#so many things never picked up agian
imnotafoximarabbit · 2 years
The dsmp will always be the biggest media let down of my life 
like yalllllll hyped it up so much
made amazing music 
fanart was amazing
movie like animatics and traliers
only to find out yall picked out the coolest parts of the streams that come few and far between and from a literary standpoint the writing kinda sucks ngl  You cant mix memes with genuine lore and excpect me to care. I think its a great starting point though it has made way for using smps as a storytelling device and the 3 canon lives system and thats great but damn I was so excited to learn about this epic war only to find out it started because some guy wanted to sell “drugs” out a van and some kid was being annoying it was funny at first but the more i thought about it the more sad i was it wasint as cool as it seemed 
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pink-tonic · 3 months
All Chapters
Warnings: Graphic description of a dead body, blood
Additional note: OMG!!! Sorry for my long absence once again! Stuff at school and at home were crazy for the past month, but I'm back agian!!! Everything is fine, and I should go back to a more normal upload schedule!! Thanks for sticking around this long!!! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
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It's Sunday, and I walk down my basement stairs. I know what I'm going to see once I make it to the bottom, but I just want to make sure. I turn on the light, and I'm met with Kana.
He doesn't move, and his head is lulled to the side. His eyes are closed, and if I didn't know better, I would have thought that he was sleeping. I move close to him, and I put his hand onto mine. It's cold. I then place two fingers on his neck, and I don't feel a pulse.
He's dead.
Now, I have to get rid of him. I can't let his body rot away in my basement. The smell of his body will air out, and I don't want to risk the neighbor smelling him. Plus, over time, his body fluids will leak out and bleed out into the floor. I know human fluids can go through many layers, and I don't want to risk contaminating my home.
I turn off the lights, and I go back up. I close the door and put the bookshelf back into its original position. I walk back up to my room, and I start to look through one of my cabinets.
Eventually, I find what I'm looking for.
I wait until it's the dead of night to go out. I put on some dark clothing, and I make my way outside.
I tuck the money safely into one of my pockets, and I start to make my way to the alleyway. The street is dark, and the only thing that helps me see is the light coming from the houses and the streetlights scattered around the area.
I make it to the alley, and I can see the men standing around, but the main one I want to talk to is leaning against the brick wall.
I walk over to him, and I can feel his eyes burning into me. I bet he is hoping that I would turn away, and never come back.
"What are you doing here?" He asks me with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I want a favor," I tell him, as I place my hands into the pockets of my jacket.
"I'll do it. If you're willing to pay a price," he answers me as he leans off of the wall and stands straight.
I take the money out of one of my pockets, and I show the roll of money to him.
"Would this be enough to move a dead body out of my home?"
While the words leave my lips, I can see his body go stiff. It only lasts for a moment, before he grabs the money out of my hand. He proceeds to count it, and he gives me a nod.
"I'll send my men."
I was advised not to go back home until the morning. So I went around town and hung around. I then got a call from a burner phone that one of the men from the group gave me. I pick it up.
Is all I hear before he hangs up. I get off of the park bench, and I start to head home. The sun is starting to rise slowly, and I can't help but look at it. I never wake up this early, so it's nice to see the sun rise.
It almost feels like a nice reward for what I have done.
When I make it back home, I immediately go to check the basement. I move the bookcase and follow the same procedure.
I turn on the light, and I see that Kana is nowhere to be found. His motionless body isn't on the chair anymore. And the chair itself isn't there either. The pool of dried blood is gone as well.
My basement looks normal... as if nothing happened this past week.
I turn the lights off, and I walk back upstairs. Before I close the door, I look back into the dark abyss below me, and I shut the door behind me.
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fayeelikefairie · 1 year
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.The start of brightst☆r,episode 1:♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
Tutor group?...
01:57 ━━━━●───── 02:55
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
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Ami Sat in class,taking notes best she can. Well written,hearts for o's and a's,pencil and for important things pink pen,and light green pen. "Ami,sora,Akira,rei. Stay after class." The teacher spoke,making Ami tense up. Did she do something wrong? She said a small "yes mam.." and went back to taking notes. Her mind wandered,who were those people? So many went to this school,she could never remember all,it could be anyone. She lifted her head,glancing around the room to see if anyone fit some of the names. Besides her friend Shiho she didn't remember anyone from the class. She looked back at her paper,having wrote down everything she felt was important. She looked over the notes ,making sure they were readable and fixing them. As she finished fixing them the bell rang. In that moment her heart dropped,she needed to tell her mom.
✎〰 "Girls." The teacher spoke to the 4,everyone seemed to be paying attention but a blonde haired girl called Sora "Sora,this is important." The blonde rolled her eyes "whatever.." the teacher cleared her throat and began to speak agian "The reason why you had to stay after is because your grades." A ginger haired girl called Akira picked at her nails,a look of guilt on her face while Rei just blinked,tilting her head. Sora had no reaction "And or you keep ditching class." Ami thought for a moment,she always kept her grades up?.. did she fail something?.. "Ami,don't worry your head off.." the teacher said,Ami nodded "yes mam.." she stuttered as she spoke. "Your all here to get tutored and help eachother. Every Monday through Thursday." All the girls let out a gasp,and Sora let out an annoyed sigh "really? This is so stupid." She said harshly,not looking anyone in the eye,just looking at something else. Ami felt worried,was their a reason she always ditched?..
"Ami,are you alright with setting up the location,time,and helping them,your great in all subjects right,all A's to A+'s." Ami felt unsure but nodded "yes mam. I am. Or I try to be.." her voice got quiet towards the end of her speaking,the confidence leaving her voice the last minute. Sweat dripped down her face as she looked at the teacher smile "great! For the first two weeks of tutoring you'll be in the library,I told the librarian you 4 would be coming." Rei nodded,Akira said a small "yes mam.." and Ami nodded "Yes mam." She made herself sound calm as possible,like Shiho. "You have till 5:00 to tutor. You are released to the library,make sure Sora stays with." Ami nodded,turning to the others "everyone have their stuff?" Sora had her stuff,looking like was ready to leave,Rei had her stuff,Akira was grabbing hers "yeah!" Akira smiled, Sora let out a annoyed "mhm" in response and rei didn't say anything as they all exited the classroom.
As they walked through the ehcoy hallway only their breathing was heard,the air was so akward. "So... Ami you doing all of it? You must be smart.." Akira said out of the blue,making everyone look at her,Ami looked at her,a soft smile on her "Oh thank you.." She softly smiled at Akira, With a curious look Akira looked at Sora "...hey you okay?" She asked the blonde,Sora just nodded,entering the library door and shutting it,making Rei step back. "Hey!-" Ami said in suprise opening the door for the other two and entering,they went to the table Sora was sitting at. "Let's just get this over with." Sora said with some harshness to her voice, "a..alright.." Ami stuttered a little,internally cringing. "For this once first.. let's do that math homework,get that for me. ... please.. sorry that was rude." Sora got hers out it was ripped in the corners,Ami looked at it then everyone else's papers,Making sure they were in good condition. "What happened to yours Sora?" Ami asked softly "got bored." She replied quickly,Ami seemed to get the hint. Inside she was thinking.
("This is really the group I have.. I'm a little scared? What if I fail to teach them,or- or-") her small thought spiral was interrupted by her phone. She read the text quickly replying she was tutoring and putting it away. "Sorry about that,let's get going shall we?"
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awinterstales · 3 years
Okay I just watched all of SKAM for Herman fucking Tømmeraas only for him the get 18 minutes and 46 seconds of screen time throughout 4 fucking seasons
I feel scammed
No but seriously I really loved the show and it was amazing and I for one don't understand the hate the last season gets. Ofc it was sad that it ended that way and I hope they pick it up again one day but other than that I thought it was really good! Yousef and Sanna are adorable! For me it was a great way to show all kinds of things that teenagers experience everyday without it becoming too dark and serious (euphoria 😤) and that everyone can be a main character.
Eva - wasn't that likeable in her own season but afterwards especially in S2 &S4 I did really start to like her and even though from afar I think we got to see some pretty good character development there. Also Chriseva should have been endgame!!!!!!!!
Noora - was my fav of the girl group and I think deep down she's the kinda friend everybody wants to have and the sexual assault storyline is an extremely important story to tell although it wasn't the main focus of the show it was done much better than in many other shows.
Also Noorhelm <3<3<3
Isak - I love how he started as just the best friend and then got his own season agian his story is a very important one to tell too, to many young people who are struggling with sexuality gender and coming to terms with who they really are. He's such a cuite I love him and Evak is too cute for this world
Sana - was an incredible character and actual representation of what many girls like her go through. I love that we get to see behind her tough girl façade bc I too thought she was really mean in S1 but this time we really get to know her, see her soft side, see her fuck up and then realize & learn something from it!
Vilde - I feel like Vilde in S1 was really childish in character like there's a line between cute and annoying and she was playing jump rope with it. Although it is true we never know what someone is going through and should be kind. Her struggle with self image is what so many young girls can relate too and it's sad too see it happen this often. But she does mature and start to love herself even if we're not there to see it!! As well as her relationship with Magnus, they're goals tbh!!!
Chris - In my opinion she was ignored a little too much and kinda thrust to the background and never given her proper storyline! She was an amazing character and to see her try to always be there for her friends and refuse to change herself bc of society is amazing! Deserved much better!
Jonas - was also one of my favs I love his friendship with Eva and how supportive he was of Isak. He was a truly amazing guy however I don't think he should have ended up with Eva! Him and Emma was smth we got to see so little of and they just took that away!!!!
I think I've talked about most characters here and it's 4 am I can't go on giving paragraphs to each but there were so many others that I loved: Evan, Elias, Magnus, William and P-Chris (although with the last two there were alwasys moments that make you go nahhh from time to time but overall love em, also wtf was that last scene with Chris??? I'm so fkn mad, like they deticated a good part of the episode for even that tiny development and just destroyed in half a second I'm so freakin' mad)
Plussss an honourable mention goes to Eskild & Linn who will forever be an iconic duo!!! I love these two so much they're like the best roomates you could possibly hope for!!!!
Anyway ending this now bc it's almost 5 go watch it lol and remember criticism is one thing hate another (don't do the latter!!!!)
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getitinbusan · 4 years
I've Got A Coupon (18+) 
Part 6 
Taehyung: Visit to the Toy Store 
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 Warnings: 18+ consensual sexual poly relationships. Always swearing, Safe sex is implied. Don't read smut if you can't handle the 🍆💦
Words: 1340
Valentine’s Day, what do you give 7 men who already have everything?
Sitting down, you create a series of Love Coupons and place them in a bowl…
Erotic movie night
Massage with a happy ending
lap dance
Voyeur, look but don’t touch!
Naked Chef, dining al fresco
Trip to the sex shop
Location of your choice!
Calling them to the kitchen they each take a turn picking their present.
Series Masterlist
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4:20 pm.
Tae: I swear if you're a minute late I'm going to be so mad. 
Y/N: Listen bitch, I'm ahead of schedule and outside your door. Why aren't you answering? 
Tae: I'm already IN the car, motors running, LETS GO!!
"Impatient much?"  he was already pulling away before you'd had a chance to do up your seatbelt.
"Y/N I don't think you know how excited I am"
"Ah, I think I do. You sent me like 10 messages yesterday." 
"I needed a plan! We have such a limited time to try so many things." 
Walking into the store he was like a kid in a candy shop. "So what are we after Tae? Are we looking for you or for me?" 
"I think we should just buy a bunch of stuff and see what we like best." 
He held up a large rabbit vibrator and smiled, "You should get this for when you miss me." 
You linked your arm through his and whispered, "I already have one. It's nice and all but you're bigger." 
His bashful boxy smile took over his face with pride. "So if the cock parts covered what about your clit? I read some good reviews about suckers?" He grabbed a pretty rose gold one from the shelf.
"I've never used one but I'm down for it." He threw it in the basket. 
"What about you? There's  Stokers...prostate massagers...a cock cage?" 
"Yes. Put them in the cart." 
"It's a good thing you're rich."
His face suddenly lit up. "What do you think about those?" he pointed. 
Following his finger you looked towards the bondage section. "For real?" 
He pulled down a pretty little black whip and tapped it into his palm, "Yes?" he cocked a brow mischievously. 
"Then hell yes."
Going your separate ways you each went around picking things for the other.
You stood at the lube table when you felt him behind you. His fingers made their way under your skirt pushing your panties aside.
"From the feel of things down here you wont need any of that. Hold still." 
You felt a push at your opening, he was sliding something inside you. "Tae, you can't just," it began to vibrate. 
"I can't just what? Because I think I can, and just did."
It stopped. Turning to look at him he held up a little remote so you could see it. "Sorry, I'm on a time limit and there's pleasure to be had." 
Finally making your way to the checkout the cashier eyed you both up and down. "Looks like a fun party." 
He shrugged nonchalantly, "Just a typical Sunday afternoon." 
Almost at the end, bags full, he threw the last empty box on the counter. 
"Oh, sorry sir this box is empty."
He glanced at you and winked. "Sometimes she just can't wait, it's embarrassing honestly." 
You looked at the cashier and shrugged, "He just doesn't understand how horribly inadequate he is."  
Grabbing his credit card she rolled her eyes. 
Laughing all the way to the car you were enjoying how relaxed Taehyung was. "You know, despite being a cocky shit you're pretty cute."
��Don’t forget sexy.” The vibrator came to life inside you, and agian at every red light on the way home. "I want you all worked up for me by the time we get back. Consider this foreplay." 
When you got back to his room you'd managed to clock in at 52 minutes. "We've got an hour and a half."
You tore your clothes off and dumped the bags all over the bed. "What do you want me to use?" 
He picked up the sucker, "This one. I've seen videos of girls squirting really hard with them. What do you want to use on me?" 
"I want that Prostate massager in your ass when you fuck me." 
"Excellent choice! Close your eyes and pick a lube." 
You ran a stream of lube up the massager. "Spread em" 
He bent over so you could insert the toy. His lack of questions and resistance clued you in to the fact that he was no stranger to ass play. "How's that, does it feel good?" 
His cock was twitching, answering yes, and it was too irresistible to keep your mouth off for another second.
Gripping his enormous length you wrapped your lips around him. He was so hard, an hour's worth of excitement built up like a pressure cooker ready to blow. He moaned, "So good." 
"You'd better not cum yet." 
"I don't know how long I can hold out. You'd better give me that pussy." 
On your hands and knees you backed yourself towards him. He slowly pulled out the vibrating egg and tossed it beside the bed. Lubing up the rim of the Satisfier he passed it to you. "Put it on your clit for me."
Pressing the button it came to life, little pulses of vibration surrounding your bud. "Oh fuck," you cried out. 
"Baby your pussy is already clenching you should see it. This is so hot." He lined himself up and slowly pushed into you with a moan. 
The sucker was too powerful, you kept taking it away when you got to close, edging yourself with it over and over. 
"Don't you want to cum?"
"No, I want more." 
"I was hoping you'd say that." 
He reached around your neck and buckled the leather collar. "Is that okay? It's not too tight?"
He hooked the leash on, "God you look so pretty like this. Can I take some pictures?" 
You could see the flash from the camera going off. He'd pause fucking you to take shots when his dick was stuffing you just right. Wrapping the leash around his hand he tugged gently pulling your head back instructing you to look at the lens. "I want your little pussy to squirt for me, can you do that?"  I want pictures of it so I can masturbate with that stroker later." 
Grabbing the tiny riding crop he flicked it across your ass cheek. Just a sting, enough to heighten all the other sensations. "Do you think you can take a plug?" 
All you could muster was a small "please." You hadn't reached your climax but the pleasure and stimulation were overwhelming your senses. 
