my own later” 
“okay I will, c’mon Lucy lets go find Matthew, bye G”
We walked outside finding Matty perched on a log smoking, we approached him 
“oh Matthew” Lucy called out 
“oh here comes trouble” he shouted out earning a giggle from lucy 
“look we just wanna know if you’ve got any of those joints left, I know you must have at least half of one left, I can see you smoking one, and it’s not even halfway finished. The bride here wants some to let loose, Hen hopes it’ll calm her down and stop her being so stressed about everything. ” 
“Look bug, I would and you know I would, but I’ve only bought three like I told you before, you’re gonna have to ask about. We went to school with half of the people in there and we all know they’re all pot heads, someone in there is bound to have some” 
“Come on! I know who will have some” Lucy says. 
Eventually we found someone with some after asking about three people. Joining Matty on the log he was sat on when we came outside previously. Staying in silence, we sat and smoked. Until Lucy eventually piped up 
“You wanna know why I’m smoking?” 
“Because, it’s your wedding day and you can do whatever the fuck you want?” I question laughing 
“no, it’s cause I needed to put off crying, this day couldn’t have gone worse. Henrys Mum sent me a text this morning saying that I shouldn’t be marrying him that he doesn’t really love me and I don’t deserve him, she’s been giving me evils all day. y/n/n I almost left him at the alter especially after Em’s text” she says tears flooding her eyes when she turns to look at me. 
“oh Luce, c’mere babe” I say with my arms wide open and she shuffles along the log we’re sat on and hugs me, sobbing fully at this point. tears not coming to my eyes. After she pulls away I can’t help but ask about the text. 
“what did you mean by the fact that Em texted you? what did she say” 
“she said about how I banned her from my wedding, and that I needed to grow up because I took your side after the whole argument six months ago and that she would make an appearence along with him today, but not before she said that in a year or two Henry would leave me for her, I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier Y/N, I haven’t even told Henry, I’m not sure I even want to. I don’t want to make him leave, I know it’s silly because we’ve been together close to a decade at this point. But what if he decides he doesn’t want to be with me any more y/n/n, I don’t know if my heart will be able to take the pain especially with you in London” 
“Don’t be silly Luce it’s okay, but she has no right to make you panic like that especially after warning you that she’s going after Hen, Luce, you are aware that you’re going to have to tell Henry about all of this right, especially about his mum, she has absolutely zero right to tell you whether you’re good for her son or not.” 
“She’s right you know, you have to tell Henry, even if you dont want to, he needs to know. I’ve never known the two of you to keep secrets from eachother, especially one this big Luce, you know I may not have liked you at the beginning when you were dressed in nowt’ and telling everybody you were shagging every boy in Wilmslow, But Luce I like you now, and I know that you would really benefit from telling him, I can go get him if you want, y/n/n and I can be there while you tell him if you want?” 
“no, no it’s fine I need to tell him on my own you two go. enjoy your night, come find me when you’re leaving.” 
“okay okay, I’ll see you in a bit we’ll send him out to find you” 
After finding Henry, and telling him to go find Lucy outside, Matty dragged me to the bar. 
“so bug.” he says turning to me “whaddya drinkin’?” 
“malibu and coke” I say in reply 
he gains the attention of bartender “scuse me lad can I have an ameretto and a malibu and coke please, passionfruit variation please” This boy knows me too well at this point as he asks for the passionfruit variaton because he’s all too aware after too many slip ups at parties to fill my glass with original malibu and me turn up my nose at the coconut flavoured liquer. 
He thanks the bartender after handing us our drinks. And we go over to our tables but not before matty spills a load of his on a taller lad who we’re not too sure we know. 
“watch where you’re going pot head yeah and also watch your girlfriend yeah think she might be getting some tonight but certainly not you, you scrawny fucker” the 6″3 skinny lad pipes up 
“look I might be spilling my ameretto because of previous joints yeah, but don’t talk about my best mate like that, I don’t know who you think you are, yeah you might be taller than me, but you look just like me so I reckon I could knock you out, so just watch what your saying yeah” 
“Matty, leave it hes not worth the fuss yeah” 
“ooh getting your girl to sort your problems are we?” I can see Matty clenching his fist just as if matty was about to swing for him so I step infront of him before anything can happen. 
“Do you want anything to end up in the press about Denise’s son losing it at wedding?” I ask him knowing thats exactly what would happen knowing the fuckers that went to our school. He shakes his head no in reply “exactly, so leave it yeah, this guy is not worth our time or effort yes?” he nods his head I tap him on the back throwing an arm around his shoulder “come on then stink” and so we’re off, back to the dancefloor so we can forget our troubles and have an absolute blast of a time before I’m back to work in two days, and the lads are back to the studio next week.
“Matty, I need to go to the loo” I shout over the loud music but not before making a sniff gesture with my hand signaling that it was time to bring the sniff out, It was kinda known in Wilmslow that our group, were drug users, not hardcore as much as people think, only when parties were going on or when one of us wanted to feel something. 
“cmon then bug, lets go to the bathroom” 
Once we made it into the bathroom I lock the main door so that no one could make it in especially, Lucy’s conservative great-grandmother that definetly had some interesting views. 
as I came back from locking the door hopping onto the counter where matty wasnt cutting lines. After he finished cutting the lines he handed me the rolled up 20  but not before saying “two each” “ooh a 20, very rich of you” “shut up and just sniff your two, off the porcelain basin will you” “okay okay chill out, Matthew” I say hopping off the counter taking the rolled up 20 that he was still holding out for me to take. 
Safe to say I was feeling the effect of the drug I had taken just a mere 10 minutes ago. 
and soon enough, Em and him were here and I was making a beline for the exit, Making Matty clearly confused as he hadn’t noticed them. so obviously as confused as he was, He followed. 
“bug, bug, slow down.” he called out and I turned to face him, my breathing irregular and tears streaming down my face, my makeup clearly smudged. 
“Woah,woah. Whats happpened? why the tears bug?” He asked. 
I tried replying but I couldn’t I was too worked up to explain. My hands doing anything they could. Unsure of whether it was the drugs making me like this or just seeing him in the flesh after 6 months. 
“okay okay, bug look at me” Matty sounding so distant at this point, so I didn’t even know where he was “Honey, you’re gonna have to look at me so I can understand what happened” 
Touching my chin, he gently lifted my chin with his fingers. removing them, my breathing still rapid at this point. 
“cmon bug, copy my breathing, deep breath in, and then push it out” doing exactly what he said. We just sat there in silence me following Matty’s breathing. Until it was back to a normal pace. 
“You gonna tell me what happened in there? What made you all worked up, so much so I had to do breathing excersises with you which we hadnt done in ages, god last time we did them was when you caught him cheating with Em” and suddnely his eyes go wide realising that thats what happpened. “oh bug!” he says scooching over to give me a hug. Knowing me too well at this point to realise, that in that moment thats exactly what I needed a good hug from my best mate. 
I start tearing up again, “I saw them together, Matty and I thought I was doing so well as well I hadnt thought of him until a couple of days ago.Yet, I saw him in the flesh and it feels like I’ve now taken three steps back.”
“No, you havent bug, not at all, It’s natural it generally is, do you remember when I got cheated on?” he asks me I just nod in reply “well I remember she disappeared a while after that. And then like a year later I saw her, in cafe nero when i was working, god the tears all started to come out then, I had to get out of there, and because of that I got fired, it was right in the middle of morning rush aswell” “so thats why you got fired, we all thought it was because you burnt yourself or set off a smoke alarm lighting a joint in the bathroom, but awwh Matty you’re so sweet, I never thought you would be that heartbroken over her, we were only 15/16″ 
“Look, I’m just saying it’s natural to feel like you’ve gone back in time, anyway are we gonna go back inside or do you just wanna get out of here?”
“Just want to get out of here, I don’t think I can face him if I’m being perfectly honest, sorry stink you probably want to go back inside an enjoy the rest of your time with everyone, probably pick up a girl too.”
“No. No. don’t be sorry bug, you have every right to. Besides I’m probably gonna yosh in someones mouth soon if I stay any longer, plus I dont want some random coming up and going in for the kiss” reaching inside his blazer pocket to check for the time “and It’s 5 past three I can hardly see and if i stay up any longer I’ll probably pass out so its probably best if we go now anyway.” 
end of chap 4
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mrrcasuallycruell · 1 month
Okay fuck it it's been 60 hours since my surgery and now im going to write a long post because im tired of not using my phone :/
anyways i hope my eyes aren't too stressed for typing this so i'm wearing sunglasses and my phone is on extra dim brightness with the blue light filter so please excuse any typos. i'm doing fine and yay i did not go blind (at least so far i hope it stays this way sksjsksk). i was so tensed before getting lasik i watched like every video on youtube and read every reddit thread i could (won't recommend because almost everyone posts about negative experiences on online forums since people with successful surgeries don't really care to share their experience mostly).
