#so you can CHOOSE that but it’s less fun. it’s cold. it’s boring and it’s isolating
itspileofgoodthings · 1 month
Well, I actually have the most mundane of questions, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in an English class that I feel like I’ve completely forgotten (and I’m curious how you do it): how do you go about reading a book as a class? Do you assign them the chapters to read at home and most of them actually do it? Or do you give them class time to read? Do you have the kids who try to spoil the rest of the book for the class? Basically, how does one teach a book in the year 2024?  😀
And do you have your students annotate inside their books? (I know the English teachers in my school require the students to do that, and I get why, but I inwardly shudder every time I see a student marking up a page.) 
Haha I love this question because I too am always asking myself how DOES one each a book in 2024?
It’s sort of a combination. I absolutely assign reading every night (almost) unless it’s Shakespeare or any play in which case we read it all in class. But for a novel there’s a couple chapters a night. I read aloud to them a lot too. Sometjmes I make them read aloud to the whole class, rotating kids who read. Sometimes I assign a chapter to be read in class silently with questions or quotes due at the end of the reading. Sometimes I put them in groups and make them read aloud to each other. There’s no one way that works for sure and of course ultimately I have no control over how much they read and I’m not naive enough to think that most of the reading assigned for homework doesn’t get skipped most of the time buuuuuut.
My bottom line is that I believe it’s my job to get excited about the actual text itself (easier for me in some cases than others but overall pretty easy because it does fill me with excitement) and then commit to taking them on the journey of the story with me. And my goal—that I’m sure I often don’t reach—is to make that experience so much more fun if you have actually read. And the way that I teach is pretty text heavy which is why I always make sure I’ve read the chapters for the day and am not just relying on my memory because the way I do it is just sort of absorbing it all up like a vacuum-cleaner, schwooooop, and then either pulling stuff out of the reading to look at directly or directing them to do the same thing. So the big thing that I have going for me, if any, is buy-in. Is getting kids excited about actually reading the actual text. I also speak often and passionately about the evils of sparknotes etc. not because they help kids get better grades or whatever but because they present you with the husk and shell of a story, stripped of all that makes it interesting, and that by reading that alone they’re reading something so dry and dull and are not achieving what I always want them to achieve —which is, have an Experience with the Literature.
Again, it never works perfectly by any stretch and there are so many ways I want to explore in my quest to get better at it but overall I think, at my very best, I can create this wave of energy and excitement in the story itself which is the most organic and ultimately most helpful way to get them to want to read.
Also no haha. I don’t let them annotate! Though occasionally kids DO of course. But sometimes they bring in their own copies in order to do that. The spoilers absolutely happen and are annoying but I sort of get by it by moving on very quickly and/or talking about how it’s often not the ending but how you get there that makes it interesting. Because that’s just true!
#gosh does this answer make sense#I am so passionate about doing it well and there are huge gaps in my teaching in terms of concrete stuff#but I am doing ….. Something in terms of bringing literature closer to them#and that’s what I want to do!#also love love love the bonus of getting to reread great works over and over until they start sinking into my brain#and I think (well I usually don’t think about it) but I think that the experience for them of watching me read it again#(and sometimes literally I won’t have time to read I need 10 minutes to finish this chapter and tell them to shut up)#(while I sit there and read it)#reminds them that I AM committed to doing the work with them. that I am actually doing it and that I want to!#and idk I think that is both a rarer experience and one that’s kind of underrated in terms of how much warmth it can create#because I have nothing in common with 16 year olds we couldn’t be friends in real life without it being very weird/possibly inappropriate#but in class we have a Thing to be friends about#we have a shared goal! and not just an arbitrary one but a deeply beautiful one#idk. there’s still a lot of boredom a lot of pushback a lot of disinterest#but I’m always amazed at how often kids do want to …. idk sink their teeth into something real#it’s REAL food for their minds. and the hunger for it is there even if they decide they’re too lazy to join the group#my goal is to —merely by the situation itself—make you feel left out of the fun if you refuse to do the work#so you can CHOOSE that but it’s less fun. it’s cold. it’s boring and it’s isolating#because refusing to do the work and insisting on being a little toad SHOULD come with natural social punishments in the form of exclusion#from the best kind of fun. it often does NOT. but yeah. I think I’m also getting better at shutting down toad behavior from adolescent male#this is where teaching co-Ed helps because there are some girls who are like ‘if you stop my learning I will kill you’#not ENOUGH girls but some#ooooof this is a long answer but literally always on my mind#thank you for asking!!! also haha I assumed you were an English teacher yourself!
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httpkaulitz · 1 month
A little party never hurt no one
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2007 x Female reader
SYNOPSIS: Tom notices the reader is bored and decides to teach her how to party.
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, unprotected sex, p in v, kissing, fingering, oral (f reciving), public sex.
When your friend asked you to go to the party with her your first instinct was to say no, but you were trying to change, fit in with other teenagers your age, so you accepted. Your mother always says you should go out more, wear shorter clothes, live more, do something crazy.
But you never really liked the idea of being in environments full of drunk people and loud music. You've always preferred the calm of your room, a good book to read and the company of your cat. Your friend always teased you by saying that your soul was that of an 80-year-old woman trapped in the body of a 17-year-old teenager.
Now leaning against one of the walls of a stranger's living-room, you can understand why you always choose not to participate in this type of fun. Your friend disappeared shortly after saying she would get a drink and be back soon. You weren't really worried about her, knowing that she was probably drinking alcohol or making out with someone, probably both.
Your eyes traveled around the large room as you look in the people around you. Is everyone really having fun or are they just pretending to fit in? You thought randomly until your eyes landed on him.
You watched as he happily chatted with a group of people. Your eyes roamed over him trying to take in every detail, from the piercing on his lip that glistened under the lights to the way he moved his hands as he spoke.
You'd seen him before, of course. Almost everyone knew him, as he talked to everyone and left all the girls drooling and wanting his attention. He seemed so confident in himself…everything you wanted to be. You shook your head, self-aware that you had been staring at him for too long and looked away.
The very loud music and flashing lights were starting to get on your nerves. You drank the rest of the beer in your glass in one go and grimaced when you felt the bitter taste on your tongue. In your mind it didn't make sense for anyone to genuinely enjoy drinking this kind of stuff, but it's easier to face a party when you're less sober, so you always get some.
You looked back towards Tom and were surprised to find that he was already looking at you. His brown eyes shone with intensity even from afar. You wanted to look away but you couldn't, mesmerized by the way he was staring at you.
You pulled your too-short skirt down, self-aware that you were wearing your friend's borrowed clothes and not the ones you normally wear. You saw a small smile form as his eyes strayed from your face to your bare legs.
One of the guys who was talking to him touched his shoulder to get his attention and only then he look away. You took a deep breath and were finally able to move again.
The cold air hit your face as soon as you reached outside. You walked a little further until you reached the side of the house moving away from everyone. The noise of the music could still be heard, but now it was a little more muffled.
"Bored?" You almost jumped out of your skin, too distracted to notice that someone had approached.
Tom was standing a few meters away from you with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. You looked away, afraid that you would stare at him for too long and freeze again.
“I was that obvious?” You asked, trying to sound more amused than annoying.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you at a party and you were just standing there not interacting with anyone.” He approached you and out of pure instinct you took two small steps back.
“I don’t think I know how to party.” You laughed awkwardly as you shrugged.
He approached again, this time quickly enough that there was no time for you to back away. He being much taller you had to tilt your head back to be able to look at him.
His hand was on your cheek before you could look away again. "I can teach you." He whispered. The hoarse voice made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“I saw you looking at me.” Tom ran his thumb under your bottom lip and watched your eyelashes flutter and your cheeks turn pink.
“I wasn't-” You tried to say, but the look he gave you told you he wouldn’t believe your excuses. He knew you wanted him.
Tom smiled that insolent smile still staring at you, almost as if daring you to say you didn't want him, you swallowed hard as you felt his other hand caress your arm and your body.
You could feel his entire body pressed against yours, warm and firm. And you had to look away for a moment feeling too overwhelmed to look at him.
"Do you want me to leave?" He whispered in your ear and you felt the sensation of his warm breath against your skin. You could feel the dreadlocks tickling your neck. Was he testing you?
“I-I don’t-” You started, but were cut off when you felt his hand wander down the front of your skirt. Tom's fingers went higher, brushing the front of your panties feeling the wet fabric, and he bent down to whisper in your ear.
"Thinking about me, baby?" He slid your panties to the side and dipped a finger between your soaked folds, pulling them out quickly and bringing them to his lips, licking them clean, humming to himself. Your hands started to shake just thinking that you were standing outside a crowded house and anyone passing by could see you in that position.
"Even better than I thought," he whispered in your ear again.
Tom tried to reach his hand back up your skirt, but you caught his wrist in time.
"What are you doing? We’re in the middle of a party.” You whispered desperately. Your eyes wide in shock and excitement.
"No one will see us here, everyone is too busy." He said laughing before biting your neck.
You could feel him pressing your body closer to his as he whispered things into your ear. "You want me, admit it."
"I do. I've wanted you since I saw you." You replied, hearing your own voice as if it were someone else's. As if it came from far away. As if you weren't here and everything was a fantasy.
As if that was all he needed to hear, Tom pulled you until the two of you were in a darker part and no one could really see you two.
Before you could say anything, he pressed your lips to his, fingers curling around your chin as he sucked on your bottom lip, and the scrape of his teeth made your head spin. You took a dizzying step back, your back slamming against the wall as you kissed him back. For a second you lost yourself in it, drowning in the feeling of his body against yours.
Tom's hands slid down your back, undoing the knots in your shirt. He pulled back and smiled, head tilted, assessing you with sharp focus. The intensity of that gaze sent a new wave of need through you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said as he cupped your chin with his hand and tilted your head back to meet his gaze. His face is beautiful and his eyes shine with desire. You sighed, not knowing how to respond.
He pulled your panties down and you shakily pulled out of it, distracted by the way his fingers slowly grazed your inner thigh.
He placed his hand under one of your knees, lifting your leg to the side, steadying you as you held onto the front of his shirt to keep yourself in place. Then he was sinking two fingers into you while watching your face closely. Tom smiled as he saw your eyes roll back and your mouth open in a silent scream.
"Tell me how much you like this." He ordered as he bit your neck. His fingers curled deeper into you with obscene, slick ease.
"I loved it, please don't stop." You moaned letting your head fall back, whimpering and rolling your hips.
Tom lowered his head, pressing his lips to your neck. Giving sloppy kisses anywhere his mouth could reach, feeling your wetness continue to soak his fingers. He lets his tongue run a long stripe back to your chin. Teeth nibbling at your skin as your breathing quickens, his dick begins to strain against the zipper of his pants. You can feel how hard he is against your belly.
You’re lost in the moment, a sobbing mess against Tom’s chest as you feels your legs shake. Your hands gripping anything within reach, the thin fabric of his shirt. His arms, wrists… But then you decide to take a risk and let your hand slide through his hair. You lift your hand to Tom's face. Gently brushing his cheek before tangling your fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. Pulling, twisting them between your fingers as a low growl resonates in his throat making you smile to yourself.
"You're a tease, you know?" He says as he grabs your chin making you look at him. You try not to close your eyes or look away, too embarrassed by the way he looks at you. You can still feel his fingers moving quickly and deeply inside you, taking away any form of concentration you could muster.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I saw you walk through the door.” He says in an almost angry tone before removing his fingers from you and move away.
You feel your eyes fill with tears in a mix of frustration and adrenaline. You could feel your pussy throb with need after being prevented from reaching orgasm. You squeezed your legs together trying to get some pressure.
In the back of your mind, a voice was telling you to stop because anyone could come and see the two of you in this situation.
“Tom, I think we-” You started to say, but were cut off when he bent down in front of you and urgently lifted your skirt.
