#socs prompt
sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
Righty-O, let's give another question:
Where do your OCs Live?
Are they the type that lives the more city lifestyle, or do they prefer more laid back areas? Or maybe they like living in long abandoned ruins? Let's see those answers, people! :D!
Another one!
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thedasincolor · 8 months
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Greetings, Agents!
Fall has officially reached many parts of the world, especially here on tumblr. We hope celebrations of the Mid-Autumn Festival and Sukkot were joyful and peaceful!
Returning to Splash of Color Saturday prompts, we have a submission from one of our agents, @lingonberrystuff !
Splash of Color Saturday Prompt: I would love to read about how different cultures of Thedas celebrate the passing of seasons into fall. Is this a time associated with death? With the bounty of harvest? What celebrations or ceremonies would take place?
As always, we look forward to your research, illustrations, stories, music, and more!
Many Ways to Participate:
try to tag all posts as #splash of color saturday
Reblog this post with your thoughts
Create a new post and tag @thedasincolor
Submit a post to @thedasincolor​ (after reading our guidelines)
Reblog, reply and interact with others posting about SOCS!
SOCS is our open-to-anyone headcanon celebration.
That means anyone, from any background. While our blog mainly intends to be a spotlight for creators from marginalized ethnic backgrounds, this one event is meant to encourage deeper and more thoughtful headcanons for Thedas beyond what we have been presented in game.
Pass it along and tag us! We will always be looking for your ideas so feel free to participate at your leisure!
Want to take a look at our previous prompts? (x) We will always reblog new answers!
Have an idea for future prompts? Let us know! (x) (PRETTY PLEASE?)
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green-kat331 · 1 year
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Mandy is a Mainly powerless person (unless you consider intelligence a power), relying solely on her gadgets and weapons to defend herself and her friends. She dwells in all sorts of weapon types. She makes herself a specially designed laser blaster that attaches to her glove rings, and when activated, they cover both her hands and can shoot bright blue beams. She also created a bubble shield. With a press of a button, she can activate a floating bubble that can hold from 1 to 5 people depending on their sizes. It protects from most attacks, but if put under immense pressure, it will burst. Mandy also made a cool jetpack so she can keep up with Sonic and the gang. It's powered from chaos energy, but she can fuel it with other forms of electricity.
There was also a point where Mandy creates two special battle robots, but I haven't decided what they do yet.
Eventually, Mandy does learn to use her fists to fight. She learns how to spin dash and do cool crazy kicks at close enemies.
No matter what, whenever her friends need help, she will be there 100% of the time. She spends her spare time fixing things and improving her gadgets to be more helpful to the team.
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madeforstarker · 1 month
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[ prompt fill: fanboy peter ♡ ]
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jahayla-parker · 10 months
Foolish One : Kaz Brekker x Reader
Description: 4.7k wc, angst set to the tale of Foolish One by Taylor Swift. Reader has feelings for Kaz and her wishful thinking results in her suffering from a heartbreaking realization when Inej returns.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, sadness, crying, unrequited? feelings, SoC standard triggers/topics, no happy ending
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Y/n stifled her hopeful smile as she knocked on Kaz’s door. Upon hearing his gruff voice express she could enter, y/n took an anxious breath as she turned the doorknob leading to his office. “Morning, Kaz,” y/n greeted sweetly, stepping into his workspace.
Kaz looked up from his desk. While it wasn’t a smile, the edges of his lips did curl up faintly in response to y/n’s greeting. He knew of her feelings towards him. Normally that would mean pushing her away, but since Inej had left them, he’d been trying to be better at these things. As such, Kaz had been working on being warmer and less harsh towards y/n. He figured if he could, maybe he had a chance of one day being in a semi-normal relationship.
Y/n gracefully crossed the room and sat in the chair across the desk from Kaz. She was always careful to respect his boundaries. As such, y/n kept her hands in her lap instead of fiddling with the new set of pens on his desk.
Kaz picked up on y/n’s gaze and a smirk took over his face. “You can play with them if you’d like,” he offered civilly. “There’s no need to drool over pens,” Kaz joked in a monotonous tone.
Y/n felt her cheeks warm rapidly in embarrassment. She gave Kaz a small grateful smile before she reached across the space between them to grab one of the pens. As y/n spun one of the new pens in between her fingers -her eyes scanning the shiny device-, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was a sign from Kaz.
Y/n had developed a crush on her boss -and friend- Kaz Brekker about a year ago. She never acted on it, assuming it was one-sided and fruitless. But, over the last few months, things seemed to change. Kaz was friendlier, more open about things (albeit minor things, but it was still progress), sought her out to help on things she suspected he didn’t actually need her assistance with, and overall made it seem like maybe, just maybe, he was interested in her too. Y/n’s foolish heart clung onto that hope and belief from the very first sign. Now she was in too deep. After all, Kaz was only simply letting y/n play with the pens on his desk, and she was taking it as a small gesture of his affection.
Jesper had tried to keep y/n’s crushing heart more grounded, worrying her feelings towards Kaz wouldn’t end well. While he’d have to admit that he had seen the way the Bastard of the Barrel was softer towards y/n than he was to the other Crows or Dregs, Jesper didn’t want y/n to get her hopes up. He knew Kaz wasn’t capable of being clear about his feelings and didn’t want y/n to get caught up in all of that. He’d seen it happen to himself and Inej already.
Jesper knew y/n was an incredible person, and it wasn’t that he didn’t think she was worthy of Kaz’s attention or romantic interest. Instead, he didn’t think Kaz was worthy of y/n’s affection. Wylan had kept Jesper from interfering with whatever was transpiring between Kaz and y/n as of late. But, that didn’t mean that Jesper didn’t see it and worry about what was going on.