His finger ran around the ring of muscle, "Medium I think." The cold metal made you recoil. His large hand grabbed your hip, fingers digging in holding you firm as he pushed it slowly into you. "
You're such a good little girl, taking it all." 
He was having fun caressing your ass cheek and praising you then whipping you with the crop all while dragging his excruciatingly large cock in and out. 
"I'm so close."
He yanked the leash. "I need you to put the sucker back on your clit. Behave for me, put it on high and don't take it off until this bed is soaked." 
You did as you were told. Whimpers lingered in the air as the Satisfier sucked the orgasm from your clit. Taehyung cried out as you clenched around him milking him for his load. Unable to hold it in any longer you signaled him with constant cries of "yes, yes," that he should have his camera ready. As the flashes went off a steady spray of liquid covered his bed. 
You both collapsed in a fit of giggles. "Wow." 
"Yeah." you struggled to catch your breath. 
"Come over here, the beds not wet on this part." Holding you against him for a few minutes you almost fell asleep. 
Jarred back to reality the alarm on your phone went off. "That sucks," he frowned. "I can't believe we didn't even get to use half the toys we bought." 
You pulled your clothes back on. "After what we just did, I'm pretty sure I'll be back." You gave him a big kiss and smiled, "Really soon." 
Part 7: Jungkook - Dirty Movie
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moriartysnerd · 4 years
Jim Moriarty x fem reader Harry Potter! AU
An: this is kinda short, not really anything big. Just a cute little story. I want to start writing more one shot story’s in this AU. There will be many more parts, I just needed some soft fluf, tell me if there’s anything specific you’d like to see!
How you loathed mornings. The sun had finally just begun to hit your eyes as you awoke to the soft click of the dorm room door closing and giggling slowly fading away behind it. You finally managed to open your eyes and looked around. Everything around your bed was so clean, and all the other girls had left. The images of what you and sherlock did last night flashed in your mind. You where always so tired after a revision night with the ravenclaw. You struggled to keep up with him half the time, you couldn’t imagine how you two had become friends in the passing years but there was no getting rid of him. You wiped your eyes clean before getting up and preparing yourself for the day. Sherlock seemed to of gotten everything ready for you. Even folded your uniform. The neat freak. You smiled to yourself, slipping into your attire and then reaching for your tie. It was blue. Not only was it blue, it wasn’t yours. Sherlock’s cologne swiftly surrounded you as you picked it up. He’d taken the wrong tie. No. Of course he hadn’t. Sherlock Holmes didn’t make such simple mistakes. He was either marking you, or he wanted to tell you somthing. Either way, unless you wanted house points off you had to wear a tie. Unfortunately, you wernt in the mood to deal with a professor harassing you over somthing so simple. It was settled. You’d wear it.
It felt like it took you forever to get ready that morning, the minutes where dragging and so where your feet. Finally your hands reached for your bag, tossing it over a shoulder and groaning at the heaviness. Seems Sherlock had packed that too. You groaned in defeat as you realised you wouldn’t have the time to resort you bag and headed out of your room and down the stairs, making your way out of the common room. It still made you laugh to think that Sherlock had some how found a way to sneak passed the magic and get himself into the girls dorm room. He was bright, you’d give him that. He was also somewhat of a charmer. Always helping the other girls in your dorm room, Or waiting outside when any of them needed to change. He was more than welcome to say he wasn’t really a people’s person, but most of all. The girls loved the drama he could indulge. Sherlock could deduce things so easily with substantial evidence. He was a drama whore, he just didn’t admit it. He’d figure things out about couples, teachers, classes the works. It was like a super power. It even had its perks. He was a bright wizard and you where somewhat in his shadow, it didn’t help that people constantly doubted your intelligence. Thinking you where only friends with Sherlock so you could pass classes. You worked your ass off for those grades. With or without Sherlock.
You stumbled your way into the great hall, sighing softly when their was no sign of Sherlock. Of course he wasn’t going to make this easy for you. He had your tie, he wanted something. You walked past a table, picking up an apple and taking gentle bites out of it, the noise of people chattering filled your eyes as you stared up at the huge Christmas tree in the corner. That’s right, Sherlock would be going home for Christmas. He’d invited you, but you’d declined. Christmas was for family after all. You smiled a little shaking Your head, you had Netflix and chocolates for Christmas. Plus most if not all the girls in your dorm would be gone. A practically empty school. Perfection.
You hadn’t noticed how far you’d wondered out of the great hall until you’d made your way to the whomping Willow tree. You knew not to get too close, she didn’t like that. You sighed softly as the wind blew through your hair, letting the breeze comfort you effortlessly.
“Blue tie L/N? Honestly, that man has you collared like a mutt.”
The Irish voice broke the silence, you didn’t face him. Moriarty. You knew it. You could feel it in your stomach. You and Moriarty weren’t really on speaking terms, he’d been harassing Sherlock a lot this month and you’d always been the one having to comfort the Ravenclaw after Moriarty visits. It didn’t help that Moriarty and Sherlock both shared a house. They where both Ravenclaws. Both so alike yet so different. Sherlock found it impossible to sleep in the same room as the man stood behind you. That had started the whole “study nights with Sherlock” thing. Sherlock would sleep with you, unbeknownst to the teachers, you where close. You wanted him to be safe.
You took yet another bite of your apple, the sour taste now running down your tongue and slipping down your throat. It was bitter. You threw the apple towards the willow tree and it sprang into action, destroying it in seconds. It was almost a warning. A warning for James to back off. Maybe he couldn’t find Sherlock either and that’s why he wanted to play with you. You wanted to tell you darker male to leave you alone, to push past him and never see him agian, but you couldn’t. In an odd way he had you wrapped around his finger, and only he knew that.
“I came out here looking for Sherlock. He has my tie. I wasn’t going to risk the house points.”
You stated, Still defiant and refusing to look at him. You knew it made his blood boil. He was taking time to give you attention. Attention that wasn’t being reciprocated.
“Didnt you hear? He left this morning.”
Those words rang in your ears as you swallowed dryly. He left without saying goodbye? It was stupid, of course it was, but it still bothered you. You two where always together. Then he just leaves? You thought you’d atleast get another week with him before he left for Christmas. You shook your head silently, finally looking into Moriartys deep eyes. Your stomach couldn’t handle it for too long as you looked away.
“Whoops. Have I told you something I shouldn’t? You should be used to this though, shouldn’t you? You’re always second best to him. If he leaves you. He still has John. Who do you have L/N?”
He practically sang those words but that didn’t stop the truth from hitting. You where going to be alone on Christmas. No matter what way you looked at it. Moriartys eyes softened as he looked down at you, was it pity? Possibly. You never knew with this man.
“He has a family. Which is more than either of us have. He’s his own person. He can leave if he wants too.”
You gently gripped Sherlock’s tie and pushed past moriarty, swiftly walking back inside. You weren’t about to doubt your best friend over this. No way. The day slowly blew over, you had been bored out of your mind without Sherlock. He annoyed the hell out of you, without him even magic couldn’t keep you entertained. 4 o’clock eventually chimed and you made your way to the library, there was one thing you could do that would pass the time. Work. You spent a good few hours revising alone. Picking out books and writing. Even practicing a few non-threatening spells while alone. You grew tired early, the sun just beginning to set as you put your last few books away, packing up your things and wandering down the empty corridor your ears picked up the soft Irish chuckle of moriarty once agian.
His laugh was sweet, it belonged in the hearts of millions. It was a shame it belonged to such a horrid person. You continued towards his voice, your feet moving without your mind even telling you too. He was stood near an open window, watching the sunset. He had quietened down and whatever he was laughing at had long since passed. Your hands traced the wall as you came up behind him, staring at the sunset, unsure of what to say. You knew this man. You knew him well. However once you started hanging around with Sherlock, you drifted. He was no longer the most important man in your life.
“It’s nice hearing you laugh agian..”
You spoke softly, looking up at moriarty, he didn’t even glance at you, but still acknowledged you. You gripped Sherlock’s tie a little tighter as you looked down. You felt the gentle touch of a hand brush yours as moriarty moved to hold your hand, still staring out. It was golden hour. Everything was beautiful. It was as if nothing had changed between you two.
“I do miss you sometimes darling, i must admit I hate how Sherlock acts like he owns you.”
Moriarty spoke gently, weaving a hand around your waste and holding you from behind, head placed on top of yours. Neither yours nor his eyes left from the gorgeous veiw of the lake just outside the window. Everything in that moment felt so right. You couldn’t even stop yourself from your own thoughts. They where a mess. Leaving you confused and somewhat brave. You couldn’t even prepare yourself for what was to come, but one string of words slipped out and for once, you where glad they did.
“Spend Christmas with me jim....”
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Jelly Slugs
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Word Count: 2,278
Warnings: Swearing, a little angsty, still plenty of fluff
Song to Set the Vibe: broken ~ lovelytheband
Request: @mcluuvin666 hi could i request a harry potterxreader in which the reader & harry always seem to find each other in the hospital wing at the end of each year because of harry’s adventures & somehow she always ends up hurt in a funny/ironic way even though it wasn’t her intention to get caught in their messes if that makes sense? either way harry & the reader get really close throughout years of ending up in the hospital wing w the reader being frustrated w the trio bc they’re the “reason” why she’s hurt and she’s just kinda like “you lot are going to be the death of me” but harry and reader end up going out anyway. lots of fluff and maybe angst if you can? thank you so much!!
A/n: Once agian so sorry this took so long! It may not be completely edited, excuse typos, I wrote litteratly all of it tonight. I'm trying to burn through my requets, if u sent one I got it I'm just waiting to get to it
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    At eleven years old you had already had far too many near-death experiences, for you that meant one. You hadn’t meant to do anything at all, well except grab some snacks from the kitchen after hours, but it wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before. On your way back your ears had picked up a sweet symphony and you had grown curious. 
Turning a few unfamiliar corners you found the room, its heavy door ajar. You pushed it all the way open, a pastry still stuffed in your mouth preventing you from screaming. A large three-headed beast lay in front of you snoring loudly. Before you could turn and run your eyes found a small wooden trap door at its feet. The phrase your mother often scolded you with echoed in your head, Curiosity killed the cat. You about turned on your heel but then the ending of the saying learned from an equally mischievous classmate came to you, But satisfaction brought it back. 
You dropped the food in your hands and walked hesitantly towards the large dog. You then quietly opened the door, cringing as its hinges squeaked and peered inside being met with complete darkness. You were going to close the door retrieve your treats then head back to your dorm but as you turned you met a pair of brilliantly green eyes and you let out a yelp before stumbling backward and plunging into the hole with a scream. You were soon followed by three of your classmates almost as confused as you were. 
You ended up getting your arm broken by a giant chess piece on your way to retrieve something you didn’t fully understand and what you believed to be a curse began. 
You sat up in a cold sweat the image of a white stone queen drawing her sword waking you with a start. You rubbed your eyes only to find your left arm in a sling and aching a bit.
“Oh, good you’re awake.”
You turned to your right to see a little boy in round glasses smiling at you. “What happened last night?” you asked eyes wide.
“It’s a long story, but I suppose we have time.” He shrugged, “Jelly slug?” he offered holding out a colorfully wrapped package. 
“Yes please.”
Second year began as normal as it should have but it was soon strange and dangerous, pearlized classmates and strict rules making the school feel less and less like a home. Of course, your luck being about as bad as it got, you where the last victim of the basilisk. 
You had been polishing trophies to serve detention which you got for supposedly bad-mouthing Snape although it wasn’t your fault Draco was a filthy snitch. You then saw a large pair of yellow eyes in the shining metal and everything went dark.
You woke up four days later body aching eyes feeling extremely dry as you blinked vigorously. You had a strange sense of deja vu as the hospital wing soon came into view. Head once again thumping as you tried to recall your memories. 
“Oh right, you're here.”
You turned your head to the right to see a wide smile, green eyes hidden behind round glasses as cuts riddled the boy’s face. 
“Merlin Harry, what happened to you?” You gasped taking in his battered form. 
He shrugged, “I fought Voldemort.”
You cringed at the name but said nothing of it to him, “Again?” 
He laughed, “Yeah, this time it hurt more though.” 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” You grinned at him.
His cheeks reddened a bit, “Yeah, I’m glad you’re okay too.” 
You fell into an uncomfortable silence before Harry reached to his bedside table and offered you a tissue-wrapped box, “Jelly Slug?” 
You nodded taking it from him
Third-year had been downright dreadful for you. You were finally a teenager which basically meant everything that had been easy and quick now seemed to take hours and far too much thought. Every little thing you did you were sure would be scrutinized, it didn’t help when a close friend of yours spread a nasty rumor about you and you found yourself skipping classes and opting to stay in bed. A serial killer being on the loose certainly didn’t help. 
The only sort of decent thing that happened was your friendship with Harry, after two times of healing in the hospital wing together you decided to be at least acquaintances. You held study sessions with the boy and occasionally his two best friends although all they did was bicker.  
You also happened to be outside reading when a rat lept on you and dove down your shirt leading to you being dragged into a tree by a dog who turned out to be a serial killer who turned out to be Harry’s godfather. But to be honest you didn’t really care.
You were absolutely livid, your leg was torn apart and for the third time in a row you had somehow been shoved into an adventure you most certainly didn’t want to take part in and you were bleeding heavily because of it. 
Oh yes, how could you forget? You were also almost killed by your professor, who had turned into a werewolf just in time to almost kill you again. 
When you woke up in the hospital wing with the golden trio surrounding you, you weren’t so pleasant.
A string of foul curse words, pointing fingers and yelling was shot at the three teens who apologized profusely insisting they did not mean to get you caught up in their business. 
You eventually calmed down and found out it wasn’t all that bad considering you got to see the suddenly very attractive dark-haired boy who made a point to spend all of his free time in the hospital wing with you as your leg healed. You shared a large amount of jelly slugs as you read muggle books and did your best to stay on top of studies.
Fourth year was much better than the last. You and Harry spent more and more time together and you felt a large crush on the boy who lived growing. Hermione knew about it instantly and Ron seemed adamant to tease both of you just for the joy of watching your faces flush. But good things never lasted.
You had a heart attack when Harry’s name came out of the goblet and found yourself taking his side in a sudden war between him and Ron. The bitch of a journalist Rita Skita also plastered you and Harry’s face all over the daily prophet when she caught you hugging him before his first task. You went with Harry to the ball although to both of your disappointment only as friends. And you ended up comforting Hermione in the hallway anyway. 
You also were almost drowned by your sorry excuse for teachers in the second task. Never one to back down from a fight you yelled directly at Dumbledor and Karkaroff saying how if your name wasn’t pulled out of that idiotic goblet than you shouldn’t have to almost die for the even more idiotic tournament. Of course, you did this with a very colorful vocabulary that landed you three weeks of detention. 
When Harry pulled Cedric from the maze you had cheered clapping along with the band until suddenly you heard the boy wail like a wounded animal. You raced down to meet him and helped pull him off of the elder boy’s body.
He was shaking the entire time and when you finally managed to drag him away he buried his head into your neck and sobbed. 
Harry was then dragged away by Mad-Eye and you were quick to follow, bursting in on the two just as Moody no longer became Moody. 
“Harry!” You yelled diving at the quickly transforming man who was holding him at wand point. 
Your body suddenly erupted in such harsh pain you thought you might throw up. 
“Y/n!” Harry’s yells fell on deaf ears as the unforgivable curse took all of your attention. 
By the time Harry was able to disarm the man, you had passed out from the pain. 
You woke up in the hospital wing three days later a disheveled Harry seated in a chair next to you his arms folded on your bed his head resting on them. 
When you tapped his shoulder lightly he jolted awake immediately engulfing you in his embrace sobbing out apologies as you pushed yourself closer into his chest. 
