#so you'll have a hot rich wife
envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
Cheating is a sore subject for me in real life but in fiction? As long as I see some type of get-back I will be satisfied. And not even something brutal, but I do think that moving on and finding peace from the hurt they inflicted on you is the best revenge cause it’s essentially saying “you haven’t crossed my mind for a while”, especially why it comes to someone like Gojo who has a massive ego. With the cheater stsg idea, the logical part of me is saying that reader should move on to a good man like Nanami, but the toxic part of me is also thinking Sakuna; would Sakuna treat you right? Probably not, unless he sees you as someone worth keeping around. I say toxic cause this guy is a show off and he would very much rub into stsg faces of what they lost. (I actually do believe that if he likes you, enough to talk casually with you, the banter with Sakuna would be kinda fun, since you don’t have the looming threat of getting beat up. It’s not for the weak tho he’s still gonna mean but readers just gonna take it with a grain of salt. Kinda like a tough love situation).
(i hope you're doing well now:()
You know who'd treat you right after satosugu being pieces of shit? Shoko.
Maybe she'd been there since the beginning. Right when you met Suguru. She was interested in you too, but Suguru made the first move. Which was fine with her. You're a good person. Suguru deserves someone like that after the whole 'will they won't they' he had with Satoru. But you're so sweet, and nice, and Shoko keeps falling deeper and deeper. She knows its wrong to be in love with her friend's girlfriend but, she can't help herself.
It's why she says nothing when Suguru and Satoru start getting more touchy, when she catches them exchanging looks they only had back in highschool. Shoko knows she should pull Suguru aside, tell him to stop before he loses everything because you were someone worth keeping forever. And yet, she doesn't. She pretends to be willfully ignorant. The guilt eats her alive to this day.
You find out eventually. Breaking up with Suguru is inevitable and now Shoko's finding out that Satoru and Suguru had a plan for bringing all three of you together. Pathetic. She knows you only have room for one person in your heart.
Would it be so bad if that person was her? She thinks as she lets you cry on her shoulder, brushing your tears away, hoping you don't notice the way her eyes lingers on your lips.
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sehodreams · 6 months
Rich CEO Sungchan is married to an heiress. Their marriage didn’t start off as a business arrangement. As two young, hot, fit people, they were attracted to each other. But as the years went by, Sungchan became less and less attracted to the heiress. It doesn’t help that their sex life is vanilla. Their newborn was 100% a business arrangement. He’s secured an heir to the empire. Reader is hired as the stay-in nanny to help with the newborn. Most of the day she’s in the main mansion, tending to the newborn as the heiress tens to her socialite life. At night, she sleeps in the detached guest house. Sometimes, the nanny’s and Sungchan’s paths cross in the estate. 🌒 (all asks optional, dont feel pressured to respond)
God I've been in a Sungchan brain rot lately, I have a dumb!popular!Sungchan in the oven and now this, god, I've been well fed these days 🥴
I'm slowly answering the questions, sorry if sometimes I take too much time, it's a busy season where I work, but I love all ideas and mtl questions, so feel free to continue doing them, I'll try to answer them in my free time! 💕
I hope you like it, to be honest i already have a second part, my mind kept showing me other scenarios, so if you have any feedback is more than welcome!
TW and tags: dark!CEO!Sungchan, noncon, p in v, no protection, thigh fucking, fingering, breeding kink, squints of Sir Kink, plus size!nanny!reader
WC: sorry, wrote it in my phone and have no idea, but probably around 4k like usual.
Just a gift
He didn't notice your existence until he went to see his baby boy after a long work trip, he had gone to Japan to see a couple of his restaurants, leaving his wife with his child, trusting her to take care of him.
He didn't mind that she received help, he expected it since he knew she'd have to go to a couple events like always, but it seemed as if the woman he had married was getting busy on purpose to avoid taking care of their child, and that did bother him, but she'd do her job at some point, he hoped.
When he arrived he asked for his child and his wife, the maid told him the lady had gone out to a family reunion and the child was sleeping in his room, so he quickly tossed his tie aside, getting more comfortable, and walked to his newborn's room, calming himself to not get mad with his wife. It was a long way to that side of the mansion and he had asked for his things to be moved as near as possible to help in case anything happened, so he'd rest after checking on his baby. He had stopped sharing his bed with his wife a long time ago and they slept on different sides of the house, but now that they had a child, they couldn't avoid each other's presence anymore, or so he thought.
When he opened the door he expected to see his baby sleeping in his baby crib, carefully chosen by a professional, but what he saw left him without words.
You were there, in the dark room with just a limp light on, carrying his baby with your eyes closed while whispering sweet words "you're a lucky baby, I hope you grow up with as much love as wealth you'll receive, and become a great man". You held him with so much care, close to your chest, giving him all your warm.
And that made him hard.
In the moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew you existed to have a child, you were a mother, and he wanted to give you all the children you wanted. He had deduced you didn't have any children, how could such a sweet young thing like you have children already? You had so much love overflowing your words and movements, it wasn't possible.
He stopped himself, his mind running around a mile per second, imagining you in his bed with your legs up and his cock stuffing you, making you a real mother.
"Who are you?" He asked after a second, still at the door, not walking near you because he knew he'd get weak.
You opened your eyes in shock by the male voice, so deep into your own comfort with the baby you took care of. You looked at him and immediately recognized him, the same hair color and skin as the baby you were holding, also it was impossible to not know who he was, the owner of the household, and your boss you had no opportunity to meet until now, "Sir, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm baby Sungchan's nanny" you smiled. He got drunk with the way your smile made your sweet cheeks chubbier, and your round body called him to get warm with it into your side, so welcoming.
He was sure your sweet pussy would easily accept him, would call for him, just like your eyes and lips did. You were such a sweet thing to the eye, of course you had to taste as sweet too, right?
"Sorry I wasn't notified with your presence, if you don't mind, could you tell me when did you start working here?" He talked, ignoring the pressure that started to bother him inside his pants.
"Oh, it hasn't been that long, maybe a month" you whispered, leaving his child into the crib, softly, slightly bending to not wake him up, showing Sungchan your precious and bubbly ass. God, he wanted to lift that long skirt and fuck you right there, his body was so hot it hurt.
He couldn't remember the last time he had sex, he knows it was with his wife when they conceived the small heir, and after that he got so busy with work and his new life as a father he didn't have time to visit the VIP brothel he used to visit before he and his wife had decided to have a son. He and his wife had a good start, both were equals in the relationship, they had the beauty and the status to be a perfect couple, but their feelings got colder with time, and at some point they just stopped being a real relationship, only staying together for the benefits it had. The sex had always been too vanilla for his liking, and after a couple of years he had decided to visit brothels instead of finding girls around, he didn't want a relationship, and he was sure anyone who wasn't paid to be with him would quickly catch unnecessary feelings for him.
"What do you mean a month? I left for Japan 2 weeks ago, does that mean you were almost 2 weeks here, with my child, and you didn't bother to present yourself to me? My wife has never told me about you" he was frowning his eyebrows behind you. You stood up properly again, bowing and saying sorry. "I don't want you to apologize, I want you to give me an explanation" his voice was getting higher and you looked alarmed behind you.
"Please Sir, let's not raise the voice in here, this is your son's room, not your office, let's have this conversation in another place" you replied. You were so calm, so put together, it started a fire inside his guts. He wanted to ravage you, look at tears falling down your cheeks and your pussy contracting around his fingers, convulsing and making a mess, and giving you the prize you deserved, because you were much more mother than his wife, who had never shown as much interest as you for his child, and you, in just an interaction, had shown more love and maturity than her.
"You're right, let's go to my office" he accepted. You walked in front of him and he watched your hips move with every step, the curve of your lower back going to your ass, was insane. He had never had interest in curvy bodies before, thinking that they were unhealthy, but now that he had a son with his wife, he realized your body was just different, softer, warmer, more breedable, he smiled.
When you arrived to his office he sat in his leather sofa, showing you with his eyes were you should seat, in front of him, in another sofa, with a little table between you. You did it, you sat and patted your skirt, with your straight back, pushing your tits in the way. He saw your sweet boobs push your floral white blouse, and your long baby blue skirt only enhanced the softness of your body. He licked his lips without you noticing and crossed his long legs.
You didn't feel small, but you felt watched, reason why you did your best to mantain eye contact.
So a feisty one, he thought, I like that.
You heard the clock ticking, too obvious in the silence. "What are you waiting for?" He asked.
"Sorry, it's my fault I didn't present myself to you, I should've done it, the lady said to not bother you because then you'd have an unapproachable actitud with your son, and my main interest, as wrong as it sounds, it's the wellness of your child, so I didn't want to push any buttons on you. Still, I'm sorry Sir, I have no excuses."
You sounded so pretty, making it seem as if you always thought about his son, he was sure you'd be a great wife one day, obedient but strong willed, soft and caring but protective.
However, that would have to wait, because he wanted you for him.
"I see, I'm afraid my wife has told you things that aren't a hundred percent true, I do get frustrated when I'm interrupted, but anyone who has direct contact with my child and has to bring me news about his wellbeing will never be a bother, I hope that from now on we mantain a better relationship, and thank you for taking care of my child in the meanwhile."
You looked up to him, you have never been treated so good by a parent before, always working for rich jerks, it was new for you to have such a notable gentleman talk to you like that. You smiled and nodded. "Thank you Sir, I'll take care of him as if it was my blood"
He smiled and dismissed you, you quickly left to go to your room on the attached house, excited to have met your boss.
He jerked off with your smile in his mind.
Days went by, he tried to tell himself that maybe it was better to just have a boss/worker relationship with you, to not surpass any line. But God you did it hard for him, now everyday before his son went to sleep and you to your room, you'd go with the baby in your arms to his office, so he could give him a goodnight kiss.
And he was dying to give you one too.
Everytime he saw you walking near his room in the morning, making sure his baby was always well fed, going around with your pretty flowy dresses and your tits that bounced everytime you moved. They would feed a child really well, he repeated on his mine, or maybe they already had milk? It was impossible to have those voluptuous boobs and not want a taste.
Still, he never did anything, not touching a hair on your head.
He repeated like a mantra that it was not okay, he needed you around because his wife had better things to do than take care of their boy, and his boy loved you so much, every day his laugh filled the empty corridors like a song, making an echo that made everyone that heard it smile.
Except his wife, of course.
"When are you coming back" he asked when he saw her taking a couple bags full of party clothes.
"I'm not sure, but it won't be more than a month" she hurried to go out. You were in the room with the baby, listening to the baby's mother leave without giving the small one a second glance, but you couldn't say anything, it wasn't your position to question the parents.
"If you leave that door, I swear, I'll take cards into the subject" he said angrily. "It's our child! You can't leave him like that! You have never breastfeeded him, not a single time!"
"It hurts, what do you want me to do? And he's being taken care just fine, I'll come back in a few weeks, you also travel a lot, why shouldn't I?" You heard him throwing things to the floor and flinched, you had never seen him get that angry before, he always had a smile on his face when you appeared.
Both their rooms were next to the baby's so you heard everything clearly, and when the baby started to cry you grabbed him and ran to the patio to calm him down.
An hour later you saw from the patio the lady leaving with a couple bags and dark sunglasses. He couldn't... You doubted. Could have he touch her? The same Sungchan you saw every morning and night and always kissed his son and talked to you with respect?
You shook your head, it wasn't any of your business. He came down a couple minutes later, fuming, and searched for you. You quickly answered "Sir, I'm here" You said after running to the backdoor that connected the house with the patio, you didn't dare to scream next to the baby. The baby was in the stroller, taking his daily nap, and you were beside him, sitting in one of the many benches. He walked with you to your seat, heat coming out of him, so hot you felt it in your back when he walked behind you, when he saw him there, his baby next to you now, and your confused gaze, he calmed down.
"I'm sorry you had to heard that, I've been having numerous fights with my wife since the baby was born... I just... I don't know what to do, it had never passed my mind that he wouldn't have his mother around, I always respected how serious my wife took his life and businesses" he looked down, you couldn't help but get soft for him.
"I'm sorry to hear that Sir, but let me assure this baby it's been well taken care of, not only by me, but by you, I had never seen a father so committed to his role before" you wanted to comfort him.
He smiled at your words "thank you".
Everything started to get even better, he visited his child more, and had started to give you bonuses and little gifts, did you have a favorite coffee? The kitchen had all the options you could ever need. You needed a new stroller for his kid? Take his credit card, don't even doubt of getting the best one. Did you like those little dresses, right? Well, one of his friends had a store you could visit, don't worry, it's just a gift.
Just a gift, just a gift, he always said, and you started to feel more and more uncomfortable with his attentions.
"Sorry Sir, I can't accept that" he was showing you a gold bracelet that matched his son's little necklace.