"Baby, just relax." He placed one of your legs on his shoulder, holding your thigh tightly so you couldn't bring them back together. Not that you would try. "I want to taste you."
The words made you shiver and the knot in your stomach tighten. You're so excited it's embarrassing.
Tom smiles at you predatorily before burying his face between your legs.
You moan loudly, digging your nails into the fabric of his shirt as you feel the pressure of his tongue under your clit.
You whimper and try to close your legs, but all you get is a hard slap on your thigh and a hard suck on your clit. You scream and squirm from the mix of sensations.
Tom sucks you like a starving man who has just found a feast, making obscene, slippery sounds.
You can feel the ball of heat growing against your belly, your toes curling involuntarily as you cum.
But Tom doesn't stop, in fact he seems even more committed now. Rolling his tongue uncontrollably against your pussy.
"Please." You whimpered trying to pull away. You felt so raw and sensitive. Tom chuckled against your pussy loving every scream and moan you let out.
You tried desperately to close your legs, the stimulation becoming too much.
"Please, I can't." You cried feeling tears blur your vision as another orgasm hit you.
Your shaking hands released his shirt and you used all the strength you had to pull his head away from your pussy. The instant relief was short-lived as Tom quickly slipped two fingers into you.
He laughed when he saw your eyes roll back and your body shake against the wall.
"Oh baby, I haven't even started with you yet and you're already begging." He taunted as he twisted his fingers deep inside you.
You couldn't answer him even if you wanted to. You were completely losing control, your body moving in a mixture of trembling and trying to escape his fingers. You were making sounds you didn't even know you were capable of, not caring who might hear.
"Seeing you like this squirming for me. I'm imagining so many things I want to do to you." He whispered as he held you in place.
Every time your hand tried to pull him away, you received a sharp slap on one of your thighs. You could hear him talking, but you couldn't take it all in, too focused on trying to deal with the unbearable mix of pain and pleasure.
Tom began rubbing your clit with his thumb as he felt another orgasm coming on and within seconds you were screaming and sobbing.
He watched your face, enchanted by the mixture of sweat and tears. Your cheeks were red and your messy hair stuck to your face.
Tom took his fingers out of you and sucked on them before get up and kissing you.
You barely noticed his lips against yours, tired and overwhelmed by three orgasms in a row in such a short space of time. Your whole body was shaking and your ears were ringing.
He was talking to you, but you seemed completely off. He watched you closely for a moment, your entire body red and sweaty. Your eyelashes were wet with tears and your mouth was slightly open as you tried to control your breathing. Honestly, you only didn't collapse onto the floor because he was holding you tightly. He smiled, pleased with the effect he was having on you.
"Let the fun begin." Tom whispered mischievously against your ear.
"I can't." You sighed almost pleadingly. You couldn't even feel your legs properly, you doubted you could handle another orgasm.
"That's not fair, baby." He whispered against your neck before licking and sucking at the sensitive skin. You sighed as you felt his hard dick pressed against your stomach.
You could feel your rational side leaving your body as the pool of excitement formed between your legs again.
"You're going to let me fuck you, aren't you?" He whispered in your ear while holding your hips tightly. You nodded and felt him smile against your neck.
"Good girl." He growled, pulling away from you a little and turning you onto your back. You let out a surprised gasp, your face and breasts pressed against the cold wall as he held your hips.
You heard the zipper click and soon he was lifting your skirt. You still felt your legs shaking as you tried to steady them on the ground.
You opened your mouth in a silent scream and dug your palm into the wall trying to steady yourself as you felt him slide inside you slowly. The stretching sensation was a mixture of pure agony and pleasure. You could feel you twitch around him as he began to move in and out.
Tom groaned throwing his head back as he grabbed your hips and slammed in hard into you. The feeling of being inside you was inexplicable, he felt as if he had been drugged with doses of pleasure.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He whispered in your ear with a husky voice and you felt your body shudder.
He wrapped one of his arms around your waist and pulled you to him, your back against his torso, without slowing his movements for a second.
"Tell me, what do you want?" You could feel his hot, rapid breath on the back of your neck. One of his hands brushed your hair to the side before coming down and squeezing your breasts hard. The movement made you scream and curl into him even more.
"Do you like it?" He chuckled before squeezing them again. You nodded wildly as you whispered yes. You were sure you would wake up with handprints tomorrow.
You tried to move your hands to reach him, but all you could properly touch was the arm that was around your waist. You groaned in frustration. You hadn't even touched him.
"I want to touch you." You groaned unconsciously. You knew Tom wasn't the romantic type, hell, he's fucking you in the back of a stranger's backyard and maybe he wanted to have complete control of the situation. He laughed into your hair and you thought he was going to make fun of you.
“Anything you want, baby.” He said in a sweet and mocking voice, and with a quick movement he turned you back to face him.
You took the moment to look at him, his hair was almost down now and his face was shining with a thin layer of sweat. He looked so beautiful as he leaned towards you.
"Do you like what you see?" He asked before fitting one of your legs around his waist and sinking inside you. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling the welcoming warmth of his body.
He lowered his head against your neck and brushed his teeth against the smooth skin. It was tempting torture. You bit your bottom lip as you felt his movements increase. You opened your eyes and felt your entire body shake as your gaze met Tom's. His brown eyes shone with a mixture of excitement and wildness.
"Don't close your eyes." He ordered in a low whisper. You opened your mouth with a sharp moan before throwing your head back. He gasped, feeling your body heat up against his. You had a strange effect on him; managed to warm not only his body, but also his heart. And he shouldn't feel that way about you.
He smiled as he felt your hips moving against his. You felt your legs weaken and your toes curl with the effect of yet another orgasm coming. Your entire body heated up and you fell into an abyss of sensations.
Tom let out a low laugh in your ear and felt you squeeze his shoulder tightly. He didn’t dare slow down his movements, even with you writhing wildly against him. You pushed his shoulder trying to push him away.
"Shh, it's nothing you can't handle." Tom whispered in your ear. You looked at him pleadingly, not sure what you were begging for. Eyebrows furrowed and eyes full of tears. Tom loved that view.
"Fuck. You look so pretty like that, you know that?" He asked as he stroked your hair, brushing the damp strands off your forehead. You bit your lower lip to prevent a loud moan from escaping your mouth.
You felt the heat rise in your belly, an almost unbearable heat. Tom let out a hoarse moan as he felt your nails tearing the skin of his arm. He gradually slowed his movements until he was off of you, holding you in place so you wouldn't fall.
You knew he wasn't done yet. And in those few seconds that he watched you while waiting for you to calm down, your mind began to bombard you with self-judgment. You were being irresponsible like you've never been in your entire life.
When he approached you again, you tried to protest, but all you could do was let out a loud moan as you felt him invade you immediately. You grabbed Tom's arms, digging your nails firmly into his skin. He smiled in a muffled groan. He was so excited that he could barely control his movements now. His hand reached for one of your breasts and he pinched the nipple between his fingers.
"Tom, slowly, please." You asked with a shaky voice. You felt him peppering desperate kisses across your jaw as he moved harder. "Tom!" You called again, now pushing at his chest.
"Too sensitive?" He asked smiling smugly.
Even though you were embarrassed to admit it, you nodded. Tom slowed down his movements and looked at you. His face was like a mirror showing all the pleasure he was feeling and that was enough to satisfy him. But it also made him want more. He felt his body heat up with more desire as yours hips moved together, increasing the pace.
"Fuck it." He exclaimed when he felt you pulling his hair. He put one hand around your neck and squeezed just enough to restrict the air a little.
You smiled and pulled him towards you, tightening your leg around him. You moaned as you felt him increase his hips again.
You felt your orgasm return and you scratched Tom's back, pressing your body against his. He looked at you, breathing heavily before closing his eyes and opening his mouth, throwing his head back. You watched the scene with pleasure.
He moved a few more times before burying his face in your hair and letting out a muffled growl. You felt the warm liquid fill you as his movements gradually stopped. Tom sighed against your hair, smelling it.
He brushed the strands of hair out of your face and watched you for a few seconds, amazed to see you undone in his arms.
"We should party together more often." He said with an amused smile. You waved at him smiling, too tired to respond. You were under no illusion that Tom would want to be with you, but it was nice to hear it.
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d3wdropz · 6 months
Muzan Kibutsuji ~ Drabble
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A/N: I'm kind of tired but I wanted to push this little thing out cause this manz is on my mind
This is my first post that's not horny- so plz be gentle
Synopsis: Muzan's experimenting with different chemicals and plant life, Y/n is bored
Content Warning: SFW, gender neutral!reader, demon!reader, canon!muzan, fluff, (as fluffy as this man can be)
This very cool banner was created by @path2venus !
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Complete silence, boring, lifeless silence. It's what Muzan preferred, allowing him the chance to focus on his research. He was content in tinkering with different botanicals, writing down any new findings, and testing out new theories.
One could say that this was his favorite activity, even with the clumsy demon behind him breaking another vile.
Muzan didn't flinch at the sound of glass shattering, it's become a common noise over the past hundred years. There was once a time when he would fly into a cold rage over it, but it only ended with more broken materials. Not to mention you were left crying and uspet with him after.
Letting out a sigh, he turned his head and looked at your fallen body on the ground. In front of you, just a little too far from your outstretched hands, was the broken vile. The tension in his brows lessened when he saw that it was empty.
"Thankfully, you didn't break something of value," he spoke, mostly to himself. He then turned back to his notebook, readying his pen once again.
Behind him, you huffed and sat up, shaking your hands to rid them of any last bits of glass. You were so bored! These moments of silence and thought brought you little entertainment after so many years. You used to read books while Muzan worked, but after so long you've run out of literature.
About two decades ago you started finding more interest in leaving Muzan to experiment on his own. While you left, he was quiet and focused on his table of instruments. To your surprise, though, when you came back to the infinity castle, Muzan greeted you with a sharp glare and strong grip on your jaw, forcing eye contact.
He scolded you for leaving, questioned if you found him so disinteresting that you'd seek fun elsewhere. It didn't take long for you to realize why he was so upset: this silence was his relaxation time, and he'd grown used to you being there.
Muzan is not an affectionate man by any means. But in his own weird way, he shows you he cares. One example being right now, him being relaxed around someone- something that's more rare than the blue spider lily he's searching for.
So, with little complaint, you always join him in this downtime. You've just found more ways to make it fun.
"Muzan," you pout out the word, lounging on the comfortable, crimson chair across from him. "You know I really do enjoy this time we spend together, but- and in no offense to you, my love- I'm growing bored."
Before you could even finish your sentence, Muzan's intense, ruby eyes darted up to look you. He was waiting for you to continue, silently warning you to choose your next words wisely less you get a swift, nonlethal cleave to your appendages.
Closing your eyes, you leaned against your palm, "I adore spending time with you, really. But I need to do something, too. You won't let me help you after the last time," a shiver runs down your spine as you remember the terrifying lecture you received after it, "so if you don't want me to keep pestering you and wrecking your things, give me something. Anything at this point."
His glare softened before he shut his eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling through his nose to calm himself down, "Fine, come over here and watch," his eyes shot open again, deep and serious, boring into you, "but if you so much as touch a pen without my permission, I'll cut off your head just as I did before and leave you to deal with the aftermath yourself."
A soft smile spread across your face as you skipped over to his side, wrapping your arms around his own, careful to not touch the tweezers in his hand. With a sigh of content, you nuzzled your face into his shoulder.
"See? This is all I wanted, Muzan, some care and attention," you beamed up at him before looking to the plants layed out before him.
Without tearing his eyes from the beaker and plants in his hands, he hummed, very gently leaning his head against your own. "You're lucky I find your company enjoyable," he mumbled.
You ran your hand up and down his arm, feeling the silk of his sleeve, "I love you too."
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dvzaiosamu · 2 months
Bubble Tea while watching TV — soukoku.
