#doctor who advice
performing-personhood · 6 months
Help, I'm trying to get my spouse into Twelve.
He found Ten and Eleven "too... shouty?" so as a last ditch effort to get him into Doctor Who, I'm gonna try Twelve. (He is a former soldier and current public school teacher, so he would really love Danny Pink - but I have to trick him into getting emotionally invested first.)
Yes I know there's a typo in the poll title, I'm annoyed too
For alternate answers, leave a comment or reblog or something - I want everyone's input please and thank you 🩷
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crowleybrekkers · 7 months
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and we definitely added to his pile of good things.
doctor who | 5x10, vincent and the doctor
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mirroredmemoriez · 7 months
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youngpettyqueen · 2 months
I know the decision to have Julian's parents have him augmented was made on the fly but imo its pretty obvious from early on that Julian has Family Issues because he avoids talking about his family like the plague and I think they should've incorporated this into the Julian and Sisko dynamic right from early on because I think it would've made for some really compelling stories and moments and could've set up a REALLY interesting Julian and Jake dynamic which they kinda started to do but never fully went for
#star trek: ds9#julian bashir#benjamin sisko#jake sisko#s1 Julian being so young and eager to prove himself and latching onto Sisko as this mentor figure to look up to#seeing Sisko with Jake and low-key seeking that fatherly figure connection which he won't even let himself think about#Sisko seeing this young brilliant doctor who's got all the makings to be something great and he's just GOTTA help him along#I think he would also catch on pretty quick that Julian's got Parental Issues#he tries to ask one day all casual like 'tell me about yourself :)' and Julian talks about nothing but Starfleet and med school#any attempts to ask about his family are met with awkward brief answers and redirections#and then theres the way Julian's eyes light up the first time Sisko invites him to watch a baseball game#like he Knows. he's a dad he Knows somethings up#but he doesnt pry#I also think it makes their dynamic more tragic towards the end of the series#where we have Sisko asking Julian to compromise his morals again and again#Julian's trust and respect for him gradually deteriorating#and then at the end of course Sisko is gone and they have no idea when he'll be back#which I think Julian would have a lot of complicated feelings about#but of course theres also Jake#I imagine they'd get closer#very brotherly dynamic#you know that scene in TNG where Wesley goes to Riker for girl advice and Riker and Guinan start flirting?#absolutely happens but with Jake asking Julian for girl advice and Julian wooing a girl at Quark's and Jake absolutely loses the plot#makes the events of ...Nor the Battle to the Strong more intense as well I think#also I like to think there'd be an episode where the B plot is Jake gets mad at Sisko and impulsively decides to move out#ends up at Julian's because he did not think this through#Julian is now very much caught in the middle of this family drama and he Fucking Hates It#also him and Jake are NOT compatible roommates but he's trying so so hard to be nice#eventually they have a talk and Julian cryptically hints at his own home life and tells Jake he's lucky he has a dad who cares so much#them being closer would work into what Alone Together sets up for them
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sneezingisnotnormal · 4 months
REWATCHING AND “is that thing… is that something to do with you?” HOLY SHIT GIRL IM LITERALLY GONNA—
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ebenelephant · 6 months
also i do think that martha and tosh should have gone out for drinks in torchwood and lamented the dense men in their lives. maybe had a little kiss, for fun.
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
Anakin being haunted by his mother once he becomes Darth Vader and having an Azula from Atla style breakdown where Shmi tells him something along the lines of "this isn't the life I wished for you/you're back to being a slave" and Anakin smashing a mirror
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
TNG episode where the ship is taking a bunch of different doctors and scientists to an important medical conference and Worf ends up developing a crush on one of the Vulcan doctors and they get along really well. They both seem lonely and their interactions are sweet. At the same time Worf is trying to beat an unknown opponent at a subspace strategy game which is circulating amongst all the security teams Starfleet-wide (Worf is very good at the game and so is equal parts frustrated and thrilled by this opponent's skill) and during one of their conversations/outings the Vulcan doctor points out a flaw in Worf's opponent's game which he never would have noticed on his own. This doesn't allow him to win necessarily but it does keep them from constantly stalemating one another. The end of the episode has Worf nearly confess to the doctor as they finally reach the conference, but it turns out her husband is waiting for her. Her husband is Tuvok and he was ALSO the opponent which Worf was fighting tooth and nail (on two different fronts?). Tuvok and Worf are both shocked by this and suspicious of one another. Was Worf seducing his wife as a tactic? Was Tuvok using his wife to lower Worf's guard? Doctor T'Pel seems amused, undercutting the tension. Gentlemen, it's only a game. (Both men remember it is indeed only a game and appear sheepish) She wishes Worf well and then gets on the transport, informing the room that her stay on the Enterprise was indeed quite enjoyable. Tuvok & Worf agree to continue playing that game until there is a decisive winner.