“I’m so so sorry y/n, I never meant for you to be caught up in any of this.” He choked out pulling away from you and cupping your face in his hands. 
“It’s okay Harry, I’m okay.” You spoke smiling weakly feeling extremely exhausted. 
“But he used an unforgivable cu-” 
“I don’t care, I’m just happy you’re okay.” You interrupted leaning into the soft circles his thumb was drawing on your cheek.
Harry’s eyes filled with an unidentifiable emotion and suddenly his lips were on your own. 
The second they connected he backed away blushing so heavily you were sure he was hot to the touch.
“I’m so sorry y/n, I don’t know what I was thinking and I-”
You only shook your head and wrapped your hands around his neck bringing his lips back to yours. His hands ended up on either side of you as you leaned back down on the bed bringing him with you. He hovered over you, your tongue slipping into his mouth as you played with the ends of his hair. He tasted overly sugary with a hint of fruit, just like a jelly slug.
You were interrupted by a cough followed by a low chuckle and Harry immediately pulled away from you and you turned to see not only your headmaster but Professor McGonagal and Madame Pomfrey all staring at you. 
Your eyes went wide and you felt so hot you thought you might catch the sheets on fire. You stole a glance at Harry who had paled dramatically, looking sick. 
“I’m glad you’re feeling better y/n.” Dumbledore chortled. 
You hissed in at the pain that shot through your ankle. Your head had also begun to pound causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and attempt to relieve the pressure by pressing onto your temples. Fuck Umbridge. You hopped that bitch was dead, as your eyes began to adjust to the sudden brightness of your surroundings you saw an all to a familiar sight. The hospital wing had become your home away from home and now in fifth year you, it made sense you ended up there once again. 
When your psychotic headmaster dragged you, your boyfriend and your two best friends out to the forbidden forest as she was attacked by a giant she managed to hit you with some sort of spell which effectively left you in your current state. Harry who was seated beside you wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a kiss on your neck.
“You okay?” He asked he seemed stressed, then again when wasn’t he?
“I’m fine.” You lied with a smile pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
“I think you should stay here y/n/n, I can’t have you getting hurt.”  He frowned. You then took notice of the group of teenagers was behind him. They were clearly about to leave. 
“I think history has proven that kind of unavoidable at this point.” You sighed standing up and drinking whatever was on your nightstand, it turned out to be a pain medicine that tasted the equivalent of dragon piss. 
“Y/n...” Harry spoke hesitantly.
You turned to look at your boyfriend, your face set in stone. “If you don’t take me with you I will find another way to that building.” 
Harry sighed biting down on his lip, “Fine. Alright, guys, let’s go.”
Your lips twitched into a smile just as you were about to leave the room you noticed a small half-empty bag on the table next to your bed, you stuffed it into your pocket and ran after the group you had fallen behind. 
You sat silently eyelids feeling so heavy you thought they might close at any moment. Your entire body ached, your headache coming back stronger than ever, but you didn't let onto your pain. 
Harry had his head buried into your stomach as you combed through his messy hair, his sobs were the only sound in the massive black room. Sand was scattered around you as you clung to your boyfriend your back up against a black glass wall as you stared blankly ahead of you. Dumbledore stood a few feet away, seeming almost as lost as you were. Part of you hated him for putting Harry through everything he had just been through, but you knew it wasn’t his fault. 
Harry adjusted himself so his head was buried into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist. The movement caused something in your pocket to crinkle, catching your attention. 
You reached into your robe and removed a half-empty bag of candy. You smiled in spite of yourself. 
You tapped Harry on the shoulder whispering his name. He looked up at you his eyes rimmed in red, his face blotchy, the sight made your heart throb.
“Jelly Slug?” You asked your voice cracking.
The boy let out a mix between a laugh and a sob before lightly placing his lips onto your own. He tastes salty and bitter, like tears and blood. You found yourself wishing you were elven again when everything was simple, wishing that Harry still tasted like jelly slugs. 
(Realizing I forgot this last fic I posted, my bad)
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emotional-blender · 4 years
eight. some things never change. ashton irwin x reader.
a/n: i have no idea where this came from or what the backstory is, or at least not in details. but here i am, and this just poured out in a literal half hour period. cheers. again, not very holoday like, but i feel like maybe there's be a continuation later in the month.
you freeze when you see him in the grocery store. there is a moment that seems to last hours where you stand, hands gripping the handle of the cart and staring, taking in the way his face looks distinctly... older. the world stops and then all at once, it whooshes back into full speed around you - faster even. for as long as you had stared gaping at him, those eyes you'd once been so familiar with connect with yours.
it's like an invisible puppet master pulls a string and the corners of his lips twitch up into a smile, a feeling of exciting warmth washing over him as if your end hadn't been explosive; as if you hadn't ruined each other. the same puppet master, wherever it is, whoever it is, whatever it is, pulls the string agian and before he can even think about it; before he can exercise any amount of control over himself, he's weaving through the aisle of crowded holiday shoppers. you hear his familiar accent apologize to another woman and her children as he squishes past, not even a little delicate as he seems to fall over his feet to get to you. some things never change, not even when everything else has.
if there is some great puppet master out there controlling everything he tugs your strings a little less urgently' lazily almost. the way your lips pull into a smile is less twitchy, more fluid as he appars in front of you; the familiar scent that surrounds him assuring you that he is, indeed, right there.
"ash," the shortened version of his name falls from your lips in a breath, the way it has so many times before in so many different situations that aren't this.
there is no weird dance between you as two pairs of arms are lifted; the puppetmaster working elegantly and efficiently. you envelop each other in a hug and hold on a beat too long before laughter spills from lips.
"it's good to see you," he mumbles somewhere above your shoudler where his head just fits. you almost let yourself get lost in the way he feels and then you feel the thud of a small hand hitting your arm, tiny fingers curling around the material of your sweatshirt and giving a steady tug. this is the only pupper master that counts.
you pull away from him and turn your head to the two year old sitting in the front of the buggy. you're met with a pair of big eyes that match your own, a crooked smile and tiny teeth that always remind you of chiclets as you help her brush them.
"give mommy a secong, baby girl," you lean to her level, smoothing her hair and streatching your body to reach into the bag you have in your buggy, pulling out a doll and handing it to her.
"tank ma," she giggles and you tear your attention back to the man in front of you, heart beating fast, breath quickening as he stares in wonder at your tiny counterpart. the only counterpart that matters. you turn away long enough to give her a kiss on top o her head because the action calms you down, before you bring your eyes back to his.
"it's really good to see you, too," you finally reply, finding the courage to bring your eyes back to his. his puppet master pulls his strings again as if he can't make a decision, ashton's mouth opening and closing and opening again, no words leaving him,
"she's not..." you trail off, answering his silent question before he can get it out, hoping to quell the sudden nervous energy spilling over him. your heartbeat slows as he let's out a breath. you're not sure why it quickened in the first place, why it felt like you might throw up for a moment.
"just..." you pause, biting your lip, trying to figure out a way to explain without making yourself sound... awful. "had too much fun in the aftermath of... that fight."
really, fight is a nice word fot it. it had been an end. a full stop. a break up. an i fucking hate you and i never want to see you again.
"she's beautiful," his words are quiet as he looks at you, and you nod your head, eyes looking back at her before you look back at him with a smile.
"yeah, she's, like," you pause, trying to put it into words. there are none; none big enough to describe what it feels like. "the best part of me," you settle on simple words.
his eyes are soft when you meet them again, understanding in a way only his eyes can look. for a second you feel calm and then...you fight back a bit of laughter. as it dawns on you. it hadn't really been your own heart you felt quickening; your own mouth going dry; your own fear that you felt moments ago. it had been his.
some things never change, even when everything else has.
"what's so funny?"  he asks, voice peppered with laughter because yours had always been uncontrollably infectious to him. you shake your head a little in response.
"nothing, it's just really good to see you. you look well," you lean on your cart a little, hand instinctively moving to catch your daughters hand as she reaches up to tug at your sweater again.
"tooties na, tooties," she babbles a little and you loo at her. this time when you shake your head it's in slight exasperation.
'no, you need to nap when you get home. if you have cookies you're gonna be a little manace," you speak, taking a stand with your words while your hands betray you as they're bing pulled by your own puppet master; the only one that counts.
"i know someone else who always got what she wanted," his words are soft and you look over with a smirk, a playgul roll of your eyes.
"yeah, i never should have taught her any tricks," you go along with his words as your daughter takes a single cooke out of your hand. you shove the baggie of cookies back in it's place and let your body turn toward his again.
"i have to get this shopping done, but," you pause, brows furrowing, wondering if you next words are a good idea. "um. my number is still the same," you offer. "i mean, you don't have to and i don't have a lot of free time unless it's hanging in the apartment but it'd be nice to catch up,"
he beams at you and you can't help but beam back.
"yeah, that would be sick," he agrees and silently rushes through a list of friends you'd had in common, wondering who he could ask for your number because it's long gone from his contacts. there'd been a time he never wanted to see it again but there's something about seeing your face, older and a little tired, but grown, that makes him feel like it's going to be okay.
you nod, letting the cart go so you can get one more quick hug in, giving him a squeeze.
"okay, just text. or call. whatrever. we're flexible," you gtin sd ypu pull back, turning toward the tiny human in your cart.
"come on, mama. you're out of cereal. again," you disappear down the hallway and he wateches you, shaking his head as he heads down the other way.
you run into him twice more as you go up and down the aisles, silly laughter leaving you every time.
"swear i'm not stalking yoou guys," he laughs as he picks out some prodce and you nod.
"uh huh," the small noise leaves you and you go on your way.
it's banter that's too easy to fall back into. it should have been awkward. it wasn't supposed to be magnetic. your puppet master and his weren't supposed fo conspire. but some things never change, even when everything else has.
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Fic Time Capsule
I was tagged by the wonderful @consumedkings to look back at my fanfic history and post about it. Tagging in return: @tomexraider @faithchel @risenlucifer @strafethesesinners @ohfaiths @shallow-gravy @vasiktomis and anyone else that wants too!
The rules say preferably a year old but I’ve talked about Salvation’s so much already and I stopped writing fic in high school, so we have to go back 10 years exactly (or similar I don’t remember how often I posted). 
So to no one’s surprise I was obsessed with vampires and was a teen during the Twilight craze, and due to that I was introduced to Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and wrote fanfiction for it. It is still posted up on Wattpad and surprisingly it had 17 chapters. Here’s a chapter from it and most I have to say about it is I am amazed at the progress ten years made and funny how I came back full circle with Bloodlines. 
~3k words
            It wasn't far from the cafiteria. i once agian hesitated at the doors. This was different from breakfeast. I was going to be in a class where everyone would know that I was new and didn't know any of this stuff. I took three deep breaths and walked in hoping I didn't draw any attention to myself. There was a few kids there already and some more where coming in. I placed my bag on the bleachers and sat down watching. the teacher looked like another gaurdian. He had a list in his hands and was looking at it intently. I tried to keep myself calm. I looked at the kids. Most hung out together and where joking around with one another. some stayed away talking about things that where privet.
            The dhampirs seemed to be less clique oriented when together. When you get Moroi mixed in with them and they have cliques. They seemed as if they where a big family. The teacher barked something and everyone got quiet and listened. Strange it was as if they where in the millatary. Which they where I guess. At any other school it would be another few minutes till everyone shut-uped. He was taking roll and those that where called said something that showed him that they where here. He got to the bottom of the list and had a look of surprise then confusion then back to his serious face.
            "Evera Cortez," He looked at the students. The students started to look at one another and whispered. I didn't say anything. "Evera Cortez," He said agian.
            I swallowed and stood up, "I'm right here, sir." I raised my hand and put my head down.
            "Please come and join the rest of the class please." I walked to the others and I was met with stares. I stayed off to the side and hoped that at some piont I would dissaper. "Now you will work in pairs on what we've been working on since last week. Go and start." Everyone went to their friends and paired off. I was left out since there was an odd number of kids. Never mind even number. A kid came in late. He talked to the teacher and the teacher looked up and scanned the other students. "Ashford! Hathaway! Seperate. Come here both of you." The teacher looked at me and waved me over.
            "What is this all about? We weren't goofing off." The girl who I guessed was Hathaway because of this morning.
            "Miss Hathaway I want you to work with our late student here, today." He told her.
            "Why?" I could tell that she was getting a little angry.
            "Because I want Mr.Ashford to work with Miss Cortez."
            She looked at me as if she just noticed that I was there, "I can teach her."
            "I know you can but I want to start her off with someone who can control their strength." She rolled her eyes and went to work with the late student. "You can take it from here Mr.Ashford." the teacher then went to look at the other students and critic them. I looked at my partner and he had a smile on his face. He led me to a blue mat and stood there.
            "So what have you learned at your old school?" I didn't say anything. He continued to look at me with his gray eyes. He seemed really nice. He had curly red hair and some freckles on his face. For one thing he didn't look like a nerd. "Hello? Are you deaf?" I turned my attention to him. "What have you learned?"
            I shrugged, "Take downs." Damnit why did I say that? He didn't know that all I knew was Tae Kwon Do.
            "Okay let's see how you do at those." I opened my mouth to say that i didn't know anything when he attacked me. I quickly tried to get him off. i got his arms off me and stepped behind him and rolled him to the ground. It was a move that i had used many times at practice. I let go of his arm and took a few steps back. He got up and looked at me. "Okay not to bad. That wouldn't work agianst a Strogoi but it's good for humans. Let's work on-"
            "I don't know anything." I told him glancing at the mat.
            "What are you talking about? You know some stuff it just needs work."
            "All I know is human self defense." I hated saying human all the time. It made me feel like I was an alein-which I kind of was- but it was the only way to get pionts across.
            "Human? Didn't you go to a school like this?"
            I shook my head, "I went to a normal school and learned normal things." I looked at him regretting what I said, "Can you please not tell anyone? I want to say it when I feel comfortable."
            "Yeah sure. I won't tell anyone. I give you my word as a gentleman. Okay so lets start at the basics."
            "Thanks." I smiled at him and relaxed. "My name is Evera."
            "Mason. Nice to meet you Evera." You know for being totaly out of my element I was kind of fitting in. I would never find anyone like my old friends but I could come close. I worked with Mason for the class and found that I was picking up on the things he was teaching quickly. They also came easily to me like when i was learning forms at practice. The class ended sooner then I liked. But i was in a much better mood then when class started.
            "Um what class do you have next, Mason?" I asked hoping he had the same class as me.
            "Body Guard theory. Why you need someone to show you?" I nodded. "Yeah I'll show you where it's at." He left to go and talk to some other friends. He came back in less then a minute but this time he wasn't alone. "Evera this is Rose. Rose, Evera. If you want to learn how to become the best just work with her."
            "Nice to meet you Rose." I put my hand out and she took it nodded and started to talk to Mason agian. I followed them to my next class. I picked a seat in the middle of the class only not dead center and looked at the blackboard. The class once agian quieted when the teacher started talk. I had no clue what he was talking about until a question sparked my attention.
            "Now anyone know why we become over protective when we are out in public at night.?"
            A student raised his hand and spoke when he was called on. "because there are Strogoi everywhere and they come out of no where."
            "Good, good." I raised my hand, "Uh yes Miss...?"
            "Evera Cortez."
            "Miss Cortez. Question?"
            "Yeah. Why do you say that?"
            "That there are Strogoi are everywhere? Simply because it's true."
            "Um well I have to dissagree."
            "And what makes you think that?"
            "Well I've lived in the real world and there aren't vampires at every corner. I would actually call it safer then any place with a bunch of Moroi together."
            "Actually a bunch of Moroi together is better because there are more gaurdians."
