#so much dialogue and set up
rey-129-fan · 26 days
Gotham-Amity Co-op AU
Part 1 | Next
Wow, okay, people seem to really like this. Awesome! Whelp, here's part 2!
“Alright, order.  Order.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a Triple Nasty with cheese, extra mustard and pickles.” Laughs rang out at Dash’s remark as everyone settled in to their seats.  Sam, who stood at the front of the room by a blackboard, just gave the quarterback a flat look while Danny and Tucker snickered at the teacher’s desk.  The group was meeting in an empty classroom at Casper since most were still Casper students, at least for another couple of months until graduation.  Jazz and Kyle, both of whom were attending school in Gotham, were dropping in to visit and attend the meeting.
“We are now beginning the first meeting for the Green Amity Co-o-”
“Oh, we are not calling it that!” Paulina cried out.  Sam’s eye twitched and started to glow slightly as those around the Latina nodded in agreement.
Jazz quickly stepped in.  “While naming something Green in a city that has a known meta Eco-terrorist might not be a good idea, we can discuss names later.  For now, let’s focus on more important matters for the co-op.”
“Right,” Sam sighed, releasing the tension in her shoulders.  “So has everyone had a chance to look over the info and pictures Jazz and Kyle were able to gather?”  Getting various conformations, the goth nodded. “Does anyone have any objections on using the building as a Gotham based co-op?”
“Not really.”
“None from me.”
“Okay, so we’ll put down an offer to buy the building,” Sam nodded before shuffling around some papers in her hands.  “Next on the agenda is rent.”
“Won’t we own the building?  Why would we need to pay rent?” Dash asked.  Kwan nodded while several others in the group just dropped their heads.
“Because we need to pay for things like utilities and taxes,” Valarie shot back, arms crossed as she stared down her former friend group.
“Not to mention that we should collect some money for potential repairs that will be needed in the future,” Wes added, nodding.  Dash turned and glared at both of them.
“As Val and Wes said, we may own the building, but we still need to gather money to pay for things like water, electricity, internet.  Things needed to make the building usable,” Jazz explained in a less condescending tone, mullifying the blond.
“So we need to figure out how much each utility is and split it between everyone, with a little extra on top to make a fund for repairs?” Danny clarified.
“That is a start, but some people will use more of some things than others.”
“Well, we can always start with it and adjust as we get a better idea of how much it costs and who uses up what amount,” Star said as she stood up and walked over to the board.  She picked up a piece of chalk and began writing down numbers.  “Do we know how much we have to pay for property tax?  From what I could find on the internet, the average cost of utilities in Gotham is about $118 a month, give or take.”
“That lines up with what I saw too, though that doesn’t include internet or phone plans,” Val nodded.
“Well, our phone plans aren’t likely to change, so we don’t need to worry about that.  Most internet plans start about $40 a month,” Tucker added.  Star nodded and added the 40.
“As for property taxes, given the building’s estimated amount, it would be about $15,900 a year, which is paid quarterly.”
Star continued writing.  “So 15,900 a year is 1325 a month.  We currently have 11 people, so that’d be 120.45 per person per month just in taxes.”
“So utilities plus internet and taxes would put us at about $242 a month.”
“Don’t forget insurance and repairs.  Gotham isn’t the safest place, what with all the supervillains,” Danny added.
“Never mind random ghosts dropping in just to fight Fenton.  We’re probably going to have to repair the place more often than the average,” Kwan nodded.
“Hey!  Don’t pin the property damage from ghost fights on me!  It’s mostly the GIW doing that!”
“We know, Danny, but you can’t deny that there are going to be at least a few ghosts that will come just to fight, and the GIW are likely to follow them.”  Danny crossed his arms and grumbled, but conceded.
“We should just double the amount we have for now.  That way we can cover the basics and have enough to cover anything that could come up, while most can afford it with a part-time job,” Tucker suggested.
“It’s a start,” Jazz agreed.
“And if we need to adjust it, we can always discuss it again,”Mikey pointed out.
“Alright, so all in favor of starting rent at $485 a month, raise your hand.” Sam counted the hands in the air.  Eleven.  “Very well.  Up Next: rules.”
