#so many times ive been hurt by this goddamn scene
player-tag · 9 months
i just realised we're probably going to have to see the final problem as an episode on the podcast. we might have to hear john cry. we're probably going to deal with that.
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 month
jessica jones rewatch review
so, ive just finished rewatching jessica jones because my disney+ access has ended. this will contain spoilers for the entire show.
disclaimer: i last watched it a few years ago with my mom and loved it back then, and my memory of it post season 1 was kind of blurry except for some central plot elements, and that i really disliked hogarth and trish towards the end.
so. season 1 was the best in terms of overall plot, character development, vibe, and consistency in my opinion. the best story and definitley also the best villain, kilgrave fucking slaps as a bad guy.
jessica in general is an awesome character, and has never really left my top three. i love her development, her personality, and her writing most of the time. she tries to live her life and take care of herself, but also helps the little guy when its not a wasted effort, and when she makes mistakes and ends up hurting people the reason is human error, not maliciousness or disinterest in other people, and she generally takes responsibility for her actions.
that said, sometimes her writing is lazy or just bad in order for the plot to happen, but unfortunately thats always a problem that exists.
after that, i have some thoughts. in general, i dont really see the narrative point of many of the side stories in the last two seasons. they only barely had anything to do with the main story (especially hogarths arcs), so that was kind of just exhausting to watch, because i genuinely dislike hogarth and, as i said, there kind of was no point to her scenes most of the time for the main narrative, which didnt make it better. the same is true for the sheer amount of sex scenes. in general i dont have a problem with those, but here they were just redundant in terms of plot most of the time, there were way too many of them especially with that in mind, and because of that there was no value added to the show by them. it felt more like filler, or trying to achieve the rating of the show.
what annoyed me the most was how almost every single main character on the show, with the exception of jessica, became so goddamn unlikeable. the side characters were mostly fine (costa, griffin, oscar, etc.), but trish, hogarth, and malcolm were hard to tolerate later on. thats partially due to the genre of the show and what themes are explored there, but its difficult to sympathize with the characters enough to keep watching for 13 episodes per season, when all they do is manipulate and screw each other over constantly, with almost no redeeming qualities or real consequences for their actions, and im not sure whether id call that a good writing decision. that whole situation is a toxic mess and i really hope jessica found some better people after the show ended.
beyond that obviously the female characters were all deep and complicated people, which is one of my favourite things about this show, but i also really wish that some of them werent written as assholes past season 1.
so yeah, those are my thoughts. still one of my favourite shows of all time, but man do i wish the writing had been kinder in season 2 and 3. really hope jessica will be back in daredevil born again or a future show/movie.
Edit: also im mad that oscar and the potential of a genuinely positive relationship with a good person for jessica, that was built up the entire second season, was immediatley taken away at the start of the third season.
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iamdeansbrokenheart · 2 years
Although their reunion tour starts off great, with Sammy driving and miles of open road before them- Dean can’t manage to calm himself down enough to get his four hours of shut eye. Even though it’s been several days without rest, his body’s so completely wired with adrenaline after those goddamned Wendigos that Dean can’t seem to sit still much less sleep any longer than fifteen minutes at a time. For all his brothers whining about his so-called “Mullet Rock‘’ Sam doesn’t seem to mind when Dean chooses Zeppelin IV as their northbound soundtrack. Settling back down on the passenger’s side, Dean closes his eyes and tries again, finally giving himself over to the soothing acoustic undertones of  Stairway to Heaven.
A couple days later, they’re just outside Sioux Falls, North Dakota, but still nowhere near closer to finding their dad. Dean’s almost tempted to drop in on an old friend and ask for help until Sam gets cut off at a three-way intersection and totally loses his shit. Sam’s probably just Hangry, Dean figures- since they’ve been living off gas station junk for going on two days now. Dean is already well aware that it’s the kind of crap food his little brother hates most of all, not that Sam’s really been eating that much of anything lately. So Dean takes the hit and sucks it up when Sam goes off on yet another rant about dad’s long-term agenda of gaslighting them, before stealing back the wheel and making a beeline for Minneapolis. 
Dean pulls off the road in Eau Claire, MN, where he insists on them getting a room and both taking showers. They stay in town for a bit, eating all the “real food” Sam can stomach even though it’s mostly cooked out of cans and boxes in their small kitchenette. Maybe changing up the scenery just by staying in one place and waiting out whatever dad has planned could be a good thing for them? Dean even tries to do Thanksgiving but ends up having to keep their celebration to a minimum on account of concerns over maxing out their only remaining fake credit card. Sam's mood remains consistently terrible throughout their stay which does little to help ease any of Dean's ever growing anxiety.
The full devastation of their situation doesn’t fully hit Dean until he’s four beers into a six-pack and craving something much stronger. He’s always had a guilt thing about drinking too much around Sam, but right now he’s willing to make an exception. And Since they’re not actively hunting anything at the moment, Dean thinks to himself, what’s the harm? But when Dean grabs two shot glasses and brings out the whiskey he’d left stashed in the trunk, Sam instinctively bails on the whole scene. Choosing instead an armful of flannel and the twenty-four-hour laundromat across the street over his brother's company. All in all it's the easiest choice Sam has made in days, because he’s already seen how the Winchester vs Whiskey show plays out so many, many times before. Sam doesn't feel like he knows much of anything these days, except apparently, that he would rather do damn near anything than rewatching yet another episode of this particular family tradition.
The following day finds one brother profoundly hung over while the other is chomping at the bit, ready to get a move on. But it’s okay, Dean convinces himself, since Sammy seems excited to keep going again and besides, a little hair of the dog never hurt anyone, right? Either way, Sam insists on being the one behind the wheel, and before Dean knows it, they’re well on their way towards the great state of Wisconsin.
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
honestly im just gonna give u a list. anyways. bruce, harvey, eddie (easy mode), oliver queen (whore), equius, sollux, eridan (legally mantaded homestucks), tim drake because im here to cause u psyhic damage, damien (bby), and lets round it off with scarecrow cause why not. pick n choose the ones u want to do anyways -blasts u with my autism beams-
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[I.D.: A man in bed, lifting his head off of the pillow with a confused, bleary look, squinting into the light being shined at him. /End I.D.]
jesus ok. this is obviously going to get really long so im sticking it all under a cut now
send me a character and i will tell you my...
First impression
my first impression of bruce fucking wayne was actually probably when i was like four years old or something and watching btas so my batman, the batman that has always existed in my head, has been a man who genuinely cares about the people around him and believes everyone can get better. which is to say i probably got the best intro to batman you can get
Impression now
btas is still one of my favorite versions of batman there is but i also know now that there are many versions of batman depending on whos writing him and by god do some of those versions suck! but there are also nonbtas versions that are so great! like robin jason era batman. the most man of all time. or rob bat, or lego batman, or-
Favorite moment
btas bruce makes me fall to my knees and cry every goddamn time. his relationship w harley?? w harvey?? w freeze?? the way even joker trusts him to always be a good man and keep people safe, even when its him. every time bruce desperately reaches out to someone who is trying to hurt him, because he wants so badly to help them get better, know that i am sobbing.
Idea for a story
i dont really have bruce centric ideas because tbhhhh bruce has been so many different things over the years i just mold him to fit my needs for other stories. like i want to write bruharv fics or fics w eddie but harvey and eddie are what set the scene, not bruce, bc they have more firmly set personalities than him. late 80s bruce vs late 90s bruce are two completely different people, and btas bruce and rob bat bruce are like complete opposites to me in the way they wear the cowl. so yeah. the only time i might center something around bruce is if im writing a superbat story, bc i think clark is just as fluid at this point, but i dont really have as much interest in writing a superbat story!
Unpopular opinion
any opinion about batman is already tired, thats just the nature of batman. its too pervasive. someones already said anything i could say. but hey, people are ableist, so im sure this will be an unpopular one! bruce should have mobility aids. bane broke his back. you do not ever 100% come back from that. period, end of story, not arguing.
Favorite relationship
its gotta be bruharv. its gotta be. look obviously im a btas fan to my very bones and btas bruharv never stops breaking my goddamn heart. late 80s is just the same. i think ive said and written enough about them on this blog that no one needs to hear me say it again.
Favorite headcanon
bruce is autistic. you agree.
First impression
first intro to harvey was during jasons robin era, so like, annual 14, #410 or whatever, you know what im talking about. hes just camp enough and he also gets frankly the most sympathy from the writers we really see him get outside of btas, imo. i was instantly sucked into the idea of this man who fought his way into the system because he wanted to change it, who believed in the law, but gradually became more and more disillusioned with it as he saw proof that a corrupt system would always be corrupt. morality, balance, and justice is the foundation harveys built his life on as an answer to the abuse he faced, and the way that all shatters for him is just. augh. add that to his beautifully complicated and desperate relationship with bruce and i just fell in love with him instantly
Impression now
hes like my favorite character outside of jason im fucking obsessed with him. i think im a little delusional about it but dc is so goddamn ableist with him i feel like i have to take some liberties, and he can be so INTERESTING if you just give him the room to be. also btas harvey is hot. im not taking any questions at this time.
Favorite moment
btas bruharv breaks! my! heart! that scene where bruce is desperately researching did and promises to a harvey that cant hear him that he will save him, somehow? i think about it every day. but also harvey had a lot of really good moments in tfz. i love to see a man in despair.
Idea for a story
ive had this idea in the back of my head since before i even started working on the jdau where harvey and 2f are trying to become better, sort of, or at least commit crimes in a way that they can feel better about. turning their attention back to mob bosses ala dark victory eventually drives them to team up with jason, who is post utrh and no contact with bruce and the batfamily, who harvey has no idea is even the same punk robin that once insulted his car. jason finds a father figure in harvey while harvey finds a new path to redemption (or antihero bullshit) through jason, and they both help each other sort out their messy ties to bruce. i dont know if ill ever get around to writing it- definitely not until ive gotten the jdau more or less out of my system- but i think about it sometimes.
Unpopular opinion
all of you fuckers need to go look up shit about did rn forreal im not joking. if you think 2f is an evil alter you are buying wholesale into the ableist shit dc is feeding you and its a problem. if you are going to write harvey and 2f, you need to accept that they both kill, that they both do crimes, that 2f is not the sole thing holding harvey back from “going good” again. find a different way to differentiate them. i see this in every goddamn corner of the fandom and it floors me how many of you are comfortable with perpetuating dcs ableism so long as its a “bad” disability like did.
Favorite relationship
its obviously bruharvey. (waves at my. entire blog really.) but i also really enjoy harvey and jason teamups, if that wasnt obvious. tfz changed my brain chemistry but i was like this even before that. i think they could find a lot of common ground in each other if i just ignore the part where 2f killed jasons dad lol
Favorite headcanon
i was just ranting about this the other day but i think the difference between harvey and 2f is that harvey tries very hard to repress things as the apparently normal part and wants very badly to believe in the legal system and that he could be a good person (pre acid, we see him kind of give up on that after the acid) whereas 2f embraces his anger and passion and has significantly less hope in the system and feels that he is inherently a bad person due to extremely low self esteem, because, yknow, hes the emotional part, hes the trauma holder. theyre both angry, they both commit crimes, harvey just has issues around letting himself experience negative emotions. this is pretty much the foundation for everything else i write because its how i work around the evil alter bullshit. they are both complicated (even more so than i can put concisely like this), it cannot just be 2f is bad and the source of all evil.
First impression
the first comic i ever read w eddie having any sort of significant part was hush and the joy of seeing that mystery come together and having eddie be the mastermind behind it all, as a huge mystery fan, was like nothing else. eddie was clever, irritating, and smug as all hell, with the goofiest goddamn schtick, and i just fell in love with him. the more i got to know him after that the more i loved him.
Impression now
eddie is one of the most camp rogues in the whole gallery. hes pathetic, whiny, attention-seeking, and hes also clever, annoying, and smug. i like that hes so often harmless but also has these little moments where he really does get batman on the ropes with just his brain. hes a little mastermind and i love that. hes a little creacher. hes hilarious. he has so much potential. he drives me crazy. im listening to batman unburied rn and hes so obnoxious i want to chew off my own leg. he remains one of my favorite batman characters of all time
Favorite moment
god theres this one origin story where hes reencounting his life and hes literally like rolling around on the floor whining about how lonely he is and how much he craves attention and its like. peak fucking eddie. hes so fucking annoying i love him i want to bully him
Idea for a story
ive already said im a mystery fan. when i was a kid, i read every single detective novel i could get my hands on, and its such a wonderful moment for me when batman can scratch that little itch in my brain. ive been rereading some of those old books lately and i really want to write a rddlebat fic in that style where bruce is a detective (but in a busybody way, and not in a police way), and riddler is the moriarty to his sherlock that keeps him running in circles. i can see the setting so clearly in my mind. ive just never written a mystery before and im struggling to think of one compelling and in character enough to drive the plot.
Unpopular opinion
i have learned that riddler fans deeply, deeply hate hush. the vitriol people have is incredible. its still one of my favorite riddler comics of all time, though, and i wonder if its because its written like a mystery instead of an action adventure. it leaves you with all of the clues, it builds, and in the end, the whole thing unfolds beautifully. its one of the best comics in terms of ones that show off what eddie can do and the extent of his intellect. its one of like four comics ive ever bought because i just adore it and apparently that is a VERY unpopular opinion lmfao
Favorite relationship
obviously rddlebat. obviously. i like them best when they have a sherlock and moriarty dynamic and are constantly challenging each other, pissing each other off, kiiind of flirting. theyre peak homoerotic rivalry to me. i dont like, mind stuff where theyre all cutesy and whatever, but its never been how ive seen them because im a homestuck and i know kismessitude is the way
Favorite headcanon
liam wrote a fic where eddie uses that cane because he actually needs it and he was so fucking right for that. i am 100% integrating that into my belief system
First impression
sdkflsdjnfsdsdflsdf i HATE to admit this. but my first impression of oliver was in that comic where jason kidnaps mia and bruce snaps at ollie for his treatment of roy, and my second impression of him was rhato. so. needless to say, my first impression of ollie was Not Good. i thought he was just. the worst fucking dad ever, and a total piece of shit
Impression now
hes a communist king and he can GET IT. i have read way more green arrow comics since my first impression of him and i love him dearly. oliver fucks up again and again but he actually tries to do better. he learns and he grows and maybe he hasnt always been the best dad but hes doing pretty damn good now. he cares about and invests in his community on the local level and he puts his goddamn money where his mouth is every time. hes what a lot of people want bruce to be, tbh. i actually fucking adore oliver queen and i really want to read more green arrow comics
Favorite moment
green arrow/green lantern is such a fantastic goddamn run and i rotate it in my mind every day, specifically the part where they seem a skirmish between people and the police and hal immediately jumps in to help the police, but oliver stops him and starts breaking down the issues with that. like. fuck. do you know how fucking refreshing it is to see that in a comic. also when roy and oliver shoot cat man and then accuse the other one of missing i think about that all the time
Idea for a story
one day i am going to go as batshit about green lantern as i do about batman right now. that day hasnt come yet. but it will. and then there will be ideas.
Unpopular opinion
iii already said it tbh lmfao. green arrow is what people want batman to be. the family dynamics are way better and ollie invests in his community and tries to get better the way people want to believe bruce does (and lets be honest, how often does dc actually let bruce be the batman we know he can be and has been on occasion?)
Favorite relationship
ill be the first to admit im really fucking biased after reading ga/gl but ollie/hal/dinah. because yeah. what was all that.
Favorite headcanon
i think about grandpa ollie all the time. aaaaall the time. i think about him investing all the time in lian he never did in roy and i think about the apology written into it that he probably does say outloud, because hes not goddamn batman and he tries.
Tim (i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you)
First impression
the first tim comics i ever read were. the first tim comics ever. he was in full hero worship mode and his hair looked dumb as hell and he was a cute kid. his audacity was fucking stunning, but i was willing to forgive him for it
Impression now
wheres that fucking tumblr post thats like peoples reactions to shows before and after a plottwist where someones like “why does everybody hate this guy” and then “I Know Now.” thats how i feel about tim. the audacity did not ever stop. he carries it with him forever. he is sexist as fuck and the way he treats stephanie makes my blood boil, and he is one of the number one offenders in terms of rewriting the narrative around jason. a lot of this is the fault of the writers and not him (PARTICULARLY THE WAY BRUCE TREATS HIM COMPARED TO OTHERS AND THE SHIT HE GETS AWAY WITH), but the whole thing leaves such a bad taste in my mouth i just cant stomach tim anymore. add that to how goddamn annoying tim fans are and how confidently they mischaracterize tim and every other fucking character? i can easily say tim is my least favorite member of the batfam.
Favorite moment
i think about this dumbass panel every goddamn day.
