#so soft and adorable and exciting! and teasing just like their relationship
hanniebaeee · 3 days
Baby Fever
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Bang Chan x fem!reader
Warnings: baby talks?
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Summary: You and Chan are at a baby store, shopping for a friend's baby shower. And your husband experiences baby fever for the very first time.
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The minute you step into the store, it feels like you've stepped into some kind of wonderland. The soft pastel shades, and soothing music in the background are just so overwhelmingly cute. You and Chan stroll through the store, browsing through the shelves for some gifts for your friend's baby shower.
You split up briefly, as you look through some cute little onesies, and Chan wanders away. A few minutes later, you realize that it's a bit too quiet, and Chan is nowhere to be seen. You look around, placing the onsie back in its place and your eyes search for your lost husband.
You start weaving through the aisles, your phone in hand to give him a call. And that's when you spot him.
Chan is standing in front of a display of baby shoes. In his hands is the tiniest pair of pastel blue baby shoes you've ever seen. His eyes are filled with awe, his lips curled into the softest smile.
You couldn't help but smile, leaning against a nearby shelf.
"Channie... everything ok?"
He jumps slightly, turning to look at you with wide eyes.
"Aren't these the cutest?" he asks, holding up the shoes like they were the most precious thing in the world. His voice is so full of excitement, you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
"They are cute," you tease, walking closer.
"So tiny!" Chan says, his cheeks glowing pink.
"They're baby shoes Channie, of course they're tiny." You say softly.
"But," Chan doesn't look like he understands. "How can anyone have such tiny feet?!"
You giggle watching him examine the little shoes in his hand, and it's just so pure and wholesome, your heart swells with love.
"That's how babies work, Chan. They have tiny feet, tiny hands... tiny everything!" You say, touching his arm gently.
"I know...its just, different, seeing it like this." Chan looks completely gone by now.
"What's on your mind, baby?" You ask, seeing the way Chan was so lost in the little thing. "Do you want to buy these for Jisoo?"
"What? No." Chan says quickly, holding the boots to his chest. "What if we… you know… need them someday?"
His cheeks are so red by now. You stare at your husband, trying to wrap your head around what he's trying to say. Sure, you've talked about babies before. You both want to have kids one day. But you've never really thought when.
You raise an eyebrow, amusement bubbling up inside you.
Chan grins shyly, his ears turning slightly pink.
"You know…maybe... for our baby?" His voice is so low, you can barely hear him.
You bite your lip so you don't laugh, not because of the suggestion itself, but because of how adorably serious he looks.
"Chan, you can't just buy baby boots without a baby!" You say, covering your mouth with your hand as you laugh.
"But look at them!" He waves the tiny shoes in front of your face. "They’re so small, and soft, and—just imagine our baby in these!"
His eyes light up, and he's completely invested in this thought.
You lean in closer, your voice soft as you tease, "You can buy them once we have someone to wear them."
You wink at him and pretend it's nothing, but the effect is instantaneous. Chan’s face changes, the playful grin fading. He blinks, his lips parting slightly as his gaze locks with yours. And it's your turn to blush, as he says something that catches you completely off guard.
"Then let’s have a baby," he says, his voice soft but determined.
"Wait, what?" you stammer, as you blink in surprise.
"I mean it," he says, clutching the boots close to his heart. "If you’re up for it, I want this. I want… us to have a baby."
For a moment, all you can do is stare at him, your heart racing as you try to process his words. He is standing in front of you, baby boots in hand, with a look that is literally melting you on the spot. It is so absurdly cute and yet so deeply romantic at the same time.
"Channie-" You begin, but he just looks at you with those puppy eyes, making you want to just give in already.
But you reach out and take his hand in yours, and say, "We're in the middle of a store, baby. Can we go home and talk about this?"
His expression softens, but he is still holding on to the boots like they meant everything to him.
"Ok." He says, smiling at you.
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Later, when you both reach the checkout counter, you are billing the items when you see it. A pair of tiny pastel blue shoes sliding across the counter as the cashier scans them.
"Chan!" You hiss, giving him a look. "Are you serious right now?!"
He shrugged, a sly grin creeping up on his face. "What? You never know when we'll need them!"
"You're unbelievable."
"I just like to be prepared."
"Oh my God!" You just can't with his guy.
"I have a feeling we'll need them real soon. Just saying." He smirks at you as you shake your head at him.
Your heart skips a beat and you playfully shove him away, both of you smiling.
As you walked out of the store, you couldn't help but feel a little warmth bloom inside your chest. And as you look at Chan, you know that those shoes will come in handy sooner than you think.
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bookwormjust · 2 days
Cassian have competition (established relationship with Cassian, Nyx declaration)
It had been a busy day at the River House with Nyx clinging to your side from the moment you walked in. The little boy had made it clear to everyone in the inner circle that he had no intention of letting you out of his sight. You couldn’t help but smile at his devotion, his tiny hands always reaching for yours, his giggles echoing through the halls as he followed you everywhere.
You were sitting on the floor with him in the living room, helping him build a tower out of wooden blocks, when Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, and the rest of the inner circle strolled in. Nyx immediately straightened up, puffing out his little chest as he glanced at his parents and then back at you with a serious expression.
"When I grow up," Nyx announced loudly, his voice filled with determination, "I’m going to marry Auntie!"
Cassian, who had been lounging on one of the couches, instantly perked up at the statement. His eyes widened in playful mock surprise, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. “Oh really?” he said, sitting up and crossing his arms over his broad chest. “You’re going to marry my mate, huh?”
Nyx nodded vigorously, his small wings fluttering with excitement as he declared, “Yep! I love her, and she’s mine!”
The room erupted into laughter, everyone chuckling at Nyx’s bold claim, though you noticed Cassian narrowing his eyes playfully as he stood up and walked over to where you and Nyx sat. He crouched down next to the boy, looking him straight in the eye with mock seriousness.
“I don’t know about that, little warrior,” Cassian said, his voice full of amusement. “I think you’ll have to get through me first if you want to marry her.”
Nyx, undeterred, puffed up even more, his face scrunching up in a serious expression as he held onto your arm. “But I’ll be big and strong like you, Uncle Cass! I can protect her!”
Cassian raised an eyebrow, glancing at you with a smirk before turning back to Nyx. “Oh, is that so? And how do you plan on doing that?”
Nyx stood up as tall as he could, puffing out his little chest again and spreading his wings wide. “I’ll be the strongest Illyrian ever! I’ll fly her everywhere, and I’ll get her lots of toys and flowers!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, ruffling Nyx’s hair as you beamed down at him. “That sounds like a pretty great plan,” you said, glancing at Cassian with a teasing smile. “He might have some competition, Cass.”
Cassian let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head as he leaned in closer to you, his large hand resting on your lower back. “Oh, trust me, I’m not worried. I know who you’re coming home to every night.”
Nyx, still not backing down, looked between you and Cassian with a stubborn frown. “But when I’m big, she’s gonna marry me,” he insisted, as if the matter was already settled.
Rhysand, leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed, grinned and chimed in, “Looks like you’ve got a rival, Cassian. You better watch out.”
Feyre was smiling fondly, clearly amused by the whole situation, while Mor couldn’t stop laughing from her spot on the sofa. “Oh, Nyx, I think you’ve got some stiff competition,” Mor said, winking at Cassian.
Cassian ruffled Nyx’s hair, smiling at the boy. “Alright, alright, I’ll let you have your dreams, kid. But just know that she’s mine for now,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
Nyx, still determined, crawled into your lap, snuggling against you as he wrapped his arms around your neck. “I’ll wait,” he said stubbornly, looking up at you with big, adoring eyes.
You laughed softly, holding him close as you looked at Cassian. “Guess you’ve got some time before he steals me away.”
Cassian shook his head, though the smile on his face told you he wasn’t truly worried. “I think I’ll manage,” he said, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “But for now, I’ll share.”
Nyx grinned, clearly satisfied with that answer, as he nestled closer to you. And though the teasing was lighthearted, you could feel the warmth of Cassian’s love and protection radiating through the bond, grounding you in this moment of laughter and joy with your family.
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ladylooch · 5 months
Our Little Family [Miles Wood] - Chapter 22- Miles Time !!
Author’s Note from 👢 anon: Hi guys, since it's b's off day. She was okay with me sending our little family. This chapter has a few surprises along the way. And yeah, there is smut, and you guys will understand why it's a must in this one. But I guess I'm a little too horny with the last few chapters of the series. Three more to go ! Enjoy !!!
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During training camp, the Avs are buzzing. They have a different sense this season. The core is together for a while now, with little changes on the roster, and they're hungry. You and the other halves have a good feeling that something good will happen this season for them. 
The night before the season starts, you write Miles a little note and tell him to put it somewhere safe. He can only open on the last game of the season, and he does so. 
They struggle a little at the start of the season, but that doesn't change the feeling that you have. 
As the season goes on, they start to roll, you know, Miles feels good with that. It makes you so happy seeing him do what he loves and doing well. The girls really enjoy watching their daddy play. 
One afternoon, you guys went to visit Ross and Peyton to see their new baby. You decide to help Peyton with the baby, give her a little break- you know how hard it is. Miles talks to Ross the whole time, but you can feel his gaze on you. When you look at him, he's smiling at you with heart eyes. 
You and Miles are in the car on your way to grab the girls from a playdate. You have a sense that Miles wants to say something, but he doesn’t, at least not until the car is parked. He looks at you, and you both smile. 
“Are we going for the third one ?” You bite your bottom lip, nodding your head. “Yeah, I think so. Hopefully, I can give you a boy this time.” Miles brings your hand to kiss. 
“It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. Another kid with you is the most magical thing.” You smile and lean to kiss him. 
“Let's go get our girls. We can talk about this more later.” Miles nods and pecks your lips before you both move to climb out of the car. 
The way the girls come running towards you guys makes you so damn happy. Lily goes to Miles and El to you. Then they switch because they need love from both parents. 
They're so chatty in the backseat while you guys drive home. They're going to crash so hard when you get home. 
Miles is having a solid playoffs run so far. You're loving watching him do what he loves. It's very hard on his body. You try to do everything you can to make this easier for him and his body. 
The late night cuddles make the playoffs run a little easier. When Miles is home, he plays with the girls and being their father. They love it so much. 
You hate seeing his body go through this, but they're getting better and better as the rounds pass. 
The Avs get to the Stanley Cup Final, seeing them clinch the western conference makes you cry at home watching.
You know, in the next few days, it's going to be rough. Miles is seeing everything you're doing, and he's going to make it up to you. Win or lose he’s going to take care of his wife. You do everything you can to make his life easier. 
With the Avs coming home with the chance to win it all. You and the other halves prepare a surprise for the boys. A letter and a few family pictures. 
The whole Wood family is at the arena. The girls are wearing their daddy jerseys, and you're in your WAG playoff jacket. Today, you let both girls sleep a little more to be up for the game. 
Since the moment the puck dropped, you felt that you couldn't breathe. Eyes glued on the ice and Miles, but always checking on the girls. The Avs let the first goal in, and you feel the arena deflate a little. 
During the intermissions, the girls are fed, and you need to leave the suite to breathe a little. You're probably more nervous than Miles. 
In the second, he doesn't score, but has an assist to tie the game. You breathe a little better now, Miles goes fully chaotic and draws a penalty that leads to a power play goal. The arena goes insane. Even the girls go crazy. 
As the clock ticks down, the arena starts to feel anxious and build up. You look at Cheryl with eyes full of tears, like this is really happening. 
Miles beats an offside to take as much time as possible from the clock. He doesn't shoot, just wasting time. Then, the final buzzer of the season goes off. Sticks, gloves, and helmets get thrown into the air as the Avs players move to hug each other. 
Everybody in the suite hugs each other, so happy for the guys on the ice. You hug both of your daughters, saying to them that Daddy did it. 
The players hug each other then go through the hand shake line. Then they stand at center ice for the presentations. First the Conn Smythe and then the cup. You film everything. 
The cup is handed to Miles, you watch your man lift the cup and have the lap with the cup. The girls go crazy seeing their dad on the jumbotron. 
An Avs employee comes to call all the families to head down to the ice. You stop by the ice entrance, but you can't get inside yet. The girls rush to the ice looking for their dad, Cheryl and Randy are right behind them. 
Miles sees them smiling so hard, that man can't stop smiling. He scoops both girls as you squat watching the scene in front of you. He kisses the girls, hugging them so hard, then he hugs his parents, but he's not fully there. He asks Cheryl where you are, and she points to the entrance. 
He puts the girls down before skating towards you. He lowers himself to be at eye level with you. He cleans the tears that are streaming down your cheeks. 
“You did it !!!” Miles smiles again, shaking his head.
“No baby, we did it. Without you, this wasn't going to happen. This cup is yours too, it's going to be my name there, but yours is there too.” 
Miles helps you get up before bringing you for a kiss. You lost yourself a little into the kiss before pulling back. The beard is not that good. You brush his cheek.
“I don't like you shaved, but this needs to go.” Miles laughs before skating with you back on the ice. 
You guys take a few pictures with the cup, just the two of you, then Miles and the girls, Miles and his parents, then the whole family. Ross comes to say hi, you talk a little with Peyton. 
The boys start going to the locker room to celebrate. Cheryl tells you to stay with Miles that they'll take the girls home and for you to have fun. Both girls are starting to get grumpy. 
Miles says goodbye to the girls, saying that Daddy will be home soon. Miles kisses you one more time before he goes. You say goodbye to the girls and that you'll see them soon. The girls go home, and you follow the other halves to wait for the guys. 
Miles drinks the champagne and smokes the cigars. He takes a step aside to grab the note you gave him. He opens and grins so hard. 
“Congratulations, my Stanley Cup champion.” With the summer date. He almost cried. You really believed in him before he did. 
While you guys wait for the boys, Mel gives everyone a task to look for places for them to go. 
Miles comes out with his shirt, basically open. You laugh at your man. He comes and hugs you. 
“Thank you, babe. You're the best.” He says a little drunk, resting on your forehead.
“I'm not the one that just won a big accomplishment, Woody.” Miles kisses you again as you make sure his shirt only has three buttons opened the way he likes. 
You pull him close, feeling his abs. You nibble his bottom lip. Miles kisses your temple. He pulls you by the waist as you guys walk down the hall. He pins you against his car in the parking lot. “Babe, we'll have fun later. I want this, too, but you need to enjoy this first.” Miles groans, pouting, but he kisses you and nods. 
You move to the driver side so you can drive. Miles smiles at you so damn in love and a little drunk. You guys go around with the players, Miles makes you drink from the cup. 
He's so happy, and you basically just watch him have fun. It's almost 2 am. when you pull him outside to talk. You guys have changed places a few times already.
“Babe, I'm going home.” Miles doesn't understand at first, so he leans close to you. “What ???” You kiss his cheek.
“Babe, I'm going home. I'm very tired right now.” He pouts big time. “but…babe” You sigh
“Babe I'm up since 6 am, the girls were a lot during the day. I'm really tired and I want you to enjoy this moment with your teammates.” He's not a fan. He looks at you with glassy eyes. He can see that you're exhausted, but are keeping it together for him. 
“Okay, but you're going to let me know when you get home right.” You smile softly, fixing his hair. “Yeah, I will, and maybe we can have some fun when you get home.” Miles smirks because that's what he wants.
“I love you so much sweetheart thank you for being a part of this and always believing me.” You brush his cheek, “I love you, and you don't have to thank me. This is yours. You did.” 
Miles pulls you into a passionate kiss. “See you later, have fun. Love you.” He holds your hand. “I'll be home soon, love you.” You peck his lips one more time before moving to his car. 
You get home, move to shower before going to give your girls kisses. You lay in bed with Lily for 10 minutes, and then you spend 10 minutes with El. 
Now you can go to bed. It's insane to you that Miles is finally a Stanley Cup Champion. You cry because this was a long time coming, Miles thought that this was never going to happen, but it did it. You couldn't be more proud of him. 
You sleep in and out, around 5 am you hear Miles coming in. You smile to yourself, you shift to sit against the headboard. 
Miles opens smiles looking all silly, he's not that drunk right now. “I'm so so proud of you, babe.” He smiles, stripping his dress shirt on his way to you. You take a deep breath seeing the beating his body took. 
He crawls into the bed, between your legs and rests his head on your chest. You play with his hair, Miles hums before lifting his face to look at you. “I love making you proud.” You brush his lips with your thumb with a soft smile. “You always make me proud, babe.”
That makes him giddy. You think Miles is asleep because he doesn't say anything else. Then you feel his hand sliding under your shirt looking for your nipple. 