“Oh come on!  We’re no longer kids and are going to college!  Why would you wanna create rules?!” Dash protested.
“Just because we’re adults now doesn’t mean that there aren’t still rules we have to follow,” Jazz responded.  “Pretty much any place you could live would have quiet hours and cleanliness requirements.  Plus I’m pretty sure there are places or things that you wouldn’t want others to mess with.” More grumbling was heard but no more protests.  “Now, from what I’ve observed and read on the internet, in general quiet hours are generally between 10-11 pm to about 8 am during the week, with it rolling back an hour on the weekends.  I don’t need it to be that strict, but I would like to have some quiet by the time I’m going to sleep.”
“What exactly do quiet hours entail?  Is it like a curfew?” Mikey asked, pushing up his glasses and looking at the two actual college students.
“Nah man, they’re just the hours you have to be quiet for.  Ya can do whatever ya want, so long as yer not disturbing anyone or keeping them up.  Just don’t do anything that’ll get the cops or Bats on ya, and yer good,” Kyle explained.
“So what should these quiet hours be?  Not going to lie, but midnight seems like a good start, especially if you have early morning classes,” Wes spoke up.
“Midnight is good for me.”
“Aw, but what if we want to have a party!”
“Well, if you start at 8, that gives you four hours,” Sam explained, raising her eyebrow.
“A 4 hour party seems to be enough, especially since not all of us would want to have a crazy party outside our door all night,” Val stated, glaring at Dash and Paulina.
“It seems common consensus is quiet by midnight.  What about when they end?”
“Well, most of us will likely have classes starting by 9.  Including travel time and getting ready, we’re likely to be up around 8 or so.  That’d give us 8 hours of quiet to study and fall asleep.”
“So midnight to 8 am for quiet hours?  Any objections?” None were made.
The meeting continued on in much the same way, with only a few protests to some rules, mostly related to shared chores and the creation of a chore schedule.  But these protests were quickly silenced by a glare from Valarie that slowly glowed a slight red the more protests were made.
“Alright, I think we’ve covered everything we set out for today’s meeting,” Jazz said, tapping some papers against the desk she sat at.  She took over the meeting as Sam grew more annoyed.  The goth was now sitting between Danny and Tucker, who were both offering small touches of comfort.  “Remember, if you have any questions, share them in the discord server.  And if you have any suggestions for a name, please feel free to send them to Wes, who will compile them into a poll so we can vote on them in a week.  Now, would anyone like to add anything else?”
A few mutters and shakes were the answer.
“Very well, that concludes this meeting.  Hope everyone has a good summer, and when we next meet, hopefully, it should be in our new building.”
Did I seriously just write 1363 more words of set up? Yes, yes I did. I have no regrets. We should be in Gotham starting next chapter and get up to the shenanigans then.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! I started writing this while I was baking a pie for my own mother.
I am going back and forth on whether Phantom Planet is canon or not, but either way, all of Amity Park knows about Danny in this, but not the outside world, and especially not the GIW. While I do read a lot of bad parent Maddie and Jack, I much prefer to have them as good parents that love and accept both Danny and his little clone/cousin/sister.
Sorry guys, but Bruce is not adopting either Phantom.
Again, feel free to leave suggestions for names for the Co-op, as well as for this little AU itself. Also, suggestions for shenanigans and powers our liminal teens might have outside just glowing eyes.
