#so you want to get your spouse into doctor who
performing-personhood · 6 months
Help, I'm trying to get my spouse into Twelve.
He found Ten and Eleven "too... shouty?" so as a last ditch effort to get him into Doctor Who, I'm gonna try Twelve. (He is a former soldier and current public school teacher, so he would really love Danny Pink - but I have to trick him into getting emotionally invested first.)
Yes I know there's a typo in the poll title, I'm annoyed too
For alternate answers, leave a comment or reblog or something - I want everyone's input please and thank you 🩷
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thinking abt how much river and the doctor's hiding the damage also shapes thasmin
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
One. Two. Three. Four.
Clark stood up and positioned himself between the door and his injured teammate before it even opened, though not much before. His own delayed reaction made sense when it opened to show one of Batman’s teammates. While for the longest the League had thought Batman ‘worked alone’, they were now aware of there being a variety of heroes in Gotham, even if they were far from sure how many there might be or who those heroes were.
Nightingale was a notable exception what with his influence on the newest generation of heroes.
The young man flashed Clark a cheery smile and a little two finger wave. The motion almost distracting with the bright blue that marked the fingers.
“Hey Supes, I got notified that B was laid up.”
Clark paused. “You did?”
“Yep, I’m down as B’s emergency contact for Justice League matters. Feel free to confirm it if you want,” Nightingale said and leaned against the door frame with an easy shrug. “That’s exactly the sort of paranoia that B would approve of.”
It really was was, Clark thought. He grabbed the tablet that he had been using and pulled up Batman’s personnel file. It was a sparse file, of course, but clear as day Nightingale listed was next to ‘emergency contact’. Under his name as an alternative was ‘Condor’.
“Who’s Condor?”
“Me,” rumbled the man who stepped up behind Nightingale. He wasn’t as tall as the other hero, but he was broad. His lower face was covered in some sort of sleek gas mask, though Clark’s focus was pulled to the red lenses of the domino mask.
He certainly made for an intimidating figure.
Nightingale rolled his eyes. “Dramatic.”
Condor just shrugged. “I’m here to be the muscle.”
Clark’s brow furrowed. “For… what?”
“Oh, we’re taking B home!” Nightingale, well, chirped and pushed himself off the doorway.
Clark stepped in the way. “Batman needs to stay under medical supervision.”
“We know. We’re taking him to the Batcave. There’s a full medical set up there and we already have Batman’s personal doctor on hand to look him over,” Nightingale said as he smoothly edged his way around Clark. “Not that we don’t think you all have done your best! Just that way we’ll have his status for our files and he can recover at home.”
“Besides, you don’t want you-know-who to get wind that B is laid up like this and come storming the castle,” Condor said and came to take the other end of the medical bed.
Nightingale gave an over-the-top shudder. “Yeah, best to avoid that, he’s not having a good week already.”
“I, no, I don’t know who,” Clark said with a frown, though he did finally step out of their way. He couldn’t really tell them no, they did have control over Batman’s care. Still, he carefully watched them undo the clasps that would let them take off the top of the bed like a stretcher.
Condor lifted his end of the bed. “B’s husband, of course. Guy’s a little protective.”
“A little?” Nightingale asked as he pivoted with his end of the bed so they could start walking. “Calling him ‘a little’ protective is like calling what happened on Monday a ‘little’ multidimensional incident.”
Condor shrugged, the bed shifting a little with the motion, though it barely rocked Batman. “Okay, so maybe he’d rewrite the world for B if it came to it. That’s exactly why we’re getting B back to the Cave where he can be safe and settled before his paramour gets back from dealing with that ‘little’ multidimensional incident.”
“Right,” agreed Nightingale. “Thanks for looking after him, Supes!”
“You’re welcome?” Clark replied as the two heroes left the room, Batman carried between them.
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scientia-rex · 6 months
One of my patients used to be a Big Deal Specialist in the city and you can just TELL he’s SEETHING that no one out here is even qualified to understand what he did, much less how important he was. He’s also terrified of death. It’s both annoying and really sad. Like, sir, I hate to break it to you, but no amount of knowledge will protect you from the ravages of time. It’s a special kind of hell to know the stages of various fatal diseases intimately. What is it going to feel like when it’s my turn? How do doctors want to die? Suddenly, quietly. Slip away painlessly in my sleep. But how likely is that? Not very. More likely I’ll get cardiovascular disease or cancer, the greatest killers of our time.
He was so afraid of cancer he had an organ that wasn’t cancerous removed just in case. He talks down to me as if I’m his student, and who knows? Maybe I was. He was in the same city as me, and they were forever dragging Big Name Doctors in to teach us things. Maybe I learned how to elicit Achilles tendon reflexes from him.
But mostly I find myself a little scornful. Who lives without the shadow of death? Who doesn’t think about death all the time? When you die, life is a round thing, finished and whole. What will your life look like when God holds it in the palm of his hand?
Also don’t fucking call me by my first name unless I’ve specifically said you can. I don’t GIVE that permission to patients, except for my mentally ill trans and queer patients. If I wanted to be disrespected by an older man I would have married young.
You do not have time. This important doctor who based his whole life around his importance lived as rich and full a life as anyone. And now he’s clinging to it, leaving fingernail marks on the walls on his way out. No one has time. There will be a moment when you’re dying when you think, I would give anything I have to be back in that moment. Any ordinary moment. Taking the dogs out to go potty. Browsing at the grocery store. When you’re being crucified on a hospital bed, dying and aware of it through the morphine, you would give anything you ever possessed to go back and have one more agony-free afternoon. Sit on a curb or a stoop. Walk through a park. Hug your spouse. These tiny fragmentary moments that we are constantly sliding through, tobogganing past at high speeds, these are what will be our life when our life is over.
I am accountable to that self. To the dying me. What did I do with this gift and curse? I don’t believe in God, but I know that I will die, and I have watched enough dying people by now to know the kinds of things I’ll think about. I want to make that me proud of what I’ve done and how I’ve spent my life. She will be a harder judge than God, and I want her to look at this one little life and think, yes. I did what I meant to.
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kaijutegu · 5 months
Yesterday, I went to Baltimore with the intention of visiting a friend in hospice. Her health had taken a sharp nosedive over the weekend, and on Monday evening, the doctors said she maybe had a week left.
What actually happened was I went to Baltimore to help clean out her stuff, because she died at 8:44 on Tuesday morning and my plane didn't land until 8:50. So me and another friend helped another friend/her roommate (before hospice) find important documents, as well as save sentimental items for her actual loved ones because her family, well.
Her friends were her family. But because she died intestate, the people in her family of choice were entitled to nothing under the law. Instead of her beloved, disabled partner, her estranged family has legal rights to her savings bonds and the rest of her estate. (Sometimes common-law partners can inherit but they weren't together long enough to meet that criterion.)
I knew this was coming for a long time. You don't recover from the brain cancer she had. But it still really hurts. And knowing that people she hadn't spoken to in years are getting that money instead of the person she loved most... well, that hurts too.
Please, if you don't have one already, make a will. It's not hard. We don't like to think about it, because nobody likes thinking about post-death legal matters, but you need to make a will. If you're in the US, you can use websites like Free Will. You don't need an estate attorney or anything like that. In many states, a notarized letter is fine. I don't know enough about international estate law to say anything in that regard, but take half an hour to google estate laws in your jurisdiction and put together a will.
If something happened to you tomorrow, who do you want taking care of your pets? Do you have a collection of anything that you want looked after? Do you want your money to go to a person, a charity, or something else specific? If you don't have kids, everything reverts to a spouse. If you don't have a spouse, it goes to your parents. I know I don't want to burden my parents with figuring out what to do with my tegu, my skeletal collection, or my library. But if I died tomorrow, my will would take care of all of that. Thinking about mortality isn't fun, but dying intestate is worse. Make a will.
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pathologicalreid · 9 months
doctor and doctor | S.R.