Getting the surgery done is such a cool experience because you're conscious the entire time, you lose your vision for a few seconds when they cut your eye flap but then a white light appears and you see different colored dots such as red and green, it feels like you're looking at stars through a telescope. When they turn on the laser to reshape your cornea you can actually smell something burning which I would've thought was the smell of my eye burning but turns out it's just particles in the air that the laser contacts which give off the smell i'm not sure tho.
Anyways, after getting the surgery done it's sadly not a fairytale ending as if you can see everything perfectly but when i got up i could actually read stuff that was far away from me (??!!!!??!!?!!!!) but everything was hazy, it wasn't blurred but it was just like everyone was glowing too much). anyways, after the surgery the doctor checked my eyes and told me i'd start feeling a burning sensation in half an hour, so i should sleep as soon as i get home. So i got home and the burning and itching started, it was very mild at first so i took the sleeping pilp they prescribed and went to sleep however i woke up after an hour and i literally couldn't open my eyes they were burning like hell. it felt as if someone had opened my eyes and was cutting onions on top of them. So i slept again and when i woke up the itching had stopped.
After waking up my vision was amazing, i mean there was still a weird glow but it wasn't too much and i could see everyone's face so clearly if it wasn't under the lights i felt like crying and i still feel like it when i can look at stuff so clearly with my own eyes 😭😭😭😭 it is so coo!!!!! i never thought i would see like this, I've been wearing glasses for the last 11 years and my eye sight came back in a few hours?????????!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I went to the doctor and he told me that even though i was visibly tensed i still did an almost perfect job at aligning my eyes during the surgery and that everything was back in place perfectly. I still have to put in 3 different eye drops 4 times a day so that my eyes dont get too dry. I told him about the glare issues ive been having such as start bursts and halos around lights and he said they'd settle in a couple of weeks since my brain is still adjusting to this change (i hope he's right because i can feel the effect lessening in just 2 days)
Also i went out at night yesterday and the star bursts i saw coming from the cars and street lights were insane but they looked so fucking cool 💀 so yeah i guess that's all for now, all that I've done the past few days is listened to music with my eyes closed and i don't regret it at all :D
picture for reference
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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Try Again.
Dammit. Pt. 3
Third Person Pov:
"im really tired today, i played badminton for 4 hours yesterday and my legs hurt like crazy, it hurts when i'm sitting too, i can't run or climb, i'm sorry eun." "it's okay, what about tomorrow?" "im not sure i can"
"oh.. well.. i wish i could help you, i miss you a lot. I hope you feel better soon, it's okay that you can't sneak over, don't feel bad, okay?" "yeah, i'm sorry though" "don't apologize, it's not your fault" "i think i'm sick too"
"yeah.. your voice sounds a little weird. Are you okay?" "my head hurts, i'm sweaty, nauseous and im coughing a lot, my nose is running too" "and you think your sick? honey, you are sick." "i feel really hot" "you are"
The two of you chuckled a bit before Eunchae continued. "i'm joking, but seriously though, you're burning up? are you okay?" "i don't really know" "did you take medicine yet?" "yeah" "i have to get to practice, i'm sorry. Feel better soon, i miss you."
"i miss you too, stay safe, eun." "you too, y/n/n."
Eunchae Pov:
"unnies?" They all turned their heads towards me and hummed, "what's up?" "hm?" "why did you stop me from hanging out with y/n?" "it's like a punishment for you getting home late and she's obviously not protecting you and getting you home safe"
"do you want her to run around at midnight to drop me off at the dorm?" "well.. no" "unnie, she's sick. after practice can i please go get some stuff and go see her?" "eunchae-" "please. she's really sick. She's burning up and everything."
"fine. But home before 8, we're picking you up." "but unnie-" "no buts, we're picking you up at 8" chaewon said as i sighed but agreed. I just hope we get out of practice before 7:30.
Third Person Pov:
Thank god they got out at 6, eunchae got a few things like snacks, drinks, a cooling gel thing to put of your forehead to help with your fever. She also got flowers but hid those in her bag.
"thanks unnies, see you later, love you!"
"eun?" "hey, love." "how did you-" "i asked them to let me come over because you're sick, but i have to go at 8" you sat up slightly as she pushed you back down, "it's 6:30. Don't do anything, i'm here now"
Eunchae laid down, wrapping her arms around you. "you'll get sick, your unnies are gonna kill me" "i don't care" "eun.." "stop stressing, i just want you to feel better. I miss you more than anything."
"fine.. but if you get sick, i'm dead. i hope you know that" "i know"
"eunchae, we're on our way to pick you up" eunchae sighed. "okay." she looked at your sleeping figure, your skin still so hot, you let out a few gut wrenching coughs. She rubbed your back, her eyes filled with worry.
You quickly fell asleep after coughing, still so tired from just being sick. She didn't want to wake you, because she knew if she told you she's leaving soon, you would force yourself awake to be with her.
So eunchae just stayed quiet, rubbing her thumb against your skin. Until the phone again. "we're here, eunchae" "mhm.." she hummed, your guardians were away on a buisness trip so you were alone.
It was hard for her to leave, she kissed the top of your head. "i'm sorry, darling. But i gotta go. Feel better soon, okay?" "mm.. i'll miss you eun.." "i'll miss you too" "i'll get better so i can see you again" she smiled and nodded.
"that's my girl" the two of you chuckled as she kissed your hand and left your room, putting her shoes on and looking back at the door, sighing.
- While eunchae was at your place -
"doesn't eunchae seem happier when she's with y/n?" "yeah, i've noticed that too" "maybe we should think about this." "yeah.. ive been thinking.."
"Eunchae?" Kazuha muttered as eunchae got into the car. "hm" "how's she?" "bad" "are her parents home?" "no" "where are they?" "business trip" they all looked at each other, with her short replies.
They knew she was not only worried but also upset that she had to leave. Yunjin and Kazuha nodded, turning to sakura and chaewon in the front. Sakura also nodded, chaewon sighed and nodded.
"eunchae? do you wanna spend the night?" She turned around confused, "huh?" "we're letting you try again, do you wanna stay the night?" Eunchae nodded as a smile made its way on her face. "really?"
"yeah, hurry before we change our minds." "you guys are actually the best, i love you!" "we love you too, kid."
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m-a-ys-world · 6 months
You woke up at 4 am to get you and your daughter ready for the day. You hated getting up this early but it was the only way you could get yourself and her ready on time “Hey, baby girl its time to wake up” you said softly to your 4 year old “Five more minutes mommy” she said rolling over, you giggled softly “No honey you cant be late again”. Once she woke up and you got her dressed it was time to get yourself ready “Ok can you be a big girl and eat your oatmeal while mommy gets ready?” You asked her pinching her cheeks “yes and i wont even make a mess” she said smiling “alright I’ll be right back” you said leaving her to watch The Smurfs. As you were getting ready your phone rang, It was your best friend Claire who was also the assistant manager at your job “Hey Claire” you said into your phone “Hey Y/n you still good to pick me up from the airport” she asked over the phone “Yeah I’m getting ready now” you responded “Oh I almost forgot, guess who i ran into at the airport” she said “who” you asked “Rafa, He’s moving back home” you froze and went silent “he’s moving back like permanently” you asked “yeah I guess, it’s been like what 3 years” she said “mom I finished my oatmeal” you heard your daughter yell from the kitchen “oh claire ive gotta go, i have to get Riley into the car so we can leave” you said snapping out of your daze “Ok, see you soon” Claire said hanging up the phone. “Alright you’ve got everything” you asked Riley grabbing your car keys “yep” she said following you to the door “Ok are your ready to see auntie Claire” you asked her “Yeah! I miss auntie Claire” she said excitedly “She misses you too, come on lets go” you said leaving the house.
It was 6:00 by time you got to the airport to pick up Claire, Riley was so happy to see her. She told Claire everything she did while she was gone the whole ride to her school “Okay baby, give me a hug and I’ll see you later” you said bending down to hug and kiss your daughter “bye bye mommy” she said running to join her friends in the classroom. “Can you believe Rafa is moving back here” Claire said as you got back into the car “not really” you responded dryly “I didnt think he ever would hes been gone forever” she said while scrolling through her phone “I wish he would just stay wherever he was” you said out loud although you meant to keep it to yourself “whats your problem with him, i thought you two were cool” she asked “ yeah well shit happens I guess” you said keeping a blank stare on the road. Claire talked to you the whole ride back to her house but you didn’t really hear everything she said because you were too busy thinking about Rafael. “Ok im gonna go get some rest before my shift today, I’ll see you at work” Claire said as you pulled up to her house and she grabbed her bags from the trunk you waved goodbye and pulled off.