            "Yeah i see that piont but why don't we think like the enemy. Now if you where a Strogoi what would you rather do: Wait for weeks to catch a Moroi that's clubbing or go and attack a place that is full of Moroi and dhampirs?"
            "Please tell me what you know about Strogoi."
            Was he serious? "I know that they are cold, strong, fast, evil, kill for food, and will ban together every now and then to take families out. They also get stronger as the years go by, they are total doushe bags slash creepy stalkers and they are a bitch to kill especially if they where really good gaurdians. Oh and they are cut off from magic if they where once a Moroi." Take that.
            "Well, well for someone who lived with humans all their lives you sure know a lot about us and what we swear our lives to protect and fight agianst." I saw in his mind that he thought that he won with telling the class that I was once living with humans. he thinks he has me at checkmate but think agian.
            "Yes I lived with humans but I know so much because I do a little thing called reading." I glared at him.
            "Miss Cortez i must say that you are out of line. Please go outside until class is over." Checkmate his mind said. Damn I shouldn't have agured the first day and to think the day-sorry night-had only just begun.
            I sat out of the class and looked at the wall. I thought about typing but I didn't want to get into even more trouble. I heard the bell ring and classes started stream out and flow to the next classes. I got up and looked at my schedule. The room number was on it for my next class. I could always ask if I got lost. I sighed and started to make my way to my next class when someone grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed their hand and turned around. I made pionted my index finger at the person who grabbed me. I glared at them. It took me a minute to relize it was Mason.
            "Ow. Okay can you let go please?" I dropped his hand and looked at him. "That was pretty fast defense."
            "Thanks. Are you going to L.A. next?"
            "No, I just wanted to tell you how cool it was that you stood up to Stan. No one's ever done that since Rose came back."
            "Really? Glad I fit into her catagory."
            "You could you know. I think you're on the borderline of becoming another Rose."
            I laughed, "I think I would want to be an Evera. A new species." We laughed, "Hey do you think you could piont me in the direction of the L.A. classroom."
            "Oh yeah. Just go down this hall make a left and it should be one of the first classrooms. Got it?"
            "Yeah. Thanks." I waved bye to him and left to L.A. This was a class that I was with. I knew what the teacher was teaching. I felt smart in that class and it ended all too soon. Now it was time for me to go and practice with Dimitri. I grabbed my stuff and rushed to the gym not wanting to run into anyone. It was filled with sophmores sparring with each other. I watched them seeing if I could learn some of their moves by watching. I looked at the door and saw Dimitri standing there. I got up and walked to him.
            "Are you ready?"
            "Yeah." I followed him out to a a small classroom. "Um Dimitri what are we doing today?"
            "We are catching you up on school."
            "Is this what we're doing every day during this time?"
            "Yep. Unless you want to do something else." he gave me a skeptical look.
            "No this is fine I need it anyway."  I took a seat at the desk and sifted through my backpack for a pencil and notebook. All I found was books, laptop, a pen(that didn't work), and music. Damn it that's right I put that stuff in my suitcases. "Um Dimitri?"
            "Yes?" He looked at me and my raised hand, "Put your hand down. Let me guess you need a notebook and pencil?" I nodded. "No problem here. Keep this one seperate from other things." He told me handing me a black notebook and a pencil. He also gave me a stack of text books that where for other classes. I hoped.
            "Dimitri are these other books for my other classes?"
            "Yep we'll start with this one." he handed me a book with the words Gaurdian Trianing Basics. Well I did have to catch up on years of learniging. "Okay lets start with what I learned." He continued to teach the class. he was a good teacher. he waited until I had written notes down to continue. He answered all of my questions and laughed at some of the jokes that i made. i was actually having fun in a class that wasn't an easy class or had all my friends in it. I heard the bell ring for lunch and I started to put my things in my backpack. It was getting heavier after every class. I put on my shoulder and Dimitri handed me a piece of paper.
            "What's this?" I asked taking it and placeing it in my pocket.
            "Your first homework assigment."
            "Oh, okay. Thanks i guess."
            "It's due by Thursday. Okay?"
            "Yeah I got you. I'll see you after school. Laters." i went out the door to go to my first lunch in this new place. I got there and people where getting food or going to a room that i guessed, from reading, was the feeding room. i found Christan reading a book at the table that we sat at this morning. i placed my stuff down and looked at him. he looked up and saw that he had the book that i was reading that morning. "Is that mine?"
            "Yeah. You think I can borrow it. I really like it."
            "Yeah whatever just give it back when you're done."
            "Cool. Hey aren't you going to get food?"
            "No, I'll wait till the line gets shorter."
            "Okay." He had a glum look to his face and he was making it difficult to read his thoughts. "You know it's rude to read other people's minds."
            "Urgh. How did you know?"
            "When you made the piont that I had no friends and didn't really press the issue."
            "So that could just mean that I'm a nice person." He stared at me like Are you really going to try that on me. "Okay then yes I can read minds. NOw tell me what's wrong."
            "It's nothing. I'm just worried that you'll leave me to join the other dhampirs."
            "that is a stupid worry because it will never come true."
            "Yeah I guess you're right. Hey can you come with me to do something?"
            "Yeah will we be back here?"
            "Of corse. Come on vampire fanatic." I punched him as lightly as I could on the arm. "What was that for?"
            "Just cause you made a joke about me and that really proves that you are my friend."
            "Are you abusive to all your friends?"
            "Just the ones I really like."
            "Okay then. Well I guess we will be friends." We laughed and walked into a white room that was filled with Moroi kids. Two where walking out while Christan went to a lady working the front desk.He came back and waited with me. Two girls came out. One was a dhampir that I had seen in my class. The other was a blonde haired Moroi. She was pale like the others that I had seen. I looked over and saw that Christan was looking at her. I elbowed him.
            “You like her.” I said in a teasing voice.
            “No I don’t. She is nothing but a stuck popular who has a bodyguard.” He tried to act furious but it wasn’t really going to work with me.
            “Okay you keep telling yourself that.” I sighed and patted his shoulder. “So who’s her bodyguard?”
            “Rose Hathaway. The person who’s side you want to be on is the good one.”
            “Oh yeah I have her in some classes.” I looked out the door. “She doesn’t seem that mean.”
            He shrugged, “Well she can be.” Just then the lady called his name and I followed him to a room that looked like an office that my mom worked at. We stopped a woman’s cubical. Shehad tons of brusing on her neck from the day so far. I read about them and the bute that vampires had. The bite made them feel good. I was always curious to see what it felt like but I also didn’t want to get addicted. Christan went to the stool next to her and she willingly moved her head so Christan had a better view of her neck. He leaned over said something in her ear and bit down on her neck. I didn’t look away. I was intrigued by it. It didn’t last long. Christan got up and lead me out. We went back to the table and I took out the fruit that I hadn’t eaten from this morning and handed him an apple.
            “So that was intresting.” I said trrying to make conversation.
            “Yeah bet you never would have seen that in the human world?”
            “Yeah I would have only read about it.” I looked over hearing someone’s mind go to me. I saw the two girls get up and walk to where me and Christan were sitting. "Oh, look here comes the girl you like." He looked up and grimced and tried to hide himself in the shadows even more. The blonde one came up first with Rose right behind her. I kept my teasing smile on as she got closer.
            "Hi. i'm Lissa and this is Rose." She told me smiling. I put my hand out.
            "Evera, nice to meet you. I know I've seen you before Rose." She didn't galre but she nodded. I looked over at the shadows where Christan was trying to be invisable. He noticed me looking at him. No don't even dare. "Have either of you meet Christan?" He glared at me.
            "No and we have no biusness meeting him." Rose said. "Even you shouldn't be hanging out with him, Evera."
            "Why not? He's a nice guy." I read into what she was trying to tell me. But like Christan she wasn't letting me in.
            "Havn't you heard? His parents turned Strogoi. On purpose."
            "He's close to turning at anytime." She glared at him and he glared back.
            "Any other reason why you stopped by?"
            "Um we just wanted to introduce ourselves. We know how hard it is to come to this school and try to fit in." Lissa told me. I read her thoughts and saw that it was true. "If you need any help with anything let us know."
            "No problem." I waved, "Bye."
            "Bye." Lissa turned away heading back to her table.
            "See you later, Evera." Rose said never taking her eyes off Christan.
            "See ya." I watched them leave. The bell rang and kids got up to go to their next class. "What class do you have next?" i asked Christan.
            "Animal behavior."
            "Go ahead yell at me." i told him knowing he wanted to.
            "What the hell?! I told you not to. No one likes me. That's why no one sits with me." He looked at me. I waited until he was finished.
            "I just thought that maybe they could be your friends too." I looked at him," Well if I become frineds with other people they will have to like you a bit just like how you will have to like other people."
            "Okay makes sense. But no one will."
            "Well you leave that up to me. Are you mad?"
            "Yeah I am but I'll get over it by the end of the day."
            "Good lets get to class." With that we headed off to our next class. The rest of the day was fast. I was hit with it when I had to go to my first real practice with Dimitri.
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rhythmicpirate · 4 years
BFB AU where everything is the same until...
4:Now form 8 teams of 8! 8-ball:It’s to bad I don’t care about that number at all. Basketball:Wanna be on the same team because we’re both balls?
8-ball:Okay, but let’s not get anymore balls, 2 is enough. Needle:Hey Loser, wanna join my team? originally Coiny, Pin and Firey were gonna be in it but when those 2 started slapping I knew it would never work. Loser:Sure! Eggy:But what about me? Cake:Loser you said you were gonna be with me! Needle:There’s still plenty of spots left you guys. Loser:Yeah, why don’t we just be on the same team? Those five:*gasp* Loser, Loser, loser! Loser:There’s enough of me to go around. Snowball:Hey Pie, how many people have you killed? Pie:Uh...none? Snowball:Wimp. Lightning:Hold on, did you say that you didn’t kill anyone? I’ve killed, sadly dozens. Snowball:I knew I’d find a powerful teammate soon enough! We’re gonna go far lightning we’re gonna go so-*gets zapped* Lightning:I don’t want to be on your team, I wanna be on Pie’s team so I can learn not to kill anyone. Liy:Me too. I’ve killed before but it was extremely disturbing. Can the two of us be on your team? We wanna learn how to prevent death instead of causing it. Black Hole:Oh, oh, please show me as well. Pie:Sounds like a good idea as any. Firey:Speaking of good ideas, wouldn’t it be nice to have the winner of the original BFDI on your team. Tree:I agree and we need more people who are against murder for no good reason. Liy:Join us then! Pillow:Did someone say killing? Snowball:Noooooooooooooooo Pillow:Oh ok. Barf Bag:Lollipop I know you think my brain has been destroyed but I think I can prove my true abilities if we’re on the same team. Lollipop:How can you prove yourself if your’e truly infected. Barf Bag:*gasps* Oh my sap! Clock:Trust me, she isn’t worth your time. Join my team instead. Come join my team with Rocky. Clearly we don’t have a problem with barf. Barf Bag:You know what? I think I will. Pencil:All right FreeSmart, who are our 2 other members? Bubble:You mean 3 other members, since I’m just a Bember to you I might as well just leave to find a completly diffrent team. Pencil:Huh? Book, try to presuade her otherwise. Book:Actually, I think she may have a point. Your’e letting 2 complete strangers become members right away and...I dunno, it just seems like this team is starting to become toxic. Maybe we should play on diffrent teams for now. Ice Cube:Yeah. Book:I’m gonna join Pillows team, Ice Cube you wanna join? Ice Cube:No. Bubble:Me either, sorry book but I’m just worried she’d pop me. Pencil & Match:So your’e staying. Bubble:No. Pencil & Match:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Dora:Dadadadadadadadada. (I wanna be on Geletains team, he looks like an island and smells just as delicious.) Geletain:Uh...thanks? Gaty:Stapey join my team. Stapey:Okay! Can I bring Foldy here too? Gaty:Sure, the more friends the merrier! Leafy:Hmmmm....I wanna help all the people who need a helping hand. And maybe you four are just the right people (Nickel, Fanny, Naily & Cloudy). Nickel:Let me geuss it’s because we don’t have hands? Leafy:Woody, you know how I told you how “there’s a life out there to enjoy so enjoy it” back in episode 1 part 1? Well I’m gonna help you enjoy that life! Bubble! I’ll help you too! Bubble:Yoylecake! Leafy:So long as you promise not to get rid of any of my gifts again. Bubble:Oh...okay. Yellow Face:Pillow, Puffball join now. Puffball:Okay Do-kay. Yellow Face:Pillow, we’d kill to have you on here. Pillow:Now that time I definitely heard you say killing. Lollipop:I’m going to follow her and discuss her so called “research”. Fries:Yellow Face, I really admire what you just did there. You’ve got amazing skills of persuasion! Puffball let’s join this team. Puffball:I am on this team. Fries:See what I mean? Snowball:You there, Pin. I know you popped Bubble back in episode 1, and in both parts too. Pin:Yeah? What about it? Snowball:You now legally have to join my team. Pin:Fine, but your’e getting Coiny too. Snowball:Great, we’ll have our own little slap man. And we don’t have any armless contestants. Coiny:Actually I just merged this team with Foldy & Gatey who have no arms, Stapey who has no legs and Bell who has neither. Braclety:Oh yeah, it’s time to join Ice Cube’s team and make my dreams come true. Gelatin:Ice Cube just joined our team...but there’s still 5 empty spots! Ice Cube:Yeah! Braclety:Yay! *hugs Ice Cube* Firey Jr:Dang it, I was gonna grab her while she was incapacitated. Grassy:No one picked me. Firey Jr.:That’s a great idea! Bomby I!....Bomby? Golf Ball:Based on my caculations we need at least 2 mechanical minds, to outsmart the other teams which are lacking in mechanical minds. TV, Roboty and Remote, you’ve been selected by my formula to form a successful team. Robot Flower:You’ve got one mechanical mind already, bossy bot. Golf Ball:And that’s why I’m not choosing you. Robot Flower:I’m gonna join 8-Balls team with David instead. David:Aw, seriously? Gelatin:Hey Donut wanna join our team? Donut:Sure whatever. Spongy:I’m gonna join this team too. Most of the members here haven’t called me fat. Marker:I’ll follow Spongy! Pen:Okay guys we need to stick together. Eraser:This dude is right! Pen:We need to find a team with 3 slots open or else we’re gonna split up. We have to stick together. Braclety:I can’t believe I got Ice Cube on my team. I still can’t believe this isn’t a prank. Blocky:Now that’s the team for me. Pen:Okay we lost Blocky, but you and I won’t split will we? Eraser:Of course not! Yellow Face:Homm! Free Food People! Eraser:And I think I know just the team for us. *Bomby joins Leafy team and Book joins Yellow Faces* Flower:Oh no! The teams are filling up! Hmmm...well I really want Loser on my team because he’s popular but I also really want Ruby on my team ‘cause she saw how beautiful I am. I choose both! Match:Crudiously, like Needy? *gets slapped* Needle:Don’t call me Needy. 8-Ball:Hey Clock, wanna merge our teams into one since they wanted 8 teams of 8 and not 9? I don’t really care for 9 either. Clock:Okay then, now we just need a one more member. *Saw, Bottle, Taco and Balloony remain* Basketball:I think we should avoid Saw, she might be a bit to dangerous. Liy:We’ll just be taking her then so she can learn to prevent death. Saw:Great! Now I’m on a team of 8! Thank goodness I can say 8 normally. Robot Flower:And Balloony would pop way to easily, we need someone more durable. Barf Bag:But aren’t all the remaining members more durable? Bottle:I may not be durabble but I am lovebale! 8-Ball:Fair point, let’s take her because no one else probally will. Bottle:Thanks! Naily:Yeah, you nailed it! Ballooony:And I’ll take Balloony, because at least he has arms! Tennis Ball:I’m gonna take Taco because I picked the Taco contest in Vomitaco. Remote:Yay! We got all 8 teams of eight done! Pen:Okay so these teams need names. Tree:Well...I don’t have any ideas. Liy:Well this team mostly formed to avoid causing death. Pie:Uh-huh. Lightning:But what would be a good team name for Death Prevention and Creating Trust? Firey:*gasps!* Wait a minute, abbreviate the later four worlds and you get:
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Remote:Oh wow, that’s a pretty good team name. Golf Ball:Hmmm, if we want to win then our team name must have a better name then that.
