#so lets hope this wont end in shambles
dishushu · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ dating hobie brown (hc's)
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pairing: hobie brown x reader
warnings: (mentions of injuries) that’s it
a/n: ojay i’m REALLY sorry for the long ass break i took but i think (hope) i’m better now BUT ily guys so much for waiting🫶🏽 this is so short but I PROMISE i’ll do better soon🫶🏽
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
i feel like
this man is so TALL
like whether or not you’re tall
he will always tower over you
he is an acts of service, quality time and physical touch kinda guy😍
doesn’t care about pda whatsoever
like if you’re in public, his hands gots to be on your waist, shoulder or intertwined with your hand
like he has to be touching you in some way
never EVER gets jealous
like he’s a “wear whatever u want i can fight” kind of guy
but sometimes when someone get too far he might or might not beat the shit out of somebody
i feel like his british accent always gets you in shambles
whenever he would play in a bar with his band you HAVE to be there
he’ll like introduce you to his friends and all
he’s like so proud of you in general like
whenever someone would ask
if you were his
he would be like “yup, n they amazin’.”
you would always be in the corner watching his shows
a smile plastered on your face as he played ALWAYS mesmerized you
he would look at you from the stage and wink a lot
every single time it ends, the first thing he would do is go up to you and ask you how it was
and OBVIOUSLY you’d have to say he did amazing
always and somehow injured
would come in your window like almost everyday in the middle of the night after spider-man duties
with multiple injuries
and you would always patch them up
(sometimes he gets hurt on purpose just to see you)
i feel like he would make you sleep in
and cook for you
and seeing him like in an apron in shii
gets you tumbling down stairs😍
always call you by pet names like literally
“love.” “sugar.” 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
would make you your own little punk vest
has all the colors you like and his combined
it’s just ADORABLE
wont let ANYONE touch his guitar except you
makes you learn how to play his guitar
would be sitting behind you, arms around your shoulders and his hands guiding yours to the strings
would be so proud you learned it
if you both shared an apartment
his side would be so messy but not too messy, filled with like guitar picks, empty paint spray bottles, and his guitar on a stand in the corner
and your half is completely the opposite
© hearts4hobie.
do not steal, translate, and rewrite without permission.
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kiwibongos · 6 months
i dont really infodump in general at all but im doing it cus i need some ideas off my chest. do you freak with angst? perhaps an unhappy ending?
// sdr2 chapter 5+ending spoilers ig. also kuzuhina au baybee
so i had an idea of like. what if nagito DID actually bomb the island, taking everyone out alongside himself?
so when nagito finds out that he alongside all the other participants (aside from chiaki) are remnants of despair he just wants to end everything for good bc he doesnt think the ones he called "symbols of hope" deserved to live. so bombs are spread all around the islands forreal this time, and hes still just as vague and ominous, never really specified how many bombs there were, what island it was on, and left it up to the survivors to try and figure it out. so they'd all been searching for days, but to no avail, and at the very last moment when fuyuhiko finds them at the military base (nagito had just freshly died + placed them on the truck), he drags the others there to check it out. once nagito's video message to them ends, the bombs go off alongside a chain of other explosions across every island. the remaining survivors ran out of the factory, barely on time, and everything started crumbling around them, and all the others were downed one by one, crushed underneath falling structures with no time to be saved
but somehow haj and fuyu survived (who were farther away and had more time to react), the others dying right in front of their own eyes. but they ran away, retreating to the warehouse immediately. and hajime just takes a minute to crumble in fuyuhikos arms wishing he couldve saved them. until they hear music echoing in the warehouse. they walk down, and past a curtain, they find nagitos body with a spear through his head. (the fire/poison didnt go off btw, it wasnt really necessary in his plan.)
im sure u can imagine hajime was fucking raging at that point just breaking down and stressing out, how mad he was at nagito for running away like this and inflicting all this pain onto everyone, and monokuma let him do it since yknow, technically he couldnt punish him for a crime he hadnt committed yet, and all this happened in a matter of minutes. but fuyuhiko snaps him out of his panic for a second and knocks something through hajimes head, and the realization hits; it’s just them now. they’re the only ones left
and neither of them know what to do
but their first thought was to get out of this factory as fast as possible, so thats the first thing they do, navigating through the fire and leaving the entire fifth island, and hope that maybe they can find a way out of here, or ask monokuma or monomi for help (since the island is in shambles, they must have to let them go right?), so they wander around, hoping maybe then something would happen, but there wasn't any sight of monokuma or monomi. the fire kept on spreading, the smoke was getting worse, so fuyuhiko and hajime eventually retreat back at the military base (one of the few places untouched by the bombs) so they could catch their breath, collect their thoughts, and make a plan (or hopefully monokuma would come to them, if they stay in one place.)
they just kinda sit inside of a garage for a while, talk a little and comfort eachother through it, hajime is crushed by guilt and horror, but he realizes they wont accomplish anything just by sitting here. and if he couldnt save the others, he can save him and fuyuhiko. so haj leaves fuyuhiko in the garage with determination to think of something to get them off this island somehow. he looks for ways of escape, like the helicopter outside, but no fuel. he looks for materials or tools for a boat, but the island had been extremely lacking in that, everything was either burned or missing by now, so even their most plausible idea was destroyed. when hajime returns to the garage in a panic, pacing around, fuyuhiko realizes they arent getting off this island. they cant wait here forever. but hes known this for a while, and he knows what he has to do now
eventually, he hands hajime a pistol(acquired from the truck of firearms outside), and asks him to kill him so it could finally be over
obviously hajime refuses at first, but fuyuhiko begs him, because he isn’t a good person and he doesn’t have much else to live for, while hajime has singlehandedly saved everyones asses, he deserved to escape more than anyone else here, he basically tells him 'its time you take care of yourself.' by now, hajime was crying, but they’ve been at this dead end for so long, he knew he had to do it or else they’d never be getting off this island. so hajime just had to accept it, so he just holds him close, says his final goodbyes before making it quick for him
pulling that trigger hurt him more than anything, knowing he'd failed to the end, but anyway boom monokuma comes out congratulating him, ends the simulation, and hajime is the winner
also postgame babey; when things end here, hajime would wake up from the simulation, and since he never got to choose his own future alongside everyone else, he wakes up as izuru kamukura, inside the abandoned pod room. he's not entirely empty i think, izuru and hajime still would have "merged" afterwards, but his memories of the simulation are very fuzzy very quickly, so hajime is somewhere in there, mourning, justi n the deepest parts of his mind. but thats a whole thing to get into. the survivors, fuyuhiko, and everything that happened, are just kind of like a vague nightmare that sticks with you no matter how much you try to forget it
but he just leaves the pod room, and lurks around the city without any other purpose to serve anymore, all alone. the future foundation hasnt found him since
edit: side note i was really back and forth on it for a while but i finally wrote this into a fic lol. the brainrot consumes
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theblankest123 · 11 months
Some random thoughts on the thunder leak we got so far
The way the person wrote it, it really sounds like Splashtail is actually genuenly alarmed and in horror with Frostpaw dissapearing and then Whistlepaw telling him that she got carried off by a buzzard. Like that seems like a bit of a weird of a guy that we suspect of attacking frostpaw with the intention of murder. Makes me wonder if Splashtail was not the one that attacked her? Maybe he genuienly thought of Frostpaw as a good asset to him becoming a leader and did not actually want her dead? Does he know who might have attackled her but cannot comment on it? Very curious.....
Sunbeam i hope you dump your impulsive ass bf but stay in TC with your brand new adopted family. The way they all support her a ton and the way how she seems to both enjoy and be good at mentoring, doing the task, it sounds cute as hell. Someone mentioned that she might be given one of the kits as an apprentice to signify that TC trusts her which hell yeah thatd be great :]
Didnt really like how they tried to make squirrelflight at the time sound unreasonable with Bramble being the reasonable one in that one chapter after the first moonpool visit failed, wether it was the person writing it in the forum or the book, but alas. Ooooo Brambe is the reasonable one and Squirrelflight/star is SOOOO unreasonable therefore bramble is in the right always and squirrel is wrong and bad. Like shuddup. Hope thats not what they were going with. Either way a minor pet peeve its just bramblesquirrel arguing again like always
Frostpaw my girl my beloved little gal. Ily. She is now the chosen cat by starclan tasked to go on a journey, break riverclan appart and then rebuild it. Little girl's gonna fuck shit up hell yeah
Curlfeather is absolutely in darkforest kitty hell isnt she. Ooo man. And starclan did not want to tell Frostpaw that because oof she is already going through a lot lets not drop that bomb on her juuust yet, she'll figure out that her mom was doing shady things and might have been involved in Reed's death eventually.
They are absolutely gonna use the being spayed plot point as a means to cause a bit more angst for Frostpaw arent they. She was thinking of maybe having children one day and naming one of em after her mom. Poor gal. Well, at least we wont have another female wc protag end up being reduced to mom. Let's hope that the erins handle this not absolutely horribly.
Tigerstar: its fiiiine that im still in control of the RC territory i mean look how much i have helped them look how great they are doing with me!
River Clan: *is in complete fucking shambles*
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lissbutnobliss · 2 years
Okay, can we have a talk.
This ending was… questionable. But very logical. I mean, everything was foreshadowing to that, we should’ve known and I am not surprised.
I have very mixed feelings about it and I don’t really know how to explain all of them, but let’s start with that:
1. I am proud of Tommy for writing this. No matter how some aspects of these are srewed and how some are not good in the message, he still did a great job. I mean, imagine being responsible for ending ALL of this? The server that was so big and gave so much to millions of people, and you are the one to write an ending of the story.
Endings are hard to write. I am sure, everyone who’s every written a story will agree with me. Happy endings are even harder, because if you have a long and complicated story, with so much angst in it, it’s almost always troubling to find a satisfying happy ending. And successfully lead everything to that.
And the fact that Tommy took the responsibility to finish this MASSIVE story is admirable. I know I wouldn’t do that on his place, wouldn’t have the guts. I am proud of him.
2. Being proud of Tommy though doesn’t make me less irritated with the last confrontation he and Dream had. I feel like everybody here already mentioned how the fact that his character said sorry to his abuser is… not great. Awful honestly.
And it annoys me. As an always inniter and c!Tommy enjoyer, I can’t be less angry with that. Because it’s not right. Dream did too much fucked up shot to earn that apology. Even if Tommy hurt him too, it’s not something you can redeem.
3. But I understand. I completely understand why cc!Tommy wrote it that way.
Hear me out.
c!Tommy is one of the most compassionate and emotionally smart characters on that server. He was always the one to see good in others no matter what. Even if he didn’t always act that way. I mean, just remember his conversation with c!Foolish: ‘I believe everyone have a little bit of good in them’, ‘I think Wilbur is a good person, but he’s been playing a bad guy for a long time’, ‘It’s not about giving him a second chance, it’s not about giving him a third chance, it’s not about chances! It’s about not giving up on people you care about’.
If there was a character on a server to understand (not forgive, c!Tommy didn’t forgive him or joined him, he understood c!Dream) the monster, it’s Tommy.
It makes so much sense for his character to realize the part of the picture he hasn’t seen before and accept his flaws and mistakes. Apologizing to c!Dream is a bad message. But it makes so much sense that c!Tommy did that. It’s about not giving up on people, eh?
4. Which makes me a little bit happy. Not a lot, but just a smidge. Just knowing that if they survived, c!Tommy would heal. After all, sometimes to heal from something awful like an abuse you need to understand what exactly happened.
And don’t take it as me saying that ‘Tommy should’ve realized that he is in fault for everything that happened’, because fuck no. He isn’t, and he is still a victim in this situation.
I mean it as the understanding and coming to terms with it would give him the closure he needed.
He would’ve healed, if they survived.
5. And of course I am devastated. I understand why people think of this finale as an awful one. I am in shambles. It’s so hard to take in the fact that everything just got erased.
I am a big c!clingy duo enjoyer. I loved a lot of other characters too, but they were the best for me. They were the ones who I would always love, no matter what. Hell, I even watched those streams despite Dream being in them just because I would never not watch an ending of c!clingy duo.
I wont repeat what others said about why this finale is sad and awful and devastated. I will only say the thing that makes it the worst for me.
Tommy and Tubbo didn’t get to meet that end together. They were so close to each other, a few more minutes, and Tubbo would’ve be there. But they didn’t, and I am just. I just. I hope people will write c!clingy duo fix its. I don’t even really need the rewriting of that particular stuff. Just maybe them going to the Moon and being happy and raising Michael together on stories about all the friends they had. Please.
That’s kind of the mix of my feelings.
I also wanted to talk about messages in general.
The Dream SMP story as cc!Wilbur once said is always not characters influencing the plot, but plot influencing the characters. And that’s what was best about it in my opinion. There was no meta gaming, it was a raw reaction of people in the situation, not from the distance.
So sometimes it’s not about writing the tight message. It’s about how that character would act right there and right now.
And all of this ‘i know *blank* better than *cc blank*’ is fun and all, I also post stuff like that, and it helps to say fuck you to canon to feel better. But no, we don’t know those characters better than ccs who play them. At least because it’s not our characters. We know their fanon versions better, sure. We know our versions of those characters better. And that’s cool! That’s how fandom works! But just imagine someone read a story about your own OC and said that they understand them better than you.
Why I am writing is: we can all be pissed off at the I am sorry to c!Dream thing. We should, honestly, it’s a bad message. But the thing is, it’s not about the writing, it’s about the person (in form of c!Tommy) and what this person feel and thinks after living through everything they did. That what was making Dream SMP so beautiful. The story was the driving force, not the characters. And I kind of appreciate that cc!Tommy didn’t metagame it till the end, but just went along with what it would lead his character too.
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battlemaiden13 · 2 years
Hi hello! I dont think my og ask went through so i probably wont be able to recapture the excitement but!
So years ago when it was first starting up i read hnd and then kinda dropped it at some point but! I returned seeing it still updated!
My goal was to finish my reread before chapter 100 which i did last week and omg i completely fell in love w it once again!
I am like so particular about characterization of skeletons but as the fic went on I just loved seeing how u explore every single one of them more and more and just give them more quirks! And how eventually we start seeing their dynamics outside of mc! Its just so great! And i could honestly go off on a rant but this is already long ask ahaha
Anyway im edgy skeleton truther, end of chapter 99 left me in shambles and i cant wait for more!
(Also ur fic mightve motiveted me to draw some fanart but shshsh)
Oh my gosh!! No, HELLO! AH no, no your other one did send, it's here!! I just haven't been in the best headspace recently nor had the time to write back! Your other comment said it's been up since 2017 which is insane to me. I can't believe I've been writing it that long and that people are still reading it. I happy to see it's good enough to have people coming back to it XD
Congratulations on catching up! that's no easy feat I'm sure, I'm so happy that you love it to!! I have so many plans for the next like part of HND hopefully by chapter 200 she's dating the skeletons and we can get into some real juicy stuff. That seems like a slow enough burn right? XD
I'm really happy that you like the skeletons interactions! In future I might write some chapters just with the boys hanging out with one enough to deepen that too. I think it would be fun to explore characters who don't usually interact as often or even build better bonds. Berry and Blue have such a fun dynamic but I also love Blue and Red hanging out. If you wanted I wouldn't mind reading a rant about skeleton interactions and quirks XD
Chapter 99 is some of my best work. I've already had to re-read it a few times, something I've only done with a few chapters and I am in love. I made myself simp over the edgy boi. I really want chapter 100 to have more of those moments but there's a lot going on so it might have to be saved. Expect more of the sipping seen in chapter 99 to happen over the next stage of HND though because hot damn.
Holy heck please, please, if you've drawn anything please let me see it. I love fanart. Even if you want to send it on anon and request I don't post it, or tag me! It really makes my day. Of course if you don't want to that's fine to, I am really happy to know I've inspired you that much
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoy the next stage of this story as much as I will enjoy writing it
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nukacola-reactions · 3 years
Any chance of some FNV whump? Companion reacts to being lost and running out of food/water in the desert.
Arcade: You would think a followers doctor would know how to survive lost in the desert. Or at least know how to avoid getting lost in the first place. All logic in Arcade’s mind was driven out by panic, replaced by facts. He kept muttering the rule of threes to himself as he searched for someone... anyone. Knowing you can survive up to three hours in extreme climate, or that human cells start to die at 120 degrees wont do him any good now. He stumbled and tripped over himself, collapsing in the dirt. He didnt have the strength to get back up.
Boone: He never expected to die this way. Slugging his way through the vast emptiness of the southwest. The only landmarks were the dozens of mountains that never moved, fading into each other. He was trapped in a bowl of sand, never getting any closer to the edge. Boone was low on ammo. He had a broken leg and a sunburn that stung like the devil’s nails. After what felt like weeks, staying alive by drinking from the odd barrel cacti that he found, he saw a small group of NCR soldiers on the horizon. His life could be held onto for a little while longer.
Cass: Have you ever had a hangover while dehydrated and half starved in the middle of some god-forsaken desert? No? Lucky you. Alongside the dizzying illness that had overtaken her, Cass’s heart problems acted up. Her blood plasma levels were too low, it turned to sludge in her veins. Death’s embrace was a gift.