It was 9 am and you already wanted the day to be over, something about knowing Rafa was back made you want to just go home but you couldn’t do that so for now you were just praying you didn’t run into him “whats got you so moody today” Claire asked from behind you “huh? Nothing Im just a little tired” you lied “what are you doing here anyway i thought you weren’t supposed to work until 12” you asked “Jenny called and asked me to cover her for a few hours” she replied “but seriously what’s wrong with you” she asked “Nothing im fine” you lord again “yeah ok, you’ve been in a funk since I told you about Rafael” she said as she was helping you set up to open the store “it’s nothing” she said walking away from her to unlock the doors “will you just tell me” she said laughing a little trying to find out what happened between you and him “will you let it go if i do” you asked, she nodded “fine” you sighed “when he left he just stopped talking to me so i guess im mad at him for that” you said hoping she wouldn’t ask any follow up questions “it’s been 4 years though and im sure he was busy, maybe you should call him” she suggested “exactly its been 4 years and i don’t really wanna talk to him now” you said desperately trying to get off this topic “okay…” she said slightly shocked at how upset you seemed to be with him “I just wanna get through the day so i can go home and watch some tv with my daughter” you said counting down the hours until you got off.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket as you were finishing up helping a customer, when you took out your phone to see who was calling you say that it was Riley’s daycare “hello” you said into the phone “Hi, Ms. Y/l/n, I was just calling to let you know that Riley threw up and she has a slight fever we think it would be best if you took her home, shes not looking too good” Rileys teacher said “oh ok, yeah im on my way thanks” you said ending the call and going to find Claire “Hey Claire Rileys Teacher just called shes sick and i gotta go get her do you think i can bring her here” you asked “Ah no sorry Jenny told me shes allowed in the back anymore” she said with an apologetic look on her face “Shit ok uh” you said trying to figure out what you were gonna do “Hey dont worry im off im 30 minutes, go get her and i’ll watch her until you get off” she said trying to keep you from panicking “are you sure you’ve already watched her so many times” she stopped you, pulling you into a hug “of course i know you’re stressed trying to do this alone plus I love hanging out with her” she said “thanks Claire” you said smiling at her.
Once you picked Riley up and got back to your job Claire was off and ready to watch Riley for you “Thanks again Claire I really appreciate it” you said putting your sleeping daughter into the back seat of Claires car “no problem and I’ll bring her home when you get off” she said helping you put Riley and her bag in the car “you know i could keep her for a couple days if you want” she said “no thats ok I think I would feel lonely in the house alone” you said, it had been years since you had the house to yourself but you liked not being alone because you had your daughter “oh my god” Claire said looking behind you “what?” You said turning around to see what she was looking at and boy did you wish you hadn’t turned around. It was Rafa he was there getting ready to walk into your job “Hey Rafa” you snapped your head around as you heard Claire call out to him “Why” you asked her “Oh shit hey” he said smiling coming over to the car “Hey Y/n” he said pulling you into a hug but all you could do was stand there “uh hey” you stuttered out “what are yall up to right now, I was gonna go met up with Diggs it you wanna come” you wanted to punch him in the face because of the way he just wanted to act like nothing ever happened “Oh i cant I’ve gotta work” you said trying your best to avoid looking him in the eyes “I would go but ive gotta watch her kid” Claire said pointing to Riley sleeping in the car “Holy shit you had a kid” Rafa asked “yeah” you answered dryly “oh she’s so cute whats her name” your heart was beating fast and you feel like you were about to pass out. “Riley” you watched him as he looked your- well his daughter “how old is she” he asked “she’s 4” you prayed that he didn’t put two and two together because you really couldn’t handle that situation right now “Holy fuck” Claire said from behind you. You and Rafa turned to see what was wrong “uh I forgot my mom was coming over later and I gotta clean my house” you knew she knew, you also knew she was gonna wanna talk about it and you weren’t ready for that. You saw Diggs walk down the street and he greeted you and Claire, after you all said your hellos Rafa and Diggs walked into the store “Is she his” Claire asked once they were out of ear shot “Claire i really dont wanna talk about this right now” you said looking at the ground “she is isn’t she” you wanted to bury yourself and never come out “so thats why you’re so mad at him, because he left” you just nodded “are you gonna tell him” she asked “no, i dont need his help” you said “well I know that but maybe he should know that hes a dad” she said “yeah but I mean its been 4 years and its not like I havent tried to tell him, he just stopped answering my texts and calls” you could feel yourself getting upset and you just wanted the day to be over “Look i gotta get back to work can we talk about this later” you said realizing your break was almost over “yeah but you should tell him, like now he deserves to know” she said “how, do i just walk up to him and say hey i haven’t seen you in almost 5 years but anyway the kid you just saw is your daughter” your heart stopped when you turned to see Rafa standing in front of the door “what” you wanted to die, you didn’t think this would happen any time soon and definitely not like this but now you had no choice “shes mine” Rafa asked you as he look you in the eyes
God why couldn’t he have just stayed wherever he was
Im leaving you with a cliff hanger because my brain has stopped working
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peytouo · 2 years
Mundis (Ch. 5 - Last)
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After passing out from different concoctions, Tighnari woke up that doesn't entirely look like Fontaine. Where was he brought to? Pretty sure his injuries didn't require assistance from a different nation or the abyss... right? Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4
The sunlight was piercing through the window. It wasn't too hot but it was enough to make Tighnari wake up. Still bedridden and attached to whatever machinery is this. His eyelids flutter and he can hear a tune echoing in the room. "He-" his voice croaked and boy was his throat dry. Cyno came from what appears to be a washroom. A towel covering his damp hair. "You're awake." He scurried to his side. Looking at him like he's some kind of experiment he's conducting. Tighnari eyed the pitcher of water to which Cyno assumed that he's thirsty.
After a refreshing sip of water, he cleared his throat and his ribs started to hurt. "Easy." Cyno cooed. Placing back the glass of water on the bedside. "Where are we?" His eyes were roaming around the room. Fontaine? Definitely not. This doesn't match the books. "In your hospital. The place doesn't look familiar?" He placed his wet towel on his chair and sat beside him. "My hospital?" He looked at Cyno with a puzzled face. I don't think I spent a single mora on a hospital establishment. Heck, the rangers were even short on a budget with materials. Where did this 'hospital' poof from?
"Maybe your memory's a little juggled. It was a crash." Cyno took out a weird glass device. Tighnari tilted his head, curious at what it was. "What's that?" He asked, sounding weirdly adorable. "I'm letting Collei know you're awake." Collei. "Is she alright? What about the rest of the rangers? Amir? Nasrin?" Tighnari leaned forward only to get stopped by the pain from his chest. "Hey. She's fine." Cyno looked at him perplexed. "Who's Amir and Nasrin?"
"The rangers. Amir with the dog and Nasrin with brown hair?" Tighnari trying to hide the panic in his voice.
"Rangers? Were there patrols when you crashed?"
"You got in a car crash."
"What's a car crash?"
Cyno raised a brow. Whatever the hell happened to him? First he's blabbering about forest rangers and now he doesn't know what a car crash is? "I'm quite certain the doctors said you didn't hit your head that hard and you only got fractured bones."
"Fractured bones?" Did the tiger that happened to leap on him weigh a ton? "Then do these tubes happen to make my bones recover?" He gestured at the IV stand. Cyno blinked at him a couple of times, "No... it's replenishing your blood. You did lose a lot..." Cyno turned away, hiding his face that spelled guilt. This wouldn't have happened if--
"What in the-"
"You okay? Did something hurt?"
Tighnari paled. Looking at Cyno with fear? Shock?
"I feel something in my-"
"In there." Tighnari pressed his voice. Frozen in his current position.
"Where?" Cyno is starting to worry and medicine or anything relating to that sort is not in his area of expertise.
"In..." Tighnari huffed trying to compose himself, but was on the verge of screaming. "IN MY BAJIMBUS!" Tighnari looked as if he was about to explode from embarrassment and fury.
Cyno lost him for a moment there. In his what? OH! This was no laughing matter. His beloved is angry and is extremely cranky for someone who was involved in a crash. But alas, a snort escaped from him. "A catheter. So you wouldn't have to walk when you pee." He covered his mouth, still trying his best to stop laughing.
"WHAT IN ARCHONS? WHY WOULD THE AKADEMIYA APPROVE OF THAT APPARATUS?!" Now he's going ballistic. "Alright, alright." Cyno, regaining his composure, but a smile is forever stamped on his face. "I'll call the doctors if we can have it removed."
Removed? HOW WILL THEY REMOVE THIS, THIS 'THING'? Tighnari's eyes widened in fear. "No no no no. I wasn't in such a situation that you have to bring me somewhere foreign!" He exasperated, still remaining in the exact same position. He can feel it. O god he can feel it. "Is this some Fatui experiment? What did they offer you? I thoug-"
"Nari. Relax." He hovered over his bed to press the button and notify the nurses. "What did you do?" Tighnari glared at him. "Just. Call the doctors. For your catheter." 
Tighnari tried to pull his ears down to his face, but if he had his long ears. "No... no no no no!" Patting his head aggressively, Tighnari was mortified. "WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY EARS?"
