#so you stop trying. and that only proves your own fear that you’ll be alone forever
takemetodragonstone · 11 months
thinking about my future, all i really want out of life is financial stability, a life-partner to build a home with, and a close-knit community of friends. when i try to imagine what happiness would look like for me, it’s a warm, crowded room full of laughter and people i love and trust. that’s it. seems so simple. so why does it feel so far out of reach?
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cordeliawhohung · 7 months
Here’s a few drabble ideas for you for my fav couple you wrote as of date aka shy reader x mafia!simon ft the most cliche tropes in fandom ever but I eat every single one of these up anyways 🥰🥰🥰
-patching him up when he finally comes home after god knows how many hours/days from god knows where, covered in the blood of other men and his own. Bonus if this happens for the first time and it confirms your suspicions about the true nature of his job he tries to shield you from. You don’t ask questions bc you’re just happy he’s home and safe in one piece, but at the same time you’re worried sick and fear that you’ll live to see a day he may not come back home to you (the potential for angst!! Love to see it tbh)
-cooking or baking something together, trying to follow a recipe and failing to follow through bc simon keeps distracting you throughout the whole process. Just seeing you being all domestic, cooking/baking for him, providing for him in that way, and just how much warmth and love you bring into his kitchen, his home. It feels so right. You belong here. You are that missing piece that completes him, makes his life whole
-and just to add a little ✨spice✨, you know those couples games right? W the dice and the cards that lead from one thing to the other😽👀. ShyReader gets one of those from a friend as sort of a gag to “spice up things and maybe finally get past 2nd base” (since it was established that she’s a virgin) and at first she’s unsure of how he’ll react to it, but then figures well maybe just go for it?? Initiates, only to discover halfway through that of course everything this man does is intense, devoted and all consuming including a silly fun lighthearted game she wanted to play and she feels she’s maybe bitten off more than she can chew 🫨🫠
"maybe finally get past 2nd base" DID OUR GIRL DIRTY (but it's true)
but that second one? about them baking together? i'm??? (it turned out to not be as sweet and more devious but ya know)
"you aren't being helpful."
and really, he wasn't. you had been in the middle of baking bread when your boyfriend had returned home from the gym, and instead of hopping straight into the shower like he usually did, he decided to lean against the counter and watch you work. at first it was fine. you loved his company, and it was nice to be able to chat while you gathered your ingredients to bake. however, the moment you had gotten the dough started and ready to knead, he turned into a menace.
Simon stood behind you with his hands on your hips, gaze peering over your shoulder as you worked at the dough, but his hands didn't stay still for long. they began to wander along your waist, across your stomach, and even up towards your chest where he let his thumbs graze the underside of your breasts.
"'course i am," he retorted.
"no you're not."
as if to prove you right, his hands shamelessly covered your chest fully before he gave your tits a firm squeeze. heat rose to your face as if you were a mercury thermometer, and you groaned as you leaned your head against him.
"Simon," you whined.
"alright, alright," he chuckled as he finally left you alone.
he moved a few steps back before he wandered towards the hallway, seemingly having finally decided to shower the sweat and musk off of him. before he vanished around the corner, he leaned in the doorway with a content smirk on his face.
"by the way, i like your shirt," he said.
confused, you stopped kneading the dough for a moment to glance down at your shirt. two flour stains in the shape of Simon's hands marked right over your tits, leaving behind proof of the way your boyfriend had groped you moments before.
"Simon Riley you are not getting a single slice of this bread, you dog."
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atzloverr · 1 month
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Chapter 6 - Selfish Desire
Warning: this chapter includes yandere themes, kidnapping
Selfish desire masterlist
Your mind was all over the place.
Maybe it was the lack of food in your system, or perhaps just the huge amount of information being thrown at you all at once.
What boggled your mind the most wasn’t even the fact that you were kidnapped, it was who kidnapped you.
All those vague answers to your questions, his mysterious demeanor and those long, uncomfortable stares. It all made sense now.
Park Seonghwa had planned this all along, and his partner in crime was a monster who tortured the boy who was in love with you.
You had no perception of time in this dark, isolated basement, but it felt like an eternity had passed since Yunho left for dinner.
You had already checked every corner of the dimly lit room for any kind of means to escape, but only grew more frustrated when you found absolutely nothing. The only sense of comfort you had was Yunho’s hoodie around your body.
You felt sick at the thought of those two monsters undressing you, tying you up and leaving you all alone. If what Yunho said was true, they must truly be sick.
If they think this is any way to treat someone they “love”.
For what felt like the past hour, you had sat in your loneliness in a corner of the basement. The one furthest away from the stairs. You occasionally heard the sound of footsteps from above you, but no other sound could give you any more clues to where you were, or what was really going on.
Your head snapped up from where it rested on your shoulder when the door was slowly opened. As much as you wanted to stay calm, your own body betrayed you, making your breathing pick up in fear.
You didn’t know what to expect, but the person who showed up was the last one you wanted to see.
And he was all alone.
His slippers made a flop sound when he walked over to you slowly. You didn’t dare to move an inch, or even take a peek at his face.
As he made his way to where you were sat, you could see that he now wore silk pajama pants, colored a deep blue. You were guessing it was nighttime then.
“(Y/N), please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be,” he sighed. You finally dared to raise your head to meet his fierce gaze.
He was smiling.
This time, not a big grin, but a small, tired smile. He almost looked like he pitied you, which did nothing to calm the anger brewing inside of you.
“Why are you doing this to me?” your voice sounded out in a small whisper.
He sighed deeply once again, kneeling down to your level, sitting in front of you on his knees. You were too tired to try and fight him, and he knew that too.
“Yunho practically begged us to let the two of you spend the night,” Hongjoong told you ignoring your earlier question. “I was so sad to deny him, but the way you acted, trying to hurt me… I just can’t let it go unpunished,” he said, pouting slightly, as to try to look sad for you. As if this wasn’t all his fault.
“And don’t think I don’t know about his little crush on you,” Hongjoong giggled.
Your eyes widened against your own will.
“Oh you’re so cute (Y/N)! did you honestly think I didn’t know?” he laughed. You could swear you had run out of tears, but your eyes proved you wrong as the man in front of you laughing mockingly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him that you know his little secret,” he promised, stroking your hair. His hands on you were disgusting. All you wanted was to push him away from you as quickly as possible, but you couldn’t move at all.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked again while tears slowly trickled down your cheeks. Hongjoong’s thumbs gently wiped them away.
“You’ll never understand, will you?” he said, still having that smile, even as his tone became harsher. Meaner. “Stop asking stupid questions, and then you won’t have to rot in this basement.”
Your bottom lip trembled. Maybe this is exactly what he wanted. To see you this weak and fragile. As much as your mind told your body to move, it was as if you were in a trance, looking into your captor’s eyes.
“Looks like you’re staying down here for tonight darling,” his smile grew. You shook your head, not wanting to be in this cold basement anymore. “But look, I brought you something!” he said excitedly.
He stood up and picked up something from the floor. Huh. You must’ve missed it when he put it down.
“I’m not so cruel, am I?” he asked rhetorically, holding up something, blocking the small amount of light you had.
You felt your eyebrows knit together as he held up the large blanket in his hands. Your large blanket. “What, how-“ you started, feeling the tears continue to stream down your cheeks.
“I know you can have trouble sleeping at times, so I brought you something to make you feel more…” Hongjoong smiled. “At home.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
This might’ve been the worst night of your life.
Even with the rain pouring outside, and your thick blanket wrapped around your body, you were restless.
Your body was so tired, but your mind couldn’t give you a wink of sleep. The fear consumed your entire mind, leaving you shivering slightly.
Was this what Yunho had to go through? Sleeping alone in a cold and empty basement with thousands of questions, but zero answers?
You could tell hours had passed, and the morning was near. Light came through the basement door, illuminating the room better, serving as a sign that the day was near.
You dreaded the moment that door would be opened once again, but at the same time, wanted company, answers and most of all, food.
Your stomach was growling at you. The last time you ate was dinner before your shift, which consisted of instant noodles… You didn’t want to, but a part of you regretted fighting back when you were given food.
Maybe food was a privilege here, something that you needed to earn. It wouldn’t shock you if Hongjoong took away basic human rights here, such as food or water.
Thankfully, there was a small bathroom in the basement, so that right was still in your grasp.
You curled yourself into a ball, still trying to find that sleep you so desperately needed. That’s when you finally heard those infamous footsteps coming from above you. From what you’d connected so far, Hongjoong’s steps were the roughest. These steps however, were almost silent. You wanted to think that it was Yunho, but something told you that it might’ve been the third party involved in this.
If you weren’t so on edge, you probably wouldn’t have picked up on the person slowly unlocking the door and stepping inside. The person slowly made their way down the stairs, so quietly that you couldn’t really hear how many steps they had left.
You decided to go with your best bet.
Playing dead.
Or more accurately, fake sleeping. As a kid, you had easily learnt how to change your breathing to make your fake sleeping believable.
You were facing the opposite wall of the basement, so you still didn’t know who was behind you.
A deep sigh was heard as the man sat down.
You knew exactly who that sigh belonged to. You had heard him make all kinds of noises, anything to avoid speaking.
He seemed to keep himself at a distance from you, maybe some attempt at respecting your boundaries? It seemed ridiculous if you thought about it.
“(Y/N)” His deep voice sounded out, slightly raspier than normal. “I-“ he started, breath catching in his throat. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
You opened your eyes in confusion.
Seonghwa sniffled quietly. “I love you,” he told you. You couldn’t believe the words coming out of the man’s mouth.
I must’ve finally managed to fall asleep. This must be some kind of weird dream…
You had to know if this was purely your imagination or not, so you turned around to look at Seonghwa, without thinking it through.
He gasped in surprise at your sudden glance.
“I- I thought-“ he stammered. You recognized this behavior. He was going to start panicking again. Just like that time at your place. Just like that time in school.
Your place.
The corner.
It all came rushing back to you. Had you simply forgotten that you had a life back home?
Surely someone had to go looking for you, right? Maybe a missing person poster was going to be put up for you too.
Now, you were the one panicking, not your project partner in front of you.
“Hey, (Y/N), please calm down,” Seonghwa urged you, trying to shake you back into reality. Your breathing only picked up even more. The only thing capable of bringing you back to reality was the harsh slamming of the door, and the rushing footsteps that came after it.
Hongjoong stopped in his tracks when he saw the scene in front of him.
“Seonghwa,” he called out. Seonghwa’s head snapped to the side. “Leave us,” he demanded, eyes fixated on your form.
You watched with wide eyes as Seonghwa immediately obeyed, and rushed past Hongjoong, up the stairs. You flinched when the door was slammed closed once again.
The two of you ended up in a silent staring contest, not muttering a word to one another, until you finally mustered the courage to be the first one to speak.
“So you order around Seonghwa as well? Maybe I wasn’t so wrong to say you did this to him as well,” you said, still not breaking eye contact. Hongjoong raised a brow at your bold statement.
“You do not know anything about our relationship, so don’t go trying to make me a villain when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Your eyelid twitched at his rudeness. “Well then please indulge me, what is your relationship like?” you challenged.
Hongjoong stepped closer to you, still keeping his stare linked with yours. His hands gripped the soft blanket around you, and you soon realized what he was trying to do. “Stop it!” you yelled as he roughly pulled the blanket from your grasp. He harshly threw it behind him, and what he did next only made your will to fight him stronger.
“Hey, stop it you pervert!!” You tried to stop him from taking Yunho’s hoodie off of you with all your might, but his hands seemed to be made of steel.
“You don’t deserve to wear this,” he said, eyes wide with adrenaline and anger. As he finally snatched it from you, he pulled it close to his face, inhaling deeply. Was he… smelling it?
You crawled further away from him in disgust. You attempted to cover up your body, now only in your underwear. “Oh, are you cold? Are you embarrassed?” Hongjoong mocked. He was still smelling the hoodie, hiding his nose and mouth, but his eyes showed you that he was in fact smiling.
You already felt the goosebumps creeping up your body. Just as Hongjoong picked the blanket up and was about to leave, you spoke before your mind could comprehend it.
Hongjoong stopped in his tracks, looking back at you. “P-please can I keep the blanket? It’s really cold down here,” you begged. You didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. Seeing you like this, kneeling on the floor in front of him.
He made a pause, pursing his lips in thought. A small ray of hope appeared, as you anticipated his answer.
“Hmm, let me think,” he smiled. “How about… No!” He laughed as he continued walking away from you.
“It was a cute attempt though,” he said on his way out.
Your eyes dropped to the floor beneath you. You hugged your knees in a small attempt to get some warmth, but already missed the fabric of Yunho’s hoodie against your body.
The door closed behind Hongjoong, the sound echoing in the basement. You were fearing those punishments that Yunho had told you about, but even as you made him angry, he just took away your human rights. First it was food, now it was warmth. You sighed in defeat.
Guess the waiting game was about to begin again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yunho looked around the room, the anxiety creeping up on him. You, all alone in that dark basement he had spent so many nights in, he couldn’t bear the thought of it.
Even after begging Hongjoong and Seonghwa to let you sleep in his room tonight, they just reminded him who was in charge.
“You had to go through this too, didn’t you?” Seonghwa cooed, slowly dragging his fingers up and down Yunho’s arm. “It’s only fair she gets the same treatment!” he continued, smiling.
Yunho looked at the clock on the wall. It was five o’clock in the morning. Why on gods green earth would someone be up at this time.
Yunho’s breath hitched at the realization. Were they going to do something to you? He listened idly for more sounds of footsteps, having learned how to identify them by now.
Hongjoong was walking down the set of stairs leading to the first floor. Yunho couldn’t help but put a hand to his mouth in fear when the basement door was opened harshly. Hongjoong’s loud stomps were heard as he went down to the basement.
After minutes of silence, Seonghwa’s footsteps were heard outside of Yunho’s door. Had he also been down there?
The door to his bedroom was opened carefully, and Yunho couldn’t explain the look on Seonghwa’s face as he entered the room. Without any words being said, Seonghwa placed himself on the bed, next to Yunho.
The two locked eyes as Seonghwa’s weight made the bed dip slightly.
“What’s going on?” Yunho asked. Seonghwa snuggled closer to him, sighing. “Don’t worry about it.” Seonghwa’s hand found Yunho’s hair, running his fingers through it lovingly.
Yunho was left puzzled, unsatisfied with the answer. “Can I please meet her again today?” Yunho begged, looking into Seonghwa’s eyes with a pleading look. This time, he was happy to earn a silent nod from the man in front of him.
Finally, he could close his eyes and rest. Knowing that the two of you will reunite soon.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The basement suddenly lit up when the door was opened. It had been what you guessed to be a few hours since Hongjoong decided to deprive you from the warmth, and now you could only hope that he had miraculously changed his mind.
In your line of sight was Seonghwa, carrying a tray of food. Breakfast, you presumed. You. eyed him with caution as he set down the tray about a meter away from you.
It was a traditional Korean breakfast, which honestly, made your mouth water just from the look of it. However, you weren’t going to let yourself get fooled this time.
Seonghwa was about to take his leave when you let your suspicions get the better of you. “How do I know this isn’t drugged?” you asked, reading his face for any clues.
“You don’t,” he deadpanned, turning on his heels to leave you. “Can you at least give me a reason to trust you?” you tried.
He paused in his movement. “Maybe not a reason to trust me, but a reason to eat it,” he suggested. You tilted your head in confusion. “If you finish it, I’ll let you meet your little lover boy,” he smiled.
You bit your lip. “How do you know about that?” you questioned. Seonghwa chuckled, but still stood with his back facing you, ready to leave you any second.
“I think many people knew about it, only you were too dense to figure it out!”
He walked away from you swiftly.
“Can you promise me?”
His head snapped around once more, asking you to elaborate.
“Promise me that I’ll get to see him,” you demanded.
You could basically see his smile as he answered. “Sure darling. I promise.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, that breakfast might’ve been the best thing you’d eaten in a long time.
You didn’t exactly have the economy to buy yourself luxurious ingredients like these, so it was truly a blessing to feel the tastes on your tongue.
You were hesitant at first, but once you took a bite, you couldn’t stop yourself.
Seonghwa just gave you a satisfied smile when he picked up your empty tray.
Now you just sat there, staring at a wall, silently anticipating Yunho’s arrival. You wondered how long they were going to keep you down here. What was their plan? What were they trying to do when they decided to kidnap you?
Seonghwa’s confession of love was not what you expected, but it seems what Yunho had told you about them was true after all.
Finally, the door was opened again. You got a peek of the main floor’s inviting warm lighting, being such a contrast to the dull and dark basement. Hongjoong appeared, hands behind his back, with that smile on his lips which you had already learned to hate.
You anxiously watched, and almost jumped up in joy when you saw Yunho’s tall frame enter the basement. Yes, you still felt very ashamed in your barely dressed state, but right now, none of that mattered.
