#so the jojo that exists now for most people is not the same experience that i had back then. which feels. odd.
haarute · 1 year
i feel weird being like a hardcore jojo fan who actually didn't get introduced to it because of memes at all because i just had a friend recommended it to me and i read it without knowing anything, and this was before the stardust crusaders anime blew up. so the fact that the common experience for jojo fans is now "oh you saw a weird funny meme and wanted to know what's up same bro" is still a bit alien to me because i just Grew into making memes about it after the fact, but never saw them as a way into the franchise despite that now being the reputation it upholds
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kohiandie · 5 months
Hiya! I’m not really sure where to look for this info (sources I’ve found conflict with each other), and I’ve bought keychains from your Etsy store before so you may know? Are artists allowed to sell fan merch on Etsy, or is that some kind of copyright issue? How are you doing it? I’m a beginner artist and I eventually want to open my own shop but I’m a bit intimidated lol
soooo, it's a bit of a loaded question, haha. we have a lot of experience with etsy, their copyright system, customer service, etc.
technically, etsy does not allow the sell of any kind of intellectual property that belongs to someone else. before, they used to mostly just ding on listings that had trademark names in the titles, but now, a lot of the copyright strikers are going through and looking at listing photos, at the actual content of what people are selling.
so -- it leaves a lot of artists kind of in a complicated spot.
when it comes to the copyright strikers, i can give you (some) good news from actually communicating with some of them, including 'remove your media', which was one of the biggest copyright strikers for anime merch in particular. (art & merch for books has been totally fine on our end!)
remove your media is no longer working on etsy to strike down most anime merch. that's franchises like berserk, nge, jojo, & more that are basically free to sell their merch now. that being said, we are aware they are still working with viz media -- they've striked down our one piece stuff, for example.
about a year ago, we had a huuuuge mishap with etsy shutting down our main shop. they gave us several copyright strikes and we actually went ahead and contacted the copyright striker (remove your media) to resolve it. the guy was actually super, super nice & said that because they're mostly targetting bootleg / dropshipping shops & because he really loved our cause (ie. the rescue), that he would let us continue to sell our work, even if it was technically copyrighted. companies like his own are basically hired by funimation, viz, crunchyroll, etc. to strike down copyrighted / trademarked material across the internet -- etsy, amazon, & more.
so, he contacted etsy directly and got all our strikes removed, got all our listings put back up. we gave him all our listing numbers and he whitelisted them with his company.
it was a super, super kind thing of him to do but! periodically, a strike would still happen, we would email him, he would get it put back up. even with this system in place, though, etsy went ahead and still shut down our shop. :- ) it was a whooooooooole horrible mess. most of our income at the time was coming from etsy because they have SUCH a good marketplace. one thing i will give etsy that is so integral to growth: they get your art & products out there.
unfortunately, that was as much as the copyright guy could do for us and we just basically kept fighting etsy for about a year, until they finally decided to give us our shop back because it was apparently shut down "accidentally".
this is the mess that is etsy:
i think i'll always recommend them for getting your name & art out there, but it's particularly hard for people making merch from existing franchises right now, so tread very carefully! if you get one strike, take down all your trademarked merch ASAP so you don't get multiple & don't get shut down on a whim by etsy.
etsy is mostly functioning on ai. they don't have many real people working behind their customer service or even the bots that shut down people's stores, so every day, tons of people get their stores shut down completely for no fault of their's, trademarked merch or not.
SO ESSENTIALLY: while etsy is a fantastic base for growth & actually making some income off your art, i absolutely recommend investing in other ways to make it as well. make your own shop front / website via squarespace or shopify or bigcartel to have on the side with all the same products. send business cards in all your packages with your socials & main site. DO NOT COUNT ON ETSY or RELY on them for your main source of income, because they are totally unstable and it could really bite you in the ass (like it did us) at some point.
i really hope that didn't make your thoughts worse LOL i know you mentioned being intimidated but alas, artists really do have it rough OTL we're all just out here trying to get our work seen.
ps. i have receipts & proof of communication but for the sake of not wanting to get anyone in trouble that wanted to do something nice for us, i'm not going to be naming anyone / posting them here!
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litlbean · 2 years
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⚠️Contains Spoilers!!!⚠️
The Old Grist Mill
I'm just going to go ahead and link this song because in my opinion it is one of the best songs in the whole series period.
I love how the beginning of the series makes no sense to first-time watchers but after you have watched it at least once, everything at the beginning of the first episode makes sense. It gives off the same vibes as Jojo's Bizzare Adventure's openings... The Tome of the Unknown style is in every single title screen and it makes me so aesthetically happy. It intensifies the melancholy-autumn mood that this whole show embodies and of course, the art style is just amazing. I don't think any other art style would fit this series better than this one. Can we just pause for a second and talk about how f*cking cool it is that this entire show is just one big circle? The opening scene when the narrator starts talking is Wirt falling into the frozen pond... How do people come up with stuff like this!? I wish more series/movies did this kind of stuff. It just opens the door to so many more theories and expands the lore just that much deeper. Also before this episode gets any further in I just want to mention: grist;
grain that is ground to make flour.
malt crushed to make mash for brewing.
2.useful material, especially to back up an argument.
grist for the mill — useful experience, material, or knowledge.
I just found it interesting that the episode is named after it ヾ(^∇^)
Beatrice is one of my favorite characters in this show besides the Frog. The name Beatrice has many meanings but the one I think that makes sense in relation to the storyline is the one from the bible: deriving from the Latin word Beatrix meaning "One who blesses others". We'll talk about her more later because she is definitely a very important character in the series and the amount of lore is just *french kiss*. I'm ashamed to admit that I missed this the first time around but it's now so funny to me that while Wirt is wallowing in his sorrows and talking versing poetry about his life- Greg is just in the background swinging around objects to see which one he could knock out the woodsman with the best.
I love rock facts. 〔´∇`〕
🍬 The candy trail that Greg has and produces out of his pants that ultimately "leads the beast' to them (Wirt and Greg) could be taken as a metaphor for no good deeds go unpunished- or that all good things lead to the bad. The 'beast', or the bad in OTGW is led to the mill by Greg's candy trail that was supposed to lead Wirt and Greg back out of the Unknown. One of my favorite lines from the show is when Greg sees the 'beast' and says "You have beautiful eyes". Greg always looks for the good throughout the series and that makes me happy (^v^)
 🐢 The Black Turtles ~
These guys show up everywhere. I recommend you read the short article about them from the wiki that you can find here. I love these things. They're so mysterious, rare, and never explained. It never is even explained why Wirt says later in the series to Auntie Whispers that he "came to burgle her turts!". Does Wirt know something to do with the turtles that the watcher doesn't or is he just being observant and trying to make up an excuse on the fly? (More about that later in the series) It's such a good example of an uncanny valley~ they are turtles but they're black..? Black turtles don't exist in real life** and the ones in OTGW seem either to be just a singular turtle (although its never specified ).
** I kind of went down the Wikipedia rabbit hole and found out that "black" turtles do exist. Okay, so they're not entirely black but they are at least darker in color than your average sea turtle. Even farther down the rabbit hole, I started to find some things about Chinese Astrology and what certain constellations mean to them. The one that I found is the most 'relevant' (a.k.a I think it just matches the theme of OTGW the best). This is kind of complicated because of course, everything is disputed because legends and myths are always disputed so I'll try to explain this in the least confusing way possible: So the moon travels around the earth in a total of 27.32 days. Scientists track this progress by calculating the longitudes along the orbit (called an ecliptic) and then split it up into 28 different segments called Mansions or Stations (and sometimes even houses for some reason?). Anyways, ost often these were used by ancient cultures as part of their calendar systems. One of these cultures is ancient China. There's more... "The 28 Lunar Mansions are divided into four clusters, with each cluster made up of seven constellations"... There's a lot of math involved in all of this and I'm not an astronomer so I'm not sure how all of these connect but anyways I will put a pretty picture to kind of give you an idea of what I'm talking about here. Now... how does this connect to OTGW? Well, 2 things: 1. All of these Moon Stations make up "The Black Tortise of Winter" which according to this Wikipedia passage states that the Black Tortise corresponds to astrology and traveling to the underworld to guide people. 2. The 11th Moon Station of the "Black Tortoise of Winter" has a Chinese character meaning Emptiness. (pictured below)
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I think that all of this concentrated around emptiness and the underworld largely reflects the ideas of the Unknown in OTGW. The Unknown is like a different world where people who are lost go to never be seen again. Kind of like Hell or the underworld. It's vast and has very few inhabitants. The turtles showing up in the movie could be almost like a guiding figure.
I appreciate the fact that the 'beast' in the beginning is Beatrice's dog. I just love dogs and that little extra added touch for the whole full-circle vibe of this show just makes me happy. "Aint that just the way" Burdens and burdens that are needed of bearing are mentioned in this episode and then never again but I still want to acknowledge that the Woodsman kind of predicts that Wirt will take on most of the problems in this show following this episode. Taking the blame, solving problems, etc., etc. which is most likely the reason why he gets turned into an adle wood tree first before ultimately Greg does. Kind of a statement piece on how difficult it is being an older child and looking after your younger siblings. This whole sentiment of "oh, your younger sibling is too young and doesn't understand, and therefore shouldn't get blamed" really can affect the elder sibling and like Wirt in the end, make them lose hope over time. Getting blamed for other people's problems is a tough situation and I think that way too many eldest children get put in the same boat. Especially at younger ages, this can cause severe problems later on down the line. I love the frog. I also love this drawing by @wabidrawbi 
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keep drawing friends. you're doing amazing <3 XOXO
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rosenbraut · 2 months
CR's music isn't for me and i get actively annoyed by the way ppl hail her as the first ~important 'lesbian' singer (i think she has been open abt the fact she has dated both men and women), but i think saying she leaves her songs open to interpretation so as not to risk anything or as a marketing gimmick is kind of reductive, since in her music videos she kisses women, she hires drag queens as her support acts, and has been very open about the journey her sexuality took 1/2
as she grew up in a very conservative christian household. even tho i don't rly like her music (she has one or two i like), her pointing out when ppl yelled at her on twt for playing in US states that have bathroom bills that even so there are still lgbtq people in those states who need visible support was i think a good point. it's probably different in europe and not interesting to you, but here in the US where everything seems to be regressing i appreciate her msg if not her music
Firstly, thank you for reaching out and adding a "genuine USAmerican voice" to the discussion! :) You're also right, I am lacking an intimate knowledge of the current emotional states of the US. For the record: she seems very cool as a person and I don't mean to belittle her activism or the way she's using her platforms. I also don't think she's to blame for how she's hailed as the lesbian queen of music atm, that's just general biphobia (I also think we should keep in mind that sexuality is a constant journey of discovery, so me talking about her being bisexual now is me going from what she herself has said. if she later on says she's a lesbian, I'd never insist on calling her bisexual due to her past relationships with men, obviously. At the same time, I find it uncomfortable and harmful that so many people deny her mlw experiences with that sweeping "lesbian" diagnosis. Bisexuals exist.)
Just to clear up any confusion about what I meant re:marketability: Her using "you" makes the song open to interpretation. Straight people won't feel alienated by "and you're eating me out", because they can easily read the other person as male. That's a privilege other songs don't have. Even Lil Nas X, who uses 2nd person in Montero, doesn't have that privilege because, although the "you" is neutral, he makes it very clear who he's addressing. And of course she's completely free to sing about men, I just find it tiresome that her songs are hailed as gay anthems when they're ambiguous at best. If you want to make most of these applicable to the straight experience, you don't even have to change the pronouns, because there are none. And I do think it's intentionally ambiguous. "And she's eating me out" is going to get way less streams than "and you're eating me out", which fits neatly into the heartbroken Spotify playlist next to Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, lyrics-wise. And, to make that clear, I don't think it's a bad thing to keep marketability in mind, especially since lgbt+ artists are held to such a high standard - look at Jojo Siwa or Sam Smith the second they are undeniably lgbt+. In short: My comment was strictly referring to her lyrics.
It's great that she supports drag performers and makes out with girls in her videos. Music Videos especially are very impactful - think of Hayley Kiyoko's Girls like Girls and what it did for the wlws of the 2010s (but also... again, do you think "girls like girls like boys do" is as relatable to a straight audience as "do you like this beat? I made it so you'd sleep with me"?).
Anyhow, bottom line: I'm glad she exists, I'm happy she makes music, I'm sure she's touching a lot of people, lifting them up and making them feel seen. Her looks are fun. I just think we shouldn't trip over our feet to hail her as something she isn't (the first lesbian singer ever to make music).
This goes to say: I agree with you! 🍓 I just wanted to explain better what I meant by marketability. Also tbh, it’s perfectly fine with me if she wants to sing about men. I feel like this whole answer came across more blunt than I meant it to be.
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randomvarious · 11 months
Motown Live: Two Episodes (Live in Los Angeles, CA) 1998/1999 R&B / Soul / Hip Hop
Oh, man, I had no idea that this show ever existed! Apparently, back in '98/'99, a little syndicated program called Motown Live was trying to compete with the likes of Soul Train. Only 13 episodes appear to have ever aired, but what Motown Live attempted to do was present a different slate of black musicians in every episode, mixing still-intact legends from the past with contemporary stars. And the coolest part about all of it was that they'd get those past legends and then-current stars to perform some songs together.
So, this video here presents two separate episodes. The first one, hosted by Robert Townsend—star of 90s sitcom The Parent 'Hood—appears to be the pilot, and features The Temptations, Earth Wind & Fire, Wyclef Jean, and Next. And Wyclef brings some other people along with him too, like The Product G&B, who'd go on to star on Carlos Santana's massive hit, "Maria, Maria;" fellow Fugee Pras, who'd get himself caught up in all sorts of seriously thorny financial and high political drama in the 2010s, and against the advice of his counsel, testify on his own behalf, only to then be found guilty on ten different counts; and female rapper Free, who'd later become co-host of 106 & Park on BET. Remember her?
Anyway, unfortunately, for this particular episode, the audio quality isn't great, but at least things like the footage of Wyclef and Earth Wind & Fire performing "That's the Way of the World" together was salvaged and posted to YouTube.
The second episode in the video doesn't suffer from the same audio issues, though. And this one appears to be the premiere for the second season, with Robert Townsend gone and replaced by the great Montell Jordan, famous for such hits as "This Is How We Do It." In this episode, The Temptations are back again, and with them are male R&B/soul duo K-Ci & Jojo, as well as Snoop Dogg, who, like Wyclef, brought a whole bunch of people along with him too, including Xzibit, Nate Dogg, Daz Dillinger, and Kurupt. And their lively finale of "Gin & Juice" with K-Ci & Jojo is really nothing short of spectacular 🤩.
Now, two things here: one, I definitely find it a bit odd that whoever was responsible for conceiving of this show decided to call it Motown Live, because it seems like most of the performers were never actually on the Motown label itself? They couldn't come up with a different, more accurate name for it? And two, I think I can see why this show ran out of gas as quickly as it did. The idea of presenting both past-and-present, while great, probably ended up becoming too big of a burden to bear. I mean, no shade to The Temptations at all, but if a show like this only has 13 episodes and they've already circled back around to them once, that tells me that the showrunners were having trouble with booking guests. I guess there were only so many legends from the 60s, 70s, and 80s who were: a) still around; b) would agree to go on the show; and c) could also draw enough eyes. A pretty tough balance to strike on what appeared to be a planned weekly basis.
Motown Live seems to have barely left any footprint, though, so I'm pretty delighted to have discovered it. Awkward in spots, especially with both hosts being clear novices, but their lack of experience really only lends to this ephemeral show's goofy and very late 90s charm anyway.
More fun videos here.
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sayuricorner · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug salt x Jojo’s bizarre adventure: “Biodad!Jonathan Joestar” AU
Headcanons part 1
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Warning 2: This AU content salt don’t like don’t read!
Warning 3: For the Jojo character’s palettes colors I use the anime palette colors as reference.
If you want to use this AU you can! just credite and tag me in return please! :)
So, in many ML biodad AUs Marinette’s bio dad is most of the time someone like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark, but how about:
                                 Biodad! Jonathan Joestar AU
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I mean when you think about it both Marinette and Jonathan are alike in looks and personnality!
-Both got blue hair
-Both got light blue eyes
-Both are kind souls
-Both are selfless and think about others before themself most of the time
-Both got a strong sense of justice
-Both are very smart
-Both are combative when needed
-Both don’t hesitate to put themself in danger to protect others
-Both can over-react when they’re carried away by their emotions
And just imagine the story possibilities with this AU!