"Don't worry, it's nothing, just a gift" he smiled and tried to put in in your wrist.
You moved your hand away from his grip. "I shouldn't Sir, I-I don't think this is okay" you nervously said, you didn't want to think he had any ulterior motive to give them to you, but everyone else had started to look at you weirdly, and you heard how the staff talked behind you "she's gonna trap him", "she must be doing extra work to be on his good side", "someone should remind her he's married". It was all too much for you.
His eyes full of love changed. "Are you rejecting my gift? I choose it for you, if you don't accept it I have no option but to throw it out"
"No Sir, why-" you couldn't understand why his voice tone changed. "Can't you get your money back?"
"It has your name on it, and my boy's too, it was a set, I can't return it" he denied. You didn't know what to do, doubting if to accept it or not. He saw it in your face, you discussing with yourself, your doubt. He doesn't know why, but he got so mad, he didn't give you another second to doubt, and crushed the pretty box with his hands, to then throw it into the trash can next to the door, walking away without giving you a second glance.
You stayed there, in shock, not knowing what to do. You walked to the bin, empty, with only the crushed box inside, and took it out, you couldn't let something so valuable be dumped. You examinated it, gold with a little sun, matching the little star in the baby's necklace, your initial and the baby's in the back, so pretty, you had never received something so valuable before.
You left the boy sleeping and went to your room, feeling scared of going to his office to say goodnight like everyday.
Why didn't you? He stayed up for hours, waiting for you, and then after the clock sounded at midnight, he walked to see you in the guest house.
He had almost forgotten how the place looked, never finding a reason to visit the place until that moment.
Your room was in the second floor, the living room had the tv on and different bags on your table from all the shopping he sent you to do with his card, the little box he had choosen caught his attention too. He smiled, satisfied with your actions, you never disappointed him.
You were deep asleep, not feeling his presence. He watched you, you were wearing a white tank top that showed your nipples through the cheap fabric.
You shouldn't be wearing that, you should be covered in jewels and the best fabrics, he thought.
He got closer, watching your face. His hand moved on his own, he swears, he didn't mean to, but your skin was magnetic. His hand touched the strap of your tank top and moved it, your tits were so big they were about to spill over the clothes, and he wanted to move the bedsheet away to see what were you wearing down, so he did.
God, you wore nothing, only covering your pussy with your panties.
He saw shift your body, feeling the cold air touch you. You showed him your back, and when he saw your peachy ass he decided that was the night, that was the night you would become his.
He would take you, you wanted or not.
He had tried so hard, showering you with compliments and gifts, how could you reject him like that before? He felt so hurt, he did everything for you, how could you be so cold towards him?
You didn't leave him an option.
He pressed his body against yours, smelling your shampoo from the hair that covered your pillow. His hips touched your ass, his boner presenting itself and feeling your clothed skin.
His hand wanted to roam around but he didn't want to wake you up, so he did his best to softly move his hand to the front of your panties, hugging your side.
His hand entered the rim of your panties and felt the hair you had there, he liked that, a natural feeling, fertile.
The tip of his fingers caressed your little mount, smooth, like caramel. Your ass pressed more against him and he had to bite his lip to not moan, so much time had passed since the last time he fucked someone his body physically hurt him, he wanted to open your legs and push his dick immediately, but he had to enjoy you a bit more, all well done has its benefits, he reminded himself.
His fingers made circles on your clit, and your pussy, even with you asleep, started to respond to his touch.
Fuck, that's my girl, he thought.
It was getting wet, so wet, he moved his hand to his face and smelled you on his fingers. A little drop was about to fall and he decided to lick it, a mature flavor, like a woman that needed a man to break her.
That was it, that pushed all sanity out of him and he pulled down his slacks. The tip of his cock, red and furious, was leaking, and he pushed it between your thighs.
It was hard, your thighs were so thick they almost left no room for him, but you had already dripped enough to make it easier, and with the help of his spit on his dick he did it.
I want to put it in, I need to put it in, his mind was racing and his breath was getting more and more loud. You would wake up in any second, and he couldn't wait for it, he wanted to smash you to the mattress and fuck you like an animal, to cum inside and breed you like you deserved.
His pleads were heard and you opened your eyes, confused with what was going on, you felt the pressure between your legs, and your body hot and wet, but why? How?
"Sorry baby, It'll be quick, just once, okay?" He whispered behind you and you turned your head to look at him, he smiled at you and gave you a peck on the lips.
"What? What?" You asked, just waking up and regaining your senses. "Sir?"
Oh god, he loved when you called him Sir, always with that soft voice and those full lips.
He separated himself and moved you to your back, he quickly opened your legs and situated himself between them, pushing your underwear to the side, almost hurting you of how strongly he did it. he appreciated you hole for a good second, so plump and glowing even in darkness, ready for him.
He may not have noticed all your refusal, he had covered your mouth with his hand after the kiss, and when your hands started to punch his chest he simply smiled and grabbed your hands with his other hand. "Did you know that something was stolen from the mansion today?" You stopped punching him and looked at him, not understanding what was going on. "It was a bracelet, with my son and his mother's initial, gold, really expensive, and all the maids said they saw you wearing it" Your eyes shook, you tried to deny under his hand. "It's okay honey, I forgive you, you just need to be a good girl from now on, okay?" Tears fell down your cheeks, it was a gift! You repeated on your head.
It was just a gift, how could he used that to backfire you, it had his wife's initial, that was right, but it was your initial too!
"I'll move my hand okay, and then I'll fuck you, don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it" he murmured. The light of the night covered him, trespassing the white curtains, like he did in your room.
He moved his hand and you could talk, finally "you said it was a gift" you cried.
"It was, but you rejected it, didn't think that would hurt me? You should've accepted me while I was kind" his fingers were pounding your insides. You squirmed, sensitive, feeling his long fingers work you like nothing.
"I'm... Sorry, Sir" you tried to say. "Please"
"It's okay baby" he replaced his fingers with the tip of his dick "I accept your apology" he inserted it completely in a single thrust.
You opened your mouth, air leaving your lungs and insides moving to accept him, he was so big, your eyes got blurry with the pain tears.
He started slow, but quickly got bored of the pace, and when he had enough he pushed your legs up, watching his dick sink inside you deeper. He exhaled, it felt perfect, your nails on his forearms, hurting him, and your pussy insides caressing him. So perfect.
His hips moved harder, and then he was mating pressing you to the bed. You were so soft and inviting like he imagined. Your cunt was accepting him in a second, knowing he was good enough for you.
Your cheeks were wet with tears, those pretty cheeks, he wanted to slap them to make them even more flushed.
"My angel, you're gonna be the best mother" he said, cock pressing you harder to the mattress, you fell as if your body was sinking into it, moaning and holding yourself to his arms to not fall deeper, where? you didn't know, but you felt like you were about to.
"Please no, not inside" you begged, music to his ears. You tried to think about other things, how would you go after that, where would you hide, who could you ask for help. He saw you thinking too much and put one of his hands around your throat to shut up your pleas and the voices inside your head.
Not a single sound could leave your throat, and the air restriction made you dizzy. You slapped his hand so he'd let you breath again, but he didn't flinch. His pelvis ruthlessly smashing you with force, making your legs tremble.
"Mine, mine, forever mine" he bite his lip and smiled, pumping your insides, filling you with the thickest cum you've ever felt, so sticky it would certainly stay inside, adding to that, the way his hips didn't move away for a second, it would leave anyone pregnant.
He brushed off the hair over your face, and still with the hand on your throat, he left a soft kiss over your lips, still inside you.
You couldn't think properly, you hadn't realized you came when he put his hand on your neck, making a mess over the bed, and the last thing that passed through your mind before you passed out was that you would never accept a single gift from him again.
Except, nine months later, you'd recieve another one, obligated.
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absolutebl · 7 months
10 Best BL Shows with the Hottest Sexitimes
Because this is English and word order matters, this title means the show itself has to be good AS WELL AS the scenes high heat, as opposed to the best sex scenes in BL. The two are not necessarily the same list. Anyway I tried to pick both high heat and a fun show. This was hard (pun intended).
FYI expect triggers with your high heat.
(Oh right. For me to get a 3/3 heat rating the BL has simulated sex in it or very close to it. And usually one or more other sexual acts like bjs, a-ply, etc...)
So, I went to the spreadsheet, and sorted it by high heat and then ranking, and here is what I got. I think #1 will surprise you. What will not surprise you is it's mostly Thai and Taiwanese.
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10. TharnType (and follow ups)
Thai 2019 Viki
Should it still rank, all these years later? I am sorry to say, yes it should. University setting, great acting and complex characters, interesting friendship groups, enemies to lovers, seriously angsty coming out, high production values, AMAZING chemistry, multiple BL side couples with all the issues, damaging queer rep, strong seme/uke and husband/wife language, classic tropes and lots of them bad. But it's famous for a reason.
This was KinnPorsche before KinnPorsche.
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9. Addicted: Heroin
China 2016 Viki
When Chinese BL was good it was very dirty good and when it was bad it was censored. This is the model for that statement: rich kid falls madly for the genius poor kid in his class, starts an aggressive pursuit, includes kidnapping for love, obsession, stepbrother trope, plus some cheating. I love this BL because of what I could have been. Just stop watching it after The Sex Scene. Okay?
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8. Love Stage!!
Thai 2022 YouTube
This BL surprised me with its charm. The acting was good, the leads were appealing, support cast on point, and the production values high. It followed the original manga story arc relatively closely: boy falls in love with girl as a child, grows up to discover girl is actually a very pretty boy. Although there are some quintessentially Thai changes that mellowed, softened, and extended the romance arc and heat levels.
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7. HIStory 4: Close to You
Taiwan 2021 Viki
Nancy Chen directs, the side dish plot is basically a pastiche of problematic BL tropes inherited from the above. Great chemistry, high heat, stepbrothers, dubcon, obsession, stalker etc… They sexy tho.
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6. My Day
Pinoy 2020 YouTube
The set up on this one is enemies (also boss/employee) and they don’t like each other to start. But that gets resolved pretty quickly. And then they are some of the cutest, hottest, and best boyfriends ever. This is an under-appreciated BL, IMHO.
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5. Cutie Pie
Thai 2022 YouTube
Very high production (and heat) and a lot of visual references to live action yaoi gave this show a whiff of Japan but ultimately it stayed firmly in Thailand’s BL camp veering from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again. If you can roll with the arranged marriage conceit and very lifestyle D/s relationships, the chemistry is spot on even if the plot is naff and driven by miscommunication. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth. (It has depth, it just depth of tongue kisses.)
Also the follow up: Naughty Babe
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4. Bed Friend
Thai 2023 YouTube but for high heat you'll net to watch on iQIYI
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down.
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3. HIStory 3: Trapped
Taiwan 2019 Viki
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers from Lin Pei Yu. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but… amorphous ending.
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2. Why R U?
Thai 2020 Viki
No one knows what’s going on, not even the characters, but absolutely no one cares 'cause it's so thirsty. The plot seems to be "great chemistry and make sure Zee's shirts are NEVER BUTTONED PROPERLY." We, the collective, have a pro Hawaiian shirt anti-button stance, so rah rah rah! Still the most confusing thing about this show is: why they didn't just title it YRU? The FighterTuror sex scenes still stand as some of the best every fielded in a Thai BL.
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1. Be Loved In House: I Do
Taiwan 2021 Viki
A cute classy office set BL with a few plot raised eyebrows, but no other concerns. ALL THE TROPES plus a general sweet softness that’s pretty rare from Taiwan, who usually prefer to go hard, but all their signature domesticity. There is one high heat sex scene and it's great. But it's the whole package of classic sappy Taiwanese BL that puts this at the very top for me.
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Generally just v high heat?
Hottest sex scenes in BL is frankly gonna be largely a matter of your personal taste.
But if the ones mentioned above don't work try:
Love in the Air
Big Dragon
HIStory 3; MODC (the BL that shall not be named)
Be Mine Super Star
Manner of Death (and anything else with MaxTul)
Oh My Sunshine Night (sides)
Secret Crush on You
Wedding Plan
Most dark JBL has very good high heat, but... ya know.
For @samara44 by request.
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citizensun · 8 months
Queerness and the House of Usher (spoilers!)
See I just added these Thoughts to the tags in @quecksilvereyes 's post but now I have Feelings too
TFotHoU (or HoU, as I will refer to it here), as expected from a Mike Flannagan show, has a bunch of Queer Rep™ to talk about. HoU is, also, about remarkably evil people - amoral capitalists who'll step over anyone if it means they'll get something from it. And look! Some of them are queer! Kinky too!
That's bad queer representation... right?