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ Settling In… ]
Part 5.0 of 6 🌹
@rebouks @gothoffspring @wastelandwhisperer @hallasimss @lre333 @bionibots @anarchosimdicalist @dirksdreamer @hauntedtrait @yikessims @foxsimthings
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, EDI, and Jack With: Flight Lt. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Lt. James Vega, Ens. Jason Prangley, Ens. Rodriguez, David Archer, and Kahlee Sanders I never had a family- and these guys... Anyone screws with my students and I will tear them apart. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#james vega#sophie shepard#jeff joker moreau#EDI#jack#subject zero#david archer#kahlee sanders#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#grissom is literally my favorite side mission in ME3 so i was so excited to make this omg#it just has it all- good plot + solid witty one liners + an awesome bunch of characters + a nice emotional moment like#and it stars jack who’s like one of my favorite ME2 squaddies so ??? it’s just an all around iconic mission#EDI has so much good grissom dialogue too and she looks mighty cute in her lil hunter hood! 🥹#james has a few really good lines too but none of the ones i liked were in the cutscenes so it was sooo hard to get more of him in the set#i will say i forgot how much good jack dialogue there is in grissom like i just love and stan my girl so much#and now when i see her i think of saoirse and seamus every time like that’s THEIR GIRL KICKING ASS!! ✨✨#her lines with prangley and rodriguez are top notch too honestly#but honestly my favorite moment is still shep and EDI’s conversations with david#like EDI’s soft little ‘no apology is necessary’?#when david says ‘the number of days you lengthened my life’?#i tear up a little bit playing grissom every time bc overlord is the best ME2 dlc and you cannot change my mind#also soph once again eating in cleric’s fabulous guardian armors for shepard (which will always be famous✨)#like the shoulders?? the omni mark?? the set is just talented. brilliant. incredible. show-stopping. spectacular. beautiful. iconic.#and soph's usually rep'ing the purples/deep reddish pinks but did i make the omni mark blue so we could rep spectre alenko colors?#i’ll let you be the judge ✨
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I have a big google doc thing where I keep track of media and stuff (putting everything in loosely ranked categories), which is mostly just for my own reference so I know what tv shows I've already seen before, etc. and I never really look back through it, typically just a quick "okay, watched two movie in the past 8 months, need to quickly slap them somewhere in the lists. okay. done. save document. exit". But today I was actually reading through some of the old notes and there are like... MULTIPLE places where my comment is basically "It would have been good if it were about elves" or "I wish there was a fantasy show made in this same style" or "It's well made, but I just keep thinking about how I would like it more if everyone was an elf or was in old 1700s costumes" or etc like...... lol.... Most biased media ranking system on earth blatantly made by someone with an extremely hyperspecific range of narrow interests. It'd be like if a food reviewer only had 5 foods they actually liked, so they'd just go to a pizza place and be like "eh, the pizza was okay, but I just think it would be better if it was cereal instead. :/ ...2 out of 10"
#Which.. I mean... I am allowed to be biased because literally it's just for my own personal reference (or occasionall#y to send to friends or something if we're discussing the topic) so like.. nowhere am I saying 'I am the god of perfect taste and these#rankings are objectively the absolute truth and everyone should have my same opinion' or anything#BUT still.. it's funny to me sometimes#'Succession would be 100x better if it had the same cast/character quirks and shaky camera style and#acting choices/weird dialogue and general concept etc. EXCEPT it takes place within an elven noble family or something#managing the family business and everyone is in fantasy costumes now'' like.....okay...... but it's NOT that way..soo... thats not the show#''I like the acting style/general tone of Fleabag but i don't care for any of the characters or any of the subject matter and I wish it was#set in the 1800s and had vampires and was about magic instead'' okay..... again... you are making up an entirely new show in that case lol#OR my other beloved typical complaint ''The concept is good but theres too much plot and action and not enough people just sitting#around doing nothing and exposition dumping world and character lore'' ''this needs more goofy sideplots and filler episodes''#''this Drama was too dramatic I think it should be more lighthearted & people need to sit around doing nothing just being weird more often'#''the Action Movie was ok except for the action scenes - which I skipped through all of- but I liked the costumes and worldbuilding'' etc.