#social media is terrible
bradycarlson · 8 months
I’m leaving X and pretty much everything else I can leave. I’m leaving it for my own sanity as well as to be an example. It’s not necessary. It is not necessary. It’s not even good, but it’s certainly not necessary. - Douglas Rushkoff
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yukipri · 2 years
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Awww look at tumblr trying to look all shiny and professional for the twitter refugees
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nonas-third-tantrum · 11 months
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jod's not immune to the allure of a questionable rebrand
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nicodrawings · 4 months
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This shit is exhausting cuz Istg….
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One more…
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claret-ash · 6 months
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Wrathion and Anduin spending a peaceful Winter Veil together. 👑💖🐉
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
once again i am asking tumblr to hold public polls for users to vote on potential changes. imagine if you were the 'respect our users opinion website'. like that could be us but apparently not.
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happyflux · 11 months
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i don't usually post my embroidery on here but i'm really happy with how this piece turned out! inspired by this post by @siarven, made and posted with their permission of course :)
dandelions as a symbol for transness is a concept that means so much to me actually. ever since i first saw the post that inspired this (and the post by @doppelnatur which in turn inspired that post) it's been stuck in my head. i've loved dandelions for a long time and was already attached to them as symbols of hope, determination, and a refusal to conform or give in, and having my eyes opened to their potential as trans symbols as well made me love them even more.
to all my fellow trans people out there: may we all grow, transform ourselves, and flourish, in spite of everything the world throws at us <3
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haespoir · 1 year
your mom jokes w/ 7dream!
req: anon 💌
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"distant relative" i assume you are referring to my father?
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Sorry if this is tagged wrong, my tumblr is a whopping 3 hours old so I'm new to this
But do we or don't we "tag" you for wd!steven fanart? Sorry if this is a dumb question lol
Please do tag me! :D I'd love to see your art.
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Unfortunately, I am also really bad at seeing tags, so I recommend using the #wdau fanart tag as well, because I try to peruse that once a month.
And if you made an art and I did not react/like it, then chances are I'm oblivious. So you should definitely DM me or send an ask to remind me to look for it!
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totalshockwaves · 1 year
ryan ross is probably sitting at home, surrounded by all his taxidermied animals and actual pets, completely oblivious to us popping bottles in his (and jon and dallon's) honor lol
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esperastra · 7 months
It’s been three weeks and I still have not sorted my feelings about Legends Con. So have this random, unorganized list of things that happened that I still remember (more under the cut):
Nick tried to flash (stood on a chair and pulled up his shirt) Tala and Maisie during their panel but no one noticed him in the back
On the other hand when Arthur showed up during Caity and Jes’ panel they immediately saw him and greeted him
Caity was asked what Sara’s safe word is at the Meet&Greet and her answer was “Chiquita Banana”
When asked who they would eat first on a deserted island, pretty much everyone immediately said “Dom”
Caity and Jes kept talking about doing a podcast and asking people for stuff to talk about. Jes suggested they should just do Stabcast but Caity said she doesn’t like True Crime (which fair, I don’t either lol)
Adam said Avalance’s kid is named Rose and that Gary would be a great babysitter but he definitely would lose her at some point
At the opening ceremony Caity was like “I think the last time I said I was getting married. And I did it. *shows her ring* And Jes had our baby!”
When talking about the hardest goodbyes, Caity being Caity forgot Dom left and wasn’t even in the final season. Her answer was Franz btw.
A kid asked Amy, Caity and Jes if they would rather jump in lava or drown in water if they had to die and Jes was like “How old are you? Where is your mother?!” lmao
Jes recited the condolence card from Meet The Legends to the best of her recollection and kept laughing
Arthur kept mentioning how weird it is that all these fans and the cast are in his hometown
I could listen to Maisie talk for hours, just wanted to throw that in here
Jes was talking about how beautiful the gold dress from 502 was and Caity replied with “Anything you wear is beautiful 🥰” before Amy chimed in that she is still looking for the video of Liv and Jes laughing at Matt falling off his chair that was mentioned earlier lol
When asked about a crack ship (Rishop = Rip/Bishop) Arthur went on to talk about how he loves fanfiction lol
When asked if Nick or Matt is the better kisser Tala said “Maisie”
Adam started singing I Will Always Love You (forgot why) and Maisie left him hanging by not joining in and just smiling/laughing
Poor Matt didn’t know about the Human Centipede but now he does
Jes came up with the pick up line “I can be your legend until tomorrow” and then was like “someone try this tonight at the bar!”
On the second day Adam brought a water pistol to the panel and used it on everyone who got up to ask a question
Adam was THE hype man all weekend. He kept starting “When I say DC you say Legends of Tomorrow” chants
The fandom organized a group gift to give each cast member a trophy of the Waverider. We were allowed to present it to them at the closing ceremony.