Now Cyno is really REALLY worried. "Uhh, could you try," he placed a lock of his hair behind ear, signaling Tighnari to do the same. Tighnari gasped as he felt flesh. Not fur, hair but actual flesh. He kept touching his ears as if he didn't have any before. "I, I have human ears..." He spoke quietly, his fingers not leaving his earlobes. Cyno crossed his arms, finally deciding that he'll have to interrogate the doctors in charge if they're hiding something from him and messing up with his lover's charts. And finally speaking of the devils, the doctors arrived.
They went on to do their usual routine. Check Tighnari's blood packet, his limbs and finally, "Can he have the catheter out?" Cyno blatantly asked to which Tighnari blushed crimson red. "What are you gonna do?" His defenses were up, but it's futile. Just as the doctors were about to begin, Tighnari felt a sudden headache. He winced in pain, his hand pressing his temple. "Nari?" Cyno immediately rushed in beside him. "What's happening?"
"He's experiencing a fever and his temperature is rising fast." The doctor signaled the nurses to do their protocols. "Nari!" Tighnari heard him call his name. Everything started to get blurry and the last thing he heard was, "Stay with me."
The Sanctuary of Surasthana was enchanting. There were faint chimes playing, but Tighnari can't seem to find where it's coming from. In the center was a chamber, although it looked too lonely to be a god's resting place. He continued to walk towards the center, "Welcome to Surasthana, our lovely visitor."
Tighnari looked sideways trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. The little voice giggled, "Apologies." The little goddess appeared from above him, floating gently until she reached the ground. "I'm Lesser Lord Kusanali. I hope you had a nice stay in Sumeru City." She smiled warmly at him. She was smaller than Collei and somehow, despite their height difference, Tighnari felt her divine presence.
"Uh, pleasure." He showed his respect, doing a little bow to which the little god smiled. "I think the General Mahamatra has already told you what happened. Really a very unfortunate situation, but I'm very relieved to know that both of you are still in one piece." She gleamed. Maybe not the best choice of words, but he got the gist. "So, the process. Will it be easy?"
"Fortunately, yes. Both of you should be in deep sleep for your souls to switch to their rightful places. Although the process will give you a bit of a terrible headache, rest assured your memories will be intact. It will feel like this was nothing more than a dream." Kusanali decorated the lonely chamber into something that looks like the comfiest place on Earth, or Teyvat.
"There~" She sounded pleased with her handicraft and Tighnari was more than amused by how she magically just put things together. "Erm. Y-Your Grace," Tighnari stammered, "your people have been nothing more but hospitable and kind but, can I ask for one last request?"
"Of course." Kusanali nodded her head, ready to accommodate their visitor. "I'd like to leave a little message for this world's me."
"Just lay here on the bed of flowers, keep your message in your mind and it will be done." Kusanali gestured for him to lie down and he followed. The flowers didn't smell too strong for his nostrils. In fact, it was similar to his essential oils back at home. "It'll be a brief headache, but I assure you it'll be a good night's sleep and sweet dreams." Her voice lulled him to sleep.
He was in nowhere, floating with what seems to be dendro crystalflies heading to a glimmering light. Unreluctantly, Tighnari followed and as he went near the light, there was a loud ring in his ears, enough to make his head hurt a bit. Then everything shifted to a more normal surrounding. His planet. With cars and pedestrians with blurry faces. He found himself walking along them and then his watch started beeping.
"Nari?" Cyno?
His eyelids slowly opened and the drapes were covering the light from what appears to be from the sunset. His body is terribly heavy, but it was cold. Just right after the little haze he was feeling, everything finally looked familiar. He's in his hospital and Cyno, he's watching him full of worry. "Goodness." Tighnari clung to his arm, confirming that he's the real deal. His Cyno.
"Oh, now you're acting normal. How're you feeling?" He gently placed his palm on his forehead, checking if he was still burning. "Parched." Tighnari smiled wearily. Cyno smiled at him and got him a glass of water. "Mmm." Tighnari rested on his bed and tried to remember his dreams, but like most dreams, they tend to be forgotten for good, but some of the segments are vivid. Vivid enough for him to remember his entire adventure and this brought a smile to his face. "You wouldn't believe what I've been through." He turned to Cyno who just made his way to his seat. "I-I'm terribly sorry. Everything's my fault. I should've just listened and-" He felt a hand over his. "Hey. Apology accepted. I may have been," he slowly inhaled before he continued, "such a big annoying blabberhead. And no one is expecting this." He slowly raised his left hand that was connected to tubes. "Well, I may have since it was a rainy night." He chuckled, but Cyno clearly wasn't buying it. "I promise," he clasped Tighnari's hand, "I'll make it up to you. After you get out of here." He nudged softly, giving him the most gentlest smile. "What about your work? Don't you have investigations that need your attention?"
"Covered. I filed for a month leave. I'm fine."
Tighnari nodded, his eyes turning their joined hands. "I had such a weird dream. I had long ears and a green tail and you liked wearing tights." He teased Cyno, who had a brow raised. Long ears. Was he sleep talking during his fiasco earlier?
Tighnari woke up to fireflies booping the tip of his nose and was greeted by Kusanali herself. "How are you feeling? Little dizzy?" She gave Tighnari some space as he rose up from the well-made flower chamber. His memory was still a bit hazy, "You've been through quite a journey as well?" Kusanali smiled. "Lesser Lord Kusanali," Tighnari managed to mumble coherent words. "You're gonna need some rest. After all, sleeping a lot can be tiring too, no?" She helped Tighnari up his feet. "The General Mahamatra will also be observing you for a while. Until you can resume control of the forest watchers." She led her to Cyno, who was waiting near the exit of the sanctuary.
The forest watcher thanked the archon for saving him from such a nightmare. It was getting a bit late in Sumeru City and as soon as Cyno made sure that the coast was clear, he immediately embraced Tighnari. "Woah. Not too tight. I'm still dizzy." He placed his free hand on top of Cyno's arms, somehow giving him reassurance that he's back. "I'm guessing something happened when I was asleep?" Somehow his sight was getting less shaky and blurry. "Your soul got swapped with someone else after the incident. I'll tell you everything once you're fully rested." Cyno nuzzled against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. Finally.
"Oh really? How were you able to tell it wasn't entirely me that was speaking?"
"You hugged me first, Nari." Cyno's embrace got a bit tighter and finally, finally he can go back to calling him that.
They managed to get back to Gandharva Ville with Collei waiting for them at the entrance. She embraced her Master and before she could start telling him everything that happened, Cyno signalled her to give Tighnari some space first. Too much information falling on a newly awakened valuka shuna would not be a good mix. So Collei covered her mouth and responded with an okay gesture.
However, Tighnari being himself, the ambience of nature is what he needed the most so he asked Cyno to accompany him near Chivant Ravine to get a whiff of fresh air. Hearing the night bugs, the water flow and every fauna that happens to be awake at the time, Tighnari missed it all. Cyno, who was observing him from behind sighed in relief as he watched flora around him turn to livelier color all at once. The Forest Watchleader is finally home.
"Hey. I may haven't met you personally, but I wanted to tell you that the place you cultivated is perfect. I'm guessing that you don't often get thanked for what you do, so this is what this message is for. From you in a different world."
Tighnari's ear twitched. It was a voice he knew all-too-well. I look forward to Cyno and Collei's stories of adventures. The forest will always welcome you. Wherever he may be. Then the thought of that disgusting catheter came flooding into his thoughts as he shuddered, making Cyno a bit alarmed.
Thanks for sticking out til the ending! I'm quite active on Twitter and I keep these posted on AO3 <3
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missangelcat · 2 years
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Mr Cold
Pov : you are jungkook's wife and He hate you alot and torture you because of many reasons for that read the whole book in Wattpad (Mr. Cold)
Jungkook: yn listen tonight you have to go a business party with me my friend Lee Jong suk came back to Korea after a long time so i want to you be to be presentable in the party the dress will be delivered by this afternoon keep yourself ready till evening
Yn : your order will be done sir
Jungkook: and yes behave as my wife in the eye of world we are a happily married couple
I remained silent and he leaves for the office
Later in Evening
Yn pov :
I wore the dress jungkook send to me
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and tied up my hair
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Jungkook Pov
Ive been waiting for her since 10 minutes it's already 9:00 pm we are late for party why ladies take so much time to get ready then i hear heel footsteps
Homo she is looking pretty i just stare her for 5 mins and forget how much friction we have then i realised no Jungkook wake up all girls are slut and gold digger and yn one of them
She sit in the back seat of the car i never want her to sit with me in the front sit but she also never ask for that
Her scent God why she is damn attractive today
We reached there
Jungkook: we reached
She remain silent
Jungkook: i Know yn there is nothing between us but we both have to be as a happy married couple it's for my business act like my wife Got that
She remain silent
Jungkook: GOT THAT
He loud up his voice and i got scared what if he beat me like my mother did
I get nostalgic about the day when Mr and Mrs Jeon came for my relation and how my mother agrees me for marriage with jungkook
Jungkook: i think you are not listening
He forcefully pressed my cheeks between his hand and again ask me
Jungkook: Got that my dear wifey
I nodded my head in afraid
Jungkook: Good girl
He open the car door for me and leads me to the hall like a very caring and loving husband then someone shout from behind
??? : Hey Jungkook!
