#social relationships
academicelephant · 1 year
Dunbar's number
According to Robin Dunbar, our social circles have limits based on our evolutionary history: our closest circle, that of our loved ones, has room for only 5 people. The next circle, our good friends, has room for 15 people, followed by the circle of friends that has room for 50 people. Next up, the number of meaningful contacts can be up to 150 and acquaintances 500. Finally, the number of people we can recognize is 1 500
The limit on the number of relevant contacts is due to the fact that the human species used to live in groups of 100-200 individuals, with an average of around 150 members. For the other numbers I don't know what lies behind them, but it most certainly would be nice to know
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biblebloodhound · 6 days
The Ways of Wisdom (Proverbs 30:18-33)
Everything and everyone can teach us, that is, if we will but put ourselves in a position to learn from them.
There are four things that are too mysterious for me to understand: an eagle flying in the sky,a snake moving on a rock,a ship finding its way over the sea,and a man and a woman falling in love. This is how an unfaithful wife acts: she commits adultery, takes a bath, and says, “But I haven’t done anything wrong!” There are four things that the earth itself cannot tolerate: a slave who becomes…
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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurobehavioral condition that affects individuals from childhood into adulthood. Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD poses unique challenges across various life stages. Recognizing ADHD as a lifelong condition is crucial for effective management and support.
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familythings · 21 days
Genetic Ties: Is Your DNA Steering Your Friendships?
In the intricate web of human relationships, our closest friends often seem like chosen family, bonded by shared interests, tastes, and experiences. However, emerging scientific research suggests that these connections may be rooted in something more profound than mere compatibility—your closest friends might actually share some of your DNA. The Science of Genetic Similarity Recent studies,…
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omegaphilosophia · 3 months
Interconnections of Different Types of Abundance
The various types of abundance—material, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and health—are interconnected and can influence each other in both positive and negative ways. Understanding these interconnections helps us appreciate the complexity of a balanced and fulfilling life.
Positive Interconnections
Material Abundance and Emotional Abundance:
Positive Influence: Financial security can reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to emotional well-being. The ability to afford experiences and activities can enhance happiness and life satisfaction.
Example: A person who is financially secure can afford therapy, vacations, or hobbies that boost their emotional health.
Intellectual Abundance and Material Abundance:
Positive Influence: Knowledge and skills can lead to better job opportunities and higher earnings. Intellectual pursuits can lead to innovations and inventions that improve material wealth.
Example: An individual with a strong educational background may secure a high-paying job, increasing their material wealth.
Spiritual Abundance and Emotional Abundance:
Positive Influence: A strong sense of purpose and inner peace can enhance emotional stability and happiness. Spiritual practices often encourage gratitude and positive thinking.
Example: Meditation and mindfulness practices can reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.
Social Abundance and Health Abundance:
Positive Influence: Strong social connections can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness, which positively impacts mental and physical health.
Example: Having close friends and family can lead to better mental health and even longer life expectancy.
Health Abundance and Intellectual Abundance:
Positive Influence: Good physical and mental health can enhance cognitive functions and the ability to engage in intellectual pursuits.
Example: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can improve concentration and learning capacity.
Negative Interconnections
Material Abundance and Spiritual Abundance:
Negative Influence: Excessive focus on material wealth can lead to neglect of spiritual practices and values, causing a sense of emptiness or lack of purpose.
Example: Someone who prioritizes wealth accumulation over spiritual growth may feel unfulfilled despite their financial success.
Emotional Abundance and Social Abundance:
Negative Influence: Over-reliance on social validation can lead to emotional instability. If social relationships are superficial or toxic, they can harm emotional well-being.
Example: A person who seeks constant approval from social media may experience anxiety and depression due to negative comments or lack of likes.
Intellectual Abundance and Health Abundance:
Negative Influence: Intellectual pursuits that involve long hours of study or work can lead to physical and mental health issues due to stress and lack of physical activity.
Example: A student who spends excessive time studying without breaks may experience burnout and health problems.
Material Abundance and Health Abundance:
Negative Influence: Pursuing material wealth at the expense of health can lead to chronic stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise, resulting in health issues.
