#soft pietro
abisalli · 10 months
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the twins!!
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
You Got A Star!
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master list
dark master list
No Powers AU (Female Reader X Yelena Belova)
Summary: You and your roommate, Yelena Belova, invite some friends over for Mario Party; however, Yelena has no idea about your feelings for her.
Word Count: 4K
Content: Feelings, Crushes, Mario Party, Friendship, Comfort/Hurt
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Your roommate, Yelena Belova, was one of a kind.
Truly, you had never meant anyone like her. From the way she talked to how she made babies cry with one look. Or how the one thing she knew how to cook was Mac and Cheese.
You knew there would never be anyone else like her.
Which is maybe why you started to feel different around here... what began as two strangers needing a place to live slowly morphed into something else.
At least for you.
Yelena's asexual identification didn't make it impossible for her to find someone she could share a life with. It was just that you had never seen her with anyone since knowing her. So, IF Yelena were attracted to you, you would have no idea.
Regardless, your tiny crush was making itself known tonight as you waited for a few friends to come over. It was Saturday night, and after a shit week at work, you, Yelena, and your friends decided to have an impromptu game night.
"So what is it?" Yelena asked you again as you set an assortment of snacks on the hardwood coffee table. "It's called Mario Party. Each person chooses a character, and then you hit dice, play minigames, get coins, and you have to purchase stars." You looked up from the candies and savory snacks to a confused-looking blonde. "Whoever has the most wins." You said.
"Is it easy?" She asked after staring at you. You shrugged. "It can be a little challenging sometimes." Yelena hummed. "So it's not like that animal island game?" She asked with her eyes precious and wide.
A fluttering was happening in your stomach.
You cleared your throat with a smile. "No, Lena, it's not like Animal Crossing." Yelena pouted. She loved Animal Crossing no matter how much she hated Tom Crook, as she called him. Yelena opened her mouth to ask if the two of you could practice a round of this Mario Party, but a knock on the apartment door followed by its slowly opening stopped her.
"I got pizza!" Kate Bishop yelled as she entered through the small hallway. You walked past Yelena after your eyes fell to her lips without noticing. She was too busy looking at the game icon on the switch home screen. "You didn't bring Lucky?" You asked as you took the pizza boxes from your childhood friend.
Kate shook her head. "Figured it might get hectic." You nodded to her reasoning. Kate had followed you into the kitchen as you set the pizzas down. Pulling out some plates and dipping sauces.
Ranch and hot sauce for you and Yelena.
You turned around to find your friend eyeing Yelena. You looked between the two and raised an eyebrow to yourself.
"So..." You started pulling Kate's attention to you. You could see Yelena grab her special Joy-Con from the corner of your eye.
It was just the plain blue one, but she loved it.
Yelena clicked on the game as she pulled up a Let's Play on her phone of the game. You hide a laugh.
"How's your mom and her new man." Kate rolled her eyes. "He's so annoying, and he's doing things where he wants us to be like a family. It's just weird..." She shook her body as if she had a cold chill. "Plus, he has one of those old man smiles that could be threatening when all he's doing is asking for ice cream." Her voice was unhappy. She did not like this Jack guy at all.
"Y/n!" Yelena called out from the couch, making you and Kate leave the kitchen. "Yes?" You smiled and kept your voice level as you approached Yelena's side. Standing as she sat.
Yelena lifted her eyes to you before doing a double take at Kate. "Kate Bishop!? When did you get here?" Kate smiled awkwardly before licking her lips and speaking. "About five minutes ago." Yelena tilted her head. "Hmm. I did not know. You're sometimes too quiet." Kate did what she did best and chuckled lightly with a nervous laugh. "Yeah, like a mouse."
Yelena nodded before looking back at you and her phone. "Who is this?" She pointed to a Mario Party character on her tiny screen. "Oh, that's Wario." You replied. Yelena looked at you with all the seriousness in her voice. "Can I play as them?"
You nodded. "If you want."
"I want to." With one look into her eyes, you would go through hell to make sure she played as that little idiot.
"Okay, then you will." You smiled, and her face morphed into pure happiness. Like a puppy in the sun. "He reminds me of that fat short guy from that one show with the horrible people." She said as her attention moved back to the phone. You thought for a few seconds. "Are you talking about Danny Devito?!" Yelena smiled wide and bright. "Yeah, from the Sunny show!"
You couldn't help but laugh.
"That's a great character, Yelena!" Kate spoke up from behind you before not so subtly moving past you to sit next to Yelena on the couch. Her gaze was on Yelena's phone as well.
Were her cheeks pink?
"That character is like best friends with my character," Kate said, raising Yelena's eyebrows. "Really?!" You couldn't recall a time when Kate played as Walugi, but her favorite color was purple, so it probably happened at some point, and you just didn't remember.
Seconds later, a knock came to the door before YOU could explain how different Wario's dice block was from the other characters.