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He turned around
Jungkook : Suk how are you after a long time
Lee dong suk : im fine buddy and she maybe your wife (whispering : damn hot )
Jungkook: Huh
Lee dong suk : Nothing buddy you got your self pretty wife . Hii I'm Lee Doung suk .
Everytime he just checking me out he is staring me from head to toe I'm feeling so uncomfortable
Yn : Nice to meet you Mr Suk im yn
Jungkook: Jeon yn Jungkook full name wifey
He just stared jungkook and take my hand and kiss it and it's not a gentle kiss it's sucking he tried to suck my hand i tried to remove my hand from his grip but he that damn strong that he won't even let anyone think that what he is doing finally he left hand and again open his mouth for fliterous comments
Lee dong suk: i just listen that Indian girl are kinda attractive but today i also saw that they are kinda very damn attractive
Jungkook left and started talking with other business men he left me with that jerk who is trying to seduce me what kind of husband he is oh i forgot he didn't accept me as his wife
Lee dong suk pov
Oh my god i never see that damn hot girl in my life i don't know how jungkook resist himself for not touching her i know everything about them they just acting as happy married couple it's all written on yn face that jungkook is still affected by his past
Lee dong suk: if you don't mind i take you to the table or you have a plan to stand whole party like that
Yn : i Dont mind
I take her to the last table
Lee dong suk: so when you come Korea
Yn : 3 year later
Lee dong suk: you might comfortable with Korean peopl e or still find difficult to adjust
Yn : if I'm feeling uncomfortable then why i marry a Korean young man
Lee dong suk: oh ... One second pardon me i have a little work
I go to the bartender and put 7000 on his pocket
Bartender : Sir Sir
Lee dong suk: kept it
I put a white powder in red wine and show the red wine glass to the bartender
Lee dong suk : Make sure the girl who is wearing black dress should drink it
Bartender: ok sir
I go back to the table
Lee dong suk: Sorry lady actually urgent call
Then the waiter serve us with glass of wine
Lee dong suk: please have some
The waiter put the same glass at her front and she took a sip from her rosy red lips oh God i am just thinking how she taste
Yn pov :
Warning: Sexual assualt don't read if you are not comfortable with that stuff
Suddenly everything started blurring
Yn : i want to go washroom
Lee dong suk : don't worry lady i will take you
Lee dong suk:
I put my hands on her waist and instead of taking her to the washroom i take her to the up floored room which is totally black nice place to fuck some one
Lee dong suk : Don't worry my lady i will be very soft to you
I touch her waist and hips and take out the handcuffs from the drawer ever single thing made me lip bite
I put the handcuffs to her hands and tied her to the bed I'm just admiring her body my hands can't wait to touch she is totally left unconscious oh God i miss the moans
I removed my coat my shirt and
I started first removing her clothes and just left her in her bra and panty which is also will be on her body for less than 10 mins
I suck her neck and touched her clothed breast oh God she Got beautiful boobs and put my hands under her bra cloth and stared massaging still sucking her neck then trailing down the kiss to her waist and down and down i kiss her thigh inner area i lick her area and start touching her with my finger i removed my pant then but even a single second away from her Making me more aggressive i again starting touching her God she is so tight what she is virgin then it's been very enjoyable to fuck her
I started playing with her underwear sting and started removing her panty
Then someone open the door agressively
He punch me that hard that i fell on the ground and my nose started bleeding
Lee Dong suk : What I did nothing wrong i just try to give her that you never gave to her that pleasure that a husband should give to his wife
Jungkook: oh SHUT UP
Lee dong Suk: Actually you don't have dare to fuck her you cant give her that pleasure that I'm giving to her the s*x
He again punched my face that time i left unconscious
Jungkook pov :
I want to kill that bastard
Jungkook: yn !
I Cover her with blanket and see how cruel suk be on her the hickey god if there is no court i definately kill him
I wear her the dress and cover up with my coat
I lift her in my arms and without even a single interaction i take her to my car and put her in car front seat and start driving for home
Jungkook Pov :
Next evening
The thoughts of the words Lee jong suk said to me still getting in my mind . I am feeling so agressive that how he can say i can't give her pleasure of s*x i have no dare to fuck her wait and just watch I'm so damn dominated I'm the only one who can take her virginity tonight i will tell her how i fuck her so hard
I open the door of my bedroom and i see yn already there combing her hairs
Yn pov
Warning: Sexual assualt and domestic Violence don't read if you are not comfortable with that stuff
Jungkook open the door so agressively he close the door and started approaching towards
Yn : what happens Jungkook
Jungkook : Yn tell me who will take your virginity
Yn : what
Jungkook: tell me yn WHO WILL TAKE YOUR VIRGINITY !
He started arounding her arms across me
Jungkook: TELL ME!
He push me closer towards him and i could feel his warm breath on my face
Yn : what type of question is this
Yn : What jungkook have you losted yesterday you are the one who saved me from that jerk and today you are acting like a jerk
Jungkook: I am not a hero who saved you just for i care about you because I'm the only one who can torture you more than him
He trying to kiss me i tried to push him away he is not
Yn : Jungkook please don't do this NO ! NO
He started kissing my neck or i say sucking my neck on one side he make a dark mark i am just punching his back that is creating no effect to him
Yn : No please
He threw on the bed and start ripping my clothes and left me only in my undergarments the suck my neck waist and leaving dark mark on it i am just moving my hands my legs but it doesn't matter him
Jungkook: This will remind you whome property you are
He unclip my bra and start sucking my breast while massaging the other he pinched my nipple and i just moaned he find my soft spot he started sucking me and moving his tongue
Jungkook: you are really intelligent that you got that now Keep your mouth shut otherwise i will fuck you to your death
Yn : jungkook please don't NO ! AHH
I am still moving my hands , my legs punching his back
Jungkook: so you can't understand nah .. now wait
He took the small lengthy strip of clothes and bind my hands to the bed
He does not even listen once and bind my mouth with clothes to resist my voice
But I'm still shouting, screaming and crying
He again sucked my neck and touched my eyes and preventing me too see his devil personality
He trail down his lips to my waist and suck the portion just before my underwear his hands traveling down like the same way his lips he move his finger on my heat which make me damn clothed moan but he still enjoying it without even a single second he removed my underwear and eating me up his tongue exploring me God he is a super psycho he is sucking me all the way he can eating me up his tongue fucking so good
Now i stop myself from prevention he already admiring and staring my naked body in front of him and i can't do anything i become a bad women whoes virginity is going to taken tonight
I open eyes and i expecting to see his pervert face but i see the tears building up in his eyes he just move away from my body and unbind me and Remove the binded cloth from my mouth and say nothing just went away from the room i sat up and so shocked I'm breathing so heavily and started crying so loud that hard that even a person is in balcony can hear me
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tinyorangepotato · 2 years
I'm constantly so needy and jealous and I'm glad I don't (at leats I think I dont) show it because god that would be annoying. this is the first time in actually a little while since I have been unable to sleep when I wnat to (usually around 12 or 1. it's now 2:30 and ive tried to sleep) and im awake and energetic while being sleepy and if someone walked up to me and said hey let's go take a walk and chat, I would be so down to join. I just wanna talk but the one person who I would enjoy talking to will probably be back awake in 2 hours and hopefully I'm not still awake by then because I got work in the morning and I alreayd suck at waking up and now I'm going to sleep even later than usual.
anyqyas back to the main topic, God I just want to cuddle or hang out and watch a show or just lay down and chat and hang out with someone and I should've been selfish earlier when he got us in a vc but wanted to go to sleep at 9 but I can't. there's no reason for me to insist on staying talking other than I wanted to and I know he would be sleepy so not talking as much and has ti wake up earlier than I do and do more intense work which he gets almsot no break from and so he needs his sleep but what about me (that's sarcasm(proabbyl the wrong word). I'm not that needy... maybe)
but like one of my friends will go to a Halloween party and have a fun time and run around and drink and shit meanwhile I fucking wish. God im just so envious of anything and everything always. I wish I wasn't always the driver but I'm the only one of my friend group that can drive and make plans. i wish I had other people I liked to hang out with because , again, I'm the planner of my group and I dotn host parties or whatever and I just wanna feel like the movies show. where you go to a party (it doesn't even have to be like a huge one like how 21 jumpstreet has it or whayever) and hang out with peope and do crazy ish things and drink and run and jump on a tire swing (that's what I'm friend did) and man. I just want ti have fun. other people do either with getting new things so starting a new hobby or getting into a new show and talking about it constantly or going out somewhere and not having to worry about everything.
I don't know where I'm going with this. but fuck I want things. I'm now putting aside all of ym paychecks except a full tank of gas (fill up when I get paid) and 50 dollars for getitng food when at work or any emergencies. I have been giving myself like 150 but I realized how much I owe while also still trying to save up for a place which I think jm the only of the two of us saving but that's okay because he makes more and will be paying for more things and he's already actually paying for his car insurance and all that while I'm not so I can afford to be broke when I get paid.