As great as y/n was, Jesper knew she wasn’t the exception. He knew Kaz would never be able to offer y/n what she was looking for, what he and the other Crows knew she deserved. Nevertheless, he saw y/n’s hope lift anytime Kaz showed her any attention or consideration. Jesper tried to warn y/n not to stitch her happiness to someone like Kaz, much less to Kaz’s cold and distant heart; but she didn’t want to hear it.
In fact, even when there were warning signs that something wasn’t right, y/n’s wishful thinking took over and brushed those fears away. For example, in the last few days, she’d been getting less and less from Kaz. Y/n had heard from Inej that she was returning to Ketterdam in the next few days. She knew Kaz was aware of this as well as their group had discussed it the other night over dinner. Yet, instead of connecting the dots between Kaz’s sudden shift in attention and this simultaneously learned fact, y/n ignorantly disregarded it.
Y/n didn’t often fall this hard. In fact, she had started to move past her crush on Kaz until he began treating her as if she had a chance. By now, he’d manage to give y/n just enough attention to keep her hopes too high and block out the voices of reason in her mind. She wasn’t usually known to be foolish, otherwise she’d likely have never been part of the Dregs; much less made a Crow. But, when it came to Kaz, things were different.
No amount of reasoning voices in y/n’s mind could keep her from falling harder and harder for the Bastard of the Barrel. She didn’t need Jesper’s friendly -yet protective- warnings about the situation. Y/n’s own mind had told her all of those same sentiments already. Yet, she nonetheless found herself sinking further into her wishful thinking more every night.
“You can keep that one,” Kaz offered, his rough voice cracking through the thoughts in y/n’s mind.
“Huh?” Y/n mumbled as she tried to refocus on the present moment. “Sorry, what?” She asked, looking up from the pen. Y/n’s eyes met Kaz’s for a brief second before he looked away.
“It’s nothing special,” Kaz muttered casually. “So you can have it,” he said, waving his gloved hand dismissively.
Y/n’s heart flittered with hope at the notion. Even if he claimed it wasn’t special, y/n knew Kaz only offered her the pen because of how she’d been staring at it for so long just now. The fact Kaz was freely offering her something of his, something so new and shiny no less, made y/n’s chest feel warm.
“Oh,” y/n smiled lightly. Truthfully, she didn’t care about the pen. It had merely been where her eyes had chosen to land as she daydreamed about her situation with Kaz. But, she cherished the sentiment from Kaz. “Thank you,” y/n replied, hooking her fingers around the pen tightly.
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Y/n sighed to herself as she watched the sun set. She rubbed her arms aggressively with her cold hands in an attempt to stay warm despite the chilly air. Y/n should’ve known she’d be alone tonight. She had invited Kaz to join her, hoping watching the sunset would help him decompress after their failed heist earlier today.
Kaz had agreed to meet her, but didn’t say when he’d be out. As such, y/n had been sitting out here for awhile before the sun began to set. Normally she wouldn’t have waited so long for someone to show up to an agreed upon event. But, Kaz knew how to keep her waiting. In fact, he actually said he’d come tonight. So, even as y/n watched the sun disappear behind the horizon, she told herself maybe something came up that prevented Kaz from joining her like he’d said.
When y/n made it back to the Slat, she quickly learned she was correct; something had come up. Y/n rounded the corner near Kaz’s office and heard Inej’s voice. She was back earlier than expected. Normally this would’ve made y/n happy as it had been awhile since she’d last seen her friend. Only, she could see the agonizing closeness between Inej and Kaz.
It wasn’t just a metaphorical closeness either. Kaz allowed Inej to stand mere inches from him, his gloved hand resting on Inej’s clothed arm. Y/n knew the two had been close friends, or what amounted to a close friendship for someone like Kaz. But, she couldn’t help but feel jealous as she witnessed the two sharing a look as if silently communicating something with just their eyes. As metaphorically and literally close as y/n had gotten to Kaz lately, both achievements were easily outdone by the scene before her.
Y/n went to back up, hoping to quietly flee the scene. Only, her heel smacked into the corner loudly. She winced as Inej and Kaz parted instantly and looked her way. She pasted on a fake smile as Inej grinned upon seeing her.
“Y/n, oh hey!” Inej exclaimed. She stepped away from Kaz and neared her friend, a smile gracing her lips as she did. Inej watched y/n’s eyes flicker to Kaz for a split second before looking away and then back at Inej.
Y/n hugged Inej as she acted like she was fine. It wasn’t the first time she had to seem bulletproof around Kaz. But, this time it hurt more as it involved her friend as well. She didn’t feel like she even had the right to feel this way. Y/n knew she couldn’t call Kaz hers. Yet, these last few months had her thinking one day he’d come around and that maybe, someday, when they were older, the miscommunication and longing was something they would laugh about.
Y/n ignored the way she could feel Kaz’s eyes on her as she greeted Inej with faux enthusiasm. She couldn’t wouldn’t show weakness or sorrow. She didn’t have the right to. And y/n had seemingly misunderstood the connection she felt she and Kaz were forming these last few months. So, she would act as if as if she were fine.
“We need to catch up!” Inej exclaimed, squeezing y/n’s arm lovingly. She slid her hand down until she reached y/n’s palm and then interlaced their fingers. Inej looked over her shoulder as she offered Kaz a soft smile before guiding her friend from the room.
Y/n kept a false smile painted on her lips as she silently walked with Inej. She felt bad for not being super excited to see her friend. But, she couldn’t help it. Kaz had once again given y/n just enough to keep her guessing and waiting, but not enough to know where she truly stood.