Christine: The solitude was nothing new. The never ending march was nothing new. The maze of invisible walls, turning you this way and that, was nothing new. The most alien feeling was being lost in the open. The desert was an unforgiving place, empty to anyone who didn’t know where to look. But Christine was a survivor. She didnt spend years in the Big Empty and Sierra Madre to die from thirst. Her mission wasnt over yet. Sunburnt and dehydrated, she refused to die.
Dean: Death was something Dean was good at avoiding. He had survived nuclear bombs, toxic gas, and shambling corpses looking to tear him apart. But it seemed like his luck had finally run out. He sneered. “Luck.” Ah yes, the luck of watching your world crumble around you. The good fortune of being trapped in a maze of crumbling buildings, once meant to house glorious festivities. Luck was never something he had. If anything, dying in this desert was luck. The damnation he had endured was finally over. He was free.
Dog and God: No food. No food. No food but the occasional mole rat. Not enough. Need more. Hey, hey we need to focus. No food... hungry. Hey, listen to me you idiot- Shut up. Excuse me? Shut up. I need food. Hungry. No, what we need is water and shelter from this sun. Food- Listen to me! Utobitha is north of here. We go there and we can get food. North... hungry... Yes, yes, food is north! Go! Go north...
Follows-Chalk: How ironic that a man named after his internal compass would be lost in the desert. He knew where he was going... he thought. He was going south. South to Nevada, to Vegas. He knew what he was doing. The cacti would tie him over for water, and digging under the sand to sleep would prevent sunburn and freezing to death. The desert got cold at night. He knew this. He knew what to do. Just keep going south.
Joshua: No town would offer him shelter and no man would give him water. Half covered in bandages covering long burnt and blistering skin, raw due to sunburns. He was dehydrated and overheated... his blood was running thick... Nowhere to go... Both the NCR and the Legion would take his head. The Legion especially.... The Legion.... His Legion.... The army he built from nothing, that threw him to the dogs. Did he deserve it? I dont... I dont know.... No, no they threw me out. They... I didnt... He collapsed in the dust.
Lily: The problem with being 10 feet tall is you needed more food and water to keep going. Unfortunately, the desert wasn’t the most generous supplier. The occasional bighorner would tie her over until she got home. Home to Jacobstown. Or was it the vault? “What was that, Leo? No, thats a bad idea.” Keep going. That was what she had to do. No sense in anything else when survival was the top priority. “Leo, please, stop...”
Raul: He had been staggering around this desert for so long that he ran out of snide comments. He was also dehydrated and had a headache that could put the courier’s to shame, but that wasn’t important. He had dodged death for so long... so many times he thought it would finally be over... but it never was. A town appeared on the horizon. Hope. He staggered towards it. But hope was full of raiders, and Raul collapsed in the dust to a stray bullet.
Ulysses: Out of everyone, Ulysses was the most suited to this environment. This was simple compared to the divide. He would kill mole rats for food and drank from any cacti he came across. Keep going was all he knew. Just pick a direction and start walking, keep walking. Keep going, kill a mole rat, keep going, drink from a cactus, keep going, keep going, keep going. It seemed to work. Before long, he found himself staring at a small dusty town.
Veronica: The world is a much bigger place than the bunkers of hidden valley. Its much more unforgiving. Scribe robes weren't built to withstand the harshness of the dessert. They weren’t built to keep out the heat or to protect from sand. Veronica knew a great deal about survival, but none of it was practical knowledge. She swore to herself that she’d never leave the valley without a full canteen of water ever again.
Vulpes: He had never noticed how hostile the mojave was towards Legionaries until he was stranded. Blending in was easy enough, but as soon as he spoke people turned away. He’d never known that the legion accent was recognizable. He was stranded, no food, no water, no weapon. Too tired to run from the NCR troopers approaching him.
Waking-Cloud: Lets be real, she wouldn’t get lost in the first place
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zephyr-crest · 2 years
so i binge watched the entirety of The Owl House (S1&2) in just under 3 days and here’s how it went
so lets do a brief overview of me before watching owl house. originally i saw art work and small clips here and there. thought that the style and animation was cool, a show i’d prolly like. and then i saw art of bellos and i thought “..maybe i should watch this”. i wont lie, i thought bellos was kinda hot, he had sort of a loki vibe to him. anyway, i spoke with a friend of mine and he told be about The Owl House. so i figured “why not” and started binge watching it all. but that’s when it went down.. i got invested. i got attached to the characters and i needed to watch more. so i did! (this is where i use my discord messages to show my journey with the show, i’m leaving out minor discussions). !!!!!! INCLUDES SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!
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so here you can kinda see what characters are catching my eye. edric, alador, warden wrath, king. and small details that i randomly think about like the eda and lilith lip thingy. the show at this point is very charming and the characters have won the majority of my heart, i’m loving this show. ohhh past me, you were not ready for the heartbreak and trauma buddy. 
originally i wasn’t a fan of amity, but she grew on me a lot over the episodes and you can see my slight thought process here
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i thought that the relationship felt a bit rushed in my opinion but it might just be the pacing for the show, which i’m fine with. anyways moving on
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this is where the pain started kicking in. i wasn’t prepared for the show to do that at all. the amount of times i gasped, paused the episode and walked away.. i thought it wasn’t gonna be more painful but OH MAN was i wrong
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so uh, i may have liked bellos’ character a bit.. heh.. ahem, the fight between luz and lillith was amazing. always loved magic fights. and that wraps up season 1. it was really good, the show hit the ground running if you will. the animation team and effects, pls i love you guys so much. onward to season 2!!
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you can sorta see that now i’m starting to ramble more in this group dm ^^. anyways, representation!!!!! we love to see it. now is the time where i started using screencaps to ramble with
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hunter is just so good, we must protect that mans he’s gone through so much. we need to protect so many of them omg my heart
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heh my rambles often go into whatever thought i have at the moment, but this is where the huge ending comes up (until season 3 that is). also edric?? sweetheart. he’s just a dork and i love that.
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watching principle bump and the students fight alongside to absolutely destroy the guards was honestly such a treat. i loved it and i want more of it. also principle bump’s got some moves. not to mention the friendship development with gus and hunter!!! not mentioned here is the whole gus struggling with his mind and the illusion cast on the whole school. and fake willow is there and hunter is like “that’s not the captain”, THAT moment was SUCH a moment and i love hunter for that.
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at this point in time i have 3 episodes left. i’ve cried over many episodes. but these last 3 made me just bawl my eyes out, especially the season finale King’s Tide.
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i adored seeing more of steve, he’s such a goofball and honestly??? love him so much. i want more steve content, steve my beloved. i’d hang out with him, who else would??
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and there it is folks. season 2 complete and my heart in shambles. take a look at luz when she tries to open the shack door a few times and have that distant look in her eyes. thats how i feel. i dont know what the creators are gonna do for season 3 but man, im glad they’re taking a hiatus so that i can recover from it. i’ll protect them lot from anything man. i hope eda and them lot are ok T^T
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akitokihojo · 3 years
Monster - Chapter 12
chapter index
damn near almost forgot it was Friday... anyway, this one's a little shorter, but necessarily so. I hope you enjoy it, nevertheless! <3
Kagome was in a grouchy mood from the rude awakening she’d received early that morning. She wasn’t outwardly expressing herself, but it was a little too difficult to wipe it clean from her face. And, Shinosuke was too amused by it.
It was a young lady who’d woken she and Inuyasha up, and immediately Kagome knew she was there to change Inuyasha’s bandages. When Kagome had first arrived the night before, a small stain was noticeable, but as she sat up from Inuyasha’s side, the front of his bandages were completely soddened with his blood. He was weak and fatigued, eyes opened from his own awakening but irises dull, and didn’t even have enough energy to really grasp her hand anymore. His breathing was shallow, but he tried to narrow a brave look at her. Still, she froze with fear.
The woman, Wakana, wouldn’t allow Kagome to help and insisted she leave. Though Kagome persistently objected, demanding she needed to stay by his side, again she was torn away by the strong arms of Shinosuke.
“He was okay last night!” She frantically cried as he let her go just outside of Inuyasha’s room.
“And, he’s okay now. I swear. This is normal with blood loss, but he’s part demon. He’s going to be fine.”
“No, but -“
“Kagome, I promise! He’s just fucking exhausted from healing, and the medication from last night has most likely worn off. I’ve seen this on numerous occasions. And, you want to be with him twenty-four-seven, I get it. You want to personally witness his progress, but you can’t. It’s not good for you. Wakana’s right, you shouldn’t see him like this right now. You both need a little space from each other.”
“No, that doesn’t make sense. He would never leave my side if I was hurt like that, and I don’t want to leave his.” Kagome argued, bleary eyed.
“Don’t you get it? If you’re in there, he’s going to be focused on your well-being the entire time. He wont want to rest because he’s going to want to make sure you’re calm. I already saw him trying; I was right there. And, you? You’re going to see the most traumatizing wound you’ve probably ever laid eyes on. Trust me, something like that doesn’t just leave your memory. Especially, when it’s happened to someone significant to you. It’s going to scar you, and each time you look at Inuyasha thereafter, you’ll either see the infliction or you’ll be absolutely terrified it’ll happen again, so you’ll overcompensate to prevent it. You both need to be apart. You got pretty banged up yesterday, too. When was the last time you just focused on yourself?” That last question came off playfully sarcastic, but Kagome couldn’t perceive anything but literalism at the moment.
“I don’t know, like thirteen years ago.” She responded blandly. “I have a little brother.”
“Oh my god.” He deadpanned, blinking. “You need to eat something.”
“No, but -“
“Kagome, come on.” Shinosuke placed his hand in the middle of her back to guide her. “I promise, he’ll be fine. You, on the other hand, need some food.”
“I don’t want food.”
“You’re eating food.”
And, so here she was, porridge and fruit placed on a tray before her as she sat on a rather large bed in a rather large room she hadn’t been in before. Kagome nibbled on a strawberry, feeling the grumpy pout written all over her face, her stomach in shambles, and Shinosuke snickering at her from a chair by the door.
“Are you going to watch me all freaking day?”
“That’s literally my job. So, yes.”
“Go away.” Kagome grumbled, half a strawberry in her mouth.
“No.” He smiled.
The door opened slowly, cautiously, Wakana walking in with a soft smile on her face. She pulled her long, brown hair from the low ponytail it’d been in, allowing the straight, flowing strands to hang freely now around her shoulders. Immediately, Shinosuke respectfully stood, giving a light bow of his head when their eyes met.
“He’s perfectly fine.” She assured Kagome, approaching closer. “The hole’s actually a bit smaller already. I was surprised to see such quick improvement. The wound is lathered in some herbs, he’s wrapped up nice and tight, and I had him sip on an herbal remedy to help alleviate some pain.”
“Can I see him?” Kagome softly asked, lowering the strawberry from her pink-stained lips.
“He’s asleep.” Wakana grimaced slightly.
“Can I - can I see him, anyway?”
“No.” Shinosuke chimed, robbing a grape from her fruit bowl.
Kagome scowled at the audacious guard, flickering her attention back at Wakana. “Why is he like this? I don’t think I like him.”
“I don’t think I do either.” She sighed, elbowing him in the side. “Sorry. I know he’s a pain in the ass, but he’s the head of our guards, and papa was right to have him watch over you. Though, your friend doesn’t appear to care as much as we’d thought he would. He can’t even move and he seems to think he can do better.”
“Oh, you told him?” Kagome asked, wondering when the topic could have come up. Though, she couldn’t deny that the response sounded very organic to Inuyasha’s nature. Processing everything else she’d said, her head cocked to the side in a quick subject change. “Wait, papa?”
Wakana gave a small laugh, smacking Shinosuke’s hand as he reached for another piece of fruit. “It’s like clockwork. I walk in, Inuyasha asks for you. We’ve told him multiple times that you’re being protected, but much like you, he wants to be by your side. And, yes. I’m the headman’s daughter. I asked Shinosuke to bring you to my room. Figured it would be more comfortable for you. I also have some clothes that should fit you.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” Kagome kindly declined, handing Shinosuke the fork she hadn’t been using with a slice of honeydew on the end. She wasn’t a huge fan of that fruit, so he could eat all of those pieces for all she cared. “What happened to my clothes from yesterday?”
Wakana arched a spekulative brow. “Ruined?”
“What do you mean, ruined?”
“You didn’t actually expect that blood to come out, did you?” Shinosuke asked after swallowing his fruit.
“Oh, shit.” Kagome hissed. “I forgot! Crap, that was my last shirt.”
“I might be able to save the bodice, though.” Wakana mentioned, nibbling on her bottom lip.
Kagome’s eyes widened, a small pout returning to her face. “My bodice? What happened to my bodice?”
“The seams split. And - um - so did the back.”
It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise. After rolling around in the dirt to fight a demon, what else could she have expected?
“R-I-P.” Shinosuke satirically said, snagging another honeydew. Kagome pinned him with a threatening glare, one he finally heeded as he recoiled drastically, crossing back over to his chair by the door.
“I’ve got plenty of dresses, love!” Wakana said, trying to lift her spirits. “You’re more than welcome to any!”
“I appreciate that, but what’ll I do when I leave here?”
“Take them with you!”
“No, I couldn’t.” Kagome shook her head. “That’s so sweet of you, but I really couldn’t.”
“I insist.”
“No, honestly. I can’t fight in a dress.”
“Neither can I.” Shinosuke commented, his mouth full.
“Oh my god, get out.” Wakana groaned, rolling her eyes as she scowled at Shinosuke.
“Can’t.” He grinned, pointing to Kagome. “Scout’s honor.”
“Then, quiet.”
“That, I can do.” He agreed, sealing his lips.
“Okay, here’s the thing: The women around here don’t really wear bodices anymore; everything’s sort of built into our dresses, and it’s rare to see a woman in pants around these parts -“
Both women glared at Shinosuke, and abruptly, with a tension of fear, he stood from his seat, opening the door and dragging the chair out with him.
“Anyway,” Wakana groaned, redirecting her gaze back to Kagome now that they were alone. “As I was saying, I can probably make you another, and if not, I can consult the seamstress at the edge of town. Let me brainstorm a little on this, is that okay?”
“I don’t want to be any trouble for you. It’s not a problem. I can -“
“No, don’t worry. I love doing this. It’s the little things in life, right? It’s no trouble at all, and after what you two did for all of us yesterday, it’s a pleasure.”
“Oh. Well, alright. Thank you.” Kagome reluctantly agreed.
“For the meantime, let me replace your bandages and get you out of your pajamas.”
Kagome flexed her hand in their new wrappings, her split knuckle coated in a thick ointment beneath and tingling from the remedy’s properties. The scrape on her head had a light layer smeared on, the bandage poking from her bangs and covering the entire area to keep the ointment in.
She could see the enthusiasm on Wakana’s face as she pulled out a few dresses from the back of her wardrobe. She’d explained that she’d made them herself, but there was something else there. A joy that told Kagome she hadn’t been able to pull them out in a while.
“I’d put my hobbies aside for the past couple of years. Who was I to have lavish taste and ease my worries with distractions such as sewing while my people were in a depression, constantly afraid of the henchmen’s next visit? Not to mention, the healthier you looked - and I mean that in all regards - the worse treatment you’d receive. It was best not to attract more attention, you know? I didn’t want them increasing their inspections. Not when there was -“ She stopped herself, glancing over at Kagome. “Not when I had people to protect. Their fear is our fear. So is their pain. And, sadness. My papa, he does his best for his people, and he stands right with them no matter what.
“Once Moryomaru starting coming around, that was when we all stowed away our irreplaceable belongings. My mother’s ashes, a few knickknacks from ancestors, and things of the likes from the village people were stored here below ground. In fact, they’re being brought up to return to their homes as we speak.” Her happiness was indescribable. It was like Kagome could physically see the weight had lifted off of her shoulders.
“But, wait.” She couldn’t help but ask. “Are you positive we got them all?”
“Actually, yes. I wasn’t there to see it happen, unfortunately. I was here in the courtyard with the women that live in this home. With Shinosuke and the guards. Moryomaru was in the midsts of taunting us when they left for whatever was going on, and I remember being so confused in that moment. But, papa told me everything. Inuyasha singlehandedly took all of the henchmen on. More importantly, you two killed Moryomaru. You killed the henchmen’s commander. Their leader. I’m not sure if that’s the end of all inspections, but the henchmen are like chickens running around without a head without someone to tell them what to do. And, I may have never met Naraku, but I certainly figure he finds himself too superior to ever sully his hands by speaking with low lives such as them. I’m sure inspections are about to slow substantially from this point forward. I can feel it.”
“Okay, hold on.” Kagome spoke, leaning on the frame of the bed as she digested that information, brown eyes unfocused on the carpet. “Moryomaru. That’s that thing’s name? That creature?”
“Yes.” Wakana confirmed.
“They were - they were the commander? Of all the henchmen? They were the one who called all the shots?”
“Ultimately, yes. Moryomaru liked to boast about their leadership, that was for sure, and while they had a chain of command it seemed - with a leader of each platoon - Moryomaru was the top. Forgive me, but did you not know that?”
“No.” Kagome admitted, glancing up at the headman’s daughter.