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in which you add a degree to your repertoire
who? spencer reid x fem!reader
category: fluff
content warning: i tried my best and the process described is pretty accurate to my graduate school but there might be some discrepancies. mentions of marriage and anxiety.
word count: 470
a/n: my brain has been rotting this finals week so i just needed some good academic validation fluff to write. i also got in a car accident this morning (I'm fine lol someone hit my car) so fluff was mandatory. hoping to get a lot of writing done over the school break.
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There was an old joke that only five people would ever read your dissertation, you, your supervisor, your two examiners, and your unlucky partner or spouse who has to act as an unpaid proofreader for you. It was something you had heard for the past four years.
Of course, in your case, your boyfriend had three PhDs of his own and was more than happy to read through your dissertation, even though it was pushing five hundred pages.
The BAU’s jet had just landed after a three-day case in Georgia, and you had just hung up after talking with Spencer. You complained about feeling like a sitting duck, waiting to hear from your doctoral advisor to see if your thesis was accepted, and he told you he imagined it wouldn’t be long now.
You had been offered a teaching position starting in the new semester, but it was contingent on your dissertation being approved.
That all led to the email sitting in your inbox, you left your laptop open on the kitchen counter, leaving the email unopened, which is how Spencer found you when he got home.
“Angel?” He said, slightly alarmed, you stood still in the kitchen, watching your laptop like it was going to combust.
Pointing at the device, you took a deep breath, “I got the email.”
Hastily, he set his bag on the couch of your shared apartment before joining you in the kitchen. “Did you look at it?” He asked, leaning over and looking at the screen that displayed your still unopened email. You shook your head, “Were you going to?”
“What if they didn’t accept it?” You whispered, not moving your eyes from the screen.
He waited a moment, “Do you want me to open it?”
You shook your head again, “No, I’ll do it.” You told him, in a sudden surge of bravery, you leaned forward and clicked on the email. Automatically, the email popped up with a burst of confetti – an effect from your email browser recognizing the word ‘congratulations.’ You gasped and Spencer wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight.
It all faded away. The nerves from the past four years, because you had done it.
“I’m so proud of you,” Spencer murmured. “So, so proud.”
You twisted in his arms to look at the screen and read the email in its entirety. “My degree will be officially conferred on the next date designated by the university. Oh, my goodness,” you said, overwhelmed. “I really got my PhD!” You said excitedly, bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“So, when we get married, we’ll both be Dr. Reid,” Spencer said, glancing over at the email before looking down at you fondly.
Your smile spanned from ear to ear, “Yeah!” You said excitedly, the smile dropping from your face, “Wait, what?”
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bluejeanstrash · 5 months
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tags: boyfriend! seungcheol x reader, just a little light-hearted fluff of seungcheol being a dramatic whiny baby when he’s sick, mentions of dry scalp and skin picking lol, seungcheol is very whiny | wc: 742
a classic cough and cold combo paired with a side of fever-related aches and pains — that was the diagnosis, not the life-threatening illness seungcheol was sure he’d contracted. he’d tried convincing you it was fast-spreading. like really fast. like it has taken over his body and has been shutting down his organs one by one for the past 6 hours fast.
‘i’m going to die. it’s not a joke anymore. i seriously feel like i’m going to die’ he tugs at the hem of your t-shirt as you clear up the mountain of tissues on the left bedside table, and then tugs again while you’re clearing up a pile of dishes on the right.
you sigh, ignoring him, and disappear into the kitchen to reappear with a fresh bowl of hot chicken soup ‘seungcheol, we’ve been over this already. you’re not going to die’
‘forget it! just get me my will. i have to make some last-minute changes’ he asks for it dramatically, draping a limp arm over his eyes.
‘you don’t have a will’ you blow on the hot soup in quick bursts before feeding him a spoonful.
‘ugh, never mind. it’s fine’ the will talk is waved off with a quick fan of the hand to make way for what he says next ‘they give everything to the spouse anyway. wait, do they?’
‘i don’t know, and we’re not married’ you remind him, stirring the hot liquid so the shredded chicken, his favourite part, rises to the top.
‘god, you’re right’ he sits up a little straighter and grabs your free hand, suddenly somber ‘do you take choi seungcheol to be your lawf-’
you force-feed him another spoonful to shut him up, a bit of it spilling onto the quilted blanket. the soup must’ve still been too hot because he lets out a little cry, whining, though it’s entirely possible he’s overreacting.
‘you’re not taking this seriously, i’m actually dying’
‘you’re not’
‘what do you know! you’re not a doctor!’ he grumbles, taking a moment to tell you he really likes the soup and really really appreciates you making it for him before continuing to rant.
‘yeah, and what about the actual doctor we called who said you’re not?’
‘he doesn’t know anything either, that hack. the people on the internet’ he picks up his phone from the bed, showing you a screenshot from some site you’re pretty sure is for hypochondriacs to confirm each other’s delusions, and taps on the screen ‘have told me i have less than 24 hours left. 24. 24!’
‘seungcheol, i can’t have this conversation with you anymore. seriously. you need to go to sleep’ you put the empty bowl aside, straightening, and then pulling the blanket up to cover him.
‘no, no, don’t leave. i want lap time’ he pouts, baby-talking his way into his third one of the day. you sit back down on the bed with a sigh as he repositions himself to lay on your lap, wriggling his head around until he’s comfy. your fingers slowly comb through his hair, your nails scratching lightly against his scalp to soothe him. in a slightly gross but domestic act, you pick a few bits of flaky skin out of his unwashed hair, flicking them away. you should wash it for him later, you think. he’d like that.
seungcheol always found the sensation of you picking at his scalp strangely comforting, and surprisingly quite sleep-inducing. minutes pass without a single sound.
it’s quiet. finally. or so you think.
‘if i die, you can’t date anyone for the next 10 years. at least’
‘what?!’ you jerk your thighs up, pushing him off your lap ‘10 years? you’re crazy’
he can’t believe what he’s hearing.
‘i was just being nice. you shouldn’t date anyone ever, but ohmygod, i can’t believe you want to be with someone else’ he presses his fingers to his temples, suddenly coming down with a headache.
‘so let me get this straight’ he continues ‘you’re telling me when i die tomorrow-’
‘you won’t’
‘-when i die tomorrow, you’re going to bring some other man to my funeral?!’ his cheeks now hot with a shade of distressed pink.
you’re not sure where he’s got that from but you’ve had enough. you get up, grabbing the bowl, and look him straight in the eye, pinching his cute little cheeks ‘well, it’s a good thing you’re not dying then’
you walk out, leaving him right there on the bed, hot and most definitely cold.
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mint-8 · 13 days
Platonic Yandere Show-Off!
Yandere Mother vs. Yandere Father x Child! GN! Reader
Content/Trigger warning: Mentions of death, torture, and pregnancy. Please read as completely platonic.
- United in an arranged marriage, neither Yandere Mother nor Yandere Father are particularly pleased with their current situation. Both are enraged due to their respective family's tradition of marrying into money and improving business respectively, and are already planning on how get to get rid of the other one so they can live a happy single life, preferably with all of the remaining assets from having their spouse die in 'mysterious' ways.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father are tasked with having at least 1 child so they can inherit the entire family business. Their gender doesn't matter. They need to make an heir. Yandere Mother is disgusted at the idea of having Yandere Father inside her, and so does he, but after avoiding the inevitable for a couple years, they finally spent one quick and uncomfortable night together to get it over with.
- While Yandere Mother is busy dealing with the pregnancy, Yandere Father makes sure to put aside enough money for his child's education, entertainment, health, and anything else they might need. Look, he might hate his wife, but he is not going to hate an innocent creature that had no choice to be born to such a horrible woman, he is going to do his best to raise his child right, but might leave most of the heavy duties to the mother. And speaking of, Yandere Mother is excited for having a child. It will be HER child and no one else's, and is very happy that her piece of shit of a husband is going to leave most of the kid's upbringing to her. She will make sure her baby grows with only the best of the best, and of course, only loving their mama! Your sperm donor will only appear for publicity reasons.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father who are surprised when your birth occurs a bit earlier than expected, but nevertheless rush your mother quickly to the best hospital in the country while your father waits outside of the operation room. Partially because it will look good for the press and partially because he doesn't want to be like your deadbeat grandfather who skipped his birth so he could drink with some investors. Yandere Father, at least, wants to be there for you. Meanwhile, Yandere Mother is screaming bloody murder in the other room. The pain is horrible. Even when the doctors gave her strong medications for the delivery, she still feels the first complications of motherhood. But even with all the difficulties, she bears through it all and gives birth to what will become of her and her husband's future adoration and obsession, you.