You immediately threw yourself in Yunho’s embrace, holding him tight. For some reason, seeing him made you feel like everything was going to be okay. He didn’t have that bandage over his eye anymore, which also comforted you.
Yunho’s arms wrapped around your cold body, and his knitted sweater reminded you of home. Home. That’s what Hongjoong called this place. Home. What a disgusting use of such a warm word.
You threw a sharp glare at Hongjoong when he separated the two of you, giving Yunho a small back hug.
“I can’t believe Seonghwa would be so foolish as to give you a reward for merely finishing your food,” Hongjoong scoffed from between Yunho. Yunho looked apologetically at you.
“But I’m a man who keeps my promises, and my beloved’s promises,” he added. “So we’ll let you guys spend some quality time together,” Hongjoong giggled.
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to sound genuine. “I figure you’ll have to get to know each other better.” Hongjoong walked around Yunho, so he could get a clear view of you. “After all, you’ll be spending the rest of your lives together,” Hongjoong said, his eyes staring directly into yours.
You refused to let yourself react to those last words, knowing it was some sort of bait. There was no way he meant such a thing, no, he simply wants you to think that. Right?
Hongjoong slowly stepped away from the two of you, his boots loudly indicating his every step up the stairs.
You locked eyes with Yunho, whose eyes were distant and cold. When you heard the door close and lock, you immediately began where you left off.
“Oh (Y/N), I’m sorry,” he mumbled into your hair as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. “You haven’t done anything wrong, Yunho?” you answered confused.
He started sniffling silently. “No i-it’s just—“ he began, but his sobs interrupted him. “I don’t want this for you.”
You shook your head, only hugging him tighter.
The second you untangled from the hug, Yunho immediately took his sweater off, offering it to you again. You couldn’t even protest, you knew you needed it more than him.
The two of you sat down in the corner you had started to feel at home in, and that’s when the questions started throwing themselves out of you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yunho had over the last 20 minutes or so, explained “how things work around here.”
You listened attentively as he explained the ways to stay out of trouble, and what could happen if you do get in trouble.
“Yunho, can’t we try to escape this place? There must be some way for us to get out?” You held Yunho’s warm and big hands as you suggested it. His eyes traveled to the floor.
“Do you remember when I told you that I tried to escape once?” You nodded.
“Well…” Yunho sighed. “I don’t want to tell you this but, it wasn’t worth it in the end.”
You raised an eyebrow. Yunho’s lips formed a straight line before he sat down on his knees. Without warning, he pulled up his shirt, exposing the skin underneath. You wanted to look away as he suddenly showed his bare skin, but the second your eyes found what he showed you, they just couldn’t look away.
Yunho had bruises and cuts all over his stomach, not to mention the bandaged part on his left side.
“He stabbed me.”
His eyes met yours, and he could only explain the look on your face as sheer terror. You put a hand over your mouth in shock.
“I can’t let that happen to you (Y/N). I just… can’t,” he whispered. “But I promise you (Y/N), one way or another, I will get you out of this place.”
“Yunho,” you called, looking into his intense eyes. “I won’t leave you behind, okay?” you told him, tears pooling in your eyes.
Yunho blinked, and then threw his arms around you. This time, he didn’t hold back his sobs as he collapsed in your arms.
next chapter
help this is kinda long………… hope you enjoyed anyway!!!
(requests are opennn)
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Sirius Black X Reader: The older brother
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Warnings: making out, flirting, cursing, party games, drinking, smuty behaviour.
Summary: You've found yourself intrigued by your friends older brother little did you know he's taken an interest in you as well.
Part 2
You’d always found the Black brothers intriguing. Their family line made it look like they were prepositioned to be pompous arses and although they were certainly privliged in the wizarding world you were surprised to find they weren’t as snobby as you’d expected. You’d never imagined you’d have the chance to talk to either of the brothers, after all you weren’t exactly part of their crowd.
It seemed the universe had other plans. 
It all started one day in potions class. You had strolled into the classroom like you’d been doing for the past weeks stopping to bid the professor good morning before making it to your favorite seat. To your surprise instead of finding your usual table empty your eyes made out a familiar frame. Your eyebrows knitted together for a moment. Well this was new. You walked up to Regulus, setting your books on the table before taking a seat. Regulus didn’t shift in the slightest, his eyes focused on the book in front of him. You watched him from the corner of your eye trying to come up with a reason to talk to him.
“You’ll end up burning a hole through my head with your staring.”
You rolled your eyes at Regulus’ words.
“Sorry Mr Black it’s just hard to not stare at such beauty.”
That made him stop in his tracks, his eyes leaving the book before him to look at you. You gave him a smirk. Regulus watched you with amusement for a moment before he broke into a grin. Playing to his vanity had been a smart call but what had surprised him the most was the lack of fear you showed towards him. It was refreshing.
“I don’t believe we’ve met.”
Regulus put his hand out to you, his eyes never leaving yours. You took his palm into your own, giving it a firm shake as you introduced yourself. Once the pleasantries were over Regulus turned back to his book waving his wand to turn the page. You glanced around the room observing the other students.
“You want to ask something.”
Your eyes snapped back to Regulus finding him already looking at you.
“How come you’re not sitting with your friends?”
“Ah well Theo decided he wants a chance with some girl.”
You turned your head to look at where Regulus was pointing. A small grin formed on your face as you watched one of the slytherin boys try to flirt with one of your housemates. 
“So you decided to play wingman?”
“Something like that.”
“Seems like it’s going pretty well.”
Regulus followed your gaze watching his friend conjure a flower from the tip of his wand.
“Yeah I guess so.”
“Don’t think you’d be getting your spot back so soon.”
“That's alright. I like my new one just fine.”
You smiled at Regulus sensing the sincerity in his words.
It was safe to say that you were right from that day on, Regulus' friend only sat with his girlfriend leaving Regulus stuck with you for a partner. No that either of you minded, in fact the two of you hit it off so well that soon enough the two of you couldn't be seen without the other. Being friends with Regulus had its benefits: you got invited to all sorts of wonderful parties, the purebloods left you alone and you didn’t have to worry yourself with being dragged back in any classes, after all Regulus was quite smart. However there was one small issue with your friendship. That issue had a name. And a pretty face as well. Sirius Black. That right, Regulus’ dashingly charming older brother was proving to be an issue. 
Not because he was an arse to you, quite the opposite actually, whenever Sirius saw you around he’d go out of his way to talk to you which didn’t help stop the massive crush you’d developed for the older Black boy. Regulus seemed unaware of your feelings for Sirius. He was far too busy admiring the Potter boy to so much as notice your gaze following Sirius when he walked past with his group of friends. Sirius on the other hand seemed perfectly aware of your lingering gazes and nervous fiddling whenever he approached you. Sirius was known to be a flirt. It was the one thing that identified him and sure most of the time he just did it for fun but with you it was different.
He’d found himself searching for you in the halls and during meals a smirk forming on his face once his eyes found your frame. He envied his brother for having contact with you so easily while he had to fight for a chance to even hear your voice once during the day. It had been a while since Sirius had found himself fancying someone. Not to mention someone younger than him but he wasn’t against the idea. In fact he’d embraced the thought of walking around the castle ground with you latched onto his arm. The marauders teased him relentlessly, often yelling out your name in random intervals just to watch Sirius spin on his heels as he searched for you in the crowd. You didn’t know Sirius shared your feelings. In your head all the compliments and flirty remarks he sent your way were just him being well…Sirius. 
It all changed at one party.
The party was open invitation meaning any house was allowed to participate as long as they acted civil and brought some form of booze with them. You and Regulus had arrived a bit late, his vanity having gotten to him and making him try on five different combinations before deciding on the perfect one. He’d come up with some bullshit excuse about representing the Black family but you knew the real reason behind it was to impress a certain brunette. The two of you had made your way to the room of requirements and waited. You stared at the empty wall for what felt like hours until finally a door appeared before you. You turned to look at Regulus with a smile.
“Bloody wonderful isn’t it?”
“You could say that again.”
The two of you pushed the door open immediately being greeted with loud music and raving crowds. You weaved your way through the groups of people bundled together, making your way to the drink table and placing down the bottle of firewhiskey you’d brought with you. Regulus did the same, turning to look at the crowd around you before tapping you on the shoulder. You looked at him throwing up your head in a questioning motion.
“I’ve just found some of my mates.”
You followed Regulus' gaze falling on a group of slytherin boys in a corner. They waved over to the two of you calling you to join them.
“I’m gonna go over there. Are you joining?”
“Nah i’m okay. Not really in the mood to hear them gloat about the last quidditch match. I think I'll take a walk around.”
“Alright. If you need anything-”
“I know. You’ll be the first to know. Go on, have fun Reggie.”
“You too, love.”
You watched Regulus make his way over to his friends, a small sigh leaving your lips as you turned to pour yourself a glass of firewhiskey.
“Didn’t take you for the whiskey type.”
You jumped at the familiar voice hand moving to swat at Sirius arm.
“Bloody hell Sirius! You scared me.”
Sirius let out a laugh, taking in your frightened expression. You rolled your eyes at him leaning against the wall as you took another sip of your drink. Sirius poured himself a glass of butterbeer before joining you. You stared at his drink.
“Taking it easy today Siri?”
Sirius smiled down at you, his gaze making you shiver.
“For now.”
“You can admit you're a lightweight Siri. Your secrets safe with me.”
“You and I both know that wouldn’t be a secret. It’d be a downright lie.”
That was true you’d seen Sirius at parties before. Watched him down shot after shot of firewhiskey without so much as stumbling. He didn’t get wasted easily but was never one to deny a glass of something strong so it was odd to see him “playing it safe”.
“Any particular reason you’re taking it slow tonight?”
“I want to remember tonight, I guess.”
“Is something special going to happen?”
Sirius stayed quiet, his eyes skimming the rest of the party before looking back at you. There was an intensity in his gaze you’d never seen before. You sipped your drink, trying to hide the slight shake of your hands as Sirius observed you.
“Yeah, you could say that. If all goes to plan.”
Sirius whispered the last part, almost as if he was trying to reassure himself rather than answer you. You couldn’t help but wonder what he meant. Loads of things happened at these types of parties and none of them could be considered decent. Your mind began to conjure all types of ideas, thighs rubbing together slightly as you thought. Merlin what the hell was wrong with you. You closed your eyes trying to clear your head when you felt a pair of hands on your shoulder. You kept your eyes shut allowing Sirius to pull you in front of him, a gasp leaving your lips once you felt his breath on your neck.
“Open your eyes, love. You’ll want to see this.”
You did as he asked. You were no longer pressed up against the wall, Sirius had moved you into a position that allowed you a clear view of a portion of the room. You searched for what  he was talking about, eyes widening once you saw it. In one of the various couches scattered around the room were two students, lips latched to each other in a frenzy. You watched as they made out, your hands clenching and unclenching at your side. 
“Now that's a hell of a snogging.”
You could feel Sirius hair brush against your neck as he leaned down to whisper in your ear once more. His hands moved up and down your arms sending shivers through your whole body.
“Been a while since i had a snog like that.”
Sirius let out a small groan of need behind you, his arms you pulling closer to his body. You stayed silent, unable to tear your eyes away from the couple. The more you watched the more you realised the resemblance they had to you and Sirius. You wondered if he’d called your attention to them on purpose or if it had been a mere coincidence. A sort of heavy feeling lingered in the air between you and Sirius, his skin feeling warm on your body. You contemplated turning around to face him. You knew he was teasing you but you wondered if he was just bored or if he meant something by it. Before you could conjure up the guts to ask Sirius had released you. You turned to look at him beside you, your eyes taking in his frame. He was very pretty. Sirius felt you gaze on him causing him to turn and give you a smile.
“You know what that means?”
You knew he was still referring to the snogging couple. You shook your head which caused Sirius' smile to grow larger.
“It means, darling, that they've started playing truth or dare.”
You looked over to the couple once more focusing on what was happening around them. Sure enough there was a circle of people around them, all sitting eagerly as if waiting for their turn. Sirius moved forward walking in the direction of the circle. Before he’d made it a couple steps he turned to look at you reaching out his hand towards yours.
“You coming, love? Won’t be as fun without you.”
This could go horribly wrong but it was also an opportunity to have some fun. You glanced at Sirius hand then back at the group of party goers. Oh fuck it. You placed your hand into Sirius smiling at the boy brightly.
“Well Black, what are you waiting for?”
Sirius grinned at your response tugging you towards him as the two of you made your way to the circle.
You made your way into the group finding an open spot and sitting down. Sirius did the same moving to sit next to his friends on the other side of the circle. James glanced at his friend, a smile appearing on his lips.
“Look who decided to join us! Was wondering where you were.”
Remus found you in the crowd giving you a small nod of greeting which you returned. Even though the boys pestered Sirius about you they understood the appeal.
“Spin the bloody bottle Potter!”
You turned to look at Marlean as she shouted at James.
“Well someones impatient.”
“You bet I am, now spin it!”
James put his hands up in surrender before waving his wand causing the bottle on the ground to spin rapidly. You watched as Sirius leaned back on his palms, an unbothered look gracing his features. You wondered what it must feel like to be him, not having to wonder if people liked you because they were constantly proving to you that they desired you. It must do wonders for the ego but it also seemed rather annoying. You’d watch girls follow Sirius around stumbling and giggling like maniacs everytime he did something. Maybe it annoyed you because you fancied him but you could tell that sometimes it got on his nerves too. You glanced around the circle observing the fleeting glances that were shared between players. Glances of desire. These games did always seem to be an excuse for hookups. Not that you minded. 
The game went on for a while, truths were revealed and dares were successfully attempted. You’d begun wondering if you’d ever get a turn when the bottle landed on you. You followed the line of the bottle to the other side, eyes falling on the lanky frame of Remus Lupin, not who you’d have hoped but not a bad choice either. Remus smiled at you, his head tilting to the side.
“So what will it be love, truth or dare?”
You thought for a moment you didn’t know how long it’d take for it to be your turn and you didn’t really feel like airing any dirty laundry, not that you had anything exciting to hide anyway.
“I choose dare.”
You didn’t spend much time with Remus but from what you’d heard he seemed like a nice guy. Whatever dare he had in mind you were sure it wouldn’t be that bad. Boy were you wrong. You’d been so focused on paying attention to your challenger that you had failed to notice the way Sirius had stiffened when the bottle had landed on you and Remus you’d also missed the way Sirius eyes had darted between James and Remus once you’d picked dare. You were oblivious to boys' schemes but Sirius knew. He knew from the moment you’d opened your mouth to pick dare what was about to come.
“Very well. I dare you to….”
Remus paused for dramatic effect. That bastard was really trying to sell it. Sirius would have to remember to get him back for this later. Your eyes fell onto Sirius, taking in the look of slight fear on his face. It was only then that you noticed the sly grin that had appeared on Remus' face. Oh merlin, what had you gotten yourself into.
“I dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with…. Sirius.”
There it was. Your face dropped at Remus’ words, your gaze finding Sirius as the other players began to let out ‘owwws’ and ‘ahhhs’. For a split second Sirius' flirty persona seemed to drop but then it was back again. He gave you a wolfish grin before turning to look at Remus.
“Haven’t got a closet mate.”
Just as the words left his mouth a closet appeared on the wall behind you startling several of the other players out of their spots. You noticed Sirius cursing under his breath, whispering something along the lines of “damn this room”. 
“Problem solved. Go on then.”
Sirius was about to retort his anger towards Remus’ sly behaviour becoming obvious but then you got up. The moment you stood all eyes were on you. You made your way to the closet passing James as you went. The brunette gave you a small smile.
“Show him a good time will you? Godric knows he needs it.”
You turned to face Sirius across the circle extending your hands out.
“Well, you coming or what?”
Sirius rose to his feet and made his way to you but not before stopping to give a harsh slap to the back of Remus' head. Once Sirius got close enough he placed one hand against yours opening the closet door with the other and tugging you inside.
You were engulfed by darkness, the party disappearing completely as the closet doors closed. It was surprisingly spacious inside. You turned around searching for Sirius since he was no longer holding onto your hand.
“Siri, where are you?”
You felt hands wrap around your waist pulling you flush against his body.Your head spun as Sirius smell surrounded you, his hands kneading at the skin of your hips. You sighed, leaning into his touch.
“I’m right here.”
You turned around so you could face him. Even though it was dark you could make out where his eyes were. The two of you stayed in silence for a while, just taking in the presence of each other. Then Sirius released your hips and stepped back, his hands going to his hair.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. It’d kill my reputation but I want to respect you.”
He fiddled with his leather jacket, clearly nervous. 
“We can just talk.”
It was odd seeing him so vulnerable but it made you a little more confident. You stepped closer to him, placing your hands on his chest as you gazed up at him through your lashes.