Was Kaz interested in y/n? Was he interested in Inej? Saints! Was Kaz even interested in anyone at all? Y/n didn’t know. But the voices of reason in her head kept trying to warn her that something’s really not right. Nonetheless, y/n’s foolish heart allowed her wishful thinking to cloud those warnings. Kaz simply missed Inej. Besides, Kaz and Inej had been friends much longer than Kaz even knew y/n, it made sense that they’d be closer. Surely it didn’t automatically mean anything more than that.
Or at least that’s what y/n’s foolish heart allowed her to believe. Even as she laid on Inej’s bed -the one Kaz left unoccupied even as the Dregs grew in size- listening to her friend catch her up on her adventures, y/n ignored the mention of how Kaz had written Inej multiple times during her trip. Kaz didn’t write or try to communicate with y/n when she’d been gone on a few week long trip for a personal matter. Y/n assumed it was because that just wasn’t Kaz’s thing. But now, it seemed like he was perfectly capable of doing it, he just hadn’t. At least not when it came to y/n. Y/n’s mind screamed at her that Y/n clearly wasn’t the exception to Kaz’s shutdown persona. But once again, she let her foolish heart and wishful thinking mute those voices of reason. Kaz was new to this whole romance thing, that’s likely all it was.
Y/n stuck to that notion even as she laid wide awake in her bed that night. She could faintly hear Kaz talking to Inej, their muffled voices seeping through the old floorboards of the room above hers. While she couldn’t make out what was being said, y/n could tell by her friends’ tones that they were both interested in whatever the discussion was. Y/n could tell they were both too intrigued with the conversation to even consider saying goodnight to her much less keep her company tonight. So, once again, the way she had during various times when Kaz would inexplicably shut her out again for a bit, y/n talked herself to sleep again.
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Unable to fall back asleep, y/n rubbed the fatigue from her eyes and rose out of her bed. She’d woken up to yet another nightmare. They weren’t foreign to her at this point, so she knew how to handle it. As such, Y/n groggily tiptoed down to the main level in search of some water and maybe a snack.
In her exhausted and still slightly on edge state, y/n hadn’t paid attention to the fact that there were a faint amber glow showing underneath the door to the kitchen. This meant, she unexpectedly came face to face with the scene on the other side of the door upon sleepily entering the kitchen. Y/n’s eyes widened and her hands instinctively lifted up in surrender as she took note of what she’d walked in on.
Inej was standing before Kaz in a tank top, her back to him. Kaz was behind Inej, a wet washcloth in one hand and a needle in the other. Both of Kaz’s hands were uncovered; he’d removed his gloves, for Inej. The slight maroon tint staining the washcloth told y/n that Kaz was attending to a wound on Inej’s back.
Y/n quickly glanced away from her friends, her eyes dashing to the grungy floor beneath her now shaking legs. “I-I.. I’m sorry,” she mumbled bashfully.
“It’s fine y/n/n,” Inej assured her.
Y/n could hear the slight disappointment in Inej’s voice loudly in the otherwise quiet room. It confirmed for y/n that whatever she’d walked in on was as intimate as it had looked. Y/n shook her head, trying to keep her tears away. She could do this, she could act bulletproof. She’d done it countless times now, surely she could do it again now even after witnessing how Kaz had pushed through his boundaries for Inej.
It wasn’t that y/n wasn’t proud of Kaz for being able to tend to someone’s wound, especially without his gloves no less. But, it was only a few days ago when y/n had gotten hurt on their failed heist and had to be patched up by Nina when Kaz refused to even look at her wound. So, seeing he and Inej like this tonight stung y/n more than any physical wound ever had.
As y/n glanced up from the ground, she chose not to look Kaz’s way. She didn’t want to see the indifferent and likely even frustrated look she expected to be on his face at her accidental interruption. “Sorry…” y/n whispered again, giving Inej a remorseful look.
It was the same look Jesper often gave y/n wherever Kaz would give y/n just enough attention to keep her foolish heart hanging on to a thread of hope. She knew what it was like to be in Inej’s position. Theoretically that is, since Inej had only been back a day and was already in a better, more romantically intimate situation with Kaz than y/n had made it to in the last several months. Nonetheless, y/n knew what it was like to be teetering on the edge of what felt like a moment where Kaz just might actually confess his love only for something or someone to interrupt and burst that moment. So even though her heart was breaking with every second she stood there in the kitchen, she still felt for Inej. Kaz wasn’t one to offer such a confession, but he knew how to keep someone on the ropes in search of one.
“Y/n,” Kaz’s voice echoed through the empty kitchen. When y/n’s reluctant gaze landed on him, he offered her his equivalent of a sympathetic expression. “Did you need something?” Kaz asked, making a show of looking at his pocket watch.
Instead of her eyes landing on Kaz’s golden pocket watch -he one she’d gifted him-, y/n’s eyes were focused on the paleness of his bare hands. Kaz had never so much as removed his gloves around y/n unless absolutely necessary. Yet here he was, practically touching Inej with his bare hands in the dimly lit kitchen in the early hours of the morning. Y/n swallowed thickly, hoping to ease the lump in her throat as she willed her eyes away from Kaz’s hands.
“I.. I umm…” y/n mumbled, panicking more when she saw Inej’s unspoken concern as to why she was so nervous. For once, Y/n let the voices of reason in her mind guide her tonight. You are not the exception, she told herself as she steeled her facial expressions. “I had a nightmare, I just came down for some water,” she explained, adding a ridiculously stiff nod as she sidestepped her friends.
“Are you okay?” Inej asked sweetly, moving away from Kaz to check on y/n.