“But Sayuri! Jonathan Joestar is from the Victorian aera and Marinette is born in the french modern aera how Jonathan would be Marinette’s bio dad in this AU?”
Well the same way which make Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel Jonathan’s kids:
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Yep! In this AU Marinette is another child born from Dio’s one night stands!
Now I know that make Marinette Dio’s daughter too and I know Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel are mostly know as Dio’s children but to be honest I consider them more as Jonathan’s kids than as Dio’s because honnestly outside of the head the rest of the body is Jonathan’s.
How Marinette’s conception happen then? Well here’s how:
Years before Marinette’s birth, a young adult Sabine Cheng was on a trip in Egypt, she meet Dio in a bar one night, he seduced her and they got a one night stand, with Dio having the intention to suck Sabine’s blood after, but at one Dio got a brutal crisis.
Normally anyone would get afraid and run away but instead Sabine, being the kind person she was, had done all she can to calm down Dio with all the tenderness she can give. And without being aware of it this actually saved her life.
After helping Dio to calm down both fall asleep, Dio woke up later in night while Sabine was still asleep.
Remembering the warm and familiar kind feeling he experienced during his “episode”, a feeling he didn’t feel for a very long time, he decided to spare Sabine under the pretext he wasn’t in the mood to suck her blood anymore before living to go back to his mansion.
In the morning Sabine wake up only to notice Dio left and never see him again after that night, she go on with her trip and when she go back to France she found out she was pregnant.
She decided to keep the baby, times later she meet and fall in love with Tom Dupain, both end up marrying to each other and Tom adopt Marinette and became legally her father.
The Dupain-Cheng couple also decided to give her a middle name “Joanne” in memory of one of Tom’s aunts with who he was close, making her full name “Marinette Joanne Dupain-Cheng”
Does that mean Marinette in this AU had the Joestar birthmark? Yep, she does! And she also got the Joestar genes when it’s come to body shape: as a kid she look like a shrimp but when she will be older she will get rather tall and will got more muscules to her peers’s surprise.
Did she had a stand in this AU? Yes!
Her stand is called [Viva la vida], a reference to the Coldplay’s song, this stand had the power to create miracles like making plants grow, healing illness and bad injures or being a big source of luck she also had a big affinity with plants and animals. But her powers had limits for example while her miracles allow her to bring back someone to life it’s only possible if the dead person isn’t dead for a too long time and make a powerfull miracle drain Marinette energy and she end up knocked out for a time.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida]’s miracles powers are stronger.
[Viva la vida] isn’t a stand know for her strengh but she’s very fast which allow her to make a lot of punches and kicks at the same time.
Stand’s appearance: [Viva la vida] is an humanoid stand with beetle features, her color schemes are black white and pink, she had beetle wings, big rond blue non-reflective eyes and her head is rond with two anthenas and is a head smaller than Marinette.
But if [Viva la vida] is a cute stand when Marinette is a civil, when the young girl took her Ladybug form, her stand took a more imposing and majesting appearance, she became taller, more muscular, her eyes smaller and almond shaped, her whole body get more armors features and her colors scheme change to black and red with black dots and she emit a rather intimidating aura.
Stand’s behavior: [Viva la vida] is a very expressive stand and very sentient and is a friendly and playfull stand. She’s very curious by nature and had the habit to examin in curiosity when Marinette meet new people or stands. Her being very sentient allow her to sometimes act as a conscience to Marinette.
She also love to eat cookies baked by Marinette.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida] is more serious and a more combative behavior.
Stand’s cry: “Mira!” a reference to “miraculous” and to the word miracle.
AU additional details:
-Class salt
-Bustier salt/bad teacher Bustier
-Adrien salt or Adrien sugar(it’s up to whoever use this AU)
-Lila salt
-Chloe redemption
-Class redemption, a part having a redemption or none of them having a redemption(you choose)
-Permanent miraculous user Luka
-Permanent miraculous user Kagami
-Stand user Luka
-Not everyone die AU/temporary death AU: if some Jojo characters like the Pillarmen, Caesar, Kakoyin, Avdol and Iggy are alive but others like Buccellatti, Abbacchio, Narancia and La Squadra are still dead but will not stay dead(You’ll see).
-Good father Jotaro
-Marinette's closed friends/loved ones calling her "Jojo" in reference to her middle name "Joanne"
-Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel adopted by the Dupain-Cheng
-Protective siblings Donatello, Giorno, Rikiel and Ungalo
-Marinette being the baby sister of all Jonathan’s and Dio’s kids
-[Viva la vida] being a cute stand
-Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel not acknowledging Dio as their dad
-Protective Joestar family
-Good parents Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng
-Permanent miraculous users Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel
-Badass Marinette
-Scientist Gina Dupain at Speedwagon Foundation
-Diavolo and Doppio getting differents boddies
-Akumatised Marinette with her stand being corrupted and turned into a sentimonster.(You’ll see! ;) )
-Temporary Ladybug!Giorno (You’ll see! ;) )
-Diavolo still stuck in the death loop(’cause it’s only canon if Diavolo die!)
-The Pillarmen knowing about the miraculous
-Shipping:You decide the ship you want just not Adrinette please
Arcs for this AU:
The bizarre origins arc:
This arc is about the origins of Marinette’s birth, her growing up and getting a stand, becoming Ladybug and learning to accomplish her duties as Ladybug while learning to control and use her stand and meeting others stand users.(ex: Luka)
The bizarre USA adventures arc:
Take place times after Lila’s return, the liar keep her word and little by little Marinette’s friends turned their back on her and the fights against the akumas are always very hard to not say harder especially ever since she became the guardian.
Seeing their daughter’s moral so down Sabine and Tom decide to send Marinette to Gina to the USA for summer break. After making sure to had Kaalki with her to teleport back to Paris when an akuma attack, Marinette go on a trip to the USA with her grandmother.
But what should have been a normal vacation trip will take a bizarre turn when Marinette will learn about Gina’s job at the mysterious Speedwagon Foundation which will lead to a meeting with four ancients Aztec gods of fitness, getting informations about stands and her mysterious lineage and a meeting with three american unknow brothers.
(In this AU the Pillarmen aren’t dead after Battle Tendency but they’re detained by the Speedwagon Foundation)
The bizarre mass resurection mystery arc:
A lot of things happened in Marinette’s life, things she didn’t expected whatever in good or bad.
Finding out about her grandmother’s job at the Speedwagon Foundation, learning more about her stand, finding about the existence of three brothers and having said newfound brothers being adopted by her parents, her friends isolating her thank to Lila and learning she by Bustier she and Chloe were banned from the class field trip...
So she decided with to create with other classmates from the school a trip club and after some successful fundraisers the club get a trip to Italy.
And since Hawkmoth seemed to not have attacked for a time there isn’t any problems to go on that trip.
In Italy, on Giorno’s side the part 5 events happen just like in canon while on Marinette’s side she and the trip club get a good time in Italy until a particuliary violent stand user akuma attack the country. He was akumatised by Hawkmoth ‘cause Gabriel Agreste was on a business trip in Italy and thought creating a akuma in the country would attract Ladybug and Chat Noir and give him an advantage since the akuma attack in a unfamiliar place.
The fight was very hard but in the end Marinette and her allies were able to beat the akuma and with her miraculous powers combined with her stand powers she revert any damage... it’s even worked for damage/injuries/death by stands leaving Marinette knocked out for a time since she use a lot of energy while using her stand’s miracle powers.
On Giorno’s side after he beat Diavolo and became the boss it was noticed that Buccelatti, Narancia, Abbacchio, the whole La Squadra were bring back to life.
Even Doppio was back but in a boddy of his own.
Everyone thought at first this was the work of [Gold experience requiem] but it was reveiled later this was the work of another stand which will put Giorno, his gang and even Jotaro with the SWF on a big infestigation which will lead them to the stand user resposible for this mystery and unknowly to them and to Marinette to one big bizarre family reunion.
The bizarre family arc:
With everything which happened in Italy, Marinette not only had to deal with Lila, Hawkmoth, the akumas and her guardian duties but also with the discovery of an extended families and horrible and disturbing informations about “one of her bio fathers”.
And one day Lila took things too far leading Marinette to unleash all her frustration, stress and anger making her akumatised and it will be up to Giorno as a temporary Ladybug holder, her true friends and her family to saved her from herself and from Hawkmoth’s influence.
But the task will be hard with not only Marinette being akumatised but also with her stand [Viva la vida] having being unconsciously corrupted by Mayura while trying to corrupt Marinette turning her into a sentimonster.
The bizarre final showdown arc:
A alliance between Hawkmoth and a mysterious priest will lead the miraculous villain to his ultimate plan by helping the priest to resurect a powerful man, a man infamous for being a curse to the Joestar family and to the world, with the promise to achieve Heaven and to gain a power which will allow Hawkmoth to do all he want.
It will be up to Marinette, her friends, allies and her new found family to put an end to Hawkmoth once for all and to beat this priest before the worst happen with the resurection of the infamous Dio.
But bizarre chains of events will lead to another resurection, the resurection of a man very well know by the Joestar family and who’s tightly connected to Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel.
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kennan73888 · 3 years
Late than ever, PPG script
I wrote this in my DeviantArt during the most heartbreaking and stressful time because of a dump script. The live action PPG script made me unable to sleep and do my work for overthinking. This exist for me to cope.
Many time, reminding myself not to check on the script. I didn't listen to myself because of curiosity, and wasn't too happy reading most part and couldn't go on. Nearly lose my appetite. The script I read is the revision in January 2021. The origin they build for the girls, including Mojo Jojo, isn't entertaining or that unique. Also, they add so much villain in a single pilot in the background. For nostalgia, maybe. The extra characters and name-adding poison my heart, an example of the script's names, using Drake instead Professor Utonium. Who's Drake? Wait, it's the Professor.
Like everyone says and mentions, it's like fanfic. Yeah, it does write itself such as that. A terrible one, actually.
Those reboots and remakes, I would either ignore or avoid them as much as possible. However, there is some good of them out there. Not counting a few years ago or years to come since these writers are getting weirder. Memes they wrote and the trending internet they took from are horrible. It is constantly added while I'm asking myself is there a meaning in it. None! It's meant to attract—to what they believe—people enjoyment because of the views on the internet.
Now, let me take a deep breath. I saw others trying to lift their spirit up by rewrote or redesign the characters. The same goes for the story. Seeing what they did, I felt inspired to reimagine the plot and characters. Especially the characters, which sometimes I want to question their choice of actions.
Vanilla Characters
Professor Jonathan Utonium His first name was grab from the FusionFall and Snafu, which I accepted as his legit name. The girls, including everyone else, would call him Professor or Professor Utonium like his cartoon self. Sometimes the girls' will says Dad in a tight situation or worrisome state, inspired by the TMNT. Professor Utonium isn't greedy. He loves his daughters and would worry about their well-being. The man who'll try his best to give advice to his daughters.
Blossom I like the idea from the script she's going to college, maybe aiming for a doctorate degree. She, like her sisters, is separated to focus their careers path and visit their childhood home once a month. The trauma she's receiving is out, crossing that part away from the plot for the time being. Blossom is the leader because she accepts as being one. No one or anyone told her to be one. It's her nature to lead her sisters and strategize the fight.
Blossom special power is ice breath, and none of her sisters had it. Also, she can speak mandarin. Growing older, meaning new powers.
Bubbles This is tough. Her occupation is weird in the script. She's either a failing celebrity or a journalist. I'm going with a journalist, even though I'm aiming for the famous status but journalist sound funner. There won't be any TRIGGERING, comparing, or mentioning the original cartoon from this lady's mouth. Also, any other 80s and 90s films. Bubbles is the sweetest and also the scariest out of the team. She carried that personality through adulthood; having that charisma brings success to her career by interviewing people.
Bubbles special power is communicating with squirrel, and speaking multiple language, so far I know is English, Japanese, and Spanish. New powers will come when she gets older.
Buttercup A firefighter, I expected a wrestler as a child but a firefighter. I accepted it. She'll be a badass firefighter, living in a random town, saving people like a civilian. The whole tough and aggressive personality doesn't mean she's lesbian, which isn't right to cheat as being one too. So that'll be gone. Labeling characters isn't my thing because I want people guesses their sexuality. Buttercup wants to live in a small town, experience something else instead of the city. People know her as a strong, willful, and caring person, which they respect.
Buttercup had no special power. Yeah, it's a shame but she could roll her tongue. That's cool. But she'll be fine as she grew, new powers will be shown.
The Mayor Wasn't a big help, banning the Powerpuff Girls from defending Townsville due to a riot. Also got replace, which I erase that replacer whole existence. The Mayor will continue being the Mayor.
Ms. Sara Bellum Never mention of her being the Mayor's secretary, except being Professor Utonium's ex-girlfriend and getting insulted by him. No and never. She's a strong woman and can defend herself because the original show her kicking Sedusa's ass. Ms. Bellum will continue as the secretary.
Narrator He exists, and narrated a decent amount of the Powerpuff Girls life at the beginning.
Not-So-Vanilla Characters
Mojo Jojo He's a chimpanzee, and he won't be splitting into two characters. The only children he had is the Rowdyruff Boys. Mojo Jojo won't be irrelevant in the story.
Rowdyruff Boys These brothers have powers and not some wannabes. Shortly, in my dream, they became a couple with the Powerpuff Girls. They're anti-hero, maybe, because I read a comic that the girls and they worked together to defeat a disco villain. So, their occupation is lying on the anti-hero side, for now. Won't be in the story.
HIM He wasn't in the script, but I'm bringing him in the story.
Ace Not sure if this character is the same from the Gangreen Gang, but it's a shock he's Bubbles cameraman. However, I'll kick him out from the story. In time being.
Fuzzy Lumpkins Mentioning through a montage of him being beaten up for stealing money from the bank. Yeah, Fuzzy won't be too irrelevant in the story.
Extra Characters
Clive I don't care if he continues being Blossom supporting boyfriend in the present. But they'll break-up in the future, maybe something about their path is different, or things won't work out. That cliche stuffs. The script wrote him as a sweet guy, but I can't wait for the writer to add some useless drama. Isn't that great? I'm sarcastic at the last part.
Macy She had no personality, instead of being Buttercup... I don't want to say it. Her fling. Or another word from the script, bi-curious townies. Again, I don't care. She could be an interest Buttercup trying to aim, but we can't predict the future. However, the script on her part was an eye-boggler.
Gina The secretary for the new mayor, but she's gone. Gone. GONE. Good-bye.
Jojo The new mayor, who has a crush on Blossom, and the secret child of Mojo Jojo. The laziest villain ever written. Who cares, since his whole existence is being erased.
Henrietta A little girl being hires by Jojo to mind control the Powerpuff Girls. The script kept stalling that the girls left Townsville, which the plan fails, switching to control the citizens. She, I don't why, like Blossom more than the rest of the girls. Telling directly to Bubbles and Buttercup, it's like she's asking for a beating. I'll add her to the story since she sounds like an extra.
Mine Characters
Casey Bubbles cameraman, who'll replace Ace and is going to retire in a month or two.
Instead of telling the Powerpuff Girls origin at first, it'll be great to focus on their life as an adult. Blossom working hard to earn her degree. Bubbles, a journalist, finding the most extensive and exciting story people will emerge. Buttercup lives in a small town and being a firefighter. It starts off relatable to how people go through their dailies then, surprise, using their powers. Presenting the Powerpuff Girls, retiring from the heroes job and live almost civil.
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are chatting through videos. They can't believe they're here and thought as children to be together forever in their conversation. Fighting criminals and monsters, or starting a band from their childish dream. They chuckle a bit while Blossom wonders Townsville state, but Bubbles assure that the city will be fine. HIM were sealed away, and the invention Professor Utonium created had defended Townsville for almost ten years. Criminal ratings are low. Even if their biggest nemesis like Mojo Jojo or Fuzzy Lumpkins is easy to capture. Buttercup agrees, but Blossom wasn't sure as her head began to hurt.
Buttercup was the first to react, asking if she's okay, to which she responded with a nod. Lately, Blossom doesn't understand why her head hurts. Bubbles then assume that maybe she studies too much and should rest. Hearing what the blue powerpuff says made Buttercup straighten the leader, ordering her to head straight to bed without questions. Buttercup insists on it by ending her calls. On the other hand, Bubbles told her not to study too hard and taking care of herself. Ending the call.
In Townsville, Professor Utonium looks through a chart of the earth below the city. The rating is unusual from any of his previous data, so he checked on the camera that spy Monster Isle. Nothing changes from there. Professor Utonium left his lab, going to speak with the Mayor about this.