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lycankeyy · 6 months
The general consensus that Morph is Not coping with their ptsd is funny because they canonically have gone to therapy. It's not even wrong because the episode of TAS about them going to therapy is expressly about how they kind of suck at therapy
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entishramblings · 2 months
just bc I am curious….and in need lol
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charliejaneanders · 1 month
Here is a story that contains plenty of conflict: "I was hungry. I really wanted a sandwich. So I got up and went to the fridge and made a sandwich."
Another Way To Think About "Conflict" and "Stakes" In Your Fiction
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ghostedgrim · 2 months
Fandom Etiquette
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It has come to my attention that today's fandoms just keep turning toxic, getting created and ruined within a week, and the etiquette we used to follow like law is vanishing. More and more people, especially minors, are joining fandoms, and they don't know the etiquette or unofficial rules that we once went by.
These "rules" are merely what I have observed through the years.
1) Understand what a fandom is- A fandom is a SAFE SPACE where people can talk about a show/movie/game/book + characters within it that they like. It is a space where people can be free to make headcannons, self-inserts, ocs, memes, shit posts, create and share theories, create fanart and fanfics.
2)Respect - If you don't want something happening to you, then don't do it to others. More directly: don't hate on other people for their preferences of reading, writing, and characters they like. So if someone likes character A because of __ but you like character B, that doesn't give you the right of hating on the other person fit liking character A. If a person sets a boundary: "I won't write _ _ and _," then don't push them to write it.
✨️Jingle Jingle ✨️sparkles✨️lemme keep your attention✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
3) Creators of a fandom (people who created the characters, movie, book etc that you like).- If they request something, respect it. "Please don't sexulize this character" so don't sexualize them. Do not force a creator into a fandom, don't be sending them fanart, graphic contents, threats to get a specific ship you want, etc. They are a person, treat them like one, if they want to be in the fandom and interact with it they will do it in their own time, don't force them.
4) 18+ spaces! 🔞- Now minors, I NEED you to understand this part. A person with 18+, 🔞 or MDNI (minors do not interact), don't interact ESSPECALLY if it's a group chat, discord, and/or rolepay. I emphasize this FOR YOUR SAFETY! As a minor, you can easily get groomed, no matter how safe it seems adult predators are there and will make you feel like they are the safest person to be around before they attack (I did an essay on this just a few months ago, trust me it's bad). Some people make an 18+ space because they fear a they cannot prevent a predator from going after minors who enter that space (predators will often be your friend before they attacked via grooming).
5) 18+ pt2- Many people create an 18+ space so they can talk about more adult related topics, or simply because they find it easier to talk to people their age when speaking about fandom related topics. Also it's weird being like 20 and agreeing with a 12 y/o that a character is hot, it's extremely uncomfortable for us adults when we realize we're having that conversation with a kid.
6) MDNI and 18+ tags!- These are warnings that a topic in a post is NOT CHILD FRIENDLY!! Also us adults can get in trouble if a child interacts with our 18+ content- a parent could see, report us, get us banned and possibly worse scenarios depending on the situation. Also adults don't want children reading 🌽, graphic violence etc.
✨️✨️💥✨️✨️stay with me now✨️✨️💥✨️✨️
7) Shit posts💕- I have not seen them in ages and I miss them. A shit post is just a funny, likely cringey thing you make at like 3am. They're funny, stupid, meant to make everyone laugh and cringe, they're not meant to be pretty. It can be headcannons like "Thrawn from star wars sucks at painting that's why he only admires art!!" Or self insert x character doing something stupid. Crack fics are some of the funniest things because you can read it and wonder if the person who made it was high in that moment. They're like memes.
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8) Self Insert OCs- Idc if you hate them because guess what, a person has a right to create them, Hell a person has every right to make a fanfic with them. Yes, you're allowed to feel distaste when you see them, but don't give hate, it's stupid to hate on something so harmless. I got maladaptive daydreaming, and while it may be boring in a fanfic, I find may daydreams much more entertaining when I have powers and a backstory that's fictional.