The show isn't that clear when stablishing sexualities, but we see that at least three of the Usher kids - Napoleon, Camille and Victorine - have same sex SOs/assistants with curious job descriptions. Prospero's taste for orgies probably implies queerness too, but honestly I don't remember if he gets it going with any guys in the story. I honestly have no idea about Tamerlane's voyerism thingie and Frederick is the only one with a "traditional family" going on.
Unrelated, but: Leo is definitely cheating on his bf Julius. Completely dismissing about his worries for him too. And for his cat. That's objectively evil, clearly. Vic literally killed her fiancée Alessandra, though she didn't stuff her under the floorboard, which is an L when compared to Poe's original. Cam doesn't believe in true love. Perry blackmailed his sister in law. Mean. He's also got a surprisingly high kill count for the family's disappointment, but since unlike Roderick he only killed rich people, we stan. I don't belong in Kinky spaces so I haven't got a big take on Tammie, only that - well, she's completely dismissing of her husband and sees him as a prop, just like the sex worker she hires.
See, the nature of a story called "the fall of X family" is that X family is going to be the main character. The title kinda implies that they're falling for a reason, ergo, they're despicable fucking people. And they're queer! They're very queer. Many flavors of gay. They're the main characters, and they're monsters, and they're gay.
No, that's not bad rep.
Queerness as a movement, a community and a theory is very focused on scaping a cisheteronormative society's binaries (ie man/woman, husband/wife, public/private) and creating living conditions to those who fall outside of these categories - mlms and wlws, the trans, the nbs, the aros and aces... we are all queer, strange and estranged from this weird and limited worldview. And so we create a community for ourselves. It's very focused on care and anti-stablishment. Since a cisheteronormative society tends to be very white, rich and western, it's also focuses on anti-racism, anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism. Y'all know that, this is Tumblr and we love leftist Discourse.
I also know many, many gay people irl who are not like that at all. Libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, terfs, completely apolitical people and the like. Sexuality at it's core is personal, not political, so there are gay people out there who are perfectly comfortable with their sexuality on an individual level but do not see the point of getting involved in the broader context. They're queer, but are they...?
Not to mention there's lots of asshole gays out there! Don't you have a shitty ex? Have you never been almost run over by a drunken butch who blew cigar smoke into your face? I have! Life experiences are just like that. Maybe you should touch more grass. You'll probably find a lucky gift from your neighbour's dog, who is an astrology-obsessed bisexual and also really hot but stopped making out with you at a party once she found out you're a pisces (the neighbour, not the dog).
(Granted, none of this is as bad as implanting an experimental heart contraption into the fiancée you just killed because she dared to have ethical principles and then being so consumed with grief you stab yourself in front you'd your dad but you know how it goes. We're not the 1%.)
My point is, queer people are people. We are complex. We fuck up, and sometimes there's still times to fix things and sometimes... there isn't. We're consumed by jealousy and regret and sometimes we're so locked into our own head we stop believing the rest of the world is real too. Just like any other people, because unfortunately, queerness isn't a sign of morality.
And even if queerness does mean community, kindness and acceptance, tell me... Where the hell would the Usher kids get those from? The people around them are not really peers – they're ass-istants, blowjob-giving apartments, orgy mates, heart surgery providers, hired fitness moneybags, perfect housewives. Even if the partners are all shown to care for the Ushers, there's still a distance, a power gap, that makes the relationships fundamentally wrong.
And the partners? Arguably they're the good queer rep in the show, but look – even when Julius and Alessandra are shown to be good people (or at least people with an ethical boundary), they're not the good gays, they're simply the good SO's to a family of psychos. Exactly like Bill and Morrie, who afawk are straight people.
Which leads us to HoU's parameter of morality - Auguste Dupin. He refuses to drink the Amontillado, symbol of all the Usher opulence over the years. He got screwed over by the Usher twins and by the Raven herself, but he refused to cave in (except for the informant part, admittedly). He's not a good gay guy; he is gay and he is a good man.
The fundamental difference between our show's main tragic yaoi couple isn't that Auggie is a happily out gay man (and therefore is good) while Roderick is a sad divorced hetero (and therefore is bad). Auggie is the richer man because he is a good man; he has a spouse and children and grandchildren he loves with all his heart. He has a family and a community and he has found a sort of happiness no money can buy. Roderick owns the world – but what does he really have? What do his children even have? How could they ever build communities for themselves if they were never in one? Their father made them compete for his love. He never nurtured their bonds, he just showered them with money and excess until it was too much for them to handle. Juno herself pointed out - they were never a family. The House of Usher was only that. A house. It is empty and soulless.
What is queerness without a community? How could the people who represent the relentless corporate normativity and cutthroat capitalism ever be good queer rep? How can they even be queer?
Hear me out: on the most individual, simple level, being queer is still about not fitting in. These kids are bastards. They are are PoC and women in a predominantly male and white dominated space. They're on top of the world, but they're still outsiders to their own House. How could they not be queer?
And yes, I know this discussion takes a different turn when it comes to representation in media, but it's not like Flannagan fell into a Hays Code-era flamboyant villain trope. Queerness is just there. Just like Victorine and August are both black people in (arguably) the opposite ends of the morality spectrum, there are queer characters of many kinds here. The story just happens to be about the fucked up ones.
HoU is a poignant critique of capitalism and a surprisingly funny adaptation of Poe. We'll judge it by that. It happens to be queer – more things should be.
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Honestly, who would WANT to be a vampire in Twilight? Because, really, it kinda sucks.
Yeah, sure, you're stronger and faster than anything else on the planet, you're practically invulnerable and, if you're really lucky, you get superpowers.
But that's not gonna mean shit when you're either a homeless nomad living in a cave or sewers with nothing to look forward to besides your next meal. Everyday is just an endless wanderering in a world that soon you'll no longer recongise.
Or, if you do get a cool enough superpower, you can join the Volturi in eternal servitude to: A barbarian warlord who has long since been made practically redundant thanks to the walking nukes that are the twins.
A husk of a man who never got over his wife's murder and is pretty much a hair's breath away from chucking himself onto the nearest bonfire.
And the guy who murdered the other guy's wife, who was also his sister, to keep the other guy for his superpower. If you're even the slightest threat to his rule, unless your name is Carlisle Cullen, you'll end up the same way.
And when you do inevitably die it will be painful, brutal and humiliating as you are torn limb from limb and tossed onto a pyre to burn into ash. No grave to mourn at, no sign you existed at all.
You have no society, no history, no culture. Just death. Humans, though to vampire live and die in the blink of an eye, have all these things. They change, grow and learn everyday. Each one will leave a mark on the world, either great or small, that shows that they existed, they were here, they mattered.
But a vampire? All they'll leave behind is the trail of bodies and destroyed lives in their wake.
But hey, you're super hot too, so it evens out. I guess.
The answer to your question is Bella Swan.
She thought about exactly none of these things.
Since my pithy response has garnered some comments:
Yes, I know Bella's only seventeen, is depressed, and sees vampirism as her way out
Yes, Bella fundamentally does not understand what vampirism is and thinks it's being rich, beautiful, and having a family and that none of these things apply to her.
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt: 14. A Light In The Night [A4]
Pairing: Colonel Brandon x Fem!Reader
POV: Second, Reader
Setting: Delaford Estate
Continuation of: Prompt 1. Chimney Soot, 5. Grave Of Snow, & 9. Missing Star
A/N: TWO THINGS OF IMPORTANCE TODAY! One) This is the final part of the Brandon fic! First wrap-up of Rickmas2023! 😱😍👏 Two) IT'S FRIKKIN SMUT TIME DARLINGS! 🔥🔥🔥 Oh, and this is a longer part too, hope you'll enjoy it (just don't ask how my fingers are feeling after this weeks writing shenanigans so far - gosh, I've written so much 😂)🤭😘
Tags/TW’s: Selfdoubt, Adoration, Love, Embracing, Slight Hints At Classism, Feeling New (positive, natural) Emotions & Sensations, Nicknames, Kissing, Confessions of Desire, Respecting Another's Wishes, Gifting Ones Virginity, Sweet Loving, Caring Partner, Penetrative Sex, Future Marriage Implied.
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 4.3k+
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It had been four days since his confession, and to be perfectly frank, you had yet to fully absorb it. As if the spirits of Christmas had snapped their fingers, all your wishes seemed to be coming true in the span of a mere two weeks. Two weeks ago, you had entered the Delaford Estate in desperate need of employment — or just a roof over your head, and a hot meal would have tied you over for a blessed moment — and now you were dressed in finery, drinking tea in a beautiful parlour with the sweetest hound by your feet on order from its master, the man who had you beyond infatuated, to stay by your side.
It was strange, so very odd, to be seated in such splendour when you only knew how to be the person to serve such people. You had never taken notice of how the rich ladies held their teacups, or how they sat with their legs, or even how they held conversations. You had always been too busy making sure you barely existed in their presence. To serve the tea, remove the empty plates, to not make a sound or be noticed. Now, you were the one to be noticed, the one who was supposed to be able to do things in a fine and proper manner.
Not that any of that mattered to the man who only yesterday had asked for your hand in marriage. For you to be his wife, his partner, to be by his side through the rest of his life. You hadn’t grasped that the ring around your finger, with several diamonds lining the golden band in a delicate fashion, was truly proof of a reality that was becoming yours. Not a dream, not a wish, not a hope — just reality. Your reality.
You sat the teacup down, a slight clinking rang out in the big room as your unsteady hand released it. “Oh, Samson, what am I doing here?” you asked the hound who whined and rested his big head with floppy ears atop your legs. And, then, he entered. Your fiancé, the man who made your blood sing and your thoughts turn bright. He walked with a commanding grace that was gentle and decisive at the same time.
He smiled so sweetly towards you, instantly finding you in the vast room. The thoughts of not fitting in, not being in the right place, not being worthy of the life you had just begun flitted away the moment he held you in his arms. Standing before the fireplace, surrounded by Christmas decorations, all derogatory thoughts of yourself went away. It had nothing to do with anything but him.
“Y/n,” he said softly. “Colonel,” you replied, as was proper. But, he shook his head and gently placed his warm fingers under your chin, tilting your head ever so slightly. “Christopher,” he stated. “Christopher…” His name rolled out of your mouth in a mere breath of a whisper. The word too important, too beautiful, too much of a gift for you to speak any louder.
Your body tingled, warmth spread in places within you that had never warmed before. Your legs were unsteady while you felt an inexplicable need to clench your thighs together as something pooled and unfurled in the most sacred of places. “My sweet, something the matter?” he asked as he placed the back of his fingers on your burning cheek. “You appear flustered, are you fairing?” The concern in his voice was too sweet, too caring — your senses were overwhelmed by him. “I’m fairing, Christopher,” you said but your voice didn’t quite reach the tone you had thought it would. There was something strangely quiet about it, your throat suddenly a little bit thick as you tried to swallow past the fluttering tingle going from your lips all the way down to your very toes.
“My star,” he hummed while his fingers travelled along your jaw until his hand slipped over your shoulder and down your arm until his hand could grasp yours, raise it up, and plant a gentle kiss atop your knuckles. You were becoming hotter by the moment, everywhere he touched you felt as if it burned, despite the fabric separating his skin from yours mostly.
Outside, darkness crept in despite the white snow. He'd been away most of the day, attending to business in town as he’d said at breakfast. How can I possibly miss you so dearly every moment you’re not with me after such a short time? “I cannot wait to have you as my wife,” he said and kissed your hand once more, harder and more ardently than before. Your thighs clenched together at the intense contact. Samson barked a low rumble and walked out of the room with the pitter-patter of his claws against the shiny flooring. “And I you as my husband, Christopher.” Saying his name was such a blessing, he was a blessing.
“My sweet,” he hummed. “You are making it difficult to be a gentleman.” “What do you mean?” you asked, feeling as if the room turned hotter with each passing second in his proximity. He squeezed your hand. “You are too beautiful, too wonderful. It is the most difficult challenge to stay away.” “Then do not,” you exhaled, still not fully grasping why he needed to stay away at all. “My star, you ask too much of me. If I do not stay away, how could I possibly refrain from ravaging you before you hold my name? How can I remain a gentleman when all my desires are within my grasp?”
Your breath hitched, the warmth within becoming a fire as his eyes held yours with nothing but honesty and love within them. You were pressed against one another, neither of you able to separate your bodies while your fingers were entwined on either side of you, your hands firmly held by each other.
“Are you not an honest man?” you asked. “I endeavour to be.” “And are you not a respectable man?” “I believe I am. To the best of my capabilities.” “And with that being said, are you one to keep your word?” “Always,” he affirmed, his eyes taking on a more serious shine. “Then, can we not believe in your honest promise to marry me, as a respectable man who endeavours to go through life in a manner befitting to your beliefs, darling?” you asked, feeling brave and empowered by the way he viewed you most dearly. “You have me at a loss for words. How can I dispute such words when they ring of truth and cater to my selfish want for you?” he nearly purred in that gravely voice of his. “I am yours.” “As I am yours .”