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[I.D.: A comic panel of Tim Drake where he is standing outside, partially shaded by a tree. He is wearing an oversized red sweater that says “zoo of wires” in all caps and yellow pants. He’s squinting strangely and there’s a scuff mark on his cheek. His hair is the older style of Tim hair that stands completely on end and makes him look like a clown. Overall, it’s a pretty awful picture of Tim. /End I.D.]
but genuinely any moment between tim and kon or the rest of the young justice team, i think, are his best moments.
Idea for a story
any time i feel like tim could have room in a story im writing i am simply going to replace him with duke <3
Unpopular opinion
everything ive said so far has been an unpopular opinion and im not convinced i wont be drawn and quartered for posting this. but frankly if you made it this far into this post im kind of assuming youre a friend of mine who already knows i dont like tim bc this is really long. anyway heres another one <3 tims parents were never abusive you guys just dont want to admit tim is only interesting if you give him jason or stephs backstory
Favorite relationship
its gotta be tim and kon. gotta be. they are cute. i get it. the way tim just lights up in his robin run (or was it red robin?) when kon comes to visit is. yeah.
Favorite headcanon
i love it when tim quits being robin or is never robin at all. i am a hater.
First impression
i think the first damian comic i ever read was bftc and batman and robin 2009 and the MOMENT i saw his little face. his little cheeks. oh my god. hes SO. BABY. and hes a slightly MURDEROUS baby??? even better. i saw damian and i knew he was gonna be one of my faves he was just too precious, too perfect
Impression now
hes the babiest boy of all time and i love him more than i can even put into words. i adore him. i need to read more of his comics but i have read Enough to know that i love him. i want to pick him up and swing him around like a cat. bolito de odio mi queridooooo <3333
Favorite moment
i hold the fact that he named the cat alfred very close to my heart. also when he whooped tim and jasons asses but dick stopped him and validated him before he could (crying)
Idea for a story
eventually i wanna write more stuff w him in the jdau but i dont have it all set in stone just yet
Unpopular opinion
everyone hates aro hcs but youll pry aro dami out of my cold dead hands
Favorite relationship
dick and dami (PLATONIC. OBVIOUSLY!!) is such a basic answer but it is my true answer. im not joking when i say it literally makes me cry. i just!!!! have a LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT. im not going to get into it all but augh. jon and dami is probably second tho their friendship is so fun and ill never forgive dc for what they did to it. also prefer them platonic
Favorite headcanon
i cant even call damian being autistic a headcanon. its just real.
First impression
jesus christ. sdlkfjnsdfsf scarecrow is a cool tool to make things happen in comics he makes for a very good villain but i have never been very impressed by his actual personality i find him very very very creepy and i do not trust him around children i think hes a little freak
Impression now
exactly the same. i dont get how big into him some people get and moth i think you are fully delusional
Favorite moment
this is the one exception alright. as the crow flies is my favorite scarecrow comic of all time its really intriguing and he is very creacher. the power dynamic is really such that you have to pity jon, he loses so much control over the situation and he doesnt even understand whats happened to him, and the one person he confides in betrays him. the scarebeast itself is, i think, one of the best batman monsters if not The best batman monster the design is so goddamn cool and jons design, too, is just absolutely great in this comic. its such a goddamn good comic i love it
Idea for a story
lmao im never gonna write a story about this bitch
Unpopular opinion
i dont like him. thats my unpopular opinion. and i dont get “the dork squad”
Favorite relationship
again, the dynamics in as the crow flies were really interesting. otherwise idgas
Favorite headcanon
if i ever wasted the brainspace to think about scarecrow hcs they would be exclusively in reference to scarebeast. but i dont.
aughughugh homestuck time
First impression
haha gross! this guy is fucking weird
Impression now
funniest fucker there is. nothing about equius isnt hilarious. i love him. hes the definition of beta cuck and thats hysterical. hes weird and gross and kind of creepy and also slightly charming in a bizarre way and i love him
Favorite moment
i dont know now its been a while since i went through his pesterlogs but he does have some prettyf ucking funny lines. in general tho nothing can top arquius. hilarious
Idea for a story
ill probably write another h@lquius fic one day. hold me accountable was some of the most fun ive ever had writing a fic
Unpopular opinion
that i like him at all tbh lmao
Favorite relationship
OBVIOUSLY its equius and hal. obviously. they bounce off of each other in the worst possible ways theyre so gross and funny. arquius is one of the funniest things to ever come out of homestuck. dirk and equius is probably right after that.
Favorite headcanon
i like my space au a lot idk
First impression
i thought sollux was the best goddamn thing since vriska. he was snarky in a way that vibed just right with me, his humor cutting and self deprecating and just perfect. i loved his relationship w aradia, i thought they were so sweet, and he also just reminded me a lot of dave who was my favorite character period. he and karkat were also really funny. i think i also just related to him a lot, at the time
Impression now
sollux is a lot of fun as a character because hes so dry and flippant about everything. hes a genuine true neutral character who most of the time cant find it in himself to give a shit about anything, and you have to admire that. hes laid back, except for when hes not, and his interpersonal relationships are generally snarky and ribbing with an undercurrent of very genuine care and affection. he was one of my favorite trolls for a very long time and i love him a lot.
Favorite moment
when hes just lost his lisp and is kind of obsessing over it is a pretty good one. but his conversations with karkat in the very beginning are also pretty good. everythign between him and aradia too. idk, its been a while.
Idea for a story
some day im probably gonna end up writing an ersol story, but from time to time i also think about writing that pale davsol fic for the guardians au ive had in the back of my mind forever
Unpopular opinion
feferi did not treat sollux especially well and did not respect his boundaries at all. their relationship sucked
Favorite relationship
rn its probably post sprite eridan and sollux, but ive always had a soft spot for some kind of friendship between dave and sollux, and sollux and aradia is a classic for a reason
Favorite headcanon
bigender sollux ftw. see also: sex neutral asexual sollux
First impression
he is so whiny and obnoxious but also so brilliantly crafted and he has so much depth to him for a character that stops mattering like ten pages in time to latch onto him and never be normal about it again
Impression now
and then i wasnt! i dont think much has changed about my opinion on eridan at all actually
Favorite moment
his conversations with karkat oh my goddd theyre such gossips. also im sorry but youve gotta love his stupid little anxious talksprite hes such a prick. AUGH. AND THE DRESSES IN PESTERQUEST HANG ON
Idea for a story
see the above ersol musings but also and more importantly im going to write another erdave story. i dont know what its gonna be about but im sure in a few months eri will break down my door and say something to me about them and within a week ill have churned out another goddamn fic
Unpopular opinion
this has always been an unpopular opinion but if you think eridan deserved better but you think vriska is an irredeemable piece of shit you are in fact sexist <3
Favorite relationship
its very obviously eridan and dave. obviously. ive been writing this shit out for so long im tired now and im nto going to get into all of it but just know that i know everything about them and i know exactly why they work and im right about it. but i also believe very strongly in eridan and karkat and their whole relationship with karkat being like. honestly the only person who continued to believe in eridan and cared about him when he was really going off the deep end and their friendship actually being very genuine and sweet and the like potential there. but ALSO. vriska and eridan is one of the best friendships in the messiest way they were actually like the best and strongest kismessitude in homestuck and ill never let anyone forget it i LOVE them i love them being exes that know too much about each other and use it for evil even tho theyve stayed friends after all this time
Favorite headcanon
eridan being genderfluid is BASICALLY canon so i wont even call that a headcanon bc its just true. i feel very strongly about eridan having a very unhealthy relationship to sex and relationships where he ties his worth to them regardless of whether or not he actually wants them. he IS ace and he is DEEPLY repressed about it, thanks
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delvine · 3 years
the garden that is your skin
saa/n: part 4 let’s gooo!! thank you so much for 50 followers, i appreciate you all so much! also can someone please tell me how to write fighting scenes?? or hawks?? or mirko??? warning: fighting scene (only quirk use), cursing, suggestive themes (just a mention of dabi’s peewee), a sprinkle of angst pairing: dabi x hero!reader soulmate au where around the age 4 til 8, a tattoo of a flower appears on your body. the place where the tattoo is, is where your soulmate touches you first. word count: 2.7K taglist: @distractedgemini, @rainningdoom, @sageandberries-png, @waffleareniceandfluffy
previous chapter - chapter IV : sadistically shameless - masterlist - next chapter
Life went on and it was a good two months since your encounter with your soulmate. Through those weeks you were still busy being a nurse and a hero, but when the sun was gone and down, you’d still see Dabi in your dreams. There was such a significant difference in the dreams and reality, but it was nothing too bad. His presence isn't something you couldn’t live without. Your life in the daylight went on and you noticed how much more attention you got, rising in the overall ranking of heroes and taking a place in the top 20 heroes. Your name was mentioned a lot more. Your soulmate tattoo being filled with color also didn’t go unnoticed by the public. People asked you about it, but you’d brush them off if they wanted more details than you were giving them. You didn’t want to lie to them.
Though your ranking and fame wasn’t what you aimed for and your intentions still were about helping people in your reach. And that was exactly what you were doing today. Patrolling the city along with Winged Hero: Hawks. You had heard a lot about each other and seen each other from time to time. Along with Mirko, you three were an oddly good match in battle and that alone made you guys good allies and even friends.
So patrolling with the bird man was nothing new to you, only now was it a whole other side of the city. Since the League’s hideout was found and attacked, they’ve been on the run and were assumed to reach Deika City. Reasons as to why were unknown. Although you were unfamiliar with the city, you were sent nonetheless. You assumed it was because of your quirk and how it can clash with some of the members of the League. Well, actually just one specific person.
‘So the hero...office? Commission? Whatever, took the risk to bring me on patrol with you simply because they think - not know - think there is a high chance of Dabi showing up?’ you questioned, not hiding your annoyed tone. You were not the best at directly attacking, defense and healing were your true specialties and you knew that the hero office knew that. The only reason being in case for one singular villain was a weak argument to you. Hawks looked at you, surprised by your change in attitude. He knew it was not directed towards him, but he rarely saw the snappy side of you. But he sighed and spoke up. ‘There’s a lot more a hero should do other than save or, for your case, heal people. We should prevent the wounds and scars from ever happening, kid. You were sent with me because your Aqua Heal opposes Dabi’s Cremation. Fire's biggest weakness is water. Your quirk is useful to prevent villains like him from hurting even more civilians.’
You were not satisfied with Hawks’ answer, counting up the names from the many other heroes that have quirks associated with water, but you didn’t object to it. Maybe you were so suspicious of this decision because you simply didn’t want to fight Dabi, you didn’t want to fight your soulmate. Hawks had a point though, preventing citizens being hurt was important, maybe even more important than healing. ‘But why would he show up again after already sending those nomu on you & Endeavor?’  ‘No idea, but to find out the reason why is not any of our concern. At least, not for now.’
‘Well what a sight to see.’ Goddamn his voice, you’d probably never get over that. You and Hawks turned to face the scarred villain whose face is far too familiar for you. ‘Dabi,’ you whispered. Though you were to expect he’d be here, his entrance was more dramatic than you expected. Though nothing happened at the scene you three were, it still seemed like he approached you two from the darkness. His eyes made contact with yours and he grinned your way.
‘Healer Hero: Aquamarine, or should I say, sweet chee-‘
Before the villain could finish his sentence, you made a powerful water blast his way and manipulated the water to direct him right out of the city. Hawks spread his wings and flew to the location you sent Dabi with your water. You were quick to follow as you ran and used your blasts of water to keep up with Hawks’ speed. As you caught up and spotted the hero and villain fighting, Dabi’s flames were just a bit weaker than you remembered, probably because of your waterblast. Before the villain could spot you, you were quick to defend Hawks, knowing the way that fire weakened his Fierce Wings. You separated the two by your wall of water and surrounded Dabi with it, making a small but incredibly powerful typhoon and you entered it, knowing you’d have to face him. ‘Hello, doll face! Did you miss me?’ Dabi asked you in a flirtatious manner as slicked back his wet hair with one hand and conjured up flames with the other. You couldn't feed into his flirtatious banter now. You scoffed and conjured up your water. ‘In your dreams, flamethrower.’
The villain smirked at your response and sent a blast of fire your way, making you jump away and blast your water his way, but therefore sacrificing the typhoon surrounding the two of you. Dabi got used to your blasts, quicker to stand up and attack once again.
‘Damn, babe. I’m honestly wondering if you’re really trying to yourself or you just really want to see my shirt all wet.’ ‘I really want to see you shut the hell up.’
It was just the two of you, Hawks rarely attacking or defending, leaving the villain up to you. But you signaled him to strike with his wings from time to time, noticing when Dabi was vulnerable to sudden and fast attacks. Hawks didn’t doubt that you could keep this up, but he was concerned about the way Dabi got so used to your attacks. The hero already called the Hero office and they sent Mirko in an instant. It was only a matter of time and the amount of energy you still had.
The only thing that Hawks didn’t know was that you were actually thriving. The warmth made it easier in an odd way. You and Dabi shared your energy with each other. Neither of you was more powerful than the other and getting the upper hand was difficult for both of you. And as Dabi got used to the way you used your quirk in combat, you got used to his. It didn’t even feel like the two of you were fighting, it felt like you two were dancing with only music being the one thing missing. Your waves and his flames rarely clashed and though the people who’d witness it would describe it as a fight, it felt like euphoria for the two of you. The banter you two had would make a person question if you guys were threatening or seducing each other.
‘I’ll drown you if I have to. Maybe then you’ll shut your mouth.’ ‘Damn, you’re gorgeous.’
‘You’ll burn with me, sweet cheeks.’ ‘Maybe in hell, but not today.’
‘Perhaps you should wipe my ‘oh so annoying’ smirk off my face in another way than your water.’ ‘You wish, asshole.’
Your battle seemed timeless, but it has roughly been 20 minutes since Dabi confronted you. You felt so many things at once. So much adrenaline, so much frustration, yet so much joy. Whenever you got him good or when you two got close to each other, you felt ethereal. He felt so as well. He didn’t even care if you got him or if he missed. He cared about you. Seeing your reactions to his remarks or even when threatened him, he loved every bit of it.
‘Your attacks are becoming futile, or maybe I am getting used to them. Tell me, hero, have you already used all your tricks up your sleeve?’ Dabi asked you as he threw another blaze of fire your way, which you effortlessly blocked with your water. ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you? What about you though? Those pretty little flames of yours are getting old.’
‘Oh, come on, angel. I think you already know exactly why I’m going so easy on you and vice versa. There’s nothing wrong with admitting it.’ His reply stopped you in your tracks, but your guard was still up. You knew that you shouldn’t, but you looked up at him and his eyes. ‘Admit what?’
‘That, whether you like it or not, I’m becoming your weakness.’
Now your guard was off. Why the hell would he say that? But at lightning speed you found out why, he was making a chance to fight back. As he conjured his fire and was ready to attack you, Mirko jumped in and kicked the villain on his back. ‘I don’t know what you’re banging on about, but Aqua here has no weaknesses.’
Dabi switched his attention to Mirko, but knew he was outnumbered, so once he discovered a way to escape, he did so and fled.‘This was a lot more fun than I expected. See you in your dreams, waterlily,’ the villain told you before disappearing. You almost wanted to follow him, adrenaline still rushing through your body, but Hawks stopped you. ‘You’ve been enough help already, Aquamarine. You good?’
You weren’t sure. Though your mind and heart were ready for round two, your hands were shaking and your mind was blurry wondering what the hell had just happened. ‘Yeah, I’m good. A bit shaken up, but that’s all,’ you said in response to Hawks’ question. He looked at you, wanting to question the plenty of nicknames and the ongoing banter between the two of you. He wanted to ask why he spotted you with the villain at the top of a building a few months ago. But he let it slide, at least for now.
Two days after, you were still shaken up. Maybe your subconscious noticed since the shared dreams were no longer there for those two nights. You were just a bit overwhelmed and needed to release some tension.When you thought of releasing tension, you thought maybe a short road trip, or even a mall trip. But that’s apparently not what the majority thought, or at least not your friend Semi, since they took you to a spa. You first looked at their idea begrudgingly, but you still paid for a one day stay, taking your friend with you. Oh, how you underestimated the power of massages and saunas. You’ve never been this relaxed in months.
‘Told you it was worth it,’ Semi whispered as you two were sitting near the saltwater pool, both as calm and serene as the atmosphere of the building. ‘This is more than worth it,’ you sighed in relief and your friend giggled at your relaxed state. They were hesitant on bringing your soulmate up to you, but there had to be more reasons as to why you were so tense. One singular fight couldn’t be it. They remember the sleepless nights they got after meeting up with Hinishi, being so close to her for such a long time. They had their parents as their outlet and you needed one. You still needed your best friend. ‘Okay, I’m not going to force you to say anything, but if you want to talk about..him, I’m all ears.’
Were you really this easy to read? Semi broke through your walls at a young age, but it wasn’t like they had any telepathic abilities as their quirk. You took a deep breath and started to think out loud. So many thoughts were running through your brain and Semi was one of the few that could catch up with it and piece it all together.