- The first to meet you is, of course, Yandere Mother, who held you as soon as the nurse's finished washing off all the blood and liquids, and who couldn't believe her eyes when she first saw you. Even when you were wet and crying after experiencing breathing for the first time, you still looked like the most adorable of little angels. Yandere Mother couldn't help but cry and weep from the incredible amount of love she felt in the moment, while a warm smile grazed her face, as she protectively held you, hearing your heart beat in unison with hers. She even refused to let the nurses and doctors check on you until she pretty much collapsed from the exhaustion of giving birth.
- Yandere Father meets you after the hospital staff gave him the clearing after running some tests. To say he fell in love is an understatement. This man fell to his knees when he first saw you at the maternity ward, peacefully sleeping with a soft blanket covering you. He couldn't help the tears that fell down his face, or the clear adoration in his eyes. He just... loves you much. His baby, his little angel. The adorable and cute baby in existence was right in front of him, and you were all his! He made you, after all! Oh, how excited he was to get you ot of here and buy you dozens of toys, and clothes and-
"They are beautiful, aren't they?"
"Like an angel..."
"If you hurt them in any way, I'll make sure to hire an assassin to torture you to death"
"I can say the same to you, dear"
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father spoil you rotten through your childhood. Especially Yandere Father, who can't spend as much time with you as he would like because he has to take care of the family conglomerate, but always sends you hundreds of gifts your way, which are always meticulously chosen and discarded by Yandere Mother, who makes sure to spend every moment that you are awake by your side. She will make sure to raise you into the most innocent, polite, and kind little one in the entire world. She might love you with all her heart, and is more than willing to frame someone for a murder she committed if it came down to it, but she won't neglect you by letting you grow as you please! Oh, no! Proper etiquette classes and lectures about being responsible, respectful, and kind are very prevalent in your busy schedule and educational curriculum.
- Yandere Mother chooses homeschooling with only the best of the best private teachers and tutors to foment your growth! And no complaining or pressure from her extended family will change that! Yandere Father also supports this plan, with the added clause that you need to participate in extracurricular activities outside for your fortified home. Yandere Mother was going to cut your father from suggesting such dangerous activities to fragile, innocent you, but quickly changed her mind when he explained that he wishes to have photos and memorabilia of each and every one of your achievements, specifically those in which you absolutely crush the pathetic competition.
- Yandere Mother and Yandere Father attend every competition and event you compete or participate in, cheering you on from the audience and celebrating with grand parties and banquets for every success or failure. They love making everyone in the world know about their perfect little prodigy and are not shy in the slightest to prove it! Although, if you ever felt uncomfortable or annoyed by such displays of affections, no sweat! Yandere Mother and Yandere Father will completely understand and will keep your celebrations inside of their home, protecting your privacy if you so wish.
- Yandere Mother loves spending time with you to show her affection, being an active and involved parent in pretty much everything you do, always showing support, financial or emotional, for every single one of your hobbies and aspirations. She is also very touchy and cuddly, she specially loved to hold you close to her when you were a baby, giving you kisses and waking you up with more kisses and giggles. She loves to embarrass you with all the photos and loving memories she has of you!
- Yandere Father prefers to shower you in gifts and delicious treats whenever he is free. He especially loves going out to trips to your favorite mall or shops, lets you browse through the different sections, and buy everything your little heart desires. He tries his very best to be strict and teach you about the importance of money, but you give him your 'puppy eyes'™️ and he becomes weak once again. He also loves complimenting you and giving you praise whenever you succeed, as well as helpful tips and advice in the cases you lose or are in need of some support. He especially loves when you come to his home office or during meals and ask him anything and everything you might have in your mind. Your Yandere Father is very well educated after all (and so is your mother!) and is very eloquent when explaining topics and talking about how the world works. He has so many fond memories of little toddler you waddling to his office, asking silly questions and him calmly and sweetly responding as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
- Yandere Father and Yandere Mother loves you so much, little pumpkin. They know that you will grow to become an amazing person, but can't help but worry about others potentially hurting you! So, they make sure to background check anyone that you could possibly have an interest in (romantic or otherwise), to be 100% sure that they will appropriate companions for you. Very few people make the cut, with the many undeserving of your love and attention being quietly taken care of. Not necessarily in a brutal way, but Yandere Mother sure misses her time as queen bee of high-school when she would destroy the lives of those trying to take her down, and Yandere Father has such a vast collection of weapons that it would be a shame not to use them every once in a while!
- Yandere Mother loves you with all her heart and would do anything to protect your smile. Yandere Father loves you with the entirety of his soul and is more than willing to commit war crimes to protect your happiness. The two of them hate each other deeply for always keeping your attention off the other, but work surprisingly well in raising and taking care of you, so they toughened it up and simply focus on your safety and well being. They don't care who they have to hurt, kill, torture, or incriminate. They will do it and make sure you never find out. You are their adorable sweetness. You don't need to know about the atrocities in this world =)
"You are the absolute most, my little star. I love you ♡"
"I'll love you even if you kill me, dear. You will always be my little angel ♡"
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bones4thecats · 7 months
What Are They Like As Parents? - Hazbin Hotel
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Vox, Valentino, Velvette, and Alastor Name: What Are They Like As Parents? Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: This is basically an AU where they married their S/O in real life and had a child with them back then. But, due to issues with birth, their S/O died with the child. So there will be trigger warnings when it comes to that. Also, the type of demon the reader is is listed below! Have a nice rest of your days/nights, my lil bubbles🫧
P.S: The Reader goes through birth, so they're headcanoned as female, but a gender is not fully noted
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Death, Swearing, Miscarriage, and mentions of Assault ⚠️
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Technological-Demon! Reader ; Medical Technology
📺 Vox and you were very close when alive. Growing up together and eventually falling in love and marrying
📺 Sooner rather than later, you were expecting a baby boy, in which you two decided to name him (M/N). Unfortunately, due to difficulties during birth, Vox had lost not only his unborn child, but he lost his spouse
📺 Ever since that day, the man had driven himself further into his work, trying to push the memories of you both with your bump past him, he didn't want to remember how you smiled so gently at him as you died, or how the doctors tried saving you as blood erupted around your form
📺 It was because of how he held himself to such a low-degree that Vox had passed away, and due to his actions in life, he was banished to hell
📺 He believed he deserved it, but now he could start anew, and that was where he grew back into power and eventually met a fairly new Overlord, one that had your same name
📺 Once he asked you and learned that you and your son were transferred to hell, he grew upset, why on Earth were you, the sweetest being he had ever known sent to hell? And why was his son, who never did anything in life, get sent here?!