I owe like 5k still for my teeth (it's all just paying back care credit and I think I ahve 10 more motnhs to do it but im paying like 300 everyone month and I get only around 1k every month. so hopefully I'll be saving around 600 every month).looked at places and even the cheapest trailer was still a down payment of around 7k menawhike ive got not even 3 saved up and my dad still owes me that 1600 but he's been having a rough time even in his new better job so that's still gonna be a while.
and once we do get the place, I'll have to buy a mattress and dresser and all that shit becaus ei don't ahve fucking anything. hell I don't even have my own 4 walls to kepe anything at the moment. I got a second technically 3rd) job but that pays like shit. it was legit paying minimum wage so not even 9 dollars a d I've made 70 bucks the first pay period I've worked there (2 weeks) which is dogshit. for 8 fucking hours. at my first, better job, I would've made close to 120 with taxes removed. but I cant fucking get mor ehours there because of my fucjing aunt
I love her and I like to help out and she's the onyl reason I have a car and insurance (car insurance thay is) and have food every day but god damn. Sunday Tuesday and Friday I pick up carry out and then go to her place from like 11-3 (it's fairly random hut usually fits w8thin that time). so it's not like i can work more at job 1 seeing as they close at 6 and thay extra 2 and a half hours is not worth driving there and back. so I got another job but I've barely been scheduled and when I have it's been times I alreayd said I can not do. so I gotta pick up others shifts but my brain says "or you cna ignore the message and watch youtube" so that's usually what I do.
I wish I had a more simple schedule. even if I went to my aunts like 7-11 or at night it would work better but she's nto awake rhay early and she goes to lay down at around 6 so the time we have rn is the best time. but it fucks everything.
hell I would be more happy if I even just had a room to myself. that's all I want. please. even my friend who doesn't have a mattress to sleep on has a room and privacy and now 3 kittens constantly interacting with them and fuck. I qant soemthing for myself. I'm legit signing up for Doordash just so I can make a few extra bucks when I got ahit else to do.
I just want and need and fuck man im not gonan ever say it to anyone because I'm constantly like this and it's irrational and selfish so I'll keep it to myself to not harm anything. I'm a possessive and needy can't but no one will know because I push it down because it won't do any good to let it out.
(also really doesn't help rhat I am spending a few hundred on Christmas present for my friends but shhhh that's how I show love I guess so it's okay)
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
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he thought he was helping me 🤣 he wasn't, but I appreciate the attempt nonetheless 🥰
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kedreeva · 3 years
I had to have a minor medical procedure today and the important thing is that they anesthetized me for it. I warned them up front that I do not wake up well from anesthesia, as in I wake up belligerent over my disorientation and ready to escape unfamiliar surroundings, and asked them to please make sure Sark was in the room when I woke up.
Highlights from today include:
They did not make sure Sark was in the room when I woke up
The hot second I had any amount of consciousness returned, I attempted to get out of the bed and was thwarted by the railing they left up and my technician repeatedly telling me to lie down, which I did not because I was CERTAIN that I needed to leave.
I tried to remove my IV myself 15+ times in under 3 minutes and told the technician I could do it. I could not; I had asked the nurse who put it in to put extra tape on it so that I could not. I could also not remove the rest of the things they had me connected to, but only because I couldn’t figure out how, not for lack of trying
I could not remember the technician’s face because my facial blindness is MUCH worse when tired, and I called him Steven several times, and Josh. His name was Andrew.
My gown slipped down my shoulder in my struggles to escape, and the technician attempted to replace it and I told him “you’ve seen a boob, Steven.” His name was still Andrew, and the procedure space was an open outpatient area with other people
I was instructed not to bend over or the anesthetic would ‘rush to my head’ to which I responded in outrage “WELL WHERE THE HELL IS IT NOW?”
I asked everyone present “who the hell are you” and insisted the doctor tell me how to say her first name. They asked me if I remembered Sark when he arrived a minute later, and I stalled out entirely staring at him like a deer in headlights because I could not parse how he got there.
When they brought Sark in, the technician asked him “Does she normally wake up like this” and Sark told him “Depends on when you wake her up.” which is very fair of him because he remembers that I was woken at 4am once by someone honking their horn repeatedly because they wanted to fight my neighbor, and I charged outside in pajamas across a field to go attack their car while shouting about how rude they were and that they could fight me. They did not want to fight me, if you were wondering.
Sark told me they fetched him from the waiting room by saying “maybe you can come calm her down.”
This all happened in approximately 5 minutes, before I had gotten control of myself and could remember Andrew’s name and shape.
Andrew told me goodbye at the door and thanked me for being his most amusing patient today.
At least I managed to put my own clothes on and walk out the front door unassisted this time.
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
Can i pls req dream being reader's sugar daddy :O - 🌼
sorry this took a hot sec ive been working on this one for a while cause i really liked the idea, so here you go :)) it ended up being like 2k words so im sorry
You had it all, anything you could want and more. Wanted to go to rome? Done, your plane leaves tomorrow. Dream absolutely spoiled you and you couldnt be more happy about it. It started off as a thing to help you with rent, but the longer you did it the more you enjoyed being able to get what you wanted when you wanted. Today was your weekly lunch with dream, you had both agreed that at least once a week he would take time off to get lunch with you, it made you smile to see him take time for you. As the tease you were, you decided to wear something a little revealing to tease him since he had cancelled your shopping trip with him the day before. You put on a low cut crop top and some shorts that show a little too much before fixing your hair. You hear you phone ding, getting a text from dream,
Daddy dream <3
Hey baby, i'm out front whenever youre ready to go
You smile and put your phone in your pocket before walking out to his car and getting in. you kiss his cheek quickly “hi daddy” you giggle and smile at him
“Hi sweetheart” he looks you up and down before smirking “like the outfit, all for me?” you giggle and nod before he starts to drive to the restaurant, one hand on your thigh. “Do you know what you want? You know the rule, anything you want no matter the price. And after that we can go shopping to make up for my cancelling yesterday.” you smile at him
“I know, and we dont have to dream, we can just hang out. Its been a while since we did that. Maybe we can go somewhere for you to make it up to me instead” he smiles and squeezes your thigh as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Anywhere you want baby, only the best for you.” you look down and blush, moving over to lean your head on his shoulder as he moves a hand to pet your hair. “Ill take you anywhere anytime and get you anything you want.” you cant lie, at times you had thought about being more than just his sugar baby, having a real romantic relationship, but he was always so busy that it made it seem almost impossible. Sure he took time out to be with you but it was never a lot unless you were traveling. He didnt tell you a lot about his job either, just knew that he had a large following and that he didnt want anything serious and put his partner in a bad situation, but damn if you havent thought about him coming home to you and calling you his.
“Baby? You okay? You zoned out.” he waves a hand in front of your face and you blink back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry i just got a little distracted. Lets go get some food!” you pull away from him and he gets out, walking around to open your door for you and holds a hand out to help you. “Thank you” you smile and take his hand as you step out, he closes the door behind you and puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you both walk up to get a table. You get seated immediately and he pulls your chair out for you. “Is there a single flaw with you?” you ask genuinely, he just laughs and shakes his head.
“Theres a bunch you dont know about me, sweetheart.” you roll your eyes as the waitress comes back with your mimosa and his water, asking for your orders. He orders for you and him before she walks off to put them in. He always knows what you want and orders it for you. It makes you smile that he likes to take care of you. You shake that thought away and go back to mindlessly talking with him, waiting on the food. It comes shortly and you both start to eat. “Where do you want to go? Japan? Italy? Oh we havent been to paris in a while, maybe there.”
“I think paris would be great, its always so pretty this time of year, maybe we can have dinner on the eiffel tower again!” your eyes light up at the thought of going back to paris. Last time you went was last spring, you both walked around and had the most wonderful time people watching and shopping. You take another bite and he looks like hes about to say something before he stops himself and looks down. “What is it? Is something wrong?” you look at him concerned, scared you messed something up.
“Its nothing darling, dont worry.” you both finish up lunch and he pays before helping you up and leading you back to the car. “I have something id like to ask you when we get to paris if thats okay, its nothing bad i promise its just something ive been meaning to ask for a while is all.” you nod as he opens the door for you and helps you in. “now, a pretty girl like you needs pretty new clothes for the trip, lets go get you some.” he smiles at you as he gets in, resting a hand back on your thigh as he starts the car, leading you both to the mall.
You spend hours in there going to different stores and trying things on, him getting you whatever you wanted without any hesitation. You walk back to the car with armfulls of bags and a couple new suitcases. “Thank you so much daddy, youre the best.” you kiss his cheek and he turns a little red.
“Its no problem baby, why dont you stay over tonight and we can leave in the morning to head to the airport. I can help you pack and we can watch a movie.” you smiles and nod, putting your bags in the back of the car and your new suitcases in the trunk.