He took a step back, breathing in deep — as if he were desperate for air — and released one of your hands while beginning to turn toward the door. Yet, he did not move, did not tug or pull, not even a step was taken as he watched you with his head turned. He waited for you, and your body could not spare another second to a life where you did not know him intimately.
You squeezed his hand and moved forward. That was the cataclysm, the release of you both and the acceptance of trust between you both. He would keep his word and make you his wife, you would stay with him forever, and in your loving trust, there was freedom from propriety. There was freedom from restraint. Freedom within the warmth which radiated from the both of you, for each other.
The door locked. You were a pining mess for the man before you — with his stiff shoulders and harder breathing stealing your focus. He moved in swiftly, not wasting a second to cup your warm face with his gentle hands. “I will ask one more time,” he said while his eyes flicked between yours. “Are you certain you wish for this to happen?” “I want nothing else,” you said with finality in your breathy voice. “My star, my sweet,” he murmured before his thin lips clashed against yours with a deep groan slipping from his mouth and into yours. It was bliss. It was heaven. It was everything.
Your hands grabbed his wrists, holding onto him while the world fell away. Your body burned for him, your nerves tingling and tensing within you while your core softened as his tongue darted out to tease the seam of your lips. You parted them, allowing him access as your tongue met his and they danced in harmony. A moan slipped from the depths of your chest as he pressed himself against you, and you damned your clothes for existing.
His hands slipped from your face, travelling down your shoulders until he could grasp your waist and hold you even tighter while your own hands rested atop his wide shoulders. You could feel every motion of him, every tensing muscle, every effort he exerted to control himself as his fingers found the lacing at your back and began to tug.
You were nervous, uncertain of what to do or what you even felt. All the emotions and sensations he created within you were new, uncharted waters you were fearful of drowning in without him there to guide you through the waves. “I’ve never,” you whispered against his lips, spilling the truth of your innocence. “I would have expected nothing less from such a wonder as you, yet I am surprised no young man has come to steal your purity. I am lucky, blessed to have your trust in this honour,” he said and there was something about him not putting a value on your purity as a possession but as something for you to gift that had you melting in his arms.
A flurry seemed to spring to life, hands tugged at buttons and strings, moved fabrics and undid lacing until you were both naked in the dark room. You were grateful to the dark for shielding your bare body, yet at the same time… you wished to witness all of him, in all his glory.
Your hands travelled along the curve of his waist, feeling the warm skin bared for you while his front was pressed against yours. The slight softness to his stomach paired with the strength of his arms had you thinking of warm cuddles during foggy mornings, of safety and gentle caresses. Then the hardness of his cock pressed against your pelvis the knot between your legs seemed to tie itself up further.
“I wish to see you, my sweet,” he said as he backed away, leaving you standing by the edge of the bed in the dim darkness. The sound of a match being struck rang out over your panted breaths and a little flame flickered to life beside you while the chill of the separation made your nipples peak. A small candle next to the bed spread its golden glow impressively. Yet, your eyes instantly snagged to the man blowing out the match.
His body was far from what you had imagined you would ever be attracted to. His chest was dusted with soft-looking hair forming a trail down his pale stomach your eyes followed almost dutifully until they reached his cock. You had never seen such a sight before, yet it made your mouth water and your insides churn. Your body knew what it wanted, what it wished for, and he was all of it.
“Beautiful,” came his voice in a rumble. You looked up, finding his eyes studying your face intently while your cheeks felt as if they would burn up. You wondered how on earth he would fit within you, if it were going to hurt or if he would be gentle. He will… He will be gentle with me , you thought and he stepped up and kissed you most softly despite the desperation you could feel from him.
He laid you down, guiding you to the middle of the bed while he placed himself between your legs, all the while keeping your lips connected. You felt his weight atop you increase and you parted your legs further hesitantly. The gracing of his cock against your warm clit sent a jolt through you, it was a foreign sensation — yet it felt good.
You moaned as he groaned when he settled himself. You wished to be closer, feel him everywhere and connect within him in a manner your body was by now pleading for. The ache in your core, the pulsing of your inner walls nearly painful as there was merely a palpable emptiness within you.
“My sweet,” he hummed as his lips traced your jaw, a hand gliding down your side until he grasped your thigh gently, the warmth of his hand searingly wonderful. “Christopher,” you panted while your hands glided over his shoulders and up towards his neck as he sank lower, kissing your throat. “I shall be gentle, in all things I ever do with you,” he declared as you began to tense from the need coursing within you. “Please,” you whispered, not fully understanding the sensations bombarding you but knowing they were all from him. “I need to make you ready,” he said against your upper chest. “The first time, it may hurt but I shall do everything to make it pleasurable, my star.”
His lips latched around your nipple and his tongue circled it heavenly. You were a moaning mess as his mouth gently coaxed the warmth burning within you to reach new heights. Your legs tightened around him as his hand travelled down the inside of your thigh before his fingers found your slick opening. You jolted at the sudden touch, alarm bells going off in your head of how intimate it was, how wrongly good it felt to be touched down there — by him.
“My sweet,” he hummed after releasing your nipple. “Look at me.” You did so, tilting your head only to find him nearly framed by your legs, his head right below your heaving chest and those sweet eyes solely focused on you. “Christopher,” you whispered while his finger toyed with the little nub sending pleasurable jolts through you each and every time. “P-please,” you moaned as his eyes lit up with a warm sort of wonder as he watched you take the pleasure he offered. “I need you soft, pliable, soaked, my sweet. I will not harm you deliberately, take the pleasure I’m offering,” he said as he slowly rose, keeping eye contact with you at all times while his slick finger lowered and found your opening.
You panted, your hands grasping at the covers beneath you, while he leaned over you, supporting his weight on one hand while the other stayed at your core. “All the pleasure,” he affirmed as he sank a digit into you. Slowly, gently, carefully stretching you open for him. You moaned and panted, your head pushed into the pillow as you took in the foreign sensation of having something inside you. “My sweet,” he whispered before kissing your exposed neck, still working his finger in and out of you most gently, softly, nearly caressing your insides.
His thumb found its way to your aching clit, stroking it in slow circles while his finger kept up its even pace — it felt as if you’d go mad with the pleasurable torture. “Please, Christopher,” you moaned and he replied with a deep hum of a groan before capturing your lips with his own while he adjusted himself to hover above you — still keeping up the attentions he lavished your core with. “Soon, my sweet star, soon.” He upped the pace a tad, hardening the circling of your clit with that wide thumb of his while his tongue delved in to dance with yours. Your hands found his shoulders, caressing and gripping in intervals while your body seemed to seamlessly shift beneath him. Your legs widened further, your back arched ever so slightly, all while your nerves seemed to tighten and burn with something you weren’t sure you could handle.
You moaned into his mouth, he laid more weight atop you — forcing his hand to rest fully against your core while keeping up the pleasurable touch. The heavy breathing of you both filled the room, your moans swallowed by him as his groans were captured by your mouth. A mixture of bliss and tension within your body.
“You are most delicate. Most beautiful, wonderful,” he said as your mouths parted. Your eyes fluttered open only to find him looking at you with the most devastating look of want and desire. His features were those of someone starved of what they wished for and who was now able to consume that very desire wholly. “My love,” you whispered while his finger plunged a bit harder into you, the golden glow of the candle showing nothing but perfection above you. “My star, my missing star,” he groaned before pulling out his finger to an incoherent plea of yours. You felt deprived, empty without him inside you.
He licked his finger clean with a hum so deep you could feel it in your own toes. He’s tasting me, you thought with a mixture of horror and bewildering want. Your insides clenched around nothing and you could have sworn madness crept in as he took away that touch.
“Delicious,” he said, his eyes never leaving yours. “Delicious, and mine to worship ardently.” He moved higher above you, his hand dipping back down between you both. “Christopher?” you asked as he rose a bit higher by straightening his arm. Your eyes fell down only to see him stroking his bulging cock with the very hand he had just pleasured you with. The tip of his cock, it was covered in glistening pre-cum, he swirled his finger over it twice before pushing down — aligning himself to you while you watched with trepidation and yearning.
“I shall be most gentle, my sweet,” he said quietly, the gravelly voice like music to your soul with its hints of desperation and care. “Look at me, only me,” he said and you did. Your eyes shifted from his cock between your legs to those mesmerising eyes of his while he leaned forward ever so slightly.
You felt the tip of him, and before you had a chance to adjust to the idea of his entirety being able to fit within you he pushed forward with a gentle thrust. He groaned while your eyes fluttered at the sudden sensation which wasn't quite comfortable. “You are doing so well, my star. So well,” he praised while he kissed your forehead before doing the same to each of your cheeks while pushing further in. You moaned with a scrunching of your nose and eyebrows, your body fighting the intrusion. “Relax for me, my sweet. Relax, and grant me access,” he whispered in a near purr while laying half atop you, supported by his knees and arms. And, you did. You relaxed under his gentle words, his pleading for you to let him in.
He moaned, a most heavenly sound, as he pushed the last bit of himself in as your insides stretched and softened to accommodate him. The pinches and twangs of pain were not nearly as bad as you had imagined and over far more swiftly than you would have thought. In the lack of pain, there was only pleasure to be found. His warm body, his thick cock filling you completely while his warm breath danced across your neck and shoulder before his lips kissed the pulse point below your ear most gently.
Christopher began to move, each thrust slickened by you coating him with your want. Your body tensed and curled beneath him as he gently claimed all of you and there would never be another man you wished to know you in such a manner. You were only for him, as you hoped and wished that you would be the only one for him from that day onward.
As he upped the pace, his breathing turned ragged and harsh while you witnessed the restraint he held himself with. He was being so gentle with you, each thrust fast but caring, each plunge into your core a caress of the most loving kind. You wanted all of him, your moaning of his name all you could manage as he took your innocence with a devotion unlike any you could have ever imagined being worthy of.
“Please,” you whispered as he kissed your shoulder. “Please, I feel-, feel-, haaa—” “My sweet,�� he panted. “You are mine to worship,” he continued while his hand stroked its way down to your joining. You cried out as his finger found your clit and began to stroke it most deliciously while he managed to keep thrusting into you. The sensations were overwhelming, but oh so good. “That’s it,” he said while your legs tensed and an overwhelming need for something terrifyingly powerful began to take over. “I — oh — I need-, haaa—” you moaned as he kept up the motion, the thrusting, the caresses and kisses and sounds which had you on the edge of something your body desperately sought. It was beyond a want, far more a need than anything else and it came from him — from what he was doing to you.
“Let go,” he groaned while his tempo stuttered, as if he were on the edge as well. As if he were right there with you, feeling something inexplicably wonderfully tight. “No, no, no I—” “Let go, let it go, darling,” he said in a barely coherent voice while moans spilt from between those thin lips you wished to kiss for an eternity.
His thumb pushed harder, sending a jolt of ecstasy through your entire body, making you cry out his name in a strained garble while every muscle in your body began to tremble as pleasure filled each part of you. He groaned and stilled, a pulsing from you and him mixing within you as warmth spurted into you while you were lost to the unfathomable pleasure he offered you, his finger gently slowed to ease you out of the mind-numbing sensations that took such control of your body it felt as if you had been possessed by him.
“Beautiful… Wonderful… My sweet star,” he said as he half-laid on you while you both caught your breaths. The pounding of his heart reached your own and it felt for a moment as if they were beating in tune with each other. “That was… amazing,” you exhaled as his hooked nose nuzzled into the crook of your neck. “You, are amazing.” “I believe this was your work, my love,” you confessed sheepishly even if your voice didn’t have the strength to take on a tone. “I shall endeavour to please and pleasure you always.” The way he spoke with such sincerity, such gentle love with no hint of anything but honesty. It made your toes curl just as he moved — a gasp slipping from you as he pulled out.
He did not even spare a second before he had moved over to the side of the room, stark naked in the golden candlelight, and you had just enough time to worry about rejection before he turned back with the softest of smiles and a damp cloth in his hand. “Let us take care of you,” he said. “If you will allow me?” “I…” But you nodded, feeling drained in a blissful manner yet aware enough to understand he wished to clean you which made you nervous — no matter how strange that was after what you had just done with him, it felt so incredibly intimate to have him wash you with a cloth down there.
After a few minutes, you were both clean and cuddled up under the thick covers in the bed you had woken up in after having been nearly buried alive in snow two weeks ago. That he had brought you to his bed that very night had had you in a fit at first, but now… well, now you looked back on it as the first declaration of his intentions with you.
“A light in the night,” he hummed while you lay on his chest with his arm wrapped securely around you, his warm finger playing a circle game on your hip. “Darling?” you asked quietly while you watched the grey hair on his chest shimmer in the candlelight. “You, my star… You are a light in the perpetual darkness of night my life has been for far too many years. Your smile alone could brighten my day more than the sun.”