📺 Every other Overlord, besides Alastor, was on-edge when your small son crawled out from your hand, being nothing but small shocks before turning into a mixture of Vox and your's demon forms
📺 He just smiled lightly and kneeled in front of his child, patting him on the head and declaring how he'd protect you guys till the end of time, in no way was he going to allow you guys to slip from his grasp again
📺 Now, as your son was made into the form of a young child (4-6), Vox always tried to keep his anger on the down-low. He didn't want his son to only see his father angry and full of rage
📺 While he may seem like a horrible father at first, once he got used to the fact that your child was interested in your occupations, you being a medic of the Overlords and him being the head of VoxTek, he smirked at Valentino and Velvette before holding his child and gloating about his company
📺 Speaking of the other two Vees, they adore your child. Valentino loves to help your son with his social skills, and he tries keeping his business on the down-low around him, he doesn't need to get shocked or nearly have his wings amputated by Vox and you again
📺 Velvette on the other hand, she loves to test her outfits on your child, from helping him find the most suitable outfits to having him listen to something on her phone as she speaks to her two main allies during a meeting, she is honestly a decent aunt
📺 Vox also has a wild obsession with watching Alastor fail, so if he were to ever see the Radio Demon talking to you or his son, he'd lose his shit, not caring who was there to watch
" I swear to fuck, you old-timey shit-stain, if you ever try touching my S/O or my son again, I'll fucking kill you and drag your corpse all around hell for the all people to see. "
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Insect-Demon! Reader ; Rosy Maple Moth
❣️ Valentino and you married quite early in life and had a very active life
❣️ It was due to your shared actions that you found of you were pregnant quite early, which made him try calming down from his actions and begin to coddle you
❣️ Unfortunately for him, your body couldn't quite handle the stress of birth, resulting in your demise, along with your daughter. And due to this event, he was driven mad
❣️ This was where he developed his abusive personality, constantly yelling and assaulting his workers, including Angel Dust when he first arrived and signed a contract
❣️ It took a while, but one he had heard about a new Overlord that looked a lot like Valentino (in terms of species) with a daughter that looked nearly identical, he decided to attend the next meeting without his fellow Vees
❣️ It only took a quick glance for him to know exactly who you were, in life you loved to mess around with roses, so it only made sense that you'd become a demon in relation to that plant
❣️ Once the meeting ended, Valentino walked up behind you and hugged you, wrapping his larger wings around your form as he felt your tiny orange-yellow antenna tickle his chin
❣️ Valentino also loves his baby girl a lot, spoiling the young girl with everything she could ever want
❣️ Once you and her walked back into his life, everyone within his studio learned who you were quickly, you were the long-time spouse of Valentino's, and the father to his young daughter
❣️ They also took notice of how more collected he was, and while he did have his moments of anger, he rarely ever laid a hand on his employees, unless he got angry enough
❣️ Valentino also swore on his afterlife that he would never touch anyone in the ways that he would touch you or your daughter, which allowed your new friend, Angel Dust, to be more free with his time
❣️ Much like Vox, he doesn't seem like he'd be a good parent. And they're kinda right, but only with certain situations
❣️ Valentino doesn't know what to do when it comes to certain scenarios, like when your daughter asked where children came from and you had to wrap your pink and yellow wings around his mouth to silence him from giving a very detailed story of how she came into existence
❣️ Vox and Velvette are also fairly involved with helping him raise his child, Velvette loves to help her dress, from giving her small clips to put in her hair to giving her full-fledged outfits, she spoils her just as much as Valentino does
❣️ Vox also spoils her, but he also knows when to be strict, he mostly just watches her whenever Valentino and you get busy with running the studio in V Tower. He's been declared the 'Godfather'/'Uncle' of your baby
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Bird-Like-Demon! Reader ; Peacock
📳 Velvette and you agreed that you'd raise your child together, despite knowing that it wasn't her own, rather, it was your ex-husband's
📳 He had abandoned you with your unborn baby a few months prior to you and Velvette married, and it was on your honeymoon that you went into labor
📳 Sadly, you had lost the baby, and eventually lost your life due to internal injuries just a few months later, prompting your wife to go a hint overboard with her actions
📳 When she died, she never expected to see you sitting across from her at an Overlord meeting, your long tail feathers falling onto your lap where a small boy sat, playing with them
📳 She looked up in shock as you told her of your son, how you both were banished here, your son due to the fact that he had the potential to due just a horrid things as you, and that angered her
📳 Velvette loves to mess around with your feathers that laid behind your head, the ones that only flare up when upset or feeling any kind of strong emotion
📳 She also adores to have you carry her, since she was fairly short when it comes to sinners, and you were very tall when it came to the species
📳 Now, when it comes to your son, she loves to dress him up, acting as if he was a small mannequin that she needed to make look as gorgeous as possible, and thankfully he looks a lot like you, meaning if something looked good on you, it would no doubt look good on him as well
📳 If your ex-husband ever came by to take his son back, she would straight-up ruin his life, literally. She'd post everything around to make him lose his title, and if that didn't work, she'd just kill him, she doesn't care which he chooses
" I swear to you, (R/N). If you ever, ever, try to come here and demand to have the son that you abandoned in the first place, I will do two things. I'll ruin your fucking afterlife by stripping your title away, and I'll make sure during the next Extermination, you get a very long and fucking long death, try me, bitch-boy. "
📳 Velvette also is a fairly good step-mother to your son, she loves to give him small trinkets she finds around. One time she came home with a small present from the store, and when your son looked at the tiny necklace that opened to show holographic photos of you three together, you couldn't help but fall for her even more
📳 Much like with the other Vees, she does involve Valentino and Vox with her step-child's life
📳 On average, she has Valentino just help watch him, leaving Vox being the head of watching him, she doesn't need to have you on her ass about how Valentino took her son to the studio to observe his work
📳 Vox is the official 'Grandfather' of your son, while Valentino is more like the 'Funcle' of the two
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Mythical-Creature-Demon! Reader ; Wendigo
🔘 Alastor and you shared a lot in common during life, from your cannibalistic and murderous crimes, you both bonded over the fact that you were able to keep it all away from people's eyes, despite your high-ranks in society
🔘 He was the head of his own radio broadcast, while you were the head of a small orphanage that took in any child that was needing a home without any problems
🔘 Ever since Mimzy introduced the two of you and you learned of your situations, you decided to 'help' one another out, and by that, I mean by covering for one another
🔘 This teamwork led to you guys falling in love, in a twisted way that is. He loved you for how you would just casually keep a smile on, and you loved him because of his owl personality
🔘 While many didn't expect him to ever fall in love, due to him being a canonical aromantic, they did find it funny to watch him just smile and treat you like a member of royalty
🔘 He never really did find a need for intimate actions, but one drunken night and a lot of pregnancy tests later, you found of you were carrying his child, alerting him to keep you away from your previous crimes. He didn't need you or the child getting harmed
🔘 Alastor may not have shown it, but he was very heartbroken when the doctor released the news that you had lost your baby, and eventually your own life
🔘 Knowing due to your crimes that you'd end up in hell, Alastor would sit at your grave and speak of how he'd see you sometime soon
🔘 And he was right. He had found you once again during his first Overlord meeting, what he did not expect was seeing your young son sitting on your lap while gnawing on a small hunk of deer meat
🔘 He knew that this was your shared child, and he welcomed the youngling with open arms and a fully-fledged smile, his sharp teeth matching his son's
🔘 Speaking of your son, he loves to spend time with his father, learning how to play the piano and singing old songs with him as you stood off to the side with Husk and Niffty, watching the boys have fun
🔘 Alastor only allows you and your son to really touch him without many warnings, and while it took a lot to get used to, he loves watching him randomly grab his staff and try singing in the microphone
🔘 Much like his father, your son can use tentacles and use his powers to make his voice radio-sounding, and it is the funniest thing to watch members of the Hotel go nuts hearing so much of the noise
🔘 Due to being the son of the Radio Demon and the Wendigo Overlord, many don't even dare trying to touch your son, well, except for Vox and Lucifer
🔘 Vox one time had decided to try holding your son without permission, resulting in him being sent flying across the meeting room by your husband
🔘 And when Lucifer first arrived and began to tickle your son to make him laugh, he stood off to the side with his ears pushed backwards in irritation, watching his son smile by such a fatherly action not being made by him was annoying
🔘 And, because of your declaration, you named the members of the Hotel as your son's 'Godfathers'/'Godmothers', only having Husk and Niffty as the 'Siblings' of your son
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Hi there, i feel like our spouse doesn't react much to all the magical weirdness on our farm
Can i get some hc for Sdv+sve spouses one day waking up and being able to see an army of juminos recolting crops (farmer have like 4/6 juminos huts and lots of crops)
And the farmer just say "oh you can finally see them" while giving the juminos some raisins.
Heya 👋 Thank you for your ask, dear anon! (and I apologize for taking a little longer to answer 😅).