“Id like that…” you think for a second about how nice it would be to wake up next to him every day and how nice it is to fall asleep next to him when it happens, even if when you did wake up after he wasnt next to you. The cold bed always made you remember that you would never be more than this, not that this was bad in the least its just sometimes you wish you could be more. He drives you both back to his apartment building and helps you out, grabbing most of your bags, only leaving you to grab the suitcases as you enter the building. He lived on the top floor in the penthouse, expected for how much money he had. You set your stuff down in his room, your new clothes already laid out nicely thanks to him. He walks up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“Youll look so good in all of those baby, gonna be the prettiest one in paris.” he kisses your neck softly before pulling away and taking your hand, leading you to sit on the part of the bed not covered by clothes. “Let me go run you a bath and you can pick out a movie.” you nod and he walks to the bathroom, leaving you alone on the bed. You turn on the tv and start scrolling through netflix looking for a movie, finally deciding as he walks back in and picks you up. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your head to rest on his chest as he carries you to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter and takes your shirt off carefully, leaving kisses down your neck and chest and he moves down to take your shorts off. You lift yourself gently to help him take your shorts off. He takes them off quickly before nipping and kissing your inner thighs, ghosting over your core. You whine and try to move closer to him before he presses your hips down into the counter.
“Stay still baby, dont wanna have to punish you. Daddy just wants his desert.” you nod quickly and stay still, his head diving to softly kiss your clit, causing you to whine. He chuckles and starts to slowly eat you out, almost at a teasing pace. You whine and grip the counter, trying to keep from pulling his hair. He pulls away and smiles, “good girl, being so good and not pulling my hair. Just letting daddy eat you up.” after he says that his hands move down to your thighs open as he starts to eat you out like a man starved. You let out a loud moan and throw your head back, your hands moving to his hair and tugging closer. At this point he didnt care about you pulling his hair, to blissed out by hearing your sweet moans and tasting you. Your cries became louder as he dragged you closer to the edge. as you were almost there he stopped, causing a loud whine from you as he moves up to face you. He looked like heaven like this, face covered in your slick with eyes dark from lust.
“Now my good little girl, i want you to get off the counter and bend over for daddy.” you quickly move off the counter and do as your told. “Such a perfect little girl, i want you to watch as i make you feel good, got it? You look away and i stop,” he chuckles and grabs your neck after you nod. His hand moves from your neck to your hair to hold you in place, making eye contact with him through the mirror.
“Such a precious little pet for me, arent you?” you whine as he lines up with your entrance, teasing you, causing you to press your hips back against him. He smacks your ass roughly and pulls you against his chest by your hair. “Thats not very nice bun, its almost like you want me to leave you all worked up.’’ he smirks at you before pulling you roughly back against him, ripping a scream from your throat. He sets a brutal pace, leaving no time for you to adjust to him. He keeps the pace, your legs starting to shake as he brings you back to the edge of your orgasm before quickly throwing you over it. You let out a cry of his name, trails of tears starting to run from your eyes as he keeps going.
“Pretty little bunny, always so good and tight for me. Gonna breed you so good. Fuck you until i know it takes.” he tugs your hair roughly and starts to bite and suck at your neck, leaving marks in his wake. You whine and cry, moving your hands to tug at his hair. “So close princess, gonna fill you up so good.” he moves a hand to your clit to punctuate his statement, causing a louder cry to come from you as you tip over the edge once again. His hips start to stutter as he fills you up, riding out his high with shallow thrusts letting out a few more quiet moans before pulling out of you carefully. You whine and tug at his hair as he does so. He picks you up carefully as he pulls away.
“i figured we could take a bath and then cuddle before we pack and figure out what time we should leave for the airport.” you nod and he carries you carefully over to the tub, setting you down carefully in it before getting and sitting behind you. He starts to wash your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up briefly as he lifts you from the tub and carries you to the bed. He moves the blankets back and sets you down gently before crawling in next to you , pulling the blankets back over you.
“Be my partner,” he says as you turn towards him
“Only if we can still go to paris” you giggle and he nods, kissing the top of your head before you both drift off.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 3 years
This fic is dedicated to @lovelyladyraven for being my first ever paid commission.
Shouta Aizawa x fem reader
Tw:dangerous situation, breeding, OVERSTIMULATION
Word count: 3.5k
This was not how you had planned to spend your day. Your boss had decided that the roof needed to be cleaned on the second hottest day this summer! Of course you were the only one who had just finished up their task so he sent you to do it by yourself with a promise of sending the next available person up to switch with you soon. Instead you had spent two hours cleaning up dirt and shining the vents on a roof that no one but maintenance workers ever set foot on! Once you had seen how much time had passed you went to the door with every intention of stomping down the stairs and clocking out, not willing to do overtime just to clean a roof. But the knob wouldn't turn no matter how hard you pulled. You banged on the door a few times only to realize that one of the idiots that you work with had locked the door. Quickly you took out your phone and called the store phone no answer, then your boss's phone no answer, then you called the two other coworkers who had been working with you today. Not a single person answered you! You went over to the side of the building that looked over the parking lot seeing that all their cars were already gone from their usual spots. The bastards had left for the day and left you locked on the roof with no way to go home or even get water. You tried for another 30 minutes to reach your boss and coworkers only for them to start rejecting your calls. They did this on purpose. You went and sat in the shade of the roof door access and took a few calming breaths. You knew that they weren't going to come back until tomorrow and you also knew that they probably expected you to sit up here and cry waiting till morning for them to come and "save" you. So instead you looked up the number for the local fire department. Once someone picked up you heard a deep gravelly voice through the speaker. 
"Fire station 6 what can I help you with?" 
The man seemed tired and kind of put out but instead of apologizing for bothering him like your brain was screaming at you to do, you cleared your throat and spoke. You gave him a detailed rundown of your situation and explained that you would have called the emergency line first except your boss's wife worked the police directory and if he was locking you on the roof like this you were afraid that his wife would just not send anyone to help you. It was a small town and things like that were constantly looked over as long as you knew the right people. He hummed in agreement.
" That's sad but true. I know your boss and his wife well enough that you're probably 100 percent right about what they would do and how they would cover this up. They've done it before. Me and a few guys will be there in about 20 minutes to come get you down. Just keep calm and do your best to stay out of the sun until then we don't need you getting any more dehydrated than you already are."
He gave a quick goodbye and hung up. You breathed a sigh of relief knowing that you had chosen correctly when you called the fire station. You sat in the shade and tried to put a face to the voice of the tired firefighter who would be coming to free you from your rooftop prison. Like a fool you had never asked his name. As you thought about it you started to get a bit lightheaded. It had definitely been too long since you had any water. The heat was starting to get to you now that your adrenaline had stopped pumping so hard. With nothing else to do you layed down as much in the shade as you could and did a breathing exercise. During your exercise you must have blacked out because the next thing you knew you were being carried down the stairs in a set of strong arms. 
The person carrying you was speaking to you but you couldn't make out what they were saying over the fog that was covering your brain. You knew the sound of that voice though. It was the tired firefighter but he sounded a whole lot less tired and a whole lot more angry. You really hoped he wasn't angry at you. Maybe you were too heavy and he was annoyed at having to lug you down the stairs. With a weak hand you reached up maybe to apologize somehow, but ended up cupping his cheek. His stubble felt funny in your already funny feeling hand. He stopped walking at the feeling of your hand on his face. You still couldn't open your eyes so instead you mumbled a garbled sorry and proceeded to pass back out going limp. The last thing you heard was the tired firefighter yelling at someone, maybe you?
You woke up again this time to the feeling of something plastic on your face. Opening your eyes was still a bit too much for you so you listened and tried to figure out what was going on. You vaguely remember the tired voice you had spoken to before you felt light headed and the feeling of being carried. As you listened you could make out the sounds of machines. Slowly you took stock of your body. You were sore and kinda warm but you could move a little bit. You breathed deeply, finally realizing that the plastic was an oxygen tube. You were definitely in the hospital then. After a few more minutes your eyes were in good enough condition that you opened them to look around the room. When you did you saw someone slumped in the chair in the corner. This was incredibly strange since you had no family in this town. Doing your best you cleared your throat preparing to ask who they were. At your sound the person's head shot up, eyes wide. 
It was a man with tired eyes and long black hair that was on the scruffy side; it easily matched the stubble of a beard on his chin and cheeks. He stood up definitely tall enough to tower over you even when you were standing up yourself. The man walked to your bedside and took a deep breath before speaking. 
"It's good to see you awake little one. I was beginning to think you weren't going to wake up. I'm the firefighter you spoke to asking for help when you were on the roof. I have a lot to explain to you but I'm gonna call the doctor in and have them look you over before anything else."
He called out into the hall after that and a doctor and a nurse bustled into the room within minutes. Your throat was too dry to answer their questions so you stuck to little nods and head shakes as they began to check your vitals and adjust your iv drip. Once they were sure you were stable enough you were once again left with your savior and no voice to thank him with. He came closer and pulled the chair along with him to settle in for your conversation. 