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University/Colleges Chuuya and Dazai :3 They're roommates and live together in a dorm. Dazai being the lazy mf that annoys Chuuya for fun and Chuuya is a simple man that lives tranquility, minding his own buissness, trying his best to avoid Dazai's stupid antics.
About: Chuuya and Dazai are going to watch a TV film while drinking bubble tea, and that's it, it's going to be fluff and their silly interactions.
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Dusk was falling quickly; The orange, yellowish colors were reflected in the sky, some flying seagulls emitting their characteristic noises from their throats. There was a moon although night had not yet fallen, and it was strange, since the moon must always appear once the sun sets, the moon reflects the light of the Sun enough to be seen at all times, that is why it usually appears during the day or at dusk.
A few more hours and night would fall. Bright stars will appear, small dots in the black sky, the moon will also appear in one of its phases, weakly illuminating the asphalt streets.
Chuuya Nakahara, bored with waiting for his partner, Dazai Osamu, collapses on the couch, falling flat on his face, a sigh leaving his mouth as he turns to look at the white ceiling. At that moment he was wearing a fossil gray shirt and raven black shorts, a plain outfit to be in his bedroom, it would be unusual for other people who are unaware of the ginger-haired young man's personal details, since Chuuya almost always dresses fashionable and designer clothing with good quality.
Chuuya has his black-cased cell phone next to him and chooses to think for a few moments if he should really call Dazai, but what a stupid idea! He would never call his stupid partner just for something so simple, only if it was something crucially important or… he was just drunk. Chuuya puts his hand to his head and rubs his temples, with a grunt, still not knowing if he should pay attention to his already eminent anger, but he stops to think: Is it really worth getting angry over something so insignificant?
He takes his cell phone and looks for Dazai's contact, which he has saved as "Blue Mackerel", a slight smile appears on his lips, oh what a funny nickname, who would have thought that of all the nicknames that a human being can give another, Chuuya would choose the name of a fish.
His finger presses the call button, and immediately there is no immediate response, the repetitive sound of a toot…toot… with interspersed pauses fills the deafening silence of the room.
Finally, Dazai answers.
"Hello, shorty? Did you miss me?" Osamu's irritatingly mocking voice makes Chuuya question himself why he decided to call him in the first place.
"No, not at all, you think you're very special, believe me you're not," Chuuya responds in a firm tone, looking at the ceiling while holding his cell phone to his ear. "I just wanted to see where the hell you were, it's been a while and you still haven't come with the two fucking bubble teas I ordered."
"You know, I'm no servant, Chuuya," his voice drops flat, and a bored tone makes its presence known. "I'm on my way, don't worry so much... I'm just getting into the elevator."
Then he will arrive in less than three minutes, what almost zero relief on Chuuya's face.
Nakahara hangs up and drops his cell phone on the couch.
It wasn't going take long for Dazai to arrive, and Chuuya didn't think it was that bad either, since the series they were going to watch hadn't started yet, there were still ten minutes left, for now there were only advertisements and boring things that only stupid people would watch and actually enjoy.
Knock Knock..
That sound makes Chuuya stand up and sit on the couch, looking slightly defiant before shouting,
"Are you telling me you didn't take the keys to open the door, you idiot?"
"Stop blaming me and open the door! It's winter cold here in the hallway!" is heard on the other side of the door.
Chuuya sighs and with an amused smile he gets up to open the door, finding Dazai's pouty face with a worried expression. "Really... I should have left you out here freezing, I mean, who goes out in shorts, a baggy t-shirt and a coat? If it weren't for the fact that I need that drink because of my appetite, I wouldn't let you in."
"You're so cruel... You hurt my poor feelings, it's not my fault you made me go out like that and didn't even let me change," he complains, gently pushing Chuuya out of the way, taking off his shoes off and leaving them at the entrance. Chuuya frowns.
"You're so whiny," Chuuya replies, rolling his eyes. "Leave the drinks on the table and hurry up if you want to watch the fucking show."
Chuuya closes the door behind him and sits on the couch while he watches as Dazai leaves the bag with the two drinks on the table in front of the television and in a few moments he takes them out of the bag and leaves them on the table, throwing away the plastic bag. He then takes off his beige coat and places it on the coat rack, stretching slightly before flopping down on the couch.
Nakahara then checks the time on his phone. It's six minutes until the series starts, with a small yawn he puts his phone aside to grab his puppy-print blanket and wrap it around himself, and Dazai grimaces.
"Do you really use that thing? They're dogs," he keeps that disgusted face until Chuuya glares at him.
"Do you have a problem with them?"
Chuuya sighs. "Then freeze to death."
"Sometimes you really make me do horrible things," Frowning, he covers himself with the same blanket, sharing it.
The ginger-haired smirks. "Funny."
And that's when Chuuya wants to drink his drink to stab it with the sharp plastic straw and start drinking when Dazai leans sharply towards him to hug him and give him many smooches that Chuuya tries to avoid with his hands while frowning.
"What the fuck do you want... Let go of me," the ginger-haired man complains, raising his hands to his face and avoiding Dazai's affectionate attacks. "You've reached your kiss limit in the morning..."
"Let me show you my love, don't be a bad dog," trying to fight Chuuya's insistence on not being kissed, he lifts him back to his original position and simply rests his head on Chuuya's shoulder with a whine, giving up.
With a long sigh, Chuuya, still frowning, decides to kiss him on the head and then gently caress his already messy hair. "You're such a pain in the ass."
Dazai's embrace tightens, and Chuuya removes Dazai's hands from his torso this time, before finally managing to grab his still-cold drink and stick the straw into it, without difficulty or causing disaster. Seeing that the series has already started, but he had to wait for the intro to finish, he silently takes a sip, enjoying the taste almost casually.
It's Dazai's turn, he grabs his drink, with a smile he stabs it with the straw, although he splashes a few drops on both of his and Chuuya's face. Chuuya glances at him from the corner of his eye, glaring, and Dazai first wipes the sweet liquid off his face, glancing at Chuuya before reaching out to lick one of the drops, making Chuuya feel disgusted.
"You're fucking disgusting."
"But you love me," taking advantage of the approach, he gently kisses Chuuya's lips, before smirking.
"Actually hate you," he corrects.
"Rude much, lying won't fool anyone."
In response, he receives a glare from the shorter one and an audible sigh.
Chuuya's eyes stare at the series that had just started with a girl and her long-haired chihuahua, Chuuya's eyes light up slightly as he smiles. He goes back to drinking his drink.
"Hey, look, that's you!" Dazai points his finger at the screen, mockingly.
"Fuck you..." he curses under his breath.
Even after Dazai's unnecessary comments, Chuuya tries to enjoy the series even with an annoying man by his side.
Just when the young man thinks he's going to have a moment of calm without Dazai interrupting his viewing, a sound snaps him out of his mind.
Dazai slurps his drink loudly.
"Are you fucking kidding me..." Chuuya grumbles, a molest tone on his voice as he puts his free hand on his forehead.
"What's wrong?" Dazai asks, innocently.
"You're the wrong. God damnit, can't you just dip the damn straw deeper instead of bearly touch the liquid with that stupid straw? You are interrupting my favorite series," he complains.
"Good to know," Osamu smiles and, even though he doesn't seem to care about making noise, he still unconsciously sinks the straw to the bottom, eating some tapioca balls in the process.
Minutes pass and everything seems to relax, no sound other than the one that comes out of the episode is heard. For Chuuya it was very entertaining, although for Dazai it was more boring than watching a snail move, in fact he was the one who had finished his bubble tea first, leaving it empty, there was not even a ball of tapioca, he simply left it on the table while he boredly struggled not to fall asleep right there.
More minutes passed like this, until there was not much more time left until the episode of that series ended. The ginger-haired man watched attentively, not paying attention to the fact that he had a sleeping beauty asleep next to him. Chuuya didn't really care if Dazai was watching the episode or not, he just wanted to see how young Molly took care of her little dog.
Just as the credits of the episode rolled, Chuuya had already finished his drink, leaving it next to Dazai's, and with a yawn he rubbed one of his eyes, turning to see and find Dazai sleeping about to fall on top of him.
It was to be hoped that Dazai wasn't completely asleep, otherwise there would have no other explanation for this, a Dazai who had just slid on top of Chuuya. With a sigh, he has no choice but to tolerate and him and his hands clinging to his waist, wrapping his arms around him in a warm embrace that Chuuya found not pleasant at all.
Still, he also can't shake the warm feeling inside his heart that perhaps forces him to not be so rude to Dazai. Chuuya decides to move so he's lying down and somehow forces Dazai to curl up next to him, still holding him possessively. With sleepy eyes, he decides to hug Dazai back and kiss him on the forehead with tenderness. "Good night... Dazai."
And for sure Chuuya would be in denial when he wakes up that he ever kissed Dazai's forehead.
The night envolpes the two of them with the warmth of their bodies.
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I don't know if I did right Dazai's and Chuuya's relationship slightly accurate... You guys tell me.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
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tags: levi ackerman x reader, established relationship, fluff, grumpy tea snob levi :/ | wc: (0.8k+)
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The cafe isn’t as busy as it usually is for a weekend morning. 
The smells of freshly brewed espresso and warmed croissants dance throughout the small store tucked away in the corner of the street. It’s a quaint and easily-crowded place, decorated with nothing but an order counter and a few tables hidden away towards the back. 
While it’s decor might not be anything to write home about, the two of you adore their beverages as a sweet morning treat.
Levi stands beside you, eyes slightly squinted in concentration as he surveys the list of tea flavors displayed before him. He chews on the inside of his cheek as he studies the varieties: 
Earl grey, chai. chamomile, ginger, honey, hibiscus, peppermint—
Your voice suddenly captures his attention with ease. You move to stand in the cramped space between him and the menu.
As if you haven’t been standing beside him the whole time he’s been reading, you poke his chest with an assertive, “Hi.”
“Hi,” he simply returns, much less animated compared to your prior greeting. 
When your eyes continue to bore into his without any elaboration, he sighs. He’s far too familiar with the devilish look on your face—the one that says you want something, from him. 
Sparing you a quick glance, he raises a brow with attitude, “Can I help you?”
As if it’s the most obvious thing in the word, you gesture to your slightly pouted lips with a crane of your neck. “Kiss, please.”
Levi rolls his eyes before returning his attention to the cafe’s menu once more. 
“We’re in public,” he notes, as if you couldn't see the baristas bouncing around behind the counter or the customers bustling in and out of the door with a tiny bell ringing as it swings.
A scoff leaves your throat at his blunt response. “So?” you childishly whine. 
You swear you see his lips twinge upwards as he dryly chuckles, “So, no.”
You give him a moment, stare him down with that cold glare of yours to see if he caves—of course, he doesn't.
With a huff and a cross of your arms, you step aside and survey the menu for yourself.
“You’re no fun,” you fuss beneath your breath as your eyes glance over the coffee flavors:
French vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, mocha, coconut, maple...
Levi simply tsks at your childish behavior before placing a hand on your lower back, guiding you towards the ordering counter.
“Never claimed to be,” he retorts.
He orders a classic english breakfast latte, as he always does. You’re not quite sure why he always looks at the menu if he ends up getting the same thing every single time. 
You choose an iced drink and Levi bites back the teases that linger on his tongue, as it is summer and he supposes maybe he’s the odd one for ordering something so warm in the midst of the heat. You decide on some iced coffee special with honey and almond milk and something or other. 
You stand in a comfortable silence while the barista prepares the drinks. Levi finds himself thinking about what the two of you will have for dinner tonight. He hopes you want italian, because secretly, he does too. 
The barista calls his name and he collects the two cups from the pick-up counter with a simple nod. He shakes your drink around by the lid, mixing the different shades of cream and beige around, how he knows you like, before wordlessly handing it to you.
He takes a sip of his own drink as you plunge a straw into your own. 
He feels the heat on his tongue—it tastes the same as it always does.