You were confused, maybe still a bit stubborn. There were still so many things unclear between you and Dabi and you weren’t sure if you wanted to clear it up. He for sure didn’t want to, for his own reasons. You were longing for things to be easier, for the fog to fade and finally see clearly. It frustrated you that he didn’t want that. You felt like he was toying with you, taking you to a magnificent peak, but eventually leaving you there and making you realise how cold it is and how cold he could be. Because there was no way the person that you battled in Deika City was the same person you’d almost daily shared your dreams with. You felt hopeless, yet you still enjoyed the warmth that radiated off of the two of you. It reassured you that this was temporary and this warmth you’d feel forever at some point. You were just wondering when.
‘Listen, I know that this word is pretty much the most annoying thing ever to the people that are privileged enough to actually have a soulmate and have it so easy and to have a perfect life, or so they would call it, but it seems like this just has to do with divine timing. Like it or not, the propaganda and the constant talking about soulmates convinced you that when you’d meet your soulmate, everything would be perfect. But for the majority, the reality is that it’s only ‘perfect’ for three whole minutes and then every doubt and fear comes in, and no shit. Soulmates are fucking scary and fate is a bitch for almost everyone, even you. God, if fate was real I’d punch it so hard in the face-’ ‘Semi.’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘What are you trying to say?’ ‘Right. What I’m trying to say is, when it comes to soulmates, I can’t promise you perfection. I can promise you that one day everything will fall into place and everything will make sense and you’ll finally understand him and he’ll understand you. And you two will be alright. The best thing you can do now is - super fucking cheesy but - have faith and remind yourself that that day of understanding and bliss will come, one day at a time.’
You took in Semi’s words and looked at the colored tattoo on your arm and realised that tears stained your cheeks. ‘Thank you so much,’ you sobbed and Semi got up from their chair to give you a hug. ‘Anytime.’ They were right, you should have a little faith. You should look to the future and try to see the light in the here and now. It was hard, but it was so poetically beautiful to feel this. To feel every single feeling you had when you thought of him, saw him, heard his voice or could even touch him. And in that moment of serenity and bliss, your doubts seemed to fade away. Everything would fall into place, it was just a matter of time.
‘Late again, I see. You should really try to have more of an awareness of time-’ ‘What is it with you and Aquamarine?’ Dabi’s smirk seemed to fade by Hawks’ sudden question. ‘Well? Are you getting your dick wet or something?’ That made the villain snicker, ‘Well, what if I am, hm?’ ‘I saw you guys once. Two months ago from the back of my head.’
Dabi raised an eyebrow at the hero. Well, that was the risk you two both seemed to take on that day. ‘What is it between them and me, right? Well, since you are not in the picture of it, I’m not fully sure if that’s your business, Hawks.’ ‘It is as their ally and friend.’ ‘Maybe you should bother them about it then, shouldn’t you? I’m not saying a fucking word about it to you,’ Dabi retorted back to Hawks and the hero sighed. He honestly didn’t know why he asked Dabi first. The only thing the hero got from it was confirmation there actually was something going on, since the villain didn’t deny what Hawks saw. ‘Well, actually. I can say something about it,’ Dabi said and the hero’s head turned to him again, ‘Unfortunately, my dick has been dry since birth.’
Hawks rolled his eyes. ‘Asshole, anyways, if you want me to talk to them about it, I’ll do so.’ ‘Good for me, let’s finally get back to business then.’
© delvine , all rights reserved
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aki-draws-things · 3 years
Whumptober 2021
Prompt: 02. Talking is overrated
Fandom: MCU
Ship: winterhawk
Extra: tw coma
An anon asked for some winterhawk... Well, here some.. It's not much, but I hope you might like it... 💖
Bucky knew pain, he had lived a long life, and even when his mind wasn't his anymore he knew pain. It was a constant, one he did not want, but a constant nevertheless.
He knew it from nazi's torture, he knew it from falling, from his missing arm and from the scar around the new arm, over his shoulder. He knew the pain from the Chair, from surfacing memories and repressed feelings. And he knew how to inflict pain too. Any concept of pain, Bucky was, unfortunately, aware of.
But that pain, that day, was worse than anything before.
The sky was falling, raining fire like an apocalypse from some film. Of course it wasn't literal fire, it was from some crazy spaceship of some crazy alien. He'd never get used to it. He said the same about Clint Barton and his continuous talking over the comms. It didn't take long for bucky to realize he talked through a sub-frequency, linked to Bucky's comms only. He wanted to groan, to reprimand him, tell him to concentrate on the fight, no, it wasn't a good time to ask him out, goddamn!
Clint laughed and Bucky felt his heart skip a beat. No, not in battle, stay focused.
"but if I asked another time, you'd say yes?"
"I said not now, Barton. There are aliens trying to invade us."
"Yup, darling, can see them. Just arrowed three of them. Gotta get that arrow back though, I can't risk running out, can I?"
Bucky didn't imagine him winking, why should he--- actually, could people wink with they're voice? Because that definitely sounded like Barton winked at him, and it was getting distracting.
"you still haven't answered." Clint said again. Bucky could hear fights in the background from the comms, soft yelling, and thus and--
What? What now?
He didn't get an answer at first, he tried to ignore the dreadful feeling building up in his stomach, cold and dark. An arrow passed right next to his cheek, it barely grazed him and Bucky turned, following it and seeing how it flew through the open armor, and I'm the head of a second alien behind the first. Both of them too close to Bucky, and he didn't notice them. He thought of blaming Clint for that, him and his distracting talks, but Clint was the one who saved him so--
Something crashed behind him, it crashed loudly and without a human sound but the breaking of bones.
Bucky was aware if many types of pain, psychological and physical ones, but this one was new, and worse. He felt his own heart drop at the sight, broken limps bended unnaturally, blood pooling around the head, drenching the suit on the chest, trickling from his lips, and nose, and ears, down his chin and neck. Bucky dropped on his knees next to the body and suddenly wanted nothing more than to hear that annoying voice through his comms. Silence was-- cold. Cold like the cryo freeze hydra kept putting him into. Cold as the snow when he fell, cold as--
"hey Buck... Are those tears?" he gasped, and sobbed, looking ag the barely opened eyes. It was a miracle he was alive, but there he was, and yes. Yes, of course he was crying.
"what were you thinking? Saving me and falling down a building? Again? What's wrong with you and buildings?"
He brushed his hand over the cheek, hoping that wouldn't hurt him, where could he touch the archer without causing more pain, actually?
"eh... Not lucky." Clint stretched a smile, frowned, and squeezed his eyes when the smallest movement caused a burst of pain through his skull. His most definitely fractured skull. He slowed his breathing and bucky wasn't sure he did it on purpose, as training or if his body was just giving up. He hoped-- no, he didn't dare to hope.
"wouldn't answer me. - Clint muttered, and bucky almost burst out an answer, like that would magically make everything alright, heal him, save him. - I thought... Showing you I'm serious would work better. Actions are louder."
Your bones hitting the ground were definitely loud, bucky almost said. He didn't.
"doesn't matter..." a hand brushed bucky's cheek, wiped the tears away, some bones were still intact then... Little consolation. He grabbed the hand, held it carefully in his. "'m jus' glad you alright." he slurred, his eyes closing, laying still as bucky tried to wake him again, as he screamed and begged. As he whispered that yes, yes he would go on a date with him, but only if he could pick the place.
Only if Clint woke up again.
"no." Bucky's voice sounded almost threatening, he knew what Steve was about to say, and they were alone in the room, how easily could he jump at him and shut him up. How easily his neck could snap if he dated to say it again.
"bucky, just listen to me... You can't lock yourself here, you need to get out, sleep, have a proper meal, a bath."
Bucky growled, he pointed at the bed, with enough room for him to curl into, at the tray and empty plate on the table, Natasha came four times every day with food and coffee, and milk, and anything bucky may ask her, at the bathroom door, there wasn't a bathtub, but he always liked showers better.
Steve sighed, that approach was unbreachable, and he couldn't disagree with Bucky's answer, he indeed had everything he needed.
"buck... Look, I know, I understand."
"do you? Is your pretty lover in a coma after saving your ass? Don't think so cause he's staring at me from the door. No Stevie, you do not understand."
He wouldn't make a scene. He could, and he knew some people that would help him clean up after and ask no questions, but no, he wouldn't. He was... Better.
"it's been three months, Buck. Tony said--"
"I don't care what Stark said! I don't. You get him off of that and he--"
He stopped, froze, trembled, hands closed in tight fists that almost collided with Rogers' face. He couldn't even say it, let alone imagine what would be, what would happen.
"he's gone already."
"get out."
"Buck... You should let him go."
"Get. Out. Steve."
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Buck..."
His metal hand collided with the wall and he locked the door.
"you said actions were louder than words..." bucky murmured, his fingers brushing gently over the knuckles of the hand on his lap, he ignored the woman moving quietly on the other side of the bed, checking machines and vitals, humming quietly under her breath.
"a very loud action would be waking up... That wouldn't speak, clint... That would scream. And I'd take you screaming everyday if it means being at your side."
The woman left the bed with a last check to the IV line, she put a hand on bucky's shoulder and squeezed lightly.
"you're not wrong, Winter." she said smiling down at him. "talking is indeed overrated most times, but I reckon it can make a difference sometimes. Times like that. So... You know, keep talking, call him back home." she pressed a kiss to his temple before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
"heard Jen? Clint... Clint you need to come home. Come home, so I can answer you. You pick the place, you've earned it, just--please."
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userpurple · 3 years
Yes that was the photo!! Idk how people live in nyc, it seems like the weather gets so unbearable at times. Ill definitely check out the asmr, ive been looking for new channels to watch anyways! Yeah it sucks that acnh needs a switch, but imo its the best animal crossing game Nintendo has put out so far. I also used to play guitar! Ive lost the calluses on my fingers though so now whenever I play it hurts haha. I totally get the movie thing. I have a habit of choosing video essays on YouTube over movies, even though a lot of the video essays I watch are movie length. Make it make sense brain???? I probably should’ve guessed you liked frozen 2 by your header! It was such a gorgeous movie. What are your favorite kinds of edits to make? - pixel ☕️
hellow again pixel! yup it's sad that animal crossing needs a switch but you know what? i'm gonna go watch gameplays on yt XD like, the ones that record everything right from the very start hehe i've been doing that for genshin impact lately :D
ugh tell me about the calluses! i feel like all string instruments require you to constantly touch them at least once every day if you wanna play them without crying from the burns on your fingertips lmao.
oooo video essays sound interesting! what are they? and yes i did love frozen 2! though i think the plot line didn't make much sense. i watched the disney+ documentary on how they made it and it was just absolute chaos and rushing lol. but i didn't mind that much honestly bc for me the key focus was on how visually STUNNING the animation & graphics were!! especially as an editor and gif-maker, the color palettes were inspiring af + great for enhancing color theory <3 what was your favorite scene/moment from the movie? mine was elsa battling the dark sea and the water horse!
ahhhh favorite edits to make that's hard bc there are so many!! but i'll give you some of my current ones:
i love making edits based around b&w, vintage minimalism and monochrome themes. obviously, with these concepts less is more and i'm something of a minimalist myself. also i love the challenge :) @ikraar is honestly a b&w queen and mist just constantly inspires me! 
handwriting edits! this is a rather recent obsession kslhakljskallf i just love the idea of overlaying your handwriting on a picture it’s just so charming??
collages but i’ve only made one so far for a friend’s birthday (it was my first time trying! i was proud with how it turned out) and for collages nat/miss marshmallow @ohh-goddamn has my absolute mad respect she just rules that category!! 
the final one is posters and redesigns of anything from a movie, tv show or album! this type is probably the one i do most cause it’s what comes the most naturally to me. i’ve been making edits for years, starting with good ol’ picsart and working my way up to photoshop (@magnusedom @cheddarthefluffyboi and @deepika-padukone are my gurus). i like that i can sit in front of a blank canvas on my laptop and just conceptualize the design as i go <3
final one is simple hehe. any edit that lets me use the film grain filter or overlays :’)
what about you? what are your favorite movies? are you a content creator on here as well? 
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forever-halone · 3 years
IV. baleful
Tumblr media
(cw: death, loss) 
When I come back down, I don’t see where my sword lands when I toss it. It can get lost wherever it wants in these weeds for all I care. Because right now my back hurts, my arms hurts, there’s a gash on my thigh might be still bleeding, and I’m tired as all shit. And in a minute here, I’m gonna have to go dig a ditch to go bury the woman I loved and her lover I killed in. 
I’m such an idiot.
I should cry. Maybe even scream, or something, I can’t feel anything no matter how hard I focus on it. I stubbed out that instinct long ago, and I’m still working on getting it back. Fuck, I have to get that back. This war won’t break me. I won’t let it. No one is ever going to get that satisfaction. 
My hands are still soiled with her so I end up wiping it against my faded harness, because only the Destroyer knows how many times I’ve cleaned that thing, before I go search through the satchel at my hip. If I can’t feel a damn thing, then a quick smoke break will put some warmth in me, at least. And if I remember correctly, the last few packs I have are the ones she gave me. 
I thought it weird she had so much to give, more than usual, before I found out she was fucking some motherlander. Maybe this is poetic if I smoke one over her corpse. Or maybe this is just pathetic. I can’t be mad at her when she would have probably had a better life with him than me— but she knew that she knew too much about too many people to be doing shit like that. 
Why couldn’t she have just she told me? Was she afraid of me? Did she not really—
The movement seems to spook my brother (but not really, it’s complicated, more like my little brother, but I don’t like it, and I’m tired of explaining it to people, so don’t ask me, so stop asking me) who had been spending his time staring at the Imperial’s dismembered leg like some kind of weird asshole. I wouldn’t have brought him along, honestly, I can take care of my own problems, and I’m tired of him thinking he can solve them for me. But he’s the one that found this out and told me, and he is more into that vengeance shit than I ever was.
But I’m polite, so I offer him a cigarette out from the rations that her Garlean suitor gave her. He declines, of course, but it was more of a formality than anything— he usually only accepts a smoke when he’s drunk or trying to convince me he’s not on the verge of hysteria.
So I take my first drag alone, and try to ignore him before he tries to pretend to bring up conversation for my own sake.
“...I’m sorry.” He says, the misery in his voice likely making up for mine and more. Rhalgr’s fat teats. 
“Shut up.”
“...you didn’t deserve this.”
“Yea’. But it’s whatever.” When he turns to look back at me at that, I’m already in the midst of fuming out a thick smokescreen between myself and the miserable scene in front of me. The warmth in my chest is comforting, and I’m beginning to feel the ache in my thigh less and less.
“...are you alright?” My chest hurts a bit. Thank fuck, there it is. “You don’t look...”
“Angry?” I finish the sentence for him. I’m not usually good at that, but I know him better than anyone when he’s like this.
“Yes.” A pause, and he asks. “...or sad. It’s worryin’ me. You know, you just...”
I’m not going to let him finish, because I don’t want to be here until nightfall. “Yea’. I’m sad as all fuck. But I’m not goin’ to cry in front of you, though. Even if you want me to.” I pause, too, and end up trying to stuff my matches back in some random pocket of my harness. “But I’m not angry, either, even if that’d make you feel better.”
I see his brows furrow at that, unfortunately— my smokescreen is gone, and I can see him glooming in all his glory. I’m so tired.
“You don’t hate her?” He asks, and I get reminded again he’s younger than me. Probably. He doesn’t want to figure that out, and I don’t care.
“Fuck no. Lovin’ people is hard, Farid. Hatin’ people is the easiest thing in the goddamn world. It takes nothin’ out of you.” I sound so stupid, but I don’t care, I’m allowed to sound stupid because I’m grieving or whatever, “And I’m not weak like you.”
He barely manages to smile at that despite his somber getup, like I had managed to get him there with some bad joke. Maybe I really do sound stupid. I’m forgetting to take another drag. 
“I just say all this mean shit because I’m a bitch.”
“...no you’re not, Pan.” He says. He always says that when I say that. He always does. It’s because he loves me, isn’t it? This asshole.
...fuck. Zaansha never said that. She thought it was funny, though. So I’d always say it. Did she believe it? Did she hate me for it? Did I end up being too much? Did she ever actually love me? Was doing all of this to me easy? I loved her so much. Was loving her only hard because it was just me?
I realize I’m crying when I can’t see a damn thing, and I can feel Farid trying to take the cigarette out of my hands to have his hands there instead. But I don’t care if I’m a damn liar— he doesn’t give a shit, probably, and I’m relieved I’m doing it in the first place. 
I’m going to cry, and I’m going to cry until I’m satisfied.
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b0oker18 · 4 years
On the anniversary of ‘My Struggle IV’ I have many thoughts:
I became a fan of The X Files in 2008 when I saw ‘I want to believe’ on DVD. When I watched it I fell in love with Mulder and Scully and the strange universe that they lived in. Long story short over the next few months I watched every episode, then I watched them again and then again (and then again). Not only did I fall in love with M and S but I fell in love with the Mythology, the MOTW, and the themes of science and religion. I’m such a big fan I even (sort of) defend seasons 8 and 9 (I am very much aware of all the problems with both seasons ok lol).
