#so posts like these are the easiest way for me to interact with the community :~3 I always love reading what ppl have to say under my posts
objektum · 1 month
OBJECTUM PEOPLE. How did you figure out you're objectum. GO
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
y’all i found it, i found the post that originated the claim that i’m a ZionistTM and it’s even more ridiculous than i expected.
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this is, of course, the same person who labeled me a MisogynistTM for making a half baked joke reblog basically saying “jewish standards of masculinity are different than white western standards of masculinity” then cited orthodox judaism, a community i’m not a part of, as why Actually The Jewish Community Is Horrifically Misogynistic And Bad (as if i haven’t faced misogyny from jewish cis men before???????)
anyway, my post in this screenshot didn’t once mention israel. it didn’t mention zionism. it was talking about antisemitism. i turned off reblogs because people were making it about zionism and israel, which was derailing my original point. i set a specific boundary and people kept crossing it, so i turned reblogs off and blocked people who wouldn’t leave it alone. absolutely nothing about that could possibly indicate that i’m a zionist unless you think that diaspora jews setting boundaries about being forced into a conversation about israel, especially one where we are essentially being blamed for the antisemitism we face because of the government of a country we don’t even live in and have no control over (there’s a phrase that, it’s called dual loyalty and it’s been getting jews killed for decades) or if you think simply talking about the history of antisemitism and current rising levels of antisemitism is somehow “zionist propaganda” in which case you might want to get your head out of your ass and question why you’re agreeing with literal nazis. also bonus points for this person literally just blatantly blaming jews in the tags for the rise in antisemitism because we’re apparently not being antizionist enough to deserve basic human decency and safety! not even trying to hide it anymore huh!
and of course it worked like a charm bc now, months later, you have people saying this:
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“the jew is trying to disguise himself as one of you to trick you!!!!!! he is actually evil and trying to manipulate you to further his evil (((zionist))) plans!!!!!!!!!! beware!!!!!!!!!!!” which is literally just repackaged antisemitic tropes that are centuries old. i’ve never interacted with the person in this screenshot in my entire life, and yet they seem to think they have insider knowledge into my Evil Zionist Plans to infiltrate the community and spread Zionist Propaganda because they interacted with one gentile witch that threw a hissy fit about being told not to be antisemitic in discourse about gentiles appropriating lillith. this gentile decided that every single jew who disagreed with them was a zionist, and when i told them it was antisemitic as fuck to call any jew they disagree with a zionist they went on about me being a “raging zionist” and “faking being queer” for DAYS. so it’s not a mystery where the person in this screenshot got the “ooh scary (((zionist))) pretending to be queer and trans to spread his evil (((zionist))) propaganda” rhetoric from. it’s word-for-word from the gentile witch who was pissed about fucking LILLITH DISCOURSE.
bc the thing is, these ppl don’t actually care if i’m a zionist. if they did, they would be engaging with what i’ve said (which is practically nothing because i knew the second the word israel touched my blog that this would happen — which is why i didn’t want people going on and on about israel on a post about antisemitism). they know that labeling a jew a zionist is an immediate death sentence in progressive circles. they know it’s the easiest way to discredit a jew you don’t like. because it doesn’t matter how many times you say “no, i’m not” you will be forever tainted in the eyes of gentiles by that accusation. that’s why they made the accusation in the first place. and so i will continue to not share any of my thoughts or opinions other than “i’m pro palestinian liberation” and “i’m not a zionist” and people will ignore that to play yet another game of Zionist Telephone to target a jew they don’t like. it’s not the first time it’s happened, to me or in general, and it won’t be the last time. i just hope people seeing this and reading this will help people understand how fucked up and antisemitic it is.
so yeah. if you see accusations floating around that i’m a zionist, this is where it came from. a situation that is textbook dual loyalty, being punished for setting boundaries on my own blog, and people who hate trans men jumping at the chance to demonize one with one of the easiest tricks in the book as soon as they see he’s also jewish. the fact i keep having to address this when the origin of the rumor is literally just antisemitism should heavily inform how seriously you take random claims online that a jew is a zionist. most of the time it’s just blatant antisemitism, and very often it’s a way to silence an unrelated conversation that person was trying to have.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
so i’ll give you three options, choose whichever one is easiest okay?
you notice izuku is stressed and you take him out on a date + give him flowers (i think his reaction would be cute)
you sing for izuku for the first time or or or YOU GUYS DUET SOMETHING :0
you watch a horror movie with izuku and then y’all hear some noise and you both are petrified in your seats because i think he’d be super scared in horror movies too
flora i love your blog so much! i just wanna give you a few compliments dont mind me:
- thank you for being so kind and nice to me for no reason!
- THANK YOU FOR JUST INTERACTING WITH ME it makes my day and i love seeing you on my dash
- your writing <3 it’s so funny and sweet at the same time i’m always smiling while reading it
again congrats on 2k <3 take care of yourself
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🦇. flora's notes : so as i told u in dms, i couldn't write a fic without being shit so i made headcanons instead i hope that's okay 😭. and thank you so so much for your sweet compliments, OF COURSE I INTERACT W U, MY FAVORITE THING ON HERE IS TO TALK WITH PEOPLE, and you're just so so adorable how could i not ? 💓
🦇. exciting news : this is the beginning of my halloween themed posts 🤭 of course i will still post regular posts but if u have autumn/halloween themed requests PLEASE SEND
🦇. female, male and gn reader friendly 💓
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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🦇. he NEVER watched horror movies before you, he kept a safe distance between him and the horror section of netflix
🦇. you actually suggested the idea on your first Halloween together
🦇. he didn't want to upset you, so he agreed BUT HE WAS FREAKING OUT on the inside
🦇. he wanted to be like those couples you see on social media, where he was the strong guy holding his scared lover and reassuring them
🦇. and so that's how he seated, your back against his chest and his arms around you
🦇. but he couldn't help but jump when a sound was particularly loud or when a monster came on the screen
🦇. and his hold on you got tighter, like MUCH tighter
🦇. "are you scared izu ?", "no I'm just uh-uh surprised that's all... yes I'm scared" he admits, looking away from your gaze
🦇. "it's okay izu, that's what horror movies are for, don't be ashamed !" you kiss his cheek and hold his hand to reassure him
🦇. he asks so many questions too cuz he has no knowledge on the paranormal lore😭
🦇. "wait how can they get the demon out of the body ? how did it even get in ? i so don't want that to happen to me it looks so scary. y/n what is that symbol ? does it work in real life ?"
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🦇. huge horror movie fan and will never say no to one
🦇. talks too much
🦇. "ugh that was so predictable", "i knew this was gonna happen, about 20 movies have the same scenario tsk"
🦇. he doesn't believe in paranormal stuff so he's just so chill during the movie
🦇. sleeps peacefully after while you're lurking everywhere if Samara from the ring didn't just come out of your TV
🦇. he wakes up and tries to keep you from moving by putting a strong arm around you, "why the fuck are you moving so much dumbass ?"
