#so sorry if my english in sloppy
lulue-xie · 1 year
Start to write this but im into stress time rn and dont know if i will make something of it
Of course the aim of it, it to turn it into my ship later
Jounouchi was driving that night, going back from a late meeting when he saw something lying down on the road, looking a lot like a human form.
"Is that a human ?" He frowned, suspicious.
Alerted he stopped his motorbike to go to see the person and what a surprise.
"Wait !? Isn't that … Kaiba ?" Pulling the man on his back to look at him better, the man was on the missing list for like 5 years now ! Everyone thought he was dead at this point but here we go, between all the humans in this city, it's him that found him out of nowhere ! Unconscious on the road, what a joke !
Kaiba was wearing his blue and black space suit with a headpiece and his duel disk but both looked worn out, like they were in a centrifuge.
Jounouchi called an ambulance after he made sure Kaiba was breathing and not dead already and then he called Mokuba, the young man was the new CEO of Kaiba Corps and they have been in touch since Jounouchi started to be a pro duelist.
"Hey Mokuba ? Hm i'm sorry i know it's late to call but … " he hesitated an instant looking at the brunette on the floor "seen like I found your brother" he rubbed his neck.
"What are you saying Jounouchi ? Aren't you drunk ?" He says with a tired voice, he can't believe the older man.
"No, no listen ! It's Kaiba ! I swear !" he can ear the ambulance coming "the ambulance is coming, i will call you back"
He opened his eyes and shut them just as fast, the white around him was too much.
He didn't know where he was, didn't recall a single thing to be true, did he quit the afterlife ? It was so hard to reach it but it was so much difficult to stay here where living doesn't have rights, he thought that dueling Atem could be just a question of hours.
The sound around finally reached his ears, the slow sound of his battling heart on the monitor and the far away voices of people walking on the corridor, he was sure now, he was back to the present life.
He tried to open his eyes a second time, feeling less dazzled but it takes some seconds to get used to it, he was staring at the white ceiling and the smell of medicine came to his nose, he was at the hospital.
He sight before turning his head to see someone asleep in the chair at the right of his bed, Mokuba, he didn't remember his little brother has grown so much before he was gone, his hair was shorter too and he looked tired, as tired as him when he was at the head of Kaiba Corps, he let everything in his brother hands but seeing his brother here make him regret it in a way.
The door opened and he was ready to see anybody except Jounouchi, the blond had his hands full with some coffees cups and he put it on the tiny table before he noticed Kaiba staring at him.
" Oh look who is awake" he smiled at him and he was feeling strange, maybe that's what being back in life again feels like.
"What are you doing here ? What happened ?" He feels like talking takes all his energy, he has to take a break to breathe, his voice feels raspy.
"That ok Kaiba, I found you unconscious on the road and Mokuba wanted me to stay" while saying that he woke up the teen boy who almost jumped out of his seat when he saw him awake.
"Oh brother you are up! Who are you feeling !?"
"Feeling like a bus rolled over me but that's ok i guess" putting his hand on the bridge of his nose to pinch it, feeling a headache coming and he looked at his brother, confused "How many times I am gone ? You look …"
"Older ?" Say mokuba with an awkward smile, nervous.
"Yes, older …"
" Seto it's been 5 years, seriously I really start to think you will never go back" he admitted with a little voice, hope to see him again was a tight line in his head before today.
Kaiba's stomach twisted at this reveal, he can't even imagine because it didn't feel like 5 years for him, it felt more like two weeks or so, guess the time span was different between the two worlds.
He had to go back to look at the ceiling for some second to swallow the pill, 5 years was a lot of time.
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zentraex · 6 months
Summary: You made a lot mistakes in your new job, but do you regret them? Nope, not a bit. But who can blame you for it? If you wouldn't have done them, you never would have met this pretty boy.
Remember: German Grammar is a lot different then English grammar. I apologize for any mistakes.
Pairing: Francis Mosses (doppelganger) x gn! Reader
(A/N): I usually write for mha, but this men dominates my fyp on TikTok and I can't stop grinning like an idiot about all this fanarts. My men is just too attractive for his own good. Nevertheless, Tumblr has too few fanfictions for him, so I had to do it myself. Still, I am not that proud about how it turned out. It certainly sounded better in my head, but I don't care. One shitty fanficion is better than none.
Art by @asteriscks on TikTok
This game is not mine, but Ignacio Alvarado. I also used phrases from the game.
Mistakes? Yes, but no regrets.
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It's been a week since you started working for D.D.D as a doorman. 
You can remember your first day so well, it could have been yesterday. 
Well... probably because your life is constantly at stake. 
It started with a mistake that you ended up here. It was completely unexpected since you always made sure, that you sent your rent to the right account. 
Surely no one can blame you for a small typo, right?
Well, your landlord, who kept pounding on your door until you woke up, surely did.
"What?" you asked, annoyed, as you opened the door.
"When do you plan to finally pay your bill? The date has already been overdue for two weeks!" he complains. 
"Sorry, but I've already transferred my money to you."
"Well, I didn't get anything. Do you still have the receipt for the transfer?"
You already knew what that meant: double payment.
"Look, today, I'll transfer it to your account again, okay? If it doesn't work this time, it's not my fault."
You were about to close the door, but your landlord had other plans when he held the door open with his foot.
 "No no no. You will give me the money now. I don’t trust you. Why would you transfer it to me today, when it should have happened two weeks ago. You will give it to me now."
Your eyes widened. 
"But I don't have that much money in my hand? Who's got that?"
"Then I'll have to kick you out for now. But don't worry, no one is going to buy an apartment here anytime soon, so you can move right back in as soon as you give me the money."
Staring stunned at his smiling face you could have sworn you were about to hit him. 
"The keys?" 
With watery eyes, you grabbed your keys, placed them in his outstretched hand, and frowned.
What kind of person had such sharp fingernails as he does?  
You were sure that he could definitely have stabbed someone with them.
Thank God, I didn't hit him. 
"When do you plan to give me the money? I've heard that all banks closed today. Some kind of holiday among them, I've heard."
How were you going to get through the day today? You intentionally left everything in your apartment since you were so sure that you could have given the money to your landlord in a matter of minutes. 
"You’re telling me this now!?"
"If you had paid, you wouldn’t need to know." 
That filthy bastard.
No matter how angry you were at that moment, your panic was overweighting.  
What were you going to do now? 
"Man, I really wouldn't want to be in your situation...", the landlord murmured.
Fuck the nails- This guy deserves a punch.
Just as you raised your fist, he speaks again.
"But maybe we can agree on something.
Then you stopped. 
"The D.D.D., which is responsible for the safety of all residents in this area, is looking for doormans. Ours has recently...quitted, which is why we are urgently looking for one. They pay three times the amount of your rent in a week. If you take the job, I can overlook your sloppiness this time."
Three times your rent? In a week? And for what? To sit there and check a few documents. You'd be crazy not to take the offer! 
"Okay. I'll do it. Where can I apply?"
"Don't worry, I'll sort it out for you. Tomorrow, you can start”
Looking back, it should have been clear to you that something was wrong. Starting with the sudden his sudden threat, the fingernails and this stupid story about the holiday of the banks. 
Maybe it was just because you were too panicked at that moment to think rationally.
But let’s be true here: when are you thinking rationally? If you did, you would certainly have quitted after your first day.
"Welcome and congratulations on your new job."
After watching the short video, a man in the yellow suit came to your window. You are so shocked that you can’t even answer.
I'm going to die today!
After all, you know it yourself: you're too gullible for the job. There's no chance you'll unmask a doppelganger who copies someone well.
“As you could see on the introductory film, your job is to verify the entry of the neighbors of your building. Each day there will be a list of individuals who will request entry to the building. It is possible that there are individuals who request entry and aren’t on the list. In which case you will mark on the checklist that they are not on the list and proceed to question the individual. Also, you must verify that the ID and the entry reqest are correct and have the respective D.D.D. logo. Don’t forget to also check the expiration on the IDs. Remember it’s Febuary 1955."
Your gaze wanders to the note that was stuck to the wall. 
Arnold Schmicht F02 – 01
Anastacha Mikaelys F02 – 04
Robertsky Peachman F01 – 02
Steven Rudboys F03 – 03 
Mia Stone F03 – 01
Rafttellyn Cappuccin F03 – 04
Admittedly, you don't know any of your neighbors, neither by character nor really by sight. You were never the type to care about your neighbors. 
"I wish you good luck."
C’mon Reader, be like Henry…
But better.
The first inhabitant was Mia Stone and you already started to sweat.
"Good evening."
Was she real? Was she a doppelganger? 
With shaky hands, you reached for her ID and entry pass, only to find that everything was fine. She was also on today's list and her appearance doesn't show any deviations either, right?
Just to be sure, you looked into the folder that described her appearance: 
Long hair
Small round nose
She has freckles
Your eyes wandered again to the woman in front of you, who was waiting patiently behind the window. 
You narrowed your eyes a little and leaned forward to get a better view of her.
No matter how long you stared at her, you didn't see them, her freckles. 
"You look different...", you murmur after a while.
"What's wrong with my appearance? I think everything is fine with my appearance."
Her photo on her ID and Entry Pass both have no freckles. 
Perhaps a mistake on the part of the D.D.D.? 
You're about to press the green button, but then you see her grinning slightly out of the corner of your eye. 
She almost had you. You're really not made for this job.
Your hand slammed hard against the red button, causing the siren to blare and the metal window to crash down. 
"3312," you murmur to yourself.
"You have contacted the D.D.D.. A group of agents has been sent to your building. Please wait for the cleaning protocol to run."
Cleaning protocol? 
What happens to those who were cleaned? They certainly won't be killed, will they? 
What if they will?
What if your judgment was wrong?
What if...
Your thoughts were interrupted as the siren fell silent and the metal window went up, only to reveal the yellow man.
"Cleaning protocol completed. You can continue your job."
It took a while until someone finally came again. 
This time, your heart was pounding faster. Significantly faster. And this time, you can't even say for sure that it's all out of fear. 
You definitely can't deny it: he's probably one of the most attractive men you've ever seen. 
You don't even have to look at today's checklist to tell he's not on it – a face like his would have caught your eye right away. 
"Francis Mosses, huh?" you murmured to yourself as you looked at his ID. "You're not on today's list."
"I’m not on today’s list because I had to leave due to an emergency."
Long nose
Thin chin
Tired eyes
Short hair
Wears a hat
It all fit. The only thing left now was a call. 
Just as you began to spin the wheel of the phone, he said, "You're new here, aren't you? I've never seen you here before."
"Yes, today is my first day."
"Must be hard, huh? I've heard that more and more doppelgangers are appearing and they are becoming more and more error-free. It would be a shame if such a pretty face as yours were to disappear forever."
Your cheeks turn red and suddenly you feel shyer than you actually are.
"B-But your job has to be hard as well. I didn't think that being a milkman would rob you so much sleep."
Francis smiles a little. So little that you almost didn't see it at all.
"It's not. I just stay up for a very long time. If you like, I can bring you some milk sometime. It's refreshing, calms the nerves."
You bite your lip slightly when you have to refrain from a question.
What milk do you mean exactly?
My God, why were you just such a sucker for handsome men?
"I'd be delighted, Francis."
You talked to him for a while and you quickly forgot that you were actually going to call someone. 
"I'd like to talk to you more, but I don't want to stop you from your work. I'll see you tomorrow, right, Reader?"
And you quickly forgot that you never told him your name. 
You pressed the green button.
"Shh," whispered the voice of Francis next to your ear. 
It was your third day, your third time to change shift.
Well, it usually would have been.
Your vision and mouth were blocked by the bloody hands of the doppelganger who claimed to be Francis.
He had killed the doorman, that should have taken over your shift.
You had to admit, that you were more than inconsiderate. After all, you didn't ask for his entry pass, nor the reason why he wasn't on today's list.  
"I'll let you go now, yeah? No wrong move, okay?"
He laughed softly as he released his hands from you and turned your chair, so you were facing him. 
"We don't want to hurt you, do we, Reader?"
The sentence shouldn't have given you hope, because after all, you were more than sure that you were going to die one way or another.
Maybe you should have shown a little resistance. For your honor, but....
He is so close to you that you can practically feel his body heat. Or was it your own? Your face, despite your situation, was burning. 
Even though he said he was letting you go, his hands ran over your body and you couldn't deny that it did something to you. 
Were you so shameful?
"Actually, I wanted to wait, but I couldn't take it anymore.  I've been patient long enough, haven't I? It was so much work for me, to let you get this job."
You didn't know what to say. Honestly, you didn't know if you would even be able to answer him. 
His breath touched your throat as he spoke, "I think I deserve this, don't I? What do you say, Reader? Do I deserve my reward?”
If you were going to die anyway, why not enjoy the last few minutes?
Regardless of whether he was a doppelganger, he had lived up to his title as "Mlikman" that night.
"You killed the real Francis Mosses?" you asked the next day. 
Francis grins, almost so much so that his real form was threatening to show itself.
"Yes, of course. What would have happened if he had come before me? You would have sent the D.D.D. after me."
Well, he had a point, huh?
No matter how wrong it was, you were glad it didn't come to that. 
You didn't know the real Francis Mosses. That's probably why his death was so insignificant to you.
"Have you killed more people?"
"Just more doppelgangers you let through."
Your eyes widened. 
You were so sure you caught them all. The false success was the reason why you didn't quit…well, it was one of the reasons.
"How many have I let through?"
Francis just continues to wear his smirk as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"Don't rack your pretty head over it, okay?"
You just nod, smiling.
"Are you going to kill others...?
You don't know why you added your next question. Probably because you wanted to feel special. 
"Would you kill for me?"
When you turn your gaze to his face, two white pupils stared at you and his grin is inhumanly wide and black. 
You don't know if it's joyful or sadistic, but it definitely made you feel special.
Looking back, you made more than a few mistakes. 
But honestly? 
You don't regret a single one of them. After all, all of them have led to an all-too-familiar knock on your window.
When you look up, he waves, the milkman. 
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koling2345 · 18 days
fem!reader X Simon Riley
Summary: You're always grumpy in the morning, and Simon always 'fix' it.
Tw:Smut, unprotected sex.
A/n: First time posting here, just because this man doesn't leave my mind😭 This masked man😣 Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language
By then Simon knew that you were far from being a morning person, on the contrary, you hated waking up early with all your soul.
But over time he learned to get used to you, waking you up with a session of kisses and hugs, pampering you until you improved your mood a little.
But nothing worked better than having his cock deep inside you, sliding in and out of your pussy, moving in a tantalizing way.
‘Fucking spoiled brat’.” Simon growls in your ear, his tattooed arm wrapped around you, balancing you as he fucks you from behind.
He wasn't angry with you, far from it, after all, how could he be angry when you moaned so sweetly for him? Your head buried in the pillow as you whimpered, calling his name again and again.