I was so enthralled with this journey that these two lovely people had together! And you know what? I was somewhat happy to leave them and never see them again after ‘I want to believe’ While we didn’t get all the answers like colonization, William, etc. I was ok with that! I even had my own elaborate head canon of what happened after ‘I want to believe’. Basically it involved Gibson getting into contact with M and S to tell them that the colonists had left Earth because William was normal now (so colonization would never happen) and it also involved Mulder writing a series of memoirs that gave him a renewed sense of purpose in life, but maybe I’ll get into it another time cuz it’s a lot lol.
Anyway, one day in 2015 (I think) season 10 was officially announced and I was very happy! I thought finally we were getting closure! Then the Mulder and Scully breakup rumors came out and I knew we were in trouble, but I still wanted to give it a chance. Then Chris Carter called the “revival” series a “reimagining” and again I thought we were in trouble, but I still wanted to give it a chance.
I remember the night ‘My Struggle I’ aired. The Files fandom was SO excited and so was I. I remember loving it! Sure the entire mythology was flushed down the toilet and sure Mulder and Scully were broken up and none of things made any sense, but we got 5 more episodes! The mythology will go somewhere and Mulder and Scully will get back together. None of things happened and I felt horrible! Season 10 is the worst season of The X Files in my opinion. But I didn’t think the show would come back and somehow it was easy for me to ignore and I did for a while.
A year or so later Season 11 was announced and again the hype got to me! Finally we will get the answers to the shows original mythology and finally Mulder and Scully will get back together (noticing a theme here). Then ‘My Struggle III’ aired and it sucked! Haha. But then ‘This’ aired and OMG Dana Scully and Fox Mulder are back together as a romantic couple again! Hooray!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🎉Nope! they weren’t. 😞But that’s ok cuz next week Mulder and Scully will have sex, twice! Then the episode aired and while the episode was somewhat entertaining, it had what I feel is the single worst Mulder and Scully scene in the history of the show. Im sorry but that bed scene was horrendous! It was like two high schoolers talking about if they would still love each other after graduating. These two characters have WAY to much personal history to have any conversation even remotely like that. But they had sex twice and you know HYYYYPPPEEE ZOMGS they did it.... twice!! 😱😱😱.
‘Ghoulie’ was good but William is like a shape shifting monster now or something??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But dear god the acting of Gillian Anderson was TOP notch! So you know MORE HYYYPPPE!!!
‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ was kinda boring but that ending!!!! They are back together!!!! They are talking about their regrets and letting them go!!!!! YAY!!!! HYYYYPPPEEE level over 9000!! But that shit should’ve happened WAY sooner. And is as fans deserve to know what Scully whispered.
Then we get to ‘My Stuggle IV’. We got car chases! We got Mulder shooting like 20 people! We got Scully doing.... stuff! We got Chris Carter doubling down on William not being the true son of Mulder! But who cares SCULLY IS PREGGOOOSSSSS!!!😱😱😱😱. Greatest series finale EVERRRRR.!!! I got the Mulder and Scully happy ending I have always wanted y’all! Ty Chris Carter!!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉🥳
Yeah, I thought that way for months. Then I walked away from the show for a year or so and I honestly didn’t think much of it! Then the “revival” came back into my conscience. My “revival” HHYYPPEE brain had left me. I started objectively thinking about the revival. Literally nothing made any sense. Mulder and Scully are back in the FBI in there 50’s? With no training? As Mulder is clinically depressed?? Mulder just believes some random person that alien colonization is all bull shit and it was all evil white dudes? This man has been lied to his entire life yet he just believes? That ain’t my Mulder. Where was all that character development from the original series? It certainly wasn’t in Chris Carter’s show bible (I think only a few people will understand that joke lol).
I don’t want to make this post much longer so what I’m trying to get at is the revival as a whole was noting more than a soft reboot. That REALLY bothered me for months when I came back to this show. It’s so goddamn disrespectful to the original fandom. There are still so many fans that care about the original mythology and Mulder and Scully, we wanted to see both progress into new and interesting ways. Instead it’s all burnt down to the ground. Sure Mulder and Scully are cute in the revival series, but what’s it really worth when they aren’t truly together. I get the show needs angst, but at what cost? Breaking them up is the easy way out. That shit hurt me. Same with the mythology, Carter just deletes all of it so he can tell a story that would connect to a new audience. Instead it pissed off just about everyone.
I’ll never, ever begrudge any fan for loving the revival. Actually I’m a little envious, but now that I look at it objectively I just can not reconcile the new Mulder and Scully we got and the new mythology that were being told. So for me the “true” X Files ended after ‘I want to Believe’. Mulder is writing his books, finding his new purpose in life. Scully is still working as a doctor helping children get better. Colonization will never happen and William will have a happy life with his loving adoptive parents. Sure maybe the rest of Mulder and Scullys life may be rather dull. But in my heart of hearts it’s what I believed they longed for, it’s what I longed for after I first saw ‘I Want to Believe’. So I’ll give it to them, they deserve it. I’ll love this show forever. 💜
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goose-books · 4 years
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goose-books productions: a 2020 review
view the image in higher quality here! (open the image in a new tab to zoom in.) thank you to my dearest @yvesdot for the template
transcripts and month-by-month details under the cut! for reference, you can find my projects here :-) overall, new and old followers, thank you for another good year over here! [holds your hand] [holds your hand] [holds your hand] [holds your h
i spent late 2019-early 2020 working on 2019’s nano project, quark, aka the speculative fiction thing about new york city and prophets and dissections of the chosen one trope and gay people. quark is my second-oldest project (five years!), but it’s also probably the most ambitious, so it’s been... difficult to wrangle into place, and i didn’t end up finishing a first draft. oh, well.
enjoy a snippet that is devastatingly emblematic of everything about quark. the tone. the homoerotic tension. the ensemble cast all talking over each other. the fact that caelum has spent pretty much this entire scene crying. fun autopsy report meeting.
Marble stares at the notebook in Shade’s hands. Or maybe he’s staring at Shade’s hands. Dawn feels a little voyeuristic, so she does what she does and says a dumb and unrelated thing: “Augustus, I think this pizza-on-the-floor thing is hurting my ass.”
Augustus flutters his hands. “Sometimes nonconformity is painful.”
“At least we’re originals,” Caelum mumbles into his sleeve.
“Exactly,” Augustus says.
“True originality doesn’t exist,” Marble says.
“Oh,” Shade deadpans, “it’s going to be a fun autopsy report meeting.”
It isn’t.
in january i stressed myself out trying to make the plot of quark work. so in february, i decided to take some time and write something Entirely For Fun. like, entirely for fun, no rules. and. my god. how do i explain the project i started calling “third eye for the bad guy.”
it was an unholy mashup of many of my past hyperfixations, including the gone series, a tale of two cities, warrior cats, and the left hand of darkness. one of the characters was a canon scalie and one was a canon fictionkinnie. it centered around a polycule of wannabe-evil-overlord high schoolers. i only wrote like three chapters but i was lost in the sauce for all of february and then i just… like… wiped it from my mind and moved on? somehow??? one character was a werewolf and that literally wasn’t relevant at ALL
Someone was going to die on these steps.
This had been Ivy Lee Palomo’s thought last year during the all-school photo, and it rose in her mind again now. The one hundred marble stairs leading up to the great double doors of Saint Constantine Academy were the school’s pride and glory, steep as the mountain, sharp as the blade under Ivy Lee’s skirt. With the cutting wind and snow glazing the stone more often than not, with the freshmen wild and wired on their first day of their first year, it was really only a matter of time before someone slipped and cracked their fucking head open.
It wasn’t going to be her. Not when she had Doc Martens and reflexes like an electric coil. Still. Ivy Lee didn’t want to watch someone die. She didn’t get along with dead people.
in march, i got back to the project i’d started in 2019 - AMT, my podcast! it’s a shakespeare retelling set in a modern high school; this excerpt is funnier and also more unnerving in context. (double, double, toil and trouble...)
INDRAJIT: What the hell are you doing?
DEE (like she’s lying): Making pasta.
NONA: That’s right.
MORA: We have the keys to Mab’s office.
DEE: We’re using her stove.
NONA: To make pasta.
DEE: Do you want some?
and darkling rears its head! all of my other projects have existed for at least a year; darkling (specfic king lear retelling) is... special. it was conceived in april, when i started hyperfixating on king lear, and i still managed to write an absolutely ridiculous amount of content for it. it was like the power of hyperfixation let me speedrun the entire process. which. okay.
iv: control
They say Cressida Stayer was nine years old when she turned her hair to gold. They laid her down in bed blonde, and the next morning, the waves cascading down her shoulders were solid metal, glinting harshly in the sunlight, weighing her down, creating that odd head-cocked expression she still wears now. Nine years old. Two or three years before most people develop enough magic skills to dye a single curl. Much less transfigure their hair into precious metal.
People also say Leovald Stayer’s immediate reaction was to hack it off her head and melt it down for cash. But generally they say that part a lot quieter.
in may i wrote AMT episode 15, by which i mean that in may there was a day when i sat in my room with the door shut for literally five straight hours listening to the same three songs on loop as i wrote the climax of one of the plotlines of AMT. so. that sure was… a day.
ISAAC: Do you want… do you want someone to drive you home? Hawk, you’re worrying me -
HAWK (almost cutting him off): Don’t. Don’t say that. I’m here to help. With your… thing.
ISAAC (quietly): I… don’t know if you should be here to see this.
HAWK (a little louder, more audibly upset): Well - what else am I going to do? Go home and - and have my dads talk at me and - and not be able to answer them? Because I can’t? I can’t. I don’t know what to say.
ISAAC (V.O.): I wonder if this is what he feels like, on the outside, looking in at me. Watching someone else hurting. Helpless and afraid.
He still fits perfectly in my arms. I rest my chin on top of his head and pull him close to me, like I can stop him from shaking, like I can stop anything from happening the way I know it’s going to. I bury my face in his hair. He smells so familiar. He’s so warm.
God, Hawk. I love you so much. You shouldn’t be here to see this. Something bad’s gonna happen. And you’re not the kind of person who belongs in a tragedy.
okay, honestly, i should talk about “night shift” here, because in june i wrote a whole short story in one night (and then foamed over it for a week), but i am still in the process of submitting it places! so i am terrified to put even a sentence of it online. instead: the other thing i did this month was to finish AMT! (sixteen episodes and somewhere around 175k, iirc, but don’t quote me.) these lines are the opener to the final episode!
RAHMA (V.O.): The combined series of sophomore year disasters stretched through November. It’s June now. It’s taken me… a long time to get this all put together. I was going to make a vlog about it, initially - well, calling it a vlog sounds frivolous. I was going to make a video recounting the whole deal. All of it. From when I kissed Avery Fairchilde to the very last night. I scripted dozens of drafts; I put together dozens of bullet-pointed lists of what to cover… and it was never enough. Because Avery and I weren’t the only ones involved. Even if I was only focused on the two of us, it wasn’t just the two of us.
So… I gathered up everyone else. The whole town of Ellisburg is still talking about the week the town went crazy, but it wasn’t just a week. There was a lot leading up to it. And I think if anyone’s going to talk about it, it should be us. The people who lived it. So here we are. The most ambitious Rahma Ashiq production of all time - at least so far.
every july i pause whatever else i’m doing to celebrate the birthday of aurum & argentate, twins from my oldest and dearest WIP The Mortal Realm. july fifteenth! mark your calendars. they’re princes, though argentate would really rather not be; you can read the full birthday piece here.
“Do you… plan to get dressed?” A bit of the usual humor crept back into Aurum’s voice. “Although if you want to speak to the kingdom in your underthings, by all means, you have my full support.”
Argentate scrubbed at his face. He wasn’t dressed, no, but the usual malaise hung over his shoulders like a cloak. Guilt. Nerves. The sick sense that he hadn’t done something he was supposed to. The numb knowledge that it was too late to change a thing.
“I meant to,” he said. “Get dressed, I mean.” The rest went unsaid: I have just been sitting here. On the floor. Thinking about how I should get dressed.
“Ah,” Aurum said, extending his hand. “The traditional route. We’ll save the nude speeches for the future, then.”
Argentate took his hand, stumbling a little as Aurum pulled him to his feet. He steadied himself on the closest wall, taking a few deep breaths. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. His hands found their way to the cross, again and again.
this summer, i wrote an entire draft of Valentine Van Velt is Dead, AKA “holden caulfield goes to exposure therapy,” AKA the weird little personal side project i keep tucked into my coat. interesting features include second-person narration from a narrator who doesn’t like the main character all that much. so reading it is kind of like the book wants to kill you? with an added dash of general melancholy.
You used to live here. That’s the thing that’s got you feeling so off.
You didn’t recognize your old house. I mean, you kind of did. You remembered that the road was on a hill. That hill felt like a goddamn forty-five degree angle when you were a kid. But if you didn’t have the address written down you wouldn’t have known it at all. It would have been just another little suburban house in rows of perfect little towns that make your skin crawl.
So now you’re in this diner looking out a gross smudgy window trying to block out the elevator music pumping through the speakers in the ceiling or whatever. I don’t know how speakers work. You’re trying to tune that shit out. The waitress comes over and catches you by surprise so you just point at some coffee thing on the menu so she’ll go away. For the record: you don’t drink coffee.
There’s a public library across the street. A little square building. You probably used to go there. The lady comes over and thunks your coffee on the table and gives you a kind of look, like she wants to know what in the goddamn hell you think you’re doing here and not at school. You sip your coffee and look out the window until she leaves you alone again. And then you spit it back into the cup because, for the record: you don’t drink coffee.
i spent september and october prepping for nano, so i was mostly working on darkling...
It’s late spring; still, at this time of night, on a rooftop, there’s a chill. The wind plays with the end of Ruby’s coat, with her hair. She hands the bottle off to Jasper, stares up at the fogged-over sky, wishes she were lying in Dany’s arms in Dany’s bed instead of here. Wishes, even, that Dany were the one on the roof with her. At least then they’d be cold together. At least then she wouldn’t have to imagine what Dany would say; she could just listen, and watch Dany’s flashing smile and her flinty eyes.
(She cuddles. This is another thing Dany does that Dany probably shouldn’t do, based on everything about Dany; it’s not like rattlesnakes cuddle. But Dany likes to nuzzle into Ruby’s side and rest her head on Ruby’s collarbones and toss an arm over Ruby’s chest, and hold her down like she’s worried she’ll float off somewhere. She’ll card her fingers through Ruby’s hair and hum. Even though they could get caught, even though she’s probably got better places to be - Dany cuddles.)
Ruby imagines it, momentarily, both of them on the roof together, sprawled like horrifyingly beautiful gargoyles, sharp teeth flashing, blood running hot. Up here - it’d be like they ruled the world.
But whatever. Jasper’s fun. He’s hot. He’s got a sharp tongue in a lot more ways than one. And she likes when he lets the mask down. She likes seeing the soft bits underneath. She wants to sink her teeth and nails into them so hard she draws blood. Masks don’t bleed. Ruby would know; that’s why she is what she is.
...though i was also in creative writing class in school, and thus ended up writing a bunch of poems of varying quality (my teacher had a real thing for poetry) and also one darklingverse short story where rory and cressida hold hands! which you can find here.
Lorelai Rory Flowers is afraid of thunder.
This is a bit of an embarrassing thing to admit, as they’re seventeen (“at least seventeen,” they like to tell people, “maybe two hundred, who’s to say?”) and generally wise beyond their years, or whatever it is that adults say about kids with too much psychological baggage. Being afraid of thunder is not a very wise-beyond-one’s-years trait. And yet the state of affairs remains: loud noises make Rory want to melt into the earth. Back when they still went to school, even the fire alarm sent them scuttling under their desk to hide.
Right now, in the elevator, all they can do is shrink into their sweater.
They haven’t let go of Cressida’s hand yet.
and then november of course was nano which was an adventure all the way through. (opening tumblr on the fifth day of nano to find out about d*stiel... was something.)
“Apologize to me. Or get out of my house.”
Gracen’s voice is very, very low. For a moment she thinks he hasn’t heard her at all. Then he spins, eyes blazing. “What did you say?”
Gracen watches her own chest heave. She pushes herself up off the desk, stands with the effort of pushing a mountain off of her back. Leovald is six-foot-four. Gracen is six-foot-two. In her heels, in the heels she must wear to be a professional woman, to be a lady - they are the same height.
Gracen wipes her nose. When she lowers her arm, there’s a streak of blood across the back of her hand. Fire shivers in her chest; her heart rings in her ears; her voice could cut steel.