Maybe that’s why he likes it, the consistency and predictability of it all. Maybe that’s why he likes you, the complete opposite of his mundane tea choices who always manages to keep him on his toes.  
You mumble something about wanting to try his, so when he removes the styrofoam lid from his lips and goes to hand you his cup, he expects you to grab it and take a sip. 
You do grab the cup, letting your hands hover over his own as you feel the warmth light up your fingers through the foam. However, you take no sip of the beverage in hand.
Before Levi can even try to read your mind, your lips are pressed against his. It’s sweet, so sweet that he almost forgets that you're in the middle of a coffee shop downtown. Around other people, who are watching you kiss him, seeing you how only he should get to see you. Gross. 
You pull away with a knowing smile, before smoothly bringing the lid up to your lips and taking a sip of his tea. Levi rolls his eyes at the whole ordeal. 
“Couldn't you wait to kiss me at home?" he scolds with no real hurt behind it, “That’s not very patient of you.”  
With another grin, you admired his lightly flushed cheeks. 
“Never claimed to be,” your words mimic his from a few moments prior. 
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cursedvibes · 21 days
Mahito for the character thing 🖐️
Thanks for the ask!
favourite thing about them
My favourite little gremlin creature. I think he's a fantastic antagonist for Yuuji, especially as the first major one he has to face and he's also incredibly fun to watch. He's so excited about everything he does and so curious that it becomes kind of adorable and infectious. Doesn't take away from the horror of course. In fact his cheerfulness makes what he does all the more cruel. I really miss that kind of chaotic ruthlessness. Sukuna is cruel too, but he's more predictable and compared to the stuff Mahito got up to with Idle Transfiguration and the way he contorted his own body, Sukuna seems relatively mild and straight-forward.
least favourite thing about them
Nothing really. I used to really hate him and was begging Yuuji to finally kill him and ideally brutally (sign of a good villain), but towards the end of Shibuya he really grew on me and once Kenjaku vored him, I was starting to really like him. I guess, I don't like how the fandom tends to turn him into a manic pixie dreamgirl, especially in shipping and take away all the messiness that makes him interesting.
favourite line
"No need to yell, I can hear you just fine! Itadori Yuuji!"
"Life has no weight or particular value. Just like how water flows through the earth… …life simply flows. For you, me and everyone else–it's the same. Without meaning. Without value. That’s why you can do whatever you want. Live the way you want. Don’t limit yourself to just being indifferent."
Him and the curse family. All of them. Couldn't really choose just one of them, I love the bond they have with each other. Although I especially like how Jogo's grumpiness contrasts with his free spirit.
Kenjaku. I like this tension between Kenjaku wanting to swallow Mahito and Mahito wanting to transform Kenjaku. I think there's a good chance that Mahito would've figured out the layers to Kenjaku's soul as well and would've been fascinated by it. One more reason to crack Kenjaku open like a coconut.
With S2 I have also rediscovered my excitement for ItaMahi. I talked a bit more in-depth here and here, but basically I love how Mahito pulls out the more cold, cruel and feral side of Yuuji. Also the way Mahito and Yuuji are basically at a similar stage in life. They learn from the other, discover themselves and grow through the pain they give each other. Both are initially not fully formed and through their battles get a better grasp of who they are or build a different perception of themselves. Mahito grasps the true shape of his soul and Yuuji develops his cog mentality (obviously a less positive development than in Mahito's case, but it is a more clearly formalized version of views he had from the beginning).
Nanami. I don't find Nanami's personality very interesting, most of the time he bores me (although I like what his character stands for and his influence on Yuuji) and from what I've seen, Nanahito shippers tend to woobeify Mahito the most. Strong big Nanami vs frail dainty Mahito...
random headcanon
He changes his genitals or if he has them at all or not. Usually, curses don't have reproductive organs, but he got curious and like with everything played around to find whatever he's in the mood for at the moment.
unpopular opinion
He's a good villain and entertaining. He's a better and more interesting antagonist for Yuuji than Sukuna.
song i associate with them
Hirasawa Susumu - Parade Kind of a no-brainer for me. Perfect for his flavour of insanity.
核P-model - HUMAN-LE For how he represent humanity
favourite picture of them
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beyondthegame · 7 months
Update 3. — 1st November 2023.
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Other than randomly getting a cold this week, which is definitely not fun, writing has continued to...happen. Quite a bit since the last progress update I made.
Right now, three of the five ros have been introduced in game now. I don't/shouldn't have favourite ros, but today I began writing E's scene where they meet the mc and E's one of my easiest characters to write because they just write themselves. Everyone else took a bit more planning, with E it was very much 'put my name on a page and I'll be my confident, charismatic self, babe' which is exactly what has happened and overall, it makes writing very fun.
There are four choices to choose from when it comes to meeting them—you can love, like, hate or just be completely oblivious to E's fame—and for what I have planned their reactions are very...well, smart-ass like. Additionally, depending on the choice your footballer chooses, I was debating adding in lyrics to E's songs in game—but I decided that they will be added (just don't perceive my songwriting skills...pretend you do not see!) so that adds to those interactions.
I also now have an account on itch.io. It's looking pretty bland at the moment in terms of my own ifs that I have on there, but I've created the Beyond The Game page (it's sitting in my drafts though) so it's literally just waiting for a new, shiny demo to be finished and uploaded...this month. Definitely...I hope. But yes, I think November will be the month this demo is out.
Imposter syndrome is that what I've written so far is really boring and not written well, but I try to remind myself that this is slice of life and not fantasy so there is a lot less stuff I can make up and pull out of thin air.
I originally thought this demo would be around 40k words on release...now I can definitely say that the demo will be over that, which is a good thing, I guess—especially considering there are scenes I came up with over the past few days that are going to add to the story's drama.
I'd say the demo is at around the 45% mark. There's more customisation to go, two more ros to meet, the first match of the season to play etc. but we're getting there!
Finish E's scene.
Finish chapter one.
30.5k (+ 11.8k)
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princesssmars · 9 months
the idea of introducing monet to video games is so cute to me.
like let's say because of her parents words she always thought it was childish, preferring to spend her time time shopping, making connections, or managing her social medias.
but then during summer (in quarantine, no less), she gets a bad cold. her parents buy her the best medicine they can buy along with the help of one of new york's best pediatricians, but the guy just says she needs to "focus on relaxing." sure, whatever.
at week one she's bored out of her mind, and manages to guilt trip you into coming over so she doesn't start banging her head against the wall. when you come inside she starts to regret it because you have that look on your face that says "i'm going to make you do something and you're not gonna be able to say no to me."
you set your macbook on her lap before sitting at the end of her bed, dodging her hand that tries yo tug yours to sit next to her. "here, the solution to your boredom."
her eyebrow raises. "a computer? i'm dying in my room and you get the bright idea to give me a computer."
"dont act catty, i was about to explain," you admonish her while scooting until your side by side, choosing not to tease her when she visibly relaxes, "today you are going to join normal teens around the world and do what most of them do when they're bored."
"make fun of up and coming influencers on instagram?"
"no, you're going to play some games."
at first she is completely over it and this close to literally kicking you out of her bed, but you came all this way and look genuinely excited to show this to her, so she gives you a chance. just this one time.
she unseriously complains while you boot up the computer and open minecraft. and she rolls her eyes so hard she can feel her headache getting worse. you load up your world and she has to admit it looks gorgeous, what you later tell her are shaders making everything look almost cinematic.
you set the computer in between the two of you, guiding her as she moves your character around the village you built. she's tempted to kill one of your farm animals but quickly turns around when you give her a death stare.
for the next few hours you show her the basics of the game, helping her learn how to mine, how to build a cute little house, and how to farm. she won't admit it but by the time she finished building her own home she's completely relaxed, not even noticing that you dozed off on her shoulder.
over the next few days you play more games, ranging from cute slow paced ones like stardew valley and slime rancher to action packed ones like call of duty and gta. she loves bullying people over voice chat and laughs so hard when she gets suspended she nearly passes out.
she orders a switch a week later and quickly becomes obsessed with breath of the wild. the world is so pretty and she likes exploring it. she invites aki to play and he spam messages her "wtaf" when she kicks his yoshi's ass as princess zelda.
you both share a world in new horizons and if you confront her about leaving flowers in your house she will deny it until she dies.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Eric Cartman/ Kyle broflovski (SP one-shot) (Drabble)
‘Who’s there for me?’
Summary: Cartman finds himself alone at home.
Slight warning⚠️: None, well kinda against? Not that much tho. But this is kyman so don’t expect any less than that jsjsjsksk
Eric slammed the door hard as he arrived home from school, he’s never felt more irritated than when he got soaked from the rain. He wasn’t even aware it would rain that day, so he went with no worries. Resulted in him having to deal with wet, heavy and cold clothing on.
He went upstairs not caring to make a mess while doing so, stomping each step to make sure he’d get everywhere wet. Make his mom clean that shit outta full childish behavior.
He stormed to the bathroom taking all his clothes off in frustration and tossing them in the tub as he ran naked to his bedroom and grabbing some dry clothing and headed back to turn on the shower. A hot shower was the only thing that hogged his mind at that moment, nothing else matter but to get himself dried up.
The emptiness of his place, the silenced walls and empty rooms weren’t as suffocating. Getting inside and feeling the warm water hit his skin; relaxing himself and letting all those tense muscles loose.
The day had went on normal and boring, it wasn’t very exciting as the others, it was just casual. A reminder that everyday can easily be the same if you let it be. He’ll probably get Kenny in doing something rad for tomorrow to change the pace.
He sighed, after a quick shower he turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel to dry himself up before he put on his clothes. Heading back to his room, he laid in bed deciding to put some music on while he scrolled through social medias.
His eyes saddened as he once again caught his friends hanging out without him; it’s not like they were trying to be discreet about it, but maybe they shouldn’t be so careless either. Not like he cares or anything..
Atleast Kenny seem to not be in there, he tossed his phone to the side contemplating to ruin their fun or just go eat chips and play video games downstairs.
And so, he choose the second option.
Hours had pass and it was getting pretty late, his mother has yet not arrived and he was starving for actual food. He went to the fridge and looked inside finding absolutely nothing in the freezer that he could just put in the microwave. He did visualize a box of macaroni and cheese in the counter so he grabbed that and read the instructions. In all honesty it felt like reading it was a mixture of confusion and dizziness. Rereading words and the wording turning in circles, blurry and so far from concentrating, mixing as each letter squished together and still unable to understand the simplest five steps.
The rain had let go again, hard. You could say it was a peaceful sight from the window but it just gave him a sad feeling of emptiness and loneliness. He couldn’t even make a simple meal, stupidity wrapping around his mind.
He threw the box on the floor as he went upstairs to grab his phone, returning to the kitchen just as quick as he had left and dialing the only person he knew who he could oddly still count on. Dialing his mother was useless as she never answers her phone at evenings. He fast dialed Kyle.
He waited a couple of beeps as he responded, he knew the ginger was with the others, probably having such a blast without him. That left him feeling sick to his stomach.
“What do you want, fatass?” Was heard from the other line.
“Just help me with this one thing,” he didn’t bother to explain further as he grabbed the box, “what do I have to add for mac and cheese? Like, does the cheese go first or should I add the water before that?”
A couple of seconds pass by as the ginger did not respond, “you’re joking right?”
“Kahal, for the love of god just tell me what goes in first?”
He heard the other boy sighed defeated as he answered, “do you have a pot out already?”
Eric almost snapped his neck to the bottom cabinets as he went through a couple of pots and grabbed one, he had heard Kyle sighed once more guessing he did not, in fact, had one out. He almost snicker by the reaction but he hold it in knowing the ginger’s temper.
"Grabbed one already, what's next?"
"Do you know how to turn on the stove?"
"Ofcourse I do, I'm not stupid," he heard Kyle scoffed incredulous by that, not taking offense to it he just bothered to turn the switch on as the stove lit, "Done, next?"
