#so many.... thank you guys so much hhhh
starlitwishes · 10 months
"There, there - you can cry. It's okay. I would never judge you for that," says Rudaba, sitting beside him.
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There was a crowd now.
He supposed in hindsight it was to be expected--that after his outburst with Iraj, that the other residents of Gandharva Ville would seek him out.
It was overwhelming. It was a bit humiliating, too--that so many people were seeing him in such a state.
Yet no matter how much shame built up in his chest, the tear still came forward and out, dripping onto the ground, one by one.
“You're not alone,“ says Yohanan.
Those words were oddly soft and gentle coming from Yohanan. Yet Wrenn still flinched away, trying to cower away. He buried his face, wanting to snap those walls back up and demand they all leave him alone. That he didn't want nor need their kindness.
That he didn't deserve it.
Maybe those words slipped out, somehow, without him noticing. There was a hush among the crowd around him now, with only the sound of rustling leaves and bodies shuffling.
“Don't think for even a second that you have to prove something to me. I like you just the way you are,“ says Nasrin.
Nasrin spoke first, of reassurance, of praise. To comfort him, surely, but it only made more tears fall from his eyes.
Like him??? How could anyone like him? They heard the rumors, didn't they?
"You don't know what you're talking about," Wrenn managed to growl out. "You--you don't know anything about me... Not really."
He heard someone respond with, "That doesn't sound right."
To which he shook his head.
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"I'm a monster," Wrenn whispered. "You know--all of you, you all know, don't you? Then why..."
"Why?" Someone echoed, but through the throbbing in his own chest, Wrenn couldn't make out who it was. "Why what? You've been nothing but good to us. What makes you such a monster, anyway?"
"Sometimes your brain will lie to you and tell you bad stuff, but it's not true. It's never as bad as it seems," says Farbod.
Such ignorant kindness--how could they all be such fools? Did they not understand who they were talking to? Wrenn couldn't understand it. After everything that happened...
"He's right," Someone else chimed in. "Things are not as bad as they seem... and you really have been good to us--all of us."
"But... we understand if you don't believe it just yet," another person added. "We can head on back, maybe get you some fresh water."
“And If you're not ready, we can wait," says Hayyan. “You don't need to worry. You're safe with us,“ says Futuh, puffing up his chest.
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"You... you all..."
Wrenn wanted to tell them so desperately that they were wrong. That he was dangerous, that he should be despised. They in the echo of the voices who currently gave their love to him, he remembered the voices of a family.
A family who had loved him just as much. A family who saw him as one of their own--and once more, it was happening all over again.
It was terrifying. It was horrifying.What if these people got hurt? What if they got hurt because of him? How could they know so much, and yet so little? He was dangerous to be around.
Wasn't he?
Over and over, again and again, the people of Gandharva Ville told him no, no you are not dangerous. They told him yes, yes you are cherished. They told him yes, you are one of us.
And yes, we love you.
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He broke down in tears once again, his chest heaving heavily with hiccups and sobs.
Someone who was sitting next to him started tracing their hand along his back. He didn't flinch.
He only quietly cried, terrified that something in his chest wanted to accept their warmth so badly, and that he couldn't stop it.
The twinkling constellations of the sky, in his heart--the fates of himself and the people of this place, they were shining the same as they did the day the miners took him into their arms.
... Yes, for all of the doubt placed into his mind, these people were his family--and Gandharva Ville was his home.
He was home.
He finally found his home.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 months
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Hi? Gosh how do I even start with this :'D
I know it's been ages since I've last popped up on here. I've been debating when to post this for a while, but I kept adding to my draft more and more and now it's the end of JULY omgg I felt so guilty disappearing with zero updates but then thought my birthday would be the best day to finally address this considering it'll feel less random? idk but Ive always celebrated my bday with you guys and I'd feel so bad answering your kind asks without me at least explaining why I was gone for months.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a lot of stuff irl. health issues and sudden declining grades that left me stumped and drained for months now- along with technical issues like having to replace some parts of my computer that took a while for me to find to even draw digitally, which I didn't have the time for anyway with how tired and weary I felt every day.
I'm frankly shaken up by a lot of shit rn and I don't know how to be active online with this burden on my chest- Especially as it's been a while since I've even looked at utmv related content and my motivation dwindled. I swear I'd hype myself up to post or reblog something- but I'd see just how much I've missed or the overwhelming amount of posts I'd need to go through and I'd feel so swamped with exhaustion and most importantly guilt, for not clearing the air up sooner to reassure you guys that I'm, y'know, alive, and not dead in a ditch somewhere. And I'd procrastinate cause typing it all out is hard and I'd give up halfway every time and it's just not fair to you all!
I thought I was handling it well when I started going out and socializing more, instead of staying cooped up at home on my computer all day. and in the first draft of this post I made months ago I was gonna detail some of the fun plans I had, for my life and for this blog :D but relaxing my strict study schedule and letting go a bit of my tight routine, thinking it was better than wringing myself dry to keep it up, backfired horribly, to say the least.