You take a sharp breath when his callous fingers brush against your nipple, you can feel Miles smiling against your chest. You shake your head, a little moan escaping from your lips. 
That's when Miles lift his head to look at you again. “Do you want to ?” You look at him, brushing your thumb along his cheek. “Yeah I do, but are you sober enough ?” 
He looks at you looking like a lost puppy. “Yeah, I am, stopped drinking a couple hours go. But if you don't want to, we can wait.” You smile at him. “I don't want to wait, but you're not putting that beard between my legs.” 
He wasn't expecting that and he's surprised. “Babe, your beard went through cigars, champagne and I don’t know what else today. Who knows what that can cause, and that means no sex for you.” He doesn't like that at all, so he'll behave. “Okay, but after I shave I'll get my reward.” You chuckle before bringing him for a kiss.
Miles shifts so he can be a little more comfortable while you guys kiss. He slides a hand under your clothes, he teases your clit first, then he starts to rub painfully slow circles on your clit. You whine against his lips.
Then he teases your entrance, you want to punch him but it feels so good. And you know he's getting you wet for him. Two can play this game. You reach for his cock over his pants, brushing your fingers along his length.  
Miles nibbles your bottom lip as he slides a finger inside you. You moan trying to reach for his dick. He swats your hand because this is his moment. He slides the second finger to stretch you out. When he feels that you're wet for him. Miles stops, he takes your underwear with him before he does the same with himself. 
You watch him jerk himself, you bite your bottom lip. You need that man inside you. Miles moves back to be between your legs. He lines himself with your entrance, “are you ready babe ?” You watch him in his full glory. “Yeah, I am.” He smirks before kissing you. 
Miles slides inside you, he makes you moan at the feeling of him stretching you out. He kisses you before he starts to move with a nice tempo and then he stops. 
“Babe, maybe this is when your baby boy happens.” You chuckle, shaking your head. 
“Babe, just fuck me.” This time Miles giggles and slaps his hips hard against your ass. You moan digging your nails on his biceps. 
Miles likes that and he starts to speed the tempo up. Looking for his orgasm but he's not going to let you hang. So he moves his thumb to brush against your clit. He says a few dirty things to you and you start to get closer and closer. 
Miles lowers himself as much as possible. “I'm going to make you a mom again.” and that's it, that's when you cum hard around him, making yourself so tight that makes Miles cum too. Giving you a really heavy load. He drops himself on top of you, putting most of his weight on the bed. 
You play with his hair. “I love you, my Stanley Cup Champion.” Miles turns his face to kiss your neck. 
“I love you.” You smile, brushing a finger over his shoulder blade.  
You stay like that until you feel Miles getting soft inside you. You move your hand to pull him off you. This is going to be a mess. Your husband is completely out beside you. 
You move Miles to his side and try to figure out how you're going to walk to the bathroom. Well you mess up the floor as you get your panties. You put it on and rush to the bathroom, after peeing you take a shower because your thighs are sticky.
You bring a rag to clean Miles and to clean the floor. First Miles, and you give him clean underwear. Then the floor. You check the time when you hear the birds outside. It's early and you need to sleep. 
You lay in bed with Miles trying to get as much sleep as possible. But your mom clock wakes you not too long after falling asleep. El will be up soon followed by Lily. You kiss Miles' cheek before you get up to get ready. 
After using the bathroom and getting ready. You go check on El to see if she's up. She's playing with the stuffed animal Lily got her. You call her softly. She smiles at you around her pacifier, then she makes grabby hands for you to get her. You chuckle as you walk to pick her up, she still sleepy so she lays her head on your shoulder. 
As you guys walk downstairs she asks about her dada, you say dada is resting and that he'll join you guys soon. You check on Lily but she is still sleeping. So you guys will cuddle outside before moving to make breakfast. 
You and El cuddle while she has her bottle, soft mornings like this make things worth. After El finishes her bottle, you take her upstairs. You leave a bottle of water and some meds for Miles, before going to see if Lily is up. 
Lily is up waiting for you guys, she smiles at you as El giggles because she loves her big sister. Lily comes to hug your side, all the three Wood girls go downstairs for cuddles and food. 
Cheryl joins you a couple minutes after you started to grab the food for breakfast. Lily wants to help and you let her. El is all smiley on her highchair while you and Cheryl work on breakfast.
Miles wakes up with a groan, when he starts to smell food and coffee. He checks the bed beside him and you're not there. He drinks the whole bottle of water before going to the bathroom. He needs to call his barber to take care of his beard. It feels like a dream that he won the cup. 
He comes downstairs to join you guys, as soon as Lily sees him she's bolting to hug her dad. El goes crazy in her chair because she wants that too. You take her out of the chair and she runs as fast her little legs let her. 
Miles hugs both of his girls and smile at you. You smile back as you move to prepare a mug of coffee for him. He sits with both girls on his lap just talking to them. 
All the family is there, talking and eating. Miles is still waiting for the schedule, but the parade is tomorrow and it's going to be incredible to celebrate him. 
The rest of the day is pretty chill, Miles leaves the house for his appointment, and when he's back, you're asleep. Cheryl told you to go to sleep, and she would look after the girls. You're very thankful for that. 
Miles comes into your bedroom, and you're sleeping so peacefully. He lays in bed with you. His first idea was just to cuddle, but he shaved, and he needed his reward. 
He starts to rub his smooth face on your cheek until you stir. You roll facing him, and he smiles before touching your lips with his lips softly. You smile, moving closer to him. Miles hands rest on your lower back, you like that, and hums when his hand touches your skin under your shirt. 
You're still sleepy, so you move closer to his body. You brush your thumb over his cheek, feeling the smooth skin. 
“You shaved.” Miles moves his hand higher on your back. 
“Yeah, I did. I need my reward.” You chuckle nodding. You like feeling Miles’ hand exploring your body. 
“Kiss me first, then you can have your reward.” Miles likes that very much and leans to kiss you. You hum against his mouth. 
The kiss is lazy because you're still asleep, but then you start to wake up, and the kiss becomes hot and heavy. Miles hooks your leg over his hips, giving him a little more access. 
When you grind against him, he knows you're ready for him. He slides his hand under your clothes to touch you. You moan, feeling his fingers between your legs. 
Miles runs his finger along your folds before sliding in to feel if you're ready. He moans, feeling how wet you're for him. He kisses your jaw before moving down. You watch his movements. When he gets to your pants, he pulls your pants and underwear together. 
He spreads your legs as he settles between them. He licks your folds up and down a few times before you tug his hair, bringing his face to where you want him. Miles chuckles before doing what you both need and want. 
Miles looks at you between your legs as he spreads your fold with two fingers, he smirks seeing your clit. When you're about to whine that he's taking so long, he goes for it. He scrapes his teeth on your clit, then he starts to do kitten licks, that are painfully slow. Miles pulls all the stops, sucking, nibbling and sliding two fingers inside you. 
You look down, and Miles is grinding against the bed. That's so sexy. You want him to fuck you, but knowing Miles he'll just eat you out. You start to feel the knot on your stomach and mumbles a few times to Miles that you're going to cum. 
He takes that as a mission and pulls out all the things he knows that are going to make you cum. You put your hand over your mouth to muffle your sounds. You're so spent as you come down from your high. 
Miles watches you the whole time. You give him a blissful smile, motioning for him to come closer. He moves up, and he lays beside you. You reach for his cock. 
“Later Babe.” You pout when Miles holds your hand. 
“But I want you.” He just chuckles as he leans to kiss your cheek. 
“I know, I just wanted to eat you out. We can have more fun later.” You nod and cuddle against his side. 
You start to get sleepy again, Miles moves to carry you to the bathroom first. You watch him from the toilet, you smile so bright, and he matches your smile. 
You take another nap, and when you wake up, Miles is not in bed with you. He's downstairs with the girls. 
The next couple hours is family time, until Miles leaves to meet his teammates. 
While Miles is out and the girls are sleeping, you organize everything for the parade. Diaper bag, snacks, their daddy's jerseys and clothes. When everything is ready, you go to bed. 
The next morning is a little chaotic. Getting everybody ready in time is a lot. But you guys manage. Miles needs to be inside the arena first to take pictures and do media. You're wearing jeans and a miles t-shirt, which makes everybody laugh. You stay in the family area with the girls and Miles’ family. 
After the guys leave the arena, you guys, plus Ross, go to the truck. The girls are loving every moment. You just ask Miles to be careful with them if he moves them around. 
You sit on the back with Cheryl and Randy, just paying attention to the girls and seeing how happy Miles is. He's beaming, and that man can't stop smiling. halfway through the route, you move closer to him to give him water to drink. He smiles at you and pecks your lips, thanking you for the water. 
You're watching the girls playing with Ross. When you look forward, Miles is squatting in front of you. 
“Are you having fun ?” You blink a few times looking at him. “Yeah, why ?” He cups your cheek with his hand. 
“You don't look like you're having fun.” You kiss his hand. 
“I'm, but today is not about me, babe. It's about you.” Miles looks a little worried. 
“But…” You smile at him. 
“Go have fun, babe. I'm okay, I promise, and Ross could use some help with the girls.” Miles follows your eyes, just in time to see Ross being mobbed by the girls. 
Miles smiles at you as he leans to kiss you. You push him to go have fun. He helps Ross with the girls as you apologize to Peyton. She brushes you off because it's fine. The girls are having a blast. 
By the end of the parade, you and the girls are exhausted. Lily is sleeping on you, and El is in her stroller during the team speech at City Hall. Cheryl is closer to El. By the time everything ends, you just want to crawl into bed and sleep for a lot of days. 
After they finish everything, Miles comes to join you guys. He can't stop smiling. It's the most adorable thing ever. He kisses you as he picks Lily from you.
You drive the whole family home. Miles carries Lily to her room as you carry El. After both girls are in bed, you decide to take a quick shower. 
Miles joins you, and he hugs you from behind, kissing your neck. You sigh. This is the most peaceful moment all day. 
“Thank you.” You're a little confused and spin to look at Miles.
“For what ?” Miles peck your lips. 
“For believing in me, last year we were in this same room, and you told me that my name is going to be on the cup, and now it’s there. I'm always going to be a Stanley Cup champion, but you're the real champion.” You hug him. You don't have words right now.
 “Babe, look at me.” You shift your head to look at Miles. “You're the reason I can do what I do. You changed my life for the better, and now we're champions.” You smile. To him, he's the only champion, and you're not doing much. 
You kiss him deeper this time before finishing with your shower, so you guys can sleep. 
Summer has been chaotic, just like the man you married. You and Miles were struggling to find a lot to buy for the house. When you were almost giving up, you found the perfect place. It's big, a lake is behind the land, and it's just perfect for your family. Miles put in the offer, and they accepted. Now it's yours. 
The next step is to find someone to design the house and then start building. Miles wants your input on everything. This is going to be your dream house. 
Miles’ day with the cup is coming up, so you're organizing everything. You asked him to go grab a few things that you need for decorating and food. But also, you need an excuse for him to leave the house. 
The thing is, a few weeks back, your period was late. At first, you thought it was the playoffs stress, but then you started to feel a little sick. That's when you knew you needed the test. And it came with the answer you were expecting: you're pregnant again ! You texted your doctor to ask if she knew someone in Massachusetts who could confirm for you. She did, and you went the day after for the blood test. The answer was the same, you guys are having a cup baby. 
You're a little nervous to tell him, but you know he's going to be happy. With Miles out of the house, you left the girls playing in the living room with a few toys, and you asked Lily to play with the tiny cup when Daddy got home. 
You're in the kitchen cutting fruits for the girls when Miles gets home. And Lily does exactly what you asked. She grabs one of her dolls and puts on the cup a few times in front of Miles. 
“Sweetheart, what are you doing ?” Lily looks at him with the same toothless smile that makes Miles so weak for her. 
“Mommy said we're putting the baby in the cup.” He's so confused at that. He asks her again, and it's the same answer. So he rushes to find you. 
“Babe, is it true ?" Miles asks you, he catches you by surprise, but you know what he means. 
“Is what true?" You reply while cutting the fruits for the girls' snacks. 
"What Lil just told me, it is true ?" He thinks that you're playing with him. 
"Idk, what did she tell you?" You say as you face him. 
"Don't play with me, babe. Is it true ?" He's getting very annoyed.
"What is true, Miles? Idk what you are talking about." You let him know. 
"Are we having a cup baby?" Now he makes sense. 
"Oh, that? Yeah, that's very true, we're having a cup baby." You tell him smiling. 
Miles smiles so bright as he rushes to hug you. You put the knife down as he spins you around. 
“We're having a cup baby !!!!” You chuckle as he puts you down. He kisses you before he drops to kiss your stomach. 
“You're already so loved, babe.” You shake your head as he talks to your belly. 
The girls come in, Lily holding El's hand so they get there at the same time. You smile at your girls, and they join you for a family hug. You pick up El and Miles picks Lily up for the hug. 
You and Miles look at each other, with the same look in your eyes. 
“Now our family is complete.” You peck his lips. 
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nonuify · 3 months
ᝰ.ᐟ — JWW ⟢ nerdy boyfriend
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› nsfw & sfw is included ┆ smut & fluff — mdni ꩜.
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.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who gets so excited when you let him talk about his favorite games & characters.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who you could get lost in his adorable boba eyes which are protected by his cute squared glasses.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who gets all giddied up & happy when you agree to tagalong with his gameplay.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who gets flustered & embarrassed when you get him a cat ear headset but actually really likes it in secret.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who pays attention to every detail of you, & remembers every little thing.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who makes sure in minecraft yours & his beds are next together he will sulk if you move it.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who has you as his wallpaper in all of his devices ( ps he has a pic of you in his wallet ).
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who is really shy & socially awkward at first of your relationship but is really clingy & energetic with you after some time.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who lets you make him wear a “my s/o is hotter than you” t-shirt.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who is the black cat in your relationship while you are an orange cat.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who isn’t actually a nerdy boyfriend all the time but is a hot motorcycle boyfrie :p.
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༘⋆ nsfw part here.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who isn’t so shy when he’s splitting you open with his cock.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who actually has a secret dick frenulum piercing on the pinkish colored head of his lengthy member, making you each time shiver when his slides his cock in you feeling the tiny cold metal slowly enter your hole.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who makes you cockwarm him as a punishment for being a brat while he’s playing his beloved videogames & totally ignoring your whining.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who has you giving him a blowjob while he’s on live, while thousands of people watching & he’s just sitting there playing & watching your pretty teary eyes when you take his cock like a champ.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who’s so pussy-drunk that he eats you out with his glasses, & it goes so lopsided that he throws the specs in frustration, making him just wanting to focus on going down on you.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who makes you play a game with him, both agreeing on a prize if one of you wins & when wonwoo won he grabbed your hips & pushed your head down on the couch, taking you from the back till your a crying mess.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who absolutely has a soft spot when you moan out “wonnie” in desperation of seeking your high while he fucks you so good :(.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who has a thing for fucking you in your local library.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who soaks your panties while teasing your aching pussy by rubbing his hardened dick on them.
.ᐟ nerdy boyfriend wonwoo who is actually very possessive of you, & isn’t afraid of showing everyone who you belong to by fucking you in the nearest bathroom.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! [ divders by @/ cafekitsune. ] [ tysm @/ whipped-for-kpop-fics w helping me for some of the ideas ! ].
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reidmania · 11 days
hi i saw you take requests… could you write about established relationship reid and reader fluff for like a party or gathering where she sneaks behind his back and puts hands over his eyes whispering “guess who?” and like really lovey dovey?? please
guess who | s.reid
summary; after spencer was away for a few days, you get to see him again when he asks you to come to a afterwork gathering at rossi’s.
warnings; fem reader, literally none?? pure fluff, establishment relationships
an; im so sorry this took so long!!
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The room hums with the gentle murmur of conversation, laughter threading its way between clusters of people. Soft lighting casts a golden glow over everything, making the gathering feel intimate, warm despite the autumn chill outside. You drift through the space, greeting old friends and acquaintances, your eyes always searching for one person: Spencer.
He’s on the other side of the room, deep in conversation as usual, the serious expression you’ve come to adore furrowing his brow. He’s talking animatedly with some colleagues, but your mind isn’t on what he’s saying. Your lips curl into a smile as you think of a playful idea, something to surprise him. The excitement of seeing him after the long week bubbles up inside you, making your heart flutter.
You weave through the room with practiced ease, avoiding spilling anyone’s drink as you maneuver behind him. The laughter around you fades into the background. You’re close enough now to smell the familiar scent of him—clean, a hint of his cologne, and something uniquely Spencer.