"Alright, get a bar of butter and shove it in there and wait until in melts."
"In the pot or in the stove?" He blurted out without a single thought, he wanted to facepalm himself immediately after that moment of stupidity. He heard Kyle laughed and his anger faded quickly, "pause to that, I know the answer."
He grabbed the pot and place it on the stove, and added a chunk of butter.
"Add some milk in, fatass."
And so on, he kept following his friend's instructions until the last step.
Day two of the now storming day. The rain had become more disastrous, good perks was that school was canceled so that was kinda cool. And it'll probably take like a couple of days to clear out. The bad thing about this, is that his mother has yet no gotten back home, only bothering to send him a quick text that she was caught up at work and with the storm it was most likely she'll be back tomorrow. What class of excuse was that? For what he'd seen, Kyle's dad picked Kyle up from Stan's without any difficulties that same morning, the exact time she had sent him that text was exactly the time he had left to pick up Kyle. Not that he was stalking or anything. He was just bored and coincidentally saw Kyle's dad with a rain coat on heading to his car.
He huffed reminding himself to punish his mother later, now he was trapped at home and the worse it of it all, there was no food!.
He rolled in the couch in a tantrum, defeated he rested his face in a cushion. His stomach growled in hunger feeling like he had lost already fifty pounds by that point.
He can picture Kyle now eating some nice kosher food his bitch of a mother made for him, not much that he found that type of meal delicious but he was starving to death so he'd care less what it is, food is food and he'd eat anything.
It was already three pm an he was rolling on his living room floor once more; in desperation, the storm seem to not mellow down one bit. He halted, looking at the ceiling.
He was going to die. There was no other possible outcome. He grabbed his phone from the couch and fast dial Kyle.
"What?" He heard Kyle grunted out.
"What're you doing right now?"
"I was actually eating, spending some time with my family before YOU interrupted me."
"You could've just ignore it or put it on silence y'know."
With that he smiled triumphantly, Kyle didn't bother to comment back to that, he took that as a win.
"What do you want, Cartman?"
"What're you eating?"
"Huh?" That took Kyle by surprise, he could tell his genuine confusion in his tone.
"What're you eating, Kyle?"
"Just tell me!" But with out warning his growling stomach exposed him shamelessly. He felt his cheeks reddened in embarrassment and the dreaded silencing seconds were killing him, until Kyle bother to break it.
"I was eating some cauliflower latkes."
"Oh. That sounds nice.."
"No, it isn't. You don't like kosher."
He gulped just hanging up on him, heading back upstairs as his phone rang but he didn't bother to answer cause he knew it was probably Kyle and his skepticism at the other line.
He dragged his toy box near his bed and took out some of his best friends in the world, and ofcourse, Clyde frog. Surprisingly the stitches on him weren't too noticeable, he played for over an hour. Making up fake scenarios of boss mobs and murder, all that typical kid nonsense.
The door knocked announcing someone's arrival, his eyes lit up in hope of his mother's return and he HOPED she'd atleast brought some kfc with her.
He dashed downstairs, and another knock was heard again, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" He groaned as a response but a smile formed on his lips.
Opening the door his smile faded and went straight flat, tilting his head in confusion, "what the fuck is this?" He mustered out looking at the ground a small plastic tray wrapped in a handkerchief. Grabbing it, he slammed the door shut, heading to the kitchen and inspecting it cautiously as if it were a bomb given.
He grabbed a sharp knife and from afar cut the edges of the wrapping fabric, revealing the red tray and what it seems to be a note.
With the mere point of the knife he moved it to the side and hit through the middle of it; flipping it open.
'You better not make me regret this.'
Was written over it, he recognized immediately that handwriting. Kyle.
Kyle had went under such a stormy weather just to leave him at his front door for what it seems to be some of the kosher food he ate that day, dashing off before he could even open the door like the dramatic bitch that he is. He felt his heart jump as he grabbed the tray gently.
He didn't bother to warm it up as hunger just won him.
Day three, finally the storm has cooled down. His mother had returned early in the morning, she atleast brought groceries before she left AGAIN. She didn't even bother to check on him as he was supposed to be fast 'asleep', he had heard her steps all over the house except entering his room before leaving.
He grumbled profanities before entering the bathroom and doing his normal morning routine. He ate breakfast, finished, and then grabbed his coat. It was already too long since he had step outside a couple of drops of rain didn't bother him in the slightest. He went to Kenny's but he saw his parents fist fighting outside with a couple of cops trying to cuffed them as they dragged Kenny and his siblings to a police car.
He sighed, so Kenny won't be dealing with him today. He went to Butters and entered his home like usual; without bothering to knock.
His father yelped out of the couch as his wife fell flat on the couch their clothes were messy and he wasn't stupid enough to tell he had interrupted one of their couple 'displays'.
"Why Linda! I guess we won't be finishing anything haha!" Stephen said with a nervous laughter, grabbing his coat from a hanger as his wife sat up and glared at him, "By the way Eric, Butters isn't allowed to see any of his friends he's grounded for not doing his homework," and with that he left the house.
He heard Mrs. Scotch huffed by his exit but he didn't bother to glance, he went straight up to Butters not really caring for what he was told. It's not like Butters mom seemed to care either, she just took a frame with the picture of Stephen and with a kitchen knife she began to stab it a couple of times. Yikes.
He opened Butters door and closed it, which startled Butters, "Oh, hi Eric! I'm not allowed to have friends over."
"Since when has that ever matter to me?"
Butters contemplated it for a bit before nodding, "I suppose you're right."
"I'm bored outta my mind, I need a distraction," he declared as he pace his room and scanned it all over.
"Well what can I do about that?"
"I don't know," he layyed flatly in bed, "how about we sneak outta your room and do something fun."
"Nope, not happening Eric. You better look for somebody else, I'm not moving a feet from here, I'm already very in trouble as it is."
He rolled his eyes, and reluctantly got up from the bed, stomping back downstairs. It was hopeless to fight Butters over it, Butters fear for his parents beaten any fear against him. So he dash outside, the drips of the rain welcomed him as the sky was cloudy, the ambient was grey.
He kicked a couple of rock on his way back to his house, ofcourse, his feet lead elsewhere. He headed to the park, he wasn't gonna let this shitty ass day get to him, so he saw the swings and aim for there. He sat in one, his ass wet cause of the leftover rain on it and ofcourse the still new rain flooding it with new puddles.
He sighed swinging back and forth.
Things have changed since the pandemic, everything hit hard, people began changing; reserved, distant, different.
Everything wasn't the same, and he felt trapped in this endless feeling of despair and detachment to reality.
Back again, swinging high up and going down in a weee. When was the last time he actually enjoyed a evening?
Once again the same rhythm, as he felt another presence sitting on the next swing by him, snapping him back out of his thoughts.
He looked at his redhead friend, who began swinging along him. Silently.
There was no words shared, neither was he explained why and when he appeared, but he wasn't complaining. Better with your rival than alone.
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catchyhuh · 8 months
halloween pretty much started late august anyway this is overdue. let’s get seasonal. but first,
zeni, lup (just gets a bit too sweet after that first handful) jigen, fujicakes, goemon (“tastes like a dollop of corn syrup drowned in orange sugar”)
fucking LOVES it. i mean you know he already loves dressing up and playing made up characters so this just feels like another excuse to get crafty with it. if he could stand the consistency/normalcy of owning a house he’d absolutely be that guy getting arrested for having way too many obnoxious decorations lighting up the street at 4 a.m. and you KNOW IT!!
would he, a grown ass man, trick or treat? no. unless you count hightailing it to walmart and stuffing those mixed packs into his shorts lolz I MEAN THAT IS TECHNICALLY FREE CANDY SO MAYBE IT COUNTS
costume: boring answer is vampire but. yeah that IS his go-to. he just loves the variety and consistency he gets with it simultaneously! of course, not to say he doesn’t have fun with it time to time. he just seems to be a vampire like, every other year
he can have a little fun with it if he so chooses. depends on the weather, literally. if the air is crisp and the leaves are pretty and falling all nicely where they’re currently stationed for some heist or something, he’ll get in a autumny mood, but if it’s already gotten too cold, or worse, it’s still hot, then yeah he’s not super impressed
dude lowkey adores the excuse to startle people. if they actually handed out candy and shit he’d absolutely pretend to be a halloween prop sitting on the porch only to move when someone reaches for the candy bowl and tries to take two. and then he laughs so obnoxiously loudly about it that the next like five batches of kids aren’t even phased. don’t worry. a fresh, unsuspecting pack will arrive soon enough.
costume: again boring, usual answer is a werewolf. look at that beard dude he LOOKS like a werewolf!! but he could have fun with like a zombie getup, or maybe like a stereotypical 20’s mafia type. he can even wear the same hat and keep smoking, but it’s INSISTED that he get the pinstripe suit too
“haha, don’t you think that’s a little juvenile for me?” frankly no i don’t is cuz that a fucking bedazzled jason voorhees mask on your front door??
she’s not exactly breaking into spirit halloween, pulling out the mummy cakepops and shit, but like lupin, she loves an excuse go dress up, she just… keeps it a little more reasonable than he does
on the night of, she probably goes to like, one party, then when she’s inevitably disappointed by it, she goes home and pops in like rocky horror or something. it’s halloweeny enough
costume: NO DOUBLEDIPPING!! NEVER! she’s gone as everything reasonably attainable under the sun, so long as it doesn’t cover her lovely face up. she likes having unique costumes, but the actual ooak costume making process with the sewing machine and everything didn't really work out for her the one time she tried, so she’ll either bring together different pieces to pull it off or use some poor schmuck’s money to get one made for herself. she has fun with it!!
doesn’t FEEL the hype but GETS it. understands it from an outsider standpoint. he knows his company well, and he understands why it appeals to them. before meeting them, he probably saw fall as a calm time of year. lmao. lol even.
really the only one i can reasonably see handing out candy in a normal, pleasant fashion. firmly insists the child may take one. but maybe they can pick a second one, since they were so polite. and maybe a third as well since they clearly put love into their costume, and it IS a bit chilly tonight-- BUT NO MORE! 
costume: guy’s already dressed like this, put some white face paint on him and ring his eyes with purple and you have your spooky long-deceased spirit of the damned. ooouuouuouuu scary! the others try to throw less generic ones at him time to time, but he doesn’t like anything TOO wacky, and need he remind you he doesn’t HAVE to partake in the festivities, so maybe he’ll be a jedi for ONE year, count it, ONE singular year, but that’s IT
for such a tough guy he’s very easily startled! he recovers easy but god is he sick of those stupid motion activated animatronics. he’d rather eat phillips head screws soaked in vinegar than go to a haunted house
that said his favorite parts are easily the costumes and snacks. which. duh that’s everyone’s favorite but he really is content just hanging back and looking at what other people have come up with! even if it’s common it’s fun to like. tally how many elsa’s are out there. the food, of course, is self explanatory. he may be one of the few people left on earth who immediately associate candy apples with halloween. also makes a beeline for the monster cereal the minute september hits ITS A CUTE THEME OKAY!! BOOBERRY JUST TASTES GOOD
costume: may have to be bribed into it. it’s not that he hates the fun. like i said, he thinks the costumes are cute, but he feels like it’d be too silly for him to really go out of his way getting dressed up. this of course is patently bullshit almost nothing is “too silly” for this fucker and it’s not too hard to convince him to do some bullshit. otherwise he just looks like he’s going as columbo and inspector gadget’s fused clone. 
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ibitedabi · 2 years
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missed call.
dabi misses a special someone during a night out.
fuckbuddy! dabi x f reader. 18+ mature content, minors please dni. 2.7k words. notes; lowercase is intentional. lazy editing. pet names like doll, sweetheart& darling etc used. dabi’s real name is mentioned. not a villain! oh so very slight drinking mention. gets a lil ooshy gooshy romantical. very slight jealousy on reader’s end in the beginning. keigo has a mention. cw; oral sex (male and fem receiving). praise. unprotected sex & creampie. a singular mention of ball play.
please give feedback or interact in any way really as this is my first time posting! it would be much appreciated :)
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TUESDAY: 1:48 am
1:31 am. missed call (1) from dabi.