Y/n gripped the glass in her hand tightly to keep from showing how much her hands were shaking from what felt like betrayal. She flicked the handle on and held the glass under the faucet for a few excruciatingly long seconds. “Yes, thank you Inej,” y/n replied shortly, turning the water off. She silently took a few sips of her water as Inej and Kaz watched. “I’m fine,” y/n added, boldly braving a fleeting glance at Kaz.
Y/n gritted her teeth with annoyance as Kaz wore what almost seemed like an attempt at an apologetic expression. She shook her head wordlessly before taking a few more sips of water. Y/n was still excessively thirsty, but every second she spent in the kitchen like this with Inej and Kaz was too much. She quickly dumped the remainder of her glass down the sink and mumbled a hushed goodbye to Inej before quickly departing from the room.
Y/n threw herself onto her bed, the tears bursting through the temporary dams she’d built minutes before. She didn’t even bother wiping them from her face, instead simply letting them cascade down her skin in all directions. By the time her mind had tired enough to let her sleep, her pillow was damp. The dampness only made y/n realize just how thirsty she still was, even more so after having cried for so long. But, she refused to leave her bedroom. While she figured Inej and Kaz likely had left the kitchen by now, y/n didn’t want to risk it.
Y/n wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Inej had only been home for a little over a day now and y/n was already crying herself to sleep. Truly it wasn’t Inej’s fault. Saints, it wasn’t even Kaz’s if y/n was being honest. Jesper and the others had tried to warn y/n about this. Y/n’s own mind tried to warn her about this. But it wasn’t until tonight that she truly started to realize those thoughts might be true.
Y/n knew that Kaz wasn’t a love confession type of person. And as much as she wished for one from him, she believed she’d somewhat accepted that it would never come. In reality, she just hoped to be the exception. Or, at a minimum to get a clear sign from Kaz that he authentically felt the same way y/n did when it came to this situation between them. She was foolish enough to think that maybe, just maybe, he’d come around. But as she felt her exhausted eyes drifting closed against her damp pillow, the voices of reason in y/n’s head amplified until there were louder than they ever had been before.
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Y/n rocked on her heels as she waited for Inej to answer the door. She knocked moments ago, but still hadn’t heard anything from the other side of the door. Y/n looked at the plate of waffles she managed to sneak away from Nina as they grew colder on the plate in her hands. She leaned her ear up against the door to listen carefully for any sign Inej had heard her. Only, the door creaked open from the pressure of y/n’s head resting against it.
Y/n cautiously pushed Inej’s bedroom door open the rest of the way. She quickly examined the room, promptly noting that Inej wasn’t there. Nothing seemed out of place or as if something bad had happened. So, y/n figured her friend had ventured out for an early morning walk along the rooftops of the Barrel.
Y/n sighed softly to herself as she set the plate of waffles down on the ratty desk by Inej’s window. That’s when she saw something was out of place. On Inej’s windowsill, there was… a handpicked collection of y/f/f. While it struck y/n as peculiar, the writing on the minuscule note tucked into their stems made her freeze in place.
There wasn’t any explicit confession of love for Inej on the note, but y/n would know that handwriting anywhere. She blinked through her now watery eyes as she re-read the note again. “The Crows are glad to have you back,” y/n whispered, her lip trembling. It was Kaz’s writing and the flowers and note were as much of a love confession as one could expect from Kaz.
Y/n’s cheeks dampened with tears as she hastily exited Inej’s room. She couldn’t believe it. Kaz had actually given someone flowers. He’d actually even seemingly utilized his Barrel-learned skills to sneak into someone’s room to do so.
But the worst part for y/n wasn’t any of that. It wasn’t even the indirect note Kaz had written to Inej. Although, that hurt too as y/n could easily read past his words and how he tried to cover up his own emotions. She could see the note for what it was. And Kaz had never said nor written anything of the sort to y/n.
Yet, it was the specific type of flowers Kaz chose that served as the final blow. The fact Kaz picked y/f/f to gift Inej was the kill shot, the bullet that pierced through y/n’s façade of a bulletproof heart and erupted once it made contact with her soul. After all, it was less than a full 24 hours ago when Kaz had asked y/n what the best type of flowers were.
Y/n had foolishly let herself read that inquisition as a sign. Her wishful thinking also had her momentarily believing that the fact Kaz had remembered it enough to bring it up in a later conversation with her was proof he cared enough about y/n to not just ask questions and listen to her response, but to actually memorize her answers, her likes and dislikes, her favorite things; her favorite type of flowers. If y/n was honest with herself, she’d even been foolish enough to think Kaz might one day get some y/f/f for her. In fact in her mind, y/n had foolishly seen it play out the way it seemingly had in real life to Inej; a vague note -not directly confessing Kaz’s feelings but enough to make her feel loved, her favorite flowers making her realize he cared about her interests and took time to show it -even if he tried to cover it up as to not be too vulnerable, the flowers and indirect love note left casually for her in her room unsigned and unannounced.
That’s what made it hurt so much, y/n hadn’t gotten kaz so terribly wrong. She just wasn’t the exception. Y/n hadn’t learned her lesson in time to prevent her foolish heart from shattering into an infinite number of tiny shards. She should’ve walked out a long time ago. She should’ve listened to her friends’ warnings and her own internal voice of reason. Y/n should’ve never expected anything from Kaz. She should’ve known that even though she made headway, she’d never be Inej. And she’d never get his heart.