“I said,” she says, low, slow, volume building, “apologize to me. Or get. Out. Of. My. House.”
and finally, the poem i posted this year! it’s called the beast sonnet, and you can find it in its own post over here (with commentary! how sexy.)
i kill the beast and drop down to my knees, my blade stained dark with blood of stygian hue, and for a moment these scarred hands shake free, and hold a world unfurled for me anew. but once-mourned victims, victors, vices find; fear winged me; now its absence strips me bare. my sword now dulls, my legs, my voice, my mind; the beast, pried from my throat, leaves no skill there. and still i hear it laugh, O DEVOTEE— O CHILD DEAR, NO GLORY WITHOUT ME.
i was quite productive this year; i have to think it was because i was avoiding things... the peak of my productivity happened over the summer and in november, AKA, college app hell. (almost done with the last applications! pray for me.)
a general breakdown of what occupied me this year:
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(no, i don’t know why the “various other things” category ended up so large... i blame all the one-off projects i wrote a single page for, and also whatever the fuck happened in february. yes, i do know why it looks hideous; it’s because each of my WIPs has a theme color
thank you once again for spending some time at goose-books dot gov this year! what to expect for next year: well, i very much hope i can produce AMT... also hoping to get darkling ready for beta readers, so keep your eyes out!
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gemsofthegalaxy · 3 years
For the ask game, 37, 38
thank you my love <3
37. Talk about your current wips.
you know all about these sdjfgkhdf but my current two wips are:
(content warning for pregnancy, incl pregnancy as a trans guy [it’s intentional on his part but i can understand if someone still wants to skip reading])
One + One, the fic where Courfeyrac wants to be a dad and Enjolras, who would do anything with a friend, agrees to help him in babymaking. They start off with artificial insemination but then decide........ why not try the old-fashioned way and see if they might be more successful? I actually made it to the part where Courfeyrac is actually pregnant and I have some cute-weird “Shopping for the baby and having people be like ‘awh youre such cute dads’ and Enjorlas being like ‘oh im just the sperm donor’ until they stop trying to correct people because it always makes the energy very awkward.” scenes planned out but i got stuck in a celebratory sex scene, womp womp
my other WIP is the Old Guard/soulmate au where Enjolras and Grantaire die on the barricade, only to both wake up and learn they’re immortal. However, Grantaire sees Enjolras get up before him and decides to freak out and run away, staying hidden from Enjolras. Meanwhile, Enjolras slips into a depression because of the fact he survived when so many (including Grantaire) died. Enjolras eventually finds out Grantaire is alive and is, at first, elated, and then, rightfully very pissed off. and Grantaire keeps running away because he’s a goddamn mess and now he’s hurt Enjolras even more which makes it worse
coincidentally, though, the part i’m at right now is after they’ve gotten together again and they are....... in the middle of another sex scene UGH why do i always do this to myself.
Who knows if/when I’ll pick either of these up again /shrug
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
okay most reviews make my day (i would say all but ive gotten at least 1 that was a bit rude ^^;) but i’ve gotten a lot of REALLY awesome ones that still make me smile so
I jumped to page 10 of my reviews bc i never delete my inbox LOL and found one I really love, on The Wedding Of Peter Nureyev from Fangirllogan  “
“Can it,” Rita snapped, and Juno held up his hands.
“She’s been spending too much time with you again,” Benzaiten muttered.
“Hey, can it,” Juno said, and Benzaiten cast his eyes to the ceiling.
THESE THREE ARE ICONIC AND I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC SO MUCH AND YOU WRITE THE BANTER JUST *chefs kiss*And Juno just missing peter during the bachelor party is so sweet and pure and it’s perfect.And the dahlias and roses!!!!! Ahhhh such a nice detail and everything you wrote just gave me such warm happy vibes this absolutely made my night”
as you and everyone who even remotely knows me, I love being complimented on my characterization and banter because those are my favourite things to write~ 
thank you for the asks!! Send me fanfic questions
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Chapter XII
Warnings: Violence, Murder, Mentions of Murder, Language, Mentions of Rape, Mentions of Suicide Summary: Y/N is Andy and Laurie Barber’s 14-year-old daughter who is a high-grade student in Archer Middle School. Her best friend, Alice Miller had been gone for a while. They search for the lost student and find out that Alice Miller’s body has the prints of Andy and Laurie Barber’s daughter, Y/N.
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII
Your Full Name Initials - F/N/I
Also some sad dog scene. Very sad. Not abuse no that would’ve been a warning but it’s not that. No gore either
“You’ve been with the state’s crime lab how long?” Neal asked. The woman at the witness stand sighs, “Eleven years, almost 12,” She replied. Neal nods, “Ms. Carlson, could you describe the blood evidence at the point of attack?”
“There were a few small spatters less than an inch in diameter,” She says. Neal looks over to the jury, “Yesterday, we heard defense contend that there should have been blood on the clothing of an attacker in a stabbing like this.” 
Andy shuffles in his chair. “Do you have an opinion on that?” Neal asks.
“Yes. That’s not necessarily true, since no spatter seemed to cast off with force. It’s also possible the assailant stood behind the victim when she stabbed him which would have meant she was out of the trajectory of any spray or spatter.”
Laurie gotten a flashback when she first caught Y/N almost hurting another girl at the bowling alley. Y/N went to attack from behind. She shook her head. “What can you tell us about the murder weapon?” Neal asks.
“We were looking for a knife with a four- to six-inch blade and a serrated-edge.” Neal walks over and pulls out a box from under his table, “I see.” Andy leans forward to right somethings down. “So, a knife like this one?” Neal asked.
Andy turns to the recent call from Neal, lifting up his head, his blood ran cold when Neal held up a familiar blade. “Objection,” Joanna says. “Commonwealth moves to enter into evidence--”
“Objection!” Joanna calls, everyone seem to whisper and gasp at the slightest. Neal looks at French, “Your Honor, the jury will soon hear testimony from the defendant’s best friend that the defendant owned a knife exactly like this one: a Schnell Tactical.” Neal was holding it up towards the jury.
“Your Honor, this is a cheap stunt. The Commonwealth had yet to link any such knife to the defendant, and to wave it around in here now is irresponsible. It’s inflammatory,” Joanna states.
“Agreed. Objection sustained. Put away the knife, Mr. Logiudice,” Judge French says lowly. Neal nods and turns away, “In that case, no more questions, Your Honor.”
“Cross,” French said. Joanna nods, “Absolutely, Your Honor.” Joann stands up and walks over, “Ms. Carlson, we were just on the subject of blood. Was there any blood evidence recovered from the defendant?” She asks.
“No,” Ms. Carlson said. “Genetic evidence?” Joanna asks, “DNA? Hairs? Fibers?” Ms. Carlson shook her head, “No, just the fingerprint.”
Joanna stood by the jury, “May I propose a hypothetical?” She asked. Ms.Carlson nods at the slightest, “Okay.” Y/N looked over to the old woman, “Let’s suppose the defendant Y/N, was walking on her way back home after the party when she was left behind by Alice and came across the victim lying on the ground. And suppose Y/N lifted the victim by the collar to see if she was okay. Might that create a fingerprint consistent with the one you found?” Joanna asks.
“Yes, that is possible.”
“Now the knife-” Joanna says to the court, “-that the Commonwealth attempted to enter into evidence had you ever seen it before?” Neal leans forward, “Objection. Relevance.” The judge looks over to him, “Overruled. You opened the door, counselor.” Neal sat there in silence.
“Yes,” Ms. Carlson says, “The DA’s office asked me to determine if that particular model of knife was consistent with the victim’s wounds.” Joanna nods, “Ah. And I assume they gave you other models to compare as well?”
“No?” Joanna turns to the jury, “Did they at least ask you to determine how many other knives might have made those wounds?” Ms. Carlon’s brows go inward and she shook her head, “No.”
“Well, how many would you think?” 
“I-- I don’t know. That-- That would be speculating,” Ms. Carlson replies. Joanna grins, “A thousand?” Ms. Carlson slowly shook her head to think, “Uh... A large number?” She sounded too unsure.
“Seven hundred? Five hundred?” Joanna counts. Ms. Carlson nods, very confused, “Somewhere... somewhere in that range.” Joanna had them now, “In other words, the chances of it being the actual knife are one in 500. Correct?” Andy tried not to grin, holding his hands near his face to hide the small grin.
“Objection. Calls for speculation,” Neal nearly growled. The Judge turns, “Sustained.” Joanna grins and turns to the jury, shaking her head, “No further questions, Your Honor.” Y/N looked over to the jury and saw one of them smiled. And just that, Y/N felt her heart jolt with slight happiness.
Laurie had began to leave the restrooms and head over back to her family in that small room. The halls were crowded with people in nice suits. She heard faint distress from a familiar voice.
“This is all going to shit. She’s gonna walk. Can’t you see that? She’s gonna get away with killing our daughter because of that asshole and his goddamn theatrics.” Laurie spotted Eric and his wife Marla standing off to the side.
“Please, I can’t take this,” Marla says. Eric turns back to her, “Yeah, well, I can’t take it either.” The man turns and walks away. “Eric. Eric,” Marla called, her husband did not look back.
Marla sat down on the bench, pulling a hand up to her face as Laurie looked back. But there was nothing she could do. After Marla had done to Laurie at the mall that morning, Laurie was sure she’d do it again. And Laurie didn’t want someone to drag her out or try to help the mom. Laurie continued on and walked in the room.
“How he didn’t know that that stunt would backfire is beyond me,” Joanna says. Andy nods, “Because he’s reckless.” Laurie sits down and rubs Y/N’s back, “You doing all right?” She asked. Y/N nods, “Yeah.” Y/N remembered the guy who smile.
Y/N turned to the adults, “One of them smiled.” Andy and Joanna look up to the girl. “One of the juror, the guy with the goatee.” Andy sounded shock to hear that, “He smiled? Really?” Andy grins at Joanna. 
Y/N smiles, “Yeah, when she admitted it was a one in 500 chance, he smiled.” Andy grins at her while Joanna’s phone dinged. The woman looked at her phone and cleared her throat, causing Andy to turn. “Something wrong?”
Joanna shook her head, “No. No, it’s nothing. We’ll talk later.” 
“You and Mr. Barber have worked together on many cases. Is that right?” Neal asks, looking towards the next witness at the stand. Pam Duffy. She nodded at him, “We go back, yes,” Her monotone voice was loud and clear. “Would you describe him as diligent when it came to his work?” Neal asks.
“More than that. He was relentless,” She said.
“Was that relentlessness on display when you were attempting to cut through the school’s red tape?” He asked. “He didn’t feel the classmates were a priority,” Pam answered, “We’d already interviewed Alice’s close friends.”
Neal turns, “Once you did interview the students, finally, was there anything useful that came out of that?” He asks. Pam remembered the day they did, none of them kids spoke much, “After the initial meetings, nothing much. But with some follow-up, we came to learn that there was an ongoing beef between the victim and the defendant.”
“Meaning Alice had been bullying the defendant,” Neal states. “For some time, yes,” Pam replied.
“Was this around the time that you started to view the defendant as a suspect?” Neal asks. Pam looks over to him, “It was.”
“Even as her father was still running the investigation?” Neal asks. Pam blinks at him, “Certain aspects of the investigation had to be carried out without Mr. Barber’s knowledge.” Pam looks over to Andy who sat next to Y/N, he seem to shuffle in his seat as he looked upon her. 
“What did that reveal?” Neal asked.
Pam looked away, “That the defendant supposedly had a knife consistent with the wounds, that she had sufficient motive, and she had opportunity in that her movements the night of the attack placed her near or at the scene.”
“Did you arrest her at this time?” He asked. “Not until the fingerprint came back,” She says, “We then obtained a warrant and searched the house, trying to find the knife, which we did not.”
Neal looks down at the notes in his hand, “Did you seize the defendant’s computer?” Pam nods, “We did, but we found nothing directly incriminating.” Neal looks down at the ground, “Detective, are you aware of a program called Disk Scraper?”
“I am. It’s a program that wipes hard drives, deletes files, that kind of thing.”
“Was that program on the defendant’s laptop?” Neal asks. Pam took a while to answer, “It was.” Laurie furrows her brows and Andy looked over to Y/N. He noticed her swallow and stare blankly away from him. “Is it possible that there was incriminating evidence on the laptop, and it was removed by the defendant?”
“Objection. Calls for speculation,” Joanna called. Neal thought of a different question, “What about pornography?”
“Objection. Relevance.”
“Sustained,” French says. Neal shrugs, “Let me be more specific. Did you find any violent pornography on the defendant’s laptop?” Y/N slightly turned her head to the sound of that. Pam looks up, “I think all pornography is violent.”
Neal nods, “Of course. I mean, specifically, images glorifying abuse or torture.”
“Objection. Relevance,” Joanna calls again. The Judge furrowed his brows, “Overruled. The witness will answer.” Pam turned her head to the judge and nodded at Neal, “Some, yeah.”
The spectators began to mutter and Laurie raised her hand up to her face.  Andy looks over to Y/N as she tried not to look at him. Neal nodded, “No further questions.”
Once Neal went back to his desk, Joanna stood up, “Detective, I assume you have executed countless search warrants in your career, yes?” She asked. “Sure,” Pam said. 
“Seized a lot of laptops.”
“Yes,” Pam says. Joanna continues, “Have you ever found one that didn’t have some pornography on it?” The whole court chuckle while Pam grins, “I don’t think so.”
“Detective, is it true that you were the first to identify Leonard Patz as a person of interest, and not Mr. Barber?” Pam nods, “Yes. I brought Patz to Andy’s attention, and we agreed that he was someone we should be looking at.” Joanna points, “One last question.” Joanna looks over to Y/N and Andy before going back to Pam. 
“At any point in the investigation, did Andy Barber behave in any way to suggest that he suspected his own daughter?” Pam shook her head, “No, not in the slightest.”
Joanna nods, “No further questions, Your Honor.” French looks down at his desk. “Mr. Logiudice, redirect?” For a second, Neal looks over to Andy, waiting to find the moment to admit the event to everyone. Andy looked over as well and so Neal turns away. “Detective...” Neal stood, fixing his suit, “...have you ever known Mr. Barber to be violent?”
Andy turns his head to Pam with his brows creasing inward. Pam furrowed hers, “No.”
“Are you sure? Never seen him grab somebody by the jacket? Push them into a wall?” Andy rolls his eyes and drops his pen on the table, leaning back. “Objection. Relevance,” Joanna calls. French looked upon Neal and he felt curious, “Overruled.”
Pam licked her lips and slowly sighed, “Once. You,” She answers, “After your provoked him with that crack about his father doing time for--” Pam cuts herself off knowing that “Bloody” Billy Barber was close to mentioning. It was too late.
“Doing time for murder?” Neal asked.
“Objection! Your Honor!” Joanna shouts, slamming her hand on the table. The jury began to look over with grimace. “Sustained,” French says, “I’ll see counsel at sidebar, right now.” Joanna and Neal both walked over to the sidebar with Judge French.
“I’m appalled at what I just saw. We went over this in pretrial,” Judge says. “Your Honor, it was the defense counsel who first raised the issue of whether the defendant’s father had reason to suspect his own daughter. I am simply trying to make that argument.”
Joanna rolls her eyes, “You have got to be kidding me. Your Honor, the defense moves for a mistrial-”
“Oh, come on,” Neal says.
“-He was given specific instructions.” French glares at Neal, “You are on extraordinarily thin ice, Mr. Logiudice, you understand me?” He asks, “Now you wrap it up with this witness right now. And if I hear even a whispers about the defendant’s grandfather going forward, Ms. Klein will get her mistrial. Am I clear?”
“Yes,” Neal says, a bit too harshly, his eyes drew away, “Your Honor.” After that, Neal goes back to his table, looking over to Andy who shook his head at him. Everyone in the court seem to calm down after the recent question about “Bloody” Billy Barber.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a saying in the law, ‘You cannot unring the bell’...” Andy turns to Laurie and he shook his head, mouthing towards her. Laurie turns her head and shook it. “...but I’m going to insist that you do just that with regard to the last question.” Andy turned back to the front and shook his head.
Before the next trial, Andy had visited Joanna during nights. Looking over their next witness who would be going up at the stand. Derek Yoo. Andy tried to find pulls and connections between Leonard Patz and Derek, find strategies to keep this going.
So, the day of the trial. The usual thing was sitting and waiting. Laurie looked over to the Yoo family who sat on the other side. But that wasn’t the only problem. Joanna received a text and stood up, walking over to Andy. Her hand gently goes on Andy’s back. “We’ve got a problem.” Andy turns to her. “Madelyn McGrath. I can’t find her.”
“What?” Andy asks.
“Ellen’s been trying to call her cell all week, and she finally got in touch with her mother this morning. And she said that she and Madelyn had a fight three days ago, and that she took off. And her girlfriend just posted online from Florida, and the mom thinks that she’s down there with her.”
“What are we supposed to do? She’s supposed to take the stand tomorrow,” Andy says, gesturing to the stand. “Don’t worry. We’re gonna think of something. Okay.” Joanna taps his shoulder and walks back to her seat, leaving Andy in thought.