Clive, Blossom's boyfriend, entered the lounge and brought the textbook Blossom requested. Greeting with kisses. He sits beside her then notices the pale face. In a worry, Clive asked if she's okay. Blossom replied a yes, but became worse when whispers blowing through her ears. A warning she had to fear and the preparation she need to prep. Telling her and her sisters to return to Townsville. Blossom ignores it.
Buttercup and the rest of the crew went on a drill, preparing the water hose and squirt it, treat the routine likes the real deal, and when any mistakes were made, it will need improvement. After all, that’s done. It’s cleaning time. Buttercup was then invited by a colleague for dinner because his wife is making it. She accepts.
They walk along with the house then knock. Greeting them by the door was the colleague’s wife. The rest inside is their children, then there’s an extra person. The colleague introduced this person as his baby sister, and her name is Macy. Macy isn’t too fond of a small town, but she needs a place to crash. Buttercup also mentioned that she lives by herself, offering her home if she needs some alone time. A tiny spark of interest between them.
Shocking news from Bubbles Cameraman, Casey, announcing that he’ll retire within a month. Bubbles and Casey were partners when she first started. Things change, which is what Bubbles hate the most is changes. When the Powerpuff Girls went their separate ways, she hates it but had to get used to it.  In the end, things need move on, so Bubbles congratulate Casey on retirement.
In Mayor Hall, Professor Utonium shows the Mayor his chart by explaining. Below the ground of Townsville are being heated, not the whole area but in seven places. Ms. Bellum is curious, pulling out a map from her phone and ask the location. Professor Utonium show where it is. Six were drawn as a circle, but the seventh was left in the center, without understanding it but knowing that it surrounds Townsville.
Something or someone had an aim at the city. Professor Utonium felt the pressure in this, thinking about his girls then shaking it away. They already having their life and superhero affair are finish. Professor Utonium told the Mayor he’ll look into it.
Professor Utonium went to one of the sites, checking it out, bringing a couple of scientists while others are on other sites.
Let us get a move on because I’ve been writing this for three days and some rest between it. I had other important to do than this. Short summary, Professor Utonium greets the new neighbors and their daughter Henrietta and seeing the girl that’s excited to talk about the Powerpuff Girls and their whereabouts. Professor Utonium apologizes, saying that the girls are don’t live in Townsville and stop being heroes.
Buttercup and Macy became close since their interest is similar. Through their hangout, an accident accrue, Buttercup had to use her power to save Macy and some people. Macy was the only one to witness, which she’s speechless and didn’t take it well. Their friendship ended because Macy was afraid and confused at her not being like everyone else. Buttercup was hurt but understand. However, through that incident, Buttercup discovered an injury on her side. It surprised her because never once did she and her sisters ever receive any wound such a light physical like a bolder.
This is where it began when I imagine this, showing the Powerpuff Girls had gone weak and powers are slowly fading. Inspired from the original cartoon, their weakness, Individuality, explaining them easily defeated when being separated. I, however, add more to this weakness on the Powerpuff Girls by showing the effects are taking a troll on them without each other.
The bad guy, thee villain, is HIM and Henrietta. Henrietta is trying to bring HIM back to the mortal realm, which he was sealed by the Powerpuff Girls. The disguise is Henrietta's parents dead, a walking corpse control by her.
Buttercup was the first to be taken away, then Bubbles, which Blossom foreseen her sisters being kidnapped. I want Blossom to stand up at Macy when searching for her sisters in the town and city that they are living. Not the slap in face type, but the smart mouth that hit you with a good amount of force that gives your senses back.
Fast forward, girls were saved, but Professor Utonium was still in HIM’s hands. They couldn’t rescue him in time when the circle disappeared and having Henrietta being dead. Wanting to save their dad, they reunite in Townsville by continuing to be superhero.
Blossom new power in here is that she see the eyes of others, which meant that she been seeing through HIM eyes. I didn’t wrote that much but telling. Buttercup also have a power that could hear people thoughts, which isn’t new, because she left to live in a small town because of that. Hearing people thoughts hurt her brain, so she needs some silence. As for Bubbles, there’s none at the moment.
Their career and stuff, they’re happy to move everything in Townsville. Buttercup will quit her job while Bubbles and Blossom are transferring. Explain one of their career choices, explaining Blossom because she wants to be like her dad. Buttercup will manage the house until she master to control the mind reading, and I’ll add a humor conversation, that the other two joking Buttercup should garden in time being because she had a green thumb. No? Okay, that’s a terrible joke.
Costume Designing
I wouldn’t be lazy or being too cheap on the costume. If I was made by fitting on the scene, there would be none as an adult until we’re almost at the ending part, showing that Professor Utonium has been making their outfit every single year to fit them. Like a row of costumes from kindergarten to adult, which some haven’t been worn since retiring. People, I heard, like the style from Totally Spies, which sounds excellent by adding their signature color. I um… I love skirts more.
Inspired by every superhero women’s outfit, the bottom half they wore a skirt and long boots. The top will be different by each of them, representing their individualities. Blossom wore a turtleneck, no sleeve that cut from the shoulder. Buttercup wore a long sleeve, but it’s a clove that attaches itself on the sleeve with the thumbs cutting off. Bubbles, I didn’t have that much thought, have the shoulder cut off because I’m imagining Wonder Woman.
That’s it. I would draw, but it’s been a drag writing this for days. I want to finish it up, and the bottom is an extra I wrote when I first started.
Original Story
The Powerpuff Girls' origin was good. The same goes for Mojo Jojo, but it isn't good enough. The live-action, I meant. Like all superheroes, they had their own origin of where they came from and how they became who they are. The TMNT, inspired by them again, had multiple origins from comics to animations and then films. It'll be significant that the Powerpuff Girls' origins were different yet similar.
After reading the script, this idea came to mind, so it began with Professor Utonium went on a hiking trip with his brother, Eugene, and they came upon an abandoned building. Cover in vines and stuff. Eugene is reluctant to enter, but Professor Utonium convinces him to explore the building. They went further and accidentally pressed a button, awakening three containers; B07734, B17707, and B32135. Three little girls, opening their eyes and hug Professor Utonium. He was confused by the girls as their creator, calling him Professor.
Eugene spotted the files on the floor and takes them, reading a few lines in shock. Cautiously, Eugene pulls his brother to the side. The paper was presented to Professor Utonium, explaining the girl’s ability and was built as a weapon during the war. Professor Utonium sees these girls were made for destruction but suggested raising them as normal girls. First things first, naming them as we are known as Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.
Without the brothers knowing, also activate another open container; M58008. It’s a chimpanzee coming out, not too happy to be woken up while growling from just the sight of Professor Utonium. This place was designed to create human weapons—with the appearance of a child—that the enemy would overlook and lower their guard. M58008 remembers himself as a human and scientist, except his name. However, he’s so infuriating about his death and forces his mind inside a chimpanzee. The man who holds all that responsibility, he remembered it clearly, which is standing there.
There, my version of the Powerpuff Girls origin.
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 4
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
(t/n: ** means translation may not be accurate.)
I: We’re talking about the commemoration of 30,000 subscribers, right? What should we do?
C: Is this a chatting stream?
I: Well, yeah.
C: Let’s play game now.
I: I’m totally okay with it.
C: I feel bad that I pinned this person’s comment. Should I unpin it? This is what’ll happen if you guys aren’t careful with your comments. You’ll be exposed. I’ll forgive this person.
C: Please do streaming of you working on lyrics.
I: I’m totally okay with something like that.
C: Have you ever received hair?  
I: I did receive something similar. A deep red colour. Was it a wig or something? This is a true story.
C: Scary!
I: I didn’t think it was scary though. I was like “I see…”. It was unique.
C: Have you received a marriage registration form?
I: No, but I once received a purikura photo from a gal. The letter was cute. She’s seriously a gal, with the round letters and all. She’s super young and the purikara was cute. The content of the letter was hilarious. She’s like “Let’s hang out!”, “It’s fun!” “I read TG! I don’t understand it, but it’s fun!”.  She’s totally a gal. It was amazing. How did I get that? That’s a good one, though I didn’t get to hang out with her.
C: Eh, is it okay to send purikura?
I: I’ll just take a look at it if you send one. I won’t do anything about it. Nothing will happen.
C: Impressive move.
I: Right? But I think it’s the culture. I wanna experience this kind of culture as well. I want gals and Exile fans to read my works, not just people who have read TG. I wanna write something that everyone can enjoy.
C: You wanna interact with gals?
I: I wanna try. Normally, you won’t be able to, right? Have I ever talked to a gal before? A real gal. Avu-chan was super gal-like. Avu-chan is a gal. My first encounter with a gal was with Avu-chan from Queen Bee.
*He’s imitating Avu-chan’s way of talking.
I: I see. So there’s a lot of way to enjoy TG.
C: Seems like you’d be a grandpa.
I: Definitely the case if I ever meet a gal.
C: Are you extremely close with her (avu-chan)?
I: I’m the type who approach the other party. Well, I’m sure everyone is like this, but don’t you have different personas? I wasn’t pretending or anything, but I wore a gal persona for the first time when I was with Avu-chan. Avu-chan has a gal-like personality, so I thought I also needed a new persona.  By the way, have you played the game Persona? Just like how the main character attained new personas, the gal persona came out aggressively from behind me and possessed me.
I: Akechi is cool, right? (t/n: Akechi is a character from Persona 5.)
C: Please impersonate Avu-chan.
I: Avu-chan’s impersonation? “But then~”. How is it again? “Sui Sensei is~”. But she talks about deep stuffs, even though she’s a gal. Although she’s a gal, she’s someone with a lot of knowledge.
C: can you read gal’s alphabet?
I: I can if I try hard enough.
I: I wanna include a gal character in choujin x.
C: Sensei seems to have high communication skill.
I: I don’t think so. There’s a term called ‘communication monster’. My friend, Takahashi Kunimitsu form Osterreich is a communication monster. He knows how to hype people up, since he doesn’t say offensive things.** He can join in conversations with anyone, anywhere like a clown. Then, he’ll be very tired after that. It’s wearing him out on top of having a high communication skill. That is a communication monster. I can join in a conversation as well, but unless it’s with someone I’m fond with, I won’t. It’s tiring.
C: People who are good at getting along with others do exist.
I: Yes. He’s good at that.
I: Kunimitsu’s seriously amazing. He got along with a granny he just met in a bar. I just listened to their conversation the entire time.
C: Isn’t that considered as a communication disability if you get tired by it?
I: I do think it’s a sign of communication disability**, But again, that’s just another side of it. It’s the same as shy people who can speak well.
C: Was it the one you posted on twitter?
I: Yup. The one at the bar in Nogata. Was it in Nogata? Probably there. But I think band men have great communication skill, since they meet various types of people.
Y****: I don’t like gals.
I: That’s not good. You’re in the theatre club, after all. Someone involves in theatres can’t be bias. It’s okay if you don’t like them, but it’s better to come across them.
C: Is it important to talk and meet with various people?
I: Hm, I wonder. I think it’s important, especially when you’re still shaping your identity. I speak like this because I didn’t manage to meet and get along with people. I was super serious whenever I was invited to a live show, like the time I met Mr. TK. I was super serious every time I met people when I was in my 20s.
C: You did meet Gegegay, right? (t/n: Tokyo Gegegay is a Japanese dance & music group.)
I: I did. I might not be able to converse with him if I didn’t come prepared. They’re super nice though. Mr. Mikey’s punch was strong. I was like “so we’re gonna have this kind of conversation on our first meeting.”. But it was really entertaining. He’s actually being considerate of me. Somehow, I’ve had a conversation with Mr. Mikey and Ms. Reol, just the three of us remotely. Mr. Mikey was really considerate during the conversation to make it very enjoyable. I was amazed by it.
(t/n: Mikey is the leader of Tokyo Gegegay. Reol is a Japanese singer.)
C: Have you ever met Hirose Alice? (t/n: Hirose Alice is an actress. She’s a big fan of TG.)
I: Nope. I think it’s better not to meet her. There’s no chance to meet her.
C: Who’s the person you’re most nervous with when you met them?
I: It’s hard to tell, but I felt nervous every time I met someone for the first time. Then, the feeling gradually disappeared after I got to know them. That’s not good, isn’t it? But, when I met Togashi sensei, it’s more like a dream. It’s an indescribable feeling when I met him. I was like “This kind of feeling exists.” I was nervous when I met Avu-chan as well. But rather than feeling nervous, since she was very nice, I was able to talk a lot. It was fun.
*Someone asked if he had meet Masataka Kubota.
I: I’ve met him.
C: Do you have a mentor?
I: Probably Hara sensei. The word ‘mentor’ is hard to describe. But, he’s somewhat a mentor-like presence to me. I don’t know.  
C: Do you like Yonezu Kenshi?
I: That’s needless to say. Everyone likes him.
*Someone asked if he’s met Horikoshi Kohei sensei (BNHA’s author).
I: Nope. We have the same age.
C: He drew the draft while lying down, right? (t/n: OP probably talking about Togashi sensei.)
I: He showed me how he did the draft.
*Someone asked if he’s met Inoue Takehiko sensei (Slam dunk’s author.)
I: Nope. If Hara sensei is considered as my mentor, though I can just call him that, Inoue Takehiko sensei would be my mentor uncle.
C: Was Masataka Kubota good-looking?
I: He’s super good-looking.
*Someone asked if he’s met Kotoyama sensei (Dagashikashi’s author).
I: I’ve never met her.
*Someone asked if he’s met Araki Hirohiko sensei (Jojo’s author).
I: Nope. Wait, I did. It was when I was still an assistant. My senior, Matsubara Toshimitsu sensei, who’s writing a manga called Kurogane no Valhallian in Young jump, was like “Araki Hirohiko is here! Let’s meet him for a bit!”, and I agreed to him. Araki sensei is on another level, as expected. He’s super-duper famous, after all. All the assistants were surrounding him, asking him for pictures. When it was our turn, my smile was so stiff when I took a picture with him. I was too nervous. It was a distorted smile. Then, Mr. Matsubara accidentally stepped on Araki sensei’s foot. He’s like “I’m sorry! I accidentally stepped on your foot!” By the way, I went to the new year’s party in my pajama, which had curry on the sleeve and took a picture with Araki sensei. The clothes were shabby. Since Araki sensei was a nice person, He complimented me saying the it was fashionable. I was so thankful. He complimented my pilled and curry stained clothes. I was happy for that. I went there wearing pajama because I didn’t have any other clothes. The clothes were in a white colour. I went there wearing a parker with dull pants. He was really cool. Very young-looking and a wonderful person.
C: Have you gotten a chance to meet Miura Kentaro sensei (Berserk’s author)?
I: No, I’d never met him. I liked him a lot. I still like him. I can’t continue talking about him. It’s too sad. I can’t express how I feel other than I’m sad. Death. Regarding this, I wish people wouldn’t pray to the dead souls so casually. I don’t like praying to the dead souls nor do I like people doing that as well.
C: Have you met Mengo sensei (Scum’s wish’s author) and Aka sensei (Kaguya sama’s author)?
I: I’ve met Ms. Mengo a long time ago. She’s always present at parties. She’s quite stand out as well. She’s wearing cat ears the first time I met her. It was cute. I think I have met Akasaka sensei.  Probably just introduced myself.  
C: You’re a mangaka, but have you been surprised by other mangakas’ personalities?
I: Pretty much. Like their images or...Well, aren’t you like that with everyone? Isn’t it normal to be surprised by their images, physiques, and voices? Since you never imagine about those things.
C: I want you to meet Isayama sensei.
I: Isayama sensei’s also the same age as me.
C: I have met Itagaki Keisuke sensei (Baki’s author)!
I: So you’ve met him. I see.
C: Have you met Inagawa Junji (actor & director)?
I: I want to.
*Ishida was about to read a comment but stopped.
I: People will keep asking who I’ve met if I answer this, so I’ll skip it.
*He still answered the question.
I: I’ve never met Ryuuichi (illustrator & character designer). He’s gotten married. He looks happy, so it’s all well. Ever since before, I didn’t think he had to be that self-asserting. He didn’t need to tell who he was. It’s already written in his account. I was like “Don’t worry, everyone knows. Everyone sees it.” Well, he looks happy, above all.
C: I was excited seeing Hara sensei at the Kingdom exhibition.
I: Oh, he was there.
Part 5
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goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
The sad news of Kentaro Miura's death have shaken the world of manga (and I dare say of comic books or even pop culture). I was wondering how do you think his masterpiece, Berserk, compares to Golden Kamuy and if an influence of sorts of the former can somehow be found in the latter. The theme of ambition is certainly there, as the topos of the tough and scary main character briken by trauma but with a heart of gold. What do you think?