"Wanda! Pietro! Nice of you to join!" The twins were too busy bickering with one another to return your niceties. But Wanda did make sure to place the wine bottle in your arms.
"Y/n, did we have to knock, or could we have just let ourselves in?!" Pietro turned and looked at you with intensity. Wanda was doing the same. "Uhhh..." You looked between the siblings. "You could have just come in." You said with caution. "See!" Pietro threw his arms up while Wanda rolled her eyes. "But that's not how Mama raised us!" Wanda yelled as the two of them stormed into the kitchen.
Pietro had his nose leading him to the pizza. Wanda followed to grab glasses for the wine.
"But it's like the sitcoms you love so much. We're the friends that can come right into the apartment and join the shenanigans!"
Wanda groaned because her brother was right, and she hated it.
"Shut up!" Wanda replied before joining you in the living room, taking the wine from your hand. "Sorry. I need this NOW."
Wanda would be two and a half glasses in by the end of the night. All because of her lovely, annoying brother.
"Hey, Wanda! Hi Pietro!" Kate waved to the twins, who sent smiles and waves back. Yelena looked up and to them and gave them a nod. "Okay, so now if you land on a red monster face, you get in trouble?" Yelena asked Kate. Kate nodded and briefly explained who Boswer was.
Your eyes caught Yelena's briefly when she glanced your way. You could've sworn you saw her lip twitch upwards before she looked back to Kate.
"Here, Kate, it'll be easier to explain some of the mini-games once we're actually in the game." Kate looked up to you and your regent words sheepishly. She nodded after fumbling with her words. "Okay."
A moment later, when Kate left to grab the three of you slices of pizza, you took her spot next to Yelena. "I'll help you out if you need it." You said, which Yelena appreciated greatly but shook her head. "I shall win this game on my own!"
Your lips curled upwards with a laugh. "Oh, is that right, Lena!?" Yelena smirked and took a big sip of the wine Wanda dropped off. "Prepare to lose Y/n Y/l/n."
You took a sip of your wine as well. "We'll see Lena. We'll see."
About fifteen minutes later, You, Yelena, Kate, and Wanda were ready to start the night's first game. The disappointed look of Kate having to sit in her own chair was missed by you.
"How come there's five of us for a four-person game!" Pietro whined as you let Wanda select the level. "I asked Sam to come by, but he's busy with his test and all that." You said while waving your hand. Your friend Sam Wilson was training to become a pilot. Pietro huffed. "Fine."
"Also you fairly lost at rock papart scissors so sorry dude." You added on like rubbing salt in the wound. Wanda turned around and stuck her tongue out to her brother. Pietro angrily bit into his third slice of pizza and flipped her off.
The game was underway, and the order was set. Kate went first, followed by you and then Wanda. Yelena rolled a 3 and had to go last.
"Hey, that might be good; you can make your moves based on where other people are. Not where they might be." You said, cheering Yelena up slightly.
Kate and Wanda dominated the first few turns and minigames as you and Yelena struggled to move more than 4 per turn. You knew it was bad luck, but Yelena was about one more 1 v 3 mini-game from switching her joy-con until Kate got the first star.
"Who is that again?" Yelena asked as Toad started moving to a new spot on the map. "Toad. He's like a mushroom guy." Kate answered before you could. "Fuck! It's farther from me!" Wanda exclaimed as you turned towards the TV. Your eyes moving away from Yelena's side profile.
Toad landed seven spots in front of Yelena.
She could make it to him but she didn't have enough coins.
Luckily, when it was Yelena's turn, she rolled a five and landed on a blue space. Yet she was still short in terms of payment.
"Oh great, it's this one!" Wanda groaned. "Y/n's the be-" "Who wants to practice!?" You cut Wanda off and gave her a quiet glare; the other two people playing didn't seem to notice.
When everyone loaded into the practice mode, Wanda just gave you a confused look before forgetting about it.
Surprisingly, Yelena was just as good as you at rapidly clicking the button to send the little shy guy flying. But still, you won the practice mode. "Oh, come on, Y/n!" Yelena whined. "How did you do that?"
"What happened to winning the game on your own?" You said with your teasing voice dripping. Yelena loved that attitude and smirked. "Okay, Y/l/n, watch this." You turned towards the TV just before the mini-game started properly.
But not before you saw Kate's eyes on your blonde roommate.
"Come on!" Wanda yelled as her fingers smashed the button repeatedly. Kate groaned and held her breath as she did the same. You kept your technique unchanged, and Yelena did her best to copy you.
However, you knew from the practice round and every other game prior that you could do this with one with your eyes closed. But you had a crush on the blonde sitting next to you who cursed at her little yellow piece of shit character. Her words. So, without anyone realizing it, you stop mashing your button a few seconds before the timer ran out.
"Fuck that hurts!" Kate waved her hand around as the four shuguys began to take off.