🦇. "the uh- the movie it-", "tsk, shut up and come here. nothing's gonna hurt you on my watch" he says, pulling you closer
🦇. if you let him choose the movie, he will make some snacks
🦇. he will never admit it, because it's katsubabe but he loves making snacks for you to enjoy while he cuddles with you on the couch
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🦇. he kind of always wanted to do those clichés stuff couples do and watching movies with his s/o was on his bucket list
🦇. and he was the one asking you, in perfect shoto style-
🦇. "y/n, I have a list of everything I want to do with you and I want to watch a horror movie tonight" very straightforward but in a cute way AND AT LEAST Y'ALL DON'T HAVE COMMUNICATION ISSUES
🦇. of course you said yes cuz he's just adorable
🦇. he never says no to watching movies with you, he LOVES feeling like he protects you by having his arms around you
🦇. he never reacts to the jumpscares or the monsters but he really enjoys watching horror movies
🦇. now he has subscribed to so many paranormal/true crimes youtube channels and has articles on them on his phone too
🦇. watches the Netflix releases and puts the one he wants to watch with you in the watchlist
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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quickdeaths · 15 days
mun meme
★  NAME:  Bryn
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting my girlfriend through RP has to be at the top of the list, and meeting some really great friends too. Just talking about the IC stuff, idk, I'm pretty happy with how things have been going recently?
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs are okay but discord is best! I am very chatty on discord sometimes, and the search function is really helpful for me when it comes to going back and finding old things. I'm also just on discord basically all day in some capacity, so I rarely miss things for long.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I can basically write any of my DR OCs at the drop of a hat, although Shinobu is the one who I am currently writing most, and have the easiest time writing because of that. I think for me, though, it's more "do I have energy/creativity to write right now at all" rather than if I have muse for a specific character or not - it's not usually the case that I struggle with a specific character at a time when I'm otherwise writing easily.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started off on a forum in maybe 2006 or 2007, did some stuff on livejournal, had a cup of coffee at Gaia Online, and settled on Tumblr in maybe... 2012? 2013? I've done some things on discord (don't love it for RP) and google docs (it's okay) since then, and a handful of other places, but I think I'm just Here Now, like furniture.
I have talked about these all so many times so I'll try to keep it brief hahaha.
People who repeatedly drop threads without reaching out to say anything (this is my #1 pet peeve), and people who generally cycle "taking on too many asks/drafts, then dropping all of them, repeat."
People who habitually archive/delete and remake their blogs, especially if they don't make any changes to how they run things, who they interact with, etc. I see it as, like "bringing your bed to your new apartment and being confused as to why you still have bedbugs."
People who post tons of OOCs, as well as things like memes, starter calls, ship calls, etc. while having a massive backlog of drafts and inbox things already.
People who treat OCs/female characters/female OCs dismissively, or as stepping stone interactions.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. I honestly don't like memes very much since I feel like they seldom lead to the kind of long-term interactions I like the most, but they're so entrenched on tumblr that I just kinda have to accept them. I would much rather talk to people and plot out loose thread ideas than send in a dialogue prompt from a movie I haven't seen and hope it gets answered and hope that that answer feels like something I can respond to and hope that my reply gets replied to and it's actually a thread. I like doing stuff that develops across multiple threads too, and plotting is much better for that.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Not really, I don't think. There are pieces of me in all of my characters, of course, and there are superficial similarities sometimes in terms of like, hobbies or interests, but I think the characters who feel like they got more of me mixed into them are like, D&D characters, or characters from my other blogs.
tagged by: @more-than-a-princess also tagging because tumblr is a functional website and perhaps putting things on a new line is the only fix: @timesunder @shishigirls @saburaito @sunbreathr
tagging: @lunaetis @guidedhearts @amaidol @infintasmal @corrpse also tagging myself since that seems to be the only way to not have it break someone else's tag very cool: @quickdeaths
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Supporting your IF Authors: A tutorial (?)
I had made a small tutorial back on @interact-if a few months ago. Here is the very extended version. Also this is a very long post.
Obviously, you are not forced to do every single one of those actions below (it would be hypocritical of me to say so), but it helps show the authors their readerbase care about their works. Most action only takes a few seconds to a couple of minutes.
Let me know if I forgot something or made a mistake!
Note: while this is specific to IF authors, it can also be applied to other creators.
TLDR: Engage with stuff you like. Lurking might be nice and easy for you but can be detrimental to your fav author. Sharing is caring, y'all! Also, please don't keep the base avatar, it makes us think you are a bot. Don't behave like a bot.
On this Hellsite.
Many ways to interact with the authors you follow. Some are very simple but not really effective. Others require a bit more effort but really goes a long way.
The easiest to do. Just one click on the heart.
Pros: - tells your fav author you like their stuff. - easiest thing to do. Cons: - It's pretty much just a bookmark function on this site. - The "algorithm" doesn't really care for it.
ALSO: don't feel weird about going through the archive and like old posts. You'll prob find some gems there. LIKING OLD CONTENT IS NOT CRINGY!!!
Requires maybe 3 more clicks and some typing if you add comments/tags. Still relatively easy. Best way to share what you like to others. The only way a post appears on a dashboard.
Pros: - tells your fav author you like their stuff in a more ✨🌟personalised 🌟✨way. - helps their post travel this hellscape and reach other people who could like this content (see addendum at the end). - the "algorithm" likes it. - you can queue them for a later date/so you don't spam your followers. Cons: None (lol).
Notes: - do not reblog posts with a #don't reblog tag. - consider adding trigger warnings to your reblogs if the original one has some too. - TEMPLATE/ASSETS/RESSOURCE: always reblog those to help your neighbour. Who knows? One of your followers or your follower's followers might be looking for that. Also: good karma. - post doesn't fit your ✨aesthetic ✨? have a side-blog and put it there.
Needs a bit more effort. You need to think of words to write or picture to send. Also, can feel a bit nerve-wracking interacting with someone you look up to (they're like you, don't worry). But one of the most rewarding note for authors.
Pro: - you have a direct line of communication with the author, making it easy to ask questions, give feedback/comments. - you can positively impact their days with a few words. Yup. Seriously. - most authors really like asks, it's probably the most engaging response you can get from your readers. - you can asks stuff anonymously (unless the author has turned it off), we've all done it. Cons: - you need to think of words to say and muster the courage to press ask. - it might not available because other people abused it/were dicks in the author's dm.
Ask Etiquette/Advice
Be nice and respectful! Just because you have a direct/anonymous like to that author doesn't mean manners can be thrown out the window. They are like everyone: humans with feelings. Internet may make it difficult to see other people as... well people, but they are. Don't be a dick. A Hello or How are you? really goes a long way.
Ask questions about the project/process Interested in a particular part of the project or the authors' process? Ask about it! We love to talk about our projects and characters.
Feedback doesn't have to be complex/long. If you don't know how to put your feelings about their works into words, take a small aspect of the project and explain why it stuck with you. I really liked how you portrayed X's relationship with Y. That scene with Z made me feel V. Or you can be a bit more generic (still add a bit of yourself): Your writing is great! The UI is very pretty. The game is amazing.
Don't demand things. Duh. That's rude.
Don't spam. Even if they don't reply to your question right away. They may have a reason not to do it. Or they want to keep your post for just themselves. May be ok for positive ones (ask first).