Y/n only made it a few steps before she felt her miserable body crumpling towards the floor. She let gravity slide her down the wall just outside of her bedroom, her right shoulder grazing the corner of the doorframe. Y/N’s head dropped into her shaking hands as more tears poured from her tired eyes. “How could I not see the signs?" She sobbed quietly, her nails poking the skin on her forehead as she shook.
Y/n had been a stepping stone, a lesson, a pointless heist one uses to gauge their ability and the threats the real heist would entail, and nothing more. She wasn’t Kaz’s exception. Inej was. Inej always had been. As far back as y/n could remember, Inej was the exception. Yet somehow while Inej was away, y/n had let herself believe it was her; that maybe y/n was the exception. When in reality, Kaz had been trying to better himself for her; for Inej. Kaz’s exception was Inej; not y/n. The love confession from Kaz was never going to come. Not even in a Kaz-like manner. Not to y/n at least. Inej was the one who got Kaz, the one who he wanted by his side and maybe one day on his arm, donning his ring on her left hand. Not y/n.
Y/n had finally learned her lesson, but in the most painful way possible. Instead of walking out when she first started getting mixed signals from Kaz, she’d stuck it out. She held out thinking he was the one. Thinking she’d be the one to be able to get through to him. But she wasn’t.
Y/n learned the hard way that she wasn’t the exception, Inej was. And somehow, y/n now had to act as if her foolish heart hadn’t ever lead her astray. That she never had fallen for her friend and boss. That she never once believed her wishful thinking was anything more than that. Y/n cared deeply for Inej and so, she’d have to keep these painful lessons to herself.
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“Oh,” Jesper sighed heavily, sharing a knowing look with Wylan. He frowned and slid out of his boyfriend’s embrace as he slowly made his way to y/n’s broken form. Jesper slid his back down the wall to the left of y/n, resting his head in her shoulder.
Wylan gazed lovingly at Jesper for a moment before joining him and y/n. He sat on the other side of y/n, in front of her door. “Are you okay?” He asked rhetorically. It was obvious from her red eyes, tangled hair, and chapped lips that she was wanting but okay. Yet, Wylan didn’t know how else to see if she was okay talking about it without making it worse. He suspected mentioning Kaz would only drive the knife in further.
“I’m so….,” y/n whimpered, pinching the bridge of her nose. She sniffled and shook her head. “How could I not see the signs?” Y/n whined again. “I actually let myself be foolish enough to think that one day…,” she trailed off as more tears left her eyes.
Jesper sighed sympathetically, intertwining y/n’s fingers with his own. “He doesn’t deserve you,” He declared. “It’s not foolish to want someone to shout from the rooftop their feelings for you,” Jesper encouraged, “he just isn’t the one.”
“Or,” y/n’s voice cracked, “maybe I… maybe it was wishful thinking to believe I would ever earn someone’s confessions of love”. She wiped her wet face on the fabric covering her shoulder since both boys were holding one of her hands.
“The day is gonna come for your confessions of love,” Wylan encouraged with a sweet smile. “Don’t give up hope just because he wasn’t the one,” he added quietly.
Jesper smiled at Wylan and nodded in agreement. “Exactly!” He exclaimed, tenderly nudging y/n’s shoulder. “When all is said and done, he just wasn't the one,” Jesper told her.
Y/n nodded quietly. She appreciated what her friends were trying to do, but she could still feel her heart breaking. They weren’t wrong, Kaz wasn’t the one, not for her anyways. That much y/n had learned the hard way. But, it didn’t erase the pain in her chest and the self blame echoing in her mind. Hopefully time would.
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Taglist: @dil3mma @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @winstonthecow22 @alex-kazbrekkersimp @wolfmoonmusic @phoenix666stuff @kentucky-criedfricken @twlegit @valeridarkness @shara-ne @crazyhearttragedy @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @el-de-phi
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180 notes · View notes
petratherrock · 4 months
Listen, Six of Crows set in San Fransokyo
Kaz "born under the Golden Gate Bridge" Brekker
Bot fights and bot gamblings and just general gambling in the shadier part of the city
Kaz being brought into the city with Jordie when he became a student in The San Fransokyo Institute of Technology (SFIT)
Kaz wanting to be a student at SFIT too, but then Jordie dies, his invention and its blueprints stolen
Kaz being saved by one of the school trustees, Pekka Rollins.
Kaz being Pekka's foster's son. He's also trained to steal for Pekka in the name of "you can't expect to live under his roof for free"
Pekka promises he's investigating Jordie's missing blueprints. He tells Kaz of his suspicion that Jordie was murdered
Inej meeting Kaz when he's out monitoring one of the gambling dens one night. She was stealing food.
Inej was child trafficked into SF
She's one of the kids being experimented on for a medical company, insert an on the nose name of a company for Tante Heleen.
She's one of the survivors from a medical experiment and she somehow has a debt that she has to pay back to the company
Pekka Rollins is obsessed with avenging his dead son who he thinks dies because of a trial medication so he decided to steal Jordie's (insert another invention that can help Pekka's scheme) invention
Jesper goes to the same school as Kaz. Street rat and a bit of a druggie but genius in chemistry.
Wylan is from a music school where his richie rich parents are the trustees. People have never seen him. The Van Eck also have claws in the gambling and the medical industry.
Kaz being sent on a basically suicide mission where Rollins doesn't expect him to return from. He tells him not to bother coming home if he doesn't succeed
That is to steal Matthias, a robot from a well-guarded laboratory and his blueprints.
Nina is one of the nurses at the laboratory.
Matthias is not a robot
Sci-fi Six of Crows
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savethegrishaverse · 5 months
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We’re back with our next round of prompts Third Army! This week (January 14th to January 20th) we want to talk all about “resilience”. The theme of always coming back, the theme of making things our own.