1:33 am. new voicemail from dabi.
1:46 am. missed call (2) from dabi.
1:47 am. text msg (2) from dabi.
> phone. now.
> i’m not a fan of waiting
thanks to your oh so considerate fuck buddy, you roll over groggily to see the abundance of missed calls and texts that have amassed while you slept. and it just so happens you woke up in time for the next ring of your phone.
"touya fucking todoroki what could you possibly want at this hour." you hissed as a low chuckle rippled through your phone.
"oh cmon, what's wrong with wantin' to have a little bit of fun at this hour?". well, he’s definitely tipsy, you decide. his voice was lazed and silk like, but intentions venomous. this wasn't the first time dabi had pulled something like this, of course. tonight was only caught you off guard considering the last time you saw him he mentioned something about "scouting new girls out" at the club tonight with that smooth talking bird brain. so what the fuck was he doing hitting you up when he was supposed to be flirting with whoever crossed his path?
"everything is wrong with it," you sighed drearily. "you know i have work tomorrow morning."
"i know, i know. look, 'm gonna be at yours in less than ten. hope that door of yours is unlocked." the call ended abruptly before you could make any more of a fuss. and all you could think about was how much of a dick this pretty boy was sometimes.
after what felt like an hour of anticipation, which was actually more or less his promise of ten minutes-the creak of your bedroom door let you know the raven haired man finally made it.
" 'm home, you miss me?" his usual cold tone is paired with a slight daunting grin as he drops his leather jacket to the floor and makes his way over to tower over you. his demeanor is a bit more relaxed opposed to the overwhelmingly intimidating air he tended to bring about. you can thank the rum and cokes he drank before waltzing over to your apartment.
"it hasn't even been a full day, dabi. usually youre not this quick to come back. thought you were at the club too?" you pressed the question while he creeped over to sit on the edge of your bed.
"got bored." he shrugged laxly. bored? that’s fucking it? he could’ve been bored with another girl in his bed instead of here with you.
“sure. plastered girls grinding on you is just so not fun im sure.” he laughed a little bit, giving you an eye roll.
“trust me, keigo was having the time of his life. i just wasn’t feeling it, honest.” he rests a reassuring hand on your upper thigh; a gentle reminder that he’s choosing you over an arbitrary hookup with a random.
and he was telling you the truth- he didn’t want to go home with someone else. however his pride was too overbearing for him to include the part where he tells you he missed you. really he did, your touch and your smell, especially the way you made him feel. so instead of saying it maybe he’d show you.
“just cmere. you’re driving me crazy with the fuckin’ questions, doll.” he leans over you, speaking in a gruff whisper. he shimmies a hand under your laid body by the small of your back and raises you to his height. to your surprise, you felt the gentle press of peppered kisses along your jaw and neck. his face nuzzled into a place you could no longer give him a glaring look.
dabi wasn't too keen on affectionate, so even this attention was rare. yet the craving for it started to become more and more persistent after a while. like on those rare occasions you would roll over the morning after to see him still there. or in the kitchen later on making pancakes for the two of you, albeit sometimes burnt, since it's 'what a good guest would do.'
“ahh.. tou..” is all you manage to whimper out with his lips pressing exactly where he knew you’d start to squirm. he chuckles, letting hot breath hit your skin.
a heated make out session ensued, cupping your face with the kind of gentility one would have holding porcelain. you run your hand through dabi's scruffy raven hair, already feeling the thick tension. needy grasps elsewhere begin between the two of you sending coursing waves of desire through your body. every inch of your upper half was being pawed at in some way or another.
you were almost ready to start begging for more when dabi pulled away slowly with that stupid smug grin he wore when he knew he was getting what he wanted. "you don’t seem too mad anymore.”
you breathe out a defeated sigh. “you know i can’t stay mad at you.”
" ‘course i do." you let his calloused hands roam to the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head and you returned the favor. you made the next initiative after your hands wandered to his already half hard cock, gently palming it through his jeans.
"someone's eager,” he moans out lightly. “you know all you have to do is ask... on your knees." compliantly you slinked down on the floor while he rested on the edge of your bed, unbuckling his belt while your desperate eyes stayed glued to him. you were totally enamored with his toned body that sat above you.
" 'm always eager for you, touya." your doe eyes peered up at him and he swore up and down that his heart actually skipped a beat.
relationships and feelings weren't exactly his forte. the stoic bastard always has a lot on his plate so this fling was almost entirely for stress relief.
slim fingers found their way to your heated cheek as he looked down at you, cock unclothed now. "adorable," he whispered. the sight of you perched between his legs, cock dangling in front of your dazed face was so familiar yet never got old. "let's see how well you can take this."
" 's so big.." you praised softly. you'd see it a million times before but it still always caught you off guard. his size was admittedly impressive. while his girth was sort of lacking, the man had nearly 8 inches to stuff any hole of yours with. not to mention the slight curve upward that made him able to hit your sweet spot with ease.
"youre gawkin', darlin." his sultry tone rung out, pink dusting your cheeks once again. you snapped yourself out of your trance, slipping your hand around the base of his dick before coating it with kitten licks and kisses.
you traveled upwards reaching his pretty pink and leaky tip. you wrapped your lips around the head escalating your licks to slow sucks, his sheer length making you gag slightly when it hit the back of your throat. soon enough your mouth was filled with the salty taste of precum. his hand wandered to the back of your head for support.
"fuckkk takin' me so fucking good ain'tcha?" dabi's hips bucked, making you tear up. your glossed over eyes stared right back at his icy ones as you sped up a bit, hollowing your cheeks the way you'd become accustomed to doing.
you were all in now, cupping and teasing his heavy balls as your mouth worked on his strained cock. your pace increased with every bob of your head, ignoring your jaw locking. and his faint moans made sure to let you know the effect you had on him. the view of you so obscenely sucking him off without falter was intoxicating to him. not to mention the eye contact you'd hold from time to time made dabi's mind whir. he let his head fall back and let out another, louder, lewd groan. he struggled to keep himself composed.
your slurps from drool coating his shaft were audible when the man had an idea of something he wanted to try. sure sucking the soul outta his dick felt amazing for him, but he needed to return the favor. then and only then he would be satisfied enough to fuck you senseless.
"keep goin' like that n i'll be cummin down your throat, not that pretty pussy," he panted quietly. "we don't want that, now do we? jus lemme get a taste of that cute cunt of yours first, please dollface." his desperation was obvious at this point, not that you minded. sure he's usually eager for a fuck but the high and mighty dabi begging for a taste of you was a sight to behold.
you pulled your mouth off with a pop and giggled. "you're real sweet tonight, where's the real dabi hm?" you joked as you climbed onto your bed once again, almost immediately feeling him grip at your shorts.
"just wanna do something nice for you..." it wasn't the first time he had eaten you out but the request was certainly surprising. the hookups were quick, not typically honeyed and time consuming.
he pulled up his jeans, not bothering to zipper them shut, while you laid down propped up on a pillow. just before going down to your aching core he leans down to kiss your cheek before getting back to business. a sweet gesture that made you all the more desperate for him.
swiftly he pulls your panties down and off around your ankles and feels exactly how soaked they are. he then spreads your plump thighs that unveiled your soppy cunt, making you wriggle around in anticipation. dabi leered down now face to face with it, licked his lips and admired you for a second. "so pretty..." he breathed against your warm core.
he teased and nipped inches away from your pussy, wanting to see how worked up you could get before he dove in. and it wasn't exactly long before you were begging for more. so he started slow, licking stripes to test the waters. you were as sweet as he remembered you were- and you were squirmy, too, which he thought was cute. he tightened his grip on the outside of your thighs and delved deep in your cunt, lapping up all he could of your dripping juices. the word 'inexperienced' seemed nonexistent in dabi's vocabulary. he was hardly familiar with eating you out but with every flick of his tongue you were coming more and more undone; and he hadn't even been going for more than mere minutes.
" mmf f- feels really good dabi..." you were unraveling before him, chest heaving and mewls eliciting from your lips. he kept at it, muttering praises against your puffy folds from time to time. but that was more or less for him. he just wanted to hear the way you'd whimper his name as if he was all yours. seeing you unravel before him made dabi realize being this patient was certainly getting hard for him. literally and figuratively. his cock was twitching against your bed, he found himself rutting against the sheets as he worked on your beautiful body. he wanted nothing more than to be bumping your cervix, hearing whines of pleasure escape your slacked mouth.
he began softly thumbing your clit in an attempt to get you there closer as you had been pleading for release. he raises his head giving you a greedy stare, chin and lips glistening in your wetness. “cmon darlin’.. i need to see you cum for me.”
he gets back to it right after you give a sweet little nod of approval- he knew you would do it. he fastens his pace, tongue fucking your cunt as if his life depended on it. your legs were feverishly shaking, and your expressions were just so damn cute to him. your trembling body, the crying string of curses you let escape. all of it just for him.
your tummy fluttered as you finally were reaching your breaking point. “ ‘m gonna cum, fuck tou.. mmf.. cumming!” in your mind he couldn’t possibly have suctioned his lips to your cunt any harder after hearing you scream. gushes of your nectarean juices seeped into his mouth; and the once fierce, solemn man was utterly whipped, completely melting over how good you tasted. he could barely contain himself from pouncing on you after witnessing your angelic release.
you were panting wildly in a complete state of bliss when you felt movement between your legs. dabi was sat up, eyes were still glued to your disheveled state with a heaving chest. to say you were embarrassed was an understatement. however he could care less about how awkward you felt after realizing you had been screaming his name so loud your neighbors could hear. he was about to make you do it again.
he didn’t hesitate any longer. “i cant wait anymore darlin’. i have to be inside you.” dabi spoke in hurried whispers, immediately pulling his pants& boxers off. you just whined out a tiny yes please.. and before you knew it you were caged underneath him- his cock was aligning with your all too sensitive cunt. with a relieved grunt dabi pushed his length into you, slowly inching his way in so you could adjust comfortably. you wrapped your legs around his narrow waist for dear life, knowing what was about to come over him. your bodies flush against one another and his eyes bore into yours, half lidded and full of lust.
he began with slow thrusts and your slight, encouraging babbles of pleasure and oh my god’s filled the otherwise silent room. your cunt eagerly swallowed his cock whole, gummy walls coating it entirely.
"you always feel so good around me, pretty girl." he groaned out softly. your cunt clenching around him was all he needed to be satisfied. for dabi, this felt as if he was in heaven on earth. his pace quickened as he became too restless to keep a steady string of slowed movements.
he gazed down at the beauty beneath him. how you were losing yourself in the pleasure of his quick pumps in and out of your pussy. your moans of his name tonight. he was passionate, indulging you in the sappier side of him you rarely got to see. and at this point he was chasing after his own orgasm, he was struggling to keep going with just how sweet& velvety your cunt was.
"all i have to do is fill you up," a moan escaped from him then another slow thrust inside. " n then youre all mine... you want that?"
"yes please dabi," you whined out. "make me yours."
the words were almost enough to have dabi cum inside you at that moment. the coiling in his stomach was too much to begin with but having you give him the go ahead made almost primal-like instincts kick in. his thrusts began to get sloppy and fast, snapping his hips against you over and over roughly. he buried his face into the nape of your neck leaving kisses and love bites wherever he could in between heavy panting. your body was covered in markings of only him.
"my pleasure, sweetheart." he sped up and with a final exasperated moan he coated your walls with a thick, overflowing load. after riding out his orgasm, dabi barely had the strength to hover over you anymore. he collapsed right there facedown into the warmth of your chest as you instinctively wrapped your arms around him, cock still twitching inside of your cunt.
your chest was still heaving when you heard him mumble something against your skin.