Wanda's was the first to hit the ground. A laugh from her brother earned him a slap on the arm. Kate's followed the same destiny not long after, and to everyone's surprise, yours was the next to fail.
Wanda turned to you, shocked, but once Yelena realized she had won, Wanda put the pieces together and joined in the celebration of your defeat.
You were more than fine with it. Because now Yelena had enough coins to get her first-ever star.
She would never know it was really because of you.
"I'm taking a picture of this moment," Pietro said, making everyone laugh as Yelena hit the button to accept the Star from Toad.
"You Got A Star!" The game applauded! "I did it!" Yelena cheered and clapped to herself before you wrapped an arm around her and smiled at Pietro's dad's pose with the camera.
You thought Pietro had taken the picture when you shifted your face to take in Yelena's happiness.
Except, that was the picture that was taken.
Wanda made sure to show the one that followed where it looked like you were looking at the corner of the room.
After that, Yelena's luck turned for the better. She was on a roll. A few turns later, she earned another shiny star from a hidden block that left Kate flummoxed. "All I ever get is coins from those! Are you serious?!" Yelena laughed loudly at Kate.
Yelens then landed on Toad's space again after using a triple dice, and not even the prediction that you would win the game could stop Yelena.
Which left you, Kate, and Wanda struggling to do as much damage as possible to each other in the final turns of the first game.
"Yes!" Kate cheered when she got the last star next, making her and Yelena tied going into the Bonus Stars.
"Well, this sucks." Wanda sighed as she fell back against the couch. "There's no way I'm going to catch up!"
"What's happening?" Yelena asked no one in particular, but you still spoke up. "Bonus Stars. So once the game ends, it will still award additional stars to people. It makes it more exciting. Usually, it's like whoever landed on the most green spaces or landed on Bowser the most. Stuff like that." You explained, and you smiled when the blonde shifted her face to look at you.
However, your smile faltered a bit when you saw her eyes and the pout she wore. "So I might not win?"
"You can still win." You said with your voice soft. Yelena looked over your face as the moment became more intimate.
At least to you. You felt Wanda's gaze on you but moved your eyes to the TV.
"Yelena, look!" Kate pulled Yelena's attention away as the bonus star for the most distance traveled was being awarded.
It went to Wario.
And so did the next Bonus Star, which left Yelena jumping off the couch and into your arms when you stood up. "You did it!" You exclaimed loudly.
"I won the Mario Party!"
Your eyes shined as you looked at the way Yelena, how she couldn't control her excitement. It reminded you of the time you had won $200 on a lottery ticket, and you and Yelena went shopping. She bought a fur coat and wears it every time it hits below 45 degrees. (Fahrenheit)
You would always wanted her to be happy.
With the first round of Mario Party over, Wanda switched out with Pietro, and you did your best not to get competitive over the next game on the map in space. Yelena tried her hardest but found herself struggling. Pietro was just as fast in the game as he was in real life. Zooming from star to star, leaving you and Kate reeling.
"Y/l/n third place again!" Yelena teased as she landed herself in a solid second place behind Pietro. You went to jokingly retaliate, but Kate stole Yelena's attention and challenged her to a different Mario game.
Mario Kart.
Yelena's eyes went wide with fear before you slowly watched how they shifted.
Determined Yelena would be.
However, that would have to wait for another night as you looked at your phone, seeing how late it had gotten. Everyone agreed and helped you and the blonde clean up.
Pietro helped by eating two more slices.
"Oh hey, Y/n, before I leave, do you still have that red jacket? I wanted to borrow it for a party Lorna is throwing next week. It would fit the theme." Wanda said, shrugging her arms. You nodded and let her follow you to your bedroom.
"Here." You said, pulling the jacket off the hanger and holding your arm back. "Oh, thanks!" Wanda said as she grabbed it, and you turned around. Your eyes immediately noticed how your door had been shut.
"Wanda?" Sure, the two of you kissed when the clock struck midnight on New Year two years ago, but Wanda didn't have feelings. Did she? "Okay, spill!" Wanda said as she was closer than before—her voice above a whisper.
"You and Yelena! What's going on there?" Ah! "Did you need this?" You said, picking up the arm of the jacket. Wanda shook her head. "I saw how you were looking at her! I take it she doesn't know?" You sighed. If there was anyone, you could count on sharing your newfound crush with, it was Wanda. "No, she doesn't know." You sighed again as you sat on your bed.
"Are you gonna tell her? Tonight?" Wanda asked, joining you by your side with her arms clutching the jacket. "I don't know... I want to... But."