We will never give up, we will never die out. And to aid that we are going to give out prompts and boost content about our Grishaverse, and we need your help! Come join us, send us your fanfics, post your art, and make sure to use hashtag #Third Army so we can see each post!
Writing prompt: "Genya felt like a statue as she sat at the head of the council room's table. She felt marble and cold and distant, but David's hand was across the table and out of her reach. She was alone here as she prepared to give her speech, but she had to do her best. She had to make the Triumvirate proud and win over the councilmen of Ravka, lest they continue to claim Nikolai a monster."
Writing prompt: Why not make an “incorrect quotes” post for Shadow And Bone! It can be a modern social media AU or a text post from the canon era, whatever you prefer!
Writing prompt: It’s a staple in the fanfiction community, but for good reason. Take your favorite ship and throw them in a “flower shop right next to tattoo parlor business rivals” AU! 
Art prompt: We've seen Dan Zollinger's art of the Saints, now draw your favorite Saint in your own style.
Art Prompt: Kaz says he will tear Pekka down “Brick by Brick” - let’s see that again, but with literal building bricks! Reenact a scene from Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows in lego form!
Photoshop challenge: Jesper says that maybe he likes Wylan’s stupid face - let’s photoshop that “stupid” face on all sorts of different things! The more bizarre the better!
Photoshop challenge: Let’s practice tailoring with Genya! Give the Shadow and Bone characters makeovers - maybe the Darkling is going through an emo/punk phase (it’s not a phase Baghra) or how about giving Alina a nice cottage-core makeover. Maybe even give Inej a kpop idol dream aesthetic!
Mixed Media challenge: Some of the iconic Crooked Kingdom book parts made it on screen, but not all of them! Why not draft up a gifsets/art/edit to show a Crooked Kingdom scene we haven't had on screen yet?
Video edit prompt: Compile together your favorite highlights and quotes for a "the Shadow and Bone cast once said…" video edit!
Question/Answer prompts: In the Lives of Saints, we learn to apologize and forgive - among other things. We also learn to stand our ground. Never apologize for campaigning for what you love, but maybe we should at the very least send an apology message to the poor Netflix social media managers who got caught in the crossfire of campaigning?
Every week I want to ask people to share happy/hopeful stories about Grishaverse and the campaign. Let’s talk about the friends we’ve made, the kindness in the fandom, and any moments of hope we can share to keep our spirits strong!
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jackwolfes · 11 months
Wesper with 20 for the kisses ask game?
kisses on a scar (where it doesn't hurt)
CN: past physical abuse, implied sex
In the past two weeks Jesper has learnt many little things living in a Geldstraat mansion. He has learnt that he really rather likes having a private chef, and that he likes the way this chef in particular makes him waffles. He's also learnt that there is a right way to fold your napkin for dinner, a wrong way to dismiss a staff member when they bring up coffee, and that an expensive blanket really does make all the difference. 
Jesper has also learnt that Wylan Van Eck is a fantastic person to live with and love. 
Even though grief has worn them both down around the edges Jesper sees infinite light in his merchling's blue eyes. He hears unfettered joy in his laughter — because Wylan has laughed a lot lately — and savours every soft, lingering kiss. 
He has also learnt that he rather enjoys the other kinds of kisses Wylan gives him. 
Three days after that dreadful day a healer came round, sitting Wylan down and running gifted hands over each battered bruise. Jesper sat with him at his request, not holding his hand but wanting to. He watched each mark vanish, hearing the faint hitch in Wylan's breath as fractured bones knitted back together. Then the healer left them be and Wylan showed Jesper what sort of down payment he wanted to offer. 
Now, Jesper gazes lazily across Wylan's bedroom, still feeling utterly satisfied from the night before. A smile lingers at the corner of his lips as the memories dance across his mind. Wylan is still tucked beneath his arm, breathing easily. The past few weeks have certainly been a learning experience, but Jesper's most recent educational endeavor has been discovering what way Wylan likes to be touched best if they're aiming to make him come. 
Saints, had it been a good night. 
"We can't stay in bed all morning," Wylan murmurs. 
For the past fifteen minutes he's been drawing patterns on Jesper's bare chest with his fingertip. Naked beneath the blankets, the two of them are pressed together against each other. It thrills Jesper, feeling Wylan's bare thighs against his own. The very same thighs he was perched between last night. 
"Mm," Jesper finally replies, trying to force himself to pay attention before he gets distracted and finds his body betraying what he's thinking about. "You sure? I can be plenty convincing, merchling." 
Wylan laughs. He smacks his palm against Jesper's chest lightly, then pulls away. Jesper frowns at him and means nothing by it but joy. He watches Wylan stand, stooping low to snatch up the drawers he allowed Jesper to peel off him last night and tug them back on. He forgoes a shirt, though, meandering across the room to head towards his vanity. 
From the bed, Jesper stares at Wylan's naked back. He is struck suddenly by the fact that he has never actually paid attention to Wylan's body without a shirt on. Until last night they've been sleeping in separate beds. 
There is a scar. 
Wylan has started messing around with some of the lotions on his vanity, head ducked down. It leaves Jesper with a clear view of the scar down the length of his shoulder blade. It is thin and corded, tracking unignorable variation over his pale skin. Jesper hadn't really looked at his back last night when the two of them were naked together, and he hasn't seen much of Wylan naked otherwise. But in this peaceful moment he has a perfect view of Wylan's uncovered skin, and cannot look away from the mark. 
Jesper crawls out of bed, making his way over to Wylan almost cautious. No one can ever describe Jesper as careful, but Wylan is something he wants to take care with. 