"mm.. stay..night.." brows furrowing as you looked down at his messy head of hair, as if he was hiding from heavy embarrassment in that moment.
"hm? what's that?" your quiet voice rang out.
another grumble before he lifted his head, a cerulean gaze meeting yours. this is a lot more difficult than dabi remembered.
"can i stay the night?"
"... only if you promise pancakes before work." a smile. god did he love that fucking smile of yours.
"yeah.. yeah that can be arranged."
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libra-stellium · 2 months
Saturn transit I tracked! Saturn trine Mars (Feb 27-Apr 18, if you have mars in Scorpio 12° like meee the dates are the same)
Descriptions from Saturn in Transit by Erin Sullivan and Planets in Transit - Robert Hand.
Saturn trine Mars
Can produce many contrary feelings with focus on issues that pertain to psychological polarities (like love vs hate)
I was having a lot of deep conversations! Also talking to myself like you can't say you want [this] but act like [that] that's not how life works! lol
Potential for burnout but only if the aspect follows a long period of unsatisfying activity
I don't think I've been burnt out during this time but I have so many heavy transits going on all I could do some days was just sit on my ass lmao like recently that mars-saturn conjunction was at 14 degrees aka my rising degree smh FUN
The form of anger of Mars-Saturn can emerge either in explosion or depression
I was pissed off some days for sure! Especially with my aunt bc I've just become so sick of listening to her talk about things she wants to get or wants to do but doing nothing about it like do something or shut up omg and my job pissed me off and this show i was watching pissed me off lol at least I wasn't depressed!
Lay the groundwork for long range goals and find that it is not only possible but enjoyable to apply ourselves diligently
I went to the doctor and he asked me to lose weight bc my blood work was on the higher end of the green and I knew this was coming lol I knew saturn return 1H was going to involve losing weight at some point! I've never truly tried before ?? I was active bc I was always dancing on a team but when I wasn't in school anymore that stopped lol so i've been trying out different recipes recently bc food and ordering out is my biggest weakness! I've cooked a lot over the last couple months and it's been nice! It's like a muscle so the more you do it the less hard it feels to get up and do it again. I also got an electional reading on 3/18 for best date to get my gym membership. Putting the pieces together fr!
Will highlight times when it is best to be cautious about expending more than our immediate energy allows
I've been fucking tired bruh! I get bursts of energy and then I have to recuperate for 3 days lol
Brings acute awareness of our range of influence and power in the world
This has been interesting because one of the attorneys I work with has been showing how much he trusts me lately and I'm like omgggg he was like "be honest does my argument here sound stupid?" lmaoo It's really easing the imposter syndrome!
Mars’s drive is tempered by Saturn in the trines allowing more productive and realistic avenues for expressing ambition and assertiveness
I noticed this in the meals I was choosing to prepare! Instead of going 0-100 like "I'm gonna stop ordering out cold turkey and I'm gonna meal prep every day" I've been finding easy recipes I like and just buying those ingredients and trying it out! The rest of the time I would make it real basic with just a rice, protein, veggie combo lol can't go wrong there!
Able to organize many small details into larger tasks
Idk why I thought this one would show up in me finishing this 3000 piece puzzle that's laid out on my floor lmao but instead it was just being able to think clearly about all the moving pieces of planning my Amsterdam trip!
Content to be patient and to work slowly
I spent 3 weeks with nothing to do at work at all and that was just sooooo boring but I wasn't nearly as antsy as I had been before when that happened.
Expectations are modest and you are willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve them
My goals this transit were just to cook more and actually use the groceries I bought. Even today I ate my last banana! I'm not ashamed to say I'm a banana buyer but I only eat one and the rest stay there to rot but this time I ate all 4!
This is not a glamorous time in your life but your actions can lead to real and lasting accomplishments
Facts omg my apt is not cute rn but I wasn't in the mood to upkeep it (aka put my clean clothes away lol) but I am cleaning up on the last couple days of this transit so it better stay clean for a while lol
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Whohooo, my timer rang, it’s the 7th!🥳🤣 (At least in my country, so I hope, sending my request now is okay?👀)
First off: I wish you so so much fun with your first event. Like I already said, the idea is amazing and I’m looking forward to every single post.🥰 So, here is my soul striptease:
I’m a cisgender woman and therefore I use the pronouns she/her. I‘m bisexual but on a spectrum I tend a little bit more towards men, at least at the moment.
My favourite fandom is Hunter X Hunter and I would be more than happy about something romantic.
For characters I don‘t want to be paired with, I would say Leorio (I could only teach him some medical stuff but that’s how romantic as it would get) and the more than obvious Tonpa?!😂 And no minors oc because I‘m old.
My personality… I can find humour in everything and like to laugh a lot but at times I can be somewhat melancholic and dark-minded… which I kind of like. I‘m very adventurous and open minded and never actually judge people… each to their own, I like to say. When it comes to friendship I‘m loyal as fuck (honestly I would cover up murder for my friends) buuuut in relationships I tend to get easily bored. My s/o should have high intellect (I hate smalltalk) and somehow needs to excite me… even some drama can be quite entertaining for me from time to time. When it comes to love I’m multilingual: Physical touch, quality time and gifts are my love languages but it’s very rare that I’m verbal about my feelings. Other than that, I‘m hopelessly romantic and - when good entertained - I’m passionate and head over heels. I enjoy art in every shape or form… doesn’t matter if it’s music, visual arts or literature. Generally I just like to look at pretty things (or people) and admire their beauty (sounds kind of creepy, but I’m not a creep, just an aesthete, promise!😐) My hobby’s are singing, writing and painting, even on people’s faces, cause I‘m pretty good when it comes to make up and hair (idk why), which I enjoy doing for others. How I present myself… I have pretty long wavy black hair, light green eyes and I always always always wear black. I’m more short than tall and quite petite. My style is simple but chic, I would say. Sometimes I enjoy wearing heavy make up and statement jewellery - but that depends on my mood. Oh, and I’m the biggest Parfumjunky I know of, so I’m always smelling of at least something. When it comes to how I behave in front of others, I‘m talkative and quite extroverted. When going out or just spending time with others, I’m always the last to call it a night, cause I enjoy deep conversations so much (also, you can sleep when your dead so why taking the risk of missing something exciting?). But there are times where I need to be by myself and I need space. By others I sometimes tend to get received as cold or even arrogant at first sight (resting bitch face going strong) but when they get to know me they’re surprised how chill I actually am (or that’s what they have told me at least 😂). My quirks are definitely that I can be very impulsive (even when it comes to big decisions) and that I’m so so SO impatient. VERY IMPATIENT.🥸 When it comes to music, there’s less that I don’t like: I love metal and rock, dark classical music, sometimes even minimal and house but never ever would I listen to girlpop! (Don’t come at me Taylor 👀) And yeah, that’s that. Thank you so so much for your work und making my evenings more entertaining.♥️🖤
notes💌: hello love! happy valentine's day <333 I am SO HAPPY that you asked for hunter x hunter because it is one of my top animes! Like literally my most nostalgic and literally at the top (dont tell jjba i said that) (and a lot of people dont know that about me lol) but yes! I love this anime and had so much fun reading your matchup and thank you for participating in this event <33333
The character Cupid chooses for you this Valentine's day is...
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i have had a really bad brainrot for this man so thank you for the excuse to geek about him <3
you and him both have a humor that can turn dark and everyone will kinda look at you funny, but neither of you care because that's how you two get along
that's probably how you met
you told some dark joke and the entire room went silent until you saw hisoka chuckling in the corner and from there, you two were inseparable
you're both not very judgemental people and it's perfect that you arent because hisoka is A LOT and that is something that you love about him because he is willing to be a whole lot in a lil package and bring so much pizazz to the relationship
you were both really loyal friends who would do anything for each other (you have hidden bodies for him lmfao and he for you ofc) and because of that, it made your relationship so easy to start
also, i figured i'd put you with hisoka instead of someone like illumi because you will NEVER get board in a relationship with him. NEVER
you two always have something to talk about or do as a couple and you are just never complaining
he doesnt mind that you arent as verbal though because you give him enough of what he needs
but do expect A LOT from him
words, cuddles, flowers, acts of service, ALL OF IT <3
you two are both very romantic people who are head over heels for each other tbh lmaooo
he is definitely a piece of art to admire, that's for sure, so you get to stare at him a lot and he actually loves it. boosts his ego lmao
and he'll do the same, he'll just admire you and tell you how beautiful you are
he will love you even more, which is surprising tbh
you two match all the time, even when being casual
not wearing the same clothes, but having the same aesthetic for the day
sometimes yall even clash cuz it looks awesome
you're just iconic powerhouses
he loves you so so much because you match his energy
you and him are both very much people people, so you get to enjoy A LOT of nights out together partying and just having too much fun
he will definitely give you the space you need, but honestly, he cant be away from you for too long, so he'll just stay with you in silence if you need it
cuddles are a great recharge for the two of you
*cough cough* he thinks its hot that other people think that you are kinda mean. it just means you can protect yourself. your rbf is hot to him
he knows how sweet you are thought and will never ever make you out to be a rude person
he hypes you up always
he can definitely help with the impulses and try to get you to not, but lets be real, he's just as impulsive and sometimes encourages it lmfaooo
he plays girly pop in the house to annoy you lmaoooo
but nonetheless, he loves you with all of his heart and soul and is proud to call you his partner for life <3
💌 How would he ask you to be his valentine??
this man does it in the cheesiest way possible tbh. he would make candy hearts that say will you be my valentine and lay them out on the table with chocolates, a bouquet of roses and 2 teddy bears to look like the two of you! you would come downstairs to a total surprise and hisoka would surprise sneak attack you with a hug and ask you verbally if you want to be his valentine. of course you say yes, so the man attacks you with kisses
💌 Valentine's Day Date
You and Hisoka had spend time with friends all week long and now Valentine's day was your day to spend together. You didn't want to have to go out and about and around other people, you just wanted to spend time together and be in each other's presence. "Are you almost ready, dear?" Hisoka asked, clipping on his earrings. The two of you decided to grab some drinks and then go on a late night walk together. You thought the idea was amazing and very peaceful after a long week. "Yes, I'm ready!" You came out in a black dress that suit you perfectly and Hisoka couldn't help but smile. "Oh, love," he walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands. "You look amazing." "Thank you," you said, pressing a kiss onto Hisoka's cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark. "You look amazing too." "Oh, hush." He gave you a playful smack on the arm and you two walked out the door. --- After you two grabbed a quick drink, you decided to walk around a very empty trail. You two talked for hours, just enjoying each other's company and the fresh air you had been craving all week long. You walked until you couldn't feel your legs and all you were doing was laughing and holding Hisoka's hand. "I have an idea," Hisoka said slyly when he spotted a lone lake. "Do you wanna try something?" You gave Hisoka a skeptical look, but took his hand that he outstretched to you. "Sure, why not?" Hisoka ran over to the lake and stripped down, making you blush. "Hisoka, what are you-" You were immediately covered in water as he cannonballed into the lake. He brushed his wet hair out of his eyes and laughed. "Come on, y/n!" You laughed and followed suit, jumping in the water with him. The two of you splashed around for a while and then, when you got too cold, crawled out, wrapping up in your dry clothes. You laid on the cold dirt together with your hands interlocked and looked at the stars. "I love you, Hisoka." "I love you too. Happy Valentine's day." <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Okay, so, I went back and rewatched Hazel vs. Salem earlier (for a post about Raven Branwen and her relationships with her family, because my brain takes my posts in weird directions sometimes) and I noticed a few things I really want to talk about.
The first is Salem - specifically, the way she fights. You'd think Miss Aloof Regal Villainess would be cold and detached when she fights, but she's actually the opposite. She's remarkably emotional during her fight with the B-team and Hazel once things get going.