9) Warnings- Put warnings on your post if it contains; violence, sa, abuse, sh, sickness, vomiting, and any other possibily triggering thing even I'd it seems stupid put the warning there please ✨️
10) Pro-shipping- If you do this you're not welcome, and leave the fandom. For those who don't know, these people support minor x adult ships, incest ships, dad/mother x their child ship, abuser x victim ships and likely sa ships too. There is no excuse, if you support them, make art, fanfics, headcannons, get out and leave the fandom. If you're so desperate for it then go make a bot for it on character ai. 👋 bye
10.5) If you make headcannons or stories romanticizing a character 🍇ing, and or sa and or abusing y/n, or another character you ship them with (especially if it's a minor x adult 🤢), get tf out. If you romanticize yourself sa, 🍇ing and/or abusing a character (especially if it's a minor) get tf out. LEAVE THE FANDOM
✨️Almost done, just a little further my friends✨️💕
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11) Help support the people writing fanfics, writing isn't always easy, so leave the author a comment or preferably reblog it, it helps motivate them to write and keeps the fandom alive
12) Don't be toxic, it kills a fandom. Unless a person's opinions or creations are harmful just leave them alone if you don't like it.
13) Don't glorify Ai art, all the faces and smiles look identical babe, go for art created by a person. 100%
14) Don't whitewash
15) be inclusive
✨️ If you wanna read a story with multiple chapters you can find them on whattpad and Ao3. Ao3 is better at filtering out unwanted content and finding certain content you want. Tumblr fanfics are mostly oneshots, but multiple chapter stories do exist.✨️
16) Give support to authors writing multiple chapter stories bc those are hard af to make! Support via: Tumbler: reblog and comment. Ao3: kudos and comment. Whattpad: comment, and vote for it.
17) SUPPORT FANART ARTISTS! With Ai their motivation to create has weakened. Fancfictions and fanart are both vital in keeping fandoms alive, and artists are do much better at art than Ai. And we love the little comics the artists make, so give em some love
18) Cosplay- we all have to start somewhere and cosplay is expensive af. So support rather than critisize, and provide tips to help them (where to find affordable good materials, how to sew, good glues etc)
19) Writing is hard, some people like me are dyslexic and not everyone has English as their native language, ontop of that with grammarly (Ai based autocorrect) it's harder to notice mistakes and the autocorrect will also make incorrect corrections.
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You made it!!!! I'm proud!!! Feel free to reblog, comment, and even copy then repost to spread the word, feel free to add, and summarize. People can't magically learn fandom etiquette, we have to teach them. Especially the minors
Now go be the weird nerds we all are 👋
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thekingofspin · 8 months
"Never trust a hug
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it's just a way to hide your face"
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pls her mind is amazing and everything they write is super interesting. A Canadian fanatic of the seventh doctor and If u are in the Thoschei server u know how much Maddy loves to analyze stuff (clothes or eras) and everything they say is always fascinating (and also if you are there u know how much in love I am with her)
SO FOLLOW THEMMMM: @fruitywhovian
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I want to make little models of characters I like, does anyone know good materials I can use to do this? Like brands of clay that are good but not expensive, or maybe fabric that could be stuffed and stitched together, anything that makes good small dolls (like, I’m imagining maybe 2 1/2 inches)
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badwolfrose34 · 5 days
GitF Fix It Expansion(requesting ideas and advice)
I have recently learned that Moffat didn’t just bastardize Ten and Rose. He insulted Madame de Pompadour. Based on historical descriptions of her she was a “physically cold woman.” There’s more details but ultimately, she likely would not have appreciated being portrayed as a sex symbol.
Anyway, this led me to start working on a version of my nightmare fix it fic where the Doctor takes Rose to see what the real Madame de Pompadour is like. I welcome any input on details people might like to read in this expanded version. Only thing I’m dead set on doing is having the villain be a time agent with a fetish for Madame de Pompadour. I also want to use the sexist details in the GitF script as dialogue for him.
Other than that, I’m open ideas for the expanded version of my fic! I’ll link the one shot version for reference. I’ll the one shot as the first chapter of the expanded story. I will leave the one shot up as is for people who wish to headcanon the nightmare aspect but not the story where they visit 18th Century France the next day.
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