"I don't need you distracting me over here," Wylan calls over his shoulder, having spotted Jesper starting to move in the mirror. He catches Jesper's eye in a reflection. There's still a smile in his words, but suddenly all Jesper can imagine is the ache of a boy beaten and bloodied. "Jes?"
He blinks, not having realised just how distracted that train of thought made him or how close he ended up getting. When he looks at Wylan in the mirror again he sees his pale brow furrowed. 
Before Jesper really thinks about it he's lifted his hand and brought his fingertips up to the scar on the back of Wylan's shoulder. Wylan's breath catches, a gunshot in the silence. Jesper freezes. 
With effort, he sees Wylan swallow. He shifts, weight adjusting, but he doesn't edge away from Jesper entirely. His hand stays on Wylan's skin, glancing over the scar. For an eternal second, the two of them are silent. 
Jesper breaks it first. 
"On Vellgeluk," he starts. In the mirror, he sees Wylan shut his eyes. The after-image of regret is obvious on his shut eyelids and it makes Jesper feel awful. It feels like infinite years since that afternoon on Vellgeluk but they both remember the things that were said. The secrets spilled against their holders will. 
Wylan stretches a hand up, brushing his fingers over the back of his shoulder. He can't quite reach it, but brushes against the edge of Jesper's finger. 
"He didn't do it himself," he offers. There is no need to acknowledge who he is. "There was a doctor that told him—" Wylan inhales deeply like the words are fighting him. Jesper wants desperately to tell him he doesn't need to carry on, but he can't bring himself to. Regardless, Wylan presses on. "The doctor said beatings would help. Beltings. He didn't seem to care about folding over the metal. Pain clears the mind, apparently." 
Jesper curses. Wylan's fingers twitch one more time, making Jesper too aware once more about the fact he's still touching something he shouldn't. He goes to jerk away but Wylan moves faster, grabbing for Jesper's hand and keeping it still. He has to stretch his arm backwards over his shoulder to do so but it does what he intends it to. 
"It doesn't hurt anymore. It hasn't hurt in years." His voice is the softest whisper that betrays his vulnerability. Jesper won't say weakness, because Wylan is not weak. He is basalt glass. No acid inside his soul burns him. 
But this kind of vulnerability is entirely different to the vulnerability they showed each other last night. This vulnerability is infinitely scarier. 
Jesper exhales. It makes his breath ghost over the bare expanse of Wylan's shoulder. It ruffles curly red hair and makes the young man shiver. Before he can overthink it Jesper ducks his head and replaces the touch of his fingers with his lips. Wylan gasps, adjusting the hand that had been touching Jesper's finger to brush against the side of his head. Jesper inhales the scent of sweat and lemon soap, leaving his lips on the mark like he can wipe it away.
"Your father is a monster," he finally whispers, lips moving against Wylan's bare skin. Jesper glances up to catch Wylan's eye in the mirror again and sees him smile. 
"Yeah," he says, "but the monsters I'm friends with are far scarier." 
The thought makes Jesper laugh. He wraps his arms around Wylan's waist, hugging him back against his chest and relishing the warmth of him. One more time, Jesper kisses the back of Wylan's neck. 
"Damn straight," he says. "Now, how about we ask your chef to make more of those waffles?" 
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
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Masterlist !
Requests are open, use this guide to help you if you’re stuck!
* Smut (18+ Minors DNI)
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The Night Agent 
Go Ahead and Watch My Heart Burn - The Night Agent Still Falling For You - Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Part One     Part Two Photograph - Peter Sutherland x Reader Nervous - Peter Sutherland x Reader I Do - Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Perfect - Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Keep Holding On - Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Anything Could Happen - Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Fallin' For You - Peter Sutherland x Reader
Shadow & Bone / Six of Crows
* Movement - Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Arms - Wylan Hendriks x male!durast!reader x Jesper Fahey
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jccatstudios · 7 months
random question, but what are your thoughts on what the crows' families look like? (kaz's dad was a hot dilf and i know this in my bones actually lol)
hahahaha that’s a great question! It’s also a great drawing prompt, so I’m gonna save my answer for later once I do some doodles :)
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
Alright OC creators! Here's my first question for Ya!
What sort of powers does your OC have, and what do they do with them?
Write it out, draw it out, Reply with what best describes it, I wanna find out!
First of the OC ask prompts! Yall are free to answer these as you please ^_^ just tag the blog with your responses so I can make sure to rb them!
You can find this and any other potential prompts under the tag #socs prompt
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thedasincolor · 7 months
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Greetings, Agents!
The courtyard in Skyhold has been abuzz since another convoy of recruits arrived from far off lands--brought here not by horse-drawn carts, or even the rare dracolisk or giant nug... but, according to Agent @ruthvelyan , burros! The children are delighted by these long-eared gentle creatures, and the quartermasters are now considering them as beasts of burden. Isn't it delightful?
Splash of Color Saturday Prompt: What beasts of burden have been used throughout Thedas over the centuries? How are the relationships between different cultures and their beasts of burden different? Horses, mules, burros, oxen, yaks, camels, even dogs have been used, but what else can you tell us about?
As always, we look forward to your research, illustrations, fics, music, and more!
Ways to Participate:
try to tag all posts as #splash of color saturday
Reblog this post with your thoughts
Create a new post and tag @thedasincolor
Reblog, reply and interact with others posting about SOCS!
SOCS is our open-to-anyone headcanon celebration.
That means anyone, from any background. While our blog mainly intends to be a spotlight for creators from marginalized ethnic backgrounds, this one event is meant to encourage deeper and more thoughtful headcanons for Thedas beyond what we have been presented in game.