Your fingers twitch, and without a second thought, you gently place your hands over his eyes. He stiffens for the briefest second before your voice reaches his ears. “Guess who?”
The words are soft, whispered just beside his ear, playful but tender. You feel his body relax beneath your touch, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips even though you can’t see it. You know him too well, the way his shoulders lose their tension when he’s with you, how he tilts his head slightly, leaning into your presence.
“Hmm…” His voice is a low, thoughtful hum. “Well, considering the overwhelming amount of literature and research on tactile memory and voice recognition, I’d say my chances of guessing correctly are quite high.” He pauses dramatically, and you can practically hear the smirk in his tone. “But I’d rather play along. Is it…Einstein?”
You laugh softly, pulling your hands away but keeping close, standing right behind him as he turns to face you. There’s a spark of something mischievous in his hazel eyes, but it quickly melts into something much softer, something meant just for you. His lips quirk up, that smile you’ve always adored.
“Nope. Not even close,” you tease, sliding your hands down to rest lightly on his arms.
His grin widens as he looks down at you, tilting his head as though he’s examining you for the first time. “Well, I guess I’m terrible at this game.”
You roll your eyes, tugging him a little closer by the sleeves of his shirt. “You knew it was me the whole time.”
He chuckles, a sound that vibrates through his chest and warms you from the inside out. “Maybe,” he concedes, his hands gently settling on your waist. His touch is light, casual in the way of someone completely comfortable with you, and yet there’s always a certain reverence in how he holds you, like he’s afraid you might slip away if he doesn’t keep his grip just right.
You sway slightly, the distant sound of music filtering through the room. It’s not the kind of party where people dance, but with Spencer, you can turn any moment into something more, something that belongs only to the two of you. You smile up at him, enjoying the way his eyes linger on your face, like you’re the only person in the world who matters right now.
“So,” he says, his voice soft but tinged with amusement, “having fun sneaking up on me?”
You shrug playfully. “It’s one of my favorite pastimes. I have to keep you on your toes, Dr. Reid.”
His smile softens into something more affectionate. “You’re the only one who could.”
For a moment, the world around you seems to fade. It’s just the two of you, standing in the middle of a crowded room, but completely absorbed in your own little bubble. The laughter and chatter around you are nothing more than a distant hum, the soft light casting a gentle glow over the sharp lines of his face, softening his features in the way that makes your heart skip a beat.
You lean into him, resting your head against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. His arms wrap around you, pulling you closer in a quiet, protective gesture. The scent of him, the feel of him, it’s all so familiar, so comforting.
“I missed you this week,” you whisper, your voice barely audible over the ambient noise.
He tightens his hold just slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “I missed you too. It’s always too long, even when it’s only a few days.”
You close your eyes, letting yourself sink into the moment. There’s something about being with Spencer that always makes you feel like everything else fades away. The worries, the stress, the noise of the outside world—it all disappears when you’re here, in his arms, wrapped up in the quiet certainty that he’s yours and you’re his.
He shifts slightly, leaning back to look down at you. “I was actually thinking about sneaking up on you,” he says, his voice playful, “but I’m not sure I could pull it off as well as you.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “I don’t think you have it in you, Spencer. You’re too…earnest.”
“Too earnest?” He raises an eyebrow, pretending to be offended.
You nod, your smile widening. “Yes. You’re terrible at sneaking. You’d give yourself away in two seconds.”
He hums thoughtfully. “I’m not sure that’s true. But I think I’ll leave the sneaking to you, then.”
You grin, leaning up on your toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Good choice.”
He smiles down at you, that gentle, loving expression that never fails to make your heart melt. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says quietly, his voice sincere in the way only Spencer can manage.
“Me too,” you reply softly, feeling the weight of the words settle between you.
And in that moment, with his arms wrapped around you and the world spinning on outside, you realize just how deeply you’ve fallen for him.
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deerlino · 4 months
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kim seungmin x gn!reader / seungmin with a clingy s/o. you’re adorable, but he'd never admit it. you're always following him around like his second shadow.
tags / grumpy!seungmin, clingy!reader, fluff, established relationship, cute banter, unspoken feelings, school setting, teasing & banter, humor (attempted) — 578 words
content warnings / none !
note / i felt like writing grumpy seung, so here he is! this was fun to write, just like my other stuff. hope you like it! oh, and huge thanks to everyone who's been so lovely to me these past days—you're amazing. love you all! <3
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You’ve been shadowing Seungmin all day, flitting around him like an excitable butterfly. He pretends to be annoyed, but the slight curve at the corner of his mouth betrays him every time. Today is no different. You’ve got your arm linked with his as you both walk through the crowded school hallway, and he’s muttering something about how you’re “way too clingy.”
“I’m clingy?” you tease, nudging him with your shoulder. “You’re just mad because you secretly love it.”
Seungmin rolls his eyes, trying to look unimpressed. “In your dreams.”
You giggle, leaning your head on his shoulder for a moment. “Admit it, Seungmin. You think I’m adorable.”
“Keep dreaming, weirdo,” he mutters, but his face is slightly pink. You know you’ve got him.
During lunch, you plop down next to him at your usual table. “Hey, did you bring me anything?” you ask, peering into his lunch bag.
“Since when do I bring lunch for you?” Seungmin asks, trying to snatch the bag away, but you’re too quick.
“You love me,” you say in a sing-song voice, pulling out a sandwich. “Oh, ham and cheese! My favorite. Thanks, babe.”
He huffs, crossing his arms. “It’s my lunch.”
“But sharing is caring!” you insist, taking a big bite.
Seungmin sighs dramatically but doesn’t try to take the sandwich back. You know he wouldn’t. Instead, he opens his drink and takes a sip, looking anywhere but at you. “You’re a menace.”
You grin, wiping a crumb off your cheek. “And you love it.”
Later in the day, you’re sitting on a bench outside, waiting for Seungmin to finish his baseball practice. You scroll through your phone, occasionally glancing up to watch him. He’s focused, serious, and completely in his element. You admire him for a moment, feeling a warm flutter in your chest.
As the practice wraps up, Seungmin jogs over to you, wiping sweat from his forehead. “You’re still here?”
“Of course. I’m your biggest fan,” you say with a bright smile. “Need some water?”
He takes the bottle you offer, taking a long drink. “You’re such a dork.”
“But you love me,” you say, repeating your favorite phrase.
Seungmin looks at you, a rare soft smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, barely audible.
You catch it, though, and your heart does a little flip. You reach out, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “You’re sweaty,” you say with a playful wrinkle of your nose.
“You don’t have to point it out,” he grumbles, but there’s no heat in his words.
You laugh, and he shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips despite himself. “You’re impossible,” he says, but there’s a warmth in his eyes that makes you feel like you’re floating.
“Admit it, Seungmin. You think I’m adorable,” you say again, leaning closer.
He sighs, feigning exasperation. “Fine. Maybe you’re a little bit adorable.”
Your eyes widen in mock surprise. “A little? I’m extremely adorable, thank you very much.”
Seungmin chuckles, ruffling your hair. “Don’t push your luck.”
You smile, leaning into his touch. “I love you, Seungmin.”
He looks at you, his expression softening. “I know,” he says quietly, and you know that’s as close to an admission as you’ll get. But it’s enough. More than enough.
The rest of the evening is spent with you clinging to him like a second shadow, and Seungmin pretending to be annoyed. But you know the truth. And so does he.
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© deerlino (est. 060624) ༯ heyo, did you enjoy this piece? if you did, maybe you could reblog, drop a comment, or shoot me an ask to let me know your thoughts. also, feel free to check out my other stuff! thanks a bunch for the support! <3
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mvltisstuff · 1 month
aaa i’m sorry glad your requests are back!! i was wondering if you could do a one-shot for buck where he visits reader (established relationship pls) in the hospital but every time he smiles or says something flirty the heart monitor picks up so he just teases her for it <33
thank you!!!!!!
i think he knows - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif creds
a/n: this gif makes me wanna scream and cry and die and roll over in my grave… anyway hi!!! i know this is late but i remembered this from my drafts and it’s so cute. hope this person still wants to read :))
ever since her surgery, y/n has been forced to rot in the hospital bed. at least until buck gets out of work. every single day, he would come to visit her.
when she first had to go in for the operation, nothing was certain. the medicine she’d have to take, how many bandages would be wrapped around her leg, but one thing was the same.
buck was in the chair next to her every chance he could be. he knew it was something to bring her stability when all of hers was on the brink of collapse. he brought her food, flowers, clothes from home, everything she could’ve ever needed was brought to her, all from him.
it was his post-shift routine. he would shower, change, and drive over to the hospital she was at. he would come full of stories, and he would tell her all about what she was missing. he hated seeing her in that bed, but if it helped her get better, it was all worth it.
it was almost funny to buck, whenever he would go over and visit. it was like they were never dating. it was like high school, when you go a certain way in the halls to see your crush, and your chest gets tight and face hot.
today, he was particularly excited to see her. he got his haircut for the first time in a while, and she adored when he had a fresh cut. he styled it her favorite way before heading over.
he held a to-go box from y/n’s favorite, and had a bag with some clean sleep clothes for her. he scurried through the halls and finally found her room. he knocked lightly on the side as the door was already open.
he peered in to see her, her head slowly tilting to the side with her eyes tired. the office reruns were one of the only noises in the room, besides the steady beeping of her heart monitor.
“hey, beautiful,” buck says cheerfully, waiting for her to look into his eyes too. she perked up at the sound of his voice.
“hi, buck,” her voice was low but clear, and she blinked a few times before focusing on him again. it seemed all energy was brought back to her as she looked at him. she looking him in the face, and then onto his hair and back into his eyes. buck felt the same warm feeling he always did when she looked at him. the color in her eyes shined ten times brighter when she was with him.
the longer she looked at him, she didn’t physically feel anything, but as he moved closer, the more excited she got. she had just wanted him next to her all day, and his hands finally graced her own and cupped her cheeks.
he planted his soft lips onto hers, tasting like the sugary popsicles they give her. he pulled away to sit down next to her, and she just smiled so brightly at him, the same way she always does whenever they pull from the kiss.
it always left them in a trance, such a trance that they didn’t notice the beeping speeding up on her monitor.
“oh, honey,” the nurse murmured, walking in to check on her. “you didn’t tell me when he was coming, gave us a good scare on this floor.”
“miss y/n, you are so head over heels for him, whenever he walks in you just about go into arrest.”
y/n’s cheeks blush bright red, looking embarrassed at the nurse. “well you don’t have to say that in front of my crush.”
“i’m your boyfriend?” buck says, confused but also humored.
“you’re still both, apparently.” the nurse retorts, rehooking one of y/n’s tubes back on. when she walks out, she rubs her face with her eyes.
“i would be lying if i said i didn’t notice the beeping.” buck whispers.
“what?” y/n laughs. “what beeping?”
“whenever i walk in, you get all excited and start beeping like crazy.”
“not true.”
“is too! just say you love me,” buck says, leaning in closer.
“fine, i love you.” y/n grins back at him before kissing him again, and her heart rate still doesn’t go down.
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borathae · 3 months
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"Taehyung asks you to sneak out with him and you end up making passionate love to him in a hayloft."
Pairing: Vampire!Taehyung x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut, Slice of Life Fluff
Warnings: a romantic horseback ride in the moonlight, passionate sex in a hayloft, soft but mean Dom!Taehyung, sub!Reader, listen he's a tease 100, neck kisses, body worshipping, breast worship, nipple play & sucking, oral sex (f.receiving), he licks her over her panties ngng, a very quick rimjob, orgasm control, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), dirty talk, praise, strength kink, good girl kink, he calls her his slut once, the title Sir falls like once, doggy style to pronebone, clit spanking with his cock, frotting, he kinda describes to her in vivid detail how he'd take her anal virginity jsjsjs, he is so unhinged and sexy, subby girl tears, he's the safest Dom, a huge creampie, cuddly aftercare, they're so in love <3
Wordcount: 6.8k
a/n: this is the second story based on my fellow tae girlies' wishes. i needed to write something about them in a hayloft. i would say that it takes place three days after they returned from their magical holiday in Caerula Luna. have fun besties hehe 💙
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You haven’t been asleep for long when someone shakes you awake again. You open your eyes, meeting glowing ruby eyes. 
“Who are you?” you feel awake instantly, tensing up in fright.
“It’s me. Tae.”
“Oh god Tae, you just scared me so bad”, you whine, relaxing slowly as the shock still sits deep in your sleepy mind.
“Why?” he asks, blinking his eyes at you in the darkness. It is rather hypnotizing to watch his two glowing orbs appear and disappear repeatedly. 
“Because you shook me awake and then stared at me in complete darkness with your red eyes like a creep.”
“Ah yes, you cannot see in the darkness. Forgive me, I forgot”, he says and lays himself on top of you to reach your bedside lamp.
You laugh, patting his butt. 
“Gosh you silly.” The lights turn on. “No Tae, too bright.”
Taehyung ignores you, straddling your lap. He giggles, rocking his hips back and forth while his hands dimple the pillow on each side of your head. He is in a flowy blouse and skin tight trousers, wearing jewellery. Almost as if he dressed up for you.
You let out a fond scoff and throw your arm over your eyes, rubbing his thigh mindlessly with your other hand.
“You’re lucky you’re cute”, you mumble with a smile on your lips.
Taehyung leans down and places affectionate kisses along your jawline and neck, eliciting purrs of contentment from you. He also stubs you with the tip of his nose every now and then. 
“I truly have good reasons for waking you”, he speaks softly between kisses.
“Mhm, they better be good”, you are joking, making him smile against your skin. He dances his fingertips along your arms until he has your hands under them. He takes them, holding them tightly as he straightens up.
“Do you want to sneak out with me?”
“Sneak out with me. Please.” 
“Sneak out? Who are we sneaking out from?”
Taehyung shrugs his shoulders, grinning boyishly.
“Just no one in particular. It sounds more exciting this way.”
You really love his imaginative mind and how he finds so much joy in role playing. Not only in sexual ways, but in general. Taehyung really loves to daydream about different scenarios and then act them out with one of you. He is so adorable.
“Fine.” You slide your hands from his hold to caress his thighs. “Let’s assume that we’re sneaking out, where are we going?”
“That you will only find out once you come with me.”
You laugh.
Taehyung grins. 
“Okay fine, you’ve got my interest piqued. I’ll come with you.”
“Yippie”, Taehyung exclaims and rolls off of you, picking you up bridal style.
“Tae, oh god warn me next time”, you laugh, throwing your head back as he twirls with you.
He sets you down soon after, taking you by your hand to lead you outside. Your journey takes you out of your wing and the estate. His horse is waiting at the end of the stairs.
“What’s Starlight doing here?”
“She shall be our method of escape. Now may I?”
“What are you gonna do?”
Taehyung places his hands on your hips, “allow me to show you.”
He picks you up and lifts you onto the horse so you were sitting on it sideways. He keeps an arm around your thighs, mounting the saddle in a skilful movement. 
So now you are sitting in front of him while he keeps you steady with his arms. He meets your giddy gaze, giving you a smile.
“Shall we escape, my darling?”
“Yeah, let’s escape”, you say, resting your head against his chest.
Taehyung clicks his tongue to get the horse to move. The horse trots off, walking slowly so you would have it comfortable.
“Oh god.” You snuggle closer, giggling. “This is this craziest thing I’ve ever done.”
“Isn’t it so wonderful?”
“Yeah, it��s so romantic.”
“Indeed it is.” He agrees and sighs. “Oh darling, the night is wonderful. I am so delighted to spend it with you.”
“Me too. Where are we going?”
“Just someplace no one will ever find us.”
You smile. That doesn’t sound bad at all.
Your journey takes you away from the estate, past meadows and through the forest until another meadow is before your eyes. In the middle of it, an old barn is standing, waiting to be used again.
“Do you see the building in the distance?” Taehyung asks you.
“Are we going there?”
“Indeed we are. We must take shelter before the weather changes.”
You look up at the sky. It is so clear that one can see every single star in the universe. You feel yourself smiling. Taehyung is being playful again.
“Thankfully we found it when we did. I would have hated to get wet.”
“Indeed”, Taehyung agrees, sneaking a glance at you. He is visibly giddy because you are playing along.
Taehyung helps you off Starlight once you have reached the barn.
“Do you perhaps want to close your eyes for me?” he asks.
“Don’t tell me you have something prepared”, you say, closing your eyes.
“Perhaps I have”, he says and takes your hand, “open them once I tell you to.”
“Okay I will. Gosh Tae, you’re getting me so excited right now.”
He chuckles, leading you and his horse inside the barn. He ties Starlight to one of the pillars then wraps his arm around your waist.