It was obvious that you couldn't form any coherent sentences given that he was pounding into you like crazy, but he knew you were loving it, since you were squeezing him almost painfully hard.
“You just need a cock to start the day, don't you?” He teased as he gave you a particularly sharp thrust, eliciting a loud whimper from you.
You were already a mess, you'd cum once while he was massaging your clit, now you were approaching the second time while he was fucking you hard.
He was all honeyed with your fluids, his cock base had a ring of liquids formed on it, all your sweet juices staining it.As if that wasn't enough, you also couldn't deny that the weight of him on top of you turned you on in a frightening way, just feeling his huge, muscular body covering yours, you felt your cunt clench around his dick.
By this point Simon had stopped trying to understand whatever strange language was coming out of your mouth, because you weren't making any sense.
The only coherent thing coming out of you were moans and whimpers, nothing else.Your mind only became an even bigger mess when Simon started kissing and nibbling your neck, one arm supporting you, while his free hand went down to your breasts and held on tight, squeezing and softening the flesh.
“Fucking nice tits.” He murmurs in a deep voice, making you dizzy with the sensation of his balls slapping against you.
“Si- si- I'm gonna-” you stuttered, rolling your eyes and tucking your head back into the pillow once more.
He grinned in response, knowing that you needed a little push to get there, just a little. So he did.
Simon came out of you in one swift movement, making you moan at the ache the emptiness brought you.
Which didn't last long.
The next thing you felt was his cock entering you all at once, barely giving you time to get used to his huge size and thickness. And fuck if he didn't love feeling the way your cunt stretched to accommodate him, how your walls tightened around him like a vice.
When he did it, it was over for you, you just came, just like that.
You squeezed him and gushed out your orgasm, making a mess of him once again.Simon didn't take long after that, he always waited for you to come first, and then he'd get frantic.It was no longer about getting you there, but about him reaching the peak of his pleasure.
Then he would slam into you in a sloppy, abrupt way, driving his hips into you with force.You could have sworn you were going to faint from how good it felt.
But the best feeling was yet to come.
“ Stay still. You'll take it, yeah? I don't want a drop out.” He hissed in your ear, holding your hips and preventing you from moving.
With one last hard thrust, he spurts his seed into you, grunting as he does so. Something that never failed to turn you on was the noises he made in bed, especially when he came like that.
His hot cum flooded into you and filled you up, and he didn't take his cock out of you until he was sure he had cum all the way inside you.
When you'd both recovered from the high, he lay down next to you and pulled you into a hug, pulling the covers over you both.
“Mood better?” He asked, running his hands through your hair.
“Mhm.” You mumble, hiding your face from him.
“Use words.” He retorts, lifting your chin, just to see the satisfied expression on your face.
“Yeah, a little.” You whisper.
He was satisfied, not that it bothered him, because he wouldn't have minded giving you a second round if necessary. Simon wasn't one to reject sex with you, so waking up every morning like this was nice.
And he'd be lying if he didn't say he was already daydreaming about the next morning.
He could certainly have you in a mating press the next morning.
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lovebugism · 6 months
hi bug!! for your shy!reader requests, idk if you’re going smutty w them but if you ARE: I love the concept of reader being generally pretty quiet, which extends to r’s sex life bc they’ve never thought to b otherwise… enter Hawkins’ own loudmouth DM who takes it upon himself to coax every noise out of reader that he can 💖🫡
ty for requesting! here's my first attempt at smut on here since 2023 :D — eddie teaches his quiet gf how to be louder in the bedroom (shy!fem!r, smut 18+)
Eddie’s face appears from beneath the covers — pale cheeks flushed, chestnut hair wild. He’s still got his ringed fingers wrapped ‘round your thighs, clutching you with the same intensity he’d had when his face was shoved between them. 
He blinks at you with chocolate eyes and drags his tongue across his lip. His pink mouth is softly swollen with use and glittering with your honey. “Is this okay?” he slurs between labored pants.
You lift your swimmy head from the pillow and peer at him through the valley of your breasts, rising and falling with each deep breath. You nod until the words catch up to you. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s— it’s good,” you answer breathlessly, though you don’t think that describes the half of it.
There aren’t enough words in the English language you could string together to describe how he makes you feel. How good he is with his tongue. How you’re throbbing clit still pounds like a heartbeat for more of him.
“Okay. Good,” he huffs with a lazy nod. 
His fingers fidget around your thighs when he shifts on the mattress, wincing slightly when his sensitive cock ruts against it. “I just… I wanted to make sure, you know? ‘Cause you weren’t… You weren’t really… Saying anything.”
He forces out a chuckle to keep the honeyed mood light while horror floods your features. Your eyes soften around the edges with worry. “What was I… What was I supposed to say?” you squeak.
“Nothing!” he answers quickly, eyes going wide when he senses your panic. “It’s just… Most— Most people moan when they feel good and stuff…” His lip quirks in a lopsided smile before a laugh sputters from them. “I mean, you’ve heard me. I’m fucking loud.”
He is. He’s more than loud, actually — full of gruff moans, pretty whimpers, and neverending praise. He never leaves you with an ounce of worry when you’re with him ‘cause he’s constantly rambling about how good you feel.
“Fuck, baby, that’s good— Oh, shit,” he babbled while he fucked your mouth, some minutes ago now. He whimpered after, high-pitched and faraway.“Gonna make me cum— so fucking hard— in your pretty little throat. Fuck, angel. Fuck—”
You writhe on the mattress, feeling suddenly uncomfortable in your own skin. 
You become acutely hyperaware of how bare you are below him, with his face mere inches from your glistening pussy and his chocolate eyes swimming with warmth. You feel more naked than you already are. Totally fucking see-through.
“Sorry,” you murmur sheepishly. “I just… I guess, I’m just quiet. I don’t know.”
Eddie smiles like he isn’t wearing your slick all over his chin. “That’s okay,” he assures with an innocuous twinkle in his eye. “But you don’t have to be. You know that, right?”
You blink at him until you realize the question isn’t rhetorical. 
His smile falls into a mischievous smirk when you nod. 
“Be as loud as you want for me, yeah? Make all the noise you want…”
He’s a menace.
Eddie Munson is a total fucking menace.
He doesn’t eat your pussy like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. No, he takes his good and well time with you — like he plans on doing this, and only this, for the rest of his life. 
Your inner thighs are slick with saliva. His spit drips down your ass, along with your honey, as his tongue laps mercilessly at your cunt. Slowly, gently, agonizingly. It’s like he can’t help but be so sloppy. Like he can’t help but drool all over your pussy ‘cause he loves it so damn much.
“Eddie, please,” you whine through heavy pants, clammy hands cradling your knees to keep them spread for him. “I wanna cum, Eddie. Please, I wanna cum.”
If he’s doing all this to get you talking, well, it’s fucking working.
His mouth smacks when it parts from your sensitive clit. The delicate button is as swollen as his lips are now. His pretty face is utterly blissed out — mouth rosy, eyes lidded, cheeks flushed. Like he’s found heaven in your pussy.
“Shit,” he huffs with a crooked smile, still a bit breathless. “You taste too good… Got me all distracted… Wasn’t tryin’ to tease you, babe, I swear.”
He pulls back the sticky hood of your cunt with a ringed hand. You keen when his thumb rolls over your throbbing clit. “Fuck, Eds,” you gasp — back arched, head thrown back.
“Need it that bad, huh?” He chuckles quietly when your hips buck into his hand, desperate for more. 
“Please, Eds,” you beg with your eyes squeezed shut. Tears burn in the very corners of them, stinging like you might cry at how good he’s making you feel. At how badly you want him to make you cum.
Spit dribbles from his pursed mouth onto your already slick pussy. He rubs it in with guitar string-calloused fingers, and your toes curl into the sheets. “Wanna cum?” he slurs, blinking slowly at your trembling form with pretty button eyes. “Wanna cream on my tongue?”
You whine at the vulgarity of his words — and at the lightning strike that rushes down your spine when his merciless fingers graze your pulsing clit. Swallowing down a sob, you nod rapidly against the pillow.
Eddie kisses your pussy like he would your mouth. Your honey clings to him when he pulls away, smirking up at you with glittering lips. “Then keep talking for me, yeah?”
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loganhowlettsmybf · 2 months
hated desire
pairing: logan howlett x fem!reader
warnings: almost smut, swearing, fighting, knives, mention of blood
summary: you hate logan howlett. especially when you can see his, sweaty and naked muscular upper body while you two are training.
word count: 500+
a/n: aghh i’m literally shaking, i hope you like it🫶🏻 also everyone here is so sweet and supportive😭 so thank y’all for encouraging me
[english isn’t my first language, so sorry if there’s any mistakes but i still hope it’s enjoyable<333]
(also my requests are open, so feel free to ask one-shots that comes to your mind or just message me anything🫶🏻)
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you hated him.
you hated his arrogant attitude, his ego. just because he has a body of a god and he knew it, that doesn’t mean he has to be an ass.
but the thing you hate the most about him is how wet he makes you, when you two are training together and he doesn’t wear a shirt so you can see all his detailed muscles.
like in the exact. same. moment.
you snapped back into the reality, daydreaming is for later, right now you have to kick his ass.
“ready to lose again, howlett?” you taunted, flipping a knife effortlessly between your fingers.
logan snorted, a smirk curling his lips. “you wish, sweetheart. let’s see if you can keep up.”
you lunged at him with a swift, well-practiced strike, but logan blocked it with his claws.
"you fight like a little girl," logan smirked, feinting a strike.
"it is so much better than fighting like an old man," you shot back, while one of your knife is grazing his side, a little blood dropping out of him. but that was just for a moment, he healed immediately.
oh how much you hated his healing ability too.
“fuck,” logan grunted, more annoyed, than hurt. He spun, catching your wrist and twisting it just enough to make you drop the knives. the closeness of your bodies sent a shiver down your spine. you could feel his breath on your neck, his muscular frame pressing against you.
“is that all you got?” logan growled, his voice low and husky. he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. “i thought you were tougher than this.”
in a swift motion, you freed yourself, your knives flashing as you launched another attack while logan blocked you effortlessly.
you pushed back, using your agility to twist away, but not before grazing his side with your blade.
“did I just cut you? again? ohh, you're getting sloppy,” you say while trying to steady your racing heart.
logan’s eyes darkened. he advanced with a ferocity that matched your own. in a swift, fluid motion, logan disarmed you, pinning you against the wall with his claws dangerously close to your throat, your faces inches apart.
"you think you can keep me against the wall?" you breathed.
logan's lips curling into a dangerous smile. "i think you like it when i do," he murmured, his face so close you could feel his breath. “you think i don’t know how wet you’re everytime you see me. just like right now. and how this position with my claws, against your throat turns you on,” he whispered in your ear.
you started to panic. you didn’t know what his next action will be. the tension between you was growing, and before you could even say something he was kissing you, hard and demanding. at first you were surprised, but you responded with equal fervor, you hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, his hands gripping your hips as he pressed you even harder against the wall.
your kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more desperate. logan’s claws retracted, and he lifted you easily, your legs wrapping around his waist. you felt yourself melting against him. your hatred mixed with an undeniable hunger.
just as things were about to get out of control, logan pulled back, his breathing was heavy.
"this ain't the place," he growled, though his eyes were filled with the same desire that burned in you. he brushed his thumb across your swollen lips. “but don’t think even just for a minute, that this is over.”
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leonsgfpost · 17 days
note: Hi! this is my third official post, crazy stuff. Thanks so much for all the support, I didn't think my trash was any good 😭 Btw, I hope you enjoy this too. English isn't my first language, so sorry if there's a mistake. 💕
tags: smut, comfort, insecurities, Leon is so cute, Leon x fem! reader, doggy style, orgasms and more!
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Leon loves you madly. He really does. So every time you ask that question, "Do you love me?" he answers honestly, just because he can't tear his heart out and give it to you.
This man is capable of lowering the moon if you ask him to, he would do anything for you. He is honest, he doesn't lie. He wakes you up with soft kisses, on his days off he hugs you as if you were the only thing that keeps him grounded. You are everything to him.
And it's not that you doubt him, but different situations in your past led you to be insecure, to a sour whirlpool forming inside you about it. About him. Even now, when he's balls-deep inside you.
"Leon, Leon-" You murmured between ragged gasps, feeling his chest pressing hard against your back holding you in place. Taking every thrust he gave you. "Do you love me-?" And that feeling inside you came again. You felt like crying. Maybe from the pleasure, or maybe from the overwhelming sensations.
For a moment you think he doesn't hear you because of his current state. Heavy breathing, eyes tightly closed, body sweaty and his mind blank every time he sinks down to touch that spongy spot inside you.
But he wouldn't miss a hair of yours.
"I love you, I do, dear.... More than anything." He affirmed again, because he would repeat it to you every time you want. And the question sounds unreal in his fucked up head, of course he loves you. You're the only person he can open up to, show that young man who died inside him in 1998. He even took the audacity to have hopes, dreams again. Because next to you nothing seemed impossible.
"I love you, I love you." He murmured in your ear along with the low moans he couldn't contain, not when your walls were sucking him in so good. And I'd be lying if I said not now he's the one who wants to cry. He'd kiss every part of your body, kiss you all over until he could make you forget everything. Just like he does when he's with you.
His hips try to keep his deep rhythm, while his arms search for a way to embrace you to keep him grounded. Your ass is smacked by his pelvis every time he plunges in, over and over again with ambition. The wet sound of your wet pussy is the complete opposite of the cute words coming from Leon's lips.
"You're the only one for me, you're everything to me...Oh, G-God-" Now he started to ramble, trying to get his whole cock inside you until he can fuck your brains out and make you forget.
"Fuck, I love you, baby-!" His voice was already shaking, but I didn't know if it was from the effort of pushing you or the effort not to cry over you like a fucking baby.
"C-Come on, say you love me too." His voice tried to sound demanding, but it sounded like a plea. A desperate plea to know that you loved him too, because he wanted to be loved. He needed it.
"I love you, Leon. I-I love you, I love you so much." You said obediently, your voice coming out choked from having your face buried in the sheets. Your hair was disheveled, little beads of sweat trickling down your back and trembling thighs trying to support your weight. And little tears began to fill the corners of your eyes.
Maybe he had already fucked your brains out.
And Leon's chest tightened, pushing his lips carelessly into your hot cheeks. He was always so sweet even when he was fucking you like you were a slut. His cock bullying your bruised pussy again and again, because he couldn't catch a break. You were the air he needed to feel alive.
You made him feel alive.
As alive as he was now, as his hips began to quiver and his thrusts became sloppy, feeling his cock contracting tightly inside your walls. He could lose his mind right now for you.
His fingers moved down to play with your painfully throbbing clit, you let out a high pitched moan and your walls tightened feeling the familiar euphoria explode inside you, your orgasm coming in a sloppy way. Your body immediately relaxed into the sheets, trying to recover, but Leon wouldn't slow down, not when he was so close too.