A Better Name then That
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Golf Ball:I’ll have to remember to think before I speak in the future in case there is a hypothetical split in the series. Donut:Okay our team name has to be something solid, that stands out and isn’t dumb. Spongy:I agree. Geletain:I agree, We can’t ened up with something lame! Marker:Well since this team formed because Braclety wanted to be on a team with her biggest idol maybe we should go with... Braceletty:*gasp*
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Marker:You took the words right out of my mouth. Yellow Face:Nya...hmm. Eraser:What happened to the free food? Pen:What free food? Yellow Face:Mmmmm. Eraser:Where is the Free Food? Yellow Face:Mmmm...Free Food!
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Pen:Woah, we’re the free food. Cake:Let’s be called the Losers! Pencil:No, we’re like the alliance right? Match:OMG that is so true! Ruby:That’s such a good observation pence-pence. Flower:Observe me please! Eggy:No observe me and my spots. Needle:There’s other people here to you know, and you call me Needy. Loser:Let’s compromise, let’s take the losers and take the alliance to get...
Losers’ Alliance!
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Cake:It’s pronouced Loser’s All-lie-ance Woody:Eh-heh? Fanny:Woody is right. Everyone else is getting their names done fast. I hate it when people rush but I hate being last even more. Leafy:Fanny, take your negative attitude out the window. Cloudy:I don’t have my collection with me so she can’t. Leafy:Regardless, that’s not even what Woody is saying. Tell me agian Woody. Woody:Shashashashashashashasha. Leafy:That’s a catch name. Cloudy:I know something we can add. Shashashashashashashasha. Nickel:That is the perfect name! Bomby:Yeah! Shashashashashashashasha. Fanny:So many meanings which I don’t hate that much! Naily:Hm! Bubble get this to four. Bubble:Okay! Shashashashashashashasha.
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*The members of 8-balls and Clocks team are arguing.* 4:Do you have a team name? Clock:Can you just give us a Minute.
A Minute
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David:Aw seriosuly? Bell:Aw ding-dong, looks like we’re the last to finnish! Stapey:Hey don’t view it as a bad thing Bell. Just view it as saving the best for last. Foldy:Don’t you mean saving the best 4 last. Snowball:That actually sounds like a good team name. At least the first part. Pin:So we’re the Best 4 Last then?
The Best 4 Last
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4:So I believe you eight teams are all set to go. *Book, Saw and Teardrop wave their arms other wise* Pillow:Yep! Theyr’e all set to go! 4:That’s good.
Eraser:...Well isn’t it time to start the first contest? Blocky:Wait why are my pals over there while I’m over here? Pen:Gee, I sure wonder. Golf Ball:But I believe Eraser is right. I have deduced that yes, it IS time to start the first contest.
(To be contiued in part 2)
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kittenshift-17 · 4 years
26 Hermione/thorfinn/antonin?
Not exactly a drabble but... here goes... You didn’t say which #26 drabble prompt you meant (there were about 4 compliations to choose from on my page) so I picked this one from the “Writing Prompts Inspired by Songs” list: 
26.“I lie awake and miss you.”
“Do you have to go?” Antonin Dolohov asked, rousing unhappily when Hermione Granger rose to her feet and shimmied back into her knickers.
“Toshka,” Thorfinn Rowle cautioned from the other side of the bed, having already been disturbed as the pretty witch clambered over him to search for her bra.
“What?” Antonin complained, watching from his side of the bed while Hermione silently located her bra, and her skirt, and then her top, redressing like she hadn’t just allowed both wizards to rip her out of the day’s work clothes and ravish her within an inch of her life. 
“Don’t whine,” Thorfinn said tiredly, in no mood for Antonin’s theatrics. “It’s unattractive.”
“So is being deserted by our witch after shagging her into a stupor,” Antonin complained. 
Thorfinn looked over and met Hermione’s gaze while she fished her riotous curls from under her collar. He rolled his eyes at her, never overly patient with the third member of their little menage.
“I have to be getting home,” Hermione said when she was dressed as she slipped her feet back into her shoes. 
“Yeah, before your bloody husband notices,” Thorfinn said, smirking.
“Like he’d notice?” Antonin complained. “He’s probably already in bed and snoring his head off like he usually is when you come home late. Meanwhile, I lie awake and miss you every night you’re not here.”
“Bloody hell, Toshka, is it that time of the bloody month for you or something?” Thorfinn scoffed, shoving the man on the bed beside him.
“Mudak,” Antonin grumbled, punching Thorfinn’s arm in return. 
Hermione left them to their scuffling, letting herself out of the bedroom and sauntering away down the hall and to the fireplace. She hadn’t lied. She did need to be getting home. Even if her husband might not be there to greet her. Flooing home, she let herself into their quiet cottage and sighed at the lack of sound. He was asleep then, as Rowle had predicted. That, or he wasn’t even home. Hermione didn’t imagine she was the only one in their marriage carrying on extra-marital affairs. How else could he not have noticed that she came home from ‘working late’ at least four nights a week, and typically reeking of firewhiskey and sweat from a good go in the sack with Thorfinn and Antonin? 
Say what you liked about ex-Death Eaters, they shagged like the devil. 
Hermione sighed, kicking off her shoes and heading for the bathroom, supposing that the least she could do was bathe off the evidence coating her skin and pooled between her legs of how she’d ended her work day. She was almost in the bathroom when the low moan caught her ears and Hermione’s stomach flipped nervously. Surely he wouldn’t? Not in their bed. Doing it behind closed doors and away from the home was one thing, but not in her bed. She didn’t get to bring her lovers to their bed, so he couldn’t either, thank you very much. God, she hoped it wasn't someone vapid, like Parvati or Pansy.
Stealing down the hall on tiptoe, her shirt unbuttoned and her skirt halfway unzipped, Hermione peeked into the bedroom. She supposed she should’ve been hurt by what she found. Shocked, even. But she wasn’t. Not really.
“Bloody hell, Oliver,” Ron Weasley groaned from his place on his knees before the Puddlemere United Quidditch Keeper.
Evidently they weren’t expecting her home for some time yet. 
Hermione wondered what she ought to do. She’d suspected since even before they got married that Ron might actually be gay, but she’d never brought it up and had just assumed that if he ever acted on those fantasies, he’d do it outside their home. Was she supposed to confront him about it? Had he done this here intending to get caught? Was this some sign that he was ready to put pain to their marriage once and for all so that she didn’t have to abandon the bed of her lovers and leave Antonin whining and Thorfinn silently pining though he’d never speak on it? Was she supposed to leave, and make no mention of this moment?
Hermione didn’t know. 
Could she continue playing this game? Half the fun of being with Thorfinn and Antonin was the guilt it stirred in her and the assuage it offered for her frustration with her husband. Ron Weasley was many things, but an attentive lover to his wife was not one of them. Frowning, Hermione supposed that maybe the game was over, then. This was it. She’d caught him. She couldn’t help but be a bit put out with him, actually. There was a secretive thrill in ‘sneaking’ about with her lovers to avoid being caught and yet here Ron was, flouting the rules of the game.
She waited quietly for the two men on the bed to find completion, noting with a wrinkle of her nose that the sheets would need to be changed when Ron found his climax all over the duvet. When they separated, panting and blissful, awaiting recovery, she very softly cleared her throat from the doorway where she’d propped her shoulder.
Oliver jumped and Ron’s eyes went wide as he turned slowly to look at her, his ears turning red and an angry flush crawling up his neck.
“Hermione?” he breathed, evidently horrified and terrrified in equal measure. 
Hermione waited, wondering if he might stammer out apologies. She noted with some amusement the way Oliver ducked down to pick up his abandoned shirt, using the balled fabric to hide his todger from her view. At least it was a nice view, thanks to the long hours he spent training and honing his body for his professional Quidditch career.
“I... um... this is... bloody hell!” Ron stammered when she simply leaned in the doorway and waited. 
She should put him out of his misery, but in truth she was a bit angry with him for letting himself be caught, thus ending their little charade of a happy marriage once and for all. 
“You don’t seem surprised,” Oliver noted finally when Ron couldn’t seem to manage a single thing to say in his own defence. 
Hermione shrugged her shoulders.
“Only annoyed that the charade is at an end,” she admitted. 
“You knew?” Ron asked. 
Hermione raised her eyebrows. “It seemed a little obvious when the only times I could coax you into shagging me, you wanted to do it up the bum, love.”
Ron’s blush worsened. 
“Are you angry?” Ron asked quietly.
“That you’ve been caught,” Hermione sighed. 
“You knew I was sleeping around on you?” Ron asked, his eyes wide and sad now. “And you never said anything?”
“What was there to say, Ron?” Hermione asked. “You knew I was sleeping around on you, too...”
Ron’s left eye twitched and his mouth opened in surprise.
“Or... maybe you didn’t?” Hermione frowned.
“I thought you were actually working late,”  Ron said, looking even sadder that he evidently knew he so little as to tell the difference between her staying back at the office and her getting a little side-nookie. “I thought you could tell I didn’t want to shag and it made you uncomfortable, so you just stayed at work longer until I’d be asleep  by the time you came home so we wouldn’t have to talk about it. I felt so guilty that I.... I just... let you think that. I never imagined you'd be... ”
Hermione bit her lip, shaking her head. 
“You have someone else?” Ron asked, and Hermione noted that Oliver looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but didn’t know how to excuse himself. 
“Two someone’s,” Hermione offered gently. “I suppose, after tonight, I can stop upsetting them by jumping out of bed when we’re done and rushing home, lest you catch me in the lie of working late.”
“Two...” Ron repeated, his eyes wide. “Who? It’s not Harry and Malfoy, is it?”
“It’s not Harry and Malfoy,” Hermione said quietly. 
“Right,” Ron said, evidently realising she wasn’t going to tell him who she was shagging. 
“Right,” Hermione repeated. “Um... I guess I’ll... pick up a petition for divorcement tomorrow, then?”
“You’re not upset?” Ron asked again, clearly worried.
“It was only a matter of time, love,” Hermione said sadly shrugging her shoulders. “And my wizards have been a little more vocal of their dissatsifaction with being deserted every evening for me to return here to your snoring. I don't imagine they'd have continued making it so easy for much longer...”
Ron blushed agian. 
“You knew about me and Oliver?” he asked, nodding toward Oliver where he awkwardly shuffled his feet before sitting down on the end of the bed. 
“No,” Hermione shook her head. “Just that you must have someone, and that your someone was likely a 'he'.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Ron confessed quietly.
“Nothing,” Hermione said. “I... um... I’ll take some of my things. Return to my wizards for the night and let the two of you... um... get dressed, I suppose? Or go another round? I'll get out of your hair.”
She pushed away from the doorway and slipped into the room, crossing to the closet and locating her trunk. A whispered word packed up all of her things from the closet and the bedroom. She would return tomorrow with divorce papers to begin sorting out their combined belongings.
When she exited, Ron had his head in his hands, sitting on the edge of the bed they’d shared as husband and wife for years. Oliver awkwardly sat beside him, one hand on his shoulder to offer silent comfort. He met Hermione’s gaze and lifted one eyebrow at her when he saw her with her trunk. Hermione supposed they must’ve expected fireworks were she ever to find out. Perhaps they’d bet on her pitching a fit and hexing them both with boils all over and shouting herself hoarse.
The truth was, though, as she shrugged her shoulders helplessly at Oliver and eyed Ron sadly once more, that it was actually a relief. It was a relief to know he wasn’t just unattracted to her as a woman, but because she was a woman. It seemed a little less hurtful to know she hadn’t the right equipment up her skirt, as opposed to simply not having enough filling out her shirt or something equally ego-wounding where her looks and her figure were concerned.
“I’ll be home for dinner tomorrow night, Ron,” Hermione said gently as she crossed the bedroom. “With divorce papers.”
“Hermione... don’t.... I... I’m sorry,” Ron offered, looking up to stare at her, his face wet with tears.
“Don’t apologise, Ron,” Hermione said softly from the doorway. “No one should apologise for who they love. We can’t help it that it’s not each other.”
With that said, she left, Flooing back to the apartment Thorfinn and Antonin had shared since being released on probation. When she stepped through, she found her two wizards in the kitchen, both shirtless, both snacking. And both with their wands trained on her until they recognized her.
“Myshka?” Antonin asked, his eyes fixed upon her trunk.
“Princess? Everything alright?” Thorfinn asked, frowning as he looked her over. “Bloody hell, he caught you, didn’t he?”
Hermione cleared her throat. “Um... No. I caught him,” she said gently. 
"Bloody hell," Thorfinn said, and he frowned, evidently expecting her to be upset despite the year-long, torrid affair she'd been carrying on with the two of them. 
“Was it true that when I go, you lie awake and miss me?” she asked, stepping a little further into the living room.
“Yes,” both wizards said together.
Hermione smiled smally, meeting their eyes steadily.
“Would it be alright if you didn’t have to, anymore?” she whispered.
“Da,” Antonin nodded, looking choked with emotion.
“Hell yes,” Thorfinn grinned. “You need a hand with your trunk, Princess? Blimey, did he try ravishing you before letting you go? What happened to your shirt? Come on, give me that. Toshka, get over here and help her out of her skirt, could you?”
Hermione laughed, letting Finn take her trunk, which he swung up onto the coffee table while Antonin converged on her. He didn’t help her out of her skirt, but he did wrap her into a tight embrace and bury his face against her neck, breathing heavily, evidently overcome. Thorfinn grinned when she met his eyes over Antonin’s shoulder before he walked around behind her and curled his arms around both of them. 
For the first time since she’d fallen into bed with them, Hermione sighed in relief, finding that their presence was all the more delightful when she wasn’t wrought with guilt. 
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25198675
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go--ask--alice · 4 years
It Started With a Kiss
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[Author’s Note: The next three posts will be a continuation of a single event. They take place over the course of one night. It’s been broken up into three smaller parts.]
This is Alice and The Joker’s very first encounter. She had devised an intricate plan to sneak into The Grin & Bare It and come face to face with the man she’d been obsessed with for most of her adult life. After entering the club and making her way to a back storage room, she quietly snuck up to the area she knew J’s office resided. Everything almost ended before it began when a guard came upon her near the stairs. Alice played the “lost little girl” card and managed to get away from the guard with just a stern warning. When she finally found the correct door she was shocked to find it partially open. Peaking inside she found him. The Joker, sitting at the private bar, with his back to her. Summoning all her courage, she quietly stepped inside and laid a soft kiss to his pale cheek. Time seemed to stop as she waited for him to react. This was the moment that would ultimately seal her fate. She just didn’t know yet which direction it would lead her.
🃏 Joker
👑 Alice
🃏 *Turns to see where the kiss came from with a stern face* To whom do I owe the pleasure of this… little peck?
👑 *Jumps back a bit and extends a hand tentatively.* That would be me Sir.. it’s a pleasure to meet you, sorry for invading your personal space so boldly. I.. well I just couldn’t help myself. *Turns a deep shade of red at being so bold.*
🃏 *Looks around to see if you came with any goons or companions.* So… *snarky tone* is it just you? Or do you have some friends waiting in the wings. *I clutch my cane as I look you up and down curiously*
👑 No.. no Sir. Just me.. is that alright? I hope I’m not getting anyone in trouble by being here? *Turns around to the door.* Well it was open and I knew you’d be in here, I just couldn't resist getting a glimpse of you.