This is fairly new on Tumblr (2021?). They're pretty much comments without rebloging. Great for giving feedback/sending love to a specific post.
Pro: - Yay engagement. - Another way to send your fav author love! Cons: - That's it. It's not visible unless you open the notes of a post. Unsure if it makes any difference in the algorithm. - it is not anonymous.
Other ways
A non-exhaustive list:
Create fan art : Always appreciated, we love to see your interpretation of our work and your OCs. Caveat: only if the author allows it. Ask the author if you are unsure.
Participate in Beta-Testing : Big part of IF it testing before release. Many authors will have a call for beta a few weeks/months. Consider rebloging that too.
Answer Poll/Feedback forms : Aside from Beta-testing, authors may post a poll or ask for feedback for a functionality/path. This is a great way for us to get direct responses. Consider rebloging that too.
Published Platform
There are many places where an author can publish their games. Below are the most used/known ones. You will require an account for most of those (it's worth it, I promise).
Itch has a lot of games.
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A LOT of Games. To help your favourite game gain traction, you need to... engage with it! All ways are super easy and takes very little time too!
Play the Game
Duh. (Also I lied about the time it takes, that will depend on the game) Account not required.
You can add games/assets/whatever page on a collection (folder) to keep it as a to play later or share as a game you enjoyed. You can make those collections public and share it to the world!
To do that, click on Add to Collection (top left corner on laptop, bottom bar on mobile) and choose the collection you want.
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Rate the Game
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Nope, not joking. 3 clicks and that's it. Ready?
Click on Rate this... on the top-left corner of the page.
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Click on the amount of stars you want to give.
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And click Submit.
Aaaaand that's it. Easy-peasy.
For Mobiles: the UI is a bit wonky and doesn't give you the option to rate a game. As such, you have 2 options:
put your phone in landscape mode: the feature will be at the top of the page (see below, I took a random game from the front page).
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put the page in desktop mode (Chrome, Firefox) and follow the same description as above.
NOTE: This functions is not available if the game has been submitted to a Jam/Comp and said Jam is in its voting period! It will be available again when the ranking/votes have been released. If possible, consider voting for that game in the Jam/Comp as well.
Review the Game
Want to give your rating a bit more depth? Or you have a comment you want to give the author? Then add a review to your rating before clicking on Submit! Note: The review is only visible to the author.
Leave a Comment
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You can leave a comment at the bottom of the game's page. Can be a few words, can be an essay, whatever floats your boat.
Don't know what to say? Take a small aspect of the game and explain why it stuck with you. EX: I really liked how you portrayed X's relationship with Y. That scene with Z made me feel V. The UI/Design is W.
Also, you get notified if the creator answers your comment!
Share the game
There is not specific button on itch to share a game. BUT: you can copy the page's link and paste it wherever you want to share the game! Easy-peasy!
Other ways
Follow the Author: to get updated on the game's process, bugs fixes or updates.
Like/Comment on/Share Devlogs: those logs have a Tab similar to the main page where the most popular ones are more visible. You can like the logs on that log's page or in your feed if you follow that author; share directly on twitter/facebook (or copy paste the link to whatever platform); or comment on the page (if available).
Interact in the Community tab: a.k.a. Itch's forum. Discuss, review or recommend games there!
CoG Forums
Specifically for CScript games posted on Dashingdon or posted through CoG/HostedGames. Used for feedback, coding questions, writing questions... for CScript games.
Authors can create threads where the game can be discussed by other users. The thread locks itself automatically after 60 days since the last comment or if the author requests it.
As far as I know (not my preferred platform tbh), there are no rating systems on CoG. Games with payable content can be rated on other platforms (can be seen at the bottom of the page).
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IFDB/IF Community Forum
IFDB - Interactive Fiction DataBase
As the name implies, the website works as a sort of archive/database for IF works. There are over 11k games (ongoing/completed) listed. Reviewing and Commenting is fairly easy. You can also put a game on your wishlist or indicate whether you've played it.
Rating is a one click job: on the amount of stars you want to give. And that's it!
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Reviewing looks a bit more complicated at first, but I promise it's not too hard! The review link will send you to another page, where you will be asked to enter your comments about the game, add a title and optionally tag it. When you are done, click on the preview button at the bottom of the page. You get to review how your comment will look before publishing it (see below)
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You can also create polls or participate in one, join a club, browse other reviews and game listings, etc...
IF Community Forum
Very similar to the CoG forum, but is open to other programs (Twine, Inform, Renpy...) and all sorts of IF (text base, VN, parser...). You can find help for coding or writing, talk about games you like....
There are special categories to review IF games or recommend some to other users.
As with every Forum communities, please be mindful of the rules of said forum before posting!
Thank you @pomegranate-cuties for the reminder.
If a game is to be published on Steam, adding it to your wishlist will increase its visibility before and on release.
You have the possibility to:
leave reviews and comments (SUPER IMPORTANT)
post screenshot or fanart
create guides and walkthroughs for other users.
interact in the community tab
Other platforms
If the project is hosted on other platforms, simply check if their page allows for rating/review, and get cracking!
Other Non-Monetary Support
Share game with friends/other websites
Words-of-mouth is a great way to help a game get more attention. And if one person talks to another person who talks to another person... that's already 3 more players right there :D
Talk about your favourite IF with your friends, or family. Mention it to acquaintances or people who you think might enjoy it.
If you'd rather avoid sharing your love to people you know IRL, you can always post about it on other platforms than the ones above. Talk about the game on websites like Reddit (there are IF communities there, albeit not very large), Twitter (if it survives, lol), Discord Servers, Forums, etc...
Obviously, don't spam people. That might reflect badly on the author.
Do Streaming Parties!
This comes with the caveat of: with the permission of the author.
Doing Let's Plays of games or discussing IF works on streams might be another good way to introduce more people to games you enjoy. This can give a different life to the work, especially if you actually read the text aloud and do voices. This way it can let the work even speak for itself.
Platforms like YouTube or Twitch are relatively helpful to set streaming up. Though you may require some specific hardware to run it.
If you plan on streaming a game, do ask the author beforehand.
Monetary support
If you can afford it or if your budget allows it, you can consider supporting your favourite author(s) with real money! You may get extra content or special features (ex: alpha release) for doing so.
Below are a few ways I've seen being used, but the best way is to follow the author's links/preferrence.
Tumblr: Tips/Subscriptions
This is a new functionality (2022), where you can now subscribe or tip a creator for their posts.
Note: Tumblr takes 5% commission on subscription but 0% on tips.
I think everyone knows about Pateron by now. Tipee if the European version of Patreon. They work the same way.
Note: Patreon charged your account when you sign up and on the 1st of every month + takes 9-12% commission on monthly income. Tipee is 8%.
Another tipping platform (with less fees for the creator). Also used often for commissions.
Note: Kofi takes 0% to 5% commission + 3-4% from the payment processor.
Another way to tip your author or pay for commission. Commission depends per platform.
Pay as you want/Donation Button Itch
Some authors have left the option to pay as much as you want or have a donation button on their game's page. You can donate/pay for the game this was as well!