I honestly wouldn't compare the two because to me they're two very different works although both are seinen who won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.
"Berserk" was monthly first then semimonthly, "Golden Kamuy" is weekly, which might seems irrelevant but the release date affect the pacing of the story greatly.
"Berserk" belongs to the Dark Fantasy genre while "Golden Kamuy" is an Historical manga, which means the authors have to worry about completely different things when crafting their story which allows them to pursue their themes in different ways.
Even the way the manga are structured is different, although both have many characters, "Berserk" for a long time has tended to focus the most on Guts, while GK shows itself to be a coral work from very early on.
There are some things that are similar, war, ambition, wish for a place to belong, trauma, but exactly because one is a dark fantasy while the other is historical, they're handled very differently.
In a dark fantasy you can view situations as metaphorical, in real life no one can experience "the eclipse" the way Guts and Caska do or sacrifice people to the God Hand's "apostles" the way Griffith does, but such situations can stand for real life experiences if you're willing to engage in the text as such, you might even enjoy how it's tinged in themes that reminds Nietzsche's ideas... or you can keep distance from it and just view it as a dark fantasy in which there are monsters that do terrible things to the humans and that need to be destroyed but none of this will happen in the real world so you can just enjoy the ride.
In an historical manga the experiences of the characters are things many people experience in real life. The Russo-Japanese war happened and, while now wars are more 'modern', there are things that still are the same. Sugimoto's experiences during the war, his coming back from it psychologically scarred are things that happened to tons of men, an experience that will continue being done as long as war exist. It's more difficult to keep distance, because even if the characters are fictionals most of what is mentioned is so very real it's easier it pushes you to think.
Mind you, I'm not saying this to say one is better than the other, just to say the two are so very different it doesn't seem fair to compare them.
In their genres I think they're both very good works, very solid and well studied, which tackle strong themes but in different ways and that the reader of one might not necessarily like the other but that they both deserve to be read.
"Berserk" is what I consider to be a classic in the manga world, "Golden Kamuy" is too new to be considered a classic but I expect it to become one.
Did "Berserk" get to influence "Golden Kamuy"?
Berserk started in 1989 (LOL, I've been reading it from 1996, it was a lifetime ago... I even watched the first anime series and brought the cd... "Forces" is still one of the songs I love the most), which places it close to "Hokuto no Ken" (which started in 1983) and "JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken" (which started in 1987) while GK is comparatively a newborn, as it started in 2014. We know Noda referenced both "Hokuto no Ken" and "JoJo". Right now I can't remember him mentioning "Berserk" (but it can be he did) and we don't know how old Noda is but I think there's a chance those are works he grew up with and if you grow up with something that's on this level of good, chances are it will directly or indirectly influence you.
So yes, it's definitely possible Miura's work influenced Noda, but as we can't know for sure it's hard to say.
The tough and scary main character briken by trauma but with a heart of gold is a common trope in storyteling but honestly, although Guts and Sugimoto live some similar experiences, to me they look as very different characters.
Guts had a tragic birth, as his mother was hung while she was pregnant and he was found by a slightly insane woman under her hanging body. His adoptive mother loves him but dies of illness, his adoptive father is a monster who mistreates him and sells him out to another man while Guts is desperate for his love. After he kils his adoptive father he continues to live alone as a mercenary untill he'll stumble into Griffith who'll force him to join him.
Sugimoto is instead for most of his youth a normal boy who lives a normal life with his beloved family and his friends and would have continued to live a normal life hadn't his family died due to sickness whcih caused him too to be ostracized. As a result Sugimoto does a couple of bad but understandable choices which lead him to lose Umeko to Toraji. He ends up in Tokyo, accepts to work for Kikuta and ultimately decides to join the army.
Of course the stories of both characters progress but they'll keep on progressing in different ways.
Sugimoto's life isn't a bowl of cherries but, compared to Guts' is litterally heaven on earth.
After the Eclipse Guts will become bitter, when Guts met Puck he cares little about how the citizens will be killed, all he wants is to deal with the Snake Lord. He doesn't want companions, he doesn't want to be touched, he's a ball of rage and desperation.
Sugimoto will never reach this level of bitterness, rage or desperation. Although he becomes more murder prone he never deliberately sacrifices innocents for his goal, he remains friendly and when he keeps other away is to protect them.
Again this is not about who of the two is better.
As main characters they're both awesome and they both will make you suffer a lot for them... but in very different ways.
So, long story short, I think both Miura and Noda did an awesome work with their masterpieces but that "Berserk" and "Golden Kamuy" are ultimately very different and wouldn't do justice to neither to compare them.
To who has gotten curious about it, "Berserk" is one of the manga I find is a MUST READ, however it comes with some warning as not only it's a seinen, therefore a work for adults, but it's very explicit in showing sex and violence RIGHT FROM THE FIRST PAGE, and that includes scenes of rape, monsters and situations worth of a horror story and other terrible things, so it's definitely not for soft hearted.
The art is beautiful and detailed, albeith dark but this fits with how "Berserk" has often a dark atmosphere (lighter scenes often have lighter art), the characters are well studied and there are strong themes. As said before you can find in it references to Nietzsche and his philosophy which makes for interesting points to ponder.
For me the story started to get really cool around the end of Vol 3, with the beginning of the Golden Age but there's who loved it from the start.
So... hum... sorry, this isn't exactly the analysis you wanted but I still hope it can be of some interest to read it.
Thank you for your ask!
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turkeyspamsandwhich · 4 years
With all of the new information from chapter 290, I was thinking about what could happen after the arc. And I don’t have anyone to talk to about my thoughts so I’m posting about them. This will be long and probably won’t want to read it but I hope that you enjoy it!
Even though everyone probably already knows *Spoiler Warning*
All of the debate about Dabi/Touya and what’s to happen to him, is he going to die, get consequences of his actions, or be redeemed? Honestly having him killed off would be a lazy route, since Twice is gone and Shigaraki mostly is going to die as well. And personally I wouldn’t like it because I feel Endeavor wouldn’t actually face his past. Kinda like punishing the abused and rewarding the abuser.
I also feel like the LOV will be done after this arc in a way because they’ve lost a lot of members and it may be set for the time skip after this arc with Shigaraki and AFO gone. So the idea of Dabi/Touya becoming the new main threat doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s still a possibility.
Dabi/Touya isn’t mentally well. He’s dealing with PTSD of his past and because of never getting mental help, his mind only got worse. His sense of reality is not right and he hasn’t had anyone to help him for years. Even during his abuse he had Natsuo, but after his death there was no one. His abuse broke him so severely, he only thought of ways to hurt the person who caused it and how he could get revenge. He wasn’t thinking of his family and the actions could affect them. He just wanted the world to know what Endeavor did to him. And he has every right to expose his abuser, he is the victim when it comes to the past and Endeavor cannot atone if he’s going to hide what he did. Still it does hurt the rest of the family, because it seems like they didn’t want it to go public, except maybe Natsuo but he was willing to try for Fuyumi. Does that mean Dabi/Touya doesn’t care about them? I think he does in a sense, he couldn’t stop his negative feelings for his father, so how could he stop his positive ones for the rest of his family. He may have surprised them but not gotten rid of them. I believe he cares about Natsuo the most. I’m unsure about Rei, it seems he does care with the information we have but still eh. Fuyumi, I have no idea honestly. And we know he sees Shoto as a puppet. Just because the way he outed his abuse in a selfish manner doesn’t mean he hates his family. I also feel Natsuo would play a big part if there is a redemption.
Now some of the things I’m thinking could happen. He faces the consequences of his actions. He may go to prison, because he did murder innocent people. His abuse doesn’t cancel out the wrong he has done. Thirty people lost their lives because of him. Even if those people were villains as well, doesn’t mean he had the right to take their lives. If he does go to jail I could see it similar to Overhaul, chained up forever. Or maybe the family’s influence/money could help him out and instead he’s put in a mental ward. He may be stuck there forever but he would get the much help he needs badly. I feel this is likely if he’s not killed in the arc, just like Overhaul.
Redemption. That’s a huge conflict with many people. Personally.......I want to see it, I want to see the victim get help so badly. I want to see them get help and become a better person. He still would need to face consequences of his actions of murdering people, and every terroristic act he has done while in the LOV. His actions are still his own regardless of the trauma he has faced, but if he didn’t have this trauma he wouldn’t have done any of these things. He was a broken child turned into a broken adult, all he knows is his pain of the past, he can’t move on and now he’s stuck in the cycle of abuse.
He has a problem with Shoto due to him becoming Endeavour’s new “favorite.” He doesn’t see Shoto as a person but a doll of his father’s, and he had planned to kill him, because he thought it would get him his father's love and attention. Which isn’t that strange, because I’ve seen that happen with children in abusive households. They still crave their parents' love and want it regardless of the parents hurting them. They turn their anger towards the person they think is taking that away from them, example the favored sibling.
Yet even though he's done and planned horrible things, that doesn’t mean he can’t get redeemed. Horrible people have been redeemed in anime before, ones that have done even worse things than Dabi/Touya. It’s possible for him to become a better person, maybe a good person, I don’t see him changing over to the hero’s side but more neutral. I think it’s possible, I don’t know if it will happen though. But we have seen it before and the character that came to mind was Gaara.
Now despite being a huge Naruto fan, I haven’t read the manga since the ending which was a loooooong time ago. And I’m not watching Boruto like at all, I refuse. I still remember a lot of it and there’s so many complex characters in Naruto that have done terrible things, but we’re saved and redeemed. Some even become fan favorites. Most of the characters I’m going to get into are from Naruto but I’ll get to them in a bit but right now I want to focus on Gaara.
Neglected by his family, and hated by everyone else. He was taken advantage of by his village and abused to become the perfect weapon. He killed so many people, regardless of who they were, if they had a family or not. No he wanted bloodshed and chaos, because that’s all he knew. Gaara became a psychotic killer whose goal was to everyone in his way to prove his own existence. It could be argued that he was a child at the time he did these things but that still doesn’t excuse his actions. Plus he mostly killed many more than Dabi/Touya, yet he was still redeemed. Naruto saw the pain in him and could understand why he became the way he was, even admitting he could have ended up like him if it wasn’t for his friends. He saved him and Gaara became a new person free from his past and pain. He got to have a family and gained friends. He became the Kazekage and was loved by his people, who once looked at him in fear and disgust now looked at him in admiration. He did unspeakable things but he got a second chance and did amazing things with it.
Itachi killed his whole clan, yes he did it so they couldn’t start a war but that doesn’t erase that he murdered innocent people. Even though the reason he couldn’t kill Sasuke was because he loved him too much he still left his little brother with no one and trauma. That’s horrible for a child to go through. Sasuke had nobody to turn to now he lost not only his family but he got to see his brother, who was the one person who he idolized the most. And yes later on, both the audience and Sasuke learned the truth about Itachi. He really was such a good person regardless of him being a good person he did bad things even if it was for the greater good. Once the truth was out people could relate to him, understand why he did the things he did, and he also became a fan favorite and now is seen as a hero. His trauma made him want to do good and his motives were different than Dabi/Touya’s but he still took innocent lives.
Now I want to touch a bit on this character, because they were a favorite of mine. However, I wasn’t the biggest Soul Eater fan so my knowledge isn’t as good. Crona actually had a very similar situation to Shoto and Dabi/Touya, their mother experimented on them and made them into her perfect weapon kind of like how Endeavor wanted to make his children into the perfect tool to dethrone All Might. They were mentally unwell and were made to kill people, and took many lives. Still Maka and her friends, spared them and took them in and showed them love.
The last one I want to get into is Zabuza. He was a killer for hire and did unspeakable things for money. He was willing to kill the team Kakashi, which had three children for his mission. Killing children is one of the worst things. During his journey, he met Haku and formed a bond that I don’t think he noticed until it was too late. And while his redemption doesn’t seem as grand as others, he got a pretty amazing one for what kind of person he was before. After Haku’s death, he turned on Gatō and his gang, and killed them. That saved the village directly even though he just wanted revenge. At the end, as he’s dying he gets to lay next to Haku and have a moment and that changed the way people viewed him. It left an impact on Naruto as well. His story has similarities to Dabi/Touya, they both killed to get their goal even though it wasn’t right.
There are so many more characters I could get into like Vegeta, who literally destroyed planets with whole civilizations. Isabella from the promised neverland, who fed children to demons. Obito and Nagato, who tried to end the whole world. So many JoJo characters, I can’t even begin to think of, but the point is redemption is possible.
So honestly a redemption isn’t that far fetched for Dabi/Touya, even with his crimes, and it would be nice for a villain to be redeemed because we haven’t really seen that in this series. And yes I’m a bit biased but I enjoy his characters, but now it’s mostly because I want the victim to find peace and be able to let go of the past. He is still a victim of Endeavor’s abuse, because he is still trapped in it. I want to see a victim get a second chance, but he still has to face the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t get a free pass because he was abused, it’s a reasoning not an excuse.
Also you could say the same for Endeavor deserving a second chance, but I can’t get behind a child abuser and wife beater. That’s the same reason I don’t like Overhaul like many others, touching a child in any way doesn’t sit right with me. So I was never behind Endeavor’s redemption, but I supported and understood the people who were into it. In the end, it’s up to Horikoshi about what will happen to both Dabi/Touya and Endeavor. I know either way it will be an amazing story.
Thank you to anyone who actually read my ramblings. Sorry if the formatting is weird, I typed it out in my phone. I hope you enjoyed this too long rant. And to anyone who disagrees with anything I said, I understand and respect your decision. But don’t be immature and rude about it, it’s not hard to debate people in an adult manner. We all have our own options and it’s fine to disagree but don’t be hurtful to those whose opinions differ for yours.
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Spencer x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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(This is my gif so please give credit if used)
Summary: She suspects that Spencer is having some trouble in light of recent events and plans on confronting him about it, be he beats her to it. Story eight.
Category: Some angst. Some fluff. Some steam.
Warnings: Cussing. Mentions of drug abuse and PTSD.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: I have made a new category called “steam.” This is hotter than fluff but not as intense as smut. It’s basically super passionate/intimate kissing and touching. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I didn’t think it was a big deal at first. Things had calmed down since finding Morgan’s cousin and were pretty much back to normal. I was still dancing, but I couldn’t bring myself to do private showings. I tried, but everytime I walked into that room, my scar started burning and my head started spinning. I had to walk out. Once I did, I was fine. It pissed me off because privates made up half of my earnings, and I even made it through a whole private one time, but immediately after had a panic attack. I didn’t even know that was what was happening until JoJo told me that was most likely it. So I just decided to stay in the main room for a while until this phase or whatever wore off.
The other thing I noticed that wasn’t completely right either was Spencer. He was … different. I don’t exactly know. He was talking to me less, coming over to my apartment to read less, and was kinda drawing into himself more. He had moments throughout the day where he’d press his palm into his eye and had trouble focusing. I asked him about it, Derek asked him about it, everyone asked him about it, but all he kept saying was that he was fine. ‘I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.’ It was so frustrating. He was more irritable for a time, and then things changed.
Then, he actually seemed fine. He seemed better than fine. He still had headache-y moments, and was still more withdrawn, but he seemed … better? I don’t know. Spencer could usually keep his head on straight, but his emotions the past few months were very touchy. He had more pep in his step one moment, then the next he was the human equivalent of a snapping turtle. His mood swings were giving me whiplash.
I don’t know how I didn’t pick up on it sooner, probably because I was so worried about my minor strokes at the clubs, but he displayed all sorts of drug user signs. Withdrawing from people close to them, showing less interest in hobbies they enjoyed, having ‘less time’ for things, making weird calls, being moody, being late, headaches. It was all there. And since he refused to talk to us or tell us about it, I decided to follow him.
I know. I know. I was disrespecting his privacy and I shouldn’t have done it but I did. I was worried about him. Plus, the last private thing he told me about his life before all this weirdness popped up was that his mother was getting worse. That would definitely push someone over the edge.
So I followed him.
Come to find out the good doctor wasn’t as good as he claimed to be. When he got home from work, he just sat on the couch reading for a while. Then, he got in his car and drove a few blocks over to a payphone (I didn’t really know those still existed). He waited until exactly 9:15 to dial the number. He then hung up, and waited for a call to come in. When it did, he answered it so fast I’d have guessed his life depended on it. But that is how drug addicts act. I’d know. He stood there and talked for an hour, having to put four more quarters into the machine. That’s when I got confused. If it was a drug dealer, it’d make sense that he would call them from a payphone. But talk to them for an hour? Definitely not. However, his following actions still pointed to a drug dealer. When the call ended, he got into his car and drove to another street corner near a small apartment complex. He walked around to the back so I couldn’t see what he was doing. He got back into his car less than two minutes later, a reasonable time for an exchange, and drove home. It was about 10:30 when he got back home, and he closed the curtains and shut off the lights. Sure, he could have been going to bed, but considering he had some form of insomnia and people high on drugs don’t necessarily like bright lights or being peered in on… That’s all I was saying.