Madelyn needed to take the stand tomorrow. She was the one who could end the trial from there. Now it made it look like they didn’t have enough evidence that Leonard Patz is not the suspect here. 
Andy turns to look over to the laughter and chatter by Neal and his assistant. The two laughing as if they were best friends. Even when Andy helped Neal through his time being the commonwealth. Taught him everything he knew. Like a friend would.
Neal felt Andy’s eyes and looked over, his smile slowly dropped and he turned away without any other expressions to continue his conversation with his assistant. Andy turned back to the front again, Laurie behind him was stressing more as she rubbed her face in her hand.
Turning around, Andy made eye contact with her. All he could do was give her a gentle smile. Laurie nodded to indicate him that she was doing okay and that he didn’t need to worry much about her.
But then someone brought his attention. Walking into the courtroom, Lynn looked around the room and her eyes landed on Andy’s. The two shared a long gaze and he was the first to turn away from her and stare at his own notes that were written either from last night or today.
“Court, all rise!” The woman shouts. The whole court rose in silence. And their witness was put up to the stand.
“I was like, ‘That’s the same way you go to school. Did you see anything?’ And Y/N said no,” Derek says.
“Nothing about seeing Alice on the ground or trying to help him?” Neal asks. Derek fidgets in his seat, “No. Uh, and she made a joke. Said something like, ‘Couldn’t happen to a nicer girl’,” Derek’s eyes seem to look only at his hands or the wooden surface, eyes locking with Y/N’s he saw the cold stare from her. He looked away immediately.
“And this is within a week after learning about Alice’s murder?”
“I guess, yeah. We were at Y/N’s house, playing video games during the break,” Derek said. Neal nods, “When you said that Alice used to pick on Y/N, what did you mean by that?”
“Alice always kinda had it in for Y/N. She was always calling her ‘bitch’. Like a nickname. Like she’d ask Y/N questions about different sex things lesbians do, but in front of everyone, to embarrass her. Or she’d fake soccer kick at Y/N if she passed her in the hall. Stuff like that.”
“And all of this bullying, it upset Y/N,” Neal said.
“Yeah, of course,” Derek replies. “Did it make her angry?” Neal asked. Derek shook his head slowly, “Not so much in front of Alice, but... privately, she’d go off on how much she hated Alice’s guts. Which I got. I mean, Alice would be a jerk to me too sometimes.”
Neal licks his lips, “At what point after Alice’s murder did you begin to consider your friend Y/N’s role in it?” Andy didn’t like that. “Objection. Leading the witness,” He called out. 
The Judge turns to him, completely not phased by his objection. “Overruled.” Joanna looked over to Andy who did as well, he didn’t say anything to her. As if he gave her a silent ‘sorry’. “You can go ahead and answer young man,” French says.
Derek nods, “I guess it was three days later.”
“Was there anything other than her temper that began to make you suspicious?” Neal asks. Derek stutters, “Well, yeah. The knife. Y/N had this scary combat knife she’d bought in town. She used to bring it to school sometimes.”
“To show it off or-- or what?”
“Not really. I mean, she showed it to me and our friend Dylan but it was more like she liked having it on her, walking around with it. Like... it was this secret thing she had,” The boy says.
“I see,” Neal replied, “So the bullying and the knife... But you knew about these things, and still, you didn’t suspect Y/N immediately?” Derek stammers, “I don’t know. Maybe part of me did, a little. But it wasn’t until I read what she wrote online.”
Andy peered up to the boy. Was he talking about the photo Y/N posted? Or that Cut Up Room?
“This messed up site Y/N was into called The Cut Up Room,” Derek says. “By ‘messed up,’ I’m assuming you mean pornographic.” Derek nods, “Yeah, but, it’s not really so much about sex. More violence. Like, really graphic stuff.”
Joanna writes three question marks and shows it towards Andy who just moves his brows. “Are there stories on this site?” Neal asked. “Yeah, people post all kinds of stuff. Photos, videos, stories.”
“And do you know if Y/N posted any stories?” Derek looks up and shuffled a bit, hands fidgeting with each other. “She did. Yeah. She called them F/N/I stories.”
“F/N/I stories?” Neal asked.
“Yeah, you know, like her initials, F-M-B?” Andy looks over to Y/N, her leg began to bounce on the floor again. “That was her screen name on there.” Joanna leans in towards Andy, “What do you know about this?” She asks.
“Not enough. You got to shut it down,” Andy whispers back. “And did F/N/I post a story about the murder of Alice Miller?”
Derek took a while to answer before he spoke, “Yes.” The answer made the spectators murmur all around the court. Andy froze in his seat. “Commonwealth moves to enter into evidence--”
“Objection,” Joanna calls, she stood up, “Your Honor, may we approach?”
“Settle down, please,” French raps the gavel onto his desk. Joanna sighs, “Respectfully, Your Honor, we ask to approach.” The judge nods and Joanna walks up to his desk. “Your Honor, this is an ambush. None of this was disclosed in discovery.”
Neal comes in, “Your Honor, this story was authored by the defendant. If she chose to hide it from his attorney, that’s hardly the Commonwealth’s fault.” Andy turns to his daughter who hung her head low. 
“What’s this about, Y/N?” He whispers to her. She never answered. “Y/N?” Her hands began to twist in each other as her legs bounce anxiously. Laurie stared at the back of Y/N’s head. The courtroom goes silent when Joanna began to read the story about Alice’s murder. Seeing every single detail of it.
Turning back to the judge, “Your Honor, I need to confer with my client.” French nods, “All right, go ahead.” Neal and Joanna separate from the Judge to their own tables. Neal took a good look at Y/N who sat in her chair fidgeting. Not once did he show empathy. Not guilt.
“I’m gonna ask your patience while I allow defense counselor a moment to confer with her client.” Andy leans on the table once Joanna sat down to talk to them.
“He’s going to allow it unless our position is that Y/N didn’t write that story.”
“Then that’s our plan--”
“They know that she wrote it, Andy. They’ve got an IP address,” The two look over to Y/N who didn’t budge to look up at them. Joanna looks at her closely, “Y/N.” Lifting up her head, she looked at Joanna and just nodded. Joanna turns back to Andy, “If we push back now, we’re only going to shine a brighter light on it.”
“How bad is it?” Andy asks. Joanna didn’t even have to tell him on how bad it was. He didn’t bother to have her answer. 
“Emma stood there on the path as Kate kept walking toward her, grinning. If Kate knew the real Emma, she would have been scared shitless. ‘Don’t fuck with me,’ Emma warned him, ‘I mean it.’ But Kate just laughed and grabbed her by the arm, twisting it back like she’d down so many times before. ‘Stop. You’re hurting me,’ Emma said. But it didn’t hurt that much. She just wanted Kate to think that, so she would let go.”
Andy was leaned to the side, holding a hand up to his face. Anxious to see this come together from what the man from last trial had said. “Kate laughed again, the way she always did, a fake laugh. Emma’s hand slipped into her sweatshirt pocket. There it was, her trusted friend. She curled her fingers around the grip and felt a surge of power through her arm, up into her shoulder. She knew there was no turning back now. The park seemed to know it too. She could hear the breeze in the leaves and birds chirping.”
Everyone was still silent throughout the reading. Laurie began to stare at the boy who slightly shook the paper in hand, afraid.
“Kate saw the knife coming for her, but it was too late to do anything but stare. It slipped in so easily Emma thought she was stabbing air. That surprised her. She did it twice more, telling her brain to remember the feeling for later. Other than feeling hands on my arms during that party at Hannah’s.” Andy knew that sentence was referring to his daughter in the bedroom. 
Did Alice do it? Derek continued the story, flipping the page.
“Kate fell backward and rolled down the slope, until she stopped down below. Emma knew she should go, but she couldn’t help herself. She went down to Kate’s body to make sure she was dead. The smell of blood in the air made her feel dizzy. She found a small stream nearby and washed the knife off, and her hand too. She could see her reflection in the water, but her face looked different to her now. ‘It’ll be our secret,’ it seemed to say.”
Y/N felt a tear fall down her cheek as she lightly twitched her fingers. Derek puts the packet in front of him, “The End.” The silence was ended when Marla choked a sob, covering her face in her hands. 
Neal sighs, “This story was posted three days after Alice Miller’s body was found?”
“Yeah.” Laurie could hear her own heartbeat, knowing this wasn’t right to her. Y/N had done enough. And Laurie was doubting.
The day, the trial had ended. Laurie, Andy and Y/N began to head to the car in the garage. The three were silent throughout the whole walk there. What were they supposed to say? Whatever was said during that trial, no one could say anything about it.
They were distraught. Laurie and Y/N jumped in the car and buckled their seat belts. Laurie already reaching for her face to rethink on what just happened. Andy got in last and kept his eyes low. Staring at the ground as the family sat in silence.
Y/N only looked out the window. “It was just a story,” She says softly. Andy closes his eyes. “I didn’t know it would be a big deal,” She sounded heart broken. Scared. Everything coming to his head, he didn’t want to say it. But he had to. This is what’s happening right now. And they needed answers from this teenage girl.
He took it out. “Did you do it?” He asked, lowly. Y/N looks over to the front and Andy turns to face her. “Just tell me. Did you kill her?” The hurt in his eyes and the look of doubt. Y/N looked broken. Scared. It took a while for her to answer and they stared at each other.
“No,” She muttered, his stare made her look away and her eyes began to tear up, “No.” Laurie didn’t even say a word. Not even took a breath. After what happened today. She couldn’t trust Y/N’s innocence.
That night, the family and Joanna sat in the kitchen. Trying to go over things for the next trial, knowing that this next one is going to be difficult. Madelyn wasn’t there for the witness stand. They were in trouble.
“I could ask the judge to issue a bench warrant for Madelyn McGrath,” Joanna states. Andy sat in the chair, leg on the other as he held his head, “He won’t. Not for some secondary witness holed up in Florida. We don’t have a choice. We gotta go straight at Patz,” He says.
“Yeah, his subpoena was served this morning. I’ll call him as a hostile witness and see what we can get out of him,” Joanna says back. Andy uncrosses his legs and leans on his knees, “We gotta run every play we have. Not just on the Patz front, Derek too.” He scratches the back of his neck.
“You don’t think we covered Derek on cross?” She asked. Andy stands up, “You did your best,” He sat at the table, “You were distracted.” Andy looked over to Y/N, “Everyone was.”
Andy flips open the file while Laurie began to head over to the table. “We need to backstop Patz. I say we go harder on Derek, subpoena Sarah.” Y/N turns to Sarah’s name that came out. Y/N didn’t like that. Not to bring in her friend into her case and her problem.
“Andy, we discussed this,” Joanna said. “That was before. We need Sarah to hammer home Derek’s obsessing. We need to have her repeat his words on the stand,” Andy looks up to the old woman.
“Yeah, you’re right. That could be powerful,” Joanna says. “Show the jury the selfie again-”
The three look over to Y/N’s word. “I don’t wanna bring her or Matt into this. It’s my trial. I’m saying no.” Laurie looks over to Andy. He looked at his hands, “Sorry, but you don’t get a say in this anymore. Not after today.” Y/N sat there in silence, staring at Andy with a cold look.
What was colder was the food that was untouched by her. She stood up and walked away. Milo peering up while laying down as Y/N stormed up the stairs. Joanna sighs, “I’ll get into it first thing tomorrow.”
Later that night after Andy organized the things in his office, he headed into the kitchen and saw Laurie at the sink. Leaning in the walkway he watched her. Laurie felt his presence and stopped cleaning the cup in hand.
“You haven’t said one word all night,” Andy says.
Laurie thought about that story. Feeling hands on my arms during that party at Hannah’s. The story about the murder and that sentence stuck in her mind. Andy didn’t tell her. “Did you know?” She asked, “About the story?”
“No,” Andy answered, his forehead creasing. “Just tell me the truth,” Laurie says.
“I am-” Laurie turns around, “The truth. I need to know,” She insists. Andy steps in, “Laurie, I swear I’m telling you the truth.”
“What about the website? The Cut Up Room?” She asks. Andy comes to the edge of the table and leans on it, lowering his head, “I only kept it from you ‘cause I knew it would--”
“Don’t. Don’t,” Laurie cuts him off. Andy lifts his head up confused, “Don’t what?” Laurie shook her head, “Explain it away like you do everything. Excuse it away.”
“I knew it would set you off,” He says, “You were already half convinced that Y/N was guilty. I didn’t want to add--” Laurie shook her head. “Not anymore.” Andy’s eyes were hurtful at the start. But when she said that, he fixed his posture, “What’d you just say?”
“I don’t believe her. Not after what I heard today.”
“Not listening to the fact that our daughter had been raped, Laurie. So you’re gonna let this one thing change--”
“It’s always one thing,” Laurie cuts him off, Andy sighs, “Don’t you see?” She asked. “We’re guilty too. If we protect her, we’re as guilty as she is.” Andy hisses and lifts up his hand, “All right. Just keep your voice down. You’re gonna freak out the dog.”
“I’m not even saying I know what to do about it, I don’t. But I know what I heard, and I know what it means,” She said. Andy held his hand up still, “Laurie, I’m begging you. Don’t talk yourself into something ‘cause of some made-up story.”
“It’s not a story,” She shook her head.
“Yes, it is!” Andy turns, “This is a girl that bullied her. Maybe did rape her. She probably fantasized about hurting her a thousand times. So she let her imagination run wild, and she wrote it down,” He tried not to yell as everything came out as a low whisper, “Maybe...” He sighs.
“Maybe she got some sick thrill imagining it. And is that horrible? Yes. It’s terrible, and it was wrong, and it was stupid, but it was a story,” He lowly says, he walks towards her. “Joanna vetted every single line from it. There wasn’t one detail that hadn’t already been reported by the news. She was fantasizing.”
“She was confessing,” Laurie said, Andy sighed and leaned on the counter, “To call it anything else is just lawyer spin, and you know it.” Andy turns around and walks back to where he originally was. His back was turned to her. “What if you knew?” Laurie asked, “What if you knew in your heart that our daughter did this unforgivable thing? Took the like of another child? Would it even matter?”
“I’d still love her, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“No, it’s not. I’d still love her too,” Laurie held her hand to her heart, “I will always love her, no matter what.” Andy turns back to her. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to hold her tonight and tell her it’s all going to be okay. But I can’t play this game anymore, letting her pretend she didn’t do it, pretending to each other.”
“She’s not pretending. She didn’t do this. I know she didn’t do it,” Andy snaps.
“No, you don’t!” Milo peered up at the couple, “No one can sustain that level of deception-”
“Of course she could. You of all people should know that,” Laurie says. Andy leans back and lets out a scoff, seeing Laurie tear up, he shook his head, “Yeah. Yeah, of course. She learned it from me,” He shrugs.
“Maybe she learned it from both of us,” Laurie says. Andy looks over to her, seeing her look for an answer, “What do you want me to say Laurie? You’re right. Our marriage is a lie. Our whole fucking family is based on a fairy tale, built on nothing. And our daughter’s a murderer. Is that what you want to hear?” He asks.
Laurie shook her head, “No. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.” Andy stared at her before turning away and walked up the stairs without another word. Leaving Laurie in the kitchen sobbing.
That night, he was gonna take the couch. He made sure not to see Laurie the rest of the night. Not speak to her. Once he settled the things on the couch, he looked over to Milo who sat on the couch. Andy stared at him, “Down.” Milo jumps off and follows Andy to the backdoor. 
Andy let Milo outside. The large dog spins to look at his boss who just stared and closed the door on him. Leaving Milo out in the cold. The dog sniffed the door and slightly scratched it. Snorting once, the hound turns and walks into the dog house that sat in the corner.
The next morning, the house was silent throughout the next hours. The sun shining through the home. Andy had slept on the couch. After the big argument, he wasn’t sure if Laurie wanted him in bed that night.
So he gave her space.
His phone began to buzz on the stand. His eyes fluttered open and he began to rub his eyes. Looking over the armrest, he sees his phone. Shuffling on the couch, he leans up to grab his phone. Squinting at it, he answers. “Yeah. Hey, Joanna. No, it’s okay.” Andy began to stretch on the couch, “What’s going on?” He grunts. 
Sitting up with a sigh, he froze when Joanna gave the news. “What? When?” 
After talking with Joanna, he knew he had to tell Laurie about it. He wasn’t sure to think it was good news or bad news. Either way it was messed up. He stepped into the bedroom and reaches for Laurie, “Laurie.” He sits down. “Honey.” His hand rubs her back.
“What?” She asks.
“It’s over,” He says. Laurie looks at him, “What?” Andy looked heartbroken, “He confessed. Patz.” Laurie was confused on what he was talking about, “I-- I don’t...”
“Joanna just called. Leonard Patz hung himself last night. He left a note for the Rifkins. It’s a full confession,” He says, Laurie began to sit up, “The cops just confirmed his handwriting.”
Laurie stares at him with the same look, “Are you sure?” Andy nods, “Yeah,” He sobs, “I know it doesn’t feel real, but it is. Joanna’s moving for a dismissal first thing this morning.”