At first, she's pretty contemptuous and unamused. She seems mostly bored with everything Jaune, Ren, and Yang throw at her. Subduing them is a chore to her. She's throwing pests out of her house, with all the emotional investment that merits.
Everything changes when Oscar hits her with his magic beam. It's the first then we see that seems to cause her genuine pain or distress, her expression is furious afterward, and her vocalization when she throws Yang at him seems pretty damn angry.
She goes back to her calm and collected self once Oscar is subdued, but once Hazel punches her and they square off, she's... grinning. This is amusing to her, somehow. She's having fun. Her subordinate's betrayal is almost like a game to her.
Also really intriguing is the way she attacks Hazel after throwing him up against the wall. She doesn't stand back and bombard him with magic, she gets up close and personal. Looking at her expression while she's bouncing Hazel's head off the floor, she's simultaneously pissed off at her defecting minion and having fun putting him in his place.
Really cool choice by the writers to make Salem so down to brawl. She has no problem getting physical with other characters, as we see in this fight: she grabs Yang and throws her, she goes hand to hand with Hazel, and she rushes Oscar immediately once she thinks Hazel's down. You'd expect the sheltered-princess-turned-dark-queen to think of this kind of combat as beneath her, but she actually seems to like it. She doesn't quite default to it (she still seems to prefer her magic), but it's clearly not an option she hesitates to use.
Then Hazel grabs her, traps her (just like her father and the Gods!), and she just loses her shit. Those screams she's making? The expressions on her face? That's not just pain. She is pissed. She's livid. She's thrashing around and doing her best to strangle Hazel with her Shadow Hands.
It seems like certain things hurt Salem much more than others. She couldn't care less about blunt force trauma, given that Hazel splatters her face across the floor and she just shrugs it off. She doesn't mind too much when Yang blows her titties up. However, energy beams and fire get a reaction, and so does being grabbed and restrained. Not sure if that's something the protagonists can take advantage of later on, assuming Oscar managed to pick up on that and shared it with the rest of the group, but it's certainly a factor that interests me.
Another aspect of this scene that isn't super related is Yang's dialogue, specifically this line:
Salem: And who is it I've taken from you, girl?
Yang: Summer Rose. My mom.
There are a couple ways you can read this, and I choose both of them because I'm really smart and have perfect opinions about everything.
The first is that both of Yang's sentences refer to Summer. We know Yang thinks of Summer as her mom from her conversation in Burning the Candle, and obviously Salem did take her away, as we learn from her line at Ruby in Volume 7.
The second is that the second sentence refers to Raven. Yeah, Raven's not much of a mother, but Yang refers to her as "Mom" throughout Volume 5, and Salem very much did take Raven away from her, too - if not when Raven initially left her team and family, then certainly when she fled the fight at Haven and left Yang to take the heat in her place!
I think Yang is thinking of both her mothers here. I think she's primarily referring to Summer, the mother who actually bothered to be in her life, but I think there's also a part of her that still cares for/about Raven. It's a really well-done line of dialogue, and while the actual fight between Hazel and Salem was pretty lackluster for two such powerful characters, I think the rest of the scene was great.
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no one asked but here's my opinion anyways
things i hate seeing in fanfic [CW: i'm mean]
uwu shy smol reader: what.
gn!reader!! and then reader is not gender neutral: is it hard. is it so fucking hard for you. please log out for me
fem!reader with no tag/no warning: shut the fuck up shit the fuck up shut the fuck up. do you know people who aren't women exist. did you know that the world does not revolve around you? its not hard, it's 2 words, 10 letters. you are terminally stupid.
no commas: why,,,, why....
reader is completely helpless and useless: why would anyone want this???? please get some self respect
abusive/toxic relationships, with no tag: yeah thanks i love being abused by my favorite character this is so nice. unless you like angst why would you want this?? ah uh yeah, this character would totally abuse you and manipulate you <3 because that's just so them <333 yes this is totally canon and plausible wdym? <3333
"hey can reader do anything dominant or like be confident or assertive" no lol! this character who is dominant cannot not be in control! they will literally do anything to have the higher ground!! they will wrestle any bit of control out of your hands! and also they'll make fun of you and you will be all blushy and flustered an like "n-no character!! stoppp *uwu eyes*": what. are you okay? this is not healthy behavior i don't think
this character has 1 (one) personality trait and that is that they are incredibly mean and do not respect you as a human being!! you are nothing but a plaything to them! they are incapable of positive emotions!: i'm 90% sure this is some weird kink thing. also, why would you want this in a relationship.
character is mean to you and reader does nothing: no tf? i'm beating they ass. no one is allowed to disrespect me especially not my damn s/o
reader is so small and short and frail and petite and weak!! character needs to protect them!!!: stereotypes about a certain body type that piss me off
reader is flustered easily: it's really fucking annoying to me, idk why, honestly.
reader blushes: i'm black. people who are not pale read fanfic too yaknow. it's really not hard to just?? not write that??? you can be bashful/embarrassed/flustered in other ways
sub and/or bottom reader not being tagged: you are stupid. also, why is it always sub reader? why is it always bdsm? why the fuck
obviously, there are exceptions to each of these!
and authors are totally free to write what they want! i'd just like some sort of warning first before reading anything like this.
also, i'm confused on writers making it a point that reader is very much weaker/less smart (in any way) than the characters. if a character is super strong or intelligent, realistically reader would be less so. but why would you go out of your way to emphasize that? and why would you want this? you could literally be anything, the possibilities are endless, and you choose this?
these are almost all about annoying incompetent y/ns and unhealthy relationships
Simple: black people don't exist ❤️
In all seriousness I try to avoid certain troupes in my writing or at least try an justify what the reader does. I love angry or wild characters but I also like rational ones or MCS that have a feel or personality to them. For example this MC isn't shy, but it wouldn't be wise to start anything right now because of X or maybe they'll get revenge later.
As for nsfw I feel like ppl immediately assume bottom=sub when service tops and power bottoms exist. I usually write MC as a switch that can go either depending on my mood cause it's so boring if you just stick to one imo.
And the skin tones... I come from a mixed af family and have some black sisters that have a hard time finding content for them. It's why I try and keep MC as neutral as possible. Hell, my ocs are alien monsters that are cold-blooded they can't blush. So unless stated otherwise MC is completely up to the readers interpretation: Pale, Dark, Scaly, ect. For much more monstrous mcs that require more descriptions I tag it as monster mc.
My advice for people who dont really know how to write neutral. Describe actions or feeling of an MC that would make sense. Rather than blush why not say "they felt a little flustered/off guard" or "a flustered expression crosses their face." Try not to describe hair, and if you mention it even for a second, let people know.
As for characterizing MCS. It's okay to want to make a Mary sue or a weaker MC, as long as it's written well.
Give your readers a choice. "You decided to to punch them, whether it's because your exhausted or they're not worth the trouble, you don't know." Or give a bit of vague backstory. "You remember what happens if you stay out to long. Best to keep quiet/get home/be wary."
You can leave your readers or mcs backstory up to interpretation for the reader and hey is you get comments on your fics or discussions about then, like for example Food Truck Yuu/Beast Tamer Yuu then you can incorporate it into your work as people all decided to agree on what character they want to be. This way it doesn't feel like someone's OC but rather, developed instead.
Idk sorry for the weird rant advice it's just my take. Even I mess up sometimes you know?
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
OH NO!!! i cant BELIEVE i missed boypussy!seb object insertion woe be me i am INCONSOLABLE (i went down with a cold so bad it was like a nosedive and the disturbance in the force brought me back to life but TOO LATE oh no)
i will at least come scream at you about it as it is all i have left in life 🥲
because hello ????? walking in on him masturbating is always fun and i think A LOT of it would be the most unexpected place/time because when he is horny he is horny and he would just shrug shove a hand down his pants in the first semi-private corner he can find and think nothing of it. So usually he isn't fazed at all by your appearance but now you walk in and he is suddenly shy? hiding, covering himself up?? and was that ?? was that a bottle between his thighs ???? shels hello???????
and YES the fun thing about water bottles is how easy it is to include temperature play and YES getting a fun-shaped water bottle and putting it in a freezer would be PHENOMENAL but also can i rase you a boring-shaped round one that is on a thick side and filled with hot water?
and it's mostly unplanned, you just decide last-minute while he's choosing panties that you might want a bottle on hand for today and this is the only safe-looking one (no label glue or scratchy cap etc) you can find quickly, and then you fill it so it's heavier and easier to handle and turn the tap to hot in a bout of inspiration.
you genuinely don't expect it to have much effect on top of the fact that it's A Water Bottle, but then you press it up playfully between his thighs and he just freezes? His eyes go huge and mouth falls open when you nudge it about just a little and then he is scrambling for your wrist frantically so he can make you hold it still while his hips slide up and down it in a beautifully obscene motion you don't think you've ever seen him make? he opens himself with his free hand impatiently, desperately trying to angle his hips so that the hot side of the bottle presses simultaneously against his clit and entrance, and you're just, entranced by how smooth the glide becomes in barely a couple of motions because he is so wet it gets smeared all over the bottle instantly, and then he starts whining helplessly because he cant get it to press against him snugly enough so you snap out of your trance to help him find a better position
and then when you get it inside him--it's cooled down a bit by then but is still warm, and you can't imagine what would've happened if it was still properly hot because even as is he comes so quickly and so messily, all of him seizing up, and oh my god it never occurred to you before to look into heating-up toys but maybe you should?
lmao SORRY idk what happened here evidently i am in water bottle seb land now. i feel like there should be a cheerful little 'kink unlocked' icon on my forehead or sth
Lwmon 🍋
also sorry i went quiet for a hot bit ive been through like 4 time zones in under 3 days bc i had to get to a uni where im doing masters abroad but now im HERE and im SO FUCKING HAPPY i cant even tell you and then i barely been to like 2 days of classes and my body was like yup off with you and i went down like a shot plane with im-hoping-not-the-flu but anyway
Oh my god this is AMAZING. Lemon anon you are truly incredible I always look forward to your ramblings after I post Seb content.
Firstly, I’m kinda in love with Seb always masturbation around the house? I think at first he’d be really shy about it (which is less to do with being shy about masturbating and more about being shy about not shaving his pussy and being worried about it you not wanting to always see it). But then once he’s comfortable? Absolutely all over the house.
You arrive and Seb is sitting on the couch with his hands down his pants or touching himself in the bathroom. And especially in the gym? You guys have your own gym at home and the amount of times you’ve walked in on Seb masturbating mid workout is ridiculous.
But anyway back to the object insertion idea:
I had never even thought of using hot water but oh my god that’s brilliant??
And Seb wouldn’t have thought about either. He doesn’t expect it at all. He’s more focused on the fact that you’ve brought a thick waterbottle for him, happily spreading his legs because he’d like it right now please.
Then you run the bottle over his folds and holy fuck it’s hot??
Seb doesn’t even know how to deal with that, has never felt anything like that before and he needs to have that against his pussy IMMEDIATELY.
He grabs your wrist, holding your wrist tight to make sure you don’t move as he grinds against your he bottle. It feels so good.
You’re entirely entranced by how good he looks, how desperately he’s grinding against the bottle. And he needs it inside him as soon as possible.
Seb almost never opens himself up, but you’re holding the bottle against him and he’s so desperate and he just has to start opening him.
But the poor thing can’t get the angle right?? He’s trying to have the bottle against his clit and his fingers inside and it’s not working he needs help!!
Maybe you let him hold the bottle against his clit? He holds the bottle like it’s a vibrator, pressing it against his clit as you open him up enough to take the bottle and then take the bottle from him to fuck him with it.
The bottle isn’t as warm as it was before, but Seb loves it either much. He whines and tenses to quickly, cumming almost instantly.
So yeah, you’re gonna have to start looking into heated toys.
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