#so many possibilities guys
saplingofspunk · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder how Dabi would react if he saw his Tumblr tag right now...
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boybecoming · 5 months
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an ode to testosterone weight gain
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Detectives at the Disco (Elysium)
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elderwisp · 13 days
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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coquelicoq · 1 year
if you're wondering what the big deal is about the louis-philippe sentence in les misérables, it is, in the original french, 760 words long. the subject of the sentence doesn't appear until 95% of the way through, at word #711; the main verb is word #712. the sentence contains 91 commas and 49 semicolons and is almost entirely a list of laudatory adjectival phrases describing the erstwhile king of france. this is perhaps especially notable because les mis is, shall we say, not known for being particularly gung-ho about the monarchy.
this sentence copied and pasted into Word takes up more than one page single-spaced. in the 1800-page folio classique edition, it is fully two and a half of those 1800 pages. that means that les mis is 0.14% this single sentence. more of les mis is made up of this sentence than earth's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide (0.04%). if the page count of les mis stayed the same but every sentence was the length of this one, les mis would consist of only 720 sentences total.
incidentally, guess who named hugo a peer of france 17 years before the publication of les mis?
#he also goes on for another six pages after this but by then he has remembered the existence of the full stop#the endnotes say that hugo 'se devait de faire [ce portrait] aussi favorable que possible à la personnalité de l'homme#qui avait favorisé sa carrière' (had to make this portrait as favorable as possible to the character of the man who had favored his career)#in fairness to hugo it's not like louis-philippe was alive to read this. so he wasn't just sucking up to get something out of it#he says at the end of the chapter that this description is 'entirely disinterested'. which like on the one hand i get#bc like i said louis-philippe was not in power and reading this. but otoh victor 'ancien pair de france' hugo u r not exactly unbiased. lol#les mis#lm 4.1.3#i just looked up the english translation and gasp! hapgood turned it into four separate sentences!!!!#so i think y'all who are reading it via les mis letters (which uses hapgood i think?) are gonna miss out on the full experience :/#my posts#linked to#syntax#idk if i got this across but the worst part is that the subject of the sentence - the beginning of the independent clause -#doesn't occur until the very end. so for the first 95% of the sentence you're just waiting for the bass to drop!!!#like reading it out loud you have to raise your pitch at the end of every dependent clause because you haven't gotten to the subject yet#AND THERE ARE SO MANY CLAUSES!! 49 SEMICOLONS PEOPLE!!! FORTY-NINE!!!!#victor hugo would be TERRIBLE as a hype man. he would take so long that the crowd would tear him to pieces with their fingernails#before louis-philippe could come out on stage. and then they'd be so mad at louis-philippe for inspiring him that they'd tear LP apart too#actually i think i'm using hype man wrong. i'm thinking of the guy that gets the crowd hyped up for the main guy before the main guy#makes an appearance. a hype man is the guy who makes interjections during a song. victor hugo would be bad at both of these#like just imagine the announcer at the beginning of a basketball game. and now...your starting lineup...at power forward...#and then he just says the 760-word louis-philippe sentence.#dead. murdered at the hands of the fans. microphone shoved down his trachea.
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clownsuu · 9 months
Hi hello, would you look at that, huh! Saw this lil fella on our backyard a dozen times already.. he looked lonely and it's getting cold here, so maybe I should take him in -
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You seem to know a thing or two about bugs and I never seen one like this! So I thought I could ask for advice, like is he the friendly kind at all?
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(Couldn't take much pictures cuz he kept wiggling around 😔😔)
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kermahillway · 3 months
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If you're running this account, I urge you to get the fuck off my profile. You are NOT welcome here. You repost others work without authorization. I've messaged you about my request to take down my work from TikTok or at the very least cease reposting my work but you've decided to ignore it. Instead you immediately (not even a day after) repost art of mine to your page. I will take legal action if you continue with this behavior.
Moreover, you label these posts as "paid partnership" when I know for a damn fact I never so much as gave you a dime or even asked to "promote" my work on TikTok.
It's time ya'll grow some balls and actually open up a chatbox the next time you think an artwork looks neat… --
Traducido por Google:
Si tienes esta cuenta, te insto a que salgas de mi perfil. Tu no eres bienvenido aqui. Vuelves a publicar el trabajo de otros sin autorización. Te envié un mensaje sobre mi solicitud de eliminar mi trabajo de TikTok o al menos dejar de publicarlo, pero decidiste ignorarlo. En lugar de eso, inmediatamente (ni siquiera un día después) vuelves a publicar arte mío en tu página. Tomaré acciones legales si continúa con este comportamiento.
Además, etiquetas estas publicaciones como "asociación pagada" cuando sé con certeza que nunca te di un centavo ni te pedí "promocionar" mi trabajo en TikTok.
Es hora de que crezcas un poco y abras un chat la próxima vez que creas que una obra de arte se ve bien…
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Oh and goes without saying, DO NOT harass this guy. I am mad about this shit because I've been tolerating it for a while now but I don't ask that you go out and witch hunt. Instead what you should be taking from this is to do some research the next time you see art reposted like this. Ask the usual questions of, "is the artist okay with their art being posted here?" "Does this user add anything to the original content?" "Is this user crediting the original artist?" If the answer is no to any of these questions, I suggest that you just report the post and move on. The "paid partnership" label can be toggled on by anyone on their posts, it does not mean that it's all good. As it is used here, it is simply an excuse to continue reposting content.