While I had a plausible working theory, I didn’t just want to come out and accuse him of being on drugs. I decided that I’d give it a few days and I would observe his every move. I also decided I’d continue my spying for those few days just to see if he would continue to call someone on a payphone and meet them behind an apartment complex.
Unfortunately, all of his actions within the remainder of the week just confirmed my theory. Dammit Reid. What have you gotten yourself into?
I decided I’d confront him about it in the morning. For the time being, I had more work to do. I went to the Camelot, avoided doing any private showings, and then returned home. I was caught completely off guard when I saw Spencer leaning up against my apartment door.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” I tried to sound as casual and cheery as possible.
“I could ask you the same.”
“I live here,” I pointed out.
“So why are you just now getting home? It’s 2 am,” he said.
“What are you getting at?” I asked. “We’ve known each other long enough to not have to tiptoe around each other.”
“Out for another walk?”
“Yep,” I said, not even trying to hide it anymore. It didn’t matter that I’d already changed back into normal clothes, he saw right through me. He had since the moment we had that case involving Morgan’s cousin.
“How did you really know Cindi?” he said in that eerily soft, but hella intense tone. Even though I had just told him to stop playing games and get to the point, he was trying to force this out of me. I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction.
“I told you. I recognized her picture.”
“See, that doesn’t make sense. You also said that you had previous dance experience from before prison, which I don’t doubt, but she seemed like she recognized you. She would have only been on the streets within the last few months. How could that be possible?” He was starting to get smug, but I was going to make him work for it.
“I don’t know. A lot of people on the streets recognize me.”
“No that wasn’t it. She knew you and Emily told me that the two girls at the club knew you, too. They even hugged you!”
“Oh, so now Emily’s involved?” He was infuriating and my tone told him so.
He sighed. “That’s not the point. The point is that you are struggling and aren’t asking for help.”
“We’ve been over this. I told Hotch all of this already and-”
“Just tell me why you’re doing it.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” he pleaded. His voice abruptly changed from confident to begging.
It was no use trying to get this around him, so I gave in. “Old habits die hard. And I need the money. They’re basically using me as a volunteer at the bureau and I’ve got to survive somehow.”
“Let me help you.”
“I’m okay,” I said, attempting to slip past him to my door. “Plus, you need to help yourself.”
He bypassed my last comment. “What about the drugs?”
I whipped my head to look at him. How did he know about that? I could see how he figured out the dancing, sure, but I knew how to hide a drug problem.
“What?” I asked, stunned.
“What about the drugs,” he repeated.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said. Before I could turn back to my door and fully get the key in the lock, he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me to face him. His firm grip pushed me up against the door and held me there. Being so close to him made the four inches he had on me very evident.
“What are you doing?” I whispered, my voice stern. I was surprised by his actions, to say the least, but I wasn’t going to let myself be rendered useless.
“Tell me the truth,” he replied, his voice deeper than I’d ever heard it. I’d never seen him like this, and I hated to admit it, especially because that shouldn’t have been my focus, but I liked it. It was exciting. He leaned forward, staring intensely into my eyes, daring me to lie to him.
The attraction I’d felt for him had been growing since the day we met. The more I got to know him, the more the foreign feelings started to take over. I couldn’t stop myself as I closed the gap between us, electricity coursing through my body. I pressed my lips lightly against his, testing the waters. I don’t know if it was the shock or him melting into the kiss that lessened his grip on me. It didn’t matter. The moment he did, I moved my hands slowly up his arms, feeling each individual muscle move against my fingertips. I reached the top of his shoulders, then his upper back, and out of habit, I checked for twitching. There wasn’t any, which made me smile into him, but there was a different type of movement. His shoulder blades pinched, repositioning his hands to have one resting on my cheek and the other supporting the small of my back. My hands continued their path, tracing patterns on the back of his neck before reaching their final destination. The cold metal of the bracelets on my wrist sent a shudder down his spine before I wove my fingers through his hair, toying with the loose curls I found there. The hand on my cheek slid back into my own hair, pushing it behind my ear and simultaneously grabbing as much of it as possible. I had been repressing this desire for so long, it was nice to finally release it. I deepened the kiss, which his tongue happily allowed, and refused to come up for air. He didn’t, however, letting a slight gasp fall from his lips as he pulled away. I looked up into his eyes, feeling almost proud. I could tell he was fighting the urge to smile as he got right back to business, as if that didn’t just happen.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
I shook my head, breathless. “No. I didn’t.” I leaned toward him again, pulling him closer to me, my hands still entwined in his hair. I left an open-mouthed kiss on his earlobe before whispering, “But what about you? I know you haven’t exactly been the good doctor you usually are.”
He pulled back to look at me, our noses practically touching, confusion in his eyes. It took effort to let him respond and to not just interrupt him with another kiss.
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about your drugs.” I licked my lips. Just like that, he reverted right back to being confrontational, removing his hands from my body. I reluctantly let go of my grip on his hair.
Instead of trying to deny it, he asked, “How did you know that?”
His voice was a low growl, so I matched it when I responded, “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
“So you followed me?”
“I was worried.”
“There are a lot better ways to show that.”
“Since when have ever I done a good job expressing my emotions?” I arched an eyebrow.
“Exactly. Plus, I don’t think you’re one to judge considering it definitely took an extra effort to put all the pieces together in my life and come present them to me at 2 am.”
“That’s true.” We stood there staring at each other for a while, both contemplating if we should just let our problems be implied, or if we should actually talk about them.
“Well, if you don’t plan on leaving or getting any sleep, would you like to come in?” I asked. He nodded. The key was still in the door from when I tried to open it earlier. I’m glad I didn’t succeed in that quest until now.
We entered my apartment and he took a seat on the couch. I was right behind him, pausing to take off the bracelets and rings and tuck them into the nearest drawer.
“Why are you taking those off?”
It was an unexpected question, and I was sort of surprised he noticed my quick movements. “Just not feeling them anymore.”
“But you are hiding them. You are putting them in the nearest drawer you can find, and based off of how silently you tried to walk, following me into your apartment, you want them off and fast. Why?”
Those metal chains had been a part of my identity for a long time. They were how people identified me, and at some points, even how I identified myself. That crazy, badass bitch who earned all of those and is somehow still alive to tell the tale. “I guess it’s because they are a part of a different me. They show who I used to be, and that’s never who I wanted to be around you guys. I didn’t want to end up being the street rat criminal you were all forced to work with. I wanted to be better than that this time around. On the other side of good and bad. Somehow, I feel like I can be more without them. You make me feel like I’m more.” It was the most honest thing I’d said or done all week.
“Yes. You.”
“You don’t have to change for me, for us. It’s okay if-” he started. It was a sweet sentiment, but not what I was trying to say.
“No, I know,” I cut him off, “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. You make me better. You guys make me want to be better. That’s sorta why I was hoping none of you would figure out what I’ve really been doing all these nights.”
“So you are still dancing,” he said it like it wasn’t a question. I guess it wasn’t.
“Yeah,” I confirmed.
“And you’re still on drugs.”
“Yeah. How did you know?”
“I know you. You’ve been acting differently ever since the Cindi case.”
I know you. I tried not to let it get to my head.
“Likewise. You’re on drugs, too.”
“Yeah. Your turn. How’d you know?”
“I saw you getting them from someone behind an old apartment complex. You seem pretty friendly,” I added.
“What makes you say that?”
“You talked to them on the phone for quite some time prior.”
His eyes went wide. “What are you talking about?”
“I thought we had just silently agreed to be honest. I saw you talking on that payphone for like an hour prior to meeting your dealer.” Unless that wasn’t your dealer on the phone. But who else could it be?
“Oh. That.”
“Why are you being weird about it?”
“I’m not.”
“Yes you are. Tell me why,” I demanded.
“It’s nothing. Just a problem with the meeting place,” he stated. I let it slide.
“What drug?”
“Dilaudid,” he tilted his head at me, his way of asking me the same.
“Coc and heroin.”
“Unfortunately,” I said and it was unfortunate. I’d been sober for so long, but I made an impulse decision to be helpful, which of course ended up being hurtful. But it’s me so of course there’s always a price to pay. When isn’t there?
“Is it because you took those when we were helping Morgan?” It’s like he could read my mind.
“Yeah. I mean, I had pre-existing problems, but that was the trigger this time,” I stated sadly.
“Yeah. Being young on the streets means people think you are vulnerable and super easy to manipulate. I wasn’t, which pissed a lot of people off but it was also why I was so good at what I did. Those who wanted to control me like the rest of the easily manipulated newbies took to drugging me. When I was in the gang, too, I had a lot of drugs shoved my way. For a period of time, I worked so hard to fight the effects. I tried to resist taking them and I did my best to stay clear headed, even when they continued upping the doses. That’s how I learned to resist them. Plus, after having doses that probably should have killed me, I built up quite the tolerance.”
“After that?”
“After that period of time, I gave up. I had fought it for nearly three years, every single day, and I got tired. I finally just let them drug me without resisting. They gave me so many different drugs, which is how I got good at identifying them. It turned into a mind game for me. In order to ignore everything that followed the drugging, I decided I’d pay attention to every detail of how the drug affected me. How my eyes felt, how my breathing felt, how my heart felt, even how my blood in my veins felt. And I kept note of which hallucinations came with which drug so I was better able to prepare myself and hopefully control myself during those that got really bad,” I said. It was yet another situation I detached myself from. “Why dilaudid?”
“I was forced on it when I first started working here,” he whispered. I could tell he wasn’t willing to elaborate, so I decided to ask a different question.
“And you’ve been dealing with this ever since?”
“No, no. I quit a while back, but when I heard that my mom was doing worse it caused me a lot of stress. I started getting these really intense headaches and no one can figure out what’s wrong with me. On one of the last cases, a little boy almost died because I couldn’t focus, so the next time I had a headache, I tried taking dilaudid. It was the only thing I could think to do, and it helped. It reduced the pain and gave me back some semblance of focus, so I stayed on it,” he said.
“Spencer, it’s not your fault that-”
“I know, and I know that he didn’t die, but if he had, it would have been my fault. I’m not willing to take that chance in the future. Other people shouldn’t have to suffer because I’m having problems.” I nodded, knowing that there was nothing I could say that would convince him otherwise. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” I answered.
“The hallucination you were having that day, you said you’d never had it before?”
“Nope. I guess it would have to be because I’ve never taken all of those at once before.”
“Yeah, but, what was it? All Morgan told me was that you were worried about me and when I came in, all I got from you was ‘tell me that’s not real’ followed by relief.” I found it amusing that he wanted to know more about the hallucination he obviously knew was about him. I blew air out my nose in a silent laugh before my mood shifted at the memory of what I saw.
“I saw you on the ground. You had several broken bones, limbs in directions they shouldn't've been. You were bleeding … everywhere. I tried to remind myself that it was all just in my head but my options were to let it continue and have it end up being real, or make a fool out of myself. I wasn’t going to take any chances,” I said.
We sat there looking at each other in silence for a while, before he decided to break it.
“How is it going back there?” Spencer asked.
“Back where?”
“To the Camelot. A lot happened there.”
“It’s fine,” I said, but even I could hear the lie in my voice.
“Wanna try that again?”
“No,” I sighed, “Don’t look at me like that.” He had those soft, puppy-dog eyes, which always compelled me to tell him things that I wouldn’t tell anyone else and he knew it. I could drown in his gaze and I would feel privileged.
“It sucks. I haven’t been able to do privates, I haven’t even been able to go into that room without my scar hurting and my head pounding. I tried it once, but immediately after, had a panic attack and threw up.”
“You’re experiencing PTSD,” he said. I looked at him, brows knit together.
“It’s okay. It’s totally natural. You experienced something traumatic so it’d make sense that you are having trouble,” he said.
“That doesn’t make sense,” I replied, shaking my head.
“Yes it does. You-”
“No. It doesn’t make sense. I’ve been through plenty of things like that and worse and I didn’t even have a team of trained experts backing me up and I’m doing fine with those. What do you mean I have PTSD?” I sounded a bit bitchier than I would have liked.
“I don’t know why you haven’t struggled with other memories. You probably dumped them or just haven’t experienced anything after the fact that would trigger those feelings,” he replied. He was speaking in his ‘Doctor Genius voice’ as I called it, sounding like a professor.
I grunted. “Whatever the reason, it sucks and needs to get fixed fast because it’s messing with my income.”
That elicited a small laugh from him. “That’s not how it works.”
“I know. Too bad, though.”
“Too bad.”
I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed laugh.
“What is it?”
“It’s just that my life is a disaster,” I answered, running my fingers through my hair.
“That’s not true-”
“Oh please. Your body’s in better shape than my life,” I gave him a sarcastic smile. I think we were both still a little high from the hours prior. I know I was.
He pressed his lips together, but I saw the corners tilt up just slightly. Once he could fully compose himself, he said. “That’s not funny.”
I pinched my fingers together and held them up to his face. I squinched up my nose. “Just a teeny bit?”
He quirked his mouth over to one side and squinted his eyes at me.
“No?” I asked. He shook his head. “You know it was only a joke.”
“I know,” he said with a small lip-smile
“I think you have a great body,” I said, still grinning.
“Don’t tease me.”
“I’m not! I mean it!” I lightly wacked his bicep. He gave me a knowing look on the verge of a smirk. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything!” he defended.
“You thought it.” I argued.
“Oh so you can read minds now?”
“No, just your pretty face.”
He finally let that full smile breach the surface, a light pink color dusting his cheeks. “You really just complimented my scarecrow figure.”
“I did,” I confirmed unabashed, nodding my head profusely. We both suddenly burst into a laughing fit, one that could have easily been considered my ab workout for the day. By the end, I was clutching my stomach and wiping the tears streaming down my face. When we both reached planet Earth again, we just peered into each other's eyes.
I suddenly felt exposed, like he was analyzing the contents of my mind and soul. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he said, breaking eye contact.
“No, seriously. What?” My voice was calm and inviting, a tone that seemed to be reserved only for him and any of the victims we talked to.
“Are we going to talk about what happened earlier?”
“You mean the kiss?” I felt delirious and just let the words roll off my tongue.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t want to talk,” he said, wetting his lips. His voice got deeper again and I was hoping that I was reading the signs correctly.
“You don’t?” I inquired.
“No, not really.”
I playfully inched forward on the couch and in a sultry tone asked, “Then what do you want to do?”
He placed his long fingers on my neck, brushing his thumbs over my jaw. “This.”
He feverishly pressed his lips to mine and I quickly moved from my crossed-leg position onto my knees. I put my one hand on his back and the other on his neck. He was still sitting, so I had the vantage point. I leaned over him, slightly tilting his head back so that we didn’t have to part. He extended his legs the length of the couch, sliding them in between my own, anticipating what was coming next. His hands still cupping my face, he slowly laid back, bringing me with him. My hair fell like a curtain around our faces, creating a sacred space just for us. His tongue asked permission to deepen the kiss, and I granted it without hesitation. I brought my one hand from his back into his hair, using my thumb to rub gentle circles into his temple while the other stayed firmly planted in its place at the back of his neck. I felt his muscles give out a little, and I smiled into our kiss knowing that he trusted me to support his head, and I did so like my life depended on it. This time, it was me who had to come up for air. His eyes fluttered open as I gently laid his head down on the cushion underneath it. I swung my leg over his body so I was no longer straddling him, and cozied up next to him.
He was studying my face. “What-”
“Shh,” I said, before he could get anything else out. I placed my thumb on his lips, tracing over them. “Let’s just get some sleep.”
He looked down at me as I rested my head on his chest. His look of slight confusion turned to one of adoration. I couldn’t remember the last time, the last person, who looked at me like that and it made me feel all warm. I curled into him, wrapping my arm around him. In turn, he brought his own arm around me, settling it on my waist. His breathing steadied and the next time I looked up at him, he was asleep. Spencer’s face looked peaceful, making him look more beautiful than ever. I smiled to myself, finding comfort in the constant rise and fall of his chest, sleep dragging me under to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.
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violetwolfraven · 5 years
Touch x5
No one asked for this but y’all can’t stop me. Basically 3 people who experience the Newsies habits involving physical touch, (and why specific individuals touch each other) 1 who is reintroduced to it, and 1 who completely misreads what it means.
Warnings: Uh... period-typical homophobia/internalized homophobia, referenced physical abuse, PTSD, brief mentions of injuries I guess?