Note: Itch takes a 10% commission on each sale EXCEPT on Creator's day (2/3 times a year).
Reblog posts to make them travel.
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The images above are the Reblog Graph (Tumblr Lab Function), that shows part of the 100-ish reblog the intro post for my game @crimsonroseandwhitelily got since last year (original is the small red dot) and the one for the 80-ish reblogs of this post as of this edit (22 Aug 2022).
In the first one: there are a few branches that made that post travel and reach users who do not follow me but may have read the post and played the game. In the second, even if it has less reblogs, it has longer branches, showing how much it has travelled on this website. Note: a shame they don't have a function with likes too... That'd be useful.
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hatredcurse · 3 months
PRONOUNS : she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : The fastest way to get to me is Discord, but Tumblr DMs work too. I'm usually good at reading messages, but bad at replying (bad habit of checking while I'm doing something), but I come around eventually.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : I have a lot of Naruto muses, lol. And I could do other fandoms by request, technically.
( Sasuke, Madara, Obito, Hikaku, Izuna, Itachi ) Uchiha, Tobirama Senju, Suigetsu Hozuki, ( Nagato/Pein, Mito ) Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Kisame Hoshigaki, Orochimaru, Mitsuki
BEST EXPERIENCE : Usually if I can bounce ideas off of you and you to me. If I see your reply and the words just come easy to me. I don't really have a policy that you need to talk to me OOC or whatever, so as long as we're both having fun.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I don't know. Maybe don't spoonfeed me my own muse's reaction. Also, don't badger me for replies. 9/10 it is probably pending on me and I am just slow. I acknowledge this.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I think I end up defaulting to more serious, stoic characters because they are easiest to write, but I try to have some variety here and there.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I fair better with memes because I do best with spontaneous interactions. Plotting is fine with me, though I tend to deviate a bit from a strict outline since my muses drive the interaction.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both. I have a habit of being verbose and end up writing extremely long replies, but short back-and-forths/headcanoning are equally as interesting to me as novella replies.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Any time? I craft replies at work, when I'm chilling outside, between game sessions, etc. My inspiration doesn't really wane, it's more so if I can make the writing read well. Though, I can't actually post a reply unless I'm on a desktop/my laptop for formatting (unless we're on Discord).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Ironically, I talk and act the most like Suigetsu, but the only thing I might share with my muses is passion for the arts (Izuna, Sasuke) or for science (Tobirama, Orochimaru).
tagged by: @fighterbound tagging: For you, if you want it.
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twisted-tales-told · 8 months
I know like nothing about witchcraft stuff, but uh what are like the basics? What do you believe, celebrate, worship that kind of stuff
This is such a nice question!!
This will be a long post but I’m not putting it below a cut because I am lazy
So I’m a folk practitioner, which basically means I work with nature and do a lot more mundane things than a lot of other witchcraft/pagan practitioners (ceremonialists, wiccans etc). Folk practitioners through history have been mostly peasants & lower class people as they didn’t have access to rich spices and objects, they had the herbs growing in their yard and what was at the local market.
I am also what is called an “animist” which means I believe basically everything has a spirit. I think everything has energy and we as people can interact with that energy. I don’t know if youve seen doctor who but it’s kinda like this scene
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We can interact with that energy & move it around & stuff!
Im not a big fan of the word aura for this reason because it implies only humans have this energy, when really it’s everything. Thats why witchcraft practitioners use tools! They carry energy we don’t, and we can ask them to help us.
I’ve had insane experiences working with herbs that I can’t describe any other way. Like holding lavender can calm my panic attacks immediately, and how I can feel that some of my favourite trees are happy to see me too when I visit them.
As for the basics, I always advise those wanting to begin to practice any sort of spiritual practice/discipline is to get to know the energy of their home. This will be the easiest thing to start! Does your house feel different with all the windows open? If you light incense or practices any “cleansing” method (sending away energy—can be done after having annoying company, a fight with a loved one, or anytime really) does it feel as though it’s easier to breathe in the space?
I also read tarot, which is my day job and what I hope to continue doing on the side throughout any other careers I hold. Tarot cards are complicated, their history is quite interesting but for now I’ll explain it as a method of communicating with spirits, your unconscious mind, and any other energies around you.
I also feel the need to explain the word energy here, because a lot of people don’t understand what I mean when I say I work with energy. To me, it means the same thing as calling myself a gardener. Plants grow everywhere in nature, but MY garden is something I’ve cultivated and built using tools and seeds to grow what I want. Working with energy feels like this to me.
I work with the energy of my morning coffee or tea to set my intentions for the day—the spices are the “garden” and I am the gardener. The spices all do different things, and I am cultivating them the way I want.
I also do some deity work (I won’t lie I have been lacking recently, as life has gotten very insane and I have not had the time to cultivate the same offerings I would normally want to do) and this is normally with the Irish goddess Brigid. She’s the goddess of poetry, healing, and blacksmithing. She’s quite a lovely deity to work with, but any sort of deity work is not for beginners, and I advise waiting at least a year into your practice as to adjust to the feelings of interacting with different day to day energies (plants, people, spirits etc.) first.
Okay this has been super long and as you can see I love talking about my practice so feel free everyone to send follow up questions
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roeisyearning · 6 months
gonna filter all of my Sexual Deviances here so i can be more Explicit with myself and what i have here
this post is gonna be a lot but please read if you wanna interact with me, it's like a neat little guidebook :3
hi again, i'm still roe!
my main personal page is @roeisanerd!
22 year old trans woman from upstate New York (don't ask further i won't say)
on HRT since april 2023!
i have the fattest ass and thickest thighs of anyone without question :)
favorite kinks: cnc/freeuse, breeding, cum (being cummed on/in anywhere on my body), bondage, being dominated (but not overly degraded!), sensory deprivation (blindfolds, smothering, choking), PRAISE AND COMPLIMENTS!!!!, brusing/marks, scratching/biting/light pain, edging
not into/limits (easiest way to at best turn me off, or at worst get blocked): piss, scat, blood, petplay (not into Any aspect of it!!), ageplay, detrans/misgendering, the word "daddy" or anything related
gonna tag all original pics of myself with #it's roe so it hopefully stands out more!
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misc. things to note:
i am broke as hell! as much as i would love to pay for content, i just can't so please don't even ask. (it also just means you can't read this so i won't even bother responding to buy requests)
i don't sell either! i don't wanna make money off of my body (i don't think it's attractive enough for it anyways) so everything here will be free for yall to cum to 😌 THIS MEANS NO ASKING FOR CUSTOM CONTENT OR OFFERING MONEY FOR CUSTOM SHIT. again any requests will be Hard Ignored bc it also means you didn't read this.
i am VERY AUTISTIC so that means i'm insanely bad with understanding boundaries/lines, i will always try to understand and respect Any boundary Anyone sets with me but they need to be communicated very clearly or else my anxiety takes over and no one wants to see that, and please be patient with me in case i cross one (BUT LET ME KNOW OR ELSE I'LL NEVER FIGURE IT OUT!!!)
i welcome all DM's but if you want a response, do more than just "hi" or some other basic ass bullshit.