He released your clit to run a sticky hand up to one of your tits, kneading it as if it were his own anti-stress toy. He carelessly kissed your wet cheeks and his hips pushed all the way in, releasing all his seed inside you. His cock contracted and discounted with spasms, giving you all of him.
"I love you." He whispered weakly, hugging you and trying not to fall on top of you. His heart beating fast in his chest, beating for you.
Because Leon Scott Kennedy loves you more than anyone. And he would devote every day of the rest of his life to prove it to you, if you let him.
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were there too many "I love you"s? haha, sorry! But I can't help but think that Leon really needs a lot of love.
Let me know if u liked this, thanks!! 🎀💗
bye, bye (💌)
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rabbidbunwy · 2 months
🔞Hawks x reader| Minors DNI| NSFW WARNING!!! 🔞
You handle Keigo as he's on breeding season [again] but with a twist,he's going to get you pregnant (,,¬﹏¬,,)
Contents: Hawks x Anon! reader-both adult-explicit content-crampie-moaning-breeding-consensual-smut-cumming-hard-getting pregnant-impregnation-l'ots of pet names by Keigo[sunshine,birdie etc.] cute-fluff-aftercare-teasing-cuddle-whines-teasing-lots n' lots of cuddles towards the end-cheesy-needy and cuddly Keigo
The reader doesn't talk a lot here,too busy about being breed (๑/////๑ " )
I'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
Please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
P.s: this is supposed to be the second writing of my breeding series? idk but the second of my writings with my FAVORITE bird man
i love my birdie so muchhhh ughhhh ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)
!! (°□°)☝️ Again don't read if you found it unconfortable with the subject/context
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia @satorkive @ponderingmoonlight
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Keigo other hand moved down to your hip, gripping it as he began to get rougher. “I’m gonna try so hard to breed you, my good little birdy” he repeated, letting out low whimpers and gasps as he spoke. “God, the thought of seeing you pregnant with my baby just…it drives me god damn insane, sunshine.”
His pace increased as you were flipped onto your stomach, and he let out another low moan. “I’m going to breed you so good, darling…” “You’re gonna take my baby so deep inside you, sunshine” he continued “I’m gonna give you so many little baby birdies, sunshine” he repeated. His breathing was coming out in short, labored gasps. “And I’m gonna make sure every one of them is a little copy of their daddy.”
“Wanna watch your belly grow nice and big, gonna fill you up so deep-” he grunted as he spoke, his pace getting faster and more desperate. “My good little birdy…I’m gonna fill you up so much-" he groaned loudly “You want to have my baby that badly, my good little birdy?” His thrusts began to get even quicker, his breath coming out in pants and gasps.
“You want the children of a birdie that bad?” “God, I can’t wait to see you all big and swollen with my baby…you’ll look so beautiful like that, sunshine. My little birdy…” he groaned, one of his hands gripping your hip harder. You cried out strangled gripping the bed "f..fuck mhnn K..keigo-"
With your back completely pressed against his chest, he could reach even deeper. His hands tightened on your waist as he thrusted up, a low groaned moan falling from his lips “Mnh…yeah, that’s it sunshine” he panted out between breaths. “Gotta make sure I breed you nice and good, now, huh?” “Gotta make sure my birdie baby gets planted in you” he added, his breaths coming out in pants. “Gotta make sure I get you all knocked up and pregnant, huh, my good birdie?” His pace began to get a little rougher, his hands gripping your hips tighter as he tried to go even deeper. “Gotta make sure you have my babies, darling.”
More moans
“Mmm…gotta make sure you’re a good pregnant birdie, huh?” His pace was getting more sloppy, his hands beginning to shake.
“You want that…you wanna be all heavy and swollen with my babies, darling?” He grunted out, struggling to get the words out between breaths and moans. “Want me to fill you up so deep, sunshine?”
You gripped Keigo shoulders as you moaned loudly "ah-ah Keigo-"
Keigo grunted as you gripped his shoulders, the feeling of your hands giving a sort of encouragement to him. “Yeah…yeah, that’s it, sunshine…just like that..” “Just like that, darling…God, you’re so good for me, huh?” He mumbled out, his pace getting rougher and more sloppy. “Such a good birdie for me, sunshine..letting me breed you like this…”
“You want me to give you my babies deep and proper, huh, birdie?” He asked between breaths, his pace picking up just the slightest. “My beautiful sunshine birdie going to let me knock you up nice and good?” You moaned in response feeling closer and closer "nghnn Keigo…I'm.. "
“Yeah…yesss…come for me, birdie” he panted out “Come on, sunshine, let me fill you up nice and good for me” he panted out, his breathing coming out in heavy gasps at this point. “Come for me, darling…please-” You moaned at every word he spatted out feeling closer and closer as you mewed and moaned
“Yeah…mmm…that’s it…come for me, sunshine…let me knock you up so good-”
He gave another low, drawn-out whine, his pace continuing to pick up as he got more desperate. “Come on…come on-”
“Come on, birdie, be a good birdie and come for me…need you to, birdie..” he panted out, getting more impatient. “Need to fill you up…”
“That’s it….mmm..good girl, birdie…such a good birdie…” he groaned, the feeling of you tipping over more than enough to drive him over the edge, too. “Just like that…yeah…just like that-” He let out another low whine at the feeling of you gripping his shoulder, his rhythm picking up and getting rougher, his gasps more labored. “Oh..oh, yes…yes..yesyes…oh my god-”
“Oh my god…oh my god, I’m so close….oh god, birdie…oh my birdie….yesyesyesyes-” he repeated, his voice getting higher and more desperate as he got closer.
“Almost….almost…oh my god, birdie….yesyesyesyesyesyes…oh my birdie, sunshine-” he was almost babbling by then, his pace getting sloppier and more rough as he reached the very edge. “Oh..oh, birdie, birdie…” he whined again, his hands gripping your hips so hard he might’ve been bruising you. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna-”
“Gonna give you my baby….yes….yes…YESYESYES…..oh my god…oh my birdie….yesyes…yes…YES YES-” He gave another whine, his back arching towards you, his whole body going tense as he finally, finally came. You cried out,your legs squeezed his waist as you camed too
When he finally came, he let out a long, high, drawn-out groan, keeping his hips pressed against you, his body giving a sharp twitch. He collapsed on top of you, a tired sigh falling from his lips. “Oh..oh, birdie…my good birdie….”
He stayed like that for a moment, his head buried in the crook of your neck, his labored breathing falling on your ear as he came down from his high. “My birdie” he repeated, his voice a little raspy. “My good little birdie…my birdie bird…”
"you're too needy" you pouted blushing “Oh, and you weren’t being needy?” He asked in response, lifting his head to look at you. “You wanted me to knock you up just as badly as I wanted to do it, birdie.”
“You’re not innocent in this, sunshine. You wanted my babies just as badly as I wanted to give them to you.” He spoke playfully, lifting a hand to brush against your cheek.
"is it bad?" you asked feeling guilty “Is it bad you want my babies?” He asked, a bit surprised at the question. “No, of course it’s not, birdie. I want nothing more than to give you my babies”
“You know that, right?” he asked again, his face softening as he saw the guilt in your eyes. “You’re allowed to want my babies, birdie. We both want it, after all, yeah?”
You nodded snuggling against his chest "will they have your quirk?"
“That would be up to chance” he said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. “Though I wouldn’t mind them being little birdie baby feathers like daddy.”
“They’ll be perfect, regardless” he said quietly. “Just like their mommy.” He added on, turning his face to kiss your forehead.
“They’ll have your eyes and your smile, I imagine.” He spoke, resting his chin on the top of your head, and sighing. “They’ll just be the cutest little birdie babies.”
You cooed snuggling against his chest,like a baby "i love you Key" you mumbled “I love you, too, birdie” he said, his hand coming up to brush against your hair, pushing his fingers through the strands.
He was silent for a moment, just focusing on the small gesture, before he spoke again. “What do you say we go get some sleep, huh?” He started to lean back, pulling you with him so he was lying flat against the bed, but still holding you to his chest. “We could both use a nap, I think” he said, still fiddling with your hair a bit, the motion seeming to keep his hands busy.
Then you caressed his wing "it's so soft" you mumbled When you caressed his wing, he gave a small shiver, a small, pleased sound falling from his lips. “Careful, birdie. You know how sensitive my wings are” he said, his voice going a bit playful.
“You keep touching my wings and I might get turned on again" he said, the words tumbling out a bit faster than he would have liked. “And I don’t think I have it in me for a second round right now.”
"the other time you breed me for five times" you pouted looking at him “Yeah, I was a lot more energized that time” he said, wrapping one of his wings around your body, pulling you closer. “I’ve definitely lost a bit of steam this time around.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, shifting around a bit as he nuzzled his face into your hair. “I think you’ve definitely managed to wear me out, sunshine. I’m beat.”
“I’m exhausted, birdie” he mumbled, his words starting to slur a bit. “I don’t think I have the energy to go another round…I’m going to need a nap a good, 12-hour nap, now.”
He let his head rest on the pillow, holding you closer against him. “I’ll need one helluva good sleep before I can take you again, birdie” he said, his eyes closing as the exhaustion started to set in.
"finee" you pouted snuggling into his chest making the little spoon "wing" you asked
At the feeling of you snuggling against his chest, Keigo let out a small huff as he adjusted a bit. When he heard you hint for his wing, he immediately let the large appendage wrap around you, the feathers brushing against your back.
He nuzzled his face against the top of your head when his wing was wrapped around you, giving a bit of a hum. “Comfortable, birdie?”
He held you a bit tighter, wrapping the wing around you even more, almost like he was cocooning you in his wings. “You’ll sleep well like this, yeah?” You nodded cooing "night night" “Mmm…good night, sunshine” he mumbled back, burying his face into your hair again. “Rest well, pretty birdie.”
He let out a long, satisfied, tired sigh, nuzzling his face against your head again. “I love you, birdie. And we’re going to have the best birdie babies, I just know it.”
✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
me meanwhile writing this:
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parkerchaos · 10 months
take it all
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notes: this is so dirty compared to everything I’ve written before. Btw!! English is not my first language so I’m very sorry for the mistakes.
summary: hyunjin has a breeding kink, and you have one too.
WARNINGS: smut content. hyunjin being dirty as fuck, breeding/pregnancy kink, “slut”, this is literal porn. no plot, just porn.
“Fuck- you’re so tight…such a fucking slut for me”
Hyunjin was so dirty when it came to talking during sex, he always knew exactly what to say to make you moan or beg for more. You were now under him with your legs against your chest and his dick burried deep inside your wet and sloppy cunt. His hands were holding your legs open as he looked directly into your almost-closed eyes, “shit! ‘m gonna fill you up baby- give you every single drop of my cum”
The idea of hyunjin’s cum inside of you made you moan in his ear, “fuck- please fill me up, mhm I wanna carry your babies”
Hyunjin groaned as he closed his eyes tightly, thrusting much faster inside of you, he definitely wanted to get you pregnant so bad, and you wanted it too.
You realized he was close to cum because of the way his thrusts started to get sloppier and his mouth opened, and you were so close too, “fuck- I’m gonna cum!”.
After some seconds, you felt hyunjin filling you up and your walls squeezing him, hot spurts of cum hitting your cervix and painting your walls white as you moaned, “fuck! baby yes…take it all, take all my cum... just like that...” ,he said with a whiny voice and all you could do in response was whimper.
Hyunjin kept moving inside of you, but a bit slowly now. Your legs were still against your chest while he was holding them making sure the cum doesn’t drip out of your cunt, “what a good girl you are…letting me breed you like this”, he said while looking down at his cock burried inside of you.
You were too tired to respond, so you just looked at him and smiled a bit while breathing heavily. he slowly pulled out and quickly shoved his fingers in you, making sure the cum stays in you.
“I need to make sure it doesn’t get wasted, love”
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
DEVOTION — Dean, Sam
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Summary: You get into the path of the Winchester brothers, and since then, nothing is the same once a bond strictly agreed for pleasure is created between you and them. When they want, they follow you, and you know they always follow.
Pairing: Dean x goddess of rain reader x Sam
Word count: 2,1k.
Warnings: smut, threesome, vaginal sex, anal sex (no dp, sorry i failed as a slut in here), voyeurism, light choking, light spanking, marking, praising, light degradation, pet names, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral - male receiving (female receiving mentioned), facefucking, fingering, hints to aftercare, p*rn without much plot honestly.
Also my main language is not english just in case lmao, enjoy! and thanks everyone for the encouragement on this. <3
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“Oh, Dean…” you gasp as pleasure takes you.
The softness of your skin on top of him, his rough hands gripping tightly on your sides and rubbing your ass cheeks create a familiar sensation you yearn for too much. Every time it is like electricity is running all down your spine.
He takes your thrusts as you ride him with soft, deep groans falling off his beautiful plump lips. His hips are pushing up just a little, so he can let you know how desperate he is for you. Of feeling you, of filling up your pussy with his seed and marking you with his nails and the rough touch of his fingers.
Sam watches from afar, sitting comfortably in the softness of a sofa. He has all the perfect view from there as Dean spreads your ass cheeks and rubs your slit with two fingers, feeling the place where you two connect sinfully.
This is not new for any of you.
When they found you during a case involving powerful deities, you had agreed to help them as payment for freeing you from a curse that was keeping you chained and with no strength for decades. Professional hunting questions turned into favors, and favors turned into a somewhat weird relationship where they called you once something got difficult. They just prayed to you and then you would show up in a few minutes. Fair to say, you never let them down, not never.
It was one night then after a couple of tough weeks on a hunt, in which you couldn’t control yourself, that Dean had the impulse of calming you with a kiss in front of his brother.
Much to your surprise, it worked. The storm and thunder dissipated slowly, and soon, all of your clothes disappeared, inviting Sam to join in the process. At first, it was more like an unspoken deal, just talking about the essentials: what you like, what you are not up to, your turn ons, your turn offs… They were so into you, and you desired them just the same.
In the beginning, you underestimated the Winchesters being mere mortals, sometimes getting themselves into problems they most likely won’t solve or make it out alive. But that was what you loved about them. Even being simple humans, they proved how much they could worship a goddess, breaking you and putting you back together, again and again.
Your sweet moans and breath hitching echoes in the room. Sam immediately knows you’re on the verge of getting to heaven, until it happens in front of his eyes. Your legs tremble, your nails dig into his brother’s bare shoulders, his rough grip on your hips forcing you up and down while you ride your high. Sam is not even looking at your face, but his cock twitches and he licks his lips unconsciously as he pictures your plump mouth open and your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Of all the women he had fucked, you were simply ethereal. His brother had agreed about that before.