Les thought the atmosphere that was created by most or all of the Manhattan Newsies (plus a couple of Brooklyn boys, occasionally) was exciting.
He’d always had friends back in school, but his old buddies weren’t like this. They didn’t randomly jump up against a building to vault off it and do a backflip just to hear the cheers and laughter of their friends. They didn’t check each other over carefully whenever someone was hurt. They didn’t take a second to stop and ask if you were okay if you did anything that indicated you might be sad.
But mostly, Les’s old friends didn’t touch each other as much as his new ones did.
Back in school, it had always been ‘hands to yourself,’ except when they were playing tag or football. But with the Newsies, it was a constant stream of friendly touches. Les was always getting his hair ruffled or his shoulder squeezed or his arm punched in a friendly way and he loved it. He even loved the way one Newsie would take his hat off so another could slap him with theirs if he said something stupid.
Les was well aware that in school, it wasn’t that way because... well, that would be weird. You didn’t just sling your arm around your friend for an entire conversation or jump on their back and cling there until there was a risk of falling over just to surprise them. You just didn’t.
But you did with the Newsies. You didn’t question it. You just did.
Les thought it might be about the way everyone reacted after the strike, when everyone was in pain and those who were in a little less were helping those who were in a little more. Les vaguely remembered Race rubbing his arms to try to calm him down and flicking his nose in a friendly manner before quickly setting his broken wrist with a stick and some stray strips of fabric and telling him not to take it out of the sling until it didn’t hurt anymore, plus a day, just to be safe.
And after he was okay—well, not crying anymore and more okay than a lot of others were—Les noticed how even when all of them were covered in cuts and bruises that would probably just hurt more if touched, the stream of physical contact didn’t end. No, it just got a little more gentle, taking away the fearful adrenaline and helping everyone feel safe.
Kid Blink still leaned against Mush’s knee despite his bruises, sitting in front of the crate the other boy was on. Les knew that the only people around to see in the alley all the Newsies were clumped together in between some dumpsters as they patched each other up enough to move back to the Lodging House were each other, but that didn’t make it any less surprising when Mush stopped stroking Blink’s hair and leaned down to kiss the top of his head.
Les knew even most of the other Newsies didn’t touch each other that way, so he guessed maybe ‘best friends’ wasn’t a term that applied well to the pair.
Well, confusing as that may be, Les didn’t see how it could be anything but natural in a group that made each other feel safe even while most of them were hurt.
Sarah knew not a lot of girls sold newspapers, and sometimes she asked Davey to go grab her papes to avoid the Delancey brothers’ comments, but she certainly enjoyed this more than her old factory job, and besides, now there was room to make friends.
All of Davey’s new friends were fun, but at first Sarah thought they were a bit handsy, with the way someone was always clapping her on the back or bumping her shoulder or grabbing her hand just to squeeze it before running off to their spot. But then she figured out that they acted like that with everyone, and they always stopped if she asked them to, and it wasn’t just because she was a girl around their age.
It took some getting used to, but Sarah eventually found it just another part of her day. It became routine; block Jack’s hand before he could mess up her hair, let Mike and Ike adjust her form when they teach her some self defense, throw her arm around Jojo to stop girls from flirting with him so he doesn’t get uncomfortable... it was easy. Physical contact was written in everything the Newsies did. It was as essential as breathing.
And then there was Katherine, and Katherine didn’t have as much time to hang around the group, but she’d joined it around the same time Sarah did, and was just as new at all of this.
Katherine’s red hair shined in the sun and her hands were always gentle when she helped a little one patch up a scraped knee and Sarah really wanted to hold her hand but she wasn’t sure if Katherine would be okay with that, with how the reporter often brushed away Jack’s and Romeo’s touches as annoying.
And since Sarah spent practically every day with the Newsies, she knew their gossip better than Katherine could. She knew that several pairs of them were... more than friendly, even being the same gender, and while it wasn’t safe, the group didn’t care. Sarah had no intention of telling anyone that she was attracted to girls, but she was. She understood what they felt but didn’t know if Katherine would even want to be her friend if she knew.
But then one day, Katherine was hanging around the girls’ corner of the Lodging House, where Sniper and Smalls slept and had a couple spare blankets to drape down from the top bunk so the boys couldn’t see them change, and Sarah found out that the reporter didn’t mind at all.
Sniper was leaning upside down over the edge of the bunk, trying to win a bet and shoot a can set up on one of the boy’s beds, when Smalls very suddenly kissed her, making her miss her shot, though Sarah noted that Sniper didn’t seem to mind that much, just content to keep doing what they were doing.
Katherine’s only reaction was to roll her eyes and smile, swatting Smalls with a newspaper and complaining that she’d cheated. And when the short brunette fell backwards next to Sarah sitting on the next bunk over, Sarah was glad that it was acceptable to reach over and squeeze Smalls tightly in her excitement.
When Katherine first started hanging out with the Newsies, she’d figured out pretty quick that touch was their love language, and not even in a romantic way, for the most part. Touching each other was how they made sure each other were okay and how they showed their brotherly bond. It was beautiful to Katherine, if very different from how Bill, Darcy, and all the other men she’d grown up with expressed affection.
For the Newsies, it was the most natural thing in the world to celebrate a good headline by grabbing the nearest friend and dancing a messy little do-si-do, or to huddle together on a cold day. Not a one of them bothered with social conventions that men weren’t supposed to show affection, and definitely not by touching each other constantly.
But that was how the Newsies worked, and Katherine couldn’t say she was sorry that they adopted her effortlessly, incorporating her into their existing friendship like she’d always belonged there.
Katherine liked waking up early to meet them at the gates for a bit of hangout time before work started. She liked meeting Davey halfway for a one-armed hug, or dodging Jack and Romeo’s joke-flirting only to let them clasp her shoulder in greeting, or making up a new secret handshake with Race because they both forgot the one they made last time.
Actually, it was through Race that Katherine learned how some of the touches between certain Newsies weren’t just about friendship.
She was meeting him over at Sheepshead, since supposedly he had a scoop on one of the trainers sabotaging other people’s horses, though Katherine was a little skeptical about if he’d actually found anything or was just over-dramatizing things.
She’d turned a corner to the place under the stands where Race usually was when he took a break from selling, only to find not only her good friend Racetrack Higgins, but Spot Conlon, and well... even for the Newsies, being pinned against a wall while someone kissed you senseless wasn’t a platonic gesture.
The two jumped apart the second they saw Katherine, and Race tried to say that it wasn’t what it looked like, but Katherine assured them that she wasn’t going to tell anyone, but wanted to know if the Newsies were okay with that kind of thing; being in a relationship with someone of the same gender.
Race was puzzled, but responded that, yes, the fellas were fine with it, and that various combinations of their group had courted at one point or another, with several pairs currently together. Spot chimed in to report that even a few inter-borough relationships happened, his and Race’s being one of them.
That fact known, Katherine felt absolutely no guilt when Medda put on a special show after hours just for the Newsies as a one-time thing, and Katherine put her arm around Sarah near the beginning of it, the two of them more or less cuddling for the duration of the show. And she definitely wasn’t complaining when a love song came on, and Sarah gently turned her face up so her lips could meet Katherine’s.
Somehow, the fact that Jack had seen and told pretty much everyone didn’t embarrass Katherine too much. Or maybe she just enjoyed the playful camaraderie of her friends coming up to congratulate her with a handshake or a slap on the arm.
Crutchie had always known that his friendship with the other Newsies worked differently than a lot of friendships, but he’d never really registered how differently until he was forced to go without it.
In the Refuge, there was no Jack helping him get down a ladder, or Romeo offering a one-armed hug as a good morning, or Finch ruffling his hair when he predicted the weather. Even being new, Crutchie noticed the sore absense of any kind of positive contact between anyone. Even boys who claimed to be friends never touched unless they absolutely had to.
No, contact was limited to Snyder and the guards giving a beating, or someone roughly shoving their way down the hallway because they judged those in front of them too slow, or a hard slap against a limb to try to jostle for more space on the bed or get someone’s foot out of their face.
The only remotely positive interactions Crutchie got were sympathetic grimaces from a boy who saw his bruises, or an only slightly grumpy hand handing him his crutch, but those things were not even close to what he was used to and not nearly enough after years of nearly constant friendly contact from boys he considered his brothers.
Then Crutchie was released, and he got back that contact he’d been hanging onto the memory of, but somehow it wasn’t how he remembered it. He suddenly couldn’t let Race throw an arm around his shoulder to greet him in the morning. He couldn’t accept a double-hug from Mike and Ike when there was a good headline or keep from flinching when Jack tried to make sure he didn’t fall on the way down from the Penthouse.
Crutchie didn’t understand. He’d spent his time in the Refuge missing this and now he could barely take any of it? It didn’t make sense.
When he tried to explain to Jack, the older boy just smiled sadly and nodded in understanding. He said that he’d gone through that when he first got out; not being able to let anyone touch him for a while. Jack still couldn’t handle people touching his left shoulder unexpectedly, but they all had little triggers like that. Random touches or tones of voice paired with specific words that couldn’t be used. Crutchie just didn’t understand why he seemed to be triggered by practically everything.
But Jack said to give it time. To let this get better with time and just try to be patient with himself.
And slowly, with help from the other Newsies, all of whom were willing to do whatever they had to do to help as best they could, Crutchie did get better.
Maybe not all of his scars could completely heal with time, but Crutchie was getting better. Now, when Davey patted his shoulder before they parted ways selling or Romeo leaned up against him while dramatically describing his latest failed romantic venture, most touch could feel as normal as it had before he’d gotten taken.
Davey had noticed the Newsies as very physically connected people even before he’d been one of them. That was to say he’d noticed them playing around, putting each other in headlocks and even one guy casually riding on another’s shoulders from the first morning he’d started selling.
And as much as Davey enjoyed this dynamic once he started getting included in it and got used to someone always touching him, it made it that much more painful, knowing that a certain friend of his touched everyone he cared about like that.
Davey had never fallen in love before, so he kind of missed that he did at first, before realizing that what he was feeling for one of the Newsies was everything he’d read in books that involved love. From thinking about him constantly to getting butterflies whenever he saw his smile, Davey couldn’t deny that he felt something more than simple friendship.
Unfortunately, Jack Kelly happened to be a boy, which made him completely unattainable, even if it made Davey felt like sparks were flying every time he touched him, and he had to remind himself that it didn’t mean a thing.
It didn’t mean anything that Jack practically picked Davey up in his excitement when there was a really good headline and he hugged him and spun around. It didn’t mean anything when he grabbed Davey’s face to check him for injuries after they got out of a fight. It didn’t mean anything when there weren’t any spare chairs in Jacobis and Jack chose Davey’s lap instead of the table.
After all, he’d seen Race hug Spot much tighter when he got excited. Sniper always looked that worried when she checked Smalls over after a fight. Kid Blink sat on Mush’s lap even when there were free seats.
And it wasn’t like Albert didn’t kiss Finch on the cheek some mornings before mock saluting when they went off on separate selling routes, or laugh loudly when the taller boy sometimes pulled him back to whisper something in his ear while keeping one hand on Albert’s waist.
All that was to be expected of Newsie friendships. None of it was weird with them because... well, it just wasn’t. The fact that he loved those friendships so much was why Davey could absolutely not tell anyone that he’d fallen for his best friend. They would never understand. The others would hate him if they found out, not that Davey could blame them. Guys weren’t supposed to love other guys. Davey knew that, so as long as nobody ever found out, those friendly touches and friendships wouldn’t change and Davey would never lose them, right?
Wrong, apparently.
It wasn’t common that the entire group wasn’t together after a day of selling, but when one of those days came, Jack was painting a backdrop for Medda, and the rest of them were hanging out in the Lodging House, Davey personally watching Race beat everyone at poker.
“So, when is Jack getting back?”
It’d been an innocent question. Fair, for a best friend. Davey didn’t think anyone would suspect anything.
Instead, Race turned around to give Davey a smirk, “Why? Only been a few hours since sellin’ time! Missin’ ya boyfriend already?”
“What? My—“ Davey sputtered, “Jack is not my— why would you think—?”
“Please,” Spot said nonchalantly, “As if we all couldn’t see how you’se been crushin’ on him since day one.”
Davey’s breathing sped up as he realized what they were saying. They knew. They all knew.
“Whoa, Davey, are you okay?” Mush’s voice asked, sounding far away.
Davey couldn’t breath. He was going to lose them all. He didn’t have any other friends and now he was going to lose the ones he had. Everything felt like too much, from the press of the bedpost where he was gripping it probably too tight to the others voices, all overlapping and sounding too loud and too far away all at once. Davey sucked in breath as fast as he could but it didn’t seem to be enough. He still couldn’t breath. He couldn’t get enough air.
One voice cut through it all.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s wrong? Davey! Davey, are you okay?”
Davey flinched away from Jack’s touch, and the other boy stopped trying to grab his shoulders, his hands hovering halfway between Davey sitting on the bed and Jack crouching in front of him.
“Davey, I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, but you need to try to breath, okay? Just take a deep breath with me. In... and out.”
Davey did his best, breathing in and out as Jack instructed, slowly managing to come down from his panic.
Jack looked around accusingly at the fellas, “Alright, who did this? What did alls you’se do?”
“We didn’t do anything!” Spot protested.
“Spot mentioned things ‘bout Davey bein’ queer,” Smalls said.
“What? I tells the truth, unlike you!”
Jack looked back at Davey, and found that the other boy wouldn’t look him in the eye. Why would he? Davey certainly didn’t want to look at the boy he loved whilst getting kicked out of the friend group.
“Don’t worry about it,” Davey mumbled, “If it’s okay with you, Les’ll keep selling, but I’m sure I can find other work.”
“What are you...” Jack seemed to realize something, “Dave, can I touch you?”
Davey was surprised he wanted to, but nodded.
Causing even more surprise, Jack didn’t put his hand on Davey’s arm or hand. Instead, he grabbed the taller boy’s chin gently and forced Davey to look at him.
“Dave, what do you see when you look over there?”
Davey looked where Jack was gesturing with the hand that hadn’t moved to Davey’s shoulder. He didn’t understand, but he looked.
Blink was sitting in the poker circle, on Mush’s lap as he leaned back against the other boy’s chest, somehow neither of them having looked at each other’s cards.
Smalls was on a bunk behind them, laying back with her head close to where Sniper was sitting, who was softly smiling as she stroked Smalls’s hair. Smalls was playing, but Sniper wasn’t.
Race had his legs tossed across Spot’s, and he occasionally leaned over to try to get a look at his cards, though the King of Brooklyn always pushed him back with a fond smile.
Finch was playing as a team with Albert as they didn’t have enough cards for everyone, and the latter was between the former’s legs as Finch rested his chin on top of Albert’s hair.
Katherine wasn’t playing poker, but she was perched on a bunk nearby, sitting very close to Sarah, who was looking at Davey like he was stupid for some reason.
Sarah only gave him that look when she was genuinely frustrated with him, and Davey stared his twin down, not sure what she was trying to get at, here as they tried to communicate with just their facial expressions.
“Uh, what’s going on there?” Jack asked.
“It’s a twin thing,” Mike answered.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Ike agreed.
Davey gave up trying to get whatever Sarah was trying to communicate and turned back to Jack.
“What am I looking at?”
Jack made a small noise of disbelief, “You really don’t see it?”
“See what?”
Jack huffed and dragged his hands through his hair, “So, why do you think we wouldn’t want to be friends with you anymore?”
“Because I’m... I like boys,” Davey admitted, “Why would you want to be friends with someone like that? You’re all such close friends, and—“
“You think we’re all friends?” Albert asked, sounding disbelieving.
“Of course you are. Why else would you be—“
“Davey,” Mush cut him off gently, “That’s not... we aren’t...” he made a frustrated noise, “I don’t do this with my friends.”
Davey was fairly certain his brain short-circuited out of surprise as Mush leaned down and full-on kissed Blink on the lips. Sniper wolf-whistled, but other than that, nobody had really any reaction.
As they separated, Blink shrugged with a smile, “He does that with me, though.”
Suddenly, a lot of things made a lot more sense, and Davey wondered how he’d never seen it before. Even Sarah... oh, God, how had he never noticed?
“Yeah, we don’t much care if ya like Jack’s ass,” Spot summed up.
Davey froze. He’d just accepted that the fellas were okay with him liking boys, but that didn’t mean he wanted Jack to know he liked him.
Especially since... especially since even if Jack didn’t care, he’d been with Katherine a while back, and Sarah for a bit afterwards. He liked girls. He wasn’t one of the ones like Davey.