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Alex can't believe his own ears! Spirits? For real? No way! The athlete dropped everything and quickly walked over to one of the Junimo and started poking at them, causing the little creature to squeak. "Alex, don't be rude. At least offer them raisins first." "Oh, sorry..." But he can't help himself because... a real spirits!
"Hey hon, I made you coffee-" Stepping out onto the front porch of the farm house, Shane found an army of apples with eyes and arms and legs following Farmer around like little chickens following mama hen. With a "fuck this shit, I'm out" face, he walked back home, thinking it was all from lack of sleep.
Sam's eyes nearly popped out of his orbits when he saw Farmer surrounded by apple-like creatures that were jumping and reaching for the raisins in Farmer's hands. The guitarist approached his spouse with an obvious question, but his stomach rumbled treacherously. "Do you have any raisins left for me?" Breakfast first, question later.
"Huh." That was all Sebastian expressed as he treated Junimo to some raisins. This creatures kinda cute, actually. "Sebby, dear, didn't it surprise you at all?" *Sebastian looks at the huge slime hutch, the coop with void chickens, the giant golden clock and the four tall warp obelisks* "Nah, not really, why?"
Not believing his own eyes, Harvey wiped his glasses and looked again, but what he saw before him had not changed. Farmer was still standing over the strange leaf house, and the apple-like creatures were still jumping around them. The doctor felt a little uneasy. He wants to ask. At the same time, he doesn't want to ask anything, lest he break his mind completely.
At first Elliott couldn't understand why there were different apples lying around his spouse. Red, yellow, green... blue and purple? Until those apples had eyes, arms and legs. "Good morning, Elliott, did you sleep well?" Apparently not, because the writer feels that sleep deprivation is making him see some... jumping apples.
Why would Magnus be surprised by the existence of Junimo? In fact, he's the one who introduced Farmer to these creatures. Interest in how his spouse had made friends quickly with the forest spirits, yes, but surprised? He is a wizard, he'd seen more stranger things than that in his life.
Well, that.... explains why Farmer refused Victor's advice to hire some helpers for the farm. Turns out his beloved spouse already has helpers... Little, apple-like helpers. Victor knows magic exists, but he didn't think he'd see something like this in real life. This is great, actually. Very interesting.
Does Lance see Junimo? *Chuckle* Of course, dear Farmer, and not only does he see them, but he even managed to ask the little forest spirits a few questions. For a good portion of raisins, because they love this treat so much. When else would the gallant adventurer have a chance to chat with Junimos, hm?
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
It had been about half a minute, and Maru couldn't let go of the idea that what she was seeing was the work of magic, and not Farmer's little robotic assistants. Magic, spirits... No, that somehow doesn't fit in her head. She's determined to study these 'Junimos' to see who or what they are. Erm, if the Farmer and the creatures themselves don't mind, of course.
You know that state when you have a lot of conflicting emotions bubbling up inside you, you don't know how to react to your own cognitive dissonance about the "magic" that is right in front of your eyes, but you try to stay positive for the sake of the person you love? That's what Penny was experiencing when her spouse was showing her forest spirits.
"Oh, so cute!" Abigail has a bit of magic in her, so of course she can see Junimo too. She's in awe of these forest creatures! And they are such wonderful helpers, harvesting the crops. "My spouse pays you well, yeah?" And the little Junimos jump around happily with tasty raisins in their little hands.
"Eeew! What is tha- Ah, okay, at least it's not rats." Apparently Haley can excuse cute magical forest spirits, but she draws the line when it comes to rats. Because she's terrified of those rodents, yuck. Junimos at least help her beloved Farmer with work, and they smell like forest freshness.
Merciful Yoba! Emily felt the presence of someone's unusual aura, but she couldn't explain who it was coming from. It turned out that all the time the little apple-shaped creatures had been at the farm and had helped her spouse! Kind spirits, how wonderful! And they like raisins? Oh, she sure has a treat for her new forest friends!
Huh, when Leah mentioned that Stardew Valley is "full of magic," she meant that it's full of inspiration for her future works, not literally... Oh, well. Yes, strange little creatures live with her and Farmer, so what? They're cute, kind, and hard-working. Great neighbours (not like she had when she lived in the Zuzu City).
Olivia thought all week that there were a bunch of mice running around the farm, stealing the ripe wheat. After expressing their fears to Farmer that their crops might be destroyed by pests, Farmer showed their wife that it wasn't mice, but little helpers, Junimos, who live there. ...She need a glass of wine. Maybe two.
"Oh, do you see them too, dear?" To be honest, Claire would rather not see them. Not that she minded the cute, erm, creatures, just... Eh, you know what? Why should she be surprised at all? There are so many unusual things and creatures (golden chickens, slimes) on her spouse's farm that there's no point in her being surprised.
Sophia was stuck somewhere between the "Adorable lil apples!" and "Eeeeep! What is that?!" when she saw her spouse surrounded by a dozen magical Junimos. The pink-haired girl floods Farmer with questions and tries to take pictures of the forest creatures on her phone, to show Scarlett (only they've scattered now, awww!)
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radiant-reid · 1 year
This was soo good!! Can you make one where the reader is drunk and she is all adorable?
one of my fav types of stories
It has been an amazing night with the team. Laughter and lighthearted chatter have filled the air all night as everyone and their spouses relax for dinner at Rossi's. Everyone has let loose, reveling in the camaraderie of the group.
You went heavy with the drinks early, accepting Rossi's offer of a glass of wine as soon as you got in the door and not slowing down all night. In fact, since Penelope's been plying you with strongly mixed cocktails, you've sped up.
Spencer has looked delicious in his suit all night, perfectly tailored dark blue that makes him look tall and broad at the same time.
Once Penelope declares she's going to the bathroom, you make your way across the garden to your husband.
"Guess who?" You whisper into his ear, barely managing to stand still on your high heels without falling over as you hold your palm over his eyes.
You can't see it over his shoulder and he can't see it through your fingers, but Hotch and Rossi are smiling at you both, remembering that young love. They step further away to give you two some alone time.
Spencer chuckles, wrapping his hand over the top of yours. "Someone that smells like tequila."
"And Chanel." You pout, taking your hand away and letting him turn around to look at you.
He pulls you closer to him by your hips, holding you steady. "How much have you had?" He asks, a smile lingering on his lips.
"A few." You admit. "Should we go get more?"
Spencer quickly shakes his head. "No, I think you need some water."
You run your hands through his styled curls. "Aw, are you going to look after me?"
He nods, pulling you forward to kiss your forehead. "Always. Now take those shoes off before you break your ankle."
"You don't think they look nice?" You pout, standing on one heel to take the other off and almost toppling over.
Spencer holds you stable. "I think you look beautiful." He reminds you. "I just don't want you to get hurt."
You grin at him, handing over your shoes. "I'm so lucky." He frowns, prompting you to continue. "You're so caring and very smart and you look so dashing in your suit."
He chuckles, smiling lovingly at you. "'Dashing'?" He repeats.
"Dapper and attractive and handsome and so pretty." His cheeks fill with a deep red blush as you continue praising him. "You're so perfect and I love you."
"You're perfect and very adorable, and I love you too." He says softly. "Come on, let's go make sure that hangover isn't too bad tomorrow."
You nod, holding his hand. "Yes, Doctor."
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kairiscorner · 2 months
the man, the myth, the legend himself dr ratio veritas ... is now made public !!
fyi . . . i have a bot request form you guys can send requests to !! updates are slow, i apologize (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) but i'll try my best to get through them, and i will only do requests that fall within my comfort zone !!
“if one day your brain shows symptoms
of dullness, then please
give the doctor a call.”
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ᯓ★ catching a glimpse of him working out.
you couldn't, for the life of you, tolerate such an arrogant and narcissistic smartass like veritas ratio... but oh, you wouldn't mind seeing those muscles and that handsome face of his again, even if he himself pissed you off. luckily (or unluckily) for you, your little trip of seeing him at the gym to hand over some important documents gave you quite a good view of this egotistical man.