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
FANART FOR @tuzesdays FIC “you move to dayshift but aren’t paid anymore, go figure” ON AO3 PLEASE GO READ IT ITS SO GOOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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mikuhats · 7 months
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They are so cute!!!!!!!!
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zu-is-here · 11 months
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[ ? ]
Aftermare Week by @bluepallilworld
Geno by loverofpiggies
Nightmare by jokublog
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stiffyck · 1 year
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i think scar deserves some horns
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faewaren · 6 months
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Handy infographics for wangxian feat. whoever you want to put in there. Rubbing my polyamorous hands all over them.
I THINK this must be the three most common ones. Who else do people put in there?
I am not a photoshop professional. This is obvious. However I must spread my agendas.
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thebramblewood · 8 days
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Good talk, ladies! See you in the Bridgeport tabloids!
Elvira, texting: Hey hottie! Wanna hang tonite? 🦇
Gwen: [under breath] She’d better actually show up this time.
Elvira: I’m sooooo sorry for ghosting you, babe. I keep having to find new babysitters. They’re just too tasty to resist! Can you forgive me?
Gwen: Mm, depends.
Elvira: Oh, I want to hear all about your trip!
Elvira: I can’t believe you went tomb raiding without me! That’s, like, totally up my alley!
Gwen: I did ask you to come. But you’ve been a little preoccupied lately.
Elvira: Oh, well, there’s always next time, right?
Gwen: Is there? It seems like you’re always busy. I haven’t actually seen you in weeks!
Elvira: I’m a working mother, Gwen, with very specific dietary needs. I can’t just drop everything at a moment’s notice!
Gwen: Well, maybe that means our lifestyles aren’t so compatible!
Elvira: What are you trying to say?
Gwen: I want to travel the world! I want to go on adventures! And I don’t want to be saddled with some needy kid!
Elvira: Don’t you dare talk about Ty that way.
Gwen: Elvira, I didn’t mean-
Elvira: If that’s how you feel, you don’t deserve to be his honorary mother! And I don’t have to stand here and take it.
Gwen: Wait-
Elvira: If I ever see your face again, Gwen Larkin, I’ll rip your fucking head off! You’d better not test me!
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tapakah0 · 10 months
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Okay, guys, it's up to you to keep this idea alive, so I hope you will have fun doing it and will make it with the knowledge that in addition to fun it is also work)
@icequeenabby , if you really will be able to help organize discord channel for song writers, everyone will be really grateful. I think it will be better to make this channel closed and let inside only those who will be working on music (and if you're not okay to constantly look after this channel, I think it will be better to find someone inside channel to lead this procces), also separated chats for lyrics, composers, singers and one for everyone might be very comfortable. I think you might decide everything once the channel is done and everyone is here. You can send a link to me once it's ready so that everyone could see it
@girlofthevoid22, @jokingmaiden, @jadednugget, @itzwintersnow, @k0nanharv3y, @imjustherefortheshi, @serpentsirenart, @anmionatheblue, @elmuvahva, @quilinbean, @just-another-wren, @gravityfish, @ihavewritersblockbutinreallife, @princesskkfish, @boggledoodle, @n1cole-do3s-stuff (everyone who replied to participate) Everyone else, who'd like to try himself, who can play or sing, feel free to reply or ask for entrance on channel. (Guys, I am not always free to reply or to look after all this , please consider it and don't write to me in ask box, please write in comments or replies)
Guys, I repeat, the idea won't last long only on hype, so I hope you understand that some might quit later, you should understand what you're doing and make it properly, and of course have fun with what you do (or cry because of what you create). It might not work at all and it's not scary, at least you tried to give it a chance and it's already so cool. I'm not a music man, so you should understand better what to do.
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mrm-pachypoda · 6 months
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K and Evan, based on this post
@ralofofriverwoods @say-hi-intrepid-heroes thought y’all’d be interested i dunno
(Hoping that the image quality doesn’t get butchered by tumblr)
#i tried my best to make the ballet uniform as kelmp-y as possible#thankfully i saw an image of some guy doing ballet in a baggy tank top#i imagine that evan had at one point cut off the sleeves of a really old hoodie because he didnt want to sacrifice any of his other shirts#and like Jammer found it and got him a significantly cooler one#so now evan wears it with great pride#if i ever take the time to render this i want to give both of them so many little trinkets#like friendship bracelets and handmade chimeron swag#anyway#acton speaks#art tag#dimension 20#d20#d20 fanart#d20 mismag#misfits and magic#misfits & magic#k tanaka#evan kelmp#i already made an entire other post about it but like. it’s genuinely shocking to me that K doesn’t have any piercings in the illustrations#youd think that. if it was ok to get their hair dyed and get tattoos that.#that even a single piercing would be fine#but the omission of that is so funny to me#also their third outfit is very funky to draw#like i think those are ruffles? but where are they connected to on the top?#i would assume that the black top is on under the mesh so. what is happening#and the hair bow I couldn’t wrap my head around it.#i think im gonna figure out like. post canon designs for the whole gang. they all deserve it#also rip to that right arm. i tried to do draw a nice pose (mentally referencing That Pose that Grant O’Brian does sometimes)#(you know the one if you ever watch dirty laundry)#and the arm looks great on its own (trust me) but the rest of the pose doesn’t exactly do it justice
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luonnonvalinnat · 11 months
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Another great idea by yours truly
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