“Oh.” Her brows furrowed in contemplation. “This may sound presumptuous, but you guys came in so ready to fight, we’d sort of figured you were hunting Moryomaru.”
“Not at all. Before yesterday, we’d never seen Moryomaru. At least, I hadn’t. Not sure about Inuyasha, but he’d never mentioned them before. We were in the area when we sensed the demons, and then we heard some screaming so -“
“So, you came to help…” Wakana finished, astonished.
“Yeah.” Kagome nodded.
“You came to help even though you’re a conjurer…”
“Well, Inuyasha did. I can’t take much credit there; he’d made me agree to stay behind so they wouldn’t know about me.”
“Even so, he ran in even though he’s a hanyou. I can’t believe… You guys - you still ended up fighting too, you cant tell me you got these wounds from hiding, and I - you two are - I can’t believe -“ Wakana couldn’t finish her sentence. She’d been incredibly grateful to these two from the moment her father had brought them back to their home, and she thought incredibly highly of them from the instant she understood the incident. But, to learn the circumstance a little better, to comprehend that there was plenty on the line for them too, but they still contributed their strengths to save them, and ultimately so many more, Wakana was awestruck. Heedlessly, she stepped forward, wrapped her arms around Kagome’s shoulders to hug her tight.
Kagome had tensed at first, but recovered quickly, returning the gesture. At first, her touch was light, cautious, but as Wakana leaned further into her, Kagome firmed her hold on the woman.
“Are you okay?” Kagome asked, slightly confused.
“I’m just so thankful to you two.” She leaned back to say, smiling. “To know it was your decision to help and not a job makes it even more meaningful. I can see it’s kind of hard to wrap your head around, but you haven’t just saved my village and people. You’ve saved so many others, as well.”
“But, their leaders… the second in commands, I suppose -“
“Chickens without a head, girl. Chickens without a head.”
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help but fear that you’re wrong.”
“I understand. I don’t think I’ve seen nearly as much of the world and its cruelty as you and Inuyasha have.” Wakana rubbed Kagome’s arm consolingly. There was a chance that she was wrong. Nothing in this world was certain, especially now, and if Naraku created Moryomaru for this purpose, he could absolutely create another monster to take their place. But, from what Shinosuke had experienced, what he and his father had come back to inform her father of, she wanted to believe that this was the first step in overcoming the evil that clouded their lives. So, maybe hearing it from their guard would help alleviate the worry in Kagome’s frown.
“Shinosuke, come here please!” She shouted over her shoulder.
“Ma’am?” The tall man poked his head in through the large doors a short second later, his brows raised in question.
“Ma’am.” He complied, taking the order and shutting the door right behind him.
“Tell Kagome what you know about Moryomaru, please. No jokes. Give her what you’ve learned.”
Shinosuke gave a single nod of his head, regarding the conjurer with his charcoal eyes. “They’re a creation of Naraku, derived from his own vessel. They took leadership of the inspectors, having nearly a thousand men at their beck and call at one point. They’d admitted that as their numbers began suddenly depleting drastically, that was when they’d decided to come forward and monitor more inspections to see where the disruption was coming from. It was more to show that if villagers were beginning an uprising, they were there to scare them back in line.”
“And, Moryomaru’s chain of command?” Wakana requested.
“Useless without Moryomaru. They were too involved, had a need for control, so none of their ‘officers’, so to speak, were allowed to make calls without their issuance. Therefore, without him, the chain breaks.”
“How do you know all this?” Kagome’s question came out quietly, taken aback.
A small grimace appeared on Shinosuke’s face and Wakana’s gaze fell downward. There wasn’t much delay before the guard looked to the woman at Kagome’s side and asked, “May I?”
“Of course.” She nodded.
Shinosuke lifted his shirt high enough to show the abnormally large scar stretching over the outer portion of his ribcage. “A few of us guards were abducted by that fucker a few months ago; myself, my father, and Nobunaga. Said we got too bold in thinking we could protect anybody so they wanted to put us in our place - which would serve as a warning to our other guards.”
Kagome’s jaw had dropped slightly, her eyes widening at the deformed scar. Her breath locked in her lungs from her gasp and it was almost like she couldn’t look away from the sealed wound. She couldn’t believe what she was looking at. It should have been fathomable, given everything she’d witnessed over the years, but she couldn’t believe she was in the presence of someone who’d survived evident torture.
“They were in custody for five weeks.” Wakana added solemnly as Shinosuke lowered his clothing. “We didn’t know if they’d return. But, Shinosuke, being Shinosuke, used the opportunity to memorize everything he’d seen while with them.”
“If I lived, I was going to make sure I told everyone who needed to know everything I saw and heard. Tell me, conjurer. Are you someone who needs to know, or who’s just too curious for their own good?”
Kagome couldn’t fight her hesitation. Her fingers curled into apprehensive fists as her nerves gave a small wring of her stomach. No one knew of their quest. No one knew their true objective, Koga being the one exception on Inuyasha’s side. But, even after finding out Koga was part of the war, she still decided not to disclose her purpose. Koga didn’t know what she was, though. That was a huge part of her reason against telling him. There was something different about the circumstances at play here. She’d swooped in with her arrow, and with Inuyasha’s blast from his sword, they’d synchronously created an insanely powerful attack. They’d unknowingly destroyed a war machine. They’d unknowingly annihilated a part of Naraku. The people here knew what she was whether she confirmed or denied, and they were allies. Why hide anymore?
“Inuyasha and I, our mission is to kill Naraku. We want to find a way to end the darkness we’re living in.” She said, leveling her chin confidently.
“That’s what you’re working toward?” He asked, and it wasn’t a test. There was the hint of concern on his brow.
“Well, fuck.” Shinosuke sighed. “Sounds legitimate enough to me.”
He walked closer so his voice wouldn’t carry, stopping just a few feet away from the women. Kagome had stiffened slightly, and he knew exactly why. She was afraid. It was a learned reaction. Right now, she was vulnerable, and as far as she was concerned, alone. No matter how many times she was promised safety, assured coalition, it wasn’t always possible to turn off that part of your brain that braced you for the worst. Because, you were trained to expect it after so long. Especially, being someone in her position.
So, as he stopped, he made sure to slowly outstretch his hand. He held it out for her to take, patiently allowing her to register that he meant no harm - only respect. As Kagome slipped her small palm within his hold, he wrapped his fingers firmly around it, carefully stepping inward, bending forward, and whispering in her ear.
“Naraku has five creations. Excluding Moryomaru, I encountered two. They were named Hakudoshi and Kagura.”
There was a small abatement from the storm. It was a little humid outside, but Kagome just wanted to be absorbed in the scent of rain. Finally accepting that while she was staying at the village’s headman’s home Shinosuke was an accessory to her person, she decided to drag him outside to take a walk with her.
Wakana had been so patient and kind, so Kagome had allowed her to have some fun and dress her the way she so pleased. Having to put it away for quite some time, Kagome could see the freedom on her pink cheeks as she finally got to dive into her creativity again. It made Wakana happy, and after so much tentative care to both she and Inuyasha, Kagome was glad to be the first she expressed her art on again.
Unfortunately, it was a little obvious she hadn’t worn a dress in well over a decade. Let alone, had never once in her life worn a dress quite this nice. Shinosuke had called her out for her incessant fidgeting three times and kept snickering at her whenever she readjusted the cut around her breasts. It was a little lower than anything she was used to, and the low dip had her feeling extremely exposed. She wasn’t. Each time she instinctually went to put her breasts away she had to keep reminding herself that they were exactly where they were meant to be, but it was just weird to feel so much of a breeze.
The sleeves were off the shoulder, fastened to her upper arms by a material that clung. The rest of the sleeves were long and flowy, cut in the middle for her arms to slip out of had she reached for something. Never in her life had Kagome worn such a pretty shade of pastel pink, nor had she experienced little, blush roses made of silk fastened to her bust, nor had she had the opportunity to feel ribbons made of the same, tied in a bow at the center of her sternum. Tiny leaves were sewn into the fabric just beneath her breasts, cinching the dress to her ribs, and the same was said for her waistline, holding the gown to her as the rest of the length of the skirt was free to flow around her entire lower body.
Kagome’s hair was brushed, waving naturally, but tied half up in a twisted bun that was held in place by pins unseen. Her bangs were in tidy order for the first time in weeks, and Wakana was meticulous to pull the strands that framed her jawline free from the bun. She’d asked to put a subtle hint of glitter on Kagome’s cheeks, and considering it was a huge day of firsts for her, Kagome could only bring herself to shrug in a huge, why the hell not?
Truthfully, the doting makeover was fun for Kagome, too. While she felt more comfortable in pants and a shirt, it was only because it was what she was used to, and functionality called for it. She actually really loved dresses. The look of them, at least. With it being years since she’d even considered wearing one, she wondered so often if she could even pull them off. And, when she finally got a look at herself in the mirror once Wakana had finished, pride gleaming in the woman’s eyes, Kagome couldn’t help but grow incredibly shy. She loved the way it looked on her, but it was so different.
“Tell me you’re not girly without telling me you’re not girly.” Shinosuke jabbed, chuckling at her side as they strolled around the outer pathway of the mansion.
“Hush.” Kagome sighed. “I think I was eight the last time I wore a dress.”
“They’re not going anywhere.” He remarked, regarding the way she kept fixing the bust of her dress. “Believe me, there are women in town with bigger breasts than you that do manual labor in dresses made of thinner material, and they’ll proudly tell you that their tits stay in place.”
Another sigh as she dropped her hands to her side. “I’m just not used to it.”
“I thought you liked it.”
“No, I do. It’s pretty.” Kagome assured, looking up at him and nodding. “I’m just - I mean, like I said, I’m - I’m not used to it.”
“Ah, I get it.” Shinosuke smirked, looking ahead of them. “You’re self conscious.”
She didn’t say anything. She merely looked at the thriving plants to her right, minding how the petals of flowers were still dotted with droplets of rain. The sky was still blanketed in dark clouds, conveying that the storm had yet to fully pass, and the air was thick with the comforting smell of moisture.
“May I compliment you?” He respectfully asked.
Kagome glanced up at him again, curious. “Not if you feel obligated.”
“I just want to make sure I won’t make you uncomfortable.”
“Oh. I appreciate that.” She really did. She understood that he was simply trying to make her feel more secure with his honest thoughts while not trying to offset her by making it seem he was overstepping any boundaries. Not many men had that courtesy. “Sure.”
Shinosuke stopped, turning to the woman at his side. It was interesting to him to see such a strong female who’d participated in taking down a plague to their society seem so small and timid in such a superficial environment. Maybe she was the sort who didn’t realize her beauty. Maybe she was the sort that didn’t really focus on that sort of thing, and this element - delicate femininity - was abnormal to her. Given such, it was irrelevant. Anyone with eyes could see that even when she ran into the courtyard yesterday along her battered companion, covered in scratches, dirt, blood, and fear she was inherently beautiful. Now, cleaned, bandaged, still slightly guarded but overall level, Kagome was enchanting. And, he could easily tell that that was what Wakana was trying to enhance.
It wasn’t that she was merely letting loose and having fun. Wakana was specific to adhere to the minds of others, as well as their hearts. She’d wanted to distract Kagome from her partner’s condition. She’d wanted to make her feel a little better about herself while she knew things, in general, felt off to not have Inuyasha beside her. Sometimes, it was the little things that brought a smile to appear. A genuine smile.
Kagome was brave, fierce, and selfless. That, alone, was gorgeous. And, Wakana was trying to bring that inward appearance outward so Kagome could see the exact way she was looking at her.
Shinosuke took a moment. He noticed the small hint of pink on her cheeks, the way she’d nervously been pinching her lips together since the moment they’d stepped outside - which had inadvertently created a nice, rosy hue, the way her hair was waving just a little bit more than before due to the slight humidity. He smiled softly, tilting his head to the side.
“I think you’re beautiful. I think you worry too much, and that if you just stood up a little straighter, held your head up a little higher, and allowed yourself to step out of your comfort zone, you’d own your radiance. I think you could stop men in their tracks, and I think it’d be cute to see how confused you are when it happens, because you seem just air-headed enough not to understand what sort of affect you have on people. Even looking as worn out as you did yesterday, you were pretty. Right now, you’re - Kagome, you’re beautiful.”
He’d said it directly, compassionately, kindly. It wasn’t from a place that would make her stiffen with shyness, but a place that made her smile from genuine benevolence.
“Thank you.” She said. “You’re pretty, too.”
Shinosuke laughed, patting Kagome’s head and redirecting her to walk along the path through the courtyard.
At the very edge, before the entrance from town and just before Shinosuke turned her around, a little girl with her brother ran up, hand-in-hand. A soft rumble of thunder struck in the distance, and the smell of rain had become just a little heavier in the passing minutes. Yet, the children seemed untroubled by the threat, staring wide-eyed at Kagome.
“Mayu, no. Go home.” Shinosuke quickly said as she opened her mouth. “Not right now.”
“But -“ The little girl quickly went to argue, but her brother was already trying to tug her away. He seemed unwelcoming, protective, and the one that liked to steer a little more on the careful side.
“Has anything I’ve ever said been negotiable?” Shinosuke asked in a firm tone.
“No, but -“
“Then, go home. Your mother probably doesn’t even know you’re out here, am I right?”
“Yes.” Satoru claimed with contempt. “Mayu didn’t want to listen to me and decided to sneak out while mom was napping. So, I came with her. Sorry, Shinosuke. We’re leaving.”
“No, I need to talk to her.” Mayu tried again a little louder, stomping her foot for added effect.
“Not right now, you don’t. Satoru, is your mother unwell again?”
“Yes. Unfortunately.” The identical boy answered.
“Mayu, come on.” Shinosuke bargained, kneeling down before the two children. “Please, don’t stress her out further right now. Wait for the storm to pass, at least. You know how much your mom worries about you. You need to give people time to adjust and recover. You aren’t the only person to consider here.”
Kagome could see the little girl fighting herself. Her dark eyes bounced from Shinosuke to her and then back to the guard, nostrils flaring at her frustrated huff.
“Be patient. Now’s not the time to be selfish. Go home.”
“Fine.” She grumbled, and then darted a glare toward Kagome, catching her completely off guard. “But, I’ll be back!”
Shinosuke stood, returning to Kagome’s side as the two children ran off down the street, taking an alley corner.
“Why - why did I feel like that was a threat?” Kagome warily asked.
“Eh, she’s harmless. Mayu’s rough around the edges, for sure, but she’s a good kid. Satoru’s the one you should watch. He used to be this timid boy a couple of years ago, barely spoke, hid behind his twin sister, the works, but then one day he just switched. Mayu comes off tough, but her brother’s the one that’ll actually scare you. Believe me.” He said, placing his hand at her mid back to turn her around to head back through the courtyard garden.
“Well, what was it she wanted to talk to me about? It seemed urgent.”
“It’s not. She’s just pushy. I can guarantee she’ll be back, hopefully at a more appropriate time, and she’ll be able to bug you then. If you’re okay with that, of course. If not, tell me now. I’ll be able to keep her at bay.”
“Why wouldn’t I be okay with that?”
“Because, you’re a conjurer. And, she’s going to bring that up.”
“Ah, that’s right. She asked me yesterday, but the headman stopped her.”
“I know it’s a touchy subject. She’s going to be a ten year old, and she’s not going to understand boundaries.”
Kagome pressed her lips together again, grazing her fingers over the large leaves that waited for their next dosage of moisture as they strolled along.
“Thing about her is, she keeps secrets better than any adult I’ve ever met. So, if you’d like to see what she has to ask you but you’re worried about you’re answers getting out, don’t be. Mayu would take it to the grave. And, Satoru - because they come in a pair - barely speaks to begin with, and his loyalty lies with his twin. If she’s keeping a secret, so is he.” Shinosuke added, carefully maneuvering Kagome around a puddle.
“It’s alright.” She spoke softly, smiling. “I don’t mind. I’ll talk with her next -“
“There you are!” Wakana cheerfully greeted from over the second story bannister, overlooking the courtyard. “I’ve been looking for you two.”
“What’s up?” Shinosuke asked.
“Inuyasha’s awake. Kagome, would you like to see him?”
Kagome’s heart gave a heavy thump in her chest, and her skin ignited in an excited eruption of warmth. With an anxious breath, she nodded eagerly, rushing the rest of the way toward the main house where Wakana agreed to meet them on the first floor.
“Here’s the thing: he’s a little grumpy at the moment. Not very talkative, speaks with more grunts than words, seems perpetually upset but won’t admit he’s in any pain when we ask…” Wakana mentioned as she guided them through the corridors.
“That’s actually normal.” Kagome replied, pursing her lips.
“Is it?”
“Oh, yeah.” She remarked, nodding. “Inuyasha’s not known for his compassion, I’ll tell you that. He likes to handle things on his own, so I’d say, if he’s not wincing or yelling at you, he’s fine.”
“Oh, okay. Well, in that case, he’s pretty lively. He’s sitting up with minimal problem, but he’s been asking for you. I told him to eat and we’d go and find you after, but he refused. Said he didn’t want food. Or medicine. He really should have something in his stomach before his next dose - given he stops declining it. Maybe you could convince him to try and eat?” Wakana inquired, turning to look at Kagome while they walked as she was a few steps behind.