Your heart skipped a beat, your body tensing outwardly while softening inwardly at his sweet words spoken in that perfect voice of his. He kissed the top of your head while you wondered if you were truly blessed with a Christmas miracle in the shape of him. “When spring comes, I shall wed you before all and declare my love for anyone and everyone to hear. My missing star, my sweet Y/n… How I have searched and longed for you.” “And I you, Christopher, my love. My Christmas miracle.”
He gently leaned your head back with his fingers beneath your chin before leaning forward to capture your lips in the most gentle of kisses. A sweet caress of lips in pure need to connect. “I love you,” he said, his eyes not leaving yours while you drew a hitched breath at the sincerity — at feeling just like he did. “And I love you,” you whispered while tears brimmed your eyes and he gently kissed your forehead with a soft smile of his own. “Christmas miracle indeed,” he whispered against your skin and you held on tighter to him while the single candle flame flickered beside you…
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A/N: Oh gosh, that was that for our wonderfully sweet Colonel for this Rickmas fic - I hope you've enjoyed it darlings 🥰👏❤ I think they'll have a beautiful wedding in the spring, with lots of love and smiles all around, don't you? 🥰
Q: If you were to have a winter wedding, what would be the most important wintery-item/part of it? 😊 A: I think for me it would have to be snow - I feel like you can't really have a winter wedding if there's no beautifully sparkling white snow ❄❄❄
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vasito-de-leche · 28 days
Your writing is my new craving. It’s some of the best stuff I’ve read for headcannons & analysis on here.
Can you please do Tennant if you can ?🙏 Just anything about her would be great!
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;R1999 TENNANT - "when morning comes"
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Tennant x Reader 1.4k words fluff You are Tennant's most precious diamond -- if you won't take care of yourself, then it is up to her to set things right. Nevermind her ulterior motives, nor the desire to keep you all to herself. She promises that her intentions are pure, and you believe her. The world can wait, you deserve some rest.
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this was gonna be a little longer, with tennant disappearing and you running off to find her because That's Your Wife And Youre Very Stubborn but I chose to keep this fluffy instead o7
consider this tennant's part of the sleepy time fic saga <3
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Life feels like a dream.
No, that is much too vague. It feels like the fluffiest cloud you could ever imagine. It's the softest silks and rich, velvet fabrics enveloping your bare skin, protecting you from everything and anything that could harm you. The perfect temperature of a sunny day, not too cold and not too hot, but just right.
To any outsiders, your glee and happiness are nothing but the byproduct of madness, the folly of a delusional mind. And you laugh at this notion, because you don't need any rose-colored glasses to delude yourself, not when your eyes are so occupied staring at the love of your life.
You'd gladly go blind if it meant looking at her until darkness overtakes your vision, the memory of her face being the last thing you'll ever see. This is a tragedy that can be easily remedied with your hands, exploring her features and committing them to memory once again. When your hands can no longer move, you will have your ears to follow after her sweet voice. When your ears clog up with those words of love, you will have your mouth to speak them back to her. See? It is all planned out; you are ready to live and die for love.
You are ready to drown in the fantasy Ada Tennant has built for you.
Ada, your Ada, lays beside you. The sun glows behind her, outlining her figure with an angelic glow as she slides one hand to the back of your neck, cradling you closer as to protect you and your sleep from the light. Little does she know, you're wide awake, basking in her presence. The moment your face presses ever so gently against her chest, you breathe in her perfume -- she's wearing the one you gifted to her, many months ago -- and her scent -- a subtle musk, followed by sage, patchouli and nutmeg.
Your little ruse is up when you find yourself unable from nuzzling her, the little sounds of giddy joy giving you away. Ada tuts, and you feel the low vibrations of her voice in her throat, your favorite spot to cover in kisses.
"Tsk, tsk… My liege, it is much too early for you to be this playful," she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, "Don't open your eyes just yet, the world can wait. Sleep with me just a little longer."
But you were never the docile type to do what you're told -- one of your eyes opens, sneaking a glance at your lover, and you hide your face in her shirt once you're met with the full force of her gaze. Ada is right; it's too early for you to face the intensity of her affections, those red eyes of hers are a dangerous asset. They pierce straight to your heart.
"Ah, what have we here?" With one of her fingers, she traces the outer curve of your ear, the gentle feeling of her nails on your skin making your body tingle. "What a lovely shade of red, my liege. Are you cold? Hm, perhaps a little too hot?"
Scratch that, the most dangerous thing of hers is that cunning tongue of hers. It takes all of your willpower to detangle yourself from the pile of covers and blankets, if only to glare at her with feigned anger. She gifts you with her smile, one that has just the right amount of adoring and teasing to it -- it's enough to soften your resolve, and you lean forward to kiss her forehead.
"What time is it?" Ada catches your chin with her fingers as you speak, locking you in place.
There's those eyes again, looking into yours for something that you're not privy of -- this is something she does often, and it is always a gamble. More than often, you will see that smile you've come to love, but lately, something wretched, something sad and miserable, will take over Ada's features. It's subtle (you curse her perfect poker face) and it leaves as soon as it comes, but it weights heavily on your heart. What does she see that you cannot? And is it something that you can fix, for her sake? What are you lacking that is making her look so unbelievably lonely?
It doesn't matter today, because she seems to find it and she rewards you with a taste of heaven; her lips on yours, as light as a feather.
"If I told you, what do you think will happen?" When she reaches out with an open palm, you hurry to return that precious hair tie of hers, safely kept around your wrist each and every night you spend together. It is a wordless exchange, part of the domestic routine, and yet it means so much to you.
She continues speaking, your silence urging her forward.
"You will rush and scramble out of bed, tripping over everything. You will ask that I help you get dressed before anyone finds out I'm here, and you will scold me for taking so long helping you button up your shirt -- I, of course, will pretend to be innocent, stealing a kiss here and there as payment for my services. And as soon as you're the embodiment of prim and proper beauty, you will leave through that door, leaving me all alone until nightfall."
"That's -…!" The need to apologize and justify yourself builds up in your chest in the form of a sharp inhale, and then, you notice the way she's purposefully making those sad, lonely eyes at you. She got you, for a moment, she had you right where she wanted. "…That's only partially true -- you're the one who leaves, and I'm the one who waits."
"Ah, but you only say that because you know nothing of my yearning, darling. Would you like to know? The way you've made a home out of my heart and mind, rendering my pride to dust?"
This is one of her tricks, you know this. You can feel it in the way she rests a hand on your thigh, as if she's not even trying to hide it. Her true colors are on full display for you to admire, a snake tempting you to sleep in and remain in her grasp. Oh, how could you resist? Tennant shifts and moves closer, cupping your face with one hand while the other finds the small of your back. She meets no resistance from you, already at the verge of giving in to her love -- you can't deny how good it feels to be coveted, to have someone as amazing as her want you, keep you safe, like all of the diamonds and jewels under her name. This is the moment you close her eyes and allow her to dip you back onto the mattress so she can kiss you to her heart's content.
She only does the former, however; your body bounces unceremoniously as you fall back onto the pillow, your lips still puckered up uselessly, waiting for a kiss that never came. Ada laughs at this, muttering a small apology.
"I mean it, sleep a little longer." Even her command is gentle, her thumb rubs circles on your cheek. "You've earned it, my liege. Or rather, you need it. Who will keep me company should you fall ill from exhaustion? How will I sneak into your bedroom with the whole house staff alert for your sake? Fighting for your honor comes as easy as breathing, and giving you the world is as easy as snapping my fingers, but I fear my most ferocious opponent is that stubborn temper of yours."
You're done for the moment she says your name -- Ada has played all of her cards and this can only mean one thing: it is a very serious matter. But you don't understand, have you truly been overworking yourself these past few days? You don't feel tired, not at all.
But then again, there's no space for any other feeling other than love whenever you're with her. A long, drawn out and exhausted sigh escapes your lips.
"…Fineeeee. I suppose I can take a day off, as long as you spend it with me. Ada Tennant, I spoil you too much for your own good."
"Then might as well spoil me a little more -- wouldn't you say, my love?"
There is a frown on your face, one that aims to conceal your flustered state rather than show any sort of anger towards your lover. This contradiction is obvious in the way you open your arms towards her, allowing Ada to lay on top of you with her full weight and warmth. She smiles, eyes closed, like a child getting everything she's ever wished for, like someone who has finally returned home after being away so long. Her legs tangle with yours, her arms wrap around your waist, desperate in their grip.
In the early days of your relationship, you would've been in her place, begging her not to go, making her promise that she'll return safe and sound from whatever secret endeavors she commits her life to.
But now she's yours, all yours. And in turn, your heart is all hers.
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
My grandmother once told me “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” which to be fair considering her may have been sword technique advice. However, I was curious if you’ve ever done food for seduction. If you wanted to get someone into your bed, what would you cook them before hand? And do Tamrielic cultures have a standard “come hither” meal?
If it's a romantic meal you're after, you've come to the right place. Whether it's Heart's Day or something a little more low key, you'll make anyone in Tamriel drool over you and your kitchen prowess with these meals!
Just like with anything else in the Summerset Isles, subtlety is key when wooing. Relationships can take centuries to build between Altmer, so some choose to speed things up a little with what's known as a courtship basket: a not-so-simple picnic that's bound to wow. First, pick a stunning picnic location and an even more stunning wine. Load up that basket with all of Summerset's finest, from peach blossom indrik ricotta and Russafeld Heights grape honey to freshly baked spiced loaves and caviar. The rest is up to you!
As many know, Argonians become life mates through bonding ceremonies, which are a quintessential part of Saxhleel culture. Bonding ceremonies usually entail a feast, usually with foods purported to put the happy couple in an amorous mood. One of the most famous aphrodisiac dishes is juicy Moss-Foot Croaker tree frog legs grilled in pandan leaves with wild bush honey, served atop gratinated witchetty grubs and Spotted Seatrout roe.
Love is a precious thing in Valenwood, and courtship often involves lots of food to test a potential spouse's skill in the kitchen and as a homemaker. The much-loved Husband's or Wife's Pie (known to some as Courtship Pie) tests those culinary skills from the fiddly all-butter thunderbug carapace crust to the twelve-hour meat and jagga filling. It's an exercise in patience and love to be sure!
Nothing is quite as romantic as a night in Wayrest at a nondescript, candlelit gourmet restaurant with a two-year waitlist. If you can't wait that long, do the next best thing and host that dinner at home (the bedchamber is just around the corner, no?). Popular courtship dishes are generally rich and include foie gras with wild berry and shallot coulis, lamb saddle served medium rare with black truffle sauce, and salted caramel and brandy custard mille-feuille.
The famous Queen and lover Barenziah was particularly fond of a certain dish, which Dunmer in the many years after her influence still present to potential mates as a not-so-subtle hint at something more. The dish is none other than the notoriously finicky marshmerrow and comberry choux-fflé, which is exactly what it sounds like: a feat of culinary engineering that combines delicate marshmerrow and scuttle soufflé in a clamshell of sweet saltrice choux pastry. Guaranteed to make any Dark Elf fawn over you as if you were Narsis Dren.
Imperials aren't exactly renowned for being the best with big feelings (it's all the Divine guilt), so showing someone you love them with food is the most common love language in the Province. Whether it's one of Salmo's sweetrolls, a hearty home cooked meal, or an unforgettable stay at one of the Imperial City's top hotels, there's no wrong way to go about Imperial courtship food. However, if you really want to impress, go for a dark chocolate and pomegranate torte, with a fudgy melting chocolate centre and topped with pomegranate treacle. Indulgent!
It's said that Khajiiti love is as fiery as their curries, but we all know better than to eat a hot curry on a date. So, what does one offer their partner when romantically inclined in Elsweyr? Try a silk-wrapped box of moon sugar bonbons from the closest gourmet sweet shop! A box of moon sugar candy is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can woo a Khajiit with, whether it's cardamom-milk cakes or hard boiled coconut and ginger sweets. Just be careful at the confectioners, because clashing flavours are a sign of bad taste...
If there's one race whose digestive system is directly linked to their nether regions, it's Nords. Just the mention of a romantic meal of buttery mudcrab legs with sourdough, twice-roasted elk basted in juniper spiced Honningbrew Mead, and snowberry pudding with a Nord Ale caramel drizzle is enough to make any Skyrim native do that thing where they brush their hair behind their ear while biting their lip at you.
Historically speaking, there are two food items that are a must for wooing an Orc: echatere cheese, and proper Wrothgarian ale. Put the two together and you'll be planning a spring wedding. Echatere cheese and Orcish ale fondues, pies, sauces, and much more are the best way to use these star ingredients, but I prefer a bit of a twist: echatere cheesecake with a caramelised biscuit crust and berry-ale compote.