If you don't know what to ask/start talking to me with, ask anything from here! I'll always be happy to answer :)
come say hi, stay a while! my boobs are soft i swear
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mochibuni · 10 months
How to Support Your Favorite Creators!
This guide is largely based on my preferences as a freelance digital artist, but I think can be applicable to others. So let's chat about ways you can support your favorites, sometimes very free and very minimally with big results!
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Like and/or comment - The easiest and free-ist way to help is simply to like or leave a comment on their work! Speaking personally, especially as someone who typically draws for others instead of myself, this is what keeps me drawing and sharing. Knowing that you're here liking what I make, finding happiness in it, or delightful shock and horror fuels me to keep creating, keep being inspired, and keep looking for ways to improve my skills. I just wouldn't be here drawing as much as I do without your likes and comments, and to me this is one of the most valuable avenues of support.
Watching Streams - If your creative also streams, just hanging out and lurking in their stream is super helpful. A lot of streaming platforms, especially Twitch, gate streamers based on their average viewership. For example, in order to be able to receive subs and bits on Twitch you need to be an Affiliate account, and in order to do that you need to reach a few different requirements, one of them being an average of 3 viewers over a 30 day period. You'd think 3 would be easy, but it isn't! If you can also interact in chat with the streamer, great! If not, lurking is absolutely helpful in helping your streamer reach the numbers they need for their next goal on the platform.
Reblogging and sharing links - This is perhaps one of the most impactful ways to support your faves without spending a cent, and that's because you're helping us reach new people who will hopefully like our work as much as you do, and will in turn also share our work to new people that will like our work and so on! As a small freelancer, growth is important to keep me going professionally as an artist, and reblogging and sharing my work absolutely contributes so much to that.
Referrals and Recommendations - A lot of my recent commission work is thanks to previous clients and supporters that recommend my work to others looking for art. Good reviews and word of mouth have helped me so much in my commission work and I'm so appreciative of this.
(A small aside to fellow artists, always try to be professional and friendly as it's your attitude and behavior that plays a part in others wanting to refer you, not just your art. Not advocating that you let anyone boundary stomp, but I know for a fact that my professionalism is what gives people the confidence to recommend me so strongly to their friends and fellow content creators. Use invoicing, stick to a schedule, be clear and consistent, and if there are issues be transparent and prompt in communicating them. If anyone would like me to go into more detail about how I handle commission work I can make a separate post.)
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I just want to make it very clear that I do not expect anyone, especially in this economy, to give me money. However if you do have some extra cash and you'd like to give it to your favorite creator, here's how!
Tip them! - If they have a Ko-Fi or another platform for small tips and donations, use them! A few dollars may not seem like a lot and perhaps you feel bad or foolish to give so little, BUT DO NOT. With money being such a precious commodity, for me it means a lot when someone is willing to send a few my way. And if even a few are tipping a couple of dollars, that can easily add up. To put in perspective, even if just a portion of my supports decided one day to tip me or sub to my patreon one month, I could easily cover most if not all of our living expenses for a month. I'm not telling you guys to do this, but to understand that a few dollars can have a lot of power.
Sub to one of their platforms! - Since I use a few different platforms with this option, I want to discuss the pros and cons of each so you can decide which way you would like to support your favorite that may also have multiple platforms. Ultimately if your fave has a preferred platform I suggest using that one, but if not--
Ko-Fi - Has a 0% fee taken from donations received and do not charge supporters extra., and 5% from monthly memberships, shop sales, and commissions through the platform. The only downside to Ko-Fi is they immediately submit transactions to the creators payout method of choice which can sometimes be troublesome depending on said method. Patreon - A popular choice for creators as we can create multiple tiers of monthly rewards in exchange for your monetary support! The only drawback I think is largely for supporters as it requires a monthly subscription, but you could certainly go the route of a one time payment, catch up with what you missed since your last sub, and repeat. Patreon takes a 5%, 8%, or 12% fee depending on the creator's account. Twitch - For your favorite streamers, subbing to their Twitch is often the way to go as increased sub numbers directly benefit streamers in their growth on the platform. HOWEVER, Twitch has a pretty notoriously bad payout split of 50/50, so if your favorite streamer has a tipping platform or Patreon, it might be worth asking if they would prefer a sub or one of those other options.
Commission them! - If you have the funds and their commissions are open, request one! I know at least my commissions can be pricey so I never, ever expect anyone to request one, but I am so excited when someone fills out a commission request form and it lands in my email!
Some tips for commissioning art:
Read the artist's Terms of Service and fill out their request form, if they have one. If they don't then contact them privately, but if they have one please use it instead of DMs (especially on Twitter where DMs do not show up most of them time).
If you feel you can't afford their fees, just tell them you simply cannot afford them at that time. Do not tell them their skills cost too much or aren't worth their asking price. Custom art is a luxury, it isn't cheap.
If you want to use the final commission commercially, you need to purchase commercial rights from the artist. Artists retain copyright of their work, even fanart, and you are not permitted to sell it without permission or obtaining the copyright. Be upfront with your artist if you want to use the work commercially so they can price accordingly.
Provide references, especially for OC. If you have a certain pose in mind, even a poor doodle of it is helpful for your artist.
Be patient, give your artist some time to work and respond. Drawing takes time. That said, if your artist is taking weeks and months without communicating with you, absolutely follow up with them.
On the other hand, don't let your artist rush you either. I always tell my clients to take a few days to ruminate on questions and in progress updates. If I'm streaming your commission, I will never ask you to make confirmations during stream.
Understand that big changes, especially during certain parts of the drawing process, may incur additional fees based on how much work the artist will need to do to accommodate those changes.
Ask for a proper invoice, never do friends and family. An invoice is to protect you as much as it is to protect the artist because if you have an issue with the artist never delivering your commission you can use the invoice to assist in recouping your money. I personally use Paypal invoicing for this reason, despite all the issues with Paypal, because I want to make sure both myself and my clients are protected.
Pay on time! And if you feel your artist is underselling their work and they have tips turned on, tip them!
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Those are the major free and monetary ways you can support your favorites! If other creatives would like to chime in with additional tips, please do so!
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3lossm · 2 days
𝚋𝚒𝚘 . ( tba ) 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜 . 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 .
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𝟑𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐦 [ . . . ] independent & private roleplay blog for 𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗢𝗠 of cartoon network's powerpuff girls ! treated as an original character with influence from various forms of media , as well as personal headcanons / ideas . written by ford. 24 . she / they. CST. , please read rules prior to interacting or following . ( rules under the cut ) minors & personals will be blocked !