You lean to kiss Dean in your afterglow, sloppy and wet, rolling your hips just slowly to keep torturing him. A devilishly smirk appears on your lips when he grunts against your mouth. Before he cums, you pull away and get off him. His cock is hard as a rock, and you just give him a greater mischievous smile and a hard stroke, coating his shaft with your juices. He gasps, giving a shallow thrust into your hand.
“Stop teasing,” Dean warns.
“I’m not, just preparing you,” you say, faking your innocence, something you know you don’t have at all. Not while they are here.
You give a look at Sam, who’s been waiting on your sofa almost the whole time, and he looks more than ready to have his way with you. Legs spread, clothes gone, he looks at you as if you were the treasure he never knew existed.
“I need to take care of him too, don’t be a selfish jerk,” you wink at Dean and call his younger brother to your bed. ���Come here, Sammy,” you voice out, crawling to the edge of the mattress and staying on your hands and knees for him.
He does obey immediately, taking long strides and he stops in front of you, in all his bare glory and you bite your lip, picturing all the ways he would ruin you right now.
You might be the deity they found on earth, but you always awed at how they could be real.
Sam’s hand tangles into your hair before he bends down to taste your lips.
“Which hole are you choosing for tonight?” you ask once he pulls away.
He caresses your bottom lip with his thumb before pushing in between your lips. You suck on it with a moan.
“Right now I just wanna fuck your mouth,” Sam growls. “Get my reward for eating your pussy so fucking good…”
You tremble with excitement, reminiscing about the first orgasm you had for the night thanks to his wonderful lips and wet tongue.
He pulls his thumb away all of the sudden and instead of his finger, you’re now with his tip brushing your lips before he finally pushes in.
You wrap your lips around the head of his dick, earning a moan from his throat that causes you to clench your thighs together.
“Oh, shit,” he hisses once his dick hits the back of your throat, and you gag just a little with eyes shut. “You always feel so good no matter what hole I pick.”
Sam’s big hands grab the sides of your face to keep you in place and his hips then thrust into the wetness of your mouth. His pounding starts with a fast pace, and you continuously gag and breathe through your nose.
Dean, who’s sitting down on the mattress at the head of the bed, doesn’t have the complete picture of you, but he has the perfect view of your ass and your pussy, glistening with your own wetness, swollen and used by his cock, his fingers and also Sam’s fingers and mouth. He’s fighting the urge to cum right away. Your moans, or at least the sounds you’re trying to make with your throat stuffed, are too sweet for him to hold back. He can cum by only hearing you squirm. But he tries not to, just giving himself light strokes as he observes the show you’re putting up for him.
You're drooling and spitting when Sam pulls out abruptly from your mouth and you eagerly raise a hand to wrap it around his cock, giving light kisses and licks on his shaft.
“What a cockslut you are,” Sam grunts.
You rub your thighs again at his dirty words, and you start sucking him off at your own pace now, hollowing your cheeks and tasting his precum in the process.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Dean mumbles and decides it is enough.
He crawls behind you, grabs your hips and rubs his cock between your folds and your clit before slamming inside, earning something between a gasp and a moan that sounds too good falling from your lips.
“Your pussy is taking me so fucking well,” Dean starts off his praises, and you clench around his cock hitting your right spots over and over. He moves a finger between your legs to rub your clit and force another orgasm from your body. “Yeah, just like that…”
You cry out and withdraw from Sam’s cock for a moment, whining as Dean fucks you hard. You’re so certain that his hands will leave marks on your skin, but that is just a reminder of what he can do to you anytime. Is not too long until he cums balls deep in your cunt, fucking his seed into you until you feel too sensitive that you stop sucking on Sam’s cock.
“Fuck, she’s so tight,” Dean whispers. He pulls out and watches some drops of his own cum sliding between your legs before going back to Sam with a satisfied smile on his lips. “Wanna use this one?”
One of Sam’s hands moves under your chin, forcing you to look up at him with big eyes.
“Better fill you up properly, right, baby?” Sam says sweetly and you nod.
“Use your words, tell us what you want,” he insists and you gasp and jump a little when Dean gives a spank on your ass cheek.
“Please fuck my ass,” you whimper. “Please fill me up…”
Another light spank from Dean forces a breathy moan out of you.
As you feel Dean shifting behind you on the bed, you still could not comprehend how gentle Sam’s voice can sound sometimes, yet his actions and the guilty pleasure he gives you are totally the opposite. And unlike Sam, Dean is a very straightforward man. He gives orders and you comply, if you are in the mood that’s it. He can be rough and raw if you ask him to, but he can also be caring and tender. It doesn’t matter how they give it to you, in the end you love their own ways of fucking you up completely.
A cold substance is poured on your ass, and you feel Dean’s fingers on your tight hole. Sam leans down to kiss you lovingly when Dean pushes in thick digit to stretch you out. He starts with a slow pace and you relax with Sam kissing you softly, his fingers rubbing your nipples and tits to help you ease the light discomfort that takes over you. Little by little, you’re able to take two fingers, and then you crave for more.
They handle your body softly, until you’re meeting with Dean face to face again and Sam takes a hold of your hips before lining up with your ass. He slowly slides in, inch by inch, kissing your back and rubbing your clit with his fingers to calm you down. You stay still for a moment to get used to the intrusion.
Dean observes you as his brother takes your wrists until your back is against his chest, one of his hands wrapped around your neck without making any pressure. You feel Sam’s breath on your skin and how some locks of his hair brush softly, while Dean’s eyes roam all over your body.
“I’m not gonna last longer,” Sam whispers in a husky voice against your ear.
“Don’t care.”
Your words are enough to drive him crazy. His thrusts become quick too sudden and he stretches so amazingly good that you’re left blank and speechless for a moment. All you feel is his cock, swollen and throbbing, hitting your deepest places and his fingers on your cunt before he fucks you roughly with them too.
Now you feel full.
“Absolutely beautiful like this,” Dean mumbles praises with a dark tone and your walls clench. Fuck, how you love him worshipping all of you.
You feel his hands grabbing your breasts as they bounce with each thrust, playing gently with your nipples.
“Oh shit, I’m so close again,” you gasp, feeling another climax building up.
Sam’s hands leave your wrists and your cunt, and move down to your hips, grunting sweetly as he continues fucking you senseless, and it almost feels like heaven right away. Dean takes it as a chance to plug two of his fingers inside your cunt, and you close your eyes when you cum anew.
“Fuck, you cum so damn fast,” Dean kisses you harshly, swallowing your cries of pleasure against his mouth, all while still rubbing your walls and curling his fingers.
Your own orgasm triggers Sam, and he finally releases inside you. He slows down to a sloppy, calm rhythm, fucking his own climax into you. With a low groan, Sam withdraws out of your tight hole and Dean pulls his fingers out of your pulsing cunt.
The three of you remain still, hearing each other’s heart rate until a soft rain starts outside.
Dean grins against your mouth. “You okay?”
You nod weakly. “Yeah, I’m perfect.”
“Rain gives up pretty much what you’re feeling,” Sam says, shifting behind you. “I take this one as feeling great.”
“Much more than that,” you mumble, collapsing on top of your mattress with a satisfied smile on your lips.
They shift and move around your bedroom, looking for a cloth to clean you up. You share lazy kisses and soft touches on skin before you set up a proper bath.
Tomorrow another hunt awaits, but you’re happy to be in your sacred temple with these two mortals who happened to rescue you just in time to fuck your brains out and get worshipped exactly like you deserved.
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tags for this filthy thing thanks lmaooo:
@thesilmarillionblog @cheynovak @ninii-winchester @slut-for-evans-stan @laputafavdeenzovogrincic
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broshot · 2 years
gojo satoru cries when he's inside of you.
cw/tw: smut + aftercare, gn!reader, kissing, soft!gojo, fingering, pet names (love), sorry for bad english, english isn't my first language (also not proof read)
you noticed this the first time you had sex with him. he was deep inside of you, rocking his hips slowly. his forehead was pressed against yours, your noses brushing against each other frequently. he was close, you could've probably been able to count his eyelashes if your eyes weren't closed.
but when you opened your eyes to look into his, you saw the drops of water sliding down his cheeks, making his eyelashes shine. he was crying.
you asked him what was wrong, caressing his cheek with your hand softly. he shook his head, leaning down and placing it in the crook of your neck. you asked him the same question again just to be surprised by the answer.
"everything is just perfect, you're perfect. it just feels so good being inside you," he sniffled.
ever since then, it had just been something that happened during sex with him.
he reassured and praised you a lot outside and inside the bedroom but this was something you only saw in the bedroom. gojo satoru does not want to show his true feelings. he's carefully built up walls and doesn't want them to shatter once again. he hides his flaws and insecurities with his playful personality and his shining smile. no one ever suspected anything before you.
you took his walls down way too fast for his liking. you saw him on his good and bad days and you still stayed. you saw him when he was at the lowest point of his life and still didn't leave him. he knew how to be an asshole, he knew how to annoy people enough to make them despise him and he was sure he wouldn't be a good boyfriend. but you proved him wrong, you with your amazing personality that he so very much loved.
yet you never saw him cry. he was sure to do that alone and he wanted to make sure to leave it that way.
but once again you did the exact opposite of his expectations.
"satoru please, I can take you," you demand, getting impatient with how slow his fingers are stretching your hole.
"are you sure, love? you know I'm pretty big and I don't want to hurt you." he asks with worry in his voice.
"I'm sure, 'toru, I've taken you countless times. just please hurry up," you roll your eyes, smirking at him. he sure is taking his sweet time with you.
he smirks before taking his fingers out and drying them on his underwear. he slides his boxers off, tossing them on the floor before aligning his dick to your entrance.
he slides in slowly, making sure not to go too fast and hurt you in the process.
it's almost painful how slow he is thrusting, if you didn't know better you'd think he's teasing you.
"faster, please," you breathe out and he obeys, fastening his thrusting pace.
and there they are, his eyes are getting watery, the tears threatening to fall.
"you feel so good, love." he cries out as he takes your hand in is.
he doesn't really know why he cries when you two make love, he guesses he's just feeling too good and he loves you too much.
he moves his head closer to yours and chases your lips with his, pressing your lips together when he gets contact. his kiss is slow and messy but so so full of love.
and he's a mess when he cums. he lets out soft moans and sobs, crying out a few I love you's and praises at the same time. he's never quiet in bed (he's never quiet in general).
he collapses on you after both of you have gotten down from your orgasms. he presses soft but sloppy kisses on your chest and neck area while you run your hands through his hair.
but he gets up not long after, going to the bathroom and preparing a bath for you both. he doesn't leave you alone while that, though, but instead he carries you to the bathroom with him, helping you clean yourself with a warm wet towel while waiting for the bath to be ready.
it's calm, the only sounds being heard are his praises and the bathwater running.
"you did amazing, love, you're so perfect."
his walls come rumbling down whenever he's with you and to his surprise, he's not disappointed at all.
"I love you so much." he whispers, pressing a soft kiss on your lips.
"I love you so much too." you whisper back.
a little smut post because my posts don't reach people rn :( request stuff for me to write pls
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scara-writes · 5 months
orange juice: enchanting night
Fem! Beta Reader x Yandere! Omega Male
CW: SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT, mature content,pp to v, fingering(male receiving), oral(male receiving), edging, mouth to pp, orgasm denial, séx, yandere, male sub, fem dom, mention of torture, dark themes
Remember, I do not know how omegaverss works BUT I will make my own version—(if you see something different in the original universe lol). So if you don't like it scroll away! This is purely a smut with a small plot! Not good with a smut soooo scroll away if you find it uninterested. English is not my first language so yeah im sorry.
Yandere Luke's POV
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"Strip for me."
A sentence that made Luke's heart skip a beat. 
Fuck that's hot.
He slowly unbutton his cardigan, pulling it off with his pink shirt. The gaze that never leaves him made him more nervous. The male unzip his pants before pulling down, shyly looking anywhere but the person in front of him.
He folded his clothes neatly and put it on bedside table before sitting down at the middle of the bed. He sighs nervously, this is the first time he will have an intercourse with a person. Especially to the person he love. Luke tries to keep his face calm as much as possible, but he cannot help but to breathe a little—like having a difficulty of breathing—when the woman infront of him starts to crawl towards him. His cock went half hard and it was curving upward, getting hard by every seconds. One of her hands starts to pull his legs closer to her hips. The first touch made Luke close his eyes, savoring her hold on his skin.
"Touch yourself baby~ come on.. show me how it's done."  Those whispers made him gulped in anticipation. It making him arouse even more. His trembling hand went to wrap around his shaft before his hand motion to stroke himself up and down. He bit his lower lip suppressing his cute moans. He breathe through his nose emitting a small noises from the back of his throat at the sensation he was feeling between his legs.
When his eyes flutter open to look at the person infront of him. The look on her face made him bite his lower lip more. The way those sultry looks makes him feel small and safe in her eyes."Don't hold back your moans. Lemme hear it, yeah?"
The omega feel a shame and shyness the way those (e/c) orbs looked at his cock that is starting to ooze out of his pre-cum.
"Slow... I want to see how my pretty baby stroke his pretty cock..." the omega obeyed at her sweet command. Of course, he would go slow for her. And gosh, she's calling him pretty? Is he pretty? She has him flustered and whimpering at the nickname. Being called baby is enough but pretty? Her praise alone can make him go undone real quick.
"That's right baby... you're doing good for me..." she praised.
He moaned, he can't hold back anymore. "(Y-y/n)..! Nghh!"
The beta infront of him lean closer to kiss his neck slowly, she was even smiling smugly. 
"Don't cum until I say so, yeah?" She shows her canine biting his collarbone making him gasped, nodding at her instruction. Bite him more! Oh fuck, mark him! His body is only for her. The only person who sees him as a person. The fondling on his shaft were stuttering everytime she leave a bite or a kiss around his neck and torso. It was difficult not to cum immediately with those sweet teasing touches from her. Luke called her name softly. "I'm here baby." She mutters licking his earlobe before biting it softly. This made the male huffs out of short breaths. His eyes are half daze, his hand around his cock were getting sloppy. "You wanna cum?"
"Not yet... Hold it in okay? You're doing well so far... You're being a good boy." She kissed his lips. Luke whined at her reply but he kissed her back. She pulled away and starts attacking his neck once again. Smelling his pheromones. The beta hummed in delight."You smell good, baby~ all for me yeah?"
The omega nod. The motion of his hand that is jerking his cock stuttering slightly. His hips were slightly going upwards. "A-all for (Y-y/n)..hahhngh!"
"I love you." She whispered between kisses and bites on his chest. Luke pants,"I-I love (y/n) t-too."
He didn't mean to cum when he felt a teasing bite from his nipple. The cum dribble down to his shaft, down to his fingers. It was so fast, he didn't mean to came to fast.
"That's.. to fast..." She commented. Luke bit his lower lip. He felt ashamed.