"So you've been out of it for about 3 days. You got sunstroke while you were on the roof and your boss had double locked the door to get in and the door to the roof which slowed us down in getting to you. Your boss and his wife and your 2 coworkers have all been arrested. It was your boss's idea though apparently he kept hitting on you but you didn't give him the time of day so he wanted to teach you a lesson. His wife had your name flagged so that if you had called for help it would have given a dispatcher a notification to ignore you as a false reporter. His wife found out about his interest in you and was planning on making sure you were stuck on that roof all night. Your coworkers just went along with it because they didn't want to deal with your boss's anger."
Hearing all this pissed you off beyond belief. They could have killed you all because you would be a man's mistress and the man's wife would rather hurt someone than confront her husband. He looked at your face and patted your knee knowing there was nothing he could say that would make you feel any better about this. You looked up at him and grabbed his hand and brought it to your forehead, touching his knuckles there before placing a kiss on them. You were kind of happy that you couldn't really talk just yet because the blush on this man's cheeks was well worth the dry throat. He poured you a cup of water and handed it to you. You gave him a small smile and drank it gratefully. 
Eventually you could speak some and the two of you formally introduced yourselves. He was Shouta Aizawa, the fire station chief and local fire safety instructor for this area. He hadn't felt right leaving you alone after he had gotten you off the roof and found that you lived alone in this town. He came off very blunt and serious but you could see his deep kindness in his actions. The doctors came back in, cutting your conversation short and making Shouta go back to his spot in the corner. After a few more checks the doctors cleared you to go home the following day as long as you had someone to watch over you for the next three days till your follow up appointment was. You frowned cause you did have any close friends who could do that for you. As you pondered over it you heard Shouta's voice over the doctor's. 
"If you don't have a problem I can have you stay over in the guestroom at my house. I was already on a temp leave due to watching over you here so it wouldn't be much different with you at my house."
This man with a deep whiskey voice truly had a heart of gold. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth you readily agreed. After you had been up a few more hours and had a little bit to eat, Shouta left with the promise of a freshly cleaned room waiting for you tomorrow. You fell asleep that night feeling more cared for than you ever truly had. You woke up again slightly disoriented and thirsty but in much better condition than you had been the day prior. It was early so you took your time shaking the numbness out of your limbs and getting back your bearings. The nurse came in fussing about you standing with calling anyone to be a catcher for you. She stopped fussing though when she realized that you were indeed stable enough to walk to the bathroom alone. 
Shouta had called the nurses station around 10 to let them know he'd be there by 12. With a few puppy dog looks you had a shower chair and an orderly who helped wash your hair and walk you back to bed. They had given you some hospital pajamas that you happily wore instead of the ugly gowns you had woken up in. You were clean and relaxed by the time Shouta had arrived to sign you out of the hospital. A nurse came around with a wheelchair and wheeled you down to the exit while the car was brought around. Shouta opened the door for the backseat but instead of giving you a hand to climb in he leaned down and scooped you out of the chair. Once you had been sat comfortably on the seat he shut the door leaving you with a moment to appreciate just how strong his arms were.
The drive to Shouta's home was relatively quick as is the way of small towns. His house was nice and seemed to be a cozy ranch style. After pulling into the garage you tried to get out yourself only to be caught up against a hard chest as your legs gave out the moment they were made to take your full weight. You looked up to see an exasperated glare. Part of your brain filled with chastised thoughts as the other filled with dirty thoughts. You really had to be better behaved when It came to your savior and benefactor but with him being so sinfully attractive it was kinda hard to do. Once again you were carried by the tired man this time into his home and deposited on the lone couch in his living room. He sat on his coffee table and faced you with a sigh. 
"You're really gonna have to rely on me for a few days brat. Your body is trying to heal and you pushing it as you just did isn't doing the process any favors."
You sighed and agreed with him. After a short conversation about a few things you might need from the store and checking about any food allergies he got ready and  headed to the store. You sat alone watching tv before clicking into his YouTube app to see what he watched most. A loud laugh burst from your chest as you realized that most of his watch history was full of cat videos and a few interviews with a local late night radio host. You watched the radio hosts videos thoroughly entertained by his boisterous personality. The next thing you knew you were being shaken awake by Shouta having fallen asleep with videos still playing on the tv. He helped you up and walked you to the bathroom and waited outside before scooping you up yet again. He was making it so damn hard not to think dirty thoughts when he kept carrying you around as if you were a small animal or something. Like sir the butterflies are in the stomach now but they will quickly fly south if you keep being so quietly sexy. A few hours later you were lying in bed when your thoughts finally got the best of you and had you touching your pussy as images of Shouta glaring down at you with his arms crossed showed behind your eyelids.
You had no idea how loud you were being as you rubbed your clit harshly, trying to get to the finish line. As you came you choked out his name. While you panted and came down from your high Shouta made his way back to his room quietly. He leaned back against his door and made a call before laying in his bed to jerk his very hard, very neglected cock. His brain kept replaying the sounds you made, the way you choked out his name as you came, how a satisfied little smile curled on your lips after you reached the finish line. He came with a growl, satisfied but not. He was definitely going to end up in trouble by the end of the week and he couldn't find it in himself to care. The following two days followed the same pattern, spending the day together and spending the night getting off to thoughts of the other in separate rooms. Though you were surprised to find that Shouta regularly walked around the house in nothing but sweatpants holding a full mug of coffee. On the fourth day you had become well enough to no longer need to be carried or walked everywhere. You were a little confused by Shouta's attitude as he had been glaring at the space above your head for most of the day. Finally tired of him doing this, you confronted him about it. You were not expecting his answer in the slightest. 
"I've spent the last three nights hearing you play with your pussy while calling my name, I'm hard enough to hammer nails and I can't get out any over this energy cause I'm supposed to be watching out for you. All I wanna do is fuck you till you lose your mind. me glaring above your head has been me doing my best not to seduce you like an asshole."
He said everything in such a deadpan manner that you couldn't help but laugh. Once you caught your breath you grinned at him and pulled your shirt off over your head. Sitting on his couch with your tits hanging free and your nipples hardening in the cool air you proceeded to play with them. You were immediately picked up and taken to his room before being dropped on the bed. Never let it be said that the tired man couldn't move fast as you were stripped of your remaining clothes before he stripped himself bare. He pulled you to the edge of his bed by your ankles and dropped to his knees, a fierce smile on his lips. 
"Been wanting to taste this bratty pussy for days. Bet it's as sweet as it looks."
His first lick was long. From your hole all the way over your clit. The squeak you let out at the feeling only made him more hungry. He spent what felt like an endless amount of time licking and thrusting his tongue as deep into your pussy as he could. By the time he finally gave your clit some much needed attention his chin was covered in pussy juice and your hole was fluttering as if it was seeking to be filled. Shouta teased you with a few small licks over your clit, making you whine and beg him to give you more. His arms wrapped around your thighs as he locked eyes with you and sucked your clit into his mouth. He sucked hard making you scream and thrash wildly. Your hands were buried in his hair as you squirted into his mouth. Your hips only stayed on the bed because of his strong arms keeping you in place. When he finally released your clit pussy juice was steadily leaking from your still twitching hole. 
"Oh did I break you already? You were so bold before and now you're just a mess. Think you can take my cock or do you want me to tuck you in for a nap."
The shit eating grin on his face was enough for you to pull his hair and glare at him. He sat up and shoved your wrists above your head to hold in one of his large hands. Slowly he worked his fat dripping cock into your almost too tight pussy. You whined and moaned his name as he finally bottomed out hitting your back wall. He stretched you more than you ever had been before but it was so damn good. Shouta started slow, one hand gripping your thigh as he ignored your demands for him to speed up.
"You're gonna take what I give you like a good girl or I'll just pull out and cum all over you right now."
That shut you up except for the constant stream of moans that left your throat. Just as you were finally getting used to being split by such a thick cock he changed his rhythm. Fast pounding thrusts that knocked the breath from your lungs were nearly constant. You didn't have enough breath to scream so you sobbed. Your half words were incoherent except for "sho please." Shouta leaned down and whispered in your ear as his thrusts once again spread up. He bit your ear lobe before making you lose your mind. 
"Such a tight little hole. I can't believe I had the strength to ignore it for three days. I could have at least eaten it while you laid back and rested. God I'm gonna have you for breakfast tomorrow." 
The utter heat in his words threw you over the edge making you cum so hard you began to shake. He growled as your pussy clenched down on him. Shouta sunk his teeth into the pillow by your head before shoving his cock against your cervix and shooting his cum against it. As soon as he finished cuming he started to thrust again. No slow start this time, just hard pounding thrusts that made you wail in pleasure. It didn't take long for you to cum again but Shouta lasted longer this time entirely fucking his cum out of you before finally cuming inside again just as deep as the first time. 
He pulled out and laid down next to you before pulling you on to his chest. You both panted trying to breathe like normal human beings again. Right as your breathing evened out you heard a voice from the doorway. And looked up to see the blonde radio host trailing his eyes over the two of you.
"I told you you wouldn't make it till I got home sho."
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