“Who says I just want to talk?”
Sirius' lips found yours before you could even react. You moaned into the kiss pulling him closer by his jacket. He got the message deepening the kiss, his tongue running against your lower lip. You opened your mouth allowing his tongue to meet yours. Siriuspulled back for air chest heaving as he breathed in.
“Been wanting to get you alone all night.”
“Could have just asked.”
“And play my cards in the open, where's the fun in that?”
“Right, I forgot you’re a tease.”
“And you like it.”
You gasped as Sirius leaned down to kiss your neck. Your hands weaved into his hair for support as you threw your head back in pleasure. You tugged at Sirius' hair forcing him to latch off your neck before pushing your lips onto his again. The two of you groped desperately at each other, your hands trying to feel every part they could reach. Your hands skimmed against Sirius crotch causing him to let out a growl, his head falling into the crook of your neck.
“Ah shit, love.”
“You’re hard.”
Sirius let out a laugh.
“Yeah sorry. You got that effect on me. It’s okay i'll deal with it later.”
You bit into your lip mulling over what you were about to say over in your head.
“I can help. If you want”
Sirius's body shuddered against you at your words, his head lifting to look into your eyes.
“You’ve done this before?”
“Believe it or not Black but you're not the only one who gets action around here.”
Sirius stayed quiet for a moment, his head spinning with a million thoughts.
“What is it?”
“Was it with Reggie?”
“Oh godric no. We’re just friends.”
“Oh good, messing around with my little brother's fling wouldn’t go over well.”
You reached to cup Sirius member through his jeans shutting him up in a second. You were about to reach into Sirius boxers when there was a knock on the door.
“Times up!”
Sirius let out a groan of frustration.
“We’re coming out!”
Sirius turned to look at you pulling your chin up for one last kiss. You leaned your forehead against his trying to steady your heartbeat.
“Meet me in my room in ten. I’m not done with you just yet.”
With that he exited the closet leaving you rooted to your spot. Merlin you were in for the night of your life.
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Okay hear me out!?
Shapeshifter reader????
Like they can shapeshift into whatever animal, person, puppet. Oh oh! And reader loves to prank the welcome home crew, like one second there wally the next there Barnaby! 'Buying' apples from howdy!
I just love the ideas the morning gives me so here we are lol
From: a new friend 🌜
To: you!💖
BRO reader is such a prankster! Like not to the point of annoyance ( you don’t do it everyday) but to the point that everyone is just cautious and fearful of each other.
I see them having code words or phrases with each other to make sure it’s not you like:
Wally Sees Barnaby
“Hey, Buddy. What’s in apple pie?”
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You have a unique ability, a gift some say. But you can change forms to who ever and whatever you’ve seen with your own eyes. Sadly, no you can’t change into a mermaid or dragon.
If you physically seen the living organisms or object you can turn into it!
You’re been living at the Welcome Home neighborhood for a while now, you remember the time you first got here.
First terrorizing the neighborhood as the iconic black cat; dubbed ‘the neighborhood’s chaos’ or just ‘Chaos’.
scaring Eddie when he would open up the mailboxes to deliver mail.
“Ah!- Chaos! Off you go!”
Scare the butterflies away when Frank would try and catch them. Using the poor guy as a stepping still to get to them.
“No, Chaos!”
Take Julie’s dolls and hide them.
“No, no, Chaos! Not Mr. Wiggins!”
Steal merchandise from Howdy’s.
“What was that noise? Chaos! You better not be taking the jalapeños!”
Scaring Barnaby…just to scare him.
“Good, good, chaos…Ah!!”
“Barnaby, they haven’t noticed us yet..”
Never leaving Sally alone.
“Chaos, stop, no don’t scratch that!”
And with Wally…well let’s say it’s a love-hate relationship. You’ll mess up his painting, splash around the pant and make Home dirty. Yet, he can’t stay mad at the adorable, big eyed cat face.
“Chaos, you know not to mess with my paints…”
Now you’re not all bad. No you’re misunderstood. You just wanted attention and stumbled about the neighborhood filled with new friends! Poppy’s the only one to see that, she’ll always keep a bowl of good and water for you and will sometimes have you around while she bakes.
Now it’s a big misunderstanding how you manage to join the neighborhood and let’s say it cost you your leg.
You still have it by the way, don’t worry.
They had a meeting about your mischievous ways. And traps were set, one caught you and injured your leg. And to get a better look you changed back to your form but that was the same time they check the traps and saw you.
“Yeah-well-I..it’s actually Y/n.”
And that was a few months ago and you’re all healed up. Wally was strolling down the street when he sees you skipping along. And well if you’re you, he doesn’t need to worry.
“Hey, neighbor!”
“Oh! Hi, cutie. Are you going to Howdy’s for an apple? I’m getting a jalapeño.” You smile. You always give the neighborhood nickname and treat them with love because well, that’s how you are! And because you feel bad for terrorizing then for so long.
“Mhm! But I need a favor.”
You walk inside with a chime from the bell above the door and greet Howdy. “Hi, Big Brother!”
“Good afternoon, sweetheart! Are you here for a jalapeño?” He muses with a smile and shuffles your hair.
You nod and hold you arms out with your palms up to receive your treat and then asked him for an apple. For extra sweetness? Regardless he gave it to you.
Next was Wally, who only gets one for obvious reasons.
Then, Barnaby, what’s with everyone wanting apples?
Then it was poppy getting her supply for baking sweets and when he saw that her feathers were a little discolored he knew it was you, but how can he prove it?
“Apples for apple pie, poppy?”
“Well, yeah, of course-“
“Y/n i know it’s you.”
“How?!” You didn’t have time! Run! “Wally! He’s onto us!”
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This is the best I could do while listening to this lecture🫠
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
Holding your hand- Nico Hischier
“ I could start fires with what I feel for you “
- David Ramirez
inspired by Grace by Lewis Capaldi
word count: 1k
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I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes
I can't seem to drown you out long enough
I fell victim to the sound of your love
You're like a song that I ain't ready to stop
I got nothing but you on my mind
Falling for Nico was all consuming, he existed in every crevice, every small crack, every minor detail of your whole being.
You’d tried to push him away. Keep him at a safe distance so he couldn’t reel you in but it was all in vain. The inviting look in his deep brown eyes and soft spoken words as he talked. How he carried himself when he walked into a room.
You tried and tried to not become another one of the girls who ultimately would get their hearts broken by beautiful men.
Every time you thought he’d given up he proved you wrong. He would show up at your apartment with a smile and promises of movie nights or takeaway from your favourite diner from the corner of your street.
“Whats your deepest fear?” He’d asked one time as you were laying in your bed, covers pulled up to your chin and phone beside you on speaker. Nico away on a road trip in Canada and even though he’s so far away he still feels as close as ever. Even from the other side of a phone call.
The question had caught you off guard, just a couple of seconds ago you’d been intently listening to the soft breathing of your -newly- boyfriend. Imagining him on his back in the hotel room, blanket up to his waist and one arm tucked underneath his head. Eyelids fluttering as he tries to stay awake just a while longer so he can continue hearing your voice.
“Being forgotten, never doing anything memorable with my life so that when I die people forget that I ever existed. Not leaving something behind that reminds others of me, that I was here once and now I’m not. I think that’s what scares me.” It’s quiet on the other end. Not even a ruffling from Nico moving on the bed or sounds of breathing. It makes you wonder if he hung up while you were talking.
“You’re not forgettable.” The response is simple but you understand the underlying meaning behind them. I will remember you, I won’t let others forget you existed once, I’ll make sure you’re not forgotten.
“What’s your fear?” Trying to push down the growing lump in your throat it’s easier to place the focus on him. On his thoughts and not yours, so you won’t feel as bare as you are feeling in this moment. Like you’re showing him every worry and anxiety you try to hide from everyone all the time. To not make people worry.
“Not being what others expect me to be. The whole idea of what a first round hockey player should be and making everyone disappointed.” His voice is whispering, like you’re two little kids in a blanket fort telling each other secrets nobody else can know.
And you suppose you are those two kids in that fort, hiding in your own space just the two of you whispering things nobody else will hear. Sharing things you’ve been scared to tell somebody else. Finding comfort in each other and the fact that you aren’t alone in your fears.
You tell him that he’s not making anyone disappointed, that he’s a great hockey player.
What you’re dying to tell him is I love you, I know you’ll become more than what anyone could ever think you would. You’re the greatest player I’ve ever seen. I believe in you.
Don't wanna let the pieces fall out of place
I was only just a breath removed from going to waste
Till I found salvation in the form of your...
Your grace
You’d never been religious but began to question the whole idea that people come into your life when you need them the most. That someone out there in the universe sends them your way because they know they’re what you need.
That someone out there gave you Nico when everything felt like a bottomless pit. A gaping black wormhole just waiting for the right time. Waiting for you to slip on that thin ledge and fall into it.
The hand that reached out and grabbed you right as you were about to stumble and fall. Saving you from the figurative monster that’s wanting to sink its claws and teeth in you. Rip you apart from the inside in the form of depression and loneliness.
He didn’t know it yet, you haven’t told him about that part of your life before he came into it. You aren’t sure you’ll ever tell him. It feels so long ago now, a million light years away. A distant memory of the past that you’d rather never think about again.
Not now that he’s here and he isn’t going anywhere. He’s here and he’s pulling you further away from that ledge without even knowing it.
You remember the first time he told you he loved you. It’s still unsure if he even meant for the words to slip out.
He says it was on purpose but the pink tint on his cheeks when you bring it up tells another story. You said it back without even think about it. It felt like second nature to say you love him out loud. Because you do, so much.
Nico’s lips had pulled up into a goofy smile before he’d grabbed your cheeks and pressed a hundred kisses on your lips. Repeating I love you breathlessly when you pulled back for air. Brown eyes shining brighter than the stars and sweaty hair falling over his forehead. Still dressed in his gear but it was perfect.
You aren’t religious but you thank god every single day for bringing you Nico. For the stars aligning and bringing you the person meant for you, giving you the sunlight that shines over the darkest shadows and that keeps on shining.
Keeps on holding you away from that invisible ledge.
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nanowrimo · 1 year
10 Ways to Turn Revision Into an Adventure
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For some of us, revision may be your next big challenge during Camp. Sounds a little intimidating, doesn’t it? Well, have no fear! NaNo participant Madison Vaughn-Parra is here to make revision fun! So… you’ve got yourself a first draft. Perhaps it’s years worth of work, or perhaps it was the product of the frenzied rush that is National Novel Writing Month. Either way, you’ve deemed it a complete work, which means only one thing: it’s ready for revision.
Did you picture lightning striking on a dark and stormy night when reading the big “R” word? If so, you’re not alone! For many, revision is even more intimidating than dreaming up a novel from scratch. If writing a first draft was an adventure of epic proportions, then revising that same draft is a slog through already-explored terrain, right?
Wrong! I’ve found that revision can be just as grand of an adventure as writing 50K in 30 days! To prove it, I’d like to share ten ways you can turn your revision journey from a dreaded duty into an exciting adventure:
1. First things first: make a copy of your first draft, and then don’t touch the original! You don’t want your adventure bogged down by regrets, after all, and having an untouched first draft will ensure that if you’re unhappy with any changes, you’ll always have the original to fall back on.
2. Be prepared! Just as you wouldn’t want to forget your socks and undies, you’re going to want to pack everything you need to help you on your revision adventure. NaNoWriMo’s “Now What?” revision guide should come in handy, for starters!
3. Take a trip off the beaten path and explore all of the “What If’s”, no matter how wild they might seem. What if you added to the chemistry of your main characters and turned your action-adventure novel into a full-blown romance? What if the murder mystery mastermind was the other guy? The possibilities are endless!
4. Go on a hunt to find the most hilarious typos born from the fever-induced ramblings of the NaNo mind, and share them with your writing group for laughs!
5. Make it a game! For example, does your novel have a character who keeps disappearing from scenes they’re supposed to be in? (Mine was a tiny dragon named Mouse…) Every time you write that character back into a scene, reward yourself with a treat for “finding” them!
6. Gleefully chop away at tangents, plot twists, and descriptions you included in your first draft simply for word count. No one can stop you from backspacing now!
7. Try new tools! Is there any better feeling than using a brand new travel accessory for the first time? That’s how I felt when I first tried Scrivener’s split-screen feature and discovered just how fun it made revision. Why not check out NaNoWriMo’s offers page to see if any new tools spark your excitement?
8. Delight in discovering passages that you have absolutely no memory of writing! If you’re anything like me, there will be quite a few of them, and you’ll find you can improve them with the ease of editing someone else’s writing.
9. Capture your favorites! Create a “Snapshots” document or folder and fill it with all the first draft passages that you got right the first time. If you start feeling discouraged during revising, simply pull up these snapshots and remind yourself of your own genius!
10. If you really want to capture the NaNo spirit, try rewriting your novel from start to finish without even glancing at your first draft. This trick terrifies me, personally, but I know folks who swear by it! Congratulations! You’re now ready for your revision adventure! Pack up your bags, be kind to yourself, and have fun exploring your novel again. I’ll be right there with you!
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Madison Vaughn-Parra is a lifelong writer and passionate geek, who technically works a corporate job in program management but prefers to spend her time in fantasy and science-fiction worlds of her own creation. She’s happily lost in the woods of her own revision adventure at the moment and hoping to dive into the publishing process next. She rarely posts on Twitter, but you can still follow her @vaughn__boyage if you’d like! Header Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels
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lavienbleuuu · 1 year
I deserve better.
You ever look back at your life and think, “Ah, so this is how my life turned out. It’s not bad.”
But since when did you start settling for “not bad”?
You’re young and you have all these dreams. You’re going to be a writer and have a big backyard in a countryside abode, away from the busy, fast-paced lifestyle of the city. Life’s good. No, life’s better than imagined.
But none of this happened.
You avoid any real talk when it comes to talking about your dreams. “Life happened”, you say with a diminishing smile. For all the crazy shit that life threw at you, you took a hit. You wriggled, turned, and pivoted your life to make the best of everything that came your way. But it still left you feeling unsatisfied.
“This is part of life, I guess.”
As a child, you were fearless. You were okay to lose. Being last in the race was the least of your worries because you were more interested in the butterfly that crossed your path. Happiness, for you, was chasing that blue butterfly with circular black spots. But as you got older, you became more fearful. You’re still running the race but now you’re afraid of deviating from the track because that would mean you’re all on your own.
Sometimes, you think you are special and scoff at the ordinariness of regular life, only to find yourself exactly going that way. Maybe you have people who’re dependent on you. So, you have to make compromises on some of your dreams and slowly give in. It doesn’t prick you. You’re at peace. Or so you think.
But things can always be better because you truly deserve better.
You may have denied yourself happiness and opportunities because you were busy being your own villain. But not anymore. You don’t like making a fuss. You want people to like you, but you don’t let people see the real you. I get it. But things don’t happen if you don’t make them. And people can’t help you if you don’t let them. Yes, you deserve better. But what are you doing about it? You’ll never know what’s out there until you get out there.
You don’t have shit to prove to anyone. They don’t care. Why are you so invested in it then? Truth is, what you’re really doing is trying to uplift your own image of yourself in an effort to prove that you’re better than the rest. Often, when you’re running on low self-esteem, you feel inferior to everyone around you. Especially common when someone you deeply value doesn’t value you back. So now, you want to become the best version of yourself and show them what they’re losing.
Stop! You’re attaching your achievements to the perception of someone else’s appreciation of you. So, no matter how hard you work, if they don’t recognize you, you will fail to recognize yourself. You deserve better! You are your home. So, take good care of yourself.
Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer helps you grow or makes you happy. Even with a thousand flaws, you deserve to be loved and valued. Do not stay in an environment out of sympathy or settlement because you’re more than what you think you deserve.
“The minute you settle for anything less than what you deserve, you get less than what you settled for” — Maureen Dowd
Raise the bar! Raise the standards! And you will receive more. Once you know why you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever. All things come to an end, but better endings in life lead to better beginnings, to something you deserve. So, don’t be afraid of quitting and moving on. Close the wounds. Stitch them up. The nights you spend alone are reminders that loneliness is designed to help you discover who you really are — so that you don’t go looking for yourself in the outside world.
The world is cruelly unfair. In keeping our best interest, we hurt others. And in keeping others’ best interest, we hurt ourselves. See the irony? We’re always torn over one thing or another. We make mistakes, we hurt people. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a chance at redemption. Feel the guilt, go through the pain, and come out of it slowly. You don’t have to live with it forever. You punished yourself enough. So, it’s time now.
Let go.
Forgive yourself.
Accept the changes.
Never settle.
And don’t compromise.
If it feels wrong, leave.
Yes, life happens. But every time one door closes, another one opens.
So don’t tell yourself you didn’t have a choice.
You did. You may or may not have taken it.