“Don’t frighten, I will jump.”
Your feet leave the ground as Taehyung leaps up onto the second floor. He lands without sound, setting you down carefully.
“Holy moly, that was so scary”, you curse.
“Forgive me, but the good news is that you can open your eyes now.”
You open your eyes to dozens and dozens of candles illuminating a small area of the hay loft. Taehyung laid out a blanket on top of the hay and made it even more comfortable with pillows. 
“Tae”, you gasp, looking at him in flabbergasted breathlessness.
“Surprise.” He smiles. “You mentioned how you wanted to try love making in a hay loft and so I figured that I could fulfil this wish of yours.”
“Tae, oh my god…”
“Obviously only if you wish the same. I brought many blankets so if you only want to talk or hug or fall asleep again, we can do so as well. I merely thought that we could do what we couldn’t do at your grandparents’ home.”
He studies your features shyly.
“What’s the matter? Why are you not saying anything? Do you not like it?”
You shake your head and close the distance, hugging him tightly.
“I love it so much. I’m just speechless because it’s so nice. Oh Tae, I love it so much.”
Taehyung hugs you back, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your pulse is heightened. 
“You do?”
“I do. So much. Gosh, you are so cute.” You melt into him. “I can’t believe you prepared all of this. It’s so romantic. And beautiful. And nice. And amazing.”
He breaks away just so he can gaze at you, holding both your hands as he does.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it so much. Gosh Tae, thank you so much. I appreciate it so much.”
He smiles, guiding your hands to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles.
“Based on how often you said so much, I can sense your honesty”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“I am. I’m honest.”
His eyes soften. “I love you very much, my darling.”
“I love you too, Tae darling.”
You and he gaze at the other, sharing silence. You are the one to break said silence, showing him your giddiness by lowering your eyes.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, it’s just weird to know that we’re going to have sex now.”
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“It’s not that. It’s just…” You meet his eyes. “I’m more of a spontaneous lover. I don’t know how to start stuff like this.”
“I see. Shall I start it then?”
“May I help you relax?”
You feel tingles in your stomach. Yup, he is definitely doing magic already. With a fluttering pulse you nod your head.
Taehyung closes the distance with a kiss to your neck. You roll your head to the side, sighing his name. His kiss feels so good when it promises sweet love making. His big, tender hands let go of yours so they can travel along your torso. Being touched likes this truly shows you how thin the fabric of your sleeping clothes truly is. The heat of his touch is sinking into the deepest fibres of your body, exciting you comfortably.
“You have the most beautiful neck, my darling”, Taehyung whispers.
“Mhm”, he bites your earlobe playfully, making you gasp and clutch his waist. It brings in his flowy shirt, showing your hands how small his waist actually was. “Allow me to help you get comfortable.”
“You can do whatever you want to me.”
He smiles, squeezing your waist, “mhm, don’t test me. I might be tempted to get rough with you.”
He is being playful, making you giggle and squirm. He definitely knows how to get you into the right mindset.
He chuckles and presses his lips to your ear.
You do so, sighing when he catches you in his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist, burying your hands deep in his dark locks. They feel a little cold from the nightly ride, hugging your fingers softly. 
He is gazing up at you, giving you his giddiest smile, “my beautiful. You are so incredibly beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful too. Oh Tae”, you say, claiming his lips in a kiss.
Taehyung sighs, kissing you back eagerly. He craved the taste of you and the softness of your lips. 
Lost in the kiss, he carries you to the blanket. He kneels down, making sure to lie you down carefully. Once you are on your back, he places himself over you, kissing you like this while his hips move against you carefully. 
It isn’t long that you have to break the kiss to gasp and look at him. Your legs squeeze his waist, your fingers fall from his hair to grasp his upper arms instead.
“Is this alright for me to do?” he makes sure, caressing your cheeks.
“Yes”, you sigh, rolling your hips into him. He shivers from the sensation, moaning quietly. He is getting hard. It turns you on a lot.
“You are so beautiful. Oh darling, you are so beautiful”, he whispers, making your heart race. 
“Do you love me?”
“I love you like the moon loves the sun. Because without her, he wouldn’t shine.”
“Oh god”, you giggle, hiding away in his arm. “Taehyung, oh my god. This was so romantic.” 
He smiles fondly, kissing your newly exposed neck and jawline.
“You are adorable, my sweetest”, he whispers and moves the collar of your dress aside so his lips could worship your shoulder and collarbone. He caresses the parts he isn’t currently kissing. His fingertips are so tender against your body.
Only once he truly kissed every inch of the exposed spot, does he move on to another. He guides your head into a different position with his hand gently around your throat. 
The way you gaze up at him makes his heart feel alive. Submission. The kind of safe, warm submission only someone dearly trusted can bring out.
“Do you feel good?” he asks.
“Yes”, you sigh.
“That makes me happy. Relax, my darling. I have you”, he says and exposes your other shoulder to shower you in the adoration you deserve. It is the same than before and yet different because you beg him for more very soon. “What do you want?”
“Can you touch my boobs?” 
“Of course, everything my darling wants. I am here to serve you.” 
And so it happens that Taehyung kisses your exposed shoulder and sucks hickeys to your neck and collarbone while his left hand cradles your breasts. He massages them gently over the thin material of your sleeping gown, dragging the warmest tingles to the surface. He squeezes them as tenderly as possible and rubs your nipples when the affection brings them to the surface.
“Oh god”, you get out breathlessly.
“Is this good for you?” 
“Good, that’s good. You are so beautiful, my darling sweetheart.” 
Taehyung fixes the collar of your dress before he takes another path. He wouldn’t want you to feel chilly in the nightly air. He kisses his way to your chest, moaning in delight because there is nothing better than worshiping you. You should know how remarkable you are. Taehyung is still struck in awe about your magical potential, how you took them to another realm and gave them a chance at being human again. He is grateful for it, grateful that he got to experience racing heartbeats and proper warmth again. And he needs you to feel the appreciation he harbors for you. There is so much of it. And it is never ending.
“My beautiful darling. How I adore you.” 
He is careful at first, only brushing his lips over the paths of your breasts. But you moan and sigh so sweetly and your nipples are so hard each time he brushes against them, that Taehyung cannot control himself any longer. He wraps his lips around one of them, sucking and licking the swollen bud through your dress. 
“Ahng”, the noise you let out assures him that he is doing a good job. You arch your back, chasing the fiery sensation. The fabric in his mouth is soaked entirely, his mouth is so warm. You can feel each lick. But the true peak of his affection is when he releases your nipple to suck on the other and the coldness of the air soaks the wet fabric. The spot is freezing, forcing goosebumps to the surface of your sensitive skin. 
Taehyung purrs happily as he sucks on your nipple, sliding his fingers to the other to massage it. It is cold to the touch. The fabric sticks to it and gives him a perfect feel of its shape. So he merely brushes his fingertips over it, giving it minimal attention so you can continue to shiver underneath him. 
It isn’t until Taehyung is stuck in the blissful moment of changing sides with both hands playing with your nipples that you stop him. You tug on a bundle of his hair, whimpering softly.
“Stop, please.”
He sits up. Your legs are around his hips that way.
“Did you change your mind?” 
You shake your head vigorously, “it, it makes me want to cum.”
He smiles, “well this…oh darling, this”, he leans down again, nipping at your breasts, “this is indeed a predicament. What should I do with you, mhm?” 
The teasing tone in his honey voice makes you shudder.
“Oh god, Tae.”
“May I continue? Is this your wish?”
“Yes”, you whimper, arching your back.
“How wonderful. Relax, you are in safe hands”, he whispers sweetly and gives you time to breathe by guiding his kisses to your stomach instead. He moans and sighs, worshiping every inch of it because you deserve to feel loved. 
He loves you so much and he hopes that through his kisses and touches he can make you experience it. Oh, how he adores you. How he wants to make you feel good. 
It isn’t long and he has reached your legs. Your sleeping gown ends a little over your knees. He stops, playing with the hem of it.
“May I lift it?” 
“Yes”, you answer him, lifting your hips eagerly to which he laughs and pins them down again.
“Patience. I shall tell you when you need to raise them.”
“Are you taking it slow?”
“Of course I am, my darling”, he assures you with teasing playfulness in his voice, smiling against your skin when you whine in impatience. But he doesn’t let you rush him. He kisses your thighs slowly and thoroughly. He sucks hickeys into your skin, gives the softest parts gentle love bites, guides his hands over your silken skin. He wants you to feel breathless from all the love he pours into his affection. 
And you do. You feel breathless, bucking your hips up in impatience. Your pussy aches. You haven't felt her throb and pulse as much as she does right now in a long time. You experienced the tenderness of his lips all over your body and you need it on your pussy. Now. Instantly. Right this second.
“Please what? You have to tell me what you need”, he coos, head hidden in your dress.
“Lick me.”
“Like this?” he taunts, guiding his tongue down your inner thigh. He is doing this on purpose. He is acting oblivious just to get you to tell him. He is playing with you because he is mean like that.
“No”, you mewl, shivering.
“What possibly could you mean then?”
“Oh god Tae, please just lick my pussy”, you beg, fucking the air aggressively. 
He chuckles, pinning you down easily.
“You are adorable.” 
“Adorable. You are just adorable”, he rasps and places his mouth against your pussy. He darts his tongue out, licking a thick stripe along your sensitive heat.
“Aah a-ah, aah, aah, a-ah”, you are noisy instantly, twisting the blanket because you cannot twist his hair.
It is important to mention that you are still wearing your panties at this point of the night. And that Taehyung doesn’t let this stop him from tasting you. He sucks out your taste, purring deeply because there is no taste more saccharine than that of your heat. Especially when it is soaked deep into your panties and he needs to work for it. He sucks and sucks and sucks until the fabric is soaked in his spit. 
“So sweet. My darling’s so sweet”, he lulls and presses his tongue against your clothed clit. He uses his neck muscles to move his head, grinding the flat of his hot tongue against your clothed heaven. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god”, you are out of breath, completely flabbergasted by what he makes you feel. The sensation of his skin is missing, but everything else is there. His heat, the slick wetness, his moans. And because he is soaking your panties, the parts he doesn’t lick are cold in the night air. You are in a constant state of different temperatures. Hot mouth and cold panties. Your pussy weeps to make sense of it. Quite frankly, you want to weep as well. 
“I can’t get enough. Mhm darling, you taste so good. So sweet. Darling, oh darling, my darling”, he babbles between his licks, humping the floor needily. 
He will make you climax. You didn’t think it possible that something like this could make you orgasm, but thinking back, you are foolish. Of course he could make you orgasm this way. It is Taehyung and Taehyung will always show you new ways of how sex can feel. It is never boring with him. 
Although tonight, you wish that he would be just a little bit boring. You are burning up and it’s so unfair that you are already close. 
“Stop please, you’re making me cum” you beg him, trying to grasp him through the fabric of your dress.
Taehyung growls playfully, breaking away from you even if you instantly whine for more.
“Adorable. You are simply adorable”, he coos and appears from your dress to smile at you. His lips are puffy, his hair ruffled from being buried under your dress. 
“Why are you like this?” you keen, wiping at your eyes so you wouldn’t cry.
“What do you mean?”
“I, I don’t know. Oh god, Tae.”
“Did you like how I licked you?” he is taunting you.
You spill tears, making grabby hands at him. He places himself over you instantly, holding your hands on each side of your head. 
“Yeah, liked it”, you sniffle, “Tae, I feel droopy.”
“You look droopy. And beautiful. So very beautiful”, he praises, kissing the tip of your nose, “don’t be scared. Allow it to happen. I am here.”
You sink into the droopy headspace further. You are completely his’ right now, so vulnerable that it would break your heart if he stopped it. But he doesn’t stop it. Because as much as you are floating in a safe subspace, Taehyung is floating in a warm Domspace. He loves every second with you, feeling high with you. 
“I love you”, he tells you.
“I love you too”, you tell him.
“So beautiful”, he says and disappears between your legs again. He lifts your hips with one hand, using the other to take off your panties. He gives them a deep sniff and a kiss, “so sweet”, then places them aside. He uses the position to push the dress over your butt, letting it punch around your waist. Only then does he lower your hips again, lifting your legs next to prop them up. You are spread like this, exposed to his eyes and the cold air. 
It is sinful how he is still entirely dressed while you are already showing him your parts most private. It is as if he is inspecting you. You can’t breathe properly at this aspect. This is so arousing to you.
“I know that I am repeating myself, but you are so beautiful, my darling. Look at you. Look at the shape of you, the beautiful colours of you, how wet you are. Oh, I want to treat your petals like they deserve to be treated.”
You clench around nothing. Taehyung delights at the view.
“How adorable. May I touch?” 
“Yes, please”, you beg him, spreading your legs further.
Taehyung places his left hand on your lower tummy, using his fingers to spread your pussy. He traces the shapes of you with his right hand, using only his fingertips. 
You are mewling instantly. You are aware that you sound needy and desperate, but you can’t help yourself. He makes you sensitive and each touch he places feels like the one able to break you. 
“How soft you are. How warm. How wet”, he rasps, gazing at you, “does this feel good, my darling?” 
He pulls you apart just a little more and rubs your newly exposed clit in circular motions. He makes sure to put special emphasis whenever his fingers rub up and down. 
“Yes ah, aaah Tae…”
“How beautiful, oh so beautiful.”
You are so wet that his clit massage is easy. And he makes you feel so good that you keep leaking more and more slick. His initial plan was to massage your other parts as well, but you are moaning so sweetly with his finger on your clit that Taehyung doesn’t have the heart to move away. He massages you eagerly, keeping track of your orgasm by looking at your glistening entrance.
Whenever you get close, you clench it involuntarily. He learned this about you from paying attention to whenever you played. 
“Keep breathing for me, there we go. Such a good girl”, he talks to you each time you get a little restless. And it works at first. It works perfectly, but soon all the breathing in the world couldn’t bring you down again. You clench. Taehyung’s only option is to pull away. 
“No please don’t edge me anymore. Please”, you wail, shaking in desperation. He has been playing with you for too long. He kept telling you to breathe, slowed down whenever you felt it coming closer. It’s been too long. You just want to cum.
“Breathe darling. I know it hurts, so I need you to breathe.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“You asked me to relax you and so I did.”
You meet his eyes, having to gulp. Crazed playfulness is burning in them. It is as if he is fucking you raw with just his gaze.
“My darling, your pretty cunt has never looked more ready to take me. Look at how wet you are, how swollen your petals are, how empty your hole looks. You are so perfectly prepared. I merely did what you asked of me.”
Taehyung is normally such a gentleman that you sometimes forget that behind this mannered mask a huge, nasty pervert is hiding. You are reminded again and it’s messing you up.
He is right. You are empty and swollen and wet and you need him to fill you. Now. Instantly. Right this second.
“Please fuck me, please.” You sit up and begin tugging at his clothes. “Please fuck me, please Tae. Take it off, please.”
“Calm down darling, calm down”, he chuckles, guiding your hands away, “I would hate to have to tie up your grabby hands. Let me and be patient, yes?” 
“I want to be fucked.”
“I know darling, but the more you hinder me, the longer you have to wait. Are you going to be my good girl now, mhm?”
“Yes Sir”, you get out obediently because he managed to put you back in your place with just his words.
“There we go. That’s my good girl. You know, the better you behave, the harder I will fuck you. Only good behaviour will get you rewarded”, he talks as he undresses, riling you up even more. He takes off his pants first.
You ogle his cock. It is thrashing around, leaking droplets of his excitement. You want to suck him off, but you hold back. You need to be his good girl.
Taehyung doesn’t pay mind to his cock, unlacing his shirt so he could pull it off. He talks as he does it.
“Although don’t misunderstand, shall you misbehave, I shall fuck you just as hard. I will simply stop listening to your pleas for a break.” He pulls his shirt over his head. “But I am certain that you want to be my good girl tonight. Am I wrong in my-”
He forgets to talk. To breathe. To even properly function. You are naked, presenting yourself to him on all fours. You are arching your back, showing your glistening pussy and hole to him.
“What the fuck?” is all he gets out as his shirt slides from his weakened fingers.
You have him cursing. Your position has the desired effect on him. You mewl in realisation, sticking your ass out more. 
“What, what”, he stutters, gasping for air, “what…dar-darling, what are you do-doing?” 
“Please fuck me.” 
“Holy fuck”, he runs his hand through his own hair in distress, “darling, I should be so angry at you. Oh you drive me insane, you perfect goddess”, you gets out and attacks you with bites all over your buttocks.
You giggle, fleeing him with minimal effort.