Redguards are known for being passionate lovers, who write rambling love poetry and frantically check their birthsigns for relationship compatibility. With that in mind, you're going to have to work hard in the kitchen to gain a Redguard's love. If you're not sure where to start, skip the Middas special camel-stomach meatloaf at the inn and get right to the kitchen to make some rasmalai! This unique spiced dessert of sweet cottage cheese balls are served with crushed pistachios, and a cardamom, saffron, and rose-infused cream. The punchier and more balanced the spices, the more likely you are to pull that date.
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fazfacts · 4 months
it's actually criminal that nobody has done this before. feel free to change as needed!
❝ If you don't like it, you can kiss my buns. ❞
❝ Oh, he looks all pissed off 'cause his hat's still gone. ❞
❝ Good, I'm glad he's pissed. ❞
❝ I hope he crashes into that wall. ❞
❝ Oh shit, he crashed! ❞
❝ Wow! They look like a happy couple. ❞
❝ She's not happy with his driving, I'll tell you that. ❞
❝ Oh, he's on fire, he looks like he's hurting. ❞
❝ What a horrible occurrence that just happened! ❞
❝ What the fuck? ❞
❝ He's gonna come back like Michael Myers. ❞
❝ I can't really tell what it is, but it went by real quick. ❞
❝ Why did you run from me? ❞
❝ I...I didn't know how to tell you, but...we have a son now. ❞
❝ Wait -- I'm so confused... ❞
❝ Hello, [name]. I'm your father, [name]. ❞
❝ Why did you try to shoot me and leave me for dead? ❞
❝ That wasn't me. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], your evil twin sister. ❞
❝ I won't have you two together. You know I love [name]. ❞
❝ Now it's time to die. Mount your crab. ❞
❝ [Name], step aside! ❞
❝ Do you remember where we were? ❞
❝ Who are you? ❞
❝ Nice to meet you. I love you. ❞
❝ Promise you'll never shoot me, [name]. ❞
❝ Let's cover ourselves in mustard and get craaazy! ❞
❝ I hope you never get eaten on the Fourth of July like my parents. ❞
❝ Your words are making me happy, so I am smiling. ❞
❝ Always love each other, no matter where your paths take you. ❞
❝ We are siblings, but also best friends. ❞
❝ Why would we ever fight? ❞
❝ I have seen it in my special dreams. ❞
❝ Let's go eat the rest of Amelia Earheart for dinner. ❞
❝ My funding...my precious funding... ❞
❝ It's all over now. I suppose I'll let myself rot. ❞
❝ I'm in urgent need of your services. ❞
❝ What a shame...I was so close. ❞
❝ That's a good hashtag. ❞
❝ Like my dear old dad used to say, there's no free condiments in life. ❞
❝ Most condiments are free, actually. ❞
❝ How dare you! ❞
❝ Please, respect my father. May he rest in peace. ❞
❝ This talk of your father seems very shoehorned into this conversation. ❞
❝ I'm your son! From the future! ❞
❝ Hoooly shiiit. ❞
❝ Why did you do it, [name]? Why'd you do any of this? ❞
❝ Because, [name], I'm straight-up evil. ❞
❝ That's bad for the fabric of reality and space-time, I think. ❞
❝ Okay, it's technically not murder or anything. ❞
❝ This is what you get. This is the law of the wild. ❞
❝ I can't bear to watch this inevitable carnage. ❞
❝ I just want a picture of this moment. ❞
❝ I need your help to avenge my death. ❞
❝ We're a family again! A real family! ❞
❝ That's a terrible name. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure this is a trap... ❞
❝ A crow ate one of my eyes at the bank last Labor Day, by the way. That's why I have an eyepatch now. ❞
❝ Did it ever occur to you, [name], that I loved you and your mustache? Well, I don't anymore, and I see you've shaved your mustache, you idiot. ❞
❝ The day we broke up was the best day of my life. ❞
❝ I saw him do a magic trick once where he sat on his own lap. ❞
❝ I'm suddenly afraid my wife will leave me for him, but he's a nice guy, so that's okay. ❞
❝ Wait a minute, you weren't invited! ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'd like to welcome you to Hell. Time to die! ❞
❝ I am displeased! But that does sound narratively rich. ❞
❝ Will you press pause on your shit for five minutes? ❞
❝ I now have to imagine a thing I don't want to imagine, under any circumstance? ❞
❝ Are you proud of yourself? ❞
❝ But I cannot attempt to process that at the moment, for the fear of the emotional toll it would take on me. ❞
❝ How'd we survive? ❞
❝ Ooh, what a plot! ❞
❝ We could go back in time to stop it all. ❞
❝ No need to explain that, we'll remember it always. ❞
❝ Thank you for your service. ❞
❝ Enough talky-time, more spacey-time, idiots. ❞
❝ We threw them into a volcano. They're gone. ❞
❝ I don't negotiate with assholes. ❞
❝ I can't believe it -- I'm alive! ❞
❝ Oh, no, no, hey, c'mon. Nothin' to worry about here. ❞
❝ That doesn't make any sense. ❞
❝ My parents were very juicy and I am, too. ❞
❝ You...don't seem trustworthy. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm plenty trustworthy. ❞
❝ So what's your deal again? ❞
❝ Hm. Makes sense if you actually track the story, probably. ❞
❝ I wonder if Earth's tasty. ❞
❝ I'm not one for decision-making. ❞
❝ I'm both the mayor and the sheriff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, you will soon go to jail. ❞
❝ I want to get perfectly sane, haha. ❞
❝ You're getting more and more sane by the day! ❞
❝ Everyone's dying and the world is basically over. ❞
❝ Sometimes your life don't go exactly as you planned. ❞
❝ The fact that I doubted myself for even a split second is some military-grade bullshit. ❞
❝ It's me, [name], and I'm pissed. ❞
❝ I can't die, I'm beloved! ❞
❝ Question: what the hell's going on? ❞
❝ If you do anything dumb, I will kill you with my hat. ❞
❝ You didn't need to do that, by the way. That's cruel. You understand that? ❞
❝ I didn't ask to exist. In fact, I was very content not being. ❞
❝ Look, I'm sorry about doing you dirty. ❞
❝ We've got some things to discuss, you and me. ❞
❝ Ohhh, okay. We're both dead, then. This is for sure a place where we're both dead. ❞
❝ My last memory was me putting a goldfish in my mouth to make my children laugh. Then I choked to death. ❞
❝ Play shitty games, win shitty prizes, [name]. ❞
❝ I was so consumed with hate and anger that I lost sight of who I was. ❞
❝ Are you just, like, checked out of this conversation now? ❞
❝ I'm just a guy in a void. ❞
❝ I got murked and it chilled me out. ❞
❝ That's my catchphrase, now that I'm fun. ❞
❝ Tell you what, I hate this planet. ❞
❝ There's a small part of my funky, no-good heart that's like, "hell yeah." ❞
❝ Hey, you want some money? It's got my face on it. ❞
❝ The one thing I've always said is, "you can definitely trust someone who repeatedly insists that you can trust them," you idiot. ❞
❝ I'm the queen of deception and straight-up dirty tricks. ❞
❝ Game recognize game, however inferior. ❞
❝ I've just had a tremendously confusing dream. ❞
❝ I'm not in the habit of taking drinks from strangers. ❞
❝ But I'm beloved... ❞
❝ I. Don't. Caaare. ❞
❝ It's almost Friday, the day for kissing! ❞
❝ If you value your life, you might consider staying out of mine. ❞
❝ Is there any way we can put this all behind us? ❞
❝ Are you fucking kidding me? You shouldn't have asked that question. ❞
❝ Oh, thank God. I was about to flip my shit. ❞
❝ Full disclosure, no offense: you seem nuts. ❞
❝ My mind is so clever, some describe me as a God. ❞
❝ My name is [name], and I'm here to say: you'll soon straight-up die today. ❞
❝ I'm perfectly sane, so now it's time to play my funny little game. ❞
❝ Where'd you go to college? Detective school? ❞
❝ I'm gonna save your life for my own benefit. ❞
❝ I have no beef with you. You're clearly dealing with some stuff. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I will murder you. ❞
❝ I feel like you're not being receptive to literally any of my shit. ❞
❝ I was hypnotized for many, many years and frankly, I'm not too happy about it. ❞
❝ Well, you can't blame me for that. I'm dead. ❞
❝ I think you could maybe choose not to be complicit in the destruction of the universe. ❞
❝ Jesus Christ, take a breath. ❞
❝ If you don't stop this instant, I'm gonna hug you. ❞
❝ I feel like a happy sunshine person who always wins. ❞
❝ I feel as critically-acclaimed as I always do! ❞
❝ You should know by now, nothing exciting ever happens around here. ❞
❝ Hey, you ever think about what happens after we die? ❞
❝ Sorry for my dad being a dick all the time...and for following his orders without question. ❞
❝ I hate you and I'm glad you look all fucked-up! ❞
❝ Namaste or whatever. ❞
❝ I just wanna chill 'til I'm dead. ❞
❝ Whoa, okay. I think I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ Those were the bad guys! Why were you, like, chilling with them? ❞
❝ Man, you really pooped the bed on this one. ❞
❝ Okay, your tone is appropriate and I apologize. ❞
❝ I will miss you, [name], the biggest baller of them all. ❞
❝ I'd actually be double-dead, which is the worst kind of dead. ❞
❝ What can one do in the face of such monumental loss but breathe a weary sigh, for the world is a little quieter now. ❞
❝ Sometimes your death don't go exactly how you planned. ❞
❝ I tried the best I can, but I ain't got the stuff. ❞
❝ Frankly, life's been pretty dope. ❞
❝ I know life's been crazy, but believe me, you'll be fine without me here. ❞
❝ There's really no need to cry. ❞
❝ I know things seem kind of shitty and that the odds aren't looking pretty, but what's the point of quitting now? ❞
❝ I won't be here to see it, but you bet your ass that I believe that you'll still save the day somehow. ❞
❝ If I had a fuckin' bucket, then I got a hunch I'd kick it. ❞
❝ Sorry for the cursing, but I'm feeling worse and worse. ❞
❝ I don't wanna die, but I'm probably gonna die. ❞
❝ I'm dying now, just so we're clear. ❞
❝ Holy shit, this is it, I'm gonna die. ❞
❝ I'll see you later, pals, I'm outta here. ❞
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invivoinsomnium · 11 months
You decided to go with IVF in order to have kids, and you find a doctor willing to do it for almost free, so long as you come back to his clinic for all checkups, and to give birth. You rationalize the discount, maybe he's just starting out. After the procedure, you are informed it was a success! Only one of your embryos implanted, but you're just fine with that. You start showing early, and it feels like your skin can't keep up with the growth. At every checkup, he informs you that your baby is healthy, if a little on the chunky side. You can't shake the feeling that something is off though, but the doctor reassures you that all IVF mothers worry. Then when you start to feel movements, it feels almost like popcorn in your belly, and you wonder if that's normal. You're starting to really get huge, and even though you only see one baby on the scans, you swear you can feel more than four limbs and a head pressing against your insides. Finally, the time comes, and your belly looks massive. Your labor feels short but intense, as though your body is more than eager to evict your giant baby. Finally, when your baby slides free at last, you feel exhausted, and relieved. The Dr hands you your baby, and rubs your still huge belly. "Alright, take a quick rest, and then we'll get the rest out." 'the rest'? You're confused, but a dreadfully cold understanding settles on you. Over the next 12 hours, you push out three more babies, but each is carted away as soon as the umbilical is cut. Turns out, the doctor was running a shady surrogacy service under the table, and making a profit on both sides.
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I'll be honest here anon, I'm more into the forced pregnancy aspect instead of willingly allowing myself to be artificially inseminated. That being said, this is quite hot. The idea of being turned into an unwilling surrogate, of being tricked by someone I should be able to trust. This definitely ticks a few boxes.
Add in a shady underground clinic, forced articial insemination and some restraints....