“He doesn’t listen to me.” Kagome objected with a modest shake of her head.
Both Wakana and Shinosuke shot surprised looks at her, and Kagome felt herself go on cautious alert, almost freezing.
“You’re kidding.”
“No?” She replied, confused. “Inuyasha never listens to me.” Kagome reiterated.
“I’m sorry, I sort of thought you two were on a… how do I put it? I sort of thought you two were on a level where you take each other’s advice.”
“Oh, Inuyasha’s stubbornness puts mine to shame. He doesn’t like to be told what to do. All it does is make him want to do the exact opposite. And, if I give him advice, he just thinks it’s nagging.”
“Wait, hold on, hold on. Pause.” Shinosuke said, stopping in the middle of the hall with a hand held out to halt her. Kagome’s wide eyes landed on him, lips parted in question. “What are you two?”
There was hesitation, dubiety, as Kagome did a gentle sway from side to side before finally speaking again. “What - uh - what do you mean?”
“Like, what are you and Inuyasha?”
Kagome glanced back and forth from Shinosuke to Wakana, noticing the same question was written all over Wakana’s face. “I - I don’t -“
“You know exactly what I’m asking.”
“I - uh - we are… friends.”
“Uh-huh, why did that sound like a question?” Shinosuke interrogated, crossing his arms over his chest while he arched a brow, smirking now.
“I-it wasn’t. It wasn’t.” She ended up saying with more confidence the second time. “We’re friends.”
“You’re friends?”
“We’re friends.” Kagome couldn’t help the nervous smile she’d cracked that time. She bit the inside of her lip, her swaying growing more obvious to speak of her discomfort and uncertainty. And, she cursed herself for that as she fiddled with the long sleeves of her borrowed dress.
“Are you sure?”
“We’re friends. We’re friends. We’re friends.” Kagome repeated awkwardly, nodding as she looked back and forth between the two. “We’re friends.”
“Say it one more time, you might just convince yourself.” Shinosuke remarked, chuckling.
“We’re -“ Kagome caught herself, pinching her lips together as she deflated slightly.
“I’m so sorry,” Wakana started, grimacing. “I thought you two might have been in a relationship. We all did.”
“Everyone thinks that?” Kagome apprehensively asked.
“Could you blame us?” Shinosuke spoke, amused. “I don’t know friends who sleep that close to each other. Not the way we found you two.”
“Well, maybe you should try it.” Kagome feigned attitude, pursing her lips. “It’s comforting.”
“Mhm, I know. I sleep like that with Wakana.” He sassed right back.
Kagome’s attention snapped Wakana’s way just in time to watch her roll her eyes.
“We’re engaged.” She said.
“Oh,” Kagome nodded. “Well, that makes sense.”
“Doesn’t it?” Shinosuke pressed, laughing as he caught Kagome in her own shock.
She’d opened her mouth to speak, to say anything in defense, but nothing came out. She was flustered and confused.
“It’s okay not to know.” He chuckled, patting her head again. “But, I gotta tell you, you’re not just friends.”
An overwhelming sense of bashfulness washed over Kagome then. Her face went hot and she ducked it. She couldn’t remember a time she’d blushed so horribly, and as she gazed down at the floor, she caught how red her chest even appeared at the bottom of her eyes. Her feelings were obvious. By now, she got that. Being called on it didn’t change how humiliating it was, and it only increased her confusion.
Shinosuke placed his hands on her shoulders, guiding her to walk down the hall while she couldn’t help but continue to hide her embarrassment. She and Inuyasha were friends. That wasn’t a lie. But, she couldn’t speak for his feelings. If anyone were to ask her how he felt about her, the only things she was certain about were his undeniable protectiveness, his caring nature whenever she wasn’t feeling well or they were alone, and that she annoyed the absolute hell out of him. If Shinosuke and Wakana were to have asked Kagome for her individual feelings for Inuyasha though, her answer would have been different. And, much more rattled. Because, she cared about Inuyasha now more than she cared even for herself. She appreciated the hanyou more than the water she drank or the food she ate. She had an attachment to him she never wanted to think about giving up. And, after witnessing his brutal injury yesterday, seeing blood stain his body, having to catch him as he fell, she dreadfully feared losing him in more ways than one. She felt it all so deeply. To the point where she couldn’t sleep last night unless she was touching him. To the point where he was on her mind constantly in their mandatory separation. To the point where the closer they got to his quarters, the more unnerved and stable she felt herself becoming - like a walking case of contradiction.
But, the moment the door was open, and Wakana walked in ahead of them to greet whatever staff was alongside the hanyou, and Shinosuke released her shoulders to enter in before him, and the moment her brown eyes found Inuyasha sitting on his futon, lower body covered by the blanket, back leaning against the wall, and torso heavily bandaged, all of those thoughts faded away. They were insignificant and superficial. They didn’t match up to the way he sat up a little taller at her appearance, bringing a small cringe of pain from his lips. They didn’t equate to the way she watched the breath leave his inflated chest, and how his golden eyes stayed on her as she hurried across the room to him. They didn’t matter in the face of how much she just needed to be right next to him at that very instant, and those thoughts that had her feeling scared had vanished completely. Maybe it was momentarily, but that was inconsequential. Because, she was just inches from his arm now, she could smell his clean scent, and she could feel the body heat that reached her like a hand that pulled her in.
Inuyasha had finally caught her scent again. It was something he hated about stormy weather. Rain clouded his olfactory system, and if something or someone wasn’t close by, he’d never be able to tell where they were. It was different to sleep without her aroma near him, and he was sure that if it weren’t for whatever drugs they kept putting in his body, he’d have never drifted off in the first place. The moment he regained consciousness not too long ago, noticing women by his side that weren’t Kagome, cleaning his wounds, changing his wrappings, he felt out of sorts. All he could think about was her, worry about was her. Who were these women? Where was Kagome? She’d been hurt the day before. Was she being taken care of? He vaguely remembered a woman telling him Kagome was being carefully protected for his own peace of mind the last time he was awake, but that was no fucking comfort whatsoever. He didn’t trust anyone with her, let alone someone he had never fucking met, himself.
The moment her calming scent, subtle and light, found its way into his sensitive nose, Inuyasha was on alert, watching the door to his room and ignoring the staff that had been left with him. They were trying to get him to take medicine, trying to get him to lay back down if he wasn’t going to eat so they could put a cooling rag on his head for his splitting migraine, but it was as if they weren’t even there anymore the second he sensed Kagome coming. Then, she entered, and even coherent thought ceased to exist.
That dress. That dress adorning her fair skin. It was both cruel to him and enticing. It complimented her figure, it flowed around her legs, it belonged to her body and should never be replaced. Kagome sped across the floor to rejoin him at his side, cutting off his clear view, and he found himself dissatisfied. He wasn’t done. She couldn’t enter a room like a goddess here to grace his presence and not give him ample timing to properly memorize the image.
Still, be that as it may, his gaze followed her. It wasn’t an order his brain gave to his eyes and head as she sat by his damaged arm, anxious and relieved. Inuyasha legitimately couldn’t take his eyes off of her. If he had that sort of control, if he did himself the injustice by looking away before he was ready, he would have cursed himself for days to come. If he couldn’t take her all in, he was going to take in as much as he could.
He was breathless, dazed, but in his right mind. Kagome had him captivated. She walked in and her smile reached his soul. All at once, he was stunned and comforted. And, he was grateful.
She’d asked him if he was okay. He hadn’t heard her words, spoken so lightly, but he’d watched her lips move. With his left hand, Inuyasha reached across to her, his finger gently rubbing just beneath her chin as he nodded. He was going to speak, but his amber irises fell to her shoulders, the skin he’d yet to be fortunate enough to really see until now. Small, brown and tan freckles dotted her shoulder. There weren’t an abundance, but there were just enough to steal his focus. With everything in him, he wanted to kiss each and every one, and with everything in him, he reminded himself that it was the wrong place at the wrong time.
“This arm,” Kagome mentioned, looking down at the bandaged shoulder and bicep. “You can’t really move it, can you? I should switch to the other side.”
She glanced to the woman that occupied his left, about to ask if she’d mind switching with her before Inuyasha finally spoke.
Now was his chance. The golden opportunity. “No, it’s - it’d be better if you sat in front of me. My neck’s stiff, so turning it sucks right now.” He fibbed.
“Oh, okay.” She obliged with a nod, scooting herself to sit by his thigh. Her back was now turned to the entrance, fully facing her companion as she gently leaned against his leg. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah. Better.” Now he could get a perfect look at her.
Kagome was trying not to concentrate on his torso, on the wrappings that dressed his bare core. It would only increase her obvious concern, and it wasn’t something she wanted to immediately bother Inuyasha with. Instead, she occupied her sights with anything else; his fingers that rubbed against the blanket covering him, his soft gaze on her, his long hair that wasn’t held captive in a high ponytail like she was so used to, then the tray of food at his side.
“You haven’t eaten, have you?” Though she knew the answer already, she figured it was respectful to allow him to speak for himself.
Inuyasha looked down to his untouched food, the bowl of fruit, the bread, the meat, the rice. He couldn’t think about eating before when all that occupied his mind was Kagome. He needed to know she was okay before he even considered taking a bite.
“No.” He lightly replied.
“Did you eat this morning?”
He shook his head.
“That means the last time you ate was yesterday morning, Inuyasha.” She gently reminded, her brow curved in concern. “Do you not have an appetite, or -“
“Have you eaten?” Inuyasha interrupted, eyeing her.
He noticed the way the hollow of her throat emphasized with her inhale as her lips sealed for a second, her shoulders tensing the slightest bit. She was quick to relax, her fingers playing with the loose skirt of her dress. “Yeah, I ate not too long ago.”
“Did you?” He questioned skeptically.
“I did.” Kagome nodded.
The hanyou looked over to the tall guard at the far end of the room, standing next to the woman he’d seen more often than Kagome in the last twenty-four hours. “You the one who’s watching her?”
“I am.”
“What’s your name?”
“Has she eaten? She tends to not be able to stomach much when she’s uncomfortable or anxious.”
Kagome stiffened at the correct observation. She hadn’t realized Inuyasha paid attention to the mundane details of her characteristics, especially well enough to be able to relay it to others. That was something she didn’t much talk about, nor necessarily know when or how to bring up. So, she’d eat a little when food was placed before her to curb worry, but when her stomach told her to stop, she’d heed the warning.
Shinosuke fought his smug grin, watching the conjurer slowly duck her head. Though he couldn’t see her face from where he stood, he knew - just fucking knew - she was blushing again. Yeah, okay. They’re friends, alright.
“She had some fruit a couple of hours ago. Didn’t eat it all.”
“Just fruit?” Inuyasha’s attention shifted back to Kagome.
“More than you’ve eaten.” She remarked.
He chuckled lightly. She had him there. “I’ll share with you. I’m not that hungry, either.”
“We can go get her her own plate. It’s no trouble at all.” The housemaid on his left said, but Inuyasha shook his head.
“We’ll share. It’s fine.” It was his own way of protecting her from feeling obligated to eat more than she could handle out of sheer courtesy.
Kagome looked at the food as he placed the tray on his lap. The heavier stuff was incredibly unappealing. It looked like it tasted great, but the thought of eating it had her tummy turning upside down. In silent communication to her partner, she glanced from the meal to the hanyou, sucking in her bottom lip nervously.
Inuyasha understood what she was conveying. She really couldn’t eat too much right now. “You like strawberries, right?”
“Mhm.” She hummed, her tone small.
“Here.” Inuyasha picked the strawberries out of his bowl, putting them in the corner of the tray nearest her.
“But -“
“I don’t like them.” He lied. Inuyasha knew she was about to reject, not wanting to take the option of something sweet from him that he may enjoy, but he really didn’t care. He wanted her to eat, and if she liked them, she could have them all.
Both Shinosuke and Wakana had pressed their lips firmly together to hide their grins, giving each other little side glances as their surprise continued to escalate. Their hanyou guest was now eating, something Wakana couldn’t get him to do no matter how much she'd tried. How did Kagome question anything? How did she not see what everyone else could see? It was innocent and adorable, and a crime to interrupt.
“Ladies, let’s give them some space.” Wakana suggested, clapping her hands together once. “There’s no need for us to be here right now.”
The few staff in the room bowed slightly in compliance and rose to leave, the patter from their feet heard as they trailed toward the door.
“I’ll be back in a little while to give you some medicine. If you need anything in the meantime, we’ll be down the hall.”
Finally, they were left alone. Inuyasha felt the tension in his shoulders relax a little. Having eyes on him all the time was stressful and he fucking hated it. While he knew they were merely being kind and doing their jobs, it was still something he’d never grow accustomed to. More than that, Kagome was right where she belonged. No one was taking her away, no one was disrupting their time for the moment, and no one was playing bodyguard to the person he was supposed to protect.
“I need you to eat a little bit more than fruit, Kagome.” He tried, tearing off a chunk of his bread for her. “This or rice.”
“Tear that piece in half and you’ve got a deal.” She wagered.
“Nope.” He chuckled again, giving a minor wince from the pain it brought his abdomen. He recovered, hoping she hadn’t seen, but it was Kagome. Of course, she’d noticed. Her brown eyes were large with worry, a frown appearing, and she sat up a little straighter in preparation to help in any way she could had he needed any. “I’m fine.” Inuyasha assured.
She didn’t speak, sights drifting down to his bandaging. It was like she was waiting for blood to reappear.
“Hey,” The hanyou reached forward, taking her chin in his fingers and bringing her attention back up to his face. “Stop it. I’m okay. Eat the bread.”
“Your arm -“
“I can move it.” He mentioned, releasing her and giving her the chunk he’d torn off. “I just cant reach up or anything. Not yet. Give it another day or two.”
Not wanting to upset him right now, she decided not to argue or fight him on eating. If all he was requesting was for her to eat a few pieces of strawberries and a small chunk of bread, she could handle that.
He’d eaten as much as he could too, and as soon as they were finished, he placed the tray off to his side, leaving it there to be forgotten. Inuyasha went right back to taking the conjurer in, allowing the image of her in that dress to burn into the forefront of his mind. That soft shade of pink complimented her so well, especially when her face tinted just a bit darker. The glitter on her cheeks was a nice touch, but her hair dressed half up the way it was suited her so fucking well. It was cute. She was gorgeous. He was awestruck.
Kagome had caught him looking, quickly growing shy. Remembering the lower cut of her bust, Kagome covered the cleavage that showed, desperately not wanting to make him uncomfortable right now. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” Inuyasha was swift to assure, reaching for her wrist and pulling it away. “Go back to how you were.”
Her skin was warm, and as her hand landed on her thigh, his own wandered down, playing with the fabric over it.
“Do you like it?” She asked curiously.
“Don’t make me answer that.” He tried not to let his tone convey how imperative it was that she didn’t push him in that direction. Inuyasha would lose his composure. He was already riding a fine line, but if he said yes, he’d feel compelled to further admit just how dangerous it was for him to be so near her while she looked like this. His heart wasn’t fairing well as it was. He wasn’t sure he could handle voicing that on top of it.
Kagome couldn’t help but grow increasingly nervous. He seemed hardened, maybe a little put off. Even though his fingers were continuously playing with the length of her dress, skimming her thigh over and over, she couldn’t help but worry with that answer that the clothing didn’t suit her as well as she’d thought.
“Do you hate it?” She unintentionally asked, her voice carrying smaller.
Amber eyes shot up to hers, then drifted down over the curve of her body. He hadn’t meant to come off any sort of negative way, though he understood how it’d happened. Hate. It was laughable to imagine that, given his current state of mind. If she had a way in, she’d understand that hate was far from what he actually felt.
“No. Not at all.” Inuyasha answered, sucking in a breath to keep himself grounded. Her scent was heavy and soothing, and as he found himself staring at her plush lips, he realized that the strawberry tint had him wanting to kiss her now more than any other time he’d considered it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t even blame the medicine for the thoughts that wouldn’t quiet this time. In an attempt to silence them anyway, he continued to speak. “Where did this come from?”
“Wakana. She likes to make dresses.” Kagome answered, a smile curving her lips upward.
“Is she the lady that woke us up this morning?”
“Yeah, that’s her. She’s the headman’s daughter.”
“Oh, that’s right. I vaguely remember her mentioning that, but I was fucking out of it when she did.”
“She’s super nice. Unfortunately, my clothes didn’t survive, so I’m stuck borrowing some until we figure something out. She mentioned making me something, but it might be easier for everyone if we just head to a shop.” She said, fighting her instinct to adjust her dress again.
“Did your bodice make it?” Inuyasha smirked teasingly. As he watched a dramatic pout form on her lips, he really had to put effort into not laughing. The motion would only hurt him, and he wasn’t sure she needed that right now - though she’d have to deal with the amused expression he couldn’t hide.
“It tore.” Kagome whined.
“Called it.”
“Shut up.” She gave a light smack on his thigh, her pout remaining.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed the bandage on her head, or the one on her knuckles, and it was impossible to ignore the scrape he’d gotten a peek at on the back of her shoulder and the redness that didn’t belong on her cheekbone. It just wasn’t something he wanted to talk about first. Now that they were in the realm of the subject, Inuyasha grabbed her hand, pulling her to lean closer to him so he could push her bangs out of the way. No blood seeped through the bandage, so at least he knew it wasn’t bad. Still, his memory of her condition was extremely foggy.