It’s okay.
The door is still open.
You can choose now.
You deserve something better than okay.
You deserve better.
I’ve hurt people. I tell myself that I need to go through pain to be able to redeem myself from the guilt. But somewhere, I forget to tell myself that I should deserve better too. I don’t have to pay the price for my mistakes forever.
These words help me. A little, sometimes. A little too much, sometimes.
I hope it helps you think too.
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yankpop · 2 years
Yandere Haechan (NCT) - He breaks in
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Summary: Haechan gets tired of waiting for you, so he breaks into your apartment.
DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes so please don’t take any of this seriously. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. Please, be 18+ to read this. Make sure to read the trigger warnings before you get started, but almost everything is yandere and includes toxic behaviours.
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of stalking; house invasion.
AN: When he yells try to imagine his hysterical voice when he yells 😂 Let me know how this was. Hope you guys enjoy this 💖
The loud pangs resonate through the entire room, making a shiver run through your body. You curl yourself into a ball, hiding behind the couch and burying your head into your arms.
Your whole body is frozen with dread and filled with cold sweat while your mind is completely unable to think. You knew he was crazy but you never - never - thought it would reach this point.
“C’mon, baby, just fucking open this door!” Haechan hysterically shouts, the force of his punches causing the door to violently shake.
You desperately hope the door is strong enough to hold him outside, until someone comes to help you since you had conveniently lost your phone today and your apartment suddenly lost electricity, incapacitating the landline phone - coincidences you are starting to suspect.
His delusional laughs seem to only increase volume as he relentlessly keeps banging on the door.
“Why are you even hiding, baby? Let me in and I promise I’ll show you how much I love you, okay?”
You press your hands against your ears, attempting to ignore the crazy guy and his psychotic behaviors. Maybe if he gets tired, then he’ll leave you alone. You just pray that it happens fast yet it’s hard to think positive when Haechan keeps yelling at you while trying to break into your apartment.
“How about you answer me, bitch? I know you’re in there!” he angrily shouts “You’re mine, you hear me? You’re mine and you can’t hide from me! I own you.”
His mood seems as bipolar as him - reason why you rejected all advances and tried to keep your distance from him. He is bad news, something he was just proving you. You seriously regret not going to the police when you had the chance, always thinking he’d move on from his obsession with you.
Suddenly, all the banging stops and the whole room merges into silence. You stop breathing for a moment, wondering if he actually left. You hesitantly crawl from behind the couch, your eyes focusing on the unharmed door. You know better than to just open the door to check, but you also have no idea of how to know if he’s truly gone.
Maybe you should– the door crashes down open earning a high-pitched scream from you. Standing on the doorway, there is Haechan with a crazed grin plastered on his face. He starts walking closer to you, yet your legs don’t move, forcefully keeping you on the spot.
You close your eyes in fear as Haechan comes to stand in front of you, his fingers grasping a few strands of your hair and sniffling them.
“I told you that you can’t hide from me, didn’t I? Now I guess you’ll have to be punished for that.”
(Part 2)
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spice-chan · 3 years
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Yan!Dragon King!Bakugou Katsuki x Water Nymph!f!reader
The water nymphs send an unusual peace offering this year...
Warnings: Reader sent as a peace offering so feelings of objectification are present. Yandere themes. Possessiveness. Yandere bakugou but only becomes outwardly yandere towards the end. Death (killing). Not too descriptive about wounds though, although they are mentioned (not inflicted on reader). Bakugou is a bit of a douchebag at the start.
wordcount: 4.5 k 
tags: @angie-1306 (your ask got deleted but thank god you werent on anon) @axther @reddriot​
A bundled-up body was dropped under his throne, the body writhing and trying to get muffled screams to be heard. 
“My king, the water nymphs made a peace offering. She was dropped off in front of the castle entrance.” 
Bakugou’s rich red eyes calculatedly glanced down, breath hitching for a second at the beauty of the roped female—a water nymph. An offering to him. His eyes made contact with yours, seeing the clear defiance and disdain in them, but he knows this look, behind made walls of resistance and will of steel is a petrified woman afraid of her fate. How unfortunate for you. Your eyes were wide and glassy, cute in their attempt at conveying anger, brows furrowed in a glare that merely made Bakugou smirk in amusement. Your mouth, even with the rope muffling every sound you made, clearly showcased a pair of sweet and kissable lips. 
The nymphs who sacrificed you did you no favour as well, for they left you scantily dressed, leaving you exposed to the hungry eyes of dragons around you, irking Bakugou slightly that others are looking at his prize. 
He left his throne, languidly walking up to you before crouching down to inspect you, to see what’s so special about you. The water nymphs never usually offered one of their own in their attempt at maintaining neutral peace. This ritual which they adopted since ancient times became nothing more than a nicety, they usually offered rare fish, nuts, never a full-fledged nymph, and an attractive one at that. Perhaps the fact that Bakugou, the most renowned dragon shifter finally claimed the throne made them feel unsettled. For his savage and bloodthirsty need to be the absolute best was second to none. 
His calloused palms took a hold of your face, ignoring your attempts at deflecting his hold as his massive palm dwarfed your face and made it plenty clear he can easily crush you. He inspected your face from different angles, seeing nothing extraordinary. He took this opportunity to feel up your soft skin which had been tempting him ever since he noticed you laying helplessly on the floor. He then confirmed the validity of the rumours that claimed water nymphs had skin supple and silky as water. It felt like he was running his finger across the surface of a ripple, a mere dip of his finger could breach the surface. 
Heh, you’re kinda pretty. So very different from draconian women, who had thick builds paired with excellent survival skills and shifting abilities, but you...he bets it was so easy to overpower you and wrap you up nicely for him to unpack his gift. 
He lifts you, his muscles bulging and tensing, proving that carrying you was not a struggle to him in the slightest. 
He ignores your useless thrashing, kicking and resisting like a wild bird held in a tyrant's hand. Its wings contained and nails not doing any damage, freedom seeming further and further away. He walks with you on his shoulders, his massive, hulking shoulders. 
Soon enough, the rowdy chatter of the men becomes scarce, and their figures even more so, making you double your efforts in trying to escape the tyrant lumping you on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. 
“Tsk, keep bein’ a brat and I’ll have to tie your shitty hands.” He turned his head to look at you as he said this, cementing his statement with a fiery glare that only infuriated you further. 
He ignored any protest you made after that, walking with you and entering a wing that looked to be heaven-sent from the sheer luxury, gold highlights emphasized in every corner, treasures and artefacts littered around the corridor in a painfully tidy and organised to the very centimetre, clearly they got shined twice a day. However, the further he ventured, the more the previous shine lost its glory, it appeared clean, however, the stark contrast to the speckless shine from before was clear. 
Bakugou stopped in front of the grandest door, he twisted the golden doorknob, finally appreciating your quietness. You couldn’t help it, you weren’t particularly rich back home, so to see this reincarnation of decadence really has your eyes glassing, bright in some semblance of joy, you forgot your situation for a second. 
You were rudely reminded when you were dumped down on a hard surface. 
When you looked down, however, every profanity disappeared from your tongue as it twisted in awe. You were thrown on a pile of fucking treasure. A huge, mountainous pile of glittering gold and brandished silver, rubies, and every single gem one could imagine. 
Bakugou narrowed his eyes, scowling at how much he liked the view of you on top of his hoard. He smirked, feeling prideful and accomplished until he noticed that the walls of fury and fire you built up ever since he saw broke in the worst way possible. Your face was scrunched, it felt like your cheeks were lit aflame in humiliation as tears streaked down your adorable face.
Bakugou felt like the biggest douchebag to walk the earth. 
You brought your knees closer and hid your face behind them, body shaking as you sobbed. Your tribe sent you as a peace offering, not caring for the slightest about your well being and fate, and now you're stuck here with a brute of a king who has no qualms with treating you like a glorified piece of jewellery. You didn’t want him to see this side of you this soon, you didn’t want him to see how petrified you are, how weak and defenceless you are compared to him. You wanted to rivers of anguish gushing from your eyes to stop, but they wouldn’t. 
“Hey…” he tried to console you. It was a poor attempt from an unpractised dragon. 
You tried to speak, navigate around that lump in your throat to shout at him, tell him to leave you alone, but your voice failed you just like everything tends to. 
You felt him clumsily try to lift your head in a gesture that fell between a forceful demand and a soothing touch. What is up with him now? 
You relented and showed him your puffy eyes, glistening eyes, looking at him with trembling lips.
“Tch, stop crying! You—you’ll get snot and tears all over my hoard.” 
It was the wrong thing to say, because a fresh batch of tears came, staining the apples of your cheeks. 
“Fuck—no. I didn’t mean that.”  Your sniffling was reduced to mere hiccups, break down halting at the sight of the most feared man on the earth, the legendary dragon king bakugou, most hardened warrior and skilled shifter, attempting to apologise. 
“Shit—I wouldn’t have to be so rough if I knew it bothered you this much.” He pouted, cheeks turning a shade of red that seems almost adorable, turning away from you to scowl at the floor. 
Fuck, his mother taught him better, yet the sight of you made him forget any semblance of manners, eager to get his hands on you and away from the prying eyes of people to who you didn’t belong. 
An innate sense of possessiveness engulfed him, one that can only be appeased with you sitting on the one place most intimate and guarded by him: his hoard. 
But, he’ll tone it down until he gets you more pliant and accepting. 
“Stay where you are.” He simply commanded before walking off. 
You stayed there, mind urging you to run away, a foolish choice your pride keeps urging you to make. Runaway, in a castle heavily guarded, without having the slightest clue how to get to the exit. 
Yeah, bad idea. You’re sure you aren’t welcome back ‘home’ anyway. The thought feels like a sharp dagger slicing your heart, taking its time carving the pain into you. 
Soon enough, Bakugou is back, trying to tone down his intimidating aura, but to no avail, for he noticed you shrinking at the sight of his hulking figure. It stung him a little, making his frown a little tighter. 
“Come with me,” he said curtly, then walked swiftly out, his cape swishing behind him,  making you scramble to follow him, struggling to keep up with his fast steps, frustration slowly rising like bile up your throat and making it harder to stay silent and compliant. 
He took you out of the castle, ignoring the curious looks to the best of his ability, but before he could step a foot outside the gate, he grits his teeth in anger and took off his cape. He bundled you in it and lifted you, once again, like a sack of potatoes. But you were too busy feeling like you were lit on fire as you realised that you were walking around in the outfit you were donned in or lack thereof. You buried your face in the fabric, unintentionally making a sound that’s caught between a groan and a whimper. 
He walked behind the castle, climbing places with you on his back until he got to where he needed to be
When you arrived, however, you are almost glad you didn’t voice your woos. The sight before you was breathtaking, so much so that your previous plights evaporated even if for a minute. 
The scenery was breathtaking, it was a cave, and in the corner, if it was a treasure pile, except merely saying it's a pile was an understatement as it was a mountain in its own right. The hoard you saw back at the castle was incomparable. But that’s not what truly captured you. As he led you further in, you realised the true purpose of this journey. 
There was a medium-sized pool, wide enough to fit comfortably in the cave without hogging up all the space, but deep enough that even Bakugou with his stature could enjoy a swim in it. It was clear too, so clear you felt like you could dip your leg in it and see through your very own flesh, that it would make your skin translucent. It was a shade of blue one could only dream of seeing, and after doing so would live their life content. 
Perhaps you were biased, seeing that it’s in your very nature as a water nymph to be needing close contact with water, and to be enamoured with it. 
All rationale left you though, needing for the water to cleanse you of all your stress and pain, and so bakugou’s cape slipped off your shoulders and hit the floor, your figure leaving it behind as you approached the water and slipped inside. You felt a rush of dopamine override all the negativity inside of you, feeling the water hug you, surround you, shield you. 
“So it's true, huh?” 
You almost forgot he was here, but Bakugou didn’t forget about you, not even for a second. He was watching you, fascination swirling in his pupils as your expression melted to one of near happiness, heart lurching with every cute expression you made, that *he* caused. 
“What is?” You replied, turning in the water to face him. 
“That water nymphs live such carefree lives because they spend them inside ponds and lakes.” 
You scrunch your nose at that, unable to fathom the exact meaning of his words but having an idea. “We don’t live carefree lives. Not all are given that luxury, at least not me.” You said, giving him a once over with a glare to signify that he’s the problem. He’s the root cause of your misery, Bakugou doesn’t know how to feel about that. It’s quite unfortunate really. 
He shrugs his shoulders and reverts to his default face, feigning nonchalance. 
“Well, it doesn’t seem like much goes on in your ditzy head.” 
You felt your face warm, could very well hear the aggressive thrumming of your blood as you gritted your teeth in anger. And you were about to unleash the full force of your fury until you heard wings flapping outside. 
You turned your head, trying to take a glance at the disturbance, but your view was shielded by Bakugou, who moved unnaturally fast for someone who made it clear how nothing phases him. And not fast enough for you to think it’s a real threat. 
He came back moments later with an attire you regretfully recognized. 
No, scratch that, he brought several. Pale, light flowy dresses that are often worn by your people. Light enough that they wouldn’t mind an occasional soak in water. 
Your anger dissipated, melting into confusion, then quickly becoming embarrassment as you realised you were comfortably standing in front of him in your underwear. 
You should feel happy, but bile rose up your throat, the taste of humiliation clear on your tongue as you realised with distaste that he was indeed right, you did live carefreely. You also realised you won’t be able to live like that ever again, and that very realisation brought tears to your eyes once again. 
“Tch, just take one and wear it. I don’t need you crying again.” 
Your face fell, and Bakugou felt his heart twinge a little when you responded with silence, looking at your sad face made him feel oddly protective. It’s probably because you were his treasure. Like his hoard right? He always needs his treasure to be kept in optimum conditions. 
Having justified that to himself, he didn’t feel as weird now regarding what he was about to do. 
While you changed into one of the outfits he got you, he dug through his hoard, knowing exactly what item he wanted to dig out. His fingers slithered through countless gold pieces, shining enough to cure a greedy man’s blindness. He finally found it, a delicate golden chain, but what demands attention is the ruby hanging from it. He brings a thumb to it, rubbing the rock appreciatively, liking the semblance of the colour to his eyes. 
You coughed, signaling you you were done, snapping away his wondrous gaze from the necklace. 
You looked really pretty in the dress, he’s got to thank Kiri for the speed run to the shops that he did. The light material hugs your skin, looking stretchy, yet form fitting that it hugged your body in a way that made Bakugou jealous. 
You looked in your element now, but somehow the awkwardness still lingered in the air as you avoided his gaze.  
Bakugo didn’t try to be subtle when checking you out, in his eyes, you were *his* whether or not that’s what he chose so he can at least check what he has right? 
Bakugou didn’t pay heed to the slow spiral of his morals, of the things he worked so hard to uphold. His justifications were slowly manifesting into delusions. 
He approached you, ignoring the way you tensed when he went behind you, turning around to question him, but he was quickly done. Your eyes caught the glistening red ruby hanging from your neck, the colour rich and deep like red wine. You didn’t hate it, but confusion swirled in your veins at his actions. 
“Looks good on you.” The colour looks like my eyes, it reminds me that you’re mine. 
Bakugo wasn’t sure why he held off on telling you what’s on his mind, he usually doesn’t hesitate once to tell the truth. 
Your wide, glittery eyes stared up at him, trying but failing to hide their awe. The anger and resentment took a backseat to intrigue, so did he pick this out for you because he thought it would look nice on you? How strange of him. 
He lifted a calloused finger up, face now cleared and relaxed that he looked pretty, not intimidating, not barbaric, but pretty. He caressed your cheek, smiling slightly when he felt how warm it was. It slipped off his face all too soon when he took the reins back. He squished your cheek, lips once again taking the shape of a sadistic smile. 
“You look dumb” 
Your features hardened, gaze narrowed in anger and hatred that it made Bakugou surprised. Surprised by how much he hated it, or by the sheer intensity? He didn’t have much time to dwell on his thoughts though, because a dainty hand flew his way and slapped his hand away. 
“You-“ you nearly growled in anger, tears once again coating your eyes because of him. “You rude, barbaric, selfish, egoistical “jerk!” You shouted at him. Why were you this angry? 
“Just when I think you might be a decent person.” You rub furiously at your eyes, shoulders slouched in disappointment as you disappeared deeper into the cave and out of his sight. You were always so naive and easy to fool. 
Bakugou felt the full weight of your words weighing down on him, but he tried to shrug it off. He walked out, silently brooding with his thoughts until a servant came and delivered dinner. 
He stood up, walking to you with tje food in his arms, hoping he could butter you up with it. He found you in the deepest part of the cave, face hidden behind your knees, unmoving. 
You were sleeping. 