I scream and shout, fighting against the leather straps on my wrists as I'm wheelled into the exam room, a nurse gripping my legs tightly as I try to kick her. I was just meant to be going in for a routine exam...an MOT for my body if you will. Now I find myself fighting against doctors and nurses I've never seen before. My trousers and underwear are pulled from my body before my legs are secured into stirrups. I wince at the sharp pain as they're stretched wide. "Yes. She will make an excellent surrogate. I can see many clients bidding for the use of her womb," a male voice remarks as he sits down between my spread legs, as a nurse applies cold gel just beneath my abdomen and another wheels in a tray of instruments. "Of course they're going to have to wait, we've already had a client pay for her." "Pay for me? What the hell are you talking about? What are you going to do to me?!" I demand still trying to struggle. "Hush 7298, it's better if you cease struggling, this isn't a very pleasent procedure as it is. Now take a few deep breaths for me," the male voice orders me, "I'm going to implant a fertilized embryo into your womb. You're going to be helping a very rich couple have an heir of their own. The wife doesn't want her body ruined with pregnancy and has decided you'll be the perfect surrogate," the voice continues, "Of course every client is different, some want their own eggs used, others will want your eggs used, sometimes we'll be implanting other times we'll be fertilizing, it all depends on the buyer." I can barely breath as the truth comes to light. I try to renew my struggles but I'm given something to help my body relax and make me pliable. "Yes, she'll be very popular indeed," the male voice chuckles, "nurse, make a reminder to set 7289 up for an egg retrieval procedure, after the delivery and she's had time to heal," the voice adds. Is this my life? Forced into surrogacy? Forced to bear offspring after offspring despite my desire to never become pregant?
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draculasfavoritewife · 5 months
I Still Want You
Summary: It's been awhile since the two of you last worked together, but some things will never change.
Pairing: Madmartigan x fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief references to injury and alcohol use, some sexist jokes and sensuality (look, I physically cannot stop writing about reader running their fingers through pretty men's hair, alright? It's an actual problem guys).
So my family finally made me sit down and watch the original Willow film this past summer, and I ended up pretty smitten with this man lol. What can I say, the fallen-from-grace type with a flexible moral code and piercing eyes just really does it for me I guess. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Also young Val Kilmer in drag? Kinda hot.)
"I don't know why the hell I let you talk me into this load of bull," you groan, a hand covering your exasperated face. "Why, in the name of all that's holy, did I leave behind my honest living to follow you into this harebrained scheme?"
The man next to you throws you a wide and winning smile, blue eyes flashing in the dim light. "Cause you didn't want me to come back to you dead," he says with a knowing smugness. "You love me."
"Did I say that?"
"You didn't have to," he teases, leaning down to saucily kiss your forehead before readjusting the woman's dress that doesn't quite fully hide his very masculine form. "Now, how do I look?"
You roll your eyes and crawl to your feet in the cramped cellar where he had chosen to make his quick change. "He's going to see through you in a second."
Your companion frowns, dark brows sulky and full lips pouting like a petulant child. "Please. The old oaf's such a lusty pig he's going to see exactly what he wants to see and fall head over heels for me. Believe me, it's happened before." He hurriedly stuffs the bodice of the dress until he has quite the impressive bust, and it's suddenly all you can do not to laugh out loud at the sight of him.
"I'm not sure you can slander other men until you finally start thinking with what's above your own belt," you chide, helping him wrangle his long, sooty-black locks beneath a headscarf. As always, you're momentarily distracted by how soft his hair stays, even though you know he does the bare minimum to care for it.
"I do think pink is definitely your color though, Mads."
"Shut up," he growls half-seriously. "We all do what we have to. A man's gotta eat, you know."
You snort. "Right. Because that's the old Madmartigan I remember. Always strictly practical, and definitely not getting in over his head robbing a rich man when he could find some honest work."
"Where at? A brothel?"
You move to slap his chest, but never make contact. It feels wrong somehow, now that his enormous false bosom is in the way.
Madmartigan sees the discomfort on your face and snickers. "Not to worry, Sweets. Your beautiful wife will return to you in one piece, trust me."
He presses a fond kiss to your cheek and turns around to the cellar door, ready to make a move on his unsuspecting target.
And promptly lets out a muffled yelp as you slap his ass.
"What the hell, Sweets?! What was that for?"
You smirk and make yourself more comfortable atop a large bag of flour, to wait out the results of his loosely formed "plan". Chances are he might have to call for backup if things get sticky.
"We women have to put up with that all the time from you 'lusty pigs'. Thought you should get used to it sooner rather than later."
"Insolent fox," he mutters, and hastily leaves, as if afraid you'll smack him again.
You might have, too.
Man's got a fine ass.
"Hold still, idiot," you scold as he flinches away from the wet cloth in your hand for the seventh time. "Do you want my help with that bloody lip or not?"
"I don't know why you're so angry," he grouses. "You're not the one that got their clothes torn off and beaten up for not actually being a woman."
"Oh, stop whining. You got out of there with the gold you came for and the other guy is worse off than you. And it's my dress that got sacrificed, so I think I've every right to complain." You gesture to the shredded pink material hanging around his waist, now the only thing preserving your disheveled warrior's dignity.
He at least has the grace to look momentarily contrite. "Right. I'll get you a new one."
You're slightly concerned by the fact that he doesn't explicitly use the word "buy", but decide to let it go for now. Many of the gifts he's given you throughout the course of your years-long friendship have shady origins, but it is the thought that counts.
And honestly, you're just glad he's not hanging up in a crow cage left for dead somewhere again.
His sharp eyes soften as he finally lets you finish tending to him. "Why did you really come along with me?" he asks bluntly. "I have nothing with which to bribe you, and you have built yourself a life here. When you made the decision to quit while we were ahead and go straight, I didn't understand, but I think I understand you even less now."
Not wanting to meet that deeply piercing ice-blue gaze, you study his lips instead, transfixed as ever by their perfect, sweeping curves. He can dress in animal skins like a barbarian and be constantly covered in ash and dirt, but the refined features of the noble knight he once was are never hidden completely, try as he might.
"I asked you a question, Sweets."
"Maybe I missed you, you boor." Unsettled, you smack him with the damp cloth and abruptly turn away to stoke the fire.
"Why?" You can't tell if he's genuinely lost or fishing for a particular answer from you. "You have a little bit of land, you're a respected herbalist, and I'm sure you've had more than a few offers of courtship since I saw you last."
Is that jealousy simmering behind his careless words?
You smirk over your shoulder. "Please. Herbalist is just two degrees south of witch around here. Men fear me."
He rises to his feet and comes up behind you, his large hands settling on your upper arms and rubbing gentle lines from your shoulders down to your elbows and back again. "I've missed being ripped to shreds by that razor-sharp tongue."
"Have you." You sigh softly as you lean back against his broad chest; without the barrier of one of his leather-and-fur shirts, all you can smell is him, a warm, welcome scent you hadn't forgotten in all the time since you last parted ways. Your bodies melt into each other with old familiarity, prompting a rush of memories of huddling together for warmth during long winters on the run, posing as husband and wife for hustling heists, his arm wrapped tightly around you on horseback.
All the little things that made you fall in love with him in the first place. The intimately shared moments that had made it so hard to leave him. But you had felt like you needed to protect your heart somehow.
After all, at the time he had seemed far more content to remain unbound to anyone, even you.
"I have another question," he murmurs, his lips now only a hair's breadth from the stretch of exposed skin at your collarbone.
"And that would be...?" You stifle a shiver, his hot breath skimming your neck and sending prickles of anticipation dancing across your body in all directions.
His cheek rests against yours. "That time I tried to kiss you, do you remember that night?"
Your hands tense, unconsciously grasping fistfuls of the torn dress fabric still hanging from his belt; there's a minuscule hitch to his breath at the sudden feeling of your hands at his hips.
"Why did you run away from me?"
The raw uncertainty running beneath that simple question makes you turn to face him again, acutely aware of the feeling of him against you, the hard muscles of his chest pressing into the softness of yours, his hands sliding down to linger in the curve of your back. There is no judgment in his handsome face, only a twinge of long-hidden hurt and real curiosity.
You reach up, tangling your fingers in his thick dark hair, loving the way the glossy strands slide across your skin. It's gotten so long, and your hands itch to weave it into slender braids like you used to.
"I'm pretty sure you were drunk, Mads. And I...I just wasn't fully ready," you admit.
"I still want you," he tells you softly. "I never stopped wanting you, even when you left."
You smile as he bends to rest his forehead against yours. "And I would still kill for you."
"Gods, you know it drives me crazy when you talk like that." He leans in even further, eyes dancing in the glow from the firelight. "How do you feel tonight?"
Your hands trail down again to cradle his face. "I think I'm ready now. I've missed you."
So you kiss him.
You're not surprised he's such a good kisser, but maybe more than a little startled that there's a real gentleness in him, a smooth temperance to his wildly passionate expression of love. And as the sweet reality of having him alive and solid and in your arms once again after so long finally sets in, you realize what you truly want with crystal clarity.
"Take this ridiculous thing off," you breathe as your lips finally part and you tug at his tattered skirt.
"You sure?" It takes him a second to figure out what you're really asking. "Cause I don't have anything else --"
You laugh and silence him with another kiss, guiding his hands to the laces of your corset and watching his expression change from one of surprise to warmth and hunger as he swiftly helps you undress.
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Songs that remind me of Felicia Hardy pt1.
A collection of raunchy rap and sometimes vulgar pop songs that remind me of our Princess of Crime.
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⭐️'Don't Cha' - The Pussycat Dolls feat. Busta Rhymes Pop - 2006
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don't cha?
'Princess Diana' - Ice Spice feat. Nicki Minaj Rap - 2023
Told her man l'm the girl of his dreams Thinkin' 'bout me when he brushin' his teeth He keep textin', I leave him on seen Hottest bitch out and they know what I mean
'May I' - Flo Milli Rap - 2020
Make a thirsty n*gga wanna chase me Bitch, I'm lit, I wonder can he face me Only laugh on the way to the bank, see I want money so fuck you, pay me, bitch!
'WTP (Work This P*ssy)' - Teyana Taylor Rap - 2018
This is one song you have to listen to to understand where I'm coming from. It has very few lyrics, but it's heavily inspired by high-fashion ballroom and vogue beats. A club burlesque song.
⭐️'Conceited' - Flo Milli Rap - 2022
I'm so fabulous Bitch, I'm fabulous (Hey) I don't need his money (Nope) Bitch, I got enough
⭐️'Options' - Doja Cat feat.JID R'n'B - 2021
You want a picket fence and a wife You never change your mind when I cry Yeah, I see you flossin', you know it Droppin' your jaw when the drawers hit the floor
I can't wear the shit you bitches wear because it's cheap to me It's some money at my table, grab a seat with me Cost a ticket just to cover all my legal fees I don't hang with jealous bitches, that's a weak disеase
'Rose Gold Stripper Pole' - KenTheMan Rap - 2021
Ooh, the streets callin', put it on silent Bitches call 'em husbands, I call 'em my clients And they couldn't take my spot if they rent it out and buy it Your n*gga for the hoes and he say that he wanna try me, try me try me, try me
'Eat It' - Megan Thee Stallion Rap - 2021
Bust through the walls, break in and enter How many licks 'til you get to the center? How many times have I heard that a n*gga a dog But scared when he play with the kitten?
⭐️'Keeps Gettin' Better' - Christina Aguilera Pop - 2008
Step back! Gonna come at you fast I'm driving out of control and getting ready to crash Won't stop shaking up what I can I serve it up in a shot So suck it down like a man So baby, yes I know what I am And no, I don't give a damn And you'll be loving it
Some days I'm a super bitch Up to my old tricks But it won't last forever Next day I'm your super girl Out to save the world And it keeps gettin' better
⭐️XS - Rina Sawayama feat. Bree Runway Pop - 2020
Skin so rich, it look like gold Ain't no Fenty but I glow They say Rina look like goals Your wifey hate us 'cause she know
Money, power, excess, and more But they can't never snatch my soul It's a ring on my finger, of course I said yes I ain't married to no man, I'm married to success
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museenkuss · 9 months
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Miranda Beverly-Whitemore, Bittersweet
A college girl longs for the attention and lifestyle of her rich, blond, tan, gorgeously purebred roommate Ev. The tragic suicide of said roommate's cousin and our protagonist's comforting words shake the object of adoration out of her ignorance towards the plain nobody, who then finds herself being swept into the exhilarating world of the rich. Instead of rotting away at her aunt's during the summer months, the protagonist is whisked off to the paradise that is the family retreat, where everyone is blond, tan, gorgeous (and the cottages have title-worthy names such as "Bittersweet"). The protagonist sticks out and splits her time observing/admiring the purebreds, pretending to read Milton's Paradise Lost, longing to belong, and, finally, untangling secrets she might just end up getting tangled up in.
First thoughts
It's a fun summer read, probably best enjoyed while baking by a pool or at the beach, with sand sprinkled between the ice cream stained pages. I had no idea what the book was about whatsoever when I started and devoured it in a matter of days. If you like The Secret History for the cold months, you'll enjoy this one in the heat and fading heat. Were there lengths throuhout the ? Of course. Was it the most intellectually stimulating book with the most original plot? Of course not. But the writing is atmospheric, the setting is interesting and some details are original enough to hold at least my attention for the 380-odd pages. It pairs very nicely with some ice cream and inspired me to pick up Milton. Besides, it's very fun to think about the things that could've been that might've made it just a little more interesting.