I know right?? so silly to be hung up on stupid shit like studies of all things! but this is a very important thing for me considering my career plans and the competitivity encouraged by everyone I'm surrounded by, the pressure of keeping up adding to my already stressful days. I had to fix myself up first and I couldn't handle the strain nor interact with people and thinking of jobs and exams sapped my energy so much it's frankly embarrassing. writing this feels so cheesy too and it frustrates me to know I could've come back a month earlier if it weren't for that, but I also know putting all of this into words then would just sound like incoherent venting (not that this is very different tbf) and I wasn't in the right headspace to address my absence, or anything really- I didn't want everyone to see me return when I couldn't muster up a genuinely positive message, let alone talk to anyone with a shadow of my usual cheer
I feel like a complete mess and It drives me up the wall how depressed I've gotten. I debated deleting this blog so many times 'cause the fear of disappointing my audience and my friends, for lack of a more fitting sentiment, made me feel even shittier. I'm constantly thinking if this wall of text is worth posting, or if it's better not to burden you all with all my sappy troubles as if it's the end of the world. Trust me, I'll be fine. I'm not trying to dramatize this situation, but I don't think I'm up to pretending I'm all sunshine and enthusiasm you're all accustomed to.
So sorry for worrying you all! I'll try to catch up, deliver some missed birthday gifts, and answer some asks while I'm at it! Again, I can't state how much I appreciate your support throughout the years. It's frankly a miracle I kept any of you around with how much I keep popping and leaving at random with no warning. I definitely can't promise for my stay to be without a hitch, and if you don't mind an inconsistent schedule you're free to stay of course, but I'm afraid I can't sustain the pace I had when I first started this blog. I'll keep posting art, but lower my activity in the fandom sphere to reduce the strain on my mental health. so fewer rants and walls of text, more art, and less stress overall. Love you all and thanks for waiting for this long <3
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mando-of-esverr · 2 years
Darius gazed at the sheer amount of messages on his data slate, his lips a fine line behind his helmet. With a huff, he set his data slate down and activated its holo recorder.
"Alright," he said, leaning on his knee. "For the sake of ease for both our staff and inquirers, I will be answering between one and three questions per inquiry. Yes, this will make the volume of inquiries temporarily increase, but as each question is answered, duplicates will be referred to the first answer. Hopefully, this will ease some of the headaches between senders and receivers. Don't worry, I'll be getting to your inquiries shortly. In the mean time, we at Hawkeye Asset Protection appreciate your business and encourage you to keep yourself and your assets safe in the turbulent times ahead."
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minijenn · 1 month
If you had written it, what would've been your favorite moments from the stonemason arc?
Oh man there's like... so many little moments, but here are some of the bigger ones I had in mind (in mostly chronological order, across the entire arc and even beyond it with stuff tied into it):
EPretty much any confrontation between Dipper and Yellow, especially earlier on when he still has some fight in him
Dipper's initial reaction to losing his arm ahahahah oh no plus adjusting to it being gone (he'd lose it pretty early on into the process)
The slow development of the bond between Dipper and Amber, Amber realizing this human isn't like the zoomans she's dealt with before and coming to genuinely care about him and feeling grief when she realizes she can't bc she's too afraid of being found out and shattered
Bouncing off of that, the two of them bonding as Dipper tells Amber about all his friends and family back on earth, bittersweet af bc he misses them so much
The HBO playing off each other in general, especially Hessonite and Amber, there's a lot of... tension there.
The slow burn effect of Dipper's deteriorating mental state and the impact the conditioning/brainwashing is having on him as he realizes he's losing himself to Yellow's control
Bill was gonna show up and "inspire" Yellow's methods with some fucked up ideas of his own because of course he would, he'd be delighted to see something like this happen to "Pine Tree"
White was also gonna be involved, totally aware of Yellow's little "pet project" and joyfully supporting it, giving her the idea to use the song to control her new assassin effectively
Tied back up into Bill's involvement, he was def gonna give Dipper some nightmares about being back home but being unable to reach Mabel, Steven, and so on bc of what's happening to him ahahah fuck
THE moment when Dipper finally becomes Stonemason christ it would have been just So Much
Stan and Ford's reactions to Steven and Mabel coming back to Earth without Dipper. Wooo boy
Lapis' initial reaction to them coming back without Dipper. WOOO BOY
Fuck, Pacifica's reaction too jfc pain all around
The Gems and the Stan twins basically being at each others throats the entire time Dipper is gone bc christ there would be so much blame being thrown around
Steven just being... insanely guilty during the entire arc, especially once Stonemason is unmasked (more on that later)
Kevin Party would have had a scene where Mabel reunites with Gabe Bensen (puppet guy from Sock Opera) and basically explodes at him when he tries to flirt with her, bc whoops she still feels guilty about Sock Opera even a year later esp now that Dipper is gone/potentially dead
Oh yeah the fact that nobody even knows if Dipper is dead or alive during the entire time he's gone oop
Jungle Moon was gonna see Mabel seperated from Stevonnie, basically lost on her own until she's briefly captured by none other than Stonemason, recently deployed from Homeworld to track down "Rose Quartz" and shatter her; that entire subplot would have been somethin else bc Mabel has no idea who her captor is and the irony that its her brother and neither of them know it? woo baby
The scene where Stonemason is finally unmasked, the reactions to it... lord (it would have been a cliffhanger ending aahah), also bonus points bc Mabonnven was gonna be the one to unmask him so its basically the MK vs the one they thought they lost oh fuck oh no
Literally every encounter between Stonemason and the Pines and Gems after that, incredibly tension filled and upsetting hahah
Scenes of Stonemason on his own, showing signs of Dipper slipping through the cracks of the conditioning more and more as time goes on thanks to all of the encounters Stonemason has with his friends and family getting through to him
Stonemason vs. Maven. Nough said
Steven using his dream powers to finally find and communicate with Dipper inside his own head; it'd be kinda like that one bit in Dimensions but hhhh ya know even more gay and fucked up
Yellow would have had Stonemason attack Gravity Falls to lure "Rose" out; he's unmasked the entire time so that basically instills a lot of fear and mistrust in the townsfolk toward Dipper later on (more on that later)
Basically a redux of this oneshot I wrote a long time ago
The gang finally successfully capturing Stonemason
Steven and Mabel going inside his head to rescue Dipper, encountering Stonemason who tries to stop them; Dipper overpowering him and taking back control of his mind and body
Everyone's relieved, overjoyed reactions to Dipper finally being back golly
Dipper having to essentially get used to living like a human again (bc on Homeworld he didn't actually get food, he got "nutrition suplements" instead and Stonemason's armor probs had something in it to make sure he didn't need to sleep I don't fucking know) so ya know, adjustment period angst
Also Dipper adjusting the metal arm, not knowing how to control its strength at first, being upset that he has it and that it can't be removed, ect.