He set the food down, bending down to try and confirm his observation, only for a remorse to hit him like a truckload after he saw the semi dried tear tracks. He didn’t have to be that mean to you. Maybe his dragon subjects can handle it because they have thicker skin, naturally, and they’re used to him. But you were just thrust into his life today and he’d been laying it thick on you. He’s coming to terms with his attraction to you and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. 
He nudged your shoulder, not wanting to test his voice right now, afraid it might be too gentle. 
You stirred awake, your face relaxed and serene as you blinked blearily. 
“Hm?” You rubbed your eyes, looking at your surroundings with confusion. Your eyes were red. 
He wondered how much you cried. 
He mumbled something unintelligible, you turned your gaze to him, the sleepiness now almost all gone. 
“What? I can’t hear you.” Your tone was sharp and cutting, and your gaze, now devoid of all confusion, was similarly icy. 
“‘didn’t mean to make ya’ cry.” You nearly believed him, nearly. 
“What’s this? Another act to make me lower my guard? Well you don’t need to, I’m at your mercy. You can skip the pleasantries and just laugh at how pathetic I am.” 
He stared at the floor, well, *glared*. 
“You’re not pathetic.” He simply said, glaring at you in a way that dared you to challenge him”-and I’m not going to laugh at you.” 
He could speculate about his feelings all day, drown in this euphoria of infatuation, hate you for making him weak but one thing he knows for sure is that he doesn’t want you to hate him. He wants your eyes to look at him in wonder again, to admire him and fill him with endless pride, to maybe smile at him, he hasn’t seen you smile yet but he bets it’ll be gorgeous. 
It’s only because he wants his treasure to be in optimum condition, nothing more, nothing less. 
“Then why do you go out of your way to demean me?” You questioned accusingly. 
“I don’t, that’s just how I am, you’re going to have to accept it because you’re not going anywhere.” Dread filled you, knowing your days would be filled with humiliation, mocking words echoing in your head like an endless loop. 
You stayed silent, accepting your fate because what else could you do? At least you got your greatest companion to keep away the loneliness; water. He once again waited for a response that never came, and he stood up with a sigh, stretching his limbs. 
“Just eat your food. I guarantee you’ll like it.”
He said, hanging his cape around him once again, reminding you just who he is, making it flutter behind him as he left you all alone. 
He was back early the next day, he found you asleep inside the pool, your head resting on your folded hands on the ledge. The sight had his worry spike so much that a vein was visible on his forehead. He woke you up and scolded you. 
And then he proceeds to lay food in front of you, climbing up to sit on top of his hoard to watch you while you eat, not minding the fact that his gaze was sealed on you for minutes, nor the fact that at some point you scolded him for making you uncomfortable. 
You didn’t like the glint in his eyes. 
In the afternoon he was back with blankets, pillows and other gifts, hoping to sooth the raging waves of your ire. Trying to convince you that he isn’t that bad. 
After a while, his daily visits, gifts…reluctant kindness was all you knew. You were starting to let the memories of your home slip, you were accepting the fact that the previous bonds you forged were inevitably breaking. You were accepting the fact that you’re now stuck in a cave as glorified treasure. 
And it showed, the sadness on your face would linger, numbness in your tone. Even the water was suffocating. 
“CAN YOU STOP ACTING SOULLESS?” And Bakugou eventually couldn’t take it anymore. 
You turned to him, no longer was there a fire raging in your eyes. He’s losing the girl he met in his throne room on a fateful day. He no longer cares whether he has to bare his raw feelings to you, the intimidate, gushy, soft, mushy feelings he feels every time he sees you. He wants to hold you everyday, not like you’re an exotic treasure, *but his* treasure. He wants you have his hatchlings with you, and he wants to see you smile at him. 
“Why should I?” You replied with dullness, not particularly moved. 
“Because…” he looked constipated, his lips clamped together while his cheeks were dusted a cherry red. 
“Because?” You didn’t get it. You’re just like a piece of jewelry right? Why does it matter if you become quiet and compliant? 
“Because I love you.” He said softly, too softly for someone who looks as rugged and rough as him. Now that broke your composure. Your eyes widened, surprise painting your features as the dragon king Bakugou Katsuki just confessed to you. The greatest soldier in the land, the most terrifying shifter. 
He cupped your cheeks, softly stroking the skin, appreciating the soft texture against his scarred hand. His face was so red, even his ears but he was smiling. He was smiling so hard that you wondered whether this was the same person. “I love you, I want you to be happy.” He said, now louder, prouder and more confident in his honeyed words. 
You slapped his hand away. 
“I don’t believe you.” You cruelly stomped on his confession, making his smile fall. 
“But why? Have I not treated you well? I’ve never cared about someone as much as you” 
“Prove you love me.” You challenged, staring him in the eye before adding. 
“I’m pretty sure you can’t though.” 
You turned around and walked away from him, but he decided that wasn’t the end of the conversation and he grabbed your wrist. 
“How?!” Frustration was evident in his voice, but so was desperation. He was genuine about wanting to prove his love to you, what would people think if they saw the great dragon king behaving like this over a woman? 
You ripped yourself from his hold and spat “figure it out.” 
He came back at the dead of night, grunting, laughing and calling your name. You stirred from slumber, eyes fluttering open and peaking out from the blanket you cocooned yourself in. Yoy felt a hand brushing the hair away from your face, lips pressing to your forehead before the fog cleared away to reveal a bloodied Bakugou. 
You screamed, scrambling to move away from him, but he held you back, keeping your supine form in place. With his arms on either side of you, not only holding your arms in place but also supporting his weight above you as he stared down at you like some sort of predator. 
He laughed heartily, and if he wasn’t drenched in blood you’d find it kind of cute. 
“What? Ya’ scared of a little blood? That’s cute.” You swallowed the lump in your throat, asking shakily whose blood it is. 
His eyebrows rose, humming at your question before a cocky smirk took over. 
“You’ll see. This will show you for sure that I love your bratty ass.” He got off you, walking towards the entrance of the cave, dragging a lifeless figure with him before discarding it carelessly in front of you. 
It was the chief of water nymphs. Her old and withered frame looked pale and lifeless, yet brutal gashes littered her body.
“She was the one who sent you here, right?”  
You wordlessly nodded, eyes glued to the corpse in front of you. 
“I couldn’t set you free, ‘cuz I loved you, I won’t stand to have you around. But she hurt you a lot didn’t she? If she didn’t send you here as simply a peace offering, I would have found my way to you eventually and fell in love with you anyway. I don’t keep you because you’re another treasure on my hoard.” Despite the flaw in his justifications, his manic ramblings and his lovesick eyes, you weren’t repulsed, you weren’t mourning the death of the monster who sent you as a peace offering for objecting to her new rules. 
No. Maybe you’re as fucked up as he is, but in a moment of pettiness, you turned to him and smiled. 
You weren’t sure whether the redness on his cheeks were blood or a blush. But his eyes were looking at you like you were a miracle, a shining star, it’s like he had heart for eyes but who can blame him? Who can blame the wild thumping of his heart, that’s hammering against his ribcage like a woodpecker does to a tree? He finally got to see you smile. 
“Do you believe me now?” He said, leaning closer to you, his eyes looking misty, glistening like the ruby on your neck. 
“I do, Katsuki.” You replied, letting your eyes hold his own as you also moved closer to him, cupping his cheek, hand tangling in his surprisingly soft hair. 
He was mesmerised, breath lost at your soft touch. The only physical contact he’s had before was when he was out in the field slaughtering enemies, hurting, grabbing. Not being caressed, because that’s soft and he’s never done soft until he met you. 
You pecked him softly, lovingly. But you soon moved towards his ear, whispering carelessly. 
“You know this could cause war with the forest creatures, right? You broke a centuries long treaty.” 
He growled, giving you a bloodied grin. “Whatever those shitty extras throw at me, I can handle it. They wouldn’t pick a fight with me if they are smart.” 
You squeezed his bicep, marvelling at how hard it was, he’s not infamous for nothing. 
Is that all it takes to win you over? 
You looked down at the chief, or ex-chief. You could still remember her cold, cruel grin as she saddled you up, to make an example out of you. No one questions her rule, no one has the right to, even if she endangers them, even if she takes the land that they always freely enjoyed. 
Yeah, maybe that’s enough, you believed him. Or maybe you’re picking your own poison. 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Of Jealousy and Friendship - Pt. 1
Topic number 2 won in the vote to be written next! So without further-a-do, let’s get going!...This ended up being a two part thing. Oh Well. Here’s part one. - B GN! MC Summary: MC makes a lower demon friend who may secretly be hoping for something more than friendship. The Demon Bros are not about to let this happen. Part Two: Here, Epilogue: Here It all started in magical potions. When you first arrived, the course wasn’t so bad since you took it with Beelzebub. The two of you always partnered up; the hour would consist of you jokingly scolding Beel for trying to eat ingredients and making light hearted jokes with one another whenever the teacher turned their back.  But once the second semester started, Beel was moved out of the course as it had gotten too expensive to keep him in a class where most of the subject matter was edible.  Which left you alone and bored in the classroom as the teacher went on and on about Mandrake roots and what they can be used for. You let out a heavy sigh and plopped your forehead onto the desk.  A soft snort came from beside you. You glanced over to see a demon with his feet propped up on his desk staring right back at you out of the corner of his dark green eyes. He smiled at you with a tilt of his head.  “The lectures are a total snooze fest right? I joined this class cause I thought we’d be making potions and causing stuff to explode. Not sitting here twisting our thumbs all day.” 
You bit back a laugh as you worried glanced over at the professor, who was none-the-wiser to the little conversation the two of you were sharing. You looked back over to the demon. His dark skin caused those hauntingly green eyes of his pop out at all who met his gaze, with carefully trimmed and styled black curls sitting stylishly on the top of his head.  There was a playful and mischievous energy to him that reminded you of Belphie, Asmo and Mammon.  “Unfortunately suffering through this section of class is mandatory to be allowed to mess around with the fun stuff.”  The demon groaned and threw his head back. “Urgh, that’s so unfair. What’s the worst that can happen? The potion explodes and kills us? Newsflash teach, we’re already dead.”  You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out at that one.  “Well actually the worse that could happen, for you at least as I am a very mortal human, is that you’d suffer the consequences from one of the potions. Anything from shrinking to de-aging to charms, all kinds of things. I’ve seen the effects of a potion gone wrong a number of times during my time down here. Trust me; you don’t want to be on the receiving end.”  He looked over at you with an analytical eye as the corners of his lips tilted upwards. “So you’re the human that everyone’s talking about.” He trailed off, and glanced over at the teacher to make sure they weren’t looking before stretching out his hand towards you. “I’m Cane. You know despite being the talk of RAD, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention your name?”  You took his hand into your own and lightly shook it. “I’m MC.” 
Cane leaned back into his chair, “It’s a pleasure to finally put a name and face to that glowing reputation of yours, MC. I see your pretty good at this potions thing, and I hear that you’re a lot of fun. How about you meet me downtown for supper later and we can study and get to know each other a little better?”  Your initial instinct was to agree, but then you paused as you thought of the brothers. “I don’t know. I don’t think that Lucifer or the others would like it much if I went out on my own.”  The demon huffed and light heartedly rolled his eyes. “You won’t be alone, you’ll be with me. I may not be as powerful as them, but I’m still a pretty good fighter.” He teasingly placed a gentle punch onto your shoulder, “Besides, it’s not like they’re boss of you. Are you really going to let a bunch of snobby Lords keep you from making the best of your time in the Devildom?”  That last remark hit a nerve. If there was one thing that had spread quite quickly about you around RAD, it was that you were known for being a little reckless, prideful, and never being able to back down from a challenge, and boy did that statement have you itching to prove him wrong.  You smiled, a sharp dangerous smile, at Cane. “I’ll go. And we’re going to do so much more than just go to a lame restaurant and study. You want to have fun and take risks? We’ll have fun and take risks. Whatever you want to do...to a degree,” you added in quickly remembering that you were talking to a demon and if you didn’t implement any boundaries there was no telling what you’d get yourself into, “I’m in.”  Cane’s eyes sparkled as his smile widened. “Damn. I guess it’s true that you’re a bit of dare devil. Alright, you’re on. Meet me at Hell’s Kitchen a 4pm. We’ll study and hit the books as promised, but afterwards...Get ready for the night of your life.”  ***
The brothers were concerned. You had rushed into the House of Lamentation after school and sprinted to your room, changed out of your uniform and promptly shouted that you were “going out” before taking off before any of them could complain.  Mammon had tried to argue that someone should follow you, and while that wasn’t a terrible idea, Lucifer wanted to give you the question of the doubt. Worst case scenario, you come back home a little scratched up and learn your lesson about taking off into the dangers of the Devildom.  At least that’s what he had thought when you had initially left.  It was now bordering midnight, and you had yet to return home.  So yeah, the brothers were very concerned.  Mammon was pacing and ranting about how this all could’ve been avoided if they had only listened to him for once.  Leviathan was trying to distract himself with his game, but everyone could see the worried glances he kept throwing to the entrance and clock as the minutes ticked by.  Satan sat near where Mammon and would occasionally scold or correct him, and sometimes even throw in his own ideas on what could be done while he thumbed through a book on location spells.  Asmodeus was strangely quiet, sitting near the fire by himself with arms wrapped around his torso as he stared into the flames. He would occasionally move a hand to wipe at his face before it went right back to hugging himself.  Beelzebub had lost his appetite. He sat next to Belphie, taking comfort in his twin’s presence, while Belphegor pretended to be unbothered and asleep, even though his mind was racing with the many stupid situations you could’ve gotten yourself into.  And Lucifer...He just sat in a door near the entryway, his eyes fixed on the entrance as he silently waited.  Finally, just as the clock stroke midnight, they could hear your recognizable laugh from behind the door.  “Oh my god! That was incredible! I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in life!” Leviathan stiffened at the statement, his hands gripping tighter onto his game.  “What did I tell you? I promised you the night of your life, and I sure as Diavolo always make sure to deliver,” everyone froze at the sound of the teasing male voice. “Though I didn’t expect the Seven Lords’ precious human to be a complete bad ass. You were amazing out there.”  Leviathan mumbled something before getting up and leaving the room. Mammon growled lowly and looked at the others, “Anyone know who the hell that is?”  Asmo finally stood, wiping at his face as he did, and began to stride towards the door, “Why don’t we find out?”  Without waiting for a response, Asmodeus swung the door open and pulled on a bright smile as he reached out and wrapped an arm around you. “MC, darling, you didn’t tell me you were bringing over guests! Don’t tell me you’re trying to have fun without me?”  You blinked up at the Asmo before smiling softly at his tactics. “Oh, hey Asmo! I didn’t expect you to be up. Cane here was just dropping me off.”  The demon in question didn’t even so much as stiffen as Asmodeus’s dangerous stare shifted over to him. Instead Cane stood there, relaxed, with a shit-eating grin on his face. Asmodeus raised an eyebrow at him and allowed a bit of his demonic aura to exude around him. “Oh really? At this time of night? Makes a demon wonder what kind of mischief the two of you had gotten up to,” while maintaining eye contact with Cane, Asmo rested his chin against your shoulder. “You know dear, if you wanted “fun” that badly all you had to do was ask. I assure you I could’ve shown you a much better time.” He purred and softly kissed your shoulder.  You shivered, missing the way Asmo stiffened as he noticed something, and swatted at the Avatar of Lust as you moved away from him. “Down Asmo. It’s nothing like that. Cane’s in my magical potions class. We went out to study together and decided to hit a couple clubs while we were out. No biggy.”  “If it’s ‘no biggy’ then why were you out all night without giving us any kind of warning of where you were going or how long you’d be out?” Everyone whirled around as Lucifer stood in the doorway with a frown etched on his face and his arms crossed. He took a step closer to you before freezing mid-step, his nose twitching. His eyes flared red as they fell onto Cane. The lower demon tensed and curled his hands into fists, but seemed to be refusing to back down. Lucifer snarled, “What exactly was it that you said the two of you were up to tonight?”  You frowned and stepped between Lucifer and your new friend. “Hey! Stop it! He didn’t do anything, if that’s what you’re implying. And I wasn’t aware that I needed permission for every single thing that I do!” You snapped poking his chest as you moved into his space. “So excuse me for wanting to go out and enjoy myself for once!”  Whatever fear Cane had been showing, quickly slipped away at seeing you stand your ground against the mighty first born. “Yeah. What they said.”  Lucifer growled and caught your hand into his own, pulling you close and leaning in, “You’d be wise to remember that you are in the Devildom and surrounded by beings that have no where near as good intentions as you’d assume. Being so reckless and naïve down here could get you killed again, I thought you had learned that.” His tone was cold and unapologetic as he practically spat the words in your face.  You glared at Lucifer as you yanked your hand out of his grasp. There was so many things you wanted to say to him, but none of them would be right to say in front of an audience. You huffed and turned to face Cane. “I am so sorry about those two. Thanks again for tonight and bringing me home. I’ll see you tomorrow in class, okay?”  Cane gave you a side smile as he scratched the back of his neck. “It’s nothing. I had a great time hanging out with you. Hopefully we can do again...under better circumstances. Goodnight MC.” He took a step towards you and pulled you into a hug.  You smiled, wondering how Lucifer and Asmo could be stirring up such a fuss about a guy who had been nothing but kind to you, and gently hugged him back.  What you couldn’t see, was Cane making direct eye contact with the two other demons, as one of his wrists gently brushed up and down you back and he very lightly nuzzled, so lightly that you could just barely feel it, his face against your neck.  “Hey, what’s takin’ everyone so- WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!” Mammon stormed forward and yanked you out of the demon’s embrace, already changing into his demon form. “Who the hell do you think you are scenting our human, huh?!” He lifted Cane off the ground by the collar of his shirt, causing the lower demon growl as he scratched at Mammon’s hands.  You yanked on Mammon’s jacket and arms and tried to get him to back off. “Woah! Mammon, relax! It was just a hug!”  “No it wasn’t,” Satan grumbled as he and the rest of the brothers (excluding Leviathan who was now sulking in his room) stood in the door way. “The fact that you don’t know that makes this even worst. But this isn’t a conversation we should be having out here.” Beel stared down at the demon with a fierce glare. “You should leave while you’re still able. And if you know what’s best for you, you’ll stay away from MC.”  “Wha- Beel! Cut that out!”  Cane took a step backwards, fear beginning to spill into his expression as he finally realizes just how out-powered and out-numbered he is. Still, he was stubborn pain in the ass; it was part of the reason he had been so drawn to you in the first place as he related to your reckless habits. He held Beelzebub’s glare and returned it with one of his own. “I think that MC can choose for themself who they do and do not hang out with, thanks. They already said they wanted to see me tomorrow so they will. We’re friends after all. And classmates,” his grin sharpened as he continued. “I do have to thank you, Lord Beelzebub, for that opening in magical potions by the way. Never would’ve got in if you hadn’t been kicked out.”  Before he could say anymore, he was met with a punch in the face. Belphegore lazily shook out his hand and his looked at Cane with an unbothered expression. “I believe we told you to leave. Now get. The. Fuck. Out.”  Cane scoffed and turned to you once more. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Dare Devil.”  You would’ve snorted at the nickname, but you were to distracted from the brother’s behavior. “Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Get home safe, Cane.” With another nod, the demon left; leaving you alone with six of the seven brothers bubbling with jealousy, anger, and concern.