Example: A workaholic may neglect their health by working long hours, leading to issues like heart disease or mental exhaustion.
Spiritual Abundance and Intellectual Abundance:
Negative Influence: Sometimes, a strong focus on spiritual beliefs can lead to the rejection of scientific or intellectual ideas, causing a conflict between faith and reason.
Example: A person might refuse medical treatment based on spiritual beliefs, ignoring scientific evidence and putting their health at risk.
The different types of abundance are deeply interwoven, and their interconnections can have both positive and negative impacts on each other. Striking a balance and ensuring that one type of abundance does not overshadow or harm another is crucial for achieving a holistic and fulfilling life. Recognizing these interdependencies helps in making informed decisions that foster overall well-being.
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blogrinajob · 9 months
Single Can Be the Best Listening Companion! Here are 6 Reasons Why!
Being single, or someone who doesn’t have a partner, is often considered a less appealing status. And it’s not right to underestimate the single status. They have a thousand reasons to choose to stay single even though time and circumstances might push for a relationship. But did you know that someone who is still on their own can actually be the best listening companion! What are the…
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positivelyqueer · 19 days
small relationship tip:
if you’ve got someone in your life who apologises for a lot, instead of constantly telling them that they don’t have to apologise for that thing, slip in a couple ‘thank you’s or other small compliments.
“I’m sorry I can’t talk about that right now.” -> “thanks for establishing a boundary.”
“sorry I won’t be home for dinner” -> “I’m glad you’re able to go out and spend time with friend/treat yourself/etc.”
“I’m sorry I vented so much” -> “thank you for trusting me with this.”
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wealthymotivation · 11 months
Cultivating a Positive Mindset: 20 Benefits and 20 Proven Strategies for a Happier Life
Cultivating a Positive Mindset: 20 Benefits and 20 Proven Strategies for a Happier Life Hello, Today, we embark on a journey that has the potential to transform your life – the journey of cultivating a positive mindset. In this comprehensive guide, I will reveal the 20 incredible benefits of adopting a positive mindset and provide you with 20 practical strategies to help you embrace this…
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norfloxacin1 · 1 year
This article explores the complex issue of privacy in modern society. The author argues that while it is important to be respectful of other people's privacy, there are also times when it is appropriate to ask personal questions. The author shares their own experiences and observations, and offers insights into how to navigate the social landscape of privacy.
The article begins by discussing the author's own niece, who lives in the UK. The author's niece told the author that her British neighbors had never asked her about her children's education. In contrast, in China, it is common for people to ask each other about their children's college entrance examination results. The author argues that this difference in culture reflects the different ways in which privacy is valued in different societies.
The author then discusses a second incident, in which a cameraman was refused permission to film the dining area of a five-star hotel. The hotel explained that this was because they respected the privacy of their guests. The author argues that this incident also highlights the importance of privacy, even in public spaces.
The author then goes on to discuss the concept of boundaries. They argue that it is important to set boundaries in our relationships, and to respect the boundaries of others. This includes being respectful of other people's privacy.
The author concludes by arguing that there is no easy answer to the question of whether or not to ask personal questions. However, they suggest that we should always be mindful of the context in which we are asking questions, and the potential impact that our questions may have on others.
This is a well-written and thought-provoking article on an important topic. The author does a good job of exploring the different perspectives on privacy, and of offering insights into how we can navigate the social landscape of privacy.
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boymazophile6 · 1 year
Accusing others of being perfectionism, when ....!
Regardless of whether perfectionism is good or bad, remember that people know very well how to accuse others of being perfectionists, especially when it benefits themselves …Often those who tell you that such and such things should not be important to you! exactly that thing is important to them, and they are not ready to miss even a bit of that thing. If perfectionism is bad, then it is bad for everyone, and if perfectionism is good, then it is good for everyone Before you tell someone: "Don't be hard! something should not be so important to you", ask yourself that: if I were in his shoes, would I be willing to settle for less and not be perfectionist in that matter?
