#societal shifts
felixwylde · 7 months
Centennial Reflections Unfold
Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Dear Future Me,As I pen this letter, I marvel at our journey—a tapestry woven with joy, discovery, and resilience, leading us to this centennial milestone. I wonder about the inclusivity and kindness of your world, hoping it reflects the dreams we harbored for a society that embraces and celebrates diversity. The pursuit of authenticity has been a…
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mitigatingchaos · 1 year
Maybe A Generalization, But. . .
Why are we only applauding masculinity in women and not in men? And why are we only applauding femininity in men and not in women? -found on Instagram at _thewondering5
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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gayofthefae · 1 year
Jopper: You can find love again after being divorced.
Duzie: Love isn’t about social status and the validation of having a partner but rather things like common interests and love of each other’s company.
Stobin: Your “true love” doesn’t have to be a romantic one and you can be entirely fulfilled by a best friend.
Jancy: Love and family does not need to be the focus of your life. You can have those things while still being career driven and oriented.
ElMike: Romantic and platonic love are not hierarchal. Sometimes one relationship is closer and better as friends than as lovers. (similar to Stobin but rather than exchanging a friend for a romantic partner, shifting the nature of one relationship)
Lumax: A loving and supporting relationship is more important than the social disapproval that may come with it. (similar to Duzie but with higher stakes of racist consequences rather than just a lack of societal approval, an active disapproval)
Byler: Queer people are just as deserving of love and romance and do not need to settle for platonic relationships if they want more.
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tchaikovskaya · 5 months
On one hand I’m like “how did we as a society fuck up so hard that being around small children in regular public shared spaces, not age-restricted businesses or organizations etc, is like a point of Discourse?”
but on the other I’m kinda like. idk. I watched, for several years, lots of people tell us we were Bad People for being willing, in theory, to pay more money for a flight with a 14+ age limit. or expecting you to take your screaming baby outside if you’re at an event in an enclosed indoor space. Or even privately complaining about a crying baby on a plane when you don’t say or do anything antagonistic to the parents in response. Just anything other than unbridled joy about being around a little kid is an indication that you have rot deep in your soul. So 🫠
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violentviolette · 7 months
me every single time I enter this tag
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I'm so sorry
But in the alternate timeline where Bruce dies in the alley, Martha becomes the joker and Thomas becomes Batman... what if the joker-ication process of Martha is a slow thing. They all mourn the loss of Bruce in their own ways while blaming themselves. Alfred blaming himself for not being there to fight the dude off before anything happens to anyone. Thomas blaming himself for taking Bruce to the theatre. Martha blaming herself for suggesting a nice walk home.
Overtime Martha gets more confrontational towards the two, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR TAKING US TO THE STUPID SHOW! YOU LAZED ABOUT WHILE MY BABY WAS DYING!"
The words getting more harsh until Alfred confronts her in the kitchen saying it's no one's fault and they should work on comforting each other instead of tearing each other apart.
Martha laughs and slowly the laugh gets more psychotic before she takes the knife she was using and stabs him with it.
Thomas finds Martha laughing over Alfred's body, his blood smeared over her face in the shape of a bloody smile and he screams.
They're both broken.
Hi!! Thank you for the ask, first of all. Sadly, everything that has to do with the joker in a story-focused way (aka where I have to put a lot of energy into) Is a bore hazard for me.
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solarpunkani · 7 months
I understand why it’s important and why this question may be interpreted as rude, but I am genuinely curious and I want to learn more. What is the best case scenario for completely boycotting voting for the democrats?
See that's the fun part
I genuinely am not sure.
I genuinely don't know and at this rate I'm a little scared?
I don't wanna vote for Biden again. And in a perfect world (or at least my ideal) enough people would vote for hard for 3rd party that Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia would be voted into office. Hell, if the Democrats backed someone who wasn't Joe Biden for president I'd have more hope (depending on the person of course).
Unfortunately any conversation I have outside of Tumblr about the election basically ends in 'yeah I don't like Biden and I don't like Trump but voting 3rd party isn't really an option because of how the system works' so it's really hard for me to believe that enough people are gonna actually vote third party for it to work the way we'd like?
So the best case scenario would be 'so many people vote for a third party candidate like Claudia and Karina that they get elected into office and make sweeping changes we all love and need.'
I'm just not sure if the best case scenario is what's actually gonna happen. In fact, I am really scared that it won't.
I know this isn't the bright sunny hopeful take people were probably hoping for from the resident SolarpunkAni but its something that's been kinda haunting me for the past few weeks so here's my thoughts.
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maareyas · 7 months
good evening gamers I am feeling so much dread for the future
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louandhazaf · 4 months
respectfully, may i ask what your pronouns are? (if you're comfortable sharing) (also, your wankfest fic was amazing!)
(THANK YOU!!! I’m so glad you liked it!!!!)
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You may!