Townsfolk being angry and accusatory towards Dipper for the destruction Stonemason caused in town; surprisingly enough, Gideon of all people would have stood up for him, bc he understands what its like to have essentially an entire town turn against him too
Raising the Barn being so much more fucking devestating because Dipper begs Lapis to take him with her bc he's so scared of Yellow finding him and controlling him again; Lapis says she will, but ultimately doesn't (both because she doesn't want to take him away from his family so soon after they got him back and because she's worried Yellow might be able to track him through the arm)
Steven being ridden with guilt to the point that he considers making a deal with a certain dream demon to undo all this shit hehhehe
All that ^^ culminating with a Stepper appearence when Dipper assures Steven that he doesn't blame him for what's happened and still cares so much about him
There's a TON more but those are the standouts I have right now. Gotta keep all these fresh in my mind because I may actually end up writing this out after all. Just cause.
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atherix · 9 months
Hi, it the person that annoynmously asked months ago if it was okay if i printed Midnight. I think you said you wanted to see what i did with it if i remember correctly?
(Also, my friend doesnt have it yet so if you end up answering the ask, can you wait till after Sunday the 31st? 😅 My friend follows you 😊)
We both love the series and this project was so much fun; Im genuinely looking forward to printing the next chunk!
Midnight Wandering throught Midnight Summer ended up 651 pages!
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(The picture behind Midnight Wandering is done by Toni Grote if it's too small to see the name in the corner found it online and thought it fit)
I need you to know the moment you sent this to me I ran to the Vault like GUYS GUYS GUYS OH MY GOD SOMEONE BOOKBINDED IT!!! I was so !!! Heart full and warm and this was very much so a bright moment during a pretty dark couple of weeks for me <3
This looks SO good I'm!! Look at it!!!! I wrote that!! And it looks like a real proper book with real proper paragraphs and!!!!
I actually teared up seeing this <3 and this has just solidified my desire to bookbind it once I finish writing and have a physical copy of it. I'm just- look at it!!! It's real and it's physical and you can touch it I am so!!! hhhh!!!! And the illustrations!! <3 This looks so good!!
651 pages.... so many pages! That must have taken AGES to do, I'm hhhh!!!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! I love seeing how my silly little passion project can inspire people to create and make amazing things with it <3
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b1mbodoll · 11 months
i’m so in love with how you’re able to write so many different tropes and kinks and scenarios and still make the person it’s about so depraved in a way that’s so,,,Them ☆-☆
like i can see jake as a good little puppy but also see him as a masochistic pervert! i can picture jongseong as a mean dom but also a sweet daddy ♡♡ and don’t let get me started on your portrayals of seok matt OH EM GEEE you have me blushing and kicking my feet with your zb1 fics, i would love to see how you write gyuv 😩 you’re the best ficwriter ever
i’m… so in love with this ask!!!!! omg i’m so honored, sweetpea T_T u guys have no idea how much kind lil msgs like this mean to me ☹️ lets me know u guys rly like my stuff n it means the world!!!! this is my fave compliment ever, wah i’m emotional 🥺 i’m so glad i’m able to write them in a way that doesn’t seem too out of character !!!! n thank u again for the sweet words, i’ll cherish them forever ❤︎
i’m sosososo happy n im kicking my feet bc im soooo like… giddy rn T_T i’m so grateful for u :( and i love that u love my jayke + matthew posts :( mwah <3 i need to write for zb1 more hhhh i have so many thoughts but so little motivation T_T i’ll try to think up a gyuvin drabble when i sort out wips and catch up on thirsts! mwah mwah mwah, i love u forever sweetpea
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onlyswan · 1 year
no wayyyy kookie is so adorable like that!!! freakin gave the gift on their FIRST MONTHSARRY lmaooo I wonder how many -sarry he is celebrating in his mind that he cannot say out loud bc it's too sappy 😭😭😭 also the way that he wants to thank oc for being sweet and comforting to him oh my goshhhh before anything else oc is really is his bestfriend and so is kook to oc!!!! I just love them so much 😭😭😭
LMAOOO YES he figured it out eventually he is so cute >:(
hhhh why is this making me tear up omg i love hearing you guys talk about them it fills me with so much joy 🥲🥲🥲 they’ve gone through so much together and they’re truly the best of friends !!! :(
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
15, 20, and/or 27 for the fic writer asks ~*~
(u can answer all or only one, up to you!)