But Jack just stifled a laugh, “You like my ass?”
“I wouldn’t put it like that,” Davey mumbled, “But yeah, I... I have feelings for you. I have for a long time. And it’s okay that you don’t feel the same.”
Davey made a point not to meet Jack’s eyes. He didn’t want to know what the other boy’s expression was, because even if he wasn’t disgusted by Davey liking boys, he might be by Davey liking him specifically, and even if he wasn’t, he might feel guilty for rejecting him, and Davey didn’t want him to hurt like that or at all and—
“Why would you think I don’t feel the same?”
Jack’s words were soft in a way Davey had never heard before, and gentle in a way that he had never expected to have meant for him.
Davey looked up in surprise, meeting Jack’s eyes and finding that his expression was gentle and almost... loving?
“You were with Katherine,” Davey stuttered, “And... and Sarah. You like girls.”
He was finding it very hard to think as Jack ever so slowly leaned closer, laughing lightly.
“And that means I can’t like boys?”
“Well...” Davey’s brain melted as Jack leaned his forehead against his own, the gentle pressure sending fireworks through his mind.
“It just so happens, I like you a lot, too,” Jack said quietly, “And in case you still don’t get it...”
Jack pressed a small kiss to Davey’s lips and Davey felt warmth pass through him in a flash.
“I love you, Davey Jacobs.”
Davey took a shaky breath, not quite believing his ears, but responding anyway.
“And I love you, too, Jack Kelly.”
This time, Davey kissed him first, and he certainly didn’t feel Jack protesting as the shorter boy kissed him back.
It wasn’t until Sniper wolf-whistled that Davey remembered there were other people in the room. He hid his face in Jack’s shoulder as the room full of their friends actually applauded.
“Okay, okay!” Jack called, waving his hands around for emphasis, “You’se can collect ya bets now, but leave me and my boy alone, hear? We’ll be in my Penthouse if anyone needs me.”
As they left the room, several Newsies clapped Davey on the shoulders or ruffled his hair in encouragement, all calling out their congratulations.
Yeah, Davey decided that in a sea of friendly touches and a few more than friendly touches, he was happy.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
ESSAY: How Does My Hero Academia Fit Into Global Superhero Culture?
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  In 1989, Batman became the first film to make over $40 million in its opening weekend. In 2002, Spider-Man became the first film to make over $100 million in its opening weekend. In 2007, Spider-Man 3 hit over $150 million. In 2012, The Avengers nabbed over $200 million. And in 2019, Avengers: Endgame got over $350 million. Despite the fact that there have been concerns over “superhero movie fatigue” for literal decades now, it’s a genre that shows no signs of slowing down. As its universes expand on streaming services like Disney+, it’s apparent the age of the cinematic hero might be an indefinitely lengthy one. 
  As Marvel Comics luminary Stan Lee once said: “The pleasure of reading a story and wondering what will come next for the hero is a pleasure that has lasted for centuries and, I think, will always be with us.” In that quote, it seems our destiny is almost sealed — we crave heroes and we crave their stories and we crave their sequels. 
  This is the environment in which My Hero Academia was born.
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    My Hero Academia is, first and foremost, a superhero story. One could argue that most narratives of its ilk are superhero tales — anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, and others are full of good guys shutting down malicious attempts at local or world domination — but My Hero Academia embraces the iconography, both thematic and physical, of the superhero in a way that many other stories don’t. In fact, it might be one of the purest explorations of that kind of universe ever in fiction. It’s a world where heroism is practically currency, where roughly 80 percent of the earth’s population is imbued with some kind of inherent genetic power. 
  Populating your superhero story with powerful people instead of going the typical cinematic route of having one or two supernatural characters with a supporting cast of everyday folk might have been subversive 20 years ago. But in the age of the Avengers, where multiple heroes cross in and out of each other's storylines and the narrative objective was to eventually wrangle them all in one mega-movie, My Hero Academia fits comfortably. That doesn’t render it as uninteresting, though. Instead, rather than build to the issues that will inevitably crop up in a world full of Supermen, these themes are inherent in the story.
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    As such, most of the plotlines have to do with the idea of rampant heroism and the backlash that it would create. Plenty of superhero films address this (multiple Batman movies make the case that if there were no Batman there would be no Joker), but in My Hero Academia it is a constant struggle. Overhaul, wearing a variation of a 17th-century plague doctor mask, looks at these “Quirks” as if they’re a disease. Stain is against superheroes using their status for fame. Tomura Shigaraki wishes to destroy society as we know it, hating its values and its borderline divine treatment of figures like All-Might. These patterns are not just repeated in My Hero Academia, but inevitable. They are anime embodiments of that “superhero fatigue” article I shared above, except in this case they hurt and destroy in their attempts to find an alternative to the super status quo, rather than write essays in The New York Times.
  It’s certainly an enthralling formula, though: My Hero Academia continues to be a best seller and has won numerous awards. Its anime has been similarly well-received. Despite the fact that superhero films very rarely have the same box office prominence in Japan as they do in America, My Hero Academia has been able to make an impact. That might be because, at its core, My Hero Academia adapts the ethos found in a hero that many Japanese creators really do enjoy: Spider-Man.
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    Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia’s creator, loves Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man films. Creator of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki gushed over his love of Spider-Man 2 to director Sam Raimi during an interview. Yusuke Murata, illustrator of One-Punch Man, has done some absolutely amazing work when it comes to posters for Peter Parker’s cinematic adventures. Hideo Kojima, a video game designer whose creations are absolutely inspired by anime, called Into The Spider-Verse a “great masterpiece” and was “moved” by Spider-Man 2. After it became the best-selling game to be developed in the West but funded by Sony since 1998, Japanese game developers voted Marvel’s Spider-Man as their 2018 game of the year. So why the embrace of this particular character? 
  Journalist Kuremasa Uno told the Japanese site Business+IT that it’s because Japanese youth are more accustomed to embracing younger heroes. Since so much of Spider-Man’s Hollywood journey deals with him experiencing problems as a teenager and young adult, he fits in among the protagonists of series like Gundam or Naruto. Hideo Kojima even told Famitsu that Spider-Man is “similar to Japanese heroes,” as he has “worries.” 
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    The aspect of youth is particularly interesting, as it’s what often renders heroes like Spider-Man to be the most relatable of all of their peers and rivals. In the comic book world, age tends to warp characters, turning them into beacons of impossible standards rather than troubled everymen. We have little in common with the hulking, aging Batman snapping bones in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. We are enthralled with the story on a narrative level. Even the legendary curmudgeon of the comic book industry, the supremely talented Alan Moore, found The Dark Knight Returns fascinating because it gave a hero a chance to end, rather than cycle through an eternal series of escapades. If you know Moore’s stance on heroes, that’s high praise, but it’s hard to connect with him no matter how cool he looks taking down the Mutant Leader.
  In youth we find common ground. We all grow up, and for the most part, we all experience that mix of angst, desperation, and uncertainty that comes with finding yourself on a bullet train to adulthood. In my interview with Matt Alt, author of Pure Invention: How Japan’s Pop Culture Conquered The World, the writer/historian affirmed these feelings as especially true in anime: “It doesn’t look at adolescence as a lesser form of adulthood and it doesn’t condescend to the young people experiencing problems.” That is true of My Hero Academia, which treats Midoriya’s teenage problems as valid and worth concern, and is also true to Stan Lee’s affinity for Spider-Man: “He’s the one who’s most like me — nothing ever turns out 100 percent OK; he’s got a lot of problems and he does things wrong, and I can relate to that.”
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    So perhaps it is in collecting a cast of characters that, like Spider-Man, are all dealing with youthful problems that Horikoshi found the fantastic formula for My Hero Academia. It’s a world with teachers and Pro Heroes, but there is no real equivalent of a Justice League, no impenetrable class of demi-gods to impart moral lessons on not just younger heroes but the world at large.
  Instead, much like in real-life youth, the characters of My Hero Academia and the class of 1A must discover those lessons for themselves. With that, the reasons for the aforementioned creators’ adoration of films like the Spider-Man trilogy and Into the Spider-Verse seemingly become more clear. Though these films feature a ... ummm ... supportive supporting cast, the integrity must come from the hero alone in the end, no matter how tough their obstacles become. You are born with Quirks, but how you choose to implement them for the good of mankind is up to you. Great power, great responsibility, etc.
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    My Hero Academia and Spider-Man are not a 1:1 comparison as, again, the basics of its world and the attributes of its cast fit it more firmly with late-term Avengers films where dozens of heroes interact in a spectacle created by the sheer existence of their number. My Hero Academia rarely feels as lonely as Spider-Man tends to be. But in capturing the relatable qualities of adolescence and focusing on the “quirks” of what is essentially high school life, it does manage to hit some of the same high notes, notes that I imagine contributed greatly to its popularity.
  Does that mean All-Might is an Uncle Ben character, with his “Now it’s your turn” point to Midoriya serving a similar purpose to the “Great responsibility” speech? Eh, a little bit. But in relating it to the superhero genre that currently forms an entertainment monolith around the world, especially when it has to do with the character of Spider-Man, we start to unlock some of the reasons why My Hero Academia has been such a powerhouse series over the past few years. You can see just as much of Midoriya in Peter Parker as you can in guys like Naruto or Asta — characters that aren’t relatable simply because they’re young, but because we connect to their experiences of youth, experiences that are somehow both deeply specific and also beautifully universal.
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
By: Daniel Dockery
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ryanmeft · 5 years
My Top Performances of 2019, Part 1
That’s pretty self-explanatory, right?
A couple notes:
I cut myself off at 20. Many deserving performances didn’t quite make that arbitrary cut. Some will be in the honorable mentions section in Part 2. The order is irrelevant. In fact, it is deliberately random. There were a few cases where two performances in the same movie were both great and complimentary, and I wanted to honor them both without using up another slot. So I just combined them.
Last but not least, don’t forget that while writers and directors can’t make movies without actors, without writers and directors actors are just grown-ass adults playing pretend in front of a mirror. That’s also true of designers, cinematographers, key grips, assistants---pretty much everyone it takes to make one of these things. If you really love an actor or a performance, look into the people you don’t see who make it possible, and be sure to mentally send them some appreciation, too.
On with the show.
Elisabeth Moss in Her Smell
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While Joaquin Phoenix and Adam Sandler earned a lot of (very deserving) praise for playing men destructing in slow-motion, Elisabeth Moss went almost unseen here as a woman actively shredding herself and her life while holding onto the fading dregs of fame. Playing the wonderfully named Becky Something, she’s a briefly popular rock star whose absolute lack of control and addiction to power destroy her. But that’s not new; it’s so common a theme in rock movies that it’s become a cliche. What makes Becky stand out is the unwavering intensity Moss portrays her with. There is never a moment of calm, never a place to let out a breath.
Eddie Murphy in Dolemite is My Name
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After a couple of decades of his early trash-talking persona being de-fanged by appearances in family films, Murphy returns to what made him famous: swearing a lot. But his turn as Blaxploitation icon Rudy Ray Moore is bigger than that. Moore is seen here as a truly ambitious and calculating entertainer for whom cussing and talking about explicit sex is merely a character for the benefit of others. Could it be a subtle comment on Murphy himself?
Thomasin McKenzie in Jojo Rabbit
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Scarlett Johansson got the Oscar nod, but McKenzie is the beating heart of this Mel Brooksian satire of the Nazi regime, fierce and vulnerable and never too much of one or the other. From the moment she appears, when you think she’s going to be the typical meek Jewish refugee hiding in a wall panel and she instead lets Jojo know exactly who is in control, she commands the film, leaving us enjoying the whole thing but also waiting for her scenes. After her debut in Leave No Trace was mostly ignored, her lack of awards success here continues to be baffling.
Scarlett Johansson & Adam Driver in Marriage Story
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Not that ScarJo didn’t deserve a nomination this year. You cannot look away from her in this unflinchingly realistic story of an imploding marriage---but Driver sure makes you want to. In a gender-narrative-switch, Johansson plays the cool, calculating one, remaining above the fray though, of course, privately threatening to drown in it. Driver is the overly emotional one, relying on instinct rather than reason. When they finally break down and have a knock-down drag-out, it’s both shocking that things disintegrated so quickly, and entirely unsurprising to anyone who’s ever attempted a serious relationship. 
Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems
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Despite the fact he’s proven himself time and again to be a fantastic dramatic actor when he wants to be, few people were unsurprised at the unrelenting intensity of Sandler’s performance here. He’s a jewel shop owner and small-time hustler, addicted to the risk and thrill of gambling more than the reward. But that’s a pretty typical character. What makes Howard Ratner unique is that he lever lets us take a breath---the never ending explosion inside his head is manifested by the constant whirl of activity and terrible judgement on the outside.
Lupita Nyong’o in Us
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As the hero of the film, Nyong’o is sympathetic and engaging. Yet the highlight of this double role is her evil twin---a twisted, broken psychopath who tells ghost stories that could scar your mind and slowly-but-relentlessly pursues her prey. It’s a testament to Nyong’o’s talent that whenever both are onscreen together, they seem equally real and equally separate. If you don’t think that sounds hard, imagine having to pretend to fight yourself pretending to fight yourself, and make it look good.
Rebecca Ferguson in Doctor Sleep
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Look, I’m just gonna be honest here: I might have a little bit of a crush on Rebecca Ferguson, as much because of her until-now underutilized talent as her looks. She’s simply incredibly compelling to watch even in roles that don’t deserve her level of skill. After seeing her as a centuries-old, soul-devouring, child-murdering, vampire-like creature of the night in the latest Stephen King adaptation, though, I…well, still have a little bit of a crush on her. I probably need a better therapist. You know who doesn’t need more help? Ferguson, who with this role takes back the scene-chewing movie villain from superhero films and delivers one of the best of all time. I haven’t watched Doctor Who in a while; do they need a new Master yet?
Antonio Banderas in Pain & Glory
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Banderas was a talented actor right from his early beginnings with director Pedro Almodovar. He came to Hollywood, got a few good roles out of it (I’m still a fan of that first Zorro movie), was relegated to the status of a sex symbol, dropped off most people’s radars for a while, and in Almodovar’s latest finally gets the role of his career. He’s an aging filmmaker who suffers from every chronic pain imaginable, unable or unwilling to write and reflecting on a lifetime full of loves and losses. It is a performance that is difficult to describe in words, sublime and subtle let passionate and romantic.
Juliette Binoche in High Life
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I usually hedge my bets on statements of absolute fact, but I feel comfortable saying this is the only movie you will ever see in which Juliette Binoche uses a virtual reality machine and ceiling straps to imagine herself having sex with a person in an animal suit. Describing that scene is irresistible, but it is more than mere shock: it’s an indication of the depths of human drives which Claire Denis is willing to explore, and the bravery of Binoche to trust her to do it. Binoche’s character is slimy---an unethical doctor sentenced to a prison spaceship for her gut-churning experiments---but she’s not a traditional villain. Rather, she’s a creature who exists to fulfill her needs, in a ship full of such animals.
Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe in The Lighthouse
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Two men, one a rule-abiding rookie and the other a rambling retired sailor, go mad together in a lighthouse. Pattinson plays the younger man, who seems to believe that good intent and staying on the straight and narrow will forgive him past sins. Dafoe is the wizened, tough-but-fair mentor---or at least so it seems at first. He’s actually as cracked and despotic as they come, leaving us with two unlikable people---one who reveals themselves as such and one who becomes so. It is impossible to separate one of these performances from the other. Witness the scene in which they use stories as verbal weapons. It is as sharp as any actual knife fight could ever be.
That’s all for part one; look for part two tomorrow. Or the next day. Sometime this week.