“I’m going to eat you. You are too perfect.” He babbles between his eager bites. "Perfect. So fucking perfect”, he growls and sticks his tongue into your hole just long enough that you start gasping. He couldn’t help himself. When you present yourself so deliciously, Taehyung just needs to steal a taste. 
He doesn’t linger for long because ever since you presented yourself like this, his cock started aching unbearably and he really needs to be inside you. 
He still manages to get you breathless and twisting the blanket when he pulls back. He closes in, slapping his heavy cock against your pussy. Gently. Right against your clit to make you flinch with each spank. 
“One day I shall fuck your beautiful ass full of my seed”, he lulls his words, twitching each time his cockhead slaps against your clit. It feels just as good for him as it does for you.
“Taehyung, ah Taehyung”, you moan as your head begins to turn. You didn’t even know how much you needed your clit spanked until he gave it to you. And to make matters even worse, Taehyung gives you breaks by rubbing his cock through your puffy folds. He does so until you gasp, exchanging the grinds with new spanks. He will definitely make you climax if he keeps this going.
“I’ll play with you all day, make you wear different toys and take you out on a date. I’d make you carry a bag with all the toys I’d work up your tolerance with. Just imagine. I’d take you to the bathroom and make you bend over so I can exchange the damned toy in your ass.” He growls the last sentence, spanking your clit especially hard.
You flinch forward, twisting the blanket. You can only mewl because all your concentration is on not cumming accidentally. He grinds against you after the spank, staring at your ass with darkened eyes.
“Just imagine once we reached the last toy of the evening. How big it would be, how stretched out you’d be. You would feel it with each step, would feel it when I sit you down in my car to drive you home. By the time, I have you in my wing, you’d be fucking begging for my cock. Fuck darling”, he grits his teeth, huffing out air. “Look at what you are doing to me. You have me cursing and spitting such disgusting things.” 
He spanks your clit again. Doing so over and over and over…he makes you cum. It’s going to happen. You can’t hold back anymore and so you ready yourself. A mistake, because Taehyung picks up on it instantly and pulls away. 
The wail of agony you let out almost makes him feel bad. Almost. He leans down and kisses your spine, rubbing your sides gently.
“Breathe darling. Be my good girl and breathe”, he speaks sweetly again. The once feral Taehyung from before is tamed. “I am sorry for losing my composure. That must have been scary for you.”
You sob. He is actually making fun of you. Holy fuck. This is just a game to him.
“Please”, you beg weakly.
“Please what? I told you darling, I can only give you what you want when you are using your words. Please don’t disobey me, my darling.”
You shudder. He is so good with his words.
“Fuck me. I can’t do this anymore. I need your cock. Please.”
“There we go. See? It wasn’t that hard to use your words”, he speaks sickeningly sweet and presses his tip against your puffy entrance. He applies no pressure and he is already slipping inside, whimpering in surprise because your pussy is practically sucking him in. 
“Thank you”, you mewl, pressing back into him until he sits inside you entirely. It isn’t often that he fits inside completely, making you sob his name because it feels so good to you. 
“Do, do I hurt?” he stutters, fighting with his air. He wants to move, but holds back for your sake. He couldn’t live with himself if he knew that he was causing you discomfort.
“No, it feels so good, please move.”
“I am keeping my, my cock human. To make it seem as…as if we…are…” he barely gets his words out as he rolls his hips into you. He grasps your hips, guiding them so it would feel the best for both of you. “Heavens, it is difficult to talk.”
“You don’t have to”, you squeak out.
“I don’t, good”, he says and moans, rolling his head back sensually, “just tell me that you feel good.”
“I do. I feel so good.”
“Darling…You feel good too, so good…” 
The sex becomes more intense now that you got rid of the pressure of talking. When you and Taehyung are like this, it is impossible to talk and knowing that it is okay to only moan makes this feel like an acid trip. He fucks into you deep and hard, moaning and growling while you answer him in high pitched squeaks and ecstatic sobs. 
The wooden planks feel hard under your knees and against the cheek you are squishing down on them. The blanket makes it comfortable.
“Are your knees alright? Is it not too hard?” Taehyung still checks up on you because he is starting to feel the hardness of the boards as well.
“Good. Is good. Tae, I love this”, you mewl, throbbing around him.
“I love it too. Such a good girl. You are taking me so well”, he praises and looks at where you are connecting. He pulls out completely, spanks your hole just once then pushes back inside, growling deeply at the sinful view. He has you even puffier than before, his cock is so thick inside you that it squeezes out your juices. Taehyung buries himself into you until his crotch sits against your pussy and you can soak his pubes with your sweet nectar. 
“You are getting me so messy”, he lulls and grabs your buttocks to spread you on him. The view is so arousing to him. You on his cock while your soft body jiggles each time he slams his hips into you.
Something happened to Taehyung. You have no idea what, but the way he fucks you suddenly feels way too good. You can barely breathe or stay on your knees. Constant waves of hot electricity shoot through your entire body and the warmth between your legs makes you weep.
What you aren’t aware of is that Taehyung found his composure again. He may have been lost in the sensation at first, but he found his control again. And now he is going to bring you to ruin. The view of him fucking your pretty cunt motivates him. The constant squelching of your juices and the sensarion of them on his dick makes him want to fuck you better just to increase them. The ecstatic sounds you can’t control from coming out, urge him to keep them going. 
Taehyung is back and he is going to make sure that you lose yourself completely. He slides his right hand to your front and pinches your clit between his fingers so he can roll it quickly.
You scream, collapsing on the ground. Taehyung lets you, but pulls up your hips so he can still reach your clit. The position tightens you and he has to growls from the deepest parts of his stomach to bear the heaven you make him feel. 
“Taehyung, Taehyung please. Taehyung too much. Taehyung”, you sound panicked, kicking the floorboards as best as your pinned down legs allow you to. 
“Don’t be scared. I’m here. Let go my darling, let go”, he encourages you, rolling your clit between his fingers. 
“You’ll keep going afterwards”, you wail.
“Of course I will.”
The aspect of being overstimulated is scaring you, but you can’t hold back anymore. It’s been too many times he denied you. You have to cum.
You break with a scream of his name. 
“Yes! Good girl”, he exclaims, fucking you gently as you shake and writhe. He knows exactly when to speed up again. He doesn’t miss the window for even a millisecond, drilling into you at the perfect time to completely ruin you. 
You wail his name, clawing at the boards as he makes you see stars. You genuinely only exist for pleasure right now. He fucks you so good and with such precision that you would dissolve if he stopped right now. You were scared of the overstimulation but now you need it as if it was your air. 
Taehyung holds you down with both hands. He knows your clit is swollen enough that his rough thrusts are enough to stimulate it as well. You are sucking him off with how tightly you are squeezing him. It messes him up to the point where he can’t pretend to be proper anymore.
“You are such a perfect slut. Keep fucking screaming like that. Oh, I’m going to fill you up until you can’t hold it in anymore. Hear me? I’m going to make you my pretty cumslut.”
“I can’t hold it anymore, please take it out of me”, you wail, meaning something entirely different. He is going to make you squirt, but you can’t let go because of the squeezed position. 
“My cock?” 
“No, no the, the liquid.”
You can’t be blamed. Your brain is dead. Liquid is all you could think of.
“Please”, you cough out a sob, “please make it stop. I can’t take it out.”
“Oh! Darling, just tell me”, he finally understands and pulls you back onto your knees, pressing down on your clit to finally set you off. 
You squeak as it happens, shaking against your will as you spray it everywhere.
“There we go, fucking wet yourself. I’m sorry for not noticing sooner. I bet you must have felt so full. That’s my good girl, let it all out.” 
His rough fucking makes it so that it goes everywhere and it feels so good. Such relief you haven’t felt in a long time. He is right. You felt so full and it’s finally leaving you. 
“Urgh, I can’t hold back like this. This is really turning me on, darling”, Taehyung gets out between his gritted teeth.
“I want your cum please”, you allow him.
“Thank you, darling thank you”, he moans and throws his head back, emptying his plumb balls deep inside you. The strength with which it shoots out of him and the masses he produces, are indicators that he was truly human no more. For just a second you feared for the strength of your cervix as he shot his sticky cum against it with such force that you could feel it. If you didn’t feel fucked already, the way he stuffs you does the rest. 
He pulls out after his high, moaning with you when big dollops of his seed leak out of you. With how well he fucked your pussy, it is unavoidable that your lose hole can’t hold it in. 
“Sorry”, you still apologise, trying to clench.
“Don’t. Relax. I’ll clean you up later”, he assures you and drops down beside you, pulling you with him so you are resting on his chest.
“It’s going everywhere.”
“I told you that it is alright. I have an eager tongue. I can clean whatever mess you make.”
“Oh god, Tae”, you finally melt into him, letting yourself relax even if that means his cum is seeping out of you in a constant trickle.
“Doesn’t that feel better? To relax and to let it happen?” he asks, caressing the back of your head.
“Yes, better. Good”, you sigh, melting into a puddle of giddiness. You feel so safe with him.
“That’s what I like to hear. Relax, my darling”, he whispers and kisses the crown of your head. “How are you feeling otherwise?”
“Good”, you whisper and shiver, “oh god, I feel so giddy, this was so good.”
“It was incredible”, he rolls to his side so you were nuzzled into him, “I am so proud of you. You took me like such a good girl. I loved every second with you.”
You gaze up at him, spilling new tears when he wipes your old ones with such tenderness and care.
“I feel so safe with you”, you squeak out.
“You are safe with me. I promise you”, he says honestly and kisses your forehead, “my darling girl. Oh, how I want to treat you right.”
“You do. You treat me so right.”
He smiles, kisses your forehead again.
“That is good to hear.”
“I’m so happy that we went on this trip. I feel so much safer with you.”
“You do?” 
“Yes. Yes, like, like I felt when we first started out. I was so scared back then, so confused and helpless, but you were my safe space. I feel like this again when I’m with you.”
“Oh.” Taehyung lowers his head. Tears escape him.
“Why are you crying?” you gasp, wiping them instantly.
“Because I wished for you to trust me like this again for ages. What you and I had back then was magical to me. I feel so happy knowing that we have it back.” 
“Oh Tae, you are so sweet.”
“Thank you for saying this. Oh sweetest”, he kisses your forehead, “I am grateful for this trip as well. I feel so much closer to you as well as Kook and Yoongi.”
“Me too”, you say and giggle.
He giggles with you.
“But now, you must tell me how it was. How did you like your first time in a hayloft?” he asks afterwards.
You wiggle in his arms happily.
“I actually kinda forgot that we are in a hayloft.”
“You did? How sad”, Taehyung pouts before he reaches over you to get something. Moments later you have a few pieces of hay in your hair and one of it poking your forehead as he tickles your face with it.
“Tae, what is that?” you cackle, escaping him with zero effort. Quite frankly, you are snuggling into him.
“The proper hayloft experience. You have something in your hair, darling. Let me get it for you.”
“Yes, because you put it there”, you laugh, squeaking in laughter soon after when Taehyung rolls you into the hay and begins kissing your neck.
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rafedarling · 16 days
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬
pairing: drew starkey x reader
summary: you work with loewe an got to attend the brand's fashion show in paris with your boyfriend actor drew starkey, who’s also an official guest. with the world aware of your relationship, your interactions are under scrutiny, but it's drew's secret jealousy over your celebrity crush, ryan corr, that adds a cute twist to your day at the show. through stolen glances, subtle tension, and some loving gestures, drew's feelings are clear, even though he tries to hide them.| words count: 2,4k
warning(s): i did change a tiny bits of details but hope you enjoy!!! english is not my native language. mention of ryan corr (my baby daddy), slight jealousy, fluff overload, public interations, drew being adorably jealous. base on this
au: like, reblog and comment are much appreciated. discussion can be send through my ask box, please feel free to send in anything. | taglist | tagging: @rubixgsworld @rafeyslamb @bisexualcvnt @tracymbcm @maybankslover @mileyraes @akobx @noobmazter69 @xoxohoneymoongirl @xoxosblogsblog @wearemadeofstardust0 @saviorcomplexrry @littlelamy @enjoymyloves @tini5 @drewstarkeys-world
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Your Paris hotel room was warm and was bathed in a soft golden light from the setting sun, reflecting off the elegant décor. You had been fussing with your oversized light pink shirt for what felt like forever, trying to get the belt to sit just right. Across the room, Drew stood in front of the full-length mirror, completely absorbed in his reflection—but not in the vain, self-centered way. No, Drew was clearly excited, though he kept glancing at you between admiring his navy with white striped cardigan.
“I think this is it,” Drew finally said, adjusting the cardigan again. “But, you know, it doesn’t really matter what I wear.”
You glanced up from your belt, raising an eyebrow. “Oh? So now you’re going to pretend like you don’t care about looking good at a fashion show?”
He chuckled, walking over to you. “Nah, it’s not that. It’s just... look at you. No one’s gonna be looking at me tonight.” He stood in front of you now, hands casually tucked into the pockets of his jeans, staring down at you with the most obvious admiration in his eyes.
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the warmth that spread through you at his words. Drew was dressed in the perfect blend of casual and stylish: a dark pair of jeans, effortlessly cool sneakers, and the LOEWE navy blue cardigan with white diagonal stripes that hugged his frame in all the right places.
"You look amazing," he said, his voice softer, more sincere now. His fingers grazed the fabric of your oversized pink shirt, adjusting the belt around your waist. “Seriously, babe. You’re going to blow everyone away tonight.”
You looked down, hiding a smile. “I don’t know... I feel like I’m swimming in this shirt.”
Drew’s hands landed on your shoulders, and he took a step back to admire you. “Nope. You’re wrong. You look like you belong on the runway.”
Your heart fluttered under his gaze. The way Drew looked at you—soft, appreciative, like you were the only thing in the room worth paying attention to—made you feel like you were glowing. You’d seen that look from him a hundred times, but tonight, there was something different. Something deeper. He couldn’t stop staring, and it wasn’t just the fashion show nerves. It was pure affection.
“I think you’re exaggerating,” you teased, though your smile gave away how much you loved hearing it.
Drew chuckled, pulling you close by the waist and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “I’m not exaggerating. I just can’t help it. Look at you. You’re perfect.”
You looked up into his eyes, a little flustered but completely in love with the way he was looking at you—like he couldn’t believe his luck. The intensity in his eyes felt almost palpable, as though he couldn’t quite get over the fact that you were his, standing there in front of him.
“Okay, okay,” you said, gently pushing him away, though you couldn’t stop smiling. “Enough with the compliments. We’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon.”
Drew laughed softly but didn’t take his eyes off you. “Sure, but just so you know, my eyes are going to be glued to you all night.”
The LOEWE fashion show was nothing short of breathtaking. The venue was packed with celebrities, designers, influencers, and fashion industry elites, all buzzing with excitement for the latest collection. Photographers lined the runway, their cameras flashing non-stop as everyone took their seats.
As soon as you and Drew entered, all eyes were on you both. Drew’s hand was gently wrapped around your waist, guiding you through the crowd as you made your way to your seats in the front row. The energy in the room was electric, and you could feel the anticipation for the show growing by the second.
You could also feel Drew’s gaze still on you, even though the show was about to begin.
“Are you seriously still staring at me?” you whispered, nudging him lightly as you took your seat.
Drew didn’t bother hiding his smile. “Yeah. You’re the most beautiful thing here.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, glancing away to try and shake the butterflies in your stomach. Drew wasn’t being overly dramatic—his voice was calm, soft, and completely sincere. When you finally looked back at him, his eyes hadn’t moved from you. He was practically beaming, like a kid in a candy store who couldn’t believe his luck.
“You’re supposed to be watching the show,” you reminded him, trying to keep your voice light, though your heart was doing flips.
“I am,” he replied, his eyes still glued to you. “Just not the runway.”
The lights dimmed, signaling the start of the show, and the first models began strutting down the runway in their stunning, avant-garde outfits. The crowd murmured in admiration, but Drew didn’t seem interested. His hand slipped into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze as his thumb lazily brushed over your skin.
You tried to focus on the models, the clothes, the lights—but it was impossible with the way Drew kept looking at you. His gaze was soft but intense, his eyes full of admiration and warmth. Every few minutes, he’d glance at the runway as if to remind himself where he was, but his eyes always returned to you.
“You’re hopeless,” you whispered, though you were smiling as you said it.
Drew just shrugged, his heart eyes fully on display. “Can’t help it.”
The show went on, and while everyone around you was absorbed in the incredible designs and the flawless models, Drew seemed perfectly content just sitting there, holding your hand and watching you like you were the only thing that mattered.