🃏 *I smirk. I love having my ego stroked* And how did you just know I’d be in here? Why are you such a fan of the Clown Prince? I don’t exactly have a traditional fan club. One might think you’re a little… mad. *Walks around you slowly taking you in.*
👑 *I turn my head to follow as you move around me.* Well people talk. I just happen to pay attention to what they say, or sometimes more importantly what they choose not to say. *I stand a little taller.* And I wouldn’t call myself a traditional person. I like to seek out the strange and different. You Mr. J, have both those qualities in abundance. It’s very… appealing. *I give you a wink as you pass infront of me agian.*
🃏 Well aren’t you a brave little chatter box. *Cackles* Flattery will get you everyhere *Pins you to the bar but then reaches behind you for a glass and starts pouring a drink* How rude of me! Can I get you something?
👑 My apologies.. I tend to ramble on when I’m nervous. *My heart rate spikes as you pin me. You’re so very close.* Umm.. a drink? *My brain goes a bit fuzzy.* Something sweet? You pick Sir, dealers choice.
🃏 *So many dangerous concoctions come to mind but I contain my eagerness.* Do you like cherries? *We only have scotch at this bar. I’m the only one who drinks back here. It’s a private space so I decide that if you like cherries I’ll have to throw something sweet together for you using it.*
👑 Oh I love cherry! But please nothing too strong. I’m not much of a drinker.
🃏 How about a “blood and sand”? *I start mixing it in front of you licking my metal teeth* I’ll go easy on the scotch… what was your name?
👑 Hmm interesting, that sounds delicious! *I try to concentrate on watching you mix the drink but my eyes are glued to your mouth, your tongue sneaking out makes my knees go a little weak* Oh goodness! That is so rude of me! *I extended a hand.* Malice, well.. Alice really. But Malice just sounds so much more, I don’t know? Intriguing.
🃏 Well which is it doll face? *Chuckles* Or do you have split personalities? *Licks liquor off fingers and hands you the drink.*
👑 Well it’s really up to you I guess. But Alice is just fine. *I’m staring at your mouth again as I take the glass from your hand, my fingers barely grazing yours.* Looks delicious! *I take a small sip.* And tastes even better. Thank you!
🃏 Up to me? *Chuckles* We just met and I’m already making decisions for you? You want to know what I think? I think you have very, very good manners. And that part is Alice I don’t think I’ve met Malice just yet. *Cackles*
👑 *I raise my glass to you.* That Mr. J, is a very wise observation.
🃏 So… maybe I should call you Miss Manners instead. *Picks up your hand and kisses it.*
👑 That’s sweet, but really Alice is just fine. *A giggle escapes my mouth as you kiss my hand. I hold my breath, not wanting you to let go.*
🃏 Ok Alice it is. You can call me Mr. J if you like. *Snarls as I notice a henchmen walking by.* Excuse me. It’s hard to find good help these days. *Walks over to the henchmen laughing. As he laughs back I stab him in the neck with a pen and watch as he wriggles around spurting blood onto my shirt and pants. I walk back in removing my shirt.* Sorry about that little… interruption. Now where we’re we?
👑 *I nod, mouth hanging open.* Mr. J it is then. *I swallow hard as you growl at the passing henchman. Hoping he’s not the one to blame for me wandering into your private room.* I’m not actually interrupting anything am I?? *I back up til the bar hits my back.*
🃏 Ohhhhhhhh no no no not at all! *I start wringing my shirt out over the sink.* This is going to stain! *Growls* So… Miss Alice. *Removes pants and shoes and walks to a skinny closet removing another shirt and pants.* Tell me a little bit about yourself.
👑 Oh Mr. J you need to get those clothes into cold water if you want any chance of getting those stains out! Me? Hmm what’s there to really say? *Tries desperately not to stare as you undress infront of me.* There isn’t much of any interest about me, especially compared to someone like yourself.
🃏 I find that hard to believe. *Stares at you.* Do you happen to be good with getting stains out? I must say that I try to be careful but sometimes…
👑 Well I’m honestly a bit of a home body. I love to read. I’m good with my hands. *I step up to the sink next to you.* And yeah, you need to soak those is cold water and wash them immediately or they’ll be ruined!
🃏 *Watches you as you approach the sink. My hands start to tremble as the water turns on and you submerge the clothes underneath.* Good with your hands? Please…elaborate.
👑 *I let out an honest laugh.* Well I like to make things. I enjoying cooking, fixing things. I have an eye for detail. Ofcourse there is a whole other list of things I enjoy doing with my hands, but I don’t know if I should be so bold? Atleast not just yet. *I smile up at you.* Have any kind of soap back here?? You need to treat these stains fast or they’ll set.
🃏 *My mind is spinning, you may prove useful if I can trust you. I have been needing a woman’s touch around here although I will never admit it. I have been eating take out every day for the past month. I have been throwing clothing away and holding houses of couture hostage for replacements. Now if you could do laundry that would save me having to hold designers at gunpoint* I think we have something. *Sets dish soap in front of you.* How’s that? *Leans in to watch you work.*
👑 Hmm it’ll have to work.. *I squeeze the soap onto as many of the stains as I can, working it into a good lather.* Alright, you need to let this sit for a little while then it must be washed right away. I still can’t promise the stains will come all the way out. *I can feel you leaning over my shoulder, it makes me break out in goosebumps having you so very close.*
🃏 Are you cold? *I lean in closer* You have goosebumps. *I trail my finger over your arm and smile.*
👑 No.. not at all. I’m actually rather warm. *I can feel the blush creep up my neck. Just feeling your fingers trail over my skin is burning me up.*
🃏 *I turn my head into you slightly as I notice you flush. I can see that I’m having an affect on you and it makes me snarl. I’m like a tiger with prey in my sight.*
👑 *Hearing you snarl behind me is almost more than I can handle. I feel my knees buckle and I push away from the sink to give myself a moment to breathe. I’m practically panting as I try to avoid your piercing gaze.*
🃏 Say! Since you waltzed in here like a curious kitten. How would you like to stay a while? I need someone who can prove useful to me and I don’t know why, but I like you. *Points a finger shaking it like mad and laughing. My laugh becomes a devious cackle.*
👑 *The shock must be written on my face.* You want me? To stay? Mr. J, I don’t know what to say!! *A huge grin spreads across my face, my eyes alight.*
🃏 Well… don’t just stand there woman. *Growls* Make yourself useful. *Turns back and grins.*
👑 *I jump at your command* Umm what would you like me to do sir? I’m afraid I don’t really know my way around here too well. Would you give me a tour? *I put on the puppy eyes for you, hoping it will illicit another touch from you. I’m hopeful but I don’t want to press my luck.*
🃏 *Looks at watch and then back at you.* I’m a bit short on time doll. This will have to be quick. *Grabs your wrist and pulls you into the club.* This is The Grin & Bare It, pretty self explanatory no? *Squeezes your hand a little.*
👑 *Nods, taking in all the lights and sounds. I squeeze your hand back on reflex.*
🃏 *Pulls you roughly into the back office.* This is my office. *I lean on a large heavy wooden desk.* I come here to get a full view of the club. *Points to surveillance cameras.*
👑 *You practically drag me back through the door. I step around the desk to stand next to you, the cameras are all busy with movement.* Wow, that’s a lot of people… how do you manage this whole thing? You don’t do it alone, do you?? *I lean into one of the monitors, transfixed by the dancers swaying to the music.*
🃏 *I decide I’ve got a little more time when you show interest in the operations. My ego is swelling again as you mention the management of the club and the implication that it’s difficult.* You know it’s something I just take pride in. *Leans in to look with you making an insane face.* It’s quite the operation, but I believe that good employees should be rewarded, and I get rid of my bottom 10% monthly. I make sure they get a nice… “severance package” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
👑 So, was Mr. Bloodstain in the bottom 10% this month??
🃏 Precisely - you catch on quick Alice! *Grins and points to dancer in a cage* See that? They are a handful, always getting greedy, always developing…. problematic inclinations. But they are a necessary element. They entertain the sort of characters this club attracts. Thoughts?
👑 *I eye the dancers up, I feel a pang of something in my gut. Not jealous, but envy maybe that they are able to catch your eye. Even if it’s fleeting and problematic.* They seem very popular. Definetly a nessacary evil I suppose. So Mr. J when you asked me to stay, did you mean here exclusively? And how much time do you spend on the premises?
🃏 *Stares at you intensely.* Well I don’t want to… hold you against your will. I’d like it if you became key staff, with me. Of course I understand if that doesn’t work for you.
👑 Oh no! You misunderstand me! I want to stay! I was just curious.. *I turn away, knowing I’m turning red again.* I guess I was just wondering how much time I might get to spend well, with you?
🃏 You want to spend time with me? *Grins* Well. That. Is. A. First!
👑 Well silly, you are whole reason I snuck myself back to your private bar. *I catch myself from rolling my eyes at you.*
🃏 Did you just call me… silly??
👑 Just with all those pretty girls out there, I didn’t think you’d want to spend any time with me.
🃏 *Smiles* Well… No one out there has taken blood stains out of my shirt before.
👑 *I blink a few times* Ye-yes Sir I did..
🃏 You are lucky you are so beautiful… you should see that last guy who called me silly. *Cackles and pulls out a switchblade.*
👑 I hope I’m not overstepping any lines with you Mr. J.. *I lean up onto my tiptoes.* But I find you to be incredibly beautiful.. *I give you a small kiss on the cheek.* ..in a very powerful, masculine, dangerous way of course! *I give you a wink.*
🃏 *A fire burns inside me when you kiss my cheek. It’s so hot that I roll my neck back and purr. I grab your hand and pull you to the stairs and down to the garage.*
👑 *As you drag me behind you I blurt out.* Oh god.. I’m so so sorry.. I shouldn’t have done that…
🃏 *Drags you without saying anything, walking with purpose.*
👑 *I almost try to pull away, but you turn and the look in your eyes makes me have to catch my breath, it’s feral and dangerous.*
🃏 This is my car. *Points to purple lamborghi.* Get in. *Still staring at you with my chest heaving.* Don’t make me say it twice.
👑 *I hastily climb into the passenger side and sit. I nervously buckle myself in, still so unsure of your intentions.*
🃏 *I lean over your body and check to make sure you buckled yourself in correctly and then stop to hover over you with my lips inches from yours.*
👑 *I can’t even think straight with your mouth so very close to mine, the urge to lean forward and really kiss you is so strong.*
🃏 *I pull the lap belt tight and grin.* Can’t have you falling out. *And with that I peel out.* We are headed to my humble abode so I can complete the tour you so graciously asked for.
👑 *I giggle* Well aren’t you the full service type! I like that in a man.
🃏 I think we are going to get along Alice…*Looks you up and down as I park then opens your door.*
👑 Oh I sure hope so Mr. J. *I met your hungry stare, positive that you’re seeing the same look on my face.*
🃏 *Takes your hand.*
👑 Such a gentleman..
🃏 *Smirks* Welcome to the hideout!! *Massive mansion.* I trust you have discretion?
👑 Oh of course Sir. For my eyes and ears only!
🃏 Mmmm…. indeed *I pull you up the stairs, walk in and drop my blazer onto a chaise lounge.* Are you hungry? Thirsty?
👑 You seem so very eager to get me alone Mr J. *I follow behind you as quickly as I can, trying not to trip up the large staircase.*
🃏 *Snaps at you.* What are you saying? That I’m a common pervert?
👑 Oh never! *I step very close, looking up at you.* There is nothing common about you.. *I reach out and put a shaking hand on your chest.* And I don’t believe you want me to answer that question sir. What I hunger for may shock you.
🃏 You are quite the flirt my sweet. *Clutches your hand.*
👑 Oh you have no idea my dear.. *I raise our clasped hands and place a kiss on your ring.* So you going to show me more of this extravagant home of yours??
🃏 *Hands shaking as you kiss my ring. I want to devour you.* What would you like to see first doll?
👑 You alright Mr J?? You’re shaking a bit..
🃏 How about the living room?
👑 *I think for a moment.* Honestly? The kitchen! I live for those huge old fashion kitchens. I bet yours has every bell and whistle available!
🃏 *Thinks ‘holy shit I hit the jackpot’ and gets excited. I practically carry you into the kitchen.* I haven’t spent any time in here but I think you might like it? *It has every appliance you can think of. I open the fridge and pull out a pie.*
👑 *I’m practically drooling.. it’s honestly embarrassing.* Do you have a butler’s pantry?? *I’m way to excited.*
🃏 Want a piece? Sure - it’s over there. *Points*
👑 Mm what kind is it??
🃏 Blueberry.
👑 *I’m barely paying you any mind as I enter the pantry.* I could do so much with a kitchen like this. I swear it’s bigger than my first apartment!
🃏 *Has a bit of blueberry on my lip.* Great - consider this part of your domain. Don’t burn anything, I hate the smell of burnt anything. *Makes a sour face.*
👑 *I peek my head back out of the doorway* Blueberry? That sounds delicious! Oh.. Sir you seem to have a bit on your lip. *I run my thumb over your bottom lip before licking it clean.* Yup. Definetly delicious.
🃏 *Flinches at first when you touch my lip.* Let me have another taste. *Grabs your thumb and sucks on it.* That is quite good. Think you might like to bake in here?
👑 *I can barely surpress the moan that threatens to escape my throat* What..? *My brain went foggy feeling your lips on my thumb.* Oh yes baking! Absolutely! I could do so much with this kitchen!
🃏 Here… *Hands you a frilly apron.* You should wear this when you are in here. It’s for show. I don’t cook! *Laughs* Except barbecue, that I can do. *Winks*
👑 Heh! For you? Sure I’ll wear it! *I mumble.* ..and I’d very much like to kiss the cook…
🃏 What was that doll?
👑 Huh? Oh nothing.. *I shake my head* How about the slice of pie? I am pretty hungry.
🃏 *Cuts you a slice and passes it to you, then watches as you eat it.*
👑 Hmm Mr. J… Where do you keep your forks? Hah I don’t want to make a mess, you know blueberries stain just as bad as blood!
🃏 You can make a mess if you want. *Grins* They are over there. *Points to drawer.* Wait don’t open that one. The other one.
👑 Oh really? *I drag my finger through the dark purple filling.*Whose gonna clean up that mess? Huh? *I lick my finger clean, then grab two forks from the drawer* You gonna help me eat this?
🃏 *Grabs a fork and eats right out of the middle. I grab you suddenly and then put you up on the counter. I grab pie and smear it on your shirt.* You should take that off before it stains. *Stares at you.*
👑 *I stare at you, dumbfounded.* Well fair is fair.. I’d hate to see you ruin two shirts tonight. But oh well! *Grabs a handful of pie and swears it across your jaw and down your chest.* Looks like you have to take off yours too! *Pulls my top off revealing a dark purple lace bra.* Your move clown..
🃏 Careful Alice. *Looks down at your bra.* That is my absolute favorite color.
👑 Careful what sir? *I use my discarded shirt to wipe a bit of pie off your nose.*
🃏 Careful calling me names. You can call me Mr. J or something more comfortable once I get to know you better. *Takes off shirt letting it drop to the floor.*
👑 I’m sorry Mr. J. It won’t happen again. *I stare unashamedly at your exposed chest.*
🃏 See something of interest?