#ERM sorry your plot has too much plot. also elves have to be included somehow. bye#BUT SERIOUSLY!!!!!! I literally genuinely believe that any show I like (or even dislike) could ALWAYS be improved greatly by#putting people in fantasy or historical costume/setting/etc... why the FUNK would I want to see bland jeans and cars and cell phones#when I could see elaborate velvet cloaks and fantastical landscapes and interior design and innovative takes on historical or#magical technology or etc. etc. etc. I LIVE in the modern day. I see it all the time!!! BORING! stinky!! boo!!!#ANYWAY... another social divide for me.. People love to bond by discussing media. which is hard when I'm like#'I literally will not watch something at all unless it fits into one of these 10 extremely specific categories which are all i care about i#the entire world''.. I say this and yet I still dislike most fantasy or historical things I've watched lol. ok TWO main criteria then!!#it must 1. be in a different world or time period. 2. be goofy silly. Nothing ever has BOTH. It's always overly serious boring drama action#fantasy/history stuff OR it's comedic lighthearted but with modern day characters... WHY.. anguish and woe and so on..#ANYWAY jhjnk... at least I can make that divide. Some people seem to project their own personal preferences and get really emotionally#defensive if you say you didn't like something - as if the fact that they DO like it is some Objective Truth or something rather than just#opinion/preference based. I can still easily say ''this is well made/well written/acted/good in a technical sense/has a lot of#points of appeal that most people would be drawn to/etc'' and admit that it's a GOOD show probably. I just PERSONALLY think its#bad because my tastes are very narrow. Some things ARE actually made badly but. things are not bad INHERENTLY just bc they dont suit ME lol#Better to recognize/accept whats odd about you and be peacefully aware of it than just being mad at everyone all the time for not fully#agreeing with you even when you're the one with the Weird opinion in that case lol.. I am right though :3 but.. lol... still. i get it
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buglaur · 1 year
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here he is in hd!! i'm def gonna have to do a separate gameplay for him because virgil's gonna be nowhere near having kids by july 20 😭
you'll be seeing a lot more of him!! 💞💞💞
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sysig · 1 month
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DAX is just so expressive ♥ (Patreon)
#My art#SCII#Helix#DAX#Lol#Have I mentioned I love him lately#As if I ever stop talking about how much I love any of them lol#Okay but genuinely these were really nice as warmups they were really easy to just knock out one by one#He's very expressive as Dexter! *handwaves about human neurochemistry and expressions* lol#I had to make his Neutral look extra dead inside to make up for the rest haha#Funnily enough I have actually been watching a series of streams of like VAs and visual artists and writers and stuff#And they are constantly uptalking 2D talksprites as mood-setters for dialogue#So it was really fun to make these with that in the back of my head like ''Yeah! :D They /are/ good at that!''#Very cool expressive medium :D#See if you can spot the first drafts for a few of these :3c#I'll give you a hint: Scared and Sad(? Regretful ig lol) were from some posted doodles#His grumpy one was also a doodle but I didn't post it so it doesn't count lol#Oh yeah and and a lot of these had little accessories like the fear bursts and the little sigh bubble lol I just...forgot them here lol#They're there in spirit please feel the grump lines and sweat drops in your heart <3#I had a heck of a time trying to keep his face consistent with different angles lol aren't VUX nervous to move their necks me#Just gotta actually get into 3D modeling properly smh#I keep finding myself wanting to make more now that this set's done but I'm not sure what expressions! Confused? Focused? He's so subdued#Oooh he'd suit an expression meme wouldn't he <3 Now there's an idea#Might even open an ask game for that if I can find a good one :3c Hehehe
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mokutone · 2 years
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image desc under readmore
Panel one is so close to Tenzō that he's mostly out of the frame aside from the lower half of his face. He's trembling again. Behind him, Kakashi regards him with a critical eye. "Here I am, making you patch me up, asking you not to report me, but putting you in a situation where you have to," Tenzō says, then, adds, "And I'm scared of my own village." Panel two shows us only their backs. Tenzō is sitting straight, shaking, and Kakashi is leaning towards him slightly. "I'm, at this point, already a liability—" Tenzō starts, but Kakashi cuts him off. "Tenzō, I'm not going to report you," Kakashi says. Panel three, Tenzō turns to look at Kakashi. The tears have returned to his eyes and he doesn't seem to notice them. "I know you don't want to," Tenzō says. Panel four, Tenzō looks away and down. His shudders have noticeably increased. "You're very loyal," Tenzō starts. Kakashi interrupts, "Tenzō." "And I can't let myself take advantage of that," Tenzō says, as though he didn't even hear Kakashi. Panel five, Tenzō turns back to Kakashi. He's slightly smaller in the panel than the previous two. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I came here," Tenzō says. "Tenzō," Kakashi interrupts, this time in a larger speech balloon with bolder text, louder. Tenzō continues still, "I forced you into this situation—" Panel six features only Kakashi, his eyes are narrowed, his eyebrows low, and he's got his hand in front of himself as though he's making a slashing motion. "Tenzō, you're not listening to me," Kakashi says. "You're not a liability or a threat, and I will not be reporting you." Panel seven shows them facing each other. Kakashi is sitting straight, while Tenzō has once more assumed his defensive hunch forward. "Senpai—" Tenzō starts to argue. "I am however, going to bar you from both solo and split missions in any research labs for the next year, at least," Kakashi says, and some small, pale subtext beside it reads "Unless my order is superseded by a higher officer, obviously." Tenzō, looking frustrated, but still shaking and tears still rolling down his cheeks, argues back. "I told you, it wasn't the lab. I wasn't scared, it was like I—" /end ID
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 2 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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puhpandas · 7 months
going on my ao3 and seeing 29 fnaf works and 1 pokemon fic I posted last year is so 😭
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comixandco · 9 months
there’s an alternate universe out there where when you reach the sanctum in totk when “zelda” does her little cutscene she ends it by throwing a dagger at you and it whistles just past link’s head as he reacts in shock before readying himself for battle and then you regain control of him as a boss bar appears at the top of the screen that reads “Puppet Zelda, Twisted Memory”
and Link is forced to fight the one he swore he would protect and has been chasing after the entire game, and instead of a sage offering him warnings or encouragement the Zelda belittles him and accuses him of abandoning her and failing her and leaving her to die
and her attacks at the beginning of the fight are those bursts of bright light and the daggers but as you whittle down her health and begin stage two the facade begins to slip and the light bursts are replaced with darkness and she oozes gloom wherever she moves and her movements become more stiff and skeletal and broken
and then once you’ve defeated her she rises into the air all broken and limp but still looking at you and says that it doesn’t matter that she wasn’t zelda because zelda is still gone, trapped in the past with no way to come home she could be burried anywhere in hyrule, and she summons a dark bow of light and draws it back as a red-purple bulging mass begins to form at the arrow tip
and that’s when the sages turn up, sidon unleashing a wave that pushes the bow aside, tulin firing an arrow that riju uses to cast down lightning, and yunobo at link’s side, and they all have their own line of dialogue that boils down to ‘don’t worry link, there’s no way that’s zelda, she would never say those horrible things, and we know she’s still out there because you heard her true voice, so don’t lose hope!’
and then zelda dissolves into gloom with a fit of that uncanny laughter and that’s when that megamind-style ganondorf head appears and makes his whole speech about how they have no idea who he is or was and you get his memory and that he has waited all his imprisonment to battle against link and prove that he is the strongest in hyrule, ‘and then you will fall, link, as rauru and zelda did, knowing that hyrule falls with you. Come to the Depths beneath this wretched castle, and meet your fate, o destined hero.’
and then the zelda-gloom melts away into a heart, and the sages have that post-battle talk about re-grouping at lookout landing, and tell link not to do anything rash because they will find the real zelda together
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individuating · 6 months
everything in the world is about umineko except for umineko which is about sex
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elvenbeard · 11 months
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Road Trip 4/4 🌃
V: "And next you'll draw me like one of your French girls!" Kerry: "Wow, impressive... really brushin' up on your early 2000s meme knowledge!" V: "I'd watch the original extended version of Lord of the Rings for you, babe..." Kerry: "Nerd, you'd do that anyway!"
Every trip has to come to an end, but that only means the next one can start :D Nothing better than winding down on clean sheets and with a long shower after a day-trip through the desert!
Honestly, I had so much fun with this little project, I might do something similar again in the future XD See where else they'll end up on this or the next journey :3 Hope you also had fun following along!
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ocymoron · 2 months
And there he stands, Dabi—his big brother— wreathed in flames every shade of blue with this strange look on his face.
His lips downturned and pressed together tightly, trembling. His furrowed brows and scrunched nose. It’s an unfamiliar face, one that he only remembers through cracked doors. No tears fall— they don’t even form, they can’t— but his older brother still looks like he’s holding them back.