After the show, the venue transformed into a post-show party, with guests mingling, champagne being passed around, and conversations buzzing about the evening’s outfits. Drew kept you close, his arm around your waist, his hand never leaving yours.
“You’re seriously not going to take your eyes off me, are you?” you teased as you two wandered through the crowd.
Drew leaned in closer, whispering into your ear. “Not a chance.”
His voice sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, and despite the chaos of the party, you felt like you were in your own little bubble with him. You couldn’t help but grin, feeling the warmth of his affection radiating through every glance, every touch.
But then, as if on cue, things took a slight turn when you spotted a familiar face across the room. Your heart skipped a beat.
Ryan Corr.
Your longtime celebrity crush. He was standing just a few feet away, casually chatting with some industry insiders, looking as effortlessly cool as ever. For a moment, you forgot where you were, completely starstruck.
Drew, being ever observant, noticed your reaction immediately.
“Oh no,” he muttered, his voice low but teasing. “It’s him, isn’t it?”
You blinked, trying to snap out of it. “What? No. I mean, yeah, but it’s not a big deal.”
Drew raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into an amused grin. “Not a big deal? You’re literally glowing right now.”
You felt your face flush. “I am not glowing.”
Drew let out a soft chuckle, his arm around your waist tightening slightly. “You are. That’s your heart eyes face.”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t deny the flustered feeling creeping up on you. “Okay, maybe it’s a tiny bit of a heart eyes situation. But I swear it’s nothing.”
Drew laughed, leaning in closer as his hand slid to the small of your back. “I don’t mind. Just don’t forget who you’re here with, alright?”
Before you could respond, Ryan Corr himself appeared in front of you, his easygoing smile making your heart do somersaults.
“Hey, I just wanted to say you’re killing it in that outfit,” Ryan said, his gaze landing on your oversized shirt. “LOEWE always knows how to make someone stand out.”
You opened your mouth to reply, but before you could, Drew stepped in, his grip on your waist just a touch firmer now.
“She pulls off everything,” Drew said smoothly, giving Ryan a smile that was friendly but clearly laced with something more. “But thanks. She looks incredible, right?”
Ryan nodded, clearly missing the subtle tension. “Yeah, she definitely does. Great taste.”
Drew’s smile tightened, and you could practically see the shift in his posture. He wasn’t angry—just a little competitive, a little protective. He wasn’t going to let Ryan out-charm him, not tonight.
“Yeah, well, I’m the lucky one who gets to take her home,” Drew said, his voice casual, but the look in his eyes said it all.
You bit your lip, trying to stifle a laugh at how obvious Drew was being. Ryan, blissfully unaware, gave you a polite nod and excused himself to mingle with other guests. The moment he walked away, Drew let out a dramatic sigh, his arm still firmly around your waist.
“Okay, I’ll admit it,” he muttered. “I might’ve been a little jealous.”
You raised an eyebrow, laughing softly as you leaned into him. “A little?”
Drew pouted, though his heart eyes were still on full display. “Alright, maybe more than a little. But come on, Ryan Corr?”
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You don’t have to be jealous. You know I only have heart eyes for you.”
Drew’s expression softened instantly, his grip on you tightening as he pulled you closer. “Good,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours. “Because I’ve had them for you all night.”
You kissed him softly, letting the moment linger. When you pulled back, his gaze was still locked on you, filled with all the love and admiration you’d seen earlier—and more. His heart eyes weren’t going anywhere, no matter who else was in the room.
Later, back at the hotel, you and Drew collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles. The night had been a whirlwind, from the fashion show to the party, to Drew’s obvious—yet adorable—jealousy.
“You were so jealous,” you teased, lying down beside him and resting your head on his chest.
Drew groaned dramatically, covering his face with his hands. “I know. I’m never gonna live this down, am I?”
You laughed, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Nope. But I kind of liked it.”
He peeked out from behind his hands, his eyes sparkling with affection. “Really?”
You nodded, pressing a kiss to his chest. “It was cute. You’re cute. Even when you’re jealous.”
Drew sighed, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Well, I guess it’s alright as long as I’m the only one you’ve got heart eyes for.”
“You always will be,” you whispered, smiling against him.
Drew smiled, holding you tightly as the two of you drifted into a comfortable silence. And as the night settled around you, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky. No matter how many celebrities or crushes came and went, it was Drew who had your heart—and he knew it.
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tag drewstarkey y/nusername loewe
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@drewxyn_updates LOEWE King and Queen! 👑💫 Drew Starkey and Y/n Y/l/n absolutely stole the show at the LOEWE runway, sitting front row together looking like a fashion power couple. Drew in that navy and white striped cardigan with a classic white tee underneath, paired with vintage-style jeans and leather boots — talk about effortlessly cool. 😍 Meanwhile, Y/n gave us all the runway vibes in that oversized pink belted shirt and wide-legged olive trousers. How do they make everything look so chic?! It’s giving model-off-duty meets high fashion royalty. ❤️✨
I can’t get over how adorable they look together, their chemistry is undeniable. Sitting so close, casually stylish yet turning heads, these two are pure fashion goals!!🔥💘 #CoupleGoals #DrewStarkey #YN #LOEWE #FashionIcons
@starkeyy.love They are seriously the definition of 'power couple' 🔥🔥
@ynfashionfiles Drew’s cardigan is EVERYTHING! And Y/n slaying with that pink shirt?? Obsessed 😍
@fashionnista24 They look like they belong on the runway together 🥹❤️
@loewe_lovers Did they coordinate outfits or what?! LOEWE just won fashion week with them in the front row!
@couplegoals_daily I need a whole photo shoot of them, stat!! They’re too iconic 💫
@yn.dreamer Y/n always serving looks but this fit? On another level! 🥵🔥
@drewstarkey.stan Drew looks SO fine! That sweater is a vibe!! 💯
@frontrow_faves Their outfits are EVERYTHING! LOEWE is lucky to have them in the front row 😍
@runwayicons It’s like they walked off the runway and into our hearts 🥺❤️
@fanficqueen89 I swear they must be dating, the chemistry is TOO real 💕✨
@celebritystyleedit Literally the best-dressed pair at fashion week! Can't wait for more from them 💖👗
@chicvibesonly I’m obsessed with how coordinated they look without even trying! Iconic ✨
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berryyuni · 25 days
ni-ki as your boyfriend headcanons
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pairing - bf!ni-ki x gn!reader genre - est. relationship, fluff wc - 828 warnings - skinship, pet name
౨ৎ reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated !! <3 ✧˖° ... (library)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ jungwon | heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | ni-ki
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having ni-ki as your boyfriend also means having a built-in best friend. if you weren’t best friends before, you certainly are now. the two of you are inseparable. 
he absolutely loves to tease you. there’s never a moment where he doesn’t, it’s become a part of his daily schedule to clown you for something. never for a second think that you’ll get a moment to breathe in peace.
adding to that, ni-ki laughs at you A LOT. it’s all out of love of course, he just finds you very amusing to watch - plus he’s so in love with you, he’ll giggle just with you just sitting there, existing. he’ll even slip in a “you’re so cute”. the boy adores you.
connecting to the one above, he cannot - for the life of him - keep a straight face when he’s with you. he’s so so smiley around you, it’s very rare for him to be frowning around you. you’re his literal sunshine.
ni-ki’s the type of boyfriend to get jealous and sulky over your stuffed animals since you also love and cherish them. he claims that he should be the only one you’re holding at night. so what does he do? he’ll steal and hide them from you (in your own room so eventually you’ll find them).
he is a touch deprived boy. he especially loves it when you’re the one to initiate the affection first since he rarely ever expresses the fact that he wants it. and when he wants it and you’re not the one to initiate it, he’ll just do it. 
ni-ki loves it when you play with his hair. he just melts at the feeling of your fingers running through his hair, he can even fall asleep to it. as soon as you stop, he’ll immediately look at you like “ -_-“ and stare until you’d do it again.
he also loves to touch your head in any way for some reason. head pats, head rubs, head kisses, literally anything.
his home is basically the crook of your neck. he finds so much warmth and comfort whenever he lays his head in it. again, he can easily fall asleep by this.
whenever you’re doing something or even just standing there, he’ll pull you into his embrace and just hold you. he loves it when you’re in his arms. to him, you’re like a teddy bear to him.
his weakness is seeing you wearing his clothes. in his words it’s like you’re a “mini version” of him. even when he’s shopping for himself, he’d imagine how you’d look in that clothing item. he takes the saying “what’s mine is yours” very seriously.
like jake, ni-ki loves to stare at you. he thinks that you’re the prettiest person to ever exist and is very mesmerized by you.
also adding to that, he’s extremely fascinated by the things you do. a couple of examples would be whenever you do your makeup, when you’re cooking, when you’re phone, literally whenever you do a task. he’ll just be peeking over and watching you intensely and whenever you ask him about it he’ll simply just smile and kiss you on the cheek.
ni-ki loves to dance with you whether that’d be teaching you his choreo or simply just dancing together. it doesn’t matter to him if you’re good or not, he just loves doing what he loves to do with the person he loves.
he’ll constantly want to try new things with you and he gets so excited when you do so. it also heals his inner child due to the fact he’s missed so many opportunities to live his childhood so it means the world to him that he’s able to do it with his partner.
you’re each other’s photographers. and you have many couple photos together. no context is needed.
ni-ki also likes to show off in front of you. he’d be like “yeah, i can do that” or “hey babe, look what i can do”. there’s really no reason behind it, he just feels like it sometimes.
ni-ki’s ONLY soft with you. you know that mysterious persona he tries to put on? yeah, that’s completely gone the moment you’re in the vicinity. heart eyes will literally appear as soon as he lays his eyes on you. he’d also get embarrassed when you point it out to him.
he goes to you for anything and everything especially if he needs someone to confide in. you’re one of the only people he would have deep conversations with without feeling the need to hold back.
he feels like he can be his true self around you. like the others, he feels very safe whenever he’s with you. he knows that you wouldn’t judge so he allows himself to open up to you and show you every side of him.
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©berryyuni 2024. all work is written by me. do not copy, translate or repost
taglist (open): @j-jinxee @suneng @cherrikii @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @laylasbunbunny @terrytyun10
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ki-yomii · 7 months
personal taste | jjk
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➥ pairing | jeon jungkook x f!reader ➥ word count | 1.3k ➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; established relationship, teasing, bent in half, premature ejaculation, implied cum play, implied oral (f receiving), inexperienced!jk ➥ summary | jungkook gets a little too excited and cums early, but he's more than happy to make it up to you. ➥ notes | ✌️idk man, its 2 am. i hope you enjoy lol
💚 masterlist | inbox | AO3 💚
It was safe to say Jungkook wasn’t the most experienced of lovers when you first get together. Idol life consumed his adolescence, and by the time he’s a young adult, too many eyes are on his every waking move.
A quick affair is rarely worth the effort, and the ones that are leave much to be desired. Relegated to liquor-soaked make-out sessions, and quick, dirty fucks that leave him filled with more sweat and regret than satisfaction.
You’d only been dating a few months when he divulged why he got so jumpy any time your hand grazed his thigh, why he broke off your kisses before they got too heated.
He was adorably shy when he expressed how anxious he was about his performance in the bedroom; how the reality might not live up to your expectations.
But he shouldn’t have worried, having more than made up for any shortcomings with his eager to please attitude and boundless enthusiasm.
The number of times you’ve had sex since getting together can be counted on one hand, but he’s leaps and bounds ahead of where he was when you first started being intimate.
It certainly helps that Jungkook is a dedicated student; throwing himself, as he does with everything in life, full throttle into any and all efforts to learn the secrets of your body.
A quick learner, it isn’t long before he can make you cum with a skillful twist of his fingers, a harsh rut of the hips that settles him so deep inside your pussy, your thighs tremble.
Not only is he able to wring orgasm after orgasm out of you, his stamina is insane. Almost to the point where you’re having trouble keeping up with him, having to take little breaks between rounds to gulp down water and catch your breath. 
So… when it happens, it’s altogether unexpected.
But so fucking filthy hot you’re pretty sure you astral project to a higher plane of existence. 
You’d been teasing him all day: the brush of your hand across his ass, the skim of your knuckles over the crotch of his pants, pressing close against the wide berth of his back and whispering soft, nasty little nothings into his ear.
Delighting in the blush that crept up the sides of his neck. The cherry red burn of his ears as he gulped, readjusting himself before shooting you a glare.
Jungkook lasts longer than you give him credit for, though that’s most likely due to his competitive streak. He breaks all the same; however, shoving you into his bedroom as soon as the door to his apartment closes behind you.
So needy and desperate he can’t wait any longer, even if the rest of the boys are due to arrive in an hour.
You only just got undressed, the bed creaking under the combination of your weights when he cages you beneath him. His chest flexes with every hurried breath, his ribs expanding with labored puffs of air. His cock bullies its way inside your pussy, hips slotting into place against yours.
“J-Jungkook,” you whine, your toes digging into his sides as your thighs fall open across his. “So deep, I - haaah -”
The fat head of his cock nudges against your cervix with every little rut, sparks of pain fissioning out and deepening the warmth fizzling behind your belly button.
Thick and long, he stuffs your pussy to the brim every time without fail, stretching you wide until tears cling to your lashes and your nails dig into his shoulders.
It hurts no matter how long he spends prepping you, but you like it better this way. The pain only enhances the pleasure; deepens, and darkens.
And knowing he has to force his cock those last few inches because your pussy can’t take it without assistance always riles you up.
Makes you needy and desperate to take everything he can give like a good girl.
“Mm, I know, baby,” Jungkook’s breath hitches as his teeth tug on his lip ring, his eyes - half lidded and greedy - shadowed by the sweaty curtain of his bangs, “Feels so ffuh - fucking good inside you.”
“Hhn!” Your fingers inch up the corded muscles of his forearms, caressing over the whorls of ink as they shackle themselves to his elbows as he bends you in half. “Right there, right there. Jus like - ohmygod! - like that.”
Jungkook grunts, rocking into the cradle of your hips harder, the shaft of his cock dragging almost completely out only to slide to the hilt in one thrust. His pelvis grinds against the swollen bud of your clit as he holds himself there, your slick smearing into his skin.
He curses under his breath when your walls flutter, trying to milk him for all he’s worth. “Shit! Don’t - don’t do that, baby. I can’t - hnggg - I can’t -”
And then his cock throbs hard once, twice.
A litany of soft, breathy exhalations of pure pleasure accompanies the slick echo of your bodies crashing together. Then his head bends low, the dark briar of his hair clinging to his temples. His jaw drops slack, and a devastated moan punches out of his throat.
Muscles ripple into a full body shiver, Jungkook’s sharp hips stuttering against the backs of your thighs. Sticky warmth floods your cunt, and his hazy, lust-blown eyes stare into yours as he pumps you full of cum.
You groan, blinking up at him, “Did you just-?”
Jungkook’s arms buckle.
Flopping down onto you, a sweaty, panting mess, he tucks his hot face into the crook of your neck. Moist breath puffs across your skin, a ticklish awareness skittering down your spine. Goosebumps rise along your arms.
His heartbeat hammers against your ribs.
“Yeah, I - I…” Jungkook huffs, his nose dragging over the length of your collarbone, tongue flicking over your skin when he licks his lips. “I did. ‘m sorry, baby.”
Breathing in through your nose, you card a hand through his sweaty hair. Swallow down the pleading whines sitting on the tip of your tongue. You don’t want to embarrass him any more than he probably is.
He hasn’t cum this quick since the early days, and you’d rather not ruin the evening by making him spiral.
So even when your pussy flutters, trapped on the edge of an orgasm as his cum leaks out of you, you bite down on your impulses. Resign yourself to being horny for the foreseeable future until you can sneak away and take care of yourself with a vibrator.
“It’s alright, Kook. It happens.”
Your eyes close, and you breathe through your nose, trying to calm the gallop of your heartbeat.
Relaxing seems almost impossible with Jungkook’s constant shifting, but you try your best to get your body on the same page as your mind.
Only for all efforts to go to waste when Jungkook shimmies down between your thighs. The tips of his hair tickle your skin, your lower belly jumping at the sensation.
Furrowing your brow, you peek down at your boyfriend. “Kook, what’re you--?”
Broad palms caress your hips, Jungkook using his thumbs to trace over the jut of bone. His chest glitters under the light, the muscles shifting under his skin almost mesmerizing as he settles on his belly. Forearms hook over the tops of your thighs, and his dark eyes flash with hunger.
His mouth pulls up into an impish smirk. “Can I?” he asks, dropping his gaze to the apex of your thighs. “Please?”
He giggles when he sees how flustered you get. Syrupy sweet, boyish; altogether too endearing for the current circumstances.