ᯓ★ he couldn't understand you.
to dr ratio, nobody in that damned guild really lived up to the vision he hoped; none of them shared the same sentiment or kind of intellect he possessed, and it made him frustrated and somewhat... lonely.
that was, until he met you. he had acknowledged nobody before as a genius, nobody but himself, until there was you. but there was one thing this genius couldn't decipher about you... and it was the fact you did not seek to eradicate the plague of ignorance with him in the intelligentsia guild.
why, oh why, did you reject his offer to expand the universe's knowledge with the greats... only to be a humble servant for others?
ᯓ★ your academic rival.
veritas ratio prided himself on the fact that nobody could come close to his achievements and intellect at his university, he was just that good at everything he did.
however... you ruined his peace of mind and decided to give him a run for his money by taking his spot as the top student last semester by a few points.
though, as much as you both had a mutual distaste and rivalry for each other going on... you two were paired together for an important project. and of course... you had to work together. hooray.
ᯓ★ nobody thought he would be a family man.
not a single soul that knew dr ratio ever had the feeling that he would settle down with someone he would love more than himself, than his books, theses, and knowledge–let alone have a child with them.
however, you and your child with him are living proof that even a man as cold and critical as him are capable of loving and finding their purpose as not only a scholar, a professor, a doctor... but as a parent.
ᯓ★ your ex husband.
after being married to dr veritas ratio for three years and ending your union with him after such a fruitless and one-sided relationship... you had felt so liberated, as if all those years with him were just a bad memory for you.
however, when you went out to dinner at a high-end classy restaurant, the very last thing on your mind that time was the chance of you seeing your ex husband again... only for that one slim chance to come to fruition, with you being face to face with the man who seemed to never love you when you two were together.
his amber eyes gazed back at yours with a hint of longing in them, of endless nights of longing for you, his ex spouse...
ᯓ★ he wants to be your only one.
dr veritas ratio is a universal level problem solver; capable of engineering such helpful devices that saves planets and star systems across the galaxy, delegating on important issues for the good of humanity, and an important doctor that alleviates the malady of ignorance... with 8 PhDs to his very famous and well-known name.
...it shouldn't bother him this much that you're so obsessed and giggly about a bunch of pixels across your screen that utter binary code that translates into words you comprehend... right?
then why is it that as he tries to relax in his bathtub that he can't seem to get that release he's seeking from the pent-up frustration he gets when a character from your favorite game compliments you, gives you gifts, or... says they want you to be theirs. surely, he can find a solution to this finicky problem he has to make you his again, no...?
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Idk if this had been done yet but Dadtorre having a son that looks exactly like him that people mistake his son for a segment?
His lover finds it hilarious, they had their suspicions when their son first came to the world, which grew stronger the moment the infant could open his eyes, showing that red they so loved. Surely, the kid wouldn't be the spitting image of his father—
But then he reaches toddler age and he has the same hair. He's literally Zandy 2.0
His lover would be giggling at him, especially when Dottore has a faint hue of pink embarrassment dusting his cheeks. Damn it, who knew his genetics would be this strong?! Now everyone thinks he'd made a second child segment!
He's not getting 'Congratulations!' He's getting: 'Doctor, why have you made a second segment of your youth...?' from his colleagues!
Things get especially awkward when their son reaches around Alpha's age, people start mistaking him for the segment and give him reports unprompted.
A researcher could spout at him about his father's latest project, and the son would go: "Okay, I'll be sure to tell my father that :D" cue in the horrified look of that poor researcher. Does this count as dissemination?!
While their son inherits his father's face, he did not inherit the personality. Which means they now have a boy who looks exactly like Dottore, but has his spouse's personality running around the place. So people mistake him for this particularly bubbly and chatty segment (he definitely got his father's intelligence though so him tinkering with stuff in the lab doesn't help)
Oh, and for a tinge of angst :3
He inherits the illness.
There would be days when he can't get out of bed at all, pain shooting up all through his aching joints, making every twitch agonising.
This fuels Dottore to find the cure even more, for a memory haunts him. That night where he found his spouse comforting their child all those years ago, cradling his little body close to their chest, on their lap as the child sobbed, begging for this terrifying persistent ache to stop. Dottore could only stand by the doorway of his son's room as his spouse gently hushes him, false reassurances falling in abundance from their lips, promising that they will teach him how to deal with the pain for they have it too.
Dottore swears that he will save them.
Before your son was born, you had always teased your husband about the possibility, to which he scoffed at. (Perhaps a part of him wasn't sure what he'd do, knowing they'd bear such a resemblance to him, a monster.) Of course, you end up being right and you have laughed about it multiple times, much to his dismay. (Despite his kid's resemblance to him, his ever-observant eye still manages to pick out your features that had passed along to his son. The more his kid grows, the more he notices them both physically and in his personality, and he notes them all down, not wanting a single one to slip by him.)
Although the comments he gets are a nuisance, he supposes they aren't unwarranted. After all, it's still probably more believable that he made another segment rather than him having a child. A lot of times he brushes these questions off and said colleague doesn't find out until you break the news to them. They go so pale you think they may collapse in that instant (flashbacks to the time they provided him information, and wondered why he seemed much sweeter than he usually did.) It's probably so unnatural for others to see - the poor agents are getting whiplash from dealing with their boss's coldness and then being greeted by the child smiling widely at them. They watch as his son and you tease the Harbinger in front of them with no remorse. It's a bit scary, to be honest.
Your son inheriting your illness is no doubt your worst nightmare. You would think that Celestia punishing you would be enough, but no, they have to hurt your child too. You have to watch as he relives everything you did, watch as he's robbed of his childhood and so many memories and experiences. You resort to sleeping with him in case he's woken up from his pains and cannot sleep, your only remedy being to hold him and usher him back to sleep. Ignoring how your own body shakes as he cries. Promising that he's going to be okay (even though you're still not.) You can only look at Dottore with an exhausted smile before tucking your son in again.
You believe in him, if only for your son.
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kalki-tarot · 10 months
Characters can be female/male, it's not gender specific, just focus on their personality.
Take a deep breathe and focus on your third eye chakra ✨️ pick a picture that calls you out.
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1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
Pile 01 🪞
. . Aditya from Jab we Met💌
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Omg! The biggest Green Flag ever !
Your future spouse's personality is just like him. Romantic and sweet. He's always there for you, even in your bad times. You can always rely on him. He's a great friend too, listening to your likes and dislikes. You like his sense of humor the most haha.
Like every other human being, he has his own flaws too. But he works on them and becomes a better man for his highest good.
Message is that often in life when you hit rock bottom, there is only one way to go and that is UP. And just like Geet and Aditya, some trains are supposed to be missed, so that you hop into one that takes you to a better, happier and healthier destination.
Pile 02 🪔
. . Qais Bhatt from Laila Majnu 💌
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The way he looks at laila is amazing and heart throbbing. His love for laila is pure and serene. He is madly in love with her. Totally out of control but in a healthy way.
You both may be star-crossed lovers. They were Destined to love each other. Like the dailouge in the movie says —
" Our story has been destined. And neither the world nor the people can change it. "
There was something unique between you guys. You may know him/her since childhood or even a past life was shared by you together. You are twinflames or even soulmates. I can also see people were against you both due to many differences like religion or ethnicity, but your love never dies despite the circumstances.
Pile 03 🪞
. . Guru from Ek Villian 💌
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Guru is a typical bad boy from fictional stories. He's life is totally is chaos. Your fs would be like him personality wise, except the illegal or evil things portrayed by the character.
Your fs is someone who's sad and lacks purpose in life currently. But like in the movie, when guru meets Aisha, his life changes. And he tries to become a better person and lead a better life. It's like moving from the bad and fearful times to the good ones.
He would gain a purpose, and that is you. He'd love you but he won't say that quite often, his eyes would tell. The warmth and soft feeling when he looks into your eyes will melt you right away.
Pile 04 🪔
. . Dr. Jehangir from Dear Zindagi 💌
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Even though Dr. Jehangir was not an active love interest of Alia's character in the film, your fs would have the friendly and guide-like personality aspects of Dr. Jehangir in the movie.