“I’m proud of you.”
The air is heavy between them. It feels weighed down by emotions too complicated to name— grief, it’s grief— and he doesn’t know how to respond so he doesn’t.
But it’s fine because his older brother— Touya-nii— keeps talking, voice choked.
“I wish I could’ve known you.”
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Urdnot Wrex, and Urdnot Bakara With: Dr. Mordin Solus, Primarch Adrien Victus, Dalatrass Linron, Urdnot Wreav, and Comm. Specialist Samantha Traynor This will be the defining moment of Krogan history... Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#urdnot wrex#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#tuchanka is here baby!! she’s another two parter bc she was a chonky one for good cutscenes#i was gonna enjoy some ME3 last night bc i have to redo the coup for reasons™️ but scottina released reegar returns#AND THATS MY FAVORITE QUARIAN ON THE CITADEL (plus everything scott makes is stonks!!)#so we restored the ME3 install and divvied up the tuchanka footage into gifs instead while textures reinstalled lmao#but onto the gifset commentary as per my usual tag ranting: i adore tuchanka!! it’s one of my favorites for priority missions!!#wrex and bakara have some absolutely FLAME dialogue throughout the mission (especially bakara’s speech)#i usually pick a quote i like from the mission to subquote the post with and i wanted to use bakara’s but i decided it made a better gif!#also wrex head butting wreav is hot as fuck thanks for that one wrex you kinda ate on that#the first set is kinda boring compared to the second set but i love that the dalatrass comes in#and tries to make a shady little underhanded deal with shep!!! like that’s one of the more interesting ME3 plot points imo#i myself would never side with her bc i love wrex too much and disagree with genophage politics too much#but for her to come in with a shady little deal and be like ‘you should sabotage the cure and we’ll help you instead’?#i gotta respect her shady motives even if i hate her tbh lol#i will say i wish companions had a bit more dialogue in the cutscenes in the front end (and the back end too)#priority tuchanka feels a little? light? on the commentary from EDI and james#they both deserved so much more dialogue during the mission bc this is SUCH A BIG ONE??? this is such a huge deal???#i wish they had more to say here!!! bc i feel like they would both have so many thoughts on everything going on!!! ESPECIALLY kalros??#and wreav?? the city of the ancients?? like there's so many concepts that get the BAREST of touches and i wish they were touched on more!!#bc the city of the ancients is the best part of the mission imo.. like it's gorgeous and i wish we saw just a touch more of it!!#like c'mon i KNOW the companions would have SOOOO much to say in the bigger conversations!!!
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parasitoidism · 3 months
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mumblesplash · 5 months
your commitment to not only the rhyme, but the meter of your poems is so, so satisfying - I often see people neglect meter in stuff like song parodies or poems-as-fanart (which is fine! art doesn't have to be perfect!). but realizing that the first line of the secret life comic poem wasn't "for the record…" and instead incorporated /all/ the text (starting with the logo!! genius!!) and made the meter work exactly right in the first page was incredible.
I've been reading it out loud to myself now for days - you deserve the notes, the recognition, and the praise :)
i see what you did there with that final turn of phrase 👀
hahahaha tysm!!!! it’s something i’ve always been sort of picky about—english has these natural patterns of emphasis both within multisyllabic words *and* spanning entire phrases, the latter being a bit more flexible but still very much possible to make ‘sound wrong’, which makes sticking to a rhythm (especially throughout an entire back-and-forth conversation) pretty challenging and VERY fun to try and figure out.
(actually, in my experience song parodies are significantly *easier* to write (the words are anyway, music is Not one of my strong points) because following a tune takes a lot of the pressure off in terms of the overarching emphasis patterns)
but yeah this lil style experiment has been super interesting! v grateful to you and the other handful of people who both a) got the gimmick and b) went out of their way to mention it, i know it doesn’t usually occur to people to point out things they think are obvious, so i Mostly get feedback from people who *don’t* see the rhyme scheme
honestly i was concerned i’d messed it up for a while, bc after i posted the first part people kept saying it didn’t rhyme???? i thought i was going insane i was so confused lmao
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