"But it's Yelena." You nodded to Wanda's words. "I would also just hate to ruin our friendship." Wanda could understand. "Well, sometimes the biggest risks have the best rewards." You hated her cat poster-like words of wisdom, but she wasn't necessarily wrong. "Plus." You lifted your head to Wanda's green eyes before she continued. "At the end of the day, it's Yelena. Even if she didn't reciprocate those feelings with you, you know she wouldn't want anything to change between the two of you. You're best friends. She'll always be in your life. I'm sure it might be hard if she doesn't like you like you. But-"
"But I'd want her around." You finished Wanda's sentence. Wanda nodded, put her arm around you before her hand moved, and rubbed your back. "You're a big girl. You got this."
"You had to ruin it."
Wanda laughed loudly and let you rise from the bed. Before you helped her up. You definitely needed a new box spring.
Opening the door to your bedroom, your eyes caught Yelena's as she exited a hug from Kate. Her eyes quickly moved away from you and Wanda as she confirmed her plans to practice Mario Kart for the next game night, whenever that would be.
"Got the jacket. Let's go!" Wanda yelled to her brother, who was helping out and putting the leftover pizza in foil for you. Oh, no, wait. He was grabbing some to go.
Kate noticed where your eyesight had gone and laughed at Pietro's actions before giving you a tight hug. "Tonight was so much fun, thank you!" You hugged your childhood friend just as tight. "Thanks for coming."
Kate then moved to Yelena and was awkward as she accidentally punched Yelena in the boob as she lifted her arm to hug the blonde. Again. Yelena laughed loudly as Kate blushed before they hugged. Kate left with a cloud of smoke after that.
"Bye, Y/n. Bye, Yelena!" Pietro said his goodbye first with a quick wave to you and a side hug to Yelena. Wanda turned around and hugged you before turning and doing the same to the blonde. You smiled as you walked closer to the door at the end of the apartment hallway. "Bye, guys!" You waved as you shut the door to Wanda, mouthing, "Talk to her."
With a click, the door was locked, and it was just you and Yelena. "That was a good time, Y/n!" Your cheeks wore a light pink as you moved away from the door. Following Yelena in the living room area. "I'm glad you had fun, Lena."
Yelena moved to the couch and grabbed the remote as you entered the kitchen to grab some water. Your mind racing with a way to bring up you're feelings. "I'm not tired yet. Do you want to watch a movie?" Yelena called out from the living room. "Uh, sure! Just pick whatever!" You called out with your voice jumping from your nerves.
You took longer than one would need to fill out their water bottle. Thankfully, Yelena didn't seem to notice as she swiped through hundreds of different options.
She was trying to find something specifically tailored to you.
"You like this one, no?" Yelena asked as you finally sat down. The movie was Legally Blonde, and Yelena knew you loved it, so why was she questioning it? One look and you could see her mind had been racing too.
And for some reason, that calmed your nerves just a bit. What if she felt the same way you did?
You hid a smile and scooted closer to Yelena, who tensed up slightly before pulling you in and dropping an arm around you. "Should I have made popcorn?" You asked. Yelena shook her head. "Still full."
You were, too.
As Elle Woods began to wake up on the screen, you bit your lip. Would during or after the movie be an appropriate time to talk to Yelena?
"Y/n?" Yelena's voice broke you from your thoughts as you lifted your eyes to her. Yelena was chewing on her lip. "Yeah?"
"I have something to say, and I don't know how you're going to take it." Your heart started beating faster than you ever thought possible. "Okay." You said as the movie fell into a black hole behind you. Your body lifts off Yelena to give her your entire attention.
Could this be it?
Yelena sighed before her eyes fell on you. They were gentle. "Tonight, I discovered something... and I'm unsure how to move forward."
You knew the feeling.
"Okay..." Yelena moved her leg below her and turned more towards you. "I... I-" You had never seen Yelena so nervous and flustered. Not even when she booked a trip to Paris, Texas, and not Paris, France. "Yelena." You reached for her hand and took it. "Whatever it is. I'm here for you. I can help."
Yelena knew this, yet she was anxious. "I think I might have a crush on-" "Oh wow! Okay! Tha-"
"On Kate," Yelena said with the words flying out of her. She needed to get this off her chest. She needed you to know. She didn't like this feeling inside of her as she was keeping this to herself. Plus, Kate Bishop was your childhood best friend. Yelena didn't want to make that uncomfortable for you.
"Now! I know this might be weird! But I-" Yelena stopped and quickly gathered her words—enough time for you to process what just happened and to hear your heart become shattered glass.
"There is just something about her. I'm drawn in. She's clumsy but beautiful. Funny!" Yelena laughed to herself as a fake smile finally appeared on your face. "But!" Yelena gripped your hand, and you still felt butterflies in your stomach due to the touch of her soft fingers. "If you have a problem with this or feel uncomfortable, let me know!"
Yelena was dead serious. If you told her that it would make things... unbearable she wouldn't pursue any bit of this with Kate. But you couldn't do that to her. You wouldn't put her own happiness in jeopardy. "It's okay." You said with a smile—another fake one.
You had to fake it now. You could cry later.