"baby~" she chuckled. One of her thumb went to press into his nipples, pressing and circling it in motion. Luke whimpered. "I-I'm sorry, i didn't mean to cu—"
She grabbed his hand that was wrapped around his cock replacing it with hers before leaning again to his face, planting her lips on his, resulting for Luke to lay down the bed. One of the beta's hands went to hook the omega's right leg onto her hips.
Luke moaned, drowning at the woman's pheromones. Both of his hands went to unbutton her shirt pulling it away from her body and then unclasping her bra behind, throwing it somewhere in his bedroom. He gasped when his cock's slit is being rub in a little fast motion. Her tongue that's exploring his mouth went deeper after he opened his mouth from the surprised action she did on his region.
"Nghh..!hungh~!" He whine when she push her tongue deeper into him. She's too much for him! She's devouring him a little to fast.
When she pulled her kiss away wiping the saliva from her chin, she chuckled when she noticed his face. Luke may look pathetic under her gaze, that's fine by him as long as he can please her. He whimpered when the (h/c) haired woman laugh, one of her hand that wasn't stroking his cock went to wipe his drool from his chin. "You're so cute."
"(Y-y/n)..." He murmurmed before getting surprised when she goes down below him, between his legs.
The omega cried, feeling a teasing kisses on his tip and a painfully slow stroke on his shaft. Shallow breaths is huffing out from his mouth.
"Messy.." he heard her muttered, the way the sticky pre cum went to her hands—his first orgasm—was such a turn on. Her eyes met his before licking his tip so slow. This made Luke hitch of breath as a small moan escapes his lips. Fuck she looks fucking hot when she lick him like that. "(Y/n)..."
She gave him a grin then swallowing his cock halfway.
Squelching sounds were echoing inside the bedroom. Luke's hair already disheveled, his bangs were sticky on to his face due to the sweat producing from his body. The male was covering his mouth, muffled moans and whimpers were coming into him. He is biting the back of his palm, getting teary from the ministration below his stomach.
"H-hahh....nnghh (y/n) p-please!"
He feels so good, the way her warmth from her mouth just added stimulation—her tongue twirling on his cock slit. She's too much! Too fucking much! If she keeps doing this he will cum faster!
Fuck it feel so good.
He grab a handful of hair of her, trying to pull the beta woman away between his legs for feeling the overstimulation. The way his cock disappears in her mouth was so intoxicating to look at. Everything about her is just endearing, his desires for her has increased ten fold. Her moans vibrating around his haven. "(Y/n)... N-no s-stop—hukk! Hahh! Too much ngh!" He sob feeling like he will reach the highest point of the sky if she keep doing the same teasing and pace.
His voice starts whining and moaning like a desperate omega in heat—oh God he feels it... he's about to cum. Will she let him cum in her mouth? God it feel so fucking good.
Just one more lick from her everythin—the said person stopped. Popping out her mouth from his cock.
"Ffuck..!" The pink haired male cursed. He looked down between his legs to see you kissing his tip, running her hands up and down at his shaft, painfully slow, teasing him.
You look so beautiful.
So pretty,
So ethereal,
So gorgeous,
"(Y-y/n).." he whined arching his back slightly hoping she would go back to giving him an oral. However,the teasing female smirk at his frustrations. Luke stares at her with a teary eyes, she grab the hand that was gripping her hair before kissing the palm and then intertwining it with hers. The (h/c) haired woman lick her lips, stroking him for a bit and then she halts. "I thought you said to stop?" She teased. "(Y/n) P-please that's n-not what I—"
The woman below him went back swallowing him again, bobbing your head up and down faster than the last time. Luke never felt euphoric other than this. The way her eyes flutter, not breaking an eye contact with him is just too much for the omega. Everything about her is so sensual, so beautiful, so ethereal. The person who will cherish him.
The male feel flustered when her eyes landed so many love bites and hickey she left from his neck all the way down to his thighs. Those captivating (e/c) orbs made his heart pounded even more. His cock is throbbing inside her mouth again but the omega whined when her hands stops, pulling her mouth away from him. "S-stop teasing please! L-let me have it!" He cried. Pushing his hips up to meet her mouth but she only gave him a smile."Baby.. you have to be patient~" she whispered. Tracing her nose from his stomach till she reach beside his right ear.  "You have to be quiet too~ don't want your neighbors hear your sinful voice now, do you?" The woman got up and leaned down his face. The purple eyed male pulls her head with his other free hand kissing her deeply, licking every corner of her mouth as both of them groan in pleasure. His manhood stood up grinding himself to her belly. The pre-cum starts smear on her stomach.
(Y/n) other hand went to grab his hips stopping him from grinding, she let herself go from the kiss clicking her tongue in a teasing manner. "Ah-Ah-ah~.... Someone's getting eager.."
The beta woman kissed his forehead basking into his scent as Luke gazed at her with tears threatening to spill from his eyes."..don't tease me...!" He plead, ignoring the way his voice cracked. She only gave him a smile.
Luke can't help but to find everything about her hot. Especially those lips.
The hands that was still entertwined was pulled to her lips. The (h/c) haired woman switch her hand that was intertwined with his, brush under his wrist to grab it, kissing every fingertips of his hand. He shudders the way her gaze never break eye contact with him, until she bite the side of his palm. Luke hissed watching as she kiss it as a way to apologize of the pain she inflicted.
"Help me pull this down, pretty." She instructs referring to her box pants. Luke eagerly helped her, their other hand still intertwined. He pulls it down her until it reaches to her feet and she kicks it away as it landed somewhere on the floor. He brought back his leg that was once on her hips.
"Spread them f'me better, baby." She whispered, refferring to his lower body. Carressing his thigh with her available hand letting his wrist go. You pinch both of his inner thighs licking your lips, your eyes peering down between his legs. "Gosh you're so soak down here..." The beta chuckled, prodding one finger in his ass. The juice coming out from him kissed her fingers and brought it up to her face. The female is smirking giving him a teasing look."Oh my... Do you see this baby? How wet you are f'me?" She purred. The male bit his lower lip looking away in embarrassment." Awe, don't be shy now... You sounded like a slut earlier." She taunted letting go off her hand from his. Focusing on his pleasure once again.
"(Y-y/n)!" The omega yelped when he felt two finger inserted in his hole without a warning. He wasn't expecting her to insert it already. It felt like his inside is clenching on her fingers as she scissor it in motion before curling it and then inserting another finger, stretching him out. He moaned arching his back the way she added more stimulation as her other hand went stroking his shaft. "Say my name.. Luke, who's making you feel good right now? Who do you belong to?" Her lips swallowed his tip licking the slit between.
"N-no! Its too much! Ngh.. huhhhghh!" He gripped the sheets besides him. This is heaven.
A paradise for him.
The way she hit his right spot made him utterly in heaven.
She went faster and faster. The feeling of her power on his body is making him feel so many emotions, a triple desire, a new addiction.
"Ahh! Hahh!"
She slightly chokes when his own body push his hip to her mouth unexpectedly. "H-hahh..nnoo (Y/n) please! It's too good! T-too much!" He babbled.
But she stop, moving her mouth away from his cock. The female pulled out her wet fingers from him, stroking his shaft painfully slow. Luke whined. The high he was about to reach was snatched by the same person who gives him the access to experience it.
"W-why?! Why did you stop again?!" He cried."p-please! Just let me have m-my way... Please!"
"You didn't answer my question earlier, baby." she teased. She pull his leg to her shoulder even more having more access to his entrance as her prod his twitching hole with her fingers. "Who do you belong to?" Her voice was small. "Who could make you shudder like this? Make you feel good hmm? Tell me, baby~"
The beta insert abother finger curling it around and then going in and out painfully slow. Luke bit his lip. Hearing how his entrance squelched in just one finger you inserted. It's so slutty and he can't believe he can get off on that. He whimpered before muttering your name.
She teased. "Hmm? I didn't hear you~what was that?"
"(Y-y/n)! I b-belong to (Y/n)!" He blurted. "Please!m-make me feel good! I'm yours!" One tear fell from his eyes.
The beta giggled kissing his cheeks before going back down between his legs. "See? It's not to hard to say it... That's my good boy. You're mine as I am yours." She praised.
She went back to her ministration, finally giving what Luke wanted. The omega's gaze were halfdaze throwing his head back as she give him what he wanted. Carressing her hair, he praises her.He came inside her throat, the male witness how the beta between his leg swallowing his spent. Coughing a little before sitting up straight, his leg on her shoulder stayed there as she guided it higher until its beside her neck. The woman straddle on the omega's hip except the side where his leg that is lifted on her shoulder. Luke looked at her entrance, he shudders seeing her own entrance is damp too. It so perfect for him.
"You ready, baby?" She ask gripping his leg on her shoulder, leaning down on him. Her entrance is hovering over his dick.
Luke gulped, his eyes full of lust, love and longing. He nod. "Always.. (y/n).. only for you."
She smiled kissing his jaw. Luke sighs dreamily, begging her. "(Y/n) put m-me in. Please, please!"
She chuckled at him being impatient as he is. "As my baby's wish~"
She slowly slip her entrance, warming his cock. The two groan in the sensation. The pink haired omega feel flustered watching as she sunk deeper into his cock. He groaned the way her gummy walls tighten around his cock as her slowly starts ride him.
"S-shit—! (Y/n). Feel so good! Oh hahh...!"The pink haired sob. "I-I will knot you!...nghh! I will knot you..oh so g-good! Please let me knot you!"
The moaning and groaning and slapping skin can be heard inside Luke's room. "Fuck, Luke..." She moaned, he quickly catching her by intertwining his hands with hers again as his other hand went to her hips guiding her, while finding her sweet spot. Her hips stuttered when he finally did. The couple can feel the climax. "Let it go, baby... Make me yours—hahh..."
"G-give me all... Fill m-me up..!" She moaned out.
Luke cursed, feeling the stars in his vision. The stimulation was too much to bare. He can't, the way she tighten around him was too much—too good!
"Shit. Luke hold my hand tighter b-baby—!" You stutter feeling that you are about to reach the high. Luke tightened his hold on her hand intertwining her hands again. Kissing him deeply, riding him faster, his other hand guide her hips bouncing in the right position to make her and himself feel good. Just a few more and both of them will feel the climax.
Luke lapped her lips as she did the same, crashing your weight down on him. "I'm close!" He whimpered closing his eyes any second now he will knot her.
He can feel it, the way she tightened even more around him. Any second now he will shoot his love inside her womb, regardless how a pair between omegas and betas has a small percentage of chance on having a child. Still Luke will do it again and again with her until she is knoted perfectly to have his children. 
The woman lick his mouth asking for him to kiss her, Luke obeyed. Pulling his head up to reach her face, the couple busy by love making. A small tune of background is starting.
"Baby... I-I think something is ringing.." she  groaned , the room starts to get filled by something unknown sounds. The omega didn't notice he was to busy at love making session. He heard a familiar sound. One that he usually hear whenever he wanted to re-watch his favorite show. And a tube that he set up for the alarm clock.
Purple eyes went wide open, sitting up straight. His pyjamas is drenched with his own swea, his lower region on the other hand was the most soak part.
Wait ...
The pink haired male glared at the beat up alarm clock that sang a song he used to love. He grab it and threw it at the nearby wall. Making the object explode its contents another task he will have to do it later when he get home.
The omega male is angry,  he can't believe that all of that was just a dream. A wet dream. He didn't even get to fucking reach the heaven! Frustration is an understantment mood for what he is feeling right now.
This isn't new to him, It's been a month since he's having a love making fantasies with her and everytime the two of them about to reach the peak on that session, he would wake up sweating, hard, his pheromone sticking throughout his room.
He grab a pillow and buried his head as he screams. The omega didn't care if his neighbors heard him. He had to stomp all the way to his bathroom connected to his room.
He pulled down his pants, looking straight to the bathroom mirror. The omega starts to jerk himself off. Panting at the sensation between his legs.
He bit his lip suppressing his moan. Imagining how he wished it was her behind him towering over guiding him how to stroke himself. Carressing his torso as her lips was right beside his ear whispering sensually,
"just like that baby~ let me see how you make yourself good."
He can't help but moan her name as he look at himself, being sweaty.
"can you see yourself so cute? So presentable for me? Oh baby, you're doing so good."
He closed his eyes, liking the idea of her kissing his earlobe as she taunts him, "go on baby... Let it go.. let it all out, my love."
His cum smeared some part of his cabinet door and some went to his wall. Luke cursed himself as he slowly comes down to his reality.
He gritted his teeth wanting to smash something but he doesn't like the idea of cleaning more mess.
He grab a tissue at beside the sink and start wiping it. Cleaning all his mess and himself. A cold shower would do nice to steam off this hormones he is feeling.
Once he calms down, he glared at the wall across his room. Infront of it was a small calendar. His eyes lit up.
He realize that today is the day he get to meet (Y/n).
The sourness mood in the morning soon dissipated as soon as the thought of her meeting him this week! And that day is today!
The omega got up, getting a quick breakfast and eat it, brushing his teeth, finding his favorite perfume he can find, spraying it to the each side of his neck, the one where she told him that he smells good last time. He look at the fridge with her and him smiling at the polaroid. His eyes soften as he gaze at her goofy smile. He took his butterfly knife pocket it beneath his sweater. Incase, he could protect from any harm. The male went to double check his basement just incase the man, who tried to assault him, he tortured last night wasn't escaping before leaving the house. He hopes he will die in starvation and infection before he dump his rotten flesh from the bone grinder and use it to throw it away as a foul meat.
Once, he lock the door behind him. He sprinted out of his house to the nearby bus stop so he can quickly get on time with you.
It took him twelve minutes to get to his destination. He hop down from the bus and starts to run again, he had to stop by at the his favorite cafe to buy some fruit tea she likes so both of him and her can enjoy the day on the park.
He skips happily, exiting out of the cafe as he look at the time from his watch to see that he still early. As he passed two blocks, he saw a (h/c) haired nearby. He quickly gaze to see if that's actually his crush, and it's actually her.
"(Y/n)!" Luke waved his hands, happy that he got to finally meet her again. He was carrying a two drinks, a fruit tea.Excitement was filling him up when he finally got to hang out with her on the week end. It has been three months and the two  became bestfriends—atleast for her that is how she view her relationship with him. For Luke, it was just a step to make her his.
As he reached towards her, his smile starts to died down, his hands that was waving at her direction starts to waver. He witnessed that she is talking to someone, it was more like she is arguing with it. He was taller her height only reach on his shoulders length, he was built, a muscular. He reek of something he loathed. An alpha.