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academicelephant · 2 years
Checklist for things I need atm
more table spoons
more dinner plates
a small bowl etc. for coins
to take my shorts from my parent’s place and bring them to mine
to learn to wash up the frypan / pot right away after use instead of remembering that it should have been washed when I'm about to start cooking the next day
to remember that the sink, toilet and drain also need to be cleaned from time to time
to stop pushing the less interesting school assignments to “next week”
to reserve some time for maintaining social relationships so that they wouldn't get lost among schoolwork, everyday life and relaxing after the previously mentioned
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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he could not control the class 😔
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limsamantha · 1 year
6th Journal Entry: My Attachment Style
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From what most of my life as a child was by a secure attachment, I've been provided things and were summoned by my needs anytime, or wherever, but I wasn't allowed to explore alone, commute, get up close and personal with others, etc. Depending on how close we are to each other, that style has an impact on how I interact with some members of my family and friends. As a child, I found it understandable that I wasn't permitted to interact with or be near to other guys my age outside of my family. I just assumed that this was because my parents wanted to ensure my safety and couldn't let me out of their sight. If they were ever away, they would have another family member pick me up or watch after me. How I express my love for somebody would be in forms of small gifts, services, and words that I rarely present to people depending on who I’m talking to, and it can still be considered the same way of how I show my commitment to that person, just with a hint of admiration and devotion towards them. As for how I’ll be improving my personal and social relationships would be to find comfort, similarity, and communicate with to the best of my abilities.
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omegaphilosophia · 3 months
The Different Types of Abundance
Abundance can be understood in various contexts and forms, ranging from material wealth to emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Here, we explore the different types of abundance that people can experience in their lives.
1. Material Abundance
Definition: Material abundance refers to the possession of physical goods and financial wealth.
Financial Wealth: Having substantial monetary resources, investments, and assets.
Possessions: Owning homes, cars, clothing, and other tangible goods.
Resources: Access to food, water, and other essential supplies.
Provides a sense of security and comfort.
Enables access to services and experiences.
Can be used to help others and improve communities.
2. Emotional Abundance
Definition: Emotional abundance involves having a rich and fulfilling emotional life.
Love: Experiencing deep connections with family, friends, and partners.
Happiness: Consistently feeling joy and contentment.
Gratitude: Regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life.
Enhances mental health and well-being.
Improves relationships and social interactions.
Contributes to a positive outlook on life.
3. Intellectual Abundance
Definition: Intellectual abundance is characterized by a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and creativity.
Education: Access to quality education and learning opportunities.
Creativity: Engaging in artistic, scientific, or innovative pursuits.
Wisdom: Accumulating life experiences and insights.
Fuels personal and professional growth.
Encourages problem-solving and critical thinking.
Leads to continuous learning and curiosity.
4. Spiritual Abundance
Definition: Spiritual abundance involves a deep sense of purpose, connection, and fulfillment beyond the material world.
Inner Peace: Feeling a sense of calm and tranquility.
Purpose: Having a clear sense of direction and meaning in life.
Connection: Feeling connected to a higher power, nature, or the universe.
Provides a sense of grounding and stability.
Encourages compassion and empathy.
Enhances overall well-being and fulfillment.
5. Social Abundance
Definition: Social abundance refers to having a rich network of relationships and social connections.
Friendships: Building and maintaining close friendships.
Community: Being part of a supportive and engaging community.
Networking: Developing professional and social networks.
Provides support and companionship.
Facilitates opportunities for collaboration and growth.
Enhances a sense of belonging and social cohesion.
6. Health Abundance
Definition: Health abundance involves physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Physical Health: Having a strong and healthy body.
Mental Health: Maintaining mental stability and resilience.
Emotional Health: Managing and expressing emotions in a healthy way.
Enables a high quality of life and longevity.
Supports productivity and energy.
Promotes overall happiness and satisfaction.
Abundance is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions of human experience. While material wealth is one form of abundance, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and health-related abundances are equally important for a fulfilling and balanced life. Understanding and cultivating these different types of abundance can lead to a more enriched and meaningful existence.
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