He hadn’t forgotten the horrible amount of blood staining her stomach and arm, though. How could he? That, unfortunately, stayed with him even while he was unconscious. Without warning, Inuyasha’s palm found her waist and he pressed against it gently, feeling for wrappings he was worried she would lie about. When he felt nothing, his hand continued to travel over the general area he’d remembered the blood being in. If she winced, he’d feel awful but at least he’d know she was wounded and couldn’t keep it from him.
“What are you doing?” Kagome asked, concerned. Inuyasha didn’t answer, but his earlier amusement had gradually vanished, shifting to something pressing and off. His jaw was clenched, but instead of the furrowed look of his brow she’d grown used to, it was curved upward in distress.
The only flinch she’d made was when he pinched around her ribs, and he knew he’d only tickled her; it wasn’t one of pain. Still, he searched, breaking from her abdomen momentarily to pull her right arm out of the part in the loose sleeve, looking for signs of wounds. The flesh wasn’t broken at all along her forearm, but still she’d been covered in blood. She’d said it wasn’t hers, but there was so much. There was so fucking much. It was like he was realizing his worst fear, and all that flashed through his mind was how that green shirt clung to her stomach wherever the crimson had soaked.
“Were you hurt? What happened, Kagome?” He finally asked, once more touching her waist to feel if he’d missed something.
“I’m fine.” She’d stated, almost unsure. But, then it clicked. She understood what he was looking for. “No, no. That blood wasn’t mine. I was attacked by a demon, but that was his blood. I swear.”
“Kagome, how the fuck…” It wasn’t that he was exasperated. It was that he desperately needed to know. He’d agitated his nerves just now, and all he could think about was her hurt, mortally wounded while he couldn’t get to her.
“Do you want to see? Would that help? There’s nothing there, I promise.”
“Show me.” The hanyou hastily agreed.
She was quick to oblige, reaching for a clean towel off to the side. Skillfully, she shoved it beneath her dress to blanket the upper portion of her thighs, covering up what didn’t need to be seen as she then pulled the skirt up to expose her tummy. Kagome allowed him to look as long as he needed, to feel the skin of her abdomen, to reach around to her back and feel for any bandages or wounds - the both of them ignoring his grunt and wince as he leaned forward for better reach.
“It wasn’t mine.” Kagome swore again, lowering her garment as he sat back against the wall. She discarded the towel and breathed out, ready to relay the events that had unfolded. “The demon came out of nowhere, and grabbed me from behind. My arrows spilled everywhere, so it turned into a head-on fight. I got him pretty good.” She smirked with the hint of pride, raising her right hand as she looked down at her bandaging.
Inuyasha tenderly took her fingers, bringing it closer to him. Her knuckles were wrapped tight, and to his dismay, there was the slightest hint of pink poking through the off-white wrappings. He didn’t release her hand. He didn’t want to. He lightly stroked his thumb over her wound, lowering it to his thigh to hold there as he glanced back at her to get the rest of the story.
“The blood came from me stabbing him. He was on top of me so I used my dagger to get him in the side.”
“With purification?” He inquired.
“Of course.” Kagome answered.
“So, he’s dead?”
The memory of the demon’s body collapsing on top of her lit up in her mind, and her throat tightened. Swallowing thickly to try and subdue the discomfort, to try and keep it all from view so Inuyasha didn’t have that to add to his list of worries as well, Kagome took in a breath and nodded. “Yes. He’s dead.”
The hanyou let that information sink in, remaining quiet as he now held her hand with the both of his. His thumbs played over the bandaging, calloused skin scratching on the cloth’s surface, but when it skimmed down to her soft flesh, he felt a small sense of peace spread over him. So, he kept up that action, over and over rubbing his thumbs across her knuckles and toward the uncovered skin, then back. She took care of herself, just like she’d proved she could. Just like he knew she could. He would have felt better ripping that fucker to shreds, though. He’d said it before and he’ll say it as many times as necessary: no one touches Kagome.
Still, he was extremely proud of her. She held her own and then appeared in the nick of time to help his ass out. What a fucking woman.
“In that case, you look pretty good for someone who went toe-to-toe with a demon.” He lightly chuckled.
“Thank you.” She playfully grinned, raising her shoulders in feigned smugness. “I had to show him who was boss.”
“Honestly, I’m starting to think you could actually kick my ass.”
“Nah, that guy was just cocky and talked too much. I used all of that against him, pinned him down, and punched him in the face.”
“You punched him in the face?” He laughed, regretting it but that time he was able to properly hide his discomfort.
“Yes!” Kagome tightened the fingers he held. “He had sharp teeth, so it cut my knuckle, that jerk. But, I still got him.”
She was fucking cute as all hell as she raised her left arm and flexed her bicep, the slit in the long sleeves opening to fall away so he could see the definition. It brought the biggest smile to Inuyasha’s face. She really was okay. She was perfect.
“So, I take it you saw?” Inuyasha had to ask, his grin dwindling to a small, careful one. He found himself needing to know what was going through her mind. Why was she so anxious? Sure, it was unpleasant to be separated while he was wounded; he could see himself physically throwing people off of him that tried to keep him away from her had their positions been swapped. But, he remembered the way she looked when she came in last night. He vividly remembered her visible fear, the frown, but worst of all, there was a vague remembrance of her expression this morning. When Wakana woke them up and Kagome noticed his stomach. The way she’d stopped breathing and looked damn close to panicking. Of course, she’d seen the extent of his damage. He’d hoped she hadn’t seen it uncovered. But, had she seen it take place? “Moryomaru, when he… Did you?”
Her own smile faded then, and after a deep breath, she scooted herself a little closer to his torso, careful of how she leaned on his hip. She took one of his hands then, placing it in her lap as she busied herself, running her fingers over the lines of his palm. Brown eyes could no longer meet amber, instead staring down at the trail she left over his skin. It had been impossible to get that image out of her mind. Kagome knew it was something that, much like Shinosuke had mentioned, would stick with her forever. The only reason it wasn’t crippling her was because she knew Inuyasha was alive, and his condition was only improving.
“Yeah,” She breathed. “I saw.”
“Ah, fuck.” Inuyasha groaned. “I was really fucking hoping you hadn’t since you were busy fighting someone.”
“Our fight ended just before.”
“Kid, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Her gaze shot up to his, her upper lip curled in question. “For what?”
“If I had seen that happen to you, I would have lost my mind. I can only imagine what you felt watching that. I didn’t mean to make you worry. Fuck, that’s why you haven’t been eating, isn’t it?”
She softened, allowing her fingers to trail over the veins of his forearm for a moment. When her nail gently skimmed the thin skin of his inner elbow, she noticed a small twitch from him. A tickle spot.
“No, that’s not it.” Kagome admitted, the corners of her lips very subtly raising. “Well, I guess it’s a contribution, but really it’s because I miss you. I should be right next to you so I know you’re okay every second of the day, but I can’t be and I don’t like that. I don’t feel content not hearing you call me an idiot or kid or something mean because you’re unconscious, and not being able to help in any way doesn’t sit right with me. But, I also understand that they’re right to pull me away. You need to rest. And, you wouldn’t with me here.”
She was breaking him. He could feel any remaining borders between them beginning to shatter like glass with each statement she spoke. Her sincerity was his welcomed demise. The power Kagome had over him with her honesty was so much more incredible than Inuyasha could have ever imagined, and his heart climbed into his throat. How did she say that all so easily? How did she brighten even the worst of his days? She missed him.
Just as he opened his mouth to speak, he caught the sound of walking approaching. Inuyasha outwardly cursed, knowing that it was Wakana coming to force his next dose down his throat and Kagome’s temporary guard coming to take her away. With the remaining seconds he had, he looked back to the conjurer, bringing her right hand to his lips as he kissed her damaged knuckle just before releasing her.
“Sneak back over tonight.”
Kagome’s heart gave a heavy thump inside of her ribcage, damn near bruising the bones in its excitement. With a nervous agreement, Kagome nodded, trying to keep composure as even she caught the footsteps and comprehended his reaction.
The door slid open and in walked Wakana, the housemaid Kagome had threatened the day before, and Shinosuke with his notorious smirk. The housemaid remained by the wall, visibly uncomfortable as she refused to make eye contact with either she or Inuyasha. With a grimace, Kagome’s attention flew over to her companion, silently communicating with an awkward but amused expression that she knew exactly what the girl’s stiffness was about.
Inuyasha read her well. He’d remembered her mentioning she’d almost fought someone to stay with him, and given the housemaids opposition to near either, and Kagome’s humored but ashamed smile, along with the way her eyes flickered between the woman and he, he put two-and-two together. With as much effort he could muster, he tried - really tried - to fight back his laughter. For the sake of the housemaid’s dignity, Kagome’s embarrassment, and his sore abdomen. Still, a small snort left his nose, and he ducked his head to the side to try and further stifle it.
“Matsu, would you mind brewing the tea? Remember, three dashes this time.” Wakana spoke, putting her aid to work. The woman gave a feeble nod, immediately doing as requested but still keeping her head low.
“That woman’s fine whenever you’re not around.” Inuyasha whispered to Kagome, giving a small tug to a section of her free length of hair. Another amused but embarrassed grimace came from her in response as she covered her grin with her hand so that Matsu wouldn’t see how funny this was to her. “You fucking troublemaker.”
“Ready to go?” Shinosuke asked from the doorway.
Kagome peered at him from over her shoulder, curling her upper lip in disdain before turning back to Inuyasha.
“I’ll see you later.”
“Wait.” He ordered quietly just as she began to stand, wagging his finger so she’d lean in closer. As she did, her brows arched in curiosity, he asked, “This guy, is he trustworthy? Do you feel safe with him?”
“Well, he skillfully protected me from a ten year old so far, so he’s not half bad.”
“Seriously, Kagome.” He deadpanned.
“Um, I’m - I’m not lying.” She liked that Inuyasha couldn’t help but crack half a smile there as he rolled his eyes. “He’s attentive, and pretty cool. Likes to joke around, but I can tell he’s serious about his duties. Follows me everywhere -“
“Has he touched you?”
“Yeah, but only appropriately. Unless he’s being a jerk and carrying me out of the room over his shoulder.”
“Like I’m about to.” Shinosuke commented with a chuckle, strutting forward. “You know, you two don’t whisper as quietly as you think you do.”
Inuyasha leveled a glare at the guard as he kneeled right beside Kagome, looking him once over.
“What’s up?” He asked, smiling, unfazed by the clearly unwelcoming attitude the hanyou presented. “Ah, I get it. You don’t know me, so you don’t know if you can trust me with Kagome here. Alright, what would you like to know? Name’s Shinosuke, I’m twenty-four, used to be a chubby kid, favorite color’s red, I like long walks on the beach -“
“Knock it off.” Inuyasha drawled. “You’re not making me like you.”
“Not trying to. That’s not in my pay grade.”
“Shinosuke!” Wakana warned, approaching. “Inuyasha, I’m sorry. He’s got awful people skills, but he is in charge of our guards. With everything you two did for our people, and with how protective papa noticed you were of Kagome, he felt it would give you peace of mind to know our very best was watching over her.”
“Just leave her with me. She’ll be fine. She doesn’t want to go, anyway.”
“And, what’s to happen to her while you’re in your medicinally-induced coma?” Shinosuke challenged, that smug grin never fading.
“Kagome can take care of herself.”
“So, you’d rather she be left alone to worry about you. Alright. Makes my life easier.” He shrugged, rising to a stand.
“Oh, you son of a bitch.” Inuyasha ground out through clenched teeth. He turned to Wakana. “I don’t like the mind games he plays.”
Wakana quickly used the back of her hand to slap Shinosuke’s arm, silently reprimanding him with her scowl. The guard winced, grimacing but still laughing.
“What? I got through to him.”
“Just take her.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes pridefully, giving Kagome’s thigh one last stroke of his palm.
“You heard the man. Come on, tiny might.” Shinosuke boasted, reaching to grab the back of Kagome’s dress and lift her up.
“That name again?” She complained, following his leverage and quickly standing.
“By the way, you don’t have to worry about me touching her inappropriately.” He said down to Inuyasha as the half demon ground his jaw uncomfortably. “Not that kind of guy, and I’m pretty sure your girl here would twist my pinky off. Not to mention,” He gestured to Wakana. “Fiancee.”
It took a small moment, but after watching Wakana nod in reassurance, Inuyasha found himself relaxing slightly. He still wasn’t a fan of the fact that someone else was looking over Kagome, but it surprisingly eased him a lot to know that there was no physical or romantic attraction taking place. Especially while Kagome looked as she did now. Inuyasha found his shoulders dropping an inch, his frown lessening, and a nod of acknowledgment coming forward.
Without another word, Shinosuke grabbed Kagome’s shoulders and guided her toward the door, stopping after just a few steps to make her face the incoming housemaid that carried the brewed tea over.
“See, Matsu. She’s harmless.”
The woman tensed considerably and ducked her head, eyes landing on the floor while her hands wrapped around the tray even tighter. Kagome was taken aback by the woman’s trepidation, her jaw dropping as she couldn’t help but look back over at Inuyasha. Never in her life had she caused a single person to fear her as much as this woman currently did. Not even her younger brother took her this seriously.
“She’s harmless!” Shinosuke urged, laughing. Even he was surprised by the housemaid’s reaction.
“She - uh - she killed Moryomaru, sir.” Matsu softly said as a way to prove Kagome was, in fact, not harmless.
“You know what, I’ll give it to you. You’ve got me there.” The guard bobbed his head. “You seem fine around Inuyasha, though.”
Matsu didn’t say anything. She merely stood there, eyes on the tray of herbal tea as she bounced from foot-to-foot.
“You - you realize he’s half demon, don’t you?”
“I am aware, sir.” She answered.
“Kagome, you damn ruffian.” Shinosuke snickered, shoving her toward the exit and away from the apprehensive housemaid. “You’re seriously gonna tell me the nickname’s still undeserved?”
“I’m sorry!” She guffawed, stumbling, once more looking back at Inuyasha as she laughed. The hanyou merely watched her exasperatedly, his large hand swiping down his face as he silently communicated his dumbfounded nature.
“You scarred the poor girl!” Shinosuke jokingly harassed, pushing her out the door.
Just before she disappeared, she shared one last, bright smile with Inuyasha, waving goodbye to him with the promise to see him soon.
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tojikai · 2 years
I’m literally in shambles but the shambles are in flames, i wanted to quickly say that I love the series PM! <3 I love the way you write and how you go into such detail with it, it really sets me on edge (hitting my bed kind of edge). I’m in complete misery but angst stories ?? I LOVE IT!! i love ur works as I’ve read them all and I hope ur doing okay :3
BUT!! Im so furious with rie rn after the new chapter, I’ve always been furious with her. Y/n literally and I mean LITERALLY just woke up from a swelling from her brain and a coma. Rie knew that as well and I’m so angered that she decided to tell her RIGHT THERE that they kissed that night when satoru cheated on her with rie. but at the same time it is a pretty bad sight to see your boyfriend and his ex holding hands gently as he also kissed her hand. and her emotions i feel as if were scattering all over the place with the whole accident, satoru ghosting her recently, being questioned. However!! I still feel like she or THEY (satoru, shoko and suguru) should’ve waited at least a bit til she was out of the hospital or was feeling better. Rie should try and meditate cuz girl need that ASAP!! so far though I am neutral with her I suppose, if I’m being honest I’m analyzing her character since I’m in a working progress of being a psychologist. >;D she makes me mad for her actions but I’m still waiting for future chapters and see what else happens. I like her character though and how her thought process goes. :3 i like ur stories sm like I will NEVER stop staying this because it’s true. You make me feel emotions I’ve never felt in a long time and that’s just amazing because no one has done that, love the series so far!! I’m excited to see more drama, angst, and how it all ends!! Have a great night/morning, take care. 🤍
Hiii omg a you're taking psychology? 😯 that's my dream omg but my mom wont let me get it HSHAHHAAH but yeah, Rie got her own explanations for her actions, why she snapped like that even if she knew that yn just got out of a coma. I love how you analyzed her character and her actions in the previous chapter !! and THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥺♥️ i really appreciate that, nonnie~ please take care too and i hope you're doing great <33
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Heart to heart / Alone together - LawSan
Annyong Haseyo!! This is my third piece for LawSan week! 
I hope you guys like it!
Thankyou for letting me take part in this @lawsan-week​
Writing : Heart to Heart / Alone Together
I kinda ended up using both of these again because they felt right.
Word count : 1.3K
Warnings : None
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Law observed that counting till now, it was the 6th time. The cook avoided him. 'Did I do anything wrong?', a train of thoughts were running in his mind of all the possible scenarios of what ever he did. 'Does he... he knows about my crush... on him', he panicked. Anyway, he wanted to find out. No matter what, he wanted to know.
As Sanji was serving food, Law took the blond's hand and whispered, "What happened? Talk to me". Sanji blushed at his sudden contact and tried to break free from his grip. But he didn't let go. It wasn't a hurting one, it was instead a pleading and desperate one. This got the attention of the navigator and also the archaeologist.