“Oh, my...” Laurie whispers, “I was so... I thought--”
“Don’t,” Andy says, “Doesn’t matter now. It’s over.” 
Though the suicide was unbelievable and very despairing. Andy and Laurie had to tell their 15-year-old daughter about her dismissal. So, they walked into her room. Seeing her laying on her bed asleep. Laurie was the first to hold her, “Y/N,” She whispers.
“Wake up, sweetheart,” Andy says, Y/N inhales sharply and turns, “We got something to tell you.”
“Court, all rise. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. The Honorable Judge French presiding. This court’s now open. Please be seated,” With a small grin, Y/N and the rest of the courtroom sits down.
French raps the gavel, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, at 8:00 am, this morning, the Commonwealth filed a nolle prosequi announcing its decision to drop the charges against the defendant, Y/N Barber.” Joanna looks over to the distraught Neal Logiudice who failed his mission to prosecute an old friend’s kid.
“This is a response to recent development in the case you, no doubt, will be learning of shortly. The defendant will please rise,” French says. Y/N stands up for the Judge.
“Young lady, I’m sure you’re anxious to get out of here. So let me be the first to say to you the words you and your family are, no doubt longing to hear. Y/N Barber,” He states.
“You are now a free woman,”With the hit of the gavel, the spectators began to all clap causing Laurie and Andy to smile with glee. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as well, “Y/N M/N Barber in the matter of indictment 08-44-07, it is ordered by the court that you be discharged of this indictment and go without day. Bail posted shall be returned to the surety. Case dismissed.”
With more of the claps, Laurie stands up along with Andy, the two pull Y/N into a huge hug. And after that, they were free to go. But, of course, they would answer a few questions by the reporters that have been sitting outside.
The clicking sounds of their cameras and people holding their mics towards the woman. “Obviously, we are thrilled with this outcome. But as you can imagine, this family has been through a lot. So we’re gonna ask that you respect their privacy and allow them to process this ordeal. Thank you very much.”
“Y/N, how do you feel?” A woman calls out, Joanna looks over to her, letting her do her thing with the question. Y/N grins, “Uh, great.” The short pause was then interrupted by the clamoring of the reporters once the family began to step down. Police holding them back as Andy held Y/N by her shoulder to keep her close.
The four stepped out of the elevator and began to head toward their cars. Andy pulls out his keys and sighed, “Joanna, I don’t even have the words.”
“Oh, please,” Joanna grins. “Andy’s right,” Laurie says, “We couldn’t have gotten through any of this without you.” Joanna chuckles softly, “The best I could’ve done was a verdict of not guilty. This is a thousand times better. This is proof of innocence.” Andy grins.
Joanna held out her hand and Y/N took it with a smile, “Congratulations, young lady.”
“Thank you, Joanna,” Y/N says. Joanna nods, “I know that this has been rough for you. But I think that someday you’re gonna realize...” Y/N’s eyes look away to the figure who came from the stairs. Eric Miller. Alice’s dad. He began to storm up to the family and Y/N tensed up.
Then a bald man came up behind Eric. “Dad?” Y/N asks. Andy follows Y/N’s gaze and he sees Eric. “I know it was you,” Eric points, Laurie instantly pulls Y/N close to her while Andy jumps in front, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!” Andy shouts. Andy holds Eric back as he points at her. “I know it was you! I know it! I know it!” 
Eric gets grabbed by the bald man in the blue Lincoln, “Whoa! Whoa!” Andy says as Eric gets pulled back and slammed onto the back of the car. “Let me go!” Eric sobs.
Andy turns to his girls, “Are you okay?” He looks back to the sobbing Eric. The bald man turns, “What do you want me to do with this guy? Want me to hold him for the cops or what?” He asked.
“No!” Eric shouts. Laurie knew the family was in much pain than they were. They went through enough, “No,” She says. “Let him go,” She nods. Eric sobs on the hood of the car while being pushed into it. “Please,” Laurie says.
The man pulls Eric up and pushes him back, “Come on. Get outta here.” Eric turns back to the family with Andy standing guard in front of his family. “She didn’t do it, Eric.”
And with that, Eric took that and walked away, wiping the tears off his cheeks as he headed back for the stairs. The man turns, “You okay, kid?” Andy looks over to him, “Who the hell are you?”
“I’m an old friend of your pop’s. He asked me to look out for you. Congratulations, by the way. I guess it was your lucky day, huh, kid?” Laurie held Y/N close. “Get in the car,” Joanna insists, helping the two girls over to Andy’s car.
Joanna looks up to Andy, “I’ll call you later.” Andy nods at her. With the man standing there, Laurie looks up to him and nods, “Thank you.” The man swats his hand, “Anything for old Billy.” Laurie jumped in the car while Andy was the last to get in.
“Make sure you give your old man my best, okay?” He asked. Andy slightly glares at the man one last time, before getting in his car without another word said to him.
They returned home to a street filled with new reporters and journalists. People taking photos as Andy drives up the driveway. The family stepped out and gave their grins towards the people while they headed back inside their home.
Ever since Y/N was freed by the charges, Andy knew there was no normal to go back to. There was a before. Then after. No one couldn’t get it out of their minds. Not even Laurie.
After their meal outside, Laurie thought to go through her daughter’s photo book. Seeing her as a baby. Growing up in every picture they had. She quietly cried as she flipped through every page.
“Hey, honey. I’m gonna make some coffee. You want some?” Andy comes in and looks around to see Laurie on the couch, crying. His face falters in worry, “Hey. What’s going on?” He comes near and sits next to her, instantly bringing his hand to her back.
“That day in court, when Derek read the story, I was so sure. In some crazy way, I was almost relieved. I thought ‘At least now I know’,” She sniffles. Laurie turned to look at him, “What kind of mother would think that about her child?”
Andy inhales softly, “You were under a ton of stress. We both were. That story shook me up too. More than I let on,” He says. Laurie felt his hand stroke her hair and looked up at him. He shook his head, “You just gotta let it go.”
Laurie nods, “I’m trying.” Andy grins sadly and takes the book out of her hands to place it behind him before he brought her into a hug.
The story is close to its end guys.
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scoopsgf · 4 years
oh which hp fic if you’re comfortable with sharing???
ofc!!! it’s called harry potter and the prince of slytherin! I’ve been reading it since I was around 14 years old and it’s still updating to this day and it’s fantastic. I really can’t say enough good things about this fic, like, imo it’s better than canon. it starts off a little rough because TSM hadn’t really found his voice yet (which he admits, but honestly I really don’t mind the first few chapters); the story really starts getting mind-blowingly awesome around halloween of year one when The Gang begins to form. anyway, a bit of general info (but don’t let any of it throw you off, this story is all about subverting tropes and making overdone stuff interesting and exciting, like oh my shit the amount of times this story has knocked me onto my ass in pure shock WOW!): it’s an AU in which the potters lived and had twin boys (yeah, I know, I know, stay with me here), but harry was still sent to live with the Dursley’s for many, many reasons—not all of which were justified, and harry recovering from this and being rightfully hurt about it is a huge theme esp for the first few books—did I mention that it’s over a million words long and has 136 chapters because if I didn’t, I’m sorry, but holy fuck the way that ive re-read every single one of those words multiple times??? like??? it’s SO GOOD??—anyway, all of this culminates into the result of Harry being sorted into Slytherin (shut up, I know, but LISTEN) and it’s just? such a hot take? it’s so fucking GOOD and listen the character development— i??? like harry (currently, where I am at the end of year three) is absolutely NOTHING like Harry of year one but the way he got from point A to point B is done in such a realistic way at such a reasonable pace. this story really is it’s own universe and the characters are so well rounded. It dives more into the wizarding world and explores wizarding lore in a way that should make canon piss itself with embarrassment. there’s some mild but justified bashing of certain characters in the beginning, but that doesn’t last long; instead these characters actually own up to their mistakes and like, change. as a writer I’m in absolute awe of the way they’ve been shaped and developed into who they are now. Hermione in this fic? oh my god. she’s an absolute treasure. Blaise? my witty sarcastic asshole son. theo? pure cinnamon roll baby boy. protect him!! and Harry himself oh my GOD listen if you need any motivation to read this fic just know that I took so much inspiration for BFS!Peter from TPOS!Harry. what a guy!! holy SHIT I love him!! key moments include him rambling on how to make beef Wellington, waking up at the ass crack of dawn to cook Mrs. Weasley breakfast after everything she’s done for him, being so genuinely good and pure hearted after all the shit he went through, being observant as all fuck and blowing my goddamn MIND all the time hhh holy shit!! this story is so good I have so much love in my heart for it!!! it literally PAINS me that some people haven’t read it or don’t know that it exists because I genuinely just live my life from one TPOS update to the next. holy shit I haven’t even started talking about Neville yet. what the fuck. he’s literally so good and he’s SO much more than canon Neville like?? he has such a strong moral compass in this fic—in fact it’s so strong that Harry, who is incredibly self-aware actually asks Neville to be his moral compass. It’s one of those moments that makes me cry because like, a lot of this fic is world-building and dry, sarcastic humor and moments that aren’t flat, per se, but don’t teter in the direction of either a) extreme angst or b) extreme fluff. a lot of scenes fall into a nice realistic middle that i constantly strive to achieve myself. but anyway, sometimes there are scenes that just jump out at you because they’re so touching and heartwarming and snjdkejdd I literally cannot shut up I’m not GONNA shut up I’m not DONE. will rb with more info
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itskateak · 4 years
(Preface: this is a really long post as I typed it as I was watching the movie so this is unedited, pure thoughts as I was watching this movie.)
I just started watching the new Cats movie and I’m already having issues with what’s going on
Why did Munk spider man his way down a wall
What’s wrong with Misto
Why don’t they just crawl on their knees Jesus Christ if they weren’t on their toes it would be better
“Are you mean like a minx” that’s not in pitch
The choreography is going good though- I knew it would. I’ve worked with that choreographer before.
I have so many questions
Music is too fast. Tempos are everywhere.
Singing isn’t too bad. I can understand the words better.
Munk is a little too feminine for my taste at the moment but I like his design.
Macavity speaking and singing his own song is disgusting
Why is everyone bullying Misto
Munk there’s a rhythm to the Naming of Cats. You can’t go off it whole everyone else is on it.
You guys can’t keep a tempo can you
HIS name. HIS.
Munk that’s a little sexual. NO YOU ARE WITH DEMETER STOP
stop cutting the scene up. Just let them dance.
Misto is on brand except he’s not Misto yet storytellers
Also I’m liking the idea that Victoria is new to everything and the plot is they’re introducing her to the wild and the whole heaviside layer thing
they have human eyebrows too what
Munk that note is too high for you
Is Jenny twerking excuse me
that’s also not the melody
The human mice are going to cause nightmares
Wait is Jenny lusting after Munk
Why does he actually look interested
Munk do you have an English accent or American. Please decide.
Jenny that’s not the right notes
no one needed that undershot of cockroach crotches
Mm meow
huh what Tugger what was that
Okay Derulo is not bad at all
I’m missing the Tugoffolees banter though
This Tugger is a little gayer than the original
Tugger is reminding me of Dr. Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Why does he have an English accent though
VictoriaaaaAAAAA? (The TOES)
Jenny’s humor is eh. Don’t see the reason of putting that in.
The ending is pure Tugger though
Not a bad rendition
Grizz isn’t as rough as I imagined her looking
Oh her VOICE
Who is this cat singing about Grizz (the first) her voice was nice
Munk why did you grab that queen’s head
Edward Hyde is that you?
Jenny stop trying to be the comedy relief you’re too awful at it
Bustopher please STOP singing your own song
I wish they spent more time dancing since that’s really the point of the show and the draw to it.
Bustopher wearing heels? I’m for it. Gay legend.
“Thanks Tugger” stop this whole sequence please
Bustopher is supposed to be a very prim and proper cat. What happened to him
Still can’t get over Idris Elba being in this
Oh. Hey that’s pretty neat choreo though
“I bought that for her myself” “hey” “what?”
My brain is rebelling because it’s not right at all in anything I remember
Did Misto just pull a whole femur from his hat
is he wearing eyeliner
I don’t actually know his song so this is new to me
Jenny and Bustopher being comedic relief hurts because they’re not funny
Munk “where have you been?!” Is there a love triangle happening. What happened to Demeter
Also his voice in Deuteronomy is actually really nice
“Sits in the suuun” that was beautiful oh god
Deut looks more like how I imagined Grizz would look
I bet she regrets ever saying yes after this.
What cat is randomly wearing a crow skull around their neck. Is that a witch’s cat
Why are you singing Munk’s line
Oh the Jellicle ball is next let’s go Andy show me that awesome choreo
Asparagus are you okay
Tempo doesn’t exist in this movie does it
Neither does rhythm or time keeping
Twirly boy Munk
Munk really just wants to be topped doesn’t he
Andy I love you man but the traditional and classic choreo would’ve worked just as fine
Skimble and Munk being gay
what happened to Plato and why is there something going on with Misto
Ah okay I understand why that happened. No mating dance or slumber party
Cats wearing shoes disgusts me more than the toes
honestly? Jellicle ball is disappointing. They just cut the ten minutes of amazing dancing down to like four.
I don’t like the heavy breathing. That’s not something that was ever necessary.
Okay, the end worked okay with the big synchronized dances.
I’m ready for this Memory rendition. Already getting chills.
Those are very human hands
Oh keep with the rhythm I beg of you
Ooh altered verse
Wait that’s jennifer Hudson???
Oh we just removed a whole verse, bridge, and chorus didn’t we.
Sweet moment? See I like Vic reaching for Grizz
Vic gets a song??? Ooh intrigued
I like her voice
I’m going to cry this song is sad and I’m glad she gets a story
Though it’s kind of “you think your life is hard? Mine’s worse” feeling after Memory
Awww I’m gonna cry what a sweetheart what a lovely dear protect her
Ugh meaning of happiness. I hate this song no matter who sings it.
Wait what happened to Rumpus Cat song :( the battle of the pekes and the pollicles
What do you mean you’re about to make the choice
We still have Gus’s song, Misto’s song, and Skimble’s song.
They got Ian McKellen to do this?? How much was he paid
“Cross paws” no stop
Why is Gus singing his own song please don’t
Munk’s face bugs me for some reason
His song always makes me cry for some reason but this is kind of goofy and cute and I love it
Misto in the background is just strange for me
Is he forgetting the words sometimes and mumbling to fill in because goodness
Misto’s so eager to please what a bottom
“Macavityyy” I hate it
Munk starting Skimble’s song has the same energy as Tugger doing Misto’s songs
I’m glad they’ve kept this song the same as it was
Skimble is SO gay oh my god what a classic twink
Oooh I like this addition of the train getting started via tap
I’m actually really liking this rendition and the tap dancing on the the rails
Though the tap continuing when no one is tapping or the rhythm being wrong is uh not good
Such an iconic song and I love the changes in scene
Oh skimble that note was not good
Oh hi Taylor Swift
Use more breath. Stop doing the pop voice thing. Stop it.
Is Bombi a drug dealer
I can say though that what they’ve done to the song is exactly the vibes it needed. Sultry and pushing the boundaries.
Sad there’s not a Demeter.
I actually rewinded to see what happened there with the martini glass
“Green house glass is broken” was changed and that makes me sad
This was a good song for Taylor to show off her vocal prowess but she just didn’t
Why is Macavity naked
Why is he singing his own damn song
Munk you’re still tweaking out a little
Oh here’s the sleeping orgy
What’s with this drama now with the choice thing
We don’t have Munk’s fight with Macavity. Robbed
If there are no 23 spins, I’ll throw my phone
Munk that’s gay and I’m here for it. Encourage your twink Misto
“Please don’t make me do this” has phantom vibes
Munk that was a lusty look
Where’s the “ooh ahs”
This is weird without Tugger singing it and being an ego for Misto
Tugger come on. Please save this number.
Victoria I swear to god I will beat you
Why do they have one person on the melody in this. And Derulo going through the stratosphere
That trombone is playing absolutely nothing in the music at all
oh here’s the fight music
oh they used the fight music for the escaping of cats
How much longer is there
Oh there’s the daylight reprise thing
I want to die
To the sun, Vic. To the sun.
Munk, Tugger, be respectful. That’s your mother.
Wait that doesn’t work in this universe because Deut is female.
Oh they gave the Asian cat patterns that resemble tiger stripes hmmmm
Why couldn’t they have just filmed an actual stage version and turned that out
Oh that “smile at the old days” was god awful
How much longer oh god
I’m tired man. I wasted 6 bucks on this
Victoria just stealing Jemima’s parts
“Like a flowER as the dawn is breaking”
Okay here it is
Okay so there are some cats wearing clothes and others not. What are the rules for this universe. Are they naked or are they not.
I have not shed a single tear. Usually I have by now from this show. Not a single tear.