Why the hell is he talking to her?
want more of him? Tap here
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
i will soften every edge, hold the world to its best | 3
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summary ;; Sullys stick together. You learn the hard way what happens when you don't. PART 2 | PART 4 pairings ;; dad!jake sully x reader, mom!neytiri x reader, sully family x reader genre ;; pure angst and family feels notes / explanations ;; descriptions of blood and violence incoming, beware! shout out to the ppl who predicted the stuff in this chapter LMAO so um... i couldnt tag everybody who asked when i said i would... there's apparently a limit to how many people you can tag. please forgive me 😭 im not taking any tagging requests anymore since i cant do it. so sorry about that,,,, seriously also, thank you so much for 1160 followers! i still cant fucking believe it... daddy issues solidarity 🤙🏻🤙🏻
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“Hi there Corporal, you hear me? Yeah, I know you do. As much as I’m charmed by the fatherly love I could give you a big old sloppy wet kiss, we have unfinished business.”
Rain covered the rustling of clothes and the click-clacks of readjusted weapons as concentrated silence hung in the air, thick and heavy like the morning mist swallowing up the forest.
No answer. 
What face could your parents be making right now? Heartbeat in your ears, you tried to hide your shame by looking down, but a jerk on your queue set you straight. the avatar holding you digging his gun sharper in your neck.    
“What, cat got your tongue all of a sudden?” The leader’s stare found yours. “Let me give you a quick remedy.” 
They’d linked your device into another for the sound to be relayed outside and the voice detection range could be wider, in other words, they wanted your father to hear what was happening to you. Your braid was yanked as if the one pulling it wanted to snap it right off your skull, no amount of training could stop the scream torn out of you — all the show just for him. 
The line was deadly still, save for some rustling, crackling static that you could have easily mistaken for hissing.
A ghost of a smile shadowed the man’s face, he extended his rifle to tip your chin up. “Guess we’re gonna have to be louder than that to wake daddy up sweetheart.” 
“Stop!” Father yelled, the unexpected timing of it made you jump. That earned him a group chuckle from the avatars around you. “Stop.”
He talked. He didn’t leave you to fend for yourself in this. Thank Eywa!
“That was fast,” the captor behind you said. 
“Thought you’d have forgotten English by now, playing native.”
Quaritch. That awful, awful man from the stories your mother killed? Spider’s father? But… But he was dead. How could sky people know how to cheat death?
“In the flesh.” 
Father’s voice wavered, you’d think he was scared if you didn’t know any better. “That’s impossible.”
“Back from the grave just for you, Jake.”
“Then I’ll just have to put you right back where you belong.”
The squad of avatars openly laughed at that, boisterous, confident, arrogant. 
This was Toruk Makto they were openly mocking. None of them would last for one minute in front of him and yet—
“Quite the teary lovers reunion we’re havin’ here, but you got busy while I was gone, huh?” He looked down at you again, yellow eyes filled with mirth. “I have this tiny bird here we plucked right out of the air. Imagine my surprise to learn she’s yours. Is this the only one, or you got yourself a litter now?”
Silence again. 
“What do you want?”
“Straight to the point as always.” The smug smile momentarily twitched into an unamused, withheld resentment. This man was nearing the end of his capacity to keep taunting. “I don’t think I’ll tell yet. You know I love to be a tease.”
Your ears rotated upwards in treacherous hope at your father's next words. “If you touch one hair on my daughter’s head I swear to god—”
“You exchanged your god for this shithole, Jake. Let’s not kid ourselves now.” Any hint of playing around was gone, now, eyes fixated on something on the ground ahead. “Your daughter will be my guest for a while. Think of it as summer vacation. Don’t worry, unlike the Na’vi, we’re very hospitable.” His thumb brushed over a button. “Until next time.”
“Fucking bastard—”
With one beep, the call was over. Quaritch was touching the band around his neck this time. “Iron Sky, Blue on Actual. We are standing by for extract, over.” 
You began to tussle against the avatar behind your back. “No! No! Let me go!” 
“Be advised. We're bringing in a high value prisoner.”
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“Dad’s really gonna flay her alive this time, I can’t wait.” Lo’ak, positioned just behind the flap of the tent to not be seen from the outside as he peeked with one eyeball just in case, was watching his parents vehemently yell at each other in whispers that started out loud, but got hushed probably to not reach him and his siblings. Aggressive limb gestures were flying in the air, and at one point, his mom had tried to run off somewhere and was forcefully stopped. 
Dad was currently pacing around like a wild animal with one hand permanently stuck rubbing his face, and mom turned away from him, holding her forehead. “They’re really going at it, huh?
Kiri was not amused with his insistence to breach their privacy. “What’s so interesting about watching this kind of thing?”
“Catharsis?” He remarked in English, feeling sophisticated. “You remember Spider talking about it? Purification and emotional cleansing through relief that you’re not going through the horrible tragedy, the character on stage is.” 
“You’re normally so dumb.” Lo’ak bore his fangs at her matter-of-fact tone of voice. “Your brain only comes back on when it’s about chaos.”
“I’m petty, and what about it?” A tilt of his head to dare Kiri to ask for her point, then his attention was thwarted by an incomprehensible cry from his mother. She was pushing dad from his arms, furious like Lo’ak had never seen before as the upset man tried to hold her more. “Look at mom and dad breathing fire at each other! You think they’re discussing how to punish her?”
“Stop spying already skxawng, mom will be angry if she sees you. We’re supposed to be in bed.”
“Shut up, I’m trying to listen here!” His ears were tilting at every angle to make out any words that reached to him as nothing but a cluster of broken sounds. “Why did they have to go far?” 
“Because they wanted to be away from peeping toms like you?”
“And you’re still here too, so?” Lo’ak gave his sister a meaningful look. “I know you wanna see too.”
“Ugh!” Kiri shoved out her tongue at him, eyes dead. “And it’s not funny, by the way! They are fighting. Stop being happy about it.”
He knew they were fighting about his older sister, and that she’d get all the heat and fallout from it the moment she was back. Lo’ak’s head was full of what he could get out of it, or what to ask her for in return for helping her out in her detention. So satisfying to be the sibling who wasn’t in trouble. He should do it more, actually. “It is funny when it’s not about me.” 
“You’re sick for taking joy in another’s suffering.”
“Oh, I’m doomed, then.” Kiri took whatever fat was on his thin arm between her thumb and forefinger, and twisted. Lo’ak had to blink away the tears that rushed to his eyes, snatching his limb away from the displeased girl and pushing her away in return — he was annoyed at how much that hurt, why was that so damaging for no reason? “Yeouch! What the hell?”
“Will it kill you to practice mindfulness once in a while?” 
He raised his voice’s pitch to mock the wobbly, ear-scratching whine of yours, and exaggerated his body movements to match, too. “I hate you!”  
“Gross.” She tried to shove him, he caught her hands in the air, pushing her back and getting the spiteful annoyance of his sister as a result. “Dad was actually hurt by that.” Lo’ak’s eyes could roll down the hills by themselves the way that sounded, but Kiri, as always, was bothered so inexplicably. “I don’t like this. I have a bad feeling.”
That bad feeling was the herald of dad’s upcoming cranky ill-temper and what would follow after you inevitably had to come crawling back home with tail between your legs, Neteyam dragging you from the scruff of your neck. Lo’ak was refusing to sleep so he could enjoy the fight. 
“Me personally, am over the moon, ikran duty is so gonna be off my hands. For months.” He halted at the idea that just went off in his head, tail swishing with the hype. “I wanna tell Spider. I’ll go get him.”
“Absolutely not. You sneak off now and they’ll laser-focus all the anger on you!” Kiri was pointing a warning hand at him, but slowly lowered it, one corner of her mouth twitching up. She was holding back amusement. “Hey, you know what? Nevermind, you can go. I want you to go. I have to see this.”
“Ha-ha.” Lo’ak’s tail stuttered, losing enthusiasm. “Attempted murder, much?”
“Guys, what’s going on…”
Upon the unexpected voice that wobbled its way into their conversation, they both looked down to see Tuk gripping her weaved blanket with one hand and dragging it on the floor as she made her way to them, the other rubbing her eyes one by one so sleep dripping from them would fly away.
“See, you woke her up! What do we do now?”
“You woke her up by yelling, why is it my fault now?”
“I didn’t, you—”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did n—”
“Guys…” Tuk pulled on Kiri’s hand, and the foreign object she was clutching the whole time distracted Lo’ak. It must have dug into the older one’s skin that she carefully picked it up to inspect. The ear pieces they took off before they went to sleep. This one was Kiri’s.  “Neteyam’s calling. You didn’t hear…”
Grinning, Lo’ak snatched it up and skipped backwards and put it in his own ear, ignoring Kiri’s hushed yells to give it back now and the groans about ruining it with his stinky, cheesy earwax. He had to keep bouncing around, the girl was chasing him around the tent. “Bro! Tell her she’s sooo dead. Dad’s literally keeping guard in front of the tent—”
“Lo’ak, quit it.” Neteyam’s tremulous answer was harsh. Lo’ak’s smile wavered as he dodged Kiri’s arm and jumped over discarded cups on the floor, knocking over wooden spoons. “I need you to tell me what’s happening over there.”
“Aw, baby’s so scared to come back she needs to make a game plan first?” He laughed, slapping Kiri’s hands away. “I’ll only tell if she gives back my karambit knife.”
His older brother sighed, a bit too exasperated. 
“Yeah, I’m not letting that one go and I’m also making it your problem—”
“Lo’ak, she isn’t here.”
He stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
“She isn’t here. I couldn’t find her.” Kiri bumped into him, unable to stop herself at the right time to hit the brakes due to how abruptly Lo’ak had stilled. They’d almost tumbled over. “Dad told me to wait until he contacts her and I’ve been waiting for minutes. Now tell me what’s going on over there.”
“Bro, you’re serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be serious, skxawng!” 
He turned to Kiri in disgusted discomfort, who had damn-near glued her own ear to his to hear better. “Forget months, I’ll be free for years. Dad’s not gonna let her take one step off the camp anymore.”
The girl would stomp her foot if she was a couple years younger. “What’s this about?”
And Neteyam would shake Lo’ak from the neck for ignoring him this long while he was fussing. “Tell me already you—!”
“They’re having a fight bro.” He leaned better to peep outside the tent. “Yeah.”
“She came back? Why didn’t you tell me?”
It was uncommon for Neteyam to completely disregard the previous input he’d been given. Lo’ak didn’t understand this level of anxiety. “Are you having a brain fart? Would we be having this conversation if she was here? It’s mom and dad who are fighting.”
It wasn’t that serious — on the contrary, his sister was quite simple to understand. She didn’t want to be found and had changed her place of hiding. End of story. The golden boy’s worrywart nature was keeping him from reasoning. 
“Don’t be a smartass.” Lo’ak practically felt Neteyam’s want to land a loud smack on his back. “Were they only able to reach her, then? Is that why they’re fighting?”
“You’re asking me?—”
The older boy began to grumble under his breath. “This is why I called Kiri.”
Said girl’s ears perked up over picking her name from the static-surrounded line. Lo’ak snorted. “Ouch, bro.”
Kiri shook him from the elbow. “Me? What about me?”
“Great title for your autobiography.”
Kiri raised her arms to give him a beating and Lo’ak was already bolting away from anywhere near her vicinity. The siblings didn’t even take notice of the line with Neteyam going dark as they focused on their own play-scuffle for a while. 
Until Lo’ak bumped into someone.
It wasn’t Tuk. 
Shoulders pulled into himself, he turned around torturously freaked out to find dad standing there like a ghost, his tactical vest packed to the brim and gun hanging from his back the way they wore their bows. 
The blue of his skin had faded into an ashier tone, amber eyes wide and bloodshot, the veins on the normally put together Olo’eyktan’s forehead were bulging, even a socially clueless person would pick up something was seriously wrong. He commanded cold authority of the battlefield simply by the way he stood, immediately triggering Lo’ak into soldier mode.  
He took a few steps back, chin hanging low at the lightless, unblinking stare his father pushed down on him. “Sir.”
All the sleepiness that had Tuk unresponsive and nodding off through Lo’ak and Kiri’s push-and-pull was knocked out of her at the sight, she was now unnerved and frightened. “Dad?”
The man’s intensity was somehow eased by his youngest’s reaction, but he held back from taking her in his arms like he normally would to comfort her, didn’t even care to remark on how they were supposed to be sleeping — how they’d woken their little sister up, instead focusing on Lo’ak. “I want you all to listen well. Your mother and I are heading out for a minute and your grandmother will be with you soon — Neteyam is Oscar-Mike to come back here. Stay put and don’t go anywhere, understand?” His finger pointed accusingly at him. “Don’t cause trouble. Looking at you boy, what I’m saying here is Marine proof. I’m at the end of my wits here, don’t even think about slipping a tail out of this tent.” 
The potent severity of whatever the hell was making him this agitated to the point of a voice so hoarse it was unrecognizable got the wheels in Lo’ak’s head whirring. “What’s happening, dad?”
“One child!” The thundering shout came down on him with the force of a falling mountain, making Lo’ak jump out of his skin. “I need one child of mine to listen to me without asking any questions today!” Dad’s voice broke when Tuk whined, he shut his eyes as if he was in physical pain, and flexed his jaw, shaking his head and pulling the girl in from her shoulders to soothe her. Still no direct hugging. “Jesus Christ.”
“I’m sorry sir,” Lo’ak said immediately, distraught by the over-the-top reaction, hands unknowingly curling into fists by his sides. Whenever that sky people word ‘Jesus’ slipped from dad not having any control between the border of his two languages, the boy knew it was demanding gravitas. “I heard you CFB.”
“Good.” He thinned his lips. “Kiri, please.”
Lo’ak frowned at dad basically asking for her to play her brother’s keeper in Neteyam’s absence in two simple words.
She nodded. “I know dad.”
He caught a glimpse of his mother running in the distance, her father’s bow in her hand. 
Just what was happening? What had you done? 
Eywa, it had to be sky people. 
Dad saw the realization in his face. “Stay,” he emphasized, one final time before he was also gone with the wind. 
Lo’ak wouldn’t have obeyed if it wasn’t for his grandmother arriving just in time, keeping them busy with a story about the arrival of a wounded ikran with no rider.
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You realized the gunshot wound puncturing your upper abdomen was there the whole time when the avatars put first aid and later slapped a rectangular sky people bandage on it that helped clotting or whatever it was called, the pain simply not being there had played a big factor in it with the body running on pure adrenaline. 
(Crouching close to you, Quaritch had bragged, “We aren’t so bad after all, huh, sweetheart? It’s called civilization. Your daddy ever taught you about that?”
Civilization, your ass. They needed you. There was nothing well-meaning about what they were doing.
And the nickname had ticked you off, sullying the good memories of father, your head slammed into his nose in full power after a hiss.
“Now my daddy taught me that!” you spat in English as other avatars had tackled you. The man claiming to be Quaritch was smiling as he wiped away the blood trickling down his nose.
What was the point in trying to patch you up if they were going to do this, then?)
You were now a part of an elaborate trap to lure your father in. Bait. The worst position to be in. This was the kind of trouble Lo’ak would get himself in. It was too late to go back now, the mess you’d gotten yourself into had made itself known. 