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earthbovndmisfit · 4 years
I hope this isn't too weird of a message to send, but doesn't it seem like Jonawagon doujinshi are pretty uncommon? I've only seen maybe 3 posted online & I have a copy of a SpeedJona doujin but aside from those I haven't come across any. Is it like a rare pairing or something? I thought they were fairly popular
It isn’t weird at all, anon! All the opposite actually, cause I love getting asks even if i'm not always around or it sometimes takes me a hot minute to get to them gfjhkjh
This is gonna be long and probs gonna have bits that might sound rant-ish to some, but I hope that’s alright! :'D
For starters, sadly, jonawagon/jonaspeed/speedjona or however you call the ship is quite an underrated ship. This has to do partly with the wrong perceptions some folks have built around it and around the characters as well (that them both and the couple itself are the epitome of "purity" and "innocence", sometimes even labelling them as "boring" as a result even though both characters are far from that, that "it could only be a one-sided thing" on Spw's end despite both showing and sharing a certain bond/closeness towards each other -closeness that sometimes Jonathan didn't show towards anyone else-, etc), partly because of the many timeskips in PB and all the scenes the anime cut out and people wrongly assuming that the main events happened in the span of a few days and thus people dropping the ball on the ship/characters when Jonathan and Speedwagon actually knew each other for as long -sometimes even longer- than other more popular characters/ships in jjba did, partly because neither Jonathan or Speedwagon are as popular as other characters in the franchise as a whole, and also partly because, as sad as it is to say this, the ship lacks a LOT of support, especially from it's own fanbase. While jonawagon is a popular and well liked ship overall (in the sense that even general fans who don't care much about shipping, or those who are still on the fence about mlm ships, or those who just don't actively ship jonawagon actually like and support the ship or the idea of it upon seeing the actual dynamics between the characters and their potential and the fact that the ship can actually coexist with jonaeri without altering the characters/making them ooc, nor altering the story and so on), it still lacks a lot of support from it's fans. I often see most other ships/characters get lots of reblogs and exposure from their fans on literally any and all platforms, helping those ships/characters reach new audiences and gaining more popularity and drawing interest from potential new fans, while jonawagon stuff as well as solo Jonathan or Speedwagon stuff usually only get likes and a few reblogs at most from their fans, which is nice and all, but it doesn't give the artists/writers any exposure nor get those works or the ship any farther than that and just keeps them within part of the already existing fanbase at best, which often times makes the artists/content creators lose interest in continuing to create stuff for the ship/characters. This is also why I always strongly ask -almost beg at this point ngl- for people to support the artists/writers/etc via reblogs!! The ship having a bunch of different names also might have an impact on all of this, as it's not always as 'easy' to tag/find contents if you don't know how to tag/search for it. Jonawagon (normally used in the western parts of the fandom), JonaSpeed/SpeedJona (Western version of the ship's most popular names in Japanese: ジョナスピ/スピジョナ or JonaSupi/SupiJona respectively], SpeedStar (a name that became a bit more popular more recently after a mini jonawagon event in 2019), being the most common ones afaik, asides from the standard JonathanxSpeedwagon/SpeedwagonxJonathan ie and others. In short, Jonathan and Speedwagon as well as jonawagon are quite well liked and even popular to an extent, but they lack a massive amount of support from the fans, which also usually translates into artists and content creators for this ship losing interest in continuing to create new material for it and thus end up not making any more contents.
In regards to doujinshi more specifically, I’m a bit disconnected when it comes to Jojo doujinshi in general, but it seems to be a bit like that for most of the non "crazy popular" Jojo ships if you ask me, which is kinda normal considering the massive amount of characters in the whole series. Putting my experience as example, if it helps, I used to collect doujinshi from one of my previous fandoms, which had a shit ton of them for plenty of it’s ships and it was somewhat easy to acquire hard copies of despite it being an “old anime” basically while most Jojo doujinshi (especially anything that is not parts 3, 4 and 5) seems to be a bit hard to come across regardless of the ship(s) in them, even in auction sites or places like pixiv that sell digital copies if the author puts them up on sale, which is understandable since the aforementioned parts are some of the most popular parts in Japan, where most doujinshi is created, and thus take most of the fandom's interest -authors’ and readers’ alike-, as well as the hype for parts like Phantom Blood being long dead (with it being dead/dormant since the original airing of the anime ended in 2013, and it coming back ocassionally whenever there's a 'special' re-airing of PB in Japan or when events such as the Joestar Radio take place), so maybe my parameters on the whole subject are somewhat disproportionate?
This is also gonna sound all boomer-like, but I’ve also noticed, or it seems to me at least (still in comparison to the doujinshi from my previous fandom), that doujinshi books as we knew them aren’t /as/ common nowadays as they used to be a while back. Even the works themselves don’t seem to be much that way either. For example, doujinshi anthologies used to be a big thing a while back and, while they still exist, they don’t seem to be too common anymore (these worked as "promo books" of sorts for all the artists featured and they also helped lesser known/popular artists and ships to get some exposure to newer audiences). Nowadays such thing still exists, and I actually recall seeing a Jonaspeed/Speedjona anthology being made “recently” (recently as in 2019, if I’m not mistaken? it was published and sold during the mini Jonaspeed event they held at a Jojo con in Japan that year), but they aren’t nearly as common as they used to be, since now most artists can post any samples they want (much more reduced tho, cause you normally get a few pages instead of a full mini story) in places like Twitter or Pixiv. And it’s kinda the same with regular doujinshi. Before, most doujinkas had to publish a book in order to get their stuff out and get some exposure, so they were always working on new stories and making new books to sell and promoing their stuff, sometimes one after the other and even creating multi-volume stories in some cases. Now, thanks to how "easy" it is to get some exposure on social media, it’s much more common to see doujinkas for any ships/characters making short stories (1-4 pages, sometimes more) or just 1 page illustrations instead and posting them on their social media every now and then as a promo for their works. They also still make and sell their books (a few jonawagon artists on twitter do, at least), and these short stories/illustrations serve to boost their works instead, which is not a complain at all cause I think it's amazing tbqh! But this also translates into less stories/doujinshi being created as many of these artists often opt for leaving those stories that years ago would have been their own book or a mini story in a book as a prompt or a short story only.
As for actual jonawagon doujinshi, while it is not as common as say pt 3 doujinshi, there is quite a bunch of it. Some date from 2012-2013 (when the PB anime was originally aired), some are much older than that and some others are much more recent (as there are still some active jonawagon doujinkas around). There are also "fanfic books" that are also considered doujinshi and that seem to be a thing sometimes, but these contain little to no art at all and are usually written 100% in Japanese. The problem here is that not many of them have been scanlated/translated yet, sometimes because they aren't easy to find on sale online, sometimes because re-sellers who do have them set high prices for them plus shipping costs, sometimes because the artists/online shops won't sell stuff overseas, sometimes because those who do own doujinshi copies don't always know how to properly share them (since scanning a doujinshi in high or decent quality without destroying the book can be hard af) among other reasons.
All that said, there is a bunch of jonawagon doujinshi that has been scanned and is available online! but it can be tricky to get sometimes due to the different names this ship can go by and because of the "translations" of said names into different languages (as some doujinshi can only be found in Chinese sites, or Russian ones, and so on for example, so it can take some serious time to figure that out and have a successful search).
In all honesty, anon, I'm a dumdum and I had never thought about doing so in a more public manner until now, since I've already shared my entire jonawagon collection (pics, doujins, etc) with friends who have requested it more privately, but I can upload the doujins I have scans of if anyone's interested?? (I’d post the links where I found most of them but since my hd is pretty much dead and I can’t access Windows or my windows/mozilla profile, I’ve p much lost all my old bookmarks). They were only like... 8 last time I checked (9/10 if you count the Japanese and English versions of the "Joestarsaaaaan" one), but it's something :D Just be aware that some of them are nsfw! and that a couple are either part of a book that has stories from other ships in them (I only have the jonawagon parts tho) or contain other ships implied or openly shown in the jonawagon story.
I also have about 4 more, but the scanlator of one of them openly requested for the file to not be reuploaded, so Idk if it'd be alright to share it? (and they also deactivated their blog, so there's no way to ask them for permission). The other 3 are scans a friend sent to me of their own doujinshi copies, so I also don't know if it would be okay for me to post them?? (i haven't seen this friend in over a year so idk gfhgjkjlkñ). 2 of those 3 are nsfw.
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llamamicrowave · 4 years
My Big Family on AO3
Jojo sibling AU Stands still exits. Jonathan has a slightly stronger version of hermit purple. And to compensate for such a weak stand he and Joseph learned Hamon. Johnny and Gappy are their cousins who live in America. Ships in tags
Pure cringe. Beware..
Chapter 1
School Sux PT.1Chapter Text
Ships (Minor but exist)
-JonaErina (The only important one)
-Joseph x Suzi Q x Ceaser (Leave me alone)
-Very minor GioTrish
-Jolyne x Ermes
Jonathan POV
Hi! My name is Jonathan Joestar! A little about my self? Well, I'm 26, I have 4 younger siblings that I take care of since my father is always working. But it's fine I love taking care of them! I have a girlfriend, her name is Erina Pendleton and I'm planning to propose to her soon! Please don't tell her that, or any of my bothers, I don't want them to roast me for being a softy again.
Even though I am the oldest I can't be there some times, so when I'm not there my brother Joseph is in charge. But Joseph sometimes can be... How can I say this without sounding rude? Stupid? Immature? Idiotic? Well, yes to all of those.
Since Joseph can be a bit dumb at times, dad gives responsibly to Jotaro. He's pretty chill but sometimes can come off as rude. It's all a fake though, he loves marine life (especially dolphins lol) and when he was ten he told me he wanted to be a Marine Biologist! So in short, he's a dork.
Then there's Josuke and Jolyne the twins. There the youngest in the family. Josuke is the oldest by a few minutes. He's a goofball but can be serious if needed. Like if someone insults his hair he could go as some might say, Apeshit.
Jolyne, our only sister. Her personality is much like Jotaro. She just says whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I can't really say much about her since I'm being blackmailed by her and Jotaro. They're so alike it's scary.
I know I said I only had 4 siblings but there's another I didn't mention. 3 years before Joseph was born my father adopted a "friend" of his's son, Dio Brando. Dio was, excuse my language, a dick ever since we were kids. He ran over my dog Danny with one of his "friends" cars. As soon as Dio turned 18 he moved to Italy to become a lawyer. But that wasn't the last time I saw him.
While in Italy Dio, had a child with a woman he didn't even know. That woman neglected her son and allowed her husband to abuse him.
"She would leave days at a time and leave little food for him." I looked at the toddler sleeping in his arms, he had black hair and a cute bowl cut. "He's only a kid, he can't survive like that," Dio said to me.
"I can't let him have the same childhood as me." he looked dead into my eyes. I finally understood where he was coming from torturing me all these years.
"..." I stayed quiet.
"But I'm not taking care of this kid."
And now he lives with us! His name is Giorno Giovanna-Brando-Joestar. He is only a year younger then Josuke and Jolnye. And that's my family!
And remember when I said my dad works a lot, that was a lie...
He died on Jotaro's 11th birthday. He and my stepmother were hit by a drunk driver. Jotaro blames himself for the crash. It's not his fault though, he had no control over it. He was only a kid. I'm sorry to drop this on you now but with my father's death made me like a father figure to them. Dad would be proud.
Jonathan- 26
Johnny- 22
Joseph- 20
Jo2uke- 19
Jotaro- 17
Josuke- 16
Jolyne- 16
Giorno- 15
Narrator POV
Jonathan woke up first as normal and recapped his schedule,
Ok, so I have to make breakfast, Make sure they're ready for school, go to work, and meet up with Erina, and? What else do I have to do? ...Oh yeah! Take away Joseph's phone for getting arrested yesterday! Next time he should, you know, not try and run over his WHEELCHAIR BOND COUSIN! Goodness, I got angry again, sorry about that.
Jonathan arose from his bed and began his morning routine. He showered, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.
He then started to make breakfast for his big family.
Joseph likes bacon with coffee.
Jotaro likes toast with coffee.
Josuke likes eggs with juice.
Jolyne likes yogurt with coffee.
And Giorno likes vegan pancakes with tea.
Oh yeah, Johnny, and Gappy and/or Jo2uke are staying with us! I wonder what they want? I'll just make them eggs.
A door opens from upstairs. Giorno walks out from his room to the bathroom to get ready for school. He liked waking up before the rest of his family.
When Giorno was done getting ready he walked down the stairs, and greeted Jonathan as he sat down.
"Good Morning, Jonathan."
"Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, I think s-" He was cut off by a door slamming shut. Very loudly.
"Must be Jotaro. Jolyne must have gotten in the bathroom first." Giorno commented.
Jonathan laughed. "I guess so."
"Good Morning, retards!" Jolyne came prancing down the stairs.
"Jolyne, that isn't nice," Jonathan said sternly.
"You're right, Joseph isn't here right now." she sat down. Jonathan sighed. saying nothing back to her, defeated.
"Where is Joseph anyway?" Giorno asks.
Jonathan scoffs, "I told him to be awake at 6:00 sharp."
"Why 6:00?" Jolyne asked
"That's his punishment for trying to run over Johnny yesterday."
"Ohh yeah! I remember now!"
"Your next line will be, 'The things he'll do for 20 bucks,'!" a voice from inside the pantry spoke.
"The things he'll do for 20 bucks- JOSEPH!" Jolyne yelled.
Joseph popped out of the pantry fully dressed and looking proud.
"I've been up since 4 am!" he said proudly.
"Did you have another nightmare?" Jotaro said sarcastically walking down the stairs.
"Yes actually, Ocean Man!"
"What did you say?" Jotaro asked sternly. Even though Joseph was 3 years older than him they were about the same size.
"He called you, OCEAN. MAN! O-C-E-A-N M-A-N!" Josuke called from the upstairs bathroom.
"Fuck off." Jotaro sat down. "Langage, Jotaro!" Jonathan told him.
"Joot, you seem more pissy than usual, are you on your period?" Jolyne asked smugly.
"Jolyne, I'm not in a good mood and I want you to know I will not hesitate to choke you out and then feed it to your simp."
"Anasui is not a simp!" Jolyne defended.
"Funny, how you knew who I was talking about without saying his name."
"Have fun at school!" Jonathan yelled at his younger siblings.
"Yeah, fun and school don't mix well," Jolyne yelled back.
Joseph usually carpools with Ceasar and Smokey. Jotaro drives him and his friends to school with Jonathan's car. (Jonathan drives there dads car to work). Jolyne caught a ride with her girlfriend Ermes. Josuke walked with his friends Okuyasu and Koichi. And Giorno either walked by himself or ride with his older friend Bruno, today he was alone with his thoughts.
Joseph POV
"Ugh, collage sucks!" I groaned. "Suck it up buttercup It's only the beginning of the year," Ceasar said, reading a book.
We were in the library supposed to be studying but I got a bit distracted. See Suzi Q was also in the library, by herself. Nobody around her, the perfect opportunity to ask her out, but this blonde bubble-blowing bitc-
"Stop staring at Suzi, it's starting to get creeping now," Ceasar said still looking at the book.
"And why should I?"
"1. We should be studying, and 2. Your so small no girl wants to date you." that asshole wrote something in his notebook.
I. Was. Annoyed to say the least. I mean it's true, BUT YOU DON'T SAY IT! So I did the only rational thing, put him in a headlock.
Good thing the library was empty except for a couple of people who were used to our bullshit by now.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUFFOON!?" Ceasar said, or at least tried too.
Ha, get rekt, bitch.
Jotaro POV
"Ugh, I hate school."
"Can you stop being edgy for 5 seconds?" Polnareff asked.
"Can you guys stop arguing and actually help!" Avdol said while he was doing the science assignment, I don't know why. Fucken dork.
"Kakyoin is literally sleeping!" Polnareff wined.
"Kakyoin has had a long day."
"Yeah... what are we talking about?"
"So, sleeping beauty is finally up," I say.
"I know you meant that as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment, Aurora was fabulous!" Kak laughed like the maniacal little gay shit he is.
"Aww, you guys are so cute!"
"Polnareff focus on the experiment!-" the test tube cut him off, by exploding.
"Finally something exciting," I said because it was fucking epic.
"I mean this would not have happened Joot and Kak weren't flirting with each other."
Josuke POV
"Math is hardddddd."
"It's not that hard, Oku."
"Okuyasu, you should probably pay attention to my lesson instead of complaining." our math and gym/Hamon teacher Lisa-Lisa said to my friend Okuyasu, and trust me no one wants to get on her bad side, the last person to do that was Joseph, he still has nightmares, and he graduated.
"Yes, Josuke?"
"Is this going to be on the test?" I ask so I could know what to remember.
"Most of it will. But if you're asking me if you should listen in class or not, the answer is yes." it felt like she stared into my soul at that list part.
The bell rang
Lunch finally! Freedom at last!
"Your homework is to study for the quiz I'm giving you on an undisclosed date!"
Giorno POV
I walk over to bleachers outside of school where my friends (And Abbacchio) usually eat.
"Hey, guys." I quietly say. Right now there is only, Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, and... Trish. Anyways as soon as Fugo and Narancia get here the peace will be ruined. Right now Bruno was talking to Mista and Trish about some party this Friday, and Abbacchio was on his phone with headphones on.
"Hello Giorno, how was your morning," Bruno asked.
"Eh, it was fine. Jolyne almost got ORAed."
"What else is new," Trish said drinking her mineral water. Wow shes really pretty, what?
"SUP BITCHES!" Narancia ran up to the bleachers with Fugo following behind him, sighing. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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