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seijorhi · 3 years
Inexorable ♕
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My birthday present for my beloved wife @iwaasfairy​ and my contribution to her birthday bash collab you can find here. I love you, you’re incredible and I hope you like this i even wrote smut for you smh
Iwaizumi Hajime x female reader
tw: dub-con, stalking, unhealthy relationships, very questionable decision making, smut, nsfw, um... implied murder?
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He’s sitting on the steps outside your apartment when you get home from work, a lit cigarette dangling between long fingers. He brings it to his lips, the bright cherry red tip glowing as he takes a nice, slow drag and you scurry on past.
Not a word passes between the two of you, but olive eyes follow you up the stairs regardless, just like always. His name is Iwaizumi – Iwa – but you only know that because you’ve heard his friends yelling it down the hallway. In the three months since you’ve moved in, you haven’t so much as introduced yourself to the guy, but like most strangers crammed into the same shitty place there’s some kind of a routine between the two of you.
Why he religiously chooses this time of night to take his smoke break is beyond you, but like clockwork you’ll arrive home, having walked back from the bus stop and Iwaizumi’ll be there waiting for you, cigarette in hand.
Well, not waiting, just… there. Black leather jacket with a hoodie underneath, there’s a cut above his eyebrow tonight that he hasn’t bothered to clean, a purpling bruise colouring his jaw. Whatever dealings Iwaizumi’s tangled up in, you don’t like to think about too much, but you know it can’t be anything good. His friends dress like him, all have the same ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe. You’ve seen their scrapes and bruises too – the weapons that stick out from the waistband of their pants – though you’re always quick to avert your eyes when they catch you staring.
You’ve heard them snickering about it when you hastily dart past, all but slamming your front door shut. 
And it’s not that you’re scared of him. There are people who play at being dangerous, and ones who are. Iwaizumi doesn’t strike you as somebody who enjoys playing, and while you don’t doubt for a second that he is dangerous, he isn’t to you. He wouldn’t go out of his way to hurt or scare you – you’re not even a blip on his radar – but what Iwaizumi is, at least as far as you’re concerned, the reason your step quickens and you can’t bear to meet his eyes, is intimidating.
Tall and broad shouldered, with those piercing green eyes. You’ve only seen him smile once, though it was more a quirking of his lips than anything else – usually he just stares, his expression halfway between impassive boredom and a scowl. 
No, Iwaizumi doesn’t scare you nearly as much as the bouquet of flowers you find sitting on your doorstep, a handwritten note tucked in between the roses.
The calls come next. You block one number and he rings from another, followed by endless texts. Cute little messages you suppose are meant to brighten up your day. 
Hi baby, love the skirt you’re wearing today. You know blue’s my favourite on you, always look so damn pretty. It’s like you’re trying to drive me crazy haha
Morning babe, I was thinking about you last night. You remember that trip we always said we were gonna take in the summer down to the lake? I can’t wait to bring you there.
Why won’t you answer my calls? I just wanna talk to you, hear your voice again. Let me make things right. I love you.
Don’t you miss me? I miss you. So, so much… You look beautiful today, by the way.
Baby, I love you, but you really shouldn’t be staying out so late with your coworkers for drinks. I just want you to be safe.
They’re not all soft and sweet though. Sometimes he just sends you pictures, and those creep you out most of all.
You change your number, and it doesn’t make a difference.
It’s hard for you to try and convince yourself that you’re imagining the prickling sensation on the back of your neck as you go about your day. You know he’s watching you – the messages and the voicemails just drive that home, but what else are you supposed to do?
You can’t just pack up and run again, and what good is a restraining order when you have no proof he’s violating it – and by the time you do, it probably won’t help you.
Kazuma’s always had patience, but only up to a point.
The final nail comes the day you arrive home to find one of Iwa’s friends heading out from his apartment – the tallest, with the curly dark hair. Barely spares you a glance until he seems to think better of it.
“Didn’t realise you had a boyfriend, sweetheart.”
He says it so casually, but the words make you falter, a sinking feeling in your stomach. “What do you mean?”
And for a moment, he looks half surprised that you’ve bothered to reply – so far you’ve done nothing but pretend to ignore him and Iwa and every last one of their friends. But the mirth slips from his expression quickly enough once he gets a good look at yours, “Blonde guy with a shitty dye job, tall-ish. Saw him leaving your apartment an hour ago.” 
But to walk out of your apartment, he had to have first gotten into it.
“Guessing he wasn’t your boyfriend then,” he says, eyeing you with an odd look. But you don’t respond and after a short pause, he simply shrugs and continues on his way. 
You couldn’t care less.
Kazuma was in your apartment.
Leaving flowers at your doorstep is one thing, but now he has a key. 
And it feels like there’s somebody else moving your body as you stumble towards your apartment, your hand shaking so badly that you fumble and drop your own keys twice before you finally manage to slide them home and push your way inside.
It’s waiting for you inside your bedroom, sitting atop your pillow; a pretty blue box wrapped with white ribbon.
Your phone flashes to life a minute later; an incoming message from an unknown number. 
Did you like your present, baby?? I hope you don’t mind, I kinda borrowed a little something too… 
With your heart in your throat you watch those three bouncing dots as the image comes through. 
A pair of red lace panties – yours – scrunched up in his fist, wrapped around his–
Your stomach heaves, and you barely make it to the bathroom in time before you’re hurling your guts up.
You’ve always had an impulsive side, and more often than not it’s landed you into trouble.
So you force yourself to calm down and think before you do anything rash. You head to the police station the very next morning to file a report, fresh off a sleepless night. The officer seems sympathetic, but you know before she even opens her mouth that there’s nothing they can do.
There’s no proof of a crime committed; nothing was taken (nothing you can prove, at any rate) and because your door wasn’t tampered with and the windows weren’t smashed, there’s no evidence of a break in. She suggests changing your locks and going to stay with some friends or family for a few days and you don’t know whether you want to laugh or burst into tears.
And instead of going back to work, you call in sick.
Iwaizumi isn’t sitting on the front steps when you get back home, and why would he be? You’re not supposed to be home for another few hours – so instead you head to his apartment door and mustering every last ounce of courage you possess, you raise your fist and knock.
Silence greets you. 
You wait for a moment, a heartbeat, not daring to breathe, but there’s no answer. Which, really, shouldn’t be that surprising considering it’s mid-morning on a Tuesday, but you can’t help the crushing sense of disappointment that washes over you. The thought of trudging back to your apartment to sit and stew alone for the next few hours while you wait for him to come back makes your skin crawl. You can’t just sit still and twiddle your thumbs, not when–
Abruptly, the door in front of you swings open, and you find yourself face to face with a glaring Iwaizumi. His expression falters, momentary surprise flickering across his eyes at the sight of you standing in his doorway.
This time you don’t avert your eyes. Your heart’s pounding, your hands clammy and trembling by your side, but this is the only choice you have left. And so as a single eyebrow cocks and Iwa falls into a lean against the doorframe – the only invitation you’re gonna get – you steel your nerves, take a deep breath, and speak.
“I-I need a gun.”
To his credit, Iwaizumi doesn’t snort. “You planning on shooting somebody, princess?”
They’re the first words he’s ever spoken to you, and they make your cheeks burn, your stomach twisting into a knot. It’s not a dismissal, but there’s a tinge of amusement colouring his tone and you can’t help but wilt a little under the weight of his gaze. 
Better sense would tell you to turn around, walk back to your apartment and curse your own idiocy for entertaining this stupid idea to begin with But Iwaizumi’s staring at you like he’s expecting an answer and all you can think about is the fear that gripped your heart last night, how you couldn’t bear to turn the light off, half terrified that at any moment Kazuma would come back – and this time he wouldn’t be satisfied with just some panties.
You can’t live like this, and you can’t just pack up your life and wait for the same thing to happen in the next place, and the one after that. Kazuma won’t stop, you know that. 
“I…” you chew on your bottom lip, dropping your gaze so that you’re staring at his chest instead of those piercing green eyes. “I don’t, I-I’m not–”
“A killer?” he interjects, and you almost flinch at his bluntness“Yeah, no shit.”
Taking another breath in through your nose, you force yourself to meet his gaze, even as your nails bite into the palm of your hand and your heart skips a beat. “I just want…” but you can’t even bear to say the words aloud, not without your voice shaking like a leaf. “It’s for protection. I don’t know who else to go to. Please,” you beg.
Iwa exhales heavily, a crinkle appearing between his brows as he frowns, “This got anything to do with the blonde asshole that’s been sniffing ‘round your place?”
Your bewilderment must show, because he snorts, finally stepping back to let you inside. “Mattsun told me,” he says, answering your unspoken question. 
The unmistakably hard edge to his words takes you a little by surprise, but you nod anyway, gingerly taking a seat on the couch when he jerks his chin at it. “Oh, uh, yeah. He’s my ex, kinda. We… didn’t end well.”
It’s the understatement of the century, but you somehow doubt a man like Iwaizumi gives two shits about your past relationship with a stalker. Your fingers play with the hem of your skirt as the imposing man settles down beside you. “So does this mean you’ll get me a gun?” you ask. “I can pay you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I have some money–”
Iwa scoffs, cutting you off. “If you think I’m letting you anywhere near a loaded gun, pretty girl, you’re dumber than I gave you credit for.”
You reel back as if he’s slapped you. But Iwaizumi’s staring at you with that steely expression and blood rushes to your cheeks. Why are you surprised? Did you actually think he was going to help you – a veritable stranger – just because you have some sob story? Why even bother letting you in if he was just gonna make you feel like an idiot? And for a moment you forget the gnawing terror that’s kept you up all night, letting yourself become awash with indignation. You have no control over the hurt noise that leaves your throat, but the ‘Fuck you’ that follows; that one’s intentional.
You don’t have time to regret the insult as you jump to your feet; his hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist, jerking you to a halt the moment you try it. 
“I didn’t say you could go,” he tells you, and you can’t fight the shiver that rolls down your spine at the unmistakably commanding tone. “Sit.”
Wordlessly, you comply.
“Look at me.”
Again, there’s that harsh undercurrent in his voice that tells you he’s not asking, and you lift your gaze with a tense swallow. Iwa still hasn’t released your wrist, the warmth of his calloused palm searing against your skin. 
He doesn’t speak for a moment, olive eyes studying your face intently as you force yourself to sit still under the appraisal. “I said that I wasn’t going to give you a gun, not that I wasn’t going to help.”
Your eyebrows draw together in confusion, “What–”
“I’ll take care of it,” he snaps, cutting you off once again. And as you inhale sharply, you realise that it’s not anger you see burning in those pretty eyes, but sheer, unrelenting fury, an icy rage that you don’t understand, that terrifies you as much as it enthrals.
Because you feel like it’s on purpose. Like he’s finally letting you get a glimpse of what silently seethes beneath that impassive mask of his. Are you scared now, sweetheart?
“H-how much?” you ask breathlessly, eyes wide and heart pounding. 
“I don’t want your money,” he says quietly, his voice low and husky. And just in case there was any confusion as to what he does want, his other hand comes up to your face, a broad thumb tracing along your bottom lip as he cups your cheek.
Iwaizumi leans in slowly, as if he’s giving you time to shove him away and tell him that you’re not that kind of girl. Part of you – the part that’s terrified, frozen stiff and regretting the very moment you decided to step into his apartment and cross that line – wants to. Even now, as those hooded olive eyes drink you in, his warm breath ghosting across your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake, you’re afraid that it’s too late for that. You’ve opened a door that should never have been opened and there’s been a fundamental shift between you and him. There’s no going back for either one of you.
And the other part of you revels in it.
“Don’t kill him,” you murmur the second before his lips meet yours. “Not unless you have to.” You don’t even know if he heard you, and as Iwa deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours you find that you don’t care. You lose yourself to Iwaizumi as he leans closer, gently pushing you to lie back on the couch.
He isn’t satisfied with just your lips for long, planting hot, open mouthed kisses along your jaw and down the column of your throat, sucking on the sensitive flesh. His teeth nip at your collarbone as he busies himself unbuttoning your shirt, but your gasp sounds more like a needy whine than a plea for him to stop. 
He laughs a little at that, his chest rumbling against your stomach, but he makes no moves to slow down. Instead he turns his attention to your bra, his hands far less gentle with the delicate lace than he was with your shirt, and then his mouth is on your tits, licking, sucking, biting. Tomorrow, your skin will be littered with pretty red and purple marks, and judging from the single minded focus glinting in his eyes as he stares up at you, that’s exactly his intention. Iwa drags the flat of his tongue along the swell of your breast, circling it around your nipple before he sucks it into the wet warmth of his mouth, and the whimpering moan you give him in response is a thing of beauty. 
“Good girl,” he croons. “Such pretty, perfect tits.”
Your back arches when he cups the other in his hand, and you cry out when he roughly tugs the sensitive bud. He waits until the sting fades and you relax, sagging back against the cushions with relief before he does it again, harder this time. The sharp, searing pain ripples through you, your breath seizing in your chest as you try in vain to writhe away from his touch, but it’s followed by a flood of pleasure so strong it almost makes you dizzy. The fleeting kiss Iwa bestows on the supple flesh a moment later could almost be taken as an apology – if not from the satisfied smirk curling at his lips. He has no desire to be gentle with you, not today or any other day. That’s not who he is. 
Large hands ease down your side, reaching for the hem of your skirt. Iwa doesn’t bother trying to pull it off of you, merely flips it up, exposing your soft thighs and the delicate panties lying underneath. 
In an attempt to be helpful, you lift your hips to allow him to drag the lacy scrap of fabric down your legs and discard it, but Iwaizumi seems perfectly content with leaving them where they are. Even so, it takes you by surprise when his mouth descends on your cunt, the wet, pink muscle laving along the seat of your panties. You shiver in response, one hand instinctively reaching out to tangle in those spiky brunette locks, but if you’re about to tell him to stop teasing, the words are robbed from you when Iwa pushes the fabric aside and buries his face in the heat of your pussy.