Think, think! How could you get out of this?
Within the unsleeping forest’s nightly noises chirping all around you, a specific call in the air halted your train of thought. 
It was mom. 
Your parents were here. But how? How did they know where you were, exactly? Dread and expectation pooled in your heart, coexisting in a nauseating mix. 
Father must be thinking that you already caused so much trouble, they couldn’t know you were also hurt, you’d never hear the end of it.
But there was no time to think, the pain you should have been feeling was ebbing its way into your body, and she was calling in the night to inform you to get ready.
All hell broke loose when the man who held you tight from your queue was shot right from the back of his head with an arrow, collapsing right on top of you. 
You couldn’t get away in time to not be crushed by his dead body and promptly got squished between the mossy soil and him, his gun was hurting you, the wound on your stomach getting in the way of you using your core to push the body off. 
How many minutes had passed with you struggling to get him off as a hurricane of bullets roared, you didn’t know (it hurt, pain was climbing towards the threshold) — mom was able to break free from the weight of a whole AMP suit, as you’d heard as a child, a Na’vi was naturally strong, but you couldn’t even crawl out. Panic was a rope tightening around your ribcage as your breathing picked up
All of a sudden, the weight was gone, and the only remaining thing from it was the big gun left from the avatar you found yourself hugging for dear life, eyes wide as saucers. Before you could see whoever had done that, you got hoisted up right back on your feet and tried to run, only to be held tighter and pulled behind the trunk of a tree.
“Hey, it’s me, it’s me!” Clumsy, overwrought hands were cupping your cheeks and — and oh, it was your father. 
You didn’t know whether to be afraid or cry from happiness.
Once he was sure you registered it was him by staring intently in your eyes with that edge of the softness you’d missed so much, his hold shifted to your neck and around your shoulders, and he gave you a look-over, checking for any wounds. Too bad what he was searching for was behind the gun you were holding. “Are you hurt?” He shook you when you were too stunned to answer. “Are you hurt at all?”
“No,” you shook your head automatically, it was weak against the explosions of bullets raining down all around you, but father had picked it up regardless, only focusing on you for the moment.
In the darkness, nobody could see the blood running down your body, that bandage had come out at one point. 
“On my mark, we’re gonna run, okay?” He nodded to you, tomahawk axe in hand coated in a dark substance, commanding your full attention. “Follow me. Ready? Ready?”
You weren’t ready at all, stomach feeling like it was being stabbed at every heartbeat, but you couldn’t tell him that. 
Instead, you ran like hell, moored by father’s taut clutch on your forearm pulling you forward to match his incredible speed dodging roots, bushes and branches. 
Things stopped moving only when you were enveloped in mom’s embrace, consciousness almost flying off from the relief that washed over you. Kisses were peppered along your hairline and forehead, her mumbling your name in gratitude blending with your panting. Tears burned bitter in your eyes, but you couldn’t cry, not when father was looking at you like that, chest rising and falling. You instantaneously remembered why you were holding that gun at the intensity he was radiating, tail escaping between your legs and letting mom hold you. 
At least this way he wasn’t able to objurgate you.  
Over her shoulder, you saw three ikrans instead of two. Heart soaring, you were skipping towards him in pure astonishment in a heartbeat. “Hey buddy!”  
His head lowered down towards you in bird-like movements. In this angle, it looked like he was giving you a razor sharp-toothed big grin. 
“He brought us here,” your mother said. The hand you were going to pet the ikran with stopped midway at her dejected tone. “You have passed Iknimaya, I take it. On your own.”
You didn’t know what to say, feeling immense guilt at having made her this disappointed over it. If this was any normal situation, any normal fight at all, you would have shot back with, ‘Well father told me to do it.’
But you were tired. 
Your pain threshold was being threatened, and you needed to get to your grandmother before any of your parents saw the situation you were in and this escalated into the worst fight you were going to get into in your entire life. 
Father’s only response was a dead cold, “C’mon, we gotta get outta here.”
He didn’t talk to you after that. Not one word. 
Squatting on an ikran’s back on a flight with an abdominal gunshot wound you were trying to hide was not an option unless you wanted to pass out midair and was looking for a free dive, so you were all but hugging the poor thing’s neck like a monkey, trusting him to follow your parents while you concentrated on mentally fighting to level out the pain. 
Nonsensical as it was to believe the gun stuck between your ikran’s neck and your stomach was acting as a tampon to lessen the bleeding, you were concerned with how dumb it must have looked to father and mom, how incompetent they must think of you that their daughter didn’t even know how to ride right. 
Got an ikran for nothing. 
Would they be less proud of you seeing how funny it appeared, nevermind that it was to contain your pain all the while not trying to faint?
But no words were exchanged about it. 
Father clamping up right after he’d made sure you weren’t hurt (yikes) had resulted in this awkward trip succumbing in total silence. They had sandwiched you between them, only necessary space for the ikrans to beat their wings freely left, so close that you could discern the scariest look on father yet, deepening the lines of age in his face while simultaneously expressing his barely contained desire to kill someone. 
A ticking time bomb. 
Forget speaking at all, but not only did he never address you until now, he didn’t even look in your direction for once. You knew because staring at him for five minutes straight for him to just acknowledge your existence had proven to be unfruitful. 
And the tears involuntarily streamed down your cheeks with how utterly worthless and alone that made you feel, trapped in this agony you couldn’t help but hide because he’d think you didn’t deserve to complain after bringing it upon yourself. You would rather bite your tongue and bear the pain than stay dreading his reaction. 
Yeah, no, he couldn’t know. 
Mom was looking over at you every one minute to make sure you were okay after her ears picked up on your sniffles, arrows of worry shot from her side sinking down your skin every single time, and you hated to make her this way. 
Your ikran kept comforting you through tsaheylu until you landed.
Father had promptly jumped down, agile and making haste away somewhere, passing you by and giving the cold shoulder. You all but slid off your own ikran, managing to make the gun stay where it should be, as you couldn’t help but weakly call out to him for one drop of consolation. “Father…”
He didn’t stop for you, quickening his steps, but his ears twitched, the tail beating the air ferociously halting and lowering before it returned to the previous motions, and those were the only indications that he’d heard it Lima Charlie.
The man just didn’t want to talk to you.    
And you had to make yourself believe it wasn’t the emotional devastation that had you falling down, but the wound sucking out all your energy now that you had gotten to safety. 
“Ma’ite?” Mom rushed to you. “Ma’ite, what’s wrong? What is it?”
“I’m okay, mom, it’s okay.” You were sitting on the floor, cross-legged. Thank goodness you still had the unbreakable willpower (and not the fear of Eywa put into you by father) to hold your shit together. “I’m okay. Just tired. My knees buckled. Weak, you know?” You swallowed, smiling. “I’m just… Just resting.”
Her gaze full of concern studied you, zeroing in on the gun you clung on for dear life against your stomach. Her hands lovingly brushed your hair, gripped your shoulders and elbows even though you were disgustingly clammy all over. It was grounding, anchoring within the ocean of pain washing over you in waves. 
“Oh, why are you sweating so much? You’re freezing.” You clutched the gun harder in a panic when she grasped it, most likely to put it away. It was the wrong reaction to have, but you weren’t exactly in the position to function healthily. 
Mom, as any other person would, got suspicious from it, her eyes flying up to your owlish ones — blanked out like a frightened animal. “You’re fine now,” she whispered, thankfully attributing it to how disturbed you must be, still not out of survival mode. “You are safe, my daughter. Mom is here.” She cupped your cheek, but every touch to your body hurt now, even when it was away from the gaping wound, still gushing blood, trickling down your hips and getting you scared that it’d be discovered once you stood up. “I’m here.” She searched your soul to know just why you were grimacing at her attempts of comforting. “I will take this now, you do not need it anymore.”
You snapped out of the gradually darkening gray haze mom’s lulling was laying you down gingerly into. “No, please don’t,” your breathing hitched. She was going to see. She couldn’t see. You had to avoid this somehow, as long as you could. Grandmother’s tent. You would make it, you had to.  “I’ll… I’ll just sit here for a while, okay? I need to just… take a small break, and then I’ll… Can you go back? I’ll follow later. Father is angry, I don’t—”
“Nonsense.” Incredulous and enraged suddenly about something you couldn’t put a finger on, and before you could stop her, she tried to haul you up with her by gripping your upper arms — colors exploded behind your eyelids, getting you you to lose consciousness for two seconds, your vision flooding back in a starry kaleidoscope. When mom’s voice reached your ears, it was in staccato exclaims your ears were ringing too much to discern. She was shaking you. 
You weren’t able to sit up straight anymore, leaning forward — mom had caught you, utterly confused and panicked at the same time. And then your head was lying on the crook of her elbow resting on her legs she’d tucked under herself. The moment you’d switched from sitting to straight up lying down was missing from your memories. 
A baby being cradled. Yes, this is exactly what it was like. Gentle arms surrounded you amidst the pulsating sea of agony. 
Your body was letting go, but your arms were vices around the gun, still holding that last line. Don’t let go. Don’t let go. They can’t know. Father will be so mad if he learns. “‘m okay… ‘st restin’…”
When your eyes cleared enough for the surroundings to be only a bit blurry, your mom was looking at the hand she’d just tried to take away the gun with, caked with your blood that had stained it, out of it and perplexed like she didn’t want to believe it. 
Her gut-wrenchingly stunned numbness sent the misery clawing its way inside into overdrive, pulling your consciousness down to the earth from the clouds it was ascending to. “Not mine,” you forced out, but it came out as begging. Everything was falling apart. The plan was so simple, why couldn’t you do anything right? “Not mine. Please. Mom, it’s okay.” 
“No…” Mumbling, she started sharply swaying back and forth, and with one brutally vigorous attack, she ripped the gun away from your arms, and hurled it away — then it was over. Your sob wasn’t due to the motion hurting you, it was all entirely for the broken wail of your mother at seeing the bloodied mess, tears spilling from her eyes as she reached down to press down at the pouring liquid. “No! No! Oh Great Mother! Why did you hide this! Oh, my daughter!” 
“No, mom, I’m fine, it’s nothing. Not my blood. Not my blood, okay?” You reached up weakly and wiped at her cheeks with trembling fingers, your heart got crushed worse than the pain could beat you down at her grief — lungs constricting. Where was all the air?  “I’ll get up. I’ll go to grandmother, don’t cry. Just resting.”
Frantically looking around, she yelled, “Jake!—” but her voice didn’t quite come out, breathy as if she’d been punched in the ribcage seconds prior.
A heartbeat’s worth of nothingness, after which you were full-on freaking out. Only one thought: Father will be angry. 
“No!” You shrieked, and blood swelled in one strong pump against mom’s fingers. She looked down at you in anguish, pupils blown wide, arm tightening around you as if you were a flailing bird. “Don’t tell him! Don’t tell father! He’ll really kill me for this—”
“No, no no no,” she shook her head, frenzied, tone cracked from beginning to end. “Do not say that. Don’t you ever say that—”
But you were struggling in her arms, wanting nothing but to crawl away into a hole, no reason registering whatsoever, only instinct. “He’ll be so angry,” you begged, pleading, pink spit bubbling at the corners of your mouth. The sound of gurgling accompanying the words you forced your whole body to form. “You can’t tell him — you can’t! He already hates me!”
The more you thrashed around and kicked your legs, the more you bled.
“Please, Great Mother!” The more mom lost her mind, hissing and howling hysterically, crazed, hugging you tighter and rocking. “Jake! Jake! Ma’Jake!” She put her temple against yours. “Not my daughter, please, Eywa…”
Why was she being like this? It wasn’t that serious! You were okay!
Delirium claimed you hot as she kept calling his name and her unbreakable hold on you kept you in a cage of a mother’s despair. In your feverish mind, a threat to your life was coming. Weakness spread like wildfire around your body and chipped away at the pain, slowly picking it apart to replace it with drowsiness. “Don’t call ‘im,” you continued to repeat, over and over again. “I’m just taking a break. Don’t call him over. He’s gonna be angry. He’ll hate me. He hates me. Please, mom.”
The sentences slurred together, shortened, wilted away pitifully, your voice died down, tongue deteriorating into only echoing, “He hates me.” A withered away, old flute. 
Your ikran was bellowing in the distance and you looked. The torches on cave walls were illuminating him and finally revealing to you his beautiful color scheme.    
And then your father was here, falling to his knees right beside you, his glistening wide eyes flying everywhere around your body — tracing all the blood, hands hovering above you as if he didn’t know where to start piecing a shattered vase back together.   
It was over.
Fully expecting the chastising you were about to receive to shake the floating mountains so bad the enemy would be able to spot you, you began to apologize — pride be damned, this battle be lost, you’d failed anyway. “Please don’t be mad,” you shuddered, meek and unsteady, tunnel vision flickering at the edges only perceiving him. “It’s my fault—I’m sorry—please don’t be angry—”
“Stop talking,” he ordered, rough and harsh, eyebrows knitted tightly, and out of breath — probably because of how hard he was trying to hold the anger back. You knew. That had to be it. “Don’t speak.”
Ah of course. This was only natural when he had refused to utter a single word at you the whole way, denying you the temporary comfort of a simple glance. 
Even the hand he pressed down so ruthlessly firm on your stomach it might as well be a boulder pinning you down was meant to be punishment, the whines your unbreathing lungs couldn’t stop turned into yowls — you hadn’t even noticed your hands were wrapped around father’s wrist in an effort to push him away, scratching him, but he only added his other hand on top of the other in return.
“Hang on, sweetheart, I got you, please hang on a little longer,” he pleaded, but you were already too far gone, Eywa was cruel to have plugged your ears to the endearment you’d been dying to hear from him for so long, making the last things you were aware father said to you the fact that he didn’t even want to hear you talking. 
And you fulfilled his wish. 
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taglist: @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis@alohastitch0626 @jackiehollanderr @lucciera @qvrcll @iloveavatar @velvtcherie @ssc7514 @goldenmoonbeam @neteyamforlife @itsluludoll @jakesullys-bitch @blubrryy @sully-stick-together @arminsgfloll @alice121804 @noname2246 @justthingzsblog @eywamygoddess @m-1234 @ellabellabus07 @hellok1ttycake @dakotali @bluefire12348 @abbersreads @yellooaaa @aimsro @octavias-next-meat-bite @nikqdn @nao-cchi @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @heybiatchz @winxschester @elegantkidfansoul @eichenhouseproperty @kakimakiloh @dueiosy @liyahsocorro @dimplesxx @tigresslily @n8ivatar @strnqer @lillybbyy @jakesullyssluttt @r3dc4ndy @myheartfollower @gcldtom @bunnyrose01 @aceofheartzzz @ghoulbli @slasherfcker505 @ducks118 @megsthings @graykageyama @gwolf92
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vip3r-r · 6 months
Hi! I noticed you do nsfw, if your comfortable could I request some headcanons of venture in bed IM BRAINROTTING SO MUCH ABT THEM SORRY!!