Gender is… complicated for me. So pronouns are both also hard and not at all.
lolllll I think mostly my issue with pronouns is that they’re used when someone is talking ABOUT me which means I am BEING PERCEIVED which is the worrrrrrsssttt (yes, I am working on this in therapy 😂) and if gender is complicated for me to unwind then like how can I possibly try to explain at any given moment how I feel to others. SO! Truly genuinely I am okay if people use any pronouns at all for me. I am not offended by she/they/he or any neo-pronouns you want to use or my name or HEY YOU! lollll really really I am okay with any and all of them.
That being said!!!!
They is probably “easiest” and IRL I mostly go by she/they because of how fem presenting I am.
And then, at some point I realized that no one ever called me masc pronouns so I asked my pocket friends in my GC to use he/him as a test and you know what…… a THRILL runs though me whenever they remember and use it. (I am currently trying to pick out if this is a “I am important to them and they remember” thrill or if this is what people mean by “gender euphoria” (another great thing I’m working on!)
Ummmm so tl;dr…. Any at all are fine with me! But if you want to give me a little zip of happiness, he/him does the trick!
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ikarwawa · 1 year
It's so very important to me that when people throw around the terms TME and TMA that they understand that TMA =/= only transfeminine people.
The terms TMA and TME were created to because AGAB doesn't fully cover the lived experiences of the variety of trans, nonbinary, and intersex people. It's explicitly NOT meant to be AMAB = TMA and AFAB = TME. Not everyone AMAB who is nonbinary is transfeminine. Nonbinary people of any AGAB can be targeted by transmisogyny depending on their transitioning experience. Intersex people don't have to be CAMAB to be targeted by transmisogyny.
And that's not even broaching how race and transphobia intersect.
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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"Benjamin Netanyahu has been prime minister for longer than other Israeli leaders since the country’s birth in 1948 and is increasingly unpopular, but many of his policies in Gaza and the occupied West Bank enjoy huge Israeli support. The problem in Israel isn’t solely Netanyahu. He’s the symptom of a major larger societal shift. Replacing him with another carbon copy will change little for the millions of Palestinians who live under a brutal military occupation. One possible successor, Benny Gantz, has spent his career proudly promoting the destruction he’s caused in Gaza in previous wars. There’s long been a western obsession with Netanyahu, wrongly believing that he’s the impediment to a more humane "Jewish state". It’s the same mistake recently made by US President Joe Biden and Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, who argued that Netanyahu was blocking any prospect of peace in the region. It’s his belligerence, we’re told, that makes ending the Gaza onslaught impossible. When cautiously questioned by CNN recently, Netanyahu said that he wasn’t some fringe player in Israel but a leader who spoke for many Israelis, pursuing policies in Gaza with broad mainstream backing. He was right, and ignoring this reality doesn’t make it go away."
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infinitysisters · 1 year
Interesting and prescient insight from a 1992 essay written by distinguished professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center, John Patrick Diggins (b.1935 - d.2009)
“1990 marks a curious time when the Left in the United States has no political significance but considerable educational influence, no power to affect immediate events but considerable authority to shape the minds of the young. Having lost the class war in the factories and the fields, the American Left continues the battle for cultural hegemony in the classroom.”
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imogenkol · 2 years
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🐺 The Thatcher Family - original work
[template by the lovely @unholymilf]
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felinenthusiast · 1 year
sigh. realising an understanding about one of my favourite characters of all time has just greatly shifted. i need to reconfigure my entire brain because this character has changed sexual orientation to me lol
#rambles#i wanted him to be. bisexual. like me. and it was the obvious choice considering the fact he's literally been married to women. twice.#but i just... his first marriage canonically just 'happened' to him before he knew it based on societal expectations#like we dont know much other than it's described as just. occurring before he knew it. in a very passive way.#so i like to think they WERE friends and it was a nice relationship. but um. i truly do not believe there was any romance there.#his second marriage was literally a political marriage to keep him tethered to a company... he canonically feels no love towards her.#(also. im deeply defensive of female characters who are hit with the 'abusive' accusation out of nowhere it happens too much and is levelle#very incorrectly i'd say like. 60% of the time. but this woman IS genuinely abusive to him. first emotionally. then she beats him later :|#so great marriage that one was! yikes!)#then his (MALE) coworker corners him in the bathroom and he immediately interprets it gayly and can respond like#'this was going to happen sooner or later' <- real quote.#and he's nervous but down for the gay scenario he's constructed in his head (it's not actually gay.)#and then also. he goes on to have Even More intense homoeroticism with a completely different man.#like Oh. babygirl you are a deeply closeted gay man. i understand now.#im sorry mr osawa.#Sorry im rambling about things no o e cares about also.#im obvs thinking of a specific character but also like. im sure others have had this experience#when you're the ceo of a character (me and my partner are largely cus he doesn't have any other big fans lol) and your understanding shifts
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