"Are you sure?" You nodded. "Absolutely!" You said. Yelena nodded a tad. "It's just she's your childhood friend, and I'm your best friend-"
"Yeah. You're my best friend, Yelena, so of course I want you to be happy."
You said with an enthusiasm you didn't know you could muster. But it finally convinced Yelena, who pulled you in for a hug. "Oh, thank you, Y/n Y/l/n!" She said into your neck. You closed your eyes and let the moment happen. "I love you, Y/n!" Yelena said with a loud cheeriness in her voice.
"I love you too, Yelena!" You whispered back.
By the time the next game night rolled around, Yelena and Kate were dating.
You hated Mario Kart after that.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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msterpicasso · 1 year
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mournfulroses · 11 months
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Gian Pietro Lucini, from a poem titled "The Song of the Young Hero,"
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superherotiger · 23 days
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Scarlet Witch (2024) #4
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bi-ss · 9 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Warnings - non, I don't think..
(This is a little bit of part 1, so I made write more I may not, we'll see. I'm also going to give the reader and her parents a positive relationship. idk I think it suits the best
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You always knew you were to be married off. Your mother was always transparent with you about that. She always told you that you may not like the man or woman, but love was always hard to find anyway. So one day, when you were 16, you typed up an agreement and gave it to your father about if you were married off, what you wanted, you do have your mother's stubbornness after all.
*knock knock*
"Come in," hearing your father grumble, you push the dark wooden doors which you are a lot heavier than your dad and his men made it seem. You stand in the doorway for a second before your dad gets up from behind his desk. He slowly walked round, motioning for you to come in and close the door. He pulled a comfy seat out a bit before sitting on his desk. You sat out looking up at him, handing him the typed papers in your hands. He looked at the title and gave it back to you.
"Read it to me, Ladybug." You smiled at the nickname he used and has used since you were a baby. "I see your mother as prepared you for this, and I see you listened for once," he joked, knowing you never liked working or school for that matter.
"I don't want to be a housewife, can't think of anything worse," you scoffed at your remark while your dad just laughed, still smiling down at you. "But I would prefer if you read it then get back to me as I told mother I'd help her cook.. it's burrito night!" He slowly nodded at you. Reading aloud wasn't something you liked doing. Taking the papers stapled together, you got up and started walking towards the doors, dreading the embarrassment of trying to open them again, but you didn't have to. Your dad was right behind you, holding it for you like you didn't just use all the strength to pry it just a little.
That's how you life's always been, your mother, a housewife. Your mother was the most beautiful and mature woman to probably ever exist, her long vibrant curly ginger hair, her pale soft skin loaded with freckle, her forest green eyes complemented everything about her even those rosy cheeks and lips. She adored your father as much or even more as he adored her. They do say opposites attract, fitting for your parents as your father, the breadwinner. Your father was a handsome and smart man, with dark chocolate hair which your mother loved putting into pigtails, his skin is covered with tattoos front to back, up and down, his toned and tan skin barely visible, his one good eye a smokie light grey colour, is other eye was sew shut while being littered with scars. Your dad has become more careful and gentle when your mother is pregnant. It wasn't hard to see that his men liked this change to, according to your mother. An example is when the twins joined, Wanda and Pietro maximoff joined, and they were put through uni with help from the family in case they wanted an out, making sure they had a choice. They stayed by the family's side.
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Now, 6 years later, you're sitting in your fathers office it hasn't changed a bit, you can't say the same about them, he was sitting on the worn-out leather chair with your mother behind him, their hair turning grey and with smile line proudly on display. You sitting at the side of the desk, not next to your dad and not next to Mrs and Mr Barnes, with their irritated son, James Barnes. The meeting was already off to a bad start when his girlfriend Sharon demanding to attend, but met with your dad saying he didn't have business with her and if that's know they did things, he'll call it off. You listened in on the conversation when your dad wasn't there, and to sum it up, Mr Barnes threatened, saying he'll disown his son and give it all to Rebecca. She's now at the bottom of the stairs being watched secretly by maids, workers, and guards. The elderly guest were very shocked at the fact they didn't even know you were there when they were giving the to toddler a reality check, which made both your parents proud and all 4 laugh about it. Before the definition of cantankerous, egocentric, and many more adjectives, you couldn't ever walk in.
. . . . .To be continued. . . .
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fionapplespiano · 9 months
Manifesting that with Secret Wars being a soft reboot of the MCU, that there’ll be an opportunity for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to be recasted with actors who are actually Romani and that they’ll be Magneto’s mutant children
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
what do you imagine the maximoff's accent's to sound like? they're usually made to sound romanian which i like but assuming they grew up speaking romany would their english sound any different?
In this context, I'd suggest spelling it "Romani" with an "i".