oh hi! 🥰 thank you so much, mwah! 🤍🌷
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
hdhd i usually just stare at the ao3 posting screen forever until i’ve reached the point where i’m just saying words, and then i use those words that string together best hdhdh i suck so had at titles 😂😭
and with the time travel au, i sometimes use titles/lines from songs i listen to when i write the chapter, or something that captures steve’s mindset during the chapter :D
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
i just scrolled through my fic titles and goddamn they’re all so pretentious jesus fuck. but i guess i like “come lie with me and let silence treat us kindly”. still pretentious, but not as much as all the others hdhdh
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
god yes! it’s gotten better now, but sometimes i’m still vibrating with anxiety when i post another chapter of my time travel au — i’ll try. i’ll try. (but i couldn’t be better), in which steve watches his friends die in the upside down at the end of s4 and then is sent back in time to november 5th 1983 by a very much scared, angry and dying el.
why was i nervous? because it’s my first time travel story and it comes with so much whump, so many things to remember, canon to weave into what’s essentially a rewrite, trauma to depict and evolve (steve is developing compulsions and it makes sense but like hhhh), characters’ developments and personalities to alter bc of certain events that have or have not happened. and to show all that from the POV of a character who doesn’t really understand what’s happening simply by nature of his situation; but also he doesn’t truly fully understand what happened in canon either, so there’s like. no logical approaches to him changing the timeline. he’s not like “okay so here’s how we stop the mindflayer because this is how it happened and worked the first time” etc etc. the unreliability of the narrator has so many layers that it gets overwhelming to me sometimes, and that just. makes me nervous sometimes.
there’s so many things to consider and i’m just a lil guy who gets easily overwhelmed, so yeah, the nervousness is a given unfortunately
🌷 send me some
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leftovergarlicbread · 2 years
For the headcanon ask thing.
What about Taka or Cal
WHY NOT BOTH!!!! :D Thank u for the ask!!! <3 <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Hes a bisexual loser and you can’t tell me otherwise.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man but in a he/they way.
A ship I have with said character: Again, I don’t have many strong opinions on shipping, but I feel he might have a slight crush on Zero. They’re L4L, loser for loser solfknehwosiufnlk.
A BROTP I have with said character: Ace and Taka obvi <3 <3 but also Taka and Luna!!!! They’re childhood besties and they have a weird cousins relationship thanks to their dads being so close.
A NOTP I have with said character: Tbh, Ace and Taka. I am really not a huge fan of childhood friends to lovers, I have a lot of opinions about it that I won’t get into here, but I usually I just prefer they stay platonic. But I also still don’t really know too much about their relationship considering I’m not quite done with the maingame yet, so this could very well change!!
A random headcanon: Taka likes to bake!! He and Luna bake a lot together and he makes some of the best poffins around. He’ll often bake ppl something as a gift for birthdays and holidays instead of buying them something. Also because it’s usually cheaper LMAOOO
Luna also knitted his scarf for him!
General opinion on character: The most patheticest wettest cat of a man ever. An absolute loser. He’s absolutely wonderful. He deserves to be passionately kissed by someone
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay! Fun fact I actually headcanoned him as gay before I knew he was canonically which I just find really funny olskdfhnos. *stares into camera* I Know What You Are
Gender Headcanon: Cis man, hes just ur local neighborhood Guy.
A ship I have with said character: I already talked abt Cain and Cal on my answer for Cain, sooo some other thoughts: I think he has a bit of a crush on Taka in a “hes hot in a rat kind of way” lmao
A BROTP I have with said character: Obvi Cal and Shelly <3 <3 <3 But I feel like Cal and Luna would also get along really well! They watch horror movies together!
A NOTP I have with said character: I’m saying Cal and Victoria here just because I want to share a funny story abt how I completely monkey’s pawed myself. So, back after I defeated Shelly, and Cal first goes to Apophyll, (my laptops autocorrect wants to turn apophyll into chlorophyll HELLO??) and like, it was very obvious that Cal and Victoria were a thing they were hinting at I was like “mmmmhhhh I don’t really want cal and vicky to become a thingggg :////” aND THEN TWO BADGES LATER THE EVENTS AT APOPHYLL HAPPENED AND I REMEMEBR JUST SITTING THERE LIKE “W e l l  I g u e s s  I  g o t      w h a t  I  w a n t e d” Believe it or not I did that to myself TWICE. The second time being me going “hmmm I wonder if fern is going to become more plot relevant soon!! After beating him on Route 1, and then, again. 3 badges later. Hes on team meteor JKSNOIUFVOKISIDNUHG
A random headcanon: Shelly writes a lot of fanfiction and she always asks Cal to proofread it for her. He is literally SO TOUCHED by this and it means the fucking world to him. She insists that he’s honest and gives her critique but it physically hurts him to say anything bad about her writing hhhh
General opinion on character: I love him sm!!! His development throughout the story makes me so happy ((and also the way he and victoria completely swapped characters and roles and like,, changed literally opposite to each other makes me go FERAL AAAAAAAAAA) The way he cares so much about Shelly is just so sweet and it’s just really cool to how we actually get to see him work so hard to grow and change and better himself as a person and it’s just really really cool to see and means a lot to me :] I really really love stories and characters who work to overcome who they were and be better than their past, I just. I can’t describe it super well, but just. Everything about Cal and his character is just. Yeah. I love that <3
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nathanielbubub · 1 year
It all started with Yone, she wanted us to be together again. She said that we are made for each other, we’re similar, etc. I hesitated at first, I was too scared to start it with you again. I was scared that I might hurt you again, scared that you can’t get over her, scared that I will left alone again, scared that you’ll see me as her replacement (even tho I know you won’t), scared that I might be not enough for you, there are so many things that made me scared.