Your fs would be a great listener. They may even belong the the medical field somehow. They'll drag you out of your worst situations in life. You two would share a comfortable, open and cozy bond together. Whenever you need some advice, they'll always be there for you.
I'm also getting that your fs can be your doctor or counselor at first. Or maybe just a great listener and giving you good advice.
Pile 05 🪞
. . Inder from Sanam Teri Kasam 💌
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He literally holds Saru on her deathbed till she takes her last breathe 😭 What a wonderful character he is!
He's literally the most selfless and giving person to the love of his life. Your fs would be like him, pile 5, you're so lucky ♡ Your fs may have some legal issues going on or they may be a lawyer, as the justice card came up.
What I'm seeing is, like saru in the movie, you too are often betrayed or belittled by your own loved ones. You are often deceived by others and your fs does not like it at all. They just want your happiness. Even after you die, (may god not let it be) they'll still love you. They will give you whatever they have, you just name it. Wow. I'm in love with this reading ;_; ♡
Pile 06 🪔
. . Jordan from Rockstar 💌
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Your fs is like Jordan from Rockstar. This movie is my personal favourite. Your fs is a heartbroken person, but when you arrive their life gets filled with happiness but when you leave their life burns into ashes. You may be twinflames.
There is something which holds you back from accepting this love between you both. You need to work on that fear.
I see your fs is famous, Despite being famous their heart yearns for love. There is still a void in their hearts Despite having money, power and wealth. Maybe they are waiting for you.
They are definitely an introvert and kind of famous online. Their heart burns with passion, very passionate and romantic individual. They may play an instrument or even sing. People like their rough and passionate personality.
Please like and rb if resonates !
I worked hard while making this so please show some love ❤️
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lovequartz · 6 months
where our fingers meet.
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✵ pairing: town doctor!wonwoo x fiancee!reader
✵ genre: fluff!
✵ warnings: none
✵ word count: 701
✵ crush me in your arms give me a lovelier kiss, lover
✵ notes: yeah i am back with more of this couple <3 i literally cannot stop writing for them
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the week before the wedding is stressful, and not for you but for your mother and sister. you are still trapped in somewhat of a daze, you can’t believe you’re getting married let alone who you’re getting married to. your sweet sweet wonwoo, you’re sure you must’ve dreamed him up for it is madness that a man so perfect exists. in thinking of your wonderful fiance you’re awash with a sense of longing that sits heavy in your chest. 
it’s been a little less than a week since you’ve seen him, due to all the planning madness your mother and sister have swept you up into. not to mention the fact that wonwoo had left town for a stretch to visit his parents and travel back with them so they could attend the ceremony. you wish you could’ve gone with him, to have a bit of privacy between the two of you before you were to become spouses. 
silas has been lovely as he usually is, but you suspect that he’s coming to understand that you won’t always be with him so he has been making sure to take up as much of your attention as he can. which is why he currently lays sprawled across your lap while he doodles on the edges of his math notebook, and the accompanying math textbook sits abandoned across the room near your bed. 
you run your fingers through his hair for a few passes, “i thought you promised your mother that you would have a page done by bedtime?” 
silas hums, you feel it against your thighs where his upper body is positioned, and he puts his pencil down and lays his head against his open notebook, “too sleepy,” he murmurs.
your hand moves from his hair to rub his back gently, it was just about his bedtime so the sleepiness was understandable. you leave him be and when you’re certain he’s asleep is when you tuck him into your futon, making sure the blanket covers him. gathering his things, you stack them neatly into a pile and set them near the door. 
as your nephew sleeps you busy yourself with getting ready for bed yourself, changing your day dress with your sleep gown, and running a comb through your hair. 
a few minutes into brushing you hear a faint knocking at your window, its seems too quiet to be actual knocking but doesn’t quite sound like the branches that sometimes scratch at it. you slowly make your way over, and try to peer out the spaces in the slats. after not really seeing anything, you carefully slide the window open just a crack and the sight you’re met with makes you gasp. 
“wonwoo?” you say in disbelief, staring wide eyed at your fiance that stands just outside. 
he gives you a shy smile, and rubs his hands together nervously, “sorry for the abrupt and unannounced visit.” 
you shake your head, still dizzy with disbelief. “what are you doing here?” 
“i wanted to,” he pauses as if embarrassed by his actions, and you notice how red his ears are, “see you.” 
your face heats up at his admission, and you stare silently at him for a few moments before telling him to stay put. assuring him that you would be right there.
you grab a shawl from your closet and throw it over your shoulders before quietly making your way out of your bedroom and out of the house. your slippers kick up loose rocks as you hurriedly round the corner to where your fiance waits. 
he smiles when he sees you, holding out a hand that you take as soon as you’re close enough. both your fingers weaving together seamlessly. 
“is everything okay?” you ask breathlessly, still a bit worried over this unannounced middle of the night appearance. 
his free hand comes up to cradle your cheek, and you melt as his thumb brushes across your skin. “everything is fine,” he replies, “i fear that a week without you is far too long for me to bear.” 
“wonwoo…” you mumbled, flustered over his words, “you could’ve called.”
he shakes his head with a grin, “and miss this lovely sight before me? never.”
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notes: okay my lovelies thank you as always for reading and there will most likely be more of this couple from me! let me know what you thought <3
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mynameismckenziemae · 5 months
All of Me
Part 2
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: You see Jake again, much sooner than expected.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Mentions of medical stuff, probable naval inaccuracies, mentions of losing a spouse, etc. Please see disclaimer below also.
Monday morning greets you like a slap in the face.
Between the jet lag, late night with Jake, and a full day of adjusting to being back home with your son, you were exhausted when your alarm went off.
You wished you had toothpicks to keep your eyes open that morning in orientation… the exact same orientation that you’ve done with every move.
You nearly cried when you were dismissed for lunch.
A familiar voice takes you back to the past as you make your way back to your office for lunch.
It was one of the things you were both excited about and dreading about being back here.
“Ma’am? Lieutenant Commander Kerner?”
You smile as you turn. “Lieutenant Bradshaw, long time no see.”
“Too long,” he agrees as he pulls you in for a quick hug. “God, I can’t believe how big Drew’s getting when I saw him last week.”
“You’re telling me. I swear he grew a foot in the six months I was gone,” you reply, tilting your head as you approach your office as an invite.
“Deployments suck,” he agrees. “He’s looking more and more like Andy every day,” Bradley says softly, following you in.
Some people don’t like talking about their deceased spouses, but you loved hearing it; loved that people remembered him.
“Stubborn like him too,” you mutter with a roll of your eyes.
Bradley laughs, “I think we both know he gets that from you.”
You answer by throwing a crouton from your salad at him.
Bradley has you laughing through your lunch hour, reminiscing about the trouble you had gotten up to together in your younger years.
You were 2 years older than Andy, who was 2 years older than Bradley and the two of them had grown up together. Ron, your father-in-law, had flown with Bradley’s dad and became one of his honorary uncles after Goose had passed away.
Drew loved Uncle Roo, who often took him overnight for ‘boys nights’; Drew refused to tell you what the two of them got up to, just giggling when you asked.
“Where were you Saturday night? I called but it went straight to voicemail,” you ask.
“I-uh, had a date,” he says, flushing and scratching the back of his neck. He always does that when he’s not telling you something.
“A date? Is that what you call getting your dick wet now?”
“Shut up,” he laughs, avoiding the question; which just confirms it. He sighs before he looks at your wedding ring, still on your left hand. “You know he wouldn’t want you to be alone.”
“I-“ you start but are interrupted by a knock on your door frame.
“Dr. Kerner? Your first patient is all set. Just a routine physical,” your nurse, Sophie, says by the door. You smile at the way her eyes look Bradley up and down.
“Thanks, Soph, I’ll be right there,” you reply, happy to avoid the conversation.
“I’ll talk to you later, Kernsie,” Bradley calls you by Andy’s nickname before rising to his feet as he follows Sophie out. You can hear him introducing himself to her as they walk down the hall.