I tend to read Wanda and Pietro's dialogue with mostly hard consonants, long vowels, and "i"s pronounced like "ee"s. Don't really know where I got that from. I can tell you, based on what research I have done, that I'm pretty sure "Wanda" and "Wundagore" should be pronounced with a "V" sound-- so that's "Von-dah," which has been used a couple times in comics. The Maximoffs don't usually get phonetic accents the way other characters do, which is probably for the best, but it is making hard to answer this question.
Usually, if Wanda's accent is addressed, it is by characters expressing confusion. Nobody can really place it correctly. Jean thinks she sounds Russian. Clint thinks she sounds Lithuanian. Those are two very different things. I can tell you from experience that my grandmother was the same way-- she had a lot of different linguistic influences, so her accent was unique and very hard to place when she spoke English. That's not a specifically Romani thing, it's just something that can happen when you've moved around a lot and learned languages through immersion, rather than formal education.
On the other hand, we know that Wanda and Pietro are both polyglots. I would believe at this point that they are able to speak flat, unaccented American English, but I do not choose to assume that, because it's boring.
Unfortunately, though, all of this is outside my scope of expertise. My family is not from that part of Europe, and the Calo dialect, in my experience, sounds pretty different from the ones you might hear in that region. Generally speaking, I do think most people or communities have regional accents that are influenced by the majority culture. So, yeah, it is a perfectly safe bet to say that Wanda and Pietro have "Transian" accents-- which would be very similar to Romanian or Bulgarian, as those are the real-world countries that Transia is analogous to.
Again, I'm not familiar enough with that area or those languages to distinguish a generic Romanian accent from anything else. Y'all know I'm a huge fan of Mihaela Dragan, and I believe she's from Bucharest, so her speaking voice in English might be a good place to start. I have her interview from Romanistan linked here.
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peachysuffolk · 2 years
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Claudia's house WIP
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pandagirl45 · 2 years
Ultron, 12: kurt what is your bio mom like?
Kurt, 12:...I don't know
Ultron: maybe she is also a demon
Kurt: probably *smiles faintly* but I like my dads more though
Ultron: *thinks for a moment* *smiles* I like my papa and dad too
Pietro: *smiles as he is babysitting them again* who wants ice cream!
Both: I do! I do!!
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tulipfantasies · 1 year
⋅  𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ my masterlist
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⋅  𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ updated: 10 may 2024
⋅  𝜗𝜚 ‧₊˚ notes: my work may contain language, fluff and/or angst as well as some adult topics (like addicition, you would not find smut, however). all of my work is aimed with fem!readers/fem!ocs in mind. my requests remain open.
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─── ☆ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐋;
𐙚 ‧₊˚ n.romanoff | black widow; (5 fics, 2 of which are cs)
" thank you for your cooperation "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ y.belova | white widow; (nothing here yet)
" it’s a fighting pose. you’re a total poser "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ p.parker | spider-man; (5 fics, of which all are cs)
" with great power, comes great responsibility "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ c.danvers | captain marvel; (nothing here yet)
" higher, further, faster, baby "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ w.maximoff | scarlet witch; (nothing here yet)
" i can’t control their fear, only my own "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ k.bishop | hawkette; (nothing here yet)
" i need a bow and arrow "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ l.laufeyson | god of mischief; (1 fic, of which is cs)
" i am loki of asgard and i am burdened with glorious purpose "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ t.stark | iron man; (2 fics, of which both are cs)
" genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ s.lang | ant-man; (1 fics, of which is cs)
“ i didn't steal anything! i’m just returning something i stole “
𐙚 ‧₊˚ b.barnes | winter soldier; (2 fics, 1 of which is cs)
sibling and parent relationships only
" don’t do anything stupid until i get back "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ s.rogers | captain america; (nothing here yet)
sibling and parent relaitionships only
" how can i? you're taking all the stupid with you "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ the avengers; (nothing here yet)
" if you step out that door, you're an avenger "
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𐙚 ‧₊˚ g.stacy | spider-woman; (4 fics, 1 of which is cs)
" i never found the right band to join. so i started my own "
𐙚 ‧₊˚ m.morales | spider-man (nothing here yet)
" nah, imma do my own thing "
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© tulipfantasies on tumblr. please refrain from reposting, translating, copying or claiming my work as your own. i’ve worked hard on them.
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sweetestdiary · 1 year
😔 when it comes to writing out these early pietro and rosie scenes, the one thing that stands out to me is how pietro aims to be gentle with her when it comes to communication. even when it comes to their second time having rough sex, he’s gentle because he doesn’t want to throw all of his kinks at her and make her overwhelmed. and even though rosie wants to impress pietro so badly and do everything correctly in his presence, his calm nature does eventually relax her (that and being a sub does, too)
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
Of all my muses, Pietro and Kagari would be the most excited to go to build a bear.
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blue-sadie · 5 months
Movie Marathon
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Them getting distracted from the movie
Your rigid breathes and soft moans were almost drowning out the sound of the boring rom com you guys decided on, your eyes were closed tightly as he worked his fingers inside you.