Second thoughts in regards to the "what ifs" (with spoilers)
Firstly: Do you know that feeling when you can tell that someone is very excited about the punchline they're about to tell you, but you have to sit through about 30 minutes of storytelling before they get there? That's how I felt about the Swastika reveal. And, frankly, I'd known about that ever since it was mentioned that the german wife materialised in the family in the 1930s. Maybe that was just me as a German who's seen Germans appearing in American media, but they mentioned the dog named Fritz and the Lederhosen and whatever and I went "ah, okay, Nazi heritage". So the punchline of the nazi painting just had me smile weakly and go "ah, you thought that was very surprising, hm?" At this point, I would've been more surprised if the Germans appearing in a story like that weren't Nazis.
Same with the incest, by the way. I remember telling my mother "I thought she was sleeping with her brother but it was really just the help" with some disappointment that I'd been misled by the note of her cheating and the endless list of suspiciously blond and pretty brothers up for grabs. The reveal that he was her half-brother left me feeling vindicated that I'd read the room right (fancy, weirdly blond and handsome family = incest story), but again, I was smiling weakly. I have to say that the protagonist (whose name I keep forgetting) was really hammering home the shock we as the readers should be feeling about Ev and her half-brother, but frankly, it didn't quite spark for me. There were many aspects that were grotesque and interesting about their relationship - I loved Ev and her manipulations, her hot-and-cold, her jealousy, her arrogance, her desperation and sugary sweetness and the working class brotherlover who was too caught up in loving (serving) her (her family) to give up on that whole mess. But them being half-siblings? That didn't really shock me, especially since 1) their love was described in such a warm adn sweet way that you felt pity and hope for them rather than disgust 2) I'd expected her to be entangled with one of the "born and raised" blond-tan brothers the whole time. Every time the Protag stumbled upon another outdoors sex scene, I thought "oh? now?" but nope. It was always The Help.
Which brings me to another point: I kept thinking that the hints that everyone in this family was rotten in the same way were super interesting. Everyone was so eager to fuck The Help (even the 14 year old with her 17 year old "Bronx" semi-boyfriend she didn't want to marry but liked to keep around), disregarding everyone's feelings for their own pleasure. That made the ending where everyone is relieved, nice and kind, now that the Big Bad Uncle is dead soooooooo lame. And anyways. He dropped that easily?! Could've slipped him a "heart attack while swimming" pill 20 years ago, then.
This book sneezed in the direction of a really interesting plot - everyone being rotten in some way and the Protagonist still deciding she'd rather have that than nothing and "arranging" herself with the situation for years to come, bearing the Patriarch and his endless brutal lust with a smile, etc etc. We got HINTS of that, but then we had this Gallaway Brother Love Interest who was, for some reason, the only family member who was nice and pure and noble and whose "I NEED to fuck the lower class" instincts mostly resulted in him sweetly marrying the Protagonist. And, man! The hints we got! Every time I was like "oh? oh??!" - Her noticing that he looks like his father, the aggression that the other men inherited from the father (the oldest one who indulges in rape roleplay with, you guessed it, The Help, and Ev's halfbrotherlover who punches the car upon finding out who is father is, etc), the hiding of the girlfriend who's not important who's a wife actually but still not important but maybe yes but oh, no, she's just a friend whom Gallaway married out of the goodness of his heart... god, spare me. I was so excited about the reveal that Gallaway was like the rest of them and the Protag was ready to bear that for the money and lifestyle and allure, but nope. He was just that sweet, I guess.
And I'm aware that we have an unreliable narrator who might've done exactly that - decided to live a lavish life, ignore all the red flags, bear the horrors with a smile and drink her champagne, BUT the ending was just a tad too kitschy for me to believe that that was the intention. I keep second guessing myself because maybe the book is cleverer than I give it credit for, and I do think that she absolutely did decide to compromise herself, to throw at least a good deal of morals under the bus for the blond hair and tan skin and lean muscles. but not to the extend that it could've been, you know? Which is to say: It was really fun, but I kept thinking "this could be worse"
"Ev is sleeping with her half-brother (who doesn't know she's his half-sister) and wants to manipulate him into running away with her by faking a pregnancy" - but what if all that happened but she was also sleeping with her regular-degular brother? Arthonin or whatever his name was. I kept expecting that to be the big reveal and he ends up shunned and wife-less for his crimes (cheating with the au pair).
"Protagonist decides to marry into the family she knows to be rotten and makes them return the Nazi art and also the evil granddad was eliminated before the wedding even took place and now they're a democracy" - but what if he was still alive and the system can't be broken in a half sentence of "and they found a (forged) will that changed everything"
"Protagonist decides to marry Gallanger because he's sweet and lovely" - but what if he was still part of his family and still carried the nasty traces within himself and she accepted them?
and lastly.... what was that random bit about the killed turtles. I kept expecting that we'd catch someone (evil granddad, Gallanger, Ev...) in the act of smashing the turtles to death, which would've been awful and I genuinely was afraid of that scene, but it never came. and then we got a parting note of "lu is a good girl who is studying to find out what killed the turtles" ???? sorry?! that genuinely felt like a turtle-smashing scene had been planned, scraped, and hastily replaced with that lame throwaway line.
final verdict: FUN! I know I'm shittalking a lot here, but it WAS a fun read and I liked it.
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perfinn · 25 days
just finished rereading the heat that drives the light and god i’m fascinated by cecily PLEASE tell us more about her 🎤
ohohoho, absolutely i will. i will never pass up an opportunity to talk about my ocs, so thank you for giving me one. there's quite a bit that i can't say because of spoilers, but i will yap about what i can below the cut bc i adore my bbgirl
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some fun (and some not so fun 😔) facts!
the illness that caused her blindness is actually measles. measles is ofc not canon in asoiaf world but i've found that anything you want to not explain can be explained as being "from an essosi seaport/beyond the bone mountains." so, life hack i guess
braille also does not exist in asoiaf world, but luckily for cecily she's very rich with a father who adores her, so she has a collection of specially scribed books with indented words so that she can still read them through touch! it took her years to learn, but she figured it out eventually. written correspondence is of course not indented, though, so she has flora read letters aloud for her (and usually write them, though she is somewhat capable of writing)
cecily has a dog! a tiny little lapdog who'll be introduced in the next chapter, much to the confused disgust of aemond
because you'll never get a cecily pov, i can safely tell you now that cecily is horny for aemond. bad. she's having tea every day with flora like this.
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girl is THIRSTY for it (and the man hasn't even let her feel his face. she doesn't know what he looks like. she's hot just from his voice and the touch of his hands)
here's a glimpse at cecily's unfinished playlist, which i may or may not release if i build it up to a satisfying collection of songs
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(i swear i do listen to artists other than mitski, hozier, and f+tm 😭)
cecily has a rather intense mean streak in her. let's just say every rose has its thorn, and cecily isn't afraid to prick when threatened
she's very much aware of how precarious her inheritance is and isn't afraid to get her hands a bit dirty to keep it secure (hence why she suggested her cousin leo join the kingsguard) (but just between us, leo "shooting handsome smiles at the crowd" tyrell was never going to take a wife or sire any children in the first place)
her mother is a redwyne, hence why she was in the arbour in the first place when she got sick
umm... and i think that's all i can really say for now! alas anything more than little tidbits is massive spoilers 🙏 i love to yap about her though and this was very fun. i hope this has satisfied some of your curiosity!
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deirdreskye · 1 year
Gally I find hookups that're down but I work retail so making an actual date to meet up always takes like multiple rounds of texting because me or them are busy that particular week or whatever. Do you just have a set day of the week you use for seeing people or what
Lol it's a logistical nightmare for me too given that I'm married, I work full time, and I have a rich social life to maintain. I do actually have a designated day of the week for solo gally activities like hookups and dates and seeing friends and such, it's on Mondays when I'm off work but my wife isn't. I'll occasionally go to a date or a hookup in the evenings on other days, but generally I prioritize quality time with my wife or the besties over that sort of thing. I think it's an unfortunate fact of slut life that you'll meet people who are perfectly cool and hot but things just won't work out due to logistical issues. As the Japanese say, it can't be helped.
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gnattyplayssims · 4 months
1959 Pt2 - Jameson Reed
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"Mizrahi? Any connection to the HCR?"
"I thought so but her father left Henford in the 30's. Lives in Copperdale now. Not rich enough to bother with a ransom. Sofia's practically useless to me."
"Sofia?! Why didn't you say so...She's the one we've been looking for."
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"The kid with the cypher?"
"Not a kid any more."
Don smirked, "Not after I was done with her."
"She wouldn't know she has it, it's just a regular book to her, but there's no way she'd entrust someone like you with the information. We need someone to gain her trust."
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"Who the plumb is this?"
"Don, meet Jameson Reed my most trusted agent. He specializes in undercover missions. He'll get the cypher."
"Forget it! She's mine, I don't part with my property for free."
"Oh don't worry, you'll be compensated. But you'll have to play along."
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Jameson spoke for the first time. "Tell me a bit about this girl. What does she like?"
"Stupid fairy tales and her brat. Especially the brat. She won't shut up about her. If you swoop in like a fairy tale prince and keep the focus on the kid, she'll never suspect a thing."
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Jameson Reed had settled into his mission a bit too comfortably for his liking. Getting married had not been the plan but it had been the only way to keep Sofia's focus on him like the sweet innocent dove she was. He'd kept her and the house bugged so he knew she was onto him.
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"Going somewhere?"
"Oh um, Ava had a nightmare and Thomas was fussy...I was gonna make some hot chocolate."
"Ava hasn't had a nightmare in years and Thomas is a self-soother and doesn't like being held."
"Oh well, some hot chocolate still sounds nice. Would you like some?"
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Jamal smiled that same smile that used to bring her such comfort and now sent a chill through her. "How bout you make some for you and Ava and I put Thomas back to bed."
"Oh...okay...thank you."
"Don't take long, Okay Baby?"
"Of course sweetie. I'll be right there."
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Sofia yawned exaggeratedly as he entered the room but he pinned her to the mirror in the way that used to make her heart pound in anticipation...now it was pounding for a completely different reason. "What's going on with you?"
She removed his shirt, "What do you mean?"
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He quickly undressed her pressing her against the mirror. "Don't think you're getting away with this."
"With what?"
"Using your body against me. I know there's something you're not telling me."
Her heart was pounding but not from his touch as she pressed a kiss to his lips.
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Things steadily got worse as Sofia became more desperate to get her and the children out and Jamal let his mask slip more and more. He began nagging her about her duties as a wife and mother, working later shifts and berating her for not satisfying him the way she used to.
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"I want a divorce Sofia, I already got the papers you just need to sign them." Hope filled Sofia for just a moment before he tore it away, "And I'll be taking Thomas."
"What? No! You can't take my son."
"He's my son too and I'm the one who can provide for him."
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While Sofia crumbled beneath his words, Ava had a different approach. Seeing her mother pinned against the wall was too much and Ava snapped, biting his leg, chest and neck like a feral animal. Jamal finally pulled her off, yanking her off and tossing her back in the bedroom.
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Jamal chuckled "You really are too easy. So weak you need a child to protect you. Don't worry, I won't break your pretty face like Don did. It'll be rather painless. Like drifting to sleep."
"Jamal please."
"I will say this for you, I will miss that pretty mouth."
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Suddenly Jamal was pulled off her and she collapsed to the floor as someone forced Jamal against the wall. "Jameson Reed, you're under arrest for assault, attempted murder and purgery in 7 worlds. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you."
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Jameson was escourted off the premises with only a little fight. The Detective dropped to his knees at Sofia's side. "Hey Sof, can you sit up?"
"It's okay, he's gone."
"You never did bother to ask about my degree...or my career. A bit rude honestly."
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She groaned as he sat her up and her eyes fell on the bookshelves, "I think he's keeping someone in there. I don't know if they're alive. It's been months!"
"Ok. I'll check it out" He scooped her up
"The kids."
"Safe. Sofia you're safe now."
"No, he's just another nightmare."
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Nikolas carried her to the bedroom. Past the wedding pictures he wanted to just tear from the wall. He found the bedroom and lay her on the bed before returning to the bookshelf. It didn't take him long to find the book that triggered the mechanism and the room opened.
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Ava had come out of her room again and watched as the door swung open. "Mr Nik?"
"Stay there kiddo."
"What's in there?"
"That's what I'm going to find out." He stepped toward the door. "Alright Mr. Reed. What exactly have you been hiding. Something incriminating I hope."
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Nikolas had expected drugs, maybe weapons, perhaps files on those he'd done deals with. But this was so far beyond anything he could comprehend. He wouldn't know where to start with technology like this and the jars lining the ceiling gave him an errie feeling.
"What are you?"
1960 Pt1 - Interrogation
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