You knock and enter the exam room as you grab the chart from the basket outside the door without looking at the name on the front.
“Hi, I-Jake?” Your stomach flips as you see your one-night stand sitting in front of you.
“Reese? What are you doing here?” Jake says, rising to his feet.
How can he look so good in a hospital gown?
“I-,” you stutter, before shaking your head. You’re a professional, act like one. “I’m Dr. Kerner.”
“You’re a doctor?” He repeats, still processing. “You just told me you worked in healthcare.”
“Yes, it is the truth. And said you worked in aviation…,” you trail off, looking at his chart finally. “You’re a fighter pilot.”
Just like Andy was. You definitely have a type.
“I’m sorry,” you continue, shutting his chart. “This is a conflict of interest. I’ll have you reschedule with Dr. Thompson.”
“No!” He puts his hand over your arm. “Can you see me today? Please? Dr. Thompson is booked out and if I don’t get this physical done today, I’m grounded.”
“It’s not my fault you waited until the last minute,” you lecture, quirking a brow.
“I know,” he sighs, removing his hand from your arm. “It’s mine. I just hate anything medical-just never mind. I’ll reschedule.”
His pitiful tone tugs at your heartstrings.
“Just get on the table. If anyone asks, this is the first time we’ve met,” you sigh, gesturing with your hand for him to sit on the exam table.
“Thanks,” he replies, flashing you a dimpled grin that surely gets him into and out of trouble.
You can’t help sneaking a peek at his cute Calvin Klein-clad butt as he turns to do ask you asked.
He flinches when you snap the nitrile gloves you put on moments later.
“Lay back for me,” you instruct as you pull the footrest out as he reclines. You can feel his heart rate increase when you feel the lymph nodes in his neck down to his armpit.
Yours begins to race as your hands journey lower to palpate the sharp cut of his abdomen.
Good God he’s ripped.
“Next, I’m going to put my hand by your groin to feel the lymph nodes there, is that okay?” Your hands pause on his lower abdomen as you wait for him to consent.
“Yes,” he replies, inhaling sharply when your fingers lift the waistband and dip inside to feel along the line connecting his groin to his thigh. It’s not uncommon for male patients to get an erection during an exam, but it’s a first for you to like the way his cock twitches.
Your face heats as you remember how Andy would let you practice exams on him while in med school. Those “exams” always ended in sex.
Guess you might have a medical role-play kink.
“All good so far,” you murmur as you guide him into a seated position.
“Take a deep breath in,” you request from Jake’s side as you listen to his lungs before moving your stethoscope lower. “Good, again.”
Both your face and between your legs heat when you see the scratch marks down his back that your nails left 2 nights prior.
“Looks like you got mauled by a cougar,” you tease as you run your fingers over the red lines, delighting in his sharp inhale and the goosebumps that follow.
“Maybe I did,” he turns toward you, eyes meeting yours before flicking to your lips.
“Maybe I should report you for allowing someone to damage government property,” you smirk, coming around to stand in front of him.
“You’re the one-wait, you’re fucking married?” He exclaims moments later, zeroing in on your ring when you place your stethoscope on his chest to listen to his heart.
“Shhhh!” You shush him, looking at the door, waiting for someone to burst through.
“What the fuck, Reese?!” He hisses. The disgust in his tone makes you want to curl in on yourself, even though you’ve done nothing wrong.
“Jake, I-“ you start to answer, but he cuts you off.
“You’re wearing a wedding ring and you weren’t on Saturday. Why would ask me to have a drink with you? Jesus, Reese. I don’t fuck married women,” he seethes, looking away. “Who’s your husband? Do I have to worry about getting reprimanded or my ass kicked?”
“Andrew Kerner,” you reply, “and no. He passed away 8 years ago.”
His head whips toward you.
“Drifter was your husband? Slider’s son?” He asks, putting all of the pieces together.
You nod as you begin to check his reflexes.
“Shit,” he pales as he realizes how he just treated you. “I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you reply, “You didn’t know.”
His reaction hurt, but it was fair. You were wearing a wedding ring.
“I don’t wear it to the beach because of the sand and sunscreen, otherwise I usually wear it on my right hand,” you explain, “but when I’m at work or somewhere I don’t want to appear single, I keep it on my left. I’m…just not ready to be done wearing it yet.”
“I’ve heard he was a good man. He sure was one helluva pilot,” Jake says before putting his hand over yours that’s on his knee. You suppress the shiver at the feel of his callouses. “I really am sorry, Reese.”
“You’re forgiven,” you reply, giving him a small smile.
“You know Rooster then,” he thinks aloud, then his eyes widen as his eyes flock to your stomach, your c-section scar. “You’re Drew’s mom.”
The mama bear in you bristles. “How do you know Drew?”
“I transferred here…the same unit as Rooster about 5 months ago,” he explains quickly, picking up you don’t mess around when it comes to your son. “He took Drew to a Padres game for one of their boys days a few weeks ago and invited me too.”
You relax at his response. You trust that Roo wouldn’t take Drew around just anyone
“He’s a great kid, Reese,” he continues. “Takes after you; cute, funny, sarcastic, smart.”
“Thanks. He is pretty great,” you agree. “Now stand up and bend over for me.”
He blushes as he chuckles before he does as asks. “I think that’s the first time a woman’s said that to me.”
You roll your eyes but a laugh escapes as you evaluate his spine. “Alright,” you tap him to stand again, “I’m sure you’ve heard this one before: drop your drawers.”
He flushes further and he laughs as he does as he lets his underwear drop. “Yes ma’am.”
You grab your wheeled stool to sit while trying to ignore the rush of arousal his words send between your thighs as your hand sneaks under the gown.
“I’m going to touch your inner thigh and then your testicles to feel for a hernia with your permission,” you obtain consent again and proceed when he nods.
He looks away, pink still staining his cheeks as your hand moves up his thigh. He hardens instantly, tenting the fabric directly in front of your face.
“Turn your head and cough for me? Good,” you say, looking at the floor. It’s both awkward and arousing; you can’t imagine how he feels. “One more time. Good.”
You rise and nod for him to pull his underwear back on, turning your back on him to remove your gloves and wash your hands to give him an illusion of privacy.
“I’ll step out so you can get dressed,” you say as you dry your hands.
“Just like yesterday morning,” he says, smirking to let you know he’s teasing when your eyes meet his.
“You’re all set then, lieutenant,” you tell him as you finish charting, “do you have any other questions?”
“Just one,” he replies. “Why’d you leave without waking me up? Or leaving your number? I really like you. I thought we had fun.”
You’re surprise His hurt tone dents the wall you constructed around your heart.
“I did have fun,” you answer truthfully and sigh before you continue. “I don’t get a lot of free time, Jake. That’s why I was at the beach Saturday. I just got back from a 6-month deployment early and Drew was at still Disney with Grandma and Grandpa. I found out yesterday morning they were on their way back and I wanted to beat them home,” you explain. “I saw your dog tags by the door when I was looking for something to leave you a note with and figured I’d see you around since I’m now stationed here. I didn’t expect it quite so soon though.”
“Can I take you out sometime? I’d like to get to know you better,” he asks, hopeful.
His face falls a second later at your hesitation.
“I’m a 38 year old, widowed, single mom. You’re what…30?” He nods once and you continue, “I’m not really looking for a relationship right now; I barely have any time for myself, much less a relationship. You deserve someone young and fun that can do things at the drop of a hat.”
He nods, mulling over your words before he grabs a pen and scribbles something on the notepad sitting on the desk.
He rises and hands you the note.
“There’s my number if you change your mind or just want another night of fun,” he says as he walks toward the door. “I’ll gladly take anything you’re willing to give me.”
Disclaimer: this is just fiction and fun. A medical provider should NEVER make inappropriate comments/touches, etc. They SHOULD get consent before touching you. Lmk if you have any questions/concerns with this.
A/N: Sorry about the wait, for those of you who don’t follow me closely, I’ve been at the beach on a girls trip for the past 5 days.
So…what’d you think?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs!
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