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When you suddenly asked me in DM about how I feel and told me to answer you honestly…. I was SHOCKED!!? I don’t know what to answer you, I can’t even think properly at that time. I was freaking out. We just broke up from our partner at that time, I can’t even think to start a new relationship. But then you told me about how you felt and said that we need time to heal. And yes, that’s what I needed too.
After that, we talked almost everyday and just talking about daily life. Nothing much, just silly things.
You were kinda cold at first too (agak tatut), but I think that’s just you rn. You’ve become cold city guy XD lmaoooo. But slowly you become more cute like hhhh I wanna bite you little pumpkin. And I remember that you’re scared to kiss me on the lips so you only kiss my cheeks (ajdkdjsjs so adorable).
As time goes by, we’re glued to each other. We’re soooo in love that we would have cuddles every night. Lots of hugs and kisses is a must! And now back and belly rub is my fav too
It’s kinda funny how you were shocked at my naughty side (tbh I was kinda shocked too that I can be like that). To the point that you asked if that’s really me.
We spent our day talking to each other about what we’re doing and waiting for the night to come. I always start my day with sending you morning message to cheer you up for work<3 and the most exciting part is to say ‘welcome home’ and ‘you did well’ to you.
Sorry I fell asleep early these past days, I don’t know why can’t I stay up late nowadays (hhhh it’s kinda frustrating tbh). I’ll try to spend more time with you baby, I promise I will.
I really love you so much, Nathaniel Aldrich Kenara. Thank you for always thinking about me and how I feel, I’m really happy. Thank you for accepting me again even after I’m not my cute-self like the past me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for making me feel loved more than ever. I’ve never loved someone this deep. I know we just met again and in a relationship for a month, but my love for you is growing every second. I’m scared and I don’t know where to put all of this feelings for you.
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miutonium · 2 years
The Man + I Think he Knows for Jack!
The Man: What strengthens your f/o in your opinion? What do they believe strengthens you?
(Talking about office AU cuz I havent fully thought about the canon one quite yet hhhh)
He's optimistic, he looks forward to things everyday and able to handle obstacle without feeling down or beaten. But once in a while he needed support from others too. He always believes in himself there's no doubt, even through bad days he tries to tell himself to keep his dumb square chin up but once in a while he needs someone to tell him he's doing great or he needs someone to lean on when he's tiptoing on indulging his inner demons. He is grounded but he needs someone to give him a reason to stay grounded, to believe in his kindness and good cause. I dont think people appreciate his good deed much, and he lied to himself that he didnt want anything in return. But deep down, he wishes someone would acknowledge and appreciate his work and existence. So whenever he passed by Siobhán in the office or he ran errands for her (despite her protest to not do it for her), she makes sure to say thank you and slipped some encouraging and positive words to him, because she knows it means the whole world to him.
Also the egg sandwich at the office cafeteria, that shit can turn his frown upside down.
Siobhán hates most things, Jack knows that. Most of the things she told him at the rooftop were her bitching either about her boss or her family. It causes great headache to her expecially when she has to rush with the sudden onslaught of work piling at her. But what really makes her being able to deal with work is that she was able to air her frustration everyday to Jack during their short meetup. She doesn't really have many friends in the company, hell even if she wants to, she doesn't really know how to make one. She appreciates having someone to be her listening ear and Jack knows that. She doesnt really need solution, she's good at looking for it. All she needed was someone to listen to her bitching about work or listen to her talking about anything and Jack has no problem sitting down and give his whole attention to her.
I Think He Knows: List all of the things about your f/o that make you fall in love with them a little more each time!
Siobhan doesn't fall in love easily, in fact she doesn't really want to date at all. She keeps her heart shut and her priorities straight. So it baffles her that she falls so hard for the quiet office boy at work. She tries to think of what exactly makes her not being able to function well around him and make her skip a beat when she sees a sight of him. Personally, She likes him because he's the first guy that actually wants to listen and indulge into her stories and days .
He is optimistic too. Optimistic people always annoys her, but for him, she had an exception. His optimism is contagious, so much so she started feeling more motivated on tackling her work.
She likes the way how he thinks and perceives the people and world around him. Even when there's evil and people arent always nice, he always assumes the good thing about the person first. She wishes she was just as simple minded as he is.
And his smile, oh my. His smile is the end for her. When he shoots a soft smile to her as a reassurance, eyes curls into a crescent, lips curling innocently, she fell so hard for him.
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pyrhiic · 6 years
i am. so emotional now sfjkldtlglfk
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ice-reblogs · 2 years
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Yall have been so so nice to me and I just- hhh im actually crying rn- I love yall so much
This Fandom has so many sweet people, I can't thank yall enough for your kind words. This blog has only been around for like- a month? And already I've meet so many amazing people
I hope yall don't mind the tags I just want to give you a shout out because you guys make me so happy 💙
@jess-themess05 @acespacerb @yes---but---no @lostjokes @spotlightstudios @theohnocorral @basyacriptid
Honorable mentions to the others who have either sent me asks, mentioned me or just interacted with me! You're all so so sweet I am in a puddle of happy tears rn
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Actual reactions I've had to these bakxsjkxs don't mind that it's my fursona
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singtotheskiies · 3 years
“how are you so perfect?!” // karl jacobs fluff alphabet
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a/n: the mcyt brainrot continues so i am coping with the fluffiest karl hcs my brain can summon,,,,,,, i am affection-starved send help please
summary: a look into the abcs of dating the one and only sweetheart karl jacobs!!! (fluff alphabet template by @snk-warriors)
activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
karl loves doing literally anything and everything with you; he just loves your presence and company so much!! whether it’s late-night target runs, playing minecraft together, or just collapsing into your arms after a long, late-night stream, being with you instantly lifts his mood.
beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
while karl appreciates and adores everything about you, i can definitely see him being a sucker for your eyes. he loves how they sparkle in certain lights, how big and happy they are when you’re looking at him, how they crinkle when you laugh, and how your pretty eyelashes flutter against your cheeks when the two of you cuddle. he often finds himself getting all blushy when you guys maintain prolonged eye contact:)))) i think he’d also love your hands and shoulders too!!
comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
karl is no stranger to anxiety and is incredibly empathetic. the combination of these two things makes him the BEST person to have around when you’re not feeling good. if you’re sad, he’ll instinctively know just what to do to put a smile on your face again. he’ll crack stupid jokes or put on music and dance with you—anything to make you happy. if you’re anxious, he’ll talk softly to you and, if you’re feeling up to it, will hold you so you can safely come down from your panicking. he’ll definitely cradle the back of your head with his hand as he holds you close, just breathing with you.
dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
karl is definitely the type to fall hard relatively quickly in a relationship. thinking about the future is sometimes scary for him, but with you in the picture, he finds it less threatening—beautiful, even. he doesn’t know exactly how he wants everything to turn out, but he does know that he wants you by his side through all of it.
equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
equality in a relationship is INCREDIBLY important to karl. he respects you so much and wants to make sure that your opinions and ideas are heard. the two of you 100% thrive on mutual communication and input.
fight - would they forgive their s/o easily? how do they fight?
i don’t see karl as the type to get upset easily; he’s pretty chill and is very forgiving since he hates conflict. i can see the odd argument popping up if he’s tired or stressed and accidentally snaps at you, but he’d be clinging to you five minutes later and begging for forgiveness (which, of course, you can’t resist giving him—he has an unfair amount of cute privilege).
gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
karl is sweetie #1 and never fails to appreciate the people in his life (or let them know). you could get him a monster from the fridge and he’ll literally pepper your face with kisses while chanting “thank you thank you thank you” like you just saved his life or something. he’s such a cutie and never fails to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do:)))
honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
as i said before, karl thrives on communication. however, he’s often hesitant to tell you when he’s feeling down or upset. even though he knows you probably wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t want to drag you down or burden you with his problems. his tell for feeling down is getting really quiet, so if you notice this, a few gentle questions will get him to open up to you. he’s working on being more open because you always help him feel so much better!!
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? ex: trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
without a doubt, you have both changed each other for the better!! he’s helped you appreciate the little things and the quiet companionship that so many people take for granted. he’s also been a huge constant and has helped you through tough times. you’ve been a huge calming-yet-brilliant force for him and have taught him that good things always come in time. y’all are really an unstoppable pair and mean so much to the other!!
jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
karl doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets insecure. if he’s feeling uncomfortable, he’ll just get super quiet. after all, who is he to stop you from having fun?? maybe you’re better off with this person in the moment,,,, anyway, you’ll have to make it up to him with a cuddle session and reassuring him about how much you love him between soft head kisses:)))
kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
karl’s kisses are LOVELY—soft and sweet with his hands gently cupping your cheek or jaw or even holding your own. he just loves being able to feel you and be close to you. the first kiss probably happened during a cuddle session—he would just be so caught up in your presence and softness and scent that his face would move closer to yours without him even trying. you’d make soft, shy eye contact for a brief moment before his mouth met yours. help he’s so cute ajcividiahhdjfd
love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
god, he’s SUCH a cheeseball—he’d either do it on your birthday, delivered with a shy smile and giant bouquet, or just blurt it out of nowhere at 2am while the two of you are tired and slap-happy out of your minds. either way, he says it with such hushed reverence that your heart forgets how to work for a few minutes. so many kisses after;))))
marriage - do they want to get married? how would they propose? what would the marriage be like?
like i said earlier, karl can get a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. however, he does know that he wants the utter joy you bring him every day to keep going. he likes the idea of a small, pretty wedding with the people you’re closest with, but he’s also fine with just enjoying what you have. as long as he gets to be with you he’s happy:)))
nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
i get the vibe that he’d call you by your first initial or “baby” when he wants to be more casual (but he somehow imbues “baby” with so much meaning,,,,, hhhh). uses “sweetie” sometimes and also “honey” after you’ve been in a relationship for a while. basically just uses the absolute CUTEST names,,, they come naturally to him bc he loves you so much:’))
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?
it is PAINFULLY obvious that karl’s in love with you. he’s always gushing about you to his mr. beast and minecraft friends, so full of fond stories that everyone groans at so much of a mention of your name (everyone secretly thinks it’s adorable tho). the two of you have had so many people compliment you on how cute of a couple you are—your joking, fond chemistry is palpable.
pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
while it’s common knowledge karl’s love language is physical touch, he’s always considerate of your boundaries while the two of you are around others. he’ll likely keep pda to hand holding and an arm slung comfortably over your shoulder. it’s just enough to let you feel each other without being too clingy.
quirk - a random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
karl is super unselfish—meaning his closet, nail polish—and yes, even his prized monster energy drinks—are also yours. he truly believes that sharing is caring, and it makes him incredibly happy when you’re wearing one of his iconic sweaters or giving him a grateful smile as he hands you half of his taco bell order.
romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
karl is a complete angel and always puts others first, meaning he’s an absolute GOD when it comes to romance. he’s always laughing and joking with you, and he never runs out of fun things for the two of you to do. at the beginning of your relationship, he’ll stick to the tried-and-true formulas of giant teddy bears, chocolate, and shared sweaters. as he gets to know you better, though, he’ll take pride in giving you super personal gifts and crafting special date nights he knows you’ll love. he’s the absolute sweetest:’’))
support - do they help their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
karl is your biggest fan first and your boyfriend second. he never fails to cheer you on every step of the way and remind you just how incredible you are when you’re struggling. he truly believes you can do anything—he is an angel. an ANGEL.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
the two of you have a happy, comfortable rhythm in your relationship. however, you guys definitely try things together. watching a new cartoon, trying a quirky restaurant, or doing weird challenges with each other on stream never feels too much like stepping out of your comfort zone since the two of you are so in sync. even if something backfires, you’ve got the safety net of the other person to catch you.
understanding - how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
karl has incredible amounts of emotional and interpersonal intelligence. he believes in the innate dignity and beauty of all people, and LOVES getting to know every single bit of who you are. he’s completely committed to you, and is the perfect person to help you with whatever you’re going through.
value - how important is the relationship to them? what is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he considers your relationship to be the best part of his life. you’ve been with him through so much, and looking back, it’s incredibly clear just how much your presence in his life has changed him for the better. he loves you so much!!!!!
wild card - a random fluff headcanon.
karl often rants happily on and on about his newest cartoon or gaming obsession while the two of you are cuddling. he’s just so cute, and more often than not you’ll end up kissing all over his freckled cheeks and soft hair. he melts into you like a cat and the two of you just breathe the other in with pure contentment:))))) send help y’all are so cute:))))
xoxo - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
this goes without saying, but karl is a cuddlebug supreme. if you’re not super into cuddling, he’ll understand but try and ease you into it so that he can love you the way he really wants to!! copious amounts of cuddles, kisses, and affection are central to his ideal relationship.
yearning - how do they cope when they’re missing their partner?
poor karl gets so lonely without you!! you’ll facetime him when you’re gone for even a night, and he’ll pick up wearing one of your sweatshirts. “miss me that much??” you tease, and he can only nod and pout. expect millions of wish you were heres and miss you babys and can’t wait to hug u agains spam texted to you. lots of snapchats of him giving puppy dog eyes to the camera and cuddling stuffed animals will also be sent. he can’t help it—he just adores you and is constantly pouting until you’re back.
zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what will they do?
you’re karl’s everything, and he’ll do anything to make sure that your relationship is happy, healthy, and beneficial for both of you. thankfully, though, he’s such a sweetheart that making sure things are running smoothly isn’t much of a task at all!!
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shozaii · 4 years
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megumi as your boyfriend. (headcanons!)
genre: fluff
pairing: megumi x reader
extra notes: many more problems have been going downhill recently, so i would like to take the time to write for our beloved best boy, megumi. requests are still there, i just need more time to actually process them and find inspo before i could write good ones for you guys! meanwhile, enjoy these hc’s !!
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- compliment his pretty eyelashes please and thank you
- he either does one of these; fluster and look away with a pout on his face, or stare right at you with so much confusion. looks around to make sure you’re talking to him because h u h??? me?? 
- cue yuuji and nobara going wild because they finally got some verification around here, especially from his significant other. (yuuji proceeds to get bonks from megumi.)
- gojo sensei supports and will protecc.
- i feel like the two of you would be the kind to hold pinkies when you’re in public. hands? no; pinkies!! <3 sometimes he looks away and takes your pinky in his. if he doesn’t find it he looks at your hand, takes it, ensures your pinky is secured tightly around his, and boom. megumi continues going on a stroll with you :3
- dates with him are very, very pleasing. it takes away the stress you were feeling at that moment - he’s practically a mind reader at this point. he makes sure to pick the right places when it comes to dates. some of the places being a park, a quiet coffee shop many blocks away from the busy city, a flower garden, etc etc. quite the charmer, if you ask me 
- but he doesn’t think that he is one-
- oh my god give this baby headpats. give ‘em all !! 10000/10 best experience ever. at one point he might even tell you “i never knew i was headpattable.” (this isn’t a word i’m aware but i know he would say it.)
- sobbing. sobbing hard
- afternoon naps together because he enjoys your company HHHH
- will let you pet his demon dogs. he knows how much you loved them, and how kind you were to them when you and megumi first met. he has this habit of reminiscing old memories with you🥺
- he likes to kiss your cheeks a whole lot because they’re just so squishy and cute to him🥺 megumi is the kind of person to enjoy every facial feature of yours. try asking him his favorite part of your face - it would take him a whole 10 minutes to reply. but in my opinion, it’s your cheeks that makes him melt 💖
- okay okay scenario time ! when you’re alone with him in his room, he has this one song that reminds him of the both of you. this is when he takes you by the hand, leading you from the bed to the middle of the room, as he sways his hips to the rhythm. it’s like seeing a whole new version of him when you first noticed it - come on it was really cute 😖💕
- only you’ve seen this, but this smirk he has? just drags you away. makes you swoon, flowers will bloom. crops watered, sun will shine bright. imagine this; his smirk showing his pretty whites (highkey thinking he has these fang type teeth, not too sharp but not too blunt either. get what i mean?), eyelashes fluttering, his bangs tickling your forehead as you went further into his embrace. 