He found the movie boring half way through and decided that he should annoy you instead, he started with throwing little bits of popcorn at you to get your attention on him but when that didn't work he started to tease you.
His hand slowly found its way onto your inner thigh, his finger tips running from your knee to the end of your pj shorts each time getting slightly higher into them, he then attached his lips to your neck making sure to leave a few love bites and hickies.
One finger slowly became two then to three, his slowly but eager thrusting fingers were driving you crazy, the movie was long forgotten as you squirmed beside him, him whispering his dirty desires only making it worse.
His fingers slowly fastened their pace and started curling inside you while his thumb rubbed your clit, your moans and whines only fueling his desire to make you cum but he won't just make you cum once no no no he's only stopping when your shaking and begging him to stop.
Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes
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bi-ss · 9 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
Part 1
⚠️Warnings- Sharon being a bitch, yelling, swearing. (Yes, ik not everyone hates sharon, but if you dont, that's ok :) sharon personality isn't my cup of tea. I also made this a little shorter just so I can't make part 3 a little longer and more drama filled)
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He sits with a grunt, then fixs his hair and jeans before his mum slaps his hand away and down, tutting as she does so. His dad, gorgeous Barnes, starts chatting with your dad about the empire he's built and what it's become and how's he's changed for the best. This was rudely interrupted by James clear his icky throat.
"Now, mister Ziegler, that's German, isn't it? You don't sound German.." He gets looks from his parent in confusion as they wonder what he's doing. "I know my father didn't drag me down here for nothing." he sounds so cocky... how that will all change.
"My parents are German, moved to Newyork in the 1960's when they were teenagers. And you already know why you're here. Stop trying to act childish to get your way.." silents as he just stares at James before his wife giggles while whispering something in his ear before relaxing. More talking goes on and you honestly zoned out, nodding once in a while to seem to be paying attention, then you hear your name and see the papers you made at 16, then updated at 19. Your father flips the front page and starts reading out the rules, wants, and needs you require.
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"Rule 1, I don't care if you really love me, just don't cheat." You sit there, already over James attitude and just him all together. He's been interrupting yours and his parents all night. It's clear he does want this, which makes you want this more. You're now sitting closer to James as his parents wanted to sit together, fair, I wouldn't want to volunteer to sit next to James either. As your dad reads the rules and requirements, his parents nod and seem to agree they are either responsible or able to be done. "Rule 6, adding to Rule 1, all partners must to broken off with -" in the corner of your eye, he's getting more annoyed. It looks like he wanted to talk the whole time but didn't, for some reason, probably self-respect. You were quick to realise he didn't have any self-respect.
You were pushed back to reality when your phone beeped and everyone looked at you, feeling embarrassed you quickly took it out about to silence it but a text reading "ma'am this lady to being quite a cunt" from kerry, kerry never swore, you looked up to your mother, clearing your throat you spoke. "I'm so very sorry, me and my mother must see to something" your mother was about to interjected "urgently" you added so she just nodded and you both quickly but calming went to the office doors and made it down the hall while hearing a screaming woman in the lobby.
"He's my boyfriend. Why should some rich slag have him?!" She roared "hes dating me, I should marry him. " She yelled, "She doesn't deserve him, I DO!!" She sounded pathetic. it's even giving you second-hand embarrassment. Your mother was about to shout, but James beat her to it, shouting her name just for her to look at him, then you. Surprised he yelled, you walked out the white marble grand staircase, your expensive heels clacking on the floor, holding back your dark green floor length delicate dress with diamonds covering your fingers and hands as rings and bracelets. When you're at the bottom, you kick the dress and sigh, "must be so hard being a spoiled brat." she spat at you.
You turn slowly and hum before walking to the kitchen "your boyfriend chose this spoiled brat" you giggled and pointed at your self has you enter the archway out of sight but still in ear shot of the fight that has begun, you stop when you see a sort off familiar face. "I know you, but where." You were behind the counter pouring yourself some Dr. pepper looking at ginger woman on a laptop.
"Natasha, I went to one of your charity events - for cancer," she explained to you and just nodding trying to remember, sitting next to her, "well natasha I'm.." she interrupted and stated she knew who you were. "How are you finding, Sharon?" Nat look at you with fake joy "that's her name" like the dots are connecting "she's a real bitch" she scoff while taking a sip of Dr pepper, Nat laughs a little before trying to conpose herself "she is, she thinks that as she dating James she's the boss of him and everyone else - like in the mob storys" it's your turn to giggle as you remember reading a story about romance in the mob and how they have it all wrong, most the time the big bosses never get in fights or gundowns. "I'm guess you work for James." She starts nodding, smiling. "For 4 years now, ask me anything." She seems to be too happy asking you that. "That's a test, so I won't answer." You shrugged, and she just hums and continued working on her laptop.