👑 Hmm yes sir. You. You look good enough to eat. *I bite my bottom lip as I look down your pale muscular body.*
🃏 *I pull your hand to my body and exhale.* So eat if you’re hungry. *Smirks and starts biting the pad of flesh between your wrist and thumb.*
👑 *I use my other hand to pull you closer to me, your body is flush with the counter between my open thighs.* Sir!! That tickles!! *I try to pull my wrist away, but you’ve got me in a death grip.*
🃏 *I dip down and start nibbling your neck.*
👑 Oh god.. *I wrap my hand in your hair and pull you back til we are face to face agian. Panting, I whisper* Mr. J… please, please kiss me…
🃏 *I chuckle.* So very eager Alice, yet so very very polite.
👑 Oh you have no idea…
🃏 *Grabs you by the back of the neck and kisses you.*
👑 *I melt into your kiss, my body feels like jello as your lips move against mine.*
🃏 *I pull back and put my finger under your chin. I kiss the side of your face and your chin.*
👑 *I’m gasping for air as your lips gently brush my skin.* Oh.. oh Mr. J…
🃏 Take a deep breath Alice. *Chuckles*
👑 *I let out a slow exhale and laugh.* Sorry.. I just can’t help it. You do something to me, I can’t think straight when you’re this close to me.
🃏 *Pours you a glass of water.* Drink.
👑 *Takes a small sip.* Thank you. Again, I’m sorry. I just got a little over excited.
🃏 So…. Tell me, did you put that bra on just for me? *Snaps your bra strap.*
👑 That is a very likely possibility. *I jump as you snap my strap.* And you know Mr. J.. this bra is part of a matching set.
🃏 Show me, I want to see those pretty little purple panties.
👑 Oh my Sir.. that is a bold request. *I push you back slightly and hop down from the counter.* You want me to put on a little show for you?
🃏 *Pulls a chair up sitting in it backwards.* Do it *Heavy breathing*
👑 *I take a deep breath.* What have I gotten myself into.. *I mutter mostly to myself. I run my hands down my chest, pausing to brush my finger tips over my hard nipples, the purple lace not leaving much to the imagination. I slowly pop the button on my tight black jeans, with shaky hands I lower the zipper.* Tell me what you want to see Mr. J.. I need to hear you say it.
🃏 *I growl as I watch you touch yourself.* Put on a show for Daddy J. Let’s see those panties.
👑 *I lean forward, resting my arms on the top of the chair your sitting on, I’m almost nose to nose with you.* You wanna be my Daddy, Mr. J?? *I kiss the tip of your nose.*
🃏 *I use my cane to hold you in place* Little fucking tease… *I’m hard now as you hover over me.* I think you need a daddy, don’t you?
👑 *I pull away and stand back up.* Only if you promise to be my Daddy. I wouldn’t want anyone else. *With very calculated moves I inch the tight jeans down my hips, once they are to about my knees I turn away from you and bend over at the waist. I make sure to give you a nice view of my lace clad behind. I wiggle my hips as I stand back up, kicking the jeans off my feet.* Well now what Mr. J?? You seem to have me at a disadvantage in the clothing department.
🃏 *I stand up and make an effort to look at every single inch of you.* Since you asked so nicely. *Removes pants, socks and shoes throwing them over my shoulder as I stare at you. I’m standing in my emerald green silk Gucci boxers.* Miss Malice… it’s so nice to finally meet you.
👑 Mmm well aren’t we quite the matching set? I’d have guessed that was your favorite color.
🃏 *I’m all over you in an instant inhaling the scent of your hair and skin.*
👑 *I wrap my arms around your slender waist.* Oh god.. you feel so good against my body…
🃏 *I start sucking on your neck softly.*
👑 *My nails dig into the flesh on your hips.* Oh fuck Mr. J.. please.. I need you. *I moan openly as your mouth goes to work at my neck.*
🃏 *I suddenly pull back away from you.* I want to know how many times you have thought about this very moment. With my mouth on you, my body pressed up against you, in your pretty bra and panties *I snarl and grab my erection.* How many times did you touch yourself thinking about it?
👑 I’m almost embarrassed to answer that.. *I giggle at the thought.* I’ve thought about your body on mine for so very long. I’ve even dreamt about it. *I run my fingertips along the edge of my panties.* You like the idea of me touching myself while I think about you??
🃏 *I grab a pair of kitchen sheers and walk toward you. I press my cock onto you looking down as it touches the crotch of your panties and then I look up at you and snip both sides of the panties salivating as they fall away from you.* It’s my favorite idea right now.
👑 *I reach forward and run my hand ever so slightly over the obvious bulge in your boxers.* May I touch you sir?
🃏 *I purr and push forward.* Yes you may. Yes you fucking may.
👑 *I run my palm over your hard cock.* I’ve thought about touching you like this so many times Mr. J But it’s so much better than I could have ever imagined. *With my free hand I run a finger along my wet needy pussy, when I pull my hand up between us it glistens in the light with my juices.* If you would care for a taste sir, *I lean in so very close to your ear.* ..then I suggest you show me some more of this beautiful home of yours. Preferably a room with a bed.
🃏 Teasing me again Alice? *I pull your hand towards my mouth and pop your fingers into my mouth* Mmmmm…. My little baker dangling the icing in front of me? *Scoops you up over my shoulder abruptly and carries you up a long spiral staircase up to the master bedroom.*
👑 Oh Mr. J.. I live to tease you. *As you carry me up the stairs I take the opportunity to get an eye full of your tight muscled ass as I hang upside-down over your shoulder.*
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awigglycultist · 4 years
School stories
(because school starts in a week for me)
- there's this girl at my school that everyone hates because: she faked her death, smoked on the bus (even the kids who vape and smoke agree the she shouldn't be doing that on bus) and she faked being a being pregnant and having a miscarriage
- there have been many, many fights at my school
- in elementary a kid threaten to stab another kid, they had a knife with them
- the year before I went into 6th grade a teacher went to jail because she was fucking a student
- me and my friend were walking into to class and she said that made me say "Jesus Christ!" and the substitute sitting silently in the corner (I should mention no one likes this sub) suddenly piped up and said "don't use God's name in vain!!"
- in between periods a kid yelled "if you hate school clap yoir hands" everyone immediately dropped their stuff and clapped their hands, including teachers
- a kid went missing in a field trip, he's back now tho
- 2 minutes before school ended a kid accidentally hit the fire alarm and everyone had to go out into the hail and rain, when the school finally let us back inside to the gave the kids that ride bus only 5 minutes to run from the bus lot, to their lockers to get all their stuff, and back to the bus lot
- one time a kid asked a teacher for pencil and when the teacher said no he had a mental break down and ran out of class yelling and called the teacher a bitch
- at my cousins school someone wrote a fanfic about the music teacher (physically not online) and he found it
- at my other cousins school a girl got pregnant and murdered her child when it was born, people believe that her parents had apart into forcing her to kill the baby, this story has become fairly well-known
- once to kids raised their hands at the same time to ask to go to the bathroom, the teacher didn't want them to go at the same time so she only let one go and she's letthe other one go when he can back. We'll the kid that didn't get go first got pissed about this, started complaining and whining about needing to go to the bathroom (at some point I hear mumble "I need to shiiiit!") the under student told him he could go ahead and use the bathroom first cuz it's not that big of a deal, the kid didn't return until the end class
- my school doesn't do shit about kids that vape
- my 8th grade science teacher who's first year it was teaching 8th grade we convinced to get a turtle and name it Chad even tho he swore to his high school students he'd never get a pet
Here some storied from that teacher
he'll never teach elementary agian because he subbed for 2nd grade once and it was the experience ever. He forgot that 7 yrs old can't tie their shoes and got annoyed that a kid asked for help tieing their shoe, several other things happened and at the end of the day he sat in his car for 10 minutes doing nothing because he was stressed out
When he got Chad he thought Chad died because he sank to the bottom of the tank and when he picked him up to put him at the top Chad simply sunk to the bottom of the tank again
When taught at the high school he had a spoiled bottle of milk in his mini fridge in his classroom (for an experiment or something?) he told his students to never touch it and definitely not to open (even the smell could make you sick) he left and came back into the classroom to find a girl had drank the milk and was ofc very sick now
- one of my teachers from last year also has a crazy story from when she was substitute (at a completely different school than mine): there was a kid who whenevee he decided he was done with class, would get up, start paying a song (I think Rap City or something like that) from his phone and would walk out. He once set a trashcan on fire, and the school, instead of making him not be allowed to go outside of class, the hired and old lady to follow him around all day
This teacher also subbed for the special Ed class alot on which: a student cussed her out the best a student ever has and ever will. There was also a set of twins who would make out sometimes. Now here's where the story gets really crazy-
She once was supposed to sub for the gym class but then she had to also sub for the special Ed class last minute, so the special students were in gym class all day. Well at some point one of the twins got one of the basketballs and carried it around all day and wouldn't let go of it. The in came the kid that set the trashcan on fire class, he decided to take the basketball away from the twin, the twin went into the gym supply closet, took a baseball bat and tried to him the other kid with it. My teacher blacked out and when she came back she had the baseball bat, she has absolutely no idea what happened.
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legitlaur · 5 years
10 Seconds of Courage
pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: just fluff
summary: your best friend is Spiderman but you don’t know the boy under the mask. He helps you ask a boy out.
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Is it possible to be best friends with someone who hides their face under a mask? The answer is a simple yes.
You lucked out in the friend department and somehow ended up in the right place at the right time.
Spiderman was swinging through Queens the same night you were having a dance party with yourself on the roof of your apartment complex. He thought you were dying, so he claimed. When he realized it was really just bad dancing he joined you. He asked if this was your apartment complex and you told him yes. Almost every night when he is done with patrol he visits you. Somehow the teenage boy behind the red mask became your best friend.
“You’re finally gonna talk to him?”
You swallowed your half of the sandwich, “I have to, this has taken over my life. I need to talk to Alex.”
You ripped your sandwich in half, “Here,” your masked friend took the half and lifted up his mask until his nose, “You’ve seen pictures of Alex, and you know what I look like. Do you think I stand a chance?”
“Of course you have a chance, if Alex doesn’t hear your laugh and smile, or see your big y/c/e eyes and want to give you a hug he’s crazy.” His voice trailed off as he nibbled the sandwich.
“That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thanks,” You wrapped your arms around the mystery boy.
“Spidey! Great news, I talked to him. He was so nice, and guess what?” you were shouting as Spiderman swung onto your fire escape.
“Alex already knew who I was, then later that day in the hall he said ‘Hey y/n.’ He said my name,” you grabbed the arms of your friend covered in spandex, “He said my name.”
“Woah,” Spider Man's stance stiffened, “You gotta stop shaking me,” you dropped his arms, “I told you. There was nothing to worry about.”
You nodded, “Now I just need him to ask me out on a date, leaning against the brick wall your head dropped. Eyes staring at your feet you frowned.
“What's wrong?”
Pulling your hair into a bun you cleared your throat, “Alex McLain will never ask me out on a date.”
Even though he was wearing a mask you knew what your friends' expression was. He was annoyed at you.
“What?” you shrugged.
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” He suggested.
Mortified you laughed, “I thought you said you were top of your class.”
Nodding the masked boy looked confused, “I am top of my class.” You smacked his head, “Then why are you thinking like an idiot.”
“First of all,” he lifted his pointer finger in the air, “Ouch, and second, this is a time where women can ask men out without consequences. You’ve gotta take advantage of that y/n.”
“I guess you are smart. How do I, what would we do on a date?” You ran your hands through the loosening bun.
Lifting his mask until his nose he answered, “Dinner, movie, kiss.”
You fell back onto your outdoor couch, “If only it was that simple.”
“It is y/n. You just have to ask him.”
You felt his body inch close to you on the couch. You sat up meeting his masked eyes, “That's easy for you to say. Your Spiderman. No one would reject you.”
His voice went quiet, “It’s not easy being a teenager in Queens, especially when you’re Spider-man. There’s hardly any time for relationships.”
You completely forgot his story about Liz and Homecoming, “I’m sorry. That was mean, I didn’t mean it.”
He shrugged, “Don’t worry about it. I know you’re just nervous,” he looked out onto the dazzling skyline, “You seriously should ask him out though. He’d be insane to say no.”
You nodded, wrapping your blanket up tighter, “We’ll see.”
“What’s the worst that can happen? He’ll say no. You will find someone else who knows who amazing you are.” Spider-Man explained.
“Like I said,” You looked straight into his mask, “We’ll see.”
“It’s getting late, I better go.” Shooting a web he waved as he swung into the glimmering night.
You knew how proud Spider-man would be if you asked Alex out. It was just a matter of courage. Something he said to you once, it lingered in the back of your mind.
“All you need is 10 seconds of courage to change your life.”
You mumbled that to yourself, took a deep breath and walked up to Alex.
You were counting the seconds in your head. One, “Hey Alex.” Two, “Hey y/n.” Three, “Would you maybe want to go out on a date?” Four, five, six, seven, “Sure, when and where?” Eight, “Friday, we could get food and catch a movie,” Nine, “Sounds fun.” Ten. “Bye.”
You stood frozen in your school hallway. You were amazed, that 10 seconds of courage thing was pretty good advice. The tardy bell brought you back to reality.
That night you sat on your fire escape anxiously waiting. Your mysterious friend was going to be so happy. You could already imagine his arms picking you up, swinging you around, telling you how he knew Alex wouldn’t be able to resist you.
When he saw you and the huge grin on your face, he knew.
“He said yes.” You blurted, not able to contain your excitement any longer.
He picked you up with his strong arms and embraced you, “I knew he would.” After spinning you around like you knew he would, both of you dropped to the couch, “You’ve gotta tell me everything. I can’t believe you actually did it.”
You stared at your friend in amazement, “I did it because of you. You gave me some advice, ‘all you need is 10 seconds of courage to change your life.’”
His eyes widened, “You used the advice I gave you?” His voice sounded so touched, “I told you I’ve never led you astray. So what are you going to wear?”
You shrugged, “Wanna help me pick something out?”
He nodded, you opened your window, “Don’t worry my mom takes Ambien and my dads out of town on business.”
Both of you slid into your bedroom. Spidey stood frozen once his feet touched your brown carpet, “I, I’ve never been in a girls room.”
You grabbed him and pulled him onto your bed, “Well now you have, now please help me.” you whined.
He laughed, “Ok, you gotta change in your closet though, I’m not taking off my mask to proof my eyes are closed.”
You frowned, “Why can’t I just know. I wouldn’t tell anyone, we’ve been friends for months and I don’t even know what you look like. Heck, I don’t even know your name, can I at least know your name?”
He was already standing up, “We’ve talked about this before, it's too dangerous. You could get hurt if you knew who I really was.” he dropped his gaze to the ground, “You wouldn’t even be my friend if you knew who I was.”
You threw your arms around him, “Don’t ever say that. You’re my best friend, I just wish I could text you when I had something to tell you. I wish we could go out in public together. I want to introduce you to so many people. Do you know how hard it is, being best friends with someone who hides their face under a mask?”
His gloved hand was running through your hair, “I know it's hard for you, but it's also hard for me. I always want to talk about the amazing girl I met, who somehow became my best friend.” He lifted your head so you were staring into those familiar masked eyes, “It’s for the best. I promise. Okay?”  
Even though you disagreed you nodded, “Okay.”
He let go of you and ran to your closet, “Now let's find you something spicy for your spicy hot date.”
You covered your red face with your hands, “You’re so embarrassing.”
He threw a dress onto your bed, “Wear this one.”
You lifted the blue t-shirt dress from the bed, “Why this one?”
He didn’t answer.
You asked again, “Why this one?”
“It’s what you were wearing when we first met, you looked really pretty that night.” he shrugged.
You couldn’t believe he remembered that much or the fact that Spiderman had just called you pretty. You held the dress close to you as you slid into your closet to change.
“Ready?” You cracked the door open.
“Let's see it.”