- and yes, he will acknowledge you being flustered, i just know it
- during training he would just admire you from afar. literally everything about you in his eyes is perfect. if your facial features are enough to make him ascend, think about how he’s just hyperventilating over how gorgeous/astronomical you look. precious, precious boy.
- “fushiguro? you good?”
- “definitely not.”
- yes, that was yuuji. and yes, he’s a hardcore shipper of megumi x y/n.
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(a/n) : might do a yuuji one, might not :0
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actualbird · 3 years
What I'm hearing is that Vyn is an ACTUAL STICK WTF
And Marius and Luke work out and are built
And Artem is a good medium 👀
Thank you for your most important research, Scientist Zak.
irt to nxx boys' waist sizes
hi, moon!!
and now i wanna ramble a bit about nxx boys' exercise and diet
wc: 1k
somebody remind vyn to eat
huhu yeah vyn is thin...im a little worried now about him now, hhhh. like, he doesnt strike me as a person who avoids eating. in fact, hes very much on the vein of indulgence and luxury and he has a sweet tooth, if his pastry making skills are anything to go by!!
so he must eat fine and maybe it's an increased metabolism thats doing this and same, ive got a stupid high metabolism and my worry is keeping my weight ABOVE the underweight line and it is a bit difficult to consistently remember to eat for that, esp if ur a busy person who has a shit memory.
irt to exercise, i see him doing very very light stuff or maybe literally just polo, where the horse is doing MOST OF THE WORK.
when the season is good for it, he'll go hunting, but his style isnt strenuous there either. hes more of the lie and wait and sneak type than actively stalking or pursuing the game
marius and luke work out and they will tell you!!!
these boys r insufferable, they work out and say this this a bunch outright in many stories.
sidenote: hey, i want a fic where they become gym buddies!! a gym buddy is important, esp if ur lifting weights, u need somebody to spot you (and maybe also gaze TOTALLY PLATONICALLY at the others' straining muscles). theyre ridiculous competitive-ness could come in here too, but im more endeared by marius and luke: chill gym buddies. and also every male-attracted person in that gym trying to SO HARD to look respectfully
irt diet i actually cant remember marius bringing up what he likes eating..like yeah, he must have gotten used to high end foods, but i enjoy the idea of him liking very common snacks; nuts, candied fruits, dried berries, uh. huh. do i think marius is a bird? i'll revisit that later.
luke, in canon, eats a LOT. i rmr in one SR card he ordered two burgers bc mc was hungry but mc could only finish half to he ate his burger and then the half mc didnt finish. luke is the Finisher Of Leftovers. hes the guy on the team that ensures there is no food that goes to waste ever.
and he likes snacks. biscuits, cookies, candies. not too much on the salty/savory, he's more a sweet tooth guy like vyn.
marius likes chocolate milk.
luke is downing his meds with monster energy.
artem, mom supreme, turbo malewife pro next level
arto artie artsicle is a great medium!! i see artem as not necessarily working out but he does light stuff like jogging and yoga; stuff that keeps the lungs and heart still working and something that attempts to make him chill out (up to interpretation if it succeeds).
yoga artem...yoga artem in sweatpants...uhhh im thinking about how hot he must look so now im pushing him into a yoga class populated primarily by middle aged women who are VERY HAPPY with him being here because hes hot and sometimes he stays and shares his recipes and also hes SUCH a kind sweetheart and they cant help but pinch his cheeks sometimes and YOU! ARE! HUSBAND! MATERIAL!
can we pls get artem wing, milf magnet. thank u.
he's got a great diet and is quite conscious about eating healthy. hes the one squinting at luke picking out the veggies from his burger and luke sulks the ENTIRE TIME but places the vegetables back in.
actually, if u want healthy and happy children irt to diets, vyn and artem should be the dads (aside from the other boys). artem will make all the delicious nutritious stuff and vyn will make all the dessert rewards.
mc + team hcs about exercise
marius and luke totally invite mc to join up and become a gym buddy, and eventually she does! tho it's less because she wants to work out and more because she 1) enjoys hanging out with her awesome friends and 2) enjoys the opportunity to ogle her sexyhot friends.
when mc joins the gym buddy club, the other male-attracted people in the gym no longer look at marius and luke. because shes death glaring them all away and the boys are none the wiser.
i want!! vyn!! to bring her hunting!!!!! like he already brought her horse riding, he might as well teach her how to use a bow and arrow, yeah? imagine....standing behind her back, so close, raising her arms to the correct stance, adjusting her grip. a lot of romance to be had here, fellas.
and then mc gets so flustered she shoots an arrow straight into the sky and they both have to take cover.
mc and artem yoga buddies pls pls pls. they r stressed people they need to both chill. and also i think mc is better at yoga than artem ksjbgjd which he doesnt mind!! but all the women in his yoga class are like "mr. wing, your partner is so flexible!!!" and then they waggle their eyebrows and his face is basically on fire lol
mc + team hcs about food
mc enjoys going out for a meal with luke the most because luke already KNOWS all her favorite foods and cafes and restaurants and also she never has to worry about there being too much food because nothing is gonna survive Luke Pearce, The Finisher
tho marius, vyn, and artem are the people she should go to if she wants something fancy because sue her, these guys are rich and she likes luxurious food and feeling bougie sometimes!!
like, luke takes her out to casual diners and the such but marius is the one who will get a reservation to a 5 star restaurant, vyn is the one who will take her to a cafe with a renowned french pastry chef, artem is the one who will just cook whatever she wants HIMSELF.
artem's filet mignon is the best in stellis city. it's a damn shame he didnt go into culinary arts.
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