 "SANJII I WANT MORE MEAT!!", Because of Luffy's demand, Law let go of Sanji and he took the chance to leave. After the chaotic Lunch, Law laid down on the deck with his hat covering his face from the sun rays. He sighed thinking how to make the cook talk to him.
"So, need help Mr. Doctor?", a voice made the raven haired man to remove his hat swiftly and look at who it was. Because of the sudden light of the sun, the doctor squinted his eyes to focus who was in front of him. There stood the two ladies of the ship. The orange head navigator sneaked beside him in a blink and looked at him with curious eyes. "Nee~~ Trafalgar, it seems like you want to talk to our chef, can I ask why? I saw you were trying to ask him something".
"Its nothing like that and none of your business actually", Law said as he leaned back trying to ignore them."Oh! is that so, then I'll ask Luffy to talk to Sanji about this", She said as she started to walk.
'Talk to Mugiwara-ya!?!?', he remembered all the plans and destructions because of his alliance with him. If his feelings or something personal like this... he doesn't want to take any chances.
"Wai...Wait", he said as he positioned himself again. Nami smirked as she came back and sat beside the doctor. Robin took the other side and two of them started to listen to the doctor.
Law sighed and said, "Its just that, I feel like he is avoiding me for some reason and... I... I really need to know the answer why he is not being his usual self around me so I asked him. That's it. Not a big deal" he ended hoping to lose their interest, but sadly, that wasn't the case yet.
"Why do you care so much if he avoids? Didn't you try to avoid some of us in the beginning?", questioned Robin making the man gulp.
"Yeah, we practically had to take awa- *Ahem*, I mean had to get close and be in your personal space", said Nami. 
The doctor knew they destroyed his personal space. But now he really wanted them to leave but they were so stubborn.
"Do you like Sanji?", questioned Robin. Because of the sudden confrontation he gasped but didn’t say anything.
"Eh!!! Really!?!", exclaimed the navigator.
"No wonder you want to talk to him", added Robin. He exhaled and asked, "Why do you two have to show this special interest in my personal life?"
"But we want to help. Robin and I had an idea which could get him to talk to you", hearing this the man looked curiously at the navigator.
She smirked and asked, "Do you want to know about it Tra~fal~gar~?"
He clicked his tongue as he looked away and said, "I...I would... appreciate it"
Nami smiled with victory and Robin giggled. He could only blush as the girls discussed about the plan. 
“Sanji is really stubborn. So to make him talk about something, won’t be done with simple and pleading ways. You need to get stubborn for that sake”, said Robin as Law seriously listened.
“So... to make him talk, we need to make sure you are alone together. We will make sure that to happen so just listen more carefully now”, Nami cleared her throat and continued to explain the plan which she and Robin had in their minds to the doctor.
At that time, a certain blond came out just after finishing his work in the kitchen. The trio on the deck caught his eye. He didn't knew what they were talking about but... if he was totally being honest with himself, he didn't like how the doctor was talking to the girls like that. He wasn't angry at the ladies. He was angry how... Law was talking to them but not... him.
A while after he made drinks for the ladies, he came out of the kitchen and gave it to the them as he swooned.
“Sanji kun, could you get us the new perfumes you brought for yourself on the previous island”, Nami asked and Sanji said, “Ofcourse Nami swan~~ I’ll get them for you~~” as he swayed away.
Sanji went to the boys room and as soon as he opened the door he was pulled inside. The door was shut now. Sanji’s back made contact with the door as two strong arms were placed beside his form. Law didnt look at Sanji yet.
“Wha.. What happened? Let me go!”, Sanji protested. 
“Did I do something? Please tell me why are you avoiding me”, Law asked as he looked up to face Sanji. The blond could see the hurt in the latter’s eyes.
“Nothing. Just let me go now. I need to give something to Nami san”, said Sanji but Law didn’t move. 
“You are talking about the perfumes right. If you wont tell me why you are avoiding me, I’ll just shamble them in the ocean”, Law seriously said making Sanji gasp.
“Don’t you dare. Nami san asked for it. I won’t hesitate to kill you if you do that”
“Like I said. I won’t do it, if you give me the answer. So tell me what I did and I’ll go”, Law said as he came a bit closer to the cook.
Sanji’s cheeks turned red at the sudden moment of Law. 
“Do you hate me that much to avoid me every time”, Sanji’s eyes widened. He didn’t hate Law. He didn’t knew his actions would hurt the doctor like this.
“No. No you idiot! I don’t. I feel weird around you. So i avoided you”, he answered making Law confused.
“Wait what?”, the raven questioned making the blond avert his gaze. Sanji knew Law wouldn’t leave him till he gets a proper reply. 
The cook exhaled and said, “Chopper checked me for any diseases but I’m totally healthy. But... I dont know why...My... my heart beats faster around you. I unintentionally get nervous even if you just look at me. My legs shiver when I serve you food making me always think whether you’d like it or not. Whenever you talk with the ladies I FREAKING GET PISSED AT YOU FOR NOT TALKING TO ME. BUT I DON”T HATE YOU!” 
Sanji inhaled after shouting. He was expecting a serious answer from Law but he was shocked when he heard him laugh. Law moved back as he placed one of his hand on his mouth and the other on his stomach. He continued to laugh. This made the cook embarrassed. 
“Why the hell are you laughing now HUH?!”, he walked towards the doctor and shook him by his collar.
In between his laugh, Law answered, “Its... Its just that.. I only wanted to have a heart to heart honest talk but... You confessed your feelings towards me, just now. Oh poor you, didn’t even knew you liked me. You thought you were sick. So cute!”, Law ended as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. 
Sanji blushed and kicked the doctor before he reached for the perfumes. Just when he was about to open the door, Law hugged him from behind and placed his hand on the latter’s. 
“Wait, I am sorry, I laughed. I really like you too. But the way you confessed, It was just that, you were too adorable, I couldn’t sto-”, he didn’t even complete his sentence because the Tsundare nature of the cook took a step ahead and the doctor was thrown away from him.
“*Ahem*, dont ever tell this to anyone.”, Sanji said as he opened the door. 
“So its a secret then. Okay, whatever you say babe”, Law said it only for Sanji to gasp in surprise, He didn’t expect him to say that.
“SHUT,,,SHUT UP BAKA”, Law laughed as Sanji shouted.
I hope you liked it. Sanji is definitely Tsundare. He would shout, blush get embarrassed very easily. Law would love these adorable actions of him... agh... I am falling in love with these two. Help. 
Please Like, Comment and Reblog to support me! Thankyou for reading!
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
Verbal Mistakes - Nozel Silva LEMON
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Words - 1389 Request -  
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A/n - Enjoy!
Y/n P.O.V
He's been down there for days... its like he hardly went to bed anymore to busy with whatever it was he wouldn't tell me. I was sick of it but he never listened, rather he ignored me. He didn't even bother to look at me. But like clockwork, I found my legs moving without thought, tiptoeing down the steps and behind the huge door which held Nozel inside.
I knocked 3 times, one, two, three... and of course no answer. I flicked the lock inside the door and pushed through, only to be stopped by Nozel. Standing in front of me, he wore a face I didn't know.
"When- will you cut this childish behavior out?" He seemed to growl the words out like a feral dog though his face remained all the more stoic. But his eyes, they were lit like fires, angry and irritable, restless and tired.
"No! It annoying, Y/n. I'm working! I can't listen to your pleas every. Single. Night." I couldn't look him in the eye. Those eyes weren't the eyes I loved. I just wanted him to be okay, was that so wrong? I know he was tired, and staying here for all hours of the day wasn't going help whatever he was working on. 
For my lack of response, he went to close the door, moving to push me put, again. It was under his breath he whispered,
"When did I learn to love someone so weak." I stopped, and quicker than a flash I had Nozel against the door, which had slammed against the wall of his office.
"I am not your sister, I wont simply let you push me around like your all so mighty. You are as weak as they come Nozel, and all your training will never let you live that down." My grip on his collar tight, I shook him out of his shocked haze.
"Consider this the last night I annoy you, Captain Silva." It was then it felt like the wind was really knocked out of Nozel, like the blow to his shakily built pride wasn't enough, the loss of you seemed to make him really crumble. Regret began pour into his eyes but it was all to late. You were already gone, and when he did run to find you there wasn't a single trace of you ever being there.
*** 3rd P.O.V
Three days later, Nozel stood before the wizard king, a urgent summons.  Although annoyed, Nozel couldn't refuse, it was his duty and expectance to go, and with heavy feet he did. Julius waited no time in getting to the point, his curiosity blunt.
"Ahh, Capitan Silva, may I question why your fiancé is demanding for a immediate squad change?" Nozel almost tripped in his steps towards the desk, like said, Julius wasted no time.
"W-What?" A knot tied tightly in Nozel stomach. It was true, she truly was leaving.
"When?" Nozel asked hurriedly, he had been looking for you, but no spell could find you and no mage could catch scent of you.
"Y/n left an note sometime in the night, quick in and quick out. Care to explain?"
Y/n P.O.V
I had jut gone to sleep when the sound of my heavy door opening and closing tickled my ears. The calm steps towards the bed gave me time ti sit up and look around the dark room.
"Yami?" But who I lied my eyes on, was not Yami. It was Nozel.
"How did you get in here?" I seethed, the candles in the room lighting up the once dark room. Nozel stepped forward again. He looked horrible, worse then what he had looked like before you left him. His braid hung frizzy and unkept in front of his face. His eyes were dark and sunken in, skin paler than usual.
"What happened to you?" In the five years I loved this man, he's never looked a bigger mess. Even his clothes were shambled, thrown carelessly together. Nozel emitted and low empty chuckle and looked down.
"I lost the love of my life." My heart pulled at my chest and swam to choke my throat. I have to stay strong. Nozel's eyes looked up to find mine, they looked bloodshot and bleary. My own eyes were hard and narrowed, I hope he was getting the gist.
"Why are you here, Nozel?" I sighed, finally looked away and relaxing, what good would it do to glare at him like a child, it'd only prove him right wouldn't it?
"I came to apologize."
"In the middle of the night."
"I couldn't find you, you were gone for days, I needed to make sure you were okay." He tried to reason, as if he didn't come for his own selfish-reasons. He went to take another step closer, and he succeded, walking towards the corner of my bed and sitting on it.
"I didn't mean what I said." He whimpered out into the still air. I scoffed looking to the side before meeting his sad eyes. It was hard looking at a man you've only known as strong. In the five years of dating Nozel and the years before, I've never seen him so weak and broken. Nozel turned away from me moving to get up, taking my silence as the end of the conversation.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't-" I grabbed Nozel by the wrist and pulled him up to the bed.
"Jesus Christ-!"
"Get in here you fuckin idiot, I'm-... I'm sorry too," I mutter and curled myself around Nozel as he slipped under the covers and gripped me back tightly. He seemed to shake as he held me, and the quietest sniffle escaped him. I looked up at Nozel, his eyes teary but he was clearly trying to fight them back.
"I'm sorry, Nozel, for leaving and of course what I said, but I won't be taking anything like that every again you hear me." I flicked his chest and he chuckled hoarsely.
"Never again, my love." I smiled and leaned in and kissed him softly. Nozel was quick to reciprocate grabbing at me tighter and sighing into the kiss, finally relaxing what must have been the first time in weeks.
This heated fast with the eager touching from Nozel and the complete opened armed welcome for me, things were moving fast and in no time, did I find myself nude beneath him. Hot and panting, Nozel took his time gazing down at me, pupils dilatated. His messy hair completely out of its braid and fell down the side of his face as he leaned down, tickling my shoulder.
"Nozel please, its been to long," I begged, pulling him in closer and locking my legs around his hips. Nozel gripped my chin and made me look at him, eyes burning with a lustful passion.
"You'll never have to wait again. I promise." He sealed that promise with a slow push of his hips. Nozel's thrusts started out slow but as he grew more desperate and determined his hips sped up. Torrents of heat rushed to fill my body, sensitive from lack of touch and the delicious pounding from Nozel, my body had no problems with bring me to climax quick.
String pulled tight and taunt it took three perfectly aimed thrusts from Nozel to finally finish me off. Mind blank with white hot pleasure, I griped and clawed down Nozel's back. Nozel faltered as I gripped him tighter, moaning in my ear lewdly as he finished inside me.
Nozel collapsed on me, careful of his weight but none the less heavy. I laughed and pushed him off me.
"I can't breath!" Nozel laughed and turned me to my side, pulling me into him and spooning me. I got myself comfortable before cringing in disgust.
"Are you trying to get me pregnant?" I slapped his forearm, moving to get up and clean myself but Nozel pulled me back down.
"Would that be so bad?"
"Lets get married, Y/n. I never want to lose you again, I can't, It would kill me. This has showed me that without you, my life is worth no living. You are my light darling, I can't see without you." I held Nozel's face, and enormous smile spreading over my face.
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snowbellewells · 4 years
“The Case of the Heart in Armor”  {Part Five}
Wow, it’s hard to believe that I started this fic last fall for @csrolereversal​ and am just now getting close to the conclusion. A lot of other things have jumped in line ahead of it, but I am still really enjoying this one, and I hope those who are still reading it will continue to as well. Only one more part to go after this!
Thank you once again for the patience of @courtorderedcake​ for the lovely and inspiring art which birthed the idea and started it all!
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Summary: Killian “Holmes” Jones is rarely surprised or shocked anymore, but that all changes when he meets one very stubborn - and very beautiful - pickpocket, and trouble brews in the distance, hidden by the London fog…
From the Beginning: on Tumblr HERE or on AO3 HERE
Part Five
The next morning found Inspector David Nolan once more within his well-appointed office at the Yard; this time not fruitlessly scrutinizing scattered photos for missed details, but pacing the length of the room with the restless energy of a caged beast. His walk to headquarters through a chill drizzle as dawn was just beginning to lighten the grey English morning, had been wet and cold, but nothing out of the ordinary for rainy London weather. Granted, he had barely slept that night, surely disturbing his sweet, compassionate wife. She had risen earlier than was her wont as well, making him a hearty breakfast and holding on more tightly than usual as she saw him on his way.  He had been at work long before it was necessary, but it still did not explain why his second-in-command and his sister had not arrived for their meeting as scheduled; Emma to report anything she might have noticed on the streets in her previous evening’s scouting work, and David then intended to share with them both the clue he and Jones had uncovered.
Of course, he tried to recognize that his frustration was heightened, his patience not at the level he would normally attempt to exercise, and that they were merely a scant few minutes late.  All the same, it was completely unlike Watson to be anything but prompt, following his superior’s orders to the letter (often even anticipating David’s wishes or going above and beyond in fulfilling them). It went against all established character for Graham to be tardy or forgetful, and though he did have a pleasant and more relaxed side to his personality once he grew comfortable with others, Watson was never careless. The fact that he had been meant to swing by Emma’s building and accompany her in, made Nolan’s already high tension all the more volatile. Though he knew his adopted sister could handle herself - had more than one permanent scar upon his person to attest to the fact - David Nolan would not be appeased until both Graham and Emma were present before him.
Even as he was thinking that very thing, pacing back over to the window to peer out upon the dreary sidewalk and damp grass in front of the imposing building in which he stood, Nolan heard the quick flurry of rushing footsteps at his door before it was flung open to admit his lieutenant’s abrupt entrance. 
Whirling with all senses on the alert, David’s shoulders only lowered a bit in relief to find Watson standing in the doorway. Eyes wide and searching as they scanned the office anxiously, Graham panted slightly from clear exertion, his face worried and paler than usual. The deputy’s wheaten curls were riotously mussed and in disarray from his hands raking through them, as he proceeded to do once more upon seeing his boss was the only person in the room. “Isn’t she here?” he asked worriedly.
David shook his head tersely. “No, she isn’t. I thought you were going by there to walk in with her?” He tried to keep the bite of recrimination from his words, but winced internally at the way Graham dipped his head to avoid his eyes, knowing he must not have succeeded.
“I did go by her building. Rang for her several times, in fact. I got no answer and wasn’t sure how to proceed. Eventually, the building’s landlady came to the main door and let me in, but even going directly to her door, knocking and calling for her repeatedly brought no response. I couldn’t very well pick the lock and break in with the matron standing right there. I assumed - well, hoped really - that she had gotten an early start and was already here with you.” His words died out on the obvious conclusion that, not only was Emma not present, but she clearly had not been at her home either, or if so, was somehow unable to answer. The implication was chilling, to say the least. Their plan for the morning had been concocted between the two of them to see Emma safe but not make her feel coddled, doubted, kept on a leash, or watched like a child. All the same, now something might well be wrong, and they had been none the wiser.
“Send a runner to Jones’ residence. Holmes was here late last night; he saw Emma home from her undercover work, then wanted to discuss the last victim. We found something I was anxious to share with you. I’ll fill you in on the way, but we should get moving and figure out where Emma’s gotten off to. Have him meet us at her building as soon as possible - at least it’s a place to start.”
Graham gave a bob of the head and stepped into the lobby to flag down the needed messenger. Then both men were out the door and on their way again within moments; concern lending speed to their steps amidst hopes they were not too late. What neither man wanted to say was that Emma had likely not gone anywhere on her own - at least not of her own free will.