His nose nudges at your clit and you jerk at the first lap at your folds, already shamefully wet for him. There’s no rhythm or rhyme to the way he eats you out, letting a long, thick finger slide into your cunt while he suckles and licks at your clit, but you can’t deny that it’s working. Your thighs tremble and quake beneath his hands, every second of his attention dragging you closer to unravelling entirely. And you’re awash with pleas, little whimpers and moans as he chuckles, the low vibrations making your fingers tighten in his hair as another burst of pleasure flutters through you. Your hips rise and fall against his face, desperate for more when he finally slides his tongue inside of your heat, eager to taste your cunt properly. You want more, you’re desperate and aching for it; but Iwaizumi’s grip tighten bruisingly against your thigh in warning. 
You’re at his mercy, and he’s in absolutely no hurry.
The first time you cum, it takes you by surprise. It feels like an endless build-up, Iwa’s tongue lapping at your pussy like it’s heaven sent, his mouth working diligently to drive you insane. Every touch feels unbearably good, from the long, slow strokes to the way he drags the tip of his tongue along your clit. Your toes are curling, your tits heaving with the desperate breaths you choke down, and all of a sudden his mouth latches onto your clitoris and he sucks hard at the swollen nub. You almost black out right there and then, stars bursting behind closed lids as pleasure wreaks havoc over your body. But as good as that feels, it’s not until you open your eyes and catch sight of the hunger blazing in Iwaizumi’s eyes that you tip over the edge, cumming into his waiting mouth with an earth shattering moan. 
At some point he must have let you go to rid himself of his own clothes, and your panties, but you’re boneless, basking in the afterglow as he shifts you once more, lifting one of your thighs up to hook your leg over his shoulder as he settles back onto the couch.
You just watch through hazy eyes as Iwaizumi gives his thick cock, already hard and flushed an angry red, a few cursory pumps. And his eyes are fixed on yours as he leans down, guiding the tip to your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve been dreaming of this, princess,” he grunts out. 
Warning bells sound in your head once more, your gut clenching uneasily, but any protests you might have voiced fall by the wayside as he slowly presses into you. It’s the girth, more than anything else, that takes you by surprise. It hurts, stretching out your poor, oversensitive cunt as his cock fills you up, inch by agonising inch. 
Iwa hisses from between clenched teeth and your eyes squeeze shut, trying to breathe through the pain. It won’t last long, you know that, and until it does you just have to grin and bear it.
You can feel it twitching inside of you, every ridge and vein, the way your slick walls hug his cock. His thumb strokes along your hip, soothing you as your face screws up and another whimper slips out. You think you hear him say something, praise maybe, or encouragement, but all you can focus on is the way his cock throbs inside your pussy when he finally bottoms out and stills.
And for a moment, he doesn’t move. A small kindness, letting you become adjusted to his size before he fucks you the way he’s dying to. 
“Look at me,” he says, and while his tone isn’t as sharp this time, it’s no less of an order.
Your eyes flutter open as Iwaizumi turns his head just a fraction without breaking eye contact, pressing a soft kiss against your calf. His eyes are glazed with feverish lust, pupils blown wide, almost swallowing up that thin ring of olive green entirely, and you wonder whether you should feel afraid right now.
You don’t have the words to describe it, the distant unease that seeps through you as you stare into the eyes of a man who’s clearly not in control anymore. If you screamed right now, tried to fight back or stop him, would it make a difference? 
Do you actually want to?
“You’re mine,” he growls out, drawing his hips back and slamming them forward ruthlessly as you choke on a scream. 
He’s relentless, hissing out curses as he fucks you like a rag doll, filling your wet, tight little cunt again and again and again. It’s all you can do to fist at the edge of the cushion, one hand wrapping around his back, your nails raking down his skin, drawing blood in their wake.
And Iwa doesn’t care, tossing his head back as he pounds his cock into your needy cunt, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust. “Iwa,” you plead between gasping breaths, clinging to his broad frame. You don’t even know what you’re begging for, not as he grabs you by the hips and lifts you up, hauling you closer so he can fuck you deeper. And you can feel his cockhead rutting against your cervix with every vicious thrust, the painful stretch of your cunt as you’re forced to take his fat cock. It hurts, it does, but holy fuck you can’t focus on that when his fingers slip between your legs and he starts to rub at your puffy, oversensitive clit.
You’re whining, mewling, hips shifting as you rock against him, desperate for more friction. “Please, Iwa,” you moan.
The sound of it, the lewd slaps of skin against skin, the wet squelching as he drives his cock home again with an unforgiving pace would be enough to make you burn with embarrassment, but you don’t care because you’re quickly losing yourself to mindless pleasure. Every stroke fills you completely, it’s hot and thick and the drag of his cock against your plush walls, the way it kisses that sweet perfect spot with every thrust is driving you to insanity.
“Fuck!” you cry, clenching tightly around his length as you hurtle over the edge for a second time. You’re gushing, convulsing, back arched up off the couch, lips parted and–
Iwaizumi stops with a growl and you barely have time to process it before he’s flipping you onto your front, yanking your ass up into the air and hammering his cock back into your swollen, abused little pussy. It’s a bruising pace he sets as he chases after his own end, your name falling from his lips in harsh, breathless grunts. 
It doesn’t take long for his thrusts to become sloppy, your cunt sucking him in and pulsing around his cock. And you don’t have the mental capacity to beg him to pull out, not as his muscular chest collapses against your back, his arms wrapping around your waist and he pumps you full of his seed.
Neither one of you move straight away, both fighting to catch your breath and calm down in the afterglow of your orgasms. Your eyes flutter shut as he presses soft, sweet kisses to the back of your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he can reach. It’s an intimacy that doesn’t belong here, but you find yourself arching into it, a small, tired smile curling at your lips as Iwaizumi lavishes you with affection. 
And you can only whine softly when he finally pulls his cock out and stands, lifting your boneless form up into his arms, chuckling quietly when you bury your head into his chest. Your head’s empty, your thoughts a jumbled mess as he carries you into his bedroom, depositing you carefully onto the bed. 
Iwaizumi leaves you there like that, and when he returns a few minutes later he’s dressed again. He doesn’t smile, but there’s something oddly content about his expression as he stops by the doorway and takes in the sight of you; naked and thoroughly fucked out, curled up amongst his covers. 
“Iwa?” you ask sleepily, stretching your aching body to make yourself more comfortable as you nestle further into the soft mattress.
He doesn’t answer you as he strides in, but you watch through half lidded eyes as his expression hardens. Stopping by the bedside, Iwaizumi reaches for you. You think he’s going to cup your cheek again, maybe run his fingers through your hair, but instead his hand slides between your thighs, gathering up some of the cum that’s seeped from your pussy with his fingers and slowly pushing it back inside of you, humming when you whine and shift under him.
“I’m leaving for a bit,” he tells you, your gut clenching as you remember why you’re in this position in the first place. “You don’t leave this apartment until I get back. You don’t answer the door, you don’t tell anyone you’re here, you don’t leave this bed unless you have a goddamn good reason. Understand?”
Weakly, you nod.
“Such a good girl for me,” he breathes, and this time when he leans over he does kiss you, sweeping your hair back from your face before his warm lips meet your cheek. He lingers there for a beat longer than necessary before pulling away with a sigh.
And as the door swings shut, the sound of the lock clicking into place behind him, you begin to question whether you’ve made a mistake. You don’t doubt for a second that Iwa will follow through with his promise. Whether it’s tonight or tomorrow or a week from now, he’ll find Kazuma; him and his friends, and they’ll make sure he stays away. And until they do, you won’t leave this apartment.
There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach that despite your pleas, Iwaizumi’ll kill him. 
Not because that’s the only way for this to end, though you realise that that’s always been a possibility, but because of what you glimpsed in his eyes today. Stupidly, you’d thought you had Iwa pegged. But there’s something that lurks beneath that facade, something more dangerous than you could’ve possibly imagined and the moment you opened the door to Iwaizumi it sunk its teeth into you and now you’re not sure if it’ll ever let you go.
And as you lie back in Iwaizumi’s bed, covered in the marks he left behind you wonder whether you’ve merely traded one monster for another. Perhaps it was inevitable. Inexorable.
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randynova · 3 years
How many children do you think Doma would force his Petulla to have?
Doma would force his petal to bear him, at the least, 4 children. Maybe more later on.
And he'll try to have them all as close as possible. Such as having one immediately after the last one is born. Why?
Well, if his pretty wife ever decides to escape, she'll have trouble taking all of her kids with her.
One child? Can easily carry them. Two children? A little hard, but manageable. Three children? Very difficult, but possible if she ties one to her back or chest.
But four children? You wouldn't even make it past the temple's entrance.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
You'll be too focused on balancing the children in your arms, making sure the younger two are strapped to your torso. In total, you had three sons and one daughter. The two in your arms were twins and the first born.
The day of their birth was the day your life changed for the worse.
Your sons were tall for their age and you couldn’t help but curse Doma for passing down his height to them. First his face and hair, but now his height? An uneasy feeling pooled in your stomach, praying to the God that abandoned you long ago, praying they don't turn out like their father.
You could only dream.
Yet, you find yourself stuck in place when you try to walk, the weight of your children suddenly being too much for you to handle. It seemed as if your limbs became lead and every step seemed to be nothing. Your sons were a bit heavier to carry than their younger siblings, proving it the very moment you decide to leave. But you didn't think it'll be this difficult.
Looking at your feet, you nearly screamed. Ice encased your feet, slowly crawling up your legs. You didn't know how you never noticed the piercing cold against your skin. Damnit.
A laugh ripped you from your trance and you looked behind you. Your heart dropped. There stood Doma in all his glory, crouching down as he touched the floor with his palm, a path of ice leading to where you were. He looked at you with amusement. Surely you didn't think it'll be this easy to leave, right?
A few of his followers stood at his side, refusing to meet your gaze as they stared at the floor. The very same followers you entrusted.
Oh. They told him. Oh no. Oh nonono.
"My pretty petal, did you really think you could leave with our children? You can barely carry them on your own," he spoke, standing up from his spot and making haste as strided to you with a bounce in his step, relishing in how you trembled the more he inched closer. The demon towered over your short frame, his shadow looming over you.
His sons looked back and broke into bright smiles, staring up at him with joy, a huge difference to their mother who avoided his gaze in fear. One day, he'll change that. He'll make sure of it. "I can only imagine all the trouble you'll have taking care of them all by yourself out there."
"You need me." The strength you had before had vanished and your hold on your sons weakened, the two boys wiggling free from your arms and running to their father. They wrapped themselves around his legs, calling out to him, and he sang, "They need me." He ran his claws through their golden hair. If only you were like this.
Doma pulled away and snapped his fingers, his followers stepped forward. "Take them to the room, I need to speak with my wife, alone." Nodding, they removed the boys from the vicinity, leaving you, two infants, and the demon alone in the main temple.
The air seemed colder than before, thicker. You tried to move yet you couldn't. Fear striking you and freezing you in your spot, the ice not helping. Once again, you prayed to your damned God for mercy, whispering to yourself and hoping that your monster of a husband didn't punish you. But it was merely a wish.
Doma walked closer towards you, humming softly as he slowly unstrapped your baby from your back, holding the infant to his chest once the were freed. He looked down at their slumbering face, smiling as he thought of you when you slept peacefully at his side. So cute. He couldn't help the pride that swelled in his chest, how perfectly his baby resembled both of you. Perhaps he should give you another — maybe that'll make you love him.
Yes, maybe he should give you another child.
The demon pressed himself against you, being careful not to squish his child, and he buried his face in your hair, letting one of his hands grasp your hip from behind. You flinched, letting out choked sobs. He inhaled deeply, chuckling lowly. He leaned in more and licked a long stripe up your throat, stopping at the shell of your ear. The slimy sensation of his tongue made your breath hitch in your throat and chills to wash over you. Doma whispered, dark voice full of honey,
"And I need you."
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
Doma is that husband who deeply loves you, but is so caught up in this delusional fantasy that you just need a push for you to love him like he does you. So he babytraps you.
And again.
And again.
He won't let you leave unless he's dead or he kills you himself. If by some miracle you do escape, you better hope and pray that when he finds you, he'll be merciful.
No one leaves him.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
©𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 || 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 || 𝚗𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜, 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚎𝚝𝚌. 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚌𝚒𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 .
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
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kyuuppi · 4 years
“You lie to your best friend/crush that you have an OnlyFans just to see their reaction”
Ft. Sugawara; Nishinoya; Tsukishima; Oikawa; Kenma
Pt. 2
A/N: My bias is so obvious here LOL
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↳ Sugawara
➣  You are over at his house, the two of you idly watching a sitcom while browsing your phones and chatting in between; it’s comfortable, as times with Sugawara usually are.
➣  Every time Suga leans in to show you a funny meme on his phone or throws his head back in laughter at a joke from the show, you find your heart skipping a beat.
➣  He is beautiful, basically an angel in your eyes, but he is also your best friend and you don’t think he has any interest in you like that. Not in the way you do. 
➣  That’s how you get the idea to test his feelings. 
➣  Being the troublemaker you are (how else would you and Suga get along so well?) you decide to shake things up by casually mentioning you’re interested in starting an OnlyFans and asking if he thinks its a good idea. 
➣  You expect either of two reactions: either he’ll be as supportive as usual, possibly advising you to be cautious with strangers online like the mother hen he is, proving he only sees you as a friend—or he’ll tell you not to, possible evidence that likes you.
➣  The response you receive is not quite what you were expecting...
➣  Once the words leave your lips his head immediately whips around in your direction, light brown eyes looking at you with a serious expression on his face, something you’d never really seen before. It makes you uncomfortable and you begin to regret all of your life decisions.
➣  Suddenly though, he is leaning into you, his arms coming up to trap you against the couch as you try to back away. Your eyes are as wide as saucers and face completely flushed as he continues to stare you down before speaking.
➣  “Even though I’m your best friend, I’m still a man, you know. You’re being awfully cruel right now.”
➣ You audibly gulp, suddenly feeling light-headed but he keeps speaking, close enough that you can feel his hot breath fan across your cheeks.
➣ “Asking me to watch the person I like show off in front of thousands of other men? Even I have my limits.”
➣ And that marks the day of you and Sugawara’s first kiss. ♡
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↳ Nishinoya
➣  Your best friend, Nishinoya Yuu, is notoriously unabashed with his affections. 
➣ The two of you have an interesting relationship—Noya has no qualms with expressing how pretty he thinks you are, borderline flirting with you at times, and you frequently return the favor. 
➣  But you don’t take any of it seriously, of course, regardless of how much you secretly wish it were real. Everyone at Karasuno knows about Noya’s undying dedication to the volleyball club manager, Shimizu Kiyoko, and he confesses his love to her at least twice a day. 
➣ Unbeknownst to you those professions became less and less frequent after he met you and now most of Karasuno thinks the two of you are basically dating
➣ The two of you are at the mall, a frequent hang out place where Noya can look at volleyball gear and you can browse manga at the bookstore, when you get the idea to prank your friend.
➣ “Hey, Noya? I’ve been thinking about finding a way to make more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so I decided to make an OnlyFans—I already have a few subscribers.”
➣ Nishinoya nearly trips and falls flat on his face. You would have laughed if it weren’t for how he immediately grabs at your shoulders, staring at you with a mix of anger and fear. 
➣ “Absolutely not! No one should be allowed to see your beautiful body like that but me!”
➣ You immediately fluster at his loud declaration, acutely aware of how other customers in the mall are giving the two of your strange looks as they walk by. 
➣ “B-but Noya, we aren’t even dating—”
➣ “Then let’s start dating!” 
➣ And what are you gonna do? Say no?
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↳ Tsukishima
➣ Being friends with Tsukishima could be frustrating at times—a sentiment you and Yamaguchi frequently discuss when the blond isn’t around. 
➣ Tsukishima likes to think most things are beneath him and he’s too cool to find enjoyment in activities most other friends enjoy, ranging from mini golf to video games. The man seems content to waste his life away studying and listening to music if it weren’t for you and Yamaguchi forcing him out of his room. 
➣ Naturally, something like a prank war would be something Tsukishima would want no part of—not that that has ever stopped you. 
➣ Usually, your pranks are failures. Either Tsukishima easily figures out what you’re doing before it can happen or he doesn’t give you the satisfaction of a reaction, chastising you for wasting your time pulling pranks when you have a failing grade in mathematics you’ll later beg him to help you study for.
➣ He still helps you though, he’s whipped
➣ Your newest prank however, you feel exceptionally confident in. Not only is it simple to pull off, only relying on your acting kills, but it also might answer your curiosity on whether you have a chance in getting your dearest Tsukki to see you as more than just a friend.
➣ The day you decide to do it the three of you are hanging out in Tsukishima’s bedroom as usual, you working on the math homework Tsukishima forced you to study while he reads a book and Yamaguchi sits in the corner reading a book.
➣ You had already discussed your plans with Yama beforehand, to which his expression looked suspiciously devious, like he knew something you didn’t know, as he proclaimed his support. 
➣ You hear Tsukishima turning a page and decide to speak up. 