You spun around your room, then like a dramatic runway model posed. “I forgot how much I love this dress,” Spiderman was sitting on your bed staring, “Thank you.”
Friday night you were a basketcase, you’d only had nerves like this once before. The second night you saw Spiderman. You put on the blue t-shirt dress as the finishing touch, a very casual look. You were meeting him at the movies at 7:00 for the movie that started at 7:15. You knew you’d end up paying because you were the one to ask Alex out. So you bought 2 tickets, your hands were so sweaty that the tickets were deforming.
Your phone read 7:10, you send him a text about where you were. He was probably just confused, you assured yourself. Your legs were shaking as you sat down on the leather couches in the lobby.
It was 7:45 and you were walking home in tears. Alex never showed, never even texted. You knew it was too good to be true, a cute boy at school actually saying yes to go on a date with you. You’d never had that kind of luck. Thankfully your parents were out on a date when you got home, you didn’t want anyone seeing you like that. You laid on your fire escape couch, the tears didn’t stop.
“y/n what happened,” before you turned to acknowledge your masked friend he had picked you up and embraced you in a hug.
You kept your face in his chest, “Alex, he. Alex stood me up.” More tears came, “I waited at the theater for 45 minutes. I even bought the tickets already.”
“Oh no, this is my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed you to ask him out, I should've realized what a douche he is. y/n I’m so sorry.” He squeezed you tighter.
“You don’t need to apologize. It's my fault, I should have known this would happen. No one likes me, I mean how could they. I’m not beautiful, or funny, or smart. Not to mention socially awkward. I’m not worth anyone's time.”
“y/n don’t ever lie to yourself agian. Why would ever say that? You are beautiful, and your jokes are bad, but they always make me laugh. You’re worth my time, I like you y/n.” He paused and lifted your head so you were looking at him, “I like you a lot.” He grabbed his mask and threw it off.
You were now staring at a very attractive curly hair, brown-eyed teenage boy. Your best friend finally had a face.
“Woah, you’re cute.” you blushed.
He laughed, you watched as he grinned, and the way his eyes moved. You couldn’t stop staring at him.
“My names Peter, by the way, Peter Parker.” He adjusted himself on the couch so he could stare right back into your eyes.
“I like you too Peter.”
The two of you cuddled on your couch until the night became too cold. “Want to come over to my apartment? I’ve been dying for you to meet my aunt.” Peter asked.
“Really?” You squealed.
“It was so nice meeting you y/n. Peter always talks so highly of you.” Peter's aunt May exclaimed.
You smiled, “It was nice meeting you too.”
“Well I’m going out with some friends, call if you need anything.” May rushed out the door.
Peter led you to his room, you sat on his bed thinking about what he said to you earlier that week. “I’ve never been in a boys room.”
Peter laughed, “Well now you have. I’m gonna change, this suit it’s great to just hang out in.”
You nodded, “Wanna watch a movie?”
“Yeah, you can pick something out on my laptop. I’m changing now, so you know. Turn around.” Peter looked so flustered.
You laughed, “Oh ya. Sorry.” you turned around, just listening to him struggle with his suit.
“Got it.”
You spun around, he was standing there in his underwear. You couldn’t help but stare at his sculpted torso. “y/n!”
“You said got it! I thought you were done.” You threw your hands in the air.
“Well you’ve already seen everything so it’s fine.” he threw a blue t-shirt on and some grey sweatpants. “Did you pick a movie?”
“Umm, no. I was watching you.” You gulped.
Jumping on the bed, he wrapped his arms around you. “You can always watch me. Not in a creepy way though, because that's weird.”
You embraced him, “It’s not creepy. Now, let's watch a movie.”
He kissed your forehead and pulled his laptop closer. You snuggled up next to him. “This is nice, being able to touch your skin. You, Peter, not Spiderman.”
He took 10 seconds of courage and leaned in, you reciprocated. The kiss was short and sweet, but it was everything you’d ever dreamt.
a/n: felt like doing some Peter Parker Fluff today
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the-faultofdaedalus · 5 years
okay but steve finds out that fury is basically tony’s second (and somehow better at parenting) dad and asks nick for permission to date tony.
fury IS tony’s second dad, but we’re counting edwin jarvis as the first and howard stark as none. good. got that cleared up.
maybe it’s bc tony dumps a bunch of old photo albums w/ steve because peggy and howard and steve cries, a little, over peggy, gladness that she got to be happy, genuinely happy, sadness at the fact that he didn’t get to be a part of her life (even as a friend, because he sees how she looks at sousa in the photograph and wouldn’t try to tear them apart for anything) and disappointment at the fact that he never got to meet Daniel Sousa or Angie Martinelli. 
and then the picture start to include a baby tony, with a head full of curls and bright brown eyes, mostly pictures of peggy with him, or a redheaded woman steve assumes must be ana jarvis, a slightly greying man who must be edwin jarvis. 
he watches his friends, old and new, get older through the medium of carefully collected photographs, most of them carefully planned and timed and shot, but getting more and more candid as the technology starts to allow it. 
and then
and then
Steve has to do a double-take when he sees a different man holding Tony, because that face is familiar and where does he know it from--
That is nicolas goddamn fury, holding a 5-year-old tony stark in the air while peggy, with greying hair and wrinkles, watches fondly. 
Fury isn’t wearing an eyepatch and that is the least strange thing about this picture. 
Steve.... continues through the picture, mostly convinced that it was some sort of fluke, that it was.... babysitting duty, a one-off, because both peggy and howard were working with shield at that point.
It’s not a one-off. there’s more pictures. a LOT more pictures, of the current director of SHIELD playing with tony. it’s strangely adorable. 
There’s one photo where tony’s wearing about 7 decorated cardboard boxes and looks like a robot, and fury’s dressed as a pirate. 
Steve asks JARVIS to save that picture. He’s sure there’s a press picture somewhere of tony, in the armour, standing next to fury in all his black leather glory. He thinks the comparison would be humorous. 
Still, there’s something... melencholy, about all the pictures with tony. Yes, he’s a bright spark whenever he’s pictured with peggy or the jarvises or even fury, but the pictures of him with howard are rare. Rare, and always posed, not a smile in sight. 
The ones with the brunette woman who must be tony’s mother are someow even sadder. Tony smiles, in them, but something in maria’s eyes are empty. 
Steve jumps through time, as the jarvises get older, as they stop being able to pick tony up, as peggy gets greyer and greyer and starts showing up in pictures in hospital rooms. 
He sees when Ana stops being in the pictures. He sees when Jarvis stops being in them. He sees when the handwriting detailing the date and subjects becomes Tony’s straight-edged scrawl instead of peggy’s loopy, delicate cursive. 
And he sees Fury stay. He sees Nicolas Fury, the director of SHIELD, who Steve didn’t even think Tony liked, become a constant in these photos, alongside another boy who must be Rhodey. 
It doesn’t... fit. Not with how he sees Fury and Tony interact with eachother, not with what he knows of their working relationship, not with the barely-concealed jibes and threats they toss back and forth like a beach-ball. 
At least...
It shoudn’t. But it does, somehow, strangely. 
It’s like something’s realigned itself in his head, and instead of dislike or outright hostility, he sees two people trying very hard to keep one hell of a secret. 
And he keeps seeing it, even after he’s put down the photos, in meetings where fury and tony are both present he sees the inside jokes snuck in under layers and layers of misdirection, and when he doesn’t leave the room right away he hears Tony’s voice relax once he thinks everyone else is gone. 
He sees more and more and more of the lonely little boy in Tony Stark, he sees the little hidden smiles and the pain behind the teeth in his grin and he sees the thing he’s not supposed to -- the fondness in his gaze when he looks at Steve. 
He sees too much and he doesn’t even know if he wants to put the lid back on the pandora’s box and... 
He starts to come up with a plan. He knows it’s old-fashioned and he knows that fury is most likely going to laugh at him, he knows that tony is most likely going to laugh at him, but...
Steve wants to do this right. 
So, he stays, after a debrief, waits till the room is clear and clears his throat to get Fury’s attention. 
Fury gives him a look, one full of careful evaluation, and Steve remembers the picture of Tony, 6 years old, in a tiny, clearly handmade version of his suit, and thinks that maybe Fury’s been waiting for him to drop the ball for a long, long time. 
“Sir,” He says, because even though he’s seen Fury dressed in the ill-fitting suits all junior agents are forced to wear and playing dress-up with a child, he knows that fury would have no qualms about shooting him somewhere non-lethal. 
“Rogers,” Fury says back, and straightens his files, finally looking Steve in the eye. “What the fuck do you want?”
“Tony gave me some photo-albums, a while back,” Steve starts, because there’s no backing out now, “I... don’t think he expected me to look as far as I did.” 
Fury raises one eyebrow. To his credit, he doesn’t look like he knows what Steve’s referring to. 
“And... I saw you, in the pictures,” Steve continues, “With him when he was a kid, and--”
“And you want to know if Stark doctored them to mess with you?” Fury says dryly. 
Steve shakes his head. “I know he didn’t,” He continues, sees Fury’s eyes go hard, “I... wanted to ask for permission. To date Tony. I wanted--”
“And you came to me because the rest of his family is dead and you think I’m the closest person left who could give him away?” Fury says, voice deadly calm, “I don’t know what things were like in the 40′s, but--”
“No, no, no,” Steve says, “Not, not like that. You... care about him. More than you let on, to anyone, and... I want to do this properly, because he deserves someone doing this properly, for him. That’s all.”
Fury just narrows his eye at Steve, and then... 
He nods, and there’s a ghost of a smile at the corner of his mouth. “I assume it doesn’t need to be said that if you break his heart, no one will ever hear from you agian.” 
“No,” Steve says, “no that doesn’t need to be said. Please don’t say it.” 
Fury huffs out a laugh. “Well,” He says, and then, “Good luck. I think you’re gonna do just fine.”
Steve goes home that night feeling lighter, and exited, and already planning so, so many things.
He only hopes that Fury didn’t say anything to Tony about this.
At least, not yet.
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sockpansy · 5 years
Why are you guys sleeping on Cinderella?
Alright, so a few days ago, i watched all 3 Cinderella movies and just...
This girl
Is amazing!
In her first movie, she has to do all the chore and be a maid to her stepfamily, but she still works hard, but she doesnt take everything so easily. This girl has attitude every small chance she gets! She axts nice when she is getting in trouble for something that isnt her fault, but she still triws to defend herself. Even thoughout the movie she tries to speak for herself and has snide comments when she can.
Dispite the hatred of her stepfamily, she is still kind to others! She even manages to convince her stepmother to let her keep a dog, so long as he doesnt cause trouble. She dresses, saves, and feeds the mice, just because she can. She is always looking out for others, even if it ia a small thing. And all her help got her repaid when the mice made her dress for her, although they did (technically) steal- causing the dresses destruction.
She wasnt after the prince actually. It seemed that the prince was far from her mind. She just wanted a magical night of fun, to go to the ball, and she worked so hard to get all her chores done so that she could...she aaid she wouldn't go when her dress wasnt finished, but quickly ran down in the new dress the mice made in excitement.
Then it gets ruins, and she runs iut to the garden. Cinderella had put so much effort into just having one fun night....so much work just to have it ripped from her last minute. It is perfectly understandable that she would break down crying after all that. Then fair godmother shows up, and cinderella doesnt stop thanking her.
Plus! She didnt know it was the prince she met st the ball. Althought we dont know whag they talked about, it is shown thst cinderella and prince charming spent all night together - and she disnt even know he was the prince! She says it when she runs away.
Then the rest of the story unfolds. The prince has the grand duke search for her, she geta locked in her room, the mice come to her rescue, and after the glass slipper breaks, she shows thst she has the other slipper, and gets to marry the prince.
In the first movie, she was her own person, who wantwd a night to have fun, and got a lifetime of happiness after all her hard work, and help from others when it was needed!
But movie two shows a bit more if herself.
Movie two has three stories in it, and I love that they made Anastasia redeemable! She became my favorite. But this is not about her (yet).
Cinderella spends the firdt story, trying to be the best princess she can be, by doing jt by the book. She puts forth a lot od effort, not for the man she loves, because she wants to. In the end. She decides that doing it by the book isn't her, and she changes it up, but doesn't shoot her teacher down. She is still friendly ans inviting to her, she never says that her way was dumb, she just wantws to plan things in a new way. She opens the curtains, has dun with colors, music, and dances, and she incites the commoners into the castle. In the end, she has the most slpendid party, and the king and prince approve.
The second story is mostly about jakjak wanting to her cinderelly more, but we do see how cinderella is always finding ways to help people.
The third story is about Anastasia finding love, amoung a common baker. Cinderella finds her, but instead of laughinf st her or ingoring her, she offers her help. She teaches Anastasia how to be beautiful as she is, and helps her find a way to end up with the baker, and speak up for herself. Agian, cinderella was more of a background character here, but she was more active in thsi one.
Now Cinderella three.
This movie takes the cake.
Now, the secibs movie is completely ignored. Anastasia isnt with the baker, and instead, end sup stealing fairy godmother wand, which the evil step mother uses to turn time back to the moening after the dance. She makes Anastasia fit the shoe, and Cinderella misses her chance to show the prince loves her. Now this movie has character developement for EVERYONEA. Cinderella, Anastasia, the prince, and his dad! Cinderella is threatened to never go near the palace, but she knows that her night st the ball wasnt a dream. She sings the most bomb aong ever, and like, why is 'a dream is a wish your heart makes' her song? Like...this one is so much better (in my,personal opinion). She sets oht for the castle, where she sneaks in as a servant, lies about being the royal mouse catcher, hunts down the prince (who was spelled to not remember her) tried to get him to remember, and yeah, she give a up a bit, until the mice tell her that the prince was cursed. Then she is back tenfold! She works to steal the wand, and almost manages to save the prince, before the gaurda catch her. She end sup on a boat, out of the kingdom, and she actually gices up here, which is understandable. But the prince chases after her, and it is a bwautiful scene, go atach the movie, please, the boat scene is adorable. After that, when Anastasia is turned into her, she is asking if it will make anastasia happy, and when she is in a runaway pumpkin carriage of doom, she keeps the mice as safe as possible, while fighting an evil cat. She then crashes her own wedding, and stepped in front of anastasia to protect her from the spell that the stepmother was going to cast. She was headstrong and determined, and she always gave it her all, for even a silver of hope. She only gave up when there was nothing she could do anymore, and it is wasnt given back to her.
Anastasia found out thag she wanted to love someone who would love her back, and (kinda) turned agianst her mother, she refused to msrry the prince, and stayed by Cinderella side, but she still loved her mother, never telling her off. I found it kinda nice, they didn't turn her around to hate her mother suddenly. Anastasia had always worked for her mothers praise, and im sure it hurt to be called a 'spoiled ' child, but she did what was right, for everyone, and her heart as well.
The prince was given moee than a few lines, and was a key part in the story. Not jsut a driving force. He was shown as talented in many things, like a prince would be, but had humor to himself too, he saw anastasia the firdt time, and flat out asked if he was in the wrong room. He believed talking mice when they told him he had the wrong girl, and he JUMPS OUT A WINDOW for her. He also calls her cinderelly, which was a nice little laugh. He uses his sword to hit thw final magic spell to the stepmother, and spwnt the entire movie just looking for the love of his life.
The king was a good laugh, and wss more than just a shott tempted dad aho wants grandkids. He had some logic to him flst out saying "you csnt pick a girl all because of her shoes" and he took anastasia aside to give her a shell that means the world to him, because it was a symbol of the loce between him and his wife. He was still shorttemped, but was showing more of the dad side of him.
Overall, Cinderella herself, as a princess, is more than someone who waited aeound for help. She was always working for a happier life, and when she got the chance, would give it all she got until she couldnt anymore. In conclusion
We stan
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