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( A STUDY IN -- balancing girlhood with heroism , , bloodied knuckles becoming an accessory & discovering who you are while holding the world on your shoulders )
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❥ 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 & 𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 : @3u33les @madestars
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𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 :
𝟶𝟷 . this is a mutual exclusive, private blog, with selective following ! i'm more likely to follow muns or muses i know , and in general people i can see myself or blossom interacting with ! she will have multiple verses so crossovers are welcome. i like to keep my circle small so don't take it personally if i don't follow back ! 𝟶𝟸 . remember your manners and follow basic rp etiquette ( no god modding, cut your posts, tag triggers , etc. ) , if you display any kind of problematic / toxic / harmful behavior ( homophobia , pedophilia , zionism , proshipping, etc. ) you'll be blocked . the #1 rule across all my blogs is treat others how you want to be treated ! 𝟶𝟹 . please communicate any problems . i don't like drama of any kind -- especially when it's petty , almost high school drama. i'd rather avoid drama and talk issues out . i'm not really one for callout posts, although i read them and take note -- please remember that just because i don't interact with a callout that it doesn't mean i condone or support the creator being called out. 𝟶𝟺 . my characterization of blossom is heavily influenced by my own ideas , concepts , headcanons as well as various media . if you don't like the way i write her, don't follow . please check my meta posts to learn more about my characterization. 𝟶𝟻 . i generally prioritize plotted interactions and interactions with mains / friends . i encourage you to send ask memes, it's the easiest way to get interactions going ! , i'll post starter calls here and there but they're not super common . 𝟶𝟼 . icons aren't necessary here. as blossom's mainverse is when she's 17, i likely won't be using any icons . i use small text , sometimes with different fonts and sometimes with colored text. if anything hurts your eyes or gives you issues please let me know. same goes for my writing , which i try to keep on the tame side of poetic. 𝟶𝟽. don't steal any graphics or headcanons. i make all my graphics and have a commission blog if you'd be interested. you'll have to IM me to get the url as i like the two to remain separate. 𝟶𝟾 . shipping will be between muses who have chemistry, i prefer developing relationships vs. jumping into writing the relationship as romantic immediately. shipping status is multi-single ship, meaning i'll only ship with ONE blog of any specific character. if you'd be interested in shipping lmk ! 𝟶𝟿 . i use basic tags for triggers and anything that could be considered nsfw -- violence , gore , language , etc. ( no graphic sexual encounters will be written here. ) so my tag's will look like this ( #trigger / or #trigger ) to keep it simple for people blacklisting. 𝟷𝟶 . im ford , i've been writing on tumblr for a little under 10 years . i started in the fairytail rpc and have been jumping around since then. i won't lie, im not a fast writer and tend to struggle with motivation most days. i'm a mother of 3 and work 5 , sometimes 6 days a week plus i'm bipolar depressive with general anxiety so the mix can affect my motivation. i also write on discord and tend to be faster there. you can request my discord at any point as long as we're mutuals !
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jams-sims · 8 months
(Here ya go I just posted my comment i left under Manly video here with some edits)
I was right! I'm not at all surprised by the mother saying, she can't believe Ashely brainwashed Andrew. Firstly Andrew isn't as weak as he lets on. The problem is it benefits him to play that role. I also find it super interesting she said she protected the kid after they killed that little girl. You'd think as a parent you'd want to talk to them. But throughout all the flashbacks it's always been just them two together. With Andrew sometimes being with other people. (it could be that our siblings here are unreliable narrators but even as we saw them interact with the mother she seems to stay constant with the memories we've seen.)
Jesus it off rips again, Ashely and her need to not have shit tossed back her way. That's why I said Andrew is less bad just because he thinks about shit. He is still bad but Ashely is constantly digging into him. Right after the parents are gone, she back to accusing him. She makes shit all the more difficult they had the easiest out!! Put their parents back in bed. Alive and in a coma you'd think it was a medical problem!
And Ashely in all her wisdom says no let's chop them up. They are chronically stupid, Ashley says she saw a sigh of relief coming from Andrew when she killed them. Yeah because it is usually him killing people and Ashely using it to blackmail and gaslight him afterward. It's a cycle and I'm shaking my phone because of it.
Andrew's withdrawal from Ashely during the dismemberment scene is telling. Because Ashely never validated any of Andrew's feelings whether that be his plans or worries. The "relationship" has become (even more so) lopsided. He no longer puts up a fight but that means he no longer communicates with her.
Ashely is more like her mother than she thinks. Only in the way she treats Andrew. They both see him as someone reliable but not much else. Someone they can lean on but not really take his emotions into account. Andy was someone she could manipulate full stop. Andrew is who Andy truly is while fighting for some type of autonomy. On the 1st bridge scene Andrews not joking when he says he wants to kill Ashely and then himself. And again Ashely brushes him off, he breaks down for her. "I only asked you for one thing Ashely." And I think that layered because after they killed the girl that liked him. Andrew gave up everything for Ashely, from the ice cream and the girlfriends. It was never enough that he said it even as a kid. Now that he reaching a breaking point and he asks for one thing from her she can't do it. (Andrew even proves my point when Manly picks to trust Andrew)
GOD DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE MOM AGAIN! (during a trust scene in the basement.)
INSTANTLY! When Andrew talks to her she says "I'm sorry for always making you look after her." I had a nano second of Oh that's a good start- AND THEN SHE FOLLOWED THAT SHIT UP WITH "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME ANDREW?" AAAAAHHHH
The only saving grace and I mean the only saving grace is. The mom fully stopped and said this is her fault, that she fucked up. I find it super interesting though with Andrew and I wanna know which one is more canon. Between the Accept and Decline. Accept Andrew admits to being stuck. He's not happy, but he will stick with Ashely (Codependence)
The decline is funny and the mom full out says "Are you fucking her?" because she can't think of another reason for him to do all this. (Again not fully realizing how fucked up it was to let him raise Ashely while also being a child himself. but also Andrew has stopped taking such a nose dive in his mood. It's lighter because Ashely trusted him.
The ending tho have way different vibes. Distinctly Ashley worries about two different things in one ending Ashley's worried about Andrew killing her because she has finally pushed him too far. In the more positive and light-hearted one. She worried Andrew had changed so much that he no longer needed her. That the thought of honeypotting him could make him stay. Because now Andrew is no longer spiraling and because he's more confidant and les remorseful he's mirroring her. It makes her upset. Both ending end with Andrew getting a mole on his hand with an eye. Which could mean a lot of things. That he is marked for a service later, that he has a tar soul but it hasn't hatched.
To go back to the "scene" they way yall were acting on tumblr you'd think that wasn't just a fuxkin wink from the devs. Which it was- thats all it was.
Andrew had the perfect reaction. It's a normal reaction, Ashley on the other hand thought it may have happened sooner or later and that's without Manly picking the never say never option. So the siblings are sibling it up without it being weird.
But what really gets me is what ending is considered Canon or is it up to the audiences to pick. (also if you reading this hot mess tell me what ending do you think is canon) It's clear the Bad end is tied to not trusting Andrew. I'm assuming that's what the skulls mean. A more natural ending comes from Andrew's growth. Because instead of it being Ashely worried about death. She worried about him leaving which would fit her narrative more. Although I like angry Andrew ending.