“...Are you serious?”
You can’t deny the fresh wave of desire the thought brings - Jungkook with his thick fingers, his tender mouth and soft tongue stroking over swollen, abused flesh - but flap a hand between your bodies in a vague gesture all the same.
“Isn’t that kind of - you just, y’know?”
You aren’t the only one affected by the idea, Jungkook’s cock jerking feebly where it rests against his thigh. A pink tongue flicks out to run along the length of his red-bitten bottom lip, toying with his lip ring as his teeth sink into the soft flesh.
He regards you with predatory anticipation.
“Yeah,” he says softly. “I’ve always wondered what we taste like. Please let me.”
Well… who are you to refuse?
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stevie-petey · 30 days
stug stug stug pleaseee i would LOVE to see something where bug is comforting steve maybe he had a fight w his dad or j in general. i’m so excited for season 4! but obvi take your time j know that we’re all very excited bc we just know that you will blow us away with your writing!!
really missin happy steve and bug so im writin this <33
enjoy !
"i dont think it looks that bad."
"youre a terrible liar, y/n."
"im not lying!" but the way your voice pitches gives it all away, and steve knows it.
"im ruined." he drops his head into your lap, burying his face in the flesh of your thigh. partially because hes mourning the loss of his hair, but mostly because he adores your thighs and revels in them whenever he can.
steve is in mourning. he can be as selfish as he wants when it comes to your thighs. its his god given right as your boyfriend.
knowing what hes doing, you shove steves face away from your thighs, though not unkindly. youre still shy around him, his touch against your bare skin foreign after only a month of dating. steve is gentle and patient with you, he understands that youve never really been in a relationship before, so he takes his time with you.
secretly, you adore how gentle he is. how cautiously he skims his fingers over your waist or how softly he breathes against your neck. it makes everything easier, lighter, for you. to be loved so tenderly without any falsehood behind it.
lost in your honey warmth of love for steve, your fingers tangle through his hair. that is, whats left of it. steves chest faces you, the hem of his shirt has lifted slightly during his complaining. soft skin spills out from underneath, revealing a plush tummy. with a mind of their own, your eyes draw down the lines of his abdomen. a low hum stirs in your own stomach.
"are you seriously checking me out right now?" steve taps your nose with his finger, snapping you out of your daze. "i mean, here i am, the love of your life, mourning the loss of beautiful hair that was taken from us too soon, and youre drooling over me."
you flick his forehead, he scrunches his face, and its familiar and lovely. "i wasnt drooling, i just wasnt listening to your dramatic despair."
steve gasps, hand over his chest. "my hair was murdered!"
"honey, only like, two inches were cut off."
well, more like three, but you wont tell him that.
somehow one of the kids, almost certainly mike, left their chewed up gum on the counter top of family video when they visited earlier today. they came in like a storm, turning the place upside down before you, robin, or steve could even stop them. apparently dustin had wanted a new movie, will was bored, lucas wanted max to go outside, and el forced mike to join because shes never seen a movie store before.
the wreckage they left behind for such simple reasons for even entering the store in the first place had astounded you.
then, because steve is always perpetually suffering the consequences of the partys actions the most, had dropped his head down onto the counter top in exhaustion as soon as they left.
right in the same spot the gum had been left.
never before have you ever seen steve crumble to the floor quite so suddenly. it was comical, really. the way he shrieked in horror while you and robin watched, neither having any idea what had just happened.
which leads you to now: consoling steve as you comb through his newly cut hair.
"what, are you implying two inches isnt a huge amount of length?" steve raises an eyebrow at you, teasing, and you blush furiously. sparing you, he doesnt point it out and instead changes the topic. "i hate those little heathens, i really do."
"how do we know one of them is the gum culprit?"
"because theyre cursed little shitheads who always mar my appearance one way or another." then, as an afterthought, steve adds, "plus that wheeler kid has a weird obsession with watermelon gum."
again you try to defend the kids, even though you know it was most definitely mike. sure, he shouldnt have left his gum on the counter, but it was funny. "and how do we know it was watermelon gum?"
"i could smell it when robin was cutting all my hair off, angel."
"and yet youre as handsome as ever!" you press a purposely messy kiss atop of steves head, blowing slightly into his face and making a dramatic kissing sound when you pull away. anything to distract him from realizing it was all mikes fault.
gotta protect the little shithead somehow.
steve shrieks, reminiscent of the shriek from earlier, and shoves you away as he wipes at his face. "ew!"
"how dare you wipe my kiss away, steve harrington."
"you spit on me!"
steve rolls onto his stomach and throws himself onto you. now its your turn to shriek as he throws his weight on top of you, tackling you onto his bed. luckily his parents arent home, otherwise theyd have some very horrified questions.
"steve!" you land with a soft thud on his pillows, and he smiles up from above you. hes all proud, his cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his eyes shine with adoration for you.
hes beautiful. you cant believe hes yours.
"youre supposed to be comforting me, angel!" steve presses himself down even more, rendering you unable to move and wiggle away from him. you squeal when his hands find your sides, fingers digging into your skin as he tickles you. "i mean, im wounded here!"
you squeal with laughter as his hands attack you, mercilessly, yet gentle nonetheless. "s-steve! stop!"
"not until you apologize to my hair."
"your hair?" more laughter rips from your chest, ribs aching.
"mhm, tell my hair that its still handsome. his feelings are hurt." steve buries his nose into your neck, causing you to giggle even more, and the sound encases his body and reminds him of everything good and lovely.
you try to pull away, but steve has you pinned. "youre-ah! youre such an-an idiot!"
"that doesnt sound like an apology, y/n."
finally giving up, you force out an apology in between breaths of laughter. "i-im sorry! your-your hair is handsome!"
steves fingers leave your sides, but he pulls you deep into his chest and collapses upon you. he nuzzles into your neck, wraps his hands around you, tries to meld the two of you into one. "much better," he mumbles into your skin.
"your hair really is handsome, you know." you draw circles into steves back, breath slowly returning to normal. fingers finding his hair once more, you play with the strands and massage his head with your nails. "youre handsome. two inches lost or not.”
"really?" steve lifts his face, looks down at you, preening at your words with an unusual shyness.
you bring your hands to his face, holding it with all the love you have for him. "the handsomest."
lips find lips, and soon the two of you get lost in each other as you inevitably always do.
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nonranghaes · 1 year
felix feels your arms wrap around him as you press yourself against his back. he doesn’t look up from the breakfast he’s working on, but stops only long enough to nudge at your arms so he can work more comfortably.
“good morning,” he mumbles, working away. “did you sleep well?”
last night was the first night you’d stayed over at felix’s since you started dating a few months ago. he’d been excited to just cuddle close to you, heart racing at being able to fall asleep next to you alone. it felt like a step forward in your relationship, especially in this sweet sense that you trusted him. enough to fall asleep beside him.
“mmhm…” your hum is dreamy, too soft and warm to be a fully conscious thing. it earns a chuckle from felix.
“still dreaming of me?”
your gentle swat at his side earns another chuckle from him. oh, how is it so adorably easy to tease you when you’re half-asleep? he doesn’t know, but he files it away mentally for future reference.
“are you staying here?” he asks. “like.. right here?”
he feels you slightly lean back, the sound of you stifling a yawn coming a second later. “do you want me to move?”
“you’re fine,” he says. “i like this.”
you let out a blissful sigh as you cuddle back in. “good,” you mumble. “i like this, too.”
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Back At It Again
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
Warnings: unrequited feelings, childhood friends to something more than friends but less than lovers, mentions of charles' past relationships (charlotte and giada), hints towards there something being wrong in charles and charlotte's relationship, lorenzo gives reader a bit of a reality check, reader's lowkey delulu for charles (like some of y'all), a few time jumps, monaco curse, france 2022 DNF and my personal vendetta against ferrari is showing again sorry.
Word Count: 3.9k
Author's Note: I feel like I never write charles outside of the daddy & me + three series so here you go, sorry for breaking your hearts in advance :))
Attached at the hip. Everyone knew wherever Charles was, you were only but a few feet away.
It had been like this since you were children, Charles sat next to you in class when he was there. The boy leant over, peeking at your page before scribbling the answers onto his own paper and flashing you a smile.
If you stopped to think, maybe he had you wrapped around his finger since then.
You had always had a soft spot for the driver; except back then, Charles was just Charles. A sweet, soft spoken, smiley little boy with a horrendous bowl cut - something you still teased him about.
A photo hung on your living room wall; you and Charles as children on the front steps of your elementary school, the ice cream that Lorenzo had bought you two dripped all over your faces, hands and uniforms.
There's a big grin on Charles' face as he looks towards the camera but you? You were looking at him, the adoration written across your face.
Sometimes you wondered if you had stopped yourself then, if you would have ended up where you were today.
As much as you held a soft spot for Charles, he held one for you; you were his safe space.
When things got tough and he didn't know what to do or who to turn to, it was you he came running too and you took him in, consoled him with open arms every single time. You dropped everything and everyone the moment Charles came running.
The man had a hold over you, something everyone but you and him seemed to see.
You were madly in love with him and frankly, it clouded all of your judgement. You held him to the highest of standards, you just hoped that one day he'd see you in the same light.
You found yourself in his driver's room. Charles had invited you along to your home race in Monaco, he had just started with Ferrari and after his split from Giada, he needed some support. You being the good friend you were, well.. you were there for him anytime he called.
He was excited, his first home race with the team had always dreamt of racing with and you, as his best friend, you were just as excited.
Charles found himself starting in P16 but he was certain he could fight his way up, he held out a hope that he'd win but at the very least, get the car into points for the weekend.
Things were going okay in the race, Charles was slowly but surely moving up the leaderboard but it was barely the beginning of the race.
Lap 8 was unfortunately as far as Charles's Monaco Grand Prix went.
The Ferrari driver made his way back to the garage after an incident with Nico Hulkenberg. Charles passes by, quietly making his way to his driver's room to change and you wait for a few minutes before following him, knocking on the door that was shut.
"Charles?" you called from the other side, "can I come in?"
"Yeah," he says and you find him sitting on the bench in the corner of his room. He looks small, broken; it broke your heart to see him like that.
The door shuts behind you but you stay in place, your back to the door as you look around; various shades of Ferrari red, the logo of the prancing horse engraved into the wall.
It made you wonder if Charles ever regretted it.
He had barely started with Ferrari but he was young, so young and to have a world champion as a teammate, not to mention the pressure that comes with being a Ferrari driver on his shoulders at the age of 22 was a lot to handle.
He looks over at you, glancing at the empty spot beside him and you take that as a signal to join him, walking over and sitting next to the man.
"You okay?" You asked quietly and he shrugs. He won't look at you again but you don't miss when he brings his hand up to his face, the back of it wiping across his cheeks. "Charles," you whispered, your hand resting on his knee.
The driver finally looks over at you and it breaks your heart to see him like this. You tsked, arms open as he fell against you. Your touch brought him comfort, you rubbed his back softly as his breathing slowed, calming himself down. His skin was warm and sticky under his fireproofs, the material stuck to your hand and your chin rests on his head as he moves closer to you, holding onto you.
"It's not your fault," you whispered and Charles shook his head, you can feel it against your chest. "It is. If only I turned another way-"
"Charles, no." You stopped him, giving him a nudge to sit up so he could look at you. "Listen, I might not be a racer but even I could see that what happened was Nico's fault. You can't blame yourself for that, there's nothing you could have done differently. I'm sure the team knows that, ask Seb - I know he'd tell you the same thing."
He sniffled, pulling the collar of his top up to wipe his face. He pulls the thing off, tossing it in the corner of his room.
It's quiet again, the two of you sitting next to each other in silence, Charles stared at the wall and you, well you were looking at him - you were always looking at him.
He turns to you, his hand coming up to touch your face, cupping your jaw. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to speak. There's a small smile on his face, "thank you, y/n, for everything."
You return the smile, your hand wrapping around his wrist before giving it a small squeeze. "Anything for you, Charles, you know that."
Summer break rolls around, Charles is now in his second year with Ferrari and things are going reasonably okay.
He ended off the first half of the season with a DNF in Hungary but he was certain things would pick back up in Belgium after the break.
It's a typical Sunday in Monaco; sunny, hot, people were at ease, out for a stroll or a drive but the Leclerc's were having lunch at Pascale's.
She had invited her boys over for lunch, to have them all home at the same time was a rare treat these days. It was a family day, which meant no girlfriends but you were there but you were always there. Charles' parents, especially his mother, had always seen you like another one of their children; the daughter they always wished to have.
Lunch was on the balcony today, chatting with a side of people watching. Charles sat next to you, his arm stretched out over the back of your chair as you laughed at something Arthur, who sat next to their mother, said. Lorenzo eyes the two of you from the head of the table, his arm on the edge of the table, chin resting on the palm of his hand.
The plates were empty when you stood, starting to pick them up. "Let me help," Pascale goes to stand but you stop her, "no no, you relax. You made lunch, it's the least I could do."
She smiles at you, thanking you as you cleared the table and took everything inside. You had just put away the leftovers and were about to start on washing the dishes when Lorenzo came in, bringing in the empty wine glasses.
"Thank you," you smiled at the oldest Leclerc brother.
He nods, leaning on the counter as he watches you wash the dishes. "What?" You look over at him, setting the plate in the dish rack carefully. "Worried I'll break mama's good china?" You joked and he smiled, shaking his head.
"Are you okay?" You ask seriously, despite you two knowing each other for years, it was unusual for him to just hang around like this.
"Yeah, are you?"
Your brows furrow, setting the washed glasses into the dish rack. "I'm fine, Enzo. You're sure you're okay?" You asked, your back to him as you wiped your hand on the hand towel.
He shrugs and you take that as a drop in the conversation, about to walk back to the balcony but he grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. "I love you like a sister, y/n, so this is why I'm telling you this." He starts.
Worried would be an understatement, all the possibilities spin around your head, from good to bad and you're still racking your brain as to what he wants to tell you.
"Don't let Charles stop you from living your life, y/n." You look at him confused, blinking a few times before you speak. "Wha- Lorenzo, he's not stopping me from doing anything."
"I know he's got you fooled, has you thinking that you'll be next, that he'll come running to you and never leave but he always does. I love him, he's my brother but he's a fuck up when it comes to relationships. He loves you, we all know this but in his own fucked up way, he think you'll always be there for him and that's why he keeps stringing you along. He's in a relationship, y/n, don't forget that."
"Lorenzo, why are you-"
"Listen, I just don't want to see you hurt. I don't want you to wait on him and then when you finally realize he's using you in his own messed up way, that it'd be too late and your whole life has passed you by."
You pause, unsure how to process what he's just told you. You know he's right, you wished he wasn't but he was.
You did the only thing you could think of, the only thing that could keep this going - somewhere in your own fucked up delusions, you knew couldn't lose Charles, doesn't matter if you got hurt in the process.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Enzo." You say quietly, the man nods, sighing. "I know you do, you know exactly what I mean, y/n. Just be careful, okay?"
You don't answer but he looks at you, "do you understand me?" He asks once more and you nod, Lorenzo finally lets go of your wrist.
"Hey," a voice comes from behind Lorenzo; Charles. "Tout va bien?" (everything okay?)
Lorenzo turns to his brother, a smile on his face before he speaks. "Ouais, je parle juste du travail de y/n." (yeah, just talking about y/n's job.)
The man nods, glancing at you for confirmation and you smile, giving himself a subtle nod. Charles hums, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "C'mon, mom wants pictures." He sighs, grabbing your hand to pull you out with him.
You glance over your shoulder, looking back at Lorenzo who gives you a warning glare; he was looking out for you, despite his words cutting into you.
Laid to your left on the bed, your hand felt over the empty space to find your phone. Squinting, you checked the time - 4:53am.
Who the hell was knocking on your front door?
You pulled the robe on as you stood up, wrapping it around you and tying the knot as you begrudgingly followed the noise to the door. It didn't even occur to you to check who it was before you had already turned the handle.
Much to your surprise, it was Charles with his luggage in tow.
"Charles?" You blinked, rubbing your eyes to make sure you were seeing right. The man steps past you, letting himself into your apartment. He leaves his suitcase by the door, slipping his shoes off before heading to the kitchen. "Yeah okay, come on in then," you mumbled, shutting the door behind you.
He comes back, sitting himself on the couch. There's something in his hand, he pops one into his mouth - grapes. "I don't know what happened." He sighs, passing his hand over his face.
It takes you a second - who can blame you, it is 5 in the morning after all - but you finally connect the dots. He's home in Monaco, he raced yesterday, in France.
"How'd you get here? Isn't everything closed, wait did you drive?"