No because I really thought nobody was going to ask for nsfw and I GOT nsfw request (╥_╥) this was so fun because tell me they wouldn’t be such a dork while in serious situations, I love them so much I’m so sad they aren’t on the game anymore BRING THEM BACK— anywho I hope you like it! Request are still open and I will most likely post some more later after I wake up from a nap
Warnings- bad spelling maybe, didn’t double check and English didn’t my first language, tried my hardest to make it gender neutral! (You can always request if you want it f/m/gn!!)
this could go two ways…
deep in satisfaction, holding you tight or roaming your body feeling with their rough hands, looking down at you with half open eyes, letting out small huffs as they work their magic with your body
or they could be saying the stupidest of jokes or some random facts about rocks while their fingers hit that spot that makes you arch your back.
i feel like venture would love to be behind you, your legs open, their hands playing with you as they smile in satisfaction, hearing you cry and try to close your legs but you can't because they won't let you <3
would love to see you like this when you have their jacket/coat on, something about that makes them go crazy
isn't crazy in bed, more of a softy that wants to please you and occasionally wants it back
after sex, as you lay down relaxing, venture would probably lay rocks on your body while they tell you about how the found it or the history if it
loves to cuddle with you while you two get enough energy to go shower or eat, brings you water or cleans your body if it was a rather harsh session
i feel like they wouldn't dare do it at work (because they love their job) but probably have a sloppy makeout session
venture eat rocks, of course they're gonna bite you… loves to leave them somewhere where only they know, but find it funny to leave one or two where people could see it if you slightly moved your clothes
“oh whats that” venture says moving your sweater out off your neck “pika boo” you tried to fix it but they move it again “i see it” – “found it” – “cant hide it” – “hello there” etc
That’s it for this one!! I kinda ran out of ideas because it’s literally 5am in here and my brain ain’t working in that area of town yet— you are always welcome to ask with a mere detail request!!
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archivedzeke · 1 year
fucking könig so hard he cant even talk english (i have big brain rot rn im sorry)
that’s hot. nothing’s better than fucking this killing machine dumb is too sexy to fathom.
you’d have him in a mating press, his muscular legs dangling in the air as you drive your thick cock in and out of his sopping hole—the sweat from working him over dripping from your chin
he was at least three orgasms in now and so we’re you, his insides have been pumped full of your cum and he was on the brink of tapping out himself—he’d like to think he had pretty good stamina, but when you’re drilling into him like he’s some two dollar whore, that thought is rendered untrue.
every bit of resolve he was clinging onto breaking instantly. you’re watching it all, you watch in utter fulfillment as his cock twitches once more and a whimper leaves his throat—eyes rolling into the back of his skull as his cum paints his messy abdomen once more and he begins to babble.
“look at that baby. you’re all dumbed out aren’t you king?” — he lets out the most delicious whimper, before answering in a warbled tone. “i-ich werde verrückt!” (i’m going crazy)
“please! please! züchte mich ♡!”, (breed me) his hole clenches around you, pulsing rhythmically around your heavy dick. he wanted your babies. “fuck! you look so pretty love. that’s it! talk to me like a good boy.”
his voice is reduced higher in pitch, and every word he speaks is covered in his heavy german accent.
“füll mich bitte voll! ich will meh!!” (fill me up please! i want more!)
now that really turns you on. when he starts speaking his native tongue, that’s when you know his brain has become nothing but love mush. konig throws out random pleases in german, want and just heavy in his eyes.
“want me to cum in you again pretty boy? fill your sloppy pussy with my kids hm?”
he nods his head and spews out what he can. “y-yess! please please! k-küss mich!”, he manages to get out while drool leaks down his chin. and you comply, laughing into the kiss as he tries his hardest to reciprocate the feeling. (kiss me)
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redbullgirly · 8 months
Hi! Can you write something about Lando x reader where she wants to wait till marriage to have sex and how'd he react to this? I'll leave the rest to you, it doesn't have to be a whole fic, maybe just a small blurb. Thank you <3
Lando Norris x reader
Summary: You and Lando have been going out for few weeks, maybe months now. While you're enjoying each other's company on a beach with sunset behind your backs, you decide to tell him you want to wait with sex till marriage.
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I honestly didn't write for a while, so if some sentences are kinda weird or sloppy, I'm very sorry! Don't be afraid to correct me if you find some errors.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I hope you and everybody else will like this shorter fic I wrote based on it. I'll appreciate likes, comments, follows, reblogs and any other form of support! :)
The sand beneath your feet was still warm, though the sun had almost set behind the fluffy clouds on the horizon. You ran up the beach, trying to get as far from the sea as you could, before the curly-haired man could throw you into the waves, messing up your hair. He followed you, laughing and almost tripping, which was probably the only reason you actually managed to escape to the laid out blanket with your things and bags.
You laid on it, your chest covered in droplets of salty water heaving with uneven breaths. Some sand probably stuck to your wet skin, but you didn't mind.
“Y/N, you left me there all alone!” Lando faked a pout, standing above you with crossed arms and a silly smile.
“Yeah, 'cause you tried to drown me!” you fired right back and stuck out your tongue.
He shook his head and stretched out his arm, helping you stand back up. Then, without any warning, he slapped your ass. You squealed his name and tried to punch him, but he dodged effortlessly. May his fast reflexes be damned.
It was getting darker by every minute, the sun now nearly gone from the evening sky. Shadows slowly crept to the beach, and you shivered in the cool air. Lando, the caring boy he was, instantly noticed the goosebumps popping up all over your body. You were both still just in your swimsuits, and it was getting cold. 
He bent down to the bag you took to the beach with you and took out a big towel. “C'mere baby,” he mumbled, and when you took a step towards him, he wrapped you and himself up in it. 
Suddenly, you didn't feel cold at all — quite the opposite, really. Lando's firm body was pressed against you, his hands around your waist and faces impossibly close to each other. You could feel his warm breath, smelling after the vanilla milkshake you drank at a cozy café before going to the private beach.
One of his big hands cupped your cheek, your eyes locked in with his intense blue stare. Lando and you were going out for a few weeks, even months now. You didn't put any label on it, maybe too afraid of the feelings that bubbled in your stomach every time that exact expression appeared in his eyes. The one of pure adoration and happiness, as if you'd give him the Moon. And honestly? If he ever asked, you probably would. Or at least try.
As if the boy could read your thoughts, his smile deepened, and he finally closed the remaining distance between you two. His lips felt soft and hard against yours at the same time, asking and demanding all at once. Lando was always careful at the start, but as soon as your body relaxed, and you gently bit his bottom lip, the kiss heated up pretty quickly.
He moaned into your mouth and his hold on your waist tightened. This wasn't your first time making out, but it never felt so intense, so breathtaking before. You struggled to keep pace with him, though you'd lie if you said you didn't like it. However, when his hands slipped under the towel that was still wrapped around your bodies, and tugged onto your bikini straps, you pulled away. Your cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and hair messy.
He stopped, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you questioningly, eyes wide. You realized Lando thought he did something wrong, again. And that made you feel even worse than before.
“What's wrong, babe?” he asked in a quiet voice, his hand still cupping the side of your cheek. You wanted to look down, ashamed and not knowing how to say what had to be said, but Lando didn't let you. “You can tell me Y/N. I won't be angry or anything.”
It was his assurance and sweet voice that caused you to sight and swallow thickly.
“I… there's something I need to tell you,” you whispered. He just nodded, listening curiously. “So, I feel weird saying it, but… I never actually… you know.” You point between you and him. “I never did this before,” you confess, not able to look him into the eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “That's no problem at all-” You put your finger on his lips, silently asking him to be quiet.
“And,” you say, making him know that's not all you wanted to say, “I don't want to. Not until marriage.”
Now he seems surprised, taken aback even. It's clear he's processing your words for a moment, while you almost faint from the nerves. You're worried he won't understand. That now, when you told him he won't get what most men want, he'll break up whatever you two have going on.
But he does nothing like that. No, he nods slowly, a little smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A smile that soon turns into the grin you know so well by this point. And then, Lando pulls you closer and whispers in your ear: “Well, good thing I plan on marrying you one day.”
And even though he says it in a joking voice, wanting to lighten up the atmosphere, you know right there and then that deep down, he means it.
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idontcare4urmom · 4 months
little red dress
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soft!dom! chris x reader!gf!
content:you were aware of the effect you had on your boyfriend,but that didn’t stopped you from wanting him to drool all over you,there was a party on the town and you got dressed up until Chris sees you and completely loses it.
warnings: smuttt,pet names (baby,slut,etc.), praising kink,dirty talk,teasing,fingering,sucking,slight fluff at the end and more
a/n: my first language is not English,so sorry if it’s bad cause it’s also my first fic,please be nice<3 ——————————————————-
today was the day,you were about to attempt to one of the ‘biggest’ parties in L.A. with influencers.sure,you were only invited cause your boyfriend was also invited,and you knew that but you couldn’t care less.you were simply excited to meet new people.
you had already had picked up your outfit so you wouldn’t be in a hurry, even though the party was in more than 2 hours. nothing could go wrong with black high boots that boosted your height,a mini leather jacket and a perfect mini red sparkly dress you bought for the occasion.
when you tried it on the store,you knew that you had to get it,it was almost like it was made specifically for you.it complimented your figure and face in a way that you knew you were going to drag looks on you,not to mention that it curved your ass and tits like a glove,and the length of it stopped right above your bare thighs,perfect right?
you eventually started to get ready,picking a nice matching red lace lingerie to match with your dress,even though no one will really see it,at least that’s what you thought .you wore the dress after and tugged with a bit of struggle the zipper up,taking a quick glimpse of yourself afterwards in the mirror to admire yourself before starting to do makeup.
you were about to finish with the final details of your pink glossy lipstick,popping your lips together until you heard a knock on the door.
“baby? are you almost done? we have to leave in like 10 minutes” your boyfriend’s voice echoed through the other side of the room,you didn’t even had realized how much it took you to get ready.
“almost done,you come in you know” you responded,curious about how your man will think of your looks.
there was a click on the door before it banged close,causing you to turn your head and look at Chris who was now staring at you.he was pretty much checking you out and his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he broke the silence “wow..you look hot”.
the comment made you giggle under you breath and respond sarcastically “i always do”.you could feel the brunette boy rolling his eyes but what didn’t you expect was a sudden feeling of hands cupping both of your ass cheeks.
“yeah you are not lying,but this dress fits you better than anything else i have seen you wearing” Chris exclaimed right into your ear,you could swear that his voice was lowered which made you narrow your eyes in confusion but also interest.
“thanks,but get your hands off” you bratted,which made him chuckle and grope them tighter “what about no?”
you scoffed at his answer,turning around to answer but suddenly feeling him grabbing your face and pulling you into a hungry kiss.your eyebrows furrowed but you couldn’t resist the urge to make out with him for a minute.
the kiss soon turned sloppy,both of your tongues fighting for dominance until he tugged on your bottom lip,making you moan. “red is really your colour” you heard him say as you felt his hands lifting up your dress,causing your breaths to get heavier.
“Chris,the party” you warned in a worried tone,which made him smirk for no reason,his hand slipping in between your thighs “you really think I care about that baby? I couldn’t give a damn less”.
the next thing you knew was him taunting you.his fingers barely grazing your pussy that was already dripping wet,opening your mouth to complain but he quickly pushes you into the bed,hovering on top of you and pushing two fingers into your tight hole.
“oh shit!” you groaned at the stretch,his free hand going backwards to tug down the zipper of the dress that was making his cock throb.when he pulled it down his eyes roamed into your body and on your lingerie set,making his fingers thrust in and out of you fast.
“fuck,such a slut,wearing this shit to get me turned me on when you know i can’t resist you” his words made you clench around his fingers and whine pathetically.his head tilted down to place rough kisses on the hook of your neck and creating big hickeys,while his fingers curled up to hit that spot inside you.
you were a moaning and whimpering mess already,and he couldn’t help to think what you will do when his length will be buried into your cunt later.
“i..I am gonna cum” you whispered after some seconds,your voice raspy and Chris pulled with no warning his fingers out,making you frown and him to respond with a simple explanation of “going to save it for later”.
he then left from on top of you and stood up straight,his hands quickly moving to his belt to unbuckle it before shoving down his jeans and boxers,exposing his fully hard self with pre-cum leaking all over his red tip.
your breath hitched at the sight and you desperately wanted to get on your knees,but before you knew he pushed firmly your legs apart and spread them from him,his eyes darkening when he saw how ready you were,your juices glistening all over your thighs.
“hm,so wet,such a perfect sight,all this for me?” he cooed and praised,which only made you nod and feel your desire increasing.
he got in between your legs and positioned his tip against your entrance,starting to tease by grinding his hips against yours,making you groan again at the friction. “Chris,please..” you couldn’t help to beg,which even surprised yourself,but you didn’t regret it cause the next thing you felt was him entering you with a rough and deep thrust.
you practically screamed his name and arched your back,your hands reaching to tug on his hair locks which only made Chris grunt.his pace was fast and almost painful,making sure you felt him completely,and you couldn’t help to move your hips along with his in sync.
the panting from both of you and the skin to skin clapping filled the room in matter of seconds,his head once more leaning down but to lick all over your stomach soothingly while his dick was pounding into your g-spot with no mercy.he soon undid your bra and took one of your nipples into his mouth,sucking and flicking his tongue over the flesh.
the knot on your stomach was already felt,which also was noticeable by Chris and making him speak in a low,slightly hoarse way “already sweetheart? you are gonna make a mess on my cock like the perfect whore you are,hm?”
you only clenched at his words again,your one hand leaving his hair to grasp at the sheets for support,your orgasm already forming again and your legs began to shake.
“you aren’t going to finish yet, understood? he warned,making you look up at him with pleading eyes while his own blue one were looking almost brown,making you shiver and nod at his question “good girl,I know you can hold it for a little longer”
you couldn’t explain it but his voice was both rough and soft at the same time,and it was for sure turning you more.his length continued to tear you apart,basically hitting your spot over and over again while your eyes were watery.even though he had told you to not reach your climax yet,you were unaware that a few specific movements from you will sent him over his own edge.
it was basically you wrapping your legs tightly around his waist to encourage him silently to go deeper,while your nails digged into his lower back and leaving marks behind.with an unexpected loud groan from his lips and his hips bucking up,his muscles flexed and he released his seed deep into your cunt.
you moaned a little when he pulled out after some seconds,leaving you panting and your chest rising and falling,you quickly recovered when he rolled into his side and pulled you with him so he can cuddle you tightly.an exhausted yawn escaped from your mouth into the comfortable silence and he planted a kiss to your forehead “tired?”
“you fucked my brains out,what did you expect” you responded,making you both burst out laughing until some minutes after you were asleep into each other arms.
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