Nick was called “Brad Pitt” during the trophy ceremony and Adam being Adam stood up instead
Amy sang Future Favorite with one of the kids at the closing ceremony
Adam said something about how he doesn’t like being emotional in front of people and everyone started chanting “SHOW EMOTIONS”
By the end of the closing ceremony everyone was super emotional. Caity was too emotional to speak when it was her turn and started crying and Jes hugged her. She said “I miss you guys” to the cast and went back for another hug. Jes was like “stop the emotions. stop the emotions” in reference to the earlier chant
A small list of some of the things that happened to me personally. I won’t share it all in detail here though, for reasons:
When I got my solo photo op with Caity, she saw my Real Housewives Sara shirt and was like “That’s funny. Can I take a picture?” and then she posted it on her IG Story
Amy spoke German to me out of nowhere when she noticed my accent. She also called me back during our photo op to ask me how I was and if I slept alright.
Jes gave me this 🥺 look when I talked to her at the autograph table
Nick held my hand for like a minute which was super overwhelming especially cause I struggle with eye contact lol. He also kept lovingly teasing me the whole weekend.
Me and a bunch of people did the 709 costumes as cosplay and won ‘Best Group’. It was a lot of fun.
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somecunttookmyurl · 8 months
peace and love to anyone wanting to migrate away from tumblr but i will simply not be doing that. when the lights go off the only place i'm migrating is to my to-do list
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autumnslance · 5 months
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Explaining to a sprout why people have been doomsaying, since FanFest Vegas, a FF14 expansion not even out to play yet & it boils down to how much this fandom Hates a game & setting they spend so much money & so many hours of their lives interacting with for whatever reason. Yes critical thought & analysis of media you consume is good. But assuming Bad of future content isn't the same. It's attention-seeking. Also makes me wonder why some of y'all play something you claim to ideologically oppose. Stop hate playing/watching/reading, you'll be happier.
-Me. Cuz while there is some cause for some concerns, much of the wailing and gnashing of teeth are the same people who loudly complain about everything that doesn't cater to them, specifically, and their fanons/headcanons, or assume 1 writer will make or break a giant group effort, and/or that mistakes in the past mean it will never get better cuz the devs are just ignorant bigots, etc and so on and so forth...
While still interacting with the game and fandom.
It's OK; you have all your pals' social media and Discords to stay in contact. Stop buying into the sunk cost fallacy, and if you actually hate the game and SE so much, stop paying them money and wasting your precious time in the game. There's other media out there, other games to play.
And if you do still enjoy the game, maybe consider how much of what you put out into the world is actually constructive criticism (are you posting concerns on the actual forums where the devs actually look for feedback?) or just salt for salt's sake to get Likes from your followers.
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an-theduckin · 1 month
Why am I not good at anything I do :(
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sciderman · 7 months
How do you feel about the increase in really weird NSFW ads on here (advertising panels that look like sexual encounters, and AI art apps that pride themselves on porn) but will take down NSFW posts from their users, even if it isn't technically sexual.
i hate all social media and it's consistent prioritising the advertisers over the users and the internet simply was a better place before capitalism sunk its hooks into it
#i could write essays about how capitalism ruined the internet.#i was actually talking to someone earlier today about how youtube was kind of effectively ruined by monetisation.#and they were raised in the soviet union and we had a bit of a talk about how art was better because it wasn't for profit.#the people who made art made it because they wanted to do it and because they loved it.#she said that communism was terrible for every aspect of life for her. people's lives under communism wasn't pretty.#but the art was better. and i feel like it's true for the internet – it was better when it was a free-for-all.#the companies didn't know how to exploit it yet and turn it into a neverending profit-driven hellscape.#people created content because they wanted to. because they wanted to make something silly to make people laugh.#not for profit. not for gain. not for numbers. not to further their career.#i miss the days of newgrounds and youtube before monetisation.#capitalism has soiled everything that's joyful and good in this world.#people should be able to share whatever they want.#people should be able to tell any story they want without the fear of being silenced by advertisers.#that's what made the internet so beautiful before. anyone could do anything and we all had equal footing.#but now we're victims of the algorithm. and it makes me sick.#i'm quitting my job in social media. i'm quitting it. it makes me too depressed. i have an existential crisis every freaking day.#every day i wake up and say "ah. this is the fucking hell we live in#i'm so sorry i feel so passionate about this.#social media is a black hole and it is actively destroying humanity. forget ai. social media is what's doing it.#i miss how beautiful the internet used to be. it should've been a tool for good. but it's corrupt and evil now.#sci speaks
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