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jiminy-crickets · 1 month
sorry if this is weird but wanted to jump in and give my thoughts on your tags on that arty ask!!! junior markets and ahl markets are veryyy different vibes imo like. a lot of junior markets — esp the ones you named — are embedded within their communities and have extremely active booster clubs along with billet families that are really all-in! and in some cases, junior teams are located in towns where they are one of the main family-friendly, budget-friendly activities available when it comes to entertainment. i think it makes for an atmosphere that’s conducive to social media engagement + there’s also the intrigue of top prospects that’s lacking a little in the a and definitely in the coast, so passionate nhl fans will also interact more! i feel like with the two pro feeder leagues it often feels a bit more impersonal; they tend to be in bigger cities and are less established as a key part of the community. like your neighbors are not housing these players you know? from a media career standpoint, it’s great to work in the a but the chl is a very viable option as well and generally a better landing place than any other league besides the a and the national!!
cracking my knuckles, and getting my fingers ready to write the answer of all time. THIS IS WHAT I WROTE THAT PROMPTED THIS ASK
YES!!!!!! 1000% they have different vibes, im from Ottawa and while i didnt grow up in a hockey family (neither playing, nor fans) i have been to many many 67s games (our OHL team, they used to [maybe still do?] give out tickets to them through schools in ottawa), and i have been to exactly no B-Sens games (the nearest AHL team, because... fuck you bellville you know what you did [be boring lmao])
specifically what i was referring to was like, the types of interactions i saw (i only looked on instagram, and only checked a handful of AHL and CHL teams), because while the few that I looked at had similar follower counts/likes, the CHL teams had more comments, and discussions in the comments, and the types of social media posts were also very different.
the CHL teams had more interactions with players, they are doing tiktok trends, lots of candid videos taken by players joking around (the pats instagram page is like 40% just players pointing their phones at each other on the bus) etc etc, it has a more relaxed feel, the players are joking around, they seemed more human. whereas AHL teams just post end of game graphics, occasional highlights, and those videos where the players are walking by going to practice and are asked a random question (the laziest, and my most hated type of team social media post [especially the ones where they ask them whos your favorite female athlete and ALL of them say serena williams like....???? do you not realize that your players inabilities to name more than one woman makes them look stupid]) and in all of the AHL posts them seemed.... not human like the CHL teams did.
theory: the AHL players are trying to act super buttoned up/mature in hopes they get called up quickly, and the CHL players are just happy they aren't currently in algebra class.
and i 100% agree that the community surrounding the teams is going to be stronger with CHL teams then AHL teams, due to the while *gestures broadly* but i feel like one of the easiest ways to bridge that gap would be though social media, like dear everyone who works on the social media presence of AHL teams.... show me the boys!!! show me the silly lil guys i wanna know about the silly lil guys on the AHL teams!!! show me them!!! social media is an amazing tool to engage with fans and build a bigger community, and i feel like CHL teams are excelling in it, and AHL teams are being stupid for not using it as such.
anyways, I am very interested in social media from like... a "ive been chronically online since 2014 and have seen the rise and fall of countless careers" sorta way....??? like i don't want to ever work in a way where i need to rely on social media, or have posting on it be apart of my job description (you can catch me in a dusty back room with my objects™️ doing my paperwork™️)..... but because i am forever a hater i need to put my six cents on literally everything.
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apriilessthan3 · 1 year
social anxiety online
i used to have rly bad social anxiety online and after the social anxiety talk during aksel's stream yesterday i decided to compile some things that have helped me feel more comfortable interacting with people online. also, yes this is a little bit inspired by aksel's comfort media tumblr post :p
i think the easiest way to start getting yourself out there online is by chatting during streams. you could start by only sending emotes in chat. a lot of emotes are bttv emotes so make sure you have bttv installed. there is also a bttv setting that allows you to tab emotes, so you won't have to type them out completly. usually the chat reacts to certain parts of the stream the exact same way, so you could copy the emotes you see in chat. i would sometimes even wait for other people to start sending emotes and then i would just copy them lol. it's a nice way to get yourself out there while still also being hidden in the crowd. since everyone is sending the same emotes you won't stand out.
once you feel a bit more comfortable sending emotes you could try sending some chat messages. i feel like this is easier to do when the chat is moving fast, since there is a smaller chance of standing out and getting unwanted attention from anyone really. also sending small messages like 'hi' or 'bye' to people is another way to move on from only sending emotes.
i know social anxiety also entails a lot of observing, so if this is too much for you right now that's fine! look at what other people are doing and you will get a hang of the vibe eventually. then whenever you feel comfortable you could start chatting, if you want to obviously.
i wanted to include twitter in here too, because i think that sense of community mostly happens on twitter. another reason is because twitter is a lot scarier compared to a twitch chat, in my experience at least. so i thought it might be helpful to share how i got over that anxiety on twitter.
by being on twitter, you're being a lot more vulnerable i feel like. in comparison to a twitch chat where you are all in one chat, on twitter you're kind of on your own. they're your tweets, it's your profile.. it is a lot more personal is what im trying to say. the aksually mental illness community can be a great start to find people. i personally don't go much in there, but i've seen some people posting in there regularly. by interacting with those people you can start building your own 'network' online and finding friends! follow people, like tweets and maybe even comment under people's tweets if you feel like you're able to do that. i remember being so anxious about replying to people's tweets. sometimes i even had to put my phone down after replying because it gave me so much anxiety. at the same time i think that also helped me in a way. it is ok to send a tweet, close ur phone and act like nothing even happened. this can be hard, but closing twitter after something so anxiety inducing, i think, can help you not to overthink your actions.
after a while you'll start to realize that it might not be as scary as you thought it would be. also there is a lot of sweet and kind people online. i am forever thankful to the people, who i would now call friends, in this community who accepted me with open arms. sometimes it only takes one person to be kind to you, for you to realize it is all ok.
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i hope this was helpful in some kind of way. social anxiety can be so isolating. it can make it really hard to navigate your way in life, whether that is online or offline. getting yourself out there online can be the first steps to overcoming or at least lessening that anxiety, and i wish that for everyone who's also struggling with it. <3
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ainulindaelynn · 11 months
After reading the strategic plan posted today, I want to offer some constructive criticism about retaining users from someone who's relatively new around here.
I joined Tumblr less than a year ago and agree that there’s steeper learning curve than other social media sites... but am a bit baffled by the disconnect. I want to be clear about what made this site hard for me as a new user and propose some easy fixes, because I think it’s pretty straightforward.
Suggestions in blue.
1. Confusion about Reblogging
The etiquette for reblogging was the most anxiety-inducing part of getting started. The language was a bit confusing, coming from non-tumblr blog culture. It also took me a while to understand that there was a difference between reblogging and reposting. There's (rightly) so much animosity for reposting, but to an outside perspective, they seem like the same term, which discourages engagement. Once I realized reblogging is the norm and creators ENJOY reblogs - that it's not theft and their name stays attached, linking directly to them - everything became simpler. There are always three names floating at the top of a post, but who the extra two are is something you pick up along the way without explanation. Understanding earlier would have been a game changer. A few more tutorials at launch would have made a huge difference: This is your blog. You REBLOG things here - that's normal. And here's the basic structure of a post. That would have made the transition a little smoother. Also, if you want to go above and beyond, adding a quick blurb about the difference between reblogging 👍 and reposting 👎 would probably ease tensions on a few fronts.
In short, Tumblr is ahead of most other mainstream SM sites when it comes to prioritizing creators > content and long-term, that's a strategic advantage. Keeping that culture in place requires a little more explanation on the front end though.