Pass it along and tag us! We will be looking for your ideas *for the next TWO WEEKS,* so feel free to participate at your leisure!
Want to take a look at our previous prompts? (x) We will always reblog new answers!
Have an idea for future prompts? Let us know! (x) (PRETTY PLEASE?)
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dreamtigress · 2 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag, @tinyarmedtrex
As I am currently working on Thuiskomst, have a few sentences from that. (Thuiskomst is the next story in Kanej Wensen: Inej finally comes back to Ketterdam, and gets to reunite with Kaz.)
“I adore you,” she murmured along his jaw, heading back towards an ear. 
“Since when… aahhhh… are you so intrigued by my ears?”
“Since I learned it could make you make that noise.”
I see… He wondered if hers might be as sensitive, and lifted a section of her now loose hair to use it like a brush along the edge of her ear and her neck. 
Inej giggled into the crook of his neck, “Kaz!”
“Turnabout is fair play, my Wraith.”
“Since when do you play fair?”
“Point to Captain Ghafa,” he rumbled with amusement.
Inej huffed, and nibbled at his ear again.
(This may or may not have been inspired by real life things... ::grins::)
Soft tagging @kezzzx, @aphroditestummyrolls, and @reinanova if they wanna play!
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madeforstarker · 1 month
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Peter: *smirks with pride* 😇
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💛 reunion kiss / relief, you know I'm requesting kanej
Inej isn't pleased to arrive in Ketterdam and have Kaz not be there.
In fact, she's noticed that the entire city seems to be somewhat on edge now that Kaz's not currently in residence. Like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Not that that stops the Exchange from moving, the Staves from it's usual business. Or the Barrel from grinding on. But there are mutterings around the city. Mutterings about just where the Bastard of Barrel is. About where he could be hiding and just what he's plotting this time.
Ordinarily, Inej would let it go. Kaz can look after himself, even if she's not around to watch his back. (Though they both prefer it when she does.) But Jesper said Kaz was going on a trip for some kind of business, even though they both know Kaz hates travel. So she stays in the Van Eck house in Geldstraat, slips in and out of the Slat, occasionally leaving scraps of information Kaz's empty desk and once, even daring to catch a nap in his bed--though it had felt oddly illicit.
About a week after her arrival and Kaz's absence, Inej slips into Kaz's attic to actually find him there, sitting at his chair like he never left, scribbling away in one of the ledgers.
"Hello, Inej," he says, almost absently, as she steps over the window sill. "The information on Van Streep is useful; I think I can use it to push forward a deal that's been giving Wylan trouble--"
"Hello, Kaz," says Inej. "It's lovely to see you too."
He looks up that, eyes narrowed. In the faintly golden Ketterdam sunshine, he looks almost like someone carved his cheekbones out of ivory. "If that's a thinly veiled commentary on my absence..."
Inej shrugs, picking her way through the attic to him. "You're so rarely gone from the city. I was--" uneasy, off-balanced, worried--"surprised to see you gone."
"Sankta Inej concerned over the Bastard of the Barrel?" Kaz says, only faintly arid.
Inej narrows her eyes at him. "Don't blaspheme."
They eye each other, standing off. Inej moves first, eases herself on the edge of desk to his left, as Kaz makes no move to stop her. He watches her settle on his desk, his hand still curled loosely around his fountain pen.
"It felt odd, to be Ketterdam without you," she tells him now. "You--you so rarely leave the city. And the times you do--"
"Are fairly spectacular," he concedes, his mouth curling into the faintest smile. "But this was...a business trip, truly. Just laying some groundwork."
Inej gives him a suspicious look of her own. "What groundwork?" She rolls her eyes at his attempt an innocent shrug. "What power structure are you toppling now?"
Kaz looks as offended and as pious as any good mercher. "Everyone always assumes the worst of me. It's starting to get demoralizing."
"You are demoralizing," Inej says and Kaz actually grins at this, fox-like. Letting the topic go for now, Inej bends down, meeting his faintly upturned face with the lightest of kisses on his lips, no more than a brush. He sighs quietly, his hand curling around the very edge of her braid, coiled on the desk between them. "Zoro," Inej murmurs against his mouth, "I'm glad to have you back. In the city."
"Good to be back, Wraith," Kaz says, that rock salt rasp as soft as it ever gets.
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theroundbartable · 1 year
Kaz doesn't talk about himself. But sometimes he says things that give the crows glimpses into his life.
They don't realise it often, like when Kaz suddenly knew farm language with Colm Fahej. But sometimes, it's obvious.
They are on a job, a smaller, trivial one. They are still gathering information, Inej, Jesper, Wylan and Kaz, when they overhear their target talking. The man has a rasp in his voice, not unlike Kaz's own and Jesper can't help make a joke of it.
"Hey, Inej. You think Kaz and him are related?"
Inej smiles from the corner where she vanished, at least, Jesper assumes she does. At the very least he knows that she knows what he's referring to.
"Shh, quiet.", Kaz silences him.
"Aw, come on, Kaz. He looks JUST like you."
"If I were ugly, perhaps." Kaz mutters and gestures him quiet again.
"Seriously though. What's with his voice?", Jesper finally says, because it's something he can't ask about Kaz. But he sure as hell can ask about a stranger's ticks and problems, which Kaz would know how to exploit.
Kaz rolls his eyes. "It's from the Queen lady's plague. Must have reached the late stage, when the firepox get's stuck in the lungs. It's nasty business all that scar tissue. Blocks the vocal chords. Now move, we gotta go!"
Jesper pauses. Wylan pauses. Only Inej and Kaz move on from their positions. Jesper and Wylan exchange a glance. Then they follow suit.
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