Charles shook his head, "took the last train out last night, well this morning."
"Okay," you hum, walking into the living room. "Do you want to go home? I can give you a ride -" "No."
"What's going on, Charles?"
You were genuinely confused and concerned about him. You had seen the race, you knew things went sideways fast and it's not like him to come home in such a rush, even if things did go wrong.
He sighs as he leans forward, his elbows on his knees as his face drops into his hands. "Things are bad."
"Charlotte," he admits.
This isn't the first time Charles had come running to you when things got tough between the two of them and frankly, it was often that he showed up at your doorstep with nowhere else to go.
"I can't see her right now, y/n." He looks up at you and you nod, walking over to sit next to him. "She's still your girlfriend, Charles. Whatever the issue is, you can talk it out."
"She doesn't understand, y/n - not the way you do." He turns in his seat to look at you, he looks so tired and broken; god, he's lost all the boyish joy you had always loved about him. Some would say it's age but you knew it was more than that. It was Ferrari and all that they made him out to be, the pressure of the world on his shoulders and he's trying, he's pushing and it never seems to be enough.
Ferrari is red; red like the colour of blood, the blood of their drivers, their broken hopes and shattered dreams. You don't escape that place without a fight, and a brutal one at that.
You can't help but reach out to him, your hand pressed to his cheek; warm, the stubble that's formed over the weekend prickled at your hand.
"You're my best friend, you understand me more than I understand myself sometimes." He chuckles, smiling at you.
"I'll always be here, Charles. You don't have to think twice about that."
He nods, smiling at you. "Can I.. stay the night?"
"Isn't.. she looking for you?" You asked hesitantly and he shakes his head. "She thinks I'm coming home on Tuesday, told her I'd be spending some time with Pierre and his family."
You think about it for a second, you know you really shouldn't let him stay. If you were such a good friend, as you had always claimed to be, you'd send him home, let him work out whatever issues he was having with his girlfriend but alas, you were but a woman and a selfish one that is.
Whatever you could do to keep him in your grasp, to live in this delusion for only a second more, you'd do it.
You justified it to yourself; he looks so tired and broken, you can't possibly kick him out.
"Yeah, stay as long as you need." You tell him and he smiles, pressing a kiss to your palm. "Tu es le meilleur," (you're the best.) he says, getting up and making his way down the hallway.
You assumed he was going to the bathroom but when it goes quiet in the hallway, you head over to check on him. "Charles?" You called, seeing that the bathroom door was open and the light was off but when you see your bedroom door open, you peek in to find him in bed.
Charles has always been comfortable in your space; too comfortable if anyone asked.
He was curled up on your bed, the duvet pulled over him with his socks left on your bedroom floor by the bed along with his hoodie and shirt discarded on the chair in the corner. You shook your head, tossing the robe on the chair before getting on the bed. You got into bed as quietly as you could but Charles must have felt the dip in the mattress, rolling over towards you, his arm stretched over your lap.
You smile to yourself, your hand reaching down to twirl a few strands of his hair.
As you looked down at the man, his brother's words rang in your hand.
Your blood runs cold and you feel sick, but you can't bring yourself to move.
Christmas has always been your favourite time of the year. Your apartment was decorated from the time November 1st rolled around. You had all out this year despite the fact that you were going to visit your sister in the states for the holidays.
You had just put the tray of cookies into the oven when there's a knock on the door. You make your way over, peeking through the peep hole to find Charles there.
"Hey," you give him a small smile when you open the door. He smiles, a bag in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. "Can I come in?" He asks - shockingly.
You step to the side, letting him in. You shut the door behind him before turning around to face the man. "Happy holidays, y/n," he hands the stuff over to you," this is for you."
"Thanks," you take the flowers and the bag, setting it down on the counter as you grab the vase for the flowers.
Per usual, he finds himself on the couch as he looks around. He took in the stuff you had put up since the last time he had been there; a tree in the corner filled with ornaments, garlands, you've changed the curtains on your windows and the hand towels in your kitchen, even the throw pillows were different.
He's sure your bedroom has had a Christmas makeover.
"You okay?" He looks over at you when he notices you're quiet. You nod, setting the flowers into the vase, "I'm fine."
You take a seat on the couch across from him, your legs folding under you when you sit. Charles looks at you a bit confused, not sure what you're doing all the way over there. He pats the spot next to him, "come sit with me, y/n. I missed you."
Rolling your eyes, you scoff at his words.
Now he was really confused. "What's wrong?"
Your hands fold over your chest, looking over at the man. His white knitted hoodie was a size too big for him, swallowing him whole. He looked adorable, you wanted nothing more than to hold him in your arms but you can't let yourself fall into this again; things never change.
He never changes.
"I'm sick of this, Charles."
"Of what?
"This," you gesture between the two of you, the man's head tilting to the left, brows furrowed. He's still unsure what you meant by that.
"You do this every time, Charles. You don't miss me, you miss the idea of a relationship, someone to be at your beck and call. You know I'm always here for you and because of that, you use me. When things get tough in your relationships or you're single, like you are now, you come running to me and god," you huffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "It's like I never learn, I'm so stupid that I let you in every time."
Charles looks at you, his jaw hanging open a bit. "Y/n, come on- that's not true."
"Yes it is," you nod, sighing. "When you broke up with Giada, you clung to me, Charles. You spent every moment you weren't racing with me until you started seeing Charlotte. When things got tough with Char, you came to me, you hid here until you felt like you had to go home. Somehow you used me as an escape from your real issues, you made me feel special, like you loved me-"
"I did love you, y/n. I do love you." He says, his fingers poking into his chest to emphasize his words. You scoff again - the audacity of this man.
"Don't say shit like that, Charles. you know it's not true. You came to me when things got tough and no matter what was going on in my life, I dropped everything for you. I was always there for you and now that Charlotte's gone, you've come running back to me in hopes that I'll distract you until you find someone new."
"God, why are you making me out to be such a horrible person? I love you, y/n, I care about you. I really do."
"I know you love me, and that you care about me, Charles but I cannot keep doing this."
He sighs, passing a hand over his face. You take his silence as a chance to say what you have to say. "Either we become more or we're nothing at all."
"Y/n, please. Don't be like that," he looks over at you, shaking his head in disbelief. You give him a small shrug, unsure what else to say.
Charles stares at you for a moment, trying to figure out what exactly he's supposed to say. You were his best friend, the only person he had actually trusted enough to confine in, to turn to in times of hardship and you had the audacity to throw that back into his face?
He watches as you stand, walking to the door. "What's the answer?" You asked and his brows furrow, you open the door this time.
You clarify the statement for him. "Are we more or nothing ?"
You're standing there, the front door to your apartment wide open and Charles can't help but laugh when he stands. "You're not serious."
"I am," you nod, taking his words as an answer in itself. "You need to go, Charles."
"Y/n, don't-"
"Charles stop, we all know you don't want more with me, I can see that clearly now. You laughed in my face, that's enough. There's no need to humiliate me anymore, please just go."
He nods, walking over to you. The man stops in front of you, his hand cupping your cheek. "Look at me," he says but you look everywhere but at him. "Y/n, look at me."
You finally do, your eyes meeting his. "You're serious about this?" He asks. "Yes," you nod, "unless you want more."
A tiny piece of you hoped he'd say yes but he lets go of you, moving his hand from your face. "Okay."
Charles leans towards you, his lips pressed to your cheek before finally taking a step back. "I'm sure I'll see you around," he says to you quietly and you nod, chewing at your bottom lip. "Sure."
He steps out of your apartment, walking a few feet down the hallway before he calls for you. "Bye y/n."
You watch from the door, nodding towards him as he steps on the elevator. You've both got a clear view of each other. "Goodbye Charles." you call out to him just as the doors slide shut.
The front door to your apartment shuts as well, your back pressed to the cold wood. Your head tipped back as you sigh. You aren't sure how you're supposed to feel because right now you felt empty and lost; you hoped it wouldn't be like this forever.
That chapter of your life was over and you hoped that one day you'd find the happiness you deserve.
taglist: @dragon-of-winterfell @benedictscanvas @elisaa-shelby @hnmaga-blog @czechoslovakiandisco @dr3lover @troybolton14 @Lovingroscoee @compulsiveshit @somanyfandomsbruh  @damnyoulifee @barzysreputationn @vickyofalltrades @yeolsbubbles @thybullericc @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolatee @sessgjarg @molliemoo3 @bisexual-desi@sunf1owerrq @alwaysclassyeagle @coldmuffinbanditshoe @sillybananamaker @oconso
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mariclerc · 1 month
Hi lovely!!!! I absolutely adored your CL16+LS2 post and I was wondering if you could do more?? It was so lovely to see a proper poly relationship rather than jsut reader dating both guys and the guys not 😭🩷🫶🏻
Thanks for this request!! I know it's a little short, but I hope you like it!
Cozy rainy kiss | cl16 & ls2
Summary: On a rainy day, there is nothing better than spending it with your boys. Warnings: none, just teeth rot fluff.
requested and dedicated to: @rach3164 💌💌
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Did the rain ruined your plans? Of course, because you wanted to go out for a walk with your boyfriends, but now you find yourself in your shared cozy, modern apartment. The living room is filled with a bunch of racing memorabilia. You find yourself on the couch, nestled in a large red hoodie, looking small and content while Charles and Logan are seated on either side of you.
“Babe you look like you could hibernate in there.” Charles' says while smiling, you're wearing his hoodie.
Logan chuckles at Charles' words. “Yeah darling, you're basically like a little red riding hood.”
You blush, burying your face in the big hoodie.
“Oh shut up, you two.” you say with a muffled voice.
Charles chuckles and pulls you closer, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. “Hey, don't hide. You know we love your blushy cute face.”
Logan leans in, resting his head on your neck. You can feel his warm breath on your skin.
“You smell like laundry detergent and Charles perfume... My favorite smells.”
You giggle. “Ew, Logie, stop it.”
Logan's leg comes up, resting over yours. You feel a surge of warmth and a strange comfort.
“Cozy, huh?” Charles' says while smirking.
You nod, a small smile playing on your lips.
There's a comfortable silence as you all enjoy the moment, the rain outside continues its rhythmic patter.
“I wish it was snowing.” Logan says breaking the silence, you giggled to his witty words.
“You’d be the first one to build a snowman.” says Charles teasing him.
Logan playfully shoves Charles and you laugh at their silly antics.
Slowly, Charles and Logan lean in, their faces coming closer to yours. Your heart pounds in your chest and you close your eyes.
Suddenly their lips meet yours in a soft, gentle kiss. You feel a rush of emotions, a mix of excitement and nervousness, the kiss deepens, and you surrender to the moment, you three are a tangle of lips and bodies, but you couldn't mind less about it. The rain outside provides a soothing backdrop to the intimate moment, you feel safe and loved with them.
After a few moments, Charles and Logan pull back, their foreheads resting against yours. You're breathless.
“That was nice.” says Charles smiling.
“Yeah, it was.” says Logan while grinning.
You blush, looking down. “It was.” you say softly.
There’s a comfortable silence as you all catch your breath, Logan's arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to him while Charles' hand finds yours.
Suddenly Logan sighs. “I love you both so much.” he says in a whisper.
Charles squeezes your hand. “We love you too, Logie. And you, princess.”
You look up at them, feeling a huge wave of love wash over you.
“I love you both so much too!” you say while smiling at them.
The three of you share a tender moment, the bond between you growing stronger. The rain outside seems to intensify, and a clap of thunder shakes the apartment, making you jump slightly.
“Uhh, you scaredy-cat.” Logan chuckles.
You playfully hit his arm. “Shut up Logan.” you giggled.
Charles pulls you closer, wrapping you in a protective embrace. You feel safe and loved by your boys.
“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Charles' says and Logan nods in agreement.
“Yup, we're both here baby girl.”
You lean into their embrace, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. The storm outside rages on, but inside the apartment, it's calm and cozy.
As the night wears on, the three of you continue to cuddle, watching movies, and talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
Eventually, sleepiness creeps in. Charles and Logan help you to your feet, and together, you make your way to the master bedroom.
The three of you curl up together in the bed, the warmth of your bodies a comforting contrast to the cold night outside.
“God, I’m so tired.” Logan says while yawning.
Charles smiles. “Me too.”
You snuggle closer to them, feeling completely safe and loved.
“Goodnight, boys.” you yawn. “Love you lots!” you say sleepily.
They both kiss your forehead.
“Goodnight, beautiful princess.” They both say in unison.
As you drift off to sleep, you feel a sense of complete and utter happiness. And you never thought about being in a relationship with two wonderful guys, of course, they are not one hundred percent perfect, but they are yours and you adore them as they are... With their flaws, quirks and special details that make them unique and you know that they love you the same way as you do.
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mayasikeu · 1 month
Hey! Could you do maybe a fic where reader and sunghoon are dating, reader is a soloist, fans know about them and support them, but sunghoon gets jealous and possessive when he watches her dance with her male dancer at award show, maybe a nfsw :) (English is not my first language so please don't mind my bad grammar) thank you!
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You had been practicing your new choreography for weeks, excited for the upcoming performance. Sunghoon had always supported your passion for dancing and singing, admiring the way you always performed with grace and confidence. Both of your fans loved and adored your relationship, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough reassurance for Sunghoon as he would get jealous over the littlest things.
The night before the award show, you had decided to perform your choreography in the practice room for him.
The dance was definitely sensual as it was full of sneaky glances and suggestive movements. As you danced around the room, lost in the music, you imagined yourself on stage. But there was one part of the routine that you hadn't shared with Sunghoon until now.
A part where you had to dance with another man. It was just part of the act, a bit of playful interaction solely meant to entertain and hype up the crowd. As you mimicked the motions, you couldn’t help but notice Sunghoon’s jaw tightening as he watched.
"Who’s that part for?" he asked, trying to keep his tone nonchalant but failing miserably to mask the anger in his voice.
Your throat went dry. You turned to face him before gulping nervously. "Oh, that’s just part of the choreography," you replied, trying to brush it off. "It’s nothing serious, just a bit of fun."
His eyes blackened, the jealousy becoming more evident. "Fun? Dancing with another guy like that is fun for you?"
His fists clenched at his sides, the veins on his hands bulging aggressively. Possessiveness began firing in his eyes, making your heart race uncontrollably as you knew what was about to happen.
You stepped closer. "You know I don’t get to choose the gender of my dancers Sunghoon. Plus, it’s just for a performance, right? It doesn’t mean anything I swear." you said softly, hoping to calm him down with your quiet tone.
But Sunghoon couldn’t shake the image from his mind, the thought of your body so close to another man and being able to have his hands all over you. He pulled you closer, his grip fierce but gentle. "Show me," he said, "Show me how you dance with him."
He watched your every move as you began to dance again, the heat between you two rising with every step you took.
When you moved to spin away, his hand extended out, catching your wrist and pulling your back against his chest swiftly. "No," he whispered, his voice a rough growl in your ear. "You don’t get to dance with him. You’re mine."
“But Sunghoon—“
He pinned you against the mirror as he relaxed his other hand onto your waist.
His lips brushing against your ear before trailing down to the flesh on your neck. "Let me show you who you really belong to." he hummed, the warmth of his breath radiating onto you.
“Could he ever fuck you as good as I do?” Sunghoon asked, his tone deepened as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. “I bet his dick wouldn’t be able to satisfy you like mine does.”
Sunghoon turned you around again, but this time with more force. “W-what are you doing?”
“I want you to watch yourself while I fuck you.” he groaned, rubbing his hard bulge against the softness of your ass.
“S-sunghoon” you whimpered softly, all of your frustration towards him melting away as you felt his erection pressed in between your cheeks.
“Yes princess?” he teased, grabbing you by the neck to make you face your reflection in the mirror as soon as you tried to look away in embarassment. “S-stop it, we can’t do this right now” you stuttered.
“Let’s see if you’re still thinking about him when I’m done with you.” he smirked. He began kissing you, exploring your mouth and smudging all of the lipgloss you had on.
He impatiently stripped you naked before undressing himself.
There was no more talking after that. You both communicated in moans and heavy breaths. His hands touching you everywhere, as if he was claiming his territory. You could feel the jealousy in every touch, every kiss. He was desperate in the way he held you, as if he needed to prove something, not just to you but to himself.
And you let him. You loved him like this, wild and possessive, showing you with every thrust that you were his and only his no matter what.
When you finally fell apart, breathless and still tangled in each other’s grip, the tension in the air had completely disappeared. He pulled you closer, his desire now replaced by a deep and satisfied contentment as he held you closely, skin against skin.
“Mine,” he murmured again, this time softer, as if he needed to remind himself.
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