"What was her first question?" You look over slightly sipping your Dr. Pepper.
"She didn't get the memo and asked 2.. how big it was and if we ever dated. " She made a silly voice, acting out the quotes. You laughed as Nat roles her eyes, "And before goldy locks trys anything, yes we did for like 5 months." You shrugged and explained you didn't care and the past. Then the screaming from golden over there stopped, and the front door slammed.
James strut in like he own the place, and announce that they were leaving and the wedding would be in 5 days then left. The last part made you look at Nat in shock, but she just nodded. "James always has liked you, like a horny teenager. Why do you think he asked for you to marry him?" She let that float in the air before before she left, making sure she was in ear shot. You seemingly said to yourself that everyone loves you with you heard a small giggle, then the door closing again. What you didn't know was James heard all that, and his heart skipped a beat when it sounded as if you didn't hate him as he thought.
@learisa @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence
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(18+) horny brainrot & hcs about the men I write for..
includes: bucky barnes, matt murdock, miguel o’hara, moon boys, peter quill, pietro maximoff, spencer reid, tangerine
fem!reader, mdni
cw. mentions of edging, blow jobs, dry humping, cock warming, oral (f receiving) fingering/ clit play, pinv sex
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bucky barnes: likes to eat you out after you've had a bad day. he likes to listen to you try to formulate words describing the details of your day while his tongue flicks over your clit - the feel making your mind blank and hazy. he loves listening to you restart your sentences over and over and over because you keep cutting yourself off with noises - with moans
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matt murdock: he knows the moment just as you're about to let go. he listens to your body, to your heart - listens to it pick up in rhythm, to it pump wildly just before that moment. he listens to your breathing stagger and heighten, listens to the change in your body, to your muscles seize and tense. though that's all he lets you feel. he snatches himself away just as you're about to cum - pulling away his cock or tongue or fingers, not allowing you that sweet moment of release. he plays with you, endlessly working you up until you're just shy of your orgasm, then yanks himself away - listening to you whine and protest, panting wildly. he tells you he'll be nice on you and let you cum, but it'll be the same story again. working you up impossibly more, leaving you on the cusp of your high
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miguel o'hara: he won't always fuck you with the full length of his dick. sometimes, he's just too much for you to take, so you have to satiate your need with just the tip of his cock. he'd keep his fat head wedged snuggly inside you, not moving or giving you any friction you desperately need. only placing his thumb over your clit, circling it slowly as he essentially uses his tip as a plug. he'd look down at you almost pitifully, cooing at you when you'd pout and whine, trying to take more of him. but he won't allow it - placing a large hand on your hip, stilling you as he continues to toy with your clit
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moon boys: they make you wear a blindfold while they take turns fucking you. you have to figure out who is fronting solely by their touch - no talking, no communicating, no nothing. you have to differentiate them by their strokes and rhythm, by the way they fuck you, by how they touch and caress you. they don't like being mistaken for one another, so you best not guess wrong - they won't be so lenient with you
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peter quill: a lazy, heated makeout in bed under the covers. both wearing comfy, cozy underwear, quill hovering atop, your legs wrapped around his hips - keeping him snug to you. kissing each other carnally, all slow and sloppy, breathy muffled moans into one another's mouths as he nudges his clothed chub-on on your pussy. leisurely winding his rock-hard cock against the pit of heat between your thighs. one hand on your throat deepening the kiss, the other holding your hand beside your head
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pietro maximoff: before you both get down and dirty one night, he'd pull out a deep, dark red lipstick from his nightstand, asking you to put some on before you suck him off. he loves to see the red kisses scattered along his chest and stomach - your lipstick marks littered over his pale skin as you work down to settle between his thighs. he'd smear the red over your mouth, his thumb dragging over your slightly bruised lips - smudging the lipstick around. he keeps his eyes glued on you the whole time, watching the way your mouth wraps around his cock, leaving a messy red ring at the base - streaks running up his shaft
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spencer reid: enjoys the intimacy of touch during sex. loves the feeling of your fingers in his messy curls, your hand soft and gentle on his face as his cock rocks into you. it would all be slow and sweet - the encounter so leisured and unrushed. the steady wind of his hips into yours and the warmth of each of your hands on one another faces, creating a beautifully tender moment
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tangerine: loves to play with your cunt while he's sat behind. you'd lean into him against the headboard, your back resting against his chest, one of his arms tightly wrapped around your middle, the other between your thighs. he'd extend his neck, reaching around to kiss up the side of your throat, peppering your skin in soft, light kisses as he lazily rubs over your clit. middle and ring finger leisurely circling over the swollen nub. just him mindlessly toying with you as he kisses your cheek, whispering sweet words into your skin as he palms your tits with his spare hand
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
had some of these ideas floating around for ages, but never done anything with them—so finally finally wrote about the brainrot that’s been eating me up
added bucky and reid mar 5th
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