2. Confusion about Interacting
Another thing that baffled me in the beginning is that on other sites, hashtags are largely ignored except for organizational purposes, so I didn’t even notice people were leaving their commentary there at first. Now that I know, I actually LOVE that quirk of this site. It’s an introvert’s dream. Every other social media site is pushing other people's opinions in your face all the time. It’s exhausting. Here, I only see people’s comments if I CHOOSE to. If I want, I can interact with the content directly without being distracted by the noise around it. This is a huge draw, not only as a scroller, but also as a poster. I never (NEVER) post on any other site, because I know it’s going to bring it to the top in everyone’s feed and I don’t want to bother with everyone else’s opinions ABOUT my opinions - the endless cycle that inevitably leads to conflict in common spaces like this. Every post will be scrutinized and picked apart on other sites. Here on tumblr, I can put my thoughts on a post and no one sees it except the original poster and people who are *actively* curious about what I think. It’s a system that allows less pressure around posting and fosters more diversity of thought. It creates an environment that makes contributing easy. It’s very, VERY freeing and very, VERY rare in social media.
I wouldn’t mind seeing some rethinking about the way tags are handled if it supports the search engines, but now that I understand the way Tumblr uses them, I actually find this to be one of its greatest strengths and can’t imagine a way to preserve that quality while rearranging the tag system. As is, adding an ‘Anatomy of a Post’ tutorial like I mentioned would clear confusion about this and point new users toward the easiest way to interact with a post.
3. Confusion in Connecting
I did struggle to connect to content and communities at first, but it stemmed from a basic lack of understanding about how the site works. Once I found the pathways, other users pulled me in. Connection actually happens more easily here than on any other site I’ve EVER been on. Tumblr has incredibly useful tools for this; they just aren’t explained to beginners. The tag system is a great entry point. When I realized that I could search a tag and chronologically see EVERY SINGLE POST that had ever existed for it, it was magical. Now that I follow tags (and know the Your Tags tab exists… 🙃), new creators pop up in my feed all the time and get pulled into my communities seamlessly.
A quick tools tour at launch would solve this. And the ‘Anatomy of a Post’ tutorial I mentioned earlier would highlight the spot you can see other people who reblogged the same content. These connection points are easy to use, they just need to be more visible at the start.
That’s all, honestly.
Those are the only barriers that slowed me down in the beginning. They can ALL be solved with a few beginner-friendly tips on launch:
Intro to Dashes (Following, For You, & Your Tags + a brief personalization suggestion)
Intro to Search Features (basics + following tags)
Intro to Your Blog (basics + encouragement to personalize if the bots issue isn’t going to be resolved, because let’s be real… being mistaken for bots is probably why most people quit early these days😉)
Anatomy of a Post (basics + ways to interact)
Restricting the algorithms to the For You tab is really refreshing coming from other sites. It’s there if I want it, but , I can breathe here in a way I can’t on any other site. And honestly, the other reason I’m still around is that people are fucking weird here, which means I have freedom to be too. Any changes that don’t take those two strengths of this site into account risks losing the center and disintegrating the core. Foster a personalized experience. Prioritize avenues that let people interact at whatever level they’re comfortable. Support creator culture. Those are the things that make this better than the competition.
Oh, yeah, and if you're still reading... the organizational tag system needs some upgrades and these pornbots are killing us. Thanks, bye xD
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skydigiblogs · 4 months
Sky's Digiblog Digipinned Digipost
(Or a quick run down on what you need to know about me)
Hi there! I'm Skyler (Sky if you're feeling 3 letters lazy)! Please use they/them pronouns for me.
I'm a member of a system, and if you don't know what that means, this is the easiest site to explain it. The long and short of it though is that I'm just one guy in a meatsuit with a bunch of other guys in the same meatsuit. And I have a lot of thoughts about plurality in Digimon, as well as Digimon in general (god help me, I got an English degree and I can't stop).
Expect me to post my unhinged Digimon thoughts here. I'm also gonna reblog my Digimon art here, but if you want to see the Digimon art I like, you can check out our system's art reblog blog @rooks-gallery and look through the Digimon tag! This community has a lot of talented artists! Check them out! I am not asking (/lh).
I'll keep my DNI/BYF short and to the point (and if you don't feel like interacting, 's'all chill! Just make sure to block this blog and our root @rooks-roost please, so I don't accidentally try to interact!)
(soft dni) proship/anti-anti/etc. (this is just a personal comfort thing and should not be compared to anything else on this list, please. Our sys doesn't identify as antiship, but I include this heads up because we tend to get way too "it's that deep" about all the art we like lol, and ik that can rub a lot of folks in that community the wrong way.)
queer exclusionist
racist, pro cop
anti-endogenic, anti-nontraumagenic, anti-thoughtform, etc.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Hey there! I just wanted to sit here and finally get the guts up to tell you how much I truly appreciate your work. Not only do you do this for free, but you have given us an entire series-- three, even-- of a canon rarepair that for some reason nobody else writes much of. It's gotten me through flights, cheered me up through my roughest days, and I'm always on the edge of my seat, excited to read what will come next, or what kind of silly banter will make me laugh my ass off next. (1)
I have read nearly all of your fanfictions, and not only do you grasp the characters insanely well, but you make them fall into such a harmonious rhythm and write them so relatable and well that I feel like at times, I'm in Rukia or Renji's shoes. It's like an entire adventure, and I just absolutely adore every word you type on the page. You seem to really nag on yourself, but please know that you are so amazing, and skilled and talented at what you do, and the Renruki community is so strong with you in it, building us up with the lovely and humorous way you type. I just read your smut, and I get super super shy about commenting, but it's so well written and phenomenally sexy-- but also you capture the sweet tenderness of a long time couple just as well, and it's simply indescribable. I wish I could tell you how much I adore your work, but words can't explain it. Thank you so so so much for all you do, and all your hard work, and all of the stories you create for us to enjoy free of charge. It's my favorite thing to read when I've had a bad day and I get that email saying; "polynya has posted a new chapter of ___!" Your writing is flavorful and inspiring, and makes me want to work harder to create content as wonderful as yours. Again, thank you so much for being such a beautiful, wonderful part of our renruki community. We love you so so much!
All of this is far, far too nice, I don't even know what to say.
I'm a really, really socially awkward person in real life, and the easiest way for me to interact with people is to just make things and say "HERE, PLEASE LIKE THIS. I MADE IT FOR YOU" and then run and hide. The fact that people read and enjoy my stories means a lot to me. You mentioned the fact that I do it for free, but it's really really important to me to do something that is outside of the capitalist meatgrinder we live in, and I honestly have less than zero interest in ever making any money from my writing.
I do get paid, in a manner of speaking, by the wonderful things that other people in the fandom make, both past and present. (Also, I very much do read my own writing, so I am getting a lot out of my own labor, too). I did lurk for about two years before I started getting active, and I owe my life to all the Renruki fans that came before me. Which is to say, the idea that I inspire anyone or just make people feel better about giving this a go is absolutely the best thing you can say to me. I wish you lots of luck in your endeavors, and I hope that it is as rewarding for you as this has been for me! 💕
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