Deut X Grizz is still my favorite ship
Is that the intro to Til I Hear You Sing that I hear. Those F to Gm chords Lloyd Webber loves.
Judi Dench stop trying to sing for the love of god.
Ah yes show off that beautiful ballet dancer that plays Vic
Aww Munk bowing to Grizz
Oh so it’s a chandelier this time and not a tire
Where’d Macavity and Bombi go
Oh there he is. What a child. Hate that.
Deut being a proud mother to Munk is cute with the hands on the shoulder
Why are we reprising the first song
Also Air balloon.
why are they all staring so intently at her too wait
Munk looks like someone is touching him inappropriately this whole scene.
Munk and Misto looking at each other
The choreography doesn’t even match the beat of the song. Huh???
Misto you’re gay stop
Munk and Misto looking at each other and the shy glances away
So Grizz gets hot air balloned to death is that what I’m seeing
Oh it’s over okay
I want to cry.
It’s not as bad as I heard. Once you got used to the way things looked and just let things happen and say it might as well happen, it became a bit more enjoyable.
It’s still god awful though and let’s pray the furries never get ahold of it.
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aceofwhump · 5 years
Do you have any Lucifer fic recs? Especially anything involving wings?
Do I!!! I have so many Lucifer fic recs (161 to be precise) and that includes 31 fics involving his wings. This includes him cutting them off, him being insecure about them, his grooming them, team lucifer seeing them, etc.
Free the Devil from Pain by Navaros: “Looks like those sick bastards sewed the prosthetics onto his back.”Sick indeed. Chloe wanted to vomit at that thought, the bile already rising in her throat.“Give me a few more minutes, I’ll free the wings too. I can’t cut them loose in this position.”And with that the young forensic expert was back at work.
The Breakdown by SilverWolf7: Raphael visits Lucifer early in the morning to apologise to Lucifer. Lucifer lets out emotions he has been holding in for a very long time. Wing grooming.
Fluffy Blankets and Crossed Fingers  by procrastinatingbookworm: In the God Johnson episode, Lucifer ends up being so high on the haldol that he can’t hide his wings. Besides dealing with this incredible revelation, Dan, Ella, and Chloe have to get a very loopy and not-at-all-helpful winged civilian consultant out of the building before anyone realizes he has wings. Bonus points if their methods for doing so involve a fluffy blanket and a lot of crossed fingers.
I’m Sorry by StrayDevil15: In the aftermath of 3x24, Lucifer is having a really hard time. Ella comes to the rescue. Self harm tw.
Castaway  by ariaadagio: The Devil is real. A sentence Chloe Decker never believed until Lucifer Morningstar burned out her skepticism with his hellfire eyes. It’s a “Hell” of a reality shift, but Chloe realizes she may not have time for gradual acceptance when she discovers that one of the bodies in her most recent murder investigation isn’t human. Worse still, the next target might be Lucifer. A story that begs the question: who prays for Satan?
Malediction by orchidcactus: Chloe and Lucifer must face the consequences of 3x24, as well as dealing with new events that unfold around them.
It’s Only Me by mishasan7: She started to back up, back away from him, her eyes never leaving his face, and gasped, “It’s all true.”Lucifer felt a prickle of unease. What was true? She already knew Pierce was the Sinnerman, how could this possibly be a surprise to her now?“Detective?”What was wrong? Why was she looking at him like that?
Lucifer’s Protector by JAKishu: Trixie and Lucifer have been kidnapped, locked in a small cell and used as leverage against Chloe and her case.
Detour (with Jigsaw Puzzles) by HiroMyStory: An accident leaves Chloe and Lucifer snowed in.
Revealing  by shadowolfhunter: He’s badly hurt. Chloe’s seen his true face, and Lucifer thinks she doesn’t want to know him any more.Ella’s mapped the scene. She knows what has to have happened. There’s only one answer she needs. She goes back to Lucifer’s loft apartment.
Ashes  by theleafpile: Lucifer burned his wings, severing his connection to Hell.And Heaven.He vastly underestimated how much it would affect him.
And There Was Light by ariaadagio: When Lucifer Morningstar is found half dead in the desert, Chloe Decker is determined to find out why. The problem is … not even Lucifer knows the answer. As Chloe’s world is flipped upside down by incontrovertible evidence of the divine, Lucifer grapples with feelings of violation and futility. God’s meddling has started a chain reaction, but to what end?
Cleanse by ScooterThyme: After the chaotic events in the loft, Lucifer flees back to his penthouse. Once she’s dealt with the fallout at the scene as much as humanly possible, Chloe follows.Lucifer changes his mind about his wings.
Domini Canis by WhenFandomStrikes: When a strange and mysterious group of religious zealots known as the Domini Canis come to Los Angeles in search of the divine, they manage to kidnap Lucifer, Amenadiel, Charlotte and Chloe. The results of which brings a lot of secrets out of the dark and into the light.
The Bitter End by lucidwaking: SPOILERS FOR 3.24 this is my take on what happens next. Title may be deceiving this is coming out a lot less dark than I thought it would. I just had Blind Pilot stuck in my head when I named it.
After by apparition: Chloe comes face to face with the Devil. She’s terrified, but it’s his vulnerability that reminds her that he’s still the same Lucifer.
Broken Inside by fandomoverload: Chloe and Lucifer end up at a survivor’s meeting and Lucifer decides to tell a story. He gets a lot off of his chest, and Chloe draws the wrong conclusions. A one shot for now, more notes in the story.
Knives and wings don’t mix, Luciben8615: Lucifer groaned again, then inched the blade further into his traitorous muscle. Nearly there, just a bit more-The demon blade hit a clump of nerves, and Lucifer’s vision whited out as he screamed.
Home by Navaros: After waking up in the middle of nowhere, burned, exhausted and with those stupid, useless, feathered appendages on his back, he had no idea why they were back or who knocked him out. But that wasn’t important right now. He wanted to go home. The long forgotten and atrophied muscles screamed when he tried to move the wings more than just to open them or lay them against his back, and even that was painful.
Devil’s Advocate by Praemonitor: Non-chronological though interconnected ‘minisodes’ to catalogue the misadventures of Lucifer and Chloe, squeezed in-between their respective and occasionally overlapping day jobs. Minisode I - Lucifer babysits. That’s all.Minisode II - Lucifer and Chloe weather a storm.Minisode III - Lucifer earns back his wings in a bloodier fashion.Minisode IV - Chloe learns a thing or two from Dante’s Inferno.Minisode V - Maze and Chloe take on the original she-devil.Minisode VI - The Christmas Minisode. My personal favorite.Minisode VII - Chloe meets the family.Minisode VIII - Enter a certain petty dabbler in the dark arts.Minisode IX - Lucifer fractures a wing.Minisode X - Lucifer and Chloe go to Hell. Literally.
A Mutual Friend by jumble_of_fandoms: Pierce finds out some information about Lucifer that changes everything. If the Devil himself is going to break his deal, then Pierce is determined to do everything he can to break Lucifer. How far will Lucifer go to protect the woman he cares for?And how far is Pierce willing to go to break Lucifer?
Fever Dreams by Antarctic_Echoes: Lucifer isn’t about to let an odd chill stop him from seeing Chloe. He wants to tell her everything…. No more going backwards.And so he reveals himself – just not in the way he intended.
I Cut My Wings Off: A Lucifer TV Fanfiction by Anna_Erishkgal: Irritating, arrogant, and full of himself, Chloe goes to Lucifer Morningstar’s apartment to see if he made good on his promise to set up a meeting, but what she finds there only leaves her with more questions than answers. A one-shot drabble (at least for now).
Sympathy for an Angel by FearTheSpock: In the aftermath of the Season Finale, Chloe wakes in the middle of the night to a very clumsy home invasion.
If I Lose Myself by BurningUpASunJustToSayHello: If Lucifer’s fall from Heaven was a tragedy, then falling for Chloe was a goddamn sin.
Avenging Angel by Chlucifiction: It’s not Lucifer who finds the auctioneer, and his wings. Instead, Chloe beats him to it. (New story - not related to previous works). Comments encouraged :)
Wings are for Chickens by FearTheSpork: When Lucifer does a good deed for Chloe and Trixie, he’s rewarded. Although he isn’t too sure if he likes what he’s got.
Damnatio Memoriae by iceQueen1: Chloe tries to solve the riddle that is Lucifer Morningstar. Dan even manages to help. When mysterious ritualized killings start showing up, Chloe suspects Lucifer may know more than he lets on. Problem is, she doesn’t know what she thinks she does. Eventual Lucifer Whump.
A Walk in the Desert by Yunnaros: After waking up in the desert, Lucifer fly back to Chloe’s house to find a surprising number of people concerned by his disappearance.
Faint by chashkieh: Prompt: The pain of injuries and amputation never really go away. When Lucifer cut off his wings there was likely phantom pains of a lost limb in the immediate aftermath that faded as he adjusted but occasionally rears its ugly head on a rainy or hot/humid like most injuries. One day it flares in the middle of a case and is aggravated by one of Dan’s casual clap on the back. Basica
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eternaleve · 4 years
Watching A Broken Frame music videos for the first time!
Carrying on with my Depeche Mode video rewatch project with the vids for A Broken Frame (first post is found here https://eternaleve.tumblr.com/post/624649762286780416/ive-spent-the-course-of-covid-lockdown-cycling)
I looked through my vinyl and found I did not steal my mother’s Depeche Mode singles from this album (I only stole all her Elvis Costello and Joy Division and a bunch of Japan singles which I suspect she snuck to me in hopes of making me like them) but they are all mysteriously gone. My abusive stepdad recently moved out and I have thoughts about what property he took, but this just seems petty. 
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Anyway, let’s talk about A Broken Frame! Vince Clarke left the band to go and be the Paul McCartney of 80s electronic music, forming Yazoo and Erasure. Apparently he did not like success and touring and stuff, which is far because it’s a lot of pressure, so he’s out and Alan Wilder is in after responding to an ad in Melody Maker. Remember music journalism? He joined as a tour keyboardist and appears in the videos for the album, but didn’t contribute to the album.
 A Broken Frame was released eleven months after Speak & Spell, which doesn’t seem to be enough time to me for a band to create another whole album's worth of material. It just seems that a band spends a few years perfecting their sound and a selection of songs, and then a record label says, ‘Great! Now do the same thing, but in a much shorter timeframe, under much more stress, and in snatched moments between being shuttled from gig venue to gig venue!’. I understand there’s a ~hype train~ that music acts have to follow, because bands can slip out of notice so fricking quickly, but the pressure does not seem set up to maintain the mental and emotional well-being of people. I’m sure nothing like that will happen in the history of this bad though!
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This album cover is considered one of the world’s greatest photographs for a reason. It’s stark and beautiful and has echoes of socialist realism and is just a really striking image. I don’t know who has final say over art direction in the band but whoever does has a great eye for images. The picture is taken over by Duxford and as I’m from the Midlands I have been to Duxford on a hundred school trips (it has a big air centre with WW2 planes and things and bits of the Berlin Wall), so I’ve probably been past this field an uncountable number of times without even realising it.
See You (Jan 1982, No 6 UK charts)
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I like how it looks like fuzzy felt. It feels very, very different from the singles art from the last album, I guess to indicate a clear difference in direction? Maybe? This is the first single for the band written by Martin Gore and starting his reign as songwriter.
All the music videos for this album were directed by Julien Temple and are Not Liked by the band. I generally quite like Julien Temple’s work and watched a lot of it as a teen (stepdad being hugely into the Pistols), so I am intrigued to say the least how these will turn out to be.
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This does give me a bit of a nostalgia kick for an old-fashioned style train station. It’s pretty much what my home station used to look like before everything was privatised, bought out by Virgin, turned bright red and full of commuters. I like how the station sparks to the beat of the music and that someone okayed an actual spending budget for this time around.
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Not going to lie, this looks 100% like my Dad’s first ever passport photo. I like the addition of the bowtie. It adds a real ‘First Communion’ vibe to the whole look. The nose stud… well, I had a nose stud at the exact same period of my life. Same age too, I think, only mine stayed around a lot longer when it definitely should not have done.
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It was at that moment he knew he had made a grave mistake in confronting the ‘Telephone Box Killer’ on his own.
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Insert a standard ‘Original Selfie’ joke here. The use of the photobooth gives a cute little through line in the video, as well as giving other band members a chance to be present. I remember using photobooths to take fun photos, before they started costing so much goddamned money and put them only in the most inconvenient places. I still have a bunch that I keep in my purse.
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… And now everyone’s working an office job? To show the passage of time? Or because it’s now a bit with music, so we’re showing the use of keyboards through office equipment that sort of requires you to make similar hand movements?
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Something, something, statement about technology? The photobooth theme was fine! It was cute! It said something about the regret and passage of time from teen to young adult romance! Why are there now a lot of calculators?
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Just in case you forgot - the single’s out now. Wink, wink.
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But let’s go back and check in with our corporate overlords. Bob, how are you doing on the spyware floor?
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… is this Julien Temple? Is it a music video within a music video? Did he put himself in the video? Could this part not have been done by a member of the band? Like, y’know, that new one who was clearly added in partly through this video?
I like the main core storyline of the video - thinking about a past relationship and then happening to run into them again unexpectedly - but I can see why this is perhaps not well thought of. Next one!
The Meaning of Love (April 82, No 12 UK charts)
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This reminds me a lot of the cover for the first Adrian Mole book which was published the same year. It does not match the first single at all or the album, but I guess the album art was yet to be done? Or maybe two different departments handled them, because I would have gone with a different single cover if I knew that one of the greatest photographs of all time was in the wings for the album.
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Reader, my heart dropped. I knew we were in for some deeply 80s bullshit. And, like, not good 80s bullshit.
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This is the lounge act in the cruiseship of my nightmares
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Martin Gore there looking like 99% of the lesbians on the DIY punk scene.
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What the fuck is going on?
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What, and I must reiterate, the fuck is going on? Are those pies? Pie eyes? Pie eye glasses? What does it mean?
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Now’s not the time for your science homework, it’s time to film a music video.
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Great, I know what image will be repeating in my night terrors tonight. Martin Gore’s face earnestly singing at me from the depths of a paramecium.
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No, my night paralysis nightmare will be Dave Gahan’s face turning into a fucking pie over and over and over again.
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Oh, I see, the Meaning of Love is that your wife will turn into a bitter harpy that won’t let you live your dream and also your life is ruined because she keeps letting the puppets sleep in the bed.
I guess the video has a sort of XTC vibe? It does remind me of the video of ‘Making Plans for Nigel’, which I do like, but also this video is fucking awful should be seen to be believed. I liked the band’s awkward choreography which was four men showing how much they did not want to be doing any of this.
Leave In Silence (August 82, No 18)
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The font is nice. That’s about all there is to say for this. It doesn’t match the other two singles. I’m not saying everything has to be matchy-matchy, but it is nice to have visual similarity and consistency. This looks like the record label gave up on trying.
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Okay, so we’ve got the album art sorted and starting out with a - I guess you could call it ‘low rural farming vocalisation’, and neither of these two things match the other singles or music videos, which have had a very poppy, teen girl, Smash Hits vibe. 
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This week on The Generation Game, you could win a stainless steel bowl, a cuddly toy, and the lead singer of Depeche Mode!
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This video started with a group of people vocalising while pouring out grain and looking very plaguecore, now we’re all playing around on a conveyor belt because I think Julien Temple has run out of ideas and is being artsy and surreal and weird to cover that up.
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Ladies and gentleman, I’m sad to say that ‘The Fanciest Little Cowboy’ competition will not be running this year due to a lack of other contestants. This is a very fancy Little Cowboy though.
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…. I…. what? 
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I have seen many bad, bad, bad cursed images in my time, but this is going straight up to the top. What the fuck does this say about the song? The band? The image the record label is trying to project? This pointless weird imagery for the sake of being pointless and weird.
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It’s okay, Jess. Bright Red Martin Gore can’t really hurt you. Only haunt you.
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And now spacehoppers. Because of course spacehoppers!
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The players from Pathologic show up to make a cameo appearance, matching nothing in the video, and seeming wildly out of place with everything else. Pick a theme or story, Julien! It is EITHER the Generation Game OR a terrifying children’s show OR guttural Soviet inspired plaguecore. You can pick one! Not all of them!
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The Blue Man Group really had a rough start. The wheat is… just there. Because I guess Julien Temple couldn’t think of how to organically weave it an advertisement for the album. So there’s just a bundle of wheat for no good reason.
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By this point, same, mate. That is the only reaction I am having.
These videos were… not great. I think ‘See You’ is the best and most cohesive - it tells a cute little story that ties in with the themes of the song and provides an emotional resonance. And then things just go off the bloody chain a bit. They get weird and experimental in a way that does not work in selling the band or the song. They seem pretty disconnected from what a music video should be and Julien Temple seemed to just run out of ideas by ‘Leave In Silence’. C- Mr Temple, must try harder.
And then onto Construction Time Again! ... well, when I get round to it. In a few days maybe.
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