‘Holmes’ Jones met the Inspector and his friend Watson at Miss Nolan’s apartment, looking more rattled and concerned than David Nolan ever remembered witnessing; of course, he had done some research on the gentleman detective before reaching out to consult him in official police business. He had looked into the other man’s affairs well enough to know that there had been early abandonment, a less than savory romantic entanglement ended abruptly in a suspicious death, and a past proclivity to drown the memory of said losses in drink before his elder brother had lured him into an undersecretary position a few years back and seemingly given Killian Jones the rudder he needed to steady his course and once more find purpose. Said gentleman had eventually quit the position with his only known kin to go into his current private investigative endeavors, but it appeared that since his point of turnabout, Jones had maintained utter control of his more tempestuous impulses from the past. In fact, Nolan had often thought him rather cool and detached in his manner, unless he was employing charm and his handsome face to coax a witness into talking or to trip up a suspect. The inspector realized now that perhaps Jones’ business-like, emotionless distance had been a carefully arranged mask that was  slipping away.
Killian Jones, for his part, could not help cursing his own negligence at simply walking away and leaving Emma at her doorstep the previous night, as if there were not a care in their worlds. Granted, she had been fine when they parted company; no doubt she would have balked at him insisting to see her all the way up to her private apartments as though it had been some blushing first date. The place had seemed normal and undisturbed - no signs of commotion or threat, no uneasy tingling at his nape (which once he could have depended on to give fair warning) - and so he had let it go, not wanting to push the tentative peace between himself and the prickly beauty.
However, fear for her safety and rampant self-loathing licked at the edges of his mind like ravenous ghouls in the changed circumstances of morning light. Had someone been lying in wait for her return home? How would said person have gained entrance? Or did a villain watch and wait until she was alone, asleep and off her guard, to break in and overpower her? Suddenly, Killian knew all too many details and statistics of this case and uncounted others to let that train of thought travel further without losing all composure.
The three men stood in Emma’s living room searching for anything which might provide a clue as to what had happened and how she had been accosted. Neither her door nor windows showed any sign of forced entry. The apartment reflected the comfortable clutter of a lived-in home, but it was free of the broken and scattered shambles that would indicate a struggle. Had Emma been overwhelmed before she could even attempt to fight back?  Just as they had all feared, she seemed to have disappeared without a fight, in the midst of a case - something the feisty blonde they all held dear would never have allowed to happen without scratching and clawing and raising an alarm in her own defense if she were able.
That coupled with the discovery he and Nolan had made the night before was more than enough to set Killian well and truly on edge. Not only that, and the creeping fear that it was all connected, but an old memory of a disturbed individual whispered of some year before began to niggle at the corners of his mind. It had never become an official case - the clues and questions frighteningly sparse and circumstantial at best, but… there was a troubling echo of the deaths then with the ones they were seeing now. Holmes was just debating the efficacy of sharing his suspicions when the Inspector sat heavily on the large chest at the foot of his sister’s bed. His voice was weary as he looked down with unnecessary focus on his large hands clasped uselessly in his lap.
A deep sigh left him, broad shoulders slumped as David Nolan began, in a voice much softer than Killian had ever heard the officer use. “I don’t want to think this… and yet...I can’t in good conscience not tell you both that I fear Emma is in the hands of our killer.” His words were interspersed with reluctant pauses, but he continued. “She... she would want to strangle me…” Here he shook his head, looking almost boyish when some long ago memory caused a small grin to transform his face for mere seconds before slipping away once more. “If she knew I was telling you this...Emma would have my head...but let’s just say… she could easily be the ‘heart in armor’ from the clue we found.”
Graham at Nolan’s right side looked uncertain, brow furrowed as he considered his boss’ words. “Sire, no disrespect, I know she is tough and guarded, to be sure, but what makes her more so than many others?”
Killian arched a brow, surprised and rather impressed that Watson was going to push his superior for further explanation. Granted, he had wondered the same - especially since he had privately believed the clue was referring to him up until Emma’s disappearance at least. Still, he had figured he would need to ask the question himself.
Nolan ran a sharp, frustrated palm back over his close-cropped head, his agitation and discomfort growing continually clearer. “It wasn’t just that she was picking pockets on the streets to survive when Mum and I found her,” he murmured, forcing out the rest. “She wasn’t merely homeless; she’d never had a home at all...or anyone who cared how she was...if she were hurt...or angry...or afraid. There had been someone… an older boy who preyed on that...said he loved her. Then he betrayed what little trust she had for anyone… and left her with a baby… that she lost. She never told even me any more than that. So, yes, there is armor a foot thick and a mile wide around that heart of hers.”
Graham flushed and looked away, abashed and silenced as if he had forced Nolan to talk in the precinct box. Killian too blew out a stunned breath, well aware from just her small tells and the feeling of kinship with her he couldn’t ignore - despite their heated sparring - that Emma Nolan’s life must have been anything but easy. Still, he had not expected that depth of tragedy and pain. He was almost embarrassed to have assumed his own losses would have left a larger mark.
“Aye,” he murmured reluctantly, pursing his lips in troubled thought as he continued to scan the room around them, hoping to find something amiss or out of place, anything that might give them a lead as to where Emma might be now. “I can understand why such treatment might make anyone put up walls,” he finally added, coming to stand near the door and at last reluctantly admitting that there was nothing in the small apartment of any help to them.
Looking from one of his companions to the other intently, Killian bypassed his original theory - his own heart being the needed target. With Emma was missing and what David had shared, it seemed unlikely and a waste of their time. Instead he licked his lips, cautiously preparing himself to speak on the other odd connection that had been growing and solidifying in his mind.  That half remembered case’s detailed were coming clearer as he pulled at the thread of recall. It had been suspected that the perpetrator had espoused the mad gothic ideas of reanimation, much like had been written of in Mary Shelley’s popular novel. He didn’t know any sensible way to broach such an outlandish theory outright with his colleagues, so instead he swept his gaze over to Graham’s face and queried, “Do you remember that mad tale Frankenstein which was all the rage some years back?”
He was banking on the fact that his friend enjoyed those same eerie Victorian authors Liam did, having heard them discuss many such fictional works over scotch or brandy in Liam’s study countless evenings while a fire roared in the hearth and they idled a while in companionable talk before night’s end. He was honestly hoping Graham would know of the twisted story so he would not sound to both men as though he were making up his next conjecture from pure imagination.
Graham’s forehead creased in curious thought, but he nodded, warming to the topic just as Killian had intended. “Yes, I remember it. The main character - a doctor, but more like a mad scientist - creates a man from parts of grave robbed corpses. Hair-raising, genuinely. The author claimed the entire thing came to her as a nightmare, and I would believe it.” He shook his head, then continued, “However, the doctor does bring the inanimate body back to life with electricity from lightning.” Graham’s voice trailed off, eyes widening as he stared back at Killian, understanding dawning on his face. “Surely you don’t mean…?”
Killian didn’t answer aloud. It was clear exactly what he was coming to believe.
Inspector Nolan looked between the two, his lieutenant and his consultant, with increasing impatience and frustration. “Mean what?” he prodded intensely, standing with hands fisted at his side and looking ready to take a swing at one, or both, of them if they didn’t start to explain. “One of you had better tell me what you’re getting at and how it ties to this case, and Emma, before I lose my patience.”
Sighing, Killian stepped forward to face the police officer he had come to genuinely respect and hold in high esteem. He and Liam had not had an easy start in life, as boys and young men who had encountered many coppers, lawyers, and others in positions of power who were as selfish, cruel, and crooked as David was straight and true. It was a new thing to look at this man and know that he truly upheld the law in order to stand for and protect those who could not protect themselves.
Killian hated the picture taking shape in his mind from a mixture of long-buried reminiscence and unsolved cases, but he owed it to them to offer all the information he had. “I’ll explain, Mate,” he assured Nolan in a clipped, heavy tone, clasping his shoulder for a moment before dropping his hand again, “but brace yourself. I’ll wager it’s going to sound a preposterous tale.”
David nodded curtly, crossing his arms over his broad chest and widening his stance as if to tackle whatever Killian said head on. 
“Some years back, when I still worked under my brother in his diplomatic office, there were several suspicious deaths in a single fall and winter. All nameless victims, homeless, without any identification, anything to go on. The distinguishing factor tying them together was… the absence of a vital organ. There were also whispers - rumor and conjecture only, most thought - of an ambassador’s wife who dabbled in the occult and alchemy. Nothing concrete was ever found in order to charge her... but I met her, and the ambassador and their two grown daughters as well,  at more than one political function when I was serving under Liam. It was not something which could be quantified, and shame on me, I did not pursue it. But she could freeze a man’s blood in his veins with a glance; there was truly something unnatural and unsettling about her - a Mrs. Cora Millsen, her name was. I kept my distance beyond a few necessary conversations. I could see she had intent to strike up an arrangement between myself and her younger daughter, Regine, and began to beg off engagements assisting Liam where the family would be in attendance. The ambassador himself, Henrik, was a pleasant fellow, honest and well-liked enough that most overlooked his peculiar family, as he was the one they had dealings with. I cannot say I made the connection until it began to prick my memory with this present case’s similarities, and its same lack of conclusive evidence. Perhaps most horrifying though was that the seemingly unsolvable wave of killings ceased when the Millsen family returned to their country, abruptly and suddenly after the fiancé young Regine did eventually choose, some young equestrian riding champion, died in their home.”
He took a moment to chance a look first at Graham’s stunned expression, the other man probably even remembering those unsolved cases which had continued to trouble his elder brother long after the book on them had been shut, and then to David Nolan’s face, a mask of stony silence. There was nothing for it but to finish what he knew of the sordid tale, so Jones drew a deep breath and plunged on. “Regine refused to go with her family. She came to Liam’s offices, raving about her mother killing her ‘beloved Daniel’. A report was drawn up, but her account was impossible, unbelievable. Nothing came of it. The young woman seemed clearly unhinged by grief and anger, almost deranged. Heaven help me, I was glad when Liam’s colleagues dismissed the charges. Obviously she was troubled and in need of help, but she made me every bit as unsettled as her mother Cora ever had.”
“And what happened to her after that?” David asked skeptically. “There was no more trouble?”
“After that?” Killian replied. “I do not know. She seemed to fade from public view… and I was relieved. I was happy to let her do so. I admit it.”
He looked to Graham then, and his friend took up the story when Killian paused. “It wasn’t always the heart - that was where those cases differed from ours currently.  I remember the incidences you are speaking of Killian, but I failed to make the connection as well.  One was missing lungs, another the kidneys, but there were two or three that were without the heart as well. The past case was kept within the offices of the embassy, largely because the only possible suspect known had immunity. Killian is correct. Something was not right about that woman; pushing her two daughters at any dignitaries who might gain them British citizenship and a finer, fancier life, but yet something cool and detached about her as well, as if all around were pawns to move on some chessboard only she could see. It was rumored she espoused the ridiculous popular idea in some circles at the time that perhaps Dr. Frankenstein was based on some real life doctor. Utter rubbish of course, no sane, self-respecting physician would…” This time Graham broke off in agitation, jerking fingers through his already disheveled hair and mumbling. “Simply not possible…” and “first do no harm” as he paced away from them.
“Anyway,” Killian intoned forcefully, determined to finish the story in short order. “The family’s official dossier attributed the woman with study of the occult and alchemy, as well as a rather accomplished knowledge of anatomy, botany, and medicine in her native land. But there was no motive, no evidence… well, unless you count the rather dramatic coincidence of the daughter’s suitor dropping dead of a heart attack in their parlor. Even that is not a crime in itself, however suspicious it looked that the family fled Britain back to Norway within hours of the incident, and that the bizarre killings then ceased.”
He could tell as he finished recounting the tale that David Nolan was fit to burst with numerous questions and arguments. Yet no words left the man’s mouth; instead it opened and closed mutely before he huffed and turned his back, gathering his composure. They were all quiet for a minute until David turned sharply, speaking in a voice that took command and snapped them into action. “None of that matters at present. What does matter is finding Emma and stopping this killer. Could your brother tell us if the Millsen family, or the wife at least, have returned? If so, we need to know where they’re staying, places they frequent…”
Killian nodded his assent, but it was Graham who spoke. “Liam has never really let that case go; he will no doubt still have documentation of any information that was unearthed, what little there was. Or, if nothing else, he will have kept tabs on the family.”
David sent him to call Liam and sighed, running a hand over his face as he looked once more to Killian. “Let’s hope your brother knows somewhere we can start. That tale of yours was far from comforting, and we need to be doing something.”
“I completely agree,” Killian confirmed gruffly, hoping his face would not betray the panic stirring in his gut. They needed to find Emma Nolan sooner rather than later. He did not wish to contemplate the terrible possibility that not all of her would be in one piece to find.
The dark-eyed femme fatale looked down upon the operating table she had modified for her research, hidden in the basement of the home she had let upon her return to London. Most did not even know that the sub-level existed, which was exactly how she needed it - locked away, where she could do her work without fear of discovery.
Her eyes were sharp, narrowing in dangerous concentration as she studied the unconscious form laid out before her on the flat surface, though there was not a mark marring her fair skin, the debilitating cloud of vapour had struck the pretty flowercart girl as hard as any physical blow. Throughout the transport to her lair and depositing her on the hard surface the blonde had not wakened or even stirred. Her long hair was fell around her, hanging off the edges of the worktop and making Emma Swan look all the more vulnerable for her bared neck and shoulders; uncovered, unveiled, in only her thin shift as protection against the darkness and cold creeping in all around her and the jagged knife her abductor wielded. 
Though the inspector’s younger sister - oh yes, she had done her research as well! - was merely the pawn in a sinister plan much deeper and more twisted than any had realized, the fiendish villainess had prepared for all contingencies. Waking up and beginning to fight would not free the lovely bait in her trap; it would only make the sacrifice more satisfying. She had already bound her prey to the table’s surface, at wrists and ankles and around her torso. She would not be making any sort of escape; even as she at last began to stir restlessly. 
Perversely pleased with herself, Regine Millsen, daughter of the once-ousted ambassadors, had used her ill-gotten powers, first learned at her cursed mother’s feet and then honed in hatred and bitterness to something even more potent in order to transport and incapacitate her victims. She had bided her time until she was strong enough, smart enough, and assured of her victory. She had searched until she found the very spell she needed - and all the ingredients but this last one. She had watched long enough to know that the infamous Holmes Jones, cool of head and hard of heart through tragedy’s tempering, cared for this saucy slip of a girl, and when he came to her rescue, she would at last have the armored heart she needed. She would resurrect her mother’s last sacrifice: the man she had loved and lost. Smirking sadistically as she hovered over the younger woman blearily surfacing to a wakefulness that would not be pleasant, Regine considered, How did the poet Eliot put it - ‘pinned and wriggling’ ?  She nodded to herself; like a helpless fly in her web this one was. And finally she would have what she desired most - none could stop her now.
Tagging a few who have been interested in the past:  @csrolereversal​ @courtorderedcake​ @kmomof4​ @jennjenn615​ @hollyethecurious​ @cocohook38​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @stahlop​ @laschatzi​ @therooksshiningknight​ @winterbaby89​ @lfh1226-linda​
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wittynameme · 4 years
update to the “a confession” feasco.
if you dont k ow what im talking about just look up “a confession” on my page and read all the way through . (its an unorganized mess im so sorry)(my name is chloe plz ignore that.
f:For the racist thing- A country with two different races might have a bad history with each other. So generally the country that got the beat down the most is gonna hate the other, so that country's people are gonna be racist and against them. With the stealing thing- Animals steal eggs and what not all of the time. Also with artifacts the governments take those and preserve those for the future. Racism is bad I understand that because it usually is because of someone's skin which is wrong to be against someone for there skin tone. Stealing is also bad, like robbery and shoplifting and so on
me:you do realize that you just used like , three natoriously rasist talkinhg points used by kkk members all the time right?
me:you think that humans are naturally rasist because of a war and the winners tell the story and the losers are bitter about it? in this case the losers of this "beat down" being africa?the "rasism is natural" thing . the "africa is just bitter" thing.or are you sayig whights were the victims? which in that case is the "whights are being attacked" thing
f:Both aren't necessarily wrong actually
we are not like dumb animals, we have the ability to know when we sis something wrong .yes animals steal but the full grown people who grave robbed thoghs tombs did so because they thought they could and should have known etter
and the "its for there own good were just keeping them safe" thing implies the people we stole it from wont take care of it. even if they dont its not our call cause the mummys are not ours, its not like they want the artifacts any less tha we do
So you're saying we shouldn't take artifacts and preserve them and let people destroy them and sell them off.
Chloe it assumes we just love these mummys more than they do and were scarered they will hurt it so that completly justifies us keeping it from them.we should ask permission first 
That's what they do
Chloethe whole "its for preservation" thing is exactly what the british museum said when people lobied for the artifacts to be moved to and african museum.
africans fuin and sell there artifacts as trinkets?thats ALSO a rasist sterio type.
That's just how the world is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chloe no it isnt you have been fed propaganda and you dont even know itall the things you said have been used by the kkk constantlyits like ypur reading right out of there apologetic s book.