➣ “Hey, Tsukki, have you heard of OnlyFans?”
➣ You hold back a snicker as you see Tsukishima visibly tense, his eyes widening behind his glasses for a moment before he relaxes. From the corner of your eyes you can see Yamaguchi smirking behind his comic, watching the blond closely. 
➣ “...yeah, I’ve heard of it,” Tsukishima simply replies. 
➣ “I’ve been thinking about making more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so my friend suggested it. She said I could make over ten thousand yen a month.”
➣ “I think only the really attractive ones make that much.”
➣ You gasp, thoroughly offended, and Yamaguchi looks mildly annoyed by his friend’s response, already opening his mouth to chastise him for being so mean—but before he can say anything, Tsukishima is speaking again, still looking down at the book in his lap. 
➣ “Don’t do it though.” 
➣ “Why not?” You pout, refusing to look up at him when you speak. 
➣ “...I don’t want the person I like to do those types of things.” 
➣ You nearly choke on your own saliva, head darting up to stare at him in disbelief. Yamaguchi, for some reason, only smiles softly, looking unsurprised by the admission. 
➣ “W-what? You...like me?”
➣ “Oi, shouldn’t you be studying? One more F and you’re gonna flunk out of the class, dummy.”
➣ You’re slightly disappointed by the change of subject but when you notice the soft pink on Tsukishima’s cheeks you can’t help but to smile the whole time you finish your homework.
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↳ Oikawa
➣ Oikawa is a busy guy.
➣ You were well aware of that before the two of you happened to be paired up for an assignment and got to know each other, eventually becoming close friends. 
➣ Between volleyball practices, tournaments, magazine interviews, and appeasing a passionate fan club, Oikawa rarely has time for himself, let alone another person. 
➣ Despite all of that, you could tell he always made sure to spend time with you, dedicating a few weekends a month to hanging out, just the two of you, and constantly texting you in the times the two of you couldn’t physically be together. 
➣ From an outsider’s perspective, it was almost like the two of you were dating. 
➣ But alas, you know the sad reality is that Oikawa is most certainly not your boyfriend and you have no idea if he has any interest in your like that…
➣ ...Which is why you decide to try to make him jealous one day to push him towards confessing his feelings, if they exist. 
➣ The two of you are at a café, sipping lattes and gossiping about other students when you bring it up. 
➣ “Y’know...I’ve been thinking of making an OnlyFans.”
➣ To your surprise, Oikawa’s eyes seem to light up, his lips curving into a smile of excitement. 
➣ “Wow, really? Maybe I should make one too!”
➣ Oikawa immediately pulls out his cell phone and the color drains from your face as you realize your plan has completely backfired. 
➣ “My fans are going to love this—hey do you think we can do a collab? The two of us in one pic would make us top creators for sure.”
➣ You can only nod numbly with a fake smile at Oikawa’s enthusiasm.
➣ Oh god, you’ve created a monster…
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↳ Kozume
➣ Unless you’re Kuroo, becoming friends with Kenma is a nearly impossible feat. Actually making him want to spend time with you alone, even more so. 
➣ But somehow, you managed to work your way into Kenma’s tightly knit social circle more like a two point line segment of him and Kuroo and your evenings after his volleyball practice are usually spent in one of your bedrooms, playing Splatoon and Animal Crossing until your Switches die or your parents force you to come home for dinner—whichever comes first. 
➣ You love spending time with Kenma, his quiet presence somehow making you feel comfortable—but over time those feelings of ease have shifted into something more akin to nervousness and excitement as you’ve come to develop a crush on the setter.
➣ Every moment with him, watching the small smiles tug at his lips when he wins a match or his cute, frustrated pout when he can’t figure out how to defeat a boss makes your heart flutter and it’s becoming more and more painful to idly sit by without expressing your feelings.
➣ A direct confession, especially to a boy with nearly 0 social skills, is scary, so you want to be sure your feelings are returned before you even attempt to share them. 
➣ Thus, you’ve decided to take Kuroo’s advice.
➣ “Push him into a corner. Kenma will only act when he thinks he has to.” 
➣ You take a deep breath to steel your nerves before you speak, eying him sneakily from behind your Switch. 
➣ “Gamer girls and boys are kind of trendy these days; I’m thinking about starting an OnlyFans to make money to buy more games.”
➣ The only visible response you receive is a slow blink as Kenma continues to play his game, fingers tapping furiously on the keys. 
➣ “Ah...I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
➣ “Why not?”
➣ There are a few moments of silence between you two, the room only filled with the SFX of your games as Kenma seems to finish his round. You recognize the victory music as Kenma pauses to finally raise his gaze to meet your own. 
➣ “It's your body so I can’t tell you what to do but...I would feel really jealous of all your subscribers.”
➣ And just like that, Kenma returns his attention to the video game, unpausing and starting a new match, blissfully unaware of you struggling to calm your racing heart and flushed cheeks. 
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
addicted to you
love headcanons (minus mitile)
gender neutral reader
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Loves proves elusive for Figaro. He’s tasted it multiple times, letting it tease him as if it were a sweet seduction out of his reach, but at the same time, he pushes it away when the sweetness spreads too quickly and too deeply across his senses. He can’t stand being alone, yet he can’t stand being tied down either. He craves the intimacy of another person he can reveal his heart too, yet he pushes them out before he can even be honest with himself.
Figaro only hopes that the same won’t happen with you. Out of the many fearsome wizards and spectacular witches he met throughout his varied life, you don’t even come close to mimicking their power. Yet when your quiet voice rings out through the Sage’s manor or he finds you knocking at his door, he doesn’t have the willpower to send you away. The warm telltale pricks at his heart confirm his own excitement and the things he dreads most: he’s fallen in love. 
His love for you is almost instinctual. For once in his life, Figaro wants to cast aside his own selfishness. He wants to chase you down for a minute of your time. Figaro doesn’t care if you want to hug him and press saccharine kisses onto his face or if you’d rather he grovel at your feet and wash your skin with his tears; all he knows is that he’s hooked on your presence. It takes all his might to not make the same mistakes he’s made before.
He knows he’s a far cry from the man you deserve. You deserve a gentleman, not a cowardly wizard who never seems to come to terms with his own fear of acceptance. But just as much as he wants to cast his own egocentrism aside, he wants to be greedy and devour whatever attention you throw at him. Whatever he does, Figaro knows he’s acting with only his intentions in mind, yet night after night, he finds his feet leading him outside your door—only to stop when he can’t find the courage to knock.
He can only pray for a miracle. Figaro doesn’t know what he even believes in any more after living such a long and damned life, but if there is, by slight chance, a higher power watching over him, he prays that one night you’ll open your door to find him there. Will you invite him inside and chase away the centuries’ worth of demons that have been clawing at his psyche? Or will you scrunch up your face in disgust, proving to him that he should put his delusions to rest? Whatever the answer might be, he’s sure that it’s better than the emptiness tugging away at his battered heart. 
“Do you trust me? Of course you do—who wouldn’t trust good ol’ Doctor Figaro? Please, you can trust me.”
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What are morals without emotions, and what are feelings without ideals? These same concepts have driven Lennox for the long years he had spent ravaging the world, in search of the hero of his past. There’s too many past mysteries and unanswered inquiries he has yet to find the closure to, but when you cross his path with a curious attitude and the softest soul, Lennox wonders if this his sign to live not in the past but to embrace the present.
A man of actions and not words, he wonders what the best way to approach you would be. The other Southern wizards are delighted: Lennox finally trying to reach out to someone else is the push they’ve eagerly been awaiting. The other wizards are quick to dress him up and give him pointers to talk to you, but he finds himself clamming up and reverting back to his old self when you come into view. Despite your presence as a human in a world of magic, Lennox swears you cast a spell on him: one that makes all rationality fly out the window.
He wants to be good and true, so at the end of the day, he hopes you can see him for who he is. You can see and feel hints of his past whenever you’re next to him. There are traces of the war on his hands, the yearning in his eyes whenever his crimson irises focus on you, the love welling up in his heart when he moves in—lips ghosting over your skin as he whispers something you don’t quite register into your ear—but they’re all bits and pieces that come together to create the masterpiece that you know as Lennox.
His love is homey and pure, one that hopes to touch your heart as much as you have touched his. He wants comfort and stability, so he wants to make it clear that whatever you need to do to feel safe with him is what he’ll do. It doesn’t matter if you want to lock him in with a promise—his heart wants you, and his magic is only secondary to the desire he has to scoop you up in his arms and whisk you away to the paradise of your dreams.
Lennox is someone who wants to be there with you to the end. He doesn’t love in a fickle manner. He loves truly, seriously, dedicatedly. You’ve managed to melt down his own trepidations and worries with your bright smile and open arms, and for that, he’s ready to lay himself down for you. He has faith that you won’t take that responsibility for granted, a testament to the fact that you’re someone worthy of his hard-earned love. Lennox promises—a wizard’s sacred and holy promise—to make you as happy as you’ve made him.
“...Let’s be together. I like being with you the most.”
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Rutile, just like the person he is, views life through the many facets presented before him. He’s a spitting image of the volatile summer wind; he’s calm and refreshing one minute, fierce and unstoppable the next. Rutile refuses to settle for the first thing that falls into place. He wants to discover all the wonders and curiosities around him, sharing the abundance of knowledge and affection he has with strangers and close ones alike. The more, the merrier, and Rutile has nothing to lose by being welcoming yet exhilarating all the same. 
His affection towards you is pure and energetic. He’s composed enough to shower you with love possessing all the grace and charm a mature wizard of his age would, but it still doesn’t stop him from occasionally pulling you into a dance or inviting you out onto a broom ride when the opportunity strikes. These chances are too good for him to pass up, and he wants to share that unabashed zest for life he has with you. He wants you to see the goodness and the wonder of the world as he does, because he believes that that is the best gift he can give to you. 
His love for you is priceless. There isn’t anything Rutile could ever withhold from you. Everything, from the peals of laugher after you crack a joke to his raspy voice when he wakes up in the morning, are for you to take and indulge in. He asks that you let him do the same, to let him appreciate and savor every lovable bone in your body. His love is passionate as it is adorable, and when you’re the object of his affections, there’s no telling what detail of yours he’ll gush over next. 
All the thrills of love aside though, Rutile does genuinely adore you in every way possible. Whatever form of love you want from him is what he’s willing to give to you. He can wow you with his stellar magic and take you to far off lands for a private moment, or he can conjure up all sorts of silly drawings and build a pillow fort to dedicate a night in with you. Whether you want something personal or the kind of love only seen in fairytales, Rutile is happy to deliver as long as it keeps you safe, happy, and satisfied. 
Fate is fickle and jealous, and Rutile knows his life has been stricken with tragedy over and over again. But it’s thanks to that that he learned so firmly how to cherish the precious moments, so he really appreciates the time you spend with him. He’ll make every moment you spend with him worth your while, so you have absolutely nothing to fear by accepting his invitation and taking his hand. Love is as serious as it is exciting, and he wants to learn about the same kind of heart-pounding feelings his mother must have felt when meeting his father through you. You won’t ever disappoint him, so hold on tight and be ready for whatever Rutile might come crashing in with.
“Are you up? Great! The wind looks awfully nice today, so care for a stroll? Just the two of us, of course!”
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blu-joons · 3 years
Overworking ~ Choi Yeonjun
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His eyes widened in horror as soon as he walked into your office to see you slumped over your desk in frustration. Your body was in the room, but it was apparent to Yeonjun straight away that your mind was absent, lost in a spiral as you tried to find something to focus on to get things done.
You were completely oblivious to Yeonjun entering the room until you head a chair pull up beside you. With a loud groan, you sat yourself up properly so that you could meet Yeonjun’s eyes, noticing a fear in them as he studied the exhaustion closely on your face.
It took a moment for your state to sink in for Yeonjun, never had he seen you so tired in his life. He could tell that you were struggling, although your eyes looked at him, it was almost as if you were lifeless behind them, lost within yourself and the cycle that was your endless workload.
“Are you alright?” He asked in a whisper.
As your teeth came out to bite against your bottom lip, Yeonjun could tell that you were holding on. The quiver in your lip was the last straw for him, as he dragged your chair towards him, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame and bundling you firmly into his chest.
“Don’t worry,” he comforted, but as soon as he did, light sobs came from you, dampening the material of his shirt. Yeonjun’s eyes shut in anguish as he held you into him, giving you all the time that you needed to let your tears fall.
They were tears that you’d been holding onto for longer than you could remember, determined to always try and keep the smile on your face. It was easier said than done, as the pressure continued to mount, you were a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
“Work, again?” Yeonjun asked as soon as you quietened down, assuming the cause.
Your head could only nod back at him, having offloaded on him several times before, Yeonjun knew just how hard your boss was working you. He was far from impressed, but there was little you could do, as much as Yeonjun hated hearing you say it, you needed this job more than anything else.
“They should be supporting you in that place, not helping you fall,” Yeonjun sighed as you moved away from his chest. His hand reached across your desk to pull out a tissue from the box, cupping the side of your face as he dabbed against your cheek.
“They’ve all got it hard too,” you tried to reason, but Yeonjun was having none of it. There was no way that he could believe everyone in your office went home in the same way that you did, shaking, scared, and under an extreme amount of pressure.
His eyes watched you closely as you took the tissue from Yeonjun, drying the corners of your eyes, before dabbing at his shirt, apologising for the mess you’d made.
“I don’t care about this old thing,” he chuckled as you tried to tidy it up, “I care about you. Just say the word, and I’ll go to that place and tell them what you’re doing to you, there’s got to be something that we can do to get them to stop treating you this way.”
“I’ve just got to get on with it,” you reminded Yeonjun, raising your voice a little, “having you march into that place isn’t going to do me any favours, what if it would just make things worse?”
“Then quit,” he suggested, laughing softly as your eyes rolled. “I’m being serious, it’s not a joke.”
“How many times do I have to say it?” You asked him in frustration, “I’ve not got it as easy as you, I can’t just open my bank account and watch the pennies flow in.”
The stubbornness in your voice was something that Yeonjun was used to, refusing his help as ever. You’d always been independent, always wanted to stand up on your own two feet, every time that Yeonjun offered to help out, you’d politely decline. He couldn’t understand why you were putting yourself through it all when he was offering to help, but your pride always got in your own way.
He hated seeing you so alone and so vulnerable, it wasn’t a side of you that he was used to, it was a side of you that he hated to see too. Even as your tears dried, he could still see the worry in your eyes, knowing that time had passed when you weren’t getting things done.
“If I don’t have your back, who will? I can’t leave you all alone in that place Y/N,” he frowned, taking a hold of your hand, “they shouldn’t be allowed to do this to you.”
“Maybe this is just something that I need to figure out for myself,” you reasoned.
“No way,” Yeonjun instantly argued with a shake of his head, “you’re never alone, you’ve always got me. You never go through anything all by yourself, not whilst I’m with you.”
The sincerity in his voice took you slightly by surprise as you nodded back at him, feeling your heart swell at the care Yeonjun had towards you. “I wish that all of this could just go away, why do I always have to be the pressure point in that place?”
“Maybe because you’re just so good.”
“Perhaps I should just be rubbish from now on,” you joked, “make plenty of mistakes.”
“I know that that job is far too important for you to ever do that,” Yeonjun sympathised, pleased to see a hint of a smile appear on your face, “and reluctantly, I trust that hopefully things will get easier for you over there too.”
“Somehow, I feel like I won’t get out of this mess for a while, I’m just going to have to get on with things like I usually do. I feel a bit better after crying at least, even if it’s far from the answer to all of my problems.”
“It will get better,” Yeonjun continued to try and assure you, “I’ve been there as well, when you feel like you’ll never find a way out. But I promise that you will, and I’ll be right here by your side supporting you through everything until you feel better again.”
“I don’t think I could get through this without you.”
Yeonjun’s head shook as he moved you even closer towards him, making sure that he had your full attention on him. “You have no idea how incredible you are, you’re getting through this every day, without me. Showing up and getting it done, proving to your boss how amazing you are, that’s how you’re doing so well every day.”
There were plenty of times when you thought about not showing up, deleting an email or pulling a sickie, but you didn’t. For all the stress, you knew these goals were things that were never going to go away, not until they were fulfilled by you.
“Why don’t you call it a night and give yourself a break?” Yeonjun suggested, “I’ll even let you pick out a movie that we can watch together.”
“You must be feeling generous to give me control.”
His head nodded in agreement as he recalled the last movie that you made him watch, and how much he despised it too. “It’s a one-time offer to let you pick out the movie, I’ve got to watch something that will at least make you smile.”
You reached across and jabbed into his arm, “you’ve already made me smile, just by being you, that’s all that I need.”
“Does that mean that I can pick the film in that case then?”
“No,” you chuckled, “you don’t just get to retract your offer like that.”
“It looks like I’m in for a long night then.”
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