I don't see the problem in that. I'm a person of history. Does it help to mention that my preferred ideology is Socialist-Imperialist. Does it also help to say that I'm also Atheist/Satanist. I'm also a Republican and conservative. I also see things from abroad. I also believe history should be preserved at all costs.You sent Today at 12:18 AMif you knew the hystorical contexts of the arguments you just used i dont think you would be usseing them
What are you talking about?You sent Today at 12:20 AMi litteraly just said where the "were preserving them" argument comes fromYou sent Today at 12:21 AMand if you love the accurete preservation of hystory than you must be anti confeterate right?sent Today at 12:21 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:22 AMthe confeterates literraly flodded public schools with confeterate propaganda and tried to pass laws that forsed american nationalism to be taght in schoolYou sent Today at 12:23 AMand banned any books deemed"against the confeteracy"You sent Today at 12:23 AMmost of the confeterate monuments are from the 60sYou sent Today at 12:23 AMas a fear tacticYou sent Today at 12:24 AMnot real authentic confeterate statuessent Today at 12:24 AMOkay..You sent Today at 12:24 AMthe flag we assosiate with the confeteracy is actually very resentYou sent Today at 12:25 AMcan you guess who poularized the confeterate flag we see today?You sent Today at 12:25 AMa literal kkk dragon who adopted it as a symbol of the "opressed whights"sent Today at 12:25 AMThe Confederate flag is not popular, the Confederate battle flag isYou sent Today at 12:26 AMthats what i was talking aboutsent Today at 12:26 AMOkYou sent Today at 12:27 AMmost of the people who say they are modern confeterates adopted the flag and lable as something to stand under for a more modern political agenda , usually whight nationalism.You sent Today at 12:27 AMbut the spin it as "were being opressed by minority groups"sent Today at 12:28 AMTo a degree yesYou sent Today at 12:28 AMthey dont want to preserve hystory , they whant to preserve this weird fantacy world where the 1940s were the good old days , there perseptions of hystory.
What's wrong with ww2?You sent Today at 12:30 AM.....uh people diedYou sent Today at 12:30 AMthere was a warYou sent Today at 12:30 AMa war of the worldssent Today at 12:30 AMWell yeah that's what happens in warYou sent Today at 12:30 AMgermany , italy, and japan were ruled by horrible dictatorssent Today at 12:31 AMWrongYou sent Today at 12:31 AMehy do you just say that like thats normal??? like thats a good thing?sent Today at 12:31 AMKinda yeah
wtfYou sent Today at 12:32 AMyour a nazi lover?sent Today at 12:32 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:32 AMi thoght you said you were americansent Today at 12:32 AMI amYou sent Today at 12:32 AMthen tell me you hate nazis
No, I don't hate any ideology
but you hate the one that caused the halocaust more right?
millions of peole died it shouldnt take you that long to type "yes"
No I look at them negatively, it was some horrific things they did but they never did anything to meYou sent Today at 12:36 AMso what !You sent Today at 12:37 AMthat they have never done anything to you!You sent Today at 12:37 AMthay never did anything to you because your whight conservitive and not jewish
say itYou sent Today at 12:38 AMsay the halocaust was bad and hitler was evil
say the halocaust was bad and hitler was evilsent Today at 12:40 AMYou know Judaism is just a religion. Yes the holocaust was bad. Hitler was good at bad, just depends on how you look at it.Jimmy Goodson sent Today at 12:40 AMGood and bad*You sent Today at 12:40 AMhe was evilsent Today at 12:41 AMIn some aspects yesYou sent Today at 12:41 AMwhy wont you say it? why do you beat around the bush?Aa
Because he did some great achievements toYou sent Today at 12:42 AMwhat the fuckYou sent Today at 12:42 AMlemmy guessYou sent Today at 12:42 AMthe train thingsent Today at 12:43 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:43 AMno he did not that is a rumor satrted by neonazi groups-You sent Today at 12:43 AMthan what!You sent Today at 12:43 AMwhat prey tell could pissibly be worth so many lives? you scare mesent Today at 12:47 AMHe United a shambled country. He fixed the economy of Germany. He put Germany back on the world stage. Helped stop hunger and joblessness in Germany. He made the first super highway. Because of him Europe is a prosperous place. Without him NATO wouldn't be a thing. And so on.
you think communist germany was a thriving economy? even if it was that would be outshadoewd by the mountain of dead bodyssent Today at 12:50 AMWho ever mentioned communist?You sent Today at 12:50 AMand the second bit?You sent Today at 12:51 AMnato was made to stop him??????You sent Today at 12:51 AMto stop the red scurge?sent Today at 12:51 AMAll of that was before ww2 (for the top part), Germany was fascist.You sent Today at 12:52 AMand what is the deffinition of fascismsent Today at 12:52 AM...You sent Today at 12:53 AMa dictator who tortures and brainwashes people , opressing the right of others.You sent Today at 12:53 AMisYou sent Today at 12:53 AMnotYou sent Today at 12:53 AMasent Today at 12:53 AMNo...You sent Today at 12:53 AMgoodYou sent Today at 12:53 AMthing a dictator who tortures and brainwashes people , opressing the right of others.You sent Today at 12:53 AMisYou sent Today at 12:53 AMnotYou sent Today at 12:53 AMasent Today at 12:53 AMNo...You sent Today at 12:53 AMgoodYou sent Today at 12:53 AMthingsent Today at 12:54 AMYou got the fascist thing wrong but okayYou sent Today at 12:54 AMyou missed the other 4 texts following it but oksent Today at 12:55 AMThat's not the definitionJimmy Goodson sent Today at 12:55 AMI also don't see the problem in a dictatorshipYou sent Today at 12:56 AMand you call yourself an americansent Today at 12:57 AMI never said I call my self anything I never said I call my self anythingYou sent Today at 12:58 AMso you just hate everyone then?
No I see everyone as equalsYou sent Today at 12:59 AMequally ok to murder in the persuit of money and metirial growth?
equally ok to murder in the persuit of money and metirial growth?You sent Today at 1:00 AMyou can see why im upset right!sent Today at 1:00 AMThat would be different thenJimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:00 AMYea I seJimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:00 AMSee*You sent Today at 1:01 AMwell you just said it was fine the halocaust happened because hitler ultimatly ended up creating economic ad political grrowth That was before ww2 and yes the holocaust bad.You sent Today at 1:04 AMwhy did you not just say that in the first place?
I said that sometime beforeYou sent Today at 1:04 AMyou cant call a horse a horse when you see a horse? I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact you shrug at the holocaust discusts me
the fact you shrug at the holocaust discusts meYou sent Today at 1:06 AMi hope you never hold any knind of power
Okay?Jimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:07 AMI have my own country technicallyYou sent Today at 1:07 AMwell its not americasent Today at 1:08 AMIt technically somewhat owns America I have my own flag, ideology, religion, currency, map, and so on
(he then directs me to this link after i ask him what the fuck hes talking about)
this guys actualy insain
i need a hug.
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knybits · 5 years
Heyo! Could I request a soulmate au scenario with our lord and savior genya? Maybe the red string of fate one? Kinda angsty but with a fluff ending? Like maybe genya always felt like he wasn’t good enough for his soulmate so he just stopped searching for her, but randomly encounters her in the city one night? She’s not a demon hunter and that sort of brings him peace(? I love your writing, I get super happy every time I see the notification pop up on my phone istg :’)
Tumblr media
here you go uwu soulmate au’s make me go SOFT and this one was kinda hard bc tbh genya is so hard to write for but also i did this for my WIFE who is upset that i wont go to sleep bc its 1:30 in the morning :) 
Soulmate!Au Genya x reader
Genya doesn’t believe in his soulmate. 
Or, more so, he doesn’t believe his soulmate should meet him. 
Genya stares down at the demon arm he’s bitten into with disdain, feeling his eye slowly reshape itself before he can finally see from his left eye. 
The demon rots away and Genya lets out a satisfied grunt, knowing his job is done. His cuts heal as well and he can stand up without a hint of pain. 
The cawing of his kasugaigarasu alerts him, and he looks up to see the sun rise with a faint blob in the distance.
Genya blinks to focus his new eye on the blob. A few blinks later and he can see it’s figure get larger and larger before it lands in front of him, though it hops back a few paces out of fear. 
“Tokyo! Your next mission is in Tokyo!” Then, it quickly beats its wings and flies away. 
Genya stores his guns away, looking out over the valley to see the big city in the distance. He judges that he’ll get there by night, the perfect time to kill the demon he’s been tasked to. 
And just like he predicted, he arrives by night fall. 
What he didn’t predict is for a sudden red thread to shoot towards him and wrap around his pinkie. 
Cold sweat. 
“No way.” He spits out, and he can see some people be shoved around in front of him. The thread wavers less, and he realizes that his soulmate is rushing towards him. 
Genya turns the other way and runs. 
He stopped believing in his soulmate the day his brother killed their mom. 
He couldn’t protect their mom, blamed his brother when he shouldn’t have, and now his life as a demon slayer is in shambles. He can’t use breathes, and he eats demons to take their abilities. 
What soulmate would want him? 
“W-Wait!” Genya quickens his pace, and by the time he’s on the outskirts of town he hides behind a random building. 
He can hear his soulmate stop near him, looking around and staring at their pinkie. They wave it around before turning to Genya’s general direction. 
He stops breathing, pressing himself against the building even more in hopes that the shadows will hide him. 
“Why won’t you come out?” Your voice asks. 
His heart aches, but Genya forces himself to believe that it’s only because they’re his “soulmate”. His feelings aren’t real. He’s never even met them before! 
“Go away.” 
That should do it. 
“You’re kidding me, right? I’ve been looking for you since FOREVER. And you’re telling me to GO AWAY?!” 
It didn’t.
“You don’t want me as your soulmate.” He presses, and he sees you fold your arms in defiance. 
“Oh yeah? And who let you decide that?” 
Genya purses his lips before reluctant walking out, finally looking at you under the pale blue moonlight. 
You’re… not a demon slayer. 
You’re just a normal person. 
But he sees your eyes widen at his appearance. Genya clicks his tongue, expecting your reaction. 
He turns around to run off and finish his mission, but you hand suddenly clasps around his. 
“W-Wait! We haven’t even talked yet!” 
“What’s there to talk about!” His sudden yell causes you to release his hand, jumping a bit. 
Dammit, now he’s scared his soulmate. 
“Please stay. Just for a little while. Please just-” 
“You need to leave this town. Don’t look for me again. Just leave.” 
You don’t know if it’s his scar, or the fact that he has guns strapped to his waist, or the strange clothes he’s wearing in exchange for a normal kimono, but something about him terrifies you and you don’t like that feeling. 
“No way. I’m not leaving until I get to know more about yo-” 
“God dammit you’re so STUBBORN!” His sudden yell causes heads to whip towards your direction, and your glare isn’t even enough for him to waver. 
“If you don’t run away you might get hurt. Just listen to me and run-” 
“Then you’ll protect me!” You hold a hand to your chest, desperation in your eyes to connect with him, “You’ll protect your soulmate! And we’ll figure things out! Together! Because we’re soulmates!” 
Genya stiffens up, his heart stops. 
‘Soulmates, huh...’
Genya believes in his soulmate.
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oscar-mildes · 5 years
Last of my Wayward Son Thoughts
Again, last post about my thoughts while i was reading bc i’m done now lmao talk to me im in shambles. And again, THIS HAS ALL THE SPOILERS
Part 4: Dead Ram
-“i’m not a kitten!” but Simon. Baby boi. You are <333
-Simon is so excited for Vegas
-maybe im biased but i like seeing America through Simon’s pov. That wonder and awe
-Blue comforting Simon. My heart
-chapter 41 is the new chapter 61 you heard it here first, folks
-Baz is so salty about his fashion choices omg “gothic pop star” do you mean loml Harry Styles????
Part 5: Vampire Vegas
-he couldve gone from Baz Pitch to Chaz Bitch. Boom. Rhyming problem solved
-margarita milkshake. Huh. Thats an idea
-i KNEW Lamb was gonna fuck with my boys that are already on the verge of breaking up bruh
-ok so how exactly does one get Turned?
-agatha couldve just set Braden on fire earlier i
-“keep your sexual habits to yourself” imvdhddjd
-i’ll be good goddamned is my new favorite phrase
-yall Simon is having a fucking stroke
-fucking FINALLY Agatha does something smart
-petition to make Simon a character in Mortal Kombat
-i know i should be more worried about my son getting shot but im in denial
-“this wont go well for either of us” i hope Shep has like made a deal with the devil to not get bitten by a vampire and they burst into flames or smth
-im in tears
-“go ahead and shoot me. This is not my favorite shirt” skndjne
-Baz considers Penny family im cruifn
Part 6: Beach Time
-i wanted to say i shipped Shep and Penny earlier but it seemed too hasty. Now i can say i ship it
-Simon just letting the waves crash over him 💜
-the scarf is back omgndjdki
-excuse me what the FUCK was that ending akxn AH IM SCREMAINGGNF
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getaroomyouheck · 6 years
aight bet dmc5 story thoughts
for all yall that wanted to know
obvious spoilers under cut lol
the shit i was most worried about was V’s backstory, specifically that the explanation they’d give for him being vergils human half would be forced. but in actuality it turned out really cool, i think it was explained well and had cool context
actually showing us the specific actions vergil did really made it work i think. showing him shamble to his old home, and impale himself with yamato only to just have V naked pop out + vergil going sicko mode and turning into urizen was really cool to see
plus, V is less like vergils human side, more so his good aspects. his ambition, his guilt, his souls desire to prevent others from getting involved, all of that. and urizen was just like vergils power gluttony and such given full rise
and it actually gives this cool lore detail to the yamato being able to separate man and devil, which retroactively gives nice lore to rebellion too and finally makes that sword more than just “hehe big hit stick”. cause dante thinks about why sparda gave him rebellion out of everything, and eventually realizes that if yamato severs and vergil impaled himself to sever his human and demon sides, rebellion should do the inverse. and so he pulls out his hilt of rebellion and just fucking impales himself. rebellion’s hilt combines with sparda, and we get the demon sword dante + majin form
besides V being vergil there wasnt much left i was worried about. and as a whole the game had a good story with nice highlights. still wacky over the top fun action, but with a couple more loftier storytelling scenes. whether it was V explaining to trish his backstory, V speaking to nero about the story of dante and vergil as dante is impaling urizen, dante driving rebellion into himself, and all that + more. was hype as fuck to see unfold
and hell even a couple emotional moments too. nero’s DT scene being a particular highlight, as it really lets his character breathe and come to life. he namedrops credo and talks about how he felt useless and refuses to forgive himself for his death, only to scream “I WONT LET YOU DIE” to both dante and vergil and going DT
which is perfect characterization for him + calls back to when dante calls him dead weight in the prologue. nero dwelled on that so much, because its actively what he’s been trying so hard to never be again
when he saw credo die, he felt like a dead weight. a useless nothing who let his brother figure + closest friend perish without anything. and he vowed to himself there that he’d never let anything like that happen again. the buildup of legacy as nero began walking also really let the emotion soak in
one of the most fascinating things regarding dmc5 is the lore behind V’s summons and what happens to em after V and uri join and make vergil. as it turns out, griffon shadow and nightmare were essentially just vergils nightmares and night terrors he had as nelo angelo made manifest into living creatures (griffon as he’s speaking to dante literally namedrops nelo angelo it was a really cool moment). hence why all 3 are enemies found on mallet island. they really add some angst to vergil, showing that as he was being tortured and experimented with by mundus he suffered and had so many nightmares over them that they literally manifested themselves into the dmc1 creatures
also griffons last words to dante were really fucking sad lmao. “we were just vergils nightmares. and this is our last battle. godspeed dante, you’ll need it” like shit dude yall making me sad for the death of a demon birb
really the only thing that disappointed me was that neither trish nor lady really have a central role here. like they’re cool and i love their designs and there are some cool interactions between V and trish in a few moments, but as a whole they don’t really do much. what they do is just like shown off screen or through dialogue. and i understand it aint really their story to be told and nico’s more the main heroine of the game than them, but its still kinda disappointing. hoping that there’s a dlc focused on them and such, that’d be cool
besides that small gripe i really enjoyed seeing how the story unfolded. was really cool to go from knowing like fucking nothing to piecing together the pieces and little bits of story till everything became truly clear. and it was cool how many things they pulled from the other dmc stuff into this. mentioning mundus, nell, a bit of dmc2, its cool. def a satisfying story to me, i did not predict it being like this, but im ok with it regardless
very excited to see where they go from here, the ending feels less like a conclusion and more like a new page starting up. hearing nero answer his phone with “devil may cry” really cemented that feeling for me
also as a side note the end credits scene with dante and vergil duking it out in hell is like almost self aware to how fucking ridiculous it actually is lmao. like the 2 are keeping score of their battles and dante wins a clash and says “yes, im 1 above!” and vergil responds with “where’d you learn to count, we’re even.” like the game is 100% acknowledging how ridiculous and like nearly childish their sibling rivalry is lol. even as like 41 year old men they’re still like this
dante even comments on it like “y